IRC log for #asterisk on 20081230

00:00.22beek[TK]D-Fender: "boot to the head?"
00:00.46[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Thai Kwon Leap indeed
00:02.15beekThe big thrill today was installing a PAP2T at one of our radio tower sites for use as a phone patch.   Damned telco is charging us $65/mo for the line and long distance and I have a perfectly good 18Mbps downlink over RF to my office, so...
00:02.43beekAnother site has two lines so another PAP2T to go up there next week.
00:02.59[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Overkill much?
00:03.20beekWhich part?
00:03.43[TK]D-Fenderbeek: All that comm gear for 2 stupid ATAs :p
00:04.19beekIt's used for other things -- like our RF WAN tying together substations over eight counties.
00:04.26beekThe phone patches are used by our linemen.
00:04.39*** part/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
00:04.55beekI figured the infrastructure is there and I have that nice, shiny, new * box here so...
00:05.41*** join/#asterisk swiftkick (n=Miranda@
00:05.50beek[TK]D-Fender: but you know what -- given the grief that the telco has given me over the last few weeks I'd be tempted to install an RF WAN just to spite them!
00:05.53[TK]D-Fender\o/ fondue fuel lasted EXACTLY till the end of the pot!
00:06.56beekThat's planning...
00:07.07beek(you enlisted your logistics manager, didn't you?)
00:07.23[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Nope, pure luck...
00:07.37[TK]D-FenderJeff's nuts roasting on an open fire!
00:08.01[TK]D-Fender(name changed to protect the identity of the GUILTY)
00:09.42*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:11.43terr_[TK]D-Fender: I presume asterisk will tell the script what phone number the fax came in on?  (I'm being pedantic)
00:11.44terr_[TK]D-Fender: what of access from the public dial networks?
00:11.44[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You are.  Yes, the callerid is known.
00:11.44[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Whatever access you set up.
00:11.46terr_[TK]D-Fender: perfect... that was the tid bit I was looking for
00:12.12terr_[TK]D-Fender: how do I set up access?  partial T1?  orr is this already typically set up?
00:13.13[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Whatever access you set up. <-
00:13.47[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Already set up?  You mean is someone running a datacenter with a preconfigured server ready to hand to you?
00:14.14[TK]D-Fendercalls up the Telco Faerie....
00:14.22[TK]D-FenderDAMMIT, busy again!
00:17.23unpaidbillif you get through tell them to fix t38
00:20.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:20.25*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
00:31.28*** join/#asterisk terracon (
00:32.59*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
00:41.06cvneti changed the port to 1000, and configured the firewall, but no matter what I do I can not register the softphone, no attempts shows on CLI
00:41.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:43.55*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:44.01terr_[TK]D-Fender: I have different purposes - one will be to accept faxes from difference centers at least around North America so yes I'm wondering if data centers are set up already
00:45.35[TK]D-Fenderterr_: No, datacenters do not exist.
00:45.45[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You cannot possible rent rack space.
00:45.50terr_[TK]D-Fender: I know they exist for skype
00:46.04[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Or gain whatever telcom connectivity you feel like paying for
00:46.34terr_[TK]D-Fender:  they also exist for jajah
00:46.40eppigyMythbusters: COLOCATION FACILITIES
00:46.46*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
00:47.01[TK]D-Fenderdumbass factor has just multipled THOUSANDFOLD.
00:47.12[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Go hire a consultant.
00:47.15[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Now.
00:47.16terr_hmm - maybe I can do this through ISP's
00:47.25[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You clearly have no clue about tech whatsoever.
00:47.27terr_[TK]D-Fender: actually I'll do that.
00:47.38eppigyyou dont even know what DNIS is
00:47.43eppigyseek professional help
00:47.46asteriskmonkeyanyone done scaling tests with asterisk 1.6 yet?
00:47.56eppigyshell out those dollarz
00:48.01*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@2001:5a8:4:2cb0:213:2ff:fe28:a16a)
00:48.08[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Yes.... it cooks much better with the skin on and with a little butter :p
00:48.09terr_[TK]D-Fender: just because I have not used asterisk does not mean I don't know network programming.  :-)
00:48.29asteriskmonkeyi though networks where designed not programmed
00:48.36eppigyterr_: but you are not familiar with basic concepts such as dnis
00:48.41[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You don't even understand the concept that yes you can rent a friggen server and get T1's or WHATEVER TH #$^% YOU WANT connected to it.
00:48.45terr_asteriskmonkey: they are both...
00:48.46eppigyi mean you need to knmow these things
00:48.49SargunAnyone know how to get SS7 access for the poor man? I'm mostly curious about some stuff, and I've heard some SIP (or VoIP) providers allow certain SS7 access.
00:48.54SargunDeos anone know about this?
00:49.14[TK]D-FenderSargun: chan_ss7 is more solid in 1.6  go read up
00:49.17asteriskmonkeyanyone test 1.6 with 400+ users yet?
00:49.26terr_why would I want to use particial T1?  that is typically $40 per month per DS0
00:49.31eppigyterr_: you should know what a damn leasedline is then
00:49.36Sargun[TK]D-Fender, I know about utilizing SS7, just getting an SS7 link is the hard part...
00:49.49eppigywell use whatever the hell you want
00:49.51[TK]D-Fenderterr_Who said anything about a partial T1?
00:50.05asteriskmonkeySargun ss7 support has been built into dahdi, you just need the support libraries
00:50.23terr_eppigy: I've been running servers since 1998.. I know what leased lines are.  What I don't know is what infrastructure might already be set up with asterisk and the reason is because I haven't needed to know this
00:50.39cvnetif u use different port for sip than 5060 do you have to change anything in any other file but sip.conf ?
00:50.51SargunI don't believe you understood my question, I was rather wondering on how to get an SS7 link, or does anyone know of any VoIP providers who give an SS7 over SIP "proxy"
00:50.58[TK]D-Fendercvnet: Gee, I don't know... maybe ROUTING?
00:51.21[TK]D-FenderSargun: * does not support SS7 over anything but DAHDI channels
00:51.31cvnetwhat you mean routing? i turned the firewall off and still no good
00:51.41eppigyterr_: what infrastructure?
00:51.47[TK]D-Fendercvnet: And what does that useless description tell us?
00:52.10cvnetlet me do some readin
00:52.14[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You keep talking like there is a server out there with your name magically on it allready bloody well connected/
00:52.31terr_eppigy: like an ISP who has POTs phone numbers which can be rented.
00:52.44eppigywell that is not asterisk infrastructure
00:52.58[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Your ISP doesn't have to have the numbers.
00:53.05terr_eppigy: nope - but it might be something that we can piggy back asterisk onto
00:53.09[TK]D-Fenderterr_: they just have to arrive at your server
00:53.19terr_[TK]D-Fender: I'll phone them tomorrow actually
00:53.31eppigyspeek to a sales representative
00:53.51[TK]D-Fender"Hi, I'm Dave, and I'll be your Time/Life operator...."
00:53.59terr_[TK]D-Fender: for part of what I'm looking for I only need one number...
00:54.11terr_I can start there... the remote will be easy to handle
00:54.13eppigyi see form your questionaire you have been running servers since 98
00:54.30[TK]D-Fenderterr_: And what difference is there between 1 and a hundred?  (other than 99 + possibly some cost)
00:54.34eppigyterr_: just get a bri
00:54.49terr_eppigy: a bri is costly.
00:55.00eppigywell how many consecutive calls
00:55.01Sargun[TK]D-Fender, I can't afford to get an SS7 feed from my telco (AT&T) or verisign, I was wondering if you know any SIP providers who do SS7 proxies, or any other ways to get SS7 access?
00:55.03[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Poor suggestion
00:55.06eppigydo you nee dot be able to make
00:55.20eppigy[TK]D-Fender: hey ive been runnin servers since 98
00:55.22eppigydont hate
00:55.26[TK]D-Fendereppigy: You are mixing DID's with a specific MEDIA.  SILLY MISTAKE
00:55.29asteriskmonkeywhy the f*** do people want ss7 links, seriously unless you pushing 1000's of channels stick in pri land :P
00:55.43eppigyhe is talking about phone numbers
00:55.45Sargunasteriskmonkey, Learning mostly.
00:55.49Kobaz[Dec 29 19:52:20] NOTICE[7633]: res_odbc.c:727 load_module: res_odbc loaded.
00:55.50Kobaz....Segmentation fault
00:55.52asteriskmonkeyah well in that case
00:55.55eppigyi assumed he has no idea what hes talkin about
00:56.05[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Yes, and phone numbers can be delivered 15 million ways and your first suggestion is **BRI**
00:56.14SargunKobaz, ACK! Well, don't load res_odbc?
00:56.19eppigywell what the hell does he want
00:56.21[TK]D-Fendereppigy: CRAPTASTIC.
00:56.23asteriskmonkeyuse the Sa**** < name that can not be named in digium channles, driver set, its free and has ss7 routing stuff
00:56.36[TK]D-Fendereppigy: You don't know?  What kind of guidance are you giving them? :p
00:56.49eppigyI am here to lol
00:56.51KobazSargun: i need odbc, heh
00:57.00KobazSargun: i think it's dieing from the result of a query
00:57.10SargunKobaz, strace is your friend.
00:57.11eppigyno but seriously i asked him how many consecutive calls he wnted to make
00:57.16seanbrightstrace won't help
00:57.19eppigyi am trying to get answers here
00:57.20seanbrightrun it under gdb
00:57.26eppigyi am digging for a deeper truth
00:57.29Kobazseanbright: strace is sometimes quite useful
00:57.31[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Doesn't matter since he has no clue about anything else so why get specific now?
00:57.35Sargunasteriskmonkey, So, setting up my own private SS7 network is the best choice in your opinion?
00:57.42eppigywell i am trying to guide him
00:57.46seanbrightKobaz: for small, non-threaded apps, yes.
00:57.52seanbrightKobaz: compile with DONT_OPTIMIZE
00:57.53eppigyand lol at his ridiculous answers
00:57.54*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
00:58.00seanbrightKobaz: run under gdb
00:58.02[TK]D-Fendereppigy: The blind leading the blank..... cliff this way ---->
00:58.05seanbrightget a backtrace
00:58.07Kobazseanbright: you can strace threaded apps
00:58.11eppigydang bro
00:58.12Kobazworking on it
00:58.32asteriskmonkeysargun : no, there are better choices for private networks than ss7, ss7 if you have shitloads of channels and need to connect right into that big cloud and do dirty call stealing, hair pin in transit routing etc...
00:58.35Kobazit's not dumping core
00:58.52seanbrightproblem solve
00:58.57SargunKobaz, ulimit -c unlimited?
00:59.00seanbrightjust run under gdb in production
00:59.04KobazSargun: yeap
00:59.11Kobazno more
00:59.12Kobazno core
00:59.21seanbrightno lore
00:59.59Kobazno fore
01:00.44Sargunasteriskmonkey, Again, I want to learn SS7.... I "learned BGP" by initially setting up a private BGP network, and then got a BGP feed for a few hundred dollars a month
01:01.11SargunWhat's the alternative for telephone systems?
01:01.28terr_Sargun: how many phone numbers on that?  (I have not actually done any research in even what the term means)
01:01.40Sargunphone numbers on what?
01:01.42[TK]D-FenderSargun: Well chan_sip does not support SS7.  Feel free to go code it
01:01.48asteriskmonkeyyou dont get BGP feeds damn it, you have swiped ip blocks and bgp routable neibours/peers
01:01.51KobazSargun: the internet?
01:01.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Where are you?
01:02.05SargunKobaz, Who knows?
01:02.09[TK]D-Fenderpings teh intarwebs
01:02.16Kobazi think the interwebs is a good alternatice of phone systems
01:02.20terr_Sargun: BGP
01:02.36Sargunterr_, BGP has absolutely nothing to do with Phone systems....
01:02.42SargunWell, not nothing, but little.
01:03.01terr_Sargun: oh... here we have DSL, cable and partical T1 and above that we are in fiber
01:03.07eppigyterr_: you need to up your network knowledge
01:03.16eppigyterr_: BGP is a routing protocol
01:03.17asteriskmonkeyBGP is a free routing protocal, you need your own ips or a swiped block and an as number (which i think is like 100$ a year now)
01:03.18Sargun[TK]D-Fender, I know, but I was dealing with SIP providers, who "proxied" SS7 requests, They would marshal them, and send them over the wire... but they seem to have gone out of business.
01:03.19Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i compiled with no optimize and still no core
01:03.31cvnetwhen you register your softphone (sip) do you use stun or sip to register to server?
01:03.43[TK]D-FenderSargun: THEY may do it, but any special signally will not be handled by chan_sip.
01:03.45Sargunasteriskmonkey, You don't need a swiped block. You can do it with just an ASN...
01:03.52Sargun[TK]D-Fender, True.
01:03.55terr_Sargun:  this is for data connections... our phone runs analogue into DS0 which is mutilplexed typically and eventually runs ATM between the switches
01:04.07[TK]D-Fendercvnet: stun has nothing to do with registration
01:04.23Kobazseanbright: i'm tracking down the problem
01:04.26terr_asteriskmonkey: Ah... I just run static IP
01:04.32terr_does what I need.
01:04.51cvneton server i set up the port o 5060 and on my softphone i have sip set to port 1000, and i still can register, however when i changed the servers Port I can not register
01:04.53Kobazseanbright: i'm using odbc extconfig for extensions.conf realtime static... i'm getting nulls in the query to return the extensions conf
01:05.03Kobazseanbright: and it's crashing the module
01:05.13Kobazi need to fix my query
01:05.20Sargun[TK]D-Fender, So ya think my only choice is getting an SS7 feed from a large company who charges me in the area of thousands of dollars a month?
01:05.46[TK]D-FenderSargun: No I think you have all sorts of choices and you are tragically myopic :)
01:05.47SargunSS7 Feed = SS7 Link.
01:06.12coppicean SS7 feed will teach you almost nothing
01:06.14asteriskmonkeyjust get a couple sangoma ds3 cards and setup a few a links for testing at home
01:06.18terr_Sargun: I can't help you - but I would like to know what problem you are trying to solve...
01:06.30Sargunterr_, I don't have a problem, at least not yet.
01:06.38asteriskmonkeytdmoe for the win
01:06.40Sargunasteriskmonkey, That doesn't sound too bad.
01:06.43[TK]D-Fendercvnet: "change the port... tells us little and no, I don't trust your configs or your firewall, you're not showing any debug.
01:06.44terr_Sargun: what are you trying to investigate then?
01:06.50[TK]D-Fendercvnet: looad
01:07.15Sargunterr_, Mostly just "how SS7 works"
01:07.21[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: You should have seen the tard coming in wasting time on that crap about a month ago...
01:07.23Sargunterr_, What can I do with it? Etc..
01:07.37terr_Sargun: what is it suppose to do for us?
01:07.48asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: lol ive not seen people been ripped up in here in ages :)
01:07.50Sargunterr_, for you guys? Nothing really...
01:08.08[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Get some scroll-back, the last 2 hours have been EPIC
01:08.24coppiceSargun: SS7 is a big pile of specs, and any one installation only ever uses a small part of that pile. therefore any one installation teaches you nothing more than the basics
01:08.44asteriskmonkeyi only came in at 7.46pm (-5gmt) :(
01:09.01*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=chatzill@freeswitch/developer/msc)
01:09.13asteriskmonkeyif your looking for a good way to handle failover its called a dialplan :)
01:09.20Sarguncoppice, Ah great, so my only way to learn is read, and cross my fingers that I actually understand what the hell it's talking about.
01:09.33Sargunasteriskmonkey, My current SIP provider does failover. :-)
01:10.08coppiceSargun: there are people who run courses, where you can get to play with a variety of test setups
01:10.12terr_Sargun: looks like if you have SS7 and a proper pipe you can be a telephone company
01:10.38Sargunterr_, To get a "proper" SS7 connection, it's fairly pricey.
01:10.41asteriskmonkeyi like building asterisk head ends out of solid state systems :) i find they last forever
01:11.01Sargunasteriskmonkey, nearly forever...
01:11.02asteriskmonkeysolid state= no fans, no spinning hard drives, no moving parts
01:11.14terr_Sargun: I expect it would be... and the pipe will cost too...
01:11.25[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Just start at the all-caps :)
01:11.44SargunThe best way would be to get it from verisign I think
01:12.19terr_asteriskmonkey: can you recomend a manufacturer?
01:12.23asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender : thanks
01:12.25[TK]D-FenderSargun: What's to learn when so little is used?  Just like every schmuck who "learns" zaptel by buying a crappy X100P and configures 8 lines in Zaptel.  Whoopdeefriggendoo.
01:12.53SargunQwell, Verisign sells SS7 connectivity.
01:13.10[TK]D-FenderSargun: What do you think you're going to LEARN?  Like PRI... 1 span line!  YAY!  LIke that matters... doesn't teach you anything more than 5 parms maye in zapata(etc).
01:13.12asteriskmonkeyterr_: to be a greedy bastard i build them, but if you have the knowledge....there are many good embedded platform choices out there, you need to know intamitly though what you need to do :)
01:13.14SargunQwell, They seem to control a little bit of everything: DNS, the phone system, etc..
01:14.08asteriskmonkeypcengines makes a decent board for embedded work, stay away from linux+asterisk though, bsd+asterisk tends to shovel a ton more calls and i can squeeze the os+asterisk down into a 12meg footprint
01:14.08terr_asteriskmonkey: I've been looking into these solutions... can we go private?
01:14.26Sargun[TK]D-Fender, So, what do most carriers do now for failover, and other interesting things like that?
01:14.32[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: ITS  A TRAP!!!!! </akbar>
01:14.39terr_asteriskmonkey: /join #asteriskmonkey
01:14.49[TK]D-FenderSargun: What do carriers have to do with *?
01:14.53Sargunasteriskmonkey, have you tried any SSDs?
01:14.59asteriskmonkeyyoull have to learn irc first lol
01:15.08asteriskmonkeyIm using the Partiot ssd in my laptop
01:15.18asteriskmonkeyfor my embedded systems though there all CF SSD based
01:15.40*** part/#asterisk davidc (
01:15.56asteriskmonkeydont buy the new sandisk mark IV cfs there garbage and only have 12month warranty
01:16.16Sargunasteriskmonkey, We use Soekrises at work for VPN endpoints
01:16.42SargunThey run OSPF, OpenVPN (with Geode acceleration), and a netflow logger
01:17.01asteriskmonkeyyes youll kick yoursell in the nuts when i tell you the pcengines is cheaper and has a aes accelerator on it :)
01:17.18asteriskmonkeyah yes
01:17.28asteriskmonkeythe geode, LX series aswell then for the sokries
01:17.48asteriskmonkeythat means it has that accelarator in it, Freebsd finally came out with the code in 7.x to make it work :P
01:17.59Sargunasteriskmonkey, The Geode has an accelerator on it too.
01:18.12Sargunasteriskmonkey, We tried PC Engines, and just weren't successful with them.
01:18.14asteriskmonkeyits the same chip sargun im refereing too
01:18.24terr_Sargun: I've looked at Soekris... not bad.. will do what I want for the f/w (I run openbsd adn they are set up for this)... as for the web servers using something like a thecus N2100 looks ok...
01:18.26asteriskmonkeywhat you running
01:18.54asteriskmonkeyi used the pcengines 2d3's with FreeBSD they are bad ass
01:18.55*** join/#asterisk Winkie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:18.55*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (
01:19.12terr_asteriskmonkey: are you US?  What price can you supply them at?
01:19.20asteriskmonkeyim in canada
01:19.33asteriskmonkeyi sell my firewalls and asterisk boxes for 499$ cad :)
01:19.48terr_asteriskmonkey: I'm in calgary - you?
01:20.11terr_asteriskmonkey: hmm - I can get a thecus for less.
01:20.14Sargunasteriskmonkey, Ah... Also, the Soekris would give us some ability to expand. They have GPIOs we can put out to an LCD display.
01:20.54terr_asteriskmonkey: you might have a lot more h/w in your system of course.
01:21.02asteriskmonkeyi opted out for that, i went for small low power and straight to function only.
01:21.22asteriskmonkeyterr_? what are you smoking
01:21.42asteriskmonkeyhere let me demonstrate why people should use embedded vs a pc
01:21.48[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Read the PB for a clue ;)
01:22.43terr_asteriskmonkey: what kind of quantities can you supply and what price points can you meet for quantity?
01:23.08asteriskmonkeyin canada a kw of electricy where i am costs 79cents a kw/hr the average peice of crap pc server can run you 2k a year in power costs vs an embedded system running you 8$
01:23.40asteriskmonkeyi dont do quantity its 499 if you buy 1, its 499 if you buy 100, it your a twit its 1999.99
01:23.42terr_asteriskmonkey:  here in calgary its just under 10 cents per kWh
01:24.10asteriskmonkeythats so not fair, darn oil dollars
01:24.24terr_asteriskmonkey: have you looked at the price recently?
01:24.38terr_its the darm nukes you guys have which we don't have
01:24.54asteriskmonkeyso why is your juice cheaper/
01:25.06Sargunasteriskmonkey, Not only that, idiot end users are less likely to touch things that are tiny, and don't look like a normal PC.
01:25.08terr_asteriskmonkey: taxes?
01:25.39terr_asteriskmonkey: at 79c / kWh my power bill would be about $1500 per month.
01:26.14terr_Sargun: you got that right.
01:27.56Sargunour Asterisk boxes are all PCs... We tried to run them on these small boxes, they crapped out at less than 10 calls (We do do media manipulation on these)
01:28.22SargunOur over-the-internet codec = GSM, and our over-the-lan codec = ULAW.
01:28.52asteriskmonkey722 ftw
01:29.33Sargunasteriskmonkey, What phone(s) do you use?
01:30.25asteriskmonkeypolycom and aastra, i wont touch anything else
01:30.33asteriskmonkeyunless of course its given to me for free
01:30.58[TK]D-FenderAastra "means well".....
01:31.21SargunI haven't touched Aastra.
01:31.28SargunNo real reason to.
01:32.11*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:32.13SargunI like polycom, but we have to deal with soft phones too. I hate soft phones.
01:32.14mercutiovizHands off my Aastra
01:32.35*** join/#asterisk Sparks (n=Sparks@fedora/Sparks)
01:34.03terr_Sargun: by a soft phone do you mean a mike and ear jacks connected via a sound card on the desktop?
01:34.43Sargunterr_, yes.
01:34.57Sargunterr_, Ghetto, I know.
01:35.27Sargunterr_, We haven't found any decent ones, especially ones that do IAX, do you know of any?
01:35.38[TK]D-FenderSargun: Does not exist
01:35.51terr_Sargun: thanks... thought so... I would think they might be ok for some applications... Some should be available with a decent headset...
01:36.01SargunDNE. Makes me think of calculus again.
01:36.19Sargun[TK]D-Fender, What about decent soft phone?
01:36.38[TK]D-FenderSargun: A contradiction in terms, but eyeBeam is as close as you get
01:36.48terr_Sargun: only ones that looked even remotely decent were some that IBM was pushing with Voice Type Dictation... and I did buy the kit and lent it to a friend and never saw iu again.  They lost it.
01:37.10*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
01:38.25terr_Sargun: what voltages do real phones run at?  Can the be interfaced to a sound card?
01:39.26terr_A friend of mine is an electronics engineer - he's built cards for me before.. and probably would be able to handle it.
01:40.02[TK]D-Fenderterr_>Sargun: what voltages do real phones run at? Can the be interfaced to a sound card? <--- Oh.  My Fucking Gog
01:40.06[TK]D-FenderGod even
01:40.52terr_Sargun: a good quality headset might do the trick...  it provides analogue both ways to the phone it plugs in to.
01:41.09[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Like Mitnik, you should not be allowed within 10' of any telecom gear.... for THEIR PROTECTION
01:41.11Sargunthe headsets we have are nice (in the $100+ range)
01:41.58swiftkickLOL @ mitnik reference
01:42.01[TK]D-Fender$100 headsets to use a SOFT-PHONE!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:42.11terr_[TK]D-Fender: LOL>.. funny.  As I recall Mitnik knew a few things Sun didn't know... and one is how to walk tghrough their systems!
01:42.32swiftkickthe closest I came to meeting Kevin Mitnick would be... meeting Sarlo.
01:42.32terr_[TK]D-Fender: it would cost more to interface them too.
01:42.43terr_not cheap
01:43.01[TK]D-Fenderterr_: what would cost what?
01:43.13[TK]D-Fenderterr_: NOUNS dammit, we call them NOUNS.
01:43.27terr_[TK]D-Fender: the design work for the cards I had built wwere well into the $1000's
01:43.30Sargun[TK]D-Fender, What's your job?
01:43.57[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Cards?  I'm sorry, could you be a little more generic please?  I have an impression of a PCB...
01:44.11[TK]D-FenderSargun: I am the hear of IT for my company and an * consultant
01:44.23terr_[TK]D-Fender: was just a PCB.  But he has done PCI bus as well
01:44.33Sargun[TK]D-Fender, I assume you've heard how business people cry when they get a little bit of noise on their headset?
01:44.40[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Do you realize that you are not one ounce clearer?
01:44.47Sargun[TK]D-Fender, because their Laptop's audio system is complete crap.
01:45.10[TK]D-FenderSargun: No, I buy QUALITY products and don't deal with bullshit.  Do it right the FIRST TIME
01:45.30Sargun[TK]D-Fender, I like money, I deal with bullshit...
01:45.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:45.45terr_[TK]D-Fender: it was a stand alone PCB - had a micro processor and a led and AD and that was about it.
01:45.49[TK]D-FenderSargun: You spend it coddling to stupid infrastruction decisions.
01:45.56*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
01:46.07*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:46.09[TK]D-FenderSargun: Choose soft-phones and spend forever trying to patch the holes you are making.
01:46.11Sargun[TK]D-Fender, How would you do "Secure calling"
01:46.16*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:46.19[TK]D-FenderSargun: Welcome to Joe's House Of Cards
01:46.24Sargun[TK]D-Fender, from the field?
01:46.37asteriskmonkeysting and tin cups for the win
01:46.41jayteeso how many milliCochrans output do I need on these dilithium flux coils to generate a warp field again?
01:46.46asteriskmonkeyits hardcore secure
01:47.43asteriskmonkeyyou can even build your own fxs bank, out of string
01:47.45Sargunasteriskmonkey, man, that's untappable.
01:47.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: About 1500, but you need at least 3 levels of EPS relay-redundancy and a BIG plasma injector
01:48.27jayteethe 3M brand Triple-DES encrypted twine is much better, more secure but slightly pricier.
01:48.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm givin'er all I gots cap'n, and a whee bit moooooooooooore"
01:48.41jaytee[TK]D-Fender, lol
01:49.13jayteethings that make ya go hmmmm
01:49.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: ....
01:50.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: <- fun starts @ 73
01:50.07drmessanoasteriskmonkey: You amuse me.  I may kill you last
01:50.27Sargun[TK]D-Fender, anyways, the rest of my job is fairly enjoyable...
01:54.41drmessano<eppigy> i see form your questionaire you have been running servers since 98 <---- nice
01:55.12drmessanoTell me what infrastructure exists for an asterisk please!!!
01:55.39drmessano"Well, we've got them on every telephone now.. look in the bottom left corner"
01:56.00drmessano"Wow, I should be able to write code based on that.  Thanks!"
01:56.55Sargundrmessano, huh?
01:57.11Sargunthat was the weirdest splurge of somewhat organized words I've heard.
01:57.14drmessanoSargun: Move alone please
01:57.17drmessanoSargun: Move along please
01:57.47*** join/#asterisk andrewy (
02:01.42drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I am a developer looking to create a multi-skype, msn, asterisk, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter Fax Server cloud.  If you can tell me what already exists, I can make the code for the rest...
02:01.46drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Go
02:02.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Link the sign!!!
02:02.10*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
02:02.38drmessanoThats jaytee's job
02:02.44drmessanojaytee: Where the hell are you?
02:02.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Serv'em!
02:02.48drmessanoLINK THE SIGN
02:02.52jayteejust a sec
02:03.55drmessanoYES YES!!
02:04.39drmessano---> C:\Fax
02:04.44NovceGurusill question, what do you guys think of mounting a polycom conference phone on the ceiling?
02:04.59drmessanoNovceGuru: Depends on who is mounting it
02:05.02jayteethe bats will love you for it
02:05.06ricko73NovceGuru: it's recommended, especially if you know Spider Pig
02:05.07drmessanoNovceGuru: Union worker?
02:05.23NovceGuruI need to fall and have an accident installing it, to collect
02:05.27jayteeI once installed a T1 channel bank and router in a bathroom
02:05.42joatwhat was the router for?
02:05.48drmessanoAsterisk pig, asterisk pig, mounts a polycom on the ceil-ing... Does he swing from a web, or does he use a poly-com, look out, here comes Asterisk pig...
02:06.14ricko73and by your router, you meant web cam?
02:06.27jayteeit was fractional T1 with an add/drop mux, split out some channels for data and some for voice
02:06.31NovceGuruIt's actually for a conference room, table in the middle....polished concrete conduit
02:06.53asteriskmonkeyhow you plan on dialing it if its on the ceiling?
02:07.16jayteehire a former NBA player to hang around until needed
02:07.17NovceGuruswitchvox software :\
02:07.19drmessanojaytee is confused.  He used to a plumber until he had a bad accident with a dremel and a gravity toilet.
02:07.35drmessanoDont touch the metal plate in his head, it makes him angrish
02:07.41SargunNovceGuru, that is a silly question.
02:07.49joatyeah, and i used to be a diesel fitter at the garmet factory...
02:08.01NovceGuruSargun: how come? Seems valid with what I have to work with
02:08.07joatstood at the end of the line and said "yeah, diesel fitter"
02:08.23jayteeI'm serious, it was in a retail store in Farmington, Maine. The demarc was in a "closet" that was 6" deep and nothing would fit so I mounted a shelf on the other side of the closet wall which just happened to be a bathroom.
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02:08.37SargunNovceGuru, why not put it on the table, and string a wire from the ceiling
02:08.49drmessanoThats not tacky
02:09.06NovceGuruwhy not run the wire across the room then?
02:09.14NovceGuruasteriskmonkey: probably an ip7000
02:09.19jayteeIn one retail store in Vermont, Nynex actually installed the demarc for a T1 in the laundromat next door. Took 2 months to get them to move it into the retail location.
02:09.20drmessanoNice wire coming out of a random ceiling tile down to the conference room table
02:09.22ricko73hang a log chain from the ceiling and weave the cat 5 cable through the holes
02:09.30SargunNovceGuru, make a nifty conduit from the ceiling, cover it in swirled glass, call it modern art.
02:09.45ricko73make it look like the table is supported by the chain
02:10.04NovceGurushould probably put 4 chains, one at each corner
02:10.18drmessanoHang a piece of white plumbing PVC from the ceiling taped to the cat5 with "DO NOT LOOK" scrawled on it in red crayon
02:10.20NovceGuruthe one in the middle
02:10.22drmessanoThat should blend in
02:10.42NovceGuruI did actually have a suggestion to put in a huge floor to ceiling fishtank
02:10.45jayteePanduit makes nice vinyl ceiling to floor or ceiling to counter conduits, you can cut them to custom lengths and they make mounting bases with popout slots for the cables.
02:10.46NovceGuruand SOMEHOW conceal the wires in it
02:11.11drmessanoMount the polycom on the wall and run a mic cord up the wall into the ceiling.. run it across to a tile above the table and mount the mic there on the ceiling
02:11.45NovceGurudrmessano: I did think about doing that, I wonder if the external mics work as well as the polycom ZOMG HD VOICE(R)(TM) hardware
02:12.45drmessanoGet a POLYCOM MIC
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02:13.21drmessano"Do they.." <--- YESH
02:13.33drmessanoI win
02:13.38NovceGuruunless I'm going to do 4 mics, I assume splurging on the ip7000 would be a waste
02:13.55ricko73sounds like duct tape already
02:14.03drmessanoWe're past that
02:14.12drmessanoThe fucking thing needs to be on the table
02:14.15ricko73Red-Green would come up with an answer
02:14.18drmessanoAnything else is a hack
02:14.35drmessanoDrill the concrete and stop acting like a woman
02:14.40drmessanoWe'll wait..
02:14.47asteriskmonkeycontractors :)
02:16.11NovceGuruyeah, it needs to be on the table
02:16.16drmessanoPretty marble/concrete/wood/polystyrene floors, old fancy woodword, etc are beautiful, but untouched in a space posing as a modern office, these things are less than useless
02:16.39drmessanoIf you are going to use these spaces, there are expectations that go with them
02:16.51NovceGurumaybe I'll just "store" it on the wall then when they want to use it move it with a nice cable strewn across the floor/table
02:17.03NovceGurudrmessano: well, if conduit would have been ran to the center of the ()$*)#$ room
02:17.06drmessanoDrilling a 200 yr old floor may seem like peeing on the constitution, but the space is useless otherwise
02:17.22drmessanoSame goes for something "nice"
02:17.35jayteeok, here goes!
02:17.37ricko73NovceGuru: having the phone on a side table, then moving it when needed could work, but may result in the phone being damaged
02:17.45asteriskmonkeyis there a sub floor? usually stuff that old has 4ft subfloors
02:18.40NovceGuru24" think polished concrete slab :\
02:18.55drmessanoI dont care how old/nice something is.. One day about 100 years, someone drilled it for power when Edison made that lighty thing that everyone was raving about.. Network is no different.  If your boss gives you shit about it, tell him "Go fuck yourself, you bent over for Edison"
02:18.57asteriskmonkeyjaytee: thats priceless :)
02:19.00drmessanoYou go girl
02:19.31NovceGurujaytee: 120vac...duh
02:19.53NovceGurumine run 3phase ac
02:19.58*** part/#asterisk terr_ (
02:20.20drmessanoDelta or Wye?
02:20.21jayteeNovceGuru, well! aren't you special! betcha get all the hot girls.
02:20.37NovceGurudrmessano: yeah I'll figure something about :)
02:21.01NovceGurubitches be callin me all the time, wanting to come use my 3phase phone
02:21.07drmessanoAll my phones ryn 3-phase 240vac in a Wye config
02:21.19jaytee"Go fuck yourself, you bent over for Edison"  AAAAHHHHAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA
02:21.23drmessanoThat way I can tap 208 for my MWI
02:21.39jayteeI got a voicemail and I was blind for 3 days
02:21.42drmessanoMY MWI RUNS ON 208, BITCHES
02:21.57jayteestutter dialtone made my dog deaf!!!
02:22.11drmessanoPoor 208.. Its the bastard in every service panel
02:22.24drmessano"Lets see... 120.... 120..... 120... OH FUCK WHO R U?"
02:23.00drmessano"IM 120.. See.. I R COPPER"
02:23.05joat208 for MWI? my gawd! how many lumens is that?  can you look directly at it?
02:23.13drmessano"UH NO.. U R BIGGER AND TAPED DIFFERENT?"
02:23.28drmessano"Nawp.. Plug me in.. we're cool"
02:23.29NovceGuruits 12360 jiggalumens
02:23.36jayteeI can haz lotsa amps?
02:23.48drmessanoMy hoes hussle me for my 208
02:25.03*** join/#asterisk axisys (
02:25.12asteriskmonkeyi used to dream of using 208, im stuck using 600 :( tri-phase for all my ups's
02:26.07drmessano600v 3-phase?
02:26.33asteriskmonkeygot some big galaxy ups's have about 900 sqft of batterys
02:26.56joatfor an asterisk box?
02:27.04asteriskmonkeyyes my asterisk cluster
02:27.09drmessanoYou know they make these things called Generators now
02:27.16asteriskmonkey168k later on a ups and im good for a few years without power
02:27.36asteriskmonkeyyes with the rising price of fuel i thought a bigger ups would be cheaper lol
02:27.37denonfor 5 years, until the batteries are shot, anyway
02:27.44denonrising cost of fuel?
02:27.48denonon what planet?
02:28.07drmessanoUPS = Needs to be good enough to wait for the Generator to start... all 8 seconds
02:28.45NovceGurudrmessano: except in my setup, where they cheaped out and use a portable generator
02:28.56drmessanoYeah, that sounds like ass
02:29.13joatuh, wut?  a portable generator to charge 900 sq ft of batteries?
02:29.19asteriskmonkeyno not i
02:29.27drmessanoWith broadcast transmitters, we had no choice.. Generators for the win
02:29.29asteriskmonkeyno generators at this facility
02:29.48NovceGuruI'm running 2 RS 1500VA APCs at 15% load
02:29.57asteriskmonkeygot generators at the core site with 50,000 gallons of deisel and liquid cooling from a lake
02:30.04NovceGuruhopefully enough time to get their slow asses to get the generator going
02:30.06drmessanoI have two of those at my house
02:30.08NovceGurudrmessano: small office
02:30.20NovceGuru1 file server, 1 asterisk box
02:30.35drmessanoI have like 4 times that at home
02:30.44asteriskmonkeyyou can always just use a 600va ups and hook up a car battery it works well :)
02:30.49drmessanoand a huge.... box of cable
02:31.05NovceGuruasteriskmonkey: yeah, at home thats what I do :)
02:31.16drmessanoasteriskmonkey: Sealed Lead Acid.. Car battery is not made for deep discharge
02:31.24drmessanoMarine battery works 10x better
02:31.32NovceGurudeep cycle
02:31.39asteriskmonkeyi use the spiral cell lead acid much better
02:32.05eppigyi have a 5000va to power my home theater systems allowing me to blear kanye west
02:32.06jayteeguy up in New England ran his house using an inverter and his Prius with 5 gallons of gas for 3 days.
02:32.10asteriskmonkeyyes but 600va circuits are tits for charge time it will take 2 weeks to charge a marine battery on that
02:32.42drmessanoWell a "Car Battery" generally refers to a traditional car battery which is not made to be discharged in deep cycles..they are designed for short burts of high discharge with charging in between
02:32.42asteriskmonkeyprius has like 20k in batteries lol
02:33.09asteriskmonkeytemperature also can effect batteries greatly
02:33.31NovceGuruwhich brings me to another snafu in this setup
02:33.38NovceGuruhave to have portable air conditioner in the server room :\
02:34.04drmessanoPortable AC, portable generator..
02:34.08drmessanoThats not too bad
02:34.10denonvent em outside at least
02:34.18eppigyjust have dry ice delivered every tursday
02:34.39eppigybe careful staying inside
02:34.40drmessanoSounds like the entire business is portable too.. like, when it fails due to the half ass setup, it will be easy to liquidate for the bankruptcy sale
02:34.41NovceGurudenon: haha I have got them to run me a vent to the outside, instead of in the attic
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02:34.44eppigywith no ventilation though
02:34.54drmessanoSO go portable!
02:35.00ManxPowerMany marine batteries support deep cycle
02:35.08eppigyavoid the irs and law enforcement
02:35.14drmessanoMarine batteries generally _ARE_ deep cycle
02:35.15ricko73all they need is some fertilizer and the whole place would go boom
02:35.29eppigyhello my data center is currently in a single engine plane
02:35.29jayteeI love that scam video where they guy tries to convince people to go out and buy one of those large dry cell batteries for $7 and cut it open and shows how the battery "holds" 20 AA batteries. :-)
02:35.39eppigytech support will have to call you back
02:35.42asteriskmonkeyhas any one gone into a hardware store and asked for a shallow cylce battery lol
02:35.44*** part/#asterisk Decepticon (
02:36.03jayteeor a left-handed screwdriver?
02:36.31drmessanoI had a marine battery wired to the power supply on my ham radio setup for years
02:36.38ManxPowerMy father once convinced my uncle to go to the hardware store to buy a High Speed Rope for his lawm mower.
02:37.39NovceGurueppigy: haha
02:37.56NovceGuruatleast i'm getting some fiber with an sla to deal with :\
02:37.57drmessanoI also keep a hell kit with a Skype phone and a Vista CD in case the Asterisk Cloud goes down
02:38.04drmessanoBecause then its ON
02:38.37NovceGurudrmessano: psh just fire up 3cx on that vista box and REPLACE your asterisk cloud
02:39.01*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
02:39.19eppigylike charles bronson
02:39.23drmessanoI can see it now
02:39.31drmessanoGuy breaks into a house
02:39.36drmessanoHomeowner wakes up
02:39.38ricko73ManxPower: we had a relative convinced that her muffler bearings were shot and the blinker fluid was low
02:39.41drmessanoConfronts him in the den
02:39.46drmessanoHits the power button on his PC
02:39.54drmessano"AS SOON AS MY PC BOOTS, I AM CALLING 911, ASSHOLE"
02:39.59ricko73also that she should go to the hardware store to buy a "metric" crescent wrench
02:40.02drmessanoEffin Skype
02:40.16NovceGurudrmessano: whats that usb thinger thats been all over the news/tv
02:40.17ricko73funny part was the first hardware store guy said "well, we had them last week"
02:40.28ricko73not sure where they went now
02:40.37NovceGuruimagine how long that company will last
02:41.00ricko73just wait til Billy Mays starts pitching for them
02:41.02NovceGuruand a snuggie!
02:41.08ricko73then they know they've hit the big time
02:41.10drmessanoBilly Mays is my damn hero
02:41.15thehar << gimme that bacon
02:41.19drmessanoDid you see the mini burger maker thing?
02:41.31drmessanoWhere you can make a "Billy Burger"
02:41.34NovceGuruhahaha YES
02:41.38drmessanoThat thing OWNS
02:41.41NovceGuruyou get a recipe book with his favorites!
02:41.47NovceGuruTHE KIDS WILL LOVE EM'
02:41.53*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
02:41.54drmessanoI saw that on TV last night and yelled to the wife "ORDER THAT FOR ME, NOW"
02:42.07Hyphenexis there a way to trigger the MWI from the console?
02:42.43ManxPowerHyphenex: I believe there are some external mwi options in voicemail.conf
02:42.56ManxPowercheck /path/to/src/asterisk/doc
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02:43.08HyphenexManxPower: thanks
02:43.12NovceGurudrmessano: the shamwow commercial on their website, he demonstrates on a BLACK table
02:44.24NovceGuruwtf and their stupid flash player wont let me replay!??!!
02:44.24sosorirican i install 4 E1 cards(4 port) to one server?
02:44.26drmessanoI had to sit down
02:44.30drmessanoI was too overwhelmed
02:44.44NovceGurutim horntons double double
02:44.49drmessanoA double double.. I need a donut
02:45.12NovceGuruI love vince from shamwows 1990s headset
02:45.24drmessanoI'm over 650lbs... thats too much exercise for me
02:45.29drmessanoOh yeah
02:45.38drmessanoThe "I am so important" headset
02:45.54jayteeDon Lapre can make you money!!!
02:46.00Kobazsosoriri: 4 single span cards, or one quad span?  although either would work fine assuming you have the expansion slots for it
02:46.26NovceGuruI think I have a shamwow in the trunk of my car
02:46.42drmessanoNovceGuru: Next to the dead hooker?
02:46.58NovceGuruwell, behind her
02:47.06NovceGurunext to the car cleaning stuff
02:47.07jayteejust make sure after installing the 4 quad E1 cards that you also load Gnome with Compiz enabled. A RAID 5 array would be a nice addition too! :-)
02:47.30drmessanoI want one of those Digium OC30 cards
02:47.57drmessanoPlugged into a PCI slot in a PIII 700
02:48.06drmessanoRunning 1.6.0beta3
02:48.19sosoririKobaz: i going to install 4 E1 cards(4 * 4 ports) to one server now. i have to select available mainboard for my server. is it possible?
02:48.36Kobazsosoriri: i wouldn't see why not
02:48.41drmessanojaytee: AKA a "Crawll Center"
02:48.41jayteeWarning!!!: Meltdown in progress. Please evacuate the facility immediately!
02:48.48NovceGuruI can't remember the name of the thing, but it's a cheaper/better alternative to a leather chamois
02:48.55Kobazsosoriri: why not get two 2, 8 span t1/e1 cards from sangoma?
02:49.14drmessanoWow thats 16 E1s in ONE box
02:49.21drmessanoCan you say "SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE"
02:49.26sosoriridrmessano: yes
02:49.38jayteecan you say interrupt latency? sure you can!
02:49.44drmessanoThats not cheap.. thats irresponsible
02:49.45sosoririi think it maybe has something problem..
02:49.47NovceGuruinterrupt storm on port *
02:50.00drmessanoAlmost criminal
02:50.12NovceGuruhey, speaking of which, I couldn't believe * 1.6 cleanly compiled without any hacking on FreeBSD 7xc
02:50.25Kobazsosoriri: what about some external gateways?
02:50.28sosoriridrmessano: thank you. how can i prove it?
02:50.29jayteeyeah, almost. Now if you did all that and loaded Trixbox it would be criminal
02:50.56NovceGuruthen run it over a cable/dsl connection
02:51.04NovceGuruyou know, for the 400 sip trunks coming into it
02:51.19jayteeblows coffee out his nose laughing
02:51.36NovceGuruall behind a linksys wrt54g (yes running stock linksys firmware)
02:51.40sosoririKobaz: directly from PSTN, no gateway.
02:52.29drmessanoWRT54GS <--- Speed Booooost
02:53.02drmessanoSpeedBoost = 54Mbps sometimes, 104Mbps with frequent dropouts
02:53.05drmessanoYAY SPEEDBOOST
02:53.19Kobazsosoriri: yeah, umm... what is this box going to be for?
02:54.00drmessanoHome use
02:54.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:54.12drmessanoHe has lots of friends
02:54.26drmessanoThey hate busy signals
02:54.33drmessanoWHAT CAN YA DO?
02:54.43[TK]D-Fenderbuys AT&T
02:54.57NovceGurudrmessano: I need it for all my Linksys EIP300s
02:54.58NovceGurulinksys reccomends I stay with the same brand of hardware
02:55.17jaytee"Yay! I ported * to my 8 system PII 350mhz Parallel Knoppix cluster with the 24 X100P cards. Time to start my own phone company!"
02:55.20drmessanoI have so many friends that I got rid of all my numbers
02:55.28jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
02:55.46drmessanojaytee: Be careful, some asshole will PM you wanting to know how you did it
02:55.57drmessanoIm serious
02:56.03[TK]D-FenderOh shit, somebody FUBAR'd the vid!
02:56.11drmessanoEverytime I made an X100P joke, like 30 seconds later.. I get a message
02:56.16eppigyi have so many numbers i just got rid of all my friends
02:56.38drmessanoI have logs of random posts
02:56.57drmessanoand then the subsequent message from "telefono216"
02:57.09drmessano"Hi, u use Dagium XP100?"
02:57.14jayteetelefono216, lol
02:57.20drmessano"How you connect with Bungee cord?"
02:57.25drmessano"It was a joke"
02:57.37drmessano"Ok, but youc an connec them together and make 4 ports?"
02:57.42drmessano"No, go away"
02:57.47drmessano"Why you not help me?"
02:57.51drmessanoand on...
02:58.12sosoririKobaz: i will ust it for my company. i want that all voice pass through one box.
02:58.36jaytee"I am on Brazil, man at phone company say I need ground start, how do I start the ground?"
02:58.38NovceGuruso you can record it?
02:58.38drmessanoWorld: I taped 24 X100Ps together and made a channel bank.  GIVE IT TO ME, GIRL
03:00.26sosoririKobaz: my boss said me we can install 4 E1 cards on one box. but i must prove it and select proper mainboard.
03:00.39*** part/#asterisk Hyphenex (
03:00.49drmessanoYoure gonna overload that box
03:00.54drmessanoand create a single point of failure
03:01.24drmessano400+ channels on one box
03:01.33drmessanoIf AT&T was alive today, it would slap you
03:01.52eppigyor buy you out
03:01.56asteriskmonkeyjust use a redbridge then tdmoe' it to multibox
03:01.58eppigyand take 3 years to integrate you
03:02.09drmessanoTDMoE is teh awesum
03:02.24drmessanoI use TDMoE to test how to make T1
03:02.57jayteeredbridge? you mean Redfone?
03:03.08jayteepiece of crap
03:03.57drmessanoI just robbed a channel bank
03:03.57jayteestick a real Digium or Sangoma card in the server or buy a REAL media gateway like Audiocodes
03:05.03eppigythat is kind of anticlimatic
03:05.23eppigygiven the general project goals
03:05.27eppigyi se ein here
03:05.43sosoririi want to catch all voices and record them in 32*16 channels. no need other features.
03:05.48*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
03:05.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:06.01sosoririis it impossible on one box?
03:06.09drmessanoRecord voices?
03:06.10eppigythat is more like it
03:06.25ricko73sosoriri: you might look at one of these:
03:06.33drmessanoThere was a guy on Pinwheel, on Nickelodeon when I was a kid, and he captured sounds in boxes
03:06.43drmessanoLater they found out it was little kids too
03:06.49drmessanoThe sounds thing was cool
03:07.03eppigyi have that same situation with a 15 year old girl in my basement
03:07.07eppigylocked in a cage
03:07.54jayteeok, here's the joke.  A dual port Redfone costs about 1,600 bucks with HWEC but it only has a 30 day warranty. Digium's dual E1/T1 cards (and probably Sangoma's too) have a 5 year warranty and you don't get "stuck" at 1.4.x waiting for Redfone to get DAHDI compliant.
03:08.37NovceGuruew and they have a flash website
03:11.17sosoriridon't worry about it.
03:11.29jayteeactually, according to telephonydepot Sangoma's cards have a "lifetime" warranty, whatever that means. Still a few hundred cheaper per dual port card for either brand over Redfone's crap.
03:12.33sosoririjaytee: thank u
03:14.23*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
03:15.37Kobazsosoriri: you should get some of those, and an asterisk box to go with each
03:18.26[TK]D-FenderKobaz: He asked for 16 E1, that doesn't scale
03:19.16[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: THIS is more like what you're looking for :
03:20.18jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that one has swappable modules in case one goes bad, right?
03:20.22[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: and a load-balancer so you don't get killed by the recording load
03:20.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup
03:20.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 4x front-facing IIRC
03:20.52jayteepricey, but if I was setting up a large call center I'd like one or two of those
03:21.08[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Pricey yes... but with this kind of scale you don't fuck around
03:21.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: This will handle redundency, power issues, etc
03:21.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And being straight SIP at G.711 it will be no more load to * than the disk factor
03:21.51jayteeseveral asterisk boxes on the back end with DUNDI would work nicely
03:22.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: At which point I'd recommend a fiber SAN or similar :)
03:22.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: DUNDi?  screw that!
03:22.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: STANDARDS baby!
03:22.23drmessanoScrew SAN or Fibre
03:22.32drmessanoWestern Digital MyBook World Edition
03:22.39[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Good option for heavy duty disk backend
03:23.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You know... I got this USB stick laying around, and a couple of tin cans... I CAN BE THE NEXT VONAGE!!!!!!!
03:24.00drmessanoYou left out the T
03:25.09jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so if you had to setup a call center where  you'd have somewhere in the ballpark of 600-700 concurrent calls how would you distribute the load with queuing? One * box would cave under that load.
03:25.36sosoriri4 digium cards,
03:25.46*** join/#asterisk JayWest (
03:26.04jayteewtf? jbot just had a seizure!
03:26.20JayWestGreetings folks. Might a new asterisk user get a nudge in the right direction on a problem here?
03:26.22jayteejbot valium
03:26.22jbotACTION hands jaytee some narcos.
03:26.23ManxPowerjaytee: I think it's actually Bird Flu
03:26.40sosoririi think it has many interrupts.
03:26.46sosoriribut i can't prove it.
03:27.03Kobazsosoriri: are you still trying to use pci cards?
03:27.18jayteesosoriri, cat /proc/interrupts ain't doing it for you?
03:27.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: SER in front of multiple servers
03:28.20sosoririi gonna buy mainboard to install them on.
03:28.31jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that's kinda where I was going, with OpenSER or whatever.
03:28.42Kobazsosoriri: what sort of company is this for?
03:28.43sosoriribut i am afraid of their interrupts and others.
03:28.47[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: just FYI It has been documented for at least the last 5 years that you should NOT put more than 2 cards into a single server
03:29.08Kobazsosoriri: lets say that your server is down, how many people are going to be pissedd off that 300+ channels are inaccessable
03:30.29jayteeif you live on an island, two two-lane bridges to the mainland are better than 1 4-lane bridge. Especially during hurricane season.
03:31.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Everything depends on what interconnect is required between channels on multiple servers, if its moot, then * can be nearly brain-dead
03:31.10drmessanoI made that comment like 4 hours ago
03:31.16drmessanoSomething about single point of failure
03:31.19drmessanoBut hes ignored it
03:31.26jayteeyep, SPOF
03:31.59sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: what's mean FYI.
03:32.09jboti heard fyi is For Your Information
03:33.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, true, as long as the phones can do reinvites then the load on the * box would be minimal. With SER or OpenSER(Kamailio or whatever) acting as the mediation server everything would be smooth and could scale even higher.
03:34.28[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Everything depends on what you want to use * for exactly.
03:34.42Kobazspeaking of reinvites
03:35.00Kobazhow would you handle call recording in * if the call was reinvited and now it's end to end
03:35.02sosoririi am running with one server by one E1 card(4 ports).
03:35.17[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You seemed not to have read the big print...
03:35.27sosoririnow my boss wants to fix it to one box.
03:35.28Kobazsosoriri: good, get 3 other servers for the 3 other cards
03:35.29[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Recording PREVENTS re-invites <---
03:35.49sosoriri4 cards and 4 servers
03:36.01*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=Jon@
03:36.15jayteefor me, one box with a second as a passive failover (rsynched dialplan and eth0 down) and a T1 failover box is all I really need for a highly reliable system but I'm not handling huge concurrent call volumes. I was just curious about it and figured I'd pick your brain.
03:36.31Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah but, if you did not do recording in the first place, was my question
03:36.44[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: A real issue is how you will load-balance those servers....
03:36.47Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: an agent wanted to hit *1 and start recording
03:37.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, but I've heard SER and OpenSER are a bitch to configure.
03:37.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: the mere fact you use Ww", etc DISABLES reinvites
03:37.11sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: is it possible?
03:37.11Kobazokay, i see
03:37.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Bitch, in-laws, stinky pets, etc... whole family reunion
03:37.50[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: How are YOU controlling what calls your servers receieve?
03:38.06[TK]D-FenderjayActually... I'm sure its not really that bac
03:38.27[TK]D-Fender&^*#$%# Everybody should have a 3-char 100% accurate autocomplete hit!
03:39.17[TK]D-Fenderthinks about writing a "best effort" autocomplete script that will average between "last spoken to" , "last spoken to by" , and "last spoken"
03:39.29Kobazyes that would be cool
03:39.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, well maybe not but certainly more complicated than doing an Asterisk configuration and dialplan.
03:40.17jayteebut that's just based on what I've read and from others that have used SER or OpenSER
03:41.25jayteeOne of these days I'm going to put on one of my Hawaiian shirts and install Kamailio on a test box just to see what it's like :-)
03:41.49jayteemaybe a little Don Ho music in the background while I work
03:42.22[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Jimmy Buffet
03:42.42jayteehmmmm, yeah Buffet would work
03:43.13jayteeand a pitcher of margaritas for when things get dicey and frustrating
03:45.16sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: here
03:45.37sosoriri(Analog)| | | |...| | |
03:45.38sosoriri| | | |...| | |(16* E1 channels)
03:45.40sosoriri| | | |...| | |
03:46.09sosorirican u see it?
03:46.19[TK]D-Fenderand beyond span, that isn't F-ING LEGIBLE
03:46.39*** part/#asterisk JayWest (
03:46.39sosoririsorry *F-ING LEGIBLE*??
03:46.42[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Get a drawing program and imagebin it
03:46.43*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=nonya@
03:46.50[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: "Can't read your crap"
03:47.35*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
03:50.26sosoririi don't want to give me other helps. i want to tell me if i install 4*4 E1cards(4 channels) on one box, is it possible?
03:50.49sosoririif it's possible, how can i configure my box,,,?
03:50.56sosoririhelp me.
03:51.29[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: What part of HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENEDED do you not understand?
03:52.03[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: The load you are placing on 1 box is STUPID.  If you want help I'll put your name up on the Elective Lobotomy List
03:52.38ricko73what was that line that Forrest, Forrest Gump had?
03:53.10sosoriri[TK]D-Fender.. okay..
03:53.38sosoriribuy the way, if it's impossible, can u tell me why?
03:54.05sosoririi make my boss to understand it...
03:54.10sosoririu have any idea?
03:54.12ricko73Ok, take a bag that's capable of holding 10lbs
03:54.17ricko73try shoving 20 lbs into it
03:54.22ricko73won't work
03:55.05ricko73well it may work for a little while, but when the bag tears, you'll have shit all over
03:55.08ricko73same concept
03:56.48[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Digium themselves tell you not to put more than 2 cards in 1 box.  You are trying to put DOUBLE.  FULLY LOADED.  And expected to RECORD everything.
03:57.23[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: There are only so many ways to say "cataclysmically stupid"
03:57.27sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: you have any document about it?
03:57.41[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: 183 to be precise, but I'll settle for that one
03:59.22Sargun[TK]D-Fender, haha, I enjoy your sense of reaming the noobs.
03:59.51jayteeit's usually much better than whatever's on cable
04:00.08[TK]D-FenderSargun: I've spare you your own volley for earlier, but we won't get into that...
04:04.27sosoririis it not server and E1 card problem. is it about zaptel and libpri?
04:04.54asteriskmonkeylibpri was never orginally ment to handle more than 2 pris
04:05.24asteriskmonkeythe disk access though needs to do 400 simulatnous call records would be nasty
04:05.34[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Too.  Much &^#ing Load.
04:05.41asteriskmonkeyramsans though would have no issue handling that
04:06.07asteriskmonkeyasterisk 1.6 would have to be used :P
04:06.11asteriskmonkeyor YATE
04:06.19Sargun400 calls?
04:06.44asteriskmonkeyoh sorry though you where going to load 4 quad pri cards in a box
04:06.53JAMMAN2110Id like to see them try that, and what happens shortly after :)
04:06.53asteriskmonkeyis not 400 but pretty closse
04:11.10sosoririconcurrent 70 calls.
04:11.44ManxPowerI would go with two 4-port cards per server.
04:13.37asteriskmonkeyyou could use a small class 5 switch like a metaswitch and use it to feed a bunch of boxes and handle failover
04:16.12Kobazforever i've been thinking about monkeying exim to only run spamassassin for incomming emails
04:16.16Kobazwrong chan
04:24.12*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@2001:5a8:4:2cb0:213:2ff:fe28:a16a)
04:30.45drmessanoTry 4chan
04:31.39*** join/#asterisk kerx (
04:32.16sosoririthen, how about libss7?
04:32.20drmessanoMy math may be off here, but the original math was 4xE1 cards X 4 card
04:32.43drmessanoWhich is 16xE1
04:32.47[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: For what?
04:33.02drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Makin convo?
04:33.09sosoririi think libss7 instead of libpri.
04:33.10drmessano[TK]D-Fender: How about that H323, eh?
04:33.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: this just keeps getting better...
04:33.27[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: what part of FUCKED are you not getting?
04:33.29NovceGuruKobaz: mxlogic is the lazyadmins friend :P
04:33.54drmessanoWhat about SpanDSP instead of Libpri?
04:34.01NovceGurudrmessano: I heard 7chan has better support in 1.6
04:34.04drmessanothrowing random shit out there too
04:34.04[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Your continued desperate attempts to get a "yes it'll work" have ceased being entertaining.
04:34.25drmessanoCan I use Oslec instead of Libpri?
04:34.25[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: 1 server was not made to handle all of that.
04:34.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: But if I wish hard enough it must come true!
04:34.59drmessanoWhat about if I use Libpri and buy some extra G729 licenses?
04:35.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Or someone will beat him senseless if only to dim the level of stupidity in this room!
04:35.17sosoririi know it's very difficult, or maybe impossible.
04:35.27ManxPowernot me!  if I want to beat someone senseless I'm trying to remeber to leave first
04:35.31sosoriribut i think you have any idea.
04:35.51drmessanoOk ok.. I will trade you G729 and Oslec for the LibSS7, the H323, and the extra power supply for the Klystron!!  Deal?
04:35.54[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: No, you DON'T KNOW.  We can keep telling you but frankly I wonder if anything sinks into that head of yours
04:36.10drmessanoAsteriskmon: Gotta get em all!
04:36.29*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
04:37.04drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Monkeys generally dont check the color of their poo before slinging it at the wall.
04:37.53jayteeI step away for a few then come back and it's the same shit :-)
04:38.00drmessanograbs a handful of TDMoE and slings it at the wall
04:38.06drmessanoOok OOOK
04:38.33jayteeat least it's not bonobo spooge
04:38.33drmessanoWait, I can set up a couple thousand channels with TDMoE
04:39.20drmessanoDoes anyone have a WANPIPE stretcher?
04:39.39drmessanoI'm just sayin'
04:39.43asteriskmonkeyyou need to be in ds3 land
04:39.45jayteehmmm, 4 10Gigabit NICS, "lemme do the math here, nuthin into nuthin, carry the nuthin...."
04:39.48*** join/#asterisk pfn (
04:39.51asteriskmonkeyand digium no makey the ds3 card yet
04:40.02pfnoh yeah, I noticed that the uses asterisk
04:40.10pfnand their dialplan is fucked up
04:40.20ricko73pfn: they use chan_spy
04:40.26pfnif you hit # you get the transfer prompt
04:40.54ricko73pfn: that's a known bug that should be fixed in 1.4.23 if that ever goes final
04:41.07drmessanoThey probably hired someone who speaks English as their 4th language to set it up.. Ironic?  Maybe
04:43.02Sargunricko73, haha
04:43.17*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
04:43.27Sargunjaytee, most people using 4x10 have no clue what they're doing
04:43.54ricko73drmessano: here's your sign
04:43.57drmessanoMost people using 4x4's have no idea what they are doing
04:44.29jayteedid I just get a serious response from a totally facetious posting?
04:44.49ManxPowerI almost had a finger removed by a 4x6, ya gotta respect your luber!
04:45.05theharoh ManxPower
04:45.11ManxPowerand lumMber too!
04:45.37drmessanoThis sounds sexual..
04:46.10drmessanoI'm just sayin'
04:46.12jayteenext time you call a support number and get Haji or Raj on the phone just go "Do you hear ticking? BOOOM!!!!" and hangup.
04:46.37*** join/#asterisk akant2 (
04:46.42drmessanoCall Vonage to get an adapter swapped out
04:46.48drmessano"Hello, my name is Pete"
04:46.57drmessano"Do I hear drums and gunfire?"
04:47.04drmessano"No sir, what is your account number"
04:47.08sosoririhey, if i can make E1 16 channel as one card, how about it?
04:47.08akant2I am alittle late on the last conversation above on ITSPs and PRIs
04:47.15akant2Do most ITSP uses SIP trunking on the backend for call delivery through other providers?
04:47.40drmessanoLike 16 E1s?
04:48.03drmessanoso so sorri, that is not a good idea
04:48.14drmessanoErr tab fail
04:48.18drmessanososoriri, I mean
04:49.11drmessano16 E1s is a massive number of channels for one little box
04:49.41drmessanoIts also incredibly stupid to load that density on a box due to the potential for losing YOUR WHOLE ASS if it goes down
04:49.45asteriskmonkeyyou need to upgrade to oc3 at that point or oc-12 with a mothermuxer
04:50.09drmessanoI dont think you get the whole "THATS A LOT OF CHANNELS TO HAVE GO DOWN WITH ONE LITTLE REBOOT"
04:50.20drmessanoNevermind the density
04:50.32drmessanoerr load
04:50.34theharreboots the gibson
04:50.56*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
04:51.14drmessanoSorry, thought it was cultural reference night
04:51.42asteriskmonkeymy iphone has more power than the gibson
04:52.10drmessanojaytee has a gibson like mainframe at home that he's decorated in steampunk style
04:52.57drmessanoJaytees laptop:
04:53.10jayteeThe windup key always cracks people up
04:54.05jayteeI've seen that one. Datamancer's steampunk. His page goes through all the fabrication steps. Lotta work to makes something look like a butt ugly Macbook IMHO
04:54.59asteriskmonkeyanyone seen those one-laptop-per-child laptops
04:55.15drmessanoOLPC or MyFirstSony, WTF
04:55.18asteriskmonkeyi think they actually have a functional wind up laptop
04:55.31drmessanoRuns linux, has wifi, etc
04:55.55[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Best part.... he wants to RECORD everything
04:56.10drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Where did you find him.. he's adorable
04:56.21sosoririno wifi
04:56.44sosoririno sip, iax trunking.
04:56.50sosoririno support IP phone.
04:56.58sosoririonly support E1 card.
04:57.29jayteesosoriri, ride the short bus much?
04:57.33drmessano[TK]D-Fender: When you told him it would take a lot of CPU power, did he offer to spec out a DUAL CORE instead of the SINGLE CORE he planned originally?
04:58.12sosoririif i can do it for 4 El cards, i can purcharse anything.
04:58.12asteriskmonkeyasterisk is voice processing is 8bit
04:58.13drmessanoMay wanna splurge and upgrade those Celerons to Xeons..
04:58.30drmessanoQuad Core Celeron is not WIN
04:58.34asteriskmonkey8bit meaning 4000mhz 286 will be just as fast as a 4000mhz quad core
04:59.35Sargunasteriskmonkey, I have an XO-1
04:59.47drmessanoI almost bought a couple
04:59.51sosoririthen it's not server problem.
05:00.10Sargun4 Ghz 286?
05:00.12drmessanososoriri: We've told you what the problems are
05:00.19drmessanososoriri: You REFUSE to listen
05:00.20sosoririi asked u it's possible with chanzap, libss7
05:00.23Sargundrmessano, we?
05:00.36Sargunwe're a collective intelligence now
05:00.41sosoririno, i listen to it.
05:00.58asteriskmonkeylove them geode based units, sucks next to no power
05:01.02drmessanoSargun: We as in, a few of us that are talking.  English not your first?
05:01.02jayteehere's an interesting bundle!!
05:01.41drmessanososoriri: DO what you want... you have it in your head what you plan to use and how you plan to implement.  No one here seems to agree with you.
05:01.46asteriskmonkeyyes wait a few weeks the i7's will start dragging all cpu prices down
05:02.04drmessanososoriri: I can that a "pattern".
05:02.11jayteeonly problem with that bundle is the mobo comes with BIOS rev 32 and you need BIOS rev 47 to boot that particular CPU. Try getting an RMA from TigerDirect for something they pawn off on you. :-) NewEgg FTW!!!!
05:02.20*** join/#asterisk Jabess (
05:02.21Sargundrmessano, I was attempting to be somewhat sarcastic.
05:02.28Sargunasteriskmonkey, except the fact the're kind of slow.
05:02.41Sargundrmessano, I wonder when we'll see Core i7 in a laptop.
05:03.23Jabess[Sargun] why you want Core i7? Is much better than Extreme?
05:03.26asteriskmonkeyfor asterisk appliactions yes, but it will drive down the other better cpu choices :)
05:03.55sosorirican anybody tell me clearly why it's possible with asterisk, chanzap, libss7.
05:04.13Jabesswhat is possible of what?
05:04.18asteriskmonkeybecause someone spent time programming it :P
05:04.21asteriskmonkeylike chan_skype
05:04.23drmessanososoriri: You are just grabbing terms out of thin air
05:04.25asteriskmonkeyits lame but there
05:04.54asteriskmonkeyi think hes grasping at the fact ss7 is available in dahdi if you compile in the ss7 libs
05:05.13drmessanososoriri: You are not going to be able to spec a machine that will handle that many channels + Recording for under say a couple hundred thousand million francs
05:05.30asteriskmonkeywhich again for most people is something they should stay away from unless they are planning on doing 1000's of channels, which you shouldnt be dong anyway on a single asterisk box
05:06.13drmessanoasteriskmonkey: Why build two boxes and have some safety?  Better to watch your business fail quicker
05:06.35drmessanoasteriskmonkey: 1000 channels per box is reasonably... reasonable, yes no yes?
05:06.48asteriskmonkeydepends on application/system
05:06.52drmessanoI can haz?
05:07.23sosoriridrmessano: i heard here it's impossible from chanzap, libpri. it's not problem about machine spec.
05:07.23asteriskmonkeyg729 no, a ulaw only routing whore sure 1000 calls easy on a modern system with minimul tweaks
05:07.43eric2I have a sangoma T1 card on my box and the callerID name is always prefixed with a '1'.... where do I even start to get rid of that extra character in front of the name?
05:07.44sosoririif it's possible with them, i will select spec with u.
05:07.45asteriskmonkeybut thats sip
05:07.46drmessanososoriri: There are MANY reasons this WONT WORK
05:08.01eric2when I print out the clid with noop, its shows correctly
05:08.12*** join/#asterisk buzukelis (
05:08.23drmessanososoriri: I wont even go near the legal liability of setting up that density for your application
05:08.25sosoriridrmessano: can u tell me the reason clearly?
05:08.25drmessanoIts a bad idea
05:08.30asteriskmonkeythrow zap out the window, you have zap in a box youll have issues pushing more than 280 concurrent calls, and thats if you can get past the call tear down /setup issues
05:08.40*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
05:08.50drmessanososoriri: No, but you may scroll up and read the words of myself and others who have reiterated for hours why this wont work
05:08.53drmessanoI will wait
05:11.08buzukeliscan i use (*)symbol in dialplan extensions paterns ?
05:11.28*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:12.17[TK]D-Fenderbuzukelis: Yes
05:14.33jayteeI've heard the expression "beating a dead horse" but until tonight I'd never actually seen it demonstrated in a chatroom
05:15.33asteriskmonkeyi think this opens up a new saying, beating then defiling the dead horse
05:16.22sosoririokay. if i can have another box (16 E1 channels(4 cards))  for routing calls
05:16.25sosoririit's not asterisk.
05:16.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, did you just google that?
05:16.56sosoririand i have other box (16 E1 channels) for only recording?
05:17.11sosoririis it possible.
05:17.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I have a a local copy for a long time now, but yes, did just google it up specifically
05:17.17drmessanoHow is it not asterisk?
05:17.23sosoririsorry, me is very poor english.
05:17.25drmessanoWhat are you gonna use, linux?
05:17.25jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ^5!
05:17.53sosoririyes, linux.
05:18.00drmessanojesus christ
05:18.33drmessanososoriri: That doesnt even make SENSE
05:18.59drmessanososoriri: Youre not gonna use asterisk, just "linux".. that's not even...
05:19.00sosoririone box (not asterisk) is working good.
05:19.11drmessanoHow so?
05:19.31drmessanoHow are you using these cards on this non-asterisk box?
05:19.32sosoririthen, i gonna make other box for only recording.
05:19.50sosoririit's not digium cards.
05:19.51drmessanoWhat are they interfacing to?
05:20.14sosoririit's topic for us.
05:20.19sosoririi don't know.
05:20.21jayteesosoriri, this is what you really need if you're going to have 16 E1's in a box!
05:20.28sosoririit's business box.
05:21.05sosoririi have question about other box,
05:21.19sosoririit's for only recording have 4 E1 (digium) cards
05:21.25jayteethe one with the Rice Krispies or the Corn Chex?
05:21.29sosoririit will run on asterisk.
05:21.29jayteewhich box?
05:22.47sosoririthen, maybe i don't use asterisk.
05:23.09[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Then you're in the wrong channel.  Move along.
05:23.17jayteethis isn't even a case of "the lights are on but nobody's home", it's a case of "what is the name of the element that is denser than neutronium?" answer: sosoriri
05:23.21drmessanoYou have to have an application to use with the cards
05:23.30drmessanoYou dont just fucking throw cards in there and wish
05:23.34sosoririonly libss7, chanzap for E1 cards
05:23.40[TK]D-Fendergoes to find sosoriri's marbles.... then puts them in a sock and beats him sensless with them
05:24.29sosoririi give up it.
05:24.35*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
05:24.36drmessanososoririL You are GUESSING
05:24.41drmessanoYoure not even making sense
05:24.42jayteebeats him senseless? isn't that kind of like trying to empty and already empty can?
05:24.58drmessanoYoure saying you want to put these cards in a box with just linux
05:24.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So I'm lazy... sue me!
05:25.02drmessanowith asterisk
05:25.08drmessanobut we say "IT WONT WORK"
05:25.14jaytee[TK]D-Fender, no way dude! Lawyers cost money!
05:25.18drmessanoand you say "Well, just for recording"
05:25.23drmessanoWhich we said WONT WORK
05:25.33drmessanothen you say youre going to take asterisk off it
05:25.35drmessanoTHEN WHAT?
05:25.50jaytee[TK]D-Fender, gotta admit, it's been an entertaining evening if nothing else! :-)
05:25.53sosoriridrmessano: thank u.
05:25.55drmessanoYou gonna access the cards with VIM and TYPE THE CALLS?
05:26.25sosoririi gonna access the cards throug chanzap, libss7
05:26.27drmessanoShit, if you want it really fast
05:26.32drmessanoand I mean REALLY FAST
05:26.40drmessanoGet rid of the linux and use the BIOS
05:26.45drmessanoNo OS overhead
05:26.45sosoririno routing.
05:27.06drmessanoNo, not really.. not at all
05:27.26drmessanokisses sosoriri
05:27.29drmessanoMan you are adorable
05:27.31sosoririthen, i think i can catch the voices
05:27.38drmessanoYes, catch them
05:27.52sosoririand other pbx(not asterisk) can routing the calls.
05:27.52jayteewith nets!
05:28.11drmessanososoriri: The recording is the most intensive thing you are gonna do
05:28.20drmessanoand with that call volume it will crash and burn
05:28.22[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: You "think"?  Why start now.. you're on a roll...
05:28.29drmessanoThe recording IS THE PROBLEM
05:28.37drmessanoAs is the VOLUME
05:28.45drmessanoAs is pretty much every part of your plan
05:29.10drmessanoYoure putting 10000kg's on the back of a bicycle and asking "Why it slow?"
05:29.16drmessanoBecause Darwin said so.
05:29.39[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Actually that would be "Why is flat like pancake, and whats that smell?"
05:29.41drmessanoIm not sure how this can be explained any better
05:29.52jaytee"you too fat!!! you go home now!!! all you can eat not mean fo'evah!!"
05:30.21sosoririthan, my question is chanzap, libs7 is possible for 4 El cards.
05:30.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: heard John Pinette's comedy sketch on buffets?
05:30.37jayteethat's what it's from
05:30.39*** join/#asterisk Jabess (
05:30.55jaytee"You know, Italy is only a 45 minute drive from here."
05:31.17jaytee[TK]D-Fender, he's from my old stomping grounds back in Beantown.
05:31.28[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: last time : TOO MUCH MOTHERFUCKING LOAD FOR 1 SERVER YOU IDIOT.  No there is no dodging this bullet, so PLEASE head your head properly centered for the shot.
05:32.05sosoriri[TK]D-Fender>okay, i rememter it.
05:32.22[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: it will CRUSH IT.
05:32.45[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Dead halt.  Nasty screetching sound... oh.. and then NO CALLS will get processed.
05:33.14[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: You should not have any role in dealing with this kind of project.  You are a danger to it and any business dependant on it.
05:33.44[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: You make go find a spike and impale yourself upon is as a warning to others now.
05:35.01drmessanososoriri: Are you in middle management?
05:35.46drmessanoUpper management?
05:36.08drmessanoSAY NO MORE
05:36.36drmessanoI have got a GREAT idea
05:36.46[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: So did Vlad...
05:36.51[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: See above
05:37.08drmessanososoriri: Give the folks at Fonality a call:
05:37.18drmessanoThey can help you get this all going
05:37.54drmessano"No knowledge of asterisk required" is their motto
05:38.34drmessanoThey mean it too
05:38.40sosoririi use 4 asterisk servers now.
05:38.48sosoririit's not possible.
05:39.01sosoririi try to use these 4 cards.
05:39.21sosoririthanku especially [TK]D-Fender, drmessano
05:39.34ricko73[TK]D-Fender: this shit is still going on?
05:39.35drmessanoOh, you are SO very welcome, my good man
05:39.39drmessanoCome again, anytime
05:39.58jaytee"Would you like fries with that?"
05:39.59drmessanoYou sir, are why we are here to help
05:41.08[TK]D-Fenderis getting really sick of these visits to Retard Land
05:41.22*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:42.04drmessanoSo let me get this right
05:42.14drmessano(4) 4-port E1 cards wont work
05:42.25drmessanoBut I can use (1) 16-port?
05:45.14*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
05:47.31jayteetime for bed, nite all
05:49.34*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=nonya@
06:08.20[TK]D-FenderoK, I've definitely passed my idiot quota for 2009 early.... I'm off
06:08.22[TK]D-Fenderlater all
06:13.47*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7ad2d5b3804222f8)
06:33.06drmessanoThe first rule of Asterisk Club is
06:33.15drmessanoALL CIRCUITS ARE BUSY NOW
06:34.20asteriskmonkeysecond rule of cisco club is not knowing which country youll end up in when dialing support
06:35.15*** join/#asterisk SkramX (i=mark@phalse.2600.COM)
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06:48.28drmessanoCisco.. "We dont make the things you use.  We just make them harder"
06:48.55drmessanoRest of the world ---> reboot
06:50.34drmessanoCisco -->  en, set int boot yes, set int re yes, down int re, down int boot
06:57.01*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
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08:33.21sosoririanybody can tell me Q931 to SS7 signaling convert source or program?
08:46.49*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
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09:12.59hi365anyone good with a2billing?
09:25.13Karlitoo-awgood morning all
09:26.12Karlitooanother day another 5 instrallations of avaya g450 media gateway to go
09:26.17Karlitoowait make that 6
09:55.27*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
09:56.40*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
09:58.08hi365what is the dahdi version of genzaptelconf ?
10:15.07*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
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10:25.31Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: How about exten _XXXX,1,Dial(Channel/18005551212ww${EXTEN})
10:25.44Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: How about exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(Channel/18005551212ww${EXTEN})
10:26.18phpboyWhen using hint, do I have to specify ever extension I'd like a notify on or is there a way to make it dynamic?
10:28.39hi365phpboy: I belive you do (but you can try and runn the calls thru a macro to save you a winsy bit of effort)
10:28.43*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
10:29.57phpboyhi365: I have some 90 channels or so that I'd like hint on... so you can imagine it's a bit of effort?
10:30.10phpboyor pehaps it'll make sense to simply put them into my dialplan?
10:30.19*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=lol@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
10:31.58Jas_Williamshi365: look at this page
10:32.15Jas_Williamslooks like dahdi_genconf  is what you need
10:33.05hi365didnt work for me - didnt generate the files :(
10:34.44hi365phpboy: its work indeed. thats why i use freepbx
10:35.09phpboyFreePBX is too heavy for my setup :(
10:35.41phpboywould've been nice to be able to do exten => _3XXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
10:35.51JonOntJas_Williams: that could work, i know its not supported in here, but im using freepbx, this should go under [from-internal-custom] in extentions_custon.conf?
10:36.32*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:37.32Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: under free pbx I would do it differently
10:38.15hi365tried that as well
10:38.35hi365dahdi_genconf chan_dahdi modules dahdi chan_dahdi_full
10:38.44Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: create an Outbound Route
10:39.16*** join/#asterisk KOCATEPE (n=admin@
10:40.42Jas_WilliamsDial Pattern XXXX|18005551212ww.
10:42.46JonOntJas_Williams: will that match 2222?
10:43.02Jas_WilliamsThat will mach all 4 digits
10:43.46Jas_Williamsif you only want 2222 then Dial Pattern shold be 2222|18005551212ww.
10:44.34Jas_Williamsor  2222|18005551212ww2222 would also work
10:45.44JonOntJas_Williams: ohh, the . on the end is what fixes it
10:46.09JonOntJas_Williams; will i need another rule to let this true my trunk?
10:46.37Jas_WilliamsI dont think so try it and see
10:47.31JonOntJas_Williams: damn, wont let me put the ww in the Route
10:49.24Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: ah not sure how you get arround that one
10:51.31*** join/#asterisk kerx (
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10:54.57JonOntJas_Williams: is this possible.. 18885551212.|18885551212ww. in my trunk and then have 18885551212+XXXX in my route?
10:56.16*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
10:57.25Jas_WilliamsJonOnt: anything is possible :) can you have w in the route ?
10:57.35Jas_Williamssorry trunk
10:57.47JonOnti can have the w in the trunk, but the setup above is not right
10:57.58Jas_Williamsgetting a bit confusing now
11:01.15JonOntJas_Williams: almost got it, i bet you can help, i put XXXX in my route, and now I need a dialplan string for my trunk that will add 18885551212ww+XXXX
11:01.25JonOntohh, that might be the string
11:02.53JonOntdang, im getting an all circuts are busy msg
11:03.31JonOntMaybe this wont work over sip
11:03.45JonOntI bet it would work on POTS
11:04.02*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
11:04.03Jas_Williamsww is only valid over pots
11:04.12JonOntthat explains it
11:04.18Jas_Williamsyou cannot put a wait on sip
11:04.23JonOntso, no way to do this then
11:06.31*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
11:07.07hi365well, you might be able to send more digits down the channel a bit after you send the first part... maybe with the D option of dial?
11:08.00*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
11:08.21JonOntdamn park button isnt working
11:10.20hi365then get some of this:
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11:52.32JonOntany one know what I need to set my park key in general settings to make it work? (aastra phone)
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12:53.23SparFuxOn the asterisk console I have problems with the alsa driver. I use hw:1,0 as input device and hw:0,0 as output and I can send audio, but I only receive strange noise.
12:55.03*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:56.00SparFuxSound works though. I can use ecasound -i:rec.wav -o:alsahw,0,0  OR ecasound -i:alsahw,1,0 -o:alsahw,0,0  OR  ecasound -i:alsahw,0,0 -o:alsahw,0,0 to the the desired results.
12:57.43*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
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13:05.19Vyrus001anybody ever mess with the RAND or random asterisk function?  for some reason im getting a "Function Random not registered" no matter how i call it?
13:11.07RypPnmodule show like rand
13:11.29RypPnI see and
13:12.00Vyrus001i just show the app
13:12.04RypPnI suspect you want the 2nd one :)
13:12.27Vyrus001ic so im missing the func
13:12.39Vyrus001<= asterisk N00b how would i go about installing the missing func?
13:12.54RypPnyou'll need to recompile asterisk to select it
13:13.10Vyrus001ouch, so much for distro binary's ;)
13:13.35RypPnhmm, not sure in that respect, I've always compiled it
13:19.03Vyrus001ahh ok
13:19.10Vyrus001my asterisk is too old
13:19.14Vyrus001need 1.4 or higher
13:19.19Vyrus001im running 1.2
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13:29.10schangmiIs there a way of making Asterisk set up a dial up connection through a SIP channel ?
13:29.28schangmiI have come accross app_pppd but that one seems to work for ISDN only
13:29.57schangmior is there any soft I could use to set up such a dial up connection
13:31.05schangmiassuming that I am in a configuration where therte is not POTS line, only got access to SIP channels through asterisk and I need to set up a dial up connection
13:35.38lmadsenI don't think thats really gonna work...
13:35.57lmadsenmodem over a packet interface (IP) isn't really compatible
13:39.40*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:48.44SparFuxWith chan_oss I get noisy channels, too. This time it is the outgoing channel, which is filled with scratchy noise.
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13:58.56schangmilmadsen well it could work if I had that configuration <pc>-<modem><ATA><sip>.......
13:59.21schangmilmadsen because then the the ATA would do the translation POTS to VOIP
13:59.58schangmiand if SIP/RTP is using G711 to carry the media then it should be OK (at least that's what I've read)
14:00.28lmadsenschangmi: ok, that could work...
14:00.40schangmilmadsen now I want to remove the modem+ATA
14:00.43lmadsenbut really... it'd just be another call through asterisk...
14:01.02schangmilmadsen well, it seems (after reading on the net) that if should work in theory
14:01.05lmadsenI don't think that application exists
14:01.19schangmiright, and that is why I was asking :)
14:02.16*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
14:02.31schangmithe reason why I am asking that is that we have a client that has a "very secure" network and is afraid of introducing softphones into its LAN PCs as he is scared this may be used as a way to get access to the outside world (and back from outside to his LAN) through a ppp connection
14:03.15schangmiin theory, that shall work in most cases (i.e, as long as there is not a codec on its ways that compresses the media so much that nothing will remain left for data connection)
14:03.42schangmibut in most cases it seems that G711 is being used to make sure FAX keeps working too
14:04.05schangmiso, well, no one ever heard of  piece of software that could do the job ?
14:05.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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14:10.15Kattyit's another wonderful day in hell.
14:10.27Kattyno caffeine, no breakfast, no heat.
14:10.51_ShrikEgive katty coffee, a donut, and a hug
14:10.58Kattythere are friends tho.
14:11.04Kattyso it is tolerable.
14:11.05*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
14:11.09Kattyhugs _ShrikE and jaytee
14:11.33jayteehugs Katty
14:11.38*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (i=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
14:11.45Kattyhugs [intra]lanman
14:12.11[intra]lanmanhugs Katty too
14:12.17Kattybeen stuck in a rut lately )=
14:12.23[intra]lanmanhi Katty... how are ya?
14:12.39Kattyi think blergh covers it nicely.
14:13.11[intra]lanmani know that feeling
14:13.18jayteehands Katty a cup of Costa Rica Finca Guadalupe roasted 18 hours ago and brewed less than 30 minutes ago
14:13.46Kattysounds yummy.
14:14.06[intra]lanmani want some
14:14.24jaytee"Life's to friggin short to drink bad coffee!" - jaytee
14:14.43jayteedamn I can't type today
14:17.15*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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14:17.21Kattyhugs russellb
14:17.41*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
14:17.55eppigyi am dave
14:18.08*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
14:18.36Kattyhi dave.
14:18.38*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:18.59*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:19.18DovidMantis is down ?
14:19.58Kattywell hello to you too
14:21.00eppigyi get down
14:21.10Kattyi am down.
14:21.13Dovidwut went wrong
14:21.23Kattymy job went wrong
14:21.31eppigyi meant like
14:21.39eppigyim down to ride till the sun burns out
14:21.59eppigybut I am sorry to hear about job troubles
14:22.16eppigyi have found that choking the life out of someone
14:22.25eppigymakes the outlook of any situation
14:22.29eppigyso much better
14:22.49Dovidwhen did mantis go down ?
14:23.00jayteesome of you missed a fun time last nite with [TK]D-Fender and drmessano spending at least a couple hours trying to explain to a complete idiot why putting 4 quad E1 cards in one Asterisk server and trying to record every call was a bad idea.
14:23.39KattyEVERY call?!
14:24.12Kattywas there some logical purpose behind that insanity?
14:24.33eppigyis there ever?
14:25.08eppigythis place attracts some people with strange goals
14:25.24Kattymy goal is to not shoot anyone.
14:25.25eppigyI AM ON SITE
14:25.29eppigyAT MY FIRST CLIENT
14:25.35coppicesome finance people have a real need to record every call, and a lot of telephone betting people do too
14:25.35eppigyWHAT IS A T1
14:26.03eppigycoppice: i record every call
14:26.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
14:26.13Kattyi only record calls from fender.
14:26.17eppigyi think they meant all ports simultanesouly
14:26.24eppigyor some crazy shit
14:26.36eppigyplus 4 cards
14:26.42eppigyis of course not a good idea
14:26.47Kattyi'd like to see the hard drive capacity of that box.
14:27.02eppigyI have 2 4 port pri cards
14:27.08eppigymy HD capacity is 1TB
14:27.11eppigyper pbx
14:27.19Kattywe have a single pri here
14:27.27Kattyand i think it's just an 80gb hard drive
14:27.44Kattybut we don't do any crazy stuff
14:27.55*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
14:27.55lmadsenattack hugs Katty
14:27.57Kattyunless you couldn't my dail plan
14:28.02Kattymy dial plan is crazy
14:28.05Kattyhugs lmadsen
14:28.09eppigywe have to record every call
14:28.13eppigyfor lawlsuits etc
14:28.35Kattysounds repulsive
14:29.03echinoshow long do you need to keep the recordings for?
14:29.08eppigybacking them up is not fun
14:29.14echinosi can imagine
14:29.23Kattywhat do you put them on
14:29.27Kattythe archives
14:29.38eppigy200gb tapes
14:29.49eppigywhat si the name of that shit
14:30.16Kattytapes?! )=
14:30.18Kattyare you mad!?
14:30.36echinosWell, DVD would have been a wrong answer
14:30.54echinostapes is arguably the best medium to use
14:30.55[TK]D-Fendereppigy: LTO = 100/200G, LTO2=200/400, LTO3=400/800
14:30.59Kattyare they like real tapes
14:31.00eppigyI only have to archive them every 4 months or so
14:31.03Kattyor mass storage things
14:31.09eppigy[TK]D-Fender: LTO2=200/400
14:31.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: TAPES Katty ... deal with it :p
14:31.15eppigythank you for your pedantic input
14:31.20eppigyyou rat bastard
14:31.35Kattywould not be able to sleep at night
14:31.42eppigyevery four months
14:31.46eppigyI just set a job
14:31.51eppigyand switch out two tapes
14:31.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: And what do YOU use for mass off-site storage & archiving?
14:31.56eppigyi mean
14:31.57Kattydo your restores work okay? )=
14:32.00eppigythat is not bad people
14:32.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: REV
14:32.12eppigyI only have to restroe a few recordings
14:32.17eppigyif something goes down
14:32.34Kattyamazing. i never have luck with restore jobs off tapes
14:32.42eppigywell I mean
14:32.47eppigyif you have them catalogued
14:32.49[TK]D-FenderkatkattThat junk?
14:32.51eppigythere should be no problem
14:32.56stevetotaroeppigy, i just picked up a very nice Russian AK-47
14:33.00[TK]D-Fenderdang... I'm skipping today
14:33.03eppigyvery nice
14:33.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: are you having tab completing problems?
14:33.14eppigyI need to get a new medium range weapon
14:33.27Kattya glock.
14:33.33eppigythat is short range
14:33.33Kattypink glock.
14:33.38stevetotarono, an AK
14:33.41eppigyI mean like an ar-15
14:33.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: that and a nasty stutter.  Think I've been hit with food poisoning 2 nights back to back and I feel like I've been hit by a truck
14:33.46mmlj4I have funs, me and my guns
14:33.51stevetotarono a real AK
14:33.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
14:34.03eppigythat is a good buy
14:34.08eppigythe closest thing I have ever had
14:34.16eppigyto an AK is an SLR-95 MB
14:34.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: did your family try to poison you over christmas?
14:34.21eppigybulgarian clone
14:34.29stevetotarogreat buy, prices keep skyrocketing too, because of Obama
14:34.40eppigyI need to buy mine soon
14:34.53SparFuxAnybody using chan_alsa instead of chan_oss? Incoming sound seems to be broken.
14:35.01eppigyif they put a high capacity ban on the table
14:35.06eppigyI am buying one that second
14:35.08stevetotaroI have a 380 with conceal permit, a mossberg 590 all tactical and the AK
14:35.36stevetotarothing is, if it goes on the table, you wont be able to fiind one
14:35.41eppigyI have a concealed permit, kimber 1911, walther p99, springfield M1A, and mossberg persuader
14:35.46mmlj4alls I got is a .22 bolt action and a ruger single six
14:35.49eppigystevetotaro: probably right
14:35.49stevetotaroand if you do, it will be at scalper prices
14:35.56Kattywhat do you plan on doing with all those guns?
14:36.01eppigyyeah I guess I should be proactive about it
14:36.08stevetotaroready for the revolution
14:36.10eppigyKatty: when the apocalypse comes
14:36.17eppigyi will be ready
14:36.24Kattyare you also stock piling water?
14:36.27Kattyand canned food
14:36.28Kattyand ammo
14:36.29mmlj4pea shooters won't work against tanks, sorry
14:36.43stevetotaro<-- well water, high water table
14:36.57Kattybetter be careful
14:37.00eppigymmlj4: well i guess i'll have to stock up on javelins then
14:37.03Kattypeople will kill over fresh water (=
14:37.04stevetotarobut yes, i have MREs and gallons oand gallons of water
14:37.31stevetotarowho said anything about tanks
14:37.43mmlj4so... are you guys expecting Zero to send tanks?
14:37.56stevetotaroi am talking about the martin luther king riots times 1000
14:38.14stevetotarosorry, king jr
14:38.22eppigyi just holla all day
14:38.26eppigythe basic idea here
14:38.33eppigyis it is better to have an not need them
14:38.35mmlj4why would king roit? his boy is in the white^formerly white house
14:38.36eppigythan to need them
14:38.39eppigyand not have them
14:38.44eppigylets be honest with ourselves
14:38.55Kattyis honest with herself
14:38.55eppigyand they dont cost as much as a porsche
14:39.00stevetotarono, if and when someone caps Obama
14:39.11stevetotarothis nation will go into civial war
14:39.20Kattyi don't think it will be civil this time.
14:39.23eppigystevetotaro: how did you know i was in to guns?
14:39.30Kattyi think all sorts of things will be dragged into it
14:39.31eppigywhat other channel do I know you from?
14:39.44stevetotaroi didn't eppigy
14:39.57Kattywhy would work take off thursday, new years, but not friday?
14:39.58stevetotarojust assumed you could appreciate a real AK
14:40.05Kattydo they seriously expect us to work after being drunk all night?
14:40.05mmlj4well, that's a scenario... but I want to go on record, Mr. secret service agent, I have no interest in capping anyone
14:40.06eppigywell I do
14:40.10eppigythat is very perceptive
14:40.15stix_great with a civil war when all you gun-maniacs have arsenals of weapons
14:40.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, good morning! hey, I wanted to ask your advice! Do you think it would be ok to put 4 quad E1 cards in my Asterisk box and record all the calls? :-)
14:40.32Kattyit's one thing to stockpile weapons for a war
14:40.45Kattyquite another when you stockpile it for your family's defense, should your neighbors feel like rioting
14:40.45eppigyjaytee: you forgot to tell him you are running a xeon p3
14:40.45stix_you would be better off if it was illegal to own guns
14:40.49[TK]D-Fenderkicks jaytee in the nads
14:40.52stevetotaroi wish Obama well but about 60 miles from DC is the headquarters of the KKK
14:40.56Kattyi don't
14:41.00mmlj4you guys must've got the KGB memo from last week, with all this civil war talk
14:41.04stix_the rest of the world thinks that americans are crazy
14:41.05Kattywe should be able to own guns
14:41.13Kattyif nothing more than the over throw the government if they get out of hand
14:41.16Kattywithout that--we'd be SOL
14:41.23stevetotaroall these knuckle heads have to do not use the phone or internet
14:41.28Kattythey already took away the state milita
14:41.42Kattywell its just not controlled by the state
14:42.08stevetotaroyou also have the faction that is very un-happy with the government, and in my opinion, rightfully so
14:42.30eppigyeveryone is lulled in to a state of sleepy consumerism
14:42.40stevetotaroover throw the government is a far cry from civial or should I say racial war
14:42.45eppigyand they react to fear
14:42.59Kattyeveryone reacts to fear
14:43.12eppigyok maybe I worded that wrong
14:43.21stevetotarochuck norris doesn't react to fear
14:43.33jbotChuck Norris moves at two speeds: Walk and kill.
14:43.46mmlj4Biden did say that in 6 months (he said 2 months ago) that there would be an attack against the US
14:44.06mmlj4if you want conspiracy, look there... sounds to me like they have a plan
14:44.11stevetotarolook at the middle east
14:44.18stevetotaropakiistan vs india
14:44.29stevetotaropulling all calll center operations
14:44.34stevetotaroand outsourcing
14:44.51stevetotarocouldn't they just be happy to have a middlle class boom
14:45.10stevetotaroinstead of a bomb boom
14:45.13*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
14:45.29eppigythey are constnantly claiming there is going to be an attack on US soil
14:45.38stevetotaroeasy enough
14:45.44stevetotarothe ports are sadly lacking
14:46.01eppigythere have been like no unsophisticated attacks by foreign terrorists to my knowledge
14:46.04eppigyon US soil
14:46.08eppigyand then one day out of the blue
14:46.13eppigya higly sohpisticated
14:46.18eppigywell planned attack occurs
14:46.23[TK]D-Fendereppigy: So far there has been 1 substantial hit in 2001.... infinitely more people die to smoking than terrorism in North America and the gov't wants you to cower.  Fuck'em.
14:46.23stevetotarobest thing they could have done is leave a good size c4 chuck in a trash can during Christmas rush
14:46.33*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:46.42eppigy[TK]D-Fender: thatys what im sayin
14:46.54eppigybut no
14:47.09mmlj4seriously, I'm against this kind of talk, I want it known
14:47.15*** part/#asterisk mmlj4 (
14:47.17[TK]D-Fendereppigy: And thats if you don't believe that it was a CIA job, etc
14:47.27eppigyyeah dude
14:47.34eppigysome backwoods farmers
14:47.36stevetotaro(9:47:09 AM) mmlj4: seriously, I'm against this kind of talk, I want it known
14:47.43eppigydont learn how to fly commercial airliners
14:47.50eppigyat a little flight school
14:47.54eppigywith cesna
14:48.01eppigysingle engine plains
14:48.11stevetotarojust watch out for thermite, that is all i am saying
14:48.21Kattylet's not talk about this.
14:48.25Kattyit's depressing.
14:48.30Kattylet's talk about geeky stuff.
14:48.34eppigymmlj4 was in favor of both patriot acts
14:48.37stevetotaroreality can be depressing, yes
14:48.55eppigywell that is the problem
14:48.59eppigyamericans are like
14:49.04eppigydont tell me whats wrong
14:49.09eppigytell me about old navy fleece
14:49.39eppigyso i got a wii for christmas
14:50.13stevetotaroi got some 30 round mags for the AK and 1,250 rounds FMJ
14:51.10stevetotarothere was a coupon in the box for 50% off, email
14:51.16stintelKatty: good idea :]
14:51.24stinteleppigy: can you run * on it ?
14:51.36stevetotaroi emailed hiim and he first said he could modify and refinish it
14:51.57eppigystintel: no i do that on my PS3
14:52.04stinteleppigy: oh hehe ツ
14:52.10stevetotaroi never replied, then he sent another email inferring he could makke if full auto
14:52.10eppigythat is too geeky
14:52.13eppigylets be real here
14:52.15eppigybut you can
14:52.28stintelgeeky is fine ;)
14:52.39eppigystevetotaro: lol
14:52.41eppigyfull auto
14:52.55eppigyfull auto AK is like a rabid dog
14:53.23stevetotaroi wish i could set it for three or five round bursts
14:53.24eppigystintel: have you seen the ps3 clusters?
14:53.32stinteleppigy: nope
14:53.35eppigythat is pretty wild
14:53.42eppigythey install sundog linux on them
14:55.57stintelthose wankers who created yum
14:56.05stintelyum is teh suck
14:56.10stintelyum install apt :]
14:56.15stevetotaroyum works well
14:56.23stintelyum is braindead
14:56.31stinteland slower than emerge on gentoo :P
14:56.32stevetotaroyum install apt-get
14:56.37stintel30|15:56:10 < stintel> yum install apt :]
14:57.11eppigyi like yum
14:57.24stevetotaroyes, yum works well for me as well
14:57.24eppigybut that is because i use redhat/centos
14:57.31keith4nobody likes yum
14:57.36keith4don't be ridiculous
14:57.38stintelI like jam :P
14:57.39eppigykeith4: nobody likes you
14:57.50stevetotaroonly issues i hate are installing VLC and other things not in the official repos
14:57.55stevetotaroit breaks stuff
14:57.55stintelbut really, yum is incredibly slow compared to apt
14:58.07keith4you could never "like" yum, after using apt
14:58.16eppigyI only use it to install basic stuff
14:58.19stintelit's really very frustrating if you get from apt to yum ツ
14:58.22eppigyeverything I compile
14:58.33eppigyor get a precompiled binary such as mysql
14:58.36stevetotaroyum works fine
14:58.58stevetotaroyum -y update
14:59.10stinteland yum-fastestmirror was a nice addon
14:59.22stevetotaroor yum -y update --exclude=kernel*
14:59.41stintelbut I prefer to use just one mirror that is geographically pretty right next to me ツ
15:00.21stevetotaroas long as it is fast and the MD5 matches, i download from france
15:00.34stevetotaromight as well eat their bandwidth
15:00.55stinteldownloading from mostly ツ
15:01.59stintelbelgian mirror sucks donkeyballs
15:03.01keith4i use
15:03.24keith4since it's accessible via I2, and can give me > 10MB/s
15:03.28stintel11 (  -0.037 ms  -233.803 ms  -0.035 ms
15:03.39stintelnice response times for transatlantic traffic :P
15:04.01stintelmumbles sumthing about Xen and domU clock issues
15:04.42Karlitoowell after a few hours another 3 avaya g450 media gateways packed with modules, installed, licenced and ready to go, and another 8 packed to get installed and licenced
15:04.49Karlitooman that takes hours
15:06.24Karlitooin all that time I coulda had 20 asterisk servers up and running
15:06.38Karlitoo(even on a same machine if it needed doen)
15:08.25*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
15:09.27drfreezeIs there a way to kill a 'stuck' call. I have a phone that still thinks it is in voicemail. I have rebooted the phone, but no change to the call status still.
15:09.31drfreezeSIP/508-b7600468     599@sipinternal:4    Up      VoiceMailMain()
15:09.55stevetotarosofthangup might work
15:10.05*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
15:10.10stevetotarobut on reboot, i would expect that to kill the channel
15:10.43[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: "soft hangup SIP/508-b7600468"
15:11.04drfreezetried the soft hangup - call is still there
15:11.29drfreezeSIP/508-b7600468     599@sipinternal:4    Up      VoiceMailMain()
15:11.47stevetotaronoload voicemail in modules.conf and restart
15:12.05stevetotarohave you gone to exten 599 to see what's up?
15:12.24drfreezestevetotaro: 599 is just a voicemail extension
15:12.30drfreezeno actual phone
15:12.37stevetotarooh 508 then
15:12.45stevetotaromaybe the VM button is stuck
15:12.52drfreeze508 is working fine. Even just rebooted it
15:12.58[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Issue an AMI redirect then and toss it into a Hangup
15:14.08stevetotarowhat version of asterisk, what kind of phone??
15:15.03[TK]D-FenderPhone doesn't matter, the channel is jut hung
15:15.16[TK]D-FenderSo just drop it off a cliff
15:15.58stevetotarosince when to channels remain after a reboot
15:16.04drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: sorry, don't know how to do AMI stuff easily. Can I do that from the console?
15:16.17madsaraHmmm... I'm on a local LAN using a softphone to connect to a new asterisk install... dialing 500 for the demo claims to
15:16.18[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Telnet
15:16.18Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:16.23drfreezestevetotaro: can't reboot just now. Too many calls
15:16.35*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:16.41drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: let me just whip that out....
15:16.52stevetotarogotcha, but you said already rebooted, was it just the phone or the * box
15:17.01madsaraplay the audio, but I've got nothing. There is no soundcard in the ast box, but that shouldn't matter.
15:17.24stevetotaroreload sip
15:17.30[TK]D-Fendermadsara: then prove your PC with the softphone's audio is fully functional.
15:17.30drfreezestevetotaro: the phone. Have a 'restart when convenient' in place, but that may not go off until 6pm
15:17.34stevetotaronah, that won't work
15:17.53*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
15:17.54madsaraI'll do that.
15:18.04Karlitoomadsara check using 1 by 1 audio codec and check debugs to see if the call is going trough
15:18.19madsaraI'm actually listening to teh RTP stream that was sent off the ast box now, see what was sent that way.
15:19.57stevetotaroif it is not interfering with anything, let it go
15:20.06stevetotarobefore you bring down a live system
15:20.27drfreeze:(   talky*CLI> module unload
15:20.27drfreezeUnable to unload resource
15:20.49stevetotarodude, just leave it
15:21.08madsaraYeah, actually restarting the softphone worked [TK]D-Fender - thanks.
15:21.23stevetotaroi have these things are nothing new, don't break the system to fix a stuck channel
15:21.33[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Use AMI to redirect to a hangup and be done with it
15:21.40*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
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15:27.25*** join/#asterisk Breal (
15:27.49BrealAre telephone numbers transmitted in MGCP RTP packets?
15:32.43*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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15:43.06drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: no luck. Call is still stuck
15:43.18drfreezelooks like I'm going to have to restart asterisk
15:45.16eppigykill -9
15:45.19eppigyLETS DO THIS
15:46.37Dovidpinging tzafrir
15:47.03BrealAre telephone numbers transmitted in MGCP RTP packets?
15:48.31*** join/#asterisk iEatChildren (
15:51.54drfreezeHey, any reason why vm would hangup after entering the password?
15:52.06drfreezeThis just started doing this yesterday at noon
15:52.12seanbrightdrfreeze: yes
15:52.17seanbrightdrfreeze: you're missing a sound file
15:52.29seanbrightvm-temp-intro or something like that
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15:55.12seanbrightvm-tmpexists (i think)
15:55.43*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
16:02.38drfreezeseanbright: so that file probably got deleted somehow?
16:02.45seanbrightdrfreeze: or never got installed
16:02.56drfreezeseanbright: it's worked for 3 years
16:03.15Corydon76-digIt's possible nobody used that feature until now
16:04.14drfreeze-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 89002 Feb 20  2007 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/vm-intro.wav
16:04.26drfreezeCorydon76-dig: used what feature?
16:10.20drfreezefound the problem
16:10.30drfreezethere were two .lock files hanging around after the restart
16:10.39drfreezethanks all. :)
16:10.46drfreezeHappy Holidays!
16:11.50Kattyhugs drfreeze
16:11.53Kattymerry christmas!!!!
16:13.07stintela bit late, no ?
16:13.16stintelor early :P
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16:20.37Dovidsorry for asking here but the gui channel is dead. the gui does not see my dahdi harware but asterisk its self does. what files can i edit to "fool the gui " so it will see it ?
16:21.19seanbrightDovid: have you asked in #asterisk-gui?
16:21.56Dovidno one is talking there. gona ask there again
16:22.37*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-eb7e58a7f01cbac4)
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16:40.06path_what would you recommend for GUI interface ?
16:40.44path_I'm using digium asterisk gui
16:41.34ManxPowerWe are not 2nd tier support for Asterisk-GUI.
16:42.06mort_gibpath_: bash
16:45.18*** join/#asterisk dazwin (
16:45.30Maliuta_CApath_: vim
16:46.12mort_gibMaliuta_CA: vim? Tell me more :-)
16:46.27Maliuta_CAor you can just modify the behaviour of butterflies so the chaos effect can have the earths magnetic sphere do all your changes for you
16:46.55Maliuta_CAmort_gib: :w! :o
16:47.52mort_gibBeen doing Ipsec VPn on openBSD all day!
16:48.10mort_gibReady for beer!
16:48.21Maliuta_CAmort_gib: I would be after that too
16:48.52mort_gibYeah, it's okay though, but i had to do several links while lusers are out of the office....
16:49.28Maliuta_CAI'm screwing with someones network right now
16:49.44Maliuta_CAit's a mine site, I shouldn't be able to get the access I'm getting
16:49.48*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
16:50.08mort_gibScrewing is a very precise term, not much traffic has bee flowing today :-) -Lot's of unhappy MS AD servers
16:50.23Maliuta_CAkeeps his mouth shut 'lest they offer him a job
16:50.47Maliuta_CAdon't want to work in the middle of buggery, and I don't think they'd be willing to pay me enough
16:51.03mort_gibI run my own outfit
16:51.36mort_gibSo I pass on the  aggro to my clients as invoices...
16:51.37Maliuta_CAmort_gib: I'm visiting my parents in the north of Alberta, Canada ... dad works on the mine here
16:51.59*** part/#asterisk dazwin (
16:52.10mort_gibSo, you are reworking their network??
16:52.25Kattyhmm. what do i want for lunch today
16:52.27mort_gibWell at least the mine is not in Russia....
16:52.31theharyou want food
16:52.34Maliuta_CA"passively probing"
16:52.36Kattywhat sort of foods
16:52.44theharis it cold today?
16:52.50Kattya bit
16:52.52Maliuta_CAthehar: -30 outside
16:53.03theharwell it's cold here.. but perhaps not all of you are _here_
16:53.31theharKatty should get soup and sammich.
16:53.32Maliuta_CAthehar: no, you're not _here_
16:53.44Kattythat does sound good
16:53.52Kattymaybe i'll run to panera's for lunch
16:53.57Maliuta_CAKatty: get the apple and rhubarb stuffed quail :)
16:54.43*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (
16:54.48Maliuta_CAit was apple and something stuffed
16:54.49Kattyhmm. broccoli cheddar soup
16:54.52stevetotaroforget the rhubarb
16:55.04theharand a ham n cheese grilled panini
16:56.21Maliuta_CAmy head just popped
16:56.47Maliuta_CAI read a topic on the linuxdvb mailing list and thought someone was talking about one of my systems
16:57.17Kattyyou're reading linux forums
16:57.22Kattyi'm reading world of warcraft forums
16:57.33Kattyi think i'm in the wrong channel ;)
16:57.42Maliuta_CAI name all my machines after cities in the ukraine, and the network is called ukraine ... I read "dvb-t config for Ukraine_Kiev (ua)"
16:57.45*** join/#asterisk vgster (
16:57.57Maliuta_CAKatty: not forums, mailing lists
16:58.25Maliuta_CAfora are for shit for brains
17:02.52*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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17:02.57L|NUXHello Every one
17:03.01*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
17:03.40Maliuta_CAsuspects the desktop in .au is having mega issues
17:04.22Maliuta_CAwent offline after I'd been gone a week, only came backup after blackouts (power to the house cycled) and now a bunch of stuff is in 'D' states
17:05.10L|NUXcan some one help me with
17:06.15L|NUXany one ?
17:06.31[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: OPTIONS sip:8801730112059@ SIP/2.0 <-- these are QUALIFY packets, not CALLS
17:06.37[TK]D-Fender\l\Dialplan means nothing.
17:06.45lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: what's a qualify?
17:06.45Kattymmkay then
17:06.50Kattyguess i'll go get some lunch
17:07.04lmadsenis looking for a razor scooter
17:07.42L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: but when i call from other sip services it hit server and dial number
17:09.14L|NUXany idea ?
17:10.07*** join/#asterisk feeds (
17:10.30L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: come on give me guidence :)
17:10.36[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: That statement made no sense and you aren't showing a call attempt and I don't trust that little dialplan fragment anyways.  There's an idea...
17:11.19L|NUXsee i can paste my sip.conf, extensions.conf, zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
17:11.25L|NUXhold for sec
17:11.35[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: NO
17:11.43[TK]D-Fenderl\you are not showing a CALL
17:11.52L|NUXits not coming
17:11.55L|NUXthis is the issue :(
17:11.56*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:12.07L|NUXbut i can call from other services like gtalk2voip
17:12.11L|NUXand other sip
17:12.19*** join/#asterisk pif (n=ldm@
17:12.21[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: * can only reject calls.  If * isn't getting a call then go fix the OTHER SIDE
17:12.24L|NUXcan some one try to dial sip:8801730112059@
17:13.32L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: you know they do not give root access to VM
17:14.04[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: You talk like I should already know everything about your setup
17:14.48L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i have mentioned that we are trying to send calls from VoiceMaster and CPM gateway but its not coming to *
17:14.52[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: And I do not care what they do and do not let you do.  If you can't control your own setup enough to do a controlled test then noone can help you
17:15.15[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: fix the sender
17:15.21[TK]D-FenderL|NUX: Check your firewalls
17:16.30L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: ok sir :)
17:16.42L|NUX[TK]D-Fender: thank you for help and happy holidays :)
17:18.46NovceGuruhai I need asterisk server for 500 softphone users setup today how install do I asterisk
17:19.05L|NUXuse realtime :)
17:19.27feedsNovceGuru: woah
17:20.08feedsI'm stuck with asterisk 2-3 months and today, I finally installed all the parts I wanted ;)
17:26.30Maliuta_CANovceGuru: you pay me mucho denero and I do it for you ... I'm on holidays though, so it's the major "fuck off" rates :)
17:26.59L|NUXMaliuta_CA: lol
17:28.24Maliuta_CAL|NUX: as a consultant you learn to charge different ppl different rates and different rates for different jobs ... everybody has a "fuck off" rate
17:29.02QwellMaliuta_CA: and when you get that rate...  happy holidays indeed :D
17:29.13Maliuta_CAL|NUX: it's what you charge that you don't expect people to be willing to pay ... sometimes it's not high enough though and you end up doing the job at quadruple rates or something
17:29.39L|NUXMaliuta_CA: i hope i will become consultant as i do have 10 years working experience not in the field of telecommunication however i know how to make things work and i never forget people who helped me out to reach this place :)
17:29.43Maliuta_CAQwell: the point is it should be high enough that they don't take it
17:30.01Qwelllike I said
17:30.05Qwellbut when they do...hooray
17:30.09L|NUXMaliuta_CA: i agree with you :)
17:30.22L|NUXQwell: do you have some commission :P
17:30.31L|NUXQwell: just joking :)
17:32.10Maliuta_CAL|NUX: I'm a *nix sysadmin, I do all sorts of stuff. No windows anymore though
17:32.25L|NUXMaliuta_CA: same here :)
17:32.48L|NUXMaliuta_CA: but i reside in PK and make low income :)
17:33.11Maliuta_CAL|NUX: I have been underpaid most of my career
17:33.26L|NUXMaliuta_CA: and now a days there is global economic crisis
17:33.37L|NUXso companies are down sizing :)
17:33.50Maliuta_CAL|NUX: it was only a couple of years back I figured what I'm actually worth and what my work is like in comparison to most other people in the field
17:33.50L|NUXMaliuta_CA: :)
17:34.10L|NUXMaliuta_CA: how you realized that ?
17:34.23L|NUXcan we do talk in pm ?
17:48.00*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
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18:01.43*** join/#asterisk path_ (
18:02.09path_is there a manual way to register a trunk?
18:02.13path_through CLI?
18:02.41path_when I log into my asterisk gui there are some unregistered trunks
18:03.09*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:04.17path_in what file I add trunks ?
18:08.25*** join/#asterisk ziro_axis (n=ziro_axi@
18:11.06ziro_axishello all
18:14.09ziro_axisi want to ask about the Hardware compatibility with astrisk now
18:14.14*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (n=mountain@
18:14.29ziro_axisi have DELL power edge 2000
18:14.42Qwellziro_axis: should work fine
18:15.06ziro_axisany one have experiance with *now installed on this machine
18:15.22Kattysomeone hire me.
18:15.29eppigyi will hire you
18:15.35eppigyi dont think you will like the work though
18:15.36Kattyworking in hell is not condusive to my health and general well being
18:15.47Kattythat's okay.
18:15.54Kattyi have faith jaytee will get me a job at the zoo.
18:16.03eppigythen you can see aminals
18:16.17Kattyi think i'd be happier at a zoo
18:18.11*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
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18:19.23Kattymy company sent someone to my HOME last wednesday to look for me because i didn't answer my phone while i was in the shower.
18:19.30Kattyapparently there was an Urgent Problem
18:19.36Kattythat needed my IMMEDIATE attention.
18:19.44eppigythat is really scary
18:19.45Kattydespite the fact everyone knew i was going to a family gathering
18:19.48path_and thanks for the attencion btw
18:20.06*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
18:20.07eppigypath_: dog what si your definition of a trunk
18:20.13seanbrighti'm just thinking about Katty in the shower
18:20.15Kattyeppigy: what i make is even scarier.
18:20.17jbotit has been said that book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:20.23Kattyseanbright: don't do that.
18:20.32seanbrighttoo late
18:20.34eppigyis Katty a hot little freak?
18:20.46eppigyis that what is transpiring here?
18:21.27Kattyno, i'm a 45 year old male with no life.
18:21.29Kattynow can i rant?
18:21.47seanbrightthat's what i was thinking about in the shower obviously
18:21.56Kattyoh stuff it sean
18:22.14path_outbound lines used to allow the system to make calls to the real world eppigy
18:22.15Kattyaren't there some other girls you can think about right now?
18:22.18seanbrightthat's it, you're off my twitter
18:22.23seanbrighti hope you're happy
18:22.24Kattyi'm trying to bitch right now!
18:22.38seanbrightit must be a day ending with y
18:22.55Katty(you totally made me giggle)
18:22.59eppigypath_: please read the book
18:23.18*** join/#asterisk koss (
18:23.32Kattydangit, now i don't even feel like ranting
18:23.34seanbrightthere are too many doctors in here
18:23.37drfreezeAnyone know if there is a way to disable a polycom phone
18:23.42Kattydrfreeze: yes
18:23.43kossmy FSX ports stopped working (all i get is noise). how do i fix this without rebooting?
18:23.44Kattydrfreeze: unplug it
18:23.51Qwelldrfreeze: Do you have a 4 story window nearby?
18:23.55drfreezeRather not do that.
18:23.59Kattyi like Qwell's idea better.
18:24.02Kattyvolunteers for job
18:24.18seanbrightdrfreeze: you can just comment out the registration and sip reload
18:24.30drfreezeWe have a strange situtation - the cleaning service (I guess) is either dusting or wiping down the phones in the evening
18:24.50drfreezeOn one phone they pressed the redial button and it got stuck
18:25.18drfreezeCalled someone about 30 times over 3 days
18:25.42seanbrightnot a very affective redial
18:25.49seanbrightone of those
18:26.00eppigythat is intense
18:26.09eppigyi hope youre not regulated by fdcpa or some shit
18:26.11drfreezeVery mad patient
18:26.19drfreezeIt started calling Dec 26 at 5:56. :)
18:26.25eppigywell they will not live long enough to complain
18:26.31drfreezeJust what you want to deal with the day after Chrismtas
18:27.22drfreezeI can either stop outgoing calls in the evening or try to do a soft lock on the keys on the polycom
18:27.22seanbrightdrfreeze: well, the real problem to address: the cleaning staff should not 'clean' the phones
18:27.25path_eppigy, that's what says the gui about trunks ;)
18:27.39drfreezeseanbright: speak spanish? :)
18:27.41Kattysend themt o my house
18:27.46Kattyi'll give them somethin to clean
18:28.00seanbrightdrfreeze: yes.  'no telephono.  gracias.'
18:28.01Kattybut yeah, i'd just comment out the sip.conf registration
18:28.08drfreezeSomething seems to happen every year when I take a vacation. :/
18:28.18Kattydrfreeze: you're lucky
18:28.22Kattydrfreeze: i've not had a vacation inforever
18:28.36Kattyapparently i can't even take a shower without my company sending someone to my house.
18:28.36drfreezeKatty: I get one a yeear
18:28.39Kattyseanbright: shuush.
18:28.39seanbrightKatty: bad stuff happens when you shower
18:28.49Kattyseanbright: GET OUT
18:28.57seanbrightthis is my channel
18:29.06*** part/#asterisk ziro_axis (n=ziro_axi@
18:29.08Kattydrfreeze: i can't afford a vacation :<
18:29.12seanbrightChanServ: op me or something
18:29.23Katty<ChanServ> No OP For you!
18:29.35*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
18:30.03drfreezeKatty: get a better paying job. :)
18:30.10Kattythat'd be nice.
18:30.22Kattytoo bad this city only has 30k people, half of which are university peoples.
18:30.37Kattyyeah i know, move.
18:30.39drfreezeKatty: temporarily moving the sip.conf would prevent the calls, but not the sticky recall button
18:30.42drfreezethis is just crazy
18:30.55Kattychange the sip.conf password
18:30.58drfreezeI'm gonna sell that phone
18:31.06Kattydo you know the IP of that phone?
18:31.09Kattychange the server ip
18:31.12drfreezeAnyone interested in a Polycom 501 phone?
18:31.16seanbrightor better yet
18:31.21seanbrightblock the phone
18:31.21Kattythrow it out a window?
18:31.45KattyQwell: we cleared naxx btw.
18:31.56KattyQwell: i now have over 2k SP and 28% crit.
18:32.15*** join/#asterisk Dee2006 (
18:33.14seanbrightyes... yes it is
18:34.11DovidQwell: is there any way of setting "a extension" or an include that will work in every context without having an include ?
18:34.17seanbrightoh look at me, i'm ozzy osbourne and i play wow... blah blah blah
18:34.44seanbrightDovid: i feel that this exactly question was addressed somewhere recently
18:34.56seanbrighteither here, in -dev, or on one of the mailing lists
18:35.04KattyDovid: what on earth?
18:35.09KattyDovid: are you trying to do ...
18:35.16Dovidseanbright: I asked bere b4. some one responded there was a away. but never explained how
18:35.20Dovidit was one of the dev's
18:35.46Qwellseanbright: shouldn't clean the phones?
18:35.51QwellHave you never read HHGttG?
18:35.54QwellYou sir are insane.
18:36.11seanbrightDovid: it was Corydon76-dig
18:36.15DovidKatty: I have a client that is using asterisk-gui. each time he adds something i dont want him to have to add include =>... also when if I add stuff manually to extensions.conf when i hit apply now from the gui it gets removed
18:36.40DovidCorydon76-dig: Ping
18:37.14DovidCorydon76-dig: any way to do what I asked above ?
18:37.31Dovidi dont remember but i was told that I spoke to u about it last
18:37.35Corydon76-digwith a template
18:37.47*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
18:37.49Dovidwhat is a template
18:38.06seanbright09:10 <@Corydon76-dig> [global] exten => h,1,...  [every](global) ... [other](global) ... [context](global) ...
18:38.09seanbright09:11 <@Corydon76-dig> That syntax works in every Asterisk config file, with the possible exception of asterisk.conf.
18:38.10Dovidit rings a bell now from last time but i was not able to find any info n it
18:38.20seanbrighttold you
18:38.33Doviddont remember getting a response. and that is for extensions.conf correct ?
18:38.37Corydon76-digCreate your context whereever you like, then in each place that you want it, add [context1](template-name-here)
18:38.39ScribbleJThe free axterisk book calls that a 'macro' I think?  Look in there for it, and learn.
18:38.48seanbrightScribbleJ: no, different things
18:38.54ScribbleJOh, sorry, looked similar.
18:39.02Corydon76-digTemplates work in EVERY config file
18:39.10Dovidlet me test.
18:39.16Qwellnot voicemail.conf :D
18:39.33Corydon76-digQwell: yes, even there
18:39.43Qwellsurely saving won't work though
18:39.53Corydon76-digWell, okay
18:40.03seanbrighti thought codefreeze-lap fixed that
18:40.34Corydon76-digcodefreeze fixed that with includes, not with templates, I don't think
18:40.46seanbrightwell he needs to get on that :P
18:40.55codefreeze-lapadds it to the list
18:41.02DovidCorydon76-dig: Under globals I have exten => h,1,Noop(Fooooooo) whichd does not work
18:41.12Corydon76-digseanbright: you come up with that strategy, and I'll implement it
18:41.13Doviddidn't understand what you meant by: [context1](template-name-here)
18:41.25seanbrightoh my...
18:41.34Dovidyes sean I can be dumb at times....
18:41.37Corydon76-digDovid: add that to every context where you want it inherited
18:41.52Dovidisnt that sort of the same as an include ?
18:41.59Corydon76-dig[default](globals) [internal](globals)
18:42.15Corydon76-digNope, includes have different priority
18:43.01Corydon76-digtemplates provide access as if the extensions were DIRECTLY in the context, which means they override patterns
18:43.11codefreeze-lapHas anybody actually *tried* saving something with templates?
18:43.20Dovidok so in globals I put Exten => h,1,Noop(fooo) then in for say context [dialout] i change that to [dialout](globals) ?
18:43.30Corydon76-digDovid: Correct
18:43.53Dovidyay ;)
18:44.21seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: not me
18:44.34seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: and i was completely joking about you needing to get on that :)
18:45.08codefreeze-lapI was just wondering how big a mess got saved...
18:45.12Dovideven though i put it in the asterisk-gui seems to remvoe it so i am starting all over again
18:45.24seanbrightthe gui will always overwrite it
18:45.49Corydon76-digThe GUI doesn't handle templates, sorry
18:45.56codefreeze-lap... but on the other hand, it may just work, as all it might have to do is remember the guy/s in the ()'s and reprint it.
18:46.10Dovidseanbright: this is why i aked for that feature.
18:46.30codefreeze-lapaching for it, are ye?
18:46.39Corydon76-digDovid: it's an order of magnitude more difficult
18:46.42DovidCorydon76-dig: If I manually put in include => some-context the gui remove's that too
18:46.44*** join/#asterisk dieguito84 (
18:46.58Corydon76-digDovid: then don't use the GUI
18:47.01seanbrightding ding ding
18:47.46DovidCorydon76-dig: I wish I didn't have to... I hate GUI's. goto work with what the %$^%$&%$#%# client wants
18:47.57Corydon76-digGUIs are designed to be a simplistic interface, taking a lot of the complexity out.  You're asking us to put complexity back in
18:48.18DovidCorydon76-dig: That is correct. Time to put out a bounty for what I need.....
18:49.20seanbrightwell that's interesting
18:49.35seanbrightbecause that uses the UpdateConfig AMI mojo
18:49.37Dovidi know its a strange request but its frustrating the hell out of me.
18:49.50*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
18:49.51seanbrightwhich may not even support templates
18:50.16Corydon76-digI'd be surprised if the GUI even supported multi-line comments
18:56.16*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
18:56.40pfnricko73, how's that a known bug?  that's because of the t option in the dialplan, no?
18:57.10*** join/#asterisk xxoxx (n=xxoxx@tor/regular/xxoxx)
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19:10.29ricko73pfn:  if you're using the "park" feature, the parked call could initiate a transfer
19:10.41gambler1codefreeze-lap: ping
19:10.58codefreeze-lapgambler1: pong
19:11.44gambler1codefreeze-lap: I just wanted to let you know (if you remember) that problem with cdr has been solved in 1.6.1 trunk I downloaded couple days ago
19:12.00codefreeze-lapgambler1: did you file a bug?
19:13.13gambler1codefreeze-lap: nope, as I tried 1.6.1 trunk as you suggested ( I didnt understood that I should fle a bug anyway)
19:14.07codefreeze-lapgambler1: good. just checking. Good. means something got fixed... thanks for letting me know.
19:16.30gambler1codefreeze-lap: thank you for fixing the bug :)
19:17.52*** join/#asterisk ibercom (i=d9d85170@gateway/web/ajax/
19:19.12voxterdont suppose any of you guys deploy voip inside a wisp network you have control over?
19:21.45kossmy FSX ports stopped working (all i get is noise). how do i fix this without rebooting??
19:23.04voxterkoss: ive fixed stuff like that by stopping asterisk, unloading the tdm card driver, reloading it, and restarting asterisk
19:23.04voxterit usually happens after a power surge comes into the lines.
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19:30.13pfnricko73, I don't think that's the case in the uscis example I mentioned
19:32.54*** part/#asterisk Dee2006 (
19:41.46Jembaninheya - got a question, see if anyone might know what the problem could be
19:42.50Jembaninnew install done today, but for some reason the phones seem to drop off. asterisk doesn't seem to pick up on it
19:43.01*** part/#asterisk ibercom (i=d9d85170@gateway/web/ajax/
19:43.32Jembaninthey work fine when connected straight to the sipgate trunk, but when going via asterisk thats when it seems to happen
19:44.01*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
19:47.10kossvoxter: stopping asterisk is same as rebooting to me..can't do it durring "production" hours
19:47.28voxterkoss: not sure i can help you then.
19:47.38kossok no problem ill just reboot at midnight lol
19:47.44kossthanks tho
19:47.46*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=shazaum@unaffiliated/shazaum)
19:48.44shazaumthere is some bug in sip in realtime?
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19:51.55smultroni'm looking into a hosted asterisk server/service. is there anything i should be aware of? anything significantly different than running an in-house server?
19:53.55Talkradiojust be aware it's going SUCK lol
19:57.40*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
19:57.49smultronTalkradio: why's that? i'm curious about which is the better option (in-house vs hosted)
19:58.48feedssmultron: I think the main issue is lag and echo ;)
19:59.05feedsand secondly, I doubt you'll have full control over config files...
19:59.57smultronoh, i didn't know lag/echo would be an issue. even if both the server and office have T1 or better?
20:00.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
20:01.07`SeanOkay, who here has a Cisco 7970G??
20:03.24feedssmultron: No idea, never tried other than self-hosted asterisk ;)
20:04.39smultroni've never tried any asterisk yet. so i'm open to suggestions.
20:06.11JembaninSuppose it would depend on how good your connection is, to the hosted asterisk server
20:06.12feedsmy * server runs without echo through my local net, and I don't bother trying more ;)
20:07.08*** part/#asterisk koss (
20:13.16UQlevJembanin: I tied to install 2 asterisk in USA and in Cyprus and connected 2 clients to each of it. Quality of communication is not worse than for LAN on 1 server
20:14.13*** join/#asterisk jdnWEST (
20:14.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:15.09eppigyhello [TK]D-Fender
20:15.21eppigyit is good to see you again
20:15.27[TK]D-FenderYou are Dave
20:15.35eppigythat is factual
20:15.43justdaveHe is Dave
20:16.38[TK]D-Fender"these are the Dave's I know, Iknow, these are teh Dave's I know...."
20:20.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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20:23.12jjshoedon't shoot me here, but can you do joins in the asterisk db? :P
20:23.21seanbrightjjshoe: no
20:23.31seanbrightjjshoe: isn't not an RDBMS
20:23.51jjshoeseanbright yeah I know, I just wasn't sure if someone implemented it for s and giggles
20:25.18*** join/#asterisk arpu (
20:29.34[TK]D-FenderIt'd be cool is someone were to invent a motorcycle with 4 wheels, a trunk, and that could seat, I dunno, maybe 5 passengers....
20:29.58[TK]D-FenderWhats this crazy-talk about cars I'm hearing?
20:30.46*** join/#asterisk Atom2 (
20:32.53feeds[TK]D-Fender: Boah, I'd buy one of those !
20:35.10*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
20:50.06*** part/#asterisk jdnWEST (
21:05.42DaveCanoeIs there a way to get the source IP of a SIP conversation into a variable (I need to make dialplan decisions based on source IP and I want to avoid jails).
21:12.22_ShrikEDaveCanoe: the SIPCHANINFO function may do what you are looking for.
21:14.02DaveCanoehrm... that might do it... thanks.
21:18.10*** join/#asterisk kerx ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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21:27.20thesandbenderIs anyone available to answer a few questions about setting up asterisk with POTS lines coming in and feeding POTS phones?
21:27.32*** part/#asterisk dazwin (
21:28.18[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: How many of each?
21:28.44thesandbenderIt would be 6-8 lines coming in feeding 8+ phones on the inside.
21:29.05madsaraHey, do I actually need a soundcard for festival, or can I just generate the audio to a file?
21:29.12thesandbenderI'm helping my brother setup a new office... eventually the inside will be VoIP but he wants to use existing equipment right now.
21:29.13[TK]D-FendertheAre you looking at using analog phones because of preexisting wiring restrictions ?
21:29.23*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:29.24thesandbendercost restrictions.
21:29.42thesandbenderI told him he should eventually move to VoIP and he agreed but there are a lot of startup costs right now.
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21:30.46thesandbenderI was looking at getting rocketport multi-port modems to handle inside and outside right now.  I believe that will work with asterisk but wanted to confirm with someone with more experience.
21:31.27[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: Are you expecting to expand on those lines?
21:32.01thesandbenderYes... eventually moving to a T1.
21:32.22thesandbenderI know the T1 <--> VoIP side of things... just haven't messed with POTS in a long time.
21:32.26jjshoeheh 8 analog lines are generally more expensive then a pri in any populated area
21:32.29thesandbender(fractional T1)
21:32.36thesandbenderThat's what I told him.
21:32.55jjshoeand you can get good voip phones for sub $100 a handset these days
21:33.04jjshoebut if he wants his buisness to sound cheap... ;)
21:33.33thesandbenderactually, I think he wants it to sound solvent with no debt.
21:33.51thesandbenderAt least at this point.
21:35.01[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: <- x2
21:36.11thesandbenderThanks fender
21:41.27[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: Well sounding solvent and buying a less functional solution are 2 very different things.  Have you investigated PRI(and partil) pricing VS analog lines?
21:41.42thesandbenderThat's on the list of things to do tomorrow.
21:42.04thesandbenderI'm trying to make sure I present him with viable options.
21:42.44thesandbenderUnfortunately he's been told by several people that VoIP sucks so he's very reluctant to move to it.
21:43.03[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: who said anything about **VOIP**?
21:43.15[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: I'm talking PRI <----
21:44.32jbotrumour has it, pri is [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
21:44.48thesandbender[15:32] thesandbender: Yes... eventually moving to a T1.
21:45.22[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: Yes, but you just meanted "not VoIP" and your use of "eventually moving to T1" is quite ambiguous
21:46.02thesandbenderseveral different trains of thoughts and coversations going on right now.  Sorry.
21:46.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, workin late?
21:46.28thesandbenderRight now he's set on POTS <-> POTS b/c he's been told that PRI/T1 is more expensive and VoIP sucks.
21:46.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I left work at 1pm for a haircut actually and went right home....
21:46.49thesandbenderI need to dispell both misconceptions.
21:46.58jayteelucky you
21:47.11[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: verify the former, and forget the latter
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21:47.31[TK]D-Fenderthesandbender: because an equivalent PRI card would cost less than his analog  equipment needs
21:52.34*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
21:54.32thesandbenderI appreciate the help and the links.
21:57.49jayteequittin time, bbiab
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22:01.40TrentCreekI tried this script out:
22:02.24TrentCreek[error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting
22:03.30[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Go ask in #apache , this isn't it
22:03.45*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
22:03.56TrentCreekwell it is a script for * :-D
22:04.26[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: And?  Does Harmon Kardon have to fix your transmission just because they supplied your car stereo?
22:04.42TrentCreekthey should
22:04.53[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: unload
22:05.20TrentCreekhey! It works now!
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23:02.16angryuserGood day
23:05.02eppigyi am dave
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23:34.34JabessI have compiled my asterisk, but looks like have compile with LDAP support, but I don't want with LDAP.. how can i remove this feature
23:34.50Madkisstry ./configure --help and watch out for ldap.
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23:35.55Jabesshmmm... I need recompile again?
23:37.51fiXXXerMetWe are having an intermittent audio problem.  When making outbound calls, we can not hear any audio.  Any common things I might have missed / should check?
23:42.26QwellfiXXXerMet: nat/firewall
23:42.39Jabess[fiXXXerMet] check if you are behind a NAT, yo should configure it..
23:44.06[TK]D-FenderJabess: whats the problem with having LDAP support?
23:44.32Jabess[[TK]D-Fender] I don't want that support.
23:44.40Jabesssorry, that feature.
23:44.59Jabess./configure --help | grep ldap
23:44.59Jabess--with-ldap=PATH use OpenLDAP files in PATH
23:45.05[TK]D-FenderJabess: again, what is the problem with having it?
23:45.13fiXXXerMetWe are behind a NAT, using SIP.  I have ports UDP 5060 10000:20000 and 2727 forwarded.  Any others that I am missing?
23:45.17fiXXXerMetrules from
23:45.33[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: lots of sip.conf seting, go read :
23:45.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:45.58fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: WIll read, thanks
23:46.31Jabesswell, when I reload everything the Asterisk console said: *CLI> reload
23:46.33Jabess[Dec 30 18:46:10] WARNING[75018]: res_config_ldap.c:1401 parse_config: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default.
23:46.58JabessI don't that warning in my logs ever time that I reload it.
23:47.11[TK]D-FenderJabess: useless warning.  you can always just disable that module fron loading
23:47.32[TK]D-FenderJabess: hardly reason to recompile
23:47.43Jabessuff.. great.
23:47.51JabessI can't believe..
23:48.11[TK]D-Fenderits not butter
23:48.30[TK]D-FenderJabess: "noload => <- in modules.conf
23:48.40[TK]D-FenderJabess: Ain't Raw-Cat Science
23:48.47Jabessohh, rigth right..
23:49.12[TK]D-FenderJabess: Any other neurosis' we can help you with while you're here? :p

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