IRC log for #asterisk on 20081225

00:03.52*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxd00d@
00:25.35*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
00:28.48*** join/#asterisk conathan (
00:29.16conathanHello,  I was trying to determine how to configure asterisk to utilize a external sip voicemailbox.
00:31.05*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff2 (
00:31.24*** join/#asterisk ElCheapo (
00:37.06*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
00:39.10ManxPowerconathan: It is just another SIP destination, instead of your dialplan running Voicemail, have it run Dial to send the call to your SIP voicemail server.
00:42.43conathanwell, that part works (well, dialplan extension, not as voip), but my phone had a blinking light when there is a message waiting.  I was curious what it would take to make that work
00:42.57[TK]D-Fenderconathan: a big mod to chan_sip.c
00:43.29conathanok, so no simple
00:43.38[TK]D-Fenderconathan: Correct
00:43.46conathanok, ty
00:49.08*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
00:50.38ManxPowerYou did not ask about MWI, silly.
00:50.58conathanI never knew MWI existed
00:51.01ManxPowerYour SIP voicemail server could send Asterisk an MWI message if your SIP voicemail server supports that.
00:51.12ManxPowerMWI = blinking light
00:51.27conathanI noticed les has a 'no msg's' log msg when it registered
00:51.31conathanthat's what prompted my question :)
00:51.45conathanwhen I had local voicemail, light blinks on my polycom :)
00:52.39conathan{polycom,PAP2} -> asterisk (WRT54G) -> (Provider + vmail).
00:54.52*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:54.59ManxPowerMy suggestion is to stop using provider hosted voicemail
00:55.13conathanI have a 4MB harddrive...
00:55.44ManxPowerI assume, then, than your time is worth nothing?
00:55.50ManxPowerYou have the answer.
00:56.49[TK]D-Fenderconathan: Realize that while it seems "cute" to have * running off a puny little toaster, that you're making a real sacrifice.  Whining about the price you pay while sticking with that solution won't get you anywhere
00:56.55timeshell__How does one uninstall dahdi?
00:57.01conathanI have my answer.  no direct solution.  there is a workaround dealing with msg00001.txt files being present that I just found online by mentioning mwi (Thanks)
00:57.44*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
00:57.49[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: No script for this.  I suppose you could hunt down the files that get copied around manually... just look at the makefile
00:59.43timeshell__Is there a reason chan_zap isn't in the menuselect list of 1.4.23-rc3?
01:00.22timeshell__According to the release notes it was to support both dahdi and zap
01:00.28[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: because dahdi REPLACES zaptel entirely
01:00.46[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: No, Zaptel stops at 1.4.22
01:01.08timeshell__Well, I haven't been able to get gui 2.0 to see the hardware using the dahdi driver.
01:01.19timeshell__Also, it doesn't appear that oslec works with dahdi yet
01:02.06timeshell__I even tried a clean install of asterisk, dahdi and asterisk-gui
01:02.18timeshell__Does NOT detect my wcfxo
01:02.24timeshell__At least from the gui
01:02.30timeshell__dahdi show status  gives "Wildcard X100P Board 1                   OK "
01:02.45timeshell__I'm getting very frustrated
01:04.34Bananaskinis away: I'm busy
01:04.36[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: So the GUI's broken.  Do something else in the meantime
01:10.48*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:20.19*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6821d85da1ae63a8)
01:24.33*** join/#asterisk rcy (
01:29.20*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:45.40*** join/#asterisk aenaus (n=hdgfghf@
01:50.11*** join/#asterisk FelixZ (n=zxf@
01:50.19*** part/#asterisk FelixZ (n=zxf@
02:00.14Germakidoes anyone have T48 working on asterisk.
02:01.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:01.21*** join/#asterisk SlicerDicer (
02:04.20timeshell__Why am I getting [Got SIP response 513 "Message too big" back from] with 1.4.23-rc3?
02:04.52*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:09.36[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: Maybe you should look at the message.
02:09.44timeshell__Also, when using DHADI naming, for example, previously to use Zap it was as Zap/g1.  Is it now DAHDI/g1?
02:09.53[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: yes
02:10.05timeshell__TK:  Never got the message before installing 1.4.23
02:11.42jayteewell, it is a release candidate version not an actual release
02:12.11timeshell__Yep, thanks jt
02:12.23[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: "Well" doesn't matter when you aren't looking at the actual problem.
02:12.32Germakidoes 1.0.6 3 RC 3 have T38 gatewa?
02:12.44Germakiis there any documentation available? im trying to send faxes :)
02:14.31timeshell__TK:  Didn't quite get your last comment
02:15.24[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: "but it didn't happen before".  Tells us nothing except "No... I don't actually feel like trying to solve this by examining whats causing that message".
02:16.12timeshell__TK:  I have NO IDEA what's causing that message
02:16.23timeshell__That's why I'm asking
02:16.38[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: of course not.. because you're not looking at the SIP DEBUG.
02:16.47timeshell__It appears to be affect my connection to callcentric only
02:16.54timeshell__All my other connections are fine
02:22.08jayteehmmm, that narrows the field a little
02:23.53timeshell__debug hasn't given me anything useful yeg
02:25.41[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: it will when you get the error next
02:26.08timeshell__I already got the next error
02:29.51timeshell__dahdi calls aren't working.  I just get a message saying [Dial argument takes format (technology/[device:]number1)] after it dials with [(macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3]
02:30.12timeshell__Where I just replaced Zap with DAHDI in my extensions.conf
02:35.50*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
02:36.29jayteeI just don't understand why this song and the group didn't rocket to the top of the charts and the band become bigger than the Beatles, it just reeks of awesomeness, doesn't it?
02:38.26coppiceI seem to remember it did rocket to the top of the charts, however innane it might be (or is that because its so bad)
02:42.49[TK]D-FenderIt did indeed rocket... problem was the warhead went off ;)
02:44.13jayteeI'd mentioned them the other night when we were discussing music in here and just happened to see that vid as a link on Digg a few minutes ago
02:44.25*** join/#asterisk timeshell__ (n=chatzill@
02:49.43coppiceis that premature disk-jock-ulation
02:53.51timeshell__Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown)
02:54.38jayteedid you compile DAHDI before you compiled Asterisk?
02:54.44timeshell__Um yah
02:55.05timeshell__dahdi show status = Wildcard X100P Board 1                   OK
02:55.05jayteedid you configure DAHDI in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf?
02:56.12*** join/#asterisk dmz (
02:57.23eppigyi am dave
03:01.50jayteeno, I'm whatever. he's dave
03:02.05timeshell__jaytee:  YEs system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf were set
03:02.51jayteeI thought I heard whining but then I didn't see a pastebin so it must be my imagination
03:04.40timeshell__What was the question?
03:09.33*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
03:09.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:22.53[TK]D-FenderWho's on firs?
03:23.12jayteethat's right!
03:23.24jayteesometimes his wife comes down to collect it.
03:28.08timeshell__What's on second?
03:30.23timeshell__I don't know.
03:33.51*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
03:41.30jayteeyou are dave
03:41.45eppigyi see we have met
03:41.48jayteesee! I remembered
03:42.23eppigyi am at my folks for christmas
03:45.12timeshell__It's amazing how gui 2.0 butchers up a dialplan
03:47.53jayteeneither asterisk-gui or freepbx are supported in this channel
03:48.12timeshell__Practically renders my dialplan useless.  Wasn't asking for support.  Just making a comment
03:49.04eppigyGUI's are useless
03:49.09eppigyi mean for dialplan
03:49.12eppigyrelated stuff
03:49.21eppigyy6ou should only have a gui for reporting
03:49.54*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:53.56*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
03:54.18[TK]D-Fendertimeshell__: Yes.  We know.  Its a consistent pattern.  Old Faithful has nothing on you.
03:56.29timeshell__Nice when one is known so well.  :D
03:57.05*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
04:06.50*** join/#asterisk andrew` (i=[
04:06.51[TK]D-FenderI prefer the term "imfamous"
04:07.06andrew`What's the GotoIfTime equivalent in AEL?
04:08.05[TK]D-Fenderandrew`: GotoIfTime
04:08.12jayteeI don't do AEL but I'd imagine it's GotoIfTime
04:08.26jayteethe function, not the app
04:08.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Quic, what colour was Napolean's white horse?!?!
04:09.24andrew`do you think i can use a goto type label instead of context|extension?
04:09.38jayteefor what?
04:09.39[TK]D-Fenderandrew`: Always could... thats the point
04:09.57*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:10.18andrew`thanks :)
04:11.46jayteeI'm not 100% certain but I believe if you use a labeled priority for a Goto then it has to be in the current context or explicitly reference the context and labeled priority you want to jump to.
04:12.08andrew`yup - that's right for goto statements so hopefully is the same
04:12.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Close
04:12.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Almost had it....
04:12.51jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ok, so clarify please
04:12.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
04:12.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Tell me that wasn't the one that cost you dCAP round 1!
04:12.57jayteewhat'd I miss?
04:13.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: A label is a substitue for a priority.  Which means by itself it must be in the CURRENT EXTENSION.  Otherwise it'd increment as "exten,label", then "context,exten,label"
04:14.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: just "being in the context" means nothing.
04:14.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Every exten in a given context can have identical labels
04:14.47*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
04:14.52*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
04:14.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Just not within the same exten.
04:15.30jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ok, yeah. I forgot to stress that part. If i have more than one extension in a context I always ref both the exten and the label or if I want to jump outside the current context I ref all three
04:16.13jayteeand I do use identical labels throughout the IVR dialplan
04:28.47andrew`ugh. ael reload now causes asterisk to die
04:28.52andrew`but works fine on launch
04:29.08andrew`strange that there are no errors
04:31.01andrew`oh well, works for now
04:34.36*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:40.14*** join/#asterisk timeshell__ (n=chatzill@
04:45.35[intra]lanmanmisses the good ol' days of his phone system crashing all the time
04:46.08[intra]lanmanthat just makes me all nostalgic
04:52.14*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:11.39*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:14.37L|NUXcan some one tell me why i keep getting this error
05:14.38L|NUXDec 25 13:15:57 NOTICE[26531]: app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
05:14.45L|NUXrestarting asterisk will solve this problem
05:29.51*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:40.01*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
05:48.38*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
06:02.42*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
06:15.46*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (i=leddy@
06:16.33jayteeMerry Christmas and good nite to all!
06:26.08*** join/#asterisk ltd (
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06:47.12*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
06:54.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
07:02.53L|NUXany one arround
07:03.21L|NUXcan some one tell me how can i change SIPHeader From: ?
07:03.36L|NUXThis to From: "0169065262" <sip:0169065262@>;tag=as7e231556 -- From: "60169065262" <sip:60169065262@>;tag=as7e231556
07:04.12*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:04.42*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (i=leddy@
07:12.24TrentCreekedit it
07:13.17*** join/#asterisk newmember (
07:24.04*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (
07:32.59L|NUXTrentCreek: how
07:33.04L|NUXedit source code ?
07:33.20L|NUXi think editing source code is not a good idea :)
07:34.51L|NUXTrentCreek: exten => s,n,SIPAddHeader(From: "${CALLERID(num)}" <sip:${CALLERID(num)}@>)
07:39.00TrentCreekin the dial plan
07:45.53*** join/#asterisk kerx (
07:49.06L|NUXdoing that
07:58.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
08:07.44*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
09:11.22TrentCreekL|NUX: is it working?
09:26.49SwKL|NUX, just set the callerid(name) to callerid(num)
09:26.56*** join/#asterisk droem (
09:27.13TrentCreekhe did that
09:27.28SwKand that didnt work?
09:27.49SwKas long as you arent setting the fromuser on the sip peer it should work
09:27.50TrentCreekhe never replied back, so i assume it did
09:30.33*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
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09:45.03SwKanyone seen a working SIP client for Android yet?
09:53.21TrentCreekI have not been paying attention to Android, but I have head there are some
09:53.51TrentCreekProbably look on one of the Google Group for Android
09:54.31TrentCreekI sure there is..Google had a big contest last year for apps.
09:58.48SwKI cant find one... google aint playing nice heh
09:58.52SwKtheres people saying they have it
10:00.18TrentCreekMaybe not
10:12.16TrentCreekI am sure someone wrote a SIP stack
10:15.49*** join/#asterisk reneger (
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10:20.36TrentCreekFound it
10:36.02*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
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11:31.53*** join/#asterisk hakr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
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12:41.57sarmisakhi all
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13:13.38*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=44c1d604@about/security/staff/dlewis)
13:13.50dlewisquestion question
13:14.03dlewisthose Sangoma A20001D cards, how do they negotiate the CID? Do I have to still put settings in or does it figure it out on it's own?
13:17.14*** join/#asterisk benneton (
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13:20.15tzafrir_laptopdlewis, FXS? FXO? Generally look into zapata.conf / chan_dahdi.conf
13:20.42tzafrir_laptopAnd using the right model name would probably get you better search answers...
13:21.21eppigyi am dave
13:21.25eppigymerry christmas
13:25.35coppiceis that a statement, command or question?
13:32.16dlewistzafrir_laptop: the card has I believe 2 FXS 2 FXO, but that's independent of the question... I'm trying to get CID to work on my Grandstream HT503, but with no success. I'm thinking about switching to the Sangoma A20001D card.
13:33.02tzafrir_laptopdlewis, keyword to mention: sip . e.g.: chan_sip , sip.conf
13:33.39tzafrir_laptopUnless it is not connected directly to Asterisk (though I assume it is, as we're on #asterisk)
13:36.33dlewisi think we're on two different pages (or maybe I'm confused)
13:37.35dlewisif I get a sangoma card (i.e. the A20001D), where would I input the caller ID settings? I know there is a section in FreePBX, but I wanted to know if I had to enter the RX, FSK or Caller ID transport levels...
13:37.45coppiceIf you think a Sangoma A20001D card actually processes the CID you probably are confused.
13:39.59*** join/#asterisk alexfranci (
13:40.24dlewisok, then I am
13:40.45dlewishow does the CID get processed if I use the Sangoma A20001D card?
13:40.57dlewiswhen I use the grandstream ht503, it processes or translates the CID.
13:41.56tzafrir_laptopThe unit processes caller ID and translates it to SIP. Asterisk considers it a SIP phone
13:42.15tzafrir_laptopWhatever other devices are connected to Asterisk are irrelevant here
13:42.30dlewiswhen you say "the unit" you mean the ht503?
13:42.46coppicethe Sangoma card is dumb. all the processing happens in Asterisk or Freeswitch or whatever is using the Sangoma card
13:43.48TrentCreekeppigy: Dave, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.
13:44.33dlewisit's slightly different with the ht503
13:44.48dlewisyou have to enter the FSK and RX levels to even get the CID working
13:45.33*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
13:45.37dlewisthere are a bunch of settings that need to be put in to get CID to work (none of which I've got working yet)
13:58.14sarmisakis there a simple gui to configure an asterisk server?
14:07.24*** join/#asterisk alexfranci (
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14:13.00tzafrir_laptopsarmisak, there are several. Generally any GUI assumes several things about the configuration of Asterisk and limits you to a subset of its abilities
14:13.18tzafrir_laptopFreePBX is quite popular. Quite capable, though rather intrusive
14:13.55tzafrir_laptopasterisk-gui (#asterisk-gui ) is nice and basically simple. A bit limited, though
14:14.29tzafrir_laptopis looking into #druid now. Very interesting but still many rough corners.
14:30.26*** join/#asterisk droem (
14:31.52tzafrir_laptopwonders who is this droem that probes versions...
14:32.44droemjust looking what others are using for IRC
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15:05.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
15:10.08TrentCreekstop snooping
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15:25.17xnixanhi, when trying to "make install" on my CeEntOS 5.2 for asterisk-1.4.22, i'v got the following error
15:25.24xnixanany idea how to solve it?
15:29.38etfonhomeyxnixan, do you have DAHDI installed?
15:35.58tzafrir_laptopif dahdi/zaptel is not available, how come app_rpt was built?
15:40.27etfonhomeyMy next question was gonna be, was compiled/installed successfully?
15:46.21tzafrir_laptopthere was no message there about missing zaptel.h / dahdi/user.h .
15:46.31tzafrir_laptopapp_rpt.c bug?
15:46.41xnixanetfonhomey, yes it was installed successfully!
15:59.00*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
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16:41.59*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
16:43.18verywisemani am needing statistics about Asterisk performance
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16:48.35riddleboxverywiseman, it all depends on your hardware.....
16:49.10verywisemanriddlebox, i know , but i want to see some statistics
16:52.44[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Viery little if anything exists for this.
16:53.20*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
16:54.39verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, ok , but at least i want to know the ratio btw number of calls and hw specifications,
16:54.54[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: the very thing that does not exist
16:55.13[TK]D-Fender\verythere are a LOT of factors.  You can't throw a single number out there.
16:56.00[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Look up "asterisk dimensioning" on the WIKI for atiny and almost useless sample of others accounts given how old the data is and may no longer apply.
16:56.31verywisemanare there ata gateway support more than 8 fxs?
16:56.52[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: AudioCodes MP-124 , Mediatrix 1124
16:57.01[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: to name 2 off the top of my head
16:57.16dlewis[TK]D-Fender: i'm thinking about getting the A20001D Sangoma card... what are your thoughts on it?
16:57.17[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Plenty of other makers, Patton, Cisco, etc
16:57.32[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What port combo is that?
16:57.45[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: 2 FXO?
16:57.55[TK]D-Fender(1 module)
16:58.41dlewisI believe so
16:58.55dlewisi'm thinking about getting it to replace my grandstream ht 503.
16:59.05dlewiswhich isn't cutting it right now
16:59.08dlewisCID doesn't work
16:59.51[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Given your port needs, this would be far more cost effective :
17:00.47*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
17:01.09[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: A200 + EC scales higher, but you are nowhere near the point of profiting from that, so the new series card is a better fit
17:01.43dlewisso, essentially you're suggesting this other card for the price? Am I gaining any features with the B600D?
17:02.22[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: 4 FXO + 1FXS and better fax hand-off
17:02.24dlewisthe reason I ask is because I might be able to get the A20001D for that price.
17:02.39[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: 2 FXO vs TWICE as much + 1 FXS
17:02.49[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: You'd ahve to be crazy to take the A200D these days
17:02.50dlewisah, ok
17:05.51eppigyi am dave
17:07.06[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Whats with the constant re-introduction?  It makes you look retarded.... change your nick to i"amdave" or something and be done with it.
17:21.36*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
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17:54.32SlicerDiceris anybody able to point me to a howto on linksys 3102? I am trying to figure out how to get the fxo side working :)
17:56.12dlewisSlicerDicer: there are a bunch of docs on the net
17:56.13dlewistry google
17:56.49SlicerDicerdlewis: I have used google.. most of the documentation I have found surrounds using freepbx.. not much in regards to conf examples that I have found
17:58.23*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
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18:10.18tzafrir_laptopSlicerDicer, do you get a SIP device?
18:10.25tzafrir_laptopcan you call to it? from it?
18:10.40tzafrir_laptoperr... I mean: does it show up in 'sip show peers' ?
18:10.51SlicerDicerthe fxo?
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18:40.11tzafrir_laptopOT: is kbd compatible with your kernel? :-)
18:40.24tzafrir_laptopsomeone should update that description, I guess
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18:44.22eppigy[TK]D-Fender: i do it in every channel i idle in; you and jaytee are the only people bothered by it
18:44.25eppigythis upsets me
18:49.18[TK]D-Fendereppigy: We'll be sure to point it out in those other channels so you don't feel left out...
18:49.51[TK]D-Fendereppigy: It comes off as needy and then ridiculous to pick a nick and then spew off your real name (if it actually is) like that on a constant basis
18:52.21eppigyI dont know bro
18:52.58eppigyi think you are reading in to it
18:53.01eppigyfar too much
18:53.39eppigyit is just silly and dumb
18:53.47eppigyinternet is not srs business
18:53.58eppigydespite popular belief
18:55.17eppigyi am not here to try and maintain the appearance of an intellectual titan
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19:46.40tzafrir_laptopwonders why the said guy is here for, anyway
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21:25.51SlicerDicercore set debug 10, core set verbose 10, I have done this... however when I try to call from a outside phone and ring whats connected to asterisk.. it only says 'really destroying sip dialog '' Method: ACK' I am quite confused as to what is going on...
21:26.05SlicerDicerI can place calls but cannot recieve them
21:26.31SlicerDicerfirewall settings are fine I would note too
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21:56.03TrentCreekSlicerDicer: Receiving has nothing to do with making calls
21:56.51TrentCreekmake sure you are registering with your DID provider
21:57.50SlicerDicerwell when I do "sip show registry" it says registered
21:58.37TrentCreekhow long has this been going on?
21:58.50SlicerDicerI just started using asterisk yesterday :/
21:58.53SlicerDicerI am trying to figure it out
21:59.19SlicerDicerI keep getting spam in the cli that says register attempt 1, register attempt 2 every 40ish seconds too
21:59.42TrentCreeksounds like a problem with provider
21:59.50SlicerDicerI use callcentric
22:00.37TrentCreekmake a complaint, or go with another company
22:09.23*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
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22:17.26SlicerDicerI was a dweeb TrentCreek I got it working
22:17.33*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
22:17.35SlicerDicerrequired google and more google ;-)
22:18.11SlicerDicer :) 2nd post from bottom..
22:23.46*** join/#asterisk dec3pti0n (n=dec3pti0@pdpc/supporter/student/dec3pti0n)
22:24.08dec3pti0nanyone here users zoiper (idefisk) on Mac OSX leopard ?
22:27.52eppigyi am dave
22:28.15drmessanodec3pti0n: I hope not
22:28.17eppigytzafrir_laptop: i am here to lol
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22:49.45dec3pti0nyeah it did not work so well I tried the X-lite which is pretty good but as far asI can see only has english version
22:50.20dec3pti0nis there another better sip/IAX2 softphone out there with a broader language support ?
22:50.54dec3pti0nI saw openwengo but that won't allow me to connect to asterisk , asterisk can connect to their network which is pretty cool
22:51.11drmessanoUse parallels and boot into XP, then install X-Lite
22:51.34dec3pti0nhmm ?  why ?
22:52.31*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
22:52.50drmessanoOSX is a fun game, but you never get to the end guy, only more and more levels with bosses that have names like "Airport" and "Why is my keyboard so hot and melty"
22:53.22drmessanoEventually, you just end up poor and broke, installing Ubuntu on a gateway and stealing wifi from a neighbor
22:53.27drmessanoSave yourself now
22:53.49dec3pti0nubuntu ? why go for a cheap copy when I can have the pure debian !!!
22:53.54SlicerDicerhmm interesting. If I keep restarting asterisk eventually I can do inbound calls.. Anybody know what would cause this? Its very random that I can make incoming calls no way to replicate a exact reason why?
22:54.16SlicerDicerI can make about 45 calls to the inbound and maybe 10 will go through after repeat resets of asterisk
22:54.17drmessanoSlicerDicer: Look at the logs.  We're not mindreaders
22:54.23drmessanoSlicerDicer: Sounds like "Shits broke" to me
22:55.25SlicerDicerwhen it fails.. the logs really do not show me anything other than "really destroying sip dialog 'blah blah' Method: ACK"
22:56.10SlicerDicerwell thats in cli
22:59.24SlicerDicerand my /var/log/asterisk is about worthless as tits on a boar... nothing is being added to it.. I have made 3 failed calls to it and there is no new information... so I am really confused on how to find error messages
23:19.06*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
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23:44.14dec3pti0njust for testing iax2 trunk I could deploy 2 asterisk servers in two separate location and then use the register thing to connect it to an IAX trunk on another * box right ?
23:47.23eppigyi like to touch it
23:53.05dlewisi needs to get me one of these:
23:53.08dlewisuses SIP
23:53.11dlewiswould be a good door phone
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23:57.56stencilHello, I've got somebody spoofing my home phone number and ordering pizza, what can I do other then change my home phone number?

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