IRC log for #asterisk on 20081221

00:00.11glazconathan: I did assume was using sip, am I right ?
00:00.36Dovidu dont want to use default if u have outgoing in it as well ;)
00:01.07glazyou never want to have incoming and outgoing in the same context!
00:01.36conathan*nods*, but was trying to simplify the config file when I was trying to make it work.  [temporary hack]
00:02.05glazwe all do unsafe tests :)
00:02.21conathanhmm, forgot secret's on phones.
00:03.05glazcontext=lesnet_peer , its not default
00:03.20conathanoh, another hack :)
00:03.36conathanlet me fix this up & retest then repaste
00:03.51glazno need to restart
00:03.57glazjuste sip reload and dialplan reload
00:04.14conathanI mean, before I finish posting (I haven't posted extensions yet)
00:05.25*** join/#asterisk hakr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
00:05.31conathanwell, I got it working :)
00:06.04conathanforgot about that 2nd context, although it did not seem to be going that route before [I did take off default lesnet extension off the register since I've tested that though]
00:06.41conathannow, to see if I can free up enough space on my drive for wpa_supplicant.  need 100kb
00:08.20conathanhey, when you have a 4MB drive,  it's tough
00:09.03glazoh, running asterisk on WRT ?
00:09.26conathanyep :)  16MB ram, 4MB harddrive.  I do miss MOH though...  and callerid...
00:09.41conathanran it for a year on a x86 before that
00:10.05glazyeah, I have CentOS running on a AMD 2600+ that was laying around
00:11.14conathanbeen wondering what kind of router would have more horsepower for it,  perhaps USB ports that could be used for MOH and a few extra hz,  but Asus's WL500G is my best bet so far
00:11.39glazoh, cause you dont have any timing source?
00:12.21glazanyway, I gotta go!
00:12.25conathanwell, I dont have a crystal clear conversation,  (probably my fault w/ cofniguration)
00:12.38conathanor QOS, who know's
00:12.53conathanbut I did want something witha  bit more power/storage space :)
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00:23.02TrentCreekconathan: 4MB hard driver? must beone of those old giant IBM MFM drives that weigh about 20 pounds
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01:31.15ScribbleJDang, I put the AGI in mAGIcal.
01:32.32ScribbleJWell, would you believe I put the exten => in extenze?
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04:02.18*** join/#asterisk VoipForces (
04:02.51*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
04:03.16[T]ankgetting a codec error... I know I am doing something dumb that is causing it, but I am tired and not finding it... here are the details:
04:03.19VoipForcesHi guys. Anyone has ever written a random ringgroup code? No not a queue. I can not use a queue even with static agents for this. I need a ringgroup but that will ring extensions in a random fashion
04:05.09[T]ankfor what reason do you not want to use a queue?
04:06.31VoipForcesI'm having a problem. This is a dialer application through SIP trunks (dialing over 300 channels at a time). When using a queue the agents get 70% dead-air transfers.
04:06.56VoipForcesUsing direct dial to the extensions, all calls are ok.
04:07.14VoipForcesI am not sure why yet and do not have time to find a root cause right now.
04:07.22[T]anklol... been there.
04:07.37VoipForcesThus have to go with a big ringgroup (50 extensions)
04:07.40[T]ankdont know any other way to randomize it without writing an application to use via the asterisk manger
04:07.53VoipForcesBut a hunt ringgroup is unfair to the last agents in the group.
04:08.28[T]ankquiet tonight.
04:08.37VoipForcesI do have a code to randomize calls on small ringgroups using the RANDOM application, but managment (add/delete extension) is a pain.
04:08.57[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Dec 20 20:53:11] WARNING[9120]: channel.c:2779 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g723 to ulaw
04:09.16[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: You are allowing everythihg, they pick G.723, you agree and get screwed
04:09.30[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: pick your codec yourself
04:09.34VoipForces[T]ank: so you have experienced this same problem before?
04:10.59[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: "core show function RAND"
04:11.03[T]ankno... but I have done some applications before, and know that you could do it that way. Use a database to randomize, and go from there to the asterisk manager
04:11.25[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: I see no need for manager
04:13.20VoipForcesTK: I know that is what I used fr a small ringgroup (4-5) that "almost" never changes. In this case the avalable extensions changes multiple times during the day (kinda dynamic agents)
04:14.03[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Random is random.  Quantity is irrelevent
04:15.10VoipForcesTK: It's not the quantity, it's the manageability. I can't ask the customer to play in the dialplan everytimg an agent goes on break or when he adds agents to the poll.
04:16.01VoipForcesJust wanted to know if anyone had already done something similar. I guess not so I'll start coding from scratch.
04:16.13[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Who said thaqt would be an issue?
04:16.24[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: AFAICT you are inventing problems
04:16.39VoipForcesA dynamic ringgroup with random ring startegy, not that is a good name for it.
04:16.54VoipForcesTK: Not sure what you mean.
04:17.39[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Pick your people and dial.  Whats the issue?
04:19.31VoipForcesTK: ??? This is an automated outboung dialer engine. It makes calls and when peoples press on a perticular key they get transfered to an agent.
04:19.57eppigyi am dave
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04:27.38[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, Ive never done anything like what he is looking for. That was the only other thing I could think of that would do it.
04:28.55[T]ankthanks on the codec deal... i had it specified, just spelled wrong I think... so i changed it to all to make sure that I was not doing something wrong... thats what got me screwed up.
04:28.56[T]ankthanks .
04:28.58[T]ankgood night all
04:29.16VoipForcesGood night [T]ank, thanks
04:29.25*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
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04:36.34VoipForcesTK: RAND seems to ack wird...
04:37.11VoipForcesAnd this is what I get:
04:37.13VoipForcesSet("SIP/1000-b76150b0", "MYRAND=1722193527") in new stack
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04:39.13VoipForcesrussellb: Do you know of any issue with the RAND function under 1.4.22 ?
04:41.12russellblet me check the code
04:41.24[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Dump your dialplan and CLI
04:42.20russellbcode looks fine, not sure how that could happen
04:42.24seanbrightuse a pipe, not a comma
04:42.33russellbboth should work
04:42.42seanbrightpipes are cooler
04:42.43russellbpipes and commas that is
04:43.13russellbyou can turn on debug logging to the console in logger.conf and you should see a message telling you what it thinks it got as arguments
04:44.28russellbah, dialplan error
04:44.33russellbyou're missing a trailing ')' on that line
04:45.34VoipForcesShit... sorry
04:45.55[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I was hoping that was a paste error earlier..
04:45.57russellbit's a pain to read all the ({({({({ in dialplans sometime
04:46.37[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: esp. when there is only 3 to worry about here ;)
04:46.46russellbok, well, it's getting late?
04:46.57russellbI'm trying to cut some slack :)
04:47.02VoipForcesYup. I'm near Montreal, so it is late here
04:47.33[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Va-t'ens mon ostie :p
04:47.59VoipForcesTK: Ben oui...
04:48.09VoipForcesTK: En fait sur la rive-sud
04:48.25[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: L'Ile de L'ouest ici
04:49.04VoipForcesTK: Cool. Russell mube be wondering what we are saying now LOL
04:49.54russellbi could go translate it if I cared enough, heh
04:50.43jayteesomething like, "I'm not really french but I do have a small penis"?
04:50.50russellbjaytee: lol
04:51.08jayteemore like naughty than nice
04:51.23jayteeso the jolly fat man won't be bringing me anything this year
04:51.40eppigythats why you have to treat yourself year round
04:51.44VoipForcesrussellb: while you are here. Do you see any reason why calls originated via call files and dropped into a context that does an AMD then go to a queue would end up as dead-air to the agents that pickup the calls ? We are seeing 70% of the calls like that
04:51.47russellbsends jaytee some coffee beans that have passed through the intestines of a cat
04:51.51eppigyfor naughty people every day is christmas
04:52.07jayteerussellb, Noooooooo! no Kopi Luwak for this guy!!!!
04:52.12VoipForcesrussellb: While if we ring extensions directly most all calls are ok.
04:52.13russellbVoipForces: um, no :)
04:53.22VoipForcesrussellb: Ok, I'll try to document it a bit better and open a bug with it. Right now I just need to get those guys to a production stage so I'm writing a random strategy ring group LOL
04:54.00russellbJust install res_monkeys, that will keep them confused for a while
04:54.09russellb(a module that randomly plays monkey sounds into active calls)
04:54.12jayteeand it's actually a civet not a cat that Kopi Luwak comes from, the Asian Palm Civet
04:54.12[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I'm sure his wheel will be MUCH rounder ;)
04:54.46russellbjaytee: ah, I was just going off our previous conversation.  I don't actually know what I'm talking about :)
04:55.17jayteeI've got no problem spending 24 bucks a pound on Jamaican Blue Mountain green beans but I draw the line at anything that comes out the ass of a rodent.
04:55.44russellbI totally understand where you're coming from, ha
04:55.48jayteeit's actually closer to a fox than a cat, they just look like cats
04:56.33jayteeI'm so jonesing for some Kona bean from Moki Farms. they have such small crops though so next harvest I'm buying in bulk.
04:56.50VoipForcesrussellb: Any chance of having the next Astricon in Montreal ? Just asking ;-)
04:57.01russellbVoipForces: I have absolutely no control over that ...
04:57.29russellbDigium Marketing department runs it ..
04:57.40VoipForcesrussellb: I know. Was not able to convince my boss to attend this year unfortunatly.
04:57.51russellbNext year, then!
04:58.07VoipForcesrussellb: Is the location chosen?
04:58.13russellbnot that I have heard
04:58.24russellbin the US somewhere, I'm sure ..
04:58.53VoipForcesrussellb: Too bad... Canada is not part of the US... yet ... ;-)
04:58.53jayteeIndianapolis has lots of space for conventions and reasonable rates for hotel space!
04:59.34russellbI just hope it's somewhere I haven't been (and is worth seeing)
04:59.41jayteeI might even be able to wangle a group discount on admission to the zoo
05:00.06eppigysomeplace with a good coain- I mean yes reasonable hotel rates
05:00.14VoipForcesI liked the location of the 2007. Now that was remote.
05:00.33russellbheh, it was not intentional
05:00.45russellbit was supposed to be where we had it in 2008, but the hotel didn't get finished in time
05:01.06russellbbut I had a lot of fun with a golf card for the week, heh
05:01.15VoipForcesHad a blast at a local bar. Hitched a ring in the back of a pickup truck to come back to the hotel LOL
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05:03.22jayteewhere was 2007?
05:03.46coppiceit was everywhere 2 years ago
05:04.02VoipForcesjaytee: In the desert, a bit far from Phoenix, AZ
05:04.19jayteewasn't 2008 in Phoenix also?
05:04.43VoipForcesjaytee: Yup, but different location
05:05.01coppicethe desert far from phoenix is a beautiful place
05:05.21VoipForcesok, got the basic code working for special ring group, so I'll go sleep now.
05:05.22jayteeI'd love to work for a company that would send me to Astricon but then first I'd have to get my C skills back up to speed. Get out some rust remover.
05:05.52jayteebe nice to have it in Copenhagen before they close all the "coffee" bars down ;-)
05:06.29VoipForcesjaytee: why are they closing cars in Copenhagen?
05:06.48VoipForcesjaytee: I was there a while back and had a blast.
05:07.14jayteethe coffee houses, some of them, not cars. as far as I know cars in Copenhagen are still permitted :-)
05:08.12VoipForcesStrange. Ok, got to sleep now. bye all
05:08.29jayteeit'll backfire on them. it would be like outlawing scuba diving in Belize or gambling in Vegas
05:09.05jayteeI felt like punishing myself earlier tonight so I bought the O'Reilly Perl Cookbook
05:09.17*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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05:10.17timeshellAny word on the digium skype channel release date yet?
05:10.44orkidanyone use
05:11.11timeshellDoes anyone use chanskype on a 64bit asterisk?
05:11.32russellbdigium's skype channel is in beta right now, no official release date
05:11.57timeshellI'm rebuilding my system tomorrow and I'd prefer to rebuild with 64 bit.
05:12.10timeshellHowever, I don't know if chanskype will work under 64bit
05:12.40russellbthe new one?
05:12.59timeshellThe new one what?
05:15.00[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm fried.  later all
05:36.39jayteeit's vewy, vewy qwiet in heah
05:45.42russellbwas coding, sorry
05:45.45russellbjbot: make some noise
05:45.46jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `some noise'.  Stop.
05:46.00russellbjbot: make love
05:46.01jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `love'.  Stop.
05:46.16eppigyjbot: make clean
05:46.16jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
05:46.20russellbjbot: make
05:46.34jbotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  Click!
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06:19.37russellbwhy are you ... sad?
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06:25.29drmessanoDont be EMO
06:25.44drmessanoPut down the Mascara and step away from the Ben Folds records
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06:45.22joatyang, you awake?
06:49.55jbotACTION watches eppigy pull the trigger:  Click!
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08:17.41salmonixHi there, I would like to know if Asterisk is the software for my problem. The task is described here: Thanx in advance.
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08:22.31salmonixEeer.. if I was answered, pls., repeat, for I had a short network breakdown.
08:31.12ScribbleJI can't answer for your hardware, but as far as what you want to do, ASterisk is a great way to do it.
08:32.29salmonixThanx, ScribbleJ, I keep on reading then.
08:33.13ScribbleJIs there a reason no one has implemented a ast_speech_engine that connects to a sphinx backend instead of Lumenvox?
08:33.29ScribbleJI mean, I'm setting out to write one, and I wonder if it's something that's been attempted and declared folly for some reason.
08:33.38ScribbleJIt seems like an obvious thing to do.
08:34.21ScribbleJI suppose that's an asterisk-dev question.
08:46.08SwKasterisk is probably the wrong thing for him to use for that
08:46.20SwKyou need something that does VAD and then only records then
08:46.33SwKelse you'll have huge files with nothing in them
08:47.13SwKspeaking from experience of working in the Air Traffic Control arena where we recorded everything to tapes w/ no VAD... miles of tapes with no shit on it
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09:41.21freddykgood morning
09:41.48Talkradiogood morning
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10:22.58salmonixSwK: Regarding VAD able software could You recommend sg.? The case seems to be simple for me - the talkies to be recorded either have no traffic, or talk. The telephone line to record are the same. I think background noise has little role.
10:30.13SwKnot sure what to tell you since you are looking for a volunteer brigade... not use commerically available stuff... drop me an email to and I'll drop an email to one of my friends that is on a volunteer fire brigade to see what they use
10:31.32salmonixSwK: Thanx, its on the way.
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10:55.32harm_kabisahi all, can i configure asterisk to ask our clients for a pincode, before they can continue in a specific menu?
11:00.15tzafrir_laptopharm_kabisa, DISA or build your own with READ
11:00.39harm_kabisatzafrir_laptop: any docs on this subject?
11:00.48tzafrir_laptopcore show application DISA
11:00.52tzafrir_laptopcore show application Read
11:01.04jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
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11:13.46DovidIs there any way to have mixmonitor to record in wav49 as opposed to "regular wave" ?
11:15.57tzafrir_laptopDovid, use file type .WAV ?
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11:31.42gambler1codefreeze-lap: ping
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12:03.47Dovidtzafrrir: I was using wav
12:08.29tzafrir_laptopWAV is for wav49
12:12.39Dovidtzafrir: Do you know the GUI ?
12:12.46Dovid*Asterisk GUi
12:16.47DovidI am using the asterisk gui and I created a Queue. I try to log in and it asks for a password. Where is that set in the gui ? I do not see a place to put in a password for a user to log in to a queue
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12:41.36Dovid[Laptop]is there any way for me to set that an h extension should be called on ever hangup with out putting it in every context ?
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13:10.08SparFuxDovid: I don't think so.
13:10.26SparFuxAll in all extenstions.conf is quite complex and uncomfortable. So... this is one aspect of it!
13:12.32Dovid[Laptop]SparFlux: Is there a way to add an agent to a queue through the asteriskdb ?
13:13.05Dovid[Laptop]i am using the GUI and when trying to log in to the queue it asks for a password which is not set any where. i am thinking of manually inserting it
13:13.36SparFuxI don't know anything about asteriskdb.
13:19.55gambler1Dovid[Laptop]: you can add any key/value pair in * db, but in order to be useful you need somehow to read the db. This is normally done in extensions.conf, I am not * expert so I dont know is there any way to access db from some other * "part"
13:21.33*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
13:22.11Dovid[Laptop]gambler1: my issue is that I can not log in to a queue and I want to 'fool' asterisk
13:22.47Dovid[Laptop]i added it to the asteriskdb but did not seem to help
13:25.42gambler1Dovid[Laptop]: hmmm I think there is asterisk-gui support channel. However, what did you put in * db? username/passowd?
13:27.14Dovid[Laptop]asterisk-gui seems to be dead npw
13:32.11*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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13:52.05tzafrir_laptopDovid[Laptop], asterisk-gui has been quite active in the recent weeks
13:52.27tzafrir_laptopThough maybe not so much on Sundays
13:53.29Dovid[Laptop]tzafrir_latop: Have you seen my issue ?
13:58.37*** join/#asterisk VijayG (n=vijay@
14:02.03tzafrir_laptopDovid[Laptop], I guess that you should reduce this to an Asterisk configuration question and ask it here...
14:02.24tzafrir_laptopand hold on line for an answer...
14:02.38*** join/#asterisk joat (
14:06.00Dovid[Laptop]where are agnet username and passwords stored ?
14:06.32Dovid[Laptop]agents.conf ?
14:13.15PanGoatDovid[Laptop]: yep, look at the very bottom of the file for examples
14:13.18PanGoat; agent => agentid,agentpassword,name
14:13.25PanGoat; agent => agentid,agentpassword,name
14:13.42*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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14:15.24tzafrir_laptopDovid[Laptop], hmm.... agent.conf? users.conf? (knowing the asterisk-gui, just about anything can be in users.conf)
14:16.28Dovid[Laptop]tzafrir_latop: I have been through users.conf. its not there. seems to be in queues.conf but there is no place where a password is set
14:16.55johnakabeanHey room. Anyone alive? I need help transferring calls on the trunks. I don't want asterisk to do the hosting of the transfer; my providers allow transferring using their systems and I wish to do this. The problem is, I need it to transfer on the specified channel.
14:17.11johnakabeanwhat's up dovid?
14:19.44johnakabeanIf you're looking for passwords for your extensions: Sip_additional.conf If you're looking for the passwords for the mysql database: amportal.conf
14:19.50johnakabeanwhat are you looking for?
14:20.01PanGoatDovid[Laptop]: again, agents are defined in agents.conf. If you look at the very bottom of the file, there are examples of defing agents.
14:20.04Dovid[Laptop]johnakabean: Not using amp ;)
14:20.09*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:20.23Dovid[Laptop]PanGoat: Using asteirsk GUI (2.0).
14:20.29Dovid[Laptop]cant seem to figure out how to get a user logged in
14:20.43Dovid[Laptop]i actually added users to agents.conf and that didnt help
14:21.08PanGoat? shouldn't they be in sync?
14:22.36Dovid[Laptop]ok. seems to be something to do with the asterisk gui
14:22.54Dovid[Laptop]for instance my extensions here are set up from 1XX-2XX
14:23.08Dovid[Laptop]in agents.conf if I put in agent => 100,100,Test
14:23.15Dovid[Laptop]it wont let me log in as 100 and pass 100
14:23.41Dovid[Laptop]if I put in say agent => 600,600,Test
14:23.46Dovid[Laptop]then i can log in as 600/600
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15:38.29timeshellHas anyone successfully used chanskype on a 64bit asterisk?
15:49.14riddleboxtimeshell,  you have to pay for it?
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15:54.55eppigyi am dave
16:02.51*** join/#asterisk fabbari (
16:03.49Bananaskinrecalls a line from 2001 A Space Odyssey - I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
16:04.52*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=maache@
16:04.54eppigyi get that all the time
16:05.12eppigy"Consequences David."
16:08.51drmessanoI honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.
16:09.10Bananaskinwho's been visitng IMDB film quotes :)
16:10.15drmessanoI memorized the whole movie
16:10.55drmessanoA lot of people think I am weird when I say this, but I think 2001 is one of the best horror movies of all time
16:10.55BananaskinDave, although you took thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move, clearly there was a codec mismatch
16:11.06drmessanoWatch it with the lights off..
16:11.11drmessanoSurround sound
16:11.22drmessanoKubrick was an absolute genius
16:11.28eppigyThere is an idea of a Patrick Bateman
16:11.39eppigysome kind of abstraction
16:11.47eppigybut there is no reaql me
16:11.54Bananaskinwasn't it Arthur C Clarke who wrote it ?
16:11.58eppigyonly an entity
16:12.02eppigysomething illusory
16:12.07drmessanoHearing the ambient sound, then the silence, as they flip back and forth between the ship and the outside
16:12.27drmessanoClarke wrote it.. Kubrick made the film
16:12.49eppigyKubrick synthesized the mescaline
16:13.04drmessanoKubrick is one of the few who could actually take a book and make an equally artful film out of it
16:13.10drmessanoRather than some crap adaptation
16:13.24Bananaskininteresting fact, the Clarke Belt is named after him
16:13.35drmessanoHence the reason 2010 was so ho-hum
16:14.21drmessanoI heard somewhere there is a script in the works for 2069
16:14.27drmessanoI sure hope not
16:14.44drmessanoHollywood can't make that movie without it turning into a Tom Cruise gay lovefest
16:15.13eppigyThey will cast Christian Bale
16:15.46*** join/#asterisk xxoxx (n=xxoxx@tor/regular/xxoxx)
16:16.38drmessanoNaw.. They need someone to follow in the footsteps of Roy Scheider
16:31.26*** part/#asterisk axisys (
16:32.14Nuggetheh, listening to a commercial on television in the other room and it's allison's voice doing the narration
16:33.23*** join/#asterisk dbii (
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16:39.51yangjoat: Around ?
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16:42.40Dovid[Laptop]we are akk proud of "our" allison
16:48.52tzafrir_laptopcan asterisk authenticate to pgsql (for cdr) using ident (passwordless) authentication?
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18:10.10a1fawow I am confused with teliax's call log
18:10.48a1fatheir call log differs from my asterisk call log
18:11.26*** join/#asterisk DigitalIrony (n=eric@nat/digium/x-75ef67f885360914)
18:12.11a1faah figures
18:12.19a1faits not logging calls any more
18:12.54*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (n=cstewart@nat/digium/x-3af3e801847bcdd8)
18:13.11a1fahow can i enable call loging into that .csv?
18:14.15a1facdr.conf looks configured
18:18.30gambler1a1fa: cdr.conf is configured for csv logging and your Master.csv is empty?
18:19.51a1faMaster.csv has not been updated since August 2008
18:20.23a1fai still have 11 GB
18:20.26a1faof free space
18:20.53gambler1a1fa: do you have any other registered cdr backend?
18:21.29*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
18:23.12a1facdr_manager is set to no
18:23.39a1fais it supposed to be set to no
18:23.55*** join/#asterisk telecos (
18:25.05gambler1a1fa: do you have anything in * messages log, when you restart it?
18:26.01a1faone sec
18:26.05a1fathere is bunch of crap
18:26.47a1fai got bunch of people trying to bruteforce my extensions
18:26.49a1fasilly them
18:26.56a1fathe joke is on them
18:27.55Nuggetthere needs to be a telephony equivalent of
18:28.03a1fai am seriously thinking of changing my sip port
18:28.07NuggetI suppose you could put rickroll music on all the invalid extensions
18:28.47a1fanothing regarding CDR
18:28.55a1famostly .ael files
18:29.21a1fai dont use those files
18:29.35a1facan you cat cdr_manager.conf
18:29.37a1faand tell me if
18:29.40a1faenabled = no
18:30.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
18:30.46gambler1I do not have cdr_manager.conf (therefore is disabled)
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18:31.39gambler1take a look at permissions on Master.csv and dirs (do you run asterisk as root or some other user?)
18:32.48a1faroot i guess
18:32.50a1fathats not good
18:33.00ManxPowerNo not guess.  Know.
18:33.29a1fai know, its running under root
18:33.32a1fai dont like that
18:33.50ManxPowera1fa: get it working the way you want, then deal with the userid issues
18:35.20gambler1it's quite strange that you have problems with logging to csv, are you using * or some * distro na piaf or trixbox?
18:36.01a1fastraight * built from source
18:36.12a1faAsterisk 1.4.22
18:37.03ManxPowerWhat specific issue are you having with logging?
18:37.22a1faits not loggint into Master.cs
18:37.22a1faits not loggint into Master.csv your /etc/asterisk/logging.conf
18:38.56ManxPowerI'd have to look, but anything that sounds like a logging conf file in /etc/asterisk
18:39.04*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
18:39.29gambler1logger.conf is supposed to deal with * messages not with cdr's
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18:39.46a1facdr.conf is the cdr logfile
18:40.39a1fait should be stock
18:40.48gambler1please post cdr.conf using pastebin
18:41.48a1fapastebin is slow
18:43.00ManxPowerI don't even usually have a .conf file for CDR, and Asterisk logs just fine without it, but my customers don't use 1.4, so maybe things have changed since 1.2
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18:48.41gambler1your cdr.conf looks ok, can you execute "module show like" at * cli ?
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18:51.49gambler1a1fa: sorry, I run out of my time, have to pickup wife and kid..
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19:00.05jayteehi Strom_C
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19:02.32eppigyhi SparFux
19:02.43SparFuxHey, eppigy, everything ok?
19:02.48eppigyeveyrthing is great
19:03.04jayteeit's 10F here
19:03.22eppigyoh nice
19:03.27eppigyI am in atlanta
19:03.36eppigyand it is a little chilly
19:03.37SparFuxAh, I see.
19:03.47eppigywe had a heat wave last weak
19:03.56*** join/#asterisk feeds (
19:04.03SparFuxMy holiday is over. I cannot say I have achieved much. At least I have decided on which telephones to buy and I got them.
19:04.20eppigywhat did you get?
19:04.33SparFuxFor the last 4 weeks here in germany we had cold and wet weather.
19:04.46SparFuxThe T-com Sinus 700i. It's an ISDN phone.
19:05.15SparFuxI was not able to find wireless internet phones, so I bought these ones.
19:05.32jayteeISDN? instead of SIP?
19:06.08jayteeyou're going to use those with Asterisk?
19:06.14SparFuxYes, I will.
19:06.22jayteewow, sounds expensive
19:06.32*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
19:06.37SparFuxAre there wirelss internet phones?
19:06.47*** join/#asterisk kinnaz (
19:07.22joatyou mean wireless sip phones?  yes
19:08.18SparFuxOh my god!
19:08.21SparFuxYes, I see it now!
19:11.29*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
19:12.19edibracfrom a 2005 mailinglist post, one guy claims "anything other than an IDE Drive you cannot use DMA and the Digium cards rely heavily on DMA" -- is this true?
19:12.40edibracmy understanding is that with SATA, this DMA isn't something you need to worry about
19:13.14edibracand i'm guessing if there were a serious widespread SATA drive to Digium card problem, it would be well documented and google'able.
19:13.35edibracso maybe in 2005 it was true, but now it's not. Does that sound irght?
19:15.22jayteeedibrac, probably not true as I've used TDM04B cards and TE212P cards with SAS drives and with SATA with no problems.
19:16.35jayteeproblems come in when the bus speed is slow and the drive subsystem generates too many interrupts during disk access for reads and writes which affects timing on the cards IF it causes interrupt latency.
19:16.52SparFuxok, what do you think of this phone:
19:17.46jayteeI think that phone is obviously for Germans and since I can't read german I have no opinion on the matter :-)
19:18.31x86since it has Skype, MSN, and Net2Phone in the URL, I would certainly say it sucks
19:18.39x86as it's likely a USB phone
19:18.41x86== lame
19:21.05*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
19:21.18jayteeSparFux, wouldn't you need a dedicated ISDN channel off your Asterisk server or some ISDN media gateway device for each phone? that sounds very expensive and not an ideal solution.
19:21.43SparFuxYes, you are right. There are actually really cheap voip telephones.
19:21.54feedsx86: I think it is an USB phone ;)
19:22.00mchouI'm having a hard time figuring out how to do blind transfers betw. 2 sip phones w/asterisk
19:22.28jayteemchou, what kind of phones?
19:22.30mchoudont you just hit the # key and the exten to transfer to?
19:22.41mchoujaytee: pap2
19:23.03x86mchou: first you say "sip phones" and then you say "pap2"
19:23.31mchoux86: umm, pap2 is a sip phone
19:23.38x86pap2 != SIP phone
19:23.44x86pap2 == ATA
19:23.47mchoux86: lol
19:23.53SparFuxAnd I don't understand why the butler 4012 is only 15 euro while the Audioline, »EURO 300S« is 35 euro!
19:23.55mchoux86: yeah, whatever
19:24.03x86mchou: well it's totally different
19:24.19jayteemchou, you could use the # for transfer from asterisk but you'd have to make sure that the # is in your PAP2 dialplan configuration in order to pass it to Asterisk. PAP2 may have another method of initiating a blind transfer but I've never used one, just the SPA-2102 so I imagine it might be in their manual somewhere.
19:24.26x86mchou: a real sip phone (hardphone) usually has a blind transfer soft key
19:24.26mchoux86: you want to argue semantics go elsewhere
19:24.52x86mchou: ok, so you dont want help... cool by me
19:25.19jayteemy Polycoms have a softkey for transfer that then lets you choose blind or attended and a softkey for conference. love em!
19:25.27mchoux86: your seamntic parsing by definition is not "help"
19:25.53x86mchou: they are completely different!
19:26.01edibracfor my cisco 7940 you do a *70 , i think
19:26.01jayteemchou, chill dude, there are lots of decaffienated brands that are just as tasty as the real thing.
19:26.02joatin any case...
19:26.06mchoux86: yeah, keep going on about that
19:26.08x86mchou: methods used by a real sip phone and an ATA differ entirely!
19:26.15edibracbut i guess you can program a button to do the *70
19:26.24SparFuxGuys, what is a wireless sip phone you would recommend?
19:26.33x86SparFux: Polycom KIRK
19:27.03joatSparFux: actually most of them suck...
19:27.04SparFuxOk, doesn't seem to be available.
19:27.11SparFuxjoat: what sucks about them?
19:27.13x86joat: polycom KIRK rocks
19:27.21x86SparFux: stay away from 802.11 phones
19:27.29x86SparFux: the KIRK stuff is all DECT
19:27.33joatx86: true, but you usually get what you pay for
19:28.29joatmost of the cheaper models are tolerant of less-than-perfect wireless connections
19:29.07x86joat: 802.11 phones suck in general, period
19:29.13SparFuxand the connection will fail? that's bad.
19:29.16x86joat: dect is the way to go
19:29.16jayteeat close to 300 bucks for a KIRK 5020 I'd rather go with a PAP2 or SPA-2102 and a standard DECT cordless off of it.
19:29.26joatnot fail, just introduces errors
19:29.39joatcordless is probably better than wireless
19:29.58joatx86: i agree
19:30.18joatwent the wireless route at one time... ended up giving them away
19:30.50joatthen lost my ATA in a lightning strike
19:31.44jayteeI'd like to have both the time and equipment to test a wifi phone with 802.11n but then I have too many other things to do at them moment
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19:31.57x86jaytee: regular cordless phone can't get your email, do IM, support presence, have an XML browser (very useful for corporate directories, etc), and other things that the KIRK phones do
19:32.35jayteex86, true but there are always tradeoffs if you want portability
19:32.45joator $$
19:32.48jayteeor you end up having to pay a premium price
19:32.52jayteeexactly! :-)
19:33.01*** join/#asterisk tobias (n=tobias@
19:33.01mchou$99 at walmart
19:33.22mchounot a premium price at all for an iPhone :)
19:33.31joatthen there's the SAF
19:33.38jayteebecause if I tried to sell the 300 dollar solution to my boss I'd get the evangelical christian version of "WTF?"
19:34.19x865020's run ~$199
19:35.32x86a decent DECT phone and an ATA would be close to that, minus all the extra features
19:36.01*** join/#asterisk GIRGI1 (i=CIRGI1@
19:36.06x86also standard DECT phones don't support repeaters
19:36.28GIRGI1hi all,Is there a way to prevent users with extensions to not register on asterisk?
19:36.30x86KIRK stuff supports repeaters so you can light up your whole campus and do seamless roaming
19:37.13x86with a regular DECT phone, you go out of range of the single base station and you're screwed
19:37.42jayteeyeah, if you've got the money for it. I'm looking at the pricing from Google search and it's listing the KIRK server 3000 at 6 grand and the the Server 500 at 600 bucks.
19:38.46jayteetechnically it would be an ideal solution for our environment at work. Our zookeepers could be anywhere in their biome and have the phone clipped to their belt.
19:39.13jayteebut the price is a killer
19:39.32SparFuxDoes anybody know the TOPCOM Butler 4012 Skype/MSN/Net2Phone VoIP ?
19:39.36mchouand not get mauled by a tiger when the ringer goes off?
19:39.46mchoujaytee: ^^^
19:39.56mchoujaytee: :)
19:40.19_ShrikEfor long range cordless, endenius rules.
19:40.27_ShrikEerr engenius
19:40.42jayteemchou, our keepers are always separated from our Amur tigers by large metal caging. They're never within touching distance unless the tigers are very young cubs and the mother is sequestered or the adult is under sedation.
19:41.32joatin researching the KIRK phones, it looks like DECT is used (proprietary repeaters?)
19:42.08jayteemchou, they're adults now but these were our last two cubs when they were little:
19:42.28mchoujaytee: lol.  your zoo dont have tigers that leap out of their confined enviroments like those at the San francisco zoo? :)
19:43.05jayteemchou, nope, our tiger biome is large but has a metal steel cable net over the entire top of the enclosure.
19:43.52jayteeall of our large cat biomes are constructed in the same manner.
19:48.14*** join/#asterisk fun330 (
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19:48.54fun330hey does anyone have a dlink or netgear poe switch that will power polycom 301's?
19:50.54jayteeI don't. I've only got one Polycom that is using PoE. I used a Linksys PoE adapter. I know Cisco gear won't work with the Polycom phones because Cisco shit is not standard. Not sure about Dlink or Netgear
19:51.14beekAfternoon jaytee
19:52.21mchouhah, figured out how to d bling transfer on pap2
19:52.24jayteeafternoon beek
19:52.34jayteemchou, how?
19:52.38fun330the netgear and dlink are standard and they work with my gransdtream and linksys phones
19:52.41mchoudont even have to enter any secret codes
19:53.01jayteefun330, then I'd think the Polycom would work too
19:53.08mchoujaytee: "flash" would do it
19:53.30fun330when i plug in the polycoms the power light on the poe cable for the polycom does not light up
19:53.40jayteeso you just hit the flash button on a phone if it's got it or hit the switchhook real fast?
19:53.42fun330and they don't boot
19:53.46fun330i don't get it
19:54.12mchoujaytee: call 1 in progress....hit flash, dial other exten... hang up on call continues on other exten
19:54.24edibracon this test box i have, when I do zap show channels, it doesn't exist as a command. Do i have to explicitly add in modules.conf?
19:54.32jayteemchou, good to know for future reference, thanks.
19:54.51SparFuxOk, do we have a WIRELESS DECT phone for voip with network connector?
19:55.02beekedibrac: Are you running DAHDI or Zaptel?
19:55.35beekIf chan_zip isn't loaded they you'll definitely be missing the command.
19:55.54beekOr, if it didn't load because you have no channels defined (or a misconfiguration) you'll get the same problem.
19:56.02edibracactually i don't see it on the system at all - all id id for zaptel was a make/make install
19:56.14edibraci have a correct zapata.conf from a working setup
19:57.04jayteeedibrac, what distro? CentOS? Debian?
19:57.16fun330is there a polycom channel?
19:57.19jayteenot sure how to start the zaptel service on that
19:57.31beekI'm not even sure WTF it is.
19:57.39jayteewith CentOS you'd do a chkconfig zaptel on and then service zaptel start
19:57.40edibracit's a redhat derivative
19:58.03beekWhat jaytee said should work with it then.
19:58.08edibracyeah i can restart zaptel, and it detects my card (ztcfg and zttool say so too)
19:58.17edibracmaybe I didn't build zaptel correctly by source
19:58.50jayteerPath is a redhat derivative? that's one apple that feel way far from the tree then. It uses the Conary package manager instead of Yum
19:59.16edibracok wrong wording - but the file struture is similar
19:59.26mchoufun330: you might want to find out exactly which PoE spec polycom 301 supports
19:59.30jayteeedibrac, do an lsmod | grep zaptel
19:59.30outtoluncrpath is(at least was) conary
19:59.46outtoluncoops, should have read up
19:59.53mchoufun330: it might be pre-standard
20:00.06edibracjaytee: yeah, zaptel is loaded
20:00.12edibracfrom lsmod
20:00.24edibraczaptel                189992  60 xpp,wcusb,wctdm,wcfxo,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wcte12xp,wct4xxp,tor2
20:00.26jayteeedibrac, did you compile asterisk before or after zaptel?
20:00.38*** join/#asterisk axisys (
20:01.19jayteego back into the asterisk source directory and run make menuselect and look under the channel options to make sure chan_zap is selected.
20:01.45edibracah.. i been skipping the menuselect.
20:02.01jayteeedibrac, shame on you!!! bad boy! no dessert!
20:02.07edibraci bet that's it.
20:03.08jayteeedibrac, I'm not certain but I believe that 1.4.22 (the latest 1.4 version) defaults to DAHDI instead of zaptel and you have to select zaptel in menuselect. I could be wrong though. been a few weeks since I last did it.
20:03.25edibracyeah you're right - i don't see chan_zap there
20:03.37edibracahhh dammit i been banging my head on this for a few days
20:04.01edibracmy previous test box didn't force you to dahdi. I should just start using it
20:04.25mchouanyone ever use pingtel xpressa phone?
20:05.04jayteedahdi isn't all that hard. most of the configuration is the same. /etc/zaptel.conf is replaced with /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf is replaced with /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
20:05.15jayteethe tools have been renamed too
20:05.26jayteedahdi_cfg instead of ztcfg, etc.
20:06.01beekIf you're going to build from source you may as well go ahead and migrate to dahdi since you'll hvae no choice once you go to 1.6
20:06.26*** join/#asterisk LND (
20:07.40a1faWhere can I buy cheap voice prompts?
20:08.00a1fasince cheap is a relative term, i am thinking no more than $2/word
20:09.07beekalf: why not have Allison do them for you?  You can check that out at Digium's site.
20:09.26beekalfa: ^^^^^
20:10.32a1fahow much does Allison charge?
20:11.03beekalfa: $12 for 1 to 15 words.
20:11.17beek$24 for 16-30 words, etc
20:11.25ScribbleJReally, that's cheap.
20:11.38a1fathat is cheap
20:12.04ScribbleJIt makes the reading of the "Louie Louie" lyrics a huge waste o f money though.
20:12.43mchoua1fa: what kind of prompts are you looking for?
20:12.55edibraci wonder if she makes enough  money to do it full time
20:13.18a1fajust a small banner
20:13.20*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
20:13.24a1fafor the company
20:13.25mchoua1fa: cause there are some really GOOD TTS stuff now
20:13.28*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:13.33a1famchou: where?
20:13.37edibracI mean I know she is the Micheal Jordan of phone voices
20:14.02mchoua1fa: gimme a sec, need to find link
20:16.35mchoua1fa: try this one out in your web browser:
20:16.49mchoua1fa: try "Kate"
20:16.59mchoua1fa: really sexy :)
20:17.55mchouuse audacity and you're done :)
20:18.02a1falet me try
20:18.28a1fathats good
20:18.38a1fastill kind of robotic
20:18.50a1fabut light year away from stephen hawking tts
20:19.48a1fawhat do you use audicity for?
20:20.00ScribbleJHey... I'm just about to start writing code to integrate Sphinx2 to the Asterisk "Generic Speech API" ... I asked last night while no one was around, but is this a bad or worthless idea?
20:20.06mchouaudacity to make it even less robotic
20:20.29mchoua1fa: splicing, mostly
20:20.59mchoua1fa: envelope shaping
20:21.20a1faheh they add a little advertisement to their output
20:21.49mchouthe ad might be "real speech" and not tts
20:22.07mchoukind of cheating
20:23.12a1fai need to cut the add out
20:23.14jayteeScribbleJ, what is Sphinx2?
20:23.49mchoua1fa: that why you use audacity :)
20:23.54ScribbleJjaytee - CMU's open source speech recognizing software... it's very decent if you configure it properly, and it's Free and Open, unlike LUmenvox.
20:24.05ScribbleJNot that I'm knocking Lumenvox, we use it at my business and it's killer.
20:24.15mchouScribbleJ: lol, dont even bring that up
20:24.16jayteeScribbleJ, ah ok, I'm using Lumenvox too
20:24.32ScribbleJI've got it working via AGI and it works quite well.
20:24.48mchouScribbleJ: CMU is retarted by comparison
20:24.58jayteeI finished creating an IVR with Lumenvox that is english only and then my boss changed  the requirements again and I've got to recode to add spanish support.
20:25.06ScribbleJI discovered the "GEneric Speech API" that LUmenvox (presumably) uses, and thought that it would be swell if Sphinx could plug int he same way.
20:26.01ScribbleJmchou, I will not argue that they do not bear direct compairson, however I will argue that Sphinx works very well for a home system and can be experimented with without even a $50 investment.  Plus you can tweak and tune it all yourself, if you are so inclined.  I would - and do- use Lumenvox at work, but at home this seems like a nice thing.
20:26.52mchouI wouldnt touch any of that stuff.  totally unacceptable
20:27.00mchouScribbleJ: ^^^
20:27.20a1famchou: how do you download that .asf from the site?
20:27.22ScribbleJI think it all depends on your purpose.  Again, I absolutely wouldn't put it into work at my business.
20:27.37mchoua1fa: mplayer dumpstream
20:27.50a1fagood thinking
20:28.03ScribbleJBut I also am absolutely unwilling to shell out even the low price of $50 that LumenVox charges given their limitations attached to that $50 license, when my goal /here/ is to have something I can experiment freely with.
20:29.09*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:29.23ScribbleJLast night I took the last 15,000 things I said on IRC and dumped them into Sphnx2, as a single grammar, and tried to get it to just follow anything I might say, randomly.
20:29.34mchouScribbleJ: you ever try to implement "Dr.'s office appointment reminder" application with TTS?
20:29.52ScribbleJHaha, no, sounds somewhat painful.
20:30.09mchouScribbleJ: not painful at all
20:30.11jayteeScribbleJ, I found the 50 bucks to be the best 50 bucks I've ever invested in software. Even though they claim they don't support it they gave me more than an hour of free support, did follow ups and were always willing to answer questions.
20:30.43ScribbleJAnyhow, what I was getting at though, is even though the test with 15,000 sentences and a dictionary of 50,000 words went HORRIBLY, it was comical, the differnce between what I said and what it picked up, it was an experiemnt I couldnt' even /attempt/ at home with a $50 Lumenvox license.
20:31.36jayteeI'd like to use Cepstral with my IVR for the spanish language options using DTMF only and text to speech prompts but unfortunately Cepstral doesn't support spanish at the moment.
20:32.07ScribbleJJaytee, that's awesome to hear.  We have some company building us an asterisk IVR for my business and we bought a ton of lumenvox liceneses for it, but I haven't had any interaction with that project yet.
20:32.17ScribbleJIn fact I /just/ started playng with Asterisk on Thursday.
20:32.41ScribbleJTo have it up and doing so much is awesome, Asterisk has really been the most fun toy I'm likely to get this Christmas season.
20:33.25ScribbleJSee, stuff like Spanish - I bet /no one/ has a Spanish model for SPhinx.
20:34.23*** join/#asterisk reneger (n=reneger@
20:34.47jayteeI kinda have a love/hate thing going with Asterisk. If I wasn't making 49K a year doing all this crap for an idiot boss with unreasonable timelines and constant schedule changes, underfunding necessary components etc, I'd probably feel better about it all but most of the time I end up wishing I'd never heard of Asterisk or VOIP in general.
20:34.53*** join/#asterisk hakr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
20:36.01mchoujaytee: 50K? You're underpaid
20:36.03a1fahey mchou: what format do i need to dump it into?
20:36.09mchoua1fa: lol
20:36.15jayteemchou, ah, yeah!
20:36.23*** join/#asterisk iomari (n=iomari@
20:36.31a1fai think my codec is ulaw
20:36.38mchoua1fa: then ulaw
20:36.56a1facan mplayer dump it into ulaw or lame?
20:36.56iomarianybody out there using asterisk with openfire?
20:37.01mchoua1fa: why you asking me all this anyways?
20:37.19a1fai guess you got the experience dumping this crap
20:37.28mchoua1fa: no
20:37.58joatiomari: i was
20:38.16joatnot in production environment though
20:38.17mchoua1fa: I just save you beaucoup $$$
20:38.29joatwas just messing with it
20:38.35iomarijoat: Can u briefly explain the relationship?
20:38.50joatwith asterisk, it mostly provides "presence"
20:39.04joatit'll push "on the phone" to your IM client
20:39.23iomarijoat: ?
20:39.24joati didn't play with it much, other than tat
20:39.33*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
20:39.58iomarijoat: Is it something that is necessary or just a gimmik?
20:40.10CrashHDanyone ever run asterisk from an nfs share?
20:40.15joatopenfire has the ability to aggregate IM interfaces (something like kopete?), along with being able to tell when you're on the phone
20:40.32iomarijoat: I c.
20:40.35joatiomari, it's mostly a gimmick unless you need to know when someone is on the phone
20:40.48joathas an irc interface also
20:41.26joatseem to remember something about a directory also
20:41.28iomarijoat: I'm about to deply a large organization using penfire for chat and also aterisk for pabx so I was wondering how they intergrate.
20:41.56iomarior rahter if thery should intergrate.
20:42.06joatit's okay...  it's nice in that you can keep the IM stuff in-house
20:42.36joatgive 'em spark and tell 'em to stay off of msn/aol
20:42.42mchouyou gonna use a phone for im?  what's the input device, the number pad?
20:42.52iomarijoat: I was looking at sparkweb.
20:42.55joatnah, it's a desktop client
20:43.01joator that...
20:43.04joata web client
20:43.04mchouthat's "integration"
20:43.17iomaribut sparkweb is giving me a little stress.
20:43.27joatyeah, it's an odd duck
20:43.38iomaritrying to keep everything browser based.
20:44.15iomariwhich cards are good for asterisk that handle many ports.
20:48.41ScribbleJSorry, got called away, and jaytee, it does sound like you'r eunderpaid.
20:52.22jayteeScribbleJ, yep and with the present state of the economy searching for a new job at my age is a bit dangerous
20:54.42ScribbleJYEah, I dunno your age, but I'd be a little worried to ask for a raise or look fora new job right now.
20:55.06ScribbleJThat said, it really doesn't hurt to just sed out some resumes and see wha thappens.  You sound like er not happy with your job, price notwithstanding.
20:55.31ScribbleJPArdon my typos.
20:57.44jayteeScribbleJ, yeah, not a good time to ask for more money. I don't hate the work itself, I find it enjoyable and challenging, what pisses me off is I have to make sure i get everything in writing or my boss will turn around six months later and try to change scheduling or requirements and then say I never said "X or Y" and I have to dig up an old email to shove in his face. We go round and round like this all the time.
20:59.40ScribbleJI went through a /lot/ of jobs 'till I found one I was really happy at.  They're a lot like girlfriends, you never really knwo what you're going to get 'till you're in, and by that point getting back out is awkward.
20:59.54ScribbleJHrm.  Yes, I am a master of the analogy.
21:00.42jayteeScribbleJ, yeah most companies want to know everything there is to know about you, including background checks etc. but it's hard to find out enough truthful information about them when you're interviewing.
21:02.08ScribbleJBoy, that's no joke.  I was employee #4 at my last company, had a nice fat stock option brewing... but turns out the CEO was very careful to fire anyone before the options came due, and at one point he simply closed the company and reincorporated in Nevada where shenanigans are easier I guess...
21:02.20ScribbleJAnyhow, I got burned a lot of others did too, and it sucks.
21:03.29jayteeI got burned back in 2000 when I took a job like that with a dot com startup. It wasn't sleaze on the part of management, just poor planning and over optimistic attitudes that got them into red ink.
21:04.49ScribbleJWell, at least they weren't assholes like this crowd.  I'm still getting my revenge, though, I got an in at a well funded startup competing in the same field, then I built a new competing product for them from scratch and am working to make the old guys totally obsolete and then some.
21:05.03ScribbleJI guess revenge does make work fun...
21:05.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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21:07.34ScribbleJAnyhow - I guess my point was supposed to be, yeah, it might be a bad time to look, but it doesn't cost anything to just send out some resumes and see if anyone bites, at least you're employed int he meantime.
21:07.40ScribbleJWho knows what might happen.
21:08.28ScribbleJHaving a boss that supports you and runs interference for you is great, rather than one that sees you as the opposition.
21:10.06ScribbleJGotta run, bbl
21:16.10axisyswhat is an inexpensive card for home desktop? i use vonage
21:16.41*** join/#asterisk sekil (n=Ognjen@
21:17.00axisysmy goal is to able to call my mom overseas using asterisk protocol IAX, so I will eventually buy a second card
21:17.37axisysi am running ubuntu server on ibm netvista p4 2.6ghz 512mb
21:22.13edibracwhat should i troubleshoot, where should i look now? here's my situation:  cat /proc/dahdi/1 shows my channels; zttool detects the card; dahdi_cfg was run; dahdi_genconf was run; and in asterisk CLI  "dahdi show channels" shows no chanenls
21:23.27edibracwait i see i don't have a /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
21:26.22SparFuxAnybody get iaxcomm working?
21:28.52*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
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21:43.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:44.36edibracwhat does group=0,11 mean in dadhi-channels? then at the end I see group=63
21:44.36fun330how can i config 2 network cards in centos with a gui,i trried system-config-network but it only has 1 network card in there
21:45.14[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Means you should ahve a clue about why challes are grouped as they are...
21:45.25[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: What do YOU think they're doing being grouped like that?
21:45.41[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: and what does "at the end" tell us?  Currently, nothing
21:46.04[TK]D-Fenderfun330: /join #centos
21:46.18fun330yeah they are now help
21:46.33fun330they are *no* help
21:48.00CrashHDfun330: if the gui doesn't pick up your network card I doubt the module is loaded or working properly
21:48.17edibrac[TK]D-Fender: well, here's my dahdi-channels.conf  does that look right?
21:48.21fun330okay thanks i guess i just try droping another nic in there
21:48.24CrashHDps....linux + gui = crap
21:48.59edibracit's on my test box - i'm testing out dahdi instead of zaptel. I must be misconfiguring it since I can't list out channels ("dahdi show channels"
21:49.08[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: group = 63  is ignored.  it occurs AFTER your channel declaration line
21:49.25[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: As for the FIRST one... I don't know... do those numbers look meaningful to YOU?
21:49.40jayteethey don't look right to me, but then what do I know
21:49.41edibracwell it's from dahdi_genconf so I'm not sure what it's doing
21:50.17edibracgroup is... the group of channels no? I'm not sure exactly where to read up on this
21:50.40CrashHDedibrac: google?
21:50.41[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: and I can tell you that it doesn't make sense for all of your channels eto belong to t2 groups.
21:50.48jayteelotta info in the chan_dahdi.conf.sample
21:51.00[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: its for pooling your channels when you dial OUT
21:52.35*** join/#asterisk robba (
21:52.59robbaHey guys
21:53.20robbadoes anyone know about asterisk addons
21:53.22jayteeI think you also need to put your channel => 1-23 last after the context = and not before it and changing group=0,11 to group=1
21:53.34*** join/#asterisk zpinter (
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21:54.05*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
21:54.05jayteepersonally I prefer vi to dahdi_genconf
21:54.17eppigyoh snap
21:54.17jayteeor even nano for that matter
21:54.24[TK]D-FenderjayGenconf is for schmucks who don't know what they have :)
21:54.48[TK]D-Fendersnaps/me grabs his katana and charges eppigy
21:54.51edibraclooks like group 63 is the default from daudi_genconf
21:54.54jayteewe didn't even use dahdi_genconf in class. jared had us use either nano or vi
21:55.01SparFuxMy iaxcomm does not work at all. It says WatchDogProc: killing hung audio thread!
21:55.06[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Nevewr use that tool again
21:55.25[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: and go think for yourself how you want your channels grouped.  this is a DIALPLAN consideration.
21:55.28edibracyeah i guess i should look at is as something to just generate boilerplate stuff, and then do the rest by hand
21:56.05jayteeand that's jared smith, one of the authors of the Asterisk book and a Digium instructor, not to be confused with Jared the Subway guy.
21:56.43edibracdude, i totally appreciate the help.. and i'm not asking for you to think for me.
21:57.28[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Dial(DAHDI/g11/1234567890) <- Picks the first free channel is group 11 to dial out of
21:57.52[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Suppose you have 12 analog channels and you want to reserve 4 for company A, 4 for B, 4 for C
21:58.17[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: You would set each quad of channels to a different group so not to impose on another divisions lines
21:58.22eppigyand youn give company a half of copmpany b's channels
21:58.32eppigyhow many channels does company b have?
21:58.51jayteeduh, 4x3=12
21:58.59jayteeread what he typed, dude
21:59.12eppigyI am mimicking
21:59.18eppigyan SAT question
21:59.22eppigyyou son of a bitch
21:59.48jayteea and b are in a boat, a is me and b is eppigy. eppigy drowns. why? because he was mimicking!
21:59.49eppigyif companie a's channels departed at 35 miles per hour due east...
21:59.55[TK]D-Fendereppigy: OMG... you know his mom?!?!
22:00.04eppigyin the biblical sense
22:00.21[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Oh... so she wishes a plague of lucusts upon you as well?
22:00.36eppigyi am dealing with the boils now
22:00.54[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Please ooze in the corner
22:01.49jayteemy mom is 90 years old and a wonderful woman. so much so that I take serious offense at anyone who would cast aspersions on her. Widowed at the age of 44 she worked full time and often a second part time job to raise myself and my two sisters. She sacrifice more than Jesus Fucking Christ ever did so fuck off!!!!!!!!!!
22:02.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:02.17eppigynice copypasta
22:02.40eppigyi like the use of proper name capitalization the whole way through
22:02.57eppigyJesus "Fucking" Christ
22:03.40*** part/#asterisk axisys (
22:04.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Um... not to take anything awa from here, but Jesus only lived until 33 and literally sacrificed his life :)
22:04.59[TK]D-Fenderdang typos....
22:05.26[TK]D-Fendercorrects... in a biblical way
22:05.53jayteeyeah, and hung on a cross for a few day as compared to working his butt off for sleaze bag lawyers for most of her life like my mom did. big deal
22:06.21PanGoatso, how about that asterisk!? lovely software.
22:06.25jayteeI don't care. I'm going to hell anyways because I had shrimp cocktail the other night
22:06.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: In addition to the stabbings, spittings, lashings, starvation, etc....
22:07.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Thats interesting... were they demonic shrimp?
22:07.19eppigywell i mean claiming to be the son of god has to come with some price
22:07.37eppigyjaytee is jewish
22:07.42eppigyshellfish are forbidden
22:07.57eppigyand he will surely burn for it
22:08.00PanGoatLeviticus FTW
22:08.05jayteeyeah, alright so he was a truly stand up guy and I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I apologize. just leave my mom out of it from now on when you all decide to get snarky. I don't insult  your parents
22:08.12eppigyactually jews do not believe in hell
22:08.20eppigyand rightfully so
22:08.33eppigyit is not mentioned in the original hebrew bible
22:08.40eppigynor is the devil
22:08.45jayteebut it says right in Leviticus that eating any kind of crustacean or shellfish is an abomination.
22:09.19eppigyif you have ever seen what comes out of your ass and mouth
22:09.21jayteeand it's ok to sell your daughter into slavery if she offends you as long as you get a good price for her
22:09.25eppigywhen you eat bad shelf fish
22:09.26edibracif in my extensions.conf i see: Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1}) -- then my group number in /etc/dahdi/dahdi-channels.conf group should be 2?
22:09.29eppigyit is an abominatiokin
22:09.41jayteeedibrac, yeah
22:09.43[TK]D-Fendereppigy: I never knew...
22:09.58eppigyit is true
22:10.08eppigythe words mistranslated as hell
22:10.14eppigyin the king james version
22:10.14[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Actually if you only have 1 group (like most people do), then it'd make sense to number it "1"
22:10.19eppigyare sheol
22:10.24edibracit's just that i see a lot of docs that gloss over dahdi_cfg - so I just assume I don't have to deal with it manually
22:10.40[TK]D-Fendereppigy: the Old Testament portion of the King James you mean?
22:10.42eppigywhich means the graver
22:10.54eppigyall of it
22:10.54jayteeevangelical christians always use Leviticus as justification to persecute gays with their bigotry but you never see them picketing outside a Red Lobster. Buncha hypocrites.
22:11.01edibracanyway, thanks. I'm not here to merely make it work... i have to understand this :)
22:11.04PanGoatjaytee: :)
22:11.07eppigyand the other one is hannah something
22:11.13eppigywhich was a big trash dump
22:11.18eppigythat was always burning
22:11.39eppigywhich is where the passage "The place where the flame is never quenched, and the worm never dies."
22:11.42[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: then again, the King James version is a foundation doc for ANGLICAN CHURCH..... which also made room for all sorts of other "acomodations"
22:11.44eppigycomes from
22:12.12[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: I loath self-serving branches...
22:12.18eppigyand the devil came from a mistranlated verse in isiah
22:12.42eppigyOh Lucifer how far thou art fallen
22:12.43[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: I loved that Digg article this week about "No more talk about gay marriage until they execute an adulter"
22:12.48eppigythou widst did weaken nations
22:12.58eppigythey are actually refering to the sun king
22:13.06eppigya recently fallen babylonian king
22:13.11eppigywhich persecuted christians
22:13.30eppigylucifer literaly mean morning star
22:13.35SparFuxIcan't connect to my asterisk with Ekiga. :-(
22:13.44eppigy[TK]D-Fender: lol
22:13.48eppigythat is hilarious
22:13.59eppigyyes lets pick and choose what commandments
22:14.02SparFuxIt says registration fails. No debug output :-(
22:14.03eppigywe enforce
22:14.28[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Exactly the kinds of assholes I like to see taken down several pegs...
22:14.53[TK]D-FenderSparFux: enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI
22:15.01[TK]D-FenderSparFux: or you WON'T see anything of value
22:15.02jayteeedibrac, here's a sample chan_dahdi.conf file setup for 1 fxo port, 1 fxs port and a single span T1. If I wanted to dial 867-5309 to call Jenny I'd use Dial(DAHDI/g3/8675309)
22:15.10SparFuxFender: I did.
22:15.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that was an excellent article in Digg :-)
22:15.38SparFuxGives only messages like Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '33acc361744c91535f8cbb6a309ad64f@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
22:15.41[TK]D-FenderSparFux: If you see nothing thn its a firewall / routing issue
22:16.02SparFuxFender: it's the same computer and there is no firewall blocking at all. :-(
22:16.13[TK]D-FenderjayFor a good time call!
22:16.22[TK]D-FenderSparFux: then you have not enabled SIP DEBUG
22:16.29SparFuxAnd why doesn't iaxcomm work?
22:16.33eppigyHOLLA BACK YOUNGIN
22:16.51SparFuxFender: I did sip set debug
22:16.57[TK]D-FenderSparFux: It works.  YOUR setup doesn't  An until you start pastebinning a hell of a lot of stuff we're not going to be able to help you
22:17.19[TK]D-FenderSparFux: If * is getting the packets, then no it is not enabled if that is all you have to show
22:17.48SparFuxyou mean the iaxcomm works?
22:18.03[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Yes, I'm sure their app works just fine
22:18.32SparFuxWell, all I get is IAXCLIENT: failed to start camera, will keep trying    WatchDogProc: cannot set watch dog priority! WatchDogProc: killing hung audio thread!
22:19.15[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Please stop looking at your client and look at * SIP DEBUG
22:19.28edibraci remember reading about a setting with DAHDI where you don't have to update your extensions.conf if you have references to Zap in it ... anyone know about this?
22:19.33[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Actually in this case... looks more like IAx
22:20.01SparFuxWill I have to use a different port than 5060 for the sip client?
22:20.13[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: There is a compatibility mode flag somewhere IIRC... not sure where, or how long it will be available
22:20.31[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Clearly and specify that in the peer entry
22:20.50[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Things you should know if you're crazy enough to run a lient on your server like that
22:21.38SparFuxhm... :-)
22:22.23SparFuxOk, same port won't work of course.
22:22.35SparFuxIt is not the port it will connect to, but the port for the outbound connection.
22:22.57[TK]D-FenderSparFux: One app or the other will freak out taht it can't bind to the port/
22:23.07[TK]D-FenderSparFux: And if its * then chan_sip will fail as a whole
22:23.15[TK]D-FenderSparFux: And from there you're FUBAR'd
22:23.43SparFuxSo I will have to use 5060 for asterisk sip and 5061 for the sip client.
22:23.55beekGood evening all
22:24.00jayteeedibrac, if you want to continue using zap channel names add dahdichanname = no in your asterisk.conf file
22:24.54jayteebut you'd be wise to not use that method unless you have a "dialplan from hell" that would take years to rewrite
22:25.02jayteeevening beek
22:25.16edibracshould the context in chan_dahdi.conf be the same as in dahdi-channels.conf? I just have a PRI coming in, all channels for the same company.
22:25.25beekevening jaytee
22:26.06jayteeedibrac, I don't have a dahdi-channels.conf on my system so I'm not sure what your talking about.
22:27.14[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Nor do I
22:27.50jayteethe context in chan_dahdi.conf should match the context in extensions.conf where incoming calls are handled
22:28.37jayteeand for outbound calls for you want to make sure you use a lower case g to start at the highest channel number as your telco almost invariably will send incoming calls starting at the lowest channel number.
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22:30.32jayteeedibrac, sorry I had that backwards, use a capital G to start from the highest channel number.
22:31.45edibracis that something you do by convention or because something breaks if you don't?
22:31.51jayteeI hate having CRS (can't remember shit) but I guess it's better than NNSTBW
22:32.04edibracwon't asterisk just go to the next open channel?
22:32.23CrashHDyes it will
22:32.48CrashHDif it's a pri then your ok
22:32.49jayteeyes, but you want to allocate outbound channels from the opposite direction that your telco is sending calls in
22:32.56CrashHDa t1 I would worry about collisions
22:33.06jayteePRIs will skip over busy channels and collisions are very rare
22:33.29CrashHDrare as in non-existent by design
22:33.38CrashHDbut t1's don't have any digital signalling
22:33.48jayteeI've never experienced glare on a PRI
22:34.01CrashHDit's just not possible on a pri
22:34.06jayteebut I can't say for certain it never happens, I'm not a T1 engineer
22:34.35jayteeanalog is a whole nuther story
22:34.46CrashHDyes exactly
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22:39.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Glare happens on PRI as well
22:39.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So this is an important matter as well
22:39.56CrashHDtk explain?
22:40.29CrashHDwith digital signalling it should be entirely eliminated
22:40.34[TK]D-Fendercrash I've seen numerous people come in here with channel contention issue on PRI for this sort of thing.  It is always best to go decending
22:40.47CrashHDvery interesting
22:41.20[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: And we're supposed to be a paperless society now.  Meanwhile we are building printers that can clear-cut entire forests at an ever increaasing page-rate....
22:41.21CrashHDdoes dahdi still support signalling channel offload?
22:41.42CrashHDthat's a fair point
22:42.26jayteeI love clear cutting forests, nothing prettier than denuded hills and I love pissing off the druids :-)
22:43.13CrashHDand I never claimed to be paperless
22:43.16CrashHDI like my files just fine
22:44.26CrashHDtk I still stand by my statement with regard to PRI's
22:44.37[TK]D-FenderI like my FILE > PRINT just fine too ;)
22:45.39CrashHDI would assume though if the signalling was handled by software rather than hardware the additional delay could cause glare type behavior
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22:55.46jayteedamn, it's only 3F outside
22:56.00eppigyit got cold here quick
22:56.07eppigythis morning it was like 68
22:56.13eppigynow its freakin cold
22:56.25jayteeI had to open my sliding glass door to the balcony to vent my coffee roaster and the apartment cooled down really quick
22:56.48eppigycoffee roaster
22:56.55eppigyyou like coffee even more than me
22:57.15[TK]D-Fenderand we've got 20cm of snow hitting today
22:57.16jayteeI like coffee almost better than sex
22:57.24jayteeI stress the almost
22:57.28[TK]D-Fenderburied in white shit... just in time for Christmas
22:57.38eppigyi like to snort cocaine
22:57.44eppigybefo9re and after sex
22:57.47beekjaytee: I'm intrigued by the coffee roaster.   We (the IT gang) at the office use freshly-roasted beans and grind them ourselves each morning.   We use a french press for brewing.
22:57.50eppigyand i stress before and after
22:57.55jayteemy buddy lives in central New Hampshire and was without power for 5 days
22:57.56beekIt sounds as though you've taken this to the next level.
22:58.16eppigyi love my frensh press
22:58.25jayteebeek, french press is usually the best way to get the full flavor as long as the grind is coarse enough
22:58.59beekWe grind it as coarsely as our grinder allows.    You roast your own?   Hmmm.... perhaps the next thing to try.
22:59.05jayteeI have a Cuisinart grinder and the top barrel has a click/stop rotator for the grind level. I can set it to very fine increments.
22:59.24beekOurs is a Kitchenaide grinder.
22:59.36[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: a month & a half of chaos
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22:59.45jayteeeverything from a fine powder for expresso to a "Holy shit! that's just bean chunks!"
23:00.24beek[TK]D-Fender: I work for a power company.   We DO NOT like to see pornographic pictures such as you just posted.
23:00.28jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I remember that storm. I was living in Southern Oregon at the time but my old stompin grounds in New Hampshire were paralyzed for weeks.
23:00.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I was dragging a generator on a sled around to the back of my company gettin all our telecom equipement up and running so we could ship under the worst of conditions... Coleman lanterns & the works...
23:01.13[TK]D-Fenderbeek: that towe is looking kind of limp and ineffective isn't it? ;)
23:01.21eppigyi was in florida livin it up
23:01.49jayteeok, not to get back on the topic of religion but.... God may well be our "loving father" but Mother Nature is a homicidal bitch, no doubt about it.
23:01.51beek[TK]D-Fender: It sure is.   That's the kind of things to give a person nightmares.   Particulary transmission line towers.
23:02.17[TK]D-Fenderbeek: this provice was dum enought to keep so much overland...
23:02.34jayteeit's not the's the amps! :-)
23:03.04beekOur last big storm here was 1992.   We had people out of power for three days before everything was restored.
23:03.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee : with no voltage, amps isn't as threateneing ;)
23:03.44[TK]D-FenderjayBut together they're AWESOME :D
23:04.09jayteeI came home to New England on leave from playing war games at Ft Drum in upstate New York only to get stuck in my hometown for over a week during the February 78 blizzard that crippled New England.
23:04.29eppigyi was born in 82
23:04.35eppigyi feel really young
23:04.39eppigyall of a sudden
23:04.39beekWe has some idiots steal copper out of one of our substations.  They cut the grounds on three of our voltage regulators.  They were fine until they removed the last one, at which point there was such an arc that the cement that was holding up the devices was melted.
23:05.16jaytee[TK]D-Fender, back in the 'Nam days you could take a 2 wire field telephone with the hand crank for ringing voltage and drop over a 10Kohm resistor and shock the shit out of a VC for days to get him to talk. Now they just use waterboarding. Not as much fun :-)
23:07.15jaytee[TK]D-Fender, do  you ever do any perl scripting?
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23:07.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Nope
23:08.08[TK]D-FenderjayBut I'm sure that would be an entirely effective technique as well :)
23:08.17jayteewas just curious
23:08.18eppigythat is the most effective torture
23:09.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, other than Asterisk dialplan coding what else do you program in?
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23:12.12[TK]D-FenderjayBASIC, Pascal, PHP, a little JCL, and probably alittle something or other else.
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23:16.23jayteewow, PHP without perl? seems like most of what I've seen out there the two are like usually together like "peas and carrots" and "Forrest and Jenny"
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23:18.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: PHP was easier to learn as I learned it for web use with the lowest level guides possible.  More like learning from a syntax book and tiny samples really.
23:19.16[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I SHOULD learn Perl & Bash
23:19.25[TK]D-FenderjayI'd be a MUCH better admin
23:19.29drmessano3904i3fn0493rj09j23jdimfim; <-- valid perl
23:19.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: as it is I'm a 2-bit hack who somehow succeeds in spite of himself
23:20.09Dovid[Laptop]TK: You learn what you need to know as you go along ?
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23:20.27[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: Yup
23:20.56jayteeI couldn't live without bash and using SED in a bash script for generating polycom config files from templates has saved me tons of time in provisioning although I could probably do a better job designing a web gui "configurator" to write out the XML.....if I knew XML. : D
23:20.59[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: I learn all sort of * stuff when people ask "how do I...?" and I JFGI and figure it out in about 2 minutes flat and say ... JFGI!!!!
23:21.01Dovid[Laptop]Same here. just not doing to well on the asterisk side ;) With php I tend to a "hack job" to get it working. I should just take a course in it
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23:21.47wwalkeranyone got good experience with headsets for polycom 550s?  Bluetooth headset (or other good wireless solution) would be best.
23:21.52edibracyou can learn PHP yourself as with anything
23:22.27Dovid[Laptop]wwalker: Plantronics makes a good one for polycom. it is bluetooth based
23:22.36Dovid[Laptop]when u pick up it lifts the reciever
23:22.38edibracer then again classes are good if you get the opportunity to bounce questions off someone more experienced
23:22.42jayteeI usually end up learning everything myself from guides, how-tos and online tutorials as both my work and myself are too damn cheap to spend money on classes where the instructors are usually clueless anyways.
23:22.58wwalkeredibrac: but you don't learn software architecture or design or maintainability on your own except over extremely long time periods (and certainly not from most of the example PHP code on the net....)
23:23.15Dovid[Laptop]jaytee: The issue I have with learning on the go is u pick up what u see and not everything
23:23.31Dovid[Laptop]like I once did 10 lines when all I needed was a 3 line loop
23:23.36jayteeDovid[Laptop], that's the downside
23:23.38edibracwwalker: i can't say by experience, but maybe there are open source projects out there you can look over
23:24.03edibracand then sort of look over that while you compare with whatever software architecture textbook you have
23:24.09Dovid[Laptop]jaytee: In my spare time (If I ever get any) i find vids on line
23:24.12Dovid[Laptop]its how i did linux
23:24.48jayteewhile I'd dismiss many Microsoft Press books, for architectural considerations I'd recommend Code Complete.
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23:27.06wwalkeredibrac: there is some good and even Excellent code out there in PHP but most of the exapmles and code that people will build off of teaches horrible habits and is usually horribly unsecure (not due to PHP, but due to self-taught PHP programmers with no other software dev experience)
23:27.58jayteethen use the Microsoft approach, buy more RAM and get a better firewall :-)
23:28.21wwalkerjaytee: I would find a language to program in where the community is friendly and more experienced and willing to peer review your code for you.  I've found the #ruby-lang community meets those criteria, but others do too I'm sure.
23:28.43Dovid[Laptop]wwalker: What is exactly ruby ?
23:29.19jayteewwalker, my main interest in learning perl is that it ties in with both web CGI stuff and as a system level scripting language that has more power than basic bash scripting.
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23:30.20wwalkerDovid[Laptop]: Ruby is a very clean OO language that is strongly typed, dynamically typed, and terse and powerful like perl and python, but much cleaner and better OOP (IMO).  I programmed perl for 14 years, and after 1 (18 hour) day of using Ruby switched languages.
23:31.09Dovid[Laptop]another one to look in to
23:31.37edibracfor PHP i used to read the forum at sitepoint about "correct" code design/architecture and OOP stuff. But I never got into it because it seemed like too much to consider
23:32.09jayteeyeah, exactly. I just spent 50 bucks on O'Reilly's Perl Cookbook and now he tells me Ruby is better. Ah, crap! I'm gonna go look for a job working the drive through at Mickey D's and screw all this crap. :-)
23:32.52[TK]D-Fender[18:22]<Dovid[Laptop]>when u pick up it lifts the reciever <- headset lifter are GARBAGE
23:33.07[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: Ben there done that.
23:33.28wwalkerjaytee: for system scripting perl is a winner (ruby comes in a close second, very close).  For dead simple web apps, perl  is probably the way to go (HTML::Template or Template-Toolkit and CGI::Application), for any complex web dev, I'd definitely say RubyOnRails with Django (Python) a close second.
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23:33.44wwalkerDovid[Laptop]: thx for the info on headsets.
23:33.53jayteewell that's a relief
23:34.17[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: Avoid lifters with extreme prejudice
23:34.27jayteeyeah, the cradle lifters suck ass
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23:34.46wwalkerYou can't go wrong with perl if you shut your ears when people talk about perl 6.  Other tools are better, but perl 5 still rocks
23:35.27jayteehere we go again! this fakhir guy either has the worlds worst internet connection, the worlds worst IRC chat client or he's got major OCD.
23:36.01wwalker[TK]D-Fender: is lifters a web framework?  it matches too many other things to find it via google
23:36.20[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: HEADSET <-
23:36.21Dovid[Laptop]TK: just used one. didn't use many. I defer to your opinion
23:36.41fakhirhehe sorry
23:37.23EpicanisWould it be impolite to suddenly pop up with a stupid question about AGI (namely, whether "SAY NUMBER" can handle signed decimal numbers like "-110.3" okay)?
23:37.30[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: I'd used Plantronic lifers with Polycoms.  The PC handset does not balance well because of the rounded underside of the handset and is awkewark.  Had to strap it onto the damn think or it'd fall off.  Plus you can't transfer,etc...
23:37.39wwalker[TK]D-Fender: doh.  Thank you.
23:37.53[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: no CID... you're crippled, and dependindat on a ANDIO ring to do anything.
23:37.59wwalkerEpicanis: this is #hardwaree-and-dynamic-languages  try over on #asterisk
23:38.10[TK]D-FenderEpicanis: No, not a bad question at all...
23:38.20EpicanisOops, case sensitivity - sorry.  DIdn't realize they were separate channels.
23:38.26[TK]D-FenderEpicanis: I stronglys suspect it does work as you would expect
23:39.01Dovid[Laptop]TK: I remember we had such a problem. forgot what we used to fix it.
23:39.03[TK]D-FenderEpicanis: You know this IS about 10 seconds to test... go for it and you tell us
23:39.07Dovid[Laptop]i personally didnt use it. was a client.
23:39.11[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: DUCT TAPE :p
23:39.55[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: I then learned to use a short screw into the unterside of the hook-bar to directly depress the hook-switch and leave the handset off entirely.
23:40.09[TK]D-FenderDovid[Laptop]: But seriously... this whole ides is CRACP
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23:40.46wwalker[TK]D-Fender: so what do you recoomend for wireless headsets and desk phones?
23:40.51Dovid[Laptop]I get the idea ;)
23:41.05wwalkerI'm kinda partial to the polycom 550 but could still be convinced differently.
23:41.18Dovid[Laptop]wwalker: For mobile maybe get a soft client on a pp device with bluetooth
23:41.31Epicanisfeels stupid... "Thanks. I just remembered I have to go pick up a left-handed screwdriver and some muffler bearings, though."
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23:42.12[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: SIP-DECT setup w/ BT
23:44.07[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: IP550 directly supports BT doesn't it?
23:44.12jayteeheheehe, left handed screwdriver and muffler bearings....rofl
23:47.19wwalkermy RX-7 isn't fast enough.  should I add a BIG whale tail, blue lights and muffler bearings?
23:47.56Dovid[Laptop]I am off to bed
23:47.57jayteeoooh, wankel rotary engines rock
23:47.59[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: No, you need to upgrade to the trapezoidal engine....
23:47.59Dovid[Laptop]night Y'all
23:48.11Dovid[Laptop]TK: Enjoy the snow.
23:48.21jayteenight Dovid[Laptop]
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23:49.01wwalkeractually I can just unbolt the engine and ad 2 more chambers in the middle :-)
23:50.06wwalker[TK]D-Fender: I'm not finding bt support in the 550
23:50.57[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: I'm not certain it has it... I know it supportes the Jabra BT "lifet" protocol (close enough), but thats a big added cost
23:51.18[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: Fo non-mechanical signalling.
23:51.53[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: But I still recommend the other route
23:52.22wwalkerI'll have the client clarify whether or not the headset needs to handle the phone and whether or nto a BT to a soft phone would work.
23:52.23jaytee550 doesn't support BT directly. it just has the standard headset jack
23:53.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I suspected that...
23:53.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Beena  while since I read up on the newer models.
23:53.34jaytee650 has the USB port for "future applications" but it doesn't specify BT
23:53.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Several things I need to brush up on to stay current
23:54.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I don't see why you can't stay current. It's not like you have too much to do :-)    .....ducks and runs
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23:54.45jayteeif I was a betting man I'd bet you could use a BT usb dongle with the 650
23:55.14jayteeI should give this guy that was in my class and works for Polycom a call, he'd know if anyone would
23:55.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Lest see... a 60+ hour work week, which is going to be shit tomorrow because my fuck-off logistics guy can't floor-plan a move his way out of a paper bag....
23:55.44eppigyoh boy
23:55.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Makes me want to implement all of that training of mine...
23:56.31eppigyimplement final solution
23:57.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 3 VIP's won't have computers or phones tomorrow because this idiot has him movers drop furniture right up into the power & network jacks and piled up boxes so much I swaer our admin assistant is going to cry for being crammed in a corner again by him
23:57.43[TK]D-Fendereppigy: whats what I'm trained for.
23:57.43[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Mr. Pointy is hungry... it hasn't tasted blood in a few months now...
23:57.46eppigyKILL EVERYTHING
23:57.53[TK]D-FenderLET GOD SORT 'EM OUT
23:58.03eppigyif that's how you get down
23:58.42[TK]D-Fendereppigy: No... but this is a G-rated channel ;)
23:58.56[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Actually... more like R for swearing :)
23:59.17[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Either way, a significant % of the alphabet away

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