IRC log for #asterisk on 20081203

00:00.59ruben23seanbright: good thing its ok now i just deleted the app_amd.c on the asterisk dir..actually i try to install it-its a Answering Machine Detection
00:01.41seanbrightah.  you might be using an incompatible version.
00:03.25ruben23seanbright:you know how to install doxygen? for my progdocs to run...
00:04.01seanbrightruben23: yum search doxygen
00:04.09seanbrightruben23: on centos, yum is your friend
00:04.11seanbrightlearn it
00:05.54ruben23ok ill do some readings..
00:06.04jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:06.11seanbrightruben23: ^^^^ that's a good place to start :)
00:07.18jayteeooooh! eye candy!!!!   ;-)
00:07.31ruben23yeah i got that book..
00:09.44*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
00:16.38*** join/#asterisk thansen (
00:17.14ruben23seanbright: have question...mostly during call times...if time that we had bad calls like cant hear head IT restart our asterisk boxes by full restart-the whole systaem restart...
00:17.38seanbrightyikes... ok...
00:17.53ruben23is there anyway that i can restart my asterisk without shutting up the system..
00:18.05seanbrightwell... two things
00:18.19ruben23:)it a great relief for me..
00:18.19seanbright1) you should try to resolve whatever problem you are having that is causing the choppiness in the first place
00:18.28seanbright2) service asterisk restart
00:18.38seanbrightthe latter will restart asterisk itself, and not the entire machine
00:19.08ruben23hmmm...i think its with our connection...but still im confuse....
00:19.24ruben23how to start the isolation process.
00:19.56ruben23this problem is been a year on the run...:-D
00:20.07Yourname`Help needed, SIP no route to host error out of nowhere.. -> Guys, seriously, this is out of nowhere for no reason.. system works fine for a bit, and then suddenly no route to host starts coming up.
00:20.28seanbrightruben23: and how often are you bouncing the machine?
00:20.49*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
00:20.53seanbrightYourname`: looks like an intermittent network problem
00:20.58ruben23what you mean bouncing?
00:21.02seanbrightruben23: restarting
00:21.26ruben23ok....mostly when the line are not good..
00:21.32ruben23we restart
00:21.33seanbrightruben23: and how often is that?
00:21.37seanbrightonce a week?  once a month?
00:21.52ruben234 times i guess
00:22.00seanbrightis this a call center?
00:22.02ruben23it worst it think
00:22.12seanbrightwhat version of asterisk?
00:22.13ruben23call center outbound
00:22.24ruben23ill check now..
00:22.25jayteedamn! I went over 6 months without a reboot last time
00:23.33ruben23its asterisk 1.2.24
00:23.57ruben23this really my headaches for ayear..
00:24.02seanbrightruben23: ah... 1.2...
00:24.12seanbrightruben23: upgrading to 1.4 might be a good start.
00:24.23ruben23it like im already used to this problem
00:25.17ruben23upgrading wont harm the conf of the system...?
00:25.18Yourname`seanbright: Doesn't go away tho.. last time it happened, I rebooted and it worked fine
00:25.53seanbrightruben23: it most likely won't work with your current configuration, you'll need to do some testing before putting it into production
00:26.06seanbrightYourname`: does it go away on it's own if you ignore it?
00:26.33Yourname`seanbright: Nope
00:26.36ruben23yeah its a managers might kill me...
00:26.54seanbrightruben23: well like i said, don't just do it.  put it on another machine, build it out, and test it first. on practice now doing it on VM...just to familiarize.
00:30.16ruben23this IRC really is a big help...for neo..
00:36.34*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
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01:02.46*** join/#asterisk morex (
01:04.31morexHey folks
01:04.39morexGot a problem with the DAHDI channel
01:04.53morexI can't log dynamic DAHDI queue members out of the queue
01:05.05morexCan anyone help?
01:05.26morexI'm using 'queue add member DAHDI/r2/0008' to add
01:05.51morexbut 'queue remove member DAHDI/r2/0008 from queue XXXX' responds with:
01:06.24morexUnable to remove interface 'DAHDI/r2/2008' from queue 'CustServ': Not there
01:07.10FruitBasketcheck out "queue show" and use the tab key to complete channels.
01:07.48morexqueue show says it's still there
01:08.15FruitBasketdoes the remove line auto complete?
01:08.21morexKind of
01:08.31morexIt just shows DAHDI/r2
01:08.35morexbut not the last bit
01:08.39FruitBaskettype another / and hit tab again
01:10.04morexHmm now it's working
01:10.13morexI'm gonna try it with the AddQueueMember manager command
01:10.31morexP.S. THANK YOU for helping!
01:10.43FruitBasketif it didn't work typing it but did work with auto complete, you're typing something incorrectly..
01:10.51FruitBasketit's possible you're not typing the full channel name
01:12.10*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:12.15morexHuh that's weird it is working now
01:12.23morexOh well, sorry to have bothered you
01:16.09*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d340944178585751)
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk bobnormal (n=irc@
01:16.23morexOK the problem only strikes once a call has been delivered
01:16.26bobnormalhey i'm getting an error "No translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 76) to 1024"
01:16.30bobnormalanyone know how to fix it?
01:16.34morexBefore, queue show gives
01:16.40bobnormalit occurs when trying to dial out from kphone to PSTN
01:16.57bobnormaland the call fails with 'service unavailable'
01:17.17bobnormal[Dec  1 21:00:51] WARNING[9659]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
01:17.49*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:18.04bobnormali'm pretty sure it works for other clients (hylafax via iaxmodem) though, and incoming works fine.  i'm confused.
01:23.53*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
01:24.36bobnormalgoing to try recompiling .. seems its a missing codec translation driver problem
01:31.05x86grrrr... this sucks
01:31.18x861.6.0.1 on is a 404 error now
01:31.22x86and wont compile
01:31.37FruitBasketgo to the download directory.. check the dir listing.
01:33.22x86go there, click on asterisk-
01:33.41*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
01:35.36FruitBasket -- you're right. hmm.
01:36.45x86ah ok cool
01:37.06x86wonder why the other one no workie
01:39.11beekx86: because it's reported to have compilation errors. should be available soon.
01:39.25beekx86: I assume that they pulled it.
01:39.51x861.6.0.1 is the only one that compiles for me (which is 404'd), while doesn't compile (which downloads fine)
01:39.57x86seems opposite from what you're saying
01:40.27morexHmm just called Digium support
01:40.36morexLooks like a bug in Queue with Dahdi
01:40.42beekx86: The "current" link is probably pointing to the release.
01:40.52*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
01:41.56x86beek: (which works fine)
01:42.07x86beek: is the broken link
01:43.34beekx86: Okay... I give up.   I thought I had an explanation...
01:48.15*** join/#asterisk l8router (
01:50.47*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
01:52.19*** join/#asterisk lkthomas (n=lkthomas@
01:52.22lkthomashey guys
01:52.33lkthomasdoes anyone could explain what is DID line compare with normal phone line ?
01:53.20jqlnot all phone lines have phone numbers which cause them to ring; DID lines do
01:53.35*** join/#asterisk joat (
01:54.03trnzmetaDID are lines from the telco
01:54.27*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
01:57.28*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
02:03.20bobnormalok i've recompiled with latest asterisk 1.4 and asterisk-addons, but still no luck.  SIP client (kphone) registers fine but gets "service unavailable" and server generates "channel.c:3035 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 76) to 1024" when attempting to make a call
02:03.35*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
02:03.48bobnormali believe i am missing ilbc (wont compile for some reason), but kphone support gsm and other codecs too.
02:05.51RypPnthere's a script in the tarball to fetch the ilbc code if its a newer version of asterisk 1.4, post 1.4.18 or thereabouts :)
02:07.02bobnormalok cheers
02:07.26bobnormalscript name/location?
02:07.41RypPnunder contribs iirc
02:07.54*** join/#asterisk zmitya (
02:07.59zmityahi all
02:08.46zmityaguys, if I have extensiont like this: 101, 102, 103, 104, ... etc... how can I do a simple dialplan ofr them ? They only need to call each other
02:09.04zmityaI tried: exten => _XXX.,s,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
02:09.10zmityaI tried: exten => _XXX.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
02:09.24zmityait always says: Call from '103' to extension '101' rejected because extension not found.
02:09.31[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: the 2nd is ok, the first isn't
02:09.32AkiyukiDoes exten 101 exist?
02:09.43zmityayes, it does exists
02:09.47[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: You need to make sure those are in the right CONTEXT <-
02:10.10zmityaif I say: exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/101) it works
02:10.50zmitya[TK]D-Fender: ther are in the right context
02:10.52[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: And actually, no, that pattern ISN'T good
02:11.05[TK]D-Fenderzmitya>I tried: exten => _XXX.,s,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
02:11.26[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: that matches 3 DIGIT plus 1 or more chars of any kind.
02:11.26zmitya[TK]D-Fender: ok, I tried both of them
02:11.38[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: thus a minimum length of *4*
02:11.49[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: the "." is whats wrong
02:11.52zmitya[TK]D-Fender: the doc says that "." matches the zero string as well
02:11.58zmityabut I'm trying
02:12.02[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: O RLY?  Which?
02:12.26[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: Imagine that!
02:12.28zmityain the example in sip.conf
02:12.44[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: Do they say that pattern is for 3 digits?
02:12.48zmitya;   . - wildcard, matches anything remaining (e.g. _9011. matches
02:12.49zmitya;   anything starting with 9011 excluding 9011 itself)
02:13.07[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: "excluding" <-
02:13.22[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: and "starting" .  Strats with... doesn't end with...
02:13.30[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: Dang pesky grammar!
02:13.45[TK]D-FenderThesaurus : The most literate dinosaur
02:14.00zmitya[TK]D-Fender: thanks again
02:14.05zmityai should sleep
02:14.10[TK]D-Fenderzmitya: Quite welcome
02:24.49jayteewanna know what's scary? scary is when your boss forces you to train an airhead with ADHD on Asterisk.
02:28.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ADHD can be channeled.... airhead... well there's just no helping a severe case of acute cranial oxygen deprivation syndrome...
02:29.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I fear for the future of this company's voice infrastructure between my boss and this guy it hasn't a chance
02:29.28[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Is he your replacement?
02:29.53jayteenot hardly, he can barely troubleshoot his way out of a paper bag and my boss knows that.
02:30.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: What influence will this person have over your deployment?
02:30.33jaytee[TK]D-Fender, none
02:30.48jayteehe's just there as backup in case I croak
02:30.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So he has no say and you're still in charge... wheres the "damage" then?
02:31.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, if I have to delegate tasks to him that I'd feel comfortable delegating to a chimpanzee then I'm still gonna worry even though he doesn't walk on his knuckles.
02:33.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: jaytee You talking about delegating to chimps requires context ;)
02:33.51jayteeI've been working exclusively on VOIP until this week when my boss told me I had to start taking back desktop support stuff from him because he wasn't getting things done. He had one problem with 3 computers involving opening documents through our Sharepoint portal in IE6. He struggled with this problem for 3 days. I fixed it in less than 2 hours.
02:34.21drmessanoDid he reboot?
02:34.56jayteelol, all the problem needed to fix it was an Office repair and applying all the recent Office updates for 2003 including SP3.
02:35.17drmessanoTheres service packs for Office 2003
02:35.19drmessanoOh shit
02:35.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You're right.... I think the chimp could do it too ;)
02:35.44[TK]D-Fenderoffers up a banana
02:35.52kb3ienanyreason fromuser in sip.conf would override set(CALLERID(num),) ?
02:35.59drmessanoGuys like that are what make me embaressed sometimes to get compliments from customers
02:36.03[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: Yes
02:36.15[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: thats EXACTLY what it does
02:36.19drmessanoWhen I feel like I brought their business back from the bring of disaster: yay
02:36.29kb3iengood to know. fromuser is set to the customer string, not a numeric value, btw.
02:36.31jayteehe and our server admin are both hilarious. the server admin is the kinda guy who'd fight ya to the death over the last Twinkie in the box if ya know what I mean. A tortoise could outrun him.
02:36.38drmessanoWhen I changed out a toner cartridge and got the same response: ^_^
02:37.10kb3ienwindows users are like chimps. chimps can throw their own feces without any help...
02:37.12jayteeAnd it's taken him almost 5 months to deploy MS MOM (Microsoft Operations Manager) to replace Nagios (which I had to teach him and he didn't want to learn it)
02:37.14kb3ienarnt like
02:37.24drmessanoOh here we go
02:37.25kb3ienbuggerd up my own joke. *nuts to me*
02:37.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: The people in my office are largely too afraid to do so much as change a toner cartridge.
02:37.30drmessanoLike Linux users arent morons too
02:37.58drmessanoPutting Ubuntu in front of them doesn't make their poo less sticky
02:38.37kb3ientrue but i dont need to hold their hands as much (and its a good think with all that Dark Matter around).
02:38.48jayteebrb, time to fold the laundry and put the "permanent press" on hangers so it doesn't wrinkle
02:39.13drmessanoUntil they want to know where Microsoft Word is..
02:39.36*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (n=chatzill@
02:40.59kb3ienwhat the difference between fromuser and defaultuser in sip.conf then?
02:45.06*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
02:45.23kb3ienhrm well somethings breaking my callerid, i think its upsteam, but i'll figure it out.
02:45.33[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: Where do you see "defaultuser"?
02:47.06*** join/#asterisk theskinfox (
02:48.06jayteefromuser modifies the way the contact info in the header is structured when you send a SIP INVITE. I have no clue what defaultuser is.
02:48.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Neither does the WIKi, and I'm trying to find something that tells me it isn't another made-up parm
02:48.52drmessanoNever heard of it
02:48.52kb3ienwas in sip.conf sample file from, somewhere...
02:49.02kb3ienhrm nice. i dint annotate the src.
02:49.06kb3ienmust be.
02:49.22jayteemaybe it's a new parm in 1.6.2. From what I hear in that version all SIP accounts are peers and SIP has no friends or users anymore
02:49.26[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: So from the distributed sample file?
02:49.29kb3ienso its the normal way to send your account name to your upstream provider?
02:49.32[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: What version?
02:49.48[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: set the callerid
02:50.00[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: and standard auth does its own deal
02:50.13kb3ienokay, thats what i was expecting.
02:50.14[TK]D-Fenderkb3ien: Other helpful settings "sendrpid=yes"
02:50.31beekHey guys... it it normal for a PRI to drop occasionally?   I've been fighting this damned thing now for over a week.   I keep getting: PRI got event: Alarm (4) on Primary D-channel of span 1 at random intervals.
02:50.42jayteemaybe he confused defaultuser with username parm
02:50.58jayteebeek, that's not normal
02:51.32beekjaytee: Thanks.   I have been dealing with Level 3 Communications and the only tech support I get there is some guy in India.
02:51.40beekTrying to track this down is a major PITA.
02:51.55jayteewho's probably huddling under a desk afraid to come out
02:52.12beekNo doubt.
02:52.22*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
02:52.45beekThis is a Sangoma a104d card, dahdi and asterisk
02:53.27beekIs there any traces or anything that I can take to figure out WTF is going on?
02:53.39jayteehmmm, haven't run my PRI's with DAHDI yet. still using Zaptel but I use Digium TE212P cards with real HWEC instead of that fake software shit
02:53.58beekThis card has the HWEC, too.
02:54.39jayteeI'd bet it's the distant end of your PRI
02:54.53jayteehow long does it last?
02:54.59beekThe one that terminates in India?   ;-)
02:55.10beekA couple of seconds.
02:55.20jayteeserious? you've got a PRI going all the way to India?
02:55.29jayteethat's nuts
02:55.53beekIt seems like it, given that is where the support is coming from.   Actually, this goes to the CO about two miles away.
02:56.43beekwanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta says I have two out-of-frame errors since I restarted everything at 2:00 p.m.
02:56.47jayteewhat do you have for CSU's?
02:57.32beekJeez... it's been a long day.    Let me go look... BRB
02:59.40beekjaytee: They're Adtran T1 ESF CSU ACE
03:00.22jayteebeek, that's what I've got
03:00.59jayteemine have alarm led indicators on them.
03:01.11beekjaytee: Ditto.
03:01.48jayteebeek, how many spans total in your PRI?
03:02.07beekOne span to the PRI.   Another to our legacy PBX.  The third to a channel bank.
03:02.22beekSpan 1 (to the PRI) is set for B8ZS ESF normal timing.
03:02.25jayteeand you're only getting alarms on the PRI span?
03:02.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:03.24beekSpans 2 and 3 are B8ZS ESF master timing using Span 1 as the source.
03:03.33jayteeI haven't actually ever seen a PRI that doesn't use B8ZS ESF. I've seen fractional T1 using AMI but that was back in 94
03:04.07jayteesounds like your card is working ok then. The frame slips are probably coming from their end.
03:04.25sprite--Hey! I am doing a site similar to I need to be able to call 2 parties, bridge the connections, but keep them in seperate contexts. I am planning on doing the webpage in RoR and it looks like I can easily intergrate it with adhearsion. Does the Asterisk 1.6 bridge support what I need to do? If not what is the best way to do it? From what I read MeetMe conference is not very performance effective. What is the best way to handle a large number
03:04.41jayteebut Span 1 gets it's timing from your telco, correct? because it should.
03:05.04beekCorrect.  If I pastebin the config would you mind taking a peek?
03:05.34jayteesprite, for two party calls use app_bridge
03:06.40jayteesprite, you might want to look at the AJAM libs to use with RoR instead of Adhearsion
03:08.11jayteealthough Adhearsion is more Ruby oriented
03:08.39sprite--jaytee: Thanks. Where is there a list of Asterisk applications such as Bridge that I can download and install?
03:09.15sprite--Going to give Gentoo + Asterisk 1.6 a shot. Been messing with the AsteriskNow 1.5b for a few days and I really like Asterisk so far.
03:09.17jayteesprite, it's only in 1.6 and you can find it in the /docs in the tarball
03:09.58sprite--Ahh ok. Does Bridge let me keep the channels in a seperate context so I can unbridge them if I want to?
03:11.28beekjaytee: according to the docs on Sangoma's site things are set appropriately.
03:11.55*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
03:14.47jayteebeek, looks fine in your system.conf
03:15.33beekjaytee: Thanks...  I appreciate another set of eyes on it.  I'm convinced that its the telco but getting those bastards to actually do something about it is a challenge beyond compare.
03:16.06jayteebeek, yep that's always the big problem with PRI's and dealing with the telcos.
03:17.01beekjaytee: While we were TelCove's customer my support center was 45 minutes away.  The service was great.  Now, things suck royally and the only tech support I get is from India.  My sales rep is in Oklahoma.
03:17.34jayteeonly way to prove it is to loopback at your end and wait for a sufficient interval. If you get no more out of frame errors then it's gotta be their end. If it was your card it would be screwing with the other spans too.
03:18.13beekjaytee: Hmmm...   This is a loop back through the CSU?
03:18.29jayteeLevel3 is the perfect example of big not always being better.
03:19.39jayteebeek, you could loopback at the adtran, loopback from inside the card using dahdi_tool or you could just make a T1 crossover 1 -> 4, 2 ->5 if you have the crimps and tool and slap that on the span.
03:20.32*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
03:20.55jayteemy CSU has a set of DIP switches for LBO and for doing loopback on the CPE side and the NET side.
03:21.06Micccan I do an include in agents.conf and queues.conf?
03:21.14jayteemight piss off your buddies in India though :-)
03:21.29beekjaytee: fuck 'em.   I've had it.
03:22.25beekI'm investigating the dahdi_tool to see if I can loop back that way.   I also have a terminal attached to the Adtran, so perhaps I can get into the configuration and loop it back through there.
03:23.07jayteeI've had really good luck with Time Warner but when my PRI was with AT&T I had to borrow a friends T-Berd and pull dumps of all the frame slips coming off the circuit and then call screaming at them. The word lawyers seemed to get a response.
03:23.27beekThat's next up.
03:23.28jayteemiraculously the slips stopped.
03:23.51beekWell, this morning my PRI dropped at 0600.  I didn't get them to get it back up until 1400.
03:24.14beekThey called and said "all was fixed" and here I am, back at 10:23, looking at another.
03:24.33jayteewhere are you?
03:24.49jayteeyeah? what part?
03:24.58beekSW of State College
03:25.23jayteeok, know where that is vaguely. Steelers kicked the Pats butts sideways sunday.
03:25.42beekI'm about 2.5 hours from Pittsburgh.   Where are you?
03:26.02jayteeI didn't feel too bad even though I'm originally from south of Boston. Now I'm living in exile in Indianapolis
03:26.44beekThis is my first experience interfacing Asterisk to a PRI...   I've learned more in the last week about PRIs then I ever thought I'd have to know.
03:27.02beekWhere would you suggest I do the loop back?  At the CSU?
03:27.33jayteeI used to fly into Pittsburgh and drive to Morgantown, WV or catch a puddle jumper to Williamsport, PA to do installs and upgrades at retail offices there. I liked Pittsburgh, especially the airport.
03:27.55beekWilliamsport?  Really?   I grew up about 13 miles from there.
03:28.02jayteebeek, yeah if you can.
03:28.32jayteeis your office in operation now or is it after hours?
03:28.36beekWhat's a reasonable amount of time to run this test?   I have the phone system until 0700.
03:28.44beekAfter hours... WAY, after hours.
03:28.50jayteehow long was it between alarms?
03:29.08beekWell, initially it started at around 8 hours.    Then 6 hours,  then hourly.
03:29.29jayteetry looping it back for an hour or so if you can afford the time
03:29.42drmessanoSpeaking of loopback..
03:29.53drmessano127.0.0.1 <------ HACK ME!
03:29.59drmessano127.0.0.1 <------ GO ON!
03:30.05drmessano127.0.0.1 <------ U NO U WANTU
03:30.14jayteeu r gay!
03:30.14drmessanook, done
03:30.33drmessanoGAY HUH?  WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT ------->
03:31.02beekjaytee: I'm off to the wiring closet and see if I can get that loop back configured.  I have a terminal attached to the CSU so I can easily configure it.
03:31.05drmessanoJAYTEES HOUSE -------->
03:31.08beekjaytee: Thanks very much.
03:31.27jayteebeek, good luck! sucks being in the trenches late at night.
03:31.37beekjaytee: Yep.
03:32.03jayteebeek, one more thing.
03:32.33jayteeyou may need to reset your timing in system.conf while you test, but I'd only do it if it throws an alarm about clock sync
03:33.07*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
03:33.20jayteebeek, you're only using 3 of your 4 ports, right?
03:34.47beekjaytee: yes
03:35.27beekjaytee: Am I looking for test, line or local loopback?
03:36.01jayteeyou could try setting up the unused port as a PRI_NET span supplying timing and use a crossover cable to go from your span 1 to that span (4?)
03:36.07jayteelocal loopback
03:38.04jayteewhenever I test a dual port card I setup one span as PRI NET with timing and the other as PRI CPE and route calls out the context for the NET span and into the incoming context for the CPE span to test phone to phone over the circuit.
03:40.49*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
03:40.51beekjaytee: I see.
03:42.31beekjaytee: that sounds like a great idea.   I think I'll engineer that tomorrow morning and start it right after the office closes tomorrow evening.   That way I can have a few hours to watch it.
03:42.53beekjaytee: I think I'm going to head home and get some sleep.  I really appreciate your help this evening and I'll let you know how I make out.
03:43.29jayteebeek, you can even run test calls that way if you setup some temporary matches in the contexts for the spans and then comment them out later.
03:43.53jayteebeek, have a good nite
03:44.15beekjaytee: I never thought of that before but you've given me some great ideas.   I'll be ready to do battle tomorrow!
03:44.46jayteesometimes you just gotta grab the bull by the tail and face the situation :-)
03:45.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And if the situation is a very angry bull with sharp horns?
03:45.37[TK]D-FenderRUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!
03:46.06jayteeI love that scene in Michael
03:46.14jayteethe poor bull
03:46.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I love the bull in the Looney Tunes "Bully for Bugs"
03:46.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Sly Bull > all
03:47.07jayteegod, I haven't seen that in ages!
03:47.20jayteeshit, I think Reagan or Carter was President
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03:48.01theskinfoxso can anyone help me out with "one touch" call recording aka automon?
03:48.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: @ 5:11 I took a DVD screen-shot for my ex :)
03:49.26theskinfoxI want to be able to play 1 sound file when starting the recording, and play another sound file when stopping it
03:49.27jayteeawesome! I didn't know this was on YT.
03:50.06[TK]D-Fendertheskinfox: No such option
03:51.09[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Do skip to the pic at least... its that leer he gives...
03:51.54drmessanoIf it had red hair, I would buy it a house
03:52.21theskinfox<[TK]D-Fender>: do you know of anyway I could put in a feature request? I'm sure others could/would find it useful... I've been trying to butcher the code, but being I'm not a coder i've had no luck
03:53.26[TK]D-FendertheLack of skill is a near prerequisite for butchery.  I'm sure you're on the right path!
03:53.30drmessanoI guess that would explain it
03:54.39drmessanoI spent a month trying to code a WMA audio codec for asterisk.. but I couldn't get notepad to open from the command line
03:54.43drmessanostart notepad.exe my ass
03:55.08jayteedo you know about the .LOG option in notepad?
03:55.09[TK]D-Fendertheskinfox: You can use the "bounty" page on the WIKi if you care enough
03:55.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:55.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: notepad++ = awesome
03:55.35theskinfoxnotepad++ is pretty awesome
03:55.38jayteeGvim FTW!
03:56.09theskinfox<[TK]D-Fender> : thanks, i'll drop in a request
03:56.27theskinfoxjaytee : vim ftmfw
03:56.32drmessanonano.exe <---
03:56.36[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: VIM is extreme power with little grace.  Notepad++ is pretty powerful with lots of grace :)
03:57.16drmessanoOh man
03:57.20drmessanopownce is shutting down
03:57.21jayteeI like vim or Gvim because it has the asterisk syntax checking (arguably not all that great but better than nothing)
03:57.38jayteeyeah, I read that
03:57.52*** join/#asterisk mattzerah (
03:58.18drmessanopownce always invoked images of emodouche kitters blogging from their iphones with moleskin cases
03:59.36jayteeMoleskine stuff is a big seller at Barnes and Noble lately
04:00.09jayteeall the yuppy wannabee Hemingways and Picassos want them
04:00.39mattzerahany devs here that may be able to answer a question or two about hints ?
04:01.07jayteemattzerah, might have better luck in #asterisk-dev
04:01.15mattzerahahh, cool, thanx :)
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04:03.46sprite-- is latest stable?
04:04.05drmessanoAs stable as 1.6.0 is
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04:06.13drmessanoI am currently not able to make SIP TCP work on 1.6 and expect a refund any day now
04:06.24theskinfoxSWEET, i got it to work, yay for butchered code
04:06.37drmessanoyay fur notpad
04:06.50theskinfoxvi/vim actually
04:07.36theskinfoxso hre's a really dumb question
04:07.38*** join/#asterisk mattzerah (
04:07.48theskinfoxi'm very new to asterisk, only been messing around with it for a week
04:07.58[TK]D-Fendermattzerah: Just ask, maybe you'll get an answer
04:08.00echinosyeah, me too :)
04:08.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Don't like your free download?  We'll give you DOUBLE your money back....
04:08.36theskinfoxwhat are the differences between 1.4.x and 1.6 branches?  I haven't really found any "basic feature over views"... just the changelogs which go into a lot more detail than I need
04:08.46drmessanoI actually have never used asterisk.. i'm jaytees brother, and he makes me sit here and entertain him
04:09.08drmessanojaytee: I am makin monkeyface
04:09.16mattzerahok, with hints, i have a few linksys phones with blf working correctly......
04:09.27mattzerahfirst call comes in -> extension shows riniging
04:09.43mattzerahfirst call gets answered -> extension shows inuse
04:09.51[TK]D-Fendertheskinfox: Quite a few articles on the big stuff.  Key items : SIP TCP support, more native faxing, better T.38 support including termination, TLS, devstate built in, and a bunch more.
04:10.02mattzerahsecond call comes in (first call still being connected) -> hint shows ringing&inuse
04:10.06sprite--jaytee: has the Bridge function? What doc file documents it?
04:10.19mattzerahfirst call gets put on hold, and second call gets answerd -> hint shows idle
04:10.40jayteesprite, do a core show application bridge
04:10.45[TK]D-Fendermattzerah: pastebin a channel dump and a hint dump
04:10.45jayteeat the CLI
04:11.02mattzerahokay, hang on i'll reproduce :), thanx [TK]D-Fender
04:11.03sprite--jaytee: Didn't install 1.6 yet.
04:11.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
04:12.52theskinfoxI'm very interested in the faxing and t.38 support, but One of the things i read about 1.6 is that 1.4 dialplans may no longer work?
04:14.05[TK]D-Fenderthelittle changes as always
04:14.14[TK]D-Fendertheforget sweeping statements like that
04:14.26[TK]D-Fendertheskinfox: and get a more unique nick!
04:15.17jayteesprite, not sure where in the docs it's documented but it should be in there. there's an api document in OpenOffice odt format and a bunch of others.
04:16.28*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
04:17.22jayteesprite, here's a paste of core show application bridge
04:18.22mattzerahmuch appreciated that you (or anyone of course) can look at this and see whats going on !
04:19.33Carlos_PHXmattzerah: I run the Linksys phones and could try a test, but we're moving the office around and they're all down.  Maybe later if I choose "fixing the network" over "drink beer."
04:19.43Carlos_PHXmattzerah: What firmware?  What model phones?
04:19.45[TK]D-Fendermattzerah: Yeah, SIP/400 is on 2 calls
04:19.53sprite--jaytee: thanks
04:20.11[TK]D-Fendermattzerah: Looks like a bug to me...
04:20.16lkthomasjql: you there ?
04:20.18mattzerahlatest firmware (6.1.3a from memory) 400 = spa962 (with SPA932), others = spa942
04:20.31jayteepersonally I think anyone who chooses "fixing the network" over "drink beer" needs their head examined
04:20.41mattzerahyea, i thought as much - i might need to look into the hint code
04:20.55lkthomasour company got a DID line, I assume it is not same as normal phone line ?
04:21.21xacatecascan anybody explain the difference between SIP/1234@user and SIP/user/1234 ?
04:21.29sprite--So it bridges the audio, but the users remain in their seperate dialplans?
04:22.29jayteesprite, we're talking channels not contexts
04:23.44xacatecasjaytee, can this for example be used to "park" a user somewhere in say MOH() and to then bridge him with another caller at some stage?
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04:25.55jayteexacatecas, you'd have do some dialplan scripting tricks to do that but I'd say it's possible. when you say "at some stage" that's kind of vague. shit, that's totally vague.
04:26.21xacatecasjip.  i know.  but the point being that it can be done :)
04:27.17jayteethere's not much you can't do with Asterisk and for that there's always Viagra
04:27.33xacatecascrude but true.
04:27.58Carlos_PHXHey, can anyone outside the US tell me if your ISDN BRI SPIDs are something other than the phone number followed by four ones?
04:28.05Carlos_PHXJust a curiousity question.
04:28.21jayteethere's a dead cat in there somewhere
04:29.13drmessanoOh god
04:29.20drmessanoYou said SPID's
04:29.26drmessanoI just got the eeby jeebies
04:29.28jayteeyes, he did!
04:29.38jayteei thought it was heeby jeebies
04:30.00drmessanoDSN's and SPIDs can KMA
04:30.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, now has a Firefox add-on :-)
04:30.57drmessanoJust getting flashbacks to setting up broadcast equipment on ISDN BRI's using G.722
04:30.58Carlos_PHXBRIs kick ass.  Everyone should have one.
04:31.01Carlos_PHXwiggles bait
04:31.05sprite--jaytee: Cool, seems like bridge will do exactly what I need then. Except I don't see any support to unbridge the channels?
04:31.56jayteesprite, the bridge is broken when one end or the other hangs up the phone
04:33.40sprite--jaytee: Yeah. I suppose I could change it myself to add the functionality to unbridge. I got have lots of experience with C/C++ just not in a linux environment. Basically I need to be able to unbridge on demand.
04:34.16jayteesprite, you're better of asking about that in #asterisk-dev probably
04:35.29xacatecasi have another use for Bridge() ... instead of the M or U options to Dial you can split them off using G, which means I can now control the two channels separately until such time as I'm happy to Bridge them.
04:35.33[TK]D-Fendersprite--: "soft hangup [channel]" :)
04:35.38[TK]D-FenderSimplest solutions = best
04:36.17[TK]D-Fendersprite--: AMI Redirect does 1/2 a split
04:36.41xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, I suspect he wants each channel to go into a separate channel again after unbridging.
04:37.11xacatecaswhat happens if I pass multiple L() options to Dial()?
04:37.30[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: probably takes the alst... if you're LUCKY
04:37.38jqlI've written a Bridge function before. it's not all that complicated -- doesn't even require digging through that much source to figure ut
04:37.57xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, no, if I'm really lucky it takes the lesser time limit.
04:38.41[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: and how / why are you passing repeat parameters to dial?
04:39.07xacatecascore routing puts a L() on my dialopts var to time-limit calls based on available credit.
04:39.55xacatecasnow a client is selling "translation" time and wants to limit a call duration, since the client has credit with me which I don't want her to exceed the simple, stupid solution will end up having multiple L() options.
04:40.20xacatecasbut I suspect I can just pass a "maxlimit" variable in to my system which will do the "lesser" thing instead of multiple L() options.
04:41.52xacatecasnot that much more work and will do the trick.  A trickier question is this though:  Since the L() option limit from the point when the called party picks up, is there any way to limit from the time when the call got bridged?
04:42.03[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: this is your dilaplan... parse away
04:42.11[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: You've created your won mess.
04:42.38xacatecaslol no, i've just spent two weeks cleaning the garbage out.  that's pretty much the only nasty that's left.
04:44.05*** join/#asterisk terracon (
04:44.43[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: It has grown in power and anger in your negligence...
04:45.34jayteeparry and thrust, feint and attack
04:46.17drmessanoMichael Stipe singing It's the end of the world as we know it, without cheat sheets
04:47.09xacatecas66 extensions (161 priorities) in 57 contexts. <-- used to be MUCH, MUCH worse (490 extensions (619 priorities) in 560 contexts). exact same functionality.
04:47.29drmessanoJust watching on YouTube.. recent video of him singing it without the lyrics in front of him
04:47.53drmessanoI guess after 20+ years, some things just stick
04:48.18xacatecasit took him 20 years? :p
04:48.41jayteeI love the video for Michael Andrews performing "Mad World" from the Donny Darko theme.
04:48.51drmessanoJust about
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04:49.34Carlos_PHXWTF, looks like in 1.6 you can no longer do a set with two items separated by a pipe.  Anyone know the replacement method?
04:49.37drmessanoFor years he used a stand in front of him
04:50.45jayteeCarlos_PHX, try a comma
04:50.58Carlos_PHXI thought they were going to pipe, not the other way.
04:52.01[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Shit looks pretty good... when compared to crap ;)
04:52.28jayteeyeah, but crap usually has better "texture"
04:52.36Carlos_PHXDamn, that doesn't work either.
04:52.53Carlos_PHXexten => 16023258422,s,Set(,LOCALSTATIONID=TelEvolve)
04:53.06[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: "s" is NOT a priority
04:53.10Carlos_PHXThat just sets FAXADDRESS to be everything else on the line.
04:53.16Carlos_PHXYes it is.
04:53.26[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Since when?
04:53.38Carlos_PHXOr maybe 1.0
04:53.39jaytees is not a priority in any 1.x release
04:53.42xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, you're extremely friendly today.  either way.  I need to be off.
04:53.44[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: No, "s" is an Asterisk Standard Extensions
04:53.47Carlos_PHXCertainly way before 1.2
04:54.03Carlos_PHXNo, really, that does work.  It's a "same" priority.
04:54.08Carlos_PHXWe use it extensively.
04:54.12jayteeCarlos_PHX, put the bong down and step away from the "coffee bar"
04:54.25Carlos_PHXEVERY one of our customer configs uses it.
04:54.34[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Really... I'd have to go read that somewhere...
04:54.50[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: "same" as what?
04:55.01Carlos_PHXI don't know where it's documented.  Kevin Fleming set up our systems originally, he may have just read it in the code.
04:55.03jayteeI've never seen that in any of the WIKI articles.
04:55.06Carlos_PHXSame as previous.
04:55.11Carlos_PHXI'll pastebin an example.
04:55.14[TK]D-FendercarWhats the poitn?
04:56.30Carlos_PHXBut anyway, that doesn't affect the multiple variable issue.
04:56.38Carlos_PHXWhich did work at least in 1.2
04:57.29jayteewow, this is from the WIKI about parked calls: If you have a more complex dialplan and want to be able to Goto() a more elaborate 'parkedcalls' handler then you'll need to be sure to include a handler for the 'i' priority to catch calls to parkinglot without call in them as well as the 's' priority to give timeouts somewhere to go, thus:
04:57.45Carlos_PHXI had no idea the 's' priority was a secret.
04:58.09jayteewell, it's not anymore now that you've blabbed!
04:59.05[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: No, just poorly documented
04:59.14[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: And I DO think I recall mention of this before...
04:59.29[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Not the full breakdown of its purpose, but attesting to its existance.
04:59.49[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Still... EW!!!
04:59.57[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Go code that stuff clean!
05:07.03jayteehmmm, found an archived thread from the digium listserv group about the n and s priorities in CVS but not in release from back in 2005 posted by Kevin Fleming
05:08.09jayteeand it was supposed to show up in release in 1.2 but the only mention of it on the WIKI is in that one part about parked calls
05:08.27jayteenothing in "the book" for sure
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05:09.07jayteewell, time for bed. nite all
05:09.17Carlos_PHXDamn, my hackintosh crashed.
05:09.38drmessanoYou poor bastard
05:09.47drmessanoDid you win the MAC in a raffle?
05:10.16Carlos_PHXI built it, that's why it's a hackintosh.
05:10.29Carlos_PHXGeneric hardware with Mac OS
05:13.57Carlos_PHXSo it looks like SET no longer takes multiple variables, you use ARRAY
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05:51.39[TK]D-Fender*yawn* hcekout time
05:51.44[TK]D-Fenderlater all
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06:31.55sprite--Will upgrading AsteriskNOW's installation of Asterisk from 1.4 to 1.6 break it?
06:33.42drmessanoIts an option, is it not?
06:34.25sprite--? I was wondering if I just do a yum install asterisk16 if it will overwrite config files, etc?
06:36.46*** join/#asterisk ipguy (
06:36.58ipguyhi all
06:37.31ipguywhats the smallest asterisk device currently on the market ?
06:37.59drmessanoSmallest how?
06:38.08sprite--drmessano: How do I upgrade? It says to install an upgrade package but I'm not sure where to find it?
06:38.10ipguysize ?
06:38.18ipguydrmessano: size
06:38.35jqlprobably mac mini. heh
06:38.46jqlmight not be entirely joking
06:39.09ipguyok with FXO FXS ports
06:39.13jqlthere ya go
06:39.29drmessanoYou didnt specify analog ports
06:39.37ipguyok, i am now.
06:40.20ipguysmallest imdebbed * with analog port, one will do
06:40.40drmessanoFXS or FXO
06:40.44drmessanoYou didnt specify
06:41.10ipguyFXS (that will allow me to plug my phone into t right ?)
06:41.35drmessanoHave you even used Asterisk before?
06:41.49ipguydrmessano: yes, setup a test box the other day.
06:41.58drmessanoSo "No"
06:42.00ipguydrmessano: worked perfectly
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06:43.07ipguyno? i said i setup an * installation, configured it to connect to my VOIP provider, setup a few extentions internally... blah blah blah
06:44.19ipguyit works, great, now i want to use it at home but don't want to have a PC set aside for it's use. a device is a much better idea if they support full implementation of *
06:44.39ipguyand the device would need one FXS port
06:46.57ipguydrmessano: have you lost interest in the conversation ?
06:49.58drmessanoIn order to get a small device with a minimum of a single FXS port, you'll spend a disproportionate amount of money
06:50.16drmessanoYou're better off with a small PC and an ATA
06:50.43ipguyi was afraid you'd say that
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06:51.18ipguyin that case i'll just dd-wrt my router and install * on it
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06:51.53ipguynow all i need to do is find a cheap VOIP handset thats wireless
06:52.13drmessanoSIP wireless = crap
06:52.22drmessanoYou're better off with an ATA and a 5.8GHZ phone
06:52.49ipguydrmessano: do you have real world experiance with wifi sip phones ?
06:52.53tengulredoes the asterisk support PCM audio format?
06:53.00drmessanoipguy: do YOU?
06:53.26ipguydrmessano: mate, i'm just asking, don;t get defensive...
06:53.47ipguydrmessano: if you think my question are stupid, ignore me please
06:54.40ipguydrmessano: thank christ fro that, it was like speaking to a 15yr old.
06:55.17drmessanoSince youre a fucking smart ass expert-know-it-all after installing asterisk ONCE, glad to be of help
06:55.55ipguylol, chill man, really... i'm simply asking questions here... :-)
06:55.55drmessanoSeems like you're the one with the attitude, mate
06:56.08drmessanoand being insulting, mate
06:56.11ipguydrmessano: me? really? howso ?
06:56.27drmessano"thank christ fro that, it was like speaking to a 15yr old."
06:56.36drmessanoAnyway.. good luck
06:57.31ipguyluck, since when is luck required to setup anything these days ?
06:57.32trnzmetaerr too much angst in here, chill guys, obama won remember
06:58.02ipguyi'm chilled, i think i just got drmessano at a bad time though
06:58.23drmessanoOf course.. insult someone and they are the bad guy
06:58.27trnzmetait's the 3rd... it's about that time
06:58.45drmessanoI won't be happy until obama nukes Australia.. whens inauguration?
06:58.47ipguyLOL.... reread your posts and then say that again
06:59.06ipguydrmessano: LOL, this is why everyone hates you yanks !
06:59.19drmessanoipguy: I was just scrolling up to where I answered your questions and you called me a 15 yr old.. Did I misread, ass?
06:59.43trnzmetapfft obama won't nuke australia him and our pm is like this
06:59.47trnzmeta*crosses fingers*
06:59.54trnzmetathis is getting interesting
07:00.07drmessanoNot really
07:00.24drmessanoTypical newb know-it-all.. doesnt get the answer he wants, so gets all crappy
07:00.31drmessanoBlah blah blah
07:00.33ipguyipguy>drmessano: do you have real world experiance with wifi sip phones ?
07:00.33ipguy[5:53pm] <drmessano> ipguy: do YOU?
07:00.51drmessanoIndeed, I asked you a question
07:01.13ipguyok, your a fool and i've waited to much time here...
07:01.28trnzmetaI can't believe you won
07:01.35drmessanoI can't believe it either
07:01.48joakoipguy: can you recommend a quality WiFi SIP phone?
07:01.57drmessanoI doubt it
07:02.18drmessanoSince he was just asking about them himself
07:02.24drmessanoand.. he's digging his bomb shelter
07:02.31drmessanoI think trnzmeta made him wonder
07:02.53joakoOr anyone for that matter can recommend a reliable one?
07:02.59drmessanoTheres no such thing
07:03.04trnzmetaeh, don't bring me into this
07:03.05drmessanoGet an ATA and a POTS cordless
07:04.10joakoI was thinking SIP DECT phone
07:04.14drmessanotrnzmeta: He was only trolling anyway.. Installed asterisk, now wants a PBX the size of a pack of playing cards for $25.. can't get it, so now he's gonna be an ass
07:04.30drmessanojoako: Waste of time
07:04.35joakoAnd I am legitimatly interested in a wireless solution
07:04.42drmessanojoako: Get an ATA and a DECT phone.. forget the SIP part
07:05.15joakoI have too many ATA'ß unless you can tell me how to get port2 to work on HT-498
07:05.20jqlyeah, dect is a pretty decent way to go, considering the array of choices around
07:05.55joakoi"ve connected a GXP-2000 to a WDS node and it worked as good as being directely wired, so voip over wifi seems possible
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07:06.01drmessanoGetting a SIP cordless is dumb.. you're tied to the sip implmentation in the phone.. and its pretty much deadware the second you buy it
07:06.14drmessanoGet a well supported ATA and your choice of DECT phone
07:06.27drmessanoVoIP over WIFI doesnt work
07:06.43drmessanoBattery life, audio quality, etc
07:07.03drmessanoATA and a DECT phone is the best solution
07:09.09drmessanowonders why people bothering asking if they're just looking for someone to agree that their idea is correct
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07:13.27aiksa[LV]morning everyone
07:14.32hi365drmessano: are you just asking or are you looking for someone to agree that your idea is correct?
07:15.18hi365whats that, the new douche?
07:16.27drmessanoCharacter from "In Living Color".. the one that was incarcerated that spoke very eloquently, but all his words were sexual references
07:16.52drmessanoUsed "douche`" instead of "touche`"
07:16.59drmessanoAlways stuck with me
07:23.05drmessano"oswald bates"
07:23.16drmessanoThat was the characters name
07:23.20drmessanoMan I love YouTube
07:26.23*** join/#asterisk marcrosoft (
07:27.04marcrosoftCan I try out asterisk without hooking it up to PSTN or paying for a voip termination gateway?  maybe just use softphone or something?
07:27.28marcrosoftI want to play with it before buying additional hardware or going all out
07:28.20drmessanoyes you can
07:29.05marcrosoftso in a nutshell how would one set that up..
07:29.16marcrosoftdo you sign up to a freedialup connection and use a softphone?
07:29.22drmessanoAs you said, set it up with a couple softphones
07:29.33drmessanoUse Asterisk
07:29.41marcrosoftand how would i "dial" it
07:29.52drmessanoYou create extensions
07:29.54drmessanoIts a PBX
07:30.12drmessano(to put it in simplest terms)
07:30.36marcrosoftso on the local network it would just be an extension
07:30.39marcrosoftno actuall number
07:31.06marcrosoftand i could even call another computer on the network that had a softphone?
07:31.22marcrosoftAlright thanks for your help
07:31.27drmessanoNo probs
07:31.31marcrosoftIm sure i'll be back :)
07:31.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
07:31.36drmessanoGrab that PDF
07:32.04drmessanoIt will tell you most of what you ever wanted to know or not know
07:32.08*** join/#asterisk distatica (n=dist@unaffiliated/distatica)
07:32.51*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
07:32.52marcrosoftsweet a free oreilly book
07:33.10*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
07:33.20marcrosoftis voip over rated...
07:33.27marcrosofti mean if you lose your internet connection you lose phones
07:33.36tengulreDoes the asterisk support PCM audio format?
07:33.42jqldefinitely overrated, but not overpriced. :(
07:33.57[T]ankgetting an error... cant find where to kill the command... can anyone point me in the right direction?
07:33.57[T]ank..................[Dec  3 07:33:25] WARNING[11296]: pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Directory'
07:34.01jqltengulre: yes, in several ways
07:34.05drmessanoFirst off, no one is making you use SIP
07:34.05marcrosoftpractically free
07:34.19marcrosoftdrmessano: i realize that you can hook it up to regular old pstn
07:34.24marcrosoftwhich I would probably do
07:34.25drmessanoYou can use SIP inside to connect to the PBX
07:34.26jqlmarcrosoft: very unfortunate, considering
07:34.27marcrosoftfor reliability
07:34.57marcrosoftmaybe you could have failover?
07:35.12drmessanoor just get reliable internet :)
07:35.55marcrosoftare the fxo fxs cards really that expensive?
07:36.10drmessanoDepends on how many lines
07:36.15drmessanoThey can be
07:36.21marcrosoft2-3 lines
07:36.30drmessanoCouple hundred bucks
07:36.39marcrosoftcheaper than traditional pbx im sure
07:37.03marcrosoftthey look like a modem that is what makes them appear to be expensive
07:37.11[T]ankfor the most part most carriers are sending calls to you via voip anyhow. its being converted to pstn at the "last mile" good internet and voip is just as reliable as pstn in my opinion.
07:37.23distaticaMy employer operates a small 40 room hotel, he requires a PBX with voice mail (including message indicator on handset), auto wake up calls (which must be a recorded message), auto attendant (for a missed call), CID, direct in dialing support, and the basic features. He currently has a Mytel system that is out of date with no support.
07:37.39drmessanoor a "Mitel"
07:37.44distaticaWould asterisk be a good place to be looking?
07:37.50distaticaOops, yes.
07:37.55marcrosoft[T]ank: good point
07:38.00jqlan asterisk consultant... perhaps
07:38.21marcrosoft[T]ank: our internet service is the highest speed and it is through a telco company so... maybe it is just as good
07:38.49marcrosoft[T]ank: do you use QoS to ensure voice never chops?
07:38.54drmessanoWe use all VoIP and get 5 9's
07:39.02drmessanoSo not too bad
07:39.17distaticaAre there any projects around asterisk that might focus more on this area?
07:39.19*** join/#asterisk tshine (
07:39.41marcrosofthow much bandwidth does a typically voip session take up?
07:39.56drmessanodistatica: On what, making a PBX?  That IS the project
07:40.32drmessanomarcrosoft: Depends on codecs, etc
07:41.01marcrosoftrough guess what would you say you would need for average call quality
07:41.09marcrosoftfor 1 session
07:41.24jqlyou need: zero packet loss, <10ms packet jitter
07:42.17marcrosoftso interet to the gateway server has to be pretty solid
07:42.17drmessanoIt has to not be shit
07:42.17distaticadrmessano: No, more focusing on hotel pbx systems, geared towards the hospitality industry.
07:42.17jqlfor quality, yes
07:42.26distaticaie. wake up calls are not a common feature requested on office pbx systems.
07:42.27jqldistatica: hospitality voip asterisk has some hits on google
07:42.46jqlthe hospitality systems require special billing, which makes them somewhat specialized
07:43.04drmessanoHire a consultant
07:43.21distaticaRamada, well isn't that interesting. heh
07:43.22jqlI've looked into what it would take to do hotel systems, and I discovered that I hate hotels
07:43.25drmessanoThe more you ask, the more it's obvious you're over your head
07:44.49distaticaWhat can I expect to pay for a consulatant on something like this? Roughly.
07:44.54distaticaconsultant yet.
07:45.32jqlonly knows what he would charge...
07:45.45distaticaI have to make sure it's more cost effective to go that route, otherwise we'll just order the installed, ready to go system. Seems to me Asterisk is making an impact somewhere though, either it's just that damn good, or it's cheaper in the end.
07:45.56drmessano$1000-$10000, give or take $10000-$20000
07:46.48distaticafor something like that, what would I be looking at in hardware?
07:46.59jqlhow many handsets?
07:47.08jqlthat's the real cost sink, there
07:47.19distatica40 rooms, 1 office, and two would be cordless.
07:47.24distaticayeah, I wondered about that.
07:47.58distaticaI considered voip, but that's rough when you consider what is required in the reciever. (unless people use their laptops, and no, we're not allowed to do that. )
07:48.13jqlso, at least 50 handsets @ ~200 bucks each, depending on your needs
07:48.14distaticasomething like this seems like it would fit the bill:
07:48.30drmessanoDid someone say trixbox?
07:48.53drmessanoTrixbox is the windows vista of VoIP
07:48.56drmessanoRun, run far
07:49.16distaticaI see
07:49.25marcrosoftand why would we do that when we have our persoinal helper drmessano :)
07:49.44jqlthe actual pbx server itself will be a trivial expense compared to the rest
07:50.05jqlwhich is actually why the PBX vendors feel so justified raping you for their hardware
07:50.07marcrosoftjql: mostly in the handsets?
07:50.10drmessanodistatica: Unless you plan to sink a LOT of money into uneducated moves, you need to hire this out.. you're window shopping
07:50.22distaticaIn the end, after my handsets, consultant fees, installation, training, all that, IF you were to actually contract out like that, what would we be looking at?
07:50.35distaticadrmessano: that's precisely what I'm asking about.
07:50.49distaticaBUT, it would be ridiculous to bring someone in at that price, only to go with a mitel.
07:50.53jqlfrom my experience, expenses run like handsets > wiring > internet > pbx hardware for large values of handsets
07:50.53distaticathat's called dumb.
07:51.16drmessanoYou're asking for someone that cant be quoted in an IRC channel
07:52.11distaticayou're telling me, there is not one person in here that has done a similar type contract, or is a contractor, that would know what their rates are; and be able to tell me, for the purposes of getting a rough estimate.
07:52.12drmessanoYou want to give blueprints for cable runs, photos of the wiring closet, a spreadsheet with specific feature needs, employee training requirements, then talk about handset needs, etc
07:52.17marcrosoftjql do you usually use the same network for your phones as your computers? or have seperate cat5?
07:52.34drmessanoDepends on the size
07:52.45jqlgenerally different, powered via a PoE switch
07:52.51drmessanoSmall network, phones are fine on the network
07:52.55jqlwhen practical
07:53.20drmessanoAbove 15 phones, you need to consider segmenting (roughly)
07:53.31marcrosofti see
07:53.42drmessanoAssuming 15 users of course
07:53.44marcrosoftthe university i used to work with had seperate network.. so i was wondering
07:53.48marcrosoftthey had hundreds of phones
07:54.04drmessanoWould most definitely be on a seperate network
07:54.18jqloh, in a university it's a must. college kids will rape your network
07:54.27jqlcase in point: bittorrent
07:54.32marcrosoftdorms were in an entirely different segment
07:54.39marcrosoftthan departments
07:54.43drmessanoEven still
07:54.54marcrosoftand they had paketeer on the edge
07:54.55drmessanoThe phones would dictate the necessity
07:54.58marcrosoftshaping all traffic
07:55.21marcrosoftwell i need to go to bed.. thanks for helping out
07:55.31marcrosoftjql and drmessano
07:55.32jqlI just find it easier to deal with a separate network. less QoS worries, easier to battery backup, etc
07:55.58drmessanoYoure not over supporting the data network to keep voice up
07:57.39drmessanoIm in the process of converting an EMA emcomms vehicle from cellular to VoIP
07:57.56drmessanoEasier dealing with reliable internet than cell service
07:57.59drmessanoand more flexible
07:59.56drmessanoSad and ironic part is that cell service has desensitized us to phone problems
08:00.14drmessanoso 99.95% uptime isn't so bad
08:00.31drmessanoWhich in reality is kinda crappy
08:00.53drmessanoBut you consider cell service, and thats like high availablity
08:05.46*** join/#asterisk thansen (
08:08.46orkidsame with ipod/mp3
08:08.57orkidbut that kidna shizzo only cuts it with some
08:09.12orkidand u pay with quality for convenience
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08:32.49fcois93hello all !
08:33.26fcois93I have a problem in my asteriskS servers
08:33.44fcois93can you see at my topic here ?
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08:38.47fcois93my problem is here:
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08:50.08tengulrewhich g729 codecs is good for asterisk?
08:50.57mort_gibtengulre: Digium
08:51.13jqlthe USian-legal one?
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09:02.59hi365anyone auto provisioning snom's?
09:06.34fcois93I have a probleme with my new network
09:06.37fcois93please help me
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09:12.07aiksa[LV]i have a question - how could I catch transfer event in ami? is there a special event for that or another Link event would appear for the transfered call?
09:12.23aiksa[LV]asterisk - 1.4
09:17.02aiksa[LV]is it true that AMI was introduced Transfer event only in 1.6 ?
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09:30.57mort_gibhi365: Still same problems?
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09:32.07hi365mort_gib: same as? I just cant seem to hack the provisioning files... I belive I got the "general" file (snom320.htm) but I cant seem to figure you format for the individueal files (snom320-MAC.html) here is the pastebin:
09:32.29donnibi have asked this question before and i discussed this with some of you and i am asking it again, maybe new ideas come up :)
09:32.52donnibi have problem with a SPA942 not be able to register some times, i have other clients using Xlite and not having one single problem
09:33.08*** join/#asterisk invalidrecord (
09:33.25donnibi just reg failed on thr SPA942
09:33.46invalidrecordhi im having a prodlem getting res_pgsql to be built, if i compile in ubuntu it gets built but on my mac it dosent
09:33.53donnibi leaning towards a hardware problem but can't really know since i don't have another phone to try with
09:34.11invalidrecordi am passing --with-postgres=/opt/local/lib
09:38.32fcois93I have that error "chan_sip.c:14889 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to"
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10:11.29Faustovhi, is there any document describing the migration from zaptel to dahdi? (no hw, just soft, i use it only for meetme)
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10:25.17Faustovhmm seems not, just load instead of which is no longer built, even if --with-zaptel is set and --with-dahdi is not set during configure
10:25.33Faustovmight be a good idea to add this to the wiki :)
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10:31.46angryuserwhen i receive a call i am setting a ${CALLERID(num)} to a $var i want in my agi php script, but still the original number is displayed on my desk phone, i would like it to change to $var here is the script line 50, the question is, maybe i am missing something in SET with agi? , help ;)
10:31.52*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
10:34.25angryuserhere is the asterisk output i need to see '32' in this case, but still i have 08xxxxxxxxxx
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10:45.31key2is a release or a beta ?
10:49.47tzafrir_laptopA release
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11:00.08angryuserok it is working now ;)
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11:23.36xacatecashi all, i note that the new asterisk-addons (1.6.0) changed the way in which the column names for the sql query is constructed.  It now seems to query what columns are in the table and tries to insert something into all of them.
11:23.44xacatecasis there any way to tell it to leave some columns alone?
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12:46.43yangI am wondering about the thing called session border controller and does it have a differnt name in linux ?
12:47.07yangSomeone suggested it as a good thing for VOIP
12:49.05coppiceits a good thing for people selling session border controllers
12:51.54yangthose tend to be qutie expenssive
12:52.40coppiceOK, its a *really* good thing for people selling session border controllers
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12:57.41espenthow do i pass variables to asterisk through $agi->exec('Dial', 'number'
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13:23.29dominic1after installing dahdi and recompiling asterisk, how can I remove zaptel?
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13:37.09angryuserdominic1: your dahdi channels are not working ?
13:37.26dominic1my channels are working
13:37.31dominic1anything is okay
13:37.40dominic1I just want to remove the zaptel stuff
13:38.48chazzthe zaptel tools or the modules?
13:39.27saftsackthere is a tool what logs what make install does
13:39.45saftsackwith this tool you can remove the installed data. that means you have to reinstall it and then you can remove it
13:40.59saftsacke.g. you can try debians m_pkg
13:41.18saftsackcreate a m_pkg, install it and remove it
13:41.30dominic1what's the name of the tool? make uninstall?
13:42.08saftsackthis is a nice tool. read this manual and you can go
13:42.43dominic1thank you very much. But there is no integrated mechanism in zaptel to uninstall?
13:42.54[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: No
13:43.05saftsackno the makefile doesnt include an uninstall routine
13:43.37saftsackbut with the lfs make install logfile creator you can do the same job in maybe 2 minutes
13:44.03dominic1okay, thank you very much
13:46.26xacatecashi all, i note that the new asterisk-addons (1.6.0) changed the way in which the column names for the sql query is constructed.  It now seems to query what columns are in the table and tries to insert something into all of them.
13:46.27xacatecasis there any way to tell it to leave some columns alone?
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14:26.30maxhbp2005i want to prevent 302 temporarily moved message from asterisk
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14:26.51maxhbp2005is there any configuration in asterisk not to do forward to another user
14:27.07maxhbp2005please help me regarding this
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14:30.01[TK]D-Fendermaxhbp2005: AFAIK there is no way to prevent a SIP devices from being allowed to transfer a call
14:30.21maxhbp2005ok thanks for your reply
14:30.31maxhbp2005means we have to set that in my linksys device
14:30.36maxhbp2005which i am using
14:32.40maxhbp2005[TK]D-Fender: please correct me if i am wrong
14:33.15[TK]D-Fendermaxhbp2005: The answer is clear.  If * can't stop you, your device had better be able to restrict itself
14:33.29[TK]D-Fendermaxhbp2005: The kind of question that really never needs asking
14:34.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: fender, can you connect to me on port 34?
14:34.50maxhbp2005ok fine
14:34.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Whats that?
14:35.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: register a sip phone
14:35.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: on port 34, rather than 5060
14:35.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: can't really concentrate on stuff like that at the office...
14:35.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: You need to get yourself a remote server for testing :)
14:35.40Kattyk, i'll get someone else (=
14:36.02[TK]D-Fenderfeels used and dirty...
14:36.09Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
14:36.13[TK]D-Fendershowers and cries
14:36.13anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: if (is_method("REFER")) { drop; }
14:36.53[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Yes, source code is inherently modifyable.... just looking at it from a user/admin vs coder
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14:42.47disposablei have 2 queues with roundrobin strategy. however, when a new call comes in, it doesn't start with ringing the first phone in the queue, but instead the one after the last one that picked up a call. my queues.conf  is here  Can somebody please tell me how to change it to do what i want?
14:43.22disposableit's asterisk 1.2
14:44.08tokozedgis there any web client for asterisk like X-lite but web workink on sip?
14:44.30[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Absolutely sure its 1.2?
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14:46.00disposable[TK]D-Fender: yes
14:47.12[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Ok, because in 1.4 they resync'd it to be synonymous with rrmemory...
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14:49.13[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: pastebin a channel dump followed by a call going into the queue (verify that the users are available)
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14:50.47disposable[TK]D-Fender: it's a customer so this may take a few minutes
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14:51.40oktayhi. i forget how to call voicemail.. :(
14:52.47[TK]D-Fenderoktay: "exten => 1234,1,Voicemail(aboxgoeshere)
14:53.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: tsk, tsk...
14:53.25tokozedgor exten => 1234,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)})
14:53.34jayteeyeah, I was thinking he meant call into voicemail
14:53.41jayteenot leave voicemail
14:53.42[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: And now ASSUMING the CID is of value..
14:53.45Kattyyay jaytee will help me!
14:53.48[TK]D-FenderThe trench deepens!
14:53.55oktaythanks guys
14:54.13Kattyjaytee: i has a QUEST for you
14:54.14*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (n=mike@
14:54.56jayteeso does anyone have any DID numbers in Tokyo I can route all the outgoing calls from our HR department to? I'm cutting them over to Asterisk today.
14:58.12*** join/#asterisk mv2 (n=mv2@
14:58.22mv2any help with cisco ip phones ?
14:58.56tzangerthat is at least 12 years old
14:59.38tzangercitats's brother sent that to me YEARS ago
15:00.08mv2any help with cisco ip phones ?
15:01.45*** join/#asterisk maziah (
15:02.09[TK]D-Fendermv2: maybe if you asked a SPECIFIC question.
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15:02.42mv2Fender: I to restore the default configs on a ip phone 7961
15:03.13mv2I tried to upgrade the phone but now the phone doesn't work
15:03.47jaytee"Would you like your firmware deep fried? Or broiled?"
15:05.34mv2Fender:any help?
15:06.01*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
15:08.44[TK]D-Fendermv2: "doesn't work" is a not a description anyone can help you with.
15:08.53*** join/#asterisk cjk (
15:09.42cjkhi, if i have an extension _89X. in the users context and 898910 in an included context and my user calls 898910. which extension will be matched?
15:09.55mv2doesn't show up anything on LCD
15:10.21mv2the phone tries to get some files from ftpd
15:10.28[TK]D-Fendermv2: You realize you're not saying ANYTHING of value here, right?
15:10.34*** join/#asterisk packetstream (n=chatzill@
15:10.45packetstreamHi All
15:10.52mv2Fender: ?
15:10.58[TK]D-Fendermv2: Go try & flash your firmware again.
15:11.19mv2hey fender you are a smart guy
15:11.33mv2If i could find the firmware
15:11.38[TK]D-FendermvAnd make sure you are using a proper compatible firmware & set of configs
15:12.10mv2thats not WHAT I'M ASKING FOR
15:12.18mv2Dont have the firmware
15:12.25[TK]D-Fendermv2: <-
15:12.29mv2and want to get things back
15:12.48[TK]D-Fendermv2: and if you've flushed your phones configs, there is no getting your settings back
15:13.13packetstreamCan anyone recommend a resources for dealing with Grandsteam issues. The grandsteam site is no help at all and neither is google at the moment. Perhaps it's the search terms I've used. Anyway I need to find out why 3 phones all of a sudden do the following:
15:13.34packetstreamthe phone makes a loud cracking sounds, phone itself goes off - all lights shine, it dies and a few minutes later it comes to life and reboots
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15:14.07packetstreamany search terms for google would be appreciated?
15:15.08packetstreamtried grandsteam reboots/all lights flash/buzzing/etc
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15:17.22packetstreamI though  it might be a faulty power supply but 3 out of 8 phones doesn't seem likely
15:18.11kb3iencan one spec sounds that arn't in '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/' to be played by Background() ?
15:18.43jbotit has been said that grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
15:19.39lmadsenfunny how I just saw a show on Yugo's that still exist and have been suped up in Yugoslavia
15:19.56lmadsenkb3ien: just provide the path to the sound file
15:20.19kb3ienit abides by the /, cools beans.
15:20.48jayteeI have 4 Grandstream phones and 32 Polycom phones. Of all those phones the ONLY problems I've had are with Grandstreams. I keep 2 spare AC/DC power supplys handy
15:21.19*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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15:22.46packetstreamJaytee I hate Polycom phones
15:22.53*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
15:23.39packetstreamthey need to be rebooted again and again just to install
15:23.44jayteepacketstream, then you must really love echo and jitter :-)
15:24.53jayteeI had to upgrade the firmware on the Grungestreams just to get silence suppression to turn the frak off. It would say it was off but it wasn't. To get continuous MOH while on hold I had to blow into the handset mic constantly.
15:25.41jayteeand I found that info BURIED in a firmware update text file where you'd be not likely to come across it.
15:26.27jayteepacketstream, but go right ahead and support the commie bastards with their slave labor junk and by the way, I hear WalMart's having a major sale this week too!
15:27.09*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:27.13coppiceas opposed to use the made in china polycoms?
15:27.13lmadsentoday is 'hug a commie' day
15:28.33*** join/#asterisk dkatz333 (
15:28.56dkatz333Hello all
15:28.58jayteepolycom's are made in china? Oh CRAP!!!! We're doomed!!! commies are takin over the damn world.
15:29.21dkatz333I have an interesting issue that I think someone may have solved already.
15:29.23jayteeHow can a phone of such good quality come from China? It doesn't make sense.
15:30.05coppicein previous recessions production has moved rapidly to china. this time I think things will be different. there's very little production left to move to china
15:30.25jayteesays on the box for one of the new 330's I'm rolling out that it was made in Thailand. Pffffffft! so there. whew!
15:30.37lmadsenLev: "American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!" -- quote from Armageddon
15:30.44dkatz333Using asterisk, i have about 50 Grandstream 2020's all using early dial (484).  If I setup a "hint" for thier SIP account, it generates enormous traffic when the user is dialing, as a result of the "invite" and then 484 messages.  Anyone have a solution?
15:31.26lmadsenoops.. maybe I should have checked if the link worked before posting :)
15:31.34dkatz333I've used DevState to get it working for now, but it's not smooth and sometimes the user is on a call and the DevState shows available.
15:31.45coppicepacketstream: who says 华语/華語 ? that's very odd chinese
15:32.16packetstreamI learn chinese just in case
15:33.22coppicepacketstream: 你的中文不好 :-)
15:33.23packetstream正音書院; S:正音书院
15:33.50*** join/#asterisk clintc (
15:34.55packetstreamOk I'm cutting and pasting chinese text from a wiki :-)
15:35.23coppicebut 華語 is still an odd expression
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15:36.22pecanhaguys... I can't receive calls -> my extension. I can put in hold, I can call between extensions. And even tried from network with and without NAT (changing according nat=yes and nat=no). SIP peer is registered... I already tried everything I know. :/
15:36.44asteriskmonkeyany one seen this error before ? Dec  3 05:24:27 WARNING[4312]: chan_sip.c:1084 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb7809c40 (len 469) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
15:37.45*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-64c0ca5622bf1b97)
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15:37.51packetstreamcoppice: I got the text from this line: Chinese or the Sinitic language(s) (汉语/漢語, pinyin: Hànyǔ; 华语/華語, Huáyǔ; or 中文, Zhōngwén)
15:38.57coppice汉语/漢語 == normal, 中文m == normal, 华语/華語 == odd
15:46.42asteriskmonkeynoone seen this before ? Dec  3 05:31:22 WARNING[4312]: chan_sip.c:1084 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x906f098 (len 469) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
15:46.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:47.41dkatz333not I, sorry monkey
15:49.54*** join/#asterisk DeVilSoulBlacK (
15:50.00packetstreamcoppice are you saying the wiki is using the wrong symbols or just that the text is grammatical wrong
15:50.37coppiceits obvious what it means, but I've never heard anyone use that expression
15:51.39DeVilSoulBlacKhi, ist possible disable the user dial via softphone the numbers ?,
15:56.21disposable[TK]D-Fender: having done some testing and reading up on the issue, i have discovered that the fact RoundRobin call queue strategy doesn't reset for each call is a feature and not a bug. thanks for the help anyway.
15:56.52packetstreamok what does the expression mean ?
15:58.07*** join/#asterisk asterisk` (
15:58.52asterisk`hi there
15:59.33[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Should be a bug.  rrmemory remembers where you leave off, roundrobin does not.
16:00.50asterisk`[TK]D-Fender : do you have a second ?
16:02.06*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
16:05.40[TK]D-Fenderasterisk`: ask in public
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16:12.40DeVilSoulBlacKhi, ist possible disable the user dial via softphone the numbers ?, (via dialplan or context )
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16:15.04farah#join cacti
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16:15.23lmadsenatleast you weren't trying to join some fetish room :)
16:15.32zeljkoMONhi all
16:15.48Faustovcacti is fetish
16:16.01farahanyone can help me with cacti plz?
16:16.12farahi want to monitor snmp with cacti
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16:16.24coppiceyeah, but its not really perverted like, say, join #sarahpalin
16:16.25zeljkoMONcan some1 help me with including context?
16:16.34[TK]D-Fenderfarah: WRONG CHANNEL
16:16.58farahwhere do i have to ask my question?
16:17.08*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
16:18.23[TK]D-Fenderfarah: ... this isn't #cacti
16:18.38zeljkoMONdoes contexts inherit includes form included context?
16:18.45farahthere is no cacti this channel doesnt exist
16:18.47[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: Yes
16:19.01zeljkoMONis there any way i can make set up like this
16:19.08zeljkoMONhave 3 contexts
16:19.11zeljkoMON1 local
16:19.15[TK]D-Fenderfarah: I'm fairlycetain there is no #fordmotorco but that doesn't mean we support your CAR here either...
16:19.23zeljkoMON1 internet and 1 for outbound calls
16:19.40zeljkoMONand enble only local users to use outgoing calls
16:20.07[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: then make sure only your phone's include contexts with outbound access
16:20.10farah[TK]D-Fender: it's related to asterisk snmp!but anyway..thank you
16:20.50zeljkoMONyea but the problem is that both local and net users can talk to eachother
16:21.52[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: pastebin is your friend... show us your dialplan.
16:21.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:22.25*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (n=dakendri@
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16:23.57SQLDarklyAnyone know where there is some documentation even minimal on replacing the mini http server with an Apache server different maching..
16:25.49SQLDarklymachine that was ;)
16:26.41zeljkoMON[TK]D-Fender prob is i aint o that machine
16:27.00zeljkoMONjust need a way to include all like it should be
16:27.40zeljkoMONcan i make new context for excample tat will have net and local included so they can talk to eachother
16:27.49zeljkoMONand one with local and outbound?
16:27.58[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: Of course
16:28.54DeVilSoulBlacKhi, ist possible disable the user dial via softphone the numbers ?, (via dialplan or context )
16:29.20*** part/#asterisk farah (
16:30.27*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
16:30.49[TK]D-FenderDeVilSoulBlacK: "the numbers"?  WHT "numbers"?
16:32.07DeVilSoulBlacKthe number was in the softphone
16:32.23DeVilSoulBlacK0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
16:32.41[TK]D-FenderDeVilSoulBlacK: Still makes no sense.  What are they doing if they aren't allowed to dial?
16:33.35DeVilSoulBlacKbecause i have i predict call via php
16:34.08DeVilSoulBlacKand i dont need the agent can dial via softphone
16:34.40DeVilSoulBlacKbecause the predict script make the calls(dials)
16:34.54Ast001Hi, I've got following error on Asterisk CLI and Digium TE121 card : WARNING pri err on span 0 we think we are cpe but they think they are too
16:35.35*** join/#asterisk esaym (
16:35.39Ast001ERROR chan_zap.c ZT_PRI_ERROR!! got ! frame while link state 8
16:36.14Ast001I made loopback RJ-45 and put in card and card is green but that annoying message show up insted of restart channel 1... 30
16:36.48coppiceits not an annoying message. its a clear and important one. you are just failing to read it
16:37.02[TK]D-FenderDeVilSoulBlacK: then point them to a context with no usable extens in it
16:37.39*** join/#asterisk zeljkoMON (
16:38.58Ast001I know it is important one but I am not sure how clear it is
16:39.27Ast001is it zaptel driver problem ? libpri problem or what ?
16:39.37coppiceHow much clearer than "we think we are cpe but they think they are too" do you expect to get?
16:40.00zeljkoMONit doesnt seem to work
16:40.06zeljkoMONhere is my conf
16:40.10Ast001who are they ? There are only me card and rj45
16:40.40coppiceyou said you looped two ports together. you've configured them both as CPE
16:40.46Ast001pri device is not connected at all
16:41.47Ast001no I have only 1 port on card
16:41.59Ast001and I made loopback for it
16:42.14coppiceso you looped one port back to itself, and its receiving its own output.
16:43.04Ast001it should reset channels not showing error message right ?
16:44.06Ast001something like reconfigure or reset channel 1 .. 30
16:44.45*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
16:45.04[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: show us this user placing a call they shouldn't be able to (CLI output), and thier sip.conf config (or whatever they use)
16:45.44mikealeonettiis there something like announcements but for just music on hold? just something to let the customer know he isn't just listening to music but is on hold?
16:45.55zeljkoMON[TK]D-Fender in this config
16:46.07zeljkoMONlocal and net should be able to communicate?
16:46.20Ast001is libtermcap-devel package essential for building libpri or zaptel ? There is no such package on Ubuntu
16:46.45[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: CONTEXTS don't "communicate"
16:47.23[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: And those 2 contexts do not include any others
16:48.48Ast001Is compiling order 1) libpri then 2)zaptel then 3)asterisk ok or I need to compile zaptel first libpri second and asterisk third ?
16:49.32zeljkoMON[TK]D-Fender but if i include then i will inherit some includes
16:49.34[TK]D-FenderAst001: libpri, zaptel (dahdi), asteris
16:49.46zeljkoMONand all will be able to make all calls
16:49.53[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: then you need to make a better structure
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16:50.37[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: [local] and [net] shound NEVER include other contexts, and no device should ever be set to use either as their context.
16:50.54Ast001[TK]D-Fender what about libtermcap-devel ? Does libpri or zaptel needs it ?
16:51.11[TK]D-FenderAst001: yes, IIRC
16:51.36[TK]D-FenderAst001: Plenty of Ubuntu from source guides out there.  Go read
16:53.34*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
16:53.40mikealeonettiis that a no? :D
16:53.53stevie[xxx]how is asterisk 1.6 detecting for faxes, is NVfax still there?
16:53.54mikealeonettisometimes Google doesn't want to be my friend
16:54.35Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Is iIRC the name for Apple's new IRC client?
16:54.54*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:55.42zeljkoMONhmm, yhen only way i see is to make another context that will have all users in it
16:55.45[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: You've jsut been upgraded from dumb-ass to smart-ass.  Congratulations!
16:56.09[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: Then you need to see differently.
16:56.35[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: You make a new context that combines the things you want GROUP-A to ahve access to and use THAT as the context for the device.
16:56.46[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: then a similar grouping context for OTHERS
17:00.48*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
17:02.51zeljkoMON[TK]D-Fender yhx, i think i can see the point
17:03.11[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: Excellent
17:03.21[TK]D-FenderzeljkoMON: This is a very important thing to learn
17:03.33zeljkoMONdoing things right way
17:11.12stevie[xxx]can someone tell my the asterisk 1.6 fax_detect command?
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17:29.15ACK-NAKQuestion: Why is chan_features disabled by default in 1.6 in menuselect.  Should I enable it?
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17:30.44fileACK-NAK: no, you do not need it
17:30.57ACK-NAKfile: thank you!
17:31.06filethus why it is disabled
17:37.23*** join/#asterisk catch23 (n=catch23@
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17:39.21catch23hi, i'm using asterisk as my personal line right now and every now and then I get bombarded with robocalls that last almost 3 hours, usually when I'm not around.  Asterisk then creates a giant wav file and sends it to me as voicemail.  Is there a way I can have asterisk hang up after a certain amount of time so I don't waste minutes?  or is there a way to detect these robocalls somehow?
17:42.49ajohnsonThis defines the maximum amount of time in seconds of an incoming message.
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17:46.49catch23ajohnson: ah cool, will asterisk hang up the call after maxmessage, or does it record the full length and then truncate the audio file?
17:47.08ajohnsonIt hangs up
17:47.28catch23that's good.  thanks
17:51.56*** join/#asterisk marcrosoft (
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17:52.11marcrosoftkinda a dumb question, but how do you dial an extension with xlite
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17:52.17marcrosoftis it just the number?
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17:53.33Bad_Robot-just the numberf
17:53.58marcrosoftk thanks
17:54.07ACK-NAKcatch23: Usually such calls have a toll-free or blocked callerID.  You can put them in a simple IVR that requires something that a bot can't do.  Press 1 if you are not a telemarketer.    I get about a zillion calls a month from St Louis for some incorrectly published number.  I put all 314 calls into such an IVR.
17:54.32*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (
17:54.44Bad_Robot-if i got that many bogus calls i'd change my number
17:54.51scalex000hello awk_r
17:55.29awk_rscalex000, welcome. still having dependency issues?
17:56.17ACK-NAKBad_Robot-:  Good idea, except my 400 year old grandmother would have learn a new number
17:56.19scalex000I ask you few minute ago in wrong room about how to find temp..
17:57.53Bad_Robot-just go to her house and program in a speeddial ;)
17:58.43*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:58.44Bad_Robot-i'm just  having one of those days where i  just don't want to work :(
17:59.59scalex000Ok Im back
18:00.33scalex000where can I found to install termcap
18:00.42*** join/#asterisk jlnt (n=jlnt@
18:01.13marcrosoftis there a default extention installed for testing in asterisk. i have my softphone in registerd and it says ready
18:01.33*** part/#asterisk packetstream (n=chatzill@
18:02.10jlntunless you put something in there isn't anything
18:02.41marcrosoftwell i put in extention 3 and 4
18:02.51marcrosofthave two softphones on two computers
18:03.02jlntthen it should work
18:03.07marcrosoftexten => 3,1,Dial(SIP/Phone3,20,tr)
18:03.08marcrosoftexten => 4,1,Dial(SIP/Phone4,20,tr)
18:03.37jlntthey are not dialing each other or what?
18:03.38marcrosofti get person you are calling is unavailable
18:03.59jlntit's not registering then
18:04.14marcrosoftis that xlite's message or the pbx saying that
18:04.18jlnthave you checked your sip.conf
18:04.41marcrosoftin sip.conf
18:04.54marcrosofti have [Phone3]
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18:05.07marcrosoftand a couple of lines showing ip and stuff
18:05.17marcrosoftat the end of the file, i havnt touched anything else
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18:06.51marcrosoftto dial the extention I am hitting 4 and hitting send
18:06.55marcrosoftis that correct?
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18:08.14jlntyou have your secret= line right?
18:08.25marcrosoftno i have no password
18:08.33marcrosoftshould i set it
18:08.36catch23ACK-NAK: oh that's a brilliant idea...
18:08.44jlntI would try that
18:08.54wtsexton00polycom keeps adding more and more junk to the firmware, anyone know how to disable background menu option?
18:08.55scalex000can you help how to install asterisk prerrequisites
18:09.25jlntdo you have a NAT?
18:09.31jlntfirewall that could be blocking it as well?
18:09.38catch23ACK-NAK: is there a sound file somewhere out there that plays back "if you're not a telemarketer press 1?" ...  not that my own voice isn't good enough :P
18:09.40marcrosoftnot between those computers
18:09.58jlntWhat OS are they running?
18:10.06marcrosoftasterisk is on linux
18:10.14marcrosofttwo softpones use windows
18:10.21jlntno windows firewall on?
18:10.32marcrosoftlet me double check
18:10.50jlntI've seen that block them from making calls between each other before
18:10.54awk_rscalex000, here is a list of the packages (under "Build the source")
18:11.46marcrosoftdefaultip =
18:11.50jlntI run eyebeam for my softphones
18:11.53marcrosoftdoes that have to match the computer that hosts the softphone
18:11.57marcrosoftor different
18:12.18jlntI would temporarily disable the firewall on both machines to test
18:12.30marcrosoftthe windows firewalls are both disabled
18:12.47jlntthen on your asterisk machine ssh to it then at the CLI type sip show peers
18:12.52jlntand make sure they show up there
18:13.01ACK-NAKcatch23:  I'm guessing not.  You may be able to stitch together some alison strings or use a text-to-speech engine.  Have stephen hawking work as your personal assistant!
18:13.47marcrosoftjlnt: does defaultip= in sip.conf have to match the computer that has the softphone?
18:13.54marcrosoftjlnt: if it does that is my problem
18:13.55*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:14.08[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: defaultip should not be used.  let your phones register normally.
18:14.20marcrosoftk let me take that off
18:14.35jlntunless the computer is running a static ip I wouldn't use defaultip
18:14.43[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Nor should you set the IP anywhere... use "host=dynamic"
18:15.04marcrosoftis says host=dynamic
18:15.07marcrosoftand under that i have ip set
18:15.11jlntalso no spaces in your conf
18:15.20jlntit should look like this
18:15.49marcrosoftdo you have to restart asterisk after making .conf changes?
18:16.13*** join/#asterisk wierdo (i=wierdo@
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18:16.14ACK-NAKcatch23: That's if he's not too busy recording those slicky-hella gangsta-rap tunes.
18:16.38jlntI replied to your link
18:16.51jlntI would
18:16.55*** join/#asterisk lou_gr (
18:17.17wtsexton00dang polycom wish I could stay with 2.2, now I've got to figure out how to disable the backgrounds options
18:17.43jlntwhat polycom phone is it?
18:17.56wtsexton00650 I mean
18:18.07jlnterr don't know
18:18.10jlntI have the 501's
18:18.17wtsexton00can't find the dang option in the sip.cfg to disable it
18:18.27wtsexton00its something new in the 3.x firmware
18:18.48jlntI'll do some research for you
18:18.50wtsexton00We've been using 2.2 forever but the 650 sidecar backlight won't work under 2.2
18:18.51jlntsee what I can find out
18:19.17wtsexton00yea thanks I can delete all the images of course or remove them line by line but it'll leave the option thistle no matter what
18:20.07jlntmacrosoft: did you get it figured out
18:21.16*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
18:21.51marcrosoftsip show peers shows command not found
18:21.53marcrosoftruh roh
18:22.06jlntdid you do asterisk -r first
18:22.21marcrosoftoh. hehe
18:22.30jlntit's all good I left that part out
18:22.33marcrosoftk it shows the 2 phones
18:22.39jlntthat's a +
18:22.42marcrosoftstatus unmonitored
18:22.57marcrosoftis that a good sign?
18:23.00*** join/#asterisk root52 (
18:23.30marcrosoftso why does it sday the person is unavailable :)
18:24.08wtsexton00unmonitored normally means the phone/device isn't connected
18:24.22jlntthat's the status
18:24.29jlntI just ran the command to see what you were talking about
18:24.35jlntdid you restart your asterisk
18:24.43jlntthen try setting up the accounts again in x lite
18:24.46jlntto see if they connect then
18:25.39marcrosofti restarted then closed the softphone and opened again
18:25.51jlntk, run the command sip show peers again
18:25.59jlntit should show Status OK then a ping
18:26.19root52Can anyone help sort throught why it seems the peer is registered but when i try to make an incomeing call on it I get 401 Unauthorized but then it looks like it registers again. Here is the sip debug peer output I will say it could be a problem with the provider they have been flakey in the past. Thanks for any insight.
18:26.21jlntcorrect wtsexton00?
18:26.40wtsexton00something like
18:26.45marcrosoftsend outbout via? what should that be set to?
18:26.47wtsexton00207                        (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
18:26.47wtsexton00206/206               D          5060     OK (14 ms)
18:27.00marcrosoftim reconfiguring the softphone to be sure
18:27.14jlntastwatch: Bad exit status from `/usr/bin/pgrep -f connecting > /dev/null && /usr/bin/kill -9 `/usr/bin/pgrep -f connecting``: 9
18:27.18wtsexton00shows 207 isn't registered and 206 is
18:27.46wtsexton00I haven't
18:27.55jlntkicks machine :-D
18:28.12marcrosoftstill shows unmonitored
18:28.16jlntI'll just take it out of astwatch
18:28.40jlntand your softphone shows ready
18:29.04marcrosoftand if i change the domain ip in the softphone it wont say ready
18:29.11marcrosoftso it is definitely connecting
18:29.36*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
18:29.40ghentoHi all.  I'm attempting to use Read(), with maxdigits set to 1.  However when I input a digit on my GSM phone nothing is being read?
18:29.42*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
18:30.06jlntI am unsure
18:30.33Miccwhat does it mean when I show channels and it says AppQueue((Outgoing Line))
18:30.48*** join/#asterisk lord_nikon (
18:30.58marcrosoftBoth firewalls are off
18:31.50jlntMicc: it shows active calls
18:31.52*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=Jon@
18:32.19jlntI am doing some research now macrosoft
18:32.35lord_nikonim having an issue trying to transfer calls from one * server to another, i keep getting 407 requests from the destination. is there any way i can disable that ?
18:33.08marcrosoftjlnt: this site says unmonitored doesnt mean it isnt on
18:33.14marcrosoftyou have to say, qualify=yes
18:33.21marcrosoftlet me add that
18:33.42jlntI'm looking at my conf file
18:33.48jlntI may just post an example
18:34.16wtsexton00eh I'm beginning to not like polycom
18:34.19ruben23how to install mysql client on my asterisk boxes...i tried this link not found...
18:34.54jlntthat's a few extra lines on mine
18:35.04marcrosoftk let me try that
18:35.07hardwireanybody use logrotate vs 'logger rotate' for asterisk logs?
18:35.29[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
18:35.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:36.00ruben23anyone have ideas..
18:36.02Micchardwire, I've had problems with logger rotate in asterisk, but only because I hit the file system limit for a file size.
18:36.22hardwireoh, I do as well
18:36.25hardwirerotating more often now
18:36.37Micchardwire, the file was a sql log file, but it still caused logger rotate to go crazy and create thousands of files.
18:36.43marcrosoftstill says unmonitored
18:36.49hardwireMicc: ooh, interesting
18:36.57*** join/#asterisk zxd (n=zapw@
18:37.02Micchardwire, I trust it does its job as long as it doesn't run into any problems.
18:37.07jlntdid you restart marcrosoft
18:37.09[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: pastebin your new config and sip peers dump
18:37.25JonOntHey guys, whats the best codec for fax over sip, we dont have T.38 handoff?
18:37.31zxdis it possible to configure the tos byte for rtcp packets in asterisk /
18:37.40*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
18:37.50[TK]D-FenderJonOnt: the ONLY real option is G.711
18:38.08zxdi see tos_audio  , under sip.conf , but that dosen't seem to do anything to rtcp packets and the rtp data
18:38.16zxdi mean only the rtp data
18:38.29zxdrtcp packets dscp value isn't set to that value
18:38.29Micchardwire, you might not ever run into that problem if you just use logrotate because it would run externaly. But you may still have asterisk problems and not know it till its too late.
18:38.35[TK]D-Fender[13:33]<marcrosoft>you have to say, qualify=yes
18:38.45[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: unload
18:38.55hardwireMicc: yeh, that's what I'm trying to figure out..
18:39.17marcrosoftwell i tried qualify=yes before qualify=2000... let me try it again
18:40.22jlntcancel quality
18:40.35jlntmine does say qualify
18:40.42jlntbut then again this is a fonality system
18:40.51root52From Above Neverminde must have just been the flakey provider again because it is all working now.
18:40.54marcrosoftwell it says unmonitored still
18:40.57marcrosoftand it doesnt work
18:41.25jlntthat's good root
18:41.42jlntsucks about the provider though
18:42.01*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:42.16root52yeah well lets just say you get what you pay for. It is a hoby system so I try no to shell out to much cash ;-)
18:42.40jlntthat's true
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18:43.11[TK]D-Fender[13:39]<marcrosoft>well i tried qualify=yes before qualify=2000... let me try it again
18:43.39[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: do YOU see the word "QUALIFY" in there?  I know *I* don't
18:43.45[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: unload
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18:44.17marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: k, sec
18:44.20wtsexton00one letter off ftl
18:44.20*** part/#asterisk AndrewGearhart (
18:44.40[TK]D-FenderI'm worndering how much more blatant I can be...
18:44.50[TK]D-Fendergoes to look for his giant flashing neon sign....
18:45.09[TK]D-Fenderdamn... no extension cord...
18:45.10jlntyeah it says QUALITY not QUALIFY
18:45.12wtsexton00if I can figure out how to get rid of this “Thistle” I'll be good
18:45.41marcrosoftalright it says ok
18:45.49jlntyou can make calls now
18:45.52jlntthat's awesome man
18:45.52wtsexton00don't want people putting images on their damned phones
18:45.53jlnttry it
18:46.03jlntwhy not wt
18:46.15wtsexton00a 650 with three side cars is retarded looking to begin with
18:46.28wtsexton00jlnt, well if you give them the option of flowers, they'll want cars
18:46.35*** part/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
18:46.45wtsexton00then someone will want a picture of their kid, its best to just not allow it period
18:47.04wtsexton00we don't support custom ring tones either, you use the sucky tones polycom gives us or go without
18:47.05marcrosoftsigh... still getting the same voice recording
18:47.25jlntand they are showing up now
18:47.26marcrosoftmaybe softphone settings are not correct
18:47.28jlntnot as unknown
18:47.42wtsexton00you'll want to take a look at your dial plan and your console now
18:47.49marcrosoftperson is unavailable... please try again
18:47.59jlntunclick DND
18:48.17jlntyeah let me lookup the dial plan for you
18:48.32jlntor paste your extensions.conf
18:48.33wtsexton00eh, I'll just take write access to the mac-phone.cfg :)
18:48.37marcrosoftjlnt: i clicked dnd on and off.. no workie
18:48.44[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: PB your extensions.conf
18:48.48jlntyeah, I was just kidding
18:48.57marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: the whole thing or just the part i modified?
18:49.04[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: WHOE THING
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18:49.20[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: I'm not going to trust little bits at a time.  Hope you understand :)
18:49.35wtsexton00I'm sure polycom will want a support contract if I email them on how to disable it
18:49.42marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: lol, well with the quatity qualify i understand :P
18:50.06[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Thats only for the fact I had to tell you twice :p
18:52.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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18:54.03[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Yup...
18:54.12[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: So... what context are your phones to sue?
18:54.30[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: And where did you put those 2 extens you made?
18:54.42[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: LMK when it hits you :)
18:56.28marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: should it be in local?
18:56.47*** part/#asterisk root52 (
18:57.02jlntare you talking about on the file system?
18:57.07[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: where did you TELL your phones to send their calls?
18:57.13jlntboth files should be /etc/asterisk
18:57.25marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: to the ip of the asterisk server
18:57.36[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: NO.
18:57.37jlntwith what port
18:57.53[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Your sip.conf tells * what CONTEXT to send the calls it gets from them.
18:58.23marcrosoftok, those were Phone3 and Phone4
18:58.52jlntat the very bottom
18:59.18marcrosoftjlnt: yea the extens i added where at the bottom
18:59.30jlntI see them
18:59.36[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: read again.
19:00.03[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: sip.conf tells what context in the DIALPLAN * will send calls from your devices.
19:00.16[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: what context is it sending them to?
19:00.29marcrosoftPhone3, Phone4
19:00.37[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: those are DEVICE NAMES.
19:01.00marcrosoftmaybe it is in authentication
19:01.11unpaidbillwow, 1.6 fixed my 7935 with skinny, this is good news.
19:01.19unpaidbillhigh five dudes.
19:01.33marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: Phone3, Phone4 are at the bottom of the sip.conf
19:01.45marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: maybe should they be placed in general?
19:02.11marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: or am i way off
19:03.32marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: context is default
19:04.04*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
19:04.51marcrosoftand those two exten lines are in [default]... so i guess i don't get it
19:05.30[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: [phone4} is NOT A CONTEXT.  it is the DEVICE NAME
19:05.49[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: what CONTEXT did you tell your DEVICES to send their calls to?
19:06.14marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: sip
19:06.22[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: you did it with these magical little things called PARAMETERS you set below the device name
19:06.26marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: which doesnt exist probable in extentions.conf
19:06.40marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: so change that do default or something
19:06.42[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: And what is in this [sip] context in extensions.conf?
19:06.55marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: ill check, but i doubt it exists
19:07.03[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: I don't
19:07.44marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: no sip context
19:08.03[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: So you have pointed your phones to a dead end.  hence they can dial nothing
19:08.16[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: another lesson down...
19:08.36marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help
19:08.40marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: and the patience
19:09.02[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: healthy starting tip.  trash your extensions.conf except for the [general] and [globals] contexts
19:09.15[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: And stuff you did yourself.
19:09.22marcrosoftholy crap it's dialing :P
19:09.39[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: And remove all the comments.
19:09.41marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: will do
19:10.04[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: When you start to learn * its best to build it yourself from scratch without crap in the way
19:10.15marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: makes sense
19:10.23marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: at least now i have something to go with
19:10.28[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: this isn't like Apache where a ton of stuff is actually of some value starting from the samples./
19:10.35marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: would have probable given up if i couldnt even get a softphone going
19:11.03jlntwhen you setting up trunks
19:11.10[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: *'s samples are for reference only... (the core stuff anyways)
19:11.34[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: asterisk.conf, modules.confand a bunch of others are fine, but sip.conf and extensions.conf have got to be trashed
19:11.46[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: or your learning experience will be cluttered with crap
19:11.48espentis there any way to run some script after a user is left (hung up) from a agi/dialplan?
19:12.05[TK]D-Fenderespent: "h" standa extension
19:12.28espent[TK]D-Fender: does that go for calls created by originate from AMI?
19:12.40marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: so basically if i had a sip phone i could just hook it to the network, configure it the same way and have a real phone to ring
19:12.46[TK]D-Fenderespent: A cal is a call is a call
19:13.09[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: if you want to call that a "real" phone, sure.
19:13.22[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: certainly more so than a soft-phone
19:13.42marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: well it is a local phone i guess
19:13.47[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: So... go trash EVERYTHING you didn't do yourslef and pastebin your 2 new configs
19:14.08[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: depends on your definition of "local" as well :)
19:14.17espent[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot, that'll keep me going :)
19:14.34jlntanyone know a good VOIP provider?
19:14.51*** join/#asterisk sprite-- (n=sprite@
19:15.10sprite--What's the best/easiest way to upgrade my AsteriskNOW1.5b box to use Asterisk 1.6 instead of 1.4?
19:16.15*** part/#asterisk synchris (
19:16.55[TK]D-Fendersprite--: its available in their repo IIRC
19:17.51marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: keep general and globals in sip.conf as well?
19:18.00sprite--so yum remove asterisk14 and yum install asterisk16?
19:18.14[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Yes, trashing everytihng that is commented out.
19:18.31[TK]D-Fendersprite--: pretyy much how it worlks
19:19.09sprite--[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, didn't know if that was going to remove my config files or not, if it was the proper way to ugprade
19:19.33[TK]D-Fendersprite--: I'd back those up if I were you
19:20.59*** join/#asterisk Leddy (n=Leddy@
19:21.44marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: ,
19:24.44*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
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19:28.57[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Excellent
19:29.09[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Now you can get started.
19:29.23marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: got any suggested reading for homework :)
19:29.36[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: ...
19:29.38jboti heard book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:29.49[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: and for a small sample config for some inspiration :
19:29.52jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
19:30.09pecanhaHello! Could anyone with xlite and not behind NAT connect to my extension number and just help me to figure out if the problem is not really the NAT??
19:30.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:31.17marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: nice... is that your blog?
19:31.20[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: pastebin syour sip.conf masking only passwords.
19:31.36[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: No, but I was a key contributor to that blog entry
19:31.43jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
19:32.12pecanha[TK]D-Fender: my sip conf includes few files, so I'll put the main includes, ok?
19:32.26marcrosoftI might add, pastebinit is a linux package that will auto pastebin stuff for you...
19:32.47marcrosoftpastebinit somefile.conf
19:33.20[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Yes
19:33.31[TK]D-FenderpecEVERYTHING involved
19:36.36*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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19:37.55[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Sure doesn't look like "everything" to me.  And is * behind NAT as well?
19:39.27pecanha[TK]D-Fender: My local network is behind nat, and my server is bound with a real IP, but I even receive logs from calls when using nat=no
19:39.57pecanha[TK]D-Fender: already tried putting my softphone machine on DMZ, opened ports etc...
19:40.33[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: if * has a public IP, then each of your remote peers should have "nat=yes" , "qualify=yes", "canreinvite=no"
19:40.47[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: No DMZ or forwarding necessary
19:41.08*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (
19:41.45scalex000I need help about termcap where I can find to install on fedora
19:41.49pecanhamy server has a public ip, my softphone not, so I should use nat=yes, qualify=yes and careinvite=no right
19:42.05[TK]D-Fenderscalex000: yum install libtermcap
19:42.17[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: as I said
19:43.36pecanhaanything else? cause I still get the same error
19:43.38[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: enable sip debug and pastebint he complete failed attempt
19:47.22[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Your target phone has no codecs specified
19:47.27sprite--[TK]D-Fender: When installing it through yum how do I install asterisk as user asterisk instead of root?
19:47.52[TK]D-Fendersprite--: AFAIK the package has its own rules
19:48.05[TK]D-Fendersprite--: and I'm sure it runs as non-root
19:48.18pecanha[TK]D-Fender: softphone?
19:48.36[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: [1001]
19:49.05pecanhahmm, how can I fix ?
19:49.24*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
19:49.26[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: go set them
19:50.15pecanha[TK]D-Fender: using disallow... allow=ilbc, right?
19:50.32[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: like any other device
19:51.02pecanha[TK]D-Fender: yeah!
19:51.10pecanhait worked !! finally :/
19:51.28pecanhathanks vry much
19:52.40pecanha[TK]D-Fender: u figure it out looking for config or by looking debug log?
19:53.37[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Your debug told me * didn't even try.  Your sip peer dump showed that it knew the IP to send to.  That says * already knows your peers aren't compatible so it isn't even trying
19:53.43[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: 3 piece
19:53.50*** join/#asterisk gpowers (
19:54.42[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: you're welcome
20:01.47marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: do you play guitar?
20:03.02[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Yes, but has nothing to do with the origins of my nic.
20:03.16sprite--I'm slightly confused, I installed Asterisk1.6 and the sip commands in the CLI are no longer there.
20:03.42[TK]D-Fendersprite--: probably means chan_sip didn't load.
20:03.55[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Forget a couple of key configs by any chance?
20:04.07[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Like oh I don't know.... modules.conf?  asterisk.conf?
20:05.55sprite--[TK]D-Fender: Hmm the modules seem to not have installed with the package.
20:06.19[TK]D-Fendersprite--: You'd almost think that configs were in a separate package or something!
20:06.44sprite--[TK]D-Fender: I have the configs :) Not the modules
20:07.10sprite--/usr/lib/asterisk/modules only has my addon modules
20:14.16*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
20:14.50[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Kepp shopping...
20:15.07scalex000asterisk need a specific version of libtermcap
20:15.22scalex000i get a error when i make ./configure
20:15.28scalex000termcap un support
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20:21.18marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: can you recommend me a cheap sip phone?
20:22.11meuserjOk.. two things with First:  Is there any way to tell the system to revert to using local file storage if the imap folder fails for some reason (user not defined, mailbox no created, etc.) as it is now, the message is just lost.
20:27.33sprite--Everything seems to be working now from the CLI, but when I call my number I get no sound.
20:29.45Miccwhat the hell is this? unable to open iax timing device
20:29.58Micctiming interface to be more precise
20:30.06Miccno such file or directory
20:30.24Micceverything was working fine, now my iax is not working.
20:30.26meuserjThe second thing is probably a bit easier.. just can't find a valid config option.  when the imap based voicemailbox works fine, I'm ending up with two copies of the voicemail in my e-mail.  One that is dropped in through IMAP, one that is sent to me through SMTP.
20:33.28[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: What do you really want to do?
20:33.53[TK]D-FenderMicc: says you have no zaptel/dahdi timing source and are trying to use IAX2 Trunk mode
20:34.35[TK]D-Fendersprite--: -- Executing [17772784063@from-pstn:1] Set("SIP/", "__FROM_DID=17772784063") in new stack
20:35.03[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Seems to say your call is coming in un-auth'd.  Also are you running * behind NAT?
20:35.25sprite--I am running behind a nat, I have my sip_nat.conf set up properly though.
20:35.35sprite--Nothing has changed except the upgrade from 1.4->1.6
20:35.40[TK]D-Fendersprite--: And the reason I trust that is...?
20:36.36sprite--sip_nat.conf : nat = yes; externip =; localnet =
20:36.37marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: sorry for the delay, I want to eventually replace our phone company or at the very least replace our old pbx with some newer features and learn asterisk at the same time
20:37.21sprite--I have ports 10000-20000 forwarded to the Asterisk box. Calling in from X-Lite works though, but calling in to the DID through my cell phone no longer has a voice signal.
20:38.11scalex000hi I have one more question
20:38.19scalex000who can help me?
20:39.46*** join/#asterisk thansen (
20:41.42MiccTKD-Fender, I was able to use it before. How do I get an timing source? I thought I install zaptel dummy
20:41.49*** part/#asterisk bruns8234 (
20:41.57Miccdo I need to add a load or something?
20:44.53Micchow do I install the zaptel dummy timer?
20:45.32Miccwhy was this working just a few minutes ago? iax2 channels worked fine.
20:45.38MiccI was just changing extensions.
20:45.50Miccthis is a production system.
20:47.03*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
20:47.29scalex000hello I have problem to install Asterisk.  I need to install ncurse, etc
20:47.37scalex000but at end said nothing to do
20:48.32Miccunable to create zap channel no route to host
20:48.39Miccor to destination.
20:48.48MiccWTF! this is going to drive me insane.
20:50.07[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Ok, so to replace an existing company PBX?
20:50.39marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: correct
20:50.48marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: we have phones already but they are the older kind
20:51.00marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: maybe i could use one of those converters
20:51.18[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: what kind currently?
20:51.36marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: lucent Partner 18D
20:51.50marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: it has a standard phone line connection going o it
20:51.52[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: How many?
20:52.14marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: we need like, 4-5 phones.. we have at least 10 in total laying around
20:52.59scalex000hello marcrosoft
20:53.12marcrosoftscalex000: hello
20:53.18[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Computers already at each station?
20:53.23marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: yes
20:53.34scalex000I try to install asterisk on fedora 6
20:53.44[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Ok, Polycom IP 330 for your regular users, IP 650 for your receptionist.
20:53.57scalex000but when I type make menuselect said i need ot install ncurse, newt
20:54.15scalex000when I use yum install ... finally said nothing to do
20:54.37marcrosoftIm not familiar with fedora
20:54.43marcrosoftand today is my first day with asterisk
20:54.49marcrosofti did manage to get it working however
20:55.04marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: thanks, ill check those out.. can we utilize these older phones or just go new?
20:55.17[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Forget the old phones...
20:55.22[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Dead issue
20:55.22marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: ok sounds good
20:55.43marcrosoftscalex000: did you install ncurse?
20:55.44stevie[xxx]i want to pass the DID to iaxmodem extension, anyone can help here?
20:56.11scalex000I try to install but said "nothing to do" I dont know why?
20:56.22marcrosoftscalex000: maybe it is installed
20:56.44marcrosoftscalex000: ive only breifly used yum/fedora
20:56.51marcrosoftscalex000: im more of a debian kinda guy
20:57.14[TK]D-Fenderstevie[xxx]: Trixbox is not supported here.
20:57.34sprite--[TK]D-Fender: Reverting to 1.4 to see if that fixes things.
20:58.03SkramXso. I have a queue with dynamic agents- `queueaddmember(queue,channel)` except now, I want to keep track of who authenticated for what agent/channel. Does asteriskprovide variables for this or must i do this in my own DB?
20:58.32Miccplease someone tell me how to setup a timer for iax
20:59.01pecanha[TK]D-Fender: I trying now to use a linksys pap2 instead of x-lite. I'm getting the same error as before, so its probably codec again. To add more than one codec, can I use allow=ilbc&g279a as example
20:59.06QwellMicc: elaborate
20:59.50[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: First the PAP2 does not SUPPORT iLBC, and * cannot transcode to G.729 without a licenced codec.
20:59.52sprite--[TK]D-Fender: Reverted to 1.4 and I have sound again when calling in from my cellphone.
21:00.16[TK]D-FenderMicc: Go setup ztdummy / dhadi_dummy
21:00.23pecanha[TK]D-Fender: hmm, which codec do you recommend for pap2?
21:00.46[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: ULAW/ALAW depending where you are
21:01.34pecanha[TK]D-Fender: pap2 supports g723, g711u and g711a, g726-x
21:02.06[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: g711u and g711a <-- ulaw / alaw
21:02.13pecanha[TK]D-Fender: ah!
21:02.23[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: "netstat -an|grep 5060
21:03.47MiccI'm in /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel-, I've build everything. ready doesn't say how to install ztdummy
21:04.06jasonwootsonofa... ty Fender
21:04.53[TK]D-FenderMicc: ..
21:04.56jbotrumour has it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:05.02jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
21:05.21[TK]D-FenderMicc: modproble ztdummy        ,  ztcfg -vvvv
21:05.37[TK]D-FenderMicc: the RECOMPILE & INSTALL *
21:05.52pecanhaWhat's the meaning of SIP/1001-098f7af8 is circuit-busy? sry for many questions! heh
21:06.58[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: means "pastebin the complete call attempt's CLI output with SIP debug"
21:07.16stevie[xxx]anyway, is this a good way to present my problem? [TK]D-Fender, like i did this time with nopaste
21:08.19Miccmodule ztdummy not found
21:08.40[TK]D-FenderMicc: did a full make && make install, and rebooted?
21:08.43MiccI've got the ztdummy.ko file built.
21:08.48Miccnot reboot.
21:09.25[TK]D-FenderMicc: You may have to use insmod depending on your distro,e tc
21:09.33[TK]D-FenderMicc: but I'd recommend a restart
21:09.34MiccCentOs 5
21:09.39Miccrebooting now.
21:09.58[TK]D-FenderMicc: Just reboot.
21:10.15Miccok. seems my ssh sessions sometimes lock up on my every so often toon.
21:10.17Miccok. seems my ssh sessions sometimes lock up on my every so often too.
21:11.10Miccok, still the same thing. module not found.
21:13.20pecanha[TK]D-Fender: is it possible to redirect output results? as redirecting to a file?
21:13.38pecanhacan't see all debug
21:13.52Miccdo I need to rebuild my kernel?
21:14.06[TK]D-FenderMicc: No.
21:14.16[TK]D-FenderMicc: Did you rebuild * from SCRATCH and reinstall?
21:15.36[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: PB your 1001 peer
21:16.29*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
21:17.16jasonwoot[TK]D-Fender: where does asterisk define what interfaces it's bound to?
21:18.23MiccTKD-Fender, yes as far as I know. I fllowed all the instructions on a couple different sites about installing asterisk on centos 5.
21:19.07[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: in each channel config file
21:19.36[TK]D-FenderMicc: As far as you know?  I jsut asked you an extremely specific question.
21:19.53jasonwootboy I wish I hadn't removed the comments from sip.conf....  is the context the same as iax.conf bind?
21:20.00[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: 1001 is your SPA?
21:20.49Micc talks about vserver setup. Maybe thats my problem. I'm on a virtual server.
21:21.13Miccbut I don't know if I can get them to do the install of the driver on their side.
21:21.17pecanha[TK]D-Fender: yes, I'm connected to 1001 with pap2
21:21.29Micccan't I use just regular IAX2 channels without the timer?
21:21.39[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: allow=ilbc <-- you allwed ilbc when I told you it didn't support it <-
21:21.40MiccIt was working fine before.
21:21.48[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: disallow=all , allow=ulaw
21:22.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: Indeed zaptel virtualization = trouble
21:22.26pecanha[TK]D-Fender: but If I switch to softphone I'll need to change again, isn't there a way to allow both or I need to create a different extension?
21:22.39*** join/#asterisk mattx86 (
21:22.58marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: how did you get to know so much about asterisk?
21:23.14[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: I jsut told you what condition is has to be in to work.  Configure whatever you want accordingly
21:23.15pecanhamarcrosoft: hehe good question
21:23.44[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: I've been using it for many years now, and I am a private consultant as well
21:23.58[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Like everything else, jsut takes some understanding time & dedication.
21:24.06marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: true
21:24.52*** part/#asterisk Chesther (
21:26.26pecanha[TK]D-Fender: on trunk I can use ilbc,alaw,ulaw... and only on device I put ulaw, it will work?
21:26.57*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
21:27.08[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: yes, but you should only use 1 codec per device period.
21:27.14Miccaha, I don't need the timer
21:27.22MiccI had a 7 on the first line of my iax.conf
21:27.27Miccso it wasn't loading.
21:28.16meuserjOk.. still can't figure it out.  When using the IMAP voicemail storage backend, it still sends an e-mail via sendmail.  How do I turn that off so that the user doesn't get multiple copies?
21:28.39marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: would you recommend going the voip route?
21:28.47marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: is it reliable enough
21:28.54[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: depends on your precise needs
21:29.16marcrosoft4-5 people with 2 lines with 3 numbers that roll over
21:29.29marcrosoft1 is an 800 number
21:31.03[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: You'd have to compare ITSP packages + ISP costs to the cost of physical lines
21:31.11mattx86hey guys, I'm trying to setup an IAX2 link between two * boxes and it's only working in one direction; that is, users on the box with the working link can dial us, but we cannot dial them.  iax2 show peers shows OK on their box, but Unreachable on ours.  here's the iax.conf snippet that's used on both boxes:
21:31.31marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: ITSP packages?
21:31.39jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
21:31.39pecanha[TK]D-Fender: I changed to ulaw, but didn't work
21:31.47[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: And you aren't showing anything.
21:31.54marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: ISP costs would be built in as we need that no matter what
21:32.59marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: phone bills are about $350 a month
21:33.26[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Look in serious detail.
21:36.11marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: well what are the costs involved with having a service that holds the number and transfers to voip
21:36.39*** part/#asterisk gpowers (
21:36.41jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
21:36.43*** join/#asterisk linuxviewer (
21:37.30[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: SIP/2.0 603 Declined
21:39.11[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: your DIALPLAN is refusing you now.
21:39.24pecanha[TK]D-Fender: hmmm
21:40.18marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: what are "channels
21:41.09linuxviewerCurrently when someone dials an extension and there isnt a phone or softphone attached and active to that extension, then it goes to an automated "computer sounding" voice saying to leave a message.  Is there anyway to get it so that it plays the "unavailable" message?
21:42.04[TK]D-Fenderlinuxthis is YOUR dialplan.  go change how you call Voicemail.
21:42.34pecanha[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll stop for today
21:42.52pecanhamy brain is melt hehe
21:43.23pecanhabye all
21:44.39jayteequittin time, be back later
21:44.57linuxviewerwhat would happen in this situation:  i have an extension, example 500, and i have two users logged into extension 500 (softphone and hardphone)... will both ring when someone dials that extension?
21:46.21*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
21:46.29MiccWhy would my ssh session freeze after I don't use it for some time.
21:47.35Miccthen I hit some keys and type some things then after a few minutes it shows everything and seems normal again.
21:47.42*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:49.14Kattyso if i change a sip password in sip.conf
21:49.17Kattysip reload
21:49.23Kattythen change the polycom phone's password on the lines section
21:49.31Kattyand it spew incorrect password all over the CLI
21:49.33*** join/#asterisk mark_csi (
21:49.36Kattywhat would i check first :/
21:49.36[TK]D-Fenderlinuxviewer: No
21:49.56[TK]D-Fenderlinuxviewer: If 2 devices are set to register to a given account then the last one through will get the call
21:51.33mark_csihi everyone - I've changed the latency of my tdm800 card in /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi file, but after I've rebooted it's ignored them.  Any ideas?
21:53.10*** join/#asterisk kerframil (n=kerframi@gentoo/user/kerframil)
21:53.19marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender: if you wanted 2 phones to ring what you would you do?
21:55.50mark_csimarcrosoft: why don't you just create a ring group?
21:57.41[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: "core show application dial" <- and set up 2 phones
21:57.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
22:00.13*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
22:00.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
22:00.55[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: I DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOUR NAME!
22:01.12blitzrageI JUST WANT...
22:01.14[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: ! ! !
22:02.17marcrosoft[TK]D-Fender & mark_csi i see..
22:02.32marcrosoftdo you still pay taxes with voip ITSP?
22:02.59Kattyi dun understand.
22:03.06Kattyasterisk /shows/ right secret.
22:03.11Kattyphone programmed with right password.
22:03.14KattyBUT NO WORKITH
22:03.48Carlos_PHXKatty: Could be many things, did you try no password?
22:03.55Carlos_PHXSpecific error?
22:04.37Kattyi tried a random password with uppercase lowercase number and password, a lowercase only password, 3 digits, and 4 digits.
22:04.45Kattyeach time sip show users showed the correct password.
22:04.53*** join/#asterisk C4colo (n=DJpyro@
22:05.01Katty <- keeps spewing that
22:05.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: "sip show users" doesn't SHOW the password
22:05.06Kattyevery phone in the building does the same thing
22:05.14Carlos_PHXIt does for me.
22:05.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: secret column?
22:05.34[TK]D-FenderNews to me..
22:05.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: between the username and accountcode column
22:05.43Carlos_PHXI'd show you, but.....
22:05.58Carlos_PHXUsername                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  NAT
22:06.00Kattywould MAC-phone.cfg have anything to do with this?
22:06.18Carlos_PHXWhat's the error?
22:06.23Kattysee pastebin above.
22:07.34Kattypolycom 330s, btw
22:07.57Carlos_PHXTry a sip debug and see what they actually say.  Also have you tried configuring a phone using the web UI?  That way you eliminate central config problems.
22:08.10Kattythat's the way i do it, through the ip
22:08.19Kattyconfirming they reboot themselves
22:08.25Kattyi'll do a sip debug, see what happens
22:08.35Carlos_PHXYou mentioned a phone cfg file before.
22:09.04*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
22:10.18Kattybut i moved them out of the directory temporarily just to see what would happen
22:10.22Kattyout of FTP
22:10.24Kattydidn't seem to help
22:10.24marcrosoftcan you setup asterisk so a skype caller can call it and it rings on a ip phone?
22:12.10Kattyokay. i purposely made a bad password on 130
22:12.29Kattydoes the debug show the actual password its using?
22:14.22Carlos_PHXI thought it did, but don't truly recall.
22:14.57Carlos_PHXAre you setting the account and auth name both?
22:15.18Carlos_PHXTry a softphone to test the account?
22:15.31*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (
22:16.00metfan2007Hi all, I don't understand what does "Call failed to go through, reason (3) " means, can you helpme? is that the ring timeout expired?
22:16.16metfan2007"Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing"
22:18.32*** join/#asterisk jer_ (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
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22:21.35mark_csimarcrosoft: skype and digium are working on this right now, a beta is due for release shortly.
22:21.56marcrosoftmark_csi: sweet
22:22.16KattyCarlos_PHX: i found the problem
22:22.23KattyCarlos_PHX: we don't have any MAC-phone.cfg files here
22:22.29KattyCarlos_PHX: we all use just regular old sip.cfg
22:22.39KattyCarlos_PHX: there, they all have MAC-phone.cfg files
22:22.46KattyCarlos_PHX: with the old password in there
22:23.12KattyCarlos_PHX: do you know if a polycom with automatically write one of those cfg files before reboot
22:23.25*** part/#asterisk mark_csi (
22:27.40JonOnthey guys, im using FreePBX, was just wondering what section I would deal with how many rings untill a call goes to voice mail after i transfer it to another extention, or rather, what happens when the extention is busy
22:28.28[TK]D-FenderJonOnt: go ask in #freePBX .  GUI config is not supported here
22:31.05JonOnt[TK]D-Fender, thank you Fen, you da man
22:32.43*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
22:34.28Kattyconsiders renaming to moo.cfg for a wittle testypoo
22:35.29sprite--I created a user asterisk with /var/run/asterisk as path and /sbin/nologin as their shell. I have astrundir => /var/run/asterisk yet my asterisk.ctl and is created in /var/run not /var/run/asterisk what am I doing wrong?
22:36.03*** join/#asterisk ecrist (
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22:41.50*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
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22:53.25marcrosoftdoes asterisk use sendmail to send out voicemail?
22:55.48marcrosofti got the voice mail to work.. but no email
22:57.14JonOntHey guys, how do I set an extention so that if the person doesnt pick up the call, instead of going to voicemail, the call returns to the main que?.
22:59.08jblackHave two dial lines. The first dials the target. The second dials the queue.
22:59.28jblackpossibly replace the second dial with a queue specific operation
22:59.50*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
23:01.37[TK]D-Fendermarcrosoft: Yes, and you have a few settings to do in voicemail.conf for this
23:02.03[TK]D-FenderJonOnt: Wrong channel
23:04.28*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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23:07.00*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
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23:08.44harry_vI was wondering why my dial plan is not excepting callerid enabled for calls where the called party requires it. Example, I would append *82 to NXXNXXXXXXX,1 but the call will not go out. Not sure if there should be a delay set aside before the other digits are dialed or what might be the case.
23:09.35harry_vexten => _*82NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(dahdi/1/${EXTEN})
23:09.35harry_vthat should work
23:11.16*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:11.36harry_vhi jaytee
23:13.25harry_vtell me something, appending *82 to a nomral dialout of NXXNXXXXXXX should enable caller id right?
23:13.38sprite--jaytee: I have astrundir set to /var/run/asterisk but it tries to create my pid file in /var/run/ instead. any idea?
23:14.04*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
23:14.26harry_vBecause I have that in my dialplan and it will not send it as output with the 11 digits on cli.
23:15.33[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: that is PREPENDING, and you may need a pause, etc
23:15.45[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: And assuming that it is an analog channel
23:15.51*** join/#asterisk sdaniels (
23:17.13harry_vThat was what I was thinking.
23:17.18sdanielscan someone point me to an example of how to do something with a call based on source #, is there something like if (ani == 6305555555){ do this stuff } else { do this stuff } ?
23:17.23harry_vSo how to introduce the pause
23:17.44jayteeharry_v, [TK]D-Fender is correct as usual. You need to prepend the *82 and that assumes that your default CALLERID state is set to block.
23:18.23[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: "core show application gotoif"
23:18.33[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: "core show function callerid"
23:18.45[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: and go read up on "Asterisk Expressions" on the WIKi & in the BOOK
23:19.11sdanielsgot the book, someone stands to make alot of money by writing a good one.
23:19.19jbotbook is probably probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:19.44[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: Guess your statement was intentionally double-edged.
23:20.01sdaniels[TK]D-Fender: aye
23:20.09jayteesdaniels, someone stands to lose alot of time and not make much money writing a "good" one. The one we have is pretty decent if people actually took the time to read it.
23:20.46jayteenow a Harlequin romance novel, in spite of how insipidly stupid and predictable, would be a real money maker.
23:20.53sdanielsfunny how different channels have different personalities
23:22.16sprite--Nevermind figured out my problem.
23:22.27*** join/#asterisk qdk (
23:22.51jayteesprite, caught up in something else. what'd it turn out to be?
23:24.22*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
23:24.26sprite--Didn't edit out the (!) in asterisk.conf
23:24.47[TK]D-Fendersprite--: You meant he one with the giat text warning above it?
23:25.02sprite--Got Asterisk up and running on my Gentoo box though, think I'm just going to scrap my AsteriskNOW upgrade and put Gentoo on that as well.
23:26.04[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Cool... can I have your copy of wihle you're at it?
23:26.42sprite--[TK]D-Fender: Thought this was supposed to be a support channel, do you really need that holier than thou attitude just because someone is new at something?
23:27.25[TK]D-Fendersprite--:  for the "warning" comment, take it as the comedic jab that it was...
23:27.52[TK]D-Fendersprite--: Sorry if I don't put a smiley on everything that should be taken lightly(er)
23:28.07sprite--Hah no problem, I'm probably just tired :)
23:28.43[TK]D-Fendersprite--: You've been at things for quite a while, I'm sure you are.
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23:37.50sdanielsGotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:3}" = "877"]?1000) <----- does the 0:3 represent from the beginning to the 3rd character of num?
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23:38.33bkrusesdaniels: yes
23:38.45bkruseif 877 number, go to 1000
23:38.53sdanielsbkruse: so what would 1:3 do?
23:39.01sdanielsim trying to understand the 0
23:39.02bkruse1st character to 3rd character
23:39.15bkruseJust go
23:39.57sdanielsso thats the same thing right?
23:41.04sdanielsseems to me that 0:3 is 4 characters
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23:42.27sdanielsunless 0 just represents the begining
23:42.30Corydon76-digSecond digit is a length, not an offset
23:43.58jayteeof course I had to actually read page 140 of the book and look at the examples before I understood how that worked.
23:43.58sdanielsso from 0 (the first character) count 3 characters
23:44.08sdanielsso 1:3 wold be from the 2nd character count 3 characters
23:44.14sdanielsgot it thanks.
23:44.19jayteesheer genius!
23:44.26sdanielsjaytee: you gettin royalties off them or somethin bro?
23:45.46Corydon76-digand in 1.4, you can use a negative offset, too
23:46.16jayteefor every book I pimp I get 10 S&H Green Stamps. I'm saving up for the Winnebago. Only need 247,582,234,444,330 more to go!
23:46.46sdanielsso if 1234 3:-3  would that be 432 or 234?
23:46.54sdanielsjaytee: lol
23:47.46Corydon76-digNegative offset, not negative length
23:48.02Corydon76-digalthough, you can do negative length, too
23:48.06jayteemeaning the minus can only be in the first position
23:48.12jayteeyou can?
23:48.26Corydon76-dignegative offset means start n from the right end
23:48.44Corydon76-dignegative length means end n before the end of the string
23:49.16sdanielsoh thats cool so if you have some long ass string you dont have to count from the left
23:49.23Corydon76-digso 1234:3:-3 would be blank
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23:49.47Corydon76-digIt would only give you something if the string was at least 7 characters long
23:50.09jayteeso with 12345678 as the string ${EXTEN:1:-4} would return 234?
23:50.19sdanielsi dont get the negative offset then... how is that usefull?
23:50.25Corydon76-digjaytee: correct
23:50.37Corydon76-digsdaniels: 1234:-1 gives 4
23:50.44sprite--jaytee: Sorry to keep bothering you. Trying to get Asterisk 1.6 to work on my new box, when I call in from my cell I get [Dec  3 18:49:16] NOTICE[17598]: chan_sip.c:16983 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '17772784063' rejected because extension not found.
23:50.46jayteesdaniels, it means start from the "right" end instead of the left
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23:51.04sdanielsoh ok duh you said that... i get it.
23:51.22jayteesprite, it means that * can't find an extension in the context you have for your inbound route for that call
23:51.58Corydon76-digHonestly, I wasn't sure the value of negative length, other than I wanted it to do something nice if somebody tried that
23:52.07sprite--the only extension I have defined in there is s....
23:52.14jayteethe book doesn't show a negative length example though. They should put that in the 3rd edition
23:52.39Corydon76-digjaytee: probably because it's somewhat confusing
23:52.53sprite--jaytee: Shouldn't call from '' not be blank?
23:52.54tzangernegative length?
23:52.55Corydon76-digNeither negative worked in 1.2
23:52.58jayteeCorydon76-dig, yeah it took me a few to wrap my head around that
23:53.03sdanielshonestly the book is good to get started, but I learn much faster from asking real people that know more than me questions.
23:53.17jayteesprite, the " is an empty callerid field
23:53.28Corydon76-digtzanger: negatives in the ${::} syntax
23:53.56jayteemeaning either you're using an analog line that doesn't pass CID info or the caller has CID blocked or sumthin else.
23:54.20sprite--Well I was calling from my cell and it was passing CID earlier today....
23:54.54jayteesprite, if it's default is to pass it then after any call where you've blocked it with *67 it should reset
23:55.22sdanielsanyone know of a sip provider that sends rdnis with the callerid?
23:55.46jayteesprite, how is the call coming in? analog? SIP? PRI?
23:57.51jayteeand in the context you have your sip provider pointed to in extensions.conf you need to set a pattern mask or exact extension match. s is only good for analog lines for FXO ports or for macros.
23:59.00sprite--Ahhh ok.
23:59.33jayteesprite, so change the s in that context to 17772784063, do a dialplan reload and retest your call

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