IRC log for #asterisk on 20081201

00:00.30jksadorah, choose a different provider
00:01.11adorah<[TK]D-Fender>I don't have an access to SIP debug since the provider blocks by firewall any attempt to get data I get only what data they send me
00:01.13*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
00:01.39[TK]D-Fenderadorah: wher is the * SIP debug data?
00:01.41adorah<jks>Curently they r the only one that provide locally SIP Trunk
00:02.17jksadorah, you provider cannot block by firewall the data _you_ send so that you cannot record it
00:02.20*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
00:02.36jksadorah, that sounds pretty weird then... make your own provider then
00:03.33adorahjks: regulatory problems..this is neither US nor Sweeden..
00:03.56jksadorah, where is it then?
00:04.04jksadorah, ireland?
00:04.08adorahjks: Israel
00:04.16adoraheven worse..hehe
00:04.18jksIsrael... hmm.. you can't buy phone lines there?
00:04.45adorah<jks>we can but sip trunk has some merits-when it works..
00:05.03jksbut it doesn't :-)
00:05.42adorah<jks>well when the analog PCI card is full this is the most economical option
00:06.42adorahAlso with analog line one doesn't get some options like DIDs etc.
00:06.44hardwireorkid: hai?
00:07.22jksadorah, buy another pci card.. DID you should be able to buy
00:08.01adorah<jks>I can buy the customer doesn't want to spend money on it..
00:08.05jksadorah, if your think your provider is clueless, you cannot solve the problem yourself, and you're unable to give the channel the requested information necessary to examine the case closely, then your options are limited
00:08.20jksadorah, then tell your customer that you cannot deliver
00:08.50adorah<jks>well for one I bought g729 codec licenses and installed it may be there is a BW problem..
00:09.14orkidhardwire: so they wont do RCF , to a local number, and to a long distance number it would cost money per minute + some fee. no point in paying twice. i wonder if the cableco listed in my remote will do rcf or something for me, like just fwd that stuff to a sip :)
00:09.19orkidi doubt it though
00:10.41hardwirethat sucks
00:11.01jksadorah, your traces would show you if it were
00:15.57*** join/#asterisk brut- (
00:23.04*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:33.08*** join/#asterisk stevie_ramjet (
00:33.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o stevie_ramjet] by ChanServ
00:41.19Miccsomeone told me what to do to change the up/down arrow keys in menuconfig to something else because when I hit arrow keys it just exits.
00:43.35jayteecool! I got the C# Asterisk.NET libs working so I can make one phone call another. Woohoo!
00:44.26*** join/#asterisk cods (n=cods@rsbac/developer/cods)
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00:56.27*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
00:57.10*** join/#asterisk chuck (n=charlie@wikimedia/cmelbye)
00:57.33hescoI got a second connection to the console, without the -vv's hoping it might be a quiet place to work and study the documentation.  Now I have two CLI consoles giving me too much information.  I'd like to dial it back to one or no v's and see it, without interrupting what is going on right now.
00:57.40chuckIs there any way to make X-Lite act smarter? It's trying to tell a remote asterisk server that my WAN IP address is my local one
00:58.01hescoCan the verbosity be reset without stopping the server and restarting it?
00:58.10[TK]D-Fenderchuck: no need.  you tell * to ignore the IP it sends and jsut look where its sending from.
00:58.16jayteecore set verbose 8
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00:58.24jayteecore set verbose 4
00:58.26[TK]D-Fenderchuck: "nat=yes" , "qualify=yes" for your peer entry
00:58.28jayteeyadda yadda
00:58.38chuck[TK]D-Fender, in sip.conf?
00:58.45[TK]D-Fenderchuck: Yes
00:59.24chuckawesome, the second I restarted it worked, thanks again [TK]D-Fender
01:06.50*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:09.55*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:31.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:32.31chuckAre there any services to get free phone numbers?
01:32.57*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
01:33.59jayteewow, I was just reading an article where Sergie Brin is saying they're going to shutdown Google due to the overwhelming success of the #asterisk IRC channel.
01:35.39stevie_ramjetjaytee, what?
01:35.51stevie_ramjetwas the article in the onion or something?
01:36.23jayteestevie_ramjet, no, it was a fictitious article that existed only in my warped sarcastic mind :-)
01:36.49stevie_ramjetjaytee, ha! :)
01:37.54*** join/#asterisk joat (
01:38.03jayteeI mean, I'm just waiting for the day (and I know it'll come) when someone comes in here and asks, "Hey, my wife and I are trying to decide what to have for dinner. She wants chicken and I'm leaning towards meatloaf. What do you all think?"
01:38.10chuck[TK]D-Fender, I tried them, but I just get busy signals when I call my number
01:38.27[TK]D-Fenderchuck: They work fine, you just didn't set things up right
01:38.43chuckI'm not sure if I configured it correctly though, the extension I want to call goes in SIP Phone Number and the SIP Proxy is my asterisk server, right?
01:38.58[TK]D-Fenderchuck: Thats about right.,
01:39.43[TK]D-Fenderchuck: you also need "allowguest=yes" and "context=somewhere" under [general] in sip.conf  to permit their incoming call.
01:40.02[TK]D-Fenderchuck: I'd advise dumping them into a VERY limited context.
01:40.20[TK]D-Fenderchuck: And of course enable SIP debug to watch the call attempt to see if you screw up along the way
01:41.00chuckokay, ipkall makes more sense to me now :P
01:42.40chuck[TK]D-Fender, Is it a long distance call if I'm in Minnesota?
01:42.48chuckIt's working great by the way, perfect sound quality, I love it
01:43.02[TK]D-Fenderchuck: its a DC local number.  Do the math
01:43.03*** join/#asterisk digime (
01:43.23[TK]D-Fenderchuck: Well at least their first bunch of area codes... not sure about the others
01:43.26digimehi, is there a time card add on for asterisk 1.4 that lets employees "clock in" and out, and generates reports, etc?
01:43.27chuckdoesn't know how the rates all works, but I'm assuming it is. :'(
01:44.01[TK]D-Fenderdigime: "extensions.conf"
01:44.45[TK]D-Fenderdigime: * doesn't generalte reports.  * processes calls.  thats it.  Your dialplan is your job to configure
01:45.08digimeI can configure the dialplan but I want to have some reporting as well.
01:45.20chuckmaybe you can use that AstDB thing I was reading about?
01:45.36[TK]D-Fenderchuck: Horrible tool for this job
01:45.38digimewhat is AstDB?
01:45.54chuckdigime, It's a berkely DB that you can manipulate inside of your dialpan
01:45.58digimeI figured that asterisk, being as powerful as it is, should be able to handle my need
01:46.07chuckbut it's a horrible tool for the job apparently :P
01:46.22digimebut maybe not? i will look into it
01:46.26[TK]D-Fenderdigime: * is not a word processor, a spreadsheet, and acconting package, or a video game.
01:46.29digimewhat is horrible about it, it seems like a good idea
01:46.47[TK]D-Fenderdigime: * give you the ability to ADD this stuff that you make or find YOURSELF
01:46.56jayteedigime, you could use either mysql or postgre sql and create a custom app in your dialplan to do what you want.
01:47.09jayteeit would be alot of work though
01:47.09digimeokay, that sounds more like it
01:47.17*** join/#asterisk brut- (
01:47.46digimeis there something already on the market for this? I haven't seen anything.  I guess there hasn't been enough demand.  Seems like a good idea to me, though
01:48.16[TK]D-Fenderdigime: Plenty of time-card programs out there.. NONE of them involving *.
01:48.31[TK]D-Fenderdigime: Go find one you think you can integrate or code it yourself
01:48.40jayteefriend of mine does that with a product called Voiceguide and some custom software he's written in .NET. He makes serious money selling the systems and support.
01:49.38digimeI'll check i tout
01:51.02[TK]D-FenderI'm out for a bit.
01:51.08digimethanks for your help guys
01:51.17digimeI have found some threads where people are trying to do this
01:55.24*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
01:56.00digimewho do y'all use for your 800 DID providers?
01:56.17digimeI have been using 3U but they have a known DTMF issue and we don't always get our calls!
01:59.16*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
02:11.12*** join/#asterisk phix (
02:29.08chuckDoes Asterisk support mp3 hold music by default
02:32.34chuckHmm, I can't seem to hear any audio coming from people talking into the IP Kall number :'(
02:36.10*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=chatzill@
02:37.16bijitanyone can give me directions on where to go (read) how to route voip incoming calls?
02:38.50*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:39.04jbotbook is probably probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:39.35bijitwithout did?
02:51.17*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
02:52.58jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
03:17.36BeeBuuis asterisk make call one by one when i move .call files to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing?
03:20.22*** join/#asterisk bitfrost (n=bitfrost@
03:20.35bitfrostHello :)
03:22.03*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
03:22.52WimpManBeeBuu: No, parallel.
03:24.39*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
03:26.25*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
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03:30.24jayteeI don't see anything in the book that specifies whether * handles the call files all at once or one at a time
03:33.13bitfrostI have a little problem, I have a FWT GSM base, but actually my X100p does not recognize the ring, maybe too low volts?
03:36.16jayteebitfrost, you're plugging a phone into an FXO port?
03:36.37*** join/#asterisk fudpucker (
03:36.39bitfrostjaytee of course, thanks for answer
03:37.28jayteebitfrost, I'm not familiar with a FWT GSM base but phones only get plugged into FXS ports, not FXO.
03:37.44bitfrostI I plugged that directly from my PSTN line it works fine, but not with that FWT terminal
03:38.35bitfrostFWT is like an ATA, it gives Dial tone
03:38.55bitfrostbut it is for Cellular Chips
03:39.39jayteehence the GSM
03:39.45jayteegot a link?
03:40.42BeeBuuTrentCreek: SERIAL?
03:41.00TrentCreekyes..instead of parallel
03:41.33BeeBuuis asterisk make call one by one when i move .call files to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing?
03:41.46BeeBuuTrentCreek: you agree?
03:48.37*** join/#asterisk talntid (
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03:57.30*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
03:58.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-5037a92eb11ce949)
04:04.00bitfrostjaytee, of course the zaptools shows GREEN
04:05.21jayteebitfrost, great! sounds like you're well on your way to reverse engineering the universe. let us all know how that works out.
04:06.03bitfrost??? I don´t understand :(
04:06.37bitfrostsorry jaytee if that bottered you
04:06.45fudpuckerwhat is the replacement config option for insecure=very?
04:06.47jayteeit didn't
04:07.41bitfrostWhere I can find more info about that issue?
04:07.51jayteeabout what issue?
04:08.47*** join/#asterisk illizit (
04:09.04[TK]D-Fenderbitfrost: How well does an analog phone on your GSM device work?
04:09.05bitfrostThat my X100p don`t detect the FWT "ring" it just ignore it
04:09.56[TK]D-Fenderbitfrost: So are verbose 10, core debug 10 you see nothing for an incoming call?
04:10.23bitfrostI works Ok, when I call the GSM device the analog phone Rings
04:10.45bitfrostNo, nothing at all
04:11.01bitfrostit is like It does not receive any signal
04:11.12[TK]D-Fenderbitfrost: pastebin your zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf (whicever you use), and your extensions.conf
04:11.15jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
04:11.29bitfrost:( maybe a voltage problem
04:11.57bitfrostOk i Will do that, jbot thanks for the explain
04:12.27jboti heard jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
04:12.40jayteejbot botsnack
04:12.40jbotthanks, jaytee
04:12.41bitfrostsorry, hahaha that was the bot, I am going nuts
04:13.00[TK]D-Fender~areyouadog ?
04:13.01jbotBark! Bark!
04:13.02TrentCreekWrong jbo! pb is PeanutButter
04:14.12jbotsomebody said bug was n: A son of a glitch. An error in design or programming in hardware or software. Effects range from cosmetic errors to system crash and loss of data. See also Feature.
04:15.52fudpuckeri am having a problem dialing one of my extensions, it coems back and says:app_dial.c:1450 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
04:16.22jayteeyou don't have the device defined in your sip.conf
04:16.27fudpuckerit is trhere
04:16.46[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: PASTEBIN is your friend.
04:16.49jayteepastebin your sip.conf and your extensions.conf MASKING any passwords
04:17.03fudpuckeri have another extensions registered on that phone as well and it has no problems.
04:17.06fudpuckerok, give me a sec
04:17.16bijithow does asterisk detect a bad analog line?
04:17.48jayteebijit, with a red alarm usually
04:18.01jayteeif the line is dead
04:18.14Maliutabijit: oh, I think I heard this one ... nope, how _does_ asterisk detect a bad analog line?
04:18.48jayteeoh, how not how does it indicate
04:18.58drmessanoSo whats a good cli app for combining files under *nix?
04:18.58bijitdo I have to add a extra setting for it to jump that one? Until it is fixed?
04:19.05bijitOh sry my bad.
04:19.08Maliutadrmessano: cat
04:19.17bijitsometimes don't know how to use the right words.
04:19.24Maliutadrmessano: patch?
04:19.49drmessanoWill cat echo or do I need to pipe?
04:20.04jayteebijit, if that line is part of a group you can comment it out or remove it from your zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf
04:20.06drmessanoWhat I want to do is
04:20.09fudpuckerpastebin isn' t responding
04:20.26*** join/#asterisk RobH (
04:20.29jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
04:20.40[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: there's *6* of them. is working fine here
04:21.14bijitjaytee: thanks I will go read more about the red alarm..
04:21.40drmessanoecho <beginning of XML file> + macaddress.xml + basephoneconfig.xml + </beginning of XML file> to newfile, for every macaddress.xml in /path
04:22.31jayteedrmessano, makin configs for polycoms?
04:22.37drmessanoLinksys devices
04:23.03WimpManYes, cat sounds right.
04:23.43jayteeah, I wrote a script to use sed and just pass the unique info as command line args so it creates the files I need for each phone with all the info in it.
04:23.54*** join/#asterisk neoalex (
04:24.22neoalexhello, what's the most reliable provider I can get a single DID from in the US?
04:24.29neoalexlooking to replace stanaphone
04:25.08neoalexok... free DID should've mentioned
04:25.09jayteeor if you mean SIP?
04:25.16neoalexyes, SIP
04:25.17jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
04:26.10jayteenote the words, "starting with the most respected ones". that doesn't necessarily mean most reliable but most people don't respect unreliable providers.
04:27.00jayteehmmmm, looks like is down
04:27.11jayteebut all the others are up
04:27.54neoalexpastebin?!, they do voip now?
04:28.02bijitjaytee: is there a automatic way I can jump the "bad" lines? Or do I have to set it by removing it from my config?
04:28.06fudpuckerhere is my sip.conf:
04:28.53jayteebijit, you can modify your dialplan so it checks if the channel is available or you can remove it from the config. your choice.
04:29.59bijitjaytee: app I should be reading?
04:30.20jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
04:30.46jayteeand your zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf sample files
04:31.11fudpuckerhere is my extensions.conf:
04:31.17*** part/#asterisk baliktad (
04:31.17*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:32.13bijitjaytee: "dialplan so it checks if the channel is available" extension.conf?
04:32.29[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: And now the CLI output of your failure and the sip peer dump accordingly...
04:33.04[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Yes you have to change your config for this.
04:34.10jayteebijit, check the book and the channelvariables.txt file in your source tarball for Asterisk and you can figure out how to use the DIALSTATUS variable and CHANUNAVAIL to jump to a different priority but with zap or dahdi channel groups it's still not the best way. the best way is just to remove the offending channel from the group defined in zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf.
04:34.33fudpuckersip show peers: 2925/person                 (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
04:34.54jayteephone isn't registered
04:35.05[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: The device has not resgistered and * has no idea where to send the call
04:35.12*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
04:36.35bijitjaytee: and [TK]D-Fender thanks for the explanation
04:37.34bitfrostHi finally
04:38.02bitfrostI seems that is down
04:38.07jayteeman, I wonder what the producer was thinking when he signed up for making Lost Boys: The Tribe. I thought most sequels sucked but this one goes far beyond any suckage expectations.
04:38.39bitfrostI used one of free pastebin sites
04:39.14bitfrostmember:identifier:[tk]d-fender that are my config files
04:39.34jayteebitfrost, this is not the freePBX channel btw.
04:39.36[TK]D-FenderFreePBX?  Ok, i'm off this one...
04:39.47fudpuckeri just power cycled the phone and all is good.  byt before, the phone was telling me it was registered
04:40.33jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I saw #include zapata_additional.conf in the first pastebin and a shudder ran down my spine.
04:41.15bitfrost:( ok thanks anyway :)
04:42.58*** join/#asterisk robba (
04:43.36robbaHi All.
04:43.58robbais there a way to disconnect a sip call from the CLI?
04:44.26[TK]D-Fenderrobba: "soft hangup [channel]"
04:44.45robba[TK]: tried that
04:44.58robbajust returned channel could not be found
04:45.18[TK]D-Fenderrobba: try showing us your looking at the channel, then trying to hang it up
04:45.23*** part/#asterisk bitfrost (n=bitfrost@
04:45.50robbawell i'll give you a better background.
04:46.04robbawe have 2 asterisk servers.
04:46.07robbaone local
04:46.08[TK]D-Fenderrobba: PASTEBIN is all the background I should need
04:46.10robbaone external
04:46.24[TK]D-Fenderrobba: Don't need a story, jsut need the clear output of 2 CLI commands.
04:47.25jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
04:47.39jayteeand then when I was 6 we moved to a new house on the other side of town..........
04:48.24jayteeok, I'm outta here. nite all
04:48.51bijitnite man
04:49.29[TK]D-Fenderrobba: "core show channels concise"
04:49.36[TK]D-Fenderrobba: that is not a channel name you used
04:50.55robbado i use the whole string for the disconnect?
04:51.24[TK]D-Fenderrobba: 1st parm is the channel
04:51.56*** join/#asterisk Pryon (
04:52.15[TK]D-Fenderrobba: up untin the 1st "!"
04:53.47chuckwhat are some good services like ip kall but are toll free numbers (and probably a pay service)
04:54.53robbathanks heaps.
04:56.03[TK]D-Fenderchuck: Depends on your needs
04:56.22robbathe sip show channels command seems to get quite a few connections with (None) under the User/ANR heading what does this mean?
04:59.39[TK]D-Fenderrobba: those are not CALLS.
04:59.45[TK]D-Fenderrobba: nothing to hang up there
05:00.02[TK]D-FenderrobaNow stop using "sip show channels'  youa re only getting yourself in trouble
05:00.15*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
05:01.21*** join/#asterisk sergee (
05:01.36robba[TK]: in those instances when the (None) records are present it still holds open the channel to our telco and we get billed for it.
05:02.01mchouAnyone know any good (but relatively inexpensive) soho ip pbx appliances on the market?
05:02.41mchousomething like a home router that doesnt suck power like a computer would
05:03.25robbamchou: OpenWRT on Linksys WRT router running asterisk?
05:03.55mchourobba: umm, most of those routers are no longer available on the market
05:04.16mchourobba: something like that would have been ideal, of course
05:04.42robbamchou: The WRT54GL router is still available
05:05.08mchourobba: lol, dont be expecting to run asterisk on that.  not enough RAM
05:05.33robbamchou: how many extensions you wanna run?
05:05.52mchourobba: not many, mainly just sip really
05:05.52robbamchou: i have done it with 4 concurrent calls
05:06.24mchourobba: how did you deal with storage?
05:07.36*** join/#asterisk JohnnyBeGood (
05:07.48[TK]D-Fendermchou: Get a PC Engines board.
05:08.31robbamchou: with OPENWRT it has enough space for asterisk and a basic ( REAL Basic ) web interface, however there is a new ddwrt with asterisk pre compiled thats much easier to use
05:09.22robbamcou: and for extra space, you can connect the openwrt to share on a basic nas or pc
05:12.54mchoualix looks pretty interesting
05:13.09drmessanoThe dd-wrt mega?
05:18.43*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-0eb222a32f3f1e81)
05:22.42*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
05:25.44*** join/#asterisk GoRK (n=gork@
05:27.18GoRKhello everyone; I am testing out moving from 1.4 to 1.6 and I am trying to figure out the change to Dial option f.. In 1.4 it took a parameter that let me specify outgoing callerid. in 1.6 it seems to take only from the dialplan hint. Is there a way to emulate the 1.4 behavior such as way to override the hint for that extension on the single call?
05:27.57[TK]D-FenderGoRK: Hint's are for presence what does this have todo with CID & Dial?
05:28.33GoRKGood qestion... 1.4 help text for cmd_dial: f(x) - Force the outgoing callerid to 'x'.
05:29.03GoRK1.6 help text:  f    - Force the callerid of the *calling* channel to be set as the
05:29.57GoRKfor the life of me i cant tell why anybody would change it. moreover there seems to be no other dial option that allows one to force outgoing CID in 1.6 with a similar dialplan technique
05:30.28[TK]D-FenderGoRK: Set it before you dial
05:31.05GoRKthe hint or a variable? what is the var?
05:33.03[TK]D-FenderGoRK: No, just set the CID
05:35.55GoRKoh gotcha well that seems obvious. maybe the 1.4 "f" option behavior was kind of useless then
05:36.30GoRKill give it a shot; thanks
05:41.06GoRK[TK]D-Fender: That works great. Im feeling dumb. You have things in your dialplan for a couple of years and you just expect that you are doing things the right way i guess!
05:45.24*** join/#asterisk tessier (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines)
05:45.29tessierHello all!
05:46.34tessierI just migrated from asterisk 1.4.15 or so to 1.4.22 and everything used to work perfectly but now I get an error: [Nov 30 21:40:13] WARNING[13399]: chan_sip.c:2933 create_addr: No such host: teliax
05:46.56tessierThis happens when I dial out. My dialplan contains: exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN:1})
05:47.11tessierIt appears to be treating teliax like a host instead of a SIP device. I have a device named teliax in my sip.conf
05:47.30tessierDid something change in asterisk or have I somehow messed up a config and not realized it?
05:54.19[TK]D-Fendertessier: pastebin is your friend...
05:57.34[TK]D-Fendertessier: Check your DNS on your box, and dumpt your peer to verify
05:59.03tessier[TK]D-Fender: dumpt?
05:59.21[TK]D-Fender"sip show peer teliax
05:59.40tessierDNS seems to work fine. resolves
05:59.58tessierPeer teliax not found.
06:00.02tessierhmm...that's a problem...
06:00.37*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0e4d54e82568fc6d)
06:01.19tessierI commented out a bunch of stuff with # instead of ; in sip.conf who knows how long ago and hadn't reloaded the config in weeks
06:02.14*** join/#asterisk suahmed (n=Rubel@
06:02.48tessier[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!
06:03.04*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (
06:03.46tessierjack_sparo: How are things over in the United Arab Emirates these days?
06:04.24jack_sparobad man
06:04.30tessieroh? Why is that?
06:04.53jack_sparoone of the biggest comapnanie here called Emaar
06:05.38jack_sparoits for the govern, the price was for each 36 dirhams around 10$, it is now 1.90 dirhams
06:05.46jack_sparomore explanations
06:05.55jack_sparofiring people from work
06:06.10jack_sparoall prices still same, i mean rent food cars and stuff
06:06.16jack_sparoand people loosing their jobs
06:06.39jack_sparotessier, i have a problem with my zap, are u an expert/
06:08.33jack_sparoim getting all circuits are busy now on outgoing calls using zap, but trunks and routes and i can see the 4 channels in the FOP
06:09.44tessierjack_sparo: Unfortunately, no. I really try to avoid zap stuff. I used to do a lot with it but it was always a real pain to set up. I don't do it often enough to maintain proficiency.
06:10.09tessierjack_sparo: We have some similar problems here. The whole world has economic problems like that it seems.
06:10.39tessierjack_sparo: My wife is from Vietnam. They have huge inflation there right now. And of course jobs are being lost as less money comes in as the US buys less from them.
06:10.57jack_sparowhere u from tessier
06:11.00[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: pastebin the failed call attempt along with a channel dump, and your zapatal.conf.
06:11.16tessierjack_sparo: I am from San Diego, California, USA
06:11.18jack_sparook [TK]D-Fender, i will do it
06:11.30tessier[TK]D-Fender is the asterisk rock star in here tonight :)
06:11.58tessierI've been using asterisk for 4 or 5 years but still occasionally get stuck on something dumb. The past year or two I haven't done enough with it to maintain proficiency.
06:12.07tessierI've got a bunch of asterisk systems running and...they all just run!
06:12.27tessierOnly when I mess with something do I have a problem. When asterisk breaks it's because I broke it. :P
06:13.25*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
06:14.03jack_sparopastebin is not loading :|
06:14.37jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
06:14.39*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
06:14.46[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: 5 others to choose from.
06:14.54[TK]D-FenderHurry up, I'm about to checkout for the night
06:16.57*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
06:17.42jack_sparo[TK]D-Fender got the link?
06:19.41[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: If you're going to ask for support for a FreePBX system in here, please have the brains to include all of the INCLUDED files....
06:19.49[TK]D-Fender#include zapata-channels.conf
06:19.54[TK]D-Fender#include zapata_additional.conf
06:20.33jack_sparomoment plz
06:21.11jack_sparonothing there dude
06:21.54[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: then you have no zaptel channels at all
06:22.30jack_sparowhat to do?
06:23.15[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: You have no zap channels defined.  what you need to do is go CONFIGURE TEHM.
06:23.35jack_sparothis was my ques
06:23.44jack_sparoi can see them in the FOP
06:23.50jack_sparothey exist there
06:24.00[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: meaningless garbage
06:24.10[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: forget FOP, * see nothing'
06:24.28[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: you do not have any defined channels.  Go set them up
06:24.38jack_sparopbx*CLI> zap show status
06:24.39jack_sparoDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
06:24.39jack_sparoWildcard TDM410P Board 1                 OK         1          0          0
06:25.18[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: Board doesn't matter, you have defined no CHANNELS
06:25.28jack_sparohow to define that/
06:25.32jack_sparoi dnt know
06:25.55[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: Go to #freepbx and they'll walk you through it.
06:26.09jack_sparothey are all dead
06:26.19jack_sparowhy it is so hard to ask someone question man
06:26.32[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: Your GUI owns your ass.  Go learn how it works.  As in their channel, check their boards, etc
06:26.42[TK]D-Fenderjack_sparo: because no GUI's are supported here.
06:29.38*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
06:30.07[TK]D-Fenderthats all for tonight.
06:30.09[TK]D-Fenderlater all
06:39.33*** join/#asterisk loconut (
06:40.40loconuthello. i've got a double nat scenario. one nat i have control of (server side) the other i do not. the server has nat=yes, externip=(outside ip), im also forwarding all the the rtpstart-rtpend ports, yet i get no audio either direction. any ideas?
06:43.21*** join/#asterisk joako (
06:43.55loconuthello joako
06:44.16joakoGood Morning!
06:44.28loconuti suppose it is morning
06:44.32loconutonly just here.
06:45.04loconuti hope you have more solutions than problems, otherwise you and i will be waiting a while it seems...
06:45.42joakoMy IRC client auto-opens #asterisk... I hope I don't have any problems
06:45.53loconutwell, i do =)
06:47.06joakoWell feel free to ask
06:47.28loconutwell, if it will please, i'll re-send my question from buffer.
06:47.32loconuthello. i've got a double nat scenario. one nat i have control of (server side) the other i do not. the server has nat=yes, externip=(outside ip), im also forwarding all the the rtpstart-rtpend ports, yet i get no audio either direction. any ideas?
06:47.58loconuti've followed that page
06:48.50joakoPut asterisk boxes on each end and use IAX between them. Problem solved. You can run Asterisk on a Linksys router.
06:49.23loconuti've got a GL thats about out of space, thought about opensips/openser.
06:50.30loconutunfortunately, this is a low budget operation ;)
06:50.54loconutit's my home asterisk server and im trying to get a phone to work on the private network at work so i dont need to pay for cell time.
06:51.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:51.32loconutjoako: what could i be missing?
06:51.38loconutaside from the dual asterisk setup
06:53.00joakoYou said you do not have access to one of the NAT devices, can you work with its administrator to open the same ports you did on your end?
06:53.14joakoI would think doing so might solve your issues....
06:54.35loconutwell, in the short term, i can do that, but had hoped for another phone. thanks for at least talking to me joako.
06:55.23loconuti do appreciate your time
06:55.47joakoIf you can replace the phone(s) look for those with IAX support
06:56.35loconutno iax firmware for Cisco 7960s right?
06:57.28loconutc'est la via ;)
06:57.48loconuti'll hack around a bit and see if i can do some more debug peer and figure out what the dealie is
06:58.24loconutanyway, time to move along ;)
06:58.27loconutthanks again
07:08.35*** join/#asterisk ixx (n=ixx@
07:09.16ixxIs there a solution for Dial() timeout when the VOIP provider is answering the call while still dialing?
07:09.24ixxSome providers just give
07:09.54ixx180 Ringing
07:10.37joakoIf they send 180 ringing they are not answering the call and correctly passing the progress
07:10.52ixxsorry that was not suppose to be split...
07:11.05ixxyes the ones working correctly send 180 Ringing
07:11.19joakoI've seen some numbers not correctly send answer supervision... 800-PICK-UPS used to do this, did not "answer" while you were on the IVR, only when an agent answers
07:11.54joakoOk, then if the provider just "answers" when you send them the call the only thing you can do is ring detection, which from what I have heard is not reliable
07:11.54ixxsome others seem to not do that and I get a 200 OK instead
07:11.59ixxwhile it is still ringing
07:12.11ixxsipphone/gizmo for example does this
07:12.16ixxit does send SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try.  before that
07:12.33ixxtelasip and teliax both use 180 Ringing first and only 200 OK after someone picks up
07:13.08ixxdarn :(
07:13.20ixxI was hoping to avoid ring detection...
07:18.51ixxTeliax uses 183 Session Progress instead of 180 Ringing... or maybe the timeout (SIP CANCEL) was sent before the Ringing could arrive
07:19.47ixxok this seems to be a known issue with gizmo at least -
07:20.45ixxas far as I know something similar is happening with voicepulse
07:21.19joakoFWIW those providers aren't using an RFC-compliant SIP implementation
07:21.52joakoA SIP call will normally proceed 100 Trying --> 180 Ringing --> 200 OK
07:21.59ixxyes... unfortunately the person I was trying to help is already on voicepulse
07:22.35joakoI could see if say you dialed an IVR why it would  matter if it went straight to 200...
07:22.40ixxoh well.  provider issue... passed info onto them.  i hate ring detection and vm detection in asterisk
07:22.54joakoFWIW I don't like Voicepulse
07:23.18joakoBesides the call quality issues, they told me to run "PingPlotter" (Windows program) on  a colocated server
07:23.24ixxthey were good early on...  like well 5 years ago
07:24.22joakowhen I informed them it was a Windows program and we had colocated linux servers they suggested there was "some emulator" that might let it run... sure in X and last time I checked it was not advised to run asterisk and X on the same machine (I don't know... don't install X on my servers to begin with)
07:24.31joakoAnd their thing about the channels is so silly
07:24.45joako1 account has 5 channels or whatever the number is
07:25.00joakoBuy 500 DID and you still have those 5, they make you pay extra for each channel
07:25.17joakoOr put each DID in its own account each DID gets 5 channels (or whatever that number is)
07:26.07*** join/#asterisk enyawix (
07:27.32drmessanoThey wanted to run PingPlotter in an emulator
07:28.36enyawixgood Asterisk distro?  I am looking at AstLinux and PBX in a Flash
07:28.53ixxBackgrounddetect looks like it may help
07:29.21tessierenyawix: asterisk.tar.gz from is the best asterisk distro
07:31.38enyawixtessier thanks looking
07:31.54tessierenyawix: That's a joke...
07:31.57tessierBut not really
07:32.13lirican I build asterisk with app_meetme support but without zaptel?
07:32.16joakoWell its a Win32 app so it runs in WINE, an opensuse implementation of the Win32 API on Linux
07:33.20joakoWine Is Not an Emulator... "some emulator" is VoicePulse's words... ironic part is this was pretty soon after they renamed the service to "VoicePulse Connect FOR ASTERISK"
07:33.25enyawixand i wend looking
07:34.38enyawixjoako no point
07:34.45*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:35.03joakoliri, no. But you can use zt_dummy without having a zaptel card
07:35.26*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:35.41liriI have the ztdummy module already compiled
07:37.07lirijoako: when I specify ./configure --with-zaptel=DIR which dir do I need to provide? as I already have the zt_dummy driver installed (but I don't have the original sources)
07:37.31enyawixanyone used  AstLinux or PBX in a Flash?
07:40.45enyawixanyone running other servers on their asterisk box?
07:41.03enyawixapache mysql postfix etc?
07:41.11*** join/#asterisk hesco (
07:42.19hescoOn voip-info's Asterisk+cdr+csv page it states: "By default, Asterisk generates CDR records in comma-separated text files "  How is this default changed?
07:47.37joakoliri: either use the asterisk by the same person that packaged  your zaptel or build zaptel from source after you remove the package
07:47.48joakoor if you just deleted zaptel source, recompile
07:48.47joakohesco vi /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf
07:50.30*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
07:58.17*** join/#asterisk IPkaf (
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08:14.58IPkafi just find an intersting software with is managing phone calls on cybercafe
08:16.15IPkafand the name is : ipcash
08:16.44IPkafthe only probleme is : it compatible ony on windows environement
08:17.04IPkafor i need that soft my linux os
08:17.46IPkafis there any existing software wich is compatible with linux environement
08:25.35*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
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08:49.24hescojoako: I've got * on three different boxes, I've checked multiple times and multiple ways but still can not figure out why I'm only getting cdr for incoming calls, but not for outgoing calls.  Any ideas?
08:49.42hescoThis problem is only for one box.
08:50.37*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
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09:56.40key2is there any softphone for standardist where its possible to do a drag and drop for transfering calls... ?
10:00.46liripbx_exec launches the AGI in the foreground so that until it finishes the dialplan progress can't continue and it's locking the channel... is there a background (possibly forking) function to do that?
10:01.41jqlyou could have the AGI itself fork
10:01.57jqlbut that would only work based on what interaction you want it to have with *
10:06.09*** join/#asterisk ZachFlem (
10:06.54ZachFlemhey folks, im looking to build a cluster to host my voip server, can anyone help me find me feet?
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10:20.35angryuserZachFlem: hello, what are you looking to achieve ?
10:21.10lirijql: uhmm, I modified app_meetme to run pbx_exec() for an AGI script on an event, the AGI script runs a bash script which waits for user input and then completes. this makes the participant who issued the event wait until the input is typed in.
10:21.16ZachFlemhigh availabilty hosted PBAX
10:21.41lirijql: I tried running the bash script in the background via & but that didn't solve it. any recommendations?
10:22.01ZachFlemI work for a communications company in a medium sized city, we want to experiment with a cluster for our hosted systems
10:22.02jqlthe bash script would need to run another script using &
10:22.26ZachFlemany suggestions?
10:27.32*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=Jon@
10:28.30JonOntHey guys, im following a guide over at and I guess something was ommited from the guide, how do I start the asterisk manager interface?
10:31.47lirijql: that doesn't work
10:38.13*** part/#asterisk ZachFlem (
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11:06.33bennetonHi guys!
11:06.49bennetonI have question about licencing.
11:07.16bennetonCan I sell asteriks based products (PBX)
11:08.23bennetonor I need to buy licenced software?
11:09.12*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=shazaum@unaffiliated/shazaum)
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11:29.25linuxstbbenneton: Yes - Asterisk is licensed under the GPL, so you can sell it as long as you comply with that license -  (I am not a lawyer - you should read and understand Asterisk's license yourself)
11:44.40*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
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11:47.27xrmx__should i worry about chan_sip.c:3989 copy_via_headers: No header field 'Via' present to copy?
11:47.29*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
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11:53.43*** join/#asterisk donnib (
11:53.51donnibwhat commands do i need to run to start zaptel when i don't have hardware
11:53.59donnibi need the conferencing options to work
11:55.05pokuihi all, we have an inhouse asterisk + sangoma solution to terminate voip lines. "management" wants now to invest in as turn-key solutions as possible and are pushing that we use quintum boxes (see with the ss7 addons. does anyone have pointers to useful reviews while I google? or pointers to more asterisk based (read open) turnkey solutions?
11:55.25*** part/#asterisk liri (
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11:55.37angryuserdonnib: hi if zaptel is not loaded on boot try "modprobe zapter" and "ztcfg -v" and start *
11:55.48angryusermodprobe zaptel*
11:56.01farkus_I want to capture the logging that normally goes to TTY9 to a file, so I added verbose to logger.conf. This doesn't capture the logging from AGI scripts, though. Is there a way to redirect the AGI script output?
11:56.53*** join/#asterisk iurz (
11:59.10donnibangryuser thx. i needed to run modprobe ztdummy as well
11:59.17donnibhow do i make it work on boot ?
11:59.51*** part/#asterisk benneton (
12:01.08angryuserdonnib: do a simple bash script for example run on boot ;)
12:02.16donnibhmm ok i'll look on the net how to do that. thx
12:02.27angryuseror try to do "make config" in your zaptel source dir, it will install startup scripts
12:03.31*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=proscom@
12:03.38donnibanother question. normal all trafic will go thru the asterisk server. i know you can make clients connect to eachother by calling on the same extension by just using the asterisk as registration and to figure out the ip addess. how are u guys running your asterisk ?
12:04.01donnibis it totally normal and recommended to run all trafic thru the asterisk server ? i mean the speach as well ?
12:04.09donnibangryuser: thx will try that
12:04.22iurzhi to all
12:04.56iurzi got a pentium 3 pc where asterisk runing on it
12:05.02angryuserdonnib: all traffic run through * if you have set canreinvite=no for all peers
12:05.16iurzi can do 5 simultaneous using that server
12:05.44donnibyes i have canreinvite=no but is that recommended ?
12:06.09donnibi am just trying to learn if that is the recommended setup or people do this differently
12:06.22iurznow i want to sign lots sip provider on my asterisk
12:07.10iurzif i do it how many sip provider simultaneous can it be capable ?
12:07.27angryuserdonnib: "recommended" is not the term, if you set it to yes the rtp traffic will go directply from one peer to another, but you need to be sure that peer1 will know the way reaching peer2
12:08.34joatdonnib: depending on your network config, it may not work (i.e., NAT complicates things)
12:09.07angryuserdonnib: also if you have nat involved for example  peer1>>nat>>asterisk >>peer2 if you set canreinvite=yes in that case peer2 will not be able to reach peer 2 unleast you have the sip proxy installed
12:09.12donniblet's say that i am running an internal server on my own network where all clients are internal so there is no NAT then what would you recommend ?
12:09.29angryuseroh sorr it's the peer1 not 2 ;)
12:09.39donnibyes i understand the problem but i gues since it's internal there won't be such problems.
12:09.41joatas long as you don't care about record keeping...
12:09.50donnibwhat about voicemail ?
12:09.57joatwhat about it?
12:10.03donnibwould that work ?
12:10.34angryuseriurz: without transcoding more, with, less ;) measure
12:10.36joatreinvite means the call is initiated via the asterisk box but then is moved off of it
12:10.38donnibif i run canreinvite=yes would i be able to log the calls that are in progress and get statistics on them ?
12:10.52donnibjoat: yes i understand.
12:11.07Karlitoohi, I know that most people don't use h323 but I need the ability to call from sip to h323 and my problem is that I can make the call and the connection is made but there is no sound... I get an error from asterisk WARNING[5817]: chan_ooh323.c:1054 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition 20 on ooh323c_3
12:11.16joatif the call doesn't go through, it gets passed to voicemail (if you have it configured)
12:11.25KarlitooI would really apreciate the help
12:11.27donniboh ok...
12:12.01angryuserdonnib: how many clients ?
12:12.06joati'm not sure about statistics though... call termination wouldn't involve the end points
12:12.13joatwould it?
12:12.20donnibbut the progress and stats would that work with canreinvite=yes ? i mean does the phones tell asterisk when they are done with the call and when they are in a call and so on ?
12:12.25donnibangryuser: about 40
12:13.01donnibangryuser: are u thinking on the load on the server when u have many people and use canreinvite=no ?
12:13.02angryuserso you dont need to optimise the traffic i suppose ? just set to "no" and forget about it
12:13.35angryuserdonnib: yes
12:14.05iurzjust an precision i just my asterisk just for signing sip provider account
12:14.29iurzjust an precision i just use my asterisk just for signing sip provider account
12:14.31donnibok thx for the help guys
12:14.46iurzhow many simultaneous call can it possible ?
12:14.59angryuseriurz: how many you want ?
12:15.36iurz50 calls
12:15.43iurzis it possible ?
12:15.53iurzusing a pentium 3 pc ?
12:15.55angryuseriurz: do you need transcoding ?
12:16.28iurzn o transcoding
12:17.27angryuseriurz: it's a p3 what ? 600  more ?
12:18.07iurzi don't understand ur qUESTION
12:18.33angryuserit's a pentium 3 450mHz more ?
12:19.08*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
12:19.55angryusertry to generate 50 call's and see for yourself, 50 call's with p3 could be not enough
12:20.49iurzr u from france ?
12:21.17*** join/#asterisk Hick0rd (n=Hick0rd@
12:21.29angryusermaybe ;)
12:21.40Hick0rdhello, any good tutorial for howto configure asterisknow.
12:25.12*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=Jon@
12:25.22JonOntAnyone awake?
12:26.32angryuserHick0rd: i hear only about a book
12:29.20coppicedoes anyone here use asterfax?
12:29.20Hick0rdangryuser, great. let me check it out.
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12:30.42JonOntHi guys. I'm trying to setup my autoprovisioning script, but its not working, the phone waits about 60 seconds at the point where it updates the config, but never goes into the setup app, any one feel like helping me debug?
12:33.26*** join/#asterisk MrNeutr0n (
12:34.03JonOntOk, i fixed the ftp server
12:34.48MrNeutr0nDoes anyone know how I can get a 7960 to show the name of the extension I'm dialing?
12:35.13MrNeutr0nLike, when dialing an extension, it says "Line 1\nTo\nXXXX"
12:35.33MrNeutr0nbut there's nothing next to "To"
12:35.49Hick0rdangryuser, It's not free.
12:35.49MrNeutr0nsorry to be a pain about something like that - I don't even know if this is the right place to ask
12:36.54angryuserHick0rd: try the asterisknow channel, or google
12:38.22MrNeutr0nangryuser, I've tried on google for quite a bit, but I can't seem to figure out a decent query for something like this
12:38.36MrNeutr0n7960 dialed extension to field
12:38.42MrNeutr0nany ideas?
12:38.48iurzsigning an sip accound providing from an sip provider on my asterisk server, is it the same as using an extension which is creating from my asterisk server ,
12:39.08iurzmy question is the sip account that i sign on is it acting same as one of extension that is generated by asterisk server ?
12:40.25angryuserMrNeutr0n: i am not sure to understand what do you want to do, provide more info
12:41.11angryusermaybe query some 'destination' in db ?
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12:41.48MrNeutr0nangryuser, sure thing! I would like to be able to press "NewCall", then "6901", then "Dial" and as it is ringing ext. 6901, it shows "To: Gary" then the next line "6901"
12:42.12MrNeutr0nI thought about that - querying a database, but I seem to remember getting it setup before without doing so
12:42.23MrNeutr0nI was thinking it might be a function of SIP
12:42.35MrNeutr0nfor instance, if 6901 is registered with the name "Gary" somewhere in there
12:43.01angryuserSounds like a phonebook
12:43.03MrNeutr0nthen when _I_ dial it, it might be able to tell me that is the name assoc. with that extension - but I am just speculating and I don't know how a 7960 implements it
12:45.05angryuserMrNeutr0n: it is usefull when you receive call, some phones do association with the internal phonebook
12:46.01angryuser"when you call out"
12:46.05MrNeutr0nangryuser: I actually tried experimenting with that for quite a while, but I was unable to reproduce it
12:46.20MrNeutr0nright - so you're saying when someone calls me first, it stores their name with the extension
12:46.24JonOntAny one familiar with aastra xml startup script, I got everything setup, but now I need to provision an extention so that I have one to login to
12:46.33MrNeutr0nso that next time i call the extension, it reads back the stored name
12:46.40MrNeutr0nbut i couldn't get the 7960 to do that
12:46.55angryuserMrNeutr0n: no this in fo is sent by the * sip
12:47.03MrNeutr0noh really?
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12:47.29MrNeutr0noh yes, I see what you're saying - but I am talking only about internal extension-to-extension dialing
12:47.35angryuserMrNeutr0n: you can do whatever you want, read about channel variables
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12:51.12angryuserMrNeutr0n:  you can send message to a phone lcd screen with that info, if the phone support it
12:51.55MrNeutr0nangryuser, exactly!  Do you know if the 7960 supports it and how I might set that up?
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12:52.12JonOntarg, forgot to apply settings
12:54.57angryuserMrNeutr0n: Usage: SEND TEXT "<text to send>"  for example if we have a db entry in astdb like this users/6901="Gary 6901" you need to do SEND TEXT "${DB(users/6901)}" i am not sure if it will work, and about the syntax or how to do it with mysql, test and read
12:55.31MrNeutr0nhmm... Thanks angryuser, you've given me a couple of ideas.
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13:02.49Karlitoohi, I know that most people don't use h323 but I need the ability to call from sip to h323 and my problem is that I can make the call and the connection is made but there is no sound... I get an error from asterisk WARNING[5817]: chan_ooh323.c:1054 ooh323_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition 20 on ooh323c_3
13:03.00KarlitooI would really apreciate the help
13:03.19invalidrecordhi having difficulty with getting a realtime extension if i set extension to do say playback pbx-invalid it works but if i do Dial SIP/1001 it wont: if anyone can help would be very great full
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13:20.49key2if I want to add "00" in front of a callerid, how can I do it ?
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13:22.37JonOntI am sooo close to making this work
13:23.03angryuserkey2: look how to use Set() and set you callerid
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13:26.35JonOntI need help with Aastra 57i
13:27.10key2angryuser: yeah but what is the var for the current callerid in the dialplan
13:27.12JonOntI have the tftp setup and the auto provisioning script, when i boot the phone is asks me for a exention and password
13:28.09JonOntBut when i put in the password, the phone says Data Timeout and the CLI shows connect attempt from unable to athenticate
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13:29.06JonOntI would apreciate any help at all, it SOO close to working
13:30.48invalidrecordJonOnt: i have them whats the issue may be able to help
13:31.09invalidrecordnm i scrolled
13:31.43JonOntinvalidrecord, well, first thing that seems bad, is the CLI says connect attempt from unable to athenticate
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13:32.35invalidrecordmm why is the localhost trying to connect?
13:32.46invalidrecordshouldnt the phone be a seperate ip?
13:33.03JonOntinvalidrecord, maybe not, its probably the setup script
13:33.12invalidrecordi dont know the way the3 autoprovision works thats for next job
13:33.41JonOnttheres this auto provisioning script, asks you for a exten and voice mail pass, it then is supposed to make a config for you
13:33.57JonOntand then reboot the phone
13:33.59invalidrecordJonOnt: got link?
13:34.09JonOntbut I think my script isnt working..
13:34.23invalidrecordi would have thought the phone would still make the request
13:34.29invalidrecordon reboot
13:35.36JonOntinvalidrecord, it does make the request, but through a xml script running on httpd, so the manager sees it as local cause the script is local
13:36.05invalidrecordahh ok make3s sense
13:36.14JonOntthere must me somewhere where i setup the manager pass and stuff, but I thought I did that
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13:37.01invalidrecord anyone see why this isnt working ?
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13:37.53invalidrecordthe extension works if i use playback but not with the sip dial
13:39.15pawproHi everybody. Could you tell me how can i remove the delay from running command like asterisk -rx "sip show channels"? It will stall for 1 sec at the end. I assume is "running las minute cleanups".
13:40.12Corydon76-digpawpro: upgrade to the latest version
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13:40.58Corydon76-digand it doesn't stall for a second.  It stalls for 500ms
13:41.22Corydon76-digIt's giving the command time to complete
13:41.28pawprojust round up in case some human beings are present
13:42.14Corydon76-digBecause the command is executing remotely, there is no way for it to know when a command is complete, which is why it uses a timeout
13:42.52pawproI rune it on the localhost. How else can I do it?
13:43.08pawprowould php manager be faster?
13:43.18Corydon76-digpawpro: there's a astcli Perl script in 1.6 that you can use to execute the command via Manager
13:43.43pawproi cant switch to 1.6 i'm afraid right now. It's too many machines
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13:44.06IsUpi am trying to setup my GSM gateway, with PRI.
13:44.18IsUpi am getting  Primary D-Channel on span 1 up
13:44.20IsUpand  Primary D-Channel on span 1 down
13:44.29IsUp"No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!"
13:44.44IsUpive tried to change timing source, but it doesnt works
13:44.51Corydon76-digpawpro: you can use the script with 1.4
13:45.09pawproCorydon76-dig: can i write to the socket myself? to get the list of sip and zap channels?
13:47.31IsUpany ideas?
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13:53.55IsUphey [TK]D-Fender
13:54.07invalidrecordanyone done realtime extensions??
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14:07.10carrancaHi, if i have an AGI script that controls the logic of a call and in some point the call gets modified by an AMI program, does the AGI script get the "notification" of the change?
14:08.03carrancafor example i want to do "kind of an" ivr in the AGI script but at some moment the call may be redirected.
14:08.13carrancaby the AMI program of course
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14:10.21LeddyIs it possible to change the caller id "number" when using the ami Originate? I can change the Caller Id: but it still shows "asterisk" as the #
14:10.40[TK]D-FenderLeddyYes, is you Originate the right kind of CHANNEL
14:11.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew
14:11.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:11.31[TK]D-FenderLeddy : Clearly that will not do it... go read over the list of channel types.
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14:13.32LeddyWhich channel type should I be looking for?
14:14.02[TK]D-FenderLeddy : quick freebie : Channel: Local/1234@contextwithextensthatdialbutdon'thitvm&setCIDfirst/n)
14:14.16[TK]D-FenderLeddy : a LOCAL channel.  And leave off the ")"
14:14.29[TK]D-FenderLeddy : And you'll want the "/n" thats on the end... that's legit
14:14.56[TK]D-FenderLeddy : think of it as dialplan on side A, and dialplan on side B
14:15.17[TK]D-Fenderladdjust that the Originate side will indeed call out to your SIP device once having done its prep work.
14:16.22[TK]D-Fendercarranca: What "change"?
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14:18.50Leddytk: You need Caller Name <Caller Number>
14:18.58Leddyin the CallerID: field
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14:24.35[TK]D-FenderLeddy : Suppose you could sue that too :)
14:25.01Leddyeasier too :)
14:25.06[TK]D-FenderLeddy : Its a great place to do things like Auto-answer as well...
14:25.10[TK]D-FenderSpeeds up the outbound dial
14:28.56kerframilRypPn: as it happens, I do now have a few questions about sccp (whenever you have some time)
14:29.13RypPnkerframil go for it :)
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14:31.25mcargileSo I am trying to connect my asterisk system to a Broadworks setup. Everything is working fine accept inbound. My provider is saying this is because on registration I have the wrong contact information.
14:31.29kerframilRypPn: ok ... will one hurdle I ran into was constand "Bad address" errors in sccp_socket.c (chan_sccp-20071213 with asterisk-1.4.22 on amd64). I read some vague post somewhere that hinted that it might be an amd64-specific problem but it helpfully didn't elaborate. for now, that seems to have been resolved by downgrading to asterisk- :|
14:31.50mcargileThey say my contact line needs to include ";transport=UDP" at the end of it
14:32.08mcargileI cannot find a way in asterisk to do this without changing source code.
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14:33.01mcargileand even then I doubt that this is the issue
14:33.33kerframilRypPn: worse, I managed once to get my Cisco 7940 to negotiate with chan_sccp and get itself set up. that's gone out of the window since I upgraded to the latest firmware (P00308001000). I think it may be because it's assuming that my router is a SRST gateway (?). I can see it constantly trying to access (my router) as well as (my sccp server).
14:33.36RypPnkerframil use svn version r308
14:33.45kerframilRypPn: alright
14:34.02RypPnkerframil what tftp are you using?
14:34.16kerframilRypPn: tfpt-hpa
14:35.01kerframilRypPn: any idea as to how I might disable SRST? I was thinking of maybe simply not pushing the routers DHCP option from dhcpd.conf but I can't figure out a way to scope that just to the cisco devices.
14:35.03RypPnkerframil have you reversed the slashes (remembering the phone is expecting a windows box) ?
14:35.46kerframilRypPn: I'm not experiencing any problems with tftp at all. that's worked fine right from the beginning. my XML files are parsed correctly, the new firmware image was pushed fine.
14:36.20_Krieger_ChanSpy delivers both talkers audio to spyer, or only spied channel audio?
14:36.22kerframilRypPn: it's only since I upgraded from the stock firmware that it no longer 'settles down' - it keeps hitting
14:36.25kerframilRypPn: (my router)
14:36.59RypPndid you setup the alternate tftp in the menu?
14:37.06RypPnphone menu
14:37.09kerframilRypPn: no. why would I need to do that?
14:37.54RypPnkerframil well, is the tftp on the same box as the dhcp server?
14:38.03kerframilRypPn: that address is my router (option routers when I look at the phone's network settings after it's got its lease, it seems to assume that it's a Cisco router (CallManager 1 =, CallManager 2 SRST =
14:38.11kerframilRypPn: yes. everything's on
14:38.21kerframilRypPn: I don't want it touching
14:39.20kerframilRypPn: it wasn't picking up that CallManager 2 setting before I updated the firmware. I'd like to just temporarily disable the router dhcp option to see what happens but my colleagues would be nonplussed ;)
14:39.55RypPnkerframil I'm using that same firmware on a 7940 I have, where do you see those srst requests?
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14:41.58RypPnkerframil in my menu I only have callmanager1 showing with any settings
14:42.55kerframilRypPn: I am certain that this is the problem. I wonder why it is identifying my router as a SRST enabled gateway merely on account of upgrading the firmware? I assure you that I changed no other settings.
14:43.13kerframiltell you what, I will disable the router option - most everyone is out to lunch now anyway
14:43.19kerframilthen I'll reboot the phone and see what happens
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14:46.11_Krieger_ChanSpy delivers both talkers audio to spyer, or only spied channel audio?
14:46.22kerframilRypPn: well, CallManager2 is not set now. but it times out "Opening" (no errors in asterisk which I'm running un-forked, and no errors in the status window/log on the device itself). unless you have any other ideas, I'll check out r308 as you suggested.
14:48.08kerframilRypPn: meh, "Bad address" again ... time for a checkout :)
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14:48.56donnibguys in which folder is zaptel ?
14:49.03donnibi need to run make config
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14:51.17tuxx-depends on where you downlaoded it ;-)
14:51.36tuxx-its a seperate package, downloadable @
14:51.52donniboh i think i found it /usr/src/zaptel
14:51.54donnibthx anyway
14:51.56tuxx-great \oi
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14:52.22tuxx-!google MCA
14:52.22[TK]D-Fenderis teh funneh
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15:28.18nfi|ermeshi [TK]D-Fender
15:28.32killfill[Dec  1 12:27:23] WARNING[4780]: chan_zap.c:899 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: Device not configured
15:28.38killfillwhat would that mean?...
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15:29.06killfilloh nevermind.
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15:37.51nfi|ermesa problem with callerid: it isn t shown in asterisk at incoming calls
15:37.58nfi|ermesmy zapata.conf :
15:38.08nfi|ermesasterisk 1.4.22 with WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 1" (MASTER)
15:38.21nfi|ermesto debug in my extensions.conf i have: exten => s,5,NoOp(${CALLERID(num)}), and the result is : Executing [s@from-pstn:5] NoOp("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack
15:38.48[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: And your zaptel.con...
15:39.46[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: immediate=yes <- THIS is your problem
15:39.49tzafrir_laptopnfi|ermes, any good reason to use immediate = yes ?
15:39.51[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: NEVER do this
15:42.11nfi|ermesok, i try
15:44.18nfi|ermesit look like it didn t solved
15:47.21nfi|ermesmy zaptel.conf:
15:47.56[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: If you've restarted * and it still isn't working, call up Digium for support.  Your zone my not be very well supported for CID
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15:48.34nfi|ermesi have not a digium card, but an openvox
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15:50.56[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: Then try calling them up.
15:51.01jbotwell, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
15:53.01*** join/#asterisk Hymie (
15:53.48Hymiedudes!  Hey, has anyone tried the Aastra 57i CT or 9480i CT?
15:54.14[TK]D-FenderHymie: 57i CT = meh
15:54.23HymieI'm having a hard time telling if there are generational differences betwee3n the 57i CT and the 9480i CT, or if their differences are just the number of lines, etc
15:54.35Hymiehey!  TK dude, you're still here! ;)
15:54.59Hymie[TK]D-Fender: don't like the 57i CT, or all CT from Aastra?
15:55.03[TK]D-FenderHymie: No wieth, rubbery shit buttons, poor LCD viewing angle, crashes on mass-page, tinny speakerphone, poor LCD usability (char matrix drivers for a pixel screen = stupid), etc
15:55.06Hymieor all Aastra ;)
15:55.24[TK]D-FenderHymie: My 57i CT made me yearn for my old bedside Polycom IP 301
15:55.43[TK]D-FenderHymie: Anything lower than a 57i can only be considered a lower value
15:55.56[TK]D-FenderHymie: And seriously not worth thinking about IMO
15:56.05Hymiemy thing is I really want a new cordless phone, my old is hosed, and I want to go VOIP this time around, and these CT models seem like the only way to get a quality name reasonably priced
15:56.19[TK]D-FenderHymie: the 1 thing Aastra really has going for it is the Godly attendant console...
15:56.31HymieI have the odd feeling you don't like Aastra outside of that
15:56.44Hymie[TK]D-Fender: how's the cordless phone side of things, though?
15:57.05[TK]D-FenderHymie: if you can live with the cordless being tied to that base (cannot really operate independant of it), and that the base can intercept calls the would ring there, etc... then ok/fine/sure
15:57.11Hymie[TK]D-Fender: is there a speaker phone on the cordless part?  I didn't check
15:57.22[TK]D-FenderHymie: Not that I recall.... maybe
15:57.45Hymie[TK]D-Fender: bleh.  Any ideas on just a good cordless SIP phone?
15:58.12[TK]D-FenderHymie: Seimens & Polycom both make DECT phones as well
15:58.23[TK]D-FenderHymie: Those would be better options. WiFI = suck
15:58.27HymieI can't seem to get Seimens domestically, at least not easily
15:58.46HymieI thought the polycoms were $1000 or some such though, with the base unit
15:59.01Hymierechecks, for he could be very wrong
16:00.32Hymiehmm, yeah.. I mean that Polycom Kirk thing might be alright in a corporate env, but I Guess not for me
16:01.17Hymie[TK]D-Fender: did you try out those Aasura MBU 400s and such?  Keep in mind I really, really am very happy with Polycom, but just can't afford their cordless phones for single person use
16:01.51[TK]D-FenderHymie: ATA + cordless
16:02.39Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I have that now, but bah :(
16:02.54Hymie[TK]D-Fender: people don't like the snom m3 either?
16:03.11[TK]D-FenderHymie: Iffy range & battery from what I heard
16:03.18[TK]D-FenderHymie: No personal experience though
16:03.29[TK]D-FenderHymie: a "maybe"
16:03.50Hymie[TK]D-Fender: ok, outside of how the buttons feel on the 57i, and that I won't be using much of the XML stuff, the 57i doesn't seem horrible to you?
16:04.13[TK]D-FenderHymie: No point.
16:04.16Hymieis the tinny speakerphone on the listening side, or on how your voice comes through to the remote side?
16:04.30[TK]D-FenderHymie: Undoing the XML is just another great reason not to get the Aastra
16:05.03Hymie[TK]D-Fender: my reasoning for the Aasura: the cordless phone, plus a speaker phone at my work desk
16:05.42[TK]D-FenderHymie: Aastra.. get the name right... and it may be OK for you if you want to replace your desk phone as well...
16:05.49[TK]D-FenderHymie: But you've been warned
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16:06.43Hymie[TK]D-Fender: this really annoys me.  I was two years ago that I last looked for a good cordless solution, and apparently I'm still hosed :(
16:07.15Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I get so _+#($@#_+ pissed off that v-tech and others just make all these lame assed, tied to lame name company, voip phones
16:10.27Hymie[TK]D-Fender: ok dude, thanks.  You've given me food for thought.
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16:16.48SQLDarklySo when a meetme room is running you are able to see how many users are in the said room plus any marked users. This is using the CLI. Now, in the dialplan is there a way to detect the marked user has entered so all participants that join past the marked user are not prompted for a PIN
16:17.07nny_1if you had to use an ata to connect a couple of analog phones to a IP based PBX, which would you choose? Looking at the Linksys SPA series, but curious if anyone has a better choice
16:17.19nny_1something in the realm of 4 ports
16:17.50SQLDarklyI just need a way to grab that information. I would simply use a gotoif providing that is available somewhere to grab
16:20.30*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
16:22.39SQLDarklyYes I could write a small php script to use the manager api to grab that status I suppose. I simply would like to know if there is a native way to do this.
16:23.16[TK]D-Fendernny_1: 2 small SPA, or 1 SPA-8000
16:23.49[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: "core show functions" , "core show applications"
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16:35.32nny_1[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:38.39angryuserSQLDarkly: manager api is pretty much a native way ;)
16:39.10*** join/#asterisk lchristensen (
16:40.06jaytee[TK]D-Fender, what's with the RJ-21 jack on the SPA-8000?
16:40.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Whats there to say?  Its as obvious as it looks...
16:42.06lchristensenI'm a relative newbie with a question.  I am trying to use call files with Asterisk Business edition.  Asterisk places the call and goes to the specified extension, but doesn't wait for the called party to pick up before plunging ahead with my IVR scripts.  How do I get Asterisk to wait for the called party to pick up?  None of the Wait applications (Wait, WaitExten, ...) seem applicable?
16:42.26*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
16:42.42SQLDarklyyes it is ;) php however is not
16:42.45jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so it lets you hook up a 25 pair cable to it obviously but it's not going to terminate all 24 lines off the cable as FXS ports.
16:43.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Correct, but it allws you to use your existing patch pane for quicker integration.
16:43.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I can see where that might come in handy and save time.
16:43.55jayteeper port it's a great price
16:43.56[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: It does wait until the channel has answered.  You just haven't seen WHERE the answer is coming from./
16:44.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: It is an awsome value.
16:44.59lchristensenD-fender: It is supposed to wait.  But by the time my cell phone rings, about 6-8 seconds of prompts have already played.
16:45.08jayteeI really like their SPA-2102 and SPA-3102's but this looks like it would make a better fit for some of our larger out buildings where we want to use many cordless base phones.
16:45.34[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: As I said you have not looked at WHERE the answer takes place.
16:45.50[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: its HOW you get to the PSTN that causes the call to be considered answered
16:46.01lchristensenD-Fender: I was about to ask where I should look for where the answer occurs.
16:46.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: It is a good choice.. 1 box to power / configure, sleek too, and wiring OPTIONS 9not force-fed)
16:46.32[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: Look in your dialplan,CLI output, and call-file
16:46.57[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: PASTEBIN is your friend...
16:47.00jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:47.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah I like the idea of not having 4 xformers plugged into a power strip off a UPS just to get power to 4 SPA-2102's for 8 FXS ports. this is much cleaner.
16:47.40jayteeGlad I saw you type that. I hadn't seen that model yet. I usually go to telephonydepot and they don't list it.
16:47.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I haven't handled it physically, but I first recommended it to jblack and helped him configure it
16:47.56[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: He was very pleased with it
16:48.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I know... VoiPSUPPLY does though, and there are other retailers..
16:48.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm wondering if there is some agreement that stops TD from carrying it
16:48.36lchristensenD-Fender: What am I looking for?  An answer application?
16:49.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I was going to call them today anyways so I'll ask about it.
16:49.40[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: You are going to show us your call file, related dialplan and CLI output of the attempt in a pastebin.
16:49.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Please do.. perhaps its an oversight
16:51.01jaytee[TK]D-Fender,  I finally made some progress at home with the .NET libraries for Asterisk. Pretty soon I'll have a HUD Lite/FOP replacement written in C#. :-)
16:51.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Neato...
16:51.33coppicethe SPA8000 seems nice, but note that is has a fan
16:51.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: How are you planning on releasing it?
16:52.09*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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16:52.17lchristensenD-Fender: Let me propose an alternative. I started with a dialplan someone else put together with a GUI.  I've been hand editing.  I'm going to save off the GUI dialplan and create a stripped down one of my own and test.  If that resolves the issue, I'll dig deeper on the auto-gened.
16:52.29jameswfanyone know if its possible to delete voip-info pages
16:53.02lchristensenD-Fender: If not, I'll post the stripped down variant.
16:54.13[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: We probably only need the CLI output.
16:54.33[TK]D-Fenderlchristensen: I would not change anything just yet as you could screw up the evidence
16:54.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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16:56.42lchristensenD-Fender: I'll save off the evidence.  I'll have to sign off to get to it, though.  Access is through VPN, which messes up my internet and IRC links.  The CLI indicates that the Answer is occurring where on the dialplan line where I think it should.  Back in 10 minutes ...
16:58.38*** part/#asterisk lchristensen (
17:00.58SQLDarklyI do apologize if I am missing the obvious. I have looked through the apps and only thing I see is to do meetmecount to a variable but this will not allow me to see who is marked......
17:01.48SQLDarklyPerhaps inserting a CDR record when Marked Enters and have a check for that field .....
17:01.51[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: And that in itself is the answer
17:02.12[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: AKA : You can't.  So go write your external script now.
17:02.31SQLDarklyDoh :)
17:02.40*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
17:03.04SQLDarklyAfter I get this working with external php. D-Fender if you have that information in your head I would like to know the correct way to accomplish this.
17:04.25[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Have what info?
17:04.59SQLDarklyOh nevermind then. I got the impression you had an ace up your sleeve for doing this without the need for an external script.
17:05.03[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: "correct" is whatever way works as cleanly as possible.
17:05.20SQLDarklyVery true statement.
17:06.24[TK]D-Fenderlunch, BBIAB
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17:12.15*** join/#asterisk lord_nikon (
17:14.58lord_nikonim having a bit of trouble using Transfer properly, can someone assist perhaps ? my situation is that i am attempting to redirect any calls that enter a given dialplan context to a second asterisk server, using Transfer(SIP/2323@ however the server at never responds
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17:21.25lchristensenD-Fender: The pastebin with my info is at  Thanks for looking at it.
17:22.10SQLDarklylord_nikon: Do you see any incoming traffic on the second box from the first one in the CLI?
17:22.50SQLDarklylord_nikon: Second, you should do a traffic capture from BoxA when teh transfer happens and monitor BoxB while the capture is going on. Take both results find the issue. Solve the problem
17:23.25lord_nikonSQLDarkly: i see the invites comming in, but nothing seems to get done about them
17:24.26SQLDarklyWhat does the CLI on BoxB say? Can you pastebin the output please
17:24.38lord_nikonwith sip debugging on?
17:25.13SQLDarklyYes. I simply want to see what your seeing and maybe it is something obvious.
17:25.30lord_nikongimme a second
17:26.13SQLDarklyDo they get transfered to an existing context? Does the said context or priority exist? If so has the dialplan been reloaded after said contexted was added? Are teh IPs or Hostnames correct?
17:27.19SQLDarklyAlso do you have any conflicting contexts / priorities? All of these things need to be checked and rechecked for accuracy. 9 times out of 10 it is one of these issues
17:31.55*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
17:32.09lord_nikonSQLDarkly: i dont specify a context, just an extension
17:32.37SQLDarklyPastebin the sectiono f your dialplan that makes the magic happen also
17:35.46SQLDarklyok and is exten 195 available in the correct context on BoxB. Meaning if I place a call to extension 123@default but 123 is really @incomingfromboxA then it will not work
17:36.13lord_nikonyea, its a valid ext
17:36.31lord_nikonit doesnt even apear to get into any context tho
17:36.32*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:36.50lord_nikoni never see any sort of response or anything from the second server
17:36.52SQLDarklyyes its valid but is it in the right place..... In your CLI dump i dont see it attempting anything nor do I see a hangup. This cannot be your complete dump
17:37.01lord_nikonit is :/
17:37.18lord_nikonthe invites just repeat a bunch of times
17:37.23SQLDarklyok so its not leaving box1 then.....
17:38.08lord_nikonit seems as if its trying to, but box2 just ignores it
17:39.57SQLDarklyif box2 would ismply ignore it. There would be some sort of a response on the CLI on said box
17:40.33SQLDarklyCould you open up logger.conf and please enable debugging for the console. Recap and Repaste
17:40.45flujanhello guys. I have two boxes running asterisk.
17:41.00flujanThe first one answers a call and transport it to box2 using sip.
17:41.02SQLDarklyYour box should give some sort of response saying that the call could not transfer because of X
17:41.29flujanI am loosing a lot of calls on this machine. I debug sip and got this
17:41.44SQLDarklylord_nikon: Have you successfully called an extension from BoxA to BoxB ?
17:41.53flujanmachine 1 is answering passing it to machine two... Then machine one SIMPLY send a BYE and destroy the sip dialog...
17:41.55flujanany ideas?
17:42.00lord_nikonSQLDarkly: yes, using plain Dial works fine
17:42.08lord_nikoni also have IAX2 working fine
17:42.44SQLDarklyENable debugging on the CLI and repaste. If you got the other techs working then it shouldnt be a big issue.
17:43.15flujanhere goes my sip.conf
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17:45.35SQLDarklylord_nikon: Also in your sip.conf make sure you have the correct hosts set. Also set a default context where it will be dropped
17:45.56SQLDarklySo you could specify sip:123@
17:46.19lord_nikonStopping retransmission on '0fc2c069da980d32@' of Response 20149: Match Not Found
17:46.27lord_nikonthat looks to be the problem
17:46.43SQLDarklyTry what I just suggested it should clear it up
17:47.16SQLDarklymake sure when you done to turn off debug in your logger.conf so you dont fill your log file
17:47.41lord_nikonsip.conf on box2 correct ?
17:48.13lchristensenI am working on Asterisk Business Edition trying to use Call Files.  Asterisk is placing the call, but is proceeding with the dialplan before the call is being answered by the called party.  Dialplan, call file and CLI output are posted at  Increasing the verbosity level from 3 to 8 indicates that Asterisk thinks the call is being answered immediately, which is not shown in the paste bin.  My ques
17:49.22fileif it is an analog line then they are treated as answered as soon as dialing is complete
17:51.10lchristensenIt is an analog line.
17:51.18seanbrightthen there you go
17:51.26seanbrightthat'll be $125
17:51.29quentusrexHow do I disable an asterisk module? I think Dictate is crashing asterisk...
17:51.30quentusrex<PROTECTED> => (Virtual Dictation Machine)
17:51.31seanbrightpayable to seanbright
17:51.40quentusrexthat's the last lines I get when starting asterisk.
17:51.44seanbrightquentusrex: in modules.conf put noload =>
17:52.19SQLDarklyStepping out for 10 minutes brb
17:52.24lchristensenIs there any way to prevent that or do a "hello" detect? Or do I have to use a T1 for my in house test and development system?
17:53.20quentusrexseanbright: still crashes...
17:53.28seanbrightthen it's not
17:53.38seanbrightglad i could help.
17:53.55seanbrightasterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg
17:53.58seanbrightand pastebin the output
17:54.00quentusrexseanbright: do you know where I might be able to get some kind of info?
17:54.20seanbrightquentusrex: asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg
17:54.23seanbrightand pastebin the output
17:55.45seanbrighti still see
17:55.53quentusrexright. I enabled it again.
17:56.04quentusrexsince it wasn't the cause...
17:56.13seanbrightare you getting a core file?
17:56.23quentusrexWhat ever the next step in the process is what killing it... nope.. no core...
17:57.06seanbrighteven with the -g?  it should be... hrm
17:57.48seanbrightdo a 'ulimit -c unlimited'
17:57.51seanbrightand try again
17:58.32*** join/#asterisk ElDios (
17:58.35ElDiosyo dogs
17:58.56ElDiosany idea on howw to disable the # key during a voicemail registration
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
17:59.22ElDiosI mean, I want that during a registration no key is working..
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18:01.12seanbrightand no core file
18:01.39seanbrightgdb /wherever/its/installed/asterisk
18:01.44seanbrightrun -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvg
18:02.55*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
18:03.33Kattyi don't get this place.
18:04.01Kattyfirst, i thought we were doing asterisk. then we brought on talkswitch cause we thought it would be cheaper. it wasn't.
18:04.07Kattyso now they want to sell samsung crap.
18:04.15Kattyand then last week i got an invite for toshiba crap.
18:04.24JonOntHey guys, quick question on my SIP trunk, or does it need to be ?
18:04.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: unload
18:04.29Kattynow /today/ they're wanting me to go setup a SQL server.
18:04.36Kattyis confused.
18:04.39[TK]D-FenderJonOnt: Typically no
18:04.53JonOnt[TK]D-Fender, hey, nice to see you in here again
18:05.05Kattywonders what her job discription is.
18:06.02JonOnt[TK]D-Fender, now my sip trunk provider say i need to configure a seconday gateway, do I just do a second host=  ?
18:06.11seanbrightquentusrex: wtf?  it's not even crashing
18:06.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh it's worse than you think.
18:06.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: we're mainly a kyocera/copystar dealer
18:06.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's a copier company doing selling phone systems?
18:06.57quentusrexseanbright: alright... good catch. it's not crashing... Why is it just quiting?
18:07.05nny_1jesus ...
18:07.07seanbrighti have no idea
18:07.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: did you know we sell furniture? and sprint phones too? and operate a duplication service (now that i would excpect at a copier dealer)
18:07.28*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
18:07.37nny_1ok does anyone know of a ITSP that works?
18:08.04nny_1vitelity: no DTMF. teliax: (try their number for a laugh) 18884835429
18:08.43nny_1that and I haven't gotten outbound working with teliax as of yet
18:09.07quentusrexseanbright: any idea how I can find out?
18:09.29seanbrighttry adding a couple dddd's to the command line
18:09.35seanbrightasterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvdddddddddddddddddddddddddddg
18:09.47seanbrightmaybe that will spit out something useful
18:09.58quentusrexsame thing...
18:10.11JonOntAny one have any idea how to setup a secondary gateway ip address for a sip trunk?
18:10.36seanbrightquentusrex: other than turning off autoload and adding modules by hand, i don't know what else you can do at this point
18:12.41quentusrexseanbright: that worked.
18:12.48quentusrexone of the modules is killing it...
18:12.57quentusrexor one of the config files is fscked up...
18:13.12seanbrighti'll leave that detective work to you
18:14.03quentusrexwhat does asterisk try to load after modules?
18:14.08quentusrexand how does it get a list of the modules?
18:14.15quentusrexdictate isn't in modules.conf
18:14.23[TK]D-Fendernny_1: is pretty solid
18:14.28Yourname`Hi. I removed AgentLogin() because agents now want their queue calls to RING. So I changed it for AQM. However, AQM is more like no asking for username/password. Is AgentCallbackLogin the replacement for that then?
18:14.33seanbrightquentusrex: autoload loads everything, basically.
18:14.53quentusrexeverything from where?
18:14.53*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
18:15.13seanbrightquentusrex: wherever your modules are installed... /usr/lib/asterisk/modules for me
18:15.45quentusrexnow... which one is it... :)
18:16.01seanbrightif i knew the answer to that question, we wouldn't be having this conversation
18:16.31generalhanhey all ... i need some serious help !! i had realtime setup using a MySQL DB. i tried to turn that off and remove all the references to the DB in my configs ... but something went haywire ! my CLI just keeps posting the same message over and over again: WARNING[8481]: app_voicemail.c:2262 inboxcount: Failed to obtain database object for 'asterisk'!
18:17.01quentusrexDo you know how asterisk determines which modules to load in which order?
18:17.02seanbrightquentusrex: run this from your shell: for x in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*.so; do echo module load $x; done
18:17.15seanbrightcopy the output, paste into asterisk
18:17.29generalhanbut i removed the references from extconfig, res_mysql, and voicemail, so i dont know what i could have missed.
18:18.26jaytee[TK]D-Fender, sorry I was called away earlier. In answer to your question about how I plan to release it. As cheaply as possible while still managing to make something from my efforts :-)
18:18.41generalhananyone have any ideas ? whatever has happened has made it impossible for any user to receive a voicemail.
18:19.49quentusrexseanbright: that still works.
18:19.53quentusrexasterisk is still working...
18:20.32seanbrightquentusrex: don't know what to tell you.
18:20.53quentusrexseanbright: I think it could be a fscked config file...
18:21.05seanbrightthen a 'module load' should make it die, as well
18:21.09quentusrexwhat does asterisk try to do after it loads modules?
18:21.46key2when a call comes from zap and I want to see it on hudlite, to what extension am I supposed to send it ?
18:22.12*** join/#asterisk Leddy (n=Leddy@
18:22.37seanbrightquentusrex: a ton of stuff
18:22.53quentusrexHow do I find out what the 'next step' is?
18:23.11nny_1[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:23.15seanbrightlook at the source?
18:25.58jayteekey2, try asking that in #trixbox
18:26.14*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
18:26.55[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Looks like chan_agent is heading out the window and the only app that references it is agentlogin from 1.6
18:27.04quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: what would it mean if asterisk died with a status code of 1 ?
18:27.11[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Time to revamp your methodology
18:27.24key2jaytee: mmh thx, i thought someoone out of the 270 peops in here would be able to answer ;)
18:27.27[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: error itself is meaningless
18:27.38[TK]D-Fenderkey2: This isn't #hudlite
18:27.51quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: ok... Is there a way I can get more info from asterisk?
18:28.06[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: When does it happen?
18:28.08jayteekey2, Hudlite is not an Asterisk product. it's from Fonality, makers of Trixbox
18:28.41quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: I installed asterisk, and it worked for a moment. I restarted the server and every time I try to start asterisk now it dies with the error code of 1.
18:29.04[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: then start it manually and see at which point it bombs
18:29.09quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: if I tell it not to auto load modules it lives, but when I tell it to manually load the modules it dies.
18:29.27[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: pastebin is your friend.
18:29.27quentusrexno, I mean when I manually tell it to load the modules it lives...
18:29.28*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (
18:29.46quentusrexbut any auto load of the modules kills it...
18:30.44quentusrexand the gdb of asterisk is
18:31.17Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: What?! You mean the only option other than AQM and AgentLogin, there's nothing else in 1.6?
18:32.08[TK]D-FenderYourname`: "core show applications like queue" , "core show applications like agent"
18:33.23[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Try spcifically noload-ing that module
18:33.30Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
18:34.25*** part/#asterisk intralanman (
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18:35.58quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: I noloaded the dictate module and asterisk still dies...
18:39.12[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: less talk, more show
18:39.29*** join/#asterisk monstertruck (n=Tanenbau@
18:40.22monstertruckhello children
18:40.25*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:40.50monstertrucki need to send post dial dtmf using php agi
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18:40.57monstertruckis this even possible?
18:41.41monstertrucktrying with anything similar to  $agi->exec('Dial IAX2/16688@voipjet/17869752108','D(wwww011$extension#)'); hasnt worked
18:41.43[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: this is don'e in Dial itself
18:41.48jblackI don't know how to get asterisk to dial after dial at all.
18:42.27quentusrex[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to reinstall...
18:42.31[TK]D-Fendermonstertruck: Here's a thought : I'm quite certin the secont parameter to dial isn't OPTIONS.
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18:51.10cvnetdefault port for sip is 5060 can you change that? I'm sure you could, but where?
18:52.27*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
18:52.45hi365_mcvnet: in sip.conf. read the samle config for more info
18:52.52Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: That's unfortunate.
18:53.12*** join/#asterisk fingerlickin (n=chatzill@
18:53.56fingerlickinanyone know if there are wireless sip phones that are NOT wifi, but the base has an Ethernet connection?
18:54.14*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:54.28grandpapadotfingerlickin: Aastra 480i CT
18:54.28Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: The only reason why I don't want AgentLogin anymore is because of the agents now want on-hook calls, rather than the permanently off-hook feature of AgentLogin. And AQM doesn't ask for username/password. I think it's AgentCallbackLogin for now then, and never think of lookin at 1.6
18:55.05jayteeyep, AgentCallbackLogin is gone, gone, gone in 1.6
18:55.06cvnethi365_m thanks
18:55.45fingerlickingrandpapadot: cool that will work. thank you.
18:56.32Yourname`I like AQM too, but to make it ask for username/password of the agent is a biznitch.
18:56.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:57.05[TK]D-FenderYourname`: unload
18:57.14*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:57.28[TK]D-FenderYourname`: Few lines of dialplan...
19:03.18*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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19:06.50AssimilateIn Asterisk 1.4.22 if you do not have a retry in the queue.conf will the queued call go to invlaid or the next step if an agent does not answer?
19:08.58hi365_mcan asterisk be started without any configs?
19:09.21*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
19:09.40hardwiredo you think I'll need echocan if I'm just bridging and mixmonitoring between ports on the same T1 card?
19:09.56hardwireseems like it could cause more problems than it could solve with that low of latency
19:13.26hardwireand can you buy the current digium echocan card as an addon to the TE405P?
19:15.23Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: chan_whine, lol, good one there buddy.
19:16.08*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (n=Carlos@
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19:36.11cvnetis there a softphone out there thant you could change the port of it ?
19:36.59meuserjI'm trying to set up app_voicemail_imap.. and it's not accepting my self signed cert.  So, I can either open up LOGIN for unencrypted connections (which I would rather not do) or get asterisk to accept the cert... is there a config option to do the latter?
19:45.23*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
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19:45.30kannanhello, i am usng a sip service provider to call usa PSTN, with eyebeam softphones. I have not setcaller id , and want to show asrestricted number. However, on some calls there is a random caller id being displayed. How do I check whether this is sething on the Asterisk side? We are not registering with the sip service, its IP authentication
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19:45.33ezrafreeis asterisk likely to be a good solution for performing interviews with people in remote locations? what kind of client could one use to connect to a server running asterisk?
19:45.35kannanit happens even when i use the softphone direct to the sip service , i.e not thru asterisk box
19:45.35*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
19:45.35MrNeutr0nHi there - does anyone know where I should ask a question about how the 7960 works with asterisk?
19:45.53grandpapadotMrNeutr0n: Only use firmware 8.2 where NAT is involved.  G.729 only works on one channel at a time.
19:46.49grandpapadotOther than that, works great.
19:47.09MrNeutr0ngrandpapadot, Well, actually I don't think NAT is a problem with this one.  I am actually wondering how to get the name of the extension you're calling to show up as "To" on the screen
19:47.15[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: * is a telephony toolkit with which people typically configure as a PBX.
19:47.30[TK]D-FenderMrNeutr0n: ...
19:47.33jbot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
19:47.41[TK]D-FenderMrNeutr0n: YMMV
19:47.44MrNeutr0nSo, if I dial a local extension, I want it to show some sort of name - really?
19:47.47MrNeutr0nOkay, thank
19:49.11*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:49.27ezrafree[TK]D-Fender: would it be suitable for use as a voip solution if i wanted to perform real-time audio interviews between two individuals over the internet?
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19:54.54[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: Certainly
19:55.34[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: However that typically requires the client to install software on their end which would probably only be needed for your solution.  Kind of a waste
19:55.52[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: This is where it becomes worthwhile using a Skype channel, etc
19:59.29[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: At which point you could jsut use Skype yourself and save the trouble.  What specific functionality would * add over normal Skype in your case?
20:02.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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20:07.53tzafrir_laptopspammed back on the list and feels much better
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20:28.21ziram19how to change uri in the header from
20:29.15ezrafree[TK]D-Fender: okay i see what youmean, thanks for the information. so really it would be a waste of my time to develop the client which is the reason for using a solution like skype, ekiga, or googletalk
20:29.49[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: Its just a question of what value each solution brings you and the complexity of each
20:30.06[TK]D-Fenderezrafree: If your need is "disposible" then it should be easy for the end-user
20:30.24FairmanCan somebody tell me if this is possible w/ MOH... I need MOH to play music to be played like normal when on hold, but ever 15-30 seconds randomize a message ("Did you know, blah")
20:30.45Fairman^ hope that made sense...
20:30.55ezrafree[TK]D-Fender: yes my need is disposable, i'd probably only be interviewing each person once
20:31.05[TK]D-FenderFairman: Use an extrenal streaming source that will aloow this, or bluid a SINGLE MoH file that has your message pre-mixed into it
20:31.12*** join/#asterisk ltd (
20:31.19Fairman[TK]D-Fender: thanks
20:31.37grandpapadotFairman: You could transfer the caller to a Queue and probably achieve close to what your after or just mix in an audio message in your MoH audio files.
20:31.41ezrafree[TK]D-Fender: i guess my goal was to try to automate the recording of these interviews with server-side scripts but it wouldn't much extra trouble to just upload them.
20:31.56Fairmangrandpapadot: thanks!
20:32.04grandpapadotezrafree: If you just need to record calls, try, neat.
20:33.35*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
20:35.39[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: EW
20:35.46Alan_HicksI'm at my wit's end here guys.
20:35.48[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Horrific.
20:36.01[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: It will die a lonely death!
20:36.26Alan_HicksI've got an asterisk server with Polycom phones that has a constant echo problem.  I've set echocancel=yes, echotraining=yes (and no) and I've changed out the cards.
20:36.59Alan_HicksCurrently I'm running a Sangoma analogue card with two FXO modules, but I've used a Digium TDM410 with two FXO modules without any noticeable difference.
20:37.35[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: What card model exactly, what * version, what zaptel/DAHDI version.
20:37.46Alan_HicksI'm not sure where else to go from here.  I've even eliminated all potential grounding problems by plugging everything into the same UPS.
20:37.58Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Give me a second and I'll get that for you.
20:38.21grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: LOL, what's horrific?
20:38.38[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: using a Queue as MoH
20:38.47Alan_Hicksasterisk-, zaptel-1.4.11
20:38.54[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: How will you specifically grab your caller back?
20:39.04Alan_HicksSangoma Technologies Corp. A200/Remora FXO/FXS Analog AFT card
20:39.09[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: and think of the CDR mess...
20:39.17[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: What EC routine?
20:39.31grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: Well, I DID suggest just mixing in the periodic recordings with his MoH which is what I would do.
20:39.44Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: EC routine?
20:39.54grandpapadot[TK]D-Fender: yea, you're right, would be really flakey to use a Queue like this.
20:40.22[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: There are multiple algorithms for EC you know... which is Zaptel using?
20:41.07Alan_HicksI'm not sure.  Would that be defined in /etc/zaptel.conf?
20:41.23[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: "ztcfg -vvvv"
20:41.58[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Try another.
20:42.10[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: if you don't like any of the others, try OSLEC next
20:42.13jbot[~oslec] OSLEC is the Open Source Line Echo Canceler. It is an superior alternative to the native SWEC routines in Zaptel/DHADHI and debatably a small notch below that of Digium's HPEC and Sangoma's SoftEcho in effectiveness. Web site : , Mailing list :
20:42.52Alan_Hicks[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  I'll get to reading the documentation on different echo cancellers.
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20:52.34VxJasonxVSo I had a crazy idea the other day, I learned that iChat does SIP for it's voice and video conferencing stuff... there a way to get iChat and Asterisk to play nice together?
20:53.00VxJasonxVI have a debug log of the SIP packets sent between two users on different networks, and it's really intriguing to me
20:54.39Alan_HicksQuick dumb-ass question if I may.
20:54.54VxJasonxVoh, you weren't talking about my question... XD
20:54.59VxJasonxVcomprehention is a good thing
20:55.04Alan_HicksWhen there is echo on the line, both parties should hear it?  Or is it possible that only one party would hear the echo?
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20:56.23orkidthe latter is possible
20:56.46Alan_HicksThank you.  The latter is exactly what I'm seeing^Whearing here.
20:56.53jasonwootwhich version of kernel-smp-devel is required to compile zap?
20:56.57Alan_Hicksgoes back to reading.
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20:59.41dssmancan someone tell me what ports need to be forwarded to my asterisk server... I had it running a year ago, no changes have been made, but now I dont have any voice... only call setup is working
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21:00.16jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:00.18[TK]D-Fenderdssman: ^^^
21:01.21dssmanthx, goin to read :)
21:01.38[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: The one that matches your kernel
21:01.40Alan_HicksI must recompile zaptel in order to use a different echo canceller?
21:01.46*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
21:02.06[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Zaptel yes, DAHDI, no.  OSLEC Yes for Zaptel, and unsure for DAHDI
21:02.40Alan_HicksThank you.  I was reasonably sure of that, but wanted to be positive before spending the time recompiling zaptel and wanpipe.
21:03.20jasonwootFender, it didn't look like the version numbers matched, but I'll check again
21:10.02dssmanDOHHHHHHHHHH it was my external IP
21:10.14dssmanI didnt change it in my SIP.conf file :(
21:14.05dssmanthx [tk]
21:15.53*** join/#asterisk jeff (i=jeff@unaffiliated/jeff)
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21:18.10AiThow can i define a phone's IP address in SIPmacaddress.cnf ? If not, how would I define an IP for a phone configured through TFTP?
21:19.57AiTanyone alive?
21:20.43grandpapadotAiT: FreePBX?  TrixBox?
21:20.53AiTgrandpapadot, Freepbx
21:20.58grandpapadotTry #freepbx
21:21.15AiTI figured, thanks
21:39.03*** join/#asterisk kerx (
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21:41.29teknoprephi all.. i have an IVR setup... wth option 1 being that if this is pressed it will email out a message to a predetermined list and then drop into Dial Tone so the user can then dial out.
21:41.43teknoprepthe problem is i do not know how to email out from asterisk script
21:41.52teknoprepeverything else works fine
21:45.45telnettechok i have another strange problem. I have a customer that has mailbox that even if you select the delete option, the messages dont seem to be getting is only 1 mailbox. Has anyone had this same issue and any possible solution
21:46.12telnettechBTW it is Asterisk 1.2.10 version
21:48.19*** part/#asterisk meuserj (
21:50.10Yourname`OTQ: Anyone know when you provision a new Polycom IP 330 and it doesn't let you dial a number, rather a SIP URI? What needs to be done?
21:50.46lmadsenYourname`: need to change the default dialing style to be numbers and not SIP URIs
21:50.51lmadsenthe admin manual should have something about that
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21:54.14jeffikanybody running a live conference call service?  I need it for a cusomer
21:55.46teknoprepis it possible to run a shell script from asterisk script ?
21:56.20Qwellteknoprep: asterisk script?
21:56.29teknoprepfrom an asterisk dial plan
21:59.16kerxteknoprep, you can run System() and have it run your shell script.
21:59.19kerxfor example:
21:59.42kerxs,n,System("/path/to/ arg1 arg2")
22:00.59*** join/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=martyn@
22:01.07martyn-devI need some help ..
22:02.37martyn-devI'm tryning install patch for app_quee in logger.c.. is a patch publish for Vixtor user on digium page.. somebody know how it ?
22:03.47martyn-devI have a problem. I've installed ok, but in the moment when i launch a call to Queue dont show nothing in mysql or asterisk log :'(
22:04.01martyn-devSome help ?
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22:29.06FruitBaskethelp? Line: GotoIf($[$[${fetchedacct}=0] | $[${acctenable}=0] | $[${fetched}=0] | $[${extenable}=0]]?dialDisabled,1) -- all brackets seem to match. Error: syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input: =0; and for the same line: syntax error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input:
22:29.07FruitBasket0 | 0 | 1 | <blank space>
22:30.15FruitBasketmay have larger issues
22:31.13*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=Jon@
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22:34.04FruitBasketgot it.. database fetch failed, so... variable was never set.. or something, and $[] failed, causing the if to fail.
22:34.18FruitBasketI need to check the "fetched" var first to make sure I actually got something from the DB.
22:41.01*** join/#asterisk stevie[xxx] (
22:47.10martyn-devHi : Ihave "error: unknown field ‘destroy_func’ specified in initializer" error in make on addons on 1.4 ..
22:49.20stevie[xxx]is there a known problem with mISDN and asterisk 1.6? i dont get free channels
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22:55.17phixFruitBasket: nice
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23:09.52emilleri have a client saying that only 4 lines of their 800p are being used, they have analog lines connected to 6 of them. remotely, how can i see if the two ports are being utilized
23:10.16phixzap show channels ?
23:10.35martyn-devyeah. zap show *
23:11.56phixNow how do I get a Sipura 3002 working correctly ? :)
23:12.13phixI know it isn't entirely related to asterisk :P
23:12.20emillerit shows all 8 channel extensions, however, in dahdi-channels.conf channels 5-8 do not have "(in-use)" in the comment:
23:12.56phixbut still :)  THe line is quite as shit, I get echos, and when I ring a number then hang up, it still rings the person.
23:13.12*** join/#asterisk ldsjohn (
23:13.31[TK]D-Fenderemiller: You only show 1 part of the config.  Show ALL of it, and CLI channel dumps
23:14.02ldsjohnanyone know how to stop the vm-login from playing, im sure im missing something in the voicemailMain docs, im trying to get rid the "Comedian mail, mailbox " voice that plays
23:14.15[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: Remove the sound file
23:16.09emiller[TK]D-Fender: dahdi-channels:   cli dump:
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23:16.41ldsjohnwhen I remove the sound file
23:16.45ldsjohnit hangs up
23:16.51ldsjohncause there is no sound file
23:17.28[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: then copy a silence file over it
23:18.16[TK]D-Fenderemiller: No.  "core show channels concise"
23:21.34martyn-devproblem solved: )
23:22.00[TK]D-Fenderemiller: there you have it 2 in use
23:22.17martyn-devWhen you try use queue storage on mysql with logger.c check sock in logger.conf of mysql: sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock for debian etch. byt
23:22.23phixwtf is this wank we have to do now with prefix some commands with core?
23:22.36phixcan't it assume we are speaking about core if nothing is prefixed?
23:23.26jbotAbout assumptions :  It makes an (ass) out of (u) and (me)
23:24.16emiller[TK]D-Fender, martyn-dev: i dont think i was clear in my question. or maybe i am not picking understanding your help. they are saying that they can only have 4 simultaneous calls at one time, even though they have 6 analog lines plugged into the card
23:24.31[TK]D-Fenderemiller: BS
23:24.55[TK]D-Fenderemiller: Show us the FAILURE
23:25.48emillerim going off of straight hearsay at this point. going off my of dahdi-chan.conf, it seems like i am able to use all 8 ports
23:26.13[TK]D-Fenderemiller: Go verify the equivalent of zaptel.conf as well
23:26.15emillerill see if i can replicate the problem. thanks [TK]D-Fender and martyn-dev
23:27.25emillerzaptel.conf: fxsks=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
23:28.36[TK]D-Fenderemiller: /etc/dahdi/
23:28.39[TK]D-Fenderemiller: /etc/dahdi/system.conf
23:29.24emillersorry, i still get a little cloudy with the whole dahdi/zaptel switch...
23:32.02*** part/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=martyn@
23:32.26[TK]D-Fenderemiller: Ok, the files check out... proof is in the pudding.
23:32.57emiller[TK]D-Fender: thanks, just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something before coming back and telling them to stick it.
23:34.14*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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23:39.10orkidwth? x-lite does not want to show me line/call information
23:39.21orkidanyone know how to get it? (like codec used, etc)
23:40.11orkidaccording to their pdf you're supposed to hover mouse over the 'line 1' button
23:40.11orkidwhile on a call on line 1
23:42.35[TK]D-Fenderorkid: Keep reading their manual
23:46.53*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (n=FinboySl@
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23:50.22FinboySlickHello gang.  I have a bit of a situation here where we apparently keep busting FXO modules, both sangoma and digium...  This isn't lightning season and the lines appear to be fine, anybody care to provide an insight?  Would some sort of filter/surge protector really help, what should I be looking for?
23:52.10[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Just your typical filer.  Many power basrs have them
23:52.58FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: That's already in the plans..  Wouldn't help if the line is 'hot' though, right?
23:53.18[TK]D-Fenderorkid: FinboySlick It should keep things withing reasonable spec
23:56.41echinosI'm getting "peer is not supposed to register" when my softphone tries to reg - what do I put in sip.conf to make registration OK or required?
23:56.54echinosI imagine it is better to have softphones register...
23:57.04[TK]D-Fenderorkid: Does appear the doc was wrong
23:57.07echinosbut I'm an * noob
23:57.33[TK]D-Fenderechinos: it means "stop setting 'host=someip' and do "host=dynamic' instead"
23:57.52echinosah, well, I'm not doing either ;)
23:58.12[TK]D-Fenderechinos: pastebin the actuall error and your matching config
23:58.27*** join/#asterisk fogo (
23:58.29echinosmeh, let me go fiddle after that bit of wisdom
23:58.52echinosThis is the first time I;ve played with * for... many moons
23:58.55[TK]D-FenderechoOH?  You mean now you're going to actually look?
23:59.48echinosI'm not clear on what stuff is required, what all does what yet

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