IRC log for #asterisk on 20081124

00:02.29[TK]D-Fenderkripton1x: Go read the guide :
00:02.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
00:03.00kripton1xhey thanks!
00:04.47*** join/#asterisk farkus___ (
00:05.13*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
00:08.58drmessanoSo apparently TCP is listening on my 1.6 box
00:09.11drmessanoJust no transforming from TCP <> UDP in calls
00:09.30friezecan a bad sip.conf cause a segfault on startup?
00:11.30*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
00:17.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:20.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:21.11*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:27.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You need to specify the transport in your peer entry
00:28.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:28.21*** join/#asterisk jksM (i=jks@
00:28.30*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:28.57drmessanoI have
00:29.18drmessanoStill digging.. Got debug on now
00:29.43drmessanoAhh.. SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
00:30.46[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: On which?
00:31.08drmessanoFrom the far end box to > Asterisk
00:31.53[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I meant in RESPONSE to which mothod?  What is it rejecting?
00:33.21*** part/#asterisk root52 (
00:34.35drmessanoHang on... This fucking terminal window is IMPOSSIBLE to work with.. Too much other crap for the moment
00:34.54drmessanoSecureCRT: "Oh, you mean holding a scroll is useful?"
00:37.37jayteewhat's SecureCRT? a Putty wannabe?
00:37.48drmessanoOther way around
00:37.54drmessanoIts about $120
00:38.00drmessanoor something like that
00:38.05drmessanoIts pretty decent
00:38.30jayteeah, so it costs money and it sucks instead of just plain sucks like Putty
00:38.39Cutlassanyone have any idea about that call Park question?
00:38.47drmessanoIm trying to get something I can actually look at here
00:38.52drmessanoFucking cant hold the mouse
00:39.01jayteeCutlass, Colonel Mustard, drawing room, candlestick. Best of luck
00:39.02drmessanoGuess I can capture, exit asterisk
00:39.28CutlassI don't understand your response...
00:40.06jayteeCutlass, I wasn't here when you asked your question so I just threw out 3 separate items from the board game Clue :-)
00:40.23Cutlass>I want to define an extension in the dial plan which, when called directly, will park the caller and will NOT play back the orbit that (s)he was parked on...I'm using the Park() application, but from what I can tell, there is now way to make it suppress the orbit announcement. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
00:40.42*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ba09e80bf5a60e4b)
00:41.17jayteebecause I'm like that. bombastic, self-righteous, over-opinionated, arrogant and those are just some of my Good traits.
00:41.58jayteewhat the hell is an orbit? we got VOIP on the ISS or something?
00:42.43[TK]D-FenderCutlass: What happens when the caller calls Park?
00:42.59Cutlassit announces the orbit and the user is parked
00:43.11[TK]D-FenderCutlass: To the caller?
00:43.47[TK]D-FenderCutlass: Try "ParkAndAnnouce" instead
00:44.02*** join/#asterisk thansen ( the use case would be for a consultative transfer, you would call, hear the orbit and then compelete the transfer...
00:44.25Cutlass...I understand...
00:44.31puppetanyone know any good program/script to monitor CPU/Memory usage HDD temp / CPU temp?
00:44.40CutlassParkAndAnnounce but have it call a dummy extension?
00:44.55Cutlassso the announce is effectively eliminated...
00:45.02Cutlass...that's a good thought!
00:46.09[TK]D-FenderCutlass: You're welcome
00:46.40Cutlassthanks again [TK]D-Fender...I'll give it a shot...
00:51.45drmessanoAH HA!
00:54.51tzangerpuppet: sounds like you want lmsensors
00:54.56tzangervmstat can do cpu/mem/io pressure
00:55.05tzangercpu temp/fans/voltages is through lmsensors
00:55.10tzangerhdd stuff is through smartmontools
00:56.33drmessanojaytee: I am getting a BUSY signal from exchange now
00:56.37*** join/#asterisk viator (
00:56.38drmessanoNot a fast busy LOL!!!!
00:57.05jayteewell, that's progress :-)
00:57.56drmessanoWas getting a fast busy previously
00:58.12viatordoes asterisknow allow forwarding of extensions ie. instead of voicemail can goto cell? or should i goto switchvox?
00:58.23jayteewonder how many simultaneous sip calls the UM gateway can handle. haven't found anything in the docs on it.
00:59.45drmessanoIts set in the dialplan
00:59.50drmessano100 I think by default
01:01.05drmessanoYou know..
01:01.11jayteeif 100 is the default I wonder what you could push it to assuming you had unlimited bandwidth
01:01.29jayteebefore it went bat shit crazy and bluescreened
01:01.51drmessanoA real coup d'tat would be using AsteriskWin32 1.6 on an Exchange box
01:02.28drmessanoYou wouldn't have the SIP messaging.. but
01:02.43jayteeabout as revolutionary as the Sandanistas overthrowing Somosa. How'd that turn out again?
01:07.28drmessanoIt would be like driving on the right side of the road in France.. and if someone stops you, you ask them "can you say that again please, en deutsch?  What, dont speak german?  Youre welcome.. "
01:13.03*** join/#asterisk sasargen_ (n=chatzill@
01:13.41[TK]D-Fenderviator: Probably possible.  What options does it show you?  What do you see being executed in CLI when you call?
01:17.17joakoHas anyone gotten IMAP voicemail working with Exchange 2003?
01:18.39drmessanoI wouldnt just SMTP it, TBH
01:18.54drmessanoI would just SMTP it, TBH
01:19.32joakoThat's no fun
01:19.57joakoProblem with SMTP is when you delete the email the message is still in the voicemail box....
01:20.37drmessanoYou can tell Asterisk to delete after sending
01:20.47drmessanoExchange 2003 IMAP is horribly broken.. You'll probably add latency to your Asterisk box
01:20.57drmessanoJust from the persistent connections
01:21.09*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
01:21.39*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:22.51*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
01:24.49drmessanoI just saw the Beyonce' DirecTV commercial and bought 3 years of Satellite TV for 5 TVs
01:25.01drmessanoI dont have a place for the dish, or 5 TVs
01:25.02jblackOMG WTF O RLY NO WAI!
01:25.21drmessanoBut she wanted to upgrade me
01:25.57jblackI've been a dtv customer since the late 90s. I like their customer service.
01:28.51*** join/#asterisk Meaw (n=dino@
01:35.49Carlos_PHXEven she couldn't make be be willing to put up with their DVR.
01:38.14*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
01:44.00drmessanoIf had Beyonce, I wouldnt need to watch TV.. I'd *make* TV
02:31.56*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
02:32.14*** join/#asterisk pawpro (
02:35.22pawproHi all. Can someone tell me why when I make the call in LAN from Asterisk 1 (using autodialout) to Asterisk 2  (Answer(),MusicOnHold()) using SIP ulaw there is never RTP session established but when i call from SIP client registered to Asterisk 1 who does dial(x@asterisk1) everything works?
02:36.21[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: pastebin is your friend...
02:36.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
02:36.37pawproi know it why?
02:36.57[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Show us the debug of the call the works, and the one that fiails
02:39.42*** join/#asterisk wwalker (
02:40.02wwalkerit there documentation anywhere about the return codes of app_dial?  There's lots of docs on what variable may be set by app_dial before it exits, but nothing that I can find on what it's return codes are.
02:48.12pawproSuccessfull call is here please mind that there is xlite client from 172.x.x.x connecting to Asterisk 1
02:48.29pawproand unsuccessful call between asterisks only
02:50.20pawproi set rtp timeout to 3 sec and so in second case you will find that Asterisk 2 (the one that answers the call and plays MOH) will hungup because of rtptimeout Nov 24 03:30:20] NOTICE[2648]: chan_sip.c:15732 do_monitor: Disconnecting call 'SIP/' for lack of RTP activity in 4 seconds
02:51.45[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: checked your firewalls?
02:51.47pawproJust for clarification Asterisk1, asterisk 2, xlite 172.x.x.x, (SER Thank you very much for taking your time to look into my problem
02:51.54pawproservice iptebales STOP
02:52.36[TK]D-FenderVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1638.c435c61.2
02:52.38[TK]D-FenderVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK5e825216;rport=5060
02:52.43[TK]D-Fender2 via's is also interesting
02:52.53[TK]D-FenderSER in the middle perhaps an issue
02:53.10pawproonly in second case?
02:53.24[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Try by removing hops.
02:53.51[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: make things as simple as you can
02:54.22[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: And when in doubt always disable reinvites, globally, and per peer
02:56.21*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
02:58.24*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:58.40pawproI called straight to ASTERISK 2 and the call gets rtptimed out
02:59.47pawproI mean instead of doing dial sip/x@ser i dialed sip/x@ . SIP messages reflect that but there is no RTP
03:00.25pawproit has to be something with the call being initiaded by autodialout
03:10.46*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
03:11.22*** join/#asterisk ratmandu (
03:12.47ratmanduI've got a TDM800p and im using asterisk 1.6+dahdi, and cannot seem to get it to dial out on an FXO line
03:13.02ratmanduI get [Nov 23 21:04:25] WARNING[12962]: app_dial.c:1450 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'dahdi' (cause 0 - Unknown)
03:13.21pawproeverything works after playing sound after seting autodialout call
03:13.29pawprothanks for your time
03:15.57*** join/#asterisk fusss (
03:17.03[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: pastebi your failed attempt along with the output of "dahdi show status" and "dahdi show channels"
03:17.06jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
03:17.51*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
03:22.20[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: please show that actual complete failed call...
03:22.33[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: verbose 10
03:22.58[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: and your chan_dahdi.con
03:24.53*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (n=yidiyueh@
03:27.18ratmanduadded at the bottoms
03:29.06Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Am I remembering correctly that you've used text to speech?
03:29.35[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Nope
03:30.52[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: Ok, please trash all comments from both of thsose files and repastebin and link in channel
03:35.04yidiyuehanI found an interesting point, not sure related to asterisk or not.
03:35.33ratmandu[TK]D-Fender, dahdi-channels.conf
03:35.54*** join/#asterisk RobH (
03:37.02[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: I would be very sure first if your ports are configured as they should on the card itself.
03:37.22ratmanduyeah, they are
03:38.05[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Why would you plug 1 line split into 2 ports?
03:38.35[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: try another port to dial out of.  Perhaps that one is defective
03:38.52yidiyuehanD-Fender, ok, what I want is this: call in, ring one phone, upon talking to this phone, I want to press some DTMF tones like 888 to ring another phones, and three party will be in a conference.
03:39.09ratmandui've tried 5, 6, and 7... not 8 yet... got kinda tired of climbing in the system closet
03:39.18*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
03:39.45[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: Tried swapping the modules?
03:40.19[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: What phone is doing the answering?
03:40.31[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: because this is not a multi-port thing..
03:41.08[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: You never plug 1 line into 2 ports on a card like that
03:41.46yidiyuehanhi, D-Fender, I use a normal IP Phone for the answering part, and use an analog phone to dial to two FXO ports.
03:42.24[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Why is an analog phone involved in this?
03:42.45ratmandu[TK]D-Fender, noI only have the 4 port FXS and the 4 port FXO in the card
03:43.10ratmanduI have tried moving them between areas, if that is what you mean
03:43.12yidiyuehanD-Fender, analog phone is the calling part,
03:43.15[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: Yes, you need to think a little outside the box... swap the ORDER of the modules.. maybe the BASE card has issues...
03:43.24[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: try to confirm by swapping your ports
03:43.29ratmanduyeah, I did that
03:43.50yidiyuehanD-Fender, analog phone ==> pstn line ==> splitter ==> 2 FXO ports ==> IP phone and IVR
03:43.57[TK]D-Fenderratmandu: Ok, then I'm a little short on ideas....  have you physically tested the lines going to your card with an analog phone?
03:44.12*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
03:44.18[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: you do NOT plug 1 phone into 2 ports!
03:44.33[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: this idea makes no sense
03:45.03[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: And there is no "transfer" going on here either
03:45.14[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Your concept seems quite broken.
03:45.19yidiyuehanD-Fender, as I don't know how to achieve this with a single port, call in, one phone answer and talk a while, remote party press 8888, second party will be auto involved and three parties are in a conference.
03:45.34[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: You need to start what it is you want to do, from the beginning.
03:46.01[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: this is a 3-way call.. it is not Raw-Cat Science.
03:46.23[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: You know that basically every kind of phone interface for * is natively capable of this, right?
03:46.30[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Zaptel FXS, SIP phones, etc...
03:46.43[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Phones don't get split between 2 ports for it
03:48.01yidiyuehanD-Fender, yes 3-way call I do know, however, what I need to do is: talk to first party, must press dtmf tone like 8888 to call for second party, and put all in a conference
03:48.47jblackTransfer party A to conference, call party B, transfer them to conference.
03:48.55jblackthen, call the conference yourself.
03:49.15[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Yes, a 3-way call is VERY basic.
03:49.25[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: so why the crazy cross-wiring?
03:49.26yidiyuehanjblack, then we need to use channelredirect am i right?
03:49.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack: NO.
03:49.45[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: What is your misunderstanding here.
03:49.51[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: this is a SIMPLE feature.
03:50.05[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: No AMI, no AGI, no multiple ports, NOTHING.
03:50.14[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Why are you complicating this?
03:51.31yidiyuehanD-Fender, maybe I do have a misunderstanding, but again what I want is: remote party (A) calls in, IP phone B ansers the call, after a while, A press digit (8888), here A only can press digit, no conference and any other features available, Party C will be called and A,B,C will be in a conference
03:52.16jqlit's kinda like a magic trick, except more awesome
03:52.29[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan:  please clarify "party A" as being an analog phone on one of your Zap ports...
03:52.55yidiyuehanD-Fender, Party A is a remote phone calling from another side,
03:53.04yidiyuehanB & C are sitting behind *
03:53.09[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: that is an empty answer.  FILL IT
03:53.17[TK]D-Fender"other side" <-
03:53.34[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Please be spcecific, because solutions need to be.
03:53.47yidiyuehanD-Fender, analog phone is using a separate analog line which is not plugged into the *
03:54.19[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Please try your description of the chain of this call in COMPLETE form from the beginning and we'll try this again.
03:55.18[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: yidiyuehan And syour last description of "analog phone is using a separate analog line which is not plugged into the *" tells me it must be using MAGIC to talk to *
03:55.42[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: So please understand the scope of the word "complete".
03:55.47yidiyuehanD-Fender, ok, the call flow is analog phone => PSTN Line A => Telecom => PSTN Line B => * => IP Phone B. And after that analog phone can only press dtmf digit 888, IP phone C will be invoked and A,B,and C will be in a conference.
03:56.32yidiyuehanD-Fender, i hope it's clear for you to understand?
03:57.39yidiyuehanD-Fender, analog phone is just a testing phone simply used to dial into the * from another telephone line.
03:57.55[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Yes, this would have been must more simply said as "PSTN caller coming in on my Zap FXO hits *, navigates IVR and Dials a SIP device.  I want the Zap FXO channel to be able to do a 3-way call."
03:58.23[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: the difference between FXO & FXS is huge here.
03:59.45[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: there is no features.conf option for 3-way call, only transfer.  this makes things extremely difficult
03:59.58[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: I do not believe there is a clean way to do this.
04:00.03yidiyuehanD-Fender,sorry for my poor description. the key point here is, only analog phone can press digits to invites another party C.
04:00.26[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Why would the PSTN caller be given this ability?  Why wouldn't the SIP user on the insdie do it?
04:01.02yidiyuehanD-Fender, what I have tried is, inside features.conf, do a channelredirect to meetme, and call party C to this meetme as well.
04:01.41[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Redirect will trash the other side of the call though... thats the problem.
04:01.52[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: And you can't really pass on other steps for it to do
04:02.36yidiyuehanD-Fender, this application is a kind of paging system for my HQ and branch office for emergency purpose, and that's the manual I read through....
04:02.45[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: I do not see a way to make this work unfortunately.
04:03.39[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: But why is the PSTN interface given the power to cruise around like its a local pohne?  Why would it have to transfer itself off of the call it got bridged to?
04:03.44yidiyuehanD-Fender, that's why I think of an idea to use a splitter, which is a virtual conference point which makes it much easier to achieve. unfortunately with one line plugging to two FXO ports, the IVR couldn't detect any DTMF tone...
04:04.03[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: If they want to use this 3rd party to do a "page", why involve that SIP phone in the first place?
04:04.50[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: You don't plug 1 physical line into 2 ports.  That will screw stuff up and risk damaging equipment.
04:04.59[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: this is NOT a solution.
04:07.02yidiyuehanD-Fender, because they want to talk to somebody first, and then press some digit to activate the paging system....
04:07.38tzanger[TK]D-Fender: it's amazing how people try to route around the solution
04:07.44[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: And the person they are talking to can't transfer them?
04:07.48yidiyuehanD-Fender, yes it may not make sense, the idea coming from a few phones with one PSTN Line for residential place.
04:08.12yidiyuehanD-Fender, unluckily the activation must be done from remote side....
04:08.29[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: yidiyuehan because...?
04:09.18yidiyuehanD-Fender, actually it must be possible to activate from both sides, and i know from local side is not a problem, only the remote side part.
04:09.51[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Just about the only option you have is a Redirect.... but that CANNOT 3-way this call.  What you want cannot be done.
04:10.16[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: there is no mechanism that can keep that existing call up & bridged
04:11.27yidiyuehanD-fender, maybe I need to think about another way to achieve this, thank you for your clarification~~:_)
04:12.56[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: well we've just covered all there is.  there is no Features.conf option for it, you can use features.conf to transfer the SIP device, but that drops the PSTN caller.  You can use a dynamic feature to force-Redirect the Zaptel channel, but then you lose the SIP caller.  No optiosn exist there...
04:13.35[TK]D-Fendertzanger: 2 words.... Marie Antoinette :)
04:17.19*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:23.03[TK]D-Fenderscores another 3-pointer on his "historical drive-by" score-card
04:23.18[TK]D-Fenderloads in another clip and chamers a round...
04:25.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:35.58Carlos_PHXHot tip for the night, if you ever have the choice between watching "Pan's Labyrinth" or dragging your nuts through salty broken glass, the choice is obvious.
04:39.07jayteethat bad huh?
04:43.14*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:46.54*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
04:51.12*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:52.50jameswftaking donations
05:06.54*** join/#asterisk phix (
05:17.21Carlos_PHXDamn, that is a sweet gun.
05:18.34*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
05:19.24drmessanohas an original taurus millenium
05:23.06*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
05:39.53jameswfCarlos_PHX: have you been to the bass pro shop outdoor world in mesa...
05:39.54*** join/#asterisk demonist (
05:40.02jameswfflippin unreal hugr
05:42.16demonisthello, is there an FXS card for the asterisk which will provide line and ring current for attached stations (for example: allow two modems , each attached to an FXS port to get dialtone and dial eachother through the asterisk pbx)
05:42.25demonistwould a digium FXO/FXS card be good for this
05:43.27demonisti need to have dialup support in this lab for ccnp studies, and i dont want to spend money on an adtran.
05:43.51drmessanoThat would be FXS
05:44.04drmessanoYou said that..
05:44.14drmessanoYou _can_ but it wont work
05:45.11drmessanoGenerally a newer modem wont negotiate low enough to complete a connection over an FXS device
05:45.36[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Now WHY would you want to do this?
05:46.02drmessanoHe needs to dial a modem connected to a router for CCNP I would guess
05:46.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: When people seem crazy, I try not to guess...
05:46.43Carlos_PHXjameswf: Yes, it's pretty impressive.
05:48.23demonistdrmessano, yes.
05:49.00demonistcan you think of any other way to connect two modems togehter, without going over the pstn
05:49.52demonistor two routers ISDN interface without having an actual line on the ISDN net
05:50.17drmessanoFaking ISDN will be even more fun
05:51.29*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
05:54.41[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Again... WHY?
05:57.11demonistmaking a cisco lab here
05:57.19demonistpeople need to do their WAN labs
05:57.29[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Well it might work, might not.
05:58.26demonisti know it can be done with adtran equipment
05:58.33demonistbut that stuff is damn expensive
05:59.12florzdemonist: I suppose a small second-hand analog pbx would be cheaper, easier, less power-consuming, more reliable?
05:59.32demonistcan you recommend anything?
05:59.36demonistmeridian pbx?
05:59.39demonistkey system...
05:59.46florzdemonist: I think it's called ebay
05:59.58demonistim banned from there
06:00.29drmessanoConsidering how hard it is to get banned from eBay, that scares me
06:00.44demonistNortel Meridian - $1,000
06:00.47demonistbut, thats a big one
06:01.17drmessanoSurely you can find some black box PBX on there
06:01.19demonistthat thing is an oven
06:01.39florzI mean, I don't know how many thousands of simultaneous connections you want to have, but ...
06:03.18drmessanoThere you go
06:04.01demonistwhy pay so much for that
06:04.03drmessanoThat one I posted uses POTS phones
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06:04.26demonisti dont think this meridian is isdn...
06:04.33demonistmaybe it is
06:04.33drmessanoA second Hand PBX will likely use some proprietary signalling
06:04.36drmessanoand not POTS
06:04.48drmessanoWhich is useless for your modem deal
06:07.05drmessanoI wonder if a couple USR modems would work over a dedicated loop
06:07.41drmessanoYou could always get (4) 12v lantern batteries and make your own 48v DC circuit.. throw those bad boys on there
06:07.56demonisthow about faking dsl
06:08.04demonistwith a mini ip dslam
06:08.17drmessanoTelco doesnt even fake DSL that well, what makes you think you can?
06:08.42demonistwith a mini ip dslam =)
06:09.03demonistand some dsl modems
06:10.19drmessanoThere you go
06:10.26drmessanoPerfect for the home user needing a DSLAM
06:11.24demonistthats nice
06:11.38demonistbut what do the pairs connect with
06:11.43demonistone of those octopussy cables
06:12.07[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Just asking makes us wonder if you're qualified :)
06:12.58demonistisnt it amphenol
06:13.18demonistlike all the pairs would go to a punch down block and onto some amphenol connector
06:13.31drmessanoYes, an RJ21
06:13.46demonisti did not know of that jack registration =)
06:14.00[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: just keep digging...
06:14.13drmessanoI may get that DSLAM to put in my rack
06:14.22drmessanoThats kinda hardcore
06:14.27drmessanoNo, not really
06:15.02demonistwhat, i never came in here claiming to be a telephony expert
06:15.17drmessanoHang on
06:15.20demonisthere, i will admit "hi im a fucking lamer who knows nothing of telephony"
06:15.24drmessanoThis is a telelphony channel?
06:15.32drmessanoOh crap
06:15.38demonistwell, its telephony related
06:15.40drmessanoI thought this was apache.. Damn names with A's
06:15.52drmessanoScrew you guys, I get a web server to build
06:15.55*** part/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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06:16.13drmessano<--- LOL'ed, to himself.  Quietly.
06:16.53demonisti wonder what dsl standard that dslam offers
06:17.18demonisttime to get the fucking manual
06:17.50demonistif im going to get a dslam, might as be one i can use for something either than a cisco lab
06:18.24*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
06:19.12demonistwell, forget this telephony stuff, im just going to hire some monkeys to close and open switches all day
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06:20.23demonistwell, with this dslam i would have to get a media converter, because its uplink is fibre
06:20.38demonistfibre uplink port, and its not weather hardened.
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06:30.35[TK]D-Fenderalrighty... checkout time, later all
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06:58.26drmessano(. ) (. )
06:58.32drmessano( .) ( .)
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07:16.39loompeki have a question.. in case i use Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3), in case of an incomming call when someone in the group answers, all the rest get a missed call.. is there any way to fix that?
07:18.51drmessanoBy deisgn
07:19.10drmessanoYou dialed 3 extensions, 1 answered, so the other 2 *missed* it
07:20.05ratmandu"It's not a bug... It's a feature!"
07:20.48drmessanoMore like "It's doing exactly what you told it to do.  Want it to stop?  Tell it to do something else."
07:22.27drmessanoI wonder if there is a SIP verb for "There, there.. it's ok, someone else got it.  You didn't miss it, pookie.."
07:27.56*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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07:39.58hi365[groosly off topic]im trying to repin an iso, and having problems with comps.xml/metadata stuff. anyone ehre good with that?
07:40.14baliktadyes, it's called CANCEL
07:40.37baliktadthat was for drmessano
07:41.21hi365cd ..
07:41.29baliktad...wrong window?
07:47.26*** join/#asterisk sack (
07:48.06loompekcan it be done?
07:49.39baliktadloompek what phones are you using
07:50.14loompekumm... some lg nortel, some koncept ip phones, ...
07:50.55baliktadI had the same problem as you, using linksys SPA-942's
07:51.21baliktadlinksys recently made available a new firmware version that allows you specify no missed call notifications
07:53.59baliktadalso, asterisk 1.6 has this note:
07:54.04baliktadA new option to Dial() for telling IP phones not to count the call as "missed" when dial times out and cancels.
07:54.11drmessanoI think 5.1.7 had that
07:54.57baliktadno, 5.1.7 only had the ability to enable/disable the missed call shortcut
07:55.23baliktad6.1.3 is the first release to allow you to totally ignore missed calls
07:55.54baliktadit can be defined on a per-line basis as well, in case you have one private extension and one shared extension
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07:57.40baliktadblarg @ linksys's crappy url's
07:57.59baliktad6.1.3(a) released for spa-942 30 sep 2008
07:58.18drmessanoOh shit...
07:58.44drmessanoWhere were these firmwares 2 months ago
07:58.58drmessano5.2 hadn't even been listed for the 941
07:59.03baliktadit adds native SLA functionality and LDAP directory support as well
07:59.05drmessanoNow they show them going back
08:02.53baliktadhmm, maybe asterisk 1.6 will solve loompek's problem without any changes
08:03.02baliktadSIP now adds a header to the CANCEL if the call was answered by another phone in the same dial command, or if the new c option in dial() is used.
08:03.43trogsthe LDAP doesn't really work properly.
08:04.03trogsbut the BLF/speeddials work great
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08:04.20baliktadI haven't tried LDAP yet, saw reports of other people unable to get it to work
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08:05.10baliktadI tried to get the SLA support going, but the release notes are so sparse in documenting how it's supposed to work
08:05.26drmessanoI noticed
08:05.33trogswell if you search for spa932 configs
08:05.36trogsfor the spa962
08:05.39trogsit's exactly the same as that
08:05.48trogslooks like they just ripped the code from the 962 and threw it on the 942
08:06.22baliktadtrogs did you get it working with multiple 942's?
08:06.54trogsthat details it.
08:07.02baliktadI read that page too :S
08:07.25trogshmm, just works for me.
08:07.30baliktadbut I use regular *, no trixbox
08:08.04trogsyou need the usr= and sub= parameters
08:08.07trogsto get it going.
08:08.14trogsand make sure you set the phone's mode to asterisk.
08:09.00trogsset the extension you're using for it to disabled, and share call appearance to shared
08:09.19trogsthen your extended function should show something like
08:10.27*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
08:10.55trogsi am using trix, but its like 2.0 or something (yeah, real old pbx, gotta upgrade that some time) .. maybe it does some magic though, dunno.
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08:14.18joelsolankihi room
08:14.26*** join/#asterisk getsmart (
08:15.12joelsolankii have extension registered to asterisk 4028539999
08:15.28joelsolankimy extensions.conf looks like this.
08:15.37joelsolankiexten => _4028539999X.,1,noop
08:15.37joelsolankiexten => _4028539999X.,n,Playback(hello-world)
08:15.37joelsolankiexten => _4028539999X.,n,Hangup
08:15.49baliktadplease use a pastebin
08:16.00loompekthere should be answer()
08:16.04loompekbefore playback
08:16.04*** join/#asterisk YoShiKi_99 (
08:16.07joelsolankioh sorry.
08:16.08YoShiKi_99Hello :)
08:16.25loompekor i'm mistaken
08:16.54joelsolankiwhen i make call from 4028539999 to 4028539999 it says person you are dialing is not avialable.
08:17.09baliktadyou know that the pattern _4028539999X. will only match extensions 12 digits or longer
08:17.27joelsolankibut when i change _4028539999X. to just _X. then it works
08:17.37joelsolankiyes i know baliktatd
08:17.39baliktadread up on dialplan matching
08:17.53loompek_ means the beginning, something like ^ in regexp matching.. rightr?
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08:18.03baliktad_ means it's a pattern
08:18.12baliktadX means 0-9
08:18.20baliktad. means the last character repeated 1 or more times
08:18.24loompek. means 0-infinity numbers
08:18.29loompek1 or more
08:18.31baliktad. does not mean 0
08:18.44*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
08:18.54loompekso the correct and prolly most accurate matching would be
08:19.12loompekor just
08:19.45baliktadno _, no X, no .
08:20.01joelsolankiso should i just keeep 4028539999 ??
08:20.04joelsolankiand remove _ ?
08:20.13baliktadit depends on what you want to do
08:20.29baliktadif you want to match on that exact number, then you should use just that exact number
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08:21.25joelsolankigot it.
08:21.25loompekso why should i use _ in any case?
08:21.27joelsolankilet me try
08:21.41baliktadnow would be a great time to refer to chapter 5 of TfoT "Dialplan Basics"
08:21.49joelsolankicool it worked :)
08:22.11*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:22.28joelsolankiyes agree
08:24.08*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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08:42.34farahhi all
08:42.57farahanyone knows how to run automatically and periodically a CLI command?
08:43.24farahi want to run the command "iax2 show netstats" every 1 minute for example
08:43.29angryuserfarah: external script with cron
08:43.43farahwhat is cron?
08:43.52angryuserfarah: what is internet ?
08:44.25angryuserfarah: search google "linux cron"
08:44.34farahok thank you
08:44.50*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (i=mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
08:46.23farahangryuser: got it..thank you very much
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09:11.30joelsolankidoes any company provide custom sounds for asterisk as per our requirement ?
09:13.19angryuserjoelsolanki: digium does
09:14.14joelsolankiok good. i will talk to them.
09:16.34angryuserLet's say i will write a agi script in php and forward all incoming to that script, i have 1-n call's, the script is started separately for each call or i need to do something for multitasking ?
09:17.37angryuseri will have something like ->> read dtmf >> soome sql request's > play some audio > go to the queue
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09:36.30mvanbaakangryuser: if you use normal Agi() calls then yes, the script will be started for every time you use Agi()
09:36.38mvanbaakif you want to scale, have a look at fastagi
09:37.41angryusermvanbaak: thank's
09:44.52*** join/#asterisk ElDios (
09:47.11loompek200 HI
09:49.13angryusermvanbaak: all this agi stuff is new to me, how should i configure interpreter of php ? add some alias in apache conf ? all this interaction between asterisk and php is someway not clear ;)
09:49.50yanghello loompek faxman :)
09:50.18yanglook outside its SNOWING ! :)
09:50.44ElDioshere too
09:50.47ElDios(near Milan)
09:51.01yangfirst snow
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09:51.35mvanbaakangryuser: what I would do is create the daemon in pure PHP
09:52.11SwKangryuser, agi's in PHP dont run under apache they run standalone either as a daemon for FastAGI or as little more then a shell script if using normal AGI...
09:52.54mvanbaakwell, actually what I would do is rewrite the agi in python or C, but that's just me ;)
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09:55.44angryusermvanbaak: ah nice
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10:08.59mark_csihi all, I'm hoping someone can help. I'm using asterisk 1.4.22 with a tdm815p. In my dialplan any incoming pstn just calls reception, but sometimes the phones are not ringing - in the cdr they are described as answered!?!
10:11.06MaliutaI put it to you that they are, infact, ringing. You just can't hear them :P
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10:12.40mark_csiMaliuta - I think you're probably right ;-)
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10:34.29ratmanduwhat is the equivalent to using insecure=very in asterisk 1.6?
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10:47.02mort_gibI have to experiment with ISDN Bri cards... Is Digium cards any good??
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10:54.01yangmort_gib: sangoma, digium, xorcom are good, or any cheap HFC card would work to some extent
10:55.22yangmort_gib: those are being sold in stores as ISDN modems for very cheap
11:26.08*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:27.17mort_gibyang: I'm using Sangomas A500 cards, but they are causing issues...
11:27.49mort_gibYang: -Or rather, I'm having issues in one country with the A500 cards
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11:38.56mark_csiMaliuta - I think you're probably right ;-)
11:39.12mark_csioops wrong window
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12:50.15hi365anyone using a snom m3?
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12:52.55mort_gibhi365: Yes
12:53.19hi365mort_gib: did you get paging (via sip headers) working with it?
12:53.32mort_gibhi365: Paging??
12:53.44hi365agins/intercom/auto answer
12:53.56mort_gib:-) No, haven't played with that
12:54.16mort_gibHad BIG issues before I upgraded to latest FW though
12:54.30puppetI got an idea, just want to check if you think it is correc in here. My phone dies pretty quick when I use SIP, i have had qualify on now, turn that off should increase it right?
12:54.35hi365mort_gib: what version are you on?
12:56.05mort_gibsnom-m3-SIP/01.16//03-Jul-08 13:43
12:56.25hi365same here - yet no paging
12:57.24mort_gibTo be honest I haven't had the need... What is paging supposed to give you??
12:58.08*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (n=ccesario@
12:58.15hi365the ability to have the phone auto-answered when you call it. think: "<beep> Jane, please bring me a coffee <hangup>"
12:58.38hi365instead of actualy wating for the dumb secretary to figure you that the phoe is ringing and answer it
12:58.58hi365(a small price to pay for having blond secretaries)
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13:00.11shazaumhi guys
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13:05.00tmjbhello I have one way audio situation  here is the setup ipphone1 ---nat ---internet ---asterisk and firewall server --- ipphone2. What happens when i call ipphone2 i can hear them but they can not here me. on the asterisk server i open all ports 5060 udp/tcp and 10000-20000. Any ideas how to solve this .Thank you
13:05.33jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:05.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:08.12mort_gibhi365: :-) Yeah, telephony for blondes...
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13:10.47plasmidI get this on my e-mail now:
13:10.47plasmidDial *98 to access your voicemail by phone.
13:10.47plasmidVisit http://AMPWEBADDRESS/recordings/index.php to check your voicemail with a web browser.
13:11.00plasmidhow do I access my voicemail anywhere ?
13:11.08coppiceblondes don't need special telephony, but idiots might
13:11.09tmjbjbot, tnx
13:11.14plasmidyes i know.. google is my best friend.
13:11.24puppetplasmid: go there then?
13:11.38puppetplasmid: I did and foud it on 20 sec
13:11.47plasmidthat's commendable puppet.
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13:12.55plasmidi did 2, but that's internal ip address. I need to access it worldwide.
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13:13.24puppetplasmid: well then you google on howto portforward on your router
13:14.50plasmidok... if I type: i get this: The requested URL /recordings/index.php was not found on this server.
13:14.54plasmidso it's not working internally.
13:15.06plasmidheh.. at least I am getting the e-mail to my gmail acct.
13:15.30puppetplasmid: installed it your self or using trixbox or something like that?
13:15.49plasmidno.. i didn't use trixbox or something like that.
13:17.06puppetthen u need to install ampportal
13:20.17plasmidoh. darn.. Lol. Maybe I didn't install ampportal.. googling it now.
13:20.56mark_csihi all, I've added a few options to etc/modprobe.conf for asterisk - does anyone know how to reload this without rebooting the server?
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13:27.47plasmidhmm.... amportal is already in my system: amportal start -> asterisk already running.
13:28.26plasmidyet I can't access
13:31.32feedsmark_csi: reload?
13:31.42feedsmark_csi: I mean try reload
13:33.38mark_csifeeds: thx
13:34.33feedsmark_csi: No problem ;)
13:34.58*** join/#asterisk HeMan (
13:35.36HeManHi! We get "socket_read: Out of idle IAX2 threads for I/O, pausing!" and then a lot of "channel.c:1068 in channel_find_locked: Avoiding initial deadlock for channel '0x618050'"
13:35.50HeManafter that our asterisk-machine dies
13:36.00HeManany ideas what this could be?
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13:42.29mark_csiHeMan: sounds like it could be a bug, what version?
13:44.09HeManI know that 1.4.22 is out but I haven't had the time to update
13:45.03mark_csiHeMan: I'm using IAX on 1.4.22 without issue
13:45.33HeManmark_csi: we only use IAX to IAXMODEM and hylafax there
13:46.26HeManbut we have problem with hylafax to so I think I'll just disable our fax capabilities for now
13:46.47mark_csiHeMan: ya got me there, could it be that your iax channels in the dialplan have no hangup()
13:48.08HeManmark_csi: we never call out with the fax, just inbound
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13:49.24HeManmark_csi: and I was hoping that iaxmodem handled the hangup
13:51.23mark_csiHeMan: I'm not sure, I always end a dialplan with a hangup() anyway - not sure if it's good practice or not
13:52.18HeManI try that and install 1.4.22 on our testserver
13:52.38mark_csiHeMan: sorry I couldn't be more helpful
13:52.56HeManmark_csi: np
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14:33.15tzangerhmm, isn't 'F' a hookflash in a Dial() command?
14:33.27tzangere.g. Dial(Zap/1/F*69) type thing?
14:34.09lmadsenI've never heard of that...
14:34.18lmadsennot that it doesn't exist :)
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14:42.34DovidI know this is OT but does anyone here know vicidial ?
14:42.50patrick--hey all, im trying to build agx-asterisk-addons , but keep getting this error: anyone got an idea on that?
14:43.00tzangerlmadsen: it doesn't exist
14:43.21tzangerDial(Zap/1,,M(foo)) and [macro-foo] with Flash and SendDTMF() works nicely though
14:46.15Carlos_PHXBrrr...had to fire up the heater for the first time this year.  Got up and it was down to 72 in the house.  The humanity.
14:46.38lmadsentzanger: ok, that's what I was thinking :)
14:48.55neurosysIs it usual that some switches will change the default way they accept peer auths, then try to charge you 150 an hr to get it "working" ?
14:49.52tzangerneurosys: sounds like a valid business model
14:50.16neurosystzanger:  hmm :(
14:50.17[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: What ver of * are you running?
14:50.42Assidanyone by chance know anyone in asterlink?
14:50.45patrick--Asterisk 1.4.18,
14:51.06[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: <- say .13 & .17 supported
14:51.09Assidtheir registration server is down.. and i cant get through their toll free either.. email is pretty much useless
14:51.12[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Try one of those
14:51.21lmadsenAssid: find bkw_ I think
14:51.21patrick--right, thanks
14:51.33patrick--ill have to downgrade? :D
14:51.35Assidlmadsen: as i am told.. he no longer is with them
14:51.42lmadsenahhh, then I have no idea
14:52.11patrick--[TK]D-Fender: is a downgrade necessary?
14:53.01[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Well they say very specific versions that it is for.  Would you ignore something that is written that clearly?
14:53.42patrick--no, actually not :D
14:54.56*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:55.24feedsIn sip.conf, what do I need to enter to subscribe client 1000 to mailbox 12345@employees?
14:56.41feedsI mean is it mailbox= or vmexten=
14:56.57[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: mailbxo-
14:57.04[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: mailbox=
14:57.21feeds[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
15:04.48*** join/#asterisk aksyn (
15:06.55*** join/#asterisk tcseke (n=chatzill@
15:07.56stmaherhello everyone.. I have a new asterisk install .. but monkeys doesnt work.. I have my entry and the phone picks up
15:09.28stmaherload ???
15:09.29[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: pastebin is your friend... show us..
15:09.31jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:09.53guaxstmaher: to the monkeys =P
15:11.17stmaher[TK]D-Fender heya.. There isnt much to paste.. Logs dont show anything.. and all i have is exten => 704,1,BackGround(tt-monkeys)
15:11.58[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Screw logs, you should be looking at CLI.  set verbose 10 , and enable SIP debug if thats the protocol your phone is using
15:12.35guaxor watch for the full log if its enabled
15:13.11stmaherOk.. fyi.. a tcpdump shows only rtp going to the asterisk box.. and not to the phone..
15:13.14stmaherThere is no firewall
15:13.51*** join/#asterisk RobH (
15:14.42stmaherinvite/200 OK shows they both agree on g711 Ulaw
15:15.33[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: PASTEBIN the actual call with SIP debug as requested
15:15.38stmaherok thanks
15:16.47stmaher[TK]D-Fender thanks
15:17.57[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Now change your first priotiry to Answer.
15:19.13*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:20.19stmaher[TK]D-Fender Same result
15:25.14[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: There is no ANSWER in there
15:25.46[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And what are you doing on that ancient version?
15:25.49stmaher[TK]D-Fender eh.. there should be..
15:25.59stmaher[TK]D-Fender debians apt-get
15:26.20stmaher[TK]D-Fender reason.. Hoping I wouldnt have to do any zaptel driver install..
15:26.35stmaher[TK]D-Fender or the newer / more confuzing dahdi?
15:26.45[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Invalid approach to an unnecessary process
15:27.20[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Zaptel/DAHDI is *option*  Always has been.  They are SEPARATE packages
15:27.33stmaher[TK]D-Fender yeah I need to get a digium card working with it too
15:27.38guaxstmaher: try this: exten => 704,1,Answer exten => 704,n,BackGround(tt-monkeys)
15:27.50stmaherguax thats what I have..
15:27.52[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: HUH!?
15:28.24*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (n=andrebar@
15:28.34stmaher[TK]D-Fender Never mind thats another days problem
15:28.38guaxupdate your log, its not what he is telling us. (remember dialplan reload(i do forget sometimes))
15:28.52stmaherguax thanks ill try that
15:29.14[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: If you have a card, then you need one or the other.  If you ahve no card, you only need them if you need a timing source for * apps
15:29.17guaxneeds english classes
15:29.56andrebarbosaanyone has a tdm400 detecting verizon's callerid?
15:30.20[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: Should work fine..
15:30.29andrebarbosanot working for me
15:30.42[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: PASTEBIN is your friend, show us your configs.
15:30.44jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:31.38andrebarbosaI've cidstart=ring and cidsignalling=bell
15:31.42andrebarbosaand usecallerid=yes
15:32.00andrebarbosabut already tried, dtmf, v23
15:32.18[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: Also need "callerid=asreceived" <---
15:32.32andrebarbosalet me check that one
15:32.58*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
15:33.06andrebarbosaI'm using 1.2.29 and latest zaptel 1.2
15:33.28[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: This parm predates 1.2
15:34.39stmaher[TK]D-Fender guax thanks
15:34.49andrebarbosai'll pastif
15:34.52andrebarbosajust a second
15:35.00feeds|BusyIs there any way to change the vm-intro path in the config?
15:35.28feeds|Busybecause I know what my issue is I just don't know how to solve it ^^
15:35.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Where is the CALL!?
15:35.58[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: it looks in the lib/sounds folder....
15:36.05[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: as specified in asterisk.conf.
15:36.19stmaher[TK]D-Fender its at verbose 10 and sip debug..
15:36.26stmaher[TK]D-Fender is there anything else I could give you ?
15:36.27[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: there is NO call in there.
15:36.41stmaher[TK]D-Fender Yes there is.. SIP signally?
15:37.16[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: NVM.  I see no dialplan apps being called.  Why?
15:37.23guaxstmaher: open your log, and run a core set verbose 15, then make the call and paste the log,
15:37.58*** join/#asterisk kc2tnk (
15:38.20feeds|Busy[TK]D-Fender: I have these directories:
15:38.48[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: cidsignalling=bell  cidstart=ring <- remove.  And you need to restart * for changes to take effect
15:39.04andrebarbosaremove ring
15:39.09andrebarbosawhat is the one by default?
15:39.21[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk <- under "sounds" in there
15:39.24stmaher[TK]D-Fender guax
15:39.28[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: Just do it
15:39.36[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: BOTH
15:39.41andrebarbosaah ok
15:40.19feeds|Busy[TK]D-Fender:  so I should do Playback(sounds/vm-intro) for example, if I want to play vm=intro?
15:40.53[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: no, its in the base folder.  remove your path call.  And why are you looking to play it directly?
15:42.33*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
15:42.48andrebarbosa[TK]D-Fender, didn't work
15:42.58andrebarbosaCaller ID: (N/A)
15:43.04feeds|Busy[TK]D-Fender: I want to let after 15 secs play the VoiceMail() app. And it prints:
15:43.15[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: Go plug an analog phon on your line and prove it even has it functional
15:43.32andrebarbosaalready did
15:43.34andrebarbosait works
15:43.50[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: You are missing the basic sound files that should come with *.
15:43.57[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: Go reinstall
15:45.09[TK]D-Fenderfeeds|Busy: Or go to and check the HTTP Download server and manually grab the tarball for the codec version you want and install it yourself
15:45.45feeds|BusyI have the sounds:
15:45.52feeds|Busybu tonly .gsm
15:45.58feeds|Busy* but only
15:46.53[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: Go check your permissions, and never show a folder like that without the proof of the precise PATH it represents
15:46.53stmaher[TK]D-Fender I also tried chaging the localnet.. but no difference..
15:47.03stmaher[TK]D-Fender asterisk is not sending any rtp to the phoen
15:47.09[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I am still NEVER seeing a good sample.
15:47.24[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Where's the good apstbin witht he matching dialplan output?
15:47.35stmaher[TK]D-Fender what verbosity would you like?
15:47.39stmaherive done 10 and 15?
15:47.54[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You have clearly done something wrong.  10 shoud do.
15:47.56*** part/#asterisk wwalker (
15:48.14stmaher[TK]D-Fender Doubt it.. its a fresh install..
15:48.25[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: do YOU see the "answer" being called... or ANY dialplan app?  I know I don't
15:49.02stmaher[TK]D-Fender Ok.. I have it at verbosity 15.. what LEVEL would you like it at.. if it doesnt show what you need.. can you please suggest another command
15:49.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: "set verbose 10"
15:49.41feeds[TK]D-Fender: I know the problem. Normally, when I want to Playback a file in any exten, I have to write not Playback(xyz) but Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/xyz). Can't I change that in voicemail.conf and everything will be ok.... I just need to know how...
15:49.50[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Something is horribly wrong if its at 10 and you don't see dialplan execution.
15:50.05[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: You have bad paths <-
15:50.23[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: Now do as I said and go prove the exact path of that folder dump you just handed me.
15:51.06feeds[root@gandalf sounds]# pwd: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
15:51.37[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: and PERMISSIONS.  Do not make this a blow-by-blow process...
15:52.22feedschown is asterisk and chgrp is asterisk too
15:55.23*** join/#asterisk cianmaher (n=Cian@
15:55.44andrebarbosa[TK]D-Fender, i've look at chan_zap.c and bell and ring are the defaults values
15:55.55andrebarbosaso have them or not is the same
15:56.48andrebarbosathis config should be working.. maybe i've a problem with something else.. :(
15:57.37cianmaherHi all, I dont think the following is possible but here it goes... I need callers to be able to navigate through available agents who are assigned to a queue but not on a call. Does anyone know of anyway to do this? Or if anyone would be interested in doing development for me?
16:01.59mort_gibcianmaher: Let the caller select the queue they want using ivr
16:02.37*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-46e65ec17e34f6c8)
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16:07.21justin_workMorning, folks
16:07.38*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=funxion@
16:08.21justin_workTrying to figure something out - if I set an extension to "ring all" multiple outside lines, users calling that extension get dead air until someone answers - no ring sound. Is there a way to remedy this?
16:09.49beekjustin_work: You have the 'r' parameter in the dial statement?
16:10.08[TK]D-Fenderandrebarbosa: Prove it with a real phone
16:10.20justin_workNot sure - it's a Switchvox, so I don't have as direct access to the settings as I'd like
16:11.40*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:12.00beekjustin_work: Sorry -- I haven't worked with a Switchvox so I can't offer anything else.
16:13.17justin_workThanks, beek
16:14.20*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
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16:26.36[TK]D-Fendercianmaher: you want "agents" without using normal Queues?
16:26.38*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
16:27.09anonymouz666I wonder why someone would use chan_agent
16:28.18[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: more loggable and hot-deskable...
16:29.20anonymouz666more loggable?
16:29.31*** join/#asterisk ecrist (
16:29.36ecristanyone have a hosted voip provider they recommend?
16:29.38*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
16:29.43anonymouz666there's nothing you can't do using read() and some DB queries :)
16:29.48anonymouz666using the addqueuemember
16:30.13ecristcurrently with ironvoice (formerly heavylogic), but their service is less than dependable
16:30.36[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: No argument here...jsut another way I guess.  Still waiting on a solid answer for his goals of course
16:31.11[TK]D-Fenderecrist: What is it that you mean by "hosted voip provider" exactly?
16:31.13*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
16:31.28ecristour phones connect to their server, via the net
16:32.09[TK]D-Fenderecrist: This is #asterisk you know... we tend to run our OWN servers here...
16:32.21ecrist[TK]D-Fender: I'm fully aware.
16:32.39ecristbut, I also know many folks in here help *run* such systems for these providers
16:32.55jpcansahi, how can i restrict one extension or a group of extensions from making outgoing calls via certain trunks, while allowing unrestricted access to other extensions?
16:33.28mort_gibjpcansa: Context
16:34.31jbotrumour has it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:34.52*** join/#asterisk abalashov (n=sasha@
16:35.30jayteejpcansa, ^^^^^^^^^ pg 119 Chapter 5
16:37.32jameswfbbq idk my bff jill
16:38.29*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
16:38.56mark_csihi all, I've an issue with incoming zap calls not ringing my reception phones. no errors logged and it's not even consistent
16:39.10mark_csionly highlighted in cdr database
16:39.32etfonhomeymark_csi, sounds like my first experience with analog FXO cards.
16:40.23mark_csietfonhomey: what did you do in the end?
16:41.38tzafrir_laptopmark_csi, err... what phones are those?
16:41.50tzafrir_laptopWhat do you see in the CLI trace?
16:41.50etfonhomeyetfonhomey, I bought a different brand of card.  But you mention that it's not ringing your reception phones, there are a ton of variables between the call coming in a zap channel on your * box to correctly routing it to your internal extensions.
16:42.35tzafrir_laptopetfonhomey, don't jump to conclusions. At the moment it's ENODATA
16:43.22*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
16:43.41mark_csietfonhomey: it's a real simple dialplan - exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/801&SIP/802&SIP/803,90)
16:43.57mark_csiafter that it's just hangup()
16:44.37mark_csitzafrir_laptop: they are 3 types (we're experimenting) Polycom, Snom and Linksys
16:44.54etfonhomeymark_csi, stick with the Polycom.
16:45.16mark_csietfonhomey: I think I prefer it to the others anyway
16:45.28etfonhomeymark_csi, simply your dialplan even more and just dial one extension.
16:45.49tzafrir_laptopmark_csi, again, what do you see in the CLI trace?
16:45.56tzafrir_laptopcore set verbose 3
16:45.58tzafrir_laptop(or more)
16:46.01etfonhomeymark_csi, if that still doesn't work, "core set verbose 10", call it and then pastebin the results.
16:46.07Qwellmark_csi: beep
16:46.16putnopvutQwell: you jerk
16:46.20Qwellputnopvut: <3
16:46.31*** part/#asterisk abalashov (n=sasha@
16:46.54mark_csietfonhomey/tzafrir: will do
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16:53.35mark_csiguys - it's difficult to check this it doesn't do it all the time.
16:54.55etfonhomeymark_csi, Add some NoOps to show the Caller ID information.  I'm just curious.  When I was having intermittent problems like this, the times when the call would fail, there would be no CallerID information detected (or sent) from the incoming call.
16:55.40*** part/#asterisk hummb (
16:55.55mort_gibI have one installation where I don't get ANY CallerID from incoming calls
16:56.01mort_gib-Very strange
16:57.00mark_csietfonhomey: I think you are onto something as it seems to be callerid related
16:57.38mark_csietfonhomey: do I just put NoOps() and position 1 then everything else after?
16:58.59etfonhomeymark_csi, I never did figure out the issue.  I eventually had a port go bad on my card.
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17:08.28MiccWhere do I setup the authentication for subscribe?
17:08.40mark_csietfonhomey: this is what I get in the cdr:
17:09.24*** join/#asterisk synchris (
17:09.38[TK]D-FenderMicc: what "subscribe"?
17:10.42etfonhomeymark_csi, what are the 2nd and 4th columns?
17:10.50MiccTKD-Fender, I"m trying to setup BLF support, but i keep getting an authentication error for subscribe.
17:11.14mark_csietfonhomey: sorry they are src and billsec
17:12.27etfonhomeymark_csi, src = channel id?
17:12.36[TK]D-FenderMicc: Go read about the "hint" priority" on the WIKI under "presence"
17:12.44[TK]D-Fenderkhronos: You don't say!
17:13.52mark_csietfonhomey: src is populated with the callerid when possible.  not sure of the mappings
17:13.55*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
17:14.18MiccTKD-Fender, I already read that but I'll go over it again just in case I missed something.
17:14.21etfonhomeymark_csi, guess you're not in the US?
17:15.12mark_csietfonhomey: 'fraid not irelad
17:15.16mark_csietfonhomey: 'fraid not ireland
17:22.01*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
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17:24.16PeacefulI upgrade from asterisk 1.2.24 to 1.4.24 and then dtmf only works for asterisk itself (dtmfmode= rfc2833 or inband or auto) or only works over the PSTN over our digium cards (dtmfmode=info).  What am I missing???
17:24.39PeacefulI'm going to spend all day googling and hanging around here and trying stuff until I get this fixed!
17:24.55Peacefulso far, two hours of googling haven't turned anything up :-(
17:26.05PeacefulI tried adding relaxdtmf=yes to [general] in sip.conf, but no effect
17:27.42etfonhomeymark_csi, love Ireland.  you symptoms sound exactly like what I was having.  I had the telco come out and check the lines twice and both times they said everything was fine.  If I hooked up an analog phone it always worked.
17:28.02*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:28.49etfonhomeymark_csi, it was either something I did when building the zaptel stuff or something with the card.
17:30.09MiccAnyone know how to fix these subscribe errors?
17:30.12mark_csietfonhomey, thx. I just can't get it to give me the problem again.  I know as soon as I leave it they'll call me.
17:30.39etfonhomeymark_csi, that was my experience.  I was using a TDM400 w/o echo cancellation and 4 FXO modules.
17:31.55mark_csietfonhomey: I've a tdm815p with echo cancellation, I've placed 10 test calls all of which worked
17:32.18*** join/#asterisk betamax (i=betamax@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x2D032A3C)
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17:43.54etfonhomeymark_csi, Have you tried Digium's support?
17:45.17jameswfsome people are to stubborn to call tech support....
17:45.34mark_csietfonhomey, no not yet, only discovered the problem this morning.  (and I'm stubborn :P)
17:46.52etfonhomeymark_csi, I had 2 POTS lines and 4 FXO ports (until one went dead).  I tried moving lines around and the symptoms were the same regardless.
17:50.36mark_csietfonhomey, I think I'll give Digium a call on Wed, I'll be onsite then, I'm heading home now.  Thx for your help
17:50.58*** join/#asterisk caio1982_ (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
17:51.05etfonhomeymark_csi, can't say I was much help, just that I've been there...  Good luck!
17:52.35[TK]D-FenderMicc: What is doing the subscribe?
17:52.43mark_csietfonhomey, thx anyways, talk to you again sometime
17:58.24*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
17:58.53CrashHDany documented issues doing sip to sip traffic between two local instances of asterisk on a single machine?
17:59.07CrashHDI'm seeing some reports of lost packets
17:59.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
17:59.39CrashHDand a couple of rtcp debugs show really skewed numbers
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18:13.12jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:21.08*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=none@
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18:56.26grandpapadotThis is kind of cool:
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19:09.16jameswfanyone know the AT&T Edge network subnets?
19:12.36grandpapadotjameswf: lol, you give AT&T too much credit.  AT&T's networks are a  hodge podge of purchased entities, mergers, etc.
19:13.20jameswfmy blackberry pulls a different subnet every connection... makes security difficult
19:13.42*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
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19:14.02grandpapadotYea, them jerks! lol
19:14.05grandpapadotHow dare they.
19:19.17neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Thanks for the peer lead last friday. You were correct (never doubted you for a sec.)
19:19.56*** join/#asterisk gcbirzan (n=gcbirzan@pida/gcbirzan)
19:20.54[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: You're welcome
19:22.09gcbirzanI'm looking at the output from iax set debug and it says "FORMAT          : 2", is that the codec it's using? And, if so, how can I tellw hat codec that is?
19:23.27gcbirzan-- Call accepted by (format gsm), or that
19:23.47gcbirzangoes use wall on head.
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19:58.17bradleyprice86I am having a problem configuring my trunk between an asterisk and cisco call manager system. I can dial out from asterisk to the cisco call manager, but when I dial from the cisco call manager I get the "ss-noservice" message.
19:58.23*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
19:58.54bradleyprice86I think it is a problem with my incoming .
19:59.18bradleyprice86Anyone think that they might be able to help me?
19:59.20funxioncheck ur codec and protocol
20:01.52bradleyprice86I know I have the protocol and codec setup correctly.
20:01.58bradleyprice86That was my last obstacle.
20:02.21bradleyprice86It seems that no matter what I change my context to, it uses from-sip-external
20:03.13*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:10.55farkus_I've been using  "conspy 9" to look at the asterisk output. Is there a better method, like getting the output to a log, etc.?
20:11.34neurosysMy 6 year old in 1st grade made the Honor Roll! Im so proud. Yes, I'm aware that this is not the place. But im too happy :P
20:14.07n3hxsAhh, that is what the Asterisk by his/her name means :)
20:16.02funxionanyone in here from the south florida area and looking for a job?
20:16.24neurosysUm. I live in south florida :P
20:16.35funxionare you looking for a job?
20:16.51neurosysNot exactly heh
20:17.12neurosysDo you need a voip setup or something?
20:17.26tzangerit's funny
20:17.36tzangerI have two Nortel ATAs, the internal ATA and a quad T1 card and dual T1 channel bank surrouding this cheap-ass Nortel CICS
20:17.42tzangerso I can covert this company over to Asterisk without distrupting their current phones
20:18.25funxionis it an old meridian?
20:18.40tzangerit's an old Nortel CICS (think MICS but smaller, or think nano-option11)
20:21.07funxionwhats the problem
20:24.34farkus_What's the best way to view the console output of * if you're not at the console?
20:26.25funxionssh to the box
20:28.13*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
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20:44.39StephenFare there any problems with installing ztdummy after asterisk has already been installed?
20:44.54StephenFI didnt need it before,, but now I need MeetMe so i need a time source
20:45.58abalashovYou may need to recompile asterisk, because asterisk will detect whether to build app_meetme on compile based on its detection of the presence of zaptel headers.
20:46.08abalashovSo if zaptel wasn't there before, app_meetme was probably not built.
20:46.28StephenFright its not
20:46.46StephenFso just need to re-run make install after install zaptel
20:47.10*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
20:47.19[TK]D-FenderStephenF: * must be recompiled if Zapte was installed after it
20:47.39[TK]D-FenderStephenF: You should trash your source folder, reextract from scratch and go from there.
20:47.52[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Everything except "make samples" (if you know whats good for you)
20:47.59StephenFlol right
20:48.07*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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21:06.35*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB (n=Paul@
21:06.45EI5GTBevening guys
21:06.57EI5GTBanyone reccomend the best sounding (free) voice synth?
21:07.23*** join/#asterisk goodjoke (i=1827a8fa@gateway/web/ajax/
21:07.29jblackEI5GTB: no such animal.
21:07.51EI5GTBis there not voice synths out there that work with asterisk?
21:07.52jblackYour choices range from "useless" to "horrid"
21:08.04EI5GTBiv seen dial plans with like "talk(bla ets hello bla)
21:08.09EI5GTBi see =/
21:08.11neurosysEI5GTB:  so far, ive found festival+OGI to work "best" :-P
21:08.20jblackbah. least terrible.
21:08.30neurosysjblack:  true true..
21:10.07jblackThe world needs an IBM or a sun to buy some neat proprietary project, and make it free software to piss off microsoft.
21:10.50jblacksince the problem is to big/hard for conventional free software, we have to wait for dirty pool.
21:10.52[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Same thing :)
21:11.05[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "fest free" != necessarily acceptable.
21:11.28jblackI never used the b word.
21:11.30[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: How dynamic is your content?
21:11.43[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: And how many maximum simultaneous channels?
21:11.51EI5GTBoh, 3 max i could imagine
21:12.04EI5GTBas for dynamic......not very
21:12.19EI5GTBpretty static actually
21:12.23EI5GTBivm menu..
21:12.28*** join/#asterisk goodjoke (i=1827a8fa@gateway/web/ajax/
21:12.36EI5GTBits not a task critical operation, its for a bit of fun really
21:12.44[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: then pay for the 1 channel Cepstral license and generate static filess off of it.  You could optionally create a cahce-driver setup for this.
21:12.50*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
21:13.08EI5GTBi see... how much can i expect top pay?
21:13.56jblackIf I were a quazillionaire, I think that's what I'd donate. Development for tts and  speech recog
21:14.15jblackJust throw a big pile of money at a big pile of phd students.
21:14.22EI5GTBasterisk is just a hobby for me (strange, yes) so any outlays are band considering i wont get an income from it
21:14.28[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: 10-20$ IIRC
21:14.32EI5GTBoh, i see
21:15.29Ritzeriskim checking to see if its possible (its really complicated to explain but) build a Time entry system   first where you put your employee number , then control number , start time , finish time , and then export it to a txt file with multiple entries im assuming its alot of dtmf input and txt output with ????
21:15.45jbotfrom memory, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
21:15.46[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: confirmed @ $29.99 USD
21:15.56EI5GTBi see
21:16.07jbotextra, extra, read all about it, openpbx is a free software PBX written in PERL. Written by Voicetronix. Maybe you meant callweaver, which was once caller openpbx.
21:16.13*** join/#asterisk esaym (
21:16.20jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:16.32[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Yes possible, not necessarily very difficult and possibly entirely doable by dialplan.
21:16.54*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
21:19.00Ritzeriskwhere you think would i start to look for docs on to learn how it works or do i have to do some type of scripting
21:19.05Ritzerisklike perl
21:19.12*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
21:20.04[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: basic IVR's  (BOOK), and "core show application system"
21:20.32[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: You should read the complete function & application list to learn what *'s dialplan has to ofer.
21:21.04[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: And I already answered your qeustion.  I said nothing of external scripting.  May not be needed.
21:21.19Ritzeriskso theres like if then statements to program and such .... i have the asterisk Book rel 2
21:21.29Ritzeriskohhh snazzy
21:24.04*** join/#asterisk wiscados (n=mint@
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21:26.24[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, heading home, later all.
21:26.45*** part/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (n=aricalso@
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21:48.52cianmaherHi all, is there any way to get an agents status in a queue as variable in 1.2 to use in dialplan?
21:49.23*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
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21:56.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:59.50goobsoftI'm having a NAT problem that I can't figure out.  My phone is behind a nat and asterisk is not.  I have nat=yes for that sip user and qualify=5000.  I'm not getting sound either way.  If I run tcpdump on the asterisk server, it shows the packets from the phone are getting to the server, but they don't show when rtp debug is enabled.  Can someone help me with this here?
22:00.43harry_vport forwarding in the fw. open up ports 10k-20k in the wirewall
22:01.20goobsoftI tried that with no luck... let me double check again
22:01.24[TK]D-FenderPhone-side needs nothing.  Its all * config
22:01.25harry_vdont forget to config rtp.conf
22:01.31jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:01.48*** join/#asterisk DeVilSoulBlacK (n=aandaluz@
22:02.26cianmaherperhaps firewall on phone side is blocking rtp traffic?
22:02.40goobsoftIn my case asterisk is on an openWRT router, so it is not behind the nat, though it is behind a firewall that has 5060 and 10000-60000 UDP open.
22:03.23goobsoftThe phone works when I'm on the local net, but I'm at my parents house and they have a linksys router.  I opened up 10000-20000 (what's in my rtp.conf) and that didn't help
22:03.49[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: Go read the guide.
22:04.32goobsoftWell, let me ask two specific question that should help me a lot...
22:05.04goobsoftIf * runs the play command, shouldn't rtp debug show outgoing packets?
22:05.32[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: Depends if RTP can be set up
22:05.41harry_vTK, what percentage of people usaully get the RTP configurations wrong the first time?
22:05.50[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: pastebin your sip.conf and maybe we can see if you made a mistake.  Mask only passwords
22:05.53jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
22:05.54harry_vGoob, common problem is misconfiguration
22:06.08[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: what RTP configurations?
22:06.12harry_vor no configuration
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22:06.32harry_vfrom what goob is describing.
22:07.33[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: This should not be a guessing game.  We should have seen the sip.conf a while agi, no forwarding is required and he's confirmed the ports he has opened.
22:07.53*** part/#asterisk xeno42 (
22:08.20harry_vright now, im focusing on why patch -p1 <path/to/patchfile/ is being excepted in contrib but after rebooting the server Festival still refuses to work in asterisk.
22:08.29harry_vso your saying he has done everything right then
22:08.35[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: Now pastebin a failed call with SIP debug enabled and verbose 10
22:08.52[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: No, I'm saying he hadn't shown us his config so I naturally trust NOTHING.
22:09.11[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: I jsut know that no forwarding is required
22:12.16goodjokeis there any way to change message playback order?
22:12.30goodjokeso when people dial in, they get the newest message first
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22:14.12[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: Ok, so you go from "Answer" right into "Echo", and get nothing?  do a PLAYBACK in between... just anything really.  Something to ensure the RTP stream is up.
22:14.25[TK]D-Fendergoodjoke: Apparently not
22:14.40[TK]D-Fendergoodjoke: Short of modding the source.
22:15.27goobsoftHere are the two extentions I am using for testing.
22:15.42goobsoftWhen I dial 601, I hear nothing.  Do you want the sip log?
22:18.15goobsoftWait, I may have figured something out.
22:19.21goobsoftrtp debug actually shows it sending the packets, but is the private ip address of my phone
22:19.53goobsoftIt needs to be sending those packets to  I thought nat=yes would make that happen.
22:21.33goobsoftbtw, I'm using * version 1.4.21-1.  I upgraded from 1.2 something.
22:25.44funxionanyone in here from the south florida area and looking for a job?
22:26.23funxionmsg me if ur interested
22:27.09harry_vto bad file was not here he would know a answer to my problem
22:27.37harry_vfunxion, for * installs?
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22:33.47funxionsome but thats not all
22:33.58funxionmainly voip centric
22:34.04funxioncisco and *
22:34.09funxionsome quintum
22:34.33funxioncheck out system engineer under employment
22:35.52funxionactually its under about us then career oputunities
22:37.12*** join/#asterisk telecos (
22:42.00goobsoftHere's the full log of a call to 601, with the sound file replaced with one that works.
22:44.45*** join/#asterisk FruitBasket (
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22:45.52harry_vfuxion, a few years ago somone integrated a asterisk box with a att sat dish and some wifi phones for some ships that would communicate in a remote area of alaska. For its purpous, worked well.
22:47.16FruitBasketis there a way to make "sip debug on" log to a specific file?
22:49.53FruitBasket== Spawn extension (macro-dialexten, dial, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/accountA-1db44780' \n -- User hung up <-- I almost never see "User hung up". What produces it? how can I get clarity like that on all calls? there was another 26 seconds later where they left voicemail, but it didn't give anything else..
22:51.39*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
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23:02.35FruitBasketI recently upgraded from asterisk 1.4.18 to .22, but when I do asterisk -r it's still saying .18... I _just_ did a restart through the console, and it still says .18
23:04.06FruitBasket"Asterisk 1.4.22, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008", then says "Connected to Asterisk 1.4.18" ...
23:12.39*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
23:12.57goobsoft   If you look at the last line, it shows the connected peer and lists NAT as N, when in my sip.conf, it has nat=yes for user 101.  How is this possible?
23:14.38*** join/#asterisk ipguy (n=dkavadas@
23:14.44ipguyhi all
23:15.11ipguycan someone explain to me how asterisk can save me money on my phone calls.
23:15.35ipguydo i need to get a voip account with engin or someone else ?
23:15.37[TK]D-Fenderipguy: Who said * had anything to do with that?
23:16.04[TK]D-Fenderipguy: ITSP's may very well cost less than more traditionaly termination depending on what you pay now and your needs...
23:16.27[TK]D-Fendergoobsoft: It's showing the WAN IP for your phone, its fine...
23:16.31WimpMan# make money -fast
23:17.17ipguy[TK]D-Fender: so if i setup an asterisk box, can anyone with a phone call me ?
23:17.43ipguy[TK]D-Fender: i just need to get my head around this
23:17.47[TK]D-Fenderipguy: Depends what you connect to your * server
23:18.28goobsoftBut If nat is N won't * will adhear to the Contact and Via headers?  That means that it will send rtp data to instead of, won't it?
23:18.38ipguy[TK]D-Fender: well, let me ask this then, what do i need to setup asterisk so anyone with a phone can call me.
23:18.47[TK]D-Fenderipguy: * is a telephony toolkit that can let you use hardware interfaces to plug in lines, phones, etc.  Also use soft-phones (Similar to the Skype client for example), "hard" IP phones, etc, and internet-based IP telephony providers
23:18.53Deeewayneipguy: I have an IAXy sitting in the Republic of Georgia which registers to an Asterisk box in the US so my wife can speak to her family without buying calling cards.
23:19.12*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (n=dakendri@
23:20.03ipguyDeeewayne: but she needs that setup, if the IAX box wasn't there, could she just call your * box ?
23:20.47[TK]D-Fenderipguy: If you want a PSTN # she can dial you need an interface to take in a line you already have so that * can use it, or get a new # via an ITSP.
23:20.50jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
23:21.39[TK]D-Fenderipguy: "need" is not the term we should be looking for.  "how" is what is flexible.  Do you have something specific you are looking to do?
23:22.07SQLDarklyI am having an audio issue. 2 out of 10 Calls will have a very audible buzzing then cease. This issue is reproducible and i was thinking to do a sniffer trace on a good call then replicate the issue so I have both a good trace and a bad trace. The problem is when I finally have both cap files I see no difference.
23:22.28ipguyso for everyone to be avle to contact me they will need a computer and a soft phone ?
23:22.48SQLDarklyI have no telephony hardware installed and am using SIP. I have some cards on order but SIP doesnt use hardware timing if im not mistaken
23:23.03*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
23:23.13ipguy[TK]D-Fender: specifically, i want to save money on calls and ITSP rental costs
23:23.39[TK]D-Fenderip Call you make?  Incoming calls?  For very specific people?
23:23.51[TK]D-Fenderipguy: and what "ITSP rental costs" are you referring to?
23:23.58ipguy[TK]D-Fender: calls both ways, for everyone
23:24.09SQLDarklyI was thinking perhaps a firmware issue on the phones....
23:24.14[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: SIP has nothing to do with timing of itself.
23:24.18ipguy[TK]D-Fender: for out primary home phone
23:25.07[TK]D-Fenderipguy: Where are you located?
23:25.07SQLDarklyExactly why I do not think timing is the issue. Just stating the timing I am using at current
23:25.18[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Could be bandwidth issues as well.  But what phones?
23:25.19ipguy[TK]D-Fender: AUS, Sydney
23:25.32SQLDarklyI changed servers both switch and nic to 1gig full
23:25.34[TK]D-Fenderipguy: yay... Telsta territoy...
23:25.42SQLDarklycisco 79xx
23:25.47[TK]D-Fenderdang typos
23:25.55[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Shouldn't be the phone so much as BW
23:26.02[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: "(jitter, etc)
23:26.19[TK]D-Fenderipguy: Well you'll have to shop around to see about providers in your area
23:26.23*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
23:27.26ipguy[TK]D-Fender: so i must have an ITSP account so everyone can call my * box ?
23:27.37SQLDarklySeeming as though my traffic captures show no difference. How would I go about diagnosing this issue? Is there somewhere I can tweak the jitterbuffer?
23:27.41[TK]D-Fenderipguy: For the "normal world", yes.
23:27.58[TK]D-Fenderipguy: They get the call and send it to you over a VoIP protocol.
23:28.06*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
23:28.11jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
23:29.03ipguy[TK]D-Fender: what is FWD ?
23:29.37SQLDarklyI will also state that I am using QoS on my network and yes voice traffic has priority.
23:30.02[TK]D-Fenderipguy: A P2P type service that USEWD to be "free", but is no longer
23:30.11[TK]D-Fenderipguy: Something you can largely forget about.
23:31.03ipguy[TK]D-Fender: and sipborker is ?
23:31.16[TK]D-Fenderipguy: As far as saving money goes, with an * server typocally you can connect with others via the internet  for free as well.  They only need a client and can connect to your box directly, or though a service like / FWD (Less advised for obvious reasons), etc
23:31.29[TK]D-Fenderipguy: SIPBroker is a straight-up ITSP IIRC
23:31.56ipguy[TK]D-Fender: "Less advised for obvious reasons" ?? why ?
23:32.24ipguyo got a stack of questions
23:32.27[TK]D-FenderIf I Recall Correctly.
23:32.43[TK]D-Fenderipguy: and ITSP has been linked up to, TWICE
23:32.53[TK]D-Fenderipguy: pay attention to the JBOT info-lets
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23:33.18[TK]D-Fenderipguy: And FWD is a FORMERLY FREE SIP proxy service.  Hence no longer FREE.
23:33.28ipguy[TK]D-Fender: so sipbroker is an ITSP, and sipbroder is free.
23:33.47[TK]D-Fenderipguy: should do fine if they want to hook up to a generic servive, and you can do the same and then can call each other for free
23:34.16[TK]D-Fenderipguy: No, SIPBroker is a full-on ITSP, not just a proxy service, and they COST.
23:34.22ipguy[TK]D-Fender: so my pots friends can call me also ?
23:34.32[TK]D-Fenderipguy: FWD was just a P2P service
23:34.47SQLDarklyIs there a global jitter configuration as the one in sip.conf
23:34.48[TK]D-Fenderipguy: ITSP is so you can call POTS, and POTS can call you
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23:34.57[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: jsut sip.conf IIRC
23:35.32ipguyoff to buy a VOIP book
23:35.37*** part/#asterisk ipguy (n=dkavadas@
23:35.50jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:39.45*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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23:42.51beek[TK]D-Fender: Good evening... I have another T1 question I hope you can answer.  I have my * box between the PSTN and the legacy PBX.  Card is an A104d.  Timing comes from the PSTN (pri_cpe) and gets sent to PBX (pri_net).  If I use another port to connect to another PRI, from a different provider, who supplies the timing?
23:43.47CrashHDyou specify in your zapata or zaptel.confs the priority order which you get timing from which ports
23:44.05[TK]D-Fenderbeek: you set primart, secondary, etc..
23:44.37[TK]D-Fenderbeek: 1,1,0 -> 2,2,0 -> 3,3,0 and 4,0,0 (saying port for GIVES timing)
23:45.02beekAh... I see.   I'm looking at my options for some outbound and Verizon is an option, so I wondered how that would work.  Thanks.  You too CrashHD .
23:55.40*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
23:56.46jasonwootis 'remote unix connection' followed by 'remote unix disconnection'
23:57.00jasonwoot* is 'remote unix connection' followed by 'remote unix disconnection' an indication of my sip trunks dropping?
23:57.21[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: No its another process accessing CLI or AMI
23:57.32jasonwootuh oh...
23:57.37[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Typically a way for us to detect GUI users :)
23:57.40drmessanojasonwoot: FreePBX?
23:57.48[TK]D-Fenderhigh-5's drmessano
23:58.28jasonwootdrmessano: no, but I did start apache back up
23:58.45drmessanoapache doing what?
23:59.10drmessanoIf its not FreePBX, what is apache doing in the equation?
23:59.20jasonwootthis box previously had a gui, that's been disabled for some time
23:59.29jasonwootodd that when I turn apache on, something connects to it
23:59.43drmessanoIts the web interface.. not odd at all

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