IRC log for #asterisk on 20081121

00:07.32*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=renemend@
00:09.56*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:10.04rene-my calls are ZAP-SIP
00:10.14rene-actually SIP->ZAP
00:10.26rene-but then theya re transferred to a queue
00:10.40rene-via an attended transfer using the hardphone functions
00:11.18rene-not asterisk's, but after the transfer, the queue member cant hear the customer
00:11.32rene-LEG1 SIP-ZAP LEG2 SIP-SIP
00:11.46rene-no nat involved, (LAN environment)
00:19.39trogsbaliktad: thanks for that. looking at voicepulse.
00:19.47rene-how can i have one way audio if i am doing outbound to ZAP, and then intra-lan transfer  to another SIP phone
00:20.26*** part/#asterisk Simon-- (
00:23.16*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
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00:25.01*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (n=SibRphre@
00:26.25SiberAIRhey - got a ? - setup asterisk in my home, my softphone from another computer in my home can call the IVR and audio is fine.  Outside my home, i can connect to the asterisk server, but when i call anything no audio is transmitted
00:27.01joatyou'll need a sip proxy or port forwarding on your router
00:27.13SiberAIRi'm already port forwarding port 5060
00:27.29joatwhat about ports 10000-whatever?
00:27.41SiberAIRwhat ports 10000-whatever?
00:28.00joatthe audio is carried over udp ports starting at 10000
00:28.08SiberAIRdid not know that
00:28.12SiberAIRwill google that and find out
00:28.14SiberAIRthanks joat
00:28.38joatthe upper end can be whatever you say it is (but you have to configure it that way in rtp.conf)
00:28.48*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
00:28.57joatyou'll need at least 4 ports for each call (if I remember correctly)
00:29.14SiberAIRwell the default is 10000-20000, so i can just open those yes?
00:29.43joatyeah, but if you have any other computers in the house that dynamically use those ports, they'll have "issues"
00:29.58SiberAIRi don't have anything else
00:30.03*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
00:30.09joatthen it shouldn't matter....
00:30.18joatforward all 10000 of them
00:30.20SiberAIRneed to figure out how to open a range of ports on an airport base station
00:30.33joatthat's your firewall?
00:30.48SiberAIRit is for my home
00:31.11joatdidn't know that they filtered traffic
00:31.45joatthought it was just an access point that you stuck _in_ your network rather than in front of
00:31.52joatmy mistake then
00:31.59SiberAIRno it's a router
00:32.01SiberAIRdoes DHCP and nat
00:32.04*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
00:32.08SiberAIRi have a sonicwall i just haven't put it in yet
00:32.16SiberAIRah looks like it restarted as my other SN just logged in
00:32.58joatin any case, NAT is what usually causes the "no audio" issue
00:33.10joatSIP isn't tolerant of NAT
00:33.17SiberAIRyeah i know
00:35.11SiberAIRand i have in my sip.conf that it's behind a nat
00:43.53*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:49.38*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=jc@
00:50.47metfan2007hi all! a funny question :) Is it possible to extract the sip,conf from Asterisk? Accidentaly I deleted the file, but Asterisk is still working with the sip.conf in the memory...
00:53.30*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0f074b73d7c171cb)
00:53.58joatyou can get some of it from the sip show .... command
00:54.10joathowever, passwords are probably unrecoverable
00:54.38metfan2007mmmmm, really?
00:54.46*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
00:57.02seanbrightunless you can read the memory from a remote process
00:57.07pcranemight be a save options
00:57.12seanbrightthere isn't
00:57.14pcraneI remember reading about it somewhere
00:57.21pcranemight be thinking of something else then
00:57.26seanbrightthere is a manager command
00:57.36seanbrightUpdateConfig or something like that
00:57.52seanbrightbut the *Config commands just read and write the files, not the in memory structures.
00:58.10pcraneI've got an interesting problem...
00:58.25pcraneI've got a dialstring that's 193 characters long
00:58.32pcraneand can contain @ characters
00:58.44seanbrightput it in a variable
00:58.47pcraneany (easy) way to get it to behave in asterisk?
00:58.51seanbrightignore me
00:59.27*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:59.34pcranecause it ends up like: ~7770100~Local/7770100@internal@inter-asterisk
00:59.45pcraneanything before the @inter-asterisk is part of the dial string
01:00.05pcraneso, I'm thinking that asterisk gets confused with the first @ and tries to send it to internal
01:00.12pcraneand not to the inter-asterisk server
01:00.33joatpcrane... dereference the "@"?
01:00.44pcranelike \@?
01:01.01pcranewhen it's part of another variable?
01:01.07*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
01:01.28*** join/#asterisk moeSizlak (
01:01.43pcranesomething like that?
01:02.16*** part/#asterisk root52 (
01:03.06moeSizlakok, when I call home from work, my caller ID shows up as unavailable.  But when i call a pizza shop from work, they have my callID.  hows this possible
01:03.11joati was thing more along the lines of "bob@somewhere" vs. "bob\@somewhere".  The seond would be used if it were going into another variable (say passed as an argument to another function"
01:03.14tzangertzafrir_laptop: around?
01:03.21joatyour example, I have no idea
01:04.13pcraneI'm passing variables around in a dial string ;)
01:04.48*** join/#asterisk invalidrecord (
01:05.14pcraneso, it's variables used else where
01:05.39joatthen it depends on when you want it referenced... don't deref it when you want the local program to convert it to a value
01:05.40invalidrecordanyone know what the fiels is with the number dialed on an incomming call from an outside line callerid (numeric)
01:06.04*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (n=SibRphre@
01:06.21pcraneso, is there a replace function?
01:06.27pcraneor am I being too hopeful
01:06.36pcraneI'll look on the wiki;)
01:06.36joatyou may have deref it more than once if it's passed to other programs (I've seen \\\\@value before)
01:07.00pcraneit's just passed from server a to server b
01:07.00joatwhat language?
01:07.21pcraneso, on server a, I escape it, on server b I unescape it
01:07.45joatit also depends on how you're passing it between the services
01:08.31moeSizlakhow is it that my caller id shows up as unavailable on normal ppl's phones, but for some reason the pizza place can see it?
01:08.39joat??? not a language then... just a dialplan entry
01:08.54joatmoe: your home phone voip?
01:09.02*** join/#asterisk duity (
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01:09.51joatmoe: do you pay for callerid?
01:10.10joatpcrane: are you dialing an extension on that box or just passing the string?
01:10.28pcranethe setup is this
01:10.34pcranemachine a is a 1.2 asterisk machine
01:10.38pcranemachine b is a 1.4
01:10.53pcraneI want a call to originate on the 1.2 machine, go to the 1.4 to do answer machine detectin
01:10.58pcranethen end up back on the 1.2 machine
01:11.03pcraneI've got all this working
01:11.10pcraneI just need some variables passed around
01:11.22phixhey hey hey
01:11.24pcraneso, the only way I can think of doing it is with a massive dial string
01:11.39pcraneone (or two) of the variables have @ in them
01:13.56joathmm... you're using redirect in there somewhere?
01:14.22pcrane1.2 does:
01:14.40pcranethen 1.4 does the amd
01:14.55pcraneand sends the call back (adjusting the 1 to a 2 if it's a machine)
01:14.59pcranekinda cool
01:15.05pcraneapart from these variables..
01:15.22phixlooks complicated and error prone
01:16.29pcranethat's what the customer's stuck with
01:16.36pcrane(they're unable to change the 1.2 machine)
01:16.40phixawesome, that will stop the newbs using it so only the true geeks can use it! an awesome idea
01:16.52joattrixbox, huh
01:17.06pcranehits head against brick wall
01:17.13pcraneevery time I try to do a dialplan relow
01:17.18joatyeah, if there's more than one
01:17.18pcraneit complains
01:17.25*** part/#asterisk moeSizlak (
01:17.27joat@ in there, you'll want to dereference it
01:17.44joatand you'll probably need some tolerant AGI script on the 1.4
01:17.45pcraneso, really the only way to do it is to look for it before doing the dial
01:17.53pcraneand cut approrialtely
01:18.05pcrane(or replace it with something else
01:18.48pcraneI'll sort that out
01:19.15*** join/#asterisk moeSizlak (
01:19.31moeSizlakdo ytou need to have an 800# to get ANI?
01:19.48moeSizlakor can small businesses without tollfree #'s also subscribe to ANI?
01:23.34pcraneI've got another problem
01:23.38pcraneI have a PRI installed
01:23.57pcraneand I want to have the inbound caller id presented
01:24.09pcranebut it doesn't pick it up from CALLERID(all)
01:24.29pcraneI know that the caller id exists (I'm calling from my cell phone so I should see it appear)
01:24.32pcranebut it doesn't
01:24.54BBHossmoeSizlak: What do you want to do with ANI?
01:27.06moeSizlakget the number of ppl who call me
01:27.12moeSizlakwhat else?
01:29.51*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=bsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
01:31.28*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
01:33.21*** join/#asterisk KingOfDos (
01:33.25*** join/#asterisk homeins6 (
01:33.34homeins6How are blast groups created?
01:33.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:35.06ZenBSDiblast groups?
01:35.20ZenBSDiand here I thought when it comes to asterisk I heard it all :p
01:35.34homeins6sorry, that is probably not the correct term
01:35.35BBHossmoeSizlak: can you not get that from caller id?
01:35.50homeins6I call an ext, and it rings like 50 phones at once, and whoever answers first gets the call
01:35.53ZenBSDiWhat are you trying to accomplish?
01:36.21BBHosshomeins6: just use a bunch of &s in the dial command
01:36.25BBHossit will ring them all
01:36.26lanninghomeins6, you Dial() like 50 phones at once.
01:36.30homeins6Oh ok
01:37.36homeins6I wasn't sure. Our hosted provider is able to do it. Like we dial an ext, and 50 phones ring at once. So If Person A does the "blast group" and Person B answers, they are in a call together, but sometimes, Persons C and D will end up on a call together
01:39.07jayteehomeins6, it would be probably useful to create a global variable or a database entry that holds a string value that contains all the devices  you wish to have ring at once so that you could simply put Dial(${BLASTGROUP},20,tT) or something like that where you need it in your dialplan.
01:39.45homeins6That would be awesome. I am reading the PDF on line. Is it possible to tie asterisk to a mysql table?
01:39.57ZenBSDiasterisk realtime
01:40.01ZenBSDithats fun to setup
01:40.03jayteeyes it is, I use mysql for CDR data
01:40.29jayteeif  you're new to Asterisk I'd hold off on doing realtime stuff until you master the basics
01:40.30ZenBSDihomeins6, just google for asterisk realtime mysql and get ready for some fun :p
01:40.40homeins6uh oh
01:41.19ZenBSDihomeins6, If you do the sip users and extensions from mysql .. thats the fun. Then you should write a script or make a good php interface to the database to use it.
01:41.26homeins6I am currently reading about the dialplan applications. CURL is pretty neat. I use it in php all the time. I can make it so that if someone dials an ext, it curls a page and causes that page to generate an email, etc.
01:41.52ZenBSDihomeins6, phpagi :)
01:42.43homeins6Ah, neat. I had seen ASTERIS:: modules in perl earlier today. Hadn't had a chance to mess around with it. I built a predictive dialer though, using php's sockets and the AMI interface. How simple is that? * devs thought of everything.
01:43.08homeins6We currently use a service called JahJa on our website for a "click to call" type scenario, this could be so much easier and cheaper.
01:43.23ZenBSDiyou built your own PD? You should look at vicidial
01:43.41jayteehomeins6, make sure you read chapters 5 and 6 of the pdf before reading chapters 9 and 10 which focus on AGI and AMI
01:44.23homeins6ZenBSDi: Its actually more of a presumptive dialer based on the rules of our CRM system.
01:44.54homeins6jaytee: Thanks, I am just in the intro right now. I checked a Barnes and Noble, they can order the book but its $45. I have seen it online for in the mid $20s
01:45.33jayteehomeins6, yeah B&N charges full price. I think Amazon has it cheaper
01:46.10homeins6Spent most of the time playing with the Festival/SayDigits/SayAlpha :P
01:46.11*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
01:46.22homeins6Having the other guy in the IT department dial extensions and listen to silly messages
01:46.47jayteett-monty-knights is a funny sound file to play :-)
01:47.09homeins6Is that part of the core sounds?
01:47.16jayteeno, it's in extras
01:47.33*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
01:47.38homeins6Ah ok. I saw it in the package list in the repos, but only installed asterisk and asterisk-addons
01:48.19jayteeso you're running just straight SIP, no analog or PRI stuff then
01:48.57homeins6Correct. We do not need to do any analog lines or anything. I may eventually dable with a IVR/PRI system.
01:49.21*** join/#asterisk arpu (
01:50.11jayteeas a general rule I install libpri and either zaptel or DAHDI before Asterisk whether I'm going to use TDM or not because if you add them afterwards you have to recompile asterisk so I figure why not have it there if I need it.
01:50.13homeins6How does AMD work?
01:50.27homeins6I installed from RPM.
01:50.31*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:50.47jayteehomeins6, type core show application AMD from the CLI
01:52.17homeins6ah thanks
01:52.35jayteebut basically it's analyzing the rtp stream incoming for timing patterns and making an educated guess as to what's on the other end, human or machine
01:52.58homeins6Thats really amazing.
01:53.27homeins6If it detects an answering system, it could leave a pre-recorded message, and the agent would never have to even be on the line.
01:53.29jayteeit's cool but it's not always 100% accurate or they wouldn't have included a NOTSURE result :-)
01:55.02homeins6I saw some voice actors/actresses online that do records for auto attendants
01:56.14jayteehomeins6, Allison Smith, the voice of Asterisk will do custom prompts and recordings. She has her own website.
01:56.16homeins6I made the mistake of installing the win32 version yesterday at home. Lasted about 30 minutes :)
01:56.38homeins6jaytee: I am going to have a hard time justifying that in the budget :P cheapskates.
01:56.41jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
01:56.55jayteehomeins6, that was actually an April Fool's joke that got out of hand and developed a life of it's own. it won't go away.
01:57.23jayteehomeins6, yeah I know all about cheapskates
01:58.05homeins6Why are grandstream phones bad? We have vodavis, but I saw someone in here earlier do a command to the bot.
01:59.03jayteehomeins6, I've used both GS and Polycom. Polycom tends to cost a little more but the difference in price isn't that significant when you consider the gains in quality and the savings in time having to make things work properly.
01:59.31homeins6We have a polycom analog device. I am not sure what the name for it is, but you use them in conferences, so that multiple can sit around and talk on it?
02:00.04jayteeI have 3 GSX-2000's I'd love to pitch in a dumpster. When I first setup Asterisk my MOH would cut in and out unless I was constantly blowing into the mic on the phone's handset.
02:00.13jayteeecho was terrible and lots of jitter
02:00.14homeins6A buddy at work brought in a Grandstream SIP hardphone today and we were playing around w/ it. One of the lower priced models, like 1 line, $50 or so. It was pretty neat.
02:00.55homeins6I am extremely new to voip. So I am trying to learn the mistakes from others before I make them.
02:00.57jayteeturns out I had to upgrade the firmware because of a bug in the version the phone came with that even if you turned silence suppression off in the web gui it wouldn't actually turn it off in the firmware.
02:01.26jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
02:01.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
02:01.47homeins6I saw a wireless IP phone that was kind of neat. It was a cell phone style. Not the coordless ones.
02:02.05jayteePolycom bought Spectralink
02:02.23homeins6What do you call those polycoms that are used for conferences?
02:02.23Carlos_PHXGrandstream....ugh...kill me
02:02.32Carlos_PHXhomeins6: IP 4000
02:03.03Carlos_PHXhomeins6: I got about 30 of those phones free.  I tried a few, and then gave them all away.
02:03.12jayteehomeins6, I have two of those as well. they work fair
02:03.27Carlos_PHXIf you want cheap AND good, try the Linksys SPA 921
02:03.31homeins6Carlos! :) <--- James Freeman
02:03.55Carlos_PHXIf you want super-cheap with no frills, Linksys has one with no display but still good sound and management.
02:04.08Carlos_PHXI kinda figured from the nick
02:04.24Carlos_PHXYou guys are making big changes over there, huh?
02:04.47homeins6I installed a random nick chooser when I was playing with perl modules, and it always chooses a different one. I never can tell the difference
02:04.56homeins6Yeah, we are fed up with our current system.
02:05.05Carlos_PHXI dated a girl like that once...random personalities.
02:05.17jayteeyou dated her too? damn
02:05.32Carlos_PHXWell, she had a twin sister, so mighta been the other one.
02:05.36homeins6Anytime we need to add a seat,  or reprovision a phone, its a 24 hours or more turn around. Also, we are in this situation where we can't have more than 50 users on 1 "blast group"
02:05.41homeins6its getting to be a mess
02:05.53Carlos_PHXHeh, yeah, that makes no sense.
02:05.58jayteeCarlos_PHX, did yours have a personality named "Marci" that liked anal and bondage?
02:06.14Carlos_PHXHow did you know?  Why else would I have kept her around??
02:06.40homeins6Also, they are blocking/filtering the most common SIP ports, so we can't even pass a device through.
02:07.01Carlos_PHXBandwidth is...??
02:07.04homeins6Our setup is Fibre Internet -> Router -> Switches
02:07.13Carlos_PHXWhat a pain.
02:07.32homeins6Our fiber optic junction box only allows 1 device to be attached to it, even though it has multiple LAN ports on the first one is enabled, and they wont enable another port.
02:07.43homeins6Or else we could just throw another box along side of it and avoid the problem.
02:07.58Carlos_PHXHuh, well, so you just put in a router?  Oh, does Bandwidth control your internet too?
02:08.09homeins6No, only the router.
02:08.42homeins6We asked them about putting a nice router in front of it, and they said that the way that the box is setup, that it would cause a lot of problems because of NAT, etc..
02:09.26Carlos_PHXWell, you could always colo a box with us.  Not to try to sell, but it's an option.  We do that for a few people.
02:09.32homeins6Also, the phones they sold us are MGCP only.
02:09.42homeins6I think we are going to bring everything in house.
02:10.05Carlos_PHXYeah, it makes sense to have control of your own server.
02:10.14homeins6Yes! AND not only that, but , I am not sure how they are even registering. The phones listen on port 2727 (i think) and i nmap'd them on tcp and udp... and they are filtered.
02:10.17Carlos_PHXWhat phones do you have?
02:10.29homeins6LG Nortels 6812
02:10.34ZenBSDispeaking of colo..
02:10.42ZenBSDiwho knows a good cheap one?
02:10.47Carlos_PHXHuh, well, one way to keep your customers, I mean other than great service, is to just make everything proprietary.
02:11.10jbotcheap is probably a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
02:11.20homeins6So, I run wireshark to figure out why * isn't seeing the connection from the phone , and i get a lot of errors where Asterisk can't connect to the phones, ICMP destination unreachable.
02:11.37Carlos_PHXWe do colo for $50/u if you're a customer of our other services.
02:12.00Carlos_PHXhomeins6: That's odd.
02:12.26Carlos_PHXWell if you're looking at new phones do look at the Linksys, we have hundreds deployed with 100% satisfaction.
02:12.40Carlos_PHXWhere we have both Polycom and Linksys, the customers are asking for more Linksys.
02:12.41*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (
02:12.45homeins6The only ports that are open are 8000 a web interface for configuring the phone , and port 6000
02:13.13homeins6Can't find any documentation on the web for making this phone work with asterisk :/
02:13.16Carlos_PHX6000?  Isn't that Xwindows?
02:13.25homeins6I think so.
02:14.07homeins6I contacted nortel there is no way to upgrade them to SIP firmware.
02:14.22Carlos_PHXNortel and "open" are rarely found in the same sentence.
02:14.56Carlos_PHXYou can talk MGCP with Asterisk (I've never tried it), but if they are also locked down...
02:15.18homeins6Well here is what is squirrely. We purchased a few nortels off of ebay, and are having the same issue.
02:15.42homeins6Its says they are connecting to 2742.. or something for the asterisk box, and then expecting 2772, but, those ports are closed aswell
02:15.48homeins6Making the ports up from memory ^
02:16.47giovanihomeins6: Nortel phones run UNIS afaik
02:16.48Carlos_PHXWell hey, looks like you can get $50 for them on eBay.
02:17.06homeins6We paid $70 :P
02:17.21Carlos_PHXHuh, saw at least one completed sale for $50
02:18.17homeins6giovani: My model isn't listed in that site. It says it is a nortel 6812 mgcp on the bottom.
02:18.37giovaniah ok
02:19.13homeins6thank you though.
02:20.23giovanithey probably work
02:20.31giovaniI doubt they're actually broken
02:20.40*** part/#asterisk moeSizlak (
02:20.49homeins6They work, we use them w/ , we just cant get them to register to our asterisk box.
02:20.54homeins6Perhaps, is using another pbx?
02:21.14giovaniI wouldn't presume to be using asterisk
02:21.38giovanimaybe you just didn't configure asterisk properly, I don't know
02:21.39giovanigoogle around
02:21.52homeins6I wasn't sure, because our Edgemark router is running asterisk as like pass through device
02:22.02homeins6I ssh'd in and saw asterisk, but no conf files
02:22.24giovaniwell it's configured somewhere :)
02:22.49homeins6Its a pretty strippe down version of linux. Most commands segfault.
02:22.52Carlos_PHXThat's a strange one.
02:22.58*** topic/#asterisk by lmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- SVN IS DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE TILL ~TOMORROW MORNING CST -=- Asterisk (2008/10/09), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
02:23.32Carlos_PHXSo either they have it nailed down, or someone has hax0r3d your router...
02:23.53*** join/#asterisk edp (
02:25.08homeins6I think bringing it in house is the best solution for us. Except, who do you blame when it crashes or phone quality sucks? :/
02:25.40Carlos_PHXWell, yeah, there's that.  Ask me about the first couple years in running a call center on Asterisk 0.9...
02:25.58Carlos_PHXBut mostly you will be in better shape on your own, assuming skills, which apparently your team has.
02:26.24homeins6Ryan, who you spoke with earlier is very fluent in voip technologies, he does the pots, or whatever too... if that makes sense? lol
02:26.42homeins6I am pretty good w/ linux and programming, but learning the voip portion so that i can back him up  if he goes on vacation or is sick
02:27.01Carlos_PHXYeah, I'm pretty sure you're in decent shape.
02:27.10homeins6Reading about MeetMe() right now, that is amazing.
02:27.11Carlos_PHXI mean, once it works, really, I never hear from our call center customers.
02:27.28Carlos_PHX99% of call center issues are from analog devices.
02:27.36Carlos_PHXDialers and headsets on analog lines.
02:27.49homeins6A lot of the partner companies that we do business w/ have an 800 # where you dial in, enter an access code, and then you are all in a bridged conference call, that is awesome.
02:28.12homeins6Does this exist? Have 1 SIP account, w/ unlimited outbound calls at one time?
02:28.47Carlos_PHXYeah, you can make your own conferences at will, record them, whatever.
02:28.56Carlos_PHXYes, that's what we do.
02:29.22giovanihomeins6: uh "unlimited" meaning, no charge per minute?
02:29.30giovanior as in, no restrictions on number of concurrent calls?
02:29.38homeins6Ok, because we were looking at some sip trunk providers online, and you had to have 1 line per user
02:29.43homeins6unlimited concurrent calls
02:29.53giovaniany decent termination provider offers that
02:30.01giovaniyou pay per minute
02:30.06giovanias many calls/minutes as you want to push
02:30.18giovaniwithin reason, of course
02:30.23homeins6Probably a dumb question, but if I call Person A, and then Call Person B, and conference them together, and I leave the call through a hangup, whose connection is that on then?
02:30.25Carlos_PHXSee, here's the thing.  We all have to make money, and every call costs somewhere.  So we can either play games with "unlimited" or number of channels, or just tell you up front what costs us money and how to make it work.
02:30.30giovaniI'm sure many would choke if you wanted to send a few thousand concurrent calls
02:30.39Carlos_PHXNOBODY has unlimited for real.  Doesn't exist.
02:30.56giovanihomeins6: that's tricky :)
02:31.05giovanihomeins6: you're speaking internally in your office?
02:31.08homeins6Maybe 100 concurrent at a time. Most are going to be no answer or busy signals.
02:31.10Carlos_PHXSo for call centers we typically do unlimited concurrent with per-minute billing.
02:31.14*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
02:31.23homeins6giovani: Well, say I call someone outside of my office, and bridge them to someone else outside of my office
02:31.32Carlos_PHXhomeins6: FYI, that type of dialing is considered abusive by most carriers.
02:31.41giovanihomeins6: you'll want to contact most providers first and make sure it's ok to be pushing telemarketing traffic out through them
02:31.51homeins6Its not telemarketing.
02:32.01Carlos_PHXFor example, Vitelity says you can't have more than 20% auto-dial calls, and a certain ratio of dials versus minutes.
02:32.06giovanihomeins6: the call will be using up two channels then
02:32.17homeins6Its people that have come to our website and are generally interested in our product.
02:32.25giovanihomeins6: one for person A, one for person B, the bridging is happening at your PBX
02:32.26Carlos_PHXFrom a carrier perspective, dial/no answer is very costlyl.
02:32.36homeins6Well, these arent auto dials.. like in the background, its preally just to make it so our agents dont have to dial the number manually
02:32.59giovaniwhy are most of them no-answer then?
02:32.59Carlos_PHXYeah, it's the dial/no answer ratio that puts load up.
02:33.02giovaniif people are requesting the calls
02:33.08homeins6good question :P
02:33.13Carlos_PHXWe know about it, and choose to deal with it, but many of our back end providers won't.
02:33.21giovanisounds like you have a bad business practice there :)
02:33.25homeins6Calling them at the wrong times, they do not want a call, but they submitted their information anyhow..etc
02:33.50homeins6Or, they are already on the phone w/ one of our partner companies, etc.
02:34.02giovanithen it sounds like you shouldn't be auto-calling
02:34.04giovanibut, whatever
02:34.07Carlos_PHXI have a call center that does member calls for a major medical company--people WANT this call, and they still get something like 80% no answer.
02:34.12homeins6So, within our crm system, once you pull a "lead", the system will call you, then immediately call the customer as soon as you pick up
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02:34.24homeins6Carlos_PHX: exactly :)
02:34.45homeins6Carlos_PHX: Just trying to eliviate(sp) some of the headache, and also increase productivity by forcing agents to dial
02:34.59homeins6Then we can see on the back end if the agent is immediately hanging up, etc ..
02:35.04Carlos_PHXOh yeah, I'm with you, we help people automate as much as possible.
02:35.31Carlos_PHXI'm just tossing out those factoids on the dialer so you know the carrier perspective on it also.
02:35.54homeins6If the read the notes associated w/ a customer and they are like "oh.. this person has been called 5 million times in 2 days,im not calling them" and they just mark it as contacted anyhow
02:37.14giovaniwell that's more common sense than having an automated system attack-dial someone
02:37.47homeins6Well, most of the time someone submits information on our website, but they are at work when we do it, and we call their home #...
02:38.05homeins6So, maybe in the afternoon when they are home an waiting on a call, we never do, because the agents are making their own rules
02:38.05giovaniif someone really wants to speak to a company, they call themselves
02:38.11giovanithey don't wait for an automated system to call them
02:38.27Carlos_PHXgiovani: You don't seem to grasp the stupidity of the average consumer.
02:38.45Carlos_PHXHere's an example.
02:38.46giovaniwell ... I don't know any average consumer that requests "callbacks"
02:38.52Carlos_PHXCustomer:  My fax isn't working.
02:38.57Carlos_PHXMe:  How do you know?
02:39.09homeins6giovani: You are very intelligent and think logically.. most customers dont :P
02:39.12Carlos_PHXHer:  Because I keep trying to send myself a test fax and it's always busy.
02:39.14giovaniI know normal people, 99% of the consumer population looks up the phone number and calls it when they want to speak to a company
02:39.40giovaniif that werent' the case, then consumers would never call companies, and there'd be no need for incoming call centers
02:39.49Carlos_PHXgiovani: This morning I was shopping for CNAM database providers and filled out half a dozen forms for them to call me.
02:39.53Carlos_PHXIt's easier that way.
02:40.02giovanihow is that easier than dialing a number?
02:40.10Carlos_PHXI tried to call Verisign...
02:40.11giovanifilling out a form takes minutes
02:40.13Carlos_PHXPhone tree...
02:40.15homeins6Let them do all the quoting  and processing on their end, so my call is less time
02:40.20giovaniok -- so that's the company's fault
02:40.22Carlos_PHXThen someone who didn't know what CNAM is.  Then hold.
02:40.46giovaniok, those are faulty phone systems, we're not comparing an average phone tree to a callback system
02:40.46Carlos_PHXIn my browser I right-click and select "fill form" and submit.
02:41.08cvnet[Nov 20 21:40:25] WARNING[3262]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short  <-- what does this mean?
02:41.20justdaveis there a way to set how frequently asterisk will re-register a sip or iax connection that it has to register for as a client?
02:41.21giovaniyep, except that you end up writing out and answering questions so they can fill their database, and then have no clue what you want when they call, etc
02:41.24giovaniwhat a waste of time
02:41.32giovanibut, ok
02:41.37justdaveThe only related options I can find in the docs seem to apply to server-side of the connection rather than asterisk being the client
02:42.29Carlos_PHXgiovani: You are just too much smarter than me.  I just learned to use teh intarnets yesterday so I'm tryin' it out.
02:43.38giovaniI just know that the reason companies have these callback systems is because it's cheaper for them, and they get more people that way
02:43.48giovaniat the cost of being obnoxious
02:52.08*** join/#asterisk kb3ien (
02:52.11kb3ienanyone seen this before?
02:52.45kb3ienmy iax peers keep desyncing. a quick `module reload` seems to fix everything.
02:55.34BBHosskb3ien: looks like voipjet is changing its port to 3648 from 4569, the proper iax2 port
02:56.20BBHossdunno why
02:56.30BBHossmaybe look at iax2 debug for tips
02:56.36BBHossor just use SIP
02:57.29cvnetWARNING[3262]: rtp.c:891 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too short  <-- what does this mean?
03:04.28justdavekb3ien: that's what I was just trying to find out registration timeout information for
03:04.32justdavesame problem I was having
03:04.43justdaveiax2 reload fixed it for me
03:06.26justdavein my case it was with
03:08.08kb3ienit fixes it, for about 20 minutes...
03:18.23kb3ienokay getting some good debug now. now to play the waiting game...
03:21.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:24.06kb3ienall turning on debugging did was: render the 'module reload' command impotent!
03:24.32kb3ienalso the useful messages scrolled by whilst i was using the web browser!
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03:31.46kb3ien[Nov 20 22:43:58] NOTICE[8265]: dnsmgr.c:170 dnsmgr_refresh: dnssrv: host '' changed from to
03:31.46kb3ienwhite*CLI> [Nov 20 22:43:58] NOTICE[8265] dnsmgr.c: dnssrv: host '' changed from to
03:31.46kb3ienTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: POKE
03:32.15*** join/#asterisk kb3ien (
03:32.24kb3ienbad puter.
03:33.01kb3ieni'm using my wife's mac and x11 has some NASTY clipboard bugs. typical apple...
03:34.20Carlos_PHXWhy the hell would anyone use X11?  Typical Windows user.
03:35.41kb3ienhrm, you know how to boot darwin into consol mode if its installed as macos, i'm all game.
03:35.58justdavehold Command-S during the boot chime
03:36.07justdaveand hold it until the text starts scrolling
03:36.13kb3ieni dont spend enough time in the windowed world to be proficient.
03:36.31kb3ienAH. danke.
03:37.42kb3ienstill if anyone knows what's up with voipjet and dnsmgr i'm eager to fix this.
03:39.21kb3ienaddendum:   [Nov 20 22:45:02] NOTICE[8285] chan_iax2.c: Peer 'dialer.voipjet' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 13 \n[Nov 20 22:45:59] WARNING[8313] chan_skinny.c: Skinny Client sent less data than expected.  Expected 4 but got 3.\n[Nov 20 22:45:59] WARNING[8313] chan_skinny.c: Trying to delete nonexistent session 0x8770e0?\n (last line 2 times) then asterisk exits abruptly....
03:39.48kb3ienman there are a lot of blinking red leds all of a sudden...
03:39.49jtoddOK. Perhaps I am missing something obvious in the year or two since it's been that I set up * behind a NAT...
03:40.11jtoddBut is externip=  broken?   I've set it, but I still see my internal IP address in all my SIP dialogs.
03:41.25[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: no
03:41.27jtoddThis is with a bone stock (i.e.: no changes in sip.conf other than externip and context) asterisk install.
03:41.46ManxPoweryou need a localnet= too
03:41.50[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: trash everything commented, and pastebin the rest masking only passwords
03:41.54ManxPowerexternip does not take a hostname
03:42.12jtoddI'm using IP addresses.  I got that much.  :-)   So localnet is a requirement for externip ?
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03:42.33[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Gotta know what counts as "external"
03:42.49jtoddI would have assumed if you had "externip" set, it would treat all traffic the same.
03:43.17jtoddIn other words, why would it even assume there was a localnet that was different?  Localnet seems to be an "exception" rule, and exceptions are typically not required.
03:43.20jtoddBut I'll give it a try.
03:43.31[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: I don't disagree with that methodoly, but it doesn't seem to be the case
03:44.17[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Think of it as Externip being the exception, and localnet being the exception to the exception  :p
03:44.40jtoddAh. Uh.  Ah.
03:45.05Carlos_PHXAssuming that Asterisk uses logic is fraught with peril.
03:45.23jtoddYes, that seems to do the trick, but that is indeed perilous logic.
03:45.37*** join/#asterisk telnettech (n=telnette@
03:45.49jtoddI hate NATs.  This is the first * I've set up behind a NAT in a long, long time.  But EC2 makes it a requirement.
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03:49.28jtoddHoly segmentation, IRC-man!
03:50.50jtoddAnyone done any work with Asterisk on EC2, by any chance?  I'm still trying to understand some of the EC2 fundamentals, but it seems like a big win with the new bridging code that (supposedly) allows MeetMe without zap timers.
03:51.23jtoddDon't know how much it would cost for a lot of RTP to/from the system, though.  Could be pretty pricey with the cost per GB.
03:53.58[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: I've heard everybody go crazay and when the reality settles in its "meh"
03:54.20jtoddSeems to be nice to offload stuff out of one's own server room and bandwidth, though.
03:57.21[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: And then just watch the $ meter roll like a Jerry Lewis Telethon :p
03:57.32jtoddthat does seem to be the problem, yes.
03:57.44jtoddBut it depends on what your goals are and what you have to spend and the people you have on hand.
03:58.32[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: I get the feeling that EC2 is a hard option to effectively leverage from a budgetary point of view
03:58.57[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: To send enough its way for teh offload to be of value, but not so much as to break the bank
03:59.58jtodd"It depends."  If I was building an application using Asterisk, for instance, that I needed to go from 10 channels of voice to potentially 10,000 I might consider EC2 after some further testing.
04:00.16jtoddQuick scale is possible, in a matter of hours, with an appropriately written app.
04:00.32jtoddand if you never use that scale, then you just don't pay for it.
04:01.02jtoddKeeping a bunch of servers around for flash crowds is a very expensive proposition, especially if you're paying for 220V at 20A times 2 per rack.
04:01.17jtodd(or 4, as I was.)
04:01.52[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Yes.. tricky to leverage.
04:02.47jtoddI typically have either app designers or sysadmins who are able to build the stuff themselves out of the parts on hand, and they'd be happy to get rid of the hardware for just a tiny bit more thought in designing the app.
04:02.58hi365_msvn is still down?
04:03.03jtoddYes, SVN is still down.
04:03.09jtoddETA: "This evening."
04:03.12hi365_many eta?
04:03.21hi365_mcool. thanks
04:04.11hi365_marent oyu supposed to do such things durring non business hours?
04:04.22hi365_mi geuss that the beauty of open source
04:04.41jtoddIt's unclear how much of this event is scheduled versus unscheduled.
04:05.09jtoddBut I know it's being worked on.
04:08.04[TK]D-FenderETR : Eventually To Return.  As in sit back and grab a drink
04:08.34telnettechif the *8 is setup in the features.conf and the extensions are in the same callgroup and pickup group, do you have to set anything up in the dialplan for the feature to work?
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04:15.01jman24Sorry if I sound like a nube but is the asterisk svn server down?
04:15.57jman24duh.. sorry it's in the header.. gn
04:16.07*** part/#asterisk jman24 (
04:17.00[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Shouldn't
04:18.57kb3ienMy new freezer has leveled out at -30 that's better than average?
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04:19.22telnettechTK: any idea what needs to be uncommented in the feature.conf sample file to make the features work? I have the *8 line uncommented. Anything else?
04:19.42[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Did you restart * following that?
04:20.09kb3ienI'm more keen on getting a fault-tolerant dial now. figuring even if i think its fixed, it may not be.
04:20.21[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: What happens when you hit *8?
04:20.41telnettechTK: i get a fast busy(error tone)
04:20.48[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: What phone?
04:21.04telnettechas if it doesnt know what it is supposed to do
04:22.50telnettechi verified that the module is running (
04:23.01[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: What phone? <--------
04:23.07telnettechTK: Grandstream GXP 2000
04:23.23[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: gO VERIFY IN sip DEBUG THAT * IS EVEN SEEING THE REQUEST
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04:24.16telnettechTK: using 1.2 version
04:24.24telnettechthat doesnt make a difference right?
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04:27.23[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Go check what I told you.
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04:52.11pcranedoes anyone know about call waiting for Linksys spa 942s?
04:53.45[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: what about it?
04:53.59pcraneif it exists? where to find settings for it?
04:54.15pcraneI've had a look through every page of the phone, and I can't find anything
04:57.58[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: tell it to use more that 1 key
04:58.32pcranethe tireness must be setting in, I ment 922
04:58.32pcranenot 942
04:59.58[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: Go look in the CLASS codes section to see if CW is enabled
05:00.45pcraneunder Supplementart Services?
05:00.49pcraneCW Setting?
05:02.43[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: big list
05:03.39pcranethat does it
05:03.46pcranewas expecting it to be call waiting
05:03.48pcraneor something
05:03.50pcranenot CW
05:03.54pcranecheers [TK]D-Fender
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05:29.27yidiyuehanhi, anybody knows why it couldn't catch DTMF tone correctly during a call? and where I could change the dtmf minimum detection timing ?
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05:35.57[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: From where?
05:39.15demonisttime for me to get a new job
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05:41.10adilwalihi anyone knows a good softphone that will do wideband with g722?
05:43.22yidiyuehanHi, D-Fender, what i want to do is to detect the dtmf tone correctly when two parties are in call
05:44.04yidiyuehanhowever I noticed that * does not detect it correctly as long as two parties are in a call, if I press digit 1, it may detect as 111, or 1111, or 11
05:44.49yidiyuehanFor IVR system it's working fine and it could detect it correctly as there is no conversation yet.
05:48.38[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: and I asked what YOU were calling on
05:50.03yidiyuehanHi, D-Fener, I called from a internal SIP Phone ==> FXO of asterisk 1 ==> FXO of asterisk 2 ==> another SIP phone
05:50.34yidiyuehanI could do another testing use sip phone to ==> FXO ==> analog phone
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06:39.25demonistbe quiet you
06:39.33demonisti know youre the one in control of my brain
06:39.39demonisti know youre the one speaking through her
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06:42.08Chris-NBanyone tried mass deployment with snom phones?
06:42.38Chris-NBand have some experience how to upgrade firmware from 6.x to 7.x via auto provisioning and dhcp?
06:43.02Chris-NBmy problem is firmware 6.x uses text files, 7.x uses xml files.
06:43.27Chris-NBI want my 6.x phones to upgrade firmware and then provision with xml files
06:43.33Chris-NBis this possible?
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07:07.33Jennahey all, I just could find any info of this term ¨premise-based PABX¨. I know what asterisk is & what voip is but wtf is this pemise-based thing
07:07.54Jennaanyone ?
07:10.27jtodd"Premise-based" means that the equipment is located at your business or otherwise "on site" at  your location.
07:16.38*** part/#asterisk ramuk (
07:20.39Jennajtodd, thanx. Í was venture into preface/prose n stuff
07:21.11Jennadont u just hate it when marketeers try to make mole out of hill of any thing basic. throwing buzz words to sell u products
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07:39.14puppetwewt N95 connected to the *
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08:03.45raasdnileveryone see the new interface to Asterisk 3.0 ?
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08:13.01farahI have a question: SIP works through TCP, and IAX2 through UDP. But can we change the implementation of IAX2 so that it can work with TCP?
08:13.44hadronzooHello, is there a way to mix a periodic prerecorded message in realtime over MoH?
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08:18.45farahcan anyone answer my question please?
08:21.54kaldemarfarah: sure you can.
08:22.41farahso IAX2 supports TCP?
08:23.02kaldemaryou asked if you can change the implementation, and i said yes.
08:23.21farahah ok thank you
08:23.25yangfarah: I think SIP uses UDP for VOIP traffic to
08:23.38farahbut where should i change it?
08:23.40hadronzooI guess I will have to generate the stream using another application and then tie the MoH to the generated stream.
08:24.12farahno i think SIP uses TCP
08:24.16kaldemarSIP is the signalling, it uses either UDP or TCP. the media streams are not run over SIP, but other protocols such as RTP, which uses UDP.
08:24.53kaldemarfarah: chan_iax2.c
08:25.34farahkaldemar: thank you
08:26.14farahdo you know the result of the command "iax2 show netstats"?
08:26.19kaldemarnow don't expect it to be a simple parameter change then. :)
08:26.32farahi will try:)
08:26.51kaldemaryes, i'm familiar with the command.
08:27.22farahwhat does lost =-1 mean?
08:28.23farahwhen i configure iax.conf with "jitterbuffer=yes" and "forcejitterbuffer=yes" i get a value of the loss equal to 2, but when i disable the buffer, i get a value for the loss, the %, and the 000 equal to -1
08:28.31kaldemarbtw, in Asterisk, SIP runs over UDP by default, and there's only experimental support for TCP in 1.6.
08:28.55farahsip or IAX?
08:29.33kaldemarSIP. you mentioned earlier that you thought that SIP uses TCP.
08:30.39kaldemarbut there is no IAX over TCP.
08:30.49farahok but i am using the version 1.4.21
08:31.04*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
08:31.04farahok but u said i can change it in the implementation
08:31.35kaldemarit's source code, you can do whatever you want with the channel.
08:32.02kaldemarif you implement support for TCP, it will have it. that's changing the source.
08:32.04farahok thanks i am a beginner so i am really confused
08:33.39*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=proscom@
08:34.36farahand concerning the second question?
08:34.49farahwhat does lost =-1 mean?
08:34.53farahwhen i configure iax.conf with "jitterbuffer=yes" and "forcejitterbuffer=yes" i get a value of the loss equal to 2, but when i disable the buffer, i get a value for the loss, the %, and the 000 equal to -1
08:36.34*** join/#asterisk cjk (
08:37.13Karlitoohi, when I try installing chan_h323-1.0.1-module.i386.rpm I get an error "nothing provides needed by chan_h323-1.0.1-module.i386.rpm", but I have the in /usr/lib and the /lib dir
08:37.34cjkhi, i have one channel SIP/user1 in more than one hint priority. One hint priority is updated the other is not. I am using asterisk 1.4. Does anyone else have this issue?
08:37.42Karlitoois there a way to bind the lib so that the module can find it
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08:52.27Karlitoohi, when I try installing chan_h323-1.0.1-module.i386.rpm I get an error "nothing provides needed by chan_h323-1.0.1-module.i386.rpm", but I have the in /usr/lib and the /lib dir
08:52.29Karlitoois there a way to bind the lib so that the module can find it
08:56.16*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
08:57.53Karlitooany 1
08:58.17Karlitooplease I've been searching for the answer 2 days already, google don't know the answer
08:59.19angryuserKarlitoo: hello why not compile from source ?
08:59.29kaldemarinstall it with --nodeps and see with ldd where the module looks for the library.
09:00.13Karlitoocause the source gives the same error
09:00.29Karlitoo<i'll try that kaldemar
09:00.32farahcan someone answer my question please
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09:02.19stix_Morning guys! Is it normal that asterisk clears the queue-stats shown with the command "queue show <queue>" upon reload?
09:02.24farahplease someone...i am really stuck for my diploma project
09:02.32trogsstix_: sounds about right.
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09:03.32angryuserfarah: " i get a value for the loss, the %, and the 000 equal to -1" please develop
09:03.36stix_it doesn't do it on 1.4.17
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09:03.48YoShiKi_99Hello :)
09:04.31kaldemarfarah: take a look at ast_cli_netstats() in chan_iax2.c
09:04.34angryuserfarah: what is clear that without a jitterbuffer you are less tolerant to a network problems, any critical delay and you got a dropped call
09:05.30farahangryuser: the result of the command "iax2 show netstats" gives me a value equal to -1 for the fields "loss", "% of loss" when the "jitterbuffer=no" in the iax.conf, and when it's enabled, i get a value. So what does -1 mean?should i enable the jitterbuffer in the iax.conf it or not?
09:06.01farahkaldemar: ok i will
09:06.36farahangryuser: so it's better to configure "jitterbuffer=yes" and "forcejitterbuffer=yes"?
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09:10.39angryuserfarah: it is simple without jitterbiffer you are not tolerant with lossing packet's with any traffic problems you call will be dropped
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09:11.52farahangryuser: but what does the value -1 for the loss mean?it means there is no statistics?
09:12.23angryuserfarah: jitterbuffer it's like when you writing cd's you have buffer to do that imagine you disable it, if you hdd bacome too slow you cd write will fail
09:12.57farahangryuser: So from what i understood is that without jitterbuffer, the result of "iax2 show netstats" should give a very important % of loss
09:13.02angryuserfarah: become*
09:13.53farahangryuser: sorry?
09:14.42angryuserfarah: no you can't mesure loss if you drop call on first network problem ;)
09:15.21kaldemarcalls don't drop with a little jitter, you just get choppy audio if even that with a good codec.
09:15.27farahangryuser: sorry i am a bit confused and i am a beginner i know my questions are stupid
09:15.52angryuserkaldemar: yes forgot to mention that
09:17.59farahkaldemar: but when i run the iax2 show netsats command while i am testing a call between my two phones i get a value equal to -1 for the loss when the jitter is disabled  even if the call is not dropped
09:19.19kaldemarlooks to me like it always gets set to -1 if you don't have the jitter buffer enabled. why are you stuck with this?
09:19.37angryuserfarah: have you got any other values on any test's on that place without jutterbuffer ? if not maybe it's default value when jitterbuffer is off
09:21.08angryuserin other words enable it and do some work ;)
09:21.22farahkaldemar: i just wanted to know what does -1 mean, and if i'd better enable or disable the jitter buffer but u answered my question :)
09:21.43farahangryuser: okkkk...thank you very much:)
09:22.29farahangryuser: no it's always -1 when the jitter is disabled so as u said i think it's the default value
09:24.14farahand i never get value for the remote side, is it normal?
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09:33.56redaxwhat is the best method to detect if a SIP extension is Busy?
09:34.19redaxis ChanIsAvail(SIP/123) would be suitable ?
09:37.32*** join/#asterisk stephank (n=urk@
09:40.53stephankHi! For some reason, I can't get asterisk ( to pick up my language setting. I have a sounds/nl directory, set languageprefix=yes in asterisk.conf, language=nl in sip.conf, even did a Set(CHANNEL(language)=nl) in my dialplan, but SayDigits still plays the english samples. The call is set up using a callfile dialing out over SIP, and putting the answered call in an Local channel to an IVR. What am I missing?
09:46.46stephank(Actually, the callfile has "Channel: Local/0123456789@outbound" and the context, extension and prefix set to the IVR. I couldn't find a way to set a default language for Local channels. I've also never been able to get this right in asterisk 1.4 either.)
09:57.00mark_csiredax: here's how I do it -
09:57.53*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:04.00Karlitoowho ever wrote the h323 channel module over complicated it
10:04.32Karlitoofor crying out loud 3 days in a row I can't install a friggin h323 module
10:04.47Karlitoothis is whack
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10:09.18mathcubesstephank: i think you might need to ask an easier question :)
10:10.07stephankWell, as a one-liner: I set my language options to dutch but asterisk is not picking up my dutch samples?
10:11.10angryuserhi there ;) i am searching a live example of agi script written on php designed to retreive a ticked support number entered by a caller (dtmf read() ) and popup'ed by any way (crm lcd phone screen) + mabe some additional info retrival from bdd based on ticket number or callerid, thank's ;)
10:11.20Maliutastephank: that's because it's refusing to import weed ;)
10:11.26Maliuta"dutch samples"
10:11.32stephankharr harr :)
10:12.22Maliutastephank: the samples are in a dir with the 2 letter name for holland?
10:12.40Maliutastephank: and that dir is somewhere * knows to look for it?
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10:13.06stephankMaliuta: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/nl, containing subdirectories digits, phonetic, etc.
10:14.06Maliutasounds like somewhere * might look (mine are in in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/ ... but I run debian )
10:15.07stephankSo do I, but I'm not using the debian packages.
10:16.06Maliutastephank: so you have set language=nl? and it's not going to the nl dir for sounds?
10:16.22Chris-NBanyone tried mass deployment with snom phones?
10:16.29Chris-NBand have some experience how to upgrade firmware from 6.x to 7.x via auto provisioning and dhcp?
10:16.42Chris-NBI want my 6.x phones to upgrade firmware and then provision with xml files
10:16.47Chris-NBis this possible?
10:17.16mort_gibChris-NB: Yes...
10:17.54mort_gibYou need to get all from 6.X to 7.1. first
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10:19.31Maliutastephank: and the other sound files are in  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ ?
10:20.10stephankMaliuta: Besides nl, I also have en and fr subdirs, and one other directory with customs sounds. /var/lib/asterisk/sounds contains nothing else.
10:20.35Maliutaand the en and fr work?
10:22.25stephankMaliuta: en is the default, fr doesn't work either
10:22.50stephank"Playing 'digits/4.alaw' (language 'en')"
10:22.57stephankIt doesn't even mention my setting while playing on the console
10:23.43Chris-NBmort_gib, have you done this via auto provisioning?
10:24.07mort_gibChris-NB: Yes
10:25.30Chris-NBmort_gib, this is my snom320.htm which is served via tftp
10:25.54Chris-NBmort_gib, the settings get applied, but the fireware file is not donloaded
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10:26.33stephankMaliuta: Okay, just tested this, and it's definitely got something to do with originating from a callfile. When I dial into the extension, it works. When I tell asterisk to dial out using a callfile, it breaks.
10:27.38Chris-NBmort_gib, this is the log from the phone (snom320):
10:27.39stephankMaliuta: lame fix: I put "Set: CHANNEL(language)=nl" in my callfile. It works now.
10:28.27Chris-NBmort_gib, why is the phone trying to download dummy.htm from localhost?
10:29.05Maliutastephank: callfiles to odd things, I have noticed this when writing my prank and notify scripts
10:31.26stephankMaliuta: Hmm.. okay. I don't necessarily find it odd that it ignores settings in sip.conf, since it's not really a sip channel afaik. But it even ignores Set(CHANNEL(language)=nl) in my dialplan completely.
10:33.41angryuserstephank: do you need a multilingual support ?
10:34.21stephankangryuser: yes
10:34.48mort_gibChris-NB: I think you need to have a closer look at this
10:35.24angryuserstephank: have you replaced your channel setting in zapte.conf and zaptata conf files ?
10:35.42angryuserjust in case ;)
10:36.15stephankangryuser: I don't have those (or the dahdi alternatives).
10:36.19Maliutastephank: can you pastebin the .call file for me? with out the  "Set: CHANNEL(language)=nl"? :)
10:36.47Chris-NBmort_gib, thanks, I'll look
10:36.49stephankangryuser: I only use the dahdi dummy, and no chan_dahdi
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10:37.24angryuserstephank: hm normally when you set nl in local channel it should work
10:37.26Chris-NBmort_gib, ah, I just have a pdf for v7 ... which isn't that usefull at my current stage : )
10:37.36Maliutayeah he uses dahdi dummy ;)
10:38.05Maliutadahdi dum dum di dah! :)
10:38.07mort_gibChris-NB: In all honesty I do updates in a confined environment
10:38.50mort_gibI auto provision specific settings, not upgrades...
10:38.59stephankangryuser: where do I set that?
10:39.41Chris-NBmort_gib, I want upgrade once to v7 and then use xml files
10:39.44angryuserstephank: in dialplan, or in call file as you do
10:40.31mort_gibChris-NB: That should not be a problem
10:40.50Chris-NBmort_gib, but I haven't got my phone to load the firmware file
10:41.45mort_gibWhy frimware.php
10:42.35Maliutastephank: yeah, using that Channel: Local/ you might want to append /n to it
10:42.46mort_gibWhy not
10:45.08stephankMaliuta: Ah okay. Now I see the local channels in "core show channels verbose", but get english. But I suppose that's because the language is defined in sip.conf, and I can't set a default for local channels?
10:53.10Maliutastephank: doesn't look like it
10:56.46stephankMaliuta: okay, thanks for helping though. This solution works nicely. :)
10:57.43Maliutanow it you'd only do me the favour of execing "rm -rf /var/spool/asterisk" in that file ;)
11:00.12stephankMaliuta: wouldn't hurt too much at the moment. Only some test faxes there. :p
11:01.08Maliutastephank: _or_ you could run * as root and 'rm -rf /' ;)
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11:03.38tompawhi there!
11:04.07tompawwhen I define sip peers in sip.conf (* 1.6), is there a way to limit the number of incoming connections?
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11:25.01kaldemartompaw: yes, functions GROUP and GROUP_COUNT in the dialplan.
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11:29.09tompawkaldemar: thanks|!
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11:44.08ElDioshey guys.. any idea on how to discover what codecc is using an established call from the logs?
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11:49.23riganyone here using the phillips ap200?
11:50.38rigthat's a shame
11:50.45rigwhat do you use for wireless then?
11:50.59rigor cordless rather
11:51.52Maliutaanything PSTN with an ATA or plugged into my TDM400p
11:52.07rigno sip-dect sort of thing?
11:52.19MaliutaDect by preference, not in the 2.4Ghz range
11:52.50rigbut not a native sip dect phone
11:53.49Maliutanot worth it
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11:53.56Maliutathey suck too much
11:54.01rigi have the phillips. it's not bad, but i have some problems with it
11:54.03mark_csiguys correct me if I'm wrong but it only uses dect to the base station
11:54.38rigthe new aastra one also sucks?
11:55.43mark_csirig: I my experience I've yet to get anything by aastra that impresses
11:57.00rigit's a shame there's no good sip-dect phone out there
11:58.06*** join/#asterisk rdgr (n=rich@
11:59.21BBHossrig: the aastra SIP-DECT i thought was good
11:59.55BBHossthe MBU-800 is the exact same as the Snom m3 and the Polycom solutions
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12:11.23yidiyuehanhi, can I use ChannelRedirect under asterisk 1.2?
12:13.35kaldemarChannelRedirect was introduced in asterisk 1.4, so no unless you backport it.
12:14.26yidiyuehanany similar feature under 1.2?
12:15.53kaldemarnot that i know of.
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12:18.38shtoomhi can we use app_amd to detect fax machines as well ?
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12:36.49espentdoes anybody now if i can read custom sip-headers from agi?
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12:48.48feedsespent: No idea.. :(
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13:03.45Spirits-Sightwhat does this do "bindaddr="?
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13:05.03etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, tells Asterisk to listen for "connections" from any network card in your computer.
13:05.17invalidrecordis it safe to run an aterisk instance on a public server, I have an account at slicehost and was thinking of running it on that?
13:06.00etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, if you had a multihomed computer, you could have * listen from only certain IP addresses.
13:06.04invalidrecordor do i need it to be inside my network
13:06.11Spirits-Sightetfonhomey: thanks, so do I need this for a system that is using pure sip
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13:06.48etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, do you want Asterisk to listen for SIP connections on any of your IP addresses?
13:07.44Spirits-Sightthat would be required to get incoming calls so if I understand right yes and that mean I would want that just the way I have it now then :-)
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13:09.47etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, correct.
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13:18.37lmadsenarrrr mateys!
13:22.30mvanbaakis it 'talk-like-a-pirate' day again ?
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13:23.06mvanbaakah no, that's Sept 19
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13:30.00mathcubesArr jimlad and a botte o run
13:30.39lmadsenmvanbaak: naw, just felt like it :)
13:30.45[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: It isn't Sep 19th...
13:30.51lmadsenKatty: and the next 2 are the pics I took that day the sun was blinding me
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13:43.45gr0mithi chaps/chapesses
13:43.54gr0mitanyone ever had success with TDMoE?
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13:46.10*** topic/#asterisk by lmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- SVN SHOULD BE BACK UP! -=- Asterisk (2008/10/09), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
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13:48.46[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Why are youthinking of uing it?
13:52.57ElDiosis it possible to define a specific PTIME that must be used inside the asterisk conf files?
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13:54.13ElDiosok found
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13:58.22zchaoshey anyone know if you can use a a jack which is wired for cat5 and phone for both at the sametime? or does it have to be punched down as cat5 OR phone... can't use for both?
14:00.43feedsHi, could someone please explain how can I Playback my recorded sound files, assuming I recorded as .wav? Will * automatically convert the to his preferred format? If yes, what do I write in the Playback?
14:01.22feedsShould it be Playback(xyz/sound-file.wav) or Playback(xyz/sound-file)  ?
14:01.24kaldemarzchaos: cat5 is a cable category, are you talking about ethernet and phone use perhaps?
14:01.40wweilandanyone familire with asterisk and FX0 ports?
14:02.15[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: You can wire an RJ45 for RJ11 & 10/100  simultaneously and use a splitter
14:02.50[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: 10/100 eithernet requires 1,2,3,and 6.  Standard single-pair telephone requires 4 & 5
14:02.53kaldemarfeeds: without the file extension, asterisk recognizes sound files it supports.
14:03.24[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: You can then use a single 8-pin RJ45 to carry both and use a splitter where you want access to both and not "either/or"
14:03.33wweilandI'm having a issue where asterisk will make calls out fine across a fx0/pots line.  at random times, i'll receive a red alarm and the port stays locked until i pull the phone cord out and plug it back in
14:03.38[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: Never specify the extension
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14:03.43feedskaldemar: so Playback(xyz/sound-file) | Does it matter it's only recorded as .wav?
14:03.56[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: No.
14:04.05feeds[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
14:04.06kaldemaror be brutal and rip up the cable end pick the wires.
14:07.38damnpoeti have a question, i´ve succesfully conected two * servers using dundi, but now i want to conect this 2 * boxes to a panasonic pbx
14:08.07damnpoethow can i do that, cause on the * boxes i can configure the dundi settings on both ends
14:09.13damnpoeti don´t know if i´ve explained myself, but i think it would be something like this:
14:09.29*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
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14:09.55damnpoetif a person calls something with this patern "_45XXX" then switch to the panasonic pbx...
14:09.57damnpoetany ideas_?
14:11.36[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: How is * supposed to connect to the Panasonic.  I'm quite sure they've never even HEARD of DUNDI
14:14.04ElDiosis it possible to now what ptime is using an established call?
14:14.08wweilandanyone have any suggestions on my red alarm problem?
14:15.59farahanyone confortable with Asterisk Manager Interface AMI?
14:16.19damnpoetthanks for the reply [TK]D-Fender, and that´s what i want to know, how can i connect to the panasonic(TDA200)
14:16.26damnpoetby eternet maybe_?
14:16.41lmadsenI'm having some PRI issues on zaptel, but I'm not really a hardware guy at all. Curious if anyone recognizes these errors? I'm not entirely sure if it is a zaptel problem, or a provider problem.
14:16.54farahi need to do the command "iax2 show netstats" periodically during a call, and i thought to do it with AMI but dont know how?i need some help pleasssssssse
14:17.15feeds_busyfarah: no, I'm certainly not comfortable with AMI
14:17.18lmadsenfarah: I think there is a Command command you can use to run CLI commands
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14:17.59[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: I think you'd better pull out your documentation and see what it offers for connectivity.
14:18.32lmadsenfarah: *CLI> manager show command Command
14:18.32feeds_busy[TK]D-Fender: The question about .wav I asked before, is it a problem that my fedora can't play .wav? Can * still play it to the SIP client?
14:18.46lmadsenfarah: wow! help at the CLI? uncanny!
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14:19.04[TK]D-Fenderfeeds_busy: the format a WAV has to be in for * to use is documented on the WIKI.  * will not take jsut any old file.
14:19.07farahlmadsen: I think the command is iaxnetstats
14:19.15farahbut don't know how to use it:(
14:19.17lmadsenfarah: I think you should run the command I just showed you
14:19.23[TK]D-Fenderfarah: Call it via AMI COMMAND
14:19.36lmadsenshakes his head...
14:19.37farahlmadsen: ok i will try
14:19.46damnpoet[TK]D-Fender: but is there a posibility that i can connect to the pbx using ethernet_?
14:19.49lmadsenfarah: funny how it describes exactly what you're trying to do
14:19.53farahlmadsen: thank you:)
14:20.05lmadsenfarah: look through the AMI commands next time
14:20.07etfonhomeyfarah, step 1 is to enable AMI in manager.conf (if it's not already enabled)
14:20.12lmadsenyou'll most likely find what you're looking for
14:20.26[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: We are not psychic.  We do not know what connectors your Panasonic has on it.  Go read its MANUAL
14:20.39Spirits-SightI get a error when I try to make a incoming call to my did, in side the pastebin is the error and the section that handles my incoming calls right now, the phone does not ring but I am able to make out going calls
14:21.17[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: because it isn't in the CONTEXT that your call is falling in.
14:21.33farahlmadsen: thanks a lot
14:21.33[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go look at the SIP DEBUG of your incoming call to see how it is processed
14:21.47etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, I would suggest it's a context problem too.
14:22.14farahetfonhomey: ok i did step one, i enabled it in [general]
14:22.29mark_csiSpirits-Sight: agreed with etfonhomey.
14:22.31damnpoet[TK]D-Fender: that´s what i mean, it has a ethernet conection, is there any guide around that would help configure asterisk for it?
14:22.45etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, pastebin your extensions.conf and sip.conf, the full file with passwords masked.
14:22.47farahetfonhomey:  then?
14:22.56etfonhomeyfarah, create a user in manager.conf
14:23.09Spirits-Sightetfonhomey: ok, one sec please
14:23.17mark_csidampoet: it's phone specific you need the phone manual
14:23.27etfonhomeyfarah, give the user full privileges to start with
14:23.33[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: You say "ethernet", but that doesn't say what it really is.
14:23.36farahetfonhomey: but what should i put in the field permit?
14:23.55[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: Go read its MANUAL <----------
14:23.57etfonhomeyfarah, look at the commented lines in the sample for "admin".
14:24.06etfonhomeyfarah, just copy and paste that
14:24.31Spirits-Sightnever mind, your right, I did not have the exact same context for the in-coming
14:24.38farahetfonhomey: ok but i should change the ip adress no?(sorry i am a beginner)
14:24.48[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: Doesn't matter if it looks "square" or "like ethernte" (because a LOT of things do).  You need to know EXACTLY what signalling your PBX is capable of with its current configuration.
14:25.16etfonhomeyfarah, the binaddr?
14:25.37farahetfonhomey: the adress in the field "permit"
14:25.49etfonhomeyfarah, leave it out and you'll get a permit all by default.
14:25.55etfonhomeyfarah, keep it simple to start.
14:26.08farahetfonhomey: ok
14:26.30[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey>Spirits-Sight, pastebin your extensions.conf and sip.conf, the full file with passwords masked. <- wast of time.  SIP DEBUG answer all.
14:27.03damnpoet[TK]D-Fender: i´ll go look for it..! be back in 5 mins
14:27.24etfonhomeyfarah, probably need to restart * to affect your changes.
14:27.32*** join/#asterisk emiller (n=ed@
14:27.55Spirits-Sightwhere is the sound files for Ubuntu, its saying a sound file is not there
14:28.52*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
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14:28.59etfonhomeyDoes anyone else believe that Ubuntu is the Linux for people who want Linux to be as close to Windows as possible?
14:29.29farahetfonhomey: and then?
14:29.51farahetfonhomey: i restarted *
14:29.58mark_csiSpirits-Sight: all asterisk sounds are held in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
14:30.02*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:30.24etfonhomeyfarah, you can "manually" do AMI commands via a telnet session to your asterisk box at the port specified in manager.conf (usually 5038)
14:31.54etfonhomeyfarah, so, at a command prompt or linux shell do a: telnet (your * IP) 5038
14:32.10*** part/#asterisk dandre (
14:32.29farahetfonhomey: ok thank you very much i will try it now
14:33.00etfonhomeyfarah, ok
14:37.04*** part/#asterisk damnpoet (n=UCF\
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14:38.25emilleri have a an extensions.conf question. When a call gets transfered to an extension it just times out. Here is my snipit extensions
14:39.09emiller204 => 204,Bonnie,
14:43.36*** join/#asterisk SiberAIR (
14:44.20mort_gibemiller: Times out trying to get to voicemail or trying to get to the extension??
14:44.38feeds_busycould someone point me in the direction of the * wiki?
14:44.39emillermort_gib: times out trying to get to voicemail
14:45.05emillerit goes to the extensions, then it eventually hits a fast busy
14:45.08mort_gibemiller: I would suggest that you add a context to the voicemail statement
14:45.25*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:45.43mort_gibso exten => 204,n,Voicemail(204,u) becomes exten => 204,n,Voicemail(204@yourvmcontext,u)
14:46.08emillergotcha. I'll give it a try. Thank you mort_gib
14:46.08feeds_busyetfonhomey: Thanks
14:47.19mort_gibYou have to use the same context as in voicemail.conf
14:48.01emilleryup. its just [default]
14:48.31emillerhmm, no dice...
14:48.34emillerlet me dig a little more.
14:48.38Spirits-SightI don't have any sounds in the folder, how can I get them?
14:48.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:49.14etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, there's a tarball for asterisk-sounds
14:49.49Spirits-Sightthats what I thought trying to find the file as I have downloaded it already the other day
14:50.15SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: you can do apt-cache search asterisk
14:50.18SiberAIRand you'll find the sounds file
14:50.25*** join/#asterisk protocols (
14:50.28SiberAIRthey store in a different folder than /etc/asteriks
14:50.32SiberAIRi think it's /usr/shared
14:50.55Spirits-Sightnot in var/lib/asterisk
14:51.16SiberAIRhang on lemme look on my system
14:51.28protocolswhy does dahdi on startup only load the dummy module, when manually starting dahdi via /etc/init.d/dahdi, it loads the correct module
14:51.59emillermort_gib: unfortunately, the previous person who set this asterisk is using users.conf. Here is a snipit of an extension im testing with
14:52.28emillerand here is my voicemails.conf:
14:52.34*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
14:52.47Spirits-SightI am using ubuntu for my system, in the tar I found the files, but I don't know when I put them in to var/lib/asterisk do I have to put them in to any folder or what
14:53.43emillersorry for the typos:
14:55.14*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
14:56.20SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: it's /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
14:56.24SiberAIRat least on ubuntu 8.04
14:56.26SiberAIRvia the apt-get
14:59.10Spirits-Sightok I found them, now to try and find the file that it said it could not fine
15:01.37*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
15:02.15SiberAIRwhat was the error?
15:02.22SiberAIRwhen you put in sounds don't put the extension in
15:02.27SiberAIRlike .wav or .gsm
15:02.54farahetfonhomey: i tested what u said and it works
15:03.22farahfarah: but is there a way to test automatically every 30 sec for example the command iax2 show netstats?
15:04.24Spirits-Sightit said "[Nov 21 10:00:02] WARNING[17519]: app_playback.c:439 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/ for the-party-you-are-calling&is-curntly-unavail" but I think thats because I don't find that file, I was going by the asterisk book
15:04.40etfonhomeyfarah, you can code something up in your favorite language to do it.
15:05.41farahetfonhomey:ok...but the action IAXnetstats doesn't work manually..i tried login it works
15:05.49farahmaybe i didn't use it correctly
15:06.25etfonhomeyfarah, let me test out a CLI command via AMI
15:06.57cjkhi, how many channels can i add to a hint priority? as soon as i add channels that take more than 90 characters the status stays on unavailable
15:09.11etfonhomeyfarah, Action: Command
15:09.19etfonhomeyfarah, Command: iax2 show netstas
15:09.29*** part/#asterisk eit (n=eit@
15:09.30etfonhomeyfarah, <CRLF> <CRLF>
15:09.32Spirits-Sightwhat does this mean "[Nov 21 10:08:19] WARNING[17663]: chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission for seqno 1 (Critical Response)"?
15:09.34jkswhat's the difference between the newstate events "Ring" and "Ringing"?
15:09.51SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: are you behind a NAT?
15:10.16Spirits-SightI am using DD-WRT for my router
15:10.31SiberAIRare you calling from outside the nat?
15:11.07*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
15:11.18farahetfonhomey: thank you
15:11.34stmaherWARNING[5452] file.c: No such format 'ulaw|0|60'
15:11.35SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: i fixed that problem with mine when i opened the ports for 10000-20000
15:11.36SiberAIRfor audio
15:12.52Spirits-SightSiberAIR: Yes, and I have done this already, when I called to the system, the phone ring I let it ring then it played a file tt-w.... (whatever) to see if it would work, it did then after I hong up I saw that error
15:13.08SiberAIRit could be a timeout b/c it can't find the right audio
15:13.35*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
15:14.15Spirits-Sightok, it happens about 5 sec after I hang up the phone
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15:14.22Spirits-SightI just tryed it again
15:14.56SiberAIRchange the audio it's trying to play
15:15.03Kattyhell of a morning already. thank god it's friday.
15:15.35anonymouz666Katty: HEHE
15:15.59Kattyanonymouz666: it's not funny.
15:16.04Spirits-Sightthe file name or do you main the kind?  if you mean the kind how do I do this
15:16.20Kattyanonymouz666: i work an 8 to 5 shift.
15:16.39Kattyanonymouz666: apparently, last night i was called because of some terrible emergency.
15:16.57*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
15:17.00Kattyanonymouz666: which was really just the wireless access point being spastic and not handing out IPs
15:17.01anonymouz666I can't wake up 8
15:17.14Kattyanonymouz666: but i never got the voicemail, or the email, cause my blackberry was dead.
15:17.19SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: huh?
15:17.46Kattyanonymouz666: i found out last night at 10pm, figured it was too late to do anything, so came in this morning and had it fixed by 8:20
15:17.50Spirits-SightSiberAIR: I know that was not clear, let me try again.  how do I change the audio?
15:18.02anonymouz666Katty: you are fast!
15:18.13Kattyanonymouz666: at 9 the boss comes in and tells me we need a Backup Plan in case this happens again, so i writ eup this lil email that says how to power cycle stuff.
15:18.25SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: exten => 1000,2,Playback(thank-you-for-calling)  - see not thank-you-for-calling.gsm
15:18.43Kattyanonymouz666: and then, the service manager (who has nothign to do with this) replies to the instructional email saying that internet was down on the wireless access point last night could i please fix it ^_-
15:19.16*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
15:19.26Kattyanonymouz666: that was the first thing.
15:20.19Bad_Robot-G'day all
15:20.31jayteeKatty, I'm getting the impression your company operates on the "brain dead from the top down" management style :-)
15:20.39Kattyjaytee: indeed.
15:21.00Spirits-SightI don't have a thank-you-for-calling file in the directory
15:21.12SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: did you install the asteirsk sounds?
15:21.18SiberAIRwhat version on *nix are you using?
15:21.30Kattythe second thing was a client of ours called in about something not working on their server, and they wanted instructions on how to reboot their server. i don't have a problem with this, but i was told by the owner of their company to not let her reboot the server. apparently she has a nack for screwign even the most simple of things up.
15:21.37Kattyand I didn't want to tell her to sod off...
15:21.41jaytee"So Bob, what about the Corporate Retreat? Are you going?" "You bet, Dave! I hear the spa is great and the golf course there is excellent
15:22.05tzangerKatty: so tell her that her supervisor has given you strict instructions that she should contact him for anything server-related
15:22.09Spirits-SightI am using " Asterisk" copyed from CLI
15:22.53[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: pastebin your file list for your sounds folder
15:23.58Kattytzanger: in a perfect world, that would work.
15:24.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:25.57ZeeekAs I was saying, before I was kicked, {{{{{{{{{ Katty }}}}}}}}}
15:26.04Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: here is the link
15:26.16*** join/#asterisk root52 (
15:26.17Kattyhugs Zeeek
15:27.57ZeeekYou know that later today, a bunch of guys get tother to compare the size of their
15:28.02ZeeekSIP phones?
15:28.13ZeeekThat happens at 12 Noon ET
15:28.29ZeeekET phone home. To #voip-users-conference
15:28.56Zeeekor call
15:29.40ZeeekEnter your fantasy measurements: 22 66 22 #
15:30.37Zeeekoops, no that's not it
15:30.37Zeeek22622# 1#
15:30.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:31.07[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: those are the BASE sounds.  There is an additional sound file back with a lot more stock recordings
15:31.46Spirits-Sightcorrect extra, just installed them, :-)
15:32.12*** join/#asterisk telnettech (n=telnette@
15:32.18SiberAIR[TK]D-Fender: hey man - i remember you from like 2 years ago - do you remember me?  SibRphrek ?
15:32.46Bad_Robot-has anyone tried to change the mac address on a polycom 330 or astra 53i? curious if it's possible
15:33.01[TK]D-FenderSiberAIR: Sorry, can't say that I do...
15:33.07SiberAIRit's ok
15:33.11anonymouz666SiberAIR: he's a machine.
15:33.17[TK]D-FenderBad_Robot-: lol... no chance.
15:33.18SiberAIRi have a crazy memory with peoples nicks
15:33.40Bad_Robot-:) thx [TK]D-Fender
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15:34.05wweilandI'm having a issue where asterisk will make calls out fine across a fx0/pots line.  at random times, i'll receive a red alarm and the port stays locked until i pull the phone cord out and plug it back in
15:34.32wweilandanyone have any suggestions?
15:34.54[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: To test, plug an analog phone in parallel with that port and when it goes red, check the line with that phone.  pickup, dial, hangup, check card.
15:34.55*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
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15:35.22wweilandi have dialtone
15:35.31*** join/#asterisk AJT1 (
15:35.48gambolputtyHi.  I am running * and asterisk.ctl and never get created when I run * as a non-root user.  Any ideas?
15:35.50wweilandi had the phone plugged into the pass through port
15:36.34[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: Forgetht eh passthrough.  And that of course tells me you're on an X100P which is a flakey POS.
15:36.56[TK]D-Fendergambolputty: ...
15:36.59jbot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at
15:37.16[TK]D-Fendergambolputty: Permissions error is extremely likely.
15:37.20*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:37.26mark_csihi all - I've a tdm815p and I wanted to know which lines are in use. I'm certain there's an asterisk command for this but I just can't remember it.
15:37.31wweiland[TK]D-Fender: great :)  so I should get a splitter and plug the phone into that?
15:37.41[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: "core show channels concise
15:37.53[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: "zap show channels", "dahdi show channels"
15:38.03[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: thats what I just told you to do.
15:38.21*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:38.26gambolputtywon't * run as a non-root user okay with default compile options?
15:38.37wweiland[TK]D-Fender: will do, thanks for the suggestion.
15:39.21Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I am geting this error after hanging up a outside the network phone call: [Nov 21 10:33:09] WARNING[18430]: chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission for seqno 1 (Critical Response) what could be causing this?
15:40.11angryuserSpirits-Sight: network problem mostly
15:40.19mark_csiD-Fender: thanks ur a legend
15:40.23*** join/#asterisk ramuk (
15:40.39Spirits-Sightangryuser: So how do I fix this?
15:41.15angryuserSpirits-Sight: try to understand if it is relates to Your network, or you have tha packet loos Outside first
15:41.35*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
15:41.51wweiland[TK]D-Fender: is the zapmicro 8 port card a pos too?
15:42.07Spirits-Sightangryuser: I have ports 5060 forward to my asterisk box and ports 10000-20000 forward also to my asterisk box and they are both under the portocal of UDP which is what the asterisk book said in there getting going stuff
15:42.11[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: 3rd tier Chinese knock-off crap
15:42.26[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: YMMV, but it may be measured in inches.
15:42.37[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: READ :
15:42.40jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:42.53wweiland[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:43.01angryuserSpirits-Sight: it does not answer my suggestion
15:43.57[TK]D-Fenderwweiland: YWC
15:44.02Spirits-SightI was typing that as you responed, so I did not get your msg and I am going back to read it now,
15:44.11*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
15:44.23ramukhi all, anyone here have any success using chan_mobile?  I am having trouble getting audio to work at all.  However it is working properly as a trunk dialing out and dialing in.
15:44.54*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
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15:47.17gambolputty/var/run/asterisk already has the correct permissions
15:47.24Spirits-Sightangryuser: how do I check that out? I just called the DID using my hardware phone and get the same thing, also [TK]D-Fender I am reading what you sent me
15:48.57[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Read. The. Guide
15:49.38*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
15:49.38Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I am reading it right now
15:49.41*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
15:50.03ZeeekANyone using a Snom M3?
15:50.16angryuserZeeek: me
15:50.29*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
15:50.53ZeeekYou should come and  share your [joy|sorrow] with us today in an hour on the VUC
15:51.25mcargileHow many concurrent g729 calls can the TC400B handle. It says it can do 120 bi-directional transformations but I am not sure how that relates to the number of calls I can send to my sip provider
15:51.38angryuserZeeek: i am not able to use transfer with counsulting onlt transfer works ;(  (internal function not related to features.conf)
15:51.58angryuserZeeek: where is it ?
15:52.15ZeeekI'm using a Siemens S675IP on a 6 SIP providers and it works great. Easier to route calls than the M3, too
15:52.52Zeeekangryuser: the VUC is here: and on #voip-users-conference IRC
15:52.54angryuserZeeek: i am using both, siements has some problems , snom is stable
15:53.16ZeeekStereo HD video simulcast coming soon to a pr0n cinema near you
15:53.30Zeeekangryuser:  We NEED your testimony, then
15:53.35angryuserZeeek: hey are you able to use it ?
15:53.52angryuseri mean transfer with consulting ;)
15:53.54Zeeekuse what? The S675IP? It works great for SoHo
15:54.02angryuserno on snom m3
15:54.02Zeeekah, attended xfer?
15:54.13angryuseryes attended transfer
15:54.18ZeeekI don't have a M3, but two people today on the conference do.
15:54.36ZeeekCall and enter 22622# 1#
15:55.05Zeeek(in one hour from now)
15:55.45Zeeekangryuser: the experts will be there to help you out on the M3, no joke
15:55.57angryuserthat nice
15:56.14angryuseri will come , if you dont mind my accent ;)
15:56.35Zeeekbe on IRC too and that way if there is a problem of accent, we can read the questions, too
15:56.51ZeeekMy accent is Minnesotan, like in the movie "Fargo"
15:57.08angryuserZeeek: it's not THat big
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15:58.17angryuseri am talking about mine, never heard how people talk in minnesota
15:58.44ZeeekGo see "Fargo" and you will see how they talk
15:59.02ZeeekOf course I was born there but haven't lived there since about 1972
15:59.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=T0tal@
15:59.13etfonhomeyangryuser's accent is probably the same as [TK]D-Fender. :)
15:59.19*** join/#asterisk kotique (
15:59.22kotique[Nov 21 15:56:45] WARNING[1587] chan_sip.c: Error in codec string '=audio 2222 RTP/SAVP 18 0 8 101'
15:59.35stencilZeeek: you don't own a wood chipper do you?
15:59.36[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Virtually no chance, he's French.
15:59.37Zeeeklmadsen:  has one of them fancy canuck accents
15:59.46kotiqueThat's with SRTP, but it shouldn't look at crypto param anyway
16:00.05*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
16:00.09lmadsenZeeek: of course!
16:00.13angryuseretfonhomey: no, [TK]D-Fender no , i am in france but i am not from france ;)
16:00.28Zeeekangryuser:  I am in France too! OMG
16:00.35ZeeekWe're both in France!
16:00.47Spirits-SightI just disabiled the firewall on my router and it still gives me the error, if i understood the link, it NAT (fireware is disabed that should know if it was not, am I right or at less close
16:00.52ZeeekI am going to drink some wine now. Are you going to drink some wine?
16:01.25angryuserZeeek: no problem, we got plenty
16:01.35kotiqueSRTP offer -
16:01.58angryuserbtw is there any way to dial directply internet adres from aastra phone ? ;)
16:01.58Zeeekangryuser:  where are you from?
16:02.11kotiqueso the question is why the heck asterisk is picking up a=crypto instead of just ignoring it ?
16:02.18angryuserdamn keyboad :)
16:02.28ZeeekangryI will ask the world on Twitter
16:03.33angryuserZeeek: how people call you usually ? (softphone else ?) do you have a direct did ?
16:03.52ZeeekSure you can call a number in Paris
16:04.09Zeeekbut NO self-respecting asterisk user sghould ever dial a DID!!!!
16:04.17ZeeekYou have to dial a SIP URI
16:04.26Zeeekit's part of the qualification
16:04.58angryuserZeeek: tell me the way of dialing uri from aastra , i dont have a mic on hand
16:05.02*** part/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
16:05.12Zeeekhmmm, I might have to use the googlez to find out about aastra and SIP URI
16:05.44Zeeekdo a search on SIP URI AASTRA
16:05.54Zeeekthere's a PDF that comes up number two
16:06.19angryuserZeeek: i have found the phone
16:06.24Zeeeksee the one from, that should do it
16:08.16angryuser+774 +
16:08.29angryuseroh 724
16:08.38Zeeekyou can call that, sure, but better to call the SIP URI
16:09.45angryuserZeeek: i have no time to dial with my phone for which i dont have tha admin pass i have no time to find a mic, just give me the french did or burn i hell ;)
16:10.23ZeeekThe French DID is programmed for a different conference
16:10.41ZeeekAastra must be able to dial letters as well as numbers
16:10.55Zeeektake a quick look and see
16:11.28Zeeekthere should be a button that changes [Aa1]
16:12.06Zeeekclick it to 'a' and enter
16:12.33*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
16:12.33angryuserZeeek: we use mass deploy so there is NO unprogrammed functions
16:13.18ZeeekWhat OS do you use on your nearest computer?
16:14.22YoShiKi_99Sorry but I'm in course for deploy an asterisk system somone could give me an url to get specifications on FXS/FXO cards and price please ?
16:15.32Zeeekangryuser: Look at PM window
16:17.34ZeeekYoShiKi_99: take a look at the site
16:17.55etfonhomeyYoShiKi_99, sangoma A200 series seems to be what people on here like the most.
16:19.44[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You keep talking "firewall", and I get not confirmation that you have done any of the SIP.CONF settings you need to do for it to work.
16:19.51*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
16:19.55mathcubesdoes anyone know why asterisk says on both fake numbers and out of range mobiles "please try your call again later?"
16:20.31[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: "Asterisk" says no such thing
16:20.43*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
16:20.53[TK]D-FenderYoShiKi_99: PCI FXS = ASS
16:21.17jasonwootcan I test contacting a SIP peer from CLI without dialing it?
16:21.28[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Yuo can't
16:22.02[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: How can I test that my engine will with woithout starting the motor.  You can't.  RUNNING it IS the test.
16:22.15*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:22.15Zeeekoh, brother
16:23.05jasonwoottrying to see if I can hit this stale provider without actually placing a call
16:24.52*** part/#asterisk invalidrecord (
16:26.03[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: No such thing.  Calling is the proof.
16:27.09*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
16:27.52mathcubes[TK]D-Fender did you say you could help me with my problem
16:28.40[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: No, I didn't.  What I'm saying is that ASTERISK is not responsible for that message
16:28.55[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: PASTEBIN is your friend.  Show us your calied call's CLI output at verbose 10
16:28.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:30.03jbotThe Author-Friendly Markup Language. URL:
16:30.12jbot"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners."
16:30.29jbotlinux is, like, the cure for cancer, AIDS and slavery to corporations
16:30.35mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: i don't know what to look for if i dont know what the problem is
16:31.03Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: in the link you sent, i did not see any thing that said to make changes to sip.conf file, did i miss it?
16:31.06[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: What did I just tell you?  I said go to * CLI and pastein the CLI output of the failed call.
16:31.28[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: MISS IT?  You'd have to be blind.  Its ALL about sip.conf
16:33.28Spirits-SightFirst of all I AM BLIND and scond, I don't see where it talks about sip.conf I see where it talks about the different setups
16:34.46[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: ...
16:34.49jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:35.08[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: *2* links, and the implication is to follow the first and use the second if you NEED TO
16:35.14[TK]D-Fender"otherwise" <-
16:36.19Spirits-SightI read the first and disability my firewall to see if it was the NAT and it seems to still do the error, I did not catch the second link the first time
16:36.51*** join/#asterisk mintwork (n=mintone@
16:37.05ZeeekOk, we're starting in about 5 minutes. I'm going for a glass of wine. Give us a call at and DTMF 22622# 1# or see for more ways to call
16:37.24Zeeekbon apétit for lunch in the middle west.
16:37.25mintworkhas anyone successfully setup * => Nortel via SIP?
16:37.28[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: the first link in there tells you all the settings you need to make
16:37.34mintworkand if so how stable is it?
16:37.36Zeeekgoes looking for the wood chipper
16:37.43*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
16:37.49[TK]D-FenderZeeek: You loved that movie, don't you?
16:38.16*** join/#asterisk djin (
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16:46.27ziram19nothing happens when i make #700 to park a call
16:46.33ziram19any ideas?
16:46.41Carlos_PHXmintwork: Which Nortel?  BC series?
16:46.48YoShiKi_99thx :)
16:47.21ziram19i am using asterisk 1.4.18
16:47.48*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
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16:48.43mintworkCarlos_PHX, I'm not sure as of yet... just researching the options before I even consider doing the job
16:49.34Carlos_PHXThat's pretty important, since some are known to work and others not.
16:49.47Carlos_PHXSo far I've had no success and every Nortel guy I talk to says no way.
16:49.53mintworkah, yeah... that would help.  heh
16:49.55mintworkfinding out now
16:49.56Carlos_PHXIt's proprietary fake SIP
16:50.25mintworkbut PRI works model-wide?
16:50.29mintworki would assume
16:50.33mintworkjust a simple handoff
16:51.04mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: typical, once i start trying i can't get the message :D
16:51.07mintworkSteve:  WHOA WTF
16:51.07mintworkwe dont have a NORTEL
16:51.07mintworkwe have an Avaya s8500
16:51.17mintworkjust made me look retarded
16:51.37[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: Very.  This is daily operating procedure at my office...
16:52.31mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: sould i just try a duff number can see what cli says
16:52.59mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: i'm trying to get the system to say diffeent messages dependant on what is wrong with the number
16:53.34mathcubeswhen i say duff i mean fake
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16:57.54mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: i dunno, i don't know enough about asterisk, this problem is just a pain in the backside though
16:59.18[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: You can't even show me a CALL.  This is more than a "problem".
17:00.04etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, what would you use for FXS?  (Saw your msg about PCI FXS)
17:00.43*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
17:00.59[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: ATA / mass-gateway
17:01.21etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, what's your opinion of PCI FXO?
17:01.23[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Linksys for 8 ports or less, AudioCodes / Mediatrix for 24+ in multiples
17:01.34[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: PCI FXO is suggested most of the time.
17:02.14[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Certain larger and redundant scenarions I might suggest a gateway for... but those are very rare.
17:03.09etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender,Rare because people would go with a PRI instead of lots of pots lines?
17:03.27[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Exactly... and who cares about the 3 retards who can't ;)
17:03.53mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: i can show you the call fine.
17:03.56*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
17:04.08[TK]D-Fendermathcubes: ...
17:04.11jbotmethinks freepbx is MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML). J. Palme, A. Hopmann. March 1997. (Format: TXT=41961 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
17:04.22etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I'm finding that once you start going past 5 or 6 pots lines, you start getting close to the price of a PRI.
17:04.44*** join/#asterisk ghento (
17:05.27etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, when does a BRI ever make sense?  Or does it?
17:05.36mathcubes[TK]D-Fender: you are very good at provoking people :)
17:06.05jbot[freepbx] MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML). J. Palme, A. Hopmann. March 1997. (Format: TXT=41961 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
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17:06.43mathcubesso i should go to them for help then i guess
17:07.04*** part/#asterisk grandpapadot (
17:07.07etfonhomeymathcubes, affirmative
17:08.35*** join/#asterisk udigits (
17:08.38[TK]D-FenderQwell: Somebody ^&%#$ed with my bitch...
17:09.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: IMMA GONNA KILL
17:10.36mathcubeswhats wrong with freepbx? :P
17:10.42*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
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17:12.11mathcubesi dunno you guys are too geeky for me
17:12.21mathcubesthanks for telling me to sod off
17:12.29*** part/#asterisk mathcubes (
17:13.29[TK]D-FenderWhat we really mean to say is "FreePBX owns your sorry ass, and if you can't tell it what to do, we can't support it".  Too bad he isn't here to hear it
17:13.52Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I am not sure what to put for this "externip=
17:13.52Spirits-Sight; this is our router’s WAN IP."  I know its a dum question?
17:14.08SiberAIRSpirits-Sight: your external ip
17:14.16[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You put your router's WAN IP, just like it says.
17:15.26etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, do you know what NAT is?
17:15.34udigitsHey guys, check out our new Asterisk project:
17:15.51*** join/#asterisk scoates (
17:16.19scoatesanyone know if there's a way to set up asterisk with Fido's UNO (UMA) service?
17:16.30Qwellscoates: There is not.
17:16.30scoates(I'd like my phone to talk to asterisk, not have to use Fido to provide service over wifi)
17:16.41Spirits-Sightnetwork address translation, it translates ip address numbers into they longer counterpart
17:17.17scoatesQwell: )-: too bad. Is there someone I can read up on it? I don't really care about number/call portability. I'd just like to use it as a wifi phone when home (I'm already set up for SIP)
17:17.28Qwellscoates: Does the phone do SIP?
17:17.43scoatesooh.. is jbot Phergie?
17:18.05Spirits-Sightand it allows you to have one ip address that is map to a number of things using the router
17:18.13scoatesoh, no.. infobot.
17:18.20jasonwootIP masquerading still sounds cooler
17:18.30scoatesQwell: I don't know. Nokia 6301.
17:18.50*** join/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
17:19.10Qwelllots of Nokia's can
17:19.11stmaherhi guys.. im trying to get meet me working..
17:19.16stmahercan you please take a look at chan_iax2.c: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
17:19.17jtodd-zzz6301 can do SIP, according to Google.
17:19.34etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, how does it work, though?
17:19.38Qwellsteals jtodd's zzz's
17:19.40Spirits-Sightwhat happens if your WAN is dynimic
17:19.51Spirits-SightI don't understand that
17:19.55*** part/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
17:20.00etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, it doesn't matter if you have a static or dynamic IP address, it still works the same.
17:20.00stmaherI have the ztdummy driver installed and working..
17:20.44Spirits-Sightno, what I mean is if my WAN is dynamic what do I write in my sip.conf then
17:21.03[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: When your WAN is dynamic you need to use a DynDNS type service along with "externhost=mydyndnshost" and "externrefresh=60" (seconds... can play around if needed)
17:21.25Spirits-Sightgreat, I already have this :-)
17:23.54Spirits-Sightok, I am still reading
17:24.03*** join/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
17:24.17gsienerAnyone here using a Voismart vGSM card?  I can't get mine working.
17:25.15Spirits-Sightwhat does the /24 after localnet= mean?
17:25.40Spirits-Sightthats not a port right?
17:26.15Spirits-Sightalso the ip address here is my routers right?
17:26.17[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: SUBNET
17:26.29Spirits-Sighthave to go read that to now
17:26.37[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You probably should take a course on basic netowrking...
17:26.43*** part/#asterisk scoates (
17:26.57[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and no, that is not an IP address.
17:27.05[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: that is a subnet & mask
17:29.49*** join/#asterisk wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
17:30.17Spirits-SightI know after the / is the subnet & mask, its before the / is the networks main ip address (in this case the router?)
17:30.49wastrelhi hi.  we're experiencing a large delay before playback of sound files in the menus
17:30.56wastrelwhere would i look to start to troubleshoot this?
17:31.03jasonwootI'd like to thank Spirits-Sight for making all my questions look really, really complicated in comparison
17:32.18jbotrumour has it, nortel is Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies. H. Alvestrand & S. Thompson. August 1993. (Format: TXT=37273 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)
17:33.16[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: No, it is not.  notice the last byte is 0 and the "/24".
17:33.30[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: that is not an IP ADDRESS
17:33.42*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
17:33.47[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: it is a subnet & mask
17:33.47Spirits-Sightjasonwoot: your welcome, I am at less trying to understand this stuff, I don't do this for a living, I don't plan on to and I am just doing this as much as I have to get up a phone system that will allow a couple little things and thats all, make & get calls (done) try to get rid of error, be able to have a little menu
17:34.18[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: jbot is FUBAR'd
17:34.43*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
17:35.15Spirits-Sightlocalnet = net.ip.addr/subnet.mask, so because it has a 0 at the end and the router would not have a 0 it would be likly a 1
17:35.31Spirits-Sightor any thing else beside just a 0
17:37.21[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: this is not an IP address.
17:38.11Spirits-Sight.I understand that now, see it looks like one so thats why I call it one, so would be a part of a subnet & mask
17:38.21[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: this is jsut like the misconception people make when I tell them to point to my computer and they point their finger at the SCREEN.
17:39.20Spirits-Sightok, at less I am not that crazy (don't know how to word that any other way)
17:39.21[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: <- subnet "/24" ,- mask the 1st 24 bits, the last *8* is the IP range on that subnet.  0 is network, 255 is broadcast, the REST are usable.
17:40.50*** join/#asterisk profxavier (n=fook@unaffiliated/neverblue)
17:41.09Spirits-Sightso does the router its self make what the subnet is? or do I contral that?
17:41.48hardwireboss won't let me use his useless vegastream as a keyboard riser anymore :(
17:41.50hardwireit was so nice
17:41.55hardwireit hat a contoured front bevel
17:42.02[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: It is possible to have multiple subnets on the same ethernet segment, but multiple DHCP servers = no-no
17:42.54[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You're typical network only has 1 subnet per ethernet network, and your typicaly Joe Blow cump router is a DHCP server that hands out IP addresses for the subnet you define.
17:43.14[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Yeah... but he needed a door-stop :p
17:44.04rene-does a lot of u guys use the wan capabilities of zaptel tdm cards?
17:44.04hardwireI can't believe these sell for $300/ebay
17:44.41profxavieron my new Polycom 330, when I dial a number and the headset is picked up, i cannot dial a number longer than 11 digits long, is this something in the config of the phone, as we used to use Grandstream phones, and could dial anything
17:45.10rene-yes there are a dialplan configuration you need to change
17:45.13[TK]D-Fenderrene-: As in?
17:45.25rene-as in T1, Dual T1 or E1 data routers
17:45.29profxavierme rene- ?
17:45.38rene-profxavier: yes
17:45.40[TK]D-Fenderrene-: You want it to act as an IP device, not TDM voice?
17:45.49hardwireI got my polycoms in..
17:45.52[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: Change your phone's dialplan
17:45.54hardwirebut I don't have any space to put them
17:45.56rene-i have
17:46.45rene-i have used a digium card for both Data and Voice T
17:46.45Spirits-SightOk so my router (DD-WRT) is my DHCP (understand that) so what it has in it is my subnet and the computer that are connected to it all get IP addresses, right? so my subnet is indeed then and I want /24 after it to do what? (I hope you don't mind explaining this to me)
17:48.00rene-it was stable for like six months, then i began experiencing PCI card compatibility errors on the Dell 2950 together with line faults on the Data T1, i ended up getting a second hand T1 data Router
17:48.07rene-a cisco 17xx
17:48.25rene-i wonder if somebody has used digium or sangoma as a long term wan solution
17:48.30rene-for linux
17:48.46[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: says that your local network is comprised of addresses from to  the first is the NETWORK address, the last is the BROADCAST address for the subnet.
17:49.11[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Your router TAKES one of the range for itself (commonly given the FIRST in the range)
17:49.29[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: And its DHCP server gives out addresses in the rage you tell it to.
17:49.47Spirits-Sightoo ok, I get it more now, thanks
17:49.59[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Sangoma has been doing T1 WAN for 20 years
17:50.04[TK]D-Fenderrene-: rock solid stuff
17:50.13[TK]D-Fenderrene-: And never had issues with Dell :)
17:51.03[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You are stongly advised to go do some serious reading on networking basics.  how NAT & routing works, DNS, etc.
17:52.21Spirits-SightI need the information given to me in as clear and simple way as can as if its not its gets hard for my mind / brain to process it
17:52.40[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Just go find a way.
17:53.23*** join/#asterisk CunningPike_ (n=arodgers@
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17:57.12Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: when I am connecting a phone to the router directly, should I use the ip address of the asterisk box or my dynDNS address ( I know when connecting from out side I want to do this but not sure for inside phone or even a softphone that may be in / out side of the network
17:57.30Spirits-Sightfor the proxy
17:57.46[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Local SIP devices should be given the local subnet IP address of your * server.
17:58.03*** join/#asterisk szallol (n=szallol@
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17:58.22Spirits-Sightok so in this case I would do the
17:59.06[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: if that's your server's address, yes
17:59.39Spirits-Sightbeatful, and on the device I would say no for nat because I am behind the router
17:59.59Spirits-Sightso for that extion I would put nat=no
18:00.53Spirits-Sightany thing that happens that is plug into my router is not effected by the NAT right? and stuff out side the router is effected right?
18:04.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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18:07.24[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Your local lan is local and communication to IP's inside have nothing to do with your router or NAT
18:08.44*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
18:08.52Spirits-SightI ask this because in the example it gave in the link you gave it says for A user it would have nat=yet because its behind its own NAT (router)
18:10.16*** part/#asterisk damnpoet (n=UCF\
18:11.45Spirits-SightSorry I ment to say B user
18:12.22*** join/#asterisk feeds (
18:13.26etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, I've had time to go to Best Buy and buy a Mac Book Pro and you still haven't figured out NAT?
18:16.25wastrelgetting a weird delay between sound files playing in the voice mail menus.  "press one for" (2-3 second pause) "Inbox"  etc.
18:16.47wastrelthey're the default sound files.  what would i look at to start toubleshooting this?
18:17.25wastrelhrm asterisk is taking up 100% cpu
18:17.34szallolhow can  I originate a call with asterisk through oh323 trunk?
18:17.42*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
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18:19.15etfonhomeywastrel, what kind of CPU is this running on?
18:21.56etfonhomeywastrel, I've read about some bugs in the zaptel stuff that cause the CPU to go crazy.
18:30.29Qwelletfonhomey: Rule #1 of #asterisk.  If you buy yourself an MBP, you have to buy one for all the channel ops. :)
18:30.32gambolputty* still isn't writing a asterisk.ctl or file, even when run as root.  Any ideas?
18:31.00etfonhomeyQwell, Phew, good thing I didn't buy it for myself.
18:32.12etfonhomeyQwell, does the soundcard you have come into play at all when playing audio files?
18:32.23Qwellonly if you're using a console channel driver
18:32.27*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
18:35.43etfonhomeyQwell, hence all the OSS errors I get when doing a dial fromt he CLI with no soundcard in the machine. :)
18:36.16Spirits-SightI thank you very very [TK]D-Fender it appears to be working right, it does not give me the error any more.
18:37.08feedshi all, what is the dialplan application to redirect a call to another exten, or if there is no app how can I do it then?
18:37.43Spirits-SightI do how every have another issue with out any errors on the CLI, when I got a call coming throw I answer the phone and don't hear any thing, but the person on the other end can hear me
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18:43.51Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: is there any thing else I should do to my sip file for NAT stuff ? I believe I have followed the isturtion as stated, and it appears to be working
18:44.33etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, that means the SIP is working throught NAT but the RTP is not.
18:47.17Spirits-Sightok I have looked in the rtp.conf file to see what numbers are in there and its 10000 - 20000 and my router is setup to forward ports 10k to 20k to my asterisk box is there any thing else I had to do for that
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18:53.52jblack5060 for sip
18:54.07Alan_HicksHowdy. I've got a strange echo/static condition on my phones. I'm using Polycom IP 320 phones and a Digium TDM410P with 2 FXO modules. When I turn "echocancel" off in zapata.conf, my phone calls are free of static but the echo is strong. If I turn "echocancel" on, the echo goes awa completely, but there is a lot of line noise on the channel.
18:54.15*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
18:54.43Alan_HicksThis line noise can only be heard by the local caller/callee. In other words, the remote person in the phone conversation hears no echo or static.
18:55.06Alan_HicksI've tried this with and without a hardware echo cancelling module on the card without change.
18:55.17Alan_HicksDoes anyone have any ideas what I could check next?
18:56.11Spirits-Sightjblack: Yes port 5060 is forwarded also
18:59.10*** join/#asterisk telnettech (n=telnette@
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18:59.51VoipForcesHi all, Anyone has clues for on on outgoing calls fax detection?
19:00.17VoipForcesBasically sending fax via a call file, but I need to know if it's a person or a fax that answered.
19:06.49telnettechhere is a good question for all
19:08.16telnettechI have a PRI for outbound calls. In the CDR we are passing the Caller ID which is set thru my extension.conf file. I need to send to the cdr.conf file to capture the extension that is making the call. what is the identifier that I need to put in my mapping
19:08.34etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, where is the other endpoint that you are calling?
19:08.47etfonhomeyOr that is calling you?
19:09.09Spirits-Sightetfonhomey: it was a house phone and a cell phone
19:09.47Spirits-Sighthouse phone = comcast digital phone and cell phone = AT&T if that makes any difference
19:09.55*** join/#asterisk feeds (
19:10.22etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, do you have your * box registering to an ITSP?
19:10.39etfonhomeySomewhere your call gets changed from the PSTN to SIP?
19:11.05Spirits-SightYes, its only when person seem to call me on my DiD (*)
19:12.29feedshi all, what is the dialplan application to redirect a call to another exten, or if there is no app how can I do it then?
19:12.38etfonhomeyfeeds, GoTo
19:12.51feedsso GoTo(1000) ?
19:12.54feedsfor example
19:13.18kaldemarcore show application goto will tell you how to use it
19:14.10feedskaldemar and etfonhomey: Thanks
19:15.12kaldemarSpirits-Sight: do you have UDP ports 10000-20000 open in your asterisk box's firewall?
19:16.38Spirits-Sightthe only firewall that I know that I have is the router one, I did not install any on my Ubuntu system
19:16.54Spirits-Sightis there one by default I don't know
19:17.05Spirits-Sighti know not a surprise that I don't know
19:19.06*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
19:20.03etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, what's the pathway of the incoming SIP connection?  (I.E.  ITSP ( --->  PIX firewall (dynamic IP) --->  * box)
19:21.45Spirits-Sightipcomm => cable modem -> Router (DD-WRT) -> asterisk Box
19:22.10kaldemartheres iptables firewall in ubuntu also.
19:22.37Spirits-Sightthanks, so let me look to change that
19:23.39Spirits-Sightso I want to open the ports on the Ubuntu system do I forward them to the same ip address or just open them
19:24.00*** join/#asterisk plasmid (
19:24.12kaldemaropen them. your ubuntu system is "the same ip address".
19:24.26Alan_HicksNo one have any ideas of things to try to eliminate this echo/static problem I'm having?
19:25.07*** join/#asterisk digitalScream200 (
19:25.54plasmidToday, I installed asterisk for the first time, everything is ok but the incoming calls sound like robotic, almost like a human is speaking with a voice-aided device near their throats. I have a PAPT-2NT outside. What can I do to improve the quality of the voice? change codecs? or buy an internal Digium card? change hardware inside computer? This installation is strictly for home use.
19:26.02etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, turn the firewall off on everything.  Make it easy on yourself.
19:26.16etfonhomeyThen when you have * working, secure things again.
19:27.30kaldemar"sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT" will open the ports for you, but you better learn what that command does.
19:27.32Alan_Hicksplasmid: Change codecs.  I'll bet you're using gsm.
19:27.52Alan_HicksTry changing to ulaw and all those problems should go away if that's the case.
19:27.55*** join/#asterisk wolffear (n=wolffear@
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19:28.13wolffearanyone here willing to assist me with a grandstream BudgeTone 100 configuration that has been requested
19:28.16plasmidyes I am using ulaw according to my asterisk.conf file.
19:28.44Alan_Hicksplasmid: This is on incoming and outgoing calls on the PSTN?
19:28.46telnettechlet me post again
19:28.53telnettechhere is a good question for all
19:28.54telnettech<telnettech> I have a PRI for outbound calls. In the CDR we are passing the Caller ID which is set thru my extension.conf file. I need to send to the cdr.conf file to capture the extension that is making the call. what is the identifier that I need to put in my mapping
19:29.14plasmidAlan_Hicks No, strictly over RJ45. NO pstn. I have not used a PSTN for over 6 years.
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19:29.48wolffearplasmid, how much do you know about grandstream phones other than there cheap :P
19:30.49plasmidwolffear, do not use one.
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19:30.49wolffearlol, I would agree, but the previous tech before me ruined the company with them, now thats all I have to work with
19:31.36wolffearthe owner of the company has requested for me to setup the msg button so that it bypasses the login for VM and goes straight to the msgs
19:31.51wolffearwe are not using 3rd party VM
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19:32.09telnettechwolffear: is it the grandstream GXP 2000 model
19:32.17wolffearI wish, more a budgetone 100 :(
19:32.37telnettechwolffear: it has a web interface right?
19:32.42wolffearyes :)
19:32.51wolffearit has a field for Voice Mail UserID
19:32.58wolffearand it doesnt give much info on the manual on configuring
19:33.24wolffearall it says is to enter the ext... but all it does is forward me to there unavail msg
19:33.29*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:48c4:141a:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
19:33.38telnettechput the voicemail retrieval number in that field and it should work.....i just set up 8 GXP 2000 that way and it is working here at this customer site
19:34.02*** join/#asterisk km2 (n=x@
19:34.11wolffearis this the proper format?
19:34.17telnettechwhatever you dial to get into the voicemail....example is 770
19:34.31[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: no such thing as "proper".  Depends on your dialplan <-
19:34.39wolffearis it possible to set a string to automatically enter the pw for the box as well?
19:34.58[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: No, again that is just you and your dialplan.
19:34.59wolffear[TK]D-Fender: understood
19:35.18[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: "show application voicemail"
19:35.58wolffearok, so if I set it to the dialplan, it will forward me to the vm system
19:36.00wolffearI understand
19:36.14wolffearbut is it possible to set it to just automatically connect directly to the box
19:36.26wolffearw/o them having to enter any info
19:37.00*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (i=asgalt@
19:37.41Alan_HicksWhat could cause static on a PSTN line on incoming/outgoing calls, but not cause static for SIP or IAX2 calls? I've verified with a regular analogue phone that the lines themselves are not somehow faulty.
19:38.08wolffearwhat does that static sound like?
19:38.13wolffearthe matrix?
19:38.16plasmidAlan_Hicks static is caused by foreign voltage. You may need a filter.
19:38.17wolffearor like water in your lines?
19:38.46Alan_HicksI wouldn't know what either the matrix or water in the lines sounds like. :^)
19:39.16Alan_HicksBut like I said, if I hook a butt-set or analogue phone direct to the line and place/make calls, there is no static noise.
19:39.39etfonhomeyAlan_Hicks, what are the POTS lines connecting to on your * system?
19:39.53etfonhomeyAlan_Hicks, PCI card or some external ATA?
19:39.55*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
19:39.55Alan_Hicksetfonhomey: Digium TDM410
19:40.36Un1xHey, i'm having a problem i had a power outage my server was working fine and i reboot now and i start asterisk, and i dont hear a tone, alongside the fact the lights on the card are not lighting up but when i do lspci it sees the card there what could be the problem?
19:41.22wolffearUn1x: did u check your asterisk info to ensure your provider is in an OK status?
19:41.43[TK]D-Fenderdialplan = EXTENSIONS.CONF
19:41.49wolffearty fender
19:41.51wolffearthats what I needed!
19:41.53etfonhomeyAlan_Hicks, I tried the Digium cards once and did not have good luck with them.  I will qualify that by saying that I did not contact Digium support to fix it.
19:41.58[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Lack of a zaptel init script
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19:42.09Un1x[TK]D-Fender how may i fix that?
19:42.18[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Set one to start up.
19:42.23Alan_HicksWell, this didn't start to happen until I replaced the old TDM400 card that was in this box.
19:42.30Un1x[TK]D-Fender do you have a link to a readme/guide?
19:42.42Alan_HicksAfter a power outage, the TDM400 card stopped working, so I had to replace it with this card.
19:42.47*** part/#asterisk udigits (
19:43.03Alan_HicksI'd used this card in a development box without problems, so I doubt there's anything wrong with the card itself.
19:43.11[TK]D-FenderUn1x: the docs w/ your source.
19:43.30[TK]D-FenderUn1x: normally "make config" will do it for several common distros
19:43.42etfonhomeyAlan_Hicks, I would contact Digium support and see if they can work with you to get it going.
19:44.15Un1xhrmp i did ... /etc/init.d/dahdi start
19:44.18Un1xand it worked..
19:44.22Un1xso i guess its not start dahdi
19:46.17Alan_Hicksetfonhomey: Thanks.  I'll see about contacting them Monday if I don't get this resolved today.
19:48.41*** join/#asterisk feeds (
19:48.50jbotbook is, like, probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:50.29wolffear[TK]D-Fender, if I setup voicemail.conf to point directly to the box, would any update to extension.conf be needed?
19:50.54[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: voicemail.conf doesn't point to ANYTHING
19:51.12wolffearok, ty
19:51.13[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: "show application voicemail"
19:51.33[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: Dialplan is 99% of *
19:52.02wolffear[TK]D-Fender I'm not to versed in the format of this file
19:52.21[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: Considering the above ratio, you need to.
19:52.45wolffear[TK]D-Fender ok, I will do my research
19:52.51wolffear[TK]D-Fender ty for the info :)
19:53.18[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: Kinda like saying "I know how to drive with the exception of the steering, parking, signalling, changing gears, and accelerating"
19:53.47wolffear[TK]D-Fender hah, the phone system here isnt my job, I'm new to it and attempting to cleanup a previous admins problems
19:53.54Spirits-Sightetfonhomey:  ok I don't have any firewall on my system any more, its still not allowing a person to call me and hear them, I am going to disable my router fireware to see if that make any difference
19:53.56jasonwootFender with the car analagies...
19:54.05[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: thats what consultants are for.
19:54.16[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Nope...
19:54.24wolffearonly if you could convince my boss that, I would love u!
19:54.27etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, disable all firewalls.
19:54.36[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go read the guide again CAREFULLY.  and then read it another *10* times and see what you missed
19:54.51[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You missed the big print on this...
19:55.15Spirits-Sightaright going to read it again
19:55.31wolffear[TK]D-Fender: I found two websites on the matter
19:55.32Alan_HicksThanks for the advice guys.  I gotta run.
19:56.00wolffeardo you have any further recommended material on this subject matter?
19:56.11[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: Be warned that the version of * any WIKI info may pertain to might not apply to yours.
19:56.14jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:56.22[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: and the docs in your source tarball.
19:57.02*** join/#asterisk mike-ekim (
19:57.08wolffear[TK]D-Fender: which docs are you reffering to?
19:57.26[TK]D-Fenderwolffear: and the docs in your source tarball. <--- go find your source tarball and LOOK
19:57.41wolffear[TK]D-Fender: ok
19:58.22plasmidToday, I installed asterisk for the first time, everything is ok but the incoming calls sound like robotic, almost like a human is speaking with a voice-aided device near their throats. I have a PAPT-2NT outside. What can I do to improve the quality of the voice? change codecs? or buy an internal Digium card? change hardware inside computer? This installation is strictly for home use. I currently use ulaw
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19:59.06[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: 1st guess : your bandwidth is too low and are getting cut-off.
19:59.31plasmid[TK]D-Fender, so it's QoS at the router level for VOIP?
19:59.49[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: Test this by modding your ITSP peer & phone to G.729 ensuring that * needs to play audio into the stream and see if the issue improves.  if so, its definitely bandwidth
20:00.14[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: QoS does not exist on the internet, and only helps what heads OUT of the WoS'd side
20:00.55Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: your talking about the link "" right?
20:01.14[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Yes
20:01.44plasmid[TK]D-Fender checking for G.729 codec .... and QoS was for the router (assuming it is a bandwith problem and my router is not dedicating enough of it to my asterisk-debian build)
20:02.39*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
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20:03.15Spirits-SightI don't see what I am doing wrong, my router has port 5060 forwarded to my * box and ports 10000 - 20000 forwarded to my * box, I don't see any other thing in there that is BIG print and I don't see what I have missed
20:04.29*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
20:07.05Spirits-Sightthe only problem that seem to be is I can not hear a call talking to me, they can hear me (this is with them calling me)
20:14.26*** join/#asterisk kj5t (
20:15.13kj5tCan someone assist me with Asterisk paging?  My boss wants us to be able to page back in forth but doesn't want to be interupted when someone makes a page to the whole company if he is in a call with someone
20:17.51*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
20:18.16kj5tis there an argument for the page command that will stop the page from eaching a phone if there is a call in progress?
20:18.29*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
20:18.40AkiyukiWhat can I use to play back .raw files generated by ExtenSPY?
20:19.03WimpMankj5t: I'd expect any decent phone to do so by default.
20:19.15*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
20:21.12AkiyukiI tried using playback, but it said infalid format.
20:21.46mikealeonettiWhat's the best way to increase the performance of offsite phones?
20:22.03mikealeonettiso they don't sound "garbled"
20:23.07[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Yes, i'm well aware.  You left a SETTING out of your configs
20:23.30[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: this is not a port forwarding issue, this was "I'm not doing the settings I was told to" problem
20:24.09Spirits-Sightok, let me read again, my eyes and brain are going to be dead :-)
20:24.19Akiyuki[TK]D-Fender: What can I use in linux to play the .raw files created by r() in extenspy?
20:24.26[TK]D-Fenderkj5t: there is non, this is for you to determine in the dialplan first
20:24.33[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: No idea
20:24.52[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: I'd naturally try VLC as it plays just about anything...
20:24.57*** join/#asterisk szallol (n=szallol@
20:25.47Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: its not the extern= ..... right?
20:25.59*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
20:26.20[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I said an option you MISSED.  plpease pay attention.  No co COMPARE the two and read the guide CAREFULLY.
20:26.25AkiyukiI tried catting it to /dev/audio but it sounded like shit
20:27.05[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I said an option you MISSED.  please pay attention.  Now go COMPARE the two and read the guide CAREFULLY.
20:27.14[TK]D-Fenderdang my typing is heading down-hill fast
20:28.43*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
20:30.37Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: this is what I see missing that they have under each user A and B, is this the right option your talking about -> canreinvite=no
20:32.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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20:36.21Spirits-Sightthe only two option I see are: context=miscsipcalls & canreinvite=no under the [general] the only one that I know is improtant is the canrreinvite so my guess would be this is cause the issue???
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20:48.50etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, you definitely want canreinvite=no
20:48.56Akiyuki[TK]D-Fender: Unfortunately VLC can't play it either.
20:48.59Spirits-Sightit works it works
20:49.14etfonhomeySpirits-Sight, well, what was it?
20:49.46Spirits-SightI had it in one area but not in general
20:50.21Spirits-Sightnow is there any good read just for creating menu, I am still reading asterisk book also
20:50.56mike-ekimanyone know some common issues of dropped calls, and unreachable states ?
20:51.47mike-ekimas far as network setup?
20:52.00mike-ekimaffected only on inbound calls also
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20:56.09jayrod422i have an issue that whenever asterisk receives a reinvite it replies back with the ip of the terminating sip device and tries to remove itself from the media path
20:56.20jayrod422any idea on how to setup asterisk to not do this
20:56.31[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I guess you noticed that UBER important warnng in the docs...
20:56.40VoipForcesAnyone has experiences with txfax over a PRI? Fax are sending but txfax does not hangup...
20:57.17Spirits-SightI seen it all that time, it just did not get processed in the brain, I then look at something else and it click
20:58.05jayteewould having my asterisk server constantly connected to a share on a Windows server have any negative impact?
20:59.21[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: it got 2 lines of warning attached to it with exclamation points.  Let this be a lesson!
21:00.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yes, M$ will have one last persistant foothold in your organization!
21:00.39Spirits-Sightbut how does that effect sound only one way, that is so that a phone can not connect directly right? that was what I read
21:00.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so basically no performance impact then. thanks
21:01.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: For a largly idle connection, who cares?
21:01.45*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=none@
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21:02.12SkramXin queues.conf, can I just say *all* agents are a member of the queue.. so I dnt have to define each of them?
21:02.19jayteeI've got it setup as a mountpoint and wasn't sure what kind of overhead that entailed. Doesn't appear to be significant looking at memory and cpu utilization. barely registers at all.
21:02.32jayteeso I'll leave it up.
21:02.39[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: they can hear you because * passed the far side's RTP port info to the phone during the reinvite, however all the INBOUND RTP still gets through to * because of FORWARDING <-
21:02.58[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and not the phone.  So the phone transmits, but doesn't receive.
21:03.09[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: ALL traffic to the outside must pass through *
21:03.21*** join/#asterisk feeds (
21:03.36Spirits-Sightoh I see
21:03.50*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
21:03.56jayteeAsterisk is my "gateway drug" of choice
21:03.56Spirits-Sightnow I am reading about extension file, any recommend ones for this
21:04.01[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: idle is idea.  My home server runs Gnome (on demand only), HTTP, FTP, routing, DHCP, *, SMB, etc
21:04.02szallolast_request: No translator path exists for channel type OH323 : what does this mean?
21:04.21[TK]D-FenderjayOn an AMD XP2000+ 256meg RAM
21:04.49[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: ...
21:04.51jboti guess book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:04.53jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
21:04.58zchaosanyone know how to get my Cent0S server to boot up without a keyboard connected? i am trying to run the tower in the closet with no monitor, keyboard, or mouse ... but during boot up it freezes saying no keyboard is connected... i'm assuming this is a bios problem?
21:05.24[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: is it a BIOS warning, or an OS warning?
21:05.40zchaosbios i believe but i will reconfirm
21:06.30*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
21:06.58SkramXOK.. .how do I say which agents are in which groups?
21:07.40SkramXnvm damn
21:08.17feedsIs it possible to send ekiga "messages" to a SIP hardware phone? If yes what components does the phone need?
21:08.38etfonhomeyzchaos, BIOS
21:08.51[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: * does not pass on SIP messaging
21:09.05etfonhomeyzchaos, hook up a keyboard and monitor, go into the BIOS setup, change it to NOT halt on keyboard (or mouse) errors.
21:09.08feeds[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
21:09.23feedsWhat about the jabber module?
21:09.57kj5tWimpMan: We have the SPA-962, it has its built in paging feature "where I dial *96" and that just rings the given extension (kind of silly if you ask me).  I set-up *98 and it works to page and auto-answer and such but if someone is in a call it interrupts
21:09.59feedsfor *? Does it support Jabber messaging?
21:10.26*** join/#asterisk keulin (
21:12.04[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: Same thing
21:16.58wfaulkI have installed trixbox-ce- on a machine with an X100P card and am trying to get it to accept h.323 calls and forward them to an analog line.  can anyone help?
21:17.11wfaulkI have enabled the h.323 module, but it might be configured wrong
21:17.32wfaulkwhen I try to make a call ,there is data spit out on the asterisk console
21:18.09[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Trixbox is not supported here
21:18.50wfaulkokay, I'm happy to deal directly with asterisk config underneath the trixbox admin
21:19.50[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Won't help you here
21:19.51wfaulkor I could install a different distribution if you have a suggestion
21:20.08[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Anything that YOU are in control of, not some GUI
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21:22.32wfaulkokay.  I'm not really sure how ignoring the trixbox webadmin is different than installing asterisk on a stock OS, but okay
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21:23.00[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Becasue the second you hit the "Apply changes" button for any reason all of your work gets trashed
21:23.26[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: FreePBX OWNS your ass.
21:24.36gambler1Hi, I am a little confused by the meaning of the "sip trunk". Is there any good doc about this? Google didnt find out nothing and I am very close to opinion that it's nothing more than just a number of simultaneous calls. Right?
21:24.37wfaulkI understand.  I can disable the web server altogether, but if it's a dealbreaker for you, I'll install ubuntu and an asterisk package
21:25.09[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: And as for debugging you'll need to look at CLI output for the calls coming in/out, configs, etc
21:25.22[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: And packages are not recommended normally either.
21:25.33jbotNo such thing, my friend.. Like too much salty plum soda.
21:25.38wfaulkokay.  I can install from source.
21:25.46wfaulkany other caveats?
21:25.56[TK]D-FendergambMost people abuse that term to mean using an ITSP's service
21:25.58jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
21:26.21[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Packages are often maintained by ass-hats and you never know what you're going to get.
21:26.28gammacoderplease help... asterisk box with digium PRI card, zaptel running with OSLEC. All of a sudden no audio passes either way on any SIP to PRI calls (but is recorded perfectly if I use the monitoring). SIP to SIP works fine. SIP to FXS/FXO works fine. Any ideas?
21:26.29wfaulkI can understand that
21:26.57wfaulkI'm just asking so I don't throw another 3 hours away
21:27.01[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Most of us compile from source and thats what we are able to debug.  When Distro-X doesn't keep up and things are broken should we clean up HIS mess?
21:27.29[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: backup your configs, deactivate your GUI and you can try, starting from your physical install
21:27.52wfaulkokay, fine.  install OS, install asterisk from source.  is ther anything else I might do that would prevent you from being able to help?
21:29.22[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: thats jsut what's suggested for running a system.  For assistance you simply need to be running basic configs, not 10 tons of GUI crap
21:29.43[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Now if your actual * version has issues, then the other stuff comes into play
21:30.09[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Debugging your configuration jsut means you need sane clean configs.  Debugging your code-base is that separate matter.
21:30.21[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: just depends on what your needs requires
21:30.35[TK]D-FenderAnyways, checkout time here... packing up to head home.  BBIAB
21:31.14wfaulkreally, all I want to do is set up an outgoing "trunk" from an h.323 device to POTS
21:32.23*** join/#asterisk thedonvaughn (i=jvaughn@unaffiliated/printk)
21:32.54*** join/#asterisk feeds (
21:33.08feedswhy do I keep getting this?
21:33.24feedswhen I use reload and try to call 10001?
21:34.07*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
21:36.07thedonvaughnfeeds: what's 1001's default context?  extension 10001 isn't defined in it.
21:36.16thedonvaughnit doesn't know how to reach 10001
21:38.09feedswhy? what should I change? my extensions.conf:
21:38.51feedsahh, so I have to put 10001 into Internal?
21:39.14thedonvaughnfeeds: ok so 10001 is only defined in employees context.  if the SIP phone 1001 is not in employee context or doesn't have it defined, it can't dial 10001.
21:39.38feedsor how can I write that the same priviliges as [internal] also have [employees] ?
21:39.42thedonvaughnfeeds: so you need to include => employees inside your context or move your phone to employee context.  either one would fix it
21:39.52feedsis it include=employees?
21:40.00thedonvaughnfeeds: include => employees
21:40.10feedsnow I get it
21:40.12thedonvaughnthen asterisk -rx 'dialplan reload' and you should be good
21:40.26feedsThat I already know ;)
21:40.53*** join/#asterisk dmz (
21:41.19*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
21:42.08thedonvaughnfeeds: btw when i say 1001's context i mena whatever you have defined in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf or users.conf (not sure what you're using) to define user 1001, you should have a context= directive there.  Just fyi
21:42.42feedsthedonvaughn: wait I'll look.
21:42.56*** part/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
21:43.28feedswhat did you mean by "what you're using" - how can I use one or the other, haven't looked at users.conf too much yet
21:44.04thedonvaughnwell i see that you're dialing from '1001'.  how did you add?  Did you use asterisk-gui or by hand?
21:44.08*** join/#asterisk nikko (
21:44.13feedsI have [1000] in sip.conf in context [general] ; by hand
21:44.21feedsI don't use the gui
21:44.35SkramXwhat's the best free Asterisk-integratable Text To Speech system out there that's free? I need something temporary for a proof of concept project
21:44.53thedonvaughnyah that's fine; i don't either ;0   So in sip.conf for your [1000] peer, do you have a context defined in there?
21:45.13StephenFSkramX I think there is something called Festival... Have you seen that?
21:45.22SkramXah yes, i used that a long time ago
21:45.25SkramXthanks for reminding me
21:45.26thedonvaughnfeeds: if not then your default context will be [default] which means you will need 10001 defined or included in your [default] context in extensions.conf
21:46.22feedsbtw: thedonvaughn: should I create some contexts in there? like: [employees] and put the 1000, 10001, etc. in there?
21:46.32thedonvaughnfeeds: no
21:46.46Spirits-SightI want when a person calls phone number I want it to play a sound, so do I have to put the phone number as the extension like this : s,1,Playback(thank-you-for-calling) or like :xxxxxxxxxx,1,Playback(thank-you-for-calling)?
21:47.20thedonvaughnfeeds: this just defines which context defines your dial plan in extensions.conf.  so you could do context = employees if you want [employees] context in extensions.conf to define 1001's dialplan
21:47.44gammacoder>please help... asterisk box with digium PRI card, zaptel running with OSLEC. All of a sudden no audio passes either way on any SIP to PRI or PRI to FXO/FXS calls (but they recorded perfectly if I use the monitoring). SIP to SIP works fine. SIP to FXS/FXO works fine. Any ideas?
21:48.29feedsahh, so if 10001 is in extensions.conf in conetxt [employees] the in sip.conf: [10001] and under that context=employees ???
21:48.41feeds* conetxt
21:48.47feeds* uhh context
21:49.13thedonvaughnfeeds: heh no.  For example if [1001] (you) has context = employees then when _you_ dial 10001 it'll check [employees] in extensions.conf to see how to get to 10001.
21:49.25root52Spirits-Sight: That depends on how you the call is comeing in. if it is the only extenstion in the context where your DID lands then "s" or "_X." will work
21:50.19root52Spirits-Sight: Howver if you have multiple DID landing in the same context then you will need to define them better.
21:50.41thedonvaughnfeeds: so it appears right now, that since extension 1001 doesn't have a context defined, it's going to use the default context in extensions.conf to define it's dial plan.  In [default] context there is no 10001 defined.
21:50.42feedsthedonvaughn: lets say I have context xyz in extensions.conf and he has context employees than I have to include include =>  employees in context xyz?
21:51.06feedsto be able to call him
21:51.14feedsand all employees
21:51.18Spirits-SightGoing to have one main number, that number I want to be a menu, there is going to be no other numbers at this time
21:52.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:52.46root52Then "s" will work
21:53.07thedonvaughnfeeds: kind of.  Just think of the context you define in sip.conf as the context that your phone uses to dial out.  When you define a context on a say a zapata.conf PRI channel or SIP trunk, than that context is used to define inbound calls.  Either way you can define what contexts you want to use to define your dialplan.  So when you say dial 10001 it knows to use which context to look it up.  Right now it doesn't know to use [employees] cont
21:53.41thedonvaughnfeeds: you are in the [default] context since you haven't told asterisk other wise.
21:53.44jasonwootTeam, why does stuff work on development but not on production?
21:53.56thedonvaughnfeeds: so you could include => employees inside default if you wanted.  or change 1001's default context.
21:54.06feedsin sip.conf?
21:54.13feedsor exten conf?
21:54.18thedonvaughnfeeds: sip.conf to change 1001's context
21:54.19[TK]D-Fender[default] is a BAD choice for context name and should never be done
21:54.35*** join/#asterisk [Nikon] (n=_Nikon@
21:54.36thedonvaughnyah i agree. just telling him his options so he understands how it works
21:54.40thedonvaughnor her :)
21:54.48feedsthanks, I'll try now. BTW: him ;)
21:56.35*** join/#asterisk goodjoke (i=1827a8fa@gateway/web/ajax/
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22:00.02feedsso, I put 1001, 1002, 1000 into context employees, and the exten 10001 is in exten conf in context, employees, so now if I have include => employees in context internal, then employees  can call all extensions in internal AND employees?
22:01.13*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
22:01.51[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: No
22:01.54thedonvaughnfeeds: well, since 1001, 1002, and 100 use the employees context, you'd want to "include => internal" inside the [employees] context to make sure 100[0-2] have access to those definitions
22:02.28*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
22:02.54[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: You SIP devices have access to [employees].  [employees]  would need to "include = internal", not the other way around.
22:03.04Spirits-Sightroot52: so in my sip file I have the context for ipcomm (ITSP) and it points to mainmenu which is in my extision file, under that I have three simple lines " " and I get the error msg " " should this work the way it is
22:03.10*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
22:04.02[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and I answered this past night, enable SIP debug and go look at WHAT CONTEXT the call is falling, because it sure isn't the context that your exten there is in.
22:04.33feedsso for employees to access extens in internal, I have to write include => internal in employees? Not the other way around?
22:05.10[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: And it does assume that is even the exten your provider is targiing when they send you the call
22:05.37thedonvaughnfeeds: correct.  your SIP devices only have access to [employees]  they don't know about [internal].  if you "include = internal" inside of [employee] they do.
22:06.13[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: think of it as "Joe knows Mary".  So does Mary know Joe?  NO.
22:06.31thedonvaughnfeeds: if you have any sip devices who's context is [internal] and you want them access to [employees] THEN you'd need "include = employees" inside of [internal].  make sense now?
22:06.33feedsnow I can go to sleep! Thanks a lot thedonvaughn and [TK]D-Fender . Know I understand!
22:06.42*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:08.13feeds[TK]D-Fender: who? :D
22:08.29[TK]D-Fenderfeeds: correcting previous typo
22:08.39feedsahh :D
22:09.00feedsthen bye
22:09.06*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:09.20[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and please note [Nov 21 16:57:40] NOTICE[26798]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from 'ipcomm' to extension '4017534951' rejected because extension not found. <--- this is not looking for "s" <-
22:09.40[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Doesn't matter where you put that exten, this call is looking for an exten to mtach that NUMBER
22:11.20*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
22:11.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Sometimes I really think the people that claim "s" is some sort of catchall be taken out back and shot.
22:11.49ManxPowerSame for using "r"
22:14.29*** join/#asterisk thansen (
22:15.41thedonvaughnyup, 'start' != 'catch all'.  you still have to specifically call extension 's' within a context, or atleast call that context period.
22:15.47Spirits-Sighthere is the sip area and the whole ext file, the context looks the same to me and I don't see where ipcomm would be looking for ext xxxxxxxxxx
22:16.14[TK]D-Fenderthedonvaughn: No such thing as "call that context period"
22:16.22thedonvaughn[TK]D-Fender: well Goto
22:16.25thedonvaughnbad choice of words
22:16.51[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and please note [Nov 21 16:57:40] NOTICE[26798]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from 'ipcomm' to extension '4017534951' rejected because extension not found. <--- You don't see them asking for htat NUMBER?  I do.  Its right here.
22:16.54thedonvaughni.e. if you go to a context you don't need to specify s, it'll look for s by default is what i meant.
22:17.21Spirits-SightSo you do need to tell it a extion for the phone number DID to point it to
22:17.39[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: isn't this # the DID you are paying them for?
22:17.44thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: you want to match 4017534951 and so something with it yes.
22:17.51thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: many ways to do this
22:18.02*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
22:18.38Spirits-SightI want a nice and easy way to undersand, so I may learn from it and not get confused :-) I want a good way to do it
22:19.24[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: They are dialing a number.  You are showing me an exten with "s" in it.  You do not have a match for what they are dialing IN to you.
22:20.27Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: no its a ipcomm free account, using for playing with incoming calls
22:20.49[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: FINE,  forget "paying"  is that not a NUMEBR they provide to you?>
22:21.43Spirits-Sightyes, so I would want to get rid of the s and put the number there like I had before changing it to s
22:21.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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22:22.07thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: yup, change s to 4017534951
22:23.04[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: to accept the call you need a match.
22:23.17[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: "s" certainly doesn't
22:23.24Spirits-Sightthis is the only way to do this, I ask this as once I have switched to the real number then I would have to go in change it, now do I have to put the number on all the menu lines and submenu?
22:23.33ManxPowerIs Spirits-Sight just dense?  You guys have been giving him the solution for 5 mins.
22:23.45Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I understand that and should of know better with out changing what I had already
22:24.17plasmidwhat can I do to increase bandwith to my dedicated asterisk box at home for VOIP? so that voices don't sound robotic? codec changed to G.729
22:24.30thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: not necessarily.  You could just do something like exten = 4017534951,1,Goto(menu|s|1)  then it'd go through your [menu] context and you can use exten s to play your menu
22:24.36thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: you just aren't doing it right
22:24.52ManxPowerMost people have calls from untrusted sources (PSTN, ITSP, etc) land in a separate context.  The extension lines in that context would use a Goto to send the call to the right context.
22:25.02Spirits-SightManxPower: Sorry I don't process as fast as you!
22:25.06ManxPowerplasmid: upgrade your internet connection
22:25.29plasmidManxPower 6 megs down 2 megs up... More??
22:25.40plasmidthinks that ought to be enough.
22:25.41[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: Did it improve on your G.729 passthrough test?
22:25.51plasmid[TK]D-Fender oh yes it did. :-)
22:25.52ManxPowerplasmid: Sounds like plenty to me, but you asked how to get more bandwidth.  That is the answer
22:25.53*** join/#asterisk thansen (
22:26.02[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: there you have it then.
22:26.08ManxPowerI suspect some OTHER issue is at work here.
22:26.12[TK]D-Fenderplasmid: bandwidth issue
22:26.25plasmid[TK]D-Fender sounds like it... hmm.. comcast it is.
22:26.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ULAW was choppy, G.729 was not.  Signs off as BW issue
22:26.52Spirits-Sightthedonvaughn: thanks, I understand what [TK]D-Fender about the when a incoming call comes in it has to match some thing, so now I know this for sure
22:27.09plasmid[TK]D-Fender BTW, thanks for your help. Greatly appreciated. WIll look for upload speed alternatives...
22:27.12ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: or an RTP packet size of 30ms, which would sound horrible unless there was passthru at work
22:27.19thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: yup match it first, then send it to a menu with s extensions defined.
22:27.22Spirits-Sightwhat does the 1 in the Goto do? I understand the s as its the proity I believe
22:27.34thedonvaughnSpirits-Sight: s is extension 1 is the step
22:27.40thedonvaughnso s,1
22:27.45thedonvaughnor priority yah
22:27.47thedonvaughni'm tired
22:27.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: * wouldn't accept it anyways IIRC... * only works on a fixed packet size
22:28.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: that is incorrect.
22:28.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Last I checked it was so...
22:28.17[TK]D-FendermaxDid this change somewhere?
22:28.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Some SPA units default to a 30ms RTP packet size.
22:28.56beekIf anyone is interested, Level 3 communications has just risen to the top of my "World's shittiest Telco"
22:29.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'll have to look into that again.. I had serious problems with a Multitech gateway at my head office for RTP packet size mismatch (they set to 30 or 40 and * didn't like that
22:31.23SkramXcan I make an extension that is just a dialplan for a trunk?
22:32.06[TK]D-FenderSkramX: HUH?
22:33.21SkramXi want it to just make the sound of a dialtone and let the user dial a number
22:33.29SkramXsimulate like they just picked up the phone..
22:33.56Spirits-Sightare the , converted to | in the exten => xx,x,xxxxx to xx|x|xxxxx just wondering
22:36.07[TK]D-FenderSkramX: You want the user to dial this exten just to get another dialtone?
22:36.16[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: no commas
22:36.25[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: (in your pattern)
22:36.38[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: in CLI yes, they are
22:36.53SkramXthat was the point but it's not critical
22:37.29*** join/#asterisk rdgr (
22:39.39[TK]D-FenderSkramX: "core show application disa"
22:41.53SkramXWARNING[3504]: app_festival.c:519 festival_exec: Festival returned ER :(
22:47.18*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
22:48.29gammacoderhas anyone ever seen a PRI's audio totally fail, but the signaling work perfectly? I am guessing the B channels are screwed, but the D channel is working as expected.
22:50.02*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
22:50.37AkiyukiHow can I make multiple contexts available to a sip peer? IE context=foo in sip.conf, but I would also like to make bar available.
22:52.07*** join/#asterisk jer_ (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
22:52.49[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: You make another context that includes foo & bar and point your device to that one
22:53.24AkiyukiThanks [TK]D-Fender
22:53.39AkiyukiI was wondering if you could do like context=foo,bar,baz
22:53.46AkiyukiBUt your way makes more sense
22:54.23[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: No, you cannot do it that way.
22:55.14AkiyukiRead a good article about dialplan sort order today :)
22:55.29AkiyukiAfter findingout that asterisk doesnt care what order you specify..hehe
22:57.02[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: a device has ONE context.  all other call processing is based on what you put in that context.
22:57.24Spirits-Sighthere is a question for you [TK]D-Fender, it it possible just using asterisk and ITSP to have when a person that is deaf calls in on a TDD to have asterisk reconize the sound and give a msg
22:57.36Spirits-Sightwould this be hard to do?
22:58.26[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Yes.  I'm sure TDD is a specific tone and one * won't know how to interpret.
23:00.28*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=shazaum@unaffiliated/shazaum)
23:00.44shazaumhi all guys
23:00.55gambolputtyHi Captain Marvel
23:01.00Spirits-SightI am a little confused at the response, you say Yes. then at the end you say asterisk won't know how to interpret, so are you saying yes it can be done but your need to build a interpreter for it
23:01.53[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You would need to opn up the source code and know intricate details about the tones & timings and then code how * would precess it (like how fax tones trigger the "fax" extension)
23:03.03[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: but this requires real coding, though this is something very worthy of being adapted into trunk.
23:03.51Spirits-Sightwell at less you think its worthy, I wonder if there is a add-on for this already
23:04.14[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: No.  It souldn't be an add-on.. this requires some core coding
23:05.09Spirits-SightI did a quick google and it says zap channel has a mode for TDD
23:06.20Spirits-Sightso does this mean that it can do it already
23:08.00[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Interesting, but rather incomplete, and I'm not sure where that originates from.
23:08.17[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Could be relevant, but its poorly documented....
23:08.20Spirits-SightI don't know either but I would like to know more about this
23:08.58[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Continue your research....
23:09.04*** part/#asterisk Kvant (i=hh@unaffiliated/kvant)
23:09.09Spirits-SightI will do so
23:09.23AkiyukiCan someone point me at documentation for working w/ mysql + asterisk?
23:09.48AkiyukiNot for sip.conf/extensions.conf dialplans/peers but for just querying and using the result as perhaps a name or telephone number
23:11.02AkiyukiSo I can pipe in like 1,2,Festival(mysql select)
23:14.32Spirits-Sightdo you know, if I call a toll free number on the voicepulse system does that take away from my account
23:14.43[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: func_odbc in the BOOK.
23:14.54[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: or MYSQL from asterisk -addons
23:15.18[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Ask them.
23:15.27Spirits-Sightthey are now close
23:15.37[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Ask them LATER
23:17.15Spirits-SightI wanted to call a toll free number now but did not want to use it if I use about the money on that account, I don't wnat to use it intill its all setup
23:19.45*** join/#asterisk jbot (
23:19.45*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- SVN SHOULD BE BACK UP! -=- Asterisk (2008/10/09), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
23:20.35[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: When in doubt : AGI
23:21.20AkiyukiAh, you have to escape the piss out of it.
23:21.26AkiyukiAsk Google Interface? :D
23:21.36[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: or as I just pointed you towards... AGI
23:21.42jboti heard agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages, or <reply> See also
23:21.51[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Go read the book <-
23:22.02AkiyukiIts on back order.
23:22.12[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: HTTP serves right NOW
23:22.20jbotrumour has it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:22.33AkiyukiI dont want to read a 600 page pdf online.. I should print it out :P
23:22.36[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: So don't give me any whiny excuses :p
23:22.48[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: And you don't have to, HTML is right there
23:22.58Akiyuki$48 at Barnes N Nobles, $23 at Amazon
23:23.02AkiyukiAh, I didnt see the HTML one before.
23:23.59AkiyukiDoes Festival have multiple voices?
23:24.19AkiyukiI want the female voice when you use SayDigits(2,f) to work all the time... the default guy in Festival sounds scary as shit
23:27.31LeddyHMis it possible to get a list of vm's in a mailbox with the manager api or do you have to rely on the filesystem (1.4)
23:28.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:29.12[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: what level of detail for "list"?
23:29.21*** join/#asterisk km2 (
23:30.51*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (n=CrashHD@
23:31.27CrashHDwhen using mixmonitor
23:31.39CrashHDwhat happens with the rtp stream with regard to jitterbuffer, etc?
23:31.39LeddyHMultimately list all items, CID length, and listen to message
23:34.32[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: look at the vmail.cgi script that comes with * for some "inspiration.
23:34.34ManxPowerCrashHD: I believe it will be dejittered coming into Asterisk,.
23:34.38[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: and ARI
23:34.51ManxPowerSince Asterisk basically has to transcode for Monitor
23:35.14CrashHDso when the jb is forced, it is done priorer to splitting the streams and forwarding the traffic?
23:35.34CrashHDmy issue is I have reports of garbled (electronic sounding speech)
23:35.37ManxPowerCrashHD: I assume so, but I suspect the only way to know for sure is to look at the code.
23:35.49CrashHDthe recording seems clean
23:35.55LeddyHMI think vmail.cgi uses filesystem for stuff I'll take a look though
23:35.59LeddyHMwhat's ari short for?
23:36.06CrashHDtests from the server to the phone are clean
23:36.39[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: "Asterisk Recording Interface".  I believe there was some VM integration concerning this
23:36.41ManxPowerI doubt it has anything to do with Monitor.  What happens if you put "t" or "T" on the Dial line.  If that reproduces the issuse then chances are it's a packet size issue.
23:36.49[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: 3rd party stuff
23:36.57ManxPowerARI is Asterisk REALTIME Interface
23:37.06ManxPowerwait, maybe not.
23:37.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: multple acronyms...
23:37.21ManxPowerperhaps some more coffee is in order
23:37.26CrashHDI believe one of the T/t's is being used on the line
23:37.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: nothing stops people from creating overlap you know :)
23:37.35CrashHDhow would that relate to packet size?
23:37.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: But thanks for the coffee idea anyway :)
23:38.21ManxPowerCrashHD: If one or more of the endpoints are using 30ms packet sizes nothing bad will happen if they are reinviting. Monitor and T/t and a few other options disable reinvites.
23:38.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm more "conscious" asleep than most people are when they are awake :p
23:38.47ManxPowerCrashHD: Are any of the endpoints SIPura boxes?
23:38.59CrashHDno, aastra 480i's. 20ms ulaw being used
23:39.20*** join/#asterisk sasargen (n=chatzill@
23:40.38ManxPowerCrashHD: still... trying t/T might give you one more datapoint
23:40.39CrashHDthe audio that is digital/garbled is from the asterisk server to the end point
23:40.49CrashHDt/T is being used
23:41.29ManxPowerThen you have a problem I've never seen before.  i.e. garbled audio when MixMonitor is being used, but not if just T/t are used.
23:41.46ManxPoweryou realize that using T/t can open up your PBX to hacking, right?
23:42.22ManxPowerYou do not want random people that you call or call you to be able to transfer themselves out of an IVR or even a call.
23:42.49denonbut before you change it, call me :)
23:43.09CrashHDwhat is the alternative to T/t
23:43.12CrashHDto allow transfers?
23:43.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:44.23ManxPowerThese random Verizon disconnects are starting to piss me off.
23:46.56*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
23:47.37*** join/#asterisk Fairman (
23:47.52Fairmanhey guys...
23:49.01[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Use REAL phones :)
23:49.20Fairmananybody have any luck w/, meetme and dahdi_dummy?
23:49.32CrashHDhah tk
23:49.40[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Whic... apparently you are.  Go read your phone's manuals... you should never have been using DTMF transfers on those...
23:49.47ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you're not on the mailinglists are you?
23:50.05CrashHD[TK]D-Fender: we use the transfers for some call parking functions right now
23:50.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm sure they slander me constantly ;)
23:50.25ManxPowerCrashHD: Use the NATIVE transfer features of your phone
23:50.28[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Never needed EITHER
23:50.58CrashHDwe have a dtmf inband application
23:50.58ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: not at all, but there were several people saying very unpleasant things about 1.4 and Digium with regards to bug reports being ignored, etc.
23:51.07CrashHDfor one button call park to specific parking lot
23:51.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: CrashHD is never going to listen, why bother even talking to him.
23:51.45CrashHDI listen
23:51.46[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: nice way to chain your flaws together in super-flaws :p
23:51.55CrashHDbut you can't do what we are doing with native transfers
23:52.08CrashHDso it is what it is
23:52.17[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: Keep investing down that route.... you're almost pasinted right into a corner...
23:52.20ManxPowerCrashHD: My customers use native transfers ALL the time to park calls
23:52.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He's doing 1-touch DTMF parks, etc.
23:52.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: His users turned him into a DTMF-whore :p
23:52.52denonyou know, parking has been goofy for me lately
23:52.54CrashHDyes man but not one touch to specific spots, etc
23:52.59denonwhen I xfer a call to the lot, it doesnt play back the sounds
23:52.59CrashHDyes a whore I've become
23:53.00ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the poor sod.
23:53.02denonnor does it whine on the console
23:53.16denonit just disconnects
23:53.23[TK]D-Fenderdenon: "whine=yes"
23:53.28ManxPowerdenon: use attended transfers 9-)
23:53.29denonheh heh
23:53.38denonManxPower: of course, you dweeb
23:53.46ManxPowerdenon: hence the 9-)
23:54.06denonnever knwo
23:54.10ManxPowerdenon: how many years have you been using Asterisk anyway?
23:54.45denonremember when it really sucked and was barely usable
23:54.49Spirits-Sightwhat can I do to have a menu play over and over till the person press a option, this is with a few sec delay between playings, I think this would be a waitexten() and a Goto() is this right and if not how or is there a better way to handle it
23:54.53denonwell, ok, that was last week .. but .. before that
23:54.54ManxPowerI've been using it since late 2001, using it in production since mid 2002
23:55.33denonI remember all the headaches of having to switch everything from IAX1 to 2
23:55.40ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: there were no examples of that in extensions.conf.sample
23:55.58denonthat was a pain
23:56.05ManxPowerdenon: I remember all the great things when we switched from IAX2 to SIP. 8-)
23:56.36denonso that's once sip started to suck less, you mean
23:57.12ManxPowerdenon: All I know is I stopped getting dropped call reports 10 times a day.
23:57.19denonI remember wishing MGCP existed .. and now wishing it didnt

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