IRC log for #asterisk on 20081120

00:00.19ManxPowerSgeo: depends on what you call "call processing".
00:00.29Carlos_PHXWhat is your definition of call processing, and why are you asking?
00:00.50lesouvageSgeo: I suppose that the sip protocol is classified in the session layer
00:00.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: its just like food processing.. except this bull is much harder to swallow ;)
00:02.14SgeoI'm asking because I'm trying to figure out what layers cdmaOne uses. I know it's on 1 and 2, and a third layer related to call processing (at least according to Wikipedia)
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00:03.18lesouvageSgeo: see for a nice picture
00:03.26SgeoAccording to Wikipedia, "IS-95 is widely described as a three-layer stack, where L1 corresponds to the physical (PHY) layer, L2 refers to the Media Access Control (MAC) and Link-Access Control (LAC) sublayers, and L3 to the call-processing state machine."
00:03.27ManxPowerSgeo: real world stuff tends not to fit very well into the OSI model 8=)
00:03.47Sgeoknows what the OSI model is
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00:08.56lesouvageSgeo: Maybe this picture is helpful
00:10.45Sgeoty, but I don't see IS-95 or CDMA on there
00:14.44SgeoBye all, and thanks for the help
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00:33.50FruitBasketHow can I make it so that a phone can only receive one call? Our support techs don't like getting beeped in the ear. I've set call limit 1, which works, but they can't transfer calls... because they aren't allowed to call out since they've reached the limit..
00:34.18FruitBasketmight the aastras have such an option?
00:35.32[TK]D-FenderFruitBasket: No, for the same reasons.
00:35.44FruitBasket... no what?
00:35.51[TK]D-FenderFruitBasket: If you don't want them gettign beeped then check if they are on the phone beofre passing them the call.
00:36.01FruitBaskethow can I do that?
00:36.10drmessanoturn off call waiting?
00:36.19[TK]D-FenderFruitBasket: "no" you probably won't find a phone based feature for this
00:36.31[TK]D-FenderFruitBasket: jsut check in the dialplan before calling.
00:36.33FruitBasketfender: then, what are the reasons you're referring to?
00:36.40FruitBasketdoesn't know how to check in the dialplan
00:36.51drmessanodisable call waiting on the phone
00:37.13FruitBasketdrmessano: ... :-D
00:38.11[TK]D-FenderFruitBasket: "core show application chanisavail"
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00:39.28FruitBasketfender: thanks :-)
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00:44.53grndslmanybody here used ooma?
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00:45.44grndslmfrom what i understand... they use linux & asterisk on their ooma boxes
00:46.10grndslmi want to pay $230 for their hub & scout boxes... but not if they're not gonna be around in another year or so
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00:48.03hardwireanybody measuring sip qualifications off to rrd's?
00:49.40FruitBasketdoes anyone ever get odd, seemingly random disconnected calls? Maybe for one in 50, someone will come up to me and say, "I just got disconnected in the middle of a sales call." It's not always the same people, it's with different phones, we have a T1 with great service -- low/no packet loss. I've tried two servers, different hardware, processor, ram, hard drives, motherboard, I've tried a datacenter colo, our in house T1, differen
00:49.40FruitBaskett service providers..
00:49.59FruitBasketreally. What's up? I can't see _anything_ except Asterisk that would cause it. Or is voip just inherently... unreliable?
00:50.36Carlos_PHXYes, VoIP is entirely unusable.
00:50.38Carlos_PHXDoesn't work.
00:50.57Carlos_PHXFruitBasket: Who is your ITSP?
00:51.08FruitBasketmost of the disconnections are remote, not the local phones. But sometimes it is the phones here.. and those people are _sure_ they didn't hit the wrong buttons. I ask the provider and they either tell me that the PSTN network reported a hangup (on reconnect no one knows what happens)..
00:51.13FruitBasketwe use Vitelity and NexVortex.
00:51.42stencilHello, if i wanted the best sounding audio codecs and bandwidth wasn't an issue, what is my best option?
00:51.47FruitBasketand we've had similar issues with both, as far as I can tell... perhaps more with one than the other, I suppose I should start tracking that.
00:51.54FruitBasketstencil: ulaw
00:52.05FruitBasketstencil: or g729.. but that's patented.
00:52.19[TK]D-Fenderstencil: ulaw/alaw
00:52.28[TK]D-FenderG.729 is way down the list
00:52.39stencilthanks guys
00:52.53FruitBasketbut.. even our phones are on a physically separate network. Nowhere do they mingle with computers. The routers have changed. Everything is different, and the same problems persist.
00:52.59FruitBasketI just don't get it...
00:53.09Carlos_PHXstencil: ulaw
00:53.20Carlos_PHXFruitBasket: Your experience is not the norm.
00:53.32Carlos_PHXSomething is breaking in an unusual way.
00:53.35FruitBasketcarlos: would you think it's the provider? I can't change anything else. :-|
00:53.43Carlos_PHXWho is your ISP?
00:53.47Carlos_PHXYou said it is T1?
00:53.56Carlos_PHXHow is voice quality?  Is that good, but you just drop calls?
00:54.02FruitBasketcarlos: we've gone with a colo datacenter and we have a T1. I've used both.
00:54.20FruitBasketVoice quality is pretty good, but today one person was telling me of a few seconds voice loss every 10 minutes or so
00:54.22Carlos_PHXColo...your server is in colo?
00:54.32FruitBasketit was, yeah. It's not now.
00:54.47Carlos_PHXInteresting.  Who is the ISP?  What router do you use on the T1?  Or is the router provided by the ISP?
00:54.51FruitBasketAsterisk sometimes "forgets" to hang up calls -- the phone is obviously put down, Vitelity recorded the call as a 5.7 minute call... I had to do a softhangup in Asterisk, and the call was recorded as 2 hours.
00:55.16Carlos_PHXThat part may or may not be relevant, it can indicate that the "hang up" packet was lost.
00:55.21FruitBasketI honestly can't figure it out and it's really starting to bother me.
00:55.22Carlos_PHXHave you done packet loss testing?
00:55.45FruitBasketcarlos: they would have to both be lost; the one from the phone, the one from the upstream provider, but not the audio of the last seconds before the hangup. It's weird.
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00:56.00Carlos_PHXHang up is just one packet.
00:56.06FruitBasketI haven't done much testing on the T1..
00:56.10FruitBasketcarlos: one for each side.
00:56.12Carlos_PHXCan you answer my other questions on the ISP?
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00:56.30FruitBasketISP is Qwest, or Bresnan, or Lariat... we've tried all the local ones.
00:56.33Carlos_PHXAlso, what is your network/telephony background like?
00:56.49Carlos_PHXSo you have had the same issue on multiple ISPs, all T1?
00:57.07FruitBasketmine personally? network is pretty good; I served as the network guy for the building of a router recently. Telephony not so much, but I've learned quite a bit inthe last year of working with Asterisk.
00:57.46Carlos_PHXI would look to the networking on this first.  Packet loss in particular.
00:57.54FruitBasketCarlos: only one T1. The other was business class cable internet, which they told me prioritized VoIP. The T1 is quest, with very low packet loss. The Lariat is wireless which was supposed to provide prioritized voip and dedicated bandwidth.. but sucked.
00:58.09Carlos_PHXAll of these had the same call drops?
00:58.27Carlos_PHXWhat phones?
00:58.29FruitBasketcarlos: I was indeed questioning that. I suppose I'll set up some more pings from inner network to router/server/voip provider.
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00:58.45FruitBasketaastra 57i's, aastra something else, grandstream 1200's, 2020's, polycom's...
00:58.50Carlos_PHXIn my experience, call drops are very rare.
00:58.57Carlos_PHXAll the phones have the same problem?  All brands?
00:59.06FruitBasketeverything. Always.
00:59.13Carlos_PHXWe are much more likely to have people complain of quality, not drops.
00:59.20FruitBasketmaybe 1 in 50 just drop somewhere in the middle.
00:59.27FruitBasketand that can't be one small packet loss.
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00:59.35FruitBasketand I _know_ there isn't major packet loss.
00:59.39Carlos_PHXOne packet lost wouldn't drop the call.
00:59.46Carlos_PHXActually a lot of packet loss wouldn't.
00:59.49FruitBasketso.. I have to think it's Asterisk..
00:59.58Carlos_PHXA call dropped while voice is passing has to be signalled.
00:59.58FruitBasketbut I .. just don't have anything to go on.
01:00.18Carlos_PHXAsterisk or the ITSP, but you said you used two, both did the same thing?
01:00.26FruitBasketUsually it's the provider end that is marked: exited non-zero in SIP/vitelity-blah blah
01:00.27Carlos_PHXI know Vitelity, good network.  Don't know the other.
01:00.46FruitBasketNexvortex says they're business grade. Most of our calls come from Vitelity.
01:00.58Carlos_PHXYes, everyone says that.
01:01.09FruitBasketMost of the dropped calls I've looked into are Vitelity, too. Some are nexvortex.. fewer, but that may be just volume.
01:01.29Carlos_PHXDo you have the ability to fire up another Asterisk box?
01:01.41FruitBasketcarlos: I've done that. At both physical locations.
01:01.45FruitBasketsame issues.
01:01.58Carlos_PHXSo the only thing left is your LAN.
01:02.03FruitBasketat this point.. the only thing I can really say is voip is inherently unreliable..
01:02.19CrazyTuxFruitBasket: I have no reliability issues
01:02.24FruitBasketcarlos: wrong. We've tried the phones on the computer side. We've run a physically separate network strictly for the phones. Same issues.
01:02.25Carlos_PHXYeah, but we run tens of thousands of calls/day without these issues.
01:02.29CrazyTuxYou know what they say... it's not the car... it's the driver.
01:03.08FruitBasketwe've tried a couple different routers.. but not recently. Currently it's a FreeBSD box routing the calls using PacketFilter for NAT.
01:03.22FruitBasketUDP connections are set to disconnect after 5 minutes.. but that's without traffic.
01:03.44Carlos_PHXFruitBasket: I'm going to say this in the most helpful way possible.  I do not mean to be an asshole about it, so hope it doesn't sound that way.  This is not an inherent issue so you should continue to look for local sources of the problem.
01:03.52FruitBasketI can't see any reason an active call would be dropped. Some calls last hours, others are dropped within minutes.
01:04.06Carlos_PHXThat's pretty wild.
01:04.15Carlos_PHXHow many calls/day do you make, and drop?
01:04.20FruitBasketcarlos: I am. I'm checking cabling, suspecting maybe they're not plugged into the back of the server tight, changing switches, it's mostly Netgear switches.. but still.
01:04.33Carlos_PHXMost consumer switches are just fine.
01:04.43FruitBasketuhm.. drop, maybe 2-10, depending on the day. Calls, 1-200 I would imagine.
01:04.56Carlos_PHXWhat version of Asterisk?
01:05.29FruitBasketit's been 1.4.18 until last night. I upgraded to 1.4.22 last night, but there were a couple dropped calls today. I think there was a fix for the non-hung-up-calls, though, somewhere around .19
01:05.29Carlos_PHXAny pattern between oubound/inbound calls?
01:05.33Carlos_PHXWhich are dropped?
01:06.15Carlos_PHXI assume there's nothing odd/old about the machine?  Something reasonable?
01:06.15FruitBasketuhm.. at the colo, it would sometimes drop _all_ calls at the same time, but that was infrequent. Usually it says it's disconnected from the provider, but sometimes it says the local phone hung up -- where the local user says he's sure it wasn't him.
01:06.28FruitBasketnewish intel, I think one was a xeon quad-core.
01:06.38FruitBasketTested ram, no errors in dmesg, no filesystem errors..
01:06.44FruitBasketis stumped.
01:06.49FruitBasketIt's really beyond me.
01:06.50Carlos_PHXSo server is in colo, phones use a T1 to connect to internet?
01:07.07Carlos_PHXHave you tried the server in another location?
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01:07.42FruitBasketcarlos: that was the last configuration, on 1.4.18. Now, phones connect to the server over LAN (but still through the router -- only one NIC on the server :-/) and the server interacts with the provider through the T1
01:08.23FruitBasketit's connected directly to the internet, static IP, basic firewall; phones connect to the server through the external IP, but from the same subnet, so it's not actually going over the internet.
01:08.32Carlos_PHXSo the router has three ports or more, with the server, LAN, T1 on their own ports.
01:09.09FruitBasketwe haven't been fully utilizing bandwidth..
01:09.30Carlos_PHXAny pattern to inbound/outbound being dropped?
01:09.34FruitBasketI should run more pings, I guess. I really don't know of any other way to check for packet loss. I wish I could listen for BYE's, but I'd be overwhelmed getting them on every call.
01:10.00FruitBasketcarlos: I'm unable to identify one, but I admit I really haven't tried for numbers vs locations. I should start recording all numbers, directions, etc I guess.
01:10.20FruitBasketwishes there was an Asterisk log parser so he could rip out the full dial plan of a single call
01:10.36Carlos_PHXThat's crazy stuff.
01:10.45FruitBasketsip debug -- impractical; I can't apply it to every call. But is there a chance I can get the last message that ended each call?
01:11.05FruitBasketmock sip logging.. I don't like the sole message being "blah blah exited non-zero in macro dialextension"
01:11.20FruitBasketthanks for listening/suggesting, btw..
01:11.30FruitBasketI need.. more information. But I'm not sure how to get it.
01:11.33Carlos_PHXNP, intriguing issue.
01:11.48Carlos_PHXWhat I do is give each user a log sheet to make notes of issues.
01:11.55Carlos_PHXSometimes you find patterns that way.
01:11.56FruitBasketmaybe I should modify chan_sip so it produces extra logging info, logging the sip messages maybe.
01:12.16Carlos_PHXModifying a channel driver has its own risk, so you'd muddy the waters.
01:12.29FruitBasketarright, I'll keep that in mind. Even if they write down _just_ a time, I can do a lot more.. usually they just say, "I had a dropped call.. bout 45 minutes ago." == 4500 lines ago.
01:12.51Carlos_PHX1-2 days of GOOD logging can tell you a lot.
01:12.56Carlos_PHXIf the users comply.
01:12.56FruitBasketcarlos: well, it'd be mostly file writing/logging calls. It might, but it would give me information relating to what I need. Any extra issues and I'd change it back pretty quick.
01:12.59FruitBasketyeah :-)
01:13.02FruitBasketohhh, that logging :-)
01:13.12FruitBasketis gonna make that up tonight.
01:13.47Carlos_PHXIn your case I'd look for time, direction, length of call when dropped, and the number dialed or at least NPANXX
01:14.05FruitBasketI can get all that from the logs :-P
01:14.05Carlos_PHXOh, also, did the phone hang up, or did the sound just disappear.
01:14.25Carlos_PHXTrue, so you could just go with time.
01:14.38FruitBasketit's _usually_ but not always reported as a hangup, I believe. _sometimes_ they say the sound just disappeared... maybe 50/50 when I hear of it.
01:15.01FruitBasketI do core verbose 9 logging; would the extra memory/file access cause delays that could do something? any idea?
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01:15.17FruitBasketor does every asterisk write full.blah.asterisk file which includes every dialplan step?
01:15.18Carlos_PHXSounds like you know the difference there.  Lost sound could be a number of things, but if the phone hangs up it was told to.
01:15.36Carlos_PHXI haven't done that level of logging, don't know.
01:15.41FruitBasketright. That's interesting. It would suggest that Vitelity is the odd party out, though.
01:15.46Carlos_PHXTry it and check load.
01:15.51Carlos_PHXWhat does load normally wrong?
01:16.04FruitBasketload? run?
01:16.12FruitBasketohhh right.
01:16.14Carlos_PHXSorry, what does load normally run?
01:16.31Carlos_PHXI'd be open to giving you an account on our network just to try out for a day, rule out Vitelity.
01:16.35FruitBasketuhm.. gawd, I was looking with one or two calls, just saw the CPU at 99% idle. Disk/load.. don't recall :-)
01:16.39Carlos_PHXAssuming it's just US traffic.
01:17.01Carlos_PHXYeah, figured load would be low, but thought I'd ask.
01:17.10FruitBasketcarlos: yep :-) I might take you up on that at some point.. but not sure. It'd be a little awkward. For outbound calls, you mean, or routing inbound through it too?
01:17.20Carlos_PHXJust outbound as a test.
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01:17.31Carlos_PHXCould do inbound, Vitelity lets you forward your numbers.
01:17.39FruitBasketphones are off for the last hour, so can't check load. Usually 4 concurrent calls.
01:18.01FruitBaskethuh.. we're mostly inbound, though. I'll need to do some of the logging first.
01:18.03Carlos_PHXFrom my perspective, I'm both curious about the problem all around, plus we're probably going to sign a contract with Vitelity for some wholesale carriage, so I'm interested all around.
01:18.24Archidewin win
01:18.54FruitBasketThey've been pretty open with me. On about three of the ones I've asked about, each time I was told that they received a hangup from their upstream provider. On the last one, they said they'd need to be logging the sip messages to tell exactly what happened.
01:19.03Carlos_PHXSo if you want to give it a shot, shouldn't be terribly painful.  Even just try with a few DIDs or something.  I think Vitelity charges you 1.5cpm on forwards.
01:19.14FruitBasketObviously they have more information than me by default; I'd like to know if it was a hangup or what caused the disconnection.
01:19.31Carlos_PHXRight.  I'd be very curious whether we'd see the same.
01:19.36FruitBasketohhh, that. I could set up a subaccount and register such things ;-) Cost isn't so much a concern, especially for a couple days.
01:19.42Carlos_PHXIf we put you on our PRIs, then that's one less variable.
01:19.49FruitBasketahh, true.
01:19.53Carlos_PHXNo charge for a few days testing.
01:20.11FruitBaskete-mails Carlos_PHX to himself ;-)
01:20.46ArchideCan I interject iwth a few asbsolute beginner questions and leave quickly and peacefully?
01:21.10Carlos_PHXJump in, we don't own the channel.
01:21.24Carlos_PHXOf course, we might flame you if the question is REALLY bad, but hey, it's the internet.
01:21.25FruitBasketCarlos: I may take you up on that. It really sounds like a great idea :-) but, not until I have some better logging, so not for a few days, at least.
01:21.42FruitBasketthanks, really.
01:21.47Carlos_PHXYeah, that's my recommendation.  Get more details, then see if an outbound test will tell us something.
01:21.55Carlos_PHXIf I'm not around here,
01:21.59ArchideI'm very intrested in beginning work with Asterisk, small background in telephony.  I taught myself some perl/bash a long time ago and small amount of linux knowledge.  All command line mostly with CHAP clients, DNS, APACHE stuff.
01:22.13jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:22.45Carlos_PHXArchide: That's your best start.  If you have specific questions shoot them, but for general knowledge you need the book.
01:22.47ArchideI'd like to know where to start.   I'm reading Asterisk - The future of telephony.   But not sure if I need to work more on linux, or scripting before I begin this venture.
01:23.03FruitBasketgreat, thanks :-)
01:23.07Carlos_PHXI would say basic Linux is important.
01:23.26ArchideAhh ok perfect yeah reading that now.  So read more up and play around with linux administration first?
01:23.31Carlos_PHXSure, do let me know what you find out, like I say, I am curious about the problem and the potential Vitelity involvement.
01:23.59FruitBasketarchide: for the linux task, it's a matter of compiling asterisk, probably. It's really straight forward though: ./configure, make menuselect, make, make install. After that, start asterisk -- /etc/init.d/asterisk start. Maybe add it to start automatically if it doesn't do it.. then it's all dialplan.
01:23.59Carlos_PHXArchide: Do it all, and use your best learning method.  For me it was building servers and doing it.
01:24.18Carlos_PHXIf nothing else, you can build VMware machines on your own computer.
01:24.21[TK]D-FenderArchide: if you understand the basics of Linux, given that you've done bash & perl, I'd lay bets you can just about fly into *
01:24.27Carlos_PHXRead of course.
01:24.38Carlos_PHXYeah, what [TK]D-Fender said.
01:24.56ArchideOk, beautiful then I'll continue reading this book.  I didn't want to begin learning about asterisk and be too far behind in other aspects is all.
01:24.58FruitBasketthe only actual linux stuff I've done on the voip server is add a firewall rule for ssh and vim to read the log files ;-)
01:25.11Archideok good to know.
01:25.39FruitBasketok.. off to make log sheets.
01:25.44[TK]D-FenderArchide: need a basic understanding of iptables, routing tables, file permissions (barely), etc
01:25.45Carlos_PHXGood luck
01:25.54ArchideIs one asterisk box able to run as a PBX for multiple sights which host IP phones?
01:26.00Carlos_PHXYeah, really basic Linux admin will get you by.
01:26.09ArchideI've worked with shorewall in the past as wel
01:26.14Carlos_PHXArchide: That's what we do.
01:26.16Carlos_PHXSo yes.
01:26.19Archideahh nice
01:26.31Carlos_PHXIt gets complex and you have to build your own, but can be done.
01:26.37ArchideI was trying to figure out how you could offer more of as a service then a one time sale without residual income
01:26.49Carlos_PHXJust remember that Asterisk doesn't really "do" anything, it just follows your commands.
01:26.54ArchideOk, I know not to ask too many new questions.
01:27.01Carlos_PHXLike, "what does a web server do?"
01:27.03ArchideYeah I love that concept.
01:27.20ArchideAre the "commands" perl/bash/proprietary scripting?
01:27.20Carlos_PHXArchide: I run a hosted service provider.
01:27.31Carlos_PHXProprietary, weird, and often dumb.
01:28.12Carlos_PHXA friend of mine said:  Asterisk is like crack.  It's horrible, and you know you want to stop doing it, but every time you try something else it sucks you back in.  It's crap, but it's the best thing out there.
01:28.21ArchideI'm just trying to move foward with my career, I have the talents to do more but job limiting situation.
01:28.33Carlos_PHXI moved from general IT consulting.
01:28.49Carlos_PHXI did have quite a telephony background in data, so that helped.
01:28.51Archideself employed?
01:29.05Carlos_PHXAnd currently have a partner running a hosted PBX service.
01:29.33ArchideOpen source offers so much more in community help though too if you don't abuse it
01:29.41Carlos_PHXWhat you're describing is "hosted PBX" where the customer has phones and nothing more.
01:30.14Carlos_PHXI'd tell you not to get into it lightly though, we have a lot of infrastructure and years of pain getting it stable.
01:30.50ArchideNo I have a partner willing to jump in this, if I can get the tech stuff down
01:31.07ArchideI'd play with my house and his house first actually.
01:31.22ArchideThat should be pain enough, listening to his wife and mine when there's no dial tone
01:31.57ArchideAll data lines or using analog as well?
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01:32.28Archidedata - digital I meant
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01:35.55Carlos_PHXNo analog.
01:35.59Carlos_PHXThat would suck.
01:36.14Carlos_PHXWe have local PRIs in three locations in town for primary local service.
01:36.14FruitBasketCan I turn sip debugging on globally and write to a dedicated file?
01:36.32Carlos_PHXThen we use wholesale SIP carriers to bring in out-of-town DIDs.
01:37.04FruitBasketalso, does sip debugging impact performance meaningfully?
01:37.19Carlos_PHXFruitBasket: I've never noticed an impact, but use it rarely.
01:37.33Carlos_PHXOn our system with 1k+ handsets, it's not real useful...  :-)
01:38.11FruitBasketyeah.. ours with 20 and 5 concurrent calls.. I can't see it being useful. It'll take me a week to write a parser and get anything meaningful from them.. but.. I need information :-|
01:38.34FruitBasketbut, it writes to full.<hostname>.log :-D
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01:39.21Carlos_PHXI would start with user feedback in a written log.
01:39.26Carlos_PHXIt's remarkably effective.
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01:39.55FruitBasketWarning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells: -- is this line meaningful?...
01:40.10FruitBasketnoisy feedback?
01:40.57Carlos_PHXHuh, don't know what that is.
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01:42.07Carlos_PHXGoogle seems to say this is meaningless.
01:42.47FruitBasketagreed :-)
01:42.47*** part/#asterisk kisu (
01:43.40Carlos_PHXWhen you mentioned that Vitelity said they got a hangup, was that from the telco side or your side?
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01:47.50diterwhat pci card shud I by if I only whant test asterisk with a my normal telephone ?
01:48.55*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
01:50.13telnettechcan someone explain how to make the *8 feature work. I was under the impression that the different users were to be in the same call group but I have a system that is not working that way
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01:52.54ditertelnettech I belive every one is sleeping.  Do you know what pci card I shud by ?
01:53.17telnettechwhat are you wanting to do
01:53.42telnettechanalog stations, PSTN, T-1/E-1
01:54.07harry_vhoe many
01:54.13harry_vhow many extentions
01:54.39diterI am new to asteisk and have set it up to use sip software. Know I whant to thest with a analog pstn phone
01:55.14diterone extentions maby two ?
01:55.29harry_vtwo is always better
01:56.00harry_vdepends if you have existing cat3 or cat5 where you want these phones located.
01:56.20telnettechTDM410 is the pci card you want. you can get upto 4 analog stations or PSTN lines or a combination card..
01:57.02diterthanks telnettech I will check that card out
01:57.27telnettechthis is the card on the digium site
01:57.35harry_vdepends what and where his lines terminate at unless he is going to have everything at one spot like a lab.
01:58.15*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:58.59telnettechharry_v: any idea how to setup an extension to be able to answer a ringing phone?
01:59.24harry_vtons of docs online. asteriskguru ect.
01:59.53harry_vif you downloaded the samples then you can work from those.
02:00.13[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: "core show applications like pickup"
02:00.28telnettechim using 1.2 version
02:01.13*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:01.21telnettechcore doesnt work D-Fender
02:05.32harry_vtel type help
02:06.10*** join/#asterisk DigitalIrony (n=eric@nat/digium/x-e922b07d5b9e5908)
02:23.50[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Consider upgrading.
02:23.58[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: 1.2 is no longer supported
02:24.13*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
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02:24.20telnettechDevelopment team is testing 1.4.20 with the other application that is running on same server
02:24.57telnettechshould be ready late january or early february. But I need to make this work for 2 customers we have
02:26.05[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: asterik -rx "show applications"|grep pick
02:26.12[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: asterisk -rx "show applications"|grep pick
02:26.29[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: asterisk -rx "show applications"|grep PICK <- probably uppercase
02:26.37telnettechyeah i can find that but it really doesnt say how to set it up
02:26.50telnettechi have check a couple websites but im still looking
02:27.10imcdonaIs there a way to have a sip phone act like an old analog handset where a particular line is lit on a multiline phone, and when somone puts the call on hold, have somone else at a different extension pick up the call?
02:27.22imcdonawithout parking the call
02:27.24[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Go read the WIKI then... its largely dated.
02:27.53[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: Not really.  * does not support true SLA
02:28.05*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
02:28.11imcdonaSLA is single line appearance?
02:28.21jbotextra, extra, read all about it, sla is service level agreement, or shared line appearances
02:28.31imcdonaahh ok...thanks
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03:02.53LemensTSIm having people upload a wav file to asterisk via a webpage, Im trying to figure out what specs the wav file needs to be for asterisk Playback cmd
03:03.03LemensTShaving trouble getting it to play.
03:06.21*** join/#asterisk onepointfive (n=dwillemb@
03:06.28onepointfivehi there
03:10.00onepointfivehave some questions about using asterisk primarily as a call authentications/recording device - want to make sure it can do what I would like it to do before going out and getting hardware, anybody around willing to answer a few questions on this?
03:12.24[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Shoot
03:12.31onepointfivethanks :)
03:12.37onepointfivehere is what I am looking to do
03:17.17onepointfivea call comes in, and the caller gets prompted for a username and password via recorded message (similar to logging into any conference call). Once the user has passed authentication, the call goes directly to something that can record it( voicemail box?) which is decided by the auth credentials - giving each authenticated user the ability to record a message in their own area) - once the message has been recorded and encoded, the voicemail should b
03:17.26onepointfiveam I asking the impossible?
03:18.58LemensTSI just did something like this. You would want to use a mysql database with this.
03:19.21LemensTSIt can all be coded in the dialplan.
03:19.44onepointfiveam completely new to asterisk, will read up on what a dialplan is :)
03:19.59jbotfrom memory, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:20.06LemensTSYour message did cut off, are you trying to have the record it as there voicemail message?
03:20.20[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: "YE"
03:20.39*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
03:20.48onepointfivebascially I want to record authenticaed messages and have them forwared as email attachments
03:21.30onepointfiveand to ensure boss happiness and my Christmas bonus, getting it to actually recored entire conference calls and have them available as audio-files would be great too
03:22.07[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: All doable, hardly that complicated
03:22.18[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: No real need for DB's either
03:22.22LemensTSyour probabaly gonna want to use deadAGI and perl
03:22.29LemensTSor php whatever language u like
03:22.31[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: none of the above
03:22.47[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Nothing he can't do with pure *
03:24.30onepointfivereading through the docs all the pieces are built in for sure, but I want to be sure I can string them along in the correct order - call, authentication, recording , email (or just store and I have a cron job to email them automatically)
03:24.42diterAny one used the cheep AX100P card ?
03:24.46[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: no need for cron either.
03:24.56[TK]D-Fenderditer: X100P is a junk card.
03:25.09[TK]D-FenderdittPoor PCI design, CID & hangup issues.
03:25.30[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Virtually everything you need centeres on the voicemail app.
03:25.30diteryes junk but dos it work can I recive a call ?
03:25.43[TK]D-Fenderditer: probably
03:26.45diterD-Fender I only need one fxs and dont whant to spend a lot,
03:27.08[TK]D-Fenderditer: That card isn't FXS.
03:27.09drmessanoYou're not gonna get something that really works with an X100P
03:27.58onepointfiveSo, any word on the ability to conference and record conference calls?
03:28.00[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: MeetMe + Monitor
03:28.30onepointfiveI assume these are plugins/modules or some sort?
03:28.39[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: All dialplan applications
03:28.52onepointfiveah, give me 5mins to read about dailplan pls
03:28.56[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Everything you need is part of *
03:29.07carrartelco works fine with a x100p
03:29.11[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: 5 mins?  You'll spend a few DAYS learning it.
03:29.21saftsackditer, maybe try a cheap ata with fxo port
03:29.22carraras a FXO interface
03:29.32[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: it is the most complex and important part of *.
03:30.44diterThx all I go read about ata
03:31.16saftsackbut what's up with the x100p. is this card really crap (maybe some links to threads, serious reviews etc.) or just because it is from digium?
03:31.30onepointfiveD-Fender, I just meant to read up and get an idea of what it is :)
03:31.59onepointfivenever used *  before, so finding out what all the parts are and how they fit together is important
03:32.39onepointfivebeen considering getting one of the digium asterisk appliances, purely because it is neat and tidy - are they worth it, or should I just build a box myself ?
03:33.04carrarsaftsack, I've had a x100p working for years a basic fxo card
03:33.18carraroriginaly purchased from Digium
03:33.29carrarnot some copy card
03:33.51saftsackyour fxo card ---connected---> carrier ?
03:34.08carraryour phone line from your phone provider plus into it
03:34.19saftsackah ok :)
03:34.32carrarcarrier is providing tone and ring
03:34.35saftsacksometimes a little bit hard to understand what is meant with fxo and fxs
03:34.36carraraka FXO
03:35.02saftsackno echo issues?
03:35.04carrarO to office
03:35.06carrarS to stations
03:35.39saftsackyes i know that but this is the same as talking with a person who is opposite to you where is right and left
03:36.09carrarbut echo can varry depending on your setup and carrier
03:36.18saftsackyes thats true
03:36.19[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Costs a fortune and is rather limited on CPU, etc... it was not meant for anything other than light PBX work.. and costs a LOT more that what you need to actually get the job done
03:36.25[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: It is a TOASTER
03:36.47saftsackbut at all the problem is, that it isnt possible to get informations how good a card really is but the most persons get paid for informations :(
03:37.28carrarWell the newer cards are better
03:37.46[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: plenty easy to get info on how good a card is.  The X100P is crap.  There see?
03:38.53onepointfiveD-Fender - this will live in our datacenter so I guess a beefy 1U box with some PCI should be fine? Is Asterisk particularly heavy on anything (drive space? memory? cpu?)
03:39.07*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
03:39.20saftsackthat it isnt a telco grade card is known. but if it is crap if your telco has a nice echocancelled fxo line?
03:39.32saftsackbut at all i have the same opinion
03:39.33[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: You haven't said how you intend on connecting it to the PSTN, or the kind of load it'll be under
03:39.56[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Telcos don't EC lines.  Otherwise faxes wouldn't work
03:40.02carrarx100p is not high grade
03:40.05carrarbut it works
03:40.20saftsack[TK]D-Fender, but telcos can detect if there is a fax so they are able to ec a line
03:40.25saftsackcarrar, true
03:40.26carrardepends what your requirements are
03:40.37[TK]D-Fendercarrthe problems are more than echo.
03:40.46[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: the problems are more than echo.
03:41.00onepointfiveD-Fender : this is where my knowledge breaks down - I come from a purely IP background. That being said I would no predict any more than two to three calls happening at a time, max.
03:41.39saftsackalso the hfc chipset cards are crap ... but just because of bad drivers. within patton gateways they work
03:42.02saftsacksomeone here who tested eicon diva BRI cards?
03:42.45[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Good answer.  Now HOW do you intend to access the PSTN?
03:43.10[TK]D-Fenderkicks carrar in the nads
03:43.39carrargood thing I have my IRON cup on
03:43.41saftsackonepointfive, what do you try?
03:43.46onepointfiveD-Fender, I really haven't done any research in that direction yet, but am more than willing to take some advice
03:44.17[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Given your volume, analog lines or an ITSP
03:44.21jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:44.32saftsackor BRI?
03:44.32onepointfivesaftsack - nothing yet, just working out if a box with asterisk on it is the right tool for the job I am trying to accomplish :)
03:44.49carrarsaftsack, just by a T1 card and do everything via T1's!
03:45.02carraror sip
03:45.15saftsackdo you know what E1 costs in germany per month?
03:45.51saftsackSIP isnt often an alternative in germany. dunno why but many people want to have a real telephone line
03:45.52[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Actually... you in HK as you appear?
03:46.18[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Is that to be your calling area as well?
03:46.24saftsackcarrar, 280€ at t-home deutsche telekom
03:46.32saftsackper month. just for having the e1 line
03:46.49carrarGet a Digum TDM410
03:47.07[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Ok, well analog lines may be economical.  Check around for ITSP's serving your area.  I don't know how competitive your options will be.
03:47.21[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: But for analog lines I'd recommend the Sangoma A200d
03:47.47onepointfivewill do - just been briefed that if we do sell this service to other customers of ours, we may go a bit higher
03:48.04onepointfiveso assume max cap of about 20 calls
03:48.12[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: Simultaneous?
03:48.17saftsackyes. the a200DDDD <- EC!!! or a patton gateway with fxo lines
03:48.31onepointfiveworst case simultaneous
03:48.35saftsackthen you can build it up on an embedded solution if there are maximum of 5 calls
03:48.42onepointfive(or best case, if you ask the sales guys hahahA)
03:48.59[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: based on your variable scalablity, an ITSP has a high likelyhood of being your best bet economically speaking.
03:49.05saftsackamd geode 800lx for about 90€ as a complete pc. then an fxo gateway and some ip phones and then you are complete
03:50.13onepointfiveD-Fender - and if I said I had a big budget, what should I be looking at :)
03:50.31saftsacksangoma a200d
03:50.36saftsackor patton fxo gateway
03:51.19[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: well its a question of wastage as well... PRI is for sure the strongest option, but it really costs...
03:51.47[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: in terms of hardware and service fees
03:51.52saftsackmaybe try an itsp and some analog lines as backup?
03:52.46saftsackdo you have an async call amount? if you are a company which just makes calls and receives not many calls then you can call out over sip with fallback and get calls over your analog lines
03:53.17onepointfivethis will be nothing more than receiving and recording calls
03:53.21[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: He's designing a call-in system
03:53.34saftsacksorry didnt read it from the beginning
03:54.10saftsackdo you have monthly costs for PRI in the usa?
03:54.59onepointfivequality and reliability are paramount here - our customers area happy to spend over the odds on things like that (and bill them for it we certainly will!) - Telecoms in Hong Kong is also generally quite cheap, I would guess this area should be too
03:55.15[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Depends where and with whom, and he is not IN the USA
03:55.36[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: on the quality & reliability front, PRI is king (
03:55.39jbot[pri] [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
03:55.59[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: J1 is the carrier circuit in HK IIRC
03:56.11[TK]D-FenderNo wait... thats just Japan... or is it..
03:56.33[TK]D-Fenderonepointfive: one of T1, E1, or J1.... other can confirm, but PRI signalling over it
03:57.13onepointfiveI would imagine HK to be E1 - it was part of the UK until 1997
03:57.42onepointfivemost things here follow the UK model
03:57.49saftsackonepointfive, in which country do you live?
03:57.55onepointfiveHong Kong
03:58.16onepointfivenot really a country I guess, but it likes to think it is :)
03:58.55*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:59.03[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: PLEASE get with the program!
03:59.03saftsackmy recommendation goes to pri
03:59.17saftsack[TK]D-Fender, later entries arent ok? ;)
03:59.44[TK]D-Fender[22:54]<onepointfive>quality and reliability are paramount here - our customers area happy to spend over the odds on things like that (and bill them for it we certainly will!) - Telecoms in Hong Kong is also generally quite cheap, I would guess this area should be too
03:59.53[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: this was 5 mins ago.
04:00.03[TK]D-Fenderlooks inside saftsack's skull....
04:00.20saftsacki was smoking :)
04:00.21[TK]D-Fenderyup... the light are on... the wheel is spinning... but the hamster is F-ING DEAD :p
04:00.43[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: [22:53]<saftsack>sorry didnt read it from the beginning
04:00.45jayteehe was smoking........ and probably drinking the bong water
04:00.57[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: What are you smoking exactly?  And do you have extra?
04:01.28saftsacklet's drop those things ...
04:01.57saftsackonepointfive, get a pri line. itsp isnt as reliable as pri.
04:03.10*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
04:06.33onepointfivethanks for all your help guys, particularly D-Fender :) going to go do some reading and pricing now
04:06.47onepointfivesure I will be back to bother this # soon enough hahaha
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04:19.17jbotwell, bri is [~bri] Basic Rate Interface - a form of ISDN that consists of 2 * 64kbit/s Bearer (B) channels and 1 * 16kbit/s signalling channel (D)
04:19.19jboti guess pri is [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
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05:42.26imcdonaThis is an easy question but I am braindead at the moment. I have a destiation for a certain extension, but, I dont want the extension to be dialed unless a user presses 1. if they press 1 it then rings the extension
05:44.16jblackjust do a getdigit with no timeout.
05:44.52imcdonai'll look that up, thanks
05:46.34imcdonais getdigit an application?
05:46.49imcdonaI dont see it listed on:
05:47.09jblackI don't see it either. Hold
05:47.41jblackthe actual name is read, and it's a cmd.
05:48.00imcdonacool ty
05:53.02[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: your terminology is all ovre the map
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05:53.30[TK]D-FenderWho is dialing what, and then who presses what to do what?
05:54.30imcdonamanager api makes a call outbound to a PSTN phone, if the user presses 1, they accept the call and then it moves along and connects the desired extension, if they do not press one, it hangs up the call
05:56.01[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: you need to pass it to an extension that will ask for input.  afterward you can do whatever you want
05:57.16[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: So dump them in an IVR or another exten with a looping Read or similar
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05:58.12workdraftgot a question.
05:58.31jboti guess ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:58.41imcdonaso it dumps to that extension, but, if they press 1 for example and I redirect it to another extension for processing, then I lose the extensin its supposed to call
05:59.01workdraftforget being biased about asterisk. which would you recommend, freepbx or asterisk?
05:59.44workdraftin a 100 seat setting. ive been reading about asterisk lately but i  havent read a lot about freepbx.
05:59.58workdrafti need to ask some good opinions or facts perhaps
06:00.43drmessanoThats not a direct comparison
06:00.53drmessanoFreePBX USES asterisk
06:00.57[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: that is not a proper IVR.
06:01.08[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: go read the book on how to make one.
06:01.56drmessanoFreePBX is a dialplan configuration interface for Asterisk that creates a PHP web based GUI experience with Asterisk as the underlying engine
06:02.11[TK]D-Fenderbetter phrased : FreePBX builds configs via GUI  following its limited logic to make an appliance-grade setup out of your system.  None to bright, but does basic IVR stuff.
06:02.17drmessanoAsterisk is still the call processor, the worker, the B2BUA
06:04.08workdraftany suggestion besides FreePBX that runs on the same platform (LAMPA)?
06:04.30jameswfdont make me sick the god warier on you
06:04.41drmessanoNo, nothing else is usable.. which is why everyone, including Digium are using it where a GUI is desired
06:04.48[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Druid, ScopServ, Switchvox, ThirdLane
06:05.05workdraft@<[TK]D-Fender>: thnx...
06:06.08drmessanoDruid being the only free one in that bunch
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06:11.48ManxPowerI was at a 2 day Druid conference a few months ago.
06:12.03ManxPowerPretty amazing stuff, but you really have to be a web 2.0 weenie.
06:12.28ManxPowerAnd quite honestly I don't think the current web is anything past 0.01alpha
06:17.30jblackI've always thought of druids as weenies....
06:18.17[TK]D-FenderDruids never use their weenies...
06:18.18workdrafthave any one checked out vicidialnow?
06:18.27[TK]D-Fendermakes for poor expansion ;)
06:18.45[TK]D-FenderI smell a tele-spammer... get the torches...
06:19.12[TK]D-FenderGoing from "chump GUI user" to "hated by the masses"
06:19.16ManxPowerRelease the lions!
06:20.01jblackDoesn't irreperable harm sound expensive to you?
06:20.17jblackI don't think I like irssi with split screens
06:22.37[TK]D-FenderAlrighty... checkout time.. later all
06:23.15workdraftgtg. thn ya'll.
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06:36.24BeeBuui connected 2 asterisks,can i set a queue member in another server?
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06:47.13grndslmyou guys know of any good voip forums where different providers/codecs/etc. are discussed?
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06:49.31rue_mohrany comments on the aastra 9143 for a small office?
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06:54.48speekachi all
06:55.06speekacdoes anyone has implemented SRTP and TLS support in asterisk before?
06:55.59demonisthow about using ipsec instead
06:56.17demonistis that any good or too much overhead
06:56.41speekacnope, there is a specific requirement that SRTP and TLS support must be in place
06:57.24demonisthmm, i would not be able to help you
06:57.30demonisti have yet to build a pbx yet
06:57.37demonistor read much into this asterisk book
06:57.41demonisthopefully soon though
06:57.55speekacthanks anyway
06:58.14demonisti have yet to build a pbx
06:58.16demonistsoon though
06:58.33Corydon76-digspeekac: bug oej about it
06:58.49Corydon76-digspeekac: there is experimental support for TLS in 1.6.0
07:00.09Corydon76-digSRTP is still a ways away, though
07:02.06TrentCreekHow can I get Asterisk to cut my lawn?
07:03.04*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:08.30TrentCreekthen what about SMS?
07:10.00speekacoej: hi there
07:10.04speekacCorydon76-dig: thx
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07:21.49cvnetwhat ports do you need to have open to have asterisk work properly?
07:21.56cvnetconnecting sips .... ?
07:26.01*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:31.42jboti guess ports is, or, or the FreeBSD ports system etc etc, or
07:31.43jbotsomebody said port was To port something, you translate the code for a program from one platform to another. You could port a program you wrote on a PC over to a Macintosh, for example. Port
07:31.50jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
07:31.58drmessanoThat has the port info
07:34.56*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
07:37.58*** join/#asterisk eliyahud (
07:41.21cvnetI configured the firewall, but sip gets registered but no voice
07:41.34cvneti open tcp/udp 5060-7000
07:41.40cvnetany other suggestions?
07:43.36TrentCreekturn on SIP debug
07:45.14eliyahudwhat ab0ut the rtp ports
07:45.20eliyahududp 10000:20000
07:45.34cvnetsip debug doesnt show anything
07:48.02cvnet<eliyahud thanks taht did it
07:48.05cvnetthanks a bunch
07:48.27cvnetfor sip if i have 5060:7000 <-- that should be good right?
07:48.55eliyahudwhy do you need up to 7000, afaik the only port you need open is 5060
07:49.12cvnetwhat if i got more than one client connected?
07:49.42eliyahudso they also connect to 5060
07:49.57cvnetso just leave 5060 udp/tcp open?
07:51.03cvnetim really paranoid i got hacked 2 days ago
07:52.14*** join/#asterisk hackbanger (n=hackbang@
07:52.49cvneti had a really simple password
07:52.52cvnetand firewall was off
07:53.10cvnetplus im not really good with unix/linux
07:53.23cvnethe is still on teh server
07:53.37cvneti just build this one and im moving it over as soon as the firewall is configured
07:53.44cvnethe is doing some sort of attack i think
07:54.27eliyahudyou should run a root kit detector and change the passwords and keys
07:54.45cvneti changed hte root pass like 5 times, and he would change it back
07:55.16eliyahudhow is he connecting, ssh?
07:55.32cvnetthanks that worked, i got only 5060 open now
07:55.44cvnetfrom Romania
07:56.00eliyahudyou can change ssh to deny access to IP blocks, or allow access to only certain IP blocks
07:56.03cvnetroot     pts/1        2008-11-19 20:58 (
07:56.28cvneti was in linux channel, and they told me your best bet is to install it freshly
07:56.34cvnetso that is what i did the whole day today
07:56.42eliyahudyeah if that's an option, that's the best
07:56.47cvnetwith firewall and hard usernames passwords ...
07:56.58cvneti hope i wont get rooted again
07:57.09cvnetanything else you would suggest?
07:57.29cvnetwhere do you change the ssh to deny allow ips?
07:57.32cvnetwhat file is it?
07:57.44eliyahud/etc/ssh/sshd_config i think
07:58.27*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:58.34cvnetill do that
07:58.35cvnetthanks a bunch
08:00.28*** join/#asterisk invalidrecord (
08:00.37invalidrecordhi guys/girls
08:02.01invalidrecordi have just installed asterisk and the gui on my local box to dev a small rails app against, what do i need to set up to have a working voip iax setup locally with say 3 softphones
08:02.54eliyahudcvnet: actually sorry, you do it in /etc/hosts.deny
08:03.28*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
08:03.55X-RobCan someone re-open bug 13927 please
08:04.17eliyahudyou need to configure iax.conf and extensions.conf
08:05.17TrentCreekWatch this vid
08:07.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
08:07.24invalidrecordTrentCreek: thanks
08:08.24TrentCreekinvalidrecord: you can download a higher res at the link they show, and example files
08:09.14invalidrecordcool thanks im ok with this just not used the voip on asterisk b4 used it a long time ago with telephony cards
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08:30.40donnibhi all
08:30.58donnibi have a big problem with my newly ip asterisk setup
08:31.28donnibi have 2 phones. one in india and one in denmark. both connected on the same network so without nat.
08:31.45donnibi have turned off qualify since i have 300 ms latency
08:32.23donnibi can see both phones are connected but when i try to call from DK -> IN i see by looking on the web interface of the other phone that it's not claling
08:32.45donnibi looked in the asterisk log and i can see it sends out (Resending packets)
08:32.59donnibsome times everything work ok and sometimes it's not working.
08:33.19*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:33.21donnibanyone have an idea what my problem could be ? is it because of the network ?
08:41.35SwKit sounds network related
08:49.00donnibis there any way i can see what is the problem ?
08:49.45donnibany debug or someting ? maybe it's clear that the network is the problem since i see the SIP messages resending but the other end does not receive them.
08:50.12donnibor is it because of the latency ? i mean 300 ms is alot but maybe it should work anyway. ??
08:52.54cvnetwhat does dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown) mean?
08:56.15invalidrecordii have a local install of asterisk and i have defined two extensions but i dont seem to be able to call between them can anyone walk me through it quickly i dont need anything clever just two ext to test a rails app on?
08:58.46cvnetinvalid one sec
08:59.07invalidrecordcvnet: thanks
08:59.07*** join/#asterisk baliktad (
08:59.10cvnetr u able to register it?
08:59.53invalidrecordim not sure i have two defined in the user section of the asterisk gui
09:00.01cvneton sip, you type in context=from-internal
09:00.02invalidrecordbut i dont seem able to connect the softphone
09:00.17cvnetdid you create a sip user?
09:00.24invalidrecordi was going for iax if possible
09:00.40cvnetcan you register your softphone with your system?
09:00.58invalidrecordno it seems not to connect
09:01.08cvnetis it on the same network?
09:01.10invalidrecordbut i havent used it b4 so it may
09:01.15invalidrecordyes on local machine
09:01.20kaldemarinvalidrecord: you'll get better help in #asterisk-gui. most (if not all) people don't use GUI's here.
09:01.27*** join/#asterisk trogs (
09:02.21trogshi, just wondering if anyone has firmware for a mitel 5055 sip phone?
09:02.29trogstheir firmware download page appears to have gone away.
09:02.35invalidrecordis the gui a bit sucky then i do most other things in vi so dont see why i should do asterisk diffrent
09:03.27cvnetinvalid if you have a nat=yes or check mark try to enable that
09:04.18invalidrecordim running the server on and phone is on same box
09:04.28invalidrecordim not using nat
09:04.56cvnetlogin to box and type--> asterisk -r
09:05.04cvnetthen -> sip show peers
09:05.14cvnetsee if you can see the users there
09:05.34cvnetim not using gui so i wont be much help to you
09:06.02invalidrecordcvnet: i am happy with a console ill ditch the gui :-)
09:06.21invalidrecordnothing in sip peers
09:06.23cvnetlol i installed the gui first too, but then moved to no gui
09:06.27jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
09:06.32cvnetso you do not have a record there
09:06.38cvnetlet me give you something
09:06.39cvnetone sec
09:06.49kaldemarinvalidrecord: ^ that is a good reference for your needs if you stop messing around with the gui.
09:06.59invalidrecordi just did :-)
09:07.09invalidrecordim not a gui fan
09:08.56cvnetopen /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
09:09.03cvnetand add
09:09.27cvnetsecret is the pass, so you can change it to anything you wish
09:11.10cvnetthen go to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
09:11.12cvnetand add
09:11.36cvnetthen try calling from user 100 sip (dail anything) it should ring to 101
09:11.49cvnetand when u type sip show peers it should show you both users
09:12.19cvnetoo after editing each file you have to type reload or for sip --> sip reload          for extensions -> dialplan reload
09:12.24cvnetgood luck im going for smoke
09:17.25invalidrecordok done and thanks i have sip
09:18.17cvnetdid it work?
09:18.48invalidrecordthat config looks a lot frendlier than sendmail i think ill dithc the gui
09:19.09cvnetyou dont have much control over the gui
09:19.28cvneti mean with gui over asterisk
09:19.58invalidrecordnow all i need is sound output lol
09:20.14cvnetwhat u mean?
09:20.35invalidrecordfrom zoiper
09:20.42*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=proscom@
09:21.15Karlitoocan any 1 help me out, I'm trying to figure out how to complite h323plus for asterisk
09:22.24*** join/#asterisk Dragoon_nz (
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09:31.34cvnetis there any command in cli to see how many actives calls are in process ?
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09:37.30Maliutacore show channels
09:40.12invalidrecordok brb
09:45.14*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
10:01.32*** join/#asterisk tapic (n=tap@
10:02.12tapichi all, does anyone have knowledge about hunting policies for ss7 channels?
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10:03.56tapicI experience lots of chanunavail & congestion problems when I try to outdial through an ss7 link and suspect that it is an hunting policy issue but have a very limited knowledge about it.
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10:19.17stix_When using the queue show command the output isn't sorted. Can I do that somehow?
10:19.21stix_by extension
10:21.54*** join/#asterisk bminish (
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10:23.59disposabledoes *1.6 have a larger/smaller set of files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/xx/* than 1.2?
10:24.29mark_csistix: I'm not sure how to do this but I know you can add "like <regular_expression>" to the end of the command
10:26.21*** join/#asterisk pcrane (
10:29.09pcraneHi guys
10:29.13pcranehow's is everyone?
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10:33.22pcranecan anyone tell me why callerid(num) is empty for *all* calls in on a PRI?
10:33.31pcraneor where to start looking for why?
10:37.01*** join/#asterisk bminish (
10:39.02pcraneI think I answered by own question:
10:39.18pcranecallerid=asreceived should be set to pass the caller id forward
10:40.40*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
10:43.49mark_csistix: I found a command I used a while back to order sip extensions 'asterisk -rx "sip show peers" | grep 5060 | sort -n" - don't know if this'll help
10:44.24stix_mark_csi, i'll give it a try
10:45.02stix_works great, thanks :)
10:45.17stix_if I set a global var, shut down asterisk and start it again. Will it remember the var's?
10:46.14florzstix_: the var's what?
10:48.25*** join/#asterisk ElDios (
10:48.33ElDioshey guys
10:48.45ElDioswhere do I find the auth IMAP data in kolab?
10:49.03ElDiosI need to connect directly to the Cyrus IMAP server but I don't know what AUTH data do I have to use
10:49.07ElDiosany idea?
10:49.15ElDioswrong window
10:49.17florzthe var's variable? what's that?
10:49.39ElDiossorry florz
10:49.41stix_florz, you don't know what a variable is?
10:51.28*** join/#asterisk farkus (
10:51.41florzstix_: I just don't know what a variable belonging to a var is.
10:52.30*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
10:52.40stix_florz, okay but do you know that "var" is short for the word variable?
10:52.41*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
10:52.52florzstix_: I supposed that.
10:53.22stix_okay, have you heard of the asterisk command SetGlobalVar ?
10:53.57florzstix_: I think so.
10:54.14stix_but still you don't understand my question?
10:54.14florzstix_: supposing that you mean the dialplan application?
10:54.50florzstix_: Well, how should I understand - I'm not familiar with the concept of variables having variables.
10:56.10stix_florz, then I think you shouldn't ask me further questions
10:57.36florzstix_: Actually, I have asked you just one question so far.
10:58.05florzstix_: Didn't intend to ask any further ones ATM.
11:08.30puppetHas anyone ever had a problem with that when ou Answer() in *, * goes on but the call dont really get answered?
11:12.38*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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11:18.40donnibhi people
11:19.11donnibi have two phone which i have disabled qualify but after doing that when i call from one to the other the other phone does not ring
11:19.21donnibboth clients sits on the smae network without nat
11:19.37donniband they both register to the server. i can see that by looking at sip show peers
11:19.59donnibanyone have an idea ?
11:25.01mark_csidonnib: could it be a dialplan problem?
11:25.49donnibno because it works some time.
11:25.54donnibi keep seeing Resending in the log
11:26.30donnibthere is a 300 ms latency between these two clients
11:29.03puppetmy problem seem to be a dialplan issue, strange, when i removed allow anonymous i go voice
11:33.03*** join/#asterisk fprior (
11:38.12fpriorHi all.I'm new in Asterisk's hardware.I would install a small call center with 8 PSTN incoming line. How choose between PCI card or External gateway ?
11:40.06donnibso i guess no one has other ideas ?
11:50.41*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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12:12.10invalidrecordany of you guys used adhearsion im not sure if its asterisk bit im getting wrong or adhearsion bit, i think this code means any call to an internal extension should run the handler but it dosent seem t0
12:13.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:24.05*** join/#asterisk homeins6 (
12:24.26homeins6If a phone says that it is a single line phone, does that mean it is incapable of 3 way calling or call waiting?
12:26.59*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
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12:30.21homeins6What is the benefit of getting one that has 2 lines? Does that give you the ability to transfer calls, or conference calls?
12:31.42puppethomeins6: transfer, conferense is handled by *
12:31.47UnixDawg_it gives you a way to put a person on hold and make another call with out the chance of hanging up on them
12:32.01*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
12:32.02UnixDawg_as you use line 2 to dial out
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12:41.34puppethmm, anyone knows why that wehn i have several peers, to same host, it uses just ONE of them at SIP/08XXXXX2375-08d1d9e0" always same doesnt atter who calls in
12:58.33puppet my incoming peer looks like this, only diffrence is the username and fromuser, and then the name of the trunk.
12:58.36puppetfeels like there is some problem with several trunks to same host
12:59.26*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
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13:08.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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13:10.38fprioranyone use GrandStream GXW-4108 or GXW-4104 ?
13:13.29jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
13:13.33jbotmethinks grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
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13:24.42fcois93hello all
13:25.05fcois93I try to insert a header in a ancel sip! have you an idea?
13:25.28fcois93I know how to insert header in an invite but dont know how to do for a cancel...
13:26.45[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: vi chan_sip.c <---
13:27.17fcois93[TK]D-Fender: you have a solution? is it possible? you understand what I need?
13:30.47fcois93[TK]D-Fender: in fact, with openser, I insert a header in the CANCEL, but asterisk don't forward the header to the next user...
13:32.43*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
13:32.45[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: And what I jsut told you says that you cannot do this in * without recoding the channel driver
13:32.49zchaosanyone here understand how patch panels work for cat5/phone lines? and know how to punch down other ends etc?
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13:32.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
13:33.25[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: * is a B2BUA, not a PROXY.  You can't just ADD things..
13:33.32fcois93[TK]D-Fender: waouh! I think I cant do it...
13:33.49[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: Depends on what kind of path panel
13:33.57fcois93[TK]D-Fender: always the same problem, * is a B2BUA... :(
13:34.43[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Keep that in mind for the next similar request.
13:35.35*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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13:41.05*** join/#asterisk farah (
13:41.32farahhello everyone
13:42.10farahi am doing a project on asterisk
13:42.26fcois93farah: as everyone...
13:42.53farahmy project is to perform the call quality
13:43.45farahi configured the .conf files, and i thought to use the command "iax2 show netstats"
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13:43.52fcois93farah: use the right codec, a good SDSL access...
13:44.20farahthank you fcois93
13:44.36fcois93farah: and need to have 1Adsl for data and 1Sdsl for voice
13:44.46farahmy question is about "iax2 show netstats" .
13:45.00fcois93farah: I don't use IAX
13:45.04farahah ok
13:45.20Carlos_PHXWhat's the question about netstats?
13:45.21fcois93farah: but, know you a proxy IAX as OPENSER... ?
13:45.54farahfcois93: i am a beginner in asterisk so i didnt get your question
13:46.10[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: GRAMMAR FAIL :)
13:46.16Carlos_PHXI'm not a beginner and I didn't get his question.
13:47.08angryuseropenser can not be used as iax proxy
13:47.10fcois93in fact, need to have an IAX-proxy same as  OPENSER is a SIP-proxy
13:47.22fcois93angryuser: yes I know :(
13:48.12farahCarlos_PHX: the question is:  when i did some tests, i used the command "iax2 show netstats" and i tried it with many configurations of the file iax.conf, and the result changes. So is it better or put on the configuration of iax.conf "jitterbuffer"=yes and "forcejitterbuffer"=yes, or is it better to disable the jitter?
13:48.15angryuseri dont know any product besides asterisk who can do anything in server side for iax
13:48.37angryusermaybe some proprietary
13:49.49Carlos_PHXI wouldn't use that as a pre-config tool, but a troubleshooting tool if you have problems.  Generally I would say jitterbuffer=no unless you have a need.
13:50.03*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:50.16Carlos_PHXIf you have good connections that should work.
13:50.27[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: What do you need a IAX proxy for?
13:50.35farahCarlos_PHX: When i enable the jitter (jitterbuffer"=yes and "forcejitterbuffer"=yes), i get the following result:  voip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
13:50.35farahChannel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
13:50.35farahIAX2/i55333-2455          1500    3   62     1   0     0    0      0    0    0     0   0     0    0      0
13:50.35farah1 active IAX channel
13:50.37farahvoip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
13:50.38Carlos_PHXWe try to avoid IAX for anything other than special purposes.
13:50.41farahChannel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
13:50.43farahIAX2/i55333-2455          1500    2   62     1   0     0    0      0    0    0     0   0     0    0      0
13:50.45farah1 active IAX channel
13:50.47farahvoip*CLI> iax2 show netstats
13:50.51farahChannel                    RTT  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts  Jit  Del  Lost   %  Drop  OOO  Kpkts
13:50.52[TK]D-Fenderfarah: PASTEBIN!
13:50.53farahIAX2/i55333-2455            18    2   63     1   0     0    0      1    0   40     0   0     0    0      0
13:50.55farah1 active IAX channel
13:50.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
13:51.03[TK]D-Fenderfarah: Do not spam in here like that
13:51.09farahoops sorry
13:51.18farahi am really sorry
13:51.56Carlos_PHXfarah:  Are you have a sound quality problem?
13:52.05fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I need to do loadbalancing to others asterisk servers, control some parameters from my customers...
13:52.15farahno i don't
13:52.46fcois93[TK]D-Fender: somethings that a B2BUA cant do :)
13:52.50Carlos_PHXfcois93: How are you keeping the servers in sync?  Calls between servers?
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13:53.23fcois93Carlos_PHX: what do you mean with sync ?
13:53.24[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: IAX is not designed to be proxied
13:53.49Carlos_PHXYou said you have multiple servers.  You need to keep the configs across both and allow calls between them.  Asterisk realtime?
13:54.27farahwhen i disable the jitter, i have in the "lost" field a value equal to -1
13:54.28farahand that seems strange no?
13:54.49fcois93the config in asterisk is very simple and never change. the changing config is in openser and check in mysql
13:54.59farahi didn't say that i have multiple servers
13:55.16fcois93farah: it was for me
13:55.23farahah ok:)
13:55.56Carlos_PHXfcois93: Have you considered using DNS SRV for load balancing?
13:56.41fcois93Carlos_PHX: to do loadbalancing, with asterisk, I use  'gotoif, sippeer...'
13:57.19fcois93Carlos_PHX: in fact, I have 2openser and multiple asterisk after,   so I need to do loadbalancing  openser->asterisk and loadbalancing asterisk->openser
13:57.53fcois93Carlos_PHX: and that was done without real pbs
13:58.14[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: SER is a load-balancer and prozy.  Trying to use * as that role is retarded.
13:58.30*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
13:58.42dominic1hello botox93
13:59.09farahcan someone help me please
13:59.24fcois93[TK]D-Fender: yes I know but add an other openser to do loadbalancing  to others openser isn't a good idea I think
13:59.31Carlos_PHXfarah: What's broken?
13:59.48[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: You'd be wrong.
14:00.15fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I don't know
14:00.32farahCarlos_PHX: when i disable the jitter buffer, i get a value equal to -1 in the "lost" it because there is no statistics for this?
14:01.06Carlos_PHXI don't know.  Probably not a lot of IAX users in here.  But if it's not broken, what are you trying to fix?
14:01.41Carlos_PHXI would guess that without a jitter buffer you can't measure jitter.
14:02.14farahi am doing a trainee and they want me to find a method to improve the call quality even if it's good...they want to be able to detect if there is a failure...and i thought to do this using iax show stats
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14:03.27Carlos_PHXImprove call quality even if it's good?  Huh?  Each CODEC has a baseline call quality level.  It can only go down from there if there are network problems or other issues.  If there are not, you can't make it better.
14:03.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew
14:03.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: hmmyeahhi
14:04.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: i think i'm getting ill
14:04.21farahdo you think there is a treshold for the % of lost packets with the iax show stats, after which we can say that the quality is not good?
14:04.53KattyCarlos_PHX: heh
14:04.58Carlos_PHXI don't know on show stats specifically.  I do know that when our customer see 3-5% loss, it is audible.
14:04.58[TK]D-Fenderfarah: Place a call, start messing with it, monitor, and judge for yourself
14:04.59KattyCarlos_PHX: onward, to northrend!
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14:05.24KattyQwell: 73 :>
14:05.24coppicedoes improving a good call mean in goes a rough angry voice and out comes the soothing tones of Morgan Freeman?
14:05.40farahI want to find a way to detect automatically if there is a failure
14:05.55farahcoppice: lol
14:05.58Kattyand i want a millino dollars and a ranch house
14:06.12Carlos_PHXjust wants coffee.
14:06.22Carlos_PHXis a man of simple desires.
14:06.30Kattyyou're a man.
14:06.33Kattythat's to be expected.
14:06.55Carlos_PHXHowever the coffee machine is at least 20 feet away and I have to press the button on it.
14:07.03Kattyoh no.
14:07.08Carlos_PHXYou can see my dilemma.
14:08.11farahCarlos_PHX: last question please:) value of lost= -1 what does it mean?
14:08.38Carlos_PHXI don't know, I can only guess that it means there is no data.  Without a jitter buffer, I think you can't measure jitter.  But I do not know that for sure.
14:09.20farahok thank you
14:09.32Carlos_PHXfarah: Understand that there are products out there for analyzing call quality, most pretty expensive.  Because there aren't simple stats that will tell you how call quality is.
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14:10.06farahCarlos_PHX: yes i know...but my diploma project is about this so i don't have the choice
14:10.07Carlos_PHXKatty: I made the trek and pressed the button.  Mmmmm
14:10.14Kattyyou brave soul.
14:10.27Carlos_PHXIt was like...dark out there.  And cold.
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14:15.12[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: 20 feet away?  Thats some nasty localized weather you have there...
14:15.29[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: wait.... I feel a Micro-Burst coming on...
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14:16.32iCEBrkrlooks around and yawns
14:16.38Carlos_PHXWell, it is in another room.
14:16.45Carlos_PHXComputer room/office = warm
14:16.50Carlos_PHXKitchen = cold
14:17.28Carlos_PHXwhich flavor of Slim Jim goes best with coffee? They're not just for breakfast any more.
14:17.56iCEBrkrSo in voicemail.conf there's a emailcmd option.. What's the default path it'll look for that script? or do I need to full path it?
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14:18.45dhillchan_local.c:617 local_alloc: No such extension/context
14:18.49dhillwhich is correct
14:19.17dhillanyway I can create a GotoIf when there is no extension?
14:19.34dhillDial returns CHANUNAVAIL
14:19.36iCEBrkrhow about an 'i' extension?
14:20.20dhillok, let me give that a shot
14:20.38iCEBrkrexten => i,1,Playback(invalid) or something
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14:24.57farahiax is developped by default with udp...but is it compatible with tcp too?
14:25.32coppicefarah: no streaming media protocol will behave well over TCP
14:26.01farahok thank you
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14:27.28Carlos_PHXIAX and TCP, that would be...interesting
14:27.45dhilliCEBrkr: not working.. hmm
14:28.26Carlos_PHXcoppice: You happen to know anything about T.38 with Vitelity?  Going to give it a try later in the week, but wonder if you have any experience with them.
14:28.48RModvitelity doesnt offer t38
14:29.16*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4249986@gateway/web/ajax/
14:29.18coppiceRMod seems to know far more than me :-)
14:29.48RModnot at all, just know vitelity doenst offer t38 =)
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14:29.59Carlos_PHXVitelity doesn't offer it, but does do it.
14:30.12Carlos_PHX"Not supported, best effort..."
14:30.19coppiceah, so Carlos is the true expert
14:30.30Carlos_PHXSince we are going to do some voice with them, would like to try T.38.
14:30.46Carlos_PHXWe have yet to settle on a T.38 carrier, though testing is going really well with
14:31.14RModbroadvox offers t38 term. to all destinations
14:31.17Carlos_PHXVitelity is on the same network as Broadvox.
14:31.34coppiceCarlos_PHX using what at your end?
14:31.40Carlos_PHXBroadvox's services and plans don't really fit our needs, though we looked at them carefully.
14:31.46mort_gibdoes anyone have any advice on ATA's ??
14:31.49Carlos_PHXcoppice: Asterisk 1.6
14:31.58mort_gibI have used Zyxel but....
14:31.58Carlos_PHXmort_gib: SPA 2102
14:32.57coppicemort_gib: don't trust anything they say on a ATA's carton
14:33.28mort_gibcoppice: I know, the Zyxels worked fine though
14:33.34Carlos_PHXHeh, yeah, don't trust anything any box says about any SIP device...
14:34.09mort_gibI need to be able to connect it to a pstn line too
14:35.35Great_Anta_Bakaanyone have any luck with getting snom presence to work with asterisk?
14:36.39mort_gibcoppice: Thanks
14:36.48mort_gibCarlos_PHX: Thanks
14:37.04mort_gibGreat_Anta_Baka: Yes
14:37.06Carlos_PHXI'm new with ATAs altogether, but have been really happy with the ease/reliablity of the Linksys.
14:37.35mort_gibYeah, well this one is slightly odd. This is not really for use with asterisk
14:37.35Great_Anta_Bakamort_gib: any advice you can give me
14:37.40coppicemort_gib: worked fine within the limits of what you asked them to do would be more accurate. I have seem multiple ATAs which say T.38 on the box and have no T.38 support at all. if you don't try to use that feature, you'll probably never realise its missing
14:37.52mort_gibEh. what do you want to know??
14:37.53Great_Anta_Bakai am on snom firmware version 7.130
14:38.04Carlos_PHXcoppice: So, which ones do you like for T.38, since that's my next project.
14:38.18Great_Anta_Bakabut cant get my lights to light up when someone is on a call
14:38.19Carlos_PHXOnce we get on a carrier for the back end, deploy ATAs to client sites.
14:39.13mort_gibGreat_Anta_Baka: Do you use  hint in extensions.conf
14:39.25Great_Anta_Bakai dnt think so
14:39.30Great_Anta_Bakawhere do i put it?
14:40.19[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: go read up on presence on the WIKI
14:40.23mort_gib1. Use hint in extensions.conf 2. use friend rather than peer in sip.conf 3. Map Extensions to buttons on the phon
14:40.34mort_gibHI TK
14:40.34[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: you need to set up your dialplan hints
14:40.46Great_Anta_Bakai see
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14:49.30rue_mohrany comments on the aastra 9143 for a small office?
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14:52.53rue_mohrcan I have a second call ring in on a line thats already being used?
14:53.05iCEBrkrLike call waiting?
14:53.21rue_mohrno, like actaully ring
14:53.37iCEBrkrumm, if you have a second line appearance.
14:54.08rue_mohrk, so I need atleast 2 line appearances to have calls ring in while someone is using them
14:54.36iCEBrkrIf line 1 is in use and you send a call to it, it'll work like call waiting..
14:54.52iCEBrkrBut if it's a multi-line phone, you'll have to setup individual sip accounts for each line.
14:55.02Great_Anta_Baka[TK]D-Fender: i have set it up like this exten = 201,hint,SIP/201
14:55.03rue_mohrI'm trying to understand how a receptionist of say 4 incomming numbers works for a phone with less than 4 appearances ( the aastra 9143 is 3)
14:55.23Great_Anta_Bakabut still no luck :/
14:55.34iCEBrkrrue_mohr: you'll have to have dial-plan logic to route the calls to the correct lines
14:55.53AkiyukiAnyone know if fwrite() is acceptable method for creating call files in /var/spool/asterisk/ ?
14:56.04rue_mohriCEBrkr, the page for that phone says 9 calls simotanious, so I take it will accept 3 calls on each appearance
14:56.52brad_msswI'm trying to switch from zaptel to dahdi ... but dahdi won't start, error message is: line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'  ... I don't have a /dev/dahdi/*, I instead have /dev/dahdictl, /dev/dahdichannel, /dev/dahdipseudo, /dev/dahditimer
14:57.07brad_msswhow do I let dahdi know this?
14:57.18iCEBrkrrue_mohr: We create sip accounts like 100, 100a, 100b, 100c for a 4 line phone.
14:57.38iCEBrkrrue_mohr: and then we have logic in the dial-plan to route to those lines if one is busy.
14:57.48rue_mohrk, do you use 4 line sip phones for the situation I'm talking about
14:58.00iCEBrkrYeah, Polycoms
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14:59.10rue_mohr4+ lines seem hard to find, are they acually 'lines' or are you using any tricks
14:59.31rue_mohrpolycom > aastra?
14:59.42iCEBrkrFor sure
14:59.53rue_mohr$polycom > $aastra?
14:59.56iCEBrkrTHough, I heard Aastra's have improved on quality
15:00.15stintelour Aastra's rock!
15:00.17mort_gibSnoms will do the job too
15:00.28iCEBrkrrue_mohr: Polycoms are best known for their sound quality -- and general overall hardware quality
15:00.35rue_mohrstintel, tell me, how many incomming numbers do you have?
15:00.44[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: in north America  Polycom is pretty much par on cost with Aastra
15:00.53iCEBrkrWe did a 500+ Aastra install and we sent back at least 110 of them after a week of use.
15:00.53espentanybody running zaptel/digium card with freebsd on amd64?
15:00.56AkiyukiOr, does anyone know of a way to issue a call through the CLI? Or asterisk management interface?
15:01.08[TK]D-FenderAastra's are unstable and I have a large # of "hate" points for the 5i series
15:01.36[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: cli "originate".  AMI "originate"
15:01.37stintelrue_mohr: don't know by heart, but at least 8 configurable, iirc
15:01.51[TK]D-FenderPolycom > all
15:02.00rue_mohrhmm, the aatra 9143 is an i33 I think...
15:02.19iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I dunno.. Snom's are coming along :P
15:02.28[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr>rue_mohr: We create sip accounts like 100, 100a, 100b, 100c for a 4 line phone. <--- YUCK
15:03.12rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, k, your reccommended way of doing reception for 4 different phone numbers?
15:03.13[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: In the race to "most unstable"? ;)
15:03.21iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Our system 'auto-magically' creates the stuff based on the model of the phone :)
15:04.37rue_mohrI'm working with people used to nortel isdn stuff, and who currently have 6 slt's on 3 lines
15:04.55Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: You can certainly make a call through AMI.
15:05.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: What does the user need to know?
15:05.02Carlos_PHXI don't know the commands off the top of my head.
15:05.31[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I just answered both questions...
15:06.06[TK]D-Fender9143i seems identical to the 9133i except for an XML browser (on a shit screen) and a $20+ price hike
15:06.14rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, there is a push to get equpiment, I need to know if aatra 9143's are gonna work for their 4 line ( 4 seperate bussnisses answered by up to 2 receptionists ) setup
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15:06.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: So they want the line-key to really represent the division of origin?
15:06.50rue_mohror if it shoudl be switched to something else
15:07.01lmadsenI like how people assume there is good recommendations about hardware for their application on IRC... I think people should actually test hardware to determine if it suits their needs
15:07.02rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, they will udnerstand that best
15:07.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: In that case I highly recommend a Polycom IP 6XX
15:07.18AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: Can you put me at the documentation? I cant find it.
15:07.28lmadsenbut that's just me :)
15:07.33jbotbook is, like, probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:07.37rue_mohrwe have to keep them simple looking phones too, thats part of the reason for the selection of the aastra 91x3
15:07.40[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Go read the chapter on AMI.  And on the WIKI
15:07.55Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: Hve you looked here?
15:08.15AkiyukiNo, I didnt. I was just googling randomly.
15:08.22Carlos_PHXI'm guessing you're looking at it for the predictive dialing?
15:08.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I'd be VERY sure about the call-handling capabilities on the Aastra... they are very simple phones and their division of lines and lock of interface could mean you can't handle multiple lines per "key".
15:08.32AkiyukiIs AMI a different package/installation?
15:08.38[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Which is Polycom's strong suit
15:08.44[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: No.
15:08.49[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Go read the book.
15:08.51AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: Yes, instead of generating the .call files
15:08.53Carlos_PHXAsterisk manager is just there, waiting.
15:09.15AkiyukiPHP's fwrite seems to write 1 line at a time like copy
15:09.18Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: Yes, I thought I would discuss that with you when we have our call.  I am very interested in what you've done so far, but believe you can do more with manager interface.
15:09.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: A base IP 600 can juggle 8 calls off 6 line-keys.
15:09.33[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: 8 calls EACH
15:09.50AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: Sounds good. Just waiting for Ryan to get here.
15:09.57rue_mohrok, their a little more desk realestate
15:09.59AkiyukiYou know how those IT guys are :P
15:10.19Carlos_PHXYeah, it's a true anomaly that I'm up this early myself.
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15:10.33Carlos_PHXManager interface is like connecting to an SMTP server and issuing commands in a way.
15:10.55Carlos_PHXWe use it one one call center app to dial from an analog dialer and create two SIP channels.
15:11.00Akiyukiah ok, that would probably be better, as  we were thinking of building a webservice request from the machine that hosts our web server to our asterisk box, etc
15:11.20Carlos_PHXThere's a web server in Asterisk also that can do that.
15:11.30Carlos_PHXI've only barely played with it.
15:11.36AkiyukiAh thats neat.
15:11.42mikealeonettipeople are jerks
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15:12.17rue_mohrmikealeonetti, with the accpetion of all of us?
15:12.36Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: Security is a huge concern with this.  It's not horribly INsecure, but not great either.
15:12.41mikealeonettirue_mohr: for the most part :P
15:12.54[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: yes.. we accept jerks here :)
15:12.54rue_mohrgoood stuff
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15:16.52AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: Well, its all internal at this point.
15:17.26[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: AMI from your web server to *.  Leave them separate
15:17.34[TK]D-Fender(if they already are)
15:17.48*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:18.25AkiyukiThey are
15:18.50AkiyukiI was trying to reinvent the wheel by running apache + php files to listen to $_POST and build .call files, but this is so much simpler
15:18.51[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Keep them that way then.
15:19.52[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: AMI calls = much simpler.  No drive mapping, file system issues, etc
15:22.44rue_mohrhow do you mean distict ring detect not reliable?
15:23.24rue_mohrwhat makes it worse is they have call waiting on the analog lines that have the second number with the distinctive ring
15:23.50rue_mohrI can quite easily say that the standard nortel isdn system CAN NOT handle their setup
15:23.59[TK]D-FenderHOLY MCFUCK
15:24.15[TK]D-FenderNothing can
15:24.35[TK]D-Fenderthey guy thinks a Ma Bell line can do magic and they are WRONG.
15:24.41[TK]D-Fenderthis entire setup is retarded
15:24.42rue_mohrwell, the call waiting isn't a problem, they can deal with it as part of the main call
15:24.57AkiyukiWhen I try to visit the asterisk demo page, it loads, but gives an alert with 404 not found on any actions.
15:25.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: except they have no idea who to answer as <-
15:25.05rue_mohrand it "works" between them begging me to fix it
15:25.13rue_mohrgood point
15:25.28rue_mohrthats prolly how that call got mixed up yesterday...
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15:25.31stmaherHello everyone..
15:25.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: and I missed that we just took this public :)
15:25.46stmaherIm trying to get paging working with a poly com 430 hard IP phone..
15:25.57rue_mohrI find it annoying when people detract me from a channel
15:26.17[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: you need to set up your Alert info in provisioning, and set the header before dialing the phone.
15:26.29[TK]D-FenderstIts documented on the WIKI.  read up.
15:26.29jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
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15:26.50stmaher[TK]D-Fender yep.. tried the wiki and everything.. not working.
15:27.10[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: PASTEBIN is your friend... show us what you've done.
15:27.12stmaher[TK]D-Fender i realise you have to send a sip alert info header.. which is send to the phone via an tcpdump
15:27.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:28.00[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And you adjusted the "alert info" stanza in your provisioning?
15:28.18donnibi have this question before..i have problems that my call reaches a client that is on the same network. is there anyway to find out why ?
15:29.00rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, ok, off to work
15:29.00donnibmight sound weird but i can explain
15:29.00Akiyukihttp://localhost:8088/asterisk/manager?action=Login&username=admin&secret=secret5 gives me a 404, so do most of the urls on the AMI
15:29.16[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Hope so, because we have no details yet
15:29.19stmaher[TK]D-Fender thanks
15:29.34[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: FORGET AJAM.  Just do an AMI socket connect
15:30.05[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: you are asking for pain.
15:30.37AkiyukiNothing is running on port 5083
15:31.07[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Well go look at your config file then.
15:31.25donnibok. have 3 phones on same network (different subnets). two phones are in denmark, one is in india. we are running a vpn line between two locations.
15:31.32Akiyukiport = 5038
15:31.53donnibthe server is in denmark. all registers fine. all have qualify disabled and nat as well.
15:31.56[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: PASTEBIN... don't jsut spit out 2-word bits and pieces
15:32.28[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Please describe the netwoking on BOTH ends
15:32.28donnibi have a 300 ms roundtrip between india and DK. if i am running without qualify the phone in india does not ring when i call from DK
15:33.21donnibsame network but different subnets. network are connected with VPN thru a 2mbps line
15:33.45[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: pastebin the SIP debug of a failed call.
15:33.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:34.02donnibmy problem is that i keep seeing Resending in the asterisk as the packets does not get to the other end but i can get to the webserver of the client.
15:34.07donnibhang on
15:34.22stmaher[TK]D-Fender did you forget about me :-(
15:35.38*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:36.41[TK]D-Fenderstmaher:          <alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.value="Ring Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.2.class="4" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.value="Auto Answer" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.3.class="3"/>
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15:36.47raasdnilevening all
15:37.02[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And put your ring answer class back to normal
15:38.31stmaher[TK]D-Fender ????
15:38.56stmaher[TK]D-Fender thats what the webpages are sayin to do..
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15:41.29raasdnilhey all, question.  How to provide a filler in the silence that follows Asterisk routing the call to a channel and preceeds the called party ring tone that gets generated.  Some phone companies I have called have short tones about half a second apart to let the user know something is happening, and then it changes to ring or busy as appropriate...
15:41.47raasdnilthere should be a question mark somewhere in there.  :)
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15:42.09raasdnilProceed, Backgroup, and Dial(m) don't seem to foot the bill
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15:45.50raasdnilhmmm.... found playtones... looks like it
15:46.00*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:46.46Akiyuki[TK]D-Fender: Is ther any thing you can think of as to why this wont bind to 5038? netstat doesnt show anything listening there
15:47.24Carlos_PHXAssuming you enabled it in manager.conf?
15:47.42Carlos_PHXThen restart Asterisk
15:47.54AkiyukiIt has been restarted and enabled
15:48.17ManxPowerneurosys: I autoload and then noload the modules I don't want.
15:48.22Akiyukistupid centos packages
15:48.25*** part/#asterisk Akiyuki (
15:48.25ManxPowerAsterisk modules are VERY interdependent
15:49.09neurosysManxPower:  The dependencies are why i was afraid to turn off autoload. Thats a good idea. :) thanks
15:49.27*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
15:49.51[TK]D-Fenderakiyuka enabled = no <-- maybe THIS has something to do with it? :p
15:50.02[TK]D-FenderTwit had to leave... SHEESH
15:52.07donnib[TK]D-Fender : did u see my pastebin ?
15:52.50neurosysThis may be a newb question, But in Linux, How do you activate scrollback?
15:52.53*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
15:53.01[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: WHERE?
15:53.12[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: this is a client question...
15:53.14neurosysIn Freebsd, i just hit scrollock and can scroll back at the shell.
15:53.28ManxPowerI just use an xterm or putty, they come with scrollback
15:53.57neurosysManxPower:  Yeah, im at the machine itself. I could ssh into it.. but im at the screen itself.
15:54.46Carlos_PHXAnyone aware of a wi-fi VoIP phone with video?
15:55.35neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Ok ok.. I'll just ssh into the box and use scrollback. :-P
15:55.42[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Ctrl PgUp/Ctrl PgDn
15:56.24[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: When in doubt, JFGI
15:56.26neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  I'm not in X.
15:56.35[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Neither am I <-
15:56.42ManxPowerAn XWindows command line, is that anything like a green orange?
15:57.17neurosysManxPower:  Wel. that page is working with xterm.
15:57.54neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Shift-PgUp/Down
15:58.18neurosys[TK]D-Fender: Promise to JFGI nexttime ;)
15:59.49[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: check your firewalls, and youting.
16:00.08*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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16:02.02stmaher[TK]D-Fender heya.. any thoughts on the polycom issue?
16:02.24[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I told you want to do...
16:02.53stmaher[TK]D-Fender could you please explain it abit better?
16:03.31[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: better?  I gave you a complete replacement line to cut & paste and told you another line to put back into stock condition.  What more is there to say?
16:03.34[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: 2 lines.
16:03.51[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: My instructions aren't Raw-Cat Science.
16:04.06mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: dude
16:04.29neurosysAlways so testy. :(
16:04.38[TK]D-Fenderaims his Raw-Cat Lawn Chair @ mikealeonetti
16:04.53stmaher[TK]D-Fender Thanks Ill try that
16:05.06raasdnilis trying to get some playtones working... any ideas on what I am stuffing up?
16:06.15*** join/#asterisk pwasek (
16:06.17[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: pastebint he ACTUAL CLI output, and "R" should override your playtones...
16:06.23[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: that enforces ringing...
16:07.26*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
16:08.31raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: that is the CLI output.  Just not all of it. one sec, I'll dump it all there
16:08.44stmaher[TK]D-Fender Thanks! that worked perfectly!
16:09.12[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Yeah... we're only missing proof about what was actually called and the dialplan to back up that the local channel is valid too ;)
16:09.19[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You're welcome.
16:09.39[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Next step for you is probably "Page"
16:09.45*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
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16:09.49raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: bah, mere technicalities :)
16:09.54[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Chain up a bunch of them and scream bloody moneys to everyone
16:10.15mikealeonettiis there a way to monitor calls on other extensions to see if you want to receive them?
16:10.25raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: oh.. hang on a sec... 'dialplan to back up that the local chanel is valid too'.... I think one of those intelligent light bulbs just glimmered to life above my head
16:10.32raasdnilhas no dialplan for Local
16:10.33[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Concorde & Challenger had "technicalities" too... wanna pick up your boarding pass now? ;)
16:10.46[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: :p
16:10.57raasdnilno thanks.  Titanic has my seat already :/
16:11.10[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Depends how you want to "monitor" them
16:11.20[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Your ship has come in!
16:11.23*** join/#asterisk farah (
16:12.04mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: well, just to see what calls are coming in to the company in real time
16:13.28ManxPowermikealeonetti: "asterisk -rvvv"
16:13.40ManxPowerYou would know that if you had read the Asterisk book.
16:13.40[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: before ringing phones maybe call a script that will push out an IM or something.  maybe a script that will just page the number read out over speakers.  Maybe just ring MULTIPLE phones at once.
16:14.06raasdnilok... where do i define the Local channel then?  chan-local.conf?
16:14.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nobody wants to monitor * CLI jsut to see calls come in...
16:14.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: in a user environment.
16:14.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower: this is for selective pickup..
16:14.33[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: No, it jsut points to something in your dialplAN.
16:14.43[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Local/exten@context
16:14.50raasdniloh, I get it.
16:14.52*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
16:14.53[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: and I advise "/n" at the end
16:15.04raasdnilyeah, I read that bit.
16:15.18[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: What are you doing that you don't know how to use it, what its for, and yet is stillin your dialplan in the first place?
16:15.34[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Inherited config?
16:15.57raasdnilno... experimenting from the voip-info wiki on a test box
16:16.02mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: is it possible to ring a group of people, but have that call clearly come in saying it's for somebody else and then if you want to take that call having to press a confirmation key?
16:16.07stmaher[TK]D-Fender How do I make it play monkeys right after i make an auto answer to the phone?
16:16.33mikealeonettithat was more an in general question actual
16:16.38mikealeonettididn't mean to direct it at [TK]D-Fender
16:16.50mikealeonettibut I"m sure he likes the attention
16:17.16[TK]D-FenderraaWIKI is often outdated and something flat out wrong...
16:17.44[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Go read up on "call files" and "AMI originate" and you'll see how to direct them to it
16:18.14[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: I fired up a 20-person simultaneous tt-monkeys page in my office.  Freaked the living shit outta people.
16:18.47[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Next time, I'm going to do tt-driveby with the sounds of automatic weapons fire and breaking glass
16:18.50stmaher[TK]D-Fender You are psyhic!.. you read my mind :-)
16:19.06stmaher[TK]D-Fender LOL..
16:19.32mikealeonettiwhat's up pussy cat
16:19.36mikealeonettiwoah woah woah woah
16:19.51stmaherIll have one for each day of the week
16:19.53stmaherBlue monday
16:19.57stmaherHappy tuesday
16:20.03stmaher(dont know one for wed or thur)
16:20.07stmaherIm so excited for friday!
16:20.17[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: dial multiple local channels with M() called for the non-primary contact
16:20.22raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: thanks...
16:20.27raasdnilseeya all (off to sleep)
16:20.37[TK]D-Fenderraanp.  All working?
16:20.43mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: M(), hrm.  lemme look it up
16:24.05*** join/#asterisk ElCheapo (
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16:29.48mikealeonettiOK. So M() executes a macro when it connects with the phone (presumably when picked up). Then I guess I just have to create a macro that has an extension that when it is pressed it Answer()s. Then I just modify the caller ID to show where it is going.
16:29.57mikealeonettithat's pretty brilliant
16:31.03*** join/#asterisk ghento (
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16:36.57*** join/#asterisk dushantch (
16:38.08dushantchHi, why this works : exten => _#,1,Dial(SIP/4), and this: exten => #,1,Dial(SIP/4)
16:38.33dushantchand exten => #4,1,Dial(SIP/4) but not this exten => _#4,1,Dial(SIP/4) ?
16:38.47ManxPowerdushantch: both should work, you must be doing something else wrong.  The CLI will show you
16:38.54[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: because the "_" in front alny says that reserved patter chars are not to be take literally.
16:39.23[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: And both patterns are OK.
16:39.31[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: What are you calling that # using?
16:39.36ManxPowerWell if you have both # and #4 how does the phone or Asterisk know what you are dialing.  But without a pastebin of the CLI output I really can't comment further.
16:39.37dushantchwell I'm trying to make something like : exten => _#x,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1})
16:40.10[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: thats fine
16:40.21ManxPowerYou ARE doing a reload or dialplan reload after you make changes, right?
16:40.21[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: So again, what are you calling with?
16:40.33dushantchI am doing reload
16:40.48ManxPowerWhat are you dialing from?
16:41.57dushantchI'm dialing from linksys spa3102 configured as SIP to forward anything it gets to asterisk server. It worked before :)
16:42.13dushantchalso trying with nokia e65 as sip phone
16:42.22[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: you'll have to make sure your SPA's dialplan allows that pattern
16:42.26ManxPowerdushantch: the SPA has a dialplan as well that you have to update
16:42.45[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: And ou should be looking at CLI with SIP debug enabled to see what's actually coming in
16:44.43dushantch[TK]D-Fender: , ManxPower : thanks I'll give it a look
16:45.08ManxPowerdushantch: In SIP the phone collects all the digits then sends them all at once to the PBX.
16:47.27dushantchthis is spa's dialplan: (9[2-5]<:@gw0>|xx.S0|<#:>xS0)
16:47.59[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: that is not an FXS dialplan...
16:48.19[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: and the FXO (line) port should not be "dialing" into * with patterns
16:49.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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16:49.30dushantch[TK]D-Fender: this is the dialplan for hansets, and for pstn is: (S0<:110>)
16:51.15[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: (*x.T|x.T|#x.T)
16:51.36dushantchhmm it worked for year and a half with * 1.2
16:52.30dushantchI'm a little rusty haven't messed with it for so long :), thanks for the patience
16:53.18dushantch[TK]D-Fender: can you enlighten me what T does in that dialplan you gave?
16:54.40[TK]D-Fenderdushantch: AKA "accept jsut about anything as long as the guy stops typing digits for 3 sec
16:55.01neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  What would you recommend for speech recognition? LumenVox?
16:55.26[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: ASR = bleh... but its better than Sphinx
16:56.58neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Oh! and its already built in to asterisk? Free is always great :)
16:58.55neurosysheh just a recompile. cool.
16:58.56dushantchyou guys were right, I did this removal of # in this line in spa3102 <#:>xS0 few years ago, as AFAIK <#:> removes # . Thanks a lot
17:01.20*** join/#asterisk seaq (
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17:05.23ManxPower"SIP accounts are about users (not extensions or devices). " <-- well someone has a lot to learn.
17:06.47*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
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17:09.11Carlos_PHXAh yes, I remember the day that I set up a SIP account as a user and tried to register four devices to it.
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17:10.15ManxPower*grumble*  I guess I should go do something productive.
17:11.37*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
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17:12.14Carlos_PHXProductivity is over-rated
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17:32.24beniwtvhi all... is there a way for my dialplan to know the IP address of the IAX/SIP phone connected?
17:35.17[TK]D-Fenderbeniwtv: "core show function SIPPEER"
17:36.28beniwtv[TK]D-Fender: thanks
17:44.20maqrhave any of you played with the linksys spa9000? anyone have opinions on it?
17:47.24[TK]D-Fendermaqr: Its a toaster... one that toasts only one side, unevenly, doesn't accept rye, and lacks an appeling stainless steel finish
17:50.13maqr[TK]D-Fender: so... good?
17:51.42[TK]D-Fenderis not even going to validate that...
17:55.40*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
17:55.45TuxguyCarlos_PHX: What's your telephone #?
17:57.16maqr[TK]D-Fender: well it was a silly answer to begin with :P
17:57.40[TK]D-Fendermaqr: I'd like to think "strangely apt"
17:58.12root52Since we are on linksys ;-) what are the thoughts on Linksys SPA3102. I really just need it to ring an exten on * after someone calls a DID hosted on a ROLM system.
17:58.36*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
17:59.06root52it would be DID -> ROLM -> ROLM Exten -> Linksys SPA3102 -> Asterisk
17:59.38hi365_many links on how to debug why asterisk forks?
18:00.42[TK]D-Fenderhi"Because there is no spoon"
18:00.44QwellAsterisk is supposed to fork.
18:01.02[TK]D-Fenderroot52: Thoughts on it?  Sure its an idea.  There you go.
18:01.49root52[TK]D-Fender: Thank You
18:05.49*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:06.33hardwireI have rtcachefriends=yes in sip.conf and realtime load sippers name 24308 returns the DB entry
18:06.45hardwirebut I can't see anything in the sip peers
18:06.54hardwireand I need to make calls through this account from local.
18:09.18*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
18:17.56hi365_mwhen is asterisk supposed to fork?
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18:24.42rhousandwill asterisk work with vodavi 6800 mgcp phones?
18:28.01*** join/#asterisk rhousand (
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18:29.11rhousandhas anyone had luck connecting vodavi 6800 mgcp phones to an * server?
18:30.21[TK]D-Fenderrhousand: extremely few people use MGCP with *.  Your odds of getting details on one specific phon are extremely slim
18:31.14*** join/#asterisk rhousand (
18:31.22ManxPowerhi365_m: Asterisk forks any time System or other external command is called, it's called a fork/exec
18:31.36rhousandhas anyone had luck connecting vodavi 6800 mgcp phones to an * server?
18:31.54ManxPowerrhousand: repeating your self all the time will do nothing but piss people off.
18:32.25ManxPowerrhousand: Chances are you are the only person on this channel (out of 289 people) that is trying to use MGCP.
18:32.45rhousandsorry, network droped for a sec. I did not think my message made it to you
18:32.51ManxPowerrhousand: Your best option is to ask on the Asterisk-Users mailing lists and/or search the mailing list archives.
18:32.53jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
18:33.10hi365_mManxPower: hello. Let me restate my question then. Many a time, I notice that asterisk seems to be running twice. Some of the systome include the cli not responding to commands. *Usualy* if I do service asterisk stop it seems to stop one instance and then continues to wrok
18:34.01ManxPowerhi365_m: You have something else going on.
18:34.17hi365_mive had this alot. what could it be?
18:34.23ZaVoidso is iax2 just completely busted in 1.4.22?
18:34.32*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
18:34.37hi365_mit happens on many differnt systems (mostly 1.4.18)
18:34.42ManxPowerhi365_m: No idea.  I've never in my 5 years of using Asterisk ever heard of someone with the problem you are having.
18:34.55ManxPowerZaVoid: Cite your souce.
18:34.58ManxPowersource, even
18:35.29ZaVoidwell all my 1.4.15 boxes have no problems with my iax2 clients... i installed 1.4.22 for the tc400b card and i can get 1 call to connect to the box and follow my dialplan out of 100 attempts
18:35.38ManxPowerhi365_m: it is common to see multiple asterisk "processes" (if you see more than 2 then you are seeing THREADS not processes).  I have never heard of killing one of those processes making Asterisk work.
18:35.42ZaVoidsip clients are fine
18:36.12hi365_mis it also normal to have safe_asterisk running twice?
18:36.47[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m: No
18:39.42ZaVoidis there any major changes to iax registration since 1.4.15 that i have to account for in iax.conf or via realtime?
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18:41.05cvnetdoes asterisk supports IPSEC tunnel  ?
18:41.21hardwirelinux does
18:41.21hi365_m[TK]D-Fender: well, ive had it. any idea what would cause it?
18:41.32hardwirecvnet: use racoon and set up ipsec between some peers
18:41.37hardwirethen test the VoIP over it
18:41.41hardwireand tune it to what you need
18:42.32ZaVoidany thoughts manx?
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19:01.27[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m: * doesn't care how the packets get there.
19:02.42[TK]D-Fendercvnet: * doesn't care how the packets get there.
19:03.12[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m: wrong targt.  For yours, watch out for someone else running safe_asterisk by hand, or perm issues wher it doesn't see the PID and double-runs
19:03.30hi365_mweird, but ok
19:04.54jameswfkill all cell phones..
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19:10.18Tuxofredi'm setting up a asterisk server..
19:10.46Tuxofredif i call to a friend, i can hear him but he can't hear me
19:10.53Tuxofredwhat's the matter
19:11.01jbotsomebody said nat was Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
19:11.32jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:12.27awk_rTuxofred, fyi, Deeewayne's jbot triggers are directed toward you. (hint: Investigate your NAT issues)
19:13.08Tuxofredawk_r> i create one account by friend.. i added nat=yes
19:13.37Deeewaynethanks awk_r :-)
19:14.44awk_rDeeewayne, heh np.
19:14.53MaliutaTuxguy: read the docs you've been pointed at
19:15.18awk_rTuxofred, ^^
19:15.37awk_rpets jbot.
19:15.38Maliutadamn fingers
19:15.56Maliutawhen do I get my Andromeda style neural interface?
19:16.24[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: Right this way!
19:16.40[TK]D-Fendergrabs his B&D power drill
19:16.44awk_rMaliuta, when was the last time you upgraded? That feature is so 2050s!
19:16.50awk_rget with the times.
19:16.57Maliutaquestions [TK]D-Fenders surgical abilities
19:17.09awk_rMaliuta, no time for questions!
19:17.28Maliutaawk_r: actually something like CY6000's ;P
19:17.32hi365_mis there a problem viewing the svn?
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19:17.52hi365_m returns, The requested URL /view/asterisk was not found on this server
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19:18.01MaliutaSBS is having Kuberick week ATM :)
19:18.23awk_rhi365_m, the svn server is down for maintenance and should be up roughly around 5pm Central gets redirected to the bug tracker?!
19:18.40hi365_moh - cool
19:18.54awk_rWe recently moved our public subversion mirror to a new server.  It is
19:18.54awk_rcurrently down for maintenance while we resolve some unforeseen
19:18.54awk_rproblems.  It should be back up by the end of the day.
19:18.54awk_rI apologize for the inconvenience,
19:18.55hi365_mwonders why people do such things without consulting with him first
19:18.58awk_rRussell Bryant
19:19.02awk_r(copied from asterisk-users mailing list)
19:19.04jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:19.19Maliutadon't make me slap you!
19:19.41hi365_merr, what time is it now in central?
19:19.46awk_r1:19 PM
19:19.48[TK]D-Fender~cluebat awk_r
19:19.49jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps awk_r.
19:19.58[TK]D-Fenderawk_r: Don't spam like that
19:20.35hi365_mthats a while... are there any mirrors?
19:20.56esaymhow do I get my local time in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv instead of the default UTC?
19:21.12hi365_m[TK]D-Fender: under what license is cluebat distributed?
19:21.12awk_rhi365_m, I think the tarballs are still available
19:21.33hi365_mneh, I wanted to see some revisions. i guess ill just have to wait
19:21.51[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m: I'm licensed... the thwap!
19:22.21hi365_mchecks to see if [TK]D-Fender license has been faxed in to the legal department
19:22.55Maliutalegal department here. [TK]D-Fender is cleared for thwapage
19:24.01Maliutaall queries about my validity as legal dept and issuer of thwapage licences are to be directed to rather large man in the corner with the torture equipment
19:24.37hi365_mruns for his life, clutching his paintbrush and a bucket of paint from mspaint
19:25.27hi365_mbtwm who is TK and why does he need to be d-fended?
19:25.51[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: Legal Notice : "Torture" is henceforth to be termed as "aggressive interrogation methodologies"
19:26.36Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the reminder, I have that memo from PR around here somewhere
19:27.06hi365_mand i though you were going to redefine it "a gentel method teaching duma$$'s to RTFM"
19:27.09Maliutahi365_m: if you have to ask you don't need to know
19:27.30hi365_mwonders if he should get his won defener as well
19:29.17jaytee[TK]D-Fender: Legal Notice : "Torture" is henceforth to be termed as "just us Republicans show ya da love!"
19:29.17hi365_mhec, with [TK]D-Fender walking around swinging his cluebat around like Griff Tannen, I think we all need a defender
19:30.22MaliutaI think the only people in danger are the clueless who think they are too good to RTFM
19:30.31Maliutaand they're in danger from more than just [TK]D-Fender
19:30.32lmadsenanyone know how to set the privacy=full in the RPID?
19:32.34jayteewhat's a RPID?
19:32.42lmadsenremote-party ID
19:32.53lmadsenis the callerID portion of a SIP message (basically)
19:33.12hi365_mwas just reading up on that
19:34.09*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
19:34.10jayteeah, thanks. I just ordered SIP Demystified as Jared recommended it. I haven't spent alot of time dealing with the headers except with Exchange and haven't had to do alot of it so I'd never seen the term.
19:34.28Maliutajaytee: you _still_ name dropping? ;P
19:35.06*** join/#asterisk km2 (
19:35.33[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: Only because LEIF MADSEN said it was OK ;)
19:36.08[TK]D-Fenderna na na na na!
19:36.16Qwelljaytee: Just say you know me, and it'll all be okay
19:36.30QwellYou should see the attention you get when you drop my name at a bar or a club.
19:36.36Qwellblank.  stares.
19:36.44jayteeI know Qwell!!!!
19:37.36jayteenow I need to mail my book with return postage to Leif so he can sign it too. :-)
19:39.12lmadsento answer my own question
19:39.20lmadsenexten => s,n,SetCallerPres(prohib_not_screened)
19:39.28lmadsenthat's how you change it
19:39.39jayteeI've spent the morning rewriting portions of my IVR to make it more streamlined and I implemented some changes that file suggested the other day and it's running smooth and the voice rec is usually dead on unless you really mumble a command.
19:40.36Maliutajaytee: gonna cost you more to send it to me to get it signed ;P
19:41.10jayteewhy would I care if you signed it? you're not Jim are you?
19:41.56Qwelljaytee: my name is in there too - I'll sign it :p
19:42.05Qwellmy signature will probably devalue it though
19:43.11codefreeze-lapQwell: I've got your sig in my book! Almost everybody's but lmadsen... sigh
19:43.13jayteeQwell, I should have  had you and russell sign it before I left. I didn't think of having Jared sign it till just at the end of the dCAP
19:43.55*** join/#asterisk porter (i=terdon@unaffiliated/porter/x-000001)
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19:44.55jayteeQwell, and it wouldn't devalue the book having your signature in it.
19:45.08Maliutajaytee: you'd care because it's me :)
19:45.54jayteeMaliuta, with a first name like Nikolai I'm already suspicious of you and I've hidden the silverware, the cash and the chickens.
19:47.29Maliutajaytee: are you a Nazi? because I think you have something against Slavic people
19:48.59jayteeno Slavic people per se. I actually find cute women with slavic features and accents to be really hot. I'll just never trust them damn commie russkies. Blame it on a having spent too much of my life living through the cold war.
19:49.58MaliutaIch bin nicht untermensch
19:50.26MaliutaWell I am a) Ukrainian. b) a socialist.
19:50.29jayteeyou are not subhuman?
19:50.46Maliutaand I take offense to the term "commie"
19:51.00Maliutathe bolsheviks did not practice socialism
19:51.04lmadsensteals the silverware, hash, and chickens, then points at Maliuta
19:51.15dushantchMaliuta: you're not alone
19:51.42Maliutajaytee: the ss refered to Slavs as untermensch
19:51.53jayteeMaliutu, I'm sorry you find the term "commie" offensive. From now on I shall refer to such followers of Marx as "broke dick people who stand in line just to get toilet paper". Does that help?
19:51.55*** join/#asterisk Howie69 (
19:52.12Maliutajaytee: there is nothing wrong with Marx
19:52.42Maliutajaytee: the problem is with Bolshevism, things were fine from Feb 5 1917 -> Oct
19:53.25jayteeall economic systems have their failures. communism is flawed. it robs the individual of ownership and kills the motor of the world which is the human ego. read Ayn Rand and you might get a clue. Marx was pathetic  whining loser.
19:53.29MaliutaLennin was a power mad asshole. He had to convince his own people to get violent
19:54.16lmadsenlooks around and could have sworn he was in #asterisk
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19:54.22mikealeonettihe convinced eople to get a violin?
19:54.31mikealeonettiLenin was a musician?
19:54.36*** join/#asterisk alexmontoanelli (n=alexmont@
19:54.38mikealeonettididn't he marry Ouno?
19:54.53jayteewe need drmessano in here NOW!
19:54.53alexmontoanelliHello all,
19:55.16alexmontoanellithe svn. on is down,
19:55.19Maliutadushantch: I get the impression that most um-ericans are still living with the MacCartist view on anything left of the far right
19:55.25alexmontoanellianybody could confirm to me?
19:55.58jayteeMaliuta, in my case you couldn't be more wrong.
19:56.00[TK]D-Fenderalexmontoanelli: yes
19:56.00awk_ralexmontoanelli, it is currently down for maintenance
19:56.34awk_r[TK]D-Fender, who needs pastebin when you have mailing lists :-)
19:56.44alexmontoanelliawk_r:, thanks.
19:56.49awk_ralexmontoanelli, np
19:57.12*** topic/#asterisk by lmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- SVN IS DOWN FOR MAINTENANCE -=- Asterisk (2008/10/09), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
19:57.58jayteebut I am a left leaning liberal democrat who believes in a moderated capitalist economy, not a completely unregulated capitalist economy and I would still prefer either to a socialist or communist economy because the latter are typcially more stagnant
19:58.31lmadsen302 Redirect #politics
19:59.48Maliutathe US is so far to the right of the rest of the world what you think is "left leaning" is actually leaning toward the centre right
19:59.53dushantchjaytee: true
20:00.01*** join/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
20:00.19Howie69so, I think I have my SIP registration problem narrowed down to Via-Rhine III module
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20:00.24Howie69via-rhine II chipsets work fine
20:00.57Maliutawonders how a hardware module is causing a software issue
20:05.15wfaulkI purchased an X100P from and I can't get it to work.  After loading the zaptel module, it just spews out "FXO PCI Master Abort" over and over and otherwise seems to lock the machine
20:05.57wfaulkI've assigned distinct IRQs to all of the PCI devices in the BIOS and disabled everything I didn't need
20:06.12lmadsenthe X100P was EOL'd like... 2 years ago I think
20:06.18lmadsenthere was a reason for that
20:06.33wfaulkum, okay
20:06.35[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts" and tell us what SW versions you're running
20:06.42jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
20:07.04wfaulkdo you have a suggestion as to a decent reasonably low-cost alternative?
20:07.34wfaulkright now, I'm trying to run a livecd and the module gets loaded on boot (init script, maybe?) and I can't even get to a login
20:08.02wfaulkI can probably boot off of a ubuntu livecd.  would /proc/interrupts from there be relevant?
20:08.26mikealeonettiI am the conversation stopper
20:08.32mikealeonettiand the beat goes
20:10.42*** join/#asterisk ar_howard (
20:11.48[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Please provide what I hav requested
20:12.50wfaulkI can get it from a different OS install.  is that okay?
20:13.26[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: When you actually have an installed system to debug, let us know
20:13.38[TK]D-Fenderwfaulk: Debuggin a fixed CD image is a waste of time
20:14.06rwaitea waste of time... or a useful time?
20:15.06jayteeMaliuta, sorry I had to run to another building for a minute. Yeah, I'd agree that my "left leaning liberalism" would actually put me in the real middle in most countries :-)
20:15.44Maliutajaytee: I'm on the real left :)
20:15.48jayteebut that's only because most Americans have a room temperature I.Q. and either never studied history or forgot everything they learned about it.
20:16.35Maliutathat and a US centric focus
20:17.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: We believe that even more in Canada ;)
20:17.14jayteeMaliuta, that's going to change next year. Obama will save us all!
20:17.45[TK]D-Fenderexecutes another UOM drive-by RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT!!!!
20:18.12Howie69not the driver
20:18.17Howie69the mtu is coming up as 576
20:18.18jaytee"And the moon is in the seventh house. peace will shine on the planets and the world will be as one. This is the dawning of the age of Obamaness, age of Obamaness.........." damn, I shouldn't have had seconds on the Kool-Aid.
20:18.22Howie69whenever the link comes up
20:18.26Maliutajaytee: I had fun with my Eastern European history lecturer at uni. He was a yank, educated at Stanford in the '50s and then served in the US Army as a sovietologist
20:18.31Howie69changing the mtu back to 1500 lets sip registrations work fine
20:18.44Howie69now why is my card always coming up at 576?
20:18.51jayteescrewing with the MTU usually mucks things up big time
20:18.55Maliutajaytee: he had a distinctly Russian view on things, so we had some bumps
20:19.18*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
20:19.28Maliuta576 is awfully small for an MTU
20:19.45jayteeok, gotta get back to testing and debuggin this IVR and some changes to the grammar files. back in a few
20:19.56*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:19.59Maliutathat'd result in alot of packets for even small data transmission like SIP initiation
20:20.07Howie69so, is MTU assigned by the DHCP server?
20:20.35mikealeonettiit's very strange when women have an odd number of breasts
20:20.39MaliutaMTU has to be set before you can even think about getting DHCP info
20:21.00Howie69Is the module setting the mtu?
20:21.08MaliutaMTU is set when the interface is brought up, then DHCP happens
20:21.19[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Go watch "The Fifth Element" or "Kung-Pao: Enter The Fist"
20:21.23Maliutamodule is 2 steps before the interface coming up
20:21.36Howie69My interface is dhcp
20:21.39MaliutaHowie69: I think you need to go to school on networking
20:21.46Howie69Been to school on networking
20:21.51Howie69just never had a mtu issue before
20:21.52Maliutaobviously not
20:22.04Howie69when I bring my link up , it defaults to a mtu of 576
20:22.06Maliutaif you don't know where an MTU is being set you don't know enough
20:22.25Howie69even when I add mtu 1492
20:22.44ManxPowerHowie69: That is very, very, very weird.  576 is the default for some ppp interfaces, but it's pretty uncommon
20:22.52ManxPowerHowie69: Linux, I assume?
20:22.54Howie69ManxPower: yes
20:23.03mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: not that it's a bad thing...
20:23.07Howie69I can change it just fine with ifconfig
20:23.39ManxPowerHowie69: what distro?
20:23.59Howie69added mtu=1496 in /etc/network/interfaces
20:24.04Howie69but doesn't seem to work with dhcp
20:24.30Howie69iface eth2 inet dhcp
20:24.35Howie69well, 1500
20:24.46Howie69when the link comes up, it is still 576
20:25.18ManxPowerHowie69: you realize that mtu is not the same as MTU, right?
20:25.54hardwirecan't seem to qualify cached realtime sip peers
20:26.17*** join/#asterisk oh207 (n=oh207@nylug/member/oh207)
20:26.53puppethardwire: "2008-08-27 - In v1.4 (SVN only) "qualify=yes" is ignored if the peer is realtime and caching is not turned on. See "
20:27.04ManxPowerHowie69: mtu=1500 may not be the same variable as MTU=1500.
20:27.05hardwirecaching is turned on
20:27.13ManxPowerWhat is the caps of the other stuff in /etc/sysconfig/network?
20:27.20Howie69ManxPower: it is
20:27.53Howie69nothing is capped in /etc/sysconfig/network
20:28.09ManxPowerHowie69: then I cannot help you as your distro works differently than mine.
20:28.23Howie69what is your distro?
20:28.27ManxPowerthat page also does not show = in the settings
20:28.39ManxPowerHowie69: CentOS
20:29.43ManxPowerHowie69: Do you have a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup?
20:30.02ManxPowerin mine I have:
20:30.03ManxPowerif [ -n "${MTU}" ]; then
20:30.11ManxPowerseems pretty simple to me
20:30.35Howie69I was just headed in that direction to look at the script
20:31.46*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (n=Peaceful@
20:32.08PeacefulI just upgraded from asterisk 1.2.x to 1.4.22 and am trying to fix this error:
20:32.10Peaceful[Nov 20 13:30:53] WARNING[9934]: chan_dahdi.c:1095 dahdi_digit_begin: Couldn't dial digit 9: No data available
20:32.23ManxPowerPeaceful: did you read all the UPGRADE.txt files?
20:32.28Peaceful^-- which happens when people call out to the POTS and try to press digits
20:32.33PeacefulManx, yes, lots of them
20:32.39Peacefulwhich is why I didn't die
20:32.45Peacefulbut I must have missed this issue
20:33.08ManxPowerPeaceful: seems like almost nobody that comes in here with 1.2 -> 1.4 or 1.4 -> 1.6 issues ever read the upgrade.txt fles.
20:33.25PeacefulWell I spent several hours reading them, but I'm unusual
20:33.48PeacefulI was able to catch quite a few issues by reading those, maybe I should grep it for dtmf and see if I missed this one...
20:35.10rwaitehay guys how do i build 1.6???
20:35.19PeacefulNeither UPGRADE-1.2.txt nor UPGRADE.txt deal with anything related to my problem that contains "dtmf"
20:37.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:38.04Peacefulso anyway, with a dtmfmode of "rfc2833" or "inband" my agents can login, but outbound calls can't interact with IVRs.  With dtmfmode "info" outbound calls can interact with IVRs, but my agents can't log in.  What am I missing?
20:38.49trogsi recall that 1.2 had weird dtmf handling. try setting mode to auto
20:39.32Peacefultrogs: trying that...
20:40.21Peacefultrogs: auto works with vmail/agent login, not with IVR across the PSTN
20:40.50Peacefulmaybe I should be rebooting my phone when I change the sip config too?
20:41.14ManxPowerPeaceful: there is a toneduration= option  (chan_dahdi.conf?) that specifies the length of outgoing generated tones, I set mine to between 300 and 400
20:41.14trogsyou could give it a go
20:41.39ManxPowerset it to rfc2833 and set the toneduration
20:42.20*** join/#asterisk fabbari (n=mrwho@
20:43.23fabbariHi all! Can I simply ask a question in the channel or there is a more polite way of handling this?
20:44.11jbothmm... ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:44.27PeacefulManxPower: in zapata.conf I put toneduration=350  in [channels], set dtmfmode=rfc2833 in sip.conf -- no effect.  vmail works, IVR on PSTN doesn't still
20:44.48Peaceful(I haven't upgraded to the dahdi-named stuff yet--I planned this migration before that came out)
20:45.28Peaceful(oh, I did a "reload" before trying it, obviously, though I didn't restart my phone--a polycom 550)
20:46.42ManxPowerPeaceful: did you restart asterisk?
20:47.05*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
20:47.22ManxPowerPeaceful: if you are using dahdi I don't think it will read zapata.conf will it?
20:47.32Un1xhey was wondering can you still transfer calls even if your using TDM technologie? because yestorday i found out that you cannot signal hold with TDM technologie
20:48.04ManxPowerUn1x: do read the zapata.conf.sample and you will become enlighetened
20:48.08*** join/#asterisk oomph (
20:48.27oomphanyone how to make the # button not forward to parked calls?
20:48.27ManxPowerI bet the Asterisk book also talks about it and the voip-info wiki too!
20:48.34Un1xwell ManxPower i was told yestorday with analogue phones you cannot signal hold so, im wondering can you still transfer calls?
20:48.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:48.56ManxPowerUn1x: EXACTLY like 3-way calling with the telephone company.
20:49.06fabbariI'm trying to configure as my outbout sip peer. I'm using SIP to connect to the asterisk box. I can connect and talk between two extensions that are local to the asterisk box - two different SIP clients I mean. After I configured the SIP outbound peer I can call, the phone rings - so the outgoing part of SIP is working - when I answer the SIP client keeps getting the ringing tone, and there is no sound on the called phone. When I hang up the
20:49.10Un1xManxPower, yes indeed it does im not asking you to spoonfeed me simply yes or no so i can try and read about it
20:49.16Un1xManxPower thanks
20:49.32[TK]D-Fender\o/ for local profile copy!
20:52.59*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
20:53.19DaejeoMeow Meow :)
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21:02.51magic_hathey all. i installed asterisk via ubuntu package. I know that's not the preferred way to go, but my system's working great and I don't want to muck with it too much. I'm trying to install appconference, and need to point the Makefile to my asterisk headers. any idea where one might find them?
21:03.00*** join/#asterisk szallol (n=szallol@
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21:03.35Maliutamagic_hat: ubuntu should have a headers or src package
21:03.38ManxPowermagic_hat: you get them from the asterisk source
21:03.50Maliutaor what ManxPower said
21:04.07jpeeleryou probably want the asterisk-dev package
21:04.18*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
21:04.26Howie69ManxPower: I'm not sure what DHCP option the ISP is sending, but I set my mtu to 1500.  Then do dhclient3 -r eth2 to release the ip, then dhclient3 eth2 to renew it, mtu goes back to 576
21:04.28Trionnisanyone here that can tell me what would happen to existing calls between 2 asterisk servers if I remove trunk=yes from iax.conf and reload iax ?  is it like the other changes that would only take effect from that point on, or would it break the existing trunk?
21:05.27*** join/#asterisk jplank (
21:05.59magic_hatokay, i'll mess around with that.
21:11.37tzafrir_laptopmagic_hat, what version of asterisk do you have?
21:12.28tzafrir_laptopsome earlier versions of the asterisk deb (before 1.4.18, IIRC) incorrectly placed /usr/include/asterisk.h in /usr/include/asterisk/
21:12.44tzafrir_laptopyou can work around that with a symlink
21:13.33jayteeKatty, what happened to
21:15.40Trionnisanyone? :)
21:16.02ManxPowerTrionnis: I've never seen a reload terminate calls.
21:17.00ManxPowerJust issue the reload.  If calls drop and users complain look puzzled and concerned and say "I'll look into it right away"
21:17.12Trionnisthat's why I'm a little worried about it... I've never seen it either, but since I'm changing the underpinnings of how it works, it might cause issues
21:17.24TrionnisI'll tell our VP of sales to come talk to you then! ;)
21:17.41jplankI have a customer with a bunch of ip650's, they say when they go on speakerphone the have to either get real close to the phone or yell to have the other side hear them, does anyone know of a way to increase the volume of the mic or something like that?
21:17.54ManxPowerTrionnis: If it's SO important to do it during business hours....
21:18.03Trionniskinda the point I made
21:18.13Trionnisunfortunately she outranks me :)
21:18.14ManxPowerjplank: sip.cfg and phone1.cfg
21:18.23jplankI can do it from there?
21:18.31*** part/#asterisk root52 (
21:18.34jplankI have to reread the config files, I must of missed it
21:18.45jplankso you know which section it is?
21:18.50jplankdo you*
21:18.54ManxPowerjplank: less than 10 days ago someone posted a message on the mailing lists with all the gain settings
21:19.13jplankis their gain settings just for speakerphone?
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21:19.25ManxPowerTrionnis: You have several choices.  Wait until after hours, do it now and hope for the best, or set up 2 servers, test it then decide it
21:19.41ManxPowerjplank: you can set the gains for almost EVERYTHING in the polycoms
21:19.46ManxPowergrep gain sip.cfg
21:19.52ManxPowerit's not rocket science
21:20.02jplankthats awesome, I don't know how I missed gain settings for the speakerphone
21:20.09*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:20.53ManxPowerjplank: they probably don't call it "speakerphone".  What I suggest is set the volume.persist option  that way and manual volume adjustments should be remembered
21:21.03ManxPowerhandsfree might be a term they use
21:21.29jplankahhh I see it now
21:21.44jplankwait no
21:22.06jplankhandset, headset, chassis, ringer
21:22.23ManxPowerthat would be my guess.
21:22.31ManxPowerThe admin guide should tell you
21:22.39jplankbut is that going to increase the gain for the speaker or the mic?
21:22.40ManxPowerYou have the Admin guide?
21:22.49jplankI'm looking in it, really not much mention about it
21:22.51magic_hattzafir: i'm on 1.4.17. i just installed asterisk-dev, which put asterisk.h in /usr/include/asterisk, as you mentioned.
21:23.03magic_hatwhere does it need to be symlinked to?
21:23.04jplankI'm reading 3.1.1's guide
21:23.10*** part/#asterisk Howie69 (
21:24.06ManxPowerjplank: set all the persist options and see if users can just adjust their own gains
21:24.38jplankthats the thing, can they adjust the gain for the mic?
21:24.46jplankits not that they can't hear fine, its the other side
21:25.02ManxPowerno they can't do that for the mic
21:25.09jplankI would think its a QOS issue, but they said it works perfectly when on the handset
21:25.18Kattyjaytee: dydns is having issues
21:26.07[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:27.15jplankhmmm, it can't hurt to try it
21:27.30jplankI never heard anyone complain about sound being too loud
21:27.41jplankwell, a lot less then to low at least
21:27.45ManxPowerjplank: I have some sample files on
21:28.14*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:28.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
21:28.53jplankthanks, I'm going to try it
21:29.09jplankI guess I'll do it to chassis first, if that doesn't work, I'll do everything
21:29.32jplanklooks like the default is 12
21:29.45jplankdo you know how high that field can do?
21:29.52jplankthat sounds too high
21:29.56*** join/#asterisk hummb (
21:30.17magic_hathey, folks. I've got appconference installed with no errors. have stopped and restarted *. but getting this when I try to dial the conference: No application 'Conference' for extension (outbound, 99, 3)
21:30.46hummbare they are desktop apps yet that can perform presence/call transfer my connecting to asterisk manager ?
21:31.14jplankbut works
21:31.18jplankugly though
21:31.45hummbit does look old
21:31.57hummbscrew fop
21:32.04hummbi mean like a HUDlite :)
21:32.09*** join/#asterisk joobie (
21:32.13hummbwithout needing the hud server junk
21:32.17jayteehummb, that's what I'd say because I'm a Dapper Dan man myself
21:32.34jayteehummb, can't use Hudlite without the backend stuff
21:32.38hummbi know
21:32.49hummband id like to use something with the digium aa50 appliances
21:33.21*** part/#asterisk fabbari (n=mrwho@
21:34.36lord_nikonive got a question about IAX2, i am trying to forward a call comming in to server1 to a different server, is that possible ?
21:35.04jayteelord_nikon, no because Crash Override and Acid Burn will stop you
21:35.28jayteelord_nikon, actually yes you can
21:35.45lord_nikonalrighty, in which case
21:35.55lord_nikonim trying it like so: switch => iax2/bills/devicein
21:35.59jayteebut it depends how you set it up in your dialplan
21:36.14lord_nikonhowever, when i try that, i get     -- Executing Dial('IAX2/bills/h@devicein')
21:36.19*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
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21:36.25lord_nikonit keeps sending it to extension h
21:37.41lord_nikonif i use Dial instead of trying to switch it works fine, but i want the call to be redirected to the other server, not going through the first server to the second
21:40.56magic_hatso i'm installing appconference, and I'm a bit confused on what's supposed to be happening here. should I be seeing new .so files in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
21:41.16lmadsenmagic_hat: probably not. you might have to copy them there manually
21:41.24lmadsenyou should see them in /usr/src/asterisk/apps/ though
21:41.27lmadsenif they built
21:41.34*** join/#asterisk WHYS (i=lpfm@
21:41.48magic_hatnever mind, too much coffee, too little sleep. it's fine now.
21:42.36WHYSany strong votes for best free softphone.  I am using x-lite, but loooking to browse others.
21:42.46jayteeback later
21:43.17kaldemaryou won't see app_conference in /usr/src/asterisk/apps/. make install installs to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
21:48.42WHYSSeriously?  No one likes any other softphones?
21:50.13lmadsenWHYS: I use X-Lite and Zoiper. Those are the only ones I like.
21:53.01*** join/#asterisk sp00k3y (
21:53.46WHYSThanks Leif
21:54.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:55.38*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
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22:02.47rhousandis there a max number of extension in a blastgroup?
22:04.26ManxPowerrhousand: perhaps you are looking for #trixbox
22:04.28[TK]D-Fenderrhousand: "blastgroup" is not an appropriate term, and its limited by string length in the dialpln (like all apps), and then system load if you chain local channels
22:06.56rhousand[TK]D-Fender: thanks, sorry about the incorect term.
22:10.10*** join/#asterisk telnettech (n=telnette@
22:10.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: wasn't the line length increased n 1.4?
22:11.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not AFAIK.  I can't remember who it was in here like half a year ago who hacked the source for this...
22:11.20*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
22:11.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: but then since it isn't a "bug" it woul not have been included in 1.4 now would it?
22:11.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: It was for a mass-page in his instance
22:12.05*** join/#asterisk test34 (n=alex@unaffiliated/test34)
22:12.38test34Which VOIP protocol is the most reliable ?
22:12.52[TK]D-Fendertest34: Poor question.
22:13.02[TK]D-Fendertest34: What makes a protocol "reliable"?
22:13.27harry_vInteresting New domain name extention .tel avaiable to the public on december 3rd.
22:13.29test34tkd, can recover from errors for example ?
22:13.37harry_vwonder what took so long
22:13.49[TK]D-Fendertest34: what kind of errors?
22:14.13test34tkd-fender, any and all
22:14.20[TK]D-Fendertest34: How... generic.
22:14.21test34or most
22:14.52[TK]D-Fendertest34: That is an almost completely empty question
22:14.53test34well I don't know exactly how they work in the background
22:15.01test34so I can't be specific
22:15.19[TK]D-Fendertest34: Consider them largely equal then.
22:15.54test34tkd, which one do you like the most then ?
22:16.08harry_vtest34, the protocols are most likly reliabile but how thay are delivered is the question. Or at all. Depends on the reliability of the transmission method bandwith ect between end points.
22:16.21Carlos_PHXAny way to over-ride the DND on a phone?  Polycom in this case.
22:16.38[TK]D-Fendertest34: SIP, because its common and interoperable
22:16.58[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Not unless there's a hidden header they didn't document.
22:17.10test34harry_v: I just don't think that's the only difference... what would be the need to have more then one ?
22:17.13*** join/#asterisk talirk81 (i=434e2716@gateway/web/ajax/
22:17.15harry_vCarlos_PHX why would you want to disable it?
22:17.19ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: no official way.
22:17.20[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Because each endpoint does what it feels like.
22:17.28Carlos_PHXYeah, that's what I figured.
22:17.33Carlos_PHXWonder if there's a way to lock out DND.
22:17.43harry_vtest34, evolution in packet delivery methods :)
22:17.47ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: I'm sure there is.
22:18.12Carlos_PHXMy answer was, "Fire the employee who is using DND when you said not to."  Apparently was not the right answer.
22:18.18[TK]D-Fendertest34: becasue there are differences in encryption, routing capabilities, signalling VS media, etc
22:18.24talirk81In a AGI scrit i am setting  SET VARIABLE HID=xxxx  and  i get a 200 result=1  in the  console. However NoOp(${HID}) doesnt return anything , i also tried setting __HID to make it more global. Any ideas?
22:18.59[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: pastebin is your friend <-
22:19.02jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
22:21.19test34ok thanks to both of you, that will help me in finding some more information
22:22.09*** join/#asterisk ldsjohn (
22:23.23talirk81also just tried HID=xxxxx without the quotes and got the same result
22:23.57*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=none@
22:24.12ldsjohnI have an asterisk phone system that worked fine behind a linksys router, but the router broke and my company shipped me a cisco 871w router configured with a firewall and vpn tunnel, now I can make calls out but when I get calls in my sip response packet disapears, does anyone happen to know what might cause that?
22:25.17test34SIP has not defined procedures for handling device failure. If a proxy fails, the user agent detects this through timer expiration. It is the responsibility of the user-agent to send a re-INVITE to another proxy, leading to long delays in call establishment.
22:25.38ManxPowerldsjohn: There may be a "sip fixup" option enabled by default.  Did you forward the ports?
22:25.53[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: Please give the AGI Appendix chapter a good read on that particular command.
22:26.08ldsjohnI forwarded 5060 and the rtp ports, and I have turned off inspection on sip, that didn't make a difference
22:26.35ldsjohnI also tried removing all the access lists for the firewall and turning off all inspection and forwarding all traffic to the asterisk box, and still I get the same thing
22:27.32harry_vhas anyone here configure a bcm50 before ?
22:27.37ldsjohnif someone calls me, my asterisk box starts the call procedure and sends a packet and hten it disapears in the router and never comes out, since I use callcentric as a voip provider, people hear about 30 seconds of silence while it waits for the packet, then the call times out and they hear The callcentric user you are calling can not be reached
22:27.44StephenFAnyone ever heard of ASterisk integration with ConnectWise CRM?
22:28.04ManxPowerldsjohn: make sure you have canreinvite=no in each sip.conf entry
22:28.28ldsjohnyup its in all of them including my trunk
22:30.00ldsjohnI have tried nat=yes externip=x.x.x.x and localnet in my sip.conf and I get the same thing
22:30.18[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: APSTEBIN your sip.conf masking only passwords
22:33.43ManxPowerharry_v: No, but I know someone that will consult on BCM50 installs if you need someone
22:34.29filethat was disturbing... just heard Allison's voice on a TV commercial
22:35.03*** join/#asterisk OhSlap (n=ohslap@
22:35.55ldsjohnI think I got all the passwords out, they are replaced with ******
22:35.56[TK]D-Fender%#@&^#@%#@##@ CRTC sided with Bell on throttling their wholesale customers!
22:36.48[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: And why is 17-24 commented out?
22:37.00lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: welcome to 5 hrs ago
22:37.17stencil[TK]D-Fender: exactly those neo-cons are in Bell's pocket
22:37.37ldsjohnits commented out because I have uncommented them and tried it and then recommented them and tried it
22:37.58[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: well right now its BAD, and I see no peer for your ITSP at all which is another guranteed bad thing.
22:38.09ldsjohnno difference if they are or arn't commented, with my old router just forwarding ports 5060 tcp / udp and ports 10000-20000 udp it worked
22:38.14[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: Fix your configs and include a failed call attempt.
22:38.25ldsjohnuncomment those?
22:38.30[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: with SIP debug enabled
22:38.46[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: Fix your NAT settings.
22:39.46*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
22:40.08ldsjohnum I forgot the last bit of the sip.conf somehow
22:40.14ldsjohn shows the part I missed
22:40.23ldsjohnat the bottom the Peer Entry for callcentric
22:41.01[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: Also bad because they should be "nat=no"
22:41.33[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: And you you have not globally disabled reinvites.
22:41.41SkramXhow can I do an agentcallbacklogin but have the extension satisfy a pattern? (example: agent login is actually a macro that dials their home phone.. not a SIP extension)
22:41.49[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: 102 will definitely fail
22:42.13ldsjohn102 can is what I am using to test everything, its the phone that inbound calls go to
22:42.14[TK]D-FenderSkramX: Pastebin is your friend <-
22:42.26ldsjohnso you might have discovered the problem
22:42.42[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: it should not be allowed to reinvite.  in fact NONE of your devices should
22:43.02ldsjohnI need to uncomment the externip and localnet stuff first off
22:43.07SkramX[TK]D-Fender: okay- just thought of something though.. be right back
22:43.27ldsjohnshould I also uncommnet canreinvite=no and nat=yes in the general section?
22:44.00ldsjohnthen add Nat=no and canreinvite=no to my peer?
22:44.04[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: yes
22:47.12*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
22:51.24jplankany of you guys digium distributors ?
22:53.01*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
22:53.05ldsjohnthats my full log from just before calling to just after I get callcentrics message saying the person is not available
22:54.53[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: [Nov 20 14:51:08] VERBOSE[30098] logger.c:     -- Executing [17772484176@from-pstn:2] Gosub("SIP/", "cidlookup|cidlookup_1|1") in new stack
22:55.03[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: this is the last thing executing before THEY cancelled the call
22:55.26CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender: do you know where I can get a list of the Reason: clause values
22:55.29CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender: for the Ast AMI
22:55.44*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
22:55.51[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux: go check the usual places
22:55.59*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
22:56.10[TK]D-Fenderldsjohn: I'm wondering if that line is hanging too long.
22:56.15AkiyukiIs it possible to use commands strung together? like foo(bar(baz) ) ?
22:56.25CrazyTux[TK]D-Fender: voip info dosent have to much info
22:56.33[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: You can use FUNCTIONS insider of applications...
22:57.07lmadsenand functions inside of functions
22:57.27Akiyukiso SayPhonetic(Festival(foo) )  would work?
22:57.36[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: No
22:57.43[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Festival is not a FUNCTION
22:57.49SkramX[TK]D-Fender: - agent login issue
22:58.05AkiyukiLooks like a function in programming languages. What is it called then?
22:58.06ManxPowerFor a list of applications do "core show applications" for a list of functions do "core show functions"
22:58.23ManxPowerfunctions are UPPER CASE, BTW.
22:58.41ManxPowerAkiyuki: In Asterisk functions act much more like variables
23:01.08[TK]D-FenderSkramX: dump your dialplan
23:01.23SkramXmy dialplan is partyly in an AGI
23:01.29SkramXwhat part are you wanting to see?
23:02.39[TK]D-FenderSkramX: dump the whoe thing
23:02.42SkramXi think it's working now - did i not reload?
23:04.41*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
23:05.06[TK]D-FenderOk, time to head off for martial arts.  Back later
23:05.09[TK]D-Fenderis off
23:05.10Simon--anybody else experiencing VNAK/INVAL IAX frame storming on
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23:22.23trogsanyone point me in the right direction of some good sip trunk providers, probably don't need DDIs just bulk outbound minutes.
23:31.01*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
23:39.27baliktadI have used and like VoicePulse.  DID rates not the best but they have great domestic rates, most of the time less than $.01/min
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23:46.10Simon--svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/asterisk/branches/1.4': 405 Method Not Allowed (
23:46.15Simon--pft..where did go?
23:46.43jameswfI use some fancy scripting with gizmo which makes a chunk of my calls free
23:48.16eitHello everyone, I have a weird one that I'm hoping someone has encountered or has some better insight than I am coming up with.  They system is a freepbx version 2.3.1.  Asterisk is version 1.2.26.  they are using PRI's with digium te210p.  The issue is that certain calls to specific numbers will have issues once the far end VM system answers.  On issue in particular appears to be that asterisk mistakes the leave-a-message-tone to be a a fax tone and dumps the c
23:48.41jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:49.01eitOkay thanks.
23:56.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (

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