IRC log for #asterisk on 20081119

00:05.06ManxPowerC4away: an easy way is set up an alias in your local MTA
00:14.52cvnetif you got more than one phone number (did) from a provider, but want it to go to different context on extensions.conf how do you tell that?
00:15.30_ShrikEcvnet: goto
00:16.17cvnet_ShrikE no, it does go to that one context that i had for my first number, now i purchased another DID and i want it to go to different context in extensions.conf
00:16.21ManxPowercvnet: Usually you want all your calls from untrusted sources to land in the same context, then you can use Goto to route each DID to wherever you want to.
00:16.37ManxPoweryou would go to other contexts, of course.
00:17.15ManxPower[incoming] \n exten => 6665551212,1,Goto(customer-a,1212,1)
00:18.13ManxPoweror even [incoming] \n exten => _66655512XX,1,Goto(customer-a,${EXTEN:6},1)
00:18.18cvnethum i c now
00:18.47cvnetso where [incoming] \n exten => 6665551212,1,Goto(customer-a,1212,1)  you create [customer-a]  im in extensions.conf and tell it what to do correct?
00:19.36cvnetoo i c
00:19.38cvnetthanks a bunch
00:19.56*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
00:20.09ManxPowerContexts are both one of the hardest things to understand in Asterisk and as the same time one of the most important things to learn in Asteirsk
00:20.59cvnetGoto(customer-a,1212,1)  <-- (Customer-A=NameOfContext,1212<-WHatDoesItRefferTo?,1=WhatDoesItmean?)
00:21.27harry_vHas anyone used the ramora a200 with up to 12 fxs cards before? Have a store that is wanting to upgrade and I dont feel like replacing there cat3 with cat5.
00:21.56*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
00:22.26dahunter3Any FAQ on best VOIP provider? SIP or IAX I don't care, I just care about quality
00:22.29harry_vthis global finacial crunch is affecting just about everyone.
00:22.41kornelakcvnet: Goto(destination_context, destination_extension_in_context, destination_priority_in_extension)
00:24.32*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:25.26cvnetCan i use Goto(Destination_Context) the second, third paramter is it optionional or must ?
00:27.26*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
00:31.59kornelakcvnet: If you're going to a new context, yes, you need all 3 params
00:35.08*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
00:42.18cvnet,Goto(customer-a,1212,1), im still confused on what the second parameter 1212 is ?
00:45.05cvnetif your number (did) is 416 811 1111 in extentions do you enter _4168111111 or _14168111111  ?
00:49.45cvnetexten => _5672579051,n,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1)  <-- gives me busy signal
00:49.48*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=eric@
00:49.54talntidhi all.
00:50.18talntidi'm currently on a call. using a polycom phone... can i start recording the call somehow without restarting the call?
00:53.07cvnetexten => _5672579051,n,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1)  <-- gives me busy signal  (any help would be much appreciated)
00:55.41*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
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00:57.00*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-7dcb346885000420)
00:57.19Spirits-SightCan someone please tell me what I am doing wrong with my dailplain, all I am geting when I try and call 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx is a fast busy tone, here is the error and also the ext and sip files
00:57.26*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
00:57.39ManxPowerdo you have an exten => 5672579051,1,something in the [didx2] context?
00:57.52ManxPoweralso remember ALL extensions need a priority 1
00:58.11cvnetManxPower i got it fixed, i didnt know you could have to 1 in one context
00:59.24cvnet_5672579051,1,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1) \n _X,n,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1)  <- didnt work, changed it to _5672579051,1,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1) \n _X,1,Goto(didx2,${EXTEN},1)   <-- worked fine, note _X,1 <-- i didnt know you could have more tha one 1, i always use n, n didnt work changed it to 1 it worked
00:59.26Spirits-SightManxPower: I read alot of the book, I am still reading it, I have pick Voicepulse for my outgoing
01:00.50talntidnobody knows? :)
01:01.08jayteehehe, this reminds me of the first month of my foray into Asterisk a couple years back and ManxPower saving my bacon because I'd rushed through most of the book :-)
01:01.53jayteebut after he and [TK]D-Fender beat me over the head with a cluebat I finally started getting it.
01:03.07harry_vvoicepulse seems to have a good reputation
01:03.16Spirits-SightI hope my brain start to register it sooner then later, I understand a little through but just eithe to get me in touble I think
01:03.29Spirits-SightI hope so :-)
01:03.30ManxPowerstart by reading extensions.conf.sample
01:03.56jayteeand then at least Chapters 3,4,5 and 6 of the book
01:04.00Spirits-Sightif you don't mind telling me, where is this?
01:04.19jayteein /etc/asterisk if you compiled and did a make samples
01:04.33jayteethere too
01:05.04ManxPowerand /path/to/src/asterisk/doc is the official documentation
01:05.34jayteeSpirits-Sight, did you install by compiling or using packages from a repo?
01:06.23*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
01:06.23Spirits-SightI used Ubuntu package thing, I am going to be having it installed on CentOS, but I wanted to play with it now and so installed using the package thing
01:07.11ManxPowerpackage docs are frequently in /usr/share/doc
01:07.14jayteethen go to and download the tarball of whichever version you're using and just extract the configs folder in it to your desktop as a reference
01:08.21jayteelast time I installed from a packaged version of * from the Ubuntu repos it didn't have the sample configs but that was back with 6.06 Dapper
01:09.40*** join/#asterisk thansen (
01:13.38*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
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01:16.22*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey_ (
01:18.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:19.17jayteeManxPower, I found out I passed the written part of the dCAP so I have a year to retake the lab portion if I choose.
01:19.39*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (n=james@
01:20.38harry_vwhich is the better of the two echo canclers in system.conf mg2 or kb1 in most cases?
01:20.54jayteemg2 usually
01:22.15harry_vmsg of echo cancller not on in cli after uncommenting the pound sign and reloading ast.
01:23.00jayteewell, first of all, it's spelled echocanceller, not canclers
01:23.00harry_vjatee, ever have experaince with the sangoma remora a200 series of cards?
01:23.40jayteenope, never used sangoma products. hear they're pretty good but I'd rather put my money in a company that actually funds Asterisk open-source, not a leech
01:24.58cvnethum, if you got a did that supports only ulaw (incoming), so calls comes in, and the terminiation provider only supports g729 (outgoing) would this work? would asterisk change the codec ?
01:25.15jayteeharry_v, how many ports on your sangoma card?
01:25.50harry_vI did a quick site survey and he has 12 analog phones.
01:26.15harry_vhe is wanting to eventually have it replaced and wanted a price on the new system.
01:26.32jblackYou can take advantage of the analog phones by getting an ata.
01:26.37harry_vand I want to know if you have had good experaince with the cards.
01:26.44jblackan 8 port ATA will run you.. about $250 iirc.
01:27.05*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
01:27.12harry_vless then the the sangoma cars? who makes a 8 port ata?
01:28.34jayteeharry_v, my question about how many ports was for your error loading the echo canceller
01:28.57harry_vi think my echo cancler problems are resolved now. its not comming up in cli
01:29.05jayteewhich needs a restart of dahdi
01:30.01harry_vother party heard there side echo non on my side.
01:30.04orkiddoes anyone here use asterisk/asterisk14 on openwrt?
01:30.13jayteesay you had 2 fxo ports defined as channels 1 and 2 then the line would be the last line in /etc/dahdi/system.conf  and would be "echocanceller=mg2,1-2" without the quotes
01:30.30jayteegotta run an errand, bbiab
01:30.35harry_vjblack, who makes this 8 port ata and have you tested them in production?
01:30.50harry_vjaytee, thats what i used.
01:32.01jblackI use a linksys SPA-8K here at home.
01:32.24*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:33.08harry_vI never knew
01:33.24*** part/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:34.31harry_vonly if it had four more ports.
01:35.06orkidwow lots of ports
01:35.41cvnethum, if you got a did that supports only ulaw (incoming), so calls comes in, and the terminiation provider only supports g729 (outgoing) would this work? would asterisk change the codec ?
01:35.50harry_vthat would be good for quick cheap setup for a small biz and then host the sip connections.
01:38.56jblackwell, no erason you couldn't use two.
01:39.27harry_vdepends on the cost and that of a remora a200
01:39.44jblackanyways, those private messages you're rudely sending me, unasked.... It seems reliable as long as I stay away from the web configuration.
01:40.39jblackIf I fiddle in the built in webserver very much, it seems unreliable. So I'm in the habit of flipping power, making changes in the web config, flipping power again.
01:41.06jblackOther than that, it's been solid for me. I've gone up to 3 concurrent calls.
01:41.17jblackAnd seen no indication it would have problems with 8
01:43.40Spirits-SightManxPower: ok, I just looked at the sample and I don't see much that I didn't do, now I may of missed some thing but I would say I did not have three lines that look like I should of, here is my ext file again, I don't see what I am doing wrong, I am also geting the error that is also in the pastebin  my goal right now is just to be able to make calls right now with the most basic setup for maki
01:44.31Spirits-Sightdon't forget that I am legally blind and my of missed it all-together
01:44.45Spirits-Sightmy = may
01:53.30unpaidbillanyone here familiar enough with dahdi to lend advice here, ... for some reason i cant get the dahdi stuff to come up in asterisk, even though it appears that everything is working
01:54.17unpaidbillyeah it's asterisknow.. but maybe there is some dumb dahdi thing i am overlooking, it was all working yesterday
01:54.55cvnetif you got a did that supports only ulaw (incoming), so calls comes in, and the terminiation provider only supports g729 (outgoing) would this work? would asterisk change the codec ?
02:00.54Spirits-SightAnyone using Voicepulse that can help me, I am trying to get it to work for outgoing calls as basic setup as can be, I want to build up on that and learn the stuff, if I have to much at once I don't learn as well and trying to break down their sample files that are on their website is not that easy as it uses macro and I don't know which ones I can get rid of to just do a basic setup
02:04.31*** join/#asterisk joako (
02:05.08unpaidbilli see
02:05.24unpaidbilldahdi doesnt throw an error when it fails to load
02:05.32unpaidbilleven with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
02:05.40*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
02:06.03AkiyukiAnyone have experience with the Nortel 6812 or 6830? Or Vodavi 6812/6830?
02:07.22riddleboxAkiyuki, are those phones?
02:07.45AkiyukiYes. I am having a hard time getting them working on my asterisk box. I know they work though, over mgcp because we use them at work w/
02:18.32carrarread that yet?
02:19.07*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
02:19.25carrarpage 12 is what you need to set for dhcp so the phone knows where to go
02:20.10carrarthose look like SIP phones (the 6812) not MGCP
02:21.30AkiyukiThey are MGCP
02:21.37carrarthat PDF says SIP?
02:21.55carrarmaybe you can get sip firmware, or you need them to be mgcp?
02:22.03AkiyukiThere are two models, one is a SIP the other is MGCP unfortunately.
02:22.25carrarI'm sure they work the same probably
02:22.29AkiyukiI would prefer SIP. I tried TFTPing them a new firmware but the rejected it.
02:22.51AkiyukiCan you take a look at my sip.conf? I am getting time outs trying to connect to an external sip service.
02:23.02jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:23.57AkiyukiI am behind a router and have 5061 forwarded inward.
02:25.32jayteeAkiyuki, by default Asterisk listens on port 5060, not 5061
02:26.03AkiyukiI changed that in sip.conf also
02:26.31jayteedid you do a module reload
02:27.00AkiyukiGetting a time out error, as well
02:31.31*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
02:31.41AkiyukiWhen I do sip show registry, I get,       jimisanchez        120 Request Sent
02:35.08ectospasmHow do you specify a module parameter in DAHDI?  I've tried adding wct4xxp_ARGS to /etc/dahdi/init.conf, but that doesn't seem to work.
02:37.31cvnetCan somoene please answer this question --> if you got a did that supports only ulaw (incoming), so calls comes in, and the terminiation provider only supports g729 (outgoing) would this work? would asterisk change the codec ?
02:37.48carrarMGCP is port 2727
02:37.59carraror you trying to make sip woro?
02:38.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:38.04beekcvnet: yes, Asterisk will do the transcoding.
02:38.09AkiyukiNo, this is a seperate issue carrar
02:38.19carraroh, sorry, was on the phone
02:38.22cvnetbeek thanks alot
02:38.24Akiyuki:D its ok
02:38.56carrartry port 5060?
02:39.19AkiyukiIts in use by another device, thats why I used 5061 and forwarded that in
02:40.12carraryou get connected and no audio?
02:40.17carraror not even connected
02:40.42Akiyukinot even connected
02:40.51AkiyukiKeep getting a message about it timing out
02:41.02carrardo you get registered?
02:41.22AkiyukiIt just says " jimisanchez 120 request sent"
02:42.03carrarWhy does it say 5060 in line 1?
02:42.19carraroh thats the destination
02:42.31carrarwas just looking at the 19*
02:42.35Akiyukiah ok
02:43.09jayteeAkiyuki, is there more to that sip.conf file? because you're missing a users section with peer and users defined
02:43.21Akiyukii dont have any yet
02:43.31jayteeand you should never pastebin a sip.conf or other config without masking passwords
02:44.03carrarYou try it not behind your router?
02:44.18AkiyukiYeah, I can do it all day long from my home computer.
02:44.22jayteeis the phone MGCP?
02:44.26*** join/#asterisk dmoldovan (
02:45.11AkiyukiI am not going to be connecting a phone to this machine, just generating calls using .call files
02:45.49jayteeso you're using a server with a SIP provider account to send calls generated with call files to outbound numbers?
02:45.51Akiyukithe registration issue and the mgcp issue were/are on 2 differnet machines
02:46.00Akiyukijaytee: yes
02:46.06Akiyukisorry, i didnt realize that i hadnt mentioned that
02:46.17jayteeyou still need to define  your sip peer. A register statement alone won't cut it.
02:46.51*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
02:46.56Akiyukiok, i will do that
02:46.59jbotmethinks book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:47.02AkiyukiIs that what is keeping it from registering?
02:47.11AkiyukiI ordered the Oriely book from BNB.. its on its way
02:47.19jayteeAkiyuki, read pages 97-101
02:47.23dmoldovanhi everybody, i was wandering if you could help with a few answers
02:47.32jayteeyou can dowload the PDF from the link above
02:48.04jayteeAkiyuki, the PDF is free.
02:48.14AkiyukiI bought it for $45
02:48.23jayteepages 97-101 for SIP provider setup
02:48.36jayteeI just bought my third copy hardprint tonight
02:48.48jayteeI have one signed by Jared Smith
02:48.50Akiyukiwaiting for it to open on this 486 :>
02:48.55dmoldovandoes Asterisk use sendmail to send emails? and if it does, can it be configured as a service?
02:49.01AkiyukiJared Smith from the subway commercials?
02:49.17mitchelocno the guy from sokol & associates
02:49.19jayteedmoldovan, yes it uses sendmail by default but that can be changed
02:50.01jayteeJared from the Subway commercial's last name is Vogel or something like that. He lives here in Indiana.
02:50.02dmoldovanis there a way to configure it to avoid emails being lost if the server is down
02:50.31Spirits-Sightwhat does "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,NoOp(SIPCALLID: ${SIPCALLID})" do?
02:50.32jayteeHe taught my Advanced Asterisk class last week at Digium in Huntsville. Excellent instructor
02:51.14carrardisplays the variable of SIPCALLID to the console output
02:51.26carrarcontents of ${SIPCALLID}
02:51.31jayteeSpirits-Sight, it just outputs to the console SIPCALLID: "whatever the value you assigned to the variable ${SIPCALLID}
02:52.10carrarAssuming you've set that someplace
02:52.21Spirits-SightSo when I make a phone call it should show this in the console
02:52.35carrarin the asterisk -r console
02:53.26*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
02:54.08Spirits-Sightok then I was think correct, well it does not show it and also I don't see any where in the file that Voicepulse provides a var set to ${SIPCALLID}
02:55.16Spirits-Sightnow I see a set(CALLERID(num)=xxxxxxxxxx) and one for name so could this just been a mistake in the file
02:55.48jayteeSpirits-Sight, check the channelvariables.txt file in your asterisk source directory. It lists all the system variables, ones that can be changed by you in the dialplan and "reserved" ones that can only be set or changed by Asterisk.
02:56.17Akiyukijaytee: no luck, still getting the time out errors after adding peers and extensions
02:57.12jayteeAkiyuki, you're behind a router with nat, correct?
02:57.55jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:58.06*** join/#asterisk rdgr (
02:58.07Akiyukisays unreachable now
02:58.13jayteeAkiyuki, better check that out ^^^^^^
02:58.34dmoldovanis there a way  to setup sendmail to queue the emails?
02:58.48jayteedunno, never tried
02:59.04jayteedmoldovan, google is your friend. sendmail is an ugly beast
02:59.07Akiyukii read that earlier today. i defined nat=yes, and externip/localnet , etc
02:59.38dmoldovanjaytee, i thought i could find some help taming it in here...
03:00.11jayteeno, this is the #asterisk channel. try #sendmail
03:00.58jayteealthough there might be a sendmail guru lurking who'd answer your question if you wait a few minutes. ya never know!
03:01.37Akiyukijaytee: check this out,
03:01.45dmoldovanjaytee, thanks for advice, i'll try #sendmail too
03:02.07*** part/#asterisk root52 (
03:02.08jameswflook a ninja
03:02.19jameswfninja dating omfg
03:02.44neurosysShe's hot.
03:03.19neurosysAtleast I think it's a she.
03:05.28jayteedmoldovan, good site! I've been there :-)
03:05.51dmoldovansorry, wrong window, and yes, good site
03:06.29jayteeAkiyuki, you don't need the nat=yes for your [jimi] account
03:06.37Akiyukii was desparate
03:07.04Spirits-Sightanyone know of a DID thats free to setup for incoming calls for testing reasons
03:07.31jayteeand how about pastbining the extensions.conf file so I can see what's in your default context? maybe a pastebin of the the CLI with "set sip debug on" would help too
03:07.48neurosysSpirits-Sight:  les.netm 4 bucks a month.
03:08.32Spirits-Sightis it easy to config for incoming calls
03:09.01neurosysThats not a DID. But yes.
03:09.10neurosysYes it is
03:09.40neurosysIt will even give you the asterisk config sample in accordance to your setup
03:09.52Spirits-SightI don't want to setup a company yet for my incoming calls as I am going to port a number to them onces I can test and make sure things are the way they should be
03:09.59Spirits-Sightwhats their website
03:10.33neurosysSpirits-Sight:  np. That's who ive been using to learn on.
03:11.19Spirits-Sightsee I can change to better company once I have things the way I want
03:18.01*** join/#asterisk ghento (
03:18.49Ritzeriskam i able to see more of a Debug in the Cli i turned verbose on to 7 and debug on
03:19.03Ritzeriski was trying to see more output on the call
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04:00.32*** join/#asterisk ShaneAu (n=shane@
04:01.31ShaneAuHi all... I have a queue setup with skip busy agents set to yes and a ring strategy of "rrmemory"
04:02.01ShaneAuI need to some members of the queue to be phoned before others
04:02.25ShaneAuI've played around with penalties but it doesn't seem to do what I want it to.
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04:02.37ShaneAuFor exmaple
04:03.37*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
04:03.58ShaneAuIf I'm a member of the queue and have a penalty of 1 and another agent is  a member of the queue with a penalty of 2, I take a call and I'm on the phone and another call comes through, it ignores the fact that I'm busy and starts calling on my phone's second line.
04:04.21ShaneAuI wish it would cascade over to the penalty 2 member.
04:04.27ShaneAuIs this possible?
04:09.29*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (n=jircii@
04:09.53Ridgebackanyone mess around with TDMoE?
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04:12.11Ridgebackanyone mess around with TDMoE?
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04:20.18joakoNever worked right for me, seemed like the code wasn't maintained much after Asterisk 1.0
04:22.06Ridgebackoh really?
04:22.12Ridgebackman I've had plenty of problems with it
04:22.39Ridgebackdahdi just not building channels. I can get the span up with no's just the dahdi side...
04:23.34*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
04:30.32joakoI tried in the early 1.4.x days... looked at the source code and that sort of expalined it and I never tried again
04:30.47joakoAny particular reason you wanted to use TDMoE?
04:31.02drmessanoWhy use TDMoE?
04:31.29Ridgebackoh i just wanted to play with TDMoE, thought it would be fun. but it's been painful!
04:31.33[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: You should have your [sipdiscount] as "nat=no", and [jimi] as qualify=yes
04:31.34*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
04:31.48[TK]D-FenderAkiyuki: Also what have you forwarded to *?
04:32.11Ridgebackwhen i try to dial through one of my TDMoE channels i get: Unable to start channel: No data available
04:32.51*** join/#asterisk workdraft (n=acxide@
04:32.54[TK]D-FenderWho really cares about TDMoE?  Whats the point?
04:33.30RidgebackTDMoE for me is for traininig on inexpsinve TDM stuff, without buying TDM cards.
04:33.41workdraftany idea how scalable asterisk is? does it scale up to 100 sip devices?
04:33.51Ridgebackworkdraft: defintly!
04:34.20[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Umm.... "training"  as in what exactly?
04:34.27workdraftive read an ebook that says that it doesnt scale up to 100 SIP devices.
04:34.32[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: it may as well be voip.... only less supported
04:35.08[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: What else do your Rice Crispies say to you?
04:35.27[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Because I've seen 1000+ size deployments...
04:35.38Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: for example, i may have to build TDM type channels across asterisk at work...but to learn about that stuff, I can practice at home on TDMoE and learn about the ins and outs.
04:35.40workdraftAsterisk, however, cannot act as a SIP Proxy. SIP devices can register with Asterisk, but
04:35.41workdraftas the number of SIP devices increases, Asterisk is not able to scale very well. Therefore,
04:35.41workdraftif we intend to use over about 100 SIP devices, Asterisk may not be appropriate.
04:35.48workdraftsorry for flood
04:36.17[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: However TDMoE teaches you nothing of any practical application to any other tech.
04:36.28Ridgebackworkdraft: there is avery good document on showing asterisk doing 400 calls of transcoding g729 to g711.
04:36.42[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: its just "something to do", and if your system ends up depending on it just adds one more dependency
04:36.48workdraftgreat. thanks. ill follow that up;
04:37.05*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
04:37.05fileit's the number of simultaneous channels and what they are doing that hurt
04:37.08[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Got a link to that doc?
04:37.28fileinbound SIP registrations aren't that bad because the number of them happening at any given time are relatively low
04:38.04workdraftBuilding Telephony Systems with Asterisk by Packt Publishing
04:38.22workdraftAuthors are David Gomillion and Barrie Dempster
04:38.32Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: it's not to teach me other technoliges. But depending on customersm they still have T1's, with issues of SS7 and signalling. by learning about how asterisk uses these I can get the job done.
04:38.47fileyeah that statement isn't true, even an unoptimized untweaked system can do 100 fine
04:39.33*** join/#asterisk dynaguy (
04:39.41[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Whats the DATE on it?ridgTDMoE is TDMoE.  The skills are not transportable, the protocols nothing alike.
04:39.51[TK]D-Fenderwow... nice splt
04:40.03[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: the DATE is...?
04:40.09workdrafthavent checked it. wait a sec.
04:40.18[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: TDMoE is TDMoE. The skills are not transportable, the protocols nothing alike.
04:40.23Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: uh TDMoE does E&M, B8ZS, AMi etc.... you have to set all that stuff up.. so yes it is transportable.
04:40.57workdraftoopps. didnt read the date. it's dated 2005.
04:40.59[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Bleh... onlyt hing ont he other side is still *... not some oddball hardware
04:41.04tzangerRidgeback: TDMoE has no concept of B8ZS or AMI, those are line codings and have no parallel when ethernet is the physical media.
04:41.07[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: ANCIENT CRAP
04:41.07workdraftperhaps that time, it was true.
04:41.17workdrafti need a better ebook
04:41.17Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: if you read the tDMoE docs they take tradiional TDM and just chop it into frames and shoot it across the LAN. Still normal TDM.
04:41.31Ridgebacktzanger: right I know that
04:41.39filetzanger knows of the TDMoE
04:41.44jayteeworkdraft, anyone who can't scale Asterisk to over 100 sip devices either has a really crappy 10MB network of cascaded hubs instead of switches and a server with a 200mhz or slower CPU and 256MB of ram probably
04:42.13Ridgebackreally all I want to know is if TDMoE is working in 1.6.x
04:42.32filejaytee: so practically speaking... your practical was ungood?
04:42.54jayteefile, it was 90 minutes. what can I say? I'm not a speed demon
04:43.01jayteeif I'd had two hours I would have passed
04:43.13jayteeI passed the written
04:43.18fileI've sat in on a dCAPitation... it was interesting
04:43.39Ridgebackanyone know why dahdi says this: dahdi_call: Unable to start channel: No data available
04:43.45jayteeI think there were 7 or 8 of us taking it and I think only 2 or 3 passed the practical
04:44.02filejaytee: yeah.
04:44.24drmessanoRidgeback: I would suggest filing a bug report.. but I can tell you the outcome
04:44.44jayteefile, I've got up to a year to drill my ass off in speed configuration and I hope to be back in Huntsville within 6 months to take the practical again and pass it.
04:45.06fileRidgeback: I can tell you why that shows up, but no clue of the underlying reason from in dahdi
04:45.14drmessano"Like an appendix, this code is sitting there useless waiting to be removed through infectious bursting or evolution"
04:45.21Ridgebackdrmessano: i guess TDMoE would be pretty low on the priority scale huh?
04:46.05Ridgebackfile: hmmmm what is the general meaning of it? does it mean an audio or perhaps a control signal not getting to the dahdi module?
04:46.06fileI think I've seen maybe 4 issues regarding TDMoE in my years and I do not think any of the current crew know it
04:46.14drmessanoThe last person to beta test TDMoE was Clayburg Wilmore of Baltimore, MD
04:46.17drmessanoHe died in 2002
04:46.20jayteeI'm gonna pass it even though having it will be worthless. No one wants to hire someone over 50 for a good paying VOIP job anymore than someone wants a Charlie in The Box or a car with square wheels. I might as well just move to the Island for Misfit Techs and be done with it :-)
04:46.24Ridgebackdrmessano: oh geeez
04:46.37fileRidgeback: chan_dahdi asked DAHDi to do something with hook start... and it failed
04:46.38drmessanoRIP Clayburg
04:46.44filehook state...
04:46.54Ridgebackfile: crap ok....
04:47.14fileso something in the dahdi kernel stuff returned an error
04:47.31Ridgebackso i guess I'm pretty much hosed for TDMoE experiments...
04:47.53filegives jaytee a muffin
04:47.55jayteeRidgeback, talk to someone at Redfone and ask them for resources.
04:48.31jayteefile, ever see the Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Kramer start a business called Top O' The Muffin selling only muffin tops?
04:48.37filejaytee: sure have
04:48.37Ridgebackjaytee: does Redfone deal with TDMoE?
04:48.53fileRidgeback: they use a somewhat modified version of it
04:49.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You mean... we have a whole ISLAND now?!?!
04:49.15Carlos_PHXRidgeback: Redfone pretty much is TDMoE for Asterisk, don't know of any others.
04:49.46Ridgebackhmmm thats pretty thier page up now
04:49.48jayteeRidgeback, yeah. I uses TDMoE with zaptel to get T1 channels to Asterisk. don't know if they have added support for DAHDI but you might find config info on their site  you could apply.
04:49.51drmessanoIAX2 is the TDMoE of asterisk
04:50.07[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Let me reiterate befoe you think its the Second Coming : nobody gives a shit about TMDoE.  Investing infrastructure and effort down that road will lead to pain at some point.
04:50.12jayteeI'd rather stick with a Digium T1 card.
04:50.32jayteeYEAH!!! what he said ^^^^
04:50.44file[TK]D-Fender: be nice or I'll replace you with an ice cream
04:50.55Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: ok thats fine no one cares about TDMoE.  Its just my lab setup at home. for work we have the $$ for real home.. I don't..
04:51.07drmessanoI accidentally the whole IAX2
04:51.08Carlos_PHXhas been trying to go TDMoE for over a year, gave up at Astricon.
04:51.29drmessanoI tried TDMoE once.. I didn't like it.. I didn't inhale.
04:51.50Carlos_PHXI drank the Kool-Aid and still wasn't convinced.
04:51.54[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: and the "learning" factor is meaningless.  to pass a call is 1 stupid dial just like any other.  Since you are simulating FAILURE, there are plenty of other ways to test things
04:52.00Carlos_PHXRedfone does have a nice comet though.
04:52.11jayteeTDMoE stands for Totally Dumb Mutha*%#@!s on Ethernet
04:52.24filejaytee: so what did you think of the office?
04:52.41jayteefile, it was very nice. we got to take a tour of all the offices
04:52.43drmessanoTotal Dumbass Modulating of Ethernet
04:52.49filejaytee: I heard.
04:52.52*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
04:52.53jayteedrmessano, that's even better
04:52.57Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: keep in mind people connect ASterisk via T1 cards to PBX's. I need to simulate that at a signalling level. TDMoE would have done that for me.
04:53.57*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
04:54.01Carlos_PHXAsterisk never fails.
04:54.02jayteefile, it was cool to meet several of the people I chat with in here.
04:54.05Carlos_PHXYou don't need to test that.
04:54.11[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: And since all you're doing is faking it at home... what does it PROVE?
04:54.12*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:54.41[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: you either have G.711 equivalency or you don't.
04:54.51[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: fake = worthless
04:55.19Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: my configs, my ideas, TDM offers deterministic connections. VoIP doesn't.
04:55.21jayteeRidgeback, if you really want to learn to "fake it" I can introduce you to my ex.
04:55.44Ridgebackjaytee: she faked it with you too?????
04:55.59jayteeshe fakes it with everyone
04:56.10Ridgebackjaytee: too bad :(
04:56.18Carlos_PHXShe told me it was real.
04:56.18jayteetoo bad for her
04:56.34drmessanojaytee: She told me she was a man.. now I feel really stupid
04:56.57Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: hey man, question for ya// how do you do E&M WInk over IAX2?
04:57.53joakoYou don't
04:58.10Ridgebackjoako: I know :)
04:58.19[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: What are you looking to test on it though?  All * does is process calls so the only thing to "develop" is IVR's, dialplan, etc.  for the few lines of config (which AREN'T the same), and the driver dependency, and potential hardware issues.... who cares what your call comes in on?
04:59.28Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: uh yes it does. What if I have 4 T1 spans? what is the signalling? how do I handle alarm events. TDM is a different beast then jsut a DIAL/SIP
04:59.57jayteemy ex just started working for Microsoft 2 months ago. She thinks it's a good thing. I think it's her bad karma coming round and she's just too blonde to realize it.
05:00.17drmessanoUsing TDMoE to "simulate" T1 behaviour is like using "Days of Thunder" to simulate acting
05:00.27[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: And how many of the real-world issues will be replicateable via TDMoE?  There is no potential incompatibility within a given standard because it's * on both sides
05:00.38Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: also a lot of my stuff i work on is PRI/BRI and ISDN
05:00.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "Days of Thunder is simulated acting.... and all BAD acting :)
05:01.02Ridgebacki'm not worrking abour the TDMoE outside frames. Thats from * to *. what I'm working on is the TDM portion.
05:01.09drmessano[TK]D-Fender: How do you simulate a bad NID with TDMoE? lol
05:01.35*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
05:01.42[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Exactly.  PRI can have tons of issues.  I fake TDMoE isn't capable of the range of fuckups that can happen in the "real world".  So useing it as a testing basis = useless
05:02.46*** join/#asterisk phpboy (n=shane@
05:03.21Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: well im not worring about fuck ups or major issues. What I'm working on is builind TDM/ DS0 calls, and a managing these calls in a certain way. The realworld system is using all T1's. We use signalling to monitor status. With TDMoE I can use two * boxes to build TDM channels between them to test out TDM functions.
05:03.29jayteewe need to post an April Fools joke on about the new "G.751" codec that supports Dolby 5.1 surround sound and see how many people come in here asking where to get the codec, what phones support it and how to configure Asterisk with it.
05:03.37[TK]D-FenderThis is like racing RC cars as training for becoming a 747 PILOT.  They're both vehicles right?
05:05.38Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: ok so if TDMoE is bad. How do you build TDM channels from * to * with E&M signalling?
05:06.06*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:06.12drmessanoG.733 = Quadrophonic HD Stereo @ 256k
05:06.14jaytee"Yeah! I'm ready to deploy to Iraq! I've played Gears of War 2 on my X-Box
05:06.23[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: who WANTS to?  You are trying to implement something nobody has seemed to find a valid reason to care about!  We have TDM, SIP, IAX2, and so many other protocols.
05:06.41Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: I need it.
05:06.47[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Ridgeback For what?
05:06.50Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I have good news, I am now able to make out going calls, I would like to ask you though is there a way to make it simpler then I have it or is it the best way it is now for voicepluse, I would like it to be as simple as can so I can build up on that and learn as I do changes
05:06.52[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Redfone?
05:07.05joakoRidgeback: T1/E1 cards... but if you want to just test E&M, why? I understand your curiosity but E&M is a very specific standard, either you implement it or you don't and Asterisk does... if you need to use it, it does and will work
05:07.18Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: I want to run TDM between two boxes with E&M signalling. if theres a better way then TDMoE. then lets hear it.
05:07.49Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: I need to build my lab up to support this. no need to go to a customer site and fumble around.
05:07.55jayteeRidgeback, get * 1.4 and use zaptel and the setup guide for Redfone's equipment to setup the TDMoE span and have fun. There are examples for setting up the span in the zaptel.conf.sample files in earlier builds of zaptel for 1.4
05:07.58[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: what POINT is there to doing E&M between 2 * boxes?  What does that offer you that any other channel can't?  its a FRIGGEN CALL.
05:08.10jayteebut I don't think it's even supported at all in DAHDI
05:08.35[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: * does E&M to interconnect to other people archaic CRAP PBX's.  Why would anyone choose that is the link between to CAPABLE systems?
05:08.44Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: becuse E&M is a sigalling protocal which must be understood and learned. Jsut like SIP is a siganlly protocol.
05:09.13[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Funny... noone I know has any reason to care about E&M.
05:09.17Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: Also TDM is different than a nondeterministic voip call.
05:09.25jayteeRidgeback, are you going to study rotary pulse dial phones next?
05:09.50Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: no one here uses t1's to interface to older PBX's anymore?
05:10.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: WOAH buckaroo.... don't bypass the TELEGRAPH or the Smithsonian will be all over your ass!
05:10.16Ridgebackjaytee: plenty of people still use E&M
05:10.16jayteeI use T1 to interface to a Nortel switch but I use PRI not E&M
05:10.22drmessanoI want to put a second NIC in two boxes, put a crossover between them, and set up an IAX trunk with 672 allowed calls between.. Just so I can have a DS3 over IAX2
05:10.26Ridgebackjaytee: ok thats fine.
05:10.50jayteewell, thanks! Your approval means the world to me :-)
05:10.58[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Look at the %.  How tiny?  And you're looking to fake something whose channel contention will be the only possible point of comparison to the real thing because all the rest is a 100% idetical standard.
05:11.11drmessanoI want telegraph over IAX2
05:11.25[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: thats the probloe... * talking to * = cooperation.  Get * working with OTHER stuff is the problem and you can't fake that!
05:11.42jayteedit dit dit dah dit dah dah dit dah dah dah dit
05:12.30jayteeI used to watch the guys in "Diddy Bop" wash out in tech school because they couldn't get their speed in Morse up to passing levels and they
05:12.36jayteewould crack under pressure.
05:12.53jayteethey usually dragged them out of their dorm rooms twitching and drooling
05:13.09drmessano* talking to * is like plugging an FXO ATA into an FXS ATA and calling that a simulation of the entire telco system.  Now, put 10,000 miles of copper in line, throw a couple trees and buckets of water on top, then have your cat chew on the power cord for a few hours.. You're closer!
05:13.09Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: you have to keep in mind the real issue isnt compatibility. i have a particular TDM need. by building TDM channels between two boxes with E&M signalling. I can get my ideas worked out if you don;t like that fine. regardless of your dislike for TDMoE, I still need TDM channels between two.
05:14.11*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
05:14.16[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Again all you'll succeed in faking out is channel availability contention because * will not have any problems in the standards it uses in communicating with itself.  Therefor what is left?
05:14.32[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: one a call is up, a call is up.
05:14.48Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: thats fine. i want it to work. whats left are my ideas for channel mangement, scripting, remote controls etc..
05:15.08Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: fine fine, but like i sad TDM is different beast than a SIP call.
05:15.13[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Which has nothing to do with fighting to get a channel functional.
05:15.21jayteeRidgeback, so then go get * 1.4 with zaptel and use the examples
05:15.31drmessanoSimulating perfect conditions isnt teaching anything
05:15.33Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: good, I dont want to fight to get a channel running!
05:15.39drmessanoIts plug and play stupiditu
05:15.40drmessanoIts plug and play stupidity
05:15.44Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: by any chance did you see my post?
05:15.45[TK]D-FenderWhich is what everyone else fights over learning *.  Why can't my SIP call my other sip?  I called on [1000] so why can't I dial it?
05:15.52Ridgebackdrmessano: nope its not. but im not trying to simulate fault.
05:16.00jayteeI thought plug and play stupidity was Windows?
05:16.00[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: It works right?
05:16.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee:  "Plug&Pray"
05:16.14joakoAnyone know of a SIP ATA with passthrough to a PSTN line? To get inbound calls from the PSTN but dial out via SIP?
05:16.32[TK]D-Fenderjoako: SPA-3102
05:16.36drmessanoRidgeback: Youre not trying to simulate success either.. because it's guaranteed with a fake system that no better than calling DOS an IOS simulator
05:16.45jayteedamn Skippy, you're too quick!
05:17.07Ridgebackdrmessano: im happy it would work. Once the TDM span is running, my stuff takes over which is exatcly what i want
05:17.13jayteejoako, what [TK]D-Fender said. It'll do that or FXS to FXO if  you want.
05:17.25[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Ridgeback at which point what takes over doesn't give a crap WHERE the call came from
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05:17.40Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: in my case it does.
05:17.43Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: yes it works I am glad to say, but I would like to try and simplfie it say I can build up on it and learn as I do and not just use the code because it is said to be used that way, you know what I mean, I want to learn from doing as I read the book, I am rereading the area about dailplains and want to start from the most basic working point
05:17.58[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: You whole config fits on my screen...
05:18.01joakoFender, so I can set that up like an SPA-2000, plug in the analog line to it as well and the inbound calls will get passed through, or does the call only go via SIP back to the server?
05:18.07drmessanoRidgeback: Then go for it.. The more that people get things wrong, the better prospects I have for future gainful employment
05:18.10[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: How much smaller can you imagine?
05:18.12drmessanoCarry on, my friend.. carry on
05:18.26[TK]D-FenderThere'll be peace when you are done!
05:18.49Carlos_PHXWell, I'm going to go test drinking some shoe polish, it smells kinda like good whiskey so it should be close enough to see if I like whiskey.  Then I'm going to go molest a pumpkin, that should be a good test of whether I'd like banging Carmen Electra.
05:18.59[TK]D-FenderWarning : the road les traveled has no service stations.
05:19.06drmessanoI need to do a remake of the hollies "Write on".. call it "Wrong On"
05:19.16Ridgebackdrmessano: thats fine, all I wanted know if 1.60.x supported TDMoE. didnt need a diatribe of opinions! i have a very specific need of which this would be perfect for.
05:19.19drmessano"Wroooong on.. even though there's no one listening to your calls"
05:19.32[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: You had me at any prospect of banging carmen Elektra :)
05:19.45Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: as small and as simple as it will work, as I said I only want to be in the simplest from so I can learn as I do each part, I know its already small but I am sure that there is stuff in there I don't need for handling out going calls
05:20.10drmessanoRidgeback: I know.. "I just want the fucking answers now, and I could care less what you people think" is about what IRC has turned into anyway.. I also left off the part about FREE and demanding.
05:20.13Carlos_PHXI once dated a girl who had kissed her at a party, so I'm only one degree away.
05:20.35*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
05:20.46jayteehmmm, I ran cat extensions.conf|./|dot -Tpng go.png and when I opened the go.png file most all of my contexts point to the [DEAD-END] context and that only points to [MORON]. I'm know I messed something up but I'm not sure what. :-)
05:21.00Ridgebackdrmessano: simple questions get the most heat i guess
05:21.10[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?${EXTEN}|VPC_B) <- broken
05:22.03drmessanoRidgeback: No, coming into an IRC channel and querying the regulars like we're Google and getting pissy when opinions are returned with the search answers is what generates the most heat.. not that you would understand that.
05:22.22[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and your dialplan is almost as short as is possible
05:22.43Ridgebackdrmessano: when did i get pissy? all i got was TDMoE is stupid remarks! geeez
05:23.28Ridgebackdrmessano: i never askedfor an opion on TDMoE, all i asked was if someone know if TDMoE was supported. is that hard to answer?
05:23.46Carlos_PHXIn our opinion, it is.
05:23.54Spirits-Sightwhat about the sip.conf file, also can you please explain why you said "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?${EXTEN}|VPC_B)" is broken ?  I am sorry that I may ask question when the answer is font of my eyes but I just may not see it (blind) :-)
05:23.54drmessanoHA.. yeah.. thats all anyone said.. No one explained the lack of logic in your reasoning.. We just all busted out with "Duh, TDMoE IS ZOMG TEH DUMB".. we also didnt try to steer you in a better direction, or be helpful
05:24.00drmessanoSo yeah, you caught us.
05:24.22Carlos_PHXI hope he doesn't ask for a refund or give us a bad customer service rating.
05:24.23RidgebackCarlos_PHX: thats fine. ok it is. great. i didn't ask that.
05:25.04[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: If he doesn't like the free advice we'll give him DOUBLE his money back!
05:25.21drmessanoRidgeback: Sorry we didnt just answer yes or know.. This is a CHAT CHANNEL where people converse.. Not a Google proxy.
05:25.27drmessanoor no*
05:25.30Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: ill take it.
05:25.43*** join/#asterisk jjg (n=jjg@
05:25.45[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Just answer this : when is any call over TDMoE between 2 * ever going to fail?
05:25.46Ridgebackdrmessano: ok google didnt say cap, no did the docs.
05:25.57Carlos_PHXBesides, it's late and many of us have been fixing broken shit all day and we'll just debate the finer points of whatever for the hell of it.
05:26.00Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: you answer me, have you gotten it to work?
05:26.09[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Once the call makes it through, how is it any more functional than any other channel?
05:26.39Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: becuase I'm not worried about the fact of the channel existance. I'm worried about the signalling.
05:26.56drmessanoRidgeback: great, so you come into a CHAT channel, and expect to use the lot of us like your google proxy.. and then get borderline insulting over "I didnt want your opinions, just an answer"..
05:26.57[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Ridgeback What are you going to do... try to set them up so they DON'T match?
05:27.17Bad_Robot-hi everyone
05:27.17Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: have you ever worked on TDM before>
05:27.42[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Because barring that what kind of failure are you expecting to get?  there are not protocol hiccups.  it is the EXACT same on both sides.  Unlike * + any other equipment.
05:27.50Bad_Robot-looking for advise on what to run for dns on phones with a pri?
05:28.01Ridgebackdrmessano: all i aksed for was if anyone kne if it was supported.. a friendly yes or now or idk is fine.
05:28.14Carlos_PHXBad_Robot-: Huh?
05:28.17Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: what about the sip.conf file, also can you please explain why you said "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?${EXTEN}|VPC_B)" is broken ?  I am sorry that I may ask question when the answer is font of my eyes but I just may not see it (blind) :-)
05:28.18[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Again, you have a channel, or you don't.  this is between 2 * which we know you can pass channels between any number of healthier ways.
05:28.26Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: thats fine, i need to hanlde the signalling.
05:28.28drmessanoRidgeback: Ok, and your opinion doesnt fucking matter either, just like ours apparently
05:28.38Bad_Robot-my box has a pri t1 and curious what dns settings to put on phones
05:28.39[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Look where it jumps to
05:28.44Ridgebackdrmessano: i never offered my opion
05:28.53Carlos_PHXUm, how does a PRI affect DNS?
05:29.03Carlos_PHXYou mean data T1?
05:29.13[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: But if you set them the same it will always work.  What have you proved?  that you can type E&M the same in 2 config stanzas?
05:29.34Bad_Robot-well my dhcp server is on a windows server so when our dsl went down the phones went down for some reason and yes i mean t1 sry
05:29.40Carlos_PHXI think he's proven he can keep #asterisk busy for hours, also.
05:29.43drmessanoRidgeback: If someone tells you "no" will you just leave?
05:30.00Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender:once they work I have aneed to handle the signalling for call control. outside of asterisk via E&M.
05:30.30Carlos_PHXBad_Robot-: You might try a general network support channel.  How to configure DNS is a pretty general networking issue.
05:30.37Carlos_PHXThe phones use the same as the computers.
05:30.42[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: ridbut that is NOT E&M between 2 * boxes.  that you cannot emulate
05:30.51drmessanoCarlos_PHX: This is why IRC is the way it is.. It used to be about DISCUSSION and some sense of community, now its about "LET ME COMES IN HERE AND DEMAND SOME ANSWER AND BITCH WHEN YOU GIVE ME WORDMOUTH TOO"..
05:31.07[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: All this has done is added another ho that happens to use the same protocol.  a hop which IS going to work as expected
05:31.08Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: should be able to do E&M, it's in the dahdi config files
05:31.15Carlos_PHXThe time from join to get answer to exit is increasingly shortened, isn't it?
05:31.23drmessanoCarlos_PHX: The whole "I just wanted a yes or no, not your opinion" gives me the warm fuzzies
05:31.24Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: if I am understand how it works, if VPC_OUT_P does not work then the next line tells it to go to VPC_OUT_B which it uses a name of VPC_B am I following it right, I hope I explained it right the way I am think it works
05:31.33Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: I hope it works as expecte. once it does I can get to work on my ideas.
05:31.41[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: In my 5 years of using * it has always supported E&M...
05:31.47drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Ridgeback is a fine example of why people cant be bothered anymore.. or get an attitude
05:31.55Bad_Robot-that's how i have it the same as pc's but when dsl went down active directory dns couldn't resolve anything so phones stopped working and i was looking for advise on what to put. i put static ip's in phones and a live dns server and it all worked
05:32.01[TK]D-Fenderridbbut so far E&M between 2 boxes doesn't seem to add anything.
05:32.12Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: i'm glad it does. once the calls are built I have my uses for E&M.
05:32.31[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: between 2 *'s?
05:32.49[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: What can one * signal to the other over it that is of any importance?
05:33.13Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: E&M? E&M is how the calls are built off/on hook.
05:33.32[TK]D-FenderRidgeback: Yes, but as a means of connecting 2 *'s.  What does E&M add in value?
05:34.06Carlos_PHXBad_Robot-: The phones should get DHCP just like anything else.  From there your DNS server needs to be properly configured.  There isn't one magic answer, it depends on your network.
05:34.29Ridgeback[TK]D-Fender: i'm not adding value to the system. I need to steal the E&M controls for out of band management
05:34.31Carlos_PHXYour DNS should know what the IP of your Asterisk server is.
05:35.50Bad_Robot-my dns server is so when dsl went out the phones couldn't make calls thru the T1 which seemed weird
05:35.57Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: did you get my response? by the way thanks for your help, I hope you don't mind that I ask question that may be dumb or whatever, I do thank you
05:36.06Bad_Robot-thx Carlos_PHX
05:36.09drmessanoBad_Robot-: What IP/hostname do the phones connect to?
05:36.29[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight>[TK]D-Fender: what about the sip.conf file, also can you please explain why you said "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?${EXTEN}|VPC_B)" is broken ? I am sorry that I may ask question when the answer is font of my eyes but I just may not see it (blind) :-)
05:36.39Bad_Robot-the phones connect to asterisk and xo communcations laid the t1 with 23 lines
05:36.45[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: what is ${EXTEN} doing in there?
05:36.47drmessanoYou didnt answer me
05:36.49drmessanoBad_Robot-: What IP/hostname do the phones connect to?
05:37.17drmessanoI know its asterisk.. thats kinda silly
05:37.20Bad_Robot-  badphone.localdomain.local
05:37.26drmessanoOk, so internal
05:37.32Bad_Robot-sry this is the first setup for me
05:38.00drmessanoWhat DNS is asterisk using?
05:38.04Bad_Robot-but it's been alot of fun
05:38.14Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: this is what was in the file from voicepule, I did not see or able to figure out how it was used as I did not see it asigned any where
05:38.17Bad_Robot-i have asterisk using
05:38.23drmessanoOk, dont do that
05:38.26drmessanoUse the AD DNS
05:38.51[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go read the instructionfs for GotoIF and look at what it is doing.
05:38.54Bad_Robot-so it was asterisk that couldn't see the phones and nothing to do with resolution over the net?
05:39.06drmessanoNo it was asterisk that couldnt see DNS
05:39.11drmessanoand SIP goes wonky
05:39.15Spirits-Sightok thanks, will read now
05:39.34drmessanoI normally install BIND and use as a secondary DNS on boxes for that reason
05:39.41Bad_Robot-ok i'll will try that in the morning and add badphone to dns and point asterisks to
05:39.43drmessanoOtherwise I have seen weird crap
05:40.33Bad_Robot-so with a t1 there should be no dns involved other than phones to pbx but not over t1 i'd think
05:41.04drmessanoCorrect, if youre using a PRI
05:41.28Bad_Robot-ok :) i really appreciate it thx
05:42.41Bad_Robot-is it bad practice to put static ip's in the phones
05:42.55drmessanoIts kinda silly..
05:43.01drmessanoDHCP should be fine
05:43.18Bad_Robot-it was a pain to login to each phone and change network settings
05:43.37Bad_Robot-lucky i only had 20 to do
05:44.54Carlos_PHXIf you have a small network, bind isn't so hard to deal with.
05:44.57Carlos_PHXWorth doing.
05:45.12*** join/#asterisk djin (
05:45.19Carlos_PHXIf your primary DHCP/DNS is on Windows, it helps to have a backup on a reliable OS.
05:45.30Bad_Robot-i want to do it right
05:45.53Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: if I am understand it, it looks like it would have the exten I am calling from so in this case I believe if understand right it would be 100 so would look like this: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?100|VPC_B)
05:45.54Carlos_PHXTwo DNS servers is definitely right.
05:45.55Bad_Robot-hahah i could install dhcpd on centos box i guess
05:46.00Carlos_PHXYou can do two DHCP also.
05:47.18Bad_Robot-i gotta get in early tomorrow and play before anyone gets in and needs a phone
05:48.15[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: What is 100?
05:48.46[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Where do you get that # from?  and that tells it where to JUMP TO.
05:49.21Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: its a extion that is connected to a sip phone, no, the VPC_B tells it where to jump to I believe
05:49.37Spirits-SightI am still reading about gotoIF
05:50.11*** join/#asterisk pepperjack (
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05:50.28[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: " its a extion that is connected to a sip phone," <- no.
05:50.42[TK]D-Fenderand a sip phone does not have an "extension".
05:50.47*** join/#asterisk error404notfound (
05:51.09error404notfoundI am trying to start asterisk on freebsd 6, before it worked fine and now I get "/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol "_ZN9PIPSocket17GetInterfaceTableER5PListINS_14InterfaceEntryEE""
05:51.36Spirits-Sightits the content in the sip.conf which just happens to be the extion for the sip phone, sorry I am trying to userstand this
05:52.06[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: ${EXTEN} is the number of the EXTENSION you are in the middle of PROCESSING.
05:52.19[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS}=CHANUNAVAIL]?100|VPC_B)
05:52.32[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: its going to be the # you DIALED that matched that pattern
05:53.34jayteetime for some zzzzz's
05:53.37jayteenite all
05:53.45Spirits-Sightso where ${EXTEN} in the second line is the number that was dailed, is this so it carries it to the next line?
05:54.54Spirits-SightSorry now I am confused
05:55.45Spirits-Sightso the ${EXTEN} is the extension in this case 100?
05:59.44[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: _1NXXNXXXXXX <- its the number you dialed that matched THIS
06:00.05Spirits-Sightthat I understand
06:00.29[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go read GotoIF again.  You don't seem to understand what it does
06:00.38Spirits-Sightthats one thing I did understand
06:03.04Spirits-SightGotoIF is if condition above failed in this case chanunavail then it tell it to goto next provider to try and make the call, and its doing this by telling it to got to VPC_B which is a backup, now it does this using a name instead of a content [content] thing, am I understand ?
06:04.15error404notfoundI am trying to start asterisk on freebsd 6, before it worked fine and now I get "/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/ Undefined symbol "_ZN9PIPSocket17GetInterfaceTableER5PListINS_14InterfaceEntryEE""
06:04.34[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: No.  It does not go to a PROVIDER.  It goes to a specific PRIORITY, EXTEN & CONTEXT
06:04.48[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: as in jumps somwhre else in your DIALPLAN
06:05.15[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: what you do there is your job
06:05.18Spirits-Sightits like a if statement in php, if condition is met it finished and if not then it goes to what it tell it to go to as you said priority, exten
06:06.41Spirits-SightSo would it be safe to say there is no reason then to have ${EXTEN} on that line?
06:06.48*** join/#asterisk dynaguy (
06:07.12[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I'm saying you're calling GotoIf as if you think it is a DIAL COMMAND.  it is not.
06:07.29*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
06:07.43[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go read Gotoif over again.
06:08.21Spirits-SightI did not create that line, I am just trying to understand why its the way it is? Voicepluse has it in their setup like that
06:09.25[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Before using other people's code you should understandw hat it doesn.  Or you might as well go stapling frisbees to your car's windshield wiper blades, but its just as applicable a theory :)
06:09.41[TK]D-FenderWow, my typing skills are about shot for the evening...
06:11.32Spirits-SightI don't drive (I am blind) and thats why I am asking what it is and how to make it simpler so I can build on that and learn to break that down and now get stuck trying to figure out things that my brian won't pick up pick up with out the simpler things first
06:12.04Spirits-Sightnow  = not
06:13.02[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I think you should look at each line in your dialplan.  Yous hould understand how these apps work, and then look at the flow you want.  Walk through it step by step seeing how each variable will be populated and evaluated.
06:13.42[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: this is learning programming.  * assumes you cabable of some of the most rudimentary programmers sens of logic
06:13.58*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
06:17.38Spirits-SightI understand var and the flow, my problem is that if things are to confusing from the start its harder for my brain to follow the flow, like I was reading the book asterisk and I was able to follow the flow for creating a simple interactiive menu, but once I tryed to follow the extension file that voicepulse gave, it was tomuch for me to follow, this is why I was trying to shorten it with out losting the ability to make call
06:19.33[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: then ignore the funky crap and come up with your own logic.  Don't jsut cut & paste code.  Doing that from the WIKI is a great way to FUBAR yourself as well...
06:20.26[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Many samples out there are just plain done wrong, poorly planned, or worse where you think they're on CRACK for coming up with that kind of junk
06:20.32[TK]D-FenderAnyway.... checkout time here.
06:20.35[TK]D-Fenderlater all...
06:21.29*** part/#asterisk Spirits-Sight (
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06:26.38drmessanoIts a league game, smokey
06:48.27*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
06:52.56drmessano^^^^^^^ FAIL
06:53.59*** join/#asterisk dahunter3 (
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06:57.12demonistnice fail picture
06:57.54demonistnot epic though
06:58.11demonisti like epic failures, such as pole vaults going wrong
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08:00.25fcois93hello all !
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08:08.47yidiyuehanhi, any one knows why the IP phone couldn't hear remote party's keypad touch tone during a call? it's ok for analog phones and key phone system.
08:11.17*** join/#asterisk sosperec (
08:16.53DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: i have a question about the rapidtunnle
08:17.02*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
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08:20.03yidiyuehanhi, any one knows why the IP phone couldn't hear remote party's keypad touch tone during a call? it's ok for analog phones and key phone system.
08:24.08*** join/#asterisk arnor001 (
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08:24.19szallolsomebody knows how to dial out on ~200 SIP lines in parallel?
08:25.25ghostknifeI have a very weird problem.When I dial out, I get nothing but a quiet line, also, dialing in I hear ringing in the remote phone, but our phones don't ring. this is my verbose==5 output for dialing out:
08:25.59ghostknifeszallol: have ~200 trunk ports and lines?
08:26.08ghostknifeszallol: plus a very strong machine
08:26.52*** join/#asterisk djin (
08:27.54kaldemarszallol: use chan local to divide into multiple dials
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08:30.47kaldemarghostknife: since you use freepbx, i suggest you ask in #freepbx.
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08:37.39szallolwhat is the best method to initiate a call, by manager api or call file?
08:38.39kaldemarget to know how they work and decide what's best for you.
08:43.26arnor001is there a way to configure asterisk dialplan, when calling a voip provider, to test audio quality over the line, then if its bad use the ISDN instead?
08:46.02*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
08:52.04kaldemararnor001: no, unless you implement a way, but i'd say that's not feasible. you could test e.g. packet loss before dialing out before the call but that would take too much time and not provide useful results.
08:52.40*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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08:54.34ghostknifekaldemar: I just installed it like that for the basic configuration, beyond this I use pure asterisk configuration.
08:54.47ghostknifekaldemar: back then I didn't know asterisk and needed a headstart
08:55.09ghostknifekalbesdides , it's yet another digium failure
08:55.40kaldemarwhat is?
08:56.34kaldemarthat you don't get ringing indication in your phone or that your phones don't ring?
08:56.55*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
09:01.33ziram19hi can i view a chat that i made last night on irc?
09:01.46ziram19on this channel i mean
09:04.23*** join/#asterisk brut- (
09:07.34C4awayziram19: if your irc client was logging it
09:07.37C4awaymany don't by default
09:07.58C4awaythe other option is to look online for a site that posts logs
09:08.08*** join/#asterisk djin (
09:09.19ziram19ok thanks
09:11.24*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
09:13.45C4awayalthough you didn't say much that day ziram19
09:13.52C4awaythis has a bit more conversation:
09:14.13C4awaynot much though
09:14.20neurosysFor what reason would Playtones() not make sounds on the channel? Just dead silence
09:14.26C4awaywhat day are you actually looking for?
09:14.34C4awayyou are not giving it a proper tone?
09:14.41*** join/#asterisk dushantch (
09:14.45C4awayPlaytones(sexsounds) wouldn't work
09:14.55C4awaybut Playtones(congestion) might
09:15.07neurosysC4away:  I tried ring, busy, congestion, and made sure indications.conf was ok
09:15.08dushantchHi, I get Unable to open pid file '/var/run/asterisk/': Permission denied when I try to start asterisk 1.6. Any ideas?
09:15.22C4awaythat's just one reason it might not work
09:15.40*** join/#asterisk ElDios (
09:15.42C4awaythe other is that the channel isn't up, RTP ports could be blocked by a firewall ...
09:16.01C4awayasterisk wasn't compiled properly maybe
09:16.18ratmandudushantch, make sure that the user you are starting asterisk from has the ability to write to that directory
09:16.30neurosysC4away:  But the channel does proceed normally outside of playtones(). Playback and background sound fine, authenticate() works, etc...
09:16.35dushantchratmandu: I'm trying as root :)
09:17.03C4awaywhat tone are you trying to generate?
09:17.26*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
09:17.40C4awayexten => 1234,1,Ringing()
09:18.19dushantchratmandu: found it, the folder asterisk had wrong permissions
09:18.27dushantchratmandu: thanks
09:18.35C4awayodd that playtones isn't working though, haven't seen that before
09:19.06neurosysC4away:  What does asterisk use to generate those tones?
09:19.25C4awayprobably indications.conf
09:19.50C4awaycurious if Ringing() will work
09:19.53neurosysC4away:  I'm sorry. I mean hardware wise
09:20.12*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:20.52neurosysC4away:   does the system require some sort of DSP or anything?
09:20.57C4awaydepends on the channel
09:20.59arnor001kaldemar: would you test for packet loss using the System command in the dialplan , and does the System command return a result from the Console?
09:21.20C4awayif it is a zaptel/dhadi thing then yea, it generates it and uses the analag card to "play" it
09:21.37C4awayif it is sip/iax2 etc then it just mixes it into the stream and generates the binary data in the audio packets
09:22.02*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
09:22.39arnor001ok, thanks i'll do some research
09:23.16kaldemararnor001: first off, i wouldn't do it. but you can always write results to a file and read it to a variable with app ReadFile.
09:25.46arnor001kaldemar: the reason i'm asking is, ocassionaly when we call through our voip provider, after 1 minute, there is one way audio, i looked at voip-info wiki, but i couldnt find a way to diagnose the problem
09:25.57C4awaydushantch is asterisk running?
09:26.31dushantchC4away: 'm still having troubles :), it doesn't start but I get no messages
09:26.42C4awaykillall asterisk
09:26.47C4awayasterisk -dvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
09:27.01C4awayasterisk -dfvvvvvvvvvvvvv
09:27.02arnor001asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvvvcd works nice
09:27.13C4awayI can't remember the foreground command
09:27.17C4awayi think it is df
09:27.34C4awaydebug foreground very very verbose
09:27.49dushantchSegmentation fault (core dumped)
09:28.47C4awayrecompile asterisk?
09:28.56arnor001i'm considering switching to asterisk 1.4 from 1.2.27, are there any advantages or would it be a waist of time?
09:29.05dushantchC4away: I'll try :)
09:29.12C4awayarnor001 I'd switch to 1.6
09:29.26C4awayif you have to go through and update your dialplan might as well do it once
09:29.29arnor001but thats still a development release, right?
09:29.41C4awayit has been released production
09:29.56C4awaywe have it running on our primary call router 15,000+ calls per day
09:30.08arnor001but isnt it good practise to wait a while until software has , most bugs ironed out?
09:30.16C4awayheh sure maybe
09:30.25C4awayI installed it when it was still 1.6-beta9
09:30.37C4awaythen upgraded to the first release recently
09:30.40C4awayno issues yet
09:30.45arnor001well, i cant afford to have problems on a production server
09:30.47C4awaythen again it is just a call router, pretty basic config
09:30.57C4awaynor can I
09:31.10arnor001i'll give it a try thanks
09:31.14C4awaythis is a call router for a phone company, hundreds of customers
09:31.27C4awayhas been in production for a few months now
09:31.41C4awayno lockups or crashes at all
09:31.43dushantchhmm on gentoo only 1.2.27 or so  is marked stable :)
09:31.56C4awaythat's gentoo
09:32.13arnor001well yes, we use gentoo
09:32.20C4awayI don't use precompiled asterisk anyway
09:32.34C4awaywe compile it from source for our needs
09:32.43dushantchI'm on gentoo currently, but using voip overlay, in it 1.6 is available :)
09:32.51ratmanducan I use # key as an extension in the extensions.conf?
09:33.11C4awayyou can use 1234567890#*ABCD
09:33.16neurosysfor a newbie, would you recommend 1.4 or 1.6?
09:33.16C4awayas dialable digits
09:33.29C4awayalso you can use a-zA-Z as extensions too
09:34.07C4awaybut they can't be dialed from a DTMF keypad (A-D are only on 16 digit DTMF keypads) ... they can be called from other places in the dialplan though
09:34.28C4awaylike exten => joe,1,Dial(SIP/1234)
09:35.08C4awayand somewhere else put exten 3031234567,1,Goto(my-extensions,joe,1)
09:35.55dushantchC4away: recompiled without some options, it starts now
09:36.17dushantchC4away: on amd64, but it can't connect to mysql
09:36.32C4awaydo you have the mysql client installed when compiling?
09:36.38C4awaydid you use make menuconfig
09:37.09C4awayand check to make sure that the cdr_mysql module was available?
09:37.15dushantchC4away: mysql is installed, hmm maybe asteris user wasn't created
09:37.36C4awaythe database stuff takes some beating of one's head against the keyboard to get working
09:39.11dushantchhrmpf when I go to localhost:8088/asterisk/static/config/cfgbasic.html i get: The requested URL was not found on this serve
09:39.21dushantchfor asterisk gui 2.0
09:40.23C4awaynever used it
09:43.06*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
09:46.15kaldemardushantch: check prefix in http.conf
09:48.43dushantchkaldemar: thanks. It says that when nothing is enabled it's asterisk, but I had to write asterisk and it started :)
09:51.52dushantchI must say that gui works and it's very nice, I just have to fathom why asterisk starts with asterisk -dfvvvvvvvvvvvvv but fails with /etc/init.d/asterisk start
09:57.57*** part/#asterisk neurosys (
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09:59.15fcois93I dont find 'setglobalvar' in asterisk 1.6 !!???
10:00.45fcois93I find 'Set(GLOBAL(name)=value)' is it correct ?
10:01.21*** join/#asterisk rcy (
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10:06.49tompawis there a way to set up a fallback route in asterisk? that way I wouldn't need to configure load balancing with SER
10:07.00kaldemarfcois93: SetGlobalVar was deprecated in 1.4 and removed in 1.6.
10:07.10tompawexample: I have 2 gateways, each has n channels. I want to hande 2n channels on my asterisk.
10:07.29tompawso 50% of the time, gatewayA will return 503 or something similar (all chanels busy)
10:07.43tompawis there a way to configure asterisk in a way it uses gatewayB instead?
10:07.54kaldemaryes there is.
10:08.38kaldemaryou can dial the first server and then look into DIALSTATUS variable to define if it's necessary to take another route.
10:11.03*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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10:13.18dushantchhrmpf, is there some guide on how to make an asterisk database in mysql, to get it working? I get:  res_config_mysql.c:637 load_module: MySQL RealTime: Couldn't establish write connection: Access denied for user 'asterisk'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
10:14.39joobiedush, check your mysql user/pass details.. make sure it can connect ot mysql and write
10:15.43dushantchjoobie: sorry for my noobness, but where/how?
10:15.43tompawkaldemar: good idea, thx.
10:20.35joobiedushantch, mysql -u <user> -p <pass>
10:20.49joobiethat is the syntax from cli to connect to mysql.. start by trying to connect iwth your asterisk user and pass.. see if it works
10:20.54joobiethen: use <database>
10:21.01joobieto try to select ur db
10:21.05joobiethen u need to insert into the db..
10:21.09joobieinsert a row that is..
10:21.21dushantchjoobie: looks like instalation didn't make asterisk database
10:27.27*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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10:29.23*** join/#asterisk kotique (
10:29.38*** join/#asterisk Delvar (n=Delvar@
10:29.44kotiquehey guys. How do I get a variable that's set in SIP INVITE dialog ?
10:29.49fcois93I have that error,    " Call from 'ser_sei-out' to extension '0170720000' rejected because extension not found. "  but the extension is in the extensions.conf ans I have exten => _X.,1?Answer()
10:29.56fcois93have you an idea?
10:30.25kotiqueVia: SIP/2.0/UDP xxxx:5060;branch=z9hG4bK1scdcjptogg709ii8h1lo2cok1
10:30.25kotiqueX-UUID: e29e0575e79c4126a0b1ad007e7a8adb
10:30.25kotiqueX-DID: 011xxx
10:30.31kotiqueI need X-DID
10:31.12fcois93kotique: a SIPHeaders you mean?
10:31.18kaldemarkotique: core show function SIP_HEADER
10:31.39kaldemarin the future, use pastebin.
10:31.41fcois93kotique: ${SIP_HEADER(your_header)}
10:32.12fcois93have you an idea? I run asterisk 1.6
10:32.29*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
10:32.45kaldemarfcois93: the extension has to be in the right context
10:33.29kaldemarshow your dialplan and configuration for ser_sei-out
10:33.44fcois93yes I know I saw everythings but dont understand
10:42.02*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
10:44.40*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (i=tm@
10:45.13ThoMehave a old 1.2.13 asterisk
10:45.20ThoMeand in my dialplan a line: exten => _0.,n,GotoIf($["${get-persoenliche-absender-rufnummer}" > "0"]?set-persoenliche-absender-rufnummer:set-default-absender-rufnummer)
10:46.08ThoMedone ;)
10:46.28disposablei have ast 1.6 with imap voicemail storage. is there a way to have a backup for voicemail storage when that fails? e.g.: local files
10:46.40kaldemarThoMe: you have a bunch of security holes in your asterisk.
10:49.05ThoMekaldemar: ajo?
10:49.44tompawkaldemar: would you mind having a quick look at my dialplan?
10:50.27tompawdoes this make any sense at all?
10:50.44tompaw(assuming that my gateways send CHANUNAVAIL when all channels are busy)
10:51.43kaldemari guess it does
10:51.51ThoMe11:49:05 < ThoMe> kaldemar: ajo?
10:53.42*** join/#asterisk rdgr (n=rich@
10:54.24*** join/#asterisk psykx-out (
10:54.30psykx-outHi guys
10:54.58tompawlovely domain name.
10:55.15ThoMekaldemar: bunch or brunch? ;)
10:55.30ElDioshey guys.. I've this option on my grandstream phones
10:55.33psykx-outit's a friends server we use it to lurk on irc
10:55.36ElDios"Custom ring tone 1, used if incoming caller ID is"
10:55.42ElDiosin your opinion, does it mean the "caller" in the exact meaning of the word or it could be a misuse, meaning the extension which I'm receiving the call on?
10:55.47ElDios(I'm mad... you can freely tell me so... -_-' ... but I'm desperate)
10:56.08psykx-outElDios: it's what ever you set callerid too in your asterisk set up
10:56.47kaldemarThoMe: bunch. :) you should consider updating to if you're about to continue with the 1.2 branch.
10:56.50ElDiosso this could be used to achieve the distinctive ringtones based on the account I'm receiveing the call on.. right?
10:57.07psykx-outshould be
10:57.51ElDiospsykx-out can you please make an example of a callerid? is it bound to some syntax of could be free as "support_line", "sales_line", "personal_line" ?
10:58.12ElDioss/of could/or could/
10:58.34ElDiosnice bot
10:58.56ThoMekaldemar: hm. you, should. but the customer give me no money more :-(
11:02.25tompawkaldemar: one problem with my macro. ${EXTEN} in the macro == s, not the dialed number :>
11:02.35tompawkaldemar: any way to extract original EXTEN from ARG?
11:02.40*** join/#asterisk dandre (
11:02.52kaldemartompaw: ${MACRO_EXTEN}
11:03.06kaldemaror use an ARG
11:03.55tompawI like the 1st one ;)
11:04.02tompaw(if it does what I think it does)
11:05.11*** join/#asterisk mRCUTEO (n=info@
11:10.26tompawkaldemar: it does indeed, thanks!
11:14.42protocolsis anybody experiencing problems with analog faxing and asterisk 1.4 and would recommend 1.6 instead?
11:15.17psykx-outElDios: It can be anything
11:15.51ElDiosthnx psykx-out
11:16.41psykx-outhas anybody tunneld IAX over ssh or vpn (anything tcp)
11:17.09psykx-outI'm having packet loss but I have huge amounts of bandwidth to play with
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11:24.39mRCUTEOanyone knows which GUI is easier to install for asterisk?
11:32.27Maliutano GUI support here
11:36.21tompawis there any kind on table describing which SIP error codes result in which DIALSTATUS values?
11:38.16tompawor any way to debug DIALSTATUS? (like displaying its value in sip debug)
11:44.22psykx-outwhat does the console show?
11:45.29tompawwell, it shows sip headers
11:47.03tompawexten => s,5,Set(IDX = $[${IDX} + 1]) ; << this doesn't seem to work
11:48.59kaldemartompaw: you can NoOp variables
11:49.26tompawkaldemar: thanks :)
11:49.36tompawgot it
11:49.47tompawnow wht the hell doesn't the line above increment IDX by 1?
11:51.20tompawhm.. I tried changing Set to SetVar and I got:
11:51.21tompawNo application 'SetVar' for extension (macro-cidial, s, 5)
11:51.25kaldemarremove the spaces around =
11:52.36tompawoh my god, it worked!!
11:52.56tompawthe whole thing works now, number portability lookup + failover route
11:54.28*** join/#asterisk sysadmin-lb22 (n=asdf@
11:55.13sysadmin-lb22I am trying to match extensions in extensions.conf using _X ..etc..however I need to match alphabetic names is this possible
11:58.25sysadmin-lb22kaldemar, can you please give an example..I would like to match John, Alex etc
11:58.42kaldemarexten => John,1,...
11:59.01sysadmin-lb22kaldemar, :) what about dynamic mathes
11:59.04Maliutasysadmin-lb22: have you read the book?
11:59.06sysadmin-lb22matches **
11:59.12jbot[book] probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:59.26Maliutait's all there
11:59.34kaldemarread up on extension patterns
12:00.13sysadmin-lb22well I did not read the book on this but I did check some links and from what I have found I can only match 1-9 0-9 etc
12:00.40kaldemaryou found wrong.
12:02.04sysadmin-lb22_. ?
12:02.08kaldemarit sure would be nice to be able to use regexp's.
12:02.36kaldemardon't use _., it will match to special extensions such as t and h also.
12:03.34sysadmin-lb22This is where I should be looking right /
12:03.43*** join/#asterisk tanacsdavid (
12:05.51kaldemaryes. it doesn't explicitly say that you can use alphabets inside [] though.
12:06.16*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
12:07.11Maliutasysadmin-lb22: I see the problem in your statement: "well I did not read the book ..."!!!!
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12:07.59sysadmin-lb22Maliuta, thanks for being so nice
12:08.19sysadmin-lb22Maliuta, no offense but the matching section is quite small and I just read through it using the html version of hte book
12:08.34Maliutaread docs before asking for help. It's simple
12:08.54sysadmin-lb22Maliuta, and the matching for letters can only be done using _.
12:08.55Maliutaread the whole thing
12:08.59Maliutathere is more in there
12:09.36sysadmin-lb22Maliuta, thanks for nothing
12:09.36galerasHello, please tellme how can bypass dahdi driver downloading when running "make install" (server has not internet access)
12:10.01*** part/#asterisk sysadmin-lb22 (n=asdf@
12:10.35kaldemari guess he didn't bother to understand what i told him.
12:11.14Maliutapeople really should read docs before asking basic questions
12:11.23Maliutathat's why they're there
12:15.15*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
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12:18.59neurosysWellm atleast Im not the only newb who gets beat up around here ;)
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12:28.10Yourname`Damnit, my ebay posting sold but the guy paid me in cash and now I can't find "cash payment" somewhere
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12:42.53dushantchHi,  can only start asterisk 1.6 as root as it creates files in /var/run/asterisk as root, so that they can't be accesed as user asterisk. Is there some solution?
12:44.01*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
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13:11.13stix_if I create an ivr and have a exten => t,1,Goto(s,1) can I limit the number of times an timeout is allowed?
13:11.17beekdushantch: Did you use: --localstatedir=$HOME/asterisk-bin/var and --sysconfdir=$HOME/asterisk-bin/etc when you ran ./configure?
13:12.45*** join/#asterisk patrick-- (
13:13.23patrick--Hey all, im planning to build an asterisk server for Home use with my 2 ISDN PSTN Lines. Would a simple AVM Fritz Card be sufficient?
13:14.08*** part/#asterisk ice_croft (n=nolan@
13:14.37tzafrir_laptoppatrick--, yes
13:14.50patrick--for the outgoing/incoming connection?
13:15.07patrick--im planning on routing the ISDN calls via SIP Lines to VoIP phones
13:23.12*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:24.39patrick--tzafrir_laptop: would a AVM card be sufficient?
13:25.10tzafrir_laptopyes (for one port)
13:25.49patrick--doesnt the AVM Fritzcard support 2 B Channels?
13:28.54tzafrir_laptopeach ISDN (BRI) wire can carry 2 B channels
13:29.06tzafrir_laptopthat is: 2 calls
13:29.23patrick--yupp i can only have 2 concurrenty calls anyway
13:30.31patrick--im looking for a small setup.. possibly miniATX board, small case, low noise..
13:30.37patrick--any suggestions on that? :D
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13:31.18mort_gibpatrick--: Soekris 5501
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13:33.05patrick--too small :D
13:33.13patrick--i need PCI slots
13:33.16mort_gib-Are you 100% sure
13:33.26mort_gibIt has one PCI slot
13:33.52mort_gibEnough for one card like Sangoma A500
13:34.25lmadsenmort_gib: you can use a PCI card as long as it isn't full sized (I forget what they call them... but the low rise cards)
13:34.35patrick--low profile
13:34.40lmadsenthats the word
13:34.46mort_gibThat depends on the case
13:34.54lmadsenwell, you can modify the case :)
13:35.01mort_gibI use them with the Rackmount case from Wim
13:35.03patrick--it doesnt have to be that small.. i'd want to use it for other purposes too..
13:35.06lmadsenor just put it in a static bag :D
13:35.20patrick--so 2 PCI Slots and room for a HD would be nice
13:35.20lmadsenyou're probably better off with a micro-pc
13:35.29*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:35.33mort_gib5501 comes with SATA support
13:35.40patrick--Planning on combining an Asterisk, Fileserver and VDR
13:35.40lmadsenpatrick--: that definitely doesn't match the soekris anymore
13:35.57patrick--(vdr optional)
13:36.01lmadsenyuck... hope that fileserver isn't being used much
13:36.06mort_gibTrue, Soekris is too small
13:36.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:36.15patrick--just for some storage
13:36.38patrick--but im stuck with a FritzBox and im sick of not beeing in control of my calls properly..
13:36.42patrick--so used to my asterisk at work...
13:37.00patrick--i even get jabber notifications in absence, etc :D
13:37.11patrick--fritzbox sucks cock compared to all the ast features
13:41.52ElDioslil' trick (if possible) what is the registration string to have multiple numbers on one account?
13:41.58*** join/#asterisk spiekey (
13:42.13ElDioswhat do I have to put as ???
13:42.23spiekeyi am playign around with AsteriskNOW. I added a user but i am not able to edit it.
13:42.36spiekeywhen i select that user, then all the users are selected :-/
13:42.51spiekeyis this meant to be like this?
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13:53.48lmadsenElDios: don't put anything after the / and the provider should send it generically. Whatever is after the / is what extension you request calls to come in as
13:54.04lmadsenspiekey: might want to check #asterisk-gui, not many in here use it
13:54.20lmadsenmost people just use the CLI here, which is also why FreePBX, trixbox, etc... are not supported in this room
13:55.13spiekeylmadsen: thanks!
13:56.57chazzspiekey: that sounds like the issue with the old GUI (which would be in AsteriskNOW prior to 1.5) and firefox 3 and IE7
13:57.05chazzuse firefox 2.X or IE6
13:57.53ElDioslmadsen nothing
13:58.02ElDiosit says Auth send but it doesn't get registered
13:58.19lmadsenElDios: then something else is wrong with your authorization because you don't need that last part usually
13:58.37lmadsenif you do, then that is very odd... but that would normally be the extension you would request incoming calls to come in on
13:58.38ElDiosI will double check it =)
13:59.47ElDiosyou were right... typo :P
13:59.52ElDiossorry XD
14:00.08*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:00.25ElDiosthnx lmadsen
14:00.30ElDiosit's workin now
14:01.46*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
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14:03.57fcois93I have a problem when I use a global var in asterisk1.6
14:04.13fcois93I use  ${codec} but nothing
14:06.05fcois93after having done    Set(GLOBAL(codec)=g711})
14:06.13fcois93have you an idea?
14:06.33*** part/#asterisk wwalker (
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14:15.04*** join/#asterisk Breal (
14:15.35BrealWhen making calls across a network ie -> .3  it sounds metalic and garbled. Is there a setting that I can adjust to make this better?
14:16.32ElDioschange codec Breal ?
14:16.42SibRphrekBreal: you are probably using the wrong codec
14:16.52SibRphrekdarn ElDios beat me to it!
14:17.14BrealOh ok, I wasn't sure if it was an error with the jitter settings or something.l
14:17.17BrealWhat codec should I use?
14:17.33SibRphrekwhich one are you using now?
14:17.52SibRphrekand where are you located?
14:18.05SibRphreki guess that doesn't really matter since it's internal
14:18.06BrealUSA, NC
14:18.21BrealI am not sure since I do not see one specified in sip.conf
14:18.28SibRphrekmost people use G.711
14:18.38SibRphrekBreal: check this out
14:18.51SibRphrekit tells you the commands to drop into the CLI
14:18.57BrealThanks. Are all codecs supported by all hardphones?
14:19.06SibRphreknot that i remember
14:19.09*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
14:19.13SibRphrekit's been a long time since i've worked with this
14:19.18SibRphrekhence why i'm back in this chan
14:19.45SibRphrekbut any device you buy tells you what codecs are supported
14:19.51SibRphrekElDios 1  SibRphrek 0 :(
14:19.55SibRphrekanyway gotta jet
14:19.57SibRphrekwill be back later
14:20.04SibRphrekElDios: you around a lot?
14:20.12ElDiosfew days
14:20.22SibRphreki usually idle
14:20.34ElDioseheh.. cya later then
14:20.37SibRphrekbut i'm building a new asterisk system so i'll be in here asking questions
14:20.39SibRphreklater guys
14:20.43SibRphrekgood luck Breal
14:22.10BrealDo I specify the codec in the [general] block? Or in the [user] block?
14:22.19lmadsenBreal: either
14:22.29lmadsenBreal: in the general block is the default, and the user block is the override
14:22.43[TK]D-FenderBreal: Apply the larger set to [general] and you should generally only have *1* codec per device
14:22.49BrealI'd rather make it default
14:22.51Brealyeah, thansk
14:23.00[TK]D-FenderBreal: "disallow=all" , "allow=alaw" for example
14:23.25[TK]D-FenderBreal: You should NTO be leaving it to default.  Global choices lead to global screwups
14:24.30*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=proscom@
14:25.22Karlitoohey guys I just installed addons for asterisk and tryed to go trough a ooh323 channel driver and I get an error
14:25.27Karlitooany ideas
14:26.13[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: Yeah, count your "o" 's
14:26.48Karlitooyeah I know that in the extensions.conf it's OH323 not OOH323
14:26.54Karlitooand I put OH323
14:26.55Brealah, much better
14:27.12BrealThanks guys, that made a world of differenced.
14:28.49[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: FAIL :)
14:29.07[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: its in the docs, its in your module load.  Now try following it :)
14:30.39*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
14:31.01KarlitooI'm sorry I'm as you can see kind of a newb at asterisk, so I have in the documentation on how to load a module
14:31.08Karlitoois that what you wanted to tell me
14:31.34[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: I can see you missed the big print somehow.  Anyway, there you have it.  Go play :)
14:32.12neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  You can be very discouraging. :(
14:32.21Karlitoo:) yeah
14:32.27*** join/#asterisk mark_csi (
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14:33.32KarlitooI know that the best way to learn something is just reading the docs and learn it by trial and error unfortunatly I'm at work and don't have much time to study and concentrate on 1 thing
14:33.33[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: Useful tip : When things don't work, start by assuming that absolutely everything is wrong and trace its from the very start.  The stuff we assume is correct is often not so and leads to digging around for nothing.
14:34.36*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:35.12Karlitooty [TK]D-Fender
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14:41.06jayteeseems to be alot of people in here with an identity crisis
14:41.13mark_csihi all, I've a problem with incoming pstn lines not hanging up on my asterisk box.  I've checked that the dialplan is correct, anyone think of anything else?
14:41.19*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
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14:41.23*** join/#asterisk deStone_ (n=deStone@unaffiliated/destone)
14:41.52neurosysI never know who I am. Hence my lifelong handle :P
14:42.33deStone_i'm wanting to setup an IVR --- does anyone have a moment to talk to me about steps to doing this?  I currently have a host-based VOIP phone system (broadsoft) --- how can i utilize asterisk to help accomplish this?
14:43.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: bork, bork bork bork.
14:44.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: MEEP!
14:44.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: La la la LA!
14:44.42[TK]D-FenderdeStone_: read up :
14:44.43jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:44.54[TK]D-FenderdeStone_: Much to learn about configuring *
14:47.50jayteeKatty, is your webblog down? I had the link to the blacklisting stuff you'd posted last week and when I went there yesterday it was unavailable.
14:48.41deStone_TKD: thanks
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15:06.24Kattylooks like dydns hasn't updated.
15:07.21Kattyjaytee: what info were you looking for?
15:07.26*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
15:07.56BrealWhat is no route to host on the CLI? Is that an improper user?
15:07.56*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
15:08.03jayteeI wanted to read your piece on blacklisting. You posted it while I was in class so I didn't have time to look at it in depth.
15:10.16Karlitoo[TK]D-Fender: how do I uninstall a module do I just remove it from the modlue dir or is there another method
15:10.37[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: Which?
15:11.01[TK]D-FenderBreal: * has no idea how to contact them
15:11.10KarlitooI need to remove ooh323 to put in oh323
15:11.28Karlitoocause I found out that ooh323 gives these error and that oh323 works
15:11.35[TK]D-FenderBreal: Can be numerous things.  DNS error, routing error, calling a phone that needs to and has not regisitered
15:11.56tzafrir_laptopKarlitoo, oh323 is alive?
15:12.01telnettechjaytee: how did you do on your test
15:12.05[TK]D-FenderKarlitoo: I would do "noload =>" in modules.conf
15:12.37*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-8c04ba92f360eaf0)
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15:12.54jayteetelnettech, hi!!! welcome to IRC. I passed the written.
15:12.57tzafrir_laptopKarlitoo, the in-tree h323 is maintained, though
15:13.08telnettechjaytee: congrats
15:13.15jayteemy score has been classified by the Department of Homeland Security :-)
15:13.38jayteenow I just have to retake the practical within a year.
15:13.46[TK]D-FenderMOG!  Half-man, half-dog!  He's his own best friend!
15:13.46telnettechjaytee: so you barely passed :)
15:13.55jayteehaha I got a 79
15:13.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "Not a threat"? ;)
15:14.05Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: and he can lick his own balls
15:14.22*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
15:14.30Karlitootzafrir_laptop: you mean the one that comes with asterisk
15:15.22tzafrir_laptopthat's h323
15:15.29jayteehey, I don't know what the big deal is. If I get finally get the dCAP it'll just drum up more consulting gigs for other Asterisk consultants to fix whatever I screw up :-)
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15:16.09[TK]D-Fendertags-in jaytee
15:16.39[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Thats a lot of my business... cleaning up after the previous incompetant consultant :)
15:17.02jaytee[TK]D-Fender, see! I'm tryin to help your bottom line here :-)
15:17.59jayteeplus I figure if what I do doesn't create a gig for you or someone else it might at least drive them to buy a copy of the book to help out Leif and Jared.
15:19.50Kattyhugs jaytee
15:20.23Bad_Robot-[TK]D-Fender that's what the next guy is going to say lol
15:20.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: If they got a nickel for every copy of the book we've sold for them... that'd be $.04 more each than they get now!  Margins = suck!
15:20.53[TK]D-FenderBad_Robot-: Lol... my clients are HAPPY :)
15:22.06*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
15:25.01BrealIs there a way to simplify this dialplan?
15:25.07BrealLike using regex or something else?
15:26.03*** join/#asterisk styelz (
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15:27.30[TK]D-FenderBreal: Not much.  there are mocaros, but that wouldnot actually save yo any lines in THAT case
15:27.33*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:28.17*** part/#asterisk am88b (
15:32.34[TK]D-FenderBreal: And there isn't enough in your dialplan to run a pattern off of.  your SIP device names don't match the dialplan extension so you have nothing really viable to run a variable exten off of.
15:36.12jayteesorry, had to step out for a few
15:36.21jayteehugs Katty back :-)
15:37.07casixBreal: may be you can store in db the relation of numbers - sip_user and then you just need to make a consult to the db
15:37.50[TK]D-Fendercasix: because for 3 extens... AstDB is SO worth it...
15:38.06[TK]D-Fendercasix: think of the pain if anything changes.
15:38.14*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
15:38.19casixyes yes for 3 yes, I mean if he have some more....
15:38.22[TK]D-Fendercasix: 1 line per exten to call a device in a generic way is GOOD
15:38.33[TK]D-Fendercasix: maintaining AstDB is a PITA
15:38.57ElDioshow do I match multiple numbers in DID?
15:39.05ElDiosI need to match
15:39.16ElDios02615345 [12345]
15:39.25ElDioswhat is the exact string that I need to put in the DID?
15:40.55*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-ed9cab03995b843d)
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15:41.04[TK]D-FenderElDios: What on earth does "matching a DID" mean?
15:41.20*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
15:41.37KarlitooI need a lil help :)
15:41.56*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
15:43.26ElDios[TK]D-Fender =) I mean that when someone call a certain number, I redirect it to the right extension depending on which number is
15:44.05[TK]D-FenderElDios: What is the exact range?
15:44.21ElDios026153451 026153452 026153453 026153454 026153455
15:44.33ElDios02615345 [12345]
15:44.55ElDiosI have to slip it in two different groups
15:44.58ElDios123 and 45
15:45.00[TK]D-FenderElDios: exten => _0261534[12345],1,Blah()
15:45.10[TK]D-FenderElDios: exten => _0261534[123],1,Blah()
15:45.12ElDioscould be the _ in front
15:45.14[TK]D-FenderElDios: exten => _0261534[45],1,Blah()
15:45.23ElDiosyeah. I didn't put the _ ahead
15:45.33[TK]D-FenderElDios: Cardinal error
15:45.40ElDios;) thnx a lot
15:45.47ElDiossorry for the awful question :P
15:47.39*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
15:47.48BrealOho k, all of our extensions will begin w/ a 4... else, use a new dialplan
15:48.53*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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15:50.50Brealor, if the prefix is a 4, dial that # as a local ext... else if its a 9 use an outside line
15:50.58ElDiosis it possible to restrict a particoular outbound route so that a specific extension use it when dialing?
15:51.37*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=proscom@
15:53.37[TK]D-FenderBreal: No such thing as a "local extension" really.  Every extension is jsut a number dialined in the dialplan.  the fac that different patterns and more fiexed number do different things really isn't the matter.
15:53.52[TK]D-FenderElDios: thats what CONTEXTS are for
15:54.09[TK]D-FenderElDios: They separate what can and cannot dial
15:55.12ElDiosthnx again [TK]D-Fender
15:57.06casixI have a problem comunicating users of two asterisks. I have created a sip configuration ( but when a user of servidorA calls a user of ServidorB it says to me: chan_sip.c:12389 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from "user <sip:asdfa@asd>"
15:57.13[TK]D-FenderElDios: You need to really sit down and read chapter 5 of the book.
15:57.31casixif I force the username with fromuser then I lost the original callerid
15:57.41casixhow can I make it work?
15:58.29ElDioswhat book [TK]D-Fender ?
15:58.50jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:58.53[TK]D-FenderTHE book.
15:59.11*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
16:00.00*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
16:00.12bearded_blitzshould create a script that uses the API's to restrict additional downloads beyond the first download without a review being written on
16:00.18ElDiosthnx for the 4th or 5th time
16:00.48*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
16:03.38*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
16:04.19[TK]D-Fenderbearded_blitz: /me writes "First downlaod failed and now I have to COMMENT on it?  This book had better succed in downloading this time and be AWESOME or I'll axe-murder the authors!"
16:04.35bearded_blitzthat'd suck
16:06.17neurosysOk, I hope that I'm well prepared this time to ask my question. I am using a DID to connect to my asterisk box, then trying to dial out and connect through another ITSP, quivoice. I am succeffuly regged to quivoice and when i connect thru a softphone, i can make calls from quivoice just fine. But when I try to dial out, i get an error. Here is my PasteBin with error, SIP and EXTENSIONS.
16:08.28[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: SIP/ <-- you have no peer to auth this call.  I'd venture a guess that they don't like that
16:08.46[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Registering does NOT auth your calls.
16:09.04bearded_blitzregistering just tells the other end where to send calls TO YOU when someone dials a DID
16:09.18jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
16:09.33neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  OHHHHH. So i need to enter a peer for quivoice into sip.conf with the proper credz
16:09.46[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Yes
16:10.10neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Thanks. Im on it :)
16:10.15[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: When you set up a softphone is normally uses 1 set of credentials for both registering AND authing calls it palces via them
16:10.57*** part/#asterisk bearded_blitz (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:11.26neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  The quivoice context will have to also be lesnet-incoming (or use an include) for the dial to work, correct?
16:12.08[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: CONTEXT?  its a peer... the context is for receiving calls from them and you can do whatever you feel like for this.
16:12.42[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: And "context" has nothing to do with calling them.
16:13.35neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Guess i misunderstood that section of O'Reilly's asterisk :P Thanks :)
16:14.53*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
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16:16.55Un1x[TK]D-Fender could someone help me with music on hold please?
16:17.22[TK]D-FenderUn1x: try not to target people for support and rather jsut ask out into the channel.
16:17.45[TK]D-FenderUn1x: I'd rather not have to turn down the tons of stuff I'd rather not deal with on a 1-to-1 basis...
16:18.10casixanyone can help me with this sip trunk between two *. the configuration is here but when a user of A pbx calls a user of B pbx, B pbx says that chan_sip.c:12389 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from "user <sip:asdfa@asd>", if I set a fromuser than the call goes ok but the callerid of the call is not the original extension is the fromuser of sip.conf. How can keep the callerid?
16:18.16Un1xWell, i was wondering this is my first time using musiconhold and was wondering if someone could just briefly, explain it i'm using Asterisk 1.4.22 with dahdi and a TDM400P
16:18.45[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Show us the failure.
16:22.13*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
16:23.42*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=renemend@
16:24.13rene-hello, quick question guys, can anyone with an aastra phone could tell me what is the country of manufacture of it?
16:24.27rene-it is usually in a label in the bottom
16:24.57[TK]D-Fenderrene-: China
16:25.16rene-thanks D-Fender
16:25.28rene-everything is made in china these days
16:26.21Un1xSorry, im not getting how do i put it into extensions.conf so when i press the hold button it invokes it in the dialplan?
16:26.22*** join/#asterisk thansen (
16:28.29coppicemy kids were made in Hong Kong, but that's becoming sooooo old school now
16:29.26[TK]D-Fenderun1MoH has nothing to do with the dialplan <-
16:29.30[TK]D-FenderUn1x: MoH has nothing to do with the dialplan <-
16:29.45[TK]D-FenderUn1x: It gets invoked by your DEVICE when it tells * to hold the call
16:30.02Un1xYa, i just read that on voip-info it states, its only needed in dialplan if i was letting them listen to musiconhold rather then the plain old ringing
16:30.24Un1xbut i cant find anythong on voip-info on how to go on about setting it up in 1.4 like such as adding the module to autoload
16:30.30Un1xaswell as configuration help
16:30.49[TK]D-FenderUn1x: MoH instead of ringing : "core show application dial"
16:31.03Un1xno i dont want to do MOH instead of ringing
16:31.09Un1xi only want them to hear music when i put them on hold
16:31.20[TK]D-FenderUn1x: then the sample config works, read it.
16:31.53*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
16:31.58Un1xso i dont need to edit?, just load the module pretty much..
16:32.28[TK]D-FenderUn1x: autoload should already be loading it
16:33.08*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
16:33.49bijitwhere can I change that after leaving a message on voicemail to break out to operator?
16:33.52Un1xwell howcome music isn't playing then..
16:35.24bijitor is it better to do it after voicemail app?
16:35.40Un1xthis is my musiconhold conf file
16:36.35*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=admin@
16:36.39[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Once you begin leaving a VM the only shoice is to hit # and resume processing the dialplan
16:37.08[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Show me the failed attempt and could you please try to at least DESCRIBE what you are doing in the first place and whats involved...
16:37.19`paulhow do i enable the colors on asterisk console? (right now its black and white everytime i do an asterisk -vvr)
16:37.39Un1x[TK]D-Fender i reloaded asterisk after editing my config file then i called a freind and pressed the hold button and he heard no music..
16:37.49Un1x`paul -vvvvvc
16:38.47casixUn1x: try this command: show modules like
16:38.49[TK]D-FenderUn1x: ... PASTEBIN
16:39.41[TK]D-FenderUn1x: What "hold button", on what PHONE?
16:39.59[TK]D-FenderUn1x: You seem to not understand the what is meant when we ask you for "details"
16:40.07Un1x[TK]D-Fender its an analogue phone.
16:40.16[TK]D-FenderUn1x: then what you want is IMPOSSIBLE
16:40.18bijit[TK]D-Fender: So after I hit # all the options its gives after that is from the dialplan and not the function of the vm?
16:40.30[TK]D-FenderUn1x: ther is no such thing as "signalling hold" on ana analog phone.
16:40.51Un1xi see is it possible perhaps where i can enter an extension during a call like *blah so it signals hold?
16:41.26[TK]D-Fenderbijit: After # you may have the review option (if you set it for that box), if you do and complete that, or don't have ti at all, then the dialplan continues.
16:41.45SuPrSluGpolycom behind nat trying to register w/ server on public. 1 will the others get 401. exact same configs for all. any ideas?
16:41.50[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Depends what your phone is plugged into <-
16:42.50[TK]D-FenderUn1x: TDM channels do not offer "hold".  You can either park the call, or let them sit in dead-air with the phone's "hold" (which is well.. dead air)
16:43.13Un1xHow, can i park the call and then unpark it when i want to speak to the person?
16:43.26[TK]D-FenderUn1x: By reading up on call parking.
16:43.54Un1xbut, its kinda weird telcos can somehow read signals from analogue phones for musiconhold but asterisk cant.
16:44.05[TK]D-FenderUn1x: No, they can't
16:44.19[TK]D-FenderUn1x: there is no such thing as a "hold signal" from an analog phone
16:44.33Un1xi see
16:44.44Un1xso what your saying is i can do it if i get an IP phone?
16:45.10[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Yes because they offer this signalling
16:45.37[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Most ATA's can do this as well.  Good added reason why ATA's are better than TDM FXS.
16:45.44bijit[TK]D-Fender: this may sound stupid but where can I look up for this (if you set it for that box)?
16:46.06*** join/#asterisk Yourname`_ (i=Yourname@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
16:46.07Un1xI see
16:46.07[TK]D-Fenderbijit: voicemail.conf sample
16:46.17Un1xwell callparking here i come :)
16:46.30bijit[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
16:48.55Un1x[TK]D-Fender when the call is parked how do i tell it to play music
16:49.23[TK]D-FenderUn1x: taht is what it does. That is its nature
16:49.34[TK]D-FenderUn1x: GO READ
16:49.52Un1xoh ok
16:50.46casixanyone can help me with this sip trunk between two *. the configuration is here but when a user of A pbx calls a user of B pbx, B pbx says that chan_sip.c:12389 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from "user <sip:asdfa@asd>", if I set a fromuser than the call goes ok but the callerid of the call is not the original extension is the fromuser of sip.conf. How can keep the callerid?
16:51.13*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
16:53.03Un1x[TK]D-Fender, here is my features.conf
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16:53.21Un1xi did include => parkedcalls in extensions.conf aswell
16:53.28Un1xbut when i press #700 it doesn't work
16:53.47[TK]D-FenderUn1x: but you're not reading the big print and you're not showing the call.
16:54.03[TK]D-FenderUn1x: You don't seem to be learning from your mistakes here...
16:54.21Un1x[TK]D-Fender, big print?
16:54.25Un1xlol dude i read it
16:54.50Un1xscroll down half way it tells you a quick way to get it up and running and it doesn't work
16:54.53[TK]D-Fenderun1Yeah... over the span of what, *5* whole minutes?  Why do you even think "#700" will park your call?
16:55.22[TK]D-FenderUn1x: And WIKI's are NEVER wrong... and YOU aren't either I guess....
16:55.32*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
16:55.38[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Who us what you're DOING and we'll show you why its failing.
16:56.12Un1xwell i pasted the features.conf above and i called my cell and pressed #700
16:56.17Un1xand its not parking the call as it should..
16:56.26*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
16:57.45[TK]D-Fenderun1there's more to it than features.conf
16:58.07jameswfshould be my new signature: No venti is twenty. Large is large. In fact tall is large and grande is spanish for large. Venti is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's italian. Congratulations you're stupid in three languages.
16:58.32Un1xyes i also did the include => parkedcalls in extensions.conf...
16:58.47*** join/#asterisk dhill (
16:58.47[TK]D-FenderUn1x: What part of "sho us what you're doing" don't youg et?
16:59.11Un1xWhat would you like me to show you.. i showed you my configs i told you what i was doing, what else can i show you?
16:59.32*** join/#asterisk Breal (
16:59.37BrealWhat does this mean? SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : tts_textasterisk
17:00.00dhillI have using odbc/postgres for Realtime extensions.  In the extension, I have it do Local/${EXTEN}@customers.   It seems like Asterisk does not do another psql query for the customers context.  or do i have something wrong?
17:00.22[TK]D-FenderUn1x: the CALL.  your dialplan.
17:00.58[TK]D-Fenderdhill: What do you have in that context in extensions.conf?
17:01.20dhillthat context is also in psql
17:01.52dhilloh wait
17:01.55dhilli need a
17:02.00[TK]D-Fenderdhill: wrong answer... try again...
17:02.01dhillswitch => Realtime
17:02.05[TK]D-Fenderdhill: YES.
17:02.08dhillgod i suck
17:02.41[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Good now read the instructions : "core show application dial"
17:02.54*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
17:03.33dhillsince my sip users are also in psql..  any way from asterisk to make "sip show users" work?
17:03.52*** join/#asterisk mark_csi (
17:03.53[TK]D-Fenderdhill: IIRC there are realtime dump options from CLI
17:04.50mark_csihi all - anyone have any experience in uk zapata.conf?  PSTN stays up even after inbound caller hangs up.
17:05.16[TK]D-FenderGrabbing lunch, back in a few minutes
17:07.24Un1x[TK]D-Fender tell me if this example would work or can i have the context say a number such as 700
17:07.25Un1xexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=8884829892)
17:07.25Un1xexten => _X.,2,Dial(${splitinfinity}/${EXTEN})
17:07.26Un1xexten => _X.,3,Goto(parkinglot,${ARG1},1)
17:08.17bmoracawhat are you trying to do?
17:08.49Un1xbmoraca, trying to get the calls into parking
17:09.47*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
17:10.05bmoracafeatures.conf dictates your park extension, which is typically 700
17:10.37bmoracaif you are using an analog phone, you can use (i believe) *2 while in a call to initiate a transfer
17:10.57bmoracaonce again, that * command is going to be defined in features.conf
17:11.27bmoracathere's also an option for blind transfer, though that won't tell you what the parking space number is
17:12.12bmoracaso you'll want to do an attended transfer to whatever your parking lot is, listen to the parking space, hit #, and then your line is free and they are parked
17:12.29*** join/#asterisk xorl (
17:12.35dhill[tk]d-fen: thanks again
17:12.38bmoracai have several boxes configured with this through the use of ATAs.  never tried it with an FXS port
17:12.49xorlhey, quickq Q, why would audio ingoing/outgoing be completely muted without modifying any of the confs
17:13.00bmoracai believe the fxs port needs some extra zapata.conf config, though
17:13.07Un1xhrmp, well
17:13.14xorlI get the calls incoming outgoing
17:13.21xorlbut can't hear anything, we are using an external PBX
17:13.26xorl(through vitelity)
17:13.39psykx-outxorl: did you reboot? do a hard reboot allowing for a anycards to power down properly
17:13.47bmoracaxorl, are you using a TDM card?  if so, adjust your gain.  if it's a SIP trunk, you're not NATing properly
17:14.14xorlNo cards local, asterisk just routes to the IP Phones (cisco), directly to our line provider Vitelity
17:14.29bmoracathen you're not NATing properly
17:14.41xorlNo nat at all.
17:14.50*** join/#asterisk esdrasbeleza (
17:14.53xorlIt was all working yesterday and *nothing* has changed.
17:15.18psykx-outxorl: which version of asterisk?
17:15.21xorlI diffed my configs from 3 days ago from my rdiff backups and kept going farther back, not a single thing has changed
17:15.40psykx-outmodule reload and if that doesn't work reboot
17:15.48xorlreboot the entire system?
17:16.21xorli restarted asterisk itself but that didn't seem to solve anything
17:16.46xorlmaybe my provider is screwing up
17:16.58Qwellsomebody want to kick tmobile for me, and have them send my phone out already?
17:17.11[TK]D-FenderUn1x: that pattern is BAD.  You should not be using anything so generic and you are faining to understand what todo to park a call.
17:17.31xorlQwell: G1?
17:17.39esdrasbelezahello. I'm developing some scripts to take care of Asterisk that's running at my job's network. The local Asterisk administrator told me that I couldn't delete the voicemail messages manually or Asterisk would get crazy with the number of messages. Is this right? How can I avoid this?
17:17.58Un1x[TK]D-Fender can you show me a parked call example because the examples, on the voip-info are not so accurate
17:18.08xorlreloaded the modules, no go.
17:18.15xorlrestarted asterisk completely, no go.
17:19.08[TK]D-FenderUn1x: You do an ATTENDED TRANSFER to an exten that calls "ParkCall" (natively 700 in the [parkedcalls] context)
17:20.03xorlthis is so frustrating
17:20.51[TK]D-Fenderxorl: And proportionately you have shown us nothing.
17:21.11xorl[TK]D-Fender: Well, if I *knew* what it was to show you, i'd have fixed it now wouldn't I have? lol
17:21.21[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Show us your server & its condition in detail along with your configs and MAYBE we'll have enough info to actually help you.
17:21.21xorlI have maximum verbosity on my logging, watching sip debug.
17:21.41casixanyone can help me with this sip trunk between two *. the configuration is here but when a user of A pbx calls a user of B pbx, B pbx says that chan_sip.c:12389 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from "user <sip:asdfa@asd>", if I set a fromuser than the call goes ok but the callerid of the call is not the original extension is the fromuser of sip.conf. How can keep the callerid?
17:21.52[TK]D-Fenderxorl: If you're not sure what to show us then show use EVERYTHING.  pastebin is your friend
17:21.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
17:22.02xorl[TK]D-Fender: will do, give me a minute
17:22.12Qwellxorl: naturally
17:22.27xorlwhich configs do you want?
17:22.34xorlsip.conf exten.conf logger.conf?
17:22.38Qwellxorl: you have one?
17:22.39[TK]D-Fenderxorl: sip
17:22.50[TK]D-Fenderxorl: and the SIP debug for your failed calls.
17:23.07xorl[TK]D-Fender: Well, they all fail, call comes through, no audio.
17:23.17xorlHow do I cut out the sip debug logs from the console
17:23.27[TK]D-Fenderxorl: cut&paste
17:23.43xorlworks for me
17:23.48[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Should be easy to provide a failed call if they all fail
17:24.38xorlWell fail in the audio sense, all works pretty well.
17:24.52xorlcall comes in, acknowledges the pick up, and the hang up, just no audio in/out
17:26.00*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
17:26.41[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Your * is behind NAT?
17:26.50xorlthe phones are, the * is not.
17:27.06Un1xhow can i add a third command under this
17:27.06Un1xexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=8884829892)
17:27.06Un1xexten => _X.,2,Dial(${splitinfinity}/${EXTEN})
17:27.15Un1xerr nvm
17:27.52SuPrSluGpolycom behind nat trying to register w/ server on public. 1 will the others get 401. exact same configs for all. any ideas?
17:27.57[TK]D-Fenderxorl: That wasn't for you..
17:28.03xorloh heh
17:28.07[TK]D-Fenderxorl: So now for the failed call please...
17:28.42xorlgive me two seconds
17:30.39xorl[TK]D-Fender: you get that notice?
17:31.33[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
17:31.43[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Lokos liek your phones are authing wrong.
17:31.49Un1xwould anyone have an example dialplan where i can press #77 in a call and dial a number for the call to be transfered to
17:32.02xorlThat's weird, they worked fine yesterday
17:32.10*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
17:32.28[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Well you should have noticed that you did not show me a failed CALL.  There is no CALL in three <-
17:32.45xorlThat's not the call, i copy and pasted it when I called in heh
17:33.03[TK]D-FenderUn1x: FORGET the "#" for a second as something you can ASSUME and realize what I told you you need to do.
17:33.23[TK]D-Fender[12:19]<[TK]D-Fender>Un1x: You do an ATTENDED TRANSFER to an exten that calls "ParkCall" (natively 700 in the [parkedcalls] context)
17:33.46[TK]D-Fender[12:02]<[TK]D-Fender>Un1x: Good now read the instructions : "core show application dial"
17:33.53*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
17:33.58Un1xno im not trying to park the calls anymore im trying to lets say someone calls for me and im out they can press #77 and enter the number where i can be reached and asterisk bridges the call
17:35.07[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Show us the dialplan for your call.
17:36.02*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
17:36.33telnettechcan someone tell me if the asterisk -vvvr /tee/tmp/log is useable on 1.2 version
17:36.36bmoracathat's not exactly a simple thing to explain here...heh
17:36.53xorl[TK]D-Fender: ok, i got an even bigger sip log
17:36.54[TK]D-FenderUn1x: So what do incoming calls land on?
17:37.31Un1xno this is for an outgoing call im trying to do the xfer like i can call a freind then tell him hold i'll transfer u and then do #77 and it transfer to the phone number
17:38.30bmoracaUn1x, that's a simple attended transfer.  you can do that form any phone.  you don't need to do anything special in the dialplan for it.  (perhaps a t dial option)
17:38.42[TK]D-Fender[12:02]<[TK]D-Fender>Un1x: Good now read the instructions : "core show application dial"
17:39.47*** join/#asterisk sdaniels (
17:40.03xorlman, I am stumped
17:41.07telnettechnew to *......can someone tell me how to dump my SIP messages to a log from the CLI. I am using 1.2 version
17:41.30xorlnot even echo is working
17:41.34xorlsomethings totally fubar
17:42.33*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
17:42.46[TK]D-Fenderxorl: Make sure 'canreinvite=no" is under [general] and every section.  Also all your phones should be "nat=yes", "qualify=yes", and yuor ITSP peers should be "nat=no"
17:43.16casixtelnettech: you can do that with ngrep: ngrep port sip_port and host ip_of_user_want_to_watch
17:43.46sdanielsIm trying to record incoming calls, it is working except when the call is forwarded to an outside number, can someone take a look at this? thanks
17:44.01telnettechcasix: this is from the CLI or the linux prompt
17:45.02xorl[TK]D-Fender: Forgive my cannon fodder brain lol, ITSP just flew over my head.
17:45.19casixtelnettech: linux prompt
17:45.50telnettechcasix: thanks
17:46.15[TK]D-Fenderxorl: your provider's entries
17:46.19xorlgot it
17:46.56xorlIt's so weird.
17:46.59xorlI hear a dial tone,
17:47.07xorlbut if I dial a number out, i don't even hear it ringing
17:47.18xorlbut the number I call gets reached.
17:48.44*** join/#asterisk hansin (
17:48.49jameswfnew startrek :)
17:50.58*** join/#asterisk mark_csi (
17:52.46mark_csihi all, I've found a patch that fixes an issue I'm having with my system.  Does the version of the patch matter? I'm using 1.4.22 and the patch is 1.4.19
17:53.08*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
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17:58.07[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: the patch you're looking for was not integrated into the mainline?
17:58.09*** join/#asterisk rcahilig (n=sysad@
17:58.17rcahilighello guys, I would like to ask if it is possible to send and receive fax in Asterisk
17:58.40Carlos_PHXYou will need some add-ons.
17:58.52xorlI have seriously never been this frustrated with a phone system in my life.
17:59.08Carlos_PHXThat's because you think Asterisk is a phone system, and it's not.
17:59.09rcahiligwhat particular addons do I need?
17:59.31Carlos_PHXspandsp for one.  You should read the fax docs on
17:59.52Carlos_PHXA lot depends on how you will connect to the fax devices and PSTN.
18:00.19sdanielswhen using mixmonitor app, if the call is forwarded to an outside line I dont get any audio.. any ideas?
18:01.35xorlCarlos_PHX: lol, well, my VoIP system has no voice.
18:01.44xorlI can hear the Asterisk voice mail message play
18:01.46[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: For one, that is not FORWARDING, next you should call mixmonitor before EACH dial.
18:01.53xorlso asterisk Does transmit audio.
18:01.58xorlCould it be my third party PBX provider?
18:03.38Carlos_PHXxorl: You have a NAT issue.
18:03.44jbothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
18:03.52xorlCarlos_PHX: * == not behind nat.
18:04.12xorlNo fireawll either, disabled that to 100% be positive of all routing/firewall/nat issues.
18:04.14Carlos_PHXThen you have an RTP port issue.
18:04.23Carlos_PHXWho is the service provider?
18:04.50Carlos_PHXWell, they don't do NAT, so it sounds like RTP port problems.
18:05.00Carlos_PHXDid you change rtp.conf?
18:05.13xorlHaven't touched it.
18:05.24*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
18:05.38Carlos_PHXSomehow, your RTP packets (voice) are not being delivered.
18:05.41xorldiff'd vs. the stock -dist
18:05.47Carlos_PHXIs there one-way audio, or neither side gets audio?
18:05.53xorlneither side.
18:06.09*** part/#asterisk astassistant (
18:06.11Carlos_PHXI have never seen this happen without NAT.
18:06.16xorlwell, i can hear the asterisk voicemail deal
18:06.29sdaniels[TK]D-Fender: I added another mixmonitor before the second dial, but there is still no audio. by no audio I mean that when it dials the 2nd number (my cell) i do not hear the caller or vice-versa. it works as expected if I answer the call on ext 6000
18:06.34Carlos_PHXRight, that's phone > Asterisk, but Asterisk > Vitelity fails.
18:06.59xorlno no i mean external call -> asterisk i can broadcast.
18:07.01*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:07.06Carlos_PHXA CODEC failure should fail the call, but what CODEC are yo uusing?
18:07.22[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: Well you'd better provide some mroe details about who each leg of the call is an how all the networking involved is set up
18:07.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: O HAI
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
18:07.39xorlNot even sure, I was dumped with administrating this asterisk server a month and a half ago
18:07.47xorlHaven't touched it, backed up the configs nightly etc.
18:07.48*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
18:07.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have something terribly bad for me.
18:07.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: a Whopper
18:07.53xorlBut just left it alone cause it's worked.
18:07.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: from Burger King
18:08.14Kattyputs hospital on speed dial in case of heart attack
18:08.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: ZOMG <3 a tack!
18:08.19*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:08.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: tack?
18:08.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: attack?
18:08.33Carlos_PHXxorl: You're saying it used to work and stopped?
18:08.35Kattyalso, sorry
18:08.49xorlWorked yesterday.
18:08.51Kattybrain spastic, apparently. took me a second
18:08.51xorlStopped working today.
18:08.53QwellKatty: 75 7/8 :(
18:08.57Carlos_PHXYou checked with Vitelity for issues?
18:08.59KattyQwell: !
18:09.06xorlI have contacted them but no word back yet.
18:09.10KattyQwell: 73 and 1 bar
18:09.17xorlCarlos_PHX: So it is most likely an RTP issue then.
18:09.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: lawl. cute.
18:09.20Carlos_PHXWow, that's a strange one.
18:09.23Carlos_PHXCertainly RTP
18:09.29Carlos_PHXThat's where the voice is.
18:11.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: Glad I got a laugh for it... "Mission Accomplished"
18:12.27BrealWhere does asterisk store its sound ifles?
18:12.48*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=none@
18:13.09sdaniels[TK]D-Fender: please have another look at the modified pastebin when you have a  moment, thanks.
18:13.26xorlis there other providers of end point PBX solutions other than Vitelity
18:13.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: ;)
18:13.48xorlwell trunks
18:14.05Kattywell shucks?
18:14.17Kattythat sounded better in my head.
18:14.27[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: and I told you to show use what you are dilaing and descrbin how its all set up
18:14.47[TK]D-Fenderxorl: ...
18:14.49jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
18:14.52jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
18:14.54jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
18:15.03xorl[TK]D-Fender: Thank you.
18:15.05xorlSorry, i don
18:15.23xorli don't know all the proper */phone system terminology :P
18:15.30xorlI code in perl and C all day, not usually my deal.
18:15.41jer_does not recommend babytel. they flip out over higher than normal call volumes, think you're running a company off a residential line -- when in fact, you have kids. (most calls incoming, not outgoing)
18:16.00[TK]D-Fenderjer : I concure... clients of mine lokoed at them and get the runaround.
18:16.20jer_i do use unlimitel now, happier than a pig in shit
18:16.32[TK]D-Fenderjer_: thats where mine ended up going as well
18:21.28bmoracaNVFaxDetect relies on precise timing from zaptel hardware (or ztdummy) doesn't it?
18:26.30*** join/#asterisk legis (n=wadsack@unaffiliated/legis)
18:27.01*** join/#asterisk rhousand (
18:27.27legisHi, any ideas why would I get one way audio when doing transcoding on a call? I'm doing ulaw -> g729
18:27.52legisIf I do ulaw -> ulaw or g729 -> g729 it works fine.
18:28.09[TK]D-Fenderlegis: Describe each leg in detail
18:28.50legis[TK]D-Fender: SIP/ATA -> * -> ITSP
18:29.04[TK]D-Fenderlegis: Now the networking...
18:29.24legis[TK]D-Fender: SIP has a public IP, * too.
18:29.33legisno NAT.
18:29.42rhousandI am using record in my extension.conf file. when i dial the extension how do i end the recording?
18:30.02[TK]D-Fenderrhousand: "#"
18:30.32rhousandI tried that first but it does not end the recording. I have to hangup
18:30.57rhousandi'll try again
18:31.24[TK]D-Fenderrhousand: If it doesn't, then you have a DTMF configuration problem.
18:32.19rhousand[TK]D-Fender: well what seem to happen is when i enter "#" it hangsup
18:33.30rhousando i found the issue
18:33.42*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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18:33.56rhousandthanks anyways
18:34.46[TK]D-Fenderrhousand: after "#" the app quits at your dialplan continues to do whatever is next.  If that happens to be "nothing, then well... there goes your call.
18:36.48legis[TK]D-Fender: you know if a problem with g729 could cause that?
18:36.57legisa problema with g729 license
18:37.31[TK]D-Fenderlegis: possible... but prove it by preventing reinvites first
18:38.02[TK]D-Fenderlegis: Test each, debug each, compare
18:38.19sdaniels[TK]D-Fender: I updated I dont know what else to explain.
18:38.30jameswfsomeone just called me and asked for a fax tone so I screeched in their ear...
18:39.03*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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18:40.22[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: You are not showing a failed call with SIP debug, you are not describing the networking involved for this call END-TO-END, you are not showing us your configs.  So basically, you offer nothing for us to assist you with.
18:40.58sdaniels[TK]D-Fender: a simple I dont know would have been fine. thanks.
18:41.18legis[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by 'preventing reinvites first' ?
18:42.13[TK]D-Fendersdaniels: Don't know?  You haven't shown us anything.  Do you drive up to the mechanic, poitn a finger at your car, and ask him whats wrong without letting him look under the hood?
18:42.54[TK]D-Fenderlegis: set for same codecs and force RTP through *. See if it works.  then do the same for transcoding, etc
18:45.52legis[TK]D-Fender: yeah ulaw/ulaw works, g729/g729 too, the problem is ulaw/g729
18:46.18[TK]D-Fenderlegis: confirm while assuring that rtp on identical codec filters through *.  This part is crucial
18:47.44*** join/#asterisk farkus (
18:51.26legis[TK]D-Fender: ah ok, I get it :D, let me check
18:52.09*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
18:53.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:53.38[TK]D-Fenderlegis: Its either a reinvite /  networking  issue or a broken codec issue.... the latter is much less likely.
18:54.43ManxPowerUse the Digium codecs, stronger than all the others -- now with titanium!
18:55.00*** join/#asterisk vgster (
18:55.01*** join/#asterisk ecrist (
18:55.46ecristquick question - does asterisk have the ability to change caller ID on an incoming call based on with SIP trunk it comes in on?
18:56.00Carlos_PHXI could have sworn I'd seen this before but can't find it...  How to pass the PIN for a conference to the MeetMe app so the user doesn't have to enter it?
18:56.16Carlos_PHXecrist:  Ys
18:56.41ecristthanks Carlos_PHX
18:57.06BrealI can not hear audio if my sip device is on the same machine as my asterisk box
18:57.44ManxPowerBreal: not all that surprising.
18:58.27*** part/#asterisk ecrist (
18:59.26BrealWhat would cause that?
18:59.46BrealOr how can I fix it rather
19:00.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ti does not alloy with C ;)
19:00.27ManxPowerBreal: two devices trying to use the same RTP or SIP ports on the same machine.  Really nothing different than trying to run 2 web servers or 2 smtp servers on the same machine.
19:00.52BrealIs there anything that can be done?
19:00.57*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
19:00.59BrealLike use different ports..etc
19:01.03ManxPowerBreal: do you want to spend a few hours trying to fix this or do you want to just run the softphone on a different system?
19:01.54ManxPowerBreal: configure your softphone to use a port other than 5060/UDP for the source port and use ports other than 10,000 - 20,000/UDP for Audio.
19:02.30ManxPowerSoftphones give me hives so I don't use them.
19:03.01ManxPowerBreal: If you have NAT or firewall on the asterisk box that could also be a problem
19:03.42Carlos_PHXHuh, I thought I was the only one with that disease.
19:04.49ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: It's a VERY common condition among experienced Asterisk people.
19:04.49ManxPowerSome might say you are not an experienced Asterisk person until you develop an allergy to softphones.
19:05.11Corydon76-digI must not be an experienced Asterisk person, then
19:05.34Corydon76-digHowever, I would NEVER deploy one in production
19:05.45ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: Well, that is close enough.
19:06.24ManxPowerWhat I have found that learning how to configure and use a softphone doesn't help much with hardphones or Asterisk.  So I think it's mostly a waste of time.
19:06.45*** join/#asterisk hansin (
19:06.48Corydon76-digIt's not a waste of time for business travelers, for example, though
19:07.05Corydon76-digThat's the one place that I would still advocate a softphone
19:07.51[TK]D-Fenderyup.. pretty much jsut for remote laptop user.
19:07.55Corydon76-digThen you can implement things like VPN tunnels across which your calls are sent and all sorts of network traversal issues, not to mention the problem of carrying around a bulky phone
19:08.13ManxPower<rant>Much like this miserable excuse for an SDK for Novatel EVDO devices.  Looks like it was built by a bunch of drunken college kids with epilepsy.  I'll end up spending 10x the mount of time trying to get the SDK to work than it will ever save me.</rant>
19:08.42ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: even when I traveled I used an ATA rather than a softphone
19:09.05*** join/#asterisk rhousand (
19:09.14Corydon76-digManxPower: you also manage the networks, though
19:09.23ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: Yes.
19:09.39Corydon76-digManxPower: I dunno about even an ATA in a hotel room, for example
19:10.02ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: worked fine for me at all the hotels with stable internet access.
19:10.24Carlos_PHXI've tried to encourage our customers to use softphones, they just don't.
19:10.32Carlos_PHXThey take their physical phones with them to travel.
19:11.29xorlCarlos_PHX: Yeah got ahold of our itsp, they were saying RTP appears to be blocked and we don't have a firewall, so they have their network guy looking into it
19:12.39ManxPowerI never really liked VoiceOverIPOverInternet
19:15.18Kattydid someone just twitter follow me?
19:15.58Carlos_PHXxorl: Cool, good luck.
19:16.04ManxPowerKatty: Not in public, I hope!
19:16.15Carlos_PHXYou previously asked about other ITSPs, yes, there are plenty.  Vitelity is well respected though.
19:20.27*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
19:20.37*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
19:22.52mikealeonettiwith my SIP service, the fromuser  field has my caller id. But ONE internal extension needs to show up as another caller ID. What's the best way to set that? Is there such a thing as a dynamic fromuser?
19:23.05*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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19:26.10Carlos_PHXmikealeonetti: cmd SetCallerID
19:26.16[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Don't set FROMUSER.  change your dials.
19:26.30*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
19:27.18mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: As in use SetCallerID as Carlos_PHX pointed out?
19:27.18Carlos_PHXYeah, that's the way to do it.
19:27.25[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Yes, only using the proper functions.
19:27.38mikealeonettiyou're the man Carlos_PHX (and [TK]D-Fender)
19:27.44mikealeonettilots of <3
19:28.30Carlos_PHXmikealeonetti: Keep in mind your ITSP may or may not respect that.
19:28.51Carlos_PHXSo if it fails, don't assume you did it wrong.
19:29.55[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: No.... still assume you did it wrong... just know that you might even be wrong about that too ;)
19:31.08mikealeonettiso I'll just use an IF I guess to set a variable
19:31.11mikealeonettiand use that
19:31.13*** join/#asterisk km2 (
19:31.36Carlos_PHXWe have a SIP variable for each user which is externalid= and then do a set on the dial.
19:32.01mikealeonettithat works too
19:32.06Carlos_PHXSo there's an account-wide global for the company main number, and one if needed for each DID.
19:32.19Carlos_PHXSome companies like the main number shown.
19:32.37mikealeonettiso, on sip.conf I can set a default variable, and then a custom one for just her
19:32.55mikealeonettiI can just make up variables in sip.conf?
19:32.57Carlos_PHXSure, and then your dial just sets every call to $externalid
19:33.12mikealeonettiand use them as normal variables in extensions.conf?
19:33.56mikealeonettithat's pretty intuitive
19:34.11Carlos_PHXWe have lots of variables in sip.conf that get used in outbound call processing.
19:34.21Carlos_PHXQuite easy, powerful.
19:34.24*** join/#asterisk fogo (
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19:39.39rene-Carlos_PHX: How are u?
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19:53.43cesar_CRguys I am seen this in the cli :chan_sip.c:16869 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '013525551690000' rejected because extension not found.
19:53.58cesar_CRI have blocked the IP via iptables..
19:54.07mikealeonettiCarlos_PHX: so I can use ${externalid} in extensions.conf?
19:54.16cesar_CRI am hacked ???
19:54.51seanbrighti have been hacking into someone's machine all day
19:55.05seanbrightanyone else wants in the poor bastard's IP is
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
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19:58.13[TK]D-Fendercesar_CR: so far that doesn't prove that its from this person you claim to have blcoked, nor that your block was functional in the first place.
20:01.09carrarJust unplug your box from the internet
20:01.16carrarthat solves it
20:01.36[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Not enough... remove POWER from the computer!
20:01.48[TK]D-FenderHACK THIS BIOTCH!
20:01.59mikealeonettiI'm still doing somethign wrong
20:02.00[TK]D-Fender<NO CARRIExzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz>
20:02.01mikealeonettibig surprise
20:02.06carrarIf I got a $1 for everytime someone did a SWAP of extensions from 1000 to 9999 trying to register I wouldbe rich!!
20:02.16[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: 1 step down, 11 to go!
20:02.52*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
20:03.07cesar_CR[TK]D-Fender, I have blocked the IP that made that, I got the IP from a sip set debug on
20:03.38carrarYou need a security policy
20:03.57mikealeonettiwell, I set externalid=+1516xxxxxxx in the sip.conf but when I set SetCallerID("ID Name" ${externalid}) the number comes up as "asterisk"
20:03.58cesar_CR[TK]D-Fender, I have a lot of those to different numbers from the same ip
20:03.58mikealeonettiquite funny
20:04.31mikealeonettiactually, it says "terisk"
20:06.58cesar_CR[TK]D-Fender, is it serious ?
20:07.04*** part/#asterisk Mark17 (
20:07.23*** join/#asterisk carrar (
20:08.22mikealeonettiI wonder what I set wrong
20:10.47*** join/#asterisk Aces12 (n=ric@
20:11.07Aces12hey anyone here have experience getting a cisco 7960 to work with asterisk?
20:11.36cesar_CRcarrar, so you have this type of things allways ?
20:11.48cesar_CRAces12, only a 7911G
20:11.59cesar_CRI have 12 of them
20:12.11Aces12cesar_cr is it required to use a tftp server with cisco phones?
20:12.15Aces12do you use them with yours?
20:12.48cesar_CRyes, very mucho without it the phones does not work
20:12.55Aces12cesar_cr i see.
20:13.18Aces12was it hard to get the phones to work with sip?
20:13.20cesar_CReven the softphone from cisco needs it
20:13.52cesar_CRAces12, the hard thing was to get the oficial a latest sip firmware
20:14.09Aces12cesar from cisco? or from asterisk?
20:14.10cesar_CRand get the xml file well done
20:14.16Aces12where do i get that at?
20:14.22carrarcesar_CR, yeah, welcome to the internet
20:14.55carrarcesar_CR, security needs to be high on your list if you put something on the internet
20:14.56cesar_CRcarrar, thanks
20:15.11carrarit will get scanned and hit at
20:15.24cesar_CRAces12, Cisco Phones means cisco firmware
20:15.26carrarand exploited if there are holes
20:15.48*** join/#asterisk VoIPDontCry (
20:15.55VoIPDontCryhi everybody
20:18.10Aces12cesar what is the latest sip firmware for their phones? and where did you find yours?
20:19.45*** join/#asterisk Anggelus (n=a@
20:22.02cesar_CRAces12, SIP 11.8.4 and you need to have an account in cisco... or something like that to be able to download it
20:22.24cesar_CRAces12, but my xml file is on the wiki
20:24.01VoIPDontCryanybody knows a good link to study how to configure elastix/asterisk to obtain better sound in calls ?
20:24.40LoRezthree dups in 4 seconds?  seriously?
20:24.52*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
20:25.43Carlos_PHXDamn, got SlimJim grease on my handset.
20:26.22mikealeonettiI'm definitely doing somethign wrong with this variable
20:27.17mikealeonetti"Name" <${externalid}> should work no problem, right?
20:27.49Carlos_PHXHmm, you are setting the name, not the number?
20:27.55Carlos_PHXYou know that won't make it to the PSTN right?
20:28.24mikealeonettishould I just do <${externalid}> then?
20:28.26*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
20:28.41Carlos_PHXDo you want to set name or number?
20:28.47mikealeonettijust the number
20:29.32VoIPDontCryjust the number
20:29.41VoIPDontCrywhen a call arrives from a PSTN trunk
20:30.15Aces12ceaser what do you think of these directions?
20:30.21Carlos_PHXexten => s,n,Set(CALLERID(number)=${EXTERNALID})
20:31.32Carlos_PHXCisco phones are great.  They sell fast on eBay to people who don't know any better and you can use the money to buy a decent phone.
20:31.51carrarCisco 7900 are great phones
20:32.00Carlos_PHXYes, to eBay, I agree.
20:32.05carrarto use
20:32.06mikealeonettiCarlos_PHX: the caller id number says "terisk"
20:32.48Carlos_PHXI didn't know you could put characters in the number field, interesting.
20:32.50Carlos_PHXSounds useful.
20:33.10mikealeonettithat's what I said!
20:33.21Carlos_PHXDo a NoOp to display the externalid variable just before the set.
20:33.26Carlos_PHXSee if it's right in the CLI
20:35.39BrealCan asterisk register to a remote MGCP asterisk box?
20:35.47[TK]D-FenderBreal: No
20:36.04[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: * cannot act like an MGCP server
20:36.10[TK]D-Fender(sorry, PHONE)
20:36.19Carlos_PHXAh, well, hmmm
20:36.34Carlos_PHXI'd have to go look at the MGCP notes I have beyond "it sucks."
20:36.42BrealWe want to have an asterisk server inhouse use a remote mgcp server as our voip trunk
20:36.44Carlos_PHXI defer to [TK]D-Fender's knowledge on this one.
20:36.45[TK]D-FenderBreal: You can connect MGCP phones to *, but not MGCP servers
20:37.11BrealOh, we want to do asterisk<->asterisk
20:37.13Carlos_PHXThe remote MGCP server is Asterisk or a media gateway like a Cisco router?
20:37.20BrealCarlos_PHX: Asterisk
20:37.25Carlos_PHXThen why MGCP??
20:37.37BrealManaged by
20:37.43BrealIts cheaper to use MGCP then SIP
20:37.48[TK]D-FenderBreal: Don't use MGCP
20:37.59[TK]D-FenderBreal: CHEAPER?  Thats retarded
20:38.18*** join/#asterisk Howie69 (
20:38.21Carlos_PHXis happy to have heard the funniest thing all week this early in the week
20:38.35BrealThey charge us $30 per sip account, but we can unlimited "seats" on the mgcp side
20:39.13Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: What's the jbot code for cheap VoIP?
20:39.30jbotit has been said that cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
20:39.58BrealWe are looking at $30 per line, at 100 lines
20:40.22Carlos_PHXAnd how much for MGCP?
20:40.43BrealThats $3000 for 100 sip accounts per month. Or, we can have unlimited seats that are MGCP included in our T-1
20:41.05Carlos_PHXIf you are behind a server, you don't buy "seats"
20:41.14Carlos_PHXYou buy SIP channels or what some call trunks.
20:41.29BrealThis is a hosted solution that is not in our building.
20:41.46[TK]D-Fenderits all just channels.. completely retarded
20:41.48Carlos_PHXSo then you're not doing asterisk to asterisk.
20:41.52Howie69I have a asterisk box, and was using IAX2.  But when I switch to SIP, It works as well.  However, if I remove the router ( box straigh to cable modem ), IAX2 still works but all SIP registrations fail
20:41.58BrealWe just want to setup an inhouse server that would ast as a mgcp client and make calls through it
20:41.59Howie69if I put the router back, SIP works again
20:41.59Carlos_PHXYou're doing MGCP phone to MGPC gateway?
20:42.03Howie69any ideas?
20:42.05[TK]D-Fender]a call is a call is a call.  Do you charge more for talking to them in SPANISH?
20:42.20*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
20:42.24Carlos_PHXBreal: If you have a server, you no longer have hosted.
20:42.34BrealIts how bills us
20:42.36Carlos_PHXBTW, that's a really high per seat price.
20:42.45BrealWe are not hosting our own service, they are
20:42.57Carlos_PHXIf you run a server, you are not hosted.
20:43.01BrealWe just want to make an asterisk server connect in and pretend to be a phone so that we can make some calls through one of the accounts.
20:43.04Carlos_PHXIf you are hosted, you do not have a server.
20:43.15Carlos_PHXDude, then you do the same with SIP
20:43.28[TK]D-FenderBreal: Maybe you can run FreeSWITCH as a media gateway or something...
20:43.43Carlos_PHXOr shop for someone with a better seat price.
20:44.06BrealI dont think you understand. We are just trying to make asterisk act like a mgcp phone and register and an mgcp device on an mgcp account on an asterisk box
20:44.23Carlos_PHXRight.  You don't understand that you can do the same with SIP.
20:44.26*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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20:44.40BrealThey dont offer SIP with this package. Its an addon
20:44.56BrealAnd its extremely expensive. We already have seats we arent using, and this would be a better solution for us.
20:44.56Qwellget a different package
20:44.56Carlos_PHXYou have a SIP account now, right?
20:45.16Carlos_PHXYou said you have seats you are not using?
20:45.19Carlos_PHXSIP seats?
20:45.24BrealMGCP seats
20:45.29mikealeonettilawn chairs
20:45.35mikealeonettior sofas?
20:45.48Carlos_PHXAt that price, Aeron
20:46.16mikealeonettioh word
20:46.29neurosysAre aerons really that nice?
20:46.42Carlos_PHXNot really.  I like my high-end Steelcase chairs better.
20:48.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
20:49.27QwellBreal: If the calls are asterisk<>asterisk, how does bandwidth even get involved?
20:50.11[TK]D-FenderBreal: We do understand.  You seem not to have registered what I sai earlier.  * cannot act like an MGCP PHONE.
20:51.18jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:52.06neurosysGood book too ;)
20:52.37awk_rvery, but jbot doesn't exist in #asterisk-gui :-) so i had to spam #asterisk and copy/paste
20:52.42[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Raw-Cat Lawn Chairs
20:53.10mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: did, I don't know what those are
20:53.32awk_r[TK]D-Fender, that sounds too close to ClawFoot Tub
20:53.40[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Say it out load a few times until you feel silly...
20:53.57mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: haw haw haw haw
20:54.20BrealQwell: hosts an asterisk server for us
20:54.32Qwellbut you own the server?
20:54.32mikealeonettispeaking of which
20:54.35mikealeonettiI need to call them
20:54.42mikealeonettiI can't make outgoing calls
20:54.48Qwelland manage it?
20:54.52Brealthey own the server
20:55.04Qwelldo you manage it?
20:55.04mikealeonettiI'm going to be here forever tonight
20:55.09Brealwe just want to make an inhouse server connect to it to place calls... pretend to be a phone, which apparently cant be done
20:55.12Brealno we dont manage it either
20:55.14[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: No you're not...
20:55.34mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: until 6 probably
20:55.38mikealeonettithat's forever enough
20:55.43[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: See, looking better already
20:56.00mikealeonettiI could be doing tons better things, though
20:56.15mikealeonettilike working out
20:56.19mikealeonettior watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer
20:57.47[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: I'd like to work her over...
21:00.45*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
21:01.03saftsackhi is there any channel for linux wireless?
21:01.18saftsackim talking from an irc channel
21:01.37[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: ##networking ##linux
21:02.24jblack3Woot. Looks like DOW closed below 8K.
21:03.23jblackVoIPDontCry: Your capslock is on. Try asking the question directly.
21:03.42VoIPDontCryI asked yet, but I will try again
21:04.29VoIPDontCryHow can I configure my Elastix for to see CallerID in my X-Lite ?
21:04.37VoIPDontCryI have a PSTN trunk onlu
21:05.00[TK]D-FenderVoIPDontCry: GUI's are NOT supported here.
21:05.07[TK]D-FenderVoIPDontCry:  Go ask in #freepbx
21:05.48mikealeonettiif I try to restart the Cisco 7960 phones with the *6+settings key and they are still retaining the old settings, is there a way to make them use the TFTP?
21:11.17VoIPDontCrywell, how can I configure asterisk for that
21:13.33[TK]D-FenderVoIPDontCry: if you're using a zaptel/DAHDI compatible card the options are "usercallerid=yes", "callerid=asreceived".
21:14.08SuPrSluGwhat causes a phone that worked earlier to give a  401 unauthorized.
21:14.13*** join/#asterisk bluregard (n=matt@
21:15.35*** join/#asterisk root52 (
21:15.53[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Changing the auth
21:16.16*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
21:17.01VoIPDontCrywhat config file is for zaptel/DAHDI ?
21:17.03VoIPDontCryzaptel.conf ?
21:17.27SuPrSluGsame username/secret
21:17.29hansinMy work has a load of Polycom SoundPointIP 500 phones.  One problem is that they have the MGCP firmware loaded.  I know I can update to SIP, but because of limited memory, I can only go to bootrom 3.2.2 and SIP 2.1.3 (though switching from MGCP to SIP I guess is not encouraged by Polycom).  What are peoples take on these phones?  Is there a used market for any of these, given the memory limitations (I am sure the 501 is more popular)?
21:18.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:18.31Howie69no SIP registrations work
21:18.32SuPrSluGhansin: only way to get money out of 'em is sip.
21:18.35[TK]D-Fenderhansin: Is that a metric load, or an imperial load?
21:18.36Howie69if i put the router back, they work fine
21:18.44Howie69IAX works fine too
21:18.46Howie69any ideas?
21:19.13VoIPDontCry[TK]D-Fender: what config file is for zaptel/DAHDI ? zaptel.conf ?
21:19.16ManxPowerHowie69: sounds like the classic problem is skipping some step in the ~sipnat page.
21:19.21jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:19.40hansin[TK]D-Fender: Probably a couple hundred of them maybe, so I guess that would be metric ;)
21:19.43[TK]D-FenderVoIPDontCry: for Zaptel its /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
21:19.58[TK]D-Fenderhansin: Well consider them worthless w/o SIP
21:19.59Howie69ManxPower: you missed the point :)  I removed the sip nat stuff, and the SIP registration says 'No Nat'
21:20.08VoIPDontCrythx D-Fender!
21:20.25ManxPowerHowie69: so there is no nat involved?
21:20.26hansinSuPrSluG: If they can be upgrade to SIP in-house, would it be worth the effort?
21:20.31*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
21:20.39hansin[TK]D-Fender: I guess same question to you...
21:20.47Howie69ManxPower: not when I remove the router, no
21:20.51SuPrSluGif ya plan on ebayin em
21:20.56Howie69ManxPower: NIC -> Cable Modem
21:21.09hansinSuPrSluG: Okay, I suppose I can check going rates on eBay.  Thanks.
21:21.23[TK]D-Fenderhansin: Yes it'd be worth it.  Harder to sell something the client has to clean up after
21:24.03SuPrSluG[TK}D-Feender:what's this auth you speak of
21:25.01SuPrSluGhow did I change the auth? 2 phone w/ exact same config regiter
21:25.43SuPrSluGman my typing sux
21:26.34root52Hey all, when i do #sip show peers i notice that in the status column my two SIP trunks are monitored but none of my phones are. Is that a config problem with the phones?
21:27.46Howie69ManxPower: I'm trying to weed through some sip logs for you
21:29.01Howie69too many
21:29.07Howie69too many sip extensions registering
21:32.08*** join/#asterisk holos (n=cosmond@
21:32.28holosAnyone have any ideas how to test a toll free in Singapore? or anyone here from Singapore?
21:33.24neurosysHow do you pause output in the CLI?
21:34.19mikealeonettiif the Cisco 7960 phone is just reset, is downloading the SIPDefault.cnf and the ./SIPmac.cnf but not fetching the firmware and it keeps restarting, is it broken or did I do something wrong?
21:37.30*** part/#asterisk holos (n=cosmond@
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21:40.10[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time.  Later all
21:40.35*** part/#asterisk VoIPDontCry (
21:42.30*** join/#asterisk dippo (n=cwage@
21:42.33M1s3ryneurosys, exit the CLI, otherwise set your terminal to not scroll along if you are looking through previous information.
21:42.53dippohi. according to this page ( when using GSM you should see roughly 64kbps for one call and ~14kbps for each additional call
21:43.03dippobut I am definitely seeing it double up to 120Kbps for the second call..
21:43.11dippois that page wrong or does this indicate a problem in my configuration?
21:43.22dippothis is bandwidth being used by the IAX2 trunk to a provider, btw
21:44.20dipposo, sip handset -> (g.711) -> PBX -> (gsm over IAX2) -> trunking provider
21:46.18Howie69ManxPower: yes, I double and triple checked, I have nat turned off everywhere
21:47.15Qwelldippo: that's when using IAX2 trunking, I believe.
21:47.24Qwellthough, those figures seem way off
21:47.32*** join/#asterisk talirk81 (i=434e2716@gateway/web/ajax/
21:48.31talirk81when i use   exten =>  s,n,Record(${FILE}:wav,10,30) in a dial plan (${FILE} is just a file name. Why does  the record app immedaitly finish and after the beep and not let me record a message?
21:49.12dippoi am using IAX2 trunking
21:49.21dippoit's not a big deal, but i was just curious
21:49.33dippo64Kbps + only 14 for each additional call would be nice, but i am definitely not seeing it
21:49.44dipposomeone told me GSM uses a delta vs. the original signal for additional calls, hence the minimal increase
21:55.25*** join/#asterisk puppet (
21:55.53puppetHmm, I got a problem here, Asterisk answers a call, but my cellhpone don't start ticking seconds = It don't answer and I don't get any sounds at all
21:57.04*** join/#asterisk ix33 (
21:57.52giovanieww, it's trixbox
21:58.02giovaniwhy is the peer unknown, did you not define it?
21:58.03puppetgiovani: yeah but im swapping it out for pbx in a flash like now
21:58.17giovaniwhy not just run asterisk plain?
21:58.38puppetgiovani: did that before, but i want a easy way to add IVR menu, fax and all thoose stuff
21:58.44puppetgiovani: without spending 20h on that
21:58.48*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
21:58.55giovanishouldn't take 20 hours to write in an IVR
21:58.56giovanibut, ok
21:59.24puppetgiovani: well recording and all that, want it easy easy eay ;) i know it dont take 20h but fax takes a while longer to get it good, i have set it up before, but still, easier to have a interface
21:59.38giovanibut for "easy easy easy" you get odd problems like this
21:59.52puppetgiovani: true
21:59.53giovanigo to #trixbox
22:00.08giovaniI have no clue what's going on in this log, they have 20 checks going on
22:00.13giovanidid you not define the peer?
22:00.17giovanibecause it says it's an unknown peer
22:00.23puppetyeah i know its strange
22:00.33giovaniwell ... did you define it?
22:00.37puppetyeah i did
22:00.41puppetaccording to trix
22:00.47giovaniwell ... talk to them
22:00.49puppetehh sc-wage this im uninstalling it
22:00.55giovanior roll asterisk yourself -- it's not hard
22:01.05puppetnah it's easy ;)
22:01.10puppetdid some labbing with realtime mysql before
22:02.42puppetgiovani: is there ANY dist that offers good done packages? or is it still best to compile self
22:02.49mikealeonettifor variables to be used in extensions.conf do I have to use setvar=EXTERNALID=number in sip.conf?
22:03.03giovanipuppet: I use the ubuntu package, works perfectly fine
22:03.15giovanino idea about other distros
22:03.20puppetwell i love ubuntu
22:03.27giovaniI literally have a system up and running in under 25 minutes
22:03.29puppetso it's fine, you sue freepbx or anything like that or just straight off?
22:03.35giovaniabsolutely not
22:03.38giovanidon't use that crap
22:03.44puppetsucks that bad?
22:03.54giovaniI clean out all of the configs as well
22:04.03giovanithe comments are lengthy, makes it difficult to read
22:04.15puppetGot old configs but they are like 1.1 or 1.2
22:04.18giovaniubuntu also has the zaptel driver in a package
22:04.25giovanijust gotta compile it using m-a
22:05.33ix33my 40-extension install was up & running at one point for 10 weeks straight under moderate load
22:05.51ix33is there a recommendation out there against running so long?
22:06.02puppetgiovani: cause all I really need is a simple IVR, Voicemail with E-mail, Fax recieving, sure fax sending would be nice but yeah
22:06.07*** part/#asterisk dippo (n=cwage@
22:06.19giovanipuppet: I haven't done any fax work
22:06.32giovanihow simple is the ivr?
22:06.40M1s3ryix33, you're running linux... not really
22:06.53puppetVery, Press 1 to leave a message, press 2 for contact information press 3 for english.. kinda ;p
22:07.08giovanipuppet: should be able to write it in under 20 minutes
22:07.09tzafrir_laptopgiovani, well, sort of. I sometimes even get some bug reports from ubuntu users regarding the package
22:07.11giovani(and troubleshoot it)
22:07.13puppetgiovani: 10 min ;P
22:07.20puppetthat is easy the fax is harder
22:07.24tzafrir_laptopBut ubuntu bug reports remain largely unfixed
22:07.39giovanitzafrir_laptop: it's in universe, it's an unsupported package from debian, that's why
22:07.40ix33M1s3ry: thanks
22:07.54giovaniyou'd need to know how ubuntu packages applications and supports them before criticizing the package
22:08.05tzafrir_laptopUbuntu asterisk and zaptel packages are universe. That is: they just take whatever there was in Debian Sid at the time of the release
22:08.17giovani... heh, yes, I know
22:08.17*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
22:08.36AkiyukiCan someone recommend a high quality sip trunk line for a call center, based in the USA?
22:08.49puppetdoing that now reinstalling to ubuntu :) thanks for setting me straight gio ;D why do i try to take the easy road when i know how to do it
22:09.16giovanipuppet: it's not easier in the long run with trixbox -- their configs are messy, and difficult to hand-edit
22:09.24Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: Well, we're an ITSP and server a few call centers, with strong uptime and call quality.
22:09.25ix33followup: so during the course of that 10 weeks apparently a call got stuck in a continually 'open' state where 'core show channels' would show one guy dialed into VoiceMailMain() the whole time.  is there a way to force a connection like that down?
22:10.35Carlos_PHXix33: I've heard of this from many people and there doesn't seem to be a good solution.  We have our servers reboot on a weekly basis and that cleans out whatever is going on, including the occasional Asterisk memory leak.
22:10.35AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: What is ITSP?
22:10.41jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
22:10.47Carlos_PHXITSP = te
22:10.48bkruseQwell: beat me to it.
22:10.49Carlos_PHXWell, there
22:10.57AkiyukiWhat's the name of the company?
22:11.26Carlos_PHXIf you want to chat on a private channel let me know, rather not do sales here.  But we do provide what you're looking for.
22:11.49ix33Carlos_PHX: i had my * 'restart when convenient' every morning at 3, but this one call kept it up for 10 weeks
22:12.05Carlos_PHXYes, that and the memory leaks are why we do full reboots.
22:12.21Carlos_PHXI know, Linux doesn't need to be rebooted blah blah you're doing it wrong.'s what works.
22:12.24Aces12i have a sangoma a200 it looks like i have all the drivers installed correctly and the zap show channels shows all my ports.. i have these ports connected to my pots lines..  i have setup a default route, but everytime i go to dial i get "the number is not in service, please check your number and try again message"
22:12.30ix33i guess it's not likely that i'll lose an important call at 3 AM
22:12.49ix33ok i'll omit the 'when convenient'
22:12.52Carlos_PHXWe don't have any 24x7 customers yet, so no issue for us.
22:14.21ix33it was still rock solid for those 10 weeks, but it was spinning one CPU 100% when i found it
22:14.49Carlos_PHXYeah, someone I work with tells me he sees that a lot.
22:14.54Carlos_PHXWe don't, luckily.
22:16.15ix33so i saved my old company $14k on a PBX and all i got was a jar of M&M's
22:16.47ix33thanks *!
22:17.50AkiyukiCarlos_PHX: Ok, what channel?
22:23.37Carlos_PHXAnybody here doing direct CNAM dips?
22:24.37Carlos_PHXAkiyuki: Sent you a private message, but saw no reply, did you get that?
22:26.45*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (n=sbrown@
22:31.13Akiyukii gotta leave, we can do this tomorrow, will you be in here?
22:31.19Akiyukiemergency w/ my wife and kid and daycare issue
22:31.46Akiyukiemail me,
22:33.13*** join/#asterisk telecos (
22:34.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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22:58.35beek[TK]D-Fender: Good evening.
22:58.45[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Hello
22:58.56beek[TK]D-Fender: Would you believe the major issues I've been having with caller ID are the fault of the telco?
22:59.10beek[TK]D-Fender: It finally hit me to try a callerid box and see if it worked -- it didn't.
22:59.17Qwellbeek: A telco at fault?  I'm SHOCKED!
22:59.30beekQwell: Did I note a hint of sarcasm?
22:59.52xorlSo I have these Cisco 7960's here, any idea on what logo_url's bitmap requirements are bit wise?
22:59.57[TK]D-Fenderbeek: More like an entire concerto ;)
23:00.04ManxPower"The Catholic Church is never wrong!"  "What about the policy of non-involvement in the Holocust?"  --Dogma
23:00.14beekIn four parts.
23:00.31xorl[TK]D-Fender: Figured out my issue earlier.
23:00.39xorlwasn't asterisk, or vitelity.
23:01.01xorlMy ISP was dropping our RTP packets for some reason.
23:01.20ManxPowerxorl: Welcome to the world of voice on the internet
23:01.38*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
23:01.42[TK]D-Fenderalksjdhjkdlasjdhf sadf l NO CARRIER
23:05.13Carlos_PHXDid your ISP say...why...
23:05.26Carlos_PHXIs it Airband by any chance?
23:06.21xorloh not now, we had it all routing through Cox
23:06.25scooby2man why do I get the crap jobs. this client wants their queue to setup to ring for 60 seconds if no one is available but to ring indefinitely if someone is available.
23:06.34xorlCarlos_PHX: But oddly enough we do *use* airband
23:06.55xorlThey known for blocking RTP?
23:06.58Carlos_PHXThey don't like people using their pipes to get to other service providers.
23:07.09xorlah nice.
23:07.20Carlos_PHXOne of our customers had their RTP de-prioritized by them.
23:07.39Carlos_PHXSo like, Sirius streaming was higher priority than voice.
23:08.04bmoracascooby, i had one request to have calls roll through 5 different queues of people...3 seconds, then 5 seconds, then 10 seconds, then 5 seconds, then 5 seconds...then go to autoattendant.  how's that for suck?
23:08.08Carlos_PHXIt was fun to troubleshoot.
23:08.11*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
23:09.18[8none1]xorl: top link
23:09.32[8none1]xorl: Google is your friend
23:09.39xorlYes, yes it is.
23:09.44xorlI was googling but failed.
23:10.01xorlStill pretty anoyed about my whole phone system going down for hours for no reason what so ever.
23:10.04bmoraca7940 and 7960 BMPs are NOT fun.
23:10.12bmoracaand very unforgiving
23:10.21Carlos_PHXxorl: Did they have an excuse?
23:10.25xorlCarlos_PHX: No.
23:10.30xorlThey didn't even get back to us lol
23:10.38xorlI have it tunneling right now.
23:11.38ManxPowerhugs his PRIs
23:12.03Qwellan ISP not admitting fault?  I am SHOCKED!
23:12.06xorlManxPower: We're going to get that setup in here soon.
23:12.15Carlos_PHXPRIs are for sissies.
23:12.45Carlos_PHXxorl: Just use the right ISP, issues like this shouldn't be common.
23:12.45ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: And VoIPoInternet are for people that want to be castrated by their users.
23:13.09Carlos_PHXHeh, right, well, as an ITSP I need not express my disagreement.
23:13.15xorlSo, gimp can't save 8-bit bmps?
23:15.02[8none1]ManxPower: have you ever heard of a MMPRI?
23:15.13[8none1]MMPRI = Multi-Market PRI
23:15.13denonjust use photoshop, it's so much easier.
23:15.34ManxPower[8none1]: I can imagine what it would be.  Normally provided by CLECs
23:15.52Carlos_PHXIs that like an MMRPG
23:16.16xorldenon: Don't have any machines with photoshop here.
23:16.16[8none1]ManxPower: You can create site diverse PRI trunk groups
23:16.25[8none1]Carlos_PHX: yeah, exactly
23:16.41ManxPower[8none1]: why not just route that stuff over a QoS'd lan.
23:16.43bmoracaa PRI is far cheaper than a data connection over which you could run 23 simultaneous calls...
23:16.58Carlos_PHXNot in the US.
23:17.01[8none1]We have 6 total 3 in each of our primary offices.
23:17.16voxterI can run 23 simultaneous calls over DSL, and DSL is cheaper than PRI
23:17.30bmoracai'd like to see that.  no, really
23:17.32Carlos_PHXT1 is cheaper than PRI, and that's good for nearly 70 calls.
23:17.34[8none1]If will fill or have an outage on one site the calls roll to the other site will all the DID info intact
23:17.44Carlos_PHXbmoraca: Seriously?  Because we do it all the time.
23:17.47[8none1]Then we route to the proper site via VoIP trunks
23:17.51voxterI have multiple customers doing more than 23 calls on DSL.
23:17.54Carlos_PHXYou're not in the US, I have to assume?
23:18.17Carlos_PHXWe have a happy customer doing 15 on a $65 cable connection.
23:18.23bmoracai'm having a hard time believing you can get 10 calls, let alone 70 calls over a 1.5mbit connection.
23:18.39Carlos_PHXbmoraca: Um, why?
23:18.47bmoracauhm, because of the bandwidth required.
23:18.48*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:18.56voxterbmoraca: Two very important things to consider: G729 and IAX Trunking
23:18.58Carlos_PHXThe bandwidth required is 22k per call, so...
23:19.15[8none1]thinks bmoraca is watching YouTube on his T1 while making phone calls
23:19.23Carlos_PHXMan, I hate it when I find out something I've been doing for years is impossible.
23:19.31voxterCarlos_PHX: me too.
23:19.32ManxPowerbmoraca: Do the math.  UDP overhead for RTP is about 16Kkbps per channel, GSM is about 16kbps per channel.
23:19.34bmoraca22k per call?  on what codec?  IAX2 only works for trunking.
23:19.38Carlos_PHXI think he's watching redtube
23:19.54bmoracaor softphones
23:20.00ManxPowerwith iax2 TRUNKING overhead is about 16k for ALL the channels combined, GSM at 16k
23:20.26voxterI spoke about this at astricon this year, i never knew i was lying to everyone!
23:20.35ManxPowerwith G729 the codec is even smaller
23:20.44bmoracaif I have a hosted PBX with remote phones, even connecting with g.729, there is NO WAY i am getting 10 simultaneous calls over a T1.
23:20.49Carlos_PHXI guess I should turn off that call center on the T1, we can't possibly handle their 60 concurrents.
23:20.56voxterI can cram about 85 calls safely onto a 768k dsl connection with g729 and iax2 trunking.
23:21.03Carlos_PHXbmoraca: You're wrong.
23:21.09ManxPowervoxter: The fact you have customers doing 23 calls on a DSL means you are crazy, not that you are wrong.
23:21.34Carlos_PHX"This is probably going to suck, but feel free to try the cheap way first."
23:21.36ManxPowerbmoraca: Just how much bandwidth do you think a call takes???????????????????
23:21.42voxterManxPower: local circuit DSL, never hits the internet :)
23:21.49bmoracavoxter, that defies math.  there is no way you are getting <10k per call bandwidth.
23:22.03Carlos_PHXbmoraca: We have hosted customers with 70+ phones on T1.
23:22.05voxterbmoraca: why? g729 uses 8kbit
23:22.19*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
23:22.21Carlos_PHXCall centers with 60 concurrent on T1.
23:22.59ManxPowerbmoraca: then show us your math
23:23.09ManxPowerWe will show you where you are wrong.
23:23.53bmoracag.729 is ~30kbps for two-way communication, by conservative estimation.  at least from everything i've ever read and every benchmark i've ever seen.
23:24.12*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
23:24.17Carlos_PHXthinks bmoraca learned math from Verizon.
23:24.26ManxPoweryou count bandwidth usage in ONE direction
23:24.28jblackharsh words
23:24.47Carlos_PHXbmoraca: Can you explain why RIGHT NOW I have 47 concurrents on a T1?
23:25.11voxterhas 39 currently on a DSL customer
23:25.19voxterright now.
23:25.33bmoracashow me the core show channels.
23:25.37bmoracai'm curious.
23:25.38jblackAnd if he's using local dsl, he could be goign full 10 megabit, bidi.
23:25.48ManxPowerbmoraca: G.729 uses 8k, if you are running that on SIP then you have about 16k of overhead.
23:26.04jblackYou can fit a lot of 8 kilobit channels into 10 megabits.
23:26.07ManxPowerNow if you want to count BOTH directions of the call then you need to count BOTH directions of a T-1.
23:27.40jblackTheoretically, one could get 1280 concerrent calls out of 10 megabit. Actual practice would be in the few hundred.
23:27.40ManxPowerI'll paste a popular bandwidth calculator for you a in a momenty
23:27.40bmoracajblack, i'd like to see where you're getting this magical 10mbit DSL circuit.
23:27.45jblackbmoraca: Any two dsl modems talking directly, back to back.
23:28.25bmoracaand that happens in production exactly when?  in that instance, theoretical bandwidth is far, far higher (we use some that get nearly 100mbit)
23:28.29jblackYou'd want to keep the cat-3 cable down to well less than a mile.
23:28.30Carlos_PHXWe have 7mb symmetrical here.
23:28.42ManxPowerbmoraca: :
23:28.50Carlos_PHXAnd cable is 22 down / 4 up.
23:29.14ManxPowerWith MPLS you can pretty much get any bandwidth you want.
23:29.15jblackbmoraca: That's what he's using now, and I've implemented it on rare occasion for businesses, that have sites that are close together.
23:29.21*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
23:30.05Carlos_PHXbmoraca:  I have to wonder why you are fighting people that are already doing what you say is impossible.
23:30.48ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: especially considering the fact several of the people talking on this subject have been using Asterisk for more than 5 years
23:30.51jblackI think he considers consipiracy as more likely than him being wrong.
23:31.08bmoracai'm not fighting.  i'm saying that your estimates defy the mathematics that i've always held to be true.  namely that 1.5mbit / 32kbps != 85.
23:31.31jblack1.5mbit what? Who's talking 1.5 mbit?
23:31.46bmoracathey're talking about pushing 85 concurrent calls over a T1
23:31.46[TK]D-Fenderbmwho said 32kbps?
23:31.46ManxPowerwell more correctly 1544kbps / 32kbps
23:32.09saftsackso g.729 isnt as good as announced if no iax2 trunking is used?
23:32.09bmoraca32kbps is one-way g.729 bandwidth.
23:32.23ManxPowersaftsack: what has been announced?
23:32.32ManxPowerbmoraca: You.  Are.  Wrong.
23:32.50Carlos_PHXI hate it when theory beats reality.
23:32.51[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Really?  thats news...
23:32.56ManxPowergo look at the damn SPECS.  8kbps is G.729
23:33.05bmoraca8kbps is the bitrate, yes
23:33.08[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Where I come from its < 10kbps...
23:33.11bmoracabut that's NOT the only calculation.
23:33.14ManxPowerI am sorry your numbers are not correct.
23:33.26[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: whos "math"? ;)
23:33.39ManxPowerbmoraca: no, it's not the only calculation.  You would have about 16kbps of UDP overhead for RTP audio
23:33.42saftsackManxPower, everbody says that g.729 is the best codec for low bandwith consumption. but g.729 has more bandwith than g.726
23:33.49saftsackdigium announced it
23:34.01ManxPowersaftsack: CITE YOUR URL
23:34.02jblackA t1 is also symmetric. You get 1.54 megabits in each direction.
23:34.05[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: There's your .02 CENTS  worth ;)
23:34.24saftsackManxPower, what do you mean?
23:34.51ManxPower"(5:33:49 PM) saftsack: digium announced it"  OK.  Show me the announcement
23:35.55ManxPowerFor bandwidth calculations it is usually good to separate the codec usage and the UDP overhead
23:36.04*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
23:36.46saftsackthey sell it ...
23:37.06ManxPowerexpecially because that overhead can vary with SIP .vs. IAX2 .vs. IAX@ Trunking
23:37.11ManxPowersaftsack: SHOW ME
23:37.22saftsackyes i mentioned it before that it does vary
23:37.33saftsackbut on a common sip connection it doesn't vary
23:37.39saftsackManxPower, why do you shout?
23:37.58Carlos_PHXIt might be interesting to compare all the wild connections we all use.  My current favorite is Wi-MAX, not so crazy but some people say it doesn't work.
23:38.12ManxPowersaftsack; for one thing you are not listening.  You said "ManxPower, everbody says that g.729 is the best codec for low bandwith consumption. but g.729 has more bandwith than g.726" and "digium announced it".
23:38.35ManxPowerWell I say if Digium announced that g.729 uses more bandwidth than g726 then there should be a URL for you to show me where Digium said that.
23:39.16ManxPowerlooking now.
23:39.19saftsackfirst chapter. just g.729 is shown as the best choice if g711 is too large
23:39.52ManxPowersaftsack: but you said g726.
23:40.27saftsackyes i said that g726 seems to be better than g.729 which is shown on the above calculator link
23:41.17ManxPowerI'm obviously not understanding what you are trying to say.
23:41.59saftsackat the beginning i mentioned this: "saftsack> so g.729 isnt as good as announced if no iax2 trunking is used?"
23:42.17*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
23:42.18saftsacki want to say that g.726 seems to be the best codec for quality and bandwith going in common
23:42.29Carlos_PHXLPC10 beats them all.  Sounds best too. says that it sounds robotic
23:43.50Carlos_PHXYes, I think robots are hot, so it sounds best to me.
23:44.01Carlos_PHXWhen I call phone sex lines using LPC10...
23:44.39Carlos_PHXI'm wearing nothing but a Titanium thong and drinking 10w30...
23:45.57*** join/#asterisk kjs (
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23:51.17[TK]D-FenderAs long as we're talking Tricia Helfer or Grace Park, I'm game ;)
23:51.26*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:52.34Carlos_PHXI had to google it.  I don't see no robots, but otherwise very nice.
23:53.29[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: ... BattleStar Galactica.... they're CYLONS
23:53.55Carlos_PHXGoogle just had human photos.  Not that they were bad.
23:54.08[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Significantly "not bad"
23:54.21*** join/#asterisk Sgeo (i=897d6932@gateway/web/ajax/
23:54.25Carlos_PHXI've done worse.
23:54.40[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: You and 99% of the planet :)
23:55.06SgeoI know this sounds inappropriate, but what OSI layer is call processing a part of? Looking through Wikipedia, it looks like Layer 3, but I don't know how helpful Wikipedia is in this case
23:55.29ManxPowerSgeo: layer 4 -- application layer
23:55.41ManxPowerjust like FTP or HTTP
23:55.56xorlbah bastard 7960 phone
23:56.08SgeoErm, isn't application layer layer 5 on the Internet model, and 7 on OSI?
23:56.15Sgeoty though
23:56.30[TK]D-FenderIt runs ON TCP & UDP.  Do the math
23:56.38Carlos_PHXxorl: Those words just go together.  Bastard and Cisco.
23:57.16Carlos_PHXwants layer 1 SIP, get rid of the overhead.
23:57.25SgeoSo cdmaOne uses layers 1, 2, and 7?
23:57.26xorlCarlos_PHX: Indeed.
23:57.30ManxPowerSgeo: I would actually have to look it up, but "layer 4 switches" are "switches" than handle the higher level protocols like HTTP, FTP, etc.  Layer 3 switch would be something that understand IP and a layer 2 switch just understands the low level protocol like ethernet
23:58.41xorlCarlos_PHX: Damned 7960 is ignoring my tftpboot file
23:59.39SgeoI don't know if "call processing" is a higher level protocol or not

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