IRC log for #asterisk on 20081118

00:00.16QwellBBHoss: what, like AEL or Lua?
00:00.29*** join/#asterisk root52 (
00:00.40BBHossQwell: i was thinking more on the lines of ruby or python
00:00.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Or just looked at the grouping on where clearly there is no zaptel in that pile.
00:00.50QwellThat's why we have AGI.
00:00.56QwellFeel free to use whatever suits you best.
00:01.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: or any of the large announcements, airplane banners or 30-minute infomercials
00:01.28*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:01.47BBHossQwell: I do, I just think it would be valuable to have a built in ruby or python parser, so we don't have to drop into agi every time we want to do something semi-complex
00:01.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, it's like blaming the French for WWII in Europe and letting the Germans off the hook
00:02.03harry_vTK, again as I have stated. All configs were correct. Just the module was missing in the lib directly.
00:02.16kerxhow do you set CallerID w/ Dial() ?
00:02.26QwellBBHoss: so, what, you want it inline with extensions.conf?
00:02.36[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: well 1.6 doesn't use chan_zap
00:02.51harry_vI did state it was 1.6
00:03.03QwellBBHoss: You're going to have to "drop into" something.
00:03.08BBHossQwell: not inline with it, like a whole different language, so where i could build classes and all sorts of cool stuff
00:03.14Qwelllike AGI.
00:03.16[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: harry_v And you installed it without reading any of the big print & import docs.  Kudos!
00:03.38BBHossQwell: sure, but something just feels dirty about agi
00:03.46jayteekerx, you'd use Set(CALLERID(num)=$"somevariable") in the priority right before the one that uses the Dial app
00:03.52QwellHow else would you plan on doing it?
00:03.57kerxwhy somevariable?
00:04.02[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yeah... uh huh.. that'd work ;)
00:04.05kerxjaytee, I want to force the callerid to work
00:04.17kerx[TK]D-Fender, you are master boss big-dick
00:04.25kerxhow are you today [TK]D-Fender ?
00:04.28harry_vfor the most part i do read the README
00:04.28kerxBig-Dick Asterisk Master?
00:05.01kerxjoo know
00:05.03kerxjoo know
00:05.37ratmandugod, thats a horrible ISP
00:05.46jayteekerx, somevariable is just my text as a placeholder for the variable name you'd use and assign a callerid number that you want to use. but forcing it? forcing it where?
00:06.18kerxi'll give that a shot
00:06.21[TK]D-Fenderkerno quotes <-
00:06.27[TK]D-Fenderkerx: no quotes <-
00:06.35kerxoops :P
00:06.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
00:06.38jayteekerx, yeah, no quotes
00:06.52kerxbtw, the realtime dialplan really affects asterisk's speed
00:06.56jayteeor you could use a variable you've set elsewhere if you wanted
00:07.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: guess you miseed why I wrote that before... silly broken variable reference!
00:07.03kerxi've had to convert from realtime extensions over to plain old textfiles again
00:07.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: take another mark off your score!
00:07.21jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm slow tonight, it was a long day
00:07.30BBHossQwell: well instead of having contexts, i would have a class for users in sip.conf for example, and write some sort of case statement or something for the calls
00:07.36jayteearthritic fingers don't lend themselves to fast typing
00:08.39QwellBBHoss: Patches welcome.
00:08.52BBHossQwell: yeah it would be interesting wouldn't it
00:08.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I burned an extra 2.5 work-days on that ^#%$ing budge this weekend... I should be friend myself, but I'm reenergized by having completed it and starting to clear off my plate and making inroads at migrating from NetWare5 to Samba instead of Win2K3 sometime mid next year
00:09.00jayteeI ran my extensions.conf file through and the png file it generated was really interesting. most all of my contexts all point to the context named [DEAD_END] and that points to [RETARD!]
00:09.00QwellI can't see a use for it, no.
00:09.19BBHossalso maybe do something in erlang to help distribute load
00:09.25QwellBBHoss: AGI
00:09.56jayteeso you're gonna use Samba on linux instead of Win2K3? Awesome!!!!!
00:10.16[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm pushing for it...
00:10.24drmessano^jaytee: I am using NFS on Win2k3 R2 instead of Linux!
00:10.45BBHossdrmessano^: yeah like put the dialplans and configs in mnesia and have the asterisk nodes communicate about load and all of the calls going on
00:10.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: All out marketing stuff is on it for 3 years now and they run 100% and account for 2/3 of our data storage needs as it is...
00:10.53jayteedrmessano^, don't make me come back there!!!
00:11.15QwellBBHoss: #exec, dundi, AGI.
00:11.16drmessano^Well, mentioning erlang in public is like doing a George Michael
00:11.53jayteeseriously, when did the uber-lords of Redmond add NFS support to Win2K3? in R2? I don't remember seeing that.
00:12.04BBHossdundi in my experience is fragile
00:12.10drmessano^But in any case, you'll have to wait in line.. Qwell promised me he would commit my COBOL parser to 1.6
00:12.16drmessano^jaytee: R2
00:12.38jayteeit's so hard to tell whether he's being serious or snarky. I usually just go with the latter
00:12.59drmessano^R2 did add NFS
00:12.59BBHossi remember i upgraded to one of the 1.6 betas and it just flat out didnt work
00:13.05drmessano^I was a bit shocked too
00:13.15drmessano^1.6 seems to work for most of us
00:13.34drmessano^did you uncomment broken=very_yes?
00:13.54drmessano^Asterisk likes to feel dirty
00:14.20jayteedrmessano, wow! you are serious! I just found it. I hadn't heard that and didn't see it in the general What's New shit for R2.
00:14.26[TK]D-FenderI wish I could commit my parser to replace the dialplan app parser....
00:14.50drmessano^jaytee: They pretty much merged the services for Unix in, and then some
00:15.01drmessano^jaytee: Its like a Linux box, but you get laid too
00:15.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, but no one really wants to code in Pascal :-)
00:15.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: just the stuff INSIDE the () silly!
00:15.41jayteeah! ok, I down wid dat!
00:15.48drmessano^I think it would be cool to write an erlang parser in AGI that takes AGI commands as arguments
00:15.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: that allows for typed variables, mixed data types, clear text separation, etc
00:16.21jaytee[TK]D-Fender, instead of just dumb ascii strings
00:16.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yup
00:17.53*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-5d265ee7041eddd5)
00:18.02jaytee[TK]D-Fender, it would add just a little extra vertical to the learning curve but it would be worth it. My gut tells me that 1) 50% or a little more would love it and the rest would hate it and 2) I shouldn't have had the ravioli for dinner.
00:18.22[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Mine interprets strings, hec, dec, float, binary, etc.
00:18.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'll go with #2
00:18.51[TK]D-Fenderyes, hex.
00:19.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: OH, and asci chars.
00:19.06drmessano^XML is the new ASCII
00:19.18drmessano^Not sure what the hell that means
00:19.23drmessano^But YESH!
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00:19.51jayteedrmessano^, why stop there? why not go with EBDCDIC?
00:19.52drmessano^Asterisk should be able to parse XML from myspace if it plans to compete
00:20.08jayteeooops, meant EBCDIC
00:20.23drmessano^ICUPAEIOU to you too
00:20.37jayteedamn, I can't type for shit tonight
00:21.05jayteeone more time. EBCIDIC, IBM cruft
00:22.24echelonanyone know an ATA that allows you to change its user-agent string or headers?
00:29.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:31.40[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: *ping
00:36.13*** join/#asterisk rcy (
00:42.50*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
00:43.54jeffspeffanybody here familiar with astbill or a similar solution?
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00:53.12*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:54.20*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-af1b82e077989a16)
01:00.13*** join/#asterisk Bilano (n=no@
01:04.11*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
01:04.33*** join/#asterisk brut- (
01:11.54neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  which distro you use?
01:12.39[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Primarily CentOS,  Still have an old love for Slackware though.  I use Ubuntu as my home desktop (when I don't boot to WinXP like 99.999% of the time)
01:13.06neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Slack run asterisk nicely?
01:13.22[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: 100% Every time
01:13.48neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Thx :)
01:13.50[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Mind you so has every time with CentOS... I just came to like certin bits of it better than slack.
01:14.18[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: SysV inits, startup, etc.
01:14.31neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Oh More like debian?
01:15.19neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Will CentOS install without the GUI>
01:15.21[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Debian I'm sure I could be just as happy with, but their approach for stable vs what we consider "normal" is annoying.
01:15.27[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Certainly
01:15.38[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: CentOS = RHEL you know...
01:16.09neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Yeah, But the one thing i recall loving slack for was it minimal install :)
01:17.01[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Yes, I miss where 9.0 fit all on 1 CD.
01:17.12[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: and that was INCLUDING X
01:18.06neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  heh. well... starting my CentOS torrent.
01:18.19neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Gotta try new things once in a while ;)
01:18.55[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: What are you coming from?
01:19.13*** join/#asterisk echelon (i=Unknown@gateway/tor/x-1d748cfc6eebed6b)
01:19.20neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  FBSD
01:19.24echelonanyone here use an ATA device?
01:19.38*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
01:20.02[TK]D-FenderechoI hope this isn't leading to the question you asked 1 hr ago....
01:20.28[TK]D-Fenderechelon: I hope this isn't leading to the question you asked 1 hr ago....
01:21.07echelon[TK]D-Fender: why? i never got an answer to it
01:22.21[TK]D-FenderechoBecause this new "Anyone use an aATA' as a lead in for that is like "Hey anyone tried ice-cream before?  Yes?  Good!  Now what I really want to know is about advanced particle physics... you know ice-cream is made of particles so you must all be able to answer my questions!"
01:23.15[TK]D-Fenderechelon: that is a really bad bat&switch lead in question.
01:23.23[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Over 99% of ATA users would never think of changing the user-agent
01:23.45echelon[TK]D-Fender: i just want to ask if they've seen this setting on their UI
01:24.19[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Check the manuals for models you think might be good
01:25.19tzangerany tdm experts here?
01:25.20*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
01:25.33tzangernot zaptel specific, just tdm in general
01:25.49echelonthanks for the suggestion :)
01:27.47*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:28.54echelonumm.. anyone know a good voip store site? most of the ones i've come across have ridiculously priced shipping rates
01:29.19echelonthey're meant for companies that buy them in builk
01:31.51jeffspeffanybody familiar with Freeside billing system?   Hoping to get some recommendations on what to use or what to stay away from.
01:31.57[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Depends where yo are, now doesn't it?
01:33.06echelonin the east coast
01:33.39[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Lots of places have an east coast....
01:33.56jayteeexcept for Kansas
01:34.04[TK]D-Fenderechelon: <- good for most of North America
01:34.07jeffspeffechelon: you are IN the east coast? thank god for those mobile wifi cards! lol
01:34.31[TK]D-Fenderholds his head under until the squirming and bubbles stop
01:34.40jayteedecent rates unless you're a cheap prick that want's to make a couple of my buddies lose their jobs at UPS due to cutbacks
01:36.08echelon[TK]D-Fender: yeah, that's one of those sites.. there isn't a shipping rate below 10 bucks
01:36.41[TK]D-Fenderechelon: And what kind of store anywhere ships stuff under 10$?
01:37.06echelonumm.. newegg.. overstock.. chiefvalue
01:37.13[TK]D-Fenderechelon: How little are you looking to buy to penny-pinch so much?
01:37.18echelonbut their supply of voip products is limited
01:37.33echelonjust one ATA -_-
01:38.34[TK]D-Fenderechelon: I just entered my head-office in CT for shipping... came up free
01:38.55echelonthey should include the weight of the products before they caclulate shipping
01:39.08[TK]D-Fenderechelon: the margin is so low on 1 stupid little box where do you think they can afford to make shipping cheap for you from?
01:39.12echelonfrom telephony depot? ^_-
01:39.17[TK]D-Fenderechelon: yes
01:39.26echeloni'm in ny
01:39.42[TK]D-Fenderechelon: I added the Sangoma A101d to the cart, entered their state & zip, and came up 0$
01:40.06[TK]D-Fenderechelon: WOW.. first we start with east cost, then get a COUNTRY, and only now get a state.
01:40.13[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Paradoid much?
01:40.24[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Not that your use of TOR isn't a complete give-away
01:40.34echelonthat's why i'm on tor :D
01:40.52[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Great, so paranoid AND cheap.  Good basis.
01:41.23*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
01:41.48echelonyeah.. same rate
01:42.02echelonnothing below $10
01:42.17[TK]D-Fenderechelon: I just changed the order to 1 ATA and now its $7.22
01:42.32[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Which ATA did you pick?
01:42.54echelongrandstream ht 286
01:42.59[TK]D-Fenderechelon: GREAT!
01:43.02jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
01:43.17[TK]D-Fenderechelon: You also had to pick the worst POS product they had
01:43.45echelonlol, what's wrong with it?
01:43.51jayteeROFL, serves him right!!!!
01:44.06jayteeenjoy the pain!
01:44.16[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup, I'm just backing off of this case... total losing scenario.
01:44.17echelonwhat's wrong with it??
01:44.25echeloneveryone keeps telling me they suck
01:44.32jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
01:44.33[TK]D-Fenderechelon: and you're not listening?
01:44.41jbotwell, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
01:45.10[TK]D-Fendergoes off to do something productive...
01:45.37echelonlinksys are overpriced
01:45.38jayteeechelon, I highly recommend Grandstream to anyone that likes lots of jitter and silence suppression that you can't turn off without a firmware update.
01:45.59jayteeLinksys are not overpriced.
01:46.16[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Says who?
01:46.37jayteebut go ahead and order a bunch of Grandstream equipment, just don't come in here whining about it afterwards
01:46.47[TK]D-Fenderechelon: You mean more expensive than CRAP?  I hope so... means they spend mony hopefully making it NOT crap.
01:47.00echelonthe cheapest linksys product i could find is $12.. and it's a power adapter
01:47.23jbotrumour has it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
01:47.32jayteeI have two tin cans with string that have better audio quality than 2 GSX2000's on a 100MB lan with no other traffic.
01:48.19*** join/#asterisk UnluckyAlf (
01:48.34UnluckyAlfHi I was wondering if someone could help with a dialplan please
01:48.37UnluckyAlfWhat is the asterisk dial plan for calling Gizmo's conference rooms? Such as 1222 and 12221234567 (I know how to add them individually, but is there a dialplan that will take them all no matter how many digits there are after the 1222?
01:48.39jayteeechelon, the PAP2 is 44.95 or so at telephonydepot. that's maybe 10 to 14 bucks more than a HT286 and gives you 2 FXS ports instead of 1
01:48.47[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: Ask a specific question, get a specific answer...
01:48.51*** join/#asterisk interfaithquest (
01:49.11[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: "_1222!"
01:49.19UnluckyAlfThank you [TK]D-Fender
01:49.35[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: 1222 + none or any number of extra chars
01:49.47interfaithquestsip.conf needs in global nat=yes, for sip devices on the local lan , strange ?
01:49.54UnluckyAlfand the same will work for 1747 I presume?
01:50.00kerxWTF is  OutgoingSpoolFailed?
01:50.00echelonjaytee: does it let you change the user-agent string?
01:50.03echelonor header?
01:50.07[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: No, it doesn't
01:50.24[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Go read its manual
01:51.00jayteeechelon, don't know about that. On Asteriskt the user agent string is a general setting, not a channel device setting
01:51.02interfaithquestwell it is bizarre, as when nat=no, then audio is just half duplex for some sip phones, odd but evident
01:52.13[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: same subnet?
01:52.22echeloni don't think i'll be able to run asterisk.. i only have 24mb ram.. 152mhz cpu
01:52.57TrentCreeksure you can..maybe only one user
01:53.13echelonyeah, it'll be for home use
01:53.32[TK]D-Fenderechelon: and what do you need to set the UA for?
01:53.35jayteeyou can find faster equipment with more RAM at a yard sale in most places on the east coast for probably the price of a HandyTone 286
01:53.48UnluckyAlfI'm doing it through the GUI echelon, I don't understand all the editing of files yet, my aim is to get it set up and then look at the conf files
01:54.41echelon[TK]D-Fender: umm.. to break TOS?
01:54.58[TK]D-Fenderechelon: With whom?
01:55.05echelonUnluckyAlf: oops..
01:55.10echelon[TK]D-Fender: MagicJack
01:56.04[TK]D-FenderYup... a COMPLETE WRITEOFF
01:56.08[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Well...
01:56.11jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
01:56.23interfaithquestare some providers using asterisk to handle 1000's of subscribers ? via one machine ?
01:56.23jayteewhat a friggen joke!
01:56.45[TK]D-Fenderechelon: A cheap-skate to the end.  You've branded yourself in the worst possible way with this one...
01:56.48echeloninterfaithquest: no, they're using freeswitch
01:56.51interfaithquestdo they replace some .conf files with a database
01:57.02interfaithquestfreeswitch can do iax ?
01:57.45echelon[TK]D-Fender: i was able to retrieve my SIP password
01:57.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, do you know of any well known businesses running Asterisk on a large scale? say over 500 users on a network? not necessarily on the same server.
01:58.03[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: the vast majority of the VoIP world does not give a rat's ass about IAX.  You are hooked on dreamland protocols..... Faith-based VoIP = FAILING VOIP
01:58.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:58.20interfaithquestjunction networks ?
01:58.29echelonUnluckyAlf: you've heard of gizmo's backdoor dialing feature?
01:58.52interfaithquestso the big boys like xo , broadvox.. are only doing sip /mgcp ?
01:58.53UnluckyAlfyeah, I have the rules set up to take advantage of that with the 0101 :)
01:59.29interfaithquestthen asterisk is good for proxy to sip upstream
01:59.48echelonlol, i'm setting up the dialplan right now with my softphone :D
02:00.25UnluckyAlfI have been able to set up outgoing calls via Gizmo, now I just need to get the incoming ones to Gizmo and my asterisk extension working
02:00.34interfaithquestis there a website for voip carriers to deal cards ?
02:01.15UnluckyAlfCan you guys tell me, when I make a call from my extension to say 17471234567 does the call go through the asterisk server (using the servers bandwidth), or does it simply hand off directly?
02:01.41UnluckyAlfIt's a hosted asterisk server, not a local one
02:02.19[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: Only if both ends can survive a reinvite which is almost never the case.
02:02.44UnluckyAlfSo it's the servers bandwidth then right?
02:03.01[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: both ways
02:03.02interfaithquestasterisk can handle 100's of calls at one time ->
02:03.15interfaithquestasterisk can serve as a softswitch
02:03.18UnluckyAlfI'll keep an eye on that, I've only got 200GBS/mo to play with, lol
02:03.32interfaithquestthe mini carrier is on the verge of undoing the big boys
02:04.39[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Grey on the terminology, but much is possible
02:04.46echeloninterfaithquest: it's propaganda
02:05.13interfaithquestso freeswitch is the best open source road to a softswitch ?
02:05.30echeloni would say so
02:05.31interfaithquestand freeswitch is a derivative of asterisk ?
02:05.49interfaithquestjust a better scaleable architecture ?
02:05.49echelonno, it's based on its own code
02:06.02echelonyeah, cleaner
02:06.04interfaithquestthat's quite a trick
02:06.23interfaithquestand 100's of providers are using it now ?
02:06.34*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
02:06.43echelonthey should
02:07.22MiccIs there anything that asterisk does better than freeswitch?
02:07.23interfaithquestas i see it iax is the easy way at this time to get out from the nat at home.. then proxy to sip to the big provider like broadvox
02:07.24[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: I'd go qualify that if I were you.
02:07.40[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Most don't use * as a front-end anyways, more as a back-end app server, etc/.
02:07.54[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Almost any serious setup has SER or the like in front.
02:08.31interfaithquestyes i have gone with SER.. before.. a sip call setup proxy
02:08.37[TK]D-FenderMicc: If you want to drink the cool-aid, go try it yourself, and you tell US.
02:09.07RB2[TK]D-Fender, fyi, this is the attendant feature I was going on about yesterday:
02:09.14MiccTKD-Fender, I'm not sure I have the time to learn another system.
02:09.39jayteethey had orange KoolAid at Digium. It was yummy. I had seconds :-)
02:11.13interfaithquestso is there a chat group for freeswitch ?
02:11.48jayteetry /join #freeswitch
02:12.10[TK]D-FenderRB2: in terms of seeing RING, etc?  because the individual subscribe basis works...
02:12.34[TK]D-FenderRB2: This just looks like an alternative.
02:13.23[TK]D-FenderRB2: an ok here it is im trying to get the loose ends iorned out please note this will require TCP support (0004903)  so 1.6 only, and the kind of patch that'll only make it to 1.6.1 or higher
02:13.54[TK]D-FenderRB2: I'm sure its quite doable though... but certainly more hallse
02:14.56RB2[TK]D-Fender, I saw that. So, I'm not pursuing it any farther. I just can't get the poly w/ the bw on it to give me any other indication but in-use or not-in-use
02:15.29UnluckyAlfWhen calling my SiPPhone number from it rings and hangs up immediately, where should I be looking for a solution to this?
02:15.36[TK]D-FenderRB2: Yes, that as I've said is all its ever reported... now others like Aastra have full info available and indicate ringing, etc
02:15.57[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: SIP DEBUG at * CLI
02:16.34[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: and if you are behind NAT theres a lot more to do...
02:17.01UnluckyAlfAh yes I am behind a NAT
02:17.28UnluckyAlfI could negate that with port forwarding right?
02:17.51jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:17.58[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: MANY more settings to do
02:18.33RB2[TK]D-Fender, using the RFC4662, the poly supports full information. The Poly 650 will actually do it via UDP, but it's the only model.
02:18.34UnluckyAlfOuch! lol
02:18.52[TK]D-FenderRB2: retarded...
02:21.40UnluckyAlfAh, it's just the client that's behind a NAT, as far as I know, the server isn't
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02:24.38[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: then you still have other settings to do...
02:24.46[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: also in that doc.
02:25.07[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: And pretty much forget abour reinvites
02:25.49UnluckyAlfYeah, I just tried allowing all traffic from the server to the Grandstream and it wouldn't have it
02:25.57UnluckyAlfIt won't even accept incoming now
02:27.29UnluckyAlfRight where do I begin because that page just lists the different types of nat, I have tried a few of the links but all but one are dead now
02:28.28[TK]D-FenderUnluckyAlf: the FIRST LINK
02:29.19UnluckyAlfSipExpress router?
02:30.06jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:30.39UnluckyAlfOooooooh, that first link, I thought you meant the first link on the wiki, my apologies
02:30.55[TK]D-FenderI'm going to go have than aneurysm now.  I've earned it...
02:32.17UnluckyAlfSorry mate
02:33.04trnzmetasomeone's been watching australia too much
02:35.55*** join/#asterisk JonBach (n=chatzill@
02:37.18jayteelotta helmet-headed mouth breathers around tonight
02:37.42JonBachSo I'm in a bind -- our IT guy who manages voip is out of town, and it seems email voicemail is not delivering.   Someone up for a quick consulting gig?
02:39.43*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
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02:43.14*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
02:43.30jameswfI just saw a promo that said "brought to you my windows, life without walls" If you have no walls wtf do you need windows for
02:47.26TitanousI've got an Aastra phone on a remote IP, when I call it from my grandstream on the local network (where the asterisk box is) I get full two way audio, when the aastra phone tries to call out, I see it working in the console, but no audion in either direction
02:48.21*** join/#asterisk ghento (n=ghento@
02:49.57UnluckyAlfOh it receives calls, I have call screening switched on somewhere which is blocking calls from sipbroker
02:52.31JonBachNo takers on a paid gig?  I can also just pose my question:  email delivery of voicemails was working fine until Friday.  I need to know how to check the  outgoing queue, to verify that they're sitting there, just not being delivered.
02:52.38UnluckyAlfOkay so I can receive calls from trunks :) Can anybody point me in the direction of receiving calls to my SIP URI please?
02:52.51JonBachWhich I know is a noob Linux questions...but I can take the mockery :)
02:52.57UnluckyAlfI have set up a sip alias
02:53.25UnluckyAlfI have set that directly on the trunk, do I also set it as a DID?
02:57.44*** join/#asterisk axisys (
03:00.38UnluckyAlfSRV Records?
03:00.56jayteeJonBach, perhaps you're getting no takers because you've left things pretty vague. You haven't even mentioned whether you're running Asterisk or something else.
03:01.38JonBachAh, sorry.  I'm running Asterisk-now.  I'm unsure of what details are useful, I'm afraid.
03:02.09jayteethis channel isn't for AsteriskNOW. it has it's own support channel
03:02.14*** join/#asterisk vicom (
03:02.17JonBachHah.  Thanks.
03:02.55AwayML - on 2008-10-28 at 22:32 +0000, Tilghman Lesher patched apps/app_dial.c. Is there anyway to patch with that fix do you think?
03:03.06jayteeJonBach, do you know anything about linux?
03:03.21JonBachJust enough to get around.
03:03.36JonBachI assume asterisknow uses sendmail, at least it seems so
03:04.41jayteecheck the logs in /var/log/asterisk and the mail logs in /var/log/ to see if there are any error indications. it could be a disk space problem. you could also just do a restart of AsteriskNOW
03:04.50jayteethat might fix it
03:04.52*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
03:05.25AndyML - on 2008-10-28 at 22:32 +0000, Tilghman Lesher patched apps/app_dial.c. Is there anyway to patch with that fix do you think?
03:08.29[TK]D-FenderAndyML: unload
03:08.51JonBachWow, it might just be a DNS issue
03:09.11AndyML[TK]D-Fender: what do you think is doing?
03:09.39jaytee[TK]D-Fender: what do you think is doing?
03:13.57*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@ isn't loaded...
03:15.40AndyMLi'm getting weird blip-like calls to my queue memebers. a caller goes to the queue. agent01 gets a ring for 15 seconds, then the CLI shows 'nobody answers in 15000ms' then agent02 gets a blip for a split second and then the CLI shows that nobody answers in 15000ms - all within 1 second.
03:16.20[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Show us the call with complete debug.
03:16.52AndyMLyou're nothing if not consistant. I appreciate that.
03:18.03AndyMLline 1145 shows the end of the first call
03:18.11AndyMLat 21:20:04
03:18.28AndyMLthen 1277 shows the end of the second call at 21:20:04
03:18.54AndyMLthen again 1586 again at 21:20:04
03:19.21[TK]D-FenderAndyML: try again, no CORE debug, just SIP /IAX, etc where applicable.
03:19.33AndyMLok. will do
03:23.31AndyMLso, line 414, 455, and 549
03:24.27AndyMLonly two agents logged in - 691 and 997.
03:26.08[TK]D-FenderAndyML: First, I don't see any sip debug for -- Executing [s@macro-dial:8] Dial("Local/691@from-internal-00b2,2", "SIP/691||trM(auto-blkvm)") in new stack
03:26.21[TK]D-FenderanyWhy not?
03:26.26[TK]D-FenderAndyML:  Why not?
03:26.45[TK]D-FenderAndyML: And what about a peer dump?
03:26.51[TK]D-FenderAndyML: You don't seem to looking too hard
03:27.02AndyMLI ran 'sip set debug peer 691' then 'sip set debug 997'
03:27.53AndyMLcan you enable sip debugging for more than one peer?
03:28.02AndyML - sip show peers
03:29.51[TK]D-FenderAndyML: 691/691                D   N      64403    OK (167 ms)    <-only oddball port of the bunch and the worst ping.  now why would THAT be?
03:30.17[TK]D-FenderAndyML: What is this device, and where is it?
03:30.46AndyML997 and 691 are both through a VPN. 691 is a softphone. this strange timeout behavior happens with hard-devices on the localnetwork though - we just set this up for afterhours testing without going into the office.
03:31.14[TK]D-FenderAndyML: debug your DEFECTIVE phone.
03:32.07AndyML[TK]D-Fender: it happens when these phones are not logged in. JUST like I'm showing you. if you are content to write the problem off as a figment of my imagination simply because I don't have two hard-phone to test it on, then I'll hook up another hard-phone for you.
03:33.17[TK]D-FenderAndyML: You aren't showing me debug for the phone you say should be ringing but isn't.  Do you want help or not?
03:34.11AndyMLthey're both supposed to ring, and they do - just after a blip-ring (<.2 seconds). I do want help of course.
03:34.21echeloni'm working on getting magicjack to work on linux :)
03:34.53AndyMLi'll rinse and repeat the test scenerio until I get the right debug information for you... would you prefer it from /var/log/asterisk/full with time stamps? or is the CLI sufficient?
03:35.29[TK]D-FenderAndyML: CLI verbose 10+ SIP only
03:37.11AndyML[TK]D-Fender: to be clear for my benefit. You want "core set verbore 10"+, and "sip set debug peer 997" (assuming 997 is the one that blips.
03:37.22[TK]D-FenderAndyML: yes
03:40.45*** part/#asterisk echelon (i=Unknown@gateway/tor/x-1d748cfc6eebed6b)
03:43.07*** part/#asterisk vicom (
03:43.25AndyMLok - there are several itterations. both 996 and 997 are logged into the queue. in this example, both 996 and 997 are supposed to ring at one point or another and blip before the queue rings the other (showing that the one supposed to ring has already rung for 15000ms.)
03:44.09AndyMLhere is an update 'sip show peers'
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03:48.43luke-jrAnyone know about this "Door King" thing?
03:48.56luke-jrand if it will mess with a regular ATA?
03:54.20[TK]D-FenderAndyML: that entire subnet is looking NAT'd
03:54.37AndyMLno - extended subnet.
03:54.43AndyMLit isn't /24
03:55.13[TK]D-FenderAndyML: why am I seeing 996 & 997 traffic on the same IP then?
03:55.35AndyMLtwo sip peers on one device so you can rule out the latency
03:55.43[TK]D-FenderAndyML: 1010 1029
03:56.02[TK]D-FenderAndyML: and the same PORT?  Not sane
03:56.41[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Um... wait.. ,multiple regs on a single phone?
03:56.44AndyMLthe symptoms are the same whether we're on the defective softphone, the insane multiline Aastra, or the production environment.
03:56.53[TK]D-FenderAndyML: You're trying to emulate mutliple devices with a test phone?
03:57.55AndyMLnot emulate so much as implement... but if you're not buying it, i can register some agent on the production environment, rinse and repeat...
03:58.07[TK]D-FenderAndyML: No... it is adding up now at least
03:58.14[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Looking a little more
03:58.23*** join/#asterisk kisu (
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04:00.36[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Whatever it is... I'm just not seeing it at this point...
04:01.02AndyMLit looks like a bug in app_dial where the timeout isn't resetting between the calls.
04:03.38[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Highly doubt that...
04:03.46[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Everybody would get hit with that
04:04.21AndyMLi'm not convinced that they're not - there are notes here in the 1.4.23-rc1 changelogs that allude to a patch that could solve this - theoretically of course.
04:04.36[TK]D-FenderAndyML: this is calls froma  queue isn't it?
04:04.59[TK]D-FenderAndyML: the timeout isn't from app_dial FWICT
04:05.11[TK]D-FenderAndyML: the channel timeout should be from app_queue
04:05.17AndyMLwell app_queue then
04:07.28*** part/#asterisk philippel (
04:08.46AndyML[TK]D-Fender: thanks for looking at it. I'm pretty boggled by it.
04:09.24*** part/#asterisk root52 (
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04:24.54xieliweiAgk... Need help with chan_mobile
04:24.59xieliweiit does not seem to work with any of my mobiles, even those listed as compatible
04:25.02xieliweiit just lists them as headsets and says they're not usable
04:25.08xieliweihave tried a motorola V3, nokia e51 and htc p3600 running windows mobile 6.1
04:25.12xieliweitried it on different systems with both asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 trunk running opensuse 10.2 and 10.3
04:25.19xieliweithe only thing i can't change is the dongle, but its csr based and I've got many of them used for other linux bluetooth apps on other systems
04:25.25xieliweii did try using a different dongle (but same model), no difference
04:27.40Maliutaanyone know if a PAP2-NA can be made to do 1FXO+1FXS?
04:28.07[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: lol
04:28.18[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: Doesn't work that way.
04:28.41[TK]D-FenderYou need FXO, get a proper device.  SPA-3102 would do it
04:29.17drmessano^xieliwei: Is the dongle being detected?
04:29.55Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: I use a TDM400 here ... just after something to put into my parents place. It will need to deal with an FXO
04:30.15[TK]D-FenderMaliuta: then the SPA-3102 is perfect
04:30.25*** join/#asterisk styelz (
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04:38.46xieliweidrmessano^ yea, dongle is detected
04:38.57xieliweihcitools sees my phones too
04:39.07xieliweiand my phones bind to the server okay as well
04:39.26drmessano^Ok, so whats the problem?
04:39.36xieliweithe phones can't be used
04:39.42drmessano^How so>
04:39.47drmessano^Have you set them up?
04:39.50drmessano^What happens?
04:39.57xieliweisupposedly the voip-info page says the wm6 and e51 phones are supported as handsets
04:39.59drmessano^Do they show up in Asterisk?
04:40.05xieliweii do mobile search
04:40.08xieliweithey show up
04:40.11drmessano^Forget the wiki, its crap
04:40.13xieliweibut they are reported as handsets
04:40.23drmessano^Then you have them set up that way
04:40.28xieliweiand the "usable" column are all 0
04:40.34drmessano^Dont set them up as handsets
04:40.48xieliweinope, that was before i set them up
04:40.58*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
04:41.12xieliweii was supposed to do mobile search, find their bt address and port and then set them up in mobile.conf
04:41.28xieliweibut all three phones I've tried so far says they cannot be used
04:42.00jameswfcan anyone confirm
04:42.01drmessano^Then you have some really obscure phones.. I have a Samsung, a Motor Razr v1 and Blackberry that all work
04:42.14xieliweii have the motor razr v1
04:42.25xieliweiits detected as handset and not usable
04:42.47xieliweiso i'm not sure what's wrong
04:43.35drmessano^I dunno what to tell you.. maybe its the dongle
04:43.57xieliweihmm, that means i should get another one
04:43.58drmessano^Seanbright FTW
04:44.03drmessano^"This is by design."
04:44.04xieliweibut could it be any configuration?
04:44.12drmessano^xieliwei: Sure it could
04:44.15drmessano^I told you that
04:44.32xieliweii mean bluetooth config?
04:44.44*** join/#asterisk rfernandez (n=rfernand@
04:45.06rfernandezhi!! for a hundred sip extensions running via lan in g711u which switch do you prefer?
04:45.10xieliweiwould you be able to get me your bluetooth configuration files?
04:45.19xieliweiminus all the private stuff of course
04:46.00xieliweiby the way, i followed this guide:
04:46.05drmessano^Mine look just like the default config.. I have the mac of the phone, port=4, a context, an adapter name
04:46.25xieliweiwhat about your hci.conf?
04:47.50drmessano^OS default
04:47.51drmessano^No changes
04:48.05drmessano^I've done very little to make this work.. it just 'worked'
04:48.29xieliweidang, i need more of those apple "It just works" mojo
04:48.43trnzmetaif only everything was like that
04:48.47xieliweiasterisk has always been a pain for me
04:49.21xieliweioh lookie lookie, i found another different brand dongle... lemmi plug it in and try
04:50.05*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:51.33xieliweiah shucks, the case broke into pieces... but its in nevertheless
04:52.33xieliwei(lesson learnt: don't plug in unknown dongles without checking)
04:52.40xieliweiapparently the server stopped responding
04:54.39xieliweiokay, a kernel panic occurred... i'll just get it rebooted and try it with this dongle and see what happens
04:54.43xieliweithanks drmessano&
04:54.52xieliwei* drmessano^
04:55.10drmessanoI hate carrots
04:58.38xieliweihmm, while waiting for the server to come back up, I wonder has anyone tried doing something similar to chan_mobile using the serial+audio cable method?
04:59.05xieliweii'd look into that if its more stable (most likely since it is wired)
05:00.04xieliweii see celliax, but it seems kind of messy now
05:00.29xieliweiand i'm not sure what handsets will work, so i'll need to find out
05:06.02drmessanochan_mobile uses a common platform to support all devices via bluetooth.. When it comes to hardwired setup, things are all over the place
05:06.14drmessanoI would not want an audio coupled cell phone
05:06.19drmessanoToo my RFI
05:07.57riddleboxdoes anyone use a sip phone on a nokia n810?
05:07.59xieliweii think so too... but if chan_mobile won't work, i'll have no choice
05:11.08xieliweiweird, its not finding my phone now
05:11.17drmessanoGet a decent dongle and make it work
05:11.23drmessano$5 on ebay
05:11.40xieliweisupposedly the first dongle i used is decent
05:12.12drmessanoWell, here are the options
05:12.12xieliweibut i'll go get one tomorrow and see if things get better
05:12.32drmessanoThe dongles you have done work, your config is wrong, or your asterisk install is hosed
05:13.05xieliweiokay, so dongles is still a possibility, config too
05:13.11xieliweiasterisk install can be eliminated
05:13.13*** join/#asterisk aliraja (n=aliraja@
05:13.35xieliweii installed asterisk on another machine and tried too
05:13.43xieliweifresh trunk
05:14.07*** join/#asterisk rrrobert (n=rrrobert@
05:14.24xieliweibut you said the razr v1 should work right? that should confirm something is wrong on my side
05:15.47alirajahi all ,can any one explain me difference b/w call tranfer feature using Dial command and using transfer application...
05:16.06xieliweihmm, just one more point to eliminate... how do i check my usb bus speed?
05:16.38xieliweii fear my server my be running on 1.1, its kinda old
05:22.45[TK]D-Fenderaliraja: Dial is NOT a "transfer"
05:23.43[TK]D-Fenderaliraja: "Transfer" is for telling * to take the call and THROW it off the server.  If the originating call is a SIP call and the target channel is a SIP call then it will tell the originating channel to "leave"
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05:26.26aliraja[TK]D-Fender, I means to say passing t argument to dial application and using transfer application .,,
05:29.12[TK]D-Fenderaliraja: same ting
05:29.46[TK]D-Fenderaliraja: "t" allowsyou to transfer the call to another extension INSIDE of asterisk.  "Transfer" is to completely EJECT the call from your server
05:29.53rrroberthello aliraja
05:30.10rrroberthow r u bro?
05:30.21aliraja[TK]D-Fender, Thanks alot
05:30.33alirajarrrobert, yes
05:31.12rrrobertaliraja, how is it going with yr yada,
05:32.41rfernandezhi!! for a hundred sip extensions running via lan in g711u which switch do you prefer?
05:32.58alirajarrrobert, its almost finished
05:33.53rrrobertgreat job man, now finally you are able to handle cdr with oracle, it would be nice if you write a small howto page on yada :-)
05:34.12rfernandezhi!! just a little question, if i need to deploy 100 sip extensions running ulaw which switch do i need to get best performance (cause are all softphones)
05:35.12alirajarrrobert, sure
05:36.02rrrobertso sweet..
05:47.22*** join/#asterisk ghento (
05:47.29[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: its a switch.  Ordds are 100mbit minimum.  ULAW = 85kBIT.  that means you don't have to care.  at all.
05:48.06rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, for 100 sip extensions runnig ulaw?
05:48.31[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: Yes
05:48.43rfernandezokies =D a gigabit should be fine then?
05:48.54[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: and thats even assuming that all 100 are talking at once, AND going through * for RTP
05:49.10rfernandezoh ok!
05:49.19rfernandezso the switch should be no problem?
05:49.33rfernandezif the customer wants to use laptops (no desktops) in wifi mode? shouldnt be a trouble right?
05:49.51rfernandezcause in the shop recommend to use a layer 3 switch but i feel its too big =S
05:54.11[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: WIFI = bleh.... not true full duplux...
05:54.18[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: and softphones SUCK
05:54.25[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: I pity your users
05:54.30rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, lol
05:54.49*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
05:54.57rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, me too i thought about cat 6 wire and wire the access points...
05:55.05rfernandezall in cat 6 for best efford
05:55.38[TK]D-Fenderthe AP is your weak link no, the wire you run from it
05:56.06[TK]D-FenderWireless G at best is 54mbip, which you never really get... the rest is split across a LOT of connections..
05:56.13rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, i was thinking a 108 mbps...
05:56.16[TK]D-FenderI really don't even want to to think about such a deployment.
05:56.33[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: And your enpoints all support N?
05:56.48rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, i prefer to wire all the office but he wants to use the laptop even in the bathroom (sarcasm) cause they are mobile agents...
05:56.49[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: This topology is really not advisable
05:57.11rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, sure the topology its a lot of insecure....
05:57.18rfernandezim afraiding of the ap
05:58.09drmessanoWhat you need to do
05:58.32drmessanoIs put a biscuit jack on top of every laptop users desk that they can plug a cat5 cable into
05:58.34drmessanoand can the wireless
05:58.39drmessanoExcept for execs
05:58.43rfernandezthe customer have 100 employees al with laptops, he wants to use softphones...
05:59.08rfernandezim thinking about wire every station and the wireless using as a "floating" point
05:59.16drmessanoThat whole "Its a laptop, so I need wireless" line is laziness on their end.. they want to be "cute"
05:59.36[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: or cheap on wiring
05:59.42[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: then again... SOFTPHONES.
05:59.45rfernandezironi of life: the 100 ppl are security informatic experts, lol!
06:00.32rfernandezconclusion: a gigabit switch (whatever i want) will work fine sure?
06:00.41rfernandezassumming 100 ppl talking simmultanoeusly?
06:01.16[TK]D-Fenderrfernandez: Again, who cares about the wired part when the WIRELESS is where you are at risk
06:01.21rfernandezcause i thinked a bout if its 80 kbps the ulaw codec... 100 ppl are 8 gigabits...
06:01.42rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, no problem ill convince the boss to wire everything
06:01.51rfernandezand dont use the wifi
06:02.19[TK]D-FenderAnd still leave your poor chumps on soft-phones
06:02.45rfernandezwell im guessing he wants "the "cheaper" option (not the true option
06:02.57rfernandeza true option includes aastra hardphones =D
06:04.31workdraftis there a recommended sound card for Sip clients?
06:04.32rfernandezid the implementation goes well ill write a white paper for the eternity lol!
06:05.42rfernandezwell good ppl ill go to the kitchen im starving
06:05.44rfernandezsee ya later
06:05.48rfernandezand thanks! =D
06:06.17[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: huh?
06:06.32rfernandez[TK]D-Fender, drmessano  thank you! =D
06:06.33[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: SIP is a network protocol.  What does this have to do with a sound card?
06:07.03workdraftsip clients or sip phones in desktop
06:07.23workdrafti must have said it wrong
06:08.20[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: You mean a soft-phone?
06:08.35workdraftwhat sound card would you recommend installed in a desktop computer that is using a soft phone, specifically a sip client soft phone.
06:09.14[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Ah well... something with a better SNR ratio (Creative Labls, ASUS, etc), but seriouly... if you;re ven thinking about the sound card you should jsut get thema  hard phone.
06:09.20[TK]D-FenderNot that you shouldn't do that ANYWAYS
06:09.23[TK]D-Fendersoftphones SUCK.
06:10.59workdraftthen ill look for hard phones that is a headset pluggable.
06:11.15workdraftor hardphones with headset.
06:12.01workdraftany specific hard phone to recommend?
06:15.34[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Polycom IP 32.330 for your typical user
06:16.01[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Outside of Nort America, Linksys is an econimcal option
06:16.15[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time... later all
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08:21.52JonCupAny body around?
08:23.40*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
08:23.45fcois93hello all!
08:24.10fcois93is it possible to do 'sip show peers' in the dialplan to know if a peer is online ?
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08:25.29kaldemarfcois93: core show function SIPPEER
08:29.02JonCupHey guys, any one know anything about hardware virtualization. I wanna build a server running an asterisk server, a apache server, and windows server 2008, all sharing the same hardware, but I want to make sure the asterisk server has full priority over the hardware, can any one give me any insight or ideas in this
08:29.08JonCupthe hardware is quad core zeon 2.66 ghz, 8 GB ram, 4x500 GB disks ( preconfigured in a 1.5 TB raid 5 array
08:29.11fcois93kaldemar: ok, I will have a look,,thank you
08:30.18fcois93kaldemar: it is exactualy what I needed :-)
08:30.24JonCupIs this going to work? The asterisk config is simple, 5 sip phones (and maybe a few softphones) and 9 SIP lines from
08:34.47*** join/#asterisk nagi (n=nagi@
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08:44.59Karlitoohey guys I'm trying to authenticate on a local asterisk server but all of the sip softphones that are available send the auth request as sip:pass@domain instead of user:pass@domain
08:45.11Karlitoocan any 1 give me a hint on what to do
08:46.18kaldemarchange your configuration.
08:47.06kaldemaron the phones, that is.
08:47.16*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:48.05Karlitoodon't know exactly where I'm using twinkle
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09:09.03ecmHello. If, for a sip device, I've configured calllimit=3, is there any way to see if any of those 3 calls are currently being used
09:09.29ecm? because DIALSTATUS works only with calllimit=1, as far as I can see
09:12.28*** join/#asterisk lupino3 (
09:14.48angryuserecm hm, core show function SIPPEER
09:15.50angryuserecm: check if there any way to check the number of concurrent connections, if no you can use group() and groupcount()
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09:32.52ecmangryuser, thank you very much. I'll try your suggestions.
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10:11.12hi365what argumanets does genzaptelconf  need to generate zaptel and zapata?
10:20.23ecmSIPPEER with curcalls works great, thanks again angryuser
10:25.12*** join/#asterisk ertyui (
10:25.17ertyuihi 2 all
10:25.37ertyuimy asterisk system work
10:26.09ertyuii just got a little question
10:27.04ertyuiis there any phone where we enter the calling destination fees
10:27.28ertyuifirst is there anyone ihere ?
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10:34.10*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
10:35.15DaejeoIn which directory I can find extensions messages such as name, busy message and temp greetings
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10:47.10ghostknifeanyone know what function I can use to create an extension that simply echos back what I say a second or so after I stop talking?
10:48.21ghostknifeIt's pissing people off to constantly phone them and ask them to repeat stupid things like 1-2-3, testing, hallo and i r baboon
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10:50.17DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: there?
10:50.56SwKghento, the echo app
10:53.17DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: having a very strange problem with Ericsson G36 GSM  and the astribank... when i call from * to any other mobile via teh GSM gateway the call get dics. after 3 secounds but this disconnection only from mobile but the channel between the asterisk and teh GSM gateway not off and i get this messages
10:53.38DarKnesS_WolF[Nov 17 11:46:36] DEBUG[19698] chan_zap.c: Ignoring Polarity switch to IDLE on channel 6, state 6
10:53.41DarKnesS_WolF[Nov 17 11:46:36] DEBUG[19698] chan_zap.c: Polarity Reversal event occured - DEBUG 2: channel 6, state 6, pol= 0, aonp= 0, honp= 0, pdelay= 600, tv= -1445449907
10:53.45DarKnesS_WolF[Nov 17 11:46:39] DEBUG[19698] chan_zap.c: Ignore switch to REVERSED Polarity on channel 6, state 6
10:53.55ghostknifewow! I found the echo back dialplan application!! it's called... "Echo" :>
10:54.40ghostknifewhen I edited extensions.conf, what "asterisk -r" command can reload it?
10:59.12tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, here
10:59.24DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: i find it is a bug ? but that back in 2005
10:59.40DarKnesS_WolF+;answeronpolarityswitch=yes or so :-s but not sure what do u think ?
11:02.01tzafrir_laptopMaybe play with polarityonanswerdelay ?
11:02.43*** join/#asterisk shine (
11:05.19DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: yes maybe any options i can find :)?
11:06.03DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: i'll need to patch / compile ?
11:06.24tzafrir_laptopfor that option? no
11:07.05DarKnesS_WolFso just answeronpolarityswitch=yes
11:07.11DarKnesS_WolFok will try
11:09.53tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, if you don't have answeronpolarityswitch, it shouldn't matter
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11:19.25Daejeotzafrir_laptop: In which directory I can find extensions messages such as name, busy message and temp greetings
11:19.44*** part/#asterisk orly_owl (
11:19.51tzafrir_laptopunder voicemail?
11:23.23tzafrir_laptopDaejeo, in the sounds directory
11:23.45tzafrir_laptopthough I'm not sure which ones you refer to
11:24.04Daejeoextension: 4545
11:24.16DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: sorry didnt get it it is an GSM gateway may be they are using it i don't know i'll just enable this options and test.
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11:24.53dominic1why isn't asterisk running by default with safe_asterisk. In earlier versions I had in the initscript of debian the cli command to run wirh safe_asterisk. Now I saw that it changed to /usr/sbin/asterisk
11:25.02dominic1I have currently the problem that asterisk is not writing coredumps on crashes
11:25.35dominic1I am currentyl using the new asterisk initscript. With the older one it was no problem
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11:25.44DJ_HaMsTadoes avaya colect royalties to use their system ?
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11:59.35DaejeoIs it possible to have both a busy and an away message when the call
11:59.37Daejeowaiting feature is enabled?
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12:20.12dominic1how can I activate core dumps on crash? I am using the debian initscript from
12:20.31dominic1if I adjust in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf nothing happens
12:20.36dominic1I did not get any dumps
12:20.48dominic1with my older asteriskversion and safe_asterisk that worked....
12:26.08kaldemaris asterisk using /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf? there's an option -C for for the asterisk binary to use some other file.
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12:32.39raasdnilevening all
12:40.38dominic1I didn't have a look I thought the initscript defaults to asterisk.conf
12:40.50dominic1I read something about ulimit for dumps....
12:41.04dominic1this is only used in the safe asterisk script
12:41.22dominic1in the newer version of the asterisk init safe_asterisk isn't used anymore
12:42.39*** join/#asterisk sosperec (
12:44.41sosperecWhat should I do to convince asterisk not to authenticate always? I have a central asterisk and a remote one. The remote handles the extensions. When I try to call out, I get this on the central: NOTICE[3061025680]: chan_sip.c:13409 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Tanacs David" <sip:52@remote.ip.address>;tag=as755b8893
12:46.29kaldemarsosperec: take a look at parameter insecure in sip.conf.
12:46.49raasdnilheya anyone... had any problems getting a fax machine to send dtmf through asterisk?  Seems like it is autodialing too fast and asterisk is not getting all the dtmf tones properly
12:48.21sospereckaldemar: insecure=very in both sip.conf files
12:50.03sosperecthis is the central
12:53.14*** part/#asterisk LND (
12:53.19sospereckaldemar: this is the remote station:
12:54.16TitanousI've got an Aastra phone on a remote IP, when I call it from my grandstream on the local network (where the asterisk box is) I get full two way audio, when the aastra phone tries to call out, The call is processed by asterisk, but no audio in either direction
12:54.40kaldemarsosperec: what version of asterisk are you using?
13:00.25*** join/#asterisk mRCUTEO (n=info@
13:01.12kaldemarsosperec: the insecure=very might have been removed at some point. you need the insecure in the peer's context in the central asterisk. insecure=invite,port.
13:01.14mRCUTEOhi what is asteriksnow? and how to make a simple server client voip communication using asterisk? can anyone help?
13:03.35sospereckaldemar: 1.2
13:04.21sospereckaldemar: very changed to invite,port , but still not working. I got a message, that the remote peer is now reachable
13:04.38sospereckaldemar: at a call, still the same, failed to auth
13:21.47x86is there a way I can hook up an external loud ringer to a Polycom IP330 phone?
13:22.03x86all I can seem to find is external loud ringers for analog phones :(
13:22.18x86I've got a phone in a warehouse that no one can hear when it rings
13:24.41DarKnesS_WolFx86: huh :P what is loud ringers :P
13:25.01*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
13:25.23Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using SRV record with Asterisk?
13:26.23dominic1where will I have to adjust the startparameters of asterisk to set the var "$ASTARGS in /etc/init.d/asterisk under debian
13:26.46dominic1is it better to use the initscript from debian than from asterisk, in debian I can adjust the parameters in /etc/default/asterisk
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13:33.03x86DarKnesS_WolF: an external speaker that can be mounted high on a wall in a factory, so people can hear the phone ring ;)
13:33.56x86looks like they only make them analog, so I'll have to get an ATA, an analog external loud ringer, and set the ATA to be in the same ring group as the Polycom phone
13:39.17tzafrir_laptopdominic1, I personally prefer the packaged one...
13:40.52n3glvx86: softphones ring out the sound card (or can)
13:41.24*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
13:49.26dominic1ehm, the debian packaged?
13:51.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:52.20DarKnesS_WolFx86: mmmmm nice idea get a dect phone :P
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14:01.36Mark17how should it look in my log files if asterisk is correctly connected to a mobile phone (using bluetooth with an usb dongle)?
14:05.46dominic1tzafrir_laptop, do you mean the debian or the asterisk package? I had the problem with the asterisk initscript, that I didn't found an option to activate coredumps except hardcoding the -g parameter....
14:06.17tzafrir_laptopdominic1, at least in the latest version it is possible
14:07.10dominic1I tried with and 1.4.22. Are there any newer scripts?
14:07.25tzafrir_laptopI mean: of the Debian package
14:08.25dominic1ah okay, thank you, now I am using
14:08.39Mark17did someone manage to get a bluetooth connection working on asterisk?
14:08.41dominic1I found them in the bugreport posted earlier
14:08.45Mark17with a connection to a mobile phone
14:08.56KattyQwell: tuesdays :<
14:10.42jbotTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
14:11.31Kattywe need to put something down about server maintenance on tuesdays.
14:12.14*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:12.40jbotmethinks monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
14:14.15*** join/#asterisk synchris (
14:14.26jbotmonday is, like, when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
14:14.33*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (n=bartpbx@
14:14.51Kattyfile: oh happy day!
14:15.09fileKatty: yes!
14:16.39DaejeoMeow, Meow :)
14:17.55*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:19.15Mark17did someone manage to get a bluetooth connection working on asterisk? so it connects to a mobile phone?
14:19.36Kattywhy would you do that?
14:19.43Kattybluetooth has limited range.
14:20.05yangMark17: bluetooth is being managed by bluetooth daemon, I don't see any relevance to asterisk
14:20.11Mark17the phone is within 2M of the bluetooth dongle
14:20.26Kattyyes, we were able to get that to work.
14:20.30Kattywith polycom 501s
14:20.33Kattyand voyager headsets
14:20.39Kattyand cellphones
14:20.47Mark17it is for making cheaper calls (read: free) to certain numbers
14:21.04Mark17how did you do that Katty?
14:21.05Kattyk, maybe i don't get it. that does not parse either.
14:21.27DJ_HaMsTaKatty cook ?
14:21.32KattyDJ_HaMsTa: yes i do.
14:21.40DJ_HaMsTaer nvm
14:21.51DJ_HaMsTashes our manager for the voip team :P
14:21.56filetickles Katty
14:21.59Mark17with the mobile phone it is free of charge to call to certain phonenumber and with the other connection (sip trunk) it is free to make calls to other numbers
14:22.03Kattyhai file!
14:22.16KattyDJ_HaMsTa: while i do manage all things voip here, for the most part, my last name is not cook :P
14:22.18DJ_HaMsTafile is a shark!
14:22.27Kattyfile is mah brother
14:22.30Kattyfrom another mutter
14:22.42DJ_HaMsTahai = shark in german
14:22.43Kattyor possibly my twin.
14:22.50Kattyfiles away in memory
14:23.06fileKatty: I may not be your twin but I am lmadsen
14:23.12Mark17and it is haai in dutch ;)
14:23.12TitanousI've got an Aastra phone on a remote IP, when I call it from my grandstream on the local network (where the asterisk box is) I get full two way audio, when the aastra phone tries to call out, The call is processed by asterisk, but no audio in either direction
14:23.40KattyTitanous: check your rtp ports.
14:23.44Daejeograndstream ?
14:23.50Mark17Katty: how did you manage it to work?
14:23.54Daejeo? grandstream
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14:23.56KattyTitanous: rtp.conf must match with the ports you have opened/forwarded in your firewall
14:24.07KattyMark17: i don't know what you're doing.
14:24.12KattyMark17: your description does not parse.
14:24.20DaejeoMark17 : Mark Spencer ?
14:24.29KattyDaejeo: no, that's not mark spencer
14:24.46lmadsenmark spencer == kram
14:24.55lmadsenwho doesn't really go on IRC anymore
14:25.00lmadsenhaven't seen him here for a couple years now
14:25.06Kattybut i want his shirt.
14:25.09*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
14:25.13Kattyhis I'm A Super Duper Programmer shirt
14:25.32Kattymark's kinda weird.
14:25.35*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:25.39Kattywe had drinks once tho (=
14:25.44Dovidhow many peole here are using 1.6.X ?
14:25.45TitanousKatty: all packets from the asterisk IP are forwarded directly to the phone (no matter what port), and the ports in rtp.conf/sip/iax2 etc are all forwarded to asterisk
14:25.59Mark17Katty: i am working on the following setup: 1 asterisk server with debain and a bluetooth dongle, 1 mobile phone (with bluetooth)
14:26.02KattyDovid: i started using it, but discovered the ami changed so much that isymphony wouldn't work
14:26.04*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
14:26.05TitanousI have full two way audio when I initiate the call
14:26.08KattyDovid: therefor, we went back to 1.4
14:26.16Titanousno audio when the remote phone initiates the call
14:26.30DaejeoKatty: are you dating M?
14:26.31kerxany suggested asterisk server optimization guides?  Can't find much w/ Google searches on those keywords.  Any suggestions or references would be highly appreciated.
14:26.50Mark17if sip calls come in on the sip trunk it should connect to the mobile phone and send the number to the mobile phone to call
14:26.56DJ_HaMsTalets say i have asterisk set up on my server fully functional, where can i get a number so people can call me?
14:27.04Mark17if calls come in on the mobile phone it should connect them to the sip trunk
14:27.41Mark17DJ_HaMsTa: for example at voipbuster, but there are many more options
14:28.19TitanousDaejeo: Grandstream GXP-2000
14:28.28Titanouscrappy phone, nice backlight
14:28.47DJ_HaMsTaMark17 voipbuster, how much would it cost a month for the service ?
14:29.22DovidKatty: were there any other issues ? I need it just to do SIP -> H.323
14:29.26DJ_HaMsTaah its free
14:29.33Mark17DJ_HaMsTa: i dont know, see
14:29.37Dovidon 1.4 it crashed way to often. seems to be many fixes to it for 1.6.X
14:29.39DJ_HaMsTaeven better then what im paying now, ($5 a month)
14:29.49kerxAnyone seen any improvement performances using multiple context's in the dialplan that are duplicated?
14:30.03*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
14:30.05kerxAnyone know if it's possible to load 2 different Asterisk instances on one high end piece of hardware for high performance gain?
14:30.26kerxAny suggestions or guidance to Asterisk Optimization would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
14:30.40jsmithkerx: It's certainly possible, but you may see better results from loading 2 different Asterisk instances on two different pieces of hardware
14:31.17kerxjsmith, Thanks, I've taken this into consideration, at this time we are not in capacity with our current datacenter to be able to grow out our current Rack
14:31.30kerxI am trying to squeeze as much performance possible with 1 Full rack and high-end equipment
14:31.59kerxI've noticed that Asterisk doesn't seem to be squeezing the juice out of a single server, similar to let's say a bogged down Apache web server
14:32.01KattyDovid: never got that far.
14:32.07KattyDovid: so not sure.
14:32.09*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
14:32.19KattyDaejeo: also, no.
14:32.29kerxAlso, has anyone seen  1.4 > 1.6 for really basic dialplan functionality?  I've heard this rumoring a bit...
14:32.35jsmithkerx: In a nutshell, you can start asterisk with the -C option to point it at a different set of config files.  The second instance would obviously need to listen on different network ports, etc.
14:32.43jsmithkerx: No, I haven't.
14:33.00kerxI see, I think this method would not be a bad idea...
14:33.13kerxWhat do you think about the diff. context's (duplicated)
14:33.16jsmithkerx: If that is indeed the case (and you can reproduce it), then it's worth filing a bug
14:33.18*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
14:33.20kerxI've heard some stuff regarding linked lists, etc..
14:33.34jsmithkerx: I didn't understand the question regarding duplicated contexts
14:34.09kerxWell, I'm not too familiar with the internals of Asterisk, I wasn't really able to find a laymens guide to it without going into the C Code (which I can't do unfortunately)
14:34.22DaejeoIs it possible to have both a busy and an away message when the call waiting feature is enabled?
14:34.46kerxI did lots of archived mailing list searches and noticed that it may be possible to use separate context's to avoid deadlocks, or locking problems that Asterisk is known for
14:34.56kerxI just don't know if this is fact, or false statement
14:35.30kerxI also checked out this brief explanation:
14:35.53kerxI noticed each dialplan has it's own thread
14:36.24KattyDaejeo: whatcha mean by call waiting?
14:36.31jsmithkerx: I don't see how having separate contexts would avoid deadlocking.
14:36.35*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:36.39Kattyhugs fskrotzki
14:37.01kerxjsmith, Ok, I will do more research, are you certain about this?
14:37.07jsmithkerx: That being said, every reproducible deadlock has been fixed (as far as I know), and the code for dealing with deadlock avoidance has been greatly improved
14:37.22kerxWhat about this Linked List issue I've heard about before?
14:37.34kerxrespect to jsmith
14:37.37jsmithkerx: Well, who's to say I know anything more than the next guy... I've just been doing Asterisk stuff for 6 years
14:37.49kerxOh, just for 6 years
14:38.06kerxI see... I guess I'll ask the other thousands of people who have done it for hrmm.. let's say 20 years or so :P
14:38.26kerxThanks jsmith
14:38.28jsmithkerx: Many of the structures in the core of Asterisk were linked lists in Asterisk 1.2 and earlier.  In Asterisk 1.6, many of the structures were converted to hash tables, etc.
14:38.49kerxOh, so it must be performance improvements from 1.2 , 1.4 to 1.6?
14:39.04jsmithkerx: Many of the changes between 1.4 and 1.6 were simply making the internal plumbing work better at higher loads, etc.
14:39.06kerxI have used 1.4 in production environment and with 300 channels I received high load and lots of call failures
14:39.28jsmithkerx: Absolutely... in some cases, we saw more than a 10x improvement in certain areas
14:39.34Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using SRV record with Asterisk?
14:39.35kerxMany outgoingspoolfailed
14:39.46Kattyjsmith: ya got two years on me ;)
14:39.48kerxI researched outgoingspoolfailed it seems like this can be performance related
14:39.50*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
14:39.55Kattycodefreeze-lap: ohai
14:39.58kerxKatty, you have 3years and 1 month on me ;)
14:40.00Kattycodefreeze-lap: apparently, hai means shark.
14:40.14kerxI meant   3years and 11 month's
14:40.24tuxx-Katty: idd, in dutch haai = shark ;-)
14:40.25kerxawake 2 long
14:40.48kerxjsmith, Appreciate it... I will migrate over to 1.6
14:40.53jsmithkerx: For example, see
14:40.54kerxBTW, big note to anyone
14:41.04kerxif you use  Asterisk  Realtime  MySQL extensions
14:41.09kerxyou will have lots of performance degradation
14:41.17jsmithcoughs.... *ODBC*
14:41.24kerxslaps himself
14:41.38jsmithprefers ODBC and/or PostgreSQL
14:41.49DaejeoKatty: *70 Activate Call Waiting (deactivated by default)
14:41.50kerxjsmith, what type of performance improvements have you seen from 1.2/1.4 to 1.6 as far as channel capacity ?
14:42.23jsmithkerx: It completely depends on the situation.  VoIP channels?  TDM channels?  Analog channels?  Doing any transcoding?  Doing call recording?  Doing audio conferencing?
14:42.52*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
14:43.06jsmithkerx: There are too many variables to give you a simple answer, but in general, my experience is that 1.6 seems to be able to handle about 20% higher number of calls in general than say 1.2
14:43.07kerxjsmith, sending SIP, basic dialplan for audio, AMD and call transfering  (typical call-center operation)
14:43.41kerxi wish there was a way for me strip out ton's of the un-necessary functionality that this specific environment doesn't need out of Asterisk
14:43.43jsmithAh... call centers... how I love (to hate!) thee...
14:43.54kerxi know..
14:43.58KattyDaejeo: i don't think i've ever used that.
14:44.02jsmithkerx: Well, one easy way is to not use "autoload" in modules.conf
14:44.06kerxi am learning quite a bit at the expense of people who buy from them though :)
14:44.15jsmithkerx: and only load the modules you need
14:44.20kerxthis is what is keeping me from avoiding the truth :)
14:44.34kerxknowledge is fun
14:44.38kerxvoip is really fun
14:44.39Kattyvodka is good for that too
14:44.40lmadsendon't use the mysql-addons stuff for anything -- I've already had at least 2 clients who have had constant crashing issues at high load, who saw them miraculously disappear when switching to ODBC and func_odbc (if using MYSQL() application)
14:44.46jsmithkerx: Also, depending on your architecture, try removing CDRs (or at least batching them, turning off the generation of CSV CDRs, etc.)
14:44.47kerxkatty, heh
14:44.51lmadsenKatty: I have some of that in the freezer! :)
14:44.57Kattylmadsen: i'll be right over.
14:45.04kerxjsmith, good idea
14:45.04lmadsenKatty: I'll be here!
14:45.13*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
14:45.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o awk_r] by lmadsen
14:45.25kerxi will strip autoload and more from modules.conf and i can even disable cdr because another device will do CDR
14:45.33kerxdo you know if  System()  is expensive ?
14:45.36jsmithkerx: If you're playing a lot of sound files, make sure they're in the proper formats, to avoid transcoding
14:45.51kerxI converted the audio into 8000 using sox
14:45.51jsmithkerx: It can be, as it fires off a shell each time it's run
14:45.53neurosysis there a real improvement in 64bit over 32bit within asterisk?
14:46.08jsmithneurosys: Not a huge difference
14:46.09Kattywonddddddderrrrr boyyyyyy, what is the secret of your power...
14:46.10kerxYes, I have lots of System() to create my own real-time reporting
14:46.30lmadsenkerx: huh? why not write to a DB using func_odbc?
14:46.32Kattydoes vodka get songs out of your head?
14:46.36lmadsenthat operation has to be much cheaper
14:46.36neurosysjsmith:  ok. thx :)
14:46.37jsmithkerx: What are you running from System()?  Can you use something like FastAGI or func_odbc instead?
14:46.46lmadsenjsmith: great minds think a like!
14:46.56lmadsenjsmith: I'm just sorry to say it's my mind you're thinking like
14:47.00jsmithlmadsen: Yeah.... we should write a book or something
14:47.03telnettechwhois jsmith
14:47.03Kattygreat minds are in a collective?
14:47.04lmadsenjsmith: heck ya
14:47.05kerxit was easiest for me to  use like   System(/path/to/  actionMade  phoneNumber  timeStamp)
14:47.15jsmithtelnettech: I'm just a clone of lmadsen
14:47.17lmadsenkerx: that should be a FastAGI
14:47.21jboti heard jsmith is perpetually hungry, or the co-author of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
14:47.27TitanousI have a remote Aastra phone connecting over the internet to Asterisk. When I call the remote phone from the internal Asterisk network, I get full two-way audio. When the Aastra phone initiates the call, there is no audio in either direction.
14:47.28jbotrumour has it, blitzrage is a super cool fellow
14:47.31TitanousAll rtp.conf ports are forwarded to Asterisk, and all packets from Asterisk are forwarded directly to the phone by (NAT) firewall
14:47.33jbothmm... lmadsen is dreamy
14:47.40lmadsenoh ya, I always forget about that, lol
14:47.49jsmithTitanous: A firewall in between the devices isn't passing your RTP audio along
14:48.14Titanousjsmith: why can I call it with full audio but not vice versa?
14:48.39lmadsenbecause of the FW on the other end
14:48.42jsmithTitanous: Because firewalls are typically more generous is passing outbound RTP than they are in receiving RTP audio
14:48.52jsmithTitanous: Here, let me try to explain
14:48.57lmadsenthe FW will like it better when you initiate the call
14:49.12jsmithTitanous: Let's say you have an Asterisk box, which I'll call Alice, out on the public internet (not behind a firewall)
14:49.28jsmithTitanous: And then let's say you have a phone, called Bob, sitting behind a firewall.
14:49.31telnettechsorry im new to this IRC chat and am playing with the options
14:49.44jsmithTitanous: And let's say you're using the SIP protocol.  With me so far?
14:49.57kerxneurosys, I see two articles regarding your question:
14:49.58Titanousjsmith: yeah
14:50.09Titanousjsmith: I think it must be the firwall on the asterisk end
14:50.18lmadsentrusts nothing on the trixbox forums
14:50.28jsmithTitanous: Stay with me, and then I'll explain.  OK, Bob goes to make a call to Alice.
14:50.35Katty <- Pure. Joy.
14:50.36lmadsenremember that RTP is in a port range outside of the SIP signaling port
14:50.36neurosyskerx:  Thanks!
14:50.51jsmithTitanous: Bob's phone sends Alice a message on UDP port 5060 and says "Hey, let's talk!"
14:50.52Daejeoif i deactivate Call Waiting  then caller can hear the busy message
14:50.57Titanouslmadsen: yeah I've got like 10000-20000 forwarded to asterisk
14:51.00kerxneurosys, It seems like it will, especially for transcoding and audio formats
14:51.11kerxneurosys, the others here can more confidently answer this :)
14:51.29Kattyjsmith: uh oh. you're doing Kat-like descriptions now.
14:51.31jsmithTitanous: But in that message, Bob also says "Hey, I support the ulaw codec, and I'll be listening for your audio on port 12345", where 12345 is a random high-numbered port
14:51.37jsmithKatty: Scary, isn't it
14:51.42Kattyjsmith: i knowes.
14:52.13jsmithTitanous: Alice says "Ok, that's great.  I'll listen for your audio on port 24242" (again, where 24242 could be any available high-numbered port)
14:52.45jsmithTitanous: Bob sends his audio to Alice's port 24242, and since Bob's firewall lets outbound UDP out on high-numbered ports, it gets to Asterisk just fine
14:53.19jsmithTitanous: Alice starts sending her audio to Bob, but Bob's firewall blocks the audio, as it doesn't realize that it needs to allow that audio in and forward it back to Bob's phone.
14:54.22jsmithTitanous: Hence, Alice can hear Bob, but Bob cannot hear Alice.
14:54.50jsmithTitanous: Stick a firewall in front of Alice, and you have double the problems, as now Alice's firewall is blocking Bob's audio, and Bob's firewall is blocking Alice's audio.
14:55.06lmadsenugh... the light off the lake is blinding me
14:55.42Kattylmadsen: post gifs.
14:55.46jsmithTitanous: And sure... in a perfect world you could just go open the entire RTP range on both firewalls, but that's just a security nightmare waiting to happen.  You might as well leave your door unlocked at night as well, and leave money strewn around your front lawn
14:55.48Kattylmadsen: optionally, png.
14:56.10jsmithlmadsen: Well, that's what you get for being so bright... close the blinds so you don't blind the neighbors
14:56.33Titanousjsmith: What's weird here is that I'm using a variety of providers (Gizmo, etc) with incoming calls/audio working fine, but there is no audio coming through on either end if the Aastra initiates the call (SIP is coming through fine). Calls from Asterisk to the Aastra work great
14:56.43lmadsenjsmith: I have no curtains in my living room :)
14:56.53lmadsenis waiting for christmas when his mom makes him some
14:57.01jsmithlmadsen: I wonder what your neighbors think....
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14:57.13jsmithlmadsen: On second thought, I don't wanna be grossed out, so I'm not going there
14:57.16*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
14:57.25lmadsenjsmith: luckily most of them are in offices, so they are not home at night :)
14:57.37Titanousjsmith: is it possible that the Aastra remote phone is using a RTP port to send audio to that isn't in rtp.conf?
14:57.39lmadsenor rather... most of them are offices, so no one is there at night
14:57.56jsmithTitanous: Absolutely!  The phone can't go out and read rtp.conf on the Asterisk box
14:58.09jsmithTitanous: rtp.conf *only* controls what ports Asterisk uses...
14:58.18Titanousjsmith: to send?
14:59.29jsmithTitanous: Or to receive...
14:59.48IsUpany ideas about 3G video calls over SS7?
14:59.55Kattylmadsen: your mom makes you curtains?
15:00.03Titanousjsmith: so why are all the other providers working, but not the aastra phone? Do they negotiate what ports to use?
15:00.31lmadsenKatty: my mom has made me quilts before
15:00.40wwalkerHi.  My inbound and outbound calls work fine, but when someone in the office sets their Polycom to forward, and it is called, it sends a 302 to asterisk and asterisk makes an outbound call that has no audio either direction.  I've tried to compare a tcpdump of the referred call to a working outbound but am not seeing the problem
15:00.41Kattylmadsen: aww (=
15:00.46lmadsenKatty: sorry... I have no idea where my mini-usb cable is... so can't get these pics off my cam
15:00.57lmadsenKatty: she's very good at interior decorating and making things
15:01.00wwalkerAnyone know what usually causes this rather than me starting at a sip trace all day?
15:01.02jsmithTitanous: Again, I think it's a problem with the firewall between your Asterisk box and the Aastra
15:01.14Kattylmadsen: oh. so is she the one that decorated your place?
15:01.21lmadsenKatty: I once went away for 3 days to a friends house, and came back to a new deck on the front of our house (she's also very good with power tools)
15:01.32lmadsenKatty: no, I decorated it
15:01.43lmadsenI get it from my mom I guess :)
15:02.00lmadsenshe helped pick out the paint colours though... actually went with a theme idea from my dad
15:02.01Kattyyou can come redecorate my house next.
15:02.05fileall I got was cleaning...
15:02.17lmadsenKatty: it'll cost ya :)
15:02.24Kattylmadsen: i'll make you spaghetti.
15:02.31fileKatty: eh!
15:02.44Kattyfile: optionally, muffins.
15:03.43Kattylmadsen: right now i just want some white sheer snowflake curtains for the upstairs den
15:03.51Kattylmadsen: something sparkly
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15:06.18neurosysWe used to make cakes in mugs in prison
15:07.05nicoxi'm searching for a solution of a problem, is anyone open to help out a little bit?
15:07.19jboti heard ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:08.14nicoxoh yeah, and in 99% noone answers
15:08.24lmadsenmaybe no one knows the answer
15:08.43[TK]D-Fendernicox: And asking to ask is SO much better.
15:08.52lmadsen#asterisk-dev is not tier 2 or 3.14159 support
15:08.54[TK]D-Fendernicox: so just spit it out already :p
15:09.00[TK]D-Fendermmmmmmmm PIE!
15:09.05neurosysI love PI
15:09.09lmadsenpoon-tang flavoured?
15:09.17lmadsenhas gone too far... again
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15:09.48nicoxi have some asterisk-machines which speak IAX between them, and soem of the calls between the boxes are rejected
15:10.01nicoxand i have no idea why
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15:10.09Kattyhugs anthm
15:10.10nicoxso, where can i start to debug?
15:10.28lmadseniax debug ?
15:10.59lmadsenreview your configuration files and make sure they are calling with the right authentication?
15:11.05ocnarfhi everyone, may i ask if anyone had experience "UNREACHABLE" on sip peers?
15:11.24lmadsenocnarf: means the peer isn't responding to our NOTIFY
15:11.28ocnarfthis happens to me like every 5mins or less
15:11.33lmadsen(which might mean the peer isn't seeing it)
15:11.47ocnarfwhat do you think maybe the culprit?
15:11.59lmadsenalmost always
15:12.19nicoxthere are thousand working calls
15:12.26ocnarffirst it lagged then UNREACHABLE then goes back to REACHABLE again
15:12.27nicoxand then there is a call which is rejected
15:12.40nicoxso the configuration i think is not the problem
15:12.52lmadsennicox: I got that the other day -- usually means the other end didn't respond to a critical packet
15:13.12lmadsennicox: look at the iax debug trace between the two calls and see what is different
15:13.35lmadsenI bet you don't get a response to a NEW when you should
15:14.09nicoxlmadsen iax debug will be complicated because of 80+ concurrent calls
15:14.16lmadsennicox: I'm answering here... respond here pls
15:14.21ocnarflmadsen: so this could be all on the network? not on asterisk?
15:14.29lmadsennicox: use wireshark so you can filter
15:14.40lmadsenocnarf: most likely it is the network and not asterisk
15:14.57ocnarflmadsen: thanks for that info
15:15.00nicoxits a gigabit-switched local network...
15:15.16nicoxbut, a good thing to start
15:15.34lmadsenof course
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15:16.15nicoxor the destination server is overloaded, is that also possible?
15:16.39lmadsenanything is possible
15:16.46lmadsenexcept for the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup
15:17.03Kattya girl here at work, just called me up to ask how to put pictures on myspace.
15:17.15Kattythis is abuse of my position
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15:19.22nicoxthanks a lot for the idea!
15:19.38*** join/#asterisk SibRphrek (
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15:21.55nicoxlmadsen: oh wait, also the destination asterisk says in the log ost 10.x.y.z failed to authenticate as xxx
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15:27.00nicoxany idea on this?
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15:27.49lmadsenno idea
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15:29.07Kattysometimes, i feel like the door greeter at walmart.
15:29.09KarlitooI have a little problem with channals any ideas
15:29.47nicoxH323 is not registered in asterisk
15:29.54nicoxcheck if the module is loaded
15:30.03lmadsennicox: you keep bouncing between channels... pls just keep the discussion here
15:30.17nicoxor which module you are using for H323
15:32.01nicoxlmadsen: yeah,  different problems, different channels of course
15:32.16lmadsennone of your problems are #asterisk-dev related
15:33.13nicoxhm, the bug-report is not asterisk-dev related?
15:33.58Karlitooyou were right nicox I don't have that module loaded
15:33.59nicoxoh, great, so i will spam there :-)
15:34.01*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
15:34.04SuPrSluGi can't make calls between extensions
15:34.07Karlitoosry I'm a asterisk newb
15:34.11UnixDawgok having a issue with asterisk
15:34.22nicoxno prob., your welcome
15:34.29UnixDawgit seems 1.4.22 is not phrasing correctly
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15:34.57UnixDawgI have outbound matching to 1NXXNXXXXXX 1+NXXNXXXXXX
15:34.57agxhi, the TE120P does support only 75 ohm or has a jumper for serting 120 ohm?
15:35.23UnixDawgand if you dial a 10 digit number you get all curcuts are busy
15:35.24SuPrSluGi am on our private net and have the * box on a public. it sees all extension coming from the same address.  any ideas?
15:36.20coppiceagx: why would the card do 75 ohms? they only do that when they have a coax termination. twisted pair is normally 110 to 120 ohms
15:36.40agxcoppice, the default looks 75 ohm
15:36.54coppicemeasured how?
15:37.23agxcoppice, connecting to another pbx with 75 ohm work, with 120 noes
15:37.47coppicethat's not a measure of impedance :-)
15:38.39Karlitoofor implementing asterisk with avaya over h323 should I use the oh323, ooh323c or woomera
15:38.44agxcoppice, so you mean the card's own default is 120 ohm not 75?
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15:39.59coppicecards with RJ48C connectors are normally 110-120, and may have a hi-impedance option, for tapping purposes. 75 ohms is used for coax, which you won't find used for T1, but often find used for E1
15:40.33WimpManE1 in coax???
15:41.03coppiceat one time all E1 was coax
15:41.43WimpManOk, I'm only in that business for nine years.
15:42.14coppicewell, 9 years ago coax was still very common for E1
15:42.44Karlitoowhich h323 channel driver for asterisk is compatible with 1.6
15:42.50WimpManNever seen such a thing. Usually TP and occasionally glas.
15:42.54agxcoppice, its E1 and i usually connect it to a cisco using a normal ethernet cablwe
15:43.32coppiceWimpMan: I guess that's the kind of sheltered life wimps lead
15:43.50WimpManThen I must be lucky :-)
15:44.22WimpManI have seen Coax interfaces on NASes but never a fitting line.
15:44.35agxcoppice, is a 5 euro tester enough to test the impedance? :)
15:45.20coppiceagx: its usually a pure resistance, so any old meter can check it
15:45.59SuPrSluGwhen i dial from the console all calls go to the same extension. bizarre
15:46.27SuPrSluG3 extens regged and all go to the same phonel
15:46.32SuPrSluGer phone
15:47.26agxcoppice, thanks, lets go to the supermarket :)
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16:10.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: I see your imploding economy has curbed your consumerism :)
16:10.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: you have no idea. did you know they have a police dog outfit?
16:10.36Kattyplots evil things.
16:10.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: I wouldn't doubt it
16:10.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: i need an authentic seeing eye dog in training jacket.
16:11.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: that way puppeh can come with me to regular stores ;P
16:11.50*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
16:12.06QwellKatty: mmhmm
16:12.20KattyQwell: still down :< /tear
16:13.03Qwellsupposed to stay up until 3am on Monday nights!
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16:19.21Kattyhugs anonymouz666
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16:20.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: And get you busted, fined or worse
16:21.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: probably worse ;)
16:22.53*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
16:23.05c4t3lhello world
16:25.02wwalkerHi.  My inbound and outbound calls work fine, but when someone in the office sets their Polycom to forward, and it is called, it sends a 302 to asterisk and asterisk makes an outbound call that has no audio either direction.  I've tried to compare a tcpdump of the referred call to a working outbound but am not seeing the problem
16:25.03neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Hehe just found out there is no seperate SMP kernel for centos anymore. Its all included in kernel-devel. ugh :)
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16:29.07c4t3lwow that was fun!
16:29.55Ritzeriskanyone know how to unlock the web admin access for a linksys 2102 sipura
16:30.39c4t3lhmmm... nope.
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16:31.15neurosysProbably a good ole fashion reset will work ;-D
16:31.25c4t3lyou can try to dial in thru the IVR and activate it.  If i remember its 80# or somesuch
16:31.44Kattywow, obama rhinestone shirts for dogs.
16:32.07neurosysnice! My pit has his xmas gift
16:32.29Kattywhat'd you get him for christmas?
16:32.38*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
16:33.15neurosysI meant I'll be getting him the obama gear ;)
16:33.20Kattyoh ;
16:33.34wwalkerhe'd prefer a leg of mailman
16:33.56Ritzeriskhaha its a China with italkbb but i need to edit some settings and use it to work with my system via Fxs port
16:33.57neurosysFunny part is.. on South Beach, he may prefer the shirt
16:34.06Kattyi just want a plain red shirt for riddick.
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16:34.13Kattycan't find one.
16:34.28Kattyfound a blue one. but not red )=
16:36.49Kattyooh! i found one!
16:38.38*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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16:40.04fcois93I need help with gotoif.  with goto I can do goto(incoming,s,1)  can I do the same with gotoif ?
16:40.06coluludoes anyone use any good hardware gateway?
16:40.38demonistHello, i dont know of any other telephony related channels, so i will ask here: does anyone know the correct term for a loop connecting two sites point to point, using the telcos wires.
16:41.13demonistlike, not going onto the pstn
16:41.16[TK]D-Fender"trunk" sometimes "LAN extension"
16:41.17Kattyfcois93: exten => s,1,GotoIfTime(8:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*?weeeeeeeeee,s,1)
16:41.31demonistbut just a circuit connecting one NID to another NID
16:41.32Carlos_PHXdemonist: Point to point T1?
16:41.36demonistnope, not T1
16:41.41demonistsort of on an analog line still
16:41.46demonistno pstn on it
16:41.57demonistjust a pair running from location a to b, using the telcos wires
16:42.18demonistso i can use my own dslam and dsl modem on that loop
16:42.24Kattyfcois93: exten => h,1,GotoIf($["${Variable}" != ""]?yessssssssss,s,1:nooooooooooooo,s,1)
16:42.30Carlos_PHXCan't do that.
16:42.30Carlos_PHXWon't work.
16:42.35Kattyfcois93: etc.
16:42.48Carlos_PHXThe amps and intermediary devices will make DSL not work.
16:42.48demonistCarlos, are you refering to what im talking about?
16:43.11Carlos_PHXI mean, I suppose a really short haul with nothing in between might, but probably not.
16:43.14Carlos_PHXdemonist: Yes
16:43.34demonistso theres no such thing as connecting two houses together using telco pairs
16:43.41demonistfor a private circuit
16:43.54demonistwith a dslam on one end, and a modem on the other end.
16:44.02Carlos_PHXYes there is in some places, but putting DSL on it is another thing.
16:44.11demoniststrange....i read an article that this is okay
16:44.14Carlos_PHXI don't think it's even generally available to get a dry loop.
16:44.24demonistand the manufacturer of the dslam said its okay too
16:44.27demonistis on a dry loop
16:44.46Carlos_PHXI'd love to read the article, because knowing about how difficult it can be to make DSL work on engineered circuits, I can't picture it working ad-hoc.
16:44.57jsmithdemonist: It *can* work, but won't *necessarily* work
16:45.08demonisthow about asking the phone company
16:45.10jsmithhas seen it work before
16:45.16Carlos_PHXRight, it can, but I believe is unlikely.
16:45.18jsmithhas seen it fail before too
16:45.19demonist"can you connect two loops together at the frame
16:45.23demonistno pstn, no dslam"
16:45.32demonistjust NID to NID
16:45.38[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Ah : Leased Line
16:45.48Carlos_PHXSounds like a fun project.
16:46.00demonistthen, at one NID, have a DSLAM
16:46.04demonista mini IP dslam
16:46.10demonistat the other nid, dsl modem
16:46.48demonistthing im wondering though...where do we get the power for the pair...would my dslam provide that...
16:46.51[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Don't really need a DSLAM
16:46.58SuPrSluGi have a phone going out from our private net to our * server with a public. I have 3 extensions created. 1 line per phone. sip show peers shows all 3 registered although only 1 phone is powered up. all from the same address ( the firewall). why won't each phone register by itself?
16:47.13demonistno, not for a point to point...but if i got more and more circuits a mini dslam might make more sense
16:47.22demonisteconomic sense
16:47.23[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: If you effectively ahve a straight par you can just get 2 Sangoma S519 's or something...
16:47.35[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Yeah, depending how you scale.
16:47.58*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
16:48.03demonisttk, so i would ask for a leased line?
16:48.20TuxguyWhen I start asterisk and try to connect a softphone locally, I do not get a connection, and I do not see the connection attempting in CLI w/ sip set debug on
16:48.52Kattygoes to lunch
16:49.07demonistfeels like banging on the central office door and asking for their input
16:49.18demonistit would probably be quicker to get information from them than talking to sales
16:49.28demonistsales would probably want to say "okay, heres your t1"
16:49.30[TK]D-Fendertuxeither a networking, firewall or configuration issue
16:50.00TuxguyThe asterisk box is on the same machine as the softphone. The bind address =
16:50.01[TK]D-Fenderdemonist: Most telcos offer LAN Extension options through their network.
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16:50.41[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Then THAT is likely the prblem.  Your softphone needs to be told to use 5061, not 5060 for tis port, and you need to set your peer entry to reflect that
16:52.20neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Hmm. Just finished getting asterisk on centos. Isnt the sip modules already on by default?
16:52.40[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: HUH?
16:53.36TuxguyXlite doesnt give me an option to set the port.
16:53.44neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Well. copied over my basic sip.conf and extensions.conf files.. but its not working for some reason.
16:53.52[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: then pick one that does
16:54.11[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Guess you'd better find something of substance to show us.
16:54.35[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: "its not working" = doesn't help us help you.
16:54.43neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  yeah. Pretty vauge huh. Im digging..
16:55.09[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Go verify that chan_sip is loaded.  check your peers, check your netowrking, check your FIREWALL.  And of course show us your SIP debug of comm attempts
16:55.38[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Describe in detail what yuo are TRYING that is failing.  What is calling what?
16:57.21neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  SIP is loaded. sip.conf has a peer configured. Same one that worked previously. called the ITSP #, but it simply rings, then the ITSP times it out.. The extensions.conf file is also the old one that worked previosly.
16:57.48neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  There are no warnings or errors in the SIP debug
16:58.17[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Gee and no more infor if NAT is involved, SIP debug of your register attempts, info about your router if any, etc.
16:58.38[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Please try to be COMPLETE in your breakdon of how you are set up....
16:58.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:59.08neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  The box is in a DMZ. One the same exact machine it worked on before i installed CentOS.
16:59.29[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: MORE meaningless info
16:59.43[TK]D-FenderneoShow configs, SYSTEM SETTING, firewall dumps, etc
16:59.45*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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17:05.54neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  gee. CentOS comes with a preconfigured firewall.
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17:24.37Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: I have been reading the book, and wow, some things seem to be easy to understand and other thing not, I am trying to setup a very very basic dail plain for voice pulse and not sure what to do, I have downloaded the once they give but it full of stuff I don't know about and have not learned yet, can you please help me so I can make out going calls on one ext so I can get rid of the one I have right now
17:25.03jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
17:25.14root52Quick ? I am sure I have seen this before but just can not remeber. If I want to wrap on line in * config file down to the next line. Is there a special char. Or will * just keep proccessing?
17:25.28[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: There is a good minimal system for a different provider.  The basics should be incredibly quick to adapt
17:25.42*** join/#asterisk joako (
17:25.44[TK]D-Fenderroot52: no such thing as wrapping
17:25.55root52ok that answers that Thanks!!
17:25.59[TK]D-Fenderroot52: this isn't bash, perl, etc
17:26.08Spirits-SightI am going confured with the outbound stuff, thanks for the information
17:26.18joakoI keep on seeing Remote UNIX connection / Remote UNIX connection disconnected on one server... what can cause this?
17:26.21[TK]D-Fenderroot52: *'s parsers are the dumbest we could find/hack/make/steal
17:26.32[TK]D-FenderjoaAMI or CLI process connecting.
17:26.57[TK]D-Fenderjoako: You should already know what processes related to * you have installed on your system.
17:27.17joakoYes... but there is no reason for it to be doing that...
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17:28.29[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Yes there is... because of software YOU installed and enabled
17:28.58jayteeor he's been p0wned
17:29.25joakoSo when the other machines connect via IAX that message is normal?
17:29.50[TK]D-Fenderjoako: no
17:31.57ricko73I believe I've found a bug in parkandannounce
17:32.39ricko73if a call is parked, the external party is able to initate a transfer by pressing the transfer feature key
17:32.53Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: when I have a choice between IAX and SIP which one is the better one to use and why?
17:33.25[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: IAX has been known to have issues with audio quality, trunked calls when the trunk fails, you lose all calls.
17:33.30*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
17:33.32[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Basically use IAX if you HAVE TO.
17:33.54Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: you got it, thanks very much
17:34.03[TK]D-Fenderricko73: Which feature key?
17:34.25ricko73the client has * configured in features.conf
17:34.30[TK]D-Fenderricko73: please share a pastebin of a complete sample call from CLI
17:35.22ricko73I'll have to redo the call with the client in 20-30 minutes.  The receptionist has to get the owner packed up and out the door
17:36.56jaytee[TK]D-Fender must have modeled his business after Milo Minderbinder's M&M Enterprises in Catch-22 because he spends all his time in here helping people for free yet still manages to somehow make a living. :-)
17:37.25neurosysLove that book.
17:38.34jayteethe part where Milo makes a deal where they and the Germans each bomb their own runways and sell the aviation fuel they would have used on the black market always cracked me up.
17:38.46jayteeGlobal capitalism at it's finest.
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17:46.28TuxguyI just did a netstat -ua and netstat -ta and did not see anything binding to 5060, although, asterisk is running and accesible through the CLI
17:47.26giovaniTuxguy: netstat will say "sip" rather than 5060
17:47.32giovaniyou sure you didn't just skip overi t?
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17:47.48ManxPowerTry this: netstat -an | grep 5060 | grep udp
17:48.00giovaniyou can do a netstat -unap | grep 5060
17:48.08Kattyso, i was driving back to work from lunch, and this SUV alaskan plates on it was in front of me. I thought about running it off the road on the off-chance that it was the governor (or family) and i could get some free clothes out of the deal.
17:48.10giovaniManxPower: no reason to grep on udp -- that's what -u is for
17:48.18Tuxguyudp   109308      0      *                               30800/xtensoftphone
17:48.20ManxPowergiovani: Ah
17:48.26ManxPowerTuxthere you go
17:48.27TuxguyLooks like my softphone has it, but is over powering it... even though its not running
17:48.31TuxguyMaybe it didnt close properly
17:48.45giovaniit's clearly running
17:49.55giovanijust issue kill -9 30800
17:50.01giovaniit's probably a hung process
17:50.04Tuxguythanks, i did
17:50.09TuxguyThat made asterisk work when i reloaded it
17:50.36Kattyfile: beans and bytes > *
17:51.37TuxguySo I need to use 5061 for my softphone then, and just set that up in the sip.conf for that usrename
17:52.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: ping?
17:53.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: pong?
17:53.38giovaniTuxguy: you shouldn't need to reconfigure asterisk to do that
17:53.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: ohai. you didn't nack
17:54.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: tango, much?
17:54.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: no, this was an ACK.  resource found!
17:54.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Horizontal mambo ;)
17:54.28ManxPowerTuxguy: you only need to set the SOURCE port on the phone, not the DEST port
17:55.09jayteean ACK is better than a NACK but still not as good as a SNACK
17:55.11TuxguyI dont see that option in XLITE, do you know of a way to do it, or can recommend another softphone for linux?
17:55.44[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Ekiga
17:56.01giovaniTuxguy: twinkle?
17:56.19jayteeEkiga? isn't that the Finnish word for vomit?
17:56.50giovanisoft phones generally suck
17:56.54giovaniI've yet to see a really nice one
17:57.10Kattymaybe i should've named Riddick Ekiga
17:57.20jayteeOffice Communicator......? (ducks)
17:57.34jayteedoes the puppy puke up alot?
17:57.41Kattyonly in the car :/
17:58.00Tuxguyekiga doesnt allow to change the source port
17:59.51jayteesome people only take their dog in the car when they take them to a vet so the dog gets stressed and carsick. if you take the dog someplace fun like a park to play and then back home several times then they don't automatically associate being in the car with a trip to the vet.
18:00.12giovanirunning a softphone on the same system as asterisk is definitely not a common setup
18:00.55TuxguyWell, for testing I dont really have another option.
18:01.10giovanitwinkle does allow you to set the SIP port
18:01.24TuxguyI can't install twinkle yet, stupid dependency issues.
18:01.27jayteeif you run X-lite with defaults you just have to ensure that you start X-lite after Asterisk has started so * will grab 5060 and xlite will grab 5061
18:01.32TuxguyMixing RPMs + source :D
18:02.04kaldemarjaytee: finnish word for vomit? where did you come up with that one? :D
18:02.52jayteekaldemar, I dunno. just kinda sounded finnish and Ekiga IS vomit as far as softphones go so...... there ya have it in a nutshell
18:03.17[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Ekiga The listen ports : The main port listening for incoming connections in Ekiga for SIP is port 5060 (UDP), while 1720 (TCP) is used by H.323. To change those ports you need to load "gconf-editor". Open gconf-editor, select apps from the left hand side menu and then select Ekiga. Then select "sip" or "h323", it should give you a list in the corresponding window to your right....
18:03.19[TK]D-Fender...Select listen_port and change it to your desired value. You can also change the UDP/RTP port ranges.
18:03.42[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Next time actually use the HELP menu to look for settings your want to change when you can't see where
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18:03.56kaldemarsorry if your world falls to pieces, but ekiga isn't either vomit in or anything else in finnish. :)
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18:04.12TuxguyIt should be an option under network settings or something else though.
18:04.42Tuxguybbiab, testing
18:04.45[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Superfluous.  Next time spend more than 5 seconds looking.
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18:05.37[TK]D-FenderAmazing how fast I found it hardly ever having used it and only jsut configured it on my work server jsut now and using Putty + xming on my desktop.
18:05.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: You run Xming?
18:06.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: no
18:06.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: you should, its the shiznit y0!
18:06.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: wai
18:06.45*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
18:07.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: run X-apps on your PC via PuTTY
18:07.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Great for "direct on server" wireshark, etc
18:07.42*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=shazaum@unaffiliated/shazaum)
18:07.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: just enable SSH forwarding in your PuTTY entry and voila
18:07.59Kattysounds super duper
18:08.02[TK]D-Fenderloves SSH tunneling too
18:08.15ricko73[TK]D-Fender: I just verified the bug on my local system (the ability to initiate a transfer externally)
18:08.34[TK]D-Fenderricko73: And after all this time you still have nothing to show us for it?
18:08.47ricko73I'm putting the pastebin together
18:08.50ricko73keep your pants on
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18:10.43Kattyfender? pants on?
18:10.52Kattyi don't think i'm even going to make a comment.
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18:11.03protocolshi all
18:11.38protocolsis there a difference in receiving faxes from an isdn fax machine and an analog fax machine?
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18:13.13[TK]D-Fendermambo #5!
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18:13.33Kattyone two three four five
18:13.37Kattyeverybody in the car
18:13.42Kattyi'm going to stop now
18:14.52lou_grdoes anyone know openvox products? are they compatible with asterisk?
18:14.54[TK]D-Fenderricko73: interesting.
18:15.01Qwelllou_gr: define "compatible"
18:15.05ricko73yeah, that's not what the client thinks
18:15.21ricko73[TK]D-Fender: I believe their exact words were 'toyish'
18:15.32ricko73or amatuer
18:15.36ricko73I forget ;)
18:15.41[TK]D-Fenderlou_gr: Yes, but they are knockoffs of old Digium designs and the warranty is spotty.  They may work, or they may suck , and worse still if they suck and you have problems getting them replaced, repaired, or returned
18:15.46lou_grQwell, work properly
18:15.49Qwellthen no
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18:17.05lou_grcan you suggest me please similar pci cards?
18:17.35protocolsor are there any suggestions why I can't receive faxes from some sources
18:18.05ricko73lou_gr: if you are looking at Openvox because of price, then you get what you pay for
18:18.47ricko73in my opinion, you're better off spending the money for either Digium or Rhino cards and be able to talk with good tech support people on the phone
18:18.49lou_gram not looking cheap products. But I 'm intresting in the pci interface
18:18.50Qwelllou_gr: Digium.
18:18.59QwellThere are other vendors as well, but I'm slightly biased.
18:19.13ricko73Qwell: really?  who would have guessed ;)
18:19.17Qwelllou_gr: There are 2 (or 3, if jameswf is around) "major" vendors.
18:19.28ricko73(but who can blame you--they do sign your pay check)
18:19.28Qwellwell, 3 that do pci.
18:19.32Qwellricko73: indeed
18:19.51Qwelllmadsen: Get out.
18:19.58ricko73plus the newer Digium cards do not have the same issues that the original TDM400 cards did
18:20.08lmadsennew chipset w00t
18:20.38ricko73so what's the best way to report this fancy new bug I found?
18:20.46ricko73Mailing list or is there a bug tracker... :)
18:20.55lou_grthank you.
18:21.01lmadsenhowever I'm closing all new bugs because asterisk has none
18:21.19jtoddcloses lmadsen
18:21.25lmadsenshuts his mouth
18:21.35colulufrom a resource utalization perspective, is it a big difference between PCI card and external gateway?
18:21.37lmadsengoes back to testing bugs!
18:21.52coluluI am looking for ways to bridge PSTN
18:21.54lmadsenI'm just waiting for asterisk to compile on the VM
18:21.55Qwellcolulu: what do you mean by external?
18:22.09colululike a physical hardware such as audio codes
18:22.18Qwelllike a SIP gateway?
18:22.43[TK]D-Fendercolulu: External gateway is virtually no load unless * has to transcode the call
18:22.45Qwellsure, but it's not cheap for a quad PRI box
18:23.02coluluif I put it inside the same box using PCI card, then it reduce the resource for the socket connection.  Does that make much a difference for resource utilization and voice quality?
18:23.04[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Its also a great way to deal with redundency, etc
18:23.18[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Quality should not be an issue
18:23.43[TK]D-Fendercolulu: it all gets turned to VoIP at some point, shouldn't really matter whose side
18:23.58[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Which is the better choice depends on your specific needs, budget, etc
18:24.06coluluTK: so the two options do not make any difference in terms of voice quality and # of concurrent channels right?
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18:24.15[TK]D-Fendercolulu: What kind & size of install are you looking at?
18:24.30coluluTK: i am looking for a 8 E1
18:24.45colulubut I can also have 2 PCI cards or one audio codes
18:24.48Qwellcolulu: that is going to be a fair bit more expensive :)
18:25.09[TK]D-Fendercolulu: PCI solution often off-load EC and other things to the host CPU therefore external gateways naturally would allow you more calls ont he same base CPU with transcoding not being a factor, etc
18:25.16Qwellhere's the way I see it (and I'm sure [TK]D-Fender will disagree):
18:25.21[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Or 1 PCI card.
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18:25.34QwellIf you're only using a few channels, (say 4-12), the load is very low
18:25.53Qwellif you're using a lot of channels (say 12-24 or more), the external box will get very expensive
18:25.54apeironHm, is this a help channel or should I go elsewhere?
18:25.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: He's lookint at 8 E1 <- :)
18:25.59jbotwell, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:26.05Qwell[TK]D-Fender: that's gonna be one expensive gateway...
18:26.09apeironQwell, Cool, thanks.
18:26.09[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: Depends what you want help with :)
18:26.18[TK]D-FenderQwell: Oh hell yeah :)
18:26.26QwellSO, yeah...  PCI :p
18:26.28jameswfonly 2 u.s. companies
18:26.32[TK]D-FenderQwell: and I don't disagree withyou :)
18:26.40Qwell[TK]D-Fender: for 8 channels, you'd go PCI?
18:26.52[TK]D-Fendercolulu: What codec are your calls going to be in?
18:27.01jameswfis working on getting in to the automotive supply chain so i can grab some bail out bucks
18:27.07apeironI've got videoconferencing set up in my Ubuntu 1.4.21 setup, as well as voicemail. I own the machine and the account where the voicemail is stored. Can I view the video part somehow?
18:27.11colulu711 most probably
18:27.48[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Ok, well PCI could do it without too much of an issue... do make sure its a HWEC card though
18:28.20apeironWhat I'm trying to do is use something like totem or mplayer to view the voicemail without having to go through Asterisk to view it.
18:28.33ricko73ran into a nightmare last night at a new client
18:28.41Qwellapeiron: video conferencing? O.o
18:28.45apeironQwell, Yes.
18:28.47[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: This is #asterisk.  We support ASTERISK here.
18:28.52ricko73they have a 'phone system' that runs on top of Windows XP!
18:28.55apeironokay, well
18:29.03[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: We do not know about your software OR the service you are connecting to.
18:29.06ricko73can't wait for it to totally crash and die so I can replace it
18:29.06Qwellapeiron: it's just a file on the fs.  look in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/
18:29.14apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Asterisk / QuteCom.
18:29.18[TK]D-FenderQwell: Apparently its not on *
18:29.25apeironQwell, I tried playing it, file format isn't recognized.
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18:29.32coluluTK: from Asterisk's perspective, does it process faster and use less resource if the data is obtained directly from PCI card vs an external server via SIP ( for a local lan case)?
18:29.33[TK]D-FenderQwell: At least, thats what it reads as
18:30.16[TK]D-Fendercolulu: for stright ULAW routing (* will BE a gateway), you could be OK, but I'd recommend a beefy CPU and fill up the ram to 4g
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18:30.18apeiron[TK]D-Fender, I enabled videoconferencing in my sip.conf. I enabled voicemail in voicemail.conf. I set up a dialplan in extensions.conf. I called myself. Left a voicemail with video. I want to view it.
18:30.23jameswfmplayer plays asterisk VM
18:30.24apeiron[TK]D-Fender, How is this not an Asterisk question?
18:30.29[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: Better
18:30.30apeironjameswf, Ah, cool.
18:30.49apeironhm. totem just must not have the codec for it.
18:30.50[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: Your wording left it in question.  Good to clarify.
18:31.08apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Sorry for the ambiguity, then.
18:31.10[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: You want to download the VM as a video file?
18:31.25donnibi have a freepbx setup where all clients are on the same network. some clients are in india and some are in europe where the server is. i have problems with the clients in india. i get UNREACHABLE. i have a 280 ms latency.
18:31.28apeiron[TK]D-Fender, It's a very small installation that's private between me and a friend. So I'm running a desktop on it too.
18:31.30[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: that'd take a mixing app to take the split audio & video codec recording and transcode them
18:31.37lmadsendon't you just login to the voicemail to playback the voicemail w/ video?
18:31.39donnibtried to set QUALIFY to 10000 but didn't help
18:31.41[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: * cannot do this, it'd take a bunch of external work to do it.
18:31.42apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Right, yes.
18:31.53donnibhow can i find out what the problem is ?
18:31.55apeiron[TK]D-Fender, I understand that * is not a multimedia platform. :)
18:32.00[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: but * is effectively out of the picture..
18:32.02lmadsendonnib: qualify=no
18:32.13lmadsendonnib: it's not an asterisk issue -- its a network issue
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18:32.18apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Okie. Was just wondering if people here had any experience with opening those files directly. Thanks. :)
18:32.19donniblmadsen: what does Qualify actually mean ?
18:32.25[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: Sure its a multimedia platform... so long as you're only working with ne kind of media at a time ;)
18:32.35lmadsendonnib: essentially "ping"
18:32.40lmadsendonnib: it checks the latency to the phone
18:32.42donnibi was actually thinking about the network
18:32.43apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Well I mean it's not like iMovie or something. :)
18:32.46lmadsento determine if it is available
18:32.55donnibbut if if does not get back then it won't call ?
18:32.56lmadsendonnib: it absolutely is the network
18:32.59[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: Ok, well It hink we're all clear on the answer here then..
18:33.00donnibbecause i can't reach them
18:33.00lmadsendonnib: correct
18:33.04donnibah ok
18:33.04apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Yes.
18:33.08donnibwill try now
18:33.13lmadsendonnib: if UNREACHABLE then asterisk will not attempt to call
18:33.20lmadsenif Unmonitored it'll try regardless
18:33.27donnibso is this good practice ?
18:33.29[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: You CAN have voicemail.conf trigger a "cleanup" script that will call whatever tool you have configured to do your dirty-work, but its really out of *'s hands
18:33.29coluluTK: sorry, i was a bit lost.  so for Asterisk, is it faster to process calls directly via PCI card than via an external sip gateway?
18:33.35lmadsendonnib: it's a practice
18:33.40apeiron[TK]D-Fender, Yeah, I saw that.
18:34.08[TK]D-Fendercolulu: I'd probably guess that gatway would be a little faster since pure SIP setup is jsut networking and there is no BUS issue, etc
18:34.21lmadsendonnib: if they are behind a NAT, then it is possible the NAT connections will close on you and you still won't be able to reach them. You'll need the client to register fairly often
18:34.42donnibi am not behind any firewall so that should not be the problem
18:34.51lmadsenyou're not.. but the phones might be
18:34.51donnibi am on the same network but different subnets
18:34.59donnibneither are the phones
18:35.08lmadsenok, then just turn off qualify
18:35.34donnibok will do
18:36.02coluluTK: with PCI card, Asterisk won't need to utilize resource for socket connection.  Do you think that makes any different difference at all?
18:36.08[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords.
18:36.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
18:36.40coluluTK: i know I may be paranoid
18:36.48[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Trust me, a PCI resource to interface witht he card would be worse than an IP socket.  Linux kernel was kinda designed with IP in mind you know ;)
18:37.01[TK]D-Fendercolulu: Oh no... we ARE out to get you! ;)
18:38.03*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
18:38.24donnib[TK]D - Fender: but i solved the problem, well at least i think
18:39.13donnibif a client is not behind NAT but in the config of the asterisk it has a filed NAT=yes then will it still work
18:39.26bmoracait depends on the phone
18:39.28ricko73woah, this bug is even nastier than I thought.  I removed all instances of 't or T' in my dial statements and the caller is still able to tranfer a call after it's been parked
18:39.34bmoracanot sure
18:39.37bmoracacouldn't hurt to try
18:39.39coluluTK: thanks alot
18:39.43donnibok thx
18:39.46bmoracai know that polycoms work OK in that config
18:39.52bmoracabut i've had problems with Cisco phones
18:39.54coluluTK: you input is great.  I know what i need to do now
18:40.04donnibwell i will try to see
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18:40.16*** part/#asterisk raasdnil (
18:40.37[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: GIANT "depends" on that
18:40.45jameswfcant run asterisk as he has Ubuntu 8.10
18:41.00lmadsenthere used to be an extconfig.txt file in the doc/ directory of the asterisk source in 1.4 that has the table layouts for realtime... but I don't seem to see that file anymore in trunk. Doesn't appear to be in doc/tex/ either... any idea where it went or was renamed to?
18:41.11donnibhuh ?
18:41.40[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: PB your config and I'll tell you what'll happen
18:42.03kaldemarlmadsen: configs/extconfig.conf.sample
18:42.28kaldemarthat it?
18:42.40lmadsenkaldemar: no, that doesn't define the table structure
18:42.48kaldemaroh, silly me.
18:43.14[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: and why is that?
18:43.25donnibdon't have a sip.conf since i am running freepbx where data is in mysql
18:43.40lmadsenuh oh... you said the deadly word
18:43.52donnibi know
18:43.54[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: FreePBX GENERATES sip.conf
18:43.59donnibi am sorry
18:44.17[TK]D-FenderNo seriously, WTF....
18:44.28donnibbut my question did not have anything to do with freepbx therefore did not mention it
18:44.46donnibok where is that file ? some temporary place then ?
18:45.05donnibit's gotta be generated from the mysql thingy
18:45.09[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: FreePBX builds you configs.  I don't care if your configs are deposited directly from the CONFIGURATION FAERIE, I just asked to see them.
18:45.11jsmithdonnib: If you're using FreePBX, the files it generates are in /etc/asterisk/sip*.conf
18:45.40[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: these days you can't even GIVE help away!
18:45.42bmoracadonnib, use winscp to log in to your server and navigate to /etc/asterisk and locate the sip_additional.conf file.  that's where your extensions are
18:46.25bmoracai'd take all the help I can get resolving my nvfaxdetect issue...though I think my setup fundamentally precludes me from using that application anyway
18:46.46jsmith[TK]D-Fender: No kidding... why do I even try?
18:46.51donnibhey easy now boys
18:46.52[TK]D-Fender~cluebat jameswf
18:46.52jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps jameswf.
18:46.56jsmithwishes he had more time to give away help
18:47.09ricko73jameswf: duct tape might help
18:47.18ricko73will contain the explosion
18:47.29donnibi know about sip.conf...i know how to gain access to it but it's not that easy because freepbx includes other files so actually you will need like 10 files before you make sip.conf
18:47.56bmoracafreepbx stores its configuration in mysql, but it doesn't use asterisk realtime
18:48.11bmoracawhen you click the "Apply Settings" bar, it writes normal asterisk config files
18:48.29*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
18:48.56bmoracawhere it puts its custom SIP extensions is sip_additional.conf
18:49.18bmoracasip.conf includes sip_*.conf
18:49.33donnibi know
18:49.41donniband that was what i was trying to say
18:49.47bmoracaright.  so the only file you need to show us is sip_additional.conf
18:49.54*** join/#asterisk rgrrbbt (
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18:50.46rgrrbbtcould please anybody help me with asterisk.ctl?
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18:51.32[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Umm... NO
18:51.38pecanhahey guys, I'm using trixbox, my SIP is registered, but when someone calls me it doesn't work. How can I debug and what I need to look for?
18:52.08[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Go to the trixbox or FreePBX site and follow the GUI for getting it to work from behind NAT
18:52.53pecanha[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll look for it
18:53.23pecanha[TK]D-Fender: do you know where this NAT options is located?
18:53.50[TK]D-Fendersip_custom.conf / sip_nat.conf
18:54.00[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Something like that
18:54.15[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Its all in the docs.  Go visit their sites.
18:54.28[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: I know FreePBX has a decent guide for it, Trixbox should as well.
18:54.41[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Esp as they add layers of BS on top
18:55.14*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
18:55.41rgrrbbtnobody can help with that?
18:55.46Ritzeriskanyone know how to dial out a regular local number locally in hong kong haha weird question though
18:55.54donnibok here it is
18:57.13bmoracathat's set with nat=no.  if you're connecting locally, you shouldn't have a problem.
18:58.09donnibi connect local on the same network
19:03.32[TK]D-Fenderand the peer alone doesn't hold the answer
19:03.49[TK]D-Fenderrgrrbbt: ...
19:03.52jbotrumour has it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:06.30Spirits-Sightpbx_ael.c:4157 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: verified config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.
19:06.30Spirits-Sightwhats this mean? and why?
19:07.17codefreeze-lapSpirits-Sight: means that the AEL module loaded, and most likely read in the default example config file you installed...
19:07.18[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: AEL is an alternative to extensions.conf
19:07.43[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: empty out the contents of extensions.ael if you have no intention of using it
19:08.12Spirits-Sightok, but why would this load when I have the extensions.conf file
19:08.57[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: and add "noload" to modules.conf
19:09.07[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: because you can use BOTH at the same time
19:09.50Spirits-Sightoo so get rid of it or do the noload in the modules.conf file with stop it from using that file
19:11.10[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: the noload alone is enough
19:11.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:11.37Spirits-Sightok thats what I throught just making sure
19:12.02jbotwell, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
19:12.17rgrrbbtif i run asterisk with -c or -f, eveything is fine, but without any options the asterisk.ctl doesn't get created. has anybody an idea why this happens?
19:12.24Spirits-Sighthow do I reload now after doing that change
19:12.34[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: completely restart *
19:12.50Spirits-Sighthow do I do this
19:13.09*** join/#asterisk artemmakhutov (
19:13.20[TK]D-Fenderrgrrbbt: You should be using safe_asterisk to start it as a daemon, or via an init script it installed
19:13.29[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: restart now
19:14.14Spirits-Sightcool thanks
19:14.16rgrrbbtsame problem with the init script. but is there in both cases
19:14.34[TK]D-Fenderrgrrbbt: who are you starting * as?
19:14.50rgrrbbtit's an openwrt router
19:14.56[TK]D-Fenderrgrrbbt: still go check your scrip to see which user its calling as, and verify your perms
19:15.27artemmakhutovHello, is someone familiar with asterisk and TLS?
19:16.21rgrrbbtisn't that the same user who creates .pid and .ctl?
19:16.35jsmithartemmakhutov: Just ask your question, and if somebody knows the answer, they'll shout out an answer
19:16.38artemmakhutovI am trying to setup TLS, but the clients are always getting a 403 - Forbidden error
19:16.40*** join/#asterisk oej (
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19:17.08artemmakhutovwithout TLS everything works fine. The certificate seems also to work
19:17.54ricko73[TK]D-Fender: looks like that bug I just reported has been fixed already (in 1.4.23-rc)
19:17.56*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
19:18.15[TK]D-Fenderricko73: Don't worry, your wheel will be rounder ;)
19:18.36ricko73wheel will be rounder?
19:18.49ricko73never heard that saying before
19:19.18jsmithartemmakhutov: Does anything show up on the Asterisk CLI?
19:19.44jsmithartemmakhutov: What if you turn on debug messages in logger.conf and then do a "logger reload" and then "core set debug 4" and then try again?
19:19.56Spirits-SightI can make a call outgoing but I can not call 866 numbers here is my very very simple dail plain (less then two lines)
19:20.00[TK]D-Fenderricko73: An implication of "reinventing the wheel"....
19:20.01artemmakhutovno, nothing, only when I enable the sip debug I can see the communication
19:20.24Spirits-Sightexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=xxxxxxxxxx)
19:20.44jsmithartemmakhutov: If you've turned on debug messages in logger.conf, then you *should* see all kinds of things
19:20.55[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: PASTEBIN is your friend.  Use it.
19:20.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
19:21.02[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: show us the failure
19:22.16rgrrbbti set /var/run to be writable for everyone but it still doesn't work
19:22.49artemmakhutovI will try, thx
19:24.07rgrrbbtthe init script is at
19:25.43Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: here is the failure
19:25.43Kattyruns around.
19:25.44[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: thats EVERYTHING?
19:25.49Kattyshreds curtains.
19:26.20c4t3lshreds on his guitar
19:26.23Spirits-Sightthats all it says, it says the same thing three times which is how many times I tryed it
19:26.41[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: then your dialplan is wrong.
19:27.04Kattysplinter of turkey.
19:27.11Kattythat's what i wanted, when i was 4, around thanksgiving.
19:27.13ghentoHi all. Is there a way to get more information about the execution of an agi script? the one i'm working with doesn't seem to be functioning, and all i see is "AGI Script foo.agi completed, returning 0"
19:27.28*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
19:27.29Spirits-SightI am going to have to finish this issue later I am now leaving
19:28.15TuxguyCan someone point me at documentation for setting up MGCP SIP devices? Like what d001 is, etc
19:28.30rgrrbbti cannot understand what is the difference between running with and without -f (besides not forking). with -f, the .ctl file gets created in /var/run, wihtout it, the file is missing
19:28.47Kattyc4t3l: <- 4ish.
19:29.08Kattyc4t3l: don't eve ASK about that dress.
19:29.33*** part/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-71d11feb5c78c174)
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19:30.22c4t3llol.  every kid has the same kind of pic.  neutral background. folded hands and such.
19:30.27*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
19:30.51artemmakhutovI have found the TLS problem: I had also to set "transport=tls" in the device configuration. Just enabeling it globally is not enough.
19:31.06Kattyc4t3l: and an insane dress with BANGS?!
19:31.11artemmakhutovThx again!
19:31.25*** join/#asterisk esaym (
19:31.49esaymhello,k is there anyway that I can start recording a channel from the asterisk -r command line?
19:31.56jameswfaparently "GNU audio editor" is a command alias for "Crash X"
19:32.24*** join/#asterisk ElSonico (
19:32.35Kattyc4t3l: oh well, happy memories.
19:32.46Kattyc4t3l: swinging! chasing ducks around!
19:32.54Kattyc4t3l: sesame street!
19:33.27c4t3lgod!  when i was a kid there was this duck that lived at a pond near my house that would freakin terrorize me
19:34.09*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:34.27Kattygives c4t3l an anti-duck necklace charm
19:36.23[TK]D-Fenderesaym: No, but you can do it from AMI
19:36.48esaymwhat is AMI?
19:36.49*** join/#asterisk fukz (
19:36.59esaymoh the interfaced
19:37.11esaymhmm, not sure if I have it enabled
19:37.50[TK]D-Fenderesaym: It is unless you specifically disabled it
19:38.40jameswfwow oprah is a nut job..
19:40.15*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
19:41.07ziram19since one month i have a pb to configure my thomson st2030
19:41.23ziram19i need to have a payant consultant
19:42.07[TK]D-Fenderziram19: Pardon?
19:42.35ziram19u speek frensh TK?
19:43.04[TK]D-Fenderziram19: Yes, but the word is the same in english as well
19:44.29StephenFis there a way to configure the dial by name directory to match first AND last names?
19:44.37StephenFor is it only one or the other
19:44.57[TK]D-FenderStephenF: either/or
19:44.57StephenFnvm, I just found the answer
19:45.03StephenF:) thx
19:45.03[TK]D-Fender(last I read)
19:45.35StephenFoh I just read in the wiki, there is an option to allow both
19:46.06esaymok ty
19:46.50[TK]D-FenderStephenF: I wouldn't trust the wiki jsut yet.  check the instruction at CLI
19:47.00StephenFalright, will do
19:47.10*** join/#asterisk sah-work (n=Bawbatos@
19:47.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:48.11ManxPowerMessage I sent to them: "I can no longer access the developer lounge.  No matter what I do, no matter how many times I change my password it won't let me in.  Error messages on the page include: "Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/html/plugins/user/joomla.php on line 109" and "E_NOLOGIN_ACCESS"  First you forgot to include the sample source code with the Linux SDK, now your developers lounge is inaccessable.  This
19:48.11*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:48.20StephenFyup no 'b' option mentioned in the CLI
19:48.21ManxPowerWell, THAT was sent to the wrong channel.
19:48.45StephenFits either/or
19:50.00TuxguyCan someone point me at documentation for setting up MGCP SIP devices? Like what d001 is, etc
19:50.43ManxPowerTuxguy: mgcp.conf.sample is not useful?
19:52.18StephenFahh the 'b' option may be in TRUNK, looks like there is a patch to allow it to work
19:52.34ManxPowerwhich "b" option are you referring to?
19:53.00StephenFManxPower dial by name directory, 'b' option allows to match first AND last name
19:56.25ManxPowerThat is a 1.6 option I believe.  I'm checking right now
19:56.57StephenFprobably is, because it looks like it was accepted into 1.4 trunk. I would assume it would find its way to 1.6 then as well
19:58.17ManxPowerwell there's no reference to it in the changelog, I bet the reference is to the bug id in the changelog
19:58.50jsmithNo, I doubt it was added to 1.4
19:58.54ghentoHi all.  Has anyone successflly got a python script to work with agi?  I'm trying, and the agi file doesn't even seem to be executing. in the console it says it's returning 0
19:59.12jsmithStephenF: In fact, it's not even in 1.6.0
19:59.25ManxPower*nod*  I just discovered that.
19:59.45StephenFheres the bug:
19:59.56ManxPowerjsmith: I sometimes what people THINK "1.4 gets no new features" actually means.
20:00.13ManxPowerThey seem to think "1.4 gets new features"
20:00.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: It dioes... just never included in digium releases :)
20:01.06StephenFi know its not gonna be in official 1.4 release
20:01.13ManxPowerLooks like it may have gone into 1.6.0-beta4
20:01.31jsmithStephenF: It was only merged into tr1unk... meaning it's not in 1.6.0 either, but probably made it in time for 1.6.
20:01.40jsmith1.6.1, that is
20:01.50ManxPower1,6 does get pretty much any new feature anyone seems to want to throw into it.
20:02.00StephenFcool, well i should be able to apply the patch to my 1.4 install
20:02.17ManxPowerI'm sure that will improve stability.  But I'm not bitter about it.
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20:03.07jsmithManxPower: Not quite true... 1.6.<next version> will get many new features
20:03.37ManxPowerare they going to backport fixes into the previous release?
20:04.15[TK]D-Fenderits not in
20:04.21jsmithManxPower: No.
20:04.31jsmithManxPower: So, let's talk about right now, for example.
20:04.44jsmithManxPower: If I added a new feature, it would get added to TRUNK first
20:04.50ManxPowerso if I want a bug fix I have to upgrade to a version with a bunch of new features?
20:04.58jsmithManxPower: It wouldn't go into 1.6.0, as that's already feature frozen
20:04.59ManxPowerjsmith: nobody downloads TRUNK 8-|
20:05.11jsmithManxPower: It also wouldn't go into 1.6.1, as it's already been feature frozen as well
20:05.14bearded_blitzjust did
20:05.28jsmithManxPower: It *would* go into 1.6.2, as that hasn't been branched from TRUNK yet
20:05.28luke-jrManxPower: that's how Linux works now too ☹
20:06.02ManxPowerluke-jr: That's hardly a shining example of a history of stable releases.
20:06.04bearded_blitzManxPower: bug fixes go into 1.6.x.y where 'x' is your current version, and 'y' is the version with new bug fixes
20:06.13ManxPowerand look at how many zillion patches distros backport.
20:06.35ManxPowerbearded_blitz: that directly contradicts jsmith
20:07.00jsmithManxPower: No, I was talking about *features*.  He was talking about *bug fixes*
20:07.00bearded_blitzoh wait... bug fixes != regressions
20:07.05ManxPowerHe just said fixes won't be backported.
20:07.06bearded_blitzand that
20:07.07jsmithManxPower: See the difference?
20:07.16bearded_blitzfixes != features
20:07.24ManxPowerjsmith: and I was talking about bug fixes.
20:07.35jsmithManxPower: Bug fixes will only be backported if they're regressions
20:07.43bearded_blitzbug fix regressions are supposed to go back into the previous 3 released versions (as it sits now -- that policy may change)
20:07.44jsmith(which is really hard to have in a .0 release)
20:08.08ManxPowerI run production Asterisk servers.  I would prefer not to spend a month testing every new release because it's full of new bugs.  I would like to be able to download just a "bug fix" update.
20:08.37ManxPowerjsmith: So no new bug fixes, just fixes to things that used to work and were broken?
20:09.19TuxguyManxPower: I dont know what d001 is though, or some of the other examples
20:09.23jsmithManxPower: Say something was working in 1.6.0 but broken in 1.6.1 and then fixed in 1.6.2.  Since there was a regression, it would get backported to the 1.6.1 branch
20:09.32ManxPowerbearded_blitz: that policy has already changed.  1.2 has only gotten SECURITY fixes for quite a while now.
20:09.43StephenFwher would the app_directory.c file be located? I want to apply that patch to it...
20:09.45jsmithManxPower: But if the fix only fixes a bug that wasn't a regression, it won't be backported
20:09.54TuxguyManxPower: Also there arent any .sample files in my /etc/asterisk/
20:09.55bearded_blitzStephenF: in the apps/ subdir of your asterisk source
20:09.58jsmithStephenF: In the apps/ subdirectory of the source code
20:10.05StephenFso i have to reinstall?
20:10.08ManxPowerjsmith: but if something was broken since  1.4.6  then the bug will not be fixed?
20:10.09jsmithbearded_blitz: You copying me!?!
20:10.15bearded_blitzStephenF: you have to make the change and then run 'make install'
20:10.24jsmithManxPower: It will be fixed in the 1.4 branch, but not in 1.6.0
20:10.34ManxPowerTuxguy: try /path/to/src/asterisk/configs
20:10.35bearded_blitzStephenF: it'll only recompile the stuff that changed if you had previously compiled everything in that dir
20:10.37jsmithManxPower: (I don't necessarily agree with that part, but that's the way it is)
20:10.44bearded_blitzjsmith: of course!@
20:10.46StephenFperfect, thanks
20:11.39ManxPowerjsmith: so if in like 6 months something broke in 1.6.21 and remained broken thru the current release we'll randomly call it 1.6.45 then the breakage won't be fixed?
20:12.13bearded_blitzsure it would... that would be a regression
20:12.36ManxPowerTuxguy: I know it's not "cool" these days to look int eh tarball for the docs, but that is where the best, most current, and most accurate  Asterisk docs are
20:12.52bearded_blitzbut only 1.6.45 - 3 point releases (as it stands now)
20:13.14TuxguyI installed via rpm, ill try to find it
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20:13.28ManxPowerTuxguy: and that is why we don't like packages here.
20:13.45ManxPowergo find out where the packager put the docs and hope they put all the docs there.
20:14.20Kattybearded_blitz: bearded?!
20:14.21jsmithManxPower: If it's a reversion, it gets backported.  If it's not a reversion, it doesn't.  I could waste all day making theoretical knots and logic pretzels, but that's why we have a development team.  They're the ones that make a judgment call (and yes, it is a judgment call) on what it qualifies as
20:14.35bearded_blitzKatty: I have not shaved in over a week!
20:14.39Kattybearded_blitz: oh.
20:14.41jsmithManxPower: a reversion and what doesn't.
20:14.43Kattybearded_blitz: :>
20:14.53jsmithbearded_blitz: And I'll bet I still have a better beard than you!
20:15.04bearded_blitzjsmith: most likely! damn these blonde hairs :)
20:15.17bearded_blitzoh well... lucky for me the g/f likes facial hair, so I don't have to shave every day :)
20:15.58jsmithbearded_blitz: Oh, she's now an official g/f, is she?\
20:16.06jsmithbearded_blitz: You sly devil, you...
20:16.11bearded_blitzjsmith: I figured after 3 months I can give her that title :)
20:16.15jsmithwatches another heart get broken
20:17.05bearded_blitzjsmith: I just haven't called anyone my g/f in like... a few years... so it's just a little weird for me to say it :)
20:18.36*** join/#asterisk littlepinkdot (n=thedot@
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20:20.26acxtyHi guys,
20:20.45acxtyA good store where I can get telephones, cards, etc.. compatible with asterisk
20:20.46*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
20:21.04X-RobWell. It's morning.
20:21.37bearded_blitzacxty: :)
20:21.39X-Robwould someone (Qwell, mog?) like to make a call that should be split into two bugs?
20:21.51X-RobI'm quite happy to create a new bug
20:21.53bearded_blitzacxty: I think there are links to distributors too
20:22.16bearded_blitzX-Rob: what are the two issues?
20:22.33X-Robbearded_blitz, I'll let you read it
20:22.54bearded_blitzwell I read it, but I don't understand the two issues
20:23.04X-Robexactly my point. _IS_ it two issues?
20:23.15X-Robtzafir's not around to poke him about it
20:23.30bearded_blitzya he is in israel I think
20:24.12TuxguyManxPower: Still searching, but what does aaln mean?
20:24.18Ritzeriskis it possilbe to connect a FXS linksys sipura 2102 to a LS trunk on a mitel ??
20:25.19[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: Should be fine
20:27.45*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
20:27.45ghentoHi all.  Has anyone successflly got a python script to work with agi?  I'm trying, and the agi file doesn't even seem to be executing. in the console it says it's returning 0
20:29.14[TK]D-Fenderghento: pastebin is your friend.  and AGI doesn't care what language you use for it as long is it inputs & outputs to the right devices
20:29.22*** join/#asterisk JonCup (
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20:53.47sprbckhello. I have a Digium TDM800P card, where all FXS ports (4) just froze. All 4 analog extensions gave no dial tone. After a reboot all was fine. Restarting asterisk and reloading modules did not help. Any hint about this?
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20:57.10jayteeKatty, how come your website's down?
20:59.20*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
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20:59.25donnibhow do i force use of a specific codec ? disallow: all allow: gsm is that correct ?
20:59.50asteriskmonkeywith sip "friends" since out-going limit was taken away in 1.4, how do you limit outgoing calls?
20:59.53[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: "=", not ":"
21:00.10donnibyes sorry
21:00.15donnibthat's what i meant
21:01.55donnibdoes this mean it's running GSM codec ?
21:02.41[TK]D-Fenderdonnib: Sure looks like.
21:03.00donniband another question. which codec uses less BW ?
21:03.03asteriskmonkeydonnib : add allow=ulaw before the gsm line it will give ulaw priority
21:03.49asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: with sip "friends" since out-going limit was taken away in 1.4, how do you limit outgoing calls? do i have to arse about abit with dial plan
21:04.22[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Go read the sample config.  its in there.
21:04.29[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: and in the upgrade.txt, etc
21:04.44asteriskmonkeyah if is see a group thing ill be upset
21:06.06*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
21:06.08donnibif i can choose between  Codecs: G.711a/u-law and GSM which one uses less BW ?
21:06.56jsmithdonnib: GSM uses less bandwidth
21:07.20jsmithdonnib: It's approximately 13kbps (plus IP overhead) as opposed to G.711's 64kbps (plus overhead)
21:08.25asteriskmonkeydoe missing my limitonpeers, that is so misleading :/
21:13.16TuxguyAnyone know an MGCP softphone?
21:14.53lesouvageIf I receive this message in the cli "Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from" does this indicate that the provider has a problem? The IP is the IP of the SIP provider.
21:16.04lesouvageIf I do sip show registry the sip account seem to be registered
21:17.33[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: in response to WHAT?
21:17.48[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Now why would you want to go and do something silly like that?
21:18.07*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
21:18.36Tuxguy[TK]D-Fender: Trying to trouble shoot a hardphone connecting to asterisk. Its a Nortel 6812 MGCP device.
21:18.49lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: a Dial() statement that used to work until 30 minutes ago.
21:19.27[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: I've never seen one personally.  Why do you feel you'd need an MGCP softphone to debug a hardphone's issue?
21:20.15*** join/#asterisk esdrasbeleza (
21:20.22TuxguyBecause if I can connect w/ the softphone, and see some of the messages etc, then i can compare the two's settings and see the difference etc
21:21.57[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Do you see anything coming in from the phone?
21:22.39TuxguyNothing. I enabled debug on mgcp, and rebooted the phone. Still havent seen anything coming through.
21:23.05esdrasbelezahi, I have a question about voicemail. If I delete an single message from /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/LOCAL/user/INBOX, do I need to rename the other files to keep them in sequence?
21:25.50Tuxguy[TK]D-Fender: I have the call server as and port 2427 , which is what mgcp.conf is using
21:26.36[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, heading home.
21:27.00justdaveI have a switch statement doing a dundi lookup in an IVR menu, and we discovered this morning that only some of the numbers that are available via dundi are working.  They're all three digit numbers, and with some specific patterns, it cuts the user off after the 2nd digit and tells them it's invalid. (it's using the Background() application for the menu)
21:27.14justdaveis that expected, and is there some way to work around that?
21:27.21jayteeTuxguy, if you do a netstat -ua is Asterisk listening on that port?
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21:27.52Tuxguyudp        0      0      *                               17853/asterisk
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21:29.25TuxguyHowever, I do not see anything in CLI when the phone connects.
21:29.33jayteeTuxguy, what if  you do a mgcp show endpoints ?
21:29.51TuxguyGateway '' at (Static) -- 'd00/1@ in 'default' is idle
21:30.40*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
21:31.00jayteeTuxguy, is your subnet mask ?
21:31.26Tuxguyinet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
21:32.19jayteeTuxguy, did it work before or is this a new setup?
21:32.26TuxguyNew setup
21:32.40TuxguyThe phones work on another MGCP network though through
21:32.47TuxguyBut, I am trying to do an in-house testing
21:33.58jayteewhat's the verbose level of the CLI?
21:34.31TuxguyVerbosity is at least 29
21:34.33*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
21:34.57jayteeeven at 4 it should show a call attempt. it sounds like it's never reaching asterisk
21:35.20jayteeis there a firewall between the two?
21:37.16jayteeTuxguy, I'd recheck all the settings on the phone itself. make sure it's not trying to use some other address as a proxy, etc.
21:37.36TuxguyI can run a sip connection from anywhere on the network to this device, and it works fine.
21:38.02TuxguyI checked, it has as the call server, and port 2427 as the mgcp port, not sure how else to diagnose it
21:38.09Tuxguywould that connection attempt show up in netstat?
21:39.02jayteeTuxguy, no
21:39.56TuxguyIs there any way to test the issue? Thats why I was looking for a MGCP softphone.
21:39.58jayteeyou'd have to use wireshark or something similar to see actual traffic
21:40.33jayteedoes your server have a gui? probably not
21:40.50jayteeI mean like Gnome or Kde, not an asterisk gui
21:45.13jayteedownload wireshark and set it to capture any packets to and from the phone's address, then you can analyze them. if you can do a capture on your other network on a similar phone to a call through you'd have something you could compare.
21:45.37TuxguyInstalling now
21:45.54TuxguyDo I need a promiscuous router? or, switch?
21:46.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:47.29jayteeif you're running wireshark on your asterisk box then all you need is to make sure your NIC supports running in promiscuous mode which most do
21:48.32TuxguyInstalled wireshark.. whatis the command? wireshark isn't the name of the binary file
21:49.32jayteeTuxguy, based on the IP address of the phone and the server they're both on the same subnet. If you're trying to capture traffic from device A to device B on device B no problem. If you need to capture traffic from a third node you need to have both it and one of the endpoints on a hub cascaded usually. there are other tricks though.
21:50.09jayteeit should install a link in your Applications/System Tools menu
21:50.16Tuxguyah i got it
21:51.39jayteeTuxguy, what linux distro?
21:52.05TuxguyWeird that asterisk isnt showing that attempt
21:52.58Tuxguyhmm, my wireshark isnt a GUI like that
21:53.02jayteethere's a section in there about MGCP. It's quittin time for me so I've gotta leave in a minute.
21:53.24TuxguyIll wait here until another day :P j/p
21:53.58jayteeTuxguy, it used to be called Ethereal and it comes in both Windows and Linux flavors. Each one looks just a teensy bit different
21:54.52Tuxguyah found wireshark-gnome
21:55.35TuxguyOnly getting the same errors
21:56.20jayteetry typing service iptables stop to temporarily kill your firewall and retest a call.
21:56.34Tuxguyits not running
21:56.50jayteewell, good luck with that. I've gotta head out.
22:00.00Carlos_PHXTrying to shop SIP carriers is worse than having to vote for either Obama or McCain.
22:00.28Carlos_PHXYou know no matter what you are screwed, but you are currently being screwed and hope for some lube in your future screwing.
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22:01.21Carlos_PHXIt's the bane of my existence these days.
22:02.31TuxguyI do not have a firewall running, but I am getting an error over wireshark that my MGCP phone is unreachable.
22:03.44Tuxguy"692","448.496570","","","ICMP","Destination unreachable (Port unreachable)"
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22:05.28[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: Do you see * listening on MGCP?
22:06.27[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: pastebin your firewall dump, your mgcp.conf, CLI output at verbose 10, mgcp debug enabled, etc
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22:07.26TuxguyI do not have a firewall, but I can do the rest. Also, mgcp debug doesn't ever say anything
22:09.42Tuxguy[TK]D-Fender:  this is mostly just mgcp.conf , because there isnt anything in CLI except the command prompts
22:11.02[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: include an iptables dump, a netstat -an dump, an "mgcp show users", etc
22:13.59TuxguyNo such command mgcp show users
22:14.14Tuxguyshow endpoints?
22:15.09[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: "help mgcp"
22:17.14TuxguyIs there anything else needed with that apte , [TK]D-Fender ?
22:19.30[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: [] <- wonder if this should be some kind of username
22:19.34[TK]D-FenderMAC, etc
22:19.43TuxguyIP address
22:20.14TuxguyI can change it to the MAC address of the phone and retry.
22:20.26[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: try a few different things
22:21.14TuxguyOk, i have changed it to use the MAC address. What else do you suggest i try?
22:23.25[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: not sure
22:23.40TuxguyRunning wireshark again on the IP address of the phone.
22:23.51TuxguyThis is why I was hoping that I could find an MGCP softphone.
22:24.17[TK]D-Fendertux you see no incoming traffic on starting up the phone?
22:24.23[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: or dialing?
22:24.32TuxguyNot in the CLI with Verbosity set to 10, and MGCP set debug on
22:25.02TuxguyIn wireshark, I see a bunch of ICMP Destination unreachable when connecting from Asterisk->the phone
22:25.14TuxguyAlso a lot of Phone -> Asterisk RSIP messages
22:26.14[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: nmap the phone... see anything unusual?
22:27.15[TK]D-FenderTuxcomplete port scan, TCP & UDP
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22:32.11TuxguyThe only ports that are open are 6000 and 8000
22:32.35[TK]D-FenderTuxguy: I'm trusting it less and less
22:33.00*** join/#asterisk cvnet (n=dahitler@
22:33.04cvnethello hello
22:33.38cvnetis there a way to find out the pattern of payphones?
22:33.50Tuxguy[TK]D-Fender: These phones work with though, wich is weird.
22:40.56TuxguyThis makes absolutely no sense. Shouldnt that port be open so that asterisk can talk to it?
22:41.13tompawhi there
22:41.18tompawwhich phones are you discussing?
22:42.04*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:42.24tompawhas anyone used asterisk + openser as a load balancer?
22:42.50Tuxguytompaw: Nortel 6812
22:43.05tompawouch :)
22:43.24TuxguyFamiliar with this phone?
22:43.56tompawnope, but I just noticed you guys were discussing mgcp
22:45.23TuxguyThis phone doesnt have an incoming port, lol
22:48.06tompawdoes it say on the package that it supports answering calls, too?
22:48.14tompawmaybe is has an asterisk somewhere ;-)
22:48.25tompaw* - this model is only designed for making calls.
22:49.34ManxPowerIt's going to be a cold night here in northern AL
22:49.59tompawwhat's AL?
22:50.03tompawit is a cold night here as well
22:50.16tompawand they say that true winter starts this weekend
22:50.28tompawwith snow, santa and stuff...
22:50.31*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
22:51.11tompawluckily, my Nokians WR G2 + quattro drive are giving me a piece of mind ;)
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22:58.19tompawManxPower: what's AL?
23:02.52cvnetquestions: if a calls comes in from one of DID in asterisk box, and there is no match in sip.conf where does it go on extensions.conf ?
23:09.10murdock_utcvnet: Depends on your dialplan.
23:09.29*** join/#asterisk C4away (n=DJpyro@
23:09.41C4awayis there a way to send to two email addresses from voicemail.conf?
23:10.22C4away1234 => 1234,Joe User,
23:11.07C4awayor maybe with a ;
23:11.14highzethor make a mail alias
23:11.20C4awaycomma and pipe are obviously out
23:11.24C4awayyea, I can do that
23:11.29C4awayif I have to
23:12.01C4awayhell, I'm too lazy to google to see if anyone has done this, you think I'm going to go make a mail alias?
23:13.06murdock_utC4away: That is what I do.
23:15.21C4awayin 2006 there was talk on asterisk-dev mailing list to do a space or : seperated list of email addresses
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23:18.55C4awayfunny me
23:19.19C4awayI"ll just modify the voicemail thing to point to Voicemail(123&456)
23:19.29C4awaywhy didn't I think of that earlier?
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23:25.58unpaidbillhrm, my chan_dahdi module loads, i see it reads the config fine 'Registered channel 1, FXO Kewlstart signalling' etc.. but i have no dahdi commands in the console
23:26.14unpaidbilli cant figure out what is broken :/
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23:27.26unpaidbillit appears to not be even trying to load chan_dahdi...
23:28.01ManxPowercvnet: it will normally be sent to the contest listed in sip.conf [general]
23:36.22unpaidbillhmm ok so it is loading apparently, i can do a module load chan_dahdi and it does the whole registered channel 1.... and so on, but i dont get any dahdi * commands on the console and I cant dial any of the channels on the tdm
23:36.30unpaidbillhow nice
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23:44.44jameswfunpaidbill: RTFL
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