IRC log for #asterisk on 20081117

00:00.24interfaithquestsome how i think the idea of peer to peer free voip is not good for wall street ? as it stands today
00:00.44interfaithquesthowever freedom of communication maybe the best medicine for all
00:00.55interfaithquestlet the titans fall i say
00:01.12drmessanoClimb every mountain?
00:01.34interfaithquestsome reports claim port scanning is a way to punch thru between any two peers.. and is used by skype now days
00:02.10interfaithquestif a punch thru server is launched for all to use.. that may spark the fire
00:02.56drmessanoSkype doesnt "port scan and punch holes"
00:03.01drmessanoTheres a LOT more to it than that
00:03.08drmessanoMaybe you need a good book on NAT
00:03.55interfaithquestwell yes, ,they do many tricks, however port scanning seems to solve the symmetric nat barrier ,several sites claim as much
00:04.23interfaithquesti am inching thru a report online that details the skype protocol
00:05.08interfaithquestanyway once a punch thru engine is launched.. the clients simply slave away, they dont need to be smart
00:05.51drmessanoDoes the punch thru engine run on water?
00:05.53interfaithquestthe java punch thru engine can be upgraded to take on the remaining 1% nat brick houses
00:06.15coppicethe size of the internet means you'll find sites claiming anything you can think of
00:06.16interfaithquesthave you seen
00:06.58interfaithquestthey claim electronic power is the power of the future.. not fission
00:07.06[TK]D-FenderSkype goes so far as to masquerade as HTTP, HTTPS for ports, and even carry over as TCP (nice risk there).  Basically Skype will break every rule or sane way it feels like to do its job
00:07.28interfaithquestfor now though i will make the most of iax.. as most will be wiling to port forward 4569
00:07.42[TK]D-FenderIt's "protocol" is a complete breach of "protocol".
00:07.47interfaithquestyeah i was thinking of spoofing.. to jump over NAT
00:08.05interfaithquestfake the 'from' address/port
00:08.11interfaithquestdirty punch
00:08.24[TK]D-Fenderkicks interfaithquest in the nads
00:08.32interfaithquestha ha
00:08.40coppice[TK]D-Fender: in a world of wacky firewalls breaking every rule in the book, you gotta fight back
00:09.02[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Its sad when other aspire to the crap others resort to ;)
00:09.08interfaithquestas it is though iax seems to have 90% of the nat problem solved, so enhancing that maybe the starting point
00:09.08drmessanoYou wanna talk about limiting communication.. basing your FOSSLICUP on IAX2 is umm limiting at best
00:10.04coppiceiax has exactly the same issues as SIP, and doesn't usually solve them as well as most practical SIP implementations
00:10.08drmessanoSIP has the NAT problem solved too
00:10.15interfaithquestXMPP /jingle is claimed to be 'state of the art' by google
00:10.20drmessanoOpen the ports, config 3 lines in asterisk
00:11.02drmessanoOnly difference between IAX2 and SIP.. the 3 lines in Asterisk
00:11.03interfaithquestSTUN server will not conquer symmetric NAT
00:11.45interfaithquestgtalk seems way out infront of any SIP solution for global peer to peer open system
00:12.13interfaithquestthough sip has great momentum.. with the big boys on it
00:12.17drmessanoI thought a proxy was out of the question
00:12.20drmessanoSo how does that work?
00:12.41interfaithquesteven skype has a location server
00:13.04drmessanoSo Jingle and SIP have the same problem for clients
00:13.10drmessanoA central server
00:13.27WimpManThe one called DNS?
00:13.33drmessanoheh no
00:13.35drmessanoThat too
00:13.48drmessanoGtalk client needs the Jabber server to communicate
00:14.01drmessanoSIP client, a pure client, needs a server
00:14.05interfaithquestso which one is better at scaling to millions of users ?
00:14.24WimpManSIP, IAX and even H323 don't NEED anything more than DNS.
00:14.32drmessanoEither one, theres no scaling limit to DNS
00:14.41WimpManWhat's a SIP client supposed to be?
00:14.45drmessanoI can run a SIP server or an XMPP server
00:14.52drmessanoWimpMan: A softphone
00:14.56drmessanoWimpMan: An ATA
00:14.59drmessanoWimpMan: A phone
00:15.04interfaithquestso today is there a sip based instant messenger for millions on line now ?
00:15.05drmessanoNo ports open, ETC
00:15.09drmessanoJust like a Gtalk client
00:15.17WimpManA softphone is not just a client, but a server as well.
00:15.43drmessanoJesus Christ
00:15.44WimpManMaybe not the well known one.
00:16.06drmessanoHes comparing to GTALK.. and the point was a SIP CLIENT is as useless behind a NAT with identify as GTALK, and vice versa
00:16.53WimpManAnything behind NAT is useless unless you do something about it. That's not even specific to voip.
00:16.54drmessanoYou dont just connect an ATA to the world and become sip://
00:17.15WimpManBut you can.
00:17.19drmessanoYes, well aware of that
00:17.45drmessanoNot without ports open and the ATA having some sense of outside IP
00:18.49interfaithquesthey its good see a little excitement :)
00:18.51drmessanoGtalk still needs a central server
00:18.56WimpManBut what's the point? That's a firewall/nat/whatevernetworking problem.
00:19.15drmessanoWimpMan: Scroll the fuck up
00:19.28drmessanoWimpMan: Youre arguing over a point that isnt even needing to be made or relevant
00:19.53WimpManTha't indeed the impression I got.
00:20.07drmessanoWell, you havent been reading then
00:20.34interfaithquestanyway there is a huge potential for a global peer to peer network, the telcos fear that
00:20.39WimpManIt just doesn't make much sense.
00:20.59interfaithquestthe days of the pstn are numbered
00:21.20interfaithquestthe devil is on the run
00:21.32WimpManThe PSTN is already shrinking at a considerable rate.
00:21.50drmessanoNot really, no
00:21.58WimpManIt is.
00:22.07[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: they hardly fear it.  Lack of guaranteed Net Neutrality, ISP meddling and the world's inability to pick any kind of standard and even have those that do do so reliably make it a moot point
00:22.22interfaithquestwhen the global universal full duplex internet audio arrives.. all big companies will go for it on the web
00:22.27drmessanoWimpMan: Ever heard of cellphones?
00:22.32drmessanoWimpMan: Really man
00:22.34WimpManMany telcos won't do it any more. If yo order a phone line they give you DSL and an ATA.
00:22.42[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Who is going to create and protect the standard?  And ENFORCE it?
00:22.48[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: This is a pipe dream
00:23.02interfaithquestthe internet was a dream back in 1985
00:23.05drmessanooh god
00:23.09[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Why do you think analog has stuck around so long... you just can't get rid of this shit
00:23.24[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: No, the internet was Arpanet :0
00:23.39WimpManYes, Cellphones are still going. But with mobile internet they will go the same way in a couple of years.
00:23.46drmessanoAn ATA from your telco is still PSTN.. its not an analog line, but its no more "the open neutral voip network" than a cordless phone is freedom from PSTN wires
00:23.51[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: And did the internet replace snail-mail?  Will it ever?
00:24.22interfaithquestqwest gives 20meg download and .5 meg upload.. THEY FEAR FULL DUPLEX NETWORKING
00:24.48interfaithquestwimax may move in over the established lords
00:25.02drmessanoNo, they fear that clients uploading puts more of a strain on the network than downloads do..
00:25.04[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Each consumer's upstream is more than enough to suport VoIP, etc for the normal stuff.... frankly, WHO CARES
00:25.23drmessanoand most people dont need the large upload capacity
00:25.24WimpMandrmessano: What's PSTn about getting an ATA? People are becoming aware of the fact thay can just go and chose another SIP server than their Telcos one.
00:25.40interfaithquestthe mind will adapt. .and use all that is available..
00:25.54[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: And where does another SIP server terminate to?  the PSTN <---
00:26.04[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: Welcome back to right where you started.
00:26.15WimpMan[TK]D-Fender: That's just an intermediate.
00:26.16[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: the lowest common denomitor is still in the way
00:26.22JymmmEMCY'all are full of shit!  CONNECT 2400 FTW!!!
00:26.28drmessanoWimpMan: Last time I checked, the calls I make over a VoIP provider to any other person on the planet go over the PSTN
00:26.33[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: You are never elimiating it, you are just finding more stuff to shove in the middle
00:26.42drmessano[TK]D-Fender: EXACTLY
00:27.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: people is DUM.  D-U-M dumb!
00:27.03WimpManYou can use URL now. And you can use your e-mail address as phone number as well. That's where the thing gets interesting. Universal addresses.
00:27.15drmessanoIf they replaced your two wire analog connection with Fiber from your back door to a SLC96 down the street, do you have FIBERPHONE?  No, not really
00:27.15JymmmEMCFidoNet will rise up again!!!
00:27.28[TK]D-FenderJymmmEMC: Been there, done that...
00:27.34drmessanoI can SIP URI dial a vonage user?
00:27.46drmessanoThey can SIP URI dial me?
00:27.51[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Sure.. if you like the "rejected" message they'll give you ;)
00:28.08JymmmEMC[TK]D-Fender: Hey, it's still going actually =)  I've been thinking about tossing up a bbs with TradeWars =)
00:28.21[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: See, NOBODY likes competition... thats what will stop worldwide adoption of anything else.
00:28.38[TK]D-FenderJymmmEMC: I have a few Telnet TW2002 links around at hoem...
00:28.38Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
00:28.54[TK]D-Fenderkicks Nugget-bot in the nads
00:29.01interfaithquesti stirred up a hornets nest
00:29.11[TK]D-FenderJymmmEMC: I was a TW2002 God in my day...
00:29.16drmessanointerfaithquest: Dont flatter yourself
00:29.26drmessanointerfaithquest: You didnt stir anything.. you havent cause a revolution
00:29.33JymmmEMC[TK]D-Fender: I just kept blowing up ships =)
00:29.47[TK]D-Fenderpushes interfaithquest out of the clouds and watches him plummet to his demise...
00:30.14drmessanoLike peer to peer calling has NEVER been debated in here before
00:30.19interfaithquestworld peace is on the way.. with or without techno babble
00:31.19interfaithquesteveryone needs a stake in it
00:31.21RB2Has anyone attempted to get BLF working on the poly w/ the new 3.1 fw?
00:31.34JymmmEMCinterfaithquest: I see you've rejected our reality and substituted your own.
00:31.43[TK]D-FenderRB2: Should be jsut the same
00:32.10[TK]D-FenderJymmmEMC: I'm going to get myself one of Adam's "I do my own stunts" t-shirts...
00:33.10RB2[TK]D-Fender, at least on the 650, you couldn't do blf without an expansion module. Apparently with 3.1, you can.
00:33.11JymmmEMC[TK]D-Fender: LOL there ya go! One guys keeps pushing me to try and get a job there. Maybe I should *shrug*
00:33.51drmessanoGoing back to the earlier convo that so rudely became something else completely.. IAX2 is not better suited for being the "God protocol" than SIP is..  The problem lies in no person having any sort of identity with their connection.  No end user cares about IP addresses. In the end you do need some association of user@host which means the host on your end becoming meaningful
00:34.05[TK]D-FenderRB2: BS, you could always do buddies ont he phone itself
00:34.33[TK]D-FenderRB2: just leae some line-keys free
00:35.35drmessanoNow if you take into consideration services like gmail, hotmail, etc.. and throw in your directory access.. Youre a button click away from telling Gmail "detect my IP now", setting up a router that assigns "" to port on, and having your calls routed via some big cloud
00:35.36interfaithquesthow about an X prize for voip
00:35.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: the global telco system works because everybody charges each other.  P2P will fail to replace because nobody wants to deal with the central authentication, etc it would require.
00:36.00drmessanoGoogle !
00:36.04[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe. (c) JerJer
00:36.16RB2[TK]D-Fender, yes you could add buddies. But, I was referring to the attendant xml element. Maybe I missed something, but from what I've read, it should add a blf.
00:36.22drmessanoReally.. Have good handle the auth
00:36.37drmessanoAssociate my IP via some Google client
00:36.58[TK]D-FenderRB2: .... jsut don't allocate all your line-keys to reg's & appearances and you can SEE youre BLF on the free keys on the phone itself
00:36.59drmessanoBasically we need a Gtalk appliance
00:37.01JymmmEMCHe, it's kinda funny.... you guys are all about moving forward in the digital world and such. While here I am with my ham radio and (newest toy) 36port serial concentrator that show up as /dev/ttyx under nix =)
00:37.09interfaithquestdrmessano: exactly
00:37.27drmessanoJymmmEMC: Ham radio is even old to hams
00:37.36WimpMan... and we're at the same point as with dyndns?
00:37.41drmessanoJymmmEMC: Who the hell WANTS to get on 75 meters
00:37.50drmessanoWimpMan: No, IPV6 or static IPs
00:37.58JymmmEMCdrmessano: Nah, I have APRS + GPS connected up =)
00:38.03drmessanoWimpMan: Dynamic IPs are only used for extortion
00:38.10interfaithquestwith google video released, can a low cost google video phone be far away?
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00:38.17drmessanoJymmmEMC: I was on APRS about 12 years ago.. not much since
00:38.27WimpManEveryone tells me so, bu I bet at least some ISPs will find ways to make it dynamic.
00:38.30drmessanoJymmmEMC: Used to teach an APRS class
00:38.47drmessanoWimpMan: For extortion
00:39.02RB2[TK]D-Fender, by enabling bw in the contacts directory or by adding the attendant directive? I can get the blf to show up by adding a buddy watch, but it never does anything.
00:39.19drmessanoWimpMan: did you know Comcast dropped their rates for business class service by 40%?  and they TRIPLED the price of a static IP?
00:39.24JymmmEMCdrmessano: I was trying to get the county OES to use APRS, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks
00:39.24WimpMandrmessano: Sure.
00:39.47drmessano$59 for the former $99 service.. and $15 for the former $5 static
00:39.53drmessanoIts about money
00:40.05drmessanoNot about cost of them supplying a static
00:40.27WimpManThat's why I don't believe in that static-only story.
00:40.59interfaithquestobama should let fiber MAN into each city
00:41.13interfaithquestnot superman fiberman METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK
00:41.27JymmmEMCMmmmmm fiber to the desktop!
00:41.30interfaithquestCRUSH the arrogan telcos
00:41.43JymmmEMC4G FTW!
00:41.54interfaithquest1 gig full duplex
00:42.09drmessanoWimpMan: Static IPs are going to have to happen.. they wont be able to continue having to spend money to manage static addresses, which now cost them to seperate out and sell
00:42.24interfaithquestmost cities have fiber along all highways for DOT service.. just roll it out
00:42.51interfaithquestwhat is stopping ipv6 from emerging ?
00:42.55drmessanoor dealing with the excess traffic of renewals, etc
00:43.02WimpManI'm sure they will still want to charge extra even if it costs them less.
00:43.03drmessanoIPv6 ha
00:44.03drmessanoWimpMan: Comcast already has to deal with too many devices requesting IP renewals.. it wont last
00:44.11RB2[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks. I'll check everything over. Just one more question, should I use the attendant setting w/ asterisk or not?
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00:44.27WimpManTake a look at POTS vs ISDN. ISDN costs less than PSTN but is sold for more.
00:44.27drmessanoThe number of IP addressible devices is going to explode in Feb
00:44.53drmessanoWimpMan: Thats not true
00:45.04interfaithquestperhaps networking will be the engine of the new economy.. as this one has tanked
00:45.04[TK]D-FenderRB2: what "attendant setting"?  There is nothing spcial to the console.. it just spills over directory entries...
00:45.18interfaithquestobama.. fiber to every home now !
00:45.24WimpMandrmessano: It is
00:45.31interfaithquestfiberman to the resuce
00:45.32drmessanoNon-switched pair back to the CO, cost of the cards at the CO..
00:45.41drmessanoISDN costs more
00:45.49[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Who cares about the MEDIUM when the MESSAGE is bullshit?
00:45.58[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: You still keep missing the point :)
00:46.10interfaithquesti maybe new at this
00:46.12WimpManBefore the SIP over DSL hack Telcos have given ISDN lines with TAs to customers ordering POTS because it's cheaper.
00:46.38drmessanoApparently youre not in the US
00:46.45interfaithquestfiber to every home will generate jobs
00:46.52drmessanoBecause in AT&T land, they use copper
00:47.02[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: And take away others
00:47.04drmessanoand in AT&T land, ISDN costs MORE
00:47.05interfaithquestfiber to every home will bring networking life to the world
00:47.17[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: There's never a trade-off in DreamLand is there?
00:47.20interfaithquestfiber to every home is the answer
00:47.36[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: and the only response to that is.... 42
00:47.44drmessanoIn the US, no telco is every gonna give someone DSL and an ATA in place of an order for an analog line
00:47.46drmessanoNo sir
00:47.47interfaithquestas in 42nd street ?
00:48.10interfaithquestporn has a way of rotting the soul of every human endeavor.. phone sex whatever
00:48.18JymmmEMCmarket st
00:48.19drmessanoDSL uses a copper pair.. thats not cheaper
00:48.27WimpManWell, tha's just proof of the theory that time and place are interconnected :-)
00:48.48WimpManIt's cheaper to maintain.
00:49.03drmessanoIts the same copper
00:49.10interfaithquestfiber to the home will save a lot of gas
00:49.28interfaithquestfull duplex gigabit ethernet
00:49.34WimpManYou have a device at the customers end that is capable of doing line tests in an ojvetive way.
00:49.39drmessanointerfaithquest: and delivery of fast food vs home cooked meals will generate more gas
00:49.42interfaithquestis there a shortage of ip's for that ?
00:50.21drmessanoWimpMan: Yeah, youve now added an extra device to the line.. How is that LESS?  and they can do objective tests of the line
00:50.24drmessanoThey do it all the time
00:50.47RB2[TK]D-Fender, there is an attendant setting as per the poly sip admin guide (page A-103 in the 3.0 manual). In 3.0, it only worked w/ expansion modules. In 3.1, it can be enabled without having one. I'll just research it some more. Thanks again.
00:50.51drmessanoa DSLAM isn't free
00:51.12WimpManThe point is with DSL or ISDN you can check the line op to the terminating equipment at a mouseclik. And if that results in an ok, it's up to the customer. That saves big bucks.
00:51.25drmessanoThey can DO THAT NOW
00:51.29drmessanowith a MOUSECLICK
00:52.00drmessanoThey can run a test from the CO and tell you anything you want to know about that copper pair
00:52.10WimpManIt's no where the same accuracy as with digital equipment.
00:52.19drmessanoAn ATA isnt gonna tell them shit
00:52.33drmessanoRegged or not regged
00:52.37drmessanoWorking or not working
00:52.46WimpManIt doesn't have to.
00:52.57[TK]D-Fender\o/ - Budget file ^%#@$ing completed!  And it only ate up my entire weekend!
00:52.57drmessanoand they are using digital equipment to test the line
00:52.58interfaithquestnow that the car companies have tanked.. what else is there but fiber to the home left to do here ?
00:53.13[TK]D-Fender\o/ - Budget file ^%#@$ing completed!  And it only ate up my entire weekend!I'm done... SO very done...
00:53.18[TK]D-FenderI'm outta here... back in a bit...
00:53.21drmessanoHave you ever seen the inside of a CO?  Do you even know what capabilities modern linesman have?
00:53.27WimpManAll you want to know is if the Modem or NT has a good signal. Everythin eles is usually not the telcos business any more.
00:53.32[TK]D-Fenderlater all
00:53.37interfaithquestme too
00:54.29WimpManDo you want to tell me you can make exact measurement with only one end of the wire?
00:54.58WimpManSure. Some faults can be found on one end only, but a full quality check sorely requires more.
00:55.02drmessanoYes actually
00:55.12drmessanoThey can run loop tests on the line for noise, etc
00:55.20drmessanoThey dont have one end of the line
00:55.22drmessanoThey have TWO
00:55.30drmessanoOne big circuit
00:56.00WimpManAnd what is at the consumer end ot a POTS line?
00:56.01drmessanoThey can check CO > User > CO
00:56.29drmessanoA closed relay
00:56.34drmessanoA switch
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00:57.12drmessanoIf its closed, we test for line condtions.. if its open, they have something off hook or theres a physical line problem that requires a service call
00:57.37drmessanoThey can run very accurate tests on that loop
00:57.48WimpManBut on just a short cuircuit loop you can not do everything you can with active equipment.
00:57.52drmessanoWhat good is a modem or NT if the device is OFFLINE
00:58.00drmessanoor getting inaccurate measurements
00:58.01drmessanoor bad
00:58.04drmessanono use AT ALL
00:58.18drmessanoWimpMan: There is active equipment on the line
00:58.22drmessanoThe Central office
00:58.29drmessanoAs I said to you before
00:58.32drmessanoIts a BIG LOOP
00:58.35drmessanoNot just ONE END
00:58.46drmessanoThey can check that WHOLE circuit
00:58.51WimpManWhat? You put a CO in everyones home?
00:59.03WimpManI said customer end.
00:59.12drmessanoDo you understand basics of electrical circuits?
00:59.36WimpManAnd what about you?
00:59.40drmessanoThat pair with a shorted end is BIG LOOP
00:59.47drmessanoStop being an asshole
00:59.52drmessanoYoure not even close on this
01:00.29WimpManWe're talking about a line carrying alternating currents. even more so different frequencies.
01:00.32drmessanoIf take both wires of that pair at the CO, I have a nice big closed loop to the customer
01:00.35drmessanoI can run all I want on it
01:01.19drmessanoWe're talking about a loop that of wire that any number of tests can be run on.. We can check for noise, look for breaks with a simple TDR
01:01.24drmessanoand they do
01:02.10WimpManYes, tha's what I referred to above, when I said some tests can be dome from only one end.
01:02.19drmessanoLet me ask you a question
01:02.28drmessanoIf Take that pair from the customer
01:02.31drmessanoIf I Take that pair from the customer
01:02.45drmessanowith it closed off at the other end.. all phones on hook
01:02.47drmessanoand I drive to the CO
01:03.11drmessanoand I take one end of that wire to the customer and plug it in a testing device
01:03.26drmessanoand I take the other end and plug it into another tester
01:03.51drmessanoand I make a 1 foot piece of 22 gauge and run it to the second terminal on both testers
01:04.01drmessanoSo not I have tester ======== tester with a pair between
01:04.13drmessanoexcept one leg is 4 miles long
01:04.16drmessanothe other is about 1 foot
01:04.20drmessanoCan I not test that line?
01:05.03WimpManYou can do tests. Sure. But Not all or not at the same accuracy.
01:05.27drmessanoI am testing the same 8 miles of copper (4 miles both ways)
01:05.33drmessanoI shorted the far end
01:05.39drmessanoand I put the SAME tester in line
01:05.39WimpManDo you think you can get sensible frequency response measurements that way?
01:05.52drmessanoNo different than 4 miles both ways
01:06.01WimpManThat is definitely not the same.
01:06.04drmessanoIt is
01:06.21drmessanoI can check for all the same line conditions
01:06.29WimpManWell, it you think so I'd suggest you do some research on that topic.
01:06.39drmessanoNaah, I have about 12 years experience
01:06.42drmessanoMaybe you should
01:07.28drmessanoAnyway.. My work is done here.. I suggest a good reading of basics of electrical circuits to start
01:07.51WimpManSo do I.
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01:29.27WimpManOk, I need to correct that one. With basic electrical circuits, drmessano is off course right, But this is about signal transmission and that's where it no longer fits.
01:29.36WimpManAnd now off to bed.
01:29.49drmessanoand thats where youre wrong
01:30.08drmessanoThey can test signal transmission just fine, they're not jusy ohm'ing it out
01:30.26drmessanoJust the same as having testers on "both ends"
01:30.28JymmmEMCringing iyt out
01:30.32drmessanowhich they effectively do
01:30.32JymmmEMCringing it out
01:31.26drmessanoYou would surprised what you can learn about a pair of wire by only having "one end"
01:31.35drmessanoIts a pair, so you never really have "one end"
01:32.25JymmmEMCYeah? Hook that pair to 220vac and see what happens =)
01:32.46drmessanoShorted or unshorted?
01:32.59JymmmEMCone way to find out =)
01:33.01drmessanounshorted, not a problem..
01:33.25drmessanoI've seen 220 run over Belden 291 before lol
01:34.13jblackwow the yen is strong.
01:34.29drmessanoWhen it comes to running signals over wire.. theres nothing ma-bell can do to trump those running RF over copper
01:34.35drmessanoAnalog audio?  please
01:34.57kerxwhat is a good open source session border controllers?  I've never really seen any of these.
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03:03.31adilwalihello, i have a asterisk server running on UK, and my customers are on the US, i also have customers on the UK and i need them to talk to each other but the quality is really bad, because there is lot of latency between the countries... is there a way i could make this better? i use gsm/ulaw/alaw codecs... thanks
03:04.05SkramXare your service providers top notch?
03:04.20*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
03:04.40SkramXim not an expert, but perhaps have a server in the US too and have US-US and UK-UK calls route through their respective servers to make /those/ conversations better..
03:05.28adilwaliSkramX: i use teliax but only for pstn termination
03:05.31*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
03:05.51adilwaliSkramX: and how US-US and UK-UK would make these people talk to each other?
03:06.26SkramXim saying.. people in the US talking to people in the US would be better routed through the US than a server in the UK and then back to US
03:08.36adilwalithe problem is that people in the US wants to talk with people in the UK
03:09.17jer_find a better peer in either the UK or the US (or both) ... where latency is lower
03:09.40SkramXthat's really the only solution for the cross-continent communication
03:09.45SkramXnot sure how good teliax is..
03:10.15jer_well he's only using teliax from his statement for pstn termination, that doesn't mean squat for his internet connection, which is what i was referring to
03:10.39SkramXah yes.
03:10.42jer_have the two server option yes, definitely... but also make sure those two servers are behind peers with lower latency to the UK from the US, and likewise
03:11.35jer_inter-country communication isn't really terrible between countries like, Canada and the US, or any scandinavian country and another scandinavian country... just as an example
03:11.57jer_but once you start crossing oceans, be prepared to have to find the right nsp to peer with
03:12.04jer_and be prepared to pay through the roof for it
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03:13.15JymmmEMCadilwali: you in/near argentina?
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03:14.37adilwaliJymmmEMC: yes
03:15.08JymmmEMCadilwali: That's the problem it seems. huge latency at that point directly.
03:15.29JymmmEMCalmsot 3x more than the previous hop
03:16.05adilwaliwont codecs like g729 solve that?
03:17.01[TK]D-Fenderadilwali: Codecs don't make your latency any better...
03:17.05JymmmEMCyou're talking 225ms latency at your end point.
03:17.08[TK]D-Fenderadilwali: delay is delay
03:17.41JymmmEMCadilwali: consider a different local connection if nothing more than a test
03:19.41*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
03:24.48adilwaliJymmmEMC: yeah, the problem is that with a local connection there will still be delay between the US <-> UK
03:24.57adilwalimaybe a TIER-1 connection between the two continents will be good?
03:25.29JymmmEMCeven from .nl to you is bad is the problem =)
03:27.24*** join/#asterisk Bad_Robot- (
03:33.38adilwalican i use teliax to connect my 200 users to it, or i will need like 200 accounts for that? maybe they have better connection than what i have
03:33.45adilwalii mean connect directly
03:39.57x86voip across the internet is suck
03:40.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:40.43adilwalivoip across what then is better?
03:41.00SkramXtwo cans and string!
03:46.21x86adilwali: point to point circuit or LAN is the only way to do VoIP
03:48.01ManxPowerWell the only way to do VoIP well is point-to-point or LAN, you can do unreliable VoIP over the internet.
03:51.08ManxPowerYou really can't tell the difference between standard PSTN and VoIP over a link with real QoS.
03:52.41*** join/#asterisk AsterNoob (n=AsterNew@
03:55.20AsterNoobQuick question, because I am apparently missing something...  I have a grandstream 2000 phone which has 4 extensions setup on my desk, and two more on my employees desks.  I'd like it to ring the first available extension on each phone only, for example, if I am on line 1 and a call comes in, then ring line 2, if I place line one on hold and am talking to line 2 and another call comes in ring line 3, etc.. and do that for all phones.. The closest I can
03:56.45[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: this is a phone config issue.
03:56.56adilwaliManxPower: so in other words, is impossible to do VoIP in a reliable way over the public internet?
03:56.58[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: You should stop thinking of those as "lines" so much as "appearances"
03:57.50[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: most phones that can support multiple simultaneous calls can be set up to cascade naturally like that
03:58.32AsterNoobI was thinking of them as apparences, so... it's not handled by asterisk then?  wierd.. I would have thought for sure some sort of hunting was needed..
03:58.41AsterNoobOk, I'll look into the telephone configuration more
03:59.07[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: They should all be associated with a single registation
04:03.10SkramX[TK]D-Fender - does that apply to all phones? including Cisco SCCP ones?
04:03.25SkramXbecause I have several which I want to have two lines and will be setting them up for agent queueing ...
04:03.27[TK]D-FenderSkramX: SCCP is another ball-game
04:03.36SkramXuh oh.
04:03.37[TK]D-FenderSkramX: much like MGCP
04:03.55SkramXif i keep the phones one-line.. do I just do regular agent queueing in *?
04:04.00AsterNoobHmm, currently I have each "line" (because thats what Grandstream calls them) setup with their own extension # (ie: 101 for line 1, 201 for line 2, 301 for line 3, and 401 for line 4) and was trying to find someway to make it hunt to the next line button when the previous one is busy
04:04.24[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: you should not be setting them up as separate reg's, but rather as the SAME reg
04:04.45AsterNoobactually, that kind of makes sense. ;)
04:04.51AsterNooblemme try that.
04:08.30AsterNoobhmm.. it apparently doesn't like that.
04:09.42[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: Go read up on how to properly configure it so it spans lines.
04:09.55[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: it might just use them all if you only specify the first
04:10.48AsterNoobI'll see what I can find, but it appears that Asterisk is not letting me register twice
04:10.54AsterNoobIt's only seeing the last one
04:10.57[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: it shouldn't be
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04:11.16[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: so knock off the other reg's and see if it spans naturally.. you may have an option to take in the phone for this
04:12.04AsterNoobI've looked for the option, and the reason I tried registering the others  in the first place was because it wasn't spanning
04:12.41AsterNoobI didn't get a manual with the phone, but I just found one online, checking to see if it says anything... Like I said, I assumed it was an asterisk thing originally.
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04:15.22[TK]D-FenderAsterNoob: it isn't
04:15.33*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
04:16.21jayteegod I hate flying
04:16.44jayteemy flight from O'Hare got cancelled and I had to wait till 8pm for another flight.
04:17.15jayteethen when I got here they'd opened the new air terminal and the cab ride back to my house was 23 bucks. getting to the airport last week it was 9.50
04:21.36SkramXlame indeed
04:22.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:24.04jayteethe new air terminal is really "spiffy". it even has a Pacific Outfitters and Brooks Brothers stores for those 1.5% of the population that won't be on government relief and actually able to fly and buy things in 2009.
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04:29.16[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Considering how many people go through there on a daily basis, just think what that 1.5% represents...
04:29.33jayteea few hundred thou a week
04:31.26[TK]D-Fenderjust a little food for thought...
04:32.25jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah, it's true and it is a very nicely designed terminal. I've just got the post flight delayed flight PMS crabby poopy pants grouchy kick a puppy blues
04:32.50jayteebut it's nice to be home
04:32.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: don't let Katty hear you saying that!
04:33.17jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I think she knows I'd never actually kick a puppy
04:34.08jayteethe only thing I'll hurt or kill is a spider or a roach in my apartment. if it's outside I'll ignore it. I even walked around some kind of roach in Huntsville the other day.
04:34.28jayteeand ants inside too
04:34.40jayteeif they're outside I'll leave em be
04:34.45SkramXjaytee - which airport?
04:35.00SkramXnever been
04:35.03drmessano[Digg] 20 Things to do after installing Ubuntu Linux <--- 5. Throw out your condoms, buy some new comic books (trust me)
04:35.28[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Finally, a credible review!
04:35.44jayteeand wireless worked awesome in Huntsville at the airport on my lappy but in O'Hare it wouldn't work even though it said it was connected and excellent signal strength
04:36.41drmessanoDifference between north and south
04:36.54drmessanoIn the south, we're too ignerent to have camputers
04:36.58drmessanoSo free Wifi
04:37.43jayteeit's supposed to be free in O'Hare and they keep saying that over the PA but you just can't get to the web.
04:37.45drmessanoAt O'Hare, they had Cisco AerPort WAPs and could detect you couldnt afford the $75 a min for internet, so they blocked your MAC
04:37.52*** join/#asterisk mosty (
04:38.17drmessanoCourtesty of your RFID enabled MasterCard
04:38.29drmessanoRFID is gonna RUIN us
04:38.52drmessanoImagine women being able to check YOU credit card balance on a first date
04:38.57jayteemakes note to tell the DHS that they need to "chip" drmessano soon.
04:39.33drmessano"My Blackberry just told me you're a loser"
04:39.37drmessano:( SAD FACE
04:40.17drmessanoBlackberry.. So evil, yet so... hang on, getting an email.. brb
04:40.49orkidthe kind of women you dont wanna date
04:41.03jayteei read where they're going to block Obama from using a Crackberry after he gets sworn in. They'll let him have a laptop in the Oval Office and he'll be the first president to do that (since he the first person we've elected that can figure out how to use one)
04:41.07drmessanoAs if I seriously dont want the same thing
04:41.22drmessanoWho wouldnt want a deadbeat detector?
04:41.38*** join/#asterisk kerx (
04:41.54SkramXjaytee - i read that recently as well
04:41.55drmessanoRelationships are about love.... and business.. and if you just think with your heart, you'll be out on your ass
04:42.08drmessanoSo a deadbeat detector, YAY
04:42.13SkramXthey dont want him to have a personal phone - everything is considered business and it's easy to say something wrong/risque i guess
04:42.30drmessanoEvery communication he has is public record..
04:42.35drmessanoThats the crux of it
04:43.05drmessanoApparently GWB had to give up his AOL account too.. reportedly sent one last message to all his friends just before being sworn in
04:43.13jayteeevery potential mate should have a RFID chip embedded that will allow  you to poll it for things like STD's, annual maintenance fees, etc.
04:44.25drmessanoFrom:, To: FreindsGrupList, Subject: Hey YAll, Body: Hey Ylal tomorow i gots to go, so holdma beer and wach thsis!
04:45.19drmessanoPS: who wants sum oil!
04:45.43drmessanoThe same man who nearly lost a battle.... with a pretzel
04:51.06jayteehey....some pretzels can put up a pretty good fight
04:52.05drmessanoSo can the Iraqi people
04:56.18drmessanoSorry "Those damn insurgents"
04:56.49*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:56.51SkramXsigh. I live in Tx.
04:57.28jayteeyeah? big insurgent problem in Tx.?
04:57.40SkramXbig texan problem here ;)
04:57.59SkramXoh crap. there's a cowboy with a shotgun behind me
04:58.04drmessanoReminds me of Southpark
04:58.24drmessanoThat its ok to kill something if it attacks you first
04:58.38drmessanoI wonder if Bush yelled "LOOK OUT DICK, THEY'RE COMIN RIGHT AT US"
05:01.51AsterNoobok, finally got it to work
05:02.08AsterNoobApparently I needed to enable call waiting (*51) on the phone
05:02.20AsterNoobeasy enough, thanks for pointing me in the right direction
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05:15.56jayteeg'nite all
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06:28.07monstertruckhey guys and girls, does anyone know of a way to get a remote phone jack that can connect wirelessly to the phone line?
06:28.27monstertrucki know this question probably doesnt belong here, but cant think of a better place and google is not helping ...
06:29.34monstertruckand i mean wireless as in radiofrequency, not through powerlines
06:31.40fakhiran ATA connected to a WiFi bridge?
06:34.18monstertruckno, this is for a regular phone
06:34.41monstertruckwell, yeah, that makes sense
06:38.27drmessanoIve done that before
06:38.41drmessanoI have done worse
06:42.44monstertruckdoes it work well?
06:43.04monstertruckwould have to be 2 ata's
06:43.10monstertruckone fxo on the line end
06:43.23monstertruckand one fxs on the end i need the jack
06:43.25drmessanoAre you even using Asterisk here?
06:43.36monstertruckyes, on the end where i need the jack
06:43.44drmessanoI see
06:43.45*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:44.12drmessanoSo you need the phone line from --------------------> far away
06:44.17drmessanoto asterisk
06:44.22drmessanoSo what you need is ONE ATA
06:44.31drmessanowith a network connection back to *
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06:44.35drmessanoan FXO ata
06:44.40drmessanoconnected to the PSTN
06:44.50monstertruckand a bridge between those two
06:44.57drmessanoand an IP connection back to asterisk over wifi
06:46.47monstertrucki hadnt thought of that solution, and thats probably what i'll end up doing
06:47.12drmessanoI have a friend of mine.. check this out..
06:47.14monstertruckim surprised though, that something so simple as a cordless r11 jack doesnt exist as a product
06:47.19drmessanoUSB Wifi adapter on his PC
06:47.30drmessano70 feet to the router
06:47.35drmessanoOn his PC, two NICs
06:47.43drmessanoATA plugged into one, bridged to the WIFI
06:47.57drmessanoWorks GREAT, even on a crap 700MHZ PC running XP
06:48.15monstertruckhey now, thats even better and probably cheaper
06:48.27drmessanoexcept if the PC is turned off
06:48.28drmessanoand no
06:48.37drmessanoThe rj11 remote jack stuff sucks
06:48.52drmessanoI would go with the bridge
06:48.56drmessanoand the FXO ATA
06:49.13monstertruckyeah, one fxo ata is all i really need
06:49.27monstertruckand a wifi card on the * side
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06:49.52monstertruckplus no need to send stuff overseas
06:49.55monstertrucki love it
06:50.20drmessanoAh there you go
06:52.03*** join/#asterisk osiris (
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07:08.34orkidaha, i have figured out my ISP is to blame for packet loss. other ISP's login works 0.0% packet loss!
07:08.49orkidso something with them or their routing
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07:14.52yidiyuehanhi, anybody knows how to set DYNAMIC_FEATURES globally for all the calls? like under [globals] DYNAMIC_FEATURES = testfeature#test#test2 ?
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07:29.47ghostknifeI am having trouble dialing out on my Zap trunks. Whenever I dial nothing happens, the line just stays quiet and the log show:  Zap/1-1 answered SIP/16-082535e8
07:29.55ghostknifeAny ideas what I can do to debug this?
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08:36.45getsmartany experience using accounts with *?
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08:43.10tzafrir_laptopA bit cheap, but nice:
08:45.00tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, you mean you don't have one already?
08:46.55drmessanodial voice +1-555-1212 –ntwk verizon –prot cdma2000 –ssh-version 2 -a -l -q -9 -b -k -K 14 -x
08:46.59drmessanothat.. pwns
08:47.38drmessanoNaw, still waiting for the GPL3Phone... I ordered one, but apparently I am not allowed to actually own it or use it
08:48.55drmessanoOh god
08:48.55*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:49.18drmessanoThey should have used "Diggnerd Trollbait" as the name of the dev
08:49.23drmessano“Really, we’re not out to destroy Apple; that will just be a completely unintentional side effect.”
08:50.10frozty_sathat's a modified quote. grrrrrrr
08:50.16frozty_satroll the twat who said it
08:51.28frozty_sathe original quote was by torvalds, about microsoft
08:52.16drmessanoYeah, and it was used in a notnews article, posted about 15 lines up
08:52.55drmessanoNow tell the nice guy at the FSF you didnt mean to call their hotline this late, and put the phone down
08:53.02drmessanoty :)
08:53.35mvanbaakI like the comment "you can do: dial +1-555-*"
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08:54.29drmessanoObviously it's not running asterisk.. there would be 8 or 9 more cli options involved
08:54.42drmessanoand they would all be deprecated, or at least warn of deprecation
08:55.34drmessano"Warning: The protocol 'SIP' will likely be deprecated in the future"
08:56.14drmessano"... please use the protocol 'IAX2' instead"
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08:58.40joatat least it comes with it's own bugzilla
08:59.46TrentCreekI have never been able to get IAX to function
09:00.21drmessanoUse 1.4.20+ or 1.6
09:00.24drmessanoWorks great
09:00.34mvanbaakIAX on 1.0 works great as well
09:00.35TrentCreekI have 1.4.21
09:00.59TrentCreekEven used the provider examples and refused to work
09:01.26drmessanoHAW.. yeah, they have IAX2 setup all wrong..
09:01.38TrentCreekI htink rapidvox too
09:01.43drmessanoI just made my own, and tweaked til it worked
09:02.01drmessanoThey're also using 1.2, and have some stability issues with it
09:02.56TrentCreekI am not quite expereniced enough to do thaat
09:04.02drmessanoThere's no huge benefit to using IAX2 for a smaller setup.. Really its another tool in the toolbox
09:05.09TrentCreekI hope to not be small
09:05.25TrentCreekdo you get better response and sound qualityy?
09:05.45drmessanoYou need to learn a lot more about asterisk before starting an ITSP
09:05.49TrentCreekwell then I guess no reason to change
09:07.15TrentCreekyes, I need to know about the metrics so I can pinpoint audio problem spots
09:08.10drmessanoand how to config basic peers
09:08.17drmessanoetc etc
09:09.20TrentCreekyes, but at this point sound quality would be most important
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09:12.05protocolshmm I have problems with receiving faxes from pstn. when watching ztmonitor it seems I am getting signal.. but the sending fax machine gets stuck at "sending..."
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09:15.58TrentCreeknow I am working on a rate card
09:16.21TrentCreekanyone know how to paste single value into multiple rows?
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09:19.15angryuserhas anyone tryed downetworks predictive or progressive dialer ?
09:20.31TrentCreeksounds like telemarketing
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09:20.49angryuseri am searching a premise solution for outbound call center , which is user friendly ;) not a case of vicidal
09:21.20TrentCreekI doubt you will find anyone to help you with that on here.
09:22.17angryuserTrentCreek: yes, it can be used for that, but in our case we need to call our client's to tell them their account status, ect
09:22.33*** part/#asterisk feeds (
09:22.58TrentCreekmaybe install FreePBX on the install
09:26.53TrentCreekguess you will have to come back during US normal hours when a lot of people are here
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09:51.28pcrackhi, i wanted to ask how to create an IVR that queries to a database. if i enter my pin it will query that pin and the IVR will tell what info does it has...?
09:55.03joatthat sounds like an agi script
09:58.10mark_csijoat: I agree, I've something similar
09:59.10mark_csipcrack: there's a sample php file on asteriskguru that will play back the numbers you put in.  I'd get that going and then fire your queries into it.
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10:34.22shazaumhi all
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11:18.46Karlitooquestion, if I want to add a peer for h323 (h323,conf) do I do it the same way as in sip.conf
11:23.33Karlitoohi I'm new to asterisk and I would like to know after I made a trunk between asterisk and avaya g350 media gateway trough h323 trunk, how do I add a h323 user and test if the trunk works
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11:59.55hi365anyone have any ideas for video over sip of sorts?
12:00.06hi365i have a client that want to be able to see who's at the door
12:02.41yangh.264 video
12:02.59yangI tested it with ekiga works wel loer sip
12:03.06yangwell over
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12:10.50Karlitoodo I need a rtp proxy or something with asterisk
12:11.02Karlitooso that the sip softpohne can connect
12:12.01Karlitooand how can I start the CLI so that it outputs errors and when some 1 is tyrinig to login into and extension
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12:24.39hi365yang: i am actualy looking for a hardphone
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12:33.47ratmanduAnyone have any ideas what is going wrong here?
12:34.12ratmanduI'm running Gentoo, and asterisk 1.27.7
12:34.50hi365ratmandu: i have no idea what is for, but you can always try adding a noload => to modules.conf
12:35.11hi365as far as the music on hold, i think that one is quite obvious
12:35.26ratmandudone that, and another one fails with the same undefined symbol
12:35.46hi365sorry, I dont know
12:35.58hi365uses centos and has never had such issues
12:36.24ratmanduno prob, I just got a digium card from a friend and decided to try asterisk out
12:36.52hi365google should be able to point you to some live cd's that support asterisk
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12:37.37ratmanduwell, the system that this is running on also runs several VMs for a few other people
12:37.56hi365then you cant reboot it... but you could set up your own vm
12:38.21ratmanduno, i can reboot it, but I just cant use some livedisk to run it
12:38.55ratmanduplus, I dont think openvz supports using external hardware in a vm
12:39.23ratmanduor, if it does, it would likely be a pain to get it working that way
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12:59.03hi365can anyone recomend an asterisk compatable gsm pci card?
13:00.28WimpManvlines or junghanns spring to mind
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13:05.26hi365WimpMan: thanks. nothing much shows on their site and nothing about pricing or purchasing
13:06.00WimpManYes, I know. You have to check your favourite reseller.
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13:18.14stoffellhi365, where are you from?
13:18.43hi365steliosk: ME
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13:19.40stoffellif u were located in .eu i could give you more info on the gsm pci cards
13:20.01hi365stoffell: let me hear them anyway (if you dont mind :))
13:21.33WimpManI think Maple Leaf do business in quite a number of countries.
13:22.21hi365links guys, links!
13:22.53WimpManI'd also have to google. Add some vendor names to get the right page.
13:23.18stoffellhehe :d
13:23.53hi365WimpMan: no bother than
13:27.09WimpManHmm. I always thought they were british or something. But looks they're in Germany.
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13:58.01[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Means * never got an answer back to its requests
13:58.52*** join/#asterisk flush (
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14:08.52[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Networking typically due to improper NAT settings or other firewall issues
14:10.36PrimeHaxor[TK]D-Fender, it's something wrong im looking for network traffic is so slow, i've done a nat for the asterisk server
14:10.59*** join/#asterisk Mshadow_ (
14:11.55[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: if your * is behind NAT, go read :
14:11.57jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:12.19Kattygood morning lovables.
14:12.25PrimeHaxorso i'll try isolate the asterisk server and the adsl link in one vlan
14:12.46PrimeHaxori'll read the link lemme see
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14:22.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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14:23.12PrimeHaxor[TK]D-Fender, this problem of exceeded transmission, can drop the call when it established?
14:23.40[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: depends when it happens.
14:24.11PrimeHaxorwhen i make local call, i don't got any erros, but when i'm try to make a call to other states i've got the drop
14:24.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
14:24.51[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: you should still ensure that your system is configured properly.
14:25.25PrimeHaxori'll show u
14:26.56*** join/#asterisk Mshadow_ (
14:30.13[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: You said your * box is behind NAT.  Is it, or isn't it?
14:30.49PrimeHaxorsoftware voip > asterisk > ATA > ADSLMODEM
14:32.22[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: What is * doing behind an ATA?
14:32.32[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: and is that NAT that it is behind?
14:32.55PrimeHaxori dunno lol! don't need it ?
14:33.10[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: If you don't know what you have, then what you have is a real problem.
14:33.15PrimeHaxorim very noob when the subject is voip
14:33.25[TK]D-FenderprimtNAT is not a voip question!
14:34.08PrimeHaxorif i get out the ATA and connect directly on asterisk will work?
14:34.25PrimeHaxorthe ADSL MODEM > ASTERISK
14:35.54PrimeHaxor:< = yes ?  :(
14:36.08[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: I cannot answer because you don't even know what your networking equipment is doing.
14:36.30PrimeHaxori'll try one thing
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14:50.32kaldemarthere should be a chan_clue that would print "You should not be doing this" upon load and then segfault * for security's and peace of mind's sake.
14:51.18kaldemaror divide by zero and make the whole box disappear.
14:54.21[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: Anyone who can't answer how their computers get to the internet should not be allowing to use it
14:57.04*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
14:57.24kaldemarthat would free the rest of us from a huge amount of spam and lack of bandwidth. and generate a nice amount of customer service jobs.
15:00.50*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
15:01.52coppiceAnyone who can't answer how their computers get to the internet is a good source of revenue
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15:03.27angryuserhuh ? what is internet
15:03.47coppicefor $250 an hour I'll tell you
15:04.27angryusercoppice: tell me your credit call number so i could transfer funds
15:05.29coppicelet me guess. you have a mutually beneficial offer for me?
15:05.54[8none1]coppice: Should I use the Dell internet or AOL internet?
15:06.12angryusercoppice: no i am searching the ultilmate answer what is internet ;)
15:06.51coppiceuse mine. its similar to their's, but has 30% added cost for an improved internet experience
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15:11.47awk_r[8none1], I just grow my own internet and use that...its way cheaper...i can send you internet seeds if you want?
15:12.35coppiceI guess if you grow your own it has a high fibre content
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15:15.59x86offtopic i know, but does anyone have experience setting up ntpd on linux as a server for the whole subnet?
15:16.25lmadsengoogle has readily told me the answer to that question... it wasn't very hard
15:16.25tzafrir_laptopx86, apt-get install ntpd
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15:16.41x86tzafrir_laptop: err, yeah, i'm a little past that point ;)
15:16.54x86tzafrir_laptop: I'm trying to get the config to a point where it allows queries
15:16.55tzafrir_laptopAnd the specific problem is?
15:17.20tzafrir_laptopIt allows queries by default. Unless you block it through firewalls
15:17.29x86tzafrir_laptop: I've got restrict dsefault nomodify and restrict as the only two restrict lines
15:17.37x86there is no firewall
15:18.12x86it does not allow queries by default
15:18.19x86otherwise there would have never been a problem ;)
15:19.07x86I've got Polylcom IP330 --> linksys switch --> Asterisk server
15:19.11*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:19.35x86iptables -vnxL on the Asterisk box shows no rules at all, and default policy values of "ACCEPT" on all tables
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15:22.10x86wish ntpd would log why the hell it's dropping queries
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15:23.24x86tzafrir_laptop: do you have a working config I could borrow?
15:23.38x86mine seems to load fine, but not do what is intended
15:24.04ziram19sip show peers don't work on * 1.6?
15:24.13x86if I use "default" in the restrict line or actually define the local subnet with no restrictions, both ways fail
15:24.39[TK]D-Fenderx86: You remember to provision your phones to point to your server for NTP in the first place?
15:25.41x86[TK]D-Fender: YEP
15:25.46x86[TK]D-Fender: damn caps
15:26.19x86[TK]D-Fender: the logs say "failed to set time from server" or something, and also I have a linux laptop that I'm trying to use as an NTP client too (for testing), no dice there either
15:26.38[TK]D-Fenderx86: netstat shows it listening?
15:26.49[TK]D-Fenderx86: pastebin your configs
15:26.55ziram19no response for sip show peers on * 1.6?
15:27.00x86hmm seems like it just started working
15:27.02[TK]D-Fenderx86: dhcpd.conf & ntpd.conf
15:27.15[TK]D-Fenderx86: it fears me :)
15:27.18x86I did a query on the laptop with -u, and now regular queries from the laptop seem to work
15:27.21*** join/#asterisk Un1x (
15:27.24[TK]D-Fenderx86: just like allthe computers at my office :)
15:27.30x86there is no dhcpd on this network ;)
15:29.29*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:30.41x86ugh, now the polycom is trying to sync with an outside NTP server, even though it's configured for the local server
15:31.20x86SNTP: initial soMain sync failed with server
15:31.30x86(from the ip330 logs)
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15:32.39kippihas anyone used a poloycom IP 6000 with asterisk and got it to work?
15:34.20dominic1after installing zapte I get this information:
15:34.27coppicekippi: we've tested those with Freeswitch and had no problems
15:34.31dominic1Is it possible to use my beronet misdn card with zaptel?
15:34.43Un1xYOUR supposed to be using dahdi not zaptel
15:35.08dominic1not yet @Un1x
15:35.14kippiwith freeswitch was you using openser
15:35.16IsUpforget Zaptel, USE DAHDI! save the world asdasf asfasfasfas
15:35.22dominic1I first need to use the latest zaptel
15:35.35dominic1cause my production system is actually on zaptel
15:35.43dominic1I am installing a testenv
15:36.10dominic1is it possible to use my misdn card with dahdi then?
15:36.21Un1xlol wow, your either not reading or your ignorant, dahdi is just renamed zaptel....
15:36.36dominic1that's not 100% correct
15:36.54coppicedahdi is zaptel qith added problems
15:36.59x86unreal..... wtf... why wont this damn phone attempt to contact the NTP server it's configured to talk to?
15:37.15Un1xOKay, if you want to beleive that dahdi works fine for me :)
15:37.38[TK]D-Fenderx86: So its either in the bootrom settings or your provisioning... go look.
15:38.21dominic1I need a system with exactly the same versions as my productionsystem and just wanted to know if it's now possible to use misdn cards with zaptel, cause I got this information Loading zaptel while installing zaptel
15:41.07stoffelldominic1, you don't need zaptel if you use misdn ??
15:41.27stoffellreplace ?? with ... :p
15:41.52dominic1okay, I need zaptel for things like meetme
15:42.00dominic1I always used ztdummy
15:42.52dominic1I was a little bit confused as I saw the output above while isntalling zaptel the driver found my misdn card.
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15:45.17joakohow can i reboot polycom phones remotely? sip notify polycom-check-config only reboots if the config file changed
15:45.55angryuserjoako: change useless option in config
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15:52.54joakoangryuser: won't work for me
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16:09.13ElDioshey guys
16:09.22ElDiosI've a music on hold problem, on the caller side...
16:09.31ElDiosin the logs I've this rows
16:09.48ElDiosbut nothing comes out from the caller phone
16:10.00ElDiosno ring tone, no music, nothing...
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16:10.02ElDiosany idea?
16:10.04joakoPost the dialplan
16:10.27ElDiosmmm... where do I get it fromin my conf files?
16:10.50ElDiosaahh.. oke
16:11.15*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
16:11.21write_eraseHi,  modprobe dahdi_dummy  returns : dahdi_dummy: Unable to register DAHDI rtc driver  ... (I'm running Debian Etch + dahdi svn) I need my timing source, please help !
16:12.12joakotry modprobe dahdi ;modprobe dahdi_dummy
16:12.26ManxPowermodprobing dahdi or zaptel does NO good.
16:12.37ManxPowerall the hardware drivers load zaptel automatically
16:13.06ManxPowerwrite_erase: is "rtc" listed in the output of "lsmod"?
16:13.22ElDiosjoako that file is quite long... the extensions specific configuration is in extension_additional.conf
16:13.26ElDiosand is much shorter
16:13.29ElDiosis that part enough?
16:14.33write_eraseManxPower, Yes... rtc is loaded
16:14.49ManxPowerElDios: Sounds like you are using a GUI with Asterisk.
16:15.04ElDiosManxPower yes -_-'
16:15.18ManxPowerwrite_erase: *_dummy uses the RTC.  Does the output of dmesg say anything helpful.
16:15.29ManxPowerElDios: You might have better luck asking on the correct channel.
16:15.33jbotmethinks trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
16:16.12ElDiosthis is the best => We do not recommend using it.<=
16:16.45write_erasedahdi: Registered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
16:16.46write_erasedahdi_dummy: Unable to register DAHDI rtc driver
16:16.52ElDiosthnx anyway guys
16:17.16ManxPowerElDios: you will find pro-GUI people on the GUI channels.
16:17.27write_eraseManxPower, dahdi registers, but not dahdi_dummy ... which provides the timing IIRC
16:17.31ManxPowerwrite_erase: try rmmod rtc and see what happens.
16:18.02ElDiosManxPower no ideas in there... that was I came here to see if there's anyone that could help me..
16:18.06ElDiosanyway, no problem
16:18.38ManxPowerwrite_erase: Looks like time for a mailinglist search. 9-)
16:19.13ManxPowerElDios: the problem with most GUI users is that they are using a GUI because they don't want to learn anything.  These sorts of people don't provide very good support.
16:19.48write_eraseManxPower, Ok... chrony used /dev/rtc, now I could rmmod rtc  & load dahdi_dummy
16:19.55ElDiosahah.. ManxPower I'm a *nix users since years.. I've lots of RTFM-ppl in action...
16:20.35ElDiosI'm not an Asterisk specialist, that's why someone passed me a Trixbox-ready system already configured and I'm continuing to use it @ work
16:21.04ElDiosif I had more experience with Asterisk I probably had already reimplemented the whole thing...
16:21.14ManxPower*nod*  You really need to know Linux (or at least *nix), Networking (including UDP, NAT and ports), Telecom, SIP, and Asterisk.
16:21.31ElDiosno problem with the first 3
16:21.34Un1xHey guys quick question where can i find some information on setting up asterisk for three way calling?
16:21.43ElDiosthe last 2 quite new to me
16:21.49ManxPowerElDios: the major issue with the GUIs is that they totally take over Asterisk making it virtually impossible to do any customizing.
16:22.03ElDiosas any GUI in the world, AFAIK
16:22.04ManxPowerUn1x: Press the CONF button on your phone.
16:22.22ManxPowerUn1x: Now are you ready to ask a decent question?
16:23.06ManxPowerElDios: Un1x has been an Asterisk user for years.  He doesn't get to ask useless questions. 8-|
16:23.24*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:23.44ManxPowerElDios: If the only things you need to learn is SIP and Asterisk then you are further along than most Asterisk noobs.
16:24.04ElDiosin your opinion
16:24.46ElDioshow many study/trial&error hours do I have to spend to have a fully configured asterisk system from scratch on debian?
16:24.47ManxPowerElDios: One issue with noobs that they don't understand the source port does not have to be the same as the destination port.
16:25.06ManxPowerElDios: I recommend setting aside at least 2 weeks.
16:25.14ElDiosManxPower oke... at least now I now that I'm not at the zero level =)
16:25.35ManxPowerAsterisk is not really a PBX.  Asterisk is a PBX TOOLKIT.
16:26.02ElDiosso you mean that is Asterix+FreePBX?
16:26.04Un1xManxPower, what if my phone doesn't have the conference button...
16:26.33ManxPowerUn1x: You know you need to provide more information before any decent answer can be given.  What version of Asterisk, what protoocl, what phone?
16:26.57Un1xAsterisk 1.4.22 SIP and its a regualr analoge phone..
16:27.01ManxPowerFreePBX is a PBX built on the Asterisk toolkit.
16:27.08ManxPowerUn1x: plugged into what kind of card?
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16:27.33ManxPowerUn1x: do you know how to do 3-way calling on a normal PSTN line from the telco?
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16:28.23ManxPowerthat is how you do it in Asterisk with an analog port.  See the /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf or /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf and enable transfer and three-way calling.
16:28.30ManxPowersee the .sample files for example.
16:30.28[TK]D-FenderManxPower>FreePBX is a PBX built on the Asterisk toolkit. <-- not quite as I'd put it...
16:30.30ManxPowerUn1x: the flash button is what you would use.
16:30.37ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I would. 8-)
16:31.01ManxPowerWell ok, FreePBX is a pathetic attempt to make a PBX built on the Asterisk toolkit.  Better?
16:31.11rwaiteFreePBX: parasite who's host is the asterisk toolkit?
16:31.39[TK]D-FenderFreePBX is a set of scripts & apps that builds a fairly complete set of * configs based on its limited structure which accounts for a lot of basics people expect to configure on a closed legacy PBX.
16:31.52[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: there you go!
16:32.35ElDiosthnx anyway guys... cya soon
16:32.40ElDiosthnx ManxPower
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16:36.53Un1xdude i just replaced my phone with a fax just for the fuck of it and guess what it works fine :D
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16:49.07ManxPowerYour fax does 3-way calling?
16:50.58*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
16:51.04fcois93hello all
16:51.14fcois93How can I insert logs in the dialplan ?
16:51.38fcois93like a noop but in a logfile
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16:56.36jsmithfcois93: Use the Log() application?
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16:57.16Un1xManxPower no, but im saying i just plugged it in for randomb testing and sure enough it works :)
16:58.09fcois93jsmith: yes, found it :) sorry
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17:26.03mark_csihi all - anyone configured a skype channel in asterisk?
17:27.35Qwellmark_csi: save yourself the headaches - wait for the Digium one to be released
17:28.14Maliutaor just avoid skype
17:28.21Maliutait's a massive security hole
17:28.42Maliutaanything that p2p's and looks to punch out of a firewalled environment is evil
17:28.56angryusermark_csi: how do you want to implement your skype channels ?
17:29.34angryusera had a great succes with skip2pbx but it is not gpl nor free
17:29.48angryuserothers wre just a crap
17:30.39mark_csihmmm - not really thought about it? I put asterisk into a hotel and customed it, now hotel is looking to offer skype to clients
17:31.19Maliutamark_csi: how do they want to offer skype? to the phones in the room?
17:32.08mark_csiideally I'd like to offer it through the phones in the room
17:32.27*** join/#asterisk kc2tnk (
17:33.09Maliutachan_skype isn't really functional for that
17:33.36*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
17:33.42mark_csithat's what I thought - how do users login and then see their contact list without using their own laptop
17:33.59Maliutaexactly how do they want that to work? skype into the room phones with X skype accounts? or just to enable guests to skype out?
17:34.29Maliutasounds poorly thought out
17:35.01mark_csiI've set up a couple of wireless sip phones that also hold skype accounts
17:35.42mark_csiI suspect they just want to dial skype accounts out
17:35.56[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: they'd have to add * as a friend and so much other BS, the administration overhead on this so they could use * on the interior is jsut ridiculous.
17:35.57MaliutaI guess it's just a matter of letting skype out if the hardware supports it, no real way to bill/control it though
17:36.50mark_csiWhat we could do is just hire out skype enabled phones from reception - have them sip configured as well
17:36.51n3hxsI don't see how you would be able to allow the caller to designate their Skype account & PW.
17:37.31n3hxsthrough Asterisk, that is...
17:37.37Maliutathe whole "offer skype" thing sound dubious, if they offer general 'net connections there is automatically the opportunity for guests to use skype there
17:38.27mark_csiMaliuta: perhaps what we could do is offer to set up a couple of wifi phones with their user accounts and then give them to the guests
17:39.08mark_csithe hotel also has a skype account setup - probably looking to receive calls inbound to reception on that user account
17:39.39*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:40.10Maliutareminds me next time I do up cards I need to get "SIP/" put on them as a contact number
17:40.27Maliutawell sip and/or iax
17:40.52*** join/#asterisk maxxim (
17:41.35maxximHi, how to enable global internal timing? i was using [options] and "internal_timing = yes" from asterisk.conf. But no success.
17:45.43*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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17:48.07[TK]D-Fendermaxxim: To acheive what exactly?
17:48.37shrivenhey guys I'm looking for some help finding documentation on how to make it so my server can receive a call like "". I just am not sure of the correct lingo I need to google to find the answer. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
17:48.49*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
17:49.29[TK]D-Fendershriven: [general] allowguest=yes     context=mymiscsipcalls           [mymiscsipcalls] exten => fred,1,Dial(SIP/100)
17:50.51Maliutahmmmmm??? it really is that simple
17:51.07WimpManAnd don't forget to drill some holes intop your firewall at appropriate places.
17:52.56[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: No more than you needed to do in the first place <-
17:53.33[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: thats like saying "Oh and don't forget to install Asterisk".  Its kind of a given.
17:54.10WimpManOnly if you have external clients.
17:54.21*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
17:54.39[TK]D-FenderWimpMan: or anything external... but then again, this is stuff every user should already knows has to be set up properly in the first place..
17:55.39PMantisHello, According  to a bug report (, I shouldcompile with GCC 4.1.x, not 4.2.x. I had this sound issue, too. So, can I set an env variable to cause make to use gcc 4.1?
17:56.14WimpMan[TK]D-Fender: He, having you optimistic day today? :-)
17:56.57Yourname`Hi, 1) after changing a SetMusicOnHold variable in extensions.conf, will a reload help or do I need to restart? 2) Also, I have exten=6,n,SetMusicOnHold(new).. so I'm guessing when I'm transfered to 6, the hold class should be new.. yet somehow the "default" class is played.. where do I make this change?
17:58.12ManxPowerYou just have to do a reload to change the MoH class in extensions.conf.  However if you are ADDING a new MoH class to musiconhold.conf it would not suprize me if you had to do a restart
17:59.24jsmithManxPower: a "moh reload" should be enough
17:59.43WimpMan'd go for dialplan reload.
17:59.49[TK]D-FenderYourname`: PASTEBIN <-
17:59.51Yourname`jsmith: Or a reload should suffice, no need for restart? Because ManxPower is right, I added a new MOH class
18:00.11ManxPowerYourname`: Did you TRY jsmith's suggestion?
18:00.14jsmithYourname`: A reload *won't* suffice for musiconhold... it has to be "moh reload"
18:00.25Yourname`Let me try
18:00.33maxxim[TK]D-Fender: [Nov 17 20:00:16] DEBUG[18974]: channel.c:2780 ast_internal_timing_enabled: Internal timing is disabled (option_internal_timing=1048576 chan->timingfd=-1)
18:00.51maxxim[TK]D-Fender> core show settings:   Internal timing:             Enabled
18:02.03shrivenmaliuta, [TK]D-Fender: Ok, I am not able to determine what is wrong for my setup... I had not had "allowguest" I have turned that on and reloaded, I am getting this error:
18:02.06bijitdoes busydetect has a value by default even though not on zapata.conf?
18:02.59shriventhat extension does exist
18:03.23ManxPowerbijit: it defaults to OFF
18:03.27shrivenI can make calls to if from other phones served by the asterisk by dialing 6000
18:04.21[TK]D-Fendershriven: IAX?  Who uses IAX? :)
18:04.25bijitManxPower: so its the same as busydetect=no right/
18:04.32ManxPowerbijit: correct
18:04.34[TK]D-Fendershriven: Sorry, taht was for SIP... dunno how it works for IAX
18:04.36shrivenjust connecting from an iax client for testing
18:04.38shrivenit's easier
18:04.45shriventhe sip account exists for extension 6000
18:04.46bijitManxPower: thx
18:04.59Un1xis there a new book now, since weve gone through soo much changes?
18:05.35ManxPowerUn1x: just the addendum that's included in the Asterisk source.  UPGRADE.txt and UPGRADE-1.2.txt I believe
18:05.40*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
18:05.41bijitManxPower: is there like a site where I can see the indications of tones for my country or do I have to get it from my telco?
18:06.02ManxPowerbijit: using busydetect or callprogress is a bad idea and will lead to random hangups
18:06.33bijitManxPower: I don't have that in my pri setting and still get random hangups
18:06.44ManxPowerbijit: NEVER EVER use those options with PRI.
18:07.18ManxPowerYou have some OTHER problem causing the hangups
18:07.28*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
18:08.13bijitManxPower: That is what I am trying to troubleshoot.
18:08.20*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
18:08.24bijitAny Ideas? Where I can start?
18:08.41ManxPowerbijit: what is the value of HANGUPCAUSE for the dropped calls?
18:08.53*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
18:09.06shriven[TK]D-Fender: Hmm ok I think it may have just been because I was originating the test call from an iax client..... If I originate it from a sip client it seems to work. Thanks.
18:09.18Yourname`jsmith: That worked, thanks!
18:09.27*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
18:09.37[TK]D-Fendershriven: Who are you looking to give this address to anyway?
18:09.55shrivenget a free DID. : )
18:10.09[TK]D-Fendershriven: OH... then FFS use SIP if you know whats good for you!
18:10.20shrivenYeah I am using sip.
18:10.20[TK]D-Fendershriven: and that's exactly what I did
18:10.29shriven: )
18:10.35[TK]D-Fendershriven: Except I did make a non-authing peer to receive the call.
18:10.50shrivenOh hmm... Yeah I'll have to do that.
18:10.56[TK]D-Fendershriven: Directs the context and I set the exten to the DID so it looks "natural"
18:11.31bijitManxPower: Let me look for it.
18:12.04shriven[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to use it to have my mobile provider redirect calls that I miss to my asterisk... Then I can do fun stuff. : )
18:12.40[TK]D-Fendershriven: If you want to bypass cell VM sure, but is your IPKall # LOCAL to you?
18:13.04[TK]D-Fendershriven: because redirecting your cell there would incur LD normally if it isn't
18:13.06shrivenNo, but no one that calls my original number is local either..
18:13.18shrivenRight, free nationwide long distance.
18:13.21ManxPowerbijit: so the Q.931 cause code is 17.  look it up.
18:13.23[TK]D-Fendershriven: I mean is your CELL local to your IPKAall #
18:13.37bijitManxPower: ok
18:13.40[TK]D-Fendershriven: shriven I'd double check if I were you.
18:13.44shriven[TK]D-Fender: Yeah shouldn't be a problem with free nationwide.
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
18:13.54shriven[TK]D-Fender: Indeed, that is a good thought.
18:13.54ManxPowerCause 17 is The number dialed is busy and cannot receive any more calls.
18:13.55[TK]D-Fendershriven: But if you are covered for LD on your cell, then you should be fine.
18:14.15ManxPoweryou should be running Busy() when you get that cause back
18:15.53bijitthat us why it issues this:  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
18:16.06ManxPowerbijit: PRIs don't normally play those tones, it is up to the PBX to capture the code and do what is correct for that code.
18:16.18ManxPowerbijit: the number you dialed was busy.
18:19.18*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
18:20.08bijitManxPower: So that is not a call drop.
18:20.46ManxPowerbijit: there is no indication that the call dropped so I assume it did not drop
18:23.38bijit[Nov 14 12:04:37] VERBOSE[24474] logger.c: q931.c:2764 q931_disconnect: call 31970 on channel 21 enters state 11 (Disconnect Request)
18:24.29ManxPowerbijit: I do not read Q.931 debug
18:25.19jayteeManxPower, the ending sucks. thank god there wasn't a sequel
18:25.46[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You mean BloodRayne?
18:25.59Kattyanyone have thoughts about why DTMF isn't recognize when i call an IVR through a sip trunk and hit 1 a billion times with no response.
18:26.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, no Q.931 debug :-)
18:26.18maxximhi, i've loaded 'ztdummy' but anyway i got [Nov 17 20:25:02] DEBUG[24450]: channel.c:2780 ast_internal_timing_enabled: Internal timing is disabled (option_internal_timing=1048576 chan->timingfd=-1)
18:26.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: oh... hat too ;)
18:26.19*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
18:26.27Kattyoutgoing calls. through sip, to another phone system in East Jesus... and no love on their IVR. more speicifically
18:27.25jayteeKatty, what's the DTMF setting for the phones and SIP trunk? RFC2833? INBAND?
18:27.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: except... they MADE a sequel :
18:27.49Kattyjaytee: which conf would that be in?
18:28.37Kattyjaytee: in sip.conf for sip trunk it's rfc2833
18:29.34Kattyjaytee: zapata claims relaxdtmf=yes
18:30.28PMantisKatty: That's in sip.conf
18:32.36_ShrikEIs the buggymwi option in sip.conf available on a per peer basis, or just general?
18:40.40Un1xHey, was wondering is there a way i can setup asterisk to start and stop recording by using like an extension like lets say im in a call and i can press #blah and it starts and then #duh to stop?
18:41.30_ShrikEgoogle asterisk automon
18:43.08Un1xahh so just *1 to start and *1 to stop interesting
18:43.55shriven[TK]D-Fender: you set this up with ipkall right? Did you give it a sip number like or did you have another did for it to use? The sip phone number field seems to not have enough room for an exten@ format.
18:44.33shriven[TK]D-Fender: Or.... maybe that is what sip proxy is for. ;)
18:44.37shriven< n00b.
18:44.46[TK]D-Fendershriven: it does for me...
18:44.52[TK]D-Fendershriven: Indeed.. 2 pieces.
18:45.01[TK]D-Fendershriven: exten in one, proxy in the other
18:45.02Un1x_ShrikE, i enabled it in features.conf and reloaded asterisk and for some odd reason agent pressed *1 in a call and 2 minutes later *1 again and asterisk console showed nothing,...
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18:45.14shrivenyeah... got it now
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18:47.57bmoracahas anyone here had success getting fax tone detection over a sip trunk from another asterisk server?
18:48.08_ShrikEUn1x: Do you have the w or W option in your dial statement?
18:49.35Un1xexten =>_3xxx,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30,wth)
18:49.37Un1xthaty right?
18:51.31maxximyhhaa, i have soleved the problem with ringback!!! it was problem in timing :D
18:52.29*** join/#asterisk rdgr (
18:52.29Un1x_ShrikE i have this in my dial plan... exten => _X.,2,Dial(${splitinfinity}/${EXTEN},30,wth)
18:52.33Un1xand it still doesn't work
18:52.36*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
18:53.07_ShrikEDid you set DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon? before you dialed, or globally?
18:53.56Un1x_ShrikE. where do i set that?
18:54.26_ShrikEexten => _X.,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
18:55.20Un1xexten => _X.,2,Dial(${splitinfinity}/${EXTEN},30,Wth)
18:55.24Un1xso that is wrong then
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18:56.18_ShrikEThat woudl allow the calling party to initiate recording.
18:56.23_ShrikEerr.. would
18:56.30s34nis there a fedora package for ztdummy?
18:57.16*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
18:57.17Un1xYa, i need the calling party to be able to initiate the recording..
18:57.24Un1xbut _ShrikE its not working..
18:57.57Un1x_ShrikE my dialplan
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19:00.52[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Go prove that DTMF even works with that peer <-
19:00.59*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:01.22[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Next you need to confirm the pattern to initiate it and realize that you have VERY little time between digits to trigger it
19:01.37Un1x[TK]D-Fender what peer the provider, ? or the called party?
19:01.54[TK]D-FenderUn1x: the side of the call who is trying to trigger it
19:01.59Un1xso how can i fix that so it triggers when i want it to
19:02.21[TK]D-FenderUn1x: useless open ended question...
19:02.22Un1xWell, the calling side is me
19:02.33[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Go prove DTMF works.  then test another way
19:02.56[TK]D-FenderUn1x: then ensure your actual recording test is done somewhere where you can assure that the user enters the code fast enough
19:03.13[TK]D-FenderUn1x: And of course confirm thaqt your features.conf is set up right
19:03.22*** part/#asterisk oej (
19:03.52Un1x[TK]D-Fender, Well, you mean i was one who was hitting the code and i was doing it fast enough now i just tried on the other end of the phone and soon as i pressed * it said user disconnectd the call
19:04.27[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Well I guess you'd better show us more...
19:04.46[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Somewhere "*" is considered a disconnect.  Go look at the big picture
19:05.33*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-20c8f4daf44a534b)
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19:06.13[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Go look in features.conf
19:07.15*** part/#asterisk PMantis (
19:08.52_ShrikEUn1x: Take the h out of your dial command
19:09.31Un1xi took the H out and the T and tried and still no look
19:10.53LeddyHMReceived SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: *PEER*  <-- This is a secondary "remote" login. Is there a way to suppress these messages?
19:12.04[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: point the secondary login to the same box as the primary
19:12.20jsmithLeddyHM: Sure... tell that phone to stop subscribing to a mailbox (that doesn't exist!)
19:13.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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19:21.31LeddyHMI have mailbox=extension for both
19:21.53LeddyHMdoh, wrong user
19:22.02LeddyHMmailbox=    <-blank
19:22.48Un1x[TK]D-Fender is there a guide you can point me to for the proper way to setup Automon?
19:24.26*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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19:25.57[TK]D-FenderUn1x: You probably are using it right, you just completely missed the point that "*" is configured to HANG UP ON YOU.
19:26.09[TK]D-FenderUn1x: Now go look for WHERE that is configured.
19:26.23*** join/#asterisk stochastik (n=ircfs@
19:26.59stochastikCan anyone recommend a place to buy Polycom IP650?
19:28.16*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
19:28.19jayteefor a stochastik, anytime. if you were a heuristik I might have reservations :-)
19:29.11jameswfOMFG  bri on 1.6 it's so beautiful.....
19:29.54jayteeZOMG!!! PRI on 1.4.15 it's so ............... normal
19:33.42*** join/#asterisk xieliwei (i=dcff041e@gateway/web/ajax/
19:34.11xieliweiAgk... Need help with chan_mobile
19:34.34xieliweiit does not seem to work with any of my mobiles, even those listed as compatible
19:34.54xieliweiit just lists them as headsets and says they're not usable
19:35.33xieliweihave tried a motorola V3, nokia e51 and htc p3600 running windows mobile 6.1
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19:36.05*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (n=alex@
19:36.14xieliweitried it on different systems with both asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 trunk running opensuse 10.2 and 10.3
19:36.23AlexTOhi everyone...
19:37.44xieliweithe only thing i can't change is the dongle, but its csr based and I've got many of them used for other linux bluetooth apps on other systems
19:38.00xieliweii did try using a different dongle (but same model), no difference
19:46.05AlexTOI have an issue setting up  DUNDi, between 2 * boxes, i can make that box one reach extensions to the second one but not in the other direccion, this is my log,  if some has any ideas please let me not, thanks
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19:50.52AlexTOthere is someone there that knows about DUNDI ??
19:51.12moguh hu
19:52.11*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
19:52.11AlexTOhave you ever setup DUNDi??
19:53.07Un1x[TK]D-Fender where would that be configured
19:54.20mogyes AlexTO
19:55.07AlexTOCan you give a hand of this.. I have already setup this but i can reach extessions just in one way..
19:55.33AlexTOBox B --> Reach Ext Ok from Box A
19:56.27xieliweiI have to go, if anyone has any idea, please leave me a message at thanks!
19:56.34*** join/#asterisk lou_gr (
20:00.10*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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20:06.52Kattyhas been all anti-socially today
20:09.34jameswfRead today the preseident of ASU makes more $$$ than the president of the USA
20:11.11Un1xLOL but again the power the office of president holds is alot better :P)
20:11.16Un1xsome say most powerfull office in the world
20:14.48*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
20:20.17AlexTOHi ManxPower
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20:28.11harry_vwhat are the reasons not to load?
20:28.30Un1xtry lloading, it with via console
20:28.34Un1xyou'll see errorr messages
20:28.37Un1xmost likely your config
20:28.59[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Bad config, modules not loaded, etc
20:29.39harry_vloader.c:666 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
20:29.39harry_vconfig is fine
20:31.20harry_vdispite that ztcfg-v does say one channel to be configured. I have configured it correctly and reverified even against other known working configs. reloaded asterisk. BTW I am running 1.4
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20:33.46harry_vthis may be a old probem that did not go away duing the second recompile. I mistakenly compiled ast before zap then relized it should have been the other way around. So the next time, i recompiled zap then asterisk.
20:34.02harry_vdid all the steps needed by README
20:34.45[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: And you've shown us exactly nothing.
20:35.05AlexTOHi.. someone can help me
20:41.31*** part/#asterisk unpaidbill (
20:43.09[TK]D-FenderYup... some people just really don't want help...
20:43.47*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
20:46.34AlexTOyes...  I seem that  :-(
20:48.27jayteeanyone ever used to get a visual view of their dialplan?
20:49.04AlexTO[TK]D-Fender, do you know how can i track error on Dundi?
20:50.00[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: No.
20:51.09*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
20:56.45AlexTOOK thanks... my problem now is that only works one way....
20:57.56*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
20:58.30Ritzeriskanyone know of how to get into the ADMIN portion of a Linksys sipura device
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21:06.53mitchelocyou callin' me a punk? =P
21:07.09Miccmy asterisk is finally back to its rock solid self now that I removed that sql log file that was 2gb.
21:07.58neurosysI am calling into my asterisk box thru one ITSP. Once im connected to my box, i try to make an outgoing call thru another ITSP, but it tells me faliure to invite.
21:08.03MiccIt just so happened that the one day it was most important to work right, it had that 2gb limit problem. Out of all the other times in the last few years it had to be that day.
21:08.11neurosysIf i connect direct to the 2nd ITSP, it goes thru fine.
21:08.58MiccIf anyone wonders how stable asterisk is, its more stable than the OS it runs on.
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21:17.53lesouvageanybody in Europe interested in ca. 70 SNOM320 phones lightly used for a year (normal office setting with a phone call once in a while).
21:18.12jasonwootanyone have any leads on a company that might actually BUY my old Nortel, instead of just pretending to be interested so they can try and sell me hardware?
21:19.53s34nhow can I install ztdummy without stepping on my distro's zaptel pakage?
21:20.24s34njasonwoot: good luck
21:20.50*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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21:22.00jasonwootwhy? why must they tease me so?
21:24.00lesouvagejasonwoot: there seem to be a market for it, different models are offered on ebay. Maybe you could give that a try.
21:26.58jasonwootyou know I had it listed twice, first time no bids, second time, bidder asked me to end early and work a deal... they wanted to sell me stuff :^(
21:27.14jasonwoot$75,000 paperweight
21:27.27jasonwootI should list it that way
21:32.20*** join/#asterisk joobie (
21:32.39n3hxsI had a CO grade Harris switch and just after I gave it away, the guy calls wanting to buy it.
21:33.43s34njasonwoot: try Uruguay
21:35.19lesouvages34n:any advice for me where to sel 70 snom 320 phoes for a fair price?
21:36.27s34nlesouvage: find somebody with a metaswitch. and hurry
21:37.45*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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21:43.44tzafrir_laptops34n, and your distro is?
21:44.09s34ntzafrir_laptop: fedora
21:45.58tzafrir_laptopI suspect that if you just install the modules (make modules-install) it will happen to work
21:48.05s34ntzafrir_laptop: is modules-install a valid target for make?
21:49.07*** join/#asterisk sam555 (
21:49.20sam555hello all!
21:49.30sam555I'm possibly going to be new to asterisk.
21:49.51sam555I was wondering if you were noob, is asterisk easy to understand to run for a company?
21:50.09s34nsam555: it depends on what other experience you have
21:50.37sam555hmm, just a bit with linux and very little with panasonic pbx kd-1232
21:51.18lesouvagesam55: start with reading the book.
21:51.24jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:52.30lesouvagesam55L: there are examples available of ready to go dialplans that will fit your basic requirements after some adjustments.
21:53.20*** join/#asterisk esaym (
21:53.35sam555i see
21:54.06lesouvagesam55L: Asterisk isn't something that you learn on a late friday afternoon, it is not a ready to go solution.
21:54.15sam555i guess what I'm trying to figure out is if I should go with the nec dsx rather than an asterisk because it's easier to run....
21:54.21s34nsam555: your question is pretty vague.
21:54.33*** join/#asterisk dynaguy (
21:54.45s34nHow big is the company? How critical is the phone system to the company?
21:55.00s34nHow big is your staff?
21:55.19s34nHave you ever admin'ed a unix server before?
21:55.24sam555the company is about 90 volunteers and 30 staff people
21:55.28lesouvageDo they feel that life without a gui for the phonesystem is not posiible?
21:55.47sam555the phones are a very high priority for running a retreat center
21:56.13*** join/#asterisk LND (n=LND@
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21:56.32sam555the most admin'ing of a unix server is a Suse P2P  file server that was already put together before I got here so all I have to do is run occasional backups
21:57.11sam555well I was looking at tribox and it was claiming that it had a gui, although I'm not afraid of command line operations, lesouvage
21:57.24s34nsam555: occasional backups? no updating? no log analysis? no basic admin grunt work?
21:58.09sam555s34n: yeah, no updating or log analysis, although that may change as I transfer the file server to ubuntu
21:58.30jayteeyou'd have better results probably running AsteriskNOW 1.5 beta with the FreePBX gui than you would the shipping version of Trixbox
21:58.30sam555so, yeah, very very basic linux background
21:58.47lesouvagesam555: You should not start your Asterisk carier with setting up a critical system with 120 phones (and a more or less complex dialplan). My advice is to hire an expert and pick up the expertise during the proces of setting up the system. Be sre to have expertise available when the system is running.
21:59.09s34nsam555: Properly administrating any server is usually much more work than the casual observer understands.
21:59.09sam555lesouvage: that's what I was thinking
21:59.20sam555s34n: agreed
21:59.29s34nsam555: you can admin a linux server with very little effort
21:59.40s34nsam555: but you can't do it properly
21:59.44jayteetrixbox is just * as a core with a forked version of FreePBX gui glommed on and when they forked the gui they mucked it up, then they laid off several of their better engineers
21:59.55sam555There is a co worker that says he's willing to admin the asterisk, but he knows a lot less than I
22:00.10s34nsam555: (same goes for Windows, or anything else)
22:00.24sam555There is someone willing to fly out here and set up the asterisks, but after he leaves, I want to be sure that me or my co worker can maintain the asterisks with little for knowledge then what the installer teaches us
22:00.28*** join/#asterisk unpaidbill (
22:01.15s34nsam555: you can't
22:01.20s34ndon't do it
22:01.30unpaidbillfxs ports should be using the fxoks= option in dahdi/system.conf, correct? and in chan_dahdi.conf it should be using signaling=fxoks?
22:01.36lesouvagesam555: If you don't start using Asterisk for its flexibility in the end it is a matter the total cost of ownership picture. You mentioned an alternative. Do you ahve any idea about the investment that has to be made to get that system up and running for 120 phones?
22:01.41s34nif the phones are important, treat them like they are important
22:01.41sam555s34n: thanks for info
22:02.30sam555s34n: indeed!
22:02.55lesouvagesam555: and if you don't have the expertise yoursele you have to count with costs for hiring an asterisk consultant and pay regular fee to have the expertise available during operation if needed.
22:03.52sam555lesouvage: this is what I figured, although I did find someone yesterday who said they'd be willing to do such a thing, but up  until yesterday was wary...
22:03.59s34nsam555: I wouldn't suggest that you try to admin your own mail server either
22:04.08sam555this is the other system we were possibly going to go for
22:04.42s34nor your own physical plant
22:04.45sam555s34n: the person who is willing to set up the asterisk actually manages are web and mail server
22:05.25n3hxsyou can always go take the classes.
22:05.39sam555n3hxs: true
22:05.58s34nsam555: or your own payroll
22:06.09s34nsam555: the point is, start small and learn
22:06.27sam555s34n: gotcha
22:06.30s34nsam555: as you gain competence, go ahead and grow if you like
22:06.56n3hxsI have been messing with it for a couple of years or so, and I have broken it badly which isn't good when you have 120 mad people standing behind you.
22:07.10s34nsam555: but don't helicopter into the middle of the Atlantic to learn how to surf.
22:07.12sam555n3hxs: indeed!
22:07.23sam555s34n: gotcha
22:07.28n3hxsLucky I can unplug and plug the home phone directly to keep the wife happy :)
22:07.37lesouvagesam555: if you have a budget and want to make use of a proper graphical user interface you should check out scopserv. It isn't perfect but to my experience it is the best gui available.
22:07.38sam555s34n: i just needed outside advise because of course I'm being told it's "easy"
22:07.58n3hxseasy for home when you have time to learn.
22:08.14*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:08.25n3hxsbut in the long run, you will pay for support with either system for a commercial endeavor.
22:08.35n3hxsor "should"
22:08.56*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
22:09.02s34nsam555: it's very cool, and sometimes it's fun. But you don't hobyy around when hundreds of people are depending on it
22:09.10JayTee52quittin time, be back later
22:09.25sam555n3hxs: that's what I was figuring, with the dsx we will have support, with asterisk, I would need to find support other than the 2 of us
22:09.38sam555s34n: that's exactly what I'm thinking!
22:09.39s34nsam555: I'm not saying that asterisk can't do the job for you. I'm sure it can.
22:10.01n3hxsthey are out there.  but there may be more needed than just the server and IP phones.
22:10.34sam555s34n: what I'm hearing you say is it requires admin work.  You can't just install it and leave it alone.
22:10.47*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=chatzill@freeswitch/developer/msc)
22:10.57s34nsam555: most organizations with 100+ people pay tens of thousands of dollars a year or more on their communications systems
22:10.59n3hxsNetwork infrastructure can really kill a good VOIP system if it does not meet the requirements, that could cost even more.
22:11.22s34nsam555: you could install it and leave it alone
22:11.38s34nsam555: if you don't care about the security of your system
22:11.51s34nsam555: do you leave any of your servers alone?
22:12.04lesouvagesam555: One of the thinks that often needs improvement when setting up a voip telephone system is the network. A proper network assesment before migrating to voip for internal phonetraffic is not a luxery and it can help a lot to avoid very serious problems later on in the proces.
22:12.12sam555s34n: ?
22:12.16*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (i=0cc08974@gateway/web/ajax/
22:12.29AJayMNAnyone using AsteriskNow 1.5? wondering how stable it is.
22:12.58s34nsam555: this will be a linux server with access from the public, right?
22:13.15sam555s34n: lesouvage n3hxs you guys are VERY helpful.  I needed this before I go to the meeting to discuss our options
22:13.19sam555s34n: no, access from the public
22:13.21s34nsam555: any public facing network is a security risk
22:13.37lesouvagesam555; you are going to the meeting now?
22:13.40s34nsam555: you won't take any phone calls from outside your building?
22:14.12sam555lesouvage: at 3pm hawaii time
22:14.24sam555s34n: i see what you're saying
22:14.36sam555s34n: yes, we will be taking outside calls
22:14.42n3hxsHow do you get the calls into your building now?
22:14.47s34nsam555: are you in Hawaii, or is your consultant?
22:15.22sam555n3hxs: we have 2 main lines people call into and then that is directed to extensions.  All this is on a panasonic kd-1232 pbx
22:15.25lesouvageThat sounds like an interesting place to do some Asterisk consultant work ;-)
22:15.27s34nisn't it already after 3pm in Hawaii?
22:15.29*** part/#asterisk AJayMN (i=0cc08974@gateway/web/ajax/
22:15.31sam555s34n: i'm in hawaii, the consultant is on the mainland
22:15.44*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
22:15.51sam555no i'ts 12:15 pm
22:16.03s34nlesouvage: I think the company hosting voip-info is in Hawaii.
22:16.05n3hxssam555 I would fly to Hawii to install... If I knew more.
22:16.30s34ncompartners has a strong presence in Hawaii
22:16.43sam555n3hxs: we already have someone willing to come here and install is, i just want to know how much upkeep it requires after it's installed
22:17.25n3hxschanges can be done remotely if needed, with good people on site, which would be you.
22:17.25s34nsam555: * requires adding and dropping extensions, etc
22:17.30s34nusual stuff
22:17.50s34nsam555: linux requires regular updating, etc. usual stuff
22:17.56n3hxssorry I keep forgetting to add the nick :(
22:17.58*** join/#asterisk am88b (
22:18.09s34nsam555: publicly accessible network requires serious attention
22:18.14n3hxssam555 the bad part is when an upgrade goes bad.
22:18.22am88bHello. Can someone please explain me why was closed in such way? I read bug guidelines and didn't find anything wrong with my bug report.
22:19.10*** join/#asterisk vicom (
22:19.17sam555s34n: can the updating and adding extensions be done remotely?  Remote admin?
22:19.37s34nsam555: have you ever done remote admin?
22:19.47s34nsam555: it's all good until it isn't.
22:20.06s34nThen you have a serious problem until you can get on site
22:21.02s34nremote admin of anything usually requires a local body who can take dictation over the telephone when things go bad
22:21.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:21.26n3hxss34n I have that problem often with 32 sites across the US and Canada, and no one at the site knows where the damn machine is!
22:21.33s34nand a willingness to pay last minute airfair, overtime, and per diem
22:22.32s34nn3hxs: I hate it when they bounce the AC instead of the network switch.
22:22.50sam555excuse me if I get booted
22:22.54sam555will be back though
22:22.59s34nOr when they have no idea how to open the panel on the generator
22:23.03n3hxslater, goin home.
22:25.42kerxwhat does outgoingspoolfailed mean?
22:26.42sam555well I feel I know the basics, but I just shot and email to the guy who lives here and is willing to admin if necessary
22:26.42sam555so if I have him as a back up, I will feel must more inclined to have the asterisk system in place
22:28.13*** join/#asterisk jcordell (
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22:29.37jcordellI have written a little patch for asterisk made a diff and want to submit it. my question is how?
22:30.44s34nFATAL: Error inserting ztdummy (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
22:31.36seanbrightjcordell: you'll have to sign the contributers license before uploading your diff, though.
22:32.49*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
22:32.55s34ntzafrir_laptop: make install-modules seems to have stepped on my zaptel
22:33.12rickrossanyone know a command to kill iax2 channels that seem to be stuck open?
22:33.19s34ntzafrir_laptop: and didn't build a working ztdummy
22:33.30mogrickross, soft hangup iax2/chan
22:33.46rickrossthank you - is that per channel?
22:34.37rickrossif I use "iax2 show channels" it lists 7 of them, no calls are presently active
22:34.42sam555thanks again, everyone for your help!
22:35.03rickrossand none of the channels it lists actually have a name/number in the first column of the results
22:35.32*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
22:37.16shrivenMight anyone be able to shed some light on this error message? The peer has a host= specified... I can't figure why it thinks it should be dynamic.
22:37.17shrivenregister_verify: Peer 'bubbletastic' is not dynamic (from
22:39.21jtoddAnyone know what Polycom phones support Siren7 and/or Siren14?  I want to do some end-to-end tests.
22:40.14*** join/#asterisk carpenike (
22:44.09[8none1]jtodd: I believe it's just the 550/560/650/670 it's their G.722.1 impl
22:44.35*** join/#asterisk echelon (i=Unknown@gateway/tor/x-f31c0e8f808e6778)
22:44.53echelonhi, does the PAP2T-NA allow you to change the user-agent string or headers?
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22:51.03jtodd8none1: Thanks.
22:51.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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22:58.04*** join/#asterisk philippel (
22:59.46philippelquestion - does the Pickup() application 'hangup' if a call to Pickup() fails on asterisk 1.2? On 1.4 you can have a series of attempts (different contexts) that will get executed one after the other, on a couple 1.2 systems I tested, it goes to hangup after the first call to Pickup() if not successful?
23:01.07*** join/#asterisk fujin (
23:01.34fujinAnyone recommend a manufacturer of 'hotphones' / 'batphones'? need to program some and stick them to the wall throughout the datacentre here
23:02.19[TK]D-Fenderfujin: Any analog phone + ATA
23:02.25fujinwould rather something that doesn't have buttons.
23:02.30[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Depends who Pickup is getting called
23:02.43[TK]D-Fenderfujin: You can get analog handsets without any buttons
23:02.48[TK]D-Fenderfujin: Easy enough
23:03.17fujinwas hoping for PoE SIP, no-button wallmountable phones
23:03.21philippel[TK]D-Fender directed call pickup and in the instruction Pickup() - are there more then one (other than the BRI version which I'm not refering to)?
23:05.05[TK]D-Fenderfujin: You know what the likely hood of finding a SIP phone (deluxe to the rest of the world) with NO buttons or features?  yOU'VE INSANED ;)
23:05.20[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: aND HOW IS THE APP BEING CALLED?
23:05.21fujinI've seen PoE SIP phones with red flashy lights
23:05.25fujinjust don' trecall the manufacturer.
23:05.26*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
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23:05.53fujinlike a president call, yo
23:05.55[TK]D-Fenderfujin: I'm sure there must be one out there, but your odds are low, and your cost high.....
23:06.24philippel[TK]D-Fender for example exten => **200,1,Pickup(200@ext-local)
23:06.40philippeland then an instruction after that if that one fails, which is never reached
23:06.45[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: well if you want it to fail over add more priorities.
23:07.03[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: pastebin is your friend <-
23:07.09jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
23:08.00philippel[TK]D-Fender here's the crux of the question, the exact same code on 1.4 will execute all the instructions, on 1.2 it fails after the first and hangsup
23:08.18[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: PASTEBIN
23:09.22philippelfor example:
23:09.34philippelruns through fine on 1.4 but not on 1.2
23:12.16[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: and the call?  and the dialplan dump?
23:14.01*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
23:14.01philippel[TK]D-Fender unfortunatley I don't have time right now, I thought someone might know of something specific to 1.2 vs. 1.4, I'll have to come back to that and get more details when I can spend more time, since it sounds like there is not a "yes things changed in 1.4" answer...
23:14.40[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: The proof is often hidden in little things that actual physical evident bring to light.
23:14.58[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Maybe when you come back with some we can see if things are the way you think & claim them to be
23:16.48*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
23:17.23philippel[TK]D-Fender I know -which is why I need to wait on this, since it may be more time consuming then I have right now (and don't want to ask others to take their time to help me unless I can concentrate on it as well :)
23:19.35fujin[TK]D-Fender: just got off the phone with my polycomm rep, he's going to have someone call me back
23:19.38*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:19.38fujinmaybe they have something for me
23:19.42fujin[TK]D-Fender: thanks, as usual
23:20.07[TK]D-Fenderfujin: Well I'd be surprised if you find anything other than what you can see right on their site...
23:20.55fujinyeah, at this stage it'd be cool to see how they've met other customers requirements (if at all)
23:20.58fujinworth a shot I suppose
23:22.15fujinanyway, thanks
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23:35.06*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
23:39.39jonasbhi all, <newbie alert/> if I were get a number of "virtual" telephone numbers, and redirect calls to some proper telephone numbers, would Asterisk be the way to go?
23:40.32awk_rjonasb, yes
23:40.55awk_rhugs jbot.
23:42.35BBHossjonasb: might be overkill for just redirecting media, but its probably easier to configure to do so
23:43.05jonasbwhen I say "virtual" telephone numbers what do I actually mean? :-)
23:43.28[TK]D-Fenderjonasb: Odds are whatever provider you get your DID's from might be able to do the switch directly without you even having to configure anything
23:43.33jbothmm... did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
23:44.36BBHossjonasb: all you want is simple call routing, asterisk is a full blown PBX.  [TK]D-Fender is correct about your provider possibly supporting those routing options
23:45.03[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: And no, * is not a PBX.  It is a toolkit you can use to build a PBX
23:45.56jonasbthanks, will google for DID. there are two things I want 1) to easily configure the redirections, and 2) to monitor the call charges for each number and disconnect when a certain limit is reached
23:46.20BBHoss[TK]D-Fender: but you must agree that it is geared toward pbx duties rather than high volume call routing
23:47.23drmessano^BBHoss: Most of the horrid performance cited in blogs/wikis with Asterisk in a high volume arena were gathered during the early 1.2 era
23:47.24awk_r[TK]D-Fender, "Asterisk is the world's leading open source PBX" --
23:47.32drmessano^Even the last year has different
23:47.38drmessano^Even the last year has been different
23:47.48awk_ronly because this is the 2nd time I've heard you say that...and yes...i agree with you and understand what you are trying to say
23:47.56BBHossdrmessano^: its not like i could actually judge anyways as i don't have a high volume environment
23:48.04[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Yes, but who said anything about high volume?
23:48.18[TK]D-Fenderawk_r: MARKETING <-
23:48.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:49.12BBHoss[TK]D-Fender: i was giving to extreme examples, pbx only on one side, and high volume call router on the other, asterisk lies somewhere in the middle but my point was it leans more toward pbx duties.
23:49.33drmessano^People run ITSP's off asterisk
23:49.34awk_rBBHoss, that is severely limiting Asterisk
23:50.17[TK]D-FenderPPBX is what something does.  "Volume" is how much it can do of something bfore it chokes.  Like comparing the weight of one car against the top speed of another.  Which is better?
23:50.20awk_rBBHoss, "most applications of Asterisk lean toward pbx duties", not necessarily the majority of Asterisk's features or development
23:50.41[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: PBX is what something does.  "Volume" is how much it can do of something bfore it chokes.  Like comparing the weight of one car against the top speed of another.  Which is better?
23:50.48BBHossawk_r: i wasn't trying to limit asterisk, just make a point
23:51.16drmessano^You werent making a point, you were making a statment
23:51.16[TK]D-FenderYou can use * as a JUKEBOX, or a CRON replacement, or to have your computer schedule COFFEE.  Or just about anything else.
23:51.29*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
23:51.42drmessano^Saying "Asterisk leans towards being a PBX" is not a *point*, it's a *statement*
23:51.45jayteeI usually use mine as a hybrid PBX with VOIP and PRI :-)
23:51.51awk_r[TK]D-Fender, mine reads my gmail for me...can i call it my email inbox?
23:52.03drmessano^A point would be <bunch of facts used to bring together a single thought>
23:52.19[TK]D-Fenderawk_r: No... your inbox is still with gmail.  That would make * your e-mail READER :)
23:53.26awk_rBBHoss, hit a touchy subject :-P
23:54.27drmessano^Its not a matter of it being "touchy"
23:54.31BBHossok, maybe I am wrong, but personally, when I think Asterisk, I think highly versatile PBX/Voice app builder, but when I think about something like YXA or OpenSER, I think high volume call router
23:54.35drmessano^why does everyone thing everything is about emotions..
23:55.20awk_rsighs at drmessano^.
23:55.38awk_rs/touchy/commonly argued/
23:55.45coppicepersonally when I think Asterisk, I think something that needs combining with "rm -rf" to piss off someone I dislike
23:55.47drmessano^Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fact is, there no truth in the statement that 'Asterisk leans towards being a PBX"
23:56.17drmessano^Its could be an opinion, maybe a somewhat common opinion
23:56.30drmessano^But theres no basis for the statement to be fact
23:56.31rickrosscan zaptel be uninstalled simply by deleting the zaptel.ko files in /lib?
23:56.42harry_vTK, as stated earlier "Not enough info provided" I suspected at least you would mention if Dahdi was installed. I was totally unaware of the change from zap to Dahdi BUT you could have mentioned it.
23:57.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano^: Well take a list of the features that * has built in that are of PBX origin (VM app, call processing, IVR, etc.  That would be PBX handling features.  Now look at the parts that AREN'T PBX related necessarily (many of the generic dialplan apps).  I would say that the amount of PBX type features is quite prominent.  Now what you DO witht he pieces you have is another matter
23:58.45rickrossthis page suggests there is a "make uninstall" for zaptel, but I don't see it -
23:58.45drmessano^I wasnt aware open source software was capable of expressing it's use using action verbs
23:58.52[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: You had nothing to show us at all.  No configs, not "ztcfg -vvvv", no interupts lists, DEV dumps proving your cards driver was loaded or ANYTHING of value.  You want to tell me that you got off your ass in the slightest in looking for help?
23:58.54awk_rI still say the 'proper'y statement would be: "most Asterisk applications are PBX-related"
23:59.39[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: "it doesn't work".  I looked at 'stuff'".  This doesn't offer us much, does it?
23:59.49jayteeharry_v, if you're running 1.6 you'd know about the zaptel/DAHDI change if you'd read the UPGRADE.TXT file or did a little research up front.
23:59.57BBHossone thing i want to know is why can't we get a decent dialplan language?  Most sane people now just drop into AGI to write things, but should we really have to do that?

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