IRC log for #asterisk on 20081115

00:00.56kfife[TK]D-Fender: YES, see that's exactly my point!  I'm going to draw a line in the sand here and say I agree with you.  A SONG or even a POEM may, just may,  be... 'softer' somehow.
00:01.19[8none1]It's one of three boxes in a separate context. The other boxes in the default context email fine.
00:01.31[8none1]Any suggestions on how I can debug this further?
00:02.59[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Start with solid proof that the VM recording is fine on the server in each format it records in.  verify the box.  Ferifyt he address its going to.  Show us something of value, because right now we have nothing to advise you on.
00:03.19[8none1]np, i'll send some proof, jas
00:03.41*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
00:04.00pids8nonel, check where the mail is going to as well. I had a provider that was stripping the attached file and left a blank file attached
00:05.09kfifeHeadin' out.
00:05.15kfifeg'nite gentlemen.
00:05.59[8none1]pids: thanks but I receive mail from my personal mailbox from the same asterisk server just fine.
00:07.13*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
00:12.20[8none1]There's proof of a message with content, the voicemail.conf entry and the email
00:14.42pidsthe message says its msg0003.wav but I dont see a msg0003 in the directory only a msg0002
00:15.16[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: does the file size match?
00:15.49[TK]D-Fendersounds like someone went and disturbed the evidence by cleaning up their folder
00:16.16[8none1]What do you mean? What are you matching?
00:17.03pids8nonel there is no msg0003.wav in your directory
00:17.16[8none1]here's the rest of the relevent bits of the voicemail.conf :
00:17.53[8none1][TK]D-Fender: what are you checking that matches?
00:18.40[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: the file in your folder VS the files in the email
00:19.00[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: the box has changed since the e-mail was sent
00:19.01[8none1][TK]D-Fender: That's the point the email is sending an empty file
00:19.27[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Point right now is we have no proof this is a defect
00:19.35[8none1][TK]D-Fender: ah no sorry I sent the wrong body of an email
00:19.36[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: maybe it WAS blank.
00:19.53[8none1][TK]D-Fender: I did two tests one deleted the message and the second didn't
00:20.05[8none1][TK]D-Fender: jas and I'll patebin the correct one
00:20.59[8none1][TK]D-Fender: soory for the mixup
00:21.25[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: ok, says 4 sec...
00:21.48[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Now what tells me this is not corect?  Maybe the caller hung up.
00:21.57[8none1]Yeah and ARI web page will play the message
00:22.11[8none1]No just a short message from myself
00:23.50pidserr msg0003 was .05 seconds now its .04 seconds?
00:24.12[8none1]pids: first email was the wrong one
00:24.39pidsdidnt read up
00:25.35[TK]D-Fenderok, I can't concentrate on this right now, hopefully others can.
00:25.42[TK]D-Fenderheads off
00:26.08[8none1]This seems to only be a problem for mailboxes in the [custom] context
00:26.32[8none1][TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your help anyway
00:28.03pidsextra comma in the 1127 entry
00:28.11*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
00:28.53seanbrightthat's supposed to be there
00:29.29[8none1]pids: that's the pager section, it should be there
00:30.39pidsnm ,screen redraw was slow on pastebin, saw 3 commas :)
00:30.54*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:31.04[8none1]forgives pids but just this once
00:32.35jblackdemand perfection. Never forgive. Let people know that you have high standards for them. Win! Win! Win! That's the only answer.
00:35.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:35.29[8none1]jblack: I'm that way when I'm not groveling for help. ;)
00:35.36jblackThis lack of spam is disconcerting. My mailbox feels like a haunted house.
00:35.53ManxPowerjblack: It's the end times for sure!
00:36.27jblackYou know you're in a inhospital place when not even the roaches cling to life.
00:36.44pids8nonel I found an error in box 1116 :)
00:36.52[8none1]pids: ok?
00:36.55jblackhospitipal. hospitital. Screw it. Unfriendly.
00:37.02[8none1]jblack: FYI about spam :
00:37.06pidsattach = on it should be attac=yes
00:37.18[8none1]pids: I suck, thanks
00:37.18pidsdont think thats the problem though :)
00:37.26jblack[8none1]: Yeah. That's exactly what I'm referring to. I'm getting _nothing_ any more.
00:37.37jblackwell, maybe 2 a day.
00:37.38[8none1]pids: I'll try it anyway
00:37.39pidssince you have a global attach statement
00:38.33*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
00:38.35[8none1]pids: it says attach=yes, you suck
00:39.02[8none1]pids: jk, please help
00:39.07[8none1]grovels again
00:39.18seanbrighthe is talking about box 1116
00:39.23seanbrightnot 1127
00:39.42seanbrightwhich according to your pastebin says "attach=on"
00:39.43[8none1]ah, well 1116 works
00:39.51pidspids> 8nonel I found an error in box 1116 :)
00:40.05[8none1]ok, he is right. but 1127 is the one that's broken
00:40.10seanbrighti think with the config stuff 'on' and 'yes' both work
00:40.12seanbrightbut don't quote me
00:40.32[8none1]Well, attach=on is working for box 1116
00:40.45seanbrightso it's moot
00:40.58[8none1]or moo, cause the cow said it
00:45.21[8none1]could it be there's something special about the context [custom] in voicemail.conf? It's just strange that all the mailboxes I have created in the [default] context work.
00:45.36[8none1]But the ones in [custom] don't.
00:46.01ManxPowerusually those sorts of things are syntax errors.  i.e. one too many or too few commas
00:49.45pids8nonel do a ls on the mailbox again and pb it.
00:49.55pidsls -l
00:50.34[8none1]ok, just proved it's not a context issue. I moved it to the default context and it didn't fix it.
00:50.40[8none1]Must be something else on the line.
00:52.07[8none1]ok, I think I found the issue.
00:54.05[8none1]Why would that only cause an issue on the email?
00:54.27pidsis sox installed?
00:54.42[8none1]but fixed in a newer version
00:54.50pidssee it
00:54.58[8none1]I'm running 1.4.17
00:55.07*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:56.59[8none1]Thanks guys for your help
00:57.13[8none1]Now I can go back to demanding perfection!!
00:59.18[8none1]FYI for all in the notes of the bug it's not a code issue
00:59.53[8none1]on ubuntu after 8.04 the sox package doesn't install any codecs by default
01:00.03[8none1]if you install libsox-fmt-all it will fix it
01:04.57*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
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01:11.03*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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01:15.38jayteewell, I crashed and burned on the dCAP practical lab today :-(
01:16.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
01:17.10jayteehey [TK]D-Fender
01:17.15joatreally bad?
01:17.34jayteeyeah, I ran out of time and only got a 45 out of a 100
01:18.07jayteedon't know about the written portion. I think I passed that and if I retest I only have to retake the lab if I passed the written this time.
01:18.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: dCAP results?
01:18.29[TK]D-Fenderyeah... ouch
01:19.20jayteeI had only 2 of 3 phones working and ran out of time before I could finish the rest of the requirements. ran into problems with x-lite and couldn't remember what I'd already reviewed from earlier in the week.
01:19.33jayteeoh, well. I'll pass it next time I take it.
01:19.47jayteestill, the class was awesome
01:28.57*** join/#asterisk Thorn_ (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
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01:54.47cryptnixif i want to preset a default extension to be injected into commedian mail ... *99,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}) ... what portion do i edit
01:57.14cryptnixhrm, sEXT
01:57.18cryptnixdoesn't ask for pass now. hrm.
01:57.22cryptnixreads more
01:58.55*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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02:03.43shrivenhey guys. I'm getting some issues building 1.6 on ubuntu 8.10. Everything seems fine until the make install, everytime it tries to make a directory it throws a permissions issue. Anyone have any ideas what that is about?
02:04.44shrivenhere is an example:
02:06.06pidsare you doing sudo make install or just make install?
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03:11.16drmessanoSo umm
03:11.47drmessanoAre t38_updtl and t38pt_udptl two different options or is one not correct?
03:11.54*** part/#asterisk Spirits-Sight (
03:13.13jayteeI've never seen t38pt_udptl but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist
03:13.32jayteeand after today I wouldn't take my word on squat :-)
03:28.02drmessanook, so the PT looks flaky
03:29.13drmessanoI am going with sip.conf from the 1.6 tarball
03:29.23drmessanoOnly mentions t38_udptl
03:29.36drmessanoAlso trying to get Exchange UM working on 1.6
03:29.41drmessanoCant seem to pass a call thru
03:32.41MiccI'm still getting crashes after taking out the mysql stuff. The last log entry is app_queue.c: Queue members sucessfully reloaded from database.
03:34.44MiccYou can see the gap in time after the app_queue line.
03:34.53MiccAnyone have any ideas what is causing the crash?
03:35.57giovaniMicc: well if you take out your mssql db connection, does it still happen?
03:36.08giovaniif so, at least then you've isolated the problem
03:36.47Miccgiavani, I can't remove that for testing. This is a production system that requires the odbc connection for voicemail.
03:37.06giovaniwell if it's crashing, how functional could it be at this point?
03:37.10Miccwhy would it be trying to reregister extensions?
03:37.30MiccMaybe I have a loop in my dialplan
03:42.17*** join/#asterisk mgroman (
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03:55.00jblackheh. There was reiserfs, now there's hammer. "The king is dead! Long live the king!"
04:02.14*** join/#asterisk Micc (
04:02.30jayteereiserfs has been renamed to sweartogodididntdoitfs
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04:26.27ricko73jaytee: nice
04:27.07[netman]I particulary prefer "reiskerfs"
04:27.38ricko73may I also suggest orenthaljamesfs?
04:27.39*** part/#asterisk mastag20 (
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04:30.37coppiceis reiserfs still considered a killer app for Linux?
04:30.50drmessano"My box doesnt work, I cant do any testing, help me fix"
04:32.22ricko73coppice: are you here for the late show too?
04:37.20baliktadwhat's a good way to make bulk updates to AstDB
04:37.37baliktadfor example, importing a bunch of rates from a .csv
04:51.11jayteethat's something that would be better done with ODBC and SQL
04:53.47mankashanybody help me troublshootoiing why my sip phones ar enot able to call each other
04:59.37jayteeare the extensions in the same context? are your sip phones registering to asterisk?
05:00.14jayteepastebin a failed call
05:00.45[netman]baliktad: bulk updates to AstDB? I would write a small script
05:02.21jaytee[netman] how would you read in the values from the .csv file from the dialplan?
05:03.00[netman]from the .csv to AstDB?
05:03.19[netman]and from AstDB to dialplan, I gues...
05:04.53jaytee[netman] I was asking how you'd "read in" the values in the csv from within the dialplan. I know you can use System() to run a script but it won't return values to Asterisk. How would you read those values from within the dialplan in order to input them into the AstDB?
05:06.08baliktadhow indeed, I briefly considered just using asterisk -rx "database put ..." a thousand times in a row, but figured there has to be a better way
05:06.27jayteemankash, that pastebin just shows manager logins and logouts from AMI. it doesn't show a failed call. do a core set verbose 10 and make a another test call.
05:07.17jayteebaliktad, you could do that in a while loop until an end of file I guess.
05:07.20[netman]jaytee: use an AGI if you want return values
05:07.24mankashit only show these 2 lines
05:07.35mankashand at the client 404 not found
05:08.01jayteemankash, what version of *?
05:08.47jayteeand did you try increasing the verbosity?
05:09.07jayteeif you do a sip show peers does it show the two phones?
05:09.22jayteeand they're registered?
05:10.37[netman]jaytee: could you write an AGI script which imports the csv file into the AstDB?
05:11.00jaytee[netman] not tonight
05:12.33[netman]jaytee: come on! you can use your favourite language :)
05:13.00jayteeyou mean the one with an irish accent and all kinds of colorful "metaphors"?
05:16.16[netman]you can choose any language
05:16.31[netman]you only need some libraries
05:16.51jayteeare you asking me if I want a consulting contract?
05:17.32jayteebecause I'm not looking for any side projects at the moment
05:17.43ricko73mankash: do you have a dial plan that allows the phones to call each other?
05:19.58[netman]jaytee: I'm not asking you that
05:20.42mankashthey are in the same context, is there any other settings
05:20.43[netman]I only say if you are programmer in any language, it shouldn't difficult for you to write an AGI
05:22.18jaytee[netman] I'd agree with that statement. it shouldn't be
05:22.42ricko73mankash: yes, you need to write in the dial plan something like exten => 1XX,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1})
05:23.40jayteemankash, try the book
05:23.44jboti heard book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:25.48jayteenite all
05:26.14[8none1][netman]: you could bulk import with a script to the manager interface
05:27.58[netman]I should be
05:28.20[netman]at least, I know I can invoke System() from AMI :P
05:29.49[8none1]in AMI you have DBput, DBget, and DBdel
05:30.10[netman]so, what's the matter?
05:30.17[netman]I only have to iterate
05:33.44*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:35.52[TK]D-FenderOr you could just us a BDB library and load the thing directly.  Now who loads AstDB for an *AGI* anyways?  Why is the dialplan doing a mass-process like this?
05:36.08[netman]so, do I need System() to iterate in AMI?
05:36.51*** join/#asterisk Meaw (n=dino@
05:37.09[TK]D-Fender[netman]: First you're talking AGI, then AMI, and now you're talking about System.  What on earth ar you trying to DO?
05:37.40[netman][TK]D-Fender: lol
05:37.49[netman]I was talking about AGI,
05:37.54[TK]D-Fender[netman]: Any program can use AMI, AGI is when you want an app to manipulate your current channel
05:37.55[netman]then [8none1] ask me for AMI
05:38.11*** join/#asterisk arpu (
05:38.14[TK]D-Fender[netman]: Let me know when you've go your head screwed on straight
05:38.25[TK]D-Fender[netman]: WTF are you trying to DO?
05:38.59[netman][TK]D-Fender: may be.... I have awaken for 24 h
05:39.18[netman][TK]D-Fender: I only try to answers questions
05:41.19[TK]D-Fender[netman]: Whose question?
05:41.23[8none1][netman]: you said you wanted to load a CSV of rates into AstDB
05:41.28[TK]D-Fender[netman]: So far this looks like  lot of talk about nothing.
05:41.41[netman]anyway, a bulk import of a csv into AstDB can be made simply from dialplan, and maybe an auxiliar AGI
05:41.56*** join/#asterisk kisu (
05:41.57[TK]D-FenderWhy would you even BOTHER with AstDB?
05:42.13[8none1][TK]D-Fender: I fixed my empty wav in email problem earlier.
05:42.14[TK]D-FenderIf you have this table, just parse it when you NEED it.
05:42.20[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: What did you find>
05:43.02[8none1]It was an ubuntu issue with sox not having codecs. from 8.04 on the sox package dosen't include the codecs
05:43.32[8none1][TK]D-Fender: you have to install libsox-fmt-all
05:43.39[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: So the file was fine and your player b0rked?
05:44.17[netman]BTW [8none1] why did you tell me if I can do that in AMI instead AGI?
05:44.30[TK]D-Fender[netman]: You can.
05:44.32[8none1]I found a asterisk bug that explained it
05:45.39[8none1]if you want to bulk load a CSV into AstDB you could write a script to do that through AMI rather than your idea of calling "asterisk -r -x" over and over
05:45.57*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
05:46.39[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Then again why would anyone waste time loading up AstDB in the first place?  Its a stupid thing to maintain for a large list.
05:47.24[8none1][TK]D-Fender: stupid is as stupid does
05:48.22[netman][8none1]: but, if I would use AMI, how could I read the csv file, and how could I iterate over AstDB? I don't see the answer
05:48.32[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Then he should find the abusrdly complex way possible to do it.. I say make the script on another server an have it E-MAIL the command over.  then have Cron run hourly and pull the e-mails out 1 at a time to extract the instructions of the next record to add
05:49.00[netman][TK]D-Fender: what is "large" ?
05:49.10[8none1][TK]D-Fender: you forgot to use ftp in there somewhere
05:49.29[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: You need to leave room to draft up a 2.0 release!
05:49.53[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Doing it right the first time is good business... doing ir right after 37 tries is job security L_
05:50.04[8none1]hacks out a 2mb script to load 30kb of data
05:52.12*** join/#asterisk billyjean (
05:52.33[8none1][netman]: here's the deal. if you want to read from a csv in the dial plan write an agi. if you want to load the csv into astdb periodically (not the best solution) write a script to use the AMI to import. then you could use the AstDB in the dialplan.
05:52.36[TK]D-FenderYou know I could have actually done the whole jobe with EXCEL in less time than we've spent talking about it...
05:55.18[netman]It's a pitty jaytee couldn't read this
05:55.48[netman]I don't know whether he wanted to make periodically updates
05:56.45[TK]D-Fender[netman]: [8none1] and you forgot the easiest way : cut & paste direct into CLI <-
05:57.25[TK]D-Fenderthat would have been done LONG ago.
05:58.05[netman][8none1]: now I understood the AGI approach, thank you :)
06:00.15*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
06:00.17[TK]D-FenderI presonally thing the Excel + C&P to CLI is as far as this should have gotten
06:00.38[TK]D-FenderI personally think the Excel + C&P to CLI is as far as this should have gotten
06:01.30[8none1][TK]D-Fender: it depends on how variable the data is. It's not a solution you could automate.
06:01.50[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Variable???  its CSV <-
06:04.20baliktadto the asterisk command line or system command line?
06:04.54[TK]D-FenderAnyone who wanted this automatic would simply point an ODBC-CSV driver directly at the file and use ODBC in the dialplan instead of AstDB.  Updating is as fast as copying the file there
06:05.12[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Either, but I was thinking * CLI
06:05.40[8none1][TK]D-Fender: but from where? it could be an export that changes. I agree the C&P is an easy one time solution. I'm used to dealing with daily update feeds in CSV type formats.
06:05.58[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: See above
06:06.13[8none1][TK]D-Fender: agreed good solution
06:06.16baliktadexperimenting... system CLI adds ~0.5 - 1 sec overhead to each db put
06:06.24baliktadC&P to * CLI works almost instantly
06:06.39[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: Smart people don't bother with AstDB in the first place.  it is a SHIT place to store DB info like this.  Get a REAL database
06:07.15[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Yup, and as usual noone was able to commit to an est # of transactions to do.  All talk, no info.
06:07.45[TK]D-Fenderpretty much the norm, All "how" when the "why" is worthless
06:08.15[TK]D-Fender7500?  EW
06:08.22baliktadstandard intl rate list
06:08.28[TK]D-Fenderyup, this should be in an external DB in the first palce.
06:10.34baliktadI wonder how much you could copy & paste at once
06:11.18[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: interesting theory question, but still just highlights the absurdity of what this does in the end.
06:16.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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06:39.18*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
06:40.18pcraneI need a hand with some callerID stuff
06:40.20pcraneI've got:
06:40.45pcranethen Dial(SIP/801&SIP/802&SIP/803,,rtTwWo)
06:40.54pcranebut the caller id doesn't show on the phone's display
06:41.03pcranejust Unknown Unknown
06:41.41TrentCreekyou using a SIP device?
06:41.55pcraneno, it's a call from the PSTN
06:42.07pcraneISDN incoming goes to a context which does the above
06:42.13TrentCreekohh..then you got me there.>i do not mess with that
06:43.33pcranethe situation is essentially this: call comes in, I know what DID it comes in on, I send the call off to different contexts depending on what DID was called...
06:44.09pcraneso, 801, 802, 803 are all answering for different DIDs, but they all need to know what DID was called
06:44.11TrentCreektry the older context
06:44.19pcraneolder context?
06:44.26TrentCreekfrom v1.4
06:44.32TrentCreekor 1.2
06:44.44pcranethe o option?
06:44.52pcraneo: Restore the Asterisk v1.0 CallerId behaviour (send the original caller's ID) in Asterisk v1.2 (default: send this extension's number)
06:45.14TrentCreekwhat are you using?
06:45.32pcraneI see
06:45.34pcraneasterisk 1.4
06:45.37pcranemy bad
06:45.40pcraneis tired were mentioning "O option"
06:46.02TrentCreekI have no idea what that is
06:46.17pcraneo: Restore the Asterisk v1.0 CallerId behaviour (send the original caller's ID) in Asterisk v1.2 (default: send this extension's number)
06:46.59TrentCreeki dont know where that is
06:47.06*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=sean@
06:47.11TrentCreeksure you using Asterisk 1.4??
06:47.36pcrane# asterisk -r
06:47.36pcraneAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r147681, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
06:47.40TrentCreekyou mean at compile time?
06:47.50TrentCreeknot that
06:47.58TrentCreekin your dial plan
06:48.10pcranehow do I find out?
06:48.19jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:48.22TrentCreekno more jbot
06:48.47pcrane<cheeky>chapter, verse?</cheeky>
06:49.14drmessano"do it for me" ?
06:49.32pcranehence the cheeky
06:49.41TrentCreekunder dialplans
06:49.43drmessanoIt's not really cheeky
06:49.51drmessanoMore "annoying"
06:49.56pcraneIt was ment as a joke
06:50.02pcraneI didn't mean to come off that way
06:50.06drmessanoTheres no joking in here
06:50.24drmessanoIts in the bylaws
06:50.30jbotWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
06:50.43drmessanoSee, even the bot cant pull it off
06:54.56*** join/#asterisk terracon (
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07:02.06jblackjbot: knock, knock
07:02.27jblacksomehow, I'm just a little disappointed.
07:03.21TrentCreekin what?
07:03.33TrentCreekand stop being so Shallow, Hal
07:09.28jbotKnock, knock.  Who's there?  SIP.  SIP who?  SIP really authenticates this way.
07:20.33*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
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07:32.21pcraneI'm still not having any luck...
07:34.06TrentCreekwhy not?I used the older CALLERID and it worked fine
07:34.22pcraneI'm using Set(CALLERID(name)=test)
07:34.31pcraneshould I be doing something else?
07:34.54TrentCreekuse what the 1.2 book has
07:34.58pcraneso like SetCallerID
07:35.05pcraneor SetCIDName worked fine
07:36.06TrentCreekI even would change the CID on people a lot..buwhahahaah
07:36.09pcraneWARNING[27348]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SetCIDName' for extension
07:36.32TrentCreekwell I used what the book for 1.2 had in it
07:37.34TrentCreekeven though I got warning about it would be fased out
07:39.36kaldemarSetCIDName and SetCIDNum were removed for 1.4.
07:40.31pcraneso, I *have* to use Set(CALLERID(name)=test)
07:40.34TrentCreekit worked in 1.4 for me..
07:41.19TrentCreekSet(CALLERID(name)=test) could never get to work either
07:44.27pcranedialplan snippet:
07:44.37pcraneexecution snippet
07:46.57pcrane(the g option's there so I can see the caller ID *after* the call has finished)
07:47.55TrentCreekshouldn't there be a decimal value in there>?
07:48.16pcranein the Set(CALLERID(name) ?
07:48.53TrentCreekof however you set it up
07:49.27pcraneI don't follow...
07:49.38pcranethe name is just the name you'd like to display
07:50.02pcranecall in to this context, calling two SIP devices should present the caller id name that's set...
07:50.18pcraneI don't understand how a decimal value can fit in there?
07:50.21TrentCreekyou trying to set the name or number?
07:50.39pcraneI don't really care about the number
07:50.49pcrane(once the name works, I can use the same method to set the number)
07:50.50TrentCreekthat is tricky and not guranteed to work
07:51.20TrentCreeknumber will work, but name does nto always work
07:51.25TrentCreekI have tested it
07:51.36pcranebut on the internal lan?
07:51.42TrentCreeksometimes the carrier will reverse name lookup
07:51.48pcranethis is for calls coming in from the outside...
07:53.47pcraneit doesn't work if I set the number either
07:54.57TrentCreekyeah I had problems with the new one so I just used the older
07:55.56pcraneyou're using asterisk 1.4?
07:55.58pcraneor 1.2?
07:56.01*** join/#asterisk korihor (
07:56.15TrentCreeki am not sure anymore..I restarted on a whole new server
07:57.36TrentCreeklet me see what I got now
07:57.45TrentCreeki think I saved some files
07:59.23kaldemarpcrane: take a SIP debug of a call and pastebin it.
08:05.06pcrane811 answers the phone
08:10.28kaldemarstrange. if you're not doing something to the caller id in sip.conf, then your svn version's behaviour is different from 1.4.22.
08:13.01pcranenope, nothing
08:13.20pcranenothing apart from setting the caller id of the extensions to be: 801 <801>
08:13.26pcrane(for example)
08:13.42pcranebut I don't see how that relates...
08:14.01pcranecall flow is from the PSTN -> dial(sip/801&sip/802)
08:14.23drmessanoHe's using 1.4 branch, it's not gonna be different than 1.4 latest
08:14.39pcranebefore the dial, I try to set the caller id, which doesn't work
08:14.44pcranefor the record:
08:14.51pcrane# asterisk -r
08:14.52pcraneAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r147681, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
08:15.04drmessanoThats twice you pasted that
08:15.24drmessanoMost of us can scroll, but thanks for the spam
08:20.34*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
08:20.49pcranethanks for the help TrentCreek, kaldemar, drmessano
08:22.00pcraneyou can't change the callerid presentation from the dialplan, your best option is the set 'sendrpid = yes' in sip.conf.
08:22.08pcraneset that, and away it goes
08:23.01*** join/#asterisk kisu (
08:23.26TrentCreeknow if I can log into my darned server as SU
08:23.32TrentCreekmaybe it was highakced
08:24.03drmessanoor you typoed the password... O.o
08:24.15TrentCreek20 times?
08:24.34drmessanoWhen you made it, duh
08:24.34TrentCreeki just logged in 2 days ago
08:24.39drmessanomr highakced
08:24.55TrentCreekI have had this server for 4 months
08:25.02TrentCreeknot changeded SU pass in 2
08:25.06drmessanoStill no sense of humor I see..
08:25.17drmessanohighakced <-----
08:25.45TrentCreekwell I am doing 4 confs at the same time
08:27.44pcranenow I'm getting:  WARNING[27749]: chan_sip.c:6983 build_rpid: Unsupported callingpres (-1)
08:30.44TrentCreekwell good thing there is a CP for the server
08:31.02pcraneah SetCallerPres....
08:31.20TrentCreeksomeome must have hijacked it..I changed the PW
08:50.24*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (
08:52.19kerxanyone know of a good voip provider for wholesale?
08:53.23raasdnilok... i've been searching around for about 24 hours, read every bloody dahdi doc I could find and I am stuck.  Anyone have any idea on this?
08:53.24TrentCreekbut not so easy to setup
08:55.11TrentCreekkerx: Carrie Exchange
08:55.34kerxi can't find there website
08:55.37kerxcarrier u mean?
09:19.37TrentCreekwho uses free PBX?
09:19.40*** join/#asterisk Aces1up (
09:20.04Aces1upi need to connect my asterisk box to pots lines, so i need a fxo port right?
09:22.36TrentCreekwhy spend lots of $$ on that when DIDs are so much cheaper
09:22.54Aces1upok, when i installed my sangoma a200 card..  it said i had the following ports.. when doing a ztcfg -vvvvv i got the following:  Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves:01)
09:23.02Aces1upis that correct for a fxo port?
09:23.22TrentCreeki dont know..I dont mess with those things..I do 100% internet
09:55.02gambler1Hi, does anyone here use cdr adaptive odbc module or maybe with curl support?
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13:25.47fromnewarkhelp?  any experts online?
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13:31.26x86fromnewark: no one can help if you don't describe the problem ;)
13:33.08Maliutax86: problem == (clue < 0)
13:35.39x86Maliuta: hah
13:36.08fromnewarkSite A has asterisk appliance, site B has two phones.  All traffic is running through the appliance.  Can voice traffic just run from phone to phone?
13:36.45Maliutadepends on the configurations
13:37.12jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:37.16Maliutaand by "can" do you mean "is it possible for" or "will"?
13:39.15x86fromnewark: it is possible using re-invites
13:41.27fromnewarkthanks x86.  So the fact that SIP voice traffic all flows through the asterisk server is normal operation?  For some reason i thought a SIP proxy just setup the call, and wasn't expecting to see that.
13:42.56fromnewarkMaiuta, by can I mean that I want voice traffic to go from phone to phone and the asterisk to just setup the call.  I need configure in this way.
13:46.04*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
13:52.28x86fromnewark: you can do it either way
13:54.47fromnewarkWhich configuration option controls this behavior on the appliance?  I'm using an aa50 and a linksys ATA (2fxs)
13:55.38x86niether of which are supported here
13:55.51x86aa50 == #switchvox
13:57.42fromnewarkok. thanks.
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14:21.46fromnewarkIs there an IRC support channel for the AA50 appliance by digium?
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15:29.10neobsdplease how i can configure asterisk as sip provider ?
15:29.16neobsdis possible  ?
15:29.28*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
15:29.50Dr-Linux|homeany idea, from where i can get "dial-tone" wav or gsm file?
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15:36.41Dr-Linux|homedoug: not working for me
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15:47.44dougwhat's not working about it?
15:52.49drmessanothinks there is a vast global conspiracy surrounding SIP TCP
15:53.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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16:06.22drmessano[TK]D-Fender: How much do you know about qualify?
16:07.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: yes=2000, and its the response time allowed, not the interval.
16:08.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: interval is fixed in the code somewhere IIRC
16:08.29drmessanoand good.. because seems half the internet doesnt know how that works
16:08.36drmessanoI wanted to be sure I did
16:08.49[TK]D-FenderRMod_: is that an actual sip.conf parm?
16:09.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: ^
16:09.05drmessanoI need to find a default value for qualifyfreq=
16:09.11drmessanoYes, actually.. per sip.conf
16:09.48drmessanoLet me see if I can spam without spamming
16:10.27drmessano;qualifyfreq=60 ; Qualification: How often to check for the host to be up in seconds. Set to low value if you use low timeout for NAT of UDP sessions
16:10.38drmessanoBut I dont know what the default is apparently cracked down on garbage sip traffic and went on a crusade to shut everyones qualify off.. I dont think my service with them has worked in the week since.. They asked about limiting traffic to > every 60 seconds, but if that ^^^^^ is correct then thats already being done
16:12.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: yOU DON'T REALLY NEED IT FOR THEM ANYWAYS...
16:13.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: you don't need a keep-alive for a provider.. tis jsut a nicety to speed up FAILURE if they go down so you don't wait in dial.
16:13.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: but thenn, how often is THAT supposed to happ4en?
16:13.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Most would think that if they need to check up on their provider that they should get a NEW one.
16:13.48drmessanoI wouldnt think so either, but right after I turned it off, I started having problems with audio
16:13.52*** join/#asterisk terracon (
16:13.58drmessanoI am seriously considering the later
16:14.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: :)
16:14.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Sometimes it really is hidden in the big print :)
16:14.27[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Kinda of an open-mike statement
16:14.41drmessanoI think I am gonna turn it back on, just for shits and giggles, and see if my audio problems disappear
16:15.06drmessanoIf they, do they can go to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks
16:15.24drmessanoIf it does, they can go to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks
16:15.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: What kind of "problems"?
16:15.52drmessanoComplete and total lack of audio.. very NAT-like
16:16.28drmessano100% working config for over a year, only change I made is turning qualify off that they bitched about
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16:17.05drmessanoTry the line two days later, no audio.. CLI looks completely fine.. Playing audio on the IVR, etc
16:17.48[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: that makes little sense...
16:18.23drmessanoI am stumped myself.. What I did should NOT have had this effect
16:18.44drmessanoOf course, I tweak.. but it's been a pretty tweakless two weeks here
16:18.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:19.00drmessanoSo I can say pretty confidently, I havent changed anything else that I will claim to know about sober
16:20.11[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You dun got mah daughter in a family way!
16:20.16[TK]D-Fendergrabs his shotgun
16:20.42[TK]D-Fendery'all there's gonna be a weddin'!
16:21.45drmessanoIve realized very quickly the good experiences I have had with are now being overshadowed by their shitty response this recent issue
16:22.30raasdnilanyone hooked up a legacy PBX to Asterisk via a PRI before?
16:22.39raasdnilis having all sorts of fun with an NEC system
16:22.55raasdnilgot inbound calls and inbound DID all working fine, but outbound is just not talking.
16:23.15raasdnilinbound = Telco => E1 => * => E1 => NEC
16:23.57raasdnilI have a thread going on *-users called "PBX -> PRI -> * -> Telco not working" if any of ya have some good ideas .... :/
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16:26.10[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: You aren't showing us what you're getting from the PBX...
16:26.27[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: So until you do we can't help you much...
16:26.35[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: PASTEBIN is your friend
16:26.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:27.13raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: here is a pastie of a pri debug session on an outbound call from PBX via asterisk:
16:28.35raasdnilthe CLI without debug just reports -- Extension 's' in context 'from-nec' from '' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/31, span 1 ---- which seems like it just isn't getting any numbers from the NEC.  Thus the debug
16:28.57[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: then thats all there is.
16:29.15[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Dialplan error and it is telling you to your face what its looking for.
16:29.32[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: `      Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class = Normal Event (0) ] <--- unassigned = * refuses because it doesn't match the requested #
16:30.04raasdnilhmm... so it is after extension 1 ??
16:30.41[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil:  Extension 's' in context 'from-nec' from ” does not exist <--
16:30.54x86mark spencer is rad
16:31.14x86someone as busy as him taking time out of his schedule to talk to me... that's so cool :)
16:31.22raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: I get that bit.  But if I provide a default extension then I'm not going to capture any number to actually dial out right?
16:31.40[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: they AREN'T dialing a number in that call.
16:31.54[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: pastebin your zapata.conf
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16:32.06raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: no... the problem is I _AM_ dialing a number in that call.  That debug was from me dialing out on the NEC
16:32.09raasdnilok, one sec
16:32.22[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: well the PBX didn't pass it in that debug
16:32.35[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Perhaps they intend to pass it as DTMF post-connect <-
16:33.46raasdnilusing dahdi, here is the dahdi/system.conf
16:38.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:38.10[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: chan_dahdi.conf please...
16:39.46raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: there you go.
16:40.05raasdnilI am reading up on that PRI errors via google...
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16:46.12raasdnilthis is dahd-channels.conf
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16:46.48sdanielsWhat file do I edit to change the logging to /var/log/asterisk/messages?
16:53.17[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Go answer it with an IVR and see if it dials DTMF
16:53.38[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Actually even an open-ended "Read" should do
16:53.55raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: if you can help me get it working, I'll be willing to help empty a bit of an amazon wish list...
16:53.59[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Enought to prove if that's how it will pass the #
16:54.17[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Sure
17:00.07[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: And do yourself a favor and rip out all of the commented lines from your configs.  it confuses what you hve actually set yourself.
17:00.34raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: I'll do that.
17:00.36raasdnilRead works.
17:00.44[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: so its post-dial DTMF?
17:00.53[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Does it matchw ath you dialed?
17:01.02[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Does it match what you dialed?
17:01.26[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: ok, there you go
17:01.54raasdnilso now, doing something like exten => s,1,WaitExten()
17:02.04raasdnilthen catching the "t" and doing a Dial on the EXTEN variable?
17:02.44[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Maybe just a pure "read would do the job, but an IVR to collect the digits works as well.
17:03.26[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: an IVR with an exten => _X. should do just fine.
17:03.46raasdnilIVR = Interactive Voice Response?
17:03.53[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: If you hit a timeout it means there wasn't at least 2 digits dialed.  I don't imagine that happening, do you?
17:04.09[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Yes.  IVR = DTMF response menu
17:04.11raasdnilwill always be at least 5
17:04.46[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: so all you should really need is to Answer, and the set a minimal timeout along with a response timeout of say 5, and a digit of 2.
17:04.55[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: so your PBX users don't wait TOO long
17:05.58[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: You can tweak his as you go
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17:07.12raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: ok... looking how to implement that now
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17:11.49raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: ok... question.. I get the value into the DialedNumber variable... but how do I get it then to dial?
17:12.31raasdniloh.. remove _X. and replace with s ?
17:12.31[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: exten => s,n,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${DialedNumber},,T)
17:12.38raasdnilI just figured that out as well :)
17:12.40[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: You MIXED those 2 ideas up together.
17:12.46raasdnilyeah, got it...
17:12.56[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Do it as a read or as an IVR with waitexten, but not both
17:13.00raasdnilok, fixed that.....
17:13.03raasdnilnow I get :
17:13.03raasdnil[Nov 16 15:12:56] WARNING[7990]: app_dial.c:827 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice or dtmf
17:13.34[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Show a complete call
17:14.50raasdnil1414 is the dial prefix needed for our telco, the NEC system apends it automatically
17:15.38raasdnil <== reload to see extensions.conf
17:16.44[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: try dialing out g2 with a SIP phone.
17:20.55*** join/#asterisk interfaithquest (
17:21.43interfaithquesthello has anyone had any success with p2p calling ?
17:22.18interfaithquestgtalk and chan_iax both seem to have problems with asterisk behind a nat/firewall
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17:24.29[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: p2p?  As in?
17:24.32raasdnilinterfaithquest: if you mean * to * through a firewall?  yes, I do it all day
17:24.37interfaithquestpeer to peer
17:25.18[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: As opposed to?
17:25.19raasdnilinterfaithquest: how is the network setup?  * -> FW -> Internet -> FW -> * ?
17:25.36interfaithquestwell if both units are behind a nat /firewall then it seems some configuration is needed on the nat/firewall
17:25.47[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Try describing your actual call in detail and the networking between
17:25.59interfaithquesta 3rd central server
17:26.05[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Yes, IAX has to be forwarded on each router
17:26.28interfaithquestone central server has multiple clients all asterisk behind nat/firewalls
17:26.57interfaithquestthe goal is to have the clients call each other directly if possible to avoid audio thru the server
17:27.26[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: this is not an issue.  All you need is for *'s side (or the one that is registered against r receives unsolicited calls) to have IAX forwarded to it
17:27.27interfaithquestgtalk seems to fail  as well as iax to setup direct p2p media
17:28.17interfaithquestthe central server does see /show the ports that the clients expose to iax
17:28.40[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Try describing your actual call in detail and the networking between <---
17:28.56interfaithquestyet when calling from client1 to client2 via central server the audio still routes via the center
17:29.04interfaithquesteven though transfer=yes is in the config file
17:29.31interfaithquestthe main server is exposed no nat /firewall
17:29.33raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: ^^^ my pastie above looks like the outbound pri is rejecting the call now...
17:29.58[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Ask your telco what they see wrong.  The cause code isn't very informative
17:30.19interfaithquestthe asterisk clients are each behind a nat/firewall
17:30.30interfaithquesteach client registers with the central server
17:30.49[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: And you effectively want a "reinvite" between the 2 legs?
17:30.54interfaithquesteach client is configured with "transfer=yes"
17:31.12[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: pastebin an actual call attempt at verbose 10
17:31.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
17:31.26raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: well.. thanks for giving it your best shot.  I really appreciate it.
17:31.38[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: np
17:32.46interfaithquestok i will paste the debug from a call attempt to paste bin
17:38.37interfaithquestjust did a call from client 1 to client 2
17:45.36*** join/#asterisk maxxim (
17:46.02maxximi'm getting a lot of such messages, what does it means?: [Nov 15 19:43:07] DEBUG[16726]: channel.c:1146 channel_find_locked: Avoiding initial deadlock for channel '0x826e530'
17:46.14[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: -- Executing [5256@from-sip:2] Dial("IAX2/ready026-6", "IAX2/ready021/5256|20|tTr") in new stack <- remove the tTr
17:46.34*** join/#asterisk dotirc (
17:46.51interfaithquestwill try that
17:47.06*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:47.30dotircDoes anyone know if an aastra 35i or 480i can accept two incoming calls at once? I'm trying it but getting 486 "Busy Here"
17:47.48dotircfirst call works fine, but second call gets that busy message. But its a 4 line phone.
17:48.19dotircIs there some kind of setting I can change in sip.conf to make it work on two lines?
17:49.30Miccwoops. forgot to change my name.
17:49.35*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
17:49.41MiccAnyone awake in here?
17:49.52*** join/#asterisk snapper14 (
17:51.04[TK]D-FenderMicc: Yes, they can.
17:51.17[TK]D-FenderMicc: they are either misconfigured, or on DND
17:52.09maxximi'm getting a lot of such messages, what does it means?: [Nov 15 19:43:07] DEBUG[16726]: channel.c:1146 channel_find_locked: Avoiding initial deadlock for channel '0x826e530'
17:53.07ManxPowermaxxim: What version of Asterisk?
17:53.16snapper14Hi, can anyone recommend the best solution for one way audio when going through NAT.  If I call my asterisk server directly it works fine, but from the SIP phone registered with asterisk I can only here the incoming audio not the outgoing.  Thx
17:53.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:53.29[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: ^^^ read
17:53.31ManxPowersnapper14: canreinvite=no in sip.conf
17:54.06snapper14Thanks [TK]D-Fender I did as per your suggestions a couple of days ago but I still haven't got anywhere.
17:54.14maxximManxPower> 1.6.01
17:54.26ManxPowersnap then you have NOT read that document carefully enough.
17:54.27MiccTKD-Fender, I'm checking out this page do you know of any other information I can look at to fix this issue?
17:54.31[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: And like happens so often you aren't showing us what you;ve done so we can't tell if you actually did it right
17:54.39ManxPowermaxxim: so an unreleased development version?
17:54.40[TK]D-FenderMicc: the MANUAL
17:54.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, thats released
17:55.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: > would mean greater than
17:55.19maxximManxPower> what version do you recommend?
17:55.25snapper14sorry, I thought by explaining what I had tested already it would have shown I had at least tried to do some of my own diag but now I am at a loss.
17:55.33ManxPowermaxxim: I suggest trying  released version.
17:55.34MiccTKD-Fender, I think I recycled the manual already.
17:55.38maxximManxPower> Asterisk seems to be released on
17:55.53maxximthere is 1.4.22 and
17:56.01ManxPowersnapper14: I have never ever ever seen someone not get NAT working after they CAREFULLY read the link.
17:56.05interfaithquestwireshark still shows the audio going via the central server, some other tweek ?
17:56.30ManxPowermaxxim: Ah, I see.  Not "ManxPower greater than"
17:56.33interfaithquesttransfer=yes is set for each client in iax.conf in the central server
17:56.37*** join/#asterisk terracon (
17:56.41maxximManxPower> that debug message means that there is a error with asteris?
17:56.58ManxPowerThere's a reason most of us use : unstead of >
17:57.03*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (n=aurlov@
17:57.30maxxim:) i see
17:57.48ManxPowermaxxim: There is nothing you can do in the config to fix that message.
17:57.56interfaithquestthe iax source code is chalk full of transfer code, strange there is little documented on how to get this 'reinvite' to work
17:58.10bird_of_LuckDoes anybody know if I can use SIPADDHEADER(Alert-Info: ...) in calls to cisco 7911G ? It works for 7960/7940
17:58.13snapper14Manxpower: The only part of the link I haven't tried is the rtp.conf settings but as it works when directly connecting through to the asterisk server which is itself behind NAT I did not believe this would make a differece.
17:58.19maxximManxPower: that message means that something is wrong with asterisk? it means it not work properly?
17:58.21*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
17:58.36ManxPowersnapper14: stop thinking and follow the directions.
17:58.47*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
17:58.57[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: You still aren't showing us your configs, and we're trusting them less the more you say you're sure you did it right with each passing second
17:59.44ManxPowermaxxim: You will have to search the mailing list archives.  It means "two or more parts of Asterisk are trying to access the same thing (usually channel)"  If asterisk stop working then you have a problem.  If it does not stop working then don't worry about it.
17:59.54snapper14[TK]D-Fender: I know there is error in the configs you don't need to blatently tell me they are wrong, I wouldn't be here asking for help otherwise.
17:59.59ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: We both know what he did wrong.
18:00.02interfaithquestFender: perhaps one client is behind a NASTY nat , i will try to setup both clients behind simpl nat devices
18:00.06[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: so PASTEBIN them
18:00.07ManxPowersnapper14: PASTE your CONFIGS on PASTEBIN.CA
18:00.08jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
18:00.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: My question is what we should do to him if he did not actually follow the directions to the letter.
18:00.40[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: So far I see nothing. Why am I going to go on a wild goose chase for retarded possibilities when I don't trust the BASICS?
18:00.42snapper14I was just doing an updated pastebin afer [TK]D-Fender told me about it earlier
18:00.44ManxPowerAn example needs to be made.
18:01.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Plenty of examples out there... we've got a pike shortage ;)
18:01.23ManxPowerWe can just scream at him until he breaks down I guess.
18:01.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Oh... and I don't like the .ca ... doesn't send you to the link so you ahve to follow or target click it to get from the address bar :)
18:01.55maxximManxPower: mate, that message did not stop asterisk to work, but i'm trying to find out why my ringback is not working when i'm placing a call after playback message. i've post a message on forum with the debug logs, it will be great if you can have a look, and to tell me your opinion about is:
18:02.40ManxPowermaxxim: make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf (the default one should be fine)
18:03.13Miccwhat is BLF?
18:03.22jbotit has been said that blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
18:03.25maxximManxPower: mate, the ringingback works fine if i'm not doing playback or answer before calling Dial cmd... so, my indicaitons.conf file is fine...
18:03.49[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Still no-go?
18:03.53ManxPowerBTW, DataPilot / Susteen basically provide no access to drivers if your one year support that comes with the product expires.  That's right, you can't even download updated USB drivers for the product without buying an upgrade.
18:04.11interfaithquestno call transfer
18:04.19ManxPowermaxxim: You see, the CLASSIC reason for people not getting ringback is that the line is answered in the dialplan but there is no indications.conf.
18:04.26ManxPowerAnd I mean like over 90%
18:04.27[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Ok, I've hit the limit of my experience with this then...
18:04.29maxximManxPower: ringback does work when: Wait,Dial(xxx). ringback does not work when: Wait,Answer,playback,Dial(xxx)
18:04.31interfaithquestperhaps one client is behind a NASTY nat device
18:04.46ManxPowermaxxim: I'm starting to think someone is lying about indications.conf
18:05.05snapper14Here you go:
18:05.05maxximManxPower: i will put my indication conf file in pastebin, 1 sec pls
18:05.23[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: For your scenario, possible I suppose.. IAX2 is over a single port so the mapping should be active.  the worse that I can picture is if the router cares about the origin IP as well...
18:05.24ManxPoweronce a call is answerd in the dialplan then any indications (ringback, busy, etc) are not sent out of band, but are sent inband and inband is controlled by that file.
18:05.29[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Which WOULD be a nasty POS
18:05.45[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Can you take NAT out of the picture for any of this?
18:05.59interfaithquestyes i can experiment
18:06.38[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: What do you have forwarded to *?
18:06.39interfaithquestthe goal though is to have a system , phone service where 90% of the time the 're-invite' will work
18:07.16ManxPowersnapper14: you do not have the canreinvite while CLEARLY says it's IMPORTANT in the natdoc we sent.
18:07.28[TK]D-Fendersnapper14: And you have missed a CRUCIAL setting which was announced as such in that guide.
18:07.56ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: why do you think people don't read carefully anymore?
18:08.14interfaithquestFender, thx for the interest btw, has anyone reported success with chan_gtalk for this kind of p2p calling ?
18:08.49ManxPowersnapper14: Why do you think that document exists?  It exists because getting NAT and SIP working with Asterisk is a multi-step process where each step must be done correctly.
18:08.51maxximManxPower: mate, i don't really understand about 'inbound' , 'outband', can you give me plase an example, or how can i make the ringback to work? thanks!
18:09.22interfaithquestFender , my tests with chan_gtalk (which uses stun) seem to work ok when one end is google gtalk soft client, but not if both are asterisk nat'd clients
18:09.48ManxPowermaxxim: try the one that came in the asterisk source code.
18:09.54[TK]D-Fender"IMPORTANT! phones must not be allowed to attempt to directly connect with each other" <-- Seriously.  WTF.  No really.  WTF.  Is this not &^%$#ing blatantly screaming in your face?
18:09.59[TK]D-Fenderthinks some bold flashing colour is required for that statement.
18:10.07interfaithquestFender, so i iax /gtalk fail i may develop a state of the art udp hole punching call setup channel
18:10.32ManxPowerI give up.  snapper14 I cannot and will not help you further.
18:10.36[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: Well if its a CPE NAT issue you can't save them... without inventing your own protocol anyways...
18:10.47[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: what is the IAX endoint in this case?
18:10.55ManxPowermaxxim: inband .vs. outof band should be talked about in the Asterisk book.
18:10.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I think he got it...
18:11.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: yeah, this time.
18:11.08interfaithquestembedded asterisk in ixp425 board
18:11.17interfaithquestlike the 'slug'
18:11.17[TK]D-Fenderinterfaithquest: if each remote system is *, then each site should be forwarded and NAT should not be an issue
18:11.32[TK]D-Fender(should not)
18:11.35interfaithquestyes.. life should be like that
18:11.36interfaithquestha ha
18:11.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm so tempted to write an application to auto-config asterisk for nat support.
18:11.46snapper14Okay lesson learnt.  Thats what I get for looking at this things at 1am.  Thanks
18:11.59ManxPoweryou CAN discover your localnet and externip programmically.
18:12.13interfaithquestlikely one of the NAT is a NASTY nat.. so i will add another 3rd client with a NICE NAT and re test
18:12.30[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I got a shell script from docelmo I believe that divines the WAN IP... tiny mod to scan for localnets (non-VPN) to add.
18:12.46maxximManxPower: i've just took the indications.conf.sample file from 'configs' directory of source package of asterisk It didn't help. the same situation, i can't hear the ringback in answered channel/// what else can i try? thanks
18:13.44ManxPowermaxxim: there is nothing else to try.  If indications.conf does not fix it, I've never heard of it being fixed.
18:15.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: As it is I'm going to refine that post a bit.
18:16.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: number the steps, bold the config options.  I think reformatting is needed.
18:16.40ManxPowermaxxim: did you restart asterisk after copying the indications.conf?
18:16.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'll get around to that.
18:18.09maxximManxPower: sure, i'm an it engineer. what i've noticed, is that, the ringback could be heared for just first 500ms, if i'm putting the Dial cmd straight after Playback cmd...
18:18.32maxximManxPower: i have such impression, that somethins in asterisk stops ringback to by
18:18.37maxximManxPower: i have such impression, that somethins in asterisk stops ringback
18:19.54ManxPowermaxxim: Asterisk will ALWAYS provide ringback if it thinks it should provide the ringback.
18:20.19maxximManxPower: how can i track what makes ringback to not by heared?
18:21.47ManxPowermaxxim: I don't know.
18:21.55Miccdoh! I figured it out. I logged in the agent from the same extension and its using ${CALLERID}
18:22.05ManxPowerit could be caused by dozens of issues, and I've already given you the only solution I have ever heard of that works.
18:22.13MiccSo it registered multiple agents at the same extension. so of course it would be busy on the second line.
18:22.21ManxPowerMicc: Well that's silly!  Why not use the newer CALLERID variables?
18:22.29maxximManxPower: do you know who can help me? any contact details, pls...
18:22.34[TK]D-Fenderwe tend to call them FUNCTIONS here.
18:22.35ManxPowermaxxim: no.
18:22.40ManxPowertry asking in the mailing list.
18:23.07maxximManxPower> there could take ages to get an proper respose (
18:23.17maxximManxPower: thans for you time!
18:23.26ManxPowermaxxim: you are not going to get this solved today or maybe even in a week.
18:23.55MiccManxPower, really I shouldn't use the calleridnum at all.
18:24.07ManxPowerchances are you'll have to dig into the Asterisk source code and the SIP RFC, etc
18:24.17ManxPowerMicc: did you read the upgrade.txt files?
18:24.22maxximManxPower: i would like to know if guys from mailinglist or forums are happy to fix bugs, or not really?
18:24.30*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
18:24.35ManxPowerthey tell you everything that is deprecated and what important changes happened.
18:24.46MiccManxPower, what upgrade.txt file?
18:24.50ManxPowermaxxim: you don't even know if it is a bug in asterisk.
18:25.00MiccManxPower, I've been running 1.2.11 for years.
18:25.01ManxPowerMicc: the one that comes in the Asterisk source code.
18:25.21MiccManxPower, I'm sure I did at one point.
18:25.43MiccManxPower, the calleridnum dialplan code I copied off of a website.
18:25.53MiccSo if its old or wrong, thats why.
18:26.21ManxPowerMicc: *nod*  That's why they include the upgrade info, so people can realize there is old code out there.
18:26.41ManxPowerso why don't you go read it.  You can get the code and it lists the upgrade files for 1.6, 1.4, and 1.2
18:27.03jbotit has been said that manxpower is NOT an employee of Digium.  He is looking for a training/teaching job in networking and/or Asterisk.  Currently doing Asterisk and WAN consulting.  Contact:
18:27.14maxximManxPower: even musiconhold is no working in this situation. i was thinking to put a musiconhold sound instead of ringback
18:27.35maxximusing Dial(xxxx,y,m)
18:28.44*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=seanmh@
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18:47.03raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: I GOT IT WORKING!
18:47.31raasdnilwas the asterisk/dahdi_chan.conf
18:48.14raasdnilThe only problem with post connect DTMF is that it doesn't provide a ringing tone.... any ideas how I put that on?
18:53.01*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:54.57jayteeadd the r option to the Dial app statement
18:55.32raasdnilthanks jaytee
18:56.00jayteeraasdnil, or you can use m for MusicOnHold until it's connected if you prefer
18:56.58*** part/#asterisk snapper14 (
18:58.26raasdnilheh... I tthink my phone users would get too confused with that
18:59.35raasdnilhow do I change the country ring tone?  Using the US tones right now.
18:59.56jayteeraasdnil, loadzone
19:00.05jayteein chan_dahdi.conf
19:01.10jayteeusing the m option is fun, it's nice to give callers a little dose of Abba to spread evil throughout the world.
19:01.30*** join/#asterisk pluesch0r (
19:01.44raasdnilhehe :)
19:01.58raasdnilhmm... loadzone in chan_dahdi looks like timezone loading
19:02.13raasdnilI changed the default in indications.conf to au.... still seems to be using the US ring tones though
19:03.02[TK]D-Fendertonezone, not timezone
19:03.10jayteechange loadzone=au
19:03.11*** join/#asterisk elGuille_wugro2 (n=guillerm@
19:03.23elGuille_wugro2hello everyone.
19:03.27jayteeloadzone tells * what tonezone indications to use
19:04.01raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: did you see?  Got the darn thing working!  Thanks for your help yeah?
19:04.23[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Glad to hear
19:04.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, what was his issue with pri?
19:05.01raasdniljaytee: it ended up being the NEC system needed to use post connect DTMF.
19:05.11*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
19:05.21raasdnilthat was mixed in with a problem of needing pridialplan=unknown
19:06.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: His PBX passes the DID as DTMF post dial so it pulls up immediate and he needed a Read
19:07.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I've seen a few things like that in the euroisdn side of things...
19:08.57jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I feel fortunate living in the US using our standards
19:09.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I met a guy from Montreal in class named Claude Klimos, ever met him?
19:09.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Lowest Common Denomintor FTW!
19:09.36[TK]D-Fender$USD = Lowest Common Denomination ;)
19:09.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup, he ran (runs) Aheeva
19:10.01jayteenice guy
19:10.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Met him a while back, and met up with him & Jared last year
19:10.45jayteeJared's a great guy. really good instructor
19:11.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I never actually took any course, I just met up after a a "whats new" type meeting at the tail end of a dCAP training wek
19:11.33jayteeeven though I blew the practical I learned so much in class my head is swimming with ideas for enhancing my dialplan now.
19:11.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Sounds like you should apply at the LHC ;)
19:12.31jayteedo they use *?
19:12.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah "practically" blew up too ;)
19:15.02raasdnilgoodnight all
19:15.08raasdnilmorning.  It's 6:15am here
19:15.13raasdnilbut it works.... :)
19:15.17raasdnilis off to bed
19:15.17jaytee"Press 1 if you wish to smash uranium protons, press 2 if you wish to smash lead ions, press 3 if you wish to create a black hole, press 4 to create strangelets or press 0 to speak to an operator."
19:15.39jayteenite raasdnil
19:15.53raasdnilthanks [TK]D-Fender
19:17.05elGuille_wugro2well, hello everyone again. I'm newbie using asterisk, and i'd like to know how should i get asterisk working with mysql, users, cdr, extensions and so on.!., is there anything you could tell me to read?, i did google but without nothing complete working.
19:17.16jbotrumour has it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:18.38jayteeelGuille_wugro2, search the WIKI at, there's a howto for using mysql with * for CDR, plus you'll need the asterisk-addons compiled.
19:19.17elGuille_wugro2i compiled and installed asterisk-addons few minutos ago.!.
19:19.21elGuille_wugro2jaytee: thanks!.
19:19.37jayteeelGuille_wugro2, yw
19:39.30[TK]D-FenderMy next challenge : ML-PPPoE.  First on a single link, and then I'm thinking of Bonding 2 links
19:45.52*** join/#asterisk zippytech2 (
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20:07.56zippytech2anyone remember how to enable video with asterisk
20:09.26jayteevideosupport=yes in the general section of sip.conf
20:09.43ManxPowerzippytech2: Video with Asterisk is not a common thing yet.  You might want to check the mailinglist archives ("/msg jbot ~mailinglist" for more information) or ask on the asterisk-users mailinglist.
20:09.51jayteeand add support for the h263 codec with allow=h264
20:10.04jayteeoops, allow=h263
20:10.09ManxPowerThere should be some docs in the doc directory of the Asterisk source code too.
20:11.48zippytech2i have a box setup but i don't have access from here to see the changes if i remember it was some what simple
20:12.14zippytech2like to lines added to sip.conf
20:12.27jayteezippytech2, all I needed to do to get a webcam and x-lite working with video was what I just mentioned
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20:22.24SkramXssh phalse
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20:45.11MiccI'm getting log rotate errors over and over.
20:45.35MiccRotated Logs Per SIGXFSZ (Exceeded file size limit)
20:46.07*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
20:46.07*** mode/#asterisk [+o Cresl1n] by ChanServ
20:46.55MiccI have plenty of disk space left.
20:47.43MiccAlso, I have a 35i and a 480i aastra with the cordless handset for each. The handset for the 480i doesn't answer when picked up but the 35i handset answers the ringing line when picked up from the charging cradle.
20:48.04MiccDoes anyone know if there is a way to turn the auto-answer when picked up off?
20:48.57[TK]D-FenderMicc: You desperately need to read your phone's manual...
20:49.11MiccI don't know where it is.
20:49.19[TK]D-FenderMicc: <-
20:51.34Miccgood call.
20:52.04*** join/#asterisk Jelle__ (
20:54.18jayteedrmessano, PM?
20:55.30jayteei tried to send a PM request but this version of mIRC is acting strange, it's waiting for your auth
20:56.23*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
20:59.22Miccasteirsk keeps crashing now.
20:59.33Miccmy log files are recycling .
20:59.41Miccbunch of event_log.#
21:00.35[TK]D-FenderMicc: start * manually ans see what comes up
21:01.19*** join/#asterisk SkramX (i=mark@phalse.2600.COM)
21:06.31MiccI'm getting all kinds of errors.
21:06.44Miccwhat could be causing this state?
21:08.32drmessanoapp_fukdup failed loading.
21:08.41drmessanoSame reason your box has been crashing
21:08.50drmessanoCheck for hard disk errors
21:08.58[TK]D-FenderMicc: Maybe you forgot to start Zaptel FIRST
21:09.15[TK]D-FenderMicc: Maybe you should show us the problem before asking WHY
21:09.16Miccits been running all day just fine.
21:09.31drmessanoYou've been complaining for days that its been crashing as of late
21:09.36[TK]D-FenderMicc>its been running all day just fine. <- high on the list of least informative statements one could provide
21:09.50drmessano"All day" is meaningless unless you *FOUND* and *FIXED* something
21:10.06drmessanoBut you stated several times the box has been hosed
21:10.38drmessanoYou're either gonna keep looking for an asterisk problem, living in denial, or start checking the hardware before it dies and you go into "oh shit" mode
21:11.22[TK]D-Fenderor... at the very least SHOW US THE PROBLEM.
21:11.33drmessanoYour statements have been to the effect of "its been working fine for two years and after I gave my IP address out in here, asterisk crashes all the time"
21:11.49Miccasterisk died with code 1 automatically restarting
21:12.10drmessanoNow you're getting random crashes
21:12.22interfaithquestbindport in iax if set to 4570.. fails so show as 4570 when checking via 'iax2 show provisioning'
21:12.28[TK]D-FenderMicc: It can't automatically restart is you started it MANUALLY like I asked
21:12.50MiccI did start it manually. /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
21:13.00MiccI also tried /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvc
21:13.01[TK]D-FenderMicc: that is to run in DAEMON, not MANULA
21:13.10[TK]D-FenderMicc: Only as "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvc
21:13.11drmessanointerfaithquest try bindaddr=
21:13.20interfaithquestgood idea
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21:20.30interfaithquestthat also fails :(
21:20.50interfaithquestit seems iax wont take a different port
21:20.59interfaithquestany other suggestions ?
21:21.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: Yup, looks like zaptel hasn't been started first.
21:21.30[TK]D-FenderMicc: do "ztcfg -vvvv".  If that checks out, try starting * again
21:22.01interfaithquesthard code the ip:port ?
21:22.47interfaithquestas it is.. for 1.4.2 it is not taking 4570 when is set
21:23.40interfaithquestFender, here the idea is to have 2 iax * clients behind a simple NAT to test iax call transfer and p2p calling
21:24.07interfaithquestFender, strange iax will not take a the bindaddr=
21:25.31drmessanoOh god
21:25.45drmessanoGet something about 2 years newer or so
21:25.47drmessanoand then try it
21:26.14*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
21:26.16pidsinterfaithquest, the bind address and the port are not set together
21:26.18*** join/#asterisk boolean12 (
21:26.27Micchow can I reload zap?
21:26.32pidsbindaddr=    port=4570
21:26.43drmessanoHe tried that
21:26.53drmessanoand the suggestion was made based on newer behavior
21:26.54Miccztcfg -vvv looks normal.
21:27.00Micc24 channels configured
21:27.02[TK]D-FenderMicc: I just told you something very specific to do.  Do it.
21:27.23boolean12Can anyone verify or disprove that 1.6 does not allow setting a different context with realtime?
21:27.43MiccSPAN 1: ESF/B8ZS Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
21:27.49interfaithquestshould be an easy bug to fix.. in chan_iax2.c i guess
21:27.56MiccI think I've run out of memory.
21:28.52drmessanointerfaithquest: Why are you using something so old?
21:29.10pidsinterfaithquest, I have it set to diffrent ports and have no problems. So I doubt its a bug.
21:29.16drmessanoYou're gonna have more problems with 1.4.2 than not
21:29.54drmessanoEspecially with IAX2
21:29.58MiccI have 0 shared buffers free
21:30.10interfaithquestso ? move up to 1.6 ?
21:30.26interfaithquest1.6 has troubles with linux 2.4
21:30.38drmessanoAt the very least get a non-ancient 1.4
21:30.41drmessano1.4.2 IS OLD
21:30.45drmessano1.4.22 is current
21:30.52drmessanoWhy are 1.4.2 and 1.6 your only options
21:30.54interfaithquestoops yes 1.4.22
21:31.06interfaithquestthe client is on the latest 1.4.22
21:31.20jayteeor a newer version of 1.4, current is 1.4.22 but ya might have issues there with a 2.4 kernel
21:31.37interfaithquestand still fails to take a bind other than 4569
21:32.06jayteepastebin your iax.conf file
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21:32.11interfaithquesthmm calling is ok in general
21:32.14pidsinterfaithquest, your not using a dns srv record are you?
21:32.37interfaithquestnot using dns in these tests
21:32.39drmessanoDo you have bindaddr specified?
21:32.50interfaithquestjust ip
21:32.55drmessanoDo that
21:33.02interfaithquesthard code some ip ?
21:33.03drmessanothen your port
21:33.09interfaithquestyes i tried that
21:33.17interfaithquesthere i will pastbin it
21:33.19drmessanoWell, if its going to work, you need that
21:33.24jayteeyou should have bindport=4570 and then bindaddr=
21:33.40drmessanobindaddr needs to be before bindport too
21:33.42jayteein that order in [general] in iax.conf
21:34.05harry_vI do not know if there has been some changes in the way vm behaves but getting this message stating that I have no entry in voicemail config file.
21:34.11drmessanoBecause asterisk reads bindaddr then the bindport to associate with the specified address
21:34.21[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: DETAILS man...
21:34.32drmessanoyou can supply subsequent bindaddrs and bindports that way
21:35.32drmessanobindaddr FIRST
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21:35.43drmessanoand no
21:35.54drmessanoLike that
21:36.03interfaithquestok easy to try
21:36.04harry_vsome topics in google briefly talk about it and made the changes but no go.
21:36.10[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: DETAILS man...
21:36.50harry_vcall another extention and it falls though. Do you need to see the voicemailconf file?
21:37.09drmessanoHang on
21:37.18[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Show us the PROBLEM
21:37.23pidsfender likes details
21:37.28drmessanoThis is like a soup sandwich
21:37.43[TK]D-Fenderpids: "it doesn't work, HAEEELELPP!?!?! plAESSEZ?!
21:37.45drmessanointerfaithquest: Put bindaddr= and REMOVE THE BINDPORT
21:38.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:38.40drmessanoIt shows it right in the sample file
21:38.54drmessanoI think in 1.2 it was addr before port
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21:38.56drmessanoor so I read
21:39.01pidsharry_v, pastbin your voicemail.conf without pins
21:39.02jayteeget rid of the :4570 and add bindport=4570 before the bindaddr= statement
21:39.13drmessanojaytee: its in the sample file
21:39.14jayteeport, then address
21:39.16[TK]D-Fenderpids: Wrong answer... please try again
21:39.27pidsdrmessano, the combined format never worked right
21:39.55drmessanowell, right now NOTHING is working for him, so if you have a better idea, start typing
21:40.04pidsFender huh?
21:40.22drmessanootherwise, youre just playing armchair quarterback
21:40.41drmessanointerfaithquest: try as Jaytee suggested
21:40.53drmessanobindport=4570 then bindaddr=
21:40.54Miccwhat does .... warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested mean?
21:41.04pidsdrmessano, we have been trying to get him to dump the combined format for ten minutes.
21:41.05interfaithquestno luck
21:41.22drmessanopids, I have been trying to get him working for 20
21:41.24interfaithquestall combinations fail to take a port other than 4569
21:41.36[TK]D-Fenderpids: he says its now saying "No VM Entry".  Well voicemail.conf has never changed the core format for boxes.  This is a DIALPLAn error unless he literally typo'd it.  Then again you won't even know WHICH ONE unless you see the dialplan anyways
21:41.38interfaithquestusing 1.4.22 and new fedora 9
21:41.47fileinterfaithquest: are you reloading or restarting Asterisk?
21:41.53[TK]D-Fenderpids: So asking for VM config = largely worthless when I KNOW the dialplan app HAS changed
21:41.57jayteeare you doing an IAX2 reload after changing your iax.conf file?
21:41.57interfaithquestwill try restart
21:42.04fileyou can't change it and reload, you have to restart
21:42.11fileor unload and load it
21:42.23MiccI have too many log files.
21:42.31drmessanooh shit
21:42.34interfaithquestrestart also fails
21:42.34jayteeoh, right. only if change user info
21:42.37drmessanooh god
21:42.41interfaithquestnothing can change the iax2 default port
21:42.42jayteeport stuff needs a restart
21:42.44pidsfender good ppint
21:42.45baliktadwhat is the significance of the number * puts in the userfield of the CDR?
21:43.01interfaithquestjust did a restart
21:43.05interfaithqueston a pc
21:43.06drmessanoIm such a fucking dumbass.. and I told you.. I told you I was.. I swore up and down "I, am a dumbass"
21:43.17ManxPowerI can't imagine why you would want to change the IAX2 port number.
21:43.27fileinterfaithquest: I just did and it works fine, netstat shows listening on both 4569 and 4570
21:43.32jayteedrmessano, we're all bozos on this bus :-)
21:43.36drmessanoum.. I dont think I restarted asterisk after adding the TCP stuff
21:43.43drmessanoNO SERIOUSLY
21:43.44interfaithquestoh ? and iax2 show provisioning ?
21:43.47drmessanoI dont think I did
21:43.56fileiax2 show provisioning is for provisioning IAXy devices
21:44.11jayteeZOMG! :-)
21:44.26interfaithquestusing two client devices behind ONE dsl device
21:44.42drmessanoJust hit me when file mentioned restarting.. Since shit like bindaddr and whatnot hate a simple reload
21:44.52fileinterfaithquest: iax2 show provisioning has *nothing* to do with the local machine's bindings
21:44.54harry_v my voicemail issue.
21:44.57drmessanoIm like "Hmm.. did I remember that... doubtful"
21:45.17pidsinterfaithquest, how are you testing the port?
21:45.22interfaithquestso then how can we know that 4570 is working
21:45.28interfaithquestit fails to register
21:45.32pidsinterfaithquest, telnet to the port
21:45.33Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:45.38filetelnet won't work, it's UDP
21:45.46[TK]D-Fenderpids: Strike 2!
21:45.47pidsits iax
21:46.03drmessanothere you go.. argue with a dev now
21:46.06interfaithquestthe device registers when set to 4569
21:46.15interfaithquestand fails when set to 4570
21:46.18Miccwhere is the code the does the recycling of log files?
21:46.23fileinterfaithquest: confirm that it is indeed binding to 4570 by looking at the output of chan_iax2 when it is loaded
21:46.27ManxPowerYou can't telnet to a DUP port
21:46.27drmessanofile: What the hell do you know about asterisk anyway?
21:46.39[TK]D-Fenderpids: OSI failure...
21:46.43fileinterfaithquest: or netstat -a to confirm the UDP port is being listened
21:47.12jayteedrmessano, file wrote the lumenvox connector. I suspect he knows alot about * :-)
21:47.19fileif it shows that port 4570 is being listened on then do a tcpdump of that port to see if you see the traffic
21:47.25MiccI'm almost positive this is the problem. my log directory has hundreds of files all 40 or 78 bytes.
21:47.46ManxPowerMicc: directories do have a max file number limit
21:47.49drmessanojaytee: I dunno, my money is on pids
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21:48.16Miccbut why would it be doing this in the first place?
21:48.28ManxPowerMicc: um, logger rotate
21:48.30drmessanojaytee: I have popcorn and 100:1 odds.. Not afraid
21:48.48MiccManxPower, where is that code? what file is that in?
21:49.00interfaithquestnetstat -a | grep 4570 -> nothing
21:49.26fileinterfaithquest: and you have it configured in iax.conf how?
21:49.33ManxPowerMicc: I dunno, it's in the linux kernel and in the filesystem drivers.
21:49.49interfaithquesthmm for a simple NAT.. perhaps two units on 4569 is ok
21:49.59MiccI found it. its in reload_logger in logger.c
21:50.06interfaithquestas each will get a different outside port
21:50.08interfaithquestwill try that
21:50.20fileinterfaithquest: right...
21:50.38filelocal bindings have no influence over the implementation of the remote device doing the NAT translation...
21:50.56ManxPowerinterfaithquest: You understand that all connections have a SOURCE port in addition to a destination port, right?
21:52.06ManxPowerProper understanding of NAT requires you understand the source ip/port and dest ip/port of tcp and udp connections.
21:54.46ManxPowerponders a rant about people trying to do VoIP but not understanding basic TCP/IP concepts.
21:55.00pidshmm looks like my sarcasm failed...
21:55.19fileoffers [TK]D-Fender a drink
21:55.44[TK]D-Fenderdang caps!
21:55.46file[TK]D-Fender: ha
21:56.05[TK]D-Fenderfile: At work working on budget files \o?
21:56.08[TK]D-Fenderfile: At work working on budget files \o/
21:56.13[TK]D-Fenderlast arm is in question!
21:56.16ManxPowerYou can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
21:56.22file[TK]D-Fender: Icanhazmoney?
21:56.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: My #^%$ing yogurt has more culture, even if its only BACTERIAL :p
21:56.53[TK]D-Fenderfile: Right now we're not sure WE have money ;)
21:57.42drmessanoI took whore to culture in high school.. I learned the hard was to leaf them alone.
21:58.31Miccok it is still looping.
21:58.43Miccits restarting logger
21:58.48ManxPowerI've spent much of the day and most of the night cursing Novatel Wireless.
21:59.06harry_vsome startup company?
21:59.33ManxPowerthey make a large number of the CDMA USB/PCMCIA cards for Verizon/Sprint/Alltel
21:59.36jayteeI spend half my time cursing Verizon Wireless and the other half cursing AT&T
22:00.35ManxPowerthey also seem to think an SDK is a few bits of sample code, missing header files, instructions are for a different platform and it's in C++
22:00.38harry_vmy peeve is bell
22:01.05MiccAsterisk Event Logger restarted
22:01.05MiccAsterisk Queue Logger restarted
22:01.05MiccRotated Logs Per SIGXFSZ (Exceeded file size limit)
22:01.07harry_vgone are the days when cell phones has bigger tranciver modules in them.
22:01.32MiccI keep getting that over and over, I can't understand why it keeps doing it.
22:01.45harry_vmore cell sites but gone is the range that one would expect 10-15 years ago.
22:01.48ManxPowerMicc: SIGXFSZ is generated by the filesystem, logger is just printing what it got.
22:02.08ManxPowernow why don't you just delete a couple of thousand files from that directory and move on.
22:02.26MiccManxPower, I've deleted every file in that directory a number of times.
22:02.30ManxPowerlike configuring your system logger to delete the logs after x amount of time.
22:02.37ManxPowerMicc: and are they coming back?
22:02.49ManxPowerand what do they contain?
22:03.53Micchmmm.. this is interesting... queue_log contains a ton of CONFIGRELOAD
22:04.05MiccSo why its reloading I don't know.
22:04.11ManxPowerlooks like something could be issuing a zillion reloads.
22:04.22Miccyeah. but what?
22:04.30ManxPowerIs this a GUI intall?
22:05.42[TK]D-FenderMicc: You have amillion of those because * was crashing like a 747 due to your zaptel issue, back to back because of running it in safe_asterisk.
22:05.57[TK]D-FenderMicc: When i told you to do it MANUALLY
22:06.07[TK]D-Fenderwonders why people don't listen to him...
22:06.31[TK]D-Fenderfile: I'll take you up on the drink now!
22:06.39*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
22:06.43MiccTKD-Fender, no, it started doing the million restarts before that.
22:06.47MiccAnd now after that.
22:07.01MiccIts still getting the reloads even while running manually.
22:07.17jayteedoesn't wonder why people don't listen to [TK]D-Fender, he knows it's because most people are either stupid or stubborn or both.
22:08.15drmessanoAll 3
22:09.40[TK]D-Fendergoes back to budget work...
22:10.23MiccI ran out of file descriptors, thats what caused the zap problem.
22:10.37MiccI rebuilt logger.c to not do the recycle.
22:11.21pidsMicc I gotta ask, Why?!?
22:11.53Miccpids, because the constant recycling was causing it to eat up file descriptors. As soon as I figure out what the real problem is I'll put it back.
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22:16.25pidsis convinced that DTMF's are the work of the devil...
22:23.21MiccI found someone else having the same problem online.
22:23.39MiccAnd it turned out to be Master.csv was too big. I don't have that file anywhere.
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22:28.18Micccould SIGXFSZ be caused by a bad hard disk?
22:30.06tompawI have two asterisk boxes: ONE and TWO. On ONE there are two user accounts: 6969 and 6971. On TWO there is one user account - 6971. When I try to make a call from 6971@TWO to 6969@ONE, box ONE says:
22:30.40tompawFound user '6971' for '6971'
22:30.58tompawIt looks like it's trying to authenticate a remote user basing on the fact that he has the same login.
22:31.14tompawAnd it sends back SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
22:31.39tompawNow why would it try to authenticate a REMOTE user from a DIFFERENT domain?
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23:01.58MiccI think I've isolated it down to the voicemail app
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23:06.35*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
23:09.35root52Hey all I am blasting about 40 voicemail boxes with the same message. It the inturn send out 40 pages all at once. Is there some asterisk option to stagger thease alerts out a bit. Or is it just going to send them as the message hits the box?
23:11.14harry_vyou mean like a broadcast message
23:13.26root52I just have it set up to take one message and send it to 40 mailboxes. ex. (Voicemail(100&1&2&3&4&5.....))
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23:14.41[TK]D-Fenderroot52: No, * will send them as quick as you see... not an option
23:15.01root52ok. Thanks. Just wondering if * could do that or I have to think of something else. Thanks!!
23:15.45MiccIs event_log suppose to be empty?
23:16.08interfaithquesthello 2 * clients call ok via iax, but fail to connect audio peer to peer
23:16.32ManxPowerMicc: it should be whatever you configured in logger.conf
23:16.54interfaithquestboth iax clients are * units that register to a central server ok via iax
23:16.54ManxPowerinterfaithquest: any nat involved?
23:17.02interfaithquestyes  1 dsl
23:17.07MiccI didn't configure events, but it keeps saying asterisk event logger restarted and then asterisk queue logger restarted.
23:17.31interfaithquestboth clients are on the same dsl nat/firewall one exposed ast 4569 and the other as 1024
23:17.51ManxPowerinterfaithquest: unless you portforward in the natted one "peer to peer audio" will not work.
23:18.38MiccWhen I it almost completely stops the SIGXFSZ and reloads.
23:18.56interfaithquestwell i can try that.. however if the NAT is a simple NAT.. then audio should connect via the exposed ports
23:19.40interfaithquestso yes i can port forward 1024 and 4569  to test this
23:19.52ManxPowerinterfaithquest: you don't forward the other ports
23:20.03interfaithquestfor a simple NAT there is no need for ANY port forwarding for iax
23:20.04ManxPowerthe other ports are DYNAMICALLY FORWARDED BY NAT.
23:20.09ManxPowerThat's the whole point of NAT
23:20.17boolean12Using Asterisk RT in 1.6, Is it true it will ignore a context with the switch => ?
23:20.20ManxPowerinterfaithquest: there is if you want direct peer audio to work
23:21.02ManxPoweralso if Asterisk is on a private IP
23:21.02interfaithquestyes..the goal is to have a group of asterisk devices register with a central server, and then call peer to peer
23:21.02ManxPowerso forward port 4569 UDP on the NAT box to the internal port 4569 on your IAX2 device.
23:21.04interfaithquestthe central server does the call setup ..and hands off the media peer to peer
23:21.09ManxPowerinterfaithquest: any peer to peer will require port forwarding
23:21.36interfaithquesti can easily TRY that.. in this test both devices are behind the SAME dsl/nat/firewall
23:21.55ManxPowerDid you believe that crap about "SIP being so much harder to configure with NAT than IAX2?"
23:22.11interfaithquestone is exposed ast port 1024 and the other as 4569 , shown in the central * iax2 show peers
23:22.22interfaithquestha ha
23:22.33ManxPowerinterfaithquest: if they are on the same lan then there is no nat involved.
23:22.48interfaithquesti am considering making a HOLE PUNCH CHANNEL.. to 1st punch thru peer to peer then let the iax take over
23:23.02ManxPowerand yet you say "exposed as" so that sounds like nay IS involved.
23:23.08interfaithquestbut before reinventing any code.. i want to try what exists
23:23.25interfaithquestthe DSL has a NAT/FIREWALL turned ON
23:23.39ManxPowerbut if they are on the same lan the packets don't even touch the router.
23:24.12ManxPowerhow about you just try forwarding the ports and see what happens.
23:24.16interfaithquestwell i want to have 2 separate dsl , but do not have that convenience
23:24.21interfaithquestyeah i will try that
23:25.22ManxPowerinterfaithquest: exactly how are you going to "punch thru" a NAT.
23:25.43ManxPowerhell things like bittorrent can't even "punch thru nat"
23:26.20ManxPoweron Cisco routers you can just see the NAT translation table with 1 command.
23:26.39interfaithquestas skype does
23:27.23Maliutaskype is a major security issue
23:27.29interfaithquestfrom sources on the net.. one 1st must scan a range of ports to open .. expose one client.. here i will get u the reference
23:27.41interfaithquesthere is the latest brainiac on hole punching
23:28.03Maliutait's called my fist in the face of someone I find doing that on my networks
23:28.19Maliuta_that's_ real hole punching
23:28.35ManxPowerinterfaithquest: "But if the NAT/Firewall is symmetric then a relay node must be present in the direction of the traffic terminating at hat NAT/Firewall, for the duration of the session. This increases the amount of bandwidth consumed by the relay node"  from
23:28.41interfaithquestbasically when one client scans a range of ports on the other then opens up itself..for the other side to punch in
23:28.55ManxPowergo for it then
23:29.20interfaithquestif i have to.. i was hoping for a temporary solution via iax.. but this has been frustrating so far
23:29.46interfaithquestthe plan is to have a 'hole punch
23:30.25ManxPower"The basic idea is to have each host behind the NAT contact a third well-known server (usually a STUN server) in the public address space and then, once the NAT devices have established UDP state information, to switch to direct communication hoping that the NAT devices will keep the states despite the fact that packets are coming from a different host."  Any firewall that keeps the state despite the fack packets are coming from a differ
23:31.16interfaithqueststun will get about 90% of the nats.. port scanning is NOT done by stun, which fails on a symmetric nat
23:31.44[TK]D-FenderSTUN?  I'm trying to set my laser printer on **KILL**
23:32.36interfaithquestanyway i was hoping iax would at least get things going.. that is now a faint hope.. as not everyone is keen to fiddle with the dsl router
23:33.53interfaithquestchan_gtalk , i had hopes for that too, but it also failed to go peer to peer
23:34.27interfaithquesti guess via STUN it can ONLY do the simple NAT devices.. that are easily punched thru..
23:35.26Micchow could I search my file system for any files great than 1GB?
23:35.35ManxPowerMicc: "man find"
23:36.02drmessanopaypal needs a command line interface
23:36.31harry_vTK, ever been shocked by anything in the kv range before?
23:36.52drmessanokv range is meaningless
23:37.06harry_vI was once hit by 25kv but luckily it was 250 or less ma
23:37.36harry_vnever less, I flew backwards about 5 feet and hit the door.
23:37.39Miccwhat is kcore?
23:37.49Miccand why would it be 2+GB?
23:37.50ManxPower"All I want for xmas is a Tesla coil"
23:38.03ManxPowerMicc: kcore is a kernel crash.
23:38.05harry_vI built a tesla coil once.
23:38.17Micccan I delete it?
23:38.44harry_vperfect car protection. Park your car under your 10 foot tesla coil and arm it.
23:39.18[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Been done : Robocop - watch the "ads"
23:40.15harry_vI know
23:40.16drmessanoHigh voltage is overrated.  Any 5th grader with a school science program has been shocked with thousand of kv
23:40.28Miccaha. I think I found it.
23:40.35Miccsql.log was 2gb
23:40.49harry_vstill fun to do some interesting things with it.
23:40.56drmessanoYeah, nothing like deleting a sql log
23:41.06drmessanoThose CANT possibly be useful
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23:42.12harry_vdrmessano actually two guys put together a telsa coil musical set. each one made one note and when played by software made some really interesting music.
23:42.50harry_vThat would be something to see say at LasVagas. I have to go there again.
23:42.56drmessanoI spent too much of my life around high voltage to even want to go near it on purpose
23:43.35drmessanoplate voltage is not your friend
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23:45.07lesouvageIt sounds a bit like the music equipment discribed in the hitchhikers guide
23:45.18drmessanoNothing will make you double-check your paystubs more than 10,000v at a couple Amps arcing near your head
23:45.26jayteeat least it isn't Vogon poetry
23:45.40drmessanooh fredled gruntbuggly
23:45.49drmessanothey nicturations are to me
23:46.06drmessanoLike something gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee
23:46.07lesouvagejaytee: it could be.
23:46.21drmessanoThats about what I remember from the book
23:46.49drmessanoand if you were playing the game.... anyone... anyone?
23:46.57drmessano"enjoy poetry"
23:47.20mchouQuestion re asterisk function PrivacyManager.  If call comes in w/no caller ID info, but caller successfully enters his 10 digit number, does a (subsequent) call to the function CALLERID(num) return the number the caller entered?
23:48.21drmessanoHA, thats it
23:48.30drmessanoOh freddled gruntbuggly, thy micturations are to me/ As purdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee
23:49.05lesouvagemchou: it depends on how you put into your dialplan. Yo caould do Read(INBOUND_NUMBER,etc, etc.) ad do Set(CallerID(num)=INBOUND_NUMBER), you have to arange something.
23:49.36drmessanoIn the game you needed to know like the 4th word in the second verse.. only way you got to the second verse was to "enjoy poetry"
23:49.41drmessanoEven the game was sick
23:49.47mchoulesouvage: umm, I'm not sure I understand what you men
23:50.46mchoulesouvage: I need to do a read???
23:51.34mchoulesouvage: If caller enters 10 digit number, how do I "retrieve" that number via asterisk?
23:51.52mchoulesouvage: I mean in the dial plan
23:52.04lesouvagemchou: if callerid is disabled the value of CALLERID(num) ill be empty or a string of zeros (0000000) This can trigger the routing of the call to a context/extensions that ask the caller to enter his/her number. This is done with the Read() application (gogle for Read asterisk cmd).
23:52.46lesouvagesorry, just came out of town, i'm in typo mode.
23:52.54mchoulesouvage: umm, I thought that's what PrivacyManager does
23:53.16mchoulesouvage: the asterisk function, that is
23:53.55lesouvageI have never used PrivacyManger so maybe you are right.
23:54.29mchoucome on man
23:54.54mchouif you intend to help please at least know what I'm referring to
23:55.10mchouDont want blind leading the blind
23:56.27lesouvagemchou: I seem to be your best shot at the moment. Wait a moment,I will do some googling
23:59.42lesouvagemchou: well,  think it is kind of nonsense application. Just check if the CALLERID(num) has any value and if not route it to a routine to enter a phonenumber (using Read()). What is relevant is what value CALLERID(num) has when the passing of callerid is disabled on the caller side.

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