IRC log for #asterisk on 20081114

00:02.59*** join/#asterisk mosty (
00:03.03beeksprbck: add a  "WaitForRing(0)" before Answer();
00:08.34*** join/#asterisk Akiyuki (
00:09.08FruitBasketso.. when someone calls one of my numbers, the IVR has already started and they miss the first couple seconds. How can I fix that?...
00:09.57beekFruitBasket: Either add a Wait(1) before starting your IVR, or Playback(silence/1&your_file);
00:09.59*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:10.07AkiyukiAnyone available to help with this problem? this is my sip.conf and the message i am getting when trying to register to my sip provider
00:10.30FruitBasketI have ringing(), wait(7), answer()...
00:10.43FruitBasketand it still starts before the call is fully connected.
00:10.50*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
00:11.08beekFruitBasket: immediate=no on chan_dahdi.conf or zapata.conf?
00:11.18FruitBasketit's not hardware.
00:11.49beekDAHDI or Zaptel?
00:12.06FruitBasketbeek: never heard of dahdi, but again.. it's not hardware.
00:12.13FruitBasketit's voip, all the way.
00:12.59awk_rGoto(voicemenu-custom-1|s|1) suppose to fail in trunk?
00:13.15Akiyuki[TK]D-Fender: I am still stuck on the 120 sent request message. Is there anything I can do to continue diagnosing it? I dont even get a badusername/password combo
00:13.18FruitBasketdrmessano: ? is that directed at me?
00:13.23*** join/#asterisk tris (
00:13.30drmessanoYou have those in order?
00:13.32*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-f565beee5e44b2cb)
00:13.40FruitBasketdrmessano: I have a wait before the answer..
00:14.03drmessanoYou need to pastebin
00:14.37beekFruitBasket: setting verbose to 9 and watching what's happening isn't helpful?
00:21.44*** join/#asterisk primesoft (n=primesof@
00:23.01primesofthi All, Has anyone setup a gui with asterisk
00:27.07*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
00:28.23*** part/#asterisk murdock_ut (
00:29.40*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
00:29.55primesoftI have installed asterisk 1.6 and asterisk-gui 2.0 but it appears that asterisk-gui 2.0 hasn't been upgraded to work with the dahdi changes
00:29.56*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
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00:37.41*** part/#asterisk Primer (
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00:49.19*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2021a20fea66f99d)
00:49.37*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
00:50.46BBHossanyone know why app_swift/cepstral would be really stuttery on Asterisk?
00:51.43BBHossswift from the command line works fine, but in asterisk its totally fuxxed
00:53.10jsmithBBHoss: Is it sending audio in the proper format?
00:53.23BBHossjsmith: everything is set to ulaw
00:53.31BBHossi can hear the voice, its just really choppy
00:53.36BBHosslow cpu utilization too
00:54.18jsmith8000 Hz, 8-bit samples?
00:54.43BBHossthats what im using
00:54.56BBHossand i have the 8khz voice installed, david to be exact
00:56.34BBHossdoes cepstral require hardware timers jsmith?
00:57.01jsmithI don't know, but I personally can't try that code due to licensing concerns, sorry :-(
00:57.17BBHossjsmith: what code?
00:57.31jsmithBBHoss: The app_swift code
00:59.20BBHosswhat license is it?
00:59.43vk4akpAnyone around that can help me with Chan_dahdi ??
01:02.46jsmithvk4akp: Ask your question, and we'll try to help
01:03.31vk4akpOK TNX.
01:03.47vk4akpI am trying to find some documentation on Chan_dahdi
01:03.52vk4akpI have a TDM400P card.
01:03.58vk4akpAnd a Payphone on one of the ports.
01:04.23jsmithOK... keep going... (still haven't seen a question)
01:04.26vk4akpWhen receiving a call the phone rings. BUt it doesn't realise it's an incomming call when the receiver is picked up.
01:04.41vk4akpPolarity issues pulses signalling etc as possible causes.
01:04.56vk4akpThe phone works fine for receive on an ATA or PSTn line.
01:04.57jsmithIt's also possible that the pay-phone uses ground-start signaling instead of loop-start
01:05.23vk4akpI tried GS kS LS.
01:05.40vk4akpBut I am not sure as to what I have to run to be sure teh zaptel is restarted.
01:05.45*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
01:05.53vk4akpdoes ztcfg re read the chan_dahdi.conf ?
01:08.05jsmithvk4akp: The problem is, the TDM400P doesn't support ground-start
01:08.13jsmithvk4akp: No, you have to use dahdi_cfg -vv
01:08.24*** part/#asterisk kornelak (n=karl@
01:08.52primesoftdid you install the zaptel or the dahdi driver?
01:09.03harry_vam i right on this, digium has taken there cvs servers down?
01:09.04vk4akpErr.. Good question.
01:09.11vk4akpI think I am running th ezaptel driver.
01:09.18vk4akpMaybe I am configuring the wrong file???
01:09.32fileharry_v: we have not used CVS in over 2 years
01:10.11jsmithharry_v: Digium moved to SVN quite a while ago
01:10.48vk4akpShould I be looking at zapata.conf instead?
01:10.57vk4akpAlso are you sure the card won't do ground start?
01:11.12vk4akpThe Payphone is a USA desktop payphone. G-Tel 909
01:11.33primesoftWhat version of asterisk are you running/intending to run?
01:12.15jsmithvk4akp: If you're using zaptel, you'll edit zaptel.conf, run ztcfg -vv, and edit zapata.conf
01:12.32vk4akpOK Thanks.
01:12.37vk4akpYea I am running zaptel.
01:12.38jsmithvk4akp: If you're using DAHDI, you'll edit /etc/dahdi/system.conf, run dahdi_cfg -vv, and edit chan_dahdi.conf
01:12.57vk4akpis one better then the other for any reason?
01:13.43jsmithZaptel has been replaced by DAHDI
01:13.46primesoftdahdi will be the only one supported in future versions
01:13.53jsmith(They're almost the same, but we had to change the name)
01:13.59primesoft1.6 onwards
01:14.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b2130951ba12dcd7)
01:14.49vk4akpI also run radio ports. So I hope the changes don't effect that.
01:15.26vk4akpSo after I edit zapata.conf do I need to run anything for the new config to be adopted?
01:15.34vk4akpOr is a reload all that is necessary?
01:16.13jsmithIf you add channels or change signalling, you have to restart for the changes to take effect
01:16.36vk4akpso just stop asterisk and restart?
01:16.52vk4akpOr do I need to run something else again too like ztcfg or something?
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
01:19.29LemensTShey guys, what format should i save a wav file for asterisk?
01:19.45vk4akpAlso can anyone point me to some documentation on all the different settings in the zapata.conf file? and how to understand all the different signalling methods?
01:19.47LemensTSkhyz/bit/(mono of course)
01:20.07vk4akpAlso what signalling method is the comon one for USA and desktop payphones. (Normal line).
01:20.13jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
01:20.24vk4akpNo, I've read that. It's not in there.
01:20.58jsmithvk4akp: I wrote it.  It's in there....
01:21.07vk4akpOK. I'll look again. TNX.
01:21.25vk4akpOh and if you really did write it. Thankyou so much for making it free.
01:22.07jsmithvk4akp: You're welcome.  (and the standard signalling method for analog phones in the US is kewlstart, but often times payphones use different signaling
01:22.42vk4akpOK. Yes this payphone is just a desktop one for pub's etc. So it runs on a standard like like you would have at home.
01:23.03vk4akpWe imported them here into Australia to use at VoIP displays to give things a bit of novelty. :)
01:25.12vk4akpCould I possibly have more luck with a Digium S101i maybe?
01:26.06*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:27.14*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
01:27.34KattyQwell: 7 bars into 71
01:27.41KattyQwell: too tired to do much more.
01:29.04*** join/#asterisk prodyan (n=ian@
01:29.07prodyanhello all
01:29.15*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
01:29.28primesoftCan anyone confirm that there is not a gui yet developed that works with asterisk 1.6?
01:29.40WhiteWolfbest gui is your brain
01:30.17tzangerI should download asterisknow and try it
01:30.31tzangerI really would like to see that gui that they bought put in oss
01:30.35tzangerbut I know they wouldn't do that :-)
01:30.39tzangerswitchvox I think
01:31.00*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:33.15*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:34.27primesoftUnfortunately I can't package my brain
01:37.35sprbckbeek: i've tried as much as wait(30) before answer, also upped rxgain on FXO port, tried a whole bunch of combinations of cidstart and cidsignalling.. nothing yet
01:38.17beeksprbck: This is DAHDI/Zaptel?
01:38.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:39.03sprbckit's asterisk 1.2.29
01:39.08*** join/#asterisk joat (
01:39.14sprbckit's an edgeBOX (
01:39.34harry_vjsmith, you have the * cvn path?
01:40.11sprbckwith defaults, i get this:
01:40.12sprbckNov 13 20:38:28 NOTICE[24156]: chan_zap.c:6248 ss_thread: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...
01:40.16sprbckNov 13 20:38:29 NOTICE[24156]: chan_zap.c:6248 ss_thread: Got event 17 (Polarity Reversal)...
01:40.19sprbckNov 13 20:38:29 NOTICE[24156]: chan_zap.c:6248 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
01:40.25harry_vi mean svn
01:40.31sprbckif I start to play with settings, sometimes i get that, others i don't
01:40.42sprbckvery ocasionally, i get this:
01:40.51sprbckNov 13 20:38:03 WARNING[24152]: chan_zap.c:6280 ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Success
01:40.54sprbckNov 13 20:38:03 WARNING[24152]: chan_zap.c:6324 ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/5-1'
01:42.19vk4akpCan someone explain to me what RXwink= is?
01:42.20sprbckI'm starting to think that this baby is just not compatible with Verizon POTS
01:42.43harry_vgot it
01:45.58*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
01:47.01*** join/#asterisk mayo (
01:47.30*** join/#asterisk Raphael_S (n=t7DS@
01:47.45*** part/#asterisk Raphael_S (n=t7DS@
01:48.02mayois zaptel able to handle 2 cards are at a time? ie. if i plug in tdm400p and te220b, how do i know which card is first and map out the channels?
01:48.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:50.41*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:50.55beeksprbck: Do a google search on  "callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen" -- I saw the answer to that earlier today.
01:53.37*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
01:53.58sprbckbeek: but i rarely get that message.. all the other times i get those "ss_thread: Got event ..."
01:54.29beeksprbck: It could provide some clues.
01:59.17*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
02:01.31*** join/#asterisk jplank (
02:01.39*** join/#asterisk mankash (
02:02.11jplankI know this isn't really a asterisk question, but I'm going nuts, can anyone explain this to me
02:02.28jplankwhen I enter "date" at the command line, I get
02:02.31jplankFri Nov 14 04:54:52 EST 2008
02:02.53jplankseems the timezone is right
02:02.55jplankbut the time is wrong
02:03.29mostyjplank, when was the last time you set the time?
02:03.30*** part/#asterisk mayo (
02:03.39jplanki'm using ntpd
02:05.27jplankdate 11132110 would be now right?
02:06.17mostyjplank, check your ntpd logs, see if it's syncing correctly
02:06.51seanbrightjplank: service ntpd stop ; ntpdate -s ; service ntpd start
02:07.59jplanklet me check the logs
02:08.07mankashmodule load is not working
02:08.07jplankI just manually set the time
02:08.17seanbrightif the skew is too great, it won't set the time
02:08.19jplankthen ran what seanbright told me, and its still showing the time I did
02:08.54edibracis there a variable that will mean "the extension someone dialed" -- in other words, for exten => 54706,1,Macro(meetme,54706) I'd like to not have to type 54076 twice
02:09.16edibracah lol
02:09.20seanbrightasterisk 101
02:09.32edibracsorry i knew about that but didn't connect it
02:09.45jplankseanbright: I'm sorry, skew?
02:10.01seanbrightjplank: the difference between the time that is set and the time it actually is
02:10.02harry_vis there any problems sticking digium cars inside a u1 server case?
02:10.23tzangerI hope they're compact
02:10.33mankashmodule load is not loading the sip module
02:10.44mostymankash, check your logs
02:10.59harry_vtzanger you would obviosly know hat :)
02:11.43tzangerharry_v: so long as the case can contain full-height cards, there shouldn't be a problem
02:12.00tzangerI don't recall seeing a single one that is "thicker" than anything that should fit in a PCI slot space
02:12.23mankashwhich loh
02:12.36harry_vthere might be some u1 specs online.
02:13.24*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
02:17.10mankashmosty which log should I check there are many log file in /var/log/asterisk
02:17.20sprbckbeek: no luck :\
02:17.35sprbckanyone around here using asterisk connected to a verizon line in the US?!
02:18.01harry_vi just talked to somone recently that did
02:18.03mostymankash, look at the ones that have recent lines
02:21.05*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
02:30.16harry_vcanot wait to upgrade my hardware. seems the compile time has increased with the newer versions of ast.
02:33.45jsmithsprbck: Yes, I've got an Asterisk system connected to a Verizon line
02:35.26*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:36.46mankashwhat is the meanig of thid
02:36.50[TK]D-Fendersprbck: pastebin your zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf, whic ever you are using
02:36.53jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:37.16mankashwhen I am trying to call 1 sip phon eto another I get this in the log
02:37.25mankashit is not able to call
02:38.04[TK]D-Fendermankash: Logs are next to worthless.  You should be paying attention in CLI almost exclusively.
02:38.17[TK]D-Fendermanxenable SIP debug, verbose 10, and pastebin a failed attempt
02:38.31mankashthis i got on the cli only
02:39.28[TK]D-Fendermankash: Go set the 2 modes I have just told you and PB a call attempt
02:43.30*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
02:45.52*** join/#asterisk ElCheapo (
02:46.42*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
02:46.54sudhir492Hi All
02:47.21sudhir492Is there still any use for PRI cards?
02:47.25harry_vTK, do you know if if there are compile times for ast online?
02:47.59harry_vsundhir492, what a silly question to ask
02:48.36prodyanwhen you buy TDM800p card, does it include FXO or FXS cards in it or do you have to purchase them separately?
02:48.53[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: What are you using that you feel you should actually care so much?  Noone else has ever really brought it up here...
02:49.09[TK]D-Fenderprodyan: depends
02:49.12harry_vyea your right
02:49.25jsmithprodyan: You typically buy it with either all FXO or all FXS or some combination
02:49.31[TK]D-Fenderprodyan: Check with the place you're buying from.  Most won't sell a blank card.
02:49.42prodyanahhh oki thanks jsmith and D-fender
02:49.58prodyani thought it was blank when you buy it :D lolx
03:03.26*** join/#asterisk esaym-acer (
03:04.17*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
03:09.46*** join/#asterisk elGuille_wugro (n=guillerm@
03:15.43*** part/#asterisk elGuille_wugro (n=guillerm@
03:18.18*** join/#asterisk sergee (
03:28.42pcranehas anyone seen this before?
03:28.43pcraneGet index: w1g1: No such device
03:28.43pcranew1g1: Failed to create connection
03:28.52pcranewhen trying to get a sangoma a200 working?
03:29.10mostyhave you followed the troubleshooting page on the sangoma wiki?
03:29.14LemensTSAnyone got tips on cli debugging when the asterisk places alot of calls? Im getting into bigger systems and its starting to become harder to troubleshoot
03:32.55pcranenothing there that helps
03:33.44pcranethere's no mention of that phrase on the wiki
03:34.35[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: pastebin your wanpipe configs
03:34.44[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: and wanrouter status, etc
03:34.46pcranemaster ~ # wanrouter start
03:34.46pcraneWarning: WAN_LOCK_DIR = /var/lock/subsys does not exist!
03:34.47pcranePlease update the WAN_LOCK_DIR in /etc/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc
03:34.47pcraneERROR: Wanpipe configuration file not found: /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf
03:34.47pcranewanrouter: Error, /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf not found!
03:35.05[TK]D-FenderAnd you're clearly missing configs period...
03:35.21pcranewanrouter should set that up for me, right?
03:35.24[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: Go fix that and make your wanpipe configs
03:35.47[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: no, wanrouter does not configure your driver
03:36.02pcranewancfg then
03:36.07[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: better
03:36.34pcranewhich leads me back to the error message I was getting before:
03:36.40pcranew1g1: Failed to create connection
03:37.06pcranejust for you [TK]D-Fender :p
03:38.31*** join/#asterisk xeno42 (
03:39.09xeno42hey - quick question:  Any ideas why "sip show users" would be empty, even though users are defined in users.conf ?
03:39.10[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: you can't generate zaptel when you haven't even configured your card for WANPIPE
03:39.32[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: "sip show peers"
03:39.52xeno42sip show peers lists peers ok..
03:40.13xeno42but they're not being registered as users and not winding up in the right context then when making a call
03:40.36[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: "user" is the TYPE and almost never used.
03:40.44xeno42well friend then..
03:40.52xeno42my colleague just moved hte user from users.conf to sip.conf..
03:40.54xeno42and now it works
03:41.07xeno42i haven't configured asterisk in several years so i'm a bit out of touch
03:41.15[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: Do ignore than and if you've got a specific problem include the pastebin of the failed call with SIP debug along with your configs masking only passwords
03:41.23jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
03:41.43xeno42users.conf didn't exist last time i setup asterisk
03:42.07[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: its only there for the GUI.... which is another topic I dont want to have.
03:42.14xeno42i dont' really understand what's supposed to be happening there
03:42.21xeno42anyway i guess we have the solution ;-) thanks
03:42.29[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: If you aren't using the GUI, ditch users.conf
03:42.42xeno42well.. my colleague was using the gui
03:42.55[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: Now if you want to debug your setup you know what to do.
03:45.09xeno42he's much happier now :-) He'd spent quite a while banging his head against a wall
03:46.31xeno42reminds me i need to upgrade that system i setup way back when...
03:46.40xeno42fudge*CLI> show version
03:46.40xeno42Asterisk 1.0.7 built by root@fudge on a i686 running Linux
03:46.46xeno42methinks that might be out of date now ;-)
03:48.02[TK]D-Fenderxeno42: No, its not dated.. more like CARBON DATED
03:48.57xeno42and yet it still works day after day
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
03:59.28*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:59.33hardwirehi xeno42
04:00.06hardwireyou can carbon date something with a certain minimum age right?
04:00.25hardwirewonders what that minimum is.
04:00.36drmessanoI think it's 3 hours
04:00.55hardwiredrmessano: are you messing with me?
04:00.58hardwireI know you are.
04:01.03[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: No... she ISN'T legal.
04:01.07[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: PERV
04:01.11drmessanoBecause my wife is all like "Thats been sitting on the counter for FIVE hours".. and I am sure she's using some scientific method to come up with that
04:01.15hardwire[TK]D-Fender: found the happy sauce eh?
04:01.25hardwiredrmessano: :P
04:01.33drmessanoBut under 3 hours, no
04:01.50hardwireI'm eating pppoe
04:02.03hardwireisp won't let me remove their crappy cisco edge router
04:02.07hardwireand I'd love to firewall things correctly.
04:02.21hardwireI do believe I have what I need now
04:02.48xeno42hey hardwire ... forgot you're an asterisk user too heh
04:02.55hardwirexeno42: user?
04:03.02Miccever since I told this channel my asterisk ip address, its been crashing. and I'm getting warnings about no default context.
04:03.04hardwireI'm a fucking god.
04:03.21MiccIs there a patch for 1.2 that I need to install to prevent it from crashing?
04:03.34NovceGuruanybody know if you can buy the polycom ip650 without the ac adapter?
04:03.40hardwireMicc: you poor man
04:03.44jsmithNovceGuru: Yes, of course you can.
04:03.48drmessanoYou're kidding, right?
04:03.55NovceGuruI'm just sucking at google here
04:03.55xeno42hardwire: i see.  I missed all the minions cowering at your feet
04:04.09drmessanohave you compiled with NOCRASH=VERY_YES ?
04:04.20[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: I'm pretty certain it always comes with it
04:04.21hardwireMicc: how awful
04:04.37Micchardwire, yes it is awful, so what can I do about it?
04:04.39hardwirexeno42: that's because they are so tiny.
04:04.44NovceGuruyou can buy the 550 without...I have a poe switch, wonderd if I could save $20/phone
04:04.44hardwireMicc: firewall?
04:04.52jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Actually, it doesn't.
04:04.53drmessanosniff deep
04:04.54hardwireMicc: try not to give out IP's that can get you hosed?
04:05.06drmessanoUpdate to something 3 years more recent
04:05.07hardwireMicc: turn off guest access if you don't need it?
04:05.11drmessanoDont use SIP
04:05.11[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: really?  the 601/600 did... I'm surprised
04:05.11Micchardwire, we have a cisco firewall but we need sip open for our customers.
04:05.19hardwireMicc: and?
04:05.20drmessanoHide in a cave
04:05.20Micchardwire, how do I turn off guest access?
04:05.29hardwirecheck out the sample sip.conf
04:05.34hardwireit has information on that
04:05.39drmessanoSwitch from SIP to X100Ps
04:05.49jsmith[TK]D-Fender: I'm pretty sure you can get all their phones now without the adapters... I know the ones we use in our training classes we have to specifically order them *with* the power adapters.
04:05.56hardwireMicc: so.. yeh.. you can fix things using iptables or what not.
04:06.07[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: the 320/330 yes...
04:06.09hardwireor even setting permit/deny in sip.conf
04:06.14drmessanoX100P: "Let your imagination run wild til you run out of PCI slots"
04:07.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: "allowguest=no" and point the context to a dead-end
04:07.13drmessanoChinaCom X100P-ZOMG: "We didn't invent the modem, we just cloned the crap outta one"
04:07.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: its too little to be allowed out by itself ;)
04:07.44MiccTKD-Fender, is not having default context good enough?
04:07.51hardwirewho's buying IP650's?
04:07.55hardwireI'll take a few
04:07.59[TK]D-FenderMicc: have one... an empty one.
04:08.11*** join/#asterisk pids (
04:08.25drmessanoStill not gonna keep you from getting pummeled
04:08.29NovceGurunot like I get to use these personally :P
04:08.42hardwireMicc: so.. you're logging the IP's that are screwing you over.. right?
04:08.52drmessanoIF Asterisk is CRASHING due to a vuln, steps taken to prevent someone from USING your box may be useless
04:08.56hardwireand cross referencing those to your sip peers to see if they are related at all.. right?
04:09.04Micchardwire, where would I see which IPs they are?
04:09.12hardwireturn on full logging
04:09.20hardwirethen check out /var/log/asterisk/full
04:09.26hardwireor set the verbosities waaaay up
04:11.25*** join/#asterisk emiller (
04:12.02emilleri heard somewhere this is a web app that allows a user to hit an internal website to see who is on the phone within their network. any truth behind this?
04:12.47Miccfull doesn't exist. how do I turn on full logging?
04:12.56[TK]D-Fenderemiller: FOP, and plenty of others I'm sure.  I've written a few myself.
04:12.56hardwireMicc: you a newbiecakes?
04:13.14emillerill check into it. thanks again
04:13.16MiccIn this area I guess I am.
04:13.18drmessanomicc: Thought you weren't a newb?
04:13.27drmessanoYou got all shitty about it the other day
04:13.34MiccI've never needed to look at full logs.
04:13.44drmessanoI guess trixbox hides that
04:13.50hardwiremuch love ^
04:14.33hardwiredon't bother searching for full.. you'll have to find the "Message Log" section
04:14.43hardwireMicc: what was that IP?
04:14.43drmessanoIf you've never needed to look at logs, and never had someone try to exploit your box before, I would love to get a cave next to yours
04:14.58hardwiremy box is violated constantly.
04:15.24drmessanoDo LOTS of reading here.. this basic sysadmin crap you need to know if you're gonna expose a SIP daemon to the net
04:15.48jbotif debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.
04:15.53jbotACTION DeBuggers $1
04:16.01jbotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
04:16.15drmessano... and so are your IPs
04:16.18hardwireMicc: that means your IP is in those logs
04:16.31drmessanoThere's no place like
04:17.31MiccI should know this stuff I wrote my own http logger.
04:18.34drmessanoI ate breakfast with stallman yesterday myself
04:18.41MiccOk, I've turned on full logging.
04:19.03Micclooks like it requires a restart not just a reload though.
04:19.15NovceGurudrmessano: harhhar is where the heart is
04:19.59hardwireMicc: logger reload
04:20.15hardwireMicc: logger show channels
04:21.55NovceGuruhm, the switchvox $660/yr minimum kinda sucks
04:22.06MiccI'm watching the full log now. haven't seen any unrecognized ip's yet.
04:23.26MiccOk I found them.
04:23.41[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You have my permission to not use them :)
04:23.45drmessanoThats the IP of my toaster oven
04:23.47*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
04:23.49drmessanoI am sooo sorry
04:23.55drmessanoI musta left some toast in there
04:24.12admin0hi all.. if i download the beta asterisknow, will it auto-update itself when its out of beta ?
04:24.18hardwireMicc: is me
04:24.24hardwireI remember you now
04:24.32NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: yeah, heh. Trying to find something I don't have to sweat my ass off supporting (basically not support) that has every X feature being requested
04:24.35hardwireI just have a qualify set on your IP
04:24.39hardwireremoves it
04:25.05Micchardwire, what you've been doing wouldn't crash my asterisk would it?
04:25.10hardwirebtw.. you have pretty low latency with me
04:25.22hardwireMicc: no.. it only "pings" you so often
04:25.36hardwireMicc: I removed it.
04:25.50hardwireif that crashes your box then.. you need to ADD RAM or something
04:26.01hardwiredrmessano: that's me.
04:26.19drmessanoEffin Alaska
04:26.20Micchardwire, its got like 4GB of ram. and its a dual proc xeon or something huge.
04:26.33drmessanoWhat version of Asterisk?
04:26.33hardwireMicc: lol
04:26.35Micchardwire, but asterisk is heavily hacked.
04:26.45drmessanoNot 1.2.NOTHING
04:26.52drmessanoWhich 1.2?
04:27.06hardwirego on
04:27.09MiccAsterisk 1.2.11 built by root @ pbx2 on a i686 running Linux on 2008-01-10 08:55:58 UTC
04:27.18jblackoh boy.
04:27.39drmessano1.2.11 is umm
04:27.40hardwireyou guys heard that?
04:27.44hardwireI thought I was alone
04:27.51drmessanoa couple months old or so
04:28.00Micc1.2.11 is bad?
04:28.02hardwireI'm using 1.2.24 on one machine :)
04:28.12drmessanoAug 23, 2006
04:28.17drmessanoOnly 2 years old+
04:28.31drmessanoI doubt they found any bugs/exploits
04:28.39drmessanoSo you should be cool
04:28.39Miccyeah, I can't update it because i've too heavily modified the source.
04:29.00drmessanoOh and modified source
04:29.09drmessanoand you're curious about random crashes?
04:29.25hardwireMicc: lol.. theres no patch for that.
04:29.26Miccdrmessano, yeah its been running bug free for 2+ years.
04:29.33drmessanoNot anymore
04:29.34hardwireMicc: test your hardware mebbe?
04:29.37hardwireyou have t1's going into it?
04:30.05hardwiremachines go south all the time
04:30.07hardwireand not in a good way.
04:30.11drmessanoSounds like he's got most of Romania and parts of Hong Kong going into it.
04:30.35drmessanoNeed to comb the logs further and start making a habit of blocking IPs
04:31.13MiccIt crashed on odbc res. so I added a few more null checks in there.
04:31.51drmessanoIf there's a problem with 1.2.11 being exploited, or something else crashing your box over SIP with malformed packets due to source modifications, you're gonna need to start blocking by practice
04:32.19[TK]D-FenderMicc: What were your mods for?
04:32.48Miccdrmessano, I'll see if it still has that problem. I don't want to block ports unless I have to.
04:33.28MiccTKD-Fender, some changes to app_voicemail, some custom apps. Some changes to originate AMI and a few other random things.
04:33.55MiccI wouldn't say its very heavily modified. just a few lines here and there and some custom apps.
04:34.09MiccIts not like I changed chan_sip or anything.
04:34.12drmessanoMicc: I didnt say block PORTS
04:34.15drmessanoI said IP addresses
04:34.37drmessanoor indicated such
04:34.37Miccoh I can do that.
04:34.53drmessanoThis is gonna require the horrible shock of you learning to admin a box
04:34.57Miccnow that I'm full logging, I'll find the bad IP if it exists.
04:34.59drmessanoBlocking IPs is SOP
04:35.03hardwireMicc: just some changes? you should be fine then.
04:35.03NovceGurublock them at your firewall so your box doesn't ahve to deal with the packets at all (duh)
04:35.10hardwireI'm going home
04:35.24drmessanoThis is like sysadmin 101 crap here
04:35.25hardwireMicc: sorry things aren't working out.. go back to when things worked or test your hardware
04:36.21MiccI was running safe_asterisk before.
04:36.34Miccand there were a ton of asterisk processes.
04:36.45Miccit worked fine before I tried to fix that problem.
04:36.56*** join/#asterisk synchris (
04:37.07MiccI've changed back to safe_asterisk, but fixed the multiple processes problem.
04:37.13MiccSo maybe it'll be fine now.
04:40.10drmessanoThat was a FAR, FAR more important detail than this useless coincidental crap: <Micc> ever since I told this channel my asterisk ip address, its been crashing. and I'm getting warnings about no default context.
04:40.50*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:40.54FuriousGeorgehey all
04:41.26*** join/#asterisk synchris (
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04:43.30FuriousGeorgeI have a never ending saga with asterisk detecting hangup.  I have one server which is in an office that is empty 80% of the time....   It is almost never used and is as reliable as a horse...
04:44.12FuriousGeorgeThen there are the two servers that actually get used.  No one has been able to help me.  On my well behaved server it will just will hang 20 or 40 calls between two sip phones
04:44.30FuriousGeorgei can deal with that....  it just seems to mess up blf
04:44.32drmessanoWhich asterisk versions?
04:44.38FuriousGeorgelatest as of last week
04:44.48FuriousGeorgethen there is my poorly behaved server
04:44.58drmessanolatest 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, or trunk?
04:45.06FuriousGeorge1.4.22 or so
04:45.52FuriousGeorgeAsterisk 1.4.22 built by root @ claudia on a i686 running Linux on 2008-10-13 05:53:27 UTC
04:46.14FuriousGeorgeive tried 'side-grading' to 32bit, no help
04:46.21FuriousGeorgeinstalled from scratch no help
04:46.40drmessanoWhats different on the "good" box?
04:46.42FuriousGeorgethis has happened since forever.  I restart it daily but that guarentees me nothing except a fresh start
04:47.00mostyFuriousGeorge, what PSTN card?
04:47.43FuriousGeorgedrmessano: its still 64bit?  less zap channels?  different service provider for analog lines
04:48.04FuriousGeorgemosty: sangoma a200 which didnt solve the problem
04:48.29mostydo you have ROIC on the lines?
04:49.12FuriousGeorgeluckily the deadlocks stopped with 1.4.x for me
04:50.20FuriousGeorgegoogling..  return on investment capial?  i just changed the pstn provider to the same as the other server..
04:50.44FuriousGeorgenot sure when that takes effect.  maybe it will help
04:50.54mostymaybe ROIC is an australian thing
04:51.11FuriousGeorgemosty: seems like it only comes up relevant to .au
05:21.51*** join/#asterisk the1_ (n=x@
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05:24.38murdock_utWhere do you change the from e-mail address of voicemail files.  Is it the serveremail option in voicemail.conf?
05:24.59FuriousGeorgevoicemail.conf, right?
05:25.14FuriousGeorgecheck the example
05:25.26murdock_utFuriousGeorge: Yes.
05:30.33LemensTSWhat spec wav files will play with the Playback cmd? I tried making one at different khz/bits and ended up having to record it over the telephone with the Record cmd.
05:31.18LemensTSRight now i have customers uploading it into a web portal...not sure what the best way to make it error proof is
05:36.33[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
06:02.39*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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06:13.55ahhsmhey fellas, I moved to a new system and in the process went from 1.4.6 to 1.4.17 and now my music on hold doesn't seem to be working
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06:30.01ahhsmI'm at a loss for why it's not working on the new system..
06:37.35the1_anyone here know of a free alternative to a voip analyzer?
06:40.18*** part/#asterisk jyfletcher (
06:41.20jjshoewhat's a voip analyzer?
06:41.46jjshoethis looks like a pretty interface to one of the many packet tracing tools like tcpdump
06:42.48ahhsmhmm.. so I setup a new context to test with and just do an Answer(), Ringing(), Wait(10), MusicOnHold(testing).. don't hear anything when I get connected though
06:43.32ahhsmrubs his chin
06:47.54ahhsmok.. so taking the Answer out and just making it Ringing, I hear the ring now but still no hold music
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06:51.09drmessanoWireshark with a skin
06:57.14*** join/#asterisk aliraja (n=aliraja@
06:58.51alirajaHi,is there any command in asterisk through which i can check the duration of active call.
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07:05.10jblackthat's it. I'm pissed at ld.
07:05.23jblackAs in the linker, ld. Not long distance.
07:05.47jblackaliraja: You can after the call, I don't know of a way during the call.
07:06.07jblackwouldn't be _too_ hard to make something to do it externally.
07:11.03alirajajblack, is there some chan variable through which i can know
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07:11.52ahhsmhmm.. sln files should play find for moh out of the box, right?
07:12.02ahhsmisn't sln like the native format?
07:12.47jblackaliraja: How about, right before any dial, you log in a sql database when calls start, and after the dial, when they end.
07:14.25alirajajblack,that sounds great but what i want is to hangup each call in queues after 5 minutes of talk time
07:16.09alirajajblack, i think AbsoluteTimeout(seconds) will work for me let me try ..
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07:35.05ahhsmstupid firewall
07:35.42ahhsmfinally figured it out.. there was a straggling alias for the old machine and so not all the firewall rules were updated
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07:47.14drmessanoWhat do I need to enable in 1.6 to get TCP working?
07:48.02drmessanotcpenable = yes <--- only.. or tcpbindaddr and ????
07:49.39*** part/#asterisk ahhsm (
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07:52.02raasdnilhey all. In the continuing saga of my inserting an asterisk box inbetween an NEC PBX and an existing (working) E1 I have made progress.
07:52.17raasdnilI can make an inbound call and it all works good.
07:52.41raasdnilDIDs work, line hunts work.  That is from phone, through E1 through asterisk and to NEC PBX
07:53.24raasdnilbut when I try to dial out on the NEC I am getting:
07:53.30raasdnil[Nov 15 05:35:53] WARNING[5460]: chan_dahdi.c:2642 dahdi_call: Unrecognized pridialplan NPI modifier: s
07:53.32raasdnilany ideas?
07:53.45raasdnilthe nec context is:
07:53.47raasdnilexten => s,1,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN},,T)
07:54.14raasdnilkicks a tumbleweed
07:56.42raasdnilgroup 2 is the pri line
07:58.10kaldemaryou can't use ${EXTEN} if you match to s.
07:58.25raasdnildo I have to use ARG1 ?
07:58.49kaldemars is not a number, and the PRI assumes that is is setting the NPI bit for your numbering plan.
07:59.07kaldemaryou have to use the number you're calling.
07:59.07raasdnilkaldemar: where did you read that?  I am trying to find more books and materials to learn this stuff
07:59.16raasdnilso in this case I would do:
07:59.27raasdnilexten => _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN},,T)
07:59.27kaldemarsample configuration file for dahdi (chan_dahdi.conf) will tell you about that.
08:00.00kaldemaryes, if you're sending actual numbers to that context, then match to numbers with a pattern like that.
08:00.48raasdnilok, cool.  Thanks.  I'll give it a shot soon.
08:01.09kaldemarnow if you're wondering what the s in that exten => s,1,... is, it's a special extension called default extension.
08:01.24kaldemaryou might want to check out those too if you're not familiar with them.
08:01.46raasdnilso you would use "s" then if the destination you were dialing has a specific extension it routes all calls to?
08:02.02raasdnilI'll go look it up too
08:02.10kaldemaryou'd use s if you have no number.
08:02.35kaldemarbut matching to s is not good practice if you have a number.
08:03.07raasdnilok, that makes sense
08:03.29raasdnilthat's why no number was getting matched in the EXTEN variable then, because s basically says 'there is no number'
08:03.31raasdnilI get it.
08:04.01kaldemarEXTEN always has whatever you have between => and ,1 in it.
08:04.17kaldemari.e. the current extension.
08:04.34raasdnilthanks, that's clear now.
08:04.56raasdnilI'll go do my homework and try it out and come back with more intelligent questions or better yet, results :)
08:05.18kaldemarhave fun
08:06.48*** join/#asterisk itiliti (n=itiliti@
08:11.28itilitiI am trying to write to the CDR DB the DID that is called when a call comes in. What variable is that?
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08:41.58angryusergood day everyone
08:43.41angryusercan someone point me to a good predicitive dialer with the ability to distribute call to multiple asterisk installations ?
08:46.48prodyani think asterisk can do predictive dialing
08:46.59prodyanbut im just new so i don't really know :D
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08:52.09angryuserprodyan: yes it can, if you progtam it ;)
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08:54.38prodyanand im sure that its not easy to do that
08:56.00angryuserwell i think vicidal can do it , if someone know's better tell me
08:56.09*** join/#asterisk Ccomp5950 (n=Ccomp595@
08:56.58raasdnilvicidial sort of does predictive dialing.
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08:57.14prodyanvicidial is free?
08:58.09prodyanoki googling.. wakoko
08:58.18prodyanohh thanks
08:58.19raasdnilyou'll want the "Scratch Install"
08:59.34angryuserprodyan: try vicidalnow first, easyer
09:00.08prodyantheres another version of it?
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09:15.22angryuserprodyan: vicidalnow it's like all in one, just like asterisknow
09:17.27prodyanahh.. well im not really bent on trying vicidial wakeke just wanna see what it was and how it was related to asterisk :D
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09:25.34prodyanwell, check out time --,
09:25.59prodyanbye all
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09:28.05lclimberhello guys is there any web iax or sip client?
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09:28.47fenlanderfor a web iax client take a look at
09:28.56lclimberthanks fenlander
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09:29.44fenlandernp - there are a few java web sip clients, but can't remember the names - alternative is a flash based sip client like tringme
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09:34.51lclimberfenlander. today i was hanging on the internet and i saw this webservice sponsored by a telemarketing company that allows you to put a link on your webpage to some kind of voip client, then on that client you put your phone number and that telemarketing company would comunicate you with the company which holds the link, the telemarketing company i calls you to your phonenumber and when you pick up it calls the link holder company
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09:38.19fenlanderlclimber - sounds like a click 2 call type solution - a bit like Jahjah?
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09:39.35lclimberi want to try something like that, i guess you need a asterisk server connected to a phone line, when the client inputs his phonenumber then the webclient makes a call to a client o the company side and another call to the user
09:40.43fenlanderyeah, you can use asterisk to make two outbound calls and connect them. It's pretty easy to do either using a "call file" or the AMI interface to originate the call
09:41.03fenlanderasterisk calls the first number, and when answered calls the second and connects them
09:41.17fenlanderit should be pretty well documented how to do that if you lookup call files
09:43.52lclimberlet me check the book to see if i can find something related jejeje
09:48.19lclimberyeap, i found it, it looks pretty easy, now i am going to need a tdm card.
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10:32.58stoffellany idea on how it's best to track calls? like displaying the asterisk cdr table is nice, but that also displays calls that are not answered but are answered by another member of a queue..
10:33.43stoffellsomething more like: x has called y, z has called x, etc.. currently we do that by analyzing "show channels concise" constantly... is there no more-fail-safe way?
10:36.44psykx-outpersonally I use mysql as a cdr back end and I then use php to pull the relevant data
10:37.13psykx-outI'm a php developer though so I'm biased in the way I do things
10:41.19stoffellpsykx-out, correct, but can you maintain all relationships correctly? like incoming call from X (through zap/dahdi) that gets picked up by Y and then forwarded to Z ?
10:50.15psykx-outI don't but that not to say you can't
10:55.15stoffellokay.. gotta figure out a way to do that, then :-)
10:55.55psykx-outI know you can customise the cdr
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10:56.27psykx-outI'd imagine you can record all forwarding that asterisk did
10:56.54psykx-outalthough I know my asterisk network uses forward supplied by the sip phones them selves
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11:13.18stoffellyeah, gotta find out a way to do it, maybe through dialplan... nice for a friday afternoon to figure that out :-)
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11:21.54mockerAwesome, connecting to old BBSes in order to test my channel bank.
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11:23.21Karlitoohow do I add an extension which doen't go trough zaptel/dahdi
11:23.26angryuserehh the time of bbs ;)
11:23.27Karlitoobut trough a trunk
11:23.55mockerangryuser: Can't beat it for testing line noise though. :)
11:24.13mockerIf I can maintain my connection through a game of L.O.R.D. then I call it good!
11:24.56mockerIt amazes me that I remember so much of the AT command set.
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11:51.30gannonbi'm having an IAX issue... was working yesterday... then someone hosed the config more than likely.. anywho... 2 asterisk servers.. A and B... iax2 show peers... they see each other.... when i try to call (extensions.conf not changed from day before), always get the "Rejected connect attempt from X.X.X.X, who was trying to reach '*XXX@internal'"  Checked to make sure the context names were correct.. etc... i'm beating my head against th
12:02.21*** join/#asterisk feeds (
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12:40.35mockergannonb: Do you have an internal context?
12:40.45mockergannonb: Is *XXX@internal actually what it's saying?
12:40.58gannonbso locally, the SIP phones use internal at site A... and that still works...
12:43.07mockergannonb: Is *XXX@internal actually what it's saying?
12:44.43mockerThat doesn't sound right.
12:44.45gannonbinternal strips off the * and hits my regular extensions
12:45.11gannonblet me try without... brb
12:45.13mockerAhh, so it really says something like *111@internal?
12:45.46mockerTry it w/o the star.
12:46.00gannonbsame deal :(
12:46.26gannonboddly enough.. this was all working for about 2 or 3 months now.. (with the *)... and today.. nothing
12:47.14mockerCan you pastebin your extensions.conf on the server that's rejecting the call?
12:50.57gannonb  (relevant info.. cut out the rest)
12:53.00mockergannonb: Huh, don't see anything odd.
12:53.23mockerFor fun can you just throw in an exten => 100,1,Playback(tt-monkeys) ?
12:53.26mockerAnd then try that?
12:53.31gannonbyeah.. i have another "asterisk" guy log in about 30 minutes ago... he's beating himself up as well... it's fun ;)
12:53.39gannonbko.. will try that
12:53.50mockerHeh, you caught me at the end of a maintenance window so I'm pretty useless. :)
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13:19.17pluesch0revening! what could be the reason for my sip connections to my asterisk server always breaking down after a certain amount of time?
13:19.27pluesch0ris there some default timeout that i'm not aware of?
13:19.50bminishnat going on someplace ?
13:20.01*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:24.05pluesch0rbminish: yeah.
13:24.18pluesch0rserver has a public ip, i'm connecting through NAT.
13:24.25pluesch0ri'm seeing some Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call messages in the sip debug log.
13:24.29pluesch0ri've enabled nat support, though.
13:26.59bminishwhat is the NAT device and is it doing what it's supposed to
13:27.03*** join/#asterisk spiekey (
13:27.50spiekeyi would like to make a p2p call over tcp/ip with soft phones. Is there a easy way to do this with asterisk?
13:27.51pluesch0rbminish: the router is some linksys router ..
13:27.58*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
13:28.05fcois93hello all
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13:28.23fcois93I need to create a little load balancing to 2 sip proxy
13:28.25pluesch0rbminish: what's bugging me is that the connection is pretty flakey. i've got this linksys ip phone (SPA921) which sometimes is able to connect .. and sometimes doesn't connect at all.
13:28.41[TK]D-Fenderspiekey: Entirely doable, but * has a moderate learning curve to it.
13:28.45pluesch0rfor example .. just right now, it was able to connect again.
13:28.50pluesch0rit's really weird.
13:29.01fcois93I want to check if the serveur is up and send 50% calls to server1 and 50% calls to server2,   knwo you how to do ?
13:29.06[TK]D-Fenderspiekey: If all you want to do is talk between 2 people then sign up with or something
13:29.18spiekey[TK]D-Fender: well, will Asterisk NOW do the job?
13:29.29fcois93I need to create a little load balancing to 2 sip proxy, I want to check if the serveur is up and send 50% calls to server1 and 50% calls to server2,   knwo you how to do ?
13:29.32[TK]D-Fenderspiekey: Same answer
13:30.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
13:30.29bminishpluesch0r, sounds like it's related to NAT any way you can take nat away to test it?
13:30.44bminishgot to go for a but Be back later
13:30.59pluesch0rbminish: no, unfortunately not.
13:31.12pluesch0rbminish: could it also be that i'm running the asterisk inside of Xen?
13:31.18pluesch0ri've heard that there are some timing problems ..
13:31.22angryuserfcois93: hello with dns srv
13:31.30[TK]D-Fenderpluesch0r: Entirely possible, also what about bandwidth?
13:31.44pluesch0r[TK]D-Fender: bandwidth can't be the issue.
13:31.52angryuserfcois93: or with openser "dispatcher" module
13:32.01pluesch0rserver is 100mbit internet connection, office line is 4mbit sync
13:32.20fcois93angryuser: my asterisk want to send to 2 proxy (openser)
13:32.22pluesch0rbut .. shouldn't the timing problem only occur when actually transmitting voice data?
13:33.02fcois93angryuser: I still use openser, I want to choose one of the 2 openser to send the calls
13:33.28angryuserfcois93: use dsn srv
13:34.11fcois93angryuser: and how can I check if the serveur (openser) is alive ?
13:35.30angryuserfcois93: personnally i dont need load balancing, so i use heartbeat + openser , like that they share 1 ip adress, to check if openser is alive you could use sipsak
13:36.59angryuserfcois93: or whatchdog , or whatever you want (monit, custom script)
13:37.40fcois93it is always the same problem here.  when we need to know how to call a simple extension, everybody answer and say 'I am the boss in VOIP'!!! when we need more, someone say some bad things, and say 'why do you want it'!!!! in fact they dont know but stil say 'I am the boss in VOIP!'. the channel isnt what it was before!...
13:42.03*** join/#asterisk kisu (
13:44.06*** join/#asterisk KellyV (
13:44.51angryuserfcois93: you are so funny :)
13:45.09fcois93angryuser: seriously, have you an idea ?
13:45.44angryuserfcois93: yes i said use sipsak
13:47.05angryuserif sipsak's request fail => server dead > modify srv record
13:47.29[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: But what makes sure that sipsak is running?  We need that on HA too!
13:47.36fcois93angryuser: in the left-side, I have a lots of asterisk. on the right side I have 2 openser which loadbalance to the asterisks servers. when asterisk receive a call, I need that it choose one of the 2 openser!
13:47.39KellyVhi guys, is this the right place to ask about an aa50 and polycom phones? I am an asterisk newb, but am slowly figuring things out
13:48.10fcois93angryuser: sipask work in asterisk ?
13:48.10[TK]D-FenderKellyV: General questions yes.  AA50 specific stuff is supported by digium
13:48.39[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Sipsak is a separate progeam it is not "in" Asterisk
13:49.13fcois93so, we can't control if a srv is up before doing DIAL ?
13:49.31drmessanoI am the boss in VOIP!
13:49.34*** join/#asterisk IPkaf (
13:49.43angryuserfcois93: you said " when asterisk receive a call, I need that it choose one of the 2 openser" when asterisk receive a call it does not choose anything, it receives a call, be clear
13:50.03IPkafhi to all
13:51.05fcois93angryuser: asterisk receive a call from a user (for example), asterisk have to send the call to an openser  50% calls to the 1 50%calls to the 2; after having check if the openser is up
13:51.11IPkafi got pap2t adaptor
13:51.21KellyVFair enough, then just a quick one, any idea why my polycom phones fail to register (eg cant even call local extensions) when my wan goes down and asterisk cant register my sip trunk. The phones obviously on the same subnet as the aa50. It appears to have something todo with the line
13:51.54IPkafi try to access to  my pap2t adaptator over telnet
13:52.11[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: you want * to be the distributor?
13:52.40fcois93yes ! :-)
13:52.52[TK]D-FenderKellyV: Sounds like perhaps * is locking up for lack of DNS
13:53.05[TK]D-FenderKellyV: if thats the only thing that causes it
13:53.16angryuserfcois93: ok, so in normal operation load balance outgoing on 2 server's and if any fail use another one ? if yes just setup 2 trunks and change every time on each call the outgoing trunk (server1 server2) and if call failed (timeout) use another trunk
13:53.34[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: "core show functions like "GROUP" <- this is DIALPLAN.  get to work...
13:53.53[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: * is a shitty load balancing solution
13:54.24fcois93[TK]D-Fender: yes, but how it check if the servers are up
13:54.36IPkafsalut fcois93
13:54.40angryuserfcois93: really simple, but as fender said i would recomment the use of separate outgoing proxy
13:54.44[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Have another server connect to it.
13:54.52KellyV[TK]D-Fender Thats what i was thinking, is there anyway to instruct it timeout?
13:55.02IPkafdo u spoke frinchis?
13:55.11[TK]D-FenderKellyV: THAT would be an AA50 specific question.  Go call up Digium support
13:56.19angryuserfcois93: but tell me, why do you want load balance outgoing to multiple openser ? it's unusial
13:56.55fcois93angryuser: just imagin if an openser is down, just for that!
13:57.11*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
13:57.28angryuserfcois93: use heartbeat, exellent solution
13:57.57KellyV[TK]D-Fender Damn. So you dont think it has anything todo with that register= line in the general section of sip.conf affecting the registration of the polycom phones, apart from asterisk locking up due to no DNS? From what I have read it shouldnt
13:58.02IPkafhi fcois93
13:58.17IPkafwhere r u from ?
13:58.35fcois93IPkaf: FRANCE, Paris
13:58.35*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:58.40fcois93IPkaf: why?
13:58.50angryuserencore un parisien :)
13:59.25fcois93on continu en francais ?
13:59.27IPkafwhat ur isp provider ?
13:59.31[TK]D-FenderKellyV: That has no impact on your phone directly.
13:59.50IPkafoui si tu veux
14:00.03angryuserfcois93: no it is not polite to other's
14:00.20[TK]D-FenderY-a trop de francophones!  Va t'ens deja!
14:00.25IPkafacropolis  telecom
14:00.41[TK]D-FenderKellyV: Go look at the SIP debug for your Polycom itself.
14:00.43IPkafi never heard it before
14:00.48fcois93t'es fort ^^  quel hacker celuila !
14:00.53angryuseror paranoid users like fender ;)
14:01.35IPkafoui dit moi t'habite à bagnolet ?
14:01.52KellyV[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for that info, I will do some more reading and wrestling with *
14:02.02fcois93IPkaf: yes
14:02.15IPkaftrop fort ,
14:02.32IPkafacropolis telecom i never heard it before ?
14:02.33fcois93IPkaf: super complex à trouver ça... ^^
14:03.15fcois93we are the second french operator for companies
14:03.32IPkafi live too in bagnolet
14:03.46tzangergot my adit600 ringing again
14:03.52IPkafpleaser to see u
14:03.55tzangerstupid power supply burned out the 5 1-ohm current sense resistors
14:04.10*** join/#asterisk PrimeHaxor (
14:04.38PrimeHaxorhi! i need a little help with some issues on asterisk
14:04.39fcois93IPkaf: so, no answers to distibute calls to 2 openser ?
14:05.30KattyQwell: mew.
14:05.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: Mew.
14:05.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew
14:06.03[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: OpenSER is the kind of thing that should be distributing calls.
14:06.07PrimeHaxor[Nov 14 11:31:10] WARNING[5350] chan_sip.c: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
14:06.20PrimeHaxorwhat should happing with this WARNING
14:06.24PrimeHaxorthe calls are dropping
14:06.25[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: and I told you what to look for if you wanted * to do it... this is DIALPLAN.  use the group_count stuff
14:06.35*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
14:06.41fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I wont use a openser to distribute calls to 2 openser !
14:06.43[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Dropping calls that are already in progress?
14:07.03[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Why not?  * is not a PROXY.
14:07.11PrimeHaxor[TK]D-Fender, yes
14:07.30[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: * for this role is like using a screwdriver to hammer in a NAIL
14:07.52[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Networking / load issue most likely.
14:07.57fcois93[TK]D-Fender: it will  asterisk-openser-2opensers .... bad solution
14:08.21[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: If all * is doing is distributing a calls then it shouldn't be in the picture
14:08.48PrimeHaxor[TK]D-Fender, ty, i'll configure iptables to make qos
14:09.10[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Don't forget you can only prioritize what you transmit.
14:09.17fcois93[TK]D-Fender: all problems have its solutions
14:09.36[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Available in a wide variety of calibers!
14:09.44fcois93I will have a look
14:09.59fcois93qui est français que je sache pour plustard ?
14:10.45*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
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14:13.16Kattyeyes lmadsen
14:15.01lmadsenfoots Katty
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14:15.35creativxreadies the fist
14:16.39Kattycreativx: i think you skeered him off :<
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14:19.17fcois93angryuser: when you talk about sipsak, I am able to do exten=> X,n,system(sipsak....)   and receive a 200 ok ... ?
14:19.19Kattysigh. another long day.
14:19.23remonthi, there are any way to authenticate user sip by ldap, if i have asterisk 1.4.22, i read ldapget, but i don't saw sip users
14:19.52creativxKatty: FUW is in effect
14:21.04Kattycreativx: my parser does not seem to be working. can you translate?
14:21.37creativxKatty: fuw = fuck you weekend :-)
14:22.18angryuserfcois93: no it's external
14:22.56fcois93angryuser: how can I use it ?
14:23.02angryuserfcois93: anyway it is not a good idea to do a load balancing with asterisk
14:23.04fcois93angryuser: have you an example ?
14:23.08Kattycreativx: hrm.
14:23.31creativxKatty: or is it not? does long day mean bye bye work hello weekend. =
14:23.41fcois93angryuser: it isnt a good idea to use an other openser to send to other openser (c'est débile)
14:23.53Kattycreativx: sorry, yes. i plan on having a lovely weekend of WoWing.
14:24.11Kattycreativx: i've gotten only a handful of hours of sleep...not quite parsing things properly yet
14:24.22IPkafis there anyone ihere who success to connect to his pap2T over ssh ?
14:24.27angryuserfcois93: the good idea is to change the config of existing openser servers
14:24.47PrimeHaxorhave some opensource software voip if i can make conferences?
14:24.47creativxKatty: hehe.. i see
14:24.50fcois93angryuser: for what ?
14:25.32Kattycreativx: it took 12 hours to get 1 lvl.
14:25.34*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
14:25.43angryuserfcois93: is your openser server able to handle all traffic ?
14:25.56Kattycreativx: ryan me and another friend of ours went out and bought the WOTLK expansion around midnight.
14:26.01angryuserfcois93: i mean only one ?
14:26.22Kattycreativx: went home, loaded the software and patches, and immediately started lvling. around 6 in the morning i had a 3hr nap, and then we kept going.
14:26.25creativxKatty: lol, cant relate to wow sorry :) im gonna paint some walls this weekend.. all the fun and games!
14:26.37fcois93angryuser: yes it can
14:26.42[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: ssh = tcp, sip+rtp = udp
14:26.48[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: dOESN'T ADD UP
14:26.49Kattycreativx: it's lots of fun.
14:26.52angryuserfcois93: so use heartbeat!
14:27.21creativxKatty: doesnt sound healthy :D
14:27.22*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:27.41fcois93angryuser: what will it do ?
14:27.45angryuserfcois93: and separate the outgoing and incoming processing in openser's cfg
14:27.48*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
14:28.15stencilhello UnixDawg
14:28.33angryuserfcois93: you will have ony 1 ip for both server's
14:28.55fcois93angryuser: ok, like a dns balancing ?
14:29.41*** join/#asterisk fudpucker (n=jircii@
14:29.45angryuserno with heartbeat only one server will be used all teh time
14:30.19angryuserfcois93: you have the key's, go read about heartbeat
14:31.32fcois93angryuser: I dont want heartbeat
14:31.56angryuserfcois93: then i cant help you
14:32.07Kattydon't tell mah heart.
14:32.11Kattymah achey breaky heart.
14:32.32fudpuckeri am trying to get asterisk to use unixodbc, and the datasource is setup, and i can connect with isql, but when asterisk goes to write a cdr record, it errors out with SQLconnect -1.  is there a way i can get the real reason?
14:32.42fcois93angryuser: ok thank you
14:33.14*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
14:34.07k-mana while ago i asked on here for recommendations of brands of sip phones and a few were recommended, Linksys being one of them, but what are the others?
14:34.23fudpuckeri am a fan of the cisco phones....
14:34.38[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Polycom > all
14:34.48[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Linksys is a fairly solid second choice.
14:34.49k-manah, thanks
14:35.07[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Aastra and Snom are kinda tied at 3rd
14:35.09stencilk-man: Snom if you want opensource phones!
14:35.27*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
14:35.33k-manoh, thats interesting, thanks
14:35.59Kattyk-man: polycom
14:36.02Kattyk-man: polycom
14:36.04Kattyk-man: AND
14:36.06Kattyk-man: polycom.
14:36.23Kattyk-man: ^- my top 3.
14:36.23k-mancool, thanks for the suggestions guys
14:36.58WimpManstencil: Open source? Really? or only the basic OS with closed source phone app as usual?
14:37.32stix_Have any of you experienced a problem like this: When I reload asterisk and call the system (from the outsite) straight away - I cannot get through to the system, so I hang up. But then 10 secs later my call shows up on the cli. That's a bit late
14:38.04stencilWimpMan: the underlying OS is Linux
14:38.41WimpManstencil: That prabaly the case on most devices.
14:38.56k-manif one wanted to build an asterisk server for 80 users, what kind of server would you need?
14:39.00WimpManOr rather nearly all.
14:39.18fudpuckeralso with my cdr_odbc issue, it doesn't seem to be logging anything.
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14:43.55fcois93how can I see if the user is reachable before doing dial ?
14:44.55*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
14:46.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
14:47.14Dr-Linux|homeCan i'm using AGI, my users make calls through my Asterisk agi script, i want to provide "DIAL TONE" to my users?
14:47.17Dr-Linux|homeany suggestions?
14:47.34Dr-Linux|homenormally we use DISA in dialplan, but not sure what i can use in AGI script
14:50.27k-mannight all
14:50.57ZeeekWqrning, unbalanced braces in above expression of admiration
14:51.05IPkafok good nihgght all
14:52.11*** part/#asterisk IPkaf (
14:55.07bcrochetastrundir is not being honored in Any ideas why not?
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15:05.33*** join/#asterisk [SySteM] (
15:05.38[SySteM]Hi all
15:05.54[SySteM]I buy a swissvoice IP10s to connect to my asterisk server.. but
15:06.10[SySteM]On the console : Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk.Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
15:06.49fudpuckeri am trying to get asterisk to use unixodbc, and the datasource is setup, and i can connect with isql, but when asterisk goes to write a cdr record, it errors out with SQLconnect -1.  is there a way i can get the real reason?
15:07.37sosperecis there any way to get the first 3 character of a variable? Like cut -c -3 in shell
15:08.42awk_rsosperec, there is
15:09.09awk_r(getting link)
15:09.17sosperecawk_r: and what's it? :)
15:09.53awk_rsosperec, i could tell ya, but i figured teaching you variable basics would be a better idea :-)
15:10.02sosperecThank You. :)
15:10.17awk_runder the 'Substrings' section
15:10.32*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (n=chatzill@
15:11.04sosperecThank You! That's what I was looking for.
15:11.45*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:11.51bcrochetAny ideas why astrundir (now set to /var/run/asterisk) is being ignore in * is still insisting on /var/run/asterisk.ctl
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15:29.46Deeewaynehugs Katty
15:32.00Kattyhugs Deeewayne
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15:39.53jameswfreluctantly thinks he is going to switch from KDE to gnome
15:39.57jameswfevil bastards
15:45.34ZeeekKatty... was it something I said?
15:45.57KattyZeeek: mew?
15:46.06Zeeekno hug :(
15:46.28Kattyhuggles Zeeek
15:46.32Kattymust have missed it :<
15:46.33ZeeekWarning, unbalanced braces in above expression of admiration
15:46.51*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
15:46.54fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I found how to do my loadbalancing :)
15:47.19ZeeekKatty: what, you don't have a little <BELL> every time Katty Katty Katty Katty is mentioned?
15:47.28KattyZeeek: sadly, no
15:47.33[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Congratulations
15:47.34KattyZeeek: i've heard putty can do that.
15:47.35KattyZeeek: but..
15:47.42KattyZeeek: never got it to work right.
15:47.56KattyZeeek: i screen irssi on a linux box in the server room and then attach to it from my windows box with putty
15:47.56fcois93[TK]D-Fender: just with the dialplan
15:47.56Zeeekmost IRC clients can on "modern" OS
15:48.19Zeeekshudders at the raw geekiness of that arrangement
15:48.30*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
15:48.50KattyZeeek: it's very handy.
15:48.56[netman]Katty: screen has a visual bell :P
15:49.02Katty[netman]: oh?
15:49.09Zeeekoh oh oh OOOHHHHH
15:49.15KattyZeeek: i like that i can detach from my session and go home, or on my blackberry, and POOF i'm back
15:50.01tzangerKatty: I do the same, you need to turn on audible bell, that's all
15:50.14Kattydigs through putty cfg
15:50.32jameswflinux has a few easter egs like>>  :(){ :|:& };: << totaly awesome
15:51.03psykx-outi don't kow if i'd call that an easter egg
15:51.09Kattytzanger: i turned pc speaker beep on
15:51.12psykx-outit's just abfuscated
15:51.29[TK]D-FenderMORE COWBELL!
15:51.31Kattytzanger: it was set to make system default sound alert
15:52.07jameswfI have pcspkr annoys the crap out of me and my double tab foo
15:52.56[SySteM]I buy a swissvoice IP10s to connect to my asterisk server.. but
15:52.57[SySteM]On the console : Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk.Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
15:53.07Kattyokay, let's try it!
15:53.10Kattytzanger: katty me.
15:53.15[SySteM]I disabeld all vad.. echo .. on client.
15:53.18tzangerKatty: foo
15:53.32Kattyno love.
15:54.01[TK]D-Fender[SySteM]: if * still says that then you have not done the job.
15:54.14Kattyweird. /beep just makes putty flash once
15:54.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: Terminal > Bell
15:55.56*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
15:55.56Kattyresets hilights
15:56.01Kattytzanger: try again.
15:56.19*** join/#asterisk aliver (
15:56.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:57.27*** join/#asterisk awk_r (n=rawk@nat/digium/x-c2796b03cf70c9f5)
15:57.39Kattyor anyone else
15:57.43tzangerkatty: foo
15:57.57tzangerKatty: type control-a g
15:58.04tzangermake sure that screen is *not* set to visual bell
15:58.07fudpuckeri am trying to get asterisk to use unixodbc, and the datasource is setup, and i can connect with isql, but when asterisk goes to write a cdr record, it errors out with SQLconnect -1.  is there a way i can get the real reason?
15:58.20tzangercontrol-a control-g
15:58.25Kattytwitched to audio bell!
15:58.31tzangerkatty: fo
15:58.34Kattyand /beep works appropriatly now
15:58.37Kattybut still no love.
15:58.38awk_rfudpucker, is your odbc conf setup?
15:58.42Kattyquite :<
15:58.43*** part/#asterisk psykx-out (
15:58.48fudpuckeryes, and i can connect with isql
15:58.59aliverKatty are you using a Unix xterm terminal?
15:58.59Kattytzanger: there anything else required than /hilight mahnick
15:59.06awk_rfudpucker, odbc conf for asterisk
15:59.10Kattyaliver: no.
15:59.20aliverKatty you can do "xset b on" if you are using X to make sure the bell will sound.
15:59.25Zeeekanyone have opinions on INUM?
15:59.34fudpuckeri have cdr_odbc.conf, and cdr.conf
15:59.40KattyZeeek: that's what happens after you play in the snow for an hour.
15:59.52Zeeekwho made Katty cry :(
15:59.55*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
16:00.00awk_rfudpucker, if i remember correctly you set up three confs... /etc/odbc.ini /etc/asterisk/odbc.conf and /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf (or something around that)
16:00.03*** join/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (n=aricalso@
16:00.09[SySteM]<[TK]D-Fender> [SySteM]: if * still says that then you have not done the job. ?
16:00.19[SySteM]which job ?
16:00.26[TK]D-Fender[SySteM]: the job of DISABLING VAD
16:00.34ZeeekDigium is asking for suggestions fort their café name on Twitter. Any ideas I can steal and pretend they were mine?
16:00.47Kattyhow about digium
16:00.53*** join/#asterisk synchris (
16:01.05fudpuckerwhat do i need in odbc.conf?
16:01.15[SySteM]the G711A G711µ and G729 are "Suppression des silences" OFF
16:01.21[SySteM]and reboot 3 times.
16:01.28ZeeekI said when people ask for a menu they can sau "It's all there in the rEADME"
16:01.46ZeeekCory Andrews said "Grub"
16:01.49Zeeeknot bad
16:01.50[TK]D-Fender[SySteM]: However you're doing it is not working.  So either you're doing it wrong, or your phone is not working properly
16:01.52awk_rfudpucker, h/o lemme check a running system with odbc in it...its been a while :-/
16:01.54KattyZeeek: what's this name for again?
16:02.03ZeeekTheir Café
16:02.07Zeeeka place to eat
16:02.21Kattywe have a cafe?!
16:02.23[SySteM]it cant be another think ?
16:02.27ZeeekI know one thing, it's a -café where "a register is not a register"
16:02.28[SySteM]without vad ?
16:02.36KattyDigi Yum?
16:02.52[TK]D-Fender:(Digi) -- YUM!!!!!
16:02.56Qwellit's mostly a coffee shop
16:03.03tzangerKatty: working onw?
16:03.04tzangerer now
16:03.06fudpuckerawk_r: thx
16:03.09Kattytzanger: no:<
16:03.17Kattytzanger: do i need to do anything in irssi, specifically
16:03.24Kattytzanger: i have /hilight mahnicks
16:03.27Kattytzanger: but that's it.
16:03.27tzangerscreen said "switched to audible bell" -- make sure that putty can make noises
16:03.33tzangerKatty: no idea, I never had to do anything to it
16:03.35tzangerone thing
16:03.37Kattytzanger: it does. /beep works
16:03.46tzangerKatty: flip to another irssi window
16:03.47awk_rfudpucker, k i was wrong...i'm not sure where i got odbc.conf you have odbc configured properly. can you paste bin your cdr_odbc.conf?
16:03.57tzangerKatty: ooga.
16:04.16Kattyhold on
16:04.18Kattytzanger: ooganow
16:04.26tzangerooga now
16:04.57Kattyyou'd think there's like an enable beepy on irssi somewhere
16:05.16[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: PASTEBIN
16:05.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:05.30fudpuckermy bad...sorry
16:08.19KattyZeeek: i twittered my suggestion.
16:08.36Zeeekoh cool! To digium or markster?
16:09.13*** join/#asterisk bcrochet (
16:09.52fudpuckeris there any way i can get * to give me a better reason than 'can't connect to data source'
16:10.13Kattytzanger: oogame again
16:10.16Kattytzanger: in query
16:10.25filetickles Katty
16:10.29[TK]D-Fenderfudpucker: pastebin your attempt at CLI to use the same credentials &table
16:10.35KattyIT WORKS
16:10.41Kattyhugs file
16:10.46filehugs Katty
16:10.48KattyYAY PUTTY BEEPS
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk johnd23 (n=test@
16:11.11Kattytzanger: there were some /set beep stuff in irssi REF:
16:12.33fudpuckerok, give me a few mins,..had to pick up a call
16:12.59ZeeekWhat is asterisk, anyway?
16:13.25ZeeekI'm just here to pick up women
16:13.52ZeeekSo far, not a lot of luck in that area
16:14.08jbotzeeek is, like, someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
16:14.32ManxPowernow we know why he's looking to pick up women. 8-)
16:14.32ZeeekSo I guess I'll have to just stick to the VoIP Users Conference for my jollies
16:14.50ZeeekManxPower: ah, that was the younger, more vigorous Zeeek
16:14.50pifI'd the GUI is like an inflatable doll,
16:14.54jameswfshameless promotion
16:15.07Zeeekpif I think you've got something there
16:15.20ZeeekShame is for the meek
16:15.29ManxPowerZeeek: Your evil twin?
16:15.30Zeeekis a register that isn't a register
16:15.34jameswf-homeI like fat chicks they are free and easy
16:15.39KattyZeeek: yeah but you've gotten a few hugs!
16:15.53pifand you can share with a friend
16:16.06ZeeekKatty: and that means more to me than all the **** in the world
16:16.20Kattyhugs on Zeeek
16:16.22jameswfI think I had a kerry moment and gpllaw took over my system.... hackers
16:16.23ZeeekFriend. Good™
16:16.25Kattywhere's jaytee?
16:16.35Kattyi hope he didn't get eaten by the new bear cubs.
16:16.40Kattyjbot: seen jaytee?
16:16.42jbotjaytee <n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 11h 41m 52s ago, saying: 'thanks!'.
16:16.50Kattyoh dear, gone over a day :<
16:16.57jameswfjaytee is in training
16:16.58*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
16:17.04Kattywhat sort of training?
16:17.15jameswfhe is at jsmith's class
16:17.16ZeeekPlease someone give me your opion of INUM? Do you think if it worked it would be good? Will it work?
16:18.01jameswfis reading inum press release
16:18.35jameswfsex is like pizza when its good its goog and when its bad it is still pretty good
16:18.36Zeeeks/opion of sex/opium of the people/
16:18.40*** part/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (n=aricalso@
16:18.50Zeeeks/opium of the people/religion/
16:19.08Zeeeks/religion/watch Bill Maher's Real Time"
16:19.12*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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16:19.26Kattyoh boy! it's russell!
16:19.29Kattyhugs russellb
16:19.45Zeeek{{{{{ Russellb }}}}}
16:20.27Zeeekrussellb: will answer the question "Is 1.6 ready for prime time?" that keeps coming back on the ML
16:20.30jameswfZeeek: I dont see the all important "How much $$$$"
16:20.34ZeeekFilm at 12
16:20.38russellbi have no answers
16:20.43russellb(or rather no time to give them)
16:20.50Zeeekrussellb: ah, a Zen master
16:20.50jameswfrussellb: the answer is 42
16:21.09Kattyand mice rule the world.
16:21.15Zeeekthey do
16:21.18pifbut asterisk is gay software, no?
16:21.19Kattyraises redbull to the mice
16:21.31Zeeekraises Jenlain (beer) to everyone
16:21.36Kattywhat's wrong with being gay?
16:21.42[TK]D-FenderZeeek: No, that'd be me :)
16:22.20jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
16:22.20pifKatty: why would it be wrong?
16:22.24Zeeek[TK]D-Fender who rulez?
16:22.48Zeeekand we all know that master.... is the fiorst part of the word...
16:23.03russellbpif: do what?
16:23.18Zeeekwhat is up with these names in [? Because they make it so hard to use auto-complete
16:23.44ZeeekAlmost time so now in the age old ritual...
16:23.49ZeeekWe take you to...
16:23.56[TK]D-FenderZeeek: 2 chars gets min 99% of the time.  many people's nicks force me to do 5 or more to get them
16:24.17russellbZeeek: it's so people can get their nick at the top of the nick list :-p
16:24.21ZeeekIRC #voip-users-conference  -- JOIN IT NOW
16:24.32Zeeekrussellb: _____ AH _____
16:24.41Zeeeksince I don't look at the list
16:24.56ZeeekYou can join the call very, very, very easily
16:25.09pifa conference call? OR better yet: and enter 22622# and then your PIN#
16:26.34ZeeekYes this is a free, and I say free as in free love, although that's debatable, FREE conference call via SIP with all the asterisk™ and VoIP users all over the planet
16:26.56jameswfgnome @ 66%
16:27.07KattyZeeek: i twittered some more suggestions.
16:27.14ZeeekPlus it will allow you to test the SipAddHeader() function of asterisk (1.4?)
16:27.14KattyZeeek: but i don't need a gift card.
16:27.38jameswfand me :)
16:27.40Zeeek"Keep them coming"
16:28.06pifZeeek: how does one get a PIN ?
16:28.07ZeeekKatty the gift card include free trip to beautiful Huntsville, AL
16:28.17ZeeekRegister at "JOIN"
16:28.18Kattyi could be there in 4 hours.
16:28.19disposableI am struggling with a bug that's supposed to be resolved. I compiled * with imap voicemail storage, but when i try to use it, i get I tried to apply the suggested patch but it got rejected and when i looked at app_voicemail.c i realised it wasn't needed as the necessary changes are already there. can anybody help?
16:29.28ZeeekTalkshoe signup:
16:29.53ZeeekGet a PIN, it makes it a lot easier for me and for you (PIN can be your callerid)
16:30.32*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
16:30.34ZeeekI have actually been ti Huntsville several times and never seen Digium
16:30.40IsUphey ya
16:30.47ZeeekBut I was at the SPace Museum
16:31.00IsUphow can i apply patches on Mantis?
16:31.13IsUpi need to patch some stuff, but never used 'diff' or 'patch'..
16:31.18seanbrightthere is a link
16:31.35seanbrightnext to the patch that says "wget patch"
16:31.41seanbrightclick that, and it will show you the commands to run
16:32.01IsUpthank you.
16:32.44tzangerI could have sworn "0b" was a valid C number format
16:32.56tzangeras in 0xaa == 0b10101010
16:34.32IsUpseanbright, it worked =) thanks!
16:37.47IsUpi want to use chan_ss7 with DAHDI, any ideas?
16:38.13[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Don't :)
16:38.32ZeeekWife left me. Promises to be back to announce dinner menu on
16:38.33KattyZeeek: i think i like Dahdi's Corner Bistro the best.
16:38.43ZeeekUntil then, goodbye cruel asterisk world
16:38.51IsUpwhy not [TK]D-Fender? :>
16:39.04ZeeekKatty: was that yours?
16:39.06fudpuckerany place where i can get a cold guinness is fine with me
16:39.11KattyZeeek: yes.
16:39.19KattyZeeek: along with Kewlstart Cafe and DND Express
16:39.24[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Not doing it saves effort
16:39.27KattyZeeek: and a whole slew of others
16:39.37Zeeekwhat's your id ? I'm not following you. I would be voipusers
16:39.43KattyZeeek: izaah
16:40.00KattyZeeek: i sent all the names as replies to digium
16:40.03IsUpbut LibSS7 seems unstable.
16:40.44KattyZeeek: shall i resend all the names to you?
16:40.51ZeeekKatty:  now I'm onto you!
16:41.08Zeeekno I can see them. I'm FOLLOWING you!
16:41.23ZeeekI know where you live, where you pick up your dog after school.
16:41.33Kattythat's okay
16:41.48*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
16:41.49seanbrighttzanger: it is in GCC
16:41.59seanbrighttzanger: but it's an extension
16:42.12ZeeekI'll be over shortly. In the Concord
16:42.26ZeeekThe Room is Open
16:43.41*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:43.43tzangerseanbright: weird
16:43.52tzanger$ gcc --version
16:43.52tzangergcc (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
16:43.54tzangerdidn't have it
16:44.14seanbrightare you compiling with -stdc
16:44.21tzangerno, just gcc -o foo foo.c
16:44.24Zeeekbye for now
16:44.27*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
16:44.35seanbrighttzanger: yeah, looks to be a new thing in 4.2.x
16:44.57tzangerseanbright: thanks for digging around for that, I wasn't expecting someone to find an answer :-)
16:45.07tzangerI just used strtol to initialize it at runtime... :-)
16:45.11*** join/#asterisk fred-tmft (
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16:46.12seanbrighttzanger: i had read it just the other day, so it was fresh in my mind
16:46.37seanbrighttzanger: i also found a post somewhere about a guy that wrote a script to generate a header that defined all of hte binary constants to their hex equivs
16:46.52tzangeris writing a routine that extracts 8-bit data from a 10-bit stream
16:46.53seanbright#define 0b00000000 0x0000
16:46.54tzangerit's not pretty
16:46.56seanbrightetc etc
16:47.05*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]
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16:47.25tzanger10-bit TDM stream getting stuffed into 8-bit memory ... so the timeslot data I'm intersted in is constantly offset depending on which particular ts I'm looking at
16:47.33tzangerI've got an elegant solution, it's jsut.. yuck
16:47.46seanbrightfun fun
16:47.54johnd23dumb question...  Is it possible with AsteriskNOW to have a server running the software, 2 sip phones, all 3 plugged into a switch and be able to place calls only between the 2 sip phones? Or do you need other hardware for this? such as a tdm card?
16:48.11seanbrightyes it is possible
16:48.24seanbrightwithout extra hardware
16:48.49*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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16:49.06seanbrightbut don't tell lmadsen
16:49.18johnd23ok thanks, just wanted to make sure before i start playing around with it
16:49.18[TK]D-FenderjohndYou only need extra hardware to interface with physical phone lines and phones
16:49.19lmadsencertainly not
16:49.29[TK]D-Fender(analog that is)
16:51.29*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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16:59.39*** join/#asterisk fudpucker (n=here@
17:00.42Kattyfile: Little Star Coffee Bar
17:09.00fudpuckerhere is my pastbin finally:
17:12.49*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
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17:13.57*** join/#asterisk mark_csi (
17:14.03Kattyoh hey. it's lunchtime!
17:16.00mark_csianything wrong with this line in extensions.conf? exten => s,1,GotoIfTime(22:00-07:59,*,*,*?afterhours,s,1)
17:16.03*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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17:16.26fudpuckerdoes asterisk look at odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini
17:16.34mark_csiit just gives me an engaged tone when triggered
17:17.32mark_csifudpucker - I thought it only looked at res_odbc.conf
17:18.16mark_csifudpucker - my mistake I've just checked mine and I've details in /etc/odbc.ini
17:18.29fudpuckeryeah i copied them over to that, and works
17:20.06mark_csiI believe odbc.ini is system wide - whereas res_odbc.conf is only used by asterisk
17:20.36fudpuckerno i am getting asterisk died with code 127
17:21.55seanbrightmark_csi: not sure, but maybe it doesn't like having the greater timer first
17:22.02mark_csiwhat's it say in /var/log/asterisk/messages
17:23.33seanbrightexten => s,1,GotoIfTime(08:00-21:59,*,*,*?:afterhours,s,1)
17:23.35seanbrightthat might work.
17:24.04mark_csithanks seanbright - it was working before but defined as - exten = 1,n,GotoIfTime(22:00-07:59|mon-sun|01-31|jan-dec?voicemenu-custom-3,s,1)
17:24.32seanbrightoh i see
17:24.44mark_csiseanbright - I've just seen the problem, missing an ':' after the ?
17:25.05seanbrighti think that's backwards, right?
17:25.18seanbrightif it's passed 10 and before 8am, you want to go to afterhours
17:25.23seanbrightso what you have already should work
17:25.33mark_csifudpucker: got any info before that?
17:25.38fudpuckerseems like cdr_odbc is crashing it
17:25.41fudpuckernope, that is it
17:26.24mark_csiseanbright: have to admit I'm not up on this function
17:26.40mark_csifudpucker: what db are you using?
17:26.42seanbrightGotoIfTime(timespec?if true:if false)
17:27.40mark_csiseanbright: got it, thanks - unfortunately system is live until 22:00 so I'll have to go easy on the beer this evening :-)
17:28.10mark_csifudpucker: use the MySQL addon and then configure res_mysql.conf, it works far easier.
17:29.15fudpuckerif i use the cdr addon, can i also use that for realtime *?
17:29.37*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:30.13mark_csifudpucker: I use the same database for cdr and realtime
17:30.39fudpuckerbut the cdr_mysql plugin will work for realtime as well.....
17:30.43mark_csifudpucker: just different tables, cdr uses 'cdr' and realtime settings are defined in extconfig.conf
17:31.10fudpuckerthat's always confused me
17:35.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:39.00mark_csithanks seanbright and good luck fudpucker - leaving for bar........
17:39.06jameswfrebooting to gnome.... wish me luck
17:40.50*** part/#asterisk mark_csi (
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18:00.01feedshi guys, If I want to make myself a custom asterisk sound (/var/lib/asterisk/sounds), how can I convert it to all those .ulaw, .sln16, etc. formats?? Is there a converter for it somewhere?
18:00.12lmadsenI don't think this is possible without creating multiple peers, but I'll ask anyways;  if I have a SIP peer who I want to accept calls from, and it could come from one of 4 different Ip address (and I can't match on username because the username is the DID they are requesting), is there a way to have a single entry, and have it match on one of those 4 IP addresses?
18:00.22lmadsenfeeds: sox
18:00.25jbot[sox] Sound Processing Tool. URL:
18:04.21*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
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18:14.51ManxPowerfeeds: convert it to WAV.  .wav is ulaw + microsoft wrapper
18:15.00feedslmadsen, tried it out, works perfect, thanks
18:15.07lmadsengood deals
18:15.24feedsManxPower, and  the other formats?? .sln16, etc.??
18:15.33lmadsensln is signed linear
18:15.36ManxPowerlmadsen: I seem to vaguely recall you can have multiple allow/deny statements.
18:15.48ManxPowerfeeds: Why do you want all these sound files in all these formats.
18:15.49lmadsenManxPower: ya... but that is probably only useful if you can match on a username
18:15.57lmadsenManxPower: save on transcoding
18:16.05lmadsenit's a perfectly valid approach
18:16.13feedsManxPower, because each codec needs its own doesn't it?
18:16.26ManxPowerYes, but just how many times will you get a call in sln16 format.
18:16.39ManxPowerfeeds: No.  Asterisk will automatically transcode.
18:16.39lmadsenManxPower: you don't need those ones
18:17.15feedsManxPower, cool. Spares time ;)
18:17.21lmadsenfeeds: it will transcode if you have it in a single format, but having in multiple formats will make it so asterisk doesn't have to transcode. You don't need signed linear formats because asterisk just uses that as an internal conversion codec
18:17.51ManxPoweravoiding transcoding is mostly to lower CPU usage.
18:17.59feedsso asterisk is faster than yes?
18:18.03feedsIf I got it?
18:18.18feeds* then not than
18:18.24lmadsenfeeds: not faster, lower CPU usage
18:18.38ManxPowerfeeds: You won't notice any extra speed unless your server is way under powered or you have many many calls
18:19.00feedslmadsen, Thanks. ; ManxPower, Now I get it all.
18:19.03PrimeHaxoranyone have some problem with asterisk/iptables to drop established calls?
18:20.02ManxPowerPrimeHaxor: nope, never.
18:20.41ManxPowerI have heard of firewall settings causing call problems, but that is nothing specific to iptables
18:21.57ManxPowerThose problems are almost always caused by people that "don't know much about networking or SIP but want to send voice over the most complex network on the planet" problems.  Not much we can do for those poor sods.
18:23.11*** join/#asterisk farkus (
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18:24.04PrimeHaxori've tried make a QOS, to minimum delay for asterisk server
18:24.24PrimeHaxorbut didn't worked
18:24.42ManxPowerPrimeHaxor: that does very little good over the internet since the internet does not actually support QoS
18:28.03*** part/#asterisk bcrochet (
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18:39.54beekHello all.  I'm having a helluva time getting CallerID on two POTS lines.  Receiving the information is a hit-or-miss prop and I've tried the different combos that I have googled.  Would someone look at my config and offer suggestions?
18:40.53*** join/#asterisk docelmo (n=docelmo@
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18:41.31Corydon76-digdocelmo: Stop
18:41.44docelmoohh geesh..   ok
18:42.16[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Channel bacnk on A104?
18:42.26beek[TK]D-Fender: Yes
18:42.50[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Could be an issue with the CB itself.
18:42.58[TK]D-Fenderbeek: what kind?
18:43.04beekAdit 600
18:43.47[TK]D-Fenderbeek: signalling=fxs_gs <- very odd as well..
18:44.04[TK]D-Fenderbeek: usually best on FXS_KS
18:44.30beek[TK]D-Fender: So this needs to be set both on the channel bank and in chan_dadhi?
18:45.18*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
18:45.19[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Definitely.
18:45.28[TK]D-Fenderbeek: can't have them disagreeing with each other...
18:45.42PrimeHaxorwhat means MEW?
18:46.02beek[TK]D-Fender: Okay -- I'm off to give that a try.   I'd slaughter a chicken and drip its blood into the box if that's what it took...
18:46.18[TK]D-Fenderbeek: * requires GOATS.
18:46.20docelmoprimehaxor: ask Katty
18:46.24[TK]D-Fenderbeek: You'll anger the Gods
18:46.28beek[TK]D-Fender: Thanks and I'll let you know.   Ahhhh... so THAT'S where I'm going wrong!
18:46.42[TK]D-FenderPrimeHaxor: Its cat for "bark"
18:55.01WHYSLooking for pointers.  I want to replace the image on my 7960 phone. I am using a TFTP server to configuring it.  How do I point the phone to the image? (I do have the image Created/Packaged)
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19:02.04Kattydocelmo: MEW!
19:03.06icelHaving some weird Directory() issue.  Anyone have any ideas?
19:05.54*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (
19:13.23icelI guess it's not a Directory() problem so much as how I am accessing it
19:15.06icelseems to be related to DNIS
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19:19.23docelmoWhats cooking chickie
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19:29.40jsmithicel: No, it seems that Asterisk isn't getting any kind of response from the other side, so it's hanging up the call
19:30.04jsmithicel: I'd check the network and firewall first...
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19:32.09pepsehi guys.
19:32.23pepsei'm looking at some sip debug stuff going by..
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19:32.31pepsejust to one place right now
19:32.39pepseand i'm seeing a "SIP/2.0 400 Bad Request"
19:32.52pepsehow can I tell why I'm getting that?
19:33.13pepseCSeq: 102 OPTIONS
19:33.15*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
19:33.31pepsei'm also not getting any incoming calls with this connection
19:36.07hardwireanybody here have an ISDN guard?
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19:36.22hardwireare the failover ports addressable?
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19:38.49docelmopepse options could mean many things..  but mainly in asterisk its used to qualify a sip peer
19:39.08docelmopepse look at a sip debug of an incoming call from that peer/IP
19:42.12*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
19:42.39Miccserver crashed again this morning. It looks like it was trying to do some mysql realtime stuff but I'm not using mysql. How can I disable the mysql res_config stuff? Theres no .conf file for it that I can find.
19:43.12*** join/#asterisk devhen|Work (n=devhen@
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19:44.16giovaniMicc: res_odbc.conf
19:45.09giovaniand extconfig.conf
19:45.09Miccmy res_odbc.conf only has my mssql entry.
19:45.41giovaniextconfig.conf is where you tell asterisk to look to the db for config, rather than a config file, as far as what I'm reading here
19:45.48[TK]D-Fenderpepse: the response is because your provider does not like you sending qualify packets at them.  Doesn't mean it'll actually cause any other problems though.
19:46.30Miccgiovani, those files all look fine. no mention of mysql, yet it still tries to connect to mysql.
19:46.47giovanithey'd mention odbc
19:47.01giovaniwho set up asterisk for you?
19:47.05MiccI did.
19:47.12*** join/#asterisk synchris (
19:47.16giovaniwell, this isn't default behavior afaik
19:47.19MiccI setup tds and unixodbc to our mssql server.
19:47.29giovanioh, ok
19:47.43giovaniwell what are the relevant log entries saying mysql?
19:47.57MiccI've recently turned on full logging and I see right before asterisk crashes it tries to load the queues from the db and connect to mysql.
19:48.22giovaniwell, I doubt it's doing so without being configured that way
19:48.27giovanigrep your confs for mysql
19:48.35giovanimaybe there's a line uncommented you missed
19:48.37Miccchan_agent.c: Queue memgbers successfully loaded from database.
19:48.44MiccI don't have any queue stuff in the db.
19:49.13giovaniwell, that config should be in extconfig.conf
19:49.16MiccI did that already. maybe I should check my unixodbc configs.
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19:49.18giovanibut once again -- grep all of your confs
19:49.43Miccthere are commented out lines in extconfig. I'll remove all the comments just in case.
19:50.02giovaniI just start with clean confs
19:50.06giovanito make sure
19:50.18giovaniso I know everything that's in there
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19:51.22*** join/#asterisk valbud (n=valbud@
19:51.30valbudhello people
19:51.34*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
19:51.41valbudi have an ackward problem with and asterisk box
19:51.57valbuddoes anyone have some time to guide me in the right direction
19:52.22jbotask is probably Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:52.40valbudok thank you
19:52.43valbudand sorry
19:52.48iceljsmith: thx
19:52.58jsmithicel: No problem
19:53.00lmadsenhrmmm... anyone run into an issue with sipregistrations (regcontext= in sip.conf) not populating?
19:53.25valbudso: the network diagram is as follows: an opensuse 10.3 connected to a NET GEAR switch
19:53.43valbudin the same switch is connected a Linksys SPA 400 gateway
19:53.58valbudand 7 phones: 1 SPA 921 and 6 SPA 901
19:54.31valbudnow the problem: whenever i call an outside destination that pass through the SPA 400
19:54.52valbudfrom the 901, the first attempt is always unsuccefull
19:55.22valbudi can provide sip.conf, extensions.conf and sip debug from a call
19:55.32valbudshould i paste them here or .... ?
19:56.18valbudthe inside calls work like a charm
19:57.04valbudand the spa 921 can call outside destinations just fine
19:57.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
19:57.38[TK]D-Fendervalbud: ^^^^^^
19:58.46valbudthank you
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20:00.53valbudextensions.conf -
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20:01.58valbudsip.conf -
20:02.12*** join/#asterisk gaetronik (
20:02.20gaetronikhi there
20:02.52gaetronikis this possible to register sip account login time?
20:03.12valbudthe sip debug trace:
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20:07.41jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
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20:11.48gaetronikis there any way to see this kind of info?
20:12.26jblack[TK]D-Fender should be banned for that.
20:12.31[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: Go watch AMI events
20:13.10gaetronikok through ami, i will take a look
20:13.52*** join/#asterisk eit (n=eit@
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20:15.25MiccI've found the problem I think.
20:15.33Miccin asterisk-addons readme.
20:15.34littlepinkdotWith music on hold, anyone know why the extension is stripped/not read? [Nov 14 12:14:40] WARNING[17885] res_musiconhold.c: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3//orig_Al Stewart - 11 - Year Of The Cat': No such file or directory
20:15.47Micc1) Using res_config_mysql at the same time as res_config_odbc can create
20:15.47Miccsystem instability on some systems.  Please load only one or the other.
20:16.03littlepinkdotThe file exists, both .mp3 and .wav, but asterisk doesn't read past the filename.
20:16.04MiccSo now I just need to find out how to only use res_config_odbc.
20:16.43[TK]D-Fenderlittlepinkdot: // <-- double slahs in the path
20:17.30littlepinkdotIs that configured in /etc/asterisk/musiconhold_additional.conf
20:17.39jblacklittlepinkdot: That's by design. If you have that file in multiple formats, asterisk picks the one it "likes best"
20:18.01littlepinkdotWhen I upload it (via Freepbx), it creates the .wav from the .mp3
20:18.12jblackOh, I don't know anything about freepbx.
20:18.22littlepinkdotIssue is with Asterisk
20:18.55jblackI don't know how they've configured things. You'll have to ask them there, in #freepbx. Good luck, though!
20:19.14littlepinkdotI have two boxes, one with just Asterisk and one with Freepbx, both have the same issue.
20:19.41jblackI've already given the asterisk answer. That's all I can do for you.
20:20.00*** join/#asterisk nikko (n=nikko@
20:22.00[TK]D-Fenderlittlepinkdot: maybe your WAV's are bad.
20:22.48gaetronik[TK]D-Fender, thanks PeerStatus
20:22.58valbuddid anyone had the chance to look over the configurations / debug
20:23.15valbudi just need a hint in the right direction
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20:29.47SkramXhi all
20:30.27SkramXI have an AGI run after a phone dials a number but then when it hangs up, asterisk executes the AGI again and I get the deadAGI error/suggestion.. conf @
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20:31.34[TK]D-FenderSkramX: "exten => _.,1,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2.5)" <- this pattern matched "h" and is a "shoot on sight" offense
20:31.40[TK]D-Fendergathers the firing squad
20:33.27klicteljoins the squad
20:34.15Dr-Linux|homeguys, i want to provide dial tone to my caller in AGI script .. how can i do that?
20:34.35Dr-Linux|homei can do that in dialplan with DISA .. but not sure how can i do that in AGI
20:34.50Dr-Linux|homeany suggestion about Playtone(dial) ?
20:35.05[TK]D-Fenderklictel: Salut Claude
20:35.19klictelhey salut
20:35.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: You can call DISA from AGI.
20:35.44[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: just like just about every other dialplan app
20:35.54*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
20:36.17valbudklictel: ro ?
20:36.43SkramX[TK]D-Fender: do you see what i'm trying to have it do? what should i be doing?
20:37.03[TK]D-FenderSkramX: You should not be using an uber-wlidcard like that.  Thats what..
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20:37.20Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: but DISA needs context etc as well, where i'm fail ..
20:37.27SkramXwhat should I use then? I want everything to be handled by my AGI
20:37.30[TK]D-Fenderskdr-Go give it one.
20:37.38[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Go give it one
20:37.42Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: can i use "playtones(dial)" for that purpose?
20:37.44SkramXbut I need it to wait to see how many digits the dialer dials
20:37.55valbudklictel: from romania ... noticed you said "salut"
20:37.59[TK]D-FenderSkramX: I think you should not bu in a context like that with a horrendous pattern like that
20:38.07*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
20:38.14klictelsalut=hello in french
20:38.21valbudgot it
20:38.27valbuddidn't know that :P
20:38.30*** join/#asterisk becks` (
20:38.32klicteli better start packing and heading to the airport
20:38.35klictelsee you all
20:38.48SkramX[TK]D-Fender: What do I do to do a digit timeout, then transfer to an AGI
20:38.57SkramXit's pretty simple I dont see what's horrendous about that context
20:39.04giovanivalbud: French is where the Romanians got it :)
20:39.08SkramXwhat's possibly horrendous is the AGI
20:39.15becks`hi, how can i measure the MOS? somebody knows a software?
20:39.18[TK]D-FenderSkramX: you have "h" overlap because you made a relly not smart pattern in that context
20:39.22valbudgiovani: got what?
20:39.32giovanivalbud: "salut"
20:39.34SkramXshould it be _X?
20:39.44valbudmay be
20:39.48[TK]D-FenderSkramX: a context witha match-all like that should have 1 purpose.. jumping OUT of that context to a target exten.
20:40.05[TK]D-Fender(a GOOD target that won't overlap)
20:40.12SkramXso _X?
20:40.28[TK]D-Fendervalbud: actually means both "hello" and "goodby" depending on context
20:40.46giovanivalbud: it is -- I looked up the etymology
20:40.50[TK]D-Fendervalbud: the french's revenge for "aloha"
20:40.54SkramXi dotn use _X because I want it to wait for two or three or four digits
20:42.41SkramX[TK]D-Fender: I understand this is sort of un-standard.. how do I do what I need in a best-practices way?
20:42.52[TK]D-FenderSkramX: Well i think you'd better rethink your context's contents and pattern matches...
20:43.16SkramXnothing comes to mind :\
20:43.33valbudthanks [TK]D-Fen for the explanations
20:43.52[TK]D-FenderSkramX: That pattern had better not exist in the same place as ANYTHING else.
20:43.55valbudi thought that salut is a romanian whing
20:44.13SkramXa SCCP phone enters internal right away; and then dials a number
20:44.18SkramXnot sure what you're saying
20:44.32SkramXand i can't just leave it, because agi keeps getting called after hangup
20:45.34*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
20:45.38[TK]D-FenderSkramX: Your fist obligation on using a match like that is GET THE HELL OUT of that context <-
20:45.58[TK]D-FenderSkramX: and the ONLY thing in this one should be the jump.  Absolutely nothing else.
20:46.29WHYSanyone have a URL for a 133x64 bmp file I can test on my 7960?
20:46.42*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
20:47.08rwaiteyo wassup #*
20:47.39[TK]D-FenderWHYS: Go take a bigger file and trim it
20:48.06[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: #* ... that what happens when MS buys out Digium?
20:48.21becks`nobody knows how to measure MOS? :(
20:48.24rwaitenaw, that would be *#
20:48.35WHYSYeah, just looking for something quick. I need to stick it on a web server, etc.  Thought one might be handy
20:48.37[TK]D-Fenderdarn... ruineda  good joke.
20:48.40[TK]D-Fenderoh well
20:49.13rwaiteand then novell will start a linux compatible *# runtime called Gonorrhea
20:50.00[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Don't f'n mention Novell... I'm trying to ditch it here...
20:50.21rwaiteHeh. But Netware... it's the future!
20:50.30[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Windows Server is put off as a plan for economic reasons and I'm trying to "sell" Samba
20:50.58[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Only if you've travelled to the Jurassic period.
20:51.10rwaitedebian+samba > win
20:52.01[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: I just printed up the Samba By Example book and want to take this on.  I've had our Mac guys on it for 3 years now
20:52.15[TK]D-Fenderhugz teh Katty
20:52.25Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
20:52.29Kattyi needed that :/
20:52.34rwaitesamba is okay, just dont go deluding yourself that you can run a domain with it .. i made that mistake and paid dearly for it
20:52.57rwaiteKatty a as in apple or cake
20:53.20Kattyrwaite: that did not parse, please try again.
20:53.29[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: In what sense?
20:53.39rwaitek[apple]tty, k[cake]tty
20:54.05KattyKatty, as in Cat-ty
20:54.14KattyMeow. etc.
20:54.24rwaitemeow. thx i have a loud voice in my head with i read so i have to know ;)
20:54.51rwaiteoh boy quitting time
20:54.55Kattyoh boy!
20:54.55*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (n=alex@
20:55.28Kattywhat an odd sorta fellow.
20:56.59AlexTOhi everyone..
20:57.06boolean12Fender: Why are you using novell?
20:57.27etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, Where you have your Asterisk installation, do you have an analog phone to use in case your Asterisk system crashes or uses power?
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20:58.08[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Yes, though its not really "plugged".
20:58.27etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, you mean it's not plugged in all the time?
20:58.59[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Actually I have my PRI redirected to an IPKALL # that lands on my home system, which then takes a VM and e-mails it to our admin assistant so she can catch up them when things come up :)
20:59.14[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: yes, that means my seup isn't perfect yet :)
20:59.25[TK]D-FendertefI haven't actually cared to correct a bunch of stuff here yet
20:59.37*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
21:00.35etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, The Cisco 500 series small business thingy has 4 FX0 and 4 FXS ports.  And in a power off situation it will "bridge" a pair of those together so that you would have a hot analog line as backup regardless.  Do you know if something is possible like this with a Sangoma card?
21:01.37[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Not on any current model.  There is an Openvox "black" bridging module which may only work with their cards or Digiums perhaps.  Audiocodes & Mediatrix gateways also have a failover
21:04.45*** join/#asterisk johann8384 (
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21:09.40beek[TK]D-Fender: Oh well -- the Adit 600 doesn't do kewl start... only GS & LS
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21:10.13jameswfwhat crap
21:10.36itilitiI am trying to figure out the best way to write the Called DID when a call comes in or gets hung up to write it to the CDRDB. what is the best way to do that?
21:12.11*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:12.42SkramXwhat's the difference between ! and . wildcards?
21:14.27ricko73the little thing above the .
21:14.41ricko73Friday humor
21:16.11ricko73where would be the appropriate place to request a feature?
21:16.34ricko73I'd like to have two tones for automon, one when the recording starts and a different one when the recording stops
21:17.02*** join/#asterisk arpu (
21:17.02ricko73right now, that uses the single courtesytone variable
21:19.29[TK]D-Fenderricko73: the users mailing list or as a bounty on the WIKI
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21:26.51SkramXis there a default digit timeout? after i dial a number on my cisco phone.. asterisk waits like 4 seconds to do something
21:28.04[TK]D-FenderSkramX: SIP phones have their own dialplan.
21:28.10*** join/#asterisk pids (
21:28.17[TK]D-FenderSkramX: And thus their own timeout before sending their dial to *
21:28.27AlexTOCan someone give me a hand setting up dundi betwwen 2 * boxes
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21:29.42[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Show what you've tried and maybe someone can help with what's left
21:30.11AlexTOoki... let put the paste bin
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21:46.15bijithi everyone can someone help me debug why this is happening [Nov 14 12:04:37] VERBOSE[24474] logger.c: NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling
21:46.19bijitq931_hangup, ourstate Active, peerstate Active
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21:54.57etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, Have you used any of the Audiocodes 118 series gateways?
21:55.19Kattywhennnnnnnnn theeeeeeee moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, that's amooorreeeee!!!
21:55.37[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: No, I only tested on an MP-124 FXS once and a Mediant 2000
21:55.53Kattyi'm dangeriously hyper >:)
21:56.02etfonhomeyOK.  Thanks.  Have a good weekend!
22:01.46*** join/#asterisk quentusrex (
22:02.01quentusrexCan I have some help debugging a remote extension? The remote extension can make calls out, and can recieve calls. But there is no sound either direction.
22:02.15giovaniquentusrex: is it behind NAT?
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22:02.49giovanino debugging required
22:02.51giovaniNAT is always at fault
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22:03.00quentusrexbut I'm nearly positive that the ports are forwarded properly.
22:03.07giovaniwell, they clearly aren't
22:03.12AlexTOHi Fender: it is about DUNDI setup for  2 *  boxes
22:03.22giovaniput a hub/networktap/span port outside the firewall
22:03.28giovaniand see for yourself with a packet capture
22:03.33giovaniwhich ports the packets are coming in on
22:03.35*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
22:03.38giovanior do the same on the asterisk box
22:03.42quentusrexso which ones am I missing? I've got 5000-5080 forwarded. and also 10000-20000
22:04.00giovanithe ports are not constant -- it depends on asterisk and phone configuration
22:04.06beekquentusrex: Do you have "nat=yes" in sip.conf for each of the phones?
22:05.03giovania packet capture will give you all the answers you need
22:05.15*** join/#asterisk root52 (
22:06.18SkramXcan i set a phone DND from the command line
22:06.19root52giovani: thanks I was haveing the same problem. you need to make sure the whole SIP media port range is comeing through right?
22:07.04giovaniroot52: actually the SIP port often doesn't need to be forwarded (as long as your phone is initiating a register) -- because the firewall will keep that open -- it's the RTP ports that are the problem usually
22:07.13giovanithe "no audio" thing, is a RTP port problem
22:07.23giovaniif the call "connects" then SIP is getting through fine
22:07.26quentusrexwhich ports are used for rtp?
22:07.44giovaniquentusrex: as I told you already, that's asterisk and phone specific configuration -- refer to your configs
22:07.45root52ok you are right i was call RTP the SIP media
22:09.55pidsquentusrex, usually its 10000 - 20000
22:10.37pidseach call generaly increments one port number.
22:11.11pidsbut it gets weird about that sometimes so dont count on it.
22:11.40giovanipids: hence why a packet capture removes all doubt
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22:12.20pidsgiovani, I guess if you ran a packet capture all the time.
22:12.29giovaniyou don't need to
22:12.31giovanijust once
22:12.37giovaniit'll let you know where the problem is immediately
22:15.02pidsgiovani, sure but unless he has changed the config with asterisk it will start at 10000
22:15.17quentusrexSo, after the packet capture. It looks like there is traffic going out
22:15.28pidsby rfc it is ports 16384-32767
22:15.32giovaniquentusrex: going "out" from where?
22:15.38quentusrexusing PCMU(ulaw)  from the remote extension
22:15.47quentusrexbut there is nothing coming in to the extension
22:15.58giovaniquentusrex: I told you to do the packet capture OUTSIDE of the firewall
22:16.04giovanithe entire point is to see what the firewall is dropping
22:16.17quentusrexI'm not able to do that.
22:16.22giovaniif you do it near the extension, inside the firewall, you just confirm what we already know
22:16.24quentusrexI did it at the firewall.
22:16.27giovaniwhich is that the RTP isn't gettingto the phone
22:16.35pidsquentusrex, are both the asterisk server and the extension behind diffrent NAT firewalls ?
22:16.45giovaniohh ...
22:16.47giovanidouble nat!
22:16.50pidswont work without a proxy server
22:16.53giovaniwelcome to hell :)
22:16.58[TK]D-Fenderpids: BS
22:17.10pidsHow then?
22:17.26[TK]D-Fender* side needs forwarding, remote phone doesn't.
22:17.48[TK]D-FenderAnd I have NEVER needed an outside packet trace for any of this
22:17.55pidsneither have I
22:18.21[TK]D-Fenderfirst, where are the configs?  A lot of talk going on, and no SHOW.
22:18.38[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN is your friend
22:18.42jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
22:18.56[TK]D-Fenderthink I'd trust configs blindly?  No dice.
22:19.08quentusrexthe configs of the server?
22:19.13[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Clearly
22:19.15*** join/#asterisk synchris (
22:19.23[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: PB sip.conf masking only passwords
22:19.52AlexTOHi everyone..  there is someone how knows dundi can give me a hand to set up 2 * boxes?
22:24.51*** part/#asterisk root52 (
22:25.02quentusrexsec, I'm trying to find freepbx's sip.conf
22:25.17[TK]D-FenderNow with GUI configs!
22:25.30[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: you'll want sip_nat(blah) as well
22:25.40[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: All that crap
22:25.53quentusrexalright, sip_nat.conf is blank
22:26.04*** join/#asterisk bminish (
22:26.22pidsuggh, following the configs in freepbx gives me a headache.
22:26.41[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Right about now I'm thinking you haven't done the first thing about preparing your server to work behind NAT
22:26.57quentusrexit works just fine for all of the local extensions
22:27.16quentusrexall the extensions on the same lan as the server can handle dozens of calls all at the same time.
22:27.30quentusrexbut I just can't figure out why I can't get sound for the remote extension.
22:28.03*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
22:28.12RypPnquentusrex go into #freepbx and type ?? nat
22:28.50[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex>it works just fine for all of the local extensions <- meaningless.  Yuo have about 1/2 dozen settings to do for * to work behind NAT and its all very googleable
22:29.16[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Of course * has no problems with local devices... they're LOCAL.
22:30.00[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: There's an article I'd refer you to if the server wasn't down...
22:31.49[TK]D-Fenderpids: Decent guide, missing only 1 suggestable thing, which might not make a difference
22:32.30quentusrexIs there a way to read up on how to manage the * settings without freepbx?
22:32.48*** join/#asterisk Spirits-Sight (
22:32.51pidsquentusrex, ?
22:33.06[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: the sip.conf sample and :
22:33.08jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:33.18[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: However the firs link's server is currently down.
22:33.45*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
22:35.09pidsquentusrex, I would not recommend trying to manual modify the configs on FreePBX for your first installation of asterisk.
22:35.09pidsYou'll wanna commit suicide. Do a vanilla install of asterisk if you want to manually edit the configs
22:35.26pids[TK]D-Fender, what thing is missing?
22:35.44[TK]D-Fender(except sip_nat.conf)
22:36.07[TK]D-Fenderpids: "canreinvite=no" should be global as well for those calls that fall under [general]
22:36.17*** join/#asterisk gambler1 (n=mene_sun@dragan.eunet.yu)
22:36.35Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender:  I am trying to find out whats one of the best How to setup for Asterisk on CentOS, this is so I can give it to a person that does the maintain for server, see I have been playing with it on Ubuntu using my desktop but the server is CentOS 5.x
22:36.35quentusrexI fixed the problem.
22:36.45quentusrexthe settings required in sip_nat.conf weren't there.
22:36.49quentusrexnow it all works.
22:37.33gambler1Hi, does anyone here use cdr adaptive odbc module?
22:37.34[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Compile as per the instructions in the tarball
22:37.53pidsSpirits-Sight, installs of asterisk are distro indipendent if you use the tarball
22:38.39*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
22:39.07pidslike D-Fender said ;)
22:39.38Spirits-Sightwhere can I download tarball
22:40.05Spirits-Sightthanks :-)
22:41.00pidswonders if thats in the bot
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22:41.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
22:42.01[TK]D-Fenderpids: Yes, and in the channel TOPIC
22:42.14[TK]D-Fenderpids: You'd almost think we were trying to tell you something...
22:43.34pidsyea, my sarcasm was not wasted!
22:44.53[TK]D-Fenderpids: An inaluable and limitless resource...
22:44.59[TK]D-Fenderpids: An invaluable and limitless resource...
22:46.07*** join/#asterisk Ccomp5950 (n=Ccomp595@
22:49.49bijitmy calls are droping since q931_hungup is the middle of call...anyone has haved this problem that can help me?
22:50.08[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Who requested?
22:50.33Spirits-Sightshould do the or the 1.4.22
22:51.57*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
22:55.37AssimilateSpirits-Sight, SOmeone in here had a really good quote the other day. "1.6 is Bleeding edge meaning bleading ulcers, gums etc"
22:56.12*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=seanmh@
22:56.34KattyQwell: Tome of Black Cat
22:56.36KattyQwell: Dalaran
22:56.39bijit[TK]D-Fender: that is what I am trying to figure out.. Logs say NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Active, peerstate Active
22:56.39KattyQwell: 2500g
22:56.44KattyQwell: <3
22:56.48Spirits-SightLOL, so it would be best to go with 1.4 then :-)
22:56.55KattyQwell: also, brown bear is MINE, 720g, and toy train 250g
22:57.23AssimilateSpirits-Sight, I'd give it some time in the field still.
22:57.26*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
22:57.48Spirits-SightSound good to me :-)
22:59.48*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-c3f8ab957401802a)
23:02.36[TK]D-Fenderbijit: You are looking at this in bits & pieces.. loot at the debug and see WHO is issuing the cancel
23:03.15*** join/#asterisk watchy (n=watchy@
23:03.17watchyhey tk you there?
23:03.51watchyive sold some phone systems with max of 60+ handsets
23:04.00watchybut today i think i sold one with 650 handsets
23:04.06watchyhow hard is that gonna be
23:05.41[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Quick estimate, about as hard as the last one x 10.5
23:06.23watchycan 1 server handle it?
23:06.38watchyi think its like 6 t1s
23:07.07[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: "depends"
23:07.24[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Should you be asking this if you'ev positioned yourself as qualified tos ell it? :)
23:07.38watchythats why i may have someone like you come in and help
23:07.50[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: My rates are very accessable :)
23:08.47watchyi'd love it if i could get you personnaly
23:08.56watchycause i owe u like alot of steak dinners for helping
23:09.00*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
23:09.00watchyme in the past
23:09.52watchythe biggest i've done is a defense contractor. and they have about 50 polys + 15 or so sipura atas
23:10.02watchybut i'm about to add 30 polys to that system
23:11.35watchybut this school district wants 600-650 handsets.
23:13.01watchybut its something i've been wanting to do. install a nice big * setup
23:13.17[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: 6 PRI seems overkill...
23:13.55watchywell i'm not %100 what they want pri wise
23:14.35watchybut currently every building the school has its own phone system
23:14.44watchyso i'm sure once its all consolidated the pris will be also
23:15.36watchyluckily they want to roll it out in sections
23:16.08watchyi'm thinking of going with 330s for regular phones and 650s for reception
23:16.55kerxanyone have luck with SIP Peers in Realtime sing mysql database ?
23:17.03[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: PRAY they don't ask for an "all-page" ;)
23:17.14watchythey already have a paging system
23:17.16kerxI've imported everything in, but for some reason no peer is showing?
23:17.22[TK]D-Fenderkerx: No, it doesn't work for anybody.
23:17.26watchyi have to figure out how to tie the * into that tk
23:17.37kerxheh, [TK]D-Fender
23:18.08kerx[TK]D-Fender, are you one of those types of people who purposely bother people for no apparent reason other than you have lots of anger bottled up inside?
23:18.53kerxyou can always try suicide
23:18.53watchytk is nice hes always helped me or told me read the manual
23:18.53watchybut i've always found the answer using one of his sugestions
23:18.59kerxi know
23:19.02kerxi have also
23:19.08kerxi like to bug him though
23:19.21watchywell ddos him
23:19.23kerxhe doesn't seem to be responding, so he might have not liked my comments
23:19.29kerxwhat does  DDoS mean?
23:19.36watchydenial of service
23:19.40watchytake his internet offline
23:19.57kerxoh, i wouldn't know how to do that
23:20.24[TK]D-Fendergoes to redirect his botnet for another strike...
23:21.07watchywow they have 670s out. you tried them tk?
23:21.47[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: 650+gigE.  Big deal.  I'd never buy one
23:22.02[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Costs more that to separately wire for a 650.
23:22.21[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: And more again when it breaks. and means a brick at the desk.
23:22.27[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: lose/lose/lose
23:22.36[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: in any sane deployment
23:22.44watchylooks like a 670 is color
23:23.22watchyi sold a 650 with a backlit sidecar. they are quite nice
23:24.39[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: watchy but the sidecar isn't any smarter...
23:24.56watchytrue, but its backlit and matched the backlit of the 650
23:24.57[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Aastra's LCD sidecar is the shiznt y0
23:25.09[8none1]I agree with [TK]D-Fender. I wouldn't trust the gig switch in the polycoms. For anyone needing gig they should get separate drops
23:25.11watchyyou like aastras now?
23:25.33hardwirecan you get agent login information from some dialplan functions?
23:25.47[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: No... the bas phone pisses me right the hell off... but the sidecars are awesome
23:25.59[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: "potential" <- Aastra
23:26.46watchyso on a 600+ install would you still rec poly?
23:27.27[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: I recommend good products regardless of the size
23:27.46[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Everything depends on the needs as well.
23:27.50watchyok well you know your opinion is godlike to me
23:28.24watchyyouve made me do research and learn alot of things
23:28.24Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: Ok, more information for the person thats going to do the CentOS + * Setup for me, if I am only using SIP what parts should he install? Not using any hardware.
23:28.33*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:28.38[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: * + DAHDA
23:28.40[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: * + DAHDI
23:29.30Spirits-SightIs that inside the tar or is that on a different site?
23:29.54*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
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23:30.36[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: GO LOOK.
23:30.52Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender:  making sure understand * + DAHDA & DAHDI
23:31.02[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: I jsut corrected a typo...
23:31.07[TK]D-Fender(and made another)
23:31.11Spirits-Sightthanks :-)
23:31.55[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: What do they have now?
23:32.46*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
23:33.26kfifeNaturally, some DAHDI settings don't 'take' with a dialplan reload.  QUESTION:  Do such 'low level' settings require that asterisk be stopped and started, or that the DAHDI service itself be restarted?
23:34.55[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Any DAHDI changes require the module to be reloaded taking down any calls on it
23:35.29watchytk: the school?
23:36.19kfife[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  I appreciate it.   Is that accomplished by restarting the service?   What's the proper way to do that?
23:36.41[TK]D-Fenderkfife: "modeul reload"
23:36.52[TK]D-Fenderkfife: "moduel reload"
23:36.55[TK]D-Fenderkfife: "module reload"
23:36.59[TK]D-Fender3rd times the charm
23:37.05[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: yes
23:37.36kfife[TK]D-Fender:  I appreciate it!
23:38.22watchynot sure, i'm meeting with them next week. my boss is the one that talked wity them
23:38.29watchywe have a inside with the IT department
23:41.34*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
23:51.48quentusrex[TK]D-Fender, Do you know of a way to host multiple independant company's on the same asterisk server? and be able to handle the voicemails, IVR's etc?
23:52.10[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: We call it "configuring" in these aprts ;)
23:52.23quentusrexcould it be done?
23:52.28[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Clearly
23:52.50[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Ain't Raw-Cat Science.
23:53.10kfifequentusrex: once you've leared how to configure one, how to configure multiple 'storefronts' will be self-evident
23:53.30quentusrexIs there any documentation that would demonstrate the principle?
23:53.39[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: ...
23:53.42jbot[book] probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:53.43*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
23:53.51[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Its all jsut dialplan and voicemail contexts...
23:54.08kfifequentusrex: it's crazy powerful
23:54.08[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: this is not "magic".  these is NOTHING "special" about it.
23:54.29quentusrexIs there a good way to automate parts of it?
23:54.52quentusrexso I can move multiple servers at the different branch locations to a single remotely hosted server?
23:54.53[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: that is a dangerously open-ended question I'm not going to even try to answer...
23:55.02[8none1]I've been racking my head trying to fix a voicemail problem.
23:55.42quentusrex[TK]D-Fender, do you know of a good High Availability solution for *?
23:56.16kfifeMe too: I've been tryign to LEAVE a voicemail for my ex-girlfriend, but I don't know quite how to say what I want to say :-)
23:56.16[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: All sorts of docs on the WIKI showing cases for this...
23:56.38[8none1]When I have it email it's sending a blank WAV attachment.
23:56.45[TK]D-Fenderkfife: somehow "So long bitch" SOUNDS A TAD BITTER, DOESN'T IT? ;)
23:57.29*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (

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