IRC log for #asterisk on 20081111

00:01.00[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm not mean about it, I just say that "marketing" is all that claim is.
00:02.46kfifeBy the way, the question earlier about app_fax:  SOLUTION --
00:06.14*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:06.18lesouvageDoes one of you have problems with the latest versions of SOX?
00:10.20baliktadI have a provider who wants to send me calls from an entire IP range (a /24) - how can I specify the SIP peer to accept calls from a whole range of IP's?
00:11.13*** join/#asterisk raulino (
00:11.44[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Auth'd or not?
00:11.50raulinohallo, i would like to register point-to-point (phone-line) analog calls and isdn bidirectional
00:11.57raulinois that possible with asterisk?
00:12.21[TK]D-Fenderraulino: sure
00:12.23raulinowhich modems/isdn o voic56k  should i use?
00:12.35raulinois there any built-in hardware stuff
00:12.39raulinoto connect to asterisk?
00:12.42[TK]D-Fenderraulino: Modems are not supported.  Go visit the WIKI and look at the list of compatible hardware
00:12.44jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
00:13.39raulinok tnx, i would like to setup a registration server for video security and internal phone
00:13.51raulinois there any way to integrate everything inside asterisk?
00:13.53raulinoplugins etc?
00:14.38[TK]D-Fenderraulino: * is not a video surveilance app....
00:14.59[TK]D-Fenderraulino: if you have a SIP video capable camera perhap it'd be usable...
00:18.54*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=none@
00:29.17[TK]D-Fenderraulino: Before your next jump, you should go look at the book to get a better understanding of what * is about.
00:29.19jboti guess book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:29.51raulinoi do have a basic understanding of *
00:30.00raulinoi tought i could use the unstable video support
00:30.06raulinofor umts video calls
00:30.14raulinoto record analog video stream
00:30.22[TK]D-Fenderraulino: Nope
00:30.50raulinoi found out that asterisk do support some modem
00:31.02raulinoi need to cut hardware based costs
00:32.03lmadsenraulino: ummm... no, not really. And the one particular chipset it does support is not any good for production
00:32.44raulinoi think that x100p fxo
00:32.57lmadsenyes, that's the one that is not any good for production
00:32.57raulinowill do it anyway
00:33.08lmadsenhave fun wasting lots of time
00:33.14jbotit has been said that cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
00:33.44raulinobut it is from digium
00:35.21lmadsenraulino: no -- it was discontinued a couple of years ago because it isn't any good
00:38.09raulinoso lmadsen for isdns i should just look into
00:38.12raulinoand for digital
00:38.20raulinoand for analog
00:38.47lmadsengo with a product that is supported
00:43.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:43.34Mark_LoganYeah, I mean, it's not like you are paying for base nortel server.
00:44.16riddleboxis there any predictive dialer software that will work with asterisk and analog lines?
00:44.18Mark_LoganFree is good for the system but not for the cards!
00:45.58raulinolmadsen: are openvox cards supported too?
00:50.08[TK]D-Fenderraulino: they'll work, but if something goes wrong you may have issue backing up your warranty with them
00:54.25beekI've come to the conclusion that dealing with a PRI is a boatload easier than POTS.
00:56.12Carlos_PHXI would always prefer a PRI over analog.
00:57.02beekMy problem is two POTS lines that  go to my legacy PBX.   My * box is in between them (FXS->PBX, FXO->PSTN).   The PBX doesn't know that the line has been hung up by asterisk.
00:58.01beekInserting Asterisk inline with the PRI was much easier.  Today was the first day of use and it went off without a hitch.
00:59.41lmadsenbeek: yep... all asterisk can do is guess whether the line is hung up or not. A digital circuit is significantly better
01:01.15drmessanoCarlos_PHX: I want a multichannel analog
01:01.50drmessanoIm gonna get one of those All Electronics Green/Red splitter kits
01:07.32*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
01:07.57[TK]D-FenderThat guy was comedy gold...
01:10.26beek[TK]D-Fender: Funny is when you google "What is Kewl Start" and get back this link:
01:12.45*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:18.38*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
01:19.19trnzmetaguys: what should I google if I want to play a beep during a phone conversation
01:19.30trnzmetato idicate that the phone conversation is being recorded
01:20.03trnzmetacurrently I have my intro message state that for incoming phone calls, however external phone calls do not have that option
01:21.12baliktadsorry, caught up at work
01:21.19*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0a1ee16f7d26d5b9)
01:21.25baliktad[TK]D-Fender: this is for auth'd calls only
01:27.15[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: baliktad then you should be able to do "host=dynamic" and use permit/deny to mask them
01:29.09baliktadthat's what I thought as well, but it still doesn't match to the sip user
01:29.48[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: pastebin is your friend....
01:31.19baliktadok, hang on, my boss is here
01:34.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:36.43*** join/#asterisk wnspark (i=0cd8f6bd@gateway/web/ajax/
01:37.01*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
01:39.17wnsparkHas anyone in here used Teliax before?
01:42.58[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: Several of us
01:44.13wnsparkWhat is it that I need to fill out in the Teliax control panel to make the number forward to my Asterisk server?  Do I need to set the destination to my server's IP address?
01:44.39[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: No, you register to them.
01:46.07*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:48.59wnspark[TK]D-Fender: What config file do I set that in?
01:53.03*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
01:56.46*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
01:58.20[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: sip.conf...
02:00.31*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk mankash (
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02:03.23mankashI have simple internal setup of asterisk with 2 sip phones.
02:03.49mankashIs it necessary to have incomign line form outside to test voicemail etc
02:03.56[TK]D-Fendermankash: No.
02:04.18[TK]D-Fendermankash: dialplan is dialplan.  doesn't matter how you choose to process your calls.
02:05.09mankashI have 2 sip phones. If I unregister one and then try to dial this offline one I want it to go to voicemail
02:05.14mankashhow to do that
02:07.04*** join/#asterisk rcy (
02:07.04[TK]D-Fendermankash: Dial the exten that would call that phone and have it continue on to VM
02:07.22mankashit is not happening
02:07.36mankashok let me try that again
02:07.50[TK]D-Fendermankash: Its your dialplan... did you put voicemail right after the dial?
02:08.37mankashsorry I don't know how to do that
02:08.55[TK]D-Fendermankash: Time to sit down with the book...
02:08.57jbotsomebody said book was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:09.30[TK]D-Fendermankash: hree's another link for some inspiration.
02:09.33jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
02:10.08[TK]D-Fendermankash: and atiny sample for you right here :
02:10.22[TK]D-Fendermankash: exten => 10,1,Dial(SIP/10,20)
02:10.42[TK]D-Fendermankash: exten => 10,2,Voicemail(20@default,u)
02:10.46[TK]D-Fendermankash: there.
02:10.54mankashI already have 2 sip phones connetced to each other
02:11.03mankashmeasn they can call each other
02:11.09[TK]D-Fendermankash: You need to learn how the dialplan works.  this is the absolutely most important part of *
02:11.25[TK]D-Fendermankash: they are not connected to each other.
02:11.34mankashI mean through asterisk
02:11.35[TK]D-Fendermankash: they are registered to ASTERISK.
02:11.41[TK]D-Fendermankash: they know NOTHING of each other
02:12.19[TK]D-Fendermankash: When you dial from a device like that you are dialing a number which is processed by the dialplan according to the context that your peer entry uses.
02:12.58[TK]D-Fendermankash: what you dial may have nothing to do with placing a call out to any other device or account.  You can have 1 SIP phone and a million extensions that have nothing to do with reaching any other device
02:13.09mankashoh ok
02:13.11[TK]D-Fendermankash: You could use * as a JUKEBOX if you felt like it
02:13.41[TK]D-Fendermankash: Asterisk sa telephony toolkit, not a PBX.  YOU are the one that can build a PBX using it if you wish
02:13.53*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:14.37[TK]D-Fendermankash: You could have NO devices of any kind in fact.  You could literally run * as a jukebox right out your sound card without ANY kind of VoIP or hardware channel at all.
02:14.47[TK]D-Fendermankash: My * used to make me COFFEE
02:15.08jayteebut not lattes
02:15.26[TK]D-Fender(still thinking about getting it to pour, add cream & sugar, etc.... but all in good time)
02:15.38*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
02:16.09jayteewe were supposed to have flying cars and Rosie the Robot by now
02:16.47wnsparkhow do I install the GUI for asterisk without subversion?
02:17.03jayteeby asking in the right channel for starters
02:17.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Jane, get me off this craaaa.... *wham*
02:17.30wnsparkjaytee: is this not the asterisk channel?
02:17.42[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: NO GUI's are supported here.
02:17.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, are sprockets and cogs the same thing?
02:17.49[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: it has its own channel
02:17.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: SHHHH!
02:18.17raulinowill i be able to record incoming phone calls from the ptsn with a asterisk configured pbx with only fxo ports? (not fxs)
02:19.14raulinotnx in advance
02:19.14jayteeraulino, yep
02:19.14raulinoi am getting deep involved studying the asterisk pbx
02:19.14[TK]D-Fenderraulino: EVERY call in * is just a call.
02:19.21[TK]D-Fenderraulino: They all go through the dialplan just the same.
02:19.21jayteeraulino, lookup Monitor and Mixmonitor apps in "the book"
02:19.39raulinoi need a fxs port too
02:19.51raulinothe book?
02:19.57jbotbook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:19.57raulinowhich book?
02:20.29raulino[TK]D-Fender: just need to get alined to english telephony terminology
02:20.45*** join/#asterisk aces1up (
02:21.00jayteeis it me or did the pdf download link change?
02:21.55aces1uphey all, anyone here have a suggestion on what is better as far as quality?  sangoma a200 with fxo ports or a cisco 2811 with fxo module?
02:21.57wnsparkjaytee: it is you, if you actually go to the link provided it gives you the link to the exact same place as it was before
02:22.05mankashhow to test this without incomig line from outside
02:22.07mankashexten => s,1,Answer()
02:22.07mankashexten => s,n,Playback(hello-world)
02:22.07mankashexten => s,n,Hangup()
02:23.18jayteecreate an extension that uses Goto to jump to whatever context you put that code in and use a sip softphone or hardphone.
02:24.05jayteei recall the original link just opened the book pdf in your browser
02:24.12jayteeand you could save it from there
02:24.46jayteeI met Mark Spencer and the CEO of Digium today
02:25.08aces1uphey all, anyone here have a suggestion on what is better as far as quality?  sangoma a200 with fxo ports or a cisco 2811 with fxo module?
02:25.10[TK]D-Fendermankash: dial "s" on your phone
02:26.19ManxPoweraces1up: Router based SIP Gateways just don't usually work as well as PCI cards
02:26.43mankashHow to type s
02:26.43ManxPowerjaytee: sorry they did not have room for me.  Did ya learn much new today
02:26.48aces1upmanxpower hrmm.. ok..  will go with the pci solution then..  why is that usually?
02:27.12*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
02:27.42jayteeManxPower, the room is packed. they even had to send for more Polycom phones from the warehouse to give us by the end of the week.
02:27.47ManxPoweraces1up: Much of the time SIP gateways can't even auth themselves, you may or may not be able to address ports as a hunt group.
02:28.05ManxPowerAlso the Cisco stuff ends up being more expensive than a PCI card.
02:28.17jayteepretty much everything we covered today is basic stuff I knew already but I picked up a few things I'd missed and Jared's a good instructor.
02:28.35aces1upmanx well we already have a 2811 with the fxo module..
02:28.51aces1upbut want to make sure it is reliable as we have had issues in the past with the fxo module.
02:28.55ManxPoweraces1up: then try it and see.
02:29.13*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:29.16ManxPowerANALOG is really the problem.
02:30.08aces1upanalog eh
02:30.28aces1upyou like bandtel?
02:30.37ManxPowerI like PRIs from the Telco.
02:30.57ManxPowerUse VoIPoInternet for traffic spikes and vailover.
02:31.01ManxPowerand Failover.
02:31.21[TK]D-Fendermankash: what are you calling from?
02:36.16*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:42.10mankashI tried calling s, it says service unavailable
02:42.45[TK]D-Fendermankash: Well is it in the a context that your phone can reach?
02:44.27*** join/#asterisk nikko (
03:02.59*** join/#asterisk osiris (
03:04.35raulinois there any doc about difference on nt1 nt1 plus t1 e1 (digital i guess) and fxs fxo (analog), bri pri? cards?
03:04.40raulinoi know the bare base
03:05.27raulinotnx in advance
03:05.59jbotextra, extra, read all about it, 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
03:06.10jbot[~E1] E1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used everywhere except the US,Japan,Taiwan & Hong Kong (who use T1 and similar variants). E1 runs at 2.048Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 31 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 16 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
03:06.12jbot[~T1] T1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used in North America. T1 runs at 1.544 Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 24 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 24 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
03:06.25jbotrumour has it, fxofxs is An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
03:06.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pri is [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
03:06.37jbotbri is, like, [~bri] Basic Rate Interface - a form of ISDN that consists of 2 * 64kbit/s Bearer (B) channels and 1 * 16kbit/s signalling channel (D)
03:06.49[TK]D-Fender\o/ yay jbot spam!
03:06.58raulinolol tnx
03:07.42[TK]D-Fenderraulino:ISDN- PRI (or just PRI) is a signalling over T1/E1/J1
03:10.24jbotrumour has it, bri is [~bri] Basic Rate Interface - a form of ISDN that consists of 2 * 64kbit/s Bearer (B) channels and 1 * 16kbit/s signalling channel (D)
03:11.01raulinoi guess bri is nt1 plus?
03:11.18raulino2 channel +
03:11.22raulinosignal channel
03:11.37[TK]D-Fenderraulino: looks like
03:15.34mankashwhat is the cheaper way of connecting my incoming pot analog line to my atserisk so that I can use my own voicemail system
03:15.55[TK]D-Fendermankash: Linksys SPA-3102
03:16.26mankashwhat is the cost?
03:18.26*** join/#asterisk italorossi (n=italoros@
03:19.18[TK]D-Fendermankash: depends where you buy it from
03:22.40baliktad[TK]D-Fender here's my config and failing call (trying to accept calls from anywhere in a /24 IP block):
03:22.59MindTheGap_hwllo all, i do have libnewt installed but "make menuselect" dahdi-tools-complete refuses to let me choose dahdi_tool (saying it requires libnewt) on ubuntu 8.04
03:23.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:24.47[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: fromuser=17772883928 <-- comment out.
03:24.59[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Then if that failed, remove your permit/deny
03:25.13baliktadwill try
03:25.25[TK]D-FenderMindTheGap_: need the devel too
03:25.36MindTheGap_i do have it too
03:27.06mankashdoes anybody has configured openline4 card from voicetronix it use some vpb driver
03:27.14Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Hey, you've used a few ATAs right?  I have a friend who wants to connect a home phone and a fax to our server.  I never use ATAs.  Any recommendation on one that does two lines and T.38?
03:27.20mankashsomebody has given me for free
03:27.32baliktad:S no on both counts [TK]D-Fender, even after commenting out all three lines, still has same failure
03:28.24[TK]D-Fendermankash: Good luck getting that card to work with *
03:29.33[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: I'm unsure for a range.  Perhaps you should just let it fall to the context under [general]
03:30.06baliktad:( seems ugly, and I don't really want to accept calls from the internet at large
03:30.21drmessanoSPA-2102 and 3102 do T.38
03:31.19[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: it'd be to a targeted exten.  You could further check the origin of the call in your dialplan.
03:31.20baliktadcourse, this is the same provider that doesn't see anything wrong with routing all calls to 's' instead of the number dialed
03:31.40[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: the fact it's calling "s" is YOUR fault actually...
03:31.52baliktadno, it's not, that's who they're routing it to
03:32.02[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: And its because of you.
03:32.02baliktadlook at the initial invite
03:32.10[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: "s" is not some industry standard
03:32.26[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Yes, I see the invite, and know better.
03:32.41[TK]D-FenderbalkYOU didn't tell them where to send the call to in your REGISTER statement
03:32.42baliktaddo enlighten me as to what I can change to make the invite come to the number dialed
03:33.25[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: REGISTER => user:pass@host/extentodialorifyouleavemeemptydon'tbesurprisedwhenitcomesbackassbecausethatswhat*willtelltem
03:33.44Carlos_PHXdrmessano: You know if the 2102 can be used without the router part?  IE, connect the internal port to the existing router?
03:34.04baliktadI have multiple DID's with them, so what exactly do you suggest I drop after the /
03:34.15[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: You register each?
03:34.20drmessanoI dont believe so, but it makes little difference
03:34.37baliktadI register one account, they send all DID's to it
03:35.03[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: t: <> <-- looks like a header you can strip
03:35.05drmessanoI mean, if you plug the SPA-3102 or 2102 WAN port into your network and allow the WAN web access, it looks like an ATA
03:35.26baliktadyeah, they said the same thing "sort it out in your dialplan with the SIP to header"
03:35.44Carlos_PHXWe've seen some weird stuff with double NAT (admittedly not recently).
03:35.55[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Great so now we've all told you.  Time to get cracking!
03:36.16baliktadoh I can DO it in the dialplan
03:36.27drmessanoCarlos_PHX its not double nat
03:36.36drmessanoThe SIP client is on the external interface
03:36.39[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Your provider is flakey so you have to live with it or change
03:36.40Carlos_PHXAh, so the ATA part is
03:36.47baliktadI just don't want to.  Every other provider manages to form their request properly
03:36.51Carlos_PHXDidn't consider that might be the case.
03:36.59[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: I've encountered them before...
03:37.19baliktadthem as in Callcentric?  or them as in substandard providers
03:37.21[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: So they are clearly the odd-ball.  You know your choices....
03:37.27[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: YES :p
03:37.30Carlos_PHXHe's my guinea pig, before we start doing T.38 to actual fax machines.
03:37.41[TK]D-Fender(on both counts, exclusive & INCLUSIVE)
03:37.50baliktadI really love VoicePulse
03:38.34[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: VP is very friendly and open... just not so reliable
03:38.41baliktadbut VP randomly generates DTMF tones on certain (usually female) voice tones
03:39.24baliktadI've found them to be reliable enough, although I did get burned cause I was using their rate API in my dialplan, and one day they stopped answering queries
03:39.25Carlos_PHXHeh, we had that problem years ago on old Digium cards.
03:39.52[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: Yeah, overall I can still say they're OK, but others have had a bitch of a time it seems.
03:40.40*** join/#asterisk Toshibi (
03:41.01ToshibiI have been thrown to the lions once again at work...mostly because I am always opening my big mouth about the advantages of open source. I have now been tasked with figuring out the ins and outs of configuring our medium sized (I guess) business with a PBX (Somewhere in the range of 25 to 50 phones...while maintaining our Avaya analog phones for as little cost up front as possible.
03:41.08baliktadI dunno how they do it, but VP still has $0.005/min to a good chunk of the US, when most everyone else is in the $0.01 - 0.02 range
03:41.50[TK]D-FenderToshibi: You SURE they're analog?  run them at home?
03:42.32baliktadAvaya: We provide a reasonable* solution at 10 times the price you can pay (*where we define reasonable)
03:42.37ToshibiFender: Yes, they are sort of old but the owners still consider them a large capital expenditure. our company just grew faster than it's infrastructure
03:43.07[TK]D-FenderToshibi: The cost of maintaining old phones isn't that much less than getting new phones...
03:43.19[TK]D-FenderToshibi: And you lose functionailty
03:43.38ToshibiFender: After looking at the converter cards, I agree.
03:43.51[TK]D-FenderToshibi: Hoever what you'd look for : AudioCodes MP-124 - 24port FXS gateway.
03:44.01Carlos_PHXOften the old phones cost more.
03:44.50[TK]D-FenderToshibi: And for smaller leftovers or if you're feel masochistic : Linsys SPA-8000 - 8port gateway
03:45.05[TK]D-FenderToshibi: <- good sample pricing
03:45.19[TK]D-FenderToshibi: that accounts for your PHONES.  then comes the question of PSTN access
03:45.24*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
03:45.40Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Of course, he wants an ITSP...
03:45.42ToshibiFender: Yes, that's the route that I had looked over. Fact of the matter is, I have to make a presentation...cost/feature/benefit/way over my head stuff....I'm just a techy
03:46.42Carlos_PHXToshibi: The benefits of an IP phone are quite numerous, too many to go through the list without knowing the business.
03:46.50[TK]D-FenderToshibi: if you'er a techie you can already do the math for cost, you should already know the benifits & features.  So really.... the only setback is you.
03:46.54Carlos_PHXI would go out and ask users what their annoyances are with processing calls.
03:46.58Carlos_PHXThen build a hit list from that.
03:47.14Carlos_PHX"If my phone would ___ then I could save time"
03:47.50ToshibiFender: We are doing VoiP in from the Cable Co. and we want to spread that around with Standard analog phones. I have talked up Asterisk, and my familiarity with GNU/Linux would help ease the transition
03:48.10ToshibiFender: That's the truth.
03:48.44x86hmm... in 1.4.22 do I have to use DAHDI?
03:48.50x86or is zaptel still available?
03:49.11Carlos_PHXVoIP in...delivered as IP or PSTN...
03:49.23Carlos_PHXThe cable companies here turn it back into PSTN
03:49.24*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
03:50.26ToshibiCarlos: That's an excellent question. Another tech is dealing with the Cable Co.
03:50.40*** join/#asterisk beastie050 (
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03:51.09ToshibiCarlos: We are attempting to work together on this issue....but the other guy just has an in with the Cable people, but is otherwise brick dumb
03:51.16beastie050i just installed asterisk-gui v2, and i am getting a bunch of not found errors. like after i login, it says system statys "not found"
03:51.19beastie050any tips?
03:51.30x86[TK]D-Fender: i only need ztdummy... do i have to use DAHDI with 1.4.22 or can I still use chan_zap?
03:51.44[TK]D-Fenderx86: I believe you can use zap
03:51.49ToshibiFender: Many more tabs and Firefox is going to implode under it's own weight.
03:52.25[TK]D-Fenderhrm.. oh well
03:52.35[TK]D-FenderToshibi: Your choice in opening them.
03:52.46ToshibiFender: I'm just kidding around. Thanks for the help.
03:52.51[TK]D-FenderToshibi: :p
03:53.14[TK]D-FenderToshibi: So I'll play "bad cop" : What don't you like about what you have?
03:54.16ToshibiFender: Anyhow, I have an older computer on my work bench that I'm going to demo for my bosses tomorrow...just show them the features of Asterisk from a live environ...what I use for the demo will probably not be the final production setup (I know it wont) but I would like to have some facts/figures handy.
03:55.35ToshibiFender: What the company as a whole doesn't like is the fact that we've tripled in size over the last year and have 4 branch offices up and down the East Coast and one in the Midwest now, and we're not scaling while our phone bill grows astronomically
03:55.54Carlos_PHXDamn, just realized I have no analog phones anywhere.  Can't even recall the last time I owned one.
03:55.58[TK]D-FenderToshibi: And how does * change your phone bill in ways your current system can't?
03:56.33[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Beyond cell, what have you been running on, and how long?
03:56.37Carlos_PHXToshibi: It cracks me up that people have that problem and won't spring some money for proper consulting and systems.
03:56.59ToshibiFender: It's not so much about the phone bill as it is about man hours; right now, it's all human operated...we have a real life receptionist (roughly 18,000 a year) it's unprofessional, and we are starting to get busy signal complaints
03:57.03Carlos_PHXDoing it right the first time pays back forever.
03:57.14ToshibiCarlos: I know....but I work for tightwads
03:57.25Carlos_PHXRight, so you'd think they'd want to save money...
03:57.31ToshibiYou'd think
03:57.39Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: What do you mean, for my personal net connectivity?
03:57.44[TK]D-FenderToshibi: So no auto-attendant.  great reason to start considering a change.
03:57.56[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: in place of "analog phone"
03:58.18ToshibiFender: I agree. Consider that we have Billing, Tech Support, Sales...just in our main branch...
03:58.21Carlos_PHXOh, IP phones, at home, office, on our boat...
03:58.29[TK]D-FenderToshibi: My head office is ass-backwards insisting on using their receptionist AFTER having upgraded to a new Avaya IP Office
03:58.38[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: How many years?
03:58.42Carlos_PHXI found a pile of PAP2s laying around, was going to play, and realized I have no phones.
03:58.53Carlos_PHXHmmm...five, six years I guess?
03:59.01ToshibiFender: The owners at our company like having a live person answer the phone.
03:59.03Carlos_PHXAnd cell-only for another five before.
03:59.25Carlos_PHXToshibi: The vast majority of our customers do 3.5 rings to live people, then AAX.
03:59.28Carlos_PHXBest of both.
03:59.39[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Pretty impressive time frame.  I didtched my analog line about 2.5 years ago
03:59.39Carlos_PHXIf the receptionist is available, you get the human.
04:00.04Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: I've lived in this house for 4.5 years and it has never had phone service.
04:00.06ToshibiFender: But we just got word today that we are going to become major distributors of some fairly expnsive software in the south east...with a possibility of 60,000 clients
04:00.10[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Reason I had the line before was for DSL
04:00.21ToshibiFender: Which means, we have got to upgrade (and get me some help!)
04:00.24Carlos_PHXAh, we're lucky with damn-fast cable.
04:00.32[TK]D-FenderToshibi: Yup... always flooding receptionists just doesn't scale
04:01.00[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Oh Cable was an option, but they didn't offer fixed IP's & blocked ports, etc
04:01.02Carlos_PHXExactly.  Most of our installs have human, then AAX, then a queue for a group of humans if they hit 0.
04:01.24[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: basically over-contractualized fuck-offs.... with nasty early termination terms too
04:01.39Carlos_PHXYeah, our cable is dynamic but we seem to get 4 months on an IP.  And since we have colo space...just VPN out to that.
04:01.40[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Sane setup
04:01.41ToshibiFender: Not at all. I really do want a system that scales. The problem is, I'm on the ground floor of a company that could become seriously....important. I am working to put myself in a place where I can get in on top of infrastructure
04:02.19[TK]D-FenderToshibi: Then you need to sell the presentation more than all the details.
04:02.21Carlos_PHXToshibi: From that perspective...
04:02.45ToshibiFender: I agree. Scalability/Professionalism
04:02.45Carlos_PHXAnd you should really work on educating yourself at a high level on all the PSTN technologies, options, etc.
04:02.45[TK]D-FenderToshibi: show them the impact of what you're doing vs where you're going and "hint" at the pieces that let * scale better
04:04.45ToshibiOkay, I know the three big Q's they will ask me: Total Cost of Ownership, Scalability, and if it can be set up to route faxes to desktops
04:05.12drmessanoYes, Yes, Maybe
04:05.24drmessanoAnswer just like that
04:05.58ToshibiYes is not a dollar figure :P
04:06.09Carlos_PHXThose are easy.
04:06.13Carlos_PHXFax to desktop, yes, easy.
04:06.24ToshibiCool, from what i have read I figured as much
04:06.38Carlos_PHXTCO...well, you do have time to learn, and some equipment, but no licenses, no bullshit when you want to build a new feature.
04:06.39ToshibiAlso figured scalability was easy
04:06.47Carlos_PHXSelf-destiny and control of the system means a lot.
04:06.54ToshibiI completely agree
04:07.09ToshibiThe thing is, these guys always want plug and play
04:07.17ToshibiA bunch of Windows drones to be sure.
04:07.22Carlos_PHXAs a measure of scale, our main switch runs around 700 registrations on a Xeon 2.8
04:07.24ToshibiFire and forget perhaps...
04:07.25Carlos_PHXAnd 2GB
04:07.40Carlos_PHXWell, plug and play = $$$
04:07.45ToshibiOf course
04:07.58ToshibiTurn key is nice...but it's damn expensive
04:08.06Carlos_PHXThe closest to plug and play with reasonable cost is either Switchvox or Druid.
04:08.17ToshibiI took a look at Druid
04:08.32Carlos_PHXBUT...Asterisk is like crack.  You get a hit of the real thing and you can't go back to a GUI
04:08.46Toshibi(I've only been working on this little idea since a meeting we had at 11:30 this monring)
04:09.05Carlos_PHXGood, you're aggressive, that helps.
04:09.17ToshibiOCD is more like it
04:09.26Carlos_PHXHeh, well, that helps too.
04:09.49Carlos_PHXAnd to wrap it up, pop in here in the am for the political talk over coffee.
04:09.53x86can i use patterns in hints?
04:09.53beastie050i just installed asterisk-gui v2, and i am getting a bunch of not found errors. like after i login, it says system statys "not found"   anyone had that problem?
04:10.01[TK]D-Fenderx86: not in 1.4
04:10.13ToshibiI figured Asterisk would be the way to go...I know it's industry leading....I know it's what we need....
04:10.15[TK]D-Fenderx86: 1.6.1 will... not sure on 1.6.0
04:10.20x86exten => _7XXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}, etc
04:10.27x86ah weak
04:10.32[TK]D-Fenderx86: yes, I got that...
04:10.38ToshibiYou don't want me in the middle of political talk! I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist....I just confuse issues
04:10.46Carlos_PHXMe too.
04:11.09Carlos_PHXToshibi: What's your Linux knowledge like?
04:11.27Carlos_PHXAnarcho-capitalst talk radio:
04:12.00Toshibi4 years with Ubuntu, Knoppix before that, a little RH, a little DSL, I'm all over the place...compared to most people I know, I'm like a guru...but that isn't ahrd in these parts
04:12.22Carlos_PHXOh, that's great to hear, so many people start with Asterisk with nothing on the Linux side (including me).
04:12.36Carlos_PHXAsterisk was my reason to use Linux.
04:12.52ToshibiI buy devices that I know will run MP3 player has been hacked to run Linux
04:13.15Carlos_PHXWell, I use an iPhone, it's a *nix at least.
04:13.42ToshibiUnfortunately my day job is Windows Support, mostly....
04:14.17ToshibiThough we played a dirty trick on one of our clients...they had a tablet that they kept fubaring...we put Ubuntu on it, ran the program they needed in Wine, and left it with them
04:14.27ToshibiService calls from them dropped 90%
04:14.28Carlos_PHXHappily, my day job now is mostly Asterisk and VMware.
04:15.49ToshibiThe guy in the office next door to me is constantly installing different Linux versions...I got him hooked and now he's as abd as I am
04:15.59ToshibiHe swears by VMware
04:16.12ToshibiI used it for 6 months in Windows before I switched to nothing but Linux at home
04:16.46Carlos_PHXWe use the enterprise stuff for servers, our own infrastructure plus deploy for clients.
04:17.02Carlos_PHXWe do Asterisk and VMware, odd mix I guess, but two technologies we all love.
04:17.12ToshibiYou use what works
04:17.23ToshibiI pick on Windows, but for most people, it works
04:18.37jayteeWindows is....."quaint"
04:19.03ToshibiNice wording
04:19.56hardwirelots of birds kill themselves on Windows needlessly
04:20.12hardwirePeople walk into it when it's clean.. and prefer it to be dirty so they know it's there.
04:20.22ToshibiTransperancy is not a word I would use for would need a ton of Windex
04:20.35[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Not transparent... just full of tiny security holes whose angle of view is perceived as transparent ;)
04:21.15ToshibiFender: Perhaps they should change their brand from Windows to Bug Net
04:21.32jayteespeaking of Windex, the Holiday Inn I'm staying at has a 32" LCD flat panel tv and you can tell the maid has used Windex or Glass Plus to clean it. Nice streaking effect going on.
04:21.37hardwireToshibi: storm door
04:21.51hardwireToshibi: laundry room vent
04:22.03ToshibiFender: There you go....I was angling at that but couldn't think of the words....perhaps more sleep is in order
04:22.41jayteeif OS vulnerabilities were swiss cheese then Windows would be Alsace Lorraine
04:24.15[TK]D-Fender <---- :D
04:24.19ToshibiActually, sleep does sound nice. 5:30 comes so so early
04:25.14*** join/#asterisk wnspark (i=0cd8f6bd@gateway/web/ajax/
04:25.34wnsparkDoes anyone know of a company/person I can hire to write my config files for me for asterisk?
04:25.51Carlos_PHXSleep is over-rated.
04:26.05Carlos_PHXSure, anyone here can be hired to write config files.
04:26.18jayteehahahahaa, "Bataan Death March that is Windows"
04:26.43ToshibiThat was the best video I have ever seen
04:26.46ToshibiOn youtube
04:27.18wnsparkI really just need my basic setup to work, then from there I should be able to code the rest.... I am trying to get my Teliax number to ring to my server and for it to play back a sample sound to make sure it is working.
04:27.24jayteeheheheehee, a 3 hour version of Born Free
04:27.34Toshibiwnspark, I'll do it for the low low price of $100 per line...and get it back to you in 6 months :D
04:28.02ToshibiI'm just kidding around...
04:28.08ToshibiI may be where you are in 6 weeks
04:28.24*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
04:28.31wnsparkToshibi: I am pretty sure that for $30 and a few hours of my time I can read the asterisk book
04:29.04[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: Don't worry... the betting pool on which avenue you'll actually take is going to open shortly.
04:29.04drmessanoIt only takes the book and like 3 hours of time to learn Asterisk
04:29.07drmessanoSo I hear
04:29.08Toshibiwnspark: That was my plan. Just trying to make an exorbitant profit
04:29.28[TK]D-Fenderwnspark: Plenty of config samples out there, including their own site.
04:29.54wnsparkI thought I understood how it worked, I read like 200 pages of the book and tried to follow the tutorials but it just didnt want to work
04:30.06drmessanoHere is what you do
04:30.06wnspark(which means I probably did something wrong)
04:30.31Carlos_PHXThat's probably untrue, unless by probably you mean certainly.
04:31.26drmessanoSpend a month half-assedly learning asterisk, blame Digium+Asterisk+Dog for asterisk being buggy/shitty/too_much_cli, download trixbox, install and sell a few under the premise "you've been around asterisk for a while now" (since you've been telling yourself that anyway), and then $$$ Profit
04:31.48drmessanoRinse and repear
04:31.49drmessanoRinse and repeat
04:34.25*** join/#asterisk terracon (
04:35.08drmessanoThen for the advanced.. Go to Astricon, since you're now an ex-spert, put yourself out there as a developer/integrator because you (1) set up asterisk to send voicemail via SMTP to %some windows server%, and (2) because you editied the resolv.conf on your trixbox.  Get a pic of yourself with Mark Spencer asking for his autograph, then troll message boards for years prefixing all your statement with "when I spoke to Mark S. at Astricon..
04:36.12drmessanoFor the record, I have never spoken to Mark Spencer.. You can call it a "court order" if you like.. I like to think of it as a "legal suggestion"
04:36.20Carlos_PHXis trying to remember who at the Trixbox booth was doing that.
04:36.39jayteedrmessano, really?
04:36.53drmessanoand for a BONUS 20 points
04:37.02Carlos_PHXhas been out with Mark, but knew fuck-all about Asterisk then.
04:37.51jayteeI met him today. He seemed like a nice guy but mostly talked about local restaurants.
04:38.04ToshibiWell thanks've been a great help (Love the open source community)...I will most certainly be back....Carlos, guys rock!
04:38.06Carlos_PHXHaha, well, that was much of our conversation.
04:38.16drmessanoPick a developer other than Russell to claim to be "buddy of yours" after you accidentally puked on him at some Astricon afterparty, and name drop him forever, if only because it's more believable than the years you spent racing kit cars with Marko
04:38.41Carlos_PHXToshibi: See you around.  You have a good project ahead of you.  It's how I got my start in Asterisk pretty much.
04:39.06*** part/#asterisk Toshibi (
04:39.12Carlos_PHXI've been drinking with Kevin, but never puked on him.  Whew.
04:39.26jayteeKevin Fleming?
04:39.40Carlos_PHXYeah.  He founded the company I now run.
04:39.59jayteehe stopped in the class today and spoke a little.
04:40.18Carlos_PHXAh, cool.  Great guy.  I've spent MANY long hours fixing stuff with him.
04:40.52Carlos_PHXI've also had the amusement of supporting his old systems, which run "Kevin's Linux."  He also was a founder of the Linux From Scratch org.
04:41.06drmessanoI knew Jason Parker before he was Jason Parker.. yep.. theres my name drop
04:41.10Carlos_PHXjaytee: So you're at Digium this week?
04:41.34Carlos_PHXCool.  Make sure they take you to Beuregard's.
04:41.37Carlos_PHXAnd get the atomic wings.
04:41.42Carlos_PHXTrust me, they are mild.
04:42.10Carlos_PHXWho is your instructor?
04:42.20jayteeI don't want mild, I want people saying, "What's that noise?" "Oh, that's just my colon screaming"
04:42.49Carlos_PHXKevin brought me back to Digium and walked me around saying, "This guy ate the whole atomic plate!"
04:42.56Carlos_PHXAh, good speaker.
04:43.02[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You aren't supposed to talk about that... the WPP will snuff you out!
04:43.13Carlos_PHXWilling to find out stuff he doesn't know instead of bluffing.
04:45.59drmessanojaytee: When you get in to Digium tomorrow, check behind the Crystal Pepsi bottle in the back of the fridge in the basement and tell me if my White Chocolate Kit Kat is still there.
04:47.47jayteeok, I'll check but somehow I feel like I'm being setup like Pee-Wee Herman looking for the basement of the Alamo.
04:48.17drmessanoSend me a txt message.. I should have my beta 4G Apple iPhone on my side if I am not busy debugging Ubuntu 12 alphas with Shuttleworth.
04:49.30jayteebusy? how? Shuttleworth is in the Yukon saving the Polar bears
04:49.46drmessanoAlthough I really need to fly to Seattle tomorrow and have lunch with Gates.. Doesn't matter how many times we vid conference a week, he's always asking me "Let's do lunch".. Wants to talk about how Ballmer is gonna screw up Windows 7
04:49.55*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:50.49drmessanoAlmost makes me want to meet Branson for lunch and discuss friggin civilian spaceflight, yawn lol
04:51.08jayteeI've seen the vid of Ballmer doing the first commercials for Windows. That guy should be selling steak knives and vegematics on HSN
04:51.10Carlos_PHXI thought he was crying on your shoulder about getting hit by one of Ballmer's chairs?
04:52.20drmessanoHe does this GREAT parody of Ballmer.. we're conferencing, and he'll grab a couple bags of marshmallows out of the pantry and jump up and down yelling "Marshmallows, marshmallows, marshmallows"
04:52.29drmessanoIts total pwnage
04:53.02jayteealot of people would probably love to plant hidden microphones in Ballmer's office. I'd rather plant hidden wifi speakers and just sit outside all day whispering into a microphone. "Google.............Google.............Google..................Google...............Google"
04:53.44Carlos_PHX....Open source...
04:53.48drmessanoOMG that reminds me when I was at Wozniak's for thanksgiving
04:54.08Carlos_PHXWoz doesn't do anything for thanksgiving, so you're full of it.
04:54.20jaytee"CEO wanted! Must be dynamic, fat balding troll with anger management issues and clueless about technology in general."
04:54.41drmessanoHe was telling me about running into Ballmer during the summer on the coast, and was talking about the iPhone.. giving him a hard time
04:55.15drmessanoSo Ballmer asked him something about when the iPhone would support ActiveSync with Exchange.. he told Ballmer "I don't know, Google it"
04:55.33drmessanoHe said he laughed for a week afterwards.. hah
04:55.55jayteeif they had Ballmer's video of him sweating like a lawn sprinkler with terminal pit stains screaming at a crowd of MS employees playing on a public big screen TV in Wall Street their stock would tank overnight.
04:56.15Carlos_PHXDidn't their stock recently tank overnight?
04:56.30drmessanoOh god, what was it he said
04:56.40drmessanoIt was something stupid and cavalier
04:56.55jayteeI hope boss has a shitton of money tied up in their stock and Sun Microsystems stock
04:57.07Carlos_PHXSo true and funny...did you see his quote on the G1?
04:57.57drmessanoSeems like this was years ago though.. Ballmer told some reporter that tech stocks were overpriced, even Microsofts... and the price dropped 20%  the next day.. He lost millions at the time.
04:58.40Carlos_PHXHe told some reporter last week that Google is stupid, doesn't have a revenue model for the G1, and their speculation is dumb.
04:58.53Carlos_PHXBecause, you know, Google has never made money just speculating on an idea...
04:59.19Carlos_PHXAll Google products are carefully controlled and charged for.
04:59.49De_Monhey pass me some of that coolaid
04:59.54Carlos_PHXIf I went to my shareholder meeting, my analyst meeting, and said: 'Hey, we've just launched a new product that has no revenue model!'… I'm not sure that my investors would take that very well. But that's kind of what Google's telling their investors about Android," he said.
04:59.57drmessanoi think it's great how Google pushed for the FCC to open up whitespace for unlicensed use
05:00.13drmessanoBye Bye 2.4 and 5.8GHZ
05:00.15Carlos_PHXYeah, the fact that EVERYONE was against it confirms it's good.
05:00.50[TK]D-FenderGovernment increases AIG bailout to $150 billion -  woohoo!
05:00.58De_Mongoogle is awesome they can take the stupidest ideas and magically make money off them without even trying. I wish I could do that
05:01.04Carlos_PHXWell, we can put outdoor LoS stuff on 2.4/5.8 and indoor stuff on 700
05:01.53drmessanoForget those
05:02.04drmessanoThe rest of the spectrum is open now
05:02.35Carlos_PHXAIG...  It is proof that we have become a nation of pussies.  The fact that we are not at their doorstep with pitchforks and torches.
05:03.21drmessanoYou now have 54-88MHZ, 174-216, 470-512 and so on, depending on local usage
05:03.39drmessano54MHZ wireless internet is gonna rock
05:05.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I've had so many computers 10x slower in clock than that...
05:05.43drmessanoThe Linksys WRT58zomG on some whitespace in the lower TV band will have a range 100x 2.4GHZ
05:06.04jayteezomG, LOL
05:07.02drmessanoTV is good example of government port
05:07.05drmessanoTV is good example of government pork
05:07.58drmessanoTV was allocated some 40% of the usable spectrum between 0hz and 1GHZ
05:08.07*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
05:08.09Carlos_PHXwonders if it's better than government cheese
05:08.17drmessanoAnalog TV dies, and they leave this HUGE hole
05:08.42drmessanoand the National Association of Broadcaster is still trying to hold onto it
05:09.51drmessanoAnalog TV has been afforded power levels in MEGAWATTS to guarantee every rabbit eared $15 GPX TV could get a signal anywhere in America
05:10.18drmessanoand now that Digital is redefining what is reasonable, the spectrum looks like swiss cheese
05:11.04drmessanoThe internet is helping that along too
05:12.33drmessanoBut if you take an analog TV and scan in the average market, you're get maybe 10 channels
05:12.42drmessanoIn larger markets, closer to 25
05:13.15drmessanoThat's still 35 channels @ 6MHZ each going unused
05:13.17*** join/#asterisk brut- (
05:13.24drmessanoWasted bandwidth
05:13.42jayteenite all, gotta get some zzz's
05:16.05Carlos_PHXTime for some scotch, later.
05:20.48drmessanoStallman just called me.. need to argue some EMACS with him for a bit..
05:21.14orkidstallman dont use da fone
05:37.05*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (
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05:39.07raasdnilHey guys, I have some DID lines running over an IAX2 trunk. I want to set the outbound CID depending on which extension is making the call so that the called party can dial back direct to that extension. Setting exten => s,1,SetCIDNum(<xxxxxxxxxx>) where x is the number doesn't seem to have an effect. Any ideas?
05:39.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@
05:39.41raasdnilasterisk 1.6
05:40.17raasdnilI have looked around but haven't found anything definitive
05:40.35[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: because that app was deprecated in 1.2, and removed in 1.4
05:40.42raasdnilahh :)
05:40.48[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: You are folling ancient instructions that are no longer valid
05:41.04raasdnilthat's why I thought I would poke my head in here and ask :)
05:42.02*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
05:42.03carrarSet(CALLERID(name)=Jenny call me)
05:43.37raasdnilcarrar: thanks!
05:49.28*** join/#asterisk jakbeatz (n=jakbeatz@
05:50.44jakbeatzI'm having a bit of a brain fart... sip show peers should still work in 1.4.22, right?
05:52.35[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: Yes
05:53.14jakbeatzHmm.. So what does it mean when I get "No such command 'sip show peers' (type 'help sip show' for other possible commands)" ?
05:53.54jakbeatzThe entire SIP command doesn't seem to be recognized on the CLI.  This is 1.4.22 as part of AsteriskNOW 1.5
05:54.23[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: Go prove chan_sip is even loaded
05:54.25raasdniljakbeatz: usually means that the sip module hasn't finished loading yet
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05:56.32*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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05:57.27jakbeatzHmm..  It doesn't seem to want to load either.  Asterisk has been running for an hour or so now.  modules.conf isn't configured to not load the module.
05:58.10[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: what happens when you try to load it manually?
05:58.35jakbeatzForgive my ignorance - I've never tried to load a module manually..    how do I?
05:58.58[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: You should say that it doesn't want to then.  "module load"
05:59.53jakbeatzI run module load and it returns to the prompt with no error.
06:00.09[TK]D-Fenderok, so try again
06:00.13[TK]D-Fender"sip show peers"
06:00.35[TK]D-Fenderand if you see nothing, here's a thought : "core set verbose 10"
06:00.55lmadsenI'm going to try and phrase this simply so I don't have to go through the whole scenario, so here goes.  Assuming call recording has been enabled between the original call leg with Monitor(), how can I stop Monitor()ing a call after an attended transfer from a polycom phone? Currently if you do that, then the recording continues through to the transferred call because the original bridge was Monitor()'d
06:01.23jakbeatzwow... ok..  that's weird..  it's there now.  How strange... why would it not load on startup?
06:01.40[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: is this following my Verbose suggestion?
06:01.53[TK]D-Fenderjakbeatz: or prior?
06:03.17jakbeatzPrior..  ok, I think I figured it out.. if you run safe_asterisk manually it behaves differently than if it's called from amportal..   sip module doesn't load if asterisk is started with the former command.    does load if it's run with the latter command...
06:03.43[TK]D-Fenderok, GUI in play... I'm out...
06:04.03jakbeatzWell, I did say it was AsteriskNOW ;)
06:04.27jakbeatzThank you for your help though anway.
06:06.58*** join/#asterisk JohnnyBeGood (
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06:17.27the_5th_wheelHi. Can anyone reccommmend lowish cost voip gateways for use with BRI ISDN lines?
06:20.51*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
06:21.07LemensTSh file or directory
06:21.43LemensTSthe file is there, does that sound like maybe phpAGI is not there? I dont usually use agi scripts
06:21.49drmessanothe_5th_wheel: What do you mean?
06:23.15the_5th_wheelIm looking for a media gateway, that isnt priced to highly, for ISDN lines
06:23.39the_5th_wheelAt the moment i use the yenghans cards. But I want to mov away from server based isdn interfacing
06:26.21*** join/#asterisk djin (
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06:40.36ManxPowerthe_5th_wheel: What country?
06:43.22ManxPowerthe_5th_wheel: If you are in the USA/Canada -- you would be the last in a long line of people that tried and failed.  For much of Europe, you can use the Jungans or Digium or most any other BRI card.  You'll still have a server and it still will handle ISDN.
06:43.43ManxPowerand for anything else -- well this IS the Asterisk channel.
06:50.08LemensTSwhen installing phpagi, and php5-cli, where do i put my include_path for the phpagi files?
06:51.07LemensTSi have wrote down /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
07:02.55*** join/#asterisk dmz (
07:05.10the_5th_wheelManxPower: My two options seem to either be getting a second server,  ( i use the Jungans cards at the moment) and run that on 1.2 and then use a second server to run 1.4 for my AGI stuff. 1.4 with the bris are just giving me endless hassles where the system isnt picing up the calls always
07:05.24*** part/#asterisk scardinal (n=supreme@
07:05.55the_5th_wheelHow i would love it if it made financial sense to just do PRIs. But unfortunately, its much cheaper to have a wod load of BRis than a PRI
07:08.47ManxPowerTry a PRI
07:09.00ManxPowerThen it sucks to be you, I guess.
07:09.32*** join/#asterisk ElSonico (n=tav@nat/ibm/x-339e7d3e39b9ae64)
07:09.38ManxPowerYou'll have your own problems if you use a media gateway.  Search the mailing list archives for examples.
07:18.51hi365how do i 'set things to debug mode'?
07:27.49ManxPowerset debug X
07:28.10ManxPower"help" in the CLI may have provided you with that info.
07:28.10*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
07:29.02hi365err, i was sure the dev that requested it was refering to something compile time... didnt think of that!
07:29.06*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
07:29.23hi365whats the defualt debug level if non is sepcified? 10?
07:29.54*** part/#asterisk raasdnil (
07:32.52hi365again: if someone askes you for a debug log, what level does he want?
07:33.14hi365(yes I know you dont know, but by default, what is the standard)
07:33.37[netman]3 is a good level
07:34.02[netman]for verbose and debug
07:34.51hi365any bug marshels around?
07:36.02hi365please remove debug.log from #12958
07:46.50*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
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07:49.00pifhi, when building asterisk-1.4.22 I no longer get a file, is that normal?
07:49.49hi365seems so, as thing were moved to chan_dhadi
07:50.03pifbut zap is still supported, no?
07:50.39hi365yes it is - the chan_dahdi reades zapata.conf files, so it can really swing either way
07:50.50*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
07:51.16pifso chan_dadhi does chan_zap's job ?
07:51.36IsUpyeah, exactly
07:52.34pifwill my zap RED alarms stay that way when "upgrading" to 1.4.22
07:52.44*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
07:52.49pifis there any other modification to do?
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08:10.01*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
08:12.26maqris anyone aware of any other pbx 'appliances' besides the trixbox one?
08:15.09kaldemarmaqr: there are loads of them.
08:17.24maqrkaldemar: if i'm doing entirely IP without any t1 or analog connection, do you think i could just get away with any generic linux box?
08:18.06kaldemarno matter what you do, a good linux box is a good choice.
08:18.16maqrkaldemar: what do you think about trixbox ce?
08:18.24kaldemari don't.
08:18.47kaldemari don't use any GUI to screw up asterisk.
08:19.28kaldemargenerally speaking, people on this channel don't use GUI's.
08:19.30maqryeah, me either, currently... but if i start deploying voip for people who aren't me, i think it might make sense to do something a bit easier to manage
08:20.10IsUpubuntu 8.04, asterisk 1.4..
08:21.09maqrIsUp: i wonder if it could be done with a livecd, a usb stick, and no harddrive?
08:21.22kaldemarmost GUI systems are a huge pain in the ass to debug if something doesn't work, keep that in mind. i'd rather manage vanilla asterisk's.
08:21.41drmessanoFriends dont let friends use trixbox
08:23.16maqrkaldemar: heh, i guess i'll boot up the image in vmware or something and see what i can make out of it
08:23.30maqrmaybe there's all this trixbox resentment for a reason
08:23.32drmessanoDont use trixbox
08:23.38drmessanoUse asterisknow beta
08:23.43drmessanoif anything
08:23.59drmessano1.5 beta has CentOS + Asterisk + FreePBX
08:24.08drmessano10x better than trashbox
08:24.09maqrdrmessano: now that looks sense
08:25.11SwKisnt trixbox the same thing
08:25.21SwKcentos + asterisk + freepbx plus a few more things
08:25.59drmessano"plus a few more things" <--- a bunch of extra crap, including shell scripts that snoop for hardware info and report back, nevermind the broken RPMs and shoddy repo
08:26.13drmessanotrixbox is horrid.. it's not "the same thing"
08:26.24SwKits all horrid imho
08:26.38drmessanoWell thats just overgeneralizing
08:26.39maqrdo you know if it's particularly hard to upgrade asterisknow versions? when new betas come out, is there much to do to upgrade it?
08:26.49drmessanoyum updates
08:27.06maqralright, this looks like a solution
08:27.30maqrdrmessano: thanks, you've once again saved me from myself :p
08:27.37drmessanono probs
08:27.49maqryou'd definitely run the beta version, right?
08:32.05*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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09:00.12HeManI tried to move our conference (MeetMe) to another hardware but I get when I try to start asterisk
09:00.23HeManany ideas what went wrong?
09:02.16HeManI have loaded the ztdummy module
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09:04.27HeManthe machine is a DomU in xen
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09:33.27ibm2hi ,can any one tell me how i can use patch h264 to asterisk1.2
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09:35.45HeManis there any other way to create a conference number without using ztdummy?
09:35.59HeManor perhaps without meetme
09:40.29kaldemarbut perhaps you should start by taking a look at your zaptel and zapata configuration.
09:40.59*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
09:42.34HeManit work on our old "real" hardware
09:43.11HeManI just copied /etc/asterisk to our new virtual machine
09:43.33SwKHeMan, you missed the zap config file thats just in /etc then
09:44.43HeManSwK: umm, the old machine didn't have any /etc/zap*
09:45.14HeManwhat to look for in the /etc/zapata.conf?
09:46.38HeManSwK: we don't have any zaptel.conf at all on the old machine
09:48.15*** part/#asterisk nicox (
09:48.59HeManwe only have a IAX to our main asterisk and the meetme application in that asterisk config
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09:50.48HeManeven if I remove the /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf I get the same error
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09:59.19Madkisshi all
09:59.45Madkissjust a quick question; I would like to have any incoming call from an iax2-connection piped to a sip-context. is there something to achieve this easily?
09:59.59Madkissi.e. "comes in from iax2, dial exact the same extension in the from-sip context, please."
10:00.15Shnootzi need assistance with configuring an e1 can anyone help me on private?
10:01.45*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
10:02.41kaldemarMadkiss: there is no such thing as a sip-context. a context in the dialplan is a context, no matter what device uses it as it's incoming context.
10:05.14Madkisskaldemar: okay, let me rephrase. I have two contexts. one is called "from-sip", it handles any sip-related stuff. one is named "from-isdn", it handles isdn-related stuff. and now i want to add a third one, "from-iax", that handles iax-related stuff.
10:05.27Shnootzi have a TE122 card which i'm fighting with for couple of days already can someone please assist me
10:05.47Madkisskaldemar: i am well aware that this is all my local configuration design etc. pp. what i just want to achieve is that any incoming calls from the from-iax context go immediately to the from-sip context.
10:06.15kaldemarMadkiss: then put only include => from-sip into [from-iax].
10:07.11kaldemarShnootz: give some concrete information on your problem.
10:07.59*** join/#asterisk ltd (
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10:12.25Shnootzi can't make the card work
10:12.35Shnootzthe system identify it
10:12.44Shnootzbut the calls are not coming and going
10:13.01tzafrir_laptopShnootz, what card?
10:13.13Shnootzi made all the changes i could think of at the zapata.conf & zaptel.conf
10:13.17Shnootzbut no luck
10:13.47kaldemarby concrete information i mean an error message and pasting your configuration.
10:13.52jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:13.54tzafrir_laptopok. what versions of asterisk and of zaptel or dahdi?
10:14.16tzafrir_laptopplease pastebin the output of:   zaptel_hardware; lszaptel
10:17.04*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
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10:20.09Shnootzanything else?
10:21.20tzafrir_laptopok, so it is defined well in zaptel, and we have a problem at the asterisk configuration level
10:21.33Shnootzseems like it
10:22.56Shnootzcan you point me to how it should be configured?
10:24.19magronezis away: cliente
10:28.18tzafrir_laptopwhat version of asterisk? What do you have in zapata.conf ?
10:30.22Shnootzthis is the last option i tried
10:32.05*** join/#asterisk casix (
10:33.26casixI'm installing dahdi and I have a problem. When I run dahdi_genconf it give me an error: </usr/sbin/dahdi_genconf: Cannot read '/etc/dahdi/genconf_parameters': No existe el fichero o el directorio>. I'm googling to find how to create this file but nothing found. Anyone know where can i find information?
10:37.38Shnootztzafrir any ideas?
10:42.28tzafrir_laptopShnootz, the first line begins with:  'channels]' Is the beginning '[' present in the original file?
10:43.58tzafrir_laptopcasix, this is a bug that was fixed in SVN. wouraround: generate that file: touch /etc/dahdi/genconf_parameters
10:45.27tzafrir_laptopShnootz, apart from that, you have three #includes . grep ^channel /etc/asterisk/zapata*.conf
10:47.37casixtzafrir_laptop: but it is used for dahdi_genconf to create the config files, no? how can I know what to put inside to config my card?
10:48.23tzafrir_laptopcasix, it is an optional file . Sadly in the version you have dahdi_genconf insists that it will exist
10:48.40tzafrir_laptopyou can find a sample for it in the source tree, under xpp
10:49.03*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
10:50.20casixtzafrir_laptop: thanks
10:52.11Shnootzthis is what i got
10:52.43Shnootz===/etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf:channel => 1-15,17-31
10:55.51*** join/#asterisk joobie (
10:58.59Shnootztzafrir can you logn to my system and see the conf files?
11:00.44Shnootztzafrir the operator is saying that they see that the channels are blocked from our side but channel 16
11:10.05*** join/#asterisk IguladimNIG (n=haim@
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11:17.05tzafrir_laptopShnootz, can you pastebin zapata-channels.conf ?
11:17.34tzafrir_laptopShnootz, generally to ping someone, mention the full nick . Tab completion tends to help
11:17.54Mrnicki`m trying to get a program to work but i have not idea what this command is used for in php: <a href='irc://$ext:$ext@'> can anybody help me? thank you
11:21.12Mrnickit`s obviously a link to an extention that has the same password on a localhost and it should make a client "VOIP ONLINE", but why the irc?
11:22.31kaldemaris this the right place to ask? maybe you should ask someone who wrote it.
11:24.01Mrnicki thought someone could explain me the relation between asterisk and irc
11:24.07Mrnickthank you
11:24.53kaldemarthere is none.
11:25.38Mrnickokay thank you
11:25.55kaldemarunless you make some, of course.
11:26.07Shnootztzafrir my zapata-channels.conf is at
11:28.04Mrnickin that case one channel will not be enough for debugging...
11:28.45*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:29.18tzafrir_laptopShnootz, looking into it
11:30.37tzafrir_laptopthe configuration looks ok
11:30.47tzafrir_laptoptry: module unload
11:30.53tzafrir_laptopmodule load
11:30.58tzafrir_laptop(in the asterisk CLI)
11:32.58Shnootzas i wrote before the telephone company says that they see that all my lines are blocked but port 16, if this gives you any ideas of why it doesn't work
11:33.36Shnootztzafrir_laptop, still no luck
11:33.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:34.27*** part/#asterisk Mrnick (n=hugo@
11:35.26tzafrir_laptopShnootz, what do you see in the logs?
11:37.28*** join/#asterisk gnarf (n=gnarf@
11:37.30Shnootztzafrir_laptop, should i configure the trunk as a group or a seperated channels?
11:38.53tzafrir_laptopShnootz, what is the output of:  zap show channels
11:39.16tzafrir_laptopin the asterisk cli
11:42.08Shnootztzafrir_laptop, No such command
11:42.42tzafrir_laptopso chan_dahdi failed to load
11:43.16tzafrir_laptopnow check the logs to see why it has failed
11:43.18Shnootztzafrir_laptop, i did amportal restart and now it works
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12:25.35Shnootztzafrir_laptop ???
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12:34.49tzafrir_laptopShnootz, so all's well, right?
12:34.55tzafrir_laptopwhat doesn't work?
12:36.51Shnootzi still can make calls
12:36.55gambler1Hi, is it possible to execute stored procedure after the call is ended? (to write cdr in database and calculate the new value of credit field)
12:37.20Shnootztzafrir_laptop, should i treat it as indevidual channels or as a group?
12:38.50Shnootzon the trunk configuration
12:43.42magronezis back
12:46.02*** join/#asterisk Vale-ICS (
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13:01.47IguladimNIGtzafrir, shnootz E1 provider is using simens switch, we are using span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 with a te122p card, can it be timing issue?
13:02.58IguladimNIGlike sync with the switch? we operated the same E1 with a hybrid PBX and it was working
13:03.38tzafrir_laptopa timing issue for what, exactly?
13:04.02*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
13:04.15TuxguyIf I have one DID coming into my system, how many outbound lines is that? 2?
13:04.29IguladimNIGfor the sync with the Simens switch?
13:06.15IguladimNIGI get masseges like D-Channel down and then UP and again but with the hybrid it was stable
13:06.23TuxguySay for example, I place a call to person b, then a call to person c, and bridge them, and i disconnect, is that still using my line? or does that become their connection?
13:07.16tzafrir_laptopIguladimNIG, that means you take timing from them
13:07.33IguladimNIGyes I am it is on PRI_CPE
13:07.37tzafrir_laptopIguladimNIG, how often do you get those messages? Any alarms?
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13:08.09IguladimNIGno alarms, just this and it can come 10-15 in a row in 1-3 sec in between
13:08.56IguladimNIGbut strangly, with the hybrid it is stable.
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13:17.37tzafrir_laptopIguladimNIG, resetinterval=never ? (nah, I'm probably missing something)
13:17.50tzafrir_laptopWhat do you see in 'pri intense debug span 1'?
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13:20.37IsUphi ya
13:22.20IsUpi have Asterisk with Public IP, connected to my network and a grandstream connected to this network (phone 1). and i have another grandstream (phone 2), its behind the nat. when i am trying to call phone 1 to phone 2, i am getting one way audio or no audio.
13:22.39IsUpi've read articles on about SIP NAT solutions but it didnt work.
13:25.51IguladimNIGtzafrir, huge pile of masages, basicly none looks like a problem, I also opend the trunks as zap/1-31 insted of a group incase...
13:26.47IguladimNIGwhat is making things strange is that from the switch side (provider) they see like all the channels are blocked but channel 16
13:28.32IguladimNIGsupporting that is that the maseges on the regular -rvvvvv i see that when a call is comming out it is looking for a channel to call and than (after few tries on deferent channels) i get the noavil massege.
13:29.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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13:32.00sosperecHow can I use the pickup application? It works well for internal calls, but fails for the outside world
13:34.06IsUpIguladimNIG: did you try 'zap show channel xx'? and whats your signalling?
13:38.03IguladimNIGIsUp, my signaling is euroisdn
13:43.57IguladimNIGIsUp, in the zap show channel 1 the signaling is pri isdn
13:44.18IsUpokay, can you get calls?
13:46.53*** join/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (n=aricalso@
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13:54.37IsUphey [TK]D-Fender
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14:10.17IsUphey ya
14:13.29IsUpKatty: i have trouble with one way audio or no audio. any ideas? i've tried NAT stuff.
14:13.50Kattysounds like rtp ports.
14:14.13Kattyyou might try having a look at your firewall log.
14:14.25Kattyunless it's lan.
14:15.09IsUpAsterisk is on Public IP and not firewalled.
14:15.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
14:18.09*** join/#asterisk VoipForces (n=someone@
14:18.41VoipForcesHi, anyone knows a softphone that supports the url parameter of the queue app ?
14:26.18IguladimNIGIsUp, no no calls in or out, I am installing a new box with another card, but I think is is a long shoot, no other idea.
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14:41.04[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Then its most likely that you're allowing your phones to reinvite
14:41.53nicoxsometimes, i get this warning in my logs: chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by 10.x.y.z: No authority found and i have no idea why
14:42.18IsUp[TK]D-Fender: canreinvite=no in my caller and called party
14:42.34[TK]D-FenderIsUp: put it EVERYWHERE
14:43.22IsUpokay, in sip.conf [general] context, i am setting.
14:43.30[TK]D-FenderIsUp: and every peer
14:43.42IsUpwhat about phone configuration?
14:43.46IsUpshould i configure anything?..
14:44.49IsUpumm, i did the 'canreinvite' in my sip.conf but it didnt work.
14:44.50[TK]D-FenderIsUp: go look at SIP debug, and feel free to show your configs, firewall, etc
14:45.20*** join/#asterisk sdaniels (n=chatzill@
14:45.21IsUpokay, let me prepare. its a production server, getting debug is too difficult =)
14:45.58magronezis away: aloco
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14:48.59tzangerthis stupid adit600 won't generate ring voltage on its fxs ports
14:49.11Spirits-SightCan Asterisk be used with out adding any hardware and just using only VOIP
14:49.23Shnootztzafrir_laptop, are you still here?
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14:49.54[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Yes.
14:50.28Spirits-SightI am reading that book that was recommended yesterday to me
14:50.33[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: And * can be use with even VoIP.  You could use * as a JUKEBOX with jsut your sound card if you wanted.  You could use * as a CRON replacement.  Or any other number silly things
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14:51.24nicoxHi, can somebody help me with this problkem? sometimes, i get this warning in my logs: "chan_iax2.c: Call rejected by 10.x.y.z: No authority found" and i have no idea why
14:51.48[TK]D-Fendernicox: because your system is getting calls with bad auth.
14:51.57[TK]D-Fendernicox: Go find out what is sending them
14:52.21Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender:  wow, is it possible to setup a basic setup with out having to learn so much that it throws it out the window for me, right now I just want a way to replace a 60 bill to a less money as state yesterday
14:52.40nicoxthe calls are from this system
14:53.04nicoxand much much calls go through without problems
14:53.06[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: * has a learning curve to it.  read the book, look at this guide as a sample of how simple a setup can be.
14:53.09jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
14:53.14nicoxbut some calls are rejected
14:53.43[TK]D-Fendernicox: Time to really look at the ones that work and the ones that don't
14:53.50jbotmethinks book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:54.12brodiemAnyone able to point me to the bug report for this issue, I cannot find anything on the problem but I know of at least a few installations with the problem:  When using app_queue, the last member only rings a partial ring (i.e. 1-2 seconds), but the CLI indicates "nobody answered in 15000ms" or whatever actual ring time is set.
14:54.17Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender:  I want to be able to make out going call and want to be able to keep unlimitied incoming calls for my 800 number
14:54.31[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: my answer is not changing.
14:55.01[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Its as complicated as your needs are.
14:55.19[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go look at that guide for some inspiration.
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14:56.02Spirits-SightI know, I am reading, I just want to make sure its worth the time right now to do it, is what I am asking so much in the cost area possible do you know (keeping the 800 number with unlimited incoming calls
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14:56.17nicoxthe calls looks like the same, (the only thing which is different are the destination numbers.)
14:56.41[TK]D-FenderSpritis go look at what providers charge and see whose plan suits you
14:56.45jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
14:57.47nicoxon this systems there are about 100+ calls a minute, and this error happens ever 2 hour or so on
14:58.17Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: the link is not loading for some reason
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15:02.14Spirits-Sight[TK]D-Fender: one last question, is there any things I should do different for Ubuntu-Server
15:02.29nicox[TK]D-Fender: any idea?
15:03.06[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Yes.  Go Google Ubuntu Asterisk isntall guides.
15:03.25[TK]D-Fendernicox: You haven't shown anything.  There is nothing to be said for your problem.
15:03.34Spirits-Sightthank, do this before following the other link you gave right
15:04.08nicox[TK]D-Fender: what information are useful to solve a problem like this?
15:04.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, paste is, or see also pb
15:04.31jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:04.36SuPrSluGspirits, only difference is the sudo command in ubuntu
15:07.17Spirits-SightOk, I did a goolge search and the stuff I am finding also seems to be other stuff to and not just for installing asterisk one is with FreePBX and another one is with foneBRIDGE2 and so on, sorry for being a pain
15:07.34Spirits-SightI want to learn it right and do it right not
15:08.20IsUp[TK]D-Fender: ok, i did it. here is my outputs. also draw a basic flow about my schema
15:09.28IsUpi got this debug when boy1 is trying to call boy2 then boy1 hangs up. no audio on both side.
15:09.56IsUpdebug seems complicated, i've tried to truncate other outputs. (which not belongs to my prob)
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15:18.27SuPrSluGru forwarding rtp ports on your router?
15:20.56VoipForcesHi, anyone knows if there is a way to execute dialplan code on a sip registration failure ?
15:21.35[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: "the stuff".  how... generic.  Fonebridge is HARDWARE, and FreePBX is a bolt-on GUI interface.
15:22.59[TK]D-FenderIsUp: permanently remove all commented lines from your sip.conf.
15:23.11[TK]D-FenderIsUp: They confuse what is and is not set
15:23.40Spirits-SightI didn't know what to call it "the stuff", I found that Ubuntu has asterisk in its repro, so I let it install and now I am following the setup of the link you gave, it seems throw that Ubuntu did alot of the settings for you
15:24.00IsUpyeah i know =) but i kept original before posting. what should i do [TK]D-Fender?
15:24.04[TK]D-FenderIsUp: And your local phones should be nat=no
15:24.05Spirits-Sightis this a good idea or not
15:24.30[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go google a guide for installing * from sourse on Ubuntu
15:24.47IsUpwhat about nat=yes in [general] context? should i remove it?
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15:25.41[TK]D-FenderIsUp: if * is public, it should be "nat=no".  Your remote phone should be nat=yes, qualify=yes, and EVERYWHERE you should have "canreinvite=no"
15:26.09*** join/#asterisk tumisho (n=rael@
15:26.47tumishogoodday everyone
15:27.27IsUp[TK]D-Fender: okay setting now.
15:27.58tumishoI am trying to make asterisk work as a smsc for analog phones but I cannot get it right
15:29.00IsUpokay Fender, now i can call from boy2 to boy1
15:29.20IsUpbut boy1 cannot call boy2. Asterisk says UNREACHABLE for remote phone.
15:29.28IsUpso qualify packets are lost or something..
15:29.54mockerbleh. asterisk isn't being compiled w/ zaptel support for some reason on this box.
15:30.07IsUpi am trying to remove qualify= and calling again. phone is ringing but no audio on both sides
15:31.16[TK]D-FenderIsUp: have your remote phone reregister
15:31.52IsUpah no, let me restart phone with qualify=yes.
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15:33.03IsUpok, i see "registered" in CLI, but still UNREACHABLE.
15:33.33mockercompile and install libpri, check.  compile and install zaptel, check.  compile and install asterisk, check.  So why when I do 'show channeltypes' is zap not listed?
15:34.18IsUpzaptel first and then libpri.
15:34.39[TK]D-Fendermocker: did you trash your * source folder and reextract from scratch?
15:35.14mocker[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, just did that.
15:35.16mockerStill no go.
15:35.31[TK]D-Fendermocker: load the module manually
15:35.49IsUpmocker, what about kernel headers? did you install them?
15:35.52[TK]D-Fendermocker: So far I also don't trust that zaptel is started prior to *
15:36.27mockerztcfg -vvvv comes back fine.
15:36.39IsUpwhats your card?
15:37.30mockerWildcard TE405P quad-span
15:37.48IsUpokay, do 'lsmod | grep zaptel' in your shell. and paste output.
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15:40.11IsUp[TK]D-Fender: what you can suggest for my prob?
15:42.36mockerlsmod | grep zaptel comes back w/ the modules loaded.
15:43.25IsUpcan you use any "zap" command on CLI?
15:43.38[TK]D-FenderIsUp: I suggest you show me debug for your calls and your new configs because right now you seemt o think I trust them or am psychic :)
15:44.08jameswf[TK]D-Fender: does a shockingly good impression of madam cleo
15:44.24IsUpok =p i'll post new config and debug stuff.
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15:46.43mockerIsUp: No..
15:47.16mockersorry, people jumping in and out of my office.
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15:51.20kensuke_how can send "sip debug" to a file?
15:51.54orkidjust maybe
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15:53.41kensuke_mm, no appear on the message log and in debug log
15:54.02mockerHmm, might as well just start from scratch and recompile everything.
15:54.58kensuke_:O, mmm, maybe
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15:55.17mockerkensuke_: Not talking to you. :)
15:55.57IsUpmocker, stop your asterisk and start with: asterisk -vvvvvvvvgc
15:56.07IsUpprobably you can see chan_zap error.
15:56.17IsUpand paste outputs.
15:56.47mockerIsUp: I'm reinstalling, but I'll try that next.
15:56.49mockerThanks for the tip.
15:56.55Spirits-Sightunder voicemail.conf -> general -> serveremail= <- I don't know how I would enter this for a email server on google, please help
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16:09.19ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: What does voicemail.conf.sample tell you?
16:09.24magronezis back
16:09.58ManxPowerI strongly doubt GMail will permit untrusted, random people from using them as an e-mail server.
16:10.13Spirits-SightWell if I did it right then I can use a any email address thats vaild
16:10.55Spirits-Sightwell, I do use them as a email server under they apps
16:11.22ManxPower; Who the e-mail notification should appear to come from
16:11.28ManxPowerpretty straightforward
16:13.17Spirits-Sightok, I was just making sure, thats what I have
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16:21.17knightfalGood Morning Guys
16:21.58knightfalIm having a wierd issues.  When I try to get into the CLI I get a No more connections allowed error. as show here
16:22.04knightfalAnyone have any Ideas
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16:23.17IsUp(pid = -1)
16:23.18Spirits-SightOk, I followed the how to on on a simple setup and now the phone says fail, I believe I followed the how-to by the T
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16:30.09ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: That is the problem with blindly following instructions -- You don't understand what you are doing so you don't know how to fix anything.
16:30.34ManxPowerWhat is the ACTUAL error messages (use pastebin if it's more than 2 lines)
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16:31.46Spirits-Sightplease give me a tiny bit of credit, I am willing to learn its just not easy and I was told to follow the hotot and I get what the howto was saying,  any how the phone only shows fail on the screen of the phone
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16:32.38Spirits-Sighthere is what the CLI says: chan_sip.c:15236 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Ext 1" <sip:100@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
16:32.57ManxPowerdo you have a [100] section?
16:33.02ManxPowerin sip.conf
16:33.25ManxPowerpastebin your sip.conf, masking only passwords
16:34.08ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: Have you read the Asterisk Book?
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16:35.24Spirits-Sight , the passwords are fake, and I am reading and have been today
16:35.41Spirits-Sightthe future one right
16:35.53Spirits-Sight2 editon
16:36.09*** join/#asterisk Ccomp5950 (n=Ccomp595@
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16:36.39ManxPowerTry changing [100] to [Ext 1] do a reload and see of anything works or gives you a different error message.
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16:37.15ManxPowerwhat device is and what device is
16:37.42ifnotwhynothi there is there a way to shorten the delay when receiving a call  from zap fxo to sip extension?
16:37.46masushi all, ,isit possible to capture messages that are send to asterisk manager "5038"
16:37.47riddleboxon zap channels(analog), as soon as a call goes out of them is it considered answered by asterisk?
16:38.11ManxPowermasus: Yes, but not using Asterisk.  You can use something like tcpdump or wireshark.
16:38.14ifnotwhynotit takes forever before sip extensions start to ring on starts on ring count 5
16:38.27masusManxPower: ok Thanks
16:38.28ManxPowerriddlebox: Correct.  There is no answer indication on analog lines.
16:38.48ManxPowerifnotwhynot: pastebin the CLI output of a problem call.
16:38.51Spirits-Sightis the error after the reload command:  chan_sip.c:15236 handle_request_register: Registration from '"Ext 1" <sip:100@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
16:39.02riddleboxManxPower, so I can only get that from a sip trunk or a pri then correct?
16:39.05ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: and my 2nd question?
16:39.27Spirits-Sightsorry did not see the question let me go back
16:39.30ManxPowerriddlebox: Well PRI or VoIP w/PRI PSTN connection.  SIP. IAX, whatever protocol
16:39.37ManxPower(10:37:15 AM) ManxPower: what device is and what device is
16:39.51ManxPowerall ITSPs would be using PRIs
16:40.29ManxPowerriddlebox: Actually the issue is that the line/port is FXO, FXO can be transported on analog or T-1 (non-PRI)
16:40.44riddleboxManxPower, now the thing is to find a provider that will send a paper bill to this church, and one that will do like two-three lines with rollover
16:40.45Spirits-Sightdevice .104 is a spa 942 (if remember right) and .109 is the system with asterisk
16:41.37ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: factory reset the SPA.  Then set ONLY proxy server, userid, password on the phone.  See what happens.
16:42.13ifnotwhynotgot it working diabled callerid and made immediate=yes working fine
16:42.24ManxPowerifnotwhynot: turn off immediate=yes.
16:42.35riddleboxhow well would two or three sip/iax trunks work through DSL?
16:42.38ManxPowerwhen you disable callerid, you don't need immediate=yes and it could cause issues in the future.
16:42.51ManxPowerriddlebox: as well as anything using the internet.
16:43.00ifnotwhynotwhat does the emmediate do?
16:43.35riddleboxI wonder if I can talk them into purchasing a VoIP line and only use it for this predictive dialing
16:43.55ManxPowerifnotwhynot: it causes asterisk to process the call as soon as the port goes offhook.  Since Asterisk does not really track the status of FXO ports, what happens is undefined and could change in the future.
16:44.05ManxPowerimmediate=yes is for Bat Phone types of applications.
16:45.28Spirits-SightOk, I reset the phone and now I am going to set the proxy server (the ip address of the system with asterisk right?) and user id and password of extions or not
16:45.36Spirits-Sightmaking sure understand before I do it
16:45.52ManxPowerset the userid and password
16:47.02ManxPowerextensions don't normally have passwords.  DEVICES have passwords.  The fact that you set the device id to be the same as the extension is much like someone named george owning a cat named George.  They are NOT the same person, they are just named the same.
16:47.10hi365when using languageprefix, where does the custom folder belong, per language or at the language level?
16:49.37Spirits-SightManxPower: the only area I see to set user id and passwords are under the ext 1 or 2 tabs of the web interface for the phone
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16:52.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: heh, i found some old photos of myself. i look like lara croft in one of them /querying
16:52.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: tell me that isn't hilarious.
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16:57.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Not sure I'd say "hillarious" "hilly" yes....
17:00.29aliverAny known issues with * 1.4 && Cisco IP Phone 7960's ? I'm getting some buzzing in meetme conferences (ztdummy).
17:00.42aliverBut it's intermittent.
17:00.50[TK]D-Fenderaliver: No.
17:01.34aliverWell. Damn.
17:02.09etm124Katty: I could go for those porkchops you posted a few days ago.
17:03.27Kattyetm124: (=
17:03.34Kattyjbot: block numbers?
17:03.35jbotjumps in front of numbers and prevents any more damage from being done to all the victims in the channel
17:03.43Kattynot quite what i was looking for
17:03.50Kattyanyone have a wiki page on how to block specific phone numbers?
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17:04.27russellbyou could use the blacklist stuff
17:04.34Kattyjbot: blacklist?
17:04.44russellblookupblacklist used to be an app
17:04.47russellbi can't remember what it is now
17:04.50russellbso many things have changed form, heh
17:06.03Spirits-SightManxPower: IT works,
17:06.37Spirits-SightI tryed to call ext 2 but it says on the phone, shouldn't it ring ext on the phone seeing its setup
17:07.16*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
17:07.53aliverI have two * servers. Server A generates a callfile when a meetme room gets to max. Server B answers in context "meetmebridge" and drops into the same meetme room # via asterisk realtime arch. After this is complete there is no audio bridge between A & B.
17:10.39*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:18fc:16e6:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
17:11.07luke-jrDoes Digium want to know about copyright infringements in Asterisk (going back to at least 1.2 I think)? If so, how?
17:11.37jblackinteresting. What do you know?
17:12.07luke-jrthe gsm codec is not licensed for redistribution nor modification
17:12.30luke-jronly use
17:12.40jblackThat would be a problem.
17:13.12luke-jrI would imagine.
17:13.44jblackHmmmm. The file has Mark Spencer's name on it, but he says the code is from TOAST. Yeah, there might be a problem here.
17:14.11luke-jrthe COPYRIGHT file in the dir contains the original gsm copyright
17:14.37jblackAccording to the COPYRIGHT file, any use is is permitted. That's perfectly fine.
17:14.42jblackDistribution is "a use"
17:14.44luke-jruse != distribution
17:16.02jblackI'm not part of digium, but I wouldn't worry about it if I were them.
17:16.17luke-jrmost licenses differentiate between use and distribution
17:16.30luke-jrand Debian, gNewSense, and Gentoo seem to concur this is a problem
17:16.45luke-jr(it also affects sox)
17:17.25jblackI don't think it's a problem, as the word "any" is included.
17:17.58luke-jrbut distribution isn't use, AFAIK
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17:18.21jblackIf they sued, I'm pretty sure it would hold up in court to say "Yeah, we're using it in our distribution of asterisk. Can we go out for coffee now?"
17:19.46luke-jrthere is a large quantity of 'freeware' permitting both use and redistribution, but not allowing modification
17:20.14luke-jrdistributing it as source does not affect the legal status itself
17:20.39jblackBecause, in this particular case, of the phrase "any use", with no qualifiers.
17:21.29jblackAnything that anyone can define as a use is allowed by that license, with the only restriction that the COPYRIGHT remain intact.
17:22.20jblackIf you seriously think it's a problem, then by all means push it. But I wouldn't bother.
17:23.47jblackHowever, be aware that it's nearly identical to latter gen BSD license, which is pretty well understood to allow everything.
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17:27.51thedonvaughnany use is permitted.  including the use of distributing it with asterisk.
17:28.12tzafrir_laptopluke-jr, for starters, it is poorly-worded .IT seems that in German it really means that
17:28.33lmadsenluke-jr: you can email about that
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17:30.19giovaniwould anyone here happen to know where the most recent (albeit old) copy of ARI (Asterisk Recording Interface) might be mirrored/available?
17:30.19luke-jrtzafrir_laptop: the license is not in German
17:30.32giovanilittlejohnconsulting's site's been down for a while
17:30.48jblackThe computer world is one of the few places that is more pedantic than the law. :)
17:31.29tzafrir_laptopgiovani, I figure that the only copy of it that is actively maintained is the one in freepbx
17:31.40tzafrir_laptopjblack, parts of it
17:31.47giovanitzafrir_laptop: I didn't realize they were maintaining it
17:32.01tzafrir_laptopHopefully they do
17:32.06giovaniI thought they just packaged it -- trying to rip it out of their distro seems unclean
17:32.24giovanitzafrir_laptop: any alternatives you'd recommend?
17:32.31giovanifor web-based access to voicemail
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17:34.54luke-jrDidn't 1.6 add ASR or MRCP or such?
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17:41.41Spirits-SightWhy if I have two ext setup would it when call ext 2 (200) would it say that the person at extion 200 is on the phone ... I am using spa 942 phone which is able to have 2 ext
17:42.56giovaniSpirits-Sight: because the extension number is 200?
17:43.35Spirits-SightI am calling using ext 100
17:43.49giovaniheh, that's not what you just said
17:45.45Spirits-Sightoops I was not clear sorry, I am on ext 100 and I am caling ext 200 and its giving me that msg
17:48.03giovani... you're really not making sense
17:48.15Spirits-Sighthowever if I go to ext 2 and call ext 1 it appears to work
17:48.20giovaniif you call extension 200, and it says extension 200 is busy ... that means asterisk thinks it's busy
17:48.37giovaniif it's incorrectly reporting the busy status, turn on verbose logging, and see why
17:52.06Spirits-Sightok, I change some thing on the phone and now both are working it appears
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17:54.59ManxPowerlooks like the copyright file does not exclude distro or copying
17:55.38Spirits-SightManxPower: I got it to work by doing what you said
17:56.32Spirits-SightManxPower: Is there a provider that you would recommend of the others for allowing unlimitied incoming on toll free number that is not expecive?
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17:59.52ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: No.
18:00.01ManxPowerI don't use providers anymore.
18:00.07ManxPowerToo unreliable for my requirements.
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18:00.35Spirits-SightSo if I may ask then how do you have phone numbers and that
18:00.58Spirits-Sightand make calls out and in board
18:01.12ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: I use a PRI from the telco.
18:01.15giovaniSpirits-Sight: unlimited incoming on a toll-free number? uh, no :)
18:01.46giovanithe PRI is connected to a provider
18:02.51Spirits-SightSo what is a good way that does not require hardware to allow unlimited incoming on toll free and cost less then 60 month
18:03.16giovaniSpirits-Sight: you will not find "unlimited incoming" on a toll-free DID
18:04.20giovanithat would just be a situation ripe for abuse
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18:05.15Spirits-Sightright now, with vocalocity I pay 20 for a unlimitied toll free number, and 39.95 for a extion which allows what ever channels (don't know number)
18:05.46Spirits-Sightit comes out to each month 59.95, so is there a way to do this for less
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18:06.20giovaniSpirits-Sight: I hope they get that service abused for making their pricing scheme so stupid
18:06.47ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: I have never ever heard of a provider giving "unlimited incoming toll free"  I have heard of them doing unlimited OUTGOING toll free.
18:07.07giovania toll free number is clearly a position for abuse
18:07.14ManxPoweroutgoing toll free numbers cost the carrier per min charge
18:07.32giovaniManxPower: what does an "outgoing toll free number" mean?
18:07.38giovaniyou mean, one calling a toll-free number?
18:07.50ManxPowergiovani: you calling the american airlines toll free number from your account.
18:08.11ManxPowerincoming would be receiving calls on a toll free number that you own.
18:08.20giovaniManxPower: ok ... I wouldn't really compare that to a toll-free DID ... they're completely separate concepts
18:08.53ManxPower"toll-free" is really incorrect.  It's really "toll paid for by receiver of call", much like an automated collect call
18:08.54giovaniconsidering the lowest per-minute rates I've seen available to consumers is about 2 cents per minute ... a single channel used 24/7 for a month would amount to like $860 worth of per-minute charges -- any company willing to provide that for $20/mo is going to get their ass kicked
18:09.17giovani(that would be 2 cents per minute on incoming minutes on a toll-free DID)
18:09.19Carlos_PHXWhat these providers do is simply cancel over-users.
18:09.33Carlos_PHXEveryone selling "unlimited" has language in the contract to limit it.
18:09.51giovaniwell, not everyone -- but, it's in their best interest, sure
18:10.06Carlos_PHXIt sucks because I get customers asking all the time why we don't offer "unlimited."  And the answer is because we're not liars.
18:10.11giovanihowever, a toll-free did with "unlimited incoming" is going to be a much better target for abuse than a regular did, for obvious reasons
18:10.28Carlos_PHXFind me a real "unlimited" provider and I'll hook up and send them thousands of calls.  Wanna see if they drop me?
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18:11.19giovaniCarlos_PHX: I have no doubt they will
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18:11.53giovanibut, my point is, in a business of overselling -- you have to evaluate the risk of someone going over your (often) unspoken threshhold -- and for toll-free DIDs ... the threat is much larger
18:13.35Carlos_PHXYes, of course.
18:13.58Carlos_PHXAt the carrier level everything is charged for, even PRI minutes aren't totally unlimited, so it's all a game.
18:14.16giovanimmhmm ... but the carriers started the game
18:14.20Carlos_PHXOur underlying charges stretch out to .00001 cents
18:14.25giovaniso, to compete, vonage had to continue :)
18:14.36giovaniand round and round we go!
18:14.57Carlos_PHXYeah.  The LEC is required to let you do truly unlimited on PSTN, so they can't bump you off.
18:16.37orkidhow much does RCF usually cost?
18:16.39Spirits-SightCarlos_PHX: it seems that Vocalocity does
18:16.47orkidwhat are the regular prices in NA ?
18:17.07Carlos_PHXSpirits-Sight: Vocalocity does what?
18:17.29giovaniCarlos_PHX: off an "unlimited incoming" toll-free DID
18:17.54Carlos_PHXLots of people offer it.  None that I know of will actually delivery it.  They will cut you off if you over-use it.
18:18.17jblackI avoid doing recurring business with companies that sell below their cost.
18:18.22Carlos_PHXLet me put it this way, if I found one, I would be wealthy since I'd send them all our trafic.
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18:19.20kfifeI don't know if they still do it but TelIAX had the STUPIDEST 'unlimited' plan I have ever seen.  The plan said 'Unlimited*' in which unlimited meant 2000 (or so) minutes, and by unlimited they meant they wouldn't 'cut you off' they'd just charge you per minute as long as you had prepaid at some per-minute rate
18:20.22ManxPowerSpirits-Sight: Go for it.  Don't blame us when your provider cuts off your service and holds your number hostage.
18:20.22kfifeThey called it a 'soft cap' at 2000 (or so) minutes
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18:20.22Qwellkfife: No providers have unlimited.
18:20.22jblackTeliax got in trouble with me just the other day. They made an unauthorized charge on my card.
18:20.23Carlos_PHXHopefully we will see use of that word stop, since Verizon has been sued over it on their data plans.
18:20.24kfifeI'm going to start a car dealership with the same policy!  All cars just $1 with a 'soft cap' at $1.
18:21.05kfifeQwell: correct, but this is an especially flagrant example of walking the line
18:21.37kfifeQwell: especially becasue there is exactly NOTHING unlimited about it.  It's not even unlimited by any 'reasonalbe' definition of unlimited.
18:21.39jblackYou could always call the department of weights and measures. They're the ones that enforce advertising claims.
18:21.45ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: Yeah, but Verizon's "unlimited plan" as "no more than 5GB a month", so basically 1 DVD of data plus some web browsing.
18:21.58ManxPowerYes, my Verizon service was terminated with no appeal.
18:22.20kfifejblack: Actually it's called the FTC
18:22.53jblackkfife: I don't think the bureau of weights and measures is the same company as the FTC. BWM are state agencies, iirc.
18:23.06Carlos_PHXManxPower: Did they make you pay a termination fee if you had one?
18:23.22ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: I did not have to pay a termination feel
18:23.37ManxPowerAfter they lost the class action I got a check for $175
18:23.42kfifeThe Federal Trade Commission has exactly the job of making sure that people do not make claims they can not fulfill, and the legal case history creates a fuzzy 'line' across which you are likely to be taken to task.
18:23.43jblackManxPower: Hmm. I have verizon dsl, and I'm pretty sure I do much, much, much more than 5GB a month. Can you give me moe info?
18:24.06Carlos_PHXjblack: He was talking about Verizon Wireless
18:24.08ManxPowerjblack: Sorry, Verizon BROADBAND Access i.e. EVDO over cellular.
18:24.09jblackkfife: And?
18:24.17jblackManxPower: Ahhhhh. Ok.
18:24.20Carlos_PHXThe wireline carriers seem to have a hidden cap in the 150-300gb range.
18:24.34ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: I'd be happy with 150GB cap,
18:25.14Carlos_PHXManxPower: You should start an intentional community where the intention is everyone gets Gb to the house.
18:25.17kfifejblack: If TelIAX were not such a small company (of little consequence), I'd put money that the FTC would take them to task.
18:26.37kotiqueHi. How do I enable SIP history ?
18:27.16kotiqueSIP History Recording Enabled (use 'sip show history')
18:27.24kotiquebut still nothing in show history after several calls
18:27.59kfifeBTW, I just looked again out of curiosity.  It appears Teliax isn't advertising those rediculous plans anymore.
18:28.31Spirits-SightOk, let me reword my question then, is there a Toll-Free  that would allow so much calls on the number before changing more money, I don't get that many calls on the Toll-Free number now but that can change and I don't want to be blasted with a high bill, I am trying to save money right now
18:29.20florzSpirits-Sight: how exactly do you expect to save any money by buying an unlimited plan?
18:29.21giovaniSpirits-Sight: how many minutes do you expect to do?
18:29.35giovaniflorz: some unlimited plans will indeed save money, depends on how many minutes you do
18:29.35kotiqueguys, why are you talking about non-asterisk things on asterisk channel /
18:30.21giovaniheh, because it's voip-related
18:30.27florzgiovani: rather unlikely, except in a rather small range of usage
18:30.27ajohnsonIs it interrupting someone's ability to ask an Asterisk question?
18:30.37kfifeQuestion: I'm running Dahdi for the first time.  If my disto gets a new kernel, I have to recompine what:  the dahdi-linux.2.x package?
18:30.55giovaniflorz: nope, I do it all the time with "unlimited incoming DIDs" -- for $8 or so a month
18:31.01kfife...and NOT the dahdi-tools.x package?
18:31.06giovanibreak even with per-minute charged DIDs doing 500 minutes a month -- I do far more than that
18:31.40Qwellkfife: correct
18:31.47ajohnsongiovani: Get the AUP for your service, I bet someone in there will talk about usage of the service
18:31.57florzgiovani: well, you considered all the alternative offerings? Or is it some product with a rather large number of customers?
18:32.10tzafrir_laptopkfife, right
18:32.27giovaniajohnson: they can talk about it all they want ... they won't be shutting me off, and haven't in years, never heard a peep about it
18:32.38giovaniflorz: which alternative offerings do you mean?
18:33.04florzgiovani: well, whatever is available that you could substitute for your current supplier?
18:33.05kfifeand it's just a straight recompile without tweaking the makefile?  In other words, the configure script doesn't have to be run to figure out any special iteractions with the new kernel?
18:33.09giovaniunlimited services are designed with an average usage in mind, some go over, most go under -- that's how they make profit
18:33.32giovaniflorz: I don't know what you're talking about? I have accounts with nearly a dozen providers, the pricing is all in the same range, why?
18:35.54kotiquewell, it's destroying sip history after some time
18:36.07Spirits-SightOk, I don't know what the incoming call amount is on the toll free number, I know its not much, most of the calls would be coming on the local number, I do a lot of out going as I use the phone for personal and non-profit stuff, I DON"T want to use the same number for both, I would like to have a ext setup and when using that have my cell number show up as the calling number so that people think I am using my phone (cell)
18:36.22kfifeThanks Qwell, tzafrir_laptop.  I remember someone mentioning a somewhat automated way to trigger this recomple.   If you know what I'm referring to, can you remind me what it is
18:36.22florzgiovani: well, because you break even at 500 minutes at that particular provider's rates, doesn't mean you couldn't get it cheaper somewhere else - plus, yeah, it's somewhat different with markets where you have lots of consumers as customers, where most people simply buy the more expensive unlimited plan because it sounds so nice, and they can pay for you over-using the service that way
18:36.38florzgiovani: doesn't apply for toll free inbound, IMO
18:36.43Qwelldkms or something?
18:37.01tzafrir_laptopkfife, dkms attempts to automate that
18:37.06giovaniflorz: no, it has nothing to do with toll-free inbound, I never said it did -- just saying, that there are circumstances where the "unlimited" plans work out to be cheaper for an individual with a certain usage
18:37.20giovaniflorz: I haven't seen anyone cheaper -- you're welcome to throw out some names :)
18:37.46tzafrir_laptopkfife, Mandriva tends to support kernel modules through dkms . suse and Debian have their own frameworks
18:37.56florzgiovani: well, yeah, that's true, of course - basically, that's heavy users of "consumer-grade products"
18:38.22kfifeQwell,  tzafrir_laptop:  Thanks.  I'm reading up on it now.  It sounds like you don't bother with it.  Is that true?
18:38.33giovaniflorz: I wouldn't say, by any stretch that I'm "abusing" the service -- I'm not running a calling card business on it or something -- my usage is probably just higher than the average user
18:39.33tzafrir_laptopkfife, I looked at it a while ago and had some problems, though I don't really recall what
18:39.35florzgiovani: well, as long as you are following the contract, you aren't abusing - by "over-use" I just meant that you use it so much that they don't make any money from you
18:39.55jameswfAsterisk needs a cowbell module..... maybe a modification of whisper page...
18:40.12giovaniflorz: that would require that I know their fees to their carrier -- which I don't
18:40.16kfifeQwell,  tzafrir_laptop:  Thanks a lot.
18:40.18jameswfpress *222 if this conversation needs more coebell
18:40.49kfifejameswf: :)
18:41.32florzgiovani: well, if you say that you are using it much more than the break-even point, I'd assume so - I understood that as "more than double that" ...
18:42.01giovaniflorz: no, the break-even point for a per-minute plan from the same carrier ... break-even for the consumer, not their own costs
18:42.19giovaniyeah, I probably do around a thousand minutes inbound on that number
18:42.27giovaniwell within "consumer" usage
18:43.32giovaniI presume the per-minute rates are much higher than they're figuring for the average usage of an unlimited inbound plan because it comes with an unlimited number of channels, so either the customer of the per-minute plan is doing only a handful of minutes per month, or they're doing 10s of thousands, and need the unlimited channels
18:43.33florzgiovani: yeah, sure, that's what I understood - but well, just double the break-even point might still be "within range"
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18:52.28Katty <- How to Block File. Use at your own risk.
18:52.39Katty^- Optionall, Qwell
18:52.49jayteehi Katty
18:53.06Qwellblocks file
18:53.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: that'd be "/ignore file" ;)
18:54.44jayteefile, are you in the building?
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18:56.13Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
18:56.17Kattyfile: <3
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18:57.13filetickles Katty
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18:57.58rikstaHi, when i do an originate via the Manager API I used to call a context in asterisk 1.4 which did a ForkCDR() and then ResetCDR(w) before making the call to the second leg of the originate, this allowed me to have two individual CDRs with properly populated Billable Secs.... when i try this on Asterisk 1.6 I do not get the coorect CDRs, the 2nd CDR always has 0 billable sec..... does anyone have any knowledge of this please?
18:58.22kotiquewhen I run make menuconfig and the save & exit, where are the options written to?
18:58.30kotique*and then
18:59.14littlepinkdotHow can I diagnose an outgoing call issue? I have a Digum TDM400P with 4 FXS ports. Incoming calls work fine, outgoing looks like it's dialing but NOTHING happens.
18:59.36Qwellif nothing happens, how does it look like it's dialing?
18:59.59littlepinkdotIn asterisk -r, it shows -- Called g0/ww18002252752    -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/300-08650e50
19:00.12Qwellthen that isn't nothing
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19:00.22littlepinkdotHmm =/ Any suggestions?
19:00.31denonfix g0?
19:01.20ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: What port type?
19:01.24littlepinkdotHow? Far as I can see everything is setup correctly. It was working fine last night, nothing since has changed to my knowledge.
19:01.31littlepinkdotManxPower, fxsks
19:01.39littlepinkdotAnalog from PSTN
19:02.04ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: what happens if you just Dial(Zap/g0/)  Do you get a dialtone?  If you don'
19:02.22ManxPowert then you either don't have a line plugged into port 1 or the line is bad.
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19:02.39littlepinkdotHow exactly do I dial that? =/ And incoming on the same port works fine so the line is working as well as the port.
19:02.52ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: you modify your dialplan
19:03.35ManxPowerinstead of whatever Dial line you have that generates "Called g0/ww18002252752    -- Zap/1-1 answered SIP/300-08650e50" change that line to read Dial(Zap/g0/)  don't forget the trailing /
19:04.00ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: what is the CLI output of a working incoming call?  Pastebin it.
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19:06.19ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: BTW, if your card actually has FXS ports then the ports will blowup when a call comes in.  Perhaps you have FXO ports on the card?
19:06.46codefreeze-lapriksta: Hmmm. If the reason for no billsec is no answer time is set, then there are extra options on forkCDR that might help you....
19:07.09luke-jrFastAGI are not necessarily on localhost, but the Speech API requires local files. How do people usually deal with this?
19:07.19rikstacodefreeze-lap: yeah i saw the new forkCDR options, I tried every single one separately ... none worked
19:07.24rikstacodefreeze-lap: any other idea?
19:08.03littlepinkdotManxPower, its worked worked as fxs for the month
19:08.19rikstacodefreeze-lap: where do i see the noanswer time?
19:08.23rikstacodefreeze-lap: and what is it?
19:09.46ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: perhaps you forgot that FXO ports use FXS Signaling?
19:10.02rikstacodefreeze-lap: i get two CDRs like this:
19:10.17rikstabut they both seem the same!
19:10.19ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: the call came in on ZAP TWO, not ZAP ONE, which is what you are trying to dial out of.
19:10.49ManxPowerSo, incoming calls to Zap/2 work, but outgoing calls on Zap/1 do not work.  You see why this is a totally invalid and useless test.
19:10.52littlepinkdotManxPower, ah someone must have moved the lines around, thanks for pointing it out. I'll go fix it.
19:11.15ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: cut their hands off.  They should not be messing with your system
19:12.14ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: Since you are using a GUI I cannot help you further.
19:12.17codefreeze-lapriksta: bad example. All those cdrs have billable seconds set.....
19:12.59littlepinkdotManxPower, I never touch the GUI
19:13.28ManxPowerlittlepinkdot: you don't have to touch the GUI.  Your incoming call CLI output should be like 5 lines.
19:13.48rikstacodefreeze-lap: so they do...sorry my bad....  but what i am saying is that i get one with 0 seconds and one with the right amount set
19:14.39codefreeze-lapriksta: the trick is to see whether the Answer time or the End time isn't set, or both...
19:14.41ManxPowerdialedparties.agi is a GUI thing.  So is blacklistcheck, user-callerid,
19:14.54jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:15.06rikstacodefreeze-lap: ok hold, i'll have a look
19:16.17*** join/#asterisk koiler (
19:17.02koilerhi all..
19:17.27koilerwondering if someone can answer a question regarding iax trunks and call transferring
19:17.59codefreeze-lapkoiler: ask and ye shall see
19:18.41koilerI have 3 servers connected via iax trunks.  All extensions are SIP extensions.  If user A:SystemA dials UserB:SystemB
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19:18.50koilercall routes through iax2 trunk fine
19:19.14koilerif userB then transfers the call back to UserC on SystemA - shouldn't SystemB drop completely out of the loop?
19:19.52koileri.e. UserA -> UserC only via SystemA at that point?
19:20.44[TK]D-Fenderkoiler: No.
19:21.02[TK]D-Fenderkoiler: Because ehn you are DIAL-ing around, that leaves * in the middle.  There is no "hand-off.
19:21.32[TK]D-Fenderkoiler: You would have to know that the reason for a call going back to the server its coming from is due to a transfer which it can't.
19:21.45[TK]D-Fenderkoiler: This leaev that idea pretty much dead in the water
19:21.45ManxPowerIf everything was SIP or if everything was IAX2 it might work as you want.
19:22.33koilerok, makes sense.
19:22.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not even.. just because som user had their phone transfer a call its still only within the dialplan and it is almost 100% certain that it will simply use DIAL tor ead the other server.  There won't be any intelligent bridging there..
19:23.02koilerone more question then - more an architecture/design question
19:23.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: depends on the transfer or not.  attended transfers create new calls.  I think blind transfer does not create a new call.  Really the only way to find out is to try it.
19:23.56neurosysIf i wanted to tinker with speech recognition and asterisk, where should i start my research?
19:24.07koilerI'd like to route inbound calls (from PRI) to System A to a user in a 2nd office/location.  Based on the above, it makes more sense to register a 2nd line for that person on System A
19:24.09ManxPowerneurosys: Google is good for that.
19:24.13jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
19:24.48neurosysManxPower:  :) i know.. but there are several oss projects. any of them work?
19:24.58ManxPowerneurosys: As I understand it you have NO chance to make it work unless everything is ulaw or alaw.
19:25.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Any "transfer still just hits the dialplan... the call came in as one channel and would be send to an EXTEN in the dialplan that would "Dial" once more.  the fact it goes to the server it came from is irrelevent
19:25.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Might be different if he called the Transfer app, but no way is that likely or viable :)
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19:27.14ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I said for him to try it.
19:27.31ManxPowerYou might be right, you might be wrong, but he needs to try it regardless.
19:27.33[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ok/fine/sure/best of luck/yadda/yadda
19:28.18koiler[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the response
19:28.54ManxPowerwanders off to try a CentOS install AGAIN. Maybe I've gotten the memory errors fixed.
19:28.55koilerManXPower: do to the nat'ing involved - using pure SIP will be a pain
19:29.23ManxPowerkoiler: SIP works JUST FINE with Asterisk and with NAT.  You can't reinvite that's about all.
19:29.49koilerManxPower: yeah - I have it working for a few remote users
19:29.50Kattyrandomly shreds curtains
19:30.09koilerthx all
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19:39.01beekWhat is Asterisk telling me when it says "Starting simple switch on ..." ?
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19:40.12_joehey folks, i've got a few polycom ip 320 phones behind NAT, and they're all connecting to asterisk 1.6 running on a remote server. i have entries like this in sip.conf for each:
19:40.18_joei can make outgoing calls just fine
19:40.26_joebut calls between extensions often hit the wrong phone
19:40.40_joefor instance, calls to extension 1 (dave) often go to joe instead
19:40.52_joei'm guessing it's something to do with the network setup
19:40.53ManxPowerbeek: that means "hey!  something is happening and I'm paying attention to it.  Usually an incoming ring or a phone going off hook
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19:41.00_joeany pointers?
19:41.13ManxPower_joe: Are you using a GUI
19:41.16_joeManxPower: nope
19:41.35ManxPower_joe: Maybe you have multiple devices registering to the same account?
19:42.00_joei'm quite certain i don't
19:42.12_joei have three entries, joe, dave, and adam
19:42.14beekManxPower: Okay... so that's normal.   I have an FXS port connected to my legacy PBX and and FXO port to the PSTN (thus putting * in the middle).  If I choose that line from my old PBX and hit a digit I get an immediate fast busy.
19:42.26_joeand each phone has been programmed with its user's name as its extension
19:42.29*** join/#asterisk edshupe (n=edshupe@
19:42.30_joein the sip configuration
19:42.42beekManxPower: It doesn't appear to be getting to the dialplan at all, so I'm trying to figure out why.  Thanks!
19:43.51*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
19:45.12[TK]D-Fender_Joe : You have no SECRET therefor no auth... fix this.  Also set codecs for your devices, etc
19:45.49_joe[TK]D-Fender: i agree. i was trying to start simple and planned on setting a secret and codecs later. will either of those impact asterisk's confusion of my devices?
19:46.17[TK]D-Fender_Joeyes, esp when transfering calls, etc
19:46.49*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:46.53_joeok, i'll do that now. thanks for the pointer, [TK]D-Fender :)
19:47.31*** join/#asterisk klictel (n=klictel@nat/digium/x-fe6fe65542b9f8ea)
19:51.01edshupecan someone read my post at and give me some ideas, please.
19:51.05*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
19:53.00jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:53.35jblackIt's easy enough with asterisk. I don't know about freepbx.
19:54.39edshupeOn all inbound calls, I am trying to ring a list of cell numbers with a prompt to "press 1 to accept" without calling the ones with current calls (avoiding call waiting).
19:55.15edshupeI think that sums it up, I don't need to use FreePBX, I however have no idea about creating contexts, ring groups, etc.
19:55.45[TK]D-Fenderedshupe: Then you need to learn to walk before you run.
19:55.47jbotbook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:57.27*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
19:57.40*** join/#asterisk awk_r (n=rawk@nat/digium/x-57890c897b2b825b)
19:57.45giovaniI have to say ... if the print version of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition is the same as the PDF version ... there are serious problems
19:57.55kensuke_Hi, i can set a number of calls per seconds?
19:57.56giovanientire sections duplicated, words missing, horrible misspellings, etc
19:58.42DaejeoKatty: :) meow
20:00.42*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
20:01.33Daejeois it good idea of playing news on the phone  from the RSS/FEED using Asterisk? will people like it
20:02.02*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
20:02.05awk_rDaejeo yea, i've seen people do it with their email and other random rss feeds
20:02.07c4t3lhello world
20:02.57Daejeoawk_r: cool then i should write a doc
20:03.30KattyDaejeo: hello
20:04.13*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:04.23*** join/#asterisk RMod_ (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
20:04.43Daejeoawk_r: ATOM supports video
20:05.38DaejeoKatty: :) ah
20:05.58DaejeoKatty: :) you seem to be busy today
20:06.09Daejeochasing something ?
20:06.17KattyDaejeo: yeah, a bit.
20:06.23KattyDaejeo: my sanity, perhaps.
20:07.05*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
20:07.23awk_rKatty, so you're running in circles eh?
20:08.28Daejeoawk_r: just imagine TOM and jerry
20:08.51awk_rah...i miss those toons
20:09.10awk_rDaejeo: (re: ATOM) yea, base64 encoded or as links
20:11.09DaejeoI am going to convert ATOM feed into VoiceXML, will play on the phone.
20:11.37*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:12.45Kattyawk_r: i'd prefer to think of my sanity as a straight line leading to nowhere.
20:13.40Daejeouser will get the new entry alert by a  phone call.
20:15.46awk_rDaejeo: you need to make a firefox plugin associated with this so a user can press 1 while listening to the feed to go to that website...
20:15.54awk_rthat idea was completely theoretical, but would be cool
20:16.22awk_ralso under the assumption that the user would be near a computer
20:18.06Daejeoawk_r: I am using ASR. So. use does not need to press buttons . simply uses can say go to web
20:18.18Kattyetm124: erm,
20:18.27awk_rDaejeo: yea that works too lol
20:20.55*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
20:21.17edshupe[TK]D-Fender: I came here to learn to walk...
20:22.03*** join/#asterisk johann8384 (
20:22.27Kattygives edshupe a cane.
20:22.27ManxPoweredshupe: And I imagine most of us are not going to hold your hand to learn to walk.  The Asterisk Book is a good starting point for concepts and design and usage information
20:22.50Kattyedshupe: and as an added perk, there are fun diagrams!
20:23.50ManxPoweredshupe: What you want to do is fairly complex.  Remember Asterisk is not a PBX.  Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that lets you BUILD a PBX.
20:24.48KattyOr, alternatively, a migrane.
20:25.58Daejeoawk_r: would you to see the demo in the next couple of days?
20:26.21luke-jrFastAGI are not necessarily on localhost, but the Speech API requires local files. How do people usually deal with this?
20:26.29Daejeoawk_r: which website do you like for listening news ?
20:27.00awk_rDaejeo: sure, and it doesn't matter surprise me
20:28.07*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
20:28.32KattyCrazyTux: allo.
20:33.07ManxPowerluke-jr: Speech API?
20:33.14Deeewaynewaves to Katty
20:33.36KattyDeeewayne: hello thar!!
20:33.39Kattyhugs Deeewayne
20:33.51Deeewayneoffers cookie to Katty
20:34.27Kattydid you eated it? :<
20:34.31fileluke-jr: you mean the grammars?
20:35.34DeeewayneKatty: did you purchase a crazy new animal ?
20:35.53KattyDeeewayne: about 6 weeks ago.
20:35.57KattyDeeewayne: but he's not crazy.
20:36.01Deeewaynethey doggy ?
20:36.32DeeewayneI got a puppy on the same day as you and returned it one week later
20:37.19Kattywhy? )=
20:37.26*** join/#asterisk devilsoulblack (
20:38.02Deeewaynewas trying to save it but its rightful owner showed up
20:38.10Kattyseanbright: how's that centos 5.2 install coming along?
20:38.17KattyDeeewayne: oh :<
20:38.28DeeewayneI was happy because she ate my favorite jeans and my other dogs bed
20:38.36*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
20:38.46Kattythey can be a handful, that's for sure ;)
20:38.59Kattyand iv'e got another year and 6 months to go before riddick simmers down!
20:39.26KattySomething like that.
20:39.42seanbrightKatty: it is not going too well
20:39.49Kattyseanbright: )=
20:39.59Kattyattempts to bribe centos install with cookies and muffinery.
20:40.17ManxPowerseanbright: I just finished my first CentOS install
20:41.02Spirits-SightWhat provider would you choice, if you wanted to have "unlimitied" incoming calls (local number) and have a high amount for out going, you want have at less 5 calls able to come in?
20:41.07rene-Hello i am in need of someone who can deliver a t1 router to the bryan tx area in less than 24 hrs
20:41.34ManxPowerI'm in need of someone to give me 1 million dollars.
20:41.36Spirits-SightI have look at ip-com and vitelite and wanted to know if there was any better deals then this
20:41.54rene-please send PV thanks
20:41.57jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
20:42.04[TK]D-FenderSpirits-Sight: Go look
20:42.17Spirits-SightI have been :-)
20:42.44Kattyrene-: find someone who will deliver you pizza too
20:43.17rene-hehe that is not very helpful but thanks
20:43.27rene-i am hungry tho
20:43.34rene-but i think it is going to be tacos
20:43.43KattyFred always liked tacos. Winifred.
20:43.56Kattywelcome to #angel-trivia
20:45.31rene-the deal is i have a server in texas that had a digium card with a t1 data and a t1 voice lines happily plugged in
20:45.38rene-till it started behaving bad
20:46.24rene-the t1 data thing worked good but i think a cisco t1 router would be more reliable
20:46.51ManxPowerrene-: I sold my only Cisco router *yesterday*
20:47.02rene-how much did it go for
20:47.17Carlos_PHXI have plenty of routers, but configuring and getting it out today for overnight...hmmm
20:47.25rene-hey Carlos
20:47.33rene-maybe a couple of days
20:47.36rene-is still ok
20:47.38ManxPower$60, I think
20:47.41rene-no way
20:47.42Carlos_PHXThat would be easy.
20:47.43rene-so cheap
20:47.47ManxPower1720 routers are dirt cheap these days.
20:47.55rene-Carlos_PHX: quote?
20:47.55ManxPowerlook on ebay
20:48.02Carlos_PHXYes, we buy them for around $90 all the time.
20:48.08Carlos_PHXDoes it need to be rack mount?
20:48.30Carlos_PHXAnd is it just a generic T1 data config?
20:48.36Carlos_PHXOr will you do the config?
20:48.39ManxPowerYou want a Catalyst 5505 cheap? 8-)
20:48.39rene-i used cisco hdlc mode
20:48.45Carlos_PHXThe best would be someone local, but finding someone...
20:48.47rene-on the linux router
20:49.01rene-i have somebody at the location who can be your remote hands
20:49.11rene-but we are definitely cisco iliterate
20:49.41Carlos_PHXOk, with the T1 specs I can do a working config before shipping.
20:49.54*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
20:50.10*** join/#asterisk doug (
20:50.12seanbrightKatty: the net install is evil.  it's not smart enough to know what packages it needs to run the installer.
20:50.14KattyAnd a Cisco Router in a Pear Tree!!!
20:50.27seanbrighteither that or the 64bit packaged dependency stuff is screwed more than i expected
20:50.28dougexcellent, * channel...
20:50.29Kattyseanbright: RUN AWAY!!! RUN AWAY!!!!
20:50.51dougexten => _[a-z-A-Z0-9].,1,Set(todial=${KEYPADHASH(${EXTEN})})
20:50.55dougthat's not quite doing what i would hope
20:51.04dougi.e. let me dial using letters...
20:51.20seanbrightdoug: remove the - between z and A
20:51.28dougactually, my original was: exten => _[a-z-A-Z0-9].,1,Dial(SIP/$KEYPADHASH(${EXTEN})@ext-sip-account)
20:51.37dougoh yeah, how'd that get in there?
20:51.48seanbrightdon't ask me, it's your code
20:51.53dougi doubt that's my problem
20:51.54*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
20:52.14seanbrightit's not, but that doesn't mean it isn't wrong
20:52.37devilsoulblackhow show intensive debug opcion over E1 R2 using openr2
20:54.46dougi figured someone must have cracked this one, making it easy to dial with letters...
20:55.16seanbrightdoug: pastebin the relevant portion of your extensions.conf
20:55.18jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:55.22seanbrightdoug: ^^^
20:58.11saftsackhi, my asterisk connects to another asterisk host via iax. the other host is a dyndns hostname. everytime when the ip of the remote host is changed then the connection breaks and will be never build ab again.
20:58.30*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
20:58.45saftsackis there an option where i can force asterisk to resolve the host everytime the registration is broken? srvlookup seems to be a lightely other thing
20:59.15saftsack"iax2 show peers" shows me the old ip which isnt accessible
23:13.49*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:13.49*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2008/10/09), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
23:15.48*** join/#asterisk denon (
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23:42.28*** join/#asterisk zecrazytux (
23:43.22WimpManzecrazytux: lo
23:50.35*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
23:50.49TuxguyHow often does asterisk look for .call files?
23:50.53*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
23:50.58*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-f4d503413c27c8c0)
23:51.25hardwireI believe it gets notified via the inotify system
23:51.34hardwireso as soon as they are saved
23:51.38hardwireI could be wrong
23:52.09*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (n=luke-jr@2002:18fc:16e6:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
23:52.13zecrazytuxi've installed asterisk on a server (freebsd, in a jail) and try to create conferences.
23:52.15WimpManIf so that must be optional.
23:52.20zecrazytuxI created one
23:52.25florzat least in 1.4 it polls each second, including some race conditions
23:52.27zecrazytuxif i join, there's music on hold
23:52.41zecrazytuxbut when someone else comes, no sound
23:52.46hardwirehmm.. I thought it was more immediate than one second
23:52.57zecrazytuxwhat can be wrong ?
23:53.09florzwell, on average it's half a second response time, then :-)
23:56.47Kattyi haz homemade mashed potatoes.
23:57.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:58.22SwKKatty, is that like home name concrete? :P
23:59.05KattySwK: think more like potatoes, butter, milk, and parmesan.
23:59.45coppiceparmesan is close to concrete

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