IRC log for #asterisk on 20081102

00:01.21*** join/#asterisk keulin (
00:02.20tmiw_hi. so i installed spandsp and tried to add app_fax to the asterisk showconfig
00:02.26tmiw_and I get this:
00:02.27tmiw_app_fax.c:312: error: storage size of 'fax' isn't known
00:02.35tmiw_is this a known issue?
00:02.53drmessanoWhich version of spandsp?
00:03.12drmessanoYou need 0.0.5
00:03.18drmessanothe last 0.0.5
00:03.28tmiw_ah, i'll try that
00:03.29tmiw_one sec
00:06.45tmiw_drmessano: cool, compiling is continuing now. thanks!
00:09.24*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
00:20.09*** join/#asterisk jebmpls (n=user@
00:20.42*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
00:24.36*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=Linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
00:25.00*** part/#asterisk jebmpls (n=user@
00:31.49protocols[TK]D-Fender, but it does not recognize my changes
00:32.12protocolsopen("/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
00:32.18protocolsit reads my config
00:33.43[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: You aren't showing anything complete and useful
00:34.06protocolswhat would be useful?
00:34.19[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: I don't see your complete configs.  Nor any folder dumpts.  Nor CLI show evidence of not following your configs.
00:34.23protocolsI showed, that via strace asterisk does not have any problems with opening the asterisk.conf
00:34.46protocolsUnable to open pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied
00:35.06protocolsbut: astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
00:35.32protocolsah ok my mistake
00:35.48protocols[directories] ; remove the (!) to enable this
00:36.04protocolsdamn those boogey traps
00:36.27[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: In my world we call that "the big print"
00:36.58joatvogon construction notice (you gotta look)
00:37.00Carlos_PHXHoly shit, this could get ugly:,603138.shtml
00:38.52*** join/#asterisk jksM (i=jks@
00:41.37drmessanoGod I hated sprint
00:41.41*** join/#asterisk edoceo (
00:42.26Carlos_PHXYou like them now?
00:43.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:43.44*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
00:45.09*** join/#asterisk andrewy (i=andrewy@
00:51.22drmessanoNo, I dont have to deal with them anymore
00:51.32Carlos_PHXAh, lucky you.
00:51.48Carlos_PHXI considered them, but they took three months to follow up with a quote.
00:51.52Carlos_PHXI think I got lucky.
00:52.27drmessanoWe used to have Sprint for our corporate MPLS
00:52.35drmessanoBack at my old job
01:12.37*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
01:15.31*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
01:26.00*** join/#asterisk neax (
01:27.46*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:34.22*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
01:43.26*** join/#asterisk jjg_ (n=jjg@
01:43.42jjg_hi, anyone know of some simple command line based rtp tools?
01:44.19drmessanoAs in?
02:17.44*** join/#asterisk heedly (
02:18.07heedlyhi, anyone know where to get a VPS with access to a PRI
02:25.52jjganyone used sipp to generate rtp traffic?
02:29.20*** join/#asterisk reno139 (n=reno@
02:31.04reno139hey all, i am having a problem getting g729 codec to work. removed the default g729 .so and replaced it with another, restarted, and it's showing - where it should show 6 or 8 i believe when i do a 'core show translation recalc 10', any suggestions?
02:39.51*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (
02:42.47drmessanoWhich one did you replace it with?
02:44.17drmessanoYou realize that codec isn't legal, right?
02:44.28drmessanoUnsupported to say the least
02:44.31reno139i thought that was only is you used it commercially
02:44.51reno139well then, another option will be considered
02:45.05drmessanoTesting only.. Non-production us
02:45.06drmessanoTesting only.. Non-production use
02:45.19drmessanoGet the licensed one from digium, its worth it
02:45.40reno139you happen to know offhand how much?
02:45.56drmessano$10 per channel
02:46.09reno139not so bad
02:47.29*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
02:47.29reno139do you have a suggestion for a comparable coedc that is oss? this is just a home box that i'm on a rather strict budget, but may be making more that 4 calls at a time, and i'm looking at $80 at that point aren't i?
02:47.58*** join/#asterisk tgrman (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
02:48.40drmessanoIf the endpoints are using G729, no
02:48.44drmessanoIts only for transcoding
02:49.02reno139gxp2000 and x-lite
02:49.35*** part/#asterisk tgrman (n=jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
02:50.04drmessanoIf your ITSP is using G729 and you're using G729 on the devices you wont be transcoding
02:50.17drmessanoIf any leg of the call needs to be transcoded, thats 1 license
02:50.30drmessanoSo g729 <> ITSP w/g711 would be 1
02:50.32reno139they are
02:51.06reno139ok, so if i'm end to end g729, no license required?
02:51.23drmessanoTheres cases like voicemail where you would be transcoding
02:51.32reno139i see
02:51.46drmessanoSo you may be able to get by with 2 licenses, or 3
02:52.09reno139yeah, because i seriously doubt that i would be getting more than one VM at a time
02:52.13drmessanoMaybe less.. If you're always end to end G729, you may need that 1 for the occasional voicemail or inbound SIP call thats non-g729
02:52.15reno139or, more than 2 or 3 a day
02:52.46reno139but, if my trunk is g729, then they would be handing that, correct?
02:53.13drmessanoIf your ITSP is using G729, and you are using G729, there is no transcoding involved
02:53.38reno139and thanks, this is the most informative bit of info i've received so far!
02:53.49drmessanoIf it were me
02:53.57drmessanoHaving the volume of calls you expressed
02:54.33drmessanoI would get 2.. It's a 20 spot..
02:54.57drmessanoIf you're aggressive and max volume is 1, then you have 1 "just in case"
02:56.20*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:56.43reno139thanks for the info! off to do some more reading.
02:56.50drmessanoNo probs
02:59.39*** join/#asterisk jeev (n=email@unaffiliated/jeev)
03:10.27*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
03:27.16*** join/#asterisk rcy (
03:30.13tmiw_neat, I got T.38 working :D
03:39.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
03:51.26jeevpump it up
03:51.29jeevi saw W. HILARIOUS
03:51.34jeevi saw W., HILARIOUS
03:58.05*** join/#asterisk osiris (
03:59.51drmessanoAffleck doing Olbermann = VERY WIN
04:00.00drmessanoFunniest SNL skit I have seen in a LOOONG time
04:00.00*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:01.11*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
04:15.45AndyMLI'm having trouble with Dahdi - anyone figured it out that wants to help?
04:16.53AndyMLI have a quad span digium card and I get this when I run dahdi_cfg -vvv
04:16.54AndyMLline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
04:18.59*** part/#asterisk heedly (
04:21.04*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:24.11*** join/#asterisk beek (
04:26.47beekHello guys.  I have a Sangoma A200d card -- when dialing out I frequently get issues with the DTMF being recognized by Verizon... so 50% of the time the call does not get placed.   I'm using the latest dahdi/asterisk combo on Linux.  I have not found anything to delay dialing once the line is connected.  Other than changing parameters in kernel.h in dahdi-linux, do you have any suggestions?
04:29.39[TK]D-Fenderbeek: You mean DTMF before the call is fully started, or after its really in progress?
04:30.27beekI'm doing a Dial(DAHDI/G0/xxxx).   Half the time I get a completed call, the other times I get
04:30.45beekthe three-tones, then "you're call cannot be completed as dialed."
04:31.15beekThere are four FXOs on this card and only one of the three lines is consistently good.
04:31.22[TK]D-Fenderbeek:  Dial(DAHDI/G0/wwxxxx)
04:31.38[TK]D-Fenderbeek: "w"'s in front of the number add 1/2s ea
04:31.47[TK]D-Fenderbeek: that should do it
04:31.51beekThat was what I was looking for!   Thanks.
04:32.51beek[TK]D-Fender: Got the A104d installed... really easy to get going.  Thanks again for that, as well.
04:33.06[TK]D-FenderbekkQuite welcome.
04:35.30x86[TK]D-Fender: I thought the w's added 1/4 second each
04:35.42beek[TK]D-Fender: Whlie I have you... I also have a problem with callerid on these lines.   One line is a private line and CallerID comes in every time.  The other three are in a hunt group and verizon delays the FSK for CallerID and it frequently gets ignored.   Anything I can do to delay the actual anwer?  I have a wait(8) before the actual answer();
04:35.57*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
04:36.52[TK]D-Fenderbeek: You shouldn't have to wait at all... just asking * for CID should do it... and if they are fubar'd, then bitch to the telco.
04:37.18beek[TK]D-Fender: Will do.   Thanks very much for all of your help -- have a good night.
04:37.25*** join/#asterisk voxter (
04:48.18*** join/#asterisk terracon (
04:50.24*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
04:53.52AndyML[TK]D-Fender: wanna help me with a T1 config in dahdi? something just isn't right but I think i'm close...
05:01.12anglerbeek, Yea, Asterisk will have already looked for the CID before it even executes your dial plan so using a Wait won't have any affect
05:01.34jeevangler, you new or am i not paying attention to my op list
05:01.56beekangler: Thanks... This SNAFU is a PITA.
05:01.59angleryou must not have been paying attention to the op list for years  :)
05:02.32jeevahh ok cool
05:02.41jeevi was going to introduce myself as the guy who beats up russellb
05:02.44jeevbut now you wont beliee me
05:03.12angler-been around for 5.5 years  :)
05:03.21anglerjeev, lol
05:04.00anglerI don't get much time on IRC anymore
05:04.26anglerworkin late tonight  :)
05:04.40jeevis russell there?
05:04.50angleri think im the only one here
05:04.55jeevgo leave him a gift on his desk
05:05.05jeevif it's diarrhea
05:05.07jeeveven better
05:05.51anglerheck I didn't know he had a flag in his office
05:06.29anglerwonders if file is still awake
05:06.55anglerfile, what time is it there?
05:07.09fileit went from 2AM to 1AM 7 minute sago
05:07.38anglerah. thats right the time moves back an hour tonight
05:07.55anglerill prolly forget and end up working even more tonight
05:08.02filebut now I go to sleep
05:08.17anglertty monday then
05:08.31*** part/#asterisk hadronzoo (
05:08.44anglercan blast music since no one else is here.
05:09.59jeevor porn
05:11.09jeevand dont blast john denver for christ sake
05:11.26*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
05:11.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
05:17.21Carlos_PHXTime change, what a weird concept.
05:20.04anglerpokes russellb
05:21.53russellbfalls over
05:23.00*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
05:23.35anglerrussellb, you should join me at work
05:24.59*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
05:28.26russellbangler: heh, um ... i think i'll stay home
05:28.32russellbdo you need something?  or are you just bored :)
05:28.42anglerbored :)
05:28.59anglerwell not really, working on some perl scripts and dial plan
05:29.19anglerrussellb, is marko in town?
05:30.09russellbcool ... i don't know.  he was last night, at least
05:30.46angleryou go to his place last night? I wanted to but ended up being really tired.
05:31.03russellbyeah, i did, it was fun
05:31.13anglerlot of people?
05:31.48russellbhmm ... maybe 30
05:56.43beekangler:  I'm really beating my head against the wall over this.  This is the error on the asterisk console:
05:56.47beek[Nov  2 01:55:45] ERROR[7030]: callerid.c:564 callerid_feed: No start bit found in fsk data.
05:58.03anglerbeek, I bet the telco uses a distinctive ring to differentiate the line it came in on since they are in a hunt group
05:58.55beekYes, they do.
05:59.14beekSo, is there a workaround for this?
06:00.00russellbnot really, there is no way for asterisk to predict which ring type they are going to use
06:00.12russellbasterisk is just going to try to look for callerid after the first ring ...
06:00.49*** join/#asterisk hadronzoo (
06:01.17hadronzooHello, is it possible to use jabber.conf to connect to multiple gtalk accounts concurrently?
06:02.31hadronzoorussellb: how do I separate the accounts?  Do I use separate [sections]?
06:02.35beekrussellb: Thanks...
06:02.42jeevi got my ass torn in red alert 3
06:03.01russellbhadronzoo: correct
06:03.13Carlos_PHXI thought that game was for little girls?
06:03.37jeevno way
06:03.53hadronzoorussellb: each with its own context?
06:04.22russellbi think so
06:04.46hadronzoorussellb: thanks for your help
06:05.56jeevknocks on russellb's head
06:07.50*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
06:10.37russellbcontinues to ignore jeev
06:11.00jeevto TRY
06:11.01jeevto ignore
06:11.54jeevcome on russellb.
06:12.40*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
06:16.28jeevi'm hungry
06:16.49*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
06:24.43[gnubie]is anyone on this channel tried this => on Asterisk-1.4.x ?
06:27.12jeevrussellb, feed me
06:28.19drmessano[gnubie]: Were you not here earlier when the AUTHOR of that app told you it was an ugly hack?
06:28.52[gnubie]drmessano: nope. sorry.
06:29.19drmessano[gnubie]: Actually, you were... and ignored it.. like the rest of the waste of time I spent typing earlier lol
06:29.42[gnubie]drmessano: i don't know. may i know his nick on this channel?
06:29.50drmessanoAnyway.. Even coppice said it was thrown together and didn't have much faith in it
06:29.55drmessanoand he WROTE IT
06:30.08drmessanoNot sure if that tells you something
06:30.22hadronzoodoes anyone know how to associate a particular jabber connection with a context?
06:30.32[gnubie]drmessano: i don't know.
06:30.54drmessanoWhat dont you know?
06:31.24[gnubie]drmessano: i just found out that the callweaver project is using it and it is updated since last month
06:32.54[gnubie]drmessano: that the author wrote somewhere that he didn't have faith in what he wrote. i actually was trying to find the reason why it was gone
06:33.14drmessanoYou should have asked him earlier
06:33.42[gnubie]drmessano: honestly, i didn't noticed him and i don't know his nick
06:33.46drmessano"It works, but it's a poor first resort" were almost his exact words
06:35.20drmessanook, [gnubie].. Word of advice.. if you're gonna ask for input or help with something you want to actually READ what is said BACK to you.. Not only did you waste my time, but you wasted the time of the guy who wrote it who was talking to you about it.. or so he thought
06:36.51[gnubie]drmessano: i am.. but earlier when i was online, i was researching about that app_dtmftotext and why it was gone.. maybe i didn't noticed it when i was online..
06:37.34[gnubie]drmessano: and i was also looking for alternative way of doing similar solution to my need
06:37.35drmessano[gnubie]: You were researching it and the guy who wrote it was was trying to talk to you about it.. Does this make any sense to you?
06:38.00[gnubie]drmessano: as i've said earlier, i don't know his nick and sorry about that
06:40.40[gnubie]drmessano: ok, i just checked my history.. it was you and him whom i chatted earlier.. sorry about that..
06:45.15hadronzoodo jabber.conf and gtalk.conf follow a standard format?  If so, could someone point me in the right direction?
06:46.11*** join/#asterisk ltd (
06:48.57drmessanohadronzoo: Try the samples in the tarball
06:50.23hadronzoodrmessano: I have it working for one account, and I can have two accounts logged in and working.  My question is how do I assign a context to a jabber connection.  Or, how to jabber labels map to the gtalk.conf file?
06:51.12hadronzoodrmessano: s/to/do
06:51.50drmessanohadronzoo: The setup in gtalk.conf is associated with a connection in jabber.conf
06:51.57drmessanoIts all well laid out in the samples
06:53.03drmessanogtalk.conf defines the contexts, allow lines, etc
06:53.09hadronzoodrmessano: can you point me to the samples you are looking at (I've had to install this manually)?
06:53.51drmessanoThey're in the tarball
06:54.23hadronzoodrmessano: the iksemel tarball?
06:54.48drmessanoThese are ASTERISK config files
06:54.55drmessanoThey are in the ASTERISK tarball
06:55.48*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
06:55.53hadronzoook, I'll take a look.  Thanks.
07:00.29hadronzoodrmessano: OK, I'm looking at these samples.  How is gtalk.conf tied to jabber.conf for an incoming call?
07:01.15*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
07:01.30hadronzoodrmessano: In other words, how can I assign seperate contexts for the different jabber connections?
07:02.05drmessanoIts all defined in gtalk.conf
07:02.32drmessanothe associated connection statement == connection in jabber.conf
07:03.35hadronzoodrmessano: ok, in this case under [ogorman] label
07:04.32hadronzoodrmessano: so for each jabber connection, I just create a new label, where each label ties to a jabber connection and defines a new context
07:04.54*** mode/#asterisk [+b %jeev!*@*] by russellb
07:05.03russellbjeev: congrats on earning another ban
07:06.33drmessanohadronzoo: IIRC the intention was that jabber.conf is your Jabber/XMPP connection and gtalk was the jingle bit of Gtalk
07:06.54drmessanoI know the application names have been clarified in 1.6 now
07:09.14hadronzoodrmessano: thanks for clarifying this for me.  I think I understand how they tie together now.
07:09.56drmessanohadronzoo: Thats saying a lot.. I had to stare at them for a bit and hold my mouth just right to get it when I took it on some time back
07:11.19hadronzoodrmessano: well, than perhaps "understand" is overstating things :)
07:11.30*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:11.43drmessano"Ah, I see what you did there"  <-- is close enough
07:12.20[gnubie]gtg for now..
07:12.22drmessanoOnce you get it working its actually all slick how it works together
07:12.26[gnubie]thanks drmessano.. ;)
07:12.40*** join/#asterisk feeds (
07:12.46drmessanoEspecially when your asterisk bot starts spamming your IM client with messages from the dialplan
07:13.22hadronzooha.  I'm already impressed, and I'm just beginning.  Making calls from GTalk is really cool
07:14.41hadronzoo(and having those calls terminate to my cell phone)
07:15.44drmessanoAs soon as AOL gets off their ass and finishes the SIP features they have been working on, now you've got massive IM integration with Asterisk
07:18.41hadronzoodrmessano: when do you think that will occur?
07:19.45drmessanoRight now you can register a SIP client to AIM, make SIP calls out with it.. No calling in, no calling other users.. Im really not sure at this point.. They're pussyfooting around for some reason
07:20.55hadronzoodrmessano: what about the other popular services?  I know skype is proprietary.  What about Yahoo?
07:22.17drmessanoYahoo uses SIP, but it's not accessible
07:22.38anglerthinks about sleeping under his desk...
07:22.43hadronzoodrmessano: that's unfortunate
07:22.48drmessanoReally, they use SIP because it's there.. no plans to make it open or anything
07:23.28drmessanoIIRC MSN used sip at one point
07:23.37drmessanoNot sure about now
07:23.46*** part/#asterisk feeds (
07:25.45hadronzoodrmessano: I know that the point of Asterisk is voice and not messaging, but has someone attempted to write a messaging client for Asterisk that connects to these proprietary protocols?
07:26.28jjshoemsn also yanked sip out
07:26.43drmessanoMSN was Net2Phone.. I was just reading it
07:26.52drmessanoThey used Net2Phone in 2.0
07:27.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:28.13drmessanohadronzoo: Effort vs ROI.. Gtalk/Jabber was open, they partnered with Skype, and if AOL comes to the table, it will be due to their implmentation of SIP.. beyond that, it doesnt make a lot of sense
07:28.48drmessanoYahoo and MSN are not widely know for their phone features.. AIM barely is, but they've also made it an issue, not just an accessory
07:29.26hadronzoodrmessano: Right, but the messaging side is understood, right (i.e. Pidgin)?
07:29.57drmessanoAt some level.. it's all done with reverse engineering
07:30.20jjshoepoor donnie
07:30.32drmessanojjshoe: I thought that myself lol
07:30.48drmessanoNihlists got him
07:32.05jjshoethis isn't nam smokie, we have rules here
07:32.20drmessanoHE WAS OVER THE LINE
07:32.37drmessanoWho the hell brings a gun to a bowling alley
07:33.20drmessanoWalter Sobchak, that's who
07:36.15drmessanoDigg has a story about a moving skyscraper for NYC
07:36.48drmessanoFirst thought: Oh crap, here they come again.. wait for it... wait for it.... MOVE IT LEFT, NOW
07:37.09*** part/#asterisk sivadnz (
07:37.57drmessanoIm still waiting for the Ben Affleck skit from SNL to get posted
07:39.44*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
07:47.12xacatecasdahdi seems to have both hw and sw gain, why would I need both?
08:00.54tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, at the moment only FXO modules on wctdm/wctdm24xxp seem to support hwgain
08:01.25tzafrir_laptop(yeah, yeah, we have it on our TODO list)
08:01.38xacatecastzafrir_laptop, not complaining.  i only use FXO modules anyway.
08:01.42xacatecasjust wondering.
08:02.02xacatecasi personally think * is a really cool product.
08:02.06tzafrir_laptoptheoretically hwgain should be the one to use if it available
08:02.22xacatecasmakes sense.
08:03.05tzafrir_laptopbut test it . we tested it here (by direct registers manipulation, that is) and it had bad effects
08:03.27xacatecasi wouldn't even know how to do direct register manipulation.
08:03.50xacatecasi just set rx/txgain in chan_dahdi.conf and get good results.  i leave it alone.
08:04.08tzafrir_laptopit is basically manipulation on the analog waveform, and hence should not be as lossy as the digital software gain
08:05.34xacatecason a totally different angle, Monitor vs MixMonitor, I like that Monitor allows me to record each channel separately (g729) and then later convert and mix it back, but I take it there are risks to that?
08:08.14xacatecason chan_dahdi.conf, I'm trying to get the section based configuration working, however, it doesn't seem to be working, how can I go about trouble-shooting this?  i've got verbosity at 10 but no luck so far.
08:08.50*** join/#asterisk radgrills (
08:10.57tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, what version of asterisk do you have? sections-based config works as of 1.6.1
08:11.21radgrillshi there, i'm a complete n00b to asterisk and I just checked out the latest svn trunk and compiled it on my gentoo ~x86 system.
08:11.23tzafrir_laptopthe sample chan_dahdi.conf in 1.6.0 accidentally included them
08:11.35xacatecas1.6.0 with dahdi 2.0.0
08:11.36tzafrir_laptop(and the sample file was fixed in
08:12.22radgrillsi need some help with a floating point error when I try to dial from a sip phone
08:12.30tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, in fact, the change of that sample file was the sole change from 1.6.0 to
08:12.43xacatecastzafrir_laptop, ok well, then I'm just going to use the non-section stuff for now, was just thinking it's a cleaner mechanism.
08:12.53xacatecastoo lazy to go and compile asterisk-1.6.1 right now.
08:13.39tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, alternatively, if you don't use users.conf for anything, use it as your chan_dahdi.conf
08:14.52xacatecasi don't.  how would I go about that?  I've only got like three lines per section and I've already written it without the section stuff, but it most definitely would be "safer" to use the sectionized stuff.
08:15.02xacatecasreads users.conf
08:15.21tzafrir_laptopjust put the sections you wanted to put in chan_dahdi.conf, in users.conf instead
08:15.41xacatecasthis will work for fxo channels too?
08:15.56tzafrir_laptopdon't try to have that generate dialpan, sip, or whatever
08:16.16xacatecastries reads users.conf and reads each section separately
08:16.47tzafrir_laptopradgrills, floating point error? where?
08:16.53xacatecasok, so I should also set hassip=no and hasiax=no in [general] in users.conf?
08:17.15radgrillstzafrir, as soon as i try to dial anything
08:17.18tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, I think it's the default. but maybe it would be more clear that way
08:17.32radgrillsmy dialplan works fine with version 1.4
08:17.41tzafrir_laptopfloating point error? do you have a backtrace?
08:17.51radgrillsi ran an strace, but i don't really understand the output
08:18.29tzafrir_laptopradgrills, I would put that in the, pardon the expression, "strange gentoo errors dept"
08:18.30radgrillsmay i post the last few lines of the strace output?
08:19.03radgrillsmy svn version is Asterisk SVN-trunk-r153577
08:19.17tzafrir_laptopYou gentoos experiment with all sorts of combinations of build options, and hence expose all that should not be done :-)
08:19.26xacatecasstrace gives a list of system calls, probably not too useful for floating point errors, gdb would be more useful (if you've compiled with debugging info).
08:19.29tzafrir_laptopradgrills, does it crash asterisk?
08:19.38radgrillsyes it crashes
08:19.40xacatecastzafrir_laptop, i use gentoo too, have very, very few "strange gentoo errors"
08:19.43tzafrir_laptopif so, next thing to do would be a backtrace
08:19.59radgrillsi don't mind recompiling
08:20.39radgrillsi'm really keen to try out chan_mobile
08:20.52radgrillsthat's why i wanted the SVN trunk
08:21.38xacatecasradgrills, i discovered that thing too on friday - haven't yet had time to play, but it looks really useful.
08:21.43radgrillsthe CLI works fine, I can execute various commands, the crash only happens when I try to dial from a sip phone
08:21.54tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, here's a similar error that is, in fact, not on a gentoo system:
08:21.56xacatecasto chan_mobile?
08:22.12radgrillsno, to any number (valid or invalid)
08:22.28radgrillssorry, extenstion instead of "number"
08:22.37xacatecascompile with debugging info, run asterisk inside gdb and get a backtrace on the crash.
08:22.44tzafrir_laptop(someone played with a custom kernel, and actually on a Debian system, and ran into an issue with the scheduler)
08:22.47radgrillsok will try
08:22.52xacatecastzafrir_laptop, users.conf works!
08:23.13tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, also: check that it does not create any dialplan
08:23.40radgrillsi did do my own kernel, so it could well be something there
08:24.02tzafrir_laptopradgrills, it would look at userspace first
08:24.17tzafrir_laptopkernel normally does not touch floating point
08:24.17xacatecastzafrir_laptop, i scanned dialplan show and didn't see anything, is there a more reliable way to confirm this?
08:24.17radgrillsthe other thing is, i don't have any zaptel/dahdi components, and i'm not using ztdummy
08:24.31radgrillstazfir, ok thanks for that tip
08:24.52radgrillssorry for the finger trouble
08:25.29radgrillsfwiw, my kernel is 2.6.26-gentoo-r1
08:27.00radgrillsok, i just need to emerge gdb, and check the debug compile option
08:27.25tzafrir_laptopthe standard build is with debug information
08:28.00tzafrir_laptoptry: file /usr/sbin/asterisk (or whereever it is). If it is "not stripped", it is with debug info
08:28.56radgrillstzafrir, how do i check that it is "not stripped"?
08:29.33radgrillsi didn't change any selections (standard .configure, make, make install)
08:30.03radgrillsso i guess it has the debug symbols in it then
08:31.25radgrillsi've never used gdb before, so I might need some hand-holding
08:33.19tzafrir_laptopgdb -c path/to/core.file /usr/sbin/asterisk
08:33.20radgrillsoh yeah, i should mention, my hardware is a little low on spec (PIII 700 MHz, with 256Mb RAM)
08:33.25tzafrir_laptop(gdb) bt
08:33.32tzafrir_laptop(gdb) bt full
08:34.09tzafrir_laptopradgrills, if it was good enough to build asterisk, it is sure way good enough to run gdb
08:34.20radgrillslol ... i bet
08:34.40radgrillsno, i meant that might bear some relation to my FPE
08:35.13tzafrir_laptopI want to see what libraries were involved
08:35.17xacatecasradgrills, 700MHz?  256MB RAM?  not too long ago that was a "high spec" machine.
08:35.31radgrillsyou're right
08:35.32tzafrir_laptopin fact, the bt would be more interesting for starters
08:35.54xacatecasremembers in 2005 still working with a dual MMX200 with 256MB RAM. With a memory hole at 16MB causing me severe strangeness.
08:36.01radgrillsstill busy compiling gdb ...
08:36.17tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, err... "not long ago" as in 7 years ago?
08:36.37xacatecas2005 == 3 yeas ago.
08:36.40tzafrir_laptopis used to simply apt-get install ...
08:36.53xacatecasbut yes, the machine was already like 5 years old at the time.
08:37.11xacatecaslikes debian too. but not as much as his gentoo.
08:38.05radgrillsi "discovered" linux through Knoppix (Debian) ... but I really like gentoo now
08:38.44xacatecaswhat would this imply: [Nov  2 10:38:26] WARNING[21144]: chan_dahdi.c:4290 handle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 2: Red Alarm
08:39.05xacatecasit has it's pros and cons.  long compile times is a con.
08:40.42radgrillsi agree, but at least it minimizes precompiled shared lib issues, and dependency issues
08:40.54radgrillsi just wish there was an ebuild for asterisk-svn
08:42.59xacatecascreate one.
08:43.13xacatecasi submitted a bug report regarding chan_mobile on friday, it's fixed.
08:43.25radgrillsoh great
08:43.36xacatecasno wait, that was the pkgconfig bug ...
08:43.44xacatecashad a LONG day yesterday.
08:44.10xacatecascompile of asterisk-addons currently fails if the mobile useflag is not set (missing deps)
08:44.43xacatecasand i really don't want all the bluetooth jaz on my server where I don't have bluetooth to begin with.
08:45.08radgrillsoh, i built it without the using ebuild
08:45.20radgrillsi just have a bluetooth dongle
08:45.55radgrillsbut i'm hoping i will be able to route cellular calls through there
08:46.26xacatecashehe, i'm hoping to do exactly the opposite, if/when i walk into the office, have asterisk pick up my calls coming in off my cell phone.
08:46.43xacatecasbut i'll use my laptop as a "jump" point.
08:47.28radgrillsi have another question ...
08:47.32xacatecasor fake a bluetooth device on the server that actually connects to the real bluetooth device on my laptop via tcp or something (local lan, shouldn't be a problem)
08:47.55radgrillsyesterday, i build a little IVR plan ...
08:48.22radgrillsUsing the Background() application
08:48.54xacatecaswhy not Read()?
08:48.59radgrillsI would like it to automatically detect if the incoming call from the PSTN is a fax, and go ahead and receive the fax
08:49.07drmessanoI got tired of messing with 1.4 SVN and Chan_mobile
08:49.13drmessano1.6 makes it much nicer
08:49.19*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
08:49.34radgrillsIs trunk = 1.6 ?
08:49.45xacatecasNVFaxDetect iirc, then create an extension called fax in the same context.  if the call jumps to that extension then you've got a fax.
08:49.48radgrillsI don't see 1.6 in the version
08:50.03radgrillsyes, I do have a fax extension
08:50.18xacatecasi believe NVFaxDetect is part of asterisk-addons.
08:50.23radgrillsIs NVFaxDetect an application?
08:50.27radgrillsOr a module?
08:50.40xacatecasit's an application that gets loaded as part of some module.
08:50.41drmessano1.6 is current
08:51.06radgrillsso perhaps I should try that instead of trunk
08:51.28radgrillsDo I need to call NVFaxDetect in my dialplan?
08:51.47xacatecasyes, just before/after Answer() I believe.
08:52.04radgrillsxacatecas, ok i'll add that, thanks
08:52.22drmessanoTrunk is a little too cutting edge for me
08:52.28xacatecasI usually have dedicated fax lines/extensions so I haven't used it before as such, but I have seen that that is how things like freepbx does it.  (except it seems to crash more often than not on trixbox)
08:52.44drmessanoI prefer the stable + SVN
08:53.22xacatecasdrmessano, agreed.  but I like to just stick with the tagged versions.
08:53.33xacatecasi'll custom patch here + there for specific needs.
08:53.37radgrillsdrmessano, I'm beginning to understand why you do ...
08:54.05drmessanoWell, having commits before tagged versions is much better IMO
08:55.23drmessanoand tagged versions are too binding.. Isnt a version number kinda subjective?  What makes 1.4.23 better than 1.4.22?  Few updates.. and someone saying "Ok, lets release here".. What about the next commit.. does it make it unstable?  No
08:55.43drmessanoTrunk is a bit different
08:57.07xacatecasdrmessano, following svn on a number of different servers becomes a pain in the backside.
08:57.30xacatecasso whilst perfectly do-able for in-house it's a serious pain if you need to do this for 20+ clients.
08:57.56drmessanoWho says anything about "keeping up?"
08:58.06drmessanoand again
08:58.21xacatecasah, you're just installing and leaving, and updating if people complain about particular problems :p.  smart man.
08:58.30drmessanoUh no
08:58.49xacatecasok ?
08:59.38drmessanoIf I decide to upgrade 20+ servers to 1.4.18, and dont upgrade those 20 again until 1.4.22 what makes 1.4.22 any better than when I ran svn update, make and make install 2 weeks after after 1.4.22 and had the latest 1.4.x commits?
09:00.15xacatecasno difference really.
09:00.37xacatecasi think i'm beginning to see your side.  it makes sense.
09:02.02drmessanoNone at all.. and theres no "keeping up", since you're not gonna tell me you've "kept up" anyway.. you decided now was a good time to make it all current, who cares if it's or post 1.4.22.. If you decided to sleep in this week, it would have been
09:04.02drmessanoWith 1.6 it becomes even more interesting because of the new release strategy.. I think specific version numbers are even less important now
09:05.30radgrillsok, gdb is compiled
09:06.28radgrillstzafrir, any idea where I might look for the core dump?
09:09.24tzafrir_laptopradgrills, post (pastebin?) it
09:10.01radgrillsi don't know where to find it?
09:10.15radgrillscan I run asterisk from within gdb?
09:10.18tzafrir_laptophmm... you need to run asterisk with -g
09:10.24radgrillsoh ok
09:11.29radgrillsi did that, and crashed it by dialing 1 digit on my sip phone.
09:12.42radgrillswill it dump core to the current folder, or to /var/spool/asterisk ?
09:12.58drmessanoxacatecas: Its funny you mentioned trixbox earlier.. and talk about "keeping up".. Fonality creates a pseudo-uncertainly layer with their yum updates for trixbox almost on an hourly basis.. Do you know if you have,, or  Probably not, but they're updating that RPM under nose fixing crap here and there and also increasing the chances they'll bork one.  You can already be on and see 3 RPM updates t
09:13.16drmessanoId much rather deal with SVN
09:14.33xacatecasdrmessano, agreed, which is exactly why I'm moving away from that crap as quickly as i possibly can.
09:14.57xacatecasmy quality is better without their BS.  i don't know, I don't have half the functionality yet, but what I have is "just working" now.
09:15.24xacatecasradgrills, current folder.
09:15.48radgrillsok, well then there's no dump
09:16.01radgrillsaccording to strace it exits with a SIGFPE
09:16.09drmessanoIndeed.. all that fluff n Trixbox is valued added shit anyway.. Only thing really that FreePBX doesnt provide is provisioning.
09:16.13xacatecasyes, that's most likely a division by zero.
09:16.25drmessanoEverything else is just green wrapper for FreePBX and assloads of broken RPMs
09:16.57radgrillswell, I just checked out version 1.6.1 and compiled that, so if that works, I can try chan_mobile with that
09:17.03xacatecasdrmessano, provisioning is one thing I suspect I'm after.  This having to flippen configure every button on every phone by hand is driving my technicians up the wall.
09:18.20drmessanoxacatecas: It's not that much work to edit some XMLs..
09:18.20xacatecasanyway, enough slandering, let's rather focus on a great product, called * and see how we can make it even greater still.
09:19.02radgrillsyeah, great product for sure, amazing
09:19.08tzafrir_laptopradgrills, what codec was used there?
09:19.10xacatecasdrmessano, well, i first need to get some basic things going, but xml is not difficult to do, just need something to work from.
09:19.11drmessanoSlandering would imply things that arent true.. Nothing I said about is not based on 100% fact
09:19.25xacatecasdrmessano, :)
09:21.54xacatecasok, with the cascading sections I can now declare a section like [line](!) and then [company](line), is it possible to "sub" the [company] one again?  in other words, [line1](company) ?
09:24.42xacatecasI've got say 8 incoming lines that needs to be split between about 5 companies that share the pbx, and there are obvious stuff that holds for all lines (like context) and then per company (group, pickupgroup, callgroup) and then per-line (DID and gains) stuff that needs to be set.
09:25.46xacatecascontext is shared and goes to a context that only contains "exten => s,1,Goto(incoming,${DAHDI_DID},1)" where DAHDI_DID is set within the line-specific section.
09:29.43radgrillstzafrir, this make install is taking forever ... i can't wait to see if 1.6.1 will be the answer to my problems
09:31.04tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, you can use setenv in some channel drivers . I think that in chan_dahdi 1.6.1 as well
09:31.14xacatecasin 1.6.0 already.
09:31.31tzafrir_laptopeven better
09:32.00xacatecasi make use of those, it's just that a bunch of things are set at each of those three levels and I'm one of those fanatics that hate duplicating even the smallest of bits and pieces of configuration.
09:32.51xacatecasanyway, so I want to create templates from templates.
09:32.52drmessanoI wouldnt be using 1.6.1 yet..
09:32.56tzafrir_laptopCascading Configuration Sections . Almost the same as CSS. Any better TLA?
09:32.57drmessanoI couldnt get addons to compile with it
09:33.27tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, there was a recent addons release, IIRC
09:33.40tzafrir_laptopanyway, could you point me to an error message?
09:33.44xacatecastzafrir_laptop, argh!  no, i can't think of any.
09:34.13drmessanoI tried addons SVN last weekend and it didnt work.. unless they've changed something
09:34.44tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, that's as opposed to Configuration All in one Section (CAS)
09:35.07drmessanoNope.. no updates
09:35.24xacatecasthis cascading thing is actually more configuration but it reads a heck of a lot simpler.
09:40.48rednulI have a situation where I have multiple accounts with the same provider.  I setup a sip trunk (using FreePBX) for each account.  Incoming calls seem to work fine.  However, outgoing calls fail on any trunk but the first (seems to have an issue authenticating properly).  It seems that it due to multiple sip connections going to the same server ip & port.  Any advice getting asterisk to work with these multiple accounts to t
09:42.45xacatecasrednul, one of my clients had exactly the opposite problem.  please pastebin your configuration.
09:43.24xacatecasdrew, tzafrir_laptop - what is the purpose of having multiple "contexts" for voicemail?
09:43.45xacatecaseach user is only supposed to have access to his/her own voicemail anyway?
09:43.48tzafrir_laptopmultiple namespaces
09:44.03tzafrir_laptope.g.: for hosting multiple companies
09:44.17xacatecasso there are no security implications or something similar that i should be aware of?
09:44.31xacatecasso it's purely a namespace thing?
09:45.06tzafrir_laptopAs for security: if you can change the dialplan, (or even originate calls) you have just about full control over asterisk
09:45.12xacatecasso voice mailboxes need only be unique within a specific namespace?  eg, i can have a voice mailbox 123 in both context "a" and "b"?
09:45.58xacatecastzafrir_laptop, i know that, which is why I'm the only person with access to the dialplan :).
09:46.03tzafrir_laptoperr.. you can have two different mailboxes with the name 123 in contexts a and b
09:46.19xacatecasyes, that's what i understood.
09:46.30xacatecasmy question was unclear.
09:47.12xacatecasok, so essentially if I then have a number to dial to get to voicemail in theory I can tell it that the caller only have access to voice mail boxes in a specific context?
09:48.03xacatecashmm, looks like it based on the description of VoiceMailMain
09:54.41radgrillstzafrir, great news .... 1.6.1 doesn't crash
09:55.22radgrillstzafrir, so for now I'll forget about trunk and stick with 1.6.1
09:55.37radgrillsthanks for all the help
09:57.45*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
09:59.10drmessanoWhich addons did you use?
10:01.17Bladerunner05i'm looking for web-interface to see asterisk log order by callerid or extension time etcetc
10:02.09radgrillsBladerunner05, I was looking at asterisk-stat yesterday, looks quite interesting
10:05.55xacatecasrednul, looks good as far as I can tell.  you say line-1 is working but the rest not?
10:06.32xacatecasauthname <-- is this different to authuser?
10:06.58rednulxacatecas: correct... if i disable line 1.. then line 2 works but not 3... and so on....  my provider has a secondary IP address I can connect to.. if i use that for line 2, it works, but then line 3 doesn't.. on either IP address....
10:07.21rednulxacatecas: was just something I added from reading one of the wikis.. hoping to help :)
10:07.27xacatecasincoming calls always works ...
10:07.36rednulxacatecas: yep
10:07.51rednulxacatecas: as far as i can tell...
10:07.56xacatecason the topic, what exactly does the /foo after a register line do?
10:08.12xacatecasrednul, what does sip set debug on reveal?
10:08.17radgrillsaaaargh, now I have a new problem with 1.6.1
10:09.02xacatecaslol @ radgrills - you're just a problematic person today.
10:09.10radgrillsMy Ekiga softphone fails to authenticate, hardware sip phones are working fine
10:09.10xacatecasanyway, I've got to run, i'm late for an appointment.
10:10.01radgrillsi can dial my Ekiga phone from a hardware phone ... clearly something wrong in my Ekiga configuration
10:11.06radgrillsok cheers xacateca, thanks for the support
10:12.03radgrillsThis was working perfectly with 1.4
10:16.01Bladerunner05thanks radgrills
10:16.45radgrillsBladerunner05, it needs mySQL or Postgres
10:17.07radgrillsbut I like the screenshots
10:17.21Bladerunner05I see
10:18.00drmessanoradgrills: No problems here with 1.6.0
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10:19.12radgrillsdrmessano, yes, I don't think its an asterisk problem this time - because my other hardware phones are working fine
10:19.56radgrillsi'm using a minimal sip.conf, so I'm probably missing something in my config
10:22.56radgrillssip show peers sees my ekiga phone as "online"
10:23.16radgrillsmoment i dial from ekiga, i get "security check error" on the ekiga status bar
10:23.50radgrillsand that "handle_request_invite" error in the CLI
10:33.55radgrillsoh well, insecuer=invite,port fixes that problem :)
10:34.04radgrillsinsecure even
10:35.47radgrillsright, now to tackle chan_mobile
10:37.20radgrillscan i use the trunk version of addons with the 1.6.1 branch?
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10:43.55radgrillsthinks i'll find out soon enough
11:12.21radgrillsok, looks like that works :-)
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11:38.16Daejeohello guys, i made a phone verification system for eliminating anonymous web registration/feedback abuse .
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11:38.51rnodeHi guys
11:39.00rnodecan you integrate asterisk with cisco call manager?
11:39.07Daejeoi want to evaluate the performance
11:39.45Daejeoi would appreciate if few people can test it
11:40.11Daejeoi can provide the URL by PM
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11:56.05donnibi have exten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0049${CALLERID(num)}) but the num is having a 0 in front. how can i remove that ?
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11:58.37donnibanyone ?
12:01.23tzafrir_laptop{CALLERID(num):1} ?
12:01.31tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure this syntax works
12:04.24donnibit does thank you :)
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13:31.22hi365anyone got the new 'rining' icon to work with polycom blf? (the icon that shows you that a remote extension is ringing)
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14:45.24*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:45.29Dovidhi guys.
14:46.19Dovidworking on creating a system where if some one calls an extension and they do not pick up say after 30 seconds then i wan to be able to see if they were on the phone and that is why they did not pick up or if the person was not at their desk and they did not pick up
14:48.55*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
14:53.43*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
14:57.29seanbrightDovid: 'core show application Dial' at the asterisk CLI
14:57.40seanbrightlook for the timeout option and the DIALSTATUS variable
14:58.07*** join/#asterisk ngvoice (n=linxrout@
14:58.44ngvoicehi there
14:59.14ngvoiceno one
15:00.55ngvoiceso silence
15:02.14Dovidseanbright: I tried it. got 0 back every time.
15:02.22Doviddo i need hinting working for it ?
15:02.49seanbrightpastebin your extensions.conf
15:02.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:04.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
15:05.25ngvoicehave anyone able to show the callee name on display
15:05.54ngvoicelike when i press 6000 to call Mr A, his name show up on the phone
15:06.04ngvoicejust like cisco call manager
15:06.46[TK]D-Fenderngvoice: there is a path being worked on, but nothing final.
15:06.56jbot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
15:07.51ngvoicethanks TK
15:09.03seanbrightDovid: 'core set verbose 10'
15:09.06seanbrightDovid: do a test call
15:09.11seanbrightDovid: pastebin the CLI output
15:09.50Dovidsean:I always get noanswer
15:09.58Dovideven when that extension is on the phone
15:10.09Dovidi am trying to see if that user was on the phone or not already when they get this call
15:10.31seanbrightis "that user" a local user?
15:11.38seanbrightunless you use either call-limit along with hints or the GROUP()/GROUP_COUNT() functions, it will always be NOANSWER
15:12.05Dovidseanbright: I have hints set up
15:12.39seanbrightwhat about call-limit on your SIP friends?
15:12.50Dovidseanbright: u see here the hints updating:
15:12.59Dovidcall-limit = 100
15:13.02Dovidit is set
15:13.03*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
15:13.21seanbrightright, at 100
15:13.40seanbrightso asterisk will deliver 100 calls before it returns a BUSY
15:13.51Dovidok. if i set it to 1
15:14.11Dovidthen it would let me know that they were busy however then i wouldnt be able to call their extension so its of no use
15:14.18[TK]D-FenderDovid: what are you expecting to happen here?
15:15.20DovidTK: Call extension 100, if user was not on the phone at the time say "user was away....... 1 for foo 2 for bar" if user was on the phone when they got this second call say "user was on the phone and busy...... 1 for x 2 for y"
15:15.40seanbrightright... so set call-limit to 1 and you're done
15:15.42[TK]D-FenderDovid: Well you didn't do any of that.
15:15.50seanbrightor use GROUP/GROUP_COUNT
15:16.05[TK]D-FenderDovid: You aren't checking the status before you dail and you aren't calling ChanIsAvail properly in the first place.
15:16.36DovidTK: I did actually Noop it out b4 but it didnt work so i tried it after.
15:17.10[TK]D-FenderDovid: Did I say anything about the variable?  No.  You are calling the APP wrong.
15:17.37DovidTK: then what am i doing wrong  ?
15:17.54[TK]D-FenderDovid: You are calling the app wrong <-
15:20.18DovidTK: That may be but I dont see how. from looking at the wiki example "exten => s,1,ChanIsAvail(Zap/2&Zap/1) "
15:21.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: Those aren't its instruction.  How many more times do we have to say that the wiki is outdated crap 99% of the time?
15:21.45seanbrightcore show application ChanIsAvail
15:21.50DovidTK: I get the same form core show application chanisavail
15:21.53Dovid"core show application chanisavail"
15:22.08seanbrightlook at the options
15:23.03Dovidseanbright: I can use s but then i wont know if the extension was actually busy OR if they were on the phone.
15:23.05Dovidbut OK
15:23.13seanbrightwhat is the difference?
15:23.19[TK]D-FenderDovid: O RLY?
15:23.35DovidTK: so i have seen but let me test again
15:23.40[TK]D-FenderDovid: What is a "real" busy" mean?
15:23.57seanbrighti am confused by the difference between "actually busy" and "they were on the phone"
15:24.03[TK]D-FenderDovid: You just don't seem to get it.
15:24.21[TK]D-FenderDovid: "busy" is when the PHONE tells you to "fuck off".
15:24.41Carlos_PHXAdd this to notes for future use.
15:24.48[TK]D-FenderDovid: the phone WANTS to accept another call even if its on a call already because it CAN <-
15:24.51seanbrightCarlos_PHX: it's already part of the SIP standard ;)
15:25.18seanbrightRFC 12312: Fuck-Off Support in SIP Devices
15:25.45[TK]D-FenderDovid: "busy" isn't "I'm on a call right now", its "I couldn't take you if I wanted to"
15:26.05Carlos_PHXI should set that as one of the DND text options.
15:27.36DovidTK: let me explain again. I want to let the caller know if the person they called was away from their desk and they are just lazy or if they were actually on a call, their phone rang but they didnt pick upbecause they were on another call
15:28.06[TK]D-FenderDovid: Yes, you answered that earlier
15:28.09DovidTK: I guess i was looking for something that would tell me (user is on the phone)
15:28.17[TK]D-FenderDovid: It does!
15:30.45DovidTK: ok then if I have (whcih I hope I using it correctly) the variable should change based on the state. it is always 0
15:31.36[TK]D-FenderDovid: Whart ver of *?
15:33.25Dovid1.4.20.1 to be exact
15:33.36[TK]D-FenderDovid: first change your "|" to a ",".... that's dumped in 1.6, then pastebin a call including a channel dump PRIOR as well as a hint dump.
15:34.03[TK]D-FenderDovid: And you should just test "availchan" as being blank or not
15:34.20DovidTK: I have "," and not "|"
15:34.36Dovidsorry for asking wut do u menay by hunt dump ?
15:34.42Dovidand channel dump
15:35.01Dovidnm. i see by the |S
15:35.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: And stop with the extra white-space in your exten lines.
15:35.50[TK]D-FenderDovid: "core show channels" <-
15:36.24Dovidhint dump = ?
15:36.56[TK]D-FenderDovid: core show hint".  FFS
15:36.59Dovidwhite spaces make issues ?
15:37.13[TK]D-FenderDovid: Whitespace fucks up all sort of things.
15:37.26Dovidgood to know
15:37.30Dovidlet me try with out
15:37.32[TK]D-FenderDovid: You don't read instructions and take liberties all over the place.
15:37.54DovidTK: I actually do it based on whom i learnt from ;) i guess i went wrong there
15:38.28Carlos_PHXI'd recommend reading the sample files, you learn a lot, and follow their style.
15:39.02Carlos_PHXNever heard:  "Asterisk is so forgiving in how I write my dialplan."
15:39.48[TK]D-Fender* variable usage is the dumbest thing I've ever seen and I've written considerably better 15 years ago.
15:40.36[TK]D-FenderWhitespace will screw GotoIF's, et and all sorts of fun things.
15:41.32*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:42.39Dovidwut was wierd now is with using the US when the second call comes in it goes no where. i should still ring. U see there that i have to soft hang it up
15:43.26[TK]D-FenderDovid: No, I don't see that.  What I see is 1 call to chanisavail and no checking of the result.
15:43.48[TK]D-FenderDovid: I see my time is completely wasted.
15:43.54DovidTK: I used a noop to display the status. i start slowly
15:44.03Dovidi guess i just need to start fresh tomorrow
15:44.58[TK]D-FenderDovid: your test is bad
15:45.12[TK]D-FenderYou are not showing me the status BEFORE chanisavail is called
15:45.22DovidThrows hands in the air and gives up for the day. (or atleast wants to)
15:45.29[TK]D-FenderDovid: And you are not checking the variable I told you to.
15:46.15DovidTK: Ok. you want {AVAILSTATUS} before i call chanisavail and what other variable where ?
15:46.21Carlos_PHXDovid: Suggestion...follow [TK]D-Fender's help closely, he knows what he's saying and you're getting valuable help...
15:46.33Dovidoh i see now: availchan"
15:46.39[TK]D-FenderDovid: You cehked if they were on the phone.  They WEREN'T.  You then went forward to call them.  they ANSWERD.  THEN you deicide its time to do a channel dump?
15:46.48[TK]D-FenderDovid: after which we see ONLY that call in progress!
15:47.00[TK]D-FenderDovid: which means they WEREN'T on the phone BEFORE and are NOW.
15:47.18hi365ive configure a mysql cdr. how can i test if the connect is succesfull? is there a command to see the status?
15:48.42DovidTK: baby steps for me. i should call in and ignore what it tells me then call in again (second time) and then run the dumps ?
15:48.58*** join/#asterisk maxxim (
15:49.19[TK]D-FenderDovid: Why are you testing chaanisavail when they are on the &^$#$ phone?
15:49.42maxximhi, how to configure asterisk, if the line is congested, the clirnt to be put on musoconhold, and automaticaly to transfer to the line, if it became free.
15:50.05[TK]D-Fendermaxxim: this is up to you to code in the dialplan.
15:50.10DovidTK: I want to save it for later to see where to send the user if the called person did not pick up
15:50.32hi365hmm, cdr mysql status shows Not currently connected to a MySQL server. does asterisk only connect when it has something to deposit in the db?
15:50.41[TK]D-Fendermaxxim: You have to Dial, check the result, play MoH for X time. try again.  Or use queues
15:51.07Carlos_PHXhi365: That's set in your DB config.  Read the sample file.
15:51.11[TK]D-FenderDovid: Check before you dial.  You have that var through the call.
15:51.48Carlos_PHXhi365: pre-connect => yes
15:52.04DovidTk: check ${AVAILCHAN}
15:52.07maxxim[TK]D-Fender> where can i read more about Queues?
15:52.25Carlos_PHXOn or in the queues.conf sample
15:52.30*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
15:52.45[TK]D-Fendermaxxim: The sample configs, the book, then the WIKI
15:53.24Carlos_PHXQueues are powerful but ...  What is the word...  Particular to how they are conigured.
15:53.57Dovidconfigs are only good as the one creating them, in my case i am up shits creek
15:54.22maxximthanks to all, i'll try to study it :)
15:54.34jayteemaxxim, the book is your paddle
15:54.39jbotfor heaven's sake, jaytee, don't do that!
15:54.40jbotfrom memory, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:55.05maxximthanks :)
15:55.38*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:56.17hi365Carlos_PHX: what file do you see pre-connect => yes in?
15:56.28hi365it sure aint here:
15:58.15Carlos_PHXI'm looking at a 1.6 server though.
15:58.56Carlos_PHXFairly certain in 1.4 it's the same file same thing
15:59.13hi365ill just assume that the thing will connect when it has what to send (and im not using odbc, im using mysql)
16:04.09*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
16:17.00DovidTK: I applied the devstate and its working for when that user is on a call :)
16:17.08Dovidthe devstate patch*
16:17.30Dovidbut when they are on they make a call it does not show they are on the phone. will work on it ;)
16:17.33Dovidthanks for all the help
16:18.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: Devstate is NOT phone check if a device is busy.  Its for creating a VIRTUAL device so you can mess with presence indicators
16:18.47[TK]D-FenderDovid: they are the opposite of what you are looking for.
16:19.59Dovideither way its cool if i wana play around
16:20.47[TK]D-FenderDovid: Yes, it can be a very useful thing for reporting dailplan flag status for how it will handle calls, etc.  Night-mode indicators, and other unusual things.
16:21.04maxximhi, i want to use L parameter in Dial, in order to play a sound every X seconds till the end of the call. unfortunatley it doens't works propoely for me. the call is aborted after the specified time, but the worning sound is not played during the call. please look here
16:25.07DovidTK: If i did:
16:25.38Dovidthen I can subscribe to Custom:lamp1 ?
16:28.20DovidTK: nm. i need to then subscribe to 1234. works ;)
16:38.34*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
16:39.27write__erasehi365, Are there SQL create table scripts somewhere in SVN ? for CDR ?
16:41.01write__eraseok thx
16:43.19maxximi;ve found the problem by looking into sourse code of *, it is a new syntacs deliter, L(20000:10000:3000)
16:46.02*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:47.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
16:50.14drmessanojaytee: Have you seen affleck doing Olbermann on SNL?
16:50.59*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
16:50.59*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
16:51.18jayteedrmessano, nope. I missed it.
16:51.38jayteehi russell
16:55.29drmessanoQuite honestly.. funniest SNL skit in years
16:55.36drmessanoThis week..
16:56.37Carlos_PHXHas anyone used the Noojee Firefox plugin?  (Click to dial from Firefox)
16:58.35drmessanocircles the room three times around Carlos_PHX, gaining speed and momentum, flies over, grabs the edge of his underoo's and applies a MASSIVELY PAINFUL NOOOOOJEEEEEEEE!!!!!1111!!!!ONES!!!!!11!!!!
16:59.14drmessanoNo, I have not
17:01.13Carlos_PHXWonders why he assumes I'm wearing underwear. Or anything at all really.
17:06.34jjshoeI can't recall the last time i wore underwear
17:06.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
17:07.28drmessanoI had a really good line about how disturbing that was, followed by an attempt to one-up it, however, there's still time in life for me to show I am more than just another Jeev with a Cobalt Praetorian American Express card
17:07.37drmessano"Don't leave Rome without it"
17:08.16jayteehahaha, Affleck nailed it!!!!
17:09.01drmessanoHOW DARE YOU SIR, HOW DARE YOU
17:09.04Carlos_PHXWTF.  Sometimes SIP sucks.
17:10.22jayteedrmessano, I have a Pink Diamond Praetorian Card, the preferred card for gay rollerbladers everywhere, "Don't skate to the gloryholes without it!"
17:12.25jayteedrmessano, what's really sad is that sometime the real Olbermann is dead on with his facts and analysis but unfortunately his delivery makes him look as big an assclown from the left as Bill O'Reilly is from the right. Just another bloviated bag of bullshit.
17:13.26drmessanoThat was really the best part.. Using the same inflection bashing Bush as he did the president of the coop board
17:13.33drmessanoCalling for his immediate resignation
17:13.35drmessanotoooo funny
17:13.54drmessano"Their silence is deafening"
17:14.50[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yes, good piece.  I like what Olberman has been able to do mind you, and the facts really just say it.  Mind you his inflection is harsh.... kinda like what a huge amount of the population feels but couldn't say themselves.
17:15.30[TK]D-FenderRachel Maddow is the calmer quirkier side of it esp as Olberman is moving out from the Countdown
17:15.41jjshoeI can't wait until we elect the next idiot so people stop talking about politics for a while :)
17:16.07drmessanoObama endorsed Asterisk
17:16.34drmessanoSure Ron Paul runs his pacemaker on it
17:16.38drmessanoBut still, cool
17:16.44jjshoehe's also half hasidic jew / half catholic
17:17.50[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: thats a lot of guilt in one man....
17:18.24jayteeone side does guilt the other does shame.
17:19.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:20.36drmessanoThey pick a day of the week
17:20.58drmessanoShame on Wednesday, guilt Thursday
17:21.07drmessanoGod, sounds like some S&M club
17:21.26Carlos_PHXFine line between that and a nun paddling you.
17:21.43drmessanoThats Tuesdays
17:22.08Carlos_PHXI got thrown out of Catholic school when I was 13 for punching a nun.  That sounds bad but I swear she had it coming.
17:22.12Carlos_PHXShe started it.
17:24.23jayteeI was forced by family pressure to convert to Catholicism at age 12. The nuns in my CCD classes hated me because I asked too many intelligent questions. I left the church after my 16th birthday.
17:28.05drmessanoI was forced to join a catholic church on Easter 3 or 4 times as a child.
17:28.09Carlos_PHXThe questions are what started the problems for me.
17:30.40*** join/#asterisk R-Guy (
17:31.41R-GuyAnyone know where I can get a DID for Mumbai?
17:32.10jayteefor me it was having a deep love of science and I'd just finished reading a biography of Galileo Galilei and his persecution, being forced to recant his heliocentric theory of the solar system and his eventual house arrest for the remainder of his life was the final straw for me.
17:35.32*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
17:36.30jayteeCarlos_PHX, did you miss my last statement in response to your line about questions?
17:36.35ManxPower"The Catholic Church does not make mistakes! " --The movie Dogma
17:36.51Carlos_PHXAbout Galileo, no, saw that.  It's but one example.
17:36.54jayteeManxPower, I have a Buddy Christ dashboard statue
17:37.07jayteeand you can get a bobblehead version now
17:37.08Carlos_PHX"But sister, why did the church kill all these people?"
17:40.00*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:42.07jayteeCarlos_PHX, the honest answer to that question would have been something like, "They weren't team players and we cannot allow that." but the more likely answer would have been some juicy rationalization based no dogma and some obscure scriptural passages.
17:42.26Carlos_PHX"They were heathens"
17:42.53jayteehmm, it didn't correct it.
17:45.38*** join/#asterisk amiads (
17:47.06amiadsI'm a new user and have a question about Asterisk
17:47.25jayteeso ask
17:47.27amiadsto see if it's the platform that fit my needs
17:47.48amiadsI want to have a system that calls all of my contacts
17:48.03amiadsand plays them a recorded message
17:48.12*** join/#asterisk petchaw (
17:48.13amiadsin the time i choose
17:48.34*** join/#asterisk telecos (
17:48.47amiads( a bunch in the same time is prefarrable)
17:48.56amiadscan I do it with asterisk?
17:49.02jayteeamiads, yes it's doable
17:49.24amiadswhat is the hardware needs if any?
17:49.27rob0hopes he's not on amiads' contact list
17:49.42amiadscan i do it over ip?
17:49.48jayteeyou could use either a sql database on the local host or use SugarCRM which alot of people use with Asterisk.
17:50.18jayteeamiads, if you have an ITSP and enough accounts to handle that many concurrent calls, then yes.
17:50.21amiadssql is good for me...
17:51.07ManxPower*sniff*  *sniff*  I smell a telemarketer.
17:51.25amiadsactually i got that as a freelance job
17:51.39jayteeis that what that foul stench is? damn! I'm aiding and abbetting the enemy!
17:51.43amiadsnever been in telecom business before
17:52.02ManxPoweramiads: Asterisk is not really a PBX.  Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that lets you build a PBX.
17:52.17jayteeTelecom Legos
17:52.38amiadsso what does it mean?
17:52.43ManxPoweramiads: You should generally expect to spend about a month learning enough about Asterisk to so what you are wanting to do.
17:52.47jayteeamiads, for more info read this:
17:52.49amiadswhat do i need in order to build that pbx
17:52.51jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:53.14amiadsyes i've started to read it
17:53.35jayteeanother resource is the WIKI at
17:53.37amiadsjust asking here for reference in hours and possibilities
17:53.58[TK]D-Fenderamiads: hours depends on you.  Possibilities as well
17:54.17[TK]D-Fenderamiads: My * makes me COFFEE.  What you do with yours is up to you.
17:54.28amiadsbut you say that i can build such system (as explained above) in asterisk without needed hardware?
17:54.51[TK]D-Fenderamiads: You need hardware if you want * to talk to the PST using a physical line you have.
17:54.53jayteeamiads, of course you need hardware. a server
17:55.26amiadsi don't mean a server - this I have
17:55.29[TK]D-Fenderamiads: To get to the PSTN you either need local hardware or use something like a VoIP termination provier or ITSP
17:55.31jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:55.35amiadsI mean a special telecom card
17:55.48[TK]D-Fenderamiads: only if you want to use a physical LINE you have on-site
17:56.25amiadsi don't
17:56.31amiadsI prefer voip
17:56.34jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
17:56.47ManxPoweramiads: Dude, you don't even know enough to know what you prefer.
17:56.49*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
17:56.49amiadswhat are the servers in israel?
17:57.25ManxPowerI don't know anything about wine but I prefer Chateau Noir 1952.
17:57.43ManxPoweramiads: those are the only 2 lists there are.
17:57.52jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
17:58.00jayteeand Canada
17:58.07jayteebut that's it I think
17:58.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Off to a camera show.. back later :)
17:58.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, have fun!
17:58.26Carlos_PHXSpend money!
17:58.27amiadsi'm going to say the client i need about a month to build such system
17:58.34[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: trying not to!
17:58.44jayteehe'll come back with a new toy to make me more jealous, I just know it :-)
17:59.01jayteeneeds to find a better paying job :-(
17:59.14ManxPoweramiads: It could be less, we really don't know how smart you are.  But the fact that you accepted a job without even knowing how you will do the job does not bode well.
17:59.29amiadsi havent
17:59.39amiadsi just said i looked into it
17:59.51amiadsi'm a fast learner
18:00.09amiadsthe 600 pages book will take me a week
18:00.11jaytee"Heck, yeah! I can build you a nuclear reactor! No problem!" "Pssst! Hey, what's this fission stuff about?"
18:00.19amiadscuz english is not my native language
18:01.19ManxPoweramiads: most people here will be more generous if your native language is not english.  That's not a problem.  Stupidity knows no language. 8-)
18:02.12ManxPoweramiads: the book is only the beginning.  Don't be distracted by things like Asterisk Realtime or users.conf or anything that is not really required for the job.
18:02.12amiadsMy question is: After finishing the book is the knowledge in it enough to build such system?
18:03.02amiadsManxPower: so what in it I need?
18:04.10carrarshould be
18:04.10carrarYour requirements were simple
18:04.21carrar<amiads> I want to have a system that calls all of my contacts
18:04.21carrar<amiads> and plays them a recorded message
18:04.41carrarthats very easy
18:05.07amiadsI'm a web programmer so if I could integrate it in a web enviorment will be gooddd
18:05.48amiadsis this possible
18:06.10petchawi built a system for that already
18:06.10ManxPoweramiads: anything is possible with Asterisk.
18:06.24carrarvery easy
18:06.26petchawi have a web interface that connects to asterisk and does that
18:06.35ManxPowerpetchaw: how long did it take you from know nothing about asterisk to building a web thingy?
18:06.36carrarespecially if the web server is on the same box
18:06.54amiadsit is
18:07.09amiadspetchaw: can you show it to me?
18:07.26amiads<ManxPower> petchaw: how long did it take you from know nothing about asterisk to building a web thingy?
18:07.35petchawtook me about a month
18:07.54petchawi started using asterisk in may
18:07.58amiadsand your prior knowledge was nothing?
18:08.08petchawand in july I did it
18:08.18petchawit is pretty easy
18:08.26petchawit was nothing
18:08.41petchawfirst thing i did with asterisk was ivr applications
18:08.52amiadscan you show me your system?
18:08.55amiadswhat is ivr?
18:09.07amiadsI 'm really noob in the world of telcom
18:09.11petchawinteractive voice response
18:09.46amiadsi think i'll go ahead and read the book
18:09.49petchawlike you call your bank, an automated attendant answer, ask you to input your act number and pin code then read back your account balance
18:09.52petchawstuff like that
18:09.59carrarpop a file in there when you want it to dialout and then have it play your recording
18:10.19carrardoesn't get any easier
18:10.26*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
18:10.30petchawi didnt use auto dial out function
18:10.44petchawi didnt even know there was one
18:10.48amiadsyeap but that's bring me back to my question
18:10.49carrarthats what he wants to do per his request
18:10.49*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
18:10.58amiadsis the book enough to build such systems?
18:10.59shmaltzwow, this is really good
18:11.18carrar<amiads> I want to have a system that calls all of my contacts
18:11.18carrar<amiads> and plays them a recorded message
18:11.18carrar<amiads> in the time i choose
18:11.18carrar<amiads> ( a bunch in the same time is prefarrable)
18:11.18carrar<amiads> can I do it with asterisk?
18:11.19petchawas long as you know how call files work, your system just has to be able to create the file and make the calls
18:11.26shmaltzusing a AMD K62 400MHZ with 128MB RAM to pump out 8000 calls, works like a charm
18:11.45shmaltzpechaw, who needs help with call files?
18:11.51shmaltzthats exaclty what I'm doing now
18:11.56carrarbut read the Orielly Asterisk book
18:12.01carrarit's just good info to know
18:12.07carrarit will help you
18:12.09amiadsi will
18:12.13petchawyou can have a database with all your contacts, the your web application would grab the numbers one by one and create the call file
18:12.38shmaltzpetchaw, who you talking to? who needs help with call files? Thats exactly what I'm doingnow
18:12.51amiadsso the way calls are maid here is by a file that is created and then executed in asterisk?
18:13.16shmaltzI have a VBScript that pools numbers from a text files, creates the call files then moves them over to asteirsk spool directory using pscp over ssh
18:13.19petchawamiads wanted a system that that calls all his contacts and play a recorded message
18:13.23carraramiads, yes
18:13.31petchawso i told him he can do it with call files
18:13.32shmaltzamaids, you have Windows?
18:13.45shmaltzamaids, you have a working asterisk system?
18:14.09shmaltzI can give you my scirpts
18:14.13shmaltzamaids, no for what?
18:14.19amiadsi'm so new to the the term Asterisk
18:14.24*** join/#asterisk tmiw_ (
18:14.24amiadsjust heard of today
18:14.36carrarIt's awesome powerfull stuff
18:14.40shmaltzamaids, welcome, it's nothing really, it's just a symbol on your keyboard :)
18:14.45amiadsi don't have a working station
18:15.01shmaltzamiads, ok where are your contacts?
18:15.03amiadsyes glad i have you here
18:15.10amiadsi was a web programmer
18:15.14amiadsnothing to do with telephone
18:15.23shmaltzok, I'll be posting the scripts on the wiki
18:15.39shmaltzamiads, you using windows?
18:15.42carrarYou can write call plans in php
18:15.46carrarthrough AGI
18:15.53shmaltzbut I don't know php/perl
18:16.01amiadsunfortunately yes
18:16.02carrarI write mine in perl
18:16.40amiadsis color allowed in this channel?
18:17.06carrarit's frowned
18:17.21shmaltzlook at this baby:
18:17.24shmaltzall with an AMD K62400Mhz and 128 MB machine
18:17.33amiadshow come - it's easier reading that way
18:17.53carrarUsing the wrong client if you are having a hard time reading
18:18.08amiadsjust mirc
18:18.17amiadswhat client do you suggest?
18:18.27carrarI use ScrollZ on my unix box
18:20.07amiadsok so to get things straight - I need to read the book and than i'll have enough knowledge in order to write the code for that system?
18:20.44amiadsor the book is just general stuff?
18:21.25carrarI never read the book and I did it
18:22.15Corydon76-digThe book focuses on everything from the general concepts needed to understand the system all the way to the specifics of how to do things
18:22.20carrarIf you are smart you can figure it out
18:22.27Daejeohello guys, i made a phone verification system for eliminating anonymous web registration/feedback abuse, want to evaluate the performance> i would appreciate if few people can test it.
18:22.53amiadsthanks a lot you guys
18:22.58amiadshelped me big time
18:23.19amiadsKudos 2 u
18:23.34Corydon76-digWhat's that supposed to be, ASCII art of a penis?
18:24.17jayteeand a square headed penis no less!
18:24.29Corydon76-digNo, wait, it's a rocket ship!
18:27.29Corydon76-digThat's a rather elongated head
18:29.19jayteelong headed guy with double chin?
18:29.46Corydon76-digand four eyes?
18:30.28Corydon76-digPurple People Eater?
18:30.34*** join/#asterisk talntid (
18:30.45jayteethat only had one eye
18:31.01Corydon76-dig4 Purple People Eaters!
18:31.16jayteewith double chins, lol
18:32.20jayteejust one more week and I will be making my Hajj to the Mecca of OSS VOIP, Huntsville, AL. woo-hoo!!!
18:33.15jayteeAdvanced Asterisk
18:33.29Corydon76-digAh, I should take that class sometime
18:33.58Corydon76-digMake myself certifiable
18:34.02petchawwill you take the dCAP exam?
18:34.15jayteefigured since I've been using * for almost 2 years now and already have a server in production with 34 clients I'd just skip the Bootcamp class.
18:34.51jayteepetchaw, I'm still deciding on that. I talked to Jan at Digium and she said I could wait until the week of the class to decide.
18:35.02petchawyea true
18:35.23ManxPowerjaytee: As I understand it, Bootcamp is no longer done.  The course work was split into 2 classes, Fast Start and Advanced.
18:35.24petchawthey dont offer the bootcamp anymore though
18:35.25jayteeand it's not exactly as in demand as an MCSE or other certifications.
18:35.31petchawit is only asterisk advance now
18:35.37jayteeManxPower, that makes sense
18:37.04petchawif you gonna be doing work on asterisk, or work for an itsp, the dCAP is a big plus
18:37.20petchawdo you know who will be teaching the class?
18:37.32jayteepetchaw, Jared I believe
18:37.40petchawoh ok
18:37.51petchawyou gonna be in good hands then
18:37.52jayteeand hopefully ManxPower will be assisting
18:38.27ManxPowerjaytee: I need to e-mail them tomorrow to confirm
18:39.12jayteeManxPower, I hope you end up assisting. That'll make for a killer class.
18:40.14jayteeplus it will give me an opportunity that's long overdue. I figure I owe you several beers at least for all the help you've been over the last couple years.
18:44.26jbotextra, extra, read all about it, did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
18:45.10jboti heard asterisk is a free PBX, or #asterisk on, or, or just like a mini-mall
18:45.49*** join/#asterisk steliosk-laptop (
18:46.07jayteepetchaw, you use LumenVox?
18:50.59petchawi am trying it
18:51.37petchawI have set it up and everything
18:51.53*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
18:51.58petchawbut i have another problem with my box that i am trying to fix
18:52.45jayteepetchaw, we have an speech recognition IVR from Liaison (now owned by Nuance) for our Nortel PBX. I'm building a replacement using Lumenvox on Asterisk. So far so good.
18:58.39filejaytee: are you loading grammars in the dialplan?
18:59.05jayteefile yes I am
18:59.27filewonders why people do that
18:59.58jayteefile, do you recommend loading all grammars prior and then just activating and deactivating as needed?
19:00.38filebecause if you don't unload then you will potentially leak memory on every call, and it also takes a bit of time to compile the grammar internally and set it up versus only activating
19:00.42*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
19:01.05fileand on a loaded system this can add up and cause delays
19:02.39petchawbe right back
19:02.40rob0And with a loaded system operator, you get silly mistakes.
19:06.35jayteefile, could you refresh my tired and aging old brain and tell me where I preload the grammars? is it in lumvenvox.conf?
19:06.43filejaytee: yes.
19:07.44*** join/#asterisk protocols (
19:08.08jayteeah, I'm going to try that then. it makes sense. I've got all my grammars activating in each section of the IVR as it's called and deactivating after a speech result but eliminating delays is definitely a good thing :-)
19:09.39drmessanofile: Has any of the G726 behavior changed in 1.6 in regard to support for aal2 and the config options?
19:10.04filedrmessano: nope?
19:10.21drmessanoJust an open question... not a leading one
19:10.53drmessanoI was getting back to "I want to play around with G726" the other day, and had documented a convo we had
19:11.06drmessanohad to relearn the workarounds lol
19:14.30*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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19:55.08*** join/#asterisk hunmonk_ (
19:55.58hunmonk_can anybody tell me exactly what the 'Refresh' column in the output of "sip show registry" means?
19:57.50*** join/#asterisk elvisthedj (n=kris@
19:58.22[netman]how often checks whether the peer is on-line
19:58.33mchouin seconds
19:58.41elvisthedjCan someone tell me why these statements are evaluating as false?
19:59.28elvisthedji've tried with quotes, without, with quotes only on the string (not around the variable).. always false
20:00.02hunmonk_[netman]: is that a setting somewhere?  b/c my output changed recently when i made changes to my registration strings.  Refresh used to be 105, and now it's 3585 -- i think that's like 5 days in seconds...  :|
20:03.03mchouhunmonk_: you need to do some math.  1hr. has 3600 seconds
20:03.15mchouhunmonk_: that's hardly 5 days
20:03.42[netman]hunmonk_: you can change the refresh time in sip.conf
20:04.37mchouhunmonk_: and 1 hr. is fine as long as your firewall doesnt time out on whatever sip port you're using
20:04.47elvisthedj3600 secs feels like 5 days when you're hoping someone will look at your pastebin :)
20:05.07hunmonk_mchou: you're right on the math.
20:05.21hunmonk_dunno what i missed originally there
20:05.42hunmonk_elvisthedj: i checked it, i'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary
20:06.28elvisthedjhunmonk_: Well, as you can see the caller id name and num were both anonymous... one of the two statements should have caught it... but they evaluate as false
20:06.31hunmonk_elvisthedj: have you tried NoOp(${CALLERID(name)}), etc to make sure there's something in those vars?
20:06.53elvisthedjhunmonk_: look at the first statement :)
20:07.13elvisthedjexten => s,n,NoOp(Caller ID Name was ${CALLERID(name)} and number was ${CALLERID(num)})
20:07.13hunmonk_elvisthedj: ah, right
20:08.26hunmonk_elvisthedj: i dunno.  i use AEL, and never have issues w/ evaluating expressions
20:08.50hunmonk_elvisthedj: i use the surrounding quotes in AEL
20:09.17hunmonk_elvisthedj: like if ( "${foo}" = "bar" ) {
20:09.31hunmonk_elvisthedj: so what you're doing looks right to me
20:09.46elvisthedjyeah.. me too.. but it's not working
20:09.54elvisthedjsomethin stupid i'm doing no doubt
20:10.29hunmonk_elvisthedj: try removing the spaces around the =
20:10.36elvisthedji know it's been discussed in the bugs, but i think privacymanager should have the option to ignore Unavailable, Private and Anonynmous
20:10.43elvisthedjthose could never be useful...
20:10.51Kattymmm, ice cream.
20:11.00*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
20:11.19elvisthedjhunmonk_: I'm pretty sure i've tried w/o spaces, but i'll try it again :)
20:11.34zchaosmy voip provider (acana) sent me my voip details but i'm not sure how to plug them into the asterisk box to start accepting calls... can anyone tell me how?
20:11.49hunmonk_elvisthedj: i know at times the parser can be finnicky, that's all i really can see to try after looking at your code
20:12.25elvisthedjhunmonk_: thanks :)  i'll just play around i guess til i find something it likes
20:12.49elvisthedjzchaos: if your provider is sip, search the wiki ( for sip.conf
20:13.21hunmonk_elvisthedj: fwiw, i can't imagine doing a regular dialplan after having worked w/ AEL now
20:14.15elvisthedjhunmonk_: My dial plan is 1053 lines.. i just can't imagine taking the time to switch to ael
20:14.41elvisthedjhunmonk_: i know that's not a lot of lines for a big company.. but for me.. it's a lot
20:15.02zchaoselvisthedj: i think its sip, how do i confirm?
20:15.15hunmonk_[netman]: defaultexpirey  <-- is that the sip.conf setting you're referring to set the refresh time?
20:15.17elvisthedjzchaos: it's most likely sip
20:16.02zchaoselvisthedj: sip oppose to what
20:16.26jayteeelvisthedj, are your incoming calls from the PSTN or SIP from an ITSP?
20:16.33elvisthedjzchaos: as opposed to IAX .. among others
20:16.37elvisthedjjaytee: sip
20:16.43jayteeah, ok.
20:16.56elvisthedjjaytee: y?? something to do with my pastebin?
20:17.32jayteeno, just curious because with my system we have PRI and to extract CID I have to use callerid(ani)
20:18.36[netman]hunmonk_: yes It is
20:18.38jayteealthough it looks like you're referencing a labeled priority that isn't in that block of code anywhere. whoru. is that supposed to jump to priority 8?
20:18.47zchaoselvisthedj: so how do i link my voip provider (sip) with asterisk....
20:19.45jayteezchaos, pages 97 to 104 of the book
20:20.19jayteezchaos, and if you're behind a NAT'd firewall you'll want to read this too.
20:20.22elvisthedjjaytee: whoru is a different context.. i didn't think i needed the exten/priority if it's s,1 .. but still, the expressions are coming up false
20:20.23jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:20.54zchaosjaytee thanks i'll check it out
20:20.59zchaosi'm only using a router
20:21.01zchaosno nat
20:21.03jayteeelvisthedj, and NoOp is returning a null?
20:21.36elvisthedjjaytee: Nope.. the variables are set.  it's returning Anonymous for the name and anonymous for the number
20:21.56elvisthedjexten => s,n,NoOp(Caller ID Name was ${CALLERID(name)} and number was ${CALLERID(num)})
20:22.02*** join/#asterisk tndev (n=tndev@
20:22.10elvisthedjreturns  "Caller ID Name was Anonymous and number was anonymous")
20:22.53tndevi have gnudialer and asterisk 1.4.18, i had applied the patchs for channel.c and manager.c but i have always the problem of transfer of calls
20:22.54elvisthedjso, GotoIf($["${CALLERID(name)}" = "Anonymous"]? should return true
20:23.00tndevagents dont get the calls
20:23.52tndevthe log of gnudialer says "Tranfering - to agent 300" ==> the call is not asign to a channel
20:24.05jayteeelvisthedj, try it without the quotes around ${callerid(name)}
20:24.06tndevplz if any one know this bug, can you help ME
20:24.16*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
20:24.23elvisthedjjaytee: ok, here goes :)
20:24.36jayteeelvisthedj, and the number as well
20:25.44elvisthedjjaytee: just the varialble, right.. leave the quotes around "Anonymous"
20:26.36jayteeelvisthedj, yes, just the variable but wait.....first try moving the first " in the caller id variable BEFORE the $[ and try that first.
20:26.37elvisthedjtndev: I don't, but it looks like they have a channel
20:27.22tndevthnks jaytee
20:27.33jayteeyw, tndev
20:27.45tndevjaytee just for the answer :)
20:28.12jayteetndev, might be something on the WIKI at fwiw alot of the stuff there is out of date though.
20:28.17tndevat least u answred me, even its a negative answer but always an answer better then nothind
20:28.33elvisthedjJoin us in #gnudialer on
20:28.49tndevin #gnudialer theres no one connected
20:30.12jayteetndev, if no one answered you immediately it means they probably have no experience with gnudialer and typing in all caps is considered shouting and rude manners. especially if you only wait 3 minutes for an answer.
20:30.39drmessanoI show 2 mins here
20:30.45tndevjust a question, i wana know at least what kind of modules can be the cause of this probleme, i mean for example is zaptel can be one of the cause
20:30.54drmessanoWE DONT KNOW
20:31.53*** part/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
20:32.10drmessanoGnudialer sounds like a metering device used to determine the shears needed to castrate a bull... Beyond that, i'm bunnypancake on the subject
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20:32.31jayteehehehehe, bunnypancake
20:33.08hunmonk_[netman]: lemme see if i have this straight.  if Refresh is 1 hour, and the server i'm registered to tanks, it's possible the output of "sip show registry" might falsely show me as registered for up to an hour?
20:40.25edoceotndev: See #gnudialer
20:42.51elvisthedjI hate when i get stuck with something so dumb.. I guess I will use an agi to evaluate this since i can't figure out gotoif
20:43.22elvisthedjhere's an update of all i've tried if anyone has a thought
20:43.27jayteeelvisthedj, trying both of those failed?
20:44.04elvisthedjjaytee: yep..  i have other gotoif's in my dialplan that work fine.. so i don't know what's up here
20:44.24drmessanoAre you Elvis Duran from Z100?
20:45.00elvisthedjdrmessano: No, I'm way better than that guy :p
20:45.16drmessanoDo you know who he is?
20:45.23elvisthedjdrmessano: Yep
20:45.42drmessanoDo you have a morning zoo?
20:46.13jayteeelvisthedj, your callerid(num) is returning anonymous in lower case but your test condition is looking for uppercase. Might make a diff, but the name one returns a cap so it should at least match on that as true first.
20:46.18elvisthedjjaytee: I've got an idea.. since i seem to be able to successfully evaluate expressions when i'm comparing to varialbes, I'll just set up a global with the value of Anonymous and compare to that
20:46.39elvisthedjjaytee: I've tried both cases.. the name is "A", the num is "a"
20:47.02elvisthedjdrmessano: I did.. but I set them free
20:47.41jayteeelvisthedj, but your GotoIf is still looking for Anonymous for the callerid(num)
20:47.47[netman]hunmonk_: you are right
20:48.43*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:48.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Got a 62mm Circ Polariser @ $50, and a body cap & extra lens cap for $3
20:48.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Not bad...
20:49.24jayteesee! see! I told you all he'd come back with a new toy just to make me jealous. :-)
20:50.26[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj: The priorities you show us in your dialplan do not match the CLI execution.  Frankly I'd distruct that entire pastebin.  Go show us something consistent and sane.  In that PB you also has a "n" as the first one listed followed by a #2 *** WTF**
20:50.51jayteeelvisthedj, in Revision 1 you put the leading quote in between the $ and the [ bracket, not in front of the $[
20:51.30lesouvageIf a system is running well on is there an urgent reason to move to 1.4.22. I tried to find some readable change logs but it seems that I don't know where to look.
20:52.07[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Blatantly obvious on the HTTP file server...
20:52.19jayteelesouvage, if it ain't broke don't fix it and I don't think there's anything compelling between the two minor versions.
20:52.42lesouvagejaytee: thanks
20:53.32elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: That's because I just stuck the NoOp in between 1 and 2 to test the variables that i am evaluating..  Isn't that the point of "n" priority?? so you don't have to renumber everything..
20:53.45jayteeto [TK]D-Fender it's blatantly obvious. To people like me it's more like "Where the hell are my car keys???" looks down at what he's holding in his hand, "Oh! duh!"
20:54.08[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj: You can't follow "n" with HARD priorities like that
20:54.09jayteeoh, jesus I missed that. dammit
20:54.16[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj: You are running over yourself
20:54.19jayteesorry elvisthedj
20:54.32[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj: You probably killed the only one of those that would WORK
20:55.12elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: Ok.. I'll fix the priorities..  which expression should i use?
20:55.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Captain Obvious strikes again!
20:55.46jaytee[TK]D-Fender, is it the priority 2 that has the "'s in the right place?
20:55.59lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: could you and are you willing to be a little bit more specific? Is there just the technical oriented changlog or is there somewhere on this particular HTTP fiel server (I assume you ment a document with change info for non developers?
20:56.02[TK]D-Fenderelvisthedj: Tell you what... go clean up your mess NOW and go see.
20:56.16elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: What doesn't make sense to me is that the gotoif's are running, but returning false
20:56.36elvisthedj[TK]D-Fender: it's not skipping over.. but i'll go renumber everything and put up a new paste .. just for you
20:57.00[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: read the changelog file(s)
20:57.20[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Some detail is technical, though most of even those is clear as to it impact.
20:59.56lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: thanks,  it is kind of hard to find out if it is just an adjustment/improvement or a kind of critical security/stablility fix. I will read the info.
21:00.51[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: thats all it is usualy. New features make it to the new version unless they sneak in with another fix.
21:02.12*** part/#asterisk hunmonk_ (
21:12.35protocolsI get: pp_dial.c:1242 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown on 1.4.22 is this some zaptel/dahdi issue?
21:12.41protocolsdid not have this with 1.4.21
21:12.46*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
21:12.58jayteeoff to have some gumbo and watch some football, be back later
21:14.36zchaoscan anyone here help me with a small asterisk project/setup? I already have asterisk installed and up and running
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21:16.40zchaoslet me know what you want in return...
21:16.43[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: Which are you using now?
21:16.53[TK]D-Fenderzchaos: Details would help.
21:17.06zchaosfender... all i did waas install asterisknow
21:17.06protocolswith latest zaptel
21:17.18protocolssimilar to this:
21:17.26protocolsor is the asterisk-gui broken for 1.4.22?
21:18.10hi365_manyone running polycoms with 3.1?
21:19.54[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: would help if you showed the configs, actual CLI output, proof that your device's driver is loaded, that ztcfg checks out ok, etc
21:20.01*** join/#asterisk xchaos (
21:20.08xchaossorry i disconnected fender...
21:20.08xchaosfender... all i did waas install asterisknow, i need to some how setup my VOIP provider on asterisknow, and setup a dialplan
21:20.22[TK]D-Fenderxchaos: GUI's not supported here.
21:20.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: fun times, eh?
21:20.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Keeps getting better...
21:20.45xchaoswell maybe someone else can help me
21:21.08protocolszttool says "ok", module is loaded - it is actually pretty the same setup as 1.4.21 (which worked)
21:21.27[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: Less talk, more show...
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21:23.24Steve_J-obsHello Everybody!
21:23.49Steve_J-obshi Kathy
21:24.08lesouvagexchaos: have you tried #asterisknow for help?
21:24.28protocols <- the error log when dialing from sip to pstn
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21:27.53protocolshm ok
21:28.02protocols[Nov  2 22:02:11] ERROR[2041] chan_dahdi.c: Unable to load zapata.conf
21:28.02protocols[Nov  2 22:02:11] ERROR[2041] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/zap/transcode: No such file or directory
21:28.10protocolsthat does not look right..
21:28.25*** part/#asterisk drew (
21:29.07hardwireprotocols: you, sir, need to load some modules
21:29.16hardwireand make some files
21:29.27protocolshm what modules are missing?
21:29.30hardwireand read the INSTALL
21:29.53[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: you are MIXING zaptel & DAHDI.. You should not be doing that
21:30.24protocolsI thought 1.4.22 was compatible with zaptel modules + naming?
21:31.12[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: you run one or the other in their entirely, not both
21:31.27protocolshmm where do you see I am running both?
21:32.48[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: # ztcfg -vv <- this sure as shit ain't DAHDI, nor is 1] Dial("SIP/6000-08cb8788", "Zap/g1/0285515746") in new stack
21:33.15protocolsyes thats true
21:33.31[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: protocols read the docs, use the new configs.
21:33.44protocolsbut I read in the "Dahdi-zaptel.txt" that I should be able to use old zaptel with 1.4.22 without any probs
21:33.52[TK]D-FenderSome people wouldn't get consistency if it ran up and bit them in the face.
21:34.26protocolsyes but what you quoted up is consistent usage of zap, or not?
21:34.32hardwire[TK]D-Fender: most snakes don't run.
21:34.34protocolsthats what I am actually trying..
21:34.36[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: One REPLACES the other, hybridize them and you're bound to mess stuff up.
21:34.47protocolsyep I know.. I want to stay with zap ;)
21:35.03protocolsand I thought I did everything.. there is nothing dahdi in my config
21:35.12[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: Zaptel is gone.  Get over it.  Read the docs and ditch the old zaptel stuff.
21:35.28[TK]D-Fenderprotocols: You need then
21:35.36protocolsdoh.. but dahdi does not work with asterisk-gui
21:40.12*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
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21:56.14ZhadI have 2 lines going into a TDM400P, one BT, one Bulldog.
21:56.24ZhadThe BT one detects hangups and the bulldog one doesn't
21:56.36Zhadthey probably use different signalling methods.
21:56.55Zhad(With zaptel) Can the signalling method beconfiguredd as different for each card?
21:57.56xchaosanyone here interested in helping with a small asterisknow project? I have the system all setup and ready to go... i'll provide details if interested.... msg me if your interested and what it will cost
22:02.22drmessanoAnyone have provisioning info on Linksys RTP300 boxes?
22:03.13write__eraseHi, Is there a way to execute commands (inserts in database) when DHCPd offers a lease ? I'd like to have MAC:IP mapping in a database so I can reboot the phones if required . thx
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22:27.17[TK]D-Fenderwrite__erase: Wrong channel... try in ##linux or something...
22:29.05Dovida bit OT but does anyone know where I can start if I want to write a VB app to register as a sip user and subscribe an extension status so i can see who is ringing, on a call etc.
22:30.50[TK]D-FenderDovid: You don't...
22:31.00[TK]D-FenderDovid: Wrong tool for the job.
22:31.03Dovidi know after today.....
22:31.16DovidTK: What do you suggest ?
22:31.32DovidI want to have something that users can install on their desktops
22:31.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: AMI is what you'd use to get system onfo out of *.
22:31.42[TK]D-FenderDovid: Phones know nothing by comparison
22:31.53[TK]D-FenderDovid: They're jsut phones after all
22:32.18DovidTK: I need to work off subscribe since its working off OpenSER with a custom "BLF" script so I cant use the AMI
22:32.31write__eraserecord some sip communications with wireshark or something like that, then write your client with by hand (open TCP/UDP connexion , read, write ...) boring job though... There might be some SIP Client libs, but none for V.B. !
22:32.51Dovidweite_rease: was my last resort but I may do that
22:32.55[TK]D-FenderDovid: Oh well... Best of luck with that :)  I'm sure you can google up some VB SIP code if you try hard enough
22:33.06joobieguys is there a table or something that gives rough guides to which processors and which codecs can handle X amount of calls at a given time?
22:33.18[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No.
22:33.55DovidTK: been googlin for a bit.
22:34.04Dovidwill see what happens. looks like its wireshark time
22:34.04[TK]D-Fenderdovthats what "more" means.
22:34.09joobieFender, my dillema is i have a single processor.. can upgrade it to dual processor but not sure if it's necessary to handle the calls iw ant
22:34.15write__erasePerl :
22:34.19joobieor not sure how much improvement in terms of the number of calls it will give me
22:34.25joobieany idea how to go about tackling this?
22:34.29[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And you are capable of everything but actually describing your NEEDS it seems
22:34.49[TK]D-Fenderwrite__erase: If only Perl were VB...
22:35.40lesouvagejoobie: just discribe how many calls, what codecs, recording or not and in what format, conferences etc. etc.
22:35.44write__eraseWriting a simple SIP client in VB should not be that long in fact ... open socket, send invite packet ...
22:36.10Dovidwrite_erase: thanks. i am going to stat off with that and see where it goes
22:36.21joobieFender, im putting together a voip server to handle multiple sip calls.. not sure how many calls it will support at the moment, but i have an option to upgrade the cpu to dual processor.. just wondering if i do, how many more calls it will handle.. codecs i want to use are either g729 or ulaw.. no call recording for the moment.. conference call support
22:36.29lesouvagepeople here do have some professional guessing skills and they might want to hare there thoughts with you. It is inpossible to make hard calcualations
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22:37.36Dovidwrite_erase: may i PM ?
22:37.39joobienot after hard figures though les.. just trying to get a ball park
22:37.53joobielike a single processor with g729 can handle 30-50 calls.. dual processor 80-90 ..
22:37.54lesouvagejoobie: there is a big difference in cpu load between g729 (compressed heavely) and ulaw (uncompressed)
22:37.55[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Wow.. everything but a relevent number.  No further ahead...
22:38.07joobieor is it more like single process handling 10-15 calls.. dual with 30-40..
22:38.31joobieFender, i dont know what info you need to determine this man..
22:38.44joobieif you can ask me what you need for this it would be better.. have no idea
22:38.52joobiei'm no xpert
22:39.21jksMjoobie, if you want an answer, reverse the question... ask how many concurrent calls other people have been able to sustain on their single cpu servers
22:39.22lesouvagejoobie: it is always a trade off between bandwidth needed and number of calls the server can handle.
22:39.38jksMjoobie, then afterwards, try to guess if they have a 350 Mhz Celeron Mobile or a 3,6 Ghz Xeon Quad-Core
22:40.01joobieahh my bad
22:40.05joobiesec ill get the processor
22:40.24jksM(I actually meant it... it would be fun to know)
22:41.14lesouvageJoobie: try the question. I have a servr with ... gb memory and 2 core  .... mhz processor. I will use a sip trunk and the provider uses codec ....... . I will record al/none/... % of all calls in ..... format.
22:41.57joobieThe processor is a QuadCore Intel XEON E5405 (2GHz) 2 x 6MB..
22:42.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (
22:42.16lesouvageNobody can calculate when the server colapse/brake but a professional gues will give you some direction.
22:42.18joobie4GB memory
22:42.44Zhadwhen the CPU cores start boiling?
22:44.07lesouvageand what about codecs, switching between codecs, recording, expected number of calls, conferences and the number of participants etc.
22:44.15joobieI have a Intel QuadCore (E5405 @ 2GHZ) with 4GB of memory.. Just trying to figured out roughly how many g729 SIP calls it can handle concurrently before CPU would start to be an issue.. no call recording.. conference call support (not heavily used but say applied to 25% of the calls).. uplink will be various sip providers
22:44.28Zhadlots and lots
22:44.38Kattyconsumes pizza.
22:45.11joobieles, it wil be SIP to the proivder and SIP to the phone.. expected number of calls is unknown.. it will start with 5 phones.. but i want it to be able to scale out to 100's if possible...
22:45.14ZhadG.729 isn't really *that* computationally intensive, it only looks like that when you compare it to ulaw/alaw .
22:47.06lesouvagejoobie: see
22:48.00jksMjoobie, let's just say, that I'm doing 100 concurrent calls on g.729 with much less hardware than that
22:48.36joobiethanks jksM
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22:49.35jksMjoobie, I'm not saying that you'll be able to do the same, however
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23:01.39Arsenick-someone had worked with dahdi ?
23:01.48xchaoswhat would you guys recommend.... asterisk-gui or freepbx? Because i installed the asterisknow flash which came with freepbx and it seems like all the support is for the asterisk-gui
23:01.53xchaosam i screwed? do i have to reinstall?
23:02.14Dovidif ur gona use a gui and u wana learn go with asterisknow
23:02.22Dovidif u want a quick fix then freepbx
23:02.34Arsenick-yeah but don't update to dahdi :p
23:03.07jbotzeeek is, like, someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
23:03.25xchaosdovid... i installed the asterisknow FLASH and it installed freepbx
23:03.33xchaosso i'm not sure what you are recommending...
23:04.22xchaosdovid i installed - AsteriskNOW 1.5.0 Beta1 (32-bit)
23:04.30xchaoswhich installed freepbx
23:04.34xchaosi dont see the asterisk-gui
23:05.43ManxPowerAsteriskNOW should have installed AsteriskGUI,  IIRC.
23:06.41xchaoshow do i cueck... when i go to the lan IP addres i get taken to the freepbx admin panel
23:06.47Arsenick-ManxPower, did you ever use asterisk-gui with another distrib ? I mean not asterisk-now just the gui ?
23:06.50Maliutawait for it ...
23:07.04MaliutaAsteriskNOW and GUI aren't supported here
23:07.20ManxPowerArsenick-: I have never and will never use a GUI for Asterisk.
23:07.42Arsenick-yeah.. sound slike a good idea..
23:07.45ManxPowerMost people here have never touched an Asterisk GUI
23:07.48MaliutaManxPower: don't you use ssh and vim for your gui? I know I do
23:08.12ManxPowerMaliuta: yes.
23:08.19ManxPowerwell joe, nit vim
23:08.25Arsenick-I've decided to install the gui just for other admin who don't know asterisk can do basic task, like adding new sip user etc..
23:08.59ManxPowerArsenick-: You will regret that decision as soon as you try to do any customization.
23:09.17Arsenick-ahhh... it's already too late
23:09.48Arsenick-Asterisk-gui is too dumb to get my anallog card information using dahdi...
23:11.11ManxPowerwhy are you even trying to use dahdi?
23:11.44Arsenick-I had problem today with my iax provider, and I updated asterisk
23:12.05Arsenick-from asterisk 1.4.17 to 1.4.22 ..
23:12.27Arsenick-and then I had problem with my analog card..
23:12.44ManxPowerjust upgrade your zaptel
23:12.53Arsenick-I've read a little bit a see that asterisk 1.4.22 i using dahdi
23:14.00ManxPowerNo.  Asterisk 1.4 supports both Zaptel and DAHDI.  Asterisk 1.6 only supports DAHDI
23:14.35Arsenick-yeah I know but I though this would fix my problem... lol
23:17.33*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
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23:18.27protocolsstrange.. when my server has a virtual-interface configured, I am not able to sip-register from remote
23:18.40protocolsif I remove that virtual-interface everything works..
23:18.55xchaoswhich asterisknow flash version has the asterisk-gui....? **** I installed AsteriskNOW 1.5.0 Beta1 (32-bit) and that flash did not install asterisk-gui it installed FreePBX... can anyone help? tell me whcih asterisknow has the asterisk-gui?
23:20.21xchaoswhy the hell did 1.5 go to freepbx?
23:20.28protocolsbut I thought both were shipped now
23:20.30xchaosis free pbx suppose to be ebtter than asterisk-gui?
23:21.09protocolspersonally freepbx just looks like a webversion of vim/nano
23:21.18protocolsexcept for that flash...
23:21.23ManxPowerxchaos: You misunderstand.  We don't use GUIs here.
23:21.24drmessanoweb version of nano?
23:21.30jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:21.33jbotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
23:21.48*** join/#asterisk af_ (
23:21.53jbot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
23:21.54drmessanoUm yeah
23:22.23drmessanoHow is FreePBX the web version of NANO?
23:22.56protocolsbecause its just shows the content of the config files
23:23.12protocolsno improved usability
23:23.18drmessanoUh no
23:23.28drmessanoYour info is wrong
23:23.30protocolsat least compared to asterisk-gui
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23:23.41jbotsomebody said pbxinaflash was Ward Mundy's toy assembled by joe roper visit or #pbxinaflash
23:23.56ManxPowerdrmessano: dude, they are GUI people.  Thos sorts are never logical
23:23.57drmessanoIts a full config application
23:24.24drmessanoprotocols: You've obviously no idea what you're talking about
23:25.11wonderworldhi, I try to hang up a sip channel with the ASterisk Manager Api. My problem is, that i don't know the full channel name, just th extension. do i need to parse the output of SIPpeers or is there a smarter way to hangup a channel that is used by a known extension (like 101)
23:25.36[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: "core show channels consice"
23:26.06[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: "core show channels concise"
23:26.11wonderworldcan cli commands sent thru AMI too?
23:26.36[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: If you read the command list you'd have already known the answer was "yes"
23:26.45wonderworldtnx a lot
23:28.44wonderworldwow, the first hit on google doesn't look promising:
23:30.13[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Applies to OLD versions, and not necessarily the way I might do this.
23:30.46[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Go read the API list again
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23:31.03ManxPowerThere ARE AMI docs included in the Asterisk source dir.
23:31.29wonderworldok i will. sorry for asking dumb questions. need to get something done quickly and used the api never berfore. don't want to get on your nerves. will go reading now.
23:31.57ManxPowerwonderworld: then you will fail.  Telecom is not something you can rush.
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23:33.22wonderworldi am not new to asterisk. i wrote several agi-apps. but i never used the management interface before
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23:55.34Carlos_PHXI swear if I see one more of these I'm going to burn the building down.  0004F201148F
23:55.46Carlos_PHX- Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "Internal Server Error" back from
23:55.58Carlos_PHXAnyone know why Polycoms do this randomly?

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