IRC log for #asterisk on 20081029

00:00.26stintelwell I think the design is one of the less good parts of the aastra phones
00:00.51stintelI especially like the functionality and the "included" scripts
00:03.09harry_vstintel is that for your own use or
00:04.36stintelcompany use but I ordered a 57 i CT for personal use
00:04.53jjshoeI like the older aastra's, not a huge fan of the 5 series *shrug*
00:05.05harry_vI see
00:05.25stintelis pretty new to all this voip stuff. so aastra 5 series is the only series I know ;)
00:05.40harry_vstentel thats okay :)
00:05.50harry_vAll i see is cisco and avaya here.
00:05.53*** join/#asterisk thansen (
00:05.58stintelI like them, and so does my boss
00:06.17stintelresult: happy employer + happy employee = happy company :)
00:06.29harry_vthat is with the 57 i ct
00:11.51*** part/#asterisk kensuke_ (i=c829e4f4@gateway/web/ajax/
00:16.06*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
00:16.33WindBackSorry I m not very strong at english
00:17.02WindBackI'm contacting the support of Digium
00:17.51WindBackI want to tell them that the TDM800 card get my analog line unhunged ?
00:18.07WindBackit 's correct the word unhunged???
00:18.55*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
00:19.00[netman]I don't think so
00:19.01*** join/#asterisk TenJack (
00:19.38WindBack[netman], so what do you think is the correct word??
00:19.38[netman]what is that unhunged thing?
00:19.49TenJackhey anyone know what this "Awaiting proxy login information" means on x-lite softphone.  i am running ubuntu and have asterisk installed with the sip.conf configured
00:20.23WindBack[netman], I want to tell them that the card never hungup the line
00:20.29*** part/#asterisk Zizou (n=zizou@
00:20.54WindBack[netman], in spanish we say that the "La linea esta descolgada"
00:20.54[netman]that's right
00:21.12WindBack[netman], ok
00:21.46[netman]this is a well-known issue, you should google it
00:22.55WindBack[netman], not to much, because the system was working fine, and then started to fail without any change
00:23.41WindBack[netman], the system starts to fail in some ports, and I can't made a call using that ports
00:24.07WindBack[netman], also in some ports i heard an awful noise
00:24.23WindBack[netman], like a not sintoniced radio
00:24.57WindBack[netman], a person of digium ask me permisson to log in my server
00:25.13WindBack[netman], and he installed the new zaptel drivers
00:25.26WindBack[netman], but it's the same
00:25.37[netman]I see
00:25.40WindBack[netman], the system still fail
00:26.01*** join/#asterisk thansen (
00:27.05[netman]I think the Digium man will understand your English :)
00:27.06TenJackhey anyone know what this error means: "future versions of asterisk will treak a #include of a file that does not exist as an error, and will fail to load that configuration file.
00:29.55TenJackhas anyone ever encountered this error?
00:31.51*** join/#asterisk DigitalIrony (n=eric@nat/digium/x-2bcc96042629ec16)
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00:47.29pjzTenJack: sounds like you're #including a file that doesn't exist
00:54.15trnzmetaguys: trying to connect to asterisk externally, besides sip udp5060 what other ports should I open/portforward?
00:54.46trnzmetaI can dial phone calls and pick them up on my mobile, but no sound stream
00:57.57trnzmetaok will give that a go, anything on the client end I should be aware of?
01:05.02*** join/#asterisk trelane (
01:08.16trnzmetadrmessano: that's udp right?
01:10.22*** join/#asterisk RMod (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
01:10.23trnzmetaI already have a rule in firewall for 16382 -20382, but redirecting to an old asterisk box
01:10.31RModcan multiple phones share one vmail box?
01:10.39trnzmetawhich could be why I'm having that issue
01:10.45mDuffRMod: yes.
01:12.15*** part/#asterisk eightmotives (n=em@
01:22.04*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
01:23.44*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=dsp@
01:25.43drmessanotrnzmeta: Thats wrong in several ways
01:25.48drmessanoWrong ports, wrong box
01:26.10*** join/#asterisk tvirus (
01:28.28*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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01:34.29trnzmetadrmessano: still no luck, internally calling out to world works fine
01:34.58trnzmetahowever externally registering and calling mobile I get dialtone, call, pick up and then no sound
01:35.02drmessanoYes, calling out will be fine
01:35.17jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:35.21drmessanoFollow that
01:35.27trnzmetacheers big ears
01:36.02drmessanois going to see the Queen + Paul Rodgers concert film next week
01:36.40lunaphyte__queen w/out freddie?  blasphemy.
01:37.31*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
01:38.01drmessanoIf he could un-screw a few thousand people and still be alive, i'd be happy to go see him
01:40.29*** join/#asterisk Wayhigh (
01:42.50trnzmetawhat's the diff between nat=always and nat=yes
01:45.27*** join/#asterisk pyite (
01:46.40jayteeprobably the same difference as nat=sometimes and nat=maybe?
01:53.22*** join/#asterisk Kate-o (n=vajda1ka@unaffiliated/kateo/x-334924)
01:54.32*** part/#asterisk Kate-o (n=vajda1ka@unaffiliated/kateo/x-334924)
01:58.18*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
01:58.21*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
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02:01.51*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (
02:01.56[gnubie]waves to all..
02:03.14[gnubie]i am planning to start trying to learn how a real-time asterisk is using postgresql as the database.. which one should i choose, odbc way or the pgsql and why?
02:03.42[gnubie]anyone can enlighten me?
02:04.15lmadsen[gnubie]: ODBC because it is far better supported
02:04.36lmadsenI have used ODBC heavily on both postgresql and mysql
02:04.38De_Mon[gnubie] ODBC because it's more portable
02:04.57[gnubie]lmadsen and De_Mon: thanks guys.. ;)
02:09.20*** join/#asterisk synchris (
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02:48.46*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
02:50.36jayteebleh bleh
02:51.16jayteelife is a wonderful thing isn't it?
02:51.50jeevlife sucks when you're bored
02:52.07jayteeboredom is for people with limited imaginations
02:52.39jeevwhat if you haev ADD and can't decide
02:53.06jeevor just get bored
02:53.08jeevcause there's too much to do
02:53.12jeevjaytee, you could never figure me out
02:53.13jayteeI don't think I have ADD, I think I'm.....ooooh, look! a chicken!
02:55.22jayteejeev, you're right, I could never figure you out, you are a riddle wrapped in an enigma shrouded in mystery and clouded by poor judgement and lousy impulse control.
02:56.18jeevi told you
02:57.46ltd_wkI've got a slight problem with a SIP registration Asterisk 1.4 to Asterisk 1.4...   When box B registers to box A, box A spits out a 401 Unauthorised, then box B retries the register and gets back 200 OK.  This seems to happen every registration... The only thing I can see that's different in the two invites is the actual digest in the request... Anyone know why this might be?
03:09.29jbotsomebody said jeev was a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in mystery, and clouded by poor judgement and lousy impulse control.
03:09.44drmessanoYay, he has a trigger now
03:10.40TenJackcan anyone help me configure the x-lite phone, it says "Awaiting proxy login information" and wont load.  i am using ubuntu and have configured the sip.conf file correctly and am running asterisk
03:17.06*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
03:19.35*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
03:22.36Kattyjbot: how does one Not Care?
03:22.52Kattyjbot: a potion? a spell? a particular brand of liquor?
03:23.51lmadsenKatty: well hello there
03:24.10Kattylmadsen: hello there. i'm miss depressing emo tonight.
03:24.19Kattylmadsen: just so you know to not expect perky
03:24.22Kattylmadsen: we can still hug tho
03:24.28lmadsenhug denied
03:24.36lmadsenhugs katty!
03:24.40Kattynow i can't even get a hug............ oh.
03:24.46Kattyhugs lmadsen
03:24.49lmadsenI'm still working...
03:24.54Kattylmadsen: :<
03:24.58Kattylmadsen: i'm sorry.
03:25.04lmadsentrying to build a mysql odbc connector driver
03:25.23Kattyis it a drama free driver build?
03:26.15lmadsenluckily it seems to be pre-compiled
03:26.17tzangerKatty: compile with -DSANS_DRAMA
03:26.35Kattytzanger: the whisky did a good job of chasing the drama away
03:26.42Kattytzanger: of course, it also made me kinda ill
03:26.51tzangerKatty: that just means you need more whisky
03:26.57Kattytzanger: stuff never settles with me, even if it was only a couple shots.
03:27.07Kattytzanger: prefer the rum or vodka, personally.
03:27.13Kattytzanger: vodka plus chaser is nice.
03:27.21tzangera good sipping whisky is good for development
03:27.29tzangerof course when you start to drink it outright things go south quick
03:28.17Kattyi'll be fine. it was only two shots to make the angry go away.
03:28.30lmadsenman it's hot in here
03:28.40Kattyi really hate drama. i really do. yet somehow i let it go on... almost encourage it.
03:28.53lmadsenavoids people for that very reason
03:28.55Kattycalling up on people to make sure they're okay, knowing they're going to vent to me.
03:30.29tzangerKatty: I find that if I drink gin I *get* angry
03:30.46tzangerI'm a pretty easygoing drunk on anything else, but gin makes me an angry drunk
03:30.56*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
03:31.03Kattyheard that from a lot of people.
03:31.40tzangeranyway... time for bed for me
03:31.42tzangerlater :-)
03:40.12*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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04:02.03*** join/#asterisk IanBeyer (n=chatzill@
04:03.15IanBeyerhow do I get changes to sip.conf and extensions.conf to take effect?
04:03.39theharreload would work =)
04:03.50IanBeyerdialplan reload?
04:03.54IanBeyerthat gives me an error
04:03.58theharjust reload
04:04.38IanBeyeroreilly boox says dialplan
04:05.11IanBeyerrunning the 1.5 asterisknow distro, a little confused as to how sip.conf relates to stuff in the gui
04:05.33thehari thought asterisknow used users.conf? maybe i'm confused.
04:05.35lmadsensip.conf is the SIP channel drivers configuration file
04:05.37thehari've barely touched *now
04:05.47lmadsenya, I thought it used users.conf as well
04:05.50lmadsenI've used it a tiny bit
04:05.55IanBeyeryeah, me either... I';ve barely touched *, for that matter :)
04:06.03lmadsenmostly just the GUI, not *now (which uses the Asterisk GUI)
04:06.13IanBeyermy provider is nice enough to provide extensions.conf and sip.conf
04:06.19thehari thought 1.5 beta upgraded to freepbx/
04:06.21IanBeyerlmadsen: the new *Now uses FreePBX
04:06.50lmadsenyou mean you can use FreePBX
04:06.56lmadsenI think it gives you a choice between the two....
04:07.04IanBeyerfreepbx is the default
04:07.13IanBeyeranyway, I'm lost in this thing :)
04:07.19theharit was my understanding asterisk-gui was going to be discontinued on devel due to that update
04:07.26lmadsenif you're using asteriskNOW you shouldn't be dealing with the configuration files....
04:07.33lmadsenthehar: that would be incorrect
04:07.36theharah mkay
04:07.39theharwell i stand corrected
04:07.53IanBeyerOK, so how do I translate my telco's sip.conf into something meaningful for FreePBX?
04:07.59lmadsenbtw: when using a 64-bit machine, and you're installing new drivers, use 64-bit drivers
04:08.02theharhey i saw i can grab your lovely pdf presentation on clustering, finally
04:08.12lmadsenoh is it on the website finally?
04:08.17lmadsenyou could have always gotten it from my website :)
04:08.18thehari got an email today.. haven't looked yet
04:08.24theharoh teh sexy
04:08.50lmadsenI'm still trying to get the video from AstriCon and from FSOSS
04:09.03theharhow did foss go?
04:09.48*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
04:09.57lmadsenit went good from what I saw of it
04:13.38thehargood good
04:15.06*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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04:16.15theharstalks russellb
04:20.25lmadsenrussellb: omg ur up?!
04:21.14*** join/#asterisk osiris (
04:24.52mDuffis never sure if folks using txting shorthand are doing so for irony/humor value anymore.
04:28.18*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=Linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
04:28.25*** join/#asterisk rrrobert (n=rrrobert@
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04:29.45rrrobertI am going to buy an asterisk server machine, Can any suggest some IBM hardware. Maximum call load would be 120 call/s
04:31.35lmadsen120 call/second?
04:32.08lmadsenthat is a lot of calls per second... will really need to do some load testing to see if that is even possible...
04:33.53rrrobertlmadsen, If i reduce to 70 calls then?
04:34.22lmadsenanything over 2-3 cps I suggest load testing :)
04:34.31scooby2120 concurrent calls is not too bad but 120/s would be like 7200 calls per minute
04:34.49lmadsenya, I don't even think that is possible, regardless of the hardware
04:35.21rrrobertlmadsen, I mean that 80 concurrent calls
04:35.34JThow many cps?
04:35.38JTnot much?
04:35.51lmadsenoh, that is totally different :)
04:35.59rrrobertJT, 4 Pri lines
04:36.16JTrrrobert: cps = calls (SETUPs) per secnd
04:36.16lmadsenI don't know IBM hardware, but anything quad-core with 2-4 GB of RAM should be sufficient for 120 sim. calls
04:39.28rrrobertJT, i dont know exactly CPS but 120 concurrent calls
04:39.59florzrrrobert: on 4 PRIs, you probably don't want to have 120 concurrent calls, normally
04:40.39rrrobertflorz, This would be the maximum load
04:41.40florzrrrobert: and anyhow you do have a strange kind of load where calls last only half a second on average
04:44.22TenJackhey can anyone please help me with this x-lite setup, it says "awaiting proxy login information" I am running ubuntu and have sip.conf configured.
04:47.54*** join/#asterisk osiris (
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04:49.15TenJackhow do i find the address that my asterisk is running on? and is this the sip proxy value?
04:49.32Carlos_PHXEr, your IP address?
04:51.19drmessanoSo what would be a good pattern match for 800, 866, 877, and 888?
04:51.56ionix_8NN ?
04:52.05russellbthat would match more than that
04:52.21*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-b5ea6a4410c2db10)
04:52.27russellbhonestly, have those 4 as priority 1, all that are just a NoOp
04:52.36russellband then have _8NN as your priority 2 and greater
04:52.44russellbto put the common handling in
04:52.45ionixwell then add those 4 separatly
04:52.59russellbthat way, you only match the 4, but you code the common handling in one extension ...
04:53.07russellb(or use a macro or gosub or whatever)
04:53.18russellbor use _. and say screw it all
04:53.38drmessanoI was just trying to think if I could do it in one pattern.. Figured I was missing something
04:53.47russellbi ... don't think you can
04:53.57russellbsurvey says .... no
04:54.25russellbor you could do something like ...
04:54.31russellb(give me a few minutes, this is going to be evil)
04:54.43IanBeyerhmm. xlite is giving me a 408 trying to register
04:55.22IanBeyerdifferent subnet than the server, but routable. I can ping the server
04:56.14drmessanoMaybe the PBX doesnt know you
04:56.30IanBeyerwell, we were only introduced a few hours ago
04:56.37drmessanoSending out it's gateway into outer space due to a bad route
04:57.14IanBeyerI can ping it just fine from the client machine
04:57.28drmessanoDoesn't mean it knows how to get back to you
04:57.49IanBeyersure it does. ICMP wouldn;t get back if it didn't
04:58.06drmessanoDidnt mean it that way
04:58.45drmessanoCheck the box and see if you can ping the client from the PBX, see if the CLI shows the proper client IP
04:58.50russellbexten => _8[078][078],1,ExecIf($[${EXTEN:1:1} = ${EXTEN:2:1}]?Hangup())
04:59.03russellbactually, that wouldn't really work
04:59.08russellbit'll match and then just hang up on them
04:59.12russellbinstead of just not matching
04:59.15russellbheh, anyway, was just playing around
04:59.16jeevwow, russell helping someone
04:59.22jeevwonders why i never got that type of help
04:59.28russellbjeev: oh come on, i have helped you
04:59.28jeevprotest time
04:59.29drmessanorussell wasn't helping me
04:59.33drmessanoHe was developing
04:59.35russellbi'm just dinking around
04:59.35jeev"get the fuck out of here"
04:59.39jbot[jeev] a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in mystery, and clouded by poor judgement and lousy impulse control.
04:59.40jeev"go away"
04:59.41jeev"shut up"
04:59.51jeevscrew you jbot!
04:59.56drmessanoYou ask russellb for help when he does this crap all day and it makes it Not FUN for him to come on here
04:59.57IanBeyerdrmessano: hmm. sure enuf. I can't ping from over there.
05:00.03IanBeyerprobably some dumbass firewall rule :)
05:00.09drmessanoIanBeyer: There you go
05:00.15IanBeyernow i just gotta figure out where :)
05:00.32*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
05:00.46russellbdoesn't write dialplan often enough
05:00.49russellball of my dialplans are terrible
05:00.56russellbsince it's just little hacks to test stuff on my local boxes, heh
05:01.27jeevCarlos_PHX, did you know russellb is a mad hax0r.
05:01.34jeevhe will ddos you with SIP packets
05:01.56jeevhow much is live office communicator or whatever it's called
05:02.01jeevdo people actually use that ?
05:02.07drmessanojeev: Imagine if after spending all day grabbing womens butts and spitting on sidewalks if someone called you up on a Wednesday night asked you to help them set up a camera to spy on their neighbors girlfriend.. you would be disinterested, and maybe offended after your long day.
05:02.17Carlos_PHXWe've been asked to integrate with it.
05:02.23Carlos_PHXBelieve it...or not...
05:02.33drmessanoThats like asking russellb for asterisk help at night during "Asterisk After Dark"
05:02.52jeevi saw it on a site, 77mb..
05:02.57jeevat least it's not 50 gigs
05:04.02Carlos_PHXI need help on a decision.  It's a tough decision.
05:04.16jeevsingle ply or two ply?
05:04.21IanBeyermy firewalls tell me this should be working
05:04.26Carlos_PHXI'm sitting on my boat, and I have to decide whether to crack another beer or 7, or take the boat out for the night.
05:04.33drmessanoIf the asterisk devs would hurry up and get full SIMPLE support for Asterisk going, we could get closer to crushing MS
05:04.58jeevCarlos_PHX, beer is wack
05:05.10russellbhacking stateless text communication into asterisk is not that trivial, architecturally
05:05.11Carlos_PHXGood beer not Bud/Coors/Miller
05:05.12jeevtake out your citrus juicer and juice some OJ
05:05.29jeevdoesn't recognize russellb anymore
05:05.43drmessanorussellb: Shenanigans.. I'll donate $20 for the 8 lines of code it will take
05:05.45Carlos_PHXThere's the bottle of Captain Morgan, but same problem.  Drink or drive.
05:05.45drmessanoand wait...
05:05.56jeevjust sleep on your boat
05:05.57russellbdrmessano: deal
05:05.58jeevturn on your guns though
05:06.05russellbdrmessano: for $20, i will add 8 lines of code
05:06.11russellbi didn't say which 8 ....
05:06.24Carlos_PHXYes, I'm gonna do that, but sleep in the marina or sleep out somewhere in the middle of nowhere.  Dilemma
05:07.00jeevwhere the hell are you
05:07.04jeevarizona has water?
05:07.14jeevor did you move somewhere decent
05:07.18Carlos_PHXIt's true, really.
05:07.35drmessanoWhatever.. im gonna sit here and hack away at sip.conf looking for SIMPLE=true to activate that crap.. its probably already in there, but you guys needed an insurance policy for Astricon 2009 in case the app_fukcisco CCM emulator wasn't ready.
05:07.46*** join/#asterisk rob0 (
05:07.54drmessanoI know how that marketing crap works
05:08.28drmessanoActually, CCM would be easy to emulate
05:08.32IanBeyerOK, now I can ping it, but still getting the 408 timeout
05:08.35jeevcannot believe you typed that out
05:08.43drmessanocore show CDP neighbors <---- segfault
05:08.47*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
05:08.50drmessanoThere you go
05:08.53drmessanoFull Cisco support
05:09.05jeevplugs coordinates into Tomahawk
05:09.20Carlos_PHXDecision made, leave marina now.
05:09.25drmessanoI miss the chopper my organization had
05:09.35IanBeyerCarlos_PHX: internet on the boat ++
05:09.37Carlos_PHXHey, are Tomahawks heat seeking?
05:09.41drmessanoGot shot down over Tunis delivering an Asterisk box
05:09.47jeevCarlos_PHX, they seak gas too. so you better hold your farts
05:10.00Carlos_PHXDamn, shouldn't have had that T-bone for dinner.
05:10.05drmessanoAh well, the risks of the coffee busness
05:10.12jeevi want to go somewhere in the country
05:10.15jeevwith DELISH ribs
05:10.21jeevlos angeles is gay
05:10.31jeevi'm tired of seeing low carb this, low fat that
05:10.31IanBeyerjeev: come to KC. Ribs here are to die for.
05:10.32jeevi want ribs.
05:10.38jeevare you where the Chiefs are?
05:10.42jeevcause i'm REALLY upset at them
05:10.58IanBeyeryeah. football and baseball teams suck beyond description, but the BBQ makes up for it and then some
05:11.00rob0SIP behind NAT without SNAT, I am going to lose my direct Internet connection and get a NAT'ed one temporarily. I register with my origination providers, will that still work, or do I need to tunnel it?
05:11.13russellbthe south has great BBQ, but you shouldn't come to the south, because i'm afraid you might find me
05:11.15jeevrob0, i hear STUN is cool
05:11.16Carlos_PHXIs a Los Angeles refugee
05:11.21drmessanoROFL russellb
05:11.27IanBeyerjeev: these days the best part of going to a chiefs game is the BBQ in the parking lot.
05:11.29drmessanoSouth = Barbecue
05:11.30jeevrussellb, i already came there and found you!
05:11.42rob0Ian, I'm from KC originally. ZardaBBQ++
05:11.42jeevIanBeyer, i'm tanned.. born in Iran, Armenian, will i be accepted there?
05:11.51Carlos_PHXThe South also has awesome wings...  Mmmm... Beauregard's...  (Spelling?)
05:11.52jeevok russellb, dont believe me!
05:11.56IanBeyersouthern BBQ is very different from KC, but it's pretty damned good too :)
05:12.05jeevi went to houston..
05:12.07IanBeyersure... My next door neighbour speaks Urdu at home.
05:12.11drmessanoThere is this place in New Ellenton, SC that makes the best barbecue EVER
05:12.14jeevwhat the hell is Urdu
05:12.26russellbjeev: you're so cultured
05:12.34IanBeyersomething they speak in pakistan. that's the hubby.. the wife is from some random istan
05:12.45drmessanorussellb: This is IRC.. it's "your so cultured"
05:12.46jeevrandomistan's are awesome
05:12.48IanBeyerand he makes some kickass wings come superbowl time
05:12.55russellb"some random istan" -- lol ...
05:13.12IanBeyerprobably one of the old soviet istans.
05:13.14Carlos_PHXrussellb: What's that wing place near Digium?  Must talk them into UPS overnight.
05:13.16IanBeyerI forget which
05:13.20jeevIanBeyer, sorry but i know damn well if i go to any other state, i'll be looked at funk"ly"
05:13.28IanBeyerooh, wings near digium? good to know
05:13.37drmessanoOhh.. an Asterisk rib place
05:13.46Carlos_PHXOpen Source ribs
05:13.56jeevwith lots of bugs!
05:13.57IanBeyerjeev: If you like the BBQ here, we don't care what you look like, because we all look pretty much the same with BBQ sauce all over our chin :)
05:13.58drmessano"I want two orders of stable, a side of trunk, and a box of GUI"
05:14.15jeevIanBeyer, is it like, clean lean meat or fat hanging off it
05:14.16jeevi hate that fatty shit
05:14.21drmessano"Sorry, we only sell GUI in bowls now, too many leaks"
05:14.27IanBeyerdepends where you go.
05:14.28drmessano"SAD FACE"
05:14.32russellbCarlos_PHX: Beauregard's?
05:14.33IanBeyerribs here are meaty
05:14.43russellbthere are some others, too, probably ...
05:14.43Carlos_PHXYeah, I thought that was the name, almost forgot.
05:14.44IanBeyerbrisket here is lean
05:14.49Carlos_PHXTheir hot wings...mmm
05:14.56jeevi'm tired of Subway and Quizno's
05:14.59jeevbut i love In N Out
05:15.05drmessanoHot Wings are the downfall of modern civilization
05:15.15IanBeyerjeev: I hear ya. I remember a time when subway put stuff on their sandwiches other than a hunk of floppy bread
05:15.39IanBeyerfor five dolla, I want some fucking MEAT.
05:15.42jeevnow it's like a distribution line, they toss the shit on it and say fuck off
05:15.49jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:15.52jeevkind of how russellb treats me!
05:15.54mDuffbuilt the trunk pbx_lua against asterisk 1.6.x, and now it actually *works*!
05:16.06IanBeyerat least I can get meat at quiznos
05:16.12jeevyea but quizno's is kind of nasty
05:16.15jeevexcept that new shit they got it ok
05:16.31drmessanoI have this entire tinfoil hat theory about hot wings.. but in summary, hot wings were invented by communists, perfected by socialists, and seasoned by Fascists.
05:16.37IanBeyerthe baja chicken is pretty good if you dump enough cilantro and hot peppers on it
05:16.47mDuffdoesn't do sandwich shops anymore -- friend-of-a-friend opened a Greek restaurant, and now 0wns his dining budget.
05:16.48jeevpeppers == vista
05:16.50jeevdoesn't work with me
05:16.54IanBeyermduff: jealous.
05:17.13IanBeyerwe've got a pretty good greek joint not too far from the office
05:17.38drmessanoWe had a greek restaurant here in Augusta.. Everyone kept going in there and bitching they didnt make enough varieties of PIZZA
05:17.47mDuffIanBeyer: if you're ever in Austin, it's Zakia's Greek Cuisine (Zakia is the owner, and a bloody amazing cook).
05:17.49drmessanoSo they went out of business thanks to Papa Johns
05:18.20drmessanoIts Georgia.. WTF does one expect.. These people are uncultured neanderthals
05:18.24drmessanoThey all use NT here
05:18.42drmessanoWindows NT Service Pack 4 (!)
05:18.49drmessanoOk, no
05:18.49IanBeyersame diff :)
05:19.01drmessanoBut you cross the state line and go back 20 years here
05:19.16drmessanoGod thats being generous
05:19.17IanBeyerjeev: if you ever come to KC, Jack Stack is the place... but they'll ship it to you if you part with enough cash
05:19.49IanBeyerwe had a conference at work and had Jack Stack cater lunch for 1500 people
05:20.05drmessanobanking industry?
05:20.06IanBeyerthey weren't quite lining up the cows behind the smoker, but they might as well.
05:20.06jeevjack stack can't handle me
05:20.12jeevthey call me bottomless pit
05:20.14jeevall 193 lbs of me
05:20.17IanBeyerdrmessano: nah, we're a bigass church
05:20.18Carlos_PHXRemembers the County Line in Austing...
05:20.23Carlos_PHXEr, Austin.
05:20.29drmessanojeev: I've heard what they call you, and thats only close
05:20.56Carlos_PHXdrmessano: You mean what women call him or the guys at the gym?
05:21.12IanBeyerjeev: well, for people like you, you can order by the pound.
05:21.44kerxjeev, dont trip, im 235 lbs
05:21.52drmessanoCarlos_PHX: I won't go into what guys call him, but women don't call him at all
05:21.52kerxi get called big boi all day/night long :)
05:22.26Carlos_PHXdrmessano: I have women beating on my door at 3am almost every night.  I usually get up and let them out.
05:22.29IanBeyerback on topic for a brief sec... we're new to *, trying to figure out how we're gonna do this... what SIP phones does everyone like?
05:22.49Carlos_PHXI like the Linksys, but many people here think I'm a moron.
05:22.50mDuffIanBeyer: lots of folks like polycom. I like SNOM.
05:23.00drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Same here
05:23.03IanBeyerdoes work late at night, because I'm useless before noon, but I still have to be in the office :)
05:23.04Carlos_PHXBut I'd take the Linksys over any other I've tried as would most of my customers.
05:23.06drmessanoI like the Linksys stuff
05:23.06jeevi'm o6'1 though
05:23.16mDuffIanBeyer: ignore the people who like Linksys -- their speakerphone functionality is awful.
05:23.23kerxyeah, i'm 6' even
05:23.29jeevchunky munkey
05:23.31Carlos_PHXYes, speakerphone is not good.
05:23.33jeevfood is god
05:23.34jeevi dont care
05:23.36Carlos_PHXEverything else is.
05:23.38jeevi'll gladly gain weight
05:23.44IanBeyermduff: I've got a colleague that has linksys, likes the phones, hates the speaker.
05:23.48Carlos_PHXThe one customer who didn't want the Linksys is a speaker user.
05:23.56drmessanoSPA-941 speakerphone isn't bad on latest firmware
05:24.01IanBeyeri've heard the speaker on polycoms kicks ass
05:24.01Carlos_PHXBUT... he just ordered 6 today for non speaker users in the office.
05:24.02jeevfor christ sake
05:24.07jeevare you talking about
05:24.10jeevwifi sip phones?
05:24.14mDuffIanBeyer: yup, that's about right. snom 3xxs are good phones, *and* have great speakerphone in my experience.
05:24.19jeevthank god
05:24.19Carlos_PHXSpeaker on Polycom 5xx or 6xx rocks
05:24.21jeevpolycom RULEZ
05:24.27drmessanojeev: WTF?  Are you 12?
05:24.33IanBeyerhow about aastra? they're cheap, but are they any good?
05:24.35mDuffIanBeyer: ...and speakerphone is what Polycom has been doing well for ages.
05:24.52drmessanoPolycom does speakerphone/conferencing well
05:24.56Carlos_PHXFor general office use my customers LOVE the Linksys 942.
05:24.58drmessanoI will give them that
05:25.15Carlos_PHXI have the 962 with 932 console on my desk as of this week and I'm in love.
05:25.29IanBeyerlooking forward to our telecom provider offering SIP trunking in Jan
05:25.42drmessanoI use 941s at home
05:25.50drmessanoWhere the PoE doesn't make sense
05:25.58IanBeyerwe're looking to drop * into a remote office (10-15 people) and recover the digital PBX there to expand another remote office
05:26.21drmessanoWhy dont you build THAT office a PBX from asterisk?
05:26.26IanBeyeralos looking to interface with Exchange 2007 for VM
05:26.33IanBeyerdrmessano: because it's already established
05:26.38IanBeyerand it's 60 people
05:26.47IanBeyerwe've got a fair bit sunk into that PBX already
05:27.08IanBeyerbut going forward, all remote sites are gonna be on *
05:27.46IanBeyerI wanna set it up so that any future users on our main office are on *, but interfacing * and our PBX could be a pain in the ass
05:27.53IanBeyermight require a lot of BBQ and ethanol.
05:28.32drmessanoMicrosoft insists you can PBX as you are
05:28.48IanBeyerthey keep saying that Ex07 is pretty good at UM
05:28.51IanBeyerthat remains to be seen
05:28.55*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
05:29.03drmessanoDunno.. seems a lot are using it
05:29.23drmessanoI'm getting ready to deploy it
05:29.25IanBeyermain reason for doing it on Exchange is because of the single message store for both voice/email
05:29.31IanBeyerand exchange is dirt cheap
05:29.35IanBeyerat least for us :)
05:30.13jeevjust download it
05:30.16jeevit's even cheaper!
05:30.17IanBeyerour current PBX is a Comdial
05:30.22mDuffWhat's the difference between ast_channel_datastore_alloc and ast_datastore_alloc? Is it just a rename, or have semantics changed?
05:30.37russellbmostly a rename
05:30.41mDuffIanBeyer: asterisk supports IMAP as a voicemail store
05:30.48russellbthe purpose was to make it not tied to ast_channel
05:30.57russellbsince the API could be useful to use datastores on other structures
05:30.58mDuffrussellb: ahh.
05:31.12russellbthe semantics of how you use it are the same, though
05:31.13drmessanojeev says the Pirate Bay has great volume license prices as well as some of those unlimited G729 licenses
05:32.13IanBeyerwe pay $150 per server and $3 per CAL.
05:32.19Carlos_PHXJeev told me Obama was going to give us all unlimited G729.
05:32.36russellbtax cuts ... in the form of free g729
05:32.37Carlos_PHXSharpens hook, cuts bait anchovy
05:32.44jeevthat's good
05:32.47jeevmccain wants to charge for asterisk.
05:32.52jeevpalin can see russia from her house
05:32.59drmessanoMcCain and Palin are gonna give us free G711
05:33.11Carlos_PHXPalin uses Speex
05:33.12drmessanoThey're mavericks
05:33.29Carlos_PHXMcCain has a rotary phone
05:33.38jeevmccain doesn't have shoulder movement
05:33.42jeevhe uses voice recognition
05:33.48Carlos_PHXHe dial with his noese
05:33.54russellbi heard he invented the blackberry
05:33.54jeevthat's why he always flips out
05:33.57Carlos_PHXDamn, see, I had that next beer.
05:34.18mDuffObama knows not to use bubble sorts.
05:34.20mDuffWhat kind of O(n) will we get for McCain?
05:35.00drmessanoMcCain is gonna bring us all touch tone
05:35.07jeevmccain wants to charge every time you wget asterisk sound files
05:35.09drmessanoAfter he learns to use a computer
05:35.36Carlos_PHXCan Obama ever send an e-mail at all?
05:35.48jeevyou mean mccain
05:35.51Carlos_PHXSince everything he says would get caught in the BS filter portion of a spam filter.
05:35.59Carlos_PHXOr him too.
05:36.06Carlos_PHXI'm an equal opportunity offender.
05:36.13jeevi'd rather get an email in my junk mail then morse code
05:37.05Carlos_PHXPassed morse code test, that's how old I am.
05:37.33drmessanoIn McCain's offense, he was an early adopter of Windows 95.  He's still waiting to find the "Any Key" so he can start using it, though...
05:38.08russellb<3 #asterisk-after-hours
05:38.21Carlos_PHXYeah, I was just thinking exactly that.
05:38.41IanBeyerdrmessano: but he'll get a BSOD as soon as he hits it
05:39.04Carlos_PHXHits it...McCain....Palin...sorry for the image.
05:40.02rob0Clarifying my question: I don't (can't) control the upstream router. Can I still get my SIP origination through that, or should I give up and tunnel it?
05:40.31rob0The tunnel would introduce some more latency, so I hope not to have to do that.
05:40.34drmessanoCindy bought him a laptop for Christmas a few years ago.. he spoke to it for 3 months and kept asking everyone if they got his "Electronic Mails", then someone showed him how to open it...
05:41.17*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
05:41.31drmessanopictures McCain walking around the capitol speaking into the corner of an iBook
05:42.16drmessanoEnough about how dumb McCain is.. anyone heard anything good about Caribou Barbie lately?
05:43.11Carlos_PHXCaribou Barbie...ROFL...that may be common, but I avoid media so I've never heard it before.
05:43.58IanBeyerwell, she... uh..... erm.. she can see russia!
05:44.04IanBeyeryeah, that's good, right?
05:44.07*** join/#asterisk voxter (
05:44.13IanBeyermust be a helluva view.
05:44.14Carlos_PHXAnd she's MILFy somehwat
05:44.19IanBeyerVPILF :)
05:44.30Carlos_PHXI mean, we're hosed either way, so why not get the eye candy at least?
05:44.47IanBeyeryeah, Old Joey B ain't much to look at.
05:45.08Carlos_PHXShe's got a nice rack, that beats all VPs in recent history.
05:45.31IanBeyeriRan for VP because I had a nice iRack?
05:45.36Carlos_PHXIs that an Apple bra?
05:46.06IanBeyeryeah, it's made of Titanium allow and glows
05:46.18jeevrob0, i think it'd be smarter to ask tomorrow, lol.
05:46.44drmessanoI can certainly see where her 8 kids getting knocked up at 13 comes from... she has that "Oh, you dont pee seeds?" mentality that's been helping men create single moms for thousands of years..
05:47.11rob0jeev, I figured I'd have to do that, thatnks :)
05:47.16rob0thanks too
05:47.45IanBeyerthe pregnant kid's got a pretty nice rack too.
05:47.48drmessanorob0: Your question is a bit off-topic, you may want to ask in #asterisk
05:47.49IanBeyerno wonder she got knowcked up
05:48.42IanBeyeruhoh... something just went thunk upstairs, rather loudly.
05:48.43drmessanoIanBeyer: You can say that legally, because in Alaska, Chris Hanson can't show up at your Boone's Farm drinking party with the neighbors kids if they're 16+.
05:49.16IanBeyeri don't hear wailing, so that's good, I think
05:49.17Carlos_PHXrob0:  You could re-state the question and we might give it a shot between drinks and pot-shots at the political scum.
05:49.26IanBeyerit sounded like falling out of bed
05:49.45drmessanoMaybe you should call up there
05:50.03Carlos_PHX"The phone call is coming from...INSIDE THE HOUSE"
05:50.15IanBeyerhmm. still thunking.. I probably should look
05:50.18IanBeyeruhoh, wailing.
05:50.43drmessanoYeah, in a pure asterisk world, no need to check on the kids.. ring their extension.. they dont answer, leave them a voicemail
05:51.00Carlos_PHXWonders what is upstairs. Kids? Animals? Kidnapped 15 year old runaways?
05:51.14drmessano"BACK IN YOUR CAGE"
05:51.24Carlos_PHXIt puts the.....
05:51.31drmessano"Grandma, did you pee on the carpet again...."
05:51.47rob0I've got * working with SIP origination and termination providers. All's well on my own Internet connection. But I'm about to go to a different provider; I won't have my own external IP address, don't control the nat router.
05:52.14TalkRadiodyndns maybe
05:52.15drmessanoGood luck with that
05:52.19*** join/#asterisk feeds (
05:52.22Carlos_PHXrob0: Usually --USUALLY-- if you have NAT on one side and not the other you are alright.
05:52.22IanBeyerok, back
05:52.28IanBeyerdropped sippy cup and lost monkey.
05:52.30TalkRadioi used dyndns on my sipura3k and it worked
05:52.43drmessanoThis isn't about dynamic IPs
05:52.49IanBeyerCarlos_PHX: kiddos.
05:52.50rob0not talking about DNS. That's covered. I'm just wondering if this will work through the router.
05:52.53TalkRadioahh my badd double nat
05:52.54drmessanoIts about being behind a NAT and not controlling it
05:52.56Carlos_PHXIanBeyer: So the 15 year old runaways in your attic dropped their drinks?
05:53.16IanBeyernah, I sedated them
05:53.24drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Boone's Farm in sippy cups = WIN
05:53.33rob0It's much like using SIP at a hotel or wireless hotspot.
05:53.39Carlos_PHXrob0:  No way to say, but in my experience most one-side NAT does work.  Both sides...not so much.
05:53.49IanBeyerhey, there was a local applebee's that accidentally put margarita in some kid's sippycup instead of apple juice.
05:53.52Carlos_PHXBoone's Farm and rufies
05:54.53IanBeyerand rather than thank them for helping their kid go to bed without any fuss, they sued.
05:54.53IanBeyergo figure.
05:54.53Carlos_PHXLucky kid.
05:54.53drmessanoIf they put a ban on Boone's Farm, pedophiles would move overseas
05:55.14Carlos_PHXrob0: Do you know what router is involved?  Or what type of NAT (port-restricted, full-cone, etc)?
05:55.17*** join/#asterisk rrrobert (n=rrrobert@
05:55.21rrrobertHi have configured samgoma A101 with asterisk ,every thing is ok except local number dialing ..i talked to telco and they said that i m sending "National Significant Number" for local call as well ....can any one tell me how make it local for local calls.?
05:55.46rob0Carlos_PHX, no, not yet. This setup will only last for one month.
05:55.47drmessanoFix your dial patterns?
05:55.52jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:55.52Carlos_PHXWonders if newb is going to get roasted.
05:56.02lmadsenstarts the fire
05:56.04Carlos_PHXPilot flame is lighted...
05:56.06IanBeyerdamn. I'm out of munchies that are bad for me
05:56.27feedsputs more wood on the fire
05:56.27Carlos_PHXI can't decide on microwave pork rinds or pretzels.
05:56.33rrrobertdrmessano, can u guide me
05:56.47drmessanorrrobert: Yes
05:57.01drmessanorrrobert: wget
05:57.08jeevsomeone help rrrobert, for a noob to talk to drmessano on their first visit to irc.. it's potentially deadly
05:57.12IanBeyerand if I eat all the halloween candy, not only will my wife kill me, the local teenagers who don't get any will egg my house, and I just had it painted.
05:57.33feeds^^ xD
05:57.47drmessanostabs jeev with pins extracted from last years halloween candy
05:57.47IanBeyerand if they did that, I'd be forced to shoot them
05:57.56drmessanoDamn x-ray machines ruined it for everyone
05:58.07IanBeyerand really, the computers they have at leavenworth are no good at all.
05:58.10Carlos_PHXAnd now that you can make x-rays from Scotch tape...
05:58.11kerxhey, anyone know why my AMI socket connection in perl would not be working correctly?  I send the action's with newline's and then a break and new-line
05:58.13kerxbut they don't take affect
05:58.53drmessanokerx: I dont really code in perl.. I usually bash my head on the keyboard, save it as and hope for the best..
05:59.00drmessanoIt works 80% of the time
05:59.11Carlos_PHXrrrobert:  Ok so the answer is that you need to have a dial plan that traps the extension dialed and changes the outbound dial string.  And the book drmessano linked is critical in understanding this.
05:59.25Carlos_PHXAnd everyone here right now is too drunk to help you on basic issues covered in the book.
05:59.27kerxdrmessano, i'm sorry that didn't sound funny
05:59.37drmessanoCarlos_PHX: You left off the GTFO and STFU
05:59.39Carlos_PHXWonders if I'm the only drunk IRCer tonight.
05:59.53IanBeyerdrmessano, I didn't think bash scripting meant literally bashing your head on the keyboard. THank you for enlightening me
06:00.03IanBeyerit makes sense, really.
06:00.04slingrsomeone is in a baaaddd mood again :P
06:00.25Carlos_PHXOr goooood, it's hard to tell really.
06:00.25drmessanoslingr: Stop stalking me
06:00.27IanBeyeris sober, but an * n00b
06:00.39IanBeyeris not only out of junk food, but out of beer too.
06:00.42Carlos_PHXWe all were some time.
06:00.51Carlos_PHXSober I mean, nobody was ever an * noob
06:00.52jameswfim a newb
06:00.54Carlos_PHXExcept you.
06:01.28kerxwhile(defined(my $line = <ASTHandle>)) {
06:01.34kerx$login_string =  "Action: Login\n\r";
06:01.34kerx$login_string .= "Username: $ast_username\n\r";
06:01.34kerx$login_string .= "Secret: $ast_secret\n\r";
06:01.34kerx$login_string .= "\n\r";
06:01.36rrrobertdrmessano, here is my config ..plz have a look
06:01.37Carlos_PHXCrap, a duck just walked on my deck and started screaming.
06:01.41kerxwhat would be wrong with that?
06:01.45drmessanoStop flooding
06:01.56kerxdrmessano, pastebin was made for either 100+ log file's
06:02.07Carlos_PHXOr Nomex underwear, your choice.
06:02.10kerxand it was made for back in the day when everyone's resolution was 100x100
06:02.21jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
06:02.32*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
06:02.43drmessanoslingr: Stalker
06:02.46jameswfkerx yeahh  multiline paste bad mojo quick way to get flogged
06:02.54Carlos_PHXSits back waiting for smell of singed flesh
06:02.55kerxroger that
06:03.00kerxi'm getting frustrated w/ perl
06:03.04kerxi should have pasttebin'd
06:03.04rrrobertCarlos_PHX, here u go
06:03.05IanBeyercarlos: how far from shore are you?
06:03.08slingroh wow... telling someone nicely... worked....
06:03.09Carlos_PHXBRB, going to kill a duck.
06:03.23drmessanoslingr likes to follow me channel to channel going "looks who is in a bad mood" and trolling me.. Not sure why
06:03.54drmessanoI think it's sexual
06:04.21Carlos_PHXYou are a sexy bitch after all.
06:04.51drmessanoslingr is the self appointed IRC police
06:04.56drmessanoOne of those tree huggers
06:05.14jameswfhug the wrong tree get a rash
06:05.21rrrobertdrmessano, still can't fihure out the problem :-(
06:05.29jameswfthat was like an oregon trail message
06:05.57slingrhugs the badmood doctor
06:05.59drmessanojameswf: Maybe we'll all luck out and slingr will get dyptheria
06:06.28Carlos_PHXWiki dyptheria
06:06.58jameswf~wiki dyptheria
06:07.03drmessanoErr yeah
06:08.01jameswfohh thats gross
06:08.05rrroberttrying what asterisk gurus told me
06:08.56Carlos_PHXrrrobert: That pastebin is not your dialplan, and that's the issue.
06:09.21Carlos_PHXI wish I could type with both eyes open and post the full instructions, but I can't, and won't until tomorrow.
06:09.26slingrthat was the first time we made love
06:09.51Carlos_PHXWhere's that "leave channel" button
06:10.02slingrjoin #1,000
06:10.07slingrto leave the channel
06:10.37drmessanoYep, troll
06:10.47IanBeyercarlos: you get the duck?
06:10.56Carlos_PHXBastard was too fast.
06:11.01Carlos_PHXAnd loud
06:11.06IanBeyerhow far from shore are you?
06:11.11slingryou got a duck problem?
06:11.12Carlos_PHXGets out flare gun
06:11.19Carlos_PHXI'm in the marina.
06:11.27IanBeyerah, I thought you were heading out
06:11.27slingruse the flare gun... ready to eat
06:11.41Carlos_PHXI couldn't decide.  And then someone said Captain Morgan.
06:11.47Carlos_PHXAnd I now I should not drive.
06:11.48drmessanoslingr: Doesn't worry about ducks, trolls are too short to have near misses
06:12.18IanBeyerhow's the data coverage out on the water?
06:12.24Carlos_PHXBoating drunk = driving drunk, bad mojo
06:12.38Carlos_PHXNot terrible, 1xRTT speeds mostly.
06:12.46IanBeyersufficient for IRC :)
06:12.51Carlos_PHXI'm on EV-DO in the marina.
06:13.15Carlos_PHXYeah, even the satellite phone/internet works for IRC
06:13.23IanBeyer1xRTT not so good for surfing pr0n
06:13.24drmessanoslingr, stop PM'ing me.. I don't want to cyber you
06:13.25Carlos_PHXLatency = 6500-8500 though
06:13.44Carlos_PHXSatellite not good for anything more than ASCII pr0n
06:14.11IanBeyerwhat kinda boat?
06:14.22Carlos_PHXSmall power cruiser, 24'.
06:14.31slingrthats not what you said 5 minutes ago drmessangelo
06:14.43rrrobertCarlos_PHX, here is my dial plan
06:14.48slingrsmall 24'?
06:14.52Carlos_PHXslingr: Yeah, but now he's finished.
06:14.59slingrok Carlos
06:15.06IanBeyercarlos: sounds cozy.
06:15.10slingri forgot that some people don't like to cuddle afterwards
06:15.18drmessanoDo you not understand autocomplete?
06:15.31drmessanoOh I get it
06:15.35drmessanoYou're french
06:15.55*** join/#asterisk redax (
06:16.09Carlos_PHXFresh meat.
06:16.17IanBeyerwelp, I should probably load up the dishwasher and head to bed.
06:16.25redaxseems like the latest zaptel wont compile on kernel
06:16.26IanBeyerI gotta drag my ass outta bed in the morning
06:16.41IanBeyerget the kids off to school and my ass to work
06:16.44Carlos_PHXIanBeyer: I have a client meeting at 7am, that's gonna suck.
06:17.15IanBeyeri have to recast IPs on a lighting console
06:17.43Carlos_PHXHuh, sounds more interesting than answering questions for managers like I have to do.
06:17.59IanBeyerthe ligting console runs linux
06:18.07Carlos_PHXThe managers do not.
06:18.13drmessanoI try to avoid Linux
06:18.14Carlos_PHXSo there's that.
06:18.16IanBeyerno wonder they're useless.
06:18.24drmessanoI find asterisk runs great on Vista
06:18.34Carlos_PHXI run Asterisk on BeOS
06:18.53rrrobertCarlos_PHX, dial plan gives some clue?
06:18.56IanBeyerohyeah, that's the other thing I have to do.. config network on the media server, which runs BeOS
06:19.12IanBeyerat least it's not on OS/2
06:19.18slingrthat explains it all
06:19.20Carlos_PHXrrrobert: Yes, you need a separate dail pattern for local vs. long distance.
06:19.26slingryou are a windows douche
06:19.28Carlos_PHXStrip all but 7 digits for local.
06:19.59drmessanoslingr: You're an idiot with ZERO sense of humor.. Stop trolling me
06:20.16Carlos_PHXLooks like two trolls to me.
06:20.23Carlos_PHXHot troll-on-troll action.
06:20.24drmessanoslingr: You're no good at it, and you're only gonna look stupid if I actually pay real attention to you
06:20.35slingri love you drmessano
06:20.38slingrso easy to get going
06:20.43slingreasy to get under your skin ;)
06:20.55drmessanoslingr: Thats where you underestimate me.. you've yet to annoy me
06:21.07drmessanoslingr: Thats why I said "bad at it"
06:21.09trelaneslingr, real men use knives to get under others' skin.
06:21.14trelaneplease, use a knife, or cut it out.
06:21.15*** join/#asterisk pepesmith (n=jojo@unaffiliated/pepesmith)
06:21.21slingrstabs drmessano
06:21.39Carlos_PHXSo these two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar...
06:21.46trelanerolls his eyes. I thought you were an operative, turns out you're a halfwit. Go over to cold steel, get a knife, and use that
06:21.56Carlos_PHXOne says to the other:  "Oh shit dude, I think I lost my electron!"
06:21.58trelanefeel the blood coursing over your hand as you pull the blade out
06:22.02drmessanoHiding behind a lame vhost = internet toughguy wannabe
06:22.06Carlos_PHXThe other says:  "Are you sure?"
06:22.07slingrrofl @ Carlos_PHX
06:22.22Carlos_PHXFirst hydrogen atom says:  "Yeah.  I'm positive."
06:22.36trelanedrmessano, I concur
06:22.36drmessano<slingr> ROFLZOMG HAHAHAH WHATS THAT MEAN
06:22.50slingroh i can do that too
06:22.56trelaneslingr, it means if you're going to talk trash, do it from your own IP
06:22.59trelanenot from a shell
06:22.59drmessanotrelane: Probably been on IRC for a few weeks
06:23.01slingr<drmessano> make up random thing that i didn't actually say
06:23.14drmessanotrelane: Or just french
06:23.14trelanedon't let third parties take the heat for your big mouth
06:23.33slingrdrmessano > you recruited another troll :D
06:23.40drmessanoAh, french canadien
06:23.48Carlos_PHXWonders if I just fired up the time machine to 1983 and CompuServe chat
06:23.51trelanea quebecois?
06:24.01trelaneCarlos_PHX, keep drinking :)
06:24.04drmessanoYes, I was trying to think of the word lol
06:24.12Carlos_PHXI haven't stopped.
06:24.18trelaneCarlos_PHX, I approve! :)
06:24.19Carlos_PHXThis IPA is damn good.
06:24.31slingrquebecois, non.. je ne parle pas francaus au jordius
06:24.33trelanenever was an IPA fan, I do like a good belgian ale though
06:24.42pepesmithCarlos_PHX, !trivia
06:24.49drmessanoThat whole "HA, I have got you all mad and bothered hot a second time, haha you are no man no"
06:24.52Carlos_PHXI have some 1554 too, but sticking to the IPA tonight.
06:25.11pepesmithrandom babbly thing
06:25.15drmessanotrelane: French, nonetheless
06:25.21trelaneCarlos_PHX, I won't write it off as to that I havn't found one I like yet, there's a zillion of 'em, obviously some of them drink them
06:25.38slingrkisses drmessano good night
06:25.40slingrttyl babe ;)
06:25.41trelanedrmessano, porquoi, je parle francais aussi.
06:26.00*** part/#asterisk redax (
06:26.10slingrwrite it poorly
06:26.17slingrprobably speak it well
06:26.28trelanebut here's an idea, the next time you speak French, thank an American veteren
06:26.32Carlos_PHXConsiders 5am wakeup and whether to go to bed now or stay up.
06:26.36trelanethere's plenty buried on your soil to give you that privledge
06:26.50slingrstay up
06:26.51drmessanoVotre mère est la grenouille, et votre père est l'un d'une centaine d'hommes
06:26.58Carlos_PHXSees bait hit water, must watch
06:27.10trelanedrmessano, bahahahahahaha
06:28.25slingrthanks for the entertainment tonight gents.... i'm heading out for now
06:28.30slingrttyl drmessano :)
06:28.49drmessanoVoulez-vous acheter une belle armée française utilisé l'arme à feu? Jamais tiré, a chuté deux fois.
06:29.04slingrawesome you can use a translator ;)
06:29.46drmessanoYeah, in a sad bit of tragic irony, I tried to learn french, but in the end, I surrendered.
06:29.56trelanedrmessano, yeah, me too
06:30.01mDuffso we're determining LUA_LIB during autoconf, but I don't see it actually being *used* anywhere.
06:30.15mDuff(backstory: my liblua5.1 is static, and isn't being linked into
06:31.56drmessanoSlingr, ne devrait pas vous être à la plantation d'un arbre de sorte que la prochaine armée qui envahit peut repos à l'ombre?
06:32.04mDuff...hrm; looks like it's menuselect's responsibility to do the appropriate setup.
06:36.29*** join/#asterisk sah-work (n=Bawbatos@
06:36.57rrrobertCarlos_PHX, as per yr advice i have created two dialplan but the problem remains the same.
06:37.01rrrobertCarlos_PHX, my problem is that my TELCO says that he is getting the attribute "National Significant Number" for local calls as well, How to set that parameter for calls Switch@telco ewsd-Siemens
06:39.06IanBeyerOK, I think I'm gonna hit the hay
06:39.59drmessanoI just said goodnight to slingr
06:40.03drmessanoSo I am out of here too
06:45.55mDuffmunges his menuselect.makeopts by hand and rebuilds
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07:46.00orkiddoes someone want to be a darling and check didx for a number for me ? :)
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07:56.23MaliutaI recently added a queue to my config. I set the diaplan up so that calls go to the queue and if they are not answered they should drop through to a voicemail box
07:56.37Maliutahowever the voicemail is not answering
07:57.14*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:58.04Maliutasome message about voicemail being of ... security something or other (it's not very clear)
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08:55.31orkiddrmessano: Contact your DSL service provider and request your DSL be placed on a "Dry Loop" or assigned a "Virtual Number." This allows the phone company to separate your account into two numbers - one for your home phone line and one for your DSL service.
08:56.00orkiddrmessano: what does that mean, in reagrds to what you were saying about 'virtual' numbers not existings for phone lines? or do they just mean 'circuit' line
08:59.34yangorkid: do you need a call to your DID?
09:02.16*** join/#asterisk Nunners (
09:02.43NunnersI'm new to irc, so please forgive me... but could someone give me some assistance with getting my TDM410p working?
09:03.36Nunnersis anyone awake? or have I come at completely the wrong time of day?
09:04.12yangNunners: you can try in a few hours, most are away now
09:04.23Nunnersok- cheers...
09:04.34mort_gibNunners: what's your problem??
09:04.58NunnersI just can't work out what I've done wrong in installing the card etc... can't get asterisk to make any zap calls...
09:05.32MaliutaNunners: is this for 1.4 or 1.6?
09:05.34mort_gibAnd you installed Zaptel
09:05.45Maliutamort_gib: or DAHDI
09:05.51Nunners1.4 - and yes, I believe I've installed zaptel...
09:06.08mort_gib:-) Yes, I can't even say it's early in the morning....
09:06.18MaliutaNunners: has the wctdm module loaded properly?
09:07.30Nunnersagain I believe so... what's the best way to check?
09:07.47MaliutaNunners: lsmod
09:07.58MaliutaNunners: and dmesg
09:08.17Nunnerslsmod: zaptel                186884  12 xpp,wcusb,wctdm,wcfxo,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wcte12xp,wct4xxp,tor2
09:08.22MaliutaNunners: I would also suggest you run zapconf and use that as a guide
09:08.43NunnersPort 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
09:08.43NunnersPort 2: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
09:08.43NunnersPort 3: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
09:08.43NunnersPort 4: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
09:08.43NunnersVPM100: Not Present
09:08.44NunnersFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM410P (4 modules)
09:08.52jboti guess paste is, or see also pb
09:09.01Maliutado not spam the channel
09:09.05Maliutause a pastebin
09:09.20Nunnerssorry -as I said, new to irc
09:09.27Maliutawhy are _all_ the modules installed?
09:09.40NunnersNot sure what you mean
09:09.40Maliutado you actually have hardware that needs them all?
09:09.54NunnersI need two fxo and two fxs yes...
09:10.12Maliutaso the correct answer is no
09:10.26Nunnerstwo incoming/outgoing pstn lines, and one phone and one fax which are not sip
09:10.37Maliutayou don't need wcusb wcfxo wctdm24xxp xpp .....
09:11.06Maliutayou only need the wctdm module for the tdm4xx
09:11.12Nunnersok - but is that going to make a difference to why it's not working?  Also, how do I uninstall them?
09:11.17*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
09:11.26Maliutamodprobe -r
09:11.29*** join/#asterisk gambler1 (n=mene_sun@dragan.eunet.yu)
09:11.38Maliutashutdown asterisk, strip all the modules
09:11.49Maliutado a modprobe wctdm
09:12.00Maliutathen you can restart astersisk
09:12.27Maliutayou should run zapconf and use that as a starting point for the conf
09:12.38NunnersOk - first problem then.... modprobe.conf only has the line options wctdm24xxp guessing that's not correct
09:12.44gambler1hello, does anyone have a experience with configuring sip trunks between asterisk and cisco?
09:13.16mort_gibNunners: Did you connect a power cord to the card??
09:13.52Nunnersmort_gib: yes - that was one of the first things I'd realised I'd done wrong.
09:14.00mort_gib:-) -Sorry
09:14.19MaliutaNunners: yes it's wrong
09:14.41Nunnersmort_gib: don't worry... I've gone through loads of things, but there's not a great deal of helpful docs on the net... hence why I'm here!
09:14.42MaliutaNunners: you also haven't provided us with any information about the actual configuration
09:14.57MaliutaNunners: have you read the book?
09:15.05NunnersMaliuta: what would you like? And what book?
09:15.12MaliutaNunners: it has an example of setting up that card
09:15.15jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
09:15.35Nunnersdownloading now....
09:16.17Maliutaconsidering I set mine up in under an hour there is more than sufficient documentation out there
09:17.01Maliutabiggest issue I had was finding out about specific information regarding .au phone systems
09:17.07gambler1eh.. no one? Maybe I ask the wrong question, I have no problem with cisco but with asterisk that does not route incoming calls to specified context but default
09:18.15Maliutagambler1: what is the problem? is this a SIP trunk?
09:18.46NunnersMaluita: That could be one of the problems I've got - I'm uk, so I knwo there are some specifics here as well, but I don't think I'm at that point!
09:19.10gambler1yes, it's a sip trunk, and configuration is quite simple
09:19.40MaliutaNunners: from what I have seen it's about the same as a .au setup
09:19.51Maliutagambler1: think about it
09:19.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
09:20.05gambler1host=ip address of cisco
09:20.28Maliutagambler1: either use pastebin or go away
09:20.57gambler1that's all of configuration
09:21.24tzafrir_laptopNunners, the TDM410P card uses the wctdm24xxp module
09:21.38tzafrir_laptopbut then again, that owuld be easy to see using dahdi_hardware
09:21.39MaliutaNunners: pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
09:21.53tzafrir_laptopor zaptel_hardware on zaptel
09:21.57gambler1I dont use zaptel at all
09:22.12Nunnersjust downloading pastebin....!
09:22.25Maliutadownloading pastebin?
09:22.49tzafrir_laptopNunners, the point is to paste the output there and paste just the URL you got here
09:23.00Maliutagambler1: so this constitues a trunk how? nothing is registering
09:23.07*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:23.13gambler1Maliuta: setup is like AS5350 with E1 ---> asterisk ---> upstream provider
09:23.20Maliutagambler1: and you would need to show us the full sip.conf and extensions.conf
09:23.22NunnersSorry - got it now....
09:24.30tzafrir_laptopyou could use dahdi_genconf to generate the equivalent config files
09:24.56*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
09:25.03Maliutatzafrir_laptop: it's for 1.4
09:25.13Maliutatzafrir_laptop: so that would be zapconf
09:25.17Nunnerstzafrir: that's where I got confused.... is dahdi valid for 1.4....
09:25.22NunnersI think that answer my question!
09:25.43Maliutano, dahdi is not valid for 1.4
09:26.10Nunnersok - so zaptel it is...
09:26.23MaliutaNunners: and your zapata.conf isn't valid
09:27.02tzafrir_laptopNunners, Asterisk 1.4.22 (and newer, if there will be) can use either zaptel or dahdi, but...
09:27.11tzafrir_laptopthis is a compile-time decision
09:27.27NunnersMaliuta: should it include an include to zapata-channels.conf (see
09:27.28tzafrir_laptopat build time you have to decide if you use zaptel or dahdi
09:28.09tzafrir_laptopIf you have that card, I think it might be better for you to use dahdi, as upstream maintainers use it
09:28.33tzafrir_laptopyes, it's just a literal '#include'
09:29.25Maliutagambler1: so the cisco is registering to the * box? and you have a reference to a SIP peer that doesn't exist
09:31.57gambler1Maliuta: hmmmm the thing I don't understand is that when I type host=ip add in * then it should not be required for cisco to register on * right?
09:32.26gambler1Maliuta: because * will recognize peer by ip address rather then username and secret
09:33.30Nunnerszapata.conf updated
09:33.35Maliutagambler1: with a static IP technically register isn't required, but the cisco had better be configured to talk to * properly
09:34.44Maliutagambler1: you keep reffering to SIP/1002 ... which doesn't exist in your sip.conf
09:34.50*** join/#asterisk LND (
09:35.19gambler1Maliuta: well, the problem is that I can't configure cisco to register on * and I think that * should work as advised in book :)
09:35.52gambler1Maliuta: sorry it does exist just my copy/paste failed
09:36.18gambler1Maliuta: it's a sip phone on my desk that is registered properly on *
09:36.39NunnersEveryone: just going through reinstalling zaptel as I think that's where I need to start again?
09:37.13gambler1Maliuta: also, my ver of * is 1.4.22 compiled from source on CentOS
09:38.13Nunnerstzafrir/Maliuta: Which kernel modules should I install?  Obviously wctdm24xxp, what about pciradio, tor2, torisa as these seem none card specific?
09:39.00Maliutagambler1: and 'sip show peers' says what?
09:39.16*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
09:41.14gambler1Maliuta: interensting.. it does not show cisco ip addr
09:41.19Nunnersthink I may have found a problem... "You do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed." although I thought I'd got round this one.
09:42.49gambler1Maliuta: hhmmmmm this seems quite normal as cisco is defined as user in sip.conf which means it will send calls to asterisk but will not be a peer or friend
09:43.45Maliutagambler1: true, and sip show users?
09:44.19NunnersMaliuta/tzafrir: Any chance of some feedback... with the above problem I've then checked kernel and kernel-dev are installed, and they are... any thoughts?
09:46.24gambler1Maliuta: when I change type=friend fro cisco I get
09:47.54*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:52.03NunnersI've reinstalled the kernel sources, but still got the same problem...
09:54.05Nunnersanyone there? sorry....
09:56.42*** join/#asterisk aksyn (
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10:04.43xacatecashi all, what's the experiences like so far with asterisk 1.6 vs 1.4?  backwards compatibility etc?
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10:24.15PodMan99ahey all ... in the UK how can i use 141 infront of a number im dialing to hide my caller id
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10:53.22synthetiqanyone know any reasons why an asterisk daemon would stop responding to SIP messages?
10:53.31synthetiqi see invites come in but asterisk does nothing
10:53.36synthetiqwas working the day before
10:53.39synthetiq(v 1.4.17)
10:55.35synthetiqok nm recompiled and now working
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11:04.31cfhhi all , is asterisk able to analize special event sent from client ?
11:05.31cfhi need to find a solution to this problem :
11:05.53Davieyis that chap that worked for Xorcom here?
11:07.20tzafrir_laptopDaviey, he seems to be wandering around
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11:14.43Blackvelhi all. I have an IVR menu, where the caller can initiate a callback by SMS. this feature is not realized yet. what simple features/integrations could I use with asterisk, so I can check if a company want's me to callback? send me an email, log message? It must be very simple and fast to be implemented (with no barriers)
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12:18.34NunnersI'm still trying to install zaptel... but keep hitting the problem when trying to make - that it doesn't recognise that I have the kernel installed... any thoughts?
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12:19.21rob0try reinstalling your kernel source?
12:19.31mvanbaakor kernel-headers
12:19.36NunnersI have.... using yum...
12:19.38mvanbaakon most distro's that's enough
12:20.31rob0pastebin some evidence to support your conclusion
12:20.52Nunnerswhat do you want?
12:21.51rob0Hmmm, I want $10M in small unmarked bills and a Gulfstream jet, fueled, with a pilot.
12:22.20mvanbaakand a lifetime unlimited supply of beer
12:22.23mvanbaakand pizza
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12:33.33asim-does anyone know how to call context from sip.conf in extensions.conf ?
12:35.08[TK]D-Fenderasim-: in sip.conf is isn't a context, its called a "device".  and your use Dial to call devices.
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12:35.25asim-each device has a context though right
12:35.25[TK]D-Fenderasim-: like "Dial(SIP/myphone)"
12:35.45asim-i define context=something, under each device
12:35.48asim-in sip.conf
12:35.50[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Yes, each device points to a dialplan (extensions.conf) context.
12:36.03[TK]D-Fenderasim-: this is where incoming calls from that device will be processed
12:36.29asim-i suck at being clear :p
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12:37.16asim-i have entries in voicemail.conf under different contexts. when i get an incoming call and want to divert it to a particular voicemail i need to specify SIP@CONTEXT
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12:37.37asim-now i've got context=department in sip.conf for each device.
12:37.56asim-i'd like to pull that context so i can do SIP@department, to go to the voicemail of that SIP
12:38.01asim-do you get what i mean?
12:38.33asim-is it like sip headers or something?
12:40.31asim-so you are saying i should set the variable as department= in my sip.conf?
12:40.53Carlos_PHXIf that's how you want to handle it.
12:41.07asim-sucks, because i've got it as context= at the moment
12:41.08Carlos_PHXI recommend using a "standard extension" macro in general.
12:41.16Carlos_PHXAnd pass variables to it.
12:42.04asim-how would that differ from what you mentioned above Voicemail(1234@${DEPARTMENT})
12:42.10Carlos_PHXI dial a phone like this:  Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},department)
12:42.22Carlos_PHXAnd then the macro does all the processing.
12:42.29Carlos_PHXIt scales well.
12:42.41*** join/#asterisk Nunners (
12:42.42Carlos_PHXYour method works too, depending on scale.
12:43.07asim-ah right
12:43.30Carlos_PHXFor large scale, try to do repetitive processing in a macro and use variables.
12:43.45asim-yea i understand what you are saying. i am using variables
12:43.56asim-as in ${EXTEN}@${CONTEXT}
12:44.08asim-but then i use perl scripts to generate alot of stuff from an ldap server too
12:44.23Carlos_PHXAh, interesting.
12:44.38asim-yea took a bit of effort but works extremely well.
12:44.43asim-for us anyway
12:44.47asim-not the solution for all
12:44.50asim-just what my boss asked for
12:44.59Carlos_PHXSo yeah, make a variable for department.
12:46.39asim-it would be nice if i could use my existing context=department variable
12:46.58asim-and do something like sip(context)
12:46.59*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
12:47.16asim-unless i just call mailbox variable
12:50.36[TK]D-Fenderasim-: No.  You need to define your functionality per the extension dialed.  Doesn't meant hat every device will have an exten that dials them and falls to a VM box, let alone a box unique to them.
12:50.44[TK]D-Fenderasim-: This is dialplan work, not sip.conf
12:50.50NunnersBack again - battery gave up - can someone give me some assistance with the old kernel not being recognised when installing zaptel?
12:50.58[TK]D-Fenderasim-: For which you should follow Carlos_PHX's macro sample concept
12:51.39Nunners"You do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed."
12:53.04NunnersSomeone wanted me to prove I had reinstalled the kernel
12:53.49[TK]D-FenderNunners: You need sources, headers, etc (separate packages).
12:54.20[TK]D-FenderNunners: And make sure all of *'s other pre-req's are met as I believe one of them may be misrepresented as missing kernel bits...
12:54.30*** join/#asterisk phix (
12:54.31NunnersI've done the headers - using yum... do I need anything else?
12:54.57[TK]D-FenderNunners: read the included docs.
12:55.01*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
12:55.01NunnersI've done.... yum install automake gcc-c++ autoconf libtool kernel-devel kernel-smp-devel
12:55.13*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
12:55.22[TK]D-FenderNunners: I think newt & libnewt were related to this one..
12:55.45rob0Zaptel will install without newt
12:55.59DarKnesS_WolFhello guys if i want to store the incoming caller number to do redial after that what is the varubale ?
12:56.32Nunnersso do I need to do yum install newt libnewt ?
12:56.46[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: "core show function CALLERID"
12:56.54[TK]D-FenderNunners: Should
12:57.25DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: thx
12:57.27Bladerunner05hello asterisknow is also livecd ?
12:58.01rob0My guess is that the kernel source Nunners installed is not "".
12:59.33Nunnershow can I tell...
13:00.29[TK]D-FenderNunners: "man rpm"
13:00.49lmadsenrpm -qa | grep newt
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13:01.33NunnersNewt 0.52.7-1.fc7 installed, and newt perl....
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13:01.53Blackvelhi all. I have an IVR menu, where the caller can initiate a callback by SMS. this feature is not realized yet. what simple features/integrations could I use with asterisk, so I can check if a company want's me to callback? send me an email, log message? It must be very simple and fast to be implemented (with no barriers)
13:02.35Nunners@lmadsen: I've done that for kernel, and have two kernels loaded... is that right?
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13:02.52lmadsenNunners: what is the issue?
13:03.31Nunners@lmadsen: trying to install zaptel "You do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed."
13:03.38lmadsenok, so install those sources...
13:03.44lmadsenuname -a
13:03.54lmadsenmake sure the sources you're installing match the kernel you're running
13:03.55*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
13:04.20lmadsenand you have the kernel-devel pkg installed that matches that version?
13:04.59[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Your IVR *is* them telling you to call them back.  What more could there be?
13:05.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:06.51asim-theres no way to pull a sip peers variables in extensions.conf is there?
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13:07.39[TK]D-Fenderasim-: do "SetVar=vmcontext=department" for example and you can use ${department} in yuor dialplan
13:07.54[TK]D-Fenderasim-: But then again, this will affect calls FROM that device.
13:08.21[TK]D-Fenderasim-: which makes no sense for VM box.  the VM box is related to who I'm CALLING, not the device I'm calling from.
13:08.23file[TK]D-Fender: other way, it would be ${VMCONTEXT} setvar=name=value
13:08.48asim-i'm a little confused with some of the terms being used here. lol
13:09.00[TK]D-Fenderfile: Seem to say the same sort of thing but i'm not following your wording.
13:09.20[TK]D-Fenderasim-: You seem to be confusing the setup of the CALLER vs what they are CALLING.
13:09.30file[TK]D-Fender: you said it would be ${department} in the dialplan, which is incorrect
13:09.35Nunners@lmadsen: I've now removed the older kernel version, but no change - any thoughts?
13:09.51Nunnersoh - thanks! :)
13:09.55asim-basically i have a vmbox per sip peer
13:10.00lmadsenall I've ever done was installed kernel-devel for the currently running kernel, then run ./configure, and it works
13:10.01NunnersAnyone any ideas?
13:10.03[TK]D-Fenderfile: Yes, I see it... got like 4.5 hours sleep :)
13:10.17[TK]D-Fenderfile: a few cracks starting to show...
13:10.18asim-and theres a external line per sip peer
13:10.22Nunnersthat's what I thought it would do... but oh well!
13:10.30asim-so i wanted to external line -> sip peer for the vmbox
13:10.50[TK]D-Fenderasim-: "external line"?  huh?
13:11.11asim-direct dial, number you can call from outside
13:11.18asim-you know 02075343232
13:11.20asim-something like that
13:11.24asim-where are you from?
13:11.28asim-maybe its different where you are
13:11.39[TK]D-Fenderasim-: And disregard my suggestion, its only helpful in letting the caller retreive their VM's with voicemailmail for example
13:12.00asim-not at that part yet :p
13:12.05[TK]D-Fenderasim-: your line of thought doesn't make any sense
13:12.18[TK]D-Fenderasim-: You seem to be associating things that are not associated.
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13:12.32asim-how do you suggest i go about it?
13:12.37[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Voicemail boxes have virtually nothing to do with SIP devices.
13:12.47asim-well i have a mailbox per sip
13:12.56asim-per sip peer
13:13.02[TK]D-Fenderasim-: NOT "PER SIP"
13:13.21asim-what do you call is sip registrar or whatever.
13:13.25fileasim-: mailboxes are not directly associated with devices/peers, they are standalone...
13:13.26asim-my terminology sucks
13:13.26[TK]D-Fenderasim-: devices don't let to VM.  EXTENSIONS process your calls and do what yout ell them to
13:13.48[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Dialplan... all call processing = DIALPLAN
13:13.58asim-ok i get that
13:14.07asim-so there is no association to sip peers then
13:14.12[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Yes this includes voicemail.
13:14.24asim-so i have an extension, and i tell it where to go
13:14.39[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Only association is that when a call comes in from your peer it gets sent into the context you defined for that peer.
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13:14.42DarKnesS_WolFmmmm when i do redial from my phone the phone calls it self mmm any idea how this might get fixed ?
13:14.57NunnersCan someone give me some assistance with these kernels and sources etc?  I've just tried another yum install kernel-devel and it's coming up with two versions
13:14.59[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Not so much 'where to go", bbut rather "what to do"
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13:15.17[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Gor ead your phone's manual
13:15.27asim-its all fine and dandy for internal calls, cause i pattern match in different contexsts in the dial plan
13:15.27clintccan the echo application be used to detect line quality issues that are the result of 'echo on the lines' or is it just for making basic tests with your dialplan
13:15.40Nunners2.6.23.17-88 is installed, but yum then tries and fails to install 2.6.21-1.3194
13:15.41asim-inbound calls from the outside world are defined in a single context
13:15.46[TK]D-Fenderclintc: latter.
13:15.51asim-so i have a hard time using that one context to get to the mailbox
13:16.01[TK]D-Fenderasim-: then you should change your design
13:16.07asim-yea i think so
13:16.10asim-whats the best way to change it?
13:16.15asim-mailbox shouldnt have contexT?
13:16.20DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: doing that right now :-) should work off the box :P but it is not phone manual it did happen with many phones brand i think something wrong with my macro it is still 1.2 *
13:16.35[TK]D-Fenderasim-: point your varios devices to a context that has extens that do what you want them to do.
13:16.44*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (
13:16.49[TK]D-FenderDarkPHONE's dial.  This has nothing to do with *.
13:16.57[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: PHONE's dial.  This has nothing to do with *.
13:17.06clintc[TK]D-Fender: I sort of suspected that but a very knowledgable person told me otherwise and I didn't know enough to dispute it - thanks
13:17.12[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: the fact it want's to call "itself" isn't an * problem.
13:17.40fileclintc: all the Echo() app does is read in frames (like audio) and send them right back out, thus where it gets its name... Echo
13:18.12DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: okay will check
13:18.15[TK]D-Fenderclintc: "Echo" is there so you can hear yourself which proves that 1. * is getting audio from you. and 2. if you hear it, you are getting audio back.  3. If there is a big delay .... your latency sucks
13:18.59[TK]D-Fenderclintc: Not a "quality" test, more like a "OMG I'm not getting any audio at all" test
13:20.00clintc<file> right, that is what I thought until someone much better at asterisk than me told me we had terrible echo on our lines from his listening to the echo application - thanks again
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13:21.05[TK]D-Fenderclintc: Judge it based on bridged calls.
13:21.54[TK]D-Fenderclintc: Mind you app_echo probably would ring pretty bad in there is actual echo on the call.....
13:22.27[TK]D-Fenderasim->mailbox shouldnt have contexT? <- huh?
13:22.52clintc[TK]D-Fender: right, we do sip to pots and sip to pri and I could not hear an echo problem with test calls.. so the the echo application was used to "prove it" to me
13:22.53DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: mmmmm now i am confused whe n icall my phone i can see the name correctly but the number is calledphonenu@serverip so when i press redial it do redial it self ... i think that asterisk need to send some kind of varibale to the phone ? the phone works normal in redial when i can get the callerID as number like someone calling me from outside or so ..
13:23.28[TK]D-Fenderasim-: You seem to have trouble following the concept of "extensions".  Devices don't have voicemail.  Contexts don't have voicemail.  Voicemail is an application you call from the DIALPLAN in an extension.
13:23.50[TK]D-Fenderclintc: No proof.  Disregard and go finda real problem.
13:24.12[gnubie]i am following the atfot-2 book particularly chapter 12.. running the command "odbc show" from the asterisk cli shown on page 267, i got no output.. why is that so? i am running asterisk- and postgresql-8.3.4 here
13:24.21[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Fix your phone.
13:24.30*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (
13:24.44DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: i swer i am checking the manuals :D
13:24.46lmadsen[gnubie]: do you have compiled?
13:25.05lmadsenif so, do you have ODBC configured? if so, do you have res_odbc.conf configured?
13:25.10[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Stop swearing, and keep reading.  What your phone decides to dial has nothing to do with *.
13:25.56*** part/#asterisk cfh (
13:26.13DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: yes i know the feeling i have that my * is dialing but the phone sores the missed / resived call with a wrong callerID
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13:27.06Kattyjoy. another drama filled day.
13:27.24lmadsenthe word of the day is: drama
13:27.37filehugs Katty
13:27.45Kattyi need anti drama-ninjas to come clean the office
13:27.47Kattyhugs file
13:27.47lmadsenintercepts said hug
13:28.02Kattylmadsen: wait your turn!
13:28.06lmadsenhugs Katty
13:28.10Kattyhugs lmadsen
13:28.12Kattyrehugs file
13:28.22lmadsenREJ hug
13:28.30filelmadsen: meanie
13:28.32lmadsenhug timeout
13:29.07Kattyi think i'm just going to stay off yahoo messenger today.
13:29.14Kattythat way no one can vent to me!
13:29.16Kattybrilliant idea.
13:29.31[gnubie]lmadsen: kindly check this =>
13:30.30lmadsen[gnubie]: ok... and now the output of 'core show modules' and 'odbc show'
13:31.19lmadsenwon't be here long... thinking of going back to bed for a quick nap
13:31.39Kattyi wanna nap.
13:31.53[gnubie]lmadsen: i don't have "modules" when trying to run the 'core show modules'
13:32.06lmadsenthankfully I work from home, so I have this option
13:32.13lmadsen[gnubie]: show modules ?
13:33.13[gnubie]lmadsen: i have "core show" but there's no modules.. pressing the tab key after the "show" gives me the other options like applications, codec, hints, etc..
13:33.37*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
13:33.45lmadsen[09:32]  <lmadsen> [gnubie]: show modules ?
13:34.32*** join/#asterisk nikko (n=nikko@
13:35.06[gnubie]lmadsen: kindly check this out =>
13:35.31mockerpeers at being down.
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13:37.47[gnubie]lmadsen: this is better =>
13:38.22*** join/#asterisk sakic (
13:38.24lmadsenand odbc show
13:38.35*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
13:38.46lmadsenit should return something if you have res_odbc.conf configured correctly...
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13:38.59sakicI can register x-lite from outside the network, but I can't hear and they can't hear me... any clue why?
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13:39.02lmadsenit's too early for me to really debug this right now unfortunately... so I'm going back to bed
13:40.01sakicI just brought home twins, I am tired too! :P
13:40.10[gnubie]lmadsen: that's my problem actually.. when running the 'odbc show' command inside the asterisk cli, i don't have any output
13:40.23rob0Home? Home from where?
13:40.31sakicoh hospital
13:40.32*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:40.34jayteeare  you sure it's twins? staring at a monitor all day sometimes makes you see double
13:40.44sakicthey were premies
13:40.51rob0Hospital? I hope they're okay!
13:40.54jayteeoh, doing fine now I hope
13:40.54sakicspent 2 months going to the hospital every day after work
13:41.14rob0ha, I did that about 24 years ago
13:41.15Kattysakic: TWINS!!!!!!!!
13:41.22Kattysakic: congrats!!!!!
13:41.26rob0congrats indeed
13:41.36jayteeidentical or fraternal?
13:41.57slingrsakic > congrats
13:41.59coppicesakic: what week were they born?
13:42.02rob0My younger kids have never had the misfortune of being in a hospital.
13:42.07slingri'll buy them their first hockey sticks :D
13:42.13Kattyrob0: lucky children.
13:42.45sakicborn at 29 weeks
13:42.48[gnubie]anyone here familiar with asterisk real-time using postgresql especially following the chapter 12 of the atfot-2 book?
13:42.50sakicwere about 2.5 lbs
13:43.10coppicethat's quite heavy :-)
13:43.33sakiccompared to the 1.75 pounders
13:43.50coppiceour son was 895g at 27 weeks
13:45.20sakicsee you know the story then
13:45.25sakichow long in the nicu?
13:45.30*** join/#asterisk write_erase (
13:45.39coppice75 days in ICU + special care
13:46.03coppicecould they breath at birth?
13:46.16rob0My son in '84 was 3 weeks in ICU. Tall and athletic now.
13:46.23write_eraseHi... Can I run cisco 7941 with asterisk 1.6 in SCCP mode ? if yes , should I use skinny or other channel driver ? thx
13:46.41sakicthey were on the cpap machine which helped them read
13:46.54sakicread :P
13:47.54Kattyi wonder why they called it Skinny
13:49.48coppiceI spent so long watching patient monitors, then later I actually implemented an SaO2 monitor. so, it provided valuable job knowledge for me :-)
13:50.36sakicman, I ordered some stuff from LG Iris and one of their employees ordered a TV on my credit card
13:50.48sakicso now I am involved in prosecuting him
13:51.08sakictheir legal department called me :P
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13:53.59Kattyhugs Zeeek
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13:55.36gsienerUsing Voicepulse.  Doing "sip show registry" shows that I am registered with the service, but I also see <--- SIP read from --->
13:55.36gsienerSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized show up in the CLI and my firewall logs.  Any thoughts?
13:55.57[TK]D-Fendergsiener: Fix your auth
13:56.18[TK]D-Fendergsiener: And show complete SIP debug for better insight
13:56.34gsiener[TK]D-Fender: okay - remind me how to do a pastie?
13:56.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:57.16*** join/#asterisk legis (n=wadsack@unaffiliated/legis)
13:57.38jbot[web] the programming language used to write tex with
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14:00.25gsienerTK]D-Fender: sip debug and config here:
14:00.28legisDO you guys know of any ITSP that lets you fake callerID?
14:00.53Zeeekwhy do you need that?
14:01.17gsienerZeeek: I'm using Voicepulse, and it takes whatever CID I give it
14:01.29legisjust wanna see If I can make it work :)
14:01.32[TK]D-Fendergsiener: CSeq: 341 REGISTER <-- look at the seq... yop, fubar'd
14:01.45[TK]D-Fendergsiener: and you only show your peer.. its your REGISTER that's failing
14:01.51ZeeekJunction and Nufone do
14:02.12[TK]D-Fendergsiener: Oh... and users.conf... BLEH... can't help you there.
14:02.40legisZeeek: K, thanks.
14:03.15gsiener[TK]D-Fender: can you elaborate on CSeq and what's not working?
14:03.19[TK]D-Fenderusers.conf = hot steamy cow-turd, baked, glazed, with sprinkles on top.
14:03.39[TK]D-Fendergsiener: What wrong is your auth on register is bad and you are being solidly rejected.
14:04.19*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-4d6a89e256a4af12)
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14:04.30gsiener[TK]D-Fender: okay - what's weird is it shows up as registered in "sip show registry", and I can make outgoing calls through the service
14:04.50[TK]D-Fendergsiener: Regsitering is for telling them where to send calls INBOUND to you.
14:05.46*** join/#asterisk onats (n=onats@unaffiliated/onats)
14:06.28onatsis there a SIP client for iphone?
14:06.41gsiener[TK]D-Fender: makes sense, thanks.  I'll keep fiddling
14:06.48[TK]D-Fenderonats: Yes, and entirely Google-able.
14:07.30[TK]D-Fenderonats: <- AMAZING results...
14:07.35onatsis that the fring?
14:07.45onatsim googling but not finding anything good
14:07.45sakicI can register x-lite from outside the network, but I can't hear and they can't hear me... any clue why?
14:08.50[TK]D-Fenderonats: Oh now you want "good"?  Guess you should be cleared on what you're looking for and what you perceive as "bad" in what you found.
14:09.15[TK]D-Fendersakic: Bad NAT setup.  Go read the guide :
14:09.18jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:10.20rob0reminds me, I was asking last night ...
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14:11.20rob0I'll be losing my ISP and going behind a NAT router which I don't control. Similar to a hotel's Internet connection, I guess. Does my SIP origination still have a chance of working?
14:12.22[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Without something keeping the inbound mapping alive... not really.
14:13.12*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:14.07sakiccan you modify the sip.conf on switchvox?
14:14.22write_erase[TK]D-Fender, hi ... Could you tell me what is the most up-to-date alternative to skinny ? thx
14:14.37[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: No.
14:14.56rob0I can tunnel it through openvpn, through a static IP elsewhere, but I'm afraid that might increase latency.
14:15.45[TK]D-Fenderrob0: It will, depends how bad.
14:15.57NunnersHoooray.... finally got zaptel to make..... for those who want to know... I removed every kernel, then reinstalled - and I mean every kernel part...
14:17.32onatsthe only iphone SIP client i have found is fring
14:17.43onatsbut it does not allow my iphone to connect from within my network
14:17.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:18.55mort_gibonats: Do you NEED that iPhone??
14:19.52*** join/#asterisk felix-da-catz (n=felxidac@
14:20.32shido6is anyone selling Pre-owned Aeron Herman Miller chairs anywhere w/lumbar support add-on ?
14:20.55onatsmort_gib, yes
14:21.33[TK]D-Fenderonats: I wasted another 2 minutes and found one.  I don't think you're really trying too hard...
14:21.46felix-da-catzWe have a remote site with polycom ip 501 series phones.  Every 53 seconds we get a dead spot.  Any  tips on how I can tune these phones for a low speed connection?
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14:22.01mort_gibonats: You do know they suck don't you??
14:22.38[TK]D-Fenderfelix-da-catz: If you get audio cuts for BW your only real option is to use G.729 instead of G.711 if you aren't doing that already
14:22.56onatsd-fender, i'm looking.. thanks a lot for your 2 minutes.:)
14:23.02onatsmort_gib, really? i didn't know that
14:23.10felix-da-catz[TK]D-Fender:  Great thanks.  We are not doing that yet.
14:23.13[TK]D-Fenderonats: Now stop whining and get off your alzy ass! :p
14:23.21[TK]D-Fenderlazy even!
14:23.38mort_gib:-) Yes they do, how do you install stuff on them??
14:24.11onatsmort_gib, cydia? app store?
14:24.45mort_gibYeah, and it's just any old POP3 device... Nice, like the EULA too...
14:24.47onatsso far based on my googling, there is no native iphone sip client, which you can configure to connect to your server within a lan.
14:25.03onatsmort_gib, it has IMAP.
14:25.27mort_gib:-) And that is loads better over GPRS networks???
14:25.28gsieneronats: that's been my experience as well.  no sip clients w/o a proxy through some service
14:26.06onatsmort_gib, it has 3g and wifi
14:26.56mort_gibNot quite in Europe yet, as in they DID start releasing them, but then there were issues... I haven't seen a 3G yet
14:27.53mort_gibI though dealing with Blackberrys was bad :-)
14:28.16onatsit also has an ipod btw. which eliminates my need to bring 2 devices
14:28.44*** part/#asterisk blogbasti (
14:28.57mort_gibTrue...  I already run around with two godamn mobiles
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14:36.44NunnersSorry folks - back again... can anyone tell me what should be in modprobe.conf, as mine is blank
14:37.39sakicok I am closer, I can get sound both ways and I can hear sound coming to x-lite but I they can't hear me
14:38.59*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
14:39.25Nunnersmodprobe anyone?
14:41.54tzafrir_laptopFATAL: Module anyone not found.
14:42.54tzafrir_laptopNunners, what error do you get?
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14:44.32Katty <- maybe someone will find that helpful.
14:44.36Katty^- maybe not.
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14:45.55cfhhi all , is possibile see the subreribe event from asterisk manager?
14:46.11cfhi want to find a solution to this problem
14:47.24jayteeKatty, I don't use a Sangoma card myself but alot of people do so high fives for writing a howto for DAHDI and that!!
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14:59.08Nunnerstzafrir: I think I've got beyond that , but having problems installing the tdm410p card with modprobe etc
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15:00.08Nunnerstzafrir: going through the book I followed the steps, but instead of installing wctdm as it says, I installed wctdm24xxp which I believe is the correct one? I now get nothing from ztcfg
15:02.25Nunnerstzafrir - you there?
15:03.55mort_gibNunners: you have been at this all day...
15:04.06mort_gibHave you considered starting all over??
15:04.07Nunnerson and off... I've cooked lunch for 30 in between!
15:04.15NunnersI did start over... about an hour ago...
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15:04.49mort_gibOkay, like the others in here, I have installed Zaptel loads of times without ever having problems...
15:05.03mort_gibOther things has been problematic though!
15:05.12NunnersFollowing through the book, I've got to page 76.... trying to get everything to recognise I've got a tdm410 with 2 fxo 2 fxs ports...
15:05.22Nunnerszaptel is installed - I think - and it's running as a service....
15:05.31*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
15:05.31mort_gibWhat distro??
15:05.57mort_gibUhm, I use Debian mostly, but hey
15:05.58ctooleyI understand that in 1.6 Asterisk can listen on multiple UDP ports in chan_sip.  correct?
15:06.17mort_gibSo what exactly is your problem now??
15:06.37mort_gibModule is loaded, you can see your FXS/FXO ports -right??
15:07.02NunnersI've tried "modprobe wctdm24xxp" and then ztcfg and it comes back with no output
15:07.11NunnersSo no, the module isn't loaded, and I can't see the ports! ;)
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15:08.21[TK]D-FenderNunners: pastebin your zaptel.conf
15:08.24jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:08.37mort_giblsmod | grep zaptel
15:08.39NunnersI've sussed pastebin out... one mo
15:09.27mort_gibNunners: when I type ztcfg on a working system I don't get no output....
15:09.51Nunnersoh right... reading through the book, it suggests you should get an output with a list of the ports installed....
15:09.54Nunnersso might be ok then.
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15:10.08Nunnerslsmod.... zaptel 186884  12 xpp,wcusb,wctdm,wcfxo,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wcte12xp,wct4xxp,tor2
15:10.55Dovidwhen using gotoiftime can i use sun-thrus or must i do mon-thurs and then sun seperately
15:11.05tzafrir_laptopNunners, I know you have a problem. I asked you what error you get
15:11.22Nunnersthat's it - I presumed that no output was an error....?
15:11.33tzafrir_laptopWhat is the output of: zaptel_hardware
15:11.33*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:11.38ManxPowerztcfg -v will give output
15:12.53*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:13.07ManxPowerNunners: what does ztcfg -vvv give you?
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15:15.38Kattyhow do i reload just the manager.conf stuffs
15:15.45Kattyin 1.4.22
15:16.59Dovidwhen using gotoiftime can i use sun-thrus or must i do mon-thurs and then sun seperately ?
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk merlinn (
15:17.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: unload
15:17.50merlinndoes anyone have any experience using GSLB SIP gateway failover?
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15:18.35merlinngslb for sip gateway failover that is
15:18.38tzafrir_laptopNunners, ztcfg's output is normally meaningless if it gives you an error
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15:19.19tzafrir_laptopNunners, "no output" is no an error
15:19.30ManxPowerDovid: What does "core show application gotoiftime" tell you and what does voip-info tell you about it?
15:19.47tzafrir_laptoperr... no output from zaptel_hardware? no zaptel hardware found on the system
15:19.52Kattyoh ah module reload manager
15:20.05tzafrir_laptope.g.: no card shown on lspci
15:20.28tzafrir_laptopNunners, unless this is an older version of zaptel
15:20.33DovidManxPower: No refrnce to it on the wiki
15:21.11Dovidor in asterisk to my question
15:21.33ManxPowerthe wiki sucks
15:21.45Dovidi guess i goto just try it ;)
15:21.46jayteebut not as well as an Oreck
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15:25.14ManxPowerDovid: It seems they removed the example of Gotoiftime from extensions.conf.sample.  report it as a bug
15:25.56magronezis away: fui
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15:30.15Katty <- maybe useful to someone.
15:30.22Katty^- maybe not. use at your discretion.
15:32.47Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: hi back from appointment. thanks for reply. well, my IVR *is* telling THEM that I WILL call them back. but IVR is not telling ME, that I should call the company :) no time right now to realize the "sms callback" feature over asterisk sms/sms gateway. isn't there any other (easier) feature usable for ME? like sending me an email,logging a message to a directory, etc. do you have any idea?
15:33.27*** join/#asterisk riksta (n=rick@
15:33.37[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: This is your dialplan, go code something, its your job, not *'s
15:33.39KattyBlackvel: do you know what i would do?
15:33.43KattyBlackvel: i would use mutt.
15:33.46[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: There is no "miracle integration" mode
15:33.59rikstaHi, I'm trying to find out if in Asterisk 1.6 i can use MixMonitor (or equivalent) to record a channel in WAV format? I only seem to be able to do raw?
15:34.04KattyBlackvel: and do a lil system( echo -e "some stuff $VARIABLE" | mutt etc)
15:34.27[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: And if you don't even know what you want then you're already lost.  perhaps #clue can help you ;)
15:34.29riksta[TK]D-Fender: hey, you know the problem i had wanting to keep the callee leg open? Good news, someone implemented a "F" flag in app_dial in 1.6 SVN !
15:34.30KattyBlackvel: <- that might help.
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15:36.29[TK]D-Fenderriksta: Cool.. should end up in 1.6.1 then
15:36.54riksta[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i'm using it right now...seems fine. Any comments on my other question above please?
15:37.13[TK]D-Fenderriksta: What question?
15:37.23riksta[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to find out if in Asterisk 1.6 i can use MixMonitor (or equivalent) to record a channel in WAV format? I only seem to be able to do raw?
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15:37.47ManxPowerriksta: the answer you seek is in "core show application mixmonitor", grasshopper.
15:37.56[TK]D-Fenderriksta: Of course you can pick your format.  Go read its instructions
15:38.35rikstaManxPower: i am aware of mixmonitor, i specify the wav extension but it always records to .raw, did i miss something in compilation or ?
15:41.46ManxPowerriksta: then there is a bug.  Maybe you are calling it wrong?  paste the mixmonitor line you are using.
15:41.55*** join/#asterisk hfb (n=hfb@
15:42.29rikstaexten => 123,2,MixMonitor(${FOO}.wav)        for example
15:42.47ManxPowerriksta: is that one actually in your dialplan?
15:42.50jameswfoh snap
15:43.07rikstaManxPower: yeah and ${FOO} is populated
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15:43.24ManxPowerriksta: ok, now show the CLI output of when that line is run.
15:44.17wryhey. anyone knows whether its possible to get asterisk write CDR of an incoming call prior to ringing agents in a queue? (im using Progress() in extensions.conf)
15:44.30rikstasorry, my phones are ringing, i'll b back soon
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15:52.40Nunnerstzafrir et al: sorry - stuck on phone!!!!
15:53.05Nunnersztcfg -vvv gives ....
15:53.06jameswfcodeweavers: For the record, we project that we gave away at least 750,000 product registrations during Oct. 28th.... For those playing the home game that is $52,462,500
15:53.12Nunnerswhich I presume means everything is ok?
15:53.45[TK]D-FenderNunners: looks fine
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15:54.03jblackIsn't codeweavers the ones that screw over wine?
15:54.41mogthats cedega
15:54.51mogcodeweavers is to wine as digium is to asterisk
15:55.22jblackFaint praise indeed
15:55.42[TK]D-Fendermog: So Codeweavers owns the rights to WIN and contributes back to it regularly?
15:55.52[TK]D-FenderWINE DAMMIT
15:57.34mogthey contribute back their fixes and configs to wine
15:57.42mogbut they tend not to actually modify wine
15:57.50mogjust have extra scripts that slowly make it back to wine
15:58.02mogbut id say its very similar [TK]D-Fender
15:59.21Nunnersok - we're getting there.... now to try an echo call!!!
15:59.23[TK]D-Fendermog: I'm sure there are better analogs to this.
16:00.05*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (
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16:00.23mogits just an opinion [TK]D-Fender you are welcome to have your own
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16:01.04jblackIt almost sounds like trixbox.
16:01.07vader--ok having major issues now with this PRI
16:01.24vader--it keeps dropping with an unknown error
16:01.46vader--unknown 500
16:02.49vader--i am not getting an missed IRQ's
16:02.54vader--zttest runs 100%
16:03.10psy0nid3Odd question, I noticed some calls are running the delcallback macro at seemingly random times, any ideas why this would run?
16:03.18vader--did a loop back with patlooptest and that ran 60 seconds and didn't come back with any issues
16:03.29vader--i did a brief memtest86 on the ram
16:03.50vader--it just keeps dropping, comes back up and then a few minutes later drops again
16:04.02vader--teleco tested to the smartjack and said there is no issue there
16:04.03outtoluncisdn cause codes only go up to 128
16:04.08SQLDarklyI have 4 * boxes 1 setup to do dundi lookup the others setup as reg servers and finally a sql server. Problem I am having is when I register a sip phone and yes it is realtime that the regcontext drops the new sip extension shortly after register. Any ideas as to why? I should also point out that failover to mysql still works so the phone still works just not wanting to always default to sql
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16:10.20vader--Oct 29 12:07:17 NOTICE[3127]: chan_zap.c:8202 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
16:10.20vader--Write to 68 failed: Unknown error 500
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16:10.39mort_gibAnyone in here in Europe??
16:11.08*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
16:11.52mort_gibI'm looking for a good VOIP provider....
16:12.05ManxPowervader--: All the same information you received yesterday applies to today.
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16:12.28vader--manxpower still can't figure out the problem
16:12.33ManxPowerWhat did the telco say when they looped your line?
16:12.37vader--the thing was working fine forever and now not soo much
16:12.46vader--they found no errors to the smartjack
16:12.51vader--what was that number you gave me yesterday?
16:12.57ManxPowervader--: I'm skeptical
16:13.30ManxPowervader--: what version of Zaptel are you using?
16:13.57ManxPowervader--: UPGRADE NOW!
16:14.14ManxPowerat LEAST upgrade your Zaptel
16:14.25vader--manx it's been running forever with no problems, i can't understand why it just started happening monday
16:14.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: only so far he can go with that * ver
16:14.29vader--it's gotta be something else
16:14.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it's better than he has now.
16:15.20ManxPowerDude, I had a server that ONLY got HDLC abort errors when we set the debug info to log to disk or when someone was leaving voicemail.
16:15.42jeevanyone know a good website to buy flights from? not a crap expedia or something
16:15.52ManxPowerThe diskcontroller was locking interrupts for too long for Asterisk to work.  It only happened when more than X amount of data was being written
16:16.10ManxPowervader--: your problem has been solved by hundreds of people.  you are just not wanting to do what it takes to get it fixed.
16:16.15jeevthey're not showing lufthansa
16:16.21jeevthey're showing iberia airlines and british, british sucks
16:16.28SQLDarklyFurther digging shows when registering a sip extension via a softphone(xlite) it sometimes pops up in the regcontext sometimes it does not. What could cause this to sometimes register and sometimes not. Nothing is changing just restarting xlite seems to trigger it
16:16.28theharyou asked. i provided.
16:16.32jameswf1.2 you cant upgrade "just your zaptel"
16:16.49jeevdont make me kill you!
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16:17.47ManxPowervader--: most of Asterisk's current issues are things that only happen under load.
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16:18.39ManxPowerand so they are almost impossible to diagnose and fix.  Thank dog matthew fredrickson rewrote some of the zaptel interrupt handling code to almost eliminate those errors.  Seems like you don't want to upgrade to a version that he fixed.
16:18.55knightfal[TK]D-Fender: Im having a small issues where I have a ring strategy set up as leastrecent in my queues_custom.conf  but when I place call it uses the ringall strategy.  Also when I input show queues into the CLI the strategy appears to be set at ringall.  here is my config   we are using asterisk 1.4.22
16:19.13ManxPowerSo either put up with the problem or so what it takes to fix it -- it's your call, so to speak.
16:20.18ManxPowerThese days then only time we see HDLC abort errors is when people are running older Zaptel code.
16:20.28vader--manxpower this has never happened before, no settings were changed, this happens with 0 calls happening
16:20.35[TK]D-Fenderknightfal: I don't see evidence of your problem, and please do not target me with questions like that unless its something I've been specifically working with you on.
16:20.51ManxPowervader--: you have my recommendations.
16:20.51[TK]D-Fenderknightfal: As out in general and if I have something to contribute, I will.
16:21.24knightfalWe talked about this a bit last week I thought :)
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16:21.49knightfalAnyways If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it
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16:23.05goofy03can we send call on a specific DECT phone with asterisk like "INT phone_nb" with the phone himself ?
16:23.36mort_gibIs it normal to get a lot of these "RTCP SR transmission error, rtcp halted" When call are put on hold and taken off again??
16:23.43Nunnershi all - me again.... and I've been on this now for 10 hours!!!!
16:24.00mort_gibHi Nunners, welcome back ;-)
16:24.12TalkRadiofeels sry for the customer if this is hourly heh
16:24.20[TK]D-Fendergoofy03: * doesn't speak "DECT"
16:24.38NunnersI've just had to reboot... ztcfg -vvv brings back the correct stuff....
16:25.05Nunnersi.e. as before.... however, there doesn't appear to be anything in asterisk relating to either zap or dahdi....
16:25.21[TK]D-FenderNunners: Please clarify that...
16:25.29SQLDarklyReally destroying SIP dialog '' Method: NOTIFY and CLI is clogged with this now on an Xlite restart.... anyone seen this?
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16:25.30ManxPowerNunners: so module load or module load does not generate any errors?
16:25.40[TK]D-FenderNunners: And don't forget that you need to have compiled * AFTER Zaptel/DAHDI to gain support for it
16:25.57NunnersI have recompiled!!!... just trying to load
16:26.12[TK]D-FenderNunners: Barring that what do you get when loading the module?
16:26.21*** join/#asterisk Vale-ICS (
16:26.29Nunnerscannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
16:26.45ManxPowerthere ya go!
16:26.47Nunnershang on.... I need to change the list of modules loaded!
16:27.00[TK]D-FenderNunners: nothing to change if yuo can't load it MANUALLY
16:27.10ManxPowerNunners: Please stop doing random things when people are trying to help you.
16:27.15[TK]D-FenderNunners: that falls under the realm of "can't load what doesn't exist"
16:27.22Nunnerssorry - being thick....
16:27.27Nunnersit's been a long day!
16:27.36[TK]D-FenderNunners: Now go recompile * from scratch
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16:27.49ManxPowerNunners: then stop and do it tomorrow -- you're obviously too fatigued to be useful at this point.
16:27.54[TK]D-FenderNunners: just trash your extraction folder and do it right fromt he tarball again
16:28.03citywokwhen i do show channels, the sip channels names are too long to be fully displayed.  How can i see the entire thing?
16:28.04mort_gibRTCP SR transmission error, rtcp halted -Anyone, is this unusual??
16:28.28ManxPowercitywok: what does "help sip show" give you
16:28.47ManxPowermort_gib: I suspect you are the only person on this channel that is trying to use RTCP.
16:29.27mort_gibI haven't done anything to use it :-) -So turn the stuff off?
16:29.30mort_gibOn the phones??
16:29.40tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, why rebuild asterisk from scratch?
16:29.42citywokManxPower:  i just tested every command in help sip, and there was nothing that gave me full channel names
16:30.14ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: because none of us can ever remember the special make command to clear the build config cache
16:30.20*** part/#asterisk cfh (
16:30.25mort_gibTK I found that one, but it's not what I see...
16:30.25[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Sure "clean" or whatever might do, but I don't take chances. Of course I also don't fail, so I'll stick with what seems to get the job done for me 100% everything :)
16:30.27*** part/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=Alberto@
16:30.31ManxPowercitywok: hint: concise
16:30.41ManxPowerclear does not kill the config cache
16:30.59tzafrir_laptopYou get it in the error message
16:31.04ManxPowerit's like make distrodevelopersuperclean or something stupid like that.  make clean should do it -- it doesn't
16:31.11tzafrir_laptoprm menuselect.makeopts
16:31.26ManxPowerthen that command should be in make clean
16:31.39citywokverbose only works on show channels, not sip show channels -- i tried that if thats what you mean
16:31.42mort_gibI have no reinvite issues as far as I know.
16:33.00citywoksip show channels gives a callid, but it doesnt match up anything with the channel you can see if you look in the manager api: SIP/voicepulse-primary-0825c708
16:33.15NunnersSmall question - and it will be my last of the day.... I've just noticed while recompiling asterisk 1.4 it mentinos being loaded but I've installed zaptel.  Is that correct?
16:33.26ManxPowercitywok: pbx-1*CLI> show channels concise
16:33.28citywokoh oh oh oh oh oh oh, goti t
16:33.34[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: My way does it in 2 clean guaranteed setp :)
16:33.38citywoki just figured that out right as you said it
16:33.56[TK]D-Fendersit"core show channels concise" <---
16:33.59citywokhelp show channels is my friend
16:34.16ManxPowercitywok: the built in Asterisk docs are better than anything you can fine anywhere else.
16:35.00citywokyea, the wiki docs are normally (very) old
16:35.01gene2[TK]D-Fender: Good afternoon
16:35.25gene2[TK]D-Fender: Sorry to bother you but I need your expert help.
16:35.48[TK]D-Fendergene2: Don't single people out like that
16:35.59[TK]D-Fendergene2: Ask out to the channel and see who answers you
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16:40.10gene2Fender: Hello
16:40.28citywokdoes anybody have any experience with app_chanspy?  i'm running into a problem with it that i think might just be a bug, or a "feature" of how it works
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16:41.24citywoki'm using it to monitor zap channels as calls are made, but i'm changing which channels are in which group on the fly, and if you are monitoring the chanspy, and the call you are on ends, but there are no more channels in your spygroup, you basically get cut off
16:41.47sixcapsset up pbx astericks in vmware and when i try placing a call,it choppy and very unclear
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16:44.03sixcapspbx in a flash
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16:50.17LNDHi all, I have two asterisk servers set up with an IAX trunk btween them (asterisk A= home, asterisk B=office). Calls between the two are routed fine, and quality is great. HOWEVER, once the call is established, and I'm chatting happily, after about 10 minutes, the sound just STOPS, and the call is dropped... The call is terminated on a SIP connected handset (via linksys 2012). I've done some debugging, and I think the RTP pack
16:53.19*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (n=Carlos@
16:56.56ManxPowersixcaps: try the PBX in a Flash support forums or channels or mailing lists or whatever else where it would be on-topic
16:58.04*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
16:59.19sixcapsisnt it the same thing?
17:01.11tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, ask here asterisk questions
17:01.26tzafrir_laptopprovide details that are relevant to Asterisk folks
17:01.49tzafrir_laptopFor starters: you call through what device?
17:02.11sixcapsa pap2tna
17:03.24Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: thanks, will try #clue then :) hehe. well, probably I want this sms inetgration, but my time is running away so I will realize THAT laters some day
17:03.37Blackvelkatty: thanks for your email tip. will give it a try
17:04.23Blackvelkatty: thanks for mutt suggestion. I will have a look :)
17:04.51jjshoeBlackvel what are you trying to do with sms?
17:04.57Blackvelivr callback
17:05.11Blackvelif someone chooses I want callback (e.g option 1)
17:05.23Blackveli want to send me an sms containing further details
17:05.24jjshoewhat's that have to do with sms?
17:05.44jjshoecheapest route is to pay for an email sms gateway, which is super simple to use.
17:05.51Blackvellike company, what he wants, what time he called, how urgent it is, etc.
17:06.08Blackvelsaw an company which has .c asterisk module
17:06.16Blackvelbut I know how it runs
17:06.25Blackvelit won't be done in 30-60 minutes
17:06.36Blackvelif there are any problems
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17:06.40BlackvelI am sure I will run into them
17:06.55Blackvelthats the whole story of the complete project :) it takes time to test new things
17:07.06Blackvelbut for now I just need any litle working solution
17:07.36Blackvelso system email/mutt and stuff of consultant's suggestion look good to me
17:07.40Blackveli mean
17:07.51Blackveli dont get paid to improve my own system
17:08.00Blackvelneed to concentrate on stuff where I take money ;)
17:08.43sixcapstzafrir_laptop i answered question
17:08.57sixcapsi'm a newbie with this sir
17:09.29jjshoesixcaps don't run it in a vm.
17:09.35*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=none@
17:10.25sixcapsany reason why?
17:12.03tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, depends. there's a much larger chance that a virtual machine will not handle audio in a timely manner
17:12.41ManxPowersixcaps: Asking about PBX in a Flash here is like asking a Redhat question on #debian -- they are both Linux afterall.
17:13.15tzafrir_laptopif you don't handle audio in time, you can get audio quality issues
17:13.35tzafrir_laptopagain, you didn't give more specific details so this might be the issue (the most likely reason
17:13.58tzafrir_laptopManxPower, it's actually kind of like asking a generic Linux question on #redhat
17:14.33ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: I disagree
17:14.49ManxPowermore like asking a Redhat question on a general Linux channel.
17:15.22tzafrir_laptopsome of them are relevant, and some are not
17:15.44tzafrir_laptopand his questions were asterisk questions
17:16.41ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: His questions would be better asked on a VM channel.  He will have to fix his VM if he has any chance of making it work.
17:16.47*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
17:17.07tzafrir_laptopIn a VM channel they might not have a lcue on Asterisk
17:17.26ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: they don't have to have a clue about Asterisk.  It is not an Asterisk problem.
17:17.55sixcapsit is an asterisk question
17:18.00ManxPowerOr do you have a suggestion as to what Asterisk config changes might fix his issue.
17:18.02tzafrir_laptopDiagnosing a problem with choppy audio in Asterisk requires some familiarity with Asterisk
17:18.11sixcapsthe phone works and i'm getting audio problems
17:18.13ManxPowersixcaps: well bless your heart
17:18.23[TK]D-Fendersixcaps: What's on the OTHER side of your call?
17:19.24sixcapsi called a cellphone if that's what you mean
17:19.29*** join/#asterisk IanBeyer (
17:19.38[TK]D-Fendersixcaps: Close.. how do you GET to the cellphone?
17:20.16sixcapsplaced a call
17:20.27tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, a pap2 has two ports. they don't talk to each other directly
17:20.32sixcapseven the confirmation of setting it up right was choppy
17:20.36ManxPowersixcaps: calls do not just magically get sent to cell phones
17:20.41sixcaps1234# was choppy
17:20.43tzafrir_laptopdefine both in asterisk and call from one to the other
17:20.59tzafrir_laptopor call from one to an echo test and / or to voicemail
17:21.52*** part/#asterisk LND (
17:22.29sixcapsdefine what?
17:22.40*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (n=jasonrot@
17:22.57[TK]D-Fendersixcaps: What allows you to TALK to a cellphone in the first place?  Bits don't magically float through the air and arrive at a cellphone you know...
17:23.05[TK]D-Fendersixcaps: HARDWARE, SERVICE, etc...
17:23.20[TK]D-Fendersixcaps: What is it that allows you to reach the cellphone in the first place?
17:23.42sixcapsok so why did you have to make the question so difficult? :)
17:24.20sixcapspoweredge t105 4gb ram 2 TB space server 08 and vmware server
17:24.31sixcaps20/20 fios
17:24.45ManxPowerCell phone -> PSTN -> magical telephone fairies -> Asterisk
17:24.51tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, start with simpler tests . Talking to an external provider is something that can go wrong in a number of ways that are not under your control
17:25.23ManxPowerI suggest he check his rtp packetization length.  PAPs frequently default to 30ms whereas asterisk expects 20ms.
17:25.24jasonwootthings are great ever since they de-regulated the fairy industry
17:25.41Blackvelhave a good evening. I'm off
17:25.44jayteeI think was having a clearance sale on older model Magical Telephone Fairies.
17:25.46psy0nid3magical phone fairies
17:26.12ManxPowerhe still has not told us how his cell phone connects to Asterisk.
17:26.18sixcapstzafrir_laptop what do i test now?
17:26.29ManxPowersixcaps: If you can't even diagram a call path then just give up now.
17:26.36IanBeyermanx: that's a neat trick if you can pull it off
17:26.41ManxPowerMaybe read the Asterisk book then come back to the issue.
17:27.10jbotfrom memory, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:27.22IanBeyerI'd like a SIP softphone for my WiMo phone
17:27.28tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, is the PAP2 defined to connect to asterisk? to some SIP provider?
17:27.47ManxPowerIT's just too mondayish for me.  be back latter.
17:27.48*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:27.54sixcapstzafrir_laptop after set up and instructions i  read,it asked me to dial 1234# which i did and got a choppy audio
17:27.57sixcapsyes it is
17:28.06jayteeColonel Mustard, Drawing Room, Candlestick..........any questions?.......No? good!......NEXT!
17:28.45Kattyshows jaytee her drawing room.
17:29.00tzafrir_laptopsixcaps, this erquires some translation to  asterisk speak. Otherwise this is a question to ask in PiaF forums
17:29.04Kattyjaytee: you, sir, have the wrong combination.
17:29.10tzafrir_laptopSimplest method of translation:
17:29.22tzafrir_laptopwhat do you see in a CLI trace?
17:29.41sixcapscomman d line?
17:29.45jayteeKatty, you're really sweet but calling me sir is like putting a chandelier in an outhouse. It don't belong.
17:30.17Kattyjaytee: i'm afeered you will jus thave to get used to it.
17:30.33jayteeAh ain't skeered!
17:31.30*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
17:32.08jayteeonly 11 more days and I'll be at the open source VOIP equivalent of Mecca. Digium Inc. in scenic Huntsville.
17:32.23Kattyi almost moved to Huntsville.
17:32.35jasonwootwere you going to be an instructor at space camp katty?
17:32.39*** join/#asterisk fadumpt (
17:32.48Kattyjasonwoot: no, i had a job offer from twisted's company.
17:32.51jasonwootjinx put max in space, jinx can get max back
17:32.57magronezis back
17:33.15Kattyjasonwoot: i decided it was too far from my parents.
17:33.29*** join/#asterisk billyjean (
17:33.38billyjeananybody heard of a PRI having 1way audio?
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17:34.15fadumptOn some phone systems, you can put a call on hold (say line 2) and then tell someone else to pick up on that line and they press their line 2 and retreive the call...where can I look (internet or otherwise) to try to implement that?
17:34.47IanBeyerOK, I'm trying to put together a test environment, where I have an AsteriskNow server  and two x-lite softphones. I can get the softphones to conect to *, but no incoming calls on them because registering seems to fail when I config xlite to do it. Gives me a 408 timeout. Running the new *Now 1.5
17:34.47billyjeanwe seem to get 1 way audio when we fill up the PRI with calls.  So its the vegastream vega400, or underlying carrier.
17:34.53jayteefadumpt, it's called parking and it's in the book
17:34.56Kattyfadumpt: lookup call parking
17:35.04Kattyparks jaytee
17:35.19Kattyjbot: call parking?
17:35.20jbotACTION looks around and then screams out parking as loudly as possible
17:35.29Kattyjbot: very subtle.
17:35.56Kattyjaytee: do you attended transfer your calls on the way to parking?
17:36.05fadumptoh okay...I've looked at that but didn't really think it was the same...actually have a client on Avaya VOIP that uses Parking...thanks
17:36.13Kattyjaytee: or use fancy schmancy software to see where they are.
17:37.41jayteeKatty, we train people to use attended transfer as a  preferred method but provide a number for call parking and an intercom dialing feature to alert someone.
17:38.02Kattyauto answer?
17:38.14Kattyor some variation there-of
17:38.17jayteeRing-Answer on polycoms
17:38.34Kattybout the same as us
17:38.43Kattythe receiptionist, and a few others, use isymphony to just drag the call
17:38.54Kattybut to be honest, everyone wants their calls screened... so we don't use it a lot
17:39.03Kattyabout the only time it gets used is when i get a call and i'm not in my office
17:39.09Kattytemp dumping station
17:39.32*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
17:40.21jayteethe VOIP half of our telecom infrastructure is still in an "adolescent" phase of developement, it won't be an "adult" till mid-2009
17:40.59Kattysounds like a big company.
17:41.14Kattylike maybe you have mutiple people setting up this phone gadgetry
17:41.20jayteejust me
17:41.35Kattyhow many people work for said company?
17:41.48jayteethere are 5 people in our IT department including myself and not counting the Director
17:41.56Kattyjealous :<
17:42.05Kattyi AM the IT department :<
17:42.09*** join/#asterisk IanBeyer (
17:42.09jayteeand roughly 350 to 400 people at the zoo altogether
17:42.10vader--ok we might have found the issue out
17:42.13IanBeyerugh. The * book falls flat on its face with AsteriskNOW
17:42.15Kattyjaytee: ZOO?!
17:42.21Kattyjaytee: oh.
17:42.23vader--Everything is testing fine from the CO to Smartjack
17:42.24jayteeyes, y'know. critters
17:42.30Kattyjaytee: zoo, for real?
17:42.30IanBeyer"you can verify registration status ... sip show peers"
17:42.32Kattyjaytee: oh i hate you
17:42.35Kattyjaytee: hate you hate you hate you
17:42.40Kattyjaytee: i ALWAYS wanted to be a tech at a zoo.
17:42.41vader--we were having an issue with from the Smarthjack to the PRI card
17:42.41jayteeKatty, have you seen my Facebook page?
17:42.46IanBeyersip show peers
17:42.48IanBeyerNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'help sip show' for other possible commands)
17:42.56jayteethe picture is me with a dolphin named China.
17:43.02Kattyjaytee: you must get me hired.
17:43.18jasonwootKatty, as THE IT department, do you think there will ever be a day when humans and robots can peacefully coexist?
17:43.27Kattyjasonwoot: no.
17:43.33jayteeif we had the opening I would gladly refer you for a position.
17:43.33psy0nid3IT at a zoo sounds like fun!
17:43.44Kattyjasonwoot: i do think, that if mccain gets elected, there will be civil war.
17:43.52Kattyjasonwoot: and if obama gets elected, he will be assassinated.
17:43.57psy0nid3the robots will revolt?
17:43.59jayteepsy0nid3, yeah except for when the elephants crap right in front of the steps to your office
17:44.00Kattyjaytee: horay!!!!
17:44.11Kattyjaytee: dibs on the children's petting area.
17:44.17jasonwootSo I should vote Nader, no?
17:44.21fadumptwell hopefully Obama won't pass any anti-gun laws and then there will be people in the crowd to save him
17:44.38Kattyjasonwoot: i think micky mouse made it on the ballet again
17:44.42jayteeKatty, I agree with both of your predictions. I'll even be one of the people revolting if Senator Depends gets elected.
17:44.49citywoki want to set the spygroup variable on an existing channel, from outside of the normal dialplan, using the management api. how would i do that? (after the call is dialed)
17:45.12Kattyjaytee: go hide in the gorilla cage.
17:45.17Kattyjaytee: no one will dare go for you there.
17:45.24Kattyjaytee: they're skeered of ol silverback
17:45.28jayteebecause he wouldn't last long in office and I don't want that hockey mom airhead bitch telling me what I can or can't read
17:45.42Kattyyou know a lot of women like Sarah Palin
17:45.49Kattythey think, gee--she's just like me!!
17:45.56jayteekatty, we don't have an ape exhibit. We're planning one but still in the fundraising stage
17:45.56Kattywell, that's just stupid.
17:46.00StephenF[W]Has anyone had success implementing a company logo on their Polycom phones with sip v3?
17:46.00Kattyi don't want ANYONE in office like me!
17:46.06Kattywe need SMART people in office! :P
17:46.06IanBeyerwhat the hell, dis *Now get rid of the sip command?
17:46.17Kattyjaytee: well best of luck (=
17:46.21IanBeyerkatty, smart people know better than to get into politics
17:46.26StephenF[W]im placing the custom bitmap in my ftp root folder, is that correct?
17:46.52jayteeI heard a rumor that the Dial() command was deprecated in Asterisk 1.7
17:47.23fadumptPalin is awesome, she can talk about being middle class and talk about shooting wolves from a helicopter in like the same discussion
17:47.40jayteeIanBeyer, very true, smart people and even average people with ethics.
17:47.49fadumpt*and* say those things to Biden who takes the train to work everyday
17:47.58IanBeyerjaytee: which leaves us with the dregs running things
17:48.13jayteeIanBeyer, yep. just look at the last 8 years
17:48.18IanBeyerlast 8?
17:48.25IanBeyerhell, last 50
17:48.26jayteeok. last 37
17:48.46IanBeyeror the last 235, depending on how cynical you are
17:48.49jayteeactually I'm a member of the Whig party and we haven't had a sitting President since Millard Fillmore
17:48.52StephenF[W]jasonwoot: it expects the bmp folder?
17:50.33vader--ok 35 minutes now of open calls and PRI line up time
17:51.24jasonwootStephenF[W]:  specified in <BITMAPS> section of sip.cfg
17:52.08StephenF[W]right, so if I just put the filename with no directory in sip.cfg it should look for the bitmap at the root of the ftp right?
17:52.34Kattyare you trying to do the idle browser thing?
17:52.48StephenF[W]Katty, yup with a company logo
17:52.55KattyStephenF[W]: oh, i did that 9=
17:53.01KattyStephenF[W]: you just stick the name of the file in there
17:53.03KattyStephenF[W]: no mp3
17:53.17Kattydigs up line
17:53.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:53.25Kattyi'll pastebin it, hold on
17:53.33StephenF[W]Katty, awesome thx
17:55.31*** join/#asterisk chigital (
17:55.31KattyStephenF[W]: so 'connectrite' is just an itty bitty
17:55.31KattyStephenF[W]: 7kb, bmp file.
17:55.31KattyStephenF[W]: 112x52 pixels. 8 bit color
17:55.32StephenF[W]and you put that at the ftp or tftp root right?
17:55.39Kattyand you just reference the file name
17:55.42Kattynone of the bmp stuff.
17:55.45StephenF[W]Katty what did you use to make the file?
17:55.50Kattypaint shop pro
17:55.53Kattynothin fancy
17:56.03Kattyjust make sure you have the right pixel size, and color depth
17:56.18StephenF[W]k, i've only got gimp on this machine and trying to get it to output 8 bit...
17:56.38StephenF[W]Katty, ok thx for the pastebin. I'll try and redo what I have here see if it helps
17:56.47*** part/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
17:58.36Kattygoes off to shred things.
18:01.35jasonwootsry StephenF[W], thought you were referring to the default polycom logo.  Idle display and Main Browser display are totally different
18:03.22citywoklol chanspy just segfaulted asterisk twice in production, fortunately it was only 20 active calls each time
18:03.35vader--it was running fine for 40 minutes and dropped
18:04.23vader--i can't seem to find anyone having that specific error with the Unknown error 500
18:04.25vader--PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
18:04.25vader--Write to 69 failed: Unknown error 500
18:04.34vader--alot of people have the HDLC Abort 6 error
18:04.56vader--what version of zaptel is the max i can run with asterisk
18:05.54StephenF[W]jasonwoot ahh, i gotcha
18:05.57*** join/#asterisk Farkus (
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18:07.35IPkafhi 2 all
18:07.52IPkafi signed up to sip provider where there are information required to make my  sip accound work :     SIP Password:  okdferdferz Auth Username: givaname Username: imtheone Proxy/Domain:
18:08.20IPkafmy question is how to use all this information to make a trunk on my pbx ?
18:08.50jayteeIPkaf, that's all covered on pages 97-104 of the book
18:09.26Kattyjaytee: i feel like having a cluemuffin.
18:09.27IPkafasterisk opensources books ?
18:09.34jayteeactually you'll probably only need the info on 97 to 101
18:09.40jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
18:09.41jboti heard book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:10.09*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:10.11Kattyjaytee: did we just jinx?
18:10.32jayteeIPkaf, you can dowload the PDF for free. You can also buy a print version if you like reading it on the porcelain non-recliner like I do :-)
18:10.50jayteeKatty, THAT's IT!!! That's the name!!!!!
18:10.51FarkusWhich component of the call path provides the ringing to the caller? I have a did from a sip provider which routes to my registered asterisk box, which routes the call to a sipura box at home. Sometimes the caller doesn't hear the ringing.
18:10.55Kattythat gives Lazy Boy a whole new meaning.
18:10.58IPkafi allaready got that book on french version
18:11.05IPkafi paied 44euros
18:11.26jayteeIPkaf, I like the print version cuz I hate trees and like pissing off the Druids
18:11.37Kattybad juju.
18:11.39Kattywaiting to happen.
18:11.53jayteewhy, cuz I piss off the Druids?
18:12.05Kattythey'll make it rain on you for a month, you know.
18:12.18IPkafwhat r u talking about ?
18:12.20jayteespeaking of pissed off, one of our elephants is making a major fuss over something.
18:12.33Kattysounds dangerous.
18:12.43IPkafwhere ?
18:12.47Kattycoconut meelks required.
18:12.51jayteenah, probably Sophie, our matriarch. She's just loud and bossy
18:12.58Kattyoh. well that's fine then.
18:13.07jayteeIPkaf, I work at a zoo
18:13.11KattyIPkaf: not every conversation revolves around you.
18:13.28*** join/#asterisk ph8 (i=ph8@
18:13.33IPkafwhich one i make a visit
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk BWS (n=wang@
18:13.45psy0nid3tree-hugging druids are made at ya jay?! LOL
18:13.48jayteeIndianapolis, Indiana
18:14.02BWSI'm confused about something.. what is the different between a sipuser and a sippeer?
18:14.07Kattypsy0nid3: it was a good story at the time.
18:14.09*** join/#asterisk Farkus_ (
18:14.13BWSI've read the asterisk Oreilly box and it doesn't really explain it
18:14.15IPkafa zooo boy present ihere
18:14.19psy0nid3yeah I got behind lol
18:14.38IPkafoh god how can it be possible ?
18:14.47jayteeI don't really hate trees. In fact I had to get 5 of my fellow tree-hugging friends to help me just so we could hug this one giant redwood that was feeling verklempt
18:14.47Kattyi really should go file some paperwork
18:14.50Kattyit's all over the place.
18:15.08psy0nid3lol jay
18:15.15jayteemake file do it. he must not be busy, he hasn't said anything all morning
18:15.17Kattygoes to file the giant redwood.
18:15.32BWSplease help
18:15.35IPkafenougoouh laughing straight to my question
18:15.36psy0nid3wonders if it will get shredded later
18:15.50Kattyi am required to keep all documents for 10 years
18:15.51justdaveis there any way to fine tune the "talker optimization" feature in MeetMe?
18:15.54Kattyunless they are scribbled posties.
18:16.01justdaveit's cutting people off while they're still talking
18:16.12IPkafi signed up to sip provider where there are information required to make my  sip accound work :     SIP Password:  okdferdferz Auth Username: givaname Username: imtheone Proxy/Domain:
18:16.18IPkafmy question is how to use all this information to make a trunk on my pbx ?
18:16.27*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
18:16.35gene2where u work where u got to keep everything for ten years?
18:16.43De_Monhmm... I have a sip user setup as type=friend, but when a call comes in from that users ip address, it goes into the general 'inbound' context...
18:16.55Kattyjustdave: i believe that is the o option
18:17.12jayteejustdave, make sure all your SIP phones have silence suppression set to OFF and refer to the book on how to let the MeetMe administrator mute the other members in a conference.
18:17.36Kattyjustdave: show application meetme - read the o option too.
18:17.36justdavejaytee: already done that, conference is 'm' for auto-mute everyone on joining
18:17.50justdaveand watching meetme list, everone is muted except the person who's talking
18:17.51IPkafwhat is for me the solution ?
18:17.54Kattyjustdave: just read it! (read it!) read it! (read it)
18:17.55jayteejustdave, or you could use Page()
18:18.06justdaveKatty: already read it, that's why it's enabled
18:18.12Kattyjustdave: oh :<
18:18.21justdavebecause it says it's going away in 1.6 an will always be on after upgrading to 1.6
18:18.30justdaveso we're attempting to get used to it.
18:18.37Kattygood idea.
18:18.38justdavebut if it works like this I think we'll never upgrade to 1.6
18:18.39jayteeIPkaf, I pointed you to the pages in the book that show how to set that up. What are you looking for? Spoon feeding?
18:18.48jayteeNeed me to burp you?
18:18.54Kattysimmer down now.
18:18.55IPkafthe pages u redirected me
18:19.04IPkafnot correspond the same page
18:19.06De_Mongives katty soemthing to shred
18:19.08IPkafi m in version
18:19.15KattyDe_Mon: bowchikaWOwoW!
18:19.23IPkaffrench book
18:20.03IPkafif u don't speak
18:20.11IPkafi give u an example
18:20.15jayteeIPkaf, sorry about that. The section is titled in English: "Connecting to a SIP Service Provider" in Chapter 4.
18:20.32IPkafwriting two word in english correspond to ten words in french
18:20.58IPkafok thx jaytee
18:21.01lesouvageI'm in urgent need of a patch to res_feature.c.  A customer needs some extra features in automon. Budget is available. Is there an  asterisk guru available?
18:21.11jayteeSe relier à un SIP Service Provider
18:21.16*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
18:21.27jayteethat's the best I can do with
18:21.37Kattylesouvage: you might ask [TK]D-Fender
18:23.26FarkusI am diagnosing a problem where the caller into asterisk doesn't hear ringing. Any tips where to start looking for the problem? Thanks
18:24.18lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: Do you have time and the skills to adjust automon to special custom needs? i would like to discuss this with you.
18:24.45*** join/#asterisk esaym (
18:27.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:27.29jayteewb ManxPower
18:27.39ManxPowerjaytee: is it safe now?
18:28.00*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (i=43418d34@gateway/web/ajax/
18:28.01jayteeI think so
18:28.17ManxPowerNobody insisting on doing something wrong?\
18:28.27*** join/#asterisk Hadi-- (
18:28.35jayteeoh! well that's almost an all day theme in here :-)
18:28.51Hadi--hi.. will asterisk 1.4 support several parking lotS?
18:29.06riddleboxparking lots, what a concept
18:29.09jayteeManxPower, were you able to get what you needed last nite?
18:29.13ManxPowerHadi--: did you look in the Changelog and upgrade text files?
18:29.19ManxPowerjaytee: more or less.
18:29.21*** join/#asterisk Farkus_ (
18:29.55ManxPowerHadi--: Asterisk 1.2 supports up to at least 32 parking slots
18:30.04De_MonHmm... This is interesting. So I in asterisk 1.6 I'm forwarding a call from 1.4 to 1.6 TO Exchange, exchange is refering the call back to 1.6, but instead of going into the context defined for the exchange user, it goes to the general context...
18:30.08jayteeManxPower, I cobbled together a vbs script to ping and list all the addys and tested it but it doesn't do name resolve and you never logged in again.
18:30.26ManxPowermaybe you are looking for parking feature that lets you use the same pickup/park extensions in multiple contexts?
18:30.44ManxPowerjaytee: I was unable to concentrate on you and the problem at the same time.
18:30.49De_Monin the console it says the call is coming from ast14...
18:31.12*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
18:31.25ManxPowerDe_Mon: then the incoming call is not matching any peer/user/friend
18:31.25Hadi--ManxPower: yes but can we create 2 seperate parking lots with 10 spots each for example
18:31.36[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: No.
18:31.38jayteeManxPower, understood, I was just appeasing my own curiousity at that point.
18:31.39ManxPowerHadi--: but that was not what you asked.
18:31.57ManxPowerHadi--: check the 1.4 UPGRADE.txt
18:31.57Hadi--I know.. sorry
18:32.24ManxPowerjaytee: besides I was nauseated by the thought of a VB script.
18:33.00*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
18:33.12ManxPowerjaytee: the way I found it was via "arp" on the Win32 box giving out the IP addresses.  Had to do it within about 5 mins of the tivo booting.
18:33.13De_MonManxPower I have a user (type=friend) setup with the correct IP address. I'm not sure what more it could possibly need
18:33.23jayteeManxPower, is that what that was? I thought I'd ate something bad for dinner.
18:33.27ManxPowerDe_Mon: me neither, but that does not change the facts.
18:33.58ManxPowerthe FACT is that if a call does not matching something in sip.conf it will be sent to the context listed in [general]
18:34.16ManxPowerYou need to find out what your Winbows box is doing differently
18:34.40De_MonManxPower I'm thinking that it's matching on a REFER ip instead of the FROM ip or something wonky
18:34.52*** join/#asterisk grndslm (
18:35.09Hadi--ManxPower: I guess its not supporting it
18:35.13ManxPowerDe_Mon: sip debug is your friend
18:35.19*** part/#asterisk Hadi-- (
18:35.23vader--ok upgraded libpri and zaptel
18:35.40vader--libpri to 1.2.8 and zaptel to 1.2.27
18:35.45vader--see if that does anything
18:35.46De_MonI'm looking at the debug, but I don't see anything that tells me why its chosing which context to use
18:35.49jayteeDe_Mon, try using insecure=port,invite if you haven't already set it that way
18:35.52ManxPowervader--: excelent!  Did it help at all?
18:35.54vader--i had 45 minutes of it working then it dropped
18:35.59lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: is there a special reason that you are not interested?
18:35.59De_Monjaytee I did
18:36.01vader--prior to upgrading
18:36.05De_Monor, it is already set
18:36.07vader--manx trying it now
18:36.09ManxPowervader--: better than it was before?
18:36.54vader--getting to 10 minutes now
18:36.55De_Moncome to think of it, this started after I enabled promiscredir=yes
18:37.06vader--manx alot of people don't seem to have that unknown 500 error
18:37.17ManxPowerlooks over his glasses at De_Mon
18:37.20*** join/#asterisk Hadi-- (
18:37.23vader--it just dropped
18:37.43ManxPowervader--: since the issue is corrupted data coming from the zaptel card, none of those errors mean much.
18:37.58ManxPowervader--: turn off logging and see if that is it.
18:38.03De_Monleme try putting it into musiconhold and looking at the channel.
18:38.29vader--i have 0 missed IRQs
18:38.47ManxPowervader--: you don't always miss IRQs
18:39.18ManxPowerI have found that IRQ misses only show up if something is REALLY messed up.  You can get HDLC erros without IRQ misses
18:39.43ManxPowervader--: personally I still think it's the telco.  How long did the telco do the loopback test?
18:39.52vader--10 minutes
18:40.02ManxPowerso, not very long at all.
18:40.06StephenF[W]Woohoo, finally got the logos to show up. the polycom manual is FAR from complete on this issue
18:40.10*** join/#asterisk heedly (
18:40.12vader--they said they were not seeing any errors from them to the smartjack
18:40.21StephenF[W]thx everyon for helping
18:40.29vader--they did see a few errors when we ran the loop all the way back to the PBX
18:40.32ManxPowervader--: If you have them test the line again, make them run it for at least an hour.
18:40.38vader--is there a way to get the PRI card to loop?
18:40.53De_Monit is! it's removing the referring server completely from the call and reverting to the forwarding servers context
18:41.06vader--i try it in zttool and i hit loop
18:41.14vader--it says it's looping up the span 1
18:41.15heedlyhi, is it possible to run low speed data as if it were dialup over sip?
18:41.18vader--but then goes away
18:41.23ManxPowerheedly: no
18:41.27heedlyI guess this would be related to the fax stuff.
18:41.30heedlyoh, ok
18:41.40Hadi--ManxPower: you know of any modules or any work around this
18:41.43ManxPowerjeev: fax isn't usually considered "low speed"
18:42.06vader--i even had him generate a loop and i ran patlooptest
18:42.11*** join/#asterisk pta200 (
18:42.15De_MonManxPower it's ast1.4 -> 1.6 -> exchange which redirects the call back to 1.6, and is using my from-ast14 users' context
18:42.19vader--for 10 minutes and got nothing
18:42.47ManxPowerHadi--: No.  You might be able to fake it using clever dialplan stuff and macros, but I would have to actually design such a system to know more.
18:42.58ManxPowerI did something similar with Meetme
18:43.53ManxPowervader--: I once had a T-1/Frame Relay link go down from about 1pm - 4pm every day.  By the time the telco got around to testing the line the problem had already went away.  Guess what we did to get it fixed.
18:44.09*** join/#asterisk voxter (
18:44.37ManxPowerWe called in the trouble ticket at 11am, so by the time they tested the line it would be having problems.  The PROBLEM was a repeater across the street was overheating during that time (summer new orleans)
18:45.08Hadi--ManxPower: I'm guessing that Asterisk 1.6 is supporting it...
18:45.09vader--manx when i hit that loop button in the zttool on the PRI card what is that suppose to do?
18:45.17vader--it says Looping up then the box goes away
18:45.21ManxPowerHadi--: have you read the 1.6 upgrade file?
18:45.26[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: You asked if I was capable & willing.  I am not capable unless its "that obvious" as to how to do and you're terrified about trying it yourself.
18:45.33[gnubie]how do you guys integrate asterisk to a legacy pabx (like the ones from panasonic, nortel, toshiba, etc.)?
18:45.49[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: "integrate" can mean jsut about anything
18:45.51ManxPowervader--: I don't know.  I loop the card using a loopback cable, never in software.  I've also never found looping the card to be useful.
18:45.59[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: That is a very silly & open-ended question.
18:46.06ManxPower[gnubie]: you mean like the thread on the mailing list for the past two weeks?
18:46.22vader--manx so you think i should call them back and run a loop on the whole line for an hour?
18:46.23pta200I've got a trunk to an IAX provider were I suddenly start getting one way audio because the provider does a transfer to another serer  for load balancing but the PBX doesn't acknowledge it. tx goes to one IP and rx come from another. I enableb transfer=yes for the peer but it's still a problem. Astersik Anybody have any idea what else to try?
18:46.27ManxPowerWith a subject something like "panasonic + asterisk OK!"
18:46.28[gnubie]ManxPower: i don't know..
18:47.08*** part/#asterisk heedly (
18:47.12vader--manx so you think i should call them back and run a loop on the whole line for an hour?
18:47.16ManxPowervader--: it can't hurt.  Ask them if they can loop to your equipment.  If they say everything is OK, then unplug the line from Asterisk.  If they still see everything OK then they are lying.
18:47.21ManxPowerI've had this happen twice to me.
18:47.47[gnubie]basically, making use of existing legacy pabx, all phones are still analog but the asterisk will be the gateway to peer with another asterisk box located remotely so that both locations can call each other for free
18:47.53ManxPowervader--: contact Digium support as well, as this is a Zaptel issue and they support the cards
18:48.03vader--not for free
18:48.28ManxPowerpta200: I suspect the new server is not set up for IAX2 trunking
18:48.36ManxPowervader--: YES FOR FREE!
18:48.53vader--if i plug the loopback plug into the pri and run ./patlooptest /dev/zap/1 30000
18:48.55murdock_utvader--: Digium offers free support for there cards.
18:49.03vader--that should do a loop back test on the card for an hour right?
18:49.32[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Go find something to connect the other PBX to * and then the other... mind you can do this with2 relatively dumb ATA's on each site.
18:49.47ManxPowervader--: Yes.  but be sure to simulate an active system by doing lots of disk access and network traffic.
18:49.59De_Monhrm... no, it can't be doing that. fromast is an IAX user going to a different context.
18:50.21De_Monwhere did sipreferringcontext come from?
18:50.22vader--manx i had like 18 calls at one time and it held up for 45 minutes before dropping
18:50.52ManxPowervader--: exactly.  Without the overhead of processing all those calls the line might work just fine.
18:50.55[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i don't know the usual way of integrating asterisk to a legacy pabx
18:51.10[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: There is no such thing as "usual"
18:51.45ManxPower[gnubie]: the usual way is analog FXO, analog FXS, E&M/Wink, CAS T-1, or SIP.
18:51.55[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i don't think it must be a one-to-one connection with an analog fxo (tdm) port
18:51.59ManxPowersome pbxs even require H323
18:52.23ManxPowerI do NOT recommend analog for Asterisk <-> legacy PBX
18:53.07justdavedoes MeetMe in asterisk 1.6 have the 'o' feature flag? or are the docs in 1.4 correct that it went away in 1.6?
18:53.35[gnubie]ManxPower: ideally, yes.. but companies especially from the 3rd world countries cannot just replace their existing pabx with an ip telephony
18:53.36jayteeanalog from Asterisk <> legacy PBX = CRAP
18:54.01justdave(the feature is there but permanently enabled with no way to disable it in 1.6, according to the 1.4 docs)
18:54.03pta200The trunk is there and signalling/audio work for about 30 seconds at which point the provider sends an IAX request to transfer at which point is start sending from another IP but the user PBX is still sending to the registered IP hency one way audio over IAX
18:54.12[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Then feel free to think of other interfaces to use.
18:54.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Works great for me...
18:54.37*** join/#asterisk naitram (n=chatzill@
18:54.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I've got an SPA-2000 at a remote offic for exactly that.
18:55.15jaytee[TK]D-Fender, in some cases such as yours it might work fine. In my situation, PRI is the only way to go.
18:55.30ManxPower[gnubie]: there are many ways do connect the two PBXs and not use analog.
18:55.36[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Depending on the scale you need of course PRI is nicer...
18:55.41[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i am asking your suggestion and based on your actual experience
18:55.51ManxPower[gnubie]: also it does not matter.  If you want it to work well you won't use analog.  If you use analog then you should expect it to work correctly.
18:56.04[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: What does my experience matter when you have limited resources and even less imagination?
18:56.14jayteebecause Nortel Meridian systems won't pass CID over analog without a CLASS modem card and licensing that makes it cost prohibitive if you're looking at migrating everyone off the Nortel and eventually getting rid of it.
18:56.31De_MonI'm making a call to asterisk 1.6 over IAX and dialing out using SIP/tcp the server I'm calling into, refers the call back to 1.6, saying:
18:56.34De_MonCall 377cc75c663de6c63b69c1a10a9a98b2@ got a SIP call transfer from callee: (REFER)!
18:56.37ManxPowerjaytee: they won't pass it over E&M/Wink either
18:56.37De_MonFailed SIP Transfer to non-existing extension 4167 in context inbound2
18:56.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Incoming from them of course I don't get their ext #, TO them they get my CID
18:57.01jayteeManx, nope but they do pass it over PRI
18:57.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So 1/2 way there, and worth every penny :)
18:57.27ManxPowerI have personally done Nortel MICS <-> Asterisk integration.  When we switched from analog to E&M/Wink it became reliable.
18:57.42ManxPowerjaytee: you need a PRI card then and the PRI license which is very expensive.
18:57.47jaytee[TK]D-Fender, in your scenario it makes sense and cost effective.
18:57.54De_Monsince the call orignally came from IAX, but the refer is over sip and there is no user defined for that sip user it goes into the general context???
18:57.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: My remote has a CICS I think, if not an MICS... can never remember which.
18:57.57naitramwhat is the stable release of asterisk the site lists 1.4.22 and, whats the diff
18:58.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: On the scale that they only needed 1 port, hell yeah :)
18:58.13ManxPowernaitram: type /topic to find out
18:58.15jayteeManxPower, I already had two PRI cards and the licenses so that was a done deal
18:58.32ManxPowerjaytee: *nod*  We did not have PRI or T-1 before.
18:58.34[TK]D-Fendernaitram: Both stable, 2 release streams.
18:58.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Spoiled you are!
18:58.59*** join/#asterisk Farkus (
18:59.12De_Monnaitram its like windows server 2003 and 2008, both supported by ms, both "stable"
18:59.14jaytee[TK]D-Fender, in some ways I guess but not in most cases.
18:59.33jaytee[TK]D-Fender, most days I'm trying to squeeze every dollar till the eagle shits.
19:00.37[gnubie]ManxPower: the situation is this: companies that have an existing legacy pabx uses analog telephones as their extension phones.. you don't want to touch the existing setup.. you only need to add a clone pc that runs asterisk that will be your gateway to connect to another asterisk server over the internet.. this asterisk box is then connected to the legacy pabx. i don't think the legacy pabx supports sip or iax2, right?
19:01.02ManxPower[gnubie]: you don't know enough to understand what I am saying.  Go.  Read.  The.  Asterisk.  Book.
19:01.05jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:01.21Kattyanyone familiar with pg_restore?
19:01.49jayteeI love Digium but I suspect their customer database is messed up. I already have the $50 Starter Kit for LumenVox and they just sent me an email ad and offer for it.
19:02.24ManxPowerjaytee: The Digium marketing people run the Asterisk download site.  And you know how well THAT has turned out.
19:02.25jayteeKatty, sorry. I'm one of those dammed leftist, liberal mysql weenies
19:02.35jayteeManxPower, hahaaha
19:03.24ManxPowerThe cycle seems to go like this:  A release happens and is announced on the mailing lists.  You try to download the new version and it's nowhere to be found.  People start complaining and someone at digium bitch slaps the marketing people and the issue gets fixed.
19:03.37ManxPowerrinse.  repeat.
19:04.53naitramI have to use ztdummy for timing using * as sip server, can I still use 1.6 trunk
19:05.00Kattyjaytee: drats!
19:05.14jayteenaitram, you'd need to use dahdi_dummy
19:05.26ManxPowernaitram: SIP does not need timing
19:05.45ManxPowerMaybe you are using it for MeetMe or IAX2 Trunking?
19:05.53naitramjaytee: build similar I guess
19:06.22naitramManxPower: want to use meetme, doesn't it work with sip via ztdummy
19:06.32pta200ManxPower: trunk is up and calls work, but there is one way audio when the far end sends a transfer message and tx from a new source address,so that pbx tx to the old address and not connecting the audio from the new source
19:06.58ManxPowernaitram: SIP has NOTHING to do with it.  Without timing MeetMe won't work no matter what protocol you are using.
19:07.28ManxPowerpta200: and I said that maybe trunking was not enabled on the new PBX.
19:07.50ManxPowerMeetMe actually uses Zaptel for timing AND for mixing the audio.
19:08.05ManxPowerlike the new pbx is lacking trunk=yes
19:08.29naitramManxPower: and this changes my question? Point is I need ztdummy "to use ztdummy for timing". But thanks. I get it.
19:09.25ManxPowerAnd yet if I did not point out your error you would have gone thru the rest of your life thinking that SIP and meetme were related.  Next time I'll let you.
19:10.12jayteehands ManxPower a Xanax, "They're the orange flavored chewable ones! I've had 4 today already."
19:10.13pta200ManxPower: trunking enabled on both
19:10.21naitramManxPower: I said, thanks. But, Again, Thanks
19:10.26ManxPowerpta200: You mean on all three, right?
19:11.04ManxPowerSource PBX, Desination PBX and the Destination PBX of the transfer.
19:11.30ManxPowerjaytee: it just really irritates me when people are lazy and don't think.
19:11.46pta200right only two, that should be handle in the transfer request right?
19:12.07ManxPowerpta200: I cannot help you firther.
19:12.10ManxPoweror further too
19:12.15jayteeManxPower, I know. We all have to suffer fools. Fortunately no one said we had to do it gladly.
19:12.21pta200no worries
19:12.26naitramManxPower: I don't appreciate your tone. This is a volunteer thing. If you would not like to answer the lazy, dumb people. Maybe you should just log off!
19:13.21naitramor perhaps you like to feel superior and let everyone know it
19:13.23tzafrir_laptopnaitram, well, you may not appreciate ManxPower's tone. But that's no reason to use a similar tone ;-)
19:14.42ManxPowerjaytee: I heard from a reputatable source that a company in Toronto that uses Asterisk did not lock their system down.  You could just Dial(SIP/anynumberyouwant@thepublicipoftheserver) and call anywhere in the world for free.  They did not plan on that -- someone just was not careful in designing their dialplan.
19:14.51*** join/#asterisk m3t3or (
19:14.58[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: wHO SAYS YOU NEED 2 * SERVERS?
19:15.16*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:15.34ManxPowerjaytee: I don't even bother pointing out such problems when I see them anymore.
19:15.44[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
19:16.05*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
19:16.27[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Just because you have 2 sites doesn't mean you need an * at each
19:17.06[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: let me create a diagram
19:19.13*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
19:19.49m3t3orin asterisk 1.2 is it possible to have an rx/txgain setting for each channe or is rx/txgain global?
19:20.31ManxPowerm3t3or: You can set the gains per channel for every single release of asterisk
19:20.32[TK]D-Fenderm3t3or: it is per channel
19:20.42[TK]D-Fenderm3t3or: Always has been
19:21.22m3t3or[TK]D-Fender: thank you
19:21.36*** part/#asterisk pta200 (
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19:24.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Honestly I don't even see where you were particularly terse with him.... I've learned to simply not respond at all if I'm afraid it'll turn into a vein-busting hand-hold assist
19:24.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: There's a few case where I've had to exercise this even today.
19:27.45*** join/#asterisk jjg (n=jjg@
19:27.55jjganyone here had to interface with a LERG?
19:28.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, he wasn't being terse. he was just emphasizing a point to someone who asked a question and then didn't want to listen to the answer.
19:28.33ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one that thinks being accurate and correct is important.
19:28.44*** join/#asterisk TenJack (
19:28.58jayteeManxPower, absolutely not!
19:29.03gene2what does this mean "[Oct 29 13:54:26] WARNING[10725]: chan_sip.c:15130 handle_response_register: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
19:29.22TenJackanyone ever had the swift engine spit out jumbled scratchy audio?
19:29.41ManxPowerIf I'm wrong or not accurate about something I WANT someone to correct me.
19:29.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower: We're a rare breed.
19:30.03ManxPower(as [TK]D-Fender has done many times)
19:30.18rob0So let's cook you guys a bit more!
19:30.21jayteeManxPower, I feel the same way. it's better to learn about a misconception or mistake than to keep repeating it.
19:30.47[TK]D-Fenderrob0: You're jsut jealous because all of your planns are "half baked" ;)
19:31.14rob0oh that is so true that it hurts
19:31.30jeevrob0, did you get your shit fixed
19:31.37ManxPower"I cannot help you further" is usually ManxPower speak for "you're not listening to me but still want my help"  Sometimes it means "Helping you solve your problem is more work that I'm willing to do for free."
19:31.47jayteeand I can cut people slack when it's obvious that English isn't their native language and they mispell half the words but when people mispell constantly and you know they're from the US or Canada that really annoys me, especially with spell checking capabilities built into most software nowadays.
19:32.14ManxPowerand "bless your heart" pretty much means the same as in the southern USA
19:32.31naitramI have to use ztdummy for timing using * as sip server, can I still use 1.6 trunk, where does this say sip using ztdummy for timing? I new why I need ztdummy, i am trying to build it NOW for Meetme. I did read the dang book. Also read the fact that 1.6 trunk got rid of zaptel hence the damn question. But thanks for proving once again my point!
19:32.36rob0jeev, [TK]D-Fender says it probably won't work without the inbound DNAT to keep the registration alive, so I'm on to plans B and C.
19:32.49ManxPowerA retarted kid in a spelling bee might make someone say "well bless his yeart"
19:32.55ManxPowerheart too.
19:33.01jayteeI'll cut [TK]D-Fender slack for misspelling because I know it's just a typo because his fingers are tired from too much keyboarding.
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19:33.26gene2Fender: jaytee recommended that I ask you this, I'm having a problem with sipmedia and *
19:33.39jayteeI did?
19:33.45gene2Yes you did, 2 days ago.
19:33.52gene2:) remember packet2packet
19:34.12gene2and how I can only make incoming calls to sipmedia SIP but all outgoing get disconnected.
19:34.13ManxPower(bless his yeart is a mongolian saying) *grin8
19:34.18jayteeoh, yeah! the problem with packet2packet problems with just the sipmedia provider when all the other providers worked fine.
19:34.22[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: kindly check this =>
19:34.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm running on <5 hours sleep, have a headache, and really... just really don't care to check my typos :)
19:34.33TenJacki just installed the cepstral voices on ubuntu and have installed the GNOME text-to-speech library, but when i run: swift "hello" in the console i get scratchy noise.  does anyone have any idea how to configure this?  i woud really appreciate it.
19:34.39gene2jaytee: yep
19:35.15jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that's why I always exclude you from the annoying ones because YOU KNOW how to type but you're in here 16 hours on average a day helping everyone.
19:35.17ManxPowerTenJack: be sure to confirm that regular standard good audio files play on the system using whatever OS tools you have to play audio files.
19:35.35ManxPowerThe problem MIGHT be with your sound setup.  And checking it is easy and fast.
19:35.39gene2[TK]D-Fender: could you give me some advices where to look? I'll bring up on the issue I'm having.
19:35.40TenJackyea, i tried myspace and the flash player works fine
19:35.44[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Your lack of understanding what you will fill the gap of "What Is This?" is what is leading to your drawing up plans that likely add elements like a secondary server that you really don't need.
19:35.50TenJackthe audio works there
19:35.58ManxPowerTenJack: not the apps I was thinking of, but OK. 8-)
19:36.09TenJackbut does that test it?
19:36.14[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Determine the interfaces at each site, then the hardware that can do it, then that will change your outcome
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19:36.54TenJackthe dial sounds from x-lite work too
19:37.07ManxPowerTenJack: I was thinking the "play" or "aplay" at the shell prompt, but I'll assume the sound is working correctly.  I would be surprised if it works in flash and not a CLI player.
19:37.17[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: This certainly looks like you don't even know what kind of connectivity you have on each PBX
19:37.28TenJackmanxpower: right, do you have any other ideas as to what might be causing this?
19:37.41ManxPowerTenJack: if you generate the sound files using the standard non-GUI swift/cepstral tools is the sound OK?
19:38.01TenJackoh wait
19:38.08TenJackhow do i do that?
19:38.10ManxPowerTenJack: we are just trying each likely issue.
19:38.29ManxPowerTenJack: I have no idea.  The last time I used Cepstral was late 2002
19:38.44ManxPowerI think the command back then was "swift"
19:38.47TenJackManxPower: i hae been using the terminal to try the sounds
19:39.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Still the current app IIRC
19:39.09TenJackManxPower: yea, that does not work, i tried swift "hello" and i get garbage
19:39.24ManxPowerTenJack: Contact Cepstral tech support if that is the case.
19:40.04[TK]D-FenderCan anyone confirm that Cepstral offers a cheap testing or single-channel-like license?  I might splurge a few bucks to have it at my disposal.
19:40.15ManxPowerTenJack: It is obviously not an Asterisk issue.  If it happens using nothing but the included tools then you really need to call Cepstral
19:40.30TenJackManxPower: right
19:41.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I paid well under $100 for a single license Cepstral.  I was only using it to generate static audio files so there was no need for more licenses.
19:41.16ManxPowerTenJack: how much did you pay for your Cepstral?
19:41.37TenJackManxPower: I am just trying out the demo right now
19:41.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yeah, thats the sort of thing I might do myself... sort of a "cached" generator
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19:41.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Smart thing to do :0
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19:42.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: lower CPU usage as well... compare the complete phrase and gen only when needd
19:42.38[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i don't think the legacy pabx can communicate via the internet. the main objective here is to save money from long distance calls and that is why there is the asterisk boxes on each site. these 2 sites are located at different countries. currently, the setup doesn't have an asterisk boxes.. calls from/to each site goes via pstn, the regular long distance call rate
19:43.17[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: So far you seem to have "don't thinks" and no "knows" at all.
19:43.49gene2[TK]D-Fender: Could you take a look at this:
19:44.23[TK]D-Fendergene2: and...?
19:44.25[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: yes, i don't know. that is why i am asking because i want to know.
19:44.56[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: We aren't psychic.... if you don't even know what interfaces are available to you on your own PBX then you shouldn't expect us to.
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19:45.12gene2[TK]D-Fender: I have 3 SIP accounts with Broadvoice, telasip and sipmedia, the first 2 work just fine (after converting to from something that was about 4 years old). This one only works for incoming calls, outgoing do not work as you can see from that pastebin
19:45.43gene2[TK]D-Fender: something about Packet2Packet, it will ring on the other side, as soon as I pick up, I hear it disconnect on the other side and no sound ever goes through.
19:45.54[TK]D-Fendergene2: No SIP debug in there, etc... not great for debugging...
19:46.31gene2[TK]D-Fender: What do you suggest I run? Sorry I'm a bit new to this. I just ran -vvvvvvv
19:46.39[TK]D-Fendergene2: "sip debug"
19:46.45Hadi--gene2: prob a codec issue
19:47.02[TK]D-FenderHadi--: I'd avoid guessing until the debug comes.
19:47.36Hadi--I had a similar problem before... ended up being the codec set on our cisco router
19:47.47Hadi--but yes
19:47.51Hadi--its good to see the debug
19:48.20gene2Hadi: trying to get this debug, i did sip set debug on and got quite a lot of stuff here, trying to figure out where it starts
19:48.31gene2I'm using cisco 7960 phone
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19:49.33Hadi--what codec is set on the phone
19:49.38Hadi--and what codec in asterisk
19:50.05gene2ulaw is the preferred codec on phone and same is set in sip.conf, ex: disallow=all, allow=ulaw
19:51.50[TK]D-Fendergene2: just pastebin the whole mess. You should start from the initial INVITE from your phone to * through the end of your call
19:52.16gene2Fender: doing this now, was a bit hard to capture it...
19:52.56vader--ok well called digium, we recopmiled asterisk and now all the phone calls are distorted
19:53.10vader--they sound like everything is in slow motion and there is clicking
19:53.14ManxPowervader--: well call them again!
19:53.23vader--still on the phone
19:53.24ManxPowervader--: try removing ztdummy if it's loaded
19:53.46vader--how can i check to see if it's loaded?
19:53.59ManxPowervader--: lsmod
19:55.21[TK]D-Fendergene2: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <---- so far looks like your phone isn't set right
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19:56.30gene2Hmm, not sure what could be the problem, everyting else works like charm. I'm on VPN between my * and these phones. Phones are at home and * at colo. I have pptp setup
19:56.50vader--heh well the digium guy says the pri card is probably bad
19:56.52[TK]D-Fendergene2: I don't see the end of the call.
19:57.00vader--anyone dealt with for replacement parts?
19:57.01[TK]D-Fendergene2: you stop wihle its still a"trying"
19:57.07lionexanyone ever seen this before -- Got SIP response 489 "Bad event" back from x.x.x.x
19:57.10vader--i bought a 3yr warranty on it
19:57.17gene2Ops, Let me try this again, the screen scrolls all too fast.
19:57.21ManxPowervader--: no idea
19:57.35gene2can I pipe the output to file somehow from the r* console?
19:57.42ManxPowermake sure you have a digium ticket number in case your vendor wants it
19:57.56ManxPowergene2: you mean like in /var/log/messages?
19:58.09ManxPowerConfigured in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
19:58.13citywokusing chanspy if i dial in, set myself to a listen group, and then a call gets placed, and added to the spygroup i'm listening on, asterisk segfaults
19:58.19gene2I mean the output of sip debug to go somewhere instead of tty
19:58.27citywokdoes anybody know what i might be able to do?
19:58.43ManxPowercitywok: segfaults when not running 3rd party software should be reported to
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19:59.58citywokthe how to report says use compiled trunk code, but i'm not, and i'm not in a place to be able to do that.  should i still report it anyways and just give my asterisk version number?
20:00.17mchouhey, anyone know if I dial via tollfreegateway what's my caller ID that gets shown to the called party?
20:00.19[TK]D-Fendernewmember: Wow... first time I've seen anyone running with them... how long you had Terago as your provider?
20:00.32IanBeyerok, got multiple softphones talking to each other, and able to call outbound... how do I configure inbound? I'm on AsteriskNOW 1.5 with FreePBX
20:01.04[TK]D-FenderIanBeyer: ask in #freepbx ... GUI's aren't supported in this channel.
20:01.08jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
20:01.20IanBeyerk, thanks
20:02.56[TK]D-Fendergene2: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
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20:07.01etech3when calling into other systems auto att,  digits are not passing through ie press 1 for sales press 2,,,, watching the cli nothing shows after the call is connected. happens on both POTS and AIP
20:07.26riddleboxetech3: what is your dmtfmode set to?
20:07.58vader--ok a restart fix it
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20:08.08etech3standard default
20:08.27etech3restart does not help
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20:10.19ManxPoweretech3: for the POTS set your dtmf tone length to 500ms
20:10.40ManxPowerzapata.conf or zaptel.conf, I don't recall which, but it is document in the sample files.
20:11.04etech3ok  testing.........
20:12.53jayteeanyone in here from Georgia?
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20:13.22gene2Fender: sip.conf
20:13.51gene2Fender: since I used the stock one it had a million examples, which were commented out I took them all out so you can see just the stuff which wasn't commented out.
20:14.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: the Country, or the US State?
20:14.21jayteethe US state
20:14.56jayteeI know drmessano is
20:15.52[TK]D-Fendergene2: From the look of things, your * box has a public IP and at least 2 local subnets.  This means you don't really have NAT concerns per se, but you MUST do "canreinvite=no".  I do suggest this for [general] as well as all of your peers...
20:17.07gene2Right I got 2 VPN connections going to this but my peers already have canreinvite=no
20:17.09[TK]D-Fendergene2: Ajdust, apply, test
20:17.26gene2Fender: ok. But I do have a phone in London (friend) that is using NAT
20:17.41gene2I upload different config to his phone with nat=yes
20:17.51[TK]D-Fendergene2: yeah, that looks fine...
20:18.15gene2But I will give it a test and add a general caninvite=no
20:19.45[TK]D-Fendergene2: Aside from that whatever it is.. I don't see it.
20:19.54gene2Just added a canreinvite=no to general and got the same (I did reload asterisks)
20:19.54etech3riddlebox where to check dmtfmode?
20:20.53ManxPoweretech3: dtmfmode is only for SIP
20:21.03etech3ManxPower where in zapata.conf no  zaptel.conf
20:21.15gene2Just don't get it why incoming works fine but outgoing does not, BTW when I call using any other provider I don't see this Packet2Packet thing
20:21.58ManxPoweretech3: you don't set dtmfmode in zaptel
20:22.19ManxPowerdtmfmode is only for SIP.  That is why I told you to set the dtmfTONELENGTH in zapata/zaptel
20:22.19etech3ManxPower sip conf?
20:22.32ManxPoweretech3: yup, sip.conf is where all sip stuff is configured
20:22.47ManxPowerweird, huh?
20:22.55etech3checking .........
20:24.28citywokManxPower: i figured out that it's because the var/spool/asterisk/monitor directory was out of disk space
20:24.28ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I found the word to describe people here not caring about accuracy.  "Foxification"  (in honor of Fox News)
20:24.33citywokif that directory isn't full, it doesnt segfault
20:25.07ManxPowercitywok: report it as a bug anyway just in case someone cares about fixing it.  Be warned, however,  asterisk expects to NOT run out of diskspace.
20:25.36citywokyea, i'm using a 2GB ramdrive for the monitor directory, and sometimes it manages to fill up
20:25.49citywokso far it hasn't caused any real problems though
20:25.59jayteeManxPower, Faux Noise?
20:28.41jayteeBill O'Reilly wins the race for bloviated douchebag with Senator Saxby Chambliss (R) from Georgia taking a close second.
20:30.04jboti heard jeev is a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in mystery, and clouded by poor judgement and lousy impulse control.
20:30.05jeevi got a call today from some dood, sounded like he jus came from africa
20:30.10jeevhe's like, "you vote for mccain ok bye"
20:30.26jeevso i called my friend who was in africa (for another week) and told him, he started to laugh
20:30.39jayteenot only are they outsourcing all our jobs but they're outsourcing all of their campaign sleaze tactics too
20:31.45jayteeI only know like 6 Republicans personally that don't suck and only 2 are good friends.
20:31.56citywokManxPower: i lied, it still ended up happening, it didnt happen the first 3 times i tested it after emptying the directory but it did happen again
20:32.03shido6whats the difference again?
20:32.46shido6Do you want the orange with Magic Marker circles on them or the Orange with Felt tipped markings on them?
20:32.47jeevi know a few.. one of them is very smart. he wrote a biggggggggg thing about why not to vote mccain haha
20:33.03vader--well digium decided it was the PRI line card being faulty
20:33.22vader--just called, i had a 3 year warranty, getting a TE122P
20:33.27vader--inreplace of the TE110P
20:33.37vader--and they wouldn't carry the warranty over
20:33.43vader--so i bought another warranty for 94$
20:33.52vader--and shipping 29$
20:33.54jayteejeev, are you talking about Chuck Hagel?
20:33.57vader--priority overnight
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20:35.18jeevwho the hell is that
20:35.41JoseBravoI have connected my card, and zttool show OK in Alarm. But when I call in asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr I dont see anything and the line  is rinning.
20:35.44JoseBravoAny idea?
20:36.31ManxPowerJoseBravo: what kind of card and what kind of line?
20:36.51ManxPowerNow is it OK or is it in Alarm?
20:37.03ManxPowerah, I see.
20:37.29JoseBravoOK in the Alarm column
20:39.05ManxPowerJoseBravo: you answered my 3rd question.  Now answer my first two questions.
20:39.13ManxPower(3:36:31 PM) ManxPower: JoseBravo: what kind of card and what kind of line?
20:39.29ManxPowerpay closer attention, we can't help you if you don't tell us what we need to know.
20:40.22JoseBravoManxPower, this is xp100 clone. I know its not supported, I also have tdm400 but I need only say one message informing a new number.
20:40.56ManxPowerJoseBravo: the X100P will show an alarm if no line is connected.  The TDM400P does NOT show alarm if no line is plugged in.
20:41.07ManxPowerI don't know about the clone, but the real X100Ps do.
20:41.39JoseBravoSorry, yeah x100p
20:41.48ManxPowerWhat card/port is the call coming in on?
20:42.18JoseBravoI dont understand your question but I have connected to the Line port in the modem.
20:42.32ManxPowerJoseBravo: Then the answer is "X100P"
20:42.44ManxPowerOK.  Does ztcfg -vvv give you any errors?
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20:43.22ManxPowerJoseBravo: Remember the two ports on the X100P (don't call it a modem) are hardwired together
20:44.06JoseBravoztcfg dont show me errors, 1 channels to configure!
20:44.32ManxPowerJoseBravo: put the output of both ztcfg -vvv and "lsmod" on
20:45.00harry_vx100ps still kicking around?
20:45.09ManxPowerharry_v: no, just bad clones
20:45.23jayteeharry, so is polio and malaria in some parts of the world
20:45.30harry_vDid Digium ever eliminate the echo isues from there cars?
20:45.37ManxPowerharry_v: the chipset has not even been manufactured for 4 years
20:46.06jayteeharry_v, they came out with better cards, hardware echo modules and better software ec.
20:46.31harry_vjaytee, voice quality comparable to sangoma?
20:46.35ManxPowerJoseBravo: If you plug a phone into the 2nd port of the card do you get dialtone.
20:46.48jayteebut only shutting down Ebay will rid us of this plague of crap X100p clones
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20:47.40JoseBravoManxPower, yes
20:47.44jayteeharry_v, I've had excellent results with the TDM400 cards and the newer TDM410 cards are supposedly even better but I've switched to PRI and I'm using their TE212P cards and love them.
20:48.03TenJackdoes anyone here use the cepstral voices?
20:48.10ManxPowerJoseBravo: OK.  Now go into the Asterisk CLI and do a zap show channels  what channels are listed (you can put the output on pastebin)
20:48.32TenJackjust wondering if anyone has gotten app_swift to work
20:48.46ManxPowerjaytee: I had nothing but problems with the TDM400P cards
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20:49.15harry_vSee, two conflicting stories in the TDM400P
20:49.33ManxPowerMy TDM400P problems only happened after about 3 weeks worth of calls.
20:49.42harry_vDepends how the both of you perhaps have your systems setup and the call load if that plays a part.
20:49.49ManxPowerrebooting the PBX every monday made sure the problem did not happen.
20:50.00jameswf <<  waits for .voip
20:50.14ManxPowerwaits for .vonage-sucks
20:50.17harry_vManx, is it echo issues?
20:50.22ManxPowerharry_v: no.
20:50.32ManxPowerI mean like port stops working.  no calls in no calls out
20:50.43harry_vthats not good
20:50.50harry_vso basicly dropped calls.
20:50.50jameswffor 185K you would have to really hate vonnage... maybe $1 from every unhappy user/former user
20:51.04ManxPowerharry_v: no, we did not have dropped calls
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20:51.24ManxPowerWe switched to PRI and Tellabs echo canceling equipment and never had a problem again
20:51.25harry_vI unforuntaly did some DSL connectivity for a vonage contractor. The company never did pay me.
20:51.38ManxPowernever looked at analog again
20:51.48jeevknows everyone will buy .jeev but not fuck.jeev, that'll be reserved because obviously nobody would purchase it.
20:52.06ManxPowerJoseBravo: you do not have /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf setup correctly
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20:52.56harry_vwhich tellabs gear was that?
20:53.06JoseBravoManxPower, why?
20:53.18ManxPower2572 cards
20:53.39ManxPowerJoseBravo: because zap show channels does not see any channels except the "pseudo" channel and this is not a card
20:53.57JoseBravoManxPower, ohhh
20:53.59ManxPowerharry_v: I've started selling pre built/pre configured Tellabs stuff on eBay
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20:54.02entelechyquestion for the asterisk & SIP gurus here: can someone please explain to me what would cause the asterisk console to give the following error: [Oct 29 15:53:04] NOTICE[9551]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension 'xxxxxxxxxx' rejected because extension not found.
20:54.15entelechyi have one SIP account with a provider with multiple DID's
20:54.18harry_vlike the 3300?
20:54.19entelechyand some of them work, and some give that message
20:54.25ManxPowerentelechy: that is caused by the extensions not existing
20:54.31entelechysure but its a DID not an extension
20:54.46entelechythe error is the '' part not the 'xxxxxxx' part
20:54.51entelechye.g. it doesnt say from 's'
20:54.54entelechyit says from ''
20:55.11entelechyso in other words its not starting in the correct context
20:55.11ManxPowerharry_v: like this:
20:55.22entelechy(is my minimally informed guess :-) )
20:55.23ManxPowerentelechy: no, the '' means "there is no callerid"
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20:57.00JoseBravoManxPower, thank you! I solved the problem!
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20:57.39entelechyManxPower, ok well, im not sure you are correct, the "extension" on the right should be handled as a DID, e.g. it was the number dialed by the inbound caller
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20:57.53entelechyManxPower, whether or not they have a callerID shohuld not affect the routing of the call
20:58.02ManxPowerentelechy: correct
20:58.09harry_vManx, sometimes one has to cave in to older technoligy just to make the customer happpy. If it work it works :)
20:58.10phpboyWhat does ALARM 'REC' mean when doing zap show status?
20:58.12ManxPowermaybe you have the channel in the wrong context
20:58.24harry_vred alarm?
20:58.28ManxPowerphpboy: It means RECovering from a red alarm
20:58.30entelechyManxPower yes it seems like certain DID's come in the wrong context
20:58.39entelechyand thus cant reach any extension
20:59.06ManxPowerentelechy: My bet is a problem your dialplan or zapata.conr
20:59.09harry_vManx, how many of those olders Tellabs boxes do you come by?
20:59.13phpboyManxPower: It does this every 5 seconds or so, perhaps something wrong on PSTN side?
20:59.23ManxPowerharry_v: I've installed like 8 of them at customer locations.
20:59.37entelechyManxPower not using zapata - pure SIP
20:59.44harry_vphpboy, is your rg11 plug missing a tab?
20:59.47phpboysits on OK then switches to REC
20:59.48ManxPowerI have 3 chassis, plenty of cards, I just need the wiring harness and power supply and jacks to build more.
21:00.02ManxPowerentelechy: I have never ever seen that message on SIP only with Zap
21:00.12phpboyharry_v: it's been working for a couple of months now
21:00.14ManxPowerphpboy: I wonder why you are not getting red alarms
21:00.30phpboyCan't imagine there's something wrong with the cable
21:00.32ManxPowerusually it goes RED, REC, YEL, OK
21:00.45harry_vphpboy, I know it does sound silly but yes a rj11 jack that is a little loose could generate those error messages.
21:00.58phpboywell, it's jumping between REC and OK
21:01.01ManxPowerharry_v: I've personally experienced that
21:01.57phpboyharry_v: I thought it _might_ be that, I'm not physically there. I'll sort it out tomorrow it's 23h01 here and I'm too lazy to shoot through to the office
21:02.02ManxPowerharry_v: nobody sells pre-configured, pre-built tellabs that I am aware of.
21:02.05phpboycan you guys think of anything else?
21:02.23harry_vI did the dumb thing once of installing a cisco switch and not replace the ends of two rj45 jacks when he tabs became weak or broke. :) get a service call some time latter saying a POS is down. plese go and investigate.
21:03.02entelechyManxPower, OK regarding the possibility of it being a dialplan issue: i know this is prolly a basic question, but what is essentially the difference between exten = 3133333333,1,Goto(default|60|1) and exten = _3133333333,1,Goto(default|60|1) ?
21:03.08ManxPowerharry_v: we had one T-1 cable in our pbx room that if you bumped it the T-1 would bounce.  very annoying.  Even replaced the end, the telco jack was just lose.
21:03.15harry_vManx, sounds like you have a niche market but it wont help if you do not have a steady flow of these units. What new echo cancel boxes would be of the same quality as a tellabs?
21:03.16entelechydoesnt the _ mean something like 'ignore a leading 1' ?
21:03.21ManxPowerentelechy: the first one is correct, the end one is not.
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21:03.42entelechyManxPower thank you :)
21:03.45ManxPowerentelechy: no, it means "this is a pattern match".  I think you need to go read the Asterisk book.  That is a very basic question.
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21:04.13phpboyhmmm, it got stuck on REC for quite some time now :(
21:04.25entelechyManxPower yah i know it is a basic question... i usually work on asterisk with open in another window :)
21:04.34ManxPowerentelechy: there is your problem.
21:04.50ManxPoweryou should work with the asterisk docs in the other window.  the voip-info is full of outdated and just plain wrong information
21:05.11harry_vSo manx, you are pretty much all T1 then. no tdm because of the port issue ?
21:05.17entelechyManxPower but not doing so today. if i told you what entity created this dialplan you  might yell at me for kludging a single tenant asterisk management program to handle multiple tenants
21:05.21ManxPowerLearning from voip-info is like trying to learn from someone that dropped out of school in the 6th grade.
21:05.28phpboygetting constant alarms in /var/log/asterisk/messages
21:05.38entelechyManxPower i lack the asterisk dialplan scripting knowledge to effectively create separate contexts for the different tenants
21:05.41ManxPowerphpboy: well duh!
21:06.08entelechyManxPower so ive hacked on my asterisk-gui install to do so. however that was like 2 years ago. now something has come up and i need to clear the cobwebs from my mind - and my dialplan
21:06.10ManxPowerany time your card is not OK you'll have alarms
21:06.17harry_vphpboy, what city are you in?
21:06.36ManxPowerentelechy: I can't help with GUIs
21:07.04entelechyManxPower i know, im not asking for any :) im strictly editing extensions.conf at this time
21:07.14ManxPowerentelechy: GUIs ARE extensions.conf
21:07.36phpboyharry_v: I'm in Johannesburg, South Afirca
21:08.02ManxPowerThe only thing Asterisk GUIs do is 1) look pretty and 2) make it virtually impossible to support.
21:08.06jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:08.06entelechyManxPower just remarking that asterisk-gui was what originally generated this dialplan, which was then (2 yearsw ago) hacked on by me to turn it into a multi DID, multi tenant kind of install. probably last time i actually dealt with editing the code it was about a year ago.
21:08.24ManxPowerentelechy: how many AGI scripts are you using?
21:08.45ManxPowerIn any case, best of luck.  My recommendation is re-read The Book.
21:09.09entelechyManxPower yes i need to purchase a copy of that one.
21:09.22ManxPowerentelechy: why not just download it for free first?
21:09.40jbotfrom memory, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:09.48entelechynice thanks!
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21:10.16jayteebe back later
21:12.57harry_vThat is true.
21:13.11*** join/#asterisk Farkus (
21:13.27harry_vDo not waste your time on freepbx if you do not know the fundemenals of asterisk.
21:14.27entelechyManxPower so - you are suggesting the best way to run an Asterisk PBX supporting multiple tenants, each with their own DID's and contexts (so as to be able to re use the same extension #'s)
21:14.37entelechyManxPower is to hire an asdterisk professional to code it all by hand???????????
21:15.46entelechyand like call them up at > $100 an hour whenever we need to change a simple user setting???? :-)
21:16.03entelechyfor 4 tenants, 30 phones, 10 DID's
21:16.16entelechysounds like its going to cost more than the most expensive commercial asterisk GUI :)
21:17.14entelechyquick. i know everybody likes to plug their favorite developrs and projects. whats a good solution to managing a 4 tenant PBX with CISCO 79xx phones and a server already running Asterisk 1.4.x ?????
21:17.28Farkusis this irc channel logged anywhere publicly?
21:17.39entelechyor is mentioning a developer or vendor other than digium against the channel rules???? :) :)
21:17.46ManxPowerentelechy: actually yes.
21:18.00ManxPowerIf you don't want to or cannot learn Asterisk you should hire a consultant
21:18.08[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: ScopServ.  Look them up.
21:20.23entelechy[TK]D-Fender lol @ "requested page is unavaiable" for
21:20.38ManxPowerentelechy: but really I don't care what you do.
21:20.42entelechyi love vendors with outdated web sites. inspires confidence right away :)
21:21.04jbotyou are, like, NOT an employee of Digium.  He is looking for a training/teaching job in networking and/or Asterisk.  Currently doing Asterisk and WAN consulting.  Contact:
21:21.29[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: You seem very adept at complaining.  Perhaps you might be better served moping silently about your plight....
21:22.02entelechy[TK]D-Fender if i cant see any of the links to their SoHo, SMB, Pro or ITSP products, maybe they have all the business they need? :)
21:22.19[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: You've got my recommendation for a decent quality multi-tenent GUI
21:22.46entelechy[TK]D-Fender thanks i appreciate it, i am looking around their site
21:25.13entelechyits just irony that the first link i click is broken. perhaps it is due to their spending all their time in devfelopment. latest relase for most products was 2008-10-28. id say thats pretty current
21:25.34jjshoeentelechy it's a pretty lame site from what I see
21:25.43jjshoeentelechy and their demo scares me more then a little
21:25.57vader--wow what a freaking day
21:26.19entelechyjjshoe do you have any suggestions for a decent, current GUI ?
21:26.32[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: I've been using it for 3 years.  Its agressively maintained
21:27.03vader--47 Minutes without the PRI line droping
21:27.03ManxPowerentelechy: I guess you mis-understand.  Almost nobody here uses a GUI.  The GUI users are usually on channels like #AsteriskGUI or #freepbx, not here since we don't support them.
21:27.14jjshoeentelechy it's called reasearch, and pick one.
21:27.14vader--0 missed IRQ
21:27.35vader--tkd what does the loop button do in the zttool?
21:27.46jjshoeloops back the line
21:27.56vader--through the card?
21:27.59entelechyjjshoe my research includes asking around for recommendations. been looking at them for a while, but seems like a lot of them are very sleepy development companies, release something once in 2006 for a specific version of asterisk and then nothing since
21:28.18[TK]D-Fendervader--: Don't know, and please stop targeting me for random questions like that.
21:28.22jjshoevader-- no, through a gerbil
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21:28.47entelechyManxPower i do understand. asterisk gui only answers questions about asterisk gui. freepbx only answers questions about freepbx. this is still the best channel to find actual asterisk *professionals*
21:28.47vader--jjshoe when i hit that button it says briefly Looping up span 1
21:28.52vader--then that disappears
21:28.57jjshoevader-- cool, and?
21:29.10vader--i asked my teleco if they seen the loop and nada
21:29.11entelechyManxPower rather than people tgrying to make asterisk available to every last unix user installing the latest fedora core release
21:29.26ManxPowerentelechy: *nod*  and Asterisk "professionals" don't generally use GUIs
21:30.04encodereal men^Wprofessionals use CLIs
21:30.06ManxPowerHey everyone!  Who here uses a GUI for Asterisk in production?
21:30.20ManxPower(and I don't mean you wrote yourself)
21:30.28entelechymanxpower no doubt, but, i would find it hard to imagine that asterisk professionals dont have some solutions besides opening vi and hand coding changes to the dialplan, to manage a 4 tenant, 30 phone, 10 did scenario
21:30.50ManxPowerentelechy: you seem to think that it's harder to admin it that way.  It's not.
21:31.10jjshoethere's a time and a place for a gui
21:31.12vader--wanted to thank you manx and tk for your help with this issue i was having
21:31.13jjshoecan we move onto another war?
21:31.13ManxPowerI took me all of about a day to teach the telecom manager a a client how to add/remove phones and change settings.  because I had a good dialplan
21:31.39entelechyManxPower id rather be able to provide the managers and owners of each of the 4 tenant firms with a GUI to be able to look at their status, assign mailboxes, add phones etc. calling an asterisk professional for each of those tasks, would likely cost more than an asdterisk GUI
21:31.55ManxPowerentelechy: GREAT!  I'm happy for you!
21:31.58entelechycurses vista chiclet keyboard he is typing on
21:32.13entelechyManxPower i am happy for me also :) i am glad we agree on my happiness
21:32.24ManxPowerAnd yet, you are not even on a single Asterisk GUI channel
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21:32.50ManxPowerIn any case Bless your heart and best of luck!
21:32.54entelechyManxPower as i said. #asteriskgui doesnt want to talk about anything but - digium's Asterisk GUI. Imagine that!!!!!!!!!
21:33.15entelechyplus i dont have the 2 days to wait for someone to reply there
21:33.25[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: We don't have to imagine... its daily life for us.
21:33.59ManxPowerYup.  People come here expecting us to support some piece of shit gui because they can't get support anywhere else.
21:34.14entelechy[TK]D-Fender yes i do appreciate the help you and the other experts and gearheads provide. ive been in here before and gotten quite a bit of support for editing things by hand. BUT
21:34.17jjshoeit sounds like a lot of folks in here need vacations from irc :)
21:34.22ManxPowerTo which I say, "why are you using a product you can't get support for?"
21:34.27entelechy[TK]D-Fender BUT i grow tired of supporting this by hand.
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21:35.10[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: The biggest challenge in your request is multi-tenant.  This is often either not implemented, or done poorly
21:35.13entelechyManxPower because a ridiculously lame asterisk developer thought it was the best solution for a multi tenant PBX.
21:35.36[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: And your diea of "tired" is what you are leveraging against your choices.
21:35.59entelechyManxPower INTER7 in Rockford, Illinois, could not come up with a better way to support a multi-tenant asterisk PBX than to install asterisk-GUI. :~-(
21:36.06entelechyBack in 2006.
21:36.16jjshoemm rockford illinois
21:36.17entelechy[TK]D-Fender yes indeed. Its just not my job.
21:36.18jjshoehow I miss thee
21:36.24jjshoeI used to spend a lot of time at a camp there as a kid :)
21:37.10TenJackanyone have any advice on using cepstral voices within asterisk?
21:39.12telecosTenJack: What's the problem you'r having with Cepstral?
21:39.59TenJacktelecos: well i have been trying to get app_swift installed to use it with asterisk, but it wont install
21:40.17TenJacktelecos:  cepstral voices work fine, i am running ubuntu
21:40.44TenJacki have tried multiple versions of app_swift on both mac os x and ubuntu and get the same compile errors
21:41.09entelechyits not like this is my first time editing things by hand. I've editted this dialplan to the point of supporting damn diversion headers, by myself, with a little help from the chan here
21:41.37jjshoeentelechy could you do the rest of us a favor and let it go?
21:41.48jjshoethis is a channel full of people who just hear the word gui and they step on a soap box
21:41.55jjshoesave us all from it please?
21:42.08entelechyjjshoe: i came in asking a question
21:42.31jjshoewow, capslock, you're cool now
21:42.32entelechyabout THIS error me4ssage: how can I be getting the blank extension in this message. [Oct 29 16:40:02] NOTICE[12936]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '3133333333' rejected because extension not found.
21:42.50entelechywhen the neighboring lines in the same context work fine
21:42.54entelechyall of the form I referenced above
21:43.07jbot[zeeek] someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
21:43.14[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: its not the context that has issues... its the DEVICE sending the call in there
21:43.25entelechyexten = 3133333333,1,Goto(default|211|1)
21:43.31telecosTenJack: Last week I installed it on an Asterisk 1.4.X and I haven't problame (I can't remember de version of app-swift I Installed, I've it at work and currently I'm at home)
21:43.47ManxPowerentelechy: if you put your dialplan on I'm sure someone can help you
21:44.00[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: And full debug of the incoming call.
21:44.06TenJacktelecos:really? what os are you using?
21:44.15[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: that'd be SIP/PRI as appropriate
21:44.21ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: $5 says it's some AGI script left over.
21:44.45mchouManxPower: only $5?? you have no balls
21:44.49entelechy[TK]D-Fender yes I recall having this issue before, i am  not sure how a single SIP trunk split into multiple DID's has some that work and some that dont when all extensions are split out from exten = lines, identical to each other except for the DID telco phone number, all in the same context and sitting next to each other on successive lines
21:44.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You know I never bet on how people screw this stuff up... there's just soo much room for failure :)
21:45.23TenJacktelecos: what version of asterisk are you using?
21:45.24[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: You can describe it till you're blue ithe face and end up as far as you are now.  Pastebin is your friend.  Use it
21:45.41entelechysure but i tend to want to sanitize things like telephone numbers
21:45.51ManxPowermchou: until I see the dialplan.....
21:45.53telecosTenJack: CentOS and RHEL. I got working on both. I use asterisk
21:45.56entelechyi think its time to hire (drum roll) a REAL asterisk developer... and or just buy a damn gui and be done with it
21:46.30jjshoeI'll do just about anything for $75 an hour :)
21:46.32[TK]D-Fenderentelechy: Do not over sanitize.  We do not care about your #'s
21:46.44mchouManxPower: considering how militant against GUIs you should put up WAY more than $5
21:47.00ManxPowerentelechy: The developers are 3rd door down the hall to your right, the door is labeled #asterisk-dev
21:47.02telecosTenJack: Which version of Asterisk are you using?
21:47.02TenJacktelecos: yea im interested in what version of app_swift you compiled.  do you remember what site you downloaded it from?
21:47.10harry_ventelechy, a real asterisk dev?
21:47.28mchouManxPower: $5 is just a joke.  like penny ante
21:47.43entelechyharry - you know one? :)
21:47.58entelechyi am looking at pages of scrolling SIP debug output in screen
21:48.08jjshoeentelechy like I said, I'll do anything for $75 an hour.
21:48.16harry_vohh good grief. Ive done that.
21:48.31entelechyctrl A [ is my friend
21:48.59telecosTenJack: If I'm not wrong, I think I downloaded it from:
21:49.00harry_vpeople here in canada are very conservative and dont take chances hence, you mostly see nortel or avaya or panasonic. no open source asterisk box.
21:49.27TenJackright, so you dl'd the 1.4.2 version?
21:50.47unpaidbillis there any way to generate a second voicemail email? a user deleted one accidentally and wants to have an email record of it for some unknown reason
21:50.57unpaidbilli suppose i can just do it manually
21:50.58harry_vSo what is the most stable version with hardware? I am not interested in making it loaded with apps :)
21:51.21lesouvageWhat would be a proper line in C to end the channel of the called party? The idea is to use the g parameter in the Dial() statement to let the caller continue in the dialplan  after  pressing # to stop/disconnect the callee channel instead of stoppig the recording.
21:51.23harry_vAlso, tdm400p is/is not recomended over sangoma?
21:51.27jjshoeharry_v huh?
21:51.39jjshoeharry_v I personally recommend sangoma over digium cards.
21:51.58telecosyes, the 1.4.2 is specific for Asterisk 1.4.X
21:51.59harry_vjjshoe, shooting for a 100% reliability rate. aka, no echo no dropped calls ect.
21:52.31harry_vand has to compete with the nortel bcm50
21:52.54[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: My analog watch can do that!
21:53.01harry_vI think a new nortel BCM50 is around 1,200 dollars.
21:53.08[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: BCM = flaming piece of shit
21:53.16lesouvageI found the place in the code of the patched res_features.c to put the proper line, but I'm not much of a C programmer.
21:53.30Kattywow. i just realized how much twisted looks like my cousin tim.
21:53.43harry_vTK, all the Cara resteraunts use the BCM50 I installed all the backboard equipment for them. Never heard a complaint.
21:53.51[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: And in french, "," is the decimal delimiter which also conveniently depicts its VALUE
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21:54.23[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: It ain't called Norhell for nothing...
21:54.49harry_vI dont know. TK, you have configured those units?
21:54.51Kattyhometime. buhbye
21:56.05[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: I looked at one before I saved my company from going that route
21:56.05farkusWhat's the best book to read about asterisk?
21:56.06[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Stupid POS thats a Norstar with a web interface over the same shit scalabilty arch.
21:56.06harry_vCara went that route. Thay own a huge slew of resteraunts.
21:56.13[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Yes, everyone is entitle to a few big mistakes ;)
21:56.41[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: And some people like going shark diving... with "chums" like that... who needs enemies?
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21:57.10harry_vand the BCM400 which is the enterprise. I had to do a very strange install. Installed a PA extender over tcp/ip. That was a headache and really need the Bell techs help on that one.
21:57.31[TK]D-Fenderfarkus : to start :
21:57.33jboti guess book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:58.24farkusis there an archive of this group posted anywhere?
21:58.33harry_vWhat ever happened to jerjers side kick? his extention is not valid on my system anymore.
21:59.23orkidi have a general question related to telecom, i hope someone can help. i'm trying to do an LNP to, and on their form it says "affected long distance" "carry over PIC: Yes / No" "Long Distance Provider (IXC):" ... currently my long distance goes through my local provider (Bell Canada) afaik... ie. the long distance appears on their bill and I have a long distance plan from them... so should i put "Bell Canada" under "Long Distance Provider (IXC):
21:59.57[TK]D-Fenderfarkus : a few.  Quite googleable.
22:05.48lesouvageI put the piece of code on   Any suggestion on how to end the second leg of the call is more then welcome.
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22:07.55harry_vmm odd, nat was not in my sip config. BTW, jitter is typically a issue with softphones?
22:08.38harry_vI just made a sample test call and need to clean up the cutting out of the softphone.
22:08.42TenJackdo i need to uninstall asterisk version 1.4 before installing 1.6?
22:09.12harry_vmight be a good idea and clean it up.
22:09.13[TK]D-FenderTenJack: aside from wiping your modules folder, and validating your old configs, no
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22:11.34ManxPowerTenJack: The UPGRADE.txt file should tell you everything you need to know to move to 1.6  Also see the UPGRADE-1.4.txt and UPGRADE-1.2.txt files as changes in previous releases are not in the UPGRADE.txt
22:16.34jameswfcalling cisco ehhh
22:18.16hardwirejeev: am I on some sort of IRC notify for you?
22:18.23jeevonly when i see you talking
22:19.29hardwiregood enough
22:19.32harry_vI have been noticing alot of cisco phones going in. Seems Vancouver international had one of the biggest installs yet but also had lots of nightmares with the system.
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22:21.37ManxPowerjeev: It is INCREDIBLY rude to try to get support via private message.
22:22.12ManxPowerThe simple fact that the channel does not get any benefit should be enough.
22:22.14harry_vmabey he is a private person
22:22.28harry_vThat is true
22:22.35ManxPowerharry_v: then he should hire a consultant, not try to get free consulting via private message.
22:22.54harry_vManx, do you have a list of consultants?
22:23.15ManxPowerharry_v: I'm a consultant.  I don't have a list.
22:23.20harry_vI know
22:23.44harry_vbut should you not be avaiable when its needed. Also, your in a different time zone.
22:24.22jeevwhen did i privmsg
22:24.35harry_vUnless you like being on the phone at 6 am :)
22:25.05ManxPowerharry_v: I've been doing Asterisk consulting since mid 2002.  I'm trying to get out of that.
22:25.17outtoluncbefore/after hours support fees come to mind <G>
22:25.50ManxPowerharry_v: I don't think I'd even WANT to do consulting for people here.  Most of them don't even know what they want to do.
22:25.54harry_vManx, what is your next step in your life ?
22:26.06ManxPowerharry_v: /msg jbot manxpower and see
22:27.16harry_vteaching is sweet. I remember how much my cisco instructor loved his role. We were the first cisco acadamy class in seattle in 98
22:28.41ManxPowerI've been doing WAN (data) consulting since about 1998
22:30.44ManxPowerharry_v: I've sort of been semi-retired since about 2005, just doing part time work.
22:30.51jeevManxPower? where did your comment come from? i haven't bothered you in a week.
22:31.06ManxPowerjeev: It was not specifically directed at you.
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22:43.49kerxhowdy, if I'm doing a Dial() in the extensions, and would like to know when the other side as picked up the phone, how is this possible?
22:44.49ManxPowerkerx: it is not possible with an analog line in most countries
22:45.16kerxManxPower, for example, you do  Dial() and then a Background(), how does asterisk know when to begin the background() ?
22:45.36ManxPowerkerx: Dial() stops the dialplan until one side hangs up.
22:45.52jameswfbackground follows answer not dial
22:45.54kerxWell, see what I'm doing is the following.... I dial using AMI, then on WaitExten()
22:45.58ManxPowerIf you do a "core show application dial" you'll see some options to run macros to help
22:46.10kerxWhen WaitExten() see's a 1, it jumps to the 1 extensions in the context
22:46.30ManxPowerkerx: nothing I told you applies to AMI.
22:46.33kerxIn the 1 extension it does another Dial(),  in this Dial(), I want to be able to know when the second party is Answered
22:46.39ManxPoweronly extensions.conf
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22:47.03ManxPowerI don't use the AMI so I can't help you.
22:47.04kerxexten => 1,2,Dial(SIP/provider/18185551212)
22:47.13kerxIn this exten, I can't find out when the party picked up?
22:47.26ManxPowerkerx: The dialplan STOPS when Dial() is run and it resumes when one side hangs up.
22:47.52kerxjameswf, that's for inbound calls, how about outbound calls?
22:47.56ManxPowerkerx: "have you done a "core show application dial"?
22:48.18kerxno, let me do that now, thanks
22:48.34ManxPoweryes, go do that.  Ponder each option carefully.  Become one with the Dial app
22:48.47jameswfi just do silence detect... then playback
22:48.55ManxPowerChances are you'll need to use the M() options
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22:50.55etech3ManxPower not asterisk but the asstra 57i
22:51.48ManxPowerkerx: for that info non-realtime you can see the CDRs in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
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22:52.50kerxManxPower, nah, my CDR's are totally broken
22:52.52lesouvageI managed to solve the problem with the needed patch of res_features.c  . Thanks for the help ;-)
22:53.03kerxI'm doing everything w/ System() sending it to a Perl script that logs into the database
22:53.14kerxFor some reason my CDR's dont show billsec and the disposition is always NO ANSWER
22:53.29ManxPowerkerx: someone reported that on the mailinglist recently
22:53.40kerxyeah, me :)
22:53.41gigglsis there a patch or something available to make "-p" switch work with recent kernels?
22:53.58kerxit's with * v.1.4.x and 1.6.x that i have this
22:54.02kerxso it's either my dumb-ass
22:54.04kerxor asterisk
22:54.37seanbrighttoo east.
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22:55.24harry_vvoice quality cutting in and out.
22:55.49ManxPowerkerx: eventually you'll see you are missing a space or have an extra space or . or whatever somewhere.
22:56.10kerxlol, nah
22:56.15kerxcan't be
22:56.38seanbrightyeah, CDRs are working for plenty of people... but it must be asterisk
22:56.42ManxPowerYou didn't do something stupid and set callprogress=yes or busydetect=yes, did you?
23:01.19|stefan|i need some assistance in getting my ht502 working with asterisk. i can't get it to patch through a call. i'm suspecting codec issues. here's the output.
23:02.14ManxPowerThey agreed on ulaw
23:02.15ManxPowerCapabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0xd0d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g726|g729|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw)
23:03.32kerxManxPower, i have those set :P
23:03.35|stefan|ye i saw that
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23:03.52|stefan|ManxPower think i found it. somehow i accidentally set prefix
23:04.12ManxPowerkerx: Go back into the zapata.conf.sample config file in the Asterisk source and re-read what that says about callprogress and busydetect
23:04.55kerxI don't have a zapata.conf btw, in my /etc/asterisk
23:05.19ManxPowerhow are you getting to the PSTN?
23:05.35kerxI'm using SIP provider
23:06.59ManxPowerOK, you are forgiven then.  BTW, don't put in options that are not listed in the sample config files for things like zap, sip, etc
23:07.12kerxlet me show u my cdr.conf in pastebin
23:07.35ManxPowerkerx: I'm outta here.
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23:10.16gigglspseudo-realtime support seems to be broken with Kernel >=2.6.25, has this been addressed?
23:10.45hardwireare you using pseudo-2.6.25 ?
23:11.03hardwiregiggls: lemme see if I can help
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23:11.37hardwirefrom what I understand all but the most latest asterisk source uses SCHED_OTHER explicitly
23:11.41hardwireit just plain sets it.
23:11.52hardwireyou can override that once asterisk is started by setting it to SCHED_RR
23:13.20gigglsI have the effect, that asterisk -p does not work with recent kernels, however it does work with 2.6.24.x
23:13.43hardwireexplain "doesn't work"
23:14.09gigglshardwire: asterisk just hangs on startup
23:14.26gigglshangs forever
23:14.39hardwiregiggls: omitting -p lets it continue?
23:15.04hardwirecan you diff 2.6.24's config against 2.6.25?  I'm curious
23:15.13hardwiresomebody here may now the answer to your issue, but I'm just curious
23:15.33hardwireand did you recompile asterisk at all?
23:15.53harry_va way to measure voip rtp quality while on a call?
23:16.03hardwireharry_v: scream.. measure.. scream.. measure..
23:16.26hardwireharry_v: quality is a calculation of several factors
23:16.29harry_vI dont know if its on my end but it was a vitelity connection.
23:16.32tzafrir_laptophardwire, with 2.6.25, an app with SCHED_RR that is in a 100% CPU loop would only take 95% of the cpu
23:16.43hardwiretzafrir_laptop: now I know
23:16.47hardwiregiggls: now I know
23:16.50gigglshardwire: the kernel config for the newer kernel has just been generated by make oldconfig, so no change here
23:17.18tzafrir_laptopany anyway, with 1.6 you also have the canary
23:17.48harry_vanyway back on the phone making calls
23:19.19gigglshardwire: no changes on the asterisk side here, it just does not work when booting into newer kerenls than 2.6.24.x
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23:23.19tzafrir_laptopgiggls, and I wouldn't call it "broken". Those "missing" 5 let me sleep safely . Buy a CPU that is 5% faster :-)
23:24.35gigglstzafrir_laptop: It ist definitely broken when a daemon is preventing the whole system from booting
23:25.08gigglsAFAIK this RT behaviour can be changed with sysctl
23:25.33eightmotivesanyone know of a good LIDB service?
23:27.38*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:27.43hardwiregiggls: I'm curious what priority you are starting off at
23:27.59hardwirelike.. did 2.6.25 change the default priority for say.. the disk drives?
23:31.31harry_vlooking at someones company website thats been hijacked.
23:31.53harry_vTher is a term for domain hosting companies that put up generic web sites?
23:31.55*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
23:33.25[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: "Cookie-cutter"
23:33.40harry_vif that is the correct term
23:34.44harry_vmakes sence
23:35.11harry_vkinda all the same no life to them borring no real purpous the site was designed for.
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23:56.49protocolshi all
23:58.52jayteecannot initialize the proper protocol to respond

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