IRC log for #asterisk on 20081027

00:01.19drmessanoNo really, if they took the cast of Stand By Me and put them in the Asterisk move, all of you would be in awe of just how skilled casting directors are.. Sure, the choice of Wil Wheaton to play Russell  is a little bit of a stretch, but you'll see he can pull it off well
00:02.21drmessano  <-- Early morning dev meeting?  You decide.
00:08.23drmessanoWhat sort of 24/7 support response is available for Asterisk from Digium?
00:09.13jayteezip, nada, nuthin
00:09.26jeevis excite!!! yes, excite!!!
00:09.38jayteeexcite or excited?
00:09.50jeevlike borat
00:10.29jeevmy failover script rules
00:10.31drmessanoOh really?
00:10.31jeevopenvpn is working great
00:10.37jeevasterisk redundancy is working perfect
00:10.42jeevmy tmobile and att wifi hotspots both work
00:10.56jayteedid you teach yourself to script or take some classes?
00:10.57jeevonly thing that's left is mccain and palin admit that they're scum of the earth
00:11.02jeevand economy goes back up
00:11.05jeevteached self
00:11.10jeevpart of that script i stole
00:11.12drmessanojaytee: He bought a coder for a month
00:11.12jeevbut the functions i did
00:11.22jeevscripting is fun but my main issue is that i always doubt myself
00:11.26jayteefirst one's never gonna happen, second one might with a minor miracle
00:11.28drmessanojaytee: Like Richard Pryor in "The Toy"
00:11.58jayteeactually he scripts very good. better than I can
00:12.03drmessanoThats his "toy"
00:12.24Carlos_PHXWonders if any politician has ever admitted he's a lying weasel.
00:12.26jeevyou must be talking to my arch nemesis
00:12.30drmessanoHe jabs him through the cage and makes him write perl for onions
00:12.31jeevon my ignore lits
00:12.48jayteeCarlos_PHX, yes there was one back in the 60's but he was on acid at the time and he didn't get reelected
00:14.05drmessanojaytee: Just started a project today to replace $65000 worth of pbx hardware in a mobile operations center with Asterisk.. for about 1/10th the cost
00:14.07jayteein the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" BIFF, SOCK, POWEE, THUD! BANG! "Guess not then"
00:14.34Carlos_PHXWonders if we will ever again elect any politician who isn't a lying weasel.
00:14.35drmessanoIts AMAZING what people will pay for hardware
00:14.37drmessanoand services
00:14.57drmessano$7500 for a cell phone module for a PBX
00:15.21jayteedrmessano, and I'm sure they'll be singing the praises of whatever upper management asshole that manages to steal all the credit for your efforts for at least a week over that one.
00:15.29Carlos_PHXSo I was talking to Sprint PCS the other day about doing some integration between customer's cell phones and our service.
00:15.39drmessanoIts a volunteer project for emergency managment
00:15.40Carlos_PHX$30k for a 50-user box to do something magic.
00:16.04drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Its INSANE what they charge
00:16.24Carlos_PHXI ask:  So just tell me what signalling this sends you, and I'll duplicate it in Asterisk.
00:16.41Carlos_PHXThem:  Oh now, this box uses a special protocol, you can't do it without that.
00:16.54*** join/#asterisk osiris (
00:16.54Carlos_PHXMe:  Tell me what you see on your end of the PRI and I'll duplicate it.
00:17.04drmessanoThey had 4 analog phone modules in the truck to make it flexible, at $7500 each.. guess where those went earlier in the year?
00:17.05Carlos_PHXThem:  It's special signalling, you can't do it.
00:18.19jayteeCarlos_PHX, sounds like the same bullshit about getting callerid to analog phones on Nortel, "Oh, well you need a CLASS modem card in the PBX and the associated licensing per phone"
00:18.42Carlos_PHXIt's definitely BS, because it's not a dedicated connection.
00:18.49Carlos_PHXIt's either ISDN or SS7 signalling.
00:18.53drmessanoHow about them charging $32 a month (DISCOUNTED) for unlimited incoming and 200 outgoing minutes.. per line
00:18.58Carlos_PHX"Just tell me WTF to send you"
00:19.08Carlos_PHXOh, and their "engineer" asked me what SS7 is.
00:19.23LoRezthat's scary
00:19.38*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
00:19.44Carlos_PHXIt was the most wasted hour of my life.
00:20.35drmessanoSo they were paying $256 a month service for 8 cell phone modules with unlimited incoming and 1600 minutes outgoing.... when the in/out ratio of an average incident is going to be 80% in/20% out
00:20.45drmessanoSo those 1600 minutes would be gone in less than a day
00:20.52jayteeNortel sells you Callpilot voicemail hardware and software. The hardware is a Win2K3 embedded server on a card in the PBX. Has a nice 120GB HD. You get so much storage to start and more than half the drive capacity is unused. You want more voicemail storage? gotta buy the license keys for the mailboxes and another fee to "unlock" the storage for the drive you already paid for. What a racket!
00:21.11jeevi wish it were easy to use an existing nortel system
00:21.14jeevand hook it up to ITSP
00:22.45jayteeNortel Norstar or Meridian?
00:24.56Carlos_PHXThe legacy vendors are soooo screwed when the masses figure out the alternatives.
00:25.27Carlos_PHXNortel ...  Yeah, it's a VoIP system.  Um no, you can't connect it to any other VoIP system.
00:25.51tzangerjeev: part of my hobby is turning those systems inside out
00:26.23Carlos_PHXIn a week or two I get to take a Tadiran out to the desert for target practice.
00:27.09drmessanoWe had our discussion today about setting up VoIP for the Mobile Operations Center and the fire dept.. and I was asked if the CCM the county uses could be used in the mix
00:27.16drmessanoOh yeah, sure
00:27.24jayteeif your talking about the BCS 1000 that's VOIP but you can get a standard SIP compliant gateway card for it and you can also use a T1 card and interface to * that way. Same goes for more recent Meridian PBXs like my Option 11C.
00:27.35drmessanoWhen I think Cisco, i think unified
00:27.46drmessanoAll for one, one for all, everyone give me a dollar
00:27.57tzangerif you need a right now solution, rip out the chassis and wire all the extensions up to Citel gateways
00:29.44Carlos_PHXCisco is like that bum downtown that won't take a "no" when he asks for a dollar or five thousand.
00:31.53jaytee"Give me 5 bucks!" "No!" "Damn it, give me some money! I'm a NAM vet!" "What? you couldn't be more than 25! GTFO!"
00:33.38kerxeven now with AGI, my CDR's billsec is set to 0
00:33.53kerxso it's not just the .call file's that do this, it's also the AGI
00:33.59kerxi wonder if it's something wrong on my end ?
00:34.18Carlos_PHXHoly sh*t, I just got a mass-mailing from Tech Data with all 2671 people in the clear in TO:
00:34.27ManxPowerkerx: did you reply to my two questions?
00:34.30Carlos_PHXMmmm...spam to my company mail account.
00:34.46X-RobCarlos_PHX, hit 'reply all' and send 'Tech Data sucks. Don't buy stuff from them, as they've just released your email address to spammers - like me!'
00:34.47kerxManxPower, Yes sir, I have them placed in my cdr.conf
00:35.14ManxPowerMy questions?
00:35.41kerxYou asked if I had those two variables set in my configuration, and I've placed them in, but it still does the same exact thing.
00:35.45X-Rob<ManxPower> kerx: 1) do you have callprogress=yes or busydetect=yes?
00:35.45X-Rob<ManxPower> kerx: 2) what type of interface are you dialing out of?  analog, T-1, SIP, IAX2?
00:35.54kerxI'm calling out using SIP
00:35.54ManxPowerX-Rob: thanks.
00:36.05X-RobManxPower, np 8)
00:36.17Carlos_PHXX-Rob: I pretty much said nearly that.
00:36.17kerxX-Rob, Thanks also :)
00:36.17ManxPowerso callprogress and busydetect don't apply to SIP.
00:36.28ManxPowerkerx: Does this happen with multiple providers?
00:36.36kerx"","","s","gafachi-incoming","","SIP/GAFACHI-090d2218","","AGI","/opt/asterisk/scripts/custom/testagi.agi","2008-10-27 00:32:47",,"2008-10-27 00:33:10",23,0,"NO ANSWER","DOCUMENTATION","1225067567.5","18183453041-m1d"
00:36.39kerxHere is how the record looks like
00:36.58kerxThe minute I pick up the call, that is placed in the Master.csv, and I'm continuously still on the phone.
00:37.00ManxPowerkerx: do you answer in your dialplan or run something that auto-answers?
00:37.36kerxI have in extensions.conf to SetCDRUserField, then Answer(), then run the AGI()
00:37.46kerxI use a .call file to cp and paste it into my /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ directory
00:37.59ManxPowerdrmessano: If Digium would just run pre-release versions of Asterisk on their corporate PBX, many of these bugs would have been found before release.
00:38.06kerxBefore, I was not using the AGI and I was doing a Background() and then a WaitExten()
00:38.11*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
00:38.21ManxPowerkerx: I'll keep that in mind as I start to use 1.6
00:38.40ManxPowerBackground normally answers the channel
00:38.42kerxI've switched over to 1.4.22 now also, and it does the same thing, so it's not just
00:39.00ManxPowerkerx: I have never heard of that problme.
00:39.44kerxYeah, it seems like it exists now, for the CDR's, the  billsec is always 0, and it always states "NO DOCUMENTATION"
00:39.51kerxerr,  * "NO ANSWER"
00:40.07ManxPowerkerx: You CANNOT be the only one with this problem.
00:40.32kerxwhat happens if you copy a .call file in ur /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing using a SIP, do you have correct CDR fields for billsec and disposition?
00:40.55ManxPowerkerx: I guess I could ssh into one of my servers.
00:41.06*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:41.07kerxIf you dare :P
00:41.15kerxIt would be really appreciated.
00:41.37kerxdamn, I can't speak today
00:41.41kerxI would really appreciate it :)
00:43.10ManxPower"","9852463509","prompt","vm-notify","""Voicemail Notify"" <9852463509>","Local/check@vm-notify-552c,1","","Wait","1","2008-10-26 16:58:31",,"2008-10-26 16:58:31",0,0,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION"
00:44.37ManxPowerOf course my .call files just chan_local to handle everything in the dialplan.
00:45.59kerxI see, now it seems that might be a good try for me
00:46.17kerxCan I use the .call file to send it to Local then have in extensions.conf that handle the SIP connection ?
00:46.38ManxPowerI use it to check if the user still has new messages in their mailbox right before it dials
00:47.00ManxPoweractually sip.conf and chan_sip handle sip connections.
00:47.01kerxCan you make a outbound SIP connection by any chance?
00:47.44ManxPowerextensions.conf parser really doesn't know what you are dialing just that chan_sip said it handles SIP/ destinations so pass the parameters to that channel driver.
00:48.26kerxWell, what I meant is maybe the CDR is not working because I'm passing it the SIP info immediately
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00:48.39ManxPowerkerx: try it and see.
00:48.52ManxPowerMaybe your provider just sucks
00:48.52kerxHehe, I don't know if I would know how to do that in my .call and dialplan :)
00:49.37kerxManxPower, I tried with Asterisk 1.2.27 straight off of a older VicidialNow CD and I made the same SIP connection and I did a .call file
00:49.41kerxThe disposition worked
00:49.42ManxPowerread up on .call files and localchannel.txt
00:50.22kerxSo I wonder if it's something newly introduced in Asterisk 1.4.x and crept up into the Asterisk 1.6.x
00:50.28kerxOr it could just be my dumb-ass ?
00:51.08drmessanoSorry, dropped a chicken wing on the keyboard..
00:51.20ManxPowerkerx: all major changes are documented un upgrade-1.2.txt and upgrade-1.4.txt and upgrade.txt
00:51.31Carlos_PHXMmm....chicken wings
00:51.38ManxPowerall minor changes are in Changes or Changelog (I don't recall the exact name)
00:52.09kerxManxPower, k
00:52.24kerxOk, I think I can do a quick test here w/ a local channel and then use Dial() with the sip info in the dialplan itself
00:56.33drmessanoWhen you come that close to being shivved, you learn that even though a package of crackers may say "Nabisco", in prison, it could have anyone's name on it.. especially your cellmate
00:56.38drmessanoAh crap, wrong window
00:58.52kerxOk, at least something!
00:59.01kerxok, let me get a pastebin up
00:59.14jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:59.43Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
00:59.55Carlos_PHXWonders if drmessano smoked his dinner.
01:03.53*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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01:04.01drmessanoNo, i've never been in a turkish prison.. I'm sure it can't be as bad as Syria.  When I worked as a umm.. coffee broker, I was throw into a Syrian prison Hafiz al-Assad's personal security
01:04.08drmessanoWorst week of my life, unofficially
01:06.04jayteehi Katty
01:06.05*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:06.12Carlos_PHXWhoa, Cox just upgraded us again at home.  22mbps down, 2.4 up.
01:06.17Carlos_PHXI mean 3.4 up.
01:06.17kerxSo what do you think about my CDR's on the pastebin?
01:06.18Kattyjaytee: herro, how be?
01:06.27kerxCarlos_PHX, Wow, nice rate
01:06.31tzangerCarlos_PHX: fuck off.  I'm stuck at 1728 down, 384 up
01:06.34*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
01:06.41Carlos_PHXDamn, that would suck.
01:06.43kerxtzanger, same here
01:06.52Carlos_PHXThat's not bytes I take it.
01:06.52lmadsentzanger: you suck! :)
01:06.54lmadsen10/1 here
01:06.56jayteeKatty, I'm fine how's you 'n da Riddick?
01:06.58tzangerlmadsen: only when asked
01:07.06lmadsentzanger: o.O
01:07.24lmadsenbtw: if you have a home office, and no plants, go do yourself a favour and get something for your desk
01:07.26tzangerlmadsen: get your mind out of the gutter; I reserve the right to determine elligibility
01:07.42lmadsentzanger: phew! I was slightly more worried than usual
01:07.48jayteeI have Comcast and I get like 3-4 down and maybe a packet a week up
01:07.59[TK]D-Fendertzanger: No DSL in your area?
01:08.10lmadsenthat sounds like DSL speeds
01:08.12[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Actually... that IS DSL isn't it?
01:08.20[TK]D-Fendertzanger: What ISP?
01:08.21Kattyjaytee: i feel... odd, to be honest.
01:08.28lmadsenespecially if you're not like 10 meters away from the CO
01:08.33Kattyjaytee: every time i think i'm getting ill, i have a mild form of panic attack.
01:08.36tzanger[TK]D-Fender: doesn't matter what hte ISP is, it's DSL
01:08.51[TK]D-Fendertzanger: I get 5000/800 on mine...
01:08.52Kattyjaytee: been having this odd pain on the right side of my head everytime i cough
01:08.54tzangerDSL = Damn Slow Link
01:09.08tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I'm in a bad neighbourhood for DSL; won't go Rogers cable though, they have caps
01:09.11[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Mind you I'd gotten down-clocked to 3000/800, but I'd trade down for up in a heartbeat
01:09.20Kattyjaytee: ryan thinks it's just sinus related...
01:09.32[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Yeah, cable contracts are garbage...
01:09.36Kattyjaytee: me, being a hypochondriac, makes me wonder if it's not something more. but i'm too afraid to go to the doctor.
01:09.37Carlos_PHXQwest has been claiming they have 20mb DSL available, but it's still less than 1mb up.
01:09.40ManxPowerlmadsen: A plant would die if it was on my desk, it would not get enough light
01:09.45Kattyjaytee: and everytime i think about it, it tends to freak me out a good bit.
01:09.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Change your bulbs :)
01:10.01tzangerKatty: I'm about as anti-hypochondriac as they come... my wife keeps the kids clean, I teach them how to get dirty, everyone wins :-)
01:10.09lmadsenManxPower: that's too bad.... I face south at the water, so I have sun all day long
01:10.16Kattytzanger: lucky for you.
01:10.20ManxPowerQuit y'er whining.  The only service available where I live is Satellite, Dialup, or EVDO (Verizon "aircard")
01:10.22kerxFawk this issue....
01:10.31Kattytzanger: i think about getting sick, and i start shaking uncontrolably :/
01:10.31kerxManxPower, did you have a chance to look?
01:10.37kerxhere is my pastebin
01:10.42lmadsenI start getting sick, and get myself a drink
01:10.44tzangerManxPower: actually I get better speeds on my 3G connection with Rogers
01:10.50kerxIt's weird how it does all 3 logs now that I use local
01:10.52jayteeKatty, are your sinuses stuffed up?
01:10.57kerxbut it actually says "ANSWER" now on the disposition
01:11.22lmadsenthanks god he doesn't have to rely on CDRs in Asterisk
01:11.24kerxbut it makes 3 records in the Master.csv when I pick up the phone
01:11.34kerxlmadsen, what do you use!! ?  please tell me, I will switch
01:11.47lmadsenkerx: no, I don't worry about CDRs in my applications, sorry :(
01:11.47kerxi need to have really good records, for  everything
01:11.50kerxoh ok
01:11.52ManxPowertzanger: The EVDO stuff on the local tower has been flaky the past few days, at random times I just switch to 1xRTT (114K) then a few hours, it switches back to EVDO
01:11.58lmadsenkerx: what I've done is create my own records using func_odbc
01:12.22ManxPowerkerx: wait for responses to your mailing list post.
01:12.22lmadsenkerx: but you will run into a problem when you do an attended transfer with SIP because you won't know it's a transfer
01:12.28kerxManxPower, ok
01:12.37jayteeI've had no problems with CDR using mysql in 1.4
01:12.38lmadsenasterisk requires patience... you'll go insane if you're not
01:12.43Carlos_PHXManxPower: You should move.
01:12.56Carlos_PHXOr just carry your packets to the closest access point and send them from there.
01:13.24ManxPowerI live in a cabin on a mountain at an Intentional Community.  I'm not moving.
01:13.54tzangerManxPower: it's called a highly directional antenna
01:13.55kerxI just know it's obviously something stupid, when I use a local channel it begins the correct disposition
01:13.56jayteehe's that crusty old man at the top of the hill yelling "Get off my lawn!!! damn kids!!" all the time :-)
01:13.59ManxPowerIf Helium were not so expensive I'd try an AP hanging off a weatherbaloon
01:14.00kerxBut anyways, I will be patient....
01:14.02tzangerpoint it at the nearest decent tower
01:14.12tzangerwhat is an intentional community?
01:14.20jayteeI was just going to ask that
01:14.24ManxPowertzanger: the Wikipedia is your friend
01:14.29kerxI'll just be patient and begin reading asterisk source code
01:14.42kerxHow long has asterisk been around?
01:14.46tzangerkerx: don't read asterisk source code, you'll *certainly* go insane
01:14.50Carlos_PHXSounds like a bunch of dirty hippies in a commune.  :-p
01:15.00kerxIs it like a 1-2 year old project?
01:15.05lmadsenkerx: 1.4 has been around for like... 2+ years now
01:15.09tzangerManxPower: interesting; what are your community's specific interests
01:15.10lmadsenproject is aroudn 6 years old
01:15.17kerxwow, ok, it must just be the CDR stuff is a puppy
01:15.19lmadsenI've been using Asterisk for over 5 years
01:15.32ManxPowerI just switched back to 1xRTT  *grumble*
01:15.32jayteeit's an ashram sortof, he's channeling Shirley McClaine
01:16.00lmadsenkerx: the CDR stuff was never designed initially to handle the complexness that Asterisk has developed into. codefreeze-lap has been doing a lot to help get it to a "logical" working order, but unfortunately when you change one thing in CDR, another mole pops up somewhere else
01:16.08Carlos_PHXManxPower: Seriously, I use a power booster and antenna on my boat, HUGE improvement in EV-DO coverage.
01:16.12ManxPowerlmadsen: when did you start?  I started late 2001 or early 2002
01:16.16kerxlmadsen, heh, ok
01:16.20lmadsenkerx: there is something called CEL that is in testing
01:16.21kerxhow can I contact codefreeze-lap ?
01:16.26lmadsencodefreeze-lap: ping! :)
01:16.35lmadsenkerx: search for him as murf on the bug tracker
01:16.38tzangerare one of the guyus on the cliff you?
01:16.52lmadsenManxPower: late 2002
01:16.53kerxlmadsen, do you mean  CELL
01:16.59lmadsenkerx: I do not
01:17.03ManxPowerlmadsen: something needs to be done with CDRs, it is holding Asterisk back.
01:17.14kerxgoogle asterisk cel doesn't bring up too much
01:17.22ManxPowertzanger: nope.
01:17.25lmadsenjbot: cel is Channel Event Logging
01:17.26jbotlmadsen: okay
01:17.54kerxI feel that either the CDR's is broken, or maybe everyone is doing Call Detail Recording another way, and I'm just stuck on CDR right now
01:17.55tzangersounds like an interesting place, that's for sure
01:18.00ManxPowerthis intentional community is more for profit and less about being a commune
01:18.09*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:18.21Carlos_PHXActually sounds like a damn good idea as I read about it.
01:18.22jayteewith lots of nekkid people wandering around
01:18.25Carlos_PHXHow do you find them?
01:18.26kerxBut definitely if Asterisk had stronger logging, it would be nice
01:18.28Carlos_PHXHeh, bonus.
01:18.57Carlos_PHXManxPower:  Ever thought of bringing something like Wi-MAX into the place to resell?
01:19.11ManxPowerThere are lots of the commune type of intentional communities in the hills, near the Jack Daniels company, IIRC.
01:19.36ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: some of the personalities here would cause that to not work.
01:19.38*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
01:20.14jayteenot the "technawlagee is the seed of the devil" types I hope?
01:20.15riddleboxfigured out my problem with not having any sip clients over the internet being able to connect, my dd-wrt i forwarded 5060-5062, and as soon as I made it 5060-5060 it started working
01:20.28lmadsenkerx: here is a post I think you should read:
01:20.39kerxlol, i'm on it! :)
01:20.48kerxafter you told me about  CEL
01:21.18*** join/#asterisk RA25 (
01:22.37lmadsenkerx: that branch has been merged into recent asterisk
01:22.39Carlos_PHXManxPower: I use one of these with my Verizon card and it's all the difference between 1x and EV-DO in marginal areas:
01:22.48lmadsenkerx: that is why it does not exist
01:23.15ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: Oh, I get 3 bars
01:23.30Carlos_PHXI found the bars to be a lie.
01:23.36kerxI definitely need to find a way to speak to 'mashup'
01:23.37jayteejust like the cake
01:23.40kerxDoes he come on IRC ever?
01:23.49Carlos_PHXI can get 4 bars and get 1x, switch on the booster and still get 4 bars but EV-DO.
01:24.11Carlos_PHXI think it means that it's just switching from a 1x cell to an EV-DO cell.
01:24.11kerxWow someone responded to my asterisk-users email
01:24.19lmadsenkerx: he is on IRC quite often, I'm sure he is hanging out with his family this evening
01:24.20kerx"I have the same problem for Disposition when I use call files.  The duration is correct but the Disposition is always NO ANSWER.  I also am using  I did not have the problem when I was using 1.4.21"
01:24.36kerxWeird how he even was able to get the billsec correct
01:24.55lmadsenwhat version are you using?
01:25.31drmessanoTrying to use a USR robotics winmodem for asterisk is a PITA.. I cant crimp the RJ45s on the end of the serial cable :(
01:26.02kerxlmadsen, i've tried both and 1.4.22
01:26.11lmadsendrmessano: lol
01:26.19jayteeshakes his head......danny, danny, danny, whatever are we gonna do with you?
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01:43.10jayteewow, this room went from busy to all of a sudden like being in #asterisknow
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01:44.06jeevwow, the room went from being busy to asking sarah palin an easy question.
01:45.38Carlos_PHXAny second it will go to being like asking Obama how he's going to fix the economy.
01:45.42Carlos_PHXPiles of bs...
01:46.20jeevlets ask Sarah palin what she knows about foreign policy
01:46.32jeevand how her and mccain are mavericks
01:46.44Carlos_PHXLet's ask Obama what he knows about anything.
01:46.46jeevand what kind of maverick fires someone over a divorce
01:47.00jeevok dood
01:47.11jeevyou go vote for someone who came in bottom 5% of his MILITARY class
01:47.14jeevand i'll be back in a bit
01:47.21Carlos_PHXLest you think I'm a McCain fan, however, I'm just responding to your incessant trolling.
01:47.38Carlos_PHXFanboyism for any of these worthless scumbags is unbecoming.
01:48.29jayteeI'm a member of the Whig party and we haven't had anyone in the White House since Millard Fillmore so this year's election is no more disturbing than the last one for me.
01:53.42*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (
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02:03.03coolthreadsbeen trying for ages to get the answering system to produce clear enough sound, but sounds broken, choppy and static. anyone been able to solve this problem?
02:04.01jayteeanswering system?
02:04.06coolthreadsmy phone calls sound great, no complains there.
02:04.28coolthreadsinteractive voice menu i mean i guess
02:04.42Carlos_PHXDo you have some telephony hardware installed or using ztdummy?
02:04.58jbot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily.  Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch :
02:05.14[TK]D-Fendercoolthreads: Above is highly suspect
02:06.11coolthreadsno telephony hardware
02:12.45*** join/#asterisk chunkxzor (
02:14.33jeevCarlos_PHX, it's not being a fanboy, get a clue
02:26.06drmessanoSomeone is voting for McCain?
02:26.11drmessanoCool.. can I touch you?
02:35.44chunkxzoryou can touch me ;)
02:42.41*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
02:42.59Carlos_PHXHeh, that was a fanboy test.  You passed.  Not in a good way.
02:43.41Carlos_PHXLet's see, we've covered politics, cell phones, and drmessano's strange prison fantasies (of all those I like the latter most).  Anything else for tonight?
02:44.04Carlos_PHXFeels like I'm on CIS chat in the 90s.
02:45.33jeevwas he talking about gaining weight and playing with his own titties?
02:45.40jayteehmmm, how about trading recipes for flan?
02:46.10jayteeI'll accept tiramasu as a substitute
02:46.20Carlos_PHXI'm Cuban, so it's just natural for me.
02:46.30Carlos_PHXLike cigars and building boats out of 50s pickups.
02:46.37jayteeooooh, I'd kill for a Cohiba
02:46.38jeevjaytee, order this:
02:46.45jeevahmadinejad style ice cream
02:47.02jeevwow, wholefoods sells it now
02:47.03jayteeiranian food gives me gas
02:47.15Carlos_PHXHmm, there's a war joke in there somewhere.
02:47.20jayteethey do have the best caviar though
02:47.42jeevew seafood
02:47.45jeevjaytee, order that ice cream
02:47.45jayteewar joke? I was talking about a cuban cigar
02:47.47jeevyou will not be disappointed
02:50.21*** join/#asterisk Zizou (n=zizou@
02:55.47*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
02:56.46CrashSysAnyone seen the G729 codec not install cause "Cannot restore segment prot after reloc: permission denied"?
02:57.27CrashSysit tosses that up when asterisk tries to laod
03:00.35Carlos_PHXYou don't by any chance have an "unlimited" user license for g729 do you...
03:00.45CrashSysNope... 2-seats...
03:05.19CrashSysOMG... this guy used users.conf...
03:06.16jameswfA positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.\
03:06.56CrashSysCan you even specify codec options in users.conf?
03:07.30*** join/#asterisk ionix (
03:09.40jeevyum, peanut butter sammich
03:14.24Carlos_PHXMmmm...Glenlivet on ice...
03:17.29*** join/#asterisk osiris (
03:18.25*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
03:19.50magic_hathey all. I'm having a devil of a time sorting something out... I'm getting an  ast_streamfile failed on my greeter file on inbound calls. The file exists in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, and it's chmod 777.
03:20.21[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: pastebin everything
03:22.29magic_hatit's a new server and I'm sure something is not quite wired right... but damned if I know what it is.
03:22.38[TK]D-FendermagThat includes folder dumps, full dialplan exectuion at verbose 10, core debug 10, etc
03:23.15Carlos_PHXHave those greeting files worked before?  Format?
03:23.33magic_hatCarlos_PHX: yeah, the greeting file has worked w/ this dialplan on another server.
03:23.49magic_hatThat's what's making me crazy.
03:24.13[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: New PB please...
03:24.24Carlos_PHXCan you play any stock files?  And as [TK]D-Fender said, more info.
03:24.42[TK]D-Fenderscrew stock files... show us the PROBLEM
03:27.02magic_hatbrb... may have found something.
03:32.24Gopher_77is it possible to create sound devices with asterisk?
03:32.48[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: As in?
03:33.06Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: as in an alsa device
03:33.19[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: to do what exactly?
03:34.16Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: to allow skype to communicate through a phone
03:34.38jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol. Only commercial channel drivers exist, with most solutions being complex, complicated, and hack-ish . Digium's SkypeForAsterisk (see ~SkypeForAsterisk) is a new solution that is a cleaner non-dependent option.
03:34.38[TK]D-Fender~skypefor asterisk
03:34.39Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: or another application
03:34.42jbot[~skypeforasterisk] is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for beta details.
03:34.57[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: *'s only also interface takes it over completely...
03:35.22Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: interesting
03:37.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:37.36Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: hmm.... isn't skype closed source?
03:40.49[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Yes
03:41.02Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: so it's a joint venture then?
03:41.09*** join/#asterisk jjg (n=jjg@
03:41.26jjgis it possible to make a sip call from the cli?
03:42.12ionixand that to the phone? :)
03:42.30ionixnot from Asterisk
03:42.45ionixbut yes, you can find sip utils to connect to asterisk and establish sip.
03:42.55jjgionix, talking to me?
03:42.59ionixOr just copy a correct file in asterisk's spooler
03:43.26jjgahh, i remember the spooler thing now
03:43.43jjgok, thanks for the info ..
03:44.19[TK]D-Fenderjjg: Yes you can dial from * CLI.
03:44.34[TK]D-Fenderjjg: look at "dial" or "console dial"
03:44.44jjg[TK]D-Fender, ok will do, thanks
03:44.48ionixuh since when
03:44.54[TK]D-Fenderjjg: However you should really call through another device set up through *
03:45.03[TK]D-Fenderionix: sice over 5 years.
03:45.19ionixwith the special chan_oss
03:45.24[TK]D-Fender(since thats how long I've been using *)
03:45.47ionixthen it goes through the sound card
03:45.55ionixbut no console dial out of the box
03:46.17[TK]D-Fenderionix: huh?
03:46.27[TK]D-Fenderionix: What does "out of the box" imply here?
03:46.52jjgi'm testing an embedded ua that is connecting to * on my laptop ... if I run another ua ( ie., ekiga ) will i see issues?
03:47.05ionixit implies after a normal ./configure make make install
03:47.26ionixwithout the need to compile the extra chan_oss module
03:47.29[TK]D-Fenderionix: OSS is available after a basic install...
03:48.08[TK]D-Fenderjjg: if you want to test a UA on your laptop you can always install another SIP device on your laptop on a different signalling port, ot use an IAX2 client, etc
03:48.11ionixto be compiled separatly or by editing the makefile, no/
03:48.18jjgthat is to say ... if i run a ua on my laptop while * is running will I see problems?  I'm building the ua now, anyway .. but just curious if anyone knows for sure
03:48.27[TK]D-Fenderionix: No.
03:48.28jjg[TK]D-Fender, got it
03:49.51*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:49.56ionixAlright, maybe I had a weird build. I had to build chan_oss manually to enable intercom
03:50.42[TK]D-Fenderionix: first guess one might venture for your situation is a lack of prerequisites when you first did your build.
03:51.13jjganyone using h.264?
03:52.00*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
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04:34.44Gopher_77does asterisk work with hisax?
04:36.45WimpManYou have to use zaptel(dahdi), mISDN or visdn.
04:37.14WimpManWell, you could use i4l with chan_modem, but you don't want that.
04:37.50*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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04:44.25sbc383What's the proper term for when a group of analog lines are tied to 1 phone number? Eg. My office has 8 lines, when someone dials our number, the call will be connected on whatever line is free. So up to 8 people may call at the same time. I heard someone once call this an 8-line rotary, but I'm not sure if that's correct.
04:45.54justdavesounds like a ring group to me
04:45.59trelanethat's a really old term for it, it's also called a hunt group or ring group
04:46.24justdavehunt group with "ring all" as the hunt method
04:47.27*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
04:47.50sbc383ah, I see. Thanks very much.
04:48.53*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:49.58justdaveso what's the proper way to get bugs fixed in the Asterisk::Manager Perl module?  I see one bug ever mentioning it on, and two bugs on CPAN's RT that are pretty old
04:50.23justdaveI have a patch I can submit
04:51.25[TK]D-Fendersbc383: Typical term used by telco's is "hunt group" or "line hunting"
04:52.03[TK]D-Fendersbc383: the first (or primary) line is typically called the "pilot" and is the number that will hunt against the others in order.
04:54.26X-Robjustdave, if the project is abandoned, you can either create a new one and fork it, or apply to take it over on the cpan mailing list
04:57.55justdavehmm, that's not actually distributed by Digium is it...
04:58.04justdaveI was thinking that was from asterisk-addons or something
04:58.07justdavebut I don't see it in there
04:58.13justdavemust have gotten it out of cpan :)
05:01.45*** join/#asterisk jc_yyz2bkk (
05:01.50tzafrir_laptopGopher_77, hisax is an isdn4linux (i4l) driver
05:02.28tzafrir_laptopWhat card is it?
05:03.31tzafrir_laptopThe Asterisk-perl modules are now in CPAN
05:03.39tzafrir_laptopand are actively maintianed
05:03.50tzafrir_laptopThough Asterisk::Manager never really worked
05:04.16justdaveyeah, that's what I discovered tonight.
05:04.25*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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05:04.28justdavethink I got it working though.
05:04.41tzafrir_laptoppatches would be welcomed
05:04.41jc_yyz2bkkhi all, ive opened up all the required ports, added my internip info, and i cant hear anything when i call via sip to the asterisk voicemail using xlite or SIP to SIP. If i use skype or gizmo i can talk with people(not through asterisk)... im running asterisk 1.4
05:05.02jc_yyz2bkkany ideas?
05:05.21justdavesendcommand had a hash as the second parameter followed by a scalar, that doesn't actually work unless the hash is the last parameter.  have to make it a hash reference otherwise
05:05.46justdavechanging it to take a hash reference and fixing the callers seems to have gotten it working
05:08.05justdavejc_yyz2bkk: have nat=yes on all of the sip registrations in sip.conf as well?
05:08.27justdave(at least for the ones that connect from outside your firewall)
05:08.56justdavealso, did you open ports for RTP and tell which ports you opened for it in rtp.conf?
05:09.38jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:09.42[TK]D-Fender^^^ read VERY closely
05:10.00[TK]D-Fenderbed time.. later all
05:10.01Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: and * doesn't support isdn4linux anymore right?
05:10.24tzafrir_laptopGopher_77, no. mISDN instead. What card is it?
05:10.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:10.50Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: Tiger Jet 3XX (FXO)
05:11.05tzafrir_laptopuse zaptel for that
05:11.15Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: thanks
05:11.26tzafrir_laptopit's not an ISDN card.
05:12.13Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: lspci says 01:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
05:13.06tzafrir_laptopthat's because it has the same vendor ID and product id
05:13.20tzafrir_laptopzaptel_hardware will tell you something different :-)
05:13.29jc_yyz2bkkjustdave: yes, yes, yes, and yes
05:14.09Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: how do I get zaptel to use this device instead of hisax?
05:14.11tzafrir_laptopjustdave, so please send your patches to the list
05:14.24tzafrir_laptopdo you have zaptel installed?
05:14.31Gopher_77tzafrir_laptop: now I do
05:14.54justdavetzafrir_laptop: yup, found the maintainers website and was working on subscribing to the list as we speak :)
05:14.59tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure if you actually need to blacklist hisax
05:15.05justdavedo there happen to be archives for that list anywhere?
05:15.52tzafrir_laptop I'm not aware of any archives, but it's ezmlm, so you can ask it for the previous messages
05:18.16*** join/#asterisk rrrobert (n=rrrobert@
05:22.45rrrobertHi i want to set a channel variable such that i can be access in multiple context within dialplan for each channel its value should be unique ....I have tried Set(GLOBAL(var)=${EXTEN}) but its not unique for multiple channels...and simple set does not work over multiple contexts ..any suggession
05:27.09justdaveusing Asterisk::Manager to send $ami->command() is ever so much faster than system("asterisk -rx 'command'") :)
05:28.18*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (
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05:37.43jeevi forgot one of my root passwords
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05:38.17russellbjeev: actually, i hacked your box and changed it.
05:38.27jeevrussellb, the box was down for a month, foo.
05:38.34jeevdont make me p0ke your eyes out with my boogery fingers.
05:38.38*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
05:38.49Gopher_77night elf mohawk is a reality
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05:42.36drmessano..that's a ban
05:44.26jeev# grep -c failure messages
05:44.28jeevi guessed the pass
05:44.30jeev32 failed tries
05:45.22drmessanoIf I had a MasterCard Black Plutonium Card, I would have bought a new root password before trying 32 times.
05:53.11Gopher_77didn't those accounts get hacked?
05:55.09jeevthat was me, trying to guess my root password
05:55.23jeevamazing, i have 32 passwords i use
05:55.26jeevi shouldn't have given that info out
06:11.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
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06:35.20rrobertHow to set a channel variable within a dial plan, so that it could be accessable in different contexts
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07:35.48ghostknifeI have an odd sitution. Our switchboard phone can't accept calls anymore. Doing a direct IP call doesn't work. But dialing it's extension doesn't. It also doesn't accept incoming calls (they goto the failover extension lists). I get this in the log when trying to make a call from extension 16 to extension 11. Though IT can dial extension 16 just fine:
07:35.54ghostknifeAny ideas?
07:37.40ghostknifeThis is a successful call from 11 to 16:
07:44.02*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
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07:51.13Math`would the "convert" CLI command work with codec_g729 ?
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08:04.19styelzi think convert is for image files
08:07.28encodeyep, convert is part of imagemagick
08:07.41styelzoh the asterisk CLI convert
08:07.47styelzmy bad
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08:11.28kaldemarMath`: have you tried it? why wouldn't it work?
08:12.00Math`licensing stuff... I wasnt sure of the internals either
08:12.14Math`I need a command line 729 converter, wanted to ask for advice before buying a license for that
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08:38.28Chris-NBanyone familiar with national/international calls in spain?
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08:50.22mav3rickI have a simple question. I have boxes A and B running Asterisk. A dials B. if A crashes, B does not detect the hangup, channel runs indefinitely. How can I prevent this ? How can B discover the crash/hangup ?
08:57.01mav3rickI think I found (rtptimeout)
08:57.05jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:59.00*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
09:05.34yanghi Rico29
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09:50.13DaejeoDuring the native sip bridging, pbx is dropping the call. what could be the reason?
09:55.57angryusercan someoneone help me with sipsak ?
09:57.04angryuseri am able to generate register sring with sipsak, but instead of configured ip in string it uses the local ip adress, here is the string:
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10:18.19angryuserfound it
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10:20.59rrrobertI am trying to write a dial out application, asterisk dial out successfully, but it never connect to my output stream from the dialplan, I am stucked, need some pointers..
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10:30.11festr_i cannot compile trunk with libpri support. any suggestion?
10:30.21festr_i've downloaded trunk libpri, make install
10:31.21festr_i've tried libpri 1.4 without success
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11:26.33alexandrekellergood morning, as I am in Brazil and it's onlye 9:30 am
11:26.35DoDaT69Does anyone have a link handy for nvfax source?  I cant seem to find it..
11:26.43alexandrekellerhas anyone ever seen this message: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
11:28.43DoDaT69never mind.. looks like they are included in agx-ast-addons ;)
11:30.31*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:34.13DoDaT69WARNING[8787] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
11:34.37DoDaT69wtf?  anyone caught that before?  google does not appear to have any results for cause 20-
11:38.14stintelDoDaT69: I am having that too in a very specific case
11:38.21*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
11:38.41stintelDoDaT69: nope. ringgroup with strategy firstavailable (freepbx)
11:38.55DoDaT69hmm.. all your extensions registered?
11:39.03DoDaT69and what version are you running?
11:39.08DoDaT69I am on 1.4.22
11:39.11stintelDoDaT69: using deviceanduser mode in freepbx
11:39.16stintelDoDaT69: also 1.4.22
11:39.37DoDaT69I am about to downgrade back to previous version I was using.. just came about from an upgrade this weekend..
11:40.04stintelDoDaT69: ok. can you let me know if you still see that warning after downgrading ?
11:40.19DoDaT691.4.19 was working good, just had problems w/ faxes making asterisk seg fault :(
11:40.27stintelif so I can report that back to freepbx developer - he  suggests it's a problem with asterisk
11:40.29DoDaT69not every time either.. just here and there..
11:40.44DoDaT6910-4, working on downgrade now.
11:40.52stintelDoDaT69: thanks!
11:41.44DoDaT69np ;)
11:44.05*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=Daviey@ubuntu/member/daviey)
11:45.17DavieyHey, on a BT PRI/ISDN30 - what number format should i pass for PATS services like 118XXX ?
11:45.55coolthreadsI am getting distortion on playback of .gsm sound files
11:45.59DoDaT69I thinapp_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
11:46.03DoDaT69new error after downgrade
11:46.07coolthreadsstill not able to resolve issue, has anyone found any solutions to this?
11:46.31DoDaT69what kind of distortion?
11:46.43stintelDoDaT69: :/
11:46.45DoDaT69I experienced something like that this weekend during an upgrade.
11:47.28coolthreadsa static, slow, breaking up sound
11:47.57DoDaT69hmm.. that is kinda like what I had.. I had to recompile my core in a certain order
11:48.14coolthreadsits fine when making phone calls
11:48.17DoDaT69pri or sip trunks?
11:49.10DoDaT69not sure on that one.. logs say anything special?
11:49.33kaldemarcoolthreads: there's an issue with the gsm codec and gcc 4.2.
11:49.35coolthreadsi understand this is going around ref:
11:50.15kaldemarwhat codec are you using with your phones?
11:50.16DaejeoDuring the native sip bridging between my two VOIP, pbx is dropping the call. what could be the reason?
11:50.40Daejeopacket2 packet is ok
11:51.38Daejeoany educated advise?
11:51.55kaldemarcoolthreads: use ulaw sounds then.
11:52.29kaldemaryou'll get rid of the distortion and don't have to do transcoding either.
11:52.55coolthreadsits works great when im in a conversation, only when i use playback()
11:53.06DoDaT69how frustrating.. fax will not work for SQUAT!! GRR
11:57.25DoDaT69I am running that version, not having this issue.. very strange..
11:57.34coolthreadsdo you know any apps to convert wav to ulaw?
12:00.02DoDaT69sorry dont know of any free ones off hand..
12:00.12kaldemarcoolthreads: try sox
12:00.33coolthreadssox seems to be the one
12:01.20coolthreadshow do you find sox?
12:02.56stintelanyone knows an option to pass to genzaptelconf so that it will not add crc4 to the span= line in /etc/zaptel.conf ?
12:04.30*** join/#asterisk esaym (
12:05.50coolthreadsthanks for your input kaldemar, gives me direction again
12:05.55tzafrir_laptopstintel, doesn't it?
12:06.10tzafrir_laptopstintel, what card is it? E1 or T1?
12:06.52stinteltzafrir_laptop: it's TE110P with E1
12:07.31tzafrir_laptopstintel, I guess you should add your own option to do that :-(
12:07.56stinteltzafrir_laptop: too bad :( I will just call telco to enable crc4 on the line ;)
12:11.46*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
12:12.34JTnot running CRC4 on an e1 is silly
12:14.31stintelJT: care to elaborate ? or point me to a doc that explains that ?
12:14.48coppicenon running CRC4 on an ISDN E1 is silly (though common), but its pretty much standard on non-ISDN E1s
12:15.28stintelit's an isdn e1
12:15.36stintelso I better call telco and enable it anyway :)
12:15.52stintelbelgium, kpn
12:16.10coppiceeuropeans should know better than that :-)
12:16.42stintelahh well forgive me but I am pretty new to this stuff :)
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12:19.49coolthreadskaldemar: works great, thanks
12:22.00alexandrekellerany ideas about this message: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597 ?!?!?!
12:22.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:26.08coppicestintel: I was referring to the telco rather than you
12:28.41stintelcoppice: :) lol I am such a noob :P calling the telco over voip then stopped asterisk :P
12:29.25stintelcoppice: but they will enable crc4 and let me know when that is done
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12:35.12ghostknifeWhen our switchboard operator answers, and transfers a call, and that phone just keeps on ringing, is it possible to add a timeout that takes it back to ringing on the switchboard?
12:36.10write_eraseHi. I don't understant what is best for CISCO phones support : chan_skinny or chan_sccp ? What are the differences ?
12:36.17kaldemarghostknife: yes, it is.
12:37.04kaldemarghostknife: add a timeout for the dial command and send the call back to the operator in the following priorities in your dialplan.
12:37.26[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: Skinny is being maintained, sccp isn't.
12:38.29ghostknifekaldemar: :/
12:40.59RypPn last svn update... 2 days ago r352
12:44.12write_eraseCan I use Asterisk Realtime Extention to replace all configuration files or just some of them ?
12:44.58*** join/#asterisk zpnd (n=tim@
12:45.07zpndhi again.
12:45.51zpndi need little help. actually i want to ask something about that i want to do.
12:46.10hi365seems like you need help asking
12:46.51zpndcan you check out this ?
12:46.56zpndi wrote there.
12:47.23*** part/#asterisk alexandrekeller (
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12:48.16[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: What does * have to do with maintaining a phone list?
12:48.22viraptorwhat might cause nativeaudioformat to not be set?
12:48.45[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: * isn'ta  phone-book... anything concerning this is completely separate.  What could * offer for this at all really?
12:48.57viraptoron a sip channel I don't see any of native, read, write :/
12:49.00*** join/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
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12:50.57Daejeoi want to dial the queue number 239. how can i write the script?  Local/239@from-internal?
12:52.17viraptorok - let me rephrase that -> is it normal that audionativeformat is not set? if yes -> how do I force it to be, or how do I obtain the codec in dialplan on hangup?
12:53.22*** part/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
12:57.09[TK]D-FenderDaejeo: what is a "queu number" exactly?  And why should we assume that the context is correct?
12:58.34*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
12:59.58zpndsorry, i was on the phone. help desk and unrelated customers with hosting is my hobby(!) =P
13:00.49zpndok, my english is not fluent but i will try to explain =) sorry for that.
13:02.05zpndwe are using asterisk. can asterisk help to us about caller id identity ? if possible we want to run together asterisk and our cutomer db.
13:02.30[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: * already provides you the Caller ID.  It can't do any more than that.
13:02.47*** join/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
13:03.00[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: If you can match that CID with your database you could perhaps push more info to the phone, but this isn't *'s job, this would be a scrip of your won making
13:03.04zpndso asterisk can't match phone number and names on the db ?
13:03.52zpndget it. is there any document that i can read about this ?
13:03.55zpndmay be samples
13:05.03[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: No such thing.  What you want to do is custom.  It means that you should be a competant programmer
13:06.00*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
13:06.03[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: Read up on AGI as that is like what you'll call to try to match up your CID to your external DB (in a script you make), and "core show application sendtext" as this might be useful in pushing any data you do find out to the phone
13:06.07zpndcoding shouln't a problem. just i must read the documents but i don't want to =)
13:07.13[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: Too bad for you I guess.  If you can't read I hope you're a prodigy with "blind luck".
13:08.39zpndi can read. just i don't want to. i'm a little tired =)
13:09.25[TK]D-Fenderzpnd: You've got your answer.  Go sleep onit.
13:09.28[TK]D-Fenderon it*
13:09.59Kattyreminder to self: do NOT eat sweets for breakfast.
13:10.46zpndtoo bad for me, i'm at the office. but if you wish i can logging out =)
13:12.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:13.32DoDaT69I am getting a whining sound whenever I call the asterisk system.
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13:13.45DoDaT69no errors at all in the logs
13:16.12DoDaT69one way audio too
13:17.19Kattytkbeat: mew.
13:17.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
13:18.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: would you like half a tummy ache, with a side of nausea?
13:18.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: No thanks, I slept pretty good last night... must be the drugs :)
13:20.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm glad you got some sleep.
13:21.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: had strange dreams last night.
13:23.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: civil war.
13:23.21[TK]D-FenderKatty: You mean a premonition then ;)
13:23.41Kattyi sure hope not
13:24.11Kattydreamt we were stock piling ammunition, canned food, and dog food.
13:24.22Kattyand riddick had turned into a kill on command pet
13:24.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: A German Sheppard?  Unheard of...
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13:24.49Kattyno, of course not
13:24.52Kattythat'd be absurd.
13:24.54Kattyhugs [intra]lanman
13:24.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: thats what you get for picking a breed like that...
13:25.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: one of the reasons i picked the breed, actually
13:25.22[intra]lanmanhugs Katty back
13:25.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: 'course it could have beena  doberman, pitbull, or some other warm & cuddly breed...
13:25.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: went to the park yesterday around 1...
13:25.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: some random person decided to invite me to a church picnic
13:25.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: i blame the dog being a puppy
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13:27.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: the girl had a horendiously noisy and aggorant daughter.
13:27.24Kattyhugs jaytee
13:27.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: she didn't quite know what to think when i told her i was an athiest
13:27.39jayteemornin Katty *hugs*
13:27.49jayteeKatty, sinuses any better?
13:27.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: and then she was more caught off when i told her no, i did not want to talk about it.
13:28.04Kattyjaytee: oh no dear. i've been having crazy sinus pressure for a couple weeks now. :<
13:28.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: And why did you decide to share this little bit with her int he first place?
13:28.13Kattyjaytee: starting to worry that maybe i need a CT scan.
13:28.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: because she would not stop asking me which church i went to
13:28.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i love reactions.
13:28.37jayteeKatty, are your sinuses congested so you can't breath through your nose?
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13:28.44Kattyjaytee: nose is perfectly fine :/
13:28.46Kattyhugs anonymouz666
13:28.56jayteehmmm, I'd see a doc
13:29.07anonymouz666Katty: good morning!
13:29.22Kattyjaytee: yeah if it last much longer, i'm going to
13:29.53[TK]D-FenderKatty: For real fun you should learn just enough Arabic to scare people... and for full effect you need the blank stare & conviction to back it ;)
13:29.59Kattyjaytee: just don't wanna think about it right now.
13:30.07jayteefirst thing I noticed when I came in was Corydon's new nick :-) PeachesBoytoy. lol
13:30.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: hehe
13:30.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Al-aquab jihad jihad!!!  I mean... pass the PB&J!
13:30.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: you are truly terrible.
13:30.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: i love it.
13:31.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go get yourself a box of Sudafed.. and not the BS verion... the one with 120mg of straight-up pseudophedrine hydrochloride...
13:31.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: Katty Its the shiznit y0
13:31.32jayteeit's not really a "blank" stare. it's more of a "I don't see you. You are an infidel. I look right through you." stare
13:31.47jayteebut blank is nice and short. brevity is the soul of wit
13:31.54Kattyactually have some--not sure why i haven't taken it yet. maybe i'm afraid it won't affect me and then i'll know it's something horribly scary like a tumor
13:32.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, that's it...
13:32.05Kattyis hopeless
13:32.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: 11 steps to go!
13:32.29Kattysomeone get me a shrink
13:32.57coppicecold water makes most things shrink
13:33.04jayteeKatty, you don't need one of those. Just ask Tom Cruise, he'll tell ya!
13:33.05Kattynot quite what i meant.
13:33.12asim-hello all
13:33.15Kattyjust need scientology in my life eh?
13:33.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Know how many psychologists it takes to change a lightbulb?
13:33.25jayteecoppice, except cotton fabrics :-)
13:33.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: how many?
13:33.40asim-i'm trying to configure dahdi with asterisk for the dahdi dummy timer. i've got it all to load however musiconhold still chops like crazy. any help?
13:33.45jayteeKatty, Xenu rocks baby!!!!!
13:33.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Just one, but the lightbulb has to really, really  want to change :)
13:34.09jayteeC'mon! Drink the Kool-Aid. Whaddaya got to lose?
13:34.24coppicexenu's not unix
13:34.24[TK]D-Fenderasim-: What are you using for MoH currently?
13:34.36jayteesometimes a cigar is JUST a cigar
13:34.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Or we're really happy to see you ;)
13:34.51asim-moh in sip and iax
13:35.01asim-just default moh for when people are on hold
13:35.04[TK]D-Fenderasim-: I mean the SOUREC
13:35.15asim-hmm, wav or gsm i think
13:35.21Kattywhat's Xenu?
13:35.25[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Less think, more look
13:35.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: Scientology <-
13:35.40asim-ah sorry
13:35.41Kattyjbot: xenu
13:35.42jbotHis name was Xenu, he used renegades. Various misleading data by means of circuits was placed in the implants. the Arch enemy of Scientology, or (cool site! aka Operation Clambake)
13:35.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: Do follow along now!
13:35.50asim-by source you mean like hardware?
13:36.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: too busy dreaming about civil war, apparently
13:36.09[TK]D-Fenderasim-: I asked you exactly what you were using for MoH.  This is not a complicated question...
13:36.26Kattyand now i'm worrying about my head again
13:36.35asim-well you make it seem confusing cause it seems self explanatory, moh for music on hold.
13:37.18*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:37.44asim-default source
13:37.59[TK]D-Fenderasim-: What is playing?  navite MoH?  Some external player app?  What is it using as the source?  What format of files?  Where did they come from?
13:38.00Kattyjaytee: you can't talk to the hypochondriac about her heath
13:38.07[TK]D-Fenderasim-: you know... DETAILS <---
13:38.09Kattyjaytee: it just causes unneeded stress
13:38.23asim-well i tried playing mp3 which was choppy, then wav, then gsm
13:38.38asim-then just defaulted back to native files in /var/lib/asterisk/moh
13:38.40[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Don't jsut say the type, I asked for the PRIGIN of the files.
13:38.42asim-everything is choppy
13:38.54asim-asterisk-sounds i guess
13:38.59[TK]D-Fenderasim-: MP3's don't fall out of thin ait
13:39.06[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Stop guessing and go look.
13:39.23[TK]D-Fenderdamn... typing getting choppy... how do I fix that in *?
13:39.29KattyJen ai Marre!!!
13:40.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: She's a hottie, isn't she?
13:40.07asim-asterisk provides a default moh directory with sound files right? thats where its playing them from
13:40.11Kattyyes. i'm also fed up.
13:40.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: And that's "J'en"
13:40.18asim-otherwise i created my own mp3, wav and gsm which all had the same issue
13:40.51[TK]D-Fenderasim-: MP3 must be non VBR, 128kbit suggested, no ID3 tags, etc
13:41.07[TK]D-Fenderasim-: And it'd be nice to know the environment your testing this in...
13:41.39*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
13:41.40asim-linux 2.6.18-92, dell server, 1gb ram, 2ghz, onboard sounds, no digium hardware
13:42.07asim-basically moh cuts in an out even with default moh files provided with asterisk 1.6
13:42.31[TK]D-Fenderasim-: What are you listening to it on?
13:42.49asim-a voip phone, an n810, xlite on a pc, xlite on a laptop
13:42.54asim-all the same issue
13:43.03[TK]D-Fenderasim-: you keep mentioning half, or less with every answer
13:43.04asim-running through gig switches in the office
13:43.13[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Networked how?  etc
13:43.13asim-sorry i just thought you'd have some suggestions
13:43.41[TK]D-Fenderasim-: If you want your mechanic to fix your car it helps when you properly describe the problem.
13:43.42asim-cisco routers, dell 48 port switches, through patch panel, then out to netgear 8port switches
13:44.13[TK]D-Fenderasim-: What codec is the call in?
13:44.28asim-ulaw or alaw i think.
13:45.05asim-in sip.conf i do: allow=alaw;ulaw
13:45.14asim-will it default to something else in codecs.conf ?
13:46.24ronris it possible to create a dailplan to intercept a Dial? what I want is to have an incoming call Dial(A&B&C) and allow D&E&F to call some number to 'pick up'
13:46.50[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Please go look at this and let us know when you have collected the complete picture...
13:47.02*** join/#asterisk didz_ (n=dsad@
13:47.10WimpManronr: Correct. It's called pickup.
13:47.16asim-i'm trying to get some assistance here. i'm setting up asterisk for our office solution with the majority done, and i dont have all the info
13:47.17[TK]D-Fenderronr: go lookup "pigup groups" on the WIKI.
13:47.20asim-which is why i'm here
13:47.28asim-i thought someone would be able to help
13:47.40asim-cause google has a scatter of info and not all of it helps
13:47.51[TK]D-Fenderasim-:  You seem uncertain of what codec your calls is taking place in, you can't give a definitive answer on exactly what format your MoH is in.
13:47.56ronrWimpMan: [TK]D-Fender: tx
13:47.59asim-its like, maybe someone woule be able to point me in a direction
13:48.32asim-really unhelpful. thanks
13:48.32[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Go in your MoH folder, empty it out and load up ULAW format MoH off the Asterisk HTTP server
13:48.49asim-will do that
13:50.29asim-as for codec. which is the best formats to be in?
13:51.37Kattyhmm. google clains my weird left side of head thing is indeed most likely sinuses. lots of people claim it can go on for months, and that sometimes psuedophed wont' phase it.
13:51.40[TK]D-Fenderasim-: Its best if your MoH is in the same codec
13:52.00asim-ah i see
13:52.10asim-downloaded some now. will try it out thanks
13:53.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Right now you're fearing nothing can help you.  That's called "paranoia" and borders on "hypochondria"
13:53.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go do something about it.
13:53.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Drugzzzzzzzzzzz
13:53.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: you're right.
13:53.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm not going to calm down until a guy in a white coat says, yep sinus infection
13:53.20Kattycalls doctor
13:53.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sudafed & Ibuprophen... the only 2 drugs I need...
13:53.34asim-and i assume the same goes for voicemail playback, menus, etc?
13:53.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: i want my problem fixed. not masked
13:53.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: And coloured mucous discharge?
13:54.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: no. no stuffiness either
13:54.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: So what is it exactly?
13:54.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: just pain on the left side of my head when i cough
13:55.29jayteeHey!! I thought we weren't supposed to talk about that?
13:55.44Kattywe're not
13:57.34Kattygoes to doctor Right Now
13:58.19jayteebut while the topic is open, I had pain that was behind my right ear to the back of the head whenever I coughed and it felt like it was right below the scalp and not under the bone. Lasted about 2 weeks and went away.
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13:59.31jayteeI called the clinic and they said it would require lots of tests and at least 3 to 4 hundred to misdiagnose my problem.
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14:03.08jayteeother than the extensions.sample.ael file and the WIKI can anyone point me to other resources for AEL2 scripting?
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14:11.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You can always nag codefreeze-lap directly ;)
14:12.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm just looking for some better documentation than the sample file. The Wiki is sparse and I don't trust half the stuff on there to be current or always accurate.
14:13.02*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:13.22[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Check your doc folder.
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14:14.59jaytee[TK]D-Fender, already looked in there but I just looked again. Don't see anything regarding AEL2 in the tarball for 1.6.0
14:15.28[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: then wait for him to come around...
14:15.58jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you mean codefreeze-lap?
14:16.06jayteehe's logged in atm.
14:16.07apocnHello all, I have 2 queues with timeouts, if a caller waits too long in the first is automatically sent to the second and so on. My problem is that on my statistics appear like the caller is hanging up/leaving and my efficiency is poor in both queues. (using queuemetrics). How can I solve that?
14:16.26jayteecodefreeze-lap, PING
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14:26.04[TK]D-Fenderapocn: If you're dumping them from queues, you can't
14:26.29[TK]D-Fenderapocn: Unless you do something to clean up the logs.  Queumetrics can't be smart on your behalf for this
14:33.28*** join/#asterisk Hamburglr (
14:33.42apocnwhat if I specify the same queue name (for the queuemetrics reports) for both asterisk queues?
14:34.03[TK]D-Fenderapocn: they are separate calls.
14:34.11[TK]D-Fenderapocn: they will not be seen any other way
14:34.34[TK]D-Fenderapocn: You're baicallys crewed unless you do some clean-up manipulation of the queue log.
14:34.45apocnok, I'll do that
14:35.04apocnthanks [TK]D-Fender
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14:35.48codefreeze-lapjaytee: pong! what can I do to you, er **for** you?
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14:38.55jayteecodefreeze-lap, I was wondering where I might find more detailed info or documentation on AEL2. I've looked in the docs folder and read the extensions.sample.ael in 1.6.0
14:39.31ManxPowerjaytee: I suspect you have read all the docs on AEL2 8-)|
14:40.01lmadsencodefreeze-lap: morning!
14:40.21seanbrightvoip-info has a page
14:40.58jayteecodefreeze-lap, thanks for the info
14:41.52codefreeze-lapjaytee: Well, I'm infamously bad about reading what I wrote, so I can't really say much about it, but yes, seanbright is correct, my best doc is on
14:42.10ManxPowercodefreeze-lap: you wrote that page?
14:42.40ManxPowerIf so we may have discovered the only not-wrong page on the Wiki!
14:42.44jayteecodefreeze-lap and seanbright, thanks! I'll give that a read.
14:43.06codefreeze-lapManxPower: Yep. I did! :)
14:43.31ManxPowercodefreeze-lap: any reason you did not include that in the official Asterisk docs
14:43.57ManxPower*shiver*  *while*  It's cold outside.
14:44.04*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
14:46.03codefreeze-lapActually, there is a similar doc in the Asterisk tree, but prefer the wiki, because I can keep enhancement requests, bug histories, etc, there.
14:46.38*** part/#asterisk UnixDawg (
14:48.00jayteebookmarks the page while grumbling about the devs deprecating AgentCallbackLogin
14:48.36lmadsenjaytee: that conversation is over a year old
14:49.21*** join/#asterisk sp00k3y (
14:49.33jayteelmadsen, really? well sorry but I wasn't involved in the conversation. I doubt if you or anyone else wants or even cares about my 2 cents opinion but thanks for the info :-)
14:50.40*** part/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
14:51.12sp00k3ythis is prolly a dumb question but can u put more than one FXO card on a single server?
14:51.36lmadsensp00k3y: no point really when you can get up to 24 FXO channels on a single card
14:51.43lmadsen(depending on the card and module configuration)
14:51.47jayteethe only dumb questions are the ones people are too afraid to ask for fear of looking ignorant
14:51.53lmadsenif you're talking about X101P... then don't bother
14:52.19sp00k3ywell i mean, I have a client who has 6 analog lines  that he wants to use on his server
14:52.39sp00k3ynot a PRI
14:52.51ManxPowersp00k3y: You can put multiple cards in the same server.  1 or 2 cards should work.  More than that may or may not work well.
14:53.05sp00k3yi see
14:53.16sp00k3yis there anything special I have to define in zaptel?
14:53.24lmadsensp00k3y: use a TDM2400P with 2 FXO modules, then you have up to 8 lines on a single card
14:53.33ManxPowersp00k3y: each card generates 8,000 interrupts/second.
14:53.53sp00k3yah ok
14:55.53[TK]D-Fendersp00k3y: keep in mind that card is huge...
14:56.00sp00k3yyes im seeing that now lol
14:56.17[TK]D-Fendersp00k3y: TDM800P might be a better choice, or a Sangoma equivalent
14:57.16lmadsenoh right, I totally forgot there was an 8 port version
14:57.23lmadsendoesn't use hardware usually
14:57.32ManxPowerYou could go with a TDM400P w/4 modules, that will give you 4 lines on the server, you can add some VoIP service to handle the overflow.
14:57.33sp00k3yyeah that looks like it fits more to what he wants
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14:57.57ManxPowerlmadsen: I don't normally use analog 8-|
14:58.08lmadsenthat's good
14:58.13lmadsenI just use SIP
14:58.44sp00k3yyeah we tried to get him to go for a PRI but he already has those lines in place
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14:59.00sp00k3yi think i'll reccomend the TDM 800
14:59.07jameswfmorning kids
14:59.17ManxPowersp00k3y: Analog is never even close to as reliable as PRI
14:59.25sp00k3yi know
14:59.29sp00k3ywe tried to explain that to him
14:59.48jameswfanalog is okay, not as fast but okay
14:59.49sp00k3yhe was very adament about staying with his analog lines
14:59.52ManxPowerYour telco will normally he happy to upgrade your analog lines to PRI with no install cost if you push for it.
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15:00.17ManxPowersp00k3y: That's OK.  He'll change his mind or fire you once he sees just how much problem analog is.
15:01.06ManxPowerPut your PRI recommendation in writing so you have something to show when there are problems
15:01.07sp00k3yi'm going to have him sign a scope of work before we even start, so if he hates it it's his own fault and i have proof
15:01.26sp00k3yit will have the PRI recommendation in it as well
15:01.29ManxPowersp00k3y: VERY smart.
15:01.30jameswfI have no issues with nalog other then the one issue you get with all pstn lines, the fact they are controlled by the telco
15:02.17ManxPowerjameswf: Glare will be a problem, as well as issues with CPC (far end disconnect indication) and slow dialing.
15:03.23sp00k3ythanks for the suggestions everyone
15:03.24ManxPowerwhy?  Well Glare happens for the same reason glare happens on other pbxs with analog.
15:03.34jameswfI am guessing you are talking about bell canada. glare is fixed in dialing order and CPC is fixed by proper hardware
15:03.50ManxPowerCPC may or may not be a problem, depending on your telco.
15:04.07ManxPowerGlare can be REDUCED with dialing order, not resolved.
15:04.21ManxPowerCPC is fixed by the telco side, not the Asterisk side.
15:04.58jameswfpri has just as many problems if not more like i said the telco is the factor that makes it all a pain in the explicitive
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15:05.20ManxPowerLets say you are dialing 11 digits, asterisk collects the digits from you, then dials out the analog line, transmitting the DTMF for all 11 digits.  Now if your DTMF time is 300ms,. you would wait about 4 seconds for each call
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15:05.54ibm2hello, can anyone tell me how to activate standard jabber in my asterisk
15:07.02magronezis away: fui almocar
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15:16.18DukeOfURLis this the place to aks about DAHDI?
15:18.14jayteeyes, both DAHDI and MOHMI
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15:26.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: i have survived a trip to the doctor.
15:26.42Kattyjaytee: you'll be happy to know i don't have a brain tumor.
15:26.51Kattyjaytee: we can now talk about the pain on the left side of the head without inducing butterflies.
15:26.56tzanger?it's naaht ah tooomah"
15:27.02Kattyhugs Zeeek
15:27.04jayteeKatty, very happy but then I didn't think you had a brain tumor.
15:27.19Kattyjaytee: well hypochondriacs go for the worst
15:27.22ZeeekKatty: but presumably you do have a brain?
15:27.35KattyZeeek: no, no brain either.
15:27.38KattyZeeek: which is handy
15:27.48Zeeekeasier to fall asleep at night, anyway
15:27.49coppiceI think hypochondriacs have something seriously wrong with them
15:27.59tzangercoppice: :-)
15:28.03jayteecoppice, lol
15:28.46Kattyi have to agree.
15:29.01Kattythere is no reason whatsoever that i should have mild panic attacks everytime something doesn't feel quite right.
15:29.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sure there is
15:29.24Kattyit is an unacceptable response, which is at times overwhelming to deal with.
15:29.25casixit is possible to change the codec in the middle of a conversation? for example the * recieve an incoming call, it plays a locutions and after that * redirects the call to an extension. I want asterisk in the middle of the conversation but working on bridge mode with this call. Is possible to change the codec of the incoming call to match the codec of the phone that recieve that call?
15:29.40coppice*mild* panic attacks are for wimps.
15:29.41ManxPowerKatty: Once you accept the fact that you will die, and have no idea when, you can be much more zen about it all.
15:29.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: This has been accumulating with your for a LONG time now.
15:29.56KattyManxPower: hmm yes. the dying bit doesn't bother me. the suffering bit does.
15:30.07ManxPowerKatty: Me too.
15:30.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: And sounds rather psychosomatic
15:30.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah, ever since that UTI in the middle of the night that scared the crap out of me :/
15:30.52ManxPowerKatty: I figure I'll just off myself if suffering becomes too much.
15:31.00Kattycoppice: yeah i just get the blood pressure problems, racing heart, shaking, and stomach hurts.
15:31.15Kattycoppice: not the full 9 yards, as it were.
15:31.32ManxPowerFortunaty, that should not be required for 10 - 20 years
15:31.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: the doc put me on anti-biotics for a sinus infection and an ear infection.
15:31.36coppicearsenic can cure that
15:31.45[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Or bleach...
15:31.51[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Cures AIDS you know...
15:31.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: he claims i will be perfectly fine in about 2 weeks.
15:31.52jayteewhat's a UTI?
15:31.59Kattyjaytee: urinary track infection.
15:32.04Kattyjaytee: hurts like hell. mostly harmless.
15:32.07coppiceor granite workshops, but they're a bit slower
15:32.13jameswfphone sex will give you hearing aids
15:32.22kfifeQuick question:  I have a dialplan event that needs to trigger an outbound call (open a channel, dial some dtmf tones, play message, hang up).  I'm getting 'stuck' because everything in extensions.conf is predicated on the idea of receiving a call, or stitching together two calls together.  I know I can create a .call file, but how do I trigger it from the dialpan?
15:32.31Kattyjaytee: if left alone, it can cause a kidney infection which is slightly more serious
15:32.39ManxPowerkfife: see .call files
15:32.44kfifeAlso it seems a bit kludgy to need drop a file into the filesystem just to trigger a call.  Is there a better way to trigger this from the dialplan, or concept that I'm not getting?
15:32.57ManxPowerdocumented (poorly, where else but the doc directory of the asterisk source code.
15:32.59Kattyjaytee: usually painful painful stomach cramping, and over time a pain on the left side
15:33.10Kattyjaytee: which will make you worry about all sorts of things
15:33.22Kattyjaytee: within about 48 hours tho, i felt perfectly fine again
15:33.31Kattyjaytee: the pain was horrid
15:33.32ManxPowerkfife: there are 2 ways to initiate calls in an automated way.  .call files and the Manager Interface.
15:33.40Kattyjaytee: i'd put it above the wisdom teeth coming out.
15:33.57Kattyjaytee: and far above the appendix recovery
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15:34.08kfifeManxPower: Thanks for the tip.  What's the best way to trigger these events from the dialplan?
15:34.30coppiceKatty: its sounds like you get excellent value for money from your health insurance
15:34.31Kattyjaytee: easily fixed by anti-biotics tho.
15:34.34ManxPowerkfife: the best way is a .call file or manager interface using AGI
15:34.41Kattycoppice: oh yes.
15:34.43jayteeor sulfa based drugs
15:34.46Kattycoppice: i have a specialist for everything >.<
15:35.18Kattycoppice: appendix is the only major problem tho
15:35.33rednodedoes anything know if Asterisk can be integrated with NICE???
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15:35.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: Your appenix will be then end of you ;)
15:35.47coppiceI had a pre-med for that once, but skipped the operation. the pre-med just seemed enough
15:35.54[TK]D-Fenderdammit, can't type for beans today...
15:36.03rednodedoes anything know if Asterisk can be integrated with NICE???
15:36.05rednodedoes anything know if Asterisk can be integrated with NICE???
15:36.24Zeeekbad echo
15:36.53ManxPowerrednode: you don't want to /bin/nice the Asterisk application.  the -r option will do that for you if you need it.
15:37.47ManxPowerZeeek: I call it Internet Tourtettes where people shout out the same questions multiple times pissing off everyone in the channel.
15:38.10Zeeekthat was probably just a case of up arrow recall
15:38.22ManxPoweron the plus side it's obvious that english is not rednode's native language.
15:38.23Zeeekcall call call
15:39.02kfifeManxPower: This is really helpful.  Correct me if I'm wrong here but the existence of the .call file triggers execution.
15:39.18coppiceManxPower: but I thought Tourette's was saying what you *think* without filtering.
15:39.22ManxPowerkfife: yes.
15:39.37Zeeekkfife: the convenience of the .call file is brought on only if you're good enuf at some language to generate them easily
15:39.52PTorreshi everyone, would this the be right place to ask some questions about CAS timing in zaptel 1.4.10 ??
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15:40.13ManxPowercoppice: that's why I added "internet" in the front of it.  Maybe it should be called "Tourette's 2.0" instead?
15:40.49ManxPowerkfife: if you set the timestamp of the .call file to be in the future then asterisk will wait for that date/time before processing the file.
15:40.52coppicethis sounds a bit like "cooking sashimi"
15:41.08[TK]D-Fendercoppice:  :)
15:41.13ManxPowerPTorres: CAS timing?  I think you mean "T-1 sync source"
15:41.56ManxPowercoppice: I know!  The condition should be known as "Tourette's!  Tourette's!"
15:42.22PTorresManxPower:I have a E1 , with R2 protocol, but we are having issues at the "cas level"
15:42.46coppicewhat issues?
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15:43.16jameswftzafrir_laptop: goofd job on the piaf forums, it seems like your pulling scark teeth with  tweasers, most would have given up...
15:43.18kfifeManxPower: that's great!
15:43.35jameswf*good, *shark
15:43.47ManxPowerPTorres: "CAS" doesn't really mean the same thing for E-1s as for T-1s
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15:44.22ManxPowerPTorres: now DESCRIBE the problem and what you have done to try to fix it.
15:44.42PTorresthe telco is telling us we are sending a distant multiframe alarm
15:45.07PTorresas in the bit 6 of the 16th timeslot
15:45.10ManxPowercoppice: any ideas on that?
15:45.21anonymouz666PTorres: are you using DGV?
15:45.28PTorresdgv ?
15:45.39anonymouz666nevermind then
15:45.42ManxPowerPTorres: what R2 library are you using?
15:45.43coppicePTorres: does your end show any alarms?
15:45.51jameswfPTorres: are you using the right country and idle state
15:46.00coppicethis is nothing to do with R2. its below that
15:46.12PTorresyes, we have many trunks like this, but this is the first one with this telco
15:46.20ManxPowercoppice: odd that it is on channel 16 isn't it?
15:46.38coppiceno. channel 16 is where an E1 puts all the CAS signals
15:46.50jameswfconfigure 16 as clear it isnt used in r2 right?
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15:47.32PTorresabcd bits are correct , mfcr2 with chan_unicall , we have to test openr2 yet, but this looks like a zaptel thing
15:47.41coppiceif he has installed multiple R2 E1s, I assume he will get something as basic as that right
15:48.06coppiceare you using the same cards and drivers as usual?
15:48.31ManxPowercoppice: Ah.  I always thought "CAS" for an E-1 is silly.  It's not Channel Associated afterall
15:48.50coppiceits very much channel associated
15:48.51PTorresyes.. digium boards
15:49.17coppiceI don't know when the digium drivers will raise that alarm bit.
15:49.40PTorresI asked them to send some information or trace or something but I don't think they will :(
15:50.14PTorreson our end all looks green, we can even receive incoming calls !!
15:51.25coppiceI seem to remember someone recently complaining about some of the spare bits in the CAS channel being wrong
15:53.47casixit is possible to change the codec in the middle of a conversation? for example the * recieve an incoming call, it plays a locutions and after that * redirects the call to an extension. I want asterisk in the middle of the conversation but working on bridge mode with this call. Is possible to change the codec of the incoming call to match the codec of the phone that recieve that call?
15:54.21coppicePTorres you said incoming calls work. what about outgoing? surely if one works, the other works
15:55.00PTorresoutgoing calls are terminated by the telco because of this 'alarm'
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15:56.22ManxPowercasix: the answer is no
15:57.05casixManxPower: :( thanks
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15:59.19LeddyHMexten => 2,1,Goto(local-internal,100,1 what's the proper way to configure it to try 100, then 200 if no answer then go back to 100's vm if 200 doesn't answer?
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15:59.40iratikHave any of you had any luck with that "gizmo5 backdoor" thing?
16:01.39iratikWell if you haven't heard of it ... it sounds really good ...i guess they have peering agreements with all the cell phone providers except for at&t .... which means that they can offer free calls to all cell phones ... can't get it to work worth a crap though
16:01.57trelanethat's a shame that it doesn't work though
16:02.04PTorresI asked another telco about this and they had no clue ( we have many e1/r2 working ok with them ) :D
16:02.14iratikwas hoping someone else here has heard of it ..... so i could get a test number
16:02.24iratiki mean... i get the same message on every single number i try
16:02.41iratik"this number is not available for free calling... bla bla bla.."
16:03.25coppicePTorres: well, the bit they are complaining about is an alarm to indicate an upstream E1 link has problems, but I don't know if the zaptel or dahdi drivers have any way to control it.
16:03.43outtolunctry any 'comcast triple play' user phone number
16:04.59iratikouttolunc: they are 866 number when i googled that
16:05.24outtolunci am talking the 'home users phone number' not comcasts.. sheesh
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16:06.21iratikTimes like this i wish i had a list of my friends organized by CLEC
16:07.19coppicePTorres: if you have Digium cards, I think you should ask them.
16:07.21zamolxeshello. I get this warning when using call files in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. WARNING[2538] pbx_spool.c: Unable to set utime on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ Operation not permitted . The call works ok, but how can I eliminate the warning? asterisk has full rights to the file.
16:09.21PTorrescoppice : I see...
16:10.23anonymouz666PTorres: what telco?
16:11.19coppicePTorres: maybe I am thinking of wrong alarm. A quick check says that bit informs the far end that you are getting too many multiframe alignment errors from them. the distant alarm is something different. I wonder if you really are getting a lot of errors from them
16:12.38PTorrescoppice: cat /proc/zaptel/1 shows nothing ... zttool is fine too... what else can I check ?
16:14.44coppiceI forget how Digium map the T1 coloured alarms to the E1 alarms, but I think you would expect a yellow alarm, if you are sending that bit to the far end
16:15.16PTorresright... me too , but its all green :D
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16:16.27hi365does the new polycom call-pickup feature work with asterisk?
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16:19.55swi'm putting a call file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and the call is not initiated.. do i need to add a specific module.. i'm working on a pretty slimmed down asterisk
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16:21.46swQwell, thx :D
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16:47.48ManxPowerzamolxes: you have a permissions problem.  You are not root when you set the future timestamp
16:47.57dlynesIs dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0(?) compatible with both Asterisk 1.4 and Asterisk 1.6?
16:48.01ManxPowermaybe you need to set ctime, rather than utime?
16:48.19ManxPowerdlynes: yes! (for recent versions of 1.4 and all versions of 1.6)
16:48.36casixwe have many small virtual pbx with asterisk. There is any way to share the licences of g729 with all installations? that when asterisk need a g729 licence connect to a "server licences" or something to catch a licence and when hangup free it no more hardware drivers being tied to specific versions of asterisk, then?
16:48.52ManxPowersw: yes you need the pbx_spool module, I think.
16:48.59[TK]D-Fendercasix: No.
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16:49.14ManxPowerdlynes: Huh?  There were almost never hardware versions tied to Asterisk.
16:49.36ManxPowerthe only reason it's in 1.4 is because is under an agreement to stop using the zaptel name
16:50.03dlynesManxPower: oh....I was told some time ago that I should download the version of zaptel released at the same time as a particular version of asterisk if I wanted to be sure they would work together
16:50.04casix[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:50.32ManxPowerdlynes: that is and continues to be correct, EXCEPT for late 1.4 versions and DAHDI
16:50.51dlynesManxPower: makes it so much easier that way, then
16:51.00dlynesManxPower: thanks for clearing that up
16:51.11ManxPowerdlynes: Zaptel/DAHDI is not undergoing many changes as it has matured in recent years.
16:52.50zamolxesManxPower: of course i'm not, asterisk runs as asterisk. looking at the code is if (utime(o->fn, &tbuf)) . why would it need root? this doesn't always happen, jsut somtimes
16:53.13ManxPowerMost of the "You need a recent zaptel for your recent asterisk" was because of API changes and there are not many API changes happening antmore.
16:53.24Qwelljameswf: nice quote about the rumors
16:54.33ManxPowerzamolxes: Is the /var/spool/asterisk owned by the "asterisk" user?
16:54.47[TK]D-FenderQwell: When does * 1.2 maintenance drop off completely?
16:54.59Qwell[TK]D-Fender: for security?  dunno
16:55.24ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: when 1.4 becomes stable. 8-|
16:55.24[TK]D-FenderQwell: Just wondering how that impacts Zaptel/DAHDI in the case of the next release
16:55.46Qwellthere only releases that will be made for 1.2 will be security
16:55.55Qwellso, it own't
16:56.01anonymouz666ManxPower: did you see the transnexus testing ?
16:56.11[TK]D-FenderQwell: Just a question of perpetuating the verboten name...
16:56.14ManxPoweranonymouz666: is that a place where drag queens gather?
16:57.01anonymouz666ManxPower: they used the asterisk 1.4, the results were good, IMHO.
16:57.56ManxPoweranonymouz666: now 1.4.0
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16:58.03ManxPowerNOT 1.4.0
16:59.39mort_gibHi, I have the same old problem with ONE installation that keeps dropping calls, like once a week. I need to sort it out, so any ideas
17:00.07ManxPowermort_gib: remove busydetect and callprogress from you zap config
17:00.27mort_gibYeah, hang on
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17:01.34anonymouz666or 21.2 don't remember
17:01.56TenJackwhats the deal with these complie errors when installing app_swift?
17:02.03TenJackanyone experienced this?
17:02.09mort_gibManxPower: Calls are done via BRI, Sangoma A500 card
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17:02.20ManxPowerTenJack: you seem to think this is a common problem
17:02.26mort_gibSo I shouldn't need to touch ZAP files
17:03.01ManxPowermort_gib: Can't help you then
17:03.37mort_gibDamn, it's a bit frustrating!
17:03.45TenJackii get this error: error: swift/swift.h: No such file or directory
17:03.57TenJackthen: [app_swift.o] Error 1
17:04.04ManxPowerTenJack: install swift-devel
17:04.15ManxPoweror whatever you need to do to install Cepstral
17:05.30zamolxesManxPower: drwxrwx--- 2 asterisk asterisk 4096 2008-10-27 17:57 outgoing
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17:05.42ManxPower(swift is the engine for Cepstral
17:05.43zamolxesManxPower: anyway, it doesn't happen to all the call files, just once in a while, it's rather suspect
17:06.01ManxPowerzamolxes: I suspect sometimes you are not user asterisk when copying the files
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17:06.42ManxPowerzamolxes: Or maybe you are creating the file in /var/spool/outgoing rather than creating it elsewhere on the partition and then mv'ing it to the correct directory.
17:06.43zamolxesManxPower: clearly i am not. i'm www-data. but i make sure they're 666 .. and move them in outgoing
17:07.00zamolxesi'm moving them (using the rename syscall , it's atomic :)
17:07.26zamolxeshmm. will debug that possibility further though, you may be right, I could be missing something :)
17:07.33ManxPower*nod*  Something is happening that you are not aware of.
17:07.54ManxPowerI have never in my 6 years of using Asterisk seen a randomly not working .call files
17:08.12jeevin my 6months of asterisk, i dunno what the hell a .call file is
17:08.14zamolxeswell the thing is they work great, i just get the warning. didn't see any missing funcs
17:08.41ManxPowerBut the fact that you understand that rename is an atomic operation indicates to me you'll be able to figure it out.
17:09.14zamolxesthanks for the confidence :)
17:10.33ManxPowerzamolxes: Most people using Asterisk have no clue as to what an atomic system call is.
17:10.44ManxPowerHeck most of them can't even figure out Linux.
17:10.52ManxPowerEspecially the newbies.
17:11.06ManxPowerWhat?  You mean I need a space after "cd"????
17:11.55Kattydear lord
17:11.56*** join/#asterisk kfife (
17:11.58Kattysomeone get me a pillow stat
17:12.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: sounds nukular to me, hyuk!
17:12.13Kattythey must have given me tranqs not anti-biotics
17:12.54TenJackManxPower: how do i install asterisk-devel?  and what is that exactly?  its not installed with the regular version of asterisk?
17:13.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nothing like an expensive and timely misdiagnosis to put a dent in your day...
17:13.47*** join/#asterisk RypPn_OuT (
17:16.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: well i did take some pseudophed awhile back
17:16.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm going to blame it instead.
17:16.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: thats what scapegoats are for....
17:17.19TenJackanyone know what asterisk-devel is and/or how to get it?  it seems you can do a yum install, but is there any other way?
17:17.33QwellTenJack: what distro is this?
17:17.34[TK]D-FenderTenJack: Where'd you get that name from?
17:18.02TenJackManxPower was saying i needed it, then i saw it in a forum comment
17:18.08[TK]D-FenderTenJack: [13:04]<ManxPower>TenJack: install swift-devel <- Someone can't read
17:18.15TenJackim having trouble installing app_swift
17:18.16Kattyrandomly passes out
17:18.29nidorevives Katty
17:18.38nidokatty -r; reload
17:18.58TenJackfor some reason im getting errors when installing app_swift 1.4.2 on mac os x
17:19.12Kattyi'm thinkin i'm gonna have to nap
17:20.32[TK]D-FenderTenJack: Oh now you're not even using linux...
17:20.43[TK]D-FenderTenJack: And you're wonding if compile issues are common?
17:21.09TenJackyea, well can you be of any assistance?
17:21.55[TK]D-FenderTenJack: Certainly not on OS/X
17:22.46TenJackso i dont know much about linux at all,what is the best way to run it?
17:23.28ManxPowerTenJack: NO!  I said you need swift-devel
17:23.37Kattypoor TenJack
17:23.40Kattyi've been there.
17:23.47ManxPowerSwift is a 3rd party PAY text-to-voice solution
17:23.47Kattyit's hard not knowing what on earth you're doing :<
17:24.00ManxPowerso either buy it and install it or stop trying to use it.
17:24.01Qwelljbot: tell Katty about roflmao
17:24.18KattyQwell: that is my ringtone.
17:25.20KattyQwell: would like a sinus and/or ear infection?
17:25.24TenJackManxPower: i know oh so you have to pay for app_swift and the cepstral voices?
17:25.30QwellKatty: ear please
17:25.56KattyQwell: <3
17:26.54*** join/#asterisk stewbaby (
17:27.14StephenF[W]Anyone know why my phones presence will change when im on interoffice calls, but it will not change when I dial outside?
17:27.26KattyQwell: these pills are huge.
17:27.33StephenF[W]show hints, also does not change status when I call an outside number
17:27.48jeevis that real?
17:28.29*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
17:28.49Kattyjeev: looks like it.
17:28.53TenJackManxPower: so i think swift and cepstral are the same, i am trying to get them working with adhearsion which is an api for ruby on rails, but ive read that i need something called app_swift to bridge these two.  is this correct?
17:28.58Kattyjeev: no obvious contact ring
17:30.11Kattynot really
17:30.31Kattythe pattern is a bit odd
17:30.38Kattybut the color is perfectly normal
17:31.35*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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17:31.39Kattyblitzrage: ohai
17:31.47Kattyblitzrage: Qwell took my ear infection
17:31.52Kattyblitzrage: would you like my sinus infection?
17:31.55Kattyblitzrage: selling very cheap
17:31.55blitzrageI would not
17:32.03blitzrageI already have a bit of a sinus thing myself
17:32.14Kattyapplies steam to blitzrage
17:32.15Qwellblitzrage: a little more won't hurt thenn
17:32.16blitzrageand the g/f has terrible sinuses, so I'm all sinused out
17:34.41blitzragethx for the offer though
17:34.43blitzragebut I must decline
17:34.52Kattyyou're just too modest
17:35.59blitzrageI've never heard that before :)
17:36.04*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
17:36.23Kattyfirst time for everything
17:36.41*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:37.23blitzrageafter installing my transition piece between the hardwood and the tile last night, the kitchen/living room transition looks fantastic!
17:37.44TenJackwould you guys say ubuntu is the best way to use linux?
17:38.09Kattypersonally, i like debian
17:38.14Kattybut you'll get into distro wars here...
17:38.22Kattyeveryone has their own favorite. go with the one you're most comfortable with
17:38.31[TK]D-Fenderdons his asbestos digs....
17:38.50jbotmethinks thebestquestions is Whenever you ask a "what is the best..." or "who is the best..." type questions, you're asking for trouble, and possibly may be called a troll. These types of questions do not have answers. Your best bet is to rephrase the question as, "What kind of experience do people have with..." or "Who has experience with...".
17:39.03[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: 15th times the charm!
17:39.13[TK]D-Fenderhigh-5's blitzrage
17:39.25blitzragehigh-8's [TK]D-Fender
17:39.43[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Dude... lay off the plutonium!
17:40.04blitzrageI got a few extra fingers installed so it was easier to work in base-8 counting
17:41.14*** join/#asterisk musse- (
17:41.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: what is sit in french?
17:41.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: to sit.
17:41.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: Dog, Sit!
17:42.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Assier-toi
17:43.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: and how do you pronounce that?
17:43.40*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
17:43.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: ass-ee-ay t-wah
17:44.10Kattyay and is eh
17:44.24Kattyhey minus the h
17:44.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup.. you're ready to emmigrate now ;)
17:44.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: Cannuckianland welcomes yoU!
17:45.08Kattymccain gets elect i might head north
17:45.12Kattycivil war doesn't sound pleasant
17:46.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: So you're in one of those "Pro-American" parts of the country?
17:46.54Kattymccain's on every bumpersticker
17:46.58Kattyalong with Support our Troops
17:47.00KattyAmerican Pride
17:47.03Kattyand pro-life stickers
17:47.20NuggetI can't believe people still have those stickers
17:47.31Kattywelcome to Misery
17:47.31Nuggetthey're all over down here
17:47.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Is that how's its actually pronounced? ;)
17:48.00*** join/#asterisk RMod_ (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
17:49.45ManxPowerCthulhu 2008!  Why settle for the lesser of two evils?
17:54.31kfifeCan someone explain the concept behind "priority and priority+1" when using the G dial flag?  Why would you ever want to transfer the call legs to x and x+1 instead of simply x and y?
17:54.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: if you have a funny accent.
17:54.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: or if you say it real fast ;)
17:55.24*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
17:55.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: From "state of mind" to "state in the union" in one hurried slur!
17:56.42kfifeis the idea simply: ..100,Goto(this) ..101,Goto(that)?  It seems like a workaround for what should be simply x and y.
17:56.50*** join/#asterisk edoceo (
17:58.10edoceoHow would I configure to ring extA four times then extB four times then if no answer goto VM for ExtA?
17:58.11*** join/#asterisk Kate-o (n=vajda1ka@unaffiliated/kateo/x-334924)
17:58.13kfifeI suspect that I'm missing a concept
17:58.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: sorry, brain too fuzzy right now. please leave a message after the beep and try again later. BEEP.
17:59.03[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: Dial 1 for 15s, the other for 15s, and then go to VM.  Priorities 1-3.
17:59.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: "You have 5000 new messages.  5000 marked 'urgent'  First message....."
18:00.06[TK]D-Fenderkfife: No, that's pretty much it
18:00.13Kattyexten => s,1,Wakeup ; exten => s,2,Eat ; exten => s,3,Sleep exten => s,4,(goto,s,1)
18:00.26Kattyor goto(s,1)
18:00.53[TK]D-Fenderor just Goto(1)
18:00.56Kattyhmm. i need a wait in there
18:01.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Wait comes bundled with the apps ;)
18:01.27*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (
18:01.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: As to other essential services like "Bathroom()" tec, to keep you from ass-ploding ;)
18:01.38*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:01.57kfife[TK]D-Fender: :-) Too bad.  I was hoping there'd be a cool concept wedged in there.
18:01.59Kattyassier toy ploding
18:02.04Kattycan't type today.
18:02.09SQLDarklyHow is MeetMe() in 1.6 vs 1.4.22 I heard there was a bug of somesort that broke MeetMe() in 1.6
18:02.39[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: I'm sorry, could you be a little more vague?
18:03.06Kattywished isymphony worked
18:03.29Kattythen i could upgrade for real
18:04.03SQLDarklyI suppose you want more specifics. I appreciate sarcasm heh. Well the bug had to do with timing and DHADI. I dont remember the specifics. That is why I am asking as people do. I am curious if anyone has had any issue with MeetMe() without any telephony hardware on 1.6
18:04.35*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
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18:05.54[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: 1.6 series has 2 "releases" and there is CVS.  Care to narrow this down some more?  And perhaps tell us what exact problem you are experiencing....
18:06.13Kattywell i sure got a problem
18:06.16Kattyi'm sleepy
18:06.18Kattythis is just No Good
18:06.56kfife[TK]D-Fender:  It would have expected it to be designed like syntax of D([called][:calling])  in other words, something like: G([called][:calling]), where called/calling=context^exten^pri.  That could easily be designed to allow backward compatibility.
18:07.00*** join/#asterisk RMod (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
18:07.23kfifeIn other words if no called party was speciifed, it would model the legacy functionality.
18:07.33[TK]D-Fenderkfife: .... huh?
18:07.51kfifeI would have expeced G() to work like D()
18:08.14*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
18:08.22[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Ah, I misinterpreted your last question
18:08.28[TK]D-Fenderkfife>Can someone explain the concept behind "priority and priority+1" when using the G dial flag? Why would you ever want to transfer the call legs to x and x+1 instead of simply x and y?
18:08.46kfifeExcept that the called / calling parametrs could be formatted with carets to specify context, extension, priority
18:08.50[TK]D-Fenderkfife: with "G" dialplan continues on right away.
18:09.27[TK]D-Fenderkfife: oops. thats "g", not "G"
18:09.36kfifeRight.  The current implementation requires two GOTO's to do anythint productive
18:09.52*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:10.15[TK]D-Fenderkfife: You can specify the explicit place to jumpt to... no need for a "goto"
18:10.38kfifeBut it's the n, and n+1 that throws me.
18:10.40SQLDarklyI am not experiencing a problem. I am simply trying to discover a potential hazard of upgrading.  I am interested in some of the new candy that is provided however I am working with a cluster of servers that is using 1.4.22 only for conferences so upgrading needs to be kept in the back of my mind especially if a future version improves on what I am using the cluster for. So I am not here looking for any solution to a given problem or issue, b
18:10.43kfifeI want each leg to be different.
18:10.52[TK]D-Fenderkfife: yeah, I see your point now...
18:11.08[TK]D-Fenderkfife: What on earch are you looking at this function for in the firswt place? ;)
18:12.01[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Worry about problems you have... you are LOOKING for trouble without any details, which of couse since you don't HAVE a problem and something to show us means you feel more than comfortable going on wild-goose chases on your whim
18:12.09kfifeI'm just looking for a very simple way to: on the end of a call, dial a number, play some DTMF, say some stuff, play some more DTMF, and hangup.
18:12.25Daejeocan anyone point me to moh?   nice music for free?
18:12.28kfifeSay some stuff as in Playback()
18:12.36[TK]D-Fenderkfife: use "h" and issue a call-file
18:12.40SQLDarklyIll agree with that ;) I am known for loving to tinker.
18:13.02[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Fine, just don't drag us into wsting time along with yout like that...
18:13.18SQLDarklyTheory is never a waste my friend
18:13.25kfife[TK]D-Fender:  Excellent.  Let me think about that
18:13.41SQLDarklyThe hypothetical should always be discussed and prodded at
18:13.54[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: In theory I could travel back and recover the last 10 minutes I spent caring about this.... but then again, I flunked the theory...
18:13.54kfife[TK]D-Fender: The called party is a machine.
18:14.01*** join/#asterisk dennisharrison (n=dennisha@
18:14.26[TK]D-Fenderis currently debugging
18:14.29kfife[TK]D-Fender: so the h would be lost on its sensibilities :-)
18:14.37dennisharrisonanyone ever heard of ztdummy causing a system to not boot due to random kernel panics at runlevel 3?
18:14.38*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
18:14.41Daejeocan anyone point me to moh?   nice music for free?
18:14.47Hadi-hello.. anyone here used avantfax?
18:14.55[TK]D-FenderDaejeo: * comes wish some already
18:15.01kfife[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your help by the way.
18:15.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: mmm, fluxcapacitors.
18:15.13[TK]D-FenderDaejeo: and there are links on the WIKI for this.
18:15.25kfife[TK]D-Fender: How would you trigger leaving a call file in the dialplan?
18:15.40[TK]D-Fenderkfife: "h"<----
18:16.12kfife[TK]D-Fender: in other words: h extension triggers what application/function?
18:16.22*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
18:16.29[TK]D-Fenderkfife: DeadAGI, System, etc
18:17.23kfifeIt sounds like that's a more 'proper' way to do this than to the kludge with the G() flag
18:17.46*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=none@
18:18.44kfife[TK]D-Fender: Still, it seems a bit odd that there's no application that is the equivalent of dropping a call file.  Kind of like Dial except not designed specifically to bridge channels.
18:19.10Kattyjbot: ode to joy
18:19.44Kattyjbot: :<
18:19.45jbot< is probably redirection of stdin to a program
18:19.52Kattyjbot: odetojoy
18:20.03Kattyjbot: habanera?
18:20.03jbotmethinks habanera is bork Bork BORK Bork!
18:20.10Kattyjbot: but not ode to joy?
18:20.26Kattyjbot: you make me sad.
18:21.07[TK]D-Fenderkfife: System(/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "originate......")
18:21.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: You keep asking jbot the same thing and expecting different results...
18:21.41Hadi-hello.. anyone here used avantfax?
18:22.19kfife[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the tip.  From the 10,000' view, do you think there is any merit to making G have explicit called:calling parametrs in some future release of asterisk?
18:22.20[TK]D-FenderHadi-: No more than there were when you asked about 5 minutes ago...
18:22.24subdolusjbot: sup?
18:22.24jbotYo subdolus, how's it going eh?
18:22.43[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Didn't we have this discussion last week?
18:22.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: and your surprised, why?
18:22.51Kattyjbot: Danny Boy?
18:22.52jboti heard danny boy is -- *sniffle* Oh Danny Boy!!! *sniffle*
18:23.13kfife[TK]D-Fender: wasn't me.
18:23.47[TK]D-Fenderkfife: I see all sorts of good ideas for changes...
18:24.04*** join/#asterisk RMod_ (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
18:24.37kfife[TK]D-Fender: is there an official digium 'suggestion box' do we just hope that the digium guys are listening?
18:24.51kfifeIt's interesteing that this very issue came up last week.
18:26.34[TK]D-Fenderkfife: thats what the bounty list is for on the WIKI... or you can't ask if anyone is interested in picking it up in #asterisk-dev perhaps... unsure about there though
18:31.52*** part/#asterisk Math` (n=mrene@
18:32.08kfife[TK]D-Fender:  Great info.  Thanks.  Is using the System () funciton 'expensive' in terms of memory etc.   For example does it open up a shell and keep it open for the duration of the call or does it close as soon as the command is given to Ast?
18:32.51[TK]D-Fenderkfife: All you're going to do is issue a quick command... very light, esp compared to AGI
18:32.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: have you seen star wars according to a 3 year old?
18:33.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: I believe so
18:33.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: don't talk back to darth vader. he'll getcha
18:33.57gcbirzanHm. I have these two asterisk machines, one of which is older than me, most likely, and at one point today, the very old one stopped calling the other one over IAX. It just says "Called rndsoft/742", and I get nothing on the other side... ANy idea what I can check?
18:33.58kfife[TK]D-Fender: Beautiful.  That seems like absolutely the best way to do this.  I really appreciate you sharing your expertise!!
18:36.01*** part/#asterisk Hadi- (
18:37.49[TK]D-Fendergcbirzan: Address changed perhaps?  Firewall issue?
18:37.50*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
18:37.56IsUphey ya
18:38.55IsUpi've just download Asterisk 1.6, how can i use SS7 with 1.6?
18:39.03IsUpshould i download libss7 from trunk?
18:41.54scooby2Is there any way to let a caller sit in queue if an agent is available but if all agents are busy for > 60 seconds transfer them. I know I can use the queue timeout to jump out after 60 seconds but that would not let a caller wait if an agent is idle.
18:43.38*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
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18:44.50IsUpany ideas?
18:44.54jameswffor those of you who actualy use linux outside of asterisk :
18:45.37gcbirzan[TK]D-Fender: Doubtful. It 'sometimes' works, though I haven't been able to see a pattern. And from the new one, calling the old one works perfectly all the time.
18:46.09jdnWESTAnyone know if OSLEC is better than the echo cancelation for the sangoma cards, or do I need to splurge on the cards?
18:46.28KattyjdnWEST: i buy the cards.
18:46.29*** join/#asterisk nikko (n=nikko@
18:47.11jdnWESTI'm looking to bridge 2 PRI's from one state to another over 3 connections (BGP dark magic) for a emergency call center, so quality is actually a concern..
18:47.17IsUphey Katty, ive just get two A101 :D going to test them
18:47.31KattyIsUp: nice (=
18:47.34jayteethey'll get my Octasic chip when they pry it from my cold dead fingers
18:47.50jdnWESTjaytee: Octasic?
18:48.09jayteethe ec chip on Digium cards
18:48.30gcbirzan[TK]D-Fender: And tcpdump doesn't really help me. I just don't see any traffic coming my way, from what I can figure. Though, I might be wrong, since I'm calling from the new one and trying to call back.
18:48.35jdnWESTWho makes better voip cards, Digium or Sangoma?
18:49.02IsUpKatty, do you have any idea about libss7 trunk? i am using chan_ss7 but i am going to switch libss7 if i can setup.
18:49.07jayteenever tried Sangoma, but Digium makes better T1 cards than Nortel, or at least my users say the line "sounds" clearer now
18:49.10KattyIsUp: sorry, no :<
18:49.10IsUpSangoma always the best
18:49.21[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Sangoma was the first to use Otasic actually... by well over a year
18:49.33KattyjdnWEST: gotta agree with the mob. sangoma.
18:50.29IsUpi am using all Sangoma stuff. a104 a102 a108... sangoma is great
18:50.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, didn't know what they used really. Looked at pricing, read stuff on the wiki and decided I liked the configuration scheme for Digium T1 cards than I did for Sangoma.
18:50.59IsUpKatty: btw thank youy
18:51.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Indeed less to configure for what little that means.
18:52.29jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm not arguing about which is better. I really have no personal basis for comparison. Lots of people in here seem to like Sangoma products. I don't dislike them. I just went in one direction and so far I'm satisfied with the results.
18:53.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm glad that you are satisfied with your solution then :)
18:53.29jameswfwooohooo fanboy war
18:53.53gcbirzanAh. Okay. I found something. When it works, it says -- Executing Dial("IAX2/", "IAX2/rndsoft/742|30") in new stack, when it does it says "IAX2/rndsoftblahblah". Though, I can see an "-- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from" before the call that doesn't work
18:54.06jayteejameswf, no it's not a fanboy war.
18:54.09jdnWESThmmm, something tells me that sangoma vs. Dig... isn't going to be apple vs. windows any time soon
18:54.45jameswfjdnWEST: you dont have to use either :)
18:54.51*** join/#asterisk oush (
18:54.57jdnWESTIs anyone using cards Without the ECHO cancelation and just using OSLEC?
18:54.59oushany VoIP experts that know cisco around?
18:55.03StephenF[W]What kind of desktop integration do you guys have running on your asterisk installs?
18:55.10IsUpi am using without E/C
18:55.19jameswfEC on T1 is rarely needed
18:55.20jdnWESToush: there are a couple in the #cisco chan.
18:55.37StephenF[W]I've seen thinkgs like HUDlite out there, what other things are asterisk peoples doin?
18:56.34jameswfStephenF[W]: asterisk installs shouldnt have desltops
18:56.43StephenF[W]i mean user account
18:56.58StephenF[W]user dekstops
18:57.13jameswfalot of people like xlite
18:57.27jayteeis Snap still around?
18:57.28Kattyis that the one that does video?
18:57.28jameswfyou wont see em in here but some like HUC
18:57.52StephenF[W]im talking about integration with like Outlook, and other desktop applications
18:57.54jameswfxlite does video.... so i hear xlite for linus sucks
18:58.01StephenF[W]not a softphone
18:58.02jayteeSnap does that
18:58.14Kattyzoiper girl myself (=
18:58.27jameswfzoiper for linux kinda sucks too
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18:58.33jameswfi use moziax
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18:59.31jayteeI'm playing with trying to get MS Office Communicator going with out Microsoft's mediation server using just Exchange and * 1.6 Haven't had much time to play with it though. Too many priorities ahead of it in the queue
19:01.09nikkowe're an OS X shop, and only have address book dialing for X-Lite integration, which is weak, but better than duplicate address books everywhere
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19:01.47magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: still wrestling w/ that audio file not being found from last nite. here's the pastie:
19:01.53jayteejeev, it's only cuz we're mostly Windows here and we use Exchange UM for voicemail instead of Comedian Mail in Asterisk
19:02.29jayteerussellb, quick question if you have the time
19:02.50[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Should have shown me this yesterday... it'd have saved you a lot of time
19:03.08IsUpmagic_hat: go to line 18 and remove .gsm extension
19:03.08[TK]D-Fendermag BackGround("SIP/dailynews-09b47760", "/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/cdngreeting.gsm")  <-- NEVER specify the file extension
19:03.15magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: I agree -- had to deal w/ another emergency. lol
19:03.41magic_hatI've tried it with just BackGround(cdngreeting) too. Same prob.
19:03.44[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: 8 will pick the best format based on what's available
19:04.03russellbjaytee: um, maybe
19:04.03[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: try showng us something that isn't clearly wrong then.
19:04.05russellbyou can tree
19:04.17*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
19:04.36gcbirzan[TK]D-Fender: I think it was something NAT related. But, meh. I didn't change the firewall. *looks at coworker and plans a murder*
19:05.20*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=HydraIRC@
19:05.26gcbirzanThat being said, thanks.
19:05.27jayteerussellb, is there a way to change the order that Comedian Mail plays messages so that it's LIFO instead of FIFO? a guy was in here on Saturday night asking that. I couldn't find anything in the mail configs at home where I'm using Comedian Mail. Seems to only be FIFO order.
19:05.50russellbgood question.
19:05.55jeevreally good question.
19:05.58russellbunless you find it in voicemail.conf, then no
19:06.00jayteeExchange UM defaults to LIFO but it can be configured
19:06.04russellbbut I seem to remember someone adding that option
19:06.07russellbprobably in 1.6 only
19:06.17jayteerussellb, nope, not listed in voicemail.conf
19:06.24russellbdid you look in 1.6?
19:06.33jayteeI'll have to look in the configs for 1.6
19:06.40jayteeI looked in 1.4
19:07.04russellbi don't see it at quick glance
19:07.54magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: see the update...
19:09.47jayteeneither do I but there's a messagewrap settting I don't recall seeing in 1.4
19:10.08jayteelol, andrew dufresne and ellis redding mailboxes.
19:10.17jayteeget busy livin or get busy dying
19:10.20[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: please provide a call with SIP debug enabled
19:15.58*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
19:16.37ReDNeQanyone here familiar with snom phones?
19:17.12jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:17.31ReDNeQjameswf: my question was specific!
19:18.12jameswfargh.... the point was simply ask! if someone knows they will pipe up
19:18.21ReDNeQno since in wasting peoples time if there is nobody here that knows snom phones!
19:19.18jameswfhears betwean [TK]D-Fender and google [TK]D-Fender knows all
19:19.27jayteenow that I've read at least 3 lines of irrelevant text I'd like to just go on record that I really, really like cheese of almost any variety.
19:19.57stinteljaytee: so do I
19:20.02jameswfjaytee: iven those that smell bad
19:20.12stintelespecially those that smell bad ;)
19:20.34jameswfstintel: sounds french..
19:20.52jayteejameswf, I ask Google first and then if I can't find it there I ask [TK]D-Fender, mainly just so if he asks "did  you bother to google it?" I can answer honestly.
19:21.54[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: and with core debug 10 please...
19:21.55jameswfthey say America is the country with 1,000 religions and 1 cheese, france has 1 religion and 1.000 cheeses
19:21.58*** join/#asterisk JohnnyScarlet (
19:22.01jayteeI bought this cheese that looks kinda marbled that's an irish mild cheddar made with Guinness. can't remember the name though.
19:22.06jayteeit was awesome
19:22.30stintelroquefort is one of my favorites
19:22.48*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (n=Carlos@
19:22.59jameswfim a simple swiss kinda guy
19:23.05magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: stand by :)
19:23.07JohnnyScarletHaving some broadvoice setup issues on my first ever Asterisk installation
19:23.20jameswflikes swiss cheese, knives, women
19:23.27jayteeaha! found it. it's called Cahill's Porter Cheddar
19:23.29JohnnyScarletI followed the directions verbatim, of which [TK}D-Fender sent me
19:23.38*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
19:24.15JohnnyScarlethowever when I ran /usr/sbin/asterisk -cvvv I got a, " chan_sip.c:19700 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very'"
19:25.11jayteeif an operating system was compared to swiss cheese with the holes representing security vulnerabilities then Windows would be Alsace Lorraine
19:25.24JohnnyScarletAnd i also got a " chan_sip.c:21361 reload_config: Failed to bind to Address already in use" I'm following the instructiosn from broadvoice AND the asterisk O'Rielly book
19:25.32*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
19:25.40JohnnyScarletthats too generous JayTee
19:25.49magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: updated. sorry about that -- thought I had verbosity set at 10
19:26.21JohnnyScarletwhats the proper insecure mode flag fro Broadvoice?
19:26.57JohnnyScarlet"very" as it's instructions state, is giving me Warnings
19:26.57hi365_mis it posible to use the polycom call pickup feature with asterisk?
19:27.27[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: I said core debug, not just verbose
19:28.32magic_hatsorry... misunderstood. how do i set core debug?
19:32.34JohnnyScarletCan someone give me an idea of the types of flags I can use then?
19:33.30*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
19:34.25StephenF[W]Any ideas why outgoing calls are not updating my presence to busy?
19:34.50StephenF[W]incoming calls work, but if I dial out to the PSTN my presence is not updated, on Polycom phones
19:34.58StephenF[W]also it is not updated in show hints
19:36.36jboti guess book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:37.55*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
19:38.21*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
19:38.36magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: updated the pastie
19:39.18*** part/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
19:39.31*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
19:39.47jdnWESTCan I run * in ESXi?
19:41.31TalkRadioi doubt it
19:42.25russellbshould be fine
19:42.38blitzrageI run it in VMware Server with no problems
19:43.39*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
19:44.14russellbstop saying my name
19:44.40jeevit was a typo
19:44.44TalkRadiosry i thought you meant running it natively on the exsi box not in vmware machine
19:45.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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19:50.54famicomlo there
19:51.14magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: any luck w/ that?
19:51.29[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You mean with the new link you didn't provider to me?
19:52.01famicomquick question
19:52.14*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
19:52.16famicomi'm thinking of setting up the following
19:52.17famicom1 direct phoneline
19:52.17famicom2 phone numbers that are hooked up to an automated menu
19:52.17famicom1 number for incoming/outgoing faxes
19:52.37famicomis asterisk the right choice?
19:53.07magic_hat[TK]D: i just updated the old one;
19:53.08russellbasterisk is always the right choice
19:53.47magic_hatfamicom: others in here know way more than I, but you might want to read up on asterisk and faxes. last i checked it didn't work well.
19:54.10famicomyup, i know that voip lines are generally trouble for faxing
19:54.29magic_hatbut then again, that's what your fax machine is for :)
19:54.31famicombut most commercial fax2email solutions out there are shit
19:54.45famicomso it's probably easier to roll my own
19:55.04famicomI've constantly had faxes being bounced etc etc
19:55.19magic_hatwe use maxemail. works okay.
19:55.19famicomand these were HOSTED services, mind you
19:55.54famicomyeah, but those are US only
19:55.57famicomi'm dutch
19:56.03famicomout here there's Efax
19:56.12famicomwhich is obscenely expensive
19:56.58famicomand 2 others, one of which ignored my repeated sign ups and another which kept dropping faxes back to senders
20:01.57*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
20:06.39cesar_CRhello guys I am having problems with queues over dahdi channel...
20:06.51cesar_CRcaller cant hear musiconhold
20:07.20cesar_CRor the messages from the asterisk
20:07.37famicomhere's a solution
20:08.06cesar_CRhere is the output from the *
20:08.10*** join/#asterisk dlynes_office (
20:08.26cesar_CRfamicom,  ????
20:08.39famicomI hate being put on hold
20:08.39edibracdo GSM phones interfere with Cisco 7940/60's?
20:10.01*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:12.24cesar_CRfamicom... jajaja you where right!!!
20:12.40cesar_CRthere was a Answer ... missing
20:12.47magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: u see that yet?
20:13.02cesar_CRthanks :D jajaja
20:14.25*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
20:14.46*** join/#asterisk pepse (
20:14.59pepsegreetings, ladies and germs.
20:15.39pepseHas anyone had success using SIP credentials from a MagicJack with Asterisk? I am getting 400 Bad Request on dialing out, and registration timed out on registering.
20:16.22*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
20:16.50jdnWESTAnyone use the Rhino Cards?
20:19.42[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: try writing out the path explicitly minus only the extension...
20:20.26magic_hatk hang on
20:21.27blitzragepepse: use a pastebin and show us the SIP dialog
20:22.45magic_hat[TK]D-Fender: bingo. damn, I thought I tried that last nite.
20:22.55magic_hatany idea why that's happening?
20:23.29[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: I'd check your config paths again... you at one point also showed me dialplan that didn't match CLI...
20:23.42[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Frankly I'm not sure what to trust from what you show me.
20:24.00[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Maybe talking configs from one session, and CLI from another, etc
20:24.37[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: But you've gotten to taking multiple simultaneous step which makes debugging a PITA
20:24.57Linuturkis there a particular channel or area to get support for Asterisk on FreeBSD?
20:25.19blitzragehere is the place
20:25.23[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: This is an appropriate place to ask
20:25.24*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
20:25.24blitzragebut there is not much support
20:25.34blitzragedepends who's on I suppose
20:25.40[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Indeed as a much lower % use it
20:25.51magic_hat[TK]D: lol, you're  right.
20:25.59[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: One of the more active maintainers is here regularly though
20:26.09Linuturkwell, i'm reading up on it, for my net5501, and the server I'm replacing has a Wildcard TDM400P driver
20:26.17Linuturker, card*
20:26.32Linuturkjust want to make sure I'm not heading down a dead end
20:26.51blitzrageLinuturk: have you looked at astlinux for your soekris?
20:26.52*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (n=Carlos@
20:26.58LinuturkI've got a few regualar phone lines coming in. Nothing like a T1 or anything.
20:27.29blitzrageLinuturk: I suggest you look at the external devices and connect it via SIP to the net5501
20:27.45blitzragethen you're not limited on the hardware, or the drivers being compilable against your distro of choice
20:28.05Linuturkblitzrage: actually, I've got that on there right now, but the project doesn't seem to be that well organized. I don't want to put something on there that's hard to support. At least freebsd and vanilla asterisk have docs. astlinux is skinny on docs atm
20:28.19Linuturk"external devices" ?
20:28.35*** join/#asterisk Katty (
20:28.39[TK]D-Fendercheckout time... heading home... later all
20:28.51blitzragelike say... one of those SPA3102 devices
20:28.53Linuturkblitzrage: so, replace the PCI card with an external device?
20:29.07magic_hatanyone know how to guesstimate how many POTS lines i'd need for 8 users?
20:29.09blitzrageLinuturk: correct, then you just need to connect it to the same switch as the net5501
20:29.22blitzragemagic_hat: depends number of simultanous calls, length of calls, etc...
20:29.57blitzragemagic_hat: then you can spread that over some sort of standard deviation vs. time or something... (I suck at math, but this sounds like a statistics problem)
20:30.10magic_hatblitzrage: yeah, of course. Is there any rule of thumb to do a reasonable estimate though?
20:30.10Kattymagic_hat: what type of business is it?
20:30.12blitzrageKatty: omghi2u
20:30.20Kattyblitzrage: hewwoes.
20:30.24Linuturkblitzrage: I've got more than one line coming in for said office :-/
20:30.25Kattyblitzrage: icanhazhug?
20:30.34magic_hatKatty: newsroom. So a lot of calls. But not like a call center or anything.
20:30.51blitzrageLinuturk: I think there should be a device that does multiple lines... mediatrix does, but that is kinda overkill for what you're trying to do
20:30.54Kattymagic_hat: would you say mostly inbound, or outbound traffic?
20:31.14magic_hatKatty: roughly equal. or 60-40 favoring outbound.
20:31.16Linuturkyeah, which is why I sorta want to stick with the pci device blitzrage. puts it all in one box
20:31.31Kattymagic_hat: i'd say 5 or 6 lines then
20:31.43Kattymagic_hat: you could probably do with 5
20:31.49tzangerLinuturk: that's why I like the sangoma ADSL cards
20:32.01blitzrageI have one of those...
20:32.02tzangerADSL card + TDM400/800/whatever
20:32.05blitzrageno DSL though... need to sell it
20:32.20magic_hatcool... i can always add more. just need a way to compare costs across a couple of different setups.
20:32.35Kattymagic_hat: are you doing analog lines or sip trunks?
20:32.39Kattymagic_hat: integrated t1?
20:32.44Linuturkwell, we've got a DSL line for our internet at this office. blitzrage tzanger How would I fit that in?
20:32.57magic_hatKatty: I'm looking at the possibility of switching from sip to analog.
20:33.04magic_hatand trying to figure how much it'll cost.
20:33.05Linuturkbesides an IAX trunk back to the main office ;p
20:33.17blitzrageLinuturk: you won't be able to with the net5501 since it only has a single PCI slot
20:33.44blitzragebut DAHDI (driver beyond Zaptel) should build on FreeBSD afaik
20:34.35Linuturk << blitzrage well, this page says support is currently beta. I'm just curious how "beta" it is
20:34.55blitzragethat page is probably quite out of date...
20:34.59Kattymagic_hat: an 8 port sangoma card with echo cancelation will run you about a grand.
20:35.04*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
20:35.07Nuggetthe path of least resistance is to just suck it up and tolerate a linux box for asterisk
20:35.10tzafrir_laptopwonders if they actually bother using dahdi-tools
20:35.19tzafrir_laptop(for dahdi/freebsd)
20:35.23blitzragetzafrir_laptop: I was just gonna ask you if you know if DAHDI builds on FreeBSD?
20:35.31Kattymagic_hat: not including your phone bill, of course.
20:35.42blitzragedoesn't want to spread anymore disinformation than is necessary :)
20:35.42Kattymagic_hat: i believe sip trunks will run you about 30 a month, give or take, free long distance.
20:35.44NuggetI wouldn't expect dahdi to build on freebsd.
20:35.50Linuturkblitzrage: does that mean they've come a long way with that hardware, or that devel stalled?
20:35.54Kattymagic_hat: per trunk, of course. no additional hardware required.
20:35.54tzafrir_laptopUnixDawg keeps talking about it
20:36.18blitzrageah... ok, for some reason I thought it was common now for some devs to build on FreeBSD, but maybe that is still just asterisk
20:36.35blitzrageya, I keep seeing talk from him about building it... no idea if anything has come from it
20:36.38Nuggetasterisk builds fine, but dahdi is a linux driver.
20:36.41blitzragewelp, back off to do some testing
20:37.00Nuggetzaptel for freebsd is an independent codebase
20:37.13NuggetI assume they'll have to do the same for dahdi
20:37.38Trionnissomeone around that can point me in a direction for info on ajam Originate, and passing in variables?
20:37.49Trionnisnot a lot of docs out there it seems...
20:38.38Nugget23-Oct-2008 08:50 <UnixDawg_> well we are about done with dahdi on bsd
20:38.42Nugget^ the last word
20:41.41Linuturkso, is asterisk on bsd a dead end?
20:42.33*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
20:44.41Nuggetimho, yes, it's pain you don't have to endure for very little benefit.
20:45.28Nuggetif you need anything that requires dahdi (app_page, app_meetme, app_flash, etc) you'll probably be frustrated (at best)
20:46.03Nuggetand if you ever have any problems you need help from the community to solve you'll be met by a blinking chorus of shrugging shoulders where people say "dunno, it works in linux"
20:46.06*** join/#asterisk Maxous (n=Maxous@
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20:46.36Nuggetasterisk development is just moving too fast for portability to even register on digium's radar, and it shows
20:47.03*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
20:47.14Nuggetjust suck it up, install the linux distro that you find least offensive, and treat it as a bootloader for asterisk, which it sort of is.  :)
20:48.12Nugget<-- not a digium employee or asterisk coder, but I gave it a shot for a year before I gave up and went linux
20:49.06blitzrageLinuturk: fyi astlinux is actively developed by a couple of people. Check out #astlinux, they are putting out releases every couple of months from what I've been seeing
20:49.13blitzragejust an fyi
20:50.11Linuturkwell, i guess I'll keep it astlinux then, per you guy's suggestions
20:50.27Linuturknow I need to mirror the configs, and hope this card works in this box
20:50.32*** join/#asterisk Tebi (
20:50.36Nuggetis astlinux on 1.6 yet?
20:50.43blitzrageNugget: oh I doubt it
20:50.55Trionnisajam docs? anyone? please? :)
20:51.00blitzragetook a bit moving it to 1.4, but I'm pretty sure they are releasing a lot more often and keeping up with 1.4. releases
20:51.05blitzrageajam docs?
20:51.26LinuturkI got 1.4 a couple of weeks ago on ast
20:51.35Linuturkastlinux-0.6.1 - Asterisk
20:51.42Linuturktis what I have :)
20:51.47Trionnisyes... having issues passing variables into Originate
20:51.56Trionnislooking for some clear-cut docs on it
20:54.07Trionnisdon't get me wrong, your section in TFOT wasn't bad, but it was a bit light on the details ;)
20:56.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:57.09*** join/#asterisk plik (i=gorph@phalse.2600.COM)
20:57.48Yourname`What's that file one needs to change to be able to see DTMF in CLI?
20:59.16*** part/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
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21:00.04*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
21:00.33jayteequittin time, be back later
21:00.37Kattywhat goes well with baked beans?
21:00.47jayteehot dogs or hamburgers
21:00.49johnakabeanhey room, anyone know how to setup Qos using TC?  I have setup 3 que priorities so far and tried to add ports to the que but they are being ignored.
21:00.53Linuturkin the beans
21:01.07Kattythat might work
21:01.15Linuturktis good
21:01.21Kattyi'm starving
21:01.31*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
21:01.32_ShrikEbeanie weenies
21:01.49pepseblitzrage: will do, just seeing if someone has it already ocnfigured/working and maybe i'm just missing an option.
21:01.49Linuturkbeanie weenies FTW!!
21:02.09blitzragepepse: hard to say without information regardless :)
21:02.18JohnnyScarletwhats the proper insecure mode flag for Broadvoice? The one listed in broadvoice instructiosn gets me an "Unknown flag" for "Insecure=very"
21:02.19Linuturkthanks blitzrage :)
21:02.38johnakabeanjohnny i use BV
21:02.42johnakabeanwhat's up.
21:02.49blitzrageKatty: ya, pieces of tofu dogs in brown beans is good
21:02.54JohnnyScarletor can I just eliminate the insecure=very line altogether?
21:03.08blitzrageJohnnyScarlet: on 1.6.x it is insecure=invite,port
21:03.29blitzragethis is in sip.conf btw
21:03.35JohnnyScarletjohnakabean, any advice? it's my first asterisk box ever, and i'm having setup warnings :(. I haven't even gotten to programmign the AAStra 57i phone yet
21:04.03JohnnyScarletblitzrage you mean when i run make samples... it's in sip.conf?
21:04.04johnakabeanyeah the parameters on the site are incomplete....i'll look for where i posted the right ones
21:04.13Trionnisperhaps the gods are trying to tell you something if it's not working... ;)
21:04.17blitzrageJohnnyScarlet: yes... how much documentation have you read?
21:04.27Kattyeats hershey's bar
21:04.31blitzragehas a feeling JohnnyScarlet may have put the "option" in the wrong spot...
21:04.36JohnnyScarletWell i'm actually reading the Asterisk O'rielly guide, but it covers 1.4
21:04.45johnakabeanohhhh i' on 1.4
21:04.47blitzragesteals Katty's chocolate and runs to the corner nibbling on it
21:04.48JohnnyScarletand mixing that with the broadvoice instructions
21:04.51johnakabeandon't use 1.6 with Bv
21:04.58Trionnisdon't use Bv period
21:05.09pepseblitzrage: i can post my config now, just not at home to try making calls and such.
21:05.10Kattyblitzrage: cookies n cream.
21:05.12johnakabeandon't use BV if you don't want unlimited channels and DID
21:05.19blitzrageKatty: delicious!!
21:05.25Kattyblitzrage: i'd trade you for something less sweet
21:05.25*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
21:05.27johnakabeani have a workaround in my box to have unlimited DiD's and channels
21:05.29JohnnyScarletTrionnis I have to use what the boss makes me use :) I still have to setup Vonage, and two other BV lines
21:05.47*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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21:05.55Kattyrussellb: i'm hungry.
21:05.58Kattyrussellb: feed me.
21:05.59Trionnishe's here!
21:06.06JohnnyScarletblitzrage where is the right spot for the "option"?
21:06.15russellbKatty: kinky
21:06.29Kattyrussellb: not quite the same train of thought.
21:06.34Kattyrussellb: i was thinking protein.
21:06.39Kattyrussellb: maybe carbs.
21:06.49russellboffers Katty a bagel
21:06.57johnakabeanAnyone know how to setup qos with TC?
21:07.05johnakabeanjohnny you're going to need to do this as well
21:07.09Kattyrussellb: my life is doom for the next 3 weeks.
21:07.16russellbKatty: i'm sorry
21:07.16JohnnyScarletblitzrage: do you have a link to an proper example for sip.conf using broadvoice?
21:07.31johnakabeani am going to give you that johnny to try
21:07.35Kattyrussellb: me too :<
21:07.46JohnnyScarletawesome, thanks johnakabean
21:08.19russellb~hug Katty
21:08.20jbotACTION hugs Katty tightly until Katty turns slightly blue
21:08.45JohnnyScarletcrap, I have to tend a meeting right now, but i'll leave my window open for the updates johnakabean and blitzrage . be back ina  few
21:09.00Trionniswonders how many more people are going to keep talking to blitz before they realize he left the channel a while ago
21:09.09Kattyi was wondering th esame thing.
21:09.14Kattybut being amused by it.
21:09.41*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:10.00JohnnyScarletjohnakabean: btw, what is tc? I know QoS. Don't I jsut set that up within my router? or no?
21:10.38JohnnyScarlet[TK}D-Fender thanks, You gave me that on Firday. I printed it out and followed it Verbatim.
21:10.54JohnnyScarlethowever insecure=very is not a valid flag according to * 1.6
21:11.00[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: Then feel free to show us your config and the SIP debug of your failures
21:11.00Trionnistackles [TK]D-Fender and gives him a noogie
21:11.07JohnnyScarletJohnakabean said he ahd a workaround, but he uses 1.4
21:11.09Trionnislong time no see
21:11.10[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: "insecure=port,invite
21:11.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: next 3 weeks is DOOM
21:11.35[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: y0
21:11.49JohnnyScarletwhich port though? 5060?
21:12.02JohnnyScarletor port is not a variable?
21:12.16[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: Is your * behind NAT?
21:12.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:12.30pepseoh, blitz signed off
21:12.59JohnnyScarletok, i will work with that. thank you. I ahve another error to address :)...
21:13.20JohnnyScarletno idea what that is referring to
21:15.16johnakabeancompare mine to broadvoices you will see a ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SETUP QOS FOR ME AND JOHNNY USING TC?
21:16.09Kattyjohnakabean: in fact, it just annoys.
21:16.15Kattyjohnakabean: i'd recommend not doing it.
21:16.17[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Or repeating yourself every 10-15 minutes
21:16.37ManxPowerjohnakabean: You cannot do real QoS over the internet.  Is that what you are trying to do?
21:16.52johnakabeanno, i have a nat on my asterisk box....
21:16.54johnakabeani'm behind it
21:17.10johnakabeani want my phone calls to get priority of course
21:17.18ManxPowerjohnakabean: That was not my question.
21:17.33ManxPowerNAT has nothing whatsoever to do with QoS
21:17.53johnakabeanok my connect has 1 ms jitter at max and 98 percent Quality at lowest.
21:18.18johnakabeanbut it is the reason I want qos for when i'm downloading something and the phones are in use
21:18.21ManxPowerjohnakabean: What is providing the quality info?
21:18.37ManxPowerjohnakabean: you can only do QoS on TRANSMITTED data, not RECEIVED data.
21:18.53ManxPowerIt sounds like you only need what I call "fake QoS"
21:19.25ManxPowerjust give ports 5060 and whatever ports are listed in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf (defaults to 10,000 - 20,000).  All UDP of course.
21:19.54ManxPowerBittorrent and other UDP based applications will just breeze right thru your "QoS", but TCP based apps should do pretty good.
21:20.13johnakabeanmanx, i do that but everything ends up priority 3 when in a phone call.
21:20.26ManxPowerjohnakabean: then I guess you are not doing it right.
21:20.47ManxPowerSIP uses the ports listed.  It uses no other ports.  Remember these are all DEST ports, not SOURCE ports.
21:21.16johnakabeanthat's what i need is my transmitted data as i have Adsl
21:21.23johnakabeani use dport in the tc line
21:21.45ManxPowerjohnakabean: I know nothing about the implementation specifics of "TC".  But I do know QoS.
21:21.57Yourname`Oh, wow, trying to get DTMF working with Aastra 57i, on 1.4.22 is killing me!!!
21:22.09johnakabeanhere is my tc
21:22.18*** join/#asterisk hfb (
21:22.20ManxPowerYourname`: Use 1.6, then you can deal with all the other issues and forget about the DTMF issues.
21:22.38johnakabeanyour name, disable DTMF processing on the aastra device so it just sends audible signals for asterisk
21:22.44ManxPowerjohnakabean: You must have missed it when I said " I know nothing about the implementation specifics of "TC". "
21:22.45Yourname`Man, that would be nice. Gonna be doing that real soon
21:22.57johnakabeanif you still have problems, its not setup for asterisk and your provider
21:22.59pepseManxPower: the service I'm trying to use (and am having problems with) uses 5070. Any reason I should need that port forwarded to my * or anything?
21:23.11[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Total waste.. you are trying to prioritize SIP....
21:23.22pepse* being behind a router
21:23.23johnakabeanso, fender, what should i do
21:23.37*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
21:23.39johnakabeani am not behind a asterisk box IS the router
21:23.45[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: You should wake up and realize that your VOICE is carried over RTP, not SIP
21:23.56ManxPowerpepse: You need to brush up on your networking.  Every connection has 2 sides, the port on the server side is 5060, the other port can be any random number from 1024 - 6535
21:23.57johnakabeanso yes, I MYSELF ON THIS COMPUTER am behind the ASTERISK BOX router
21:24.05johnakabeanget it?
21:24.14[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: If you are trying to do QoS, its on the wrong PORTS.
21:24.33johnakabean5060 is sip right?
21:24.33ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: He must have missed me telling him about 10,000 - 20,000 UDP.
21:24.35[TK]D-FenderJohnYou do not need to prioritize SIP, you need to prioritize RTP
21:24.35johnakabeanand 5061
21:24.45ManxPowerPerhaps he is hard of hearing^H^H^H^H^H^Hseeing
21:24.59johnakabeanok so how do you add a port range to TC
21:24.59pepseManxPower: i'm just trying to figure out why i'm having problems.. all my other connections work fine, but MagicJack is a little funky.
21:25.01[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: I'm going to repeat this in an attempt to to acheive some final clarity...
21:25.02ManxPowerI give up.  TK, you can abuse him, I give up.
21:25.05johnakabeanfor 100000 through 200000
21:25.15[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: SIP does not carry your actual coversation traffice <----
21:25.21johnakabeanit just invites it
21:25.38johnakabeanrtp is 100000 through 200000 but i cant get a freakin port range in TC.....THAT'S WHY I'M HERE
21:25.45[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Go find another channel or site to support it.
21:25.57ManxPowerjohnakabean: why ARE you here rather than in some TC support forum?
21:25.58[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: is this #tc?  No.
21:26.08johnakabeanbecause this is dealing with asterisk
21:26.23ManxPowerjohnakabean: no, it is dealing with TC
21:26.24johnakabeanno, but it looks like #idiots
21:26.28[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Do you sue Dow Plastics when your bumper falls off your new car?
21:27.03johnakabeani thought most of the poeple in here had prioritized their voice traffic
21:27.08johnakabeanbut i guessed wrong
21:27.18ManxPowerjohnakabean: you did guess wrong.
21:27.27pepseI use QOS on my crappy old wired-only linksys router
21:27.43pepsei just set 5060 udp and 10000-20000 udp to my * machine to have priority
21:27.44ManxPowerMost people eventually realize that "QoS" on a *DSL connection just isn't going to live up to the hype.
21:27.46pepseseems to work fine
21:27.49[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Most of us try to avoid using the internet for VoIP.  Of those who do, how many do you think use TC?
21:28.03pepsewhat's TC, anyway?
21:28.18ManxPowerI use QoS with Cisco routers and private dedicated T-1s
21:28.27johnakabeanif you don't use the internet for voip, how do you get trunks........ZAPTEL?
21:28.38[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Yes
21:28.53johnakabeangreat, pay 1000 bucks for a freakin T1 for 24 channels
21:29.13ManxPowerjohnakabean: all my customers use PRI with Digium or Sangoma cards.  That way they don't call me whining about bad call quality when their internet gets flaky or overloaded.
21:29.15pepsei use pstn too, but i have one of those cheapo 1-line zaptel cards
21:29.33[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: I pay $600 and don't have to worry about QoS or a failure along a long # of points.
21:29.34johnakabeani don't have bad quality, i'm just making sure i don't run into it
21:29.34pepseas well as a 4-port zaptel card (WDM400? i forget the model #)
21:29.41pepseboth of them have horrible echo tho :(
21:29.55johnakabeancrystal clear with 20 active phone calls
21:30.02johnakabeani only have a 512 upload
21:30.06[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Well go right ahead, just don't expect us to have all the answers for your personal QoS methodology
21:30.10johnakabeanand 3 mbps down
21:30.13ManxPowerpepse: you can get a software commercial EC for free if your Digium card is under warrenty.  If it's not then it costs $10/channel.  Called HPEC
21:30.34johnakabeanhigh precision echo canceller
21:30.37[TK]D-Fenderpepse: If you're off-warranty, try OSLEC first
21:30.40johnakabeanwhy does this have to do only with pstn?
21:30.42pepseManxPower: Cool, I'll look into that. I'm sure they are not under warranty. I have been using them for 2+ years.
21:30.54pepseOSLEC and HPEC. will do.
21:30.57Kattypulls hair out.
21:30.59jbotmethinks oslec is Open Source Line Echo Canceller. See .
21:31.05X-RobManxPower, or you can use OSLEC, which I've found is better than HPEC
21:31.16ManxPowerpepse: then you can buy them for $10/channel, but be sure you have a hefty machine, the really good software EC sucks up a lot of CPU
21:31.23johnakabeanwhy does pstn have echo if it does't go over the internet
21:31.32[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: YMMV may vary with either, but I'd rather try the free one first :)
21:31.33pepsei think it's a 1.8ghz machine, dedicated to *
21:31.43Kattyjohnakabean: that's the way ole analog lines work
21:31.43ManxPowerX-Rob: I've never tried OSLEC.  I switched to hardware tellabs EC and T-1/PRI for everything before OSLEC existed.
21:31.46Kattyjohnakabean: they have echo
21:32.04johnakabeanwhen my jitter spikes once in a blue moon i get echo
21:32.04tzafrir_laptopSpeaking of OSLEC, brave testers are welcomed:
21:32.09[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: "internet" has nothing to do with echo
21:32.14pepsejohnakabean: has an excellent explanation of what causes echo.
21:32.15johnakabeanlatency does
21:32.22X-RobManxPower, Fair enough. It's surprisingly good. .au has some rather strange line conditions, which is possibly why the us-designed HPEC doesn't work so well over here. OSLEC is really good.
21:32.35[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: It'd have to be pretty terrible... delay yes, echo... no
21:32.50ManxPowerX-Rob: I love the tellabs stuff so much I'm selling it rather than just installing it at customer locations
21:32.59X-Rob[TK]D-Fender, it HPEC might be better, I first tried it when it was released
21:33.16johnakabeanwell i'm about 200 miles from broadvoices local relay.
21:33.16X-RobManxPower, Yup. Hardware EC is the best. When you've got a whole damn DSP set aside for EC, it's going to win 8)
21:33.25johnakabean19 ms ping
21:33.36ManxPowerX-Rob: I use Tellabs stuff that was removed from telcos.
21:34.06ManxPower"If it's good enough for the telcos it's good enough for me"
21:35.00johnakabeanyou guys are trying to help johnny with freakin broadvoice and you don't use voip
21:35.10johnakabeani guess what i gave him helped
21:35.14*** part/#asterisk johnakabean (
21:35.55X-RobManxPower, yeah, well you win with T1's. You can't buy any second hand E1 hardware for cheap.
21:38.21[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: Nope, but nice E1 cards w/ EC... easily come by :)
21:38.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:38.42ManxPowerI find that you can either fight Asterisk's and VoIP's oddities and live a miserable pointless life, or you can embrace Asterisk's and VoIP's oddities and be happy and content.
21:38.47X-RobEasily come by, definately. Pleasant on the wallet, definately not.
21:38.54ManxPowerI try to do the latter
21:39.14[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: No moreso than T1....
21:39.55*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jer@unaffiliated/jer)
21:40.38X-Rob[TK]D-Fender, they were about 40% more expensive, last time I looked. Which is slightly acceptable, as there's 30 channels as oppsed to 24, but that's only 5/6ths more. Not 40%.
21:40.50X-Robuh 1/6th even
21:41.16[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: I don't know any T1 Cards w/e HWEC that don't do E1 as well
21:41.40[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: X-Rob that makes them the same with my paltry math stills
21:42.04[TK]D-Fenderskills even ;)
21:42.04X-Rob[TK]D-Fender, Well. There you go. The ones I was looking at were T1 only. That's what happens when I stop paying attention for 24 months 8)
21:42.35[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: I'd love to know what you were loking at because I've been using my Samngoma A104d for 3 years now <-
21:42.58ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's talking about traditional telephony gear
21:43.09ManxPowernot the software DSP based cards for PCs
21:43.12pepsewhat would cause asterisk to not be able to register, giving "registration timed out" over and over? At the same time, I can register to the same account with a softphone.
21:43.17X-Rob[TK]D-Fender, I spent _ages_ searching for a reasonable E1 hw ec, and couldn't find 'em. Plenty of T1 ones for about US$1500
21:43.28X-Robthe E1s were all 2500+
21:43.29[TK]D-Fenderpepse: wrong NAT settings
21:43.41pepseis there anything besides "NAT=yes"?
21:43.50[TK]D-FenderX-Rob: Sangoma's to both w/ HWEC
21:43.52jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:43.54ManxPowerBah!  My 4 x T-1 HW EC box sold yesterday for $249 8-)
21:43.59[TK]D-Fenderpepse: YES.  Read up
21:50.05*** part/#asterisk AndyML (
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21:53.37jksanyone seen a utility that can extract the audio from captured iax2 packets?
21:55.37*** join/#asterisk neobsd (n=neobsd@
21:55.49pepsei wonder if magicjack's SIP servers are behind NAT
21:55.56pepsei would guess no, but you never know
21:56.05neobsdhow i can configure etsi please ?
21:56.37pepsecan I set externalIP= to a hostname? will Asterisk resolve it and fill in proper IP?
21:57.07[TK]D-Fenderpepse: "externhost=" + "externrefresh"
21:57.26pepseexternrefresh=yes or something?
21:57.49neobsdsorry, can you help me with ETSI please?
21:58.58pepse[TK]D-Fender: I didn't know the register line had anything to do with that area..
21:59.39[TK]D-Fenderpepse: * has to know what IP's to tell the other end to answer back on
21:59.39pepsena, externalip= didn't make a difference :/
21:59.48[TK]D-Fenderpepse: pastebin your config
21:59.56[TK]D-Fenderpepse: I already suspect 1 error...
21:59.59pepsechan_sip.c:6984 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '<my user>@<myproxy>' timed out, trying again"
22:00.07[TK]D-Fenderpepse: your CONFIG <---
22:00.11jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:00.49pepsesorry, that doesn't include my externalip= line tho
22:02.07pepseoh, i already have externip in the top of my sip.conf. Heh
22:02.19pepsebut i had set it to a hostname
22:03.28pepsechanged it to externhost, no diff.
22:04.47scooby2can Asterisk distinguish between free agents and agents on calls on new incoming calls?
22:04.58[TK]D-Fenderpepse: And your ability to follow instructions also failing...
22:05.33[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: Typically yes
22:06.40scooby2[TK]D-Fender: i have a weird request. They want the caller to stay in the queue forever if an agent is available. Otherwise if no agent becomes available, leave after 60 seconds.
22:07.13pepse[TK]D-Fender: I know you enjoy belittling and all, but I'm not -that- new at this. There's one particular service giving me these problems, while all other service I've been using for some time work fine
22:07.20pepseand I've always been behind NAT
22:07.24[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: there is no "leave after X time", only leave period
22:07.40JohnnyScarletok i'm back :p
22:08.00[TK]D-Fenderpepse: And I asked to see your config and you showed me only a PIECE of it
22:08.20JohnnyScarlet{TK}D-Fender: If I never specified bind: port 5060 ... why am I getting the warning "Failed to bind to Address already in use" when running *
22:08.50[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: Let me guess... running a softphone on your server as well?
22:10.03pepse[TK]D-Fender:   happy?
22:10.16*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
22:10.33JohnnyScarletnot running a softphone
22:10.43[TK]D-Fenderpepse: you are missing "externrefresh" like I told you
22:10.49JohnnyScarletthis is jsut a simple ubuntu install, followed by my * install
22:11.03[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: Well something else is preventing * from binding to that port....
22:11.10pepse[TK]D-Fender: i asked how to use externrefresh, but I didn't get an answer
22:11.15pepse[TK]D-Fender: is it externrefresh=yes?
22:11.30[TK]D-Fenderpepse: "externrefresh=howmanysecondstorecheck"
22:11.39[TK]D-Fenderpepse: 120 is "healthy"
22:11.42pepsei see
22:11.47JohnnyScarletand the insecure=port, invite got me unknown flag error I wrote "insecure=5060,invite" isn't that the default port? Yes I am behind NAT
22:11.57[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Next, what have you forwarded to *?
22:12.02JohnnyScarletahhh, thx, lemme check that out TK
22:12.03*** join/#asterisk voxter (
22:12.12[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: port the WORD, not a NUMBEr
22:12.15pepsehm, what do you mean by forwarded to?
22:12.20pepseoh ports
22:12.26pepse5060 and 10000-20000 udp
22:12.28[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: "insecure=port,invite" <- literally...
22:12.54pepsei can use softphone clients from the outside connecting into my local net ok
22:12.58[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Once you're done, pastebin SIP debug of your failed attempts
22:13.04JohnnyScarletI will correct the insecure thing TK, thank you. I just ran an NMAP of the server, only thing in the 5000 range is VNC
22:13.28[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: who are your running * as?
22:13.37pepseand what debug level should I use?
22:13.41*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
22:13.41pepseerr -and
22:13.48[TK]D-Fenderpepse: "sip debug" <---
22:13.52JohnnyScarletr00t :(
22:14.18[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: thats good.  pastebin your problems.
22:14.56edibraci'm getting a "fuzzy" quality when I hear people speak - the other side can hear this too
22:15.34edibracalso over the last 5 months we've been having 3-4 PRI red alarms that last a few seconds
22:15.57edibracer, 3-4 red alarms per month
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22:17.04pepse[TK]D-Fender: It says Retransmitting #5 (NAT) to <ip of proxy>:5060... but my register line clearly states 5070
22:17.33*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
22:17.45pepseanywhere else to specify the port to register on?
22:18.27[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Ok, I am tired of not seeing proper configs and debug information for your situation.  Perhaps someone else will assist you.
22:18.48[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive things
22:19.24pepse[TK]D-Fender: I'm just trying to read the stuff before I go pasting all my goddamn info onto public paste sites, jeez.
22:20.34pepsewould you want to paste all of your sip debug info for all the world to see?
22:20.35*** join/#asterisk Kate-o (n=vajda1ka@unaffiliated/kateo/x-334924)
22:20.37pepseI would guess not.
22:20.52[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Yes, I would, and have.
22:21.22[TK]D-Fenderpepse: I've asked for this repeatedly.
22:21.27pepseas if trying to troubleshoot this stuff wasn't bad enough.
22:21.47[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Try asking your mechanic whats wrong with your cal and not letting him start the engine.
22:22.10flohackHi! Can someone tell me why I do not get a correct call-time when using dynamic queue members (e.g. SIP/3901)?
22:22.12[TK]D-Fenderpepse: Either way maybe someone else can tell without actually seeing whats going on
22:22.17pepse[TK]D-Fender: um, should i pastebin my lastlog of our conversation for you? :)
22:22.18flohackThe call time is always set to 0 and I get an AgentComplete event as soon as my queue member picks up the call.
22:22.38pepse[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to let you know what's going on, can you give me a second?
22:23.23[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Have you checked that maybe the agent is indeed hanging up on yrou caller.  I had one guy doing that for moths... was a bitch to track to human error
22:23.37pepseit's silly to pretend like you want to help and at the same time be so stand-offish
22:23.57JohnnyScarlet[TK}D-Fender here is my pastebin these are the warnings I get
22:23.57flohack[TK]D-Fender: He is not, I'm testing the system and I impersonate the agent :-)
22:24.12[TK]D-Fenderflohack: We still can't be sure if he wasn't dodging his job or just trigger happy on the headset button to pickup/hangiup back to back
22:24.29stintelhehe. reminds me of my 1st line days :P
22:24.43pepse[TK]D-Fender: I would also like to read it all so that next time I wouldn't need to ask anyone for help, and understand the problem myself
22:24.48*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:25.48pepseit's weird that the first time it does say "reliably transmitting nat" to the ip on 5070, but then later doesn't. I guess that's just a fallback feature or something.
22:26.23flohack[TK]D-Fender: I'm calling the queue from my mobile, click the pickup button on my softphone. As soon as I pick up the call I get an AgentComplete event on my AMi connection. The queue log is filled with the appropriate event (completecaller) and a call time of 0, the hold time is fine though
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22:26.57[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Ok, thats AMI, whats the queue dump say about the agent and call?
22:27.11flohack[TK]D-Fender: Give me a second
22:28.02pepseit does say Contact: <sip:s@myexternalip>..
22:28.05flohack[TK]D-Fender: The agent is marked Busy and channels are like this:
22:28.07flohackSIP/3903-083a2878    (None)               Up      Bridged Call(Zap/19-1)
22:28.07flohackZap/19-1             1002@default:1       Up      Dial(local/9002)
22:28.59[TK]D-Fenderflowpastebin it, and thats a queue dump I asked for, not a channel dump
22:29.11pepsemy callid has my external ip as well
22:29.35pepsefrom line, contact line, everything.
22:29.36JohnnyScarlet[TK}D-Fender any idea how I screwed up TK?
22:30.16pepsei suppose you wouldn't want to give me a clue on what to look for, beyond just "show me all your stuff"
22:31.17[TK]D-FenderJohnnyScarlet: Looks like a conflict with USERS.CONF.
22:31.34JohnnyScarletahhh ok i will tend to that right away TK, thank you
22:32.00[TK]D-Fenderpepse: I have no intention on flying blind.
22:32.17flohack[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, here is the pastebin:
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22:33.31flohack[TK]D-Fender: Hope you meant 'queue show QUEUE' with 'queue dump'
22:33.36[TK]D-Fenderflohack: ok, so they got the call.
22:33.41*** join/#asterisk KingOfDos (
22:34.06flohack[TK]D-Fender: Yes, I took the call myself and can hear me speaking from my mobile
22:34.06[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Looks pretty normal.. maybe its an AMI bug...
22:34.25JohnnyScarletHEY! there isn't a setting up USERS section in the table of contents
22:35.09JohnnyScarletI call shenanigans on this book!
22:35.45[TK]D-FenderHey, there was a chapter on motor-derby driving with my Prius manual!
22:35.53[TK]D-Fendergoes and crashes his car
22:35.58flohack[TK]D-Fender: I'm not concerned with the AMi message, the problem is that the queue log is wrong. The AMi message is sent right after writing to the queue log as it is evident from app_queue.c. I suspect that asterisk bridges the call to the SIP device and terminates the channel which executed Queue() and therefore thinks that the call is complete.
22:36.43[TK]D-Fenderflohack: I DO hav a suspicion about your use of chained Local channels on this.  Call them with "/n" on the end so the don't "rebod" on answer
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22:37.53flohack[TK]D-Fender: But the queue dials the SIP device directly, I cannot pass anything.
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22:38.31[TK]D-Fenderflohack: -- Executing [9002@default:1] Answer("Local/9002@default-b6a7,2", "") in new stack
22:38.45[TK]D-Fenderflohack: LOCAL...
22:38.54[TK]D-Fenderflohack: change up that dial like I suggested
22:39.04[TK]D-FenderfloIn your AGI
22:39.19flohack[TK]D-Fender: Ok you mean I should call the queue with /n appended
22:40.17[TK]D-Fenderflohack: When you sue the local channel to GET to the queue.
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22:45.45flohack[TK]D-Fender: I'm really sorry, but I'm still unsure what to do. I  do a Dial(Local/9002) from my agi script. If I understood you correctly, I should to a Dial(Local/9002/n)? I just could not find anything about appending /n in the docs. Just the n option to dial, which seems to be something else.
22:46.09[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Yes
22:46.41flohack[TK]D-Fender: Or would a goto be better that a dial?
22:47.05[TK]D-Fenderflohack: That too unless you need to come back to the AGI
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22:47.21JohnnyScarletugh, i'm about to give up
22:48.09JohnnyScarletno change, not to mention after this is runnign smooth, I still have to figure out hwo to properly configure this frickin' aastra phone(which obviously wouldn't be covered by the book)
22:49.22StephenF[W]Do you guys normally start your extensions with a higher number like 8 or 9 to avoid overlapping with IVRs?
22:49.48neobsdsorry how i can do a trunk between asterisk-gui and trixbox  ?
22:52.29flohack[TK]D-Fender: Thanks! I'll give it a try
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22:53.41JohnnyScarletthanks for tryign to assist [TK]D-Fender but i'm obviously out of my league here, too much to cram in my skull with all my other responsibilities. I jsut simply don't udnerstand all the jargon and protocols
22:53.50flohack[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I'm pretty sure that solves it, as calling the queue directly works as expected. Thanks a lot!
22:54.00JohnnyScarletgoodnight all
22:56.15flohack[TK]D-Fender: BTW, could you please point me to the docs explaining /n, I just can't find anything.
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22:57.00[TK]D-Fenderflohack: When a locl channel is answered without it, it tries to rebridge and that can lose one of the call-id's
22:57.17[TK]D-Fenderflohack: So while the call isn't lost, the remapping FUBAR's logs, etc
22:59.21StephenF[W]whats the deal with using exten = blahblah and exten => blahblah
22:59.26StephenF[W]which one is best practice?
22:59.38[TK]D-FenderStephenF[W]: No functional difference
22:59.43flohack[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I see. That would then be a specific feature of chan_local.c ?
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23:02.56jjghas anyone tried using the Qt Extended voip application that integrates the iaxclient library?
23:03.05[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Not sure exactly where that is spread out
23:03.40flohack[TK]D-Fender: Ok I found the docs on it: doc/localchannel.txt
23:05.50[TK]D-Fenderflohack: Almost looks like big print ;)
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23:07.13lmadsenOT: I have a friend who is selling a Polycom IP501, located in Georgetown, ON, Canada. Let me know if interested.
23:10.16[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I've got one for sale here :)
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23:14.32flohack[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your help, gotta get some sleep. See you
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23:17.38pepseguh. crappy day is almost over.
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23:36.56jameswfOT: froen snickers are the greatest thing in the worls
23:37.14jameswf*frozen *world
23:38.03unpaidbillwhat about naked chicks
23:38.13unpaidbillor naked chicks with computers
23:38.28unpaidbillor just some computers
23:39.58jameswfI am a geek and I find myself annoying, if i dated a geek chick I would probably wanna punch her in the face, I prefer my women to be non techie
23:40.33unpaidbilli prefer my women to be dead but not yet cold
23:40.53jameswfI like my women like my coffee
23:40.55unpaidbilllike a realdoll heated in a shower for a few weeks
23:40.57jameswfcold and bitter
23:41.07unpaidbilli thought you were going to say black and hot
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23:55.54Kattyrussellb: ohai
23:56.34jameswfping Qwell
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23:57.12StephenF[W]how do you guys prevent having to wait for timeout for overlapping extensions? For example I have a main IVR that all incoming calls are sent to, it has press 1 for this, press 2 for this, etc. and the option to dial an extension at any time. Our extensions are 2XX so selecting menu option 2 takes 5 secs to timeout...
23:57.42StephenF[W]I've thought of moving our extension to 8XX and never using option 8 in the menu, or making another menu item like press 3 to dial an extension...
23:57.47StephenF[W]any other cool ideas?

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