IRC log for #asterisk on 20081024

00:01.39encodesomebody lied
00:01.44encodeclearly < is &lt;
00:02.01C4coloonly if it is html encoded text
00:02.20Kattywwhy didn't i name my dog Wicket?
00:02.24Kattythat would have been just as cute.
00:02.38encode~lart tzafrir_laptop
00:02.38jbotblasts tzafrir_laptop with a huge firehose then strangles tzafrir_laptop with it
00:02.49encodeoh, it does different things. groovy
00:03.14encodewell, thanks for your assistance Katty
00:04.26encodeif i hang out and be quiet, will X-Rob and Qwell quit punching me?
00:04.44Qwellencode: maybe
00:05.32X-Robencode: Maybe not.
00:05.37*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:05.41X-RobYou'll have to wait and see.
00:06.44encodeprops up a picture of himself in front of the computer and walks away
00:09.18Kattyi really need to clean my house
00:09.58seanbrightyou can do mine next
00:10.19seanbrightleave the dead hookers in the closet though, please. kthx.
00:11.07unpaidbillpolice notified
00:11.36X-Robthe police don't need any more dead hookers. Theyv'e got piles of their own.
00:11.47*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
00:13.00orkidy do ppl kill hookers. wtf
00:13.05Kattycan asterisk fax?
00:13.11Kattynot incoming
00:13.28orkidy do ppl kill hookers. wtf
00:14.19C4colostop playing GTA and get back to work orkid
00:14.41Kattyhmm. nevermind.
00:14.44Kattyi don't want to fax
00:15.12C4cologood choice
00:15.13seanbrightorkid: it's cheaper.
00:15.28C4colofaxing is antiquated and pointless
00:15.40C4coloit has been superceeded by newer protocols
00:15.42X-Robstokes the boilers in his fax machine
00:15.56Kattyi need something new
00:16.00Kattyasterisk is getting boring
00:16.29jayteeI had fax working but then the wind died down and the sails are just hanging loose on their masts
00:16.46X-RobKatty - Self Mutilation? That's always worth a laugh.
00:17.03C4coloonly when it happens to other people
00:17.27C4colobut you don't get the endorphin rush from it
00:17.40X-RobOh, I dunno. You'd be amazed at how hard you can laugh.
00:17.43C4coloI prefer spicy food for a good old-fashioned endorphin high
00:17.52C4cologood point
00:17.58Kattyis there any fun new call management software like isymphony or fop
00:18.15C4coloI just use the CLI
00:18.33C4coloit is more exciting, with 50 simultanious calls it's like a game
00:18.35*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:18.36Kattyi shall have to check that out
00:18.45X-Robwell there you go. anthm isn't dead.
00:22.02Kattyoooh, an outlook dialing manager thingy
00:23.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:27.52Kattyyou know what sounds good? a bubble bath.
00:32.31*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
00:33.18*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
00:35.19kerxHi everyone, if I'm doing a call transfer from an Asterisk system using a SIP broker, is there a way to send the party to a PSTN phone number eliminating the need for the asterisk system?
00:44.08*** join/#asterisk ganeshix (
00:44.58*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:45.46riddleboxwhats the best way to do a timeout in a auto attendant?
00:46.45riddleboxjaytee, if I do that can a user press a key while it is waiting?
00:47.41jayteeriddlebox, perhaps if you explained in more detail what it is you're trying to accomplish it would be easier to advise the best course of action.
00:49.27riddleboxjaytee I want to have a user call in, have a background play, and if they dont press anything after 6-10 seconds, go to a general mailbox
00:50.47jayteeriddlebox, hang on a sec
00:52.02riddleboxjaytee, exten = s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=5)
00:52.02riddleboxexten = s,4,Goto(default|201|1)
00:52.02riddleboxexten = s,5,Hangup
00:52.06X-Robthe 't' exten gets triggered after a timeout
00:52.20X-Robexten = t,1,Goto(atimeout,s,1)
00:52.34kerxYou guys are good & fast
00:52.43jayteeriddlebox, look in the book on page 375 for a description of Background()
00:53.16kerxWhat is the best way to transfer an outbound caller to another PSTN Phone# through asterisk?
00:53.39Kattyso, i had this fantastically devious idea mid-bubblebath.
00:54.09Kattyi'm going to setup an extension to play a recording of the typical sex hotline IVR attendant
00:54.21Kattymaybe even make a pretend ivr for it.
00:54.35Kattyand make sure that in there, is something about being billed some absurd ammount of money per minute
00:54.49Kattyand every time a telemarketer calls, i'm going to have the receiptionist send them there.
00:55.33Kattymaybe find an audio snippet off youtube
00:55.45Kattywith real bowchicabowow music in the background.
00:56.18kerxgood idea
00:56.41jayteeriddlebox, and you'd probably want to use WaitExten() as the next priority to wait for digits. The Background() app can play the menu choices and the WaitExten() will take the user input and then try to find a matching extension within the current context.
00:56.49Kattymaybe use a real sex website to reference so it seems even more real
00:57.17Kattyhere we go. one stop phone sex shop
00:57.26kerxjaytee, do you know the issue i'm having?
00:58.06Kattythank you for calling the one stop phone sex shop. we offer low rates, mutiple billion options, and online indicators that tell you when your favorite /insert horrible world/ is available.
00:58.11hardwireits techno time
00:58.25*** join/#asterisk d3wayne (n=dwayne@
00:58.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o d3wayne] by ChanServ
00:58.39jayteeoh! the transfer thingy? good luck with that. You'd need a SIP Refer and getting that to work with authentication with your ITSP is gonna be a "fun time"
00:58.56Kattywe offer many special discounts for our callers, 2 girl calls are also available... you know somethin real stupid but believable
00:59.26kerxand you guys have heck a lot of humour going on :)
00:59.50Kattyif you're going to have a phone system that can make the cdrom eject everytime someone calls
00:59.54Kattyyou might as well have fun with it
01:00.11jayteewithout a sense of humor most Asterisk hacks would have committed suicide by now, especially when you consider all the marvelous documentation at our disposal.
01:00.12kerxheck yea
01:00.40kerxso i need to have the asterisk server send a SIP Refer, then the caller will directly transfer to the PSTN # i send it to?
01:00.49kerxwhat kind of function in asterisk is this?  I assume it's not  Dial()
01:01.27*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d06a32bbfda3caaf)
01:02.10jayteekerx, it's way over my head so I can't help ya with it.
01:02.47jayteeI only understand 2 Asterisk commands, Dial() and Hangup(). The rest are a mystery.
01:04.05Kattydo what now?
01:04.23Kattywhat function, kerx?
01:04.36kerxKatty, well i'm currently doing the following:
01:04.47kerxI take an outbound call that was made through Asterisk to a regular phone #
01:04.54jayteewow, I'm watchin 2001: A Space Odyssey and I'd forgotten how much has changed. They just referred to the temperature of a hibernating human as 3 degrees centigrade.
01:05.01kerxand I want to transfer that caller to another phone number that is a regular phone #
01:05.04kerxI use  Dial()
01:05.15kerxWhen I do this, it initiates another SIP connection, and does the entire thing via the * system
01:05.21kerxThis causes double billing :-(
01:05.32kerxAnd more load on the asterisk system that is necessary
01:05.37Kattyi'm not sure i get it
01:05.44Kattydon't give me commands, pretend you're doing it
01:05.48Kattyyou pick up the phone and dial...
01:06.07Kattyyou dial one thing, and you want the server to dial something different?
01:06.12kerx* dials using SIP service provider to 818-555-1212
01:06.39kerxPerson at 818-555-1212 want's to speak to another person than she/he is currently speaking to
01:06.57kerx* transfer's the caller at 818-555-1212 out to 818-555-1313
01:07.02kerxright now, I use the  Dial() function
01:07.03*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
01:07.09Kattythat's their DIDs
01:07.15Kattywhat's their extension?
01:07.29kerxThey don't have extension's, it's just a regular PSTN number's
01:07.36kerxthe 818-555-1212 is a Customer
01:07.47Kattyso two different servers?
01:07.49kerxthe 818-555-1313 is a T1 Support Center
01:08.03C4coloI'm calling your customer right now to see if they want to switch providers =)
01:08.04kerxThe * server is the Call Verifier that makes the initial outbound call to the customer
01:08.23Kattydoes the same asterisk server host both DIDs?
01:08.38Kattyor are there two * servers involved?
01:08.48kerxNope, * server only makes the initial outbound call
01:08.59kerxThe other two are both PSTN
01:09.07Kattygood luck with that
01:09.15kerxHehe, yep!!!!! :)
01:09.17jayteeKatty, exactly what I said
01:09.25Kattynow if it was IP
01:09.27*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:09.27kerxIs it even possible w/ Analog phone's ?
01:09.43jayteeZap has a transfer function
01:09.45Kattywith an IP phone you could do some fun stuff
01:09.57kerxKatty, Yep, I'm going to have to bring in the IP layer, the problem is
01:10.02kerxThe office only has DSL :-(
01:10.07Kattythat's not a big deal
01:10.14Kattyyou can get sip trunks functional on DSL
01:10.15kerxI don't think I can setup for this customer 20 live agents taking calls through a DSL connection
01:10.35kerx20 live calls w/ DSL @ 300-500kbps
01:10.40jayteeand internally you could use a SIP Refer header but trying to do that through an ITSP over a SIP trunk is going to be a major FAIL
01:10.45Kattyyou'd need more like a 2x2
01:10.54kerx2mbps makes more sense
01:11.04Kattycould try upgrading
01:11.14kerxThey want to keep there T1, because they don't want to start experiencing jitter, and all the network problems that can begin happening
01:11.20*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:11.28*** part/#asterisk ganeshix (
01:11.29kerxI wouldn't have enough experience to tell them, don't worry about it!
01:11.52*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:11.59kerxWould they start experiencing drop calls, jitter, echo, etc.. etc.. w/ something like  20 agents  on a 2x2 to a nice dedicated server w/ not too many hops?
01:12.05Kattyanyway, analog phones are old and dumb
01:12.18Kattyuse 1 machine as host server
01:12.18kerxYea, but somebody told me at a provider, they currently can do that w/ Analog phones
01:12.22kerxBlind transfer somebody
01:12.25Kattythen open up firewall ports and connect all offices remotely
01:12.48kerxFor example, you call the operator
01:12.52Kattythat way no matter where you are, you just dial their extension, and POOF there they are
01:12.55kerxYou tell her to transfer you somewhere
01:13.00kerxShe transfer's you, then she leaves.
01:13.05Kattyyep, that's blind
01:13.12kerxBlind transfer doesn't work with * ?
01:13.16Kattyyes it does
01:13.23Kattyattended transfer also works
01:13.39kerxIt needs IP or can it blind transfer to another PSTN #?
01:13.56Kattyyou can take an incoming call
01:13.57kerxSo, wouldn't that be my solution?
01:14.00Kattyand blind transfer it out to a cellphone
01:14.04Kattybut it will still hold two lines open
01:14.18Kattychannel 1 incoming, channel 2 outgoing, pipe audio through server
01:14.27kerxWhat about :
01:14.31Kattydrops both channels when call is over
01:14.38kerxChannel 1 Outgoing -> PSTN
01:14.47kerxChannel 1 Transfers the call to -> another PSTN
01:14.47Kattyso, someone calls out.
01:14.48*** join/#asterisk kisu (
01:15.00kerx* server calls to 818-555-1212
01:15.05kerx* server transfers call to 818-555-1313
01:15.09kerxthat's what happens :)
01:15.22Kattythat doesn't make sense to me.
01:15.36kerxI use my asterisk server to call Ms. Katty
01:15.39Kattya sip phone dials out a channel to where?
01:15.46Kattyokay so SIP -> Asterisk -> Telco?
01:15.47kerxI transfer Ms. Katty to my friend Joe Blow ;P
01:16.08kerxI want the initial call my asterisk server made to u, to go away, and now u are connected to Mr. Jow Blow ;P
01:16.20Kattywon't happen
01:16.29kerxdouble billing it seems :-(
01:16.35kerxDoes analog do it?
01:16.43Kattyyour server is the gateway
01:16.56Kattycalls don't just magically disappear unless they are hungup on
01:17.03kerxWell, how does for example the Operator at AT&T transfer me to Business#1, and then she hangs up and I stay connected?
01:17.12jayteeok, simple explanation! when he does this he's initiating the transfer IN ASTERISK internally. Asterisk maintains both the current connection and then bridges the call internally. He wants to transfer so that Asterisk and his 2 SIP trunks are no longer being used. This kind of transfer requires a SIP Refer to the first called party so that it initiates the call to the other party.
01:17.12RypPnits called route optimisation
01:17.17Kattyjust because she hangs up doesn't mean the channel hangs up
01:17.48*** join/#asterisk chaozer (
01:18.07kerxjaytee, Correct on the dot, it sounds like based on your explanation that it IS POSSIBLE
01:18.31Kattyneat. what's a SIP refer?
01:18.39kerxI donno
01:18.49chaozerAnyone present that uses the SIP realtime ifc in asterisk ?
01:18.49jayteekerx, it is possible in many internal scenarios, the problem comes in with authentication to your ITSP and most of them will block the SIP Refer.
01:18.55hardwiredie now
01:19.11kerxjaytee, So for example.... to understand clearly
01:19.24Kattyhardwire: yes, i'm feeeling the same.
01:19.27kerxI use CompanyA and I get a SIP Trunk from them, that allows outbound calls
01:19.34kerxI use CompanyA to make those outbound calls
01:19.55jayteeKatty, I have Exchange 2007 UM setup at work. When I call my Exchange server and tell it to call a number in my Contacts or in the Directory it issues a SIP Refer request to my SIP phone. My SIP phone rings and I pick it up and it then dials the other party.
01:19.55kerxCompanyA needs to allow SIP Refer requests so that they can tell the outbound caller to connect to the other line directly ?
01:20.04jeev lol she got like an 800 combined on SAT's
01:20.53kerxjaytee, was I correct on the above statement?
01:22.44jayteekerx, yes and you need to find out how to make Asterisk issue a SIP Refer. It would involve using the SipAddHeader() application but I haven't been able to find any documentation on using that other than for Diversion or Notify requests.
01:23.29kerxNow I want to make sure you don't just mean parties who make the call can be transferred
01:23.47kerxIn my case I'm trying to figure out how to take a person who we initiated a call w/ and transfer that party to another PSTN#
01:23.53[TK]D-Fenderkerx: first I seruosly doubt your provider will let you hand off 2 calls that go though them and free up your account for more incoming calls.
01:24.24[TK]D-Fenderkerx: Second you'd be looking at "core show application transfer"
01:24.30jayteeI've been meaning to use wireshark to capture SIP requests to my phone while making a Click to Call or similar that uses SIP Refer to study the packet header info and try to figure out the correct syntax and header structure from that.
01:24.39[TK]D-Fenderkerx: usually the only option is for * to remain in the middle
01:25.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You're thinking too hard... "transfer"
01:25.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender, won't that still keep * in the middle?
01:25.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No
01:26.06jayteelocally no, but if he does it with his ITSP?
01:26.27kerxAs far as I what saw Gafachi is the provider I'm using, and in the ALLOW: on the SIP header's it stated REFER
01:26.39kerxSo it might be allowed
01:26.44kerxI just have to figure out how to make it happen :)
01:26.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: If both legs are SIP calls, they'll re-invte.  Then if both legs are also with the same provider, it should recognize that and try to treat it like a 2BCT
01:27.02*** join/#asterisk nikko (
01:27.08[TK]D-Fenderkerx: I HIGHLY doubt any vendor you'll find will support this
01:27.39[TK]D-Fendertelcos often allow 2BCT over PRI
01:31.29jayteeok, we're getting to the good part. HAL isn't going to open the pod bay doors. :-)
01:31.29*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
01:32.23kerxwhat is 2BCT?
01:33.12[TK]D-Fenderkerx: 2 B-Channel Transfer
01:33.48[TK]D-Fenderkerx: When you want to pass off 2 channels from a provider and have the telco reconnect them outside of your link to them
01:34.02jayteeso you can free up your B channels for other calls
01:36.24jayteeand of course if you ask your ITSP for something similar they'd say "Sure! No problem....and would you like pie with that?"
01:36.48kerxi'm sure there has to be a SIP provider that allows this
01:36.56kerxi'm going to test it, i'll let y'all know how it works out
01:37.04kerxWhat functions should I be looking at?
01:37.07kerxfor the REFER?
01:37.12jayteebe sure to write a how-to and post it on the WIKI
01:37.31kerxjaytee, lol, i promise you i will if i can get this figured out
01:37.36[TK]D-Fenderkerx: You seem to miss the poitn.  They want to make money off you.  Offering this service at no extra cost is extremely unlikely.
01:37.53[TK]D-Fenderkerx: and I TOLD you the function for this.  Pay attention
01:37.56kerx[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I understand that. I'm going to be blind at that for now, until I see it fail
01:38.07kerx[TK]D-Fender, I'm sorry, let me read up in our chat logs
01:38.22kerx'core show application transfer'
01:38.30[TK]D-Fenderwonders why he bothers. You can't even just hand out the answer any more...
01:38.34kerxThat looks like a rasterisk console statement?
01:38.59kerxNot sure what you mean by "You can't even just hand out the answer any more..."
01:39.48[TK]D-Fendernow wonders why they also can't get sarcasm about all the other things they don't get.... then again at least that shows symmetry.
01:40.32*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
01:40.42jayteeis reminded of the title of a Rod Stewart album, "A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse"
01:47.22murdock_utCome on my little atom processor.....compile
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01:59.47chaozerhmm .. Im getting the following in my log whe trying to login via SIP:
01:59.53chaozer[Oct 24 03:47:08] DEBUG[1762] db.c: Unable to find key 'adamw' in family 'SIP/Registry'
02:00.45*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
02:00.47chaozeranyone got any idea ? ;)
02:02.50*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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02:04.18chaozeroh well.. this sucks :)
02:10.42theharanyone around? *whistle*
02:11.06jayteenope, no one's here
02:11.12thehartrying to find a script to do some call load generation testing
02:11.14theharover pri
02:11.51drmessanoWTF is a "rasterisk"
02:11.59drmessano[21:38] <kerx> That looks like a rasterisk console statement?
02:12.03drmessanoHe's used that TWICE
02:12.10jayteedrmessano, I was wondering that myself
02:12.17kerxrasterisk = asterisk -r
02:12.29drmessanoHow does that even make sense?
02:12.33kerxyeah, i might have sounded really stupid tonight
02:12.36LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: I think that's Astro from the Jetsons' way of calling Asterisk
02:12.37kerxhope you guys get a kick out of it
02:12.51drmessanovasterisk is asterisk -v?
02:12.58jayteeoh, so now we're making up new words? how about wonklybeeble? sounds like a good one to me.
02:14.05drmessanojaytee: I just ran coresterisk sipshow magoodle, and I don't see my wonklybeetle.. Shall I binpaste my figcondoodle?
02:14.26drmessanoCorrect answer: Meep Meep
02:14.49jayteesure! why the frigtrixbox not?
02:14.59kerxhey didn't the author create the word  DUNDI
02:15.03kerxget a kick out of that
02:15.16kerxc'mon laugh out loud friend's
02:15.29kerxeven start rolling on the floor maybe
02:15.36jayteewhich author? Hemingway? J.D. Salinger?
02:15.45kerxyeah, exactly that one
02:15.46kerxu got it :)
02:15.57kerxkicks and starts dancing to the macarena
02:16.21LiNeTuX_Homeonly laughs when the nice people in the box laugh
02:16.43jayteeI have never and will never under no circumstances whatsoever dance the macarena.
02:16.59drmessanoI only laugh when Jesus tells me to.. and right now, he's telling me angry things.  Lots and lots of angry things/
02:17.27LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: don't forget the tear gas
02:18.02jayteedrmessano, does he listen if you talk back? if he does, tell him I said, "The Powerball number were wrong, biatch!"
02:18.39drmessanojaytee: You made him angrier.  When he finishes his jello sandwich, he said you will perish.
02:18.43lanninghas to go talk to the king of the potato people...
02:19.05LiNeTuX_HomeHurrah!  The yellow light has come to save us!
02:19.42jayteedrmessano, tell him I called him an incompetent diety and a lousy absentee landlord and then challenged him with "Bring it on!"
02:20.14drmessanoI like candles and things that are burny.  I can feel their hate.  I like feeling the hate, and hearing the screams.
02:20.17LiNeTuX_Homesmells smoldering wood
02:20.17jayteemight as well worship the damn Claw machine in the supermarket for all the good it'll do.
02:20.28*** join/#asterisk srf21c (
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02:21.05drmessanoOh heh, sorry.. back to talking about Asterisk.. I need to finish this hole I am making in my leg to get the steam out.
02:21.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Watched Toy Story a few too many times?
02:22.10jayteejust once, maybe twice
02:22.34[TK]D-FenderThe Claw has chosen!
02:22.41jayteebut the only real talent I've discovered I have is actually winning at one of those claw machines.
02:22.42*** join/#asterisk lolipops (
02:22.47LiNeTuX_Homei think i can re-enact the entire movie now
02:23.09jayteeso I ended up in a lousy paying job with little money and a closet full of stuffed toys.
02:23.23lolipopsi have a problem with asterisk 1.4.22 w/ imap voicemail. when using VoiceMailMain, if the call is terminated before a valid user is specified, asterisk crashes.
02:23.24drmessanoOh admit it.. Jaytee likes to watch Toy Story on the DVD player in his chevy van with melted milk duds in his pocket and a warm bottle of cheerwine.
02:23.53jayteeI have a good friend who can recite verbatim the entire script of Alice's Restaurant
02:23.53LiNeTuX_Homecheerwine?  is that worse than MD 20/20?
02:24.11drmessano_not parked outside of a elementary school either_
02:24.28drmessanoDreaming about having a ferris wheel on his front lawn...
02:25.19jayteeI'm pretty good with The Further Adventures of Nick Danger by Firesign Theatre
02:26.44drmessanoMy father used to make us listen to "Dont crush that Dwarf, hand me the pliers" somewhat endlessly
02:28.15jaytee"Why, that's nothing but a two bit ring from a Crackerback Jox!" "I'll sell it to you for five thousand dollars?" "Five thousand! What kind of a fool do you take me for?" "First class!"
02:28.56LiNeTuX_Homemmmm.  Raffi.
02:30.53*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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02:42.15chaozerbeats his head against the wall.
02:42.32chaozerim going to loose it.
02:42.43jayteethe other wall is softer
02:43.54hescomight there be a clean-samples target in the 1.6.01 Makefile?  My cdr_pgsql was working until I ran make samples multiple times.  Somehow I've got to clean out this mess and start over.
02:49.23*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
02:50.50chaozerths so weird.
02:51.17chaozeri can do 'realtime load sipusers name adamw' in the CLI and it works just fine
02:51.59chaozerbut registering doesnt work ...
02:53.11*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
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03:48.17slingris there a way to set asterisk realm in sip.conf for a specified trunk?
03:49.51hescowhat does this mean? res_musiconhold.c:515 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!, a Notice thrown to the console.
03:52.56*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
04:01.34*** join/#asterisk kerx (
04:01.40kerxHey y'all I'm back after cooling myself down
04:01.58kerxSorry for what happened earlier today in the channel, both the ignorant conversation, and the stuff I pulled afterwords
04:02.00kerxMy bad!
04:02.17kerxI anyways tried the REFER, and would like to share w/ you my experience :)
04:02.27kerxAnyone around to see the logs :) ?
04:04.16*** join/#asterisk Gopher_77 (
04:12.58hescowill a make clean remove anything from /etc/asterisk ???
04:14.30hescohiding out are we?
04:14.58*** part/#asterisk kerx (
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04:15.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
04:15.47hescokerx: is there a question you have about those logs?
04:17.20kerxhesco, It looks like the provider s telling me to go away or something
04:17.26kerxI'm not sure what it is exactly though
04:18.00kerxwhat do u think?
04:19.18[TK]D-Fenderkerx: what do you mean "what it is"?
04:20.21kerxOh, :)  well it looks like what you mentioned earlier is correct
04:20.30[TK]D-FenderImagine that...
04:20.43kerxThey gave me a SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
04:20.52kerxI just wanted to be 100% sure that, that is the case
04:21.02kerxI used the  Transfer() method, and the dialplan is exactly:
04:21.03[TK]D-Fenderkerx: 405 is SIP for GTFO :)
04:21.33kerxexten => 1,1,Transfer(SIP/gafachi/18183453045)
04:21.43kerxso I wanted to call that PSTN# using that SIP
04:21.54kerxAnyways, yeah, you were 100% right
04:22.08kerxBut I'm weirded out how other people provide those features
04:22.41kerxI noticed this:
04:22.59[TK]D-Fenderkerx: And I want a million dollars.  You just don't see ITSP's lining up to make ME happy either.
04:23.25kerx[TK]D-Fender, It's a patch for doing exactly what you mentioned 2BCT
04:23.28[TK]D-Fenderkerx: They are there to make MONEY off you.  Letting you hand off calls and pass to 3rd parties, etc isn't in their fiscal interest
04:23.29*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
04:23.49kerxoh roger that, but you know... there's always ways :)
04:23.55kerxif u push hard enough
04:24.08kerx"Two-B-channel transfer with Zap; note that 2BCT service just exists for Lucent 5ESS switches, then a regular Dial() on the same PRI span should invoke 2BCT; "transfer" keyword in zapata.conf enables/disables 2BCT on channels "
04:24.11kerxThat's a quote from the patch
04:24.17[TK]D-Fenderkerx: Sure... find someone willing to take enough money from you to do it.  But  then again that money could have bought better ways.
04:24.34kerxWhat are those "better ways" ? :P
04:25.09[TK]D-Fenderkerx: The patient is dead, put the defibrillator down there's a coal mine cashing in with every jolt...
04:25.42[TK]D-Fenderkerx: pay for mor channels, let them sit in Dial like the rest of us <-
04:26.24kerxwell the customer right now i'm trying to get is currently using analog system that doesn't charge for the (double billed) minutes
04:26.34kerxthey are doing call transfer's w/ some technology, not sure what exactly...
04:26.55kerxonly way to help the customer is to be able to do this for them, otherwise they won't even consider my services for voip
04:26.57kerxso ....
04:26.58*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
04:27.01kerx<- loses customer :P
04:27.12kerxsad, but i guess it has to happen
04:27.57[TK]D-Fenderkerx: So maybe, just MAYBE you don't have a leg to stand on or a viable business model.  That's what we call CAPITALISM :)
04:28.16[TK]D-Fenderkerx: BTW, that'll be 50$ for this introductory business course ;)
04:28.32kerxlol, send me the course objective and i will consider :P
04:30.33[TK]D-Fenderruns around in circles
04:31.36lolipops[TK]D-Fender, any application to  check if a voicemail inbox exists?
04:33.44[TK]D-Fenderlolipops: "core show function MAILBOX_EXISTS"
04:39.40jbotrumour has it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
04:39.42jbot[101] Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
04:41.55jboti guess 102 is #asterisk
04:44.05jbotCould not find 404. Maybe you misspelled it?
04:44.32jameswf-home~404 is <reply>ERROR 404 answer not found
04:44.33jbot...but 404 is already something else...
04:48.02jbotERROR: 404 answer not found
04:48.35[TK]D-Fenderpets jbot
04:51.00*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:51.25carrar[TK]D-Fender, know of a easy eas way to delete a sip header?
04:52.24[TK]D-Fendercarrar: ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
04:52.36carrarwhile in a dialplan
04:52.40[TK]D-Fendercarrar: translation : No
04:53.09carrarneed a SIPDelHeader
04:53.13[TK]D-Fendercarrar: * isn't a proxy and its almot miraculous that it even lets you look at them let alone add to them
05:07.03jbotGpllaw wears tights and a cape and enforces the GPL and trolls violators to their core
05:13.21*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
05:16.14denonso .. BSA, without a budget
05:19.57*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:20.12Gopher_77can someone help me set up alsa drivers?
05:20.46Gopher_77I have a Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
05:21.16Gopher_77amixer shows Phone and Line
05:21.20*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
05:21.41drmessanoDamn, I am so dumb
05:21.46drmessanoI just killed a PAP2
05:22.35[TK]D-Fender*yawn*  back later...
05:25.12jameswf-homedrmessano: you connected it to vonnage?
05:31.05drmessanoI upgraded the FW to 3.1.22, then factory reset it, just to see if it would revert back to Vonage settings
05:31.12drmessanoIt did, and it pulled down the XML
05:31.30drmessanoI am able to factory reset it
05:31.39drmessanoBut I think the upgrade rule is gonna screw me
05:31.51drmessanoWell, wait
05:32.28drmessanoIf I can factory reset it, I still own it
05:33.07drmessanoits not seeing my TFTPd tho
05:35.41*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:35.47WimpManIs that M$s new secutity strategy?
05:37.05jameswf-homeit was in a email from one of the "security and penetration" folks on a linux list
05:43.38*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
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05:54.35orkidi have now setup the 3102 with asterisk. i'm trying to get a 'testfeature' application map to work. when i call extension 123, i  set ____DYNAMIC_FEATURES=testfeature, dial sip/2000 (the phone on the fxs port of the 3102). so i call 123 from the softphone, and try #9 (should activate testfeature), but it the dtmf characters just go through to the other phone... i try both from the softphone and the phone on the fxs of the 3102, and the tones go through
05:54.42orkidwhat could it be ?
05:56.42orkidand btw, still hasn't gotten back to me. iirc they said theyd get back in 24 hours, on their contact page
05:58.14orkidhmm, magically, it works now
05:58.59*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
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06:14.13hescoOK, I just completed a make clean; make menuselect; make; make install and I'm still getting these cdr_pgsql errors: Reason: ERROR:  column "calldate" specified more than once
06:14.45jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
06:15.39hescofull set of errors at:
06:18.05hescoI tested those connection parameters by hand and I know they work.
06:32.31hescomore notes on the subject:
06:34.35*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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07:06.11orkidhmm, how the heck do i get asterisk to craft a sip packet to send a hookflash...
07:06.38orkidi only see sipaddheader(), and that adds a header to the first invite message sent
07:06.43orkidaccording to
07:08.46orkidor.. maybe sendDTMF and SIPDtmfMode
07:25.50*** join/#asterisk philipp64 (n=chatzill@
07:27.04orkidflashing sucks :P
07:32.14orkidchan_sip.c:3978 sip_indicate: Don't know how to indicate condition 9
07:39.47orkidis there any hope ?
07:40.02orkidseems like asterisk 'senses' the flash... 'which from reading online is condition 9
07:40.23yangcan register => string be used crypted together with md5secret= ?
07:40.24orkidor maybe not...
07:41.53orkidwhat am i even talking about... i set an applicationmap to SendDTMF on #9,
07:42.16orkidsince (Flash) gave me 'invalid characters' for l s h
07:42.50orkidso i figured F is the one I wanted.. so that worked fine and dandy, but now the warning of not knowing how to indicate condition 9
07:44.09orkidwhere is drmessano
07:50.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-7ae78b4ea84c574e)
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08:07.29phpboyHey all, I'm having a problem with Asterisk, at random on any type of call (IAX2, SIP or ZAP) the person you're calling will no longer transmit voice, can anyone think of a general reason why this would happen?
08:09.30orkidwild guess (not sarcastic): something to do with nat connection timeout?
08:12.16*** join/#asterisk ltd (
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08:13.25jbotmethinks book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
08:13.28phpboyorkid: it's on a local network
08:13.45*** join/#asterisk ltd (
08:14.17kippiI need to create flow diagrams of my asterisk config, how contexts link etc, has anyone done this before ? or has a good idea of how to do this?
08:14.49encodekippi: tried mspaint?
08:15.51kippineed to be able to take the asterisk configuration I have and then dump it into a application, something like doxgyen
08:19.15orkidhohoho wow
08:21.21*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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08:29.07aiksa[LV]perhaps anyone else has done something similar and can share their experince: i want to automatically asign status for a number if a number called was out of coverage.
08:29.18aiksa[LV]the connection to PSTN - over PRI
08:29.35aiksa[LV]now - the operators wont signal this by q931 messages
08:29.56aiksa[LV]and generaly give an early audio describing the status
08:30.39aiksa[LV]is there a possibility to match this early audio to a saved recording (with certain fault tolerance) and make an appropriate call routing decision?
08:31.17aiksa[LV]i meant difference threshold with "fault tolerance"?
08:31.38aiksa[LV]and all of this - w/o getting too dirty with the channel driver?
08:38.10*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
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08:50.54kaldemarkippi: make a script that makes a dot file based on your dialplan. then you can use graphviz to create the diagram.
08:52.13kippiwhere can I find information on how to make a dot file etc
08:52.24kaldemargoogle it.
08:54.03*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
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09:44.38*** join/#asterisk asim- (
09:44.57asim-hi, need some help
09:45.11asim-multiple people can login to sip accounts on my asterisk 1.6
09:45.16asim-how would i disable that?
09:51.41*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
09:51.49IsUp`afkwhat exactly you mean asim-?
09:52.08*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
09:52.54asim-i mean
09:53.01asim-more than one person can log into a single sip account
09:53.03asim-at the same time
09:53.15asim-imagine two people could be logged into the same msn account :|
09:53.37IsUphost=192.168.x.x -> only 192.168.x.x can connect to sip account
09:54.19asim-yea but what if ip's arent static
09:55.12kaldemarwith permit you can define a block.
09:55.23IsUpwell, i am not using SIP so much. maybe someone can help to you around here.
09:55.31kaldemarset up separate accounts.
09:55.43kaldemarchange the secret
09:56.00asim-there are seperate accounts. multiple sip accounts. but someone tested and noticed two people could login to the same account
09:56.11kaldemarwhy do you have more than one client using the same information?
09:56.17asim-we are testing
09:56.32asim-someone logged in on a laptop and desktop
09:56.37kaldemaruse secrets and don't give them out to everyone.
09:56.37asim-and saw that they were logged in on both
09:56.43kaldemaryou don't have a problem.
09:56.46asim-eh i do
09:56.53asim-i dont want to be logged in in two places
09:57.05kaldemarthen don't do it.
09:57.11asim-helpful thanks
09:57.22kaldemarand there is no such thing as a login, you're talking about registering.
10:03.51kaldemarthe whole idea of a dynamic host and registering is that you can move. hence registering from different addresses is possible. the calls will however go to only one place.
10:08.16*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
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10:45.22jblackOhhhh. futures trading limited this morning.
10:58.48ITguruIf wanrouter says connected, does that means my device works?
11:00.10IsUp^afkITguru, it means your link is OK
11:00.16*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
11:00.20IsUp^afki mean physical connection
11:00.28ITguruIsUp^afk, which is a good start... right!
11:00.28IsUp^afkcheck with: wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ta
11:00.36ITguruis in the middle of a baptism by fire
11:00.41IsUp^afkif theres any alarms or any strange thing in RX level
11:01.32ITguruNo alarms today!
11:01.43ITguruI just want to configure my damn lines
11:01.58IsUpso, you can :D
11:02.23ITguruIsUp, I'm trying here! But I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing!
11:02.34ITguruI've got FreePBX configured, and up and running
11:02.36IsUpokay, what you trying to do?
11:02.51ITguruI want to get my incoming calls working first
11:03.41IsUpusing PRI or what?
11:17.12*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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11:19.03ITgurusorry, I accidently rebooted the remote server, and not my laptop!
11:20.14IsUpwellcome back
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12:11.57marcus78Question! is it possible to call an agent that is in queue but is not in call
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12:17.40chaozermarcus78, yes
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12:35.11ITguruWhen I try to make outgoing calls, I get the message all circuits are busy now
12:38.55[TK]D-Fenderyup... don't get your answer in < 3 minutes, then just run away....
12:39.13*** join/#asterisk Dream_th (
12:39.14*** join/#asterisk dan01 (
12:40.33Dream_thwhat kind of information do i need from my provider so i could setup sip trunk
12:41.34dan01Hi, is anyone familiar with adding a SIP phone to Fonality (PBXtra), without paying them?  Even a pointer into the right direction (as to what files to edit, already tried sip.conf, but no luck), or an active fonality forum would be great.
12:42.18[TK]D-FenderDream_th: user, pass, host, allowed codecs.
12:42.42russellbdan01: not using it so that you don't have to worry about it?  :)
12:42.47russellbthat's my recommendation!
12:43.23[TK]D-Fenderdan01: You saying their GUI won't let you add another phone due to licensing limits?
12:43.24dan01Well I didn't pick the fonality solution, I would have gone plain asterisk myself, but alas, I am just a guy trying to make things work ;)  Company bought polycom soundpoint 320 phones.
12:43.34dan01If you want to add phones, you have to pay them.
12:43.45dan01They allow you to do it manually, but won't tell you how, as it isn't officially supported.
12:43.57[TK]D-Fenderdan01: Then you bought a dead end, so you'd best pick out a few more caskets....
12:44.33dan01I agree, I was asked to try to make this work, before they send the phones back (they ordered without consulting me)
12:45.20dan01The phone is talking to the PBX, I just keep getting the IVR system, no matter what extension I dial or if I try to dial out using 9.  profile in sip.conf matches the existing phones that do work.
12:45.31[TK]D-Fenderdan01: Somebody should go for training to understand what they bought...
12:48.49Dream_th[TK]D-Fender: i am trying very different trunk configs but im unable to make it work, im in contact with the provider and they are willing to help me except i need to be specific what kind of information (settings) do i need in order to correctly configure my trunk
12:49.20*** join/#asterisk genin (
12:49.27[TK]D-FenderDream_th: and I just told you them.
12:49.46geninanyone with asterisk experience and C experience want a job in france?
12:49.59Dream_th[TK]D-Fender: that information i already have
12:50.42[TK]D-FenderDream_th: well until you show us your configs and SIP debug of the failures we can't begin to guess what is wrong with it.  Pastebin is your friend...
12:50.44jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:52.49dan01[TK]D-Fender, does the issue I mentioned above sound like a typical misconfiguration issue, or is it too vague?
12:53.27[TK]D-Fenderdan01: Who know what kind of extra checks they do to validify this new SIP peer... can be dialplan issues, can be base phone config issues, etc
12:53.47[TK]D-FenderdanYou're FUBAR'd and nobody is going to want to go through the effort of trying to beat it into compliance.
12:54.10[TK]D-Fenderdan01: Send them back or pay Fonality.  Thats the business decision that was made.  Time to live with it.
12:54.44dan01I know, totally agree, but I personally wanted to find out anyways.  I was surprised to hear that fonality won't let you add phones yourself, so I had to check it out.
12:54.50geninwhen i say that we have all of our clients using g711
12:54.56genindoes that make anyone want to laugh
12:56.01[TK]D-Fendergenin: No... some of us LIKE quality...
12:56.24geninwhen i say 8 calls simulataneously from an adsl line?
12:57.01coppicemaybe he's referring to the way G.711 sounds like penis in Swahili
12:57.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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12:57.20creativxhave you ever heard a penis.
12:57.33geninwhen it is plunging into a pussy yes
12:57.40geninit is a quite comforting sound
12:57.45jayteewow, looks like I got here just in time :-(
12:57.50coppiceyeah. it goes "swiiiiiiiiiiiiish"
12:57.51creativxpenis time
12:58.12geninwe are working out using 729
12:58.15creativxmorning [TK]D-Fender :)
12:58.21feedssays OMG
12:58.22genindigium trancoding cards
12:58.25[TK]D-Fendergenin: I could pass 8 calls on G.711 on my DSL connection.
12:58.46geninyes it works pretty well but sometimes i have clients whos calls cut
12:58.51geninor quality drops
12:59.06[TK]D-Fendergenin: then someone had better examine their approach
12:59.12genini think 729 would be better
12:59.31geninmaybe it has to do with the fact a client might be running emule on the same line during
12:59.49genin8 calls is 512k up so it doesnt leave much room for takign the bandwidth
13:00.31*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
13:00.35coppiceits more like 650k
13:00.45geninisnt it 6'
13:00.50genin64k per call
13:00.58*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
13:00.59[TK]D-Fendergenin: Yes, that kind of behavior is what we telephony-informed types would call "stupid"
13:01.00coppice+ RTP overheads
13:01.07geninah okay
13:01.15*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
13:01.21geninwe are looking into SER with an rtp proxy
13:01.34[TK]D-Fendergenin: Won't change anything...
13:01.41geninnot on the clients side
13:01.55geninsomeone told me gsm is the industry standard
13:02.03geninand better quality than g729
13:02.18genini havent used it tho, mainly i dont think our client side gateways support it
13:02.39[TK]D-Fendergenin: GSM is considered slightly lower for voice than G.729 by a fair number of people, but overall pretty close.  GSM is also larger however
13:02.52geninah cool
13:03.02*** part/#asterisk dan01 (
13:03.18coppiceGSM 06.10 is such a great codec, the GSM networks no longer use it
13:03.57geninthere are different kinds of 729 as well right
13:04.02genina and b
13:04.24IsUpwhats difference between codecs? i mean, should i use G729 or GSM? how can i select the best?
13:04.35geninperfect timing
13:04.39geninwith the question
13:05.00coppicemore G.729 is the A kind. Its a stripped down lower quality version of G.729. G.729B is an add on to give it VAD
13:05.39jbotvad is, like, Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
13:05.56geninah silence suppression
13:06.01coppiceVAD is not silence suppression
13:07.08geninthe admin here was saying if our clients sends our asterisk a call in 729a but the provider we send it to accepts 729b that we will have a huge problem
13:07.23geninan asterisk with a digium transcoding card
13:07.58Dream_th[TK]D-Fender: anything :S
13:08.17coppicegenin: these things get negotiated, and should not be a problem
13:08.36[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Why am I seeing an ATA's user-agent in there?  Next, no provider should have "nat=yes" in the peer
13:09.02[TK]D-FenderDream_th: And don't mask IP's in pastebins
13:09.16Dream_thit has ata's useragent because it works with that ata
13:09.31Dream_thi'll remove nat=yes, its just a configuration some other one gave me
13:09.40[TK]D-FenderDream_th: and you're trying to get around them and use *?
13:10.12*** join/#asterisk [simux] (n=chatzill@
13:10.13Dream_thim in contact with them and they will provide me with any information i need
13:10.21Dream_thto setup this trunk
13:10.40jayteedoes deep knee bends
13:10.41[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Next you show a register's SIP debug failing but only show a peer.  I am beginning to wonder how much else is wrong.
13:11.18Kattyconsumes redbull
13:11.25IsUphey Katty
13:11.38KattyIsUp: goodyawnmorning
13:11.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
13:11.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:12.10Dream_th[TK]D-Fender what excactly do you need me to show you, because i really dont know
13:12.39[TK]D-FenderDream_th: you don't have a call attempt in there.  You show SIP debug of a register.  The peer entry has nothing to do with that.
13:12.39Kattyi could use a Clue Muffin for breakfast.
13:12.47Kattyjbot: ClueMuffin
13:12.47jbot[~cluemuffin] A perfect blend of bran & ClueBat (tm).  Not to be confused with the Chinese Fighting Muffin.
13:12.50*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
13:13.14[TK]D-FenderWow forgot about that one :)
13:13.52russellbvery nice, indeed
13:13.57russellbpokes Katty and runs
13:14.37coppicehere in china we generally go for the american blueberry or plain english muffin
13:15.19gcbirzanIs there a way to get out of a queue, while you're waiting? (The pressing * to end the call only works after somebody answers)
13:16.51[TK]D-Fendergcbirzan: "context=" for your queue definition.
13:17.00[TK]D-Fendergcbirzan: its documented in the smeple config
13:17.41[TK]D-FenderDream_th: it isn't even trying to use that peer which of course we don't even see.
13:17.50gcbirzan[TK]D-Fender: Oh, indeed. Missed that. Thanks!
13:17.54Kattyrussellb: UNSOLICITED POKING
13:18.07[TK]D-FenderDream_th: and you're shoing retransmits.  Makes me wonder if you've got things forwarded properly
13:18.15Kattyhugs russellb
13:18.19*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
13:18.50Dream_thi just pasted what i got on cli
13:18.55Dream_thduring the call test
13:19.18Dream_thbtw the trunk name is called IPKO
13:19.36[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Well we've never seen a SIP peer to match the one named in there.
13:19.48[TK]D-FenderDream_th: And what have you got forwarded to your * box?
13:19.51*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:19.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
13:20.19Dream_th[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by what i have forwared to my box
13:20.22[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Because we also never even see your provider answering you back.
13:20.30[TK]D-FenderDream_th: PORTS....
13:20.34Dream_thits on public ip
13:20.44[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Check your firewall on the box then.
13:20.52[TK]D-FenderDream_th: and any routers in the way
13:21.10Dream_thalso just for your information the provider uses Netcentrex softswitch
13:21.17Kattyhugs Zeeek
13:21.27KattyZeeek: how beith?
13:21.33KattyZeeek: did you know it's friday?
13:21.41Zeeekich bin ein Berliner
13:21.43[TK]D-FenderDream_th: Doesn't seem to matter what they use... you aren't getting an answer to your register attempts
13:21.43*** part/#asterisk [simux] (n=chatzill@
13:21.48Kattyyo are a donut?!
13:21.58lmadsendonuts do not exist
13:22.00Zeeekyes, with creamy filling
13:22.00*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:22.05Kattyi'll take two!
13:22.07Kattyhugs anonymouz666
13:22.13Kattywith milk please.
13:22.15Zeeekand I have two, so that's perfect
13:22.26Zeeeker, only rice milk today
13:22.33Kattyrice milk is sweet (=
13:24.27Dream_th[TK]D-Fender: the iptables on the box is empty and as i said its on public ip
13:25.35[TK]D-FenderDream_th: maybe the remote host is wrong... you aren't getting an answer.  If your user, etc was wrong at least you'd get a complaint back.  You are getting absolutely nothing.  That means either networking is in the way, or your host is wrong, or they are down.
13:26.16Dream_th[TK]D-Fender when i put this information on grandstream ata it works with host, user, pass
13:26.18*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
13:26.57[TK]D-FenderDream_th: This isn't a debate unfortunately.  No answer to a SIP communication attempt can only men one of those things.
13:27.49Kattylmadsen: do we hug?
13:28.21QwellKatty: you don't want to catch anything
13:28.50lmadsenKatty: ummm.... yes!
13:29.18*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
13:29.39lmadsenat least you didn't call me a nerd... thems be fightin' werdz!
13:30.06[TK]D-Fender'course where we comes from, all werds is fightin werds!
13:30.35gcbirzanQwell: From you, chances are one could catch literally anything :-P
13:30.38[T]ankI am searching for a solution to faxing over asterisk. I see that some people are doing it using an ata and g711u. That configuration is not working for me... any one here have a way to do it without a separate fax server like hylafax?
13:30.39lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: we don't take too kindly to yer type around here!
13:30.57[TK]D-Fenderchanges quickly to Helvetica
13:30.58lmadsenKatty: lol
13:30.59Kattylmadsen: i do.
13:31.00Qwellgcbirzan: careful, or I'll bring up your goat fetish...
13:31.07Kattylmadsen: fender is super duper.
13:31.31gcbirzanQwell: I was in the UK this week, I'm thinking of going for sheeps.
13:31.45*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
13:31.55Kattyi would mind a few pet sheeps.
13:32.12Kattyjbot: thank you, dear.
13:32.12jbotpas de quoi, Katty
13:32.23geninpas de quoi
13:32.28geninits a french bot
13:32.40coppicewhat do you call a Welshman with a thousand lovers?
13:32.42coppiceA shepherd
13:32.46*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
13:32.56Zeeekjbot: tu devrais aller te faire avoir chez les Grecs
13:33.12KattyZeeek: jbot doesn't know much french. try [TK]D-Fender
13:33.21[TK]D-Fenderjbot: t'es une maudite crise de vidange!
13:33.26ZeeekYou try [TK]D-Fender
13:33.34lmadsenwe need a translator bot
13:33.35geninjbot: k est ki space mehc
13:33.36[TK]D-FenderSee?  Stunned SILENT
13:34.06KattyZeeek: okay
13:34.09geninqui voudrais un boulut sur la cote d azur?
13:34.22geninavec un appartement
13:34.22Zeeekpas moi, trop de touristes
13:34.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: parlez lentement--je ne comprends pas
13:34.39geninil faut connait C aussi
13:34.40Zeeekthis'll make your day ^^^^
13:34.43geninet asterisk bien sur
13:35.25Kattyje m'appelle au revoir!
13:35.26Zeeek[TK]D-Fender:  did you see the little app that does a slide show on your Polycom?
13:35.31geninou bien si klk connait un bon programeur qui veux demanager ici
13:35.52Zeeekgenin poste sur
13:35.56[TK]D-Fendergenplus comme faites du creme sure, mem avec du frommage gratinee la-tu ;)
13:35.59genincool merci
13:36.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: what would 'gosh' be in french?
13:36.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: or something similiar
13:37.17geninmon dieu
13:37.22geninthat is my god
13:37.34geninor merde is good
13:37.39Qwellmon dieu is your god?
13:37.44geninbon dieu
13:37.48Kattyis that something like fondu?
13:37.48geningood god
13:37.57geninfondre meanss
13:38.00geninto melt literally
13:38.09geninfondu means melted
13:38.17geninj ai fondu mon ordinateru
13:38.22genini melted my computer
13:38.43geninwhere u from katty
13:38.48[TK]D-FenderAs in : Il faut faire fondre la frommage au fond ;)
13:38.51stintelmais qu'est-ce que tu dis :P
13:39.14jayteeok, so there's cheese in there, I know that much
13:39.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So basically... business as usual ;)
13:39.38Kattygenin: Ganymede
13:39.41geninit has to melt the cheese to the back
13:39.50geninis that like in texas
13:40.03jayteethere's a place in town here called Schaeffer's that has awesome fondue and a wine list a mile long. Some of the wines go for hundreds a bottle.
13:40.23lmadsenlikes wine
13:40.57Kattygenin: that's about 1070400km from Jupiter
13:40.59jayteeGanymede is one of the 4 Galilean moons of Jupiter. The others are Callisto, Io and Europa
13:41.20geninthe show me state
13:41.44lmadsenshows you
13:41.48gcbirzanKatty: So, that's in Canada, then?
13:41.48Kattylmadsen: the really really sweet wine is nice.
13:41.57geninso you from one of jupiters moons
13:41.57lmadsenKatty: oh, I don't like sweet drinks
13:41.58Kattygcbirzan: sigh.
13:41.58cesar_CRhello guys I have a AEX2400 card with FXO ports, can I set all those lines in a trunkgroup for asterisk to pick an available line in case of congestion ?
13:42.00jayteeya gotta be careful who you show though, make sure they're not underage
13:42.01geninbut using a bnc in missouri
13:42.07Kattygcbirzan: Ganymede is a moon of jupiter.
13:42.16lmadsencesar_CR: yes you can!  look for 'group='
13:42.31jayteecesar_CR, yeah. Which version of Asterisk are you running?
13:42.35lmadsenchannels => 1-24
13:42.47lmadsenexten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN})
13:44.06*** join/#asterisk itguru (
13:44.22cesar_CRlmadsen, ok
13:44.30cesar_CRjaytee, 1.6
13:45.27jayteeok, then you would need to change the syntax in lmadsen's example to Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN}) instead.
13:45.44*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:45.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: hey, i found your daughter.
13:45.51jayteeand there's example in the sample config files
13:46.03*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
13:46.36cesar_CRok I got it guys thanks !
13:48.57*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:48.57jayteewow, DOW is down over 400 on the open
13:49.02Kattyjaytee: yeah i was reading that on reddit this morning
13:49.23jayteecranks up the Guns and Roses......"Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games......"
13:49.52jayteeKatty, oh! so you're the one who uses reddit. I was wondering who that was :-)
13:50.11Kattyeveryone uses reddit, dear.
13:50.16[TK]D-FenderDamn Canadian dollr is crashing hard against USD
13:50.45lmadsendoesn't quite understand why that is such a bad thing
13:50.51lmadsenit's good for the manufacturing industry
13:51.03lmadsenand great for those of us in Canada paid in USD
13:51.40gcbirzanKatty: I kind of knew that. I was being facetious
13:51.59*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
13:53.03*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
13:53.15Kattygcbirzan: (=
13:53.24Kattyjaytee: did you see the psycho girlfriend car bashing yet?
13:53.39jayteeno? is that on reddit?
13:53.41*** part/#asterisk rnovotny22 (
13:54.27*** join/#asterisk korihor (
13:54.28russellbKatty: you did that, didn't you
13:54.40Kattyrussellb: i don't have that much energy.
13:54.51*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (n=jasonrot@
13:55.13Kattyrussellb: i have been known to write Wash Me in the dust tho
13:55.45*** join/#asterisk robevans (
13:55.59russellbha, yes, a classic.
13:56.08*** part/#asterisk robevans (
13:56.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: It was YOU!?!?!?
13:56.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, dear. the truth comes out.
13:56.42jasonwootanything scandalous happen at astricon? spill
13:57.02Zeeekdoes anyone listining design, develop or sell hosted pbx services?
13:57.04Kattywhat happens at astricon, stays at astricon.
13:57.14jasonwootc'mon, it's fun friday
13:57.37russellbhas some dirt on file from astricon
13:57.38KattyZeeek: we sell hosted services.
13:57.46Zeeekyou do?
13:57.50*** join/#asterisk Hertzy3 (
13:58.02ZeeekI want a new feature
13:58.13filepushes russellb
13:58.13lmadsenhas some dirt on himself at astricon of yore
13:58.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: Exceptfor that last little gift that goes away after a boatload of penicillin ;)
13:58.25russellblmadsen: +42 on that .....
13:58.27KattyZeeek: don't we all.
13:58.28ZeeekSo, the customer can configure services on the web, right?
13:58.35russellblmadsen: :-X !
13:58.35lmadsenrussellb: mad points!
13:58.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: luckily, i don't come with gifts like that!
13:58.43lmadsenrussellb: you shut your filthy mouth! :)
13:58.46Zeeeklike say, where an extension is routed, the dely to go to vmail... right? Yes?
13:58.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: my gifts consist of cookies, muffins, and possibly OJ
13:58.57russellblmadsen: I meant me, not you.  But yeah, I guess I have dirt on you, too.
13:59.01Hertzy3Does anyone know if there is a way to block a specific phone number from calling your asterisk server?
13:59.14lmadsenrussellb: heh... you only have rumours!
13:59.24[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: Call the telco.
13:59.25ZeeekKatty:  can you, huh, huh?
13:59.39lmadsenHertzy3: call the telco to block there, or do CID pattern matching
13:59.56Zeeekall assuming CID is there
13:59.57lmadsenexten => _X./4165551212,1,Playback(go-away)
14:00.04KattyZeeek: no.
14:00.13Zeeekno web interface?
14:00.17Zeeekthat way too hosted!
14:00.21jbotsomebody said zeeek was someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
14:00.21Kattydo i look like a vending machine?
14:00.45KattyZeeek: our idea of 'hosting' is to nat a few polycoms
14:00.55jasonwootI wish I had a real telco... we drive a dump truck full of money to their door each month, but they told me they can't block calls
14:00.56ZeeekKatty:  I don't know, I didn't fall in love with your looks, only your mind and good nature
14:01.04KattyZeeek: harsh.
14:01.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: So if I push your buttons, you'll give me some "sugar"? ;)
14:01.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: more like a loose tooth.
14:01.21jbot[drumkilla] Russell Bryant, the Asterisk release branch maintainer <>, or someone who should be ph33r3d, or russellb
14:01.25Zeeekthe quote? That was when I was a young buck
14:01.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: not keep on the unsolicitied button pushing.
14:01.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: s/keep/keen/
14:01.53russellblmadsen: old school
14:01.59ZeeekI WANT CONFIGURABLE hosted pbx
14:02.02jbot[blitzrage] a super cool fellow
14:02.02Kattyi don't even have buttons today :<
14:02.06jbotyou are probably dreamy
14:02.37Kattywelcome to the 79s.
14:02.45Zeeek"I was once sad cause I had no shoes..."
14:02.47*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:02.50Kattyhey _ShrikE
14:02.54Zeeek"then I met a man who was happy with no head"
14:03.01_ShrikEhugs Katty
14:03.06Kattyhugs _ShrikE
14:03.16_ShrikEhow'w that pup?
14:03.20_ShrikEerr how'
14:03.21Kattygrowin like MAD
14:04.04Zeeekanyway, ever since they blogged about the app to show Flickr photos on your Polycom, the server is down
14:04.34Kattyi should just make me a digital picture frame.
14:05.42Kattythat might come in handy someday
14:08.36ZeeekKatty: whaazzzat?
14:08.38KattyZeeek: so all the phones would access the same group of photos?
14:08.43Kattysince it's in sip.cfg
14:08.52Zeeekno it's in the microbrowser of each phone, silly
14:08.58ZeeekNO NOTY SIP
14:09.20ZeeekOMG Katty, you didn't listen tolast weeks VUC: "How to configure your Polycom"
14:09.39Zeeekthe one where it says "DOn't screw with sip.cfg, you'll have to change every time you update" ?
14:10.05Zeeekno this is a setting on the phone's own file
14:10.08Kattyoh, right.
14:10.17KattyMain Browser Home i presume
14:10.20ZeeekAnd it shoots at a parrticular Flickr account
14:10.28Zeeekno IDLE thingie
14:10.48ZeeekI actually put a photo of the phot somewhere...
14:11.30Zeeek  <--- here ya go
14:11.56Zeeekhmmm must have expired
14:12.45Zeeekhere it is
14:13.12Zeeeklike I said, I think there server is now down though
14:13.25*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-d2222bd4cc95454f)
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14:13.32KattyZeeek: so if i edit the idle bit (which we currently have our logo in the main sip.cfg)
14:13.35kippion asterisk 1.6 is there away to busy out channels on the isdn, as i know you can't do this on 1.4
14:13.47KattyZeeek: what's the individual config file for the phone?
14:14.14ZeeekKatty: it won't work because the server given is not working now. Also, you need to allow Flickr to show the photos thru their API
14:14.42Kattydo those settings override the main sip.cfg?
14:15.40ZeeekI believe it should yes
14:16.15ZeeekWhat I need to do is get a copy of the scrip though because as I say, the server given in the example is down now
14:17.27Zeeekmaybe one of the thousdaznds in this channel has the script
14:17.28Kattyis surprised by MAC.cfg
14:17.40Kattywow, it's mostly empty
14:18.12Kattyi can i just copy and rename sip.cfg and make some changes?
14:18.17Zeeekthe phone doesn't do any images becsides BMP or something so the conversion is on th efly. I guess if I wasn't so lazy I'd look at the php functions, I think it's not hard top do the conversion
14:18.54Zeeek[TK]D-Fender: is the resident evil^H^H^H expert on Polycoms here
14:19.03jer[TK]D-Fender, i know, i'm making a small fortune currency trading against it... just getting my money back into Canadian dollars is going to have to wait until it's way back up
14:19.35*** join/#asterisk ElSonico (
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14:24.45Kattyreboots phone
14:25.21seanbrightreboots Katty
14:25.59jayteeKatty, is this a Polycom?
14:27.54Kattyjaytee: yes.
14:28.06KattyZeeek: copying sip.cfg and renaming it made the phone asplode :<
14:28.25KattyZeeek: so i made a copy of 0000etc.cfg, and pasted the <IP_500> section into it
14:28.30Kattydunno if that's right or not
14:28.36Kattynever used individual cfgs before.
14:29.16jayteeKatty, I highly recommend you read this white paper.
14:29.59jayteeit clarifies the provisioning setup much better than the SIP Admin guide does.
14:30.58*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
14:32.39Kattythat makes more sense
14:33.46ZeeekActually I mis-stated the Mac thing, I use the system they describe here. phone_xyz.cfg
14:34.58Kattyreboots again
14:35.15Kattyi told MAC.cfg to reference MAC_phone1.cfg and sip.cfg
14:35.23Zeeekthe call to phone_xyz.cfg is in the MAc.cfg file
14:35.37Kattyand then in MAC_phone1.cfg and pasted the IP_500 block from original sip.cfg, with my changes
14:36.36KattyZeeek: you might have to pastebin your phone_MAC.cfg for me
14:36.53Zeeeknaw, you don't want that
14:37.07Kattybummer. it's not working.
14:37.16Kattyin fact, after those changes, my phone doesn't know what extension it is.
14:37.45Zeeekoh; Not so good.
14:38.02Kattyi've no idea what i'm doing hehe
14:38.10Zeeeklucky you backed up all the old files
14:38.44*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
14:39.09Kattyi could just copy sip.cfg and rename it sip-MAC.cfg
14:39.21Kattyand then have MAC.cfg reference sip-MAC.cfg and take out the phone1 reference
14:40.31*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:42.36Zeeekserious migrane material in that last idea
14:44.09ZeeekKatty: here's the line from MacAddr.cfg that counts:
14:44.55ZeeekYou're actually supposed to use the directories but even I am not that geeky
14:44.57Kattycan you pastebin your phone_zeeek650 file?
14:45.07Zeeeknot for a network with two Polycoms
14:45.09Kattythat's the bit i'm having problems with
14:46.01Kattyi don't know what all i need to include
14:46.03*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
14:46.07kippion asterisk 1.6 is there away to busy out channels on the isdn, as i know you can't do this on 1.4
14:46.24Zeeekit has all the <reg reg.1. stuff with names and passwords
14:46.37FarrisGCan anyone point me in the right direction for figuring out how Chanspy works? After an update, it no longer does what it used to do.
14:46.38Kattyjust put in DELETED in that spot then
14:46.43ZeeekI will PM you Katty (aka get a room)
14:46.51*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
14:47.04FarrisGIt used to cycle through existing channels when I hit *, but now it just cycles through ONE channel, no matter how many are active
14:52.18magronezis away: almocar
14:53.36*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
14:54.31*** join/#asterisk deStone (n=deStone@unaffiliated/destone)
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14:56.21deStoneFirst off, I am a complete moron when it comes to all things phone-related -- so bare with me.  We currently have an ivr setup using VMMI and some other mailbox software.  We are having an entirely new system brought in (  but we need to retain the IVR functionality (enter your account number, your balance is ..., your last three transactions were...)
14:56.56deStonein asterisk -- is there a quick and dirty way to line up data and setup an ivr?
14:57.34geninwow you are such a moron
14:57.41geninso am i, its cool
14:58.41deStonei know its 100000x more time complex then I want it to be
14:58.44genini have no idea what you are talking about even
14:59.04genini just found out what asterisk was in feb
14:59.06geninthis year
14:59.25geninlearning from a norweigian, teaching me in french when my native language is english
15:00.31Zeeekgenin, what is the meaning of all the gibberish?
15:00.40jayteeI learned nuclear engineering from a Latvian who taugh me in Esperanto
15:01.41*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=seanmh@
15:06.48jayteehmmm, why is that core temperature gauge in the red?
15:07.00aiksa[LV]jaytee: wow
15:07.13aiksa[LV]a Latvian teaching nuclear engineering
15:07.34aiksa[LV]makes me feel proud
15:08.17jayteeWall Street analyst: "the market is making a minor adjustment."  News Media: "THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!!!"
15:08.35aiksa[LV]strange nevertheless, Lithuanians had the infrustructure for that
15:08.57jayteeanyone here use Hylafax?
15:09.07*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:09.26wonderworldhey, is there a way to play a beep sound on an existing channel from the cli?
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15:17.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
15:18.20ZeeekAs always on Friday, we'll be convening on #voip-users-conference in about 30 minutes
15:18.47Zeeek gives all the info to call in via SIP or PSTN
15:18.57*** join/#asterisk Firass-VC22 (
15:19.29Zeeekrussellb will be expounding on a whole bunch of new great stuff about asterisk 1.6, life and everything
15:19.30aiksa[LV]jaytee: - yeah, I use hylafax
15:21.34*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:22.42jayteeaiksa[LV], do you like it? any headaches with it?
15:22.48QwellZeeek: yeah, you might want to run that by him first
15:23.48Zeeeknaw, he's cool
15:24.40ZeeekQwell will be speaking on various issues about asterisk, security and life, the universe and everything
15:24.58*** join/#asterisk smach (
15:25.17ZeeekParis Hilton will be asking for help setting up her home pbx
15:25.37QwellZeeek: good, tell her I'll help for $250,000/hour, 3h minimum
15:25.58Zeeekshe has a different idea of "Value added" ™
15:25.59russellbtell her I'll help for ... nevermind
15:26.10smachhi folks, I was wondering should a sip proxy answer a sip request on the port used by the client or on the port mentioned on the contact header ???
15:29.26Zeeekrussellb: the answer my friend, is...
15:29.50lmadsenblowing in the wind!
15:30.02ZeeekI get email daily from Paris, with photos and everything. She's so cool. A real classy lady.
15:30.10Zeeeklose the wind part
15:31.21*** join/#asterisk smach (
15:33.04*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
15:33.52rwaitehi all
15:34.18rwaiteanyone here have any opinions on digium's hpec?
15:34.55*** join/#asterisk remont (n=reMont@
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15:35.27jayteehpec? hardware echo cancellation?
15:37.27rwaitewell, there is a software one
15:37.47rwaitei have a tdm400p so the h/w canceller won't work on it
15:38.47lmadsenjaytee: hpec is software echo can
15:38.57jayteeoh, ok. HPEC, high performance embedded computing
15:39.29rwaitehigh performance echo canceller, sorry
15:40.43jayteeI have the hardware ec on my TE212P so I don't use the software solution
15:41.47jayteefunny how HPEC has two distinctly different meanings depending on whether you're talking VOIP and Digium or computing at MIT. :-)
15:44.00*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
15:44.03kannanhello all
15:45.50rwaitei think i'm going to grab a couple licenses and give it a go. anything is better than what we have now, i'd think
15:46.28Zeeeksee you on the conferenc echannel #voip-users-conference or the call
15:46.30*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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15:51.31[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: If your card is under warranty you are entitled to some free licenses for it.
15:51.38[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Barring that, try OSLEC first
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15:59.38carrarI'm of the informal variety
16:00.22*** part/#asterisk fred-tmft (
16:00.36rwaite[TK]D-Fender: i will, thanks
16:00.37carrarbeen hittin Japan every year for the last few years, lovin it
16:02.50*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
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16:13.36cesar_CRhello anybody expert in upgrading a cisco phone firmware ??
16:14.18casixI have a problem connecting an asterisk with a ser server with a sip trunk. I need to make a trunk for incoming calls and another for outgoing calls because I need to use differents codecs. I have created a peer and a user with the same host option and different user and password but all, incoming and outgoing calls, use the same definition. How can I make it work?
16:14.26jameswf-homeI am an expert at performinf velocity testing of cisco products
16:14.41*** join/#asterisk simNIX (
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16:27.40damnpoethi there! could anyone tell where can i find information for the integration of a panasonic TDA200 with asterisk?
16:27.56*** join/#asterisk axisys (
16:34.51[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: No such thing
16:35.23[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: Whatever means you have of getting the Pana to talk to * has nothing to do with what it'll take to set up * to do whatever you will have it do
16:35.51[TK]D-FenderDamnIf it can talk SIP, then all * needs is a basic peer entry similar to setting it up with any other ITSP.  The rest is up to what you want * to do for you
16:35.59carrarcesar_CR, I've done my fair share of cisco 7900 firmware upgrades
16:36.28*** join/#asterisk axisys (
16:36.29[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: If you wire it over T1, analog, etc, then its jsut like plugging it into telco wiring and again the word "integration" doesn't really exist
16:40.47damnpoet[TK]D-Fender: thanks alot, but i`m a newbie on this subject, could you point me in the right direction for finding info about a tda200 and * working on the same network
16:41.16[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: How are you intending on connecting them?
16:42.18damnpoet[TK]D-Fender: * for the internal network and the pbx for analog conections, is that what you mean?
16:44.04casixI have a problem connecting an asterisk with a ser server with a sip trunk. I need to make a trunk for incoming calls and another for outgoing calls because I need to use differents codecs. I have created a peer and a user with the same host option and different user and password but all, incoming and outgoing calls, use the same definition. How can I make it work?
16:44.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:44.17onatshi, i need some help. I am trying to connect two soft phones, one is outside the network, the other is in my lan. the ports have been forwarded as follows: 5060-5072 udp, 4569-4569 udp 10001 20000 udp. i also edited rtp.conf to have rtpstart=10001,rtpend=20000. then  sip_nat.conf to: nat=yes,externhost=<ddns address>,externrefresh=28800,localnet=<internal lan subnet>/
16:49.00ManxPoweronats: You only need 5060/UDP and 10000 - 20000/UDP (or whatever you have in rtp.conf)  4569 is IAX2 and 5061-5072 are not used for SIP.
16:50.32onatsManxPower, thanks for the response. my problem is that i there is no audio coming in on both sides..
16:50.48ManxPoweronats: Check your firewall or NAT settings on the router.
16:51.44[TK]D-Fenderdamnpoet: I mean how is the Pana going to talk to *?
16:52.02ManxPowerBTW, does the one that is on your LAN work?
16:52.25[TK]D-Fenderonats: you must have "canreinvite=no"
16:52.51onatsManxPower, i have set the port forwards on my router already. firewall should automatically follow..
16:52.59onatsD-Fender, where is that setting found?
16:53.16ManxPoweronats: You must not have read the ~sipnat document.
16:53.18jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:53.25ManxPowerIt should tell you all you need to know.
16:53.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Of course not... you know what he's using....
16:53.49onatsthank you
16:53.51ManxPoweronats: what the heck is sip_nat.conf.  It's not a standard Asterisk file.
16:54.19onatsmanxpower, i'm using trixbox. but i would think concepts are similar?
16:54.22jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:54.31onatsis there something like trixbox on asterisk?
16:54.43ManxPoweronats: Well there is 10 mins of my life I'll never get back.
16:54.51ManxPoweronats: talk to the trixbox people.
16:54.53jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
16:55.24onatssorry about that...
16:55.43ManxPoweronats: almost nothing we say will apply to Trixbox.
16:55.59Qwellunless we say something like "Some Asterisk distros really suck."
16:56.03onatsManxPower, ok. im just initially playing with it...
16:56.25[TK]D-Fenderonats: I told you the setting to look for.  Go hunt through your GUI to find how to set it
16:56.44onatsD-Fender.. ok will look it up
16:59.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I audited the Asterisk Fast Start class at Digium this week.    It is a good class for Asterisk noobs.
16:59.39ManxPowerThey gave the people that paid for the class a TDM411B, a TE100P, and a Polycom phone.
16:59.45QwellManxPower: O.o
16:59.54QwellManxPower: and you didn't come upstairs?
17:00.04Carlos_PHXJust switched my desk phone from a Polycom 650 to a Linksys 962.  Wow, what an improvement, never realized the extreme suckage that is Polycom until I tried something better.
17:00.15ManxPowerQwell: I'll be auditing more classes.
17:00.22[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Hilarious...
17:00.42ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: Please put down the bong and step away from the computer.
17:00.42[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Considering anything an "upgrade" from an IP 650....
17:01.17magronezis back
17:01.25Carlos_PHXI'd happily trade all the Polycoms in our deployment for Linksys.
17:01.28[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Don't think you'll find a preson in this room who isn't laughing at the thought of that....
17:01.41QwellCarlos_PHX: What Polycoms?
17:01.44Carlos_PHXHuh, interesting.  Used both?
17:01.48QwellThat can be arranged.
17:01.52[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Perhaps you can tell us what you liked and disliked about each to come to that conclusion...
17:01.59Carlos_PHXWe have anything from 500s and up.
17:02.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: IP 650 <---
17:02.17Carlos_PHXFrom the service side, they take forever to boot.
17:02.45Carlos_PHXUser side is harder to say, just overall usability, number of available buttons on the add-on console, things like that.
17:02.45QwellCarlos_PHX: How many 650s?
17:02.47onatswhich asterisk version should i get started with? something just for home use?
17:02.54[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: On the same side, you don't HAVE to reboot Polycom's all the time.
17:02.56ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: If you have to keep rebooting your phones then you have serious issues unrelated to your phones.
17:02.59Carlos_PHXQwell: I have no idea, not that many I'm sure.
17:03.03*** join/#asterisk Thorn_ (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
17:03.09Qwellfind out - like I said, that can be arranged.
17:03.32Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: They have to be rebooted the same number of times as the Linksys, when we make changes and fine tune settings.
17:03.37*** join/#asterisk hesco (
17:03.48[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I can't imagine a more usable phone than a 650, the only point I can agree on is the side-car button count.
17:03.51ManxPowerQwell: It is pretty obvious that the person that wrote the class lessons and slides never worked in Asterisk tech support. 8-)
17:03.54Carlos_PHXI can test a setting in 10 seconds vs. 7 minutes.
17:04.06[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: How often do you have to actually change people phones?
17:04.20[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: And you've done something wrong if it takes 7 minutes.
17:04.27[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Mine boot in 2 or less.
17:04.34Carlos_PHXInteresting perspective, I had that too until I tried the other on my own desk.
17:04.48jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:05.09Carlos_PHXWe're a service provider, so we're changing or installing new phones every day.
17:05.27[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Installing new phones is no issue, 1st boot, end of story.
17:05.31Carlos_PHXStopped selling the Polycoms long ago, but never got around to changing my own.
17:06.09jayteeCarlos_PHX, how much an ounce does that Kronik you're smoking cost?
17:06.19Carlos_PHXThat's true for basic functions but changes require a reboot in most cases.
17:06.37Carlos_PHXHeh, I see there are Polycom fans here.  Have you had a 962 on your own desk for a while?
17:06.44[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: What do you actually have to change once the identity is set?
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17:07.17Carlos_PHXAnything from ringers to the button assignments, and much more.
17:07.31[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Button assignments?  Which?
17:07.39Carlos_PHXThe add-on console.
17:07.57[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Who needs to reboot?  Add them direct and you don't reboot.
17:08.08Carlos_PHXHard to do when you're an ITSP.
17:08.15Carlos_PHXUnless you wanna go on site.
17:08.26[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Thi si user-grade stuff. its in the USER guide.
17:08.43Carlos_PHXWe don't work that way.
17:08.49[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: The idiot who can't add a contact to their directory doesn't deserve a phone.
17:08.52ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: HUH?  You set up the phones to check their config file for updates once per night and download it's new config and reboot when not in use.
17:09.14Carlos_PHXWe've had partial success with that, however when we want a change we want it to happen now.
17:09.49*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:09.52[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Its pretty instant when you do it on the phone, but if you want to micro-manage chump directory setting, then you should look at your business approach
17:10.06Carlos_PHXBut hey, put both on your desk for a week if you're a heavy phone user and see what you think.
17:10.20Carlos_PHXMy 650 is going on eBay or whatever.
17:10.25[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: But if thats your greatest concern then hey, have fun with Linksys.  I'd much rather go for Polycom quality
17:10.41Carlos_PHXThe quality is a good theory, haven't seen it yet.
17:10.55Carlos_PHXThe speakerphone IS better.
17:10.58Carlos_PHXWay better.
17:11.00Carlos_PHXNever use it.
17:11.15[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Anyway, glad you're happy with them.
17:11.45Carlos_PHXI had no idea others were so partial, so just tossing it out here to see what others think.  It was educational.  :-)
17:11.50[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I'd hate to have to centrally manage every little thing all the time for clients like that.
17:12.09Carlos_PHXIt's core to our business model.
17:12.17Carlos_PHXIt's actually not bad after 30 days or so.
17:12.27Carlos_PHXQuite intense during install phase and first month.
17:12.27[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: If you wanted godly attendant buttons, you could ahve gone for the Aastra...
17:12.34*** join/#asterisk |Magrao| (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
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17:14.40Carlos_PHXI might have to look at that for receptionists.  I'm just getting my first feedback on the 962/932 from a high-volume site.
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17:17.14[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: my dislikes on SPA < 962 = too light, they slid around.  tinny handset, small screen with poor pixel resolution for soft-keys.  Drastically inferior call handling to Polycom (no split/join, spanning or mutiple calls per key), etc
17:17.27[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Speakerphone goes without saying.
17:18.46*** part/#asterisk damnpoet (n=UCF\
17:19.16[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I'm betting the 962 shares many of the same caveats as the lower models, I just haven't had the eval time on them
17:21.29*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:22.38Carlos_PHXThose are interesting comments, I might have to test them.  I can tell you that they now do multiple calls per registration.
17:23.04Carlos_PHXThe 962 does have some differences, I haven't put a 942 on my desk yet.
17:23.10[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: You can't do multiple per line-key.
17:23.25[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: So thats 4 appearances on a 94X
17:23.37[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: And I don't believe thats even 4 reg's
17:24.03[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: An IP 650 can juggle 24 calls easy without expansion.
17:24.48[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: join/split for ad-hoc conferencing is a huge convenience as is being able to drop a 3-way call leaving the 2 other sides bridged.
17:25.03Carlos_PHXI just did two on my first line key.
17:25.11[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Frankly I've never seen any phone come anywhere near Polycom on handling.
17:25.58[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Aastr's strong suit was their soft-keys which are unmatches.. state-based, better presence support... if only it didn't crash the phone
17:26.02Carlos_PHXIf we had someone doing 24 calls I'd have to re-think everything I suppose.
17:26.51[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: And there is the microBrowser as well.... I use that for live queue stats, etc
17:27.24Carlos_PHXI'm just about to try that out.  But the Polycom has one too, doesn't it?
17:27.43*** join/#asterisk kdas (
17:27.53kdashowdy all
17:29.25[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Polycom has it, Linksys didn't for any model I'd ever heard of.
17:30.00Carlos_PHXJoining is supported in my phone.
17:30.32Carlos_PHXPretty sure I saw split in the docs.
17:30.34[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: So you can take 2 unrelated calls and join / sploit at will?
17:30.41Qwelland of course the audio quality on a 650...
17:31.02jayteeI sold my iPod and bought a 650.
17:31.05Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Tested join, didn't test split.
17:31.35hescoHere are two pastes which outline an issue I'm having with cdr_pgsql.  I had this working until I ran make samples a second time.  Last night I ran a make clean, then rebuilt and re-installed *.  But I'm still seeing these same errors.  Any clues how to resolve this issue and start collecting data in my postgreSQL backend again? and
17:32.10jayteehesco, is this the duplicate calldate problem?
17:32.21hescoyes, same one
17:32.47jayteeyou've been at this for days now. I would have repartitioned and started from scratch by now.
17:33.10Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: As far as the browser, it's an RSS reader, don't know how it would compare to the Polycom.  Have not used either, but am going to test this week and see what we can do with them.
17:33.52hescoThis * server doubles as a db server.  Building my base database was a five week project, that is five weeks of running perl scripts to import the plain text data, phone ringing bb soon
17:34.37kdasi got my * box all up and running with outgoing and incoming calls, but i can't hear anything when i answer/call out and the other party can't hear me. any ideas? i am running a handytone 286 through a asterisk box that connects to i have a normal phone connected to the handytone obviously ;). any ideas ?
17:35.16*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:35.42Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: You may be right on split, can't find an obvious way to do it.
17:36.03Carlos_PHXOnce conferenced, the only obvious answer is to join the calls and leave the conf.
17:36.07[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Can you drop a 3-way and have the other 2 stay joined?
17:36.13Carlos_PHXI mean, only obvious option.
17:36.21[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Thats good then...
17:36.25Carlos_PHXBut the display has no obvious way to drop the first call.
17:36.31Carlos_PHXIt's easy to drop the second.
17:36.47Carlos_PHXIt's almost like an announced transfer.
17:36.52[TK]D-Fenderkdas: Does the HT work 100% both ways direct to *?  Then does your ITSP do the same?
17:38.01kdas[TK]D-Fender,  the HT can call out and recieve calls 100% i hear ring an all but no audio when i answer. ITSP = ?
17:38.08hescook, back.
17:38.25Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Linksys has done firmware updates consistently every couple months, if you looked at them 6 months ago it's possible they're totally different.  We've only been selling/installing for about 4 months, and one went on my desk Monday.
17:39.24jameswf-homeburns kubuntu 8.10 rc1
17:39.27Carlos_PHXWe started selling them because we took a 50-seat company from their dead * server to our service and they had the 942s everywhere.  It was SO much faster to convert them than to convert Polycoms.
17:39.27hescoso jaytee, repartitioning this box is not a two hour project, but a five week project.
17:40.16hescoIf there is any way to tear out ONLY the *, and rebuild that, I am ready.  In fact I thought that was what i was doing last night with my make clean, etc.
17:41.20hescoI emptied my /etc/asterisk and moved back ONLY the files I had edited since the preceeding install.
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17:42.28jayteehesco, how about pastbining your cdr_custom.conf file?
17:42.38hescocoming at you
17:42.46jayteeand your cdr_pgsql.conf
17:43.53kdas[TK]D-Fender, is there anything else you need to know ?
17:45.29*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:45.34hescohere you go:
17:47.42kdasi got my * box all up and running with outgoing and incoming calls, but i can't hear anything when i answer/call out and the other party can't hear me. any ideas? i am running a handytone 286 through a asterisk box that connects to i have a normal phone connected to the handytone obviously ;). any ideas ?
17:47.44Kattygrowls lightly.
17:48.05*** join/#asterisk pg1054 (n=pg1054@unaffiliated/pg1054)
17:49.30LeddyHMIs there a change between 1.2 and 1.4 that needs to be updated to hear "ring" sound when dialing an extension (to the calling party)
17:49.30kdasLeddyHM, i don't think so
17:49.30LeddyHMusers hear dead silence
17:49.39Qwellhow are you dialing?
17:49.48LeddyHMusers extension
17:49.59*** join/#asterisk Cyberpony (
17:50.16LeddyHMif I dial extension to extension it seems fine (just checked)
17:50.30LeddyHMif I go through the IVR I get zip
17:50.32Qwellokay, but how are you dialing?
17:50.40Qwellso you answered in the IVR
17:50.43Qwelldon't do that
17:51.18pg1054I've built * from svn .../branch/160/.  No errors in the build, and launches OK.  current frontend is FreePBX.  I can connect local extensions OK, but if I create a trunk, specifying (my provider), I see no registration.  looking at tcpdump, there is *NO* traffic to/from callcentric showing up at all.
17:51.18pg1054I've clearly misconfigured something, but what?
17:51.51jeevhey doods, when i call from a landline to it makes the ringing noise, when i call from a tmobile cell phone.. it doesn't have that sound of ringing on the callers side but the other side will answer the phone just fine. how can i make it make the tone ?
17:51.56LeddyHMqwell: what am I supposed to do instead?
17:52.43LeddyHMthe auto attendant anwers and asks for an extension
17:52.55CyberponyI have a question regarding AEL macros (using macros vs using Gosub/Return) in my configuration files.
17:53.26CyberponyLeddyHM: does the IVR context know about the extensions?
17:53.43LeddyHMif I dial direct there is no ringtone either
17:53.55LeddyHMcyber: I'd imagine so
17:54.05LeddyHMit worked beautifully in 1.2
17:54.19*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:55.37CyberponyThe documentation for version 1.6.x says that Macro() is deprecated and I should change to Gosub()/Return().... but aelparse give warnings about Gosubs and Returns......
17:55.56Cyberponywhich way should I be using?
17:56.24jayteehesco, are you doing anything in your dialplan with CDR or are you just letting it log all calls with defaults?
17:56.32kdasi got my * box all up and running with outgoing and incoming calls, but i can't hear anything when i answer/call out and the other party can't hear me. any ideas? i am running a handytone 286 through a asterisk box that connects to i have a normal phone connected to the handytone obviously ;). any ideas ?
17:56.38kdassip.conf =
17:56.57ManxPowerkdas: See the sipnat doc
17:56.59jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:57.14CyberponyLeddyHM: does the IVR context include the context(s) that the extensions are in?
17:57.34kdasManxPower, i am not behind a nat though
17:58.24hescojaytee: log all calls by default.
17:58.25LeddyHMCyber: I'll have to check with someone on that I didn't write it
17:58.44LeddyHMand there he is
17:59.00LeddyHMrubs his genie [TK]D-Fender
17:59.04kdas[TK]D-Fender, i have dynamic ip addy so what should i put there?
17:59.25[TK]D-Fenderkdas: if your * is public you don't need localnet or externip/externhost
17:59.52kdas[TK]D-Fender, my asterisk is direct hooked to net
18:00.03[TK]D-Fenderkdas: then no.
18:00.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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18:00.33LeddyHMtk: when people dial in they don't get a "ring ring" sound. Can you make sense of what Cyber is asking for? :)
18:01.06kdasok let me try
18:02.26*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-d282318e8990babb)
18:02.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
18:02.48jayteehesco, I don't see anything in those config files that look wrong. You're not using odbc are you?
18:03.04hescono sir, no odbc
18:03.05[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: I'd have to look at things...
18:03.38jayteehesco, and you've verified that the cdr table structure is correct?
18:03.58kdas[TK]D-Fender, all seems to work but the VM :(
18:04.15[TK]D-Fenderkdas: VM?
18:04.25*** join/#asterisk esaym (
18:04.38LeddyHMTK: if you wouldn't mind that would be awesome
18:04.54[TK]D-Fenderkdas: How is it that wouldn't work?  BTW, you are being very sloppy with codec assignment.. or lack thereof... fix this globally, and for each peer...
18:04.56Cyberponyso in 1.6 AEL should I still be using macros?
18:04.56jayteeVM! easily confused between voicemail, virtual machine or vagina monologues
18:06.04hescoI have not changed the table structure since this was working.  I'll pastebin the \dt output though so you can see for yourself.  I'm new to the schema.  I found my create statement in a google search on one of the asterisk related wikis.
18:06.32kdas[TK]D-Fender, ok so set all peers to gsm and alaw ? (those are the 2 sound files i use) ?
18:07.02jayteehesco, when it broke what was the last thing you'd done?
18:08.09rwaitei wonder how hard it would be to put my server under a scm
18:08.44codefreeze-lapCyberpony: the only way to form a subroutine in AEL is with the "macro" keyword; How AEL generates code in the dialplan to perform that task is up to AEL.  So, yes, keep using "macro" in 1.6. Try not to use "Gosub" or "Macro" apps in AEL. Use the AEL keywords instead, and you'll be better off.
18:09.07Cyberponyok thank you very much.
18:09.33Cyberponythe README's are a little confusing on that point.
18:10.03Cyberponyputting what you just said should be stated like that in the docs.
18:10.47kdasall my incoming calls callerid are from the state/country  rather then owner of phone. is that a * thing or callwithus ?
18:11.57ManxPowerkdas: your provider is who is sending you the callerid name info
18:12.15kdas[TK]D-Fender, when i check my voice mail it says "you have one new message" and then it gives me a busy tone rather then playing the message :(
18:12.26kdasManxPower, ok thankyou sir
18:12.44kdasManxPower, to you happen to know how to change that with callwithus ?
18:12.52*** join/#asterisk jdjurici (
18:13.05jdjuricigot a question, folks from dev told me to ask here
18:13.26jdjuricican I use any of these function to get ip from dns name?
18:13.28jayteehesco, well since the error message makes it seem like it's trying to insert a record with two calldate fields in it either your table is corrupt or the module is corrupt and it's most likely the latter unless you've added something in your dialplan that massages the CDR data.
18:13.33jdjuriciast_get_ip  or ast_get_ip_or_serv?
18:13.44jdjuricior is it some other function?
18:14.02jdjuriciI'm trying to change mgcp reload function a little bit...
18:14.22hescoyatee: sorry, had missed that question.  the last thing I did was run make sample again.
18:14.40jayteemake sample in asterisk?
18:15.51hescono, at the bash prompt
18:15.53*** join/#asterisk Shadow98 (
18:16.14Shadow98hey guys i just have a quick question about whether asterisk is able to provide this functionality or not..
18:16.19jayteehesco, yes I know at the prompt. I meant in the asterisk source directory
18:16.32hescoyes, in the source directory
18:16.48jayteehesco, had you backed up the config files in /etc/asterisk prior to running make samples again?
18:16.57kdasany one have idea why my voicemail messages are busytones rather then the messages?
18:17.36Shadow98im going to have a website where people enter their phone numbers and receive a call back...when called back they are going to be prompted with choice press one for this press 2 for that...and so will then ask them a time from like enter 30 for 30 days or whatever...will asterisk allow calls to be placed like this and receive user input..
18:18.23hescooh yes.  I now have five directories in the form /etc/asterisk_*, besides the current one.
18:18.49jayteekdas, does it happen with internal calls too or just from outside callers and are they coming in SIP or over PSTN?
18:18.54hescomight those be read as well?
18:19.37kdasjaytee, umm it when i try to call my voicemail on my pstn which is connected to handytone which is connected to my * box
18:19.39jayteehesco, i don't understand what you mean by /etc/asterisk_*
18:20.25jayteehesco, you should only have one asterisk directory under /etc
18:23.03jayteekdas, voicemail on PSTN? not voicemail on your * server?
18:23.39kdasjaytee, voicemail one my * server
18:24.13*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
18:24.48jayteekdas, you don't hear a prompt to leave a message? it's just hanging up on you when you call it?
18:25.06kdasjaytee, when i check my voicemail
18:25.17kdasjaytee, not when i leave a message
18:25.21jayteekdas, I meant if you do a test call
18:25.31kdasjaytee, that works fine
18:26.00jayteekdas, what happens if you make a test call and then hangup at the prompt without leaving a message? do you get a busy tone message?
18:26.59kdasjaytee, i think i found the problem... i was missing vm-onefor.* ahha
18:33.29Kattyanyone know anything about displaying Flickr on a polycom?
18:33.48Kattyi have a url that goes into the idlebrowser
18:33.52*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
18:34.08pimpwelldo the fonality guys hang out here?
18:34.10*** join/#asterisk Anon472 (n=Anon472@
18:34.17pimpwellconsidering its powered by *
18:34.24Shadow98anybody able to answer my question above..
18:34.28Anon472any wayt to make IVR by text to voice instead of using pre packaged selections?
18:34.40Anon472any text to voice reader for asterisk?
18:35.03KattyAnon472: i usually just record the prompts myself
18:35.13*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
18:35.18Anon472Katty: my voice is not so sexy
18:35.26iCEBrkrOk, So, my G1 won't play .wav49
18:35.28KattyAnon472: i'm sorry to hear that.
18:35.31Carlos_PHXpimpwell: Probably not, there are some political issues with Fonality and the * community
18:35.35KattyiCEBrkr: :<
18:35.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: ping?
18:35.45iCEBrkrand I think I've tried asterisk-addon's and doing format=mp3 in voicemail.conf
18:35.48iCEBrkrI don't remember it working
18:36.02Anon472FreeSWITCH has that built-in.. text to voice converter.. so the dialplan has text, and FS converts it to voice
18:36.06pimpwellIm in NY, I need to hire someone to setup fonality for a few days
18:36.14Anon472i need same thing for Asterisk
18:36.27iCEBrkrAnon472: Don't so those dirty words in here..
18:36.37|Magrao|is away: ninguem merece atender OS de siemens
18:36.54Anon472iCEBrkr: which words?
18:37.25pimpwellactually im in Westchester, NY
18:37.25Anon472freeswitch? i love it but can't manage to use it so far hehehehe
18:37.36iCEBrkrAnon472: hehe
18:37.36Anon472xml configs are too complicating
18:37.51iCEBrkrIT's just another learning curve.
18:37.57iCEBrkrI felt the same way when I started with Asterisk
18:38.00stoffellKatty, that'll probably only work on the higher end of polycom phones, right?
18:38.01iCEBrkrReally overwhelmed.
18:38.13iCEBrkrNow that you're used to Asterisk, it's hard to deal with FS XML's
18:38.15Anon472iCEBrkr: asterisk is the windows of telephony :P
18:38.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew?
18:38.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: i want to put this: into the idle browser of sip.cfg
18:38.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: but not the main sip.cfg
18:39.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: i want to put it into MAC.cfg, which i guess technically would be phone-MAC.cfg
18:39.28jayteeAnon472, check out Digium's site for Cepestral text to speech addon
18:39.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i can't seem to find much info on how to dump that in there. have any documents?
18:39.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: dump it on a web-server, point your idle page to it.  End of story.
18:40.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: Katty Keeping in mind that is so dark you are FUBAR'd on anything but an IP 670
18:40.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: still be neat.
18:40.45Katty[TK]D-Fender: i just can't figure out what to put into phone-MAC.cfg to get it to display
18:40.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: If your idea of neat is a solid grey block...
18:40.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm guessing some sort of <microbrowser> tag or something
18:41.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: the mb idle tags are blatantly obvious.  you shove a URL there
18:41.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: my phone1.cfg file doesn't have a sample of what the line looks like.
18:41.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: could you pastebin me yours?
18:41.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
18:42.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Its in the main.  Copy that block off sip.cfg and paste it into your phoneXXX.cfg
18:42.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: then you can personalize it per phone
18:43.56*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
18:44.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: <- is that the correct bit from sip.cfg?
18:45.04Kattyi'd think there'd be a timeout or something for each image
18:45.10Kattyerr, refresh
18:45.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: right section, but you are missing the IDLE tag
18:45.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: that would fall under the services key
18:46.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Go check your admin guide
18:47.52*** join/#asterisk nido (
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18:54.10jbotrumour has it, stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs, or a client side method to cater to crappy sip servers, or a phaser setting
18:54.40jameswfI truely under estimated the pain of a clean OS install on my laptop
18:54.43jeevstun is cool, i want to learn it
18:54.49jeevjameswf, what laptop
18:55.15jameswfmy work laptop was getting old and moldy so I wiped it and updated
18:55.50jeevdell rules all
18:56.10nidoI've set up an asterisk 1.4 server on OpenBSD; I can connect and register but when I connect I get a strange error: [Oct 25 20:23:37] NOTICE[27313]: chan_sip.c:13879 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '' rejected because extension not found.
18:56.15jameswfvostro 1000
18:56.19nido10.1.1.241 is the ip of the asterisk box
18:56.22nidoany ideas?
18:56.38De_Monhow are you connecting?
18:56.56nidousing ekiga on a linux box in the same network
18:57.02jbotBSD is a UNIX operating system. An asterisk port is currently availible if you feel you must, or a way to set your pc back 30 years, progress is overrated
18:57.13kerxhey Katty & [TK]D-Fender
18:57.30Anon472why my asterisk is unable to play wav files? is there any module to look at?
18:57.36Anon472what module is responsible for playing wav?
18:57.42kerxmake sure your wav file is sampled correctly
18:58.12Anon472kerx: they are, actually this is the moh wav file
18:58.34De_Monnido are you dialing a number? what does your sip.conf and extensions.conf look like
18:58.49nidoDe_Mon: should I pm them to you?
18:58.55jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:58.55*** join/#asterisk wierdo (i=wierdo@
18:59.38De_Monit's trying to connect to an extension '', and I'm pretty sure you don't have an exten =>,1 line
18:59.54nidothat\s true
18:59.55De_Monso, try dialing something that does exist?
18:59.59jayteejameswf, vostros are cheap but pretty decent machines. they seem to hold up pretty well under the punishing conditions we use them for.
19:00.34jameswfI like mine does okay
19:00.37De_Monreturns to his OCS integration
19:00.50jeevjameswf, dells are the shit man. they're so easy to clean and set up
19:00.50jayteemade in Malaysia, supported in the Phillipines for a company headquartered in the US.
19:00.56jameswfis selectively restoring from backup
19:01.13Anon472I get this error: [Oct 24 23:00:16] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-calm-river does not exist in any format
19:01.17jeevi got lenovo's now because i got a great deal on them.. but if i were in the market for a dell, i'd get the refurb XPS they have.. 2.5ghz, 4 gb ram.. for ~850
19:01.21jameswfis running kubuntu 8.10
19:01.25jeevin the market for a LAPTOP i meant
19:02.02jayteedell lappys are nice. I'm not that fond of the small form factor Optiplex desktop though. Of the 24 SX-280's we purchased back in 2005 all of them have had the system boards fail.
19:02.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: think i got it--rebootin ma phone
19:02.26nidoah. I'm getting it now
19:02.35jayteewe're now buying all our desktops with the 3 year warranty plan to ensure that we get at least 3 years of of them.
19:04.21*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
19:05.38jayteeso the release candidate for Ibex is out. When's the actual final due out? next week?
19:06.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Oct 31
19:06.24jameswfnext Fri
19:06.35jameswfim inpatient
19:06.51jayteeI'm going to wipe my drive on my lappy and try it
19:07.24jameswfit has KDE 4.1.2 so you may have to hold your nose a little on kubuntu
19:08.02Anon472jaytee: how long does in_background: ast_streamfile failed on IAX2/sameer-10790 for moh/fpm-sunshine
19:08.05Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-sunshine does not exist in any format
19:08.06Carlos_PHX< Wonders if he should mention using a Mac laptop after the Polycom thread...
19:08.09Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:912 ast_streamfile: Unable to open moh/fpm-sunshine (format 0x2 (gsm)): No such file or directory
19:08.11Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: pbx.c:5722 pbx_builtin_background: ast_streamfile failed on IAX2/sameer-10790 for moh/fpm-sunshine
19:08.14Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-sunshine does not exist in any format
19:08.17Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:912 ast_streamfile: Unable to open moh/fpm-sunshine (format 0x2 (gsm)): No such file or directory
19:08.18*** join/#asterisk Kate-o (n=vajda1ka@unaffiliated/kateo/x-334924)
19:08.20Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: pbx.c:5722 pbx_builtin_background: ast_streamfile failed on IAX2/sameer-10790 for moh/fpm-sunshine
19:08.23Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-sunshine does not exist in any format
19:08.26Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:912 ast_streamfile: Unable to open moh/fpm-sunshine (format 0x2 (gsm)): No such file or directory
19:08.28jameswfholy crap
19:08.29Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: pbx.c:5722 pbx_builtin_background: ast_streamfile failed on IAX2/sameer-10790 for moh/fpm-sunshine
19:08.32Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-sunshine does not exist in any format
19:08.34jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:08.35Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:912 ast_streamfile: Unable to open moh/fpm-sunshine (format 0x2 (gsm)): No such file or directory
19:08.38Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: pbx.c:5722 pbx_builtin_background: ast_streamfile failed on IAX2/sameer-10790 for moh/fpm-sunshine
19:08.41Anon472[Oct 24 23:02:05] WARNING[13656]: file.c:602 ast_openstream_full: File moh/fpm-sunshine does not exist in any format
19:08.41Carlos_PHXAnon472: Hope you have your Nomex underwear.
19:08.42jblackwonders how many people just /ignored anon472
19:08.43jeevanonn, stop
19:08.58Anon472sorry, was a mistake
19:09.04jeevAnon472, can you first acknowledge
19:09.05jayteeI did a clean install of Gutsy on my laptop and it worked great, even with NDISwrapper. I did the dist-upgrade to Hardy and it was like my CPU lost half it's speed
19:09.16jeevoh, linux.. no wodner
19:09.17Anon472jeev: it was a mistake...
19:09.24jayteeAnon472, what demo?
19:09.44Anon472jaytee: for swift
19:09.49jameswfjaytee: I have been through 2 dist upgrades on this laptop thats why this time i opted for clean reinstall
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19:10.31jayteeAnon472, don't know. is swift for streaming media? I don't use it whatever it is
19:10.43jameswf2 X dist-upgrade = holy crap my system is borked
19:10.48jayteethinks he's confusing me with someone else
19:13.35jameswfyay i can watch youtube
19:15.05Qwellyoutube watches you.
19:15.11Kattynext they'll be putting youtube on polyucom phones
19:16.14De_Monmine already has that
19:16.42tzafrir_laptopjameswf, so fix it
19:16.44hescojaytee: sorry, pulled away by the phone for too long.  I hear you to say that these backups might be the issue?  My plethora of /etc/asterisk_thisbackup, /etc/asterisk_thatbackup ???
19:16.53*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
19:17.08jameswfbreak youtube?
19:18.10hescoIs it reading and rereading these configuration files on top of each other?  If so its a wonder that this db issue is the only thing that is broken.
19:18.31hescoI'll move those elsewhere reload and test again
19:19.29jameswf << upload your vote to youtube....
19:21.14jeevlets go take over with the old network solutions spoof email
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19:27.52Qwelljameswf: you did not just use <marquee>...
19:29.20*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
19:30.15Daejeohow many a big cellphone carriers are in US? can anyone tell me the names?
19:30.27Daejeohow many  big cellphone carriers are in US? can anyone tell me the names?
19:31.00[TK]D-FenderDaejeo: 1.  AT&T
19:32.31Daejeoverizon , t-mobile
19:32.45jameswfDaejeo:  they arent big
19:32.52Daejeoare the part of AT&T?
19:33.01[TK]D-FenderDaejeo: Ask again next week ;)
19:33.54Carlos_PHXWhy would you want a big cellphone?
19:34.22jameswfi has a brick
19:34.31Daejeowhy i wanted to know, because i want to do reverse number lookup
19:34.51jameswfits been done
19:35.23Daejeoi see so many listings
19:36.06*** join/#asterisk wolfelectronic (n=wolfelec@
19:36.11Daejeobut it is hard to get the information abt celphone number
19:36.53Daejeojameswf: smarty tell the URL who is providing free listing
19:36.56jameswfShadow == elite enough for BITCH X not elite enough to use a /
19:37.32Kattypolycom doesn't make any ip phones with video support
19:37.40Kattyhow sasd.
19:37.49jameswfseriously though
19:38.07*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
19:38.14jeevhas anyone here used heartbeat ?
19:38.31jameswfi use many heartbeats every minute
19:39.51jayteejeev, just google Linux HA
19:40.20jayteeor if you prefer you could use :-)
19:40.32jameswfhas failover switches that heartbeat from asterisk
19:40.39theharwat is heartbeat/high avail
19:40.39jeevi know about googling, i'm asking if anyone uses it.
19:41.04jeevjameswf, i have dual wan.. everyone knows but i dont have a good failover method on the default gateway. asterisk is now set up to be redundant, incoming and outgoing calls are sent out two at a time.
19:41.06jayteejeev, I plan to but I'm waiting on the hardware
19:41.14jameswffailover can even hit the reset pins on a panic
19:41.33jayteeright now I'm just using heartbeat with Nagios for monitoring
19:41.49jayteenot for failover or high availabilty
19:42.23jeevman i used to be 31337 with nagios.
19:42.51Kattydoes anyone have an opinion on the GXV3000 video phone?
19:43.06jayteeand then you had the accident and the memory loss, all the hair fell out and things just went downhill from there?
19:43.09jeevjameswf, i need a software method!
19:43.35jameswfKatty: besides it being made by grandstream...
19:43.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:43.51jayteerhino has some nice failover solutions in their hardware. Hey Digium!!! hint, hint!!!
19:43.56Kobazwhat's the easyest way to see if a phone has a call on it
19:44.10Kobazi'm using ChanIsAvail, and using the 's' option, but it's still saying it's available
19:44.13Kattyjameswf: sorry i don't have any experience with grandstream
19:44.16Kattyjameswf: can you elaborate?
19:44.28jayteeKobaz, SIP phone?
19:44.32Kobazjaytee: yeah
19:44.48jbotsomebody said grandstream was the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
19:44.57jayteesip show inuse?
19:45.09Kobazjaytee: it needs to be dialplan level
19:45.34jayteeKobaz, not sure
19:45.40Kattyjameswf: kthx.
19:45.43jameswfmaybe i will shoot over an email and have em send me a demo to see if they are any good... kinda need 2 people with video phones though
19:45.49Carlos_PHXI haven't used the high end Grandstreams, but the cheap and mid level ones were pretty crappy compared to others in the same range.
19:45.58Kattycan anyone recommend a good video phone?
19:46.02Kattypolycom doesn't make any
19:46.13jameswftry aastra?
19:47.12Kobazjaytee: the problem with a failover thing like what rhino has, is you need a functioning computer to use it
19:47.32Kobazjaytee: if the computer that the usb plug is connected to is down, you can't exactly switch anything
19:48.13jayteeKobaz, yeah their solution is more for switching spans if one goes down to an alternate span in T1 or E1
19:49.33jameswfno you need a power source no need for a pc
19:50.00Kattyjameswf: looks like aastra doesn't have one
19:50.06jameswfany standard "usb" power supply works
19:50.33jameswfKatty: I like aastra and snom, I dont do video
19:51.13Kattythat's fine
19:51.16Kattyi just wanna tinker
19:51.26*** part/#asterisk nido (
19:51.34jameswfthe failover has a power only option so it will flip on power failure
19:51.48jeevi guess i'm just gonna have to script something.
19:51.53jeevor i can nagios it!
19:51.56jeevif ping to gateway fails...
19:52.05jeevbut how will nagios know what the gateway is? ahh i can set it as a host in hosts.
20:00.22jtoddquick survey: what ITSPs do people use here?  I'm just looking for company names, not reviews.  :-)  Trying to see what companies are the most common.
20:01.37russellbhrm ... I thought that was a factoid used frequently in here
20:02.10jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
20:02.18jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
20:02.25jtoddThat's not what I asked, though.  My question is trying to determine a coma common list of carriers used by participants who happen to be on the channel right now, not all possible ITSPs.
20:02.59jtoddI have no idea why the word "coma" appeared in there.  My key.  My keystrokes are about 10 seconds ahead of what this IRC client is printing out.
20:03.34jeevi just heard a girl from over there complaining to the business owner
20:03.36jeevthat DTMF doesn't work
20:03.37jeevbut it does
20:03.41jeevshe just likes using the nortel phones
20:03.42jeeviT PSISES ME OFF
20:03.49jayteejtodd, lotta people use viatalk and broadvoice. teliax too. haven't heard much about the others
20:05.23[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: I hear mention of all of them
20:05.39*** part/#asterisk wolfelectronic (n=wolfelec@
20:05.55jtoddok, thanks.  I have teliax on the list and broadvoice.  I use binfone, and of course there's nufone.
20:05.58jayteeof the 4 people I've moved from a Nortel 3903 to a Polycom 550 I haven't had a single complaint
20:06.08[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: and I maintain those jbot info-lets
20:06.14jeevjaytee, the people here bitch like crazy, they dont like change
20:06.17jtoddOK, so who do _you_ use as your ITSP?  :-)
20:06.41[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Personally i use my office which doesn't count. :)
20:07.15[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Almost all the listed ones there are used by quite a lot of people who come through here...
20:07.28Carlos_PHXHeh, there are ITSPs in here, er, me.
20:07.28jayteeconsidering our "value added reseller, AT&T" (try to contain your laughter) would charge us over 400 bucks a phone for the 3903 and I can get 550's for 220 bucks I say if someone doesn't like their 550 I'll give them their Nortel back minus the dialtone :-)
20:07.52[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: I can tell you that the majority of Canadian requests go towards, the better part of leftovers to unlimitel.
20:08.00stenciljtodd: I really like he is always adding new features without increasing the price
20:08.56jtoddOK, that's good data...
20:09.09jeevshit man, i tested dtmf to the number for her 3 times in front of her and it works
20:09.14jeevshe says at least ONCE a day, it ignores it.
20:09.18jeevWTF MAN, youc all it a thousand times
20:09.19jeevjesus christ
20:09.38*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:10.48[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: Its as solid a feeling as can be offered for any market.  Canadian DID's are a little harder come-by so the playing fienld is noticably reduced has lost its mind and is at 140% cpu, so pardon my slow responses.
20:14.03*** join/#asterisk neurosys (n=neurosys@
20:14.44neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  what's your bot keyword for providers again?
20:15.02jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
20:15.04jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
20:15.05jbotmethinks itsplist-uk is UK based ITSps include and a few other tinpot companies you can dig up with google.
20:15.11neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Thx :)
20:16.33Carlos_PHXSo speaking of providers, anyone have an opinion on Broadvox vs. Vitelity as a wholesale provider?
20:17.05Carlos_PHXWe're looking to switch from our current one, and can't decide.
20:18.43*** join/#asterisk telcohitman (
20:21.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time... later all
20:33.43pimpwellI know this is against the rules, but we've implemented fonality and the original guy left the company who set it up.   We are looking to just hire someone to setup menu's etc remotely.   Please let me know, we are located in NY.
20:36.45QwellIf you know it's against the rules, why ask?
20:37.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:37.28jeevhey, so i'm trying to use monast, 5038 aint listening, it's set to listen, i'd have to restart asterisk? doesn't manager run by default ?
20:37.42telcohitmanSo on a different note :) Does anyone know where I can find sizing specifications for Asterisk like how many subscribers can be held on a system based on the size of the server used?
20:38.24Kobazwhat's the easyest way to see if a phone has a call on it
20:38.29QwellKobaz: look at it
20:38.30Kobazi'm using ChanIsAvail, and using the 's' option, but it's still saying it's available
20:39.03ajohnsontelcohitman: This may help:
20:39.11telcohitmanawesome thank you
20:39.31jeevahh, wasn't enabled
20:40.09KobazQwell: it always returns 0 for that
20:42.19telcohitmanthat article gives me everything I is much appreciated
20:44.45pimpwellQwell:  without a phone system at my business , we dont make money and I dont get paid
20:45.16pimpwellsure I can go to craigslist and post jobs... but I thought it would be nice to give the current people who are interested in the subject to do some work.  That's all./
20:45.18Qwellpimpwell: Hate to say it, but that's not our problem. ;/
20:45.33QwellWe get countless people coming in here "omg, I'm gonna lose my job if this doesn't get fixed.  HELP ME NOW!"
20:45.36Qwellno, it doesn't fly.
20:45.46pimpwellnot me, Im helping an employee who is stuck in the position
20:46.57pimpwellplease respect the fact at least that I tried to bring some business here even though not wanted
20:47.05Carlos_PHXStuck in this position?
20:47.08pimpwellI forgot you all do this for personal satisfaction and fame
20:47.14pimpwellnot $
20:47.47telcohitmanI do it because I like the work.... but I get cash for it too
20:48.43Carlos_PHXMost of us work with Asterisk itself, not a GUI, so it would be like learning something new.  If you had a regular Asterisk server I'm sure plenty of us would be happy to take your money.
20:49.07Carlos_PHXThe Fonality box just has too to put it nicely.  I've removed all the ones I had used/sold.
20:58.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:01.33jayteeLong live Engineer Tim!!! Down with Fonality!!!
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21:03.30jayteeyay! quittin time. be back later for more fun
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21:22.58StephenF[W]Does anyone else feel like is overpriced when compared to VoicePulse?
21:23.21StephenF[W]I dont understand where the extra value is, is their support better?
21:23.35StephenF[W]anyone use either or VoicePulse for a small Business?
21:25.02*** join/#asterisk kisu (
21:25.35[TK]D-FenderStephenF[W]: I've had clients who were happy with VoicePulse.
21:26.01*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
21:26.31StephenF[W][TK]D-Fender: im using them at home and the quality seems great, Im thinking i will try them out first...
21:26.50StephenF[W]plus their server is right here in the same town as us
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21:29.39jameswfcomputer is so bleading edge an emo kid may try to steal it and cut them selves
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21:34.11Carlos_PHXStephenF[W]: We tried Bandwidth.  They seem to waste a lot of money on sales people and paperwork.  The paperwork is huge and what drove us away.
21:34.24Carlos_PHXI don't believe, my opinion, that they offer a good value.
21:34.38Carlos_PHXI have no experience with VoicePulse.
21:34.46*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:36.04Carlos_PHXStephenF[W]: What kind of volume?
21:36.46Carlos_PHXMan, I'm having fun reading the old documentation talking about how many channels you might be able to run on a Pentium 233.
21:36.50Carlos_PHXAh, the bad old days.
21:38.17*** join/#asterisk JonScarlet (
21:39.34JonScarletIs this the right channel to ask some newbie type questions? I'm trying to build a small 4 phone system here in my office.
21:40.08JonScarletAll IP phones btw, aastra 57i, and i have a lingo, a vonage, and two broadcom numbers to control
21:41.57Carlos_PHXIt would help to know your question.  Don't worry, if it's not interesting, everyone will ignore it.
21:43.40JonScarlethaha. ok. Well I got the ubuntu box up and running, did the basic asterisk install, but I need to start entering the SIP information and stuff... is there a web interface or anything? Or is it JUST modifying various conf files?
21:44.23JonScarlettrying to get just one line up and running, and have it connect to the aastra 57i, then i'll do the rest
21:44.28JonScarletahhh, thank you encode
21:44.38encodetake a look at the configuration managers section
21:44.52encodethe most common is freepbx
21:45.04JonScarletencode, thanks, very cool of you.
21:45.16Carlos_PHXYou need to decide whether you want to learn Asterisk, or just run a box in the most simple way possible.
21:45.30Carlos_PHXIf you're looking for simple, also take a look at Switchvox free.
21:46.03JonScarletOh, also how involved is it to setup the webvbox that is mentioned? Need to isntall databases and such? i'm already runnign mysql for a compeltely seperate ticketing system
21:46.41JonScarletCarlos, for the time being, i'm looking to run a box the simplest way possible, and add on as time goes by
21:49.14*** join/#asterisk rycar (
21:49.14Carlos_PHXThe Switchvox ISO method is super fast/easy/stable.  I like the GUI a lot.
21:49.41Carlos_PHXI don't know much about the other GUIs as far as setup, have never set one up.
21:50.07[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: From a practical standpoint I would start with FreePBX if you really want to go the GUI route at all.  SwitchVox may be better in a few ways, but people available to support you isn't one of them
21:50.15JonScarletthat wont replace my ubuntu distro right? just add in to my existing setup of asterisk?
21:50.17[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: And NO GUI's are supported in this channel.
21:50.50[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: And you can bet that 99% of whats on the GUI list that you linked noone here has ever heard of or used.
21:52.16JonScarlet[TK]D-Fender , Thanks for the heads up. The Webvbox item i mentioned was mentioned in the Asterisk O'rielly book(skimmed through it during my lunch break).
21:53.23JonScarletOk, here is a non-gui related questions but also simple. Where do I find the SIP account info I need to confiugre the asterisk server? I logged into my broadvoice account, but cannot find such info, not in thier support forms either.
21:54.06[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: plenty of samples on configuring BV for * out there.  Get googling
21:54.38*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
21:55.23[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: You clearly looked very hard
21:55.47JonScarlethehe, gotcha. I was jsut kinda hopign it was as simple as gettign the info by logging into my broadvoice account on thier website
21:56.21[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: Funny I don't use them and found it in under 1 minute.
21:56.22Carlos_PHXSome providers do have samples, some don't, some hide them, some are wrong....  Welcome to open source telephony.
21:56.30JonScarletthanks [TK}D-Fender i'll spend more time reading and less asking. I'll be back with something more challenging. :)
21:56.51Carlos_PHXJonScarlet: Just ask him about Polycom vs. Linksys phones.
21:57.12JonScarletwhat about Lingo accounts? from what I googled, a lot of the psot i come across are from 2006, can we do lingo accoutns through *?
21:57.13[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: I would personally forego GUI's altogether and learn from scratch.
21:57.19hescowhat files are installed in /etc/asterisk if I don't make samples.  Is it a clean slate?  Or is there a skeleton to start with?
21:57.42[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: as you've got the book, thats a must-have starting item.  Here is another quick guide for inspiration which could help get you up and running really fast :
21:57.47jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
21:57.54[TK]D-Fenderhesco: none
21:58.43*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
21:58.45hescoI noticed that my rebuild of asterisk is providing me far fewer options on the help menu this time.
22:00.27Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: So there is no split on the Linksys phones but it's in development.  The browser is simple but useful, RSS feeds scrolling with the ability to drill down a level on specific items.  Nothing fancy but good for company info and news and such.
22:02.07*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
22:02.17JonScarletThat jerjerguide is pretty awesome. gonna print that out and read it on the way home
22:02.41Carlos_PHX< hopes JonScarlet doesn't drive to work.
22:02.46JonScarletDid anyoen know if Lingo and * are compatible btw? I never got a definite answer on that.
22:02.49[TK]D-FenderJonScarlet: really is for the best that you get to understand * at the lower levels for the little bits it takes to be useful
22:03.21JonScarletyeah, it's all the new jargon and some new communication protocols i never had to deal with. It's my first venture into telephony
22:03.33Carlos_PHXThe learning curve is steep but rewarding.
22:03.54Carlos_PHXI agree with learning the hard way, unless you plan to just make a simple one-off system and have no interest in doing more.
22:03.56[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: if they've really picked up on their firmware they might be worth looking at again
22:04.16Carlos_PHXYou might grab one and see.
22:04.26Carlos_PHXNo way to know without trying both.
22:04.51[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Only the 962 could be worth it...
22:05.07hescoI finally figured out that a reload was not the same as a restart.  Now things that were working are not.  And I have a new set of issues to sort out.
22:05.15Carlos_PHXPersonally I agree, but my customers rave about the 942 also over their existing 501s.
22:05.41Carlos_PHXThe firmware is the same.
22:05.46Carlos_PHXBut I think there's no browser on the 942.
22:07.38[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I use a 501 at home... very nice.
22:08.03[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I couldn't imagine swapping for any  sub 962 model
22:08.26Carlos_PHXI've never had either on my own desk, so hard for me to say.
22:08.41Carlos_PHXBut here's a customer quote...
22:09.04Carlos_PHXGot the new phone model, you bastard, now everyone wants these.  How much are the old one's worth.
22:11.54JonScarletthanks for everything guys. I have to go for now. thanks again
22:11.54*** join/#asterisk RMod (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
22:12.10RModhey guys, having some issues with dtmf relay to a sonus
22:14.39*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
22:15.30Carlos_PHXWhat DTMF mode are you using?
22:16.08Carlos_PHXAll the way through?  From the devices to the carrier?
22:16.15Carlos_PHXHave they verified they support that?
22:19.21jeevanyone use monast ?
22:19.51jeevi think i did the installation the right way.. authentication and whatnot but when i point the browser, it just sits there.. connecting
22:20.26RModif i set the devices to canreinvite it works, but thats not a good solution if they are behind nat
22:22.11jeevif you dont set them, whats it do?
22:22.17*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
22:23.13RModdont set the dtmfmode= ?
22:23.38jeevare you talking to me ?
22:30.55jblackWould anyone happen to know what's up with these days?
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22:42.01dennisharrisontrying to get followme to work :  when it goes to dial an external number, I get this error
22:42.02dennisharrison[Oct 24 17:38:34] NOTICE[27976]: chan_local.c:617 local_alloc: No such extension/context 19853732317@DLPN_Default_DialPlan creating local channel
22:42.02dennisharrison[Oct 24 17:38:34] WARNING[27976]: app_followme.c:871 findmeexec: Unable to allocate a channel for Local/19853732317@DLPN_Default_DialPlan cause: Unknown
22:44.04[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: Pastebvin your context in its entirety
22:45.55dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, is what I get from interactive while the call happens
22:46.00StephenF[W]my phone stopped being able to register over NAT, and im getting this: chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
22:46.02dennisharrisonlet me go and grab the context and paste it as well
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22:49.15dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, is my extensions.conf
22:49.18dennisharrisonand last file coming up
22:51.01[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: I only asked for 1 thing
22:51.04[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: [Oct 24 17:38:34] NOTICE[27976]: chan_local.c:617 local_alloc: No such extension/context 19853732317@DLPN_Default_DialPlan creating local channel
22:51.35[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: Now what line in Do you imagine this was supposed to match against?
22:52.12dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, not there yet, sorry about that, putting up the config files for someone else as well, getting to where that context should be right now with the next url
22:52.31[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: Everything we needed to know was in the dialplan...
22:52.34dennisharrisonI suck at debugging asterisk, so I am shooting in the dark :)
22:52.40[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: So tell me where you think it should ahve matched
22:53.13dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, no idea
22:54.25[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: If you can't tell me what dialplan pattern in there should match that number then seem to lack the most important and basic part of *
22:54.47[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: like a driver failing to understand the gas pedal.
22:55.13[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: go break out the book and go learn how dialplan patterns work.
22:55.25dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, tell me about it, I am using ast-gui to configure this, everything else seems to work.  There are a lot of config files here, does the first part of the dialplan need to match as well, or just the part after the @ ?
22:56.58[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: its looking for a match for 19853732317 in [DLPN_Default_DialPlan].
22:57.20*** join/#asterisk Penggu (
22:57.32hardwireanybody seen a USB ringdown phone?
22:57.37hardwireor a sip one?
22:57.44dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, ahh, that is strange to me, can't I just tell it to 'dial' a number using a dialplan, and have that use the specific outbound calling rule for it?
22:57.45*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-d282318e8990babb)
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22:58.13[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: that is what its doing.
22:58.21Pengguhi all. anyone know of any simple 1xISDN-PRI<->SIP boxes "gateways" ? just so someone can connect ip phones to ISDN channels?
22:58.32Penggucant find anything like it
22:58.34[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: how do you normally dial an outbound number from your phone?
22:58.35Penggusimple ATA style
22:58.41dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, ok, i'll go back and grep some more to see if I figure out wtf I need to look at
23:00.03dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, it usually would look like this : Executing [1-dial@macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3:1] Dial("SIP/fBB14mgN23-1c29d3a0", "SIP/fBB14mgN23/19853732317") in new stack
23:00.29Penggui could build an * machine with a pri+ethernet interface. i would think though that a little black box to do that would be more economical.
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23:01.26[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: that is not what I asked you
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23:04.06dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, I don't know how to answer you.  Other then, there are no phones hooked up to this system what so ever.  My guess would be that they send the number dialed to the dialplan associated with the extension, then the calling rule that best matches the input is executed, and that goes to whatever trunk is available on that dialplan... ?
23:04.22[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: how do you normally dial an outbound number from your phone? <-------
23:04.58dennisharrisonby stringing together enough digits to make something happen? :)
23:05.21[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: ... give an example..
23:05.40dennisharrison19853732317 (press talk/enter)
23:05.53dennisharrisonor sometimes 10 digit as well
23:06.54[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: really... pastebin a normal call
23:07.15dennisharrison[TK]D-Fender, here comes
23:07.27jeevFender, not all ITSP's are connected to PSTN, right ? some ITSP's just resell ITSP..
23:08.28dennisharrisonthe only other way I have of dialing out is with a voice menu
23:09.02dennisharrisonand I don't see anything about default_dialplan there
23:10.29[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: That doesn't look like you calling OUT
23:10.34dennisharrisonit is though
23:10.54dennisharrisonit is dialing the 985373 number after it answers the incoming
23:10.57dennisharrisonand connects the call
23:11.13dennisharrisonin that example, I guess you would consider it a forward
23:11.26dennisharrisonwasting two channels, but the simplest example I could find.
23:11.47[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: dial a REAL NUMBER
23:12.00dennisharrisonit is a real number, 19853732317 is a real number
23:12.37[TK]D-Fenderdennisharrison: not out to the real world it isn't
23:12.37dennisharrisonI am really not trying to be thick man
23:20.55*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:22.49hescomy cdr_pgsql issue has been resolved.  Thank you for your patience helping me to sort this out.
23:24.01jayteehesco, was it the extra asterisk_* directories?
23:24.11*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
23:24.28unpaidbillg729 is effing sexy
23:24.29unpaidbillthat is all
23:24.45jayteeunpaidbill, g729a or g729b?
23:24.56hescothat may be a piece of it.  I also think that actually restarting *, instead of only reloading its config files, after the make clean, re-install may have likely been of help.
23:24.59jayteeso b is a bow-wow?
23:25.05unpaidbilli havent used b
23:25.20unpaidbilli can't comment on it's attraction level
23:26.04jayteehesco, yeah most times you're better off doing a complete restart of asterisk and when sql is concerned just doing a reboot is even better to start clean and restart all the services.
23:26.22unpaidbillthis is pretty awesome though.. i have a wireless network connection
23:26.34unpaidbillwith 4 lines running over it using g729, crystal clear audio
23:26.51jayteeunpaidbill, I only use ulaw cuz I likes my codecs the way I likes my women, phat and thick.
23:26.55jtoddG.729 is only sexy when dressed in IAX to keep it slim and overhead-free.  Otherwise, it's bloated and not that much more attractive than it's smoother-sounding sister, G.711.
23:27.10unpaidbillif i had more than 30KB/s upstream i'd use it
23:27.13hescoI woke up this morning to find we had lost power here.  When I fired the machine back up kiax had stopped making useful connections to the * at localhost.  That will be the next issue to sort out.  But likely not until after some food.
23:27.19unpaidbillulaw that is
23:27.48jaytee30KB/s? damn, man. you need to find a real ISP
23:28.05unpaidbillwell the place is up on the side of a mountian in the middle of nowhere
23:28.20jayteewow, what are you? some kind of Ranger Rick?
23:28.36unpaidbillnope, just someone in a crappy area
23:29.01jayteeMiddle of Nowhere? is that in Alberta? Saskatchewan?
23:29.12unpaidbillsanta claus is my neighbor
23:29.18unpaidbillhis wife is very naughty.
23:29.25jayteecan you see Russia from your house?
23:29.37unpaidbillno but i see this head rearing in the sunset
23:29.41unpaidbillit's freaking me out
23:29.59unpaidbillhave any of you tried out the new asterisknow beta
23:30.03unpaidbillit looks pretty bitchin
23:30.10unpaidbilli'm so glad they changed the web interface
23:30.16jayteeI just loaded it last nite but haven't messed with it too much yet
23:30.22unpaidbilli'm about to burn the CD
23:30.24*** join/#asterisk jstocks (n=jstocks@
23:31.13jayteeit loaded * 1.4 with DAHDI. I was under the impression it would give me a choice between 1.4 or 1.6 during the install but it didn't.
23:32.01unpaidbilli'll care about 1.6 more when it has t38 gateway support
23:32.37unpaidbillapp_sendfax/app_receivefax do work well though
23:32.48jayteei'll probably care more about AsteriskNOW period when it's support channel isn't like visiting the county morgue.
23:33.36jstocksQuestion: I have a asterisk system up and running that I have been using to play with.  I have setup both confrence, and dictate.  Both have worked fine, have been able to detect my DTMF digits and such.  But when I have been testting with AGI and perl I can't seem to get the DTMF digits.  What would I be missing?
23:33.38*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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23:37.18riddleboxhrmm I have setup an extension to work with my zap/2 channel, but when I call the wakeup.php app it says the extension is -1?
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23:41.06riddleboxhey jaytee
23:41.29unpaidbilli just installed sqlgrey on my postfix mail proxy.. i need to make an asterisk port
23:42.20unpaidbillthis thing is great except for the 30m delays
23:42.43jaytee30 minutes?
23:43.12jayteeis sqlgrey like an alternative to spamassassin?
23:43.26unpaidbillit would work in conjunction with it
23:43.47unpaidbillsqlgrey defers the first attempt a remote mail server makes to deliver a message forcing it to requeue it
23:44.12unpaidbillthe theory is that most spam is sent from MTAs that dont conform to mail standards and will only try to deliver the message once
23:44.36unpaidbillor some such nonsense
23:45.05unpaidbilli bet it would work great for telemarketers
23:45.20unpaidbill'This number is no longer in service' message the first time they call
23:45.34unpaidbillahhh im totally doing this.  i wonder how long till i get fired
23:45.57jayteeat least 30 minutes :-)
23:46.58riddleboxnot until a boss tries to call in
23:47.45unpaidbilli shook my bosses hand earlier today and i think i squeezed it too hard.. i heard and felt his bones cracking
23:48.03unpaidbillprobably get canned for that too
23:48.35riddleboxthen do it, make it fun anyway
23:48.52jayteeI'd rather run my boss down in the parking lot and then back over him :-) more satisfying
23:49.18unpaidbillyou must really hate work
23:49.37riddleboxwow, want to work for us haha
23:50.27unpaidbillso far sqlgrey has prevented 485/527 messages from being delivered
23:50.41unpaidbillthen spamassassin picked up 35 more
23:50.45jayteeno, actually I love what I do and the organization is cool but the pay sucks cuz we're a non-profit and my boss is both an idiot and an arrogant ass. very, very difficult to work with. He knows next to nothing but he's ALWAYS right. If you make him look stupid in front of someone else you'll never live it down.
23:50.50unpaidbilland 7 were actually not spam and delivered
23:51.18unpaidbillhah, sounds like a fun guy
23:52.40jayteeyeah, I have 92 hours of paid time off left I have to use by the end of the year. I called in a week ago feeling like crap and called me back and lectured me with bullshit threats about having to note it in my review. I've been out sick 2 days this year.
23:54.02jayteehe sets a higher standard for everyone in his department than the rest of the company sets and yet he then goes and does the same crap that he'd count against us.
23:54.16Qwelljaytee: you just need to make him look stupid in front of the right people
23:55.09jayteeQwell, I've thought of that but I need an exit strategy that doesn't leave me unemployed and living in a cardboard box under a highway overpass.
23:55.18hescoif I invoke the console at localhost as: sudo asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvgcr and attempt to run a call through that server from kiax, and I see no evidence of it on the console, that's a pretty safe bet my call isn't reaching *, right?
23:55.26unpaidbilljaytee: sugar momma. EOT
23:55.27jayteecuz he's a fundamentalist and he's not the forgiving kind
23:56.02jayteeunpaidbill, thanks for the suggestion. I'll put an ad in Craigslist
23:56.38unpaidbillno problem, i'm sure you'll have really good luck
23:57.10jayteeyeah, I'll get all these photos from fat guys saying "Would you consider a sugar daddy instead?"
23:57.50*** join/#asterisk RMod_ (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
23:57.54unpaidbill'sugar daddy needs JO buddy no gay stuff, also have TE110P for pics'
23:59.05unpaidbillopal/t38modem is the worst thing in the world
23:59.20unpaidbilli wish asterisk supported t38 h323 passthrough
23:59.29unpaidbillis it in the works
23:59.37unpaidbilli'll send you a pallet of dr pepper
23:59.41jayteeI remember the first time I was playing with NetMeeting and a webcam back in the late 90's and clicked on a link for Hot Sheila Nekkid. 300 lb fat man masturbating. took months of therapy and heavy drinking to rid myself of that haunting image.

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