IRC log for #asterisk on 20081016

00:00.08jblackThen only the rich could be politicians.
00:00.28jayteein the early days of the republic I think it was more like a part-time gig that actually didn't pay a salary.
00:00.43jblackAnd only the rich were politicians. :)
00:02.28jayteeif it wouldn't get me brought up on charges I'd like to take a major dump in a cardboard box, add a note that says "Mission Accomplished" and ship it FedEx to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. c/o The Chimpanzee in Chief.
00:06.51edibraci think obama will make a big impact for the better...but i'm worried that people expect too much from him
00:10.12*** join/#asterisk cirosou (
00:10.36hardwireanybody wanna do my job?
00:10.38jayteeI'm from Massachusetts but live in Indianapolis. I've met more dumbass rednecks that think the Universe is 6000 years old since I moved here in 2000 than I've met anywhere else in the last 30 years. Some crazy ass "lone wolf" white supremist jesus freak is gonna try and pop a cap in his ass within the first 6 months of his being in office
00:10.45cirosouneed some help with a x100p card
00:10.53hardwirecirosou: legit x100p card?
00:10.56hardwireknock off?
00:11.13cirosounot produced by digium... but novavox
00:11.32hardwirewhat did they say?
00:12.34cirosouhardwire: haven't tried contact with them yet... too late in london to contact tech support hehe
00:12.41hardwirewhats the issue?
00:13.31cirosouhardwire: wheneve i plug pots line in fxo port the card closes the loop and take the line off hook, and i simply dont know if this is a hardware problem or a conf issue
00:13.52hardwirehow did you configure the card?
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00:14.26cirosouhardwire: it happens even with the card over the table... no plugged in the pci slot, power off etc.. happens every time
00:14.41cirosoufound some information on novavox website about fxo tune
00:15.25hardwirewhats asterisk say when you plug in the line?
00:16.43jayteefxotune is for tuning the card for echo
00:17.45jayteeif you get the same off-hook condition with the card  out of the server or "over the table" as you put it and no power applied then the connector on the card is messed up or your premise wiring is messed up.
00:18.53jayteegot an analog phone you can plug the line into directly?
00:20.13cirosouhardwire: this is asterisk output when i try to place a call on zap trunk
00:21.27cirosoujaytee: i've narrow it down to this. with the card on a testing table, multimeter and pots line perfectly working
00:21.37MatBoyare there GUIś that can manage multiple Asterisk boxes to set limitations on them what admin on those systems can set ?
00:21.38hardwireI don't think it's configured correctly in the first place
00:21.41hardwirebut I'd check yer wiring
00:22.00hardwireMatBoy: stay tuned.. I'm slowly making one :)
00:22.19cirosouwhen i plug the line the voltage drops 3 volts, enough for the telephone company to think the phone is off hook
00:22.26MatBoyhardwire: wow, that's funny :) would be nice to see :)
00:22.45hardwireit's very serious!
00:22.57MatBoyhardwire: I believe you :)
00:23.01purple_v45I'm gettin congestion errors when I dial a particular NPA NXX through my iax2 provider.  Is there something I can do locally to address that, or is that a problem for the provider?
00:23.02cirosouthis is not a problem with configuration cause it happens every time even with the card off the computer
00:23.10MatBoyhardwire: is there a page about it ?
00:23.10cirosou3 volts dorp on the line every time
00:23.15hardwirepokes pyite
00:23.25hardwirequit dorpin your voltses
00:23.49MatBoyhardwire: there was not such a solution yet I thought
00:24.07hardwirecirosou: usually chan_zap would return a reason code like "congested" if it felt the line was up waiting for action
00:24.20jayteecirosou, so that tells you it's either a line or wiring problem or a faulty card, most likely the latter which you could pinpoint by using a standard analog phone on the damn line to test.
00:24.34hardwireMatBoy: for now it's at
00:24.54hardwirejaytee: off your meds today?
00:25.13jayteehardwire, WHAT????!!!! :-)
00:25.19MatBoyhardwire: nice opensource ;)
00:25.21cirosoujaytee: made 456 phone calls to thest the line and wiring... i simply did not know if this was a standard/configuration behaiour/problem or faulty hardware...
00:25.38hardwireMatBoy: why close source it?  you know?
00:25.54jayteecirosou, call the card manufacturer
00:26.04hardwireMatBoy: just subscribe to the timeline rss
00:26.08cirosoutks.. i'll try it tomorrow
00:26.17MatBoyhardwire: nope, but I like opensource and wanted to tell you your desicion is very good !
00:26.34hardwireMatBoy: every single decision I have ever made is fucking awesome.
00:27.01hardwireI'm still working out bugs on some backend storage stuff..
00:27.27cirosoutks for your help
00:27.39MatBoyhardwire: when did you decide to never have sex again than ? man thatś bad !
00:28.01jayteecirosou, x100p cards are notorious for being "flaky" at best and junk at worst.
00:28.28*** part/#asterisk cirosou (
00:28.42jayteelove the quit message
00:29.29hardwirepoor guy
00:29.52jayteeit's what you get for buying junk hardware
00:30.08hardwireeven my digium x100p was kinda cruddy :)
00:30.17jayteehi Katty
00:30.25hardwireI think it's revision 0.01 from when they just moved from soldering cats to soldering monkeys
00:30.50hardwirepokes pyite with extreme pokeyness
00:31.05jayteehardwire, when I first started messing with Asterisk I bought a few X100 clone cards on E-Bay. Quickly learned my lesson. They'd hardlock the server sometimes.
00:31.32hardwiremy roomba is going nuts
00:31.43jayteehardwire, you do that well! did you know Long John Silvers is hiring?
00:31.47hardwireI'm pretty sure my girlfriend sheds more than the dogs do.
00:32.20hardwirejaytee: yar.
00:33.05MatBoyhardwire: but have you ever seen something like it before ?
00:33.14hardwireMatBoy: not really
00:33.43hardwireI've been doing a lot of research into database replication, partitioning, provisioning asterisk systems, fastagi, etc..
00:33.49hardwirehopefully to bring together something useful
00:34.02MatBoyI think you can and will :)
00:34.09hardwirethat's the spirit
00:34.12hardwirenow go find me some coders
00:34.15MatBoybut it's weird that it never was there before
00:34.20LiNeTuX_HomeI need some help figuring this one out...
00:34.23hardwireit's probably there
00:34.29LiNeTuX_Homethat's what's left of a log file from a bad day
00:34.31hardwireMatBoy: dunno if druid is scalable at all
00:34.50LiNeTuX_Homelooks like all of our meetme conf's went down when someone paged our main page group
00:35.01LiNeTuX_Home(log is kinda long...)
00:35.23hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: nice page
00:35.57hardwiretried paging one phone after the other instead?
00:35.57LiNeTuX_Homewhole lot of "" at the end
00:36.06*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=T0tal@
00:36.15LiNeTuX_Homewe tried to replicate the problem this evening to no avail
00:36.30hardwiregot zap hardware?
00:37.11hardwirejaytee: arr
00:37.42LiNeTuX_Homecrap - ... whole lot of "Ooh, something swapped out under us, starting over"
00:37.56MatBoyhardwire: it seems it isn't
00:37.59LiNeTuX_Homehardwire: nothing directly in the server.  everything is either SIP or TDMoE
00:38.10hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: care for a fishslap?
00:38.20hardwirewonders if jaytee has a spare one.
00:38.31LiNeTuX_Homehardwire: eh?  I don't follow.
00:38.34*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
00:38.35jayteeno, no spare fishslaps
00:38.43hardwirefishslaps LiNeTuX_Home
00:38.56hardwiremeetme w/o zap can be pretty unreliable
00:39.03jayteebut I wouldn't run MeetMe and Page like that without a real hardware based zaptel timing source.
00:39.22LiNeTuX_Homethe redphone is our timing source
00:39.23jayteeeven ztdummy can go haywire
00:39.25hardwireyou may have pegged your cpu
00:39.39hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: does it show as a timing source to chan_zap?
00:39.42jayteeredfone is T1 PRI to TDMoE.
00:39.42LiNeTuX_Homeeven with 30 people on the call the CPU has never been over 2%
00:39.49LiNeTuX_Homehardwire: hang on
00:39.52jayteenot a zap timing source
00:39.52cesar_CRhi guys, wich are the steps to use res_pgsql to store CDRs ???
00:39.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:40.13hardwirecesar_CR: in the asterisk docs there is a section just for that
00:40.17jblackcesar_CR: You load the module. However, res_pgsql is deprecated. You should be looking at res_odbc.
00:40.24hardwireincluding the section on
00:40.39hardwireodbc setup is usually the least fun part :)
00:40.45voxtercesar_CR: check this out
00:40.46hardwireI always forget the syntax
00:41.07cesar_CRups I didn't know it was deprecated
00:41.32cesar_CRwell I'll read cdr_odbc thanks guys!!!!!
00:41.35hardwirecesar_CR: it's not common knowledge, I suppose
00:42.26LiNeTuX_Homehardwire: okay, how to I tell where to find my timing sources for zap?
00:42.44cesar_CRhardwire, ok thanks !
00:42.59hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: you know, not sure
00:43.06hardwiregrep your full logs for "tim' -i
00:43.13jayteeI paid $2.66 a gallon for gas today and felt like I'd hit the lotto
00:43.51jayteehardwire, do you have ztdummy loaded?
00:43.58jayteeoops, forget that!
00:44.12jayteeLiNeTuX_Home, do you have ztdummy loaded?
00:44.17LiNeTuX_Homeno ztdummy
00:44.28jayteewhich asterisk version?
00:44.39hardwireplease say 1.1
00:46.36jayteeok, well you might want to upgrade to 1.4.22 and get the zaptel tarball, compile zaptel to get ztdummy. Probably need to to recompile asterisk and make install after that too.
00:47.20jayteethat'll give you zap timing for MeetMe and Page.
00:47.22LiNeTuX_Homemy zaptel is 1.4.11
00:47.27hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: what line protocol to the redphone?
00:47.38LiNeTuX_Homelemme double-check
00:48.02jayteeyou said you didn't have ztdummy loaded, so did you already compile and install zaptel?
00:48.04hardwirewithout a "d" channel, you don't have timing.
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00:48.28LiNeTuX_Homejaytee: yes, compiled and installed zaptel
00:48.34MatBoyhardwire: mhh, there is really nothing out there yet indeed
00:48.45hardwireMatBoy: agreed
00:48.51jayteeeven with a d channel that's only for the TDMoE link to the redfone.
00:49.19LiNeTuX_Homeit's actually 2 pri's, each with their own d channel
00:49.20hardwirejaytee: and even if it did pass it along.. it's not got a valid enough constant bitrate
00:49.44MatBoyhardwire: maybe astman, which is under dev atm again
00:49.48hardwireotherwise.. zaprtc.ko would be the end all solution :)
00:49.58hardwireMatBoy: all things are under development :)
00:50.03hardwireMatBoy: tried destar?
00:50.26jayteeLiNeTuX_Home, if you do a ps aux | grep ztdummy at a terminal prompt what does it show?
00:50.26MatBoyhardwire: not yet :)
00:50.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:50.41MatBoyhardwire: we have some nice info to share for a couple of time :)
00:51.06hardwireMatBoy: oh.. haha.. you're cute.. you thought this was gratis?
00:51.14LiNeTuX_Homejaytee: it shows me grepping for ztdummy :)
00:51.20hardwiremy paypal is just submit whatever.. I'll tell you if it was enough.
00:51.34hardwireLiNeTuX_Home: you have no dummy..!!!!
00:51.39hardwiresometimes a compliment.
00:52.01hardwireMatBoy: I'm not serious about that.
00:52.10MatBoyhardwire: hehe I looked into this info some time ago also, I have seen and tried destar indeed
00:52.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b0aca6a3e051dad5)
00:52.25MatBoyhardwire: you are a dutch boy too ?
00:52.25jayteeLiNeTuX_Home, then ztdummy isn't loading and you need to add or uncomment ztdummy to the zaptel startup script or make sure that the zaptel service is starting.
00:52.39hardwireMatBoy: Every day I head into town and stick my finger in a hole.
00:52.43hardwireDoes that qualify?
00:52.48MatBoytransfers some money to hardwire and asks him to get some beer :D
00:53.00MatBoyhardwire: man, bah... you are in Amsterdam :D
00:53.11hardwiremvanbaak is.
00:53.15hardwireI'm in Alaska
00:53.24MatBoyhardwire: so, swallow a fork ! much more effective and keep your finger clean ;)
00:53.26jayteehe can see Russia from his house!
00:53.32hardwirejaytee: I was kidding you know.
00:53.44jayteehardwire, I know. I've been there
00:53.53hardwirejaytee: lies
00:53.56hardwireyou would have said hi.
00:54.11jayteeAnchorage and Fairbanks in 77
00:54.12drmessanoSomeone named "Ast_Newbie" PM'ed me
00:54.18hardwirejaytee: I was born in 79.
00:54.20drmessanoHas to be a newb.. they would know better
00:54.36hardwirethey aren't even in this channel.
00:54.40hardwirehow did they find you?
00:54.47jayteehe's famous
00:55.09jayteehow was the dentist?
00:55.09drmessanohell if I know
00:55.49drmessanoAfter I got done with the smell of burning flesh from the laser, and went home to change my clothes they SOAKED, lots of pain... otherwise, "Very YAY"
00:56.06jayteewow, laser
00:56.15jayteewhy'd they use a laser? gums?
00:57.14drmessanoThe laser wand shoots a jet of distilled water onto the area, and I apparently found the one dental assistant on earth that doesnt know how to suction
00:57.18drmessanoor "suck"
00:57.25drmessanoeither way, ironic
00:57.47drmessanoNaah, I had some thing on the inside of my cheek they wanted to cut off and biopsy
00:57.58jayteewow, hope it's benign
00:58.46jayteeI had electrolysis surgery on my gums for periodontal disease but it didn't take fully and I still had to end up getting all my top teeth ripped out and have dentures put in.
01:00.05drmessanoIve never liked dentists.. Have a violent gag reflex.. Now I work on Dental software problems as part of my day job
01:00.10drmessanoIts ironic
01:00.42jayteeI've often suspected that most dentists become dentists because they have both a sadistic streak and an oral fixation.
01:00.54hardwireOh.. and they like suicide.
01:01.02jayteeyay! the debate is on! May the best liar win!
01:01.20jayteehardwire, very true! they have the highest suicide rate of any occupation
01:02.04edibracwhat personality type is best for IT work?
01:02.13LiNeTuX_Homehrmph.  Seems like redphone has their "own" redphone-zaptel source... I'd forgotten about that.  I'll call them tomorrow and talk it over... there might be more than I know going on here.
01:02.21jayteeedibrac, angry, disgruntled and distrusting
01:02.42hardwireedibrac: spock like personality.
01:03.04jayteeedibrac, usually virgins with bad acne excel in the field
01:03.07hardwireedibrac: anybody who's ever told a cat "You're my best friend"
01:03.12edibracjaytee: i'd reword that to: passionate, realistic and truth-seeking!
01:03.21jayteehardwire, lol
01:04.29drmessanoAngry loner.. if he wasn't doing IT work, he would be performing surgery on the neighbors cats and/or phreaking to make free calls to phone sex hotlines just to ask women if their hair is soft
01:04.41jayteegoes to update his resume with edibrac's recommendations
01:05.34edibracangry loner or introverted and self-reliant?
01:05.51MatBoyhardwire: destar is far form active
01:06.08drmessano"A passionate self starter"
01:06.15drmessanoAKA angry loner
01:06.34jaytee"tenacious problem solver"
01:06.48jayteeAKA can't figure out shit but never gives up
01:07.26drmessano"Easily adapts to any task" = Likes to cut the feet off of squirrels
01:08.18jaytee"punctual" = sleeps in his van in the employee parking lot
01:09.18hardwire= plays cards in the old west.
01:09.19jaytee"and I'll fight against any tax increases. I'll help you keep your business, Joe. I'll even buy you a Winnebago!"
01:09.24drmessano"Willing to work flexible hours, on-call nights and weekends if the job requires" = Stays up all night looking through the neighbors windows with binoculars
01:10.27jaytee"willing to work flexible hours" = please pay me to download porn over the company's DS3 after hours
01:10.39drmessano"Maverick" = Senility induced illusion he's still in vietnam
01:10.45edibracdoes this sound good - Act as a ‘problem manager’ responsible for tracking, escalation and troubleshooting of issues as they arose
01:11.07edibraci'm looking over craigslist postings
01:11.14*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=StephenF@
01:11.22edibraci mean, you can add that to any job
01:11.30jayteeFAT GWM TOP seeks FORMER POW BOTTOM?
01:11.44edibracif i worked at Wendy's -  would i not be a problem manager?
01:12.47hardwire"Welcome to Wendy's.. Whats your problem?"
01:12.54hardwire"I'm Hungry!!"
01:13.07drmessano"Hold on sir while I make a ticket"
01:13.12edibraci think everyone should add "at the lowest payscale" to their Career Objective on their resume
01:13.29hardwireescalates to tier 3
01:13.30edibracTo attain a position in business, systems administration, or project management that will provide challenging opportunities for personal, professional, and technical growth at the lowest payscale
01:14.27drmessanoEmployers just love when you list 3 different goals too
01:14.36edibrac"Monitor and react to alarms: perform initial investigations, problem segmentation and escalation "
01:15.27drmessanoThe more flexible your resume is, the more it looks like you have no idea what the fuck you want to do
01:15.39edibracthat's like "can launch Outlook to access email alerts and flag messages with different colors, and forward to the appropriate people"
01:16.48drmessano"To attain a position managing telecommunications, information infrastructure, or director of animal care and control"
01:16.50jaytee"I want to make an outrageous salary and surf the web all day for non-work related fun stuff"
01:16.51*** join/#asterisk Goldfisch (
01:17.02drmessano"Sounds like you read all 3 job postings"
01:17.23*** part/#asterisk Goldfisch (
01:18.04jayteewhat a hypocrite! "We need to stop sending 700 billion a year to countries that don't like us very much." um, you mean like Iraq?
01:18.36hardwirejaytee: does your wife make you play in your own room all day?
01:18.52jayteeFelix the Cat had nothing on John McCain when it comes to a bag of tricks.
01:19.23drmessano"Mission Accomplished!"
01:19.27jayteehardwire, wtf are you talkin bout, Willis?
01:20.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Bought it for $90 CAD.  Included bag, body, 28-80 F3.5-5.6(meh lens), and 62mm UV (dammit not polarizer)
01:21.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Darn, ad pulled already!
01:22.10jayteeyeah, I was just about to ask. I got a huge list of shit and at the top it says ad 80759930 is not available.
01:24.20drmessanoHES A MAVERICK
01:24.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Heh, grabbed the pic off the idle window I had for it :D -
01:24.29*** join/#asterisk Goldfisch (
01:24.33jayteeam I alone or does anyone else ever feel an overwhelming desire to slap the shit out of anyone that uses the phrase "the fact of the matter is"
01:25.04*** part/#asterisk Goldfisch (
01:25.05drmessanoSenator, I was using Asterisk 1.6 when it was in Alpha..
01:25.05boolean12The fact of the matter is jaytee, that I'm annoying.
01:25.16*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (i=Yourname@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
01:25.23jayteeboolean12, "don't make me come back there!"
01:25.30Yourname`Hola people!
01:25.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Full page on a silver coloured one.  Its compatible with my Sigma flash I got for my Sony Digital, and all the full-frame lenses I have already.  APS-C ones are only good on crop.
01:25.46jayteehola, ?como esta
01:26.31jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so what are you keeping? just the lens or the body?
01:26.32Yourname`bien bien
01:26.58Yourname`My questions. I really want to be able to somehow see all active channels, right click on it and listen in on it. What are the Asterisk AMI commands involved in this?
01:27.27*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
01:27.36edibracsip show channels?
01:27.49jayteeright click? lottsa luck with that
01:28.45edibracman looking over all the craigslist resumes makes me depressed
01:28.51hardwireYourname`: will have that function
01:29.00edibracso many people with all that experiences (on paper)
01:29.04hardwiresubscribe to the timelines rss if you want updates
01:29.15edibracsome seem very honest and specific
01:29.28*** join/#asterisk colulu (n=jg@
01:29.38Yourname`jaytee: Yes, things like that is what separates asterisk from proprietory stuff out there. :)
01:29.57jayteeyou can listen in on zap channels with zapbarge but how can you listen in on a SIP to SIP call?
01:30.14jayteeafaik, there is no sipbarge app
01:30.24Yourname`hardwire: What's that? broken link..
01:30.33hardwirejaytee: add w to the dial :)
01:30.37hardwireor t
01:30.39hardwireor something
01:31.16jayteeJoe the Plumber is quite a guy from the sound of it
01:33.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Keeping the whole thing most likely.  the whole pile was in near new condition, the bag I'll use for my primary digital + 18-250mm walkaround.  the biger bag I'll keep for all the specialty lenses, flash, and film body.
01:33.07Yourname`hardwire: Sorry, got it. I was typing it wrongly.
01:33.21hardwireYourname`: work in progress
01:33.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: That way I'll have my 'quick grab" bag, and the "maybe I'll really play my shots" bag
01:33.36jaytee[TK]D-Fender, nice deal for 90 bucks
01:33.49hardwireanyways.. Yourname`.. if you monitor all conversations then you stay in the sip path :)
01:33.49*** join/#asterisk Cdogg (
01:33.53hardwireerr.. sip audio path
01:34.21jayteehardwire, how does one do that without using something like MeetMe?
01:34.32hardwirejaytee: Monitor()
01:34.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, but I'd have been REAL sweet if it were a 62mm polarizer as listed, and not UV.  that I could have used on the 18-250 increasing my walkaround functionality.  But all in all a good deal.
01:34.43jayteehe said he want's to be able to "right click" and listen in.
01:35.29hardwirejaytee: oh.. I'm working on that part :)
01:35.30hardwirehe could use chanspy if he forces Dial() to not allow redirects
01:35.31hardwirethats another solution
01:35.33jayteehardwire, HUD might already provide that then
01:35.41hardwirejaytee: I've never played with HUD
01:35.55jayteeI've only played with HUD Lite
01:36.42hardwireI wonder if they called it that on purpose, to be like Bud Light
01:36.54hardwireI would have called it WeeHud.
01:37.05*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
01:37.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you looking for a circular polarizer or a linear one?
01:38.00jayteei'm guessing the former
01:38.15*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
01:38.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Circular.
01:39.11jaytee34.99 US
01:39.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: jaytee not bad...
01:41.16jayteesame price as Ritz Camera. haven't seen anything cheaper here.
01:41.39jayteeand Ritz has Quantaray. I'd go with Hoya over Quantaray
01:42.04[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ditto.
01:44.09jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I used to take 400ASA and chill it in dry ice so I could take deep space photos with my Nikon mounted on my 10" Newtonian reflector. Equatorial mount clock driven tripod weighed over 80 lbs.
01:45.07jayteeeven after they came out with 1600 ASA I stuck with the 400 because the grain was smaller.
01:46.36jayteenow they've come out with some good but expensive ELL CCD's so digital night sky photography is becoming practical and in another 5 years will be affordable for me again :-)
01:47.06hardwirewonders when everybody stopped talking about him.
01:47.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Joy of digital I go to 3200 :)
01:47.31hardwire<- dramallama
01:47.51hardwire[TK]D-Fender: seen that creepy 26400 ASA camera?
01:47.53jayteehardwire, shortly after the link to a photo of you in a thong was posted on Digg....about 20 minutes ago
01:48.01[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: for night sky I don't worry about ISO.  I did a few really nice ones at 100.... don't ask about the shutter time ;)
01:48.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Which reminds me, next time its clear I want to do some star trail shots
01:48.27[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Nope
01:48.46hardwirewell.. it's creepy.
01:48.48jayteefor local stuff thats no problem but deep sky objects and nebula need a long exposure with a steady clock drive.
01:49.36jayteeI used to have to pack my scope in my pickup and drive up into the White Mountains to have decent viewing because living south of Boston the light pollution was a killer.
01:49.50jayteehere in Indianapolis I can't even see stars at night.
01:52.49hardwireany QoS nuts hanging around tonight?
01:53.06C4coloQoS is a crock
01:53.26jayteenope, just your usual assortment of cashews, brazil nuts and hazel nuts hangin around
01:53.29Yourname`QoS only works well on Tomato
01:53.33hardwireI have brazilnuts
01:53.55C4coloI have American flavored Corn Nuts
01:53.59hardwirethat concerns me.
01:54.05C4coloor as they are known in America, Ranch flavor
01:54.15*** join/#asterisk krono2k5 (
01:54.20hardwireC4colo: seriously?
01:54.27jayteeI like plain Corn Nuts or used to. Can't eat em anymore.
01:55.09krono2k5I have a asterisk system setup i am able to dial out with my phones but i cannot get imcoming calls i get a  sip 404 error any suggestions
01:55.12jayteegood diet snack cuz you use more calories eating them than they contain
01:55.30C4colo"Ranch" is commonly called "American" flavor in other countries
01:55.44C4coloI know someone who brought back American Flavor Doritos from Iceland
01:55.48hardwirethat's crazy talk
01:56.03hardwireTastes like a field of sour cream.
01:56.36jayteeT. Marzetti's makes the best buttermilk ranch dressing.
01:56.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I have thoght about getting a telescope with a camera mount...
01:57.36jaytee[TK]D-Fender, for scopes if I was buying today, Meade would be my first choice.
01:57.38krono2k5I have a asterisk system setup i am able to dial out with my phones but i cannot get imcoming calls i get a  sip 404 error any suggestions
01:58.06Cutlasskrono2k5...that error is usually sent when the target is not known to the registrar
01:58.10Cutlassis the user registered?
01:58.28hardwirejaytee: they didn't give you steel dentures?
01:58.39hardwirethat would have been awesome.. so james bond
01:58.42jayteehardwire, nope
01:58.48krono2k5Cutlass ya
01:58.57jayteeI don't smile like Jaws in Moonraker
01:58.57*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@
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01:59.08krono2k5im actually using a company called to host my phone numbers
01:59.15krono2k5and my server commuicates with theres
01:59.35hardwire[TK]D-Fender, jaytee: you guys ever use celestia?
01:59.42krono2k5but i get no errors on my server i see the call goes out
01:59.45jayteeI have
01:59.50hardwireI like it
01:59.52krono2k5but they say on there server they see that 404 error
01:59.54hardwireI don't have a telescope rig
01:59.59Cutlassso you can call out to their network?
02:00.14krono2k5i can make calls no problem
02:00.17Cutlassit's just when someone calls you from their network that they are seeing the 404 come back to them?
02:00.20[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Never heard of.
02:00.21hardwireMatBoy: find anthing?
02:00.22krono2k5it jsut when somone trys to call me no good
02:00.25jayteeI even have an add-in for the fake solar system the series Firefly was based in :-)
02:00.26krono2k5no ring nothing
02:00.38hardwire[TK]D-Fender: neat app for realtime star map viz
02:00.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Meade is a name I've encountered before.  Naturally it sounds like I'm spending money (and I am), but I am doing this all "on the cheap.
02:01.07Cutlasscompare the username in the SIP URI to the username in the sip.conf file...they should be the same
02:01.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, mmmm Celestron maybe
02:01.26Cutlassget a dump of the incoming SIP INVITE
02:02.07krono2k5i can do a pastebin if you like custlass
02:02.23Cutlasssure...and then do one for the sip.conf
02:02.59krono2k5give me a sec
02:03.01hardwireinclude all passwords
02:03.17krono2k5password is password
02:03.24Cutlasssorry...forgot about that detail...
02:03.35hardwirewe have to be thorough!
02:03.42jaytee[TK]D-Fender, for Newtonian reflectors anything under 8" mirror is a waste of money. For Dobsonian too. For Maksutov-Cassegrain I wouldn't bother with anything under 5" but that's still pricey.
02:03.44Cutlass;) ...just include the section that has the username
02:03.53Cutlassjust want to be sure that they match...
02:04.17jaytee[TK]D-Fender, but considering the economy it's a buyer's market so there are probably some good deals out there on used scopes.
02:04.34krono2k5Cutlass are there any good web gui interfaces that work with asterisk
02:04.41krono2k5i know there is asterisk now
02:04.53Cutlasstry druid
02:05.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Its scary how much you outclass me in knowledge of things optical :)
02:05.05jayteekrono2k5, the AsteriskNOW 1.5 beta now uses FreePBX as a gui
02:05.07CutlassI have not used any myself, but I've seen it and it looks very nice
02:05.41jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I've been looking up for about 46 years or since I was 8 :-)
02:06.10krono2k5there you go cutlass
02:06.29jaytee[TK]D-Fender, but you can run rings around me on all things SIP and VOIP :-)
02:06.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Sure... play the age card you ELITIST!
02:07.10jayteeage? hey, it's just been a lifelong hobby, all things astronomical and I'm hooked on cosmology too.
02:07.14krono2k5isnt asterisk now its own install of a os though
02:07.18jayteebiology? boring.
02:07.26krono2k5but how is it though
02:07.30jayteekrono2k5, nope 1.5 is CentOS
02:07.46krono2k5but happens if im using a different distro of linux
02:07.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm a mere 33 having gotten into phtography a bit a year ago, and seriously only at the start of this summer...
02:08.11jayteekrono2k5, download it, install it, kick the tires, turn the key and drive
02:08.39krono2k5will it work on gentoo
02:08.51CutlassI'm still learning asterisk...but I would try adding the following line:
02:09.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I miss my Bogen enlarger, my darkroom smelling of sulfites and acetic acid and the orange glow of a safelight when doing B/W
02:09.22krono2k5ok let me see what happens
02:09.31Cutlassso that when the device registers, it will create an entry for that number...then the registrar should be able to find your device
02:09.32krono2k5for the outgoing
02:09.40krono2k5inbound i mean
02:09.49jayteekrono2k5, gentoo? it comes with CentOS which is Red Hat without the Hat
02:10.24krono2k5but all my config is on gentoo lol
02:10.37krono2k5im used to there packaging system and everything lol
02:10.55krono2k5Cutlass no good same error
02:11.05Cutlassdid you reregister?
02:11.27krono2k5there is no registeration required
02:12.02Cutlassyou need to register the device to your asterisk box so that the inbound call can be routed
02:12.03*** join/#asterisk xuser (i=jaood@unaffiliated/xuser)
02:12.21Cutlassotherwise it will not know how to reach your device...hence the 404
02:12.59krono2k5so how do i rereg it
02:13.35Cutlassconfigure the device to register
02:13.56Cutlass...I'm assuming that it's a SIP I'm realizing that this may not be the case....
02:14.03Cutlassplease confirm
02:14.22krono2k5its a sip telephone service
02:14.40Cutlasshow does that work?
02:14.44*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:15.16Cutlassare you referring to your service provider?
02:16.08Cutlassso what is the configuration on the other side of the PBX?
02:16.45krono2k5that they will not release to me
02:17.09Cutlasswhen someone calls your number, what will you answer the call with?
02:17.46krono2k5it should ring a internal ext
02:21.43krono2k5got it work
02:21.52Cutlassthe context might be wrong...
02:21.58Cutlasswhat was it??
02:22.05mikealeonettiit ignores the context
02:22.22Cutlassthe error said that it was using the "default" context
02:22.32mikealeonettifor some reason
02:22.33mikealeonettiit is
02:22.35Cutlassbut the config expects "fromtrunk"
02:22.43mikealeonettifromtrunk exists
02:22.50mikealeonettiif I copy it into default it picks up
02:24.29Cutlassmikealeonetti == krono2k5 ? "cool, glad it works" : "hey mikealeonetti, good to meet you, what took you so long to weigh in?"
02:24.39*** part/#asterisk AndyML (
02:25.09mikealeonettiheh, what's up?
02:25.43mikealeonettiI wonder why it won't use the "context" and goes directly to "default"
02:26.30Cutlassglad it's working....not too sure...I'm still a noob!
02:26.54mikealeonettivery strange
02:27.04mikealeonettiit ignores "context" for some reason
02:27.11mikealeonettiI wonder what the point of having it then is
02:27.28mikealeonettiif you're a n00b, I'm a pre-n00b even
02:27.35Cutlassno sure... :)
02:28.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
02:29.08johnakabeani’m being a bad boy
02:29.25*** join/#asterisk razorsage (
02:30.08johnakabeanthis Sh!!!t is funny.......using originate command, originate two calls into a conference......they keep saying each other called each other and then they get pissed off and start cussing each other. Meanwhile, using chanspy, I’m laughing my ass off
02:30.25*** join/#asterisk voxter (
02:30.33johnakabeananyone want to hear the recordings? pm me
02:31.43johnakabeanitalians are mean people
02:33.17*** join/#asterisk timmyd (
02:33.25Cutlassthat's nice! :)
02:33.40timmyddoes Read(myvarname) not work in 1.6?
02:33.42mikealeonettionly Italian Americans
02:33.51mikealeonettireal Italians are probably pretty nice
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02:47.10[TK]D-FenderAh yes... the "Guido" sub-class...
02:51.33timmydcan anyone get read() to work in 1.6 dialplans?
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03:00.12ftp3hey, i realize that this is not #a2billing.. but no one is there.. does anyone here happen to know how I can make my a2billing rate card public on my site?  as far as i can tell, users must be logged in to see it
03:00.17yidiyuehanhi, guys, seeking for help again,  anybody knows how to invoke an external C program and output an integer 1 / 0 upon invoking?
03:00.54yidiyuehanhi seanbright, my brother
03:01.10yidiyuehani have changed the file ownership to asterisk, still no luck,
03:01.24seanbrighti don't know how to fix your problem
03:01.29seanbrightand i am about to go to sleep.
03:01.32yidiyuehani searched a lot but couldn't find a similar answer.....
03:01.43yidiyuehanthat's fine bro, have a good night~~~~
03:01.47seanbrightyou too.
03:04.01*** part/#asterisk razorsage (
03:09.40[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Output to where?
03:10.45*** part/#asterisk timmyd (
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03:17.13drmessanoIs there not a systematic way of removing zaptel?
03:17.42drmessanoSeems all the 'make uninstall' etc etc are non-existant
03:18.22jayteeyeah, gotta do a rmmod and scrub crap then do a make install with whatever version you replace it with
03:18.49drmessanoI can rmmod
03:19.21drmessanowhich leaves all the other shit behind with the assumption I need to remove the modules for re-install
03:19.25drmessanoI want to remove
03:19.52drmessanoif (installed by Zaptel) {kthxbye}
03:22.56*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
03:23.58yidiyuehanhi D-Fender, sorry was away just now
03:24.13yidiyuehanas discussed before, just output the the C program an integer 1 or 0
03:25.51yidiyuehanD-Fender, here is the pastebin that I have
03:26.06drmessanoI guess no one ever removes zaptel lol
03:30.14LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: not sure if it's what you're on about, but I'll just blacklist it in modprobe.conf
03:30.25LiNeTuX_Homenot really uninstalling... but effective.
03:30.55drmessanoWhat I want is
03:31.08drmessanoIf I installed it with the Zaptel installer
03:31.10drmessanoI want it GONE
03:31.29LiNeTuX_Homeoh.. in that case, you can rm -Rf /
03:31.46drmessanoYeah, you need to scroll up
03:32.14drmessano"Drmessano, you know, you dont have to use Zaptel"
03:32.17drmessano"I want it GONE"
03:32.31drmessano"Reformat then, LOLZ ROFLMAO USELESSCOMMENT"
03:32.38drmessanoI guess no one knows
03:32.49LiNeTuX_Homei might have a note in my wiki... hang on
03:33.57LiNeTuX_Homehmmm... 'find /lib -iname zaptel.ko' <- delete
03:34.09LiNeTuX_Homethat's your compiled version... then just remove the source
03:34.57drmessanoyeah, that doesnt account for any of the utils, config files, firmware images, man, etc
03:35.25drmessanoSo thats not removing it
03:35.31LiNeTuX_Homei guess no one ever bothered to write the 'uninstall' config
03:37.35lanningbuild fresh system and not install it. :)
03:38.09LiNeTuX_HomeI guess you could dissect the make file if you were really anal about it
03:38.21*** part/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
03:42.50LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: does "make remove" work?
03:43.24*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=StephenF@
03:43.25[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: Last time... output to WHERE?
03:43.35drmessanomake remove, make uninstall, nada
03:44.30LiNeTuX_Homemake uninstall all ?
03:44.43LiNeTuX_Homethat's my last thought ;)
03:48.40yidiyuehanD-Fender, not really I said before, just invoke the C program, and pass one argument to the C program upon invoking....
03:49.08[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: go prove that its beign invoked at all.  Because your earlier syntax was fine
03:49.53yidiyuehanD-Fender, if I could see it's executed based on CLI, can I say it's been invoked?
03:50.16[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: And stop calling it "output".  You don't seem to care about the output, you just want a parameter passed.  And if its not doing what you want I highly doubt its being called at all.
03:50.26[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: No, that isn't proof
03:51.11yidiyuehanD-fender, sorry for misleading, then how can i check whether it's being invoked under *
03:53.17[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: change your code to do something additional.
03:56.20yidiyuehanD-Fender, I will try again, and I was adviced by others to use System() with a shell script, I guess that maybe the way to go
03:57.23[TK]D-Fenderyidiyuehan: certainly is a way to try it.
03:58.29yidiyuehanD-Fender, yar, I will try this first.thanks man
04:03.05*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
04:05.50StephenF[W]anyone know if polycom phones (330, 650) will work on a cisco 3524?
04:06.34*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
04:07.40drmessanoIts a switch, I would guess yes
04:07.56drmessanoUnless it's 568-C
04:08.13voxterStephenF[W]: why wouldnt they?
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04:09.06StephenF[W]Because its not working
04:09.17StephenF[W]i mean for POE
04:09.36StephenF[W]left that detail out
04:09.41voxteroh. haha.
04:09.44StephenF[W]It doesnt seem to want to power the phones
04:09.46jayteenot all 3524s do PoE
04:09.54StephenF[W]this one does, 3524-PWR
04:10.51voxteryou may need special cables or something, or maybe an option
04:10.59voxteri know cisco has their own bass ackwards way of doing poe
04:11.12StephenF[W]frustrating, I figured its POE so it should work
04:12.01*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:12.01jayteeI tried using a Cisco PoE injector with a Polycom 330 and it wouldn't work. I tried a Linksys injector and it worked fine.
04:12.20voxtercisco does reverse polarity poe
04:12.38StephenF[W]because they suck
04:12.54drmessanoThe 3524 is not 802.3af compliant
04:13.23voxterthey have their own implementation, i cant recall what they call it
04:14.18jayteePPoE, Proprietary Power over Ethernet
04:14.33drmessanoThe Ciscos use CDP to determine power needs
04:14.39jaytee"Cisco, it's our way or the highway"
04:14.48StephenF[W]yup, just got the same answer a #cisco
04:14.50drmessanoand the polycoms need 802.3af
04:14.55StephenF[W]3524 = proprietary POE
04:15.00voxteryeah thats it, ppoe
04:15.09voxteri forget if you need CDP, or if you can just do reverse polarity
04:15.14voxterbut i think it might require CDP
04:15.19voxterthis is why i use netgear poe switches.
04:15.22voxterthey support everything!
04:15.38StephenF[W]sucky, guess I need to sell this switch back on eBay
04:15.49drmessanoTheres no such thing as "Proprietary POE"
04:16.06drmessanoIts ALL proprietary.. everyone has their own idea how to do it..
04:16.19drmessanoCisco is no more wrong than everyone else
04:16.24StephenF[W]well it doesnt conform to the standard at all
04:16.24voxterYes they are.
04:16.27drmessanoNo more correct, either
04:16.34voxter*MOST* people implement 802.3af
04:17.00*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
04:17.05voxternow to cisco's defense (even though they piss me off) they implemented PPoE before 802.3af was a standard
04:17.12drmessanoSo the majority of VoIP systems with PoE use 802.3af, like Avaya, etc?
04:17.14voxternewer hardware does 802.3af
04:17.25voxterwho said anything about voip? I said "PoE"
04:17.27StephenF[W]voxter, thats the argument I heard at #cisco, 3524 was before
04:18.07StephenF[W]OK, so what POE switches do you guys like which support 802.3af and Polycom Phones
04:19.17voxterNetgear fsm7326p
04:19.41voxterhow many ports do you need?
04:19.41voxterthey also have a 16 port poe
04:19.59StephenF[W]16 would work, 24 would be better for expansion
04:20.14voxterGo with the FS728TP
04:20.39voxterthe 7326p has simple routing, the fs728tp is just a smart switch with 24 port poe
04:20.42drmessanoFuck netgear
04:20.43StephenF[W]$379, not bad
04:20.44drmessanoNetgear is shit
04:20.52StephenF[W]drmessano, what do you use
04:20.55hardwiredrmessano: use other words like..
04:20.58jayteeAdtran is good
04:20.59hardwireand shizzle
04:21.08voxternetgear works fantastic for us. never a dead switch, and they are quite flexible
04:21.10drmessanoNetgear is poo poo caca
04:21.13hardwireI use SMC
04:21.28voxterYou're just associating netgear with their soho equipment
04:21.40jayteepoo poo caca doo doo
04:21.44hardwirenetgears switches work well aktually
04:21.45drmessanoDont tell me what I am associating, thanks
04:21.49drmessanoNetgear is crap
04:21.50voxterSo whats wrong with their rackmountable switches?
04:21.54hardwirebut they aren't the fastest out there
04:21.59hardwirethey support 802.1q vlanning at least
04:22.08hardwirebut they don't really understand layer 3 helper protocols
04:22.16hardwirewhich.. hey.. I don't have that kind of money either
04:22.21jayteethere's always Linksys! (ducks)
04:22.22drmessanoNetgear switches are highly latent crap
04:22.34hardwiredrmessano: true nuff.. cheap = latent
04:22.42voxterthey do 802.1q, they do STP, they do QoS, and full density PoE, for a very good price
04:22.48hardwirebonding 4 gigabit ports on a linux box is about the same :)
04:23.07voxterI've got an installation with 5 stacked netgear switches serving over 100 phones, and never a problem.
04:23.26voxterits not like were pushing gigabits of traffic through them, heh.
04:23.33hardwirelets get down to the nitty gritty
04:23.39hardwirehow eco-responsible is netgear?
04:23.43dkwiebeI'll admit it.  I've actually used a couple of 24 port and 48 port linksys switches. :)
04:23.47voxteryeah, i still have yet to hear any valuable argument here.
04:24.01voxterdrmessano: what do you use?
04:24.06StephenF[W]hardwire, lol
04:24.08drmessanoCisco or Dell
04:24.14jayteedkwiebe, I admire a man who'll stand up and be counted!
04:24.15hardwireDell is SMC
04:24.21voxterdell is garbage.
04:24.22StephenF[W]I've used dell before, with good luck
04:24.34hardwirevoxter: SMC's aren't garbage!
04:24.35drmessanoDell PowerConnect switches are great
04:24.38hardwirethey are pretty :)
04:24.42drmessanoand Voxter, youre an idiot
04:24.46StephenF[W]SMC make's dell's switches?
04:24.48voxterhardwire: shh, i'm getting in drmessano's shit.
04:24.49dkwiebejaytee:  I had a warranty fight with them but we've not had troubles.
04:24.54voxterdrmessano: you're an idiot.
04:24.55hardwireoh hey now
04:24.58hardwireStephenF[W]: almost 100% positive
04:25.07dkwiebeI suppose we should all only use Cisco.  then everybody would be happy
04:25.17StephenF[W]How about HP ?
04:25.20drmessanovoxter: you're telling us Netgear is great and bashing Dell switches?  Seriously, do you even work in IT?
04:25.21hardwireStephenF[W]: I've used both.. and they even look identical
04:25.43hardwirevoxter: you had me going, you're quite the button pusher
04:25.47voxterdrmessano: no, i'm following what you were doing earlier. bashing vendors with nothing to back it up.
04:25.48voxterhardwire: ;)
04:25.51jaytee"In this corner, weighing in at 170 lbs from Augusta, GA.........."
04:26.00hardwireis that it?
04:26.03drmessanovoxter: My arguments are far from baseless, you are clueless
04:26.04hardwireis at least 260
04:26.17hardwiremy cat probably weighs 170
04:26.25voxterdrmessano: if they are, you havent given us any of those reasons
04:26.34drmessanovoxter: Actually, I did
04:26.34jayteeI just made that up, he could be over 200
04:26.47jayteeis Vegas taking bets?
04:26.48drmessanovoxter: Scroll up and quit being a douchebag
04:26.50hardwirevoxter: I have noticed that netgear uses less durable cooling hardware
04:26.58hardwirethey seem to die fastest in some places I've worked
04:27.09hardwirelike.. where bugs are common
04:27.18voxterdrmessano: calm the fuck down, man
04:27.30drmessanovoxter: quit being a douche
04:27.32voxterdrmessano: all i was asking for was some facts to back up your opinion
04:27.42hardwiresee.. now drmessano is messing with voxter
04:27.49drmessanovoxter: All I am asking for is for you to quit being a douchebag
04:27.59hardwiresits you both down at a table with a supposedly unloaded pistol.
04:28.02drmessanovoxter: So please, time for change
04:28.21voxterdrmessano: All im asking for is for you to offer a useful opinion. and not be a whiny little bitch.
04:28.23voxterdrmessano: !
04:28.26hardwiredrmessano: you fail for not having enough variations per iteration.
04:28.29StephenF[W]why cant I find power specs on the Dell 3524P
04:28.36voxterhardwire: introduced more, lets see where we get.
04:28.52drmessanovoxter: I gave one.. you still havent scrolled up, so now you're being a whiny, useless, repetative douchebag
04:28.53StephenF[W]anyone use one? know if it requires the external power supply to supply all 24 ports with power?
04:29.14hardwireI'm pretty sure we can consolidate whiny and useless into.. apathetic?
04:29.28hardwiredo apathetic people whine?
04:29.51drmessanohardwire: voxter is more or a less a troll, more or less.. He's amusing, but not really useful.. He should be happy I acknowledge him.
04:29.54voxterdrmessano: ive scrolled up. you used one word. latent. doesnt really say much.....
04:30.12drmessanovoxter: Latent means SLOW.. I can wiki it for ya
04:30.23voxterdrmessano: sigh. you're hopeless.
04:30.27drmessanovoxter: Like, packets go in, no come out so fast
04:30.42hardwiredrmessano: convert to lolcat for extra points.
04:30.42drmessanovoxter: Maybe a nice network primer for you?
04:30.54jayteeLatent La"tent (l[=a]"tent), a. [L. latens, -entis, p. pr. of
04:31.08drmessanovoxter: I CAN HAZ NETWURK?
04:31.09voxterdrmessano: please. network primer. I have no skillz.
04:31.35hardwireanybody use these?
04:31.44StephenF[W]not alot of Dell switches on eBay
04:32.32voxterdrmessano: so someone bites at your trolling attempts all week and you unleash all at once? I really hope you arent spent after this.  how have you determined they are latent? what kind of bandwidth did you push thru them? what model? what protocols? did you get latency with layer2 switching or layer 3 routing? is it because the backplane was saturated?
04:32.35drmessanovoxter: Try this.. "OH HAI PAKET"  "HAI SWITCH" "I CAN HAZ GO THRU?"  "Y TEH FAST?  I R MAK U PAWS A WHIL"  "K, I R WAIT"  "K, U GO"  "KTHXBYE"
04:32.38voxterdrmessano: you know... details that actually help.
04:32.41drmessanoThats latency
04:32.47voxterdrmessano: im sure you dont have these details, mind you, but..
04:33.48jayteetime for bed, nite all
04:33.55jayteenite [TK]D-Fender
04:33.55drmessanoNite Jaytee
04:33.59StephenF[W]How about HP switches? Anyone like those?
04:34.01jayteenite drmessano
04:34.07drmessanoY R U TAK SO LONG PAKET
04:34.13voxterStephenF[W]: they were nicer when they supported CDP
04:34.35drmessanoStephenF[W]: HP Procurves aren't bad.. I would avoid 100VG though, ITS A TRAP
04:34.45hardwirevoxter: new HP switches are rebranded cisco switches
04:34.47drmessano10 years old, also
04:34.48hardwiresimilar IOS
04:34.51hardwirethey speak CDP now
04:34.54hardwirewhat have you
04:35.02StephenF[W]CDP being what
04:35.07hardwirecisco disco protocol
04:35.13hardwireboogie woogie woogie
04:35.18voxterhardwire: oh, nice. I used them for a while, then got a notice INSIDE the box of one i'd ordered maybe... 1.5-2yrs ago saying "we dont do CDP anymore, now only LLDP"
04:35.21drmessanohardwire: Im sure they're crap, and voxter has some inside info they're really compaq presarios rebranded as switches.. just ask him
04:35.52hardwiretheres so much cock in here I feel dirty putting my hands near the monitor.
04:35.52voxterdrmessano: nooooo not compaq presarios man.. wtf r u nuts d00d? they r ibm aptivas, which r better cuz it sez ibm
04:36.02voxterhardwire: you should
04:36.08voxterhardwire: is it getting cold yet in AK?
04:36.12hardwireand dark
04:36.21hardwireand my dog found a porcupine in the cold dark last night.
04:36.24voxterwhats the light situation like?
04:36.35hardwiregets pitch black around 8pm
04:36.49drmessanoIBM switches are really D-Link backplanes with Linksys LNE100 Chipsets
04:37.03drmessano"or so someone on the inside told me that knows alot and its not a lie"
04:37.23voxterI thought they were DFE530TX chipsets
04:37.24hardwireI don't have the patience to read up and see if voxter pulled the "inside guy" card out.
04:37.31voxterhardwire: i didnt. :P
04:37.39hardwireso drmessano is just crazy?
04:37.50drmessanoYes, but thats irrelevant
04:37.50voxteris there any question???
04:38.00hardwirecause I have this inside guy at linksys that said cisco bought dlink and is now using trendnet hardware across the board.
04:38.09drmessanovoxter is baseless, so I found the need to invoke
04:38.20voxterits right, i have no base.
04:38.22drmessanoBTW, hitler * 50
04:38.23hardwireI'm baseless
04:38.24hardwireand bias
04:38.46hardwireand drinking some sort of tea
04:38.53hardwirewonders what kind of tea he was just handed
04:38.57hardwireanybody else have a hippie girlfriend?
04:39.01voxterhmm tea is a good idea
04:39.09voxterhardwire: i think you might be asking the wrong room dude.
04:39.18voxteroh. hippie.. hmm... close call.
04:40.29drmessanoI have use a variety of Netgear switches, or should I say, replaced a variety of them.. I found replacing even Netgear managed switches with $150 Linksys low end 24 port switches improved network throughput..  Netgear NICs also seem to be extremely low rent, even though their drivers have been more stable than a lot of others
04:40.53hardwiredrmessano: do you use teh doze?
04:40.54voxternetgear nic's are pretty bad
04:41.05drmessanoI use a lot of things
04:41.15voxterfor the price of intel nics, you cant go wrong
04:41.28hardwirehearts e1000s
04:42.03hardwireI love this thing
04:42.12voxterthats awesome.
04:42.17hardwireI'm going to reference it long after the robots have claimed the surface level
04:42.30StephenF[W]"The sooner you get one, the sooner you’ll be smoking the competition!"
04:42.37hardwiredrmessano: isn't it just.. awesome?
04:42.38drmessanoHoly crapola
04:42.41drmessanoI mean
04:42.48hardwiredrmessano: its like BOOM..
04:42.57hardwireSCREAMING OUT OF YOUR MACHINE TO THE NEAREST.... cable modem
04:43.00hardwireand linksys router.
04:43.06drmessanoUltimatePing Technology
04:43.16hardwiredrmessano: you can run asterisk ON it.
04:43.23hardwireit's a little linux box
04:43.24hardwireon a pci card
04:43.41voxterwhat chipset does this thing use?
04:43.48hardwirethe KILLER chipset
04:43.59hardwirevoxter: its a regular old nic
04:44.00drmessanoSo first off
04:44.13voxteri know it is, i just wonder who's chipset is on it
04:44.19drmessanoIt's basically a server NIC for gamers.. and overpriced even still..
04:44.49drmessanoSecondly, Whats the USB port for?  oh god, dont tell me
04:44.51hardwiredrmessano: who said server nic?
04:44.59hardwireit's probably an rtl8139
04:45.21voxterIT MUST BE RAD
04:45.23hardwireyou're paying for an onboard arm processor.
04:45.57hardwireI like how it claims to drop 20-30ms
04:46.05hardwirethats.. unreal
04:46.16hardwirethe only thing it can really do is qos your box for you
04:46.22voxterwhats better is that the reviews also back it up
04:46.27hardwire20-30ms in WoW land = Windows Update
04:46.36drmessanohardwire: I think you're being way too judgemental.. It's probably offloading some CPU like a server NIC, so there is probably SOME justification to it being better than an RTL8139.. Remember, all the catchy BS products have some cheapass basis in fact, then overinflate the marketing
04:46.43voxterits just offloading processing from the CPU
04:46.56hardwiredrmessano: offloading enough to drop 20-30ms off of a wan link?
04:47.00*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=StephenF@
04:47.08hardwireit's only .5ms to your firewall.
04:47.11drmessanoI never said it did as claimed performance wise
04:47.14drmessanoIm saying
04:47.39drmessanoIt probably does offload CPU: TRUE   Which means "OH, I HEARD THAT HELPS, AWESOME, I R BUY ONE"
04:47.44drmessanoYoure missing marketing 101 here
04:47.55hardwireI'm not in the market for it.
04:48.00hardwireSo yeh.. whoosh..
04:48.03hardwireright over my head.
04:48.17hardwireI'd never buy one of these unless it was framed
04:48.47hardwirewith a little plaque scribed with "Thing I LOL at"
04:49.00hardwirevoxter: you're right tho
04:49.01hardwirewhat chipset
04:49.22hardwiredoes it speak tcp offload like normal cards do.
04:49.34hardwirecan you "switch it on" from anything other than windows.
04:49.55hardwireit performs as a standard nic in "regular" mode.
04:50.02hardwireyou have to initialize it
04:50.22hardwireMy guess is, it's QoS management on top of a linux kernel.
04:51.11voxterhm, i should pack up an aastra phone to take to my wife this weekend
04:51.34voxteri got sick yesterday, and hopefully i can kick it by friday, i am leaving this cold shit weather for hawaii
04:51.38voxterwatches the clock
04:52.21hardwirewatches voxter watch the clock
04:53.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:54.35drmessanoYou're missing the whole point in marketing a gimmick.. Like, for example, if I sold a PBX switch that had 24 10/100 ports and one Gigabit port for plugging your gigabit PBX into to "decrease jitter", thats almost bullshittable enough to sell
04:54.47hardwirenono.. I know the marketing gimmick..
04:54.55hardwirethats the whole reason I brought this to attention.
04:55.25hardwiredrmessano: got time to paste ethtool -k ethx params from a few nics?
04:55.36drmessanoFair enough.. My point was, not worth $200+, but probably better than a $15 NIC.. just enough to make someone pay $200+ for it
04:56.32drmessanoFrom a few nics?
04:57.35hardwirelooks like the e1000 I use can do tcp segment offloading and generic segment offloading
04:57.40hardwirechecksumming on rx/tx
04:57.53hardwireno clue if it's "hooked" into linux tho
04:58.20hardwirebut thats not true tcp offloading
04:58.26hardwirethat's just a few little things
04:58.34drmessanoGimme about 20 secs and I can get you a dump from voxters PBX
05:00.11hardwireno biggie.. that's not TOE
05:01.24hardwireI've never really looked into TOE.. seems like most TOE hardware isn't really good for high connection counts
05:01.38hardwirethis killer board may be.. simply because it has it's own dedicated OS and processor.
05:01.51hardwirebut linux doesn't grok it
05:06.37voxterdrmessano: huh?
05:09.43*** join/#asterisk samborambo_ (
05:09.57samborambo_hi everyone
05:15.33*** part/#asterisk dkwiebe (
05:16.04hardwirehmm.. AEL is kinda nice
05:16.30*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
05:16.38codefreeze-laphardwire: I kinda like it myself...
05:16.49hardwireis there a reason for that?
05:17.24codefreeze-laphardwire: I *am* a little biased. I did some work on it.
05:17.27hardwiremaybe you had a hand or so? :)
05:17.38hardwireoh.. a developer eh
05:17.41hardwirein that case.. it blows
05:17.45hardwiremake it better plzkthx
05:17.55hardwirenonono.. I don't send patches.
05:18.14hardwireI should take a hint from the sleepy dog.
05:18.18hardwireand drool on my pillow
05:18.33drmessanoAEL is suckingly limited and coded by an obvious .NET programmer who he thought he was l33t after creating a "hello world" in Python
05:18.33codefreeze-lapEh, he'll drool on your pillow for you has squat on pbx_lua
05:18.36drmessanoThere, happy?
05:19.09codefreeze-lapdrmessano: lol, I feel **sooooo** much better now
05:19.11drmessanooh heh typo
05:19.15hardwirehowever.. if I search for lua on I get a google ad on throwing luau
05:19.20drmessanoAEL is suckingly limited and coded by an obvious .NET 1.1 programmer who he thought he was l33t after creating a "hello world" in Python
05:19.25drmessanoLeft off the 1.1, sorry
05:19.59codefreeze-lapdrmessano: glad you clarified that!
05:21.56drmessanocodefreeze-lap: Anytime, broham
05:23.51jameswf-homepetafile ??? like beastiality
05:24.12hardwiresigh.. stupid albuterol is making me twitchy
05:26.42drmessanoNever heard the story of the Sony PetaFile?
05:28.12jblackThe latest version of that is the Jacko, right?
05:29.07drmessanoSony had a very successful media server sold for TV production called the "Sony TeraFile".  They had planned to unveil it's successor, the "Sony PetaFile" at a trade show, when someone told them "Uh, guys, umm.. in english that doesnt really umm.. "    Apparently Sony was able to wave a magic wand and have the thing rebranded, product literature and all, in less than 24 hours in time for the trade show.
05:30.54drmessanoThats not gonna stop me from naming my first Petabyte server 'PEHTAFYLE'
05:31.20*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
05:33.16Cdoggdials fbi
05:35.31drmessanoI was impressed to see Obama address the claims McCain made about him being chummy with terrorists
05:35.31drmessanoMcCain was pissed
05:35.31NuggetI just want the election to be over.  I'm going to grind my teeth flat over the next three weeks
05:36.37drmessanoI am nervous as hell about it
05:36.58drmessanoThe problem is
05:37.06drmessano"yes, we really are that stupid"
05:41.09*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
05:45.34*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
05:45.54*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
05:46.01marc7can we use #include in voicemail.conf?
05:47.42*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
05:48.12*** join/#asterisk TOrrIeri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
06:00.49jameswf-homepeople want change yet they are trying to decide between a democrat and republican... seems no  one has paid attention over the last 60 years
06:07.38NuggetI don't buy that argument any more.  the old canard about "republicrats" and both mainstream parties being indistinguishable.
06:07.55NuggetI might have bought that one in 2000 but the last 8 years have soundly disabused me of that notion
06:08.26Nuggetthere's a huge, gaping chasm of difference between the two choices this year and anyone blind to that fact is mentally deficient, imho.
06:09.56jameswf-homeim voting nader. no need to choose between satan and the devil
06:10.03*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
06:10.16Nuggetyeah.  right.  that EXACTLY what it's like.
06:10.29jameswf-homeobama is an idiot and McCain is a pandering pansie
06:10.40drmessanoHes an idiot?
06:10.43trnzmetabut palin is hot
06:10.43Nuggetwhy sell out and vote nader?  isn't there some even more obscure party you can make a meaningless gesture to?
06:10.55Nuggetvote druid or something
06:11.14Nuggetis that nudist candidate on the ballot in your state?  that would really send a message to washington
06:11.20jameswf-homeI tried to register as an American but apparently thats not allowed
06:12.30jameswf-homepalin is okay but if we were in a bar i probably wouldn't talk to her, if i did end up talking to her i would probably scratch her eyes out because holy crap does her voice annoy me
06:14.38Nuggetin any event, it's not like it's up to us.  we'll get whoever diebold picks for us.  :)
06:14.50jameswf-homemy wife says i am a jack a**
06:15.17hardwireall wives say that
06:15.21hardwireeven a preachers wife.
06:15.31jameswf-homeall wives think I am a jack a** damn
06:15.38trnzmetathis bail out smells quite socialistic
06:15.45drmessanoMy wife even calls her boyfriend a jackass
06:15.52drmessanoI guess its universal
06:16.03hardwire-> bed
06:16.04jameswf-hometrnzmeta: "Rescue" get it right
06:16.14drmessanoim not sleeping with you
06:16.27hardwire-> bed
06:16.34jameswf-homenot what you were saying last night drmessano
06:16.44mvanbaak-> outofbed
06:16.47mvanbaakmornin all
06:16.58hardwiremvanbaak: you're on the wrong side of the earth
06:17.17jameswf-homemvanbaak: does yout toilet flush backwards?
06:17.32hardwirejameswf-home: he's too north for that :)
06:17.59hardwirebtw.. lol.. I think it's funny that toilet manufacturers have standards per continent that cause us to think stupid things.
06:18.31hardwirecause yeh.. otherwise.. toilets don't flush on the equator.. the water is simply sucked out by equatorial forces.
06:18.40hardwirelike in an airplane
06:18.54hardwirewhere it lands.. nobody knows.
06:19.04jameswf-homeawesome... books ticket to the equator
06:19.22hardwiregoes to bed
06:19.25hardwirewithout jameswf-home
06:19.55jameswf-homegod, you do something one time when your drunk suddenly your "that guy"
06:20.37mvanbaakthat's how it works
06:21.55*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
06:23.07jameswf-homeno more tequila
06:23.22jameswf-homeno less tequila either
06:25.16mvanbaak<--- work
06:25.18mvanbaaklatero all
06:27.14creativxwell what do you know... it had to happen some time
06:27.26creativxthe asteriskbox has gone unresponsive all on its own! awesome
06:33.17creativxok any good advice? my asterisk box is responding to ping but i cannot ssh into it?
06:33.32creativxit must be stressed out
06:35.58creativxwhat is that?
06:36.53trnzmetawell it's low leve bmc management, if you're asking that question... then I don't think it's useful
06:37.46creativxhehe yeah figures
06:37.56creativxoh well ill just have to drive into the office and try the damn console :)
06:38.34trnzmetaconfigure somesort of management interface whilst you're there
06:40.10*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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06:45.01*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
06:46.46*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
06:54.08*** join/#asterisk rcy` (
06:54.33*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
06:54.49drmessanoI got a weird problem
06:56.04*** join/#asterisk xuser_ (n=JJ@unaffiliated/xuser)
06:56.40jameswf-homedrmessano: just used the prescribed crem it will clear up
06:57.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:57.11drmessanoGetting a bunch of asterisk.h errors when installing addons
07:02.33*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
07:11.17*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-ee29cb8114db8bae)
07:13.31*** join/#asterisk dandre (
07:18.47Rico29is there a way to end a coll from the CLI ?
07:20.54creativxi need some advice again.. asterisk box probably is peaking at 100%, box was booted w/o vga+keyboard, SSH just "hangs" there in putty
07:21.09creativxis it safe to do a hard reboot, e.g power off?
07:21.18creativxor am i gonna mess up some hdd tables
07:21.30creativxbox replies to ping though
07:23.04*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
07:23.53kaldemarRico29: soft hangup
07:26.23Rico29SLN04FR*CLI> soft hangup
07:26.38Rico29returns 3defa3a37874a11139f3286c4c7ba305@88.191.xx.xx is not a known channel
07:26.59Rico29i see it when i type sip show channel 3defa3a37874a11139f3286c4c7ba305@88.191.xx.xx
07:28.13kaldemarcore show channels will give you the right channel name. tab completion also works with soft hangup.
07:32.34synthetiqwhere does asterisk look for libspandsp by default?
07:34.28Rico29I've got many messages like this :  WARNING[9473]: chan_sip.c:1948 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission ad99a9cb-cbe3e461@ for seqno 101 (Critical Response)
07:36.04kaldemarsynthetiq: asterisk.conf's astmoddir tells asterisk where to look for modules. don't know about libraries like libspandsp though.
07:36.26kaldemarprobably depending on your platform.
07:44.40*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
07:48.04*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:52.08samborambo_anyone know where to start looking on this error:
07:52.11samborambo_SIP/2.0 603 Declined
07:57.35*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:58.36drmessanoDoes addons 1.6.0 not work with 1.6.1 beta?
07:59.45kaldemarsamborambo_: what's sending you the 603. look into it's configuration.
08:02.04*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
08:03.05Zeeekexten => Greet,1, Noop(Good ${SOLAR_ROTATION_PERIOD} world)
08:05.24drmessanoI am lost on the current SVN tags
08:06.00*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
08:09.38*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:12.30drmessanoI cant build chan_mobile for some reason
08:12.43drmessanothis is lame
08:14.52samborambo_needed to load some function modules....
08:15.17samborambo_getting the following error from inbound calls now  pbx.c: No application 'SetCallerPres' for extension
08:15.37samborambo_what module provides SetCallerPres?
08:16.06*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
08:18.48drmessanoFuck 1.6
08:18.58drmessanoI'll go back to 1.4 tomorrow
08:18.59*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
08:19.02*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
08:19.08Zeeekdrmessano: where did you get your medical degree?
08:19.31jbot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily
08:19.41drmessanoThat should explain it
08:20.04jbotwell, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
08:22.43jbotit has been said that x-rob is not a palindrome
08:22.51X-RobFair enough.
08:23.01*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:23.04X-RobI am, indeed, not a palindrome.
08:23.10Zeeek,nice epitath
08:23.40Zeeekplaindrome: able was i ere i saw elba
08:25.15drmessanomay a moody baby doom a yam?
08:27.11drmessanosalami im alas
08:27.16jbotfrom memory, jerjer is the guy who runs nufone
08:30.36*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
08:31.36drmessanoThe bluetooth stack in CentOS 5.2 isnt enough to build chan mobile
08:31.59drmessanoseems to meet some dependency, but no
08:34.03*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
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08:37.12*** join/#asterisk cobex4 (n=cobex4@unaffiliated/cobex4)
08:37.21cobex4Hello world :)
08:38.08*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:42.24cobex4j'ai installé FOP, celui-ci refuse de ce charger dans le navigateur quelqu'un à une piste ? google n'est pas mon ami sur ce coup la...
08:42.52Zeeekaddblock ?
08:43.03tzafrir_laptopEnglish, please
08:43.27Zeeekadblock is English
08:43.46tzafrir_laptopI was refering to the one before that ...
08:43.53ZeeekI know!
08:43.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
08:44.03Zeeekbut since I speak French...
08:44.26ZeeekAs I said yesterday, the best French site is
08:44.34Zeeekcobex4: ^^^^^^^
08:44.48tzafrir_laptopno #asterisk-fr
08:44.53cobex4Zeeek: ce site devrais fermer
08:45.09cobex4tzafrir_laptop: no existe #asterisk-fr :(
08:45.22cobex4im sorry tzafrir_laptop
08:45.31Zeeekthere is an asterisk french lmanguage IRC
08:46.01Zeeekhere is the French site:
08:46.03tzafrir_laptopactually the channel is registered (I'm not op when I join it)
08:46.46cobex4Zeeek: ben va voir le nombre de post non répondu et la qualité de l'aide apporté au débutant, je sais que avant tout on doit lire et chercher pas soi même, mais bon, je vais pas m'étendre sur le sujet :))
08:46.49ZeeekI don't know about other countries/languages but this site is excellent
08:46.51zambadoes any open source graphical gui callmanager-ish system exist?
08:47.16Zeeekzamba: you mean like Flash Operator Panel?
08:47.30zambai mean.. where one can add new extensions, set up forwarding, voicemail, queues, agents and so on.. and also get call statistics?
08:48.17Zeeekcobex4: As-tu posté une question?
08:48.34zambawell, i see all the different companies that provide any voip service all have written their own application to manage this stuff for the customer.. so i was thinking there must surely exist something like this in the open source community as well?
08:48.56ZeeekI think some flavors of asterisk have this
08:48.59tzafrir_laptopZeeek, it has just one less users than #asterisk-il . Nobody even bothers joining it. Thus I assume there are no FR folks here
08:49.08cobex4Zeeek: sur le forum ? biensur que oui
08:49.12zambaZeeek: some flavors? there's more than one flavor of asterisk?
08:49.27Zeeekwell I mean liker asterisk Now
08:49.36Zeeekbut also asterisk derivatives
08:49.46Zeeekhave you tried any?
08:49.56tzafrir_laptopAsterisk is a tool-kit. It is a software that you can use to build a PBX
08:50.10zambaZeeek: hm, nope
08:50.14tzafrir_laptopThere are a number of complete PBX packages that are built using it
08:50.22tzafrir_laptopOr you can assemble your own
08:50.25Zeeekbut I think there are many derviative packages that offer more gui than others
08:50.50Zeeekalso, there are add ons and hosted solutions or stand alone apps
08:50.58zambaasterisknow looks interesting
08:51.02Zeeekfor example, there are two visual dialplan editors I know of
08:51.11zambaZeeek: name?
08:51.18ZeeekNot open source, though
08:51.26zambaoh, ok
08:52.06ZeeekFOP will give you all the live functions in a nice visual format
08:52.40Zeeektzafrir_laptop: since it's relatively quiet, I will ask cobex4 what hios problem is
08:52.54Zeeekcobex4: what is your problem, exactly?
08:53.10*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
08:53.31Zeeekzamba:  to be inspired and write your own, you could look at the visual dialplan editor beta (looking for URL)
08:53.58cobex4im proble FOP, but FOP do not charge
08:54.17Zeeekzamba :
08:54.50Zeeekcobex4: what do you see on the web page ?
08:55.04cobex4url : and firefox "Transferring data from localhost...."
08:55.42Zeeekcobex4:  it looks to me.. on dirait que tu n'a pas bien suivi les instructions
08:56.37cobex4Zeeek: si si ==>
08:56.56Zeeekils ne connaissent rien sur ce site!!!
08:57.11cobex4ben je sais, alors pourquoi il existe encore ?
08:57.14Zeeekje plaisante
08:57.45Zeeekyou did all that?
08:58.17cobex4perfect application
08:58.22Zeeekbut I don't believe the HTML page is on a special port?
08:58.30Zeeek5038 is the manager port
08:58.37ZeeekNOT the HTML page one
08:59.42cobex4http://localhost/html/panel ok
08:59.49cobex4messeng error
09:00.05zambaZeeek: thanks :)
09:00.15Zeeektu connait apache un peu ou pas du tout?
09:00.21cobex4Couldn't load cariable.txt?aldope=76833
09:00.25Zeeekzamba:  Take a look at Druid, too
09:00.32Zeeekit might be of interest
09:00.41cobex4Zeeek: oui oui, apache2 sur debian etch
09:01.00Zeeekcobex4: il manque ce fichier, tu goggles pour ce message
09:01.14cobex4non il est bien présent j'ai vérifier
09:01.41Zeeekvairable pas cariable?
09:01.59cobex4oui lol
09:02.05cobex4déso tapé trop vite
09:02.49Zeeekmême quesrtion avec une réponse qui a march
09:03.12cobex4yess Zeeek chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/panel -R ==> enjoy !
09:03.49Zeeekno ça parle d'un scrit d'init pour debian
09:05.39Zeeekwe now return you to your normal programming
09:06.24cobex4yes il roule impec
09:07.34*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=serserve@
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09:07.47brainopiahas somebody here used a red5 plugin for openfire with asterisk?
09:07.55Karlitoohi all, I'm trying to login to Asterisk Configuration Engine but it doesn't let me log in with the username and password from the manager.conf file
09:08.39Zeeekcobex4: super!
09:12.23*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
09:13.12cobex4Zeeek: merci pour ton aide, je suis désolé de pas parler anglais malgré que je suis bilingue :/
09:13.35Karlitooplz any 1
09:13.49Zeeekcobex4: :)
09:14.12ZeeekKarlitoo: I've never even heard of ACE?
09:14.19Zeeekshrinks in shame
09:16.06*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
09:18.30Karlitooasterisk gui
09:23.18*** part/#asterisk ftp3 (
09:26.11Karlitooit's like asterisk in the manager.conf doesn't even recognize that I put in the admin user and the secret=pass
09:28.38*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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09:31.45tzafrir_laptopKarlitoo, how do you technically login? direct telnet (is?) session? a script of some sort?
09:31.45Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
09:32.08tzafrir_laptoptrigger worked
09:32.31*** join/#asterisk Vale-ICS (
09:33.41Karlitooit's a gui, html
09:34.13Karlitoogot it, in the asterisk CLI (command line interface) did a reload and now it works
09:37.12*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
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09:50.02Zeeekseveral problems solved in #asterisk today! I wonder what it's like in #US-economic-downturns today?
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10:06.57ibm2hello,i like to setup xmpp in my asterisk
10:06.59ibm2to make instant message between softphone
10:09.49rcy``do it
10:13.22*** part/#asterisk dandre (
10:14.23ibm2i don't know the right procedure
10:14.54tzafrir_laptopasterisk is not really an xmpp server
10:15.45ibm2yes but i install a module asterisk-jabber
10:15.48*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
10:16.11tzafrir_laptopanybody here has any luch with Asterisk and IM/presence?
10:16.39tzafrir_laptopibm2, what soft phone is it?
10:16.58tzafrir_laptopAsterisk supports SIP publish/subscribe
10:17.39tzafrir_laptopbut AFAIK doesn't support other forms of IM/presensce
10:18.29ibm2when i send a message he appear in cli>
10:20.25*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
10:22.32ibm2\join #jabber
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10:46.26*** join/#asterisk ana_micho (n=sniper_v@
10:47.38ana_michoHi all...I would like to ask about DTMF in Asterisk....Is there any BUG inside?Because I'm using DTMF over my asterisk machine but sometimes the system recognize digits and sometimes nothing
10:48.07angryuserana_micho : try to play with relaxdtmf setting
10:48.30ana_michoangryuser, I have the following config in sip and estensions.conf
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10:48.44ana_michoangler, please check and let me know if there is something missing
10:49.00ana_michoangryuser, please check and let me know if there is something missing
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10:54.27lesouvageI have to convert recordings of calls in raw format into mp3. This is the message I got "sox: Failed writing test.mp3: Sorry, no MP3 encoding support"  Does any of you have a suggestion or a pointer on how to get mp3 support.
10:57.22cobex4is it possible to make sound different station according to the number call? im subscription SIP: 3 numbers.
10:57.39frecklelesouvage: you need lame compiled against sox to convert to MP3
10:59.57*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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11:05.54lesouvagefreckle: thanks I will try to find a howto.
11:13.18lesouvagefreckle: what do you mean with "lame compiled against sox". Do I ahve to adjust settings in a makefile or something like that?
11:16.29*** join/#asterisk nsg (n=nsg@
11:17.16nsgI am new with asterisk
11:17.39nsgI have few doubts
11:17.45nsgcan any one help me
11:18.59lesouvagensg: you really have to be more specific.
11:19.05jbotrumour has it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:20.04nsgI have installed an asterisk server
11:20.24nsgAnd I have purchased one SIP account from
11:21.19nsgHow can I configure my extensions.conf for InPhonex/
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11:48.40ana_michoHi all,If I have an incoming call that comes from a DID number....I need to add relaxdtmf=yes...Please let me know where I can add it because I added it to the incoming trunk in sip.conf and still have the same issue...Is there somewhere else that I can add relaxdtmf?
11:48.51*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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12:01.15lesouvageana_micho: what is the problem and why should reaxdtmf=yes be the solution?
12:02.56ana_micholesouvage, the problem is that sometimes the DTMF is working fine and sometimes not
12:03.22darkskiezana_micho: if the dtmf is coming over a sip trunk, it wont work if its in a compressed audio stream, even with that option, there is a couple of standards for dtmf over sip your provider needs to apply.
12:03.32lesouvageana_micho: what is the current setting and what codec are you using
12:03.48*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
12:04.38ana_micholesouvage, the scenario is the following: a user that has a PSTN number dial a DID number...I forwarded that DID number to asterisk server...The asterisk is asking the user to enter the PIN number...
12:05.06ana_micholesouvage, The configuration are inside
12:05.18ana_micholesouvage, codec used ig G729
12:05.32lesouvageana_micho: I ment the dtmf setting. The link provided by darkskiez will be very helpfull
12:05.47darkskiezana_micho: ah, you have dtmfmode is set to rfc2833, perhaps your provider uses info
12:06.06lesouvageana_micho: afaik the dtmf setting should be outbound or rfc2833
12:07.31*** join/#asterisk F (n=f@unaffiliated/f)
12:07.39ana_michodarkskiez, My provider is using RFC2833 for sure because I can choose the type that I want
12:08.09Fhi all. Is there an Asterisx-FreeBSD channel or can I ask my questions in here?
12:08.25darkskiezana_micho: well if you have sip debugging enabled you should see the messages coming through, if you sometimes dont, it is a problem with your provider.
12:08.35lesouvageF: if it is not Asterisk-FreeBSD specific you can give it a try
12:08.43*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
12:09.27lesouvageF: and if it is you can give it a try too ;-)
12:09.45Flesouvage: thanks. ;)
12:10.11*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
12:10.26phpboyF; What do you wanna know?
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12:10.52ana_michodarkskiez, are you sure about that?
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12:11.32darkskiezana_micho: the provider is responsible for detecting and forwarding the dtmf messages in that mode, so yes.
12:12.15Daejeocan anyone point me to a updated list of city codes with in the united states?
12:12.38ana_michodarkskiez, I'll try to use the same DID onto another system...different than asterisk and see if I'll get the same problem
12:13.03darkskiezana_micho: good call
12:13.40sky_bluehi guys, problem with meetme user introduction, i'm not using any hardware just ztdummy. this used to work before i rebuilt the machine. what do i need in my zapata.conf ?
12:13.50Fphpboy: nothing yet. Just getting my info together. Im going to try to set up Asterisk on my  FreeBSD-7.0-RELEASE soon.
12:13.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:13.54Fany suggested reading?
12:17.42phpboyF: I would personally not play with it on FreeBSD 7 because I'm willing to bet you're going to have  driver issues... however if it's going to be a SIP/IAX only setup, then it'll be ok
12:17.56phpboyinstall it str8 from ports including asterisk-addons
12:18.00phpboyand you should be set
12:18.14phpboythe rest is asterisk related questions and not asterisk on FreeBSD
12:20.46*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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12:21.31[TK]D-Fenderspays rwaite
12:23.05sky_bluehi guys, problem with meetme user introduction, i'm not using any hardware just ztdummy. this used to work before i rebuilt the machine. what do i need in my zapata.conf ?
12:23.52ana_michodarkskiez, On another system it's working 100%
12:24.04ana_michodarkskiez, the issue in asterisk...I'm sure now
12:24.19[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Does the user make it all the way in?  And other users?
12:27.07sky_blue[TK]D-Fender: yes i can conf no problem, we just want the user introduction back
12:27.43[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Interesting error if it continues to function normally.
12:28.33sky_bluei've been googling it an seen someone else with the same issue, just not a solved for it
12:29.06*** join/#asterisk arpu (
12:30.00sky_blue'i' — announce user join/leave with review — requires from, which i now tak to be
12:30.30ana_michodear all, I would like to ask please when receieving a VOIP call thru an incomong Trunk which files other than sip.conf and extensions.conf are involved in the call?
12:30.59ana_michoBecause I need to know where I can configure DTMF in other place than sip.conf
12:32.43[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Perhaps you are using slightly mismatched versions?
12:33.09[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: users.conf is yuo are using the *GUI
12:34.11ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, did you face any DTMF problems with asterisk before?I'm facing a problem here that sometimes it's working fine and sometimes not
12:34.35ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, I'm sending a call to an incoming trung with RFC2833 and the codec is G729
12:34.58[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: If its spoty with the same provider then typically that means the DTMF is inband and you have audio quality issues (BW / jitter, etc)
12:35.31sky_blue[TK]D-Fender: it's a fresh 1.4.22 install on a clean ubuntu server install. although initially i didn't have a zapata.conf at all, i've just created one to get past the unable to load error
12:35.42ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, I have another system than asterisk on the same netwoek...When transferring the call to that system everything looks fine
12:36.28[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: There isn't more of a requirement other than having the files at all for that so the only thing I can think of is to ensure you are using the best matching versions.
12:36.36ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, So I'm sure the issue in the asterik itself....Maybe there is something missing in the config or there is a BUG on asterisk...
12:36.43ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, what do you think?
12:37.44[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: do some real consistency checks.  See if its loses occasional digits or if its for the duration of the call.  Test local phone devices.  Watch the SIP debug for calls to make sure what peers they are matching, etc.
12:37.46sky_blue[TK]D-Fender: by 'best matching versions' what do you mean exactly?
12:38.15[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Between * & Zaptel.  Perhaps you're caught in the transtion from Zaptel to DAHDI
12:38.25*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
12:38.39ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, I made all tests needed...The trunk matched is the same all the time...The issue that sometimes the DIgits appears in the logs and sometimes not
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12:38.53[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: logs?
12:39.51ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, I'll make 2 tries...One successfull and another failed and put them on pastebin so you can have a look
12:39.58ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, Thanks a lot
12:41.15*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:42.42sky_blue[TK]D-Fender: yes i got your meaning just after i posted, i'll try rolling back the zap and recompiling.. thanks for the thoughts
12:43.50[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Hope it works out for you
12:44.39UnixDawgis happy today
12:44.51ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, Failed DTMF:       successfull dtmf:
12:44.52UnixDawgI got my alix boards fixed
12:45.08ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, Please check and let me know if you'll notice anything please
12:47.53*** join/#asterisk terlouw (n=terlouw@
12:47.57terlouwquick question
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12:48.29terlouwwhen i am called by an unknow caller, asterisk shows this as "Anonymous", where can i change this/
12:50.14*** join/#asterisk Rem| (
12:50.28[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: failed = had <sip:15149079064@>, Good = had <sip:15149079064@>
12:51.08[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: Perhaps one of their proxies is messed up.  And failed was from a known #, Good was "anonymous"
12:51.39[TK]D-Fenderterlouw: in the dialplan.  "core show function CALLERID"
12:53.10Kate-o[TK]D-Fender: how long have you used asterisk?
12:53.27*** join/#asterisk xloafx (
12:53.40seanbright117 years
12:53.41[TK]D-FenderKate-o: About 5 years now.
12:53.49seanbrightpre-civil war era
12:54.04seanbrightthat would be more than 117 years ago.  hrmm.
12:54.32Kate-oWhere do you work?
12:55.50*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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12:58.09[TK]D-FenderKate-o: Somewhere completely non-tech relted
12:58.36Kate-othat's kind of silly
12:59.45*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
13:00.02terlouw[TK]D-Fender - what would be the command to change the anonymous setting?
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13:01.36[TK]D-Fenderterlouw: "core show application set" , "core show function CALLERID"
13:01.58[TK]D-FenderKate-o: How so?
13:03.34Kate-oBecause you seem to know the system really well for someone without a technical job
13:04.11[TK]D-FenderKate-o: I said my COMPANY was not tech-related.  I am head of IT however and manage * here
13:04.56[TK]D-FenderKate-o: Got to read what I say carefully...
13:05.03ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, Kindly note that GOOD has been made from a VOIP device and failed has been made from a PSTN number
13:05.36Kate-oWhoops, my misunderstanding.
13:05.55[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: What is "VoIP device", and why are BOTH landing on that peer?
13:06.21[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: This is pretty much garanteed to be the problem.
13:06.36ana_michoVOIP device=Softphone registeredon a SIP proxy
13:06.51ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, I'm dialing the same DID from both devices
13:07.09ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, the DID dialed land on that peer
13:07.47[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: Well your provider and this other device could be using different DTMF modes.  This is a horrible thing to see.  They should not be both landing on the same peer like that
13:08.11cobex4Im problem SIP, am messegne error : "chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from 'uzytkownik3' to extension 'uzytkownik1' rejected because extension not found." when I call the first account, these 3rd account which is used. config SIP and EXTENSIONS => tanks for help
13:08.49ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, it's just a testing...when done, only PSTN lines will be able to dial this DID and land on that trunk
13:09.38ana_micho[TK]D-Fender, Kindly note that I configured the DID number in order to use only RFC 2833
13:10.31drmessanoTwo Questions:
13:10.33yangdoes WARNING[21439]: chan_sip.c:3602 process_sdp: Unknown SDP media type in offer: image 29000 udp
13:10.36yangtl t38
13:10.45yangdoes this warning mean, they are trying to send a FAX?
13:10.45*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:11.01[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: Only reason for one to work and not the other is a mismatch.  your outside proxied calls need to be consistent.
13:11.11[TK]D-Fenderana_micho: They should not have landed on the same peer
13:11.24drmessanoAnyone gotten Chan_mobile running in 1.6 on CentOS 5.x and (2) did you use the Bluez RPM's in the repo?
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13:19.01nikkoi just set up colloqy (irc client for mac) and need to see if it pings me when someone types my nick.  could someone type it?
13:19.08russellbnikko: ping
13:19.13nikkohmmm, nuttin
13:19.16russellbsad :(
13:19.28russellbnikko: nikko nikko nikko nikko nikko nikko nikko nikko nikko !!!!!!!!!
13:19.35nikkoemoticons work, though :D
13:19.57russellbi've tried colloquy a few times, but I always end up going back to xchat aqua ...
13:20.24nikkoi like it so far, but like a tabbed interface instead of the pseudo tree view
13:20.45[TK]D-FenderChatzilla does fine for me...
13:21.01Kate-oirssi has been nice to me
13:21.16russellbKate-o: ah yes ... def my favorite for a console client.
13:21.30russellbnikko: it's unlikely that it's going to care if you say your own name
13:21.30Kate-onikko I dunno if its supposed to work when you say your own name
13:21.37nikkohey, that worked!
13:21.51*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@
13:22.14nikkoyou know what i hate about asterisk?
13:22.20Kate-orussellb: I used to use BitchX or at home mIRC, but I've found irssi is all I really need
13:22.59seanbrightKate-o: irssi + screen = heaven
13:22.59russellbnikko: "nothing" is the right answer says my kick button ^_^
13:23.01russellbhehe, jk.
13:23.04nikkoi was an EARRRLY adopter, like .8, in a PRODUCTION environment, and it has worked so well, it's like starting over when upgrading
13:23.08Kate-oseanbright: you're absolutely right
13:23.08nikkoso much new stuff
13:23.19russellbnikko: *nods*
13:23.24russellbWe add a _LOT_ of stuff
13:23.30Kate-oall the people at work run irssi on screen on one of our servers
13:23.33nikkoyep, it's bad in a good way
13:23.42russellbAlso, I can assure you that we have realized the errors of our ways in deprecating/removing old ways of doing things in that process
13:23.50russellband going forward, we're going to really try to minimize that
13:24.04nikkoit's a great thing
13:24.05russellbso that even though we add new stuff and new ways of doing things, impact to existing configs that work will be minimized as much as possible
13:24.12russellbso I apologize for the trouble it has caused you in upgrading.
13:24.14nikkobeing stable so early
13:24.22seanbrightrussellb: it is all your fault, after all.
13:24.24Kate-oWell, wouldn't the new ways be more efficient, even if people had to relearn them?
13:24.28seanbrightbad russellb... bad!
13:24.30dandreI am tried to connect nec-philips dect AP200S access point to my asterisk box. I have one problem now whith call transfer:
13:24.43dandreI don't see what to do
13:24.46russellbseanbright: not entirely.
13:24.56*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:24.57nikkothat was a MIcheal Scott (The Office) style bad thing, BTW
13:24.57seanbrighti was making a little joke
13:25.00russellbKate-o: yes, and that has been the justification
13:25.07nikkotrying to make a compliment out of a negative
13:25.21russellbstrongly encourage people to use the new (and arguably better) ways of doing things by eventually removing the old ways :)
13:25.32drmessano^russellb: Who was the lead on Chan_mobile?
13:25.50russellbdrmessano^: a contributor from australia ... david bowerman i think his name is
13:25.51Kate-oI only got on this train last week, so I have no problems about "new ways"
13:25.57russellbdrmessano^: check the license header in the source
13:26.00drmessano^Oh ok
13:26.08russellbKate-o: welcome :)
13:26.10seanbrightKate-o: welcome aboard :)
13:26.16Kate-othanks :D
13:26.19russellbseanbright: you fail
13:26.20nikkoIt's been fun watching it evolve, that's for sure.  One day when I'm lighting cigars with 100s, I can say "I remember when asterisk couldn;t hook upo to a database"
13:26.31*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:26.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
13:26.32drmessano^Having a hell of a time getting it working on 1.6 release.. I had tried an early beta and it compiled no-sweat, then went back to 1.4
13:26.39seanbrighttwo females in #asterisk?!
13:26.56seanbrightchecks to see if hell has indeed frozen over
13:26.57Kate-oeh, should I leave? I heard there are no girls on the internets
13:27.00russellbshakes his head
13:27.13seanbrighttwo is like... more than 1
13:27.16lmadsenshakes russellb's head
13:27.20seanbrighttwice as much, even
13:27.21Kate-oseanbright: usually, yeah
13:27.24MaliutaLaphow is that possible? don't we have anti-female technology gaurding the channel?
13:27.28drmessano^reminds me of that XKCD comic
13:27.35Kate-oMaliutaLap: Apparently pretty easy to slip past them
13:27.49MaliutaLapKate-o: shh, I have female DNA too.
13:27.50jbot<BluefoxIcy> ibot female <ibot> BluefoxIcy: i haven't a clue
13:27.50drmessano^About why guys instantly turn to pigs when they see women on the internet
13:27.55Kate-onice :)
13:28.07MaliutaLapKate-o: it's one of my 3 DNA strands
13:28.20Kate-overy nice
13:28.34MaliutaLapKate-o: I kid you not, I had a Bone Marrow Transplant 4 years ago
13:28.50MaliutaLapKate-o: My DNA, Donor DNA and the Mutant strand
13:28.55drmessano^You'll appreciate that
13:28.57Kate-oWhat was it for?
13:29.02denondrmessano: I knew a guy on efnet who used to /nick to a female nick when he wanted to get fast help in linux channels
13:29.27drmessano^"Joanna, fire"
13:29.28denonthat's a little too close to cross-dressing for me
13:29.29MaliutaLapKate-o: ALL, acute t-cell variant, white cell count 1028 at diagnosis
13:29.59Kate-odrmessano^: funny.
13:30.07MaliutaLapmy donor was a 50y/o native american woman
13:30.08Kate-oMaliutaLap: that is over my head
13:30.15nikkoanyone know much about MPLS?
13:30.29*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
13:30.36MaliutaLapKate-o: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
13:31.09nikkois MPLS the new "Integrated T1"?
13:31.50Kate-oMaliutaLap: how old were you when you found out?
13:31.53nikkosince being a router protocol, it defines staic paths on a typically dynamic transport
13:32.10MaliutaLapKate-o: diagnosed just over a month before my 26th b'day
13:32.29MaliutaLapKate-o: for my 26th I got to not have chemo that day
13:32.40*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:32.41MaliutaLapwas still in hospital though
13:32.59Kate-oAnd how's the condition now?
13:33.59MaliutaLapwell I've been in remission since march 2004, had my transplant in august 2004. best chance of long term remission
13:34.09MaliutaLapcurrently dealing with side effects of medication
13:34.21*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
13:34.29MaliutaLapI need a hip replacement, that's the big thing right now
13:34.50jayteewow, I step away and miss all the good stuff
13:35.03jayteeMaliuta, so does Nancy Reagan
13:35.04Kate-ojaytee: you're welcome to scroll up at will
13:35.06lmadsensteps on jaytee
13:35.52russellbtrips lmadsen
13:35.52MaliutaLapjaytee: nancy reagan what?
13:35.52Kate-oMaliutaLap: probably means needs a hip replacement
13:35.52jayteeso does being a lesbian trapped in the body of a male qualify as 3 women in #asterisk?
13:35.52jblacknudges russellb over lmadsen's fallen body
13:35.58jblackjaytee: Is schizophrenia involved?
13:36.00MaliutaLapjaytee: I only count as 1/3 a woman
13:36.02jayteeMaliuta, she fell and broke her pelvis yesterday
13:36.16MaliutaLapI've been on the waiting list longer than that
13:36.30MaliutaLapI need my old lady hip first
13:36.32jayteeMaliuta, when I said lesbian trapped in a male body I was referring to me :-)
13:36.55russellbOMG, Have you guys heard of this VoIP stuff?!
13:36.59russellbit's teh crazy
13:37.09lmadsenrussellb: old news
13:37.10jblackrussellb: Ohhh. whatsavoip?
13:37.14jayteerussellb, does it run over token ring networks?
13:37.14lmadsenrussellb: no one is even using it
13:37.16russellblmadsen: sry :(
13:37.22Kate-orussellb: I'm actually here because I have a research project on asterisk..
13:37.26russellbjaytee: yes, and the token is really big
13:37.34mort_gibShould i worry about this msg: RTCP SR transmission error, rtcp halted
13:37.35MaliutaLaprussellb: Vennom of Italian Pricks?
13:37.36jblackTo keep it from being lost, I presume.
13:37.37jayteewow, 16MB voip!!!!
13:37.38russellbKate-o: in school?
13:37.54russellbmort_gib: probably not.
13:38.01Kate-orussellb: yeah, I work for my university in a networking research lab
13:38.01russellbjblack: exactly
13:38.09Kate-ojust got new phones
13:38.12russellbKate-o: which university?
13:38.13mort_gibThing is, nobody complains....
13:38.15Kate-oCentral Michigan
13:38.29lmadsenrussellb: don't be sorry... just be awesome
13:38.40*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:38.49russellbKate-o: cool.  I really like helping get Asterisk into schools ... let me know if there is something I can assist with ... pointing you in the right direction or whatever ...
13:38.57jblackAsterisk was a serious disapointment for me. I spent months understanding it very well, and I still don't get any calls.
13:38.59mort_gibThanks russellb
13:39.15*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:39.16MaliutaLapjblack: you're just doing it wrong
13:39.22russellblmadsen: sounds like a bumper sticker idea ... quick, trademark it
13:39.23drmessano1.8 will come with friends, or so I am told
13:39.24MaliutaLapjblack: you probably hear that alot ;P
13:39.30mort_gibjblack: I spent 2 days and had a small office wired up  ~ 12 phones
13:39.31Kate-othanks, currently our phones only call to the other three phones in the room, but we're hoping to get some lines outside of our office soon
13:39.34mort_gibAll working
13:39.41filesends russellb to work
13:39.58russellbKate-o: was making another phone right the most exciting phone call you ever made?
13:40.00MaliutaLapKate-o: you haven't just run a trunk outside the room?
13:40.05jblackLet me clarify. * works as billed, just fine.
13:40.07russellbKate-o: if so, welcome to your new Asterisk addiction, join the club
13:40.14mort_gibKate-o: I had a client last week who didn't want to contract more lines, so he is using IAX with a UK company for second lines
13:40.27Kate-olol I put up hold music and made everyone call me so that I could put them on hold
13:40.27jblackWhat I need is app_friendmaker
13:40.36mort_gibYeah, welcome Kate-o
13:40.42russellbyep, it's all over
13:40.42Kate-oI think they're getting tired of me though :P
13:40.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack: And if they don't like it we'll give them double their money back on the free download!
13:40.56russellbit's like crack
13:40.58russellbexcept free
13:41.00mort_gibNo jlack, you need app_readthebook
13:41.21MaliutaLapadds the sinker to the hook and line Kate-o is now on
13:41.29jblackmort_gib: I've read the book.\
13:41.39Kate-oyeah, only reason I knew about this place is because one of my coworkers printed off the O'Reilly
13:41.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Can I still bankrupt myself and family, go into convulsions and get a chick like Amy Winehouse as a GF?
13:41.54MaliutaLapand she knows about ~book
13:41.58russellb[TK]D-Fender: lol ... probably?
13:42.03jblacklmadsen: You need a "how to make friends" chapter, so that * is more fun. =)
13:42.09mort_gibjblack: Yeah... Uhm -So what's your problem now??
13:42.40russellblmadsen: how to make friends with asterisk ... sounds like a recipe idea for the recipes book
13:42.42mort_gibDidn't you rant about * here a while back??
13:42.53drmessanomort_gib: WTF man?
13:43.02drmessanoHe made a joke about not having friends
13:43.03russellbmort_gib: i think he was ... kidding
13:43.23jblackWell, it's actually not very funny. Quite sad, if you ask me
13:43.31drmessanoDon't go all drmessano on him
13:43.40russellbgoes drmessano on drmessano
13:43.47mort_gibjblack: Which part not having friends or having actually read the book??
13:44.03drmessanorussellb: I am too dead to feel the hate, or something emo
13:44.34MaliutaLapdrmessano: no ... I'm so gothic I'm already dead
13:44.39Kate-owow, one person says emo and everyone starts killing themselves
13:44.44jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
13:44.57MaliutaLapKate-o: my immune system did it too me already, hence the ALL
13:44.59drmessanoMost Emo poem ever ---> The night is dark, can't feel my toes, my cat is staring at me, I want to die.
13:45.11jbotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  BANG!
13:45.26jblackdrmessano: That's a great one. =)
13:45.39MaliutaLapis there a list of jbot commands somwhere?
13:45.48jbot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily
13:45.49russellbMaliutaLap: just /msg jbot and play around ...
13:45.59jblackMy ex- has gotten seriously emo lately. I called her last night to pick on her (see: no one calls -me-).... told her that McCain says "Palin is a role model for all women".
13:46.16jayteedamn VPs always walking in a interrupting me...."can we do this?" "I don't know....can you?"
13:46.17jblackShe broke down in tears over the phone. <eyeroll>
13:46.54russellbcalling a woman to make her cry ... what a kind person!
13:46.55Kate-oehh, I'm going to go study for my test *waves*
13:46.56nikkochan_emo:  you call it and it's just alison crying
13:46.59MaliutaLapjaytee: they were tears of joy from not being with you anymore? ;)
13:47.00jblackjaytee: "Possibly. How's that raise coming along"
13:47.03drmessanojblack: Tell her you think you should get back together, then tell her "Naah, I think I was just horny.  I'll make a PB&J sandwich instead"
13:47.13drmessanoWomen LOVE that
13:47.19drmessanoEspecially Ex's
13:47.32jayteejblack, yeah all guys find a woman that's a hockey mom and can gut a moose really sexy.
13:47.44lmadsenin Canada we do
13:47.46russellbI'm a Joe Six-Pack!
13:47.48drmessano"I cans gut a moose, doncha know"
13:47.53lmadsenrussellb: I'm a Joe Keg
13:48.01russellblmadsen: *bows*
13:48.11MaliutaLaplmadsen: where abouts in .ca are you?
13:48.14*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
13:48.23lmadsenMaliuta: downtown Toronto
13:48.30jblackThe only thing I like about her is that I think she wants to subjugate woman.
13:48.31dominic1hi, can you tell me if there is any timeout for restart when convenient?
13:48.41MaliutaLaplmadsen: I am after some sort of VoIP provider with DID's local to Fort MacMurray
13:48.42russellbdominic1: nope
13:48.44jayteeI used to work out at the gym 4 times a week and exercised like crazy. I was in great shape but I still couldn't get a six pack of abs. Most I could manage was 4 cans and a baby cheese loaf.
13:48.51jblackBad for humanity; good for my backed up laundry. ]:)
13:48.51MaliutaLaplmadsen: damn, not right area for me
13:48.52russellbdominic1: no there isn't ... not no i can't tell you, heh
13:49.10drmessanoI love Joe Plumber now..Apparently if you meet a tradesman and use that meeting to bolster your campaign, you have to call him joe %occupation%
13:49.13MaliutaLaplmadsen: and my friend who lives in Toronto is moving back to .au
13:49.29drmessanoSo WASSUP JOE ASTERISKCODER, what can I do to make your life better?
13:49.29russellbhm, I wonder what the makes me ...
13:49.47russellbRussell the AsteriskHaxor
13:50.01drmessanoI swear
13:50.19drmessanoI know this is #asterisk, russellb, but dont go deprecating the "Joe"
13:50.26drmessanoIts JOE <OCCUPATION>
13:50.26russellbso is Joe Plumber and Joe Six-pack the same guy?
13:50.42dominic1thank you russel!
13:50.50russellbdominic1: np
13:51.21*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (n=jr@
13:51.28drmessanorussellb: Yes, depends  on how his day went.. He's also "Joe Threw-His-Wife-Out" and "Joe She-Told-Me-She-Was-18" too
13:52.14jayteehe's on a roll this morning :-)
13:52.27filejust like butter!
13:52.50drmessanoI think "Joe Republican-Party-Candidate" would be a fun reference for Obama to use
13:52.55drmessanoLike hes not even talking about McCain
13:52.59[TK]D-FenderWhich reminds me... I have to pick up some Mazola & whipped cream on the way home
13:53.01drmessanoJust a "general reference"
13:53.26lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: ya... g/f has been telling me to get some whipped cream too
13:53.35lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I DON'T WANT TO KNOW YOUR NAME!
13:53.41[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I just want
13:53.44russellbdrmessano: lulz
13:53.44lmadsen! ! !
13:54.35drmessanoI can see McCain using "You know, the Joe Plumbers of the world, and the Joe Hockey-Moms...."
13:54.41lmadsenanother great line is, "dude... you're girlfriends hawt"
13:54.59jblackI asked my 14 year old daughter if she had any friends that were hotties and single.
13:55.07jblackThe look on her face was _priceless_
13:56.04drmessanoIm waiting for McCain to explode and use the N word
13:56.04jblack"But honey, it would be great! We could both hang out with your friends!"
13:56.14russellbdrmessano: O.O
13:56.16drmessanoHe just seems like he could/would/will
13:56.24russellbthat would be epic
13:56.43filescary scary people
13:56.45lmadsenthat could start a civil war
13:56.54drmessanoOh, as if he hasnt referred to Obama that way behind closed doors.. lol.. This is McCain afterall
13:56.56jblackdrmessano: Just pop out some archie bunkerism? "Thems that can't be seen at night" stuff?
13:57.50drmessanoYeah, or as my wifes grandfather says "colored"
13:58.08drmessanoHes old school south..I always rag on my wife about it
13:58.16jblackYour grandfather in love says colored?
13:59.00drmessanoLike "I remember back in '54 or '55, we had this little colored boy move in next door"
13:59.03nikkoAnyone got any recommendation on good master agents?
13:59.29jblacknikko: Golden voice and complete lack of morals.
13:59.33tzangerwhat's that site... or something
13:59.44nikkoand ShopForT1 is not it, BTW
13:59.47*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
13:59.58jblacktzanger: Transposition error, I think. I think it's blackpeopleloveus
13:59.59nikkojblack: huh?
14:00.01*** join/#asterisk Iskorptix_ (
14:00.06tzangerjblack: yeah that was it I think
14:00.36jblackThe hate mail on that site is fantastic
14:00.56nikkoi'm looking for PRI, P2P,  and VOIP, btw
14:00.59Iskorptix_Sometimes I get RTCP "read too short" error, maybe someone know how to solve this problem ?
14:00.59[TK]D-FenderJohn MCain is great with all sorts of divisive and riot-inducing words :
14:06.32drmessanoThat would be MY last day
14:06.39*** join/#asterisk Kluster (n=Kluster@tuxhacker/pdpc.student.Kluster)
14:08.06Iskorptix_So, nobody knows how to solve RTCP "read too short" warning ?
14:08.29Klusterany idea how to fix the error I get by issuing "make" for dahdi?  it complains about xpp/xproto.c implicit declaration of function module_refcount then exits Error 2..
14:08.32tzafrir_laptopnikko, P2P is PRI to PRI?
14:08.52tzafrir_laptopKluster, what version? linux or tools?
14:09.01tzafrir_laptopwhat kernel version (what distro?)
14:09.12Klusterlenny 2.6.27
14:09.25jblackdrmessano: Whoah. Is that true? He did that?
14:09.27tzafrir_laptoplenny and your own 2.6.27?
14:10.00Klusterthe only stuff installed beside the minimal install are: gcc g++ build-essential kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot
14:10.19Klusterdid I miss a kernel option ?
14:10.27nikkoyeah, a private T1.  It has other names as well, but basically connects me to my costomers on a dedicated T1
14:11.03dominic1after removing a user from the voicemail.conf can I remove the entry in /var/spool/voicemail/default?
14:11.22nikkoI'm struggling in the Southeast getting good connectivity to small businesses.  T1 is WAAAAY to expensive, DSL stinks, and cable is Comcast  :P
14:11.32dominic1Or will I have to do something else before?
14:11.45jblacknikko: I like dsl.
14:12.36nikkothe whole ATT "Well, DSL is still just a best effort,but you SHOULD be fine" just scares the heck out of me.  Do you have good luck provisioning over DSL?
14:13.01drmessanoCable is your best best
14:14.21jblacknikko: That's what everyone says, for the most part. DSL has a different infrastructure than cable, so you're not sharing with neighbors.
14:14.56drmessanoWe have never had luck with DSL being reliable
14:15.01nikkosee, low buck VOIP transport is like a religion, everybody has a favorite
14:15.09tzafrir_laptopKluster, are you sure you have KSRC set up properly?
14:15.10drmessanoHave 200+ customers on Cable
14:15.12nikkoi guess it depends on the gography
14:15.21tzafrir_laptopor did you boot to that kernel?
14:15.24drmessanoComcast and Knology
14:15.41jblackI have a client that uses comcast, and he never has a problem, so you have a point.
14:15.59drmessanoBellsouth had good customer service.. AT&Ts sucks
14:16.02jblackyay. down -122
14:16.04KlusterI did reboot.. as for krsc, I'm not sure what you mean (sorry I'm still learning)
14:16.29jblacknikko: You woudln't want to do anything else on a dsl line if you're doing asterisk, though.
14:16.34nikkoso I emailed VP Sales, and then my phone started ringing off the hook
14:16.36drmessanoWhere in the SE are you?
14:16.46De_Monjblack traffic shaping
14:16.49drmessanoComcast Business Internet is NOT new
14:16.57nikkothey are down here
14:17.02jblackde_mon: Shaping does help, but it's not a magic bullet.
14:17.07nikkothey do not seem to have a clue
14:17.10drmessanoIn Alabama specifically, maybe
14:17.19drmessanoBut they've had it in GA and SC for years
14:17.28nikkoI asked for the SLA repeatedly, and my re thinks I'm talking about the contract
14:17.38De_Monjblack do you believe in magic?
14:17.40nikkore = rep
14:17.45jblackIt could be, if you could shape both sides, but I'm not aware of any providers that offer shaping on their side.
14:18.28jblackde_mon: I believe in some things being magiclike in their effectiveness.
14:18.31nikkohe's bringing it by my office today, but he wanted all the info like install location, billing address, etc.
14:18.38Klustertzafrir_laptop, here is what I did for my kernel (then dahdi-linux)
14:18.54nikkodrmessano, youve had good luck delivering VOIP over it?
14:19.07nikkoQoS works, etc?
14:19.29nikkoI guess you are providing CPE, so you can set the QoS yourself
14:21.06De_Monjblack shaping both sides certainly is the best solution, but shaping one side works wonders although not as efficient
14:21.08nikkowell, I have a "sandbox" customer, a relative that will let me play around, so I'm going to try cable first.  I KNOW ATT dsl is going to suck, so I'm not even trying it.
14:21.12drmessanoQoS over internet?
14:21.33nikkoyeah, that don;t work, huh? just in my lan segment?
14:21.35*** join/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (
14:21.39jblackde_mon: I have no disagreement with you (as it happens, I do shape a dsl line here to protect * and ssh)
14:22.29tzafrir_laptopKluster, sadly it builds cleanly on my system
14:22.39tzafrir_laptophmm... but that was latest SVN
14:22.44nikkoso, customer_net <->Cable<->Internet<->My Router<->asterisk, Qos only works at the far ends, right?
14:22.51*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (i=blacktho@
14:23.14nikkoI have a 100 Mbit DIA connection that I can shape all I want on my end
14:23.20jblackniko: You'd want shaping at customer_net and My Router. Usually, you can only do so at My Router.
14:23.57BlackthornIs there a detailed descripion of what each asterisk module does and if so where would it be located?
14:23.57nikkoyeah I can do that not problem, I was just wondering if anything in between ever recognizes QoS bits
14:24.02Klustertzafrir_laptop, I'll give it another try (with an older kernel that allowed me to build zaptel cleanly)..  we'll see
14:24.24jblacknikko: Some equipment can, but it's not as commonplace as it should be.
14:25.02nikkoI doubt it, because all the torrent folks would just start tagging everything to try to get their porn faster
14:25.05jblackThere's social problems at isp's with equipment that honors QoS.
14:25.16tzafrir_laptopthe same revision of the 2.0.0 release builds cleanly as well (that is: the xpp driver. There are some other warnings)
14:25.23*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:25.30jayteeBlackthorn, check the docs in the doc folder of your source directory and search for Asterisk Slimming on the WIKI
14:25.43De_Monjblack that or they are in league with the RIAA
14:25.53jblacknah. I don't buy that.
14:26.09De_Monits all over the internets!
14:26.46jblackIf you're really overconcerned about QoS, you can probably colocate at the ISP, and tunnel everything through the colocation point. That would give you shaping options at both sides of the chokepoint.
14:27.02*** join/#asterisk Karlitoo (n=serserve@
14:27.15jblackThat's not a cheap way to do things, so you've really got to want it bad.
14:28.15jayteeJoe the Internet Plumber, cleaning clogged "inter-tubes" since Al Gore invented the damn thing.
14:29.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
14:29.26jblackYay! I on 915,820 euros
14:30.07nikkojblack:  I AM the ISP, so I got my side covered
14:30.45tzafrir_laptopKluster, do yourself a favour please: enable module unloading
14:30.58nikkojblack: correction, I'm not providing the internet service except on T1 service.  Cable Customers will be on Comcasts connection
14:31.30*** join/#asterisk write_erase (
14:31.45tzafrir_laptopand this is indeed a valid bug in the driver. Thanks for reporting :-)
14:32.44KlusterI'll test it again on this one then on different hardware
14:32.52BlackthornIs it a good reason to slim down your asterisk system by removing modules that you know you'll never use?
14:33.33Blackthornas in does it help improve the performace? I seem to have to restart me box every few days or calls will start to break up.
14:36.00tzafrir_laptopBlackthorn, baically, yes
14:36.08tzafrir_laptopthe problem is to know what you won't need
14:36.57tzafrir_laptopit's easy to tell you won't need a channel driver. A codec and a format driver likewise, but those two don't take many resources
14:37.29write_eraseHi. I run Asterisk with mISDN-1_1_8. and B410p Digium card. After about 24h, outgoing calls through misdn start beeing unaudible more noise than signal. The only way to fix that is reboot . Any known issues with this configuration ?
14:37.30tzafrir_laptopapps and functions: are you sure you don't use them in your dialplan? that's tricky. No simple load-time test
14:37.47*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
14:37.52tzafrir_laptopres_*: there is a tedious load time test :-(
14:38.22Blackthornthanks. found the doc directly and going through it now. but there is one item this h.323 channel driver.. was wonder what is that and how is it used? i thought h.323 is a video driver?
14:38.29*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
14:38.32tzafrir_laptopBlackthorn, basically: disable autoload, and start adding modules until things actually work
14:39.09tzafrir_laptoph323 is another type of voip. If you on't know what it is: you don't need it
14:39.28*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (i=Wgah332q@
14:39.28tzafrir_laptopIf you do know: too bad
14:39.37*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
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14:46.04BlackthornI jumped up to the asterisk site and saw that I was just a little behind on the versions so i'm going to up date my 1.4 version. How's 1.6 version working for people?
14:50.14ajohnsonBlackthorn: For a first release? Not bad
14:50.42ajohnsonI don't know if I would use it in production quite yet, but you could
14:52.13*** part/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (
14:52.46De_Monajohnson what have you run into it's been great for me so far
14:53.17De_MonI haven't put it into full production yet because I'm still rewriting the dialplan and removing all the depriciated stuff (and macros)
14:53.41ajohnsonDe_Mon: I've worked with someone doing some basic dialplan stuff and T.38. There is/was a T.38 bug which was crashing Asterisk
14:53.59ajohnsonOther than that, things seemed pretty good
14:55.00ajohnsonI'm definitely impressed because I thought 1.4.0 was unusable when it was released
14:55.02De_MonAh, yeah I've steared clear of T.38
14:55.26*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=HydraIRC@
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15:01.21Blackthornso.. 1.6 dosn't support zaptel so does that mean DAHDI will be the interface to the pri card?
15:01.47jayteesomething about T38 is just hexed. The Air Force uses a jet trainer called a T38 and they crash often too.
15:02.11drmessanoDahdi is now Zaptel
15:02.15jayteeBlackthorn, yep, DAHDI replaces zaptel
15:02.18drmessanoZaptel is now Dahdi
15:03.04*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-aa9a23c34f59a604)
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15:03.15jayteeso is ztdummy now dahdidummy?
15:03.54jayteeI'm serious?
15:04.04jayteeis it?
15:04.11jblackNo idea. I hope not!
15:04.12drmessanoGodo question
15:04.23drmessanoI cant get 1.6 installed proper yet
15:04.52*** join/#asterisk deeperror (n=deeperro@
15:04.56[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: dahdi_dummy actually....
15:04.59jblackI don't even know what 1.6 has that 1.4 lacks.
15:05.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, thanks
15:05.23deeperrorAnyone have any leads or suggestions on how to get generator backup installed?
15:05.26jayteejblack, SIP TCP and TLS for starters
15:05.32Blackthornis there a web based interface for 1.4 or 1.6 that can be added to asterisk? For me it's not an issue to log in via ssh and change things but I have others who can't handle such things.
15:05.43jblacksip tcp? Nice!
15:05.49jayteeBlackthorn, yep. asterisk-gui
15:06.18jayteeor you can switch to AsteriskNOW 1.5 beta with the shiny green FreePBX gui on CentOS.
15:06.31*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
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15:07.26Blackthorni really don't want to drop my ubuntu box, i enjoy learning it while using asterisk. is asteirsk-gui supported here or in another channel?
15:07.33nikkodeeperror, you mean a backup power generator?
15:07.41ManxPowerBlackthorn: type /topic
15:07.52deeperrornikko, yes that somehow interfaces with ups's or server to kick on
15:08.05nikkohow much power do you need?
15:08.15nikkothat will depend on who can install it for you
15:08.35deeperrordo you contact just some local guys and they will recommend what to do?  or is there brands or companies that do this?
15:08.37nikkothe whole kick on when power goes out is built in to the transfer switch
15:08.50*** join/#asterisk mcargile (
15:08.56deeperrorso that is all at the grid or breaker box
15:09.04deeperrorand has nothing to do with the server room
15:09.05*** join/#asterisk Harlock (
15:09.18deeperrorok cool makes sense
15:09.26*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
15:09.55mcargileI personally think this is dumb but a customer wanted me to find out. does MeetMe support in any version of Asterisk (1.2, 1.4, 1.6) video conferencing
15:09.55deeperrornikko, thanks for the input i've never worked with generator backup and just got the order to have it installed yesterday so i'm scrambling
15:11.16[TK]D-Fendermcargile: No.
15:11.34mcargilegood that makes my life easier
15:13.02*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
15:18.04*** join/#asterisk ShamusNY (
15:18.32ShamusNYcould I forget the packet?
15:18.50ShamusNYor just filter the RTP.UDP packets per side and export as AU LAW?
15:19.06ShamusNYany ideas?
15:20.54*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:21.24jameswf-homeheh heh
15:21.38jayteeI need to get a better chat client than X-Chat because the "ignore" feature seems to be broken in this version.
15:21.45Qwelljameswf-home: oh god
15:21.51*** join/#asterisk osiris (
15:21.51jameswf-homejaytee: are you ignoring me?
15:21.59jayteejameswf-home, nope
15:22.09jeevjaytee is oiling up his roller blades
15:22.18jayteejameswf-home, wouldn't have a reason to
15:22.30jameswf-homeneeds to troll harder
15:22.34jayteejameswf-home, the assclown that just spoke to me is the problem
15:22.42*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:22.48Qwelljameswf-home: well then
15:22.56Qwellgood thing AsteriskNOW comes with it, and actually PACKAGES it :)
15:23.07*** part/#asterisk mcargile (
15:23.12jameswf-homeQwell did you see the last line?
15:23.12*** join/#asterisk sp00k3y (
15:23.26rwaiteand i thought iax was confusing, sip is almost too complicated to fit in my head
15:23.42*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:23.57Qwelljameswf-home: nice
15:24.08Qwellbut, it isn't a package
15:24.16jameswf-homepersonaly didnt find dahdi or asterisk 1.6 to be that complicated of an install of course I have done more source builds than most of those guys combined I'm sure
15:24.18Qwellit's a script that builds from source, no?
15:24.34Qwellmake install is hard
15:25.41jayteemake install is wicked hard. I get to the k in make and then I'm stumped.
15:25.42jameswf-homewhen i did my script up to build it all from source asterisk and zaptel were 4 lines each which included untaring
15:25.45rwaitejameswf-home: how is 1.6 so far for you?
15:25.51*** part/#asterisk killfill_ (n=killfill@
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15:26.23jameswf-homerwaite: works great for me but I am in a lab enviroment so if it craps no big deal.
15:26.25drmessano^You have chan_mobile working on *now under 1.6?
15:26.31Qwellthere's a package
15:26.56rwaitetrue dat ... i think im going to wait a bit longer before i play with it, and even then probably wait until at least lenny is released to test it for production
15:26.58QwellI *could* try putting my usb bluetooth thing in vmware, but...
15:27.01Qwelltoo much effort :p
15:27.03rwaitethat should give me.. about 9 years.
15:27.08jameswf-homeI still wanna see I would submit it but it keeps puking....
15:27.20drmessano^Ok, on your dev environment, what did you need bluez-wise to compile?
15:27.36Qwelldrmessano: libbluez-devel or something
15:27.44jayteechan_orexic? I think you've got your source files mixed up with chan_bulemic
15:27.46drmessano^or did you have to get source?
15:27.49Qwellcentos includes it
15:28.19jameswf-homeI am proud to say i beat anorexia
15:28.22*** join/#asterisk drencrom (
15:28.31drmessano^So to make it clear.. the box you compile the *now packages on, you're using CentOS 5.2 and use the repo'd Bluez, and got chan_mobile compiled?
15:28.41jayteeI am proud to say I failed at beating gluttony
15:29.02Qwellso, yay for that
15:29.27jameswf-homeneed to port our failover app to 1.6
15:29.31*** join/#asterisk beniwtv (
15:29.39drmessano^I just want to be sure someone made it work before I go pulling more hair out
15:30.18drmessano^I just couldnt get chan_mobile to compile from source on my boxes
15:30.21drencromhi, im having a problem with asterisk using all the cpu in a server, so i'm trying to find the tread/s that are using the cpu but i cannot correlate the lwp column with the asterisk thread number
15:30.30drencromany ideas?
15:30.34drmessano^Basically the same environment
15:30.58*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=T0tal@
15:31.15beniwtvHi all... I'm trying to setup call transfer via a script by sending SIP messages directly to asterisk with sipsak. All works well, but when I do the REFER command, Asterisk gives me 603 declined (No dialog). Can anyone tell me how a valid dialog should be formed when doing a REFER? (I do not need the exact SIP messages, just the call flow)
15:31.39*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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15:40.29jameswf-homewow 2 tickets from Russia in one week how wierd is that
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15:41.41jameswf-homeummm what?
15:41.50ManxPowerBlack try the other /
15:41.50Blackthornmiss type
15:42.09ManxPowerNotice the Related channels: section
15:42.44Blackthornsays not enough parameters. but no worries
15:42.55*** part/#asterisk cobex4 (n=cobex4@unaffiliated/cobex4)
15:42.55ManxPowercurrent topic is: Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0, 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
15:43.27jameswf-homemy dahdi can beat up your dahdi
15:43.28ManxPowernotice the other asterisk related channels.  I wonder why people even bother to put that info in the /topic -- nobody reads it anyway.
15:43.38*** join/#asterisk Pallet (
15:44.16Blackthornwell when i issue /topic it says not enophe parameters. soo i donno how you pulled it up and I didn't.
15:44.28ManxPowerBlackthorn: use a decent IRC client 8-)
15:44.47ManxPowerEvery IRC client I've seen lists the topic when you join the channel
15:44.53PalletHi all, I'm a total asterisk newbie, (for that matter A linux newbie too) I've got it kinda configured in terms of extensions, but the ISDN card that I am using in a DIGI datafire V
15:44.57Blackthornjust using mirc
15:45.02QwellManxPower: MOST clients keep it at the top of the screen
15:45.03Palletwhich is old,
15:45.04MaliutaLapis tzafrir_laptop present and/or accounted for?
15:45.12Qwell...mIRC being one of those clients
15:45.19ManxPowerQwell: yes, but MOST clients cut the topic off
15:45.31QwellManxPower: to the limit of the network
15:45.38PalletI have donesome reading and I've found that I can use ISDN4Linux
15:45.49MaliutaLapor any of the other debian packagers of *?
15:45.57Palletbut then I found something else that said that isn't supported any more
15:46.02Palletcan anyone help me ?
15:46.03rwaitei gave up on asterisk debs
15:46.04*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
15:46.07ManxPowerPallet: we don't know that card
15:46.16rwaitejust use checkinstall, there arent that many files it throws around
15:47.11PalletI found this which seems to think/say that it used to work maybe
15:47.44ManxPowerPallet: You are using a card none of us have even seen.
15:47.55MaliutaLaprwaite: I generally build my own, however the rules files of the debian team are a good starting point
15:49.07rwaiteyeah, it at least ensures consideration of the system org
15:49.52tzafrir_laptopMaliutaLap, sort of
15:50.00*** part/#asterisk Harlock (
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15:50.57Palletoh ok
15:51.50Palletbasically, I'm trying to get a phone system going for no cost and this is the card that used to be in the old phone system
15:52.48ManxPowerPallet: OK.
15:52.51MaliutaLaptzafrir_laptop: I just have a simple one for you ... can I get a look at a team version of the debian directory for a 1.6 build?
15:53.02ManxPowerBut first you need to get the card configured for mISDN
15:53.35ManxPowerPallet: just come back when you get that done and someone should be able to help you getting Asterisk to talk to mISDN
15:53.58tzafrir_laptopMaliutaLap, I'm not aware of any such a build. If you are: it can help
15:54.16Palletok, first silly question of possibly many, what is mISDN?
15:54.28ManxPowerPallet: some kind of driver.
15:54.29tzafrir_laptopMaliutaLap, debian packages can be found at #debian-voip in OFTC
15:54.29PalletI'm a Novell and MS boy ;)
15:55.12tzafrir_laptopthe main issue is how to get passed bristuff :-(
15:55.19Palletk, I'm doing some reading on it
15:55.26ManxPowerPallet: For VoIP you need to understand Linux, networking (including NAT, routing, and port forwarding), telecom, AND Asterisk.  This is not something you are going to set up in a day.
15:55.28*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:55.51Palletit is, even if I don't sleep
15:55.56WimpManPallet: CAPI would also be an option, but I'd prefer mISDN.
15:56.05UnixDawgManx he can but will it work right is the correct question
15:56.27ManxPowerPallet: I'll just save us both a lot of pain and put you on /ignore now.
15:56.47Palletoh ok, thanks ;(
15:56.51ManxPower'cause you are going to be here 24/7 asking questions
15:57.04*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:57.10Palletall the external port forwarding is alldone
15:57.17*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:57.17Palletthe extenstions are working
15:57.19ManxPowerPallet: you are a perfect example of using consultants when poor planning or unreasonable requirements involved.
15:57.21XnOSXalguien que hable español en el canal?
15:57.35ManxPowerPallet: what ports are forwarded?
15:57.58Palletwell I can currenty talk to my business partner in france, that part is working
15:58.12Palletbecause I'm replacing a dead voip server
15:58.17mort_gibXnOSX: Que NO!
15:58.42mort_gibQue de pasa??
15:58.47*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
15:58.47XnOSXwell i will try to speak in english
15:58.49Pallethowever I own a company that is nearly going down the pan and I need to get phonesbackandworking ;)
15:58.52ManxPowerPallet: in any case, best of luck.
15:58.53jbotit has been said that humor is Q: Why are the streets of Paris lined with trees? A: Because Germans like to march in the shade.
15:58.55XnOSXmort_gib, hablas en español  no?
15:58.59Palletthanks buddy
15:59.06ManxPowerYou'll need it.
15:59.16mort_gibPues si, pero aqui hablando Ingles
15:59.20jameswf-homeim not your buddy guy
16:00.59*** join/#asterisk Ariel_Calzada (
16:02.12PalletI'll need loads of luck
16:02.24BlackthornThanks for the help ealier.
16:04.32*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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16:14.26*** join/#asterisk krondorl (
16:14.36De_MonI've forgotten.. oh wait I might have my account info written down somewhere
16:15.33*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:15.41krondorlis there a way to figure out how to find out how many people are using a certain peer to peer connection?
16:16.38ManxPower"peer to peer connection"?
16:18.00De_Monkrondorl core show channels
16:18.18De_MonManxPower I'm guessing thats the pbx -> voip provider
16:18.25ManxPowerDe_Mon: that would show SIP peer to server connections
16:18.49De_Moncore show channels doesn't include iax and zaptel channels?
16:18.51ManxPowerDe_Mon: I'm guessing he doesn't know how SIP/RTP works
16:19.12ManxPowerDe_Mon: It shows all SIGNALING channels, it does not show the audio.
16:20.15De_Monhe said "using"
16:20.38ManxPowerI guess krondorl didn't actually want help -- if he did he would be responding.
16:21.11De_Monhe would have been clearer on what he wanted too
16:21.46De_Monwhats the o-so-popular voip hardware store called? I thought it was voipsupply but it doesn't look familiar ;)
16:21.56*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
16:23.17nikkoDe_Mon: atacomm? RIP
16:23.37Qwellatacomm was a joke..
16:24.25nikkoreally?  I guess I just got lucky.  bought a bunch of phonestes from them and ATAs and it all went well
16:24.26De_Monah! thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:24.53Qwellnikko: You bought grandstream, didn't you?
16:25.48nikkono, I tried a grandstream, it bricked itself and I trashed it.  I then had what is now the linksys phones, but threw them all away and went with Polycoms
16:25.49*** join/#asterisk TheCops (
16:25.58nikkonever looked back after polycom
16:26.27nikkoNow I'm anxiously awaiting the new Adtran phones
16:26.31nikkothey look hot
16:26.37[TK]D-Fendernikko: That'd be the SPA-841.  Craptastic.
16:26.43Qwellaren't they just polycoms?
16:26.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: 2/3 of them, yes
16:27.04nikkoi have my suspicions, but can't say for sure
16:27.05De_Mon[TK]D-Fender 941?
16:27.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: they have a few unique models
16:27.19nikkoI'll know once I become a channel partner, but may have a gag order
16:27.27TheCopsI have a weird problem with a asterisk system, im using hint to know the state of the phone, some SIP phone become unavailable sometime (random) and when they re-reg the state come back to Idle.  Someone have an idea about that problem ?
16:27.29[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: No, the 941 is under the Linksys banner.  The SPA-841 was the only Sipura hard-phone
16:27.38krondorlsorry got call away on a security issue..
16:27.38*** join/#asterisk extor (
16:28.14extorDo 7506 ISDN phones come with their own power adapter or do they absolutely need to feed off the ISDN line power?
16:28.21nikkoPSA-841 has the worst speaker phone ever
16:28.57*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
16:29.10De_Monoh, never heard of that one. Guess I'm lucky
16:29.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: this sure feels like a monday.
16:29.24*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
16:29.25[TK]D-FenderDe_Mon: Agreed
16:29.31krondorlI want to do this programatically.  When someone makes an outgoing call through our sip provider, I need to restrict the number of people that can do that.  IE only 4 outgoing calls at a time.. all others are given a choice or I do something else.
16:29.50ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: "a 7506 ISDN phone"  HAHAHAHAH!
16:30.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: <-- legit
16:31.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: *nod*  But he didn't even give a brand name
16:31.22nikkoI know this is probably beat to death, but since things change so often, I'll ask - what is the most reliable way to provide customers regular analog fax?
16:31.41nikkobesides a POTS line from ATT  :D  :P
16:31.55[TK]D-Fendernikko: With a regular analog fax machine on a regular analog line that in no way approaches *.
16:31.56ManxPowernikko: get a POTS line direct from the telco to the fax machine.  That is how ALL of my customers have done it.
16:32.06mort_gibHa ha
16:32.24nikkoSo that HASN'T changed  :)
16:32.30ManxPowerall other ways would not be considered "most reliable"
16:32.35mort_gibLoads of * companies compiling their own version claims different
16:32.40ManxPowernikko: I doubt it ever will.
16:32.46nikkook, maybe a rephrase: the most reliabel in *
16:33.02ManxPowernikko: A T-1 card and a channel bank then.
16:33.16*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
16:33.53ManxPowerPOTS, T-1 card/channel bank, Analog card in Asterisk, meth addict delivering faxes, an ATA w/Fax machine.     Those are the options in order of reliability.
16:35.11ManxPowernikko: Just do it however you feel comfortable with.  You'll switch to a POTS analog line eventually anyway.
16:36.30*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
16:36.48marc7is there any reason VoiceMail(103@Company|su) is now generating "app_voicemail.c:4054 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '103'" errors?
16:36.50TheCopswhat mean "Stopping retransmission on..." "Auto destroying call..." that flood logs in * ?
16:37.07marc7in the move from 1.4.  to 1.6
16:37.07ManxPowermarc7: is that an ACTUAL paste of the line?
16:37.17nikkonah, I dont need * to create more headaches than it solves, so POTS is it
16:37.22marc7ManxPower: i will pastebin in two seconds
16:37.30ManxPowerbecause that error indicates to be there is a space before the @
16:37.35[TK]D-Fendermarc7: PB your dialplan line. & voicemail.conf
16:38.01extorI need to supply power to my 7506 ISDN phone, but my ISDN switch doesn't have any juice...
16:38.34*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
16:38.34extorAre there any cheapo devices that can just connect up with a jack and supply the 48V required?
16:38.46TheCopsTheres a way to get professional support with * ?
16:39.43ManxPowerTheCops: Yes.
16:40.02drmessanoextor: How so?
16:40.06TheCopsManxPower, From digium directly ?
16:40.09nikkoManxPower: If I have a T1 coming in, and need to break out just one of those channels  for fax and credit cards, a T1 bank is probably the best way? I can do FXS and T1 handoff to my * box with a few cards?  Or is some sore of IAD the better way, or does it not make 2 craps one way or the other
16:40.15*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
16:40.17De_Monhah, I almost said that but figured someone would reply with a friendlier answer
16:40.18ManxPowerextor: virtually nobody in this channel uses ISDN phones.
16:40.25extordrmessano, how so what?
16:40.26drmessanooh lord
16:40.30drmessanoISDN phones?
16:40.37De_Monthats like dialup right?
16:40.48ManxPowerdrmessano: Welcome to the 80's
16:40.50extorManxPower, yeah well I am just stuck with having to deal with one for some testing purposes
16:41.13bpgoldsbI'm using AEL2 and Asterisk 1.6.  I'm getting: the expression '$[${LEN(${ALERT_INFO})} = 0]' is redundantly wrapped in '$[ ].
16:41.14extorISDN is still heavily used for voice and video conferencing
16:41.23ManxPowernikko: Many Adtran Total Access boxes let you peal off channels and send the rest to a PBX on T-1
16:41.31marc7Regarding the weird voicemail --
16:41.36drmessanoI heard ISDN phones were banned for animal cruelty when dinosaurs kept tripping over them
16:41.38bpgoldsbSorry, here's a better example: $["x${MY_VM_STATUS}" = "xFAILED"]' is redundantly wrapped in '$[ ]
16:41.41drmessanoextor: No, not really
16:41.48marc7this is the only really weird thing we've run into in the migration from 1.4 to 1.6 (so far) :)
16:41.51drmessanoextor: Nobody used ISDN like that anymore
16:41.55nikkoyeah, I have a few, but didn;t know if there was something better.  most of the TA boxes will do it
16:42.04drmessanoWell, BRI anyway
16:42.05De_Monbpgoldsb what happens when you remove the $[ ]?
16:42.10*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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16:42.11extordrmessano, <--- then how are they still in business?
16:42.15ManxPowernikko: I ALWAYS used Adtran for that.
16:42.28drmessanoServicing dinosaurs
16:42.38extordrmessano, errr people use BRI channels in large buildings. You can split a PRI line into 23 BRI channels
16:42.41ManxPowerIn fact, doing it that way (splitting off the channel before it gets to Asterisk is as reliable as a POTS line from the telco
16:42.51De_Monbpgoldsb looking at the doxygen docs it's a WARNING so you could ignore it, or you could remove the redundant $[ ]
16:42.59extorOk fine lightly used in comparison to VOIP
16:43.19nikkoISDN is still king in the broadcast world, that's a fact
16:43.19drmessanoVoip and ISDN are not a comparison..
16:43.31ManxPowerdrmessano: Actually BRI is used all over Europe for voice instead of POTs
16:43.39bpgoldsbDe_mon, I just don't see how it's redundant.  Unless it's no longer required in AEL
16:43.39drmessanoNot here tho
16:43.53drmessanoand broadcast use of ISDN is dying quickly
16:44.15ManxPowerbpgoldsb: you realize that AEL2 is just converted into standard dialplan stuff on load and not used again, right?
16:44.22[TK]D-Fendermarc7: VoiceMail(103@Company|su) <-- "|" is not a valid delimiter in 1.6  Read the docs.  its "," only now.
16:44.30ManxPowerdrmessano: Where in europe are you located?
16:44.33bpgoldsbManxPower: Sure.
16:44.36drmessanoIm not
16:44.39extorEurope still heavily uses ISDn though, right?
16:44.40ManxPowerIn many parts of Europe a BRI is cheaper than 2 ports lines.
16:44.46marc7[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I'll update now.
16:44.48drmessano[12:44] <drmessano> Not here tho
16:44.49bpgoldsbManxPower: But it still has a syntax it expects things in
16:44.53drmessanoHERE is HERE
16:44.56drmessanoLike USA
16:45.05*** join/#asterisk tobias (
16:45.13ManxPowerextor: BRI is popular in Europe, but it is not popular with Asterisk, and when people use it with Asterisk they usually just use it to connect to the telco, not to connect to desk phones.
16:45.20extorI'm sorry to tell you about the existence of another continent across the atlantic, drmessano
16:45.22WimpManManxPower: That's because technically a BRI is cheaper than one POTS port.
16:45.27ManxPowerdrmessano: I never said BRI was popular in the UDA
16:45.37ManxPoweror even the USA
16:45.46*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
16:46.07ManxPowerWimpMan: you know that telco prices have NO relation to how much it costs to provide the service, right?
16:46.08drmessanoextor: Stop being a jackass, no one uses BRI in the states, period.. no one uses ISDN phones with Asterisk, and to do so is really counterproductive
16:46.31nikkoA lot of broadcast for sports and radio (STL) is 64k or 128k ISDN, but I kick it old style, and just get dry copper twisted pair, and hook my unbalanced mic right up to it
16:46.43*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
16:46.47nikkoit's like a 30 mile mic cable
16:46.52extornikko, where at?
16:46.58nikkoi'm kidding
16:47.03drmessanoYou cant get 128K or even 64K ISDN anymore for broadcast from MOST telcos, nikko
16:47.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: looks like mark7 did not read the most important document in the Asterisk docs.  UPGRADE.TXT and UPGRADE-1.4.txt
16:47.10WimpMandrmessano: But that is a misfeature of Asterisk.
16:47.24drmessanonikko: You can barely get a 56K line
16:47.31ManxPowerextor: Ask on the mailing lists or search the archives
16:47.36jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
16:48.31drmessanonikko: Most carriers will not switch a 64k ISDN line anymore, so its use for long distance is VERY limited, which is why Comrex is making money and Telos is playing catchup
16:48.35nikkobut I'm in the south, and there are still  quite a few  permanent ISDN lines down here still.  you cant get temporary circuits set up for location broadcasts anymore
16:48.52TheCopsSomeone have suggestion about a good * consultant or support other then IRC ?
16:48.55drmessanoI am in the south too, and I spent 14 years in broadcast
16:48.55nikkowhay are we even talking about isdn?
16:48.58ManxPowernikko: southern USA?
16:49.02drmessanoI am familiar with using ISDN
16:49.03drmessanoLots of it
16:49.07nikkooh yeah the guy with the ISDN phoneset!
16:49.26ManxPowernikko: extor is trying to use an ISDN phone with Asterisk.  I assume the guy is in Europe, but I don't think he ever actually said.
16:49.51drmessanoAT&T support for BRI is limited.. they will barely keep it running.. Carrier will NOT switch 64k ISDN lines anymore without an act of god
16:50.01ManxPowerIn any case today is far too Monday-like.  I'll talk to everyone later.
16:50.02nikkoI dont use it anymore, but in south MS and Alabama, my rsmall market radio station has a few that go to sports stadiums and what not
16:50.04extorI am NOT trying to use an ISDN phone with Asterisk. I was referred to this channel from ##networking when I asked an ISDN questions there. Sorry for being off topic.
16:50.13drmessanoSo I had a hard time getting 64k ISDN across TOWN
16:50.18ManxPowerextor: sorry, but we can't help you.
16:50.56ManxPowerdrmessano: and yet in Dublin it is hard to NOT get a BRI when you order phone service.  Strange how the USA is not the center of the telecom world.
16:51.21nikkothere are also churches that really, really do use dry copper in some weird, sick way to send us audio for broadcasting of services
16:51.30ManxPowergranted they just convert it to analog using an NT at the customer location
16:51.53*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:51.54nikkowe're talking old stuff - been installed for 20-30 years
16:51.58WimpManIn germany you can still get both BRI and POTS, for the later there is only one carrier left AFAIK. It's all going DSL/SIP.
16:51.59drmessanoManxPower: or we are way ahead
16:52.09extorSo in Dublin your regular phonelines are actually ISDNs eh
16:52.26nikkoyou can patch in into the board and pot it up anytime, and hear what;'s happening in the church sanctuary
16:53.09drmessanonikko: Considering the setup cost of ISDN, I doubt MOST small markets are using ISDN.. most use POTS codecs, whether it be analog, or sometimes like a Comrex Hotline
16:53.45drmessanoISDN codecs are too expensive to maintain for most small groups
16:54.06extorPOTS is still compatible to 1800s technology, right? I mean if I had an antique phone from 1888 I could probably plug it into my phone jack and have it work; shocking.
16:54.15nikkoOur new sports remote rig is a mackie mixer feeding a little mobile codec thingy, that's connected tot he headset jack of a cell phone
16:54.16drmessanoI ran 7 stations and had to keep 3 in house to make sure I always had 2
16:54.51jameswf-homeIn the next 5 years america will be back to one carier.... all hail Ma bell
16:55.21nikkoBUT I crap you not about the dry copper audio lines - no gear save for a balun at each end
16:55.26drmessanoand even then, ISDN boxes are unreliable.. It got to the point that I was approved to do field replacement of Telos Zephy modem cards because I was costing them too much to send me loaners
16:55.42drmessanonikko: Thats not uncommon for churches.. quite common
16:56.20nikkoreally?  I just thought my little home town was WAAAY backwoods.
16:56.40De_Mon* Added the 'n' option to the SpeechBackground application to tell it to not answer the channel if it has not already been answered.
16:56.49drmessanonikko: Better than 15 churches firing up 160MHZ Marti's on 161.670 at 8am on Sunday
16:56.53De_Monmy head hurts
16:57.19jayteeDe_Mon, you using Lumenvox?
16:57.24nikkodrmessano: hey, you aren't from South MS are you?
16:57.34De_Monjaytee no, just reading the CHANGES file
16:57.35nikkoI still have a orking MARTI!
16:57.52drmessanoWhen I left the group I was with, they had 15 in service
16:57.55drmessanoSome new ones too
16:57.59drmessanoFreq agile
16:58.42nikkoI had a single fixed freq base unit, and converted a VHF Mobile radio into a mobile marti
16:58.43drmessanoI was actually VERY close to working up an Asterisk G722 solution to replace all that
16:59.57nikkoahh, that would be sweet. I working a Windows Media encoder solution, for audio streaming, but ditched it cause I knew those small market turkeys wouldn;t come off the dime
16:59.59drmessanoPatch some polycoms into the consoles, set up an * box, send a phone out with the jocks, put a Mackie Mixer on the phone.. Viola!
17:00.14drmessanoClear Channel uses Windows Media lol
17:00.20drmessanoFor ALL their streams
17:00.51nikkoFor a windows box, WME WILL encode broadcast quality real time, no problem, it's just isn;t very robust
17:00.53jameswfdrmessano: most stations do... most stations are owned by CC though i guess
17:01.12drmessanoWe used 32/32
17:01.39drmessano32kb, 32khz sampling
17:02.03jameswfi think CC has like 10 or 12 stations here in az
17:02.15drmessanoI think ALL CC stations are using 32/32
17:02.32*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
17:02.33drmessanoWhich sounds like ass without heavy processing behind it
17:02.38krondorldummer, guess no one know how to do it..
17:02.44drmessanoI know I never could get it to sound right at home
17:03.00Blackvelhi. how can I use Audacity to play Asterisk recorded .alaw files (Record application)?
17:03.14drmessanoKnows how to do what?
17:03.33krondorldrmessano: I want to do this programatically.  When someone makes an outgoing call through our sip provider, I need to restrict the number of people that can do that.  IE only 4 outgoing calls at a time.. all others are given a choice or I do something else.
17:04.09drmessanoEasily done in the dialpaln
17:04.24De_MonBlackvel file > open > select file doesn't work?
17:04.34krondorlI can't find any examples and am not sure what needs to be done to do it.
17:05.01Blackvelnope. its alaw, not wav. it says import raw data
17:05.08BlackvelI try that, and it gives nothing
17:05.21Blackvelmaybe I do not choose the correct encoding options for raw import
17:05.45Blackveland yes...maybe I should throw away my prompts and record all in one on pc again ;)
17:06.00De_MonBlackvel maybe you just need to rename them to .wav
17:06.21Kobazany idea why the MusicOnHold wouldn't work, but putting someone on hold will play music (
17:07.03BlackvelDe_Mon: nah ...not working
17:08.57*** join/#asterisk paul0 (
17:09.11paul0what is the name of the device that connects a phone line to the computer?
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17:09.33Blackvela phone line?
17:09.51krondorlnetwork cable?
17:10.08Blackvelfor EU/DE its isdn card
17:10.14paul0i want to make my home telephone number avaliable to use over the internet
17:10.29Blackvelpstn / analog card (FXO)
17:11.00Blackvelif your asterisk is your computer. dunno how to use linux/windows without * to use the PSTN (analog). never did that
17:11.32Blackvelis that what you are talking about?
17:11.51Blackvelto have asterisk running on linux pc and connect to your sptn?
17:12.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Answer first
17:12.35paul0Blackvel, yes, i want to connect a sip server to my pstn
17:12.44De_MonBlackvel hrm, I guess that makes sense if it's not got the expected header. There must be a setting when opening the raw file to pick how it's format
17:12.52paul0Blackvel, "voice modem"?
17:13.22[TK]D-Fenderpaul0: No, your typical cheap-ass modem will not work with *
17:13.39[TK]D-Fenderpaul0: Go look at Digium & Sangoma PCI cards with FXO modules.
17:13.44[TK]D-Fenderpaul0: Or the Linksys SPA-3102
17:13.52[TK]D-Fenderpaul0: the latter is probably your best bet
17:13.57Blackvelde_mon: found alaw option. but its still not working :)
17:15.42hardwirepokes stavros
17:16.25paul0[TK]D-Fender, what about Linksys PAP2?
17:16.37[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: "core show function GROUP_COUNT"
17:16.55[TK]D-Fenderpaul0: No, that lets you plug in PHONES.  You asked to connect your home's LINE
17:17.01BlackvelI cant even get audacity to record with my headset/mic
17:17.09paul0[TK]D-Fender, oh, right
17:17.15[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Record them with a PHONE <-
17:17.20BlackvelI am just too dumb for that. going back to asterisk record :)
17:17.28*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
17:18.07Blackvelyes, have done so until now. but this snom 370 e.g creates electronic noise (already used shielded cables). seems I have to go to snom M3 backup
17:18.08*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
17:18.26Blackveljust read articel 5 minutes ago and it would be clever to record all prompts in one
17:18.56Blackveldunno why snom 370 gets me crazy
17:21.29Blackvelfor german prompts it worked a bit better (no config /hardware setup change) but right now the background noise corrupts most of EN recordings
17:21.37Blackveland NO, its not my English :)
17:21.52mort_gibBlackvel: Use another Snom370
17:22.13Blackveldo snom's have sometimes problems with mic or mic cables?
17:22.19Blackvelmaybe I should return it
17:22.20mort_gibThey are usually erllay good, so if one gives you issues, use another, and get the RMA out
17:22.23tzangerahhh street meat
17:22.25tzangerspicy sausage, threw on onions, sauerkraut, hot peppers and lots of mustard
17:22.28tzangerthat'll teach them for having me answer 50 bazillion phone calls today
17:22.46Blackvelhey guys, I read about the new asterisk certification
17:22.46mort_gibNo, I have had one Snom 300 that had an issue, out of 200+
17:23.24Blackveldo you guys have any plan to make it available worldwide (e.g EU) like IBM/BEA/Redhat does with prometric certifications?
17:23.52BlackvelI doubt one can fly to the US just to take the certification? :)
17:24.29krondorl[TK]D-Fender: Maybe I am not understanding something here..  I have a single sip peer to my provider, is that a single channel or can it be multiple channel?  would the sip.conf definition for that peer be my group then?
17:24.54mort_gibBlackvel: which certification??
17:25.15[TK]D-Fenderkrondorl: Go read the instructions.  Then read related function's instructions.
17:25.58krondorl[TK]D-Fender: I did, that's why I'm confused.  I'll try again
17:26.56BlackvelDigium-Certified Asterisk Professional
17:27.17jayteeI'm still debating on taking the exam next month.
17:27.21tzangerI'm a UDCSA
17:27.28tzangerUnoffical Digium Certified Smart Ass
17:27.38jayteewill I ever recover the 300 bucks for the exam? I doubt it.
17:28.09Blackveldepends on your job I think
17:28.25hardwireBlackvel: and if the people hiring you even know what a dCap is.
17:28.35jayteeNow if I had MCOCSE or something (Microsoft Certified Office Comm Server Expert) that might be worthwhile.
17:29.01hardwirejaytee: run into a wall this morning?
17:29.05Blackvelmost dumb ass recruiters just read the cv and nothing more. if you have your own customers..fine, you don't need it. if you have a perm job, you won't need it necessarily
17:29.25jayteeI think most places would see dCAP and go "what the hell is that?"
17:29.36jayteehardwire, nope. no walls
17:29.39BlackvelI would not write dCAP in it :)
17:30.14jayteeBlackvel, even setting it to verbose 10 they'd still go "huh?"
17:30.15hardwireI don't ever feel like being recruited
17:30.17Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: k
17:31.04Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yay
17:31.06jayteeBlackvel, in the USA there is no such thing as a "perm job" except what women get at the hair salon.
17:32.16Blackveloh, not? do you have a 1 year limited job? I heared some time ago that its all about hired/fired in the US
17:32.21Blackvelbut it's good
17:32.30BlackvelI do the same for contracting work in Germany
17:32.47Blackvelperm jobs nowadays in Germany are like unlimited job, fast quit, never rejoin
17:33.01jayteeI've been working at this company for 6 years now but nothing is guaranteed.
17:33.30Blackvelit's hard to find a new job after 1-2 years as companies except to work a long time for them (they excpect but fire fast)
17:34.17Blackveli see. it consulting? end customer?
17:34.45jayteeI'm "permanent hire" IT staff
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17:35.07Blackvelin consulting business or for a customer? consulting is all about sales
17:35.25Blackvelyou need ppl/customers pay for your salary :)
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk Kluster (n=Kluster@tuxhacker/pdpc.student.Kluster)
17:38.57*** join/#asterisk Marquel (
17:39.10Klustertzafrir_laptop, by the way, I did have other issues with my kernel (forgot a few modules, no network card).  I recompiled and then dahdi-linux recompiled perfectly.  I feel like an idiot but at least it's working :)
17:40.34mort_gibBlackvel: Not so, consulting is all about service and being prof
17:40.35Marqueli'm looking for a possibility to run shell scripts in asterisk and need to access its output. what can i use for this task?
17:41.00*** join/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
17:41.04jameswfMarquel: AGI
17:42.25jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
17:42.32jameswfMarquel: ^^^^^^^^^^^
17:42.40*** join/#asterisk feeds (
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17:44.36gsienerHi all. This might be ubuntu specific, but I'm having an issue with the sangoma driver.  Ubuntu Server 8.04.1 running Asterisk  The system admin recently ran an apt-get upgrade, and the kernel is now at 2.6.24-21-server (was at 2.6.24-19-server).  I'm getting an error "Error inserting wanpipe (/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-server/kernel/drivers/net/wan/wanpipe.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter"  I think this has to do with the links
17:44.37jeevxlite crashes the like crazy when i'm connceted via VPN, initialy.. i haven't tested openvpn or anything else right now other than the windows 2003 server VPN
17:48.51jameswf4K calls away from 1 million, should hit that this afternoon weeeeeeeeeee
17:49.11*** join/#asterisk Pallet_ (
17:49.24Qwellon AN?
17:50.09Pallet_ok, I just wanted to say that you guys were right
17:50.11Marqueljameswf: so an agi-script has access to bash-functions?
17:50.25*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
17:50.25Pallet_I'm not going to be able to configure this
17:50.28Qwelljameswf: O.o
17:51.05jameswfnot AN these boxes have been cruizing 14 days. only got AN last week
17:51.15Qwellgo back in time and install it and run the calls on there
17:51.52jameswfwill probably set a sister machine up and run calls between to AN to stress the dahdi drivers.
17:52.55jameswf2 Quad T1 on each box and a 24port analog card, let em pound eachother in to submission
17:54.07jameswfwe need to get like 16 pri's from the telco and let all the spans vote for reality tv shows
17:54.24Qwellwe should let people vote for president via SMS
17:54.28jameswfpick the worse contestant and skew the vote
17:55.25*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
17:55.28jameswfI will call the box A.C.O.R.N (Asterisk Contestant O R Network
17:55.38jameswfmy backronym foo failed
17:56.54drmessanoAsterisk Communications Observation Reconissance Network
17:57.29jameswfpeople who annoy you N __ G G E R S
17:58.00seanbrightnothing like racism on a thursday afternoon
17:58.04jameswfwow first south park joke to succede today
17:58.49Blackvelcan you help me? how would you say from spring to summer? between?
17:59.17jayteeA.C.O.R.N. .... Another Completely Obvious and Retarded Notion
17:59.18Blackvelof spring till summer?
18:00.26jameswfAsterisk Compliments Over Rated Nerds
18:00.28jayteespring through summer
18:00.50jameswfIn Arizona we have 2 seasons. Hot and cold
18:00.58BlackvelCities ... of spring through summer on further inquiry?
18:02.24jayteewe have 3 seasons in Indiana, totally crappy, sorta crappy and not so crappy
18:02.25*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
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18:03.13Qwella friend of mine told me MN had two seasons too.  he called them Winter and Construction
18:03.15jameswfI thougtn Indiana was Nascar not nascar and hey there is my sister
18:03.29fskrotzki? book
18:03.36jbothmm... book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:03.45fskrotzkithat was next try... thx
18:04.11jameswfmy sister in law lives in indiana and the stories and things she says frankly scae me
18:04.35jameswfgranted she lives in the sticks
18:05.14*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
18:05.19rwaitequoth my mother in law 'i aint votin for no obaama'
18:06.01jameswfrwaite: is that an obama endorsement?
18:06.11*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
18:06.19edibraca user complained about a dropped call - is it usually something i can see in the asterisk logs, or do i have to enable the logging for the PRI?
18:06.43edibracwhen i enable PRI logging, there's no indication of the time from the output
18:06.52jameswfedibrac: grep -i HDLC /var/log/asterisk/full/
18:07.38*** join/#asterisk StephenF[W] (n=StephenF@
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18:09.07mikealeonettiis there something special to using the Directory cmd besides having people in voicemail.conf and calling Directory(context)  in extensions.conf?
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18:09.34[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Specifying the VM context and the dialplan context to use.
18:10.00edibracjameswf: i get those HDLC messages ..about 3-5 everyday; on oct 13, i get maybe 300 in the span of a couple minutes
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18:11.30mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: ah, I specified the wrong one
18:11.46jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:11.53mikealeonettitry not to hold it against me
18:12.21*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:13.43mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: what is your handle about?
18:14.08seanbrighthe's a team killer
18:14.25[TK]D-FenderInherently more accurate than enemy fire ;)
18:14.26*** join/#asterisk dawalama (
18:14.39mikealeonettiis it that you game a lot of piss people off?
18:14.41seanbrightwell played :)
18:14.41dawalamaHI Guys
18:14.48*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=twelve@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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18:14.52dawalamahave any of you used asterisk-java
18:15.34mikealeonettiI think I piss people off by talking
18:16.31seanbrightwould be hard to piss them off without talking, no?
18:16.47dawalamaDo anybody know an IRC channel for asterisk-java ?
18:16.54[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: No, some people just aren't photogenic ;)
18:17.04seanbrightdawalama: i doubt there is one
18:17.05mikealeonettiI got banned from the Gentoo chat room one
18:17.09mikealeonettifor just talking
18:17.11[TK]D-Fenderdawalama: Next to nobody, and I highly doubt it
18:17.16hardwiremikealeonetti: I'm sure.
18:17.23seanbrightdawalama: do you have a specific question?
18:17.37seanbrighti would like you to ask it
18:17.42seanbrightright about... now
18:18.07dawalamaI am sending OrginateAction to the server using asterisk-java Manager .. I also set the "Account"
18:18.12mikealeonettiI also got kicked off of the show 24
18:18.14mikealeonettiI used to be cast
18:18.25dawalamahowever when I listen for newChannelEvent , account is always "null"
18:18.27*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-b07ce58ae51ab793)
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18:18.37dawalamahowever, on CdrEvent, the account shows up
18:18.37seanbrightmikealeonetti: we hear the same story in here a lot.
18:18.59mikealeonettiseanbright: did you used to be on that show also?
18:19.00seanbrightmikealeonetti: it starts with getting banned from an IRC channel... next it's being a cast member on a major network television show
18:19.06seanbrighthappens dozens of times a day
18:19.18mikealeonettiwell, my wife was pregnant at the time
18:19.21mikealeonettiwe had little money
18:19.34mikealeonettiI had to resort to theft
18:20.01seanbrightdawalama: that is an asterisk thing i think
18:20.02*** part/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
18:20.16seanbrightdawalama: not specific to asterisk-java
18:20.43dawalamathe reason I am thinking it might be asterisk-java is because .. the account got sent , otherwise CDR would not be able to capture it
18:20.58seanbrightoh.  i see what you are saying.
18:21.02seanbrightyeah that's weird.
18:21.08dawalamaunless asterisk does not publish account when channel is being created
18:21.15seanbrighthave you asked @ the asterisk-java support forum?
18:21.35edibracare periodic, temporary Red Alarms normal? I have had complaints about dropped calls, and i'm not sure if they coincide with the Red Alarms (last complaint did not) or HDLC messages (this seems right)
18:21.38dawalamaNo , but I will . I always like to talk in IRC first
18:21.43seanbrightdawalama: gotcha
18:22.18jameswfI hate real people likes to keep alls my peoples on the internets
18:23.12slingrif you insist on talking like that... shouldn't that read "I hate real peoples..."
18:23.17[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Both of them?
18:23.49dawalamathanks seanbirght
18:23.54jameswfi has lots of internets
18:24.11*** join/#asterisk Braxus (
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18:25.10edibraccould "HDLC Abort" errors actually deal with the zaptel driver rather than the physical card?
18:25.38edibracor i guess HDLC is a protocol that the card actually deals with, so it definately is a hardware issue, or card to motherboard problem?
18:26.37*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
18:26.42rwaiteso how are we supposed to pronounce dahdi? dawdee?
18:27.43jbot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
18:28.26*** join/#asterisk MrGabu (
18:28.48rwaitei'm going to go with 'daa-dee' and make the init script 'spankme'
18:29.41MrGabuhow i can block incoming collect calls on ISDN link ? may a patch on q.931.c ?
18:31.52[TK]D-FenderMrGabu: IMO when the channel is created it should have a var set to indicate this status.
18:32.17*** join/#asterisk lowtek (
18:32.40lowtekHi all. Anyone know a way to disable the call waiting "beep" on a polycom phone from within the xml file configs?
18:33.44[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: Go look in the "sounds" tag for the CW beep and change for silence
18:33.56DeeewayneMrGabu: are you willing to try a development branch ?
18:34.17DeeewayneMrGabu: oh sorry, I misread your question.  never mind
18:34.41jayteelowtek, <callWaiting call.callWaiting.ring=""/>
18:34.46MrGabuD-Fender, thanks for your soon answer, so, is not a difference between a normal call and collect call on my scenario, the telco side send me only the number and code of area IE 1155001122
18:34.49lowtekCool.  Thanks, all.
18:34.54jayteethe the .cfg file for the phone.
18:35.00jayteein the
18:35.43MrGabui was thinking on add 9090 via patch or something
18:37.45jayteelowtek, are you still here?
18:38.18lowtekjaytee: Yep!
18:38.24*** join/#asterisk voxter (
18:38.36jayteelowtek, the example I pasted with a null value needs to be changed to "silent"
18:38.54lowtekLike this? <callWaiting call.callWaiting.ring="silent"/>
18:39.31jayteeotherwise it defaults to beep
18:40.11lowtekThanks!  One more question, under which node should this be?
18:40.38lowtekI think I found it, <call>
18:40.52jayteeyeah, the <call> section
18:44.05*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
18:44.13lowtekThanks again, jaytee.
18:46.37extor  <--- ISDN dying?
18:48.14Qwellextor: ...look at the date that was posted
18:50.28*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
18:50.45voxterQwell: question.. in the asterisknow rpm's, which package contains the init.d scripts?
18:51.12Qwellumm, none
18:51.20jayteethis is funny. click on stuff like the pictures on the wall, the red phone and the panels on the desk.
18:51.24voxterOK, so i'm not crazy. ::)
18:51.34jayteevoxter, that's still to be determined
18:51.38QwellI probably should do a make config
18:52.01voxterQwell: so how are freepbx and asterisk started then? (I realize i should install it and look myself...)
18:52.03jayteeQwell, I much prefer make excuse
18:52.21Qwellvoxter: rc.local runs amportal, which starts Asterisk
18:52.32voxterQwell: gotcha.
18:53.49jameswftechnicaly safe_asterisk
18:55.11lesouvageSox is driving me crazy. Lines in my scripts doesn't work after an update. :-(
18:55.39*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (n=mxmasste@
18:55.45mxmassterquestion for the gruop
18:55.53mxmasster(s/gruop/group/) correction: question for the group
18:56.57mxmassterlevel3 is giving us pricing information formatted either in lata tiers or OCNs
18:57.13mxmassterhow do i translate this information into e.164 format?
18:59.42*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
19:01.33*** join/#asterisk mprebello (
19:04.09Carlos_PHXI wonder if there is a channel for discussing the customer side of Asterisk.  Like what to tell a new customer that says:  "We won't be able to cover the installation costs until next month.  Can you install this week though?"
19:04.49_ShrikECarlos_PHX: you tell them I'll see you next month
19:06.10Carlos_PHX"We schedule our installations after we receive the payment and all paperwork."
19:08.03[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: its called "Business School"
19:08.10*** part/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
19:08.10drmessanoHeres what you do
19:08.16drmessanoYou call that piece of shit up
19:08.19drmessanoand you say
19:08.28drmessano"Lookahere, this is ROCCO"
19:08.47*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:08.48drmessano"and I godda ya PBX rite ova here"
19:09.13drmessano"You wanna da install, I wanna da not puncha ya face"
19:09.26creativxare you gonna be your customers bank?
19:09.29drmessano"So give me my ^%#%$% money, over dare, rubbaneck"
19:10.15lesouvageWhat is an effective way to "glue" the soundfiles generated while using automon together. I did it with this line but for some strange reason it stopped working :  exten => h,n,System(cat ${PAD}*${CALLERID(num)}*in.raw > ${PAD}alles_${CALLERID(num)}_in.raw)
19:10.18drmessanoHe gives you a hard time... do the install anyway, set it to record all the calls, send them to his competition for 10% cut of the business THEY make from it
19:10.22drmessanoProblem solved
19:10.26drmessanodoncha know
19:11.20drmessanoTo be serious
19:11.41drmessanoAs much as you want to be the good guy for the new customer
19:11.47drmessanoDont let them treat you like shit either
19:11.56drmessanoThey got the money next month, they get the install
19:12.18jameswfhey ho joe
19:12.21*** part/#asterisk mxmasster (n=mxmasste@
19:12.22drmessanoUntil then, "I cant wait to do business with you sir, looking forward to it"
19:12.35_ShrikEbusiness is like gambling..  dont bet anything you aren't willing to lose
19:12.39drmessano"i think you'll really enjoy this box"
19:12.40*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4239eb5@gateway/web/ajax/
19:14.43lesouvageHow can I solve this error? sox: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: . I have installed the library and it is on the system at /usr/local/lib/ .
19:15.18Qwelllesouvage: have you tried #sox?
19:15.52[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: ldconfig <-
19:16.15Kattypouts lightly
19:16.45lesouvageQwell: there is no #sox  . I was the only one in the channel
19:17.57*** join/#asterisk sky_blue (
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19:18.30lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: run ldconfig from the linux prompt but still the same error. Seem to have messed up the system
19:18.48[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: check the paths its set for...
19:23.32sky_bluehi guys, having trouble with the user introduction still: " app_meetme.c:2469 find_conf: No Zap channel available for conference, user introduction disabled".... i've rolled back to zaptel-1.2.27 from the latest version and recompiled to no avail * is 1.4.22.... any more ideas?
19:25.31[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: You can't use 1.2 Zaptel with 1.4 *
19:25.35drmessanoYou need 1.4 zaptel
19:25.49[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Must be the same major, and check the release dates for compatible minors
19:26.21sky_blueah ok, why does the conferencing still work ?
19:27.31*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
19:29.09*** join/#asterisk holos (n=cosmond@
19:29.49holosHi.. If I have a Queue located in a branch, can I add a member located in a remote branch using IAX2/xx.xx.xx/5555?
19:30.52holosI know that you can use the Local\exten@context/n but the remote user indicates an answer as soon as the IAX channel is dialed, which directs the call to that user (ring all btw)
19:32.04Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Is that the same voice as the guy that has the "unlimited" g729 licenses for sale?
19:32.50sky_blue[TK]D-Fender: will zap 1.4.0 be ok with * 1.4.22?
19:32.51*** part/#asterisk MrGabu (
19:33.00drmessano"Hey, lokka dis bag o donuts?  Its a freaking un-limited box o' G-seven-twenty-freakin-nine licenses... I just crapped my pants"
19:33.06[TK]D-Fenderholos: if the remote side claims to have answered then you're screwed
19:33.28drmessano"We're even gonna cuttaya a deal"
19:33.44[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Dunno, tried putting 2008 Ford Focus parts in your vintage Model T?
19:34.05[TK]D-Fendersky_blue: Go look at the changelogs and no way should those 2 versions be used together.
19:35.02holos[TK]D-Fender: Ya, it's weird that the remote side answers, the remote side just does exten ==> 5555,1,Dial(SIP/XXXX,i)
19:37.50lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: sorry for asking but where should I check the path. I did PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/ to add the dir with the lib to the path but it doesn't seem to help.
19:37.51sky_blueok how do i check if the versions are compatible ? i was using the latest * and zap, and that wasn't working, so after speaking to you earlier i said i'd roll back the zap.
19:38.20[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: not that path.... ld's config file...
19:39.11[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: /etc/
19:39.23[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: ensure that you have included that path
19:46.20holoshmm.. so if I dial IAX2/xx.xx.xx.xx/XXXX the call is answered right away, the remote side has XXXX => DIAL(SIP/1234,,i) you think that it wouldn't answer until SIP/1234 answered their phone. Does anyone else find that weird and incorrect?
19:49.04icelIs there a list of voip providers accessible from this channel?
19:49.49[TK]D-Fenderholos: I think you'd probably better show us the complete CLI output of that call, end to end.
19:49.58[TK]D-Fenderholos: pastebin is your friend.
19:50.00jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:50.52jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
19:50.56[TK]D-Fendericel: ^^
19:51.07jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
19:51.07slingr[15:50] <jbot> [~itsplist-us] Her
19:51.20jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
19:53.58icelso do you most ITSPs allow you to register with them via Sip or IAX or do they allow either?
19:54.14icelor something else I don't know about...
19:56.11Kobazicel: depends on the provider
19:58.03*** join/#asterisk hfb (
19:58.47iceljust wondering if I should push for one with IAX instead of Sip
19:58.51icelI am natting
20:00.12*** join/#asterisk xloafx (
20:00.26[TK]D-FendericeOnly reason to choose IAX is if you have bandwidth issues
20:02.17*** join/#asterisk engaged (
20:02.42jblackOr firewalling pain. Or want untested encrypted conversations.
20:02.42engagedI need to set up an asterisk system where a work at home employee can call my system then dial the number they need and the call gets recorded... is that possible?
20:02.58jblackengaged: Yes, easily.
20:03.18engagedhow much will you charge jblack ?
20:04.01jblackHow much would I charge for something like that? It would depend upon the wanted complexity. There's more than one way to get the goal.
20:04.41BlackvelEnglish question: ... on appointment... or at .. appointment?
20:04.57*** join/#asterisk rpm (
20:05.02engagedjblack: can i PM you?
20:05.27marc7Blackvel: er...neither make a lot of sense. in what context?
20:05.28rpmdoes anyone here have the firmware for a Mitel 5220/5224/5215? i need to find Release 7...
20:05.58*** join/#asterisk DogWater (
20:06.08DogWaterAnyone know of a decent text to speech program to create voice prompts?
20:06.14icelthx for responses!
20:06.53russellbDogWater: Cepstral
20:07.26russellbthere is even an Allison voice for Cepstral that you can use to make prompts that at least closely resemble the ones included
20:07.35russellbyou can buy licenses for that voice on, I think ...
20:07.42russellband you can demo it on the cepstral web site
20:09.17*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:10.35DogWaterrussellb: so is that software I download to create wav files?
20:11.53DogWaterhrm. alright
20:12.04DogWaterhaving trouble finding that part of it
20:12.43*** join/#asterisk Firass-VC22 (
20:13.42DogWaterah, got it thanks.
20:16.15*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
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20:17.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:17.39drbrownin order to use dahdi in a dial plan I simply have to replace all the instances of zap with dahdi?
20:17.52ManxPowerdrbrown: in theory
20:18.02drbrownnot in practice?
20:18.24ManxPowerdrbrown: DAHDI is so new, there isn't enough people using it to say "in practice"
20:19.07ManxPowerAbout the only people using DAHDI are people on 1.6 Asterisk (1.6 does not support Zaptel) or idiots that are trying to use DAHDI with 1.4 (1.4 supports Zap just fine)
20:20.01ManxPowersorry, not "idiots" but "early adopters" 8-)  In my book they are pretty much the same.
20:21.29drbrownI am using 1.6
20:21.53jameswfuses dahdi :)
20:22.07jameswfi have a good excuse
20:22.37drbrownI am having issues with "congestion" when utilizing dahdi, as in the channels are always congested
20:23.10jameswfwow thats vague
20:24.18nikkowhen I see dahdi i giggle.  it's going to take a while
20:25.30jameswfIn our devel Makefile I had a parameter to check for dahdi called HAS_A_DAHDI.... didnt make the final cut i was going to go with BAHSTARD
20:25.43*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
20:27.42bkw_jameswf: haha
20:28.34nikkoi have all kinds of references: WHOS_YO_DAHDI
20:28.57nikkoLuke, I'm your DAHDI
20:32.47Blackvelwho has some hard liquor for me? finished English prompts for IVR :)
20:33.27russellbwill you share if you find some?
20:33.36ManxPowerdrbrown: put a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) as the priority after your Dial to see what the CAUSE of the congestion is.
20:33.49*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4239eb5@gateway/web/ajax/
20:34.10Kate-oAnyone want to set up my server for me?
20:34.52Corydon76-digThere's a loaded question, if I've ever heard one
20:34.54ManxPowerKate-o: how much are you willing to pay?
20:35.03Kate-oI was hoping free, lol its not like its that hard
20:35.11denonthen do it yourself :)
20:35.22ManxPowerKate-o: You must not have been using Asterisk for very long if you think that.
20:35.27denongood learning experience .. and yeah, "it's not that hard"
20:35.30Kate-othe server is already set up for the most part, just two parts of the script are throwing it off..and I have to replace 15 lab computers over the weekend
20:35.38Kate-ooh, this isn't an asterisk server, its an RIS server
20:35.41ManxPowerEven a minimal Asterisk install will be a day
20:35.51Kate-oit was my last research project before the Asterisk one
20:35.56ManxPowerKate-o: Exactly why are you here then?
20:36.09Kate-oFor my current project
20:37.02Kate-oAnd I would hate it if someone set up my asterisk server for me
20:37.06Kate-oO_o I wouldn't learn anything
20:38.13jameswfI here piaf has a box that can be up and running in 15min
20:38.33jameswfi didnt see any disclaimer so size doesnt matter
20:38.48Corydon76-digjameswf: Penis In A Fire?
20:39.01ManxPowerjameswf: and I hear there are aliens in Roswell, NM
20:39.31jameswfThere are aliens outside home depot
20:40.08ManxPowerIf they are at home depot how could they be in Roswell?
20:40.19jameswfHome depot in Roswell
20:40.26denonisn't there a Home Depot in Rosewell?
20:40.33outtoluncthey were able to finally clear the ones in front of our local home depot <G>
20:41.05denonouttolunc: you know, nobody knows what "<G>" means anymore ..
20:41.09denonsad days on irc
20:41.13ManxPowerthat sucks!  How are you going to find cheap labor?
20:41.46jameswfI say we go back to child labor, time to teach 8 year olds work ethic
20:42.02outtoluncsunlight kills
20:42.31ManxPowerjameswf: It's time to teach 20 yr olds work ethic
20:43.41jameswfyeah people under a certain age feeled entitled. I teach my kids nothing except unemployment is beneath them
20:44.05rwaiteif i have a sip trunk, the callerid= in sip.conf should let me set what outbound caller id looks like, right?
20:44.09ManxPowerYou've got kids?  Poor sod.
20:44.36ManxPowerrwaite: 1) if your carrier allows it, 2) if you set valid information (hint " - . are not valid)
20:44.59jameswfI was thinking about getting one of those child abuse licence plates and personalize it to say beatem
20:45.04ManxPowercallerid=Robert Dobbx <6665551212>
20:45.09rwaitei see. but my carrier should be able to set an outbound caller id right?
20:45.10ManxPowernotice the lack of leading 1 as well
20:45.52ManxPowerrwaite: It depends on your carrier and what they allow.  You won't be able to set the name at all when the call hits the PSTN, the receiving telco will overwrite and name information you have
20:46.03ManxPowerBut you can set the number
20:46.36rwaitei see. so i can only set the number. ok. so the receiving party, the callerid they see actually comes from their local exchange (or whoever handles their caller id service)
20:46.49jameswfI set my outbound callerid to ${EXTEN} makes life interesting
20:47.05ManxPowerrwaite: close enough
20:47.59jameswfALl calls start "I am in your house"
20:49.52*** join/#asterisk voxter (
20:55.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:56.04De_Monjameswf Arg you're one of those people!
20:58.00jameswfwhat do you mean "you people"
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21:10.36jayteeI'd like to hack the local telco that M.C. Hammer uses so that all his inbound callerid ever says is "Can't touch this!"
21:11.52*** part/#asterisk mprebello (
21:12.02jayteequittin time, be back later
21:14.34sky_bluehi lads.... meetme introduction STILL not working. Tearing my hair out over this now. fresh install of centos, fresh install of zaptel current, fresh install of * current. "app_meetme.c:2469 find_conf: No Zap channel available for conference, user introduction disabled" no zap hardware just ztdummy. zttest passes ok. wtf is going on? this USED to work?
21:15.41*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
21:16.44cesar_CRhello guys I can' t get cdt_odbc working, anybody familiar with that
21:16.50*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=HydraIRC@
21:17.34drmessanosky_blue: Which version of asterisk?
21:17.40drmessanosky_blue: Which version of Zaptel?
21:19.30sky_bluedrmessano: zap= *=1.4.22, both got by wget digium ftp../current version, so they must be compatible right?
21:20.24drmessanoHave you rebooted?
21:21.16sky_blueyep as i've changed the iptables and wanted to make sure they had taken
21:21.52*** part/#asterisk xloafx (
21:22.01*** join/#asterisk tainted_ (n=Administ@
21:22.15tainted_anyone familiar with agi
21:23.16jameswfthere is no us in AGI
21:23.34tainted_i have an issue where sometimes a channel variable isn't set
21:26.59jameswfless vague please
21:27.14Blackvelhave a good evening. cu
21:36.54sky_bluezap show channels is empty?
21:37.04nikkowhy would vitelity say that IAX trunking can result in call quality issues vs. SIP? Is this true?
21:37.44Cdoggnikko: where did you see that? im using vitelity sip and its been pretty good thus far
21:38.40nikkoIn The Vitelity "Setup Wizard" , if you pix IAX as the trunking method, it gives a big warning, and says SIP is preferred, that IAX may cause call quality issues
21:38.46*** part/#asterisk paul0 (
21:38.52Cdoggoh i didnt use the setup wizard
21:39.00nikkoyou use SIP?
21:39.08Cdoggjust used the configs they supplied and edited them to my purposes
21:39.47nikkook, I'l try SIP.  I thought the rule of thumb is IAX always better if the upstream provider supports it
21:39.59Cdoggim new so :/
21:40.08Cdoggi would be interested in knowing the answer
21:40.18Cdoggsip quality has been good though quite clear
21:40.55sky_bluedo i need a zapata.conf even if i have no hardware and just use ztdummy anybody?
21:41.33drmessanoIAX doesnt mean better
21:41.56drmessanoIAX has a little less overhead for multichannel calls
21:41.58tzafrir_laptopsky_blue, no
21:42.19Cdoggah ok
21:42.22drmessanoBut a BIG problem is the providers support of IAX2
21:42.26drmessanoSome do it well, most dont
21:42.42nikkoi do no multichannel trunking, so SIP it is
21:42.45drmessanoWorks great for PBX <> PBX
21:43.30*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (n=alex@
21:43.34drmessanoIAX2 has also had its ups and downs.. regression, performance issues.. so its had a bad rep.. But IAX2 has been MUCH improved lately
21:43.41drmessanoWhich may mean more uptake
21:44.16sky_bluetzafrir: "app_meetme.c:2469 find_conf: No Zap channel available for conference, user introduction disabled" whats the "find conf" looking for ?
21:44.19drmessanoIAX2 also doesnt suffer from NAT issues with call setup
21:44.48drmessanoSo thats a bonus to getting it more deployed, although the devices look like SIP will be their king
21:45.14Cdoggsets the time machine back a few days
21:46.00Cdoggi had a wonderful issue the other day
21:46.01drmessanoIve used IAX2 with, IPKALL, and freeworld dialup
21:46.11Cdoggall extensions could call between each other
21:46.36Cdoggexcept if an extension called a menu and pressed a key togoto a ring group
21:46.44Cdoggthen they couldnt hear me
21:46.57Cdoggbut if they went to the voicemenu and gave extension worked
21:47.26Cdoggi thought about going w/ les
21:49.45drmessanoles is pretty decent
21:50.10drmessanoFlowroute looks interesting as well
21:50.28drmessanoI got signed up to do some testing, and havent gotten my shit together yet
21:51.02*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
21:51.58thehardrmessano: i like flowroute
21:53.12drmessanoTheir termination prices are the best without going wholesale
22:00.16cvnethi all
22:00.33cvnetwhich site is the best site to buy GSM gatway ?
22:03.51*** join/#asterisk Foriskak_ (
22:03.53sky_blueguys, zap sho status shows:  ZTDUMMY/1 (source: RTC) 1 UNCONFIGUR ... what is this telling me? unconfigured how?
22:04.21Foriskak_Hello. I'm doing a multi-dial, what happens when one of the SIP clients listed in the dial is no registered at the time?
22:04.30Foriskak_Does the entire dial fail immediately?
22:04.38Foriskak_what dial status do I get out
22:04.50*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
22:07.24[TK]D-FenderForiskak_: It only aborts that 1 target, not the others
22:09.47*** part/#asterisk tainted_ (n=Administ@
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22:11.05fogoin queues.conf when I set monitor-type and monitor-format, is there a way to easily change the file naming scheme?
22:13.22*** join/#asterisk RachedTN (n=virtex5@
22:19.22Marquelgn8 and thanks for all the hints
22:22.19sky_bluei'm now thinking  "chan_dahdi.c:11696 setup_dahdi: Unable to load zapata.conf".... shouldn't this be calling chan_dahdi.conf ???
22:25.45*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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22:27.17Qwellif he would have waited a few seconds longer...
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22:41.07jayteewb Oh Ye Who Needs A New ISP (or new cable modem)
22:50.56Foriskak_I'm trying to use xlite to call some hardphones
22:51.27Foriskak_any idea why somtimes I get "proxy authorization required" in logs and sometimes I don't and it just rings fine?
22:54.18*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
22:56.40Foriskak_4o7 proxy authentication required error when trying to use x-lite
22:56.44Foriskak_to dial out
22:57.20slingri dunno
22:57.31slingri had a shittonne of trouble with xlite the past few days
22:57.44slingrended up using PhonerLite
22:57.48slingrworks perfect
22:58.56*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:59.53Foriskak_I'll try it
23:00.23Foriskak_phonerlite is the german language one?! heh
23:00.31Foriskak_who can you tell when you have an incoming call?
23:08.42drmessanophonerlite is english too
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23:16.30Foriskak_I'd like to get x-lite working
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23:16.45Foriskak_anyone know what to do about the "407 proxy authentication required"?
23:16.50*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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23:43.23Foriskak_what happens when you "reject" an incoming call. Future calls back won't be allowed by asterisk for some period of time?
23:51.48jameswfheh Last 5 or 6 post
23:53.57*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
23:57.12jameswfscreeeeeeach crash
23:59.08*** join/#asterisk voxter (

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