IRC log for #asterisk on 20081013

00:09.54*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
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00:55.00justdave_is there a way to have a dundi server return two responses for the same lookup, with different weights?
00:55.33justdave_I tried putting the mapping line twice, with the higher-weighted backup route for the second one, but it seems to only use the last one defined
00:59.34Linuturkjustdave: you have to take it out to dinner tonight
00:59.42Linuturkdinner first*
01:05.55*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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01:12.02De_Monhow do I reload extensions.conf in 1.6.0?
01:12.32justdave"extensions reload" is what 1.4 uses.  1.6 doesn't like that?
01:12.41justdavehasn't looked at 1.6 yet
01:15.05WimpManNo. That was 1.2
01:15.06QwellWhat happened when you typed it in 1.4?
01:15.15Qwell(tip: it told you what to use)
01:16.13De_Monif it did it's not any more
01:16.35De_Monosprey*CLI> extensions reload
01:16.35De_MonNo such command 'extensions reload' (type 'help extensions reload' for other possible commands)
01:16.54De_Monam I misspelling something? not that it matters if i'm supposed to be using something else anyways
01:17.13QwellIt is gone, just like 1.4 told you it would be.
01:17.22De_Moni'm a slow learner
01:17.27Qwelland UPGRADE.txt
01:17.28De_Monbad speller too
01:17.35seanbrightdialplan reload
01:17.36Qwelland hundreds of emails on various lists
01:18.19jayteetry dialplan reload
01:18.32seanbrightright, like i just said.
01:18.36jayteeooops, missed seanbright's post
01:18.44Qwellno offense, but if people aren't going to bother to read the deprecation notices and documentation that we write...
01:18.56seanbrightwe should make them feel bad about it and not help them
01:18.57De_Monwe read them, just don't *remember* them
01:18.57seanbrighti agree
01:19.12seanbrightthe user does indeed come 2nd, after all.
01:19.19Qwell3rd at best
01:19.21De_Moni'm looking at the upgrade doc again
01:19.31QwellDe_Mon: You could have started using the new command immediately
01:19.55seanbrightand what new command was that?  that's right, it was *dialplan reload* (with the *s)
01:20.09seanbright/without/ the *s
01:22.06De_MonI did for most stuff, extensions.conf -> extensions reload was just too damn easy to remember
01:22.36De_MonI'll alias dialplan.conf to extensions.conf, maybe that will help ^_^
01:26.14justdavenobody can read the deprecation notice in 1.4 because it's printed first before the command executes, and the output of the reload is verbose enough that it scrolls off before you see it.
01:26.22justdavefor the extensions reload
01:27.08justdaveI pay really close attention to the deprecation notices in 1.4, and try to train myself to use the new versions, and that's the first I've heard of it, and that's my excuse for not knowing about it. :)
01:27.33De_Monso I'm looking at UPGRADE.txt, and I don't see a secontion on depriciated CLI commands
01:28.12justdaveif I go back in my scrollback and look, it's indeed there.
01:28.13justdaveringring*CLI> extensions reload
01:28.13justdaveDialplan reloaded.
01:28.13justdaveThe 'extensions reload' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'dialplan reload' instead.
01:28.35jayteewhat, you mean the documentation is not setup in an orderly manner? that's unusual
01:28.43justdavefollowed by a couple thousand lines of "Loaded config 'fooo'" and "Added extension 'xxx' priority 1 to xxxxx"
01:29.45justdaves/Loaded config/Parsing/
01:29.46De_MonI looked at the screen buffer and didn't see the warning in 1.6 that the command was disabled it was just gone (as expected?)
01:29.46seanbrightyeah, it's unfortunate, but the way that CLI output is displayed and the way that the deprecation notices are printed aren't the same
01:29.54*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:30.07seanbrightso there is no way to guarantee (right now) when stuff is printed out relative to other stuff
01:30.15justdaveDe_Mon: yeah that would be expected, since 1.4 told you it was deprecated
01:30.43De_Moni suppose I could always jump back to 1.4 to see what the depriciation notice says ;p
01:31.11De_Monthis is probably going to be the only one I didn't remember, but I woln't know for sure till I've used 1.6 a while hehe
01:31.37jayteeI think they should modify the next minor release of 1.6 so whenever you type a deprecated command it just prints "What you talkin bout, Willis?" and doesn't do anything else.
01:31.54seanbrightCLI aliases are being added
01:32.11jayteethat's just pandering to lazy people who won't read the docs
01:32.11De_Monoh great
01:32.39De_Monwhich doc should I read to know which commands were depriciated, i'm grepping the 1.6 docs and upgrade file and haven't found what I'm looking for yet
01:33.04jayteethey should make it as vague as possible and then in the upgrade.txt file where they mention the deprecated command put a little note: "Ah, so you found this finally! Don't you wish now that you'd read this first?"
01:34.03justdaveWhat I was trying to accomplish with DUNDi is I have a few servers in separate geographic locations using a shared pool of extension numbers, because the offices all used the same server initially, and then the remote offices got their own servers when they started getting lots of people in them to get the resources local to them
01:34.07De_MonI duno how other projects do it, but a nice 'this command is depriciated, use 'new command'' and forcing the change would be nice ;)
01:34.22justdavetrying to put extension-by-extension routing between the servers is a pain
01:34.30De_MonI wonder if I'll be able to alias the old command to something like that
01:34.39De_Mon'no stupid it's dialplan reload!'
01:34.45justdaveDUNDi works great for this (and already have it working) to go directly to the destination server for that extension
01:35.12justdavebut we do have network glitches on occasion, and all of the offices can direct-connect to each other
01:35.33justdaveand I've been able to successfully route around network issues by bouncing off a different office on the way to the destination one in the past
01:35.53justdaveso I'm attempting to get it to serve a backup route to that extension in addition to the direct one
01:38.57WimpManjustdave: That's what the priorites must be there for.
01:39.07justdaveWimpMan: yep, exactly.
01:39.19justdaveexcept I can't figure out how to get it to give more than one response
01:39.32justdavewhichever one I define last seems to be the one it uses
01:39.48*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=chatzill@
01:40.24WimpManYou do have different contexts, don't you?
01:42.07justdaveno...  guess that'd be the way to do it, put two separate DUNDi lookups in and have the second one explicitly look for the backup route after it fails on the primary
01:42.33salzhUpon answering a call, how can play some audio to the calling party automatically?
01:42.38justdaveI was thinking because the responses had weights I could just put the less-priority weight on the backup route
01:43.36WimpManSo how do you try to give multiple answers without using multiple contexts?
01:43.49seanbrightsalzh: in the asterisk CLI (asterisk -r) type the command: `core show applications`
01:44.14seanbrightsalzh: from there you will see a list of all of asterisk's built-in apps and a description of what they do
01:44.36ManxPoweras well as "core show functions"
01:45.01justdavewhat I tried (which obviously didn't work) : (only two lines, not worth a pastebin)
01:45.05justdaveinteroffice => local-extensions,0,IAX2,mountainview/${NUMBER},nopartial
01:45.07justdaveinteroffice => local-extensions,10,IAX2,copenhagen/722${NUMBER},nopartial
01:45.17seanbrightof course nothing within "core show functions" will help with playing back audio... BUT...
01:45.36justdaveall I ended up getting in responses was the copenhagen one, which makes sense, since the context is probably a hash so it overwrote the first one when it loaded
01:47.33*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
01:48.09WimpManjustdave: Now how could that work if you give the same list to both priorities?
01:49.08justdavebecause one is weighted 0 and one is weighted 10, so it would try the 0-weighted one first and go to the 10-weighted one if the first one didn't work
01:49.50justdavebut I guess that's only intended for figuring out which one to try if you asked multiple servers and got a response from all of them
01:51.55WimpManIndeed. But That is what you want, I thought.
01:54.20justdaveSo I suppose what I really need is for copenhagen to answer "Yeah, I can get you to extension xxx in Mountainview" and give you the lower-priority weight on that response, instead of mountainview saying "you can get to me via copenhagen also"
01:55.00WimpManMakes sense anyway.
01:55.26WimpManYou wouldn't want to use the intermediate if you could reach te destination directely.
01:55.57WimpManSo you wouldn't get dundi responses that way, either.
02:01.30*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:10.54seanbrightsalzh: don't PM me
02:11.19seanbrightwanders off
02:11.58coilcan i
02:12.09jayteecan you what?
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02:20.07[gnubie]anyone cares to follow this thread? =>
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03:00.14*** join/#asterisk booray (
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03:07.01boorayIs there any documentation or specific usage examples of the T38 in 1.6?  I've looked around as well as downloaded and have yet to find anything other than a mention.  Thanks
03:09.08jayteeI'm pretty sure the USAF has a jet figher trainer called a T-38 but other than that I've got nutthin
03:12.26*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
03:12.29boorayearlier when I asked, ManxPower said to download the source and find it there.. but a few greps and pouring through pdfs reveal little
03:13.34drmessanoFriend of mine was just asking about an upgrade
03:13.39drmessanoI told him I had no free time anymore
03:13.52drmessanoHe said "You should switch to 4 10's, it's great"
03:14.03drmessanoHe's on the 4day, 10 hour week thing
03:14.16drmessanoI said "naah, 357 would do more damage than a 410"
03:14.19jayteeI'd love that
03:14.31Qwellso, how are you going to make up those other 20 hours a week?
03:14.39Qwell5 12s > 4 10s
03:14.44jayteerather than the 60-80 hour weeks at low salary paid for 40 hrs
03:14.57drmessanoHes govt.. He works 40
03:15.06Qwellno, he "works" 40
03:15.10Qwellhe *works* 2.
03:15.22drmessanoHe works 40, 2 of which is billable
03:16.17*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
03:18.43drmessanoI decided to get really into provisioning my Linksys phones
03:18.58QwellYou know what else you could get really into?
03:18.58drmessanoSomehow I have it locked so I cant redial or check missed calls without a password
03:19.05drmessanoTry to
03:19.08drmessanoTrying to
03:19.23Qwellannouncement probably going out tomorrow :D
03:19.41QwellI hope that server holds up..
03:19.53drmessanoI unplugged my test box at 10AM this morning and said "NO MATTER WHAT, IM LOADING THIS TODAY"
03:19.57drmessanoand then I worked 11 hours
03:20.02booraygo dodgers
03:20.25boorayducks and goes back to compiling
03:21.14drmessano1.6.0.1 is out?
03:21.35drmessanoI need to upgrade
03:23.38Qwelldrmessano: 1.6.0 to was a sample config fix
03:23.55drmessanoI am still on 1.4
03:24.05drmessanoI am falling behind
03:24.59drmessanoWhat is the SVN tag for the Dahdi full?
03:25.21drmessanoyeah, that too
03:25.25Qwellsvn/dahdi/linux-complete/tags/2.0.0+2.0.0 I think
03:26.20QwellI actually got it right.  sweet
03:26.43drmessanoI just pasted that
03:32.03fakhiranyone know when Asterisk TheFuture of Telephony book will be updated for 1.6?
03:32.30Qwellfakhir: when they find time
03:32.37fakhir:) ok
03:32.42QwellI think the other day Leif summed it up as (paraphrasing)...
03:32.53Qwell"Being an author doesn't pay the bills"
03:33.11fakhirhehe yeah
03:34.05drmessanoI hear theres a new Trixbox book coming out
03:34.06drmessanoWait no
03:34.16drmessanoThey are redesigning the Trix cereal box
03:34.20drmessanoEhh sorry
03:34.43jayteeThere's already a Trixbox book out by Packt Publishing but it's old
03:35.23QwellPackt is a joke, heh
03:36.42jayteeseems like it
03:37.01Qwellha, Packt did the trixbox book...
03:37.06QwellThat makes so much more sense now
03:37.09jayteeand yet if you look at the examples in the O'Reilly book, *, TFOT there are lots of mistakes and bad advice
03:38.03Qwellshow me one bit of advice that's bad O.o
03:38.05jayteeif you follow the examples on IAX2 trunking in The Book, you'll never get IAX2 trunking working
03:39.15jayteeand some of the dialplan examples have you setting the SIP account to match the extension. ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender made some very solid arguments against doing it that way.
03:40.56jayteeI was so psyched waiting for O'Reilly's Asterisk Cookbook but it never made it to press. Pity, I like to look at other people's examples. Ones that work, not the fucked up ones that get pastebinned in here by noobs.
03:42.15drmessanoSo I have NO password set for the SPA941 other than user Password
03:42.21drmessanoand no additional security I can find
03:42.35drmessanoBut yet I am prompted for redial and to view missed calls
03:42.48jayteeinstead all I get is "Hey, can someone tell me what's wrong with this line in my extensions.conf. It's from the [duh!] context.  exten => 101,1,Goto(duh!,1)
03:44.04*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:44.57jayteeso I tell them, "It's missing the extension and a comma seperator". they say "Thanks" and leave and then they're back 2 minutes later going, "It's looping over and over!" and I say, "Well, isn't that what you wanted it to do?"
03:46.27*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
03:52.43jayteedrmessano, don't know about that problem but you might look on they've got a ton of Linksys specific info and good forums
03:53.19drmessanoI hope its not looking for the user password
03:53.30drmessanoBecause its 3089nf084n90324hrn
03:53.34drmessanoand I cant do that on a keypad
03:53.46jayteesince it's wireless could it be looking for a WEP key or WPA passphrase?
03:54.07drmessanoNot wireless... SPA941 4-line desk phone
03:54.23drmessanoIm baffled its asking for anything AT ALL
03:54.35jayteedoes it register with *?
03:54.40drmessanoOh yes
03:54.42drmessanoIt works fine
03:55.09drmessanoOnly issue is it asking me for a password to redial or view missed calls
03:55.38jayteethat is weird
03:55.42drmessanoI do have Protect_IVR_Factory_Reset enabled
03:55.47drmessanoand this is LINKSYS
03:56.15drmessanoYou know what
03:56.20drmessanoI bet...
03:56.26drmessanoI bet I can disable that
03:57.07jayteetheir built in dialpan crap in their ATA's are a pain in the ass and the docs suck
03:57.12drmessanoThe passwords are alphanumeric, so keeping someone from factory resetting from the keypad is pointless
03:57.57drmessanoOk, I guess I need to google
03:58.06jayteetry voxilla
04:00.04jayteethrows his arms in the air and shouts "SERENITY NOW!!!"
04:00.07drmessanoI figured it out
04:00.27drmessanoWell, it's asking for the "user password"
04:00.49drmessanoI changed it to something reasonable, and its allowing me to manipulate with that password
04:01.26jayteebut you can't set it so it doesn't need a password for redial or view missed calls?
04:03.51*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
04:04.32drmessanoI dont see anything thats spelled out in English for that..
04:04.34drmessanoheres the thing
04:05.18drmessanoI started using it from Factory defaults.. I dont remember having to do this before.. I pull the XML from the phone, it becomes my template for other phones
04:05.34drmessanoSo now i've reloaded the same config back via XML
04:05.37drmessanoand something is off
04:08.45*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:09.50jayteelike maybe the XML got corrupted somehow?
04:10.55jayteeI've seen it where the .cfg files for Polycoms that are actually XML code can get screwed up and cause crap to break.
04:10.58drmessanoThe editor I use has basic XML syntax checking
04:11.29drmessanoBasically "does tag blah have a /blah"?
04:11.56drmessanoI blank the user password, and I am not prompted
04:12.00drmessanoWhich is fascinating
04:12.32jayteeso it's a security feature. if the password is set it'll prompt, if not it just does works.
04:13.16jayteeor do you have other SPA941's that have passwords set but don't prompt?
04:14.38drmessanoWell, I still think theres another feature here.. user password is used to ACL the web interface, as I am sure you are very aware with the ATAs.. it's not much different.. Seems like whatever this "feature" is that blocks redial and viewing missed calls would be a different toggle
04:17.48jayteeok, time for me to get some sleep
04:17.49drmessanoIm going through the Web UI as a USER to see if I can set that in the interface.. Logic here is that if I am a user, and I am given user rights to admin my address book, DHCP, etc.. I should be able to protect/unprotect the display
04:19.40slingri'm trying to connect to an spa3102 out of the box and the ip is responding but i can't get to the web page
04:20.50drmessanoThen dial 1 # when prompted
04:23.06slingrwithout the LINE connected?
04:23.49drmessanoPlug a phone in the FXS port
04:23.54drmessanoSince you need one to dial stuff
04:24.10drmessanoThen dial follow what I typed
04:25.26slingrthe unit is just constantly resetting
04:25.42slingrand as i asked
04:25.48slingrshould LINE be connected
04:25.54drmessanoDoesnt matter
04:25.57slingra phone is already connected to the phone port
04:26.00drmessanoYoure using the IVR, not making a call
04:26.32drmessanoBut if its in a boot loop, you have other problems
04:26.38*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
04:26.49slingrjust got IVR
04:27.35slingrk, did what you said
04:27.49slingrgot the web interface
04:28.00drmessanoIts disabled by default
04:28.20drmessanoFor whatever reason
04:29.43slingrok.. so now i can change it from NAT to Bridge (since i already have a router in place)?
04:31.25slingrnevermind, already did
04:31.28drmessanoI suppose
04:31.38drmessanoI actually never touch that
04:32.18drmessanoThe FXS and FXO ports use the WAN IP, youre only changing whats presented to the LAN port.. and since I never use one for a router...
04:32.20slingrdo you use your spa3102 behind a router?
04:32.47drmessanoAgain, the SIP interfaces are on the WAN side
04:33.14drmessanoSo unless you're gonna use the LAN port with a device attached.. you're just telling it to bridge that useless port
04:34.15slingrin an asterisk+spa3102
04:34.22slingrasterisk box is on the wan port/
04:35.02drmessanoOk, let me make this simple
04:35.15drmessanoDo you know what a basic ATA is, like a PAP2?
04:35.26slingri've used asterisk before
04:35.32drmessanoNot what ive asked
04:35.35drmessanoDo you know what a basic ATA is, like a PAP2?
04:35.44slingri know what SIP is
04:35.49slingri have no clue what PAP2 is
04:36.04drmessanohave you ever used a SIP device ?
04:36.09drmessanoLike a PHONE?
04:36.10slingrlike i said
04:36.13slingri've used asterisk before
04:36.24slingri've just never used a device
04:36.29slingrjust softphones using sip...
04:36.34drmessanoYoure putting too much into this router business
04:36.38slingrand a wifi phone using sip
04:36.50drmessanoPlug the WAN port into your switch, it will DHCP an address
04:37.05drmessanoDone, finished.. forget the LAN port, bridging, and any of the router nonsense
04:37.10drmessanoYoure not using it as a router
04:38.20slingrthanks... i was trying to follow a convoluted howto on the net
04:38.26slingryou simplified it greatly for me <-- Go to the SPA-3102 guide
04:39.01drmessanoThats my wiki.. and my instructions work
04:39.08drmessanoMost of the ones on the web are shit
04:39.10slingrthx doc
04:40.23slingri'm just finishing up install of PIAF on a box here
04:40.40drmessanoMost of the guides are based on the premise of slingshotting calls to the FXO port as a dumb proxy, and then blindly taking all incoming calls and slingshotting them to a fixed IP address
04:41.03drmessanoI actually take into account that the FXO port on the SPA-3102 is a real SIP client, and have it register to the PBX
04:41.13drmessanoWhich means you can put it behind a NAT at some remote location, etc
04:41.20drmessanoWhich is how it SHOULD be done.
04:41.44slingri see
04:42.18slingrso right now, while i'm configging the unit, i have wan port plugged into my switch and an analog phone plugged into PHONE port
04:42.41slingrshould I plug line into the wall jack?
04:42.57drmessanoIf thats what you're looking to do, yes
04:45.44slingrcould LINE be plugged directly into the demarkation point so that all traffic hits the 3102 before going into the rest of the building
04:47.13slingrdoc> you use a self-built asterisk setup or a prebuild (trix, elastix, piaf, etc)?
04:47.58drmessanoSelf-built.. Straight Asterisk or Asterisk+FreePBX depending on the need.
04:50.04drmessanoI've been looking at the new AsteriskNOW though.. It wont replace my DIY for personal use, but it's a bloatless way of rolling out a no-crap Asterisk+FreePBX setup
04:50.35drmessanoI'm actually working on building one for my Parents house
04:51.45slingri tried trix a long time ago, along with the very first initial versions of elastix,
04:52.09slingri was told to try piaf if i wanted a no bullshit asterisk+freepbx-and-some-goodies
04:52.29slingrbut eventually i would like to do my own asterisk+freepbx with debian
04:52.34slingri just don't like cent0s
04:52.52drmessanoWell, if you're talking about full-release current production "ZOMG ISO PBX", PIAF is the current fav.. but AsteriskNOW is the new hotness
04:53.48slingrasterisknow was a baby when i was last playing with pbx stuff
04:53.58slingrtoo immature to use at the time
04:54.53drmessanoIts been rebuilt from scratch, now uses FreePBX
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06:09.49ta^3I've an Asterisk 1.4.22 in a deadlock condition, where lots of AgentCallBackLogin() get stuck trying to lock because another thread do not release their p->lock at hangup.
06:10.51ta^3also I have corresponding ast_show_channels  ast_show_locks  ast_show_threads a gdb thread apply al bt and the bt full of the conflicting threads.
06:13.00ta^3I'm not pretty sure what the problem is and how to summary/describe this in order to report it.
06:30.12*** join/#asterisk surajvs (n=su_raj_i@
06:34.40mvanbaakta^3: then create a bugreport on
06:34.48mvanbaak<--- work
06:35.02ta^3mvanbaak: that's my intention, just i'm not sure how to summarize it. :)
06:50.47jameswf-homethe humor from development never goes public :(
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07:34.57surajvshi; would anyone know as to how I could extend the extensions.conf ...
07:35.28surajvsI would like to call a different file from within extensions.conf
07:37.45ta^3surajvs: just   #include "anotherfile.conf"
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07:51.29surajvsthanks ta^3
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08:17.39dch24I'm running a new install of asterisk-1.2.27 with, but I get no audio when I dial 1000 (runs [demo]). initializes fine. does have a volume setting?
08:17.59*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (
08:18.02justdaveany particular reason you're using 1.2.x if it's a new install?
08:18.31dch24no, I could install 1.4.x but my distro (gentoo) has 1.2.x still so it would be more difficult
08:18.50*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
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08:19.13justdaveah.  are you dialing that number from the console or something?
08:19.23dch24yes, dial 1000 from the console
08:19.55dch24would a pastebin of all the output help?
08:20.11justdaveI never did much with console dialing, short of testing dialplans
08:20.34justdaveI'm remote from all of my servers anyway, so whether the sound worked on the console would have been irrelevant for me :)
08:20.58tzafrir_laptopdch24, bang on the head of gentoo developers to start looking into 1.4.22
08:21.09tzafrir_laptop(not to mention 1.6.0)
08:21.24dch24I believe they have 1.4.x in an overlay and will be introducing it as a masked package soon
08:21.25tzafrir_laptopor make an ebuild on your own
08:21.31justdavekinda makes me wonder if the gentoo package is unmaintained
08:21.35dch24(I just came from #gentoo-voip but they're all asleep I think)
08:21.43justdavegentoo typically has the latest and greatest of most stuff
08:21.44tzafrir_laptopdch24, I think I heard that over a year ago
08:22.33tzafrir_laptop#gentoo-voip asleep <---  sounds all too familiar as well
08:23.04dch24I guess I will make an overlay for 1.4.x then :)
08:23.16tzafrir_laptopplease post it somewhere
08:23.33tzafrir_laptopor do whatever is needed to start get it into gentoo
08:23.37dch24ok, the easiest place is (I'm dch24 there O.o)
08:24.05dch24I will get back on here and figure out the alsa stuff if it doesn't work in 1.4.x
08:24.18justdaveis an RPM zealot (as in wanting everything installed via RPM if at all possible, and avoiding installing stuff from source)
08:24.26justdaveasterisk is one of my few exceptions to that
08:24.40dch24here is the pastebin fwiw,
08:24.50justdavenobody packages it with any reliable frequency, it seems
08:25.07justdaveand it doesn't take all that long to compile, so installing from source isn't that painful
08:25.33dch24it was a nice and clean install... but I can do that again for 1.4.x
08:26.00dch24appreciates the help
08:26.12*** part/#asterisk dch24 (n=dhubbard@
08:27.53*** join/#asterisk sluxor (
08:28.42sluxorIs it possible to setup Asterisk as a Video VOIP PBX with MCU?
08:29.28*** join/#asterisk virtexPro (n=virtex5@
08:30.17flohackHas someone ever experienced a starving asterisk when using realtime queues? My box responds very slowly to queue applications (addqueuemember, remove, pause, unpause) as soon as a few callers are active in a queue. Messages on the AMI lag as much as half a MINUTE!
08:30.27flohackI'm on 1.4.17
08:30.33sluxorand if not. Can I purchase hardware or software for asterisk that would enable it to do so?
08:32.38flohackdynamic realtime that is
08:33.32*** join/#asterisk samborambo_ (n=anja@
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08:36.25samborambo_hi I'm having problems registering with a SIP peer. Getting ICMP errors (dest unrch in iptraf) but the packets are getting through. Behind a NAT with 5060 forwarded to my asterisk box.
08:36.39samborambo_any ideas?
08:42.38subdolussamborambo_: you need to allow incoming AND outgoing SIP ports
08:42.51*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:44.14samborambo_subdolus: thanks for replying........I don't have iptables turned on on the asterisk box.....just sitting behind a nat firewall
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08:46.36subdolusyep.. shouldn't need to. it's the NAT box / firewall that needs to allow the incoming and outgoing ports
08:47.21samborambo_but I can see the packets coming back in iptraf and ngrep
08:48.00*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
08:48.15samborambo_so I'm thinking they're being passed through NAT OK
08:48.27subdolusah ok
08:48.47kannanhello al. I have a problem, channel zap not loading. I get the error zt_open nable to specify channel 13. Its a Sangoma 24port FXS A400 card. It was working fine upto now
08:49.14subdolussamborambo_: have you checked in forums related to your provider as to the sip.conf settings?
08:49.38subdolusif possible, could you pastebin the extension in sip.conf for the provider you're trying to register?
08:49.51subdolus(minus the login deets ;))
08:50.45tzafrir_laptopkannan, what happened "now" that changeed things?
08:50.55samborambo_yeah, I used their standard sip setup. I started with that and have been having problems....can I msg paste to you?
08:51.19subdoluspastebin is easier, but if you must
08:51.54kannantzafrir_laptop, i havent changed a thing
08:52.14kannani powered off the machine last night, now after start up, it does not work
08:52.40samborambo_never used pastebin......will give it a go.....
08:57.42samborambo_I've got an old USB ADSL modem out in the shed that I could fire up as a direct connection from the box to see if I can eliminate the NAT router.
09:00.07samborambo_subdolus: any thoughts?
09:01.20*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
09:04.04kannantzafrir_laptop, i am not able to rmmod the modules manually, the machine just freezes. In the asterisk CLI, module load, show channels 1-12 fine, then it aborts with error.
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09:22.40ghostknifeIs it possible to make a dial pattern, when someone dials "71xxxxxxx" (7 followed by a 1, followed by 7 digits), to have it send a "012", followed by the 1 and the 7 digits?
09:22.57viraptorcould someone tell me what load ratio (user/sys/wait) do they have on a box with a busy asterisk?
09:22.58ghostknifeso, someone dials, 713334444, it sends, 01213334444 ?
09:24.58viraptorghostknife: 71xxxxxxx => Dial(... 012${EXTEN:1} ...)
09:26.51ghostknifeviraptor: where do I add this? (sorry, I'm "still in the packet" new to this)
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09:27.40viraptorghostknife: extensions.conf - add something like
09:28.28viraptorexten => _71XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/012${EXTEN:1})
09:31.42ghostknifeOK, for the sake of learning, I also added an extra trunk which matches exactly the working one, but when dialing out on it, it simply says "all circuits are busy now"
09:31.55slingrhey all
09:32.15slingri'm following this tut on the spa3102 setup:
09:32.22slingrat the end it references setting up an asterisk peer
09:32.26slingrwhat does that mean :/
09:34.54*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
09:35.28Zeeekjust missed steliosk
09:35.29*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
09:35.36Zeeeksteliosk:  how are you?
09:35.51ZeeekDid you get any interest at Astricon from the Voip Users COnference?
09:37.37slingrdoes asterisk peer = extension?
09:38.17Zeeekpeer is something that connects to asterisk
09:38.35Zeeekusually with login credentials
09:39.47*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
09:39.57stelioskZeeek : Hi !
09:40.05Zeeekpeople often set the extension and peer to the same name, causezing confusion
09:40.17*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
09:40.24stelioskZeeek : Yeah i got a few of them at the stand
09:40.40ZeeekI recommend setting the peer for phones to their name or even MAC address
09:40.48Zeeeksteliosk:  cool. That's what it's all about
09:41.11Zeeekslingr:  still there?
09:41.44stelioskZeeek : Astricon was good this year :
09:41.45Zeeekslingr:  so one refers usually to the "peer entry"
09:42.23stelioskZeeek : The winner of the ruffle for the free Astricon pass come from Belgium also. He was very happy :)
09:42.55slingrsorry i;m back
09:42.59ZeeekIf you have only one phone, the peer entry could be called [sipura] or something
09:43.01slingryeah Zeeek> sup?
09:43.22Zeeekunder the peer heading you'd put the codecs, the host and secret info etc
09:43.29slingrZeeek> can you take a look at the end of this page:
09:43.44slingri'm not sure where i'm supposed to set that asterisk information
09:43.56slingrunder "Asterisk Peer Setup"
09:44.06Zeeekin sip.conf
09:44.09jstocksQuestion: My agi scripts never seem to get my digits that I press on my phone, but if I do any built in thing like confrence calls or the dication they all read the digits just fine.  What am I missing?
09:44.09slingrunless thats just what i set for a peer extention
09:44.37kannanhello al. I have a problem, channel zap not loading. I get the error zt_open nable to specify channel 13. Its a Sangoma 24port FXS A400 card. I re-installed the wanrouter, but still same error
09:44.41Zeeekslingr:  don't forget, as they say at the end: Create a [from-SOMEUSERNAME] context in extensions.conf with an appropriate destination.
09:45.03kannani get channel 13 : no such device or address when I do a mdule load in the asterisk CLI
09:45.19slingrok, now using FreePBX, is there a place i can put that info... should it go in sip-custom.conf?
09:48.06Zeeekthere was freepbx info just above asterisk. Go to #freepbx
09:48.21slingrlol i already inputted all the infor
09:48.27slingri was just getting confused
09:48.28tzafrir_laptopkannan, what do you see on /proc/zaptel/*
09:48.29slingrthz Zeeek :)
09:48.34tzafrir_laptopcat /proc/zaptel/*
09:51.04*** join/#asterisk colulu (n=jg@
09:51.32slingrcan someone recommend a good, free, sip softphone?
09:51.34coluluI am connecting 2 ss7 link with one Asterisk on a loopback mode. Could someone tell me how to set the point code?
09:51.48coluluI need help in setting up a dpc and opc
09:52.54kannantzafrir_laptop, kindly gibe me a few min, brb
09:53.02kannannot gibe
09:53.05kannanlol, give
09:55.15*** part/#asterisk dandre (
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10:08.51colulucould somone help me with a ss7 problem?
10:09.33*** join/#asterisk jes-o-ma1 (
10:10.46jes-o-ma1I have several pcap files and each file includes a single sip-conversation (including RTP traffic)
10:11.16jes-o-ma1I'd like to covert these files into wav - anyone knows how to do this?
10:12.34*** join/#asterisk masingerz (n=sueter@
10:19.46coluluhi does anyone know how to set the opc parameter for a loopback ss7 asterisk connection?
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10:26.42jes-o-ma1ta^3: I already tried voipong, but when I use tcpreplay to get the session on a dummy interface it somehow is not recognized as a voip session
10:27.27jes-o-ma1maybe it's only working with H.323?
10:27.40*** join/#asterisk creativx (
10:28.48ta^3jes-o-ma1: Can't remember if wireshark is able to save the RTP stream (but I'm pretty sure it's able to play them) as a RAW file, then you can transcode it with Audacity.
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10:39.29XnOSXhow i can to know what kind or model of digium card is inside a server?
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10:42.41obruTXnOSX: lspci ?
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10:43.53Frogzoopeople have seen this I assume?
10:48.47tzafrir_laptopXnOSX, zaptel_hardware
10:50.42kannantzafrir_laptop, hmm now I am no loger able to install the Sangoma card, it says not detected , so I will start from scratch again, re-install the OS
10:51.42coolthreadsumm I find that when I play audio files its sounds slow and choppy also noisy when using either playback() or background(). Not a problem when it comes to actual voice calls though.
10:52.13coolthreadsany cheap pointers??
10:53.48tzafrir_laptopkannan, re-install is not the solution
10:53.58tzafrir_laptopHow about some trouble-shooting ?
10:54.11tzafrir_laptopI asked you a simple question
10:57.21*** join/#asterisk fdz (
10:58.16kannantzafrir_laptop, ok
10:58.31kannantzafrir_laptop, i have another system, the card is working on that one
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11:00.06kannantzafrir_laptop, how to start trouble shooting? I can start with the card in the machine only after 8 hours though? If you will be kind enough to let me know where to sart , i will read up  by then
11:00.56tzafrir_laptopwhat do you try to do? What do you expect it to do? What actually happens?
11:01.12tzafrir_laptopAlso: what system is it? What versoins of the relevant compoents?
11:01.41tzafrir_laptopkannan, note that the two lines above are generic troubleshooting questions
11:02.59kannanok , I ave a Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB AM and Seagate SATA HDD.I installed Slack 12.1 . Without zap all the rest of asterisk dialplans work fine. When I go to the wanpipe src directory and do a ./Setup install, at the end it says no compatible Sangoma voice card found
11:03.20kannanthough I just re-installed the card once , and then it was fine
11:03.33kannani re-installed just an hour back
11:04.12kannanat that time it came up with an eror , that channel 13 zt_open error , and the zap module never loaded
11:05.26kannanGoogle has quite a few results on this one, I am reading on it
11:05.32jes-o-ma1ta^3: but I'd need sometinh scriptable and I haven't figured out if that might be possible using tshark
11:05.33ta^3kannan: have you connected the 12V power molex to the A400 card?
11:06.38kannanNI, but the asterisk bx was untouched when it stopped working, except that it was re-started
11:09.52tzafrir_laptopkannan, does the card show up in lspci?
11:13.57kannantzafrir_laptop, i have not checked
11:14.16kannani read that one, that it can be a h/w problem
11:14.24kannanbut then it works on h redhat server
11:14.25*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:16.35kannani will check it now
11:16.45kannanswitching the card back now .
11:21.39*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
11:23.44ta^3kannan: don't forget to connect the molex connector into the card.
11:23.52kannanta^3 , ok sure
11:27.27*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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11:29.36kannanok, lspci -v shows the card
11:29.43kannani wll try to build again
11:30.02*** join/#asterisk setkeh (
11:30.25kannan./Setup install
11:30.36kannanits a Sangoma a400 FXS
11:32.22*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
11:32.51marc7there's no ./configure or make menuselect in dahdi (something I was used to seeing with zaptel)
11:33.15marc7i'm just trying to get the dahdi_dummy timing module put into place
11:33.48marc7i'm reading the UPGRADE.txt as part of dahdi-2.0, I suppose that's fine... i don't need to menuselect my way to opt out of the other modules
11:34.12*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
11:34.53ta^3marc7: no, there is not, all modules are built in dahdi-linux.
11:35.36kannanok it read the card!!
11:36.13kannanhow long ds it take to sart the wanpipe? the output reads starting device wanpipe1 , its about 2 minutes now
11:37.01ta^3marc7: the configure script is for dahdi-tools, just install both and edit  /etc/dahdi/modules adding a new line with   dahdi_dummy (remove/comment everything else)
11:37.10kannanshould i give a ctrl+Z or somthing
11:37.42ta^3kannan: what does /var/log/wanrouter says?
11:37.51marc7ta^3: nice. just going through the usual `make install; make config` on dahdi-tools has worked better than zaptel's treated me in the past
11:38.03marc7autodetected the right modules to load into the kernel
11:38.37kannanit is ok
11:38.44kannanand zttool shows ok
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11:39.50kannani really dont know what had happened, I dd not do anything different AFAIK
11:40.19kannanwhy the zap module did not lad in the first place all of a suden, we used this card for more than 8 onths now
11:40.52ta^3marc7: default dahdi config loads wct4xxp, wcte12xp, wct1xxp, wcte11xp, wctdm24xxp, wcfxo, wctdm and xpp_usb and if there is no card detected it also loads dahdi_dummy; i prefer to -in your case- to just load dahdi_dummy.
11:41.16marc7ta^3: like you said, clear out /etc/dahdi/modules to only include the dahdi_dummy line
11:41.28ta^3marc7: :)
11:41.46marc7*heart warms with moving 1.6 deployment along*
11:42.24marc7we want to play around with this a bit more in our staging environment. eventually we'll throw 1.6 debs together for distribution on our servers internally
11:42.32ta^3kannan: perhaps you forgot to plug something meanwhile switching the card between servers.
11:42.46kannantzafrir_laptop, ta^3 -> thank you
11:43.15jes-o-ma1ta^3: fyi - it seems that pcapsidump is filtering RTCP packets - that is why voipong does not capture any calls
11:43.20kannanta^3, nope, the card stopped working , (the server was untouched),
11:43.31kannani built wanpipe again, same ror
11:43.41*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:43.42kannanthen i rebuilt the wanpipe, and it refused to build
11:43.53kannanso then after only i switched the card
11:44.02kannanas there is a conference in an hour
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11:59.04marc7can anybody shed some light on what /var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov/ is all about? I understand that they're polycom sip phone configuration files, but how does that overlap with asterisk?
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12:00.26marc7*digs and starts reading on res_phoneprov
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12:08.22write_eraseHi ... How cay you define "4 to 10 numbers prefixed by 0 ?" in an exten ?
12:08.46write_erasenumbers->digits sorry
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12:34.25*** join/#asterisk DogWater (
12:34.51DogWaterHi, this is slightly unrelated to Asterisk, but is there any general VoIP channel available on Freenode that anyone is aware of?
12:35.19Zeeekbut don't pee on the trees
12:36.13DogWaterAh, well we just ended up with a UC520 setup (cisco stuff) and we're having some funky problems with it and finding any answers from the big C is just about as easy as cold fusion (not the programming language).
12:36.32DogWaterthanks for the tip Zeeek
12:36.47*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
12:36.49Zeeekcome by and ask the question, who knows, maybe someone can help
12:36.59ZeeekDogWater ^^^^^^^
12:37.39*** join/#asterisk StooJ (
12:43.57beekMorning Zeeek (or would that be afternoon for you?)
12:44.38Zeeekyeah, it's after lunch even :)
12:45.28*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:47.17flohackHas someone ever experienced a starving asterisk when using realtime queues? My box responds very slowly to queue applications (addqueuemember, remove, pause, unpause) as soon as a few callers are active in a queue. Messages on the AMI lag as much as half a MINUTE!
12:47.20flohackdynamic realtime that is
12:52.31*** join/#asterisk DarylVOIP (n=daryl@
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13:01.11kannantzafrir_laptop, ta^3 -> regarding the sangoma cd, it doesnt work on  particular PCI slot thats all
13:01.28kannansome defect in that one  thnk
13:04.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:09.08jayteemornin Katty, how's Riddick?
13:09.15Zeeekbelches and rubs stomach
13:09.22KattyZeeek: )=
13:09.27Kattyhe's in his kennel, hopefully asleep
13:09.37ZeeekI wish I was
13:09.43*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
13:09.44seanbrightin his kennel?
13:09.55Zeeeknaw, I gave that up a long time ago
13:10.05Kattyhis kennel is on a toddler matress
13:10.13ZeeekI'm down for that
13:10.14Kattyand in the kennel, there are pillows...
13:10.20ZeeekI like pillows
13:10.21Kattyand on top of the pillows are 3 fleece baby blankets
13:10.29ZeeekI like those blankets
13:10.33Kattyand he has a handful of toys in there
13:10.36Zeeekany kibbles around?
13:10.38Kattyincluding a kong stuffed with treats.
13:10.42seanbrighta dog has it better than me
13:11.05Kattyseanbright: i imagine riddick has it better than some children do.
13:11.11Zeeekmy mistress just came home from grocery shopping. I'll go beg some treats now
13:11.14Kattyseanbright: as sad as that sounds :/
13:12.49*** join/#asterisk jameswf (
13:13.45Zeeekjust fruit :(
13:17.48*** join/#asterisk nikko (n=nikko@
13:20.18nikkois there an asterisk business channel?
13:21.14*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
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13:33.38jayteewow, over 72 hours with no sign of [TK]D-Fender. Is he on vacation?
13:36.27Kattypamples things
13:36.39Kattyi don't recall fender saying anything about vacation
13:36.43Zeeekincredible, but maybe it's because of Thanksgiving?
13:36.57Kattyyou're a month ahead sweety
13:37.05*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
13:37.09Kattywe've not even done halloweens yet
13:37.19Kattyriddick has a cute lil costume :>
13:39.40Kattynothing on his facebook, tho that doesn't surprise me
13:41.28Zeeeksecond Monday in October is ThxGvg in Can
13:41.36*** join/#asterisk tamberlo (
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13:41.48Zeeekthe thought of [TK having family is astounding though
13:42.16Zeeekfor those who need learning:
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13:45.57tamberlohi, my first time in this cool channel...
13:46.53tamberloi've finished right now to read  ... "how to politely  use the asterisk irc channel
13:47.15KattyZeeek: oh right.
13:47.21KattyZeeek: forgot about that canada bit
13:47.36KattyZeeek: also
13:47.42KattyZeeek: wanna see riddick's halloween costume? :>
13:48.14tamberlo:P so... i'll try to make a question :
13:49.00tamberloi've compiled succesful the wrapper astxx for c++
13:49.13tamberlobut it won't work...
13:49.35tamberlohow exactly can I use that wrapper with AGI ?
13:49.50KattyZeeek: <- that's his kennel, but he has more pillows and blankets in there now.
13:50.26Kattyand yes, that is a toddler mattress.
13:50.30Zeeekhe's blocking the bathroom door!
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13:50.42Kattythat's a closet ;)
13:50.46Kattywe don't ever get into...
13:50.58Kattybathroom is the door to the right of that one :P bedroom to the left.
13:52.10tamberlojust for couriosity.... any italian in teh forum ???
13:53.11*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
13:53.26KattyZeeek: he's so spoiled :>
13:53.49ZeeekUnixDawg: howdy
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13:54.09Dovidhi all
13:54.24Dovidare the granstream ATA's as bad as their phones ?
13:55.42UnixDawgso is the new asterisk now iso out ?
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14:01.18jayteeDovid, they're about the same. I've used the HandyTone-286 and compared a Panasonic cordless plugged into it and then plugged into a Linksys SPA2102 and the Linksys is has much cleaner audio.
14:01.53jayteeUnixDawg, I think it's still in alpha
14:01.55DovidI have used liksys but too many NAT issues
14:02.11jbot[grandstream] the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
14:02.14*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
14:02.16UnixDawgjaytee is there a url to get the alpha for testing
14:02.17jayteeDovid, if you're talkin about the built in NAT you can disable that and just run bridged.
14:02.32Dovidjaytee: behind a router
14:02.37Dovidwith multiple devices
14:02.39jayteeUnixDawg, nope not that I'm aware of. You'd have to ask someone at Digium
14:02.54Dovidhave u used Planet ATA's ? I heard they are crap but i am looking for low budget
14:03.06UnixDawgall the digium people seem to be asleep at the keyboards
14:03.09jayteenope, never used them
14:03.39jayteeUnixDawg, they must have been all hired on from Napster.....(ducks and hides)
14:04.19*** join/#asterisk scrash08 (n=scrash08@unaffiliated/scrash08)
14:05.24scrash08The 'handbook' @ "" dates back to 2006.
14:05.25scrash08Are there more current docs available?
14:06.14UnixDawgnope  thats the best
14:06.17UnixDawguse it
14:06.24UnixDawgits only 2 years old
14:07.26jbothmm... book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:07.51Madkissdoes ${EXTEN:1} remove the first or the last digit from a called number?
14:08.22*** join/#asterisk tuxfoo21 (n=tmmarini@
14:08.36WimpManMadkiss: First
14:09.24MadkissOkay. I am seeing a strange effect. while some clients can call in just nicely, others complain that they can't dial specific phones from employees directly. Indeed I see they are sent into the "invalid"-context
14:11.46scrash08Qwell: UnixDawg Thanks.  So, nothing with for v1.6?  I'd read that there are lots of changes ...  I.e., are 1.4 still relevant for a 1.6 deployment?
14:12.31UnixDawg1.6 just came out
14:13.16UnixDawgthere is alot to be done to update documnets and the book for it.  There is alot more to it and you can always look at the change log
14:14.22*** join/#asterisk ibm2 (n=Administ@
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14:15.47XnOSXhello friends i have a warning in my CLI Asterisk, anybody know about what is these error?
14:15.48XnOSXast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short
14:15.56ibm2hello, can anyone tell me how i can make instant message between 2 extension
14:16.50scrash08UnixDawg: Understood.  I'm simply trying to avoid following docs that'll lead me completely astray (e.g., config files, etc) cuz of the different version.  As a rang asterisk begineer, I have NO sense of the magnitude of the difference, other than the online "rants" about 1.6 API breaking dialplans, etc.  Hence my question abt relevance ...
14:16.53Madkiss"_s. => goto ${EXTEN}|1;" -- what would that thing do in asterisk?
14:22.14Kattygo to the extension,s,1?
14:22.55Kattythat'd more more like foo => Goto(${EXTEN},s,1) in the dialplan tho
14:25.03*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=HydraIRC@
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14:25.52Kattyseanmh: hai
14:25.57Kattyhugs seanmh
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14:30.09Madkissokay, the problem looks like something related to overlap dialing
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14:45.22jayteeKatty, didn't you do a How-To on setting up FOP?
14:45.45AssimilateIs there a command line way to check a Wildcard TE120p card? I am getting a fast busy tone when calling its number
14:47.19*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-9556009266cecd5f)
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14:56.05ibm2hello, can anyone tell me how i can make instant message between 2 extension
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15:03.51mockerAnyone have a recommendation on where to buy some Polycom IP330's w/ AC adapters?  I looked on voip supply but it doesn't look like they sell the AC adapters.
15:04.02*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:04.18bkw__mocker: they sell the adapters
15:04.22bkw__just select it from the drop down list
15:04.50mockerchecks again.
15:04.55QwellAre the polycom adapters just PoE injectors?
15:05.04jayteemocker, the prices at are usually better. we buy our Polycoms from CDW and buy the AC adapters in boxes of 5.
15:05.05Qwelland would they work with other PoE devices of the same class?
15:05.15Qwell(the newer Polycom adapters..)
15:05.18coppicethey'll sell you power over ethernet? will they sell you power over hot women, too?
15:05.33jayteeQwell, the AC adapter is just AC. there
15:05.41Qwelljaytee: gee, thanks
15:05.51jaytee's another adapter they sell for PoE
15:06.12Qwelloh..  was it the older ones that were just PoE adapters then?
15:06.30*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-913f5da83f2af2ed)
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15:08.14jayteeQwell, not sure. I'm using on Linksys PoE adapter with a Polycom 320 but I haven't bought any of their PoE adapters.
15:08.15tompawhow do I express "a_string" + ${VARIABLE} in asterisk?
15:08.25tompawfor exmaple: Macro(trunkdial,SIP/trunk_blah/48${EXTEN:2})
15:08.41jayteeI think it was for the 501 model required an adapter/injector
15:08.51*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:10.09wonderworldhey, i upgraded my * to last night. now i am unable to run my agi-scripts from it. i always get: WARNING[30775]: pbx.c:3082 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'agi,clean/0.agi' for extension (soft-in, 1, 1)
15:10.37wonderworldasterisk agi dir is /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin .   scripts are in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/clean
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15:11.59jayteetompaw, that example you posted would strip the first two digits of the dialed extension and the result would be 48 and whatever digits remained in ${EXTEN}
15:12.42flohackHas someone ever experienced a starving asterisk when using realtime queues? My box responds very slowly to queue applications (addqueuemember, remove, pause, unpause) as soon as a few callers are active in a queue. Messages on the AMI lag as much as half a MINUTE!
15:12.44flohackdynamic realtime that is
15:12.45jayteeso if you passed 5555 as an extension to that macro you'd get 4855 as a result.
15:13.11*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
15:14.38Kattyjaytee: indeed i did.
15:14.45Kattyjaytee: blogged the whole kitnkaboodle.
15:14.50Kattyjaytee: sadly, my blog's down )=
15:15.01Kattybut i might have it on the older blog...
15:15.46tompawjaytee: actually, it's working fine, I had an error somewhere else and I blame that string concatenation :-)
15:16.32Kattyjaytee: hmm, no
15:16.53jayteeoh, well.
15:16.55Kattymaybe a google cached version!
15:18.32Kattyhmm no :<
15:18.49Kattybut what did you wanna know about it? (=
15:23.49*** part/#asterisk LARefugee (
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15:26.13jayteeKatty, I was just thinking of setting it up for a test drive and just wanted any real world examples I could find. I remembered seeing yours awhile back but I foolishly didn't bookmark the page.
15:26.52*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:29.32PSU_Bosshello, I can't seem to get asterisk started up again
15:30.04PSU_Bossit runs as root, but now won't start as the user asterisk
15:30.06jayteeis there gas in the tank?
15:30.25PSU_Bossyeah, it's 3/4 full
15:30.53jayteeruns as root but not as asterisk. have you already set all the permission to allow that?
15:31.35PSU_Bossit was just running, and I was trying to get cdr_mysql working, and it didn't work after reloading asterisk
15:31.50PSU_Bossso i tried restarting the whole process, and it just won't start
15:31.59jayteecdr_mysql didn't work or asterisk?
15:32.31jayteedid you try stopping and restarting the service for mysql before restarting asterisk?
15:32.51*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
15:33.40jayteeare you running asterisk as a service?
15:35.06jayteeif  you are try stopping the service and starting asterisk manually, asterisk -vvvvvvc and watch for errors when it loads it's modules.
15:35.06PSU_Bossit's running on gentoo, and i'm trying to start it using the initscripts
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15:35.40jayteesorry, not a ricer so I run RHEL 5 64
15:36.17PSU_Bosswell, it says permission denied opening log file
15:36.27PSU_Bossbut it's chmodded to the asterisk user and group
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15:39.41flohackputnopvut: Have you got a minute for a channel deadlock issue on 1.4?
15:40.00putnopvutflohack: sure, what version of 1.4?
15:40.10phpboyHow can I convert MP3 to asterisk format for music files?
15:40.26flohackputnopvut: 1.4.17, but from looking at the source, it seems to be present in the current version as well
15:40.46flohackputnopvut: I'll pastebin the details, hang on a seconds, please
15:40.52putnopvutflohack: all right.
15:42.58De_Mondo I need to restart the pbx if I make changes to asterisk.conf?
15:43.43*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:43.49putnopvutflohack: that's weird because the backtrace doesn't show any threads waiting on locks.
15:43.51flohackputnopvut: Thread 3 entered the poll with -1 for the timeout (infinite) and the set of FD contain UDP sockets as well as alertpipe and timing? pipe. This happens when both SIP endpoints disappear. The patch makes sure the timeout is never set to -1 (more of a workaround, as I'm not sure what the pipes are for, maybe they should make sure that it wakes up again)
15:44.26flohackputnopvut: It's not a deadlock per definition, more an infinite sleep :-)
15:44.33flohackputnopvut: sorry for the misnomer
15:44.42putnopvutAh, gotcha.
15:44.58De_Monoh, err the setting isn't where I thought it was, ignore that question
15:46.11jayteePSU_Boss, who is the owner of the asterisk directory under /var/logs ? did you only set permission on the file itself?
15:46.40jayteePSU_Boss, or is it referring to a mysql log?
15:47.34jayteegotta grab some lunch. bbiab
15:48.22Kattyoh, lunch
15:48.24Kattythere's a thought
15:48.34flohackputnopvut: To me it looks as if ast_bridge_config->timelimit should be there to make sure the bridge does not wait forever, however I have not found any code which sets it to something != 0
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15:48.53flohackputnopvut: or a configurable value
15:48.59*** part/#asterisk ibm2 (n=Administ@
15:49.34putnopvutflohack: if memory serves me correctly, the L option to Dial is one way to actually set the timelimit.
15:50.55putnopvutflohack: I think this issue you're reporting is a bit more involved than a fix-it-over-IRC thing. If you don't mind, could you please open a bug on relating to this?
15:51.54flohackputnopvut: sure
15:52.34*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:53.40flohackputnopvut: On an unrelated case: Have you ever seen asterisk starving on dynamic realtime queue application (add, remove, pause, unpausequeuemember) under heavy load? My system takes sevel seconds, up to half a minute to respond. AMI messages are delayed as well. However dialing voicemain for examples works like a charm.
15:54.24putnopvutflohack: I haven't seen that, no.
15:55.35flohackputnopvut: Thanks!
15:56.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=T0tal@
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15:59.55ayrjolaHello, need some help. I have problem transfering call from deskphone out to sip trunk
16:00.01*** join/#asterisk rigid (
16:00.02ayrjolaWARNING[17865]: chan_sip.c:12389 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"73" <sip:73@>;tag=as5f047536'
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16:00.53rigidcan someone give me the name or a keyword for a configuration that rings multiple phones/extensions when one sip-number is called? until one of the extensions answers...
16:00.59dandreis there in asterisk 1.6 a manager command to put a channel on hold ?
16:01.12rigidi thought this would be called "ringdown" but google tells i'm wrong :)
16:02.28_ShrikErigid: Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&SIP/phone3......)
16:02.34ayrjolarigid, if Dial()
16:02.40dandrerigid: you can just dial all your extensions separated with &
16:02.55ayrjolasorry typo just Dial() :)
16:03.55rigid_ShrikE: ayrjola dandre: ah, simply by script... tnx... i'll try to weazle it out
16:04.34*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
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16:06.14dandreI don't understand why I can't find (in docs, google, ;..) a working solution to put a channel on hold thru the manager interface as if it were from a standard sip phone. This is a basic feature in all callcenter application or crm integration.
16:08.34PSU_Bossjaytee:  the owner and group of the /var/log/asterisk directory is asterisk:asterisk
16:08.45PSU_Bossand i even set the permissions of the files to 777
16:10.46ayrjoladandre: if you find solution to make hold through AMI I would like to know :)
16:11.08dandreI haven't found
16:11.23dandrethis must existe somewhere
16:11.46ayrjolaI hope :)
16:11.48dandresomeone must have worked on it
16:12.05dandreI don't beleive this is not true
16:12.47dandrein the last extend I will hav to patch asterisk manager.c code :-(
16:13.06dandrebut this will take long long time
16:13.53ayrjolaI gave up, my C skills are too rusted for that :)
16:14.26dandreyou tried something?
16:14.51ayrjolajust tried to read the code
16:15.47ayrjolaI think you can write your own module that ami loads, so maybe you dont need to stab manager.c
16:16.55dandreI don't kwon
16:19.02ayrjolaAny help for my transfer problem?
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16:30.04nikkois there an asterisk based  channel centered on running a voip business?
16:30.12*** join/#asterisk Rambaldi (
16:30.28Qwellnikko: "voip business" is a bit broad
16:30.48angryusernikko : you have mailing list's asterisk-biz
16:31.09flohackputnopvut: Shall I report it in private? Could be considered a DoS...
16:31.15nikkoyeah, maybe so.  mostly asterisk configuration for multi-customer usage, like dialplan, security, etc
16:31.34*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
16:31.53Ritzeriskanyknow know of a good sip provider to get a local number
16:32.21nikkoangryuser - thanks - I'l hang here for tech and monitor asterisk-biz for business related stuff
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16:41.09flohackputnopvut: The bug is here:
16:45.29jayteeanyone ever see an incoming call over PRI come in with a callerid of 10 zeros?
16:48.03*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (n=mrnaz@
16:49.15ta^3I've an Asterisk 1.4.22/SVN-r148257 in a deadlock condition, where lots of AgentCallBackLogin() get stuck trying to lock because another thread do not release their p->lock at hangup.
16:50.29boorayah, shit
16:51.53*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
16:54.10carrarjaytee, google it
16:58.08jayteecarrar, did. looks like telemarketers trying to get past 800 number filtering or callerid blocking
16:58.33jayteeI'll just route all calls like that to my "queue from Hell"
17:01.15ManxPowerYou could always just Congestion those calls or run  Zapatateller
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17:09.27ta^3I've submited bug #13676 regard that, I'm able to reproduce the deadlock condition over and over again.
17:12.12wonderworldi want to initiate calls via the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing directory. the problem is, that the script that creates the callfiles is not run by user asterisk. is there a smart way to change the owner of the files to asterisk without actually setting chmod suid root?
17:13.34Qwelljust chown it to asterisk
17:13.49Qwelloh, you mean the dir..  add it to a group with access
17:14.59wonderworldi tried to chown it to asterisk. gives me permission denied
17:15.08wonderworldi created the call-file in /tmp
17:17.44*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:19.47mockertries to troubleshoot why his asterisk server is failing twice a week.
17:20.21mockerSeeing 'Failed to write frame' and 'Unable to forward voice frame' quite a bit in the logs.
17:20.53ManxPowermocker: that is almost always "far end hungup"
17:21.04mockerBoth of them?
17:21.23mockerI wish I could duplicate the problem, it seems to happen randomly.
17:21.36ManxPowermocker: there can only be one far end, dude.
17:21.45XnOSXhello friends one question! asterisk and zaptel last version its compatible with kernel 2.6.24?
17:21.47mockerManxPower: No, both the errors. :)
17:21.55ManxPowermocker: call someone, tell them to hang up, test complete
17:25.14mockerManxPower: Hmm, did that several times and no error.
17:25.27ManxPowermocker: are people complaining?
17:26.08*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
17:26.27mockerManxPower: Yeah, when it dies I can no longer make outbound calls.
17:26.43mockerAsterisk is still up, but outbound calls just hang.
17:26.59ManxPowerI doubt those messages are the cause of the issue.
17:27.16ManxPowerwhat version of Asterisk, mocker?
17:27.40mockerAsterisk 1.4.21
17:28.35ManxPowermocker: that is not the latest
17:29.25mocker.22 is..
17:29.28mockerI'll check the changelog
17:33.06*** join/#asterisk FruitBasket (
17:33.52FruitBasketI have a bunch of phones (aastrax3, grandstreamx1) that just _will_not_ register with asterisk. I'm watching the packets go across the router, and they're frequent.. but nothing whatsoever shows up in the asterisk console..
17:34.17FruitBasketI don't really wanna restart asterisk, but it seems like it _must_ be the server. any thoughts?
17:35.02mockerManxPower: Can't hurt to try upgrading.
17:35.37mockerEspecially before spending time trying to find a bug that may already be fixed. :)
17:36.11LoraxFruitBasket: nothing in the logs?
17:38.21FruitBasketlorax: nothing. The only thing I can think of is I changed the route to the phone server last night (i.e. 10 hours ago), and the sip box might be responding to the wrong host... though the sip ID's are unregistered.
17:40.09Loraxtry flushing the arp tables
17:40.21Lorax(if the gateway has changed)
17:40.32FruitBasketnot for the server, only the phones
17:40.36FruitBasketgateway is the same
17:43.34*** join/#asterisk scrash08 (n=scrash08@unaffiliated/scrash08)
17:44.21scrash08Hi.  Following available v14 docs, I've built & installed release branches of Asterisk, Asterisk-GUI, etc on OpenSuse.  Asterisk starts, and I've registered a Sip trunk -- which works for in/outbound calls!
17:44.29scrash08The Asterisk-GUI's available, and everything seems to work -- except whtn I click "System Info" tab, I get the webpage displayer with 4 tabs -- General, Network, Disk Usage, Memory Usage -- but no info displayed at all.  Just blank.
17:44.32mockeralso increases logging in logger.conf.
17:44.47scrash08Is there some 'magic' I've missed to enable it?
17:45.28ManxPowerscrash08: try the Asterisk GUI channel.  We don't generally use GUIs here.
17:45.54scrash08ManxPower: Ah, sorry.  Didn't even realize there was one!  Thx.
17:46.19ManxPowerscrash08: look at the /topic when you join channels.  It may contain important information for you
17:46.20FruitBasketoddly enough, I find that by unplugging the phone for 5 minutes and plugging it back in, it starts working just fine.
17:46.37*** part/#asterisk scrash08 (n=scrash08@unaffiliated/scrash08)
17:47.01FruitBasketIt's as though Asterisk doesn't immediately pick up on the change in IP address of the phone -- the phone acting like it's still registered. Still, it seems like the frequent registration attempts prevent the new IP from being seen...
17:47.44Ritzeriskanyknow know of a good sip provider to get a local number
17:48.14FruitBasketvitelity isn't bad. Our colo facility has problems with them, though -- high ping for 5-10 minutes every other day or so.
17:51.55*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
17:52.54*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (n=alex@
17:53.53AlexTOsomeone familiar with autodial?
17:54.21ManxPowerAlexTO: it's not really a term we use here.
17:55.26FruitBasketit is.... Asterisk is sending data to one of our two IP's. But that route hasn't been active for 10 hours.... so I don't know what Asterisk is responding to.
17:55.28AlexTOsorry, ManxPower i have some  questions about autodial that maybe around here can help me to understand
17:55.43ManxPowerAlexTO: do you mean .spool files, the Redial application or something else?
17:55.55ManxPowerAlexTO: have you read the Asterisk book yet?
17:56.08ManxPowerWhat term does the book use for this feature?
17:56.11AlexTOyes, i did,
17:57.09mockerRitzerisk: I've had great luck w/ vitelity
17:57.26ManxPowerAlexTO: what are you trying to accomplish?
17:57.42mockerfails to get jbot to respond
17:57.47ManxPowerI also recommend Vitelity and Teliax
17:57.51jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:57.52AlexTObasically my question is about CDRs when you make outgoing call
17:58.22AlexTOi could make it dial te file
17:58.25ManxPowerAlexTO: Ah.  I can't help you with that.  That's a CDR rather than a dial issue.
17:59.30AlexTOmy question is wich variable should i use catch the original number that call
18:00.00AlexTOmanxPower can you point me in the right direction to find  more info about it?
18:00.11ManxPowerAlexTO: I don't even understand what you want.  Perhaps someone else can help you.
18:00.51*** part/#asterisk Rambaldi (
18:00.56ManxPowerAlexTO: as always the official Asterisk docs are in the "doc" directory in the Asterisk source code.
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18:02.34AlexTOOKi, basically what happend is the call is made and then it is send to the context that you choose, but the original number is not storage an any variable
18:02.47AlexTOi'll check the code...
18:04.25*** join/#asterisk RAiDENZ (
18:05.10RAiDENZHi guys
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18:06.42RAiDENZHow do you replace single characters in a string in the asterisk extensions.conf file. I can GET single characters from a string(substring) but I dont know how to replace a single character in a string. Any ideas?
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18:21.24metfan2007Hi all! I'm doing a link between Asterisk and a Cisco SIP gateway, I can establish the calls, but the problem is that the time between Asterisk sends de Dial to Cisco, and Cisco answers is too long, about 20 seconds, the ping is Ok, any help?
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18:22.48metfan2007I hav a tcpdump file for reference...
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18:26.16metfan2007any SIP guy around here? xD
18:28.13DarKnesS_WolFmetfan2007: both are in the same lan ?
18:28.33jes-o-ma1metfan2007: not at all
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18:29.03metfan2007DarKnesS_WolF: same lan, different segments
18:30.18DarKnesS_WolFmetfan2007: VLAN ?
18:31.53metfan2007DarKnesS_WolF: the issue here is that only one step over the SIP negociation is taking a lot of time, the other steps are normal
18:32.09metfan2007DarKnesS_WolF: do you want to see the cap file?
18:33.41DarKnesS_WolFmetfan2007: sure show me i am not that good at sip but i might help
18:33.42DarKnesS_WolFshow me
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18:35.43metfan2007DarKnesS_WolF: you can see it here:
18:35.55metfan2007DarKnesS_WolF: check the times in the left side
18:37.57DarKnesS_WolFmetfan2007: yes steop 7 and 9
18:37.59DarKnesS_WolFand 8
18:38.08DarKnesS_WolFdid u try both in same range of IP ??
18:38.17DarKnesS_WolFmaybe routing issue some how ?
18:38.37_ShrikEmetfan2007: It would be good to see sip debug from asterisk as well
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18:45.54metfan2007_ShrikE: you can see it here:
18:47.10itilitiafternoon all. I am using exten => 900,1,Dial(console/dsp,12,A(ring-raining-12)) to play a sound file out of our Soundcard. We just upgraded to 1.4, and now the 900 extension is answering, and broadcasting the calling party over the3 speaker as if it is a page. THE CLI says that it is answered bu 900. How can I make the 900 extension not answer the call.
18:48.18itilitiI have even tried it using exten => 900,1,Dial(console/dsp,,A(ring-raining-12))
18:48.31itilitibut I have it as part of a ring group so that phones will ring as well.
18:49.33_ShrikEmetfan2007: Looks like your cisco does not know what to do with 4587901134913667449#
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19:02.35GlobeTrotterhello,,  i need some help with dahdi..  i have it installed on 1.6, i have all the settings in system.conf and init.conf..  but what setting do i need to get my channels on my 4 port pstn card working?
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19:07.58justdavehmm, looks like if you encrypt an IAX trunk, the receiving system can't tell when the sending system has terminated the call.
19:08.21justdaveget about 30 seconds of "Packet Decrypt Failed!" before it finally gives up and hangs up the call.
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19:15.14thansenis it possible to have asterisk receive faxes?
19:16.07theharsure is
19:16.41thansenis it possible to have someone call into a number (with fax machine) enter some numbers, then have it receive the fax data?
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19:23.06Blackvelanyone with the snom 370 big display?
19:23.18Blackvelhow can I get into the missed call detail view?
19:23.36Blackveli am pressing "listen" btn, missed, and get a list
19:23.42Blackvelbut the text is too small
19:24.39apocn  -> having 6 calls in the queue and 2 agents available, all clients are getting stucked in the queue. Any hints?
19:24.50Blackvelwhen I press the ok button (right besides big scroll button), i am not getting into the detail view (which hopefully displays the callerid(name) text much bigger and does not cut off...but just dails the callerid(num)
19:25.16Blackvelbut I can remember that I pressed around and got days ago into the missed call detail view
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19:26.40tuxfoo21Does any know how to get asterisk to voicemail to integrate with exchange in order to delete listen to email from exchange without having to manually delete messages?  Is this even possible?
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19:30.40creativxtuxfoo21: possible, but you probably have to write the outlook addin / folder event sinks yourself and use AMI -> asterisk.
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19:33.02khronosHi, how can I set the codec for an outgoing call to whatever is listed in sip.conf for a peer?
19:33.09khronosUntil now I've been setting the codec like:
19:33.59khronosSet(SIP_codec=codec_name), but what I went to do is somehow refer to the sip.conf setting for each cleint ot have the system change the codec on the fly so that the outgoing call has the same codec as what the client talks to my server with.
19:34.53khronosThis way if I have a client that uses gsm any calls the client makes / receives will also be in gsm instead of having to convert to ulaw or some other codec.
19:35.33khronosI've got the inbound dialing codec working by setting the codec to what I want before the dial statement to the peer.
19:39.49jayteetuxfoo21, not sure exactly what your asking to do. If you want to call Exchange and have it read your emails to you then you need to try something like this which is what I'm using.
19:44.38thansenthehar: I can't really tell if it's possible to send dtmf data before sending the fax this possible?
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19:58.36rabbit7hey there i have a smartnode connected to my asterisk, there are lots of telephone number terminated on my smartnode. Do i need to setup a trunk for each number which should be passed to my asterisk or is there another way to do that setup ?
19:59.27Qwellspread teh love
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20:02.14hardwirerabbit7: smartnode through who?
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20:03.10creativxjaytee: interesting article.. how have you implemented it with asterisk?
20:03.25jayteecreativx, yes
20:03.45jayteeall our users voicemail boxes are on Exchange 2007 UM.
20:04.44jayteeI'm still running * 1.4 though so I have to use sipX as a upd/tcp proxy but once I've tested 1.6 and feel comfortable I'll upgrade to that and configure a direct connection to Exchange from Asterisk
20:04.46creativxjaytee: i might have to look into this i understand.. hehe
20:06.22mvanbaaklesouvage: didn't see you in Phoenix ...
20:06.25jayteeExchange UM will allow you to call in from inside or outside and play your voicemail and read your email as well as check your calendar, reschedule meetings and it also has an autoattendant feature for dial by name with Voice Recognition to dial other users. It'll do a refer to redirect the call
20:08.57*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:09.38hardwirewho still uses isdn?
20:09.44hardwirelike.. 128kbps isdn.
20:10.47ManxPowerhardwire: you mean ISDN BRI.  Most of Europe uses it (for voice)
20:10.55Qwelljameswf: woot
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20:12.33mwallinganyone want to read a sip debug dump and tell me why i feel like a total idoit (aside from the fact that i am
20:12.44mwallingdamn enter key.... anyway:
20:13.56mwallingnear the end is where i try calling the house... it seems like the ATA isnt answering the incoming sip messages
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20:19.40ManxPowerBTW, anyone want some Blonder Tongue channel converters or modulators just /msg me
20:19.48DogWaterAnyone know of any software that will generate somewhat decent voice prompts for an IVR?
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20:20.33_ShrikEDogWater: I have used a windows app called NaturalReader that is not too bad.
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20:22.17rabbit7hardwire: the smartnode is a patton which has bri to my NT box on one side and a sip gateway on the other side
20:27.20tuxfoo21Does any know how to get asterisk to voicemail to integrate with exchange in order have exchange/outlook delete it after has been listened to?  I do not want to have to  manually delete messages via the ip phone?  Is this even possible?
20:31.49mockertuxfoo21: Maybe imap voicemail?
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20:38.59shrivenHello, I'm having a bit of trouble with voicemail configuration. I am using IMAP_STORAGE, fyi.
20:39.39shrivenI have a voicemail line set up like so: 6000 => 1234,Brendan's Mailbox,,,|imappassword=vasferas!1983
20:39.40shriven3216000 => d,Brendan Martens
20:39.51shrivenhmmm.... wanted a new line there....
20:40.18shrivenand my voicemail estension is set like this:
20:40.41shrivenexten => 700,1,VoiceMailMain()
20:40.56shrivencalling it seems to work fine, but it doesn't authenticate me properly, I get this in the console
20:41.12ManxPowershriven: I suuggest  Voicemailmain(@thevmconfcontext)
20:41.23shrivenyeah, did that too
20:41.26shrivenexact same issues
20:41.40shriven-- Incorrect password '1234' for user '6000' (context = default)
20:41.41ManxPowermaybe the ! is the problem?
20:41.48shrivenno, that's just for email
20:41.54shrivenand as far as storing it it works fine
20:41.56shrivenit's just accessing it
20:42.19shrivenI mean to say, that password is just for the imap user storage, not for accessing the voicemail I have via phone
20:43.57*** join/#asterisk devilsoulblack (
20:44.25devilsoulblackhi any one know how rsync E1 ISDN PRI
20:44.28thansenif I want to receive faxes with 1.6.0 do I just spandsp installed?
20:45.18ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: rsync does not work with PRI
20:46.17devilsoulblacki recieve to much this msg "iming source auto card 0!" and minutes later kernel panic, the telco carrier tell me this ist about un sync from the isdn pri over asterisk
20:47.11ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: that has NOTHING to do with rsync.  Make sure you have a "1" in the 2nd field of the span= line that the telco is connected to in zapata.conf
20:47.27ManxPowerthat tells Asterisk to take it's line sync from the telco
20:47.48ManxPowermwalling: maybe that's what he meant but I'm not a psychic.
20:48.21mwallingneither am i... until you pasted the rsync(1) link, i thought rsync was some isdn foopala
20:48.46ManxPowerSince he is saying the kernel is panicking I strongly doubt any config changes will fix it.
20:50.18ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: make sure you have the latest version of Asterisk and Zaptel and libpri
20:50.24devilsoulblackManxPower,  this ist my zapata and this my zaptel
20:51.10ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: Your config is correct.
20:51.29devilsoulblackbut still get that msg "timing source auto card 0!"
20:51.57ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: Correct.  That message is not being caused by a config problem.  It is caused by some OTHER problem.
20:53.00*** join/#asterisk Firass-VC22 (
20:53.24ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: what version of asterisk/libpri/zaptel are you using?
20:53.55devilsoulblackthe telco carrier tell me this ist problem of asterisk because need sync isdn pri over asterisk or asterisk over isdn pri
20:54.38ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: I know it is shocking, but your telco is wrong.   What version of asterisk/libpri/zaptel are you using?
20:55.23ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: Sync problems do not cause kernel panics.
20:56.41devilsoulblackasterisk- / libpri-1.4.4 /  zaptel-1.4.11
20:56.59devilsoulblackManxPower, you know how sync over asteisk and isdn pri ?
20:57.06ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: before you do anything else, upgrade to the latest versions of all those packages.
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20:57.17rigidi'm getting "chan_sip.c:11746 do_monitor: Disconnecting call 'SIP/sip.fubar-09e7e338' for lack of RTP activity in 11 seconds"
20:57.38rigidis that related to the codecs? i have no clue what could be wrong/how to debug :-/
20:57.48ManxPowerdevilsoulblack: I cannot help you further.
20:58.10ManxPowerrigid: sounds like SIP/sip.fubar is using silence supression
20:58.13devilsoulblackthat box ist been ok about 16 weeks
20:58.47jayteeit's a pity that the linux kernel doesn't come with a module that just kicks in when things go "tits up" and just calms the kernel down.
20:59.03rigidManxPower: but i and the caller talk... so there should be no silence... or is that a known problem w/silence supr.?
20:59.29ManxPowerrigid: RTP is VoIP audio.  If you did not receive RTP for 11 seconds than you did not receive audio for 11 seconds.
20:59.50*** join/#asterisk mazpe (
21:00.09ManxPowerand not sending audio in the middle of a call us almost always a silence supression / voice activity detection
21:00.27mazpeanyone recommends a service provider like that works well with asterisk?
21:00.38mazpemore like
21:00.41jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
21:01.07jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
21:01.24jayteeGrandstreams with earlier versions of the firmware would not turn off silence suppression even though it indicated it was. That drove me crazy till I got it fixed. Thank Cthulu I now use Polycoms
21:01.51mazpevoicepulse wont even answer their phones and international calls have very poor quality... odd.
21:01.53ManxPowergrandstream products are a piece of shit
21:02.04jbotfrom memory, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
21:02.21jayteeManxPower, yes and I finally won that arguement with my boss
21:02.50jayteeso we don't buy anything but Polycom phones and Linksys ATAs.
21:03.13itilitianyone know the best way to play a sound file out of the soundcard to a paging system?1.4 is handling ou existing dial plan diffrently then 1.2 did.
21:03.36itilitiexten => 900,1,Dial(console/dsp,,A(ring-raining),i)
21:04.05mazpegrandstream ata used to be pretty good a coulpe of years ago... not the case anymore?
21:04.07mazpeand cheap
21:04.27jayteemazpe, they were cheap a couple years ago but they've never been good
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21:05.20jayteeunless you're a big fan of jitter, echo, net connection dropping in and out, etc.
21:06.08mazpenot quite ;)
21:06.35jayteeThe use of Grandstream equipement should be reserved solely for child molesters and people that talk at the theater.
21:06.57javbHello guys, i've two PBXs (pbx1 and pbx2), Two IP-Phones (Polycom 330), first, the two phones were registrared to the pbx1; no problem. Now, i change the sip outbount proxy in both phone to be pbx2, and, STILL registrating to pbx1, and they are even able to call eachother. (Notes: sip.conf checked; ip address cheked) ANY IDEA ?
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21:08.27javbNow i have one phone in the pbx2 and another in pbx1, but BOTH appear registrared in pbx1, the one in pbx1 can call the other "poiting" to pbx2. but the one "registrared" to pbax2, CANT place a call
21:08.46jayteethat sounds right
21:09.20apocnTrying to register to my sip proxy I get the error "423 Interval Too Brief". I tried applying this patch but it doesnt compile (using Asterisk 1.4.22).
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21:09.36jayteethe outbound proxy settings don't determine where the phone registers to
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21:11.47jayteeand if you've changed the registration server for one of the phones so it registers to pbx2 and the other is registered to pbx1 you can only call from the phone on pbx1 to pbx2 because it's your phone's outbound proxy.
21:12.34lesouvageDoes any of you have good or bad experiences with FreeTDS for Asterisk CDR Storage to MS Sql Server?
21:14.10seanbrightlesouvage: we use it in production in asterisk 1.4 and don't have a problem
21:16.30seanbrightbut asterisk 1.4 will only work with FreeTDS 0.64 and under
21:16.42seanbrightif you need FreeTDS 0.82 or higher support you need to use 1.6.0
21:18.49lesouvageseanbright: the costumer runs so I guess FreeTDS 0.64 is the choice to go.
21:19.06seanbrightlesouvage: indeed.
21:19.16seanbrightlesouvage: that is what we run and it works well.
21:19.40jayteequittin time, be back later
21:22.41lesouvageI'm reading . Is it really just this and it is up and running?  (the TDS cdr_tds.c  scenario)
21:23.22mazpeanyone using broadvoice? i'm trying to make up my mind about a provider..
21:23.42mazpevoicepulse just giving horrible international audio quality.. and support wont even pick up the phone now.
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21:24.19javbI've found that the pbx2 is NOT listening to SIP ... I ping the phones from the central, but the phone CANT register to the central, SIP DEBUG doesnt show anything, any idea?
21:24.22seanbrightlesouvage: basically.  that page has a lot of unnecessary crap on it.
21:24.34seanbrightlesouvage: you don't need unixodbc to use freetds with asterisk
21:26.10seanbrightyou install freetds, re-run asterisk's ./configure, make sure cdr_tds is selected in menuselect, rebuild
21:26.26seanbrighttake a look at /usr/etc/freetds.conf, setup your connection there
21:26.49seanbrightthen update /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf to reflect the stuff in /usr/etc/freetds.conf
21:26.54seanbrightbing bam boom, you're done.
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21:30.05mockerseanbright: Mind if I quote you on that wiki page?
21:30.23lesouvageseanbright: thanks a lot. I will ask them to do add the Asterisk cdr MS SQL table/database to the Windows server  and then I can fix the Asterisk server.
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21:31.51codefreeze-lapseanbright: about your freetds usage: how many cdrs/day do you log?
21:33.13seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: a few thousand
21:33.42codefreeze-lapseanbright: are ya using the odbc stuff?
21:33.47seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: i tested the trunk version (the one that uses db-lib internally instead of libtds) and got 50,000 or so logged with 5-10 minutes.
21:33.51seanbrightcodefreeze-lap: no sir
21:34.29mockerseanbright: Are you ok w/ me pasting that stuff in so others can know what you said about the FreeTDS install?
21:34.55seanbrightmocker: sure, i guess.  it's by no means comprehensive.
21:35.18mockerYeah, but if that page is crappy it at least lets people know. :)
21:35.47seanbrightmocker: the page implies that you *need* odbc for freetds, which you do not
21:36.03seanbrightunixodbc can /use/ freetds, and you can in turn use it with cdr_odbc
21:36.24seanbrightbut it's not required for getting CDRs into mssql
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21:39.15lesouvageseanbright: Does it matter/makes a different what name and password will be used for the ms sql database? Can i ask to use the name "asterisk_cdr" and a proper password?
21:39.34seanbrightlesouvage: all of that is settable in cdr_tds.conf
21:40.23lesouvageseabright: thanks, I haven't done anthing windows like in years but you gave me confidence ;-)
21:40.43seanbrightlesouvage: i do what i can
21:41.20seanbrightand on that note, i am going to take a nap
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21:49.52surfdueanyone know a very affordable hosted pbx solution?
21:50.14surfdueUnlimited local, and paid 800 number would be great but I cant find any.
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22:03.43rigidi get lots of "Got RTP packet from xx.xx.xx.xx:7082 (type 0, seq 93, ts 22320, len 240) Sent RTP packet to xx.xx.xx.xx:27432 (type 0, seq 23406, ts 22160, len 160)" but i still can't hear anything
22:03.54rigidis there a way to debug what codecs are currently used?
22:05.08rigideverything works fine with my regular setup... but if i "natively bridge two SIP/connections", there's no sound after the call is received
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22:05.42rigidi'm using "Dial(SIP/fubar/foo&SIP/fubar/baz)"
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22:08.04*** join/#asterisk coil (n=some@unaffiliated/coil)
22:08.29javbI've an IAX trunk between two PBX. If i dont use username and secret option, call from each other go great. If use username and password, i've "No authotity found" problem, and i solve this adding context and type of my own pbx on each pbx.. any idea why this?
22:09.40*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
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22:12.04edibracfor a block of DIDs I got a few weeks ago, I'm now getting "we're sorry you call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again. 000 000"
22:12.41jasonwootconference call recording is not making it from the spool directory to the monitor directory when mixmonitor ends.  Any suggestions?
22:13.12Carlos_PHXI have a project calling for a VoIP appliance, preferably Asterisk based, and have never used one.  Thought someone might have suggestions.  I need 3 FXO ports, and will have at most 3 concurrent calls.  It will have 3 ATAs connecting to it from remote.
22:14.23*** join/#asterisk C4away (n=DJpyro@
22:14.26C4awaygood morning
22:14.51edibracthe XO rep says 000 000,  is an "internal code"
22:15.15C4awayI need to migrate to SQL CDR but retain a month or two where both billing systems will remain functional
22:15.17*** join/#asterisk tobias (
22:15.20edibracis there a technical term for this sort of code? or this is just vendor (XO) specific?
22:15.42C4awayif I add the pgsql module my csv files will still be generated right?
22:19.08jstocksQuestion: I have a asterisk setup that I have been playing with, and I have setup confrence, and the dication and they all work fine.  But when try to do a AGI script, I can't seem to get any DTMF/digits from my calls?  any idea what I may need to check?
22:19.15*** join/#asterisk Ivan74 (
22:19.33Ivan74hi to all
22:19.46Ivan74someone can help me?
22:21.06Qwell...stupid bot
22:21.08jbotmethinks ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:22.02*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
22:22.22De_Monjbot can help you ask him your question if you don't believe me
22:25.09Ivan74wow what a channel!
22:25.21QwellIvan74: Nobody can answer your question if you don't ask it.
22:25.36Ivan74ok let's see
22:26.19Ivan74I have an asterisk server connected to isdn phones through b400P card configured with 2 ports in TE mode and the other 2 in NT
22:26.43Ivan74TE ports connected to ISDN lines
22:26.47Ivan74NT to phones
22:26.57*** join/#asterisk denon (
22:26.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
22:28.17Ivan74after that my head it's exploded I success configured the server so that the voip phones calls voip lines, isdn lines and isdn phones
22:28.47Ivan74isdn phones can call voip lines, isdn lines and voip phones
22:28.54*** join/#asterisk oilinki3 (
22:29.03Ivan74but one problem still remain....
22:30.18Ivan74when I receive a call from voip or isdn lines all the phone starts to ring except the isdn, the isdn phones starts to ring after about 15 second!
22:30.20*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:30.51Ivan74and I have this problem even if Ii call an isdn phone from a voip phone (internal calls)
22:31.54Ivan74so anyone can help me now?
22:32.47*** join/#asterisk cj (n=cjac@pdpc/supporter/monthlybronze/cj)
22:33.54cjwhat would the bottleneck be if one wanted to use asterisk as a PSTN switch?
22:34.42edibraccj: the # of lines you have coming in?
22:34.47cjde-muxing the t1 and processing the ss7 signaling?
22:34.49*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (
22:35.21Ivan74why my isdn phone starts to ring after 15 seconds?
22:35.35*** join/#asterisk AlexTO (n=alex@
22:35.41cjedibrac: okay... how many lines do you think a 2G dual core 2GHz server could handle?
22:36.39edibraci have no clue, not had to deal with this problem
22:37.15De_Moncj depends on your codec and what those calls are doing (briding to other media/codecs)
22:37.18cjjaytee: I was thinking that number was just about right
22:38.02*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
22:38.16edibracis there script out there that I can run against .. my cdr file that can tell me my average concurrent line usage?
22:38.31cjDe_Mon: oh?  would we need to decode the data on those channels?  I would think we'd just pass the signal down the stream, not look at the content of the line
22:38.32edibracor something that i can just run and bammm instant gratification?
22:38.50*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
22:39.20jayteeit also depends on how many concurrent calls. I have a PRI circuit with 2 T1 spans which gives me 46 channels but most of the time less than 10% are active and my 2ghz Quad Xeon rarely registers a bump in cpu utilization above 5%.
22:40.01edibracjaytee: what are you looking at to get those stats?
22:40.05*** join/#asterisk oilinki7 (
22:40.06edibracfor usage
22:41.16cjjaytee: are you terminating the calls or translating the bearer channel to a different format?
22:41.52jayteecj, mostly bridging calls between the 2 spans and I'm not doing any transcoding
22:42.33cjjaytee: cool.  can you point me to the bridge setup/teardown code?
22:43.13Ivan74how to set internal misdn users?
22:44.20jameswfI dont know why i could have swore asterisknow had 1.6,,, eh
22:44.24jayteecj, not sure what you're asking for. I have calls coming in from or going out to 1 span that's connected to a Nortel PBX and the other span connects to my telco directly from Asterisk. Outbound calls from Asterisk use the outbound span as well as bridging outbound calls from Nortel from the other span. Calls from Asterisk to Nortel use the same span inbound.
22:45.24cjjaytee: I'm still not up on all of the jargon yet... I did read that telco 101 pdf, though :)
22:45.26jayteejameswf, nope, the difference is CentOS instead of rPath and FreePBX instead of asterisk-gui
22:45.40cjwhat I'm curious about is... where in the asterisk code does the bridging code live
22:46.08jameswfjust did yum remove asterisk*; yum install asterisk16
22:46.26cjwhen a call comes in from your telco and you need to route it to the PBX, it passes through asterisk at least for a short period of time, no?
22:48.25jayteecj, ok. lemme tell you how my calls get bridged. I have a nortel user who wants to make an outbound call. My Option 11 is setup to route all calls out my "span 2" on that pbx which connects to Asterisk. In the context defined in zapata.conf for that span I put a filter that determines whether the dialed number is an Asterisk extension or an outbound call. If the latter it uses the dial statement to dial out the other span to my telco. The bridgin
22:48.25jayteeg is accomplished at the zaptel driver layer when the incoming call from Nortel needs to connect to a channel on the other span.
22:50.26cjokay.  so it sounds like most of the work is handled by the t1 card, and a very small portion of the work is handled in software by the zaptel driver.
22:53.05*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:53.39jayteeI'm using some tricks to route the calls between the two pbxs. Nortel has a feature called phantom TNs (terminal numbers) that are like virtual lines instead of actual analog or digital lines on a line card. I program a phantom TN as an extension that gets externally forwarded to an "outside number". The outside number has a NXX that isn't a valid NXX in my area code. I match by callerid so if any call coming in from the Nortel system has that 3
22:53.39jayteedigit NXX I route it to the internal extensions context in Asterisk after stripping the NXX digits out leaving only the 4 digit extension, if the NXX is anything else or a 10 digit number it routes it to my outbound context that uses pattern matches for local or long distance to dial.
22:55.08cjwas zaptel re-named dahdi ?
22:55.10jayteeand to dial the Nortel from an Asterisk extension the user just dials the 4 digit number and it tries to find a match in the internal extensions context. the last possible match is _XXXX which dials the nortel span.
22:55.17jayteecj, in 1.6 it was
22:56.10UnixDawgI would have just set a pin lik _34xxxx
22:56.34UnixDawgthat way you can still haev 4 digit exten on the pbx
22:56.49jayteeonce my Nortel pbx is decommisioned the dialplan will become much simpler and I'll be able to use a GUI
22:57.19*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
22:57.48*** join/#asterisk anthm][ (
22:58.43jayteeUnixDawg, yeah I could have done that but I felt it was better to not have to retrain users to dial extra digits.
22:59.24anthmcj, my net died right when I answered you, did it go through?
22:59.50cjanthm: doesn't look like it... let me check lastlog
23:00.03anthmcj, it might be moved from the last time i checked but app_dial creates the channel then sends it to bridge via a function in res_features who then dips down into channel.c and sometimes dips again into the channel driver's specific code if both are the same type, then  when you dial dtmf it exits all the way back up to res_features to parse it and starts digging its way down again ....
23:00.06jayteeand it was done this way so we could avoid the cost of upgrading the Option 11C with a SIP Gateway which would have cost as much as we've spent on the * server, 30 Polycom phones, etc.
23:00.08anthmthere =D
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23:01.53*** part/#asterisk Ivan74 (
23:09.55cjthanks, anthm
23:10.35cjanthm: so, if that's all the asterisk box is doing, you think it will scale pretty well?  Are there any contention points?
23:11.31cjI'm looking to have a Tormenta II card built... my brother's taking an EE course at the local university, and I figured he might enjoy the project
23:12.01jayteebuilding your own card? Tormentas aren't supported anymore if I'm not mistaken.
23:12.35cjoh?  that's too bad. :(
23:12.43jayteeand that just sounds like begging for trouble
23:12.59cjwell... he *is* a EE student...
23:13.40cj"EE student begging for trouble" sounds redundant to me :)
23:14.05*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
23:14.12jayteeso that means any student studying nuclear engineering should try building a breeder reactor in their garage?
23:14.23cjjaytee: and why not!? :)
23:14.27drmessanoOh god
23:14.28cjaside from the obvious....
23:14.29drmessanoNot this convo
23:14.44drmessanoEvery forum and IRC channel must have this same convo every 3 months like clockwork
23:14.59cjdrmessano: hmm?  which?
23:15.00jayteeabout what? building your own card?
23:15.02*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
23:15.14cjmaybe I should take it to -dev ?
23:15.14drmessanoOne I like to call: "What do you mean I can't have nuclear fission in my basement, FBI agent?"
23:15.52cjdrmessano's had a reactor in his basement for years and it hasn't affected him!
23:16.08drmessanoI am not a lunatic
23:16.26cj(all proof to the contrary notwithstanding)
23:16.29outtoluncwaits for drmessano to argue with himself <G>
23:16.45jayteeOne of the stupidest things I've seen in any book on VOIP is the part in the O'Reilly book, Voip Hacks that shows how to modify the zaptel code to use a winmodem as an FXO. Even though the author includes a caveat he should still be shot for that or at least forced to have sex with a really fat, ugly woman with bad breath.
23:16.56cjdrmessano: we got off on the wrong foot.  I apologize for giving you a hard time.
23:17.40drmessanocj: No need to apologize, I have no less desire to see you rot in hell than the next guy..
23:18.00drmessanoSo in fact, there was no "wrong foot"
23:18.04cjjaytee: heh.  on that subject, why isn't there a combined FXO/FXS module?
23:18.30jayteecj, because they have different functions?
23:18.33drmessanoBecause there no technological basic for it?
23:18.46drmessanoBecause theres no technological basis for it?
23:18.53cjjaytee: but if you've got only one analog line, wouldn't you want to both receive and send calls using it?
23:18.58jayteeand you can get a card with an FXS and and FXO on it, or 3 of 1 and 1 of another, 7 of 1 etc. etc.
23:19.08jayteecj, DUH!!!!
23:19.19cjjaytee: hmm?  what am I missing?
23:19.28jayteewhat makes you think you can't use an FXO to both recieve and send calls?
23:19.54cjjaytee: maybe I didn't read the docs thoroughly enough
23:20.00jayteeya think?
23:21.49jayteehmmmm, this doesn't look good! I just found [TK]D-Fender's picture on this milk carton.
23:22.21lesouvagejaytee: he is missed, and there is a reward for those who brings him back?
23:23.09*** join/#asterisk StephenF (n=StephenF@
23:23.30jayteecarton doesn't say anything about a reward
23:23.57lesouvageOr is he just advertising his asterisk related services, milk cartons is certainly a original channel to get your message through.
23:24.13cjso an FXO is an FXS with the addition of being able to call out?
23:24.20jayteebut he hasn't been in here for 3 1/2 days which is kind of a record for him.
23:24.26jayteecj, no
23:24.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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23:24.51lesouvagejaytee: yes.
23:25.08jayteecj, an FXO is for connecting to your telco over a POTS line (analog). An FXS is to connect to a phone.
23:25.25jayteeFXS supplies ringing voltage to the phone, FXO doesn't.
23:25.55cjah.  thanks for clearing that up.
23:26.23jayteeit well covered in the first few chapters of the book that deal with zaptel
23:26.27jayteeand zapata
23:26.33cjah.  which book is that?
23:26.39jbotbook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:27.01jayteethat book, it should become your bible
23:27.49cjis there anything that replaces the Tormenta II card that I can build using off-the-shelf pieces?
23:28.02jayteenot that I'm aware of
23:28.09lesouvagejaytee: check this
23:29.15anthmI like the first edition better
23:29.29jayteelesouvage, hahaha
23:29.40jayteescript kiddies are so much fun :-)
23:35.25drmessanoThats kinda funny
23:36.31jayteedrmessano, you're sick! I think that's why we get along so well :-)
23:36.31De_Monhrm... I just did a sip reload in 1.6.0 and it says Reloading SIP but no users were loaded
23:37.24jayteedrmessano, did you see the "leaked Palin sex tape" on Digg?
23:37.59De_Monponders opened and saved the file and now it sees everyone
23:38.43*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
23:38.50De_Monyay, it's allive
23:39.20drmessanono lol
23:40.54*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
23:48.47ManxPowerDe_Mon:  long sip reload times indicate a DNS issue.
23:49.02ManxPowerUsually reverse lookup of the IPs on the system
23:54.46CGMChrisHello ManxPower.  I have a problem (probably trivial), but maybe you can help. I can make outgoing calls w/ gizmo5 sip on asterisk.  The gizmo5 software receives incoming calls, but asterisk does not.  asterisk -rvvv does not show ANYTHING on incoming calls.  Thoughts?
23:55.03ManxPowerCGMChris: I don't use "Gizmo"
23:55.13CGMChrisGizmo5 is a SIP trunk provider.
23:55.21*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
23:55.39ManxPowerCGMChris: then anyone here can help you.
23:55.58CGMChrisManxPower: Ok, anyone?
23:56.26RModanyone use mediatrix ata's?
23:57.03CGMChrisI guess this could take awhile...  :-\
23:57.07CGMChrisanyone now?

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