IRC log for #asterisk on 20081008

00:02.14scooby2i'm just curious if it means I need 8 AddQueueMember's in the login to join them to 8 queues
00:03.42ManxPowerrasterix: I would be surpized if it worked with Asterisk
00:03.50*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
00:06.15rasterixi dont even know what it is... it reads like you can instruct the exchange to forward to a different number (providing you dont answer the call)
00:07.09rasterixit could be useful if we are below X free lines we forward calls for a particular ddi
00:07.10ManxPowerI've only heard of "customer control of call forward no answer"
00:07.25ManxPoweror remote access to call forwarding, that might actually work
00:08.06rasterixbasically i want to selectively call forward BEFORE all our channels are full
00:08.43ManxPowerrasterix: why not just have a fall forward busy setup to go to an ITSP
00:09.12*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
00:09.43rasterixim probably being stupid... but i dont want to forward calls on some ddis
00:10.20ManxPowerrasterix: do the easy part, start sending calls out to an ITSP before the lines are maxed out for OUTGOING calls.
00:11.08rasterixwe will have calls coming in on one ddi from a tv campaign and im worried that its going to swamp all our our channels
00:11.41ManxPowerrasterix: you had better have a failover plan in place.  Do you have a good relationship with your telco?
00:11.49rasterixits bt
00:11.51rasterixso no
00:11.58ManxPowerYou poor sod.
00:12.58ManxPowerrasterix: how many lines do you have with BT right now?
00:13.12rasterixjust one isdn30
00:13.15rasterix30 channels
00:13.35ManxPowerWhen was the last time you talked with your BT account manager?
00:14.24rasterixwhen they failed to apply our one plan discounts AND the line went down and the BT emergency call centre failed
00:14.37*** part/#asterisk wolfelectronic (n=wolfelec@
00:15.27ManxPowerCall them, tell them you want to find out about any way to get calls to roll over to a different number if your PRI is full.
00:15.37ManxPowerIs your internet connection decent?
00:15.47rasterixim going to call them
00:16.06rasterixi just wanted to have a clue before i do
00:16.07ManxPowerI'd have everything in place to send all outgoing calls out via IP at a moment's notice.
00:16.23rasterixi dont care about outgoing
00:16.45rasterixthese ads will hit over a 20 min period
00:16.57ManxPowerOutgoing calls can use lines that could be handling incoming calls.
00:17.10rasterixwe basically only hanle incoming
00:17.20rasterixif outgoing goes down
00:17.26rasterixit wont be the end of the world
00:17.42rasterixor even the end of my employment
00:17.54ManxPowerstill, it would be easy to do and would show you know what you are doing.
00:17.57rasterixi already sent email of doom covering my ass
00:18.26ManxPowerI seem to remember BT getting into VoIP.  Maybe they have a combo offering.
00:18.38rasterixyour right
00:18.44rasterixi should look into that
00:18.50ManxPowerI doubt it, but you should ask.
00:18.58rasterixbut it wont solve the main problem
00:19.14*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:19.20ManxPowerTelcos tend to have offerings geared for radio station promotions.
00:19.59rasterixi will speak to them tomorrow... maybe bt will suprise me and offer a solution
00:20.04rasterix< doubts it
00:20.07ManxPowerrasterix: iAsk them if BT could take overflow calls send them to you via IP with the same destination number.  They will look at you funny, and then change the subject.
00:21.01rasterixill ask them if they do pizza at the same time
00:21.34ManxPowerrasterix: competing phone companies might very well offer such a service.  Look into them when the crisis is over.
00:22.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:22.36rasterixat times like this i wish i wasnt a telecoms noob
00:22.59rasterixthanks to asterisk for getting me involved in this shit ><
00:23.32rasterixI used to just laff wen the phone systems screwed up... now its my problem *sigh*
00:23.56jayteethe double-edged sword of convergence :-)
00:24.40rasterixstill not to panic i have 4 days to find a solution
00:26.12ManxPowerrasterix: I am available for remote (or even local if you want to fly me from the USA) design, consulting, and setup.
00:26.15jbot[manxpower] NOT an employee of Digium.  He is looking for a training/teaching job in networking and/or Asterisk.  Currently doing Asterisk and WAN consulting.  Contact:
00:27.13rasterixcheaper just to ask u on here :)
00:27.21ManxPowerHowever, I am not very familiar with BT services
00:28.09ManxPowerrasterix: I meant something like being on standby during the first ads
00:29.18rasterixdoes anyone offer an overflow service that just ivrs name and number for call back?
00:30.48*** join/#asterisk thansen (
00:31.58SwKanyone around huntsville have an extra single port T1 board they wanna part with
00:34.38*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:36.05CGMChrisAny new joiners in the room that can help me solve my problem -> Call Queue's do not ring indefinately, but instead go directly to voicemail if even a single agent is offline or otherwise unavailable.
00:36.35rene-your call to Queue should specify a timeout
00:37.04rene-there are two timeouts you need to be aware of
00:37.05zerkoanyone here use dedicated servers in an actual datacenter?
00:37.21SwKzerko, lotta people do
00:37.42rene-time out to offer the call again to other callers and main timeout for the call to be delivered to an agent
00:38.01CGMChristimeout = 15, wrapuptime = 0, strategy = ringall, joinempty = yes, leavewhenempty = no, maxlen = 0
00:38.05rene-also you have to check your join/leave emtpy sruff
00:38.20rene-What about your Queue command
00:38.31rene-how are u calling it? and are u using Local Channels as agents?
00:38.43CGMChristhere is absolutely no delay... it goes immediately to voicemail.  Used Gui 2.0
00:39.18rene-dont know about that sorry
00:39.20ManxPowerAh yes, GUI
00:39.22CGMChrisif all agents are available, logged in, not on the phone, it works and queues the call.  otherwise, fails.
00:39.31jbotzeeek is, like, someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
00:39.40jayteeGUI, that sticky stuff in your underwear after a night of "vivid" dreams
00:40.09CGMChrisI can edit the config files myself, but up to this point, the gui has been faster.
00:40.35ManxPowerThere's a secret channel for GUI users.
00:40.37rene-yeah but then you dont understand what is it doing
00:41.15CGMChrisI have been reading the book all along and making the corresponding changes using the GUI, where possible.
00:41.21CGMChrisexten = 5000,1,Queue(5000)
00:41.26CGMChrismy queue name is 5000
00:41.38rene-you are not specifying any timeout
00:41.45rene-for the call in the queue
00:41.53rene-go to your cli and type show application queue
00:41.57rene-read about the timeout option
00:42.06CGMChrisk, thanks.
00:46.07CGMChrisexten = 5000,1,Queue(5000,,,60) <- same thing
00:46.29CGMChrisimmediately goes to first UNavailable agents voicemail
00:47.42*** join/#asterisk xuser (i=jaood@unaffiliated/xuser)
00:48.55rene-is gui generating local channels?
00:48.59rene-for the agents
00:49.21rene-sorry got to go, will be here tomorrow 9 AM central
00:49.28rene-9 30 hehe
00:49.31CGMChrisk, thanks for help.  :)
00:50.34LARefugeesip behind nat: do you really have to forward so many ports like they say at nerd vittles? I don't forward any.
00:51.33rasterixset call-limit=1?
00:51.39CGMChrisLARefugee: I am using 5060 and 10k thru 20k, but then again, I dont even have incoming calling setup yet :-)   but outgoing works.
00:51.45rasterixno ignore that
00:51.51rasterixi need to pay more attention
00:52.22CGMChrisrasterix: I appreciate the effort.  call-limit won't help me if an agent is offline though.  :(
00:53.20*** join/#asterisk ftp3 (
00:53.25rasterixi dont know the gui
00:53.42rasterixpeople might find it easier to help you if you paste-bin your .confs
00:53.45CGMChrisI can use commands and edit config files... I will do whatever it takes to make it work properly.
00:54.10LARefugeeCGMChris: I spent hours getting a vonage softphone account to work the way I wanted. I don't forward one single port.
00:55.14CGMChrisLARefugee: I will have to try removing ports and see what happens.  It is my understanding that if your equipment is using SPUN and not SIP that it *should* find its way to your device without port forwarding.
00:55.35CGMChrisThen again, I just read that today -- so I could be completely wrong.
00:56.28*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-66aff8c74bab303d)
00:58.49LARefugeeCGMChris: I do however have a QOS setup on my router running tomato. The only weird thing I have to do is shut down asterisk one minute before my router is auto-rebooted and then restart it (using a script and cron) otherwise the registration is lost and I can't get incoming calls. Only restarting asterisk will work to get back registration.
00:59.36rasterix< out
01:00.18LARefugeeI don't know maybe it works for me because I don't usually get more than one call at a time on that softphone account.
01:01.59LARefugeeaway taking a break from the computer
01:03.53SwabbyHow do you get phones to auto configure themselves?
01:04.40*** part/#asterisk `paul (n=paul@
01:05.26jayteeSwabby, press 5#6* and then pray really, really hard.
01:07.09*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
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01:10.08*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
01:15.13[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And don't forget the sacrificial goat.  These things always require blood.
01:16.43ManxPowerA sacrificial ferret might be a good idea too.
01:17.43Swabbyno there auto configure option if you set your ducks right?
01:22.07*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:22.07*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0, 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
01:23.01*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
01:25.02CGMChrisSwabby... The closest you're going to get is: Print up an instruction sheet on how to do it for your users and hand them out.  Maybe an instructional video too.  Be sure to NOT list any contact information (Name, Address, Phone, Email, etc.)   The phones will either "autoconfigure" or they will get a new system.
01:26.49*** join/#asterisk uTx (
01:26.50Swabbyso like ip address, buttons can't be pushed?
01:27.06Swabbyscratch that..i know ips can be pushed using dhcp and mac
01:27.07[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Auto configure what exactly?  Do you think * is psychic and can do anything you expect of it?
01:27.21Swabbytk: no i was thinking like buttons and such
01:27.22CGMChrisSwabby: The phones should come from the factory with DHCP enabled.
01:27.47CGMChrisSwabby: Cisco phones offer a central management interface that can be used to do distributed configurations.
01:27.49[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Increasingly vague
01:28.11[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Perhaps you should actuall say what models you're expecting * to know how to "configure" for you...
01:28.22SwabbyTK: like send configuration such as speed dial, "msg" indicator buttons, etc.... I have Grandstream GXP 2000
01:28.42Swabbyand i know they're cheap phones.....maybe i'm expecting alot
01:29.13CGMChrisDo you live in an area where illegal mexican labor is accessible?  This may be a prime method of autoconfigure.
01:29.21Swabbymy biggest problem is this... i built my * network on a SEPERATE network....and i am having challenges getting tne * network talking to the REAL network...i'm assuming i need to do some routing via linux
01:29.27SwabbyCGMChris: hahahaha
01:30.09*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:30.51SwabbyTK: Here's my other problem..i got two analog lines but my dialplan won't let me set rules for BOTH only allows me to apply the rule to one or the other
01:30.57Swabbyi'm assuming i have something in my configuration jacked up
01:31.31[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Indeed you are.  It is not *'s job to configure your phones for you, not to configure your mail server, Samba shares, X-Server display settings, *NIX loging accounts, or anything else for that matter
01:31.59[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And you're not showing us anything either.
01:32.25[TK]D-FenderSwabby: You configure *, not the other way around.
01:32.49Swabbyi will try to get the server back over here and jump on one day this week..
01:33.00Swabbyits not here right now
01:33.26jayteedamn, I was watching the "debate" and almost missed the sacrificial ferret
01:33.41Swabbyme and a friend did this as a learning project for Big Brother Big Sister
01:33.48Swabbybut we're afraid we are biting more than we can chew
01:34.00Swabbyi'm hoping i can get the system stable and working good so it needs little maintenance
01:34.12Swabbyand stuff like vm pws can easily be reset through the gui (it's asterisknow)
01:34.31Swabbyi'm also hoping my issues thus far has just been due to my lack of configuration...
01:34.57SwabbyTK: If i am having problems defining dial plans for BOTH analong lines what conf file should i concentrate on?
01:34.59[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Indeed not having configured things is a common reason for them not working.
01:36.07[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And you continue to talk about "phones" and "lines" without give precise MAKES & MODELS.  Tell you what... You guess what my engine probelm is and we'll see how long it takes you to find out I'm working on a WW1 rotary aircraft engine, ok?
01:36.30SwabbyTK: You have a good point
01:36.41Swabbycan i run down my architecture with you?
01:36.48[TK]D-FenderSwabby: I have many, those were freebies, the rest arre $4.95/min
01:37.01[TK]D-FenderSwabby: I'm sure it can be done in 2 senteces or less.
01:37.07Swabbyobviously we're not fixing anything tonight--i'm not in front of the system but maybe you cna give me some inkling tips goes
01:37.26riddleboxanyone else having problems with fxs ports on a tdm after upgrading to Mine stopped working all together..
01:38.07SwabbyI have a box with AsteriskNOW instaled ( i used the express option) I have a TDM 400, three analog lines coming in (we have two coming into the phone) only three ports are live on the card the fourth one does not have a module installed on it)
01:38.43SwabbyI have two ANALOG lines plugged into ports 2 and 4. MY goal right now is to use my Grandstream GXP 2000 phones to make/recieve calls on the analog lines and ALL of them to ring on incoming calls
01:39.04SwabbyI am NOT using any VoIP providers at this time
01:39.12[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: that's old, even for 1.2
01:40.44[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: and what package ver is that eeven in refernce to?  Zaptel?  Asterisk?  What combination are you running now? do you have ANY details for us?
01:40.46Swabbyon the TDM400 there's four ports. Three of them have FXO modules
01:41.15jayteeWW1 rotary? hmmm, Sopwith Camel?
01:42.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Nope, Fokker
01:43.21[TK]D-FenderSwabby: (we have two coming into the phone) <--- HUH?!
01:43.48SwabbyTK: sorry...we have two of the three analog lines terminating on the TDM 400 card to provide outbound/inbound to the * system
01:44.25[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Ok, 3 FXO on a TDM400 + Some GXP-2000's.  As much as need have been said
01:45.00Swabbyno softphones right now
01:45.16Swabbymy switch doesn't support DHCP and i don't have dhcp i hard coded ips on all the phones
01:45.27riddleboxcrap [TK]D-Fender i meant
01:45.38[TK]D-FenderSwabby: What was this talk about GXP's then?
01:45.38Swabbyserver =* phones are,,, etc.
01:45.51SwabbyTK: GXPs i consider hard phones
01:45.55[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And I don't know of any switches that support DHCP.... thats a neat trick...
01:46.18SwabbyTK: I think it's a cisco switch that is suppose to be bundled with an enterprise cisco system....
01:46.34SwabbyTK: Thats' why it doesn't support dhcp..we got it donated through techsoup...
01:46.44Swabbymaybe i should install dhcp in linux..
01:46.58[TK]D-FenderSwabby:Holy crap a 20$ router will give you DHCP.  I'm sure I could hack my ANALOG WATCH to do it if I tried jsut a little
01:47.05riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, man I dont even know what the heck I was typing, it was 1.4.22
01:47.14SwabbyTK: lol
01:47.29[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Try again when all the neurons are firing in the proper order & direction :)
01:47.47Swabbyaside from my ghetto networking
01:47.55[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And yes, your * box might as well be a DHCP server for the 2 minutes that should take
01:48.03riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I know, I am a little crazy these days we leave on friday to go to the Dominican Republic to get married
01:48.21SwabbyTK: the biggest isuse there has been getting the actual files over to the server....ususally i use yum to install stuff like that..but that box has NO internet.
01:48.46Swabbyin result of my once again ghetto network
01:48.49riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, but really I installed 1.4.22 and lost my fxs ports on the tdm card, the fxo still worked though
01:49.11Swabbyi guess if i install dhcp i would have the correct time on my phones too right?
01:49.21[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Next time install a real distro that has all this stuff handy at the start.
01:49.33SwabbyTK: i am thinking about doing a hand install
01:49.42Swabbyinstalling fedora and then putting asterisk on top
01:49.45[TK]D-FenderSwabby: DHCP doesn't hand out time, it can only point to a time server
01:49.47jayteeCentOS FTW!!!
01:50.16SwabbyTK: Here's my biggest issues though..tell me your thoughts...maybe i should just wipe everything
01:50.30Swabbyif i go into the dial plans it won't let me select more than just one provider...
01:50.36[TK]D-FenderSwabby: So to clarify, you don't HAVE hard phones, only softphones and were CONSIDERING GXP's?
01:50.40Swabbybut the book shows you cna select all of them
01:50.47Swabbytk: no, no..i only have GXP
01:51.08[TK]D-FenderSwabby: What dialplan's?  What are you talking about?  a PHONE'S internal dialplan?  *'s dialplan?
01:51.11Swabbyall the gxps have ips in the 192.168.1.* range...
01:51.20SwabbyTK: * dial plan..
01:51.36Swabbyin asterisknow there's a gui that shows which line to go outbound on
01:52.03Swabbyand what to do with the #' drop the 9, etc
01:52.04[TK]D-FenderSwabby: *'s dialplan coun route your calls any which way you want.  use line 2 if its tuesdays night, its raining, and the Cubs won their last hom game by a margin of 3 runs or more.
01:52.31SwabbyTK: problem won't let me define both lines.
01:52.55Swabbylike if i have a rule for won't let me allow it on both line 2 and 3
01:53.24SwabbyTK: do you recommend i just wipe this bull hunkie clean, install a linux os and then install my asterisk?
01:53.38[TK]D-FenderSwabby: I am going to use some really harsh language now, I just thought I wanr you.  Its not directed at you but at a piece used in your approach so don't take this personally, but more as a warning on what you should probably be doing in your attempts to learn and configure your system.  Ok?
01:53.47[TK]D-FenderI'd warn*
01:53.55Swabbyother question..can i get asterisk to work without a tdm card (For testing if i want to play with this in vmware)
01:53.59Swabbybreak it down :)
01:54.07Swabbyhit me with it
01:54.12[TK]D-FenderSwabby: FUCK THE FUCKING GUI
01:54.22Swabbyi like it
01:54.31Swabbynot the gui
01:54.36Swabbyyour idea
01:54.40[TK]D-FenderThere, much better
01:54.48Swabbynow..let me ask though
01:54.53Swabbyif i do a manual install..
01:54.59Swabbyis there ANY gui that allows people to reset vm pw and stuff
01:55.03Swabbyor is it all cli?
01:55.08[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Asterisk-GUI is a work in progress, and a HALF-complete attempt at best that forces you to to quite a bit yourself
01:55.37[TK]D-FenderSwabby: It is a retard toaster PBX generator (ATTEMPT), and its concept of "dialplan" will get you LOST>
01:55.47riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, have you tried the 2.0 version?
01:55.52[TK]D-FenderSwabby: This is a massive impediment to your learning anything
01:56.08Swabbytk: so if you were would build a linux box, get my routing in place, and then install asterisk?
01:56.18[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Yes.
01:56.27*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
01:56.35Swabbyand i've done linux before...i've configured apache, mysql, etc
01:56.47Swabbyso i feel fairly comfortable i could compile it and install it
01:56.53Swabbyi tried freepbx before and it was jacking stuff up too
01:57.06Swabbywith the gui it's hard to determine what's going on at times because all the guts are behind the scenes
01:57.13Swabbyand your not responsible for configuring them!
01:57.19[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Its idea of "lines" and "routes", and all that other crap is like a holdover from other toaster config generators and won't be "flexible" becasuee they really CAN'T.  Its a GUI.  It has to work in a limited number of ways off stupid web config
01:57.56SwabbyTK: will it autoconfig my TDM Card? or will i have to build a config?
01:57.56jayteewould someone please bind my hands and feet and then ask me to tapdance while juggling eggs?
01:57.58[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And with *NOW you are manually configuring a bit of it and the GUI is fucking with you the moment you turn your back
01:58.12[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Configuring a TDM card is 5 minutes work <-
01:58.15jayteeit likes to do that
01:58.25Swabbyand it HAS been fucking with me...litterally..i had stuff working well..
01:58.29Swabbyand one reboot all the phones are unavailable
01:58.32Swabbycrazy shit..ya know?
01:58.39jayteepoof! it's like magic! i ask a quick networking question?
01:59.17[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Shoot
01:59.22SwabbySO i got this * network 192.168.2* and my REAL network (with PCs and the internet) are 192.168.2* so i'm assuming i need to change the ip range of the asterisk network if i EVER want this shit to talk to each other
01:59.43Swabbyto like 192.168.3*
02:00.00Swabbyand then use a how to for linux to setup iptables to forward my traffic accordingly between nic 1 and nic 2... ?
02:00.07[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Well if you want 2 separate subnets yeah clearly they'd have to be different
02:00.25SwabbyDo you recommend two seperate subnets for QoS?
02:00.29[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Nothing to do in iptables to forward between the two.
02:00.42Swabbysince my switches are not smart...
02:00.51[TK]D-FenderSwabby: We're talking phones on a switch.  It really doesn't matter much.
02:00.58SwabbyTK: Where would i perform the forwarding? like the cmd name so i can search out a help
02:01.14jayteethis debate is so lame and boring, they keep asking both of them questions about the economy, healthcare and crap like that. I wanna hear questions like, "Senator McCain, while you were a POW in North Vietnam did you ever have sex with another man?" and "Senator Obama, if you're elected President will you push to legalize marijuana and prostitution?"
02:01.28[TK]D-FenderSwabby: "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward".  The End.
02:01.49Swabbymy main reasons for getting the networks merged are this 1. configuration (Right now i have a PC next to the box just so i can get to the web gui!) 2> SIP Clients if i ever want this and 3> Updates... oh..4> voip providers if i ever go there
02:02.10*** join/#asterisk tobias ( it
02:02.32[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Now of course your default route should be the * box so that it would even get traffic for the other subnet, or listed as a router by another router, etc
02:02.49Swabbytk: makes sense
02:03.06Swabbyi guess #1 don't make a difference since all my config would be done in the shell...
02:03.19[TK]D-FenderSwabby: You should have a proper grasp of networking to be using VoIP in any capacity with *
02:03.54[TK]D-FenderSwabby: And you're talking like You can't run X on your server and config it FROM ther server itself.
02:04.16[TK]D-FenderSwabby: But as far as that goes, see my first harsh comment.
02:04.42Swabbywell..if i do what we been discusing i'm not worried about X windows..i wouldn't even install it
02:04.54SwabbyWhat distro would you recommend?
02:05.05Swabbydoes fedora play well with it?
02:05.20SwabbyCentOS.. k
02:05.23voxterfedora is like the experimental bleeding edge 'about to be rhel'
02:05.30voxterwhy would anyone run fedora on any server
02:05.50Swabbyvoxter: i thought it was still fairly popular..i must be behind :)
02:05.56voxteroh its popular
02:06.10voxterits just asinine to trust a server to it, imho last major question..
02:06.35Swabbyi install centos, get my updates, dl asterisk get everything compiled, config my cards, etc....what do you recommend i follow to make sure i cover all my basis?
02:06.44Swabbyi'm assuming i will setup my lines, dialplans, my users, etc...
02:06.55Swabbyare there sample config files?
02:07.23LARefugeeSwabby: sample config files yes! The best. I refer to them all the time.
02:07.47[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Use a computer with internet access and install and learn from there.  all you need is a box to drop * on and a soft-phone.
02:08.48*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:08.56v4mpmy provider use fedora on most there servers i cant stand it so i use centos
02:09.16v4mpbut as im here i have this problem still... i have it setup so the agent has to login which works fine but when theres an incoming call its trying to find the agent thats logged in but its not ringing the agents phone so the agent cant aswer any idea what this could be ?
02:11.32Swabbytk: can i install it in vmware with a softphone?
02:11.39*** join/#asterisk foamball (
02:11.54jayteewow, with such complete and detailed information about your problem it's easy to see that your magic.conf file is missing the wanker=yes statement.
02:12.28[TK]D-FenderSwabbySwabbyWho needs VMWARE?
02:12.36Swabbyjaytee: i actually just added wanker=yes to mine, recompiled and it works great
02:12.46SwabbyTK: if i want to test on my windows box...
02:13.00Swabbytk: btw...i know i've been a minor pain in the ass...i appreciate your help
02:13.40jayteeminor pain in the ass? hell, I'm on my second tube of Prep H and I was just listening
02:13.50v4mpjaytee, if that was to me i have checked over with many sites and seems that my setup is correct
02:14.10Swabbyjay: LOL
02:14.38jayteev4mp, is the agent's phone registered? is the agent logged in?
02:14.54Swabbyobama says pakistan weird
02:14.56[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Just Install a softphone on SOME friggen system.  It ain't Raw-Cat Science.
02:15.24jayteev4mp, how about a pastebin of queues.conf and agents.conf?
02:15.30v4mpok 1 sec
02:15.40Swabbyraw cat hah
02:18.46Swabbywill centos+asterisk work ok under vmware?
02:19.18*** join/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
02:19.32[TK]D-FenderSwabby: ok/fine/sure/whatever
02:19.44[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Oh... if you forget about the TDM card
02:19.45Swabbyjust for testing
02:20.02Swabbyif i wanted to just play with stuff....
02:20.03[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Fine if you talking about a basic machine to setup * on ASIDE fro hardware
02:20.10brimstoneanyone seen gcc fail like this before?
02:20.10Swabbyyeah...i'm not going live or anything
02:20.23[TK]D-FenderSwabby: It'll do
02:20.41Swabbyyou recommend a dedicated box though huh
02:20.46*** join/#asterisk techman97 (
02:20.54Swabbycould i still test like call routes and stuff?
02:21.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (
02:21.06Qwellbrimstone: holy crap
02:22.01Qwellbrimstone: what did you do? O.o
02:22.19brimstoneQwell: i didn't mean to
02:22.26*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
02:22.36brimstonei just disabled a bunch of stuff and told it to compiler
02:22.41Qwellit says it's a hardware/OS issue..
02:22.43brimstonei just need this box for sip/iax meetmes
02:22.45QwellI'd be inclined to believe it
02:22.50brimstonefigures, pos box
02:23.37brimstoneso... ug
02:23.44[TK]D-FenderSwabby: all that terminology goes right out the door.
02:24.03[TK]D-FenderSwabby: The only difference between a test & the real thing is a DIAL statemtn
02:24.04Swabbydoesn't make any sense under regular asterisk then
02:24.28Swabbygot it
02:25.06[TK]D-FenderSwabby: From now on, every call is just a CALL.  *gets a call, it goes through the dialplan having matched the exten that was dialed.  You do "whatever" with it.
02:25.13[TK]D-FenderSwabby: "route" = BS term.
02:25.21Swabbygot it
02:25.38Swabbycan i simulate calls coming in going out on a adhoc system with no nodes?
02:25.44Swabbyi mean no cards or anything
02:25.57Swabbyi guess with multiple softphones i could huh..
02:26.04[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Every call is jsut a call.
02:26.44brimstoneQwell: if i run make install again, it works fine, holy cow
02:26.48v4mpmy queues.conf and angent.conf can be found here...
02:27.01[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Makes no difference what you do with them.  You can set it all up to the point where you'd want to connect your caller to another device and just playback a sound file saying "would have called bob" or do SayDigits(1234567) or whatever,.
02:27.11Swabbygot it...
02:27.22Swabbyi could even say if dialed 911 play "your fucked"
02:27.25brimstoneQwell: i dunno, just gonna chalk it up as a win
02:27.30Swabbyif i had my configuration right
02:27.59[TK]D-FenderzSwabbyRemember what I said about the Cubs earlier....
02:28.11[TK]D-FenderSwabby: just about anything.
02:28.14Swabbydoes regular asterisk allow you to record messages using the phones ivr prompts or do you have to record the wav files on your own
02:28.29[TK]D-FenderSwabby: "core show application record"
02:28.40QwellSwabby: tip for the future...
02:28.49[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Go sit down with the book.  Go read ALL of *'s dialplan applications and go do something
02:28.58Qwellif the question begins "Does Asterisk allow you to ...", the answer is almost always "yes"
02:29.22SwabbyQwell: seems like a pretty dynamic system
02:29.23jayteev4mp, what do you get at the CLI when you type agent show?
02:29.24Qwellsomebody feel free to prove otherwise
02:29.27Swabbyi was reading the case studies...
02:29.44Swabbythere was a guy in the book talking about how he gave his kids a math quiz on it
02:29.46Swabbythats really cool stuff
02:29.48v4mp1003         (Gary Syms) available at '1@incoming_calls' (musiconhold is 'default')
02:29.48v4mp1 agents configured [1 online , 0 offline]
02:30.36*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
02:31.04Swabbyi mean i guess you could literally QUERY a database and play it on the phone line huh
02:31.29jayteev4mp, and what do you get on the CLI when you try to call the queue?
02:31.42brimstoneQwell: ttfn
02:31.44*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
02:32.33[TK]D-FenderSwabby: My * used to make me COFFEE.  How hard do you think a quiz would be?
02:33.22jayteemine used to make me coffee but then it tried to force me to switch to decaf so I got out my Qparted CD and wiped the bitch and started over.
02:33.24[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Phone in to disable your kid's internet access.
02:33.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: For the best really.... damn HAL
02:34.05jayteenever get in the way of a tech guy and his caffiene
02:34.30v4mpits also not saying the wait time etc to caller either
02:35.16jayteeI saw one guy's blog about setting up MythTV with Asterisk and he could dial into his server and key in codes that would kick off recordings of whatever channel he wanted to record.
02:36.05phixjaytee: awesome
02:36.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah I think I heard about that. I had a dial-in diagnostic script once.  Would let you ping, etc.
02:36.22phixjaytee: I just SSH from my phone to my server to do that :P
02:37.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:38.11jayteev4mp, I'm not the brightest one in here but what doesn't make sense about your config is that you've got Gary Syms logged in but the calls go to a Local channel and not a SIP phone that Gary's logged in from.
02:38.50v4mpoh ? o_O
02:39.07v4mpbah lol
02:39.08Swabbywhat modules do i use to make coffee with it?
02:39.13jayteeI'd ask to see your extensions.conf but now that Chris Matthews is doing the post-debate analysis I'm gonna have to go vomit.
02:39.36[TK]D-FenderSwabby: X-10
02:39.43jayteeSwabby,, and
02:39.56Swabbyjaytee: lol... :)
02:40.00jayteebut be warned, is very unstable
02:40.13Swabbytk: no shit though..did you really get x10 to make coffee based on asterisk?
02:40.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender, seriously though, * with X-10 just makes the mind reel with the possible applications don't it :-)
02:41.14ManxPowerIt does?
02:41.18[TK]D-FenderSwabby: Yup.  Dial-a-coffee
02:41.29v4mpjaytee, the agent logs in via internal extension
02:41.38SwabbyTK: LOL
02:41.39ManxPowerOh!  Sorry.  I mean "Oh yes infinite things!"
02:42.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: dial a maid to put the grounds and water in the coffee maker before calling into asterisk to start the coffee maker.
02:42.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: if I had a maid... she wouldn't be making me coffee ;)
02:42.46drmessanoapp_pizza FTW
02:43.22jayteeManxPower, well, you could use it to turn on or off your house lighting while away, kickoff an automated feeder for your pet, probably even tie it in with the HVAC system in the house.
02:43.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Wait... ordering a pizza with a PHONE?  Have you insaned?!
02:44.29drmessanoYou still use Asterisk for phone calls?
02:44.37drmessanoI did away with those months ago
02:44.43[TK]D-FenderYou still use pizza for food?
02:45.04drmessanoThere's an alternative?
02:45.06[TK]D-Fenderstill needs one more box to get his monitor to the perfect height
02:45.06jaytee"Pizza In A Cup"
02:45.28jaytee"It's these cans!!!! He hates these cans!!!!"
02:45.28[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 2 pepperoni, 1 c.... er.... nevermind
02:45.30ManxPowerjaytee: that sort of stuff is for people with lives so boring they have to worry about such things.
02:45.55jayteeManxPower, so...... you've been talking to one of my 3 friends?
02:46.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Boring people don't have worries.
02:46.03drmessanoSystem(pizza -p -m 1 medium thin)
02:46.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Boring is when you have nothing left to do.
02:46.35ManxPowerjaytee: I admit it might be nice to be able to turn on the heat or a/c an hour before I arrive home.
02:46.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Which is a sad semblance of the state I'm in right now.
02:46.41jayteeThe Lumenvox Voice Recognition software for * comes with a sample application that is a Pizza ordering system
02:47.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Wow.. now its just like ordering pizza from a real human being only its wrong 26% of the time!
02:47.12jayteeManxPower, yeah but they have programmable thermostats that make that much easier, less time consuming for setup and probably less costly.
02:47.13drmessanoUsing asterisk to run an application that orders pizza via CLI is the ultimate "Suck it, word-speakers", IMHO
02:47.18ManxPowerMe: I'd like pepperoni and green olives  Pizza VR: You have ordered anchovies and saussage!
02:48.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, the 26% failure rate is due to bad programming of the grammars and error correction. I've had very good results with Lumenvox actually.
02:48.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I've have better results from pizza delivery call takers :)
02:48.38jayteeme too
02:48.41ManxPowerVoice recog is nice until you try calling in from a noisy environment... like trying to figure out why your credit card was declined while you are in the airport.
02:48.43drmessanoIf I used * to run apps that replaced people paid to answer the phone to handle such trivial tasks, I would feel like I was using their own tools against them, and stickin-it-to-the-man
02:49.13drmessanoDigg users would make me their +22 of the hour
02:49.39jayteeManxPower, yeah background noise is a problem with most VR systems. You can adjust for that or if just have a parallel system mode that's DTMF only.
02:49.39ManxPowerquickly patents the IVR Score, a measurement of how much better or worse the IVR is as compared to someone in India earning $5/day
02:50.00drmessano"Wut, I R front-pageon of the hour?  I WUN THE INTARWEBS RIGHT NOW FOR A MINUTE!!!!11!!"
02:50.35v4mpjaytee, would you like to see my extensions.conf ?
02:50.48drmessanov4mp: I dont think anyone would
02:50.51jayteev4mp,, not really
02:51.01ManxPowerv4mp: Egads man!  Cover that thing up!
02:51.30drmessanov4mp: You're fired.  Dont bother turning in your keys, the locks have already been changed.  Security is on it's way.
02:52.30v4mpwould the Local for where its mean to be sending the calls to be anything to do with the Agent login ?
02:52.57jayteeLocal channels are not phones
02:53.06*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
02:53.16v4mpbut theres nothing refering to local in extensions
02:53.45[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: that CLI snippet didn't show any agent status, dialout atempts, or much at all
02:53.53ManxPowerv4mp: Local/ means "dial this extension in this context just as though it was a call, but don't require any SIP or zap or anything like that.
02:53.59ManxPowerthink of it as a Loopback channel
02:54.31v4mpthe agent logs in through internal and the call comes in through incoming_calls
02:55.14v4mptk what kind of dialout attempts where you expecting ?
02:56.27[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Show us your agent status, queue status, etc.
02:56.33*** join/#asterisk setkeh_ (
02:58.05v4mpi dont understand what your after
02:58.06setkeh_hey guys what are these values suposed to look like amaflags = AstAccountAMAFlags
03:00.49ManxPowersetkeh_: it is mainly cosmetic for all but the largest organizations
03:01.31setkeh_max_______,  so i dont have to touch it ??
03:01.52setkeh_ManxPower,  sorry typo
03:02.21*** join/#asterisk cesal (n=jcesarlp@
03:02.36cesalhardwire hi
03:02.41cesalcan u help me
03:02.48cesali have install centos
03:02.58cesalnow i want to install astersk
03:03.03cesalcan u help me?
03:03.07ElCheapodownload source
03:03.12ElCheapo./configure && make && make install
03:03.17[TK]D-Fendercesal: Instructions are in the source tarball.
03:03.44[TK]D-Fendercesal: There are all sorts of great instructions jsut sitting there waiting to be read by you
03:03.57cesalplease can u give a link?
03:04.03[TK]D-Fendercesal: Instructions are in the source tarball. <- what part of this is not as obvious as it sounds?
03:04.20cesali am new to linux also
03:04.26cesalthat why i ask
03:04.29[TK]D-FenderTARBALL.   as in ".tar.gz"  As in and go download the SOURCE
03:04.40[TK]D-Fendercesal: And I guess while you're at it :
03:04.44jbotsomebody said book was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:04.54LARefugeecesal: you have a lot to learn.. Get some help from a friend familiar with Linux.
03:05.16ManxPowerWhat do people dislike about CentOS anyway?
03:05.18jbotsomebody said alsa was the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, or at, or available only for Linux (if you intend your code to be portable, ask me about OSS)
03:05.31jbotoss is probably a portable sound interface available in 11 different Un*x systems.  The propietary package is available at  However, free systems like GNU/Linux or *BSD include free GPL/BSD re-implementations. The support in Linux is being gradually removed in favor of ALSA. an acronym that stands for "Open Source Software"
03:05.51LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: its repos aren't as complete as Debian's.
03:06.10drmessanopropietary ?  Is that like propecia?
03:06.12ManxPoweris that all?
03:06.15v4mptk, unless u meant agent show and queue show ?
03:06.22phixhmmm, this cant be good --> /dev/main-new/srv: Updating bad block inode.
03:06.33phix/dev/main-new/srv: Duplicate or bad block in use!
03:06.41phix/dev/main-new/srv: Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 9355355: 37427455
03:06.44ManxPowerphix: It sucks to be you.
03:06.48LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: that's my major gripe.  But I use a lot of distros.  BSD, Linux... whatever works.
03:07.04drmessanoYeah, it sucks to be us right now too, with all the paste-spam
03:07.05phixManxPower: they are brand new drives in RAID1
03:07.11ManxPowerLiNeTuX_Home: I'm looking at switching distros.
03:07.20LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: From?
03:07.26phix2nd time I have put one through waranty
03:07.33ManxPowerphix: I had a new drive fail in 4 weeks and the replacement failed in 2 weeks.  Not heat related.
03:07.43phixoh and the computer runs asterisk, that is why I am typing that in here ;P
03:07.49ManxPowerLiNeTuX_Home: Mandrake/Mandriva
03:07.53LiNeTuX_Homephix: Could be power supply related
03:07.54drmessanoMust be more of those awesome SATA server drives
03:07.59phixI get a pci bus master errors from my TDM card too
03:08.11phixmade my /var/log fill up pretty quick
03:08.23LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: I never did stick with Mandrake for long.  I just couldn't get used to where they put things.
03:08.44ManxPowerLiNeTuX_Home: I can't get used to not having urpmi when I'm on other distros
03:08.54phixLiNeTuX_Home: how so? new 660watt powersupply, two 750Gb Samsung SATA drives, AMD quad core omething
03:09.36LiNeTuX_Homephix: I'm not saying the size is a problem... sometimes you get a dud, sometimes it's just not good quality... you might have a bad +5 or +12v rail
03:09.46phixLiNeTuX_Home: powersupply connected to ups
03:10.14v4mpthis is what i get from queue show and agent show
03:10.16LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: apt-get might be better - I haven't used Mandrake in forever to compare, tho
03:10.29*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
03:10.31LiNeTuX_Homephix: UPS doesn't have anything to do with it
03:10.47ManxPowerLiNeTuX_Home: urpmi resolves the dependencies and can be used for updates, local or remote storage for RPMs
03:10.55phixin6:         +4.08 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)
03:11.00LiNeTuX_Homephix: And Samsung isn't exactly known for having quality HDD products
03:11.14phixLiNeTuX_Home: great LCDs though :)
03:11.23setkeh_what is the fedora directory server???
03:11.26phixhow much harder could a HDD be :)
03:11.29LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: same thing as "yum" for RedHat/Fedora/Cent or "apt-get" for Debian/Ubuntu
03:11.36ManxPowerI want to stick to an RPM based distro, dealing with clients that may be skittish about open source, CentOS / Redhat Enterprise seem to be good to know.
03:12.05phixI prefer debs
03:12.08ManxPowerLiNeTuX_Home: I started using Mandriva in 1999
03:12.16[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: maybe you should look at that while you actually have a CALL in your queue...
03:12.17LiNeTuX_HomeManxPower: yum is good... not as good as apt-get, but it's really good.
03:12.37drmessanoI knew of a manufacturer of broadcast equipment that preferred them over Western Digital, Maxtor, and Seagate due to the speed and size of the buffer compared to the size that the others were packaging with with drives of the same size
03:12.44jayteeManxPower, I've had very good results with CentOS and RHEL 5 and I was coming from a Debian/Ubuntu background.
03:12.47phixsudo apt-get --purge remove redhat; sudo apt-get install debian-or-ubuntu
03:12.54drmessanoBut it was one particular line, IIRC
03:13.11drmessanoSeems like the lesser line was total crap in comparison
03:14.01phixdrmessano: yeah, Seagates 120 - 200GB SATAs where complete shit, there 320+ are great
03:14.08phixthere = their
03:14.42ManxPowerjaytee: how are the docs?
03:14.47LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: I'd rather have a drive in a server last a long time.  If I want speed, it's not going to be SATA :)
03:14.48v4mptk this is with a call
03:15.17phixit is still going :( --> /dev/main-new/srv: Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 15138831: 60580492
03:15.20jayteeManxPower, very good from RHEL and everything I reference from there works the same on CentOS
03:15.25phixso this means physcial problems with the disc?
03:15.26drmessanoLiNeTuX_Home: You certainly missed the convo earlier.. heh
03:15.47LiNeTuX_HomeA lot of folks are bitching about the perpendicular recording drives not lasting, either... I haven't had one of the 32 I have in a SATA iSCSI box go out on me, however
03:16.17LiNeTuX_Homedrmessano: I guess so :)  Storage is one of my areas of expertise :)
03:16.18[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Agent/1003 (Busy) has taken no calls yet <--
03:16.35v4mpbut i dont see how
03:16.42[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Stop phoneing FROM your agent into the queue
03:16.48*** join/#asterisk xuser (i=jaood@unaffiliated/xuser)
03:16.51LiNeTuX_HomeI think CentOS is very, very good for Asterisk.  Apparently so does Digium and most others.
03:16.51v4mpim not
03:16.58jbotnat is, like, Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
03:17.02[TK]D-Fender2. Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,2 (wait: 0:06, prio: 0) <-  Funny this looks like your AGENT
03:17.13v4mpi know i dont get why
03:17.22v4mpi didn't even touch the agent softphone
03:17.22scooby2does anyone post config examples online or are they too personal?
03:17.27jayteeAgent/1003 (Not in use) has taken no calls yet  <--- that looks odd. Not in use?
03:18.08jayteescooby2, I don't post mine because I get all embarrassed when ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender start laughing. :-)
03:18.42jayteeplus I'm afraid I might give one of them a seizure just trying to follow my convoluted "logic"
03:19.04v4mpjaytee, where did you see that ?
03:19.29jayteeon your previous pastebin before the very last one that [TK]D-Fender commented on
03:19.56LiNeTuX_Homeis pleasantly surprised that Budweiser actually put out a decent product with their "American Ale"
03:20.16scooby2LiNeTuX_Home: you must be lying
03:20.28[TK]D-Fenderv4mp:   2. Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,2 (wait: 0:06, prio: 0) this is the same piece of dialplan listed as a CALLER, and as the device for contacting your agent.  because it is IN the queue it can't be called OUT.
03:20.42[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Now stop with the BS circular tests.
03:20.54scooby2Budweiser and decent in the same sentence?
03:21.00v4mpi dont know what i've done wrong
03:21.02jayteeI felt pretty good today though, had a meeting with my boss and an outside consultant/integrator that does Asterisk and they both complimented my setup and were pretty impressed that I'd done it all from just the book, google and coming in here bugging  the hell out of ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender
03:21.11[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: You know what American beer & sex in a canoe have in common?
03:21.31LiNeTuX_Homescooby2: Heh.  No, for Bud, it's actually not bad.  It's not a great Ale, but it's a solid "C".
03:21.52*** join/#asterisk genii (
03:21.52[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: They're both fucking close to water
03:21.52*** part/#asterisk genii (
03:21.52LiNeTuX_HomeFor Bud, that's decent.
03:22.09jayteeI like Sam Adams. Most American beer is "weak tea" for the most part
03:22.23jayteeI love their Hefewiezen.
03:22.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:22.45scooby2sam adams is as close to heaven as we get in America
03:22.49LiNeTuX_HomeBud's Ale is pretty close to Sam's Boston Ale.
03:22.51v4mptk and was you saying that if i tryed to call my home phone from the agents phone it wouldn't work ?
03:23.30[TK]D-FenderMicro-Brewery is the only way to go.
03:23.41v4mp:@ y the hell is * still inviting the call after i ended it with the agents phone :/
03:23.49[TK]D-Fenderv4mp:   2. Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,2 (wait: 0:06, prio: 0) <- I'm saying this sure as hell shouldn't be a CALLER when thats the device used by an AGENT
03:23.59jayteePeople are shocked that I compare Miller Genuine Draft to piss, but since I've had survival training in the military in both arctic and desert environments I've actually tasted both.
03:24.02v4mpi know
03:24.10[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: so do something else.
03:24.20v4mpbut im not putting it there so i dont know what i've done wrong to change it
03:24.26LiNeTuX_Homejaytee: heh
03:24.40LiNeTuX_Homeloves me some Dogfish Head
03:24.42[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You have 2 CALLERS in your queue and you don't even know WHY?
03:25.12v4mpi would if i was calling in from agents phone which im not
03:25.14[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: then maybe you should PB the ENTIRE PROCESS.
03:25.27hardwirecesal: hi.. and no.. I'm not good with centos :(
03:25.31[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You are looking at tiny little pieces when the big picture shows all.
03:26.05[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Step back and look at the building on fire before wondering why one of the room's door handlles seems hot
03:26.21jaytee[TK]D-Fender, did you notice that I mentioned the time earlier today around 4:30 right when someone you were helping decided to fuck up the testing by adding something new to the mix? :-)
03:26.58v4mptk that doesn't help
03:27.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, I'm used to scatter-brained schmucks who wouldn't know a controlled test if it ran up and bit them in the face
03:27.05hardwire[TK]D-Fender: hot handles may be a sign of your impending assassination.
03:27.14hardwireyou know?
03:27.21hardwireI SEEN IT IN A MOVIE#!
03:27.32[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: PB the entire damn process of loggin in, placing a call into the queue with dumps before & after.
03:28.10v4mpagent logging in to ? because the login exten doesn't log me out lol
03:28.46*** join/#asterisk DaSkreech (n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech)
03:29.07[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: get off your ass a pastebin the empty queue and then the caller going in!
03:30.05v4mpi have already pasted an empty queue
03:30.14v4mpjust dont the caller going in
03:30.45[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You're right.  Will skip examining the evidence and move right along to passing a VERDICT
03:30.52drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Can't we just talk about what I was gonna pastebin?
03:31.08*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
03:31.13[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Only if you pretend you don't know what I'd answer with ;)
03:31.25v4mpthe call with the 2nd 1 jumping in
03:32.41LiNeTuX_HomeWhy does it have to get so late so fast?  I still have stuff I want to do.  Ugh.
03:33.01MrNazwhat's a good sip softphone for windows
03:33.08[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: the exten you use to call your agent is the exten you use to ENTER THE #&$ING QUEUE!  You are sending them in CIRCLES!
03:33.31[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: -- Executing [1@incoming_calls:5] Queue("Local/1@incoming_calls-d19a,2", "rep-sales") in new stack <- circular crap!
03:33.49[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Quue leads to calling dialplan that NESTS another damn queue
03:34.08[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: No wonder it looked like 2 callers.  the queue is calling ITSELF
03:34.20v4mpi dont see where the problem lies unless its where the agent is set to take the call
03:34.28[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Go pay attention where you actually pointed your agentlogin bit to go.
03:34.35[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: its your AGENT!
03:34.43[TK]D-FenderYour agent is an exten that calls Queue AGAIN!
03:35.03[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: 1003         (Gary Syms) logged in on Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,1 is idle (musiconhold is 'default')
03:35.04v4mpto incoming_calls as i thought thats where i would need to have it listen on
03:35.26[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: go look at the dialplan that is executing
03:35.32jayteeMrNaz, X-Lite is probably the most popular
03:36.02v4mpthe call comes in on incoming_calls so if the agent shouldn't be listening to that i dont see how it would get the call
03:36.05[TK]D-Fenderv4mp:     -- Executing [1@incoming_calls:5] Queue("Local/1@incoming_calls-d19a,2", "rep-sales") in new stack <-- this is the same exten you use to call your "agent"
03:37.21jayteeno, definitely
03:37.23[TK]D-Fenderno, not "mabye"
03:37.30v4mpexten=> 2001,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM}@incoming_calls) should be exten=> 2001,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM}@phones)
03:37.46jayteethe first thing after the open paren for Queue should be the friggin queue name, not the agent.
03:38.03[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Its writing it right in your face and we all see the exten you told your agent to be conacted at and we all see the code as its executing.  Same exten.  Same context
03:38.35v4mpand the only thing i see its down to is what i just asked
03:38.37[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: 1003         (Gary Syms) logged in on Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,1 is idle (musiconhold is 'default') <-- this happened.
03:38.51[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: FIX IT, and then learn to use DIFFERENT CONTEXTS
03:39.18[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You shouldn't have agent call-outs in a context with extens other than those to directly dial an agent's device
03:39.26*** join/#asterisk mazpe (
03:39.43v4mpthis isn't getting me nowhere is it... im asking if i should be using phones as thats what context the agents account to log into the server is
03:40.04v4mptk, the only line really to do with agents is the login line and the agents.conf
03:40.35[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Yes, and we SEE where your login line POITNS TO.  This is clearly bad.
03:40.50[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You should NOT have pointed your agent call-out context as that one.
03:41.27v4mpso it should be phones ? as thats what the main login to connect to the server is used with
03:41.45[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: 1003         (Gary Syms) logged in on Local/1@incoming_calls-3239,1 is idle (musiconhold is 'default') <-- He ended up here do to values not being what you thought they were and picking THAT context.  the context choice alone is horrendous.  Next you are using a CID var deprecated in 1.2 <-
03:41.55[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Make anothier context
03:43.25v4mpand what should be in the context ?
03:44.19[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: When you log in you tell it where to send to calls to. make something useful.
03:47.21v4mpi still dont get what i have to do with the context because its setup so u have to use the [internal] context to be able to make a call to the server
03:47.32*** part/#asterisk DaSkreech (n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech)
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03:48.51Swabbytk: i can't get my coffee maker to turn on when i press "java" on my phone
03:49.52jayteeSwabby, it's not "java", it's "brew#"
03:50.18v4mpit should be [context] then an extention to access the agents phone correct ?
03:51.21v4mphow would i make an agent logout extension ?
03:51.27[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: It calls your agent via the dialplan <-----  What are you not getting here?  It goes to an exten and somehow you think your agen'ts phone is going to magically ring.
03:52.32[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: v4mp v4mp Well its not magic.  It goes to that exten and you'd better put something PRACTICAL in there.
03:52.39[TK]D-Fenderdamn A-C repeat
03:53.11v4mpok tk how do i logout from agent as the extension setup i have is wrong
03:53.24[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Fix your login to go somewhere decent and log them in
03:53.40v4mpso i dont need to log the agent out ?
03:53.54[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: and pastebin that act as well as you complete dialplan so we can see where you think "appropriate" is.
03:54.16[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: If you log them somewhere else, its as good as out & back in, no?
03:54.57*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
03:54.57v4mpexten=> 2001,1,AgentCallbackLogin(||${CALLERIDNUM}@gv) << thats what i use to log them in as agent
03:56.26[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Stop shoing useless individual lines and PB all of it
03:56.40v4mpwhich i already have done
03:56.45[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: And as I told you that var is DEAD!  Stop using it.
03:57.09v4mpthe CID ?
03:57.41[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: CALLER ID <-.  Aand don't think for a second I trust that your CID is right on the device logging in or that you have any sane exten to match in that context until you show me
04:04.41drmessano[C-Net] Google launches AdSense for Games <-- Adsense for sex coming in 2009??
04:05.06trnzmetaanyone in us able to test a free call number for me
04:05.12trnzmetaI'm calling from australia and it's not working
04:05.18trnzmetaso I want to check within US
04:05.27drmessanoWhat kind of free call number?
04:05.39trnzmetaalarm signal processor
04:06.05trnzmetait comes up as engaged for me
04:06.35jayteeI get busy when I dial it
04:06.48drmessano"your call did not go thru"
04:07.01drmessanoI think their dotcom bubble burst
04:07.36trnzmetawhom? google?
04:08.15drmessanoThat number is for Google?
04:08.31drmessanoIm confused
04:08.45trnzmeta<drmessano> I think their dotcom bubble burst --> re: this
04:08.57trnzmetathanks for calling the number guys
04:09.11jayteeno worries mate
04:09.28drmessanoYou just posted the number of some place
04:09.31drmessanoWe called it
04:09.32trnzmetaI can tell the guys in US to fix their telco stuff first
04:09.39drmessanoGet either busy or some other message
04:09.53drmessanoSo I said I think their dotcom bubble burst
04:10.12drmessanoAs in
04:10.17jayteethat's one hell of a delayed reaction to the dot-com meltdown then
04:10.26drmessanoFair Dinkum they've gone tits up, shrimp on the barbie
04:10.40drmessanodingo got me baby
04:10.51trnzmetadinky die, true blue yank over here mate
04:10.54jayteeit's "dingo ate my baby"
04:11.22jayteeyou're a yank? how'd ya end up in Oz?
04:11.27drmessano"dingo got me baby"
04:11.59trnzmetanah not a yank, I'm just taking the piss
04:12.08drmessanobloody oath
04:12.45drmessanoSounds like a one pot pisser, mate
04:13.00trnzmetataking the piss = taking the mickey
04:13.24v4mpthey will know that
04:13.25drmessanolock him in the dunny closet, fair dinkum
04:13.27jaytee"it's a guy! guy dressed up like a sheila! and you all knew ya pack o' bastards!"
04:14.12v4mpthink i'll stick to british sayings
04:14.59drmessanoLike a bloody yank stuck in a roundabout
04:15.58trnzmetadoes it matter if that number I gave out is canadian?
04:16.00vader--Any of you guys deal with a consulting company? I am looking for ideas of how they charge or have service/maintenance contracts with companies?
04:16.06drmessanoI still haven't found a copy of Kumbang on DVD
04:16.29drmessanoI talked to a canadian today
04:16.44drmessanoCalled Xerox support.. kept mentioning something about a boat
04:17.15drmessano"No, not a boat, a copier"
04:17.38LARefugeeRe sip behind nat, typical home user, do you really need to forward so many darn ports from your router to your * server (behind the router)?
04:18.35drmessanoYou can limit it to what you plan to really use in rtp.conf.. but the port number is irrelevant.. same listener
04:18.36[TK]D-Fendervader--: Go call a telecom consulting company and ask for one.
04:18.41drmessanoIt's just a number
04:18.48[TK]D-Fendervader--: You've been in here daily withthis same quesition.
04:20.14vader--tkd na this is different
04:20.23vader--i am looking for ideas on how consultants charge
04:20.24v4mptk, did you check out my config ?
04:20.37vader--like X amount of hours of service per month for X amount of dollars
04:20.42vader--or per incident charges, etc.
04:21.11LARefugeedrmessano: hmmmm. b4 I respond I'll take a look at rtp.conf
04:21.15vader--like 15 Hours a month for 1200$ retainer
04:21.16jayteeand we're all experts at what other consultants charge of course
04:21.29vader--and then 100$ for every hour after those
04:21.34vader--use them or loose them, etc.
04:22.31drmessanoLARefugee: There is no need to have 10000 ports open, technically.. but you're not fixing anything, making anything more secure, etc, by changing that number...
04:22.35jayteevader, most of them will charge the standard rate of lebenty-leven, buck 380 for 60K milliseconds
04:22.51[TK]D-Fendervader--: Go ask some other local telecom guy then
04:24.09jayteevader, just take whatever your local plumber charges per hour and subtract 10%.
04:24.35[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You are still failing to follow even direct instructions and show no initiative.  I am losing all will to continue wasting my time with this.
04:24.52v4mpwhats wrong now ?
04:24.56drmessanovader--: I charge $337.50 an hour, rounded up to the next hour, and I charge $7.83 for each question the customer asks, with the answering fee being rolled into my hourly charge.  If there's pie charts or line graphs involved, we get into exponential cosine's of the hourly-past-response-quotient
04:25.48LARefugeedrmessano: Some howtos recommend forwarding a lot of ports if the * server is behind a nat. Others not at all. I don't. I'm just trying to figure out what's the best approach and why?
04:25.50[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: My last statement says it all.
04:25.53drmessanoUsually when I roll in the door of a new consulting gig, I affectionately tell the customer, "Better grab your calculator, bitch"
04:26.43v4mp[TK]D-Fender, you said to make a new context which i did and logged the agent in with that... and that works it calls that agents phone like it should so i dont see where the problem is
04:27.04drmessanoI like to keep them in the loop on the entire span of charges.  It's always awesome when they ask me to elaborate, and as i've been gradually feeding them charges to add, i'll tell them to "ok, now multiply by two".. It
04:27.08[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: I asked for a lot more and I am not dealing with this 1 piece at a time.
04:27.30drmessano"Multiply by two, for what?"
04:27.54v4mp[TK]D-Fender, last you asked for was the extensions.conf which is what i  gave you
04:27.57drmessanoIf they don't, the door works the same in both directions.. They can go hire a Skype consultant
04:28.09LARefugeedrmessano: Again I'm talking typical home installation with * server behind nat and using one or two sip based services.
04:28.11drmessanoWhich, BTW.. is awesome job #11
04:28.31drmessanoLARefugee: Open 50 ports and pretend you're more secure
04:28.55drmessanoFix them in rtp.conf
04:29.01[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Keep reading back.  You are on a journey with this and stopping at EVERY inch and going "are we there yet?"
04:29.20v4mpoh [TK]D-Fender "v4mp: and pastebin that act as well as you complete dialplan so we can see where you think "appropriate" is" that you wanted a call log aswell?
04:29.38drmessano[TK]D-Fender: From the look of that pastebin, I think he just got out to pee at a gas station and found they had no toilet paper
04:30.32drmessanoHmm.. Skype consulting
04:30.40drmessanoThat sounds lucrative
04:30.43LARefugeedrmessano: I'm not concerned with security at this point. I don't forward *any* ports and it works for me but I'm wondering if I'm limiting myself. Like can I get more than one inbound call on my softphone account.
04:31.06jayteelooking at his extensions.conf file I'm just glad he doesn't work for a company I have to call for tech support since he has no extension 3
04:31.14v4mpi dont see what you guys are complaining about which is wrong all see that you wanted is to see my extesions.conf as it is now and working with what i have
04:31.46[TK]D-Fender[23:53]<[TK]D-Fender>v4mp: Fix your login to go somewhere decent and log them in
04:31.48[TK]D-Fender[23:53]<v4mp>so i dont need to log the agent out ?
04:31.50[TK]D-Fender[23:53]<[TK]D-Fender>v4mp: and pastebin that act as well as you complete dialplan so we can see where you think "appropriate" is.
04:32.09v4mpact meaning what tho ?
04:32.17[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: No, I told to go fix, and then go TRY IT, and then **PASTEBIN THE WHOLE BLOODY MESS **
04:33.09drmessanoSomeone is one step away from being taken out of someones top8
04:33.13[TK]D-Fender"log them in" <- what part about this isn't clear?  What part about pastebinning the attempt?  Why aren't you testing your queue?  How much more hand holding do you need?
04:33.23v4mpjaytee, extension 3 is irrelvent at present tho getting 1 working first because the extension 3 would be str8 forward as will be going to same place
04:33.33v4mp[TK]D-Fender, i said i tested it and it worked...
04:33.57jayteegood, problem solved. he tested it and it worked. we can all go home now
04:34.00[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You asked what I was waiting for... and it was the pastebin, not your vieled claim.
04:34.10v4mpalthough i do have an extension 3 but not using it yet just playing sound files with it atm to see what rthere is in sound folder
04:34.30v4mp[TK]D-Fender, fine im trying to avoid extra calls when not needed when it works cuz it costs me
04:34.56[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: thats what softphones are fo, this shouldn't cost you anything
04:35.04LARefugee[TK]D-Fender: You know I got chan_alsa to work, right?
04:35.21[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: You are simply failing to think outside of "call in via my ITSP"
04:35.32[TK]D-FenderLARefugee: Yes I did.  Congrats
04:36.01drmessanoI still dont see why theres all this "Pastebin your config" crap.  I should be able to describe the problem with the careless abandon of a complete newcomer to asterisk and get an effective solution to my problem
04:36.08v4mp[TK]D-Fender, im using a softphone for the agent phone i have no setup to use another on this system as the sound setup is crap
04:36.12[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: And since you claim things work you could have PB'd that like requested.
04:36.28[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: A million other ways to test.
04:36.29LARefugee[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. But you were kind of right. It wasn't worth much. Very feature poor compared to chan_oss and chan_console.
04:36.50jayteedrmessano, :-)
04:36.56v4mp[TK]D-Fender, of which i dont know
04:37.47[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: How about "set up another softphone"
04:37.52drmessanojaytee: I have this one line, and it has a colon, ok
04:38.13LARefugee[TK]D-Fender: but I can brag about my experiences on some blog. Like the one I can never get around to starting.
04:38.22v4mp[TK]D-Fender, i didn't find many of much use for mac only found x-lite
04:38.24drmessanojaytee: and a sqiuggly, one of those number signs, and a 103.. followed by some linux and a .
04:38.27v4mpwhich is what im using for the agent
04:38.30drmessanojaytee: Why cant I call it?
04:38.50[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Use need only be enough to RING.
04:38.57drmessanojaytee: Why cant you just HELP me??
04:39.31v4mp[TK]D-Fender, i couldn't get 1 working with my provider as they claimed to have sip settings which couldn't be found in the menus/prefs
04:39.47v4mpdrmessano, thats OTT and far from how it is
04:40.11drmessanoWhat is OTT?
04:40.13jaytee"why can't I call this phone?" exten !=> _?~q4,1,Dial(Skype2Flash/444)
04:40.15[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Provider?  What does setting up 1 stupid softphone direct with * have to do with a PROVIDER?
04:40.17v4mpover the top
04:40.28drmessanoI LOVED that MOVIE
04:40.49*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
04:40.51drmessanoStallone + tractor trailer + arm wrestling = FTFW
04:41.03v4mp[TK]D-Fender, because the call would have to come from external to the * to be able to access incoming_calls menu
04:41.21jayteemy fav Stallone movie will always be Demolition Man
04:41.29[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Says who?
04:41.46drmessanov4mp thinks his dialplan is as cool as OTT.. whatever
04:41.51[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: YOU point them to the context you want.  YOU put extens in there to do what you want.
04:42.10drmessanoCrash your dialplan into a freakin mansion with an 18-wheeler
04:42.11v4mpwell true but either way would be sip connection ?
04:42.33v4mpso less hassle to just connect to provider
04:42.47v4mpwould still be free
04:42.54jayteev4mp, you can have a context that your phone is in have an include=incoming_calls and that'll let you call it internally.
04:43.00[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: But NOOOOO that would cost you and you can't think of alternatives.  Sure seems like a simple one to me.
04:43.31*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
04:43.48v4mp[TK]D-Fender, well thats not the problem the problem is i dont know of another sip softphone for mac to use along side x-lite so can use it to make calls to *
04:44.24jayteeso just run Windows on Parallels and load X-lite on that as well
04:44.38jayteejeez, these Mac fanbois need so much handholdin
04:44.45v4mphaha would probz kill the system its an old imac
04:44.58[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: And I'm sure you looked real hard.  And that IAX couldn't be an option either.  Or anything else.  I hear excuses, and very weak ones at that.  No initiate, no imagination.  This is a very upsetting chain of events
04:45.08v4mpfanbois ? lol i dont think much of them which is why i barely use it
04:45.22jayteeso blow it away and install a linux distro that works on PowerlessPC chips like an old version of Ubuntu and then load Ekiga
04:45.35v4mpjaytee,  this client is linux
04:45.45jayteeon a Mac?
04:45.51v4mpmac is behind me
04:46.11[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: only a pile listed on the first page and links to pages with TONS.
04:46.12jayteeso you're running X-lite for linux?
04:46.21v4mpjaytee, no osx
04:46.25[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Well yippy-kai-yay
04:47.47jayteethen where the fuck is the linux client again? nevermind, I don't really care anymore. I'm picturing a room with 3 computers in it and you can barely walk without tripping over empty beer cans, pizza boxes and Hustler magazines.
04:47.48*** join/#asterisk WilliamUIUC (
04:48.34v4mpjaytee, i did say earlier why i dont have 1 on here
04:48.40*** part/#asterisk WilliamUIUC (
04:49.37drmessanoPerfect.. right down to Hustler
04:50.03jayteev4mp, I'm too lazy to scroll back that far
04:50.15v4mpwhy would i need hustler i have a wife
04:50.27drmessanoNow I know you're full of it
04:50.45v4mpwhat cuz u dont think i have a wife ?
04:50.46jayteev4mp, if you really need to ask that question I'm betting you haven't been married for more than 5 years
04:51.34drmessano"I dont need porn, I have a wife" <-- No married man would ever #1 imply sex after marriage, #2 denounce porn
04:51.43v4mpno i haven't
04:52.17jayteeplus it flys in the face of logic. most couples in America are oppossed to "same sex" marriage but they've been having the same sex for years and years.
04:52.19drmessanoIm gonna have to stick with Jaytee on this one, not just because I am an strangely attracted to him either
04:52.43drmessanoBut you did leave one thing out
04:53.37v4mpoh ?
04:53.39drmessanoThe patchwork floor where the holes for the toilet and drainpipes used to be, and the capped off pipe stubs under the computer desk where the water lines came into the room when it used to be the spare bathroom
04:54.03jayteeand that constant dripping noise he can't quite locate
04:54.06drmessanoSame light fixture on the wall
04:54.28jayteeplop! ........... plop!
04:54.52v4mpi find it highly amusing that you try to run people down with no success
04:55.10drmessanoPiss poor single bulb bathroom light on the wall that makes a 1 on the screen look like a ! or a |, and even a [, ], [, l, ok, most of the other vertical characters on the keyboard
04:55.38drmessanoand the smell that no amount of pizza or farting can seem to cover up
04:56.05drmessanoOh v4mp, laugh a little.. geez
04:56.36v4mpwhats there to laugh about not alot other than what you try to do fails
04:56.41drmessanoI know when you laugh that bum leg on your folding chair starts to creek, but calm down
04:57.23drmessanoFor all you know, I weigh 500 lbs and havent left the house except by flatbed truck in over 10 years
04:58.14drmessano"Not without my pizza"
04:59.05LARefugeeG'night all
04:59.19drmessanoI dont see where OSLEC runs on 1.6
04:59.55jayteecould that be deliberate?
04:59.57drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I would pastebin you a weekend, but that would be all too tragic of an irony
05:03.23drmessanojaytee: dunno
05:03.57drmessanojaytee: I'm also inaccurate.. OSLEC doesn't work with DAHDI.. Asterisk is irrelevant
05:04.36jayteeseems to be quite a bit of confusion as to what does work with DAHDI
05:04.48Swabbyi are tired
05:04.51Swabbysleep33 time
05:05.07v4mphmm dont think theres anything else i need to do for time being
05:05.57v4mpwould i need to setup Agent group for more than 1 person to answer the calls or can i just add several agents and have them login the same way ?
05:06.02jayteeno? I usually like to read when things quiet down a little. in fact I highly recommend this detective novel, it's spellbinding
05:06.06jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:07.11v4mpright time to get some sleep up again in a few hours ¬_¬
05:07.16v4mpcheers for the help
05:08.05jayteedon't forget to shut off the bathroom....err, office light
05:08.23Swabbyspeaking of bathroom
05:08.28Swabbymaybe i should take a poop before bed
05:08.28v4mphaha more like living room light
05:08.50jayteeSwabby!!!! Hey, thanks for sharing that!
05:09.04jayteecuz I was starting to miss jeev
05:09.09drmessanojaytee: If he shuts the light off, his "servers" will go down
05:09.34Swabbyobama says pakistan weird
05:09.36Swabbyi was watching the recap
05:09.38v4mpi dont run ay servers at home
05:09.45jayteesomeone else said that earlier
05:10.03jayteeabout Obama pronouncing pakistan weird
05:10.18drmessanoPAK - E - STAN
05:10.24Swabbyi like him though
05:10.32Swabbymccain is like an old worn out puppet
05:10.42drmessanoI could hate him, and McCain/Palin still scare me
05:11.16Swabbymccain is too fucking old
05:11.58drmessanoJan 21, 2009 - After McCain's inauguration.. pulls a sock puppet out of his sock drawer.. "Ok, LBJ, time to go finish what we started in '64"
05:14.11drmessanoI get all the Obama hatemail chain e-mails from a friend of a friend
05:14.35drmessanoI take them right to snopes ---> False
05:14.47drmessanoYet people circulate that crap and believe it
05:15.01Swabbywhos initials is lbj
05:15.33drmessanoLyndon Baines Johnson
05:16.25drmessanoLBJ and the CIA had JFK murdered to further the war in Vietnam
05:16.56jayteeyep, at least that's what I've suspected, or he was a reluctant accomplice
05:18.16drmessanoI also believe that Trixbox is an elaborate conspiracy by Cisco to discredit Asterisk
05:18.47jayteewow, as wild as that claim is it actually makes logical sense
05:19.47drmessanoWell, the oil companies DO kill people that invent cars powered by water
05:20.02the_5th_wheelhas anyone here played with the sangoma BRI cards?
05:20.29jayteenope, just Legos and Lincoln Logs
05:20.49jayteeoh! and Transformers too
05:22.00drmessanoI'm not allowed to talk about BRI
05:22.42drmessanoEver since I streaked the BRI developers conference in '96 with "BRI BOMB" painted in shoepolish on my chest and buttocks
05:22.58drmessanoCourt order.. sorry
05:23.07the_5th_wheelgoes to find a metal brush to clean his brain
05:24.09drmessanoYeah, that made me a little nauseous too
05:25.29*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
05:25.39CrashSysCan a macro have an H extension?
05:27.58CrashSysPlan B... test and see :)
05:29.23jayteeok, time for me to get some sleep
05:29.25jayteenite all
05:31.06drmessanoAnyone know what the proper codec name for G726 variations is in the SPA9xx Linksys stuff?
05:31.42drmessanoI see G726r32 in one place and G726-32 another
05:34.44drmessanoDuh nevermind
05:38.38*** join/#asterisk thansen (
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05:41.08CrashSysDoes Snom support GSM codecs?
05:41.41thansenI'm upgrading from zaptel to dahdi...does dahdi come with an init script to load the modules?
05:41.57CrashSysdid you remember to install mahme?
05:42.23thansenhoped that was a joke :)
05:42.29CrashSysit twas
05:42.35CrashSysbut you had to think about it ;)
05:42.42thansenit's true
05:43.21CrashSysWe should all think of good acronyms for a phonetically "mommy" sounding name and have Digium fork LibPRI or make sangoma rename Wanpipe...
05:44.41CrashSysThen we can all talk about compiling Dahdi with "mommy"
05:45.45CrashSysVote for me in '08... I have a plan!
05:46.58*** join/#asterisk scardinal (n=supreme@
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06:07.14*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (
06:07.58coolthreadsmy phone calls sound clear but as for when I play a sound file it sounds crap
06:08.11coolthreadsany ideas
06:08.27sfiretried multiple players?
06:09.21coolthreadswhen I use the playback function the answering system sounds crappy
06:09.50kaldemarcoolthreads: what codecs (both call and sound files) are you using and how do you play sound files?
06:10.36coolthreadscalls use g711u but the audio files are gsm
06:11.52*** join/#asterisk nicox_ (
06:12.36kaldemarcoolthreads: did you compile with gcc > 4.1 ?
06:13.11coolthreadsyup I am sure I did
06:13.12*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
06:13.33kaldemarthere's a known issue with the gsm codec and gcc 4.2. don't know about 4.3.
06:13.55kaldemarwav sound files should work fine for you.
06:14.45kaldemaror you could recompile with gcc 4.1...
06:15.18coolthreadsUmm okay I might try again and see how that goes
06:28.28coolthreadswhat version of asterisk is everyone running?
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06:33.55CrashSys1.4.21.2 is our current stable
06:34.00CrashSyshaven't evaluated 1.4.22
06:36.43coolthreadsPrefer to run asterisk through config files rather than gui, okay will try
06:38.50coolthreadsonly issue I seem to be having is playing back my sound files other than that, my inbounds and outbounds sound great.
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06:49.43phixhow do I stop this from happening? -> TDM PCI Master abort
06:51.48coolthreadsphix: were u refering to my message? wasnt sure
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07:01.18*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
07:01.52Chris-NBI'm running a callcenter on asterisk 1.4.13
07:02.02Chris-NBall agents are called via local channel
07:02.10CrashSyssounds like ViciDial
07:02.39Chris-NBsometimes I get this strange behavior. no calls are sent to agents from two (out of 10) specific queues
07:02.53Chris-NBif I do queue show, I can see this: Local/50018@intern (paused) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
07:03.06Chris-NBbut I've no idea how that agent gets 'paused'
07:03.19Chris-NBis this done via PauseQueueMember ?
07:03.38Chris-NBor, can this be done via PauseQueueMember?
07:03.50Chris-NBbut! I'm not using this app.
07:04.00Chris-NBI've no clue how this happens
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07:11.48Chris-NBanyone seen this behavior?
07:26.18SwKChris-NB, sounds like you have auto-pausing turned on...
07:26.34SwKI think that patch was added into the main line stuff anyway...
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07:53.14ana_michohi I need to recompile asterisk and regenerate all config files I did make clean ...make ..make install..make samples..but the old config files are still there
07:53.45mort_gibana_micho: remove the first mv -f /etc/asterisk /etc/
07:54.14mort_gib-Remember to remove modules also <- Important
07:54.17*** join/#asterisk Slashman (
07:54.31ana_michomort_gib, did that after that I did execute the same commands ..but ther are no files in /etc/asterisk after recompile
07:56.16mort_gibUhm, are you sure make samples went ok??
07:56.42mort_gibdid you notice where the files were copied to??
07:56.55ana_micholet me pastebin make samples
08:00.22mort_gibThat looks fine, but you are saying that the files are not created??
08:00.47ana_michomort_gib, yeeak check ls /etc/asterisk in the lower part of the pastbin
08:00.54ana_michomort_gib, executing everything as root
08:00.58mort_gibHan on
08:01.19mort_gib-So you can't start *
08:01.44mort_gibWhy do you need the samples anyway??
08:02.29ana_michomort_gib,  I can start it
08:02.39mort_gibWithout config files??
08:02.40ana_michomort_gib, but itsays mamanger.conf not  found...modules.conf not found
08:03.02mort_gibAnd Extensions.conf sip.conf not found???
08:03.15ana_michomort_gib, no not found
08:03.50mort_gibI would, remove the /usr/src/asterisk* dir(s)  download again and recompile
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08:07.39spike008thi all
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08:23.59CrashSysAnyone ever messed with grandstream provisioning?
08:24.38CrashSysor more specifically how the AES provision file encryption works?
08:26.48*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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08:30.35stelioskCrashSys : working on Grandstream provisioning but not on encryption (yet)
08:32.10*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:33.06CrashSysI just want the encryption part
08:33.12CrashSysthe provisioning I have figured out
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09:03.33flohackIs there a way to find out at which line in the dialplan a specific channel currently is?
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09:04.58pputmanI've been having some issues with the hardware being recognized by the asterisk gui with latest 1.4 using dahdi, has anyone had the same problem, or know if 1.6 works better?
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09:16.01Chris-NBSwK, autp-pausing? how can I enable/disable that?
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09:33.33flohackIs there a way to find out at which line in the dialplan a specific channel currently is?
09:34.37kaldemarby line do you mean extension or priority?
09:37.46kaldemarcore show channels will show you, anyway.
09:44.11sky_bluesince installing app_conference i now get  ast_translator_build_path: No translator path from unknown to unknown........... i'm guessing this is a codec problem?
09:45.50flohackkaldemar: priority, show channels just tells me the extension / macro
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09:50.49kaldemarflohack: under location you should see <exten>@<context>:<priority>
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10:16.56flohackkaldemar: You are right, the problem is just that the channel i've been looking at has a truncated Location string.
10:17.07flohackkaldemar: Is there a way to display the full string?
10:19.31kaldemarflohack: show channel <channel>
10:19.54flohackok, thanks a lot!
10:28.14*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
10:28.18dominic1Hello guys
10:29.13dominic1short question: Do you know if there is any implementation in sip to get to show the caller the callerid(name) of the called person? We had a avaya system before and there we was able to see which person we called....
10:40.47*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
10:56.09flohackdominic1: There was a discussion on the asterisk-ML about this topic a few days ago
11:00.44flohackdominic1: The thread was: [asterisk-users] How to add Callee's name into Dial command ? Friday Oct, 3 11:21:23
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11:26.48tzafrir_laptopyikes ,res jabber is NOSY
11:27.10tzafrir_laptopNOISY, that is
11:34.59*** join/#asterisk Squeeb (
11:35.50SqueebHi, I need to cut customer's off after 20 minutes due to regulations. But instead of just abruptly ending the call while they're talking to an agent, I want the IVR to tell them they need to dial back to continue the conversation and then hangup
11:36.05SqueebI've been using set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=XXXXXX)
11:36.13Squeebbut obviously that just hangs up the channel when the timeout is reached
11:36.18Squeebany idea how I can do this?
11:38.28SqueebAnyone here?
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12:09.06metfan2007hi all!
12:09.07riddleboxwhen I upgraded to asterisk-1.4.22 I could no longer use my fxs ports on my tdm, even though the fxo port worked. has anyone else run into this?
12:09.40metfan2007I'm receiving the messages posted in while trying to connect a PRI
12:09.47metfan2007what does that means?
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12:10.26pluesch0rhow should i debug a sip hardware client (some linksys phone) that's simply not able to connect? i'm doing sip debug on the asterisk console with a verbosity of 20 .. no luck in seeing any packets.
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12:11.06tzafrir_laptopriddlebox, all channels are defined in the same config file?
12:13.02*** join/#asterisk TommyBJ (
12:15.20SqueebIf I have monitor-type = mixmonitor defined in queues.conf, should I be presented with only 1 file with both halves of the conversation mixed to mono?
12:15.25SqueebI keep getting 2 files, in and out
12:15.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:16.25TommyBJI'm having some trouble with res_config_mysql app. I'm trying to adopt from version 1.2 to 1.4 as "live" as possible. The 1.2 works fine, but the 1.4 does not show any users. There is an established connection between the asterisk server and the mysql server.
12:17.38TommyBJAny ideas?
12:20.13riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, yes all are using the same config
12:20.51tzafrir_laptopthe FXO ports are before or after the FXS ports?
12:21.03riddleboxyes fxo is port 1, fxs 2,3
12:21.03dominic1flohack: thank you very much
12:22.01tzafrir_laptopand port 1 actually works? for calls?
12:22.19Squeebdoes monitor-type = mixmonitor actually work?
12:22.26Squeebbecause I keep getting split files
12:22.48riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, yup, and actually if a call comes in, I have the fxs ports in the ring group and they ring and I can talk, but I cannot dial out of them, or even check voicemail
12:23.05riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, I downgraded to and they work fine again
12:24.14tzafrir_laptopdo you get any error from loading ?
12:24.30tzafrir_laptopdo you have /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf ?
12:25.01riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, so I am supposed to move to dahdi in 1.4.22?
12:25.14riddleboxI know they moved all references to zap to dahdi
12:25.26tzafrir_laptopriddlebox, I just asked
12:26.21riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, nope nothing with dahdi in it
12:26.28metfan2007I'm receiving the messages posted in while trying to connect a PRI, any idea what does that means?
12:28.00*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
12:31.48SqueebGrr this is getting annoying
12:32.07Squeebhow come monitor-type = MixMonitor still creates two seperate files?
12:33.27tzafrir_laptopriddlebox, do you get any error (in 1.4.22) when running 'dahdi restart' ?
12:33.46[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: And if your use mixmonitor for a normal call,what happens?
12:33.58Squeebnot tried
12:34.20riddleboxI didnt check that, I just downgraded to, because the fiance likes to use the cordless phones
12:34.36[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: Go try
12:35.10SqueebHow do I define which directory MixMonitor records to? I found savecallsin inside agents.conf
12:35.13Squeebis that correct
12:36.33[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: In a very clear folder in the astlibdir as specified in asterisk.conf unless you provide it an absolute path.
12:37.08SqueebI think it's because I've been using the record option in agents/conf
12:37.13riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, I guess I will have to play with it when she isnt around
12:37.23TommyBJI'm having some trouble with res_config_mysql app. I'm trying to adopt from version 1.2 to 1.4 as "live" as possible. The 1.2 works fine, but the 1.4 does not show any users. There is an established connection between the asterisk server and the mysql server... any ideas?
12:37.36TommyBJAnything would be useful at this point ;)
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12:39.54riddleboxhey tzafrir_laptop I was wondering, what is the zaptel patch for oslec? I noticed there isnt one for the latest zaptel, I just used the last versions patch
12:40.25tzafrir_laptopshouldn't it work for latest zaptel? have you tried oslec 0.0.2 ?
12:40.43riddleboxI always use svn
12:44.54Squeebcan I define a path for MixMonitor to record to in queues.conf?
12:45.09Squeebbecause at the moment it just uses the mixmonitor default locatio
12:46.50[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: Have you resolved the non-mixing issue yet?
12:47.16[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: show us your config
12:47.22SqueebI was using the record feature in agents/conf
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12:53.59peterererTommyBJ, I'd guess you'd need to check the table schemas -- fields may have been added or changed.
12:54.15tzafrir_laptopThe patch there should work for latest zaptel, IIRC
12:57.56Blackvelanyone using LDAPGet with openldap?
12:59.44Madkissjust a quick question; I want something in my dialplan that is a "catch-all" rule for everything that is not explicitly covered by an extension
12:59.52tzafrir_laptopriddlebox, "chan_dahdi.c" warning/error in the logs?
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13:02.43bpgoldsbCan you call a macro with no arguements, or should you just use a context for that?
13:03.17russellbyeah, you can do that.
13:03.41riddleboxtzafrir_laptop, nothing in /var/log/asterisk/messages
13:03.46bpgoldsbIs either more efficient or 'right'?
13:04.11*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=Linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
13:04.21Carlos_PHXbpgoldsb: My rule is to use a macro where I want to go do something and return.
13:05.03[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: No need for arguments.  Of course your could have just used Gosub, but whatever...
13:05.16*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
13:05.43[TK]D-FenderMadkiss: Fo anything but zaptel, not possible.
13:07.36flohackHas someone ever witnessed hangs within the dialplan Set(DB(..)) application?
13:07.51*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:08.20flohackIt looks a bit like a deadlock, as it only happens on higher load (about 10 concurrent calls)
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13:11.01flohackAs you can see here: That for example 7723 has one call up with the set-lastcall macro and at the same time the queue tries to get through and the caller has a ringing channel to the macro queue-pausewrapup.
13:11.02*** join/#asterisk arpu (
13:12.11flohackAt this point asterisk seems to be stuck, as the ringing call does net get through to the user (SIP usage limit) and the call to the macro set-lastcall does not hangup
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13:16.10flohackThe macro set-lastcall is executed by the dial command (M parameter) when the queue calls the extension
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13:19.03ibm2hi , please there's any one  know how to install video in asterisk
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13:20.24[TK]D-Fenderibm2: Its documented on the WIKI.  Go lookup it and give ti a try
13:20.50bpgoldsbIf you're calling a macro without an arguement, you just call it is '&macroname();' I guess?
13:20.52FinboySlickI'm trying to diagnose why voicemail won't send email.  The settings look right but I don't even see anything resembling an attempt to send an email in the logs.
13:21.18*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:21.54[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: And clearly we see this too...
13:23.00FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Hehe, still a meanie...  So, you want my voicemail.conf?
13:23.17*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:23.32[TK]D-FenderfinDo you want help?  If so you'd best be showing us something useful to do so with
13:25.14FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Of course.  one moment while I strip coments.
13:26.16knobois there any documentation on how a table should look like in mysql for realtime configuration?
13:26.29SqueebYea, I saw it earlier .. let me see if I can dig it out
13:26.34Squeebinfact I remember
13:26.41Squeebit's in the O'Reilly book on asterisk
13:26.46Squeebunder the AMI section
13:26.51[TK]D-Fenderknobo: Looked in the BOOK lately?
13:27.01Squeeb[TK]D-Fender: beat you to it :P
13:27.02flohackknobo: On the wiki too:
13:27.43[TK]D-FenderSqueeb: Congratulations, you can claim a plushie of your choice from the top rack now...
13:28.25flohackAny ideas concerning my deadlock problem with Set(DB(..)) as posted above?
13:31.48*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
13:33.29CGMChrisCan anyone tell me how to send multiple extension numbers to the same physical phone?
13:35.54FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: would be voicemail.conf
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13:41.29rwaitelord this provider is crap
13:42.05SqueebWhat would be the best method of limiting a call to a maximum of twenty minutes.
13:42.20SqueebI've thought about using set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=whatever)
13:42.46Squeebbut that bins the call as soon as the time is up, how would I at least have a good bye message before the hangup?
13:42.46rwaitewhat's the best way to eat?
13:42.56rwaitei've thought about putting food in my mouth and swallowing it
13:43.16rwaiteSqueeb: probably the h extension
13:43.27ibm2please can anyone tell me how i can install video in asterisk
13:43.34Squeebibm2: it's on the wiki
13:43.55ibm2is not clear in wiki
13:43.56rwaitebut i'm not *absolutely* sure that the h extension will be called in that case
13:44.08Squeebyea, that's what I thought
13:44.24Squeebalso, if it's called AFTER the call is terminated
13:44.34rwaitethat's true
13:45.02kaldemarSqueeb: look at dial app's L() and g
13:45.03SqueebUnless you know of a way of having asterisk "butt in" to a conversation with a warning message just before the absolute timeout
13:45.23kaldemarcore show application dial
13:45.44Squeebkaldemar: I saw those yea, but the calls are placed from the Queue, to agents.. can't see how to add the L option to the Dial app called by queue.
13:45.45rwaiteyou can put a timeout in the dial command
13:46.15rwaitenevermind im an idiot
13:47.07kaldemarugly as hell, but...
13:49.29Squeebthing is, I'm already passing a 2 minute timeout to Queue() so if nobody answers, it apologises and calls another number
13:50.03SqueebIE: exten => 6500,n,Queue(${EXTEN}||||120)
13:56.37bpgoldsbDoes the 2nd edition orilley book cover AEL/AEL2?
13:57.41russellbi don't think so
13:58.19bpgoldsbKnow one that does?  Or a good resource?
13:58.22[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Maybe you'll think of showing me your mail Q's, and note that you'll never get the recording in any e-mail it'll send out regardless
13:59.08FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: The last bit is intentional.  I just want notification.  As for the first...  It's empty.
13:59.31*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (n=NoCarrie@unaffiliated/badpacket)
14:00.34FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I'm really just looking for asterisk to tell me when it tried to send an email.  Where that mail gets jammed afterward I can deal with.
14:02.11CGMChrisStill trying to figure out why call queues automatically go to the first unavailable agents voicemail... if and only if agents have voicemail.  Shouldnt an agent be able to have their own voicemail and still help answer calls from a queue?
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14:04.21jayteeanyone here tried HUD Lite with standard Asterisk?
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14:06.11chrisqanyone had any luck implementing queues-with-callback-members.txt?
14:06.23[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: * doesn't send you an e-mail... your sendmail equivalent script does, and you should look in there for anything queued up
14:06.57[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: If it hits VM its because you sent it to an exten that HAS voicemail which is something you should never do
14:07.04FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I know that.  I want asterisk to give me a hint, like:  /usr/bin/sendmail:  command not found
14:07.22[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Is there a sendmail binary?
14:07.32TommyBJAsterisk keeps telling me that there are no D-Channels assigned... where do I assign these?
14:07.35FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I'm giving an example.  This isn't the problem.
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14:08.15FinboySlickBut yeah, my sendmail is functioning properly.
14:08.32[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Go look at the queue
14:08.37codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: I try to keep the voip-info wiki page on AEL2 up to date... see
14:08.40[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: look at its logs, etc
14:09.01cryptnixwireless sip phone ... battery & clarity.  any thoughts?
14:09.03bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: I've been using that, and it's pretty good.  I just need more examples and whatnot.
14:11.06jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
14:11.10codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: there is a link to some further examples in there... lets see....
14:11.59cryptnixhrm... then the question is ... phone base stations that have range boosters
14:12.02cryptnixof some type.
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14:12.37FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I found noting in its logs or my mailq...  hence my looking for info from asterisk.  As far as I can tell, sendmail never even gets called.
14:12.45chrisqcodefreeze-lap: is the ael-queue example in doc/ still valid ael?
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14:13.06chrisqi'm trying to use it on 1.4.19, not without problems
14:13.18[TK]D-Fendercryptnix: DECT is good for range,quality, & battery unless the product is particularly bad.  The tech itself is fine
14:13.35[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: There is nothing in *.  * niether knows or cares once it calls sendmail.
14:14.02FinboySlickAh, but does it call sendmail at all in my specific case, that is my question.
14:14.05codefreeze-lapOr, carry a 19-24 db directional antenna with you at all time, connected to your phone with a fat cable, you can get 2 ft mesh dish antennas or big yagi's!
14:14.24FinboySlickCan it tell me that it did call sendmail, or at least tried to.
14:14.39[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: go see.
14:16.12adr3nalin3Does echo cancellation do anything for speaker phone?  A lot of my users complain about the echo when the far end has them on speaker.  Would echo cancellation do anything or should I just tell them to stfu?
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14:18.29[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3 :What phone?  Whats on the other end of the call?  Is it on while on SP mode?
14:20.50CGMChrisD-Fender: So, in other words, if any agent associated with a call queue has their own voicemail, and is busy/offline, the queue will always pull the caller OUT of the queue and redirect to that persons voicemail?  It just seems counter-intuitive that it would work that way.
14:21.40[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: No, I'm saying that if YOU say that an Agent is to be called via the dialplan that you'd better make sure that exten doesn't lead to VM or anything else that will answer the call <-
14:21.55cryptnixno hack jobs son!
14:22.02*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
14:22.11CGMChrisD-Fender: I am not even talking about a dial plan... This is the default behavior for internal calls.
14:22.42[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: This IS dialplan.
14:23.02*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
14:23.16[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: "if any agent associated with a call queue has their own voicemail" <- this is dialplan.  VM doesn't happen out of thin air.  Pastebin is yro friend
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14:23.56CGMChrisD-Fender: So, what is the solution to my problem?  The developers suggested that I need to create 2 extenions per phone...1 with and 1 without voicemail, and use only the one without voicemail for the queue... but I cannot figure out how to do this.
14:24.13[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: You should be showing us your queu processing calls and your dialplan including the parts used by the queue
14:24.26adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: It is a snom 320, SIP mode, not sure whats on the other end.  My guess is it really depends on the phone.
14:24.40[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Go make another dialplan context and put extens in there that will dial your PHONES.
14:24.41tvirusI'm trying to prevent dialing when 2 SIP channels are in use, but this isn't working: Do I need to define SIPGROUP as a global variable in extensions.conf or something?
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14:24.59SqueebDial(Local/queueexten@queuecontext,...) ... kaldemar I'm not sure I understand that
14:25.12[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3 :What TECH is the call going though?  Is it to the PSTN?  How?
14:25.28adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: PRI
14:25.29FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: To make my question very clear, where does asterisk log its attempts to call sendmail and under which conditions, if any?
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14:25.54kaldemarSqueeb: your dialplan consists of contexts that have extensions in them. in that, queuecontext is just a context in your dialplan.
14:26.02[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: There is nothing in *.  * niether knows or cares once it calls sendmail. <-----------
14:26.32Squeebaah right
14:26.41FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: *once* it calls sendmail...  Yes.  But I want to know *IF* it calls sendmail.
14:26.56[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: Go replace Sendmail and see.
14:27.25adr3nalin3FinboySlick: tail -f /var/log/mail or /var/log/maillog
14:28.00adr3nalin3while you leave a vm.  that will tell you.  It also might tell you if you have routing problems to your smtp server.
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14:30.02FinboySlickadr3nalin3: The queue is not local, I use ssmtp as a relay to another mail server.  but okay, I'll manage.
14:31.44CGMChrisD-Fender: If I create a seperate dialplan/context for queues only, I can no longer test the queue from internal phones by dialing the queues extension (5000).  How do I test the system?
14:32.25[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Says who?
14:32.46[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: this is the context the queue will dail out into to contact your AGENTS
14:33.10[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: It serves no other purpose
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14:37.03CGMChrisSo, to make sure I understand... I am creating a new context, adding agents to  it... and these agents should not have voicemail?
14:39.27[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: You are creating a new contex, add EXTENSIONS in it that will dial the appropriate DEVICE only, and no, it should not lead to VM or anything else that would answer the call
14:42.38bpgoldsbCan someone give me a one-liner explaining when to use a macro vs when to use a 'goto to a seperate context'
14:42.50[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Use a macro when you want to come BACK
14:43.09[TK]D-Fender(or pass arguments
14:43.12tvirusHmm, this group stuff still isn't working with a global variable.
14:43.17ManxPowerbpgoldsb: Macros are going away.  I suggest you use gosub if you can.
14:43.36bpgoldsbManxPower: I thought GoSub was removed?
14:43.41bpgoldsbI get warnings every time I use it
14:44.04ManxPowerAnyone know if Macros are officially deprecated?
14:44.16ManxPowerbpgoldsb: when do you use it?
14:44.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower: they are in 1.6
14:44.34ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: chances are they will be removed in 1.8?
14:45.04ManxPowerbpgoldsb: now if you are talking about usage in AEL, that is a different story -- one which was discussed on the mailing list this week
14:45.05bpgoldsbManxPower: I'm updating some older, 1.2 style dialplan for 1.6/AEL2
14:45.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I don't know exactly hbow the deprecation cycle works due to X.Y.Z changing on "Z" now
14:45.42ManxPowerbpgoldsb: AEL incorrectly throws a warning when using gosubs, search the mailing list archives for this week.
14:46.06ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: also Macros are everywhere so maybe there will be an extra release cycle or two before it's actually removed.
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14:46.18bpgoldsbManxPower: Will do, thanks.  I just got started a few days ago, so I'm not really up to speed on all the latest.  I appreciate the help.
14:46.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I strongly suspect that.
14:46.29CGMChrisD-Fender: Is there an example or documentation on how to link multiple extensions to a single device?  I am struggling with that part.
14:46.50kaldemarfrom UPGRADE.txt: "However, since Macro() has been around for a long time and so many dialplans depend heavily on it, for the sake of backwards compatibility it will not be removed."
14:46.52[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: There is no such thing as linking 2 extensions.
14:47.06[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Each extension does whatever you tell it.
14:47.11ManxPowerbpgoldsb: I think the Subject of the thread is "AEL and  swap from macros to contexts"
14:47.17CGMChrisExtension 1001, extension 5000, etc.
14:47.24CGMChrisMultiple extensions to the same device.
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14:47.40[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: there is no concept of "association".  At all.
14:47.53[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: You jsut make another EXTENSION.
14:48.07ManxPowerCGMChris: exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/device-1)   and exten => 5000,1,Dial(SIP/device-2)
14:48.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not the same device
14:48.21ManxPoweror did you do something SILLY and name your devices and extensions the same?
14:48.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: perhaps I need more coffee.
14:48.41ManxPowerGMChris: exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/device-1)   and exten => 5000,1,Dial(SIP/device-1)
14:48.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You don't need this so early in the morning? (greif, not coffe... THAT you clearly do need)
14:48.54NovceGuruedits extensions.conf
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14:49.34NovceGuruManxPower: there are a LOT of howtos that have you do that
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14:49.57ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I suspect is problem is the classic "I named my devices and extensions the same thing and now I'm getting confused when I try to do anything unusual in my dialplan" thing.
14:50.22ManxPowerNovceGuru: It is STILL a bad idea.
14:50.24[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Trust me, EVERYTHING is getting jumbled up in those requests.
14:50.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Huh?
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14:51.01CGMChrisWell, I got everything setup exactly how I want EXCEPT this... now I am converting from using the GUI to editing the conf files, and IT named the devices and extensions the same.  I guess its time to echo "" > extensions.conf
14:51.28ManxPowerCGMChris: Now you start to understand why we don't like GUIs.
14:51.35NovceGuruManxPower: I wasn't disagreeing :)
14:51.41ManxPowerI think it is irresponsible for Asterisk GUI to do that.
14:52.05[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Trash your configs and start over.
14:52.10CGMChrisIt's irresponsible to get this far and not be able to properly configure a call queue with the GUI too.  I object!  :)
14:52.26CGMChrisK, starting over, will be back in a few days.
14:52.30*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
14:52.51[TK]D-FenderCGMChris: Objection duly noted.  Unless you're ready, don't bother asking how much it was due...
14:52.56ManxPowerCGMChris: make a backup copy of your configs.  Asterisk GUI seems to be one of the best of a really crappy class os software.
14:53.22CGMChrisI will backup the configs... there are alot of features/examples in it.
14:53.22*** part/#asterisk pluesch0r (n=pluesch0@
14:53.41ManxPowerI need to find a place to download the CentOS ISO.
14:53.41MindTheGapi have made a small change in the manager interface "manager.c" how do i compile just the parts that need it? without wecompiling the whole asterisk?
14:55.12Squeebexten => s,n,Dial(Local/6500@queues||L(1200000:60000))
14:55.14Squeebthis worked
14:55.33Blackvelany way to check on linux if a script has newline characters at end of line?
14:55.41Blackvelcan vi display them?
14:55.54Blackvelmy script and ldapadd is complaining about missing newlines
14:59.36*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
15:00.48NovceGurucan you just add a newline, or echo -e "\n" or something
15:01.26NovceGuru(echo -e "\n" >> file)
15:02.20Blackvelfor each line?
15:02.49ManxPowerBlackvel: edit the file, add a blank line at the end.
15:04.03Blackvelno way to show the special characters in any linux editor?
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15:05.38Blackvelhm did that
15:05.43Blackvelldapadd still complains
15:05.54ManxPowerBlackvel: you would have to check the docs for YOUR editor, but it would be faster to just add a blank line at the end.
15:05.59BlackvelI am on my way to throw it out of the window
15:06.08Blackveldid that...
15:06.18ManxPowerit's LDAP of course it's not going to work. 8-|
15:06.57BlackvelI just understand nada....working hours on this very simple ldap tree to pump my contacts into
15:07.12Blackvelsomeone helped me on #openldap
15:07.27Blackveland now it doesn'T accept the ldif file
15:07.38Blackvelwhy must all be that complicated
15:07.55Blackveljust because snom MISSED to have a phone which accepts many phone entries...
15:08.03ManxPowerBlackvel: you are experiencing what I experience everytime I try to use LDAP
15:08.17Blackvellook, I mean I am not dumb
15:08.31Blackvelhave running asterisk, running ivr, running ISDN BRI connection
15:09.06Blackvelbut it takes me hours just to create a simple structure (and even that is not working now) or to find out what all that crap of dc=, o=, ou= stuff means
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15:09.33BlackvelI do not even want to count what money I could have earned in these days
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15:10.00Blackvelcould have been SOO easy
15:10.05Blackveloutlook plugin
15:10.11Blackvelpumping address book to snom phone
15:11.19Blackvelif LDAPGet crashes when I have my data in the ldap server, I swear, I will throw it out of window
15:11.45Blackvelhow do you guys make it running with 1000-5000 phone entries?
15:11.51Blackvelaint there any easy solution?
15:12.36ManxPowerBlackvel: I don't.  Address books are up to the user
15:12.46Blackveland how do they do?
15:13.18BlackvelI mean I have which syncronizes my laptop with asterisk incoming call already
15:13.18[TK]D-Fendersmth: You have no dtmfmode set
15:13.22Blackvelbut its not always the case to have the computer running
15:15.45smth[TK]D-Fender, I set it at a peer configuration. and I also tried add dtmfmode set at general. same results.
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15:16.14[TK]D-Fendersmth: is not set in general, and your peer is irrelevant
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15:18.49Blackvelthe peer is irrelevant?
15:19.18Blackvelsmth: dtmf not working? for IVR?
15:19.23[TK]D-Fendersmth: it isn't matching your peer and you should be apying attention to your sip debug
15:19.30Blackvelpstn - patton GW - asterisk
15:20.11Blackvelhad to change the peer in asterisk from inbound to rfc (patton used rfc dtmf). but of course it matched the correct peer
15:20.22smthBlackvel, yeah, just inband dtmf for incoming call not working
15:20.41ManxPowersmith: to make debugging easier set context=INVALID in [general] then put the correct context= in for the peer.  If an incoming call gets sent to INVALID context, then the incoming call is not matching the peer and so uses the settings in [general]
15:21.19ManxPowersmth: You understand that gateways don't just magically know what Asterisk's DTMF most is set to, right?
15:21.31[TK]D-Fendersmth: And inband on GSm is CRAZY
15:22.08*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
15:22.32ManxPowerWe all know inband with anything other than ulaw or alaw just won't work
15:22.35badcfei have a deny and permit rule under [general] in sip.conf but its not taken into account by *
15:22.46badcfeshould it be under [authentication]?
15:22.54ManxPowerbadcfe: no it won't be, that's for peers.  Was sip.conf.sample wrong?
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15:23.12smthbut I made the outbound call from asterisk .it works fine whatever inband,2833 or info.
15:23.21badcfeManxPower: prolly the sample is fine.  its me who blowed it up.  thanks
15:23.24ManxPowersmth: That does not change facts.
15:23.28Blackvelsmth: can't find disallow or allow lines in your sip.conf
15:23.46ManxPowerbadcfe: access controls are on a per sip.conf entry basis, not [general]
15:24.24[TK]D-Fendersmth: And when you dial out you are also probably using a peer where at least you SET a dtmfmode in the first place..
15:24.24smthI use a/ulaw. and tried reclaimd them in sip.conf . same thing
15:24.27badcfeManxPower: hmm.  so i cant say "that if something is not recognised specifically it must come from this and that ip address"?
15:24.38[TK]D-Fendersmth: You're inbound sample has "failure" written all over it from the start
15:25.21[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: just send your calls under [general] to an empty context
15:25.46ManxPowerbadcfe: not that I'm aware of.
15:26.08ManxPowersmrepastebin your config after your changes.
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15:28.15[TK]D-Fendersmth: No peer was getting MATCHED on the call you showed me!
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15:31.11smth[TK]D-Fender,the peer'account showed in sip.conf with a did number which is showed in inbound extension.
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15:33.36[TK]D-Fendersmth:  -- Executing [6474768313@inbound:1] Goto("SIP/", "testdtmf|s|1") in new stack <---- ... NO
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15:36.37ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't "SIP/" be something like "SIP/gateway_inband-incoming-08205948"? if the incoming call matched the peer?
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15:37.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower Yes, and I don't know how many more times I have to repeat the same thing......
15:37.36outtoluncat least 3 more times <G>
15:37.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's not listening don't waste your time on him.
15:38.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: thats what I tried saving you from earlier.  Guess the physician oughtta....
15:38.51Blackvelwhat linux editor (vi options ??? ) can display all characters e.g newlines in a file?
15:39.00Blackvelcome on you know it
15:39.01boolean12nano, joe, pico
15:39.06Blackvelyou use it on a dialy basis :)
15:39.54ManxPowerBlackvel: what in the world makes you think we need to view newlines in a file?
15:40.03ManxPowerdo read the damn frickn docs for VI
15:41.06smthsorry.[TK]D-Fender, I ve just something else around. I get what you mean. I am checking . thanks anyway!
15:41.20ManxPowersmth: what is your native language?
15:41.47BlackvelManxPower: doing that for days for openldap...I am fed up reading docs with no return
15:41.55Blackvelanyways...used nano (didn'
15:42.01Blackveldidn't display)...but its fixed now
15:42.06ManxPowerBlackvel: I'll be happy to put you on my /ignore list.
15:42.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: seems like a monday, doesn't it?
15:42.46smthManxPower, that's why sometime I cannot response quickly.
15:44.04jayteeManxPower, here's a link for CentOS download mirrors.
15:44.46ManxPowerjaytee: I meant a place for my computer to be that does not have metered service (my home service has a 5 GB/month cap.
15:44.56FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: I really don't want to be an annoyance with this, and I understand that there are lots of other factors that are possibly the cause of my problem.  But still, is there a way to get some sort of confimation from asterisk itself that it did try to call sendmail?  All I've tried so far points to no.  I guess I could strace, but I'd prefer some sort of log file.
15:45.27jayteeManxPower, ah i see. 5GB a month cap? that's pretty stingy of your ISP
15:45.30ManxPowerFinboySlick: setting debug to 99 does not show it running sendmail?
15:45.43ManxPowerjaytee: Verizon Wireless EVDO
15:45.44BlackvelManxPower: oh, thank you very much for being that nice to me. didn't even know that "not interested to help you" can be rephrased as "I'll be happy to put you on my /ignore list."
15:45.45[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick: I told you what to do but you seem to have a reading problem.  I'm not going to beit either of us over the head for this any longer
15:46.12ManxPowerBlackvel: you said you don't want to read any more docs.
15:46.12FinboySlickManxPower: Well, that looks like an answer.  set core debug 99?
15:46.35ManxPowerFinboySlick: what happens when you try it.
15:47.19FinboySlickManxPower: I'll give it a go.  With verbose, I saw that it wrote the message to disk, but not that it called sendmail to tell me it was there.  I'm trying now.
15:47.27ManxPowerjaytee: I have 4 options for internet service where I live: dialup, satellite or Verizon EVDO, T-1
15:48.17jayteeManxPower, wow no broadband at all? that sucks
15:48.20Blackvelagain my bad English problem... I should have more specifically said: I am fed up searching for informations in docs which are not there, not understandable or whatever...look I already lost TOO much time :(. But it's working now...thanks to boolean12
15:48.48ManxPowerjaytee: not everywhere has broadband
15:49.24rwaiteis running fxotune something that should always be done on a new server with a tdm400p?
15:49.29ManxPowerlast time I downloaded an ISO I was at some nearby coffee shop.
15:49.34jayteeManxPower, yeah most carriers won't run it into rural areas because the profits just aren't big enough.
15:49.41ManxPowerrwaite: it would not hurt to run it
15:50.13mort_gibManxPower: I get HSDPA only in my house
15:50.15rwaitecause ive had some severe echo issues and i ran it and it seems to have helped, but i dont remember seeing anything about it until a few days ago on th voip-info wiki. just wondering
15:50.21ManxPowerjaytee: I'm 11 miles from the CO (phone office) and the calls are mux'd on a SLIC 96 device about 3 miles from where I live.
15:50.40ManxPowermort_gib: verizon is the only carrier with ANY cell service where I live
15:50.54FinboySlickManxPower: I tried the "core set debug 99" thing.  Once again I see it write the wav file to disk, but I have no indication that sendmail or any other command was called.   Don't I have to enable some other flag and restart asterisk to get full debug info?
15:51.03mort_gibI get Vodafone :-( Just for the record -THEY SUCK!
15:51.14ManxPowerFinboySlick: put a copy of your voicemail.conf on
15:52.13*** join/#asterisk voxter (
15:52.38jayteeManxPower, well I messed with Satellite internet access at my last job and at that time the speeds were horrible.
15:53.11ManxPowerjaytee: I had satellite internet for a while.  dialup was actually more responsive than the satellite for SSH
15:53.57*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
15:54.14jayteeManxPower, I can't even remember the name of the system we were testing at my old job back in 2000. The downlink wasn't bad but the uplink was glacial and dodgy.
15:54.40*** join/#asterisk pluesch0r (n=pluesch0@
15:54.43ManxPowerjaytee: it's the high latency (600ms - 5000ms)
15:54.49jayteeManxPower, yep
15:55.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
15:55.41jayteedamn, my boss has a major hemorrhoid flareup going on today. He's been in a closed door meeting yelling at one of my coworkers for an hour now.
15:56.20pluesch0revening! i've got asterisk running with sip. i've also got voicemail service working with sending recorded voicemails via email working.
15:56.27jayteewhich sucks because what he's pissed at is the software vendor's fault and not my coworker.
15:56.42pluesch0rwhat i want to do now is offer each user the possibility to listen to voicemails when calling *98 or whatever .. how do i achieve that?
15:57.41[TK]D-Fenderpluesch0r: "core show application voicemailmain"
15:57.44*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:57.53*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
15:58.28sky_bluehi all, i've been having dtmf issues with a certain sip provider and just used smth's testdtmf. # key is initiating a transfer... tried dtmf rfc, inband, auto & info. what next?
15:58.43*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:58.56FinboySlickpluesch0r: I'd say you create an extension that calls VoiceMailMain()
15:59.24pluesch0rFinboySlick: yeah .. but how do i achieve *89 to be callable by everyone and how do i invoke VoiceMailMain with the correct parameters?
15:59.33FinboySlickpluesch0r: Here's how I do it:  exten => 500,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(num)}|s)  That's for the trusted internal context though.
15:59.56pluesch0rthanks. :)
15:59.58[TK]D-Fenderpluesch0r: Go read its instructions for the parameters, and the exten is just an exten.
16:00.16pluesch0r[TK]D-Fender: i just didn't know about CALLERID. thanks. :)
16:00.28[TK]D-Fenderpluesch0r: Not needed.
16:00.32*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
16:00.48[TK]D-Fenderpluesch0r: And it assumes it matches the box # anyways.
16:00.58FinboySlickpluesch0r: Yeah, I put it there for convenience so that people get straight to *their* mailbox when they call 500.
16:01.28FinboySlickOtherwise it'll ask for the mailbox number and then the password.
16:01.49FinboySlickWhich is what I do when people call from outside.
16:02.06pluesch0ri see.
16:02.12v4mpwhat would i need to add for the called to be forwarded to an agent group ?
16:02.14pluesch0rit's still asking, even though i'm calling from internal. :)
16:02.48v4mpor a link to help with it better ?
16:02.54jbotrumour has it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:03.00FinboySlickpluesch0r: Well, chances are your callerid isn't set properly, or your mailbox isn't named after the callerid.  Try replacing the callerid variable by the name of the mailbox.
16:03.53rene-any experienced user of asterisk answering machine detection?
16:03.59pluesch0rFinboySlick: how do i debug what callerid is set?
16:04.10sky_blueanybody know why # key is initiating xfer instead of accepting pin code on meetme()
16:04.31*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
16:04.59FinboySlickpluesch0r: You could make an extension that tells it to you when you call.
16:05.34FinboySlickpluesch0r: exten => 700,n,SayNumber(${CALLERID(num)})
16:05.44pluesch0rthanks. hah.
16:06.24pluesch0rinteresting. "zero"
16:08.07Linuturkcan anyone recommend a good, solid state, appliance type device to use in a simple asterisk setup in my satellite offices? I'd like to be able to connect to our main asterisk box over IAX as well
16:08.08pluesch0rokay .. setting it in sip.conf worked. ;)
16:08.23Linuturktaking 3 analog lines at each location
16:08.52LinuturkI'm guessing something with 1 pci slot should do, running off of CF card
16:09.07Linuturkthese things are going to be sitting in a closet, next to the water heaters
16:09.17Linuturkso, rugged is desired
16:09.42Linuturkanyone have experience with a particular piece of hardware they can recommend?
16:10.06FinboySlickLinuturk: Alix boards are solid little PC things.  I'm sure you could get asterisk running on those.  Do you need to use analog phones?
16:10.28Linuturkwe've got all IP based phones internal, but we have analog lines coming in
16:10.47mort_gibLinuturk I use Soekris 5501 boards
16:11.22mort_gibWhich means that I can use a HDD if my clients start complaining about Voicemail storage
16:11.58Linuturkwell, there are only like 4 or 5 phones in these offices
16:12.04FinboySlickLinuturk: I don't think they make USB fxo modules so ALIX is out ;)
16:12.09mort_gibThe Case that Wim ( sells will fit a Sangoma A200 card, that can take up to 8 incoming calls
16:12.41mort_gibYou could try to get hld of a few Soekris 4801, but they are at end of life...
16:13.27Linuturkmort_gib, well, your 5501 boards look good
16:13.43Linuturkhandle 3 concurrent calls?
16:13.52mort_gibWhat codec??
16:14.17mort_gibDunno, depends. Some 8-12 I think
16:15.03mort_gibI started a conference, one Zap and 5 SIP running G729 and  CPU went to 78%
16:15.18mort_gibBut then, you DON'T have to use G729 internally
16:16.19Linuturkwell, these guys are running 512 Mb ram, with a p4 2.8 in them right now
16:16.25Linuturkat least, that's one of them
16:16.49mort_gibYou can get a rack mount fo rthat board too...
16:17.26Linuturksame specs on both satellite offices
16:17.36mort_gibLinuturk: You know what, get the BEST spec you can, NOBODY will thank you for going cheap!
16:17.42*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=chatzill@freeswitch/developer/msc)
16:17.46Linuturkyeah, I was just thinking that
16:17.47mort_gibThat said, the Soekris boards ARE nice
16:18.12LinuturkI just want to replace these towers with something smaller, so they can be taken off the floor, even wall mounted
16:18.14mort_gibI use them for Firewalls running OpenBSD, where the QOS comes in REALLY handy!
16:18.23*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=chatzill@freeswitch/developer/msc)
16:18.34Linuturkright now, they are sitting next to a water heater, on the floor
16:18.37Linuturknot ideal
16:19.10mort_gib-No, not ideal. As I mentioned, there is a rack mount out for the 5501
16:21.46Linuturkwell, I figure a few of these 5501's will do the trick
16:22.14LinuturkI can use the existing cards from the current servers
16:23.11Linuturkthanks mort_gib :)
16:23.30*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
16:23.34mort_gibYour elcome
16:23.49pluesch0rhmm .. where do i set/enable that dialing-tone sound when calling an extension?
16:23.57pluesch0rthat extension is set to call some sip number ..
16:24.07pluesch0ris musiconhold the correct file?
16:26.08*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:28.26v4mphow would i send the call queue to an agent group ? i know how for a single agent but cant find out how to change that to a group
16:28.54*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:29.13bpgoldsbIs there a way to do elseif { } in AEL2?
16:31.22*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:32.06*** join/#asterisk tigger27 (n=clegault@
16:32.35tigger27I knew some folks in here, so I thought I'd give this a shot, you know how people are on IRC, just lurking about
16:32.42tigger27wrong channel
16:32.59*** part/#asterisk pluesch0r (n=pluesch0@
16:33.04tigger27feels stupid now
16:34.23tigger27So, obviously I have a question or I wouldn't be showing up in a channel that I am never in
16:35.05tigger27I was wondering if anyone has time to direct me to some documentation that would help me in getting channel id information via the manager api
16:35.28tigger27I would like to do something like show channelid for extension 101
16:35.51tigger27I can't seem to find anything about this
16:36.05tigger27I find lots of useful commands if I already know the channel id
16:37.20*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
16:38.01jameswfdoes callerid=no prevent an fxs channel from sending (passing) caller id
16:38.17Qwellfxs sends callerid?
16:38.26jameswfpass to cid box
16:40.21*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:40.26*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:40.42v4mpQwell, whats the extension line i would need to send the queue to an agent group ?
16:40.58Qwell"agent group"?
16:41.04tigger27jameswf: it is supposed to not, correct
16:41.11Qwellthere's no such thing, and I suspect if you asked previously, you were already told that
16:41.27v4mpQwell, then why is it on the configs ?
16:41.48v4mpGroup memberships for agents (may change in mid-file)
16:41.54tigger27I think I saw a bug registered in 1.4.10 that shows its broken though
16:42.32v4mpthen in queues.conf
16:42.45v4mpmember => Agent/@1              ; Any agent in group 1
16:43.02Qwellso what's the question?
16:43.31v4mphow to i add it to the extension so incoming calls in the queue ring the agents
16:43.45Qwellwhat is the name of your queue?
16:45.02mort_gibI have an issue with the incoming callerid on a A20-0 Sangoma card
16:45.27mort_gibThat delays the call being picked up by *
16:45.59v4mpQwell, 1 as the others are numbered so i thought it had to be a number but either way thats fine for now
16:46.12Qwellyour queue is named "1"?
16:46.22Qwellso then Queue(1)
16:46.27v4mpoh w8 no
16:46.39bpgoldsbIs there a way to do elseif in AEL other than this
16:46.59v4mpQwell, i got that part sorted thats fine
16:47.27v4mpwhen an agent logs in.. need the queue to ring the agents group so they call can be answered
16:49.07v4mpQwell, this is the part uim having trouble with
16:49.12Blackvelcan snom 370 ldap integration use the ldap entries for outbound calls or just for inbound calls?
16:49.58codefreeze-lapv4mp: you can do if(x) {} else if (y) {}  and skip all the {}'s....
16:53.10codefreeze-lapv4mp:  or if you get a lot of that, and it adapts properly, you could also use a switch...
16:54.00v4mpthat doesn't matter to me atm main thing is getting it to work properly as it is
16:54.19Qwellcodefreeze-lap: I think you means bpgoldsb
16:55.22codefreeze-lapuh, yeah, sorry v4mp, I **did** mean bpgoldsb. Thanks, Qwell. Us old guys get confused easily...
16:56.16codefreeze-lapI was wondering about the o_O, now I know... lol
16:57.31codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: read back and everything I said to v4mp, I meant to say to you!
16:57.54bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: Thanks :)
16:58.28codefreeze-lapgoes to wash off glasses
17:04.42*** join/#asterisk paul0 (
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17:05.10paul0hi, i would like to know what is the minimun latency to make good voip calls
17:05.15sky_bluei've redefined blindxfer => # in features.conf to blindxfer => ## however # still xfers. anything i'm missing?
17:05.57paul0i've ordered €10 sipdiscount credit, but the quality isn't very good, the delay is quite annoying
17:06.03*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
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17:11.49angryuserpaul0 : 300 ms max, if more people will see the difference
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17:25.48bpgoldsbis there a way to specify an optional arguement for a Macro in AEL?
17:26.14bpgoldsbi.e. macro foo ( REQUIRED_ARG, OPTIONAL_ARG ) { ...
17:26.29codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: no, not really. I guess you leave the arg as a null string, and act accordingly....
17:26.55bpgoldsbOur old 1.2 dialplan was doing it
17:27.02bpgoldsbI guess I need to rework it in AEL2
17:27.14codefreeze-lapdouble checks to make sure he's addressing the right guy.... yep!
17:27.44codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: you will SO much better like dealing with AEL2...
17:28.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:29.06ManxPower (yes, I'm selling this)
17:30.44Qwellecho cancel canceler?
17:30.50*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
17:30.52Qwellso it cancels echo cans?
17:31.36[TK]D-FenderQwell: Don't not use double negatives like that neither!
17:32.09anonymouz666ManxPower: hot food!
17:32.36ManxPowerQwell: wanted both words in the title
17:32.49*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
17:32.51voxterwow thats quite the chassis for one card.
17:33.08ManxPowervoxter: smaller chassis are very expensive and hard to find
17:33.31ManxPowerThe next one will be wired for 4 T-1s w/4 cards
17:33.33bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: Why is that?
17:34.49*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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17:37.42*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (
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17:38.15CGMChrisManxPower: Still there?
17:38.18zippytechhow can i increase the ring amount on an fxo_ks ZAP 1 channel extention
17:38.59ManxPowerCGMChris: more or less
17:39.08*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=email@
17:39.16ManxPowerzippytech: the last field in the Dial line specifies the timeout
17:39.28zippytechcool thanks
17:40.31ManxPowerzippytech: spend more time reading the book.
17:40.33jboti heard book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:42.37rwaiteanyone here know off the top of their heads how many sip trunks using g729 a cable internet connection could reliably handle?
17:43.09rwaitei'm expecting like .. 5 maybe 6 concurrently?
17:43.26CGMChrisManxPower: I have reconfigured from the ground up from empty extensions.conf and sip.conf.  My question, is even if I have a 2 seperate extensions ring a specific device, I still have to set hasvoicemail = [yes|no] at the device level, don't I ?
17:44.07ManxPowerCGMChris: I don't believe Asterisk support a hasvoicemail= option.  I'd have to check sip.conf.sample to be sure.
17:44.08bpgoldsborielly provides the book for free as a pdf?
17:44.49QwellManxPower: users.conf
17:45.03ManxPowerQwell: Ah.  Only GUIs use users.conf
17:45.13ManxPowerCGMChris: I cannot help you with users.conf stuff.
17:45.49ManxPowerActually, I can help you with users.conf but I'd need a credit card and a couple of hours of research forst.
17:45.51ManxPowerfirst too.
17:46.25*** join/#asterisk matsk (
17:46.41[TK]D-Fenderusers.conf is a steamy hot pile of manure.
17:46.53jayteewith sprinkles!
17:47.01[TK]D-Fender...with sprinkles
17:47.10Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You should buy me new tires.
17:47.14CGMChrisManxPower: hasvoicemail = yes, this was in my sample config files that came with asterisk.  Is there a mailinglist or room where I can find these so called gui 'developers' ?
17:47.21*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
17:48.39jayteeI actually made my own propellerhead beanie with a motor that would make the propeller spin whenever I closed a switch.
17:49.04sfirejaytee: congrats.. you have mastered very basic electronics
17:49.05bpgoldsbI'm trying to do a 'Set(faxdir=/var/spool/asterisk/foo.fax);' in AEL.   Worked in 1.2 dialplan, but in 1.6 it complains about the '/' characters.  Whats the best way to handle this?
17:49.35jayteesfire, basic electronics for me was back in 1975 at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, MS.
17:50.29bpgoldsbactually, that isn't the problem.   wth.
17:51.05bpgoldsbI'm retarded.
17:51.53[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: 11 steps to go!
17:52.06bpgoldsbIs one of them drinking?
17:52.09bpgoldsbCause I need a drink
17:54.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:57.40*** part/#asterisk matsk (
17:59.44rwaitehmm. now els in this area so we have to get seperate trunks for incoming vs outgoing
18:01.47*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
18:05.57adr3nalin3Could someone point me in the right direction for getting a line light to light up on a snom phone when someone is parked?
18:06.30FinboySlickFor the record, I found the source of my problem.  It would still have been a lot easier to see /usr/sbin/sendmail:  Permission denied in some sort of log file though.
18:08.50ManxPowerFinboySlick: debug did not show it?
18:09.42FinboySlickManxPower: Well, not 'core set debug 99',  I vaguely remember having to re-start asterisk with a certain flag to get full debug however.
18:11.53FinboySlickManxPower: For further reference, are you familiar with anything of the sort?
18:12.06FinboySlickOr should 'core set verbose' be enough?
18:12.14FinboySlickI mean core set debug
18:12.54mvanbaakFinboySlick: you have to create a hint for the parkspot
18:13.50FinboySlickmvanbaak: Um...  Are you sure that's related?
18:14.14mvanbaakoff-by-one error
18:14.29mvanbaakadr3nalin3: you have to create a hint for the parkspot
18:14.30*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:14.31mvanbaakthere ;)
18:14.34FinboySlickHehe, gotta check your pointer increments!
18:18.35adr3nalin3mvanbaak: ok thank you.
18:19.54*** join/#asterisk John_Clay (n=J@unaffiliated/johnclay)
18:20.25John_ClayJust thought I'd pop in and say thanks to jaytee and [TK]D-Fender for your help. I got it working with TrixBox :)
18:20.42jayteegot what working?
18:21.03mvanbaakrm -rf
18:21.04Qwellwhy are you thanking them?
18:21.13John_Claycause they helped me out the other day
18:21.13QwellYou clearly ignored any advice they gave you
18:21.19John_Clayanswering machine :P
18:21.38mvanbaakTrixBox == evil
18:21.40jayteesets a reminder in Outlook to sign up for the free Alzhiemer's testing
18:22.08jayteesilly wabbit, trixbox is for kids
18:22.29John_Claymeh, it works with little fuss.
18:22.47John_Clayand with that, I'm gone.
18:22.47*** part/#asterisk John_Clay (n=J@unaffiliated/johnclay)
18:22.48Qwellif you redefine "works"
18:23.42mvanbaakthey must be running
18:23.54jayteeso these assclowns in our education department dumped this video transcoding project on me that they need by 3pm. Why? seems I'm one of the few people that know this trick called "thinking". Problem is it's transcoding at a glacial pace and at 19K frames done and 91700 frames total I don't think they're gonna get what they want in time.
18:25.06*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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18:28.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
18:30.19hardwireso if a call comes in from a sip provider.. hits an IVR.. then xfers to a SIP phone.. is there a SIP REDIRECT involved if configured to do so?
18:30.35hardwireI'd love for the IVR machine to not be in the media path any more
18:31.03[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: "canreinvite=yes"  Only if NAT will not FUBAR you
18:31.26hardwire[TK]D-Fender: so it actually stops audio transmission while they negotiate?
18:34.01*** join/#asterisk nosbig (
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18:35.20anonymouz666WARNING[14711]: chan_sip.c:15234 handle_response: Forbidden - maybe wrong password on authentication for BYE
18:35.24anonymouz666asterisk 1.6 is dangerous
18:35.56FinboySlickthinks he's going to try and play with chan_mobile :)
18:36.01*** join/#asterisk iulius (
18:36.05anonymouz666chan_mobile is good to waste time
18:36.21FinboySlickIt might actually be useful in my case.
18:36.28v4mpguys how would i go about changing this so it aill actually sent the queued calls to the agent group i have found its not SIP/1 so wht would i put there so it calls the agent group ?
18:36.42anonymouz666until you figure out that can't be used to rely anything on that
18:36.44*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
18:37.45gsienerAnyone here use Gizmo?  Incoming calls were working for a few days but have somehow ceased.  I'm using the settings from here
18:38.46*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
18:39.17hardwirepunches twisted
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18:43.15lmadsenanonymouz666: many of the oldest issues are related to chan_misdn and chan_mobile as I found out yesterday :(
18:43.23*** join/#asterisk Firass-VC22 (
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18:48.50sfiregsiener: I use it
18:49.52gsienersfire: how should I be troubleshooting? I've got the CLI up, and used to see the sip call coming in.  Now when I dial from another gizmo account I see nothing...
18:50.02gsienersfire: I can make outgoing calls via gizmo
18:50.19sky_bluewhen dialing into to my meetme conf room entering the pin number followed by # is initiating blind xfer, anybody got any suggestions?
18:50.32sfiregsiener: do you have a router?
18:50.53gsienersfire: for which piece?
18:51.10gsiener* server has a public static ip
18:51.15sfiregsiener: on your internet connection
18:52.01gsienerI'm trying to connect via my laptop (osx), on the same network as the server
18:52.03sky_blueother than adjusting features.conf..... i've made blind xfer #2 in there
18:52.10gsienerbut I am NATed, behind router
18:52.28hardwirenated is a 5 letter word
18:52.28sfireyou might have to put in NAT stuff like I had to.. I could make outgoing but couldn't get incoming
18:52.35sfireit was all because of my NAT/Router
18:52.41hardwiresky_blue: get your stuff fixed?
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18:53.30sky_bluehardwire: nearly... very close, it's the # key trying to blind xfer on entering the pin number.....
18:54.00hardwiresky_blue: whats the dialplan like when the sip trunk dials your meetme number
18:54.08sky_bluehardwire: i just can't disable it, i've been playing with the dtmf and features.conf
18:54.10hardwiredo you dial in, then dial the meetme extension?
18:54.48hardwiresky_blue: also.. is it initiating a transfer on YOUR pbx.. or on your SIP providers PBX
18:54.49sky_blueno dial in straight to the conf room, may set up more later...
18:55.51hardwireif your sip provider is using asterisk then they may have some Dial flags initiated that are messing with you
18:56.02sky_bluehardwire: that my friend is an excellent question, as i don't have the problem on my sipgate account
18:56.10hardwireafaik Dial is the main app that "initiates" features lilke that
18:56.16hardwireso calling into a meetme shouldn't initiate those features
18:56.31hardwiresky_blue: when in doubt.. blame the ITSP
18:56.44hardwirepaypal me.. $200 or so for my services
18:56.45gsienersfire: sorry for dropping out
18:57.00sfiregsiener: sounds like the same problems I had... PM me
18:57.07sfiretoo much chatter here
18:57.15hardwireare you calling me fat?
18:58.29sky_blue:-D sounds like you've used ours before, their service is appalling !!
18:58.54iuliusWe have a fancy fax machine that needs to receive some DTMF digits before processing an incoming fax. Is there a way to Dial() the internal fax machine, but play digits (using senddtmf() I suppose) before connecting to the calling party?
18:59.31lmadseniulius: core show application dial
18:59.33sky_bluehardwire, that would explain an afwul lot, for example why i wasn't seeing those logs for xfer on my cli
18:59.45lmadseniulius: I believe the option you want is D()
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19:01.38iuliusYeah, that's what I needed. Thanks!
19:01.52lmadsenwonders why we even have documentation :)
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19:05.49hardwiresky_blue: I'm gonna LOL if that's the case
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19:09.03rwaitecan someone help me here, i'm thinking of going with for outbound sip trunks and they have a "intra-state rates calling specific to lata"
19:09.16rwaitedoes this mean that "intra-state" really means inside my lata?
19:09.18mvanbaakhhmm, with the new xml documentation it's very easy to just nuke all the documentation
19:09.34hardwirerwaite: that's the way things are tariffed mang
19:09.45hardwirerwaite: your guvment appreciates yur munny
19:09.51rwaitewell i am in ohio and there are a lot of latas here
19:09.57mvanbaaksed -i 's/*** DOCUMENTATION/*** NO_DOCUMENTATION/g' *.c
19:10.24rwaitethe intra-state calls are unlimited (the ones specifying the lata) but the inter-state are metered
19:10.24hardwirerwaite: if I were to terminate traffic in Alaska from another rate center in Alaska I have to report that to the authorities that be
19:10.43hardwirethey are probably referring to AK, HI
19:10.45rwaiteso are they saying all calls terminating outside my lata are going to be metered?
19:10.59hardwirerwaite: did you ask them yet?
19:11.13rwaitenot yet, i wanted to ask you guys since you're not motivated to screw me
19:11.15rwaite(i hope)
19:13.49Kobazi'm not sure what happened here, but i think it's the latest polycom firmware...  on my callerid it says "sip:2504@"  instead of just 2504
19:14.09Kobazanyone know offhand what the issue could be
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19:16.47apocnHello all, I'm trying to get the minivm-1.4 using the command svn checkout  but I get the error 301 Moved Permanently. What can I do?
19:16.57rwaiteKobaz: what firmware version
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19:19.12sky_bluehardwire: i'm 100% certain now that is the case, in the uk BT's test number is 17070, you can get a ringback test, quiet line test etc... when i first set this up i dialled 123 (speaking clock) and 17070 just to see what happened. 17070 took me to my ITSP's own version of their test facility... say caller id, echo test, and moh.... now i realise they are using *  !!!! Thanks for all you help.. dashing off a curt email to their
19:20.04*** join/#asterisk coil (i=coil@unaffiliated/coil)
19:20.21Kobazrwaite: boot rom 4
19:20.25Kobazrwaite: spip 3.2
19:20.45rwaitespip 3.2 is out?
19:20.48rwaitehot damn
19:20.49Kobazer no wait, i got that backwares
19:20.53Kobazi used to have boot rom 3.2
19:21.05Kobazi have boot rom 4.1 and spip 3.0.3
19:21.11rwaiteafaik the latest spip is 3.0.3RevB
19:21.22Kobazyeah that's what i have
19:21.39rwaiteok, do the sip peers have a define cid in sip.conf
19:23.05Kobazcallerid=Conf Room <2509>
19:23.19rwaiteAre all the phones polycom?
19:23.27Kobaznot all
19:23.39rwaiteon the non polycom phones, what does the cid show up as
19:23.55Kobazlike, just the 4 digit exten
19:24.09rwaiteokay so only the polycom handsets are showing the wonky cid
19:24.17Kobazsome grandstream, one analog ata, some mixture of different polycom phones
19:24.25Kobazthe polycom 320's show callerid right
19:24.35Kobazthe 501's and 550's dont
19:25.02rwaitehmm. have you looked over the administration guide to see if there are any options?
19:25.18Kobazi've been digging through the sip.cfg template
19:25.24Kobazyeah i didn't check that out yet
19:27.06*** join/#asterisk shriven (
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19:27.31shrivenhello. I am trying to get information from an ldap attribute into my dialplan, does anyone know how I could do this?
19:27.58shrivenI would use ldapget but it doesn't compile on 1.6.0.
19:29.28[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: It'll show the IP if the other call originated from a different domain or subnet
19:29.44coilhi how do i sip
19:29.52`pauli followed the tutorial on src/doc of asterisk on logging in agents  and adding them to queue via VMauthenticate but the problem with VMauthenticate is it hangs up after i entered the password.... so i couldnt add them dynamically to a queue... help with VMauthenticate pls... how can i make it not hangup after entering the password?
19:29.56rwaite[TK]D-Fender: oh really? i did not know that
19:29.59shrivenI also want to be able to reference an ldap attribute value in my sip.conf/users.conf
19:30.18[TK]D-Fendercoil: We assume you are already capable of breathing, eating and drinking before you show up here.
19:30.39Blackvelshriven: playing around with ldapget. I think it will only work with 1.4. sip.conf/users.conf needs different ldap integration as I read this week
19:31.02[TK]D-Fender`paul: it does not hangup on exiting the app
19:31.10shrivenblackvel: hmmm That was my fear, that it would only work with 1.4. : (
19:31.27shrivendoes anyone know of another way to do this?
19:31.35`paulhmmmm.... how come i hear a busy tone after pressing #?
19:31.41[TK]D-Fendershriven: AGI <-
19:31.53mags2anyone know more about the licensing on the freeplay moh files? the license files in the moh directory say digium is allowed to distribute for use with asterisk, but I'd like to be clear on the actual end use of the files. there were some discussions on the listserv and a couple bugs filed, but still no definite answer.
19:31.57[TK]D-Fender`paul: SHOW US.  We're only psychic on TUESDAYS
19:32.29Blackvelshriven: what ldap server do you use? openldap? there are several api's out there incl. php/perl
19:32.36mags2like, I could understand not being allowed to include the files in a commercial asterisk-based 3rd party product, but what about just daily use of them by an institution or company?
19:32.44coilwhat are good howto sites?
19:34.14[TK]D-Fendermags2: It says you are allowed to use them internally for whatever you want
19:34.31jbot[book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:34.33[TK]D-Fendercoil: ^^^
19:35.19mags2[TK]D-Fender: ok cool that is what I interpreted but it did not seem clear.
19:35.49mags2[TK]D-Fender: although by internally, would that include when people call in from outside world and get that moh?
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19:36.01[TK]D-Fendermags2: Yes
19:36.13mags2[TK]D-Fender: cool, thank you
19:36.24[TK]D-Fendermags2: That'd be INSANE if you weren't
19:37.02`paul[Oct  8 19:36:18] NOTICE[27229]: chan_sip.c:15094 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 70
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19:37.37mags2[TK]D-Fender: haha ok. I just wanted to be 100% positive and again the language in the files could be more explicit. thanks
19:37.45[TK]D-Fender`paul: PASTEBIN
19:37.54shrivenblackvel: it is apple's open directory, which uses openldap. would the mentioned APIs allow me to get that data into the sip users/dialplan somehow?
19:38.22[TK]D-Fender`paul: VMAuthenticate does not hangup.  YOU did that with your priority 3 "-- Executing [119@telemed:3] Hangup("SIP/40000-b7669c70", "") in new stack"
19:38.59eric2what's with <ZOMBIE> appearing in the channel for call logs???
19:39.16Blackvelshriven: for dialplan for sure
19:39.35Blackvelshriven: as [TK]D-Fender told with AGI (e.g perl which connects with perl api openldap)
19:40.10Blackvelshriven: for sip/users I don't know, will depend on the module you use
19:40.34shrivenblackvel: what do you mean by which module?
19:40.40Blackvelthe ldap module
19:40.46Blackvelits a different one than ldapget
19:40.56tvirusIs it possible to only add SIP connections from a specific IP to a group to check against trunk usage? The reason I ask is because our SIP phones appear as a channel and are added to the group and it messes up when it dials agents in a queue.
19:41.12`paulD-fender: i put  NoOp(test); right after VMauthenticate but it doesnt show
19:42.25shrivenblackvel, [TK]D-Fender: ok I guess I'll have to go read up on AGI. Thanks for your assistance.
19:43.12*** join/#asterisk pluesch0r (
19:43.35Blackvelshriven: isn't and ldap realtime the thing you want to go for sip.conf, users, etc.?
19:43.41pluesch0revening guys ... sip-wise .. what do i need to configure if one of the client ips has no PTR record?
19:43.54Blackveland agi/perl api for extensions
19:44.05Blackvelseems its beta with 1.6
19:44.33pluesch0ri'm getting 488 not acceptable here errors on the client side, process_sdp: Unable to lookup host in c= line, 'IN IP4' errors on the server.
19:44.38Blackvelshriven: you know any tool which integrates outlook 2003 out of the box for export with openldap?
19:44.42shrivenblackvel: unfortunately no, that is for storing the entire config file in ldap. I only want to pull like 4 attributes from my ldap directory into the existing sip.conf etc
19:45.13Blackveland that is possible with any ldap module for asterisk?
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19:45.32shrivenldapget did that for dialplans for sure
19:45.39Blackvelyes, dailplans
19:45.43shrivenI have not yet discovered if I can do that in the other conf files
19:45.44Blackvelbut not sip.conf
19:46.00Blackvelhow should that work? ldapget is an application
19:46.06shrivenright, that's what I really want. I want to specify my softphones based on ldap
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19:47.29shriventhe way I envision it working is similar to how the extensions.conf file works... something like callerid=ldap_app(dc=fullname,dc=user,dc=people,dc=domain,dc=com
19:47.33shrivensomething like that
19:47.50rasterixhi does anyone have any experience of call divert on an isdn30 (British Telecom)?  I spoke to our account manager today who advised it would not be possible to divert since we only have 14 of the 30 channels enabled the caller will simply here engaged
19:47.59shrivenwhere the value looked up would be used as the value for that setting
19:48.16shrivenblackvel: what do you mean by integrating outlook 2003 for export?
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19:49.17pluesch0rBlackvel: sorry if i'm completely off path, FYI .. outlook 2003 seems to have huge problems fetching data off of slapd.
19:49.26pluesch0ri only managed to tie slapd to outlook express.
19:49.56pluesch0routlook seems to make some freak-query that isn't compatible with slapd.
19:50.05Blackvelwant to export >500 contacts from outlook to openldap
19:50.14KnightfalGuys I keep getting   -- Channel 0/1, span 3 got hangup request, cause 102
19:50.20Blackvelbut i am not convinced that I can get it working with csv2ldif
19:50.31KnightfalI read about it a bit but am not quite sure how to resolve it
19:50.31Blackveljust want to run it inside outlook as an plugin
19:50.35pluesch0ranybody able to help me with the reverse lookup stuff?
19:50.39Blackvelhit export to openldap, and that's it
19:51.04shrivenblackvel: seems a bit off topic here, maybe you should ask that in an ldap channel? But no, I don't know if there is an easy way to do that. : (
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19:55.56apocnIs there a way to automatically calling a person (SIP) and when this person answers then call an agent and establish the communication?
19:56.29Knightfalalso my CLI shows that asterisk is constantly Parsing '/etc/asterisk/manager.conf Please help
19:56.30apocnI've tried using the originate command, and it works from extension to extension (locally) but not when I use SIP
19:56.48lmadsenapocn: yes -- use a callfile or the Asterisk Manager Interface
19:57.27apocnI've tried both, but it works in the other direction (first the agent, then the client) and if I specify the opposite, both are called at the same time.
19:57.49apocnI only want the agent's phone to ring when the person already answered. isnt it possible?
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19:59.27smth[TK]D-Fender, still about inband dtmf. after reprodued the issue ,i put the configuration and console message at  and I did not find the 'match issue' between incomming call and a peer setting as you mentioned before. but inband dtmf was still working.
19:59.42waverly360Hey guys, can timing affect call parking?  Or perhaps a better question is, can a pri with timing issues cause asterisk to start losing it's mind?
20:00.08smth[TK]D-Fender, sorry  inband dtmf was still not  working
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20:08.47bpgoldsbis there any disadvantage to doing 'goto foo|${BAR}|1;' versus '&foo(bar);'
20:09.00bpgoldsb(using AEL/AEL2)
20:10.24[TK]D-Fendersmth: What is that peer connecting to?
20:11.47eric2what's the proper way to detect a hangup on a zap channel as I need to execute a shell script upon doing so...?
20:13.06codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: interesting... to do &foo, you'd have to define a macro called foo, etc.  I wouldn't call a macro if you never plan on returning... otherwise, ... whatever's best...
20:13.48bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: I guess I'm trying to clarify when a macro is appropriate and when a context works best.  Out old code had superfluous use of macros.
20:14.31bpgoldsbmoved most stuff to goto+context, but I'm now realizing I should still be able to use goto+context when there's arguements.  Before, I immediately jumped to using a macro if I had an arguement
20:16.51*** join/#asterisk lasko (n=chatzill@
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20:17.54codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb:  macros are for sets of dialplan you'd like to use multiple times, from different spots... It'd be bad form to implement such via goto's.   Goto's are good for... well... there's lots of good reasons for using them, and lots of bad ones, too.
20:18.23bpgoldsbI fear my uses are bad ones, then
20:18.31pluesch0rnobody able to help me with my reverse lookup pita? :)
20:23.15codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: uh, not seeing your code, but seeing stuff like "goto with arguments" -- I'd say, keep using the macros. Whatever you do, ask yourself, will this make it easier to understand? to read? to maintain? If I die, will my replacement speak ill of the dead?
20:23.59bpgoldsbThanks for the advice.  I'm currently speaking ill of the dead.
20:24.53pluesch0rcodefreeze-lap: then again .. why should i give a fuck when i'm dead? :)
20:25.18pluesch0ri mean .. i won't even be able to give a fuck .. since i'm dead. ;)
20:26.25[TK]D-Fenderok, checkouyt time.  Back later
20:26.36codefreeze-lappluesch0r: Forget death, then. The important thing to ask yourself, then, is what if I don't die, and have to maintain this stuff for the rest of my life?
20:27.14ManxPowercodefreeze-lap: what bpgoldsb seems to not understand is that the warning he is getting is a bug and Gosub is not actually going away
20:27.50ManxPowerHe should have figured this out when he read the mailing list messages I referred him to this morning
20:28.24bpgoldsbManxPower: No, thats the the issue.
20:28.33bpgoldsbI've gotten those fixed.
20:28.49ManxPowerbpgoldsb: you've never programmed before have you?
20:29.13bpgoldsbNot beyond 300-400 line python scripts
20:29.36ManxPowerI would have thought you would have understood goto and gosub then.
20:30.19ManxPowerbpgoldsb: AEL/AEL2 compiles your code into standard dialplan stuff and then runs that.  AEL/AEL2 is not parsed at call time, only load time when it is converted.
20:30.35*** join/#asterisk icel (n=dan@
20:30.52bpgoldsbI'm trying to wrap my head around 900ish lines of dialplan code having never worked with asterisk in a real capacity.  I have a lot of general confusion :)
20:31.05bpgoldsband by wrap my head around, I mean wrap my head around and port to AEL
20:31.21ManxPowerbpgoldsb: learn asterisk first
20:32.03bpgoldsbI learn best by example :(
20:33.18icelis there any reason * configs (zaptel.conf/zapata.conf) that work with a digium TE212P wouldn't work with a TE405P?
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20:33.43codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb:  Well, then the next few days/weeks should be educational. Read, search, and test things out, and you'll quickly come up to speed. And when you hit a wall, someone around here hopefully can fill in the missing facts.
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20:34.07bpgoldsbThats what I'm doing :)
20:35.03ManxPowericel: none
20:35.37ManxPowerzaptel.conf is not an Asterisk config file.
20:35.37icelManxPower: hmm, not what I wanted to hear since mine isn't working!
20:35.47ManxPowericel: my guess is you are loading the wrong kernel driver
20:36.00icelManxPower: same driver isnt it? wct4xxp?
20:36.14ManxPowericel: read the zaptel README
20:36.20icelManxPower: yessir
20:36.41ManxPowerIt tells you exactly what card requires which driver
20:37.06icelManxPower: Same driver
20:37.13ManxPowericel: then you solved that question
20:37.30ManxPowerdoes ztcfg -vvv give you any errors?
20:38.18ManxPowerWhat specific error/problem are you experiencing?
20:39.45icelone sec
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20:51.58icelManxPower:  Thanks for the help, I somehow managed to solve my problem...fancy that
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20:53.30hardwirenominates as the worlds worst best redesign.
20:53.54tali81What could be causing  intermetiant scratchy noise when people call into my asterisk system and hit an ivr. The static  is none on some calls but on those you cant even hear the prompts thru it, and there is now QoS limits  blocking  the trunking speeds
20:55.01tali81i mean there is no not now
20:56.01hardwiresky_blue: so what was the problem?
20:56.30rwaiteanyone here had any experiences with, good or bad?
20:58.35smthhardwire, any idea about that inband dtmf does work on incoming call of asterisk. see
20:58.43l2trace99rwaite: I used them some time ago, It was ok , but I had issues with faxes. I don't think they supported T38 at the time
20:59.20hardwiresmth: explain incoming.
21:00.07hardwireexplain inbound.
21:00.33smthcalls to asterisk
21:01.16*** join/#asterisk emist (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
21:01.37hardwiresmth: calls inbound to your asterisk box over what technology?
21:02.14smthhardwire, can you see the link i pasted.
21:02.54hardwiresmth: so calls coming in via sip?
21:03.11rwaitel2trace99: other than that, pretty reliable?
21:03.34hardwiresmth: does support inband DTMF on their trunks?
21:03.45jmaczHi everyone, I'm having some random crashes with * due to segfaults and have just gotten a core_dump file
21:04.00smthshould be.
21:04.01hardwireI'm guessing they don't.. have you called their support?
21:04.45*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
21:05.45jmaczMy question is if may I run gdb using the asterisk binary  (/usr/sbin/asterisk) in other box rathen than the one with the segfault problem
21:07.17jmacz(gdb -c /tmp/core.asterisk asterisk-binary-in-other-box)
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21:07.59bkw_jmacz: you need to run it with the binary that the core came from
21:08.01l2trace99rwaite: i wouldn't put a hospital behind it , but yes
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21:08.06hardwirejmacz: everything would be off.
21:08.35hardwirerwaite: limited channels per device.. kinda difficult to use IMHO
21:08.39hardwireI like teliax pay as you go
21:08.49hardwirethey continually impress me
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21:09.01l2trace99anyone know how a can check if a  channel is in use before  calling chanspy on it ?
21:09.27rwaitecore show channels?
21:09.38l2trace99in the the dialplan
21:09.44rwaitei like so far, but inter-state is expensive
21:10.11rwaiteperl agi script to run asterisk -rx 'core show channels' and parse the output?
21:10.21hardwirerwaite: only 2 concurrent channels at a time with most broadvoice packages.
21:10.37rwaitehardwire: hmm. that's unacceptable for my business.
21:10.38jmaczbkw_, I'm not very used to gdb, and didn't want to mess with a production System, so I copied the asterisk-binary to may ws and processed it, It's this ok?
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21:10.55hardwirerwaite: orange you glad it wasn't a banana?
21:11.20rwaitesometimes i wish we could just buy a few more analog lines and another tdm card and be done with it
21:11.21gio_itaHi can anyone help me with console/dsp. Operatore answer incoming call, put it on hold, dial intercom an next need to dial some extension and join caller with this extension but frequently, due some operation error, caller is bridge on the Console/dsp because the channel remain in hold
21:11.30hardwirerwaite: the devil uses POTS
21:11.32rwaitethe only tricky thing is long distance
21:11.54rwaitehardwire: but the sip trunk situation is such a pita
21:12.06hardwirerwaite: check out a few more providers
21:12.09rwaiteits either that or a pri, and thats why we started this to begin with, to get away from the pri
21:12.11hardwirethere are some diamonds in the rough.
21:12.25hardwirerwaite: where are you?
21:12.28jmaczbkw_, the binary is the same one that runs in the box with problems but I'm using it locally in my pc
21:12.34rwaitehardwire: any suggestions? im looking over the list on voip-info and most are horrible from the looks of it
21:12.39rwaiteakron, ohio
21:12.58hardwireor you can buy extra channels with the business plans
21:13.02hardwireI don't work for em
21:13.05nicoxwhere do you need a provider?
21:13.08hardwireI just really appreciate them/
21:13.25rwaiteim looking for unlimited
21:13.57nicoxoutgoing or incoming calls? and where?
21:14.14rwaiteoutgoing only in akron, ohio
21:14.14hardwirerwaite: pay-as-you-go is unlimited
21:14.24hardwireerr.. near infinite :)
21:14.28jmaczhardwire, what do you mean with it'd be off?
21:14.30rwaiteflat-rate unlimited
21:14.44rwaitethat's what we have now, but they are flaky
21:14.44hardwirejmacz: the binary has functions in specific places in it's compiled form
21:14.56hardwiregdb uses the core and the binary to make sense of it all
21:15.01hardwirethey are complimentary.
21:15.09hardwireif the binaries are identical, go for it.
21:15.17hardwirebut you may fudge up some library references
21:15.31hardwirerwaite: w/ who?
21:15.45rwaitethis tc systems/vip voip place
21:16.26jmaczhardwire, that's right, I saw a lot of warnings but gdb provided a valid (afaict) output anyway
21:16.47hardwirejmacz: so whats the question?
21:16.54jmaczhardwire, so that's why I was hesitating on trusting that
21:17.02hardwirejmacz: I wouldn't trust it :)
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21:17.29jmaczhardwire, if it was OK to copy an asterisk-binary tu run gdb with that binary and a core file ni my PC (not in my server)
21:18.24hardwireyou just don't want to install gdb on the server?
21:18.26jmaczhardwire, actually, the question should be: which are the implications of debugging a core_dump on a running system? May it cause a crash?
21:18.44hardwireit doesn't execute anything
21:18.48jmaczhardwire, I don't want to cause another segfault just by debugging (kind of paranoid here)
21:18.57hardwireit doesn't do anything
21:19.09jmaczhardwire, thank you very much
21:19.31jmaczguess I have a lot to learn about gdb
21:19.37hardwireme too
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21:19.54bkw_jmacz: you won't segfault running gdb
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21:20.15hardwirethat's the weirdest thing ever.
21:20.24jmaczbkw_, got it. Thank you for answering :-)
21:20.27ManxPowerPeople sure are proud of 25 pair amphenol cables
21:21.29ManxPowerI can find them retail cheaper than on eBay
21:22.20hardwireManxPower: I totally thought about using some of those the other day
21:22.38ManxPowerhardwire: I have some tellabs chassis with those types of connectors on it.
21:22.46hardwireManxPower: yar
21:23.00hardwireI was gonna use it on a breakout for r-45 (2 pair)
21:23.09hardwiresimply because.. I didn't want to deal
21:23.28hardwirebut I ended up running several pairs of cat5e and just doing it right :)
21:25.37ManxPower*nod*  Cat3 (cable and RJ connectors/jacks) are fine for T-1s
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21:30.10bpgoldsbin the 1.2 dialplan, you could specify extensions inside a macro.  That can't happen in AEL2, can it?
21:30.27hardwireManxPower: concidering how they are brought into the building.. I'd think a few isolated water streams would work well enough as conductors for a T-1
21:32.15bpgoldsbBasically I'm trying to port this macro to AEL:
21:34.46smthhardwire, pretty sure inband dtmf works. so I just have no idea about why it does not work with my asterisk.
21:35.19hardwiresmth: did you tell them it works fine with other sip providers?
21:35.21hardwireI mean srsly.
21:35.46hardwireI'm replying to the wrong person :)
21:35.51codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: you can use the "catch" statement for extens in macros...
21:36.05hardwiresmth: they are only pretty sure?
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21:38.07hardwirewhat other dtmf options have you tried?
21:39.01smthactually i ever used different dids which carried by different providers. the inband dtmf dons not work at inbond call to asterisk.
21:39.27bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: so 'catch o { foo }'?
21:39.59smthso I could not doubt the carrier at first. something needs to be figured out on asterisk I think.
21:40.17hardwiresmth: in your pastebin
21:40.22hardwireyou have dtmf=inband
21:40.38hardwireI assumed you knew that.
21:41.19codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: hmmm, looking at that macro.... When you jump out of a macro, you'll never get there. The macro terminates and returns instead. Gosubs behave different, because there's no interpreter running on top of a Gosub, like there is with macros... and as to the catch o {foo}, yes, that should work...
21:42.10bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: You're my bestest friend.
21:42.32smthanyidea about how detect the inband dtmf  since you can not do it by using capturetool like wireshark?
21:42.42codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb:  you're welcome!
21:45.08hardwiresmth: have you tried setting dtmf in your sip.conf to anything other than inband?
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21:45.17hardwirecause right now its set to only process inband DTMF
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21:46.34codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: In all our conversations, there is a chance for some confusion. In AEL, there is a macro definition and call. AEL compiles into extensions.conf sort of format, sort of, but it's really just in-mem structs. In extensions.conf,  you can call the macro app, and the gosub app, etc.  AEL used to compile macro defs and calls into calls to Macro(), etc.  Now it compiles into Gosub() app calls.
21:47.04smthyeah, I did. rfc2833 /info both work .
21:47.19hardwiresmth: if they work.. is there a problem?
21:47.24bpgoldsbSo when I'm calling '&foo(bar);' it's really calling GoSub, not Macro?
21:47.33bpgoldsbIs that what you're trying to explain to me?
21:47.45codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb:  so, don't get the AEL macro def/call mixed up with the extensions.conf Macro() app.
21:48.05smthproblem is I need inband dtmf work too but it does not. ;)
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21:48.29hardwiresmth: why?
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21:48.51hardwiresmth: it's probably out of your control fooberry.
21:49.44hardwiresmth: if strips DTMF when it hits their PRI then sends it out of band.. or receives out of band DTMF and never generates a tone for you, then you will never have an INBAND tone to work with.
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21:50.10hardwiresmth: all I'm saying is you probably don't have DTMF on your audio.
21:50.15hardwireeven if you try to force it.
21:50.17smthhardwire, I should know if asterisk really work with inband dtmf at sip channel. some customer may use inband dtmf.
21:50.41hardwiresmth: both endpoints need to support it correctly. on all networks they would ever negotiate with.
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21:51.06hardwireif you're trying to record DTMF, turn DTMF debugging on in asterisk and rely on the logs
21:51.11smthhardwire, I can hear the dial tone .is it mean inband dtmf were in the media.
21:51.13hardwirelike.. record/monitor/archive
21:51.39hardwiresmth: possibly.  afaik asterisk handles inband dtmf in sip just fine
21:51.45hardwirehence why there is an option for it at all.
21:51.52hardwirewhat country are you in?
21:52.06hardwirethat's your problem right there.
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21:52.31hardwirepoints and lols @ smth..
21:52.40MikeJin canada they put an a' after each dtmf digit ?
21:53.00voxtermy extension is 102 eh.
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21:53.16voxter(im allowed to make fun, im canadian too)
21:53.20hardwiredid you set canuck=true?
21:53.27smthhardwire,can you explain more detail?
21:53.36hardwiresmth: no.. probably not.
21:53.39voxterthis guy must be french.
21:53.41hardwireI'd have a sit down with the provider.
21:54.03MikeJI was joking btw
21:54.20MikeJI'm 1/2 canadian.. I'm allowed
21:54.40smthdont do that so far until problem got solved .;)
21:54.42hardwirehow does a 1/2 canadian say "about"?
21:54.55zerkoyeah, lol
21:54.57MikeJdepends where I am
21:55.09eric2but that's not really the way we say it
21:55.12hardwireand where they buried the survivors.
21:55.13smthwhere are guys
21:55.15jerit's not aboot, it's aboat -- i know, I'm 100% Canadian
21:55.16zerkoI had to say it one time before I typed it
21:55.17eric2that's more british
21:55.26voxtereastern canadians say aboat way more.
21:55.30jersilly US-ians can't hear the Canadian raising and think it's aboot or aboat
21:55.39zerkoaboat sounds more like it, yes
21:55.40jerjust like they can't hear the difference between rider and writer
21:55.46hardwiresmth: Alaska
21:55.51hardwireI'm your neighbor.. sorta.
21:56.02MikeJno one can hear the difference in these lame narrowband codecs
21:56.07voxterjer: you should hear some people from far east say bar or car. ha!
21:56.08MikeJthats what wideband is for
21:56.08jerhabité aux l'Ontario
21:56.10hardwiresmth: pump up the debugging and see what it says
21:56.14jerMikeJ, lol
21:56.17NasheHi All, I am having this problem with my newly installed "Elastix"   I am using two Trunks for outbound 1. through SIP proxy which
21:56.18jertrue =]
21:56.32jervoxter, stay where yer at, i'll come where ya too
21:56.42jervoxter, i'm quite familiar with newfoundland english anyway
21:56.47hardwiresmth: btw.. what codec?
21:56.57smtha/u law
21:57.10hardwiresmth: ah
21:57.11jernewfoundland english, acadian french, québécois, and canadian english ... all very interesting
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21:57.23hardwiresmth: I don't think I've ever used a sip trunk that offered out of band and in band at once.
21:57.35hardwiresomebody here should call me crazy, or back me up.
21:57.36hardwirethat would be nice.
21:57.49ManxPowerThere is no such thing as a "sip trunk"
21:58.02ManxPowerSo yes, you are crazy.
21:58.05Yourname`Hi, there's an AMI user who basically wants to test queue member login/logout. How can I add him in such a way that he doesn't get inundated with AMI spits out that he doesn't really need?
21:59.01jerManxPower, sure there is, i have all my sip traffic in one vlan trunked out a specific switch port... that's my "sip trunk" =]
21:59.17NasheHi All, I am having this problem with my newly installed "Elastix"   I am using two Trunks for outbound 1. through SIP proxy which registers to a SIP server..    2. send sip calls to CISCO AS5400 (without registeration) to PSTN....            first trunk work perfectly but the second one faces  One Way Audio problem...   Elastix -> Cisco voice works while   Cisco  ->  Elastix does not.           My Elastix box is behind NAT where I am usin
21:59.30smthyou know what , when you create the sip  account of , you can choose what dtmf format you like to use. so the account will be work on only one dtmf way.
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22:00.48ManxPowerjer: that would be an ethernet trunk
22:00.57jerManxPower, i was being facetious
22:01.05jerand it's actually a vlan trunk
22:01.35ManxPowerif anyone has recommendations for purchasing serial cables and PBX amphenol cables online please /msg me.
22:01.51NasheI am having this problem with my newly installed "Elastix"   I am using two Trunks for outbound 1. through SIP proxy which registers to a SIP server..    2. send sip calls to CISCO AS5400 (without registeration) to PSTN....            first trunk work perfectly but the second one faces  One Way Audio problem...   Elastix -> Cisco voice works while   Cisco  ->  Elastix does not.           My Elastix box is behind NAT where I am using DMZ op
22:02.36ManxPowerNashe: you would have better luck on the forum for your asterisk distro
22:03.17MikeJManxPower: did you turn off the ec in here?
22:03.56ManxPowerMikeJ: no, Nashe is just an asshole for posting the same thing twice in a short time
22:04.04NasheI did not find any help about this on any forms...  thats why I am here...   After all Asterisk is what is handling Asterisk calls
22:04.52ManxPowerNashe: that is like going to a redhat channel asking debian questions -- it's all linux afterall.
22:05.31NasheManxPower:   thank you for your compliments and great hospitality to a new user....        If you have noticed I added some more information to what I said...   beside...   when no one answers...  then you might repeat what you said assuming that no one listened to that
22:05.55ManxPowerNashe: Best of luck.
22:07.20NasheOK  let me re-word it...        In my Asterisk Box...  I am having OneWay Audio problem when calling to/from CISCO Gateway,  however calls through SIP trunk works fine...    My Asterisk Box is behind NAT
22:08.56Yourname`Ok, so since no one knows that question. How can I tell via AMI if an agent is logged in or not or what his status is? QueueStatus?
22:09.44ManxPowerNashe: Good.  You should read the !sipnat document and set your externip= and localnet= and set canreinvite=no in sip.conf.
22:09.46jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:10.31Nashei already set canreinvite to NO
22:10.34ManxPowerThe wiki page on NAT solutions is practically useless
22:10.49ManxPowerNashe: that's not going to do any good without the other two options properly set
22:11.22ManxPowerNashe: is your cisco doing the NAT?
22:11.34angryuserManxPower : wiki page is fine, worked for me at least        phone---nat------nat-----box
22:11.39Nasheso these two again are sip.conf   parameters?
22:11.55NasheNo  CISCO is not doing NAT...   CISCO is on a PUBLIC IP
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22:12.13Nasheand also not behind any  NAT / Firewall
22:12.14ManxPowerNashe: so again they are mentioned in the ~sipnat document.  Yes, all three of those items go in sip.conf, as documented by the ~sipnat document.
22:12.36ManxPowerWhat is doing the NAT?
22:13.23NasheMy Asterisk is connected on a DSL connection provided by Bell Canada...
22:13.51NasheBell's   Speedstream modem is doing NAT and I am using its  DMZ option to forward all ports to my asterisk Box
22:14.49NasheSo   Asterisk is behind the NAT  but  CISCO AS5400 is on Public Internet
22:15.37angryuserNashe: you dont need to forward all ports, only defined in rtp.conf (rtp) and 5060 (tcp)
22:15.52voxter5060 is udp not tcp.
22:16.23Nashein my case  it will be ....  phone --- Asterisk -- NAT --- CISCO
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22:16.48MikeJI thought asterisk supported tcp sip now
22:16.56angryuservoxter : very true ;)
22:17.26voxterMikeJ: 1.6 does i think, but i can pretty much assume thats not the case here.
22:18.50NasheActually my phones  are also connected to some other Public SIP Proxies...  that is why I cannot completely forward a particular port..    this DMZ option works well by letting my phone connect to public SIP proxy and also make calls through this local Asterisk Box....
22:18.58MikeJis the tcp stuff stable and compliant?  I heard some not so good stuff about it initially
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22:19.29angryuserhey btw, after upgrading from to 1.4.22 my zap port stop working after a certain amount of time (3-4 hrs) downgraded back, all is fine
22:19.41angryuserzap port's*
22:19.51Nasheas I mentioned earlier...  my Asterisk box also when it makes calls when I register the trunk to the SIP proxy...   that works perfect...   but  when I make calls out without registeration...  to CISCO...  thats where I get the problem
22:21.36_ShrikEMikeJ: I have had pretty good success with Asterisk 1.6 TCP talking to Exchange 2007 UM.
22:22.15MikeJheh.. thats a very bad one to test against.. ms's compliance is conplete crap
22:23.03_ShrikEVery True.
22:23.05angryuserMikeJ : yes but well spreaded crap sometimes become standart ;)
22:23.22angryuserMikeJ : and you need to adapt
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22:23.36MikeJI don't
22:23.49angryuserMikeJ : lucky you
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22:27.56ManxPowerYou don't need to forward ANY ports unless asterisk is acting as a sip server for clients outside the nat
22:28.04ManxPowerwhich it sounds like it is
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22:45.09Nashethanks   MaxPower
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22:45.47Nashenat=yes   externip   and  localnet    solved the problem
22:45.51Nasheit is working alrgiht now
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22:49.37NasheNo more One Way Audio
22:51.09ManxPowernat=yes is only required if you have remote clients behind their own nat
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22:58.32Nasheso it means even if I dont set nat=yes   it shall work alright
22:58.34Nashelet me try
22:58.35CGMChrisI am back, and with a GUI-free config.  New problem: Outgoing SIP calls connect, but no sound... silent from both ends.  Thoughts?
22:59.35Nashethats right...   it is working  even without   nat=yes
22:59.47Greek-Boyany of u guys here call center gurus?
23:00.15Nashebut the document you mentioned used it...  so I was not sure if I need it or not  as the document was to cover both scenarios
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23:00.22Nasheanyways  thank you for your help
23:01.48hardwiresmth: get it figured out?
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23:04.42ManxPowerCGMChris: To answer your earlier questions the place to find the AsteriskGUI people is, oddly, on the #asteriskGUI channel.  I'm sure there's a mailinglist for it soewhere too.
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23:04.53ManxPowerCGMChris: is NAT involved.
23:07.00CGMChrisManxPower: Nat is involed.  No need for asteriskgui...  #1, the room is so slow its pointless to even use it, and #2, I am no longer using the gui
23:07.14*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-7764df401a8401a8)
23:07.44CGMChrisAnd I believe I found my problem.... asterisk -r goes NUTS when I make a call.  I will review the errors.  Thanks.
23:07.53ManxPowerCGMChris: I often wonder why people try to use the GUI --- obviously support sucks.
23:08.12ManxPowerCGMChris: "asterisk -rvvv" is usually more helpful.
23:08.41CGMChrisasked to transmit type x, while native format is Y.... problem with my allow= config.
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23:11.09CGMChrisThis is getting much easier.... I think the GUI should still be alpha.  Honestly, now that I understand both the conf files and the GUI, the conf files are easier AND faster.
23:11.37CGMChrisThere is, however, a huge learning curve... I cant even talk to the rest of my staff about what I know until they spend a few days learning.
23:13.09De_Monis 1.6.0 considered production ready?
23:13.33ManxPowerDe_Mon: Can you think of even a single piece of software that was production ready on a .0 release?
23:13.51CGMChrisI read the gui only works with 1.4.x
23:14.12De_MonManxPower no, but I also can't think of many releases that take 2-4 years
23:15.07ManxPowerDe_Mon: I don't know of any Asterisk releases that took more than a year to become stable. 8-|
23:15.51De_Monsounds like you intend to stay away from 1.6 for a while
23:17.18ManxPowerDe_Mon: not really.  I skipped 1.4 on all 6 or 8 servers I support.
23:17.18bpgoldsbDe_Mon: From the people I spoke with at Digium, off the record, it's stable enough to use.
23:17.27ManxPower1.6 is my last, best hope for Asterisk
23:17.40De_MonManxPower you're on 1.2?
23:17.52bpgoldsbDe_Mon: And is being used in stable installations in many places.
23:18.16ManxPoweryou really can't call it 1.6 anymore.  The new release method means major changes (including new features) could happen between 1.6.0 and 1.6.1 and 1.6.2, etc.
23:18.24ManxPowerDe_Mon: My customers use 1.2
23:18.53ManxPowerfor 1.2 I did not install it on my systems until Digium installed it on their production PBX
23:18.55De_Monyeah I know, it's going to make for some real interesting packages in debian i'm sure
23:19.12voxterDe_Mon: they said at astricon that they waited this long to release 1.6.0 so that it WAS production ready
23:19.27De_Monbpgoldsb good to hear
23:19.51ManxPowerI may do the same for 1.6
23:19.58bpgoldsbDe_Mon: If you're using Debian, I suggest compiling from source.
23:20.01bpgoldsbIt's pretty painless
23:20.39ManxPowerbpgoldsb: what specific 1.6 installations?
23:20.45De_Monvoxter yeah I heard, but talk is cheap
23:21.11bpgoldsbManxPower: I didn't ask for specifics, this was from a Digium Dev though
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23:21.31ManxPowerbpgoldsb: without sources cited it is just a rumor
23:21.39bpgoldsbIt was directly from a Dev
23:21.57ManxPowerbpgoldsb: then he/she needs to site his/her source.
23:21.59De_Monbpgoldsb I was hoping to spot tzafrir_laptop hanging around to see if there are any working debian build scripts for 1.6, I hate maintaining source installs
23:22.23bpgoldsbManxPower: I wasn't writing a paper on it, someones word is good enough for me
23:22.29bpgoldsbLike I said, it was an off-the-record comment
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23:23.57CGMChrisManxPower: Maybe you can answer this, as the book doesnt touch on it much, but why would you want to use N instead of X in a pattern for matching outgoing calls?  It it only possible to have a number with certain characters in the US or other countries?
23:24.23ManxPowerbecause N=any digit except for 1 or 0
23:24.30ManxPowerX=any digit
23:24.46De_Monthe book doesn't touch on the difference between N and X???
23:24.50CGMChrisI understand that, but in the examples they use 1NXXNXXXXXX... meaning, the telco doesnt release numbers that dont match?
23:25.21ManxPowerCGMChris: meaning there will NEVER be a 0 or 1 in that place in a NANPA (use/canada, a few others) phone number
23:25.37CGMChrishmm, ok, thats what I wanted to verify.
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23:29.18CGMChrisManxPower: I'll just take your word for it.  I have far more important things to worry about than N'x and X's.
23:31.19ManxPowerOf you want to manage a PBX you need to learn all you can about Telecom, Networiking (specifically UDP, NAT, and SIP), and Linux.
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23:32.33CGMChrisI got Linux, UDP, and NAT down.  SIP and * are the new elements in my equation.  By the time I get my system figured out, I will have an excellent template for deploying cookie-cutter solutions to clients.
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23:33.46Darthclueevening all.  anyone here tried setting up asterisk to direct connect to att uverse?
23:37.46v4mpguys how would i go about changing this so it sends the queued calls to the agent group i have found its not SIP/1 so wht would i put there so it calls the agent group ? the agent group name is 1
23:38.55v4mpthe agents aren't loging in to server as an agent they are logging in as user then using agentcallbacklogin to login as an agent with a diff user to the user to login o server
23:42.14*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
23:46.45*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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23:52.38ManxPowerAT&T created the NANP in 1947.  It currently contains 19 North American countries.  (I didn't know there were 19 countries in NA)
23:53.04*** join/#asterisk dexpdx (
23:53.11dexpdxis 1.6 considered stable or beta?
23:58.10hardwireanybody seen x86 hardware with switched PoE ports?
23:59.36*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX_Home (

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