IRC log for #asterisk on 20081002

00:00.10*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
00:00.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
00:00.20ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm at DruidCON in Atlanta, GA.  For a GUI it is clever.  Very clever at points
00:01.12jayteeZOMG, ManxPower actually finds a GUI he doesn't hate? Alert the media!
00:01.31ManxPowerThese guys sure are linux and voip fanboys.
00:02.07angryuserdruid had problems when went out, not sure about now
00:02.10jayteeManxPower, I gotta know what it is you find clever about it
00:03.24ManxPowerjaytee: they store the configs in the database like many of these GUIs, but it also lets you edit the config settings.  It converts the current config in the DB into a text file, lets you edit it, then shove the new settings into the database.
00:03.52ManxPowerFirst time I've ever said "cool" in reference to a GUI product.
00:05.18jayteethe biggest problem I have with most * gui addons is the way they limit your control over the dialplan
00:06.39Carlos_PHXWe've tried repeatedly to go to a GUI, always find a serious limitation.  Switchvox hosted is closest, but $$$$
00:06.50ManxPowerjaytee: I didn't mean to imply I'd use it for MYSELF.
00:07.02jayteeI understand
00:07.07ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: take a look at
00:08.01jayteeI'm still looking at customizing the asteriskgui for just adding user accounts and sip phones in a simple restricted template manner.
00:08.34drmessanoohhh ohhh
00:08.45drmessanoI want to transcode all my calls in MP3
00:08.53drmessanoallow=mp3 FTW
00:09.19Carlos_PHXThe RIAA would sue you for violating copyright on calls.
00:09.44*** join/#asterisk seaq (n=seaq@
00:10.02drmessanoIm gonna bet you $10000000 that Skype uses mp3 for it's proprietary p2p VoIP
00:10.06drmessanoAll too fitting
00:10.15bkw_no they use GIPS
00:10.21bkw_and MP3 for voip codec is FTL
00:10.27*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
00:10.39drmessanoApparently making a joke is too
00:10.55bkw_asterisk did have a codec_mp3 at one point
00:11.26ManxPowerstill does in asterisk-addons last I hard.
00:11.35bkw_no thats format_mp3
00:12.51ManxPowerThe more I use Asterisk the less useful mp3 seems.
00:13.12seaqhi all!,  i'm analizing CDR reports from asterisk, but i've got this situation. A call comes in to a QUEUE, the call is answered by an agent and then is transfered to an internal extension.  I cannot find the CDR report from the transfer.  the CDR registers this? maybe i'm missing an option?  thanks in advance.
00:13.32ManxPowerIt uses quite a bit of CPU, isn't easy to transcode to/from, is optimized for music, not spoken word.
00:14.43ManxPowerseaq: Wait until the system is otherwise idle, try to reproduce the problem.  All CDRs will be close to gather in the logs.  also, if you have batching enabled it can take a few mins for the CDRs to post.
00:16.17seaqhmm ok. i'll try to check that way...
00:18.08bkw_ManxPower: then for voip if you loose a packet
00:18.12bkw_all hell breaks loose on mp3
00:18.37hardwireogg saves lives
00:18.49angryusergoing to sleep, bye @all
00:18.51ManxPowerbkw_: I'm sure we could come up with a dozen reasons if we tried.
00:19.05Carlos_PHXAnybody heard of a limit of how many phones can work behind a WRT54G?  10, 20, 50...?
00:19.34ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: I doubt it would be easy to know how many.
00:19.51ManxPowerIf it works with 3 phones it should work with 20 phones.
00:20.11Carlos_PHXAt some point it will run out of memory for NAT.
00:20.24ManxPowerIf it doesn't work with three phones, then you can try several things, mostly change source port settings on the phones
00:20.34Carlos_PHXSeeing an odd behavior with one and 15-ish phones, never put that many on one of those.
00:20.38Qwellif it doesn't work with three phones, throw it in the garbage.
00:21.45ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: you would have to ask the maker of the router how many UDP NAT streams they can handle, what their UDP NAT timeout can be changed to.  assume each call will have one port for SIP signaling, two ports for RTP
00:22.21drmessanoIm gonna have to say 2173
00:22.22Carlos_PHXHeh, well yeah, but have you tried to talk to Linksys consumer division?  Just figured I'd toss it out here in case someone knows "hey, it borks at X phones."
00:22.26ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: I'll bet nobody has tried to make that many phones work behind a WRT54G.  People with that many phones usually seem to use a real router.
00:22.47Carlos_PHX2173, or 15...
00:22.59ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: go to a linksys forum, I'll bet they would know
00:23.24ManxPowerIt's just UDP, the higher level protocol has nothing to do with NAT
00:23.31bkw_ManxPower: yah i'm sure we could come up with more than that :P
00:24.11ManxPowerbkw_: the codec has a dozen or so patents attached to it, all expiring at different times.
00:24.24bkw_well it doesn't matter really they aren't enforcing it
00:24.30bkw_they are all fucked anyway
00:24.38bkw_2014 G723.1 is open
00:24.49bkw_and I think 2016 G729A is open
00:25.22Carlos_PHXSpeex is open...  :-p
00:26.11hardwireSpeex Freely.
00:26.15hardwireGET IT?
00:26.19hardwireIt's not a code.
00:26.25hardwirebtw I love speex
00:27.12hardwirethat would be the CNG activating.
00:27.18*** join/#asterisk dmz (n=dmz@
00:27.32drmessanoAsterisk doesn't like DMZ's
00:27.57hardwiredoes it like FTZs?
00:27.58Carlos_PHXWhy not?
00:28.22Carlos_PHXWell, if properly configured, why not.
00:28.44hardwiredmz don't like drmessano
00:28.53hardwireor JerJer
00:30.13ManxPowerDMZs can sense hostility.
00:30.44Carlos_PHXAnd fear.
00:31.20jayteeand somewhere around the DMZ is "Charlie" and he don't *^#& surf!
00:31.25ManxPowerIf you do not stay calm and confident they can attack with no notice.
00:31.32drmessanoSomeone has asterisk working thru a DMZ?
00:31.58Carlos_PHXEr, yeah, me, I'm sure others.
00:32.09ManxPowerdrmessano: A DMZ is just a default internal address to port forward by default.
00:32.11Carlos_PHXDefine DMZ
00:32.12hardwiredrmessano: kinda depends on your setup
00:32.40Carlos_PHXTraditional definition is a third physical port and subnet off a router.
00:32.46ManxPowerno reason to put Asterisk in the DMZ, just put it behind standard NAT
00:32.49Carlos_PHXWith either NAT or just different IPs
00:32.51drmessanoI find that the "DMZ" setting on most routers mangles packets way too much to be useful
00:33.03Carlos_PHXAh, you're using a dumb router.
00:33.12ManxPowerdrmessano: Stop using cheap ass routers.
00:33.20drmessanoWho the fuck said I was?
00:33.24Carlos_PHXAt least on the server side.
00:33.33ManxPowerdrmessano: now who is not getting the joke?
00:33.42ManxPowerBTW, what routers do you use?
00:33.52drmessanoThis week?
00:33.57jayteeI'm just waiting for the guy who tries to hook up 8 Sony PS3's in an Asterisk cluster to show up in here. "Massively Parallel VOIP"
00:34.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:34.12ctooleyDMZ in a real network is definitely not just a static NAT mapping for connections that aren't previously expected.
00:34.20drmessanoI think I have a sonicwall hooked up right now.. not sure
00:34.28Carlos_PHXThe DMZ setting which just statically forwards to a specific IP is not a real DMZ and should really be called something else.
00:34.29drmessanoBeen farting around too much to know
00:34.34ManxPowerthat should handle "DMZ" just fine.
00:34.40Carlos_PHXAnd yeah, that definition of a DMZ is screwy.
00:36.00drmessanoI really could care less.. but when the average user tells me they have * in a DMZ and have audio issues, it's fail
00:36.53Carlos_PHXWhoa, you have average users who can spell DMZ?!?
00:37.19drmessanoI know.. not everyone is as smart as you, but yes
00:37.38drmessanoAll 3 letters too
00:37.58Carlos_PHXIn caps?
00:38.02hardwiredrmessano: sonicwall can eat me
00:38.13hardwiregreat product, still, eat me
00:39.00*** join/#asterisk mib_3cujvn (i=be34811c@gateway/web/ajax/
00:39.00Carlos_PHXI actually have an e-mail from a customer with a known working config for Sonicwall and SIP if you want it, there was a packet type in there I didn't expect.
00:39.07Carlos_PHXBesides the obvious SIP/RTP.
00:39.16hardwireyou have to map the RTP
00:39.21drmessanoNot really.. my shit works
00:39.36hardwireI choose you.. NAT
00:40.47Carlos_PHXT.38 testing.  I feel like it's 1981 and I'm trying to bring up an ISDN circuit.
00:42.32*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
00:44.44drmessanoComcast gives a free domain and free hosted sharepoint to all business customers
00:45.00drmessanoI wonder if they would cancel my account if I put up "Pr0np0int"
00:45.37Carlos_PHXYou should try it.
00:45.42Carlos_PHXFor the good of humanity.
00:46.20hardwireok so.. I found this server, you guys may know about it.. but I call it the 2G1C server.
00:46.24drmessanoIt would probably take too long
00:47.33drmessanoComcasts hosted shit is incredibly slow
00:48.05drmessanoThey let you get a free subdomain from their domain for your email.. HAW  <--- not valid in most 25 character limit submission forms
00:51.27lanningSeagate (as a company) has the same issue.
00:51.49lanningI was "" = 27 characters
00:52.07hardwire25 chars is insane ... exactly 25, yay
00:52.22hardwireback in the day when creativity was a 3 letter domain name.
00:52.31hardwireand they cost less than a few million
00:52.44drmessanoWhen I worked for clear channel, I was 13 characters behind from the start
00:52.48hardwireI lose
00:53.08drmessanoWell, 17 for the tld + @
00:53.26hardwirethankfully I have as well :) :)
00:55.12drmessanoWas that 4 (7)s or 5?  Wait, hang on..
00:56.41drmessanoI really despise people who need a full, drawn out e-mail ePenis
00:57.33hardwireI use my middle initial
00:57.36hardwireit drives people nuts
00:57.37*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
00:57.42hardwireit's R
00:57.48hardwireI'm often party to pirate jokes.
00:58.06drmessanoI use someone elses middle initial
00:58.17hardwireme too.
00:58.26hardwiresomebody else uses R I'm sure.
00:58.32drmessanoJust decided one day I didnt want to use mine.. so I was all like "fuck it"
00:58.36drmessanoWent with another
00:59.20lanningMy name is "Jim"... That's spelled "T-O-M" :)
00:59.21drmessanoSomeone asks me "So, is your middle name John?  James?"  "No, my middle initial is fake, sorry" gets it as short as it can be.
01:00.31drmessanoWhen I got married, my wife was all like "WHAT?  That is NOT your middle initial!"   I had to apologize for weeks
01:01.42drmessanoIt was a good thing though.. Like 2 months later I told her I was white.  She was less angry for the deceit.
01:02.39drmessano[20:30] <ServX> [C-Net] Report: Skype service in China recording, censoring messages <-- Nice
01:03.18drmessanoI'll assume that's not "Skype" but someone legally using the name there
01:03.34v4mpso how do i do the setup for a queue with music on hold ?
01:06.57*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:07.29drmessanoAsterisk announces partnership with Skype, which was actually a huge technological divide being bridged.. so not to be outdone, Fonality announces a partneship with Gizmo5 and are now including a module in their GUI for direct Gizmo5 config.............. which really sounds like little of nothing to me...
01:08.43drmessanoThat would be like HappyClownPBX partnering with Emacs
01:08.54*** join/#asterisk Xentac (n=xentac@archlinux/developer/Xentac)
01:08.58drmessano"Emacs.. the official file editor of HappyClownPBX"
01:09.13jbot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
01:09.35drmessano~Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason
01:09.45drmessano~Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11
01:10.05drmessanoAh well, theres some variation of that in there too
01:10.37drmessanoDiahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone = very ^_^
01:11.01jaytee"in rich sensual full 5.1 Surround Sound"
01:11.03*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (n=macaruch@
01:11.21drmessanoYes, the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone uses Dolby 5.1
01:11.36edwin_quijadaI have problem with T1 card openvox with asterisk 1.4.21
01:11.41lanningDTS in beta
01:11.44drmessanoIt's also 1080p and HDMI compliant
01:12.06jayteeHD Skype is just around the corner
01:12.20edwin_quijadathere is any issue with Dell SC440 server and Asterisk?
01:12.24XentacI'm using trixbox (which uses freepbx) and having a problem with my ring groups, even though I set them to ringall they only actually ring the first 4 extensions
01:12.30Xentacanyone ever experience this?
01:12.42drmessanotrixbox?  burn..
01:12.56drmessanoXentac: CPU and RAM specs?
01:13.00XentacI know, it's probably pretty bad form to ask about trixbox et al in the asterisk channel...
01:13.19Xentac2.7GHz cpu, 1 gig ram
01:14.01drmessanoMight be that nasty ringall 100% CPU problem
01:14.09XentacI heard something about that
01:14.23drmessanoHow many total extensions?
01:14.26drmessanoin the ringall
01:14.30Xentactop tells me that the cpu is barely being used, if that's any consolation
01:14.37Xentacabout 7
01:15.03hardwiredrmessano: google just called you a liar.. and me a naive.
01:15.07drmessanoDunno.. run into a lot of problems with ringall of ~20 extensions+ ringing about 1/4
01:15.35drmessanohardwire: For what?
01:15.42hardwirethat phone :)
01:15.51XentacI don't suppose there's a known fix for that problem, eh? ;)
01:15.59drmessano"Not available for EXPORT"
01:16.15Carlos_PHXDoes HappyClownPBX do MP3 codec?
01:16.16drmessanoSilly user
01:16.26drmessanoMP3, and MP5
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
01:16.45jayteeHappyClownPBX, hahaha
01:16.49Carlos_PHXUser call today almost drove me to the MP5
01:17.45*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=white@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
01:17.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-dig] by ChanServ
01:17.46drmessanoIm thinking about a total rewrite of HappyClownPBX.. Last build wouldn't fit on a BlueRay DVD
01:17.54*** join/#asterisk sCOTTo (
01:17.55drmessanoit MAY be too big
01:18.57hardwireCarlos_PHX: you almost offed yourself?
01:18.57sCOTTohey guys!
01:19.15hardwirean mp5 is quite a way to go.
01:19.17lanningyou are not supposed to ship around blueray discs,  you are supposed to ship 1TB drives
01:19.23sCOTToim a dumb shit - just so you know - I am trying to wrapp my head around asterisk to understand what it does
01:19.32hardwireso.. guys
01:19.34sCOTToBRB - Coffee needed
01:19.39hardwirealaska sucks for teh bandwidth
01:19.43drmessanosCOTTo: Thank you.. You saved me from calling you a dumbass
01:19.48hardwireI could seriously make a living shipping 1tb drives to colos in the main US
01:19.51drmessanosCOTTo: That is ROI
01:20.06hardwire"here's your SSH login.. have fun.. just run "" when you're finished"
01:20.08jayteecan you see Russia?
01:20.19drmessanoWhen putin rears his head
01:20.34hardwirejaytee: I can see Russia.
01:20.46hardwireI "could" see Russia once
01:20.53hardwirebut the neighbor made his igloo too tall
01:20.57*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
01:20.57hardwiremy view is wrecked
01:21.15v4mphow do u reload queues again ?
01:21.16sCOTToRIO ?
01:21.21sCOTToROI ?
01:21.40ManxPowersCOTTo: You need to REALLY understand contexts.  Just when you think you understand them is when you realize how much you don't understand about them.  Understanding, and I mean REALLY understanding that an extension is a number, an extension is not a phone.  A phone is a phone.  extensions point to phones.
01:21.52jayteeso there's actually a market for VOIP at the frozen ass end of the world?
01:22.01drmessanoAs Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there, they are right next to our state.
01:22.22drmessanoIndeed, Mrs. Palin
01:23.21drmessanoPlease, vote for John McCain.  At least make Obama feel like he had to work for it.
01:23.42hardwirejaytee: it's a most interesting place
01:23.58Carlos_PHXv4mp:  The same way you reloaded them the first time.
01:24.07Carlos_PHXNo seriously folks, I'll be here all week.
01:24.08ManxPowerAren't there army bases up there to protect us from the russians?
01:24.16drmessanohardwire: Can you see alaska from your porch?
01:24.26eric2palin's house is probably like a base
01:24.32hardwiredrmessano: the answer is yes.
01:24.47hardwireeric2: the answer is no
01:24.51drmessanoI heard that 6000 years ago, you could see Dinosaurs from a porch in alaska
01:24.58v4mpCarlos_PHX, i cnt remember and pressing up on cli im not finding it only commands i haven't used today so lost somewhere unless i didn't reload it earlier :/
01:25.24Carlos_PHXThat was a joke, since you said "reload them again..."
01:25.32Carlos_PHXSorry, bad humor, will return to drinking now.
01:25.34eric2american politics are like a broadway show
01:26.53v4mpi found it now and found a problem time to fix :)
01:27.04drmessanoSarah Palin shares a very narrow maritime border with reality
01:27.38Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Like a DMZ?
01:28.14*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
01:28.23drmessanoNo, like a Norton Firewall 2009
01:28.50v4mpok its still ignoring the queue :/
01:29.01grandpapadotHi all.  I'm working on some jabber integration with openfire enterprise.  I can't seem to get the asterisk jabber client (1.4.x) to stop filling the cli with updates even with debug set to off in jabber.conf, any ideas?
01:29.06drmessanoNorton Internet Latency 2008
01:29.28drmessanoOpenfire Enterprise?
01:29.44drmessanoEnterprise is extinct
01:30.23grandpapadotOpenfire in any case.
01:31.22*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
01:31.40drbrownanyone have problems adjusting the volume for the ringer on a spectralink 8002?
01:32.04drmessanoI dunno.. I'm using Asterisk Enterprise Edition 2008, so it's probably different
01:32.26*** part/#asterisk franck (n=franck@tikiwiki/franck)
01:33.30grandpapadotAhh..  A full reload fixed it..
01:34.02hardwirea reload reload :)
01:34.19v4mpany idea what the reason would be that [queuename] is set in queues.conf and the Queue(queuename) is in extensions.conf what would be the reason for it still being UNKNOWN both conf
01:34.24v4mps have been reloaded
01:34.49Carlos_PHXdrbrown: Ah, if only my Specralink was actually functional.
01:35.11drmessanoIs that like a spectralink?
01:36.06drbrownCarlos_PHX: I will not be purchasing another myself
01:36.20hardwiregreat googamooga
01:36.31drbrownCarlos_PHX: What's wrong with yours?
01:36.36Carlos_PHXThey are very similar, but cheaper since they have one less letter in the logo.
01:37.01drmessanoI guess the T was left out for lack of telephony functions
01:37.06drmessanoNeed to remember that
01:37.41QwellCisco is only 5 letters
01:37.49Qwelljust throwing that out there
01:37.52Carlos_PHXdrbrown:  It's really just down to getting all the details worked out I guess, the config is the most complex for any phone.  I had a short time to make it work, and it's not something that can be done quickly.  Set it aside for now.
01:38.08Carlos_PHXQwell: Yes, but you're buying the bridge.
01:38.18Carlos_PHX"I've got a bridge to sell ya!"
01:38.25jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ciscolicense is unless you gave Cisco your first born, you probably aren't legally authorized to use their phones. see
01:38.34*** join/#asterisk ThipThip (
01:38.47Carlos_PHXDoes anyone use that Cisco junk?
01:38.48ThipThipHello.  Who wants to help a complete and utter newb?
01:38.49drmessanoCisco is a 6 letter word for overpriced
01:38.54drbrownCarlos_PHX: The config through me off for a while as well, you have to provision it utilizing the tftp option within your dhcp server
01:39.01Strom_Cbut cisco is only five letters
01:39.01drmessanoShit, I thought I got 6 letters
01:39.09drmessanoThey lied to me
01:39.17Carlos_PHXCisco would never lie.
01:39.29ThipThipI have some very basic, fundamental questions about VOIP.  The first is - how do outgoing calls work?  In other words, what do I need to set up a server which is capable of placing calls to telephones?
01:39.51Strom_CThipThip: read these documents
01:39.53jbot101 is, like, Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
01:39.55jbothmm... book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:40.05jbot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
01:40.06Carlos_PHXThipThip:  You need either a way to connect the server to the phone network (cards) or a SIP service provider.
01:40.19drmessanoor an IAX service provider, biggot
01:40.25*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
01:40.45drmessanoIAX are people too
01:40.52Carlos_PHXI have a love/hate with IAX
01:41.04Carlos_PHXSo I treat it passive-agressively and co-dependently.
01:41.15drmessanoI love IAX, I hate how most ITSPs suck at implementing it
01:41.38Carlos_PHXThere's that, but we've had some massive fails even between two Asterisk servers.
01:41.50drmessanoLater 1.4 versions?
01:42.00Carlos_PHXNo, 1.2.x early and mid.
01:42.25Carlos_PHXI'm not saying it's rational.  That's why it's passive-aggressive and co-dependent.
01:42.31Carlos_PHXPlus I have a lot of 1.2.x out there.
01:42.38drmessanoYeah.. 1.2 didn't really include IAX2.. It was more like a wrapper for TDMoE
01:43.06drmessanoLater 1.4 versions IAX2 is really solid
01:43.31Carlos_PHXNothing like having your T1 seeing 18mbps of random IAX packet resends to send you up to the clock tower.
01:43.46Carlos_PHXWe're doing well with 1.4 <> 1.4 IAX
01:44.26russellba lot of work has gone into chan_iax2 in 1.4 ... especially the latest versions
01:45.08Carlos_PHXEarly 1.4 versions would spike the CPU with >25 calls, that was fun.  But yeah, very solid now.
01:45.29russellbneeds to benchmark the latest chan_iax2 in trunk it at some point ....
01:45.33russellblots of performance improvements
01:45.37Carlos_PHXI was just commenting to someone today that our 1.4 main gateway, running in VMware, has been rock solid for months.
01:45.53drmessanoI've been almost obnoxious about using 1.4 IAX2 <> ITSP for a few home systems I had built just because it made a good low risk lab.. and it's been MUCH better than the last time I tried it.. on 1.4.12 I guess, and then 1.2.something before that
01:46.21russellbdrmessano: very nice to hear
01:46.58Carlos_PHXDid you guys know that when top hits 45 or so, call quality goes all to hell?
01:47.03drmessanoAs long as the providers IAX2 isn't broken this week, it seems to work.. Its VERY much working with IPKALL... I blow 150 or so calls through one box I set up for a few friends and have had no complaints
01:47.23drmessano150 / day
01:49.07drmessanoI bet it's made lmadsen's DUNDI clustering kick more ass
01:50.32Carlos_PHXI gave up on IAX with non-Asterisk providers.  Too much effort.  I have enough fun with just SIP and now T.38.
01:53.37*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (i=dwayne@
01:53.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:54.18sCOTToManxPower, ok so an extension is an external phone number? so really what I want are internal phones on that system that connect over the internet to be able to call each other etc etc - does that sound right ?
01:54.32*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (n=Chris123@
01:55.15Carlos_PHXsCOTTo: An extension does not equal an external number.
01:55.29sCOTToCarlos_PHX, yes I understand that.
01:55.49sCOTToso I can have INTERNAL numbers that are located all over the world right ?
01:56.08v4mpdoes agents.conf need to be reloaded ?
01:56.11Carlos_PHXOf course.
01:56.24Carlos_PHXBut the numbers aren't located anywhere.
01:56.25Carlos_PHXPhones are.
01:56.41Carlos_PHXExtensions point to phones or devices, they can be anywhere.
01:56.53sCOTToCarlos - can I use a current VOIP number and settings to my current provider inside asterisk so that when I DO make an external phone call it automatically goes through that ??
01:56.57Carlos_PHXIt's CRITICAL to truly understand extensions vs. contexts vs. devices.
01:57.18sCOTToCarlos_PHX, is there a doc on that ?
01:57.21Carlos_PHXAsterisk is an endpoint just like a phone.
01:57.26Carlos_PHXSame settings as your phone.
01:57.33Carlos_PHXLook in the sample sip.conf
01:57.50drmessanoAsterisk is a big orange wirenut
01:57.51Carlos_PHXOr the sip.conf instructions on voip-info.
01:58.02sCOTTook thanks guys
01:58.04Carlos_PHXIt can be that too.  Asterisk is what you make of it.
01:58.48drmessanoI use Asterisk as my browser, for checking my e-mail, and it does my taxes
01:58.52Carlos_PHXexten => s,1,WingNut(orange|big)
01:59.27Carlos_PHXOh, you wanted the wirenut app, didn't you?
01:59.27drmessano1.2 caused me to get audited.. 1.4 has been much better for me
01:59.28Steve_J-obshi everybody...Is there anyone here nice who would want to chat a bit about what's going on when a "PACKET2PACKET bridging" message occurs?
01:59.48russellbnothing important ... the message is more debug than anything
02:00.02Carlos_PHX1.4 demagnetized all my credit cards, prank called DHS, set the freezer temp to defrost, and chased kids with my snowblower.
02:00.03hardwireSteve_J-obs: it means you're doing things correctly :)
02:00.27hardwireSteve_J-obs: are you familiar with packet2packet?
02:00.38drmessanoI had that sort of issue with 1.6 right after I got out of prison
02:00.38Steve_J-obswell... correct...except that it is only happpening to me 20% of the time...80% of the time the call drops :(
02:00.41Carlos_PHXSteve_J-obs: It's basically a shortcut for non-transcoded packets.
02:00.53*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
02:01.37Steve_J-obsprevious to that, invariably, I get "droppiong extra frame of g729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end"
02:01.52drmessanoPrison teaches you a lot of things.. I learned to transcode with pen and paper in an 8x8 cell.
02:02.11Steve_J-obswhich causes bridging to occur only 20% of the time
02:02.18Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
02:02.50hardwireDoes eating Turkish food qualify?
02:02.53jaytee"do you like movies about gladiators?"
02:03.30drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Are you coming on to me?
02:03.42Carlos_PHXDo you want me to be?
02:03.58Steve_J-obsbesides carlos... that means the codec is either not transcoding well
02:04.08drmessanoIt can be our secret..
02:04.10v4mphmm any idea why the call wasn't sent to the agent ? the login from agent etc ran through fine and the extension to listen on was done
02:04.21*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
02:04.23Carlos_PHXNobody reads IRC, nobody will ever know.
02:04.51drmessanoYeah, IRC is so 1963 or so
02:05.05drmessanoI was IRC'ing in Saigon
02:06.30hardwireSaigon of course only existed until 1970.
02:06.34Steve_J-obsmaybe I should ask how I can fix "dropping extra frame of g729 since we already blah blah"
02:06.40hardwireAt which point drmessano floated to Thailand
02:06.51drmessanoI spent most of the war running wireless ethernet cable 2 clicks south of pyuntang
02:07.08drmessanoI was in Saigon long before 1970
02:07.25Carlos_PHXYou were always trying to get some pyuntang.
02:09.56*** part/#asterisk v4mp (n=Gary@
02:10.04*** join/#asterisk v4mp (n=Gary@
02:10.24Carlos_PHXSteve_J-obs: Is this between two phones, phone to PSTN, or ...?
02:11.16hardwiredrmessano: it seems I have an incomplete history on you
02:11.31hardwireat which point were you inducted into the A-Team ?
02:11.53Steve_J-obsthis is between to asterisks
02:12.20Carlos_PHXSteve_J-obs: IAX or SIP?  Asterisk version?
02:12.27Steve_J-obssip to sip
02:12.39Steve_J-obsmy version is 1.4.21, the other I dont know
02:12.55drmessanoThe A-Team were a bunch of no-talent hacks.. They couldn't make a TV about the stuff I did.. it would scare people
02:13.18russellbSteve_J-obs: 1.4.22 is coming out tomorrow, you can try it now if you want
02:13.23Carlos_PHXSteve_J-obs:  Do other CODECs work?
02:13.24russellbsvn co
02:13.51Steve_J-obseverything started happening since I added allow=g729 to sip.conf
02:14.12Carlos_PHXAnd I assume you have sufficient licenses for the number of calls?
02:14.27Steve_J-obso yes...unlimited license
02:14.27Carlos_PHXIs 729 the only codec, or multiple?
02:14.36Steve_J-obsg729 is the only codec
02:14.38russellb"unlimited license"
02:14.40russellbi call BS!  :-p
02:14.42drmessano"unlimited license"
02:14.46drmessanoha, beat me to it
02:14.48*** join/#asterisk RypPn (i=TuMbL@
02:15.03Carlos_PHX< puts BS flag back in pocket, you guys got it.
02:15.22Steve_J-obslook, that part I don't know, I just know that the person that installed it for me handled that
02:15.22drmessanoSteve_J-obs: Where did you buy that unlimited license from?
02:15.45drmessano"I didn't download that cracked Photoshop.. my FRIEND did"
02:15.55Carlos_PHXThe check is in the mail
02:16.10Steve_J-obsI know that I have sufficient licenses, and the person in charged of that installation said that to me
02:16.17hardwireSteve_J-obs: I think your support quota just got all filled up somehow
02:16.29*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (n=john@
02:16.53russellbSteve_J-obs: have you checked your CPU load?  g729 eats up CPU
02:16.54*** join/#asterisk voxter (
02:17.07Steve_J-obsplease guys.. I really dont know anything about is not a licensing issue either since other calls are using it
02:17.07phixSteve_J-obs: gimme an iPhone
02:17.19drmessanoSteve_J-obs: You can get support for that G729 codec you purchased.. Give Digium a call
02:17.29Carlos_PHXYeah, that's my next suggestion.
02:17.41hardwireSteve_J-obs: its true.. it *is* supported by their paid professionals
02:17.44Carlos_PHXThough you saying other calls are using it doesn't mean it can't be a license issue.
02:17.47Carlos_PHXThat's my point.
02:17.55Carlos_PHXOther calls may have all the licenses.
02:18.06voxterHey polycom dudes. In recent polycom firmware, when dialing numbers, the screen's cursor behaves like it is in character entry mode, leaving the cursor on the just-dialed digit for a couple seconds before advancing on the screen. Anyone know how to disable that behavior?
02:18.09drmessanoDigium would love to hear from you if you're having a problem
02:18.23russellbwe would?  ^_^
02:18.28voxterhardwire: hola!
02:18.32drmessanorussellb: Oh yes
02:18.32hardwireits packet2packet tho.. so not like licenses are needed :)
02:18.37Steve_J-obscan anybody please explain why is this a licensing issue?
02:18.38hardwirevoxter: don't you dare!
02:18.46Carlos_PHXHe said p2p works, but not other calls.
02:18.46phixrussellb == digium?
02:18.53Carlos_PHXPresumably transcoded?
02:18.57russellbI am not Digium.  Digium is a compnay :)
02:19.06phixrussellb: you work for them?
02:19.07Carlos_PHXThat's why I was asking about the call destination.
02:19.14hardwirerussellb: you have the cutest accent.
02:19.21russellbhardwire: O.O
02:19.22phixrussellb: awesome, what's your direct line :P
02:19.28russellbphix: 911
02:19.33hardwirephix: 500
02:19.39Carlos_PHXrussellb: < Has been in a Turkish prison.
02:19.39carrarrussellb, if you were Digium, what would you be? Quad T1 card?
02:19.52russellbI would be Asterisk.
02:19.53Carlos_PHXDid you just call him square?
02:19.57voxterso has anyone seen this new behavior in polycom firmware? its driving me nuts
02:20.01drmessanoUnlimited license...
02:20.04hardwirerussellb invited the quad span card.. and every chuck norris joke.
02:20.07phixrussellb: what's the country code on that :)
02:20.09hardwireso be careful ok?
02:20.16russellbphix: 800 km
02:20.20Carlos_PHXvoxter: Yes, I've seen it, and continue to see it.
02:20.21drmessanorussellb has an unlimited G729 license
02:20.34carrarThats not hard to get
02:20.43voxterCarlos_PHX: you dont know how to shut it off either, hm? I had to go onsite to a customer today as they were claiming it to be a bug. GRR.
02:21.03Carlos_PHXYes, I know how to fix it.  I'm replacing all the Polycoms with Linksys 942.
02:21.03hardwireI'd bother polycom relentlessly
02:21.12voxterCarlos_PHX: hah.
02:21.17drmessanoI have a keygen for Asterisk 1.4
02:21.29russellbdrmessano: hax!
02:21.30voxterCarlos_PHX: Ive started pushing Aastra instead of polycom as of late. Simply because of the wonderful XML flexibility
02:21.38Carlos_PHXIt's something to do with the dial plan in the phone and its pattern matching, but I'm sorry I can't give you detailed fixes.
02:21.42Carlos_PHXI've stumbled through it.
02:21.49hardwirevoxter: the aastra phones have LCD's that make me want to cry
02:21.56carrar-- Executing [russellb@asterisk] Set("message", "Hi Russel!!") in new stack
02:21.57hardwireand not in a good way
02:21.57voxterhardwire: that too. and the buttons.
02:22.14voxterIve brought it up with aastra many many times
02:22.14Carlos_PHXdrmessano:  Can it get around Asterisk Genuine Advantage?
02:22.24drmessanoI was working on a keygen for 1.6 but apparently those &%$%#$ at Digium put some crap copy protect in there.. so I have a nice loader for it I wrote
02:22.51russellbcarrar: hi2u2
02:23.22hardwiredrmessano: or you could just not use g729
02:23.29hardwireseems like a good option to me
02:23.46drmessanoIt's not for G729
02:23.49drmessanoIt's for Asterisk
02:23.59hardwirebeats drmessano
02:24.10hardwiredon't you dare tell Mr T
02:24.17drmessanohas to explain EVERYTHING to hardwire
02:24.25hardwireyou and my girlfriend
02:24.51russellbhardwire: you don't have a girlfriend ... you're on IRC too much
02:25.21hardwirerussellb: she's so life like tho
02:25.30*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
02:25.32hardwireearlier today she stood there and proclaimed "this fabric still smells"
02:25.36hardwireyet she held no fabric
02:25.42hardwireand she never pointed at anything
02:25.49hardwireI could have swore I must have missed several words
02:25.53hardwireshe too.. had to explain "everything"
02:26.03drmessanoI have a patch for Asterisk that allows unlimited IAX2 as well
02:26.07hardwireapparently her new pants have the "new" smell.
02:26.11hardwiredrmessano: lies
02:26.19russellbdrmessano: that's not possibly unless it wasn't IAX2 anymore.
02:26.34russellbthe protocol has a built-in hard limit on number of concurrent calls on a given IAX2 endpoint.
02:26.36hardwirerussellb: can you patch my dsl into a full T1?
02:26.43hardwiredrmessano: ^
02:26.46russellbhardwire: for $ 800 km, sure
02:27.08russellb800 kilometer dollars
02:27.20Qwelldollars is a redundant unit of measurement
02:27.28hardwireprefers dollops
02:27.30Qwell800km is currency
02:27.37russellbQwell: sry :(
02:27.40drmessanoFine, i'm not gonna let anyone use my RTP patch for > 65,534 ports
02:27.47russellbdrmessano: hax!!
02:28.13hardwiredrmessano: you even got the 0 port?
02:28.28Qwellmy kernel uses 2.4 billion ports
02:28.34drmessanoI've been running over 80,000 RTP ports in testing
02:28.38Qwellof course, I had to modify IP
02:28.47russellbyou mean UDP
02:28.57hardwiremy kernel uses n*16^2 ports.. where n represents my IP's
02:29.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:29.12Qwellhmm, is port a UDP layer thing?
02:29.21Qwellraw sockets don't have ports I guess..
02:29.21*** join/#asterisk i3inary (
02:29.39russellbQwell: sir yes sir
02:29.40Qwellmakes sense.
02:29.47Qwellprotocol layer
02:29.54drmessanomy rtp.conf rtpstart=0  rtpend=81234
02:30.21drmessano(with patch applied)
02:30.41hardwireseriously folks.. you can get more thn a few million ports IF YOU USE DNS SRV
02:30.45hardwirewhich drmessano has a patch for
02:31.03Carlos_PHXScript kiddies.  I'm running thousands of concurrent calls on the same single port.
02:31.06drmessanoThats not entirely true
02:31.23Carlos_PHXI just have the users say who they want the packets to go to really fast before each word.
02:31.28drmessanoDNS SRV doesn't use ports.. so you can run millions of calls
02:31.40drmessanoIt's portless
02:32.00drmessanoJust use a * instead of a port number.. that's a wildcard
02:32.12Carlos_PHXNo, that's a PBX.
02:32.23Carlos_PHXOr a big orange wirenut.
02:33.34drmessano_iax2._udp SRV 0 0 *  <--- sexy
02:35.44voxteri need to dig some more into utilizing SRV
02:35.54hardwireit's teh eazy
02:35.59drmessanoSRV is actually neat
02:36.05hardwireand incredibly handy
02:36.07drmessanoStarted messing with it for XMPP
02:36.09hardwireand ties in well with clustering
02:36.16drmessanoThen SIP
02:36.30hardwireisn't it just _iax?
02:36.36voxterya, ive got a simple 5060 entry for sip/iax and xmpp
02:36.42voxterbut i havent dug into its power yet.
02:36.51hardwireit's about as powerful as your client :)
02:36.55hardwireso be careful
02:36.57hardwirebbl.. going home
02:37.35voxterim going to do the same
02:37.44voxterjust moved into my new office today, woo!
02:39.20drmessanoActually, I have no idea if _iax2 or _iax is appropriate.. I've actually USED it for XMPP and SIP, seems like I found noted somewhere that * looked for _iax2, but I may just be imagining that
02:40.48Carlos_PHXWe're just rolling out SRV with SER for fault tolerance, powerful stuff.
02:40.50russellbiax2 probably
02:41.15russellbactually, i'm wrong
02:41.19drmessanoI think I looked once, a long time ago, and found iax2.. may have dug through code
02:41.20QwellParty Sunday
02:41.22russellbchan_iax2.c does an SRV lookup using "iax"
02:41.25Qwellyou should totally go
02:41.26russellbQwell: yes!
02:41.28russellbi plan to.
02:41.45drmessanoI got invited
02:41.46Qwelldrmessano: you're totally not invited
02:41.46russellbhopefully my brain will have fully recovered by then
02:42.01voxterQwell lays the smack down.
02:42.27Qwelldrmessano: not until you test :P
02:42.29drmessanoI was completely invited by some guy from Digium that spoke at a trixbox con or something
02:42.31Qwellvoxter: you too!
02:42.37drmessanoDont remember his name
02:42.51russellbdrmessano: we call him "nub" around the office
02:43.13russellb<3   jk!
02:43.18drmessanoAww.. don't go all green in the face
02:44.35drmessanoA lot of people don't know this about me.. but i've never actually seen a CLI
02:45.02drmessanoTrixbox is as close to * as I will ever get.. <----- GUI ------ 10 foot pole ----->
02:45.25russellbsorry ... we're having an Asterisk CLI party, so clearly you can't come
02:45.34drmessanoSomeone told me to reload SIP the other day, and I was like "ctrl-alt-del"
02:47.03drmessanoIf it doesn't have a "Start" or "Kerry" button, I am like all totally like "Whoa, it's dark in here"
02:47.14voxtersomeone told me to load trixbox the other day and i was all 'load' : "cannot open no such file or directory"
02:47.20voxterIt was devastating.
02:47.39russellbevery time someone installs trixbox, god kills a kitten
02:47.44Qwelltrixbox totally needs a "Kerry" button
02:47.56Qwelldrmessano: also, did I tell you about the awesomeness that was itexpo?
02:48.02voxterthey should make the logo a kerry bobblehead
02:48.18drmessanoNo, I never got details..
02:48.19QwellAndrew would not acknowledge my existence.  Kerry came up and introduced himself, Andrew came up with him...didn't say a word.
02:48.34jayteeI loaded trixbox on one computer and it logged itself into one of my other computers and ate my homework
02:48.35QwellBill Miller told them the night before that I was behind AsteriskNOW 1.5
02:48.44QwellAndrew was clearly pissed.
02:48.45drmessanoAwww that sucks
02:48.46*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:48.49drmessanoTotally ruined the fun
02:48.57Qwelldrmessano: it added to it
02:49.07voxterQwell: hahaha
02:49.10Qwellalso, xchat thinks "awesomeness" is a word
02:49.11drmessanoFor a different reason, no doubt
02:49.23voxterQwell: I saw them both at astricon, and they very much kept to themselves this year.
02:49.24russellbQwell: and then they're all like, "i can has your packages?"
02:49.30russellbwe want to even _less_ actual work
02:49.31voxterQwell: also, there was no trixbox booth :)
02:49.33Qwellrussellb: dude, you don't even know
02:49.41QwellYES.  That happened.
02:49.49russellbnods :-D
02:49.55Carlos_PHXThe Trixbox "party" wasn't all that exciting.
02:50.01voxterthere was a party?
02:50.09voxterclearly it was a hit
02:50.10Qwellhe wants my 1.6 packages..  somebody asked them a couple days ago if they were planning on adding 1.6 :)
02:50.15Carlos_PHXYeah, ninth floor, since they didn't pay for booth space.
02:50.23Qwell(I don't actually have 1.6 packages...he just thinks I do, I guess)
02:50.30voxterCarlos_PHX: lame.
02:50.40drmessanoFor some unknown reason, I pulled the Gizmo5 module from the Trixbox repo and started minor edits to make it work native in FreePBX... just so I can piss in their kool-aid
02:50.41voxterCarlos_PHX: I was drinking with digum instead. :P
02:50.43Carlos_PHXAnd I've been to Fonality parties before they were good.
02:50.44Qwell"he thinks I do"...why does that set of my grammar-detector?
02:50.53Carlos_PHXvoxter: I did both.
02:50.58Carlos_PHXI'm cheap and easy.
02:51.12voxterCarlos_PHX: not in that particular order necessarily, of course, right?
02:51.15QwellCarlos_PHX: wait, they didn't have a booth?
02:51.23russellbQwell: corect
02:51.26Qwellthey had a huge booth at itexpo the week before
02:51.38russellbinstead they passed out postcards advertising their party in a room on the 9th floor
02:51.38Qwellright at the door too
02:51.41Carlos_PHXThey just got a room and had a party, passed out fliers and stuff.
02:52.05Carlos_PHXThe party was not only lame, the sleaze factor of the whole thing was revolting.
02:52.05QwellI had to walk by whats-her-face every time...
02:52.05drmessanoThe Trixbox-Gizmo5 integration is gonna shake the world of open sores
02:52.12QwellCarlos_PHX: I can imagine
02:52.24russellbdrmessano: NO F'ING WAY ... they support SIP now?
02:52.26Qwellrussellb: do you have any idea who she is?
02:52.37Qwellshe always gives me such dirty looks
02:52.43russellbno clue
02:52.47russellbbut i know who you're talking about
02:52.48Qwellknow who I'm talking about?
02:53.03Qwellthe one in that awesome picture Lauren took :D
02:53.20russellbthe one where their booth was empty and ours was full?  ^_^
02:53.24Qwellthat's one of my favorite pictures EVER
02:53.42QwellCarlos_PHX: I really should bookmark it..  it always takes me forever to find
02:54.02QwellBUT, I'll look, because it's that great
02:54.13Carlos_PHXI'll make sure it gets around some.
02:54.24drmessanoI'll post it on the trixbox forums..
02:54.34drmessanoBoring news day
02:54.46voxterheh i got a good lashing when i posted the remote root exploit code on the trixbox forums a month or two ago
02:55.08drmessanoThey are such communists.. and not in a good way
02:56.04drmessanoSurely that kind of shenanigans is against the gpllaw
02:56.54drmessano"hey guys, we just upgraded hudlite..... guys...."
02:58.01russellbthat picture is classic
02:58.09Carlos_PHXTruly awesome.
02:58.31voxteryour green glowing box is not that amazing dudes.
02:58.31Qwellthat look on her face is priceless
02:58.57QwellANYWAYS, yeah..  she always gives me dirty looks
02:58.58Carlos_PHXI was there, but couldn't see the situation through all the people at the Digium booth.
02:59.00drmessanoWhat would have truly pwned.... "hey guys, can we borrow some of these chairs?"
02:59.16Carlos_PHX"you're not going to need them"
02:59.28Qwellif you look in the background...
02:59.33Qwellyou can see Andrew at our booth :P
02:59.38voxterI was just gonna say..
02:59.51Qwellhe's right in front of the door
02:59.53voxterhes in front  of the door
03:00.00Carlos_PHXI'm pretty sure that cow skull is looking at their booth though.
03:00.12Carlos_PHXMaybe Trixbox has super cow powers.
03:01.06drmessanoI love how the trixbox appliance has a built-in blue screen of death
03:01.36Carlos_PHXThe switchvox woman makes a much better booth babe too.
03:01.43russellbgpllaw might not appreciate your use of the microsoft trademarked term BSoD
03:02.11russellbCarlos_PHX: but the great thing is she's not a booth babe.  She helped _make_ the stuff
03:02.19Carlos_PHXOh yeah, I know that.
03:02.28Carlos_PHXThat's even better.
03:02.40russellbthe switchvox crew rox0rz
03:02.49voxteryah those guys have a stellar product
03:02.56voxterI wish i had done half of what they did
03:03.05voxternow if they'd just include bulk extension provisioning.... :)
03:03.50drmessanoI remember when the trixbox appliance first came out.. people rushing to be the first to get one.. I was thinking there were probably quite a few cases of "hey boss, remember that trixbox I was telling you about?  I ordered their new PBX appliance, here look"  "What the hell is that green thing?"  "Thats IT, boss."  "Johnson, you effing idiot"
03:03.59*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
03:04.20Qwellrussellb: did she get like no pictures of Sokol standing on the table?
03:04.23russellbclearly your phone system in the rack in the closet needs to glow
03:04.28QwellTHAT was epic,
03:04.30russellbQwell: *shrugs*
03:04.40Qwellthat man can yell
03:05.22drmessanoClearly your phone system needs to be a full rack deep 2U box that uses so much power that calling it "green" is just a sad, tragic irony
03:05.57Carlos_PHXI was wondering what to do with all the extra power and cooling capacity in the server room, so the lights really help with that.
03:06.37Qwellyeah, she did :D
03:06.59QwellHe managed to get the attention of every single person in the exhibit hall.
03:07.04voxtercant you buy switchvox without hardware?
03:08.12russellbi don't think end users can ... but i *think* that resellers and such can ...
03:08.13drmessanoI think a nice trixbox appliance with an unlimited G729 license would make an awesome octoberween gift
03:08.15russellbdon't quote me on that.
03:08.33voxteri should talk to them about reselling it, see what they say
03:08.38Carlos_PHXDon't they all include unlimited 729?
03:08.55Carlos_PHXI mean, our Fonality PBXtra did.
03:09.12Carlos_PHXYeah, you don't wanna know more.
03:09.13russellboh man, don't get me started on the PBXtra mods to asterisk
03:09.22voxteroh no, do, im curious :)
03:09.22drmessanoCarlos_PHX: Only in former Soviet Republics with unnecessary vowels
03:09.27QwellCarlos_PHX: sure I do
03:09.28voxterdid they distribute the intel codec?
03:09.38Qwellif they're violating copyright and patent law...
03:09.58drmessanoHang on.
03:10.00Carlos_PHXI can't remember all the details, but when Kevin Fleming worked on it (before he worked at Digium), he freaked.
03:10.08drmessanoLets give them the benefit of the doubt
03:10.22Carlos_PHXI think it was supposed to be the Intel one and was not after all.
03:10.23drmessanoIt may not be "unlimited", but a "fuggedaboutit" license
03:10.24voxterwhy do we never have these conversations at astricon? :) heh
03:10.25drmessanoThat, is ok
03:10.29Carlos_PHXOh yeah, it included non-free code.
03:10.50Carlos_PHXThis was many years ago, I know they cleaned up since.
03:10.59Carlos_PHXAsterisk 0.something
03:11.14QwellThe trainer at the thing I was at, tried to say that Digium owns the patents on g729
03:11.19QwellI VERY quickly corrected him.
03:11.43Carlos_PHXfuggedaboutit license...ROFL, yeah, that was it.
03:12.17russellbg'night folks
03:12.28voxterim outta here too
03:12.28drmessano"How many G729 licenses does this come with?"  "hey, yo, a whole-a-bunch.. "
03:12.35voxterenough excitement for one day
03:12.47Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Said in the Simpsons mobster voice of course.
03:13.40drmessanoStop looking a gift horse in the uh, you know, a, his, a nose or sometin.. hey yo..
03:14.26drmessanoI think "Unlimited license" was the topper for the night.   I can do no better
03:14.47Carlos_PHXWe never did use them, Kevin wanted no part of it.  We were going 70 concurrents, woulda been a lot of licenses.
03:14.55Carlos_PHXdrmessano: Yeah
03:14.58Carlos_PHXNo kidding.
03:15.35drmessanoBRB, need to go ask for help with my CS4 keygen on the Adobe forums
03:16.29Carlos_PHXI'm guessing most people come here expecting script kiddies and hax0rs.
03:17.23*** join/#asterisk chendo[work] (
03:18.00chendo[work]It should be possible to get asterisk to change the incoming caller ID based of information from a CRM, yeah?
03:20.32Qwellchendo[work]: sure
03:20.44chendo[work]So nothing will break if it might take a while for the data to come back?
03:21.03chendo[work]Like will it delay the phone ringing if the request takes a while?
03:21.23chendo[work]I actually know almost nothing about asterisk because the other guy set it up, but I want to see if it's possible before bringing it up and sounding stupid
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03:52.33jblackWallstreet got bailed out, and all I got was my shirt taken off my back.
03:53.53jameswf-homejblack: not yet those A-Holes in the house have to vote
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04:00.22jameswf-homeI dunno if this is cool or ceepy
04:00.23jblackI promised all three of my representatives that I'll do everything I can to make sure nobody forgets. I already checked adrates, and I can do weekly advertisements for a year for about 1200 bucks.
04:00.50jameswf-homeyou could use asterisk to cold call
04:01.02jameswf-homeplay a quick recoding
04:01.17jblackThere is an exception for political calls, no?
04:01.57jameswf-homei get political ecordings often... you think that politicians would make something illegal for them
04:02.04jblackThat is not creepy. It's just for a race.
04:02.43implicitsome people are aparnoid
04:02.43jblackactually, 1.25, that's 96K calls. Seems the paper would be cheaper.
04:03.06jblackcreepy is when they try to stick 'em on your kids, or your boss on you.
04:03.34jameswf-homeyeah we did not show the boss the blackbery gps tracking software
04:05.42jblackgee. if the bailout is such a great idea, why is futures down 91 points?
04:06.24jameswf-homeif you look in to the future you will see the house vote NO
04:06.48jblackI hope it does.
04:07.44jameswf-homeso are thee vegas odds on the next bank to fail
04:08.12jameswf-homeare there any small large banks left?
04:08.27jameswf-home$30 on US Bank
04:09.36jblackI heard something about national city?
04:10.26jblackLooks like Downey savings and first federal are about to push daisies too.
04:11.16jblackWhat we should keep an eye on is Bank of America and Citigroup. Those two are massive in size.
04:11.52jameswf-homeNCC (Common)  NYSE$2.89 + 1.1465.14%$3.14$1.92588,364,055$2.13 << that could be corect this is what wamu looked like 3 days before they went
04:13.13*** join/#asterisk phix (
04:14.44jblackYeah. Go bailout.
04:15.09jameswf-homeget it straight "RES-Q-PLAN
04:15.35jblackThere's 50 ways to solve it. How does congress manage to pick the one that's most expensive and most likely to work?
04:15.35jameswf-homebail out is so last week
04:15.54jblackpardon, least likely to work
04:17.13jameswf-homethey need to release this
04:17.56jblackWhat I want are a handful of those pandoras.
04:18.38jameswf-homedoes it run linux?
04:18.51jblackIt does everything, and it's open.
04:19.00jameswf-homeim not a gamer
04:19.20jblackdon't think of it as a DS. Think of it as a micro-laptop with 12 hour battery life and linux.
04:20.16jameswf-homemobile PBX...
04:21.13*** join/#asterisk fogo (
04:31.45jblackDown 115 now. I wonder how the dollar is doing
04:34.20*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
04:46.16*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
04:46.28saint_Hi all...!
04:47.04saint_Could someone help me troubleshot a SIP trace please  ? I have it at   ... I'd like to know WTF is this P-Alcatel-CSBU in the INVITE ..?
04:47.34saint_I can't find anything about "bypass=xx; fb=notransfer; ..." in any RFC
04:49.23drmessanoA Screencap of wireshark?
04:49.51saint_well.. yeah...
04:50.17drmessanosip debug pastebin'ed would be much more useful
04:50.42saint_all I have is a .CAP here ...
04:51.19saint_Is there any RFC that allows to send proprietary informations, like the one in this header ..?
04:51.22drmessanoYou cant generate debug?
04:52.33saint_well.. I could, but i m not at the office anymore ... so for now, that's all i have ...
04:54.30hardwiredon't you think it's a bit fantastic that we have so many users in here but nothing going on?
04:55.09drmessanoSorry, I don't understand.  Can you make a screencap for me and imagebin it?
04:56.38hardwirecan you screencap your question and tinypic it for me?
04:57.41drmessanoOh, you mothe...
04:57.42drmessanoI mean
04:57.45drmessanoyeah, brb
04:57.49jblackhardwire: Nah, that happens all the time.
04:58.17jblacksometimes 3-4 hours at a time with _nothing_
05:00.12hardwiredrmessano: .. I haven't clicked yet
05:00.22hardwirebefore I do.. do you swear on your life that I won't regret it?
05:00.51drmessanoNo, but they did
05:01.44[TK]D-Fenderbed time, checking out.  Later all
05:02.08drmessanoGoatse, let me show you my
05:02.59*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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05:34.40jameswf-homedo NOT google goatse
05:36.45[gnubie]waves to all..
05:37.58[gnubie]i am running asterisk- with a digium tdm card
05:38.25[gnubie]i am experiencing a one way audio when placing an outbound call...
05:38.45mostyoutbound on what?
05:39.15[gnubie]caller is using sip phone located inside the lan and the callee is an analog telephone connected to a pots
05:40.03[gnubie]sip_phone ==lan==> asterisk ==pots_fxo==> analog_telephone
05:41.03[gnubie]that's the scenario
05:41.17mostythe problem is most likely between asterisk and the sip phone
05:41.21[gnubie]the callee cannot hear the caller but the caller hears the callee
05:41.58[gnubie]but when i captured the communication using tcpdump and decode/play the session using wireshark, i can hear them both
05:42.38mostydo you have NAT involved anywhere?
05:42.38[gnubie]mosty: i don't have any problem with an inbound call as well as extension to extension sip calls
05:42.53[gnubie]mosty: nope.
05:43.26jameswf-homewhats the CLI output
05:43.54[gnubie]let me check the /var/log/asterisk/messages first
05:47.17[gnubie]if i understand this correctly based on the sip messages, it says that:
05:48.32[gnubie]sip phone sent an INVITE to the callee's telephone number
05:50.02[gnubie]then, 407 proxy authentication required from the sip phone to the callee's telephone number
05:51.10[gnubie]then, the callee acknowledged it with ACK
05:51.40[gnubie]then, sent an INVITE again to the callee's number
05:52.08[gnubie]100 Trying
05:53.00[gnubie]then CANCEL sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:53.18[gnubie]SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated
05:53.32[gnubie]SIP/2.0 200 OK
05:53.54[gnubie]ACK sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:54.34[gnubie]INVITE sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:55.04[gnubie]SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
05:55.23[gnubie]ACK sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:55.35[gnubie]INVITE sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:56.59[gnubie]SIP/2.0 100 Trying
05:57.12[gnubie]SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
05:59.22[gnubie]CANCEL sip:callee's_telephone_number
05:59.38[gnubie]SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated
05:59.50[gnubie]SIP/2.0 200 OK
05:59.55Strom_Chint hint
05:59.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
06:00.38[gnubie]ACK sip:callee's_telephone_number
06:00.44[gnubie]Steve_J-obs: sorry, i should use it
06:00.59[gnubie]Strom_C: sorry, i should use it..
06:01.41[gnubie]but i think it was done
06:03.02[gnubie]jameswf-home: if you want, i will paste the entire /var/log/asterisk/messages at the pastebin
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06:29.53[gnubie]jameswf-home: kindly check this out =>
06:30.06[gnubie]mosty: kindly check this out =>
06:32.47mostydoes a packet trace on your asterisk box to the sip phone show rtp traffic going in both directions?
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06:41.36[gnubie]mosty: it looks like, yes
06:42.01mostythen i don't know why your phone isn't giving you the sound. what kind of phone is it?
06:42.37[gnubie]mosty: snom 300
06:43.10mostydo a pcap trace on the phone. you can do that through the phone's web interface
06:43.11[gnubie]mosty: i don't have any problem with an inbound call with the same route..
06:43.18mostyconfirm that the rtp is arriving at the phone
06:43.51[gnubie]mosty: it's the callee (analog telephone) that cannot hear the snom 300
06:44.30mostyok, then a packet trace at the asterisk end should suffice
06:45.21[gnubie]mosty: that's what i have here.. i got a capture file from a tcpdump command
06:46.26[gnubie]mosty: that's how i learned that both of them sends their voice because when i decode/play it from a wireshark, i can hear both of them
06:49.26[gnubie]i was just wondering why the callee cannot hear the voice from the caller..
06:50.11mostyusually when i see problems like this, it's because there is NAT in there somewhere, and the rtp doesn't go to the correct place
06:52.50[gnubie]mosty: the snom 300 is at and the asterisk box is at since the callee is at the pots side (analog telephone) and the one that cannot hear the caller's voice, does it mean that the rtp from the caller's side must go to the, the asterisk's ip address?
06:54.37mostysince the asterisk machine is the only thing connected to the analogue phone
07:02.14[gnubie]mosty: what should i do with this? it seems that the rtp goes to the asterisk box
07:05.07mostywhat version of asterisk? what kind of tdm card?
07:06.56*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (
07:07.10tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], can you get a dump of the SIP/rtp session with wireshark / tcpdump?
07:07.30[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i already have one
07:07.44*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
07:07.51Kernel_Corehi all
07:07.53tzafrir_laptopthat's on the phone
07:08.07[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: that's where i was able to hear both the caller and the callee's voice but the callee cannot hear the caller's voice
07:08.35[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: kindly take a look at this =>
07:09.04[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i created it using wireshark, from a tcpdump capture file
07:09.56[gnubie] is the ip phone and the is the asterisk box
07:10.47tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], that's a dump on the phone, right? can you get a dump on the asterisk server?
07:10.55tzafrir_laptopyou can use, e.g. tcpdump
07:11.12[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: that's on the asterisk server while having the session
07:11.41ayrjolahelp with oneway audio problem sip trunk? most calls have oneway audio, no pattern when or which way.
07:11.43tzafrir_laptope.g.: tcpdump -w
07:12.32tzafrir_laptopok. So there are hardly any RTP packets, right?
07:15.09ayrjolasorry, bad discription. oneway audio problem only if incoming Call in dialplan goes to Dial() and destination is out from sip trunk where call came in.
07:15.21[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i open the tcpdump capture file on wireshark and i was able to hear the voices of the caller and the callee
07:15.45*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
07:16.12tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], which capture file?
07:17.13[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: before i started calling the analog telephone from the pots via the tdm fxo port of the asterisk box, i executed this command:  tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 -w /tmp/one_way_audio.cap
07:18.15[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: then i performed the call until such time the callee hangup the call because he cannot hear anything from me.. but i can hear him
07:19.00[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: after that, i open the one_way_audio.cap on my wireshark and play the voip_calls and from there i was able to hear both the caller's and the callee's voices
07:21.47[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: now, since i was able to hear both voices, how come that the callee cannot hear the caller's voice?
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07:23.51[gnubie]but with an inbound call, both can hear each other
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07:37.03write_eraseHi.... I'd like to open my asterisk to the internet, so employees can use their softphones from home like there were in the company. Are there known secutity issues or best practices for this ?
07:38.36mostyavoid NAT issues by using a public IP
07:38.55mostyand firewall everything besides SIP/RTP traffic
07:40.20write_eraseWhat about sip proxies that do the 'NAT' job ?
07:40.44Maliutawrite_erase: it's not just about SIP
07:41.12Maliutawrite_erase: I have yet to meet one that deals with the following rtp packets
07:41.15mostywrite_erase, they can work, but it's simpler to just get a public ip address
07:42.20write_eraseI understand
07:43.03write_eraseSalut Rico29
07:44.16Rico29ah, un fr
07:45.53*** join/#asterisk oilinki3 (
07:52.10Rico29i need help for using the "Read" cmd in a perl AGI
07:52.21Rico29've tried many ways to use it
07:52.28Rico29but it doesn't work
07:54.17*** join/#asterisk Juggie (n=Juggie@
07:54.44tzafrir_laptopRico29, "doesn't work" as in? What does it actually do?
07:55.03Rico29i'm pastebining it
07:56.38*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:01.28Rico29tzafrir_laptop >
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08:10.42Rico29tzafrir_laptop > any idea ?
08:17.44*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
08:32.45Rico29 if somebody wants to take a look
08:35.26*** join/#asterisk kissand (
08:38.22kissandanyone from Digium INC?
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08:56.07kissandanyone from Digium INC?
08:56.21Rico29 if somebody wants to take a look
08:56.59kissandits in french
08:57.30Rico29yes but easily understandable
08:58.16kissandnot for m
09:00.49tzafrir_laptopkissand, They'll probably be here (and on the phone support line) in a few hours)
09:01.08kissandhmm right i forgot the time difference
09:02.15kissandwill they be interested on helping me develop a voip network for greek schools based on asterisk?
09:02.24kissandfor free of course :>
09:03.19*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
09:10.46Rico29kissand >
09:10.51Rico29with english translation
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09:14.08baxtaswhat will hapen if asterisk and ATA have diferent jitter parameters
09:15.53baxtasPagautas kaip tu manai??
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09:34.28mort_gibkissand: what do you need
09:34.59mort_gibkissand: I'm NOT Digium, but would be glad to help...
09:37.48jboti guess docs is for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
09:39.22mvanbaakTheBook is the best reference I think
09:47.21*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
09:50.23jbotfrom memory, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
09:55.24InsolentDreamsI'm having problems debugging a iax connection, I have dundi setup between two servers, and they advertise and lookup properly, but calls seem to only go one way, and iax debugging in the asterisk terminal appears less than helpful.  Is there a command I'm missing to debug iax connections?
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10:30.43pputmandoes anyone know how to resolve a problem with asterisk no playing audio files with zaptel started?
10:34.47*** join/#asterisk yang (i=yang@CAcert/Assurer/yang)
10:41.23tzafrir_laptoppputman, what device? What version of zaptel?
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10:44.16mdalbyMorning, Can anybody tell me how i'd go about checking the status of a single E1, I have 4 e'1's in a card but im concerned no calls are going through one of them
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10:46.39pputmantzafrir_laptop, latest 1.4, and it's a te110p.  I have heard in the past a problem where zaptel being loaded causes files to play with no audio I just can't remember what the solution was.
10:46.50pputmanI'm thinking it might have something to do with timing?
10:50.03pputmanactually yeah, his zaptel.conf is blank so I'm guessing once it's configured the sound files will start playing
10:50.35tzafrir_laptoppputman, try running zttest . does it give output (of close to 100%)?
10:51.26pputmantzafrir_laptop, I'll try that, I don't have full access to the system
10:52.38pputmanbut now I do remember jcolp telling me one time that an unconfigured card can cause this problem
10:53.14eric2why is it that with * 1.4.21, rxfax causes it to crash?
10:53.24eric2everything was fine with 1.4.11
10:54.31tzafrir_laptoppputman, all the same. zttest can show that there is (no) functioning timing source. The lack of functining timing source is that cause you were talking about
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10:55.00pputmantzafrir_laptop, okay, that's a place to start, thanks.
10:55.06tzafrir_laptoperic2, have you upgraded anything else? e.g.: libtiff?
10:55.35eric2what does lib tiff have to do with it?   I upgraded asterisk-plugings-fax as well
10:55.43eric2maybe you're right
10:55.47eric2I'll check the version
10:56.41eric2lib64tiff3  version 3.8.2
10:57.18eric2asterisk and asterisk-plugins-fax
10:57.49eric2everything works great, but when the sending fax machine hangs up, asterisk crash's but I do get the tiff image on the server nicely
10:59.34eric2this is what I have for my fax code:
11:00.07eric2the noop(4444444) never gets executed as asterisk craps out on the rxfax line
11:00.24tzafrir_laptoperic2, what distro is it?
11:00.40eric2and I"m using the rpm's
11:00.55tzafrir_laptopare you sure spandsp hasn't changed?
11:01.29eric2with, it wants spandsp 0.05
11:02.03tzafrir_laptopand what spandsp do you have?
11:02.43eric2with I have spandsp 0.05 but on my box with it's using 0.00.4
11:03.20tzafrir_laptopI guess you should upgrade spandsp as well
11:03.46eric2hmm, spandsp 0.05 might be the culprit
11:04.06tzafrir_laptopI'm surprised urpmi/rpm let you upgrade this
11:04.39tzafrir_laptopsenses the use of brute --force
11:04.51*** join/#asterisk The-Bat (n=The-Bat@
11:05.06eric20.0.4 might have to be the task or brute forcing
11:08.07Blackvelanyone of you used myvariable:0:LEN(myvariable)-2 yet? Would I have to set LEN of myvariable-2 before or can I use it with the substitution like myvariable:0:${LEN(myvariable)}-2?
11:08.33Blackvelhow does that have to work exactly?
11:10.58kaldemaralways use $[] around arithmetic operations.
11:12.19kaldemaroh, sorry. LEN takes a string as an argument, not a variable name. so it would be $[${LEN(${myvariable})}-2]
11:14.12*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
11:16.03Blackvelsomething like that:
11:16.08*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=cvirus@
11:16.11Blackvelexten => s,102,Set(var_lencalleridnum=${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})})
11:17.26*** part/#asterisk CVirus (n=cvirus@
11:18.21Blackvelexten => s,103,LDAPget(CALLERID(name)=ldapconfig_cidmapping/${CALLERID(num):0:$[${var_lencalleridnum}-2]})
11:20.04kaldemarlooks fine with my tired eyes. but you can of course do that with just one line. decreases the readability of the extension though.
11:21.57BlackvelI think I am going to use even a 3rd ldapget call. so should be fine to compute LEN only one time
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11:22.35Blackvelwhat was the syntax? variablename:0:5? so its ${variablename:0:5} or was it ${variablename}:0:5?
11:23.54Blackvelwhere would I put the "0" if I have to? e.g number xxx-12 -> callerid(num)0:3 + 0? xxx-0
11:24.50Blackvelexten => s,103,LDAPget(CALLERID(name)=ldapconfig_cidmapping/${CALLERID(num):0:$[${var_lencalleridnum}-2]}0)
11:26.51kaldemarit's always ${variablename:0:5}.  ${variablename}:0:5 would reference to "123:0:5" if the variable had 123 in it.
11:27.24Blackvelso, that would not make much sense :)
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11:27.36hi365if I call a macro from dial - should it have a problem passing dmtf?
11:28.04kaldemaractually ${CALLERID(num):0:$[${var_lencalleridnum}-2]}0 makes very much sence if you want to suffix n first digits with a 0.
11:28.07Blackvelthat would refer to 1230 , wouldn't it?
11:28.45Blackvelthats cool
11:28.47kaldemaryou don't need anything special for concatenation, just put the digits after the variable reference.
11:29.09Blackveli am stil a bit unclear how to do it with the ldap thing from the technical side
11:29.23Blackveli just have all these >1000 company names in my db
11:29.36Blackvelbut usually with the direct extensions and not the -0
11:29.53Blackvelwhen a new call comes in, it would be the same company, but not a well known person
11:30.26defsworkI need some cheesey voice prompts that I can dynamically play to tell the time - but in proper voiceover man style "it's nearly 5 to 4" etc.. anyone know of anything ?
11:30.28kaldemarthese variable handlings are very easy to test by trying it out in a test dialplan. i suggest playing around with these.
11:30.52hi365im calling a macro from dial that includes a playback/background. while the file is being played, if I press a digit, the macro "crashes" and the dmtf doesnt get sent
11:31.02Blackvelis it best to use LDAPGet to match against len-2 + "0" and add extra rows in ldap for company name with "0" exten or adding 2nd "0" business number to each of the contacts?
11:31.46kaldemaruh. that's for you to decide. :)
11:32.26BlackvelI guess its not possible to find ldap phone -len 2 exluding ldap business phone match on the last 2-3 digits
11:32.37Blackvelhow do you guys do it in your business?
11:33.16Blackveli am just alone (it contractor). so I can decide whats the best from the architecture spoken (and maybe least efforts)
11:38.23hi365hmm, seems like this is a limitation of macro in dial. so let me ask this another way:
11:38.39hi365how can i play more than one audio file to a callee?
11:38.49hi365(and then have the call bridged)
11:41.10hi365(i.e. use the A option with more than one file)
11:44.18*** join/#asterisk Nathariel (n=boyan__@
11:49.06gewuerzwieselhi all, is it possible to set different codecs for outgoing and internal calls?
11:49.26gewuerzwieselusing gsm: outging calls with bad quality, calls to voicemail with good quality
11:49.43gewuerzwieselusing alaw: outgoing calls with good quality, calls to ovicemail with bad quality
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12:18.11angryusergewuerzwiesel : hm, maybe set the ${SIP_CODEC} before call
12:19.30angryuser: gewuerzwiesel net sure if it is still used, do a noop on the call
12:20.35gewuerzwieseli'll try it, thx
12:22.06mort_gibgewuerzwiesel: You could set the codec on the channel, so internal channels defaults to alaw, and your voip provider only does G729 and so forth...
12:22.28*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
12:24.19angryusermort_gib : maybe his voicemail is external ?
12:25.07angryusergewuerzwiesel : you are using external or * voicemail ?
12:26.12gewuerzwieselangryuser: *
12:28.00angryusergewuerzwiesel : so, set alaw to your outgoing peers as you only one codec, and gsm for you phones as only one,(or first on the list) and let * do the transcoding
12:29.45gewuerzwieselok, thx :)
12:30.09mort_gibangryuser: Which is what I meant to say :-)
12:30.33angryuserbut gsm, is not the best choice anyway, and i dont understand why voicemail with alaw has voice problems
12:30.41angryusermort_gib : yes
12:31.17gewuerzwieselangryuser: any sound from asterisk sound like played with 5$ speakers with alaw :)
12:31.48coppice$5 is quite a lot for a speaker. it should sound good
12:31.50angryusergewuerzwiesel : i am using ulaw, but they sound clear and nice
12:32.01angryuserdepends on phone too
12:32.03mort_gibgewuerzwiesel: Timing issue???
12:33.00mort_gibI don't recognize your problem, playing with codec's is good, but you have another problem
12:33.05gewuerzwieselcoppice: ok, 5$ home cinema speakers :)
12:33.31coppicehome cinema speakers generally cost less than $5 each
12:34.23hi365is it not posible to send dtmf while in dial (to the caller)?
12:35.41[TK]D-Fenderhi365: No.  And all those times you navigated through IVR's on outbound calls was just a dream.
12:38.31hi365[TK]D-Fender: TO the caller, not from a caller. let me explain. I have an intercom, which askes the caller for his name and palyes it back (to who ever answer the call). Now while the caller is listening to the promts (priv-callfrom&/tmp/door1) - how can they press the "door buzz" key? i tired using a mcaro to do the playback of the files, but although it "seems" to send dtmf - the door doesnt get buzzed
12:38.36hi365let me show you my dialplan
12:39.35[TK]D-Fenderhi365: That would be wise...
12:39.51hi365[TK]D-Fender: its a bit messy as im trying different things....
12:40.10hi365the intercom dials 601
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12:42.25[TK]D-Fenderhi365: line 16 looks like tis calling itself.
12:42.34[TK]D-Fenderhi365: and that is a complete mess.
12:43.01hi365its not - one is in the context and one is local/601@from-internal
12:43.04[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You should probably reword what you'd like to do and maybe we can suggest a different approach
12:43.27hi365[TK]D-Fender: fixed speeling on line 18 - and now asterisk claims it works "Executing [5@door:1] SendDTMF("SIP/220-08365f08", "www5") in new stack"
12:43.37hi365but the door isnt reciving the dmtf...
12:43.39[TK]D-Fenderhi365: was hard to tell because of other spelling erros, etc... hard to trust whats "testing", vs "accident", and "just plain wrong"
12:43.49hi365[TK]D-Fender: let me rephrase
12:44.05[TK]D-Fenderhi365: from the beginning please and tell me exactly what devices are being used
12:44.39hi365whne the user presses the call (pancode door pannel (sip)) button it promts him for his name.
12:45.08hi365i then wnat the system to call a ring group (local/601@from@internal) and play back his name
12:45.48hi365obviously, I want the panel to continue to play ring until ive finished listening to the name promt
12:45.57hi365how would you go about it?
12:46.33[TK]D-Fenderhi365: M()
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12:48.28hi365[TK]D-Fender: ok. seem though that the macro isnt passing the dtmf back to the door (although its getting played)
12:49.10[TK]D-Fenderhi365: then backtrack and just have your SIP door phone call ONE phone and prove it is even set up right for the proper DTMF mode.
12:49.27[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Because that's always the first things to suspect
12:49.48hi365[TK]D-Fender: IF i wait till all the promts are finished playing and press 5 it buzzez the door jsut fine
12:50.14hi365currently, if i press 5 it terminates the palyback - and then I need to press 5 again to get the door to buzz
12:50.27[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Oh so your only issue is that you want to be able to do it WHILE the name is playing as well and not wait for the bridge?
12:51.01[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I don't see how that is going to be possible.
12:51.14[TK]D-Fenderhi365: only time DTMF will make it over is upon bridging
12:51.18hi365now that you worded it like that - I see the problem
12:51.41[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You can't keep him "out of the loop" and then expect to pass him DTMF....
12:51.58[TK]D-Fenderhi365: there is no "kinda bridged, only not"
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12:52.17[TK]D-Fenderhi365: So your users will just have to live with it.
12:52.26hi365right, i see that. hmm, anything that CAN be done? is there another way to keep him on hold while i listen to the playback?
12:52.52[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Why bother recording the name anyway?  If they are going to get bridged right after, whats the point?
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12:53.21[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Your guy at the door has a second or so to relaize what he has to say and could have been just passed on to say it himself.
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12:54.04hi365it seems more sophisticated , and it enables the user to open the food withou the akward "who is it?"
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12:54.45shrivenhello. Has anyone here had success getting 1.6-rc6 to compile cleanly on debian?
12:56.06[TK]D-Fenderhi365: From what I saw the user has to hear the name (3s max) and respond WHILE its playing otherwise this "advantage" is lost.  Sounds like a total waste to me...
12:56.47hi365[TK]D-Fender: im not saying i would do this at home. but this is what the client wants...
12:57.15hi365[TK]D-Fender: heck your right. i give up!
12:57.20[TK]D-Fenderhi365: So far I don't see any way to pass your DTMF without a bridge which means they'll hear the callee..
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13:05.32stimpieis it possible to get the ip address a sip session is coming from in the dialplan?
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13:08.55mort_gibstimpie: SIPPEER(<SIPNAME>|ip)
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13:10.58stimpiemort_gib, thanks thats looks to be it
13:11.07shrivenok, so I'm compiling 1.6 and get this error: "app_voicemail.c:169: error: ‘PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP’ undeclared here (not in a function)"
13:11.10shrivenis that a big deal?
13:11.32shrivenor would it be safe to turn on --ignore-errors and keep going
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13:17.52Kattypamples things
13:18.49jayteewhat is pampling?
13:19.00eric2anyone having faxing isssues with   Soon at rxfax is called in my dial plan, asterisk gets killed. Any ideas?  I'm using spandsp 0.0.5
13:19.46tzafrir_laptoperic2, this is not an issue with faxing
13:19.46eric2d'oh, I thought you had gone to sleep  :)
13:20.00tzafrir_laptopit's 16:19 here
13:20.06eric2ok, so I'll force spandsp 0.0.4
13:20.41tzafrir_laptopluke^Weric2, don't use the --force
13:21.05eric2I'll see what I can do, but forcing is bad imo
13:21.31tzafrir_laptopfor starters, are those two packages from the same repository?
13:22.41eric2I think so, but I'll check to verify
13:23.04eric2checks repository libs
13:23.43Kattyjaytee: understand now? (=
13:24.27*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
13:29.57coppiceeric2: probably things crash because you have built with one version of spandsp, but are trying to run with another
13:30.56eric2I just used the rpms for my distro, I have a hunch that I should not use the latest spandsp but the prior version but still have to test this
13:32.21coppicemost of the distros have ancient versions of spandsp
13:35.07eric2I'll check the latest, is listed.. but anyhow, I'll look for the latest and greatest version of spandsp
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13:36.00coppicethe thing that causes most people trouble is having two versions on their machine in different directories
13:37.38eric2the latest spandsp and asterisk is available for my distro, but I think I'll revert to an older version of both (even though its probably not recommended)
13:37.45eric2I'll test with the older stuff anyhow
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13:39.25coppiceif you get crashes it will almost certainly be because you have multiple versions on your machine. randomly changing versions doesn't help with that
13:39.46eric2I'll delete all and restart from scratch
13:40.00*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
13:40.09QwellJerJer: get my email?
13:41.41coppiceQwell: do you know if the deal with Cisco is that they are dumping SIP or dumping SCCP?
13:41.50Qwellgot me
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13:44.54Kattylmadsen: ohai
13:44.58Kattyhugs lmadsen
13:45.12creativxO HAISZ
13:45.16lmadsenKatty: ohai2u2!
13:45.22lmadsenI haz hugz?!
13:45.24lmadsenI do!
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13:45.32lmadsenhugs katty
13:45.42lmadsenI'm much too cheerful for having just woke up
13:46.03lmadsentoday is clustering day!
13:46.12seanbrighti thought it was thursday
13:46.17Kattystill struggling with that wakeup bit :<
13:46.20russellbclustering is hawt
13:46.21lmadsenaka clustering day
13:46.23Kattyprods soda
13:46.29lmadsenyou mean pop
13:46.31Kattydear soda, plz to wake me up
13:46.52Kattyrussellb: yer hawt.
13:46.56lmadsenhave a customer I'm upgrading tonight
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13:47.08Kattyhugs shriven
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13:47.14Kattyhugs _ShrikE
13:47.16Kattyhugs mog
13:47.23shrivenoh hai
13:47.24russellbKatty: ooh ... <3
13:47.31Kattyshriven: sorry about the unsoilicited drive-by-hugging
13:47.41seanbrighttries something...
13:47.43*** part/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
13:47.45_ShrikEHey Katty!  How's the pooch doing?
13:47.46*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
13:47.57Katty_ShrikE: he's just peachy :>
13:47.57seanbrightoh well.
13:48.10Katty_ShrikE: i let him nap in the bed until 2am last night
13:50.22Kattyseanbright: :<
13:51.54Katty_ShrikE: riddick likes ringtones.
13:52.12Katty_ShrikE: he does the lil baroo headtilt thing
13:52.37angryuserGot 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register hmmm, what is that ?
13:52.51Katty_ShrikE: he walks on a lead pretty well, except he often gets distracted and just sits there for a minute. he's learning his name too....
13:52.52russellbthat is chan_sip going "wtf?"
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13:53.28seanbrightyou need to install chan_pineapple
13:53.43Kattychan_pineapple goes with chan_vodka very well
13:53.45seanbrightdownload it here ->
13:53.49Kattyespecially if you hollow it out, and then freeze it
13:54.05Kattypineapple vodka slushie
13:54.08angryuserchan_vodka is nice when you know how to use it
13:54.29Kattybacardi > vodka :>
13:54.30_ShrikEKatty: I just adopted a 3 month old black lab pup.
13:54.34krokodilerianmm, vodka
13:54.36Katty_ShrikE: !!!
13:54.42Katty_ShrikE: post gifs!
13:54.54seanbrightwelcome to 1997
13:54.59Kattyseanbright: your irc pop culture is lacking.
13:55.08seanbrightcompuserve gifs, hot.
13:55.11seanbrightKatty: apparently
13:55.16russellbKatty: cut him some slack, he's from windows land
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13:55.21Kattyoh right.
13:55.23Kattyseanbright: i sorry.
13:55.33_ShrikEgets his memory stick
13:55.41seanbrightrussellb: there goes your christmas present, judas.
13:55.59jasonwootwhy does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?
13:56.05Kattyoh hey, christmas IS soon, isn't it.
13:56.13russellbsort of
13:56.19Kattyjasonwoot: sometimes a copier can still think it has a paper jam until it's been reset.
13:56.19seanbrightonly a quarter year away
13:56.20russellbseanbright: it's all in good fun!
13:56.32Kattyjasonwoot: regardless of whether the paper has been taken out or not
13:56.34seanbrightrussellb: i know
13:56.40Kattyjasonwoot: i'd double check the doc feeder, and the finisher
13:56.42seanbrightrussellb: i'm not really getting you a christmas present
13:56.52seanbrightrussellb: that would be creepy.
13:56.55Kattyjasonwoot: stuff can get caught around the fuser too
13:57.18jasonwootwow, now who's lacking on their pop culture references?
13:57.20Kattywhat if it was a remote controlled roflcopter tho?
13:57.21seanbrightrussellb: i, however, will be expecting digium swag in my mailbox on december 24th.
13:57.32russellbha, you might get a mouse pad
13:57.49seanbrightjob offer
13:57.49russellbpfft, good luck
13:57.59Kattyhmm. digium swag.
13:58.06russellblet me know when you have moved to HSV, then we'll talk ^_^
13:58.23Kattyi can be in HSV before lunch
13:58.34jasonwootwhy does CDR report duration as 1 second when a call is transferred?
13:58.44seanbrighti'm agnostic... i step into the bible belt and my hair would catch fire
13:58.50seanbrightnot good for business.
13:58.54russellbseanbright: you'd be fine.
13:58.55Kattyi doubt that
13:59.04Kattyeveryone knows i'm a liberal athiest, no one says anything
13:59.18Kattymy boss is a right winged bible thumper (=
13:59.21russellbbecause they're afraid that you might start spitting out fire
13:59.37seanbrightugh... liberal?  well you had me at atheist.
13:59.37Kattythey're afraid i won't fix their phone system for them
13:59.52Kattyno phones FOR YOU
14:01.00seanbrighti think i'm too old for spacecamp, otherwise i'd move down in a heartbeat.
14:01.11seanbrighti just want to meet jinx
14:01.12Kattyyou're never too old for spacecamp.
14:01.21Kattyi'd go.
14:01.31seanbrightand leah thompson... and kelly preston
14:01.40lmadsenit already takes me 3 hours to go see my parents... moving to HSV was not an option for me
14:01.44jayteejinx and max.......friends foreverrrrrrrrrr
14:01.57seanbrightjaytee: for.ev.errrrrrrrrr
14:01.57Kattylmadsen: yeah that's why i didn't move to HSV too
14:02.10Kattydisappears for awhile
14:02.23lmadsenluckily nearly everything I do doesn't require me to be on-site
14:02.59lmadsenok, off to work
14:03.00*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:09.13shrivenhmmm now that we're all so talkative....
14:09.26shrivendoes anyone know what this means? error: `PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP' undeclared here (not in a function)
14:09.49shrivenit sounds like possibly my arch doesn't support recursive mutexes? (powerpc)
14:11.24jasonwootjinx put max in space, jinx can get max back
14:13.38seanbrightmax = leaf phoenix
14:13.55Kattyhaha. i read that as meatloaf phoenix at first.
14:14.03seanbrightmmmm, meatloaf.
14:14.09seanbrighthe would do anything for love, but he won't do that.
14:14.20seanbrightman... i'm old.
14:15.23Kattysometimes i feel pretty old.
14:17.17jasonwootat least you're not a gay soccer referee
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14:21.27elfguy516how can someone query asterisk to tell if a conference is locked (other than dialing in to see what message you get) there must be a bit that get flipped somewhere or some kind of flag that goes up
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14:21.44elfguy516a conference in meetme that is
14:25.07seanbrightmeetme list concise
14:26.07seanbrightno, that's a lie.
14:27.53Kattywhat was the name of that lil fuzzy nice thing from Gremlins?
14:28.11Kattythe one that goes Bright Light! Bright Light!
14:29.56Kattygizmo! that's the one.
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14:38.02[gnubie]waves to all.. gtg now..
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14:41.29Blackvelanyone of you with a tool to export whole oulook addressbook to openldap (e.g over the java connector api JLDAP or JDBC-LDAP)?
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14:45.03ayrjolapattern matching problem... my sip trunk provider sends numbers on international format with + sign included, is there other way than _.X?
14:45.48Blackvelcan't get it replaced by 00 and do _00XX. matching?
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14:47.35ayrjolaits stupid that they send + sign but they are not going to change that just for us
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14:48.11khronosAre you trying to stip the + off the front?
14:48.48khronosThen after you strip it sedn the rest though your Asterisk for processing?
14:49.57ayrjolaok, just make context that changes number + to 00. that sound like an idea :)
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14:51.17Kobazman this DYANMIC_FEATURES still is killing me
14:51.38Blackvelis there no zapata.conf internationalprefix=00 trick for international sip providers?
14:51.59Blackvelcan't be to have to reinvent the wheel?
14:52.06nosbigayrjola: That is the standard E.164 format...
14:52.40Blackveldidn't try it...but...can't there there a + extension mapping?
14:52.46Blackvelthere be a
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14:52.51nosbigayrjola: You might use a pattern (for US numbers) like: _+1NXXNXXXXXX
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14:53.16zerkoHello, has anyone integrated asterisk and nagios for verbal phone notifications?
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14:53.51nny_2stupid question: on an rj45 connector (from right to left, 1-8) for a T1 wire, which is "tip" and which is "ring"
14:53.59netsurfso is this a good help channel for asterisk or just general talk?
14:54.25russellbboth :)
14:54.28nny_2netsurf: both
14:54.29zerkonetsurf, it's a help channel and chat
14:54.38zerkoeveryone seems to be sleeping right now, or just getting into the office :)
14:54.43nny_2i am doing both
14:55.04nny_2is wiring up a 255d shelf and Tellabs echo canceller to hit an echo fly with a sledgehammer
14:55.07netsurfok... i have a question about voicemail then... we got a lot of "hangup" voicemails... is there a decent way to get rid of those?
14:55.20*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
14:55.36[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Correct... it isn't a bright question.  T&R are ANALOG terms
14:55.43netsurfi have a vm helper script running under externalnotify in the voicemail config... i can detect a "too small" file and delete the wav and txt file fine... but the e-mail/page notifications still go out
14:55.48nny_2netsurf: in voicemail.conf there is an option for the number of seconds of silence to be considered a vm afaik
14:55.52nny_2[TK]D-Fender: yeah i know heh
14:55.54gr0mitnny_2, have you tried Oslec echo canceller ?
14:56.03anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: do you ever used ODBC with Oracle? I wonder if it works fine... I just discover that page:
14:56.04zerkorusselb, In version is the -rx removed?
14:56.10nny_2gr0mit: is that software or hardware?
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14:56.18nny_2gr0mit: using HPEC hardware atm
14:56.18netsurfnny_2: any idea on the options?
14:56.21gr0mitsoftware for asterisk
14:56.23tzafrir_laptopzerko, no. What makes you think so?
14:56.27nny_2netsurf: lemme look at the sample config one sec
14:56.32nny_2netsurf: actually you can do that as well
14:56.38zerkoim typing asterisk -rx in command line and its saying command not found
14:56.44nny_2netsurf: look in /asterisk_source_dir/configs
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14:56.54nny_2netsurf: nice sample configs with the options explained
14:56.57[TK]D-Fenderzerko: pastebin your complete attempt
14:56.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:57.04tzafrir_laptopzerko, "command not found" refers to "asterisk"
14:57.08zerkocan someone refresh my memory, I want to do a test call from command line
14:57.12netsurfyou know... i probably should've looked their first lol
14:57.20zerkosorry, I just noticed its just asking for more syntax
14:57.20tzafrir_laptopzerko, echo $PATH
14:57.27netsurfbut i had to overcomplicate it... minmessage=x
14:57.28tzafrir_laptopis /usr/sbin there?
14:57.37zerkoyes tza
14:57.40nny_2netsurf: np heh I have asked similar questions and had the same epiphany
14:57.45zerkothats not the problem, I made a mistake
14:57.49zerkoI typed asterisk -rx
14:57.58zerkoit is just asking for more arguments
14:58.05zerkoWhat is the command to run a test call from command line?
14:58.05nny_2zerko: um yeah
14:58.09netsurfwell... this leads to my other problem... simple hangup messages will often times show up as 10 secons long when they're really 0 or 1 seconds... so those will still slip through
14:58.21nny_2zerko: x indicates you want to pass a console command to *
14:58.28tzafrir_laptopzerko, no it's not (/me also wants an argument)
14:58.43zerkowell, I remember using the -rx command to place a phone call
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14:58.46zerkoand it actually worked
14:58.48nny_2netsurf: wondering if the channel is staying open for some reason
14:58.57zerkoI just had to specify the SIP etc.
14:59.02zerkoI can't remember in what format it was though
14:59.06netsurfcould be... but the recording is short
14:59.06nny_2zerko: indeed, you can also do that from the console
14:59.21zerkoyes, what was the command for that do you know?
14:59.23netsurfnny_2: i'm trunking calls from a cisco call manager so i wouldn't be shocked
14:59.27nny_2just do asterisk -r, (console) command foo blah
14:59.58zerkoright, what is the command :)
15:00.06zerkothat's what I need to know
15:00.12jameswf-homeI dont get any calls to my telemarketer deal so I decided to take one of my DID's and go sign up for all the contest and insurance quotes etc... maybe a little bait to suck em in
15:00.25nny_2netsurf: make a test call and watch for when asterisk hangsup vs you do
15:00.29Corydon76-diganonymouz666: depends on which Oracle libraries you install.  If you install InstantClient, there's a godawful resource leak in those libraries
15:00.36zerkojames, lol
15:00.38Corydon76-digbut it works
15:00.50nny_2jameswf: hahah telemarketer honey pot!
15:01.00nny_2jameswf: you're my new hero
15:01.02jameswfI am waiting fir the university of phoenix people
15:01.12anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: ok, thanks.
15:01.22zerkook can someone please show me the command to place a call from the console :)
15:01.40nny_2considers a honeypot with fake menu options to determine the skill of the telemarketer
15:01.42netsurfoh and a bit off topic from my current thing... starting asterisk from /etc/init.d/asterisk start always fails... i'm running gentoo on this box fyi
15:01.44Corydon76-digzerko: "console dial"
15:01.56nny_2could make a game out of it.. if they reach the fake CEO, they get super blacklisted
15:02.03netsurfnny_2: yeah i'll have to watch that... seems like all outside calls 10 seconds too long
15:02.26jameswfI have it directed at astycrapper... so they get to talk to a robot
15:02.51nny_2netsurf: yeah just kick verbosity up to 5 in console and follow the dp visually vs audibly
15:03.11nny_2jameswf: astycrapper.. need to check that out
15:06.24netsurfnny_2: yeah i'll take a look at it... thanks for the help
15:06.28nny_2omg that is awesome
15:06.33nny_2sounds like 90% of my clientel
15:06.51zerkoyes that is pretty awsome
15:08.27netsurfwell i'm a tard... regarding the not starting
15:08.36nny_2omg she doesnt give up
15:08.40nny_2still going
15:08.43netsurfnever configured the user it was supposed to run as... ;)
15:08.51nny_2"whas dat now yur sayin der?"
15:08.54Kobaz  i'm having some trouble with features.conf [applicationmap] and setting DYNAMIC_FEATURES in the dialplan
15:09.55nny_2"dem chitrin better seen den herd"
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15:11.12jameswfthe second recoding or so the guy figures it out 5 min in then starts bringing people over
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15:16.44zerkoanyone here using nagios + asterisk for phone notifications?
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15:17.11nny_2zerko: i started too a while ago
15:17.11krokodilerianzerko , i have
15:17.21YoYoanyone wanna make a quick $50 configuring a sangoma pri card and a x100p clone?
15:17.24nny_2zerko: had issues with asterisk-snmp, but it was fairly new at the time
15:17.26krokodilerianzerko , it's pretty easy
15:17.43krokodilerianzerko , please use the channel :)
15:17.49zerkoI had made a program a few months ago, and ended up trashing it
15:17.58zerkoI wish I had known there was something like this already
15:18.14zerkokrokodilerian are there any detailed docs out there on setting it up?
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15:18.36krokodilerianzerko , no, what I did was a simple over-ssh execution of a script
15:18.50krokodilerianthat created/copied a call file that dialed out and played a message
15:18.59waverly360Hey guys, anyone here ever run into a problem where a call gets stuck in a queue, and no other calls get distributed to agents?
15:19.32zerkokrokodilerian hrm, could you give me the link to that script?
15:19.50krokodilerianzerko , i can give you sometihng similar :)
15:19.50waverly360I tried to do a soft hangup on channel that got stuck, but asterisk claims that channel didn't exist.
15:20.02zerkosure :)
15:20.18waverly360My only resort was to restart asterisk which ended up dropping all of the calls.
15:20.48*** join/#asterisk easycrypt (
15:20.53easycrypthi all
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15:21.27easycryptis there a way to handle a case where the caller hangs up during the Dial() App with in the dialplan?
15:21.36jameswfeasycrypt: h
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15:22.08eric2waverly360 - sounds like a logic issue in your dial plan
15:22.32easycryptlike "exten => 112,h,Noop(${DIALSTATUS}) ?
15:22.40waverly360eric2: I really don't think that's the case.
15:22.45easycryptbecause i don't get any output using it like that
15:23.08waverly360eric2: How can a dialplan issue cause a call in a queue to get "hung"?
15:23.41zerkothank you, will check it after im done with this install
15:23.55krokodilerianzerko , it's really rudimentary
15:24.05krokodilerianbut then with it you can pass parameters on where to call, which file to play,etc.
15:24.16eric2I'm not sure about the queue thing, I have yet to implement it, but I did have a cyclical error in my dial plan then the timeout time limit was hit... until I fixed it
15:24.17krokodileriansimple shell scripting
15:24.56nny_2[TK]D-Fender: so back to the whole tip/ring thing. as far as 1 and 2 in the pair, you think tip =1 and ring =2?
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15:25.36nny_2[TK]D-Fender: funny thing is the manual uses that terminology. I suspect it's because a good portion of telephony folks know squat about data
15:25.36Kobazpoor fender
15:25.52waverly360eric2: I've had loops in my dialplan before...and problems with people forwarding phones to each other..that happens from time to time..but you can see it in the console.
15:25.55Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: we need to clone you
15:25.57nny_2[TK]D-Fender: <3
15:26.00nny_2[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:26.05YoYowhen installing wanpipe stuff, where are the startup scripts, config files, 'n stuff placed?  (I'm a linux nub)
15:26.24jameswfclones of [TK]D-Fender availible at
15:26.33eric2YoYo, sangoma?
15:27.08[TK]D-FenderKobaz: If you've ever read "Boys from Brazil", I'm the real reason against cloning ;)
15:27.09eric2the script will do it all automatically for you
15:27.19Kobazheh, i haven't
15:27.30YoYoI understand... and after running wancfg_zaptel, it's all working
15:27.49Kobazbut anyways
15:27.49[TK]D-Fenderwas born and the mold smashed itself, screaming "Never again! Never again!!!!!"
15:27.50YoYobut, I need to also load and configure wcfxs for a x100p
15:27.58eric2that I have not done
15:28.04YoYodon't see anything in /etc/modprobe
15:28.08Kobaz[TK]D-Fender:   :)
15:28.11tzafrir_laptopYoYo, x100p: wcfxo
15:28.13Kobazi have a pastebin this time
15:28.25YoYoyeah... that
15:28.28eric2I have a pastebin too  :)
15:28.32YoYo(5 years later, and I still can't keep it straight)
15:28.39tzafrir_laptopYoYo, what distribution do you use?
15:28.40Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: you should set up a donate link
15:28.46YoYocentos 5
15:29.12tzafrir_laptopit's either /etc/modprobe.conf or (better) a file under /etc/modprobe.d
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15:30.42jameswfsexual harrasment violates company policy.... thankfully no chicks work here that anyone would wanna do anything sexual with much less hurass
15:31.56[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I'm a very casual consultant....
15:32.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I try not to sit around with my hand out.
15:34.49YoYoGRRR... got it.  when loading wcfxo, it pushes the PRI from span 1 to span 2
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15:35.53YoYonow to reconstruct my twisted and convoluted dialplan
15:39.15jameswfscore university of phoenix called
15:42.26Kobazdo de do
15:42.38Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: any idea?
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15:46.49theleonif  i have fxo card, is that for connecting to isdn connector or plain even older pstn?
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15:48.10mgdmtheleon: PSTN
15:48.29theleonand what if i want to connect to isdn?
15:49.12Blackvelyou need isdn card or external isdn gateway
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15:49.39theleonis that called somehow.. like fxo or fxs
15:51.15Blackveldifferent options...yes
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15:51.20Blackvelbristuff / zap
15:51.33Blackvelmy isdn gw just connects with SIP to SIP peer
15:51.42theleoni understand now
15:51.50theleontnx :)
15:51.52Blackveland you will find different opinions what is good or crap
15:51.59theleondigium is good i guess :)
15:52.07theleonis there some cheap fxo i can buy in store?
15:52.13Blackvelwould be misdn then
15:52.24Blackvelthere is one really cheap solution
15:52.25theleonlike planet isdn card for cheap isdn
15:52.41Blackvelbut that depends on your requirements (and maybe I could not recommend it)
15:52.54Blackvelprivate use or business? with voip phones or without?
15:52.56theleonwell it's good for playing at home i guess
15:53.03theleonwith voip phones
15:53.08theleoni'd like to connect asterisk to it
15:53.12theleonand play on my pstn
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15:53.44Blackvelyou can *try* the billion isdn/hfc-s (cheap) way with bristuff/
15:53.58Blackvelit worked fine with my isdn pbx (connect to asterisk) but not isdn pstn
15:54.01Blackvelhad echo problems
15:54.12tzafrir_laptoptheleon, an ISDN->analog convertor and then connecting it to a digital PBX like Asterisk is plain dumb
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15:54.14Blackvelthey may appear or no
15:54.14theleoneh yes billion ..but i dont have isdn at home
15:54.19theleoni have pstn
15:54.33Blackveldidn't you ask for isdn?
15:54.34theleonyes i need something for analog
15:54.45tzafrir_laptopoh, analog . oh well...
15:54.50theleoneh.. :)
15:55.11Blackvelforget everything I said
15:55.19theleonhow about that grandstream  handytone ?
15:55.26theleonits 30$
15:55.37tzafrir_laptopthat's the FXS adapter
15:56.02Blackvelnot sure about anlog
15:56.13tzafrir_laptopyou need e.g. their 488, or an SPA 3102
15:56.14Blackvelanalog...but you can expect echos (if no hw echo cancellation)
15:56.27Blackvelwith normal cards.... (no hardware box)
15:56.28tzafrir_laptopor decent software EC
15:56.30theleonmaybe i can
15:56.34theleonuse asterisk ec
15:56.36theleonthat kernel module
15:56.42BlackvelI wish
15:56.52theleonim not sure if that would work
15:56.57Blackvelrun even on isdn into echo problem with voip phone
15:56.58tzafrir_laptopActually for me at home MG2 is good enough
15:57.09Blackvelit was a mess with mg2
15:57.09theleonthat ec?
15:57.17Blackvelppl recommend olsec
15:57.21tzafrir_laptopBlackvel, the voip phone should cancel its echo
15:57.25BlackvelI bought the other one
15:57.26theleonyeah olsec i used that on isdn a bit
15:57.33Blackveltzafrir_laptop: the other party had echo (pstn side)
15:57.36theleonand it works very well
15:57.53Blackvelit MAY depend on the pc server * runs on
15:57.59Blackvelepia via nemia 1 gig
15:58.07Blackvelcpu speed...forget all
15:58.18Blackvel(up to 15%..but not working)
15:58.25theleonhey so if i want to connect to pstn i need ata?
15:58.27theleonis that it?
15:58.31Blackvelou can try...or digium hpec...or what was the other...?
15:58.49Blackvelbought that
15:58.52Blackveldidn't help too
15:59.07Blackvelnot sure how good EC works with SW or FXO cards really
15:59.18BlackvelI am happy that I bought 380 euro isdn gateway
15:59.20Blackvelno echos anymore
15:59.27Blackvelprobably the same for fxo
15:59.47theleonwhat is pstn pass through?
15:59.48Blackveltheleon: most atas have fxs (to connect phone to)
15:59.58Blackvelsome could have fxo as well as
16:00.04theleonim looking at handytone 486
16:00.11theleonit says pstn passthrough
16:00.20Blackvelprobalby for the connecting 2nd fxs port
16:00.42Blackvelnot sure how asterisk could connect with fxo port to pstn
16:00.46Blackvelnever tried that
16:01.02theleonwell it says there is ethernet there..
16:01.06theleonmaybe handytone can offer me sip
16:01.11theleonlike a sip trunk
16:01.18theleoni should read docs :)
16:02.33theleoncould this do it? fxo port
16:03.20BlackvelI want a sweet openldap tool ... I hate playing around with LDIF and ldappadd commands
16:03.36Blackvelthere is jldap (java to ldap)
16:03.47Blackvelbut I dont want to start a new programming project
16:05.57theleonBlackvel:  u have linux?
16:06.51theleonyou can use phpldapadmin
16:06.55theleonits web based and it works
16:07.29theleonfor linux i used gq for years
16:07.32theleonit rarely crashes
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16:11.54jameswfI need to figure out how to get more telemarketers
16:13.31UnixDawgput yourself on the call list to be called everyday
16:14.23jameswfI am signing up for vacation contests
16:14.46jameswfUniversit of phoenix was gold a call in under 12 hours
16:16.07Blackveltheleon: yes linux
16:16.22theleonBlackvel:  gq is good
16:16.43zerkokrokodilerian hey. where do I put this script?
16:16.45Blackvelbut how do I get the data from windows laptop (outlook) into openldap? no export, no manual file modification, no umlaut modifications...etc
16:17.32Blackveltelemarketers? for what?
16:18.43jameswfmy little honeypot
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16:19.57Carlos_PHXAny of you guys know anything about Vitality (service provider).
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16:26.34Blackvelwhat can I do with snom 370 and LDAP (e.g openldap)
16:26.41Blackveldail the number from the address book?
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16:33.24gewuerzwieselhow can I set up different outgoing MSNs for different sip phones? f.e I have the sipphone 31, on outgoing calls It should have the MSN 952453, and the 32 should usw 952454?
16:33.40krokodilerianzerko , just run that from nagios from a notify command
16:33.52krokodileriananyway, g'night, still fighting jetlag
16:35.08Blackvelgewuerzwiesel: works for me with fromuser=MSN in sip.conf
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16:36.00Blackvelalternatively just make extensions.conf with exten => X.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=952453)
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16:36.18Blackvelyou can define different contexts for sipphone 31 and 32
16:40.23gewuerzwieselBlackvel: ok thx, i'll try it
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16:42.29shaw22dogAnyone bored enough to lend some advice to a guy who is having periodic audio issues on outbound calls?
16:46.44jameswfok car waranties, schools MLM scams some of these have to generate calls
16:46.54jameswfI need to get on the free satalite list
16:48.00Carlos_PHXshaw22dog:  Maybe, describe the problem, codec and protocol, and who the PSTN provider is.
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16:51.31soulfreshnerI have a client that tells me his phone keeps disconnecting after a while... could it have something to do with busydetect=yes?
16:52.16soulfreshnerit looks like it only happens with calls from a ZAP channel
16:53.19gewuerzwieselBlackvel: great, it works :) thx
16:53.30mav3rickhi all
16:54.36mav3rickis it possible to have one channel doing a Playback and a Dial simultaneously ? the Playback would stop while bridging the call
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16:55.15jameswfthe dial is a 1 second or so process its pretty fast
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16:55.36mav3rickthe workaround I found is to create a callout file to Dial, and then using ChannelRedirect that redirects both channel to a MeetMe room
16:56.32mav3rickjameswf: I want someone to hear a music (Playback, I don't want moh) while the Dial is ringing
16:56.53jameswfwhat music do you want?
16:57.08mav3rickspecific files I have
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16:57.16mort_gibWhat is the difference between MOH and music??
16:57.19jameswfput those files in a moh context
16:57.36mav3rickI want a specific file
16:57.44mav3rickI have like 4000 files
16:57.56mort_gibThen create a MOH for the file(s)
16:58.01mav3rickand I want a specific one (based on callerid)
16:58.14jameswfso put them in 4000 conrext and set context based on CID
16:58.29mav3rickhow can I select one in the context ?
16:58.37mort_gibOr pick up from a DB which user is supposed to hear what
17:00.21mav3rickif I put my 4000 files in a MoH context, I can't choose a specific file in, can I ?
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17:01.28mav3rickand I want the files to be played from the beginning
17:01.58mav3rickI think MoH "shares" read position between all channels using the same context
17:02.50thehargo at&t.. everyone in slc just lost service
17:03.01theharstill down.
17:04.11*** join/#asterisk Xentac (n=xentac@archlinux/developer/Xentac)
17:04.37Xentacok, my freepbx+trixbox+asterisk problem has been debugged down to an asterisk problem
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17:05.04Xentacif I set up a dialplan that calls 8 lines (SIP/400&SIP/401&...) only the first 4 ring
17:05.17zerkohow do I get this to play a file?
17:05.18[TK]D-FenderXentac: pastebin your CLI output.
17:05.24Xentacno matter which ones are the first
17:05.36zerkoI know it should go somewhere in the SIP line
17:05.41zerkobut dont know exactly what to add
17:05.44[TK]D-FenderXentac: Along with peer dumps for all members prior to calling
17:06.12Xentac[TK]D-Fender: do I get a peer dump from the asterisk console?
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17:06.37Xentacis that like a "sip show peers"?
17:06.52[TK]D-FenderXentac: "sip show peer [peerwithoutbraces]"
17:07.09Xentacsets that stuff up
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17:10.05zerko - can someone tell me where/what I need to add in order for the call to play a file when I pick up please?
17:14.23Xentac[TK]D-Fender: anything else you can think of that'll help?
17:18.24[TK]D-FenderXentac: -- Executing [667@from-internal:1] Dial("SIP/400-09fb5118", ""SIP/500&SIP/501&SIP/502&SIP/503&SIP/400&SIP/401&SIP/402&SIP/403"") in new stack
17:18.25jameswfok so I am going to do podcasts of the telemarketer calls to the honeypot....
17:18.32[TK]D-FenderXentac: its encased in quotes.  First irregularity
17:18.40Xentac[TK]D-Fender: alrighty
17:18.52[TK]D-FenderXentac: Next you did not follow through with letting someone answer and I have no sense of exactly how long you let it ring for.
17:19.09[TK]D-FenderXentac: 2 situations that incur automatic distrust
17:19.35Xentacok, I'll get someone to answer
17:20.18[TK]D-FenderXentac: 10s wait please
17:20.18XentacI don't know how you'll know how long it rings for though
17:20.18[TK]D-FenderXentac: And make sure it doesn't double-quote
17:20.18Xentacyup, I got that
17:20.54[TK]D-FenderXentac: And while you're at it, "sip show peers" (not full dump)
17:21.01Xentacok, I got rid of the double quotes
17:21.04Xentacand reloaded
17:21.10Xentacand now it only called two extensions
17:21.17Xentacer, ringed
17:21.47zerko - does anyone know where this script came from?
17:23.50XentacI don't know if I can add timestamps or something to this CLI output
17:24.34Xentachmmm, I tried again and it dialed the first 4 extensions, like the original problem
17:25.12Xentacmaybe I dialed too soon after the reload and that's why it only rang two extensions instead of four?
17:26.39[TK]D-FenderXentac: Thing to remember : trixbox is running custom code for * & FreePBX and has channel limit mechanisms.  This may be why.  Especailly since nobody has ever come in here with this kind of problem.
17:27.20Xentacso it might still be a trixbox or freepbx problem :(
17:27.23[TK]D-FenderHIGH likelyhood
17:27.29XentacI'll see if I can find anything about the channel limit stuff
17:27.47[TK]D-FenderI'm going to try to be civil for a moment....
17:28.32jameswfastycrapper: 1st victim
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17:28.55[TK]D-Fendertrixbox is an hot steamy pile of manure whose methane emissions are then set on FIRE to bake the turd to a cinder
17:29.10Xentac[TK]D-Fender: I get that impression
17:29.35XentacI'm just too stupid of an asterisk user to be able to comprehend and administer much else
17:29.51Xentacor have other people administer it
17:30.02[TK]D-FenderXentac: And pretty much the only thing we'd accept as a non-* related bug ais if you showed us a core SIP stack problem, etc.
17:30.21[TK]D-FenderXentac: EVERYTHING else is trixbox / orther GUI/interface/whatever BS
17:31.06[TK]D-Fender"JoetrixUser : Hey my calls in Trixbox don't work, it must be an * problem, you have to help me" = BS
17:31.43[TK]D-FenderXentac: I hope you find some nice solid backup for your specific case of course so you can take it to the PTB's
17:32.22[TK]D-Fender"Powers That Be"
17:32.36*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-7c142c6a12d03454)
17:32.53Xentacok, well, thanks a lot for looking at it
17:32.59Xentacand for being civil ;)
17:34.05*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
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17:35.07Kattyfender? civil?
17:35.09Kattythat's a first.
17:36.02[TK]D-FenderXentac: I managed to hold back from using any actual swear words (exempt "bs") or anti-homosexual type words (never meant as a slight against them) either.
17:36.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'd slipped in the past 2 months, but have come around lately with some due wake-up calls...
17:37.20Blackvelg'd evening. bye
17:37.23Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
17:38.05Katty <- fun.
17:38.26tzangercan't play :-(
17:38.34tzangerneed updated flash for leenooks
17:39.00plaerzenquestion: has any of you ever ran into the problem of direct dial #'s not being routed to voicemail properly while internal extensions work fine?
17:39.03XentacKatty: I know the guy who made that, I used to work with him
17:39.14KattyXentac: send my compliments.
17:39.15plaerzenthe phone rings twice and then drops the call if it's from an outside line
17:39.47*** join/#asterisk chigital (
17:41.56[TK]D-Fenderplaerzen: Pastebin your complete call attempt along with the associated dialplan.
17:41.58jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:42.26*** join/#asterisk soulfreshner (
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17:44.44Kattylmadsen: YOU
17:44.45soulfreshnerI'm trying to get FOP to work - but I keep getting flashing red/green lights
17:44.46Kattylmadsen: GET OUT
17:45.06Kattysoulfreshner: is manager connected?
17:45.12*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:45.15soulfreshnerI've upgraded to v.0.29...
17:45.36soulfreshnerKatty, it looks like it
17:45.56soulfreshnerit says Manager 'user' connected in the CLI
17:46.05Kattyis that the one you setup for FOP?
17:47.15Kattydoes your html/flash bits match the stuff from v.0.29 in the config folder?
17:47.44soulfreshnergoogling pointed me to a problem with the latest flash player - but the new version is supposed to fix that (
17:48.01soulfreshnerwell - I just replaced the older versions
17:48.08soulfreshnerof the swf file
17:48.16Kattyi'd start over.
17:48.25*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
17:48.25Kattymost likely you have a version mismatch of something.
17:48.42Kattyjust backup your buttons.cfg, op_style and stuff
17:48.54Kattydump the rest, start over.
17:49.02soulfreshnerit;s a fresh install
17:49.25soulfreshnerno backups needed, I mean
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18:03.22tristanbob_any recommendations on a voip gateway?  (other than asterisk)
18:03.30tristanbob_for 2 PRIs
18:05.00plaerzen[TK]D-Fender: haha, figured it out (somewhat).  It's only the 3g iPhones that are giving us that problem.  Getting a hangup request after 2 rings.  The console is saying span1
18:05.21plaerzenthe 2g iPhone works fine too :P
18:05.49[TK]D-Fendertristanbob_: AudioCodes Mediant 2000
18:06.06tristanbob_[TK]D-Fender, do you use those?
18:06.29[TK]D-Fendertristanbob_: Once a long time ago.
18:08.27*** join/#asterisk synchris (
18:11.23plaerzenhas anyone had that problem with the iPhone 3g before?
18:12.26jameswfI hear new i phones are crap
18:16.16tzangerI like 'em
18:16.19tzangermine's pretty good
18:16.35tzangeralthough it's refusing to move to the canadian itunes store (itunes on the PC is correct)
18:17.58zerkoanyone here use festival?
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18:30.17Cutlassis there a way to configure asterisk so that it is never in the media path?  I know setting canreinvite=yes allows media to be shuffled off once the call is established, but I don't want the media to go through asterisk to begin with
18:30.59[TK]D-FenderCutlass: Media should not be established until the call is sent audio.
18:31.08[TK]D-FenderCutlass: Aside from that, * is not a proxy. regarding your first response, you're saying that the actual media will not flow until the call is established...but I'm want the SDP to be negotiated such that only the endpoints are involved...I guess you're saying that's not possible since it's a B2BUA, correct?
18:33.45[TK]D-FenderCutlass: Probably so. there a way to control SDP parameters from the dialplan?
18:35.24*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
18:35.26[TK]D-FenderCutlass: Nope, the idea is pretty much dead in the water as * is a B2BUA
18:35.29*** join/#asterisk wtsexton (
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18:38.15wtsextonhas anyone had the issue of when using the background function calls are dropping with chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission,  this is only when playing back to the call, calls in and out work fine.  Just the drops when using background sounds in menus
18:40.43*** join/#asterisk zionvier (
18:42.01*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0, 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons 1.6.0 (2008/10/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0+2.0.0 (2008/10/02), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
18:42.41Qwellooo, Zaptel gone?
18:43.24russellbQwell: yeah, it's old news
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18:44.10stegbthhello everybody
18:45.03Cutlass[TK]D-Fender..thanks for the info
18:45.21*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
18:45.38stegbthmay i ask trixbox question's with sangoma here?
18:45.41SteveTotarocan the asterisk verison of a switchvox box be upgraded by grabbing the newest releases?
18:45.53QwellSteveTotaro: Do you want to keep your support?
18:46.11SteveTotarothe customer has come to me since they are not getting support
18:46.18russellbno, it can not.
18:46.23russellbSwitchvox contains custom modifications.
18:47.01Xentac[TK]D-Fender: I'm an idiot. just so you don't worry about this anymore, I didn't have a large enough rtpstart and rtpend range
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18:47.15Xentacfeel free to not be civil towards me now ;)
18:47.31wtsextonany pointers in the right direction?
18:47.34SteveTotarothe log is filled with dropping frame changed to slin
18:47.46SteveTotaroand they have choppy audio
18:48.00SteveTotaroeven pri to voicemail is choppy
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18:49.54SteveTotaroQwell, the support question makes me wonder if i can not really upgrade like russellb claims
18:50.06Qwellif you want it to work, no, you can't
18:50.20SteveTotaroit doesn't really work now
18:50.22x86is it possible to use DAHDI with Wanpipe?
18:50.23russellbyou can't upgrade it.  the answer is that simple.
18:50.27Qwellx86: don't know
18:50.33russellbSteveTotaro: and there is nothing you can do other than work through support.
18:50.38x86or, preferrably, in place of wanpipe on Sangoma hardware?
18:50.53Qwellx86: I haven't seen anything that suggests it can.  They've known about the switch for a while.
18:51.03SteveTotarothese guys are going to file suit against digium
18:51.14SteveTotarothey have two machines, one cold swap
18:51.15x86Qwell: yeah I haven't either...
18:51.19funxiondoesis it possible to control the g729 payload size in asterisk /1-4
18:51.24russellbthreats on IRC are not going to help
18:51.32SteveTotaroit's not a threat
18:51.36x86Qwell: i like the whole thing about ability to control echo canceller on a per-channel basis
18:51.49russellbwell if you want to help the customer, go call the right people
18:51.52SteveTotaroobviously i can boot to single user mode, creat a user in the root group
18:52.07russellbbut if you try to update it, you will _completely_ break it
18:52.08SteveTotarochange ssh back to 22
18:52.53SteveTotaro so how to i fix this bug in switchvox?
18:53.03QwellSteveTotaro: call support
18:53.14SteveTotarodo i download the latest free version and then install tokens or something?
18:54.14SteveTotaroman switchvox really went downhill
18:54.17waverly360Wait...I can't use DAHDI with Sangoma's Wanpipe drivers?
18:54.25SteveTotaroit was great a couple of years ago
18:54.26Qwellwaverly360: You'll have to ask Sangoma.
18:54.30wtsextonthis is odd calls only drop when getting to background menu
18:54.51SteveTotaroanswer them first sexton
18:55.04jayteewtsexton, check what format your sound files are and what the preferred codecs on the phones are.
18:55.45wtsextonshould be g711 ulaw
18:55.53wtsextonI'll start there
18:55.55jayteewtsexton, and what SteveTotaro said about using Answer()
18:56.06SteveTotaroif you are using switchvox you are probably dropping frames
18:56.36funxiondoes anyone know if the packetization option in sip.conf works or not?
18:56.43russellbSteveTotaro: are you charging a customer for your time ranting in here about it?
18:57.08SteveTotaroi am attempting to fix what digium cannot
18:57.19hardwireSteveTotaro: lies
18:57.28wtsextonah I don't see an answer() before the menu plays
18:57.38jayteewtsexton, then add one
18:57.40hardwireYou're attempting to fix what Digium can't focus on.
18:57.46QwellSteveTotaro: I'm going to say this one more time - and only one more time.  Call support.
18:57.47SteveTotarook, then why would a customer with lotsa tokens contact me
18:57.49wtsextonI shall, thanks
18:59.58funxionhas anyone seen my question?
19:00.01funxiondoes anyone know if the packetization option in sip.conf works or not?
19:00.20wtsextonstill drops even with an answer
19:00.54jayteewtsexton, and never plays the file?
19:01.07wtsextonno it plays the file, half way then drops
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19:01.28jayteeany error on the CLI when it does that?
19:01.51jayteeoh, right, the packet retransmit errors
19:01.52waverly360Qwell: I just sent an email to the techdesk there.  They're usually pretty good about responding quickly, so I should have an answer soon...
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19:02.07wtsextonyes, oddly it only does it on the menu, not on calls that are picked up
19:02.21Qwellwaverly360: I'd be interested in hearing the answer..  I know we're going to get that question a lot in the near future
19:02.34waverly360Qwell: I'll let you know.
19:03.48waverly360On another note, I'm curious to hear how some people handle dialing restrictions for certain users to prevent them from dialing long distance or international.  In order to keep things simple, I planned to have some logic that prevented users from dialing numbers that contained more than X number of digits.  Does anyone see any problems with this?
19:04.15Carlos_PHXWe have multiple outbound contexts.
19:04.27Carlos_PHXWe do an include for each context we want to enable.
19:04.48Carlos_PHXinclude => pstn-9-toll
19:04.53Carlos_PHXinclude => pstn-9-international
19:05.51Carlos_PHXCalling features are in yet another context.  Premium features in another, so they don't get them if they don't pay.
19:06.15theharyay russellb !
19:06.29Kobazexten => _9XXXXXXXXXX....
19:06.34Kobazmatch 9 and then 10 digits
19:06.45theharwait. still says 1.6.0-rc6 not 1.6.0
19:06.48Kobazand make more rules for international and whatnot
19:07.15waverly360Carlos_PHX: So how are you allowing one user to dial long distance, but not another?
19:07.16jayteeCarlos_PHX, that's basically how I'm handling mine. Users get local outbound by default but everything else is an add in option based on user/department
19:07.16Qwelllooks at russellb
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19:07.25russellbQwell: hm? :D
19:07.34theharlooks at russellb
19:07.36russellbworking on it!
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19:08.01Kobazoh yeah
19:08.04theharreleased :)
19:08.07Kobazso is there a "what's new in 1.6" article yet
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19:08.25theharuhm. Changelog?
19:08.39theharor upgrade.txt
19:08.43anonymouz666waiting for [TK]D-Fender to install the Asterisk 1.6
19:08.45Kobazyeah, i'll go read through 20 1meg changelogs
19:08.48russellbKobaz: I have some things on ... but also read the CHANGES file
19:09.01russellbthe CHANGES file is a list of new features
19:09.11russellbread the announcement :-p
19:09.48Kobazyeah i didnt even look at the home page when i asked
19:09.49jayteewait! what? new features? in a friggin release candidate? anybody ever heard of feature freezes?
19:10.08Kobazjaytee: i meant new features in 1.6 overall, i haven't really kept track of anything
19:10.09russellbrelease candidates did not get new features ...
19:11.07voxterhey congrats russell, and everyone else at digium :)
19:11.28Qwellvoxter: now, send us a million dollars.
19:11.38russellbvoxter: thanks much :)
19:11.41jayteecuz I know there are some companies where the poor bastard doing all the programming has some vapid, leggy blonde that can't type come up to him and say "Um, I know you're almost done and getting ready to ship your thingy but the boss just called and said he wants "Floating Menus".
19:11.57russellb1.6.0 is almost 2 years of new development ... lots of new features, and _lots_ of good stuff under the hood
19:12.11voxterQwell: one MIL-lion dollars. muuwahahaha
19:13.37theharcontemplates 1.6 for production and snickers.
19:14.14russellbthehar: depends on what "production" means to you :)
19:14.40theharuhm 83 phones and 4 pri mostly maxed 100% of the time.
19:14.52Qwellthehar: yeah, it'll work fine for that ;)
19:14.52russellbshould be fine!
19:15.02theharand INTENSE queueing
19:15.11russellbpfft, just update overnight
19:15.12russellbit'll be fine
19:15.19zoid_99hah.. INTENSE queueing
19:15.23Qwellthat's what "restart now" was added for
19:15.28x86w00t w00t... 1.6.0 is stable now?
19:15.38russellbx86: it is released anyway :)
19:15.56russellbit's to the point where we are happy for people to start using it
19:15.56x86should i wait for a while before deploying it into production?
19:16.05funxiondoes anyone know the proper characters to send when trying to telnet to manager api to login?
19:16.05Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:16.11x86oh wait, i can't deploy it anyway... sangoma cards don't work with dahdi yet
19:16.18russellbx86: pwnt
19:16.30Qwellx86: waverly360 is looking into it
19:16.39x86Qwell: who's that?
19:16.42x86russellb: hah
19:16.46theharrussellb: cd /usr/src && wget && tar zxvf asterisk-1.6.0.tar.gz && cd asterisk-1.6.0.tar.gz && ./configure && make && make install
19:16.47x86Qwell: lol
19:16.49Qwellbut he's looking into it :p
19:16.50thehardone and done
19:17.00Qwellthehar: && asterisk -rx "restart now"
19:17.14russellbyou might want to read UPGRADE.txt, too
19:17.18russellbbut ... that might be too logical
19:17.21thehar1.0 to 1.6 done and done
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19:17.51x861.0 -> 1.6.... wow ;)
19:18.10theharoh hai x86
19:18.13x86that's like days of dialplan fixes, sip.conf fixes, iax.conf fixes, and god only knows what else :P
19:18.21russellbUPGRADE-1.2.txt, UPGRADE-1.4.txt, and UPGRADE.txt, then
19:18.41Qwelljust do it.  it'll totally work without any problems
19:18.48x86I remember a bunch of hassle going from 1.0 to 1.2
19:18.52x86Qwell: hahaha
19:18.52lmadsendoesn't the release notice ummm... state to read the UPGRADE.txt?
19:19.04theharlief again non-sense
19:19.55funxionIm trying to login to manager api via telnet and am unable to authenticate I'm sending Action: login\r
19:19.55funxionUsername: mark\r
19:19.55funxionSecret: 4st3r1sk\r
19:20.50funxionI still get Action: login\r\n
19:20.50funxionUsername: mark\r\n
19:20.51funxionSecret: 4st3r1sk\r\n
19:20.58funxionResponse: Error
19:20.58funxionMessage: Authentication Required
19:20.59Qwelland another \r\n at the end
19:21.07NovceGuruis there a ~commercial asterisk appliances with support command ? :P
19:21.31*** join/#asterisk hubguruJR (
19:21.43funxionQwell i sent
19:21.43funxionAction: login\r\n\r\n
19:21.43funxionUsername: mark\r\n\r\n
19:21.43funxionSecret: 4st3r1sk\r\n\r\n
19:21.51QwellI said at the end
19:21.54funxioni got Response: Error
19:21.55funxionMessage: Authentication Required
19:21.55lmadsenonly one CR after each line
19:21.59lmadsenthen 2 CR after the last command
19:22.16theharoh DAHDI
19:22.16waverly360NovceGuru: Are you asking if there are asterisk appliances out there you can buy?
19:22.25funxionsry misunderstood
19:22.37voxterhmmm, te110p's are kinda crappy arent they
19:22.48NovceGuruwaverly360: looking for a list of them with some intial/small reviews
19:23.02*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:23.08NovceGuruI know there are tons, as google has turned up, but wondered of the opinions of the channel
19:23.28LemensTSwhat wireless headset do you guys reccomend?
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19:25.35funxionQwell check this
19:25.36funxionAction: login\r\n
19:25.36funxionUsername: mark\r\n
19:25.36funxionSecret: 4st3r1sk\r\n\r\n
19:25.36funxionResponse: Error
19:25.36funxionMessage: Authentication Required
19:26.03LemensTSNice password
19:26.07*** join/#asterisk YoYo (n=chatzill@
19:26.19funxionim testing with default
19:26.28Qwellthere is no default
19:26.36YoYoany pointers on why a 7940 won't register with asterisk 1.2?  says icmp unreachable, but I can ping the * box all day
19:26.38LemensTSu set it up in manager.conf right?
19:27.03funxionit was an old sample config file that I uncommented
19:27.16Qwelland where did you get that password from?
19:27.26funxionastmantest will connect to it using those credentials
19:27.35funxionbut I cannot telnet for some reason
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19:27.59funxionjust want to login to monitor and parse events
19:29.07funxionam I passing the credentials wrong?
19:29.27funxionI did this like 3 years ago and have forgotten the correct syntax
19:30.28funxionum yeah
19:30.30funxiondid that
19:30.52funxionfollowed what I found and it doesnt werk
19:31.02*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (n=eric@
19:31.14DaminAnyone ever done any work w/ Cisco CUBE?
19:31.20funxionI have
19:31.25funxionI have 8 of them
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19:31.30funxiongonna get 5 more
19:31.46Daminfunxion: So.. you wanna help debug an issue?
19:32.07Daminfunxion: Client has 1 way audio.. I am sending RTP back to the Cube, but it isn't passing it through to the phones..
19:32.40funxionur using it as call manager?
19:32.51Daminfunxion: Asterisk 1.2 on my side.. Cisco 3845 on his side.. running IOS 12.4.20T
19:33.09funxionwihch ios exactly
19:33.11Daminfunxion: Separate Call manager box sitting behind CUBE..
19:33.19funxionok easier
19:33.57funxionso ur sending call from phone to * to cube to CMEcorrect?
19:34.01*** join/#asterisk Eduardo_Assis (
19:34.15Daminfunxion: No.. SCCP Phone to Call Manager -> CUBE -> Asterisk
19:34.42funxionis it sccp all the way through?
19:34.44Daminfunxion: Call setup works great, but audio (RTP) never seems to be passing through the Cube back to the phone / call mangler..
19:35.03Daminfunxion: Nope..
19:35.17Daminfunxion: CUBE is registering as a SIP endpoint to my * box..
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19:35.27funxiondo you have ip routing enabled?
19:35.36Daminfunxion: I'll ask.. :)
19:35.44[TK]D-FenderYup... so we've finally hit * 1.6.0 full release...
19:35.45Daminfunxion: "I believe so, yes"
19:36.02jayteeit's official? whoohooo!!!!
19:36.15Damin1.6.1 shortly to follow!
19:36.31funxionwhile it does not appear in the config have him isse "enable ip routing" in config mode
19:36.50Daminfunxion: Will do..
19:36.53*** part/#asterisk Eduardo_Assis (
19:37.14funxionif its already enabled its no biggie but if not it shouuld start working
19:37.56funxion[TK]D-Fender do you know the correct syntax to login to * manger api by telnetting to port 5038?
19:38.13funxionI'm trying
19:38.13funxionAction: login\r\n
19:38.14funxionUsername: mark\r\n
19:38.14funxionSecret: 4st3r1sk\r\n\r\n
19:38.20[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Its in the book, WIKI, and a few other places../..
19:38.42funxionjust tell me if my syntax is wrong
19:39.06[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: I don't know it by heart
19:40.08Daminfunxion: ip routing is enabled. They have tons of other routes being used..
19:40.19Daminfunxion: show ip route returns a bunch of crap..
19:40.43funxionare they using it as an ip to ip gateway with other gateways?
19:40.50Daminfunxion: They are using EIGRP internally for their other routers..
19:41.03wtsextonlooking at the debug log the only time I'm getting the transmission error is during playback using background
19:41.04Daminfunxion: You mean SIP gateways? Or IP routing gateways?
19:41.24jameswfI should put an Ad on craigslist... call my grandpa hes lonely
19:41.34Daminfunxion: The only thing might be Meeting Place Express..
19:42.57Daminfunxion: SIP based meetme crap I believe...
19:43.12Daminfunxion: It's a separate server in the Cisco fashion..
19:43.25Daminfunxion: but it is on the same subnet, so it's not really routed...
19:44.17funxionwhat codec are you using?
19:44.22wtsextonjaytee, sorry I had to step away, did you have an idea where I should lock?
19:44.25wtsextonlook I mean
19:46.46*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
19:47.52Assidare the logs in asterisk (cdr-csv) default for UTC?
19:49.18wtsextonhold up, I'm not issuing an answer
19:49.29jayteewtsexton, you're using Background()?
19:50.00wtsextonI moved the Answer(), I think I may have fixed it
19:50.27wtsextonI was trying to ring a few sip phones and if they didn't pick up I'd answer and send to the menu
19:50.38wtsextonbut I changed it to answer then ring, then transfer to menu if they didn't pick up
19:51.43zerkoanyonee here familiar with festival?
19:51.49wtsextondoes that make sense?
19:52.15KobazAdded a new dialplan application, Bridge, which allows you to bridge the calling channel to any other active channel on the system.
19:52.22Kobazwow that's a really cool new feature in 1.6
19:52.33Nuggetthat's slick
19:52.45jayteeKobaz, really?
19:53.04jayteerussellb!!!!!!!! is he for real?
19:53.28Kobazfo reels yo
19:53.36Nuggetyeah, there it is.
19:53.43NuggetUsage: Bridge(channel[,options])
19:53.49NuggetAllows the ability to bridge two channels via the dialplan.
19:54.10wtsextonI've got a good feeling that fixed it
19:57.19Kobazwhew, finished reading the changes file
19:57.22Kobazthat took a while
19:58.33[TK]D-FenderI'll be upgrading at home over the weekend
19:58.50Kobazshould be fun
19:59.06*** join/#asterisk Xaviertoor (
19:59.28Xaviertooranybody use  dahdi_hardware
19:59.29Xaviertoorpci:0000:00:09.0     wcfxo+       e159:0001 Wildcard X101P
20:00.11jayteeBridge might solve an issue I have where I want to add recorded audio or MOH to a Page() call and Page() doesn't support MOH or playing a sound file
20:00.27Kobazyeah. all kinds of stuff
20:00.38Kobazi wonder if you can just keep bridging
20:00.47Kobazlike bridge a and b, and then tack on c
20:00.50Kobazwithout the need for a meetme
20:01.30Kobazbecause with meetme, if you're the only person left, you're still on the call
20:01.46Kobazif it's all bridged calls, the second to last channel hangs up, and then the last one will get booted as well
20:03.10wtsextonjaytee, thank you for the help
20:03.29wtsextongotta answer the phone before I start shoving audio at the metaswitch
20:03.59theharoooh metaswitch/
20:04.04theharwtsexton: 3510?
20:05.13theharmmmm we're puchasing one next year
20:05.40thehar5000 cards or 4500 ?
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20:08.17wtsextonno clue, I don't manage it :)
20:08.33jayteewe're getting one of these next year: Uber Ethernet-Paketvermittlung-Fräser Schnitzelhersteller MK-101
20:09.45wtsextonsounds exciting, it come with quad sarcasm multiplixers?
20:10.28jayteeya gotta hand it to them German engineers. If anybody can make a high quality packet switch/router/schnitzel making machine then they can
20:11.49Carlos_PHXMmmm...Asterisk-controlled schnitzel machine.
20:12.35waverly360So I've found a site that gives me a list of all of the dialing codes of the world: country code, idd, and ndd here: but I was wondering if there's a more official site where I can grab this information a bit more systematically so that I can integrate it into my dialplan whenever a country code changes.  My followup question to that is, do these codes change often enough that I should even be worried about it?
20:12.39jayteeit may sound absurd but it works way better than that damn Trixbox donut machine that came out last year
20:12.43wtsextonpress one now for wiener schnitzel
20:13.20tzangercountry codes change?!
20:13.39waverly360tzanger: well..that's my question
20:13.51unpaidbilloh my goooood 1.6!!!
20:13.59unpaidbillhigh five dudes! thanks!
20:14.06Carlos_PHXwaverly360:  You should use the lists provided by your termination provider.
20:15.29waverly360Carlos_PHX: Well, I have a lot of customers using different carriers...are you saying that the lists can be different from one provider to the next?
20:19.43Carlos_PHXI guess it depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
20:20.13Carlos_PHXWe don't actually change the dialplan, we use the rate centers to price calls for billing.
20:20.30Kattyi feel like mexican for dinner.
20:20.38Kattyguacamole. fajitas....
20:20.53Carlos_PHXI was hoping you weren't talking about your gardener.
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20:21.07Kattymy 'gardener' is at work right now.
20:21.14jameswfin Arizona all food is prepaired by mexicans
20:21.18Kattyhe doesn't cook mexican.
20:21.27Kattygoing /out/ for mexican
20:21.39jameswfto home depot?
20:21.42Carlos_PHXjameswf: Strange to see a Mexican sushi chef, isn't it?
20:21.57Kattyfor all you know, i'm partially mexican.
20:22.01Kattyand you've just insulted me.
20:22.06Kattynow how do you feel?
20:22.11jameswfI always see mexicans cooking chinese never see chinese people cooking mexican
20:22.24anonymouz666hi Katty
20:22.30jayteetiene usted una tarjeta del verde?
20:22.37Carlos_PHXWe have a Chinese-Mexican restaurant here.  Makes an interesting combo.
20:23.07anonymouz666Katty: do you like tacos and burritos?
20:23.11Kattysounds interesting.
20:23.12wtsextonI went to a Hibachi steak house and the cook was mexican, it was entertaining
20:23.18Carlos_PHXjaytee: You should omit the "del" from that.  Then again, sounds funnier that way.
20:23.19Kattyanonymouz666: yep (=
20:23.28Kattyanonymouz666: refried beans are the best.
20:23.31Kattyanonymouz666: i could eat them plain.
20:23.34citywokin a dialplan i Dial() a phone number, and then i want to Monitor() it, but it never gets to monitor because its sitting on dial.  how cna i fix this, so that it records the call that it dials?
20:23.57Carlos_PHXcitywok: Record before dialing.
20:24.23jayteemakes confused Scooby sounds
20:24.32Carlos_PHXMe too
20:24.41citywoki was considering that, but wasnt sure, and i dont want to break everything lol
20:24.46SteveTotarowow switchvox tech support is so quick to say it is the network or the t1
20:24.53Kattyif it breaks, just put it back the way it was ;)
20:25.09Carlos_PHXAny time you modify your dialplan you're on the verge of breaking everything no matter what, so test on a non-production system.
20:25.48citywoki'll just take the live system out of production for an hour and try it, gotta wait for 20 calls to end first though.
20:26.05Kattynot all of us have that luxury (=
20:26.11Carlos_PHXIf you unload Asterisk, then you won't have to wait for the calls to end.
20:26.22citywokhaha, then i'd have a call center full of pissed off people :-)
20:26.31jayteegiven the current state of technology today it is very possible that had he existed in the present then all the King's horses and all the King's men could have put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
20:26.35wtsextonno, you'd have a call center full of happy people
20:26.35Kattyindeed you would ;)
20:27.23wtsextonI'm sure if I unplugged the pbx and told tech support, no calls for a while, they'd be happy :)
20:28.28jayteejust route your help desk calls to Dell
20:29.12jayteeuse the 800 number for their Vostro line of equipment and shunt the calls to the Phillipines
20:29.13wtsextonwe want to stay in business
20:29.42jayteeyeah, that could be a sticking point with the customer
20:30.23Kattyplots placing an order for delivery here at work.
20:31.02jayteewow, if I worked someplace where I had to plot placing an order I'd find another job
20:31.21Kattythat just means i'm thinking about it
20:31.28Kattyam hungry :<
20:32.24wtsextonI just had nasty bell, had to eat something
20:32.27jayteeI'm afflicted yet again with the "enigmatic hankering"
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20:33.17Kattyi crave quacamole regularly for unknown reasons.
20:33.19Carlos_PHXShe's going to write a dialplan to place the order.
20:33.30Carlos_PHXThat way you can avoid speaking to humans.
20:33.56Carlos_PHXMmmm...thinks about the packages of guacamole in the fridge a few feet away.
20:34.13Kattymaybe i lack vitamin k
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20:36.30Kattyah HA!
20:36.45Kattyi have conned the boyfriend into taking me out to dinner at the mexican place i love ^_^
20:37.18*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
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20:38.31angryuserwith the latest 1.4.22 do i need to rename all Zap to dahdi to call them ? ;)
20:40.10Carlos_PHXWow, the Nigerians are getting cheap.  I just got the usual scam letter but only asking for $99.
20:40.42wtsextonthey know we're broke
20:40.49Carlos_PHX<  Adds their phone number to the "call randomly in the middle of the night" list.
20:41.10Carlos_PHXwtsexton: Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
20:41.13YoYodoes anyone know of, or have, a patch that will convert voicemail to MP3 format before emailing?
20:41.59wtsextonwell, I don't have $99, I can ask my wife tho
20:42.04tzafrir_laptopangryuser, no. it can be used with both zap and dahdi
20:42.26angryusertzafrir_laptop : thanks reading it now
20:42.41Carlos_PHXYoYo:  You can use Sox and a script, don't know if there's a quicker way.
20:43.08soulfreshnerwhy would a zap channel automatically disconnect after a time?
20:44.28SteveTotarobecause it was not answered
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20:45.19Carlos_PHXAh, it's always interesting when people first learn that you can run voice on an unanswered channel.
20:45.20angryusertzafrir_laptop : i cant find asterisk_safe script, it is not packet with sources ?
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20:45.35tzafrir_laptopangryuser, safe_asterisk ?
20:45.47angryusertzafrir_laptop : or safe_asterisk
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20:46.30apocnis there a way to change the menu of the VoiceMailMain?
20:46.32tzafrir_laptopin contrib/scripts
20:46.35angryusertzafrir_laptop : ah it's in contrib
20:46.46hi365_mtzafrir_laptop: sup?
20:47.02tzafrir_laptopapocn, one way is to give it up and use minivm
20:47.06hi365_mare there any varibales set that tell you how long a call was holdong/talking in a queue?
20:47.07tzafrir_laptophi365_m, hi
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20:47.17hi365_mshana tova!
20:47.52angryusertzafrir_laptop : so basicly it restarts asterisk if it crashes, no more ?
20:48.28tzafrir_laptophi365_m, ${CDR(duration)} ?
20:48.43tzafrir_laptopangryuser, basically
20:48.44hi365_mhmm, bit doesnt that include the hold/wait time?
20:49.40codefreeze-laphi365_m: how about duration minus billsec ?
20:49.47apocntzafrir_laptop: do you have a good link for reading about it?
20:50.31hi365_mcodefreeze-lap: maybe just bill seconds (i want the talk time)
20:50.50tzafrir_laptopapocn, I think that there's a doc about it in the doc/ directory
20:50.55codefreeze-laphi365_m: nothing specific about hold time, and billsec will include hold time, I'm sure.
20:51.19hi365_mDOES NOT want hold time - just talk time
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20:55.43apocntzafrir_laptop: which domain? ?
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20:57.02tzafrir_laptop(or the specific version you use)
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21:00.49apocntzafrir_laptop: thanks a LOT
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21:12.44dlynesSo, what exactly has changed between 1.4 and 1.6 as far as the release cycle goes?
21:12.52dlynes1.4 wasn't feature frozen, either
21:13.58dlynesWith 1.6, did the SIP engine get rewritten yet?
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21:18.44jmaczGreetings, I'm trying to use * 1.6.0 + TLS but when starting or reloading, the CLI shows an "SSL cert error" message. Cert is self-signed (PEM file) generated with openssl (rsa 2048 bits).
21:18.55jmaczAre there some conditions the cert must meet in order for ASterisk to use it?
21:21.09bkw_don't thinkyou'll want 2048 bit for one
21:21.28bkw_we use 1024 on our certs
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21:24.33jmaczbkw_, so it should work after generating a 1024 bit cert?
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21:38.46jmaczbkw_, no luck with 1024 cert ("openssl genrsa -out asterisk.key 1024", then "openssl rsa -in asterisk.key -out asterisk.pem"). Any other idea?
21:39.42bkw_jmacz: we don't gen our cert like that
21:41.09bkw_I use that
21:41.15bkw_it should be the same way for Asterisk
21:41.25jmaczbkw_, thank you very much
21:41.38jmaczI'll try that :)
21:41.56bkw_you might wanna see i fyou can whip up a script from that for other Asterisk folks
21:42.02bkw_I'm sure setting that stuff isn't the easiest
21:42.08bkw_if you don't have anything to go on in the first place
21:44.29angryusertzafrir_laptop : hm do i need to launch asterisk safe script in some kind of special way ? when launched manually from console it's ok, but from script on boot, the script launches (asterisk_safe), but does nothing, just sitting there
21:45.52*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
21:47.24LemensTSyou dont need zaptel if you use wanpipe right? asterisk will get the timing from the sangoma card ?
21:48.55tzafrir_laptopIf you want timing from wanpipe it has to go through zaptel
21:49.35LemensTSoh i see that. wanpipe is a driver for the zaptel module, right?
21:58.36angryuserfound it, error in pid dir
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22:29.59sah-workanyone know if asterisknow support sangoma cards
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22:59.36sah-workis there any way to fake a zap card so i can setup a test system
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23:10.36riddleboxsah-work, nope, but you can get a cheap ATA
23:10.46sah-workwhat about ztdummy
23:11.07sah-workah, it is a timer
23:11.33sah-worki am building a replacement system and want to simulate it before i cut over.
23:11.38sah-workdoing in live would be stupid
23:13.41riddleboxit will replace the system you currently have running correct
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23:14.06riddleboxwhy not just copy all files over, then you will just have to move the zap cards
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23:15.00mackesHey Everyone,
23:15.25mackesDoes anyone know if the AstDB can be moved from 1.2 to 1.4 by just copying it over?
23:16.09mackesI would like to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.4 (on different hardware over a few minutes and not loose my sip registrations
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23:30.48dlynesIs anyone running 1.6 yet?
23:31.00dlynesIs it anymore stable than 1.4.0 was?
23:32.06*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
23:32.16vader--1.2.27 was stable as shit
23:32.25vader--i am using it now for about 3 years
23:32.29mackesYeah. 1.2 rocks.
23:32.54mackesI think my org better upgrade before we fall to far behind
23:33.05vader--you running 1.2 too?
23:33.15mackesI was somewhat mocked at Bootcamp for still running 1.2
23:33.19mackesLove it
23:33.23vader--ya same here
23:33.29vader--on debian sarge 3.1
23:33.39mackesThe Debug commands are better in 1.4
23:33.52mackesWe are running it on CentOS 5.2
23:33.57vader--only issue i have with 1.2 is sometimes it screws up the voicemail boxes
23:34.08Carlos_PHXdlynes:  I'm running 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 without stability problems.
23:34.09mackesreally, how so?
23:34.09vader--and leaves the txt files in the boxes and deletes the wavs and gsm files
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23:34.16StephenFdo most people remove the vertical features and dial plan on the PAP2T when used with asterisk?
23:34.27Carlos_PHX1.6 is only in limited test though.
23:34.31vader--so the MWI on the phone is on saying there is a message
23:34.33StephenFit seems like the ATA wants to handle some of the dial plan logic itself
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23:34.46sirccocan i emulate deadagi and get duration of call with queue(1000|||||blah.php) ?
23:34.49vader--when they go to check the message it tries to play it and then boots them out of the voicemail system
23:34.51dlynesCarlos_PHX: do you know if it's using oej's new sip stack, or not?
23:34.55mackesYeah... do your dialplan in Asterisk--- just have the ATA pass you the call
23:35.19StephenFok, it has all these features setup like *71 for DND and so on
23:35.29vader--it occurs when someone deletes a voicemail from the system
23:35.34mackesWe had not had that issue.
23:35.40StephenFjust gotta figure out how to tell the ATA to pass all calls directly to asterisk
23:35.43vader--so i have to go into the mailbox every so often and delete the left over txt file
23:35.44vader--and it's fine
23:35.52mackesWe have about 100 mailboxes.. no issues.
23:35.53vader--haven't figured out what causes it
23:36.06vader--any of you guys using juniper ssg firewalls?
23:36.23mackesWe are about to buy a few in the next few weeks
23:36.27mackesCisco right now
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23:36.55mackesThe large models with intrusion protection, vpn, et
23:37.05vader--which model do you know?
23:37.12mackesOne sec
23:37.23vader--i just bought a cisco asa 5520
23:37.26vader--and im not happy with it
23:37.39vader--im currently using a netscreen 50
23:38.07vader--and it has way more features than the asa
23:38.24angryuseris it difficult to manage cisco routers?, i never had a change to work with, frebsd pfsense zeoshell...
23:38.53sirccoangryuser:  asa is quirky and illogical sometimes, different things from model to model
23:39.05mackesJuniper Networks SSG 300 Series
23:39.25angryuserjuniper use webstuff ?
23:39.36angryuserto configure ?
23:39.46mackesYeah... We run PIX and Cisco VPN concentrators. We are moving to Juniper
23:40.00vader--mackes are you doing an ssl vpn or all ipsec?
23:40.16vader--i have a cisco vpn concentrator now 3005
23:40.23vader--but it doesn't have a vista ssl client
23:40.26mackesSSL for some Webmail and Web Interanet access, and IPSEC for full access
23:40.27vader--so we need to move to something else
23:40.42mackesWe have 3005's as well
23:40.42vader--are you going with a juniper ssl vpn?
23:40.54angryuservader-- : or move vista ;)
23:41.20mackesFor some small stuff..... Most users will use IPSEC
23:41.22vader--mackes are you getting  juniper vpn device?
23:42.01mackesCDW is pushing the  SSG 300 Series with several modules
23:42.25vader--what type of connection and how many users do you have behind these firewalls?
23:42.33mackesWe need it to protect our credit card environment for PCI compliance
23:42.45vader--we are pushing a 40/40 Mbps metro ethernet connection with 400 users growing to probably 1000 users in 2-3 years
23:43.02mackesWe have a 20 MB Fractional DS3 for Internet Bound connections
23:43.35mackesOur vendors will us the  SSG 300 with RSA tokens for access to a protected segment of our network
23:44.50mackesOur normal staff will continue to use Cisco 3002 's to access our normal network segment.
23:45.13vader--have you ordered these ssg's yet?
23:46.18*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
23:46.41mackesNot yet... We just got the quote today. End of next week I think we will order
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23:47.43vader--check msg
23:50.06mackesIs your metro Ethernet a Fiber connection with an Ethernet port on the terminating device?
23:51.22LiNeTuX_HomeWe've got a metro-e w/ethernet port... it's nice.
23:51.35LiNeTuX_HomeI can even do TDMoE over it
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23:52.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-dig] by ChanServ
23:56.28vader--mackes right now it's going from fiber into a converter then out as copper to a layer 3 switch which does some simple routing right now then into our netscreen 50
23:56.49vader--when we get the ssg 520 we are going to take out the switch and the netscreen 50
23:56.53vader--go directly into the ssg
23:58.05mackesWe have a similar setup
23:58.41vader--i have to talk to juniper and make sure everything will work for this setup
23:59.08vader--right now our metro ethernet comes in on a vlan 199 with a x.x.22.52/30 address
23:59.15*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
23:59.22vader--the layer 3 switch does a static route for that
23:59.29jbotrumour has it, stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs, or a client side method to cater to crappy sip servers, or a phaser setting
23:59.37vader--the switch is x.x.88.1/24
23:59.52vader--and our firewall is x.x.88.3/24

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