IRC log for #asterisk on 20080929

00:00.51drmessanoSkype becomes the de facto method for exchanging calls across the public internet and we've gone from locked into AT&T to locked into Skype
00:01.03*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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00:01.22mchoubah.  there is no need to load _chan_skype :)
00:01.27jayteeI need to burn everything to DVD for archiving most soon.
00:01.42jayteeand get ready to go underground
00:01.59LiNeTuXdrmessano: On a plus note, I found out AT&T supports Asterisk for their native SIP stuff.
00:02.34jayteeSkypeNazis and UberMenschenOpenSIPS stormtroopers busting down my door in the middle of the night.
00:02.48mvanbaak_hey russellb
00:03.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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00:09.02drmessanoBack, I think
00:10.33drmessanowonders if he mentions "Skype" again if his modem will die
00:10.40drmessanooh no
00:13.43RB2has never made a voice call using Skype...
00:14.06RB2ok, I lied... I called the Skype Test Call twice...
00:14.55drmessanoIf you're gonna have to pay for Skype + Asterisk, I think it should come with friends
00:15.16drmessanoPerhaps one friend per channel
00:16.25RB2I can see where skype is useful for integrating customer service on the web. Click a link and someone is connected via skype to your call center, etc....
00:16.32RB2But, beyond that, I have no use for it.
00:16.51jayteeafter the merger they'll move to acquire MySpace and it will become MySkypeAss@risk
00:17.19RB2Did I miss something?
00:17.25*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
00:17.43jayteeit starts with just a card and some demos and from there who knows?
00:17.58*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
00:18.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, how you doin tonight?
00:19.07drmessanoI would have been much happier seeing a partnership with AOL, since they at least have persued SIP
00:19.31*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
00:19.51drmessanoand XMPP actually
00:20.07*** join/#asterisk Dystemper (
00:22.00hardwireshoots Dystemper
00:22.46*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
00:22.49jayteehad to put him down, he wuz old and had the distemper
00:23.01RB2wb drmessano^
00:23.03hardwireDystemper.. required in 7 states
00:24.18drmessano^Internet keeps going down
00:24.42hardwiredrmessano: in this day and age, the porno age, that's bound to happen.
00:24.46v4mpaol sucks no matter what they even suck in the uk... and aol no longer own it they got bought out by a mobile phone shop
00:24.51*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
00:25.04hardwireok.. that was a stretch.. sorry guys.
00:25.04tvirusAny reason why, when someone calls into a Zap line, that it doesn't detect DTMF. This happens randomly and I need to do 'service zaptel restart' to get it to work.
00:25.24tvirusvpmdtmfsupport option for the module doesn't affect it.
00:25.34drmessano^AOL has an extremely large userbase, and supports SIP for their voice offerings
00:25.43drmessano^They also have plans to move to XMPP for their IM
00:25.49drmessano^To me, thats sizeable
00:26.27v4mpdont think they do SIP uk side
00:26.44drmessano^I could care less about the UK
00:27.02drmessano^UK != here
00:27.18v4mpaye true
00:29.54RB2That's two people I've seen that say they know of a java applet browser-based sip client, but nobody has provided links. Lies, all lies!
00:33.30RB2oh, there's one on based on jain
00:35.01mchoudrmessano: lemme get this straight.  Say I load chan_skype.  There's a chance my * box will become a skype supernode?
00:42.18*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
00:44.07jayteehaving connection issues?
00:45.15v4mpoh dr
00:45.36v4mpuptime[13w 4d 2h 38m 28s]
00:45.45jaytee(Uptime) 14 days 2 hours 56 seconds [Record: 14d 2h 0m 56s] | Users: 1 | Load: 0.02 0.19 0.17
00:46.05v4mplinux ?
00:46.16v4mpxchat ?
00:46.30v4mpwhat script u use to get record too ?
00:47.05v4mpor does that just read current uptime rather than saving longest uptime ?
00:47.07jayteeit's a python script
00:47.32*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
00:48.01jayteeI've got another one that dumps all kinds of info but I won't flood the channel
00:48.22jayteeI should really reboot this pig
00:49.06RB2I had a linux box that was up almost a year and wouldn't you know it, on day 364, I had to shut it down because of maintenance on one of the power mains in the building. :-/
00:49.24jayteeaw man! that totally sucks!
00:49.29v4mpnice :|
00:50.14RB2I was considering keeping it on backup power until it rolled over. LOL
00:50.28jblackIt seems to me that bragging about uptime is a way to state "I have a machine that is vulnerable to every security hole since X/Y/2007"
00:50.29jayteelike Frogger on Seinfeld?
00:50.50jayteejblack, good point
00:51.00RB2Not bragging, just thought it was humorous. ;)
00:52.43v4mpevening jblack
00:53.07*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
00:53.43v4mpwanna try get other bits working on * but cant until can receive incoming calls to test
00:54.24jblackdo you have a did?
00:54.30RB2v4mp, 7777 won't do the trick for what you're testing?
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00:54.54drmessano^Comcast tells me my downstream power is 11db
00:55.03drmessano^Which is way too high
00:55.07drmessano^Needs to be 2 <> 7db
00:55.16drmessano^So I found a radio shack cheap ass 4 port splitter
00:55.21drmessano^Shoved it inline
00:55.34drmessano^3.7db will hold me over until tuesday when they come onsite
00:56.22mchoudrmessano^: lemme get this straight.  Say I load chan_skype.  There's a chance my * box will become a skype supernode?
00:56.49drmessano^If I understand correctly, no
00:57.26drmessano^I believe the channel module gives you some path into the Skype cloud..
00:57.38v4mpRB2, 7777 ?
00:57.39drmessano^I don't believe it's a bridge to a client
00:59.20v4mpjblack, i do weren't it you helping me for hours last nite and ended up being that the fault seems to be at providers end ?
00:59.52RB2v4mp, I believe it simulates an incoming call.
01:01.36jblackv4mp: Ok. msg me the number, and I'll call it real quick.
01:03.19v4mpjblack, but its a uk number and its still not be sorted as only just had chance to contact them a few hours ago so wont hear nothing til maybe 2moz
01:04.12jblacksuit yourself.
01:04.40v4mpu can if you want but woulda thought u wouldn't want to because its a uk national or local rate number
01:09.34*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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01:14.52jblackv4mp: You understand that calls from the US to the uk are all of 2 cents a minute?
01:15.27v4mpbut that would be to a landline though ?
01:16.20jblackDouble check the number you gave me
01:17.07jblackThe number as you gave it to me lists as inmarsat.
01:17.26jeevQwell, did you pump up the jam today
01:17.37v4mpinmarsat whats that ?
01:17.50jblackSatellite phone, I believe.
01:18.10Qwelljeev: I pumped it up, yes
01:18.11v4mpwell thats the correct number
01:18.31jblackWhat area?
01:19.02v4mparea ? o_O u wont use an area code for 1 of those numbers
01:19.22v4mpits like the 1-800 numbers but u pay to call it
01:19.40jblackWhat country.
01:20.25[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Here that'd be "976" numbers
01:20.41v4mpcorrect :)
01:20.52[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Several of which lead to drmessano^ no doubt ;)
01:22.24v4mpjblack, did you just call it ?
01:23.19jblackYes, I did.
01:23.24v4mp14413 handle_request_invite: Call from '84455707' to extension '84455707' rejected because extension not found. <<< from chan_sip.c
01:24.11[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Blatantly obvious enough....
01:24.33[TK]D-Fenderv4mp: Clearly you don't have an exten to match that # in the context it's being looked for in.
01:25.00v4mpits not meant to use that as an extension :/
01:25.43jblackYou should set up an incoming context, which you put all incoming calls to, then, when something comes in on 84455707, you can Goto() it to the rightp lace.
01:26.50*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
01:27.00v4mpwent right over my head then lol
01:28.49jblackgets beer
01:35.46*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
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01:36.14v4mpwtf jblack how come when u call the number it reaches * but when i call it doesn't :S
01:38.29*** join/#asterisk dmz (
01:45.57jblackdouble checks UK dialing rates with diamondcard
01:47.27Qwellthey seem so shady to me... ;/
01:47.58Qwellparent company is "an MLM company"
01:48.31jblack44-1 is .021, about like I'd expect. for 44-7, it shoots up to .22/min
01:48.53Qwellis that cellular or something?
01:49.35jblackFrom their call rates page, it's mobile. Split between o2, orange, tmobile, etc.
01:49.45Qwellmakes sense
01:50.49jblackThey dont' list 44-78 at all, which shouldn't be mobile, as it's a did for v4mp
01:51.51timholum1sorry for the caps
01:52.02jblackI'm just burning off diamoncard minutes anyways, as they're not very nimble.
01:52.06timholum1oups caps lock was on :)
01:53.23jblackI have four providers right now. That's 2 too many.
01:55.03timholum1i have exten => 604,n,VERBOSE("CALLERIDNUM = ${CALLERIDNUM} AND ${EXTEN}") it outputs "CALLERID =  AND 604, in my sip.conf i have callerid="CouleTechLink" <200>  ?
01:55.22timholum1shouldint it output CALLERID = 200 AND 604
01:56.03jblackwhy I have 4 is a long story involving a combination of ex-wives and impatience on my part.
01:56.17Qwelltimholum1: ${CALLERID(num)}
01:56.21jblackNeither is good.
01:56.29timholum1ok ill try that thanks :)
01:56.43Qwelltimholum1: also, don't put quotes in your callerid
01:58.29timholum1Qwell: it was just for verbose, i was trying to debug why it was not working i was trying VoiceMailMain($CALLERIDNUM@ctl) and it wasnt working so but now i know i need VoiceMailMain($CALLERID(num)@ctl) Thankyou
01:59.09Qwellno, both are wrong
01:59.14[TK]D-Fendertimholum1: You you also need to re-read the chapter on variable & function referencing that tells you that get the value out of them they need to be put in ${}
01:59.18Qwell${}, not just $
01:59.25[TK]D-Fendertimholum1: You don't just shove a $ in front.
01:59.48[TK]D-Fendertimholum1: Go read channelvariables.txt in your doc folder
01:59.50Qwelland I mean when you set it in sip.conf
01:59.52timholum1ok, thanks, i had the {} in my conf, just not when i read
01:59.59timholum1read* typed
02:00.02jblack* needs an assisting daemon that can determine least cost routing by doing an xml-rpc request.
02:00.33jblackbacked by some publicly managed database for the providers Out There.
02:00.53*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
02:01.39timholum1ok i will do that [TK]D-Fender
02:02.25*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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02:09.40mostyhow can i dial two sip clients, with each of those two channels having different TRANSFER_CONTEXT values? i tried setvar in the peer's entry in sip.conf but it did not seem to work
02:13.17jblackLater all
02:32.40*** join/#asterisk mateo_au (n=chatzill@
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03:41.01*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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03:59.01*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
03:59.05hardwireoh hai
04:00.36*** join/#asterisk jaybinks (
04:01.19jaybinkshey ... Im integrating Asterisk ( using the AMI ) into our companies CRM software...   how do I know if a call is inbound or outbound ... ? ( from the events on the AMI )
04:01.45hardwirejaybinks: there is no difference
04:02.03jaybinksso there is no easy way to know then ?
04:02.05hardwireyou simply have to know the dialplan, or set channel variables when calls come in or out from the dialplan
04:02.24jaybinkshmmm ok .. thanks
04:02.28hardwireYOU BETCHA
04:02.46jaybinksnot a bad idea though... I can set a variable on my incoming sip trunk
04:02.54jaybinksand will that then be available in the event messages ??
04:02.59jaybinksor do I need to "look" for it somehow
04:03.00hardwireif your company uses CRM software then it should associate phones/queues to specific CRM accounts at some level
04:03.02hardwireso you could use that info
04:03.14tzafrir_laptopjaybinks, make incoming calls go to a different context
04:03.22hardwireoh that's a good one too.
04:03.24tzafrir_laptopSet up a variable in that context
04:03.33jaybinksyea... the incoming ones do go "through" a different context
04:03.35tzafrir_laptopor any similar method
04:03.37hardwireor use that context "as" the variable
04:03.38jaybinksthen they get put into the general one I Think
04:03.52tzafrir_laptopYou can also set a variable directly in the channel configuration
04:03.59jaybinks( using Elastix .. so not 100% sure of how that works )
04:04.10jaybinkshow do I set the variable like you say ?
04:04.12tzafrir_laptopElastix uses freepbx
04:04.19jaybinksyea exactly
04:04.26tzafrir_laptopfreepbx has a rather complex dialplan
04:04.45hardwireI've never used it
04:04.45jaybinksI only have incoming calls come in 1 provider
04:04.52tzafrir_laptopBut you should see that incoming and outgoing calls have different CONTEXT
04:04.53jaybinksso I dont mind setting that up in the sip trunk though
04:05.32jaybinks... Im not sure that the "Events" have the context in them though
04:05.34jaybinks( or can I turn that on )
04:05.46hardwirejaybinks: you can follow a calls unique id
04:05.48tzafrir_laptopit depends what events
04:05.59hardwireand correlate transfers with them, etc..
04:06.03jaybinksoh ok
04:06.09jaybinkswhat event has the context then ?
04:06.24jaybinksI just grepped my manager log ( that Im generating in my software )
04:06.28jaybinksand I dont see any context anywhere
04:06.28hardwiremuck with it and find out :)
04:06.33jaybinksso maybe Im not getting that event
04:06.54jaybinksoh there one is .. oops
04:06.59jaybinksNewExtn : sets it
04:07.14hardwiredoes the uniqueid match later events?
04:07.22jaybinksyea fairly sure it will
04:07.24hardwirethat's the important part :)
04:07.27jaybinksim already matching up unique id's
04:08.09hardwireon to other important business.. anybody know how long I should wait until using the teeth on a cement trowel on the surface?
04:09.26hardwiregoing once?
04:11.06*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
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04:21.07*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
04:25.12drbrownhas anyone tried octasic octware echo canceler?
04:25.57hardwirethat sounds too fantastic to be real
04:26.04hardwirekinda like everlasting gobstoppers
04:27.18drbrownI have an interesting echo problem.
04:27.35drbrownone that a hardware echo canceler will be unable to solve
04:28.48drbrownI have echo on a voip line delivered by time warner cable via an arris cable modem
04:29.37hardwirecall time warner and tell them not to screw it up
04:30.02drbrownif I use a hardware echo canceler it cancels the echo twice and causes the conversation to cut out.
04:30.04hardwiretheres a 90% chance it's not your fault
04:30.27hardwireecho is most prevalent in PSTN gateways.
04:30.29drbrownwhen I hook up a butt tester the line sounds fine
04:30.36hardwirebutt tester?
04:30.42hardwireso you have PSTN?
04:31.00hardwireyou're using an ATA?
04:31.00drbrownthey will only deliver it via fxs ports
04:31.12hardwireso they own the ATA?
04:31.25hardwireand there is no echo.. gotcha
04:31.28hardwirewell..that stinks.
04:31.38hardwireused fxotune?
04:31.50drbrownif I cancel the echo at 128 taps it's too far out.
04:32.00drbrownit actually cuts the conversation
04:32.37drbrownNo I haven't used fxotune
04:32.40hardwireyou should see if they can kill echocan on their ATA
04:32.55drbrownI thought about doing that as well
04:33.32drbrownI am also having problems with call hangup detection as well, thought they might be able to help out with that as well
04:33.42hardwireit's a shame they are so limited.
04:33.51hardwireMTA's are a pain
04:33.58hardwireis that via the motorola?
04:34.34hardwirethat's really the only way they can garantee certain things and not pay out the nostril for e911
04:34.56drbrownI know
04:35.24drbrownI have managed to eliminate echo now, but have 0 sidetone
04:35.53hardwireso you used fxotune?
04:36.37drbrownnot yet, getting ready too
04:37.23hardwireWhiteWolf: I fancy your nick.. where are you located?
04:37.45*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
04:41.10drbrownall zeros
04:41.30hardwirewell I'm off to bed
04:41.43hardwirecall, complain, subscribe them to dirty magazines
04:41.50hardwiredo whatever you have to do..
04:41.54drbrownthanks for the help hardwire
04:42.04hardwireword.. sorry I'm not on top of this atm :)
04:42.24jeevyou liED
04:42.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
04:43.10*** join/#asterisk keith4__ (
04:45.27drbrowncan you use digium's hpec with sangoma equipment?
04:45.59russellbthat might create a black hole
04:46.06russellbbut in theory, yeah
04:46.21hardwirerussellb: I forgot to bring my hpec/g729 stuff to digiums booth
04:46.28hardwireI didn't even look in the bag till I got home
04:46.33russellbhardwire: fail!
04:46.34hardwireI thought it was full of confetti and shirts.
04:46.42hardwireI'll live
04:46.48hardwireI buy echocan cards anyways
04:48.07drbrownyou can't reduce the card from 128 to 64 though can you????
04:48.46drbrownit cuts out too much of the conversation and actually cuts off the calling party
04:48.49hardwireno clue.. haven't had to tweak them yet.
04:49.08drbrownbecause the echo is being canceled twice
04:49.20hardwirelike some sort of black hole.
04:49.27hardwirerussellb is on to something.
04:49.39drbrownblack hole?????
04:50.13keith4__if you cancel the echo twice, do you end up canceling the original sound?
04:50.19hardwireyou're going to give helicopters cancer.
04:50.46drbrownnot sure what you're sayin but yeah that's what's going on
04:51.02keith4__helicopters... cancer?
04:51.48drbrownyou cancel the other side of the conversation completely at times.
04:56.25*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:57.01hardwire-> bed for reals
04:58.54*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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05:12.05*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:13.25drmessanoah joy
05:13.32keith4__the output of netstat -an on my asterisk box only shows it listening on 5060 via udp? is this correct?
05:13.42keith4__(as opposed to also listening on tcp:5060)
05:14.08drmessanoAre you on 1.2 or 1.4?
05:14.19keith4__uh... this one is still 1.2
05:14.28drmessanoNo TCP until 1.6
05:14.36keith4__oh, ok
05:16.17StephenFwhere can I find a list of new features in 1.6?
05:16.17StephenFis there a wiki or changelist somewhere?
05:18.59drbrownlatter guys
05:19.01keith4__shakes his fist at jbot
05:20.58StephenFkeith4__ ahh thanks
05:26.30jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
05:26.36tzafrir_laptop~wiki wikipedia
05:32.08*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:34.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:41.44DefrazI installed Trixbox, and I know this is the trixbox channel but I have narrowed my issue down to asterisk and rxfax. my asterisk server seems to crash when a fax comes in.
05:41.57Defrazrxfax is called and blam seg fault.
05:42.40DefrazI have read everywhere, and on the forms people say it works but it isn't. Does anyone have a how to.
05:52.20jboti guess trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
05:52.24*** join/#asterisk subdolus (
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06:00.47*** join/#asterisk jeev (n=email@unaffiliated/jeev)
06:07.14Defrazfigured that would be the answer. But  Trixbox aside I am having trouble with asterisk and rxfax module
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06:07.30Defrazand spandsp might be the issue or libtiff
06:07.31drmessano^You're also dealing with an asterisk that wasn't compiled on your system
06:07.47DefrazI have tried recompiling it on my system actually
06:07.49drmessano^@ whatever spec they decided to compile it at
06:08.04Defrazit won't compile right, with the proper Rxfax
06:08.13drmessano^Probably not
06:08.21DefrazI don't think the patches that the forms reffer to is correct.
06:08.28drmessano^Not really an asterisk problem
06:08.32DefrazI downloaded the source actually from
06:08.36drmessano^Moreso the enviornment
06:08.45Defrazwell I am not even using the trixbox config files now
06:08.48Defrazjust asterisk.
06:08.58drmessano^From the trixbox you downloaded
06:09.15DefrazNo no, I just renamed the /etc/asterisk directory
06:09.21Defrazcreated a new one and when I did an asterisk install
06:09.27Defrazit created all the default config files
06:09.31drmessano^Why dont you do a fresh OS load and try it
06:09.36Defrazand I renamed the modules
06:09.39tzafrir_laptopDefraz, rxfax is just a wrapper for spandsp
06:09.45Defrazit is like a vanilla asterisk install.
06:09.52drmessano^heh, no it's not
06:09.59tzafrir_laptopFirst off, get a decent version of spandsp
06:10.10DefrazWhat version is the best
06:10.23tzafrir_laptopasterisk + asteirsk-devel should be good enough for building asterisk modules
06:10.36DefrazI have tried spandsp spandsp-0.0.4-22.pre15 and a 3.x version
06:10.49Defrazthat is what I am using Tzafrir
06:11.42DefrazDrmessano for some reason is being difficult. I know how to extract the trixbox mess. And I did actually start with a fresh copy on a vm machine. the box is remote so I couldn't really reload the real box.
06:11.58Defrazcan't test the pri on the vmware though
06:12.00tzafrir_laptopI'm using 0.0.5pre4 internally
06:12.10Defrazokay that might be the difference
06:12.18Defrazif I uninstalled the spandsp I am using
06:12.18drmessano^I'm not being difficult, but you're using a shit unknown environment and insisting "oh no man, it's the same as a fresh load"
06:12.21Defrazand tyr that one.
06:12.24drmessano^Don't insult my intelligence
06:12.35DefrazI am not, just not keeping an open mind.
06:12.50DefrazI know exactly what environment it is using.
06:14.38DefrazThanks for the help tzafrir, that is what I will try next. Might even try a fresh install of CentOS just to rule out my "Unknown Environment"
06:15.04Defrazwhat version of libtiff are you using tzalfrir?
06:20.42Defrazoff to try Tzafrir idea.
06:20.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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06:29.15drmessanowonders how questioning ones use of a known flaky environment is considered "being difficult"
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06:40.19jblackdrmessano: I wonder why questioning one's used of a limited editor is considered "elitism". =P
06:40.48jblacklooks away and whistles an innocent tune
06:42.55*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
06:43.03jeevthere needs to be a cheaper method of KVM over IP in the market, single server use
06:43.09jeevaround a hundred bux
06:43.34drbrowndoes the hpec echo canceler usually have distortion?
06:43.40*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
06:44.00drbrownor is it just my install?
06:44.59jblackjeev: ssh!
06:45.30jblackjeev: vnc!  xvmcc!
06:46.33jblackno. xdmrpc.. xdmp
06:46.35creativxaten kh1516
06:46.40jblacksomething like that.
06:48.29*** join/#asterisk dandre (
06:49.41tzafrir_laptopKVM? Xen?
06:49.47jeevKVM over IP dood
06:49.50jeevhow is ssh kvm
06:49.54jeevthat' not an oob solution
06:50.14tzafrir_laptopGet a system that supports LinuxBios
06:51.19tzafrir_laptoperr.. renamed to coreboot
06:54.22jeevor i'll get a real kvm
06:54.28*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
07:04.45jblackLinuxbios isn't linuxbios any more?
07:05.10mostyjeev, what kind of servers do you use?
07:07.01jblackahhh, I see.
07:13.13*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
07:20.21jeevmosty, yougonna suggest IPMI ?
07:21.14*** part/#asterisk ZefK (
07:22.03jeevi think it has IPMI support, i've notified the manufacturer asking. i messed up on a networking issue today that has got me thinking that i have to get this thing stable before i leave for london
07:22.15jeevthe box i broke wasn't being used.. but it's 2 boxes at a single datacenter and i need perfection
07:22.23jeevi would've been happy with minicom access today.
07:29.41*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
07:30.49jeevsleep time
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08:37.32marc7if I'm running something like: exten => _X.,1,Dial(IAX2/sonora_out/${EXTEN})
08:37.56marc7(so that the dial string is basically IAX2/sonora_out/2025551234
08:38.13marc7is there any way to then pass an argument or variable along for the opposite end to pick up?
08:38.54marc7eg: dial "2025551234" with var/arg "John Smith"
08:39.28*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
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09:14.07brainopiai installed asterisk, but /etc/asterisk folder is empty, wtf?
09:15.15ToTobrainopia, make samples
09:15.26brainopiaToTo: thx
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09:33.17gpkz8113Greetings guys, long time no visit.
09:33.50gpkz8113Is there a simple way to hook up a dead end extension? (IE: I want to divert an incomming number to an extension that rings like normal but has no phone or endpoint on it
09:34.54justdaveexten => 1234,1,Wait(20)
09:35.01justdaveexten => 1234,n,Hangup()
09:35.22Fremanwill that play the ring tone?
09:35.40justdavealthough I haven't actually tried that, I'm guessing because it didn't start with Answer() that it'll keep ringing
09:35.45justdavewould have to try it to make sure though
09:35.58Fremannah, it's already made it through a privacy system so it's already answered
09:36.10*** part/#asterisk dandre (
09:36.23justdaveseems like there's an app that plays the ring tones
09:36.40Fremanit's just one of those nusence callers who constantly rings for things he wants fixed and doesn't ever have money so...
09:36.52FremanI'd rather just know he called and call him back when I feel like it :)
09:37.10Fremanhey, Playtones(dial) might do it
09:37.32justdavecore show application Ringing
09:41.36Fremanah I have that good
09:41.37*** join/#asterisk dandre (
09:41.38Fremanthanks dave
09:43.02*** part/#asterisk brainopia (
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09:46.01jblackMy kid deserves a refund on her buffet. :
09:53.21Fremanok, this has worked out REALLY REALLY cool
09:54.05Fremanmy privacy script handles a redirect flag, so I just redirect to Local/104@internal/n which is wait(100), it dials that as per normal and presto it just works (tm)
10:05.02*** join/#asterisk Diablo22 (n=Sigma@
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10:27.39gewuerzwieselhello world :)
10:31.16gewuerzwieselI need some help configuring capi with asterisk. I fixed all the kernelbugs and capi works (incoming calls are listed in the syslog)
10:31.45gewuerzwieselso, if I "module load" I get that warning: CAPI not installed, CAPI disabled!
10:32.15*** join/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
10:35.08gsienerHi all.  I installed asterisk-gui not long ago, and I started running into an issue where logging in results in an infinite loop of parsing config files.  The only solution I've found via searching is to reinstall.  Surely there's another option?
10:38.05Fremantthanks again dave
10:41.11*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
10:42.57gewuerzwieselok, now I get the incoming calls inside the console :)
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10:58.46*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@
11:00.01IsUpi've just upgraded to Asterisk on ubuntu 8.04 server
11:00.14IsUpi am getting too many <defunct> AGI processes
11:01.22IsUpi've tried perl and php. i've tried agi-test.agi after channel dies, process goes to <defunct> and restarting asterisk is the one solution.
11:02.15IsUpalso i have a choppy playback on GSM files. my gcc version 4.2.3... my system was fine with older version of Asterisk. any ideas?
11:02.19*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
11:06.34Blackvelwhat is the worst thing to do with IVR programming?
11:08.18Blackvelwhat is the best way to do that asterisk 1.2.x recognices that the caller hangup already? It appears that the IVR is endlessly playing backgrounds on non-active channels (hangup gets recognized too late)
11:08.58Blackvelit may be the cause of the front patton isdn bri-sip gateway, but I am not sure
11:15.14*** join/#asterisk zap0 (
11:16.55zap0hello, im interested in building a system to interpret tone dialing for use in an application..  from what i've seen of asterisk, it can do it, but it'll take me quite some time to wade thru all the off-topic info.
11:17.04zap0can anyone suggest a simpler solution?
11:19.04*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
11:19.15Blackvelzap0: what do you mean in detail?
11:19.26Blackveltone dailing for use in an application? what does that mean?
11:20.05zap0i just want to capture a phones' 1-9 keys being pressed..   i dont need PBX features, or even voice response.
11:20.18zap0just want the keypresses..  passed to another applcaition.
11:20.45Blackveldepeinding on 1-9 key presses you want to launch different applications?
11:20.47Blackvelwhat application?
11:21.32zap0my application.
11:23.04zap0i just want the key values passed to my application.
11:23.42*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
11:24.03Blackvelyeah but what? php? perl?
11:24.30Blackvelshould astersk spawn a new process with your php/perl/script application on key press 1?
11:24.42zap0how is that important?    just about any interface i can deal with.
11:25.12zap0it should pass the value '1' to my application via whatever method is easiest/works.
11:25.27zap0is output to a php script possible.
11:25.35zap0?   that would be ideal.
11:25.40zap0i can write php.
11:25.47IsUpthen try using phpagi, lol
11:26.12Blackvelif its an external application you have to use AGI afaik
11:26.58Blackveldifferent languages are supported by different interfaces, etc FastAGI Java
11:27.35Blackvelbut if there is an simpler solution dunno
11:27.36zap0im looking for answers that dont involve *  also...
11:27.49zap0perhaps * is overkill for what i need
11:27.54Blackvelcould be
11:28.35Blackvelmaybe the US guys join once they are awake/starting to work :)
11:28.57UnixDawgwell untill you say what you need/want non of us can help you
11:28.57zap0what time is that typically?  (hrs from now) ?
11:29.24UnixDawg7am on the east now
11:29.25zap0UnixDawg, 3rd time explaining:    i want to capture just the keypresses of a phone
11:29.40IsUpzap0, 3rd time saying
11:29.42IsUpuse AGI
11:29.44zap0i dont care for voice, or PBX functions.
11:29.47IsUpand dont be a jerk
11:29.51UnixDawgthast easy
11:30.20UnixDawgyou trying to record numbers dialed
11:30.20Blackvelyou are europe? 13:30pm (cet / gmt+1)? US is behind some hours
11:31.05zap0UnixDawg, i want the numbers passed to my application real-time (within a second~)
11:31.45IsUpzap0, this is last time i am saying
11:31.49IsUpuse AGI
11:32.45zap0IsUp, you seem rather irratic...  chill out.
11:32.46Blackvelyou could check if all the ALL-IN asterisk solutions/ web gui solutions support AGI as well as
11:32.49BlackvelI doubt that
11:33.25Blackvelotherwise...if you have a business its easy to find the right asterisk consultant here in this channel
11:33.30zap0im in au GMT+10.  its 9:30pm
11:33.32Blackvelhe can setup a solution which just works
11:33.59UnixDawgzap you looking to use a phone to control something like mr house
11:35.07UnixDawgzap stop listen
11:35.25UnixDawgand go into detail at what you want the dtmf to do .
11:35.36UnixDawgwhat does the application control
11:35.50UnixDawghow long will it need to be offhook to work it
11:36.04UnixDawgthere is alot of info your not telling us to help you
11:36.24UnixDawgand I bet you would have to write a agi to control it
11:36.26*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:36.54Blackvelhe cant "just pass" dtmf digits/control flow to any application afaik
11:37.11Blackvelthe application has to follow the AGI/FastAGI interface
11:37.13UnixDawgyou can with system calls
11:37.25UnixDawgbut a agi might be best
11:37.37BlackvelUnixDawg: right, but that spawns a separate application process
11:37.45UnixDawgbut eunless he elaborates and evplains better it does no help
11:37.49Blackvelbut he has an existing running external application
11:38.12Blackvelhe's just afraid of asterisk intro/setup
11:38.33Blackvelbecause of overkill (which might be true)
11:39.03UnixDawgyou can dumb down asterisk to a minimum
11:39.07Blackvelthere are so many consultants out to get easily / in time started with a running * solution
11:39.15Blackveland just to focus on the agi thing
11:39.34Blackvelnoone has to go the 5-10 days setup learing process by himself
11:42.57*** join/#asterisk Squeeb (
11:43.18zap0ok, i've found this      wait for digit <timeout>     thats a 'command'   is that part of the * scripting language?
11:44.40IsUpgo and read book
11:46.13Blackvelzap0: yes
11:46.26Blackvelzap0: are you private or do you have a business?
11:46.37IsUphes got a business
11:46.43zap0private at the moment..
11:46.52IsUpand his boss want something from him
11:46.54zap0im thinking of using it in an art project.
11:46.57IsUpand he is trying to resolve
11:47.10zap0IsUp, what is your problem?     You have nothing better to do but troll?
11:47.24IsUpah well, you are just funny
11:47.31UnixDawgok kids
11:47.33zap0you are just pathetic.
11:47.40UnixDawgzap you need to go read
11:47.44IsUpyou are asking a question and i am trying to help
11:47.58IsUpuse AGI, read book, go to
11:48.37UnixDawgyou need to go read about asterisk and look on
11:48.45UnixDawgit will help for the most part
11:49.29SqueebHello, I'm having some odd problems with incoming sip calls. I'm using the digium web manager and I've added an incoming rule for _X. but when I ring the sip number it says "extension 's' can not be found"
11:49.35SqueebI thought _X. would match
11:50.20IsUpcan you paste your extension please?
11:50.58*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
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11:51.11zap0im more familiar with C, of the list of C interfaces on   which is mature?
11:51.16IsUptake a look here:
11:51.22IsUpi made an example for you
11:51.38IsUpif caller press "5" it'll execute php script
11:51.40*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
11:52.23Squeebthat DID_8676419 thing is weird
11:52.31SqueebShouldn't it be included in the DLPN_DialPlan1 ?
11:52.52IsUpwhat's your sip users context?
11:53.41zap0do have to duplicate the entire script for each digit or modify this single script?
11:53.57SqueebMy sip users context is simply "sipgate"
11:54.28IsUpzap0 take a look here:
11:54.33IsUpyou can write an if condition
11:55.31IsUpwell Squeeb, i cant see your "sipgate" context is defined
11:55.45IsUpdid you paste just your extensions? or your extensions.conf?
11:55.56Blackveldo you guys think its O.K for IVR programming to route back to the current background menu once the timeout/waitexten timeout finished?
11:56.02Squeebdid you want dialplan show output?
11:56.16Blackvellike user didn't choose and option, timeout 5 secs, play again the menu
11:56.32Blackvelof course this will endless loop if the user is not going to choose any menu option
11:56.45IsUpi think, it should be limited to 3 loops
11:56.50Blackvelthis might be the case with my endless background loop even the user already hangup
11:56.52IsUpsimply do that
11:57.03IsUpedit your sip user
11:57.06IsUpcontext = DID_8676419_default
11:57.17*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
11:57.20Blackvelso at the end of the 3 loops it should go to Hangup instead of background again
11:57.31*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
11:57.31IsUpand test your extension
11:57.44IsUpyeah it should hangup
11:57.45Squeebturns out it exists
11:57.50Squeebcontext = DID_8676419
11:57.50IsUpit's my opinion
11:57.55Blackveli like that idea (stops endless playing problem on dead channels)
11:57.56*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
11:58.03Blackvelhow do you code this loop 3 times thing?
11:58.19IsUpwell, i prefer using PHP on my AGI scripts
11:58.25IsUpfor example write a function with
11:58.43Blackveloh... will this system isn't AGI :(
11:58.56Blackveljust extension.conf with background, waitexten, etc.
11:59.03IsUpplayMenu($count), do $count = 0 first, if user not going to choose anything then count +1. if count = 3, hangup
11:59.13IsUpah, it's not good for ivr programming i think.
11:59.36Blackvelwas there any do/for/while loop in asterisk extensions programming?
11:59.49IsUpcan you paste your user? mask your passwords. and which number you are trying to dial?
11:59.58IsUpi have no idea.
12:00.06IsUpbut you can make something like
12:00.24IsUpor something like that
12:00.38IsUpthere was a "t" priority in extension if i am not wrong
12:01.09BlackvelIsUp: yes there is 't'
12:01.14IsUpand you can make set(count=1)
12:01.30IsUpwhen users reach to "t" again, test if users count equals to 3
12:01.42IsUpif its not, then count + 1
12:01.46Blackvelwell yes, probably have to introduce set/gotoif count loop construct
12:02.59IsUpwell Squeeb
12:03.08IsUpyou are sending user to (default|6000|1)
12:03.20IsUpbut theres no "6000"
12:03.27Squeeboh sorry, there's also a 6000
12:03.31v4mphm wehere have i seen Squeeb before
12:03.44SqueebI thought you meant just the context for the trunk sip
12:04.15*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (
12:04.15IsUpwell, Squee. let's try that. under your DID_8676419_default
12:04.59IsUpand 'dialplan reload' see what you get
12:05.21[gnubie]i'm having a problem with an outbound call to a pots line from a sip phone.. the callee cannot hear me at all but the caller can hear the callee's voice
12:05.29Squeebok reloaded ok, calling now
12:05.38[gnubie]i'm running asterisk here..
12:05.47SqueebSep 29 13:05:40] NOTICE[46487]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '8676419' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
12:05.55[gnubie]that's the only scenario that has a problem with me
12:06.14IsUpwell try:
12:06.19jblacksqueeb: You sent the call into a context that doesn't have extension s.
12:06.34[gnubie]anyone has a similar problem with what i'm experiencing now?
12:07.03jblacksqueeb: Look at the sip debug to see what context it's trying to go into, and make an s extension.
12:07.10jblack[gnubie]: sounds like typical firewalling issues to me.
12:07.13jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:07.21v4mpjblack, my provider asked if i was behind a nat for server after i had already said there server and mine connect fine of which they wouldn't behind a nat
12:07.34jblackv4mp: Leave me a lone.
12:07.35SqueebHmm that's weird
12:07.39Squeebthat _. just rings
12:07.42Squeebbut no onhold music
12:07.47v4mpjblack, im not asking for ur help lol
12:07.58Squeebjblack: I'll have a look now
12:07.58[gnubie]jblack: i don't think firewall is involve on this scenario
12:08.08jblackv4mp: Did I say you were? I just want you to leave me alone.
12:08.17v4mpahh ok
12:08.35jblackSqueeb: btw, dont' use exten => _.   It has nasty side effects, most of which I'm not aware of. I just know it gets you sent to asterisk hell.
12:08.47Squeebit warned me when I reloaded
12:08.51Squeebworth it for diagnostics
12:08.52[gnubie][sip_phone] ==sip==> [asterisk] ==pots==> [analog_phone]
12:09.04Squeebwhat abut
12:09.07Squeebexten = s,1,MusicOnHold()
12:09.26jblackThat would be perfect, if you put it in the context that maches the account in sip.conf. :)
12:09.48*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:09.59jblackin sip.conf, in the account, you should have "context=something". exten => s,1,MusicOnHold() should be in something.
12:10.10*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
12:10.24Squeebwell in the [something
12:10.27Squeebpft can't type
12:10.37Squeebwell in the [something] context there's another include to ANOTHER context
12:10.43Squeebnot sure what the web manager was trying to do there
12:12.48SqueebI'm still unsure of the s and _X. things
12:13.11Squeebbut I don't understand why I get the error "call from 8676419' to extension 's' rejected" .. I thought that _X. would match any number
12:13.18Squeebas does s.. as far as I understand
12:13.49SqueebLooking for s in DID_8676419 (domain
12:13.55Squeebfrom sip debug
12:15.29Squeeb[ Context 'DID_8676419' created by 'pbx_config' ]
12:15.46SqueebSo anything destined for "s" in DID_8676419 should Dial my extension right??
12:15.48*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
12:15.51Squeebwhoops.. random ? there.
12:16.10Squeebthat worked
12:16.16Squeebhow random
12:16.26jblackThanks for following basic instructions.
12:16.42jblackYou're 1 up on 1/2 the people that come in here. =)
12:16.44UnixDawgcore show brain
12:16.55UnixDawgcore show websites
12:16.58jblackmodule not loaded.
12:17.15[gnubie]anyone here ever encountered my problem?
12:17.20Squeebalthough now I'm getting one way audio .. *sigh*
12:17.21UnixDawg? thebook
12:17.26*** join/#asterisk esaym (
12:17.28jblackSqueeb: Firewall.
12:17.31jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:17.41Squeebwill check again
12:17.46gsienerhi all -- has anyone seen any asterisk tutorials that walk through using the gui?
12:17.51[gnubie]jblack: again, i don't think nat is the problem..
12:17.53[gnubie][sip_phone] ==sip==> [asterisk] ==pots==> [analog_phone]
12:18.02UnixDawgthe gui is 2.0 and not yet documented
12:18.03[gnubie]that is the call flow
12:18.06*** join/#asterisk lvl- (n=lvl@
12:18.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.35jblack[TK]D-Fender: Good morning. Glad you're here. [gnubie] is due for a larting
12:19.02[gnubie]the sip phone is connected inside the lan
12:19.15[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "If it is weak, kill i or ignore it.  Anything else honors it" - Volrath
12:19.21*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:19.39jblack[gnubie]: And.... did you turn off redirect? If not, again, firewall.
12:19.40Squeebweird issue
12:19.52Squeebif I make a call, I can hear audio both ways, if I call in, I can only hear incoming audio
12:20.01Squeeb*reads suggested document* ..
12:20.15jbothmm... book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:20.40jblackis ready to go postal
12:20.47[gnubie]jblack: [sip_phone] ==sip_over_the_lan==> [asterisk] ==pots_via_tdm_fxo_card==> [analog_phone]
12:20.52*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
12:21.14jblack[gnubie]: stop humping my leg.
12:22.01*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
12:22.40*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
12:23.22gewuerzwieselwhich codec do I need to get the PSTN to SIP connection? I get these Warning atm: ...Unable to find a codec translation path from unknown to gsm...
12:23.47[TK]D-Fendergrabs jblack, stamps him and tosses him into the back of a non-descript brown van.
12:23.48*** join/#asterisk write_erase (
12:24.09SqueebRTP ports are too wide a range
12:24.21jblackYeah, there are pretty obnoxious.
12:24.29Squeebalthough that's weird as I have them set to 10000:20000 AND on the router
12:24.34Squeebyet it's using 65something
12:24.57jblackI'd knock them down to about 100... 2.2*max calls you want to support.
12:25.09*** join/#asterisk dwagner (n=dwagner@
12:25.12write_eraseHi... I have an exten that connect to a SIP provider (exten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@SIP_OUT1,,tT) . How can I add a second SIP provider if the 1st one is unavailable, or already busy ?
12:25.43jblackwrite_erase: exten => _0.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@SIP_OUT2,,tT)
12:25.46[gnubie]jblack: kindly take a look at this =>
12:26.10write_erasejblack, I just a second n(next) exten ?
12:26.25jblack[gnubie]: And?
12:26.26[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: Any failure will send it continuing on in the dialplan
12:26.44*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
12:26.45write_erase[TK]D-Fender, oh OK! as simpls as that !
12:26.55[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: "core show application dial" <- read its instructions and the vars you can check if you care why it didn't go through
12:27.04jblack[gnubie]: Let me help you out in a different languege. "El Firewallo es tu problemo"
12:27.27[TK]D-FenderIsUp: tell me that wasn't a response to write_erase's question....
12:27.39jblack[gnubie]: Your answer is in ~sipnat. really.
12:27.54[TK]D-Fenderjblack: He's only been pointed to it time and again.
12:28.08jblack[TK]D-Fender: I've told him something like 4 times this morning myself.
12:28.14*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
12:28.29[gnubie]jblack: is the output of my firewall
12:28.35*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:28.58dwagneris there a chan_sip.c programmer?
12:29.06Squeebit seems rtp.conf is ignoring me
12:29.09Squeebanybody any ideas why?
12:29.14jblack[gnubie]: Which I looked at, which told me that you're not following all of the instructions in ~sipnat. Now leave me alone.
12:29.34jblackSqueeb: restart *. Or see if you can find the module to reload for rtp.
12:29.35angryuserjblack : who cares about port range ? its the same daemon
12:29.40IsUp[TK]D-Fender: actually it was :) i thought if BUSY or CHANUNAVAIL returns
12:30.12jblackangryuser: The other daemons on the system care, as does any port forwarding router with limited memory or lots of client machines.
12:30.13Blackvelhow can I speed up asterisk hangup detection with a sip patton gw? e.g the snom phones ring, I hangup the pstn call, it keeps ringing far too long
12:31.02Blackvelis this hangup detection only on asterisk side or must it be on the patton isdn bri gw side? what command must patton send to asterisk so it hangs up the channel?
12:31.06SqueebIs there any way from the asterisk console to show what RTP port range is used?
12:31.09Blackvelwhat sip command
12:31.12[TK]D-FenderIsUp: No, you are showing a cut&paste grade answer based on some piece of dialplan only you feel necessarily applies to him.  Never assume any macro sample you've ever just dropped into your dialplan out of a book or WIKI page is being used by anyone else in any manner.
12:31.13angryuserjblack : a router not capable all ports to any directions is a piece o junk
12:31.29jblackangryuser: attempting to forward 10K ports can crash certain natting comcast modems. I wouldn't be surprised if you could give a linksys an aneurism as well. Not to mention that the default range is in the same as dynamically assigned ports on many operating systems.
12:31.37angryuserto route*
12:31.46IsUpokay Fender, sorry =)
12:31.46jblackangryuser: Weren't you asking me a question?
12:32.06jblackIf you didn't want the answer, why did you ask?
12:32.15[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I really can't imagine why forwarding that many ports would be a problem.  passing traffic on all of them sure I guess, but sitting idle & waiting?
12:32.24angryuserjblack : no
12:32.56jblackSo, you didn't say "jblack : who cares about port range ?" ?
12:33.04jblackAww, screw it. plonk
12:33.15dwagneris there a problem in the ? can it be used in a production environment?
12:33.38jblack[TK]D-Fender: Because some of them have a naive implementation, where they try to make 10K individual forwarding rules.
12:33.38angryuserit was rhetorical but whatever
12:34.11[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Ok, completely stupid idea, but comprehensible.
12:34.31*** part/#asterisk dwagner (n=dwagner@
12:34.36IsUpwell, i have a really big trouble with after i've upgraded my servers to i am getting hundreds of AGI defunct proccesses.
12:34.38jblackIn fact, I think netfilter has the same problem too. One can't forward a range to a range, so you end up with a mongo pile of rules. :(
12:34.40*** join/#asterisk dwagner (n=dwagner@
12:34.50[TK]D-FenderYup... he waited long..
12:34.52jblackprobably you can, but I'm not smart enough.
12:35.07IsUpive tried Perl or PHP but AGI is going to zombie process after channel closes
12:35.14[gnubie]jblack: i checked this one => and i have a similar setup already
12:35.16[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: IsUp>well, i have a really big trouble with after i've upgraded my servers to i am getting hundreds of AGI defunct proccesses.
12:35.22jblack[gnubie]: plonk
12:35.23*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:35.48write_erase[TK]D-Fender, do you have a working configuration for mp3 moh ? My moh starts playing for a couple of seconds only, then silent ....
12:35.58IsUpalso i have troubles with GSM playback. now i am just using ulaw format.
12:36.10jblackwrite_erase: Calls work otherwise?
12:36.11IsUpi've read bugtracker, its about with GCC version or something. i am not sure.
12:36.12[TK]D-FenderIsUp: thats usually ...
12:36.17jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
12:36.23write_erasejblack, yeah... everything fine...
12:36.25[TK]D-Fenderwrong one.
12:36.33jblackwrite_erase: literally mp3s?
12:36.35Blackvelis there anything I can do about HANGUP detection on ANSWERED asterisk channels?
12:36.37jbot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily.  Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch :
12:36.52IsUpby the way, i am using Ubuntu 8.04 server with kernel 2.6.24-16-server
12:37.04[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: Does it really start playing them?
12:37.16IsUphmm thank you Fender. what about AGI proccesses? any idea?
12:37.23jblackwrite_erase: If so, try using the external player example. The built in mp3 codec is a bit... well, football helmet wearing, short bus riding, twit.
12:37.23IsUpthey are staying as "zombie"
12:37.25[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Nope.
12:37.29write_eraseYEs starts playing, then silence...
12:37.36IsUpi've tried 'agi-test.agi' too to see if its about my script or not
12:37.38IsUpbut its failed too
12:37.50[TK]D-Fenderwrite_erase: make sure they are non VBR (highly suspect), and have no ID3 tags
12:37.52angryuserwrite_erase : your mp3 file got fixed bitrate ?
12:38.20jblackwrite_erase: For the least, it can get tripped up by tags. I think it's limited on bit rates.
12:38.20jblackSo, use the mpg123 example.
12:38.20jblackOr convert them to gsm. =)
12:38.28*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
12:38.49write_erasejblack, is it working for  you ?
12:38.55jblackThough most any music converted to gsm ends up sounding much like my ex-wife. Perhaps .wav, if you can afford the space.
12:39.03IsUpwhat's the difference between SVN 1.4 branche and tarball in Asterisk downloads?
12:39.05write_eraseanyone has a working custom mp3 configuration ?
12:39.12IsUpshould i use svn checkout to get latest 1.4?
12:39.29jblackusing an external player worked for me, but I use gsm now. There's an example in the musiconhold.conf file.
12:39.36yangjblack: lol
12:39.43[TK]D-FenderIsUp: SVN branch is "at a point in time" which could be at any time.  Release is just a specific point in SVN
12:40.07IsUphmm. using SVN branch better?
12:40.17jblackyang: Yeah. Incomprehensible, scratchy, noise. Eeeeeaaaheeaaeee eeeaaa chchccccchhhhhrrhhheeee
12:40.23[TK]D-FenderIsUp: depends.
12:40.29write_erasejblack, what do you mean by 'I use gsm' ? is that a codec ?
12:40.49jblackwrite_erase: Yes. Look for "sox convert mp3 to gsm"
12:41.07IsUpwell, i have just problems with GSM and AGI stuff. it's really bad. i am carrying high volume calls, about 15.000/day
12:41.12IsUpall is going to AGI
12:41.32yangwrite_erase: after sox converts the files for you to gsm it works well (yes its a codec)
12:41.38[TK]D-FenderLOL!  Someone tried a trixbox hack against my webserver!!!!
12:41.48write_erasejblack, ok... then astrisk can read gms files natively ? or I need an external player again ?
12:41.59jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:42.02yang[TK]D-Fender: yipeee, free VOIP long distance calls !
12:42.07jblackRead the book. There's a section on music on hold.
12:42.27jblackstarts loading his shotgun
12:42.52jblack[TK]D-Fender: What's the farthest north airport that you know of?
12:43.55[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Civilian or military?
12:43.59*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:44.25*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:44.27jblackI'm gonna hop in a flight simulator and fly up to the north pole, and see if there's penguins I can chop up with the rotor blades.
12:44.35[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Probably somewhere in Nunavut
12:44.41jblackthanks much
12:44.47dwagneri need help with chan_sip.c, is there anybody out there?
12:44.59IsUpFender, last question. how can i apply this patch? and which patch should i use?
12:45.03jblackI bet "igloolik" is pretty far north. :)
12:45.07[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Go over to Anchorage.  You'll be able to see Putin.... And SANTA!
12:45.18IsUp1.2-gsm-gcc4.2.patch, 1.4-gsm-gcc4.2.patch, 11243-maybe-asm.diff
12:45.19SqueebArgh .. this is weird
12:45.26[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: Ask a specific question, get a specific answer.
12:45.35Squeebsometimes when I call into my asterisk machine, the caller can't hear anything I say until I put them on hold and release them again
12:45.44jblackHeh. I can buz Palin's  hunting grounds. :)
12:46.38dwagnerin the latest svn, i've the problem, that if i answer and transfer a call, the call will be dropped. if i transfer the call directly the transfer works.
12:46.58yangwrite_erase: beside the book you can get help from
12:47.31[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: Please provide CLI output for both attempts including full SIP debug from beginning to end.  Truncate nothing.
12:47.59IsUpFender: how can i apply GSM patch?
12:49.26*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=Linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
12:52.53*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (
12:53.03datacompboyHi all! :) Anybody there?
12:53.30slimano, no one.
12:53.31datacompboyI'm still with problem -- unable to dial to numbers with letters in it (A-D)
12:53.34*** join/#asterisk dandre (
12:53.58datacompboy:( one more day without any ideas...
12:54.35[gnubie]i didn't changed anything with my /etc/asterisk/*.conf in upgrading from 1.4.17 to and now i'm havign this one way audio in placing an outbound call
12:55.17IsUpdid you read UPGRADE.txt?
12:55.21[gnubie]my asterisk server is facing the internet and using a public ip
12:55.39IsUpthere can be some configuration changes or dynamics
12:55.55write_eraseyang,  thx
12:56.06*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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12:57.20[gnubie]IsUp: honestly, i didn't.. i got my asterisk source from the debian unstable repository and built it as a .deb package
12:58.25IsUpah, i dont recommend to do that. if you are just testing some stuff, you can try to use tarball. it would be better i think.
12:58.28Blackvelfound the problem with asterisk hangup problem. patton isdn bri gw has to use "early disconnect". otherwise is does not hangup message to asterisk
12:59.10IsUpwhat you mean Blackvel?
12:59.31Blackvel[gnubie]: weird. I even run the nearly identical configuration with asterisk 1.2 and 1.4 and have no audio problems.
12:59.47[gnubie]IsUp: the asterisk source from the debian unstable is from the project upstream with some patches for debian
13:00.05Blackvel<Blackvel> is there anything I can do about HANGUP detection on ANSWERED asterisk channels?
13:00.05Blackvelthats the answer to my question
13:00.42[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: taht made no sense
13:00.49[gnubie]Blackvel: i am even surprised that this only happens now when a sip phone inside a lan places an outbound call to an analog phone via my tdm fxo card and the pots network
13:00.55IsUpgnubie, i can recommend to you read upgrade.txt for changes
13:01.46IsUpFender, i don't know how to apply patch. Should i apply to tarball release or svn branch? i think branch already has updated code. and how can i apply?
13:01.55[gnubie]because, when an analog phone that is connected to my fxs port and calls an analog phone on the pots network via the tdm fxo port, i don't have any problem
13:02.28dwagnercall 12 -> 13, 13 answer, transfer to 14, hangup
13:02.34*** part/#asterisk datacompboy (
13:02.47[gnubie]IsUp: ok..
13:03.12Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: that made no sense?
13:03.34Blackvelits the solution to my problem which noone answered?!
13:04.08[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: Bad link.  Try
13:05.42[gnubie]other than this one way audio problem, i also have a problem with an inter-asterisk trunking via iax2 with encryption=yes that after sometime during a call session, both parties cannot hear each other already.. when i checked the cli, it says something like a problem with the decryption or something
13:05.45SqueebI've found a bug in the digium web admin
13:05.59*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:06.07Squeebwhen you add an incoming call rule it puts exten = BLAH and not exten => BLAH
13:07.07*** join/#asterisk wiscados (n=mint@
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13:07.43*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:08.17*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (n=root@
13:08.25c4t3lhello world
13:11.46dwagnerhere is the trace:
13:12.46*** join/#asterisk _Roman (n=roman@
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13:13.53IsUp[TK]D-Fender: can you help me about patch?
13:14.12*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
13:15.03*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
13:15.50[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Nope.
13:17.35IsUpwhys that?
13:17.57*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
13:19.37Blackvelweird. DB SET does NOT survice asterisk stop now
13:20.17[TK]D-FenderIsUp: Because I've only ever applied one patch ever.  "man patch" <- I'm pretty sure this is a very basic thing.
13:20.33Blackvelwhen I start Asterisk again with asterisk -vvc -C /etc/asterisk_dev/asterisk.conf the DB SET variable is not there
13:20.46IsUpah, patch diff stuff
13:20.48IsUpunderstood =)
13:20.58[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Could it be that your other instance si not lokoing at the same AstDB file?
13:21.03IsUpi am just not sure about applying patch to tarball release or svn branch
13:21.31Blackvelthought I changed that (for dev instance)
13:21.40[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: You have masked things where I have expressly told you not to.  I cannot help you.
13:21.43Blackvelbut when my snom calls 401 which does Set(DB...)
13:21.45Blackvelits working
13:22.29Blackvelso once its set again (after Asterisk startup), its working fine... the GotoIf just works with DBGet
13:23.08Blackvelmust be config problem then. you all told me that DB variables overlive asterisk shutdown (as of file system db)
13:23.30*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:23.33Kattygood morning!!!
13:23.43*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:23.50[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: they are stored in astdb (actual file) and if you have multiple configs set up you might not be pointing to the same one on some other instance.
13:23.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:23.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: woof :>
13:24.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: also
13:24.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: Pick up over the weekend?
13:24.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: you don't by chance know how to either make these polycom phones louder by default, or asterisk louder by default, do you?
13:24.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, last night around 6pm
13:25.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: Typically your PSTN interface should be normalized.  Everything else already is.
13:25.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: well they want it louder and i'm trying to appease them.
13:25.50Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: thank you so much for your tip! :)
13:26.02[TK]D-FenderKatty: They have volume controls on the phone...
13:26.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's not good enough
13:26.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: Even at max?
13:26.29[gnubie]please enlighten me.. this will be my last to ask about this question.. do i need to treat my sip phones inside my lan as nat=yes when the one way audio problem scenario is:  internal_sip_phone ==lan==> asterisk ==fxo_tdm_pots==> analog_telephone
13:26.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: well apparently they don't want to have to crank it up each time.
13:26.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i do believe that cellphone to cellphone calls routed through the server at max are unacceptable
13:26.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Then you should set the persistence in your provisioning.
13:26.53*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:27.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: sip.cfg
13:27.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: I have given you all you should need to correct this.  happy hunting :)
13:27.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm sure i will have more questions, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction (=
13:28.14*** join/#asterisk stencil (
13:28.23[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Nat should not matter, check your firewall
13:28.25[gnubie]i am not talking about connection to the internet here
13:29.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: riddick is a bundle of paws and ears :>
13:29.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: he's so adorable
13:29.27[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: what do i need to check? udp ports 5060 and 10000-10100 are accepted already
13:29.28[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: meaningless.
13:29.44[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: REMOVE it completely for testing
13:30.49[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: ok..
13:31.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:31.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: ah, so the persistant keeps the changes of previous? (=
13:31.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: this is very neat.
13:31.24*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
13:31.28stencilKatty: I would have thought you would have called Asterisk or maybe Obelix
13:32.10stencilyour pet dog
13:32.41Kattystencil: Kaiser Riddick der Kleine Hobbit mit Waggytail
13:33.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: so what's all this"-15" stuff i'm seeing
13:33.37*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
13:33.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Stuff not to touch unless absolutely necessary
13:34.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: so the goal is to try to get the settings on the phone to stay at max, and if that doesn't work to tweak the rx volume?
13:34.37[TK]D-FenderKatty: I've answered you twice on this.  It isn't changing...
13:35.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: you do not parse.
13:35.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: if persistant does not tell the phone to retain it's volume settings
13:35.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: then what is it doing?
13:35.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: I told you which parameter to use, and what not to touch.  What part of that doesn't parse?
13:35.44Katty[TK]D-Fender: the part where you tell me what it's doing (=
13:35.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: Do X, don't do Y.  Simple as that
13:35.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: why why why
13:35.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: consider me 2!
13:36.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: i guess i'll try it and see!
13:36.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: Changing base gains can lead to sidetone issues, distortion, AEC probelms, etc
13:36.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: we're not talking about base gains
13:36.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm talking about what voice.volume.persistant.handset="1" does.
13:37.10[TK]D-FenderKatty>[TK]D-Fender: so what's all this"-15" stuff i'm seeing <- you were
13:37.21*** join/#asterisk tcseke (
13:37.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: that was a side question :P
13:37.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: and voice.volume.persistant.handset="1" is as obvious as it sounds.  the phone will remember the HANDSET voluem from call to call.
13:37.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh jolly good.
13:37.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Your train of thought is permanently derailed...
13:38.02*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:38.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: yes, yes it is.
13:38.10SqueebHmm .. I'm reading the manual but I'm not understanding some of the terminology..
13:38.20KattySqueeb: welcome to my life.
13:38.37SqueebHow can I have some background music or simply "ringing" while asterisk hunts for an available agent
13:38.48KattySqueeb: riddick went *whinywhinywhiny* *barkbark* *whinewhinewhine* all night.
13:38.50Squeebat the moment it's just silent to the caller while the hunt is in progress
13:39.04Kattypresumes lonely puppy.
13:39.08jblackTry queues.
13:39.13jblackThey have musiconhold
13:39.13Kattyif only these things came with readmes
13:39.25Squeebit only seems to happen when you put them back on hld
13:39.28[TK]D-Fenderqueues are the only reason to through to term "agent" around
13:39.30[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i already flushed the firewall and placed an outbound call again via tdm/pots but still, the callee cannot hear me..
13:39.31Squeebhold *
13:39.41[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Show us something useful.
13:39.42IsUpFender, thank you :) i've applied patch. well i am gonna try it later on my production server.
13:39.55*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-84bad83f9543db3b)
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13:40.28[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: wait, i'll run tcpdump here..
13:46.33c4t3lKatty: you can download the SIP admin guide from Polycom's website
13:48.42dwagnerhello, can the asterisk version be used in a production environment?
13:50.08*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
13:50.34[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: Sure
13:50.35*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
13:51.21dwagneri've heard that there is a problem with the sip channel, that sometimes they hang and block the isdn channels.
13:52.15[TK]D-Fenderdwagner: Go try.  If you have a problem, change versions.
13:52.46*** join/#asterisk happytiger (
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13:57.23fasttrackhy all, i have seen the asterisk site. I was planning for a replacement/alternative for cisco's call agent(cucm).. have i come to the right place?
13:57.34*** join/#asterisk Jax (n=Jax@pdpc/supporter/active/Jax)
13:58.08fasttrackMostly, just for call conferences(loads of them!!).. over internet
13:58.22*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:58.31happytigerHey all i just fiddled around and made my sip.conf and extension.conf live in a postgressql database, and now when i try to write a command in the asterisk conolse like sip show peers or any sip * command seems to have dissapeared any advice??
13:58.55Jaxi'm pretty new to VoIP and just installed asterisk. if i only use IP Phones, and order VoIP from my provider, do i need any additional hardware? or will the PBX Server with a NIC be enough?
13:59.16happytigerThe only files that has ben thouched is ext.config
13:59.30*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:59.51happytigersorry the file extconfig.conf
14:00.40happytigerIf I revert my extconfig.conf to use default cdr instead my commands reaper??
14:01.13happytigerJax: no other recuired
14:01.39Jaxis there something special i need to watch out for when registering at my ISP? i.e so they don't do the PBX stuff or something?
14:01.42Jaxsorry, i'm very new ;)
14:02.06*** join/#asterisk festr__ (
14:02.54happytigerjax I am new to but I anyt sip provider will do problem is quality of lines get from them some voip providers drop lines to get exztra conenctioncharges etc
14:02.59Kattyc4t3l: somehow, i don't think the SIP admin guide's going to have any info on my new puppy
14:03.06Kattyc4t3l: i want a readme for my PUPPEH
14:03.15Kattyc4t3l: specifically for my puppy.
14:03.24Kattyc4t3l: i've ready tons of stuff off google already (=
14:03.26c4t3loh... hehe
14:03.38Jaxhappytiger try using . and , :D
14:03.40KattyAngela's Guide to Riddick.pdf
14:03.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sorry, your puppeh is sold as-is with no documentation or warranty.  Puppeh is only sold in OEM
14:04.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: acutally puppeh does have a warranty
14:04.15Katty[TK]D-Fender: puppeh comes with 4 month, parts only
14:05.38KattyQwell: i think i'm going to ditch wow.
14:05.54KattyQwell: it's the same thing, over and over.
14:07.03happytigerjax lol yup though a line like this seems more fun in the long run despite the general connotations you know what i mean?
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14:19.52phpboyHey all, how would I go about sending out a specific callerid regardless of which extension is dialing out trough a trunk?
14:20.29*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
14:21.53Kattyphpboy: Set(callerid(num=0000000000))
14:22.28Kattyphpboy: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=5733344439) <- sample
14:22.57adr3nalin3I am attempting to connect two asterisk servers via iax2.  I am getting registration errors and it says that my peers are not online.  I have setup user and peer on both ends.  I am using static ips on both do I need to register?  Anything I am missing?
14:23.01Kattyphpboy: and then your dial a command thingy
14:23.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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14:26.24[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: You do not need to register
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14:29.08c4t3ladr3nalin3: use debug
14:29.17*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:30.23adr3nalin3If I do not register, when I do a iax2 show peers should the host show online?
14:30.48write_eraseWhat's the separator when declaring multiple allow= on the same line ?
14:30.51russellbadr3nalin3: depends.  If you configured the peer as host=dynamic, then no
14:30.57russellbwrite_erase: comma
14:31.11Kattyhai russell!
14:31.13Kattyhai anthm!
14:31.15Kattyhugs anthm
14:31.20Kattyhugs mog
14:31.22Kattyhugs ManxPower
14:31.28moghey Katty
14:31.40Kattymog: got my puppy last night :>
14:31.45klicteladr3nalin3: a peer must register either when you want to know their IP address is it is dynamic, or if it is static sometimes your itsp might still want you to register so they don't go through the pain of maintining a table of ips
14:32.06adr3nalin3thanks everybody
14:33.15IsUpanyone knows whats really "safe_asterisk"?
14:33.31IsUpshould i start with asterisk safe_asterisk or asterisk start?
14:33.37c4t3ldef safe!
14:33.44Squeebsafe asterisk runs in a loop
14:33.47Squeebso if it crashes
14:33.49Squeebit relaunches
14:33.50klictelasterisk start will run safe asterisk
14:34.00IsUpby the way, i've resolved AGI defunct process with starting: 'asterisk start > /dev/null 2>&1'
14:34.18Kattycan you fix puppeh defunct for me?
14:34.29IsUpnow AGI scripts are closing properly =)
14:34.44ManxPowersafe_asterisk is a SHELL SCRIPT.
14:35.03IsUpyeah i know, for core dumping. anything else than?
14:35.08ManxPowerIsUp: you can remove the "start"
14:35.08IsUpsetting ulimit to maximum
14:35.33ManxPowerI always user "chkconfig asterisk on" and "service asterisk start"
14:35.36IsUpso i can use 'asterisk > /dev/null 2>&1'
14:35.47IsUpand i dont have color on my CLI
14:35.49IsUpany ideas?
14:35.57IsUpeverything works fine but no colorize
14:36.11ManxPowerIsUp: officially it would be "asterisk -c", but "asterisk" should work.
14:36.20ManxPowerIsUp: Yes, that is correct.
14:36.50ManxPowerThe -r does not support color.  If you want color, run asterisk as "asterisk -c" and put it in a screen process.
14:37.06IsUpi want to start asterisk in background mode. because i am on SSH env. so i should start my server and close my SSH connection.
14:37.16IsUpbut in my other servers i have color as well
14:37.24IsUpwhen i am connected with 'asterisk -r'
14:37.29ManxPowerIsUp: I cannot help you further.
14:37.45IsUp'/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c'
14:37.54IsUpit's giving me color but giving defunct AGIs too =)
14:38.09phpboyKatty: you are too kind, thanks :D
14:38.49phpboyLast question for today (hopefully), how would I go about watching a specific call on console as opposed to everything
14:38.50ManxPowerIsUp: -c does NOT start Asterisk in the background, which is one of your requirements
14:39.06ManxPowerphpboy: you can't.
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14:39.19phpboyThat is kinda sucky :/
14:39.21Kattyphpboy: you might try Flash Operator Panel or Isymphony
14:39.32ManxPowerIIRC, 1.6 was rumored to support this, but I've not seen anything further about it.
14:39.35Kattyphpboy: it's addon software...connected via manager
14:39.39phpboyI'll Goggle it
14:39.44IsUpsafe_asterisk is starting asterisk in background with flags, "-f -vvvg -c"
14:39.55Kattyphpboy: it's really considered recipetionist software--drag and drop calls around
14:40.03Kattyphpboy: i prefer isymphony...
14:40.06ManxPowerIsUp: "man asterisk"
14:40.09fasttrackfrnds.... to have a decent qos, for atleast 10 teleconferences(simultaneous).. with 10 participants each... a celeron D 2.53GHz with 2gb ram and wan of 100mbps burst rate.. is enough?
14:40.30*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
14:40.32ManxPowerfasttrack: Yes.  No.
14:40.34Kattyhai CunningPike!
14:40.42Kattyhugs CunningPike
14:40.49fasttrackYes.. coz?
14:41.01ManxPower10 G729 transcodes might not work.  ulaw might work
14:41.09[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: Codec is crucial in this calculation.
14:41.17CunningPikeHey, Katty!
14:41.18[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: Individual jitter, etc.
14:41.24ManxPowerI would not expect 10 iLBC transcodes to work, but 10 alaw calls should.
14:41.25KattyCunningPike: i got my new puppeh last night!!!!
14:41.33fasttrackDell PowerEdge 1435 Dual AMD DUal Core opteron, and 2gb ram ?
14:41.33CunningPikebrb - vpn switcherooo
14:41.34KattyCunningPike: he's all chin fluff and paws!
14:41.55fasttrackwhere is the bottle neck?? cpu or ram?
14:41.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: You've killed him with peer pressure!
14:42.04[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: CPU
14:42.18[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: So, what CODEC?
14:42.21fasttrackusing g711 should help a bit right?
14:42.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: i killed him by oozing excitement
14:42.28[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: Yes, a lot
14:42.36*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=HydraIRC@
14:42.37[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: Might do for your needs
14:42.41fasttracksince i have enought speed...
14:42.44fasttrackin wan..
14:43.04jblackhrmm. the stock market is sad today.
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14:43.24fasttrackso the dual core amd opteron?? over celeron d??... u sure celron will not suffice..??
14:43.26[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: I'd highly recommend running a hardware zaptel timing source like a TDM410P.
14:43.38campari3hello all
14:43.41fasttrackk... thanks for insights...
14:43.46[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: for the diff in cost, don't go asking for trouble
14:43.49jblackFrom 11,143 down to 10,838, so far.
14:43.51fasttrackk.. will..look at that...
14:43.52campari3has anyone seen an exploit for asterisk that allows a remote user to take over a registration and make calls?
14:44.05campari3using a REGISTER with the contact header set to sip:s@<ip> ?
14:44.18fasttracki am using cisco gateway and gatekeeper...
14:44.26fasttrackwill that give timming???...
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14:44.35fasttracki haven looked at that yet,..
14:44.43[TK]D-Fendercampari3: That isn't any inherent takeover.
14:44.56ManxPowercampari3: Not in recent versions of Asterisk.  HOWEVER, a poorly designed dialplan and sip.conf could easily let people route phone calls thru your system.
14:45.05fasttracki know there is option for "getting time form upstream gateway" and generating time..
14:45.06[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: No, you need a ZAPTEL timing source to keep MeetMe in synch.
14:45.17IsUpManxPower: i am unable to colorize =)
14:45.20fasttrackk.. an asterisk dependency?
14:45.22ManxPowerfasttrack: not TIME, SYNC.
14:45.31fasttrackkkk... getting.. it..
14:45.32[TK]D-Fenderfasttrack: For which there is no way I'd trust ztdmmy for more than a tenth of your stated qty
14:45.43campari3manx, dialplan and sip.conf are not poorly designed.. this is an active exploit
14:46.06ManxPowercampari3: then it's unknown and you should report it on
14:46.12[TK]D-Fendercampari3: you're offering no real details.  And this is something you should PM to an admin in #asterisk-dev
14:46.48campari3i am using v 1.2, upgrading to latest 1.2 now
14:47.00campari3had a customer have the same issue and asking them what ver they are using
14:47.22fasttrackone more quest...
14:47.24ManxPowerIn my experience putting context=INVALID and put the proper context= lines for each of the friend/user/peer seems to keep things secure -- barring actual bugs
14:47.38campari3yes, we do that
14:47.43fasttrackwill a cisco gwgk.. improve performance??.. or is it just an unwanted overhead?
14:47.44campari3there is a special REGISTER the attacker sends
14:47.50campari3that causes asterisk to allow them access
14:47.53ManxPowercampari3: we are assuming you are running the lastest version.
14:48.00ManxPowercampari3: CITE.  YOUR.  COURCE>
14:48.03ManxPowerand SOURCE too
14:48.07*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
14:48.10campari3i am looking at the sip debug :-p
14:48.11fasttracki am looking at colocating the servers..
14:48.12campari3that's my source
14:49.12AndyMillarhmm, what's the most reliable analogue card?
14:49.18fasttrackin my opinion... gwgk , i am planning to use gwgk for qos...
14:49.21ManxPowercampari3: so go report the bug then
14:49.42fasttrackdoes asterisk support qos?? i mean can it police and shape and queue and classify?
14:49.57fasttracki thought only hardware routers can do that
14:50.03ManxPowerfasttrack: no.  that is not the job of a server, that is the job of your network
14:50.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: how skeptical of campari3 are you?
14:50.29fasttrackk.... thanks
14:50.46*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
14:51.18CunningPikeKatty: A new puppy, eh? Congrats
14:54.07*** join/#asterisk Hertzy3 (
14:56.03Hertzy3anyone know how to boot up a polycom 501 and have it not look for a server? Just so I can pull it up to reset the local configs
14:57.55CunningPikeHertzy3: There's a key sequence to reset to the factory defaults
14:58.15Hertzy3but do you need to be booted all the way up?
14:58.21Hertzy3or can you do it any time?
14:58.23ManxPowerHertzy3: The polycoms REALLY REALLY REALLY like trying to find a server
14:59.09Hertzy3yeah, well im having a lot of difficulty with that.  I have brought up plenty of these phones onto my server with no problem, but i cant seem to get this one working at all
15:00.08Hertzy3doesnt like dhcp, doesnt like static.  never connects.  cant get boot parameters.  error downloading macaddr.cfg.  no matter what I do I cant get this thing to even boot without finding a server.
15:00.30*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (n=macaruch@
15:00.30Hertzy3i saw somewhere it was like *468 or soemthing to reset the configs. but i assume u have to be fully booted for that to work
15:00.31ManxPowerHertzy3: My suggestion is to go into the bootrom (pre-boot) and change the DHCP option number to something you are not using, that way the phone should timout quickly
15:00.52IsUpwell ManxPower... i am still in trouble with defunts...
15:00.55ManxPoweryes, you have to be booted to do factory reset.  Factory reset does not apply to boot options, IIRC.
15:01.07CunningPikeHertzy3: No - you can enter that key sequence during the pre-boot countdown
15:01.23ManxPowerCunningPike: really?  Interesting.
15:01.57CunningPikePress and hold the keys until you're prompted for the admin password (usually '456')
15:02.12edwin_quijadaHi! I am trying to use a zap channel but when incoming a call I get Zap/1-1 status is UNKNOWN
15:02.51IsUpI am using Ubuntu, i dont have init.d script. is that ok?
15:03.22edwin_quijadait recieves the call but doesnt asnwer
15:03.24Hertzy3CunningPike: thank you very much, it appears to be working
15:03.33CunningPikeHertzy3: No problem
15:03.42edwin_quijadai can see that * process the call
15:04.25ManxPoweredwin_quijada: run Answer() ?
15:04.57edwin_quijadaManxPower: where ?
15:05.06ManxPoweredwin_quijada: the dialplan
15:07.10edwin_quijadawhen i try to use Playback I get status UNKNOWN
15:07.42*** part/#asterisk fasttrack (n=joeljose@
15:07.56edwin_quijadaexten => s,1,Answer
15:08.09edwin_quijadaexten => s,2,wait,2
15:08.24*** join/#asterisk Sinist3r (n=IamLegio@
15:08.36ManxPoweredwin_quijada: Try Wait(2)
15:08.41Sinist3rAnyone know of a good opensource predictive dialer?
15:09.00edwin_quijadaexten => s,Playback(vm-goodby)
15:09.35SqueebWhat's the difference between exten = and exten =>
15:09.35ManxPowertry exten => s,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
15:09.36Sinist3rsaw that one, couldn't tell if it was that good s,3
15:11.34edwin_quijadaManxPower: sorry, ihave s,3,Pla...
15:11.50Sinist3rdo I just install gnudialer as a module?
15:12.25edwin_quijadaManxPower: i get the same
15:12.29Sinist3rSo how does this work?
15:12.40edwin_quijadai cant hear anytging
15:12.59*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
15:13.20ManxPowerSinist3r: It works like this:  You come here and ask a question about software.  Your question is answered.  Then you go download the suggested software and read the docs.
15:13.51edwin_quijadaAuto falltrough, channel 'Zap/1-1' status 'UNKNOWN'
15:13.56[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Lets see... no real details, mention of a generic normal looking contact....
15:14.14edwin_quijadaafter hangup
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15:14.32[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada>exten => s,Playback(vm-goodby) <- and somehow you feel a priority isn't needed for this line?
15:14.50[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: pastebin your actual call and your actual dialplan
15:15.13Blackvelis there any configuration file for the sounds directory (e.g Record)? asterisk.conf astdatadir or astvarlibdir is the right place? or is there like moh another config file for absolute path mapping?
15:15.48[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: "core show application record"
15:16.18*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
15:17.13Blackvelit uses the standard directory...I know...
15:17.39Sinist3ris gnudialer the same as vicidialer?
15:17.58[TK]D-FenderSinist3r: No.  If it were, it'd be called vicidialer
15:18.09Blackvelits unfortunately not a specific Record question as it also counts for Playback
15:18.19Sinist3rA lot of sites speak of both as if they were one in the same.
15:18.20[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: "core show application playback"
15:18.29[TK]D-FenderSinist3r: Well they aren't
15:18.51Sinist3rwhich one is betteR?
15:19.35Blackvelasterisk 1.2.x does not explain anything about sounds directory ....
15:20.13BlackvelI could try to rephrase the question to: is changing  asterisk.conf astdatadir or astvarlibdir to specifiy the "sounds" directory?
15:20.22SqueebTo make asterisk dial out to a landline over a sip account, I use SIP/context/NUMBER right?
15:20.23Blackvelis changing...enough
15:20.35Squeebaah yes
15:20.54IsUphow should i start Asterisk over SSH? i am using Ubuntu. my AGIs are going to <defunct> processes.
15:21.07Blackvelstart? asterisk -vvvc?
15:21.18Blackvelor use init.d script
15:21.58IsUpi can't use console cli, because i am on SSH. so when i am exit,
15:22.04IsUpasterisk will close
15:23.17*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
15:23.17[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: "dialplan show from-pstn"
15:23.30Blackvelisup: /etc/init.d/asterisk start?
15:23.37jayteeif you start asterisk as a service and then use asterisk -r it will reconnect
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15:24.02Blackvelif neither works try temporary starting with asterisk -vvc &
15:24.06Blackvelor run screen
15:24.08markgreeneHello everyone. Has anyone here used, or is familiar with, the sagnoma a108 card?
15:24.11Blackvel(only temp solution)
15:24.15edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: i dont understand you?
15:24.22IsUpi dont have init.d scripts
15:24.25IsUpyes markgreene
15:24.29IsUpi am using Sangoma
15:24.36[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: I just gave you a CLI command to PB.  DO IT
15:24.40Blackvelisup: there is a sample (you can use it 1:1) in the src directory
15:24.51IsUpcontrib/init.d/rc.debian... ?
15:25.00markgreeneIsUp, I am looking at getting one but I am little confused on how it hooks up 8 T1s using 4 ports. Could you help me understand how this works?
15:25.06Blackvelisup: should be yes
15:25.11Blackveljust copy it to /etc/init.d/asterisk
15:25.20IsUpokay Blackvel, i am gonna try
15:25.32markgreeneIsUp, are you using the A108?
15:25.36Blackvelif you use chkconfig you can enable the service "asterisk" for the run levels
15:25.52IsUpi have A102, A104 and A108. i have all Sangoma cards i think.
15:26.27IsUpmarkgreene, ports are seperated. they use special cables. 1 RJ 45 splits two cable and provides 2 ports
15:26.43IsUpSangoma great on stability, installation and support i think.
15:27.00markgreeneIsUp, do these special cables come with the card?
15:27.32IsUpof course
15:27.52IsUp3 stickers, 1 cd, a manual, card and cables =)
15:28.38*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
15:30.28IsUpi am using Sangoma A108 on my production servers. about 7 x HP server
15:30.30IsUpwith ss7
15:30.54markgreeneIsUp, OK that makes more sense. Thanks for the help
15:31.04IsUpyou are wellcome
15:35.54[gnubie]waves to all..
15:35.59[gnubie]gtg now..
15:37.35[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: 4. Playback(vm-goodby)          [pbx_config] <--
15:37.49Qwellwhere'd the e go?
15:38.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: I'd prefer to know where priority **3** went.
15:38.30Qwell[TK]D-Fender: $20 says our concerns are very much related.
15:38.36[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Either you're not working in the right file or you need to learn to apply your changes.
15:38.48*** part/#asterisk wasabi (n=wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi)
15:38.50[TK]D-FenderQwell: Yes... they are both dialplan... its ends there ;)
15:39.06Qwellwait, wha?
15:39.30[TK]D-FenderQwell: Doesn't matter if he picked a bad file... it'll never play anyways, and thats his first worry.
15:39.39Qwellyeah, didn't notice the 4 at the bottom
15:39.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: Let him fix his mistakes in the right order ;)
15:40.02[TK]D-FenderQwell: Trust NOTHING.  Thats why I had him dump it from CLI as well
15:40.11edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender:that was the solution i had 4 instead of 3
15:40.26MrGabuhello all
15:40.27edwin_quijadai solve thks a lot!
15:40.48[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: And you might want to examin the spelling for the sound file you want to play.  We suspect you might have made an error there as well.
15:40.54edwin_quijadai thougth it didnt matter
15:41.31[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: NO COMMENT
15:41.34edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: thks a lot !!:)
15:41.51MrGabuwhat is the concept of "dynamic spans" (eth) ?
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15:47.56keith4[TK]D-Fender: i just choked on my coffee, i was laughing so hard at that last exchange
15:48.17jeevanyone dealt with Avocent DSR before ?
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15:53.39bijitI am having problems when internet asterisk goes crazy. I have to remove gateway and restart asterisk to start working normal. Anone has any ideas why?
15:54.18*** part/#asterisk CarlaWinchester (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/quirkycarla)
15:54.31whymarkwhhi there i am connection a jurrhans 4 port bri card to my telko with asterisk can some please tell me if i need to set it to nt ot te mode, this confuses me
16:01.22ManxPowerbijit: Asterisk expects to be able to look up the hostname associated with each IP address on the server.  It normally uses DNS for this.  If your Asterisk server does not need to use DNS, then edit /etc/nsswitch.conf and remove dns from that file.  Also you can edit /etc/hosts and make sure ALL IP addresses of the system are listed
16:01.48hardwireyou can use fake hostnames
16:01.55hardwireit just needs to resolve front and reverse
16:01.59ManxPowerhardwire: correct.
16:02.17hardwireI use bind and
16:02.18ManxPowerhardwire: amazing how people don't know the basics of networking
16:02.37hardwirewith iax and sip SRV records
16:02.42hardwireit makes everything so happy
16:02.59Blackvelwhymarkwh: to telco pstn? TE
16:03.41*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:03.46Blackvelwhymarkwh: and let me know if you encounter any echo problems in 2-3 weeks
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16:17.46bijitManxPower: when you refer to the ip address, are you reffering to the ip of the phones? or from the asterisk box?
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16:26.32gr0mitLoadrunner, did you get your bristuff working?
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16:29.13ManxPowerbijit: of all IP addresses on the Asterisk box
16:30.41ManxPowerhardwire: I used to use SRV records to let my ATA roam seamlessly between local LAN, remote non-NAT lan, and remove NAT lan.
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16:48.04roe_anyone know if the aastra 480i support dns for the various server values?  It looks like the web page has prefilled in but that isn't necessarily deterministic
16:49.48C4coloroe_: yes
16:50.09C4coloyou can put in a FQDN if you want
16:50.33C4colojust make sure that you either provide a valid DNS server value under network, or you run a DNS forwarder on the asterisk server
16:51.25C4colorunning a dns forwarder on the asterisk server is the best way I have found as you can override values to resolve certian FQDNs to internal or external addresses depending on if the request came from internal or external
17:00.56*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
17:01.15Carlos_PHXI am trying to set up a T.38 fax receiver.  I have installed 1.6rc6 and made sure that app_fax was selected in menuselect, however, show applications doesn't show a fax app.  I can't find any docs on using the fax app.  Any pointers?
17:01.34Qwellthe answer is, of course, that there is no app named "Fax"
17:01.40QwellIt's SendFax and ReceiveFax
17:02.17Carlos_PHXOddly, I don't see those in the app list either.
17:02.20ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: "core show applications like fax"
17:02.57Carlos_PHXfaxserver*CLI> core show applications like fax
17:03.08ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: then it's not installed. 8-)
17:03.23ManxPoweris it listed in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules ?
17:03.24Carlos_PHXHeh, right.  However I've recompiled twice, making sure it was selected.
17:03.41Qwellis loaded?
17:05.48ManxPowerI just ordered a wire wrap tool.  I feel so old school now.
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17:06.08coppiceI still have one of those somewhere
17:07.12Carlos_PHXfaxserver*CLI> module load
17:07.12Carlos_PHXUnable to load module
17:07.12Carlos_PHXCommand 'module load' failed.
17:07.13Carlos_PHX[Sep 29 10:06:55] WARNING[4184]: loader.c:371 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
17:07.13Carlos_PHX[Sep 29 10:06:55] WARNING[4184]: loader.c:662 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
17:07.32Carlos_PHXLooks like my spandsp installation is not working.
17:10.11ManxPowerCarlos_PHX: There you go.
17:10.51ManxPowerI assume spandsp is not included in 1.6.  (unless Digium and coppice managed to work out licensing issues)
17:11.04KattyCunningPike: thanks (=
17:11.38CunningPikeKatty: You ha(d|ve) a cat, right?
17:11.47ManxPowercoppice: I'm going to try my hand at selling used, preconfigured, prebuilt tellabs echo cancel systems in e-bay.  All the chassis are wirewrap
17:12.02KattyCunningPike: i grew up with cats.
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17:12.10KattyCunningPike: always at least 2 in the house.
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17:12.14KattyCunningPike: <- Riddick
17:12.23coppiceManxPower: the Smithsonian might make a good offer
17:12.31ajohnsonManxPower: I had heard recently that the licensing for spandsp had changed to allow it to be merged into 1.6
17:12.38ajohnsonbut maybe it was going to be merged into 1.6.2
17:12.43KattyCunningPike: he's such a sweety, tho currently whining a lot because of missing littermates
17:12.48ManxPowercoppice: *bap*  These things are rock solid and Just Work
17:13.08ManxPowerI have 6 or 8 of them in production at clients
17:13.21ManxPowerajohnson: coppiece would know.
17:13.53CunningPikeKatty: Cute
17:14.03coppicetellabs can be quirky. they are pretty old, and from before a lot of the modern tricks for rock solid performance
17:14.28coppiceI made spandsp LGPL, so it can be used by Freeswitch.
17:14.31ManxPowercoppice: we've never had problems with them.
17:14.40ManxPowercoppice: Thank you for changing the license.
17:14.49coppicesheltered life, maybe :-)
17:14.51KattyCunningPike: very (=
17:15.01KattyCunningPike: house breaking is going well...
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17:15.11KattyCunningPike: so far, only one accident in the house.... and it was on the way out the door
17:15.15coppicethe licence change sucks, but I think working with Freeswitch is probably the greater ood
17:15.16ManxPowercoppice: I bet they work better than the Digium EC cards.
17:15.24CunningPikeKatty: Ah yes - rarely a problem with cats
17:15.54Carlos_PHXspandsp is still not included.  I obtained it from the usual source and compiled, but apparently it's not working.  Doing it again.
17:16.00KattyCunningPike: cats still need to be litter trained (=
17:16.08KattyCunningPike: and i've done my fair share of it
17:16.20jazzmannhi can anyone help me set my gizmo5 voip account with asterisk both are on same machine.Using centos/I tried the setting from this url but could not succed
17:16.23ManxPowercoppice: you COULD have offered to license spandsp to Digium for a reasonable fee
17:16.32CunningPikeKatty: Guess we were lucky - our cat just used the tray from day one
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17:16.36coppicewell they certainly shouldn't do, for several reasons. the are too old to incorporate the modern tricks, and anything sitting in the E1 or T1 path does additional alaw/ulaw conversions which reduces voice quality
17:16.54KattyCunningPike: some kittens do
17:17.04KattyCunningPike: some kittens i've bottle fed from 2 weeks of age.
17:17.13KattyCunningPike: just depends on the kitty
17:17.18CunningPikeKatty: ya - we've had ours since she was a little kitty
17:17.27coppiceManxPower: Digium pay for something? are you new around here?
17:17.33ManxPowercoppice: what specific modern tricks?
17:17.46ManxPowercoppice: Bitter, table for one!
17:18.16ManxPowercoppice: They paid for G729 license and a GPL H323 channel driver.
17:19.17coppiceA lot of work was done in the late 90s on the quirks of cancellation in the real world. much of that resulted in tests in G.168, thought G.168 is far from comprehensive.
17:19.55coppiceThe make money from G.729. I don't know what happened with the H.323 code, but it never went anywhere, so I assume someone got pissed off
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17:21.04ManxPowerthese cards claim to be fully compliant with G.168 (as well as G.164 and G.165, but anything should support those)
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17:21.08coppicea lot of modern ecs really suck, still. the Linksys ATAs are terrible
17:21.14EI5GTBafternoon gys. anyone familiar with the pap2 from linksys? i can't seem to get a dialtone
17:21.24EI5GTBabout sums it up
17:21.27QwellEI5GTB: nice timing
17:21.35EI5GTBthat has to be quoted somewhere!
17:21.42coppiceyeah, but G.168 has evolved a lot over the years, their ages means they relate to an old version
17:22.14ManxPowercoppice: delightful how they change things and don't change the spec number 8-)
17:22.29[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: It won't give dialtone until it has successfully registered
17:22.41QwellManxPower: I imagine it's versioned.
17:22.50EI5GTBit has sucesfully registered tho. according to the *cli anyway..
17:23.00ManxPowerThese cards also claim to support all sorts for "enhancements" called CLEARCALL.
17:23.12EI5GTBRegistration State:Online
17:23.25coppiceManxPower: a good one to try with a lot of older ECs is to use an IP phone that has response down to pretty low frequencies, and call out through an E1 or T1 port, through your EC, and to a distant analogue phone. Quite a few go really funky
17:23.28ManxPowerthe manual is dated 1999
17:23.28jazzmannguys is there anyway I can use my gizmo5 account in a way that asterisk picks ups the calls for anyone calling it
17:23.52Qwelljazzmann: sure, it's just like any other SIP account, right?
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17:24.02coppiceand they were still wirewrapping then? I thought those ones were older
17:24.23EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, accoring to the info page the phone is not going off hook
17:24.33EI5GTBim wondering is it to do with line impedence?
17:24.37ManxPowercoppice: I have new-in-box chassis, and the only cheap chassis are the wire wrap versions
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17:25.09ManxPowerevery once in a while you seen an AMP type connection on them, but they are hard to find cheap.
17:25.12[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Check your phone, then try another.  Wiriing is equally suspect
17:25.21coppiceI expect they were a pretty old design in 1999
17:25.44ManxPowercoppice: I assume they produce them for COs and telcos that use wire wrap
17:25.57jazzmannI tried the setting on their website but the different is I have to login in with my gizmo username and password and no setting up of ports like 5060
17:26.16ManxPowercoppice: I'll put on RJ-48/RJ-45 jacks on them
17:26.19coppicetelcos mostly stopped using wire wrap in the early 80s :-)
17:27.04ManxPowercoppice: *shrug*  It's a new in box chassis with shrink wrap docs
17:27.38ManxPowerat $25 each for a 16 slot chassis, I figure is not too bad.
17:28.29ManxPowercoppice: you may be the most experience old school teleco guy here so I'm interested in your opinions and info
17:28.34coppiceThe G.168 doc does change. If you really want to know what people are talking about you look for things like G.168-2002
17:29.41ManxPowercoppice: what ms tail do you recommend, 32ms, 64,ms or 128ms?
17:30.09coppice32ms spread over 128ms :-)
17:32.36ManxPowerin the real world whats the max endpath you would typically need
17:33.43coppicewell, most cancellers beyond 32ms are actually running in a sparse mode cancelling 4 x 8ms chunks. Unless you disable the network cancellers, then from a CPE you seldom see more than 16ms of echo, and very rarely more than 32ms. The longer echos are taken care of my in network cancellers.
17:34.27ManxPowercoppice: awesome
17:34.36*** part/#asterisk matsk (
17:35.37ManxPowerThe most commonly available used cards are the 32ms versions
17:36.23tzafrir_laptopcoppice, what if "network" is "voip"?
17:36.45ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: Then you're screwed.
17:36.54tzafrir_laptopdue to a bad terminal that didn't cancel the echo at its end?
17:37.07coppicedon't let echos into VoIP paths. they won't come out :-)
17:37.37tzafrir_laptopI don't control all the voip path
17:38.03tzafrir_laptopDo I trust my voip provider to cancel the horror echos of the internet?
17:38.14ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: As I understand it you CANNOT cancel echo at the latencies required on VoIP paths.
17:38.20coppicethat's irrelevant. one echo gets into a VoIP segment you are normally screwed.
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17:39.53EI5GTBdumb internet
17:39.54coppiceit nothing to do with the latencies, although they don't help. the loop needs to be of a stable length for cancellers to adapt. Most VoIP paths are endlessly changing. If the path uses a low bit rate codec, even a stable length one won't cancel
17:40.20ManxPowercoppice: so it is less the echo latency and more the echo jitter?
17:41.23coppicethat comfort noise stuff that echo cancellers do is needed because of the lossiness of alaw and ulaw codecs. anything more lossy than those, and cancellation falls apart.
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17:43.15ManxPowercoppice: what do you think about G.722 (Polycom calls it "HD Voice")
17:43.26EI5GTBok, so my pap2 is registerd. Has the line light turned on. When i go off hook i can hear my voice, i.e there is power to the line, and if i press **** i get a prompt from the device
17:43.29EI5GTBbut i get no dial tonwe
17:43.47[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Forget the light.  Look at the info page
17:44.06coppicewideband voice is a huge improvement over traditional telephony. 24kb AMR-WB or G.722.1 makes 64k alaw sound dreadful
17:44.07[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: None of the rest of what you have indicated confirms anything of value
17:44.51ManxPowerEI5GTB: IIRC, SIPura (aka Linksys) ATAs default to not providing dialtone if the device is not registered.
17:44.53EI5GTBaccording to the info page the hook state is on. call 1 state: idle. Reg. stat.: online
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17:45.48ManxPowerdo a "sip show peers" and see if Asterisk thinks the device is registered (with the correct IP address, port does not really matter).  I assume you've checked the ATA's web interface status page?
17:45.51EI5GTBaccoring to "sip show peers" it is online and unmonitord
17:46.13jblackThe bailout failed the house.
17:46.17ManxPowerEI5GTB: put qualify=yes on there for testing.  I don't like to leave it on by default.
17:46.28ManxPowerjblack: good.
17:46.32coppicewe're all doomed
17:46.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Safe at first!
17:46.40jblackThe dow is down 618 and falling.
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17:47.11jameswfanyone got a snow board
17:47.20freakazoid0223gold is up 3%
17:47.22ManxPowerjblack: I would prefer a delay while more issues are addressed then pass a panic induced bill that really is not effective (aka Patriot Act)
17:47.38jblackI think there's bettery solutions than that thing.
17:47.44EI5GTBManxPower, nothing
17:47.53ManxPowerEI5GTB:  what is nothing?
17:48.06EI5GTBadding qualify=yes makes no changes
17:48.33ManxPowerEI5GTB: It should no longer be "Unmonitored"
17:48.41jblackpredicts that bush will be on TV shortly, saying "The house of repressents are terrorists"
17:49.00EI5GTByes, its monitored, but no dial tone
17:49.16ManxPowerjblack: I'll watch my favorite left liberal news show and get the summary 8-)
17:49.27EI5GTBwhen i call it, as far as * sees it is ringing
17:49.28ManxPowerEI5GTB: what is the latency listed?
17:50.38ManxPowerEI5GTB: My next suggestion can be complicated.  Configure syslog to accept remote logging messages, configure the ATA to log to syslog of the syslog server, turn up the debugging on the ATA and watch the logs.
17:51.15EI5GTBok, ill have to see if this piece of.... can do that
17:51.44ManxPowerEI5GTB:  SIPura/Linksys normally work very well.
17:51.49jameswfbe cool to adapt the line racer game to the stock market graph
17:52.17jameswfjblack: those are terrorist no one would appose eliminating
17:52.31ManxPowercoppice: thanks for the information.
17:52.33jameswfMy prediction: Marshal law prior to NOV 11th
17:52.59jameswfthen bush's 3rd term :)
17:53.15jameswfviva la revolution
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17:53.33nny_1so I have a customer complaining about dropped calls on a T1 and I have no idea where to start with it. Every day a new freaking issue. First it's echo, now calls get dropped randomly. I am so f*king close to ordering a Sangoma card, ripping out this Digium tdm card and pissing on it.
17:53.51jameswfnny what kernel
17:54.22EI5GTBManxPower, yea, it can do that. ill sort that put after dinner and homewrok
17:54.22ManxPowernny_1: Welcome to "I thought I tested everything and now that I put it in production its not working" land.
17:54.26EI5GTBthats for your help
17:54.32jameswfnny_1: this may sound silly but have you called support
17:54.39nny_1jameswf: yeah
17:54.42ManxPowernny_1: do you get HDLC errors?
17:54.56nny_1jameswf: I get "Hey you should try this." although never stating why
17:55.02nny_1ManxPower: only when it is down
17:55.15ManxPowerThe only time I've personally seen a Sangoma card work where a Digium card did not was with HDLC errors and then only with older Digium cards.
17:55.38jameswfI had a customer who was in crc error hdlc abbort land, swapped cards cables everything a week later the phone company says our bad we had a bad box
17:56.25ManxPowernny_1: I recommend you make the system fail over to calling out via an ITSP, get the incoming calls forwarded to a VoIP DID if your T-1 is down.
17:56.46nny_1jameswf: ManxPower I have been logging verbosely the messages verbosely
17:56.51jameswfnny_1: if you have hdlc abborts and it is a hardware problem then the errors should remain with a loopback in place
17:56.52ManxPowerthen you can actually diagnose and fix rather than run around rushing because people are screaming at you.
17:56.57nny_1one sec phone
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17:57.37jameswfI would set the t1 to clear with a loopback and run patlooptest
17:57.39jan1607hi all
17:58.00nny_1jameswf: I have
17:58.12jameswfdoes it fix it
17:58.17nny_1ManxPower: yeah I am trying to get the provider to forward to an ITSP line
17:58.36nny_1ManxPower: jameswf only time I have hdlc errors is the 2 times the T1 has gone down
17:58.36jameswfif a loopback + patloop test fails it is hardware/driver
17:58.49Blackvelgood luck nny_1
17:58.58Blackvelhave a good evening. bye all
17:59.09nny_1jameswf: patlooptest ran clear
17:59.16nny_1jameswf: did full testing locally
17:59.19jameswfthen it is cabling/telco
17:59.37nny_1jameswf yeah I agree
17:59.45nny_1but they just come out and blame the system
18:00.00nny_1and test the line in some generic fashion
18:00.12jan1607anybody experienced asterisk segfaults in conjuction with sangoma a104-cards and E1-lines (2 in cpe, 2 in net-mode)??
18:00.25nny_1yeah zttool reports 1 irg miss
18:00.27jameswfnny_1: this is how it is dealing with a telco... a sangoma card will not fix the telco and their games
18:00.46jan1607(Asterisk, libpri 1.4.7, zaptel
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18:01.15jameswfput a loopback in the smart jack
18:01.28nny_1jameswf: yeah i hope you're right.. I just have no other resources to expend.. they are trying to say the system is inferior
18:01.37jameswfyay open source
18:02.57jameswfnny_1: get to an engineering level @ digium and conference in the telco. allow a digium engineer to spank the telco techs a bit and they will likely swap their equipment and all will be well
18:03.05ManxPowernny_1: put it in a system with a different motherboard
18:03.12nny_1jameswf: yeah basically we had no issues (other than echo) until last week when the telco started mucking about
18:03.23nny_1ManxPower: not sure if I have that option but I can try
18:03.37nny_1jameswf: yeah that's what I am working on
18:03.50jameswfManxPower: it cleared a patlooptest
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18:09.17nny_1ManxPower: jameswf thanks for the advice. I feel pretty strongly this issue is with the telco, but they are such dicks about anything it is frustrating.
18:09.24nny_1sorryto rant in channel, gonna go try to kick some ass
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18:10.33ManxPowernny_1: get the failover working ASAP
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18:17.39nny_1ManxPower: working on that now
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18:32.29Qwell*sigh*..  I hate being a computer enthusiast sometimes.
18:32.36Qwell$450 to get my desktop and laptop working properly again
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18:34.01Qwellneed a new PSU?  Sorry, you'll need a new MB too.  Oh, and your CPU doesn't work in your new MB, so you need a new CPU.  And guess what - you need new RAM too
18:35.54leif[astricon]Qwell: why a new MB for a PSU?
18:36.13Qwellleif[astricon]: unless I get an old PSU
18:36.14leif[astricon]you should have been able to just get a PSU, unless the MB was toasted
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18:43.10edibraci guess this might sound silly, but is there a website out there that has recordings of commonly known phone sounds? i mean, for example, towards the end of a conference call, I observed a buzzing sound which people have said comes and goes
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18:43.57Simon--electrical buzz? somebody's phone is probably too close to a lamp
18:43.58edibraci guess it would be hard to match the "bad sound" to a certain cause.. since it might be hardware dependent
18:44.56gaetronikHi there
18:45.14gaetroniki've an issue with agents logoff
18:45.54gaetronikwhen an agent is logged, in pause and this computer shutdown it remains conected for asterisk
18:46.25gaetronikis there any way to have a qualify like option for agents?
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18:48.48bpgoldsbAnyone know how to get the functionality of 1.2's 'Macro' command in AEL?
18:49.48enviseanedibrac: there are a bunch, we just put up a new soundpack for free that's open sourced with Pat Fleet (aka Ma Bell and the original AT&T voice)
18:50.25enviseanedibrac: ahh i'm sorry i misread that, i thought u wanted sound packs for prompts
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18:50.37edibracenvisean: yeah it was badly worded
18:50.38enviseanedibrac: are you looking for sound effects?
18:51.44edibracsound effects? not really but it sounds like a fun idea for prank calls
18:51.48enviseanedibrac: I don't believe that sound you are talking about is intentional, I may be wrong though
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18:52.35edibracno i was hoping somehow that certain odd sounds during a call were telltale signs of where the problem lied
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18:54.37enviseanedibrac: like debugging sounds? heh
18:55.19edibracyeah i know, it's not like there's something equivalent to motherboard BIOS beeps
18:55.37edibraci wish there were.
18:56.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
18:58.25edibracoh well that intermittent problem isn't totally crucial
18:59.03edibraccan i do IF/THEN logic in zapata.conf?
18:59.37edibracwe have a new block of DIDs that i want totally separate and not to go to the default context that we currently use
19:00.46enviseanedibrac: yeah, you can route specific DIDs somewhere else definitely
19:01.08edibraci'm not sure if it matters if i "branch off" from zapata.conf or from extensions.conf
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19:01.57edibracseems i can technicallly accomplish it either way.  starting it off in zapata.conf seems the most logical way
19:02.03*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
19:03.59enviseanedibrac: yeah, shouldn't matter too much, i would probably do it in the extensions.conf though just to keep extensions & DIDs in the same file
19:04.16enviseanyou want a DID to be associated directly w/ an extension? or to follow a completely separate dial-in system?
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19:06.05*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
19:06.48rwaitehi all. sometimes one of the tdm400p zap channels will get stuck in an endless loop in an ivr
19:06.55rwaitei have no idea how to diagnose this
19:07.12hardwireyou should set an absolutetimeout while diagnosing this
19:07.17hardwireto keep you from having some fancy bills
19:07.19hardwireor causing some
19:07.34hardwireI'm serious
19:07.38edibracholy crap. stocks are getting killed
19:07.39hardwirea bug like that almost cost my company $10k
19:07.44rwaiteis it the zap card though?
19:07.51rwaitefailing to hangup the channel?
19:07.58hardwirerwaite: what POTS type?
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19:08.22rwaitea regular pots line from our local provider
19:08.25rwaitein the US
19:08.55hardwireanyhoot.. you said endless loop in the IVR
19:09.11hardwirelike it keeps moving around in the dialplan?
19:09.32hardwireor does the audio stop and start repeating itself like a broken cd?
19:09.49rwaitethe dialplan is an endless loop
19:10.01hardwireso not really a pots issue?
19:10.02rwaiteim watching with asterisk -r and it just keeps going thru
19:10.19edibracis there an equivalent to denyhosts, a python script that blacklists your ip if your ssh login fails too many times
19:10.22rwaitewell, that's my question. what would cause a line to get "lost" i mean someone isnt actually on the line
19:10.30hardwireedibrac: fail2ban
19:10.38hardwireit's python.. and it's apt-gettable
19:10.44rwaitei assume they've hung up and the ivr keeps going as if they are still connected
19:10.52edibrachardwire: i can use it for conference lines right?
19:11.47edibracer meetme.conf lines
19:11.47hardwireedibrac: uh.. sure.. fail2ban can take regular expressions from log files and do whatever
19:11.53edibracah it's like a more generic denyhosts?
19:11.53hardwirerwaite: how often does this happen?
19:12.18hardwireedibrac: sure
19:12.23hardwirecheck it out
19:12.51hardwirerwaite: if it happens often enough you should take a peek at the phone bill you get from your telco
19:13.20hardwiresee if the call time differs from when the remote phone actually hangs up
19:14.04hardwirerwaite: does asterisk show the hangup event?
19:14.40rwaitethese are incoming calls so they are not chargable
19:14.50rwaitethis happens like, 3 or 4 times a week
19:14.52hardwirerwaite: our telco shows incoming calls for some reason, on the bills
19:15.09hardwirerwaite: hmm.. what did your telco say?
19:15.28rwaitei recently have been just "zap restart"ing it
19:15.53rwaitebut i cant be sure if its a bug with my dialplan or a bug in asterisk
19:16.06hardwirerwaite: with ivr you should always have it timeout somehow
19:16.12hardwirejust in case bugs like this happen
19:17.15hardwirelike.. you don't really expect somebody to listen to "press 1 for english, 2 for igpay atinlay, ..." for an hour straight
19:17.17rwaiteanother race condition it looks like
19:17.35rwaitebecause if i do a "core show channels" it shows output, but if i do it again, no output
19:18.00rwaiteim like this --->>><<<<--- close to installing 22rc5
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19:21.03rwaitei sometimes wonder if i should move back to 1.2 to escape the bugs
19:21.13rwaitebut then again, there are probably bugs there too
19:23.10C4colocan someone take a look at this and tell me if they see anything wrong with it?
19:24.06citywokconnecting 2 digium 4 port T1 cards i need to use a T1 crossover, not a normal Cat5 patch cable, correct?
19:24.35jan1607citywok: correct
19:25.05*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
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19:28.57C4colowhat is called an ethernet crossover will work as well, just needs to be TIA/EIA 568-A on one end and TIA/EIA 568-B on the other end
19:30.38citywokgar, i've been having problems talking to my pBX over E&M (asterisk -> old inter-tel pbx), i can dial into asterisk from the pbx, but not into the pbx from asterisk -- i decided i  would connect to asterisk boxes via t1 and see if i could make them talk.  i tried using em, em_w, and now i'm trying to use fxoks/fxsks -- still no joy -- am i retarded or am i missing something important?
19:31.00*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:31.41citywokgood to know C4colo -- i was wondering if the t1 crossover was the same, but hadnt put enough effort into it to look it up :-)
19:31.53citywoki just know swap pins 1&2 with pins 4&5
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19:48.18ManxPowerQwell: That is why I hate upgrading anything.
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19:48.35Kattyerrr_: you haz a tail!
19:49.46Linuturk"The internet is a telephone system that's gotten uppity."    -Clifford Stoll
19:49.59QwellManxPower: what did I miss?
19:50.21QwellManxPower: yeah - want to fund the purchases? :p
19:51.00*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:51.40Qwellis over
19:51.47leif[astricon]bit late
19:51.54*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-rc6, 1.4.22-rc5 (2008/09/09), *-Addons 1.6.0-rc1 (2008/09/03), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux-complete 2.0.0-rc4+2.0.0-rc2 (2008/09/08), Zaptel (2008/09/09), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
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19:52.22lesouvageyou are all right :-(
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19:58.40citywokwhy can i dial into asterisk from my pbx, but not dial out from asterisk into my pbx?  -- why can i not dial from asterisk to asterisk?  I have followed the basic configurations online trying PRI, E&M, and FXO/FXS, and no matter what i do, i can never dial into my pbx, or from asterisk server to asterisk server, over quad port T1 cards
19:59.42citywokaccording to my telco, currently sending calls into an inbound E&M T1, they dont send ANI or anything, just 4digit DNIS, so i'm trying to replicate that, but to no avail, my pbx never receives the digits (i can see in debug mode that it sends them)
20:01.19[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Is that the only issue?  that you aren't getting the digits?
20:02.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:02.38citywok[TK]D-Fender: i'm not certain if thats the _only_ issue, but it's the issue i'm currently facing.  there could probably be a million reasons its happening :'-(
20:02.57citywokfor instance, when i dial into my pbx, i get  chan_zap.c:5142 zt_write: Dropping frame since I'm still dialing on Zap/25-1..
20:03.08[TK]D-Fendercitywok: pastebin an incoming call's CLI output at verbose 10, and your dialplan.
20:03.29citywokincoming into my asterisk box, from my PBX? -- the calsl that work?
20:04.46citywokhere is a call from my pbx -> asterisk -> relayed over SIP to my cellphone
20:05.40citywokthe instant i open the trunk, i get messaging in the CLI output, as i push the digits, i see it tell me each DTMF digit in the cli, and then it works
20:06.34citywokhere is my dialplan for that:
20:07.08*** join/#asterisk StooJ (
20:07.54[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Your description looks like its going in circles.  What is that Zap call coming in from?
20:08.20citywokcoming in from my PBX to asterisk, and then forwarding the call out through SIP (acting as a SIP bridge for a non-sip pbx)
20:08.49[TK]D-Fendercitywok: I see, so it LOOKS like that's what it is doing...
20:08.57citywokyea, and it works that direction
20:09.05citywokbut i can not call back the other direction
20:09.05[TK]D-Fendercitywok: show me the other
20:09.23[TK]D-Fendercitywok: I asked you to show me the PROBLEM.
20:10.48citywoki dial 2 in my xlite sip phone, it follwos the dialplan:
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20:11.17citywokyou can see i was tryig a few combinations to see what might work, if anything, but to no avail
20:12.43citywokis it this?  zt_handle_event: Sent deferred digit string: T1593w
20:13.00citywokis that just not what it should be sending?  i'm not sure what the T means in DTMF land
20:13.19outtolunctone vice pulse
20:14.23jblackwhoah. the market closed down 750?
20:14.48citywokholy shit, 770 points down
20:15.06citywok[TK]D-Fender, this is what it looks like with immediate=no -- the earlier one was immediate=yes
20:15.07leif[astricon]that's what happens when you tell the market you're going to bail them out, then not
20:16.15*** part/#asterisk GreenCult (n=greencul@
20:22.12[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Ok, not sure what to advise here...
20:22.17*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:23.15citywokcan you not see anything wrong?  It all seems fine to me, but alas i get into my pbx and it says "the extension you dialed does not exist", and my PBX doesnt show that it received anything
20:23.58codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: did you get an anwer?
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20:26.04codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: look at
20:27.48[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time.  Heading home.  Later all
20:28.07*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
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20:31.05logicwrathim trying to register a softphone over a cisco VPN client and it is failing.  I cannot even see it attempting in the asterisk console.  2 other people are also using a VPN client, is there something I can test?
20:31.18logicwraththe other two people connect fine
20:33.59nny_1having dtmf issues on a T1
20:34.15nny_1client says it's not getting passed. Any safe setting adjustments I can make?
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20:36.58exothermcare there some recent rpms out there for asterisk?
20:37.48UnixDawgi know that there should be a new iso coming out
20:38.15bpgoldsbcodefreeze-lap: I didn't get one, but I figured that out after enough time.  Appreciate the effort though
20:39.11jayteeanyone here ever experienced flickering on Polycom displays after upgrading SIP firmware?
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20:39.34codefreeze-lapbpgoldsb: np.  I usually find what I need about 10 seconds after I ask.... :)
20:39.44smthparticularly, only one inband digit be recognized at ' background' . it was not collected at 'Waitexten' or ' Read' .. any idea?
20:42.33*** join/#asterisk Alan_Hicks (
20:44.07Alan_HicksHowdy folks.  I was wondering if fxotune helps with echo cancellation on Digium cards with hardware echo cancellation. I checked the man page but couldn't determine this answer from it. I have a brief period of echo when a user dials in. The echo vanishes by the time the caller begins to speak.
20:45.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:45.23jayteeAlan_Hicks, do you have echotraining=yes in zapata.conf?
20:45.38Alan_Hicksjaytee: Yes.  Dumb-ass me forgot to pastebin that file.
20:45.57jayteecomment it out and restart zaptel
20:46.12Alan_HicksBut according to the sample zapata.conf that shouldn't have an effect on hardware echo cancellation cards.
20:46.26jayteeor better yet, set it to =no and restart
20:46.39jayteeit shouldn't......but
20:47.29Alan_HicksI was intending to do that, but since the business is currently open, I didn't want to shut-down asterisk for even a brief period of time.
20:47.39jayteeare these Digium cards with HWEC for analog or digital?
20:47.42Alan_HicksI'll give that a try after COB though.
20:48.00Alan_Hickswc24xxp IIRC
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20:49.55jayteethat's probably normal behavior for the card then, analog circuits tend to be more prone to echo. If it's only happening when the line first goes active and drops out by the time someone starts talking then it's working, if it continues or happens in the middle of a call then it's a problem
20:50.01anarcatso our termination provider crapped on me
20:50.10anarcatand we're wanting to add a second one
20:50.31anarcatso i'm wondering what's the best way to have two termination providers in a dial plan?
20:50.53anarcati take it that Dial(foo&bar) will not work in this case because it will ring the two providers at the same time
20:51.01Alan_Hicksjaytee: Ick.  The customer doesn't like the echo at all.  Wants it all gone.
20:51.47Alan_HicksGranted, I haven't yet run fxotune on the modules.  Would that potentially help at all?
20:52.11jayteeit might, I've never run fxotune on a card with HWEC
20:52.27jayteejust on old crap x100p cards about twice a day.
20:54.37jayteeI have a couple TE212P cards and I've never had to do any tweaking for echo on my T1's.
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21:10.07eric_hillAnyone know what bit to twiddle in the Polycom XML to get the Fwd softkey to work with Asterisk?
21:10.59[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: it does already
21:11.14[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: nothing to play with
21:13.40eric_hillI think my XML config got 'borked and it stopped working at some point.  I think it has to do with the <reg/> section....
21:15.12[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: Nope.
21:15.30eric_hillYep, sure enough.
21:15.31[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: go look at actual SIP debug & CLI to see whats happening.
21:15.45jplankanyone ever play with Asterisk BE? Is it just a paid for version of AsteriskNOW?
21:16.08[TK]D-Fenderjplank: No, ABE is just a paid ver of * with a few proprietary add-ins.
21:16.19jplankanything worth its cost?
21:16.22Qwelland support...
21:16.30[TK]D-Fenderjplank: And one for which more support may be paid for
21:16.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: What support does it come with by default?
21:16.46jplankmy boss keeps grilling me why most vendors sell it instead of just building it themselves
21:16.53Qwell[TK]D-Fender: no idea
21:17.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: Everything I recall says "zip"
21:17.10Qwelllet's see
21:17.30[TK]D-Fenderjplank: What vendors?  Selling BE?
21:17.32jplankI was thinking about paying the $300 for the 10 call license to see if its worth anything
21:17.32Qwellyeah, I think you need at least a silver subscription to buy it
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21:17.45jplankEUS Communications
21:17.59jplankpretty much every asterisk vendor we've come up against lately
21:18.39[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Maybe covering their butts with an air of "officiality" and "credibilty" in not using the "OSS" release
21:18.56jplankwell, thats pretty much what I've come up with
21:19.03dlynesIs there a known issue with dtmf problems where an asterisk box receives the dtmf in on sip just fine (1.4.18), but when it transmits it over to another box (, some of the dtmf tones get duplicated, and/or others get corrupted into some other digit?
21:19.03jplankbut I was wondering if it was more
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21:19.22jplankit seems silly that its based off of 1.2, so I thought there had to be something
21:19.31[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Which is a complete illusion and you are forced to run notably older releases.  This would likely have an incremental effect with the 1.6 release changes
21:19.48jplankthats what I was thinking
21:19.49ctooley[TK]D-Fender, Compatibility testing of modules included, inclusion of modules that can't be open sourced and "no question" support if you choose to invoke it.
21:20.13jplankthats why I was wondering what the draw was (besides the support)
21:20.23[TK]D-Fenderctooley: For the right price per hour I'm sure they wouldn't need to CARE what the problem is :)
21:20.44jplankthe way I look at it though, if you can't support the system, you probably shouldn't be selling it
21:20.55jplankisn't that were all the money is anyway
21:20.59jplanksupport contracts
21:21.07[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Its great being able to blame someone else, no?
21:21.11ctooley[TK]D-Fender, The price per hour is definitely not unreasonable, I charge more per hour to support my customers.  And they do care, anything that's been modified will not be supported
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21:21.30jplank[TK]D-Fender: thats def true
21:21.38citywok[TK]D-Fender, does this look possible?
21:21.43[TK]D-Fenderctooley: In the grand scheme of things I rank BE as a "whatever".
21:22.21[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Looks nearly identical no?
21:22.42citywokyea, exactly.  seems like it's an old enough post htough that it should be bug-fixed (they say 1.4.8, i am 1.4.21)
21:25.21[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Well its something to go on.  Maybe you should attempt to re-open that case
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21:34.52citywok[TK]D-Fender, i've found if i set my PBX side trunks to OPX instead of E&M, that i am able to dial into my pbx from asterisk like i should be able to (OPX is for the internal PBX communications, so when i dial in i am an internal station instead of a remote dial in), and leave the asterisk side alone, it works
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21:37.51citywokthat tells me its probably something in my pbx then, or the method of dialing into it (*ANI*DNIS*) or something like that could be wrong? no?
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21:42.25angryuser[TK]D-Fender : you pointed on a file called asterisk-skype 2-3 days ago, it was g729 promts packed with that strange name
21:43.05Qwellgot skype on the brain? :p
21:43.18[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: And no, I didn't
21:43.23angryuseroh just a anonymous pack, uploaded by someone
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21:51.15eric_hillWe have inbound caller number on our dedicated ISDN 800 number, but not name.  Is that something that the carrier could provide, or is 800 number service numeric-only for inbound calls?
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22:26.20lanthicahey all
22:26.57lanthicaI just kind of stumbled across asterisk, and was just wondering a little more about it
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22:27.39lanthicaso if I wanted to setup a menu, and interact with the server, would I do that via C, or a scripting language or is there some library I import in whatever language I'm using?
22:31.56[TK]D-Fenderlanthica: What kind of "interaction"?
22:32.22[TK]D-Fenderlanthica: *'s call processing is handled by the dialplan through which you can call extrenal scripts, etc as well.
22:32.28*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-ca60e7d0a746d145)
22:32.35[TK]D-Fenderlanthica: Go download the book, and get started.
22:32.37jbothmm... book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
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23:08.11jayteewow, what a day
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