IRC log for #asterisk on 20080922

00:00.08x86two different random ways, but I can't remember the difference
00:00.33x86r = one kind of random, R = another kind of random, g = sequentially ascending, and G = sequentially descending
00:03.01jayteenot as I understand it. Round robin means goes round and round and round. It should go through the loop until a channel becomes available or your dial timeout is exceeded.
00:04.35sakajawebeyeah, the r and R stand for round robin, not random
00:04.40x86ah ok
00:04.47x86never used them honestly
00:04.50x86only use g and G
00:04.56jayteethey open ugly doors
00:05.05phixx86: basically the behavour I would like is "I have a SIP phone with 4 line lights, when someone makes a call a light marks the line in use, putting the call on hold allows other phones to pick up the line"
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00:05.52x86phix: that's shared line appearance
00:06.21sakajawebeI believe the 'putting the call on hold allows other phones to pick up the line' is handled by Call Parking
00:06.29phixx86: is it recommended I use that for simplicity?
00:07.14phixx86: basically the users don't like new things that require remembering numbers to forward on calls and such
00:07.27boolean12I setup something identical to what you are wanting at my office.
00:07.28x86sakajawebe: but on an old key system, that trunk line will light up, allowing other phones to pick up that line
00:07.37jayteeif you don't have a timeout in the Dial statement and you have 4 zap channels in 1 zap group, you Dial(Zap/r1/8675309) and you have 4 long winded people all using all 4 channels so all channels in the group are busy. It won't fallthrough with channel unavailable, it'll keep looping till someone hangs up a busy channel.
00:07.38x86sakajawebe: i think he wants SLA on a parking lot
00:07.47boolean12We had a bizfon680, I completely emulated that.
00:07.56x86jaytee: oh
00:08.26phixboolean12: nice, what phones did you use?
00:08.36boolean12Unfortunately, I used grandstream GXP2010's.
00:08.37jayteebut if you put a ringing timeout in the dial statement once that was exceeded the call would failover to the next priority in the context.
00:08.57boolean12The Bigest piles of shit ever, but .. they were the only phones with enough line appearances to accomplish the task.
00:09.27phixSLA, parking lot, call queue with voice mesage option :)
00:09.44boolean12Pretty much.
00:09.47phixisn't grandstream the root of all evil? even more so than Microsoft?
00:10.03boolean12They try to have all the features imaginable but at a cost.
00:10.29boolean12Unstability, poor feature implementation, in general cheap components.
00:10.37boolean12The GXP2000's had a 30% failure rate.
00:13.06tvirusDo I need to do any special configuration to the echo cancellation module on the TDM4xxP card? I have an FXO and when I call to that line, all numbers I press in the IVR are ignored and it times out.
00:15.49jayteeMy boss wanted to buy cheap and bought 6 Grandstream phones to start with for testing and for 2 people to use for real. The GXP-2000's were a pain in the ass. Jitter and problems with handling MOH no matter what codec. turned out to be that even if you set silence suppression=off it would indicate that but never actually shut it off. Once I upgraded the bootrom and sip software that corrected the problem but they still perform like crap compared
00:15.49jayteeto a Polycom.
00:16.16boolean12The "consumer" line of phones, like the BT-101 are good.. cheap phones.
00:16.31boolean12They were aware the GXP-2000 was an abortion.
00:16.38boolean12I've had intimate contact with people about this.
00:16.57boolean12The GXP-2010 is an ok phone if you can iron out it's kinks.
00:17.02sakajawebetvirus: have you tried disabling the module and seeing if you still have problems with IVRs?
00:17.07boolean12Plus it's the only phone with 18 SLA appearances for under $200
00:17.10jayteeintimate contact? you mean you actually slept with their engineers? All of them?
00:17.20boolean12No no, Jesus :-p
00:17.32boolean12I mean I've been on a 1 on 1 basis with several of them.
00:17.47boolean12I was helping them release a patch for the 2010.
00:18.29boolean12Anyone know why my dial maco lets audio though?
00:18.33boolean12I can't figure it out.
00:21.25Qwellbt-101?  good?
00:21.32boolean12It's decient.
00:21.43boolean12I haven't had any real call problems
00:21.44Qwellthe My First IP Phone line of Barbietones are terrible
00:22.05boolean12Seriously, I haven't had a problem.
00:22.23jayteelets audio though? huh?
00:22.26tvirusI set echocancellation to no and it still doesn't work. It works fine when I call to my SIP trunk.
00:22.36boolean12Bleeds through
00:22.42boolean12If I scream I can hear myself.
00:22.51boolean12If I make enough noise, It acts like it's bridged.
00:22.54QwellYou're using grandstreams
00:22.59boolean12I'm using cisco right now.
00:23.10boolean12I'm at home.
00:23.30boolean12It doesn't make sense though.
00:23.49boolean12If I'm perfectly quiet during the first couple of seconds of audio playback on the callee side, it's fine after that.
00:24.00boolean12The moh for the caller is fine, everything is normal
00:24.12sakajawebetvirus: you should try adding the option vpmsupport=0 to the wctdm24xxp module to disable the hardware echo canceller
00:24.23sakajawebenot simply turning off echocancel
00:24.39boolean12But if I make loud noise on either side consistantly, it bleeds through then eventually.. I can't hear the moh or the audio on the macro side.. Even after I go quiet again.
00:25.00sakajawebeone way to do this is to add 'options wctdm24xxp vpmsupport=0' to the '/etc/modprobe.conf' if you have it
00:25.03boolean12I've upgraded to svn, I've downgraded.
00:25.05*** join/#asterisk sofh69 (i=pata_nah@
00:25.12sofh69hi all
00:25.21boolean12I'm even using stock configs with my peers added to sip.conf and my dialplan in extensions.
00:25.30boolean12I just don't understand it.
00:25.33sofh69i am trying to connect two boxes via iax2(trunk)
00:25.44tvirussakajawebe: How do I do that? Do I need to recompile it?
00:25.50boolean12I think Qwell hates me :D
00:25.59sofh69but geting a strange error " from caller i-e IAx2 Sound stopped
00:26.04sofh69and hence call is one way
00:26.05boolean12I don't like grandstreams, but for a $40 dollar phone, they arn't bad.
00:26.06sakajawebetvirus: one way to do this is to add 'options wctdm24xxp vpmsupport=0' to the '/etc/modprobe.conf' if you have it
00:26.26boolean12I use a Sipura 3000 and a 7941 at home.
00:26.38sofh69any idea :$
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00:27.07tvirusI do not have that file.
00:27.36sakajawebetvirus: do you know how to unload all the zaptel modules and stop zaptel?
00:28.02sofh69anybody here working with iax2 trunking ?
00:28.27tvirusrmmod <module> ; service zaptel stop
00:28.50tvirusor modprobe -r
00:29.27sakajawebetvirus: service zaptel stop is fine if you have it
00:29.37tvirusOk, done.
00:30.18sakajawebetvirus: run that, and then run 'modprobe wctdm24xxp vpmsupport=0' and add any other options you need. Wait, was asterisk running when you ran 'service zaptel stop'? If it was, you need to stop asterisk, and run it again before running the modprobe command
00:30.59tvirusI stopped *
00:31.16sakajawebek, before stopping zaptel?
00:31.36sakajawebeok, then you can run that modprobe command, and then start asterisk back up
00:31.53sakajaweberun 'ztcfg' before starting asterisk
00:32.09tvirusIt ran when I restarted zaptel
00:32.15tvirusThat worked. That fixed the issue.
00:32.23tvirusBut now I have no hardware EC.
00:32.38sakajawebeerr, alright, exactly, but you verified that the problem is caused by the EC corect?
00:32.51sakajawebehave you tried setting relax dtmf in zapata.conf?
00:33.00tvirusYes, I can interact with the IVR
00:33.03tvirusLet me look
00:34.24sakajawebeanother thing to try would be adding  'vpmdtmfsupport=0' or setting it to 1, and seeing which gives better performance
00:34.42sakajawebeso basically stop zaptel again, and change the previous parameter to that one, you don't want both
00:35.09sakajawebedepending on your version of zaptel, vpmdtmfsupport will either be disabled or enabled by default
00:35.16sakajawebeso try it both ways
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00:36.19tvirusI think the relaxdtfm worked. I did modprobe -r wctdm.... then stopped zaptel, then did modprobe wctdm.... and restarted zaptel and put relaxdtfm=yes and echocancel=yes in zapata.conf and it seems ok.
00:36.44sakajawebeK, excellent, well there you go then
00:37.01tvirusThanks much, sweety.
00:37.09tvirusIs there a list of options that the module supports?
00:37.22sakajawebeyou can try running 'modinfo wctdm24xxp'
00:37.35sakajawebeIt won't tell you what the options are for each parameter though
00:37.56tvirusAh, neat. Is there an option that does? Or is that unpossible.
00:38.21sakajawebeI don't know of anything that will provide that information without just looking through the source
00:38.42tvirusGood enough for me, at least I know what I can use.
00:38.46tvirusThanks again.
00:42.53sakajawebeIs there a way to do forgotten password stuff with the nickserv on this server?
00:49.31dlewisdont think so sakajawebe
00:49.37dlewismight have to speak to a staff from freenode
00:49.41sakajawebehrhm, actually it hasn't been logged into since 2005, when I last used it
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00:51.47dlewisso, you should be good to have a staffer make it your nick.
00:52.06dlewisthats  what I did
00:52.12dlewishadn't been on here since like 2004
00:52.14sakajawebeah, k, thanks
00:52.15dlewisgot my nick back
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01:03.02sakajawebezomeg its mog
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01:16.05mogmorning chazz
01:16.22chazzmorning? where are you?
01:16.55Qwellthrows stuff at chazz
01:17.16chazzonoes! what did I do?
01:17.27Qwelldunno, you were there..
01:17.35Qwellhad to throw it at somebody, you understand
01:17.37chazzah, happens often enough I suppose
01:23.26RB2Has anyone implemented SipTheeSkype before?
01:23.56QwellRB2: no, all skype solutions that exist publicly today are junk
01:24.16boolean12Have you played with ChanSkype?
01:24.31Qwelldoes it exist today?
01:25.09RB2At least SipTheeSkype is actively maintained... latest update was on the 14th
01:25.11jayteeI haven't played much with Skype myself but then I haven't played with Fisher-Price stuff either lately.
01:25.30Qwellboolean12: it's junk
01:26.01dlewisany Digium events coming east?
01:26.08dlewisseems like all events are west-coast based
01:26.24Qwelldlewis: you mean something like astricon?
01:26.29jayteelast time I looked Arizona didn't have any coastal property.
01:26.38RB2The idea of being able to receive calls peaked my interest, I could care less about outbound.
01:26.39dlewisQwell: yes
01:27.03Qwelldlewis: not really, nothing like that
01:27.21dlewiseast coast gets no love I guess
01:29.05*** join/#asterisk Grizzy (
01:29.07RB2never does...
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01:30.02chazztheres a voip seminar in florida in october..
01:30.34chazzthat seems to be about it
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01:56.57frogonwheelsI've made a macro that defines a menu using background() to prompt for the choices.. and it seems that the macros 'context' is the calling context..
01:57.00frogonwheelswhich is fine, but.
01:57.34frogonwheels.. so I've added the macro context to the background() param -
01:58.20frogonwheelshowever it appears it is still possible to press numbers outside the 'background' call, which get searched in the context that called the macro
01:58.48frogonwheels.. I have some saydigits, wait, sayunixtime calls - but only one background call.
01:59.21frogonwheelsanybody got ideas?
02:00.00frogonwheelsdo I need to set a varible with the macro to force it to be the default context?  Or do I need to put the menu choices outside of the macro in a normal context?
02:07.29boolean12Mm Hmm.
02:11.18[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: That is how macro's work.  They are functionally merged with the calling context.  Next is HIGHLY unrecommended to attempt to make an IVR out of a macro.  Don't.
02:14.01frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: ok.. so setting the parameters into variables and then using Goto()  is better?
02:14.58frogonwheelsor having the parametised macro goto a standard context with the ivr? either/or?
02:14.58RB2evening [TK]D-Fender
02:15.53[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: that is a vague statement I won't wualify without seeing what it is you're trying to do.
02:16.30[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Why would a macro jump out to some other context?  this is considered "spaghetti code" in programming.
02:17.35RB2I got all of my outbound routing with contexts all straightened out, so I have multiple extensions on each phone representing different lines that are aliased to the device's main extension number. It actually worked pretty well, easier than I though. :D
02:17.39frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: Yeah sure, but I'm still trying to work out my limitations.
02:17.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:18.05[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Sounds like you are jumping around blindly swatting at the moment.
02:18.20frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: a bit.  starting to get more focused though.
02:18.27[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: You need to look at your approach not jsut the syntax for a single line.
02:19.04[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: You can execute a right turn in your car perfectly and still get killed for choosing to do so into an oncoming lane.
02:19.22RB2That was quite the analogy
02:19.29frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yeah sure - I'm not a noob programmer.  just new to asterisk.
02:19.50[TK]D-FenderRB2: I'm chock full of them.  Plenty to go around.
02:20.54frogonwheelsI have an IVR that grabs last 'n' calls from astdb.  the key is parameterised so that I can have 2 /more queus without rewriting.
02:21.22frogonwheelsah. how about having a context that calls the macro? would that be better?
02:21.57jbotextra, extra, read all about it, newb is Don't bother telling us you're a "newb", "n00b", or "nub". We can tell.
02:22.10frogonwheelsthanks jameswf-home.
02:23.59[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: show us the code.  I don't like running on vague descriptions and things I have to guess at.
02:24.10frogonwheelssure. coming up.
02:27.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:33.00[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Do not do IVR's in macro's.  Use Read instead.
02:34.32[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: youa re also mixing syntax where sometimes you are using () with your app calls, and other times not.  It is advised to always use ()
02:35.03frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: oh yeah, there are a few left over from the original code.  prefer the look of ()
02:35.08[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: exten => s,n,goto,s|saymenu <- the "s" is redundant as you're jumping within an extension.  You need only specify the priority (in this case a label)
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02:37.04frogonwheelsthanks [TK]D-Fender
02:42.50jameswf-homewants to figure out how o link the wii to asterisk
02:43.04jayteeoh, god! we've created a monster!
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02:43.28jayteefirst the LHC and now this
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02:54.13boolean12I still love the wrt54g-asterisk setup.
02:54.15boolean12It kills me.
02:54.33boolean12Then he mounted it to a roomba create and made a ivr to control the roomba.
02:54.59jayteewho did?
02:55.07boolean12hang on, I'll grab the page
02:58.23jayteewow, talk about an obsessive hobby
03:00.56boolean12Heh ^^
03:04.38jayteeRoomba's don't impress me much. Something with voice recognition that I could yell, "Hey, get me another beer!" and the physical mobility and dexterity to do just that would be impressive.
03:05.11heedlyjaytee: get a wife
03:05.17heedlyvoip won't solve that problem...
03:05.34drmessano^Wifes are slower than roombas
03:05.39jayteei think that's probably why most men get wives, that and sex.
03:06.40drmessano^A roomba will gladly vacuum around you endlessly, completing it's task with diligence.  A wife will complain the while time and yell over the noise.
03:06.47drmessano^Roomba 1 - Wife 0
03:07.13jayteealthough cooking is no longer a highly sought skill as it used to be
03:07.16heedlylol, if you say so.
03:07.19drmessano^A Roomba doesn't put out.. Neither does a wife.
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03:07.27heedlywe now how drmessano^ gets his pleasure...
03:07.37heedly"come here you little roomba"
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03:46.13implicithow do you do show translation in 1.6?
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03:52.51jameswf-homecore show...
03:53.26implicitwhat module needs to be loaded
03:53.41implicitin order to do 'core show translation'
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04:09.29implicitexactly :)
04:13.04Nugget  <-- ring ring ring ring bananaphone!
04:20.18jameswf-homemy ringtone and MOH
04:20.52jblackWould someone mind unbanning jeev? He promised to behave.
04:22.23jameswf-homeeh ohwell
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04:27.26jblackohhhh. the stock market might get ugly tomorrow.
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04:41.42drmessanoHe was banned?
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04:46.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: It's becoming a daily event apparently
04:46.21mchouwhat did jeev do?
04:47.56drmessanoFrom what I scrolled back to, didn't look like much
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04:57.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Aside from pestering the ops, he's pushed things too far in some partisan way I can't recall and when he was let back in on one time I recall he didn't wait long before pushing his luck rather hard
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05:03.51jameswf-homedrmessano: you should offer facilities... say hay its a drive but beggers cant be choosers
05:05.21jameswf-homeI should do meetings at my house.... once a month annoy the crap out of my wife
05:12.24implicitanyone here preencoded g722 at 16khz?
05:12.40implicittrying to figure out how to do it but asterisk 'file convert' doesn't handle the 16khz wav files right it seems
05:13.12impliciti am downsampling wav's from 44100 to 16khz before doing file convert from wav to g722 but it sounds twice as deep/slow
05:13.18implicitafter its in g722 format
05:17.57[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time here.  Later all
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06:20.11DigitalIronyI have a question
06:21.04DigitalIronywhat is the deal with the Extension preferences on the options page on the BE gui....i mean why in the world do you have to set the default extensions ranges....
06:22.57mostywhat is BE?
06:23.04mostybusiness edition?
06:23.05DigitalIronyBusiness Edition
06:24.59drmessanoFor Dundi?
06:26.01drmessanoYou just said you didn't know, how can you say "no"?
06:26.25drmessanoWell, implied
06:26.37DigitalIronyI was talking to a customer right. Well he was trying to setup a ring group and noticed that it kept saying that the extension was out of range. So on the options page he tries to set the range to the same range he is using
06:26.54DigitalIronybut it won't let him because that is something elses range
06:27.33DigitalIronyAnd to bring it up more....His users extensions actually don't have to match the range...but everything else does it would appear
06:28.25drmessanoI'd check with Digium support on that one
06:29.11DigitalIronyI am digium support
06:29.33DigitalIronyand I have no clue why that is there...Its the new C 2 version
06:29.43DigitalIronyI haven't had any problems with it in past versions
06:30.48drmessanoDo you want their 800 nuber?
06:31.28DigitalIronyI would just be calling myself....
06:31.45drmessanowonders if it's even worth it anymore
06:31.50DigitalIronydon't worry about it you answered my question already.....
06:32.17DigitalIronyAll I wanted to know was if anyone else has had problems with it,
06:32.26DigitalIronyand if anyone knew a fix. I guess not
06:32.49drmessanoInstead you just made your employer look bad :)
06:32.55DigitalIronynot really
06:32.59DigitalIronyeveryone has bugs
06:33.10drmessanoWasn't talking about the bug
06:33.27DigitalIronyYou mean the fact that a customer just discovered a bug?
06:33.35drmessanoWow, you're dense
06:34.15DigitalIronyOhh you must mean because I just asked in IRC if anyone else has experienced this problem?
06:34.23drmessanoSomething about a Digium support tech coming to the Digium supported IRC channel looking for help with a problem comes to mind :)
06:34.41DigitalIronyI am a support rep. not a developer
06:35.24drmessanoheh.. why does that matter?
06:35.59DigitalIronyWell, because It is my job to report bugs to the developer to fix.....
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06:37.16drmessanoYeah.. makes me feel good about calling for ABE support and having the tech run to IRC.. lol
06:37.20DigitalIronyNot to fix the bugs...and its hard to determine if it was a bug on the one system...or if anyone else is having the problem
06:37.46DigitalIronyI suppose...but since you know so much you probably won't have to call us huh?
06:38.10drmessanoI find it fascinating that you can't appreciate how this looks :)
06:39.23DigitalIronyI guess so? It IS an open source project you know....Do you think we just learn stuff from out of no where in our own heads with out asking questions or testing things?
06:39.39DigitalIronyanyway I am not going to argue with you anymore it doesn't matter
06:40.26DigitalIronywhat really matters though is that it should look better to our company that we actually go out of the way to find answers and don't just sorry we don't know.
06:45.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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06:48.43fiddurHi.  We have several sip register on two differens servers.  What does it mean that I for one of the servers constantly see (in CLI/message-log) "-- ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 5060" (and not for the other at all, that we have more register-lines on...)?
06:51.05fiddur(using 1.6.0-rc6)
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07:02.13tzafrir_laptopfiddur, you know what SRV is?
07:02.16jbothmm... srv is Stevie Ray Vaughn.  He was a darn fine blues guitarist.
07:02.55TrentCreeksrv ..Service realase
07:03.04tzafrir_laptop~wiki SRV
07:05.49fiddurtzafrir_laptop: Yes... but I don't see what differeres between and the other host we use (, that would make one give lots of these messages and the other none....   On dig I can only see simple ip-number-matches...
07:06.33tzafrir_laptopjbot, no, SRV is "Service Record". e.g. => 5060, . See
07:06.34jbotokay, tzafrir_laptop
07:08.38tzafrir_laptopfiddur, what about "" ?
07:08.58tzafrir_laptopYou want to disable SRV lookup?
07:09.26*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (
07:10.17fiddurtzafrir_laptop: I don't get any ast_get_srv_messages about that address..   Right now I'm mostly curious as to why I get these messages about one host and not the other.'s probably not the source of any problem, but when something's not working, everything is worth understanding!
07:10.39*** join/#asterisk dandre (
07:10.54tzafrir_laptopDoes that address have an SRV record?
07:11.17tzafrir_laptopIf it doesn't, the SRV lookup fails, and a standard CNAME/A lookup is done
07:13.21fiddurtzafrir_laptop: I can't see an srv on any of them.. I find no difference between the host names but I get the ast_get_srv-messages, one for each registry-line, about once a minute for ipkund2....
07:25.22*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (n=chatman@
07:25.41MacWinneri have an IAX peer that shows up OK when I run iax2 show peer
07:25.46MacWinnerhowever, it doesn't show up when i run iax2 show registry
07:26.04MacWinnerhow do you get something into the registry?  what's the purpose?
07:29.55*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB-macbook (n=EI5GTB@
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07:45.45fiddurMacWinner: I'm not sure about iax, but for sip, sip registry are the lines you register at the remote host to recieve calls from.
07:46.48jblackthat's nod bad. A little closer would be to say that it tells the other server where your server can be found.
07:47.20jblackand yeah, you can have them for both sip and iax.
07:48.48*** join/#asterisk basty (n=basty123@
07:49.31bastyis it possible to force a "h-extension" by doing a blind transfer?
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07:57.44jblackIcecream tastes good.
07:58.42*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:59.21TrentCreekthe sun is shinning
08:00.01jblackI suppose it should be, somewhere.
08:02.49*** join/#asterisk Rico29 ( burned out
08:13.05jblackdamn LHC
08:13.29*** join/#asterisk Anon65 (i=anon@unaffiliated/anon65)
08:13.48*** join/#asterisk QuirkyCarla (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/quirkycarla)
08:14.18Anon65I guess the ops here haven't read the Freenode guideline about how channel temperature is raised by people keeping +o on
08:14.20*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
08:14.20QuirkyCarlai sort of stumbled into here.
08:15.05QuirkyCarlaI guess not.
08:15.57Anon65Does a channel that hardly has anyone talking really need 9 people waiting to ban someone?
08:17.03TrentCreekyou can get kicked 9 times
08:17.15merlinnlike a cat
08:18.03tzafrir_laptopNot all of them are here all of the time.
08:18.14implicitstatus symbol ;)
08:18.19merlinndoes it really matter?
08:18.21tzafrir_laptopI suspect some of them are only here 20 hours a day
08:18.32tzafrir_laptop(now, due to astricon)
08:18.36Anon65It matters enough for Freenode to put out written guidelines about just that.
08:18.43Anon65I guess it matters to Freenode.
08:18.46merlinnyeah but freenode is largely run by dicks
08:18.55merlinnso I wouldn't worry.
08:19.51*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:20.14Anon65Are the people here to out of control that people need to be opped all the time?
08:20.41merlinndude - is your life so dull that you actually care about this?
08:20.58merlinnwho cares? it's a channel for asking questions about a piece of software
08:21.06tzafrir_laptopAnon65, no. But there are no real issues of temperatures.
08:21.16Anon65Then why are people opped all the time?
08:21.36*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:21.36merlinnin the grand scheme of the universe this channel is roughly as important as sections A-F of the encyclopedia britannica in some local library in the middle of nowhere
08:21.39tzafrir_laptopSo you'll know who to ask help from :-)
08:21.42Anon65You'd think in a channel with no problems they wouldn't need a team of "special ops".
08:22.01tzafrir_laptopAnon65, this is not a good time to say that
08:22.18Anon65Merlinn: At one point people fed their kids with paychecks garnered from generation of those very volumes.
08:22.25henkAnon65: i see one guy raising the temperature atm...
08:22.41tzafrir_laptopIf you actually want most of them to listen to you, wait some 5 hours or so for them to be awake
08:22.56merlinnI suggest you get a life too
08:22.57tzafrir_laptopBetter so: not on a weekend
08:23.06merlinnjust relax
08:23.07merlinnnobody cares
08:23.14merlinnyou're getting worked up about nothing
08:23.23Anon65I'm just working on my typing.
08:23.27Anon65I have to type something.
08:23.30merlinnI suggest mavis beacon
08:23.44Anon65She's cooking my grits right now as we speak, weird.
08:24.05merlinnthe very fact that you eat grits speaks volumes
08:24.06*** join/#asterisk aksyn (
08:25.36Anon65That I eat healthy food?
08:25.46boolean12What the hell are grits?
08:25.50TrentCreekEat My Grits!
08:26.00TrentCreekthe center of corn
08:26.00QuirkyCarlaNice, Anon65. I'm eating spam and reeses right now.
08:26.10boolean12Are easy for me to read, but I thought you wanted to type?
08:26.32Anon65I wanted to type the names of those sources.
08:26.54Anon65Someone has already answered your question.
08:27.13Anon65Are the peanut butter cups inside the spam loaf?
08:28.58tzafrir_laptopQuirkyCarla, stop spamming this channel and try to stay on topic, please
08:29.15tzafrir_laptopAnon65, likewise
08:29.30*** join/#asterisk Zipper_32 (
08:29.47Anon65Well your topic right now is what QuirkyCarla is talking about, is this channel for discussion of the activities of QuirkyCarla?
08:30.01Anon65Can I talk about non-QuirkyCarla related topics?
08:30.14Zipper_32Is it possible to have a MOH stream playing so that when users are placed on hold, they don't start the MOH soundfile from the beginning every time, but rather, they hear it from where it is currently playing?
08:30.24Anon65If you're talking about QuirkyCarla then what are we supposed to be talking about?
08:30.38boolean12Are you using the Asterisk default moh files?
08:30.44QuirkyCarlaHow is that not on topic?
08:30.50Zipper_32Yes I am boolean12,
08:31.00Anon65QuirkyCarla: *
08:31.01Zipper_32And format_mp3
08:31.14tzafrir_laptopZipper_32, this is what happens when you have an external moh stream
08:31.39tzafrir_laptopIf you use "files", it will start from the beginning
08:31.43QuirkyCarlaAnon65 said someone was making him grits, and I mentioned that I was eating spam and reese's.
08:32.04tzafrir_laptop(and if you use "files", it is really, really pointless to use mp3-s)
08:32.05Anon65Grits are on topic and spam isn't.
08:32.39Anon65Several people engaged me in talk about grits and interjected their opinions, so I think grits are on topic.
08:33.10Anon65Spam is probably off topic because it's a compressed, amalgamated faux meat.
08:33.18tzafrir_laptoppoints Anon65 to the near by source of sense of humour
08:33.51*** join/#asterisk matsk (
08:34.07Anon65Matsk: *
08:35.14*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff2 (
08:35.14QuirkyCarlaWhy discriminate against what I eat?
08:35.18QuirkyCarlaReeses are good.
08:35.21QuirkyCarlaSpam is good.
08:35.45QuirkyCarlaThe next thing they're going to tell me is they don't like green eggs and ham.
08:35.46*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
08:35.51tzafrir_laptopQuirkyCarla, You eat SPAM, not spam
08:35.59tzafrir_laptopquits this topic
08:36.08Anon65Heh, you went off topic dude.
08:36.21Anon65Now I'm going to shower you wish asterisks.
08:36.51QuirkyCarlaall capitals=shouting
08:36.59QuirkyCarlawhich raises the channel temperature.
08:37.03Anon65He's shouting.
08:37.08Anon65And going off topic.
08:37.23*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
08:37.25Anon65Quirky: I think he's trying to drive us out of the channel.
08:37.26QuirkyCarlaI know.
08:38.57Anon65The people here are repressed and are secretly desiring to go off topic but are afraid due to the excessive op presence and high channel temperature.
08:39.25tzafrir_laptopreminds Anon65 that this channel is logged
08:39.56Anon65Remind me, when was I first told?
08:40.06*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
08:40.10Anon65I thought Freenode frowned upon logging channels without telling people first...
08:40.25Anon65Is Asterisk an open source platform even?
08:40.52*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
08:41.28Anon65If this channel is logged it should be said so in the topic.
08:41.36Anon65I would imagine?
08:42.15Anon65One day while logging in I received a message from freenode pertaining to channel logging.
08:43.05Anon65Heh, I get the message everyday actually.
08:43.07Anon65"- and users of the channel are all made aware (if you are
08:43.07Anon65- publically logging your channel, you may wish to keep a
08:43.07Anon65- notice in topic and perhaps as a on-join message).
08:43.28Anon65I suggest that you may with to keep a notice of the logging in the topic.
08:43.42Anon65And perhaps an on-join message also.
08:44.00Anon65If freenode tells you everytime you login maybe they are trying to tell you something :)
08:45.15Anon65Tzafrir: You should get that info to the right people here.
08:45.57*** join/#asterisk casix (
08:46.03Anon65Hey buddy.
08:46.58casixI have a debug message but I don't know how to make because it doesn't apear any more. The message is this: chan_zap.c: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 65. Any idea?
08:47.43Anon65QuirkyCarla: Do you know about that debug message?
08:49.05QuirkyCarlaAnon65: No, but I thought you would. It's channel 65.
08:49.44tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell Anon65 about logs
08:49.53Anon65QuirkyCarla: You would think of all people, I would know about channel 65, but I do not.
08:49.58jbotit has been said that log is as piece of wood, or a record, or the opposite of exponentiation
08:50.39tzafrir_laptopcasix, is that a PRI channel?
08:50.50QuirkyCarlajbot: What do people mean when they say they're going to "drop a log"?
08:50.53casixit is
08:51.27henkAnon65: why not just query the channel owner?
08:51.58tzafrir_laptopcasix, maybe this appeared when the span was in alarm?
08:52.01Anon65Henk: Tzafrir keeps telling me about how the channel is logged, so he's the one I am reminding of the freenode notice.
08:53.06tzafrir_laptopAnon65, that channel is also logged on my home directory whenever I'm connected
08:53.36*** part/#asterisk Anon65 (i=anon@unaffiliated/anon65)
08:53.44*** join/#asterisk Anon65 (i=anon@unaffiliated/anon65)
08:54.33Anon65Tza: You should only be logging if the channel owner has requested this, and in that case it should be reflected in the topic, or perhaps in an on-join message
08:55.38casixtzafrir_laptop: not it is without alarms. I have some B-channel 0/19 successfully restarted on span errors too but not so often.
08:58.40*** join/#asterisk easycrypt (
08:58.56*** part/#asterisk Anon65 (i=anon@unaffiliated/anon65)
09:01.32*** join/#asterisk aksyn (
09:02.15QuirkyCarlaI'd like to know about Asterick too.
09:06.26Zipper_32tzafrir_laptop: Regarding your earlier comment about the continuous MOH playback, is mode=mp3 supposed to solve my problem, or should I try something like mpg123?
09:07.01tzafrir_laptopyes. But you can also use any other program that streams raw PCM.
09:07.23tzafrir_laptope.g. sox, or the minimal streamplayer in the utils directory
09:08.05tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell QuirkyCarla about wikis
09:08.30tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell QuirkyCarla about docs
09:09.03QuirkyCarlathank you, tzafrir_laptop
09:09.18tzafrir_laptopjbot, thanks
09:09.18jbotno worries, tzafrir_laptop
09:09.41casixtzafrir_laptop: how can I debug this messages? it is a phisical problem of hardware? is a drivers problem? it is a syncronization problem?
09:09.52casixdo you have any ideas?
09:10.03Zipper_32Thank you tzafrir_laptop.
09:10.56tzafrir_laptopcasix,  Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
09:13.11tzafrir_laptopThat error code (EAGAIN , I believe) means there is currently nothing in the channel. Thus it means that the zaptel channel is not working as usual
09:13.30tzafrir_laptopNot sure what else I can make out of it
09:15.34casixthx :)
09:16.02casixi'll search for a solution somewhere :)
09:26.15*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
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10:17.46hi365what do i have to do to get asterisk to reread manager.cong?
10:18.04*** join/#asterisk magenbrot (
10:18.29hi365ah 'reload manager'
10:25.41*** join/#asterisk magenbrot (
10:26.49*** join/#asterisk Devyll (n=email@
10:31.44Devyll.. hello guys. I need to connect from a ATM atenna of Vodafone to my server with asterisk installed. What kind of cable do I need and what interface do I need to install in the server ? (I have to carry E1 from the antenna to the asterisk server "which simulates a pbx") . The specs from vodafone say that we have to use: "the standard connectivity rules".
10:32.14*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
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10:45.56tzafrir_laptophi365, on which version of asterisk?
10:46.39tzafrir_laptopthe users list is not cached
10:46.46tzafrir_laptopre-searched on every login
10:47.01hi365so no need?
10:58.22*** join/#asterisk loompek (
10:58.24loompek[Sep 22 11:56:57] WARNING[31886]: translate.c:175 framein: no samples for alawtolin
10:58.27loompekany ideas?
11:00.02loompeki've got the .alaw file
11:06.26*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:06.39tzafrir_laptopmisleading warning . The problem for the shortage of frames is probably a step before that
11:09.41loompek[Sep 22 12:07:31] WARNING[32350]: translate.c:175 framein: no samples for alawtolin
11:09.41loompek-- Started music on hold, class 'test', on SIP/5-08228a18
11:13.08loompekeven though i can't see the rtp on the trace
11:14.23*** part/#asterisk joat (
11:17.03loompekany ideas?
11:22.06*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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12:05.26barakudahi all
12:07.31*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (n=sbrown@
12:09.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:10.43*** join/#asterisk Gat0rvean (n=gredish@
12:15.05tzafrir_laptopall greats barakuda
12:15.33*** join/#asterisk mav3rick (
12:15.56barakudais memory leaks normal for latest asterisk of 1.4 branch ?
12:17.51tzafrir_laptopmemory leaks from where?
12:18.08*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (i=azrishah@
12:19.57barakudasince last 3 days proccess asterisk ate from 2 to 60 percents of system memory by top
12:23.06*** join/#asterisk servettas (n=usta@
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12:23.15servettashi guys
12:23.57servettashow can i set spa400 with port by port for outbound ?
12:24.27[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Basically you can't.  You don't get port-level control with it.
12:25.15servettasi can get all call but i want use 4 trunk for ports. can i do ?
12:25.21*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:27.50[TK]D-Fenderservettas: You cannot use the ports independently.
12:28.51servettas[TK]D-Fender, may you look ?
12:30.40[TK]D-Fenderservettas:     *  Is it possible to group lines for the purposes of outbound calling, as opposed to using all 4?       == Actually groupng lines, or select distinctive line for outbound call is impossible.
12:30.50*** join/#asterisk esaym (
12:31.00[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Doesn't get much clearer than that
12:31.20[TK]D-Fenderservettas: You can NOT pick a specific individual line to use.
12:32.15[TK]D-Fenderservettas: the SPA-400 is not a really good choice for Asterisk
12:33.10servettas[TK]D-Fender, i have two gsm operator and i want use with outbound route may be 901, 902 ect. can i do with spa400 ?
12:33.47[TK]D-Fenderservettas: I've answered this 3 times.  I am done repeating myself.
12:33.57servettasnow ok all
12:34.03servettasthanks for help
12:34.50servettaswhat can i use for fxo line ?
12:35.44[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Digium/Sangoma cards, AudioCodes/Mediatrix/Patton Gateways.
12:48.52*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:56.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm preparing to do an upgrade for my IP 330's from SIP 2.1.2 to SIP 2.2.0. The tarball contains extra sip.ld files with prefixes like 2345-12200-001.sip.ld but I can't find any details on them in the readme or the release notes. Should I just include them anyways?
12:56.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Read your SIP application docs.  They had a composite sip.ld, and broken up versions for those going more light-weight
12:56.57*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
12:57.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: sip.ld is hug by comparison as its for all models
12:57.55jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ok so that's covered in the SIP Admin Guide? or do you mean a different doc?
12:58.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Last I checked.  There are 4 primary docs : SIP/BR release notes, SIP/BR admin guides, and then model-based user guides
13:01.19*** join/#asterisk write_erase (n=Olivier@
13:02.37write_eraseHi ... when I try to hold a call, mp3 starts to play and stops a couple of seconds after, then silence. Any idea how to solve that ? (Running Asterisk 1.4 from debian Lenny) . Thx
13:02.46*** join/#asterisk km- (n=pgrace@
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13:10.29x86write_erase: one way to solve it is use an external mp3 player like mpg123 or mpg321
13:10.51x86write_erase: another way to solve it is converting the mp3 files to 8000Hz mono wav's
13:11.31MindTheGaphello all, asterisk 1.6.0 rc6 using ldap realtime peers, hints will only work for static peers. I have rtcachefriends=on, call-limit=100, limitonpeers=yes and subscribecontext="the context hints show up in the dialplan" in sip.conf [general] section, but I only get presence information on static peers. realtime peers will show "idle" even when in use.
13:12.25write_erasex86, same problem when I use custom type  + mpg123 (either from debian packages, or hand compiled)
13:12.59x86write_erase: then convert to wav with sox
13:14.13x86MindTheGap: not sure about LDAP at all, but I've always had similar issues with realtime peers in a MySQL database
13:14.20*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
13:15.10km-is there a way to make zttool display E1 instead of T1?
13:15.14km-its only showing me 24 channels.
13:15.19write_erasex86, you mean convert to real .wav files, or to .wav streams ?
13:15.21tzafrir_laptopSo you have a T1
13:15.29tzafrir_laptopkm-, what device is it?
13:15.38km-I have the span set as ami,cas
13:15.55*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
13:15.55km-cas,ami rather.
13:15.57*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
13:16.19tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure if it has jumpers for that. But it has a load-time option "t1e1override"
13:16.27km-is there some other magic asides from that to make the span go E1, like perhaps a module option?
13:17.56tzafrir_laptopkm-, to get all options of a module: modinfo module_name
13:18.00km-when I set t1e1override=0xFF my ztcfg now fails on zt_spanconfig with invalid argument
13:18.15tzafrir_laptopSure. You need to adjust your config
13:18.22tzafrir_laptopnotes zapconf
13:18.42*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:18.50tzafrir_laptopDo you need it for CAS?
13:19.29km-how it do that.
13:19.35km-I think I need cas, yeah.
13:19.53km-I think for the purposes of this test ccs might work but to be complete with the environment it should be cas.
13:20.01x86E1 can use AMI coding?
13:20.08km-that's what zaptel.conf said.
13:20.19x86I thought they used CRB4 or something like that
13:20.35km-err hdb3 I think it is
13:21.45x86yeah something like that
13:22.58tzafrir_laptopnotes zapconf
13:23.03*** join/#asterisk DarylVOIP (n=daryl@
13:23.10km-that command did the magic
13:23.12km-thanks tzafrir!
13:23.28km-as always your wealth of knowledge takes me across the finish line!
13:26.48JThigh density bi-polar 3
13:26.54JToften with crc4
13:26.58*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:27.18JTso many guesses that were off...
13:29.40coppiceanyone who uses E1 for ISDN without CRC4 needs spanking
13:30.04*** join/#asterisk ZefK (
13:32.09Siyajust to provide some feedback about my issues with UK sipgate
13:32.44SiyaI've ripped all NAT config off my * server and added realm to users.conf (no flames please)
13:32.50Siyaand now it all works perfect
13:33.10*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
13:33.14Siyaalso helps to add your own number (not full enum) to extensions.conf
13:33.51Siyawell done to my Cisco 877 for doing statefull nat (including what cisco calls piggyback nat)
13:34.01tzafrir_laptopcoppice, I heard some do, where the infrastructure is bad and they expect errors
13:34.29Siyacoppice: NL has a lot of PRI without CRC4
13:34.47Siyathough not sure if that's what you'd call E1
13:34.59coppicethis has nothing whatsoever to do with errors. A PRI without CRC4 is broken. various countries do it, and it gives problems
13:35.55ZefKHi. I have a Xorcom Astribank with 4 BRI ports. The ports work normal in TE mode but in NT mode I receve "Channel 0/1, span 4 got hangup, cause 18". Also if I connect one NT port of the unit with one TE port of the same unit the status leds blinks twice, that mean only Layer 1 is active. If I connect one port Of the unit in TE mode with the local carrier the port blink once, that mean Layer 2 is active and everything works. Is anyone that can help me ?
13:36.10Siyacoppice: ic
13:36.36*** join/#asterisk stewbaby (
13:36.47tzafrir_laptopZefK, if it blinks (in whatever way) layer 1 is active
13:37.15coppiceCRC4 is not an error check mechanism, as CRCs usually are. its to defeat a pattern sensitivity problem with E1s. T1s use CRC6 with ISDN for similar reasons
13:37.24tzafrir_laptopA steady (single) blink means that there's some traffic in the D channel, which normally means that layer 2 is up
13:37.26ZefKtzafrir_laptop, ok ... but I need to use one port in NT mode.
13:38.01tzafrir_laptopIs asterisk running? If it is not running, nothing will pull traffic and you won't have layer 2
13:38.14ZefKtzafrir_laptop, can you take look here please ...
13:38.53*** join/#asterisk timholum (
13:38.54Siyacoppice: ahh yes, most PRI's I saw in NL were straight PRI interfaces (ISDN30) and not E1
13:39.17coppiceThose are E1s
13:39.19JTpri is just a layer over E1
13:40.14timholumhello i am wondering if any one in hear uses aastra phones, I am tossing up weather to get the aastra 51i or the linksys spa-921 any opinions which is better
13:40.28x86timholum: Polycom
13:41.10tzafrir_laptopZefK, could you please try the same after 'pri intense debug span 4' ?
13:41.19*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
13:41.28ZefKtzafrir_laptop, ok .. w8 thanks
13:41.33tzafrir_laptopplease wait some 10 seconds before dialing, so we could see any RRs and such
13:42.18timholumok, any modle number in paticular? i am looking in the $75 range
13:43.24tzafrir_laptopcoppice, what do you mean by "defeat a pattern sensitivity problem"? make sure you have a semi-rando data occasionally?
13:43.35tzafrir_laptopWhere does it matter?
13:43.50*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
13:44.29coppiceif you share an ISDN E1 lackign CRC4 you can be evil and make it loose sync for everyone else very easily :-)
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13:46.29tzafrir_laptopZefK, try:  watch -n1 -d cat /proc/xpp/XBUS-00/XPD-03/summary
13:46.45tzafrir_laptophmmm... sorry , won't help here
13:47.04tzafrir_laptopZefK, cat /proc/xpp/XBUS-00/XPD-03/bri_info
13:47.10tzafrir_laptopwhat do you see there?
13:51.02*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
13:51.15tzafrir_laptoplayer 1 is up, but nothing gets sent in the D channel. hmmm...
13:51.52tzafrir_laptopwhat version of the drivers? modinfo zaptel | grep ^version
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13:52.54ZefKtzafrir_laptop, version:; srcversion:     A4CE7978797E22E1E9F21BA
13:53.39ZefKtzafrir_laptop, I have installed everything starting from the xorcom site
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14:00.20ZefKtzafrir_laptop, I have tested with debian and centos; with 2 different units => the result is the same
14:01.58boolean12Does 1.6 have async rtp packets?
14:02.02lmadsenmorning all
14:04.50*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
14:04.52teknoprephi all
14:05.12teknoprepanyone know of a Softpohone either IAX2 or SIP that works on windows mobile smartphones ?
14:05.24teknoprepi know wm6 comes with one but most providers take it out of there roms
14:05.27lmadsenteknoprep: I think X-lite used to offer something like that...
14:05.38lmadsenand maybe zoiper does... ?
14:06.04*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
14:06.45mav3ricksjphone does (Windows CE)
14:06.57teknoprepwin CE is Older than dirt
14:07.17mav3rickthey have a .cab for pocket pc 2003
14:07.46teknoprepyes and it doesn;t work for wm5
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14:07.48teknoprepor wm6
14:08.45mav3rickokay sorry :)
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14:14.34dlewiswhat's new David?
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14:15.48kotique-- Got SIP response 423 "Interval too brief" back from
14:15.54kotiquehow do I set expiry time per peer ?
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14:20.37kotiquehow do I set expiry time per peer ?
14:23.26[TK]D-Fenderkotique: You don't  Its global
14:23.47kotiquehey, I wan't change it just to accomodate 1 peer
14:23.50kotiquebroken peer ;)
14:24.02*** join/#asterisk shag- (
14:24.39[TK]D-Fenderkotique: Ok, feel free to build another server to act as an intermediary then :)
14:25.29*** join/#asterisk bradleyprice86 (n=bradleyp@
14:26.33shag-quick question - i seem to have some jitter issues when leaving messages on my local Asterisk server. i do not have issues when calling internal phones or external calls. this s eems only to happen when recording voicemail. any ideas where i should check?
14:26.38shag-running 1.4.21
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14:35.47ipstaticAnyone ever have a Digium TE122 PRI card freak out a machine if the PRI had errors on it?
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14:39.04casixwhen I load the zaptel modules the files that are in of /dev/zap/ are owned by asterisk. How can I make it to be owned from root????
14:40.47[TK]D-Fendercasix: chown
14:41.26casix[TK]D-Fender: yes, but I want it forever, even after a restart...
14:41.34shag-quick question - i seem to have some jitter issues when leaving messages on my local Asterisk server. i do not have issues when calling internal phones or external calls. this s eems only to happen when recording voicemail. any ideas where i should check?
14:42.36*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
14:43.41[TK]D-Fendercasix: Go look at your zaptel init scripts then
14:45.52*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
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14:48.14jbotextra, extra, read all about it, manxpower is NOT an employee of Digium.  He is looking for a training/teaching job in networking and/or Asterisk.  Currently doing Asterisk and WAN consulting.  Contact:
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14:54.27tzafrir_laptopcasix, those files are generated by udev . tell udev to make them owned by asterisk
14:54.38tzafrir_laptopSee the current sample udev file
14:55.38tzafrir_laptopgrep zap /etc/udev/rules/*.rules
14:56.01tzafrir_laptopgrep zap /etc/udev/rules/*.rules | grep asterisk
14:56.29MindTheGaphello all, asterisk 1.6.0 rc6 using ldap realtime peers, hints will only work for static peers. I have rtcachefriends=on, call-limit=100, limitonpeers=yes and subscribecontext="the context hints show up in the dialplan" in sip.conf [general] section, but I only get presence information on static peers. realtime peers will show "idle" even when in use.
15:00.02*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
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15:08.03casixtzafrir_laptop: ok, I'll try to tell it to udev :)
15:08.04*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
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15:09.33ManxPowerI suspect subscribecontext only works in the peer/friend sections
15:14.44*** join/#asterisk _trine (n=trine@
15:15.06_trineon my voip box ,,, has anyone any idea why on my system which appears to be working fine in all other contexts I can't seem to be able to connect to one particular number?
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15:15.46_trinewhich is a pots line
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15:16.32jplankanyone having issues with sourceforge?
15:16.41Qwelljplank: all the time
15:17.13jplankerrrr I needed to download something, damn free projects
15:17.21Qwellsf != free
15:17.23jplank::shakes fist::
15:17.30Qwellsf sold out :p
15:17.42jameswf-homeI think SF has gotten pretty big and with some projects hosting ISO's on their mirrors well.....
15:17.51jplankthe projects hosted on it are usually free
15:18.01QwellI just don't like the site itself anymore
15:18.03Qwellsilly ostg
15:18.08*** part/#asterisk wacky_ (
15:18.14tzafrir_laptopThe codebase of SF isn't
15:18.23Qwelltzafrir_laptop: really?  that's kinda funny
15:18.27tzafrir_laptopAlthough GForge is based on the original code base
15:18.28jameswf-homefree as in beer not freedom
15:18.37coppiceSF is a pain
15:18.39Qwell/. still is, right?
15:19.12jameswf-homeI am open source.... but you cant see the code till im dead :)
15:19.16tzafrir_laptopcoppice, actually, it has imroved. e.g. the major pain of "no direct download links" is mostly gone
15:19.45shag-quick question - i seem to have some jitter issues when leaving messages on my local Asterisk server. i do not have issues when calling internal phones or external calls. this s eems only to happen when recording voicemail. any ideas where i should check?
15:19.46coppiceSF is a good way to distribute releases, as they have lots of bandwidth and mirrors. it sucks for development work, though
15:20.05jameswf-homethe need for redirect links to track downloads shows lack of knowledge
15:20.11QwellI disagree with some of the "investments" they've made..
15:21.01Qwelltake a look at some of the companies where Larry Augustin is on the board
15:21.08coppiceoh, don't sell them short...... or the SEC will be after you :-)
15:21.10QwellI'll give you one guess
15:21.13jameswf-homeI dont know why but that reminds me i need to open my home firewall to by blackberry
15:21.32tzafrir_laptopSF's svn setup is quite nice: you can do any read-only operation . And only write operations require authentication
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15:21.55jameswf-homewell you can use google code it is like the new old SF
15:22.01coppiceI haven't used SVN on SF, but their CVS was terrible
15:22.26Qwell"He currently serves on the board of several companies, including Fonality, the Free Standards Group, JBoss, Linux International, MedSphere, the OSDL, Pentaho, SugarCRM, Hyperic, Compiere, Zend Technologies and Appcelerator."
15:22.28tzafrir_laptopthey (SF) also improved their wiki and clarified their site
15:23.03coppicetheir mailing lists used to be a disaster, but that improved a lot
15:23.20tzafrir_laptopCVS is bad if the server is not local :-)
15:23.22jameswf-homeI love tb forums, a real user writes: Where can I find the file sip.conf and extensions.conf
15:23.45coppiceI hate SVN more than I hate CVS :-)
15:24.00tzafrir_laptopprefers git over both
15:24.19jameswf-homecoppice: you use git
15:24.26jameswf-homeoh wow im slow
15:24.31coppiceSVN is wacky. why take something so bad as a reference model for a whole new project? :-\
15:25.00jameswf-homeversion control is over rated
15:25.02heedlythinking of new things is hard.
15:25.08heedlyjameswf-home is over rated
15:25.34*** part/#asterisk shag- (
15:25.53jameswf-homebut my ARM is about to reset so i wont be over rated long
15:26.01coppiceheedly: was that intended to be justification for following the worst existing model?
15:26.48tzafrir_laptopcoppice, It took CVS as a reference model, which means you can easily switch without too many unnecessarily-new concepts
15:26.56jameswf-homewe do our version control in MS Word :)
15:27.13coppiceyeah, but you gain almost nothing from the change
15:27.46tzafrir_laptopsure you do. atomit commits, real support for moving files
15:27.59heedlycoppice: I suppose so.
15:28.13heedlyyou state opinions, I state facts.
15:28.36coppiceminor things. it does nothing to help with the real time consuming issues
15:28.54jameswf-homewho wants to hear a true story i just made up
15:29.06tzafrir_laptoplosing all the history of a file on move was a really misfeature of CVS et al.
15:29.10loompek[Sep 22 16:28:06] WARNING[9497]: translate.c:175 framein: no samples for alawtolin
15:29.10loompek-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/5060-081f80d0
15:29.15loompekstill the same problem :(
15:29.34loompekringback doesn't work :S
15:29.35tzafrir_laptop(or requiring the admin to manually move the file)
15:30.11coppiceoh, yeah. SVN definitely cleans up some of the pain with a setup like sf
15:31.12tzafrir_laptopstill, since I started to use git, there are a number of things I sorely miss in SVN, beyond the fact that it is not distriibuted
15:31.47coppiceimagine if they'd put all that effort into one of the next generation control tools that were already going when SVN started :-)
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15:32.03tzafrir_laptopone bit of interface sugar is that git commands that emit more that a screenful of output, send it through PAGER
15:33.12coppicegit is the new kid on the block, and arguably the best thought through. it builds on a lot of stuff going back a few years though. certainly to beyond the start of SVN
15:35.24tzafrir_laptopgit and mercuruial were generated at about the same time.
15:36.01tzafrir_laptopbzr is likewise not of the first generation of distributed version control systems
15:36.09coppicemercurial is older, because linus said he looked at that and considered joining in. several things are a lot older than mercurial, though
15:36.21tzafrir_laptop(arch/tla/baz , darcs, and such)
15:36.31tzafrir_laptopolder, but not much older
15:36.51coppicesome of these things go back ages, and lacked the resources to push them forward
15:37.21tzafrir_laptopdarcs is, I believe, the only one of the "older" ones that is still actually used.
15:37.34tzafrir_laptopand it has gone through a major revision (2.0)
15:37.59tzafrir_laptopbut still has major performance issues and is rarely used
15:38.41coppicea come across famous projects using it from time to time. I think Nokia heavily use darcs
15:40.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
15:40.24tzafrir_laptopDebian is dominated by SVN and Git

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