IRC log for #asterisk on 20080920

00:05.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:07.14hardwirewhat layer 1 failover devices are available in the US?
00:07.35hardwireisdnguard and the beronet stuff isn't even sold in the US
00:08.43*** join/#asterisk imcdona (i=imcdona@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:b917)
00:11.24voxterI'm trying to do a chanspy on a channel, and it is telling me "Cannot provide audio mixing on 'ulaw-'ulaw' format spies"  - except none of the calls are using ulaw, and it doesnt start the spy.  Anyone know why this would happen?
00:14.18hardwireI'm guessing it's so hard to buy one because it's.. well.. so hard to sell one.
00:14.58voxterok so that was my fault for modifying the chanspy code! hah.
00:18.37*** join/#asterisk xloafx-work (
00:19.59*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
00:20.07*** join/#asterisk joat (
00:28.15*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:32.26*** join/#asterisk Optic (
00:32.40Optichello all
00:32.56Optici've got a fastAGI script that suddenly stopped getting DTMF
00:33.08OpticDMTF works fine in the demo context, for example
00:33.12Opticbut doesn't make it into the AGI
00:33.15Opticit used to work. :(
00:33.24*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:33.44OpticWAIT FOR DIGIT just times out
00:34.09unpaidbillugh, SendFAX is not detecting T.38
00:34.28unpaidbilli dont have to specify anything special in sip.conf to make it work do i?
00:36.19*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
00:37.05unpaidbilloh wow
00:37.39CrashSysAnyone ever worked with CDR_MySQL? I'm trying to set an extra field using Set(CDR(fieldname)=1) but it's not taking
00:37.53ManxPowerunpaidbill: sendfax or tx_fax?
00:38.13ManxPowerunpaidbill: you understand that Asterisk is not a T.38 endpoint, right?
00:38.48ManxPowerOptic: the classic cause of that is not running whatever AGI startup function your AGI library has.
00:39.05ManxPowerIf STDIN is not read and parsed, you won't get the DTMF
00:46.28unpaidbilli'm using 1.6
00:46.37unpaidbillit supports origination/termination for t.38 just not gateway
00:46.44unpaidbilli have it almost working now
00:47.00Opticmanx: hmm, it seems to work if I answer and play a file before i start the AGI
00:47.12unpaidbillit's at least negotiating the t.38 stuff now
00:47.46unpaidbillonce i can use asterisk as a t.38 gateway i'll be a super happy camper
00:50.36unpaidbillGot T.38 Re-invite without audio. Keeping RTP active during T.38 session. //// T38 negotiated, finishing audio loop ////  Fax phase E handler. result=49 /// Error transmitting fax. result=49: The call dropped prematurely.
00:50.38unpaidbillso close.
00:56.51DefrazI am trying to use the IP DHCP Snooping command but it doesn't seem to be found.
00:57.01Defrazis that part of a different feature set?
00:57.10Defrazoops wrong channel
00:57.34*** join/#asterisk esaym (
00:57.49*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB-macbook (n=EI5GTB@
00:59.58*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@
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01:00.37*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:10.24ManxPowerDefraz: try enabling DHCP server (but don't config anything) on the router.  In some versions of the IOS I had to do this to do DHCP across subnets/vlans
01:12.15*** join/#asterisk imcdona (i=imcdona@2002:1813:5496:0:0:0:1813:5496)
01:15.41unpaidbillhey this works pretty good, well done sirs and whoever wrote spandsp
01:16.20*** join/#asterisk esaym (
01:16.27unpaidbilli will totally buy you a lapdance if you visit honolulu
01:16.37chaozerunpaidbill, what are you using ? :) ( i wasnt listening) ;)
01:17.00chaozerjust the faxplugin for asterisk ?
01:17.01unpaidbillasterisk 1.6rc6, spandsp 0.0.5pre4, and app_fax (SendFAX)
01:17.35unpaidbillFax transmitted successfully. /// Pages transferred: 2 ///Image resolution:  8031 x 7700///Transfer Rate:     14400///FLOW T.38T FAX exchange complete
01:17.50chaozerunpaidbill, ... when I tried it I noticed it doesnt handle failed transmissions very well.. (no resend).
01:18.12unpaidbillwell i just started testing, that was the first fax i sent through so far
01:18.45unpaidbillit will hopefully work well for me, the SIP host i connect to is on the other side of my T1
01:19.14*** join/#asterisk baliktad (
01:19.15chaozerunpaidbill, im using hylafax + iaxmodem myself ... with SIP ... works good for incoming faxes only... for a reason I don't yet quite understand.
01:19.47unpaidbilli used to use that
01:19.52unpaidbillbut i've been having a really bad time with it lately
01:20.23unpaidbillswitched over from e&m wink to a PRI and things just suck now
01:20.43unpaidbillplus our backend is voip handled by an adtran device, so instead of splitting off 8 pairs it uses voip and QoS
01:21.24unpaidbillwe went from 100% reliability to 10%
01:22.06*** join/#asterisk frogonwheels (n=michaelg@
01:22.17unpaidbilli do love hylafax + iaxmodem though, i wish it still worked :/
01:22.22unpaidbilldo you do email or printing to fax?
01:22.52chaozeri have a 100% successrate on incoming faxes (more or less) .. and something like 50% on outgoing.... not suprising considering its over VoIP... .. but I dont understand why it differs so much depending on if its outgoign or incoming.
01:22.57unpaidbillthe best i've found is winprint hylafax but it doesnt support a cover page, i was gonna add it in but i dont have any way to compile borland C
01:23.02chaozerunpaidbill, email.
01:23.22unpaidbilldo you just attach a default cover page? or use the body of the email?
01:23.53unpaidbillyour upstream sucks maybe? :P
01:24.23chaozeri use it together with AvantFax .. so you can actually choose to attach a cover when sending with a nice web interface :)
01:24.39unpaidbillahh that's the payware hylafax deal right?
01:24.43chaozerupstream AND downstream both suck :)
01:24.48chaozerpayware? nah
01:24.58chaozerits a free webinterface written in php
01:25.17unpaidbilloh wow this looks awesome
01:25.19chaozergoogle it :)... its very nice ..
01:25.26chaozerand you can even read pdfs directly in the browser.
01:25.36chaozeror save them out ... etc :)
01:25.42unpaidbilldamn, i totally need to get hylafax working again, i wonder if i can use t38modem
01:26.16chaozeri did some tries with that ... .. and discovered my provider doesnt support t38 :(
01:26.27unpaidbillwho is your provider?
01:26.33chaozerrix telecom ... im in sweden :)
01:26.38unpaidbilli thought pretty much every sip provider supported t38 in some form or another
01:26.45unpaidbillwell i cant vouch for sweden
01:26.58chaozeryeah ... pretty much everyone else does support it ... but not them :)
01:27.11chaozerwhich is ..... pretty annoying right now ;)
01:27.51chaozerright now we have fax sending working well with just a normal analogue line and a faxmodem ;) .... it sucks a bit as you can only send one at a time ... but its an ok solution.
01:28.32chaozeratleast receiving multiple faxes works :)
01:31.43*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
01:33.30*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
01:37.01baliktadI remember seeing some sort of asterisk incompatibility/bug with CentOS 5.2, is that true/anyone have more info or link?
01:37.23chaozersoundas weird.....
01:39.57unpaidbillyes baliktad i have heard that, i believe it was posted on or something.. though i cant remember exactly either
01:40.00unpaidbillsome library issue
01:45.36jbotit has been said that centosbug is a problem with the 2.6.9 kernels prior to 2.6.9-42 If you can't compile zaptel, do a 'yum update', you're running an old kernel. If you HAVE to run an old kernel, the fix is "sed -i s/rw_lock/rwlock/ /usr/src/kernels/*/include/linux/spinlock.h
01:46.33jayteealso when you compile zaptel use make menuselect and if you don't need it, deselect the Astribank driver.
01:46.45chaozerguys .. is there something in asterisk to ignore keypresses from the user ?
01:47.46*** join/#asterisk puga (
01:50.42chaozerhmm ... nevermind ;)
01:51.19*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
01:51.26pugaanyone know who manage SIP TLS support for asterisk?
01:51.34pugathe developer
01:51.50*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
01:54.04RB2Evening all, I'm trying to run setup-polycom, but it wants an interface prefixed with eth. I'm using a hosted asterisk VPS, so the interface is venet0. Is there a way to run the script against that interface?
01:54.50*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
02:00.23*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
02:01.38chaozerRB2, i didnt use that script myself.... buy why not just edit the script or rename the interface ;) ?
02:02.50TrentCreekbut nuttin
02:02.59chaozerjust do this...
02:02.59TrentCreekwho got the 8.95 Wall World phone
02:03.08RB2chaozer, I just edited the resulting server.cfg that it created.
02:03.25chaozerwell then problem solved ;)
02:03.35RB2It just finished updating the BootROM and now it's Downloading the new application, so it appears to be working
02:04.42chaozeranother approach would be to run "sed" on the script itself and replace all "eth" instances with "venet" ;)
02:07.25chaozercan anyone recommend a good recent movie ? im bored ;)
02:07.36TrentCreekDark Knight
02:08.28chaozerTrentCreek,  yeah well duh :)... ive seen that one ;) .. like the rest 99% of the worlds population ;)
02:08.41TrentCreekguess I am that 1%
02:08.47chaozerTrentCreek, ;)
02:09.43chaozerfrom 1987 ?
02:09.54chaozerlol looks like a porn movie
02:10.01chaozerwith ron jeremy ;)
02:10.14chaozeroh im looking at "lust of blackula" .P
02:11.09chaozeri can only find "blacula" from 1972 .. a bit to old for my taste :)
02:11.21TrentCreekno pr0n
02:11.52TrentCreekit's one of those "blacsploitation" movies
02:12.30chaozerthis one ? ;)
02:13.23chaozer.. i dont know if I could enjoy that ;)
02:13.38TrentCreek"Blaxploitation films tend to take place in the ghetto, dealing with pimps, drug dealers, and hit men."
02:14.47TrentCreekyea...that's it
02:15.28mchouchaozer: seen Wall-e?
02:15.35chaozermm :).. way to vintage for my taste :) .. although there are a few gems from the 70's ;) ...
02:15.51chaozermchou, yeah :) ... it was ok ....
02:16.37mchouchaozer: why dont you tell us what your favorite movies are so we can understand what you're looking for :)
02:17.01*** join/#asterisk mirrorcolor (n=mirrorco@unaffiliated/mirrorcolor)
02:17.20TrentCreekBurt Reynolds instead
02:17.20chaozermchou, I like pretty much everything ... but favourites have to be scifi flicks... but anything goes really :) ...
02:17.38TrentCreekGator McClusky!
02:18.00seanbrightShut The Fuck Up!
02:18.29mchouchaozer: you like foregn movies?
02:19.13chaozermchou, depends .. but yes ... especially korean and jap movies tend to be very good.
02:19.25chaozerindian ... not so much ;)
02:19.36chaozerfrench .. can't stand the language ...
02:21.38mchouchaozer: Have you seen "The Host?"
02:21.49chaozermchou, yeah .. loved it :)
02:22.45chaozeranyone of you seen "saving the green planet" ?
02:23.00chaozerthats one of the best korean movies *ever* :)
02:23.03mchouchaozer: need imdb linky pls
02:24.01mchouhmm, haven seen that.  I'll check it out
02:24.38mchouchaozer: you've seen "There will be blood"?
02:25.00mchouhighly recommended if you havent seen that
02:25.16drmessanoI think I know what kinda movie chaozer wants
02:25.17chaozermchou, seen it .. . one of the best movies this year.
02:26.11chaozeror last year rather ;)
02:26.24nosbigHave either of you watched "The Rage"?
02:26.54chaozernosbig, hmm
02:27.04mchou4.4 rating on imdb
02:27.08mchouno thanks
02:27.18chaozernosbig, nope.. not seen that one
02:27.34chaozerhey some of the best movies score low at imdb
02:27.38chaozerjust look at Repli-Kate :D
02:27.55chaozerone of the best comedies of all time ;)
02:28.35nosbigYeah...  It's a really good bad horror file...  or a really bad horro film, depending on your perspective...  ;-)
02:28.40drmessanoBut chaozer, I think, is looking for one of those movies where two people play mommy and daddy except one is not a mommy but a daddy and he really likes it and doesnt know why, so dont tell anyone...
02:29.01RB2Hurrah, it worked. :D
02:30.22chaozerdrmessano, sorry to dissapoint you.. but I don't go that way ;)
02:30.57drmessanoThat's what they all say..
02:32.07drmessanoEven after they toss pics of the inside of their PBX to you under the mens room stall at Astricon.
02:32.10mchouI've seen that movie.  It's called "the Crying Game" :)
02:32.23chaozerTrentCreek, seen that movie ?
02:32.38drmessano"Have a look at my TDM69P"
02:32.39TrentCreekCaused quite a bit of stir in Korea
02:32.51chaozerTrentCreek, sounds dangerous
02:33.10chaozerTrentCreek, good score though
02:33.15TrentCreek#1 because the girl was a famous pop singer (great=nude sex scenes, and two the subject matter)
02:33.16mchouTrentCreek: so you recommend Summer Time?
02:33.27TrentCreekyeah..was a hit in Korea
02:33.32chaozerTrentCreek, thanks... i'll check it out :)
02:33.36TrentCreekI have it on DVD
02:33.48TrentCreekThere is a nother, but I cannot find it yet
02:33.48chaozerTrentCreek, is it a flick to watch WITH or WITHOUT the wife ;) ?
02:33.59TrentCreekeither or
02:34.05mchouif you need to ask.....
02:34.07chaozerok .. good to know :P
02:34.18mchouwatch it with the mistress :)
02:34.52TrentCreekHere is a good one for with the wife
02:35.08TrentCreekShe will be teary eyed
02:35.49chaozerthanks .. i'll check it out aswell
02:36.26chaozerwhile we are on korean movies.. i really hope you guys have seen Siworae ?
02:37.02chaozerthe best romance/scifi movie ever :)
02:37.24TrentCreekI found a trailer
02:39.32mchouIt looks a bit overdramatic
02:39.34chaozerTrentCreek, man that looks kinda tragic
02:39.51TrentCreekit is
02:39.55chaozeri'll still check it out though :)
02:40.25TrentCreekIf you order it from HK, you can get with English subtitles
02:40.57TrentCreekmchou: maybe, but it won awards
02:41.44chaozerhow about siworae, then ? did you guys see it ?
02:41.54mchouor you can watch "Sicko"
02:42.02mchouI recommend that movie
02:42.16TrentCreekthat's not a "movie"
02:42.29*** join/#asterisk mateo_au (i=chatzill@
02:42.30TrentCreekor Sling Blade
02:42.33chaozerthe michael moore flick ? :) seen it if you are talking about that
02:42.42mchouTrentCreek: it's probably better than any movie :)
02:42.51mchouchaozer: yeah
02:43.17TrentCreekSling Blade!
02:43.30mchouSling blade sucked
02:44.03drmessanoOverrated movie
02:44.08TrentCreek"I guess I ain't got no reason to kill anymore."
02:44.30mchouchaozer: you know "the lake house" is remake of Siworae, right?
02:44.39chaozermchou, luckily i live in sweden ;) .. so sicko doesnt really concern me :)
02:44.50chaozermchou, yes... but the lake house is a bad remake of siworae :)
02:44.58TrentCreekBBT should have gotten a award for that
02:45.14mchouchaozer: name an American remake that wasnt bad :)
02:45.52chaozermchou, the ring :) .. i liked the american one better myself ... although not everyone agrees with me ;)
02:46.16mchouThe ring was only good because of what's her name
02:46.54chaozeryeah but ... they did nail it pretty well imo :)
02:47.36drmessanoI really don't get horror movies.. want to show me real horror.. I want a 90 minute feature flick with a guy trying to get cash back at a supermarket on a wednesday night after 10PM after writing a check, or coming home and finding your cat has a bad case of diarrhea and didn't feel happy when she got sick in one room, so she kept moving....all day.
02:47.45*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
02:47.49*** join/#asterisk Levonk (n=lk@
02:48.03chaozerdrmessano, thats another type of horror yea ;)
02:48.19mchoudrmessano: I'm sure you've do the same if you were in the cat's shoes :)
02:49.51drmessanoComing this summer from Paramount Pictures:  Ben Affleck and Jennifer Gardner in "The SIP that echoed"
02:50.48drmessanoor Robin Williams in "The IAX Murder"
02:51.01drmessano"Whats the matter boy, don't like SIP?"
02:51.04drmessanoComing THIS SUMMER
02:51.53chaozerwatches a desert ball roll by....
02:52.37RB2Have any of you guys setup Asterisk with Broadvoice?
02:53.12drmessanoBrought together by lust, and kept apart by a love for incompatible VoIP technologies, two distant lovers set out to find the secre tto chan_skype, in a new feature film from RKO pictures... "A dog named Skype"
02:53.33chaozerRB2, nope ... but thats just normal SIP, no ?
02:53.35drmessano"This film is not yet rated"
02:55.18RB2chaozer, yeah, it is and they have instructions for asterisk. But, I'm using FreePBX and I don't think the extension properties are labeled the same as in the conf file.
02:56.13RB2I've setup asterisk before, but I'm still a newbie. So, figuring it out is like banging my head against the wall. :-P
02:56.39chaozerRB2, well.. whats the problem right now then ?
02:56.41RB2But at least I got the poly 650 up and running. ;)
02:57.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:57.33RB2They want me to set a "fromuser" property on the extension. But, I don't see anything that looks like that in FreePBX
02:57.34chaozeri ironed out my problems via the cli and sip debug 9 when I set up my rixtelecom connection.
02:57.52drmessanoWhy do you need to set a fromuser for the extension?
02:58.01drmessanoDon't you mean for the "trunk"?
02:58.56chaozerhe probably does :)
02:59.14*** join/#asterisk growltiger_ (
02:59.49chaozerRB2, but there is probably something for it ... as its rather important
03:00.08RB2I checked the trunk configuration, but I don't see ANY of the properties they want me to set. They all show up under extensions.
03:00.37RB2This is what they have:
03:02.19chaozergoogling on freepbx .. it looks as if it should be possible to set fromuser and everything else...
03:02.52drmessanoIt is
03:03.05RB2Ah ha!
03:03.16drmessanoYou dont set up an EXTENSION for connecting to an ITSP
03:03.20RB2I guess I was having a "duh" moment. I found it
03:03.24drmessanoYou build params for the peer
03:03.25chaozerok :)
03:03.30chaozerRB2, good ;)
03:03.51RB2drmessano, I didn't think so. But, I was being an idiot and didn't see the "PEER Details" box
03:03.57chaozeri prefer "vi" over freepbx myself :P
03:04.46drmessanovi is lame
03:04.54jblackvim, however, rocks
03:04.59RB2I much prefer to work on the command-line.
03:05.19chaozernaturally ... im using vim :)
03:06.02chaozervi.. vim ... tomatoe tomato.....
03:06.03drmessanovi is another one of those effing apps that people use so they can claim to be so overly elite, yet, their use of such an antiquated time consuming POS only shows how much of a douche they're being
03:06.18drmessanoLike "I wrote my whole website in notepad" <--- Spare time?
03:06.31jblackI have to disagree completely.
03:07.02chaozerdrmessano, ... well .. when you are using SSH to remote login to a terminal ... it is prefered to use a tool like that ;)
03:07.14jblackvim is a complicated tool, it does take time and practice to get effective with.. get past that 1 month hump, and it's very quick and powerful.
03:07.28jblackperhaps two months.
03:07.34drmessanoor you can use nano and be done with it
03:07.37drmessanooh wait
03:07.42jblackomg. You're not serious?
03:07.45drmessanonano is the windows of editors
03:07.55jblackDo you seriously use nano?
03:07.58*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
03:08.05chaozerjblack, lol .. i remember when first using it ... i thought to myself... man "this is crazy" .. but the company where I worked at the time were using only VI on the Tru64 machines .....
03:08.33chaozernano is ok I guess....
03:08.59jblackI suppose, as long as you're not writing code, or you're making a small, simple fix.
03:09.10chaozeri myself however am pretty used to vi by now ... once you are used to it .. you can actually use it very efficiently .. much more so than nano.
03:09.11drmessanoWhat is wrong wiht it?
03:09.40jblackWell, it's rather limited in it's abilities.
03:09.59drmessanoIt's a text editor.. Why does it need to be overly complicated or there even be a discussion about being "limited"
03:10.08drmessanoOpen text, modify it, save it
03:10.11jblacknothing needs to be over complicated.
03:10.14drmessanoLike an etch-a-sketh
03:10.28drmessanoSo how is nano "limited"?
03:10.42chaozerdrmessano, you dont want to go there ;)
03:10.48chaozerbelieve me
03:11.05mateo_audrmessano, you just said that nano is the windows of editors -- isn't that limitation enough?
03:11.05drmessanoAre you serious?
03:11.22jblackIt's missing about 98% of what's in vim. Syntax highlighting. Quick navigation, regex search and replace, multiple windows. multiple buffers.
03:11.32seanbrightdrmessano: because it doesn't require control + meta + blood of first born to search and replace
03:11.41seanbrightnano has syntax highlighting
03:11.52drmessanoNo, people seem to thing using nano makes you a windows user or something.
03:12.11chaozerjblack, nano actually has syntax highlighting these days :)
03:12.15seanbrightas well as multiple buffers
03:12.29jblackI'd have to agree. The first time I see someone fire up nano, I have to bite my tongue, lest I gripe "god damnit. You didn't tell me you were a newb"
03:13.02jblackI get that you have a different opinion for that tool, and I respect that. I also have the right to mine.
03:13.04drmessanoHow the hell does using a certain TEXT editor make you a NEWB?
03:13.28jblackBecause the tools someone uses reflects upon their skillset.
03:13.40seanbrightdrmessano: because although you are entitled to your opinion, it's not his, to you're WRONG
03:13.46drmessanoI once again affirm my position that vi only exists for people to feel more elite
03:13.55jblackI'm not saying he's wrong. I think he's wrong. He probably thinks I'm wrong too.
03:13.59seanbrightinteresting... i always thought you used the right tool for the right job
03:14.15chaozerbut the shortcuts in nano are less managable ... it takes more time to handle because of double keypreses instead of like in vi where you only use single keypresses .. its faster to navigate in vi .. when coding it makes a huge difference
03:14.31jblackI wouldn't use vim as a filesystem browser. That's bash's job.
03:14.43seanbrightbash?  newb.
03:15.04drmessanowould rather be coding in a GUI environment anyway, with real navigable windows
03:15.25jblackSeriously, if you're someone that spends a lot of time working in particular formats, you're naturally going to gravitate towards tools that render you more capable in that area.
03:15.30jblackAt least normally.
03:15.35drmessanoHang on, lemme Tab-Ctrl-Scroll Lock 11 times to get to the window where my SIP.conf is..
03:15.37drmessanoCrap, 12
03:15.44seanbrightwhat formats require gravitation towards vi?
03:16.00jblackRequire? That's a strawman word.
03:16.18jblackimply I can live with.  Line oriented text documents.
03:16.29seanbrightjblack: line oriented text documents... "text files"
03:16.39chaozeranyway .. nano is easier to get into ;) .. so both have their advantages and disadvantages ;)
03:16.50*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
03:16.53jblackline oriented text documents are a subset of "text files".
03:17.05drmessanoYes, I too find that when I edit a text document in foopedit vs poofedit, the text seems more powerful
03:17.42drmessanoThis is why EDLIN remained in DOS until 6.22
03:17.53seanbrighti think assuming something about one's skillset based upon their choice of text editor is a bit silly
03:17.54jblackTake xml files for example.  editing xml with vim is hell on earth.
03:18.14jblackYou're welcome to your own rules of thumb. :)
03:18.29chaozerjblack, why ?
03:18.54drmessanoseanbright: Silly?  Sounds like you're one of those newb losers that can't tell the difference between a SIP.conf edited in Vim or edited in Nano.. Now STFU and go boot up Vista, newbmaster
03:18.55seanbrightseriously?  wow.
03:18.57chaozerjblack, i never had a problem :)
03:18.57jblackbecause I'm being respectful of the fact that he may have his own, different opinions.
03:19.14seanbrightdrmessano: i'm already on vista.
03:19.49seanbrighti am
03:20.15jblackheh. nano on vista.
03:20.30jblacktell me that doesn't strike alarm bells
03:20.41seanbrighti don't use nano
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03:20.49seanbrighton any OS
03:21.06chaozerhasnt serioulsy used windows since .... 2002 ;)
03:21.08seanbright<-- emacs
03:21.24drmessanoStallman?  Is that you?
03:21.37jblackI can't understand how anyone could like that editor, but a lot of people I respect use it.
03:21.37drmessanoDude, I love your work
03:22.02seanbrightoh, and not that this is proof or anything... but ->
03:22.22baliktademacs is a great OS, if it just included a text editor
03:22.30jblackIf only they'd add a bootsector....
03:23.02jblackIn all fairness, vim's been heading a bit in the too much direction too....
03:23.14drmessanoPeople that use any applications that are less time consuming than antiquated overly complicated applications are wasting my time with all their lack of desire to dedicate an inordinate amount of learning time in order to edit a simple text document
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03:23.34drmessanoType a memo in Word and be done 5 minutes?  Screw you, I am gonna do it in 15 in Wordperfect 3.
03:23.43jblackdrmessano: You don't want to invest the time in more complicated tools, then don't. More power to ou.
03:23.47chaozerseanbright, I find it amazing you can stand that operating system :)
03:23.57drmessanoIt's a TEXT file
03:24.09drmessanoWhy does it NEED to be HARD?
03:24.16seanbrightdrmessano: elitism
03:24.18jblackIf you don't mind, I'll avoid neurosurgeons that say "Scapels? Overthinking I say! Now go boil that steak knife for me!"
03:24.25drmessanoExactly what I have been saying
03:24.25jameswf-homeopen office is free and easy
03:24.42seanbrightchaozer: why is that amazing?
03:24.53drmessanoOnly elitists could make something as simple as editing a text file something worthy of seperating classes of users into.
03:25.09jameswf-homedrmessano: Emacs vi
03:25.09seanbrightagreed.  but i fear it's moot at this point.
03:25.18chaozerseanbright, its so unflexible :)   ... and UI wize I always get a shiver when using it ...
03:25.20jblackSure. But surely you admit that if the investment in a more complicated tool saves much more time than the initial investment in extra learning, then it's worth it.
03:25.40seanbrightchaozer: i haven't noticed it to be inflexible.
03:25.42jblackFine. YOu want me to be blunt, and borderline rude?
03:25.56jameswf-homeoh yeah
03:26.02drmessanoUnneccesarily complicating a simple task is not saving time
03:26.13chaozerseanbright, i really can't stand the fact that you dont have any proper package handling in windows .. thats probably the most annoying part of it all..
03:26.14seanbrightjblack: wait... you're going to start to be borderline rude?  when did you stop?
03:26.17jameswf-homemice waste time
03:26.29jameswf-homeoh snap
03:26.34drmessano"took me two months to learn how to edit a text file using Vi"  "Oh really, I was busy using the one I edited in 30 seconds"
03:26.55jblackI think nano is innefficient for editing all but simplist of things. Someone that hasn't taken the time to work with any but the simplist of tools is inefficient and lazy, in my eye, and noncompetititve.
03:26.57seanbrightchaozer: package management?  you mean like installers and uninstallers?
03:27.16chaozerseanbright, not really no
03:27.21seanbrightchaozer: ok
03:27.24jblackANd if they're doing it on purpose, they either stubborn, stupid, or both.
03:27.35seanbrightadd narrow minded to that
03:27.39seanbrightso i can call you a hypocrite
03:27.40jblackI can use both. I can compare the differences. You only know vi. You can't.
03:27.48jameswf-homeI like kate but thats in KDE in shell i use whatever is availible nano vi pico whatever... okay not emacs
03:28.05drmessanoAgain, taking a simple task and applying overly complicated processes to it, makes it nothing more than overly complicated
03:28.06chaozerseanbright, package handling .. as something that keeps track of what files belong to what package .. and let you update software easily and quickly.... and a big repository of software :)
03:28.09jblackpardon, you only know nano, so you can't make an informed comparison.
03:28.17chaozerseanbright, thats something windows is really falling behind on.
03:28.24jblacki'm done.
03:29.29seanbrightchaozer: um, ok.
03:29.37seanbrighti guess i do things differently... i need a piece of software and i download and install it
03:29.41chaozerseanbright, maybe MS will realize it needs something similiar .. some day ...
03:29.43seanbrightif i no longer need it, i uninstall it
03:29.52seanbrightgosh... how archaic this OS be!
03:29.53chaozerseanbright, yeah.. but you have to google for it for example
03:29.56mchouit's friday night, and yoiu guys are enagaed in a vim vs. nano flamefest?
03:30.03jblackchaozer: They do have windows update....
03:30.05seanbrightchaozer: holy shit, really?  i don't have that kind of energy!
03:30.26drmessanoseanbright: Some people are busy accomplishing tasks, some are busy applying the most complicated methods to the task
03:30.32chaozerseanbright, i just select in and install ;).. and I can install 50 pieces of software in a jiffy .. and remove them all in a jiffy :)
03:30.43mchouyou guys need other forms of "entertainment" :)
03:31.01seanbrightchaozer: i'd like to see a legitimate use case for having to install and/or remove 50 pieces of software on a regular basis.
03:31.11chaozerseanbright, i dont like spending hours on the web to find my software ;) ..  its even gone so far that if its not in the debian repository .. i dont bother installing it at all
03:31.30jblackseanbright: Would one be enough, or you want more than one?
03:31.42jblackI'm surprised you can't think of any.
03:31.45seanbrightjblack: i'm kinda done with you if that's alright.
03:31.49chaozerseanbright, sometimes you atleast install 3-5 things at once ...
03:32.01seanbrightchaozer: like what?
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03:32.20jbotBSD is a UNIX operating system. An asterisk port is currently availible if you feel you must, or a way to set your pc back 30 years, progress is overrated
03:32.29drmessanoSorry, While I may agree that Windows doesnt do a great job of install and uninstall (although MSI has been a big step forward), you cant honestly tell me that a lack of repos like linux distros have is somehow hindering it.  In my opinion, repos are good for some core applications, but beyond that, they're full of out of date, badly packaged crap
03:32.42chaozerseanbright, like when installing a webbrowser with different plugins ? .. or installing some software with themes... or software with different plugins .. its all in there.
03:32.48km2anyone know why when my polycom phones boot up and download sip.ld from the server, the ftp xferlog always says the transfer was 'i' (incomplete)? the phones boot fine... confused
03:32.54chaozerlike with asterisk f.ex
03:32.58drmessanoLike, installing Asterisk from a repo?  WTF
03:33.11chaozeri just selected everything asterisk related I wanted ... and bam :) im done in about 10s.
03:33.22seanbrightchaozer: i installed firefox from the .exe installer, i don't use plugins, and i don't use themes
03:33.36seanbrightchaozer: i think we are two very different types of users
03:33.38drmessanoYeah, I want to install Asterisk 1.4.8 because my Greasy Grapefruit 5.07 repo includes it
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03:33.45jblackchaozer: I think they're kind of locked into their paradigm. Anything we make, you must either buy, or must already come with. They want machines standardized and identical.
03:33.55chaozerseanbright, you just dont see the advantage .. because you never used it :)
03:33.56coppicedrmessano: example - to keep the adobe stuff up to date on my Linux machines I just add the adobe yum file to my setup. achieving regular updates on Windows is far more an app by app thing
03:34.02seanbrightchaozer: i've never used it?
03:34.07drmessanoAgain, who the hell wants some 3 year old version of Asterisk from a repo?
03:34.12jameswf-homethinks packaged asterisk is like frozen fish... you dont know how bad it sucks till you have never frozen fresh fish killed to order mmmmmmmmmm
03:34.30seanbrightchaozer: never used what?
03:34.32drmessanocoppice: Adobe had an updater that works fine on windows
03:34.32chaozerseanbright, apparently not .. you would understand the advantage of it otherwhise....
03:34.37chaozerseanbright, package handling.
03:34.39jblackcoppize: Yeah, that annoys me. M$ should offer third party updates through windows update.
03:35.03coppicedrmessano: sure, but its not a consistent app to app thing like the Linux packaging systems
03:35.03jameswf-homespeaking of i need to bump my asterisk
03:35.06drmessanoI completely disagree
03:35.14seanbrightchaozer: i use yum for package management
03:35.16drmessanoNo one does a good job of 3rd party updates
03:35.19jblacksits back and watches this one
03:35.32subdolusgets popcorn and joins jblack
03:35.34drmessanohence Asterisk 1.4.6 sitting in some distros repo
03:36.01jameswf-homeyum has gotten a bad rap from bad repo maintainers like those green guys
03:36.13drmessano"I just installed Distro X and Asterisk and I cant make X work, help?"  "What version of Asterisk?" "The latest, 1.4.9"
03:36.18seanbrightchaozer: i understand the benefits of package handling in terms of running a server OS
03:36.27chaozerseanbright, yum pretty much sucked when I tried it .. and the repo is way to small...
03:36.28drmessanoI have only heard that 100 times in here
03:36.49chaozerseanbright, why would it only be an advantage for server machines ?
03:36.51seanbrightchaozer: i don't run a web server or asterisk on my workstation however
03:37.34seanbrightchaozer: because on my workstation i don't *need* package management
03:37.35jblackThat is a point. PRojects that move faster than distro release windows tend to be crudified in the distro.
03:37.36jameswf-homeubuntu has amd64 i386
03:37.38seanbrightthis is getting circular
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03:37.59chaozerseanbright, oh really .. and why do you need it on a server then ?
03:38.10jblackRunning unstable works around that, but the idea of a zillion people all running unstable at once is kinda ... awkard.
03:38.15drmessanojblack: Indeed, but hey, if I want app_neverupdated, man, my repo is ALWAYS current
03:38.24jameswf-homepacman is really cool
03:38.31seanbrightchaozer: i am going to answer that... and the response is going to sound like i'm trolling... but i'm not...
03:38.44drmessanoThere's unstable, and there's "dangerously outdated"
03:38.52seanbrightchaozer: because that is the best the open source world has come up with yet?
03:39.11jblackOh, that's usually not a problem. Most package based distros have security updates for released distros.
03:39.20jameswf-homeummm centos is running 2.6.18  ick
03:39.29jblackwhat you lose by pinning down to a distro is feature updates.
03:39.33drmessanoSeriously, Asterisk 1.4 has made HUGE leaps in the last year.  Someone says they're using the "latest" from their distro at 1.4.11, and they bitch about X, how can you take them seriously?
03:39.36jblackpardon, to a release.
03:39.38chaozerseanbright, im not following you. open source has nothing to do with it either.
03:39.43jameswf-homebuild your own your always as up to date as you wanna be
03:39.49jblackThey're using an old release. It happens.
03:40.19jameswf-homeour office shill has 1.2 and older working fine
03:40.41jameswf-homedont dick with it it dont break.
03:40.50seanbrightchaozer: i am trying to figure out what your point is.  not having "package management" as defined by the linux/bsd/<insert flavor here> is bad?
03:40.52chaozerdrmessano, i use debian testing for example :) .. and i think i have 1.4.21
03:41.08jblackI happen to know of a server out there that's still running 2.0.20, that just keeps chugging along. )
03:41.25chaozerseanbright, im wondering why you think package handling is only usable for servers and not desktops ?
03:41.31seanbrightchaozer: ...
03:41.36seanbrightchaozer: *my* desktops
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03:42.16seanbrightpackage management is a requirement for you on your desktop OS
03:42.26drmessanojameswf-home: Sure, if you're happy with the performance of an app with known issues that have been LONG resolved.. If a newer version of something will cut down on CPU usage, increase scalability, just by virtue of being NEWER and less buggy, why stick with something old?  That's like running Windows 95 on a P4.. it will run, but why?
03:42.28jblackIf I hear "well capitalized" one more time, I'm gonna take a CDO and shove it up that analyst's butt until VIX comes out the ears.
03:42.30seanbrightbecause your choice of desktop OS *dictates* package management
03:42.37chaozerseanbright,  very much so yes,
03:42.44chaozerseanbright, and it saves me alot of time.
03:42.48jblackdrmessano: it's about the devil you know, versus the devil ya don't. :|
03:42.52seanbrightchaozer: well i am happy for you
03:43.17chaozerno need to hunt for new versions of everything like you have to do with windows.... unless the application has some built in update service :)
03:43.20seanbrightchaozer: i do not use my desktop in a manner that requires me to download software with many dependencies at the same time
03:43.41drmessanochaozer: Sure sure, because repos are SOOOO up to date.. oh wait, no
03:43.43chaozerand you dont update your software either on a regular basis then
03:43.54seanbrightchaozer: and if i want to install software that has dependencies, 99 out of 100 times, that software comes with it's dependencies
03:44.05jblackI can check unstable in ubuntu to see how far back * is
03:44.25chaozerdrmessano, they are up-to-date if you use good repos yes.. for example debian testing or debian unstable.
03:44.59chaozer1.4.21 in debian testing .. and debian testing I consider more or less stable :)
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03:45.14chaozeratleast my machine has never crashed. :)
03:45.22drmessanoseanbright: That is good point.. I dont need to see that 115 dependencies were updated... Sure on windows it's Visual C, maybe .NET updates, etc, but in a 30MB cabinet it's done.. or I can do a 30MB yum update and see a bunch of leenix fly by.. Who cares..
03:45.24seanbrightchaozer: i update my software every opportunity i have.  microsoft update gives me windows, driver, and office updates automatically.  most of the other apps i have installed have built in update notification.
03:45.27jblackThe version of * in interpid (which is imminently to release) is ... 1.4.21
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03:46.22drmessanoI really don't need to know that gnu_poo updated to, the DLL is in the installer, screw it
03:46.32jblackin debian sid, it's..
03:46.34seanbrightdrmessano: i think you make yum run quietly.
03:46.53chaozerdrmessano, and who said you have to care about the dependencies ? you dont .. it just tells you have many packages its downloading ....  could be useful if one fails ;) .. better redownload 10KB than resuming a 30MB file and risk corruption
03:46.56seanbrightdrmessano: the problem with yum update is sometimes you have to recompile/reinstall zaptel or DAHDI or whatever.
03:46.57jblackdrmessano: You're aware that many package based systems allow you to pin different things to different releases, right?
03:47.05drmessanoseanbright: Point being why do I need to have that sort of microscopic control over things I shouldn't waste my time processing anyway?
03:47.07jblackSo you can have a stable base system, and pull * just from unstable.
03:47.23seanbrightdrmessano: you can have as little or as much detail as you want.
03:47.34chaozerdrmessano, and you never have to care about any microscopic control in for example debian or ubuntu .. isnt it neat ? ;)
03:47.40jblackfeels like he's in a discussion with a slackware user that thinks nano is cool.
03:47.51drmessanoYep yep..
03:48.05jblackchaozer: You elite bastard you. All them frumpy packing stuff, wasting your time!
03:48.19chaozerseanbright, fedora repos are kinda crappy really :) ...
03:48.26seanbrightno, he's just running on an OS that mandates package management
03:48.39terraconI think the default editor in slackware is elvis (vi)
03:48.41seanbrightchaozer: ok... they work ok for my needs.
03:48.48seanbrightchaozer: i compile everything asterisk related from source.
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03:49.22chaozerseanbright, see .. ;) .. and I dont have to :) i allready have everything. .. zaptel .. hylafax.. iaxmodem asterisk .... and didnt have to compile anything :)
03:49.39seanbrightchaozer: it's not about having to
03:49.42seanbrightchaozer: i choose to
03:50.08chaozeri already have the lastest * version
03:50.15chaozerand I dont want to update to a rc :)
03:50.34chaozerso atleast repos are up-to-date enough :)
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03:51.13drmessanoYeah, because pulling apps from a linux repo labeled as "unstable" isn't scary at all
03:51.28chaozerseanbright, a few years ago when I switched to linux there were alot of problems with package managmenet ;) ....
03:51.44drmessanoand not now? lol *cough*
03:52.01chaozerseanbright, but nowdays it works extremely well :)
03:52.02seanbrightchaozer: my experience with package management is the following 'yum install kernel-devel' and 'yum update'
03:52.21seanbrightchaozer: i have no need or desire to use it otherwise
03:52.28chaozereven being able to do "yum update" is greay :)
03:52.39seanbrightyes it is
03:52.50drmessanoseanbright: I always find it necessary to print a list of all yum updates and check the dependencies using Google
03:53.00drmessanoBefore I hit "Y"
03:53.05chaozerguess why windows users have such big problems with holes in software etc ;) ?
03:53.08seanbrightchaozer: but if i had to go to a website and download a big ZIP file and extract that and then run ./
03:53.10RB2Yay! I got an outgoing call to work via broadvoice! :D
03:53.12seanbrightchaozer: i would be fine with that too
03:53.19chaozerthats what you get when you run software that is not up to date.
03:53.44jeff_smokerDoes anyone know of a good resource for hooking a gprs modem into asterisk?
03:53.55drmessanoWindows users running out of date software.. Oh yeah, never gotten that from a current distro lol
03:54.00jeff_smokerResource meaning tutorial, etc.
03:54.45seanbrightchaozer: that is a pretty broad statement.  linux has had it's security problems as well.
03:54.48chaozerdistributions like ubuntu even force you to install security updates for example :)
03:55.06seanbrightchaozer: and as i've said, windows updates takes care of updating the OS whenever an update is available.
03:55.16chaozerseanbright, yes but the magic is that everyone is updated very quickly :) .. be it a bug in the kernel or in some software.
03:55.17RB2drmessano, in FreePBX for trunks, why is there a user context field and then a context property in the user details?
03:55.19drmessanoWindows can force you as well
03:55.31chaozerseanbright, yes but all holes are not always in the OS itself
03:55.53seanbrightchaozer: i'm not even sure what we are talking about anymore...
03:55.59seanbrightchaozer: you heart linux, so do i
03:56.02chaozerseanbright, so how do you fix that without package managmenet ? you can't .. instead you run software with holes in them
03:56.07seanbrightchaozer: you are not a windows fan, i use it on my desktop
03:56.26seanbrightchaozer: you download an update
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03:56.31seanbrightchaozer: how is this not clear?
03:56.36chaozerdrmessano, windows can't even know anything about that .
03:56.49jameswf-homehow close is rc5 to r
03:56.52drmessanochaozer: Really, have you ever heard of windows updare?
03:56.59seanbrightjameswf-home: asterisk?  waiting on dahdi
03:57.04chaozerseanbright, so you have to surf the web and check for security updates for all applications you are runing ? yeah right
03:57.13drmessanochaozer: Has this little "ZOMG UPDATE NOW" thingo
03:57.17jameswf-homein 1.4.22
03:57.42seanbrightchaozer: no, as i said earlier, "microsoft update" updates all microsoft software.  most of the other software has update functionality built in.
03:57.47drmessanochaozer: It's obvious you're not very knowledgeable of windows, so please, stop now
03:58.12seanbrightjameswf-home: what about 1.4.22?
03:58.19seanbrightjameswf-home: all asterisk releases are waiting on dahdi
03:58.28jameswf-homei knew windows pretty well up to two years ago when i stopped using it
03:58.29chaozerso when you install asterisk yo get security updates ?
03:58.37seanbrightchaozer: install asterisk where?
03:58.40chaozersounds strange
03:58.52chaozerfrom a or freepbx
03:59.04jameswf-homeseanbright: 1.4.22 is rcf so I should be cool if i dont care about dahdi
03:59.07chaozerhow about for example....
03:59.24seanbrightjameswf-home: well... i know a couple more fixes have gone in since rc5 was tagger...
03:59.26drmessanochaozer: It's one thing to intelligently discuss the issues windows does have, but most of the FUD that comes from former or non-windows users if only laughable and shows that the extent of the knowledge from the bashing side seemed to have ended in 1996
03:59.30chaozer ?
03:59.39seanbrightchaozer: i don't run asterisk on windows
03:59.47chaozerthats not the point
03:59.51chaozerits just an example
03:59.52seanbrightsure it is
03:59.58drmessanoHow is AsteriskWin32 a point?
03:59.59seanbrighti am talking about *me*
04:00.06seanbrighti am not talking about the general windows user
04:00.09seanbrighti am talking about seanbright
04:00.16seanbrightand i have been the entire time
04:00.26chaozerdrmessano, my point is you wont get windows update to update your asterisk installation
04:00.34jameswf-homeseanbright: russel said to try it and see if it correects the need for do  not optimize on debian but the wife wont be happy if i break it since the work around did okay
04:00.53seanbrightjameswf-home: this the GCC optimzation thing?
04:00.55drmessanoAsteriskWin32 is a port thrown together by some yahoo and thrown on a site.. Much like if I made an app in linux and threw the tarball on my site.. how is that different?
04:00.57drmessanoIts not
04:01.02drmessanoYoure just making crap up now
04:01.08chaozerdrmessano, yes like 99% OF ALL SOFTWARE FOR WINDOWS
04:01.09km2anyone know about editing digitmaps in polycom config files? i'm getting frustrated that none of mine are "taking" (having any effect). i event went as far as downloading new firmware and config files from polycom, but still even the default digit maps aren't working. any ideas?
04:01.09seanbrightjameswf-home: should be resolved
04:01.14drmessanochaozer: Not true
04:01.16chaozerdrmessano, because THATS THE ONLY WAY to install stuff
04:01.30chaozerdrmessano, because there is no repository
04:01.37drmessanoRepos do not fix anything
04:01.39seanbrightchaozer: ahhh... well i think those two statements tell me everything i need to know about you
04:01.42drmessanothey create problems
04:01.48drmessanoare out of date for the most part
04:01.51chaozerdrmessano, so you are always risking to run software with alot of holes in them .. and/or old stuff
04:01.59drmessanoif you are security concious, you dont use repos
04:02.04drmessanoYou update the apps like a good admin
04:02.14drmessanoGrab source or current tarball, update and save the day
04:02.16seanbrightchaozer: it's all about the user, not about the OS
04:02.17chaozerdrmessano, lol no
04:02.21drmessanoNot wait for the repo to update
04:02.22drmessanoThats lame
04:02.37seanbrightchaozer: there are linux users out there still running vulnerable installs of openssh
04:02.38chaozerdrmessano, security updates are always commited QUCIKLY
04:02.42seanbrightchaozer: package management or not
04:02.50chaozerdrmessano, and you CANNOT keep track of all security holes in all apps yourself
04:03.00drmessanoIf I waited for a fix to a 0-day exploit in a repo, i would be sorry as hell
04:03.00chaozerdrmessano, thats the most stupid thing I ever heard.
04:03.05drmessanoMay as well turn the firewall oof
04:03.11drmessanoSure, sure
04:03.33jameswf-homesecurity is a myth and is way over rated
04:03.45chaozerseanbright, ofcourse.... but how many more windows users in % are runing systems with alot of holes in them do you think ? ;)
04:03.57lanningna, security is an onion!
04:04.10drmessanoProbably more linux systems out there with holes in them than windows due to misconfiguration
04:04.15jameswf-homeI like to think of it as a parfait
04:04.20drmessanoBut wont tell you that
04:04.31chaozerdrmessano, thats bs
04:04.43seanbrightchaozer: what is your point?  windows users on average are not as technically savvy as linux users?  i don't think it would take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
04:04.45heedlywindows is insecure due to system flaws in code.
04:04.47heedlynot user errors.
04:04.51drmessanoI know.. Linux is secure just because it exists, windows sucks.. yeah yeah
04:04.54drmessanoSounds like a netadmin
04:04.59chaozerdrmessano, why would a linux desktop be more misconfigured than windows ?
04:05.05jameswf-homerumor has it the only OS to never be hacked is netware
04:05.07heedlysecurity is in the hands of the user.
04:05.12seanbrightok, i grow weary of this
04:05.18chaozerseanbright, thats not true anymore either
04:05.19drmessanoI could install Redhat 4.0 right now be secure because Linux is so secure 4eva
04:05.26seanbrightchaozer: answer this question
04:05.30chaozerseanbright, linux has 6% of the market now ;)
04:05.34seanbrightchaozer: WHAT POINT ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE?
04:05.40seanbrightchaozer: GET TO THE POINT
04:05.58jameswf-homeI can say neither my former windoze boxen nor any of my current linux boxen were ever comprimised
04:06.01chaozerseanbright, i dont even know what we are discussing anymore.. like most discussions it got out of hand ;)
04:06.05jameswf-homeknock on wood
04:06.10seanbrightchaozer: neither do i
04:06.24drmessanoHe doesnt have one.. its the same FUD that I can get from Slashdot
04:06.29seanbrightchaozer: you don't like windows and it's not secure... does that about sum it up?
04:06.56chaozerpretty much :) ..
04:07.01seanbrightchaozer: great.
04:07.03jameswf-homeI dont like windows but it was as secure as my linux because i made it so
04:07.25chaozerI think theres a reason why linux is slowly eating into microsoft market share overall :)
04:07.36seanbrightapparently he is not done making his point
04:07.39chaozerlol :)
04:07.50drmessanoHonestly, what most so-called expert non-windows users seem to know about windows is amazingly laughable, and probably why Windows systems admined by *nix admins are the most insecure boxes known to mankind, even trumping the "family computer"
04:08.00jameswf-homeits like being stabbed to death with a butter knife
04:08.05seanbrightit really is
04:08.27chaozerdrmessano, its not like I never used windows ;)
04:08.43drmessanoyou sound so knowledgable
04:08.52drmessanowindows 95 is dead
04:08.52chaozerdrmessano, 2002 as a full-time system :) .. but I used it since then ofcoure.
04:09.00drmessanoAh you sound like it
04:09.04chaozeractually it was XP
04:09.11seanbrightok, can we all move on now?
04:09.23seanbrightmaybe we can talk about religion or politics
04:09.32seanbrightsomething less inflammatory
04:09.40drmessanoI can't move on,  I have 1254 more update I need to analyze from my repo before my IRC client will be usable again
04:10.01jameswf-hometrixbocks out how exciting
04:10.59chaozerim waiting for the stargate atlantis torrent ... so I dont have much to do right now anyway :)
04:11.22chaozeri have to have my stargate fix..
04:11.36drmessanoTrixbox yay
04:12.14*** join/#asterisk timholum (
04:12.17chaozerwhats the advantages of it compared to vanilla * ?
04:12.29seanbrightno one answer!
04:12.29drmessanoIt's more green for your datacenter
04:12.30seanbrightit's a trap
04:12.43jblackYou get a VIP ticket to hell.
04:12.52drmessanoIf you're going green, it's a necessity
04:12.56timholumhello, I am wondering if there are any phones that can be configured with dhcp?
04:13.01jameswf-homeHow secure is linux
04:13.06jblackEvery time trixbox gets installed, a little baby asphixiates
04:13.18seanbrighttimholum: what kind of phones?  sip phones?
04:13.26timholumsip phone
04:13.34chaozerok i wont bother with it then :)
04:13.35seanbrighttimholum: and you mean provisioned via DHCP?
04:13.38timholumor any voip phone that works with asterisk :)
04:13.47seanbrighttimholum: or just get-an-ip-address-via dhcp?
04:14.01jblack* on trixbox runs as root?
04:14.09jameswf-homewow  so i have to decide if the baby lives or dies... is it a crack baby?
04:14.12drmessanoUh no
04:14.44chaozerjameswf-home, damn
04:14.54timholumI would like a phone that I take it out of the box and plug it in, and it works with no configuration on the phoneside just the server
04:15.09jameswf-homejblack: asterisk asterisk user can sudo
04:15.10seanbrighttimholum: you aren't going to find that
04:15.27drmessanoI can do that
04:15.29jblackNot on _my_ systems. :)
04:15.41chaozernot on mine either
04:15.47jameswf-homego to the cli in console 8 no login and !rm -rf /
04:15.48seanbrighttimholum: at minimum you'd need to put the provisioning server address into the phone
04:15.49chaozerthat would be scary
04:15.58drmessanoI use TFTP provisioning and can open a new Linksys SPA941 right now and auto provision
04:16.01jblackhere we go...
04:16.07drmessanoseanbright: WHAT?
04:16.38drmessanoA lot of phones look for /someconfig.xml on the root of the DHCP defined TFTP server
04:16.43RB2timholum, at least with the Polycom phones, you can use DHCP to tell the phone where the boot server is. Not sure about other brands.
04:16.46drmessanoand you step from there
04:17.30drmessanoOn the linksys phones, I can push a /default.xml that points to http://server/config$mac.xml
04:17.43drmessanoand literally unbox and provision
04:17.44chaozerwhy on earth can the trixbox user sudo ?
04:17.50chaozerthats really scary ;)
04:17.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
04:18.14jblackSo, php exploit, running as asterisk user, escalating with sudo, then opening a socket to make a shell easy.
04:18.19seanbrighttimholum: sorry about that, apparently you don't need to put a provisioning server address into the phone.
04:18.21jameswf-homethe downside to a web gui
04:18.31frogonwheelsI have a point of confusion about exten=s,   - why don't the lines get executed if you put a call into that context?
04:18.49frogonwheels.. ie having to use _X.
04:18.51timholumawsome i will check them out
04:19.02drmessanotimholum: Just using that as an example
04:19.14jameswf-homefrogonwheels: goto context,s,1
04:19.15drmessanotimholum: Its not just the linksys phones, but one example
04:19.40chaozeraaargh where is stargate atlantis ... didnt it air over there already ?
04:19.52drmessanoSomeone like [TK]D-Fender could tell you what the polycoms look for as default
04:20.21frogonwheelsjameswf-home: ok - I worked that out - that'll do :)
04:20.26seanbrightor documentation
04:20.48drmessanoI cant read :(
04:20.55seanbrightsorry to hear that.
04:21.09*** join/#asterisk jeff_smoker (
04:21.13jameswf-homei need to change my gain tune from playback to record/playback this weekend...
04:21.16drmessanoI am going to punch a friend of mine in the face
04:21.22drmessanoNo, the throat
04:21.29seanbrightwanders off
04:21.34jblackpolycoms, for provisioning?
04:22.27drmessanojblack: what does a factory new (or reset) polycom look for, provisioning-wise, from the DHCP defined TFTP server?
04:22.48jblackI believe it's the same for tftp and http. I'm detangling it for http now.
04:23.15jblackI believe it's  ${MAC}.cfg
04:23.21[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: default is FTP, but stock it doesn't look for Opt66, you have to pick it in the BR
04:23.33jblackWhich in turn usually loads up a pile of other config scripts.
04:23.35jameswf-homeone of these days i will write an app that allows you to program asterisk like a keysystem..... write a 1500 page manual......
04:23.41drmessanoBut you can't push that via DHCP
04:23.42[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: and its starts off <MAC>.cfg to see the list of cfg's its supposed to take.
04:23.46chaozerbtw if anyone ever wants a cordless SIP phone I can recommend siemens S685IP .... it even supports MWI properly and everything :) ...
04:23.48drmessanoSo you cant unbox a polycom and make it work?
04:23.50jblackProbably does 000000000.cfg as well.
04:23.59[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: go get your firmware pack and it will come with base provisioning files
04:24.05jblackSure you can. I think it loads 00000000.cfg as well.
04:24.11[TK]D-Fender00000000.cfg is to be avoided at all costs
04:24.16drmessanoFrom where, if TFTP doesnt work?
04:24.22jblackAutomagic is generally a bad idea.
04:24.30jblackOn http, it looks on the root directory.
04:24.49drmessanoUm ok
04:25.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: upon unboxing, prep the provisioning files, power up the phone, go into the BR immediately, set the provisioning server selection method and address,  or hard-code them.
04:25.23jblackWell, actually, it's dependant upon where you set boot-server to.
04:25.24drmessanoSo better to touch each phone and point it manually to a location than to let DHCP hand out a TFTP server and have it grab and go? lol
04:25.27*** join/#asterisk bradleyprice86 (
04:25.34frogonwheelsok- 'nother noob q : found an example of a 'remember last 10 incoming #s' script - and it has a bunch of code to push the numbers onto a stack in astdb..
04:25.42drmessanoThats nuts
04:25.52jblackBetter is to grab the mac off the back of the phone, hack up the config file on the web server, then plug in the phone.
04:26.10drmessanoBut you cant just "plug it in" if you have to DEFINE it
04:26.20jblackI did about 30 phones in an hour thanks to one of those overcomplicated text editors.
04:26.23frogonwheelsis it possible to put that code in a sep context, and branch to it as a subroutine(or macro?), and continue from the parent context?
04:26.30jblackYou don't have to. It's just bad karma not to.
04:26.32frogonwheelsall I'm after is a keyword/app to hunt up.
04:27.02drmessanojblack: so where does the factory new Polycom look for its config from if Option 66 is ignored?
04:27.06jbotbook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
04:27.19jblackpolycoms don't ignore it. dhcpd doesn't ignore it.
04:27.40drmessano[00:23] <[TK]D-Fender> drmessano: default is FTP, but stock it doesn't look for Opt66, you have to pick it in the BR
04:27.58jblackThe phones I provisioned a few months ago looked for it with no problem.
04:28.07drmessanoOk, thats unsucky then
04:28.15*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
04:28.35RB2I uploaded a new Music on Hold file and when it finished uploading, it went back to the main FreePBX screen and there's no file there. hehe
04:28.36chaozerthat book rocks...
04:28.44drmessanoI should be able to clone some XMLs, modify, name for each MAC, load them on TFTP and start plugging phones in..
04:28.44chaozeri just love how it starts ;)
04:28.56jblackThere's a midsized admin manual that covers the provisoning. I don't have the book handy.
04:29.01chaozer"Once upon a time, there was a boy...with a computer...and a phone.This simple beginning began much trouble!"
04:29.14drmessanoIf I have to "touch" a phone, it becomes more pointless
04:29.27drmessanoBy touch, I mean, change anything
04:29.41jblackYou can set things up to not touch anything, if you forgo authentication, and are willing to loose some identity control over the phones.
04:31.13jblackwhich you can reestablish in different, more complicated ways.
04:31.59*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
04:32.00drmessano[Digg] Wine 1.1.5 Released  <--- 27 years to get to 1.0, now they're gonna hit version 5.5.2 in 8 months
04:32.13drmessanoThey've been holding back
04:32.26jblackNah. They'll be up to 1.98 quickly, then take 12 years to get to 2.
04:32.54drmessanoThen the whole
04:32.56jblackdrmessano: Before you go "I don't want to touch the phone"... does that include * config, provisioning files, etc?
04:33.40drmessanoNo, I want to set up Asterisk, set up the provisioning files (as I said above) from the MAC i just read off the new phone, plug it in and forget it exists
04:33.52jblackOh, in that case, yeah. That works right out of the box.
04:34.06drmessanoI dont want to have to add ANYTHING to the config ON the phone
04:34.13drmessanoI dont want to "touch" it
04:34.27drmessanoGrab the MAC, plug it in.. never see it again
04:34.35jblackThen you're using tftp. http is not the default.
04:34.49drmessanowell, you can get around that
04:34.50jblackwell, never mind. boot-server.
04:35.04jblackYeah. THey work fine right out of the box with http, for me at least.
04:35.19drmessanoTFTP with a stub to point to enable HTTP and point to the real config
04:35.33jblackI had my monkey read off the macs, ran a script I wrote to generate all the config files, and I listened happily as the monkey banked his head on the desk pluggin in cables. =)
04:35.40jblackI used dhcp->http
04:36.31jblackHe's a smart guy, but young. He's even learning vim. :P
04:36.33drmessanoI use TFTP to send a config with the http server address and refresh of 5 seconds in it.. Phone boots, grabs the config, goes "oh snap", grabs the HTTP config, and reboots configured
04:37.04drmessanoI even do that with PAP2s :)
04:37.07jblackIf you want. You've already got a dhcp server, may as well have dhcp tell the phone where it's thinkin is.
04:38.24jblackSpeaking of which, he's starting to catch on how easy editing config files are. Before too long, he's gonna start doing stuff without help.
04:38.27drmessanoI just need the whole internet to point to my external TFTP server
04:38.29*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
04:38.55drmessanoSo I can /config.xml on a new device from somewhere far off and get configged out of the box :)
04:39.33jblackyup. get someone to read off the macs, put them into a list, and make a vim^W nano macro to make all the config files.
04:40.16drmessanoskype^W asterisk?
04:40.43drmessanoDamn skinny
04:40.57jblack"You see, what they did is, they took the jack out of the wall... and put it on your COMPUTER!!"
04:41.05drmessanorm -Rf and load Vista, i'm going MJ, bitches
04:42.25*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
04:42.32drmessanoI was at the Shelby, NC hamfest last month.. they had a new product there...
04:42.43jblackI can't wait till someone reverses' one of those things and they work with *.
04:43.36drmessanoTheres a standard hams are using for their "transition" to digital which is based on the P25 digital standard for public safety, uses a closed source codec
04:44.26jblackI would think hams would be big on free software/standards
04:44.35drmessanoSomeone created a device that is basically the proprietary codec chip on a USB dongle that you plug in to a PC as an external transcoder so you can use a desktop application for communicating over it
04:44.43drmessanojblack: Me too, which was very LAME
04:45.09drmessanoKinda reminded me of some MJ/Skype crap
04:45.13jblackso now, you get a nasty workaround until some patent expires.
04:45.30jblackOh MJ = magicjack. I thought you meant michael jackson
04:46.06jblackgah! for the second time in 20 minutes, they're doing MJ on bloomberg.
04:46.08coppicethere is a whole family of these ?MBEs. They give pretty good results at very low bit rates
04:46.20drmessanoSo you can access the digital repeaters over the internet since the controllers are all about internet linking and whatnot, still need the dongle
04:46.47jblackare the bit rates humane at least?
04:47.07drmessanocoppice: My issue was adopting it as a standard for amateur radio.. Further putting the nail on the coffin of those that tinker or are more than appliance operators
04:47.17coppicewhat's an inhumane bit rate?
04:47.23drmessanoIts a good codec.. not crap
04:47.40drmessanoI've not heard any complaints about its quality
04:47.49coppicedrmessano: I know, but what free option gets to really low bit rates with intelligibility?
04:47.50drmessanoJust the background of it
04:47.57jblackcoppice... oh say... 9600 or less.
04:48.17coppicethe public services use about 4kbps
04:48.19drmessanocoppice: Point made.. but you of all people should appreciate the gripe :)
04:48.50coppiceyes, I appreciate the effort and skills needed to develop a usable 4kbps codec
04:49.24coppiceI don't think you'd use AMBE at rates as high as 9k. other things do a better job
04:49.41jblackSome day, I'm going to have a place 40 miles from nowhere, and somehow have to shoot a signal into a town to get a good pipe.
04:51.38jblackThen I'm gonna get a telescope so that I can watch people, and grow a really long beard.
04:52.20jblackAnd I want a donkey, too.
04:52.46drmessanoDonkey would be awesome
04:52.58drmessanoI would name it pete
04:53.05drmessanoand yell at it all the time
04:53.37jblackYeah. Kick it on the rump all the time.
04:53.37drmessanoBut let it roam the house freely
04:54.00drmessanoSo I could have stupidly justifiable reasons to yell at it
04:54.01jblackWould you sit your ass down at the kitchen table?
04:54.10drmessano"Pete, do NOT eat my clothes"
04:54.19drmessano"Pete, did you pee here?"
04:54.34jblackWell, maybe I'm biased, but I'd rather cope with a jackass, then all the jackasses I deal with today.
04:54.55jblackNah. Just good bandwidth, a telescope...
04:55.03drmessanoSo you're saying that a donkey is a good IRC replacement?
04:55.04jblackOh, and one of those green lasers that can catch shit on fire.
04:55.39jblackOh, hell no! that's what the bandwidth would be for. No. the jackasses I'm talking about are the ones I actually have to physically see.
04:55.44drmessanoThe laser would be cool.. A flamethrower would be better.. I could spend all day saturday scorching rocks
04:56.08jblackwell, I'm thinking with the laser, I could maybe get enough range to catch shit on fire, and nobody would ever figure out how it was happening.
04:56.41drmessanodoes a /clear .. not going to testify
04:57.22jblackWhat? Innocent stuff! see someone setting up a charcoal file, they go in, and light it for 'em before they come out.
04:57.48jblackI'd never pop the tires on the sheriff's car. :)
04:57.48*** join/#asterisk mackes (
04:58.24drmessanoThats what they all say... pretty soon, crazy long beard man swears god told them his neighbor wanted their house set on fire.... then the phone calls start...
04:58.30*** join/#asterisk growltiger (
04:58.43jblackwell, I could just blame the donkey...
04:59.18drmessanoand you'll be wandering around the A&P mumbling about Fred Flintstone and talking oranges
04:59.36drmessanoyelling at them to stop laughing
04:59.38jblackSomeone has to do it.
04:59.39drmessanoDONT LAUGH AT ME
04:59.46drmessanoUR AN ORANGE
04:59.52drmessanoU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE
05:00.03jblackI'm gonna try that the next time I'm at walmart with the kid.
05:00.11jblackGet into a fight with a pineapple.
05:00.46jblackWouldn't hurt my rep any.... anyone within 3 houses of me goes inside whenever I'm about.
05:01.49drmessanoWhat you need is something you can take a bite out of to shut it up
05:02.17drmessanoArgue with it, grab it, take a huge bite out of it in anger and put it down, satisfied you shut it up
05:03.28drmessanoIf you were hardcore enough to bite a pineapple like that, I would vote for it on YouTube
05:03.32drmessanoId even pay your bail
05:03.47CrazyTux[m]I just jumped in, and very confused on the current discussion :P
05:04.56drmessanoWe're discussing the pros and cons of a crossENUMeration dundi HA VM clustering solution for inbound/outbound QoS assurance
05:05.01drmessanoFeel free to jump in..
05:05.17jblackExcept the college kids across the way. They think they're invulnerable.
05:05.38*** join/#asterisk km2 (
05:05.39drmessanojblack: Easily solved
05:05.39jblackI think I have their numbers. I'm planning a trip to sams to buy an industrialized bottle of lotion.
05:06.01jblackThen the next time they party, I'll go over to the hot chicks there shouting "IT PUTS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN!!"
05:06.05drmessanojblack: Get some condoms from the health department, poke tiny holes in them, wait 3 months
05:06.10drmessanoThey'll grow up
05:06.33jblackI'm not sure they'd take condoms from the wacko across the street.
05:06.38drmessanoLeave the box on the doorstep.. too stupid to question
05:06.42jblackThough they are jocks....
05:06.50jblackyeah, probably think a friend left them.
05:07.00km2anyone know if it's possible to get a polycom phone (501) to automatically dial a call if the user enters a pattern of digits while in the idle state? i know this is possible once a user selects a dial and gets a dial tone, but i'd like to work even without a dial tone
05:07.16km2e.g. user enters "411" and the phone begins to dial
05:07.18jblackkm2: I don't.
05:07.28drmessanojblack: with any luck, they'll be in the mood to pwn an ugly chick the first time they use them :)
05:07.34jblackNot without picking up the handset, or ressing the line button, or pressing dial.
05:07.44jblackNo girls over there are ugly.
05:07.52jblackEvery single one of them is hot.
05:08.15km2jblack, thanks, this is almost maddening because my users swear they saw a polycom phone do this at another office
05:08.32jblackkm2: It may be possible, and I just not know how.
05:09.19jblackWoot is selling 500GB hard drives for $50
05:12.40TrentCreekHow about 1TB?
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05:20.49*** join/#asterisk jeff_smoker (
05:20.55jeff_smokerDoes anyone here use a SIM card and GPRS modem with their PBX instead of a SIP gateway?
05:21.03jeff_smokerCan that be done?
05:22.17lanningpass audio out your RS232 port?
05:22.51jeff_smokerlanning: Are you talking to me?
05:23.17jeff_smokerlanning: I'm not sure what you mean.
05:23.38lanningyou would need an audio connection to the GPRS modem
05:23.52jeff_smokerlanning: I see.
05:23.52lanningnone that I know of pass audio
05:24.07jeff_smokerYou can't just pull voice data off the card?
05:24.10lanningthey are all for sending/receiving SMS and data
05:24.51lanningthey are usually implemented as an async serial card, not a sync ISDN or PRI.
05:24.54jeff_smokerlanning: What about connecting a mobile phone to the box with a USB cable?
05:26.02lanningyou would need an adapter that would allow back to back USB audio.  The phones are looking for a USB audio device (headset).  so probably not.
05:26.45lanningotherwise, it looks like an RS232 over USB (async serial)
05:27.22jeff_smokerHmm. You've never heard of anything like that before?
05:27.33drmessanoHang on
05:27.47drmessanoYou can use chan_mobile
05:27.52drmessanoWith bluetooth
05:28.19drmessanoNot hard to set up at all
05:28.47jeff_smokerdrmessano: Oh really?
05:28.53lanningoh ya, forgot about bluetooth.
05:29.15lanningThough I was thinking of a more reliable connection
05:29.30drmessanoand hacking something together?
05:29.35jeff_smokerdrmessano: Would Bluetooth represent security risks?
05:29.40drmessanoWhere chan_mobile is native to asterisk
05:30.17drmessanojeff_smoker: i'm not getting to that discussion.. that's the tip of a 3 hour waste of time argument waiting to happen
05:30.26lanningjust don't put a WiFi transmitter next to it. :)
05:30.28drmessanoChan_mobile works for doing what you asked
05:30.49drmessanoI've had no Wifi problems with bluetooth here
05:31.13jeff_smokerdrmessano: Absolutely awesome info. Thanks. How's the reliability been?
05:31.33*** join/#asterisk growltiger_ (
05:31.35lanningI have been blasted off the air by a coworker doing a WiFi file transfer.
05:32.03jeff_smokerlanning: Very interesting.
05:32.17drmessanojeff_smoker: Cheap dongles were shitty.. I got some inexpensive ones from Ebay that work great at 150 feet or so, even though, ideally, you want the phone near the PBX
05:32.42drmessanoI have left my phone in my truck before after work, and had it ring into the PBX here at home
05:32.54drmessanoThat's 125 feet or so
05:33.08drmessanoReminded me I left it outside lol
05:33.31jeff_smokerdrmessano: Its seems strange to me that you can use bluetooth but not a secure data cable connection...what gives
05:34.07jeff_smokerdrmessano: What dongle did you get off ebay?
05:34.17drmessanobecause interfacing asterisk to the bluetooth stack was a hell of a lot easier than creating shitty interfaces for every phone known to man?
05:34.37jeff_smokerdrmessano: makes sense.
05:35.11drmessanoLook for EDR Bluetooth
05:36.06drmessanoI bought a dozen of them for PC's, printers, spares for the car, in the laptop bag, etc
05:36.09drmessanoWork well
05:36.10jeff_smokerdrmessano + Lanning : I suppose you could try to sequester the signal in some kind of faraday cage? Does that make sense
05:36.26drmessanoyes and no
05:36.31drmessanoNot necessary
05:36.41TrentCreekdrmessano: Correct, but Bluetooth is NOT Wifi
05:36.57drmessanoOk, and?
05:37.53TrentCreekso of course you never had Wifi problems with bluetooth
05:38.13drmessanoI've never had problems with them fucking interfering
05:38.15jeff_smokertrentcreek: lanning said taht
05:38.34jeff_smokerdrmessano: not drmessano
05:38.35mchouwho's on first?
05:39.05TrentCreek"[00:30:49] <drmessano> I've had no Wifi problems with bluetooth here"
05:39.18drmessano[01:31] <lanning> I have been blasted off the air by a coworker doing a WiFi file transfer.
05:39.29drmessanoscroll up 3 more lines
05:39.51mchouTrentCreek: lol?? You think?
05:40.17TrentCreekI've never has USB problems wit Firewire
05:40.43drmessanoYoure a real idiot
05:40.58jeff_smokerhow are you limited in call volume if you're using a mobile phone to PBX rather than a SIP gateway?
05:41.19jeff_smokerDoes anyone know about this?
05:41.20drmessanolanning was saying he's had problem with Wifi interfering with Bluetooth.. THEY OCCUPY THE SAME SPECTRUM
05:41.24drmessanoI was commenting I had not
05:41.31jeff_smokerWho cares.
05:41.33drmessanoSeriosuly, TrentCreek
05:41.51mchouTrentCreek: go get drunk someplace else
05:42.35drmessano[01:37] <TrentCreek> drmessano: Correct, but Bluetooth is NOT Wifi  <--- and IRC is no substitute for a good education
05:42.50TrentCreekBluetooth devices use Frequency Hopping and most WLANs use Direct Sequence Spreading techniques they each appear as background noise to the other and should not cause any perceivable performance issues.
05:43.04drmessanoTrentCreek: Indeed
05:43.13drmessanoTrentCreek: Google is your friend
05:43.47drmessanoTrentCreek: Your attempt and trying to show us you know more than we do has gone horribly wrong
05:43.51drmessanoTrentCreek: FAIL
05:44.14drmessanoFailburger w/ or w/out fries
05:44.17lanningIn my case the issue was the noise floor increased too much.  (it might just be that my bluetooth headset was way more sensitive to it)
05:44.35TrentCreekI have not had any floppy problems with my hard driver
05:44.36mchoudrmessano: you are making me HUNGRY :(
05:44.43drmessanolanning: TrentCreek said it's the flix capacitance
05:45.00jeff_smokerWhy pay for the comedy club?
05:45.20TrentCreekyeah you got Digital Research Messano
05:45.51drmessanoMuch better than "Up The Google Creek Without A Paddle Trent"
05:46.12drmessanoBluetooth is NOT Wifi <-- remember that kids
05:46.20jeff_smokerBut seriously - what about mobile phone volumes. Does anyone know if you'll hit bottlenecks running your inbound mobile phone calls to a pbx?
05:46.43jeff_smokerI mean, lets say you have 3,4,5 calls at the same time
05:46.48drmessanoyou get one simultaneous call
05:46.53drmessanoIts a cell phone
05:47.13drmessanoYou cant add mod_unicorn to make it handle 5 calls at a time
05:47.24drmessano5 phones, 5 dongles, 5 calls
05:47.44drmessanoNo bottleneck if youre using 5 devices
05:47.59jeff_smokeryeah, but the whole point is to save on cost
05:48.05jeff_smokeruse one carrier line
05:48.11drmessanoOne line, one call
05:48.28jeff_smokerare you sure?
05:48.41drmessanoDoes your cellphone handle 3 calls at a time normally?
05:48.48drmessanoHow can you make it do MORE than ONE call?
05:49.05drmessanoTrentCreek: Please give jeff_smoker that google link
05:49.38drmessanoin the words of [TK]D-Fender
05:50.01drmessano^^^^^ SOMETHING IN ALL CAPS
05:50.21drmessanoYeah, your cell phone is unitasker
05:50.51drmessanoAdding some magic asterisk addon wont make it handle multiple calls
05:51.00mchouno call waiting on cell phones
05:51.15mchoustraight to voicemail :)
05:51.16drmessanoSo you need to keep flashing
05:51.21lanningyou can send SMS while on a call, but one audio channel.
05:51.30drmessanoHang on
05:51.33drmessanoTiem share
05:51.41drmessanoYou use Call Waiting
05:51.51lanningTDM via flashing?
05:51.52drmessanoLet each party talk for 45 seconds
05:52.09drmessanoThen flip the call waiting and where the call is directed
05:52.18drmessanoCall1 ---> 102
05:52.23drmessano45 seconds later
05:52.30drmessanoCall2 ---> 103
05:52.35*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
05:54.13drmessanoTheres the man you need to talk to..
05:54.17lanningthough, conference calls can be easy :)
05:54.30drmessanoobnauticus told me he once talked to 11 bitches at once on his cell phone
05:54.40drmessanoIsnt that right, O man?
05:54.59drmessanoHe had a "Ho Virtual PRI"
05:55.14lanningor a litter
05:55.31drmessanoA litter of Ho's
05:55.32TrentCreekdamn, dawg! fo sho
05:55.34drmessanoI like that
05:55.50*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
05:56.20the_5th_wheelis it safe to rely on the value answered time gives you for a call?
05:56.48drmessanoIs your time set to some day in the middle of February 1977?
05:57.24TrentCreekI guess drmessano is a newb
05:57.50TrentCreekI have gotten different times on calls...My time and the provider
05:58.08TrentCreektime of answer and hangup different
05:58.12the_5th_wheelhow much different
05:58.27the_5th_wheelIm more interested in the duration of the call
05:58.54TrentCreekwithin 1 - 2 minutes
05:59.04drmessanoSo your phone company determines the call time on Zap calls?
05:59.10drmessanoWow, some power they weild
05:59.17drmessanoOh wait, everyone uses SIP
05:59.25*** join/#asterisk mog (
05:59.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
05:59.26drmessanowonders who the newb is
05:59.29TrentCreekthey determine your toll
05:59.49TrentCreek(if you had one)
05:59.50the_5th_wheelSo are you saying i cant rely on the variable answeredtime?
06:00.26*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
06:01.01TrentCreekOn some calls I have made, the provider has started billing during the ring , and reported to * as "answered"
06:01.06TrentCreekIt's all screwed up
06:02.04TrentCreekI am working on that so I can have accurate billing
06:02.08mchouSame shit happens at Grandcentral
06:02.31mchouGrandcentral does an 'answer' b4 ringback
06:02.40mchoudrives me up the wall
06:02.42the_5th_wheelIve changed my system to rely on answeredtime, and now my usage has dropped by 15%
06:02.56drmessanoGood job!
06:03.10the_5th_wheelIm not sure if it was the hacked and broken A2Billing system i used that reported it too much
06:03.22the_5th_wheelOr the new system being broken and reporting too little
06:03.43drmessanohacked and broken A2Billing system  <--- Even that says a lot, considering "A2Billing"
06:03.56drmessanoToo many variables here
06:03.57the_5th_wheelIt was something i Inherited
06:04.09TrentCreekit all depends on your provider also
06:04.20drmessanoBut a broken A2Billing system is like a sloppy sloppy joe
06:04.38mchouit tastes good?
06:04.38the_5th_wheelSo we rewrote the agi system from scratch to use a logical database structure
06:04.46drmessanomchou: Damn Skinny
06:04.47the_5th_wheelwhats sloppy sloppy joe?
06:05.36mchouit's kinda like hamburger with BBQ sauce
06:05.39drmessanothe_5th_wheel: it would be like telling me they have "really wet water over there"
06:06.33drmessanoor a "Really Stripey Zebra"
06:07.06drmessanoI question A2Billing when it's NOT "broken" as it's pretty broken to begin with
06:07.08drmessanoWhich was the point
06:07.25drmessanoSo you're 15% could be anything at this point
06:07.28the_5th_wheelAh... Thought it was somethign standard... Glad we moved away from it
06:09.37*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
06:10.33TrentCreekIt works quite well...
06:11.06TrentCreekIt seems to be problem with * getting sent false answering, hangups..etc..usualy can be problem with provider
06:12.52mchouThis is great.
06:12.56drmessanoThat doesn't make any sense, but ok...
06:13.19mchouIt seems the telemarketers have finally stopped calling me
06:13.31TrentCreekthat's right..let us big boys do the talking
06:13.46mchouthat's not too bad after 1 month of asterisk screening
06:14.04drmessanoSure, sure... TrentCreek.. you're the expert
06:14.16the_5th_wheellast time a telelmarketer firm got my number, I paid their gardener to take a shovel thru their PRI wire every now and then
06:14.33TrentCreekdrmessano: Just try making a call and you see your * box report "ANSWERED" while you are still getting ring back tone...
06:14.43mchouthe_5th_wheel: what?  you cant be serious
06:14.49*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
06:14.50the_5th_wheelI am.
06:15.01the_5th_wheelthey wouldnt stop phoning me.
06:15.06mchouthe_5th_wheel: how did you even find out who they were?
06:15.21the_5th_wheelso it costed me R200 (R8 =$1)
06:15.25mchouthe_5th_wheel: most just leave prerecorded message
06:15.40the_5th_wheelI live in south africa... There are only a limited amount of telemarketing firms here
06:15.51TrentCreekRupi? Rubles?
06:16.38the_5th_wheelRand (ZAR)
06:16.55mchouthe_5th_wheel: how did you find the gardener?
06:17.19the_5th_wheelSat outside their building with a pack of smokes on my car :-)
06:17.42mchouwouldnt want to get on your bad side
06:17.44the_5th_wheelWas the first time i bought smokes  tho :-)
06:18.25the_5th_wheelAnyhow, I need to go to orcestra now. thanks for the info people. :-)
06:18.56jblackreality? Earth calling. Please come back
06:19.11jblackso wants that mountain place
06:19.21the_5th_wheeljblack: huh?
06:19.37jblacknothing to do with you. I'm sure orchestras in south africa are great.
06:20.12jblackThe jackass three houses down got in a fight with the college kids across the street... On my sidewalk.
06:20.27jblackBoth sides tried to drag me in.
06:22.45mchouyou bop them all on the head?
06:23.23mchouon _your_ sidewalk?  O though sidewalks is community property
06:23.28*** join/#asterisk knobo` (
06:23.50drmessanoOnce you hit the T, you're all mine
06:23.53knobo`Where can I find a list of reasons for soundquality that is very bad?
06:24.10drmessanoThat little strip that goes from the street to my ass is 100% asskick zone
06:24.11jblackI don't know of one.
06:24.43jblackI just let my natural personality bubble up. Within 5 minutes, they had moved down the block.
06:24.53knobo`I have connection from one sip-phone to one asterisk server to another asterisk-server on a lan, and just using normal playback gives very bad quality
06:25.15drmessanoWord of advice.. Move near a gas station
06:25.25mchoudrmessano: why?
06:25.31jblackwhat's the logic?
06:25.36mchoudrmessano: they're polluted
06:25.49*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
06:25.55mchounot good
06:26.03jblackconsiders painting his house black and hanging an upside down cross
06:26.08drmessanoNo one will ever fight in your yard.. If they start to fight, eventually one will ration "Lets take this ***** up to the gas station so I can kick your ass"
06:26.27*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
06:26.28*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
06:26.33drmessanoi dont mean THAT close
06:26.40mchouI'm still missing the logic
06:26.46TrentCreekAnd burning it
06:26.49drmessanoPWTPP loves fighting in gas station parking lots
06:26.50mchougas station is fight club? :)
06:27.05knobo`I'm using ulaw, and sound quality is bad. :(
06:27.09l0verb0yhows everyone doing
06:27.26drmessanoPoor White Trash Trailer Park People
06:27.38jblackThis place was fine four years ago.
06:27.46jblackBig pile-o-old-folks.
06:27.48drmessanoI'm surrounded by them.. Gotta love the south
06:27.58jblackThen the college grew, the old people started dropping off.
06:28.13mchoujblack: that's called progress
06:28.25TrentCreekhere's a fight at the gas station
06:28.28jblackPartyville is expanding up my block, and that jackass neighbor of mine has decided to hold the line.
06:28.29mchoujblack: buy up all the old folks property
06:28.29drmessanoThe old get old, and the young get dumber... Jim Morrison predicted it
06:28.37jblackwondres if bumfights is on torrent
06:28.43mchoujblack: you'll get rich
06:29.15jblackonly two seeds. booo
06:30.13jblackpreps the sermon for his kid.... "If you don't get straight A's, this is what you'll have to do to buy that crack you'll be addicted to"
06:30.25knobo`Is there a way I can test the network to see if the problem is the network?
06:30.36drmessanoAround here, Gas stations remind me of the marshmallow man attacks on the ghostbusters video game
06:30.40jblackThere's a sip quality check thing.
06:30.50jblackYou'll have to google to find it.
06:30.52l0verb0yhas anyone ever had asterisk-IVR problems where you put in an extention and nothing happens?
06:30.59drmessanoYou just never know when some place is gonna go from quiet to total smackdown in 5 seconds
06:31.08knobo`jblack: Is that for me?
06:31.11jblackloverboy: With ATAs. By turning on sip debug, I could track the call and hang up.
06:31.14jblackknobo`:  yes.
06:31.25knobo`jblack: It's the media that has problem, not sip.
06:31.28jblackdrmessano: That's me.
06:31.58jblackOk. Fine. check the load of your network and see if you're dropping packets. Good luck.
06:32.01l0verb0yjblack: when I call the IVR from a non-voip phone its the same thing
06:32.19drmessano"i don't mean to interrupt, but can you stop bleeding on my lawn"
06:32.24jblackSome day, I'm gonna snap.
06:33.09*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
06:33.17jblacksomeone's gonna piss me off IRL, or on irc, and I'll end up hunting them down and putting a gas bomb on their natural gas heater.
06:33.40jblackor shove a bic lighter up their tailpipe. ALways wanted to try that one
06:33.44knobo`packet loss 0.0 %. So it should be ok.
06:34.06knobo`But anyway, I'm on a local network. all connected to a switch
06:34.50jblackIf you're trying to convince us you don't have a problem, then you win. You don't have a problem.
06:35.07drmessanoGlad we could help
06:35.38drmessanoAlways happy to support the Skype community
06:36.18jblackI don't suppose there's some sort of hive-mind-queen-ant person behind skype?
06:37.14knobo`jblack: as I say, the sound quality is really really bad
06:37.23jblackNo it's not.
06:37.43knobo`When I do conference calls over skype, I get much better result
06:37.53knobo`jblack: so there is something wrong here.
06:38.00TrentCreekI see the problem.
06:38.11TrentCreekS K Y P E
06:38.16knobo`We have asterisk at our office, and the quality is verry good.
06:38.25drmessanoWe don't speak badly about Skype here
06:38.30drmessanoSkype is good
06:38.44TrentCreekas string and cans
06:38.55jblackSkype is yummy.
06:39.01drmessanoSkype is our friend
06:39.19drmessanoSkype users are welcome and fully supported
06:39.19knobo`Is it or is it something one can do to find a solution to the problem with the asterisk configuration
06:39.33drmessanoSoylent Green is NOT people
06:39.37TrentCreekSkype was the reason I ran into Asterisk
06:40.05TrentCreekWho needs Skype when you can get free used cans and string?
06:40.26drmessanoYou keep talking like that, and an OP is gonna explode on your about putting down Skype
06:40.40drmessano"Skype is good"
06:40.41jblackknobo`: It could be any of a million things. The codec. (really) Bad timing.  Dropped packets. Loaded network. CPU starvation.  Radioactive bastard child, hiding behind the machines. Bad phone cord. Perhaps your dentist filled your teeth with magnets rather than gold.
06:41.09jblackTrentCreek: Seriously, skype is great. Think through reasons we might say that here....
06:41.33TrentCreekI paid the one year plan when it first came out...for $14.95
06:41.42drmessanoAsking about skype in here is perfectly acceptable
06:41.48drmessanoAll day long
06:41.48jblackSkype rocks. End of story.
06:41.54TrentCreekThe quality was so bad I did not even use it
06:42.15drmessanoEnough of that.  Skype == Very Yes
06:42.29TrentCreekAnd their "support" was good as their voice quality...NONE
06:42.44mchousype support
06:42.46jblackTrentCreek: Are you willing to personally take on the support role for any clearly, utterly, cluessless users that join here? The sort that need handholding for 8 hours?
06:43.11drmessanoSkype is Comcastic
06:43.23mchouskype support consists of "volunteers" on some forum
06:43.32drmessanoand #asterisk
06:43.44*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
06:43.44knobo`jblack: about the radoactivity, might be true, as we are in russia
06:43.50TrentCreekBut when I complain about their voice quality it went unanswered, but oh ask about how to pay them..and get a reply in seconds
06:43.56jblackOh, that's your problem.
06:44.03mchoudrmessano: at leask #asteris is interactive
06:44.07jblackThe cyrrilic letters are getting stuck in the lines.
06:44.11knobo`well, not really
06:44.13drmessano#asterisk = all forms of VoIP, as much Skype as possible
06:44.51drmessanoI would imagine Cisco as well
06:44.56TrentCreekyeah and their "quality" voice calls
06:44.57drmessanoSo any CCM problems, have at it
06:45.30TrentCreekEven Yahoo! VOIP is far superor
06:45.42drmessanoAs of two days ago, I hated Skype.. now I am thinking about filling the house with Skype
06:45.49*** join/#asterisk dmz (
06:45.56drmessanoMay even pack up the wife and my 11 dogs and head to SkypeCon
06:46.13TrentCreekyeah..proper name for that
06:46.37drmessanoYou are asking for trouble
06:47.02drmessano"skype is good"
06:47.14TrentCreeksure is
06:47.23TrentCreekgood as those 2 cans and string I setup
06:48.09drmessanothinks TrentCreek wouldn't understand "subtle" if it hit him with an 18-wheeler
06:48.23coppicedon't knock the cans and strings, especially when using OFDM over string
06:48.25drmessanomchou: Are we gonna have that Asterisk Skype conference?
06:49.02mchoudrmessano: Astricon
06:49.13drmessanoNo, I meant voice conference
06:49.33drmessanoThe weekly voice conference on Skype to discuss Asterisk
06:49.43drmessanoI think its a GREAT idea
06:49.51mchouoh.  you mean how to bury asterisk
06:50.10mchoupart of our ebay strategy
06:50.38mchoumake good on our write-offs
06:50.45drmessanoNo, I think it would be awesome to have a weekly rountable to discuss asterisk, and I think theres no better place do it than Skype
06:51.26drmessanoI am the only person in #skype
06:53.08drmessanoSomeone registered it 4 years ago
06:53.12drmessanoDan forward thinkers
06:55.35drmessanoAnyone use Everydns?
06:58.12*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (n=chatman@
06:59.02MacWinnersorry, a bit off topic, but any suggestions on a reliable and cheap IAX termination provider?
06:59.38mchouMacWinner: depends where you are
06:59.57MacWinnermy server is hosted with 1&1
07:00.20MacWinnernot sure where, but seems to have great connectivity
07:00.32MacWinnerkind of like godaddy
07:00.45mchougodaddy sucks
07:01.36mchoucheck out
07:02.03mchouI dont use them but they have great termination rates
07:02.27*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
07:02.43TrentCreekgodaddy kinda sucks
07:04.57mchouwow.  wtf??
07:05.00*** join/#asterisk rickyriv (
07:05.13mchouvoicepulse stopped their iax term?
07:05.29mchouweb page has no mention of it any more
07:05.53drmessanoThey terminated their termination
07:05.56drmessanoHow.. poetic
07:06.54mchouto think just a few days ago I was considering paying them $50 just for iax termination
07:07.23jblackfuture-nine are morons.
07:08.00mchouMacWinner: this might be it:
07:09.15mchouMacWinner: they used to post their rates but I ont know where it is now
07:10.08jblackdrmessano: Ok... here's a good example of why vim is better than nano.
07:10.37jblackfuture-nine insists on sending me html formatted emails. So I'm doing a search and replace, over only two lines, replacing < and > with &gt; and &lt;
07:10.50mchouoh shit
07:11.09mchouenough with the vim vs. nano BS
07:11.28TrentCreekseems Voice pulse has changed
07:11.38mchouTrentCreek: yup
07:12.09TrentCreekRates here
07:12.21mchouthat's it
07:13.13jblackAren't voicepulse the ones that want a copy of a license, utility bill, fingerprint, dna sample, first born.... ?
07:13.35mchou"Our rates may be downloaded inside the Account Center."  WTF???
07:13.39jblack.019 ? Isn't that up?
07:13.41TrentCreekjblack: yes
07:14.01jblackto which?
07:14.05TrentCreekI use RapidVox, but their "support" is non existent
07:14.09mchoulooks like they've jacked up their rates
07:14.18TrentCreekjblack:  Aren't voicepulse the ones that want a copy of a license, utility bill, fingerprint, dna sample, first born....
07:14.32jblack.019 sounds high.
07:14.44TrentCreekfor USA?
07:15.14mchouthey used to be .01 for most of USA
07:15.29drmessano.019 is very high was .012
07:16.19mchoudrmessano: who do you use for termination? currently, looking at Flowroute
07:16.50drmessanoLowest I have seen yet is Flowroute
07:16.58drmessanoI take that back
07:17.11drmessanoThat whichamacalit one you showed me was lowest
07:17.14mchoudrmessano: you test them out on voice quality?
07:17.32drmessanoI made a few calls.. need to test more
07:17.35jblackI was talking to future-nine, as their rates are very competitive, but they're more trouble than their worth
07:18.22TrentCreekRapidVox is .012
07:18.42TrentCreekUSA calls are premo
07:19.21jblackCWU is still at .0125
07:19.24MacWinnerhow about voip-jet?  i use to have a test account with call-labs, but i've just tried using it and i seem to get a network congestion or busy error anytime i try to make atest call
07:21.03TrentCreekVoicetrading is good, but....
07:21.19TrentCreekyou have to fork out 500 Euros each time you make a payment
07:21.52TrentCreekyou can get a trial account with 5 Euros
07:21.57jblackThere was an american company that wantd to sell blocks of $600, but I can't find them.
07:22.38TrentCreekI think I recall...I heard they sucked, if it is the same company
07:23.01TrentCreekTheir rates, that is
07:23.44jblackThese guys had rates similiar to voicetrading. .0005
07:23.49jblackbut now I can't find them.
07:24.13TrentCreekI know another company you can get rates that low
07:24.20TrentCreekNo min payment
07:24.40TrentCreekbut if you dont mind doing biz with UAE
07:24.58drmessanoI work for haliburton, so im game
07:24.59jblacklatency would probably suck
07:25.01TrentCreekBut then again..Haliburton is now HQ there
07:25.07jblackUAE is progressive.
07:25.28TrentCreekTHEY bring different carriers to get bulk pricing
07:25.29drmessanoSo who are they?
07:25.40MacWinnerUAE is all expats
07:25.41TrentCreekcarrie exchange
07:25.46TrentCreeksomething like that
07:25.53drmessanoI buy my oil from UAE, I can get my Voip there too
07:26.08TrentCreekI am going to signup with them some day.
07:26.25MacWinnerso no opinion on voipjet or call labs?
07:27.01jbotygwypf is, like, You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
07:27.23*** join/#asterisk devhen_ (n=devhen@
07:27.54TrentCreekI visited CL site and was not impressed
07:28.41TrentCreekOnly problem I see with is trying to program all those different routes into your billing app
07:29.31TrentCreekI guess that is where the $00.25 an hour Hindu comes in.
07:30.35knobo`I configured a call-queue, and the sound was OK. But, with playback from a context, the sound quality was BAD
07:31.45drmessanoWhy do you need to program all the routes?
07:32.14drmessanoUnless you're using LCR with them and someone else
07:32.20TrentCreekBecause you have to go through their system getting pricing on different locations
07:32.39drmessanoOk, they handle all the LCR though
07:33.13TrentCreekso if you are looking for lowest cost per cal...could be THOUSANDS of entries
07:33.51TrentCreekbecause many providers do not have set pricing for one country
07:33.57TrentCreekliek they do for the US
07:34.28TrentCreekeach city could have a different for Mexico, for example
07:34.37drmessanoI understand what LCR is
07:36.55drmessanoIf you're only going to use them for outbound, you need to don't need to process the LCR on your end..
07:37.03TrentCreekA good test of a provider is trying out their routes with toll free
07:37.03drmessanoerr yeah
07:37.36drmessanoSo I am still not following
07:37.50TrentCreekon Rapid Vox...their US routes are carrier quality
07:38.06TrentCreekbut try call a toll starts breaking in
07:38.49TrentCreekso means they dont want you using their bandwidth without paying for it
07:39.51drmessanobeats his head on the desk
07:40.10TrentCreekdrmessano: a little harder, please
07:40.12drmessanoif you don't know, say you don't know..
07:40.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
07:41.08drmessanoI asked you WHY you're doing it, not for a lecture on how LCR works or VoIP or anything else. All you're doing is telling stories.
07:41.11drmessanoWhat are you 90?
07:42.26TrentCreekwhy I am doing it? I am not doing anything
07:43.14drmessanoIf CarrieXchange handles all of the LCR by default on their end and you're not using anyone else for termination, you don't need to program 10000 routes into anything.  If you're using them as part of a broader scheme for processing LCR, then I can understand that.
07:44.39TrentCreekNo..they have to pick and choose you own routes. They only handle the billing
07:45.27drmessanoLeast Cost Routing (LCR):
07:45.27drmessanoLCR is set by default to all account to pass traffic through least cost. You have the option
07:45.27drmessanoto turn it ‘off” and set it individually for each route.
07:45.53TrentCreekyes you could do that
07:47.44*** join/#asterisk ali__bb (n=ali@
07:48.58TrentCreekyeah I got it, but never bothered to read it yet...not ready to join yet
07:49.29drmessanoApparently you can your own routes as "private routes" and they will process it as well as their routes for LCR
07:49.31drmessanoThats damn slick
07:50.30MacWinnerthere mouse rollover on the main site is damn slick too
07:51.13TrentCreekprob java svript
07:51.13drmessanoWell, you could have a cool site too if you were making all that money off oil sold to americans
07:51.23TrentCreekyeah..Oil and VOIP
07:53.15drmessanoDamn, cant use my Skype account for LCR
07:53.20drmessanoOh well
07:53.42drmessanoI guess if I cant use it with Skype, it's off topic for #asterisk
07:53.59TrentCreekbut you could with a string and cans
07:55.06MacWinnerin the end, who got the oil, and who got the worthless paper ;)
07:55.43SkypeHuntingwalks through the woods beating a paper bag with a PAP2 yelling "Skype, skype"
07:57.42TrentCreekno Skype here
07:58.10TrentCreek_/kick skype
07:58.50SkypeHuntingAccording to russellb, skype is welcome here
07:58.56SkypeHuntingAll voip is
07:59.22SkypeHuntingWhcih rocks, because PalTalk.. wow
07:59.48SkypeHuntingthinks a Skype Fondue party would rock
08:00.34TrentCreek_/kick russleb
08:01.03SkypeHuntingGood luck with that
08:01.23*** join/#asterisk brian (n=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
08:01.25TrentCreekeasy as pie
08:01.37briankind of OT -- but I want to buy a VoIP phone for my home office. any suggestions?
08:02.06brianI actually don't own a phone
08:02.12jboti heard phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
08:02.14brianI just have a cell phone
08:02.40brianI want a phone that is highly programmable, because I'm a nerd...
08:02.51TrentCreekwith ATA you can have a larger selection of what you want..not too many SIP phones in comparison
08:03.04brianLike I want to be able to have an emergency pager ring on the phone for example
08:03.25brianSo a client can page me if there is a problem and I'm asleep
08:03.41SkypeHuntingDo you have a PBX to hook it up to?
08:03.51brianYeah, I'm gonna run Asterisk
08:04.15SkypeHuntingPAP2T ATA will work with POTS phones
08:04.24brianI don't have a POTS phone
08:04.36SkypeHuntingYou can BUY one
08:04.40SkypeHuntingThey're like $15
08:04.47brianWhy not buy a SIP phone, though?
08:05.02TrentCreekthey cost a lot
08:05.17SkypeHuntingYoure gonna spend minimum of $80 for SIP phone
08:05.21SkypeHuntingWhich is fine
08:05.27brianI didn't say I wanted a cheap phone
08:05.37brianI said I wanted a phone that is customizable
08:05.40SkypeHuntingCisco 7940 then
08:07.31*** join/#asterisk growltiger (
08:07.45brianso what exactly can I make the phone do?
08:07.57briancan i set like custom ring tones for callers and stuff?
08:08.44SkypeHuntingYou can do that with any phone
08:08.58brianHow can you do that with any phone?
08:09.18brianI'm talking about the ring noise it makes when someone calls it.
08:10.04SkypeHuntingI know what distinctive ring is
08:10.11SkypeHuntingor "ring noise"
08:10.19brianWhat do you mean you can do it with any phone?
08:10.28SkypeHuntingYou can make any phone follow the standard bell distinctive ring patterns
08:10.56SkypeHuntingand most IP phones have custom rings
08:11.16brianWell, I want to be able to make the phone beep loudly in some cases.
08:11.34TrentCreekwhat is "some cases?"
08:12.16SkypeHuntingGee caller based rings
08:12.18brianI just told you, I want to be able to use the phone as an "emergency pager"
08:12.33SkypeHuntingbrian: this is BASIC stuff you are asking about
08:12.38SkypeHuntingYes, Yes, and yes
08:12.44brianBasically, if I'm asleep I want it to be loud and wake me up.
08:12.44SkypeHuntingRings are childs play
08:12.58SkypeHuntingI cant make it any clearer
08:13.11brianThere are other things I want it to do...
08:13.15TrentCreekThen why not just buy a pager for $5 and service for $20 for a year?
08:13.26brianBecause I don't need a pager...
08:13.35SkypeHuntingWhat else do you want it to do?
08:13.44SkypeHuntingBe able to talk AND listen?
08:13.59SkypeHuntinghave buttons to make tone thingys?
08:14.03TrentCreekWell you just said you wanted a pager
08:14.36SkypeHuntingOh, I know.. he wants some magical thing where when someone calls it shows it on like a TV monitor computer calculator thingo
08:14.42SkypeHuntingLike an ID for the Caller
08:14.59SkypeHuntingSeriosuly.. what else are you looking for?
08:15.05SkypeHuntingSeriously too*
08:15.36SkypeHuntingNow that we're past "Phones can make different ringy dingys"
08:15.37brianI'm just not sure what phone to buy.
08:15.57TrentCreekhe just told you
08:16.10brianI'm worried I'll buy a phone and then it won't do what I need it to do or what I want it to do
08:16.38TrentCreekthat;s why you read description and ask questions before you buy...or return it.
08:16.52brianI am reading
08:16.56SkypeHuntingBeyond the requirment that it rings, what else?
08:17.26brianI want to be able to like upload a custom ringtone to the phone
08:17.59SkypeHuntingLike, the latest hit from yellowcard or Nickelback?
08:18.10brianLike a loud annoying beep
08:18.21brianThat probably isn't already in the phone's ringtones
08:18.44TrentCreeknot much to choose out there...Cisco..Polycom..Avaya
08:18.45SkypeHuntingWhy are we still talking about rings... I'm making stinky face
08:18.58SkypeHuntingI can do that with a Linksys SPA941
08:19.23brianWell, i'm just using that as an example.
08:19.36brianI'm not sure what I will want to add to my phone as time progresses.
08:19.42SkypeHuntingOk, we GET that you need something loud to wake you
08:20.05brianSo which phone is the most customizable?
08:20.10SkypeHuntingAll of them
08:20.19SkypeHuntingThey all do different things
08:20.24SkypeHuntingYou've named one
08:21.47brianI was looking at Polycom IP 330 on newgg
08:22.13*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
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08:23.23Specialist1hi everyone
08:24.13TrentCreekwe are demoting you to PFC
08:27.07SkypeHuntingJust like Iwo Jima
08:32.54brianHow does power over ethernet work?
08:33.21brianI don't have power over ethernet switch
08:33.53TrentCreekbad idea
08:34.04brianWhat is a bad idea?
08:34.12TrentCreeksucks the power from the cards to power the unit
08:34.20TrentCreekdegrading your signal
08:34.45brianAll of these IP phones use PoE
08:35.30brianWhat's a good phone that isn't an IP Phone? bad
08:36.05TrentCreekIt's SENDING power over ethernet to power units
08:36.13coppicePoE is the only sane way to power a phone. Who wants two cables to their phone?
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08:36.45brianI don't have PoE though
08:36.55TrentCreekethernet uses only 4 wires..leaving extras for other stuff
08:37.17brianMy consumer grade router doesn't have PoE
08:37.50coppicebrian: you can get power injectors to place near your switch. most phones have a direct power input socket as well as supporting PoE
08:38.06brianwhat is a power injector?
08:38.29coppicea gadget to inject the power over the ethernet
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08:38.47briandoesn't that plug into the wall anyways
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08:39.21coppiceyeah, but its near the switch, so you only have one cable into the phone
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08:39.59brianWell I'm only gonna have one phone. So it doesn't really matter. I might just buy a analog phone and adapter now that I think about it
08:40.32brianI don't know if an analog phone can do what I want though
08:40.50coppicelow end sip phones don't give you much more than an ATA+analogue phone
08:40.59SkypeHuntingWhy are you back to an ATA and a phone?
08:41.06SkypeHuntingI thought you wanted a full featured phone?
08:41.15brianIs it stupid to have just one phone though?
08:41.29SkypeHuntingWho cares?
08:41.46brianI don't know which phone to buy.
08:41.47SkypeHuntingWhat is "stupid"?
08:42.25TrentCreekjust to have one phone
08:42.35SkypeHuntingthinks this going to be one of those 3 hour and back forth convos that ends up with the person getting vonage or skype
08:42.54TrentCreekor free string & cans
08:43.22SkypeHuntingMaybe you just need a louder cell phone
08:43.42coppiceIts the old "I want everything I can possibly have, but I'll eventually settle for a $1 analogue phone" discourse :-)
08:43.53TrentCreeknah..stick earphone in ear,..turn up ringer loud as possible
08:44.14brianCell phone call quality is not so good
08:44.25coppicea monk with a cell big enough to need a loud phone is too indulgent
08:44.41brianThat's why I want to setup a VoIP phone because cell phone is not reliable
08:45.13baliktadnewly installed * on centOS 5.2, everything works fine except playback of sounds stutters horribly
08:45.18baliktadany suggestions?
08:45.21coppiceSo, you something so bad it makes cellphones look good?
08:46.14brianI need a functional customizable phone that I can play with.
08:46.31SkypeHuntingI'm guessing he ends up with Skype
08:46.46SkypeHuntingVonage is still a POTS phone
08:47.17baliktadvoice conversations are fine, music on hold is fine, just playback of sounds (digits and other allison sounds) stutters badly
08:47.23*** join/#asterisk friendly12345 (
08:48.45brianI hate Skype
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08:54.00TrentCreekwho doesn't?
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08:56.43drammanThe samples that come with asterisk are very confusing - If I want to have a user "john" on a SIP phone at extension "20" do I create an entry in users.conf "[john]", "[20]", or an entry in sip.conf "[john](xlite1,my-codecs)"
09:00.05TrentCreekin SIP.conf
09:00.22brianwhy does it have to be such a difficult choice to choose a phone :(
09:01.22drammanSo what's the poing of users.conf?
09:03.22*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
09:04.46TrentCreekusers.conf is a configuration file aimed at defining a "user". It can define a user with an optional SIP phone, IAX2 phone, Zaptel phone and/or just about any other type of phone. Some dialplan can be generated for the user, and even (optionally) a manager interface access.
09:05.37*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
09:11.26drammanis it possible to define a "[xlite]" template in sip.conf, a "[bt-extension]" in mobile.conf and then in users.conf do "[john](xlite,bt-extension)"
09:12.41dramman...and completely ommit "hassip" etc in the user.conf definition?
09:15.02*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
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09:18.09drammanArgh!  whenever I click "Register with domain and receive incoming calls" in Xlite, asterisk says "Registration from '"John"<sip:john@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found"
09:18.28*** join/#asterisk idc-dutch (
09:30.02idc-dutchAny polycom user/reseller around here?
09:30.12idc-dutch(and active ;) )
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09:40.06friendly12345idc-dutch: I'm not a polycom reseller, but why Polycom?
09:41.33idc-dutchI need the latest 3.1 firmware for testing here, but since I'm remote, I don't have the login to around to download it from polycom
09:43.34idc-dutchStupid, but I forgot the usb stick with the firmware on it, so...
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10:13.48drammanTrentCreek: could you please elaborate - I've deleted (cut) the user definition from user.conf and pasted it into sip.conf - AND IT'S WORKING!!!  WOOHOO!  which brings me back to my question - if I'm forced to create an entry "[john](xlite,bt_extension)" for each user in sip.conf - why would I duplicate all that effort in user.conf?  Does asterisk somehow merge [john] from sip.conf, mobile.conf, iax.conf etc with user.conf?
10:15.08*** join/#asterisk kim0 (n=kimoz@unaffiliated/kim0)
10:16.11kim0Hi, I don't know if * supports "video conferencing" ? If so, I am after a hardware solution, any recommended providers ?
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11:01.13swhi i'm on asterisk 1.2.. I want to play a message when I get a SIP response 402 (payment required), all I found is hangupcause which contains PRI error messages.. those are not as specific as SIP... is there a SIP equivalent ?
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11:12.52sheri_raocan i make a video call over POTS, without internet. i mean using two asterisk boxes across PSTN.
11:14.26sheri_raoanybody can answer my question? can i make a video call over POTS, without internet. i mean using two asterisk boxes across PSTN???
11:15.31*** part/#asterisk sheri_rao (n=mech@
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11:17.58sheri_raocan i make a video call over POTS, i mean connecting two asterisk boxes over PSTN without internet and then make a video call???
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12:06.40cod3hax0rhello guys
12:06.57cod3hax0rwhat do i do if i dont have ZAP commands
12:07.03cod3hax0rin asterisk
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12:09.17cod3hax0ranyone here?
12:09.30JTmake chan_zap load
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13:52.28drammanCould somebody please help me to get an XLite extension and an engin sip in/out trunk working?
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13:56.04drammanI'm getting "connect() failed (112)", "bind() failed (98)", "connect() failed(22)"
14:04.19drammanseems to be related to the xlite phone
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15:57.02*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
15:57.23ThatKidKelUsing the Cisco 7971G-GE..  Is Skinny or SIP Preferred by the masses?
16:06.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
16:08.56inv_arpThatKidKel: SIP
16:10.22drmessano^Skinny is
16:10.33*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:10.45drmessano^SCCP works better than SIP on Cisco's
16:10.53drmessano^More features are supported
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
16:11.03drmessano^the Cisco SIP firmware is notoriously lacking
16:11.57ThatKidKelso, the skinny that comes with asterisk, or the chan_sccp driver from this site?
16:14.43drmessano^That I do not know..
16:17.00[TK]D-FenderSkinny last I heard
16:33.17*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
16:46.04nosbigdrmessano^, what features from the Cisco Skinny firmware are missing in the SIP firmware?  So far, I haven't found anything that I am using which I needed to use SKinny for...
16:47.33mvanbaakspeed, stability, xml push, configuration of speeddials in asterisk
16:54.00gr0mitanyone familiar with any bugs when generating CDRs of clls which have been diverted in response to a sip phone's '302 Moved tomporarily' message?
16:54.19gr0mitAll my CDRs for diverted calls show a billsec of 0
16:54.50mvanbaakand there isn't a new CDR ?
16:54.59gr0mityes, there are two
16:55.21mvanbaakone with 0 billsec, and one with the actual call length
16:55.28gr0mitone for the incoming leg, and one for the outgoing
16:55.48gr0mitthe outgoing call to an external number needs to be billed to my cusyomer
16:56.06gr0mitand the duration is correct but billsec is always zero
16:57.20gr0mitif i do a loop round the houses, by setting the divert to '7777' and then catching 7777 in the same context exten =>7777,1,Dial(Local/<dest number>/n) then the CDR is correct
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16:58.18gr0mitam running on
16:59.20gr0mitany clues, mvanbaak ??
16:59.34hardwireanybody here swear by quintam?
16:59.57mvanbaakgr0mit: we dont do billing. we have ITSP's that do that for us
17:00.23gr0mitis an ITSP !
17:00.59mvanbaakwe just do hosted pbx stuff
17:01.01gr0mitis worried he has a revenue leak!
17:01.09gr0mitwell i do that
17:01.14gr0mithosted pbx
17:01.24gr0mitbut i als bill my customers
17:01.43gr0mitand at the moment i appear not to be billing for any calls they divert!
17:01.53mvanbaakwe looked into billing. was too complex to do with the changing rates and stuff
17:02.18mvanbaakincoming -> divert to Curacao -> FREE CALLS
17:02.30gr0mitdon't tel anyone!
17:02.56gr0mitso - i think we have a bug
17:03.09mvanbaakdid you fiddle with the ama flags and stuff ?
17:03.26mvanbaakdont know if it works though
17:03.53gr0miti write a lot of stuff into user field for billing purposes
17:04.10gr0mitthat bit works, but the duration billsec is borked
17:04.32gr0mityet if i inject the call as a local channel ending /n then billsec is correct
17:06.30mvanbaakthen go that route
17:06.38mvanbaakthat's how we do it anywayz
17:07.19mvanbaakppl here still use the *21 code (used on POTS and ISDN in .nl) to divert their calls
17:07.25mvanbaakso we wrote some agi to handle that
17:07.34mvanbaakand a bunch of macro's that use local channels
17:08.33gr0mityes - am putting a bunch of extra junk in
17:08.49mvanbaaksometimes you have to :(
17:09.24mvanbaakmeh, couple of our switching boxen still run 1.0. just found out engineering did not upgrade them
17:09.47mvanbaakticket was closed: "We cannot handle the possible impact right now. Suspending"
17:11.04*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3 (
17:12.15gr0mitwell i am trapping calls with local channels in my diaplan, sending them to a goofy prifix, then  reinjecting them with a /n suffix
17:12.20gr0mitand the CDRs work
17:12.38mvanbaakyup. that's how we do it
17:13.02gr0mitits orrible
17:13.06mvanbaakit is
17:13.07mvanbaakbut it works
17:13.12gr0mitseems to!
17:13.23gr0mitneeds to finish mowing the lawn before dark.
17:13.27gr0mitback later!
17:13.34gr0mitthanks for youur help
17:18.01mvanbaakhave fun
17:18.06mvanbaakand glad it works
17:23.47*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:26.59ThatKidKelanyone know which version of CUCM chan_skinny is most like?
17:27.14ThatKidKeldownloading the software
17:27.20[T]anki am having an issue with sip registry and making the numbers actually work. here are a few details to get the conversation started:
17:27.49[T]ankboth numbers register, but when i dial the 4182 number i get an error
17:27.55[T]ankwhich is in that pastebin
17:28.00[T]ankcan anyone assist?
17:28.16[T]ankdoes not make sense why two numbers from the same server are registered, but only one shows a connected peer.
17:29.05[T]anki am adding sip.conf details currently, will post them in a sec.
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17:29.50mvanbaak_ThatKidKel: what phones you want to connect to asterisk using skinny
17:30.48[T]ankany ideas?
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17:42.26glazquick question, I have cisco 7940 SIP phones, I did setup a queue here, is it possible to log in as an agent?
17:44.24[TK]D-Fenderglaz: Yes.  This has nothing to do with what kind of phone you have
17:45.33[TK]D-Fender[t]ank : First change both to "type=peer".  Test. Then comment out 1 reg and test.  Then do the same for the other.
17:52.19*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
17:53.25[T]ankadded insecure=very and it did it. thanks all
17:54.37glaz[TK]D-Fender: ok, I found that I have to use services_url in my SIPDefault.conf file
17:54.45glazbut it calls a xml file over http
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17:54.54glazI'm trying to find this file atm.
17:54.57glazcan't find it.
17:55.09EmleyMoorI am trying to get my Nokia N95 connected in different circumstances.
17:55.10[TK]D-Fenderglaz : that does not inherently have anything to do with Queues though
17:55.36EmleyMoorI need STUN sometimes, mustn't have it at others, and there are times it doesn't matter
17:55.41[TK]D-Fenderglaz : or are you just attacking 10 problems at once and never letting us know when you're on a completely different topic?
17:55.47swhi i'm on asterisk 1.2.. I want to play a message when I get a SIP response 402 (payment required), all I found is hangupcause which contains PRI error messages.. those are not as specific as SIP... is there a SIP equivalent ?
17:56.13EmleyMoorI can't work out how to achieve such a setup - I have the settings tool
17:56.33[TK]D-Fendersw : When does this message arrive, and how has * processed the call up to that point?
17:57.11sw[TK]D-Fender, when i'm dialing but no credit left on my voip provider account
17:57.18glaz[TK]D-Fender: I am trying to log in as an Agent
17:57.27glazSo i will be able to use queues
17:57.31[TK]D-Fendersw : pastebin a failed call's SIP debug
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17:57.57[TK]D-Fenderglaz : this is done through the dialplan, not XML
17:58.23StephenFWhat are everyone's favorite SIP phones for SMB applications?
17:58.51glaz[TK]D-Fender: like, dialing an extention that will ask me for user/pass ?
17:59.40[TK]D-FenderStephenF : Polycom > all
17:59.47[TK]D-Fenderglaz : yes
18:00.33StephenF[TK]D-Fender: Really... That's what i've been seeing. Polycom seems to be the most popular for * implementations. I've also seen alot of Aastra
18:00.34glaz[TK]D-Fender: do you know where I can find an example of this? or do you know the extension.conf command I need to use?
18:00.54[TK]D-Fenderglaz : "core show applications like queue" <- * CLI
18:01.00StephenF[TK]D-Fender: what do you like better about the polycom devices as opposed to other brands
18:01.37[TK]D-FenderStephenF : Aastra is "OK", but has a number of disliked characteristics which ranks them lower
18:02.05glaz[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
18:03.27[TK]D-FenderStephenF : Cisco has the best FEELING phone (in your hands).  Polycom is a close second.  Aastra's base & handset have NO weight and thigs pull & drag around a lot.  Polycom's audio quality is unmatched.  Polycom is much more complex to learn to configure from the start, but much more powerful once you pass the curve.
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18:04.08sw[TK]D-Fender,  is it possible to interact regarding the SIP error 402.. i'm only aware of dialstatus and hangupcause
18:04.32[TK]D-FenderStephenF : I've got a small pile of complaints about Aastra when comparing to Polycom.  I usually rank Linksys higher than Aastra for basic use, but Aastra's BLF key handling IS awesome.
18:05.05StephenF[TK]D-Fender: interesting, thanks for the feedback. You cant really get that kind of information comparing the products online
18:05.15drmessano^Linksys uses the same handset as Cisco
18:05.28[TK]D-Fendersw: when during the call do you actually get this message?
18:05.32baliktadhave a new centOS 5.2 system with * 1.4, if I load zaptel, all sounds playback with a horrible stutter (voice and moh are fine).  Any ideas?
18:05.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano : not the 94X series...
18:05.49StephenFThe Polycom Soundpoint IP 430 look outdated as far as styling, thats weird
18:05.59StephenFwhy dont they match the rest of their product lines styling?
18:06.00sw[TK]D-Fender, immediately after the dial, it hangs up on me immediately since i have no credit left
18:06.23drmessano^I have a 7940 I use at work all day long, and it's the same as my 941 handset at home
18:06.30[TK]D-FenderStephenF : IP 430/50X/30X are very rarely recommended.
18:06.39StephenFare they older?
18:07.03drmessano^Well, the LED stripe is different
18:07.08baliktadas long as I disable zaptel module, all sounds play perfectly
18:07.13StephenFso you like the 320, 330, 501 and up then
18:07.26StephenFor sorry 550 and up
18:07.27drmessano^I'd say they use the same mold for the plastic, same weight
18:07.35[TK]D-FenderSstephenF : Yes.  IP 320/330 for base users, IP 650 for receptioninst IP 550 for bosses who want something nicer but to save a few $ on the 650 (I almost wouldn't bother, and just get them 650's)
18:07.54StephenFdrmessano^: lol your right the shape i identical, its mostly the buttons that are different
18:08.14sw[TK]D-Fender, oh btw do you know what the USB plug in the back of the 650 is for ?
18:08.52[TK]D-Fendersw : Directory memory expansion, future use (possibly Wifi, etc) and so on.  I think its more of a growth thing.
18:09.40bkw_I need to open a bug on mantis.. Asterisk uses the wrong codec on a re-invite when the answer doesn't contain said codec.
18:09.52bkw_has anyone else seen this?
18:09.54StephenFSo what kind of applications/benefits can you get with the larger LCD displays like on the 550 and 650
18:10.25[TK]D-FenderStephenF : The XML MicroBrowser.  live feed on Idle, interactive services on demand
18:10.50[TK]D-FenderStephenF :  and of course better UI for general call processing.  More readble fonts, etc
18:11.26StephenFahh ok, better for call processing which is why it is key for a receptionist,
18:11.42glaz[TK]D-Fender: do you know where I can find an example of a dialplan for an agent login?
18:11.44StephenFhave you evern used one of the expansion modules, or something software based like HUD or HUDlite
18:11.56[TK]D-FenderStephenF : Actually All polycoms have the same capabilities, its a question of how many line-keys & what expansion.
18:11.59drmessano^Dont say Hud or Hudlite in here
18:12.08drmessano^That cause for being stabbed
18:12.12[TK]D-FenderStephenF : Call handling is what Polycom KILLS everyone else on.
18:12.19StephenFlol, really? Is HUD no good?
18:12.31[TK]D-FenderGlaz : Go read the apps intructions & the book.
18:12.35drmessano^Hudlite is absolute crap
18:12.40[TK]D-FenderGlaz : and go play around.
18:12.41drmessano^Uses an IRCd for a backend
18:12.57drmessano^Can you say "weekend hack project"
18:12.57StephenFman, thats too bad it looked really cool
18:13.18StephenFare there any other similar products that integrate with Asterisk?
18:13.27drmessano^I like astassistant
18:13.27glazwhat is the book url again?
18:13.31ThatKidKelso i get my cisco 7971g to register with the * box..  chan_skinny..  after i dial a number, it only gives me a dialtone..  even though on the console i see asterisk stepping through the dialplan
18:13.33ThatKidKelany suggestions?
18:15.21StephenFdrmessano^: intersting
18:15.43jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:18.59[TK]D-FenderDammit, my Chatzilla auto-complete is broken.  It'll suggest, but never match or type it.. anygot a hint?
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18:32.33StephenFthat fix it?
18:33.28*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
18:33.36[TK]D-FenderI won't bother diggin too deep on this one.  Just happy I don't have to type people's names in full.
18:37.31[TK]D-FenderRB2: Is somewhere I'm sure :)
18:37.46*** join/#asterisk growltiger_ (
18:38.20RB2Things are going pretty well with the Asterisk setup, I'm just trying to figure out why the SIP trunk doesn't seem to allow incoming calls. I have something wrong somewhere.
18:39.30[TK]D-FenderRB2: go enable SIP debug in * CLI and look at why it says it failed.
18:39.35[TK]D-FenderRB2: Pastebin is your friend.
18:41.07RB2:) ok, just got a call. brb
18:41.21mvanbaakso you arsteris IS working ;)
18:41.47RB2hahah on the pots line :-P
18:46.20StephenFSo do you guys do any kind of QoS, or VLANing, or seperate lans with a SMB solution with say 5 phones
18:47.15StephenFor is it pretty safe to run data and voice on one 100/mb network
18:47.26StephenFwith such a small number of users
18:48.41[TK]D-FenderStephenF: for general use you can just slap it all on the same network.
18:48.53[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Though I typically suggest a separate physical LAN
18:49.21StephenFhmm, not like its to hard, just need another switch.
18:49.31drmessano^You only have 5 phones
18:49.36StephenFyeah for now
18:49.41drmessano^How many are you planning?
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18:49.58StephenFup to 10 probably
18:50.09StephenFright now there are five users
18:50.12drmessano^I still don't see the need for a seperate lan
18:50.20drmessano^Above that.. maybe after 15
18:50.49StephenFyea, I think our bottleneck will be WAN bandwith before LAN
18:50.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano^: Separate LAN is what I'd recommend to leave WS's on their own and be able to gr IP 320's with no passthrough and use that $ to pay for the PoE Switch
18:51.17[TK]D-FenderStephenF: unless your WS use a LOT of BW it isn't going to matter really
18:51.39StephenFyeah they wont, just standard file sharing, and internet access
18:51.48drmessano^I don't disagree.. I think VLAN is a bad idea if you need to segment.. If you hit 15 phones, go seperate
18:53.01drmessano^I'm all for a seperate PoE phone switch for a good sized rollout.. but 5 to 10 phones could run with 5 to 10 WS on even a $150 24 port linksys
18:53.23StephenF^ thats the plan at this point
18:53.44StephenFwe are trying to keep initial costs low, because we are moving into a new suite.
18:54.45drmessano^I would say though that if you plan an explansion above 10, you need to factor in the segmenting of the network.. You'll hit 14 phones, add 2 more, start seeing jitter, and wonder WTF is going on, then have no plans to buy a switch
18:55.26StephenFdrmessano^: I think we will cable the suite with double data ports so that we can easily segment it in the future
18:55.39StephenFjust add another switch and move the patches over
18:55.43drmessano^Good ole fashioned "Forget that right now.. Lets add this one more to get it up and running and worry about it next time"
18:55.50drmessano^and next time never happens
18:56.20StephenFI know what you mean, we are an IT service provider. see that every day
18:56.29drmessano^Same here
18:56.41drmessano^We handle managed services for a few hundred businesses
18:56.51StephenFnice, where abouts?
18:57.17drmessano^Augusta, GA and vicinity.. Have clients as far away as Arkansas, although the company base for them is here
18:57.23StephenFdrmessano^: Im assuming you use * in your office too, do you do anything MSP related with your box?
18:57.35StephenFVery cool, were in San Jose, CA
18:58.54drmessano^No, we do VERY little phone work.. I do all of our minor POTS work that we don't outsource.. Fixing a fax line here, troubleshooting a remote office with a single pots line, some company CEO's vacation home, etc
18:59.11drmessano^But no Asterisk as of yet.. We've rolled a few Cisco boxes
18:59.24glazI'm trying to find a services.xml example for the Cisco 7940 Phone, Can anyone help?
18:59.36StephenFhow do you like those
18:59.38RB2[TK]D-Fender, how do I turn on the SIP debugging?
19:00.38drmessano^They work.. they're reliable.. I think an * box could offer a client much more functionality, but for replacing an aging PBX or their first foray from 4 line phones to a PBX, they're not bad
19:01.19StephenFnice, I've been through their sale and engineer training for the UC500 but havent ever actually deplyed on
19:01.28StephenF*deployed one
19:01.38drmessano^It's one of those things where umm
19:02.19drmessano^If you ask a client what they want in a PBX, it offers pretty much all of it.. They're not missing anything they KNOW of..
19:02.44jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
19:02.44drmessano^Whereas with Asterisk, they could do more.. stuff they didn't know existed
19:03.03drmessano^I guess that's why it's popular
19:03.17drmessano^It offers the well known functions and says "Cisco"
19:03.20StephenFyeah, so customizable, and it does everything
19:03.29StephenF* I mean
19:03.41drmessano^I right
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19:03.56drmessano^It's like giving someone a Linksys router
19:04.05drmessano^It works, routes, forwards some ports, gives them a wireless thingo
19:04.06RB2[TK]D-Fender, nvm, figured it out. I'm pretty sure it's the trunk configuration because the call never is received by asterisk.
19:04.43StephenFyup, gets the job done
19:04.45StephenFSo how well will a PIV 2.8GHz, 512mb Dell box do for a 5-10 user * system?
19:05.33[TK]D-FenderStephenF: way more than enough.
19:05.45drmessano^I'd up the RAM just because 512MB ram irks me like 128MB did about 3 years ago (good, but not quite)
19:05.52[TK]D-FenderStephenF: You would do fine on a 100$ used high-end P3
19:06.36[TK]D-FenderI'm going to pick up on my blogging for phone selection methodology, etc.
19:07.09drmessano^IMO, a 2.8GHZ box with 1GB Ram, which is not an uncommon scenario, is a good box for 20 to 25 users
19:07.16ThatKidKeldoes anyone have some good documentation for cisco 7971g-ge and chan_skinny?  i cannot make the dialtone go away after dialing a number..
19:07.25jayteetitle it "Welcome to Hell! Here's your GXP-2000"
19:07.28drmessano^Unless you're transcoding like crazy
19:07.43mvanbaakOpenSolaris ....
19:07.49mvanbaakit's booted, and I'm on irc
19:07.52drmessano^jaytee: I run a callcenter with GXP-2000s
19:08.09drmessano^I think its running well.. cant really tell
19:08.20drmessano^Everytime I call for a status, the calls keep breaking up
19:08.28mvanbaakthe latest GXP-2000 is pretty ok
19:08.47mvanbaakstill budget hardware, but it's been worse
19:08.48drmessano^You're not allowed to say that in here
19:09.06drmessano^Grandstreams are not OK unless they're running Skype
19:09.21mvanbaakit all depends on where you want to put them
19:09.29mvanbaakdont put them on your CEO's desk
19:09.32StephenFAlright cool, I thought it would be great for 5-10 users and give us the expansion possibility if we ever needed it. The box was only $130
19:09.33jayteedrmessano^, my boss bought 4 when we first started testing *. Had nothing but headaches. Still use two that work "ok" with a firmware update but we're not buying more.
19:09.38drmessano^Oh I will tell you where to put them
19:09.44mvanbaakbut the interms dont get a 400 $ phone
19:09.50mvanbaakdrmessano^: lol
19:10.16mvanbaakdrmessano^: I already have a couple of HT-286 ATA's there ;)
19:11.07mvanbaakanyone here going from Amsterdam to Phoenix ?
19:11.12drmessano^What kind of polycommunist are you?
19:11.29mvanbaakor from Chicago to Phoenix on monday ?
19:12.18*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
19:12.40mvanbaak17:12 plane from Chicago to PHX
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19:15.40StephenFmvanbaak: are you trying to sell a plane ticket?
19:15.53mvanbaakno, looking for company
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19:32.57RB2I have 2 SIP trunks and Polycom 650s. Is it possible to setup my extension so the first two lines are 1 SIP trunk and add 2 more that are another SIP trunk?
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19:36.44[TK]D-FenderRB2: typically with * in the middle, your phone has nothing to do with whatever conenctivity you have to the PSTN.
19:37.21[TK]D-FenderRB2: And yes you can have your phone register each "line" separately and mix & match the line-keys you give them accordingly.
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19:38.24RB2[TK]D-Fender, I'm looking for an easy way for a user to select an outbound service and/or discern which trunk the call is coming in on
19:38.43[TK]D-FenderRB2: that is an option
19:39.07[TK]D-FenderRB2: You could also prefix the callerid, and use prefixes to manually select which resource to use dialing out, etc
19:39.16RB2Can that be done via the EndPoint Manager or do I need to manually edit the config files?
19:39.35[TK]D-FenderRB2: most of the time users want * to look at what you're dialing an choose for you based on what you deem best
19:39.49[TK]D-FenderRB2: What "endpoint manager"?  Asterisk has no such thing
19:39.58*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
19:40.01RB2[TK]D-Fender, I figured I would use prefixes as a intermediary step.
19:40.17RB2[TK]D-Fender, well trixbox does.
19:40.25[TK]D-FenderRB2: Prefixes are an option, and not a necessary one, but good to have for manual control.
19:40.34Qwelloh boy
19:40.36[TK]D-FenderRB2: Then go ask in the Trixbox channel.  It is not supported here
19:40.50RB2ok, I'll hop over and ask them.
19:40.59Qwellit's dead there, don't expect much
19:41.07[TK]D-FenderRB2: From what little I've seen, they did as little as possible in creating it.
19:41.40QwellI'm writing an open letter to Cisco...  anybody have anything they want me to add? :p
19:41.50Qwellmvanbaak: ?
19:41.55[TK]D-FenderJust about every phone provisioning script I've run into looks like crap.
19:42.08RB2[TK]D-Fender, that's what it looks like. It works really well, but is very limited.
19:42.32drmessano^It works really well, but is very limited.
19:42.37drmessano^What does that even mean?
19:42.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: "Stop sucking so much you Firmware-lisence-Nazis and cooperate with Asterisk!"
19:42.53drmessano^"It makes files 100% of the time, but not much in them"
19:42.54Qwell[TK]D-Fender: that's rant 1 and 2, yeah
19:43.14[TK]D-FenderQwell: Ok, that'll do for now :)
19:44.44RB2Qwell, you weren't kidding. It really is dead over there.
19:46.03[TK]D-FenderRB2: Feel free to configure them yourself like the rest of us do.
19:49.16mvanbaaklol Qwell
19:49.21mvanbaakQwell: what's it about ?
19:49.51Qwellrandom bs
19:49.52mvanbaakthey should hand me a couple of those nice cisco video phones so we can get them to work with asterisk
19:50.03Qwellmostly licensing and third-party systems
19:50.05Qwelland skinny..
19:50.21*** join/#asterisk mackes (
19:50.23mvanbaakoh, and a bunch of 7921 and 7970's
19:50.25RB2[TK]D-Fender, that's what I'm going to do. I prefer the command-line anyway.
19:50.47glazI want to set a variable as the number I type on my phone keypad. SetVar($????)
19:50.54glazwhat variable am I looking for ?
19:51.13mvanbaakglaz: Read()
19:51.49glazwell, it's not read, read() will read the numbers
19:52.10mvanbaakQwell: just add that you want the internal docs about how the skinny protocol works
19:52.18Qwellindeed :p
19:52.21glazI want to dial an extension than it asks me for a username, I enter 1234, i want the variable to be set to 1234.
19:52.44mvanbaakglaz: read()
19:52.57QwellI talked to a Cisco engineer this week at itexpo..  he said they use Wireshark internally, but they run into problems all the time because the implementation isn't complete...  and they aren't allowed to contribute changes back to wireshark
19:53.29mvanbaakQwell: thats sad
19:54.20mvanbaaka skinny protocol doc will help there as well ;)
19:54.59mvanbaakQwell: btw, checkout this work from wedhorn on the config rewrite
19:55.01mvanbaakit's nice
19:55.07mvanbaakI have it running in production now
19:55.47mvanbaakand, it opens the door for realtime-skinny support
19:59.56glazmvanbaak: works, thanks.
20:00.22mvanbaakyou're welcome
20:01.04StephenFhmm, looks like voicepulse updated their website
20:01.59[T]ankis there anyone here able to send me a fax so I can test my work? I am in the US.
20:06.56ThatKidKelanyone see a problem with this?
20:07.37glazany cmd that can read a file? not textualy but let say my file has lines similar to 1111,2222,3333
20:08.04mvanbaakThatKidKel: nope
20:08.05glazusing , as the seperator and having a variable set to each record
20:08.23ThatKidKelmvanbaak..  any idea as to why the phone's dialtone never goes away?
20:08.57mvanbaakThatKidKel: try to add: exten => 411,n,Wait(1) after the Answer
20:09.32ThatKidKelk.  can do..  however, why can't i get it to stop after pressing the first digit (ie. 4)?
20:10.46mvanbaakwhat phone
20:10.53RB2Forget the trixbox provisioning, I'm gonna' do it by hand. Does anyone have a pointer to a good document on the configuration files?
20:11.12jbotbook is, like, Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:11.16jayteeRB2, for polycom's?
20:11.38mvanbaakThatKidKel: I never got one of those to play with
20:11.45RB2jaytee, yeah.
20:11.49mvanbaakmy 7960 and 7905 work great
20:11.57[TK]D-FenderRB2: Go download the admin guide for your firmware
20:12.08ThatKidKelmvanbaak.. and you are using chan_skinny?
20:12.13mvanbaakThatKidKel: yup
20:12.28ThatKidKelmvanbaak..  care to share one of your phone definitions?
20:12.30ThatKidKelfrom skinny.conf
20:12.31[TK]D-FenderRB2: And I advise starting with their sample configs that come bundled along with it
20:12.47RB2[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks. Sorry for asking so many newb questions. ;)
20:12.56jayteeRB2, use the Polycom Admin guide for your version of the SIP firmware and also download the Configuration File Management on Soundpoint IP Phones.pdf whitepaper.
20:13.28jayteemy Polycoms didn't come with sample configs
20:14.28ThatKidKelmvanbaak.. also, what version for firmware are you running 8.4?
20:14.36mvanbaakThatKidKel: office == 7960 and livingroom == 7805
20:15.03ThatKidKeli figured
20:15.37mvanbaakThatKidKel: 7960: Version 8.0(9.0)
20:15.55ThatKidKeli wonder if i'm running too new of a version
20:16.00mvanbaakThatKidKel: 7905: Software Version8.0.3(070409A)
20:16.23mvanbaakThatKidKel: all phones have their own versions
20:17.05ThatKidKelthe download site says, "Compatiable with CUCM versions x, x, x"  which version of cucm is chan_skinny most like?
20:17.45[TK]D-FenderRB2: there is also a decent guide on the WIKI for provisioning Polycom's as well
20:17.55mvanbaakThatKidKel: no idea
20:18.27mvanbaakThatKidKel: we code chan_skinny based on feedback and reverse engineering packetdumps from ppl
20:18.49mvanbaakThatKidKel: and based on how our own phones respond to what we code
20:19.27ThatKidKelyou want some packetdump?
20:19.54mvanbaakyou have cucm ?
20:20.08ThatKidKelnot here anyways
20:20.10ThatKidKeli'm at home
20:24.07Wayhighhas some nasty funk today.. layin' down the death biscuits
20:24.20Wayhigh:) wrong chan :)
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20:37.26ThatKidKelmvanbaak..  apparently the 8.4 firmware doesn't agree with Asterisk
20:37.31ThatKidKelwent down to 8.0 and it works..
20:42.59drmessano^Wayhigh: Stop talking about Asterisk.. Off topic here
20:48.28mvanbaak_ThatKidKel: hhmm
20:48.34[T]ankhas anyone here been successful with t38 pass through in 1.4?
20:48.55[T]anki am setting up an ATA to a fax machine and trying to get a fax to go through.
20:49.17mvanbaak_[T]ank: and the ATA does t38 ?
20:51.05StephenFanyone have any experience with Voice Network Inc., they have unl. incoming DID for $3.95/mo
20:51.12[T]ankit is a grandstream handytone 386
20:51.31mvanbaak_ah, a grandsuck
20:51.46[T]ankStephenF: what is their outbound rate?
20:52.01mvanbaak_[T]ank: the only thing I got to work is to set the ata to allow ulaw only, and send the fax in ulaw directly to the isdn line
20:52.29StephenF[T]ank: US = $0.015, but I'm not using them for outbound
20:52.38[T]ankthats pretty good.
20:52.55StephenFyeah it is
20:53.09[T]anki have been paying a flat rate of .020 with binfone for about 2.5 years now. been happy with them.
20:53.13StephenFbut I have no clue on their quality, service, or anything else. Just found em on google
20:53.49mvanbaak_we pay .012 for national calls
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20:54.53mvanbaak_and we pay 0,0168 for US
20:55.14[T]ankmwandbaak_: who are you with?
20:56.25StephenFI'm thinking of using Voice Pulse for my outgoing, < $0.005 - $0.019/min for the US, but incoming DID's are $11/mo unlimited min
20:57.48mvanbaak_StephenF: we pay EUR 7.50/month for a USA did
20:58.11StephenFpretty close
20:58.33StephenFI just dont need "unlimted" i would pay less if I had the same incoming rates as outgoing
20:58.55mvanbaak_I dont get the idea of 'unlimited incoming'
20:59.02mvanbaak_I mean, you have a did
20:59.12mvanbaak_who cares how many ppl are calling you
20:59.23mvanbaak_only the calling party has to pay for the minutes
20:59.28drmessano^Anyone here use CarrieXchange?
20:59.46mvanbaak_or is it 'unlimited' as in unlimited concurrent calls ?
21:00.02StephenFunlimited minutes
21:00.18mvanbaak_you have to pay for incoming minutes in the USA ?
21:00.30drmessano^Depends on the plan
21:00.42mvanbaak_that is evil
21:00.43StephenF^ exactly
21:00.52mvanbaak_that means they are getting twice the minutes
21:00.59drmessano^You can get an unlimited inbound DID for $6.99 a month
21:01.05StephenFdrmessano^: where is that at?
21:01.10mvanbaak_the calling party pays for the minutes, and the receiving party as well
21:01.19mvanbaak_that's not fair
21:01.51mvanbaak_having to pay for incoming calls is crazy
21:03.01mvanbaak_if a provider here in .nl would dare to ask that, they will be out of business in a week
21:03.54*** join/#asterisk henkoegema (
21:04.23drmessano^Im trying to figure out a good way to sell phone service to my parents without going overboard
21:04.56simNIXIm looking at getting budgetphone; they offer for 10 euro a year that you have a number you can be called on
21:05.16drmessano^My parents pay.. Get this..
21:05.38mvanbaak_simNIX: that's cheap
21:05.43drmessano^$70 a month for phone service
21:05.52mvanbaak_simNIX: I pay 30 euro/year for a local number
21:06.10drmessano^$22 of that is unlimited long distance with AT&T
21:06.11simNIXis in nl
21:06.35mvanbaak_simNIX: yup, in .nl
21:06.58mvanbaak_I have a 0318 number now, and next month I'll be moving to DenHaag so I'll get a 070
21:07.18drmessano^I'm thinking about signing them up with Callcentric for a local DID
21:07.42drmessano^Then checking their minutes to see what the termination needs to be priced at
21:08.06drmessano^Setting up a couple PAP2s and saying goodbye to Bell
21:08.46drmessano^Flowroute needs to hurry up and get some East Coast DIDs ;)
21:08.56mvanbaak_I'm off to bed
21:12.05drmessano^Their cable company has a cable/internet/unlimited phone bundle for $119
21:21.19*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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21:35.32RB2hehe, I updated the logo on the phone, but apparently it didn't like it. Now there's no logo at all.
21:56.05jblack'We promise we're not going to suck the earth into a black hole. Though the LHC breaks weekly, taking millions to fix shouldn't be taken as an indication that we don't really know what we're doing'
21:56.50*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
22:01.48*** join/#asterisk surrogat2000 (i=55e81bcd@gateway/web/ajax/
22:03.45surrogat2000hi everybody. i've got a problem with zaptel and sending dtmf-tones. I'm doing a call from a sipphone to the world out there using zaphfc (chan_zap). everything is fine except i can't send a dtmf tone. when i'm trying to, the dtmf on sip is recognized (log), but then i get a "couldn't dial digit 1". :(
22:05.39surrogat2000nobody got an idea what to do?
22:06.27EmleyMoorjust tracked down an annoying dialplan bug
22:08.04surrogat2000is there really nobody who ever heard about this problem?
22:08.11EmleyMoorI had somehow deleted a label from my "permission to call" macro
22:08.39EmleyMoorsurrogat2000: What DTMF mode are you using?
22:09.09surrogat2000i use sip_info
22:09.31jayteetry RFC2833
22:09.47surrogat2000ok i try
22:12.11surrogat2000nothing changes
22:13.49drmessano^jblack: The black hole is the funding
22:17.50surrogat2000no other ideas, what can cause this problem?
22:40.23baliktaddrmessano^ why do you care about flowroute when you could just use or callcentric
22:42.16*** join/#asterisk GlobeTrotter (n=GlobeTro@
22:42.40GlobeTrotterhey guys,,  is there a zap show stauts in asterisk 1.6?
22:42.54QwellGlobeTrotter: it's dahdi now
22:43.15mchouwho's your dahdi!!
22:44.59drmessano^baliktad: Why not?
22:45.29GlobeTrotterdahdi is not working for me
22:45.35GlobeTrotterdo i run this at the cli?
22:46.38QwellDo you have dahdi installed?
22:47.09ManxPowernoobs should not be using DAHDI
22:47.26GlobeTrotterah ok,, so i install dahdi instead of zaptel?
22:47.54ManxPowerGlobeTrotter: why are you trying to use dahdi?
22:49.47GlobeTrotter1.6 is installed and i have the ports configured via the gui,.,.  but when the calls from pstn come into the box they are not detected by the pbx
22:50.15ManxPowerYou mean 1.6 pre-release, of course.
22:50.19GlobeTrotterso i wanted to runa few zap commnds to see what was going on.. but now you tell me that i need dahdi instead\
22:50.43ManxPowerGlobeTrotter: you'll have quite a bit of trouble getting help with DAHDI.
22:52.09GlobeTrotterok,, thanks guys
22:59.53*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
23:09.43GlobeTrotterdo i need to install zaptel and dahdi,, or only dahdi?
23:10.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano^ (
23:13.41seanbrightone or the other
23:13.44seanbrightnot both
23:30.32jaytee     lol :-)
23:30.32*** join/#asterisk xpl (
23:34.03Qwellxpl: I can't help you.  Ask here.
23:34.09xplok thanks
23:35.12xplwho know's who can i configure the asterisk to send with vonage proxy sip SMS on the cell phone's ? i will pay for the informacion/configuracion .
23:35.14[TK]D-Fenderxpl: And stop PMing people like that, its quite rude
23:35.43xpl[TK]D-Fender:  okay man sorry
23:52.24jayteeI've been reading through the Polycom configuration guide and I'm just amazed at all the options but I can't figure out how to set it to adjust the one of the features so I get slightly lighter or darker toast?
23:53.39RB2[TK]D-Fender, the config files for the polycom phones actually weren't bad to edit. :D Now I'm just trying to figure out BLF and being able to route outbound calls from a specific extension to a specific trunk.
23:54.45jayteei'm thinking that if gives me light toast and gives me dark toast then should give me medium toast.
23:55.04Qwellno, 3 will burn the toast
23:55.16Qwell2 will burn the building down
23:55.25Qwell4 will turn the toast into a banana
23:55.34[TK]D-Fendergives jaytee the 3rd degree
23:55.40jayteea banana? how awesome!!!
23:55.47Qwellyeah, but it's an evil banana
23:56.01jayteeeewwww, that can't be good
23:56.12Qwellno, it's tasty
23:56.13[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I just upgraded my IP 501 here to SIP 3.1.0.
23:56.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: went smooth
23:56.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I thought the 501 didn't support it? The matrix says no IIRC
23:57.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Nope. 300/500 are excluded
23:58.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ah, those phones. makes sense. all my phones came with SIP 2.1.2 and bootrom 3.2.3. I'm going to upgrade to SIP 2.2 but I'm not sure if I need to upgrade the bootrom.
23:58.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee:jayWhat models?
23:59.06jayteeIP 330 and IP 550
23:59.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: only 550/560/650/670 require 4.1 for my SIP ver
23:59.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Always check both release notes
23:59.55[TK]D-FenderQwell: GBit + Colour

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