IRC log for #asterisk on 20080916

00:00.17coppiceDanskmand: no. that's just an excuse the US uses for everything
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00:00.49rasterix"While ISDN was widely deployed by the telephone companies, may consider the standard to have been a flop, as it genereally failed to live up to its promises.  The high costs of implementation, recurring charges and loack of coperation among the major industry players contributed to an environment that caused more problems than it solved."
00:01.00coppicethe copper planning limit for BRI is usually the same as for analogue pairs
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00:01.22coppicerasterix: that much is true
00:01.48Danskmandcoppice: Well, but pots is allready there....
00:02.21rasterixi think "the high cost of implementation" is probably key
00:02.25rasterixto its doom
00:02.51coppiceDanskmand: BRI reuses the same pairs used for POTS
00:02.55DanskmandLike in Germany, here in the old west-germany, we still use copper.....But in the former east-Germany, they had to replace everything anyway - so there they all have fiber....
00:03.15ManxPowerDanskmand: the telco hands you a fiber for your phone to plug into?
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00:03.46rasterixwhy would the telecom companies continue to invest in a technology they know will die (eventually)
00:04.01coppiceall technologies will die
00:04.04DanskmandNono....They are using fiber for the main wiring, and copper for "the last mile" ....
00:04.06ManxPowerFrom a customer perspective it does not usually matter how the telco transports your service, as long as you get an analog or T-1/E-1 or whatever presented to the customer.
00:04.18rasterixyes but bri has already written out its will
00:04.33ManxPowerrasterix: *nod*  Being replaced with analog.
00:04.47ManxPowerI mean, what else would replace BRI for voice?
00:05.10coppiceif a small business in many european countries starts up today, they will install BRI
00:05.19DanskmandWell, here in Germany they talk about only -one- line into your house....
00:05.41DanskmandPhone, Internet, radio and TV from one line...
00:05.50ManxPowerDanskmand: why do you care?
00:06.10ManxPowerI don't really CARE how phone, internet, radio, and TV get to me.  As long as they get to me.
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00:06.24rasterixmanxpower: well since in the UK British Telecom are actively pushing to get all home customers with ADSL onto VOIP... im guessing VOIP will replace BRI for voice
00:06.58coppiceDanskmand: any, the bottom line for your problem..... there is no robust BRI solution available for linux today. although a lot of people are crying out for it, nobody has really done anything serious about a solutionn
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00:07.46DanskmandCoppice: Do you have any idea why noone is working on this ?
00:07.59rasterixim just basing my view on that of the largest telecoms company in the uk... and if they want it to happen it probably will
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00:08.10[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Sounds uncharacteristic.  BRI is digital so you'd think that it'd be a more predictable environment, and that so much Linux dev takes place in EU as well...
00:08.28rasterixmanxpower: but ill be sure to let them know you think they are wrong
00:08.40ManxPowerEven DIGIUM uses mISDN for their BRI card.
00:08.47coppicerasterix: these things are not technological. they are commercial, and the right commercial trick varies with the market. the trick in the US is "fibre to the home" so they can rip out the existing copper and close down all comptition. Maybe in the UK it is to play games with DSL right now
00:09.14drmessanoTelco would rather give you a 2 channel PRI than a BRI
00:09.21coppiceI think Digium is trying to get bristuff like code into libpri, because mISDN is a disaster
00:09.32ManxPowercoppice: from what little I've read it seems like BT is trying to push out the competition -- much like the USA carriers are doing.
00:09.51Danskmandrasterix: Here in Germany it doesnt pay off for me to use VOIP...the main company gives me a flatrate for using voice all around Germany AND 2 countrys (Yes, also Hawaii) for a fixed flatrate...For ISDN, not VOIP.....
00:09.53rasterixtheir VOIP sucks
00:10.04rasterixit is SIP based
00:10.19jayteewonders if he should be nervous about Digium putting bristuff code into libpri.
00:10.21ManxPowerDanskmand: how popular is BRI for voice in Germany?
00:10.21Danskmand2 countrys = 25 countrys...
00:10.38ManxPowerjaytee: naw, the lawyers will fight it out ahead of time.
00:10.47drmessanoIsn't most ISP VoIP SIP based?
00:11.03rasterixbut you have to "hack" it to connect to one of their voip phones from another SIP phone
00:11.16ManxPowerdrmessano: they are talking about carriers, not ISPs.  Carriers like AT&T, BellSouth, BT,
00:11.18DanskmandManx: Oh, its all over....ppl with POTS are paying more than ppl with BRI...
00:11.42ManxPowerDanskmand: so not a total failure in Germany at least.
00:12.04DanskmandNot at all...
00:12.16ManxPowerNor in the Netherlands, from what I saw when I was there.
00:12.19rasterixyour SIP address is
00:12.32rasterixwhere xxx... is a dynamic IP
00:12.45jayteeanyone here have Comcast and use some other ITSP? I've been wondering if ComCraptastic would play games with any voip traffic over their network that isn't their voip traffic.
00:12.45DanskmandThat is why I am wondering why noone is making "something" for Faxes...
00:13.04drmessanojaytee: No they dont
00:13.35ManxPowerI highly doubt a cable company's phone service has to fight for bandwidth with the user's internet service.
00:14.14CrazyTux[m]when calling sip show channels, how is it possible for it to fluctuate from 86, 0, 84, 0, 83, 0 <- with consequtive, calls to "sip show channels"
00:14.22jayteeI have one of my older P4 boxes running * on CentOS and while I have an FXO port I'd really love to cancel my AT&T landline. I use it for maybe 3 calls a year and all I get for incoming calls are telemarketers and the like.
00:14.36rasterixmanxpower: but surely bandwidth isnt the reason they would play games with VOIP traffic
00:14.42murdock_utjaytee: I don't think they do, but what is weird is that I had Vonage for a few years with out many problems, but I switched over to Vitelity and I seem to have more problems.  I don't know if something as changed with Comcast, or Vitelity is not as reliable.
00:15.10drmessanoManxPower: Comcast provisions voice customers with an extra 25% - 50% overhead on limits to account for VoIP, and yes, you can bog the connection down to where the quality suffers
00:15.17rasterixthat said i bet BT give priority to their voice traffic
00:15.55drmessanoBut I think they prioritize voice traffic period
00:16.10ManxPowerdrmessano: Interesting.  In Cox New Orleans, as I understand it, they have dedicated bandwidth on their network for their voice stuff (I doubt their voice even uses IP)
00:16.14coppiceDanskmand: if you are using anything other than BRI there are robust solutions for high volume FAX. what is lacking is a BRI interface that works.
00:16.17rasterixits kind of depressing how you think a monopoly like BT will be brought down by VOIP but in the end it turns out that always win
00:16.33drmessanoYou can make it suffer, but a call on THEIR service and a call I made over SIP saw both suffer when I pounded the bandwidth
00:16.45rasterixeveryone will end up using BT voip services
00:16.52ManxPowerYou CAN send voice over a network without it having to be IP. 8-|
00:16.57rasterixand be limited to calling other BT VOIP phones
00:17.04[TK]D-FenderVoFR :)
00:17.04murdock_utAnyone else here using Vitelity?
00:17.33Danskmandcoppice: Do you think about faxing over the internet ?
00:17.59coppicerasterix: VoIP is a purely commercial thing. it is not technological at all. technically it is insane - a hugely complex bunch of kit struggling to get anywhere near the voice quality of a 100 year old system. VoIP wins only because it bypasses tollgates
00:18.29Danskmandcoppice: RIGHT !
00:18.35drmessanoI think it's time we bust open IPX and fire up some Open Novell VoIP
00:18.44drmessanoVoIPX will rule
00:18.56rasterixcoppice: i think thats shortsighted... there will come a time when bandwidth is no issue
00:19.12coppiceDanskmand: faxing over the internet is a disaster if you use normal audio signals. If you use T.38 is it better. T.37 is the sane approach - encapsulation of FAXes in e-mails
00:19.41coppicerasterix: bandwidth is not an issue right now, for many people. jitter, latency, and other crap won't go away, though
00:20.05drmessanoVoice protocols were not meant to carry data.. period
00:20.26[TK]D-FenderVoice IS dat
00:20.33rasterixcoppice: just like bandwidth there will come a time when latency is not an issue
00:20.54coppiceIP people like to look down on ATM, but its a sane system. Audio goes first. Video next. Bulk data fills in the remaining spaces. Everything is rigidly prioritised.
00:20.55drmessanoSo data is voice?
00:21.13drmessanoand protocols optimized for voice are good for data?
00:21.18coppicerasterix: that's a belief in pixy dust rather than engineering
00:22.11rasterixcoppice: thats ridiculous... it wasnt that long ago we were lucky to get 8kbps
00:22.17coppiceunless you have a commercially realistic way to prioritise the backbone latency and jitter will never go away
00:22.18Danskmandcoppice: When you said "If you are using anything other than BRI there are robust solutions for high volume FAX." - which solutions were you thinking of then ?
00:22.38coppicespandsp, or spandsp + iaxmodem + hylafax+
00:23.52coppicerasterix: the ridiculous thing is a vague assumption that as more bandwidth is installed there will be nothing to fill it up and restore the current status quo
00:24.08drmessanoIf you build it, they will use it
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00:24.15rasterixcoppice: call back in 5 years so i can laugh at you :)
00:24.31drmessanoThinking you can build more than people will use is incredibly shortsighted
00:25.05rasterixthinking that a voip channel out of each house will become an insignificant factor isnt shortsighted
00:25.19coppicerasterix: so you buy into the current messed up state of 3G, and believe nobody has any use for new bandwidth?
00:25.44drmessano<rasterix> thinking that a voip channel out of each house will become an insignificant factor isnt shortsighted <--- What????
00:26.05coppicerasterix: the channel out of your house is irrelevant. its what happens when it hits the backbone that matters. your local link can be fully prioritised
00:26.30DanskmandOk - I need to hit the pillows for now :-) - Thanks a lot for your wise words :-) - Talk to you later !
00:26.41rasterixtbh and i dont mean to be patronising... but your naievity is boring me... im gonna go get a drink
00:27.07drmessanoDid he just say what I... no..
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00:28.31coppiceI think he need engineering and history classes
00:28.43drmessanoI dunno about history
00:28.47drmessanoBut engineering, yes
00:29.30coppicehistory: I've used 110bps up to 40G, and I ain't ever had enough bandwidth :-)
00:29.31rasterixi think you need history classes... engineers telling people what cant be done because they are so absorbed by their own bit of knowledge... "cant see the wood for the trees" springs to mind
00:29.49drmessanonot wood
00:30.18nr4q...wood for the trees... I'm going to use that
00:30.33drmessanoThat's the dumbest thing I have heard on IRC in hours
00:30.39coppiceI knew it. He does believe in pixy dust
00:30.41rasterixwe should bring back tomorrows world
00:30.43jayteeand several decades from now when there are no trees the expression will have evolved to "can't see the forest for the domains"
00:30.47rasterixyou guys can go on it
00:31.00rasterixand everyone can laugh at you in 10 years time
00:31.01nr4qspeaking of trees i have a link for everyone
00:31.36nr4qtree relates:
00:32.08Danskmand...Or was it "cant see my woody for trees" ;-)
00:32.33jaytee<nr4q> tree relates:    <------ almost 2 weeks old
00:32.48drmessanorasterix, you strike me as one of those people that wrote the "Life in the year 1990" sorta books 50 years ago when they thought everyone would be riding around on nuclear powered skateboards and shit
00:32.57nr4qjaytee: talking about trees made me think of it. so that's already been around this #?
00:33.02drmessanoI think those people still live at home with "mom"
00:33.04x86I've got a Cisco 2611XM router with 12.4 advanced ip IOS on it, is it possible to get some SIP phones to register against it, and pass calls to my asterisk system over a T1/PRI interface?
00:33.23jayteeyeah been around in here already
00:33.48nr4qgoes back to caffinating
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00:34.19rasterixoh your pathetic... in real english the phrase is "cant see the wood for the trees"
00:34.48rasterixearliest recording of this phrase was in 1546 by John Heywoods
00:34.56rasterixso s***
00:35.05drmessanoNot your
00:35.10drmessanoyou're or "you are"
00:35.23drmessanoSeems you're the one with english problems
00:35.28rasterixhow many times do you want to be wrong in one night drmessano
00:35.37rasterixyour last bit of sarcasme showed ignorance
00:35.37nr4qyour so pathetic its a shame
00:35.41rasterixplease keep going
00:35.59drmessanosarcasme too
00:36.02drmessanoGood stuff
00:36.06jaytee"Welcome to Remedial English/WWF KnockDown 101, let's open our books to page 3 and please hit the person to your right with a folding chair"
00:36.09rasterixalready corrected
00:36.14rasterixtoo slow
00:37.06drmessanoI don't know what's funnier.. how ignorant you are, or how much your ignorance comes out when you're telling me how ignorant I am.
00:37.16drmessanoHmm... Has to be option 2
00:37.39drmessano"your retarded" come to mind?
00:37.51rasterixso please... "cant see the wood for the trees" < your opening gambit... forest... you were totally wrong
00:38.01drmessanoforest is indeed correct
00:38.10rasterixgo google it moron
00:38.15drmessanoPerhaps you need to re-snopes that one
00:38.24rasterixjust trying to help
00:38.28nr4qeverything on google is correct
00:38.44drmessanonr4q: So is wikipedia
00:38.58rasterixlol you just cant admit you were wrong can you
00:40.10plikResults 1 - 10 of about 28,600 for "can't see the wood for the trees" vs Results 1 - 10 of about 143,000 for "can't see the forest for the trees"
00:40.18drmessanorasterix: I was just thinking the same
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00:41.21nr4qyou know the reason both of you are wrong is my fault. it's something I did
00:41.32jayteeI'd say forest is the clear winner over least for Google
00:41.46drmessanoplik: Showing a 6 to 1 win for forest is meaningless.. wait, no
00:41.53rasterixbecause their are more american references perhaps
00:42.04rasterixand american's are always right... *snigger*
00:42.11drmessanoOh, you're british
00:42.17rasterixthats right
00:42.22rasterixand its our language
00:42.23drmessanoI knew there was something...
00:42.28drmessanoCouldn't place it
00:42.32rasterixand its wood not forest
00:42.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "wood" wins.  Just enter "sex" and see how many hits you get ;)
00:42.49[TK]D-Fender<- winnar
00:42.52nr4qrasterix: it's is a contraction of it and is. its shows possession
00:43.31nr4qdrinks more coffee
00:43.32jayteeI was just ruminating over why there are no righttenants in the RAF. They have lefttenants. Kinda one-sided.
00:44.00drmessanoHere I thought that rasterix was an ignorant, self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious little prick..  But now that I know he's british.
00:44.21rasterixdrmessano for that kind of abuse your dumb ass should be banned
00:44.41rasterixyou truly are pathetic your actually getting stressed
00:44.44rasterixthats hillarious
00:44.46jayteeLost re-runs running on Sci-Fi. Never caught the first season so I thought I'd check it out. mmmmph, a polar bear on a tropical island? what crap!
00:44.54nr4qslow jerks
00:44.54drmessanoYou're the one getting emo and googling
00:45.09rasterix[01:44] <drmessano> Here I thought that rasterix was an ignorant,self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious little prick..  But now that I know he's british.
00:45.15drmessanoI think you're perfectly laughable
00:45.28nr4qjaytee: speaking of tropical islands and crap, i just watched tropic thunder last night....
00:45.29rasterix< asks the question to the mods is that acceptable in here?
00:45.51drmessanoI am the one getting stressed? lol
00:45.53jayteeyou two better settle down or I'm going to have to send you both to the Principal's office!!!
00:46.27drmessano<rasterix> MODS, OPS, HAX!!! BAN!! ZOMG!!! I R BABY!!! CRUMPETS!!
00:47.16rasterix[01:44] <drmessano> Here I thought that rasterix was an ignorant,self-absorbed, arrogant, pretentious little prick..  But now that I know he's british.
00:47.47[TK]D-Fenderrasterix: drmessano is just a flame-baiting troll.  He's just like Eminem, he'll go away when you ignore him.
00:47.51drmessanoYou keep pasting like you're completely upset...
00:48.10rasterixoh im not upset
00:48.11[TK]D-Fenderrasterix: And you never EVER over-react yourself...
00:48.15rasterixbut ill keep pasting it
00:48.22rasterixfrom time to time
00:48.26drmessanoPlease do
00:48.33[TK]D-Fender"You haven't seen me really upset" - A truely pretentious prick.
00:48.35jayteeBush administration wants to ban gambling in Second Life. I am so proud of the way they keep focused on serious issues coming up to an election.
00:48.35rasterixbecause it shows just how small you really are
00:49.10drmessanoYou're adorable, rasterix
00:50.45drmessanoand [TK]D-Fender: You may want to google something about people in glass houses
00:51.06[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: - they've got plenty :)
00:51.39[TK]D-Fendertosses a few more rocks.
00:51.49jayteeto quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?" BIFF!! BAM!!!! POW!!!! owwww! stop!!! owwwww!!!!
00:52.19[TK]D-FenderJerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
00:53.25jayteehums.......When the moon is in the Seventh House
00:53.26jayteeAnd Jupiter aligns with Mars
00:53.26jayteeThen peace will guide the planets
00:53.26jayteeAnd love will steer the stars
00:53.26jayteeThis is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
00:53.27jayteeAge of Aquarius
00:53.28jayteeAquarius!  Aquarius!
00:53.52drmessanogets angry and flips out
00:53.55jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:54.00drmessano^^^^ ZOOOOOOOMMMGGG
00:54.38drmessanoslurs at the mouth and screams "PRASTEBIN, HAX!! HAX!!!
00:55.03drmessanoI need to go watch that "you stole my cloudsong" again
00:55.25jayteeBenny Lava FTW!
00:56.11drmessanoThis is hilarious.
00:56.15CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, quick question, for the guru.
00:56.37CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, how can 'sip show channels', fluctuate like: 80, 0, 90, 0
00:56.48CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, from consecutive calls.
00:57.06CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, I'm calling sip show channels, in microseconds though however...
00:57.17CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, perhaps * can not keep up with it?
00:57.55jayteecool! the Tennessee River is full of caffiene, anti-biotics, anti-depressants and cholesterol lowering drugs.
00:58.37jayteeI could save a ton on prescription meds if I moved near there.
00:59.45drmessanoJust think of all the wild, crazy, disease-free, happy, healthy little bluegrass girls you could chase around
00:59.49drmessanoI'm so leaving
01:00.04[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: thats just a SIP response rate varying by network parameters as well as the responsivenes o fhte nedpoint.  It isn't a raw ping, but a SIP response to "Options".  Polycom for instance prioritizes them really low and the rates are not what you might expect
01:00.25jayteehey, fourteen bucks a month for simvastatin adds up over time.
01:00.33CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, this is all local to local
01:01.06[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: Again, compare a Polycom to another phone and you can see some big differences.  Just ignore it
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01:01.30CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, well, not really dealing with real phones, this is all outbound calls
01:06.11[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: what part of "100 factors" is not sinking in?  Stop worying about 10 friggen ms.
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01:07.01CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, I think we're on a different page
01:07.25CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, I'm talking about Asterisk Manager, and sending the command 'sip show channels', and parsing out the "Active Channels"
01:08.06CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, not really latency between, a connection, but rather information being sent back that is incorrect
01:09.08CrazyTux[m]Active Channels: 74, 0, 80, 0, 80, 0, 80, 0, 90, 0 over the course of microseconds
01:09.28CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, so it seems as if, perhaps the script is running to fast for asterisk to keep up with?
01:10.53[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: What "script" and you should normally not be staring at "sip show channels" vs "core show channels
01:11.25CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, a home brewed script, that I need to know the count of channels, very very very quickly and accurately
01:14.59jblackThen you don't want a script.
01:15.08jblackYou want something that listens to the ami and keeps count.
01:15.26jeevrock lobster
01:15.33CrazyTux[m]jblack, any more info on that
01:15.56jblackThe ami? Yeah. It's in the book, and google rarely disapoints.
01:16.24CrazyTux[m]jblack, I am listening to asterisk manager
01:16.28CrazyTux[m]jblack, if thats what you mean
01:16.52jblackTHen you're already doing the most accurate thing possible.
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01:21.33teknoprephas anyone else here run ESXi on a hardware assisted virtualization CPU. like an AMD-V... and then run an asterisk guest OS
01:21.49teknoprepi found that omfg.. it runs great
01:21.58teknoprepno transcoding or timing issues
01:26.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
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01:30.43drmessanoI tried to run ESXi on an underpowered box
01:30.46drmessanoIt laughed at me
01:31.17drmessanoIt said "You want me to run on this?   HA.. I can EMULATE one of those."
01:36.27teknoprepi have 2x quad quad-core amd opterons with 32GB of ram... running on an HP AIO1200 x2
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk dwayne (i=dwayne@
01:36.38teknoprepthe HP AIO1200 x2 are the SAN Storage
01:37.11teknoprepthat runs the entire network and it barely touches the surface at work
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01:48.13synchristeknoprep, sounds good
01:54.52teknoprepsynchris, yeah i really like it
01:56.17synchrisgosch u can stress out this machine ...and u will see nothing
01:56.25synchrisno load...
01:56.46*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:56.48synchrisexcept if u are running some discrete calculations
01:59.55synchriswe dont speak for a supercomputer
02:00.06synchrisbut 8 cores with 32gb memory
02:00.10synchrisit;s not a joke
02:00.13teknoprep16 cores
02:00.22teknoprepquad quad core opterons
02:00.46synchrishey hey
02:00.49teknopreptoo bad i can only add 4 CPU's per Guest OS
02:01.25teknoprepeach VMware ESXi host runs 8 gigabit ethernet connections
02:01.41teknoprep4 for SAN and 4 for TRUNK ports to VLAN capable switches
02:02.01synchrisi feel the heart attack coming
02:02.03teknoprep4gbit for VMotion is nice
02:02.19jayteeWOW!!! I bet you could even run Windows Calculator on one of those!
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02:12.58DigitalironyGot an error
02:13.01DigitalironyWARNING[23007]: chan_zap.c:1059 zt_digit_begin: Couldn't
02:13.01Digitalironydial digit 1
02:13.59DigitalironyThis is happening when a digit is dialed on an IVR over an E1
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02:17.41drmessanoI just paid $5 a gallon for gas
02:17.46drmessanoI feel so... worldly
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02:18.54drmessano32GB of ram.. ha
02:19.20*** join/#asterisk Levonk (n=lk@
02:19.22drmessanoI run 640GB here.. which Bill Gates told me should be enough for anyone
02:19.43drmessanoOf course, he meant that in the context of running Vista comfortably
02:22.45mchoudrmessano: where the hell is this where you paid over $5/gal for gas??
02:23.20mchoudrmessano: I didnt think Ike screwed that much with the price at the pump yet
02:23.51[TK]D-FenderOnce again, US production vs consumption = no excuse
02:24.33drmessanoAll over the area it's $5 here
02:24.34drmessanoIn GA
02:24.44drmessanoSupposed to be higher tomorrow
02:24.50mchouwow.  That's incredible
02:24.58drmessanoI barely found someone that had gas
02:25.07mchouIKE already affected price at the pump
02:25.07drmessanoAbout 20% of the stations here have it
02:25.19drmessanoGas has been over $4 since Friday dude
02:25.33mchou$4 is "normal" :)
02:25.37mchou$5 is not
02:25.47LoRezit's $3.59 here.
02:25.52drmessano$3.39 was normal
02:26.20mchoudrmessano: we're speaking relativistically, of course
02:26.25drmessanoit went up .70 in one day, then flipped around on sat-sun between $4 and $4.50
02:26.36drmessanoNow it's $5 IF you can find it
02:26.46mchoudrmessano: me thinks there's price gouging in GA
02:26.55drmessanoAll over the southeast
02:27.00mchouor some manipulation
02:27.14drmessanoIt's isn't gouging if they don't have gas
02:27.26drmessanoSupply and demand
02:27.32drmessanoMost stations are out of it
02:30.18[hC]so my chanspy recordings come out in .raw format, can i change that?
02:30.50mchouI feel sorry for ppl in TX.  There was a run on power generators.  Now they dont have gas
02:30.59stencilI think getting the oil men out of the white house might help lower gas prices!
02:31.06mchoustill no power
02:31.11[hC]ah rgghh, its hard coded
02:31.16mchoustencil: dont be delusional man
02:31.32jayteepissing into the wind would be just as effective
02:32.08*** join/#asterisk UnixDawg (
02:32.25mchoustencil: I have no love for current residents of WH but even a change in admin isnt going to change oil prices that much
02:32.37stencilgovernment regulation
02:32.45jeevonly if the wind was blowing mccain's direction
02:33.13mchoujeev: maybe he'd remember how many houses he owns then :)
02:33.29jeevmaybe he'd taste what ever other american is tasting.
02:33.43mchoupissy beer?
02:33.52jeeva horrible life and economy
02:34.12mchoujeev: you missed my innuendo man :)
02:34.24jeevsure did
02:34.26jeevi tried to nap
02:34.28jayteesounds like one of those "kill the rich! eat their children!" radicals
02:34.49mchoujeev: you know mccain's wife is a beer heiress, right?
02:35.00jblackrich children make for great veal.
02:35.14jeevoh, no wonder
02:35.18jeevhahh jblack
02:35.21jeevall you think about is food
02:35.31jeevmchou, no wonder he's worth 100 mil
02:35.38jayteewhich beer company? is it Miller? cuz their MGD tastes like piss to me.
02:35.49jeevi dont drink but apparently my friends laugh at domestic beer.
02:35.50jblackDon't worry... That's all a lot of people will be thinking about in 6 months
02:35.55mchouman, you guys need to be INFORMED
02:35.59jeevlol jblack
02:36.23mchouhow can you not know McCain's wife is a beer heiress??
02:36.24jeevmchou, maybe if you typed faster than 3 words a minute, we'd learn
02:36.30jeevwhy do i care
02:36.41jeevi'd 3way mccain's wife if jaytee joined me.
02:36.41jblackseriously. I'm expecting unemployment to be no less than 15 percent before 2012
02:36.50jeevjblack, if either win ?
02:37.09jeevif either win, the economy is going to the shitter
02:37.11jblackEither one. Even if RP2008!! won.
02:37.14jeevobama will just try to keep it up harder
02:37.38jblackThis a train wreck. Nobody can stop it
02:37.50jeevbut.. but...
02:37.54jeevmccain says everything is ok!
02:38.05jblackbut nothing. You'll have your misery, and you'll enjoy it.
02:38.18jeevbut i think i wouldn't mind fucking palin
02:38.25jeevmcbush/stalin 2008!
02:38.28drmessanoI hate to send like an American blowhard jerkwad, but you know, all I want to do is be free to drive my Humvee to the supermarket, load up some plastic bags full of stryofoam cups, plastic forks, knives, spoons, paper plates, prepackaged deli meat in little plastic boxes, loaves of wonderful fatty white bread, and a few 6-packs of coca-cola and have a nice day enjoying nature with my family.
02:38.32drmessanoIs that soo much to ask?
02:39.17jblackheh. I'm not sure if you guys really undersatnd _just_ how bad things are.
02:39.26jblackWe're not talking just housing.
02:39.45UnixDawgdoes the asterisk http server support fcgi ?
02:39.54jblackIf you can watch this, and not piss your pants, I'll give you a dollar.
02:40.02jayteejblack, some of us do but we'd rather be in a state of ignorant bliss like the majority of stupid americans that voted Bush in twice.
02:40.09drmessanoOk, so those little plastic rings on the 6-packs choke dolphins.  Tell those stupid sea turds to STOP eating PLASTIC.
02:40.32jayteethe same ones that thought tax cuts without spending cuts was a fiscally sound idea
02:42.03drmessanoand the best part of my gas trip
02:42.20jblackthe colon?
02:42.50jeevas bill maher said
02:43.15jeevrepublicans know very well that they're playing a game, they know simply american's are stupid and they believe whatever the republicans say but everything is false.
02:43.40drmessanoI get to the service station I finally settled on, mainly due to it's abundant lighting (so at least I can see who my attacker is), and this guy drives up in a 12mpg ford truck... Tells me he's going to convert his vehicle to KEROSENE "like they do over in the UK" so he can stop paying for gas
02:43.40jblackname a politician that doesn't.
02:43.47drmessanoI hope he likes setting himself on fire
02:43.47mchouit's even more false if repeated often enough
02:43.50drmessanoDumbass rednecks
02:43.57jeevbut the republicans are killing it already with their bullshit
02:44.34drmessanoI'm gonna convert my VW bus to nuclear so I never have to use my headlights ever again.
02:44.59mchoukerosene.  that's rich
02:45.10drmessanoHe said there's kits for it online
02:45.10*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
02:45.17drmessanoThere's a LOT of things on the internet
02:45.18mchoupls stop
02:45.21drmessanoA LOT
02:45.29jblackZombie movies are great when one watches them through the metaphor of "Poor people are zombies"
02:46.15jblackI think that's how republicans see the poor. i.e. those that make less than 40K a year.
02:46.27jeevthe election is useless anyway
02:46.46jeevthe sheep never get to pick their herder.
02:46.48[TK]D-Fenderjblack: You mean those earning less that 5 MILLION don't you?
02:46.56[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Like McSame said ;)
02:46.56jayteeI'm looking for the guy who converts his F-350 to burn coal
02:46.58teknoprepjblack you mean those that make less than 100k a year
02:47.21teknoprepi am going to make 80k this year... and i do not benefit from republican's
02:47.22jblackMedian income is 42K a year, which is the middle class.
02:47.31jblackYou qualify as rich.
02:47.31mchouI dont know anyone that makes $40K/yr.
02:47.45mchouTha's less than minimum wage
02:47.56jeevno it's not
02:47.59teknoprepminimum wage is like 7.50 per hour
02:48.03jblackYou make much more than is necessary to sustain basic requirements. If you're not rich, then it's because you're too stupid to save.
02:48.05teknoprepand its like 12-13k per year
02:48.09teknoprepor somethin stupidly low
02:48.16mchouteknoprep: no, it depends on the state you're in
02:48.27teknoprepjblack, i save alot
02:48.33mchouor even county, for that matter
02:48.49teknoprepjblack, i might spend 45k per year to live the way i do
02:49.33jblackSo, you live rich, rather than save to become rich. Your choice. <shrug>
02:49.34*** join/#asterisk km2 (
02:49.36drmessanoYou spend 45k to make 80k?
02:49.46drmessanoSo you make 35k
02:49.57teknoprepi spend 45k per year on bills
02:49.59jeevjaytee spends 45k a year on rollerblade repairs
02:50.00teknopreplike my house
02:50.06teknoprepliving expenses
02:50.18drmessanoI spent 10k last year on Yo-Yo's
02:50.20teknoprepjust buying stuff
02:50.22drmessanoI am a FANATIC
02:50.23jayteeI spend maybe 100 bucks on new bearings and wheels a year
02:50.39jeevhow much you spend on the short shorts
02:50.49jblackI make $36k a year from disability, and I manage to say $6k of that a year.
02:50.53drmessanoI have this effing Yo-Yo that will cut your balls off
02:50.54teknoprepi wear the short shorts when i hit the ghey bar
02:50.55jblacksave, that is.
02:50.56teknoprepyou know
02:51.02teknoprepthe little boys love it
02:51.06jayteewhich is better than spending 2500 bucks on an annual fee for a credit card so I can look "cool" and "impress the women"
02:51.18jeevi dont want to impress women
02:51.22jeevi got the most beautiful girl
02:51.22km2my polycom phones are "taking" their default digit maps, e.g. if i dial '209' it won't dial until i press Send, even though the default digit map should handle this (i see it in the .cfg files). anyone know where to begin troubleshooting this?
02:51.26teknoprepi want to impress little boys
02:51.31teknopreplike 10y/olds
02:51.38drmessanowhips out his PetSmart Black Card
02:51.41jeevkm2, have you tried changing your digit maps?
02:52.40teknoprepkm2, make sure the phones are pulling the config from the server if you are using tftp or ftp.. if not try reseting the phone's flash
02:52.49km2jeev, yeah, but the behavior doesn't change :( i'm probably missing something simple
02:53.02jblackYou're probably not reloading the * config
02:53.10km2teknoprep, thanks, didn't think about flash reset
02:53.12jblackPardon, resetting the phones.
02:53.13jeevconnect to the phone with firefox and check it there
02:53.28teknoprepjblack, that has nothing to do with * config
02:53.46km2what do you mean by *?
02:53.59km2sorry, haven't been around in a while
02:54.10jayteeand check the timeouts that are set for any of the sections that have T in them. I've yet to come up with a perfect digitmap where I don't need timeouts to keep one part from stepping on the another part.
02:54.12jblackteknoprep: In case you missed it, just after that, I said "Pardon, resetting the phones"
02:54.13teknoprep* is the artist formerly known as asterisk
02:54.38teknoprepdo i get quote of the day ?
02:54.38drmessanoI probably qualify for a BP Amoco Black Card... if not for my outrageous fuel spending, but to signify that I too suffer like death at the pump
02:54.45km2fortunately my * box is so stable i don't have to think about it for months at a time (and in this case i'm here about polycom)
02:55.05teknoprep* is stable ?
02:55.15jblackdrmessano: A tank of gas lasts me 6 weeks. :P
02:55.28km2at least in my office
02:55.41jayteeis it just me or has anyone noticed a trend where someone brags about how stable their * box is and then they're back 2 days later with some serious problem where it keeps crashing?
02:55.44teknopreplol i have a hybrid and i use up my gas in a week
02:55.57teknoprep* is stable ?
02:56.03*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
02:56.10drmessanoYou sound like my wife.  She gets gas once every 4 to 5 weeks.. The ONE DAY she chooses to run out happened to be this morning and she just about lost her ass trying to find a station that had gas this morning
02:56.18drmessanoShes lucky she didnt run out completely
02:56.31jblackYou're in florida?
02:56.41jblackGas problems up there too?
02:56.59drmessano$5 a gallon, 1 in 5 stations actually having gas.. yeah
02:57.11teknoprepare you serious ?
02:57.20teknoprepwe have plenty of gas in PA
02:57.21drmessanoFor the 8th time, yes
02:57.27jblackHmmm. Well, it's been july since I last filled the tank. A quick trip to turkey hill won't hurt me.
02:57.36jayteeI have a 12 year old Subaru Legacy that's beat to shit and smells like a homeless shelter but it gets really good gas mileage. The last standard shift front wheel drive model Subaru made
02:57.38drmessanoI just got 5 gallons of gas for $25.01 (my hand slipped)
02:57.49teknoprephey jaytee where you from ?
02:57.50jblackI knew south florida was running out. I didn't realize the problem was working it's way north.
02:57.54Nasrahi guys wanna hear your opinion about 'magicjack....
02:57.55teknoprepturkey hill is a PA thing
02:58.06drmessanoI heard FL was $6 a gallon
02:58.11drmessanoWell, 2 days ago
02:58.14jayteeI'm from Mass originally. I'm exiled to Indiana at the moment
02:58.15drmessanoProbably $7.50 now
02:58.21teknoprepjaytee, lol
02:58.24jblackWhen I get back, I'll tell you how much it here up in northeast pa.
02:58.37teknopreplol thats becuase Republican's hate FL
02:58.39jblacknot that it'll do you any good.
02:58.41teknoprepso they jack the price up there
02:58.45mchouNasra: yes pls!
02:58.58teknoprepRepublican's know they will losse FL this year
02:59.08mchouNasra: tell us all about MJ
02:59.10drmessanoThe internet shows there's supposedly stations with gas under $4 here.. I drove past a few of them earlier and that's just effing BS lol
02:59.19*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
02:59.45Nasramchou tell me pls!, some affliate deal
02:59.50x86$3.99 here
02:59.53jblackwhoah. wtf. gas is over $4/gal in detroit?
03:00.06teknoprepno one drives in detroit
03:00.13x86midwest got major flooding, gas went crazy high
03:00.17teknoprepdoesn't matter what they charge
03:00.17jblack$3.60 here in wilkes-barre.
03:00.27drmessanoI'll tell you how inaccurate that site is.. hang on
03:00.29teknoprepwilkes-barre where ?
03:00.54teknoprepPA ?
03:00.57Nasramchou just bought one for the sake of it....
03:01.03jblackWhy? want to leave a lit bag of shit on my porch?
03:01.03mchouNasra: why you asking me?  I dont have MJ
03:01.13teknoprepjblack, lol
03:01.19teknoprepjblack, i am from Reading, PA
03:01.23*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
03:01.26drmessanoHA, bingo.. They're showing 3 stations in Grovetown, GA with $4.49 gas prices.. It was $5.50 on Saturday there
03:01.26teknoprepwell thatss where i live now
03:01.28jayteethere are gas stations that have gas for only 2.30 cents a gallon but they're behind chain link barbed wire fences at the refineries and only plant workers and executives from the gas companies, GM execs and high ranking public officials can buy the gas there. It's a dirty little secret, just like the Roswell UFO at Area 51.
03:01.55jameswf-homecallcentric doesnt allow cid spoofing... sucks
03:02.36teknoprepget voicepulse for changing your CID
03:02.37teknoprepthey don't care
03:02.39teknoprepand its cheap
03:02.46jayteeI drove through Reading, PA once. One of the most boring places I've ever been. Everyone was just sitting on their porch with a book open.
03:02.51jblackOh, cool. $3.50 in naticoke. I wonder if $.10 is worth a 15 minute drive
03:03.20jayteenaticoke? or nanticoke?
03:03.24jblackjaytee: Teliax, Callwithus, voipstream diamondcard all allow setting CID. Either voipstream or diamondcard only allow CID(num)
03:03.26drmessanoSomeone told me that the oil companies are so crooked, they would grind up little children to make gasoline if they thought it would lower production costs and increase profits.  Sounds to me like someone has a plan to lower gas prices, I am all ears.
03:03.33jblackjaytee: nanticoke.
03:04.11jblackdrmessano: And solve overpopulation. Sweet!
03:04.14jameswf-homei hear grinding up small children does lower cost
03:04.17jblackI never realized they cared so much about the earth.
03:04.19jayteejblack, thanks for the CID info. If I ever decide to use an ITSP I'll remember that.
03:05.28drmessanoI tried to find the kerosene conversion kits, mchou
03:05.33drmessanoSadly, no luck
03:05.44drmessano:( <-- SAD FACE
03:05.54jblackCan't go solar?
03:06.04mchoudrmessano: the redneck doesn't know kerosene is used by avaiation :)
03:06.11drmessanomaybe he was thinking about converting kerosene to beer, in which case, he needs to drink up
03:06.59drmessanoI'm assuming he got mixed up with propane
03:07.03drmessanoI can only hope
03:07.11jblackoh cool. djia futures are down 144
03:07.12mchouLNG :)
03:07.16stencilvanilla extract, might make good fuel
03:07.24jameswf-homeI run my car on hairspray
03:07.36drmessanoGod the smell of rotting flesh will never get out of his seats after the first time he fires up his converted automobile
03:07.46jblackanother day like today, and that might put people into a real pant-crapping-selloff panic.
03:08.44jameswf-homefortunately the asterisk market benefits from all hell reaking loose.... people get cheap and look for ways to cut the cost of key syste,s
03:09.01jblackbah. People care about food more than they do DSL and computers.
03:09.04drmessanoI had to drive 15 miles to get gas, some of it was backtracking to hit a few major intersections, but I'd say for most of that trip I found not one station with gas
03:09.16jblackI dont' know what's happening elsewhere, but they're double electricity rates out here.
03:09.28mchoudrmessano: east coast looks fucked
03:09.35drmessanoI found one with $5 gas, drove a few miles and there were 4 more together at $5 a pop
03:09.46drmessanoI finally just picked one
03:09.47jblackdrmessano: You gonna go to walmart and buy 5x5Gal tanks and load up on what's left now?
03:09.52jameswf-homewell wedont sell to people we sell to companies who must make money to provide such things.... outside of this room most folks dont run a pbx at home
03:10.08mchouthat's a map of major oil pipelines in US
03:10.20jblackcompanies rarely expand if they can't get loans. If they can't expand, they don't need a phone system.
03:10.26jameswf-homegas here 3.28
03:10.26jblackAnd all that circle of life crap.
03:10.44mchouyou guys on east coast are SCREWED
03:10.55teknoprepi am not skrwed
03:11.04teknoprepi get almost 60miles to the gallon
03:11.09teknopreptoyota prius
03:11.15jameswf-homei get 21 MPG
03:11.22jblackYour mouth gets almost double the mileage.
03:11.26mchouteknoprep: that's nothing.
03:11.55mchou30 gals to go across all of US
03:12.00jameswf-homeI was thinking about getting an F250 only loose a few MPG
03:12.10mchouteknoprep: beat that, mofo!
03:12.20teknoprephow much is it ?
03:12.34jblackThere's a new hummer here that they've been trying to sell for 4 years. I bet they'd sell it for 20k.
03:12.39mchou$27-$30K, depending on which one
03:12.46teknoprepi am buying it
03:12.49drmessanoYou guys suck.. My humvee gets 30 gallons to the mile.
03:12.53teknoprepthe 2nd i can get my hands on it
03:12.53jameswf-homef250 has alot more room then the sports car and gas only goes up 10%
03:13.13*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (i=Entr4nce@gateway/tor/x-f1a852a5997a063b)
03:13.17jayteeit might be more fuel efficient to get an F-250 monster truck because then you wouldn't have to stop in traffic, you could just drive over it. it's all the stop and go that wastes fuel.
03:13.27jameswf-homeI cut my commute 25% by moving it would all work out
03:13.48jblackchecks to see how the big three did today
03:14.35jeevwhy do i sometimes sweat profusely after i drink water in the heat
03:14.38jblackouch. F only went down about 3.5%, but GM shaved 12%, down to 11.44
03:15.00jameswf-homeyou missed 1
03:15.07jblackThat would be a good deal if they weren't gonna go bankrupt.
03:15.23jblackI'll look it up.
03:15.34jameswf-home~stock AMC
03:15.47jameswf-homewa worth a shot
03:16.48jblackamc is american mortgage acceptance. I can't find Chrysler's ticker
03:16.53mchouforget American car companies.  They now want a bailout from US govt to build fuel efficient cars
03:17.04mchoufuck them
03:17.15mchouand their SUV loving ways
03:17.30jblackToyota down 4.4%, honda down 3%. etc etc
03:17.58jblackYou can buy a share of lehman for a quarter, and walk away with change.
03:18.09jameswf-homeChrystler is not a public company go figure
03:19.11*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
03:19.15jblackAIG from 12 bucks down to 4.76. Nice.
03:20.59jameswf-homeMcDonalds is down .34%
03:21.16jblackIt's funny... Merrill lynch, who "died" today, survived the great depression.
03:23.34jblackHoly wow. AIG is trying to borrow $70 billion?
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03:24.58jaytee70 billion? wow, we are so totally fucked without a prayer
03:25.14[TK]D-FenderI hear Prozac ended the Gread Depression.....
03:25.39jayteeI be my next 403K quarterly statement from Fidelity will be just chock full of good news
03:26.03Nasrahey guys alot of opportunies to make money for long run...
03:27.32jayteeNasra, you're in Canada right?
03:27.57Nasrayes...but I watch market closely as well...
03:28.25*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
03:28.29jblackThe TED is already high. with AIG gone, TED will go higher still, since they'll drag others down due to CDOs.
03:28.43x86ugh, Asterisk can't properly detect when an inbound POTS line has hung up
03:28.48jeevi'm so pissed at the market
03:28.49StephenFwhat does it mean if my zttest results are similar to -200.032623
03:28.52x86takes forever to hang up the channel
03:28.56jameswf-homePlaybiy is down 1.27% whats wrong with the world
03:29.01jeevi'm gonna build my credit a lot more, personal credit, business.. then take all the $ and file
03:29.14jeevlet the government bail the banks out
03:29.15x86telco doesn't know what "disconnect supervision" is, so they can't enable it for me :(
03:29.32jblackjeev: Heh. You're not gonna get a loan, even with good credit, these days.
03:29.41StephenFI'm getting choppy audio on Playback() and Background() but MOH is fine... Thought timing might be the problem, and when running zttest i get values like -200.032623... Whats that about?
03:29.42jeevjblack, i have 200k in just lines.
03:29.49jeevi have a lot more in cc's...
03:29.55jameswf-homeScrew AID bail out porn
03:30.00jeevpoint being, now that i'm using it and i dont care for the interest, i'll show that during the tough times, i was doing well
03:30.09jblackestablished ones, sure. But pull on them very hard, and they'll get closed off, and good luck getting a new one.
03:30.11jeevi'll build it a lot more... i'll eventually have at least 600k in lines..
03:30.22jeeveh, i dunno
03:30.28jeevi dont think they'd close it with the money in my pocket right now
03:31.16jblackOh yeah. I forgot about wamu. Wasn't someone going to buy them?
03:31.31x86I bank with wamu
03:31.38x86should I find a new bank?
03:31.44jeevwamu declined my loc because my mailing address was different from business address. ha ha haha
03:31.47x86and if so, what other online banks are there?
03:31.49jblackYou should have a second backup bank with 1 month of money.
03:31.50jeevthe banker was dying of laughter
03:31.56jameswf-homex86: are your deposits over 10,000
03:32.07x86jameswf-home: nope
03:32.26jameswf-homebank closures only really matter to folks <10,000
03:32.37x86ah ok
03:32.55jameswf-homefdic limit everyone else is insured
03:33.39jblackThe FDIC is still settling quick, but their funds are down to 50 billion as of late august.
03:33.39jblackTheir charter allows them to delay, or refuse to pay, if their fund runs low, or out.
03:33.58jameswf-homeBuy gold and put it under your matress
03:34.12jameswf-homesend me your address
03:34.16jeevbuy uranium and plutonium and put it under your bed, it's worth a lot more!
03:34.18x86yeah the economy is going to go belly-up
03:34.21jeevwell, put it under jaytee's bed!
03:34.21x86I can see it happening
03:34.29x86shit's really just begun, I think
03:34.40x86the greater depression is amoung us
03:34.41jblackYeah, and we've got at least two more years of this.
03:34.42jameswf-homemommy why is the strange man glowing
03:34.55jeevit could be cause he's a rollerblader!
03:35.18jblackback in march of 05, I was conservative when I said that the dow would hit 8k
03:35.20jayteethe administration and the Fed have been trying to stop the hemorrhaging till at least after the election.
03:35.25drmessanoI wanted a plutonium yo-yo for christmas
03:35.50jblackYeah. They were trying to push this stuff back, and failed, which is deeply troubling.
03:35.51drmessanoMy wife said "I just got used to your nuts glowing.. lets go slow"
03:36.00jeevback when everyone was believing the oil prices and saying the mid east is profitting big time
03:36.04jeevi was saying it's pure speculation
03:36.06jeevnobody would believe me
03:36.11x86jaytee: they setup a trainwreck for oboma so they could say "look what this democrat did!"
03:36.18jameswf-homeso if it fails with obama do we get to blame him?
03:36.28jeevyou can't blame obama for shit if he wins
03:36.35jeeveven if the deficit doubles
03:36.37jblackDon't worry. Those rates will return around 2012, 2014, or so.
03:36.46x86jeev: funny thing is that 80-85% of the oil in the US comes from _CANADA_
03:36.49jblackcloser to 2014, actually.
03:36.56jameswf-homeis running in 2016
03:36.57jayteesure you can, if you're republican and you know that at least 70% of Americans are stupid enough to believe it.
03:36.57jeevx86, american's are douchewads
03:37.02jeevcan't run cause he wasn't born here
03:37.16jblackas tk says, RP08!!!
03:37.27drmessano85% of our old comes from canada?
03:37.38jblackwtf rly?
03:37.42jbotobama is probably
03:37.42drmessanowas confused by the pipelines pointing south
03:37.56jayteeI'm still voting the Shatner/Hasselhoff ticket
03:38.11jblackI'm voting for Jon Stewart.
03:38.15drmessanoStarsky/Hutch FTw
03:38.24jeevi'm voting bin laden, he'd at least win the war for us
03:38.31jblackHe, at least, could keep us entertained through armageddon.
03:39.01jblackJon Stewart doesn't have one of those flappy heads, does he?
03:39.20jameswf-homelooks like SNL has a lock if mccain wins
03:39.34drmessanoI would LOVE to see John McCain run for president.. god that guy is a fumbling old senile screwb... oh, shit.
03:39.47jblackYou saw the Palin/Clinton skit?
03:40.08drmessanoNo, heard that Tina Fey ROCKED as Palin
03:40.22x86top exporter of oil to the US: Canada
03:40.24*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
03:40.27jblackspeaking of mccain/palin... why aren't the republicans thinking "Oh shit. The guy is gonna die, and she's gonna be in charge"
03:40.47jblackDo the republicans want dumbasses in office?
03:41.11jayteebecause they'll just appoint Cheney back in as VP and things will be right back to "normal"
03:41.14drmessano80 to 85%?
03:41.18drmessanoCan you read a chart?
03:41.19jeevwhat are you trying to say? they've had dumb asses for that long
03:41.36jaytee"pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!! he has nothing to do with the all powerful Oz!!"
03:41.37x86drmessano: read the Total Imports of Petroleum
03:41.38jameswf-homei cnt wait till obama drops biden and his campaign goes down the crapper
03:41.47jeevwhat's that mean
03:41.51jblackQuayle, Bush junior, Palin, McCain... morongs, each one of 'em.
03:42.12[TK]D-Fenderjblack>speaking of mccain/palin... why aren't the republicans thinking "Oh shit. The guy is gonna die, and she's gonna be in charge" <- thats why there have been no serious attempts on Bush's life
03:42.28[TK]D-FenderDARTH CHENEY
03:42.43jblackThat may be. He's more evil than the pope.
03:43.00jameswf-homeI say drill the hell out of Alaska and give it back to russia after it is tapped
03:43.17*** part/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:cbb2:8293:0:0:0:0:1)
03:43.20drmessanoIf Saudia Arabia and Venezuela are around 3,000m and Canada is 2,400, how is Canada 80%?
03:43.30drmessanoerr -m
03:43.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, the reason there have been no serious attempts on Bush's life is that assassins never target assholes in office. Only leaders that actually want to make people's lives better.
03:43.39drmessanoThese are BAD fractions
03:43.40jblackHe did new math in school.
03:43.56drmessanoMust have
03:44.32Nasraif Obama looses it ....I am dumping my PBX...
03:44.54drmessanoNow I want to vote for McCain
03:45.03jeevif obama loses, i'm starting a resistance..
03:45.08jeevbiggest movement ever
03:45.29jblackYou just made the list.
03:45.57drmessanoIf Obama loses it, i'm not worried about having to make good on a pledge to give up somehting.. they'll do it for me
03:46.04drmessanox86: Still not 80%
03:46.05x86drmessano: I read that somewhere but it looks around 25%
03:46.19NasraI can't wait to see the world when Obama gonna be interesting oh my god...
03:46.36jblackx86: I know we get a lot of natural gas from canada. perhaps you meant that.
03:46.37drmessanoNow that you found a pie chart to help?
03:46.42jameswf-homeCanada = 21%
03:46.48jayteemmmmm, pie
03:46.55x86jameswf-home: 25%
03:47.03x86look at graph
03:47.13drmessanoDid you know Uganda is the leading importer of SIP based telephony from the US?
03:47.15jameswf-homeI put it all in a spread sheet
03:47.24jameswf-homeSA 13%
03:47.29drmessanojameswf-home: What took you so long? lol
03:47.36drmessanoI was gonna do that..
03:47.47jayteethere is an upside to a bad economy! better stuff and better deals at yard sales, discounted cover charges at strip clubs.
03:47.49jblackdidnt' iraq used to be about 10% ?
03:47.52drmessanoBut yeah, 21% sounds more reasonable than 800585%
03:48.00jeevi'd failed in life, miserably. i should've been able to take advantage of half the country. (the dumb ass republicant's)
03:48.08[TK]D-FenderDid you know that 43.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
03:48.18jeevjaytee, strip clubs have discounts?
03:48.20jeevhow about lap dances
03:48.29jeevi haven't been to one in over a year, i hate that shit, they're devious li;ttle whores
03:48.32drmessanojblack: yes, we get less oil from Iraq now than we did before the war
03:48.33jblack[TK]D-Fender: Only the 42% that aren't right.
03:48.48jayteeI really pissed off a stripper during a lap dance when I started yawning.
03:48.52jblackGo gwb, go.
03:49.06jeevonce a stripp said it's 10 bux for 2 days
03:49.17jeevi fuckin got 6 dances
03:49.19jeevit was 120 bux
03:49.21jeevstupid bitch lied to me
03:49.27jblackjaytee: Go watch "Zombie Strippers". That'll perk you up
03:50.23drmessanoThe last time I went to a strip club, I got kicked out for trying to bounce a quarter off a strippers ass, after someone bragged "She's hot, I bet you could bounce a quarter off that ass".  I can see how that not breaking open the roll first was my downfall here.
03:51.03jblackIn thailand, the strippes shoot quarters out of their... well... be creative.
03:51.17jblackit's actually true. I saw it.
03:51.21jayteeor bring $2 bills, at first they think it's a twenty but even when they find out it's not they don't get upset because "he's different than the other guys"
03:51.23jeevdo they have cocks ?
03:51.33drmessanojaytee: LOL!!!!
03:51.34jblacksome of them, yeah.
03:51.43jeevnasty shit
03:51.46drmessanoThat's so awesome
03:52.07jblackthat was back in the 90s, though.
03:52.10jayteein Thailand you can watch a woman smoke a cigarette for 5 bucks and she ain't using her mouth.
03:52.10Nasrado you know I sell bikinies to nice ladies? they undress right in front of me....(damn love my job).....
03:52.11jblackearly 90s, at that.
03:52.13jameswf-homewtf is that awesome
03:52.20jeevnasra, pictures of it isnt true
03:52.25jeevor it isn't true
03:52.51drmessanojeev: Hang on, WITH or WITHOUT his "Bikini Club International Black Card"?
03:52.51jayteeyou know if you find one that can blow smoke rings you've found a winner and should take her back to the hotel for the night.
03:52.53jeevnasra, in the fat women section ?
03:53.07jblackA good sex show in Thailand used to render men into deeply fearful beings.
03:53.16jblackjaytee: Some of them could.
03:53.22*** part/#asterisk Obix (n=ben@
03:53.39jayteejblack, I know! :-)
03:54.34jblackmarty shoes.. why does that sound familiar? did they make hushpuppies?
03:54.51*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
03:55.06jayteemost people in here are probably too young to remember Chesty Morgan. She was a burlesque girl who had such huge ta-ta's she had two midgets wearing fez's carrying each one when she came on stage.
03:55.26StephenFAny ideas why zttest results would be -200%?
03:55.39jblack-200 ? Seriously?
03:56.01jblackYou've been letting republicans budget your timing, haven't you
03:56.07StephenFyes, Playback and Background are both choppy. But MOH is fine, so researching that lead me timing.
03:56.22StephenFI ran zttest and I get best 0 worst -200.034
03:56.30drmessanojaytee: We had a stripper here called "The Boiler Maker", she used to have a midget slide her giant boil out on stage behind her.. It was kinda gross... but then again...
03:57.05jaytee    hahahaha
03:58.33jblackThe FED fed another 70 bill into the banking system.
03:58.51jblackWasn't AIG asking for 70 bill?
03:59.36Nasramore bad news to come within next few days.....
03:59.41jayteetime for bed. nite everyone
03:59.51jblackNope. 75.
04:00.03Nasrajaytee take it easy...good nite !
04:00.08drmessanoWhat bad news, Nasra?
04:00.21jblackFED told them to screw off, so they're asking goldman sachs and jpmorgan, who I thought had problems of their own.
04:00.25Nasraabout banks..
04:02.48jefftucsonMy system uptime suddenly says 6213 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes...I just rebooted this server 2 days ago..?
04:03.04jefftucsonWhat that about?
04:03.17jblackStephenF: jefftucson found your missing timing.
04:03.37StephenFnice :)
04:05.47jblacksuperfriends is on boomerang.
04:06.14jblackSuperman, Batman&Robin, Green Latern, Wonder Woman, Hawkman... :)
04:07.18CrazyTux[m]jblack, Wolverine, Gambit
04:07.23CrazyTux[m]xmen dun dun dun
04:07.23jblack"Xantoff is trillions of light years from earth! We'll have to leave immediately!"
04:10.25drmessanoMy system uptime suddenly says 6213 weeks, 6 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes  <-- He's gotta be running Netware
04:11.44jblackSo, NIST is gonna help with the economy by fast forwarding through the bad parts?
04:12.41jeevchicken ass
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04:13.50jeevROCK LOBSTER
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06:24.52skyNomadCan anyone tell me how to work out the duration of a call made by the Dial() command?
06:30.47nix8n82skyNomad: what do you mean? did you check the cdr?
06:31.34skyNomadnix8n82: I am writing an AGI script, and I need to retrieve the call length of a call placed by the Dial() command.
06:32.10skyNomadnix8n82: I could look in the cdr database, but I was hoping for a native way of retrieving the data from within Asterisk.
06:32.44nix8n82are you using the dial command within the agi script?
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06:37.02nix8n82something I should try to look into as well..just guessing is I would timestap a variable right before the dial command..catch the sigHUP and timestand a second variable and subtract the two
06:37.50nix8n82even then I don 't know how accurate it would be but I think it would be at least to the second
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06:39.41nix8n82no get the variable dialstatus and then time stamp
06:39.58nix8n82or do both
06:43.25skyNomadDoes anyone know if Asterisk stores the duration of the dial command in a variable somewhere which is then used for insertion into the cdr database?
06:50.02nix8n82google asterisk variables and look at the wiki
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07:17.34edgimarWhen trying to call an unavailable user, I get the message on the console "leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '2000'", although I do have an entry in voicemail.conf -- any ideas?
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07:27.40nix8n82did you reload asterisk?
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07:57.23dr_gogeta86hi to all
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08:26.53dominic1anybody out there?
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08:50.18dominic1do you know if it's possble to read out the 302 Moved Temporarily from the phones? something like a read sipheader function....
08:51.37mostydominic1, what are you trying to do?
08:53.23*** join/#asterisk StooJ (
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08:54.54CyHi, I've modified via asterisk-gui the a-law override and Opermode parameters... now when I try to leave it as it was by default (unchecked) it just doesn't save.... do you know where I can manually revert this changes?
08:55.48dominic1I want to read if a phone sends me a 302 and then change then read the role of the user associated to the phone etc....
08:56.12dominic1my dialplan on a normal call differs from the dialplan on a forward...
08:56.31mostydominic1, i'm not quite sure what you mean- can you rephrase that?
08:57.09mostycy: we don't really deal with asterisk-gui in here, try #asterisk-gui
08:57.31CyThanks, but do you know where is that file within the /etc/asterisk dirs?
08:58.10mostyopermode is a zaptel module setting, the location of which will vary from one dist to another
08:59.49CyThanks mosty
09:00.09dominic1Okay, if I get a sip header 302 Moved to DESTINATION. I want to read out my database which forwards are allowed for this user. The only thing I need is to read out the sip header sent by the phone
09:00.11*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
09:02.24viraptorcan I somehow completely disable checking inaudio dtmf? I want to get rfc2833 and ignore everything else (globally or for an extension - it doesn't matter)
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09:07.36dominic1damned my client closed....
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09:09.41mostydominic1, in asterisk 1.4 and above, i believe that there is a channel variable you can set to specify a context that redirected calls should start in
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09:10.38dominic1oh, thank you, I will have a look on that...
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09:12.43mostydominic1, i believe it's FORWARD_CONTEXT
09:12.43tzafrir_laptopCy, opermode for what exactly?
09:13.00CyI was just playing... so I messed it
09:13.07tzafrir_laptopI don't think the asterisk gui writes to /etc/modprobe
09:13.16CyIt did tzafrir_laptop
09:13.25CyI checked /etc/modprobe.conf
09:13.27Cyand it did
09:13.29Cybelive me
09:13.41tzafrir_laptopgood thing I don't run asterisk as root
09:14.22tzafrir_laptopnot in the version I have
09:14.42tzafrir_laptop(branch 2.0, fairly recent svn)
09:16.03tzafrir_laptopwonders just how simple it is to instruct the asterisk gui to run rm -rf /
09:19.29yangtzafrir_laptop: that would be a bad option
09:19.59yangevil code :)
09:27.26tzafrir_laptopRunning Asteirsk as root is evil
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09:28.57dominic1Any idea why my asterisk irgnores Set(FORWARD_CONTEXT=TEST) ?
09:40.10mostydominic1, you might need to Set(__FORWARD_CONTEXT=TEST)
09:44.22dominic1I will try it...
09:44.50CyOokay I've changed the user that runs asterisk, cause I didn't like very much the writing modprobe.conf thing
09:45.19dominic1the inherited variable worked as you told me. Thank you very much!
09:45.28*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
09:49.31mchouasterisk writes to /etc/modprobe.conf??  lol.  That's be crazy
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09:52.38dominic1Okay, next problem, any idea, how I can read out the DIALEDTIME? From the prevoius destination. If somebody called destination1 and destination1 forwards after 10 seconds, I want that the forward to destination2 gets canceled after 30 seconds of the complete call, so destination2 hast to ring 20 seconds. If destination1 rings 15 seconds destination2 should ring 15 seconds... and then get dropped to the reception...
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10:45.56drammanI've just installed asterisk onto a mythbuntu box, but when I run "sudo asterisk -vv" I get " => (Musico On Hold Resource) \n Segmentation fault"
10:48.20mchoudramman: I work on myth and that's clearly a mythbuntu packaging issue
10:48.41mchoudont be asking for help with that stuff here
10:49.16mchoutry #mythbuntu
10:57.42tzafrir_laptopdramman, look at /var/log/messages
10:58.04tzafrir_laptopsorry: /var/log/asterisk/messages
10:59.31tzafrir_laptopand anyway, mythbuntu do not package their own Asterisk
10:59.35tzafrir_laptopUbuntu do
11:00.08mchouso? It's clearly distro related
11:00.33mchouit's hardly even asterisk or myth related
11:01.34mchoutzafrir_laptop: the analogy is going to #linus asking about a redhat issue
11:05.03tzafrir_laptopmchou, anything is dirsto-related
11:05.27tzafrir_laptopIf you hope everyone installs Asterisk from source, you're shooting yourself in the foot
11:05.59tzafrir_laptopAs #apache if they support Apache not installed from source. or #perl, or #python
11:06.37mchouI didn't say install from source.
11:06.42drammanI've compiled from the latest 1.6.0-rc6 sources
11:06.53mchouthere you go :)
11:07.37mchoutzafrir_laptop: it's either distro related or self inflicted :)
11:07.48drammanI don't actually have any zaptel hardware, and haven't touched any config files...
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11:08.27drammanI was hoping to get asterisk-gui up and running, but it's not responding on port 8088
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11:09.36tzafrir_laptopdramman, how did you install the asterisk-gui?
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11:10.02dramman2.0 sources
11:11.39tzafrir_laptopthis basically is a problem with either or the module loaded right after it
11:12.43tzafrir_laptopSo one way to go would be explicitly disabling modules (unload => in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
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11:15.40mav3rickHi guys. I'm running Asterisk (default compilation options) which handles 5000 calls per day. I have a BIG memory leak : 500mb per day. The dialplan uses a lot of Gosub, return, and Meetme (with ztdummy). I've been having this issue since Asterisk 1.4.7. Any idea ?
11:16.26*** join/#asterisk MacWinner (n=chatman@
11:16.27tzafrir_laptopmav3rick, can you rebuild asterisk with memory allocations debugging?
11:16.40mav3rickNot all my "Gosub" have the corresponding "Return" (sometimes I just Hangup), can it come from there?
11:17.12tzafrir_laptophow much memory do you have? How long is asterisk running?
11:17.12mav3ricktzafrir_laptop: sure, MALLOC_DEBUG flag ?
11:18.11mav3ricktzafrir_laptop: I have 3Gb of RAM (it's a DELL server running Debian etchnhaf 2.6.24). Asterisk is loosing memory from the startup and it gets worse as long as it's running.
11:18.16drammanokay, /etc/asterisk/manager.conf sets "port=5038", and
11:18.32mchoumav3rick: you run an itsp?
11:18.35dramman"/var/log/asterisk/messages" shows that 5038 is already in use
11:18.53mav3rickI don't know what an itsp is, so I suppose not.
11:19.04mav3rickI only have SIP channels using ulaw codec.
11:19.07jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
11:19.08tzafrir_laptopdramman, this means asterisk is already running
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11:19.26mav3rickNice feature :)
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11:19.28tzafrir_laptopdramman, this probably happened just after you change the varrundir
11:19.56mav3rickWell, I am the ITSP as I have another box for E1-to-SIP (running ASterisk perfectly without the leaking issue)
11:20.14tzafrir_laptopor for whatever reason once instance of asterisk failed to write to the varrun dir and annonce itself
11:21.04tzafrir_laptopdramman,  'ps aux | grep asterisk' # kill them all and start from scratch
11:21.22mchouwhat is this? Windoze?
11:22.07mav3ricktzafrir_laptop: I've recompiled Asterisk with MALLOC_DEBUG. what's the next step ?
11:22.20mav3rick(neved used that flag before)
11:22.44tzafrir_laptopstart running
11:22.56tzafrir_laptopnow you can get a much more detailed report
11:23.29tzafrir_laptopon allocations: how much exatly was allocated (from each module, from each source line)
11:23.30mav3rickokay I see (/var/log/asterisk/mmlog)
11:23.38tzafrir_laptoprecord this periodically
11:24.39mav3rickmchou: what was your point with the itsp ?
11:24.58mav3ricktzafrir_laptop: thanks. I'll come back with results :)
11:25.05mchoumav3rick: no point.  just wonder what your job was :)
11:25.48mav3rickhaha ok :)
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11:38.56skyNomadWhere can I find a list of Error and Warning codes with their descriptions?
11:38.59Andre101hey people.. Anyone know how I match a string of characters on a dialplan.. not numbers
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11:41.36tompawI was trying to strip the 2-digit prefix from the dialed number and I used the following trunk definition in users.conf:
11:42.05tompawyet still, sip debug shows that the full number is being used - what might be wrong?
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11:43.50mchouskyNomad: if all else fails use the source
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11:51.07tzafrir_laptopturns out dramman had the oh-so-typical problem of installation from source:
11:51.22tzafrir_laptopa left-over module from an older version
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11:51.52tzafrir_laptopthis does not happen when you install from packages
11:53.14ufoonlineSomeone use the hud with asterisk?
11:58.29tompawproblem solved - second question:
11:59.09tompawif asterisk is registered on a sip server as a client, with login and password, I can then make outgoing calls using that trunk and it works perfectly.
11:59.40tompawbut if somebody calls my asterisk's phone number on that server - is there a way to direct that call to appropriate extension on my asterisk?
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12:07.01skyNomadIs there a simple way of seeing if a user is still on connected on the call? In other words, the caller has not hung up yet?
12:07.50tompawsip show channels?
12:08.17mav3rickor core show channels
12:08.42skyNomadI have tried to test the response code from Playback(blank_file), but it always seems to return result=0 for some reason.
12:09.11skyNomadI don't really want to use the show channels method, because I need an easy way of accessing the data programmatically.
12:09.27skyNomadI probably could do it using the 'show channels', but I'm looking for a simpler way of doing it.
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12:22.06kovgerhi! anybody here experienced with sms sending? im using a beronet card with mobil sims. i can receive sms but cant send. here is the asterisk output: (9888000 is the smsc of my provider and sorry, english is not my native)
12:22.52mav3rickskyNomad: you want to know if the user is still connected... in the dialplan ?
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12:23.09sehhhey people
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12:24.26Great_Anta_Bakahow do i set the caller id on my inbound sip trunk to be whatever the provider sets it to be?
12:25.13Strom_Cthat should just happen automatically
12:25.15[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: it already is.
12:28.50Great_Anta_Bakaguess that means as usual i did something wrong
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12:29.16ufoonlinesomeone use hud there?:x
12:31.36heedlyis that the IRC thing?
12:31.43heedlyI hear it's bad.
12:32.32sehhq: how can i debug DTMF tone detection? i've got an asterisk server and it some times detects DTMF without a problem (when i'm calling from a mobile phone) but it doesn't detect DTMF when calling from a landline or other asterisk server. Is there a debug command that can help me?
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12:33.30lmadsensehh: in logger.conf enable 'dtmf' on the console
12:33.46sehhGreat_Anta_Baka, in my experiece, some trunks modify the inbound caller id, for example they remove 00 digits from the start of the caller id.
12:33.51[TK]D-Fendersehh: Are all of these calls coming in on the same peer?
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12:34.03sehhlmadsen, nice, thank you!
12:34.20Great_Anta_Bakathe thing is my callerid in the cdr records is set as "New User"
12:34.22sehh[TK]D-Fender, yes they are (ISDN lines)
12:34.29lmadsensehh: the other way is to use wireshark to capture the rtp stream (for rfc2833, inband) and the sip signalling (info)
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12:34.55[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: He just said its ISDN...
12:35.00sehhlmadsen, understood, i'll try the "dtmf" in the logger and see how that goes
12:35.06lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I was already typing that before he said that
12:35.17Great_Anta_Bakai did a more * |grep "New User" and that translates to a setting in users.conf where it says fullname = New User
12:35.31[TK]D-FenderlmaAnother likely excuse!!! muahaha *cough*
12:35.34Great_Anta_Bakahow can that be my callerid o_0
12:35.38*** kick/#asterisk [[TK]D-Fender!n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage] by lmadsen (not in the mood)
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12:36.18[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Gee and that was blatant mild humour.  Who pissed in your Corn Flakes today?
12:36.29lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: pretty sure it was you
12:37.23[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Wow, any tiny little thing regardless of clear intent.  Nice to know where I stand.
12:37.49lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: have a sense of humour... I'm not as pissy as you might think. Do I need to prefix everything with a smiley? :)
12:38.11lmadsentaps [TK]D-Fender on the head and sends him along with his pink elephant
12:42.41[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: I might just as soon kick you in "jest revenge" but that might be taken as a "terrorist power grab".  OH NOES!
12:42.51sehhwhat do you think of Grandstream phones? are they considered good enough for production environments (quality wise as well as functionality)?
12:42.59jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
12:43.07jbotmethinks grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
12:43.07Great_Anta_Bakammm my cdr records say anonymous for callerid :(
12:43.29sehhhehe :)
12:43.31[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: then that's what they are sending.  * doesn't invent that name itself
12:43.32Great_Anta_Bakai use polycoms sehh
12:43.47Great_Anta_Bakaindeed thats what i was thinking
12:43.59sehhi've been considering taking a close look at the polycoms
12:44.06Great_Anta_Bakathese quintims are quite confusing
12:44.25sehhi think most VoIP phones are too expensive at the moment, hopefuly they'll go down in the future
12:44.38Great_Anta_Bakanot any time soon
12:44.44Great_Anta_Bakabut the cheap ones are really crap
12:44.46sehhhmm thats bad news
12:44.56Great_Anta_Bakai would stay away from those in production environments
12:45.18drammanI've had to do
12:45.36[TK]D-FenderAtcom is just about as bad as GS
12:45.38sehhwell i've got a few Grandstream GXP 1200 phones for testing at the office and they work ok so far, haven't had problems. But they do feel... cheap (cheap plastic, cheap buttons, etc)
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12:46.07[TK]D-Fendersehh: There's a reason their first line were mocked as "BarbieTones"
12:46.21Great_Anta_Bakapolycoms are awesome man.. and the sound quality is probably the best you gonna get
12:46.25sehhreally?? ahahahaha
12:46.52sehhGreat_Anta_Baka, but too expensive... when people hear the cost they stay away from VoIP...
12:47.03yangsehh: you are the only one with GS without errors...
12:47.19sehhyang really? thats interesting...
12:47.21[TK]D-Fendersehh: Linksys is runner up in a close tie with Aastra
12:47.31dramman"noload => res_{agi,ael_share,phoneprov,speech,smdi,monitor,indications}.so" in modules.conf and now "sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk debug" throws a segmentation fault after printing "NOTICE[7852]: loader.c:869 load_modules: 189 modules will be loaded
12:47.34[TK]D-Fendersehh: Either would be an acceptable choice.
12:47.41sehh[TK]D-Fender, ah
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12:48.09[TK]D-Fenderdramman: Hopefully your use of a "set" in there was a sample because it sure isn't legal as-written
12:48.24yangWhat about Snoms ? They claim to be good too
12:48.33Great_Anta_Bakasehh you speaking to the wrong people.. i live in south africa.. and that means massive markup in terms of voice products
12:48.39drammanyeah - that's just to keep it short in IRC
12:48.40yangWe definitelly need to replace the Grandsteam
12:48.40Great_Anta_Bakapricing wise
12:48.53sehhGreat_Anta_Baka, hmm indeed...
12:49.23sehhyang: i don't have a problem with the GS phones and i even run a beta firmware on them for testing
12:49.51yangsehh: for how long have you been using them, since which firmware?
12:49.56Great_Anta_Bakaah i always wished testing == production... alas users can do funny things
12:49.59[TK]D-Fenderyang: Snom pulls in behind Linksys & Aastra.  Too flakey & expensive.
12:50.09yang[TK]D-Fender: ok good to know
12:50.36sehhyang: for about a year now, at first we used but now we use BETA
12:50.44yang[TK]D-Fender: linksys/cisco there are from the same brand, how good are Cisco phones acting with asterisk ?
12:50.58[TK]D-Fenderyang: Snom has a long history of shoddy firmware and its hard to find a market where there isn't a better alternative at a given price-point
12:51.03sehhyang: maybe a bit less than a year, i could be wrong
12:51.04Great_Anta_Bakai'd give it an oscar
12:51.28[TK]D-Fenderyang: Cisco's SIP sucks <-  Their phones were made for CCM.  Everything else is "gravy" to them
12:51.36yangsehh: I used 1.5. versions and previous and there were constant problems, the phones still drop calls and freeze at random point
12:51.54[TK]D-Fenderyang: And Linksys' phones are more like a Cisco view of a Sipura phone.
12:52.15yangsehh: you see that they applied over 100 bugfixed since 1.1.5 firmware at
12:52.39sehhyang, you mean 1.1.5.xx firmware? i've never used such old ones, the phones came brand new with 1.1.6.xx firmware to us
12:52.47mchouI dunno.  I think linksys PAP2 is a great value :)
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12:53.00JTa pap2 isn't a phoen
12:53.12[TK]D-Fendermchou: I agree
12:53.17mchouJT: that's a minor point :)
12:53.17sehhyang, i guess thats why we aren't having problems
12:53.18yangsehh: the 10 EURO cheap phones we have are much more stable than the GS ones
12:54.01yangsehh: but yeah 1.1.6 is like the best firmware so far, still not perfect...
12:54.15mchouyang: what 10 euro phones?
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12:54.29sehhyang: now that i think about it, we did discover a bug: when the phones are set to produce DTMF in RFC2833 and INFO, they generate double digits, we reported the problem to their support team and they said it will be fixed in the next firmware
12:54.29yangmchou: G 300 from globaliptel
12:55.17yangsehh: I am looking forward for that, they issue a new firmware once every 6 months
12:55.35drammanWhy does the web site advertise 1.4.22-rc5 and 1.6.0-rc6 simultaneously?
12:55.44yang[TK]D-Fender: any special model of linksys that you fancy?
12:55.54mchoupanasonic has a voip phone.  I wonder if that's any good
12:56.19[TK]D-Fenderyang: they highest cost-effective model.  941 or higher strongly preferred
12:56.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: Uniden has a few, and they suck.  HARD
12:56.56mchou[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i know about unidens
12:57.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: and I know the Strata phones are "VoIP", but do they have an more "open" ones running SIP?
12:57.48mchoutoo bad panasonic voip phone seems to be locked to a provider
12:58.06[TK]D-FenderOr was that Toshiba?  I mix up those big-boys sometimes..
12:58.15mchou[TK]D-Fender: not as far as I know
12:58.40[TK]D-Fendermchou: Either way, we've got 2-3 decent front-row choices so I'm not complaining.
12:58.56[TK]D-FenderWhich reminds me I do have 2 Polycom IP 320's to set up here for the first time
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13:07.46gegotzafrir_laptop: Now I know why I didn't see response from AstManProxy:
13:08.00gegotzafrir_laptop: Impatience was the reason. Thanks for your patience
13:08.27dandreis there someone who knows the inner of activa tapi driver?
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13:10.32gegotzafrir_laptop: I sent - and instantly tried to recv. - obviously not a good idea ...
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13:15.36stencilgood morning UnixDawg
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13:16.25UnixDawgjust a thought here but I think that the sounds should be pulled out of asterissk menuselect. this way users can choose thier own sounds by downloading the sounds they want int he language they want
13:17.33stencilIRC is the coolest example of collective problem solving
13:17.34[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: They can still do that, and IIRC * comes with GSM and WGET's the rest.
13:18.01UnixDawgyes but really the sounds hould not be in the core pkg
13:18.29UnixDawgsounds sould be thier own pkg
13:18.37[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: that is somewhat debatable in the spirit of providing a "complete" usable base package
13:18.47mav3rickshould I select the "DONTOPTIMIZE" flag with the "MALLOC_DEBUG" one ?
13:18.51[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: They are all available separate already of course
13:18.58mav3rick(in order to debug memory leak in Asterisk)
13:19.06UnixDawgok here is why
13:19.39UnixDawgalot of users building asterisk dot know to run menu select and end up with the us-ca-en prompts and dont want them
13:20.17UnixDawgthe thought is this moving the asterisk sounds to thier own pkg like zaptel and libpri and asterisk-addons
13:20.24[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: Souns more like the problem is people not suing MenuSelect whic, being a curses-based thing, is nto Raw-Cat Science.
13:20.39[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: Some might call their need "following the instructions"
13:21.06[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: And again, the sounds are all available as separate packages
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13:21.27[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: Per language & codec.  The fact menuSelect lets you pick them so easy is a blessing
13:22.20UnixDawgbut it makes it harder to keep it in the bsd ports tree
13:22.32UnixDawgthast one of the isses
13:22.57[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: Ok, still not a real problem :)
13:23.05UnixDawgand I dont lik having it force us-en sounds down a users throat
13:23.31UnixDawgI will break menu select and then make ports for the diff sounds
13:23.34[TK]D-FenderUnixDawg: and its not "force".  You can choose them as you install and you by no means forced to install US-EN
13:23.54UnixDawgbreak as in patch to turn off sound files
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13:24.32jayteesometimes it's better if some things aren't so user friendly. It weeds out the types like "I gots me a new box n I put linux on 'er. Now I's a systum ad-minister! How cum I cain't show what files r in this heah folder? I type dir and I get unrecognized command?"
13:25.22[TK]D-FenderWhen we're talking about a user who can't uncheck a box in a config options screen a monkey could use, they get little mercy from me.
13:25.50jayteeand that's the way it should mercy, no retreat and no surrender1
13:25.58jaytee-1 +!
13:26.18[TK]D-FenderRemember the Alamo!!!!!!!!
13:26.29jaytee"Um, where's the basement?"
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13:34.24badcfehow do i take a pause in the audio in the dialplan
13:34.39badcfelike Playback(/dev/null) but just for a few secs
13:34.44[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: What audio?
13:35.01[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: there is a "silence" filder under sounds...
13:35.03badcfe[TK]D-Fender: silence
13:35.23[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Thats not "pausing" audio, thats playing silence.
13:35.48badcfe[TK]D-Fender: thanks.  yes thats what i want.  just wandered if theres a less cpu-wasting way of doin it
13:36.16[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: You could just "Wait(5)" you know...
13:36.37[TK]D-Fenderthats even better if you don't need to actually force sound & an answer
13:36.50badcfe[TK]D-Fender: a Wait is nice yeah
13:38.59yangI wonder about the Dialplan which would allow me to dial to an extension and get a further option for dialing out a number (forwarding service)
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13:40.18[TK]D-Fenderyang: Any IVR, Read, etc
13:40.25[TK]D-Fenderyang: DISA
13:40.39yangDISA thats it
13:40.40[TK]D-Fenderyang: Only about a dozen ways to get input from a user you know...
13:40.45[TK]D-Fenderyang: tis all the same.
13:43.03jayteeDISA, if not implemented correctly could create serious headaches of the type: "Hey! How come we're getting billed 70,000 dollars for long distance calls to Ecuador?"
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13:44.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Any method could do that.  No need to pour the rap on DISA alone :)
13:44.47jaytee[TK]D-Fender, true enough but just saying it's one of those methods.
13:45.02dandreI am  trying to trac the state of a call established with originate manager command but I don't understand the manager events. Is there some docs on this?
13:45.46jayteedandre, try the wiki at there's some stuff there and also in the docs folder for *
13:45.53jayteeand the book covers it a bit too
13:47.40dandrethe problem is that I have 4 uniqueID and I don't see how to connect then together
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13:49.23[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Then you should probably set a traceable VALUE in the channels you originate
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13:50.11dandreInteresting but I don't know how to do it
13:50.27[TK]D-Fenderdandre: How about setting a CHANNEL VARIABLE....
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13:51.42dandreI know how to put a channel ariable in the originate command but it doesn't seem to appear in events related to it
13:51.58[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Sure it does.
13:52.15[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You just need to actually look for the variable.
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13:55.07dandreIn the event packets?
13:55.16dandreI don't see
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13:58.29dandreI send this to the manager:
13:58.30[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Go seriously look for some means via AMI to look at a channel's variables.  This is not that hard.
13:59.31dandrebut in the events I don't get originating
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14:02.39kotiquehey gais. I need to setup custom voice prompts for voicemail.
14:02.57kotiquethat is, need a custom unavail & busy messages only for 2 users
14:02.58mav3ricktzafrir_laptop: I rebuilt Asterisk with memory allocation debugging, but I only have "(numbers) - new session" in /var/log/asterisk/mmlog
14:03.05mav3rickeven after hundred calls
14:03.34mav3rickdid I miss something ?
14:03.58dandreyou mean I must issue a getvar command for each event I receive?
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14:05.18[TK]D-Fenderdandre: What kind of tracking are you looking to do?
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14:05.48[TK]D-Fenderkotique: then have those 2 users record them in VoiceMailMain.
14:06.13kotique[TK]D-Fender, ok, but where are they placed ? I already have a WAV file ready..
14:06.31[TK]D-Fenderkotique: in the base folder of their VM box
14:06.45dandreI want to know the state of both call legs in an originate (ringing, offhook, onhook, busy...)
14:06.53[TK]D-Fenderkotique: go look and see what * creates and just replace them if you have already made them outside of *
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14:07.55kotiqueokay, thanks
14:07.59[TK]D-Fenderdandre: here's another approach : Have your dialplan send out a custom AMI message at the start to map the uniqueID to that var
14:09.21dandreok I didn't though about that
14:10.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: and you're a coder?  there are a tone of easily conceivable ways to do this.  It frightens me to think that you can't come up with this.
14:11.12dandreI didn't know about th possibility to sned custom manager events to the manager
14:11.21[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Channel-dump>map, dialplan generated event>map, etc...
14:11.36*** part/#asterisk dlewis (i=c7340d66@about/security/staff/dlewis)
14:11.42[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Guess you never read the list of dialplan applications
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14:15.58mav3rickHello again guys. I'm running Asterisk (default compilation options) which handles 5000 calls per day. I have a BIG memory leak : 500mb per day. The dialplan uses a lot of Gosub, return, and Meetme (with ztdummy). I've been having this issue since Asterisk 1.4.7. Any idea ? I tried MALLOC_DEBUG but I have only one line in mmlog even after hundred calls.
14:16.08badcfe[TK]D-Fender: that list has become huge.  wow.
14:16.24[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: Not overnight.
14:16.59badcfe[TK]D-Fender: heh.  no -- i confess to not having dumped that whole list for a while
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14:18.02dandreI am readin thelist of dialplan applications but don't find what you've said [TK]D-Fender
14:18.05[TK]D-Fenderbadcfe: It only really changes between major versions 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.4.  Version 1.6.X.Y will have more incremental changes each "X" at a much higher frequency
14:19.03[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Keep looking, I'm already staring at its instructions.
14:19.14[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Scarier still is that I've never even USED IT
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14:22.42iratikvoip phone recommendations anyone? considering getting a budgetone ... but weary of cheapness
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14:22.55dandreI don't find:
14:22.56[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You've heard this answer a million times already
14:23.09[TK]D-Fenderdandre: "core show applications" <-
14:23.31[TK]D-FenderWIKI's can be OLD and OUT-DATED.
14:23.43[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You aren't really trying here...
14:24.51jayteeiratik, if Grandstream made water-wings for children instead of voip phones, the water-wings would be made of solid lead.
14:25.09iratikjaytee: What do you recommend?
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14:25.29jayteePolycom ---- accept no substitutes.
14:26.54gr0mitiratik, Ploycom and Snom seem to be the ones to look for
14:27.00gr0mitprefers snoms.
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14:27.08iratiksnom is a little cheaper
14:27.12gr0mitnever used a polycom though
14:27.15[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Hardly
14:27.45drammanWhat format is expected for outbound CID?
14:27.55jayteeI can get Polycom 330's for 112 bucks through CDW, cheaper if I buy in bulk.
14:28.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I just got my last 2 x 320's @$83
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14:28.41[TK]D-FenderSnom = nearly pointless in North America
14:29.25jayteeand compared to a digital phone for a Nortel Meridian like a Nortel 3904 that I would pay $400+ through my VAR I can get a Polycom 650 for 30% less.
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14:30.10iratikyeah... Fender's telephony depot link has polycoms for 83 too
14:30.23jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that's about what CDW would charge but the 320's are PoE only so we opted for the 330's to have flexibility.
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14:30.56[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No, they're not...
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14:31.22jayteeno? Oh, wait it's the lan port that's missing. That's it!
14:31.58jayteeI keep getting that confused with some other phone that was cheaper but only had PoE. Yeah, we chose the 330's for the lan port feature.
14:32.17jayteegets more coffee to clear the cobwebs.
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14:33.20dandreI haven't found in core show applications
14:34.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Read each and every one carefully.
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14:35.05[TK]D-Fenderdandre: look again.  And again.  If you're able to miss this after 3-4 passes then you might want to consider an alternative career....
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14:35.23dandrethe only thing I have seen dumpchan
14:35.26mav3rick[TK]D-Fender, do you have an idea on my memory issue?
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14:35.50[TK]D-Fenderdandre: 1 clue, its alphabetically AFTER that command.
14:35.56iratik320s aren't PoE only!
14:36.06iratikthe AC adapters are just sold seperately
14:36.19[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Thanks, I've already stated that, and jaytee acknolwedged it.
14:36.44iratikk... sorry.. i was just worried about that and had just looked into that
14:36.45jayteeiratik, yeah sorry. it's the LAN port for a computer that's missing. I didn't have enough coffee this morning.
14:37.06iratikwhy would you need that lan port for the computer?... so you don't have to run two cables?
14:37.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Actually its the "PC" port its missing.
14:37.42[TK]D-Fenderiratik: passthrough is good where you don't have the infrastructure.
14:37.44jayteeiratik, yes but if you have the option of two cables you're better off running a 320 and keeping VOIP on it's own network
14:38.08[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Then again I advocate buying IP 320's and INVESTING in infrastructure.  Lets you leave your data LAN gigabit, etc...
14:38.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: As I've just stated.
14:38.36iratikhmm... two separate networks?
14:38.38[TK]D-Fendermav3rick: A question perhaps better made in #asterisk-dev
14:38.40iratiki need a voip networking class bad
14:38.42[TK]D-Fenderiratik: yes
14:39.01[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Not even a "VoIP" intensive thought.
14:39.13jayteeoh, fine! I'm just gonna shut up and drink my coffee instead of inadvertently repeating what you say :-)
14:39.17iratikmy asterisk server is on a dedicated T1 ... the softphones point to that asterisk server... so they are on a separate connection than the rest of the internet access
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14:41.05mav3rickokay, thanks [TK]D-Fender
14:42.08gcbirzanHm. Can I detect busy tones on my FXO card with the zapata driver? The config file says it's only for FXS... And, well, I can't detect when the other side hangs up so I keep getting a busy signal for ages...
14:42.15jayteeI think today is one of those mornings I should have opted for the coffee with a double-shot of expresso.
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14:46.04Canacourseusing * a few years now but new to zaptel. Trying to setup FXS card (X110P) card can be seen by * but no dialtone on handsets.  Any ideas?
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14:50.30badcfehmmm macros are aparently excepted from the rule that a channel keeps the dialplan as it was when that channel was created.
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14:50.49badcfenew versions of a macro will be active for existing channels
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14:51.23[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: X100P is not an FXS card and you don't plug PHONES into it
14:51.41jbotrumour has it, fxofxs is An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
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14:53.21l2trace99I don't listen to rumours , they can be very hurtful
14:53.36CanacourseThis card is a clone. I have clear inscructions that it is a FXS card. also to doumentaiton that came with the card "signalling=fxs_ks"
14:53.58Canacourseit has 2 ports phone & line
14:54.12ManxPowerCanacourse:Um, FXO ports use FXS signalling and FXS ports use FXO signalling (don't blame us, this is a telecom thing)
14:54.31ManxPowerCanacourse: then you must contact the company that makes the card for support, as it is a card we've never seen before.
14:54.58[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: then your clear instructions are clearly wrong.
14:55.13hi365can you set a variable using system()?
14:55.19ManxPowergads, it looks like a monday around here.
14:55.20[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: and fxs_ks is the signalling used for an FXO channel
14:55.26[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You don't
14:55.42ManxPowerhi365: yes, but the variable goes away when the script exits
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14:56.53Canacourse"Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface"
14:57.12ManxPowerCanacourse: you are saying nothing to indicate this is an FXS card.
14:57.41ManxPowerall the other X100P clones we've seen have the two ports HARDWIRED togather, sort of like a built in phone splitter.
14:57.59[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: Perhaps when you referred to getting a MODULE for a TDM400P card.
14:58.30Canacoursebummer.  Looks like I have the wrong card..
14:59.09[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: if it has 1-2 jacks on the back its an X100P class card and not an FXS card.
14:59.34CanacourseI was really looking for a siple way to use an analog fax machine with asterisk
14:59.37[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: If its a 4 port modular card then its a TDM400P class card and can have FXO MODULES added to it
14:59.49[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: Buy a compatible interface then.
14:59.55Nugget gets longer every month.  :)
14:59.57ManxPowerCanacourse: you and 10,000 other Asterisk users.  If it was easy everyone would be doing it.
15:00.23Canacoursefair enought. thanks for saying me some time.
15:01.02tzafrir_laptopCanacourse, try: zaptel_hardware (if you have fairly recent zaptel)
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15:02.32Canacourse"pci:0000:00:09.0     wcfxo+       e159:0001 Wildcard X101P clone
15:02.58[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: Yup, dead-end
15:04.29Canacoursethem FXS cards aint  cheap.
15:05.38[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: You are advised to keep your fax machine as far away from * as possible
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15:07.39Canacoursei was gradually coming to that conclusion.  I was never sure how successful it was going to be anyway.  the lure of what i thought was a cheap fxs card on ebay started me on this road.
15:08.44ManxPowerTelecom is expensive.
15:08.45[TK]D-FenderCanacourse: Keep paving Dante, you're almost there...
15:10.11yang[TK]D-Fender: what seems to be the problem here -
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15:10.53yang[TK]D-Fender: If i want pin i should place the number instead of "no-password" ?
15:11.14[TK]D-Fenderyang: I would think the "big print" error message would give it away : [Sep 16 17:08:24] WARNING[8035]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DigitTimeout' for extension (buster, 59209583, 2)
15:11.44yang[TK]D-Fender: yes, it requires additional plugin then?
15:12.15[TK]D-Fenderyang: No, it requires you to stop calling dialplan applications that DON'T EXIST so that your extension can continue to execute
15:12.33[TK]D-Fender"plug in"... where do people come upwith this stuff?
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15:14.12yang[TK]D-Fender: i took it as example from the voip site
15:14.26yangwhen removing second and third line it works
15:14.51[TK]D-Fenderyang: And you should be able to tell if the code is valid or not.  Especially after the CLI tells you in no uncertain terms that it isn't
15:15.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I guess yang did not read upgrade.txt or upgrade-1.2.txt
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15:15.47[TK]D-Fenderyang: You could use some serious sit-down time with that fabulous book that is so graciously provided to you free of charge...
15:15.48ManxPoweryang: that wiki page references an asterisk version that is 4 years old.
15:16.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Aren't we on 1.4 and about to reach 1.6? :)
15:16.05ManxPowerwhich is why I recommend you read the docs in the asterisk doc director
15:16.33BrianR___I'm using a bunch of Polycom IP301's and 601's with Asterisk. Anyone know why the phone might resend a REGISTER request using the same nonce, instead of the one in the 401 response?
15:16.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: upgrade.txt would reference 1.4 and upgrade-1.2.txt references stuff in 1.2 that is going away in 1.4 like the application DigitTimeout.
15:16.47ManxPowerthe poor sod didn't read the docs.
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15:21.20[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Or wonder about things like "what is this sign that says 'Don't push this big red button' trying to tell me?"
15:21.40_RomanDoes anyone know of anywhere I could download an asterisk queue log for testing purposes?
15:22.18[TK]D-Fender_Roman: Might be a sample ont he WIKI, or you could just make a few calls yourself.  There is also a good doc explaining its contents in the DOC folder.
15:23.21ctaloihey all, quick question - I have a customer who needs to use an account code with will be stored in either a DB or a flat file, and the dial sequence will be ACCOUNT-CODE+9+NPA-NXX-XXXX - what's the best way to incorporate that into the dial plan - just looking for the proper application to call and read from the file I beleive..
15:23.32_Romanthanks, I am after a nice big queue log file (bigger than I would be able to generate).
15:23.56yang[TK]D-Fender: the syntaxes are complex to understand if you don't have any coding skills...
15:24.48ctaloi@Roman - How large of a file are you looking for?
15:25.17[TK]D-Fenderyang: And you've been here using * for HOW long?  And there is a free BOOK, and a WIKI, and tons of web sites with guides.
15:25.35Rico29do you absolutely need a GSM gateway to send sms via the SMS function ?
15:25.39Rico29or is there another way ?
15:25.46[TK]D-Fenderctaloi: "core show application read" <- maybe
15:25.50jbotsms is, like, Stop Making Sense, the greatest concert film ever, starring Talking Heads and directed by Jonathan Demme.  Send message to mobile phones via the internet for free.
15:25.54ManxPowerRico29: no, in fact sending SMS via app_SMS will NOT work with a gateway.
15:26.06_Romanctaloi: as big as is possible.  It would be nice to get a month (or more) of heavy usage
15:26.06Rico29so how does it works ?
15:26.07ctaloi[TK]D-Fender thx
15:26.20ManxPowerRico29: app_SMS calls your SMS Carrier center, sends a modem burst with the text and hangs up.  app_SMS does not work with USA/Canada carriers.
15:26.53Rico29is it hard to configure ,
15:27.12ManxPowerconfigure what?  You don't configure app_SMS.
15:27.51Rico29so where do you tell your SMS Carrier center number ?
15:27.57ManxPowerRico29: have you even done a "core show application SMS"
15:28.08ManxPowerRico29: I guess you contact the carrier and ask for the number for the SMSC
15:28.17ManxPowerRico29: what country are you located in"
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15:28.32Rico29france ManxPower
15:28.41agxis there a bug that with nat=yes symmetric RTP is broken?
15:28.53ManxPoweryou would need to contact your carrier or look on the internet
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15:29.50Rico29thanks ManxPower
15:29.56Rico29i'll try to make it working
15:30.41CrazyTux[m]Anone know if / where the 635 npa exists?
15:31.01ManxPowerCrazyTux[m]: google is down this morning?
15:31.18yang[TK]D-Fender: it got renamed in the recent version to Set(TIMEOUT(digit)
15:31.22CrazyTux[m]ManxPower, not bringing any results.
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15:33.28CrazyTux[m]ManxPower, how updated is this wiki
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15:33.54[TK]D-Fenderyang: RECENT?This was **2005*
15:34.56ManxPoweryang: pretty much everyone here except you already know they removed DigitTimeout
15:35.05yangdamn what an old reference on voip-info
15:35.33ManxPoweryang: most of use voip-info as a place of last resort because it is so outdated and inaccurate.
15:36.02yangbut its the most comprehensive collection with dialplan examples
15:36.07[TK]D-FenderThe wiki is the 3rd or 4th place you should look for information...
15:36.24[TK]D-FenderFisrt are : * DOC folder, * CLI, the BOOK
15:36.30ManxPoweryang: read the included Asterisk docs first.
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15:37.28ManxPowerIn you MUST use make sure to have the UPGRADE*.txt files handy to see what things have changed after the wiki page was updated.
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15:38.20[TK]D-FenderThen again the ability to read the big-print error messages is paramount.  If you can't see whats right in front of you, why bother?
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15:40.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Digium should put all their docs on a wiki.  That way people with a fetish for wikis will find the info.
15:41.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: If we cared enough I supopse we should rebuild our own.
15:41.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: and a WIKI is a great tool.  Then again the committee building that horse had better be up to the challenge
15:41.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: If people can't figure out to look in a directory called "doc" then they are far, far beyond any help I can give.
15:41.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Oh that goes without saying
15:42.40outtoluncyeah i love how people never look in README files <G>
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15:50.26agxis there some parameters to avoid sending RTP when receiving a 183 progress message?
15:50.28jayteeWho needs the docs and the wiki? I just picked up a copy of "All I ever needed to know about Asterisk I learned by bugging the hell out of [TK]D-Fender and Manxpower on IRC" written by Jeev.
15:51.13[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Your forgot Qwell & russellb
15:51.29jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ooops. my bad
15:51.37gcbirzanqwell sucks.
15:51.59jeevlol jaytee
15:52.12jeevi haven't bothered qwell, he's just threatened to ban me a few times
15:52.13jayteewhoa! that's rude and totally incorrect. gcbirzan you need an attitude adjustment.
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15:53.13jeevand i'm gonna name my book, "who cares about docs, the story about #asterisk on freenode" by jeev
15:53.29russellbjeev messages me a lot, but it's rarely about asterisk, heh
15:53.36yangjeev: haha ok
15:54.02jayteejeev, you should at least dedicate the book to ManxPower for helping you with the GRE tunnelling.
15:54.11jeev<russellb> so i was walking outside.... what were you doing?
15:54.13jeevi get shit like that!
15:54.22jeevmanxpower gets his own book
15:54.39jeev'gre tunneling, when i didn't know about it, manxpower was there from #asterisk on freenode' part 2
15:55.08BrianR___After a 401, the phone is supposed to use the nonce is a 401 to generate a repeat registration request, right?
15:55.13yangjeev: lets get the hints written into "Asterisk for Dummies" and sell it for cheap :)
15:55.19BrianR___err.. s/is a/in the/
15:55.25jeevchapter 1, nagging
15:55.46jeevso this is what i did dummies, take a slash, "/" and then add msg, then space, then russellb and then space, then your question
15:55.51jeevthen press the return key.
15:56.00jayteechapter 2, jitter has nothing to do with too much caffiene
15:56.07jeevif no reply is receiving via a red light up thingy, then bombard him.
15:56.23jeevchapter 3
15:56.32jeeveven rollerbladers know something about asterisk
15:56.58yangjeev: This would however be for the highly qualified dummies, you cannot put it alongside with Windows XP start up tricks :)
15:57.37outtoluncbe easier to just build a STT/TTS interface, call it app_wiki <G>
15:57.43agxanyway, has some asterisk wikis, unluckly its overruned by commercial crap website selling phones
15:58.05yangagx: what is wrong, they need to make some extra profit, what is free today?
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15:58.07jayteegotta grab some lunch. bbiab
15:59.20jeevchapter 4, fender, the swing state
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16:13.26[TK]D-FenderYou gotta jump, jive, and then you wail!
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16:21.51russellbit's not possible
16:23.35hi365wonders what the hardware difference really is
16:25.10[TK]D-Fenderrpm: I've got this paperclip.  If I add some duct tape, a piece of chewing gum, and a Swiss Army Knife.... can't I make a T1 frame analyser?
16:25.35rpm[tk]d-fender, you forgot the fine pixie dust.
16:25.39ManxPowerfor one thing if you plug a phone line into an FXS port, the first time the line rings you will blow your module.
16:25.48coppiceFXO == isolated, can apply loop, can detect ring, may be able to detect reversal
16:25.50coppiceFXS == non-isolated, can apply volts, can apply ring, may be able to reverse volts
16:26.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Esp since ringing IS a polarity reversal ;)
16:26.54coppiceno it isn't
16:27.06[TK]D-Fendercoppice: AC on the line last I checked...
16:27.15ManxPowerI thought ringing was "hey chip make the phone ring!"
16:27.23rpm[tk]d-fender, 90 volts on the line is ringing.
16:27.43rpmwell. it peaks at 90..
16:28.10coppiceringing is generally -48V DC + 90V RMS AC. with some ports the -48V can actually be reversed while the ring is on
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16:31.44hi365yeh - i relize that there different. what im wondering is, how big of a deal would it be to but both functions on the same chip and control them via software?
16:32.14coppicehi365: such a thing exists, but its rare and expensive
16:32.52hi365thats a good enough reason (although mass manufacturing them would probebly minimize that reason as well)
16:33.21coppicenope. its inherently a big piece of silicon to achieve the high voltage isolation
16:33.35[TK]D-Fenderhi365: Sur, you could make a dual purpose module.  Go right ahead.  But that wasn't how this one was designed, so live with...
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16:34.04coppiceI'm not sure such a thing has ever been offered as a merchant market chip, but custom ones exist
16:34.04ManxPowermust.  wait.  for.  ups.
16:34.05hi365[TK]D-Fender: ive learned to live with you, so living with the module situation cant be to hard...
16:34.18[TK]D-Fenderhi365: I can accept that :)
16:34.39ManxPowerMy first LCD monitor is "out for delivery"
16:34.55hi365hu? do you live under a stone?
16:34.59mort_gibLCD monitor???
16:35.10hi365or is that a lcd 82" tv?
16:35.43[TK]D-Fender82" TV? .... smalll
16:36.12ManxPower21.6" LCD computer monitor
16:36.12[TK]D-FenderMy * server has far bigger :)
16:36.32coppicesitting right in front of a 65" LCD being used as a monitor is pretty intimidating. makes your neck ache too
16:36.50ManxPowerhi365: why would I spend 30% more for a new monitor when my existing  display was just fine?
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16:37.30[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'm at about 7-8 feet from my 120" :D
16:37.45hi365wher i live the price of a foot of real estate is far greater thatn the difference betewwn an lcd and thoes big old space wasters
16:37.53coppicea panel or a projector?
16:38.02[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Projector
16:38.25coppicecan't get close to those without making a shadow.
16:38.34hi365hu, where still talking about displays, right?
16:39.58ManxPowerhi365: where I live rent is $225/month
16:40.15hi365for what?
16:40.28Qwella tent?
16:40.37ManxPowerhi365: Well, I have a 12x12 cabin connected to a 12x30 cabin
16:40.57ManxPowerI own the building, lease the land.
16:40.59[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I can barely stand in front of the couch (I'm 6'2") before casting a shadow,  a minor crouch as I pass and no interruption for the persona next to me.
16:41.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Wow, cheap... a lot of people would bend over backwards for a deal like that!
16:41.39jayteeManxPower, are there bears?
16:41.45[TK]D-Fenderis a bad BAD person....
16:41.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: they are bending over forwards around these parts. 8-)
16:42.08coppicesitting 1/2 a metre from a 65" LCD working as a monitor was a strange experience. however, the room was full of 52" and 65" displays being used like that all day :-)
16:42.11ManxPowerhey, you started it!
16:45.41ManxPower21.6" was the biggest before the big price jumps that I could find.
16:46.08coppice24" isn't much more than 21.6 these days
16:46.33ManxPowerthe shelf my CRT monitor is on has started to bow quite a bit.  Rather than fixing the shelf, I did the right geek thing and replaced the monitor with a lighter one.
16:46.50ManxPowercoppice: it was still higher than the price point I was willing to pay.
16:47.00QwellManxPower: the geek thing would have been hanging it upside down and flipping the output
16:47.22coppicethe 24" I'm using now was about $300. How cheap do you want to be?
16:47.34ManxPowerI think I paid $220 including shipping
16:47.57coppicewell, I paid 0 shipping, so that helped :-)
16:48.20coppicewhy has shipping anything from the US gone up alarmingly in the last year?
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16:50.49coppiceI can still send things from asia to europe at last years prices
16:51.53ManxPowerI suspect it's because of the weak dollar
16:52.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: But the fundamentals of the economy are strong!
16:52.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I heard it, it must be true!
16:52.33coppiceunless you're a bank
16:54.07coppiceI bet my friend's brother in law is sizing up a larger mercedes - he's a liquidator. he always gets to buy a new car with the deals are at their best :-)
16:54.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: sort of like the message on the mailing list recently claiming the poster "heard" that Asterisk could not handle any more than 100 calls.
16:54.49[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Or middle class.  Or male.  Or female.
16:54.51ManxPowerwhat the poster "heard" was that you should not put more than one quad card in a server.
16:55.36[TK]D-Fenderwow AIG too now..
16:55.51coppicebasically, anything but super cash rich
16:56.09[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Unless its in USD$ at which poitn...
16:56.54coppiceUSD$ is fine if the assets you want to buy for pennies are in the US. these down times are the main way the super rich get super richer
16:57.28*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
16:59.30nr4qpolycom phone+microbrowser+php = awesome
17:01.00jjshoesuper richer?
17:01.15jameswf-homePolycomm(or any phone really) + Microwave === awesome
17:01.43[TK]D-Fendernr4q: Congrats.  used the Idle page yet?
17:01.58nr4qfender: yeah that's what i was really talking about
17:02.08[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: Start with CD's they're cheap for the fun you'll have ;)
17:02.47scooby2anyone know what this error means? Google'ing gets me many answers. Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup request, cause 16
17:02.49jameswf-homeoften gets his tech for free so a demo phone will set me back $0 the cost of the microwave on the otherhand...
17:03.07jameswf-homecause 16 Normal clear
17:03.10scooby2just had it happen for every Channel that was active
17:04.03scooby216 times in the same second
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17:04.50jameswf-homeI would say your provider probably dropped
17:04.59scooby2thats what I was thinking
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17:15.34TheSovdoes anyone know why i can recieve incoming calls, people hear me but i cannot hear them?
17:18.08[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Typically firewall/NAT issues
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17:19.12TheSovtheirs no nat, it has a static external ip. i am not adept at firewalls how would i check it, its on an ubuntu server box
17:19.49RoadKillDKthen it may be a routing problem (reinvite)
17:20.08TheSovi have reinvite=no right now
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17:20.41TheSoverr canreinvite=no
17:20.43RoadKillDKmute !!!
17:20.54TheSovgood idea to check that
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17:21.36TheSovnope not it
17:21.52TheSovperhaps the ubuntu firewall then
17:22.01RoadKillDKalso try change codec (20/30ms)
17:22.22RoadKillDKasterisk g.711 only work with 20ms
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17:22.57TheSovi dont think i set that
17:23.04StephenFany ideas why i woul be getting choppy audio with playback and background but moh is fine?
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17:23.30[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Go look.
17:23.52[TK]D-FenderStephenF: How are calls?  playback of what?
17:24.19StephenFCalls seem ok, playback of audio files
17:24.19RoadKillDKcoppy audio in most chase because the file is not in ram, moh is used more and is therefor buffered by linux
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17:24.38StephenFAhh so i could be a low RAM issue?
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17:25.05[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Which "audio files"?
17:25.17RoadKillDKor that the hdd is to bussy
17:25.26StephenFthe ones that come with Asterisk, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
17:25.42[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Typically caused by compiling * with GCC 4.2+ <-
17:25.44TheSovok nvm that was a nat=yes problem when it should have been no
17:26.00TheSovgot another ? im having issues dialing out
17:26.03[TK]D-FenderStephenF: it causes optimizastion errors that distort GSM transcoding
17:26.07StephenF[TK]D-Fender: yeah I think you told me that yesterday, I installed GCC 4.1 and recompiled asterisk but no change
17:26.26[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Perhaps you didn't do it correctly.
17:26.33StephenFits definetly possible
17:26.52StephenFI also thought it might be a timing issue, and I ran zttest and got -200%
17:27.03StephenFdoes that sound like a problem?
17:27.11[TK]D-FenderStephenF: EW, an't be good, but not normally into play for this
17:28.06StephenFIs there anyway to compile with GCC 4.2 to avoid the optimization? I thought I read somewhere you could do that.
17:28.25StephenFIm thinking I might run into issues with somethings compiled with 4.2 and others 4.1
17:28.32[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Yesterday someone linked a patch for it.
17:28.48StephenFahh, for GCC or Asterisk?
17:28.53[TK]D-FenderStephenF: *
17:29.46StephenFok I'll look for that
17:30.02StephenFI'm going to try to remove everything and do a clean install
17:30.45StephenF[TK]D-Fender: was the patch submitted in mantis? I don't see anything for yesterday
17:31.09[TK]D-FenderStephenF: I didn't crack down and make a jbot infolet on it unfortunately...
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17:31.32[TK]D-FenderStephenF: And I can't even recall who did it, thought its a person whose been here a long time I don't know that well...
17:31.48[TK]D-Fenderis a little off on his game this week
17:31.52QwellCC=gcc-4.2 ./configure
17:31.53TheSovis their a good place to post my sip and extentions.conf so maybe one of you could tell me why i cant dial out
17:32.13Qwellthat should be all you need
17:32.14StephenFlol, the fact that you know a patch was submitted is good enough for me
17:32.53StephenFQwell: that would just compile with 4.2, still having the optimization problems no?
17:33.37[TK]D-FenderTheSov: enable SIP debug and look at the conversation.
17:33.43[TK]D-FenderTheSov: PASTEBIN is your friend.
17:33.46jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:33.58[TK]D-FenderStephenF: ShhhH!  You'll ruin his cunning plan!
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17:41.47*** join/#asterisk mintee (
17:42.48minteeis there a way to do a followme without the announcments of the dialer etc?
17:43.05minteewithout editing the actual followme app and recompile?
17:45.01TheSovcan anyone tell me why i cant dial out?
17:46.31[TK]D-FenderTheSov: and I told you to look at the CLI with SIP debug
17:46.59TheSovit just says no route to destination
17:47.00[TK]D-FenderTheSov: When your call doesn't care whats in your dialplan, then showing use your dialplan is useless.
17:47.11StephenFahh found it:
17:47.12[TK]D-FenderTheSov: I'm sure it says a whole lot more than thtat
17:47.50TheSovunable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination) everyone is busy / congested at this time
17:48.43TheSovno such host zap/g2 on chan_sip.c
17:48.47TheSovthats it
17:49.06jbot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily.  Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch :
17:49.34[TK]D-FenderTheSov: PASTEBIN the complete output of your failed call with SIP debug.
17:49.48TheSovhow do i add sip debug?
17:49.56[TK]D-FenderTheSov: "sip debug"
17:49.58minteesip debug
17:50.07xusersip set debug :)
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17:51.40TheSovis their anything security wise i should remove from this?
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17:52.36[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Only passwords
17:52.46[TK]D-FenderTheSov: typically no, don't filer anything
17:52.49cph_hi, i've a system that was previously working, but w've now
17:53.17TheSov here u go
17:53.33TheSovand, I just wanna go on record to say that i appreciate this very much
17:54.00cph_hi, i've a system that was previously working, but we'e now moved offices and although we can receive calls, we cannot make them. I'm using trixbox and the zaptel drivers. anyone got any ideas of where I should start ?
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17:54.28rwaitewaits for 1.4.22
17:54.38[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Looks like you changed the value of a global variable and you didn't restart *
17:54.54[TK]D-FenderTheSov:   -- Executing [17733201433@default:1] Dial("SIP/400-081d7380", "SIP/17733201433@Zap/g2|60|r") in new stack
17:55.09[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Betting TRUNK used to be "Zap/g2"
17:55.12Blackvelhi guys. anyone of you using snom370? is it possible to edit/set the last missed caller numbers manually by a sip message without actually dialing the snom phone
17:55.12TheSovhmm i dont have any zaptel stuff
17:55.26TheSovnever, this is a new install
17:55.57[TK]D-Fendertherestart * and retest
17:56.09[TK]D-FenderTheSov: that didn't come from nowhere.
17:56.31Blackvellooks like there is hot analyzing going on here :)
17:56.58[TK]D-FenderTheSov: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${TRUNK},60,r) <- ${TRUNK} is clearly resolving as Zap/g2
17:57.19[TK]D-FenderTheSov: So it must be from a value you changed for that global
17:57.22*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
17:57.30[TK]D-FenderTheSov: restart * completely and retest
17:59.30*** join/#asterisk KuJaX (
17:59.43TheSovits still showing that zap thing
17:59.45*** join/#asterisk nny_2 (n=scott@
18:00.08TheSovin sip.conf and extentions.conf their is no zap/g2
18:00.59[TK]D-FenderTheSov: replace your use of that global variable and hard-code it.
18:01.19[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Its coming from somewhere, so just code it out
18:01.31TheSovok will do
18:01.34nny_2freaking a. Ok on hold with digium support. Have a client who is getting echo on their end only on some calls. Using hardware echo cancel on Digium T1 card. Is there ANY other place that it could coming from?
18:01.39nny_2no headsets etc
18:02.36rwaitewould it be a good idea to install asterisk into /usr/local?
18:03.01[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: If you have a good reason to why not...
18:03.11[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: tahts a very BSD way to go.
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18:06.49rwaite[TK]D-Fender: well, i'm testing a seperate machine for the move to lenny in a few months. trying to get the kinks worked out now. one of the things that always bugged me was no debian pkg for the latest ver. i suppose i could roll my own, but partitioning it off into /usr/local may be less hassle in the long run
18:07.23jayteeI wish Digium made something like this to go with their T1/E1 cards
18:08.55[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Or just do a basic normal isntall like the rest of us.
18:09.06*** join/#asterisk bradleyprice86 (
18:11.07rwaite[TK]D-Fender: we, i was just asking
18:11.22[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: And I'm just sayin'
18:14.34*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
18:14.41minteeso, again, is there a way to call follow me without it prompting for the persons name, or should I just A.) edit the app_followme.c or B.) Write a macro?
18:15.06TheSov new errors same result
18:15.07[TK]D-Fendermintee: Write your own.
18:15.58minteei could easily cp app_followme.c app_followme_silent.c, but i'm not sure how to bind it to the rest of *
18:16.27[TK]D-FenderTheSov: if result = failure, then it comes is more flavours than Baskin & Robbins
18:16.44jayteemintee, there are docs for that on I believe in the section for developers
18:16.53[TK]D-FenderTheSov: SIP/2.0 604 Does not exist anywhere <- I don't like your #
18:17.04TheSovbut its a real #
18:17.08TheSovi dial it all the time
18:17.11[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: lol.
18:17.17minteethanks jaytee, i'll check it out
18:17.19[TK]D-FenderTheSov: maybe its the FORMAT
18:17.30[TK]D-Fenderthemaybe they don't like you dialing a "1" in front
18:17.42[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Like so many providers...
18:17.51TheSovok i can lose the 1
18:17.59TheSovand try it
18:18.07[TK]D-FenderTheSov: You can certainly try and see.
18:18.07TheSovwhat other format changes should i try?
18:18.13jayteemintee, nevermind, I thought you meant writing your own module based on followme.c not just mangling something.
18:18.16[TK]D-FenderTheSov: ! at a time
18:18.30[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Before you bury yourself in more problems
18:18.53minteejaytee, i mean using followme.c, but just removing most of the promptage
18:19.26[TK]D-FenderWhat a complete waste of an app.  Nothing you can't do in straight dialplan and at least that can be dynamic.
18:19.46TheSovok it wasnt the #1
18:19.56TheSovmaybe codec?
18:20.05jayteemintee, well like I said, there's some info on writing stuff for * in the dev section of, not sure if it'll be much help and it'll probably be like pulling teeth and no one else will support it.
18:20.15[TK]D-FenderTheSov: No its clearly the # they don't like.  Why don't you ask them?
18:20.43TheSovspeakeasy does not support 3rd party hardware
18:21.00TheSovthey will repeat that mantra and hang up the phone
18:21.03minteejaytee, yeah, i think i might as well work on a dialplan... I have successfully edited the app_voicemail.c to my liking, but that's a global app, and this new version of followme would not be global
18:21.05jameswf-homeI had to go have teeth pulled and they were well rooted the dentest broke a sweat I looked at him and said holy crap its like pulling teeth isn't it....
18:21.24minteelol jameswf-home
18:21.51jayteemintee, better to stick to using what * has built in by coding it in the dialplan, reinventing the wheel just wastes time and effort.
18:22.04jayteelike [TK]D-Fender said
18:22.19minteei see some old dialplans like
18:22.24[TK]D-FenderTheSov: From: "Philly 1" <sip:400@>;tag=28D5B99D-9F15E728 <-- maybe the also don't like you trying to tell them your CID is a 3-digit number
18:22.36minteeand honestly, i'm scared of alot of the older info on
18:22.50[TK]D-Fendermintee: The core stuff is the same.  Use it.
18:23.02mintee[TK]D-Fender, word
18:23.07jayteeand there's not much you cannot do in the dialplan with the apps and functions already there except discipline my cats and I never had that as an expectation.
18:23.12mintee"Philly 1"  Who else is in philly?
18:23.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: app_blacklist, app_followme, and a few others = complete waste
18:24.11jaytee[TK]D-Fender, fortunately I've never needed to use either of those.
18:24.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: there's another 1 or 2 that should come to mind but don't currently, but there is plenty we could trim.
18:25.06jameswf-homeYou could put shock collars on your cats and have asterisk controll them
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18:25.42jayteejameswf-home, damn! don't start giving me ideas. And they aren't my cats, I am their "staff".
18:25.49jayteethat's how it works with felines.
18:27.17jameswf-homemy cat doesnt bother me as long as i leave the doggy door open and a full bowl of food
18:27.38jameswf-homeshe spends her time harassing the dogs
18:28.24StephenF[TK]D-Fender: can I apply that gcc related patch to the latest asterisk The patch looks like it was made for 1.4.17
18:28.38[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Dunno, go try.
18:28.57jbotTry not.  Do. Or do not.  There is no try.
18:28.57StephenFcan't find file to patch at input line 4
18:28.58StephenFPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
18:29.25jameswf-homemaybe you used the wrong strip option
18:29.31StephenFim running 'wget '' -O - | patch -p0' inside my src directory
18:29.41jameswf-hometry -p1
18:30.12StephenFahh that worked, so is that stripping the version number?
18:30.41jameswf-homeno path
18:30.55StephenFok, so it will match my path
18:34.30[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: that bot-let = gold
18:36.04jaytee[TK]D-Fender, my Polycoms are using bootrom 3.2.3 and SIP 2.1.2. I don't see any reason to update at this point because everything works fine but I'd like your expert opinion.
18:36.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Look at the changelogs through 3.1 and see if there is something you feel you really want to risk it for
18:37.58lmadsenjaytee: don't fix what ain't broke
18:38.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: thats the less nice way of saying it ;)
18:38.54minteeok, i'm totally embarassed... That was stupid easy
18:39.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Typically I do SIP upgrades, but as long as the BR is compatible thats the LAST thing I want to change.  if you fudge the app you can reflash.  If you mess up the BR you're toast
18:39.40jeevlarry madsen
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18:50.07TheSov[TK]D-Fender: so from looking at my setup you can see nothing wrong with the way i dial?
18:50.14*** join/#asterisk Specialist1 (n=me@
18:50.24Specialist1hello folks !
18:50.45[TK]D-FenderTheSov: look at the # you are claiming to be, and the # you are dialing.
18:51.18*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
18:51.28[TK]D-FenderTheSov: then call your provider and get their opinion
18:51.43[TK]D-FenderTheSov: Feel free to compare your approach to any other documented * configs for them as well
18:51.50*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines)
18:55.13TheSovmy provider is an ass who's mantra is to continue to say that 3rd party devices are not supported
18:55.18TheSovso they will be no help
18:55.23TheSovbut i will keep tryin
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19:02.28StephenFDamn, recompiling with that patch still did not fix the choppy audio
19:03.23StephenFive only got  7652k free memory, maybe that is the problem
19:04.51StephenFi called 500 using the * sample files, the demo audio file is choppy but then it forwards me to digium call center??
19:05.05StephenFthat part is crystal clear
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19:07.24rift0rhi, suddenly since a reboot I am having audio delay issues with asterisjk
19:07.33rift0ri haven't had any firewall changes or kernel changes
19:07.45rift0ri can call someone from zoiper, and it takes sometimes 10 secs for them to hear me
19:08.01rift0rany ideas
19:08.16rift0rand it seems intermittent... sometimes it goes right thru, other times there is a delay
19:08.58rift0rI am connected to asterisk via IAX2 and zoiper, and my calls are going out via SIP to viatalk
19:10.28mchou10 second delay?  That's incredible
19:10.34StephenF[TK]D-Fender: that patch didnt seem to work... Any other ideas?
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19:12.05[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Back to better recompile attempts
19:12.20StephenFwhat do you mean?
19:12.26[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Or you can always trash your GSP sounds entirely and install other codecs only
19:12.34*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
19:12.42[TK]D-FenderStephenF: You said that you weren't necessarily sure that you did it right...
19:12.49StephenFI just re-did it
19:13.33StephenFI tried removing the .gsm files and left only .ulaw and .alaw
19:13.38StephenFthat had the same problem
19:15.55*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
19:19.14StephenFDoes that mean it might not be a problem with gsm optimization?
19:23.42Blackvelhave a good evening
19:23.59ManxPowerStephenF: you are not using a Linksys or SIPura device, are you?
19:24.09StephenFno, just x-lite right now
19:24.57ManxPowerWith softphones if you have a 10 second delay you should start looking at the audio drivers on the PC
19:24.58[TK]D-FenderStephenF: calls are fine, only prompts are bad?
19:25.00StephenFyes, once I get connected to Digium it sounds perfect
19:25.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: think he has a bad kernel HZ?
19:25.32StephenFBTW i dont know if it is related but running zttest gives me values like -200%
19:25.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'd like to think I'd ahve heard about the warnings he should ahve gotten were that the case
19:25.49*** join/#asterisk fudpucker1 (
19:25.55fudpucker1hey all
19:26.17fudpucker1quick zaptel supposed to lock /dev/rtc.  when i have zaptel running, i can't set the hwclock
19:26.31ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I've never seen warnings with ztdummy + kernel Hz != 1000
19:26.43ManxPowerjust audio not working for Playback/Background
19:26.53StephenFManxPower: any way to test?
19:27.17*** join/#asterisk sqweez (
19:27.52sqweezneed help with hylafax + IAXModem
19:28.13StephenFIts not a delay, the sound is garbled. I can just barely undertand it, pieces are missing
19:28.21ManxPowerStephenF: rmmod ztdummy  if it starts working you know that is the problem
19:28.23sqweezcan't receive any fax, Hylafax don't Answer
19:29.01StephenFManxPower: holy crap it sounds perfect after rmmod ztdummy
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19:29.07ManxPowerThere you go.
19:29.07StephenFso what does that mean
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19:29.13TheSovis it possible to run a network sniffer on the hardware device from speakeasy and find out how it makes the phone calls?
19:29.23ManxPowerYou are welcome to send a donation to the ManxPower Beer Fund via Paypal to
19:29.35TheSovbecause it doesnt make sense that i can recieve calls but not make them
19:29.48StephenFhehe, but why is that happening and what are the effect of not running ztdummy?
19:29.49ManxPowerStephenF: it means you should not run ztdummy unless you MUST have MeetMe or IAX2 trunking.
19:29.51sqweezsimple question : iaxmoem is running in CLI (not daemon mode) when i start hylafax, should there any message in iaxmodem tty ?
19:30.13StephenFManxPower: so I cant use a IAX provider?
19:30.17ManxPowerif you MUST use MeetMe / IAX2 trunking, then you need to recompile your kernel with Kernel HZ set to 1000
19:30.27ManxPowerStephenF: you can use IAX2, just not IAX2 w/trunking support.
19:30.37StephenFhmm, weird I wonde why it wasnt already set too 1000
19:30.49StephenFohh just no trunking
19:30.52ManxPowerStephenF: 1000 used to be the standard, then distros started screwing with it
19:31.00StephenFlike ubuntu?
19:31.26ManxPowerStephenF: I don't ever use ztdummy -- I just see report after report of audio problems being fixed by removing ztdummy
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19:32.03StephenFcrazy, so without iax2 trunking does that mean I cant have multiple calls at once? I'm not sure what trunking means
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19:32.31ManxPowerStephenF: IAX2 trunking is a way to save bandwidth when you have two or more calls between the same two hosts.
19:32.53StephenFohh ok. So like two asterisk boxes talking
19:33.08StephenFyeah I wont need that, IM just using it at home right now
19:33.10[TK]D-FenderStephenF: No
19:33.19ManxPowerno, like having two or more calls between the same two devices
19:34.01StephenFwhen would you do that?
19:34.01[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Trunking is when you have multiple calls between 2 peers sharing the same packet for voice saving the overhead
19:34.01ManxPowerStephenF: if you had 2 or more calls going to the same box.  That is why you would want it.  To save bandwidth
19:34.17ManxPowerIf you use trunking with 1 call, it uses MORE bandwidth
19:34.19soulfreshnerI've set up a very simple ivr context where when I press 1 it should play hello-world and if I press 2 it plays tt-weasels
19:34.27soulfreshnerit works fine with the soft phne
19:34.37StephenFoh, so if I had one call to my asterix box on hold and then called the asterisk box again on another line?
19:34.38soulfreshnerbut not with my ip phone
19:34.51ManxPowerStephenF: are you calling the asterisk box using IAX2?
19:34.59ManxPowersoulfreshner: then you have a DTMF problem.
19:35.02StephenFno, sip softphone
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19:35.16ManxPowerStephenF: what part of "this applies to IAX2" do you not understand?
19:35.24StephenFI understand that
19:35.36StephenFim just trying to understand what it means
19:35.46StephenFi already have figured it doesnt apply to me
19:35.50ManxPowerAsterisk box <-> IAX2 <-> Asterisk box.  <-- you can enable trunking in this setup if you want to save bandwidth
19:36.11StephenFright ok, thats what I said earlier:  ohh ok. So like two asterisk boxes talking
19:36.11fiddurHi.  I'm setting up several lines from the same sip provider in asterisk 1.4.  I first added them in users.conf with two templates, to get incoming calls in separate context based on dialled number.  But I can't find any way to define in users.conf another extension for the incoming call, so all goes to 's' in that context.    Then I tried adding them in sip.conf instead, using register statements for them, but then I don't see how to get them into separ
19:36.12fiddurate contexts (less than adding that in the dialplan for those numbers)...   I guess my question is, how would YOU (masters of the known universe?) do it - and is there a way to define extension in users.conf for a sip provider?
19:36.29soulfreshnerManxPower:  how would I fix a dtmf problem?
19:36.33ManxPowerNow the IDIOTS in the SIP world call ANY kind of connection a "trunk".  It's not a trunk is any sense of the word.
19:36.46StephenFwhat about Asterisk Box <-> Provider
19:36.51ManxPowersoulfreshner: you would set the DTMF mode on your phone and the dtmf mode for that sip.conf [section] to be the same.
19:37.04[TK]D-FenderStephenF: same thing
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19:37.17StephenFok, so i could not use Iax2 trunking to my provider
19:37.18ManxPowerStephenF: "provider" not valid.  SIP provider?  IAX2 provider?  MGCP provider?  SCCP provider?  H323 provider? T-1 provider?
19:37.29[TK]D-FenderStephenF: IAX2 is a protocol.  Any device that speaks it should be able to trunk multiple channels over it
19:37.33StephenFwhich means i would not be getting the bandwith savings
19:37.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: well, except for every non-Asterisk device.
19:37.50StephenFsorry Asterisk Box <-> IAX2 <-> Provider
19:37.52soulfreshnerManxPower:  it should be fine as log as it's the same? no matter which protocol I choose?
19:38.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, they SHOULD support it as well.
19:38.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I meant every word :)
19:38.24ManxPowerStephenF: how often will you be having more than 1 call at the same time to the same provider?  Also the provider would have to configure your IAX2 account for trunking.
19:38.31[TK]D-FenderThe world is just a very disappointing place
19:38.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: The IAX2 does not support trunking, ATACOM IAX2 phone does not support trunking AFIK
19:38.55ManxPowerIAX2 == IAXy
19:39.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: doesn't != shouldn't
19:39.10StephenFManxPower: I might have one call on hold while I place a second outgoing call
19:39.29ManxPowerStephenF: that was not my question.  My question was "How often"
19:39.38StephenFManxPower: rarely
19:39.40ManxPowerIt does not really matter.  You know what you need to know.
19:39.51StephenFOK one last question.
19:39.58ManxPowerStephenF: I already told you using trunking with only 1 call uses more bandwidth than not using trunking at all
19:40.16StephenFis trunking REQUIRED for multiple calls to the same provider, or does it just save bandwith
19:40.29StephenFRight so using it would hurt me more than it would help
19:40.56ManxPoweryou do not need trunking to send more than one call.
19:41.03ManxPoweronly if you want to save some bandwidth
19:41.09StephenFGotcha ;)
19:41.30ManxPowerNow, both sides must be set the same.  trunking or no trunking.  Calls won't work if only one side is set.
19:41.48StephenFahh, so I have to make sure my provider is not using truking on my connection
19:42.04ManxPowerStephenF: they almost never do unless you ask for it.
19:42.17ManxPowerI don't use IAX2 at all anymore.
19:42.20ManxPowerSIP all the way
19:42.41StephenFIt was my impression that IAX2 was the better way to go for home users. Less fuss at the NAT Router
19:43.05ManxPowerStephenF: the people that are under that impression don't understand SIP, NAT or networking.
19:43.16russellbSIP is harder to use with NAT, period
19:43.17StephenFlol ok then
19:43.21russellbby design.
19:43.30russellbIAX2 works without effort in those situations
19:43.32ManxPowerrussellb: I stand by my statement.
19:43.44russellbIAX2 had some implementation issues in older versions of asterisk when used under higher loads
19:43.47russellbthose have all been resolved
19:43.53ManxPowerrussellb: you still have to port forward if you want to get incoming calls from the internet to your asterisk box, regardless of protocol
19:44.16StephenFIAX2 is only one port, SIP is many is that the only difference as far as router config?
19:44.53[TK]D-FenderYes, SIP is harder to use with NAT.  No argument.  However once you're done spending the 5 minutes to set it up properly you cease to care.
19:46.01ManxPowerWith IAX2 you port forward 4569 in your NAT router.  With SIP you forward port 5060 and whatever ports you set in /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf.  You add localnet= and externip= and canreinvite=no in sip.conf.  Then you are done!
19:46.16soulfreshnermy phone seems to work fine for dialing numbers, but the ivr doesn't register the keypresses
19:46.30ManxPowerYeah, SIP is just SO much harder to use with NAT.  I can't imagine how anyone gets it working!
19:46.32[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Set your dtmfmode properly
19:46.36soulfreshnerand I've tried all the available dtmf modes on my phone :(
19:47.25ManxPowerIt's so easy a caveman could do it!
19:47.33soulfreshnertried rfc2543, rfc3261 and info - both on my phone and in sip.conf
19:47.45[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: what phone?
19:47.54soulfreshneratcom at530
19:47.54ManxPowersoulfreshner: rfc3261 is not a valid DTMF mode in Asterisk
19:48.07[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: its probably so stupid as to use "inband"
19:48.21[TK]D-FenderATCOM = garbage
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19:48.30StephenFManxPower: So why do you prefer SIP over IAX2?
19:48.55ManxPowerIf your phone supports SRV records you can even have the phone connect to the right IP (internal ip when on the internal LAN, external IP when not on the local LAN)
19:49.10[TK]D-FenderStephenF: By & large, only * cares about IAX2, IAX2 has been a known culprit for audio quality issues where switching to SIP with the same provider comes out fine, etc
19:49.14ManxPowerStephenF: for the exact reason russelb said earlier.  "(2:43:44 PM) russellb: IAX2 had some implementation issues in older versions of asterisk when used under higher loads"
19:49.26ManxPowerwe have no reason to switch back to iax2 at this point
19:49.38StephenFI gotcha
19:49.53ManxPowergranted, we had dropped calls with only ONE iax2 call.
19:49.59[TK]D-FenderStephenF: SIP can easily be proxied, is interoperable with other hardware, and helps Asterisk fulfill the most important property a solution I implement should have.
19:50.03ManxPowerBut my experience with IAX2 seems to be uncommon
19:50.35soulfreshnersorted - i was confusing dtmf mode and dtmf protocol - setting to sip_info worked
19:50.51ManxPowersoulfreshner: rfc2833 is preferred if it works for you.
19:51.28ManxPowerif rfc 2833 does not work for you, just use whatever one does work for you.
19:51.30soulfreshnerManxPower:  that seems to work too
19:52.22soulfreshnerManxPower:  I'll use that then - only the default one (DTMF_RELAY) doesn't seem to work... for whatever reason
19:52.38soulfreshnerstrange it should be the default...
19:53.12TheSovi guess ill try again later
19:53.16TheSovlater all
19:53.43StephenFWell thanks for all the help [TK]D-Fender and ManxPower, finally I can move forward with this beast
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20:04.37lmadsenummm.... I can't load asterisk-addons modules when DONT_OPTIMIZE is enabled in the main asterisk source?
20:04.54*** join/#asterisk samtc (
20:05.01lmadsenonce I enable that flag in asterisk, and compile/install, then my asterisk-addons modules won't load because it says they haven't been built with the same compile time options
20:05.40samtcanyone known which audio format is used on a mitel system ?
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20:15.13ManxPowerlmadsen: I think the same happens with DEBUG_THREADS.  I think I saw a post about it on the mailinglist today, but that was before my coffee so I'm not sure.
20:15.24lmadsenoh fun
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20:18.40lmadsenoh interesting... the install / compile order matters
20:19.08lmadsenrm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* ; cd /usr/src/asterisk ; make install ; cd ../asterisk-addons ; ./configure ; make install
20:19.12lmadsenthat seems to work
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20:25.54[TK]D-Fenderalrighty, check-out time... later all
20:28.15jayteeso you have to do make install on * before you do make install on the add-ons?
20:30.25jayteethat's the order I use from the how-to for installing * on centos anyways.
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20:53.30SiyaHost 'X.X.X.X' does not implement 'NOTIFY'
20:53.48SiyaAnyone with suggestions for an ITSP that sends that my way when registering?
20:54.18SiyaAnd no I do not have a mailbox configured for the it (harhar)
20:55.16ManxPowerSiya: is Host x.x.x.x your host or their hose
20:55.27[TK]D-FenderYup.. he's hosed :)
20:55.32Siyaip address of my ITSP
20:55.45Siyahiya [TK]D-Fender
20:55.59SiyaManxPower: so remote side
20:56.15ManxPoweryou may have to put up with it mailbox= is the only things that sends notifies that I know of other than things like BLF
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20:58.06ManxPowerSiya: if it bothers you just edit the source code and comment out that printf
20:58.17SiyaManxPower: lol
20:58.51Siyawell I'm troubleshooting why after a sip reload I can receive calls but then say 30 mins later I can't
20:59.05Siya* thinks the registration is fine
20:59.10Siyamy ITSP doesn't
20:59.18Siyastarts another debug
20:59.25ManxPowerSiya: any nat involved?
21:00.19SiyaSadly yes
21:00.35ManxPowerthen you should set qualify=yes or better yet, qualify=10000
21:00.40Siyamy ISP will charge me 10 GBP per month! for a small IP range
21:00.46ManxPowerthat will cause enough traffic to keep most NAT translations open
21:01.02Siyamy VPS host will charge me 1,- per year per address
21:01.19SiyaI set qualify to 120, still no play
21:01.20[TK]D-FenderHere's an idea : Stop talk, start SHOWING <-
21:01.36Siyahave been debugging my cisco router and nat states are fine
21:01.55tvirusIn cdr.conf, I'm using mysql as my backend. I'm wondering where I can find what options I can set for logging in mysql, I can't seem to find a list of what's available.
21:02.00ManxPowerSiya: Comcast requires a BUSINESS account ($100+/month) to do public IPs, BellSouth/ATT charges $14/month for their low end accounts for a static IP.
21:02.21SiyaManxPower: EEK, I must be spoilt
21:04.46Siyalol my * server announces to my ITSP what my internal VM number is and that no messages are waiting
21:05.01Siyais this due to peer=friend or the likes?
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21:05.22[TK]D-FenderSiya: No
21:05.30[TK]D-FenderSiya: PASTEBIN <---------
21:05.40Siyaok ok
21:05.42ManxPowerSiya: no, that is a mailbox= line.
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21:06.08Siyafile: pastebin
21:07.30Siyabugger, I'm using screen...
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21:43.12BlargMaN00hello?? anyone alive in here??
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21:44.42fudpucker1i am having an issue with zaptel where it is grabbing a hold of /dev/rtc and not letting go of it unless i stop zaptel.  i am unable to set the hardware clock when it is like this.  anyone else have this issue?
21:49.42Siyachanged nat to never and goes to watch some more telly
21:50.01SiyaI recon it may be due to my clever dsl router and asterisk trying to do nat as well
21:54.22*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB (n=Paul@
21:54.28EI5GTBevening guys
21:54.37EI5GTBgot my sip over nat prob sorted today
21:54.47EI5GTBjust fotterd for a while and suddenly i heard noise!
21:55.21EI5GTBiv noticed a problem tho, i can dial extensions and hear "Playback"s ok, but when i dial another softphne i get silence
21:55.34EI5GTBno audio seems to pas
21:55.41EI5GTBno errors appear on the cli
21:55.55EI5GTBim talking 2 phones on the internal network
22:00.11EI5GTBand when i put a call on hold the other party hears the music, but not my voice when i un hold them, and vice versa
22:00.44lmadsenEI5GTB: you have setup localnet= and externip= correctly in sip.conf?
22:01.06EI5GTBi have an externhost set
22:01.12EI5GTBno externip as im on a dynamic ip
22:01.42lmadsenyou also need localnet= setup to tell asterisk what IP host range to *not* translate to the hostname
22:02.24EI5GTByea, i have localnet=
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22:05.09EI5GTBits strange (to me) how it can hear sounds generated by asterisk, but not my client
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22:06.08dmhardisonIs there a dial plan I can craft that would basically make the spa-1001/3000 autodial as someone punches in the buttons?
22:11.06nr4qheartburn is the worst
22:11.23BlargMaN00Hello all....  I know this is an age old question, but has there been any progress with the ability for shared extensions??  (not SLA)
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22:44.42rift0rhi, suddenly since a reboot I am having audio delay issues with asterisjk
22:44.49rift0ri haven't had any firewall changes or kernel changes
22:44.56rift0ri can call someone from zoiper, and it takes sometimes 10 secs for them to hear me
22:45.01rift0rand it seems intermittent... sometimes it goes right thru, other times there is a delay
22:45.07rift0rI am connected to asterisk via IAX2 and zoiper, and my calls are going out via SIP to viatalk
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22:45.22rift0ranyone have any ideas off of the top of their head on what may be wrong?
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23:43.53x86i know it's possible to do this, but I forgot how to make one of the line buttons on my Polycom IP601 into a speed-dial (another local SIP exten)?
23:44.24rift0rAnyone here use viatalk?
23:44.41rift0ri am getting a nasty delay when i use them
23:44.46rift0rbut callcentric I get no delay
23:45.01rift0rI haven't used callcentric that much so I am not sure how reliable they are, but viatalk sucks so far after a week
23:45.16drmessanoHave you called their tech support?
23:45.33rift0rno, but i've been googling and apparently this is a common issue with viatalk
23:45.37nix8n82I hate viatalk I think they suck as well
23:46.03rift0rnix8n82 who do you use?
23:46.06mchoulooks like viatalk is being ripped a new one here :)
23:46.07rift0ranyone have any recs?
23:46.14jjshoeI use voicepulse and teliax without issue
23:46.17rift0ri thought it was my setup
23:46.18nix8n82teliax at the moment
23:46.23rift0rtried callcentric and it works fine
23:46.38rift0rcallcentric would be $26 for unlimited in/out for med
23:46.42rift0rvt was $22.95
23:46.46drmessanoNothing like the old "Did you call for support?  No, google said they suck good enough for me"
23:46.53rift0ri did call support
23:46.56rift0r14 people ahead of me
23:46.59rift0rdidnt want to wait
23:47.01rift0rso i googled :)
23:47.04nix8n82the extra 3.05 would be probably be worth it
23:47.11rift0ryeah that's what I am thinking nix8n82
23:47.20rift0rluckily they have a 30 day money back guarantee
23:47.27mchoudrmessano: you only get one change to make one impression in telecom biz
23:47.31rift0rso I can get that first month back since i've only been using for a weerk
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23:48.47mchourift0r: when you say delay is it in the signalling or voice?
23:49.26rift0rwts, teliax doesn't have rates to US?
23:49.31rift0rim looking at their site
23:49.35drmessanoHow do you know it's a delay?
23:49.53rift0rcause i call people and they don't hear me and I don't hear them for the first 5 secs
23:49.55mchoube interesting to do an echo test
23:50.03rift0rsame when they call me
23:50.09rift0rthey say hello 4 times before I hear them
23:50.16mchouthat's bad
23:50.26drmessanoDo you hear the 4 "hello"s?
23:50.42mchourift0r: can you try an echo test?
23:50.50rift0rdrfreeze no
23:50.53rift0ri don't hear anything
23:50.57rift0rtill about the 5th hello
23:50.58rift0rsame on their side
23:51.03rift0rthey don't hear me till about the 5th hello
23:51.06drmessanoSo it's not a delay
23:51.10rift0rmchou haven'tr tried an echo test
23:51.31rift0rmchou i don't even want to bother, i switched to callcentric really quick and no issues
23:51.40rift0rtoo much hassle, if this works by just switching providers
23:51.54mchourift0r: yeah
23:51.58drmessanoSounds to me like an issue with setting up the RTP streams
23:52.01rift0rwell i guess it isn't a delay technically, it is no audio at all
23:52.09rift0rdrmessano I have rtp open
23:52.15rift0rand specified for the ports i open
23:52.23drmessanoI didnt say it wasnt
23:52.34rift0rwell oh well, f*ck viatalk
23:52.54rift0rjjshoe you like voicepulse?
23:52.59rift0rthey are $25 /mo i see
23:53.12drmessanoYou probably have canreinvite=no, or srvlookup disabled
23:53.25drmessanoSo the audio path isn't being set up, times out, fails over to default
23:54.16rift0rdrmessano i don't have either listed for their trunk
23:54.17jameswf-homeI feel obligated to share this :
23:54.34rift0rdrmessano i used the recommended asterisk settings they provided
23:55.14drmessanoHave you tried with an ATA or phone to see if there's the same problem?
23:56.12jjshoerift0r yup.
23:56.17jayteejameswf-home, you needn't feel obligated in the future
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23:57.33rift0rwtf to sign up for voicepulse it makes me select an ATA
23:57.36rift0rand give a serial/mac
23:57.39rift0rfor a byod
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23:58.23mchouthat's bad
23:58.44rift0rhey you teliax users, am I just blind or do they not support calls to the US?
23:58.46rift0ri don't see any rates
23:59.24mchourift0r: I'm still trying to figure out why you like the high $$ prooviders :)
23:59.40drmessanoI really hate windows users that pick up asterisk and can't leave the "plug and play, do it for me" attitude behind
23:59.41drmessanoOh well
23:59.53*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=paul@
23:59.55rift0rmchou recommend someone that has unlim and is cheap and good

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