IRC log for #asterisk on 20080915

00:00.29CrashSysI still like the idea of it being a "defined standard" when it has nice large openly interpretive sections in it...
00:00.52CrashSysreminds me of goverment law using terms like "Quick" or "Expediantly" or "Within reason"
00:01.12jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I think I'm at the point where I'm going to give up on the Valcom PA system and try Viking's product. It works with FXS from an ATA. I got the SPA3102 working with a POTS line and could dial out fine. I got the FXS port working fine for an extension but the damn FXO port when it's plugged into the PA acts like it's always off-hook and throws a 503 error - circuit busy. Since it works with a Digium FXO port on a TDM04B card I have to
00:01.22[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Where each is completely flexible in definition
00:02.17drmessanojaytee: What about just checking the line voltage in the SPA3102s status page?
00:02.27drmessanoIt can be tempermental
00:02.39jayteeit's at 19V when it indicates on-hook
00:02.46drmessanoThat's no goo
00:02.47drmessanoThat's no good
00:03.36*** part/#asterisk harryjr (
00:03.49CrashSys48v = talk
00:03.52jayteedrmessano, that's when it's plugged into a Valcom V-2001A PA paging amplifier system which works just fine with a Digium FXO port.
00:04.13drmessanoGreat, except the SPA-3102 will have a problem with that
00:04.21drmessanoYou need to adjust it in the SPA-3102
00:04.29drmessanoTrust me.. been there done that
00:04.33jayteeyeah, when I try to call the PA it acts like it's busy
00:05.12CrashSyswell, it could be trying to do 24v talk battery, but that's pretty old-school/low/unsupported by most stuff :)
00:05.37drmessanoI had a fax switch running 29 volts that I had fits with
00:06.00drmessano3102 wouldn't see the line do shit
00:06.37drmessanoI never did get it perfect... just better
00:06.51CrashSysand ringer voltage is 70-100v AC :D
00:07.01jayteedrmessano, I see alot of configurable parameters for the FXO port in the International section of the PSTN line tab and line in use voltage is set to 30 but I can't see anything to adjust for on-hook voltage.
00:07.17CrashSysthat's always fun working in a BET and get shocked by ringer
00:07.27drmessanoWhat is the off-hook?
00:07.49jayteeoff-hook isn't on the config page
00:08.18drmessanoCan you  put a splitter on the line, pick up a pots phone on the circuit, and watch the config page?
00:08.46jayteedrmessano, yeah but I'd have to drive back to the office to do it. I got fed up and came home.
00:08.56drmessanoOh ok
00:09.19CrashSyswhat is the run length between the ATA and phone?
00:09.20drmessanoI'm guessing you're gonna see it reverse polarity at 19 volts
00:09.31drmessanowhich means your 30 wont work
00:09.52CrashSysor ATA and PA
00:10.01CrashSysnot trying to pass it through 200' of house wiring are you?
00:10.44jayteeCrashSys, nope. Using a 12' line cord
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00:11.11jayteeloop current for the port is set to the default of 10ma
00:13.17jayteetip and ring voltage adjust is 3.5v. On the info page where it shows On-hook and 19V it also shows loop current at 0.0
00:14.29CrashSysTry increasing the loop current to 20ma
00:14.46CrashSysmaybe you are sending out enough power to trigger the FXO on the PA
00:15.00CrashSysthat would cause a low loop current too
00:15.29jayteewhat about adjusting the Line In Use voltage from 30?
00:15.51CrashSysIf the PA is using SLT ports then it probably has an old-school transformer hybrid and you have to send enough juice to saturate it before it'll work right
00:16.22jayteehmmm, now I wanna go back in the office to try that :-)
00:16.47*** join/#asterisk mateo_au (n=chatzill@
00:17.30drmessanojaytee, you said it thinks its always off-hook, right?
00:18.00CrashSys10ma is pretty small for loop current
00:18.13drmessanoand when it's on-hook you only get 19v
00:18.16CrashSyslack of current could definately cause on-hook VDC to drop
00:18.20drmessanoand the linksys is set for 30
00:18.30drmessanoYou need to drop the threshold a bit
00:18.34jayteedrmessano, I believe so. At least when I make a call it from a SIP phone I get call progress indication on the CLI in Asterisk and it then indicates 503 Service Unavailable - circuit busy
00:18.44drmessanoI had the same problem
00:21.28jayteedrmessano, so CrashSys suggests bumping the loop current to 20ma instead of 10 but how much should I drop the Line In Use voltage from 30?
00:22.07drmessanoSo less than 19 :)
00:23.05drmessanoI would leave the loop current alone
00:24.08jayteethe PA unit has a battery switch to supply loop current that needs to be ON when plugged into a Digium FXO but I tried it both ON and OFF with the SPA3102 with no change.
00:24.19drmessanoIts the voltage
00:24.24drmessanoForget the loop current
00:24.31drmessanoThe linksys expects 30+
00:24.35jayteeso 16V sound good?
00:24.35drmessanoYou have -30
00:25.10jayteeok, I'm definitely gonna drive back in and give that a shot.
00:25.46jayteedrmessano and Crashsys, thanks both of you for your suggestions. I'll let ya know if it works if you're still here in an hour or so.
00:25.57CrashSysWhat makes you think the low VDC isn't cause by underpowering the line?
00:26.03conathanalright, /exit
00:26.14drmessanoCurrent doesnt make voltage
00:26.20drmessanoand there's little load
00:26.55CrashSys10ma is still below norm's for loop current
00:28.03drmessanoHe already said the "supply loop current" doesn't change a thing with the SPA-3102
00:28.17CrashSysAhhh, missed that part
00:28.40drmessanoIt's a simple issue of there not being enough voltage
00:28.50CrashSysSome PA's also never go on/off hook too ya know :)
00:28.53drmessanoand the SPA-3102 has a readily accessible adjustment for it
00:29.35CrashSysin which case he may have problems if the SPA cant be set to ignore on/off hook...
00:29.54drmessanoHe said it works fine with his Digium FXO
00:29.55jayteeCrashSys, I get the feeling this may be one of those but it works fine with any of the 4 FXO modules on my TDM04B card. Why can't Linksys make FXO ports that work as well as Digium's? (shameless plug)
00:30.38drmessanowonders why people can't just help fix a problem and need to keep looking for something deeper to be right about
00:30.54*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
00:30.57CrashSyswho knows
00:31.00drmessanoOhh oh.. maybe the PA is using PAL and not NTSC
00:31.17drmessanoHave you checked the frame buffers?
00:31.28[TK]D-Fenderwoah... now thats deep...
00:31.39CrashSyswonders why some people think their answer is right and that there can be no other possible answers to the solution
00:31.53jayteeok, how did we go from analog audio to TV signalling?
00:32.15CrashSysjaytee: Aren't you supposed to be in yoru car driving to the office?
00:32.30jayteeyes, thanks for reminding me :-)
00:32.31*** join/#asterisk mog (
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00:32.34jayteebe back later
00:32.40drmessanoRaise your hand if you've had the same problem with an SPA-3102 with the off-hook setting being too high for the connected line?
00:33.19jaytee\\\\ /
00:34.15*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
00:34.39CrashSysNever used a SPA, but have used PAP2's
00:34.54CrashSysand have had to increase loop current to 20ma to get lines to signal correctly :)
00:35.20drmessanoWhich is not an FXO on a SPA-3102
00:37.22CrashSysAhhh, ok, I thought he said he had tried an FXO and was using FXS
00:38.51CrashSysI'm currently trying to find an SLT to Headset adaptor box that avaya makes but I cant remember their non-intuitive naming of the damn thing
00:40.07*** join/#asterisk coolthreads (
00:40.21coolthreadsmicky do bro
00:41.22CrashSysahhh, when in doubt, ebay :)
00:47.02coolthreadsHey guys, im a newbie to asterisk and would like to say hi :) I have read a little bit on asterisk and im hooked on the concept. look forward to learning with everyone.
00:47.52russellbcoolthreads: I hope Asterisk treats you well
00:48.04russellbcoolthreads: be sure to pick up a copy of the book, it's the best documentation out there IMO
00:48.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:48.10drmessano"I have read a little bit on asterisk" <-- Now THAT is a good start
00:48.18russellbdrmessano: :)
00:48.52coolthreadsThanks for the warm welcome
00:49.13*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
00:49.49*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:49.53coolthreadsI am enjoying that book, well really the electronic book lol very easy reading
00:50.13drmessanoDang.. you're already reading the book
00:50.29seanbrightrussellb: it's a trap!
00:50.40russellbseanbright: eep
00:51.25jayteedrmessano, dude!!!! I owe you a case of beer. :-)
00:51.49drmessanojaytee: That makes the week I wasted figuring that out myself ALLL worth it
00:52.03drmessanoDamn fax switches
00:52.10drmessanoMine was a fax switch
00:52.36russellbfaxing is lame
00:52.59drmessanoI put a SPA-3012 at a friend of mines house.. and he had a fax switch.. needed it behind it
00:53.02*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=4576958c@about/security/staff/dlewis)
00:53.18coolthreadsyup already reading the book lol I found some good video clips on asterisk, through youtube.
00:53.30jayteeDamn PA systems, although I'm more inclined to blame Linksys for 1) the fact they won't provide telephone or web support for the SPA line and 2) because they've got the Line In Use voltage set so damn high.
00:53.30drmessanoHe was getting 29v out of the faux phone port and the SPA-3102 thought the line was always off hook
00:53.51jeevwanna screw linksys
00:53.53jeevfile a bbb claim.
00:53.58jeevthey'll suck your cock
00:54.18drmessanoWill they send you a Linksys Black Card?
00:54.46drmessanoor one of the cool Linksys WRT54GB black edition routers?
00:54.57jayteemy experience is once lawyers get involved it's all pain from there on in.
00:55.41jeevbbb is easy, fast, free.
00:55.47jeevwithin a week, you'l get someone contacting you
00:55.57jeevi had their corporate support #
00:55.59jeevmaybe i could find it
00:56.26drmessanoBecause the FXO port voltage detection defaulted to 30?
00:56.32drmessanoDamn them
00:56.53CrashSysActually it's the PA's fault for not putting out proper voltage
00:57.03CrashSysSo technically you need them to suck yer cock
00:57.19CrashSysand you should be happy linksys had it as a changable setting :)
00:57.21jayteedrmessano, I set the Line in Use voltage to 16 from 30 and when I go offhook now on the Info page it shows Off hook and 7V with 34.1ma loop current.
00:57.28dlewisanyone know how to get the SIP info. out of Optimum Voice?
00:57.35drmessanojaytee: Sounds correct
00:57.37jayteethose values look ok to me
00:57.46drmessano5 to 15 is nominal
00:57.52drmessano7V nails it
00:57.59drmessano34ma loop current is good
00:58.09CrashSysthat all looks fine
00:58.13drmessanoJust needed to set the threshold
00:58.17jayteegreat!!! now I can go home and get into some more comfortable clothes and chill.
00:58.18drmessanoEasy as pie
01:00.05CrashSysIt's probably a 25-volt PA and the power-supply is 30v
01:00.45dlewisguess not
01:08.16*** part/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
01:10.06drmessanoI've found that most equipment that has to emulate a line tried to do it as cheaply as possible, skimping out on putting out true battery as much as possible
01:10.52drmessanoAnalog devices don't care.. Some like that Digium card, apparently, probably have better logic for sensing a variable state range
01:11.09drmessanoThe Linksys just happens to be a little too stupid to auto detect when it's low
01:12.10nr4qi used a sipura 3k for a little bit. couldn't stand it
01:12.18nr4qwell, linksys branded
01:12.40mchounr4q: what?  what was wrong with it?
01:14.03drmessanoAdjusting the gain and impedence always help if the audio has problems
01:14.15nr4qmchou: there was always a problem with echo if the call went through both the FXO and FXS ports. and even then if i just used one side the gain was never right. one party could never hear the other or they were too loud
01:14.54nr4qas soon as i thought i got it right a few calls later it'd be a problem again
01:15.06drmessanoOh, and turning off the echo canceller helps too
01:15.40nr4qi think i tried with it both on and off. i just gave up and went with something else
01:15.56mchounr4q: so what are you using now for fxo/fxs?
01:16.12*** part/#asterisk DigitalIrony (n=eric@nat/digium/x-afd23d80abdba488)
01:16.33nr4qmchou: fxs is all SIP phones and FXO is a digium tdm400
01:16.48nr4qmchou: before that i used a fxs daughter card on the digium card with good results
01:20.44*** join/#asterisk synchris (
01:22.32dlewisquick question
01:22.51dlewissince Optimum Voice doesn't provide SIP info, I can essentially use my OV via POTS, correct?
01:22.56dlewisand still have the same features...
01:23.39dlewisis that an accurate statement?
01:24.35*** join/#asterisk DigitalIrony (n=eric@nat/digium/x-b02655ecd29d51db)
01:25.47[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What kind of service are they providing you?  And why won't they give you SIP conenct info?
01:26.17*** join/#asterisk frogonwheels_ (n=michaelg@
01:26.52frogonwheels_I was assuming that doing  stop gracefully  - would stop when calls were idle..
01:27.18frogonwheels_but it seems to be waiting for something else .. does it need to wait till all SIP dialogs (and therefore registrations..) have been closed or something/
01:27.43[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels : Should only wait for end of calls.
01:28.01frogonwheels_:|   it's not working for me *sigh*
01:28.16[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels : pastebin is your friend..
01:29.53*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
01:30.59dlewis[TK]D-Fender: they provide VOIP via my cable modem
01:31.14*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:31.33QwellDigitalIrony: O.o
01:31.59frogonwheels_argh zombie asterisk processes
01:33.08[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Ok, great odds that you have no choice and are locked.  You can always use an FXO interface to take in the "line" they provide, but no, you will lose a lot of functionality
01:34.15[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Ditch their service and pick your own then
01:34.45[TK]D-FenderQwell: Is who?
01:35.24dlewis[TK]D-Fender: yea, the wife wants to keep there "triple play" package
01:35.37dlewisit's "cheaper" to get cable, internet, and phone at the same time from Optimum
01:35.45frogonwheels_[TK]D-Fender: hmm. ok - it seems to be stopping a bunch of services, but not finally quitting.
01:36.06frogonwheels_if I attach, there's not SIP command any more.. but iax2 is still there.
01:36.26DigitalIronyQwell ?
01:36.35Qwelljust looking at your hostmask
01:36.42Qwell(and the time)
01:37.27DigitalIronyoh yeah, I work third shift
01:37.44Qwellahh, at the office?
01:39.52dlewisDigitalIrony: call center/tech support?
01:40.06DigitalIronyyeah I do the Tech support for digium
01:40.11QwellI didn't realize we had a third shift..
01:40.18dlewisfigured as such
01:40.22DigitalIronyQwell only 5 days a week
01:40.26riddleboxmchou, hrmm have been sifting through all of these ITSP
01:40.33Qwellmakes sense
01:40.42DigitalIronyQwell and only me and one other
01:40.43riddleboxand only broadvoice can port my number
01:40.44QwellDigitalIrony: I suppose last night wasn't one of those nights?
01:41.01dlewisanother question
01:41.12dlewisthe Switchvox SMB tower, what are the tech specs?
01:41.14DigitalIronyQwell: we are open sunday at 8 - friday at 5am
01:42.35dlewisis there one set of specs for the Switchvox SMB?
01:43.43*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:44.01*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:44.32[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: I always wanted to meet one of those support dornes for whom I've saved so much grief over the years ;)
01:45.07jeevi need to change my nick to DigitalFart
01:45.39dlewisguess not
01:46.01jeevwhat you mean
01:46.17dlewisjeev: was referring to my Switchvox SMB Tower question
01:47.31dlewisI know of company that's going belly up
01:47.45dlewisand they recently (6 months ago) bought a Switcvox SMB tower
01:47.50dlewisand they're looking to get rid of it
01:47.59dlewiswanted to know the specs, but they couldn't provide it
01:48.12DigitalIronyWhat kind of specs?
01:48.20[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Call up support.  I'm sure they'll have the answers
01:48.24DigitalIronyThey are kind of closed on parts of it
01:48.43[TK]D-Fender"Open" is a scrwedriver away!
01:49.07dlewisDigitalIrony: hardware specs
01:49.15dlewisdoes it defacto come with FXO/FSO
01:49.22dlewisi don't have physical access to the box
01:49.35dlewisSMB, yes
01:49.59DigitalIronygive me a moment I can get you a link to what's publicly available
01:50.17dlewisok, thanks!
01:50.20dlewisI really appreciate it
01:51.38DigitalIronyDo you know anymore other than just SMB?
01:51.52mchouriddlebox: what?? DC can port your #.  Write them an email
01:52.12dlewisunfortunately, no
01:52.22*** join/#asterisk Chicago (
01:52.42dlewisI can possibly get a serial number of some sort
01:52.52dlewisis there an identification number on the tower that would be helpful?
01:53.17mchouriddlebox: DC doesnt say it on their web sites but # porting is routine for them.  Costs 1 time fee of $10
01:53.41DigitalIronywell its comes like this. There are different SMB's available. You pick one and can have it outfitted with the hardware you choose
01:53.49DigitalIronyAlot like buying a dell or something
01:53.55dlewisah, ok
01:53.59dlewis(makes sense)
01:54.19dlewisso, it could have anything...
01:54.20DigitalIronyExcept its really more like telephony hardware and not stuff like procs and dvd drives
01:54.26DigitalIronymore or less.
01:54.51DigitalIronythere is a good place to start though
01:54.57dlewisappreciate the info
01:55.51dlewisalso, although I don't think we have sales guys here, I was told that there unlimited extension plan ends in February. Would you happen to know if there is a way to transfer over this unlimited extension service plan to a new or existing plan?
01:58.53*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
02:04.20DigitalIronyI do not know sorry
02:04.28DigitalIronyI only help work on them
02:05.25dlewisDigitalIrony: have you guys worked on getting a Cisco 7970 working with Asterisk?
02:05.31dlewisI've seen/read all of the tutorials
02:05.36dlewisjust wanted to get your opinion
02:07.13DigitalIronyI haven't personally. Some one here probably has though
02:08.46*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
02:09.26dlewisfor the group, what are your thoughts on the Cisco 7970 and asterisk?
02:10.15[TK]D-FenderCisco = overpriced SIP-Crippled trouble
02:10.55*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
02:11.09DigitalIronyI don't really have any, I don't work with cisco much, I mostly work with Pure asterisk implementations
02:11.26dlewisa friend of mine has a couple and was wondering if he can use them with asterisk
02:11.31dlewisi've pointed him to a few sites
02:11.39CrazyTux[m]Is there a way I can make asterisk do a "quiet reload"
02:11.40jblackCisco... Crisco...  both of them cause heart problems when used too much.
02:11.54DigitalIronyWell from what I have done in the past it should, as long as they support the same standards
02:12.14DigitalIronyCrazyTux: why?
02:12.53dlewisa lot of websites have said, besides the Aastra phones, the Cisco ones are the best
02:12.55[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: "quiet" in what way?
02:12.59dlewiseven for *
02:13.16DigitalIronywell you can do a "set verbose 0" in CLI
02:13.22DigitalIronyand it won't display anything
02:13.35jayteereload -shhhhh!
02:13.52CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, in the way that it dosent spit out all of the reload information
02:14.13DigitalIronyCrazyTux: "set verbose 0"
02:14.16[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: kill your versbose first
02:14.45CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, theres no command to throw in to do it as well?  I'd like to do it from asterisk manager
02:15.00CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender, i.e. only for an instance, of reloads through x gateway
02:15.33[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: you've been answered twice now
02:15.59CrazyTux[m]setting verbose to 0, I can do this, but it still does not silence
02:16.08*** join/#asterisk sakajawebe (n=chazz@nat/digium/x-7f8e2ddc2d25cf9f)
02:16.31DigitalIronyCrazyTux[m]: it will silence the reload
02:16.47CrazyTux[m]DigitalIrony, I'm getting, Notices within the relad
02:16.54CrazyTux[m]DigitalIrony, with a verbose of 0
02:17.26DigitalIronyCrazyTux[m]: Thats the best you can get
02:17.32DigitalIronyWell not really
02:17.40DigitalIronyactually /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
02:18.10DigitalIronymake console=    (to nothing)
02:18.16DigitalIronyand save then logger reload
02:18.51CrazyTux[m]yup, just did that
02:19.28DigitalIronystill not what you want?
02:19.32*** join/#asterisk DAHDI (
02:20.11sakajawebeso you keen on the upgrade then dahdi?
02:21.29sakajawebedahdi, meet mahmi. mahmi, meet dahdi
02:21.50sakajawebeyou remember that night you told me about where you passed out and didn't really remember anything when you woke up?
02:22.12MAHMInope, as you said i didn't remember it
02:22.19*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
02:23.19sakajawebewhirr, so how is everyone tonight?
02:23.30*** join/#asterisk esaym (
02:23.33dlewisdoing well sakajawebe
02:23.37*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:23.39dlewisI assume you are also tech support?
02:24.37*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
02:26.42jbotAbout assumptions :
02:27.45Digitalironyyes he is dlewis
02:28.04dlewisok, cool
02:55.44jblackBofA owns Merrill Lync. Lehman to go bankrupt.
02:56.32*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (
02:57.48dlewisJohn Thain is very smart
02:57.49[TK]D-FenderYippy-kai-yay, the Fed is FUBAR-ing America.
02:57.52sapereevening guys ... anyone have experience with call terminations thru kall8?
02:57.58dlewiscomes in for a REDONCULOUS salary
02:58.12dlewisthen, helps to sell
02:58.17dlewisit is what it is
02:58.41dlewisthey had to do what was needed
02:58.47dlewiswhich was best for the firm
03:00.50jblackweird. we're talking about asterisk in #mythtv-users
03:00.52jayteemaybe 12 to 18 months and the economy will implode, there'll be riots in the streets, 30% unemployement, Helter Skelter, dogs sleeping with cats and a bowl of Ramen will cost 80 bucks.
03:01.05jameswf-homeno no the government is taking over they are here to help all will be okay
03:01.06jblackjaytee: That's what I think.
03:01.23jblackNot tonight, they're not. They're letting Lehman go bankrupt.
03:01.28jameswf-homeis well stocked on Ramen
03:01.34dlewisjameswf-home: government is not bailing out anymore banks
03:01.46jayteewhenever a politician stands up at a microphone and says, "There is no cause for alarm!" I immediately panic.
03:01.47jblackOh, don't believe that. That's a lie.
03:01.51dlewis(according to fed meetings today)
03:02.04dlewisthey're letting wall street work things out this time
03:02.12jblackThis time, yes.
03:02.35jblackThey had to let them sink, otherwise the market would take it as proof that the fed will always do so. It's a sacrificial lamb.
03:02.52*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
03:02.52jblackJust like when they sent a message with Bear that don't wont force all of them to sink.
03:03.07CrashSysI just want a "None of the above" option on the ballot
03:03.08jameswf-homethe feds hrow around money like crazy cause well you know they print i. graned the dollar will be worth .10 cents but the people demand bail outs and its an election year so let them eat cake
03:03.33jblackwell, it depends on how far ahead you're looking.
03:03.42*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:04.21jblackWe're likely to get a healthy dose of deflation before we get the zimbabwe style inflation of death.
03:05.05jameswf-homeyay sociallist goverment we all can  work for the governmen and tehy will in turn provide all they feel we need, substandard health care  for all government cheese mmmmm
03:05.54CrashSyssocialist medicine/healthcare works in a lot of places
03:05.58jayteeI liked the government cheese they gave out in the 80's. Kinda bound you up though.
03:06.02jameswf-homeI cant wait for my free health care.... 6 month to see a doctor who cant help me
03:06.06Nuggetyour pick: socialist where we all just get money for the state, of fascist where the only good jobs are with halliburton.
03:06.12[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: Easy to throw around money when you print it and invent its value ;)
03:06.14Nuggeter, from the state.
03:06.37jblackHeh. The US is one of the few industrialized economies that didn't socialize health care. And look waht happened to the cost.
03:07.06[TK]D-FenderNugget: Unless you're female & don't like the thought about getting raped, maybe ;)
03:07.10jameswf-homeDo you want good expensive healthcare or bad free health care
03:07.28coppicefree and paid health care both suck. with free health care you can't always get enough. with paid health care you can't get an honest opinion of how little you need
03:07.29jblackI can understand why someone wouldn't want to socialize welfare, education, job hunting, etc.... But not socializing health care means that you're surrounded by disease spreading sick people that are too ill to work.
03:07.34CrashSysWe have expensive bad healthcare :)
03:07.38jayteeright now I get expensive shitty healthcare
03:07.39[TK]D-Fenderlives in healthy happy Canuckianland
03:07.48jameswf-homeLook at the projects in chicago that is how well socialist housing works
03:08.04jaytee300 bucks to get my cholesterol and triglycerides tested.
03:08.06ChicagoIt is a pretty ugly scene.
03:08.10jblackHousing and health care are different issues.
03:08.18jameswf-homeJaytee learn spanish it will be free
03:08.48jameswf-homeNo habla english = free health care
03:08.49jayteeand I paid 4.15 a gallon for gas yesterday. two days before it was 3.56 a gallon.
03:08.55nr4qif you are using Dial() to ring multiple extensions at once, is there a way to run a command only if a specifc extension picks up?
03:09.03jameswf-homeI paid 3.37 today for gas
03:09.09jblacknr4q: Good question.
03:09.34jameswf-homeWe get our gas  from cali
03:09.49jblackUsually, if a call goes through, you don't get to the next step in the dialplan at all.
03:09.52nr4qjameswf-home: my mom told me gas is $5.50/gal where she lives
03:10.20jameswf-homenr4q: I bet when this is all over it won drop much under 5
03:10.46jayteeone thing I always wondered about. When I drove cross country I went through Nevada on Interstate 80 and every gas station I filled at only had 85 octane.
03:10.55jameswf-homeonce they get that much from a market they dont let go
03:11.15[TK]D-FenderOf course not.  The price of oil drops, the price at the pump doesn't.
03:11.16nr4qjblack: i have an internal SIP extension and a ZAP extension (to ring a cell phone) at once. first that answers gets the call but I want to run a System() command if the Zap channel gets it
03:11.23jameswf-home[TK]D-Fender: hurricane crap
03:12.03nr4qin some areas it's over $6. apparently the area my parents live in is just out of gas
03:12.10[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: **BS**  America's production is an insignificant portion of its consumption.
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03:12.33jayteeif only we could invent a car that runs on bullshit. we could build pipelines to the Capitol building in D.C. and we'd have an unlimited fuel supply for future generations.
03:12.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Its called "natural gas" ;)
03:13.06jameswf-homeI dunno AZ as of yet is uneffected
03:13.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "passing-wind-fall tax"
03:14.28nr4qwind for oil
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03:15.11jameswf-homesome folks are running natural gas in their cars and have a tap in their garage...... I cant imagine paying my gas bill in a lump sum would probably make me not drive
03:15.49[TK]D-FenderElectricity / air should be the future...
03:16.07nr4qchildren are our future. teach them well and let them lead the way
03:16.18jameswf-homei say methane and hydrogen
03:16.33[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: Anything hydrocarbon based = ew
03:17.22[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: fire, pressurization issues, poitn of origin, etc.
03:17.22jblackI don't understand. Is consumer grade natural gas liquid or solid?
03:17.22jayteein the Phillipines they have small busses and cars that run on burning pig shit and coconut husks.
03:17.22[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: non-renewable <-
03:17.22jblackPardon, liquid or gas.
03:17.22[TK]D-FenderMcCain is a dumb-ass with his "drill now" policies.
03:17.27coppicejaytee: well .ph definitely has shitty traffic
03:17.32CrashSysMcCain = Bush v.2.0
03:17.33jblackIf it's a gas, how would one achieve the energy density required to make it more than 500' down the road?
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03:17.55coppicejblack compression
03:17.56jayteeMcCain = Bush wearing Depends with a full load
03:18.07[TK]D-FenderCrashSys : more like Bush v2.0 Alpha
03:18.09jameswf-homewtf did we buy alaska for if not oil
03:18.47jblackcoppice: So... gas liquification plants in every home?
03:18.56CrashSysWe bought alaska for the aliens... didn't you know that's where they all come from in the movies?
03:19.07jayteeI say we just build huge submarine tankers, underwater horizontal drilling rigs and go over to the gulf offshore and drill under their land to the oil, pump it all out and bring it back here.
03:19.10jblackWe bought alaska for polar bear meat.
03:19.20nr4qjaytee: in the philippines they also have open sewers
03:19.23jblackbets polar bear tastes like pork.
03:19.48jayteemmmmm, bacon wrapped bacon sprinkled with bacon bits.
03:19.55[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Nope, much more pungent.  Its a VERY red meat.
03:20.11jblackHave you eaten polar bear?
03:20.19jayteeI've eaten caribou
03:20.31jameswf-homeclub some baby seals?
03:20.52jameswf-homepray for whirled peas
03:20.53jayteethere's a restaurant in Boston called Durgin Park that serves bear meat on occassion.
03:21.08jameswf-homeI like elk
03:21.18jayteeYak aka dak!
03:22.28jayteewe have one of Ted Turner's restaurants here that serves Buffalo. Buffalo is pretty tasty but the meat seems kinda grainy in texture.
03:23.44jameswf-homewe have alot of mexican restraunts here all the dog and horse meat you can eat
03:23.58jayteeEl Taqueria Rapido
03:24.29coppicedonkey is better than horse
03:24.51jameswf-homemule the perfect blend?
03:25.09jayteethe area of Indianapolis I live in qualifies as "Little Tijuana". We even have mexican "roach coaches"
03:25.14coppicedunno. don't think I've tried crossbreeds
03:25.46jameswf-homeJack in the box serves Kangaroo mea
03:26.04jayteeeventually all we'll be able to get is soy/plankton substitutes and then finally Soylent Green.
03:26.22coppicekangaroo is good
03:26.32jayteeSkippy burgers!
03:26.47coppicekiwi is yummy
03:26.52jaytee"He's got a gun!"
03:27.12jblackAspergers video:
03:27.44[TK]D-FenderHorse is great... I do it in fondue all the time.
03:28.13[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Asperagus?
03:28.34jameswf-homethose 4 for a dollar burritos from the grocery store says on the ingriedience list "textred protienn product" which i say is delicious
03:30.12jameswf-homeyou know what else is good, jack in the box tacos, i dont know what that meat like paste is just that it is not meat and is delicious
03:30.12jayteeI gotta crash. Nite all
03:30.12coppice"textred protienn product" == tufo?
03:30.15jayteechicken lips
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03:30.33[TK]D-Fendercoppice: repacked meat.  You see it in frozen prepared foods all the time.
03:30.37jayteethey actually put cow lips in Slim Jims
03:30.53[TK]D-Fendercoppice: They can make chicken breast meat you would really thing is "real" yet isn't
03:30.53jameswf-homecow lips yummm
03:31.33coppice[TK]D-Fender: I guess they use silicone
03:31.47jameswf-homemy mother in law went to the dimsum restraunt in china town sanfrancisco said they kept coming up pushing the chicken feet
03:32.04[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Corn starch & wheat glutan  primarily
03:32.34coppicechicken feet are yummy, especially chillied ones
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03:33.42coppice[TK]D-Fender: they learned most of those fake meat tricks from this part of the world. Many Buddhists are vegetarian, but may others eat meat yet have veggie days when they eat mostly fake meat
03:33.44jameswf-homeshhhh hes here
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03:35.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Well here it isn't to be "fake" so much as to be preservable longer, etc and save on cost
03:35.58coppicethe cost saving comes mostly from a cow taking 10kg of food to make 1kg of meat
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03:39.16nr4qhow obvious is the BLI on polycom phones? I can't seem to find any photos on google images
03:44.06[TK]D-Fendernr4q: does "clear red light" say it for you?
03:45.22nr4qfender: er... I meant BLF
03:45.37nr4qi need more coffee :(
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03:49.39[TK]D-Fendernr4q: And the answer isn't any different
03:50.47nr4qfender: oh i know which light you are talking about now. thanks
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03:57.54roe_has anyone had recent success using asterisk (with the dummy driver) in a xen domu?
03:58.20CrashSysvirtualized Asterisk = Hell warmed over
03:58.47CrashSysAlthough, Switchvox has their own proprietary ztdummy written for their virtualized hosting that they wont share/sell
03:59.03roe_so not a good idea?
03:59.20CrashSysNot a stable idea to the general asterisk user yet :)
03:59.27roe_"Hell warmed over" doesn't seem too far from reality.  Hell is generally considered pretty warm
03:59.36CrashSysIt's a good idea, just not stable...
03:59.48roe_so still has some timing issues
03:59.51CrashSysztdummy cant maintain 98%+ accuracy
04:00.20CrashSysSo yes, it can cause audio problems, specially if you use IAX Trunking or meetme or anything that requires audio processing
04:00.45CrashSysIf you are basically using asterisk as a packet router it's fine :)
04:02.21roe_well suxors
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04:23.18jameswf-homeDont call me  dummy
04:23.40jameswf-homeshould put that in a printk when ztdummy loads
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05:23.48frogonwheels_trying to debug problem with -rx "stop gracefully"  not actually stopping.
05:24.30frogonwheels_if I have a console open on another terminal, (verbose 10) and send  asterisk -rx "stop gracefully" .. then it seems to stop at..
05:25.01frogonwheels_(I'm trying to get a general mechanism for gracefull restart into openwrt asterisk)
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05:29.51frogonwheels_anybody got any ideas on what I should be looking for?
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05:36.54paulproteusfrogonwheels_, Is it possible to just send Asterisk a signal?
05:36.58paulproteusfrogonwheels_, Also, what Debian does is:
05:37.14paulproteusasterisk -rx reload
05:38.14paulproteus fwiw
05:38.17frogonwheels_paulproteus:  I missed that one - that will help one case.
05:38.17paulproteusdives into bed
05:38.49frogonwheels_Problem is I want to gracefully restart and then also reboot the ata
05:39.06frogonwheels_- but the stop gracefully doesn't seem to work.
05:39.51paulproteusDoes it stop?
05:39.58paulproteus indicates to me it might print that out even if stop would succeed.
05:40.02frogonwheels_it stops some stuff
05:40.22paulproteusis out of ideas and falls asleep
05:40.37frogonwheels_yeah- it's just after SIPshowpeer that has the problems
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05:44.47sergeyHi. Have trunk (asterisk, dahdi), use dahdi-dummy (dahdi show status - DAHDI_DUMMY/1 (source: HRtimer) 1). But chan_iax2.c: Unable to support trunking on user 'iax' without DAHDI timing
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06:08.14mostyis it possible to start asterisk without putting an asterisk console on tty9?
06:09.16frogonwheels_mosty: that sounds like a distro thing
06:09.50frogonwheels_check the init script
06:10.58mostyfrogonwheels_, i compiled asterisk myself, and there is no mention of tty9 (or any other tty) in my init script
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06:24.35mostyahh, found it (in safe_asterisk)
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06:51.51dominic1hi folks
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07:08.09reallost1Anyone awake here?  I'm stumped trying to fix one way audio on iax2 calls.
07:09.31mchouone way audio on iax??
07:09.39reallost1yeah, sip has no audio at all.
07:09.45mchouman that's bad
07:09.54reallost1I can hear them, but they can't hear me...
07:09.58mchoucheck your firewall or NAT
07:10.21reallost1I've been going over my firewall/nat trying to figure out what the problem could be.
07:10.44mchouwhere is your firewall wrt to local phone and asterisk?
07:11.24reallost1pstn -> firewall -> asterisk -> (dial) iax2 provider -> callee
07:11.25mchouand what firewall are you using?
07:12.06mchoushit, you're that same guy who has been asking this question for 1 wk
07:12.12frogonwheels_reallost1: have you tried 2 iax2 providers inside the firewall?
07:12.30reallost1mchou, no I haven't asked this question here at all.
07:13.19mchoureallost1: you sure?  Cause someone else was whining about this
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07:13.59mchoureallost1: where are you on that graph?  (left or rigt?)
07:14.16reallost1I usually figure out my own problems. This started on friday when I moved the server behind the firewall.
07:14.36reallost1I'm calling in from the pstn.
07:14.50reallost1so that would be left.
07:15.01jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
07:15.26mchoureallost1: you set extenip?
07:15.35obnauticusheh i just use a sip proxy at my router :\
07:15.41obnauticusa lightweight one
07:15.44obnauticusthat does it real fast.
07:15.56obnauticusworks out pretty well :\
07:16.06mchouobnauticus: which sip proxy? siproxd?
07:16.44reallost1yeah, externip is set.
07:17.04mchouis it set correctly? :)
07:17.49mchouoh, wait a sec
07:18.06mchouheh, I got you reversed
07:18.19obnauticusmcab ya i use siprox
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07:19.29reallost1externip is for sip
07:19.34reallost1and its set correctly.
07:19.38mchoureallost1: when you say pstn->firewall->asterisk, I'm not sure what you mean.  PSTN is not IP
07:20.06mchouso why would firewll even be involved?
07:20.50reallost1oh, pstn I mean I dial a real number on my phone -> iax2 -> firewall -> asterisk
07:21.19reallost1I can play audio files and hear them just fine with that setup.
07:22.11reallost1When I continue the call and dial out and then bridge the call, the person I call can't hear me.
07:22.11mchouyou have root priv on this asterisk box?
07:22.11reallost1and on the firewall.
07:22.52mchouso what relevant iax ports are open on firewall?
07:23.22reallost1I've even turned off the firewall rules, just leaving the redirects and get the same results.
07:23.43mchounah, that wont work
07:23.53mchouthere is still nat
07:24.44mchouthat pretty much means your redirects are foobar
07:25.23mchouredirect meaning firewall redirects
07:25.43mchounot sip reinvite or some such
07:26.06reallost1right firewall redirects...
07:26.45reallost1k, I'll go back to my firewall...
07:26.53mchoureallost1: no funky deny/permit rules?
07:27.06mchouon firewall and * config?
07:27.10frogonwheels_reallost1: possibly you should pastebin your f/w config?
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08:17.19awkhmm, anyone could explain this
08:17.24awk"Skip Busy Agents = Yes" I see this on thenet at places
08:17.30awkis this really a queue.conf option?
08:17.38awkwhy is it not linked eg: skip-busy-agents?
08:17.43awkand is this a realy option?
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08:32.09kaldemarawk: no, it's not.
08:32.56awkkaldemar then what is this nonsense
08:33.13awkthe bottom page in blue... and i've seen it in other posts?
08:34.49kaldemarnot asterisk anyway.
08:36.56kaldemarmaybe freepbx, trixbox or queuemetrics stuff. look into ringinguse if you need something like that.
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08:58.43ttfwhen I connect an ATA (spa3102) to my pstn line and to my switch I will be able to configure the ata so that if a call comes in through my pstn line it will be forwarded to my notebook (which is on the same network like my switch) - correct?
08:59.58awkkaldemar yes ringinuse would be great if wasn't broken
09:00.16awkbut it still duplicates ringing when busy... sip or local channels
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09:04.38awkout of intrest how many people here are having queue issues?
09:04.47awkring in use/ wrong states , etc etc
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09:46.23jblackOMG The banks are all gonna die. We're dooomed!
09:46.51jblack"Lehman is the biggest bankruptcy filing in history"
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09:47.53jblackomg omg. Lehman bonds to get $0.60 on the dollar.
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09:50.40smachHi guys, I have some trouble loading the skinny module
09:51.02jblackWhat sort of trouble?
09:51.22smachit says 'Unable to register channel class skinny'
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09:52.34mchouI blame Greenspan
09:52.40kraypiushas anyone here successfully used this?
09:53.12kraypiusmt asterisk is on linux but im thinking of trying to get that script running
09:53.30mchouGreenspan is responsible for the financial mess
09:53.31smachmore accurately, the log says 'already have a handler for type 'Skinny' and then 'Unable to register channel class skinny'
09:54.27kraypiusif i could do that I could reduce my iphone bill
10:00.46frogonwheels_kraypius: I have my nokia connecting to Asterisk via sip - and it's soo great
10:01.03kraypiususing c2d?
10:01.09mchoukraypius: lol.  iphone click 2 dial
10:01.32mchoukraypius: nokia is a sip client
10:02.00kraypiuswhich nokia? just curious. i used to be a big nokia fanatic
10:03.27linuxstbuses the E60, also very happily
10:05.23mchoukraypius: is asteriskc2d 'legit?'
10:05.38mchouor is it jailbreak?
10:06.39mchoufrigging istore and Steve Jobs
10:06.47kraypiusdont remember if i paid to get it. i think it was free
10:07.24kraypiusyeah they have went the extra mile to make people pay for shit. i hate it
10:07.28mchoukraypius: just philosophically opposed to iStore is all
10:07.53dlewisthey need SIP for the blackberry...
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10:08.07mchouhow come Stallman doesnt rail against iStore? :)
10:08.07kraypiusyou even have to use itunes and buy music to make ringtones unless you download an itunes hack
10:09.33linuxstbkraypius: Doesn't that app just use the iphone as a dialer app - i.e. you need a second (VOIP) phone to actually make the call?
10:09.48kraypiusidk. it sucks because you pay so much for a powerful piece of hardware but its like you dont even own it for all its capable of
10:09.48mchoulinuxstb: no
10:10.14kraypiusi believe its a true sip client
10:10.38linuxstbmchou: That's what the commentary says though - i.e. it allows you to make calls from your desktop phone.
10:10.41mchoulinuxstb: it essentially uses iax to talk to asterisk, I think
10:10.57frogonwheels_kraypius: mines E65
10:11.07mchouasterisk rings any of your defined extensions
10:11.16mchoulinuxstb: ^^^
10:11.34linuxstbmchou: Where did you find that information?
10:11.37mchoulinuxstb: well, the exten defined on the video
10:12.00mchouin the setup screen
10:12.06kraypiusdoes it have to be aix?
10:12.36mchoukraypius: no
10:12.50mchoukraypius: SIP would also work
10:12.58kraypiusi dont have any aix trunks defined as of yet
10:13.20mchouyou dont need to define trunks
10:13.31mchoubetw. the iphone and asterisk
10:14.17mchouthink of it this way.  *c2d enters you dial plan to dial an extension
10:14.58mchouthe extension you specified on that first screen shown in the video
10:15.11mchouthat's all it's doing really
10:16.07linuxstbYes, it just looks like it uses the AMI to originate a call - i.e. it's not using the iphone as a VOIP client, just as a phone directory.
10:16.09kraypiusi just asked because i assume it has to communicate the call using whatever protocol the trunk for the extension is using
10:16.31mchoulinuxstb: yup, you got it
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10:17.26mchouyou still talk on another phone (i.e. not the iphone)
10:17.26linuxstbmchou: So pretty pointless compared to our Nokias...
10:17.41mchoulinuxstb: yeah
10:17.43kraypiusso wait what is the difference?
10:18.03linuxstbWhat mchou just said - you need a second phone to actually talk.  You don't talk into the iphone.
10:18.16mchoukraypius: what??  I dont understand what you're even asking
10:18.49mchoukraypius: you ever use Grandcentral or facebook click to dial?
10:19.02mchoukraypius: the concept is the same
10:19.08kraypiusyou have to use a second phone?
10:19.23kraypiusthe concept leads you to believe you can use the phone to talk
10:19.34mchouno it does not
10:19.52kraypiusso whats the point of the app then?
10:20.10mchouI mean you could ring your own iphone but I'm not sure how that saves you minutes
10:20.13linuxstbkraypius: Exactly what I was thinking...
10:20.53mchoudoes iphone charge for inbound minutes?
10:21.08kraypiusyeah i think so
10:21.33mchouso it wont save you anything if you ring your iphone
10:21.46linuxstbmchou: That would depend on your cellular provider - in the UK (and I think all of Europe), the caller pays 100% of the cost when calling a mobile.
10:22.03mchougranted inbound minutes are probably cheaper than outbound
10:22.22mchoulinuxstb: agreed
10:22.36kraypiuswell, for at&t i believe they are the same cost
10:22.44kraypiusminutes are minutes
10:23.37mchouso you could ring (and talk) on iphone but it's no toll saver
10:23.50mchouat least for at&t
10:24.14kraypiusif you're using the c2d it wont be using the data network?
10:24.37mchouonly if your iphone supports sip :)
10:24.46frogonwheels_kraypius: .. and doesn't help if they ring your mobile
10:24.54mchouchicken and egg :)
10:24.56frogonwheels_kraypius: only helps if they ring your sip #
10:25.06frogonwheels_I mean .. you know what I mean.
10:25.15mchoufrogonwheels_: haha :)
10:25.50mchoukraypius: check out iCall and try to get in on that
10:25.55kraypiusso.. if they ring my sip# i can receive the call on my iphone...
10:26.05mchouthat's really what you need
10:26.13mchoukraypius: NO dude
10:26.42mchoukraypius: you need a sip or iax client on iphone to be on data net
10:26.59mchouasterisk or no asterisk
10:27.00frogonwheels_kraypius: yeah, that _is_ the idea..  as long as you have a sip/iax client on the iphone to connect to asterisk
10:27.28kraypiusOH THATS FINE
10:28.31mchoukraypius: iCall is your savior man
10:28.46mchoubut that looks suspiciously like Vaporware
10:28.49kraypiusheh i dont think icall will run on my iphone
10:29.04kraypiusoh wait. i see it
10:29.47kraypiusthey're talkin bout wifi
10:29.55kraypius3g would be nice
10:29.57mchouNo, you can not have a copy. We are not physically capable of distributing the application to any phones except our development phones. If Steve-ness himself wanted a copy we could not provide it to him. Sorry.
10:30.25mchouclassic vaporware come-on
10:30.59mchou"Apple has explicitly stated that VoIP is allowed, just not over Edge networks. Steve himself answered this question in the Q&A session after the last keynote speech."
10:31.14mchouI dont see how you gonna overcome that
10:31.37kraypiusyeah what about 3g
10:31.46kraypiusedge is crap anyway
10:32.23kraypiusthough if call quality on edge was good it would obviously be awesome
10:32.36mchouI thing by "Edge networks" Steve included 3g.  Beats me though
10:33.02kraypiusif so then steve is so much more of a fagtron
10:33.40mchoudude, that man is wasting away.  It's no laughing matter
10:33.42kraypiusyeah, you can do voip, but not anywhere that it will matter
10:33.54mchoulooks like he's been on chemo
10:34.37mchoueither that or he contracted something BAD
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10:35.06kraypiusgood maybe his iphone gave him cancer
10:35.31mchouiphone hasnt been around long enough to give him cancer
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10:51.35Devyllhello all. can you guys please tell me what kind of device do I need for beeing able to connect a e1 flux to the asterisk server ? . It'll probably be a kind of e1 flux card (like a eth card). can anybody confirm ?
10:52.16disposabledo polycom phones (ip650, ip430) do any QoS magic on the cable if i daisychain a computer through them?
10:54.14angryuserdisposable, im not sure if the phone manages the data flow going through it
10:54.35Rico29i don't think
10:54.45Rico29i think they don't
10:54.47Rico29sorry :)
10:55.56Devylle1/t1 (something that I will have from the telephone provider) 30 phone lines which will probably come by wire (optic fiber) that is a e1 (europe) t1 (us) ..
10:56.12angryuserdisposable, normaly if it a windows station you got Qos in network params, and the pc will use 80% of bandwith
10:56.57*** join/#asterisk steliosk (n=Stelios@
10:58.15disposableangryuser: it's not that important. it's just for a client who wants everything for nothing. (as in full call quality with no dedicated voice adsl connection)
11:01.23*** join/#asterisk Cy (
11:02.31CyDoes anybody know how to add a SIP extension to a 7900 series phone?
11:02.31CyIt rejects the @ sign
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11:10.28*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@
11:11.31Ast001hi I just bought digium TE121 card and I want to make it ready for E1. I can see that area for that in card has 2 pins and one jumper over only 1 pin. To make it ready for E1 I need to put jumper on both pins right ?
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11:13.12BrokenNozeHi all, has anyone found a workaround for the attended transfer with MixMonitor?
11:13.51BrokenNozeall my recordings are being cut off when a transfer occurs!!!
11:17.35JTDevyll: i know what it is, i have no idea how flux relates
11:18.50Ast001jumper on both pins for E1 on TE121 right ?
11:19.35JTAst001: read the TE121 docs
11:19.42JTthere is documentation you know
11:19.54flendersJT: hey
11:19.56Ast001I read the docs and it said jumper must be on for E1
11:20.00flendersJT: long time no see
11:20.15Ast001but docs did not say is that mean jumper on both pins or just on one like it is on card now
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11:22.53JTAst001: what is a jumper that is not connected? off
11:22.58JTflenders: hey
11:23.10flendersJT: how's it going mate?
11:23.26JTnot bad
11:23.27Ast001i am not sure did you understand jumper is on one pin but another in free
11:23.40Ast001another pin is free
11:23.45JTAst001: what is a jumper that is on one pin? OFF
11:24.51Ast001I dunno if you say so ok I will put jumper on both pins then I don't know why beroNet did not put that already or maybe custom office or DHL did play with my card
11:25.18JTAst001: it's pretty obvious, if a jumper is not completing a circuit, it is off
11:25.52DevyllJT: I actually need to know how can I connect E1 from the phone company to my pc/server with asterisk ?
11:26.10JTwith an ethernet cable
11:26.11*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@
11:26.21JTor a T1/E1 crossover cable
11:26.27JTdepending on how the outlet is pinned
11:29.31DevyllJT , so you are saying that if the phone company brigs the e1 through an optic fiber cable, there should be a divice such as a mediaconvertor , from which I will have ethernet cable to the server. is that correct ?
11:30.03JTthe standard handoff is generally an RJ-48C connector
11:31.38DevyllJT, isn't rj-48c for t1 ? I need e1 (europe).
11:32.40JTsame thing.
11:32.43JTpins are the same
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11:39.26coppiceDevyll: you might have a pair of coax cables terminating an E1 in some places. You'll need a converter if you do, and few cards now offer coax connectors
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11:56.30sirccohow can i see type of user agent i.e. xlite in asterisk
11:56.53sirccoastersk says this [Sep 15 13:56:08]     -- Saved useragent "Grandstream GXP2000" for peer 40
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12:01.32yangIs there a function in Voicemail which enables you to delete all mesages at once?
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12:06.22yangsircco: you see it when the phone connects
12:06.40yangsircco: unplug it or disconnect and it will come back
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12:19.42gegoHello, is there anyone who could help me with AstManProxy?
12:20.13gegoI use standard format and never get anything more than "Asterisk Call Manager Proxy/1.21" back
12:20.57gegosending Actions work - but i don't recv any Events
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12:24.16angryuserdisposable, i have installed pfsense and set Qos queues for voip, most of the time it is working fine, they dont use internet that much, but in case of BIG load i still git the qulity problems
12:24.48BrokenNozeHi, anyone any clues on MixMonitor and transfer, recordings being cut off when a call is transferred?
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12:26.20dandreIs there anyone who knows the inner of activa tsp driver?
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12:43.19Dr-Linux|homeApp SpeechBackground doesn't detect my voice, wondering what could be the issue.
12:45.44kkrzyssometimes i'm getting this during calls: [Sep 15 13:49:51] WARNING[14896]: chan_zap.c:8074 pri_fixup_principle: Can't fix up channel from 210 to 196 because 196 is already in use
12:45.44kkrzys[Sep 15 13:49:51] WARNING[14896]: chan_zap.c:8127 pri_fixup_principle: Call specified, but not found?
12:45.44kkrzys[Sep 15 13:49:51] WARNING[14896]: chan_zap.c:9245 pri_dchannel: Hangup on bad channel 0/31 on span 7
12:45.58kkrzysdoes anyone know how to fix it?
12:46.36[TK]D-FenderAhhh, no real loss in that mini-netsplit :)
12:46.41[TK]D-FenderWell... maybe Strom_C
12:47.20Maliutayeah, I'm still here. So the party can continue ;)
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12:58.28frogonwheels_hey, somebody in  #openwrt wants to know why we should use asterisk over freepbx..
12:59.14frogonwheels_anybody got any responses / experience with using freepbx
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12:59.59tzafrir_laptopfrogonwheels_, freepbx 2.5 has better support for sqlite
13:00.22[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels_: That funny... I didn't know you installed Asterisk OVER FreePBX.  What do you do when you want to run FreePBX without *?
13:00.38[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels_: And you are in the wrong channel to ask that.
13:00.58*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:01.02[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels_: And you want to try to dump a GUI, web & DB server onto a WRT?  lol
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13:01.25tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, who said anything about a DB server?
13:01.48yangnew openwrt version does not have GUI
13:01.50tzafrir_laptopand any mini gadget nowadays has a web server
13:01.59Dr-Linux|homefile: around?
13:01.59frogonwheels_no - I mean  prefer one over the other.. not having both ..
13:02.05tzafrir_laptopfreepbx requires a CGI-capable web server
13:02.08[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Well FreePBX typically saves all its stuff to DB and generates static configs from there but still uses the DB for other run-time stuff...
13:02.17tzafrir_laptop(as php can run as a GCI program)
13:02.27yangfrogonwheels_: Kamikaze doesn't have GUI !
13:02.39tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, db, but not db server.
13:02.40frogonwheels_yeah - it certainly can
13:02.53tzafrir_laptopIn other words: sqlite
13:02.54frogonwheels_yang: it actually has a couple of choices
13:03.08tzafrir_laptop(one of the main sponsors of sqlite is Nokia)
13:03.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Ah, I did mean some DB storage.  Not meant to imply a secondary "server"
13:03.58yangrunning asterisk on openwrt must be fancy task
13:04.07[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: If it can run off SQLite, then more power to them
13:04.09tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, we actually managed to run freepbx once with the busybox httpd
13:04.26[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: * should take more advantage of SQLite IMO
13:04.46frogonwheels_yang: the basics wasn't so hard - just avoid transcoding at all costs.
13:05.17frogonwheels_and the performance is fine - I've got a device with a usb so storage for voicemail is easy enough
13:06.11frogonwheels_I've had 2 incoming calls and one internal call in a meeting, while another incoming call was going on.
13:06.15tzafrir_laptop(and that said: freepbx is still a badly-designed program)
13:06.18frogonwheels_which is not bad for a router.
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13:08.27mchoufrogonwheels_: you running asterisk on openwrt?
13:08.50mchoufrogonwheels_: I'd like to pick yer brain.  What HW?
13:09.08mchoumeaning router
13:09.11frogonwheels_Asus wl 500g premium v1
13:09.32mchouhow much RAM does that thing have?
13:10.13mchoufrogonwheels_: know anyone running it on wrt54g?
13:10.33frogonwheels_no afaik
13:10.33mchoudont want any OOM 'issues'
13:10.41frogonwheels_OOM ?
13:10.49mchouout of mememory
13:11.10mchoui.e. router crash
13:11.37mchouhow much ram on asus?
13:11.54frogonwheels_oh.. umm.
13:12.54mchoufrogonwheels_: log in to your router, type 'free' lol
13:12.57*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:13.01frogonwheels_no 32mb
13:13.07frogonwheels_ahh free.. always forget that.
13:14.13frogonwheels_mchou: and it has a usb port for swap if needed
13:14.23mchouyeah yeah
13:14.27frogonwheels_though I'm not using any swap.
13:14.48mchoupastebin output from free
13:14.53yangfrogonwheels_: freepbx would probably be more resource hungry than asterisk
13:14.57frogonwheels_but with XMail and asterisk (meetme, voicemail loaded)
13:15.29frogonwheels_I've not got much free
13:15.52mchousigh.  how much you got free?
13:16.01frogonwheels_1126400 bytes
13:16.15yangfrogonwheels_: you can manage Asterisk via CLI don't need a httpd which freepbx requires
13:16.40frogonwheels_oh yeah, and I'm running busybox httpd.
13:16.55frogonwheels_yang: yep. but the nice thing will be that I have a 'uci' configuration loader for asterisk.
13:17.19frogonwheels_which means you can set up asterisk in uci  with either web (luci) or your fav editor.
13:17.47mchoufrogonwheels_: pls pastebin your free output
13:18.04mchoufrogonwheels_: getting data from you is like pulling teeth
13:18.23yangmchou: you will probably have a hard time on wrt54G as it has only 16MB of memory
13:18.29yangand no usb slots to expand
13:18.42mchoubah.  who needs USB
13:18.52mchouwhen you have NASD :)
13:19.34yanggood solution
13:20.08yangmchou: do you also experience timeuts with wrt54g?
13:20.28mchouyang: I havent loaded asterisk on my router
13:20.39yangmchou: I mean with wireless connection?
13:20.45mchouthat's why I'm asking ppl with experience
13:20.46*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
13:20.52mchouyang: nope.  never
13:21.39mchouyang: but I only use wireless on my lappy (I rarely us that, iow)
13:21.49mchoufrogonwheels_: thank you
13:22.54mchouwell, that pretty much means wrt54g is a no go
13:23.11*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=c7340d67@about/security/staff/dlewis)
13:23.16mchouram is limiting factor
13:24.14mchoufrogonwheels_: I thought you said you didnt have swap
13:24.19*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
13:24.30frogonwheels_no -  I said not much is in use.
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13:24.45mchoufrogonwheels_: ok, my bad
13:25.23mchousigh.  too bad
13:26.17mchouI had such high hopes
13:26.49*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
13:27.05hi365(how) can I set more than one file in Dial with the A option?
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13:29.05mchouhi365: why not just concat the files?
13:29.29hi365mchou: cause they get updated for every call (think: doorbell)
13:30.08mchouagi will do it :)
13:30.45mchoupreprocess the files
13:31.04hi365i guess, was hoping for something like &
13:31.34mchouwell, I'm not saying & wont work.  But I'm dubious
13:31.50hi365I AM. it doesnt
13:32.03hi365whishes thing were a bit more uniform in asterisk
13:32.08hi365it doesnt work for read either
13:32.15hi365but it works in playback
13:33.05mchouhi365: you ever heard of astycrapper?
13:33.21mchouit's marvelous
13:33.30hi365looks at mchou with a puzzled look
13:34.14mchoucheck out sample 1.  It's HILARIOUS
13:34.20*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=c7340d67@about/security/staff/dlewis)
13:34.45mchouyou can use a somewhat similar approach :)
13:36.13*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
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13:39.08paulproteusmcab, Does it work by detecting silence / pauses by the other person?
13:39.24paulproteusOh, a link to the conf.
13:39.29mchoupaulproteus: exactly
13:39.30*** join/#asterisk wiscados (n=mint@
13:39.37paulproteusThat's so sad!
13:39.55mchouwhy is that sad?? I think it's hilarious
13:40.13mchoutelemarketer talks to machine
13:40.15paulproteusIt exploits this crucial weakness in human communication.
13:40.32paulproteusIt's also hilarious.
13:40.34paulproteusDon't get me wrong.
13:41.13mchouKristi is so focused on her goal she misses the big picture :)
13:41.17*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
13:42.32paulproteusI also *love* how the robotic Asterisk dude doesn't even know she's talking over him when she does.
13:43.26mchou"Come back to telstra!"
13:43.32mchou"Do it!"
13:43.46paulproteusI'm having trouble hearing you there, can you speak up a little bit?
13:45.13mchouI love Grandpa Jordan
13:45.52*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
13:48.49hi365heres: what im trying to do: have the caller record their name, and then hear ringing. at the same time have an extensions calld and play the recording when answered
13:49.05hi365then offer the aption to bridge the two
13:49.34hi365if i were to do it with a .call file it seems kinds simple, but I belive there is a way to do it directly from the dialplan...
13:49.38mchouhi365: copy GrandCentrals asterisk configuration :)
13:49.54*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
13:50.05mchouhi365: that's exactly what GrandCentral does
13:50.19mchouwell, more or less
13:50.35hi365assuming that they use asterisk...
13:50.45mchouthey use asterisk
13:50.58hi365so where's the dialplan? :)
13:51.00mchouthat's the user agent ID
13:51.18hi365they probably use an agi...
13:51.18mchouhi365: go ask grandcentral
13:52.16hi365let me rephrase my question: how can i start another leg of a call without bridging it with the first?
13:54.57mchouDial with M option?
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13:58.33DanskmandGlut ?  - are you there ?
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14:00.51rgsteele||workErm, what's the name for PBX cards that accept POTS lines?
14:01.28Danskmand,or, maybe someone else that has realized a faxserver (send/receive and convert to email) ?
14:02.27jefftucsonrgsteele: FXO cards..
14:04.00Dr-Linux|homeanybody use LumenVox SR with asterisk?
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14:06.02Steak__a quick question... I am going to set up a PBX at my new home, I would like to get an FXO gateway so that I can connect the PSTN line.. any advice on what to buy? I would like something standalone... thanks!
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14:09.07jefftucsonSteak__: i like th Rhino R8FXX-EC series of cards.
14:09.25Steak__is that a PCI card or a standalone box?
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14:09.43Steak__because I would prefer a selfstanding device
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14:10.10drammanWhat's the default password for the "asterisk" user?
14:10.38jefftucsonSteak__: it's pci, i've never used a standalone fxo device
14:10.44Steak__ok thanks
14:11.23Steak__I am trying to avoid PCI cards because this would mean to have a server in the basement, which is something I would like to avoid - but thanks anyways :)
14:11.35RoadKillDKis ther anybody that know how to pickup at Queue with out joining it
14:11.39Steak__(or to move the POTS outlet somewhere else :P)
14:12.31tzafrir_laptopSteak__, hmmm... you can send telephony wires there just as much as you can send ethernet wires there
14:12.53Steak__well the fact is that I want to reduce the wired network to a real minimum
14:13.01Steak__and try to get wireless at every floor
14:13.22Steak__because this house hasn't got a cable conduit
14:15.59Steak__otherwise I think I will play it dirty and get a FXO/FXS converter
14:17.22[TK]D-FenderSteak__: Linksys SPA-3102 <-
14:17.38[TK]D-Fenderdramman: No such thing
14:18.19Steak__[TK]D-Fender, does the SPA-3102 plays nicely with asterisk?
14:18.27[TK]D-FenderSteak__: Yes
14:18.30Dr-Linux|homeApp SpeechBackground doesn't detect my voice, wondering what could be the issue.
14:18.33Dr-Linux|home-- Executing [s@lumenvox:5] SpeechBackground("SIP/4092-b7d3da
14:18.47Dr-Linux|homeit gets stuck here , doesn't go to next priority
14:19.18Steak__because I do not have particular needs, I only have 1 PSTN line, but I would like to have all the phones at home to be SIP, so that I can setup dial plans/routes that act differently depending on the destination...
14:20.52[TK]D-FenderSteak__: So you have 1 line, and a bunch of phones?
14:20.58Steak__it would be like that, yes
14:21.12[TK]D-FenderSteak__: SPA-3102 is all you need for your whole home then
14:21.21Steak__but the phones/PABX can decide which route to take (internet/PSTN)
14:21.40Steak__and of course I want to handle incoming calls and the ability to forward those calls to all the internal phones
14:21.44[TK]D-FenderSteak__: Plug it in at the demarc for the PSTN (FXO) port, and the rest of yourhome gang-piled onto the FXS port
14:22.23Steak__and the SIP phones through the network, I guess :D
14:22.30Steak__there will be only one analog phone in the whole system
14:22.37Steak__all the others will be SIP
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14:23.00DanskmandNoone can help me ?
14:23.16bkw_Danskmand: what was your problem again?
14:23.31Danskmand(16:01:28) Danskmand: ,or, maybe someone else that has realized a faxserver (send/receive and convert to email) ?
14:23.50[TK]D-FenderDanskmand: Go lookup Hylafax & IAXmodem on the WIKI
14:23.53jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
14:23.53bkw_isn't their the astfax project?
14:24.24DanskmandI've got the feeling that Hylafax is pretty old, isnt it ?
14:24.39bkw_Hylafax is rather awesome
14:24.41DanskmandPlus, I would like to use mISDN...
14:25.05[TK]D-FenderSteak__: The method I described would let you use all of your existing wiring on a singe ATA port.  You could of course add other SIP hard phones etc into the mix as well, but not necessary
14:25.13*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
14:25.32[TK]D-FenderDanskmand: Hylafax doesn't care what your call comes in on.  It'd just better have good integrity
14:25.44Steak__[TK]D-Fender, thanks... The fact is that I will try to avoid analogue phones all around, just keeping one in the basement near the FXO for emergencies
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14:26.13[TK]D-FenderSteak__: thats what the 3102 is good at as well.  If the poewr goes out it will bridge the FXS & FXO ports directly
14:26.15Steak__so the thing will be : 1x POTS line - 1x analogue phone - 4-5x VoIP phones (either wifi or wired)
14:26.31[TK]D-FenderSteak__: Ok, then this is definitely the solution for you
14:26.41[TK]D-Fender@ 75$ USD
14:26.44Steak__looks like :) and it is even quite cheap :D
14:26.48[TK]D-Fender(maybe 70 if you look real hard)
14:26.51Steak__no need for 300$+ cards
14:26.56[TK]D-FenderSteak__: nope.
14:27.05Steak__well I am in Switzerland, but the price is more or less the same
14:27.08Steak__but it's ok
14:27.26*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
14:27.44[TK]D-FenderSteak__: Best option no matter where you are really..
14:27.55Steak__yep :) thanks for the help
14:27.59Steak__was really appreciated :D
14:29.53Steak__then ok it will be dialplan nightmare... but that I will leave when I will have moved to the new house (read: next week)
14:30.29[TK]D-FenderSteak__: For a HOME?  Dialplan is hardly a "nightmare" unless you're hooking up a few dozen ITSP, etc
14:31.24Steak__well let me sum it up... normal POTS/PSTN, skype (with a converter), VoIPbuster, direct calls... it's more a directory work than anything else...
14:31.52Steak__then maybe a GSM gateway in the future
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14:32.31Steak__don't know how it will be anyways :P
14:33.16[TK]D-FenderSteak__: I think you'll do jsut fine, though it may seem a little cludgy during the initial setup
14:33.45Steak__Since I do not know Asterisk so much, I will anyways go in steps.. the first one will be using the phone line as the default route for external calls
14:34.25Steak__so that you have to dial 0 to get the tone and then you can call wherever you like, plus receiving calls (maybe on a hunt group schema)
14:34.33Steak__then I will add the other functionalities one by one
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14:37.23gegoI'd like to access AMI via astmanproxy - but i don't get much action response to the client
14:38.05gegoI always receive "Asterisk Call Manager Proxy/1.21" - nothing more - any hints?
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14:39.59gegoI can originate a call that way - but I'd like to see what's happening on client side - and monitor other SIP-accounts on the same *
14:41.36[TK]D-Fendergego: And if you poiont it directly to * it works, just not via the proxy?
14:43.34gego[TK]D-Fender - I haven't tried - wanted to avoid http-requests
14:43.56[TK]D-Fendergego: AMI is not HTTP.
14:44.21[TK]D-Fendergego: astmanproxy is for direct TCP, not HHTP Web2.0.  Forget AJAM
14:44.23*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4243cc6@gateway/web/ajax/
14:46.34gego[TK]D-Fender - I access astmanproxy by direct sockets in python - wouldn't know how to do this with AMI direct
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14:50.23Steak__ok bye
14:50.27*** part/#asterisk Steak__ (
14:51.02jblackWow. Maybe google is getting too big.
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14:53.10tzafrir_laptopgego, telnet to it
14:53.10Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:53.16mort_gibQuick question. My clients are asking for "Call manages" I have found Asterisk Dialer from but are there any others??
14:54.21mort_gibI'm looking at Tikal's offering...
14:54.32[TK]D-Fendergego: AMI is direct TCP, not via HTTP-faked out junk
14:55.56*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
14:56.30gegotzafir_laptop in telnet i get a response
14:58.33tzafrir_laptopgego, see example session in
14:58.39tzafrir_laptopwell, example login
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15:00.19gegotzafir_laptop I can login, send Actions - but don't get much response - maybe my python code sucks.
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15:01.09gegotzafir_laptop Anyway - thanks for your help - I've got go now
15:01.31tzafrir_laptopgego, then don't trust it. There should already be some python implementation of access to the AMI, IIRC
15:03.11sant0sk1I am trying to get sms working w/ my asterisk box ( and I've compiled the smsq utility for testing. When I generate an sms from the command line I get the following output "No call scheduled as already sending". The sms does not send. I have '" in modules.conf... anything else I'm missing?
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15:07.28bkw_sant0sk1: you do know thats fixed line sms and not mobile sms?
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15:07.50sant0sk1bkw_: no I didn't know that.
15:08.02bkw_if you're wanting to send to mobile phones.. thats not the app you wanna use ;)
15:08.16sant0sk1ok, what app do I want to use?
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15:11.11sant0sk1is there a de facto?
15:11.28tzafrir_laptopsant0sk1, sms got a major fix a while after trunk was forked from 1.4 . The one in 1.4 has indeed many problems, IIRC
15:11.59tzafrir_laptopapp_sms and smsq are for fixed-line
15:12.33tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure they use that in the US
15:12.43sant0sk1tzafrif_laptop: yah fixed line was not what I was looking for...
15:13.48sant0sk1does 1.6 have mobile sms built in?
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15:15.40*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:16.57glutDanskmand: present
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15:31.44jesselang|laptopHello folks.  Can I use Dial to send a call to a particular context on the target box?
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15:32.26ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: only with IAX2
15:32.34jesselang|laptopI seem to recall that it's possible, but I can't find details anywhere.
15:32.44ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: for all other protocols, the context is not set in the Dial, only in the sip peer/user/friend
15:32.47jesselang|laptopManxPower, yes, this is IAX2.
15:33.16jesselang|laptopHow can I accomplish this using Dial to an IAX2 peer?
15:33.41ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: Dial(IAX2/iax2conf/number@remotecontext
15:33.58ManxPowerthe remotecontext must match what is on the iax2.conf user on the far box.
15:34.43ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: almost nobody specifies the remote context on the local Dial line.
15:34.46jesselang|laptopManxPower, in this case, I'm trying to send the call to a non-default context.
15:35.19jesselang|laptopCan I specify multiple contexts in the target system's iax.conf?
15:35.21ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: there is nothing different here bot IAX2 .vs. other protocols.
15:35.52ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: you do not ACTUALLY specify the remote context, you request the remote context, if the far end allows the incoing user to access that context then you can, if not it will be rejected.
15:36.05jesselang|laptopOr do I need to create a separate peer connection?
15:36.21jesselang|laptopCan the remote system allow multiple contexts?
15:36.32ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: yes, a seperate peer on the remote box with the the context= matching the incoming requested context.
15:36.45ManxPowerjesselang|laptop: Have you read ATFOT?
15:37.08jesselang|laptopI've browsed it.
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15:37.17ManxPowergo read it.
15:37.54jesselang|laptopThanks for the help.
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15:58.14errris there any messages in logs or something that would let me know if I am using all my channels on my pri?
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15:59.06ManxPowererrr: Dial will return CONGESTION if you try dialing out and all the channels in that group are in use.
15:59.28errrManxPower: what about incoming calls?
15:59.43ManxPowererrr: what happens is TOTALLY up to the telco.
16:00.31ManxPowerI usually set my group= to be a few channels less than I have, that way there is (almost) always some channels available for incoming calls.
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16:01.06errrManxPower: see the problem we are having is, thanks to ike we had to do an emergency reroute of our Houston PRI to our San Antonio office. Sometimes we are getting (when calling in) this call cant be completed as dialed or number not in service
16:01.38ManxPowererrr: that would not be an "out of channels on your PRI" problem.
16:01.49errrand I cant tell if we are using all our channels or if its something with the telco just being under such a load
16:02.00ManxPowerThat would be "there was a hurricane -- all the telcos are screwed up.
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16:02.25ManxPowernormally "all circuits are busy" message is what the caller would get if they dialed in and your pri was full.
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16:03.31errrsince we are an insurance company our phones are ringing off the hook with people filing claims :(
16:03.58Zenosowch bummer
16:04.04ManxPowererrr: can you send most outgoing calls over IP to an ITSP, that will free up channels too.
16:04.16errrah good idea
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16:06.07ManxPowererrr: My largest customer has offices all over Louisiana.  I've don't quite a bit of rerouting of calls over the past couple of years.
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16:07.09wacky_is it possible to have IAX2 trunk=yes and also have jitterbuffer enabled ?
16:07.25wacky_since when version ?
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16:08.50wacky_is it possible it was working clunkily in Asterisk 1.4 ?
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16:09.28ManxPowerwacky_: 1.2 was the first version to have an iax2 JB, IIRC, so it would be working since then.
16:09.51ManxPowerwhat SPECIFIC problem are you having?
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16:12.46wacky_hmm.. I don't have a specific problem yet. We have servers with trunk disabled because of jitter, as we thought they were mutually exclusive or something..
16:13.07wacky_I'll have a look into it.. if you say it should work :) thanks a lot..
16:14.46wacky_JT: are you the one who reported about the IAX2 trunk performances and bandwidth usage on voip-info ?
16:15.00*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:15.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: what do you think about the name Gotham
16:15.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: possibly Gotem.
16:15.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: Gothem
16:15.45wacky_I'm looking for that `rate` program you seem to have used, is it a sub-command of tcpdump or something ?
16:16.06Kattyjbot: Gothem?
16:16.11Kattyjbot: Gotham?
16:16.25Kattyjbot: hopeless.
16:17.02viraptoris there any reason, I could get dtmf logged correctly for a channel (rfc2833), but nothing goes into Read() result? it happens from time to time...
16:17.44KattyManxPower: what do you think of the name Gotham?
16:18.56ZenosThis question is for anybody, I am running Asterisk 2.6 on a 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 with 1Gig of ram and 100 Gig HDD. Ubuntu 8.04 is the base OS and I really am using it in a SMB environment so no more than two concurrent calls max. No matter the load on the box the voicemail prompts sound weak and distorted. Is their any way to improve this?
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16:19.54tzafrir_laptopZenos, what phones do you use?
16:20.15tzafrir_laptopand you're not running asterisk 2.6 :-)
16:20.56tzafrir_laptop1.6.0-rc<?> ?
16:21.05*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
16:21.20Zenossorry typo 1.6 with nortel I2004 phones
16:21.31wacky_ManxPower: I read on the wiki "IAX2 jitter buffer (when turned on) doesn't currently work well with trunking"
16:21.36tzafrir_laptopAre those SIP phones?
16:21.38wacky_and then "(2008-07-16 update: jitter buffering works much better these days - JT) "
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16:21.49Zenosno they use UNISTIM
16:22.09wacky_so I was wondering what was true and which version of Asterisk have those better working jitterbuffer stuff ?
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16:23.20ManxPowerwacky_: well stop reading a page with old and outdate information
16:23.30wacky_JT: found the rate program! thanks (it was linked at the bottom)
16:24.29ManxPowerwacky_: in 1.4.?? (maybe .12?) major IAX2 improvements happened.  But you are not running an old version of 1.4 with all the unpateched security holes, right?
16:24.38Zenosthe phones don't have anything to do with what an incoming caller hears when interacting with voicemail as far as I understand am I wrong?
16:25.08ManxPowerZenos: correct
16:25.13wacky_of course not :)
16:26.35ManxPowerZenos: the only "phone issue" could be a DTMF mode mismatch, but that's only for DTMF, not audio.
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16:27.56Zenosok, so would the voicemail prompts the sound files that asterisk is playing to the caller be improved if I modified some setting or maybe I should just record new voicemail IVR files?
16:29.01[TK]D-FenderZenos: There is a known issue with the compiling of the GSM codec which is quite possibly your problem.  This occurs with GCC 4.+
16:29.55jeevfender, gimme high 5
16:30.02ZenosReally, ok, I will look into the version of GCC I used to compile asterisk
16:30.13Zenosthanks D-Fender
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16:34.27tvirusIs it possible to do reporting in Asterisk? Such as calls per user, total minutes used, etc?
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16:36.11ManxPowertvirus: You must have missed the CDR information in ATFOT
16:36.58rene-hello, is it possible to produce auto answer of an x-lite softphone from the dial plan using sip info headers? is it is possible? what sip info one must use?
16:37.25Qwellanybody happen to know what key on a cell phone gives you a 'p'?
16:37.37tvirusAh, that's what it's called, CDR.
16:37.41tvirusThanks ManxPower :)
16:37.43Qwellnevermind, it's under the menu
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16:38.48jablkois there a command line tool which can play .gsm files?
16:39.00viraptorjablko: `play`
16:39.10viraptor(sox packag)
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16:40.38javbhello, i planning to take the dCAP exam, without taking the bootcamp, and i wonder if i could find some advices around here on how to succesful pass the exam..
16:41.08Qwelljavb: take the bootcamp first :)
16:41.09russellbjavb: do you already know a lot about asterisk?
16:41.10outtolunci hear muffins help <G> {just kidding}
16:41.20russellbif not, you're going to fail ... it's not a trivial exam
16:41.22Qwellto be honest, I don't know if I could pass the dCAP...
16:41.28russellbQwell: no kidding
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16:42.05javbIt is not that i ` am totally a GURU, but yes, i have 5 years dealing with Linux and around 2.5 with Asterisk . . .
16:42.16javbI dont work with AGI and aMI, and DUNDI ..
16:42.28javbBut, i think it is not in the PRACTICAL exam.
16:42.33javbBut in the written
16:44.39jablkoviraptor: @sox awesome - works great - thanks!
16:45.09rene-written is harder, i took it in 2005
16:45.13rene-read the book a lot
16:45.39rene-they ask ridiculous questions sometimes but if u study the book really hard you should be ok
16:46.43rene-no agi, or ami in the DCap certification
16:46.54javbrene- sure sure? :p
16:47.10rene-a coworker just took the 2008 version of the exam
16:47.41rene-they still ask tricky questions so you must really study the asterisk book
16:47.50rene-agi and ami
16:47.57javbrene- perfect. what about the practical exam?
16:48.25rene-they depend on an external language, and that could be anything really
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16:48.30rene-practical exam is not hard
16:48.44rene-if u have done asterisk for 2.5 years you should pass it easily
16:48.57rene-most people will fail the written one so study hard
16:49.11javbWell, thanks for you info. :p
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16:55.01viraptoranyone? dtmf present in verbose/dtmf output (along with channel name) but missing from "Read()" result?... help? :)
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17:00.22[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: make sure you Answer the call first and do at least a Payback of silence minimum
17:01.00viraptor[TK]D-Fender: it's Answer() | Playback(conf-getpin) | Read()
17:01.24[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: PASTEBIN your attempt with full debug.
17:03.41viraptor[TK]D-Fender: just a sec...
17:04.10viraptorI know it works in general, because it works in 95% - fails only sometimes
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17:05.12tristanbob_anyone live taking astricon?
17:05.27tristanbob_I'll go to #astricon
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17:09.56The-BatIs there any command which would give me the name of the queue from where the call has come ..??
17:11.16viraptor[TK]D-Fender: <- it's that person entering 2414
17:11.31viraptorbut there's 'User entered nothing' at the end
17:11.53viraptorand in dtmf they're actually connected to the jittermeetme-a2ea
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17:17.17Zenos[TK]D-Fender, I checked the version of GCC and sure enough it is 4.2 so that is why my voicmail prompts sound bad. So in your opinion if I downgrade the version of GCC and recompile asterisk it should be ok?
17:18.14*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
17:19.11rene-hey moy
17:19.13rene-chidos ese
17:20.01moyrene-: whos this?
17:20.10rene-user of openr2
17:20.16rene-maybe u are not that moy
17:20.18moyah :)
17:20.33moyyup, I am that moy ... where are you using it?
17:20.38rene-cancun mx
17:20.46rene-i have like 6 trunks
17:20.48moyah, vientos, mejor aun heh
17:20.49rene-works fine
17:21.16moydid I talk to you before on google talk or msn? or is it this the first time we talk?
17:21.27rene-i think we talked before over msn
17:21.36rene-we wanted some chan_spy fix
17:21.44moyah, yeah, I remember that now
17:21.48rene-we found a workaround eventually
17:22.24moynice to hear that, well, don't hesitate on contacting me if you have any issue with openr2
17:22.31rene-thanks i will
17:29.30[TK]D-FenderZenos: Yup.
17:34.48javbZt-dummy gives clock to asterisk in the absent of a card? But, ztdummy gives clock taken from? what does asterisk needs clock for? Whats the meaning of needing a clock?
17:35.53[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Meetme, page, IAX2 Trunking all need a timing source
17:36.05[TK]D-Fenderjavb: ZTDUMMY runns off linus 2.6 RTC
17:36.52Zenos[TK]D-Fender, Thanks again!
17:38.20javb[TK]D-Fender, "javb: ZTDUMMY runns off linus 2.6 RTC" ... i`m sorry, you mean it is not longer needed in 2.6? (sorry, english is not my mother tongue)
17:41.41[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Linux Kernel 2.6+ Reat Time Clock
17:42.20[TK]D-Fenderjavb: Pis je le sait...
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17:44.16viraptor[TK]D-Fender: any ideas on dtmf?
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18:07.15justdaveDo Polycom phones have something that lets you change which server settings are used based on a dial prefix or something?
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18:08.28[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: HUH?
18:08.37ManxPowerjustdave: no
18:08.54jjshoeanyone get counterpath's softphone to auto-off hook from adding a sip header or anything of the sort?
18:08.58[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Nope, but I don't see the original inbound channel.  I suspect that though you are receiving rfc2833 it might not be coming in on a peer set to care about it
18:09.01ManxPowerbut you can per line appearance and there is a failover server setting too.
18:09.10justdaveasterisk says my phone is getting an authfail when I try to make a call
18:09.18justdavebut only when I call certain numbers
18:09.20[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: Then you set it up wrong
18:09.28justdavecalling other numbers works fine
18:10.35dlewis[TK]D-Fender: how easy is it to hook up a door phone to asterisk?
18:10.38dlewisone of these:
18:11.16[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Requires KX-TA82461 Door/opener card and the KX-TA624-5 or KX-TA824 phone system  <--- you tell me.  I call this "big print"
18:11.35justdaveconfig on this phone hasn't changed in a year or two, and it's always worked fine
18:11.44justdavenever tried calling this particular number from it though
18:11.46ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: it means it only works with Toshiba (or is it Panasonic?) PBXs
18:11.59[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: That comment doesn't add much of value.  debug info please...
18:12.03justdave*81 with 11 more digits after it
18:12.09ManxPowerjustdave: it is all in the dialplan on the phone.  start by pasting that one line.
18:12.11justdavestarting with an * shouldn't break it would it?
18:12.30[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: Stop wasting time with empty descriptions and show the DEBUG
18:12.32ManxPowerjustdave: the answer to that question is "it depends on the phone dialplan"
18:12.43justdaveif the phone's dialplan was blocking it I'd think it would never try to connect to the server
18:12.44dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I didn't send that link to say THAT specific one will work, I was wondering if a door phone would work with Asterisk... I assume it would just be another extension, but wanted to get your opinion.
18:12.55justdavelooks for the phone config
18:13.17justdavethat would make sense except for the authfail message on the asterisk console when I try it :)
18:13.26[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Don't assume, and thats like saying "can a phone work with *"?  The answer is a giant DEPENDS.
18:14.30dlewisgotta love google...
18:15.52justdaveand I try to test it again by hitting redial and it works :P
18:16.25viraptor[TK]D-Fender: well - it get's accepted into the channel - same as the rest of dtmf-s that are handled correctly - here's dtmf log:
18:16.27justdavedirect dialing it fails, but I immediately hit redial and it works.
18:16.32justdavethat's strange.
18:16.42[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: Dialplan error on the phone
18:16.51[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: dial ON-HOOK and see
18:17.22justdaveyeah, dialing onhook works
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18:17.43[TK]D-Fenderjustdave: Good, now go fix your dialplan
18:17.44justdavedialplan does indeed not have any allowance for this dial pattern
18:17.56ManxPowerjustdave: You have two choices at this point.  You can either start providing the requested information and stop arguing with the experts or you can not have your problem fixed.  Your choice.
18:18.18justdaveManxPower: problem's already fixed, you're lagged. ;)
18:18.23ManxPowerYou just tell us when you are ready to start working on fixing your problem.
18:19.10ManxPowerjustdave: good for you.
18:19.46justdavetakes time to find some of said information that was requested, and by the time I found it the problem was obvious (so requesting said info got me looking in the right place)
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18:21.09ManxPowerjustdave: We usually assume that if you configured the phone you know where the setting is.
18:21.39justdaveyes, but I hadn't thought of that setting being the problem (the error message on the asterisk console was pointing me in the wrong direction)
18:22.18justdavethe dialplan was the issue, but it seems strange that the polycom would transmit the call anyway and not send a password or something :)
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18:22.44justdavesip debug on the console actually showed the phone number being sent intact, but it was getting an authfail
18:23.02ManxPowerjustdave: and that is why I think your problem is not solved.
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18:24.45justdavecould be, I'm on a call now (using said phone) so I'll have to play more when I'm off the phone.
18:26.13jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
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18:27.59cmw_Can anyone help me with this IAX2 connection. It was working perfectly then it stopped and now it shows this in the logs
18:28.00cmw_Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination
18:28.46cmw_i tested both ways and they are able to connect.. so i don't think it's a connectivity issue
18:28.51ManxPowercmw_: There is no route to that destination (ip/hostname).  IAX2 show peers will show you the registration status of all your peers.
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18:29.49justdaveok, off the phone call.  rebooting the phone to pick up the revised dialplan
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18:37.15cmw_ManxPower: yep it shows unreachable but like i said.. there is no firewall issue i can see the traffic going and coming back fine.. I can even kill asterisk and nc -u bind to that port and hit it from the other side
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18:37.33wacky_Asterisk is cool
18:37.54ManxPowercmw_: so you are sending a packet from the asterisk host to the IP of the remote side, UDP port 5060?
18:38.13newmemberWhere doed asterisknow get the GUI for the IVR?
18:38.25ManxPowernewmember: ask on the AsteriskNOW channel
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18:38.46cmw_ManxPower: show peers says port 4569 but it doesn't matter since there is no firewall between the two boxes
18:39.11ManxPowercmw_: You know more about this than I do.  Best of luck with your problem.
18:39.49newmemberI will rephrase, does asterisk have a plugin or add on that is like the asterisknow ivr gui?
18:39.52cmw_ManxPower: i doubit it :) i know very little.. but i'm sure its not network related
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18:40.01ManxPowernewmember: we don't do Asterisknow stuff
18:40.10ManxPowercmw_: Best of luck.
18:40.11cmw_clearly it looks that way but i cant see how it could be..
18:41.12[TK]D-Fendercmw_: pastebin your iax2 peer entry
18:41.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:42.18*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB (n=Paul@
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18:43.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: good luck with this one.
18:44.03cmw_[TK]D-Fender: i even see this in the logs
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18:44.41[TK]D-Fendercmw_: Not what I asked for.  iax.conf <-
18:44.53cmw_[TK]D-Fender: sorry sec
18:44.58tomcontr3hi,  does anyone knows if 3 TDM400 cards can be installed on a same server  to have 12 FXO modules?
18:45.02[TK]D-Fendermasking only passwords
18:45.10[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: Unadvisable
18:45.19[TK]D-Fendertomcontr3: Buy a more appropriate solution
18:45.31tomcontr3any example?
18:46.17ManxPowertomcontr3: an example would be the Digium 24 port analog card with 12 modules.
18:46.36ManxPoweryou will have 1/3 the interrupt load using 1 card .vs. 3 cards.
18:48.06[TK]D-Fendercmw_: If this is supposed to be iax.conf why and I seeing the AMI port up top referenced, SIP DTMF mode settings and other garbage?
18:48.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: "bandwidth=low"  I've not seen someone use that in YEARS
18:48.59[TK]D-FenderSomebody needs to get their head screwed on straight...
18:49.08[TK]D-Fenderthis file is a hodge-podge mess
18:49.27cmw_[TK]D-Fender: its generated by the fonality interface
18:49.48russellbthat is classic
18:50.11ManxPowercmw_: we don't really do GUIs here, as they screw up your config files
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18:50.23ManxPoweryou might consider contacting Fonality tech support.
18:50.24CrashSysmmm... fonality... same great taste, less filling...
18:50.33[TK]D-Fendercmw_: if you're telling me thats iax.conf then you are just screwed
18:50.42[TK]D-Fendercmw_: Go ask for their support.
18:50.53cmw_ManxPower: since the other end is just asterisk.. fonality won't touch it
18:51.07cmw_[TK]D-Fender: thanks anyway
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18:55.40lmadsenlaughs along with russellb
18:56.52soulfreshnerI've set up a test asterisk box on a laptop I wasn't using - my sound quality is terrible. I'm only using sip - where can I set start tweaking?
18:57.11EI5GTBevening guys, ok. Sip phone (SIP/100) is on an external network, * is behind nat locally with sip port (5060) and rtp ports (as per rtp.conf) forwarded (udp) when the remote caller calls in, it connects up just fine, but no sound is heard, the following appears on the *cli
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18:58.54jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:59.18jayteewow, boss told me to go home early
19:00.06EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, i have followed those guides, and refollowed them twice
19:00.15[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: PASTEBIN
19:00.28jayteebe back later
19:00.31EI5GTBpastebin what?
19:00.41[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Show us your configs and realize you only described ONE END of the call.
19:01.03[TK]D-Fendermask only passwords
19:01.29EI5GTBok so.. sip.conf .. rtp.conf .. extensions.conf?
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19:03.34[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: rtp & sip
19:04.08ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'll bet you a newbie.smackdown that he missed "canreinvite=no"
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19:15.23soulfreshnerI get very bad sound quality testing on a LAN with asterisk running on a pIII 1000MHz (sip.conf:
19:15.38EI5GTBsorry for the delay
19:15.56EI5GTBdoing homework and running a business while trying to have fun with hobies
19:16.16[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Your sip.conf is woefully incomplete
19:16.45[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Right now I'd say you didn't follow much at all.
19:17.15[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: including the list of things I actually wanted to see.
19:17.50ManxPowerEI5GTB: It is considered rude to expect us to wait around for you to provide the requested information.  We are not paid to be here.
19:20.02ManxPowerBut I see that does not matter to you.
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19:20.50justdavethat's right, you're not being paid to be here, so there's no reason to expect an answer from you to come immediately when he finally answers either.  You could have walked off just as easily as he did, and taken a while to come back and see it, but instead you complain about having to wait for him.
19:20.51soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender:  EI5GTB did provide sip, rtp and extensions, didn't he?
19:21.19ManxPowerjustdave: and yet we don't normally do that.
19:21.58[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: I didn't want extensions, and I get a broken sip.conf
19:22.23[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: And thent here is the thought of waiting for it...
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19:23.23soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender:  oh - didn't mean to butt in - just thought you may have clicked on my paste by accident... we posted close together
19:23.39[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: for yours, what is on eaxh end of the call?
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19:24.06ManxPowersoulfreshner: are you using Linksys/SIPura devices?
19:24.33soulfreshnerx-lite sofphone on my main windows PC and an atcom phone on the same network... asterisk is running on an ubuntu machine
19:24.46ManxPowernot the problem I was thinking of then
19:25.05[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: try another softphone
19:25.21[TK]D-Fendersoul then try between 2 softphones
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19:25.40[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: this will help isolate if its software to blame
19:25.49soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender:  I tried just playing tt-weasels by calling on the atcom
19:25.52The-BatIs there any command which would give me the name of the queue from where the call has come ..??
19:25.57[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Or your Atcom.  Next, does it only sound bad for ONE party?
19:26.17EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, what else do you want? i have provided even pre than what you asked
19:26.17[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Does phone-phone sound bad?
19:26.22EI5GTBi have axplained the situation
19:26.35EI5GTBi have given a pastebin of errors
19:26.46[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: if thats your SIP.CONF as claimed you don't even have a heading for [general] OR a ton of the other essential settings
19:26.48EI5GTBi realise your not being payed for being here
19:27.07EI5GTBand im not getting payed to have a little fun with *
19:27.13ManxPowerEI5GTB: maybe you should read ATFOT and rebuild your sip.conf that is reasonably valid.
19:27.23soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender:  ok - so it seems it's only the playback of recordings - the sound quality seems fine between phones
19:27.36*** part/#asterisk jnials (
19:27.40EI5GTBi dont expect a whole hearted answer, just a little help, to boost me onto the first stap that is the * learning curve
19:27.45[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Don't confuse ManxPower's statements about "not being paid to help" with anything I have said.  If I have something to say, I speak for myself.
19:27.55[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: IS that your complete sip.conf?
19:28.16ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: you're paid to be here?
19:28.36soulfreshnerthinks [TK]D-Fender is swell :)
19:28.37EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, well spotted, its not
19:28.40[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: Then the problem is that your * was compiled with a GCC of 4.2 or higher which corrupts GSM playback.  Recompile with a lower version.
19:28.46EI5GTBi missed a chunk at the top
19:28.53EI5GTBexcuse me for jumping the gun
19:29.10CrashSysd-fender: or patch the Makefile and the private.h in the inc directory... :)
19:29.14nr4qcontemplates going back to sleep
19:29.15[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Please pay close attention when  talk to you.  I made specific notice of this twice and is something you should have caught onto and checked already
19:29.17soulfreshnerthanks [TK]D-Fender ...
19:29.23bkrusenewmember: Need some GUI help
19:29.40ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's obviously distracted. 8-|
19:29.41[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: That will help the GSM issue?
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19:30.20CrashSysd-fender: yeah... and
19:30.54newmemberbkruse: Thanks for the offer, I am looking at sipx today to complete my comparison, then we will see what the ourcome will be.  But thanks very much for reaching out.
19:31.01EI5GTBffs, i missed a [ as the very first char
19:31.03ManxPowerEI5GTB: I hope you have an [ as the first char of your file.
19:31.06EI5GTBbut it is in my real conf
19:31.22ManxPowerI give up.  He's ALL yours, [TK]D-Fender
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19:31.55CrashSysFender: Both of those patches are needed and they work with GCC 4.2 and 4.3 :)
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19:32.08[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Mergable as a global fix?
19:32.16bkrusenewmember: No problem, let me know when you need some help :)
19:33.03soulfreshnerhow do I select the compiler to use for compiling asterisk?
19:33.09[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: you should have an "externrefresh" set under [general] and please verify that your system can properly get DNS for your host.  Also what router are you using?  What exactly have your forwarded to *>  Is anything forwarded on yor remote phone's side?
19:33.21[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Can you help him on that one?
19:33.29soulfreshnerI have both gcc 4.2 and 3.4 installed
19:34.16[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner : I'd suggest trying CrashSys's patch as linked ablove
19:35.29EI5GTBshit, right, i have to leave now.. chat soon hopefully
19:36.17nr4qEI5GTB can't wait
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19:38.03[TK]D-Fenderis used to waiting...
19:38.34nr4qhurry up and wait... that's what I do a lot
19:38.49n9urkanyone know of any good code samples for dynamically routing calls based on area code (like in a sqlite table or mysql table)?
19:39.48n9urkarea code from the ANI
19:39.51[TK]D-Fendern9urk: Any simple call in your dialplan to match an area-code with a provider name would do.
19:40.08[TK]D-Fendern9urk: If you're referring to LCR for dialout.
19:40.12*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:40.19n9urk[TK]D-Fender: I mean for dial in
19:40.22[TK]D-Fendern9urk: if not please be more specific with the in's and out's
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19:40.38n9urk[TK]D-Fender: yeah on looking back I wasn't too specific
19:40.43LemensTShey all, what is your prefered click to call method? i see several here
19:40.43[TK]D-Fendern9urk: you can do any DB lookup you want based on CID.  What you do is up to you
19:40.54[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: web + AMI
19:41.21LemensTSTK: thanks
19:41.26n9urk[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I know, but do you know of some good code samples?  Sould I just look up AGI?
19:41.34[TK]D-Fendern9urk: no need ofr AGI
19:41.46[TK]D-Fendern9urk: go read the BOOK for func_odbc
19:42.05n9urk[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I wasn't sure what func to use
19:42.29[TK]D-Fendern9urk: There is a nice chapter in the book for this stuff... you should consider actually reading it.
19:42.45unpaidbilli'm trying to tune my pri tx/rx gain but not having any luck.  i have a # from my telco for the milliwatt tone but no matter what i put in rx/tx gain the quantitative indicator is always the same.  i adjust rxgain= and restart asterisk.  am i doing something wrong?
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19:43.38unpaidbilloh jesus i put it after the channel => line
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19:50.59soulfreshnercool - recompile fixed the sound quality issue...
19:51.20soulfreshnerthanks TK
19:51.49CrashSysfender: I would say those GSM patches are mergable as a global fix...
19:51.56CrashSysthey came from the digium bug tracker you know :)
19:52.22CrashSyswell, other then the gsm-1.4 makefile patch I removed the attempt to be graceful and just made it forcefully set the optimization to -O2
19:52.29CrashSysworks in 1.2 as well
19:52.51CrashSysNeed them both tho
19:55.27CrashSysOhh, and I got sidetracked with realworld, sorry I couldn't help him, but it seems he just read the metadata in the patch and figured out where to go :)
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20:16.33soulfreshnerhow do I make my queue exit? I've set timeout to 20 and put a t extension after my call to queue, but the queue never exits...
20:16.52[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: "core show application queue"
20:18.43soulfreshner[TK]D-Fender:  I don't understand it :(
20:19.14soulfreshnerwell - I don't understand what to do with the variables that's been set and how it helps me out the queue
20:19.48[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: this is a single line of dialplan.  If you have trouble reading the order of parameters and what they mean on that single page of instructions there is a problem...
20:20.21[TK]D-Fendersoulfreshner: I have pointed towards what exectly needs to be changed.  The relevent bit stands out like a sore thumb
20:21.42*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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20:29.25CrashSysRemember noobs, the Fender is as scared of you as you are of it...
20:29.46jeevfender is scared of noobs
20:29.54CrashSysnoobs ask noob questions
20:29.58soulfreshnerI still don't get it ...
20:30.06soulfreshnerwhat am I missing?
20:30.09[TK]D-Fenderwhispers "I hear dumb people..."
20:30.10*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (n=treed@kernel-panic/sex-machines)
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20:30.17tessier_Wow, 1.7 supports T.38 faxing! Sweet!
20:30.30tessier_I should upgrade my system. I just hate doing so because it is a bit complicated.
20:30.54tessier_Do any of the ATA's that you might plug into a fax support T.38? Or perhaps most of them do. I never looked into it much because asterisk didn't do T.38.
20:31.15tessier_I actually had surprising success just sending fax via VOIP with no T.38 but I know it's a roll of the dice.
20:31.27[TK]D-FenderI need to trash Windows on my primary home PC and go Linux so I can cross-backup my destop & server systems
20:31.37tessier_[TK]D-Fender: Yes, you do.
20:31.51tessier_A shame you can't get back that $100 even though you don't use the license anymore.
20:32.03[TK]D-Fendertessier_: What $100? :)
20:32.23[TK]D-Fendertessier_: Work-loaned license :)
20:32.27tessier_uh huh ;)
20:32.31tessier_Tell it to the judge.
20:32.43*** join/#asterisk LND (
20:32.48[TK]D-Fendertessier_: Oh it's legit, just didn't cost me a penny personally, and is entirely reusable
20:33.21[TK]D-FenderI'll wait for Ubuntu 8.10 to release and a week or two for the bugs to come out
20:34.18[TK]D-FenderI have little need for MS really...
20:34.24[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time.  heading home.
20:34.33ManxPowerUm, OEM Windows licenses are like $24 for large vendors aren't they?
20:37.05soulfreshnernvm - it turns out the timeout has to be specified in the queue context and cannot be specified globally
20:41.23soulfreshnerwhy would you ever use queue() without an 'n'?
20:41.59*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:cbb2:8293:0:0:0:0:1)
20:42.01soulfreshnerwhat would the point of a timeout be then?
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21:09.49esaymI want to do a project with asterisk.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  I want the phone to ring for 10 seconds or so and then prompt the caller to press 1 to leave voice mail or press 2 to transfer to an external number (ie. my cell phone)
21:09.59*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
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21:16.08[TK]D-Fenderesaym: that isn't a "prject", that is about 5 lines of dialplan.
21:16.24[TK]D-Fenderesaym: Go read up on IVR basics in teh BOOK & WIKI
21:16.27jbotsomebody said book was Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:16.28jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk dryrot (i=10539@tsunami.OCF.Berkeley.EDU)
21:17.35dryroti can't get DTMF working, what should i do?  i use ekiga and asterisk
21:17.40esaym[TK]D-Fender: that easy? sounds good thanks
21:18.08[TK]D-Fenderdryrot: make sure to set "dtmfmode=rfc2833" for your peer entry
21:18.22dryrot[TK]D-Fender: I did.  i tried that, and 'auto'.  doesn't work for me.
21:18.45[TK]D-Fenderdryrot: pastebin the CLI output of the failed call at verbose 10 along with your sip.conf entry for it.
21:18.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:22.45*** join/#asterisk StooJ (
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21:47.21[TK]D-Fenderwell times up, rebooting to work on other stuff...
21:47.23[TK]D-Fenderback later
21:58.40*** join/#asterisk M-I-A (
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22:55.03dryrotwhich version of asterisk should i install, in linux ?
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23:00.13savaticusHello, does anyone know why or if Digium stopped making the IAXy devices.
23:01.56[TK]D-Fendersavaticus: what do YOU think?
23:02.36[hC][TK]D-Fender: they discontinued it, and it doesnt say on that page, you know.
23:02.51savaticusYeah, trying to figure out the why
23:03.02[hC]no interest, probably.
23:03.04savaticusI love those things
23:03.22savaticusWe where buying 10 of them a month lol
23:03.37savaticusbest home user IAD on the market
23:03.43[hC]you can still buy them until stock runs out, but they have effectively discontinued production
23:03.44[TK]D-Fenderiaxy = bleh
23:03.49[hC]and are not planning on a replacement product
23:03.51savaticusjust a PiTA to configure
23:04.08[TK]D-FenderPITA to configure, low on options, overpriced, etc
23:04.25savaticusI have searched with no luck to find any other IAX hard phone
23:04.47*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
23:04.56savaticusthe joy of it is that it works behind a firewall without having an end use muss about the firewall settings.
23:06.20[hC]there is all the end of life announcements
23:07.33outtolunci thought they eol'd the *old one, not the new S101 series
23:08.07[hC]it just says 'IAXy' so i presume it means all of em
23:08.16outtoluncyep i see that.
23:08.24outtoluncfun fun
23:08.36outtoluncget'em while they last <G>
23:09.35EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, re our erlier discussusion, let me know if you cant remember, i had to run off, but in reply to yourt questions. If you mean can the dns address be sucsessfully resolved to the wan ip of my router, then yes. I have forwarded 5060 udp and the port range specified in rtp.sip and the same is forwarded on the phones side
23:10.10[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: NO forwarding on the remote side.
23:10.18*** part/#asterisk bradleyprice861 (
23:10.38EI5GTBit wont work with them forwarded?
23:10.47[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: it can screw things up
23:11.05EI5GTBthis was one of the first things i tried... then the guide said you dont have to, i assumed it would still work tho
23:12.01[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: rule of thumb : follow the instructions to the letter, THEN ask why things don't work
23:12.36EI5GTBok, well, thats the only deviation i have made, but refering to my knowledge of porsts, and port forwarding, it should meke no difference
23:12.48EI5GTBman my spelling sucks..
23:13.43[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Now pastebin an inbound call from the device with SIP debug enabled
23:14.32EI5GTB(it may take a minute, i have to phone someone to do it for me :P)
23:14.47[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: understandable
23:15.16*** join/#asterisk arpu (
23:15.25EI5GTBand considering its nearly 00:15 here, heh
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23:16.21[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Silly Brit....
23:16.45EI5GTBim irish
23:16.55rasterixis the help on core show application kept up to date?  i.e. Dial(Technology/resource[&Tech2/resource2...][|timeout][|options][|URL])
23:16.57EI5GTBdont get em mixed up :P
23:17.11[TK]D-FenderI didn't say ENGLISH.  Brit AKA "of the Brittish Isles"
23:17.20*** join/#asterisk talntid (
23:17.22rasterixpipe delimeters?
23:17.22[TK]D-FenderAnd an isle it is...
23:17.33EI5GTBwe are an independant state
23:17.35*** join/#asterisk nicudotro (n=nicu@
23:17.38EI5GTBknown as irelans
23:17.57[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Choas is not a politcally accepted entity ;)
23:17.58seanbrighti thought ireland was a country, not a state
23:18.03trnzmetasure to be sure?
23:18.07rasterixoh no and just when we thought that war was over
23:18.20EI5GTBim not even gonna get started
23:18.31EI5GTBwe fought for indapendance, and got it in 1916
23:18.34EI5GTBthats all im going to say
23:18.35[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Ok, fun times over, hop to it!
23:18.47rasterixsigh i asked an asterisk question back there
23:19.00rasterixit got lost in the political infighting *sigh*
23:19.05seanbrightrasterix: in 1.4 it was |
23:19.14[TK]D-Fenderrasterix: "|" is valid through 1.4 1.6 uses "," exclusively
23:19.15*** join/#asterisk simNIX (
23:19.25rasterixah ok
23:19.27*** join/#asterisk StephenF (
23:19.35EI5GTBright, i cant get any people to answer any phoines or radios
23:19.43EI5GTBso time to go do homework instead
23:19.54EI5GTBnotes how it takes 3 days to solve a 5 min problem
23:20.01rasterixso the core show application documentation is kept up to date?
23:20.16nicudotroHello, Did anyone try to install Wanpipe from Sangoma with DAHDI ?
23:20.19seanbrightrasterix: should be, yes.
23:20.25StephenFanyone know why I might be getting a garbled connection when dialing into a local extension that is configured to play back an audio file, but when I call my extension and put myself on hold the music is fine?
23:20.27rasterixk thnx
23:20.41seanbrightStephenF: i think there is a bug in mantis about that.
23:20.53StephenFseanbright: for 1.4?
23:21.01StephenFok i'll check, thanks
23:21.04rasterixi installed Wanpipe from Sagoma but with mah MAHMI
23:21.22rasterixshe loves her asterisk
23:21.26EI5GTB[TK]D-Fender, im off, thanks for your time. sorry im a bit... sparse in the concentration end of things :P
23:23.16[TK]D-FenderEI5GTB: Positively bucolic.....
23:23.16rasterixuhoh... dictionary time
23:23.45rasterixdefine: positively
23:24.12[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Can happen if you compiled * with GCC 4.2+.  GSM codec gets misoptimized and causes nasty noise in playback
23:24.35nicudotroI have asterisk 1.6 beta9 installed  and I was considering installing the latest version which I noticed does not have chan_zap anymore
23:24.36StephenF[TK]D-Fender: i think im using g711 codec
23:24.49StephenFsimilar problem with that codec or no?
23:24.58[TK]D-Fenderrasterix: "you positively should grab that active cathode" ;)
23:25.18[TK]D-FenderStephenF: Good odds the sound file being transcoded back to you is in GSM <-
23:25.35[TK]D-FenderStephenF: transcoding with GSM is what fails
23:25.50[TK]D-FenderStephenF: *'s stock sounds come as GSM by default
23:26.16StephenF[TK]D-Fender: there are .ulaw and .alaw files in my sounds folder, wouldnt it just use those?
23:26.16rasterix"GSM the darling of *"
23:26.31StephenFOr do i need to specify to use those
23:26.44[TK]D-FenderStephenF: the right files in the right place, yes.  But your description fits this common scenario to a tee
23:27.05StephenFweird, I wonder why i would be transcoding
23:27.20StephenFDo I have to recompile inorder to fix that issue?
23:28.10StephenFIm definetly on GCC 4.2
23:29.59*** join/#asterisk Danskmand (
23:30.16russellbnicudotro: please read the latest release announcements.  they explain why chan_zap is not there.
23:30.42DanskmandHi :-) - Has anyone of you installed asterisk as a faxserver ? - Send AND receive ?
23:31.18DanskmandMaybe with mISDN ?
23:31.37*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:33.12ManxPowerDanskmand: Your extensive search using Google was not helpful?
23:33.26ManxPowerNor was your search?
23:33.48russellbthis channel might as well be #justfuckinggoogleit
23:34.27DanskmandWell, I have tried google....but the info is mostly from 2004 or 2005....kinda old...
23:34.45DanskmandEspecially with mISDN....
23:34.49rasterixdanskmand dont be put off keep going someone will help you
23:37.38coppiceDanskmand: you are right. googling tells you little about the current state of mISDN. all you'll find is a lot of old and conflicting information. the latest news is mISDN stinks and always has.
23:37.48Danskmandrasterix: Thank you ! - I have tried several things, asked many ppl, getting agreed that there are mostly older info on the net, even several ppl telling me they ran into a "wall" for info's (incomplete or outdaed infos) - they gave up on it and now use old-style faxes (hardware), hooked up to a linux-system somehow.....
23:39.05coppiceDanskmand: that seems to be the general conclusion. mISDN cannot supply a sufficiently reliable audio stream to a software FAX implemenation.
23:39.17[TK]D-FenderDanskmand: And I have already answered your question to the point you required.
23:39.18StephenFare the sample files transcoded when compliling asterisk or do they come pre-transcoded?
23:39.24StephenFsample sounds
23:39.39[TK]D-FenderStephenF: the ones that are selected by default are GSM
23:40.07StephenF[TK]D-Fender: ok, I selected the G711 when compiling. So shouldnt that bypass the transcoding problem?
23:40.34StephenFI dont understand why I would be transcoding if the sounds are G711 and the phone is using G711
23:41.23rasterixstephenf: why not try recompiling see if it fixes the problem and then if you still care go back to it?
23:41.39coppiceStephenF: because they think working a CPU hard to reduce voice quality is cool?
23:41.41Danskmandcoppice: Well, right now I am using capi4linux and lovely, but is not supported on newer Linux'es....So I am searching for a good substitude....But I have read sooo much about different sollutions so I am totally confused...
23:42.34coppiceDanskmand: BRI on linux is in a sad state. There are several options, but none of them are reliable.
23:43.00rasterixBRI is dying anyway...
23:43.10[TK]D-FenderStephenF: go verify it
23:43.18DanskmandCoppice: RIGHT ! - I think so too !
23:43.20[TK]D-FenderStephenF: And what are you listening on?
23:43.56StephenF[TK]D-Fender: verify what? Im using X-Lite softphone, set to use ulaw or alaw
23:44.10coppiceDanskmand: it is especially sad when you consider how similar BRI and PRI are, and that PRI is quite well supported these days
23:44.36DanskmandBut its not dying....Many company's are using it because it is right there wih minimum risk of being faked...
23:45.54rasterixbri was a failure it never lived up to the hype... it will die
23:46.06Danskmandwell, you can write in an email what you want, but faking a fax by putting in different information is hard to do so it doesnt show...
23:46.14[TK]D-FenderStephenF: pastebin the cli output of your distorted call at verbose 10
23:46.38rasterixthats -vvvvvvvvvv
23:46.38DanskmandWhat is BRI ?
23:47.08DanskmandIS it VOIP ?
23:47.16coppiceDanskmand: er, no it isn't. FAX is very fakable. However, FAXes are accepted by courts, which may be bogus but is very very useful
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23:48.19Danskmandcoppice: Well, its at least accepted as being hard to fake...
23:48.39DanskmandPlus, companys
23:48.56rasterix< off to send mass bogus fax from everyone in the uk making a donation to rasterisks new charity
23:49.14Danskmandaccept it as a "pre-sign" of a contract....
23:49.40DanskmandSending it takes 3-4 days via snail-mail....
23:49.58rasterixstill perhaps you ought to know what BRI is before you think about writing a fax server
23:50.17coppiceDanskmand: because of things like Sarbanes Oxley FAX is actually growing in many areas. strange world we live in :-)
23:50.33*** join/#asterisk mirrorcolor (n=mirrorco@unaffiliated/mirrorcolor)
23:52.26ManxPowerrasterix: You must be an USAian
23:52.56ManxPowerBecause in much of the world BRI was and continues to be a success.
23:53.12ManxPowerIt's the USA market where the telcos really screwed up BRI
23:53.15coppicenot much of the world. just europe
23:53.18rasterixnope uk
23:53.36ManxPowercoppice: "much of the world" is Europe 8-)
23:54.01coppicewe 40% of the human race living in Asia might argue with that
23:54.23ManxPowercoppice: what percentage of the world phone lines does Asia have?
23:54.48coppicelines or phones? asia is heavy with GSM
23:55.11ManxPowerLines, we are not really talking about mobile here.
23:55.41DanskmandRasterix: Ooh....Now I see...You are talking about the s0 and the s2m standards..,,,
23:55.47ManxPowerIn any case, BRI is thriving in Europe.
23:55.53rasterixI quote "BRI was intended to service terminal devices and samller sites... but BRI has laregely been deprecated in favour of faster, less expensive technologies..." < the book says u r blasphemers!
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23:56.18ManxPowerrasterix: perhaps the book is talking about DATA on BRI?
23:56.28coppiceChinese makers say almost all BRI hardware goes to .eu
23:57.12coppicerasterix: I wonder what the author's blinkers look like?
23:57.23ManxPowerrasterix: What technology is replacing BRI.  I'm not awate of anything that transports plain voice calls any faster than a BRI.
23:57.57coppicenothing is replacing BRI. the author is clearly too internt-centric to see the wood for the trees
23:58.09ManxPowerIf you mean that BRI is pretty much a failure for DATA, then I totally agree.
23:58.22coppiceBRI was always primarily a voice system
23:58.26ManxPowercoppice: that is the point I was trying to make.
23:58.37DanskmandWell, BRI is replaced....In data DSL....
23:58.45DanskmandBut in Voice...
23:59.31coppiceinterestingly, although BRI was successful for lines, it was a total failure for phones. very few BRI phones are shipped
23:59.45DanskmandAnd in the US its harder to realize because of the huge size of the country...
23:59.51coppicehence G.722 never took off
23:59.55StephenFI had this same problem with my last config, and I changed something and then the audio was fine. But I cant remember what it was

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