IRC log for #asterisk on 20080912

00:00.34mchoujaytee: in other words telemarketer machinery is smart enough to ignore audio SIT
00:01.38mchouplus there is some poetic justice when telemarketers call me, trying to get a live person, and instead I use a machine to entrap a live telemarketer :)
00:01.51jayteeand because the FCC exists solely to be total slut whores for big business and don
00:02.16Rienzillayou can also insult all telemarketeers :)
00:02.24Rienzillajust for fun
00:02.31mchoujaytee: true, but I actually think DNC is improvement over "before"
00:02.34jayteedon't really care about consumers they can even use 800 trunks for dialing out and mask it with a normal long distance number.
00:03.10mchouRienzilla: no, they are used to insults.  Fun is not the objective.  Costing "them" is.
00:03.22*** join/#asterisk rasterix (
00:04.07mchoujaytee: I use
00:04.16mchouquite effective really
00:04.52mchoujaytee: kind of like spamhaus for telemarketers
00:04.55rasterixhey ppl
00:05.33rasterixwill anyone that has a complex extensions.conf that doesnt have private info in it let me have a copy?
00:05.54rasterixi have a syntax checker that im "checking"
00:06.21mchouby definition all extensions.conf have private info :)
00:06.34rasterixhah thanks mchou
00:06.44mchouI'm not kidding
00:07.14mchourasterix: you know there's been hackers trying arbitrary extensions and whatnot
00:07.20rasterixok extensions.conf that do not contain private info that can be exploited
00:07.48mchouhow's that better given what I said?
00:08.02mchourasterix: you know there's been hackers trying arbitrary extensions and whatnot <=
00:08.15jayteewho needs a syntax checker? I just use dialplan reload and look for errors :-)
00:08.24Rienzillasecurity by obscurity is useless anyway :)
00:09.15rasterixmchou: im not social engineering here
00:09.28mchourasterix: I didnt say you were
00:09.53rasterixjaytee: better to find the errors before you load them
00:10.15mchourasterix: just explaining why some ppl might be reluctant is all
00:10.33rasterixmchou: well if they are concerned then dont share
00:10.39rasterixi made that clear
00:11.29jayteerasterix, was just kidding
00:11.49*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=eric@
00:11.52rasterixjaytee: np
00:12.46rasterixjaytee: i take a lot of abuse in here for thinking about ways to improve asterisk... so im a little defensive
00:13.18jayteeya gotta have a thick skin to play with the big boys
00:14.07rasterixit seems we all gotta use a primitive text editor and suffer typos the hardway... or u arent worthy of asterisk
00:14.49jayteeI wouldn't consider VIM a primitive text editor
00:15.00rasterixlol ok fair point
00:15.06rasterixbut you know what i mean
00:15.29heedlyzomg rasterix you are awesome!
00:15.32rasterixim not gonna knock vim
00:15.36heedlythis is the best investion since cookies!
00:15.56jayteewhat an investion?
00:16.12rasterixnot sure...
00:16.16rasterixsounds painful
00:16.44jayteeand the best one ever from the sound of it.
00:17.23rasterixlol yeah
00:17.46heedlyif only I was using your app
00:17.57heedlyand not some primative text enterer
00:18.10rasterixpeople like you that cant type... need it
00:18.13heedlyrasterix: you deserve nothing but praise!
00:18.27heedlycause you write the bestest software!
00:18.38jayteeheedly, put down the crack pipe and step away from the table
00:18.44rasterix*yawn* another lamer
00:19.09heedlywell you seems sad no one was giving you positive attention.
00:19.35rasterixyou need to run a grammatical parser on your chat
00:19.44heedlyyou know what I mean.
00:19.59jayteebecause you sound like Jar Jar Binks on acid
00:20.02heedlyI've got important programs to write!
00:20.15mchouhaha.  JJB on acid
00:20.35rasterixperhaps it can issue you warnings... "hit enter and you will confirm you failed high school english"
00:20.52heedlyyes I fail :(
00:20.57heedlyI can't spell on IRC's
00:21.06heedlywill the 13 year olds in the room forgive me
00:21.08heedlyplz ?
00:21.28heedlyoh wait they are writting important awesome programs.
00:21.49rasterixheedly: dont worry ppl are sympathetic to dementia sufferers these days
00:22.01*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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00:35.24sapereomg compiling asterisk for solaris 9 is so much fun i can hardly stand it
00:35.37seanbrightit compiles!?
00:35.41saperei love editing Makefiles
00:36.18sapereyes, it compiles. once i tell it where things are (and/or find and pkgadd them)
00:36.43seanbrighthave a diff?
00:37.09sapereit's from the repo
00:39.36*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:40.16saperei don't need to compile in the zaptel source unless i have a need for FSX/FSO drivers, correct?
00:40.43seanbrightyou need ztdummy
00:40.49seanbrightfor timing
00:41.04sapered'oh, ok
00:41.26saperealready building asterisk now, guess i'll build zaptel afterwards
00:41.43saperewon't even build?
00:42.01seanbrightit will build
00:42.23sapereit will build ... badly?
00:42.30seanbrightbut it won't use ztdummy if it's not there before you compile asterisk
00:42.32seanbrightinstall zaptel
00:42.37rasterixcompile order > zaptel > asterisk
00:42.38seanbrightre-run configure in asterisk
00:42.53seanbrightmake distclean;./configure --foo-bar=yay
00:43.10seanbrightwhere foo-bar=yay are your configure options
00:44.06sapereok thanks for the help, btw
00:44.09rasterixmake menuselect
00:44.23seanbrightwhich should work on solaris now, btw.
00:44.44saperedon't really want to rebuild the solaris kernel tonight
00:44.51seanbrightno no
00:44.58seanbright'make menuselect' in asterisk
00:45.04sapereyeah, sorry bad joke
00:45.11seanbrightit was hilarious.
00:46.18*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:46.23*** join/#asterisk dieno (i=771e6d4d@gateway/web/ajax/
00:46.45dienodoes any one have experience of using mysql cmd in 1.6
00:49.58rasterixdieno: silence normally means noone is confident enough to make a sarcastic retort
00:51.43rasterixanyway bedtime for me
00:51.45rasterixbye all
00:51.52*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
00:53.42jblackdieno: I'm familiar with it at best.
00:54.57dienohmm i am sending mysql cmd same as i have in 1.4 but not response
00:55.04dienodont know whats wrong
00:55.12jblackYeah. I can't help you with version porting. sorry.
00:55.42jblackHow about dodging the problem with agi? That possible?
00:55.46dienoits a testing small script
00:56.14jblackscript, or dialplan? I understand agi pretty well?
00:57.33dienoohh mi mean dialplan
00:58.01jblackOh well.
00:58.08dienohmmm :-\
00:58.26dienoamazing same thing working on 1.6 RC and same thing making prb on 1.6 Beta9
00:58.31jblackFor the least, I can give you a sarcastic statement that rasterix says is owed you.
00:58.43jblackOnly sissys use mysql. Real men use postgresql.
00:59.08dienook superman
01:00.16jblackI'd try again in an hour, and again during early afternoon, US time. There tends to be more people about.
01:00.17*** join/#asterisk XlOaFX (
01:00.18Alton2uses Postgres. But mysql works ok enough, and they're making it better.
01:00.42jblackThat is a good point. Mysql hasn't eaten my data for at least two years.
01:01.22Alton2Didn't Sun buy them or something?  They're going to put a stop to that crap.
01:01.36jblackI think so. Them, or someone equivilant.
01:02.07Alton2It does have the benefit of being a little more popular, and so easier for people to get going who aren't super computer experts.
01:02.14Alton2Distros include it more, stuff like that.
01:02.36jblackCertainly much more popular. I'm not aware of any distros that carry only one, though.
01:02.56Alton2I'm a computer guy, and even I have had trouble getting postgres/php/slackware working from time to time.
01:03.12dienobut superman dont :)
01:03.18Alton2I don't know for sure.  Meanwhile, I thought DB2 was also available, or informix or something.
01:03.19jblackThen again, George Bush got elected president, twice, so popularity doesn't necessarily indicate quality.
01:03.42Alton2He's popular with me... but that is another matter.  :-)
01:03.42jblackdieno: I think you might fit right in. ;)
01:03.56jblackIs that a typo?
01:04.22dienohmm may b :D
01:04.40Alton2aha, time to eat, that is going to take precedence over computers for a few minutes.  back in a bit.
01:05.02jblackOk, bye. That was a serious question. I'm not going to give you the third degree or anything.
01:09.22oilinki3good morning
01:11.25*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
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01:29.28Alton2it's ok, I am not afraid to exlain my position when asked to do so.
01:30.01*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
01:42.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:42.47*** join/#asterisk geoff2010 (n=geoffrey@
01:54.16Alton2gets excited. :-)
01:54.38*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
01:57.40jayteehahahaaa, good one. liked the Cat Scratch Fever music in the background
01:58.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Suble.......
01:59.04[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "If she shoots you in the face, thats because she's aiming for it..."
01:59.06jayteemmmm, not so much
02:00.47*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
02:02.05*** part/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
02:03.02Alton2I thought the "P(B)S" was subtle.
02:04.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, think I've got my MOH thing figured out. I'm gonna test with the speaker pair of a handset using the FXS port of the SPA3102 setup as hotline to an extension that just plays MOH, then if that works I can breadboard a bunch of analog line taps using a 600ohm isolation transformer, a 250V MOV (varistor) and a 180 ohm resistor on the line side of the transformer in parallel that'll drop the line voltage to go off-hook.
02:05.05jayteeparts will cost me less than 10 bucks each
02:05.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Why don't you just run a console Alsa channel?
02:07.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, because the PA units are going to be scattered all over the zoo and while he'd settle for a single MOH source, ideally we'd like to have different zones have the ability to provide different MOH selections.
02:08.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I have to say tapping an fxs hot-line with a constant-up channel =fugly
02:09.59jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah, I'm also looking at other solutions. I could have one centralized setup for audio source and feed the audio over phone pairs from an amplifier and just loop the lines for each area that will use the same source and have single lines for the other areas that want different music and not have to burden Asterisk with the audio.
02:10.39jayteeor just a cheap little MP3 player with a line jack to bare wire instead of a headset at each location.
02:11.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Now how does this multi-zone MoH source fit with the paging?
02:13.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, each of the PA units from Valcom have an FXO port that plugs into the FXO port on an SPA3102 and there is also a two pin audio connection for music. When the PA channel isn't active and there is a music source on the music "port" music plays and if I dial the FXO port the PA goes active and the music is muted by the unit.
02:14.19jayteeif only the Page application supported MOH
02:15.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Funky but you need a way to keep the channels up and stable... not pretty, and you'r having to sources this audio from somewhere as well...
02:15.18jayteebecause the way I've got it figured I'll use the Page application to dial one or more units since using Dial will mean that whichever one picks up first goes active and the others will remain on hook
02:16.56jaytee[TK]D-Fender, my boss got approval for me to take Advanced Asterisk training in October!
02:17.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ok, for whatever that implies I hope it fulfills your needs & expectations.
02:17.51jaytee[TK]D-Fender, for the audio, I'd rather just go with an el Cheapo little portable MP3 player for each zone.
02:18.13*** join/#asterisk denon (
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02:18.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: definitely saner....
02:18.59jaytee[TK]D-Fender, Valcom's VOIP product solution is much more flexible but the cost is almost an order of magnitude higher.
02:19.37jayteethe VOIP unit is only 900 bucks but the PA amplified VOIP speaker horns are 500 bucks each and they're only 5 watt speakers.
02:19.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Here's a GOOD idea : Get some cheap radio transmitters & recievers and run those to your remote points and you centralize the transmission.
02:20.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No doubt cheaper than the MP3 player method, reduce (c) issues, etc...
02:20.39[TK]D-Fender(presuming private ttransmission is not counted as "broadcasting"
02:20.59*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
02:21.18jblacklooks for ~ 150 channel cards
02:25.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, hadn't really given radio transmitter/receiver system much thought. I'll have to check out what's available. Some of our buildings are pretty "opaque" to FM radio and cellular though.
02:25.29jblackJust 2.5k, huh
02:25.51jayteejblack, what are looking at?
02:26.02jblackI'm looking at the A108
02:26.12jayteefrom Sangoma?
02:27.12jayteewell, that'll do ya for channels for sure
02:27.35jaytee8 T'1 on one card though, yuck
02:27.56jblackYeah. That does seem like an awful lot of work for one card.
02:28.39jayteeI wasn't thinking so much of the work as the "what if it breaks" side of the equation. too many VIP eggs in one basket.
02:29.38heedlythe smaller footprint may be useful in some cases.
02:29.42jblackThat's a good point. A pair of servers with an a104 each would be a much safer idea.
02:29.54heedlyA carrier for example with several hundred.
02:30.40*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB (
02:30.45jblackThis is for a place that should have plenty of space for two servers that live and die with the phone system.
02:30.58lmadsenI have a project I'm gonna be working on where we're actually abstracting the T1s out to separate T1<-->SIP gateways in order to not be restricted to a single server for the T1s
02:31.29lmadsenwe're mostly just shifting it to the gateway and hoping that doesn't die, but since it doesn't do as much, the risk should be lower
02:31.48jayteelmadsen, what T1/SIP gateway product are you looking at?
02:31.53jblackI tend to use straight voip as backup, since the unused costs are negligible.
02:32.07Alton2Why not use a cisco router to bridge between T1s and SIP?  More reliable than those cards.....
02:32.25jblackI have a grudge with cisco.
02:32.39Alton2I'm developing one, but they're reliable.
02:33.14jblackgrumbles something about until they give a hassle over providing replacement firmware for a vulnerability.
02:33.15lmadsenjaytee: I think they are from adtran
02:33.51Alton2We had 6 of those 4-T1 cards, 3 in each server, frequent problems, plugged lines directly into Cisco, end of problems.
02:33.59jayteelmadsen, I'm familiar with their CSU's, we use them at my work but I've never looked at their gateway equipment
02:34.14lmadsenya, I'm not in charge of that part :)
02:34.24lmadsenI'm just in charge of the asterisk clustering and queues
02:34.33*** join/#asterisk mog (
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02:35.05seanbrightlmadsen: i added your other button.
02:35.15seanbrightlmadsen: don't say i never gave you anything.
02:35.16jblackAlton2: Hmm. Think you may have saturated the pci bus?
02:35.22jayteeAlton2, what model Cisco router does T1 to SIP ?
02:35.22seanbrightlmadsen: save & exit / ext
02:35.36lmadsenseanbright: I will still say you gave me nothin' though
02:35.41lmadsenI'm a bit of a bastard though
02:35.46lmadsenbut I'm pretty sure you like that
02:35.48seanbrightlmadsen: that makes two of us
02:35.59lmadsenyou coming to astricon?
02:36.02seanbrighti am not
02:36.04lmadsenthat sucks
02:36.05seanbrightsister's wedding
02:36.08seanbrighton the 27th
02:36.09Alton2Actually we had a few T1s, so removed Adtran units from in between and plugged DS3 directly into Cisco, 5400 model, although 5300s work fine and cost $7,500 or less.
02:36.12lmadsenshe'll get married again
02:36.15seanbrighti KNOW
02:36.22seanbrighti tried telling her that... she didn't appreciate it
02:36.24lmadsenastricon 2008 only happens once
02:36.34seanbrighti know
02:36.38seanbrighti go
02:36.39lmadsennight bud
02:40.47jblacklmadsen: Hmmm. How many times will astricon '09 happen? =)
02:40.55lmadsenat least once
02:41.48jayteeactually astricon 2009 will never happen. the world ended on wednesday when the turned on the LHC, no one's noticed yet because we're stuck in a causality loop.
02:42.12jblackjaytee: That's not when the LHC will end the world. It won't be for another month or so.
02:42.20Alton2Too much pseudo-science on TV.
02:42.34jayteejblack, you've got to remember to cc me on these memos
02:42.42jblackjaytee: Sorry. I'll get you a link
02:43.00lmadsenthey haven't used full power yet
02:43.07lmadsenprobably won't end for almost a year
02:43.22Alton2Cosmic rays that arrive all the time are much more powerful than they will ever generate.
02:44.14jayteelast nite someone in ubuntuforums posted a link that was supposed to be about a fix for problems with Avant Window Navigator. turned out to be a flash video of a guy and horse having sex.
02:44.29jayteesomedays I just want to cancel my internet service.
02:44.40jblackWhat? I gave a valid link!
02:45.14jblackI've never bene on a farm. Is sex between men and horses even... functionally practical?
02:45.27jayteeI know, but I'm just saying that if you hang in IRC you're taking a risk.
02:45.33jblackI would think there would be some sort of adaptor issue there...
02:45.46jayteejblack, I'm sorry but I didn't bookmark the link, I was too busy vomiting
02:45.48jblackSay.. an rj11 in an rj45
02:46.02Alton2I don't think the horse would be very impressed.
02:46.23jayteeI'd rather have been RickRolled
02:46.30Alton2I'm watching the CERN rap video.
02:46.40jblackSpeaking of nasty crap, I watched about 30 seconds of "porn of the living dead"
02:46.41jayteeI've seen that one
02:47.17jblackCERN rapping, or zombie pr0n?
02:47.46jblackomg. That's proof we entered a black hole. In one sentence, I mentioned pron, zombies, CERN and rapping.
02:47.54jblackDamn you, LHC!
02:47.58jayteejblack, I didn't believe any of the LHC paranoia horseshit going around anyways. Besides which the thing will take about 2 to 3 years to reach full power.
02:48.27russellbwell luckily you can just watch the webcams and verify that everything is still good -
02:48.54jblackI don't think the world's going to end either, but then again, I'm not exactly qualified as I lack about 4 of the 4 PHDs I'd need to make a solid judgement.
02:48.54Alton2I just like the scientific geek babes in the video.
02:48.58jayteeum, I meant I'd seen the CERN rap video, I haven't seen the "porn of the living dead" so I guess I should count my blessings.
02:50.08jblackI do see it as eventually possible that some narrowly focused researcher is going to say "oops" just before the earth becomes uninhabitable.
02:50.52*** part/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
02:51.20jblackYou should. It's a lot of porn, and very little zombie. In fact, just a couple dirty, nekkid, people in a ditch, with a shovel, doing what you can imagine.
02:51.22jaytee"uh-oh! That's not gonna be good!" POOF!
02:52.50jblackSeti's nowhere proof, but it's kinda creepy to me that we havent' found anything yet, even though the numbers as I crunch them indicate "of course not"
02:53.16jayteeor it could be some new guy on the job, "hey, what's this yellow button do?" "DON'T PRESS THAT!!!!" "Oooops!" (sound of klaxon)
02:53.39Alton2I wonder if the proof is not all around us.  So many similar stories about things.  Things happened to me in my youth that I only understood when I read about them later.
02:53.54jblackSeriously! Some rainman janitor could end the world with an "uh oh! uh oh! uh o..."
02:54.34jblackEveryone saw what happened in the mist, and that must be true becuase it's a movie. ;)
02:55.11jayteejblack, it's a really big freaking universe. We've only had radio for a little over a century and reception capability in the hydrogen emission bands for a little over half a century.
02:55.29jblackLike I said, of course not.
02:55.35jayteesignals could still come some day as long as someone's still listening.
02:55.54*** join/#asterisk rpm (
02:56.08Alton2I think the whole thing is way past the sending-radio-signals-around stage.
02:56.11rpmif i don't give a tdm400p with an fxs module power, it will function as fxo right?
02:56.12jblackI do serious think, though, that there's a point in which one should do experimental physics on the only planet with the species.
02:56.39jblackshould not.
02:56.59Alton2People used to think the H-bombs would do the same thing.
02:57.02jayteewhat, you think seeing what happens if you mix a quart of milk with a quart of anti-milk is a bad idea? :-)
02:57.19jblackYou'd curdle our local spacetime!
02:57.33Alton2You ever seen "Trinity and Beyond" on the Discovery channel?  Interesting footage of different atomic bomb blasts.
02:57.35jayteeor make some really smelly cheese!
02:57.47*** join/#asterisk Levonk (n=lk@
02:58.05jblackAlton2: If there was certainty on the results for experiments, would one carry them out?
02:58.21jaytee"Behold, I have become Death, shatterer of worlds"
02:58.37Alton2I believe in the bell curve.  Do a lot of what's normal and accepted, and a little bit at each of the spectrum to see what might pop up.
02:59.03Alton2Oppenheimer, right?  Quoting someone else, can't remember whom.
02:59.11jblackI don't think LHC will kill us... but imagine some sort of... GILHC (Google's Immensely Large Hadron Collider)
02:59.28jayteebullshit! like the song goes, "Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight, you gotta kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight"
02:59.56jayteeAlton2, Oppenheimer quoting the Bhagavad Gita
03:00.22jblackI'm not unreasonable in wanting care until we've colonized a second planet!
03:00.34jayteejblack, I agree
03:01.03jayteemost of our more dangerous experiments should be at a Lagrange point like L4 or L5
03:01.06Alton2I figure we're in much more danger from biological or nuclear war than from a physics experiment gone awry.
03:02.32jayteeif we were really smart we'd just bypass Mars and go straight to the Belt and Jupiter. Mine the asteroids for metals and use ship that could dip through Jupiter's atmosphere and collect hydrogen to ship back here.
03:02.53Alton2hah, we have more than enough hydrogen here, in the water
03:03.04Alton2and energy , in the form of sunlight
03:03.23lmadsenwe have plenty of energy, we just aren't very efficient with it
03:03.25Alton2Tesla said more than 100 years ago that it was a shame to use oil and gas when we could be using renewable energy.
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03:03.44Alton2We just need to shift gears.  People are slow to change, unfortunately.
03:03.46jayteeAlton2, the upfront costs would be high but then once we had the infrastructure, getting hydrogen from a gas giant would be cheaper than separating it out from salt water.
03:04.12Alton2Hm, you'd have to spend energy decelerating it and making it fall back to here.  Kinda odd.
03:04.18jblackScrew jupiter. Grab all that methane from.. Europa, is it?
03:04.26jayteeor Titan
03:04.31jblackOne of the two
03:05.01lmadsenI think it seems silly to have to develop lots of technology and spend lots of energy to get energy
03:05.07lmadsenit's already coming to us
03:05.08jayteebut in the long run we should move our industrial base off planet into orbit and turn the land back over to agrarian purposes.
03:05.10jblackAnd while we're at it, can we swing by mercury for some heavy metals? The earth pantry is running low.
03:05.29jayteethe Belt's full of heavy metals
03:05.51jblackI thought that stuff was mostly h20 and silicate
03:05.52Alton2I think we should just make lots of solar cells.  Make the change and get it over with.
03:06.09jblackTo make enough solar cells, we'll need more exotic metals than we have, methinks.
03:06.20*** join/#asterisk wacky___ (
03:06.29jayteegermanium is in very short supply
03:06.31lmadsenespecially before we run out of oil, since it typically requires oils and gases to manufacture renewable technologies
03:06.37wacky___what's up with those Magic Button and Voice Recognition techs ?
03:06.42Alton2John Deere is starting to make diesel-electric tractors now.
03:06.45wacky___Is anything of the sort going to be released in open source ??
03:07.06lmadsenwacky___: voice recognition is very complicated and expensive to develop
03:07.14wacky___yeah, I understand
03:07.32lmadsensorry, some technologies you're just going to have to pay for
03:07.33jblacksurely geologists call them "rare earth metals" for a reason.
03:07.55wacky___not if a bunch of people get together and work hard..
03:08.03Alton2Aw, they all exist in sea water, if only we had enough energy to get them out economically.
03:08.17wacky___lmadsen - because if this "magic button" thing is *the* way we're going to place our calls in the future..
03:08.31wacky___there is no way open source projets will survive without having that feature
03:08.32jayteewacky___, there are few open source projects out there but the product is still immature. I use a closed source software for linux with Asterisk, Lumenvox.
03:08.36jblackwacky___: Your "can do" attitude is awesome. When can we expect your "We did it Good!" release?
03:09.26jayteewacky___, was your great grandfather the guy that said, "If a man travels faster than 30mph he will die!"
03:09.55jblackWhere is queen's university?
03:10.18jayteeor maybe his great, great, great grandfather was the guy who suggested closing the patent office because everything worthwhile had already been invented back in 1787.
03:10.27jblackPlease tell me that's "The Queen, her majesty's college" and not a college in queens new york.
03:10.44wacky___jaytee - ?
03:10.50jblackOh. Ireland. Home of the Steorn Orbo wants to teach jedi mind tricks in college.
03:11.14*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:11.19jayteejblack, there's a Queens University in Canada too
03:11.40jblackThis one is in belfast.
03:11.44wacky___jaytee - don't you think Asterisk lives in big part because of the community ?
03:11.52jayteethe other is in Kingston, Ontario
03:12.12jblack'The UK's first Jedi course is on offer at Queen's University Belfast in November and hopes to attract Star Wars fans and introduce them to the joys of continuing their education through open learning. According to its publicity material, the course 'Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way' teaches the "real-life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks".
03:12.44jayteewacky___, I think Asterisk lives in big part because people use it but without the community it wouldn't be as successful true enough.
03:12.53jblackNice to see America has some competition on stupidity, these days. =)
03:13.17jayteejblack, they can compete all they want but we'll always win in that arena.
03:13.41jblackWell, they don't have the bush family, so I can't argue that point...
03:13.54jayteeor American Idol
03:14.06jblackOr the Hiltons.
03:14.34wacky___jaytee - hmm.. I'm just wondering what will users do when all other PBX, all the company PBX around them, all the phone systems they use have voice recognition to place their calls ("call Jim", "transfert to Jack")...
03:14.40jayteeor the type of political system where no one talks issues and each side just hurls slander.
03:15.22wacky___what will they think of the open source thing that barely does what we did in ol' days..
03:15.26jblackwacky___: Perhaps speech recognition is a difficult subject that requires a lot of expensive education.
03:15.41jayteewacky, for less than a thousand bucks I can equip an asterisk server with a 5 port voice recoginition engine.
03:16.14wacky___of an open source project that you need to pay to get "normal features"
03:16.36jblackThe strongest and weakest point of free software is that providing something you want is _your_ responsibility, and not the responsibility of others. =)
03:16.43wacky___exactly :)
03:16.45jayteeand I've just finished developing a speech recognition enabled IVR with Lumenvox to replace a 20K+ one that interfaces with my old Nortel PBX.
03:16.55jblackSo... You want this, right?
03:17.19wacky___jblack - yeah for sure... I was just wondering if it was in Digium's plans to push something into the open source world..
03:17.36jblackNot that I've heard. It's your responsibility anyways.
03:17.48wacky___but now it's in a delicate position, having partnerships..
03:17.53wacky___yeah, that's true
03:18.00Alton2Oh, don't be hard on him, not everyone is a programmer.
03:18.20jayteemost of the really decent functional speech recognition algorithms are patented.
03:18.20jblackIt's nice that you're taking it on, because a lot of people will be able to use your work.
03:18.41wacky___jblack - :P
03:18.44jblackAlton2: There's a lot more to a project than coding. If he's a good organizer, then he can just work at getting the right people organized together.
03:18.56wacky___but don't you guys think that this particular feature, is really to determine the future of telephony ?
03:19.05Alton2I know what you mean.
03:19.26wacky___and it's not just the "who's responsible" game ?
03:19.34jblackIt would be a great feature. It's not going to be a critical feature any time soon.
03:19.35Alton2However, people who don't do anything but claim "leadership" are often seen as posers....
03:20.03wacky___yeah.. maybe not..
03:20.28jblackwacky___: That's how free software works. You have four choices.  1. Take responsibility for it. 2. Wait until someone else wants it enough to do it. 3. Go without, 4. Use something proprietary.
03:21.18wacky___ok, let's ask the question differently: do you think it would be a Good Thing (tm) to have an open source voice recognition system ?
03:21.28jayteeI can do dial by voice right now. my Lumenvox IVR isn't set up for it but part of it acts as a conduit to Exchange UM auto attendant so I can dial the Employee Directory and get a prompt of who I want, say their name and it dials the call for me.
03:22.00Alton2Exchange, ugh
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03:22.27jblackDude. YOu're not just using the dark side. YOu're frigging Darth Maul.
03:22.50jblacksorry. That's not true.
03:23.16jayteeAlton2, I kinda like being able to pick up my home phone or use my cell phone from anywhere and check my appointments, have it read me my emails and play my voicemails or use my contacts list to call to someone else. reschedule appointments etc. it's a very handy system.
03:23.19*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
03:23.28Alton2The question is... did he inherit it, and plan to replace it... or did he actually install it?  :-)
03:23.53wacky___jaytee - wouldn't youi like to have an open source system to do that ? :P I'm not asking you to code it..
03:24.07Alton2MS gets you with those little hooks.  But I am fundamentally opposed to their crooked practices, and I put my money where my mouth is.
03:24.16wacky___but it seems to me, from the beginning of the conversation that you prefer proprietary options, am I right ?
03:24.42jblackThere's not much in the way of free software options.
03:24.49jayteewacky___, I suppose it might be nice but our company is mostly an MS shop. The only things we're using linux for is Asterisk and Nagios.
03:24.54Alton2Is that true?  Nobody's really working on that?
03:25.18jblackIf they are, they're being pretty quiet about it.
03:25.33jblackThere's been some token attempts.
03:25.43Alton2You know the names?
03:25.43jblackSee gnome-voice-control.
03:26.01jayteeand say what you will but if it wasn't for the "big evil empire" then Linus would probably have never started Linux in the first place.
03:26.31jblackNah. His barrier was minix. =)
03:26.40Alton2We had Unix and VMS around long before linux.  But I'm happy that Linux has helped out, made progress.
03:26.53wacky___jblack .. yeah that's nice.. and it was sponsored by GSoC..
03:27.15jayteebut to run on a PC? to compete with Windows? Unix and VMS weren't alternatives.
03:27.49Alton2After DEC was taken over by the suits, a serious offer was made to port VMS to PCs.  Unfortunately for DEC they refused it.
03:27.50jblackLinus released Linux because Tennebaum was an ass about minix licensing.
03:28.17jayteeand then Dave Cutler left and went to work for MS to architect NT
03:28.33Alton2You know the deal about the VMS and WNT letters?
03:28.59jayteegee, no and I never saw 2001 so I have no idea about IBM and HAL either
03:29.59jblackI know quite a bit about the M$ IBM stuff. I'm not very conversant on VMS's short history.
03:30.11jblackpardon, not short, but truncated
03:30.17Alton2Quite a long and distinguished history, my dear sir.  :-)
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03:30.34jblacksee my reply
03:30.41Alton2Yeah, you know, back then we never thought the Soviet Union would fall... or IBM would reform,
03:30.49Alton2but those things happened, and DEC fell.  Amazing.
03:30.54jayteeIBM kept shooting itself in the foot with internal competition between their mainframe group, their AS400 group and their PC group.
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03:31.27jblackVMS essentially predates me. I didn't get into unix until IBM managed to dead end OS/2.
03:31.34jblackWhich was mid 90s.
03:31.35jayteeand not wanting to take MS's advice and make OS/2 32 bit from the get go just slowed things down on the PC side till MS said, "Screw this, we're going our own way."
03:32.08Alton2I have the OS/2 book which contains the forward by Gates saying how great it is....
03:32.25jblackjaytee: Uhhhh, OS/2 was 32 bit at _least_ from 2.0, and I think it was since inception. That was a key selling point, that they were using protected mode.
03:32.27Alton2OS/2 was great; I ran it for many years really.
03:32.35jayteethat must be from the late 80's because he was singing a different tune in 1990
03:32.39jblackI still miss it sometimes.
03:33.05jblackThere's still people hobbling along with it, trying to convince ibm to open it up.
03:33.10Alton2gates is full of it
03:33.20jayteejblack, yes OS/2 2.0 was 32 bit but that wasn't around until early 90's. OS/2 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 were 16 bit dogs with fleas.
03:33.29Alton2Supposedly it's still used a lot in ATMs and railroad systems.
03:33.31jblackAlton2: NO WAY? RLY?
03:33.51jayteemost of the ATM's I've seen run embedded XP
03:33.56Alton2Sarcasm does not become you.
03:34.14jblackThat's not sarcasm's fault. I'm a really ugly bastard. =)
03:34.16Alton2Sorry, that's just what I heard about OS/2 a few years ago, why they kept it around.
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03:34.36Alton2Well, honesty does become you, in this case!
03:35.07jayteefirst version of OS/2 was a total joke. What good is an OS with only 2 apps and no printer drivers?
03:35.10jblacklast I checked a couple years ago, there was still something available named ecommercestation, which is the offspring from os/2. Might be dead by now, though.
03:35.32jblackThere was lots of stuff for os/2 at first!
03:35.35Alton2same for windows, I have a copy here, "Windows 1.0 Presentation Manager" or something like that.
03:35.40jblackAround 3.0
03:36.11wacky___lol, that poor guy really has a hard time with its version 0.2 !
03:36.26wacky___with it's kind of germano-franco-italiano-accent !
03:37.14jblackYeah. I thought he was a bad speech synthesizor at first.
03:37.38jayteeI had a shrink wrapped software package from Iris Associates called Lotus 123 OS/2 for Windows. All it did was patch the OS/2 version to run on Windows 3.0 I got a free copy at the Windows 3.0 rollout in May of 1990.
03:38.25jayteeOnly patch I think I've ever gotten that came in a shrink wrapped box.
03:38.28*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
03:38.36wacky___heh.. the guys says "hate it" instead of "edit", and it sounds like he spits when he's trying to say "tools"
03:38.43[TK]D-Fenderwindows 3.x?  wow.... look who's a new fangled whipper-snapper now eh?!
03:38.48jblackwacky___: Hell. I can barely understand him, and I'm human
03:38.52*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:39.02jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I actually was a beta tester for it
03:39.14Alton2You have my condolences.....
03:39.32jayteeI also beta tested the first version of Lotus Notes
03:39.59wacky___lol, and it's bad marketing, I mean he _did_ repeat the "cut" function about 10 times, and it didn't work
03:40.01[TK]D-FenderI remember windows 2.0 on my 8088 @ 20 meg HD
03:40.16[TK]D-Fenderit was like.... wow.. now what do I DO with it?! :)
03:40.39jblackOhhhh. "keycell" is really "Cancel"
03:40.40[TK]D-Fenderand then I went back to programming comm apps :)
03:40.41jayteeI go back pretty far in IT. I still have a 16K single sided 8" floppy from an old Wang system back in the mid 80's.
03:41.07[TK]D-Fender(insert requisite "Wang" joke here)
03:41.14Alton2I was tempted....
03:41.19jayteeWindows 2.0 was such a laugh
03:41.20[TK]D-FenderLOLZ, its teh FLOPPY!
03:41.24Alton21981 here, DEC systems running cobol, good stuff
03:41.31jayteebut not as funny as IBM's Topdesk
03:41.49[TK]D-FenderI liked DesqView personally...
03:42.02jayteecobol= Completely Obsolete But Obstinately Lingering language
03:42.04Alton2I was sad that DesqView didn't catch on more.
03:42.14[TK]D-FenderActual pre-emptive multi-tasking at the DOS level and you could runn off a floppy
03:42.33oilinki3wacky___: hoho. the youtube video is funny.
03:42.34jayteethat was from Quarterdeck?
03:42.49Alton2I was so disappointed how Windows won out way back then.
03:42.54[TK]D-FenderI used to make super-boot CD's that would prep up a ram-drive & load up my DOS utils like an HD, and then run DesqView...
03:42.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup
03:43.14[TK]D-Fenderer, FLOPPIES, not CD's
03:43.28jayteeI remember running VM386 that would let me run multiple DOS machines and hotkey between them.
03:43.34jblack2mf.. get 2 gigs on a floppy.
03:43.38jblackpardon, megs.
03:44.13jayteeand the joys of trying to shoehorn drivers into the upper 384K region so there was more of the 640K conventional to run WordPerfect while on the network.
03:44.30jblackI got you both beat. I remember multitasking on a C=64 with geos.
03:44.39Alton2or something like that
03:44.41[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I used to use one of those super format programs that would let you max out the physical medai beyond 1.44 and tehn of course everything was compressed, then unloaded to the ramdrive.
03:44.58jayteejblack, the C64 with GEOS was a sweet little box for it's day
03:45.12jayteebut the Amiga was even better.
03:45.25jblackIt had to be, for 10 times the price. :)
03:45.30[TK]D-FenderAlton2: More than that I used vidram to use up the space between 640 & video buffer so I always had about 630k free low mem
03:45.49Alton2hah, a lost art now
03:46.07wacky___hey, that's quite good here:
03:46.11[TK]D-FenderYup, I'm a relic....
03:46.13wacky___(if you listen to the .wav/.mp3)
03:46.18jayteeI met Andre Pajnitov back in 1990 when he visited the states and Spectrum Holobyte gave him an Amiga because they were selling his game in the states.
03:46.22wacky___they use that for bus directions
03:48.17*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
03:48.28jblackThe neatest hardware ever, a superload cartridge.
03:48.41jayteeWhen he visited our company and came over to my area, I loaded up Tetris and showed him. He smiled.
03:49.32*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
03:49.41jayteeat the time I was working for John Hancock Life in at their corporate hq in Boston.
03:50.25jayteeOne of our IT staff was a russian emigre who spoke both english and russian fluently so she was his guide for his visit.
03:50.58Alton2I took Russian in high school for 2 years and can understand a few words on web sites, but that's about it at this late stage.
03:52.01jayteeI took Spanish in high school so I can ask all the illegals in Indianapols (and we've got tons of em) "Tiene usted un tarjeta el verde?"
03:52.35Alton2hah, you know that I live 2 miles from Mexico, so my property is a veritable highway for illegals
03:52.47Alton2and the BP is here every day,
03:53.11Alton2and I used to work for them....  Anyway, this area is what the rest of the US is going to turn into.  and it's not a pretty prospect.
03:53.36[TK]D-Fendersits safe above the border...
03:54.00jayteesafe in Canada, the last refuge of freedom in the Western Hemisphere
03:54.01Alton2Sheesh, I need to move away.  It's rough.
03:54.19Alton2I want to move to Central Texas.  People are damned friendly there, good people.
03:55.00jayteepeople are damn friendly here, they're just mostly stupid and bad drivers so you gotta take the good with the bad.
03:55.20Alton2here you get the worst of all
03:55.38jayteewhere, California?
03:55.53Alton2South Texas, 1 hour drive from the Gulf and 5 minutes from Mexico
03:56.19hardwireanybody know any good python sip bindings?
03:56.23jayteepffft, try anywhere outside the nicer suburbs of San Diego and then tell me that.
03:56.31[TK]D-FenderREMEMBER THE AL....ahhhh fukkit... ;)
03:56.41jaytee"Where's the basement?"
03:57.46*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:57.49jaytee"The stars at night shine big and bright" CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP "deep in the heart of Texas"
03:57.55[TK]D-Fenderwaits to see who makes it into office for next year....
03:58.01jayteeManxPower in da house!!!
03:58.20ManxPowerlooks over his glasses at jaytee
03:58.27jaytee[TK]D-Fender,  in your gov't? or ours?
03:58.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yours.  Mine is harmless either either of the top 2 parties gets it.
03:59.05[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: YOURS can really #^ the world up.
03:59.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Economy of scal :)
03:59.26jayteewell, we could either end up with Mr Charisma or Old Daddy Depends and the Hockey Mom
03:59.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I worry about the trigger in Mr. Grumpy's hands...
04:00.19jayteeand statistically McCain has a one in three chance of living through a 4 year term so Palin would be Hockey Mom Bitch President
04:00.58Alton2sexy president!  :-)
04:01.01[TK]D-FenderRP 2008!!!!!
04:01.09jblackI'm voiting RP
04:01.20[TK]D-FenderAlton2: I'd rather do France's first lady ;)
04:01.24[TK]D-Fenderohhh la la
04:01.29jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah. I have respect for POWs and all but the guy crashed 5 planes before he got taken prisoner and graduated at the bottom of his class at the academy.
04:01.30Alton2Um, yes, she is certainly acceptable.
04:01.56jayteemy bumper sticker reads "Shatner/Hasselhoff '08"
04:01.59ManxPowerjaytee: it does not qualify him in the foreign policy area.
04:02.00Alton2I've never liked McCain.  Palin seems ok though.
04:02.26ManxPower"Cthulhu 2008! Why settle for the lesser of two evils?"
04:02.27jayteeManxPower, you mean McCain?
04:02.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: He served... yeah, thats great.  Then he became a politician who will pull ever dirty trick, stands for nothing (but winning), and whose temper is going to fuck stuff up real bad at the worst times in the worst ways.
04:02.37ManxPowerjaytee: correct
04:02.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: The guy needs handlers and would be the perfect fascist "tool"
04:02.54jayteeManxPower, I wouldn't argue with that
04:02.57Alton2Yup, I've always believed McCain is only out for himself.
04:03.13jayteeand [TK]D-Fender I agree he's dangerous.
04:03.16ManxPowerGranted, I pretty much only listen to liberal media, but it just seems like McCain is an idiot.
04:03.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I considered buying that t-shirt :)
04:03.46jayteethe Republicans slammed Kerry for all the things that McCain is guilty of. He's a major waffler.
04:03.55[TK]D-FenderMy top 3 are out, but Obama ain't bad as options go.
04:04.18ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he can't do any worse than the past 8 years
04:04.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: \o/ - lowered expectations!
04:04.55jayteeI think Obama inspires people but he voted Nay on the FISA bill after making all kinds of overtures about privacy rights. that's hypocritical.
04:05.15*** join/#asterisk prg3 (
04:05.24ManxPowerjaytee: Disappointing, yes.
04:05.59prg3With queues, I have hold music with my SIP phones, but trying with the zaptel incoming calls, I'm not getting the hold music.. is there anything that I'm missing here?
04:06.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yeah, hes's got his disagreable points, but it IS actually a matter of lesser evils at this point (sad) for which at least the significance is poignant.
04:06.12jayteeManxPower, shit I expected it from Sen Lugar and the rest of the Republicans but Obama talks a good line but his voting record almost makes him look like he's one them.
04:06.19[TK]D-Fenderprg3: Sorry, this is #politics now.  Come back in the morning :)
04:06.26prg3D'oh :)
04:06.44prg3I'd vote for Harper.. but likely wrong country's politics :)
04:06.46jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ok so lesser evils are good and that means it's a choice between Obama, Nader or Cthulu.
04:06.57ManxPowerprg3: remember in zaptel you set the options THEN have the channel => line
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04:07.27prg3ManxPower: that's there.. you're talking musiconhold=default?
04:07.31[TK]D-Fenderprg3: I kinda liked the minority gov't... meant no arbitrary shit got passed.  No serious progress, but no serious damage either.  a cautious balance.
04:07.52ManxPowerprg3: and is that line before any channel => line in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf?
04:07.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: last I checked, Cthulu was a GREATER demon...
04:08.01prg3[TK]D-Fender: I agree.. as long as they don't screw with the cash cow oil sands, I don't care what Ottawa does
04:08.21Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: it's daemon, not demon ;)
04:08.23prg3ManxPower: Yup, there are only 2 non-comment lines before that line in the file, it's right after [channels]
04:08.23jaytee"The government that governs least governs best" - Henry David Thoreau
04:08.35[TK]D-Fenderprg3: its privatized anyways... actually I believe water is going to be our big battleground in the years to come.
04:08.47ManxPowerprg3: OK, and you have a [default] class in musiconhold.conf?
04:08.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Wise words.
04:09.02prg3[TK]D-Fender:Oh yeah, the US is going to take us over shortly for the water..
04:09.03jayteehe was a wise man
04:09.26prg3ManxPower: Yup, and from the SIP phones, it works just fine.
04:09.34ManxPowertoday he would have been thrown in jail for being a radical
04:09.40ManxPowerprg3: weird.
04:09.45jayteethat has always been one of my favorite quotes along with Emerson's "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"
04:09.58ManxPowerprg3: At least 1/2 of the time at this point you discover you have a typo.
04:10.18prg3what's the other 50%?
04:10.27jayteewater, hahaha. "That's my bottle of Aquafina!!! Hands off!" "Oh, yeah?" BANG
04:10.29ManxPowerI'm using the royal "you", of course.
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04:10.39ManxPowerprg3: the other 50% I discover that you lied to me.
04:10.42[TK]D-FenderBottled water = the ultimate wasteful scam
04:10.54prg3will extension contexts make a difference? i.e the zaptels are coming in on a different context, with a Goto
04:11.12jayteetap water = tastes almost as good as your cat's urine!
04:11.19ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yes, for most places.  But where I live the water is not drinkable and a treatment system is too expensive at this point.
04:11.23prg3ManxPower: Hmm.. I'm not liking my ods..
04:11.26[TK]D-FenderLive in the "free world" with all these things with hold over 3rd world countries and we need a brand on our already clean drinking water.  We get bankrupted for being sick.
04:11.34mchoujaytee: I hope you're joking
04:11.40ManxPowerjaytee: ANY city treated tap water is more drinkable than where I live.
04:11.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yes, you are in the forsaken land indeed
04:11.52jayteemchou, one word..... Britta
04:12.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm sure it's the fault of those commie ho-mo-sex-uals.
04:12.10mchoujaytee: Britta harbors more bacteria
04:12.16[TK]D-FenderManxPower: SSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
04:12.27jayteefloor-eee-day-shun!!! damm commies!!!!
04:12.54[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Group sex is not "communism", its merely "communicable" (is all the worst ways)
04:12.54jaytee"corrupting our precious bodily fluids"
04:12.56mchouthe funny thing is most bottled water is tap water
04:13.14[TK]D-Fendermchou: Yup
04:13.14ManxPowerThe sulphor in the water here clogs the activated charcoal , cuts the useful lifetime of the filter by %75.  Same applies to the iron in the water when used with reverse osmosis
04:13.52mchouManxPower: where you live? Yellowstone?
04:13.59ManxPowerOh, almost all the water I buy is from McGee AR municipal tap
04:14.14jayteeManxPower, well here Indianapolis and the surrounding areas sit on a huge strata of limestone. Your glasses develop a lovely white film after a few washes.
04:14.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: A little over an hour ago I dipped out with teh camera & tripod for some night photography.  Got some great shots on long exposures including a sick nice one at ISO 100 @ 15s
04:14.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I need to set up a flikr account or something
04:14.49jayteeyou do!
04:15.02jayteeI used to love night photography
04:15.10ManxPowermchou: top of a mountian in Alabama,  water has a ph of (5 or 5.5 depending on when the test is run), iron is off the scale of the test kit I had and the hydrogen sulfide is...annoying
04:15.24mchouhaha, H2S
04:15.30jaytee"What's that smell?"
04:15.38mchourotten eggs :)
04:15.50jaytee"did someone eat alot of eggs and just fart?"
04:15.58ManxPowera chlorine into the well helps with the iron and eliminates the sulphur, but that just makes it suitable to shower in and do dishes with, not to drink.
04:16.12jayteepaper mills smell kinda like that
04:16.46mchousmelling like roses
04:16.56ManxPowerYa know what is REALLY ironic?  Less than 1/4 of a mile from the property line there is a city water line.  Actually one on EACH SIDE of the property (different towns).
04:17.18ManxPowerNeither city will run the pipes to the property because it would require blasting thru too much rock.
04:17.43jayteeManxPower, ever think of moving?
04:17.57ManxPowerjaytee: there are other....nice things...about where I live.
04:18.10denonsome would call it nice
04:18.16denonothers would .. take a different road :)
04:18.17jayteeand there's always Culligan!
04:19.07jayteethe guy that invented the Segway has come out with a portable water purifier that looked interesting.
04:20.27denonManxPower is ignoring me now :)
04:20.54ManxPower15 gallons for $25.
04:21.08ManxPowerIt's quite a bit cheaper to buy the 1 gal jugs at walmart
04:21.10jayteefrom where?
04:21.20denonand walmart has culligan water
04:21.33ManxPowerkenwood springs for louisiana
04:21.45denonours is culligan
04:21.57denonthen again, I'm sure it's just a culligan system tied to local water
04:22.11denonRO is RO
04:22.29ManxPowerdenon: unless you can't RO the water. 8-(
04:23.04ManxPowerthe acidic PH suprized me in the local water
04:23.53ManxPowerdenon: the water where I live is acidic
04:24.54denonrainwater tank
04:25.09denonyou can drink rainwater just fine, especially if filtered
04:25.16jayteeone of Dean Kamen's portable systems
04:25.32denonthose probably cost a mill a piece
04:25.49jayteenot if he's developing them for third world countries
04:26.02jayteedenon, read the link ^^^^^
04:26.06denonI did
04:26.11denondid it have a price?
04:26.14denonoverlooked it if it did
04:26.44jayteeno but if it's aimed at poor and undeveloped countries a big price tag would be self defeating.
04:26.52denonwell ..
04:26.58denonforeign aid would provide one
04:27.08denonsend over one machine, instead of digging 10 wells
04:27.25denoncheaper than a well doesn't mean cheaper than walmart water for manx
04:27.41ManxPowerdenon: Rainwater is an interesting idea.  It would be clean enough some simple filtering/treatment would work very well.
04:27.42jayteeonce mass production got going full swing most people could afford one if they can afford a refridgerator.
04:27.52denonManxPower: they use rainwater all of australia
04:27.54denonright off the tin roofs
04:28.04denonand whatever collects in the tank
04:28.17jayteeManxPower, yeah, unless you live in the prevailing upwind of a bunch of coal fired power plants.
04:28.18denonjaytee: hopefully .. assuming he isn't looking to get rich off em
04:28.31denonthen again, china will steal the idea and make em for 1/5th the cost, and half the size
04:28.39jayteethen the rain is going to be acid and have sulfur
04:28.46ManxPowerdenon: if nothing else it could supplement what I buy
04:29.07denonManxPower: yeah .. it's also extremely soft, if you feel like hooking it into plumbing
04:29.11denonmakes for very nice showers
04:29.49denonyou can bury the rainwater tank, too . . keeps the water cooler, and a little more aesthetic, but you loose the collection from the tank itself
04:30.41jayteesolar powered distillation units are the way to go!
04:31.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
04:31.58ManxPowerthat was odd
04:32.10jayteeyou nick collided
04:32.46ManxPowerno, I killed ManxPower via nickserv before assuming his identity.
04:33.12denonoh heh
04:33.14jayteehopefully you got his PIN number for his debit card first
04:33.27denonwe dont need no stinkin pins
04:34.07denonyou ever consider that the SSN "address block" is large enough for every us citizen and perm resident to have one ..
04:34.13jayteeah crap, I've gotta go to bed. didn't realize it was this late.
04:34.18denonand yet, somehow ipv4 isnt enough for public machines?
04:34.35jayteenite all
04:35.10ManxPowerdenon: if we ever run out of address space for SSNs, it will be equally as bad.
04:35.21denonthen again, people keep dying
04:35.28denonas do computers, I guess
04:35.49ManxPowerdo they recycle numbers?
04:35.59denonI dont know .. Im guessing after 100y or something they will
04:36.00[TK]D-FenderNick needs to have his drivers license rekoved.... keeps hitting services
04:36.52denon" SSNs are not recycled. Upon an individual's death, the number is removed from the active files and is not reused. Recycling numbers might become an issue someday, but not any time soon -- statisticians say that the nine-digit SSN allows for approximately one billion possible combinations. "
04:37.04ManxPowerAll SSN trivia :
04:37.32denonso its a guid even
04:37.39prg3you need a statistician to tell you that 10^9 is a billion?
04:37.44denonhow is it that such a simple system is so much more flexible than a complex one
04:37.57denonthen again, you don't have the wasted overhead of subnetting SSNs
04:38.56denonno need for a broadcast or network ssn
04:38.59denonjust the number itself
04:42.25ManxPowerdenon: if they add even one digit to the SSN......
04:42.36*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
04:42.38denonyeah .. or move the dash
04:42.39ManxPowerwhich is really what ipv6 is, adding digits
04:43.01denondashes dont need to be there .. not like ip octets
04:43.10denoncould remove a dash, move it one place over, etc
04:43.16denonand gain an insane number of combinations
04:43.24ManxPowerIn any system I've worked with the dashes are not stored, it's a display thig.
04:43.29denon(breaking a lot of software, but that's not their problem)
04:43.40denonbut the SSA issues it with dashes
04:43.47denonso technically, the SSN is a string. not a number
04:43.54denonthey can manipulate it however they want
04:43.58ManxPowerthey print it with dashes, that does not mean they store it as dashes.
04:44.12denonthey request it with dashes, and print it with dashes
04:44.21denonthey could store it with dashes if they wanted to extend the key space
04:44.43denonbut yeah, more practical would be to just add a number
04:44.54denonI'm just saying .. could be flexible
04:46.01ManxPowerI imagine it would be easier to deploy ipv6 than change every single form, document, database to add another SSN digit
04:46.10ManxPoweri'm off to bed
04:46.15denonthat's not the SSA's problem
04:46.17denonthey just add it
04:46.23denonit's up to the rest of the world to deal :)
05:08.23*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-acb27a5e9b2c90f2)
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05:48.26*** join/#asterisk TMYates (
05:48.47TMYatesis anyone here really familiar with NAT and SIP Phones?
05:49.41TMYatesif there is, i could really use some guidance
05:49.47riddleboxwhats the problem
05:50.04TMYatesi cannot get an off site phone to work correctly
05:50.30*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
05:50.35riddleboxso you have you ports forwarded to the asterisk server
05:50.37TMYatesit says on the console that it registeres, but no calls can make it to it
05:50.56TMYateshowever i can make calls to other internal extensions
05:50.59riddleboxand externip is that set?
05:51.11TMYatesour sip trunk works
05:52.22TMYatesit also looks like sip packets that make it into asterisk from the off site phone have the external IP of that network, and all available ports are forwarded in both ends for testing
05:52.37riddleboxso it connects but you have no audio? are you connecting from outside really? or are you inside going out
05:53.04TMYateswhats really weird is i can get the off site phone to ring, but when i answer it, the internal line keeps ringing
05:53.29TMYatesim baffled
05:53.43TMYatesi can only get that with qualify=no
05:54.12TMYatesalso tried multiple hardware/software phones and get the same result
05:54.33*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
05:54.53riddleboxTMYates, do you have nat=yes in sip.conf?
05:55.23TMYatesyes global and on the extension. also tried with no and route
05:56.10TMYatesif it helps, im using the trixbox distro
05:56.22riddleboxhrmm thats all i do and I forward 5060-5062 Both, and 10,000 to 20,000 UDP
05:56.44riddleboxsome people say if you have issues to do a stun server
05:56.50TMYatesive got 0-65535 UDP/TCP on both ends
05:56.59TMYatesalso tried with a STUN server
05:57.14riddleboxyou forward all those ports to asterisk?
05:57.23riddleboxcan you put asterisk in dmz and try it?
05:57.38TMYatesyes and on the other end to the phone (for testing) DMZ seems to do the same
05:57.49TMYatesalso the asterisk has a static NAT mapping
05:57.56riddleboxso both are in dmz and you cant get it to work
05:58.02TMYatescisco router has a forward all
05:58.06TMYatesthats right
05:58.26riddleboxhrmm thats beyond me, plus it is late and I have to get up in 4 hours
05:58.42riddleboxI must leave, good luck
05:58.46TMYateslol know the feeling
05:59.00TMYatesanyone else here have ideas?
06:02.22mchouTMYates: set sip debug on and set rtp debug on
06:02.35mchouyou wil find it's a nat traversal issue
06:03.26TMYatesone would think, but im having a hard time seeing that. packets are getting to each side and all is forwarded, it does seem like rtp might be good to debug
06:04.58mchouthere is nothing mysterious about it
06:07.06TMYatesno rtcp packets hit the asterisk server. it seems that even with my sip phone claiming "registered", an internal caller cannot call the offsite extension, but the offsite extension can call internally (and call is full-duplex), all offsite ports possible TCP/UDP are forwarded to the phone itself
06:07.13*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:08.29mchouyou the same guy who had this issue about 24 hrs ago?
06:08.46TMYatesbeen on the server less than an hour. first time
06:09.00mchouok. different dude then
06:09.06mchousame problem
06:09.18TMYatessounds interesting. was there a solution?
06:09.26mchouI wasnt around
06:10.05TMYatesit just seems like the phone is only half registered on the server
06:10.18mchouthe sip headers and RTP setup should tell you all you need to know to solve this
06:10.40mchouthere is no half registered.  It is or it isnt
06:11.01TMYatesthey all look fine on the sip side, except calling the offsite extension goes straight to congestion
06:11.14TMYatesno sip created
06:11.21mchouthat's like saying Palin's daughter is half pregnant
06:13.00mchouand you can still register correctly and have RTP packets go to wrong places
06:13.16mchouor even SIP packets, for that matter
06:13.37mchouespecially if there's no keep-alive
06:14.10TMYatesi understand that, but for now, why would it go straight to congestion when i try to call that extension. Sip debug shows no packets
06:15.00mchouyou think I'm clairvoyant or something?
06:15.48mchouyou figure it out since you're the one who has all the info
06:15.59TMYatesim just sleep deprived and been at this for the past 10 hours trying to get somewhere. the best i could get is a ring to the phone with qualify=no
06:16.48mchouno matter how much you whine no one can solve this for you.
06:18.06mchouand 'qualify=no' and stuff ringing has nothing to do with each other
06:19.07*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
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06:26.35TMYatesdoes the rtcp go through the asterisk system or is it a peer to peer model?
06:27.24mchouthat all depends on reinvite settings
06:27.58TMYatesso canreinvite=no would make it go through the asterisk box?
06:29.14TMYatesit must be some sort of rtcp issue i am having then. i just got a sip packet on the phone for voicemail....
06:31.15*** join/#asterisk patrick-- (n=patrick@
06:31.22patrick--Good Morning Ladies :)
06:35.36TMYatesstupid asterisk!
06:35.54patrick--so untrue!
06:36.30TMYateswhen it is configured properly its awesome....
06:39.26jblackTMYates: That's correct. canreinvite=no forces the call to stay on the box.
06:40.05TMYatesnow im getting rtcp messages on the box but the box is acting like it does not know how to route them...
06:40.08jblackreinvite is typically enabled to cut out the middleman, so to speak.
06:40.19jblackPerhaps it's a firewall problem.
06:40.32jblackI'd check out the sip debug, and perhaps do a tcp dump to see where things are being sent.
06:40.53TMYatesim open to any ideas.... firewalls are on forward all to asterisk and the remote side
06:41.38*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
06:41.42TMYatesi do get sip messages on both sides. in fact my voicemail light keeps coming on during these tests
06:42.08TMYateswhen i do sip show peers though it shows unavailable
06:44.17drmessanoAnyone use Aretta for termination?
06:45.28*** join/#asterisk Specialist1 (n=me@
06:45.37Specialist1hello everyone
06:46.55Specialist1i want to receive incomming traffic on a specific DID and need the DID to ask for PIN before making a call
06:48.52awkany hylafax guys here, just wondering a small issue with perm I guess.. don't want to paste unless people actually using it
06:52.03*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
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06:55.03TMYateswhat would cause the Asterisk Server to "lose a packet" for RTCP when it looks like it picked it up?
06:55.41*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
07:02.09*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:02.24dominic1Hello, can anybody tell me what I can do with iaxprov.conf?
07:02.31dominic1except deleting it...
07:03.41*** join/#asterisk skyNomad (
07:05.28WimpMandominic1: Buy an IAXy
07:06.38dominic1what is that?
07:07.55*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=t@
07:08.01talntidanyone know if this is a decent deal?
07:12.54dominic1okay, thank you very much wimpman
07:15.41*** part/#asterisk TMYates (
07:16.39jblacktalntid: You're up late
07:17.38talntidyup =)
07:17.43talntidyou're up early
07:18.51jblackcan't sleep. Still stressed
07:19.16jblackmy worry of the hour is when my "claim clock" started.
07:20.54jblackI probably won SSDI today, but now I'm worried I mucked up when the SSA thinks I became "disabled".
07:25.16jblackI did some part time work early in the year, and I'm worried that they'll consider it gainful. However, I claimed much earlier than that, and they may retroactively take me back to six months after my last full time work.
07:25.28jblackLiterally tens of thousands lay in the balance.
07:26.36dominic1does anybody know this error: [MYODBCUtilReadDataSource.c][233][ERROR] Unknown attribute (Trace).
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07:56.19nicoxhi, anyone there?
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08:43.51nicoxhi, someone there?
08:43.56*** join/#asterisk Specialist1 (n=me@
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08:52.59WimpMannicox: Where?
08:54.06nicoxi have running some asterisks and between each of them transfers are possible (the shortest way of media path will be used) but since 1.6.0 there is no transfer
08:54.13nicoxi have no idea why
09:01.26*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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09:05.18*** join/#asterisk itguru (
09:05.49itguruI'm having a bad day :( trying to set up a sangoma a400 card, and I'm not sure where to start
09:06.26drmessanoWell, it plugs into the computer like a slice of toast goes into a toaster
09:06.31nicoxi think thats a card with POTS?
09:06.31drmessanoSo you need to open the package
09:06.35itguruSorry it's an A200
09:06.42drmessanoTake the card out
09:06.49drmessanoHold it shiny side down
09:07.14drmessanoNow, computer needs to be powered off to do this, or else you'll let the smoke out of the card
09:07.17drmessanoThat is NOT good
09:07.52drmessanoYou're gonna open the computer and look for white slotty thingo
09:08.12drmessanomake sure it's one that is open.. one card per slotty thingo please
09:08.56drmessanoSlide the shiny fingery part of the card into the slotty thingo, with the telephone looking hole facing towards the back of the computer
09:09.34jblackYou forgot to instruct him on how to gain entry to the boxy thing.
09:10.18WimpManhopes there aren't any juper thingies that need shuffeling.
09:10.20drmessanoWhen you have the card in place, there is a little metal thing bar thingo that has a little slot for a screw to go into in order to keep this in place.  This may be replaced with a flip over cover thingo or green-clip-of-doom thingo
09:10.24*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:10.30drmessanoSecure the card carefully
09:10.59*** join/#asterisk agx (
09:11.06drmessanoThis would be a good time to make sure you've installed the card in the correct computer
09:11.38agxanyone had problem with providers using "SIPARATOR" ? i've one way audio on 20% of the calls from asterisk 1.4.17
09:11.49drmessanoMake sure you have installed this in your asterisk based PBX.  Sorry Vista fans :(
09:13.00*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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09:16.46mr_claushi, can anybody give me some hint which usb isdn hardware is a good one to use with asterisk?
09:19.27WimpManhas heared roumors that some people have tried it, but no clue if anyone ever succeeded.
09:21.28drmessanoWhy would you want to use USB ISDN?
09:21.34*** join/#asterisk Daviey (n=dave@ubuntu/member/daviey)
09:21.49DavieyHi, anyone in the UK with access to ISDN30 about?
09:22.23mr_clausdrmessano: because i have no pci slot available
09:22.43mr_clausdrmessano: i would use it if it's possible for me
09:23.20*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:23.34drmessanoWhat kind of slots do you have?
09:23.49nicoxHi, did anyone knows iif there is a bug in 1.6.0-rc6 with  transfers on IAX-Calls?
09:25.38mr_clausdrmessano: i have two pci slots, one is used with a dvb-t card the other one with a raid controller, so no more slots left
09:26.31*** join/#asterisk m00lean (
09:26.51drmessanoWhy do you have a dvb-t card in your PBX?
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09:30.37mr_clausdrmessano: thats offtopic :) but .. i try to use only and only one server to serve all things i would like to have
09:31.09mr_clausdrmessano: that means filesevice, mail, dns, mythbuntu (only server), pbx, nx-ts .....
09:31.16enno"chan_misdn.c:4344 cb_events: Extension can never match" <-- i tried adding a exten = _X.,1,Goto(ringroups-custom-1,s,1) to my [DID_trunk_m1] section but didnt help. What can it be? Dialout works fine
09:31.26mr_clausdrmessano: i will run all these things in seperate xen-domU's
09:32.48mr_clausdrmessano: the reason why i would like to use only one hardware is very simple, i would like to reduce the power consumption of my server structure
09:35.23*** join/#asterisk sehh (
09:35.25sehhhey people
09:35.29*** part/#asterisk nicox (
09:37.19sehhi've got two asterisk servers setup in two different locations, both use ISDN lines with Beronet BRI cards. Everything works fine except DTMF tones. Location 1 has an IVR and when Location 2 calls their IVR, the DTMF tones aren't recognized. Can someone please give me a few pointes on how to debug the problem?
09:37.22mort_gibmr_claus: not a good idea, have a look at Soekris 5501 boards
09:37.40mort_gibsehh: Codecs
09:37.54sehhmort_gib, both locations use alaw only
09:38.04*** part/#asterisk agx (
09:38.11sehhmort_gib, also both locations use Grandstream phones
09:38.44MoutaPTdoes any one here knows how to decrease timeout of ENUMLOOKUP function in asterisk or enum_query in openser?
09:38.51sehhasterisk and the phones are set to dtmf method: rfc2833
09:39.05tzafrir_laptopmr_claus, asterisk needs to respond quickly enough to your audio. If it doesn't, you drop packets/frames/whatever and you lose quality
09:39.48tzafrir_laptopIf you do too many other things on the same server, you risk dropping out voice frames occasionally
09:39.49sehhalso, i called my mobile phone from Location 2 just to make sure that DTMF tones are generated properly and indeed they are.
09:39.51*** join/#asterisk itguru (
09:40.10sehhitguru, bin etc tmp usr var
09:40.21itguruAnyone have any experience of configuring a Sagoma A200 card?
09:40.36itgurusehh: good one!
09:40.44sehhheh thanks :)
09:41.18itguruI'm having my ass kicked by a setup script - not 100% sure what the settings should be
09:41.20mvanbaakitguru: the sangoma wiki has very nice documentation for that
09:41.50tzafrir_laptopitguru, if you want help here, pastebin your failed attempts
09:42.06tzafrir_laptopThat said, I don't think I'm the one who can help
09:42.49tzafrir_laptop(and also: give details of your system, distro, kernel version, zaptel version and the version of Sangoma drivers you try to install)
09:42.54itgurumvanbaak: tzafrir_laptop Okay, no probs - I was trawlling the wiki this morning, but got bored. I'll get back on it
09:43.21mort_gibitguru: I use them (A200) what's your problem
09:46.09mr_clausmort_gib: i'm sure my dual-core can handle the domU's, if not then it was a nice try and i will migrate the domU to another dedicated hardware
09:46.41mort_gibmr_claus: I understand perfectly well,  but * != otehr tasks
09:47.08mort_gibBut it also depends on how many users you want
09:47.19mort_gib-Did you consider a "Media Gateway" setup??
09:47.44mr_clausmort_gib: i only want to connect two IP phones to a sipgate and via isdn
09:47.58mr_clausmort_gib: that's it
09:48.46mort_gibGet a "media gateway" that allows your * install to pass outgoing calls via SIP
09:50.37WimpManmr_claus: Maybe it would be a better idea to exchange the DVB card for an usb thingie?
09:50.43mr_clausmort_gib: the soekris 5501 take another 20w power
09:51.00MoutaPTno one running enumlookups over here in their servers?
09:51.15mr_clausto understand it, is the problem an isdn usb device or the domU?
09:51.37mort_gibI would say USB...
09:52.14dominic1I have huge problems with realtime and iax
09:52.31dominic1if I add a iax peer to the config
09:52.44mort_gibIn your setup, or your desired setup, a media gateway would be a good solution, but might use another 20W
09:52.46dominic1I have no problem, my connection works wonderful
09:53.10dominic1but not from the database. The database is not updated and I always get authority not found
09:53.21dominic1I thought the port field should get updated
09:53.33dominic1but not in my configuration
09:53.43dominic1my sip table works without any problems
09:55.53*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
09:56.15mr_clausmort_gib: i worked a long time with a bewan isdn usb device to handle data connections, it worked well and without problems and was simple due native drivers without capi
09:56.43mr_clausmort_gib: but i don't know how it would work with the encoding
09:56.53WimpManWhat driver?
09:57.37mr_clausi have to take a look
09:58.44mr_clausi think i used the hisax driver
09:59.22WimpManThat will be of no use. You'd need misdn for example.
10:01.14mr_clauswhat's about the hfc chip devices?
10:01.56WimpManUsualli HFC works well with misdnm but I have no idea about usb support.
10:02.36WimpManWhereas HFC hardware wo'nt do propper audio in I4L for some reason.
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10:06.54mr_clausis there any list of chips/devices available which are proposed to use or which are tested?
10:07.13dominic1any idea why I am not able to create iax trunks via realtime, but with exactly the same configuration the trunk works in iax.conf
10:07.20mr_clausif there is no other solution i would use dedicated hardware but i will try to use my server first
10:08.46WimpManmr_claus: If it works, tell us. Then we know it's possible.
10:09.18mr_clausWimpMan: i will do that of course
10:10.02mr_clausWimpMan: a colleague is running asterisk in a domU and it works, but he's using a pci device
10:21.50mr_clausWimpMan: ok, there are two drivers, misdn and i4l, misdn supports hfcpci and avmfritz, the i4l a lot of other chipsets
10:22.08mr_clausWimpMan: as i understand i should try to use misdn because i4l is not working very well
10:22.32mr_clausWimpMan: so i have to find a hfc-usb or avm-usb device which is supported by misdn
10:24.02WimpManI4L is working well, but 1. not with hfc chips and audio and 2. not with Asterisk.
10:24.19WimpManSo yes, your best bet is misdn.
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10:31.49ennohere is the extensions.conf which makes "extension can never match"   does anyone see any problem?
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10:34.04ennoguten morgen wonderworld
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10:41.11_zoomy_Hey everyone. just wanted some input on the simplest way to implement a multi-level menu system for inbound calls?
10:42.45_zoomy_The most straight forward way seems to be to have "sub-contexts" for each menu alternative. And then you work your way down the contexts.
10:44.59_zoomy_zamba: thanks. yeah i found that page too. have you tried the "Implementing a high-density without wearing out your keyboard"? I am not sure if you will be able to have an overview of the menu?
10:45.39zamba_zoomy_: i haven't really tried banging my head at that project yet :)
10:45.47zamba_zoomy_: my menu is pretty flat :)
10:46.11_zoomy_zamba: hehe alright ;)
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10:47.16zambai'm not masochist enough :)
10:47.25_zoomy_zamba: the thing is i am gonna build a system where customers can perform some stuff via telephone. first they need to log in and then continue down the menu
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10:52.08_zoomy_anyone else who has a taste about writing a "clean but effective" dialplan for multi-level menus?
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10:55.53_zoomy_zamba: thanks again, think im gonna go with the "one context per menu level" now as a start then.
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11:21.27servettashi everyone,
11:23.14mr_clausWimpMan: do you know an pci-e isdn card?
11:23.16servettasi am trying use spa400 with asterisk. When i get inbound call my line is breaking and looking SIP/2.0 406 Not Acceptable error msg. can anyone help me
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11:32.49mr_claushow much is the BN2S0e PCIexpress 2 Port BRI Card? i cannot find any prices, but probably it is expensive
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11:39.36kaldemarmr_claus: cannot find? then you haven't even tried.
11:39.44WimpManmr_claus: Only bigger ones, not single BRI.
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11:45.07mr_clauskaldemar: i looked on the beronet shop but without any account no prices are available
11:46.26tzafrir_laptopmr_claus, there are cheaper single-span BRI PCI cards. If you're just experimenting with Asterisk, or if this is for your home, get those
11:46.37mr_claushmm, prices are on pbx-shop, to pay 359 euro for a passive card?
11:46.47tzafrir_laptopThey cost way lower.
11:47.00tzafrir_laptopWhile a bit lower on features and may require more work
11:47.11mr_claustzafrir_laptop: i have no pci slot available, but i have a pci-e slot available
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11:47.36tzafrir_laptopyou need just one port?
11:47.42mr_claustzafrir_laptop: but probably it's cheaper to get a dedicated system as to buy a pci-e card
11:48.09mr_claustzafrir_laptop: i need 2 lines, if i can use 2 lines with 1 port then 1 port is ok
11:48.53tzafrir_laptop2 physical BRI lines (2 ports, 4 lines) or 2 lines (1 port)?
11:48.59tzafrir_laptopah, 1 port
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11:50.36ShaunWingSay, show g729 seems to no longer work in latest 1.4 version. What do I use please?
11:50.37mr_clausbut i cannot find a pci-e card with only 1 port
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11:57.36ShaunWingshow g729 seems to no longer work in latest 1.4 version. What do I use please?
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12:10.58rgsteele||workHm.  I wrote the following to strip out the '8011' from outbound numbers if they start with that string.  But it seems like it always strips it out, regardless: exten => s,n,Set(NUMTODIAL=${IF($["${MACRO_EXTEN}" : "(....)"] = "8011")?${MACRO_EXTEN:4}:${MACRO_EXTEN:1})
12:11.13padskiour call monitoring seems to do a funny thing.  a bit like all the silence were stripped out ?
12:12.01rgsteele||workE.g., even if the number starts with "8130", I end up with the first four numbers stripped from the number I'm dialing.
12:13.06henki want to ring several phones when a certain extension is called, but when one of the phones (snom) is on DND, the call is rejected. the only way to circumvent i can think of is using a queue. is there another?
12:13.14[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: if thats the exact line then your expression is wrong.  Next lesson : ${MACRO_EXTEN} is virtually worthless.  Modify your macro so you pass the number to dial as an ARG, chopping it at the source so it isn't an "IF"
12:14.13rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I thought you said yesterday I should be stripping the 8011 inside the macro?
12:14.25[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Nope.
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12:14.33rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I stand corrected, then :)
12:14.39WimpManhenk: That's not the result I get. Are you sute you put the phone on DND, and that it's not setting it in *?
12:14.49[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: I said that nothing was stripping it, which does indeed fail to do whaqt you want.
12:15.31yang this produces such errors when someone rings the unexisting extension - but the extension from our DID available pool
12:15.35Hertzy3Hey all, I have a customer who's voicemail light on his polycom 501 constantly blinks, but he doesn't have any voicemail.  Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
12:15.40yangand   these are the extensions which i have
12:15.47[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Pastebin the CL output of a failed attempt to do it the way you jsut described.
12:16.01yangi guess that my extension _0 produces a duplicate call, for every 018109xxx number received (annoying)!
12:16.43yangthe problem is that they are in the same context
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12:17.19rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Any reason in particular you think ${MACRO_EXTEN} is useless?
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12:19.36[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Yes, because what should a macro assume how it got called?  What if you use a macro to ring a phone in a stardard way and fall to vm.  If you call that macro from a context with the "extensions" you normally associated with them its fine.  But when you want to call it in an IVR where you said "press 1 for sales", I still want Joe's<10> phone to be rung.  But they dialed *1* ....
12:19.37[TK]D-Fender... PASS ARGS <-
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12:24.02yangis there any way at all to distinguish between them if the incoming and outgoing go over 1 sip trunk?
12:24.16henkhow do i dial more than one extension on the asterisk console?
12:25.19henkin the conf it's Dial(SIP/126&SIP/127) but that does not seem to work in the console.
12:25.21yangthinks that every incoming call is going to trigger the _0. extensions and dial forever...
12:25.50[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Just dial froma  normal phone....
12:26.19[TK]D-Fenderyang: Very possible.  That's a bad choice for a pattern match
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12:27.36yang[TK]D-Fender: I should replace _X. and _0. somehow, I don't know what else to give there?
12:28.14[TK]D-Fenderyang: You should know what a normal telcom pattern looks like for your area.  We shouldn't have to tell you
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12:28.35henk[TK]D-Fender: i'll have to add a new extension to asterisk to do so. i don't want to change too much if not necessary while asterisk is in production use.
12:29.20[TK]D-Fenderhenk: How can you have a multi-dial problem if you aren't even CAPABLE of generating it without adding something to your system?
12:29.29[TK]D-Fenderhenk: That is a large logic failure
12:29.59yang[TK]D-Fender: the calls come in as 018109xxx and if I would delegate _018109. to go to SIP/something then only that extension would ring for the invalid calls - i could even make a voicemail there, that could work for temporary solution
12:30.52henk[TK]D-Fender: it is not. we _do_ use that feature and a year ago or so we tested that and that is what i remembered about the test... now you say it does not happen like i remember and i _would_like_ to test it without changing the confs (if possible). i will do so if necessary to test it.
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12:31.24[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Well if you're talking about something that happend a year ago, go show us a problem you have now.
12:32.04rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Is there an interpreter for AEL so I don't have to try this "live"?
12:32.04[TK]D-Fenderhenk: If you have to add an exten to do a multi-dial then you have nothing to show us and we can't help you.
12:32.14[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: No.
12:32.19queuetueCan anyone recommend a 4-port FXO PCI card? (I've heard that the Digium TDM hardware isn't great...)
12:32.29henk[TK]D-Fender: i am actually looking for the best solution to ring multiple phones at the same time. and Dial(sip/1&sip/2) seems the easiest possibility. i don't have a real problem yet.
12:32.44[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: AEL is not an interpreter, it is more like a compiler because it all boils down to extensions.conf code anyway
12:33.04henki'll just change confs. that discussion won't lead anywhere i guess...
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12:34.35[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Show us a problem, and we'll help you fix it.  Simple as that.
12:34.35rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: So, in effect, what you're saying is I should do the same thing with ${EXTEN} before calling the macro?  E.g., exten => s,n,Set(NUMTODIAL=${IF($["${EXTEN}" : "(....)"] = "8011")?${MACRO_EXTEN:4}:${MACRO_EXTEN:1})
12:34.44rgsteele||workAnd then pass NUMTODIAL to the macro?
12:35.09rgsteele||workThe expression is still going to be the same.
12:35.09[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: No, ${EXTEN} is where you ARE.  You need to pass ARGUMENTS to your Macro.  Go read the basics on them.
12:35.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: No, there wouldn't even BE an expression.
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12:35.46rwaiteso when 1.6 is released, is that going to be the "recommended" branch?
12:35.47DanskmandAloha :-) - Is it true that I cannot realize a faxserver with a plain asterisk installation using mISDN ?
12:35.52rgsteele||workI understand passing arguments to a macro, like "exten => _81NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|portable-extensions)"
12:36.03[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Each pattern that calls that macro would chop it based on how that exten already knows it should be treated
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12:36.36henk[TK]D-Fender: hm problems only? no solutions or concepts discussed in that channel?
12:36.38[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: "succeed"
12:37.20[TK]D-Fenderhenk: So far I haven't heard of this "problem" from anyone else in all this time and you've got nothing to show me for your attemp that was apparently a year or more ago.
12:37.42[TK]D-Fenderhenk: There is "theory", and there is "ancient history I can only assume it true".
12:38.06[TK]D-Fenderhenk: this leans too far the "ancient" category.
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12:39.49henk[TK]D-Fender: true. and i just tested it and you were right. so i guess i confused two things here...
12:39.50rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I understand the basics of passing args to macros, e.g. "exten => _81NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|portable-extensions)"
12:40.26rgsteele||workBut, I'll go re-read the docs, maybe something will jump out at me.
12:40.43[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: go look at WHAT you are passing
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12:43.16queuetueIf you were buying a PCI FXO, would you look towards Digium or Sangoma?
12:43.33[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: I'll give you a clue : exten => _81NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|portable-extensions)" <-- in this line you already know the exact number you want dialed out of whatever device will do the dialing. provide it prepared.
12:43.54[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: Strong personal preference for Sangoma here.
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12:45.21rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to look through the docs to understand exactly how that line is working.  The way it currently is written, it pulls the number I want dialed out of ${MACRO_EXTEN} inside the macro itself.
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12:46.28[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Which it shouldn't.  that is not "passed" to the macro, its simply there and the macro is left to analyze why it was called and what it should do.  the macro call ITSELF should tell the macro what to do.  That is the poitn of passing ARGS
12:47.05queuetue[TK]D-Fender, Are the sangoma cards considerably more expensive, or am I just not looking in the right places?
12:47.09[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: I have never written a SINGLE macro that used ${MACRO_EXTEN}.  It is a stupid idea in my books and only leads to trouble.
12:47.32[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue:  Prices are pretty equaly between the two.
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12:48.32[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: One sangoma advantage is on the smaller cards you can daisy-chain more back-planes that share the single PCI interface (just take case space) and use EC, etc from the main board
12:49.05DanskmandSorry....I was on the phone...
12:49.54queuetueIs Asterisk's software echo cancellation good enough, or should I spring for it in the card?
12:50.18DanskmandWell, I want to use asterisk as a faxserver....I saw *somewhere* that I need several add-ons to use asterisk for this....Is that true ?
12:50.24queuetue($260.00 vs $540.00)
12:50.46rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Ah, okay.  It's beginning to get a bit more clear to me.  So, what I should really do is pass an arg called (for pedagogical purposes) 'longdistance', and then the macro should know then what it's purpose is.  So, for example, something like "exten => _8011.,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|international)"
12:51.00rgsteele||workEr, s/longdistance/international/
12:51.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Nope.
12:51.41[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: pass it something more practical.
12:51.55rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Such as?
12:52.04[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: THE NUMBER TO DIAL <-
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12:52.44rgsteele||workOk, well I need to go read the docs then, because I'm not sure how to achieve that.
12:53.38rgsteele||workShould I set it by doing something like "exten => _8011X.,1,Set(number=${EXTEN:4})", and then pass 'number' ?
12:53.56[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: *sigh*
12:54.23Alton2something like that?
12:55.07rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, it's been a long time since I've dealt with AEL.  I'll go read the docs some more - my lack of understanding of how it works is clearly inhibiting good practice.
12:55.18[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: this isn't AEL <-
12:55.58[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: what we've been working with here is common extensions.conf
12:56.43rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Okay, fair enough.  I'll go re-read the docs on extensions.conf.  Alternatively, if you know of any good examples I can take a look at, I'd be much obliged.
12:57.12rgsteele||workIf what you're describing is good practice, it's certainly the path I want to head down.
12:57.18[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: you don't set vars and other junk when passing args, you simply pass them.
12:57.29[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: 1 line.  thats all this solution takes.
12:57.38[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: And not even an ADDITIONAL line.
12:57.53[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Just pass the PRECISE number to call in your macro call.
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13:01.04padskiI have some MixMonitor recordings that have all the silence squished out and the two channels out of sync.  bug or feature ?
13:01.22padskithis is on the 1.4.20 in trixbox
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13:01.51[TK]D-Fenderpadski: go look at the changelog.  That isn't the current version
13:02.29padskinor has app_mixmonitor.c  been changed since then.  do you think it is likely to have fixed later ?
13:03.39rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I guess I'm just not sure of the syntax.  E.g., whether it's something like "exten => _8011.,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|_8011.)", or something different.
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13:04.09rgsteele||workOr whether I need to parenthesize the . so it only matches the stuff after the 8011
13:04.20rgsteele||workAnyways, I'll go read up more on the syntax.
13:05.26[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: You want to pass the number to dial.  In your last thought "_8011." would now be the contents of ARG1
13:06.11[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: you want to pass it the EXACT NUMBER to dial.  This is BASED on the actual extension you DIALED.  Think on it...
13:06.46[TK]D-Fenderpadski: First I've heard of this problem here.  And you already know we don't want to hear anything about trixbox here.
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13:08.52padski[TK]D-Fender, sorry, I hadn't gathered that the trixbox aversion was that fierce :-)  I see now that there was plenty in the .21 release, I should try that first.  thanks for confirming that its not a feature.
13:08.59s0ckpadski: which ver of tb?
13:10.17padskis0ck, the asterisk rpm is 1.4.20-1.  I am not the one who has been managing the packages, so I am a little unclear beyond that.  I think we are tracking something :-)
13:10.32padskia feed ...
13:11.09s0cktb 2.6.1? my recordings sound like gibberish too
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13:12.48rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Going out on a limb here... "exten => _8011.,1,Macro(place-outbound-call|${EXTEN})"?
13:13.10[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: I'm pretty sure that isn't the number you want to pass.
13:14.01rgsteele||workI'm reading through lots of documentation, but not finding much on what you're describing.  I'll keep searching, though.
13:15.52[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: The answer isn't in the documentation.
13:16.23[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: You have just shown you are capable of passing an ARG.  But what you have CHOSEN to pass is not the value you want.
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13:17.26rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I guess I'm not sure what argument has stored what was matched by the .
13:18.05[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: "args" don't have the number.  ${ENTEN} is what was dialed on that line.  You should already know this.
13:18.15[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: its the most important variable in *!
13:18.35rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I know that.  So, I should be passing ${EXTEN:4} then?
13:18.58[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: You pass the value you want AS an arg.  in passing it, ARG1, ARG2, etc get set.
13:19.50[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Macro(mymacroname,this-is-arg1,this-is-arg-2).  Now the precise CONTENT of those args is what you have to set.
13:20.22rgsteele||workAnd that can be set and passed in one line, as you said?
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13:22.41[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: in the sample I just gave ${ARG1 would return "this-is-arg-1" (not in quotes)
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13:23.02[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: so character for character it will pass what you put when you call "Macro".
13:23.35[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: its looking at another box as well or he's not clearing the right one in the first place.
13:24.12Hertzy3I checked all the configs, it is not looking at any other box.  And I checked the inbox on the server, its empty
13:24.14rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I understand that part.  So passing ${EXTEN:4} will do exactly what I want, right?  I'm not sure how else to get the number in plain text.
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13:25.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: that will pass the number that matched the exten you are in with the first 4 chars chopped off.  Is that the number you want it to dial?
13:25.45[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: I'm talking sip.conf here... not polycom configs...
13:25.51rgsteele||workIf it starts with 8011, that's exactly what I want.
13:25.55[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Then go for it and report back.
13:26.05rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Will do - thanks for your guidance.
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13:29.39trelane[TK]D-Fender, I need a polycom guru
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13:31.35trelanepokes his polycom whihc is being very bricjed
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13:32.46[TK]D-Fendertrelane: I'm sure you'l take a flying leap at pertinent details some time before the LHC consumes us all...
13:35.26coppiceLet's check at
13:35.29trelane[TK]D-Fender, I'm not convinced it hasn't already, relativity being what it is
13:35.59Hertzy3I dont see anything in sip.conf that would indicate a problem with this one phone
13:35.59trelane[TK]D-Fender, I have a 501, I recently upgraded the firmware on it only to get an error 0x20 on reboot.  No big deal, so I downgraded and got 0x0, any suggestions?
13:36.25[TK]D-Fendertheory of relativity : Why a 2-hour family supper feels like an 8 hour marathon.
13:36.41*** join/#asterisk FabiOne (n=FabiOne@
13:36.46trelaneLoaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x0.
13:36.50[TK]D-Fenderthremake sure your configs are compatible with the version you're upgrading to.  #20 over tells me "no"
13:37.33*** part/#asterisk Danskmand (
13:38.04FabiOnehi al
13:38.12*** join/#asterisk mirrorcolor (n=mirrorco@unaffiliated/mirrorcolor)
13:38.20coppice[TK]D-Fender: if you're family is Chinese dinner really can be an 8 hour marathon
13:38.40[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Which must feel like WEEKS :)
13:39.11Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender, That phones entry in sip.conf is exactly the same as the rest of the phones, with the right extensions replaced of course.  I dont see any problem there
13:39.17*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:40.34tzafrir_laptopyey, we now have an Asterisk instance that was sent through a time machine (on the -users list)
13:40.45FabiOnei've a problem loading sip && iax users from mysql
13:40.47trelane[TK]D-Fender, are there reference configs that I might use to confirm functionality?  (basically blanks)
13:40.49[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: You're going to have to show use the complete picture with backup if we're to be able to offer any real advise.  Conjecture is a waste at this point.
13:40.54FabiOneanyone can help me?
13:41.27[TK]D-Fendertrelane: in X.Y.Z , always start from scratch on an X or Y change
13:42.09FabiOnethere are italians?
13:42.32[TK]D-FenderU CAN HAZ GRAM-UR PLZ
13:42.45*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
13:43.26[TK]D-FenderFabiOne: Show us your actual problem and maybe we can help you. PASTEBIN is your friend.
13:43.30jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:43.54*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-30249ef91b599f47)
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13:44.41Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender, This phone connects via FTP from a house beind a linksys router (192.168...) to a server we have here in our data center via FTP.  The 0004f2xxx.cfg file points to 2 files.  extxxx.cfg and sip.cfg.  In extxxx.cfg, I have the mwi tag pointing to the correct voicemail.  There is nothing in sip.cfg that points to any specific extension, so that should not be the problem.  The entry in sip.conf appears to be just fine.  The light isnt al
13:44.41Hertzy3ways on, but it comes on frequently, and he checks and does not have voicemail in the system. Is there any more info you need?
13:45.25Hertzy3sorry about the redundant use of "via FTP"
13:46.01[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: You shouldn't be telling the phone to subscribe to MWI, but rather telling * to send NOTIFY's to the phone.
13:46.16[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: solely through sip.conf
13:47.55*** join/#asterisk Vec (
13:48.10Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender, do you know where I can see an example of this?
13:48.27[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: mailbox=123@vmcontext
13:48.38the_5th_wheelCan anyone tell me whats wrong with this command? It seems to not want to send the arguments to the script? exten => 9101,1,Agi(worldchat.agi.php|module=chatterbox)
13:49.05FabiOnethis is my config
13:49.07Hertzy3Oh, I have that in there already
13:49.24FabiOnewhen start asterisk connect to db
13:49.51FabiOnei'm tailing -f /var/log/mysql.log
13:49.57[TK]D-Fenderthe_5th_wheel: that looks fine.
13:50.03FabiOneand i see
13:50.03FabiOne080912 15:24:18      21 Connect     voip@localhost on voip
13:50.06eric_hillDoes anyone know of any good handsets (not headsets) for use in high-noise environments?
13:50.07*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
13:50.48eric_hillOr more generally, how do you put a phone on a manufacturing floor that can be easily used without yelling and cranking the volume up to 11?
13:50.49rgsteele||workIf a reload changes the servers you're registered to, the existing calls will drop, correct?
13:50.51[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: just shove a 20$ amp in front of one at worst.  Thats after upping the gain on the phone itself and finding it insufficient
13:50.59[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: No.
13:51.12rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Ah, cool.  Thanks.
13:51.40eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: That works for hearing the caller, but the caller hears a wad of background noise.  With all the noise-cancelling stuff that's out there, I'm surprised I can't find anything line that.
13:52.40[TK]D-Fendereric_hill: if you have a stadium behind you I'm sorry but I can't think of a mic that is psychic enough to know what noise is YOU and what is "crap"
13:53.21eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: Look at the jawbone and jawbone II.  I just need that in a handset.
13:54.07Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender, I already have the mailbox=xxx@context statement in sip.conf. That is not causing the problem
13:54.46[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: Go back everything up.  folder dumps, SIP traces, CLI status checks, etc
13:55.13eric_hill[TK]D-Fender: I've also seen "The Boom" ( but they don't have a handset either...
13:57.18trelane[TK]D-Fender, yeah that fixed it, thanks
13:57.22trelaneborked config setting
13:57.42*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:08.50[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Salut mon ostie!
14:09.07lmadsencomment ca va [TK]D-Fender?
14:09.29[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Je recupere...
14:09.41lmadsenoh? too much to drink? :)
14:10.33[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: nO, ACCIDENT LAST WEEKEND
14:11.03lmadsenoooo, ouch
14:11.05lmadsenwhat'd ya do?
14:11.09lmadsenfall off your motorcycle?
14:11.21*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:11.32[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Lets just say my sword is quite sharp...
14:11.57trelaneself-impalers anonymous
14:12.04lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: uh oh!
14:12.08trelaneok [TK]D-Fender I'm a huge advocate of gun rights, and believe that everyone should have a gun
14:12.11lmadsenyou didn't cut off your foot did you?
14:12.15trelaneyou sir shoud _NOT_ have a gun.
14:12.46lmadsentrelane: he didn't hurt himself just looking at it I'm sure. [TK]D-Fender is actually quite skilled in the sword arts.
14:12.48[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: just an unfortunate slice into my thumb.  Not too sever, but plenty of blood
14:13.00lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: ahhh... yep, that'll do it :)
14:13.50[TK]D-Fendertrelane: Actually I'm more the proficient with firearms.  Been shooting since I was a kid and put on gun show displays with my father.
14:14.07[TK]D-Fendertrelane: And the speed at which I could field strip & rebuild a Colt 1911 might scare you :)
14:14.55[TK]D-Fendertrelane: See, swords are dangerous, you are SUPPOSED to swing them around.  You know you don't do that with guns.  See?  COMPLETELY different!
14:15.46*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
14:16.32trelaneI can tear down a 1911 in <10 sec
14:16.34trelaneloves his 1911
14:18.22*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:21.01[TK]D-Fendertrelane: given laws I nearly forgot about not having bought a gun in untold years, .45 is back in due to magazine restrictions.  So a nice Springfield Armory dual-stack would do well.  Comp trigger, extended safety & muzzle brake...
14:21.33trelaneTRP Pro Operator == my next 1911
14:21.54trelaneright now my daily carry is a kimber Stainless Pro Carry II
14:22.06trelane4" bushingless bull barrel
14:23.35trelanealso have the .22 conversion for rabbit, raccoon, and opossum which are all neighborhood pests
14:23.41eric_hilltrelane: I carry a Glock 30SF.  It's way more fun.
14:25.12*** join/#asterisk zako (
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14:28.08zakoi have problems with misdn + b410p
14:28.30zakoi thing that I compiled and configured all ok
14:28.39zakoall seem to work
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14:28.50zakobut sometimes during the day
14:29.01zakobri channels don't work
14:29.04[TK]D-FenderGlock... meh
14:29.11zakoand i have to reboot the server
14:29.36WimpManzako: A "misdn restart port X" doesn't help?
14:29.52zakoit's something strange
14:30.05zakobecause i have the same hardware, the same software versions in other machine
14:30.21zakowith the same misdn-init.conf and misdn.con
14:30.28zakowithout problems...
14:30.37zakobut this server it's horrible
14:30.55WimpManBut maybe another NT or Switch.
14:31.30*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-a36ac92f986a7433)
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14:31.30zakoi get "no free chan in stack" errors
14:31.46WimpManI'm having reliability issues with misdn as well. Depends on the device on the other end.
14:31.48mmlj4zako: you get out of luck, apparently
14:32.14*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
14:32.59zakoyes that's obvius mmlj4 :)
14:33.49zakoi have tried different versions of misdn 1.1.7, 1.1.8 and 1.1.3
14:33.50WimpManzako: Are you using the latest misdn? It works better for me than the previous version.
14:34.04zakoyes I tested
14:34.07WimpManOnly one telephone left that kills misdn regularly.
14:34.43WimpManWell, time to take a closer look into misdn then...
14:34.44zakothe version 1.1.8 from beronet
14:34.58zakoand the other versions from digium using make b410p
14:35.10zakoand allways the same errors
14:36.52zakowhen the lines are down
14:36.54nr4qwhat's a good switch that does PoE? only need about 10-12 ports on it
14:37.08zakoi get a lof of errors:
14:37.16zakoprim:120282 with addr:52020201 dinfo:ffffffff
14:38.29WimpManThat usually means Bearer Capability!??
14:38.30zakoI suppose B Channel
14:38.36zakoof the ISDN
14:38.58zakoB Channel is the data channel
14:39.15WimpManAre you getting calls without channel perhaps?
14:39.20zakobut I'm not sure
14:39.46WimpManI think I have seen a setting for this somewhere, but I'm not sure it makes sense in your scenario.
14:40.04Kobaznr4q: this netgear i just got is awesome... 24 port full poe
14:40.08zakoI have 7 bri
14:40.10WimpManIs it a ptp or ptmp line?
14:40.22zakowitch 2 b410p cards
14:40.30Kobaznr4q: FS728TP
14:40.35zakothat form a mISDN group called "isdn"
14:40.42nr4qkobaz: cool, which model ? (needs to be rack mountable)
14:40.46WimpManWow. Wouldn't one pri be cheaper?
14:40.48zakothey're ptp
14:40.54Kobazyeap, rack mountable of course... fully managed as well
14:41.01zakoit wasn't my decission xD
14:41.11s0ckfinally got blf+dcp working with a snom 360!
14:41.17nr4qkobaz: okay thanks for the tip. looks to be exactly what i need
14:41.45Kobaznr4q: all of the crap linksys switches don't have full poe on their 24 port switches, they have poe on 12 ports, what use is that?
14:41.56nr4qkobaz: hehe i just read it's loud, iis that true?
14:42.12Kobaznot really
14:42.19Kobazit's got some fans in it, i mean, it's not silent
14:42.26nr4qkobaz: currently i only need 4 PoE ports but what sense is buying gear if you dont plan for scalability
14:42.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Some have on all, some on half.  Your job to pay attention to the specs.
14:43.03WimpManzako: te_choose_channel=yes might be it.
14:43.24Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: from my point of view there's really no point in half poe
14:43.32nr4qkobaz: <$
14:43.55Kobaznr4q: but then you get a smaller switch
14:43.55[TK]D-FenderKobaz: for you maybe not.  For others its "I want a switch for my small LAN and don't need that many PoE, just a bunch
14:44.04[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And save some $
14:44.37nr4qi have ~12 ports I need without PoE and I have currently 4 I want PoE on.  12 and 12 would make pretty good sense in my case
14:44.44*** join/#asterisk geoff2010 (n=geoffrey@
14:44.54Kobaznr4q: linksys makes a full poe 8 port managed switch, but it's like the same price as the netgear 24 port full poe managed switch
14:45.28Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: most of the switches are around the same price, which is why it doesn't make sense
14:45.52Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: why buy a 12/12 for $250-350 when you can get a full 24 poe for $250-350
14:46.07zakoWimpMan, I don't remember now but i think it's not fixed
14:46.28[TK]D-FenderKobaz: So maybe the price factors don't add up as much.  Never said it was a great move, just an understandable approach.
14:46.31nr4qkobaz: i feel better having a piece of gear with the linksys name on it over dlink or netgear
14:46.31WimpManzako: Pardon?
14:46.36Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah
14:46.45Kobaznr4q: i love netgear stuff
14:46.57Kobaznr4q: some of the linksys firmware is not very good
14:47.00zakoi think that its value is 0
14:47.05nr4qkobaz i'll admit it's not what it used to be
14:47.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Only Netgear product I'd buy (and have) is the 4/8 PoE switch
14:47.17zakobut i cann't connect in this moment to the server to see it
14:47.18Kobaznr4q: the 24 port linksys switches has to be rebooted since the firmware locks up
14:47.46Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: heh
14:47.54rgsteele||workUgh.  Is there any good documentation on the usage of IF for extensions.conf?  I just want to try something for kicks, but can't find any docs on it.
14:48.10[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: "core show function IF"
14:48.37zakoWimpMan, te_choose_channel=no
14:48.44rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: From within the asterisk CLI?
14:49.10*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
14:49.30[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Yes
14:50.08*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
14:50.09rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Doesn't seem to work... No such command 'core' (type 'help' for help)
14:50.24[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Drop "core"
14:50.37[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: And congratulations on keeping up with yesterday...
14:50.55Zeeekdeath. Taxes. [TK]D-Fender. The only constants in this life!
14:51.17[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Ever watch "Forever Knight"?
14:51.19rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: I'm actually working up two different versions to show $boss why the other way is better.
14:51.22*** join/#asterisk Baylink (
14:51.32Zeeek[TK]D-Fender is that the one about the vampire?
14:51.41BaylinkPing: PRI/TBCT
14:52.14[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Yes.  A vamp barmaid looked at a guy talking to someone saying that, turned to someone else and said "He's an accountant, what does he know?"
14:52.29*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (n=tk@
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14:52.50[TK]D-Fender<3 Jeanette
14:53.06zakoI initially though that telco was going out BRI lines but if I watch "misdn show stacks" i see L2Link and L1Link always UP even when i have problems
14:53.15ZeeekThere's a great story about a guy lost on a baloon and he calls down to a guy for help. The guy answers and the lost guy says "you're an accountant, right?"...
14:53.28zako(telco was going down, sorry...)
14:53.48jeevlove is for weenies.
14:54.20[TK]D-FenderConfucious say man to sure of bedding woman is cocky.
14:54.45jeevkilled Confucious
14:55.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:55.38BaylinkIn more detail (:-) I'm trying to get TBCT/RLT working on my 1.2.27 install out a PRI to NuVox.  I'm told that if all I do is Dial back out the same PRI, and Asterisk doesn't think it needs to stay in the media path, it will attempt a Native Bridge, and the code will attempt a TBCT/RLT request.  I see the Native Bridge attempt in the log, but I don't see Hangups until after I drop the call.  So I assume that it's not working, but I'm not sure ho
14:55.42jeevfender, infact.. everyone who loves but me is a weenie!
14:55.50BaylinkI did a PRI debug, but I'm not real good at reading those.
14:56.35*** join/#asterisk stewbaby (
14:56.43[TK]D-FenderBaylink: i DON'T BELIEVE 1.2 HAD 2bct SUPPORT
14:57.07[TK]D-FenderBaylink: AND 1.4 ADDED IT FOR 5ess AT ELAST, AND LAST i HEARD 1.6 SHOULD BE ADDING IT FOR dms100, ETC
14:57.49BaylinkThat would be bad.
14:57.59Zeeekbreaking news: VoIP is down
14:58.29*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:58.37jeevlmadsen, i see my fart woke you up
14:58.38Zeeekbut that's leif
14:58.47BaylinkAny idea how best I can confirm that, D-Fender?
14:59.11*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
14:59.25[TK]D-FenderBaylink: Cruise through Mantis
14:59.26BaylinkOr, alternatively, can anyone comment on how hard it would be to backport it?  My machine is in the middle of a 12-box VICIdial cluster.
14:59.42*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:59.45ManxPowerBaylink: who told you all you have to do is dial yourself?
14:59.46lmadsenZeeek: is there a call today?
14:59.51[TK]D-FenderBaylink: 1.4 is about to be considered the "old version".  GOOD LUCK
14:59.52Zeeekyes there is sir
14:59.58lmadsenwhat is the chat room again?
15:00.23BaylinkSomeone official; checking.
15:00.24lmadsenah! missing the users
15:00.33Zeeekweb site:
15:00.52Zeeekbank account: 11454354234441223 111
15:01.06jeevzeek, your bank account # is my root password
15:01.22BaylinkDonny Kavanaugh, actually, whom I guess isn't *that* official.  :-)  He also said, though, that I had to have facilityenable=yes, and I forgot.
15:02.05*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
15:02.09BaylinkWell, as soon as 1.4, much less 1.6, is stable enough to run 260 seats of VD 40 hours a week, I'll upgrade.  :-)
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15:03.07lmadsendoesn't want to go there
15:03.50BaylinkI *had* already expanded it on first use.  :-)
15:03.57lmadsendidn't read the scroll back :)
15:04.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
15:04.20jayteegood day everyone
15:05.12jayteecould anyone from Digium in here or in the Huntsville area recommend a decent inexpensive hotel that's fairly close to Digium?
15:06.54Zeeekthe nearest one is in Atlanta :)
15:09.24jayteepicks up his can of Jones Soda "Whoop-Ass" and points to Zeeek and says, "Don't make me open this!"
15:09.34russellbdecent inexpensive?
15:09.59Zeeekshrinks in fear, looks down and sees more shrinkage
15:10.03jayteemoderate price. 70 to 80 bucks a night
15:10.07russellbthere are some listed on i think
15:10.19russellbthere are a couple of holiday inns reasonably close
15:10.22russellbcan't remember the others ..
15:10.23Zeeekdecent = running water?
15:10.31jameswf-homehave you people seen the esquire cover?
15:10.41jayteedecent = no roaches and clean sheets
15:10.45Zeeekoh god, is Mark on it again?
15:11.25jameswf-home << e-ink fashion freaks beat geeks :(
15:11.59jameswf-homeI just wanna find out if we can hack it
15:12.42jayteei read about that, the cover and an advert from Ford that use e-ink
15:13.49BaylinkTBCT: Nope; facilityenable wasn't it either.  Unless this switch is really in DMS mode instead of NI2.  Gotta wait for the carrier on that one.
15:13.53jayteeand they're working on a RFID style wireless technology add-on that in a few years they may be able to update a current month's edition with corrections or additional information
15:15.38*** join/#asterisk BrokenNoze (
15:17.09BrokenNozeHi all, can anyone recommend some basic resources for QoS, what it is and how to apply in an Asterisk environment?
15:17.09jameswf-homebig brother is in your mag watchin yur fashion
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15:22.31BrokenNozethanks, looks like i need a full on book and training course then :(
15:24.28Zeeekeven if you are not on the Esquire cover, voip geeks are welcome at for the party today online in 30 minutes. Pre-Astricon pre-DruidCon get-together
15:25.01Qwellwhat, no pre-itexpo?
15:25.58Zeeekof course there is
15:26.26Zeeekpre-pre linux world too
15:26.33ManxPowerBrokenNoze: correct.  Unless you control BOTH ends of the link, QoS only has limited abilities
15:27.53BrokenNozeManxPower: we'll we're looking at shaping a clients LAN traffic, and with only basic networking skills I'm a little unsure where to even start
15:27.55rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: BTW, your suggestion worked great.
15:28.18ManxPowerBrokenNoze: what routers/switches does the customer use?
15:28.21rgsteele||workI've got that checked in to subversion so boss could compare to the method of passing in meaningless args vs. the info actually needed.
15:28.31ManxPowerBrokenNoze: QoS is one of the hardest things in networking.
15:28.38rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Thanks again for your help.
15:34.08[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: care to pastebin your current solution?
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15:38.47BrokenNozeManxPower : looking for a general explaination on how to deploy, use. best practise etc. from what you're saying i'd do better to taking a course rather than reading a book
15:39.33ManxPowerBrokenNoze: All QoS stuff is set up in vendor specific ways.
15:39.53ManxPowerSo you really can't proceed until you have routers and switches that support the same form of QoS
15:40.11ManxPowerWhich is why I asked you what brand of routers/switches the customer has.
15:41.27rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Not at all, hang on.
15:41.47BrokenNozeManxPower : got ya.. and the answer is.. i've no idea.
15:42.41BrokenNozesounds like its far to general an area to just find a book like good old OReilly and sit down and read
15:43.19ManxPowerBrokenNoze: My customers don't do QoS on the LAN (their lan is like 5% utilization), but we do it on all the WAN links that support QoS.  All Cisco routers and switches.
15:43.54Zeeek channel open
15:43.57rgsteele||work[TK]D-Fender: Give me a sec to sanitize
15:44.00Zeeeksee you there!
15:44.03*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:45.20dominic1isn't it possible to park a local channel?
15:45.37BrokenNozeManxPower: over MPLS i assume. Maybe a course in Cisco would be the best bet
15:46.08BrokenNozeas it is pretty standard, just VERY expensive hardware, but i suppose you get what you pay for
15:49.14*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (
15:50.31eric_hillSIP phone to SIP phone calls through asterisk: phone to phone, or phone to asterisk to phone for the voice data?
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15:57.41ManxPowerBrokenNoze: no, not over MPLS.
15:57.58ManxPowerYou can do it over MPLS, but we do it using point-to-point data T-1s
15:59.34ManxPowerWith MPLS your CARRIER does the QoS, all you do is tag the packets in your router
16:00.03eric_hillManxPower: With MPLS, your carrier respects your tagged QoS packets, but you still do queueing at your router.
16:00.29ManxPowereric_hill: after I typed that I realized I was wrong.  I was hoping nobody would notice.
16:00.35eric_hillManxPower: With point-to-point T1's you tag and queue traffic the same way, there's just no queueing going on in the middle :)
16:00.37ManxPowereric_hill: at least outbound queuing is on your router.
16:01.08eric_hillManxPower: Yep.  I had someone argue with me one time that inbound queuing was very important.  Sigh...
16:01.42ManxPowereric_hill: at least for TCP, inbound Queueing can influence the amount of outbound data.  Not actual QoS, but it can look like it
16:01.59ManxPowerI call that "Fake QoS"
16:02.14ManxPowerworks pretty well until you fire up something like Bittorrent
16:02.19eric_hillManxPower: Any more that only works for "well behaved" TCP applications.  Those are becoming harder to find... :)
16:02.32ManxPowereric_hill: *nod*
16:04.14dominic1hello guys, ask again.... Can anybody tell me if it's possible to park a local channel?
16:04.44ManxPowerdominic1: it should be.
16:05.12jayteeI'm trying to get a PA system working with an SPA3102 on the FXO port. It's registering as a sip client to asterisk but when I call it gives me a 503 error at the CLI. I've successfully tested it with an FXO port on a Digium TDM04B.
16:05.19ManxPowerI have a site where all local calls to the main number goes thru a Local/ channel before going to the receptionist and the receptionist parks calls.
16:05.47ManxPowerjaytee: don't make us look up what 503 means (text)
16:05.59jayteeManxPower, service unavailable
16:06.01*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:06.18ManxPoweryou don't have a codec issue, do you?
16:07.19eric_hillManxPower: no, he has a service unavailable issue... ;)
16:07.51eric_hilltypes format c: /q /u
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16:07.59jayteeManxPower, I shouldn't have but I think the problem is the Linksys is expecting dialtone on the line whereas the Digium port doesn't have to have it. The PA unit that connects to it is designed to auto answer on loop start
16:08.32ManxPowerjaytee: Um, why does the digium port not have dialtone on it?
16:08.52eric_hillIt's an FXO port.
16:09.16ManxPowereric_hill: *nod* and it sounds like he's plugging the asterisk FXO into the SPA FXO.
16:09.26jayteeManxPower, because I was testing it with a PA unit that's designed to use an FXO port.
16:09.28ikevini've a problem with asterisk (running behind a nat), if i make a call with a sip user located in the local network, there are no problem, so, if i make a call with a sip user behind the nat, there are no sound received
16:09.33ikevinanyone have an idea?
16:09.41ManxPowerjaytee: diagram it.
16:09.53ManxPowerikevin: see the sipnat info
16:09.55jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:09.57*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
16:09.58eric_hilljaytee: one side or the other needs to supply ring voltage.  Even if it's loop start, you still need voltage on the line.
16:10.02ManxPoweruse the first link
16:10.08jayteeAsterisk SIP -> Linksys 3102 FXO to Valcom PA unit.
16:10.21ManxPowerjaytee: so you don't even have it plugged into a digium port.
16:10.38ManxPowerjaytee: MOST PA units expect to be connected to an FXS port.
16:10.47ManxPowerso they can get a ring voltage
16:10.53jayteeManxPower, I tested that way first and it works fine, but on the Linksys it throws the 503 error
16:10.54eric_hilljaytee: I have two Valcom PA units in service, but they both run off FXS ports, not FXO ports.
16:11.27jayteeeric_hill, the specs I have want a "dry" line with loop start
16:11.30eric_hilljaytee: Some of the paging amps are just dumb voice amplifiers == no ringing etc.
16:11.58eric_hilljaytee: If that's the case, then an FXO port might work if there's no call supervision.
16:12.13ManxPowerjaytee: what exact model are you using?
16:12.15eric_hilljaytee: But it sounds like your SPA3102 needs voltage on the line.
16:12.47jayteeThe fxo ports on the Digium TDM04B work fine with the basic * config. I need SIP to FXO portability to deploy around the campus.
16:13.01jayteeManxPower, Linksys or Valcom?
16:13.09ManxPowerjaytee: Valcom
16:13.59eric_hillEnd-run the problem.
16:15.32eric_hilljaytee: more specifically:
16:15.46ManxPowerso I guess it doesn't want to be on an FXS port.  Odd.
16:16.22ikevindoes "externip" in sip.conf can be a dns (i have a dynamic ip) ?
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16:16.35eric_hillManxPower: I was wrong, we have Viking PA's, not Valcom PA's.  My bad.
16:16.36lmadsenikevin: see externhost
16:16.38ManxPowerikevin: no.  externip is an ip address.
16:16.49ManxPowereric_hill: there is 20 mins of my life I'll never get back.
16:16.50lmadsenif you look in the sample, it is the very next option
16:17.10jayteeManxPower, yes odd but I verified that with Valcom and they stated that it would work with Digium's FXO cards. Digium is on their list of supported products. This is something weird with the Linksys config and I don't want to take up much of your time with it. I'll just play around and if I'm still stuck call their tech support. Their docs are shitty.
16:17.13eric_hillManxPower: Looks more like 5 to me.
16:18.25ManxPowereric_hill: hush you.
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16:41.57ikevinmmm, i have an other problem now, the users behind the nat work with the echo test, users in my local network work with echo test too, so user from my local network don't receive sound from users behind my nat (and user behind my nat did not receive sound too)
16:42.12ikevinanyone have an idea?
16:46.19*** part/#asterisk MoutaPT (n=mmouta@
16:50.34padskiikevin, I don't supppose it helps to tell you that nat is evil ?
16:51.17ikevinlol i think
16:51.39ikevini the call is initiated by the user behind the nat it work fine
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16:56.22BaylinkNAT isn't evil.  Protocols that expect a reverse conection is acceptable are evil.  :-)
16:56.59ManxPowerikevin: my only idea is that you did not follow the sipnat document correctly.  audio issues are CLASSIC NAT or firewall issue.
16:59.29padskiBaylink, doomed is the word you are looking for.  ask ftp over ssl.
17:00.58padskimind you ... this and intergalactic travel is why we need ip6
17:03.50BaylinkAnd I'm reading the [[42]] article in another window.  It's that LHC, I tell you.
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17:12.37dominic1I have some issues with my realtimeconfiguration. Sometimes asterisk hangs up and restarts. With gdb I found the following: 0x00002aaaab12d6b7 in SQLTablesW () from /usr/lib/
17:12.45dominic1did anybody have the same issue?
17:13.43dominic1I think it's a problem with cdr
17:14.11dominic1I see a cdr event in the managementinterface.... then the server restarts
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17:23.24_zoomy_Hello all. Quick question: What is the "inverse" of the CUT() function? ;) I want to add a character at index 2 of a string of length 4.
17:23.52WimpManUse two cuts.
17:24.11Qwellif it's positional, you don't need cut at all
17:24.32_zoomy_WimpMan: so concatenate three parts you mean?
17:24.57_zoomy_WimpMan: thnx
17:25.03*** part/#asterisk padski (
17:27.12ManxPowerCUT is for when you know the field delimiter
17:31.21*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
17:32.20dominic1hi, found out that it's not a good idea to define a primarykey in the cdr table .... Had some issues of somebody hangs up the call in the same second as somebody else.... Then my asterisk stopped working
17:32.59dominic1anybody using cdr with mysql in production environment?
17:33.10dominic1and can give me his scheme?
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17:39.38phiglapHey guys, I've got a zaptel analog card.. Whenever my local LAN loses internet connectivity, my * stops passing calls to my ATA and other extensions
17:39.56phiglapit just picks up the pots line and holds onto it, making future calls ring busy
17:40.10phiglapand the line it picks up is just silence
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17:40.28phiglapeven though the * and the ATA (and other extensions) still have local IPs
17:40.35phiglapanyone seen that happen before?
17:41.37ManxPowerphiglap: That is a known and common problem with Asterisk and DNS
17:41.49Blackvelhi. I am having a little problem with this IF function. callingnr:0:4 is result "0911". I verified it. nevertheless it sets clipnoscreennr variable to "12345". String "anon" stands for "anonymous" (clir). Set(clipnoscreennr=${IF(${callingnr:0:4} = "anon"?12345:"")}). is it correct? looks like comparison to "anon" is not working
17:41.57*** join/#asterisk killfill_ (n=killfill@
17:42.13phiglapManxPower: so I need to have DNS that responds for it to work on local stuff like that?
17:42.17ManxPowerBlackvel: pastebin the dialplan code AND the cli output.
17:42.32killfill_im trying to use the agentlogin() function on Grandstream phones (GXP2000 and BT200) and the asterisk does not reviece the # key
17:42.35killfill_how do i fix this?
17:42.44killfill_on software phones (xten) it works fine
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17:43.27ManxPowerphiglap: you can try adding ALL the IPs of the server into /etc/hosts and edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to not do dns lookups
17:43.40ManxPowerkillfill_: tell the GS to stop eating the #
17:43.50ManxPowerkillfill_: this is not an asterisk issue
17:44.02phiglapManxPower: cool. Now that I know what the issue is, I can definitely do some workarounds. Thanks.
17:44.16[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: No need, the line is bad because you don't even have a proper evaluation in your "IF"
17:44.39Blackvelthought so
17:44.44[TK]D-FenderblaGo read the WIKi page on "asterisk expressions" again
17:44.47*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (n=kumba@
17:45.01ManxPowerand go read channelvariables.txt AGAIN AND AGAIN until you GET it.
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17:46.46ManxPowerBlackvel: do NOT use extra quotes.  NEVER have quotes on one side of an = but not the other side.
17:47.03killfill_ManxPower: any idea how to do that?  ive set "Use # as Dial Key: " to No and its asterisk is not recieving the thing either.. :S
17:47.19ManxPowerkillfill_: no.  the phone is not SENDING the #
17:47.47killfill_maybe i can set the key to "*"?
17:48.03ManxPowerkillfill_: maybe you can.  check your phone docs
17:48.13killfill_oh i mean on asterisk
17:48.21killfill_i have like 20 phones like this.
17:48.26ManxPowerkillfill_: I already told you this is not an Asterisk issue
17:48.32BlackvelI have to admit that I didnt read that doc before and therefore I didn't understand too well the samples for if and gotoif on wiki. but thanks. will do it right now
17:48.48killfill_i understand that man.
17:49.07ManxPowerkillfill_: why do you need a # or * on the Asterisk side?
17:50.08killfill_becouse agentlogin() works with an #.. just thought if i could make it with with an * instead, so i dont need to change the config of 20 phones...
17:50.59[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_>im trying to use the agentlogin() function on Grandstream phones (GXP2000 and BT200) and the asterisk does not reviece the # key <- makes no sense
17:51.30killfill_(btw, config that i still dont found..:P)
17:51.31ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: most things newbies say here make no sense.
17:51.32killfill_[TK]D-Fender: no?
17:51.35[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: if we're talking about DTMF entry and it sees the FIRST digits (prove it with Read), then it makes no sense to ignore 2 digits in-line
17:52.01[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He's saying he's in the call in a dialplan app.  Phone dialplan is no longer in-play
17:52.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I suspect he's trying to do one-stage agent login.  i.e. pass all the info in the dial EN BLOC
17:52.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And it doesn't make sense for 1-9 to register (which I don't truts the implication of), and not */#
17:53.10killfill_dont know if im not making myself clear becouse of my tecnical ignorance or english problems...
17:53.23*** part/#asterisk phiglap (
17:53.24[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: pastebin your dialplan.
17:53.32killfill_but, yes im not on the dialplan. im "inside the agentlogin()" function and asks the user to press the # key
17:53.37[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: I'll interpret your code and see
17:53.40ManxPowerkillfill_: pastebin the part of the dialplan that handles agentlogin as well as the CLI output of the vailure.
17:53.44ManxPowerand failure too
17:53.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: thisw last statement negates it as part of the inital "dial" so far
17:54.16[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: But yes, please pastebin the raw code, AND the failed call at verbose 10
17:54.23ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Yup.  You can help this poor confused newbie.
17:54.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Shouldn't be that hard.  proof is in seeing... should come fast.
17:55.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: after all these years you are still an optimist.
17:55.58[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I doubt his code's intent is so unclear I can't revers engineer his meaning.  either I see it in the Exten itself, or not.  It's kinda instant in THIS case.
17:56.46[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: Ok, go do a Read test to accept 3 digits.  Show us that that works.
17:56.57ManxPowerqueues make me queasy.
17:56.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: So far 100% DTMF (not URI) issue
17:57.05[TK]D-FenderManxPower: See?  Not so hard
17:57.12killfill_Read test?
17:58.06[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: Exten => 123,1,Answer        Exten => 123,2,Read(ABC,,3)    Exten => 123,3,NoOp(Entered "${ABC}")
17:58.23[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: Prove that DTMF is at all functional on your phone you set up
17:58.30killfill_ah cool.
17:59.00[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: So far what you showed doesn't prove that it's ignoring */#.  Right now I'm sure you set it wrong and its ignoring EVERYTHING you enter
17:59.32[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: So after it answers, go typ 456 and see if it works if it doesn't, go fix your "dtmfmode=" line for your SIP peer
18:00.13ManxPowerdoesn't 1.4 have a debug dtmf option?
18:00.42ManxPowerI've never needed it as I never have DTMF issues.
18:00.58ManxPower300 phones, no DTMF issues.
18:01.39ManxPowerQwell: does the dtmf debug work for dtmf in any mode?
18:01.53Qwellit's in the core
18:02.00[TK]D-Fender"core debug 10"
18:02.01ManxPowerI'll take that as a yes
18:02.07Qwellso it just reports the dtmf that the core sees
18:03.27killfill_[TK]D-Fender: your right.
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18:05.56killfill_[TK]D-Fender: greate. thanks.
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18:10.56[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: Now go pick the proper mode for your phone.
18:15.27killfill_[TK]D-Fender: yup. greate. thank.
18:18.04errrIm getting a 404 trying to register xlite to my pbx, here is what I get from sip debug:  any ideas why I get the 404?
18:21.23killfill_wired.. grandstream phones are by default set the DTMF for "in-audio".. none of asterisk config (auto,inband,rfc2833,info) works with that.. ill have to setup the dtfm in the phone..
18:21.43killfill_aah. im using g729 :P
18:21.53killfill_got it.
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18:38.11[TK]D-Fendererrr: Go show us your SIP peer.
18:38.40[TK]D-Fenderkillfill_: You should be using G.711 & rfc2833 on both sides.
18:42.16dominic1did anybody use sipp before? I want to call a phone for 1 second, then hangup, then call again....
18:42.30dominic1but found no function to hangup
18:42.44dominic1sipp waits that I pick up the phone
18:42.50rgsteele||workkillfill_: FWIW, I was experiencing some QoS issues when using g729 - once I stuck ulaw above that in my sip configs, the problems all but disappeared.
18:43.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm getting an outside doggy kennel
18:44.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: ruh-roh!
18:44.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: for a puppy... not me
18:44.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: A PUPPEH
18:44.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Poor Ryan ;)
18:44.31Kattyyes poor ryan indeed
18:44.37Kattyhe will have to put up with a lil mister mcpoocherkins
18:44.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: i found german shepherds
18:44.52[TK]D-Fenderoh noes
18:45.01lmadsenI love german shepherds
18:45.14Kattythey were born july 6
18:45.41Kattyyeah, i just hope they're registered.
18:45.46lmadsenI love when they are puppies and have those oversized paws
18:45.48Kattyand not some muttly version someone's trying to pawn
18:45.59Kattyi want a GSD.
18:46.02Kattynot a dumb dog.
18:46.10errr[TK]D-Fender: yeah it looks like I set the peer up wrong, I got it working now. Thanks
18:46.11Kattyor maybe a dobermann
18:46.13Kattyor a bull mastiff
18:46.18Kattyany of those guard dogs would work.
18:46.21errrhi Katty!!
18:46.25Kattyhai errr!
18:46.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: the dog kennel i found is 10'x10', for 260
18:46.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:46.52errrI used to have a bull mastiff
18:46.59errrshe was the best dog ever
18:47.04Kattyerrr: do you think they're bigger than GSDs?
18:47.11errrwhats a gsd?
18:47.12Kattyerrr: how much was she?
18:47.14Kattygerman shepherd
18:47.50errrKatty: well I had both at the same time, I paid 500 and some pot for the bull mastiff and 125 for the gsd
18:47.57Corydon76-digKatty: You need a Savannah kitty
18:48.43errrKatty: and the mastiff was considerably bigger than the gsd
18:50.52dominic1can anybody help me with sipp?
18:51.16errrnow its time to head to: for a couple hurricanes :)
18:51.30KattyCorydon76-dig: those are bloody expensive.
18:51.35KattyCorydon76-dig: my mother has a bengal tabby.
18:51.49Corydon76-digYes, but they're great cats
18:52.01KattyCorydon76-dig: chigger is bloody annoying, too
18:52.04KattyCorydon76-dig: he meows way too much
18:52.13KattyCorydon76-dig: tail sticks straight up in the air. climbs on everything.
18:53.07KattyCorydon76-dig: haha, that vid's cute.
18:53.13KattyCorydon76-dig: chiggers and f3, i believe.
18:53.41dominic1hi, anybody of you worked with sipp before? I want to call a phone for 1 second, hangup, call again. Is there any function in sipp to do that?
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19:00.04Exstaticai have a really wierd issue, i did a tcpdump on the asterisk box and noticed i'm getting packet loss on outbound only
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19:01.04Exstaticathe rtp streams show packet loss in one direction only
19:01.23hardwireanybody got the word in a free pin based authentication system for calling card stuff?
19:01.29hardwireI need to show somebody they exist.
19:01.39hardwireI've seen a few free ones, but not sure how awesome they are
19:02.14hardwireyup.. looking for experienced information
19:02.30hardwiresorry, should have stated "anybody running a business off of a free prepaid asterisk system?"
19:03.08Exstaticai wrote one for a company a while back using SER it worked really well
19:03.21hardwireExstatica: I'm trying to avoid using Alepo RBS
19:03.24hardwireand SER
19:03.26hardwireand radius
19:03.35hardwireand a whole lot of unnecessary.
19:03.41Exstaticathe way i did it, was to use SER some perl and a database
19:04.04hardwirehow did you handle in-band interruptions?
19:04.17*** join/#asterisk elsimio (n=mgomez@
19:04.20elsimiohello guys
19:04.30Exstaticayou mean when time was expiring?
19:04.49elsimiosomebody know how i can solve this little problem when im trying to call PC to a ata186
19:05.07elsimioUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
19:07.27Exstaticaelsimio: what codec are you using?
19:07.47Exstaticais the phone registering? and are you using nat
19:07.57elsimioin my sip.conf enabled ulaw, alaw and g723
19:08.08elsimioyeah is registered, i can call since the phone to pc
19:08.16elsimiobut not pc to ata 186 (phone)
19:08.25Exstaticaare you using nat?
19:08.43Exstaticahmmm, i would think its a codec issue but its hard to say
19:09.02Exstaticais the pc registering with asterisk?
19:09.16[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: pastebin the CLI output with SIP debug for the failed attempt and do "sip show peer [thepeeryourecalling]"
19:09.40elsimioyeah, is registered
19:09.47*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (n=Kelvin@
19:09.47elsimioi will paste my output, hold
19:10.04ThatKidKeldoes anyone know if there is a sip header i can put on a call to a cisco phone to make it auto answer?
19:10.18ManxPowerThatKidKel: yes.
19:10.33ManxPowerThatKidKel: do a search
19:10.43ManxPoweralso search the mailing list archives
19:10.46jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
19:11.19ManxPowerelsimio: device 111 is not registered.
19:11.33ManxPoweryou can see this by "sip show peer 111"
19:11.42ManxPoweror "sip show peers" to see all the devices
19:11.54elsimioi can call since 111 to my pc, line 111 is a ata186
19:12.09elsimiolook this
19:12.33ManxPowercalling FROM a device does NOT require it to be registered.  You only need registration for calls Asterisk -> SIP DEVICE
19:12.37[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: And the other part I asked for?
19:12.44*** join/#asterisk Wayhigh (
19:12.46Wayhighsup all
19:13.09[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: NOT registerd
19:13.16elsimiooh, hold i will registered
19:13.18[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 0
19:14.03*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
19:14.55Wayhighis all kinds of stoked
19:15.10elsimionow is registered
19:15.47elsimioand my output is different now
19:15.50ManxPowerelsimio: cool.  now repastebin the failed call
19:16.03[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: That looks like you set the host manually, not that you "registered"
19:16.12ManxPowerelsimio: you naively seem to think you have only one problem.
19:16.15elsimioyeah, i did set manual
19:16.18elsimiois different?
19:17.14[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: if you do "host=" that is NOT REGISTERING
19:17.14ManxPowerelsimio: no, the problem is that you LIED to us.  You said it is now registered when all you did was put host=something
19:17.14elsimiohow i can registered without not host?
19:17.15[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: host=dynamic
19:17.32[TK]D-Fenderthe entire POINT of registering is so you don't enther the host IP!
19:17.35ManxPowerelsimio: you don't register.  The SIP device registers to the asterisk server to inform the server what IP and port the phone is waiting for calls on.
19:17.56ManxPowerelsimio: Have you read ATFOT?
19:17.59[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: Now fix it, restart your phone and look again
19:18.02lmadsenI haven't
19:18.03ManxPowerthis is pretty basic stuff you don't understand.
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19:18.46elsimionot yet atfot
19:18.53elsimioi did put dynamic
19:19.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: do you think he's calling himself?
19:19.06elsimiobut say 111                        (Unspecified)    D          0        UNKNOWN
19:19.06ManxPowerelsimio: go read it.
19:19.24ManxPowerelsimio: that means the phone did not send a registration to Asterisk.
19:19.30ManxPowerso you cannot call it.
19:19.40ManxPoweri give up.
19:20.11elsimiomaybe a problem with my sip.conf or codecs?
19:20.24ManxPowerelsimio: no.  the problem is the config of your phone.
19:20.52ManxPowerwhat phone are you using anyway?
19:20.59elsimiocisco ata186
19:21.11elsimioa little old xD
19:21.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I still haven't seen him register, nor is he providing SIP debug, and I see bad codecs in there too..
19:21.27ManxPowerelsimio: then go tell the device to register.  You will have to check the docs for the device.
19:23.03ManxPoweryou now owe me $30 for my google proxy service.
19:23.21*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
19:23.28tvirusHere's a tricky question for your brains. We are adding another module to our TDM410. The plan is to use this incoming analog/land line as a fax/failover voice mail service. We have a fax machine that we will use, so here's the situation. We have 3 lines for taking calls. If someone calls our office and all 3 are busy, the 4th line (which is shared by the fax) will pick up and ask them to leave a message. The problem is, how can I de
19:23.38tvirusblock-o-text ftl
19:24.44Corydon76-digtvirus: There's a fax detection setting in zapata.conf
19:25.09Corydon76-digIf found, it tries to jump to the "fax" extension in the incoming context
19:25.34Corydon76-digNote that you need to answer the line and listen for DTMF (like during a greeting) for this to work
19:26.17Kattyscooooby dfo
19:26.31Corydon76-digscooby dafoe?
19:27.08Corydon76-digPet of Willum Dafoe?
19:30.11*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
19:30.14elsimionow work for me
19:31.26elsimiowas conf device
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19:34.46tvirusCorydon76-dig: Cool! But can the fax extension connect to an analog fax machine?
19:36.26[TK]D-Fendertvirus: your dialplan will jump there if it detects a fax, what you DO is YOUR JOB
19:37.03Corydon76-digtvirus: as long as it's connecting through Asterisk, yes
19:37.12tvirusSo the fax would be connected to the FXS in the TDM410
19:37.25tvirusThis is amazing.
19:37.32elsimiohey exist a method for forwarding a call from one extension to other??
19:37.46*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:38.00tvirus[TK]D-Fender: If I ever meet you, I'm going to give you a big hug and buy you dinner. :)
19:38.19Corydon76-digelsimio: Not intrinsically, but you can build one into the dialplan
19:38.32elsimioi will look
19:38.37[TK]D-Fendertvirus: We'll see in November :)
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19:39.03[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Careful on dubious termio9logy...
19:39.30Blackvelguys I got it. even with set + if + regexp + gotoif :)
19:39.36Blackvelthanks so much for your help
19:39.42Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: eh?
19:39.46[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: please clarify your question.  Are you referring to transferring a call you are on somewhree else?  Or is it that instead of your phone being rung, that the call automatically goes somewhere else..
19:40.04[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: I'm betting a misinterpretation of forward VS transfer
19:40.23jmardoneskhi all, I have an CDR in mysql, but when i make .call files the number that I call is not showed in the cdr table (but other details works fine) is possible save in the cdr the called number?
19:40.23[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: trust[-1]
19:40.42tvirus[TK]D-Fender: Not sure what happens in November (I thought Astricon is in a few weeks).
19:41.02[TK]D-Fendertvirus: A certain Election will have taken place...
19:42.15mvanbaakah, the one where bin-laden will be the new usa president
19:43.41seanbrightthat was one of the more tasteless things i've heard on here
19:43.59[TK]D-Fenderadds some salt, pepper, paprika, and a sprig of parsley
19:44.07elsimioyeah [TK]D-Fender if i call since ext 111 to 112 forward to 113 for example
19:44.34[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: your ATA may offer a forwarding capability of its own.  Go read the manual.
19:44.40elsimioforward unconditional
19:45.05elsimiobut with this device, and what if im using other device
19:45.46*** join/#asterisk Merch^ (
19:46.00elsimiolike Unconditional Call Forwarding
19:46.51[TK]D-Fenderelsimio: Read your device's MANUAL
19:47.17lmadsenseanbright: oh you should have been on the voip-users-conference today then
19:48.08mvanbaaklmadsen: was it that bad ?
19:48.27lmadsenyours wasn't compared to what I heard today
19:48.43lmadsenmvanbaak: there's a certain time sensitivity today though
19:48.56lmadsenaaaaaaanyways :)
19:49.04mvanbaaknew svnmerge !
19:49.53mvanbaakit's WAY faster then the old version
19:49.54seanbrightlmadsen: not really a consulation, but thanks :)
19:50.12mvanbaakand it's up-to-date again :)
19:50.30mvanbaakwas only lacking 20,000 revisions
19:55.44*** join/#asterisk Lanh (i=lanh@unaffiliated/lanh)
19:56.30mvanbaakseanbright: I'm sorry. Here in .nl we are used to have jokes like that :/
19:56.32*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
19:56.32LanhHi, could someone help me test something please, I appear to be having some nat issues, if anyone is available to make a quick sip call to me I'd be very appreciative
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20:05.03[TK]D-FenderLanh-BNC: pastebin a failed call with SIP debug enabled and maybe we can help
20:05.49Blackvelhave a good weekend!
20:08.48tvirusI see. Well. The world will end before the election, once the LHC smashes shit together.
20:13.39*** join/#asterisk n9urk (
20:14.23n9urkanyone on here in Canada who can help my by calling our 800 DID to see if it is accepting Canadian calls?
20:15.32[TK]D-Fendern9urk: #?
20:15.41n9urk800 420 6884
20:16.19[TK]D-FenderSnak-oil product, but responsive ;)
20:16.49n9urkits the best snake oil product you will buy, or you can take us up on our 60 day bottom of the bottle guarantee
20:17.03*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
20:17.04LemensTSAnyone got access to a reverse lookup database? I need to see who owns a certain number
20:17.42n9urkLemensTS did you try searching it on Google? (I presume you have)
20:17.55n9urk85% of the time numbers will show up there for me
20:18.32[TK]D-Fenderbut wait.. sorry, you're screwed ;)
20:18.40n9urkyou may have to try (nnn) nnn-nnn, nnn-nnn-nnnn, or just nnnnnnnnnn
20:18.51[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Google up "reverse phone lookup" and you'll find plenty of places for free ;)
20:18.56n9urkand if you order within the next 10 minutes we will throw in something else you may or may not need
20:19.22[TK]D-Fendern9urk: Heard ads for a product called "EverCleanse" by any chance?
20:19.26seanbrighta lovely set of steak knives
20:19.27n9urkno, I haven't
20:19.30n9urkwill have to look
20:20.01[TK]D-Fenderon the right, listen to their ad.
20:20.12n9urkyou want to see a real snake oil pitch:
20:20.14nr4qseems like a lot of hams use asterisk
20:20.23[TK]D-Fendern9urk: Dunno, listen to this one.
20:20.26n9urkroger roger
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20:21.22LemensTSn9urk: everything takes me to wanting me to pay
20:21.59n9urkLemensTS -> try that
20:22.21n9urkthat is pretty good, [TK]D-Fender, but look at the one i sent, and listen to her as she comes on the screen
20:23.38LemensTSnope, it said there was one that i could do that had info, but wanted me to pay....sounding like were gonna have to pay
20:23.39n9urkshe really knows how to push it
20:23.54[TK]D-Fendern9urk: I shut that bitch up fast... yup, both really bad.
20:24.40[TK]D-Fendern9urk: evercleanse was esp bad because of the way they praey on insecurity (esp womens) "have you ever said I feel fat today?  Or have that bloated feeling?"
20:25.23[TK]D-Fendern9urk: If I could I would punch that prick right the fuck out.
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20:45.01n9urkI couldn't resist
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20:49.31n9urk[TK]D-Fender; but yeah, I agree, its sad how that guy is playing on fear
20:50.00n9urkwe play on the pain of having dry skin, but not making someone feel like a slob or fat or something if they don't
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20:52.47[TK]D-Fendern9urk: yup.  Another difference is tryically knowing you have dry skin is a lot more a "fact.  weight & image issues is another matter, and they push the buttons in this ad.  Hard.
20:54.29n9urk[TK]D-Fender: oh yes, I love seeing those ads though, its like driving past a wreck on the highway, you have to look
20:55.20ManxPowermentions, for the benefit of the rest of the world, that political "liberal" and "conservative" mean different things in the USA compared to the rest of the world.
20:55.24[TK]D-Fendern9urk: I hear this one daily... drives my blood pressure up when I'm driving.  Not a good thing...
20:56.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Heck, town to town even.  "Fiscal conservative" , "bible-thumper", "Military Imerialist", etc....
20:56.51ManxPower<-- social liberal, fiscal conservative, ISA USA
20:57.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'm somewhat in that categoy myself.
20:58.17*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:58.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'd forgive a 2-term RP "correction" to the state of things however ;)
20:59.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Same with Kucinich, but I think RP would REALLY clean house...
20:59.05*** join/#asterisk mcab (
20:59.54ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: my main issue is that in the USA it's becoming more and more common for people that disagree with the govt to be labeled as "anti-american".  Very McCarthy era.
21:01.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "1984" sprung out of those years...
21:01.14jayteeyep, almost as bad as the McCarthy era or maybe worse but the "blacklisting" is more discreet
21:02.33*** join/#asterisk nicox (
21:05.00kfifeWhat's the best way to send network (voip and non voip) data over in house Cat 3 copper voice wires?   I know it's commonplace to send 45 mbs over 2 copper loops (I think) using a T3/DS3.   Since we would be using house cables the whole way, (no telco) can we just buy 2 DS3 terminal adapters and interfacte that with our ethernet?
21:05.01ManxPowerIt seems that every society needs someone to hate/fear.  Why can't we hate/fear wombats or something like that instead of communists, non-whites, gays, or non-americans?
21:05.34ManxPowerkfife: a DS3 terminator would cost something like $5,000 - $15,000
21:05.49ManxPowerkfife: actual Cat 3 cable can handle 10Mbps ethernet.
21:06.20WimpMankfife: Cat3 would be good enough for ethernet (the one without "fast").
21:06.22ManxPoweralso telcos do not deliver DS3 over twisted pair, they deliver as fiber or coax
21:06.49kfifeI was under the impression that DS3 is copper and OC3 is fiber.
21:07.12[TK]D-Fenderkfife: HPNA
21:07.15ManxPowerkfife: we are talking about customer presentation here, not backbone stuff.
21:07.20kfifeThat's great news if Cat 3 can handle 10mbs
21:07.32WimpManCat3 is uo to 16mbit as e.g. in tokenring.
21:07.33kfifeThat may be good enough with a managed switch.
21:07.36ManxPowerkfife: just make sure to FORCE the switch to 10Mbps
21:07.38ManxPowerthe clients don'
21:07.55ManxPowerthe clients won't have any idea what wiring you have.
21:09.31kfifeGreat info.  Thanks.  HPNA? HomePNA?
21:09.53ManxPowerI expect HPNA stuff would be more expensive than ethernet stuff
21:15.14kfifeHPNA seems like it's pretty slow.  Mostly targeted at triple play providers who can only count on one pair.  In our case we could use 4 or even 8 pair if needed.   I thinkt he 10mbs ethernet is likely our best bet.   Thanks!@
21:21.55kfifeFYI: HomePNA 2.0 handles up to 10 mbs
21:22.16*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=asterisk@
21:22.38Wayhighmercy.. that's fast.
21:22.49asteriskmonkeyis there a way to shut off the echo cancellation in the dialplan before a call?
21:23.32[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: vi zapata.conf
21:24.23asteriskmonkeyhere is my issue , i have 1.4.21 running on freebsd, im seeing the echocan as ON during fax calls
21:24.31asteriskmonkeyis this normal? it should read off correct?
21:24.47asteriskmonkeyive setup faxdetect=both in zapata.conf but it dosnt seem tot work
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21:26.57[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Which EC?
21:27.43asteriskmonkeydigium 412p card
21:28.08[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: checked with Digium yet?
21:28.18asteriskmonkeyI should see the echo can labeled off when i do a zap show channel x right?
21:28.52uTxHi how do I make AGI not block while doing a exec dial command, instead of waiting for the call to hangup
21:29.44uTxI want to return control back to the AGI script
21:30.59asteriskmonkeyso can no one answer the question? when doing a show channel on a zap channel with a fax going through it echo can should show on or off?
21:31.03asteriskmonkeyi think off
21:32.03WimpManAs fax is half duplex, I wouldn't expect it to make much difference.
21:32.32[TK]D-FenderuTx: You don't.
21:32.52uTxnot possible
21:34.03DefrazI have a PRI coming into an asterisk server and it works well for voice butwhen I have an incoming fax it kills the asterisk service.
21:34.21Defrazworked okay when I was running asterisk 1.2
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21:50.03hardwiregentlec (mr_echo) took lots of stuff out of his ppa
21:50.07hardwireI R SAD
21:53.05Yourname`Does anyone have a latest stable mpg123 somewhere online?
21:53.18Yourname`Stupid has been down for me all day.
22:03.58*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:06.24Yourname`Ah, nice. I'm trying to get streaming MOH, and it doesn't work. With, or without mpg123. Any tricks I need to know for 1.4.21?
22:07.59[TK]D-FenderYourname`: 4 letters you have an extreme aversion to :)
22:08.50lmadsenYourname`: zup zup
22:09.59lmadsenYourname`: typically you don't need mpg123 with 1.4.x -- just convert the audio to a native format (.ulaw for example) and then set it up with someting like: [testing]
22:10.25lmadsenyou can use sox to convert the mp3s / wavs to ulaw
22:14.50Yourname`lmadsen: Thanks, but for streaming.. does random need to be enabled?
22:14.56Yourname`[TK]D-Fender: Hate?
22:14.58lmadsenoh *streaming*
22:15.05lmadsensorry... I thought you just meant locally playing a file
22:15.15lmadsenor is that what you mean :)
22:15.20lmadsenyou can change random to no if you wish
22:15.28Yourname`lol nah, file playing works solid. Was just trying streaming..
22:15.54*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
22:16.09lmadsenYourname`: gotcha -- ya, never done that before...
22:16.14lmadsengood idea for a cookbook recipe though....
22:16.30Yourname`lmadsen: Do it up!
22:16.36Yourname`I just had a coredump for some reason
22:16.38Yourname`Due to it.
22:16.58Yourname`Wondering if I should submit it, lol
22:17.10Yourname`But yeah, it just started and stopped music.
22:17.22Yourname`..on CLI that is, nothing but deadair on the phone.
22:17.40lmadsenYourname`: you could -- make sure you have DONT_OPTIMIZE enabled before you perform the backtrace
22:18.47Yourname`Yeah.. don't wanna go through that, lol
22:18.53Yourname`I guess I could try later tonight.
22:19.56*** part/#asterisk bradleyprice86 (
22:20.33Yourname`Yeah, I'll try the streaming MOH later.. it'll be nais.
22:22.45lmadsenYourname`: my buddy marcelo is gonna come down in a bit, so I might call you to see if you wanna go for a drink or two downstairs for a break
22:29.34Qwelllmadsen: count me in!
22:29.54lmadsenQwell: head on over!
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22:37.06Obixanyone here know about IAX2 trunks in the US?
22:37.27[TK]D-FenderObix: They're.... American!
22:37.40Obixwell, that's a start :)
22:38.17Obixdo you know of any reputable providers of IAX2 trunks in the US?
22:39.52Obixexcellent, i'll give them a call.  Thanks
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22:52.09EmleyMoorAny asterisk events in/near London soon?
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23:00.18hardwireEmleyMoor: you could always make one
23:00.27hardwireget a bunch of Invader Zim tapes and a projector
23:00.33hardwireinvite a few vendors
23:00.36hardwiremake some punch
23:00.45hardwiredo eet
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23:04.15hardwiretzafrir_laptop: hey.. uh.. how would I snag the zaptel-source debian package and force it to use the most recent SVN?
23:04.21hardwirewhich apparently includes the udev fixups
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