IRC log for #asterisk on 20080826

00:00.10drockoMaliuta: I'm using flowroute and they indicate that this should work
00:00.14Maliutadrocko: it's possible the issue is the SIP provider not letting you make the outgoing call
00:00.18drockohere is the error i see when i dial
00:00.38drockoor well, here are the messages i see
00:00.47drockoSIP/flowroute-081a24e0 is making progress passing it to SIP/68147638-0819cfa0
00:00.54drockoSIP/flowroute-081a24e0 answered SIP/68147638-0819cfa0
00:01.01drockoAttempting native bridge of SIP/68147638-0819cfa0 and SIP/flowroute-081a24e0
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
00:01.09Maliutalearn to use pastebin
00:01.19knarflywhere do I download the asterisk-gui
00:01.19drockook i can use that instead
00:02.12Maliutaknarfly: read the damn topic
00:02.23drockoMaliuta: here's the messages:
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00:03.09Maliutadrocko: and the dialplan?
00:03.38Maliutadrocko: well that and a SIP Debug might help
00:03.40knarflyHey Maliuta take my advice and chill out dude...your ignorance is showing
00:04.00Maliutaknarfly: this is not the place for asterisk gui support
00:04.06knarflyHey Maliuta take my advice and chill out dude...your ignorance is showing
00:04.30drockoMaliuta: here it is with the dialplan:
00:05.58drockoMaliuta: i've done a call with sip debug enabled
00:06.48drockohere's the sip debug:
00:09.18drockoi think maybe i'll just keep tinkering with it.
00:09.28Maliuta192.168.200.99? no NAT?
00:09.28drockoi may also contact flowroute to see if the problem is with them
00:09.41drockothe asterisk box is natted
00:09.49Maliutadrocko: you can make calls on that peer normally?
00:10.07drockoMaliuta: i have used the same diaplan to dial US numbers without a problem
00:10.18drockoMaliuta: the only thing i've changed is the phone number to dial
00:10.23Maliutadrocko: with the current network configuration?
00:10.45drockoMaliuta: yes
00:10.54drockoMaliuta: that shouldn't work?
00:11.34Maliutadrocko: and you can call that sip number successfully from a handset/softphone attached to your *?
00:12.14drockoMaliuta: i have not tried that. what softphone do you reccomend?
00:12.25Maliutadrocko: i.e. calls to that extension don't fail under a circumstance that is not SIP->net->*->net->SIP
00:12.35Maliutadrocko: zoiper works
00:12.58Maliutadrocko: you don't have a hardphone/ata hooked up to the network the * box is on?
00:13.08drockoMaliuta: nope, just getting started with this guy
00:13.32drockoMaliuta: i guess you are right though, i'll work on getting it to work with a handset or a softphone and then try the dialplan
00:13.36drockogtg now, thanks for the help!
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00:17.15eXistenZis it possible to connect skype and asterisk?
00:17.40MaliutaeXistenZ: I think chan_skype is not supported
00:17.54MaliutaeXistenZ: and it never was upto scratch
00:18.07*** join/#asterisk Alton2 (n=alton@
00:18.39eXistenZI see
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00:19.09eXistenZMaliuta, Is there a voip-service that gives unlimited landline calls in flat rate?
00:19.32MaliutaeXistenZ: depends on where you are I guess
00:19.54eXistenZMaliuta, Israel
00:20.03eXistenZI haven't found anyone other than skype
00:20.12MaliutaeXistenZ: I use one that gives me utimed calls to the US, UK, CA, HK, AU .... for $0.08AU/call
00:20.38MaliutaeXistenZ: you're looking to for landline calls in Israel?
00:20.41eXistenZMaliuta, Skype has now unlimited calls for like 3EU month
00:20.58MaliutaJT: yup, and I have my DID for the $10 Deposit
00:21.05eXistenZMaliuta, I used voipbuster, it is supported as a trunk, but it is limited for like 136 free calls
00:21.22eXistenZMaliuta, and pretty much cheap, 0,001€ for min
00:21.23JTpennytel is pretty goo
00:21.28JTgod damn it
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00:21.39eXistenZWhy skype isn't supported
00:21.49MaliutaJT: quality is good, connectivity is good, price is good
00:22.01JTbecause it's a proprietary piece of crap protocol and program
00:22.02MaliutaJT: especially with no monthly
00:22.07JTskype is junk
00:22.15JTMaliuta: yeah
00:22.20florzeXistenZ: because they don't want to tell you how to speak to them - makes sense for a telephony system ...
00:22.22eXistenZJT, but it has a good offer now
00:22.45JTeXistenZ: i couldn't care less really
00:22.55florzeXistenZ: no, technology that's constructed for enabling monopolies most likely is not a good offer
00:23.29MaliutaSkype is bad, not only is it crap "VoIP" and proprietary it's a massive security hole
00:23.50florz... which they try to hide, too, obviously ...
00:25.09MaliutaI try to keep it out of any network I control
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00:38.09RobbaJT: do you know much about BRI?
00:40.04pcraneI need a hand with getting MySQL compiled in with asterisk addons
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00:41.10pcranewhen I do make menuselect, it tells me that it can't add in mysql stuff as it depends on mysqlclient
00:41.23pcrane# find / -name mysqlclient
00:41.23pcrane# find / -name
00:41.30profoundedquestion, are there any pci express zaptel cards?
00:41.51bad_duckHi, I'm a trying to install chan_mobile but after downloading asterisk-addons, I have an error while doing make menuselect : *** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
00:41.51bad_duck- menuselect changes NOT saved!
00:41.52bad_duckBut ncurses is installed (Asterisk 1.4 on debian etch)
00:42.37Maliutaprofounded: check the digium site
00:42.57bad_duckI tried make distclean but no changes
00:45.04TJNIIbad_duck: Did you re-run the configurator?  I don't remember if re-running make would re run ./configure or not.
00:45.04profoundedi should rather put it: are there any fxo:fso pci express port cards
00:45.04bad_duckTJNII: I tried make distclean, ./configure then make menuselect
00:45.23TJNIIOkay, then I'm out of ideas. :)
00:45.32bad_duck:p thank you
00:45.38Maliutaprofounded: the "zaptel" cards are all produced by digium go look there
00:46.04TJNII's setup went smoothly and as such he forgot most of the steps.
00:46.47JTRobba: a bit, i've set it up before
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00:48.58bad_duckTJNII: it works with asterisk-addon-1.4.7 but not with the trunk version
00:49.11UnixDawgasterisk-now has moved to using freepbx gui ?
00:49.24coolhpGood evening everyone... Would anyone have tested the T.38 features in 1.6 ? I was wondering if they worked...
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00:51.39matt_keyscoolhp: enabling passthrough?
00:52.13coolhpmatt_keys : No, T.38 origination and termination.
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00:53.37bad_duckTJNII: I had an other version of asterisk-addon installed, it's maybe what makes troubles ?
01:09.38*** join/#asterisk batcavejdt (
01:11.19funjonso, i'll ask again, since noone knew earlier, maybe someone else has an idea
01:12.00funjonso, i have an unusual hardware related question.  I'm looking at replacing my dad's 25+ year old phone system (I think it's a Meridian) with an Asterisk box and some Cisco IP phones.  That part I think I can handle, however, his office is 3-400 yards away from the actual shop (he owns an auto body repair shop - lots of noise in the shop).  I need to implement a paging intercom speaker - a dedicated extension that plays a loud noise, then is a two-way spe
01:13.14funjontransit between buildings is no problem - wireless bridge + high gain yagi, i'm pretty sure we have line of sight.  but implementing the intercom is about the only thing i haven't figured out yet
01:14.19*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
01:15.11TJNIIDoes it have to be a 2-way intercom?  That seems like a bad idea in a loud shop.
01:15.47funjonyeah, it needs to be
01:16.07funjonthey dont carry on long conversations, but it's usually "Hey, is $foo back there?" "yeah" "please call me at 08" or whatever
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01:18.26funjonwhich, while noisy, is better than making someone drop their work (Because they'd never decide on who), go over, and call whatever extension, just to say no, $foo is gone
01:19.31RobbaJT: Have you setup asterisk >1.4.18 with a B410P card?
01:19.55*** join/#asterisk batcavejdt (
01:20.40funjonTJNII: of course, this is my dad, who is being dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century (much less 21st).  he's still on dialup and still uses a paper fax :P
01:23.33JTRobba: nah, i avoid that card really
01:23.37JTas it uses misdn
01:24.05russellbnot for much longer, though
01:25.10JToh? neat
01:25.48florzactually, it does already work with the bristuff multibri driver, IIRC
01:26.01florzat least with some patching
01:26.23pcraneI've got a problem with MySQL and Asterisk-Addons
01:26.46pcranewhen I do ./configure this is what I get:
01:26.47pcranechecking for mysql_config... /usr/bin/mysql_config
01:26.47pcranechecking for mysql_init in -lmysqlclient... no
01:27.05pcraneand it doesn't allow me to select it in make menuselect
01:27.36pcrane# find / -name mysqlclient <nothing>
01:27.41pcrane# find / -name
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01:27.52pcraneany ideas?
01:28.04pcranethose are the standard places for mysql, right?
01:28.09russellbyou probably don't have the -devel or -dev package installed ...
01:28.18pcraneI do
01:28.33russellbwell, config.log will tell you what failed
01:28.41pcrane# find / -name mysql.h
01:29.08pcraneit says it was fine...
01:29.08pcraneconfigure: exit 0
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01:29.31pcranehow do I tell it where it is?
01:29.39russellbwhat does mysql_config --libs give you
01:29.51pcrane# mysql_config --libs
01:29.52pcrane-L/usr/lib64/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm -L/usr/lib64 -lssl -lcrypto
01:30.01pcranethat's interesting
01:30.06russellbwell, there you go
01:30.13pcraneI think it should be /usr/lib/mysql...
01:30.15russellbasterisk is looking where it was told, and it's not there :)
01:30.35*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff2 (
01:30.37pcraneso, how do I change it?
01:30.53russellbfind out why mysql_config isn't giving you the right information
01:31.04russellbwhich is an issue specific to your distribution
01:31.05pcraneprobably cause I put in a 32bit version in there...
01:31.09pcranestupid centos
01:31.15russellbyes, centos is teh such
01:31.19pcranecheers russellb
01:31.24pcranevery much so
01:31.30pcranegimme debian anyday
01:35.14*** join/#asterisk Merch^ (
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01:46.08funjonah well, i'll email asterisk-users@ and see if anyone has any ideas on implementing an intercom
01:46.17funjonor ask the almighty lazyweb
01:47.20Qwellpcrane: topic :D
01:47.41jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
01:48.22pcraneso, you're saying that I'm using the wrong arch?
01:48.39Qwellit's stupid with deps, you need to be explicit and `yum install package.x86_64` or it'll break things
01:48.41Qwellquite badly
01:48.51pcraneI can't use yum
01:48.59pcranethe machine doesn't have direct access to the internet
01:49.09Qwellahh, so you might be okay
01:49.18Qwelljust install the same packages but x86_64
01:49.32pcranethen I have to do the whole dependance resolution myself
01:49.45Qwellwell, if you just get the same packages you got last time..  the deps wouldn't change
01:49.54pcraneI know
01:49.57Qwellwell, shouldn't
01:50.06Qwellyeah, it's a PITA.  Go yell at redhat ;/
01:50.34pcraneif I had internet access direct, then it'd not be a problem
01:50.37pcraneyum install stuff
01:50.45pcranebut I have to do rpm -i package 1
01:50.57pcranethen it fails cause it needs packages 2 & 3
01:51.05pcranepackage 2 fails cause it needs package 4
01:51.06pcraneand so on
01:51.11pcraneit's a mission
01:59.37*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=xbmodder@atarack/staff/sargun)
01:59.38*** join/#asterisk aarcane (
01:59.43drmessanoAsteriskNOW is going to include FreePBX?
02:00.04QwellThat's what I've been hearing
02:00.09aarcaneokie, so..  I have one of them thar fancy new dell laptops with a conexant modem.
02:00.16Qwellaarcane: no you can't
02:00.19Qwelldon't even ask :)
02:00.36QwellYou can't connect a phone line to it, and use Asterisk with it.
02:00.38Qwellit won't work
02:00.56aarcanecan you give me a short version of why not ?
02:01.17drmessanoThats 4 letters
02:01.20QwellYou'll need a piece of real telecom hardware, either an ATA, or a PCI card *not* a modem
02:02.04aarcaneI'm pretty sure it's one of them fancy voice modems..  if it IS a voice modem, will it work ?  (I can find some way to confirm..)
02:02.15Qwellwell, yes
02:02.22Qwellif you can write a driver for it
02:02.30Qwellif you do - more power to you
02:02.36drmessanoHey Qwell
02:02.44aarcaneI don't expect miracles, I just want enough functionality to experiment and learn how asterisk works.
02:02.45Qwellbut  it's just not worth it
02:02.56Qwellaarcane: TDM410 with 1 FXO module.
02:03.10Qwellhey drmessano
02:03.35drmessanoRemember that guy that came in here the other day.... and he was like "I WANT MY MODEM TO WORK WITH ASTERISK" and we were like "No, theres no drivers" and he was like "FINE!  IMMAGO MAKE ONE!! *HRMPH*" and ran off?
02:03.43drmessanoDid he ever come back?
02:04.05aarcanedoes it need an asterisk driver, or a linux kernel driver ?
02:04.22aarcaneI know it's on an HDA INtel Audio bus..  so it's connected to a sound card.
02:04.26Qwellaarcane: Linux kernel driver (specifically, a Zaptel driver)
02:04.40Qwellaarcane: It's really just not feasible
02:05.09Qwelldrmessano: it's actually happened a few times
02:06.24aarcaneQwell, so to be able to make a phone call using asterisk on my laptop, I would have to install a pci bus and a fancy $544.39 or higher modem/sound card in one ?
02:06.46Qwellaarcane: it's significantly less than that, but, on a laptop, you could just use an ATA
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02:06.57aarcanewhat's an ATA ?
02:06.59Qwella linksys is like...I don't know, $80-100?
02:07.01jbotata is probably Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
02:07.05drmessanoWhy the hell would you install Asterisk on a laptop?
02:07.18QwellYou need an ATA with an FXO, to connect a phone line (there are very few of those - I think Linksys makes one)
02:07.31Qwellthat's the one
02:07.35*** join/#asterisk dwayne (i=dwayne@
02:07.41aarcanedrmessano, like I said before, I want to experiment with it, and get to know the inner workings without spending a fortune.
02:07.41Qwellright dwayne ?
02:07.59dwayneQwell: of course
02:08.06drmessanoaarcane: You wont be installing real hardware on a laptop
02:08.15drmessanoLike Zaptel cards you'll actually run into in the field
02:08.27QwellI suppose you could use a Xorcom USB thingie...
02:08.37QwellI don't know how small/expensive those are though
02:08.43Qwellbest off getting an ATA
02:09.13jayteedrmessano, the O'Reilly book VOIP Hacks shows you how to hack the code to make a winmodem work like an fxs fxo (snicker)
02:09.49Qwelljaytee: good luck finding chan_modem
02:09.52drmessanoAny book that claims to show you "hacks" is a fucking hack
02:09.54aarcanealright then.  I guess I'm not ready for asterisk yet.  I'll be back with I have some money to plunk into it :)
02:10.01Qwellaarcane: of course...
02:10.06mostyi'm trying to build (and with asterisk 1.2.30, i have ztdummy loaded but there's no error and these modules aren't being built. what else do i need/where can i look to see why they aren't being built?
02:10.07Qwellyou don't HAVE to connect to an analog line
02:10.09jayteeQwell, no it's a hack to zaptel for the tdm driver
02:10.11drmessanoSee you on Skype
02:10.13Qwellnothing stopping you from using SIP
02:10.14*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
02:10.19aarcaneQwell, SIP ?
02:10.25Qwelljaytee: yeah...I don't buy it
02:10.30Qwellaarcane: yes, here
02:10.31jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
02:10.42aarcaneI have a comcast modem/phone line I was going to try to connect to the phone line and make a few calls back and forth.
02:10.44jayteeQwell, yeah I wouldn't waste my time either, hence the snickering
02:10.55drmessanoNotice how everything is a "hack" nowadays
02:11.08Qwellaarcane: get an account with an ITSP, it'll cost you a few bucks to get that going
02:11.12Qwellthen you can use a softphone on your laptop
02:11.20jayteedrmessano, didn't buy the book, was just leafing through it at the bookstore
02:11.23Qwellaarcane: check out the book - it'll get you started
02:12.41drmessanoHow to HACK your TOASTER for HACKED warm bread
02:13.06drmessano20 ways to HACK a soda can to make the top open FASTER
02:13.37drmessanoI bet I could write a book that turns taking a shit into a MAD HACK
02:13.38jeevmr qwell
02:13.43Qwellmr jeev
02:13.48*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi- (
02:13.59jayteeonly voip book other than "The Book" that I was really interested in never made it to print, "Asterisk Cookbook". evidently lbadsen is too busy on the 3rd edition of TFOT or there's not enough demand for the title in advance.
02:14.02jeevour driver in washington d.c. kept calling me by my first name.. mr ...
02:14.14jeevl badsen?!1
02:14.47jayteewhat're ya doin in D.C.?
02:14.54unpaidbillwhat is the the term for redirecting a call to another # so it isnt going through my pbx?
02:14.55jeevi was in d.c. for africa rising 2008
02:15.00unpaidbillit's on the tip of my tongue
02:15.05jeevfriend was in the show, he took me with him
02:15.20Qwellunpaidbill: so what isn't?
02:15.30jeevwhat're, wow. what were, never seen anyone say that before.
02:15.31Qwelllike on a PRI?
02:15.42unpaidbill2BCT yes
02:15.57QwellI'm disturbed that I know that
02:16.15unpaidbillyeah 2bchannel transfer unf
02:16.18unpaidbillhaha im glad you did
02:16.59*** join/#asterisk SteveTotaro (
02:19.13unpaidbilli'd buy it.
02:22.39drmessanoIPHONE HACKING WITH ASTERISK BY RON PAUL <--- Best Seller
02:23.16edwin_quijadai get this error from asterisk and dmesg rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz
02:23.25edwin_quijadasombody has any idea
02:23.43mostyedwin_quijada, is it a dell machine, and are you using ztdummy?
02:24.14edwin_quijadamosty: Yeah!!
02:24.56mostyedwin_quijada, upgrade your kernel to a recent 2.6 kernel with hrtimers enabled, and use the latest 1.4 version of zaptel
02:25.08mostyor just don't use ztdummy
02:25.17mostyor don't use a dell
02:25.54edwin_quijadai dont have zaptel cards so how can i get the timer?
02:26.22mosty<mosty> edwin_quijada, upgrade your kernel to a recent 2.6 kernel with hrtimers enabled, and use the latest 1.4 version of zaptel
02:26.56edwin_quijadai cant upgrade to 2.6.18 kernel above
02:27.12mostyedwin_quijada, it won't work then
02:27.58mostymaybe you can buy a cheap zaptel clone card on ebay and install that just for timing
02:32.54edwin_quijadamosty: check this! When I run the command genzaptelconf -sdvM
02:33.03edwin_quijadaI fix the problem!
02:33.25edwin_quijadabut when I reboot my machine I get the same
02:34.16Steve_J-obsHi guys!: question: How do I send a sip register request from the dialplan..or alternate solution?
02:36.34[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: You don't
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02:36.58[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: * will register on it own, and at the interval specified by your peer.
02:37.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:38.02Steve_J-obsyes, but in this circumstances, asterisk is already running, and I cant stop it to put a register command on the sip.conf
02:38.36[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: You don't HAVE to stop * to take a change in sip.conf
02:38.40Steve_J-obsI am thinking maybe I can send a register request from a routine outside asterisk?
02:38.54[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: No.
02:38.58[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: see above
02:39.16Steve_J-obstk-d-fender:  That is a good idea... I had not thought of that
02:39.48Steve_J-obstk-d-fender, you are a genious
02:39.57[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: Next time just ask for what you'd like to do, not validation on each broken appoach YOU can come up with :)  Its far less limiting...
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02:41.45Steve_J-obsI will like to write to sip.conf from the dialplan... although kind of tricky... there should be a couple of ways to do that...
02:44.04batcavejdtdoes asterisk now support cepstral out of the box- I know you have to buy some licenses - and I don't see "say text" as an option
02:44.11[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: your concept is quite broken indeed.
02:44.46[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: Why on earth would you be changing peers & the line from the DIALPLAN?
02:45.20[TK]D-Fenderbatcavejdt: Did you compile and * app that uses Cepstral?
02:45.30[TK]D-Fenderbatcavejdt: Like I dunno... app_cepstral?
02:46.00Steve_J-obsok: I am writing an ivr, where people can call in an enter their dids... the ivr then will register the dids with another server
02:46.03batcavejdtI am new to this - I just installed the asterisknow and I saw it installs some cepstral apps :)
02:46.44[TK]D-Fenderbatcavejdt: Get reading then, you may be close.
02:47.14Steve_J-obssince the register command can only be on sip.conf, it will require that the ivr(dialplan) appends it to sip.conf
02:47.33batcavejdtwhat I am trying to do is use the telnet inteface to dial (using threads) and then route those to a voice prompt queue where I could say some text
02:47.37[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: you are throwing "DID" around like its an all inclusive magical term.  An who configures account info like this via IVR?
02:47.50Steve_J-obsbut you gave me the idea my friend
02:48.33[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: How I could possibly have inspired you to come to that end I desire no credit for.
02:49.03Steve_J-obswell, you get the credit...thanks... I appreciate your help
02:50.02[TK]D-Fenderbacks away slowly....
02:51.24Steve_J-obstk-d-fender: do not mind..  it is 100% legitimate use
02:51.46*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
02:52.05nny_1can a system use realtime for certain contexts in the dialplan only?
02:52.45[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: I never though it was "not legitimate", its that I thinkk your concept is just plain WRONG.  Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD
02:52.59[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Yes, thats how the realtime switch works.
02:53.18[TK]D-Fendernny_1: It REQUIRES extensions.conf to define which contexts will look outside
02:53.24nny_1[TK]D-Fender: awesome
02:53.35nny_1[TK]D-Fender: working on an interface to add users and vm
02:53.39nny_1almost done actually
02:55.46nny_1i like the idea of adding users/ defining which macros they use, voicemail etc etc in a DB, but loathe the idea of actual nuts and bolts of the Dp being used in realtime. I hope this is not a bad thought
02:56.42nny_1hope that makes sense
03:00.45brodiem[TK]D-Fender: You may know this.. is the DSP hardware and specifically audio/speakerphone performance the same between an IP330 and IP501?
03:01.06brodiemnny_1: meh both have their pros and cons
03:01.52nny_1brodiem: understood
03:02.13nny_1we are gonna hybrid it so there is some easy way to add a user, without making trixbox etc etc etc
03:02.51nny_1already have a MOH uploader with a sox script and some other simple stuff
03:04.15brodiemnny_1: yeah if using a gui wrapper to manage your users/exts then realtime is the way to go IMO
03:04.22[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Don't know.  I hear the 320/330 is god, but I haven't used it personally.
03:04.32nny_1brodiem: yeah
03:04.42nny_1ok time to watch a movie later all thanks for the input
03:06.12*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
03:06.35brodiem[TK]D-Fender: heh I have an IP330 but at a location where I never use it on speaker.
03:06.55brodiemHasn't struck me as god-like yet though lol
03:07.26[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: its an IP 330... it isn't supposed to be god-like.  IP 6XX is where its at :)
03:08.56brodiem[TK]D-Fender: yeah that was part of my thought also - i.e. Does a 650 give you anything more than a 330 besides extra lines, bigger display, USB storage and other non-hardware advantage?
03:11.41brodiemand g722 of course
03:12.24[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: G.722, RJ9 headset, better speakerphone, more soft-keys.
03:12.37[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: and backlight
03:12.41brodiemhmm so the speakerphone is improved
03:12.48[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: and the ability to add attendant modules.
03:13.04[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: for sure tis gotta be better, jsut thing of the acoustics of the base.
03:13.30[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Also has lit SPKR / Mute, etc
03:14.06brodiem[TK]D-Fender: What do you mean by the acoustics of the base?
03:14.36[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: the 650 is physically larger and for the speaker in it would resonate better.  Just a matter of build size, etc
03:16.58*** part/#asterisk batcavejdt (
03:17.07brodiemI heard that the speaker is in a sealed enclosure, although not from a reliable source, but if it were true then it should be the same enclosure size
03:17.33*** join/#asterisk elux (
03:17.35eluxhey guys
03:17.40brodiemwell I suppose there's only one way of truly knowing the difference
03:18.00eluxive been hearing a lot about this project for years.. one thing i can quite understand is with it, i can essentially become a voip provider, .. ?
03:18.12eluxas in, i can become my own voip provider to make calls
03:18.42[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Thing of the overall mass of the phones by comparison.  the 6XX is much larger
03:18.56*** join/#asterisk elux (
03:19.04[TK]D-Fenderelux: Yes.
03:19.14eluxwhat i dont quite understand is what is the bridge between a traditional telephony system and asterisk?
03:19.22eluxi mean, what bridges the calls, incoming and outgoing?
03:19.34[TK]D-Fenderelux: * can be a lot of different things.  You can build a PBX out of it.  In that sense you could use it to provide services to outside clients, etc.
03:19.36eluxthere must be some service i must connect to and pay for per minute, or on some usage
03:19.54[TK]D-Fenderelux: You could make a dating service, polling station, remote coffee-maker, just about anything.
03:20.09eluxremote coffee-maker triggered via the phone?
03:20.13eluxthats pretty incredible.
03:20.20[TK]D-Fenderelux: there are plenty of PSTN service providers out there.  These are called ITSPs
03:20.23jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:20.29eluxany books you can recommend for me to get started on getting this understood? or other resources?
03:20.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
03:20.48jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
03:20.50eluxdoes that talk abot ITSPs ?
03:20.53*** join/#asterisk jksM (i=jks@
03:20.57eluxthe book that is
03:21.17jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
03:21.40eluxhow does a company like unlimitel offer its service?
03:21.55eluxwhat technology/protocol do they use?
03:22.02eluxjust so understand the entire picture
03:22.05mostyperhaps you should ask them?
03:22.24[TK]D-Fenderelux: SIP
03:22.31eluxi see
03:22.49[TK]D-Fenderelux: Go read the book and learn about the different technologies * can interact with
03:22.56eluxill order it asap
03:23.16JunK-Yits, not .com :)
03:23.32eluxok that makes more sense
03:23.34[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: Salut mon ostie!
03:23.40JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: yo!
03:23.43eluxi was just on the .com and it didnt look right
03:23.44JunK-Ywhats up?
03:24.42[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: All sorts.  Getting into protography and made a GIANT score on some Minolta gear today.
03:25.29[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: just ONE of those lenses is worth over 200$ easy
03:27.17*** join/#asterisk VaNNi (n=VaNNi___@
03:27.33brodiem[TK]D-Fender: FYI I just noticed on their data sheet, the list 320/330's DSP as "Acoustic Clarity", and the 550/650 as "Acoustic Clarity 2" - could just be the addition of G722 though I guess..
03:28.09[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: I discard teminology like that with extreme prejudice :)
03:28.18jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
03:28.18[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Worthless wind
03:28.45brodiemyea, time to stop theorizing
03:29.07JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: nice, i feel like cheap with my old canon 7.1 :)
03:30.24[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: I've gone DSL with the Sony A200.  Was an awesome buy at $480 for the base & kit lens
03:30.56[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: Everything else has been getting old Konica/Minolta lenses via Cragislist, Kijiji, etc
03:32.19mchouhey, anyone have any experience with future-nine as ITSP?  Especially regarding CNAM (inbound caller ID)?
03:33.48*** join/#asterisk Johnakabean (
03:33.56mchousome forum postings seem to indicate the Future-nine has reliable CNAM.....
03:37.07*** join/#asterisk HumanCell (n=HumanCel@
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03:40.15HumanCellQuestion ... I'm not getting the CallerID that I want ... using the following:
03:40.33HumanCellexten=s,2,Set(CALLERID(all)=Distinguished <5556080269>)
03:41.39HumanCellWhen Asterisk dials out to the third SIP number (which I changed for the example) there is no CallerID being set ... I'm I doing something obviously studpid?
03:42.11HumanCellthinking how stupid to not spell stupid correctly ...
03:42.31mostyHumanCell, does the "trunk_3" provider allow you to set arbitrary caller id?
03:43.00HumanCellI believe I have done it before ... it's VoicePulse ...
03:43.42mostyyou should ask them
03:44.00baliktadI set callerid with voicepulse
03:44.20mchouHumanCell: You're saying Dial 2 resources the caller ID doesnt set, but dialing one resource will?
03:45.08HumanCelllet me check something here ...
03:45.46baliktadI just use a normal Set(CALLERID(number)=5555551234)
03:46.34HumanCellbaliktad: yes ... I wanted to set both with ALL ... but I'm going to try just number ...
03:47.03baliktadi haven't found a voip provider yet that passes name
03:47.16baliktador more importantly, an endpoint that accepts one
03:47.32baliktadusually the local carriers are just doing name lookups in their own database
03:47.37mchoubaliktad: yeah, that sucks
03:48.03mchoubaliktad: that's one deficiency with voip
03:48.10eluxhey guys, are the ITSPs listed in ~itsplist-ca and us friendly to hooking up a PBX to their network?
03:48.21[TK]D-Fenderelux: Yes
03:48.30[TK]D-Fenderelux: They're there for a reason
03:48.39eluxmakes sense. just wanted to double check
03:49.07*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
03:54.30mostywhat are the build dependencies for in asterisk 1.2.30? i can't seem to get it to build, and i have zaptel installed and ztdummy loaded
03:55.22[TK]D-Fendermosty: And you compiled * AFTER loading ztdummy?
03:55.36*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:55.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
03:55.36[TK]D-Fendermosty: and runninh "ztcfg -vvvv" prior to starting *?
03:55.37mosty[TK]D-Fender, yes
03:55.48[TK]D-Fendermosty: pastebin "ztcfg -vvvv"
03:56.04[TK]D-Fendermosty: and then "load" and "zap show status"
03:56.31mostyi hadn't run ztcfg, trying that now
03:56.33[TK]D-Fendermosty: And while your'e at it "load"
03:56.35*** join/#asterisk denon (
03:56.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
03:56.49[TK]D-Fendermosty: amazing.. it was a "yes" just a moment ago..
03:57.41mostyi hit enter before you mentioned ztcfg, or at least before it arrived on my screen here
03:59.13mostyok, after running ztcfg, neither nor are built
03:59.52[TK]D-Fendermosty: Where's my pastebin backup of everything I asked you for?
04:02.20mosty[TK]D-Fender, ztcfg -vvvv says no channels configured, and mentions the version (, and none of the asterisk commands work because there is no to load
04:03.07[TK]D-Fendermosty: ..... Zaptel 1.4 doesn't WORK with * 1.2!!!
04:03.11[TK]D-Fendermosty: Do you use diesel engine parts in your ELECTRIC car?
04:03.23mosty[TK]D-Fender, tzafrir said that is does
04:03.35[TK]D-Fendermosty: Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe.  (c) JerJer
04:03.40[TK]D-Fendermosty: FFS no.
04:03.54[TK]D-Fendermosty: No go compile a PROPER version.
04:07.38*** join/#asterisk drdrain (
04:10.25JunK-Y[TK]D-Fender: do you know how to see resources taken on the kernel land?
04:10.44HumanCellbaliktad: So I have tested ... even just using the CALLERID(number)= I am still not getting the callerid aross voicepulse ...  :-(
04:11.43jeevfender, is zaptel required to run asterisk? i tried disabling it in menuselect
04:12.56HumanCellmchou: using exten=s,1,NoOp(RINGGROUP)
04:12.56HumanCellStill doesn't work ...
04:16.43[TK]D-Fenderjeev: No
04:24.27Johnakabeanjeev do "chkconfig zaptel off"
04:24.32Johnakabeanin shell
04:27.31*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
04:27.53[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: No clue... I suck at linux :)
04:28.44mostyjunk-y: what kind of resources?
04:31.17JohnakabeanŰÔé æìØŮüûЖЖГВÝßßŕ 젠ããéêæĂÎбГÛøøőő ŕřřřМü
04:31.26Johnakabeananyone alive?
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04:50.01CoffeeIVI'm helping someone who apparently has this bug: and worked around it by adding "insecure=port,invite" to their conf files.  What security implications might that have ?
04:54.25kd8iktwhy are you using sip for asterisk to asterisk
04:54.38kd8iktthats why there is such a thing call IAX
05:02.44*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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05:22.16JunK-Ymosty: that a kernel module is currently taking.
05:23.04mostytaking what, exactly?
05:23.53*** part/#asterisk HumanCell (n=HumanCel@
05:27.22CoffeeIVkd8bit: the provider uses SIP, I prefer IAX2 myself
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05:46.00k-manwhat do you call a box that converts voip to normal phone?
05:52.26drmessanoI don't know this joke
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05:53.28drmessanoKnock Knock
05:54.02k-mani found it i think
05:54.03drmessanoKnock Knock
05:54.08k-manwhos there?
05:54.34k-manasterisk who?
05:54.41drmessanoFix your NAT issues man, you have one-way audio
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06:58.53MadkissI actually want people to be able to call; what do I do to create that SIP-URL?
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07:22.56MrTelephoneasterisk 1.2 is dead now?
07:24.15mostyit's old, not dead
07:25.00MrTelephonedoes 1.4 handle remote dtmf better?
07:25.08MrTelephoneit sounds like it gets squelched in 1.2
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07:28.05mostyi assume you're talking about SIP- which method of dtmf are you using?
07:28.56MrTelephoneit happens when someone on the pstn side pushes a digit
07:29.08MrTelephonethe sangoma card or asterisk squelches it
07:29.42MrTelephoneis there a list of features for 1.4 besides the changelog?
07:29.55mostythe changelog is a good start
07:30.12MrTelephonei didn't really want to know the code changes
07:30.28MrTelephonejust crap like IMAP voicemail and whatever
07:30.46kaldemarMrTelephone: look at CHANGES and UPGRADE-1.2 in the source package
07:31.34kaldemarmm.. that would be UPGRADE.txt. UPGRADE-1.2.txt lists changes between 1.0 and 1.2.
07:32.10MrTelephoneif the sip and zap are improved im a go for upgrade
07:32.16MrTelephonenever know until you try though eh
07:33.07MrTelephonei opened it in notepad and there wasn't any <CR> yikes
07:34.00kaldemarwell leave notepad alone.
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07:42.07MrTelephonei kept my dialplans real simple so it shouldn't be too bad to switch
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07:44.46raasdnilhey all, what would be the best bet on a card to just give me timing.  ie, the cheapest card I could buy that will give a good hardware zaptel timimg?
07:46.05Chicagoraasdnil: I am testing using dtdummy and an ethernet card... the packet carriers seem to be a less expensive way to get started.
07:46.29florzraasdnil: your question doesn't make sense
07:46.36florzwhat is "good zaptel timing"?
07:47.19raasdnilflorz: sorry.  Take out the good.  Just hardware timing.
07:47.45mostyraasdnil, a recent linux kernel with hrtimers enabled and a recent version of zaptel 1.4 will work well with ztdummy
07:47.53raasdnilI have a few asterisk boxes, using ztdummy.  I want to use hardware timing instead.  I could buy some TDM400's or whatever, just wondering if there is a cheaper solution
07:48.37mostya clone x100p from ebay would be cheap
07:48.57*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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07:50.01Chicagoraasdnil: Some of the other reading I have done says to get at least a EM64T Intel chip (IE Pentium 4 Extreme, or Core 2 Duo) so that you can use the HPET in the kernel for timing.
07:50.32raasdnilChicago: well, I was having some issues, that's why i want to use hardware timing
07:50.45tzafrir_laptopChicago, HPET does not give you timing on its own
07:50.46Chicagoraasdnil: Describe the issues.
07:51.02Chicagotzafrir_laptop: Right
07:51.05tzafrir_laptopHPET is an echo canceller for existing Zaptel/DAHDI channels
07:51.18Chicagotzafrir_laptop: Just that HPET isn't available unless you have EM64T.
07:51.28tzafrir_laptopChicago, huh?
07:51.30florzraasdnil: Well, of course hardware timing - how would you create a time scale in software?
07:52.04raasdnilChicago: doing call center auto dialing with vicidial through a firewall to a pair of external DMZ'd asterisk boxes on IAX2 trunks that then go out through a NAT firewall to place calls for about 60 call center seats.  Sometimes the calls don't dial.
07:52.16raasdnilsometimes they are all ok.
07:52.30Chicagotzafrir_laptop: The 2.6 kernel options for HPET don't affect all platforms... like plain pentium 4s don't take advantage of HPET... You have to get the later model Pentium4s with the 64bit memory or the more recent core 2 duo's etc... to use hpet.
07:52.35raasdnilgone through a few iterations of solutions, someone suggested maybe hardware timing could improve.
07:53.07Chicagoraasdnil: What does tcpdump show?
07:53.33Chicagoraasdnil: Or is the signal getting lost after you send the message to dial?
07:53.45raasdnilChicago: shows the traffic flowing fine.  the setup works, most of the time.  But occasionally we'll get vicidial trying to dial 20 people at once to get a call.
07:53.52florzraasdnil: unless that someone has some detailed understanding of the inner workings of asterisk and zaptel and does indeed know about some strange interaction that could have such a result ... unless that's the case, just forget what that someone has said
07:54.08raasdnilI can run 40-60 concurrent calls through it.  it is the vicidial autodialer that is not quite working
07:54.30tzafrir_laptopChicago, err... not AFAIK. But I never used it anyway
07:54.45tzafrir_laptop(Use OSLEC if you don't want to be bitted by licensing pains)
07:55.14raasdnilflorz: fair enough.  That someone had a similar problem in another call center with the same situation and the problem went away after putting hardware timing into the boxes instead of ztdummy.  Maybe co-incidence, that is why I am looking for the 'best' option on getting 4 cards that supply hardware timing
07:55.59florzbut using a crystal on a PCB that has a digium logo on it won't make for any "better" timing than using a crystal on a PCB that has a <insert mainboard manufacturer here> logo on it
07:56.00Chicagoraasdnil: Do you run a tickless kernel and what polling frequency do you set your kernels to and do you use kernel preemption?
07:56.28raasdnilflorz: that makes sense
07:56.42yangtzafrir_laptop: How do those HFC cards provide timing ?
07:57.05florzraasdnil: there is no such thing as "hardware timing" ... or rather, there is nothing else than "hardware timing" - software only "runs" because hardware creates a clock ...
07:57.10raasdnilChicago: I don't know the answers to those questions.  I'll go and do some more study, that looks like some areas I could find out more on
07:57.18florzyang: the single port ones you mean?
07:57.20raasdnilflorz: yeah
07:57.33tzafrir_laptopyang, err... I think florz can answer that better
07:58.17tzafrir_laptopI'm not really sure how timing works on the HFC cards
07:58.24raasdnilChicago: do you have some sites / docs / hints on where to study up on that?  I am running clean installs (no gui) of Centos 4.6 on all of them with the latest versions of Asterisk 1.4
07:58.29tzafrir_laptop(with our device the timing is a bit different)
07:58.51Chicagoraasdnil: The help from make menuconfig gives an excellent description.
07:59.00yangflorz: yep, single ported
07:59.37raasdnilChicago: ok, I'll go check it out. thanks.
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08:00.03Chicagoraasdnil: Have you seen them in there before?
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08:01.29teleniekoHi ppl. I upgraded to asterisk 1.4.21 and now when I do ChanIsAvail() if the Channel is defined in a realtime table (i.e. sippeers) asterisk always says it's available thought it isn't (I share the table between servers). I could not find how to get the old behaviour, any ideas?
08:02.59*** join/#asterisk blogbasti (
08:03.26mostytelenieko, i think you need qualify=yes, and i'm not sure if that works with realtime peers
08:03.48teleniekomosty: I'll try it. thanks
08:07.53*** join/#asterisk qp (
08:11.12qpmorning all
08:15.56florzyang: erm, sorry, was on the phone ...
08:16.37florzyang: well, the zaphfc driver uses an interrupt that's clocked by the isdn frame clock (8 kHz nominal)
08:17.28tzafrir_laptopthe thing is that you upgrade to asterisk 1.4.21 and suddenly asterisk fails to start because zaphfc does not provide timing
08:17.39tzafrir_laptop(when the line is down, I guess)
08:18.48florzyang: which again is divided from some 12.something MHz (IIRC) crystal on the card, optionally locked to either an external clock source on the PCM bus (in NT mode) or to the frame clock on the S0 interface (in TE mode)
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08:19.10florzwell, actually the locking to the S0 frame clock is not optional in TE mode
08:19.25florzjust that locking to an external PCM bus
08:19.48ChicagoI asked for help in #asterisk-gui with setting up a custom trunk to Teliax.
08:19.53ChicagoThey are low traffic right now.
08:20.37ChicagoI have a new setup, with Asterisk 1.4 and asterisk-gui 2.0SVN and need a little nudge in the right direction.
08:21.00qpanyone recommend the best solution for having several * boxes load balancing between themselves? also to handle things if one box goes "pop"?
08:21.17qpOpen SER?
08:21.22ChicagoSystem status shows that my Teliax trunk is registered with type iax to the proper host.
08:21.47ChicagoBut I am not even seeing the incoming calls show up with errors on the asterisk console.
08:22.13ChicagoIs someone here using asterisk-gui 2.0 and Teliax whom can help me?
08:27.01florztzafrir_laptop: hu? how that? using the same drivers, just different asterisk?
08:27.43tzafrir_laptopAsterisk will now fail at startup if it does not have a working timing source
08:28.24florzhmm - any clue what asterisk considers a "working timing source"?
08:29.14*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:29.40florzas long as ztcfg has been executed, I don't see how zaptel/asterisk could ever change the state as to whether it considers some zaphfc card "working" or "non-working"
08:31.49*** join/#asterisk sdr_ (
08:35.17sdr_hi, got  problem with agi aplication dialing out. the problem is that if the chanell is closed i cant get to ANSWEREDTIME variable because when  exec_dial returns the chanell is already closed and all variables are lost is there a work around or something?
08:35.35*** join/#asterisk bad_duck_ (
08:36.18tzafrir_laptopflorz, ==^  . It means that the zaptel clock does not "tick"
08:36.43tzafrir_laptopAnd thus some things in Asterisk that rely on it don't really work
08:37.55florztzafrir_laptop: erm, so, asterisk doesn't complain but simply gets stuck?
08:38.42tzafrir_laptopbefore or after r112689 ?
08:39.24tzafrir_laptopAfter? fails to load. Before: music-on-hold and such won't work
08:39.57*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
08:40.29florzbut then it fails to load, no matter what kind of lines are connected to the card, or how the card is configured!?
08:40.38florzerm, ?! rather
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08:45.37teleniekoSetting qualify=yes didn't fix the issue. asterisk says that anything defined in sippeers is "ok" on ChanIsAvail() ;\
08:45.57tzafrir_laptopit fails to load if the card happens to be not connected anywhere
08:46.25tzafrir_laptopIf you define that providing timing is part of a zaptel driver's job, then this is a bug of the driver
08:47.34*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
08:48.10florztzafrir_laptop: well, I'm just wondering how the timing "stops"
08:49.10tzafrir_laptopFrom what I understand: if the span is defined to use the provider's timing and the provider does not provide timing, there's no timing
08:49.12florztzafrir_laptop: as in: how does asterisk/zaptel determine that there is no timing?
08:49.22tzafrir_laptop(at least with zaphfc)
08:49.51florzso, NT mode is not affected by this?
08:50.02tzafrir_laptopNo, from my understanding
08:51.07florzbut ... the interrupt counters do keep incrementing at ~ 8 kHz?
08:51.30ChicagoAre there freely available custom voice menu prompts for download?
08:51.34tzafrir_laptopI'm not really sure. yang has such a card. Not me
08:53.22*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
08:56.39qpcan anyone advise if the current vmware is OK to run * on for a pure voip solution?
08:58.08mvanbaakwhat vmware ?
08:58.25mvanbaakesx, server, esxi, virtualinfrastruct ?
08:58.39qpat the moment, server
08:58.49mvanbaakthat works fine
08:58.57qpjust speccing out * redundancy options
08:59.12qpvirtual machines is so much easier
08:59.25qpwhat about the "timing issues" I read alot about, altho most articles are 2006
08:59.35mvanbaakqp: you already have vmware server running? or are you planning a new setup ?
08:59.44*** join/#asterisk luxxx77 (
08:59.58qpalready have it, seems ok, no more than 3 concurrent calls, but want to grow to much more
09:00.03mvanbaakah ok
09:00.10mvanbaakwell, it works fine in production here :)
09:00.16*** join/#asterisk Oy90 (n=ivan@
09:00.30qpnice. do you use any clever load balancing or automatic switch overs for failing machines?
09:00.35mvanbaakwe have 6 boxen with vmware server on it, and 3 of those boxen have asterisk virtual machines
09:00.40*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:00.53qpthats good to know. busy system?
09:01.02mvanbaakqp: we use dundi and an openbsd loadbalancer to do that
09:01.15mvanbaaknot really busy, couple of thousand calls a day
09:01.28qpthats not "un busy" :)
09:01.35mvanbaakroughly 1500 sip registrations
09:01.44qpok thanks, I will stick with vmware server until I have a reason not to use it any more :)
09:02.30qplots of voicemail etc?
09:03.04tzafrir_laptoppings yang again to pick up the conversation
09:04.13hi365looks for something simpler than sendmail
09:04.45mvanbaakqp: nah, normal voicemail volume for that many users.
09:04.49mvanbaakqp: no idea actually
09:05.15qpare you voip only?
09:05.57yangtzafrir_laptop: after recomilation music on hold works
09:06.12yangwith the current setup
09:06.34tzafrir_laptopbut at that time does zttest hang?
09:07.20tzafrir_laptophi365, I generally prefer postfix
09:08.00yangI am wondering when does asterisk rotate log files defined in logger.conf ?
09:08.13hi365tzafrir_laptop: that seems to be what people ware suggesting. can i use gmail as my smtp server?
09:08.20tzafrir_laptop"logger rotate"?
09:09.44tzafrir_laptophi365, basically, yes . Though you have to pretend mail comes from you:
09:10.03tzafrir_laptopthat is: use the "submit" service
09:11.15*** join/#asterisk AutumnLeaves (n=AutumnLe@
09:13.22tzafrir_laptopyang, but this does not handle CSV CDR files
09:14.59*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=aster@
09:15.05angryusergood day
09:15.22yangtzafrir_laptop: it measures timing now
09:15.23yang--- Results after 50 passes ---
09:15.24yangBest: 99.998 -- Worst: 99.993 -- Average: 99.996345, Difference: 99.996345
09:15.30gr0mitangryuser, are you sure?
09:17.18angryusergr0mit, dont make me angry ;)
09:21.07jblackYou wouldn't like him when he's angry
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09:42.03ahgindiaany help needed?
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09:42.17maxhbp2005i need some help about blind transfer
09:42.29maxhbp2005is there anybody there?
09:42.54ahgindiai am there
09:42.58ahgindiate;; ,e
09:43.02ahgindiatell me
09:43.35maxhbp2005i have agi script for inbound and outbound
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09:45.01maxhbp2005when i am calling a pstn call then my user connected to that number and then i am pressing *# and it asks transfer
09:45.12maxhbp2005then i am entering transfer pstn number
09:45.15maxhbp2005and it is working
09:45.25maxhbp2005but in inbound that's the problem
09:45.57maxhbp2005when i have received call and i am transfer that call then it is asks transfer but nothing happen
09:46.08maxhbp2005can any body knows what's the issue is?
09:46.42jblackI don't understand you.
09:46.58maxhbp2005let me explain again
09:47.12maxhbp2005i have a script for outbound and inbound calling
09:47.26maxhbp2005and it is working fine
09:47.35maxhbp2005i have set *# for blind transfer
09:47.50maxhbp2005blind transfer is working for outbound only
09:48.06maxhbp2005it is not working while incoming call
09:48.24maxhbp2005hi jblack
09:48.29maxhbp2005can you please reply me
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09:49.00jblackOk. Adjust your Dial() setting for incoming if you're using blind transfer.
09:49.24maxhbp2005i have passed Tt options in dial
09:49.46jblackIn both dials?
09:49.52maxhbp2005it is dialing from script after checking the incoming did and finds the sip user and the dial
09:49.54jblack(There's dialing out, and dial to dial to your sip lines)
09:50.26maxhbp2005i have set tT in incoming call also
09:51.02maxhbp2005it is playing prompt transfer in incoming but it not works
09:51.06jblackno ideas then.
09:51.27maxhbp2005i have also set the __TRANSFER_CONTEXT=outgoing in script while the incoming call comes
09:51.41angryusermaxhbp2005, pastebin your extensions.conf and you features.conf
09:52.06C4awayhow does one make a patch file for a large number of files?
09:52.59C4awayfor example say I have /usr/src/foo/... and /usr/src/foo.modified/... each with many folders and files within
09:53.16maxhbp2005[outgoing]exten=> _X.,1,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=threeway)
09:53.17maxhbp2005exten=> _X.,n,DeadAgi(asterisk_billing/calls.php)
09:53.51maxhbp2005and same for incoming
09:54.01maxhbp2005just context is different
09:54.25*** part/#asterisk telenieko (
09:54.27maxhbp2005features.conf [featuremap]
09:54.28maxhbp2005blindxfer => *#
09:55.12maxhbp2005hi angryuser
09:55.32maxhbp2005can you please explain me
09:56.25angryusermaxhbp2005, please cli output during falied transfer
09:56.57maxhbp2005it is just giving me the playback of transfer nothing else
09:57.03maxhbp2005and else is the script
09:58.21maxhbp2005== Setting global variable '1158' to '1158'
09:58.41jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:00.11*** join/#asterisk buzzyd (n=psp-man@
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10:01.17maxhbp2005i have no idea about the pastebin
10:02.07angryusermaxhbp2005, do you have the option for the sip peer dtmfmode=rfc2833 ? also what kind of phone do you use ?
10:02.23angryusermaxhbp2005, now you have the idea
10:02.58jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:03.12maxhbp2005yes i have realtime sip peers and set the dtmf mode=auto and my device linksys has also dtmf=auto
10:03.59angryusertry setting it to rfc2833
10:04.14maxhbp2005ok, just 1 min
10:04.18maxhbp2005i am checking it
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10:07.57maxhbp2005it is not working
10:09.32DarKnesS_WolFmaxhbp2005: what are u trying to do transfer
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10:10.19maxhbp2005when i have an incoming call i have pass the pstn number for testing after playback of transfer
10:11.15maxhbp2005dtmf is also poperly set but the channel is not transfered to that number and my call is hangup
10:13.24DarKnesS_WolFmaxhbp2005: show ur dialplan
10:13.28DarKnesS_WolFin pastbin
10:14.16DarKnesS_WolFmaxhbp2005: ur using elaxtix / freepbx / trixbox ?
10:14.36maxhbp2005i have asterisk 1.4.19
10:14.42maxhbp2005i haven't any pbx
10:17.03maxhbp2005i have script that will dial
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10:22.38ahgindiagot any solution for transfer?
10:23.09maxhbp2005i am confused about that it is working in outbound but not in inbound
10:23.20maxhbp2005both dial string are also proper
10:24.03maxhbp2005is anybody having any idea about this?
10:24.05ahgindiaso you can abort the transfer in inbound call
10:24.20ahgindiaabort its use in inbound call..........
10:24.26ahgindiaisn't it
10:24.39maxhbp2005but i need the solution of that
10:24.51maxhbp2005i want to check what happening on asterisk
10:25.34ahgindiaok so u can try feviquick as a solution
10:25.43maxhbp2005are you kidding
10:25.49*** part/#asterisk Oy90 (n=ivan@
10:25.49ahgindiaits possible
10:25.51ahgindiain asterisk
10:25.58ahgindiajust try that
10:27.02maxhbp2005thank you very much everybody,
10:27.07*** part/#asterisk maxhbp2005 (n=maxhbp20@
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10:41.51Great_Anta_Bakadoes 1.4 asterisk have a web interface that you can check out the cdr records?
10:46.07Great_Anta_Bakawhat things can you view from the 1.4 web interfaces?
10:46.35Great_Anta_Bakai know you can check the manager
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10:51.12jboti heard ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:53.16tzafrir_laptopDidn't take a clue, I guess
10:59.18*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
10:59.24mandhhello all
10:59.53mandhi have zap1-1, zap2-1 ,i have lot of abandoned calls
11:00.38mandh40% of them on zap2-1 and 10% on zap1-1
11:01.17mandhwhen debug calls i found that most of calls comming without caller-id
11:01.42mandhon the zap2
11:02.30tzafrir_laptopsoft hangup Zap/1-1
11:02.44Great_Anta_Baka~ask what things can you view from the 1.4 web interfaces?
11:02.47tzafrir_laptopare those analog trunks?
11:03.05Great_Anta_Bakahow do you use jbot?
11:03.20*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
11:03.20tzafrir_laptopjbot has no entry for "sk what things can you view from the 1.4 web interfaces?"
11:03.56tzafrir_laptopask jbot something it does know
11:04.59Great_Anta_Bakacan you give me an example
11:05.08Great_Anta_Bakai dont know what jbot knows
11:05.13jbotrumour has it, great_anta_baka is an old wooden ship.
11:05.24*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
11:05.59Great_Anta_Bakai see
11:06.08jboti guess jbot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
11:06.20Great_Anta_Bakathanks kaldemar
11:08.57*** join/#asterisk Knightfal (n=Knightfa@
11:09.12kaldemarusing a search engine doesn't hurt.
11:10.03Great_Anta_Bakaindeed google is my friend
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11:32.02yangI have a Siemens handset which has 6 phone extensions - they also listen on the same IP and SIP port, but is this proper -
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11:37.10jblackUsually a device that does multiple sip accounts puts each account on a different port.
11:37.21DarKnesS_WolFyang: yes i do have a snom m3 dect with 2 accounts and it the same output as urs and works fine.
11:37.35DarKnesS_WolFjblack: don't think so
11:37.47jblackOk. You don't think so. No problem.
11:38.10yangI have the SIP setting for the PBX but this one is always 5060....and the Siemens handset base station is only bind to one ip
11:39.01DarKnesS_WolFyang: jblack i think the phone handeling which ext. should ring " for diffrunt rings "
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11:39.24yangThe problem is that I cannot investigate what makes the calls deaf sometimes....the other side doesn't hear the caller, but on the next call it works fine...
11:39.37DarKnesS_WolFyang: how ? i should have multi account page each one will have it is own IP for the realm
11:43.18yangand such problems appear on all handsets
11:43.40DarKnesS_WolFyang: try to change the ports in each identiy or let hte phone use random one.
11:43.57DarKnesS_WolFinever had such problem with snom/ giptel with multi accounts on same set
11:44.23yangwell snom is known to be good, but who knows how Siemens works
11:44.34*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
11:45.27DarKnesS_WolFyang: get snom them :P
11:45.43yangYeah well, I am not ordering them
11:45.57DarKnesS_WolFyang: if u have one account
11:46.00yangIts my boss who gets the cheapest hardware
11:46.01DarKnesS_WolFeverything wroks fine?
11:46.13DarKnesS_WolFsiemens is cheaper than SNOM !?
11:46.14DarKnesS_WolFnoway !
11:46.34yangDoes Snom produce wireless phones at all?
11:47.04DarKnesS_WolFyang: yes
11:47.07angryuseris it normal when macro exits it is going back to primary dialplan and continue execute it ?
11:47.21*** part/#asterisk pitombera (n=pitomber@unaffiliated/pitombera)
11:47.24angryusersiemens is cheaper ans they are good
11:47.39DarKnesS_WolFone base supports up to 8 dect handset and also it has repeaters
11:48.14angryuseri got siemens dect and snoms (not dect) al working good
11:49.20yangmaybe my settings are wrong - i have the same for all handsets -
11:49.51yangThe phone doesn't work if I don't define "proxy" there , however I don't use any real proxy
11:50.37yangDarKnesS_WolF: do you think that I could change "proxy server port" to different value for each handset?
11:51.34DarKnesS_WolFyang: read teh set manual
11:54.30angryuseris there any wayt to force macro to do not return to original context ?
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11:54.47angryuser*after it is done it's job*
11:54.49*** join/#asterisk r0land (n=roland@
11:55.17r0landhello all
11:55.35DarKnesS_WolFangryuser: to hang up ? in the end of the macro ?
11:56.15r0landcan any1 help out with an authentication prob!
11:56.27jbot*** anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean /I/ do.
11:56.59r0landim tryig to do the following: i have 10 sip peers i want 8 of these peers to b able to call the 9th normaly.. bu the 10th to require a password if he wanna call the 9th
11:57.07r0landdoes tht make any senes to u ?
11:57.34tzafrir_laptopis still parsing
11:57.51angryuserwell i got one macro for call out, all is fine and call completes (busy noanswer answered) after it jumps back to original context and continue it's execution ;)
11:58.24angryuserr0land, set a different context for that person
11:58.55tzafrir_laptopr0land, generally use something of the sort of Authenticate() to check for a password
12:00.38angryusertzafrir_laptop, it will work for *all* peers, i think he need to create another context copy rules there and modify one with Authenticate
12:01.12tzafrir_laptopsure. A different context is needed anyway
12:01.24angryuseror set vars in astdb for each peers and verify before call
12:05.18r0landangryuser yes i thought abotu tht! but other users may not b able to call it !
12:05.33angryuserr0land, sure they will
12:05.47r0landtzafrir_laptop yes i tried tht. but tht way every1 would have to enter tht passworfd! though i just want to deny access to one peer
12:06.12angryuserr0land, core show application Dial() under cli
12:07.04r0landangryuser Your application(s) is (are) not registered
12:07.31angryuserr0land, then Dial
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12:08.55r0landangryuser im not following u :S
12:09.11angryuserr0land, just create another context copy all dial rules for each sip account there, set 'context' for the 2 peers
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12:09.25angryuserr0land, to you new fresh context
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12:09.37r0landangryuser ya but to do so! ill deny other sip thts registered in other context! to b able to call these 2..
12:09.41r0landunless if i "include"
12:09.48r0landand if i included! its like i havent done anything useful
12:10.13angryuserr0land, and modify dialin rules for peer needed
12:10.43angryuserpastebin your extensions.conf and sip.conf please
12:10.53r0landangryuser ok just a sec
12:12.49angryuseryou can allways use goto to speed up
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12:13.52r0landi dont want extension 300 to b able to call "03,04,05,06" without entering a code
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12:14.34angryuserr0land, ok
12:15.07r0landthts it
12:16.24r0landangryuser i tried adding "authenticate" in sipura-line! but tht made all other peers to HAVE to use the same password as the extension 300 to access those lines
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12:20.20r0landangryuser any advice?
12:20.49angryuserr0land, yes sec
12:20.59r0landangryuser gr8 thanks :)
12:22.21angryuserr0land, create context [reistricted]
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12:23.12angryuserand modify sip.conf as shown
12:23.58r0landangryuser i cant access :(
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12:24.16r0landis it possible if you use instead ?!
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12:26.51[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Unnecessarily large.... that could have been shrunk a LOT.
12:27.48angryuser[TK]D-Fender, yes , but let's try to make it work firs :)
12:28.18[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Guess I won't mention the broken bits ;)
12:29.19angryuser[TK]D-Fender, hey tk by the way how to stop macro going back to original exten after execution, i cant find the option ;( or it is supposed to be like that ?
12:29.38[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: "Hangup" :)
12:30.26[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: and yes its supposed to return, thats why its a macro and not a "set X args and jump"
12:33.37angryuserr0land, so roland, done ?
12:34.36r0landangryuser having trouble with the other extnsions
12:35.01r0landone question! i added  exten => 301,1,authenticate(11) <<-- do i change the priority ?!
12:35.34lmadsenfirst priority best practice is to make it a NoOp() or Verbose(), and start all real lines on the 2nd line, with the 'n' priority
12:36.04[TK]D-Fenderr0land: with your KEYBOARD
12:36.08angryuserr0land, under cli 'core show authenticate' gives you all the syntax
12:36.39[TK]D-Fenderr0land:  exten => 301,1234,authenticate(11)  <- OMG, its a different priority!!!
12:36.55angryusercore show application authenticate ^^;)
12:36.59[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: EW, useless NoOps!
12:37.22lmadsenIts not useless.... I hate using a real application at the first priority
12:37.28lmadsenuse it for documentation
12:37.34creativxwhy do you not like 1st pri!
12:37.48r0landgetting me ost here:)
12:38.05SteveTotarohi roland
12:38.06[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: that what COMMENT lines are for.  You're slowing down your dialplan execution, throwing out CLI junk, and ";" is FAR more efficient for making a comment :)
12:38.13SteveTotaroif you want real answers, ask me
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12:38.40[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: 42 <-
12:38.41r0landSteveTotaro hello!!
12:38.52r0landSteveTotaro you helped me out once before! on asterisk's mailing list
12:38.57*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
12:39.02SteveTotaroyup, 42 but from the old days
12:39.09r0landSteveTotaro you guided me to the authenticate issue!
12:39.17SteveTotaroyeah, how could i forget you r0land
12:40.01[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: Yeah, you can't afford that kind of psycho-therapy!
12:40.15r0landSteveTotaro <<-- this is my current config! i want to deny access to 301 to b able to call "304,305,306,307,308"
12:40.23SteveTotaroi subscribe to freudian theory
12:40.24r0landSteveTotaro unless if the caller enters a password
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12:40.40r0landangryuser was kind enough to give me an advice and a pastebin about it! but i just tried it .. didnt work :(
12:40.55SteveTotaroput 301 in a separate context with no include to those extensions
12:41.21SteveTotarooh, a password
12:41.27r0landSteveTotaro yes a pass
12:41.54SteveTotaroseparate context with authenticate() and then a goto the main context
12:41.55r0landSteveTotaro tried exten => 301,1,authenticate(11)  but tht made all other peers to ask for tht pass not just 301
12:43.06r0landSteveTotaro lost me thre!
12:43.21[TK]D-Fenderr0land: put it in ANOTHER CONTEXT!!
12:43.40SteveTotaroset up exten 301 in sip.conf to have a separate context from the rest, spa if memory serves me correctly
12:43.40r0land[TK]D-Fender if i put it in another context it wont call other peers!
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12:43.48r0landSteveTotaro i did tht!
12:43.57SteveTotarook but then use goto()
12:43.59r0landSteveTotaro i followed angryuser 's advice and set it to a "restricted" context
12:44.02SteveTotaroafter authenticate
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12:44.21r0landhm tht makes sense
12:44.37SteveTotarogoto(context,exten,prio) i believe....
12:46.39r0landSteveTotaro i add it right after authenticate in the new context
12:46.51SteveTotaroyeah, should be short and simple
12:47.29[TK]D-FenderSo simple its SAD
12:47.49SteveTotarobut r0land has enthusiasm!
12:48.01SteveTotarohe has been bitten by the asterisk bug
12:48.11r0landsorry for the newbie questions
12:48.25[TK]D-Fenderr0land: You've been using * for HOW long now?
12:48.30r0landSteveTotaro been working on this for a while now.. im trying to add every feature in asterisk to my current setup so i can get a better grop for it
12:48.35SteveTotarowell, i suggest you keep off irc for a year or two and stick to the wiki
12:48.37r0land[TK]D-Fender 5 weeks
12:48.41[TK]D-Fenderr0land: If you don't understand the dialplan you're pretty much screwed
12:48.54[TK]D-Fenderr0land: 5 weeks?  No, I've seen you here FAR longer than that...
12:49.00yangWhat kind of error is this - Aug 26 13:58:56 lineamedia asterisk[2203]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
12:49.02r0land[TK]D-Fender 14 str8 days.. or 5 weeks on and off
12:49.21SteveTotaroyang, that is a "funky" error
12:50.24SteveTotaror0land has been on craig's list too much with the "str8" thing.  (sure you are buddy:P)
12:51.00yangSteveTotaro: as google tells me its the Audio error - this is exactly the problem i have no audio
12:51.21SteveTotarono audio ain't no good for asterisk
12:51.48[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: Over negatived...
12:52.24SteveTotarosorry, i live on the cusp of the hood
12:53.09SteveTotaroyang, what kind of devices are you using, i have never seen an error like that
12:54.12yangno audio only occasionally - the call is established and they cannot hear, while I can hear them, and if i redial the number again the sound usually works for both sides
12:54.41yangSteveTotaro: HFC cards and Siemens Gigaset wireless handsets
12:54.52angryuseryang, misdn ?
12:54.58yangno zaptel
12:55.24SteveTotaroyeah, i am not familiar with misdn whatsoever, it is totally greek to me
12:56.08angryuseryang, i had problems like that with siemens, check your udp ports, set them to different ones, also tcp
12:56.17SteveTotarobristuff i have messed with too much, nobody in the US should have a bri imho
12:56.40SteveTotaronot in washington dc anyways
12:56.43x86I know some people running BRI still in Illinois
12:56.50angryuserSteveTotaro, should i say the same thing for misdn :)
12:56.52x86it's rare, but it does happen still
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12:58.15SteveTotaroi have a client in vienna va (washington dc urban sprawl) with two bris
12:58.30SteveTotaroand then they wanted me to add four analog lines...... ahhhh
12:58.52*** part/#asterisk maxhbp2005 (n=maxhbp20@
12:58.55yangangryuser: bad Siemens!
12:59.16SteveTotaroi stay aways from semens
12:59.30SteveTotaror0land can help though
13:00.26SteveTotarobad joke, nm
13:00.56r0landSteveTotaro the pastebin [TK]D-Fender gave! the way i got it! didnt do a thing!
13:01.16r0landsince context "normalstuff" had the peers tht i DONT want ppl to b able to call
13:01.35[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Hopefully you get the idea anyways.
13:01.43r0landwhich are 03,04,05,06 that in turn redirect to 304,305,306,307
13:02.36[TK]D-Fenderr0land: don't "redirect", use INCLUDES
13:02.38r0landthe way i get it it only made ppl who call 301, to have to enter a password  to access ANY other peer
13:02.43[TK]D-FenderGoto for this is jsut silly
13:02.48yangangryuser: UDP ports related to number assignment?
13:03.11r0land[TK]D-Fender lemme explain again whts the prob im facing
13:03.54SteveTotarogoto brings me back to basic ;)
13:04.14[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Your problem is that you aren't splitting up your contexts in a smart way
13:04.18angryuseryang, be sure that udp ports are not out of range! and not set to !random!
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13:06.59r0land[TK]D-Fender yes thts one thing i tottally agree with!
13:07.05r0land[TK]D-Fender which is why im here..
13:07.19r0land[TK]D-Fender could check this please
13:07.52SteveTotarocontexts are the most important part of the dialplan
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13:08.02SteveTotarobeyond that, it is just commands and syntax
13:08.39[TK]D-Fenderr0land: [sipura-line] should NOT include [spa].  That is retarded
13:08.57SteveTotaroretarded offends me
13:09.09r0land[TK]D-Fender if t didnt include it! if the caller to 301, dialed lets say 100! how would it know where to go!
13:09.45[TK]D-Fenderr0land: and your "301" exten priorities are screwed up BAD.
13:10.05SteveTotarouse n if you can't get your priorities right
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13:10.23yangangryuser: does Listen port for VOIP connections RTP port must match the ports in rtp.conf (geez how could i misslook that)
13:11.01yangangryuser: thanks a lot !
13:11.17r0land[TK]D-Fender <r0land> [TK]D-Fender if t didnt include it! if the caller to 301, dialed lets say 100! how would it know where to go!
13:12.10[TK]D-Fenderr0land: You are so spun around its friggen ridiculous
13:12.21SteveTotaroi say get off irc
13:12.30SteveTotarolearn asterisk, just keep trying stuff
13:12.46SteveTotarountil you say "ahhh, i get it now"
13:13.01SteveTotaroyou will be much better off in the long run
13:13.18SteveTotaroi have been doing asterisk for seven years but....
13:13.24jbothmm... stevetotaro is an IRC nub
13:13.52[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Merry Christmas
13:14.05Kattyi missed halloween and thanksgiving.
13:14.06creativxhello Katty
13:14.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:14.19creativxthere will be others next year Katty. fear not
13:14.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
13:14.28Kattycreativx: that's not the point :<
13:14.38SteveTotaroplus you missed the extra 10 pounds you would have put on
13:14.46Kattythat's true ;)
13:14.47SteveTotarothere is always a silver lining
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13:15.18r0land[TK]D-Fender thanks :)
13:15.22Katty[intra]lanman: mew.
13:15.36Katty[intra]lanman: how are the mini-lans.
13:15.53[intra]lanmanKatty: the lanbrats are good... thanks for asking
13:16.00Katty[intra]lanman: good to hear.
13:16.10Katty[intra]lanman: the petting zoo doing okay too?
13:17.05[intra]lanmanhah, yeah
13:17.13Kattycheers (=
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13:17.52Kattyshould clean her office today due to company coming over.
13:18.11SteveTotaroget your minions to clean it
13:18.30Kattythere's a thought.
13:18.33Kattyi'll bring my ferrets in!
13:18.49SteveTotaroferrets are cool
13:19.00SteveTotaroever since beast master
13:19.01Kattyif by cool you mean completely adorable.
13:19.04MaliutaMinion Monkeys of Dooooooom(tm)
13:19.12Maliutathey run _my_ * system for me
13:19.13Corydon76-digand stinky
13:19.32KattyCorydon76-dig: we keep ours clean.
13:19.35SteveTotaroyeah, i bet they do stink but they steal stuff, that is cool
13:19.52SteveTotarothey "ferret" things away
13:20.03SteveTotarothey have their own verb
13:20.06Kattyand bounce. don't forget the bouncing.
13:20.16Kattyrandom ankle attacking.
13:20.23Kattyand the random falling asleep everywhere.
13:20.23SteveTotarobrooklyn bounce?
13:20.39Kattyand their toothy lil yawns :>
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13:21.09SteveTotaromy pit bull would eat them up
13:21.26Kattyor snorrgle them to death.
13:21.50SteveTotarohe bats at little creatures when they move
13:21.56Kattyoh )=
13:22.03SteveTotarohe thinks he is being gentle
13:22.13Kattyi'm sure he does.
13:22.27SteveTotarowell an 85# pit bull has a different idea of gentle
13:22.33Kattyof course ;)
13:22.50Kattyi always thought pit bulls had a genetic defect of slight mental... issues.
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13:23.10SteveTotarothat is generally due to ignorance, no offense
13:23.28SteveTotaromany are so inbred though, just like any "pure bred" dog
13:23.30Kattyi'm glad that got cleared up.
13:24.01Kattyi think there's a lot of misconceptions about a great many dogs due to propaganda and tv.
13:24.24SteveTotarowell my brother is a cop in PG county MD where pit bulls are outlawed
13:24.42Kattyferrets are also outlawed in some areas.
13:24.46[TK]D-FenderGood : a cat.  Better : a dog.  Best : a dog that eats cats. :D
13:24.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
13:25.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: can't we all just get along!?
13:25.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: -Imp
13:25.10SteveTotaronot really fender, my dog killed my ex gf's cat
13:25.16r0land[TK]D-Fender thanks for before.. but could u explain to me wht this counts for! just to understand!  _[123]XX
13:25.18SteveTotarohence the ex
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13:25.41SteveTotaroprefix 123 then two more digits
13:25.50r0landi dunno wht does the [ ] stands for! i mean if i set _1XX <<-- i get this..! but whts with the [ ]
13:25.58r0landah ok
13:26.01r0landi got it
13:26.03r0landthanks )
13:26.16SteveTotaroyou should really read r0land
13:26.28r0landSteveTotaro i know i have alot to catch up
13:26.29SteveTotaronot irc but the book or wiki or whatever
13:26.32r0landthanks for the help u guys :)
13:26.41r0landSteveTotaro could u guide me to the wiki plz! i dont have its link..
13:26.45r0landi just visit asteriskguru
13:27.17r0landthanks :)
13:27.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: I believe in animal rights :
13:27.32r0landthanks [TK]D-Fender SteveTotaro :) appreciate the help
13:27.40[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro>prefix 123 then two more digits <- um, NO
13:27.42Kattytkbeat: :<
13:27.49[TK]D-Fenderr0land: 1xx + 2xx + 3xx all in one
13:27.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
13:27.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: did you find that off reddit
13:28.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: GOOGLE :)
13:28.06r0landto b honest [TK]D-Fender s pastebin didnt work! incoming calls to 301 kept on ringing without answering which is weird.. but i understood wht he did and ill edit mine accordingly
13:28.11jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
13:28.29SteveTotaroi mean match on that prefix not prepend
13:28.45[TK]D-Fenderr0land: May need a TINY tweak becase your description is so busted, but it'd better not grow by more that 3 lines.
13:28.55[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: {123] is not a prefix.
13:29.04[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: it is a digit LIST.
13:29.11SteveTotarowhat is {123] i think that is wrong
13:29.31[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: [123]XX = 1XX or 2XX or 3XX
13:29.31SteveTotaroi think that would fail {123]
13:29.41SteveTotaroyes, i understand completely
13:29.46[TK]D-FenderSteveTotaro: I just typo'd it here, ig deal.
13:30.13SteveTotaroi know you feel good correcting me, but i am correct
13:30.40SteveTotarobut pretend you did so you can feel good about yourself, i will play along, ok?
13:31.10r0landone quest! currently with this: exten =>_01,1,Dial(SIP/$(EXTEN)@300) if i dial 01, i get a tone from 300! i tried changing "01" to "#1" but it didnt work!
13:32.08r0landps: i guess [TK]D-Fender met his match :P
13:32.27SteveTotarogame, set, and match...
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13:33.20Kattyfskrotzki_: (=
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13:33.53fskrotzkiMorning Katty, how are we doing this fine day?
13:34.23[TK]D-Fenderr0land: you want to use #1 instead of 01?  add "pedantic=yes" under [general] in sip.conf
13:34.32Kattyfskrotzki_: sleepy, but otherwise just ducky. how're you?
13:34.57Kattyneeds to clean her office. for Real.
13:35.10fskrotzkia bit more awake then you, but good. looking forward to a long weekend with no real plans....
13:35.25Kattytell me about it!!! i'm already plotting.
13:35.41Kattymaybe i'll wear PJs the entire weekend.
13:35.56Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh. i dreamt it was thanksgiving last night.
13:36.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: specifically about roasted turkey ^_-
13:36.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: except it came out more like bbqed turkey.
13:36.16fskrotzkihehe, I wish... (to both Katty and [TK]D-Fender)...
13:37.15fskrotzkiboy scouts is picking up, just finished last week of camping and resident camp stuff, two weeks from today we start the popcorn drive for 2+ months... (thanksgiving is the end of my crazy season).
13:37.21lmadsenif I use Monitor(), and I have a call that goes:  IAX2 --> Monitor() --> SIP phone, then I have files in.wav and out.wav.... does that mean the out.wav is the audio flowing from the SIP channel back to the IAX2 channel?
13:37.53Qwelllmadsen: IAX2 initiated the call?
13:38.20QwellI would think IAX2>SIP=out, SIP>IAX2=in.  don't quote me on that though
13:38.33lmadsenyes, the call comes from IAX2 into the box, and then the box sets up a Dial() to the SIP phone
13:38.47lmadsenhrmmm... I was thinking it was on the other side...
13:38.51Qwelloh, hmm
13:38.59lmadsenIAX2 --> Monitor() --> Dial(SIP/foo) --> SIP (foo)
13:39.12lmadsenin.wav  <---
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13:39.19lmadsenin.wav --->
13:39.23lmadsenout.wav <---
13:39.46lmadsenin is audio received from iax2, and out is audio recieved from sip
13:40.24Qwelldamn perspective..
13:40.28lmadsenheh :)
13:40.50lmadsenI'm thinking that because the Monitor() is called before DIal(), so it would only know of the IAX2 channel
13:40.58Qwellin and out seem like silly names, in that scenario
13:41.02lmadsenI agree
13:41.08Qwellboth have audio flowing in and out
13:41.12lmadsenpre and post would be better.....
13:41.17lmadsenor something like that
13:41.20lmadsenleft and right? :)
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14:22.02mgromanDoes hardware echo cancelation have any effect on phantom calls for tdm410 cards?
14:23.37Corydon76-digmgroman: you might want to look at one of the other parameters for phantom calls, like ringdebounce
14:24.09Corydon76-digEchocan only affects delivery of voice once the call is already up
14:24.40mgromanCorydon76-dig: The issue was resolved yesterday (zaptel svn), but russellb and Digium support were both asking me if the card had echo cancellation... just curious if that had any effect on the situation
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14:26.09mgromanAnd I guess for an IVR, EC is useless?
14:26.29Corydon76-digEC is never useless for analog lines
14:27.14Corydon76-digIn fact, analog lines are the number one reason to have EC
14:27.20[TK]D-Fenders/analog lines/period/
14:27.25Corydon76-digDigital lines, less so
14:27.53[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: After the nightmares I went through here at the start "less so" doesn't reassure me one bit :)
14:28.06mgromanbecause with digital lines, the transmission is either "there" or "not there", analog is more ambiguous?
14:31.22M1s3rymgroman, more than likely Digium support would have asked so that we could make sure you were running the latest firmware for the card to fix any other issues that may come about later on.
14:31.34Corydon76-digmgroman: with analog lines, you get echo from the 2-wire to 4-wire conversion
14:32.59Corydon76-digOn digital lines, the only way to get echo is the audio feedback between the speaker and microphone on the handset
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14:48.09aliverWhen someone dials an extension that doesn't match anything in the extensions.conf dialplan, does it go to the "i" extension?
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14:52.12aliverHow can I find out what codec a remote SIP peer/friend supports?
14:52.19alivercodec(s) even.
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14:57.25[TK]D-Fenderaliver: in SIP certainly not.  it just 404's
14:57.48[TK]D-Fenderaliver: And go look at the SIP debug of a call attempt
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15:00.38mgromani just dont like ekiga
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15:06.03jeevi think spam got 500000 times worse, i gogt an email saying we have hijacked your baby, we want 50,000 us dollars for it. LOL with a zip file for photos
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15:09.47Great_Anta_Bakaif i only have about 32 similtaneous calls max will the fact that i have raid-1 affect performance
15:09.51Great_Anta_Bakaall calls will be sip
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15:14.28[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: And what does your HD have to do with call performance?
15:15.10[TK]D-FenderGreat_Anta_Baka: Unless it hogs your CPU to death which would just be pathetic
15:15.28aliver[TK]D-Fender well, in the case I'm trying to figure out what codecs my outbound SIP provider ( supports. I'll just try a call and see.
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15:18.46aliverDoes G726 use compression or is it all framing and jitter correction advantages over G711 ?
15:19.13aliverThe thing is, I'm having problems with outbound audio quality.
15:19.40aliverI don't have G729 available, so I'm trying to shoot for the next best thing.
15:19.42aliverany suggestions?
15:19.53jblackYeah. ulaw.
15:21.13aliverIsn't ulaw just raw, uncompressed, and bandwidth-hogging? I'd think iLBC would at least be better.
15:21.30aliverJust asking, I don't really know, though.
15:21.58[TK]D-Fenderaliver: What do they suppor?
15:22.00jblackOk, well, gsm will cost you 8KB/sec per call and is comperable to pstn. That's pretty cheap.
15:22.47[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Not compressed, just half the size due to direct sampling rate.
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15:22.59aliver[TK]D-Fender It appears they support all the G7XX codecs, but not GSM or iLBC as far as I can tell. It's hard to tell from the sip debug output what is the phone and what is the phone provider in when it talks about codecs.
15:23.19aliverHmm, well, I'll have to call as ask if they'll allow GSM.
15:23.23[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Yes its perfectly easy to see.
15:23.28[TK]D-Fenderaliver: pastebin that call attempt
15:23.39[TK]D-Fenderaliver: And you'd have SEEN if they did
15:24.07[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Since you're having trouble with the big print, pastebin it so I can simply show you.
15:26.38jblackoh cool. Gustav is heading towards new orleans
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15:30.04sant0sk1i have asterisk setup on public ip receiving sip trunked DID calls and passing them to adhearsion. When making a call I get the following asterisk error: "chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '4022184044' rejected because extension not found." you can see my asterisk configs at: any help is much appreciated!
15:30.17delphusis there anyway to set g711 gain over h323 ?
15:30.45Qwelldelphus: I think in 1.6 you can
15:31.08delphusQwell: 1.6 wont help me ...
15:31.09Qwellmaybe that only works on zap though.  who knows
15:31.59delphusQwell: well thanks anyway ;)
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15:35.44[TK]D-Fendersant0sk1: Go look at the SIP debug for your failed call.
15:36.31[TK]D-FenderQwell: From what I heard its channel-agnostic
15:37.01sant0sk1[TK]D-Fender: /var/log/asterisk ?
15:37.14[TK]D-Fendersant0sk1: no, * CLI with SIP debug enabled
15:37.23Qwellhmm, I'm thinking of something else then.
15:38.34[TK]D-FenderQwell: I know rxgain/txgain work pretty well for zap ;)
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15:39.58aliver <--- this seems to indicate all they support is ulaw
15:40.03aliverbut they claim to support g729
15:40.09aliverand all G7XX
15:40.21*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:40.46[TK]D-Fenderaliver: can you try that frmo the START of the call...
15:42.06*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
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15:43.14sant0sk1[TK]D-Fender: found the problem. thank you
15:49.23mattx86any ideas why my zap groups aren't working? console output and zapata.conf are here:
15:49.34*** part/#asterisk sant0sk1 (
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15:52.33[TK]D-Fendermattx86: you must define multiple groups on *1* line.  You do not to this over mutliple.
15:52.53mattx86ah.  I'll change it right quick
15:53.04[TK]D-Fendermattx86: group=2,3
15:54.38aliver  <-- all the sip debug info.
15:54.48mattx86[TK]D-Fender: nice, thanks!
15:54.54aliverCan you figure out what codecs they support?
15:55.00Great_Anta_Bakaif i make a call from an analogue line i cant interact with the ivr but whenever i call from an isdn line or a mobile phone it works
15:55.17Great_Anta_Bakawhat could the possible solutions to this problem be?
15:55.18aliverSo, I don't see how to identify them.
15:55.31*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
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15:57.06[TK]D-Fenderaliver: I'm not wading thought ^%$# 3000 lines of crap.  debug the PEER and look at an INCOMING call.
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16:02.51Great_Anta_Bakaif i make a call from an analog line i cant interact with a specific IVR but whenever i call from an isdn line or a mobile phone it works
16:03.00mgromanWhat might cause an app from registering with Asterisk?  not being executable, not being in default app folder, not being loaded by modules.conf... is there anything else to check?
16:05.55aliverHow can I turn off 'sip debug' without restarting asterisk?
16:06.24aliverand don't tell me 'set debug 0' because that doesn't AT ALL.
16:07.20rivalmelsip set debug off
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16:10.35alivermercury*CLI> sip set debug off
16:10.35aliverNo such command 'sip set' (type 'help' for help)
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16:12.17jblackActually, sip set debug off is how one turns off sip debug.
16:12.22jblackThere's something wrong with your system.
16:12.34aliverLike for example it's not running 1.6 beta or something?
16:12.37aliverIt's 1.2
16:13.53aliverIt's "sip no debug"
16:16.16Paige_any idea why asterisk 1.6 would be looking for gtk+ when compiling with --imap?
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16:16.56QwellPaige_: it'll always look for it - but it doesn't require it
16:16.59Qwellis it failing or something?
16:17.10Paige_configure is failing
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16:17.21Qwellcan you pastebin the output?
16:17.23jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:17.47Qwellactually, put your config.log up there
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16:21.00mgromani always pipe to `less` rather than `more`, am i a pessimist?
16:21.15Qwellno, more sucks
16:22.00jeevdamn dood
16:22.03jeevdr dre's son is dead
16:22.32mgromanxzhibits son died a month ago or so
16:22.50jeevreally mgroman? i didn't know.. wow
16:22.58SargunWho is mgroman?
16:23.09jblackmarijuana grow man ?
16:23.20mgromanrapper/host of hit show on mtv "pimp my ride"
16:23.31jeevhe was a really good guy too
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16:23.47jeevi dont see that anywhere about his son
16:24.06mgromanjeev: maybe it was further back then...i read about it a month ago
16:24.12jeevdre is my my good friends friend.. they live a few miles apart, i told him and my friend is sad now.. they hadn't spoke for a while
16:24.17jeevah dunno
16:24.58jeevahh, infant son mgroman..
16:26.18Paige_what about it
16:26.25Paige_used to work for them years ago
16:26.36Qwellahh, okay,I thought you were doing something silly like installing on cygwin..
16:26.48Qwellno, it's failing checking for IMAP
16:26.56[TK]D-Fenderqwe No, that was baliktad ;)
16:27.30*** part/#asterisk raasdnil (
16:28.01Paige_the error was something about IMAP_TK
16:29.03*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
16:31.03mikealeonettiokay, so I'm part of a business that is interested in going to VoIP.  I'm just interested in what we need as far as obtaining lots of phone lines.  Should I just go looking for a T1 company?
16:31.40[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: ... can you please clarify that.  a LOT.
16:32.34jeevmikealeonetti, fender just acts that way but underneath it all, he loves you more than your own mother and father
16:32.57[TK]D-Fenderjeev: c'mon, they can't possibly hate him THAT much!
16:33.04mikealeonettioh they do
16:33.31mikealeonettiit's amazing what toll having a son in prison takes on young parents
16:33.45mikealeonettiI wish they didn't stop paying for therapy
16:34.07jblackWhatever toll it is, it's not enough.
16:34.17[TK]D-Fenderthe rapist <- fucks with your mind
16:34.26mikealeonettiever see "In Treatment?"
16:34.28mikealeonetti<3 that sow
16:35.05mikealeonettievery 5 minute Gabriel screams "THERE IS NO KEIZER SOZE!"
16:36.35mikealeonettiI am interested in putting together an Asterisk server, buying a bunch of hardware, and setting up an intercompany VoIP service.  We need some phone lines.  Should I look for a T1 company for the phone lines, or go with a local VoIP->analog phone company deal?
16:37.14[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: What does "VoIP" have to do with "lines"?
16:37.24mikealeonettiwe need to dial out
16:37.31mikealeonettiis what I mean
16:37.40mikealeonettiso we need some phone numbers, I guess
16:37.53[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Ok, and if you go for normal "lines" (via a hardware card, etc), then where does "VoIP" come in?
16:38.29mgromanIs darren sessions in here?
16:38.43Paige_so any suggestions on fix ing my error?
16:38.46mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: normal "lines" as in analog?
16:39.25[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Analog, T1, etc.
16:40.09mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: exactly
16:40.37[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Exactly what?  What is "VoIP" with you are dealing with PHYSICAL lines?
16:40.48*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
16:41.23mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: well, is it worth purchasing a T1?
16:42.20[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: You don't seem to know what you want.
16:42.48mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: exactly. unfortunately the rapist doesn't help with that one.
16:43.16[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Sorry, we don't sell clues here.
16:43.44mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: you do help people, though, right?
16:44.07mikealeonettiI mean, jeev just told me you loved me
16:44.10Paige_omfg some people are such idiots
16:44.17[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: God helps those who help themselves.
16:44.27[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: No, he jsut said I loved you more than your PARENTS <-
16:44.52Paige_[intra]lanman, you seeing this shit?
16:44.54[TK]D-FenderPaige_: You gain wisdom child.
16:45.10[intra]lanmanwhat shit?
16:46.01Paige_n/m go back to sleep :)
16:46.01Paige_qwell, any idea how to resolve my configuration issue?
16:46.09QwellPaige_: properly install the imap toolkit stuff.
16:46.10mgromanwhy do shared objects get named like so --> "", why is that number joined on the end?
16:46.16Paige_it is
16:46.30Qwellmgroman: it's the soversion
16:46.30[TK]D-Fendermgroman: Version.
16:46.36[intra]lanmandozes off as per Paige_'s suggestion
16:46.45mgromanahh thanks
16:48.25mikealeonettialright, you win. cheers then.
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16:48.28aliverWhen I transfer a user to voicemail they get the "temp" message always. Is that normal?
16:48.46aliverShouldn't they get the unavailable message?
16:49.16[TK]D-Fenderaliver: For as long as you leave it there, YES
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16:50.42aliverWell, when they don't have a temp message it just plays 'vm-intro' (the generic message) instead of their unavailable message.
16:50.55aliverDo I need to add the "u" on the end of Voicemail() ?
16:51.18*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
16:52.12aliverI guess I need Voicemail(u${EXTEN})
16:58.46aliverWhen you do a 'sip show channels' is that showing calls that are actually in progress or does it include other states as well?
17:00.31jameswf-homeshow channels shows active calls
17:00.40jameswf-homesip show channels shows sip channels
17:00.51jameswf-home*add core as needed
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17:05.46aliverCan someone help me figure out what this line is doing ?
17:05.48aliverexten => s,3,GotoIfTime(08:00-17:00,mon-fri,*,*?6)
17:06.01aliverWhat is the last argument "*?6" doing?
17:06.06bjwebbapache keeps dying on me :(
17:07.00jeevFender, for the big office, since i have all the phones speak with, what's the best way for it to determine if the primary * box is down, to go out the second one ?
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17:12.33aliverWhat is the last argument "*?6" doing?
17:13.12mvanbaakif it matches it will jump to priority 6
17:13.44mvanbaakhave a look at: 'core show application GotoIfTime'
17:14.19aliverWhat does this do ?    "${EXTEN}"]?3:5
17:14.31aliverat least the ?3:5 part
17:14.41aliverif it matches go to priority five?
17:15.07aliverThe whole line reads: exten => 700,2,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "${EXTEN}"]?3:5)
17:15.08mvanbaakno, if it matches go to 3, otherwise go to 5
17:15.20aliverAhh, okay. Thanks. that helps a lot to know that syntax.
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17:15.41aliverI wish I could find a cheat-sheet for that syntax online.
17:15.56aliverAh ha.
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17:17.25nny_2any DCAP certified peeps know of study material outside of the book? Gonna take the test here soon, but the Boot Camp course is a bit outside of my budget :)
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17:18.39mpruettGuys what is the URL of the post bin used to post code into>
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17:19.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:19.31[TK]D-Fenderaliver: "core show application gotoif" , "core show application gotoiftime <- next time just read the INSTRUCTIONS."
17:20.15[TK]D-Fenderaliver: For as long as you leave it there, YES <------- (temp overrides ALL OTHERS)
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17:26.11jeevshouldn't ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/asterisk place everything in there when make installing? it's not!
17:26.37mgromanjeev: where is it putting it and what is it putting there
17:27.51jeevbin include lib sbin share, that's all it puts. it still puts etc in /etc
17:27.53jeevdamn linux.
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17:30.40jeevjeffgus, i used to own
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17:54.22jeffgusjeev, oh? you're the guy eh?
17:54.43jeffgusi've had since 1997
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18:00.29techman97hello all, I'm seeing some weird activity on my asterisk box....looking at the full log, it looks like I have registrations going on to my SIP providers and phones every 30ms?  Any hints?
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18:01.49lmadsenchange the registration timeout in sip.conf to not be 30ms
18:02.09lmadsenunless the other side is of course requesting 30ms, in which case asterisk will probably follow what the other side is telling your box
18:02.19[TK]D-Fender30ms is INSANE
18:02.31[TK]D-FenderHeck expecing a 30ms PING is pretty much insane
18:02.42techman97yeah, tell me about it
18:02.53techman97PBX has been working great for 2 years, minus some ISP issues
18:03.16techman97and for the last week (no updates or anything applied for months) we've been having to reboot the box here and there, reboot the SIP phones...
18:03.23techman97so I looked in the logs...
18:04.57techman97all debug messages I'm seeing - no warnings except for the usual crap.  I am seeing a FLOOD of "testing address...", "Scheduled a registration timeout", "Stopping retransmissions on <ip address> Match Found", "Registration Successful", "CAncelling Timeout".  Then, a few milliseconds later, again the same stuff repeats
18:05.01techman97over and over and over
18:05.07techman97(I'm paraphrasing the logs)
18:05.29techman97box is on a private network, SIP / NAT to external phones.  Been working great for 2 years as I said
18:05.33techman97no idea.
18:06.00techman97we moved the * box to another ISP thinking it was a bad DSL line or something forcing the phones to lose connection and reregister...
18:16.15scooby2this is probably a dumb question, but how to you show outbound calls? zap show channels shows inbound
18:16.57[TK]D-Fenderscooby2: "show channels
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18:17.26scooby2thank you
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18:27.39techman97aahh ha!
18:27.54techman97I have a bad NIC or switch...the error count on my eth0 is through the roof
18:27.56techman97damn hardware LOL
18:30.24*** join/#asterisk vonkleist (n=gcontrer@
18:30.32vonkleistHi everybody
18:30.40techman97hi vonkleist
18:30.52vonkleistIs there any way to set a "dialing password" ?
18:30.55vonkleistI mean...
18:31.01vonkleistthere are some restriction in a dialplan
18:31.09[TK]D-Fendervonkleist: Thats it
18:31.12vonkleistbut want some users to override that restrictions
18:31.19vonkleistdialing in some kind of password
18:31.25[TK]D-Fendervonkleist: Its your dialplan, do whatever you want
18:32.02vonkleistwell... I can set an "extension" with a password included on it, but then when this user dial their password on the phone, the phone will record the password too...
18:32.42vonkleistand if the restricted user use the redial button on its hard phone, he will see the password...
18:32.51ghenrywith zaptel.conf can you leave spans unconfigured?
18:33.03[TK]D-Fendervonkleist: then don't make it PART of the dialed extension.  PROMPT him for a password
18:33.09[TK]D-Fenderghenry: yes
18:33.20vonkleisthow do I do that?
18:33.20ghenrywe have 4 spans and only want 3&4
18:33.50techman97ghenry: yes
18:34.17[TK]D-Fendervonkleist: "core show application read" , "core show application authenticate", etc.... take you pick.  And while your'e at it, go read the entire application list.
18:34.21techman97ghenry: I do dual span cards and actually put the unused span in it's own group
18:34.26ghenrywhen we comment out span 1& 2 zaptel crashes on startup
18:34.28vonkleistok, let me check
18:34.43ghenrycan yo configure a dummy span?
18:34.48ghenryso it doesn't do anything
18:35.19ghenrywhen we comment out span 1&2 and settings for it
18:35.22vonkleist[TK]D-Fender, wow...
18:35.25ghenryreboot fails
18:35.31ghenryloading zaptel
18:35.40ghenry3&4 are right settings, as they load fine
18:36.14*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
18:36.23[TK]D-Fenderghenry: If you only want 3 & 4 then why aren't 1 & 2 commented out?
18:36.39ghenryas /etc/init.d/zaptel restart doesn't work
18:37.35[TK]D-Fenderghenry: comment the other spans & their associated channel out, and retest "ztcfg -vvvv" manually yourself
18:37.53ghenryother spans?
18:38.01ghenryor all of them?
18:38.24*** join/#asterisk mattx86 (
18:38.45[TK]D-Fender\gheThe ones you clearly don't want to use
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18:40.00mattx86is there anything special to do for a POTS line + Channel Bank setup, where the inbound/outbound telco lines won't hang up?  so far I've not had success with fxs ks/ls signalling.  I'm now trying fxsgs
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18:44.15[TK]D-Fendermattx86: Make sure your telco has enabled CDS
18:44.20jbot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
18:44.42kaldemarmattx86: busydetect=yes may also help with fxsks, in case you don't have it.
18:45.09mattx86[TK]D-Fender: is this something that's non-standard (on a US POTS line)?
18:45.27[TK]D-Fendermattx86: its a service you ahve to ask for.
18:45.37[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar: EW.
18:46.01mattx86kaldemar: yeah, tried that too
18:46.09kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: it's not that disgusting, especially if it gets the job done. :)
18:49.45*** part/#asterisk red1 (
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18:59.52kfifeHi guys.  I've been steeped in Asterisk for about two years, but I"m compilign Zaptel for the first time:  supposedly relies on a package called kernel-smp-devel, but my repository says there's no such package.  Does it go by another name?
19:00.33C4awaykernel-devel should install the smp version if that is what you are running
19:01.10kfifeThank you.  That explains it.  I'm running a dual pentium system.  I'm assuming SMP stands for Symmetric Multiprocessing?
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19:03.21tzafrir_laptopkfife, what kernel version do you use?
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19:03.55tzafrir_laptopAs of kernel 2.6.17, all kernels are SMP (mostly. optimizations are patched at runtime)
19:04.46kfifetzafrir_laptop: Linux asterisk 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jul 23 03:55:54 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
19:05.16kfifetzafrir_laptop: so that's SMP ala dual core etc.
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19:05.51kfifetzafrir_laptop: as in: it's becoming impossible to find a single core processor these days?
19:06.41mattx86[TK]D-Fender: hm.. the AT&T Repair lady said they couldn't provide that service
19:07.03[TK]D-Fendermattx86: Get a better opinion
19:08.02mattx86heh. first, she said the number I gave her was through a wireless carrier and not a land line.
19:08.28mattx86I'll try it again in a little bit.
19:08.57tzafrir_laptopkfife, if there's just one CPU, the kernel will patch itself at boot accordingly
19:08.59kfifemattx86: When dealing with the phone company, I've had to call back 4 or 5 times to get services that I KNOW they have, but the first 4 peoplel say "We can't do that" or "That's impossible" when really they mean "I DON'T KNOW".  In the end, you can get it if it's offerred
19:09.18[TK]D-Fendermattx86: So they're incompetant ANY lying.
19:10.05mattx86I gotcha. :)
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19:40.50ghenryTE410P and Centos don't like
19:41.04ghenryeach other
19:41.09[netman]why not?
19:41.24ghenry/etc/init.d/zaptel start hangs the box
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19:41.46ghenrywhy would zaptel start if chkconfig zaptel off is run?
19:41.56ghenryi.e. modules being loaded
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19:43.35ghenrywhy would the zaptel module be loaded if /etc/init.d/zaptel is off?
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19:44.48Corydon76-digghenry: if you probed a module that had zaptel as a dependency
19:44.56ghenryah, ok
19:45.01ghenryhow can I cehck that?
19:45.02Corydon76-digghenry: check /etc/modules and your /etc/modprobe.d directory
19:45.59ghenryuses it
19:46.04ghenryhow to stop that on startup for testing
19:46.05[gnubie]# /etc/init.d/zaptel start
19:46.06[gnubie]Zaptel telephony kernel driver: ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
19:46.39Corydon76-dig[gnubie]: check your /etc/zaptel.conf
19:46.58Corydon76-dig[gnubie]: are the modules loading correctly?
19:47.44[gnubie]Corydon76-dig: yes.. and i have fxo modules here and on my /etc/zaptel.conf i got a line that says: fxsks=1
19:48.05[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: modprobe wctdm
19:48.14aliverexten => s,25,Dial(SIP/731&SIP/733&SIP/734&SIP/735,40,wA(custom/11_vnet_ts_call_announce))
19:48.16[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: then redo "ztcfg -vvvv"
19:48.20aliverwhat is that wA stuff at the end?
19:48.21*** join/#asterisk [tasty]freeze (
19:48.27[gnubie]Corydon76-dig and [TK]D-Fender: it's here =>
19:48.33[TK]D-Fenderaliver: "core show application dial" <-
19:49.46aliverthat's handy
19:49.51[tasty]freezeI know daisy chaining a incoming phone line to another build is bad, but is there a repeater or some solution I can use without digging up the ground to restore the normal voltage/current to the line as I am receiving a minor echo in the line using VoIP equipment.
19:49.58*** join/#asterisk thx_man (
19:50.00ghenryso why does crc_ccitt load up zaptel?
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19:51.39Corydon76-dig[gnubie]: if you're loading wctdm, you shouldn't be loading ztdummy
19:51.51[gnubie]Corydon76-dig and [TK]D-Fender: kindly check this =>
19:52.36[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: And the modprobe I asked for?  And unload ztdummy as Corydon76-dig suggested
19:53.32*** part/#asterisk nny_2 (n=Scott_My@
19:53.45Corydon76-digYou may have wctdm loaded, but /proc/interrupts shows that it's not taking interrupts
19:54.08Corydon76-dig[gnubie]: so you need to talk to the reseller from whom you purchased that card, for a possible RMA
19:54.32*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
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19:55.59Corydon76-dig[gnubie]: btw, the current cards from Digium no longer use the TigerJet interface
19:56.26Corydon76-digand getting a newer card may help the situation
19:57.56[gnubie]i removed wctdm here.. totally, even the zaptel module is not there already
19:59.59[gnubie]i also tried unloading ztdummy and modprobing wctdm but still with no luck
20:00.44Corydon76-digI'd say you have a dead card
20:01.00[gnubie]what is the wcopenpci ?
20:01.09Corydon76-digNo idea
20:01.27Corydon76-digIs this a clone card?
20:01.34[gnubie]from openvox
20:01.43Corydon76-digYeah, there's the problem
20:01.59Corydon76-digGood luck getting support from them... or even a return
20:02.00[gnubie]well, this is not brand new from them.. a friend gave me this card
20:02.28*** part/#asterisk andylockran (
20:02.42[gnubie]it used to work but it took months for me before i installed it on my pc
20:03.05*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
20:03.22[gnubie]and now, i was surprised that the leds are not blinking
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20:05.42[gnubie]another question.. trying to call an echo test and plays a file, i can only hear a choppy sound
20:06.05[gnubie]why is that so? the audio files that i have are all in gsm format
20:07.16lowtek[gnubie] What version of GCC did you compile * with?
20:07.55[gnubie]lowtek: gcc-4.2 on ubuntu
20:08.06jbotit has been said that gcc is the GNU Compiler Collection,
20:08.41lowtek[gnubie]: recompile with GCC < 4.2 (i.e., 4.1) and that should solve it.
20:09.31[gnubie]lowtek: you mean, there is a problem in compiling asterisk and zaptel using gcc-4.2?
20:09.40zoid_99that's what he means
20:10.17zoid_99we rN INTO THE SAME THING
20:10.18lowtek[gnubie]: According to google and various in-channel chatter, yes.  I've never tried it personally.
20:10.32*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
20:10.41*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=jc@
20:10.46metfan2007hi all!!!
20:10.52[gnubie]i see..
20:11.13metfan2007Is there anyway to know if a pin of a Digium card is in T1 or E1 mode? via linux console?
20:12.05[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: "This card is best viewed with.... YOUR EYES"
20:12.54metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: Hehehehe, I know it! but at the time I have not access to that box :S
20:13.26[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: Go ask someone who does.  It should never have been installed without being checked out first.
20:14.25*** join/#asterisk orcimrepus (
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20:15.01metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: There's nobody at place... is in other city, in a empty house :S
20:15.22[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: Good luck...
20:16.12*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
20:16.38metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: :S I know that there's a way to override the pin selection via software, is that correct?
20:16.43ghenrywhy is crc_ccitt loading zaptel module without /etc/init.d/zaptel loading up
20:16.56LemensTSWhat do you recommend for a doctor/dentist office program to notify patients of appointments? i figured there was something wrote already for this
20:17.37[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: if there was, why the hell would there be a physical JUMPER on the card?
20:17.56*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:18.06metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: Hey.... take it easy... is only a question! :P
20:18.24[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: Yes, a remarkably silly one.
20:21.36mchouLemensTS: the issue is text to speech synthesis.  Festival is not really acceptable unless you no longe want to practice. :)
20:21.37*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
20:22.00metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: insmod wct4xxp t1e1override=0x00
20:22.06metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: Thanks anyway
20:22.46*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
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20:23.06mchouLemensTS: every other piece of the technology exists in asterisk.  Just the text to speech synthesis falls down badly
20:23.31kfifeI heard something a while ago about problems compilign zaptel 1.4.11 on CENTOS 5.  Now I'm compiling zap on CENTOS 5 and running into a compile issue.   Anybody heard of this  Here's the error:
20:23.55Qwellkfife: see topic
20:24.07jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
20:24.12[TK]D-FenderSeriously... how bibg do I have to make that notice?
20:24.35jblackReally want an answer to that?
20:24.46[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I'm thinking flashing neon.
20:24.56mchouLemensTS: if you can find another text to speech synthesis engine (on linux) that generates acceptable speech then you are home free
20:25.08jblackNot good enough. A lot of americans still think their army is in iraq to catch al qaeda.
20:25.10[TK]D-FenderTovarishch: Dosvedania
20:25.11kfifeQwell: Thanks
20:25.31Tovarishch[TK]D-Fender: Dosvedania
20:26.26kfifeI'll report the bug to Redhat.  CENTOS will follow.  We happen to have a RHEL5 support contract, so they'll at least listen to us.
20:27.31Qwellkfife: the bug report is only for the latter issue
20:27.55mchouam I missing something?  There is not syntax like 'register => IAX2/user:password@provider/exten' to direct inbound IAX calls to a specific extension?
20:29.35mchouI mean you can do 'register => IAX2/user:password@provider' but not 'register => IAX2/user:password@provider/exten'?
20:31.18[TK]D-Fendermchou: You don't specify the protocol in its own driver file.  thats redundant.
20:31.23[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, later all
20:31.58[gnubie]thanks guys.. i have to go now.. i will just build asterisk and zaptel using gcc-4.1 and below
20:31.58jbotno worries, [gnubie]
20:33.34jblackI've never given the protocol in iax.conf for register. For troublesome providers, I make a special provider context in the dialplan, and goto them to the real inbound context.
20:33.58[gnubie]waves to all..
20:34.42*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=paul@
20:34.57`paulcan i transfer a call using manager api?
20:35.03jblackI'm not sure where you got the idea that you can specify an extension with register. I can't find it.
20:35.32jblack`paul: I've never used AMI, but I think it does things like that.
20:37.27kfifejbot: Worked to de-select xpp.  Question to apply the PATCH. I simply wget the patch "wget '' -O - | patch -p0" and then recompile?
20:37.37kfifeor do I need to make clean, and recompile?
20:37.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:38.13LemensTSmchou: I will just do text to speech on the date and time. Everything else will be pre-recorded. I could write this myself, I just usually try to start with an open source project to save time, then modify it. I imagine ill be connecting to an accounting systems database for the date/time/phonenumber
20:38.25amessinais back.
20:38.39LemensTSmchou: the built in saynumber cmd will be fine for date/time
20:38.51LemensTS(or saydigit i forget what it was off top of my head)
20:39.44LemensTSAlso figured there would be some AGI involved, im not good at that
20:41.35*** join/#asterisk blebleble (
20:42.04blebleblei may be mis understanding this but shouldnt 1513+NXXXXXX in a dialpattern automatically add 1513 to any 7 digital number dialed?
20:42.07ghenrywhy would crc_ccitt load up? which calls zaptel
20:42.17ghenrywhich doesn't source /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
20:42.23ghenrywhich has an extra module param in it
20:44.11kfifeblebleble: no, but exten => NXXXXXX,1, Dial(1513${EXTEN}) will add 1513 to any 7 digit number dialed
20:44.21kfifeprovided the first digiti is not  a zero or a one
20:46.02kfifeblebleble: you obviously need to add your channel technology to the argumetn.  I forgot to: Dial(local/1513${EXTEN}@locals)
20:46.23*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
20:46.32kfifeblebleble: or add SIP/ etc
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20:49.20jblackHmmm. I'm getting different information on ToS based on where I look.
20:49.45kfifeThanks everyone.  Zap has been successfully compiled!
20:50.00kfifeusing the patch, not using the workaround
20:50.46jblackThe wiki, though, seems to imply I want 0x18, because the bits are shifted.
20:51.28jblacknever mind. I can't count.
20:52.44*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
20:53.45jblackno, the wiki, and wikipedia are off by a bit.
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20:54.45jblackIf wikipedia is right, 0x18 should really be 0x28
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20:57.04kfifeAnyone: What's the relationship between libpri and chan_misdn?  Anyone use it?  Is it for non-digium ISDN-PRI interfaces?
20:57.41lowtekTruley platonic but I hear libpri gets around ...
20:58.02kfifelowtek: :-)
20:58.19kfifebe careful where you stick your RJ45
20:58.46lowteklol, ouch
21:01.26jblackheh. wikipedia is wrong too, on the priority
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21:05.08jblackI think 0x18 should be replaced with 0x1a  (Priority, Low delay, High Throughput)
21:14.34jblackOh yeah. 0x1a is good.
21:16.47x86ok, so I want to setup an intercom with Asterisk
21:16.52x86paging, I guess you could call it
21:17.24[TK]D-Fenderx86: We have reached a concensus and you have our permission.  Go for it.
21:17.33x86is there something I can plug into an analog port that would auto-answer, have a built-in amplifier, and speaker?
21:17.47x86[TK]D-Fender: let me finish there sparky :)
21:17.56[TK]D-Fenderx86: Lookup the Viking paging usints from the WIKI
21:19.45*** join/#asterisk Arck-FR (
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21:21.48itakinet7AAUG Meeting - Tuesday, August 26th at 7PM EDT Details
21:23.50kfifeAnybody here in Chicago?  I'm looking for a Chicago Asterisk user's group.
21:24.09x86[TK]D-Fender: got a specific model?
21:24.15jblackCAUG sounds close to a cool name.
21:24.47kfifejblack: thanlks
21:24.51kfifejblack: thanks
21:25.09jblackanyways, check
21:25.51[TK]D-Fenderx86: Nope.
21:27.06amessinakfife, i am.  there is a chicago area group, but it's very non-active as far as i can tell.
21:27.06*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
21:28.51kfifeamessina: I looked into the user's group a while back but I couldn't get a reply from the coordinator.  Perhaps we can kick-start it.
21:29.19*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
21:29.49amessinakfife.  the same with me.  i joined.  it took about 8 months for approval.  they had one talk and eat pizza meeting that i couldn't make it to.  i'm not sure how much they accomplished.
21:30.25x86[TK]D-Fender: I called viking, they've got this awesome little CPA-7B... auto-answers an analog extension and has built-in amplifier and comes with 1 loudspeaker
21:31.03[TK]D-Fenderx86: Cool.
21:32.29*** join/#asterisk Levonk (
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21:58.25tvirusHas anyone been able to setup HUDLite on a non-trixbox machine? I'm just getting it set up and trying to call from softphone to softphone inside of the office. Asterisk says 'cannot create channel SIP/user'. HUDLite tosses out some random error.
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22:20.46jblackwhere is everyone today?
22:25.03*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
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22:28.17jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
22:28.32*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
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22:44.14mltlnxHow can I tell what a version of zaptel i am running?
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22:45.50pcranehi guys
22:46.39pcraneI'm trying to work out where the 'name' message is played in voicemail
22:46.46pcranethere's a setting for recording it...
22:46.52pcranebut under what conditions is it played back?
22:47.28riddleboxusually name is played when you are in a directory I believe
22:48.05outtoluncmltlnx:  dmesg |grep "Zaptel Version:"
22:48.29pcraneit's in the same category as recording busy and unavailable messages...
22:51.31pcranemaybe it's to do with the directory
22:57.34outtoluncpcrane: a grep play_mailbox_owner *
22:57.49pcranewhere abouts?
22:57.53outtoluncin the main dirs shows it in app_directory.c
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23:00.46pcranecheers outtolunc
23:01.11pcranehalf the problem is knowing where to look for the information
23:01.27pcranehas gotten good at looking at the wiki...
23:01.41pcraneneeds to remember about the source code and show application <something>
23:02.08outtoluncas fast as things change around here, i always look to the source code
23:02.09heedlythe source is kinda difficult.
23:02.26pcraneat least it's nice to look at
23:02.30pcranesome of the code I see is horrible
23:02.54*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:05.50jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
23:06.13jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
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23:54.01HumanCellWoohoo!  Found the right iptables syntax to open the correct port-range ...
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23:58.37anonymouz666why after you set the iax2 peers in iax.conf just removing them from the file and 'iax2 reload' does not remove the peers from 'iax2 show peers', why? just if i do "restart now"

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