IRC log for #asterisk on 20080824

00:00.55jblackAwesome. Luisiana has is returning to exactly the same position it was in before Katrina. A Katrina storm will take it right back out.
00:01.28[TK]D-Fender"New Orleans is sinking and I don't wanna swim"
00:02.19jblackwonders how to profit from this
00:03.48TJNIIthinks Cheney, Halliburton, and Iraq sets a good example of how to profit off a disaster.
00:04.04ManxPowerNew Orleans has been sinking for a hundred years.
00:04.55ManxPower<-- in New Orleans for the next week or so
00:06.20jayteeManxPower, [TK]D-Fender, do you think I could handle the Asterisk Advanced class?
00:06.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No clue
00:06.46ManxPowerjaytee: How long have you been using Asterisk?
00:07.11jayteeabout 18 months
00:07.18ManxPowerSince I don't know exactly what you are expected to know before taking the Asterisk Advanced Class.....
00:07.49jbotextra, extra, read all about it, manxpower is NOT an employee of Digium.  He is looking for a training/teaching job in networking and/or Asterisk.  Currently doing Asterisk and WAN consulting.  Contact:
00:08.10jayteethe description kind of matches where I feel I'm at in experience level
00:08.27Qwelljaytee: then go
00:09.38jayteealthough I'm a little weak in stuff like Asterisk realtime and I've only messed with the Asterisk GUI in testing, I've already got Asterisk working with PRI to my telco and to a Nortel pbx with 4 digit dial between the 2 pbxs.
00:10.23QwellI doubt an advanced Asterisk course is going to get into GUI stuff
00:10.25jayteeI've still got gaps to fill in before I sign up, like mastering using expressions and reviewing some of the basics.
00:11.10jayteethey talk about some things I've already got up and running as well as more advanced topics so I'm thinking I'd benefit more from it than the Bootcamp class.
00:11.30jayteethey must have just started offering it in the last six months or so.
00:12.25jayteeit'd get me out of town for a week on the company dime even if it's just to Huntsville
00:12.53jayteenot that Huntsville is bad but it ain't Vegas :-)
00:15.26*** join/#asterisk Prayer (
00:19.16*** join/#asterisk mitanef (n=mitanef@
00:24.47*** join/#asterisk robba (n=robert@
00:25.23robbaany mISDN gurus in here?
00:31.46TJNIIdebates buying hard drives......
00:32.01TJNIIFor another $100 I can have 2.19Tb
00:33.16*** join/#asterisk Tuari (
00:37.43heedlyTJNII: where?
00:40.13Prayer" Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from "    I am running 2 lines to FWD, calling on one and supposed to be ringing on the 2nd line.  I have added many suggestions to [fwd4] & [fwd] in sip.conf.  I'll put it up in pastebin
00:40.44ManxPowerPrayer: both numbers terminate on the same box.  Asterisk realizes the call should be local but is not.
00:42.41TJNIIheedly: That number is what a raid 5 of the two drives I have and the two drives I want would be.
00:42.46PrayerHow to make it work like it used to be able to call one line from the other without this looping error.
00:45.35PrayerHere is the portion from sip.conf
00:50.25*** join/#asterisk kd8ikt (
00:52.55florzPrayer: that's a bug in asterisk, there is a bunch of "fixes" in the bug tracker - that all don't really work (it's asterisk, after all), but at least may help with particular scenarios ...
00:54.34PrayerI USED to be able to call on one line to the other and it rang and I had two way conversations with myself.  (I got bored in 3 seconds and always hung up)  At least I knew sound quality, delay, etc.
00:55.59florzwell, that totally may be - I'd assume that FWD has changed something
00:56.17jblackThey changed the pricing for the least.
00:56.35*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
00:58.32hsv-alHello fellow internet addicts, are we all enjoying another long & glorious weekend of IRC+Internet Addiction(IIA). Enjoy it while you can, because when Monday arrives, its back to the mindless loop of stale/burnt coffee, email, staring at monitors, sitting at our desks, getting hunchbacks....drooling............Being plugged into the matrix. . . . MuST HaVe BRaiNS
00:59.39*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
01:01.57hsv-almy weekend is actually horrid, i rarely get sick
01:02.09hsv-allike two times a year, and im on some crazy high dose of amoxicylin, alergies/sinus bs
01:02.37PrayerIf only I had an emplyer to pay me to do that, hsv-al. But first I need a tech job without 80 mile commute.
01:02.56hsv-alprayer, my job is sort of passive, my current one
01:03.07hsv-ali just wait for snmp traps, and the community strings on networking equipment, and syslogs
01:03.13PrayerBut you still get to make $$.
01:03.15hsv-alto alert me, other then that......its facebook/youtube all day
01:04.25jblackthere's your mistake.
01:04.31jblackYou should be studying something.
01:05.29hsv-ali know, ......
01:05.36hsv-ali probably would have my ccie security by now
01:06.56*** join/#asterisk friendly12345 (
01:12.32jayteetime well spent today means more chance for success and spending more time on a yacht later.
01:13.02jayteeclose the browser and crack a book
01:14.17PrayerManxPower, are you still around?  Any clues as to how it used to work and now NOT.?
01:21.16*** join/#asterisk ew01f (
01:26.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:36.41*** join/#asterisk dwayne (i=dwayne@
01:43.43*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
01:44.47CrashSysIf I use the dial command to dial a local@priority@context in a macro, does the ${ARGx} values pass inherited to the local channel? Or do I need to set new variables in the macro to inherit to the local channel?
01:46.28mchou${ARGx} are channel variables :)
01:46.54CrashSysYes, and i'd like those to pass to the local channel from a dial command issued in a macro
01:46.58CrashSysand they dont seem to be
01:47.23mchouand AFAIR channel variables have channel scope, if you will
01:48.30robbaWell i'm out of ideas
01:48.42robbarollin back to centos 4.4
01:48.56robbahopefully mISDN works in that
01:49.16mchouthis is really pissing me off
01:49.47mchouI cant figure out how to get past grandcentral's IVR programmatically
01:49.50robbapops in the CentOS Single Server CD
01:50.24mchouit's really chapping my hide
01:50.36CrashSysCentOS... there's yer problem...
01:51.18robbaraises eye brow
01:51.50robbaCrashSys: How So?
01:52.40CrashSysJust seems to be more "quirks" for lack of a better way to explain it... although, I have seen ZTDUMMY drop almost 1% in accuracy by just using Cent/Fedora/RedHat vs SuSE/Slack/Gentoo/Debian
01:53.07CrashSyszttest would return 99.8 on most of the systems, and the redhat family around be 99.1-ish
01:53.32CrashSysand that was after the kernel was recompiled with server preemption
01:54.01robbawell i was using 5.2 and apparently mISDN only likes 2.6.15 kernels
01:54.22robbaseein as im not a full linux buff i decided to do it the easy way
01:55.03CrashSysSuSE is another good choice for a fairly simplified Linux if you are interested in alternatives...
01:55.11hsv-alok, this just woke me up
01:55.15hsv-algot this in an email, weird
01:55.21hsv-aldeja vu
01:55.48robbaYeah i have seen SuSE but never used it
01:56.08robbabut CentOS is all i have on hand
01:56.23robbaso gotta try and make do
01:56.41CrashSyswell for light load it shouldn't matter
01:56.46*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
01:57.45robba30 exts with 2 BRI (4 Channels) and one SIP, its not going to be strained
01:58.22robbai actually think the server maybe a little over kill
01:59.18robbabut as i said gotta make do with what i have
02:22.27*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
02:22.52*** join/#asterisk ChrisN (
02:23.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
02:27.56jblackwonders when it became acceptable to ignore email
02:29.43drmessano6 years ago
02:29.44ManxPowerjblack: About 1998
02:29.50ManxPowerlooks at dr
02:30.08drmessano1998 for home users, 2002 for corporate
02:30.17*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
02:31.20*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
02:31.31knarflyI have fedora 9 with asterisk 1.4,21.2 but the moh won't play
02:32.29ManxPowerknarfly: what format are the files in?
02:33.42knarflywav  the generic fpm files that asterisk installed
02:34.32ManxPowerso it's just silent?
02:35.21ManxPowerPersonally I think silent MoH is an improvement, not a bug 8-)
02:35.28*** join/#asterisk luxxx77 (
02:35.53knarflydo i need ztdummy to have moh
02:36.43knarflyI'm new to do I check to see what kernel mods are loaded
02:37.04knarflyFreeBSD uses kldstat
02:37.16ManxPowerYou do NOT need ANY kernel modules loaded for MoH in Asterisk.
02:37.45ManxPowerIn fact, if you have ztdummy loaded on a system that has a problem with ztdummy, it could cause audio issues, including silent MoH
02:37.46jayteeyou don't need ztdummy?
02:37.49*** join/#asterisk defaultro (
02:37.59ManxPowerjaytee: no, you don't need ztdummy
02:38.16ManxPowerYou never have needed ztdummy for MoH
02:38.56jayteewhat about MeetMe? if you don't have any other card for zaptel timing?
02:38.56knarflythe CLI shows that music on hold has started but the phone is silent
02:39.15knarflyyes ztdummy is needed for conference calls
02:39.19ManxPowerknarfly: do you have ztdummy loaded?
02:39.23jayteethat's what I thought
02:39.35defaultrogood evening folks. I would like to have my own simple voip so I can get rid of my existing comcast landline. What is the best route that I can do? Also if possible, I was hoping that I can follow a solution where I don't pay any monthly or maybe really cheap cost. Can anyone help me please?
02:39.41ManxPowerjaytee: MeetMe requires zaptel for audio mixing and for timing.  MoH does not require it.
02:39.42knarflyManxPower: no there doesn't seem to be any zaptel stuff loaded
02:39.58ManxPowerknarfly: OK.
02:40.00jayteeManxPower, thanks
02:40.09ManxPowerknarfly: does all other audio work?
02:40.24defaultrothe one thing I found this afternoon is Siptura SPA3000, something like that
02:40.24ManxPower(not phone-to-phone, but things like IVR Playback on the Asterisk server?
02:40.26knarflyif you mean on the phone...yes
02:40.38ManxPoweryes, when calling from the phone
02:41.41knarflyyes the sound is working on the phone just fine...i just checked comedian mail
02:41.44defaultroso where should I start?
02:42.06knarflydefaultro: do you have asterisk running yet
02:42.29defaultrono, I don't have asterisk and neither the card. I am still confuse of all the articles I have read
02:42.46defaultrosome people say to not build a box and just buy an unlocked ATA
02:42.50knarflydo you have an IP phone or other VOIP device
02:43.05defaultroI want to use my existing analog phone
02:43.12drmessanoAn unlocked ATA isn't going to get you far without a PBX
02:43.38defaultrothey say to buy ATA and register to like
02:43.38drmessanoThats like saying "I want to set up a website.. Someone said to just get a browser"
02:43.52knarflywell you do need something and you can hookup to a VOIP provider or use and asterisk box it's your choice
02:43.57defaultroi remember, seeing gizmo on the forum too
02:44.13defaultroso if asterisk, that means, it's in my house
02:44.17drmessanoWhy dont you just download Skype and be done with it
02:44.18defaultroand I don't have to pay any correct?
02:44.24ManxPowerLinksys/SIPura are some of the best price/performance devices out there for VoIP
02:44.39defaultroso I need Linksys/SIPura and asterisk
02:44.52*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (
02:44.55defaultrowill that allow me to call a landline?
02:44.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
02:44.58ManxPowerdefaultro: If you want to call regular telephones you will have to pay something to someone
02:44.59knarflyyes or you can host it and there is this new stuff called instances that Amazon's basically a hosted app
02:45.18defaultroah, ManxPower
02:45.24ManxPowerdefaultro: no, you don't need Asterisk at all.
02:45.40jblackdefaultro: Or get a client in which you do some work for them for cheap or free, and "tick" off of them. ;)
02:45.44ManxPowerYou would connect the ATA to your internet, configure it to route calls thru your service provider (ITSP).
02:45.46knarflydefaultro: yes, ehat ManxPower said...nothing is free if you want to teminate to PSTN lines which is probably what you want
02:46.00ManxPowerYou would only need Asterisk if you want to do cool stuff like IVRs, your own voicemail, multiple extensions, etc.
02:46.14defaultroso would that mean that if i start doing the asterisk route, we will have to pay a fee everytime my wife calls her friend even if it's just .4 miles?
02:46.32ManxPowerJust remember Asterisk is 100x more complicated than just an ATA with an ITSP
02:46.36jblackdefaultro: You pay a fee now to your local phone ocmpany.
02:46.45defaultroyes, $45 something
02:46.47defaultroI hate it
02:46.58defaultroand I want to save
02:47.01ManxPowerdefaultro: that's about the going rate for unlimited calling.
02:47.09jblackdefaultro: You can use that local phone company line by buying some new hardware. Or you can fire them entirely and go with voip, which should be much, much cheaper...
02:47.10ManxPowerIt all depends on how much calling you are doing.
02:47.19jblackunless your wife talks so much that you wish she was your ex-wife
02:47.25defaultrolol :D
02:47.25*** join/#asterisk prg3 (
02:47.29knarflyif you want to use a VOIP provider to call your firends you will pay about $0.02 per minute
02:47.43defaultrolet me calculate
02:47.52ManxPowerMy boyfriend has an ATA with Vitelity for service.  Costs are $1.50/month for a phone number + 2/cents/min usage (incoming and outgoing).  His total bill per month is less than $10 typically.
02:48.04jblackdefaultro: However... If they have high end internet there, you can consider putting a tiny box there and then do intra-astrisk dialing, thus costing nothing over the cost of hardware. ;)
02:48.12knarflybut if you have a PSTN line you can use asterisk to call them and it's will still be paying for your PSTN line...which all of us do sooner or later
02:48.21jblacklooks at manxpower much more carefully
02:48.54jblackEither I want my daughter to be just like you (but with a better personality), or I want my daughter to be nothing like you at all
02:49.15ManxPowerjblack: you want your daughter to be nothing like me at all.
02:49.15prg3For an IVR, all I really need is an Answer, followed by a Background, and some extens in the same context?
02:49.16defaultrolooks like .02 is good
02:49.26defaultrowho should I sign up with?
02:49.30knarflyjblack: I find it rare that there are two parties who talk that much that actually both use asterisk unless it's a business setup.
02:49.40defaultroso all I really need now is the sipura and a voip provider correct?
02:50.05ManxPowerdefaultro: I use Vitelity, they are not as reliable as the local phone company, but for a VoIP company they are more reliable than most.
02:50.15knarflyeverytime I try to get my friends interested in it, they loose interest once they find out the gotta build a computer with something besides Vista on it.
02:50.34jblackknarfly: Teliax is .02/min, callwithus is .0125/min. Most other providers range in between that.
02:50.50defaultrothey use SIP right?
02:50.57jblackMost support both sip and iax.
02:51.15knarflydefaultro: you either got to pay for service or DITY
02:51.22jblackProviders that I know work are,,,
02:51.24defaultroyep, I am aware of that now
02:51.34defaultrojblack, those are really good?
02:51.39knarflytry as well
02:51.39ManxPowerdefaultro: Asterisk is not a PBX.  It is a toolkit that helps you build a PBX.  Unless you want to become a PBX administrator avoid Asterisk for what you need.
02:51.58defaultronope, I just want the simplest now, to save money
02:52.02jblackdefaultro: They're like snowflakes. Each has their own odd little quirks.
02:52.10jblackSimplist way? Get them both skype.
02:52.13defaultrowhich do you recommend though?
02:52.26jblackWhat are your three highest considerations?
02:52.35defaultroif skype, my wife would have to stay in the computer
02:52.36knarflydefaultro: yes again ManxPower is right on...unless you want to hack at it, your better off sticking with a simple setup or stay with the PSTN
02:52.38defaultroshe doesn't like that
02:52.45ManxPowerdefaultro: cheap, easy, reliable.  Pick two.
02:52.53defaultrocheap, easy
02:52.54jblackdefaultro: Nah, not true. For $200, you can get wireless skype handsets from best buy
02:53.07defaultrooh ok
02:53.21jblackbut yeah. cheap, easy, reliable. Pick two. Right now.
02:53.33defaultroi chose cheap and easy
02:53.49defaultrowhat if cheap and reliable
02:53.59ManxPowerdefaultro: I won't recommend a carrier because if that carrier sucks for you you would blame me.  I can only tell you what *I* use.  That is Vitelity.
02:54.26defaultroyep, they have their own pros and cons
02:54.40defaultroi had vonage 2 years ago and there were minor drop outs
02:54.44jblackYeah. feel free to tell me later you're pissed for listening to me.
02:55.07jblackif you want cheap and reliable.. again...
02:55.08defaultromy other friend is telling me to just get magicjack but did some research, it was horrible
02:55.21jblackYou could look at running your own * server, and putting a dedicated IP phone in your friend's house.
02:55.24defaultroyeah, if cheap and reliable, what would it be
02:55.30jblackLike a batphone. She picks it up, and it calls your wife
02:55.40defaultrooh, like hotline
02:55.51jblackYeah, sure. No DIDs at all
02:56.01ManxPowerHeck, Vitelity will even send the right address to the 911 service center if you dial 911 (IF YOU SET IT UP)
02:56.10defaultrothat's cool ManxPower
02:56.18jblackYeah, that's something those providers I didn't mention. Most of them don't have e911
02:56.36defaultrohopefully, my security system will work too
02:56.38PrayerStart with pay as you go and find out how many minutes you use.,,, all have pay as you go. Probably can have monthly less than $10 for any of them.
02:56.41ManxPowerIIRC the can send your callerid name too.
02:56.42jblackI think teliax may offer e911
02:57.11ManxPowerjblack: Teliax has a new sign up system that's a bitch to use.  If it was not for that I'd be using Teliax (because I used them in the past)
02:57.12defaultroi'm searching it now. is there any fix monthly on top of the per minute?
02:57.31ManxPowerdefaultro: any monthly rate would be very low
02:57.35jblackyeah. I got in a ... discussion with them about their new site. They locked me on the old one.
02:57.57ManxPowerYou should not pay more than $5/month for a phone number.  IF you don't need a phone number there usually isn't a monthly fee.
02:57.58defaultroso now, what is the recommended ATA I should buy? Model please
02:58.16ManxPowerdefaultro: Linksys or SIPura.
02:58.30defaultrowhat about the model number?
02:58.30jblacklynksys seems to be the most common. I have a love/hate with my Linksys SPA8K ATA, and I'm working to replace it.
02:58.40jblackSPA8000 allows up to 8 phones.
02:58.45defaultroomg, that is cool
02:58.47ManxPowerYou people don't know how nice it is to have internet access that is unlimited and low latency.
02:58.54ManxPowerI don't have that.  *whine*
02:59.07defaultroso don;t get SPA3000?
02:59.07jblackI've spent lots of time in hotels. Trust me, I know.
02:59.28jblackAn spa3k might be what you want. But experience has taught me that adding new lines is  addictive.
02:59.35defaultroto summarize, I will buy a Sipura and sign up with Vitelity
02:59.41ManxPowerjblack: My only internet service options are 1) Satellite, 2) dialup or 3) EVDO (cellular)
02:59.51defaultroand I should be good to go, correct?
02:59.56jblackIt doesn't take too long after you run a line to your bedroom that you start considering running lines to your bathroom, basement and garage too...
03:00.21ManxPowerdefaultro: SPA-2001 or 1001 should be a good choice.  And pay attention to the factoid jbot is going to spew in a moment
03:00.22defaultroand using this route, my friends who are in landlines will still be able to call us correct?
03:00.25jblackManxPower: Ouch. No LOS to something that does have bandwidth?
03:00.26jbotfxofxs is probably An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
03:00.56ManxPowerjblack: I live ELEVEN MILES from the nearest CO
03:01.09jblackCould you see it from a 20' tower?
03:01.10ManxPowerdefaultro: you need fxs ports on your ATA, not FXO.
03:01.23ManxPowerjblack: I have a 20' tower
03:01.30defaultroso ManxPower, if I want to be called, it's a different service from Vitelity, and cost is a bit higher, correct?
03:01.33jblackWhen on top of it, can you see the CO?
03:01.39defaultrook ManxPower
03:01.44ManxPowerjblack: no, you cannot.
03:01.45jblackOr any reasonable large building in town?
03:02.30ManxPowerjblack: imagine standing in the middle of a flat roof.  Now how high do you have to be to see a person standing near the base of the building.
03:02.48knarflyso can anyone maybe suggest what to look for if my moh is silent?
03:02.51ManxPowerI'm the one on the top of the building (mountain) and the CO is the person near the foot of the mountain.
03:02.53jblackdon't make me do trig at 11:00 pm.
03:03.36ManxPowerWhoo!  Whoo!  Faye might test the new new orleans pumping system
03:03.39defaultroah, if FXO, I would use this if I want to build Asterisk
03:03.40jblackI was just thinking. There are laser links you can buy for ~20k, the last time I looked. If you could get a tower down there, you could make youself a better link.
03:03.58jblackFay went to new orleans? Great
03:04.06ManxPowerjblack: I'm moving anyway.
03:04.16ManxPowerOf course, it won't be in any better location
03:04.40jblackOk. So.. You get this big weather balloon, and...........
03:04.42defaultrolet say my existing phone line from AT&T or Comcast, gets connected to FXO, then asterisk will act as my PABX, then assign each room an extension number. Is that correct?
03:05.07ManxPowerjblack: I would need to have a tower tall enough to see over the edge of the mountain.
03:05.38jblackI get it. the mountain has a belly bulge.
03:05.47ManxPowerdefaultro: In theory, but most of those non-bell telcos do not provide the electrical signal asterisk expects to get when the far end hangs up.
03:06.09jblackWhat are you doing for power in the new place?
03:06.14ManxPowerjblack: more of a 1000 ft high plateau.
03:06.37defaultroManxPower, what if I want a free call to my family in another country, what do I need to setup on their side?
03:06.40ManxPower3 miles wide, 7 miles long.  Mostly tomato farms (look up Chandler mountain tomatos)
03:07.09ManxPowerjblack: Have it installed.  I'm not moving any place that does not have power company grid power.
03:07.20jblackThere you go, then!
03:07.36jblackYou should be able to lease pole usage, probably for around $5/pole/year
03:07.49knarflydefaultro: you could have a simple IP phone on the other end that registers with your asterisk server
03:08.10defaultrooh, that;s cool
03:08.11knarflyor you could use something like FreeWorld Dialup
03:08.17ManxPowerjblack: typical tower rental is $10/ft/month
03:08.20jblackFreeWorldDialup isn't.
03:08.29knarflybut I think even FWD is charging now
03:08.34drmessanoFWD isn't free
03:08.34ManxPowerSorry, $1/ft/month
03:08.36defaultroknarfly, if I want to make an asterisk, all I need is an FXO card correcT?
03:08.50jblackManxPower: Are you serious. They're charging that much out there?
03:08.52drmessanoI made an asterisk
03:08.55kd8iktwell you could do VoIP
03:09.00knarflynot unless you're goinf to use the PSTN as one of your trunks
03:09.14ManxPowerjblack: those 100ft towers are not cheap to maintain.
03:09.28ManxPowerWe have two microwave relay stations on the platau
03:09.31defaultrooh, you are right. That means, I need to keep my comcast line which I don't want
03:09.32jblackOhhh, Those puppies.
03:09.53kd8iktyeah but you get paid mass money to lease out towe/antenna use
03:09.58ManxPowerI drool every time I drive past them
03:10.07knarflyVOIP would work but you'd need your friends to setup someway to get to you as well and unless they are into hacking forget it...I tried to get my sister in Texas into this VOIp and I might as well have tried to split the atom...
03:10.11ManxPowerAll those feedhorns
03:10.38kd8iktknarfly: thats when you send her a pc pre setup
03:10.41jblackThere's gotta be something ya can do. Even if you just did 4-5 relay stations down the mountain.
03:10.54ManxPowerjblack: I'm tempted to give up on living at an intentional community and just get an apartment in the city.
03:11.03knarflydefaultro: remember if you give up your land line then if the power goes out your don't have a phone
03:11.11jblackDon't. society is gonna collapse in another 15 years.
03:11.13drmessanoI set my Wife up an ATA with 3 phones wired into the house wiring, set the same up for her mom, labeled everything with ext numbers, and still they use Cell phones
03:11.15defaultroso if my setup is just SPA2001 and Vitelity, there is no way that by just adding a device to my family's setup, I won't be able to make a free phone overseas call. Correct?
03:11.25drmessanoFamilyVoIP and FriendVoIP sucks
03:11.28knarflykd8ikt: no, she'd just use it as a planter for her flowers
03:11.28kd8iktknarfly: and jblack thats why i have a ham radio
03:11.33defaultroknarfly, yep I am aware. I have a cellphone
03:11.42ManxPowerdefaultro: Ask the carrier if they charge for calls between customers.
03:11.51jblackkd8ikt: Last I heard, one is lucky to get 2400 baud out of ham.
03:12.00jblackor is it 9600....
03:12.01defaultroyou mean, my family will also sign up with Vitelity?
03:12.12defaultroso both of use in Vitelity
03:12.15ManxPowerI don't know about Vitelity, but Packet8 (not suitable to use with Asterisk) does not charge for calls between customers.
03:12.17defaultroboth of us
03:12.25drmessanoYou can run 56k over radio
03:12.27ManxPowerOr they did not charge, I've not looked at them in years
03:12.34defaultroso packet8 is another vendor then
03:12.36jblacksipphone has free intra-customer calling.
03:12.43jblackAnd I don't think they charge for that, either.
03:12.50ManxPowerdefaultro: Packet8 does not permit you to connect 3rd party equipment
03:12.58kd8ikti wish iaxtel would fricken allow registration already
03:12.59defaultrovitelity does?
03:13.09defaultrohow long have you been with vitelity?
03:13.12drmessanoTheres a lot of hamsats using 336
03:13.14drmessanoTheres a lot of hamsats using 33.6
03:13.21ManxPowerdefaultro: ASK THEM.  Policies change, even if someone says they do, you don't know if that's changed or not.
03:13.49defaultroi'm hoping that my ISP will not traffic shape this traffic
03:13.59jblackThey get into a lot of trouble if they do.
03:14.22defaultroI saw a new before that Comcast paid a huge amount for limitting the bandwith
03:14.28defaultroi forgot what traffic it was
03:14.31jblackANd that was just bittorrent.
03:15.09jblacktargetting voip would be a disaster for any provider that tries it. FCC has said as much.
03:15.57ManxPowerYay!  It's official, weather people are saying Faye will not be impacting New Orleans.
03:16.12drmessanoIs it recurving yet?
03:16.16jblackNo. Just the rivers upstream of new orleans.
03:17.23ManxPowerI have a mail server upgrade in Covington, LA (30 miles north of New Orleans) starting at 2am Mon morning.  We were going to postpone if the weather was bad.
03:17.44jblackI wouldn't go down there monday.
03:18.21ManxPowerjblack: I've been in New Orleans since Wed.
03:18.22drmessanoShitty, its gonna go all the way around us
03:18.59jblackLooks like you're having nice wetaher right now.
03:19.15ManxPower*nod*  Dry and warm.
03:19.35knarflyMy echo test just worked fine but my moh is still silent. tcpdump shows the packets are coming in but still no sound in the speaker of the phones ???
03:20.46ManxPowerknarfly: what version of Asterisk?
03:21.23knarflyI'm in Miami...I invented TS Fay
03:21.26ManxPowerwhat was the first version of Asterisk on this system?
03:21.47ManxPowerknarfly: Odd.
03:21.52knarflyno upgrade was done this is a brand new install
03:21.59jblackknarfly: All three times Fay passed through FL ?
03:22.31knarflyjblack: yes, Lake Okechobee needed the h20
03:23.06knarflymaybe the city will let us start watering our lawns and washing our cars again
03:23.35jblackIf you do that, old people will spill out of the ground like locusts.
03:23.57ManxPowerApparently the most intense rain from Faye is now over Birmingham AL (I live an hr NE of there)
03:24.19knarflyManxPower: this is a GS GXP2000 with four lines...i connect only one line to this sever...the other three play moh from the FreeBSD Asterisk machine that's in my computer lab just fine
03:25.42knarflyI'd post something in the forum at but the moderator is out to lunch and some spammer has filled the damn thing with Viagra ads
03:26.21*** join/#asterisk orkid (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
03:28.46knarflyrolls one up and blazes into the night
03:29.15*** part/#asterisk knarfly (
03:29.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:31.44*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced_ (
03:35.35defaultroManxPower, what does this mean, Outbound Termination 1.44¢ per min
03:35.47defaultrothat's from ManxPower
03:35.55defaultrothat's from Vitelity
03:36.48defaultroso does that mean everytime I make a succesful connection and talk like for 10 mins, it would be 10mins x 1.44c?
03:37.28kd8iktsounds about right
03:39.18defaultroso if I want both unlimited inbound and outbound, I will have to pay the $1.44c/min plus the $7.95/month. Did I get it right?
03:39.25*** join/#asterisk xr_twenty (
03:39.41kd8iktthat doesnt sound like unlimited to me
03:39.45jblackYou're fussing over numbers that are small enough in which they stop having meaning.
03:39.53kd8ikti think someone is pulling a fast one over you
03:39.58defaultrosorry, only unlimited inbound
03:40.15defaultrofor outbound, it's still the $1.44c/min
03:40.22kd8ikti hear teliax is awesome
03:40.29jblackAt 2 cents a minute, if you spend an hour a day on the phone, you're looking at all of $36.
03:40.50defaultro$36 for a month?
03:40.57jblackAnd 1.44 works out to about $26 a month, and 1.25 works out to $22.50
03:41.19defaultroand that is 24 hours per day :D
03:41.22defaultrothat's a good deal
03:41.26jblackNo, that is an hour a day.
03:41.40jblack.0125 * 60 * 30
03:41.51PrayerMy household uses 300-550 minutes in a month.
03:42.23jblackan hour a day works out to 1800 minutes a month.
03:42.30defaultroam assuming that 30 is the days correct?
03:42.44kd8iktwould never pay 1.44 a min
03:42.56kd8iktunless it was a dirty chatline
03:43.00defaultrooh, vitelity is high then
03:43.15Prayer1.44 is low very low
03:43.17defaultroso kd8ikt, you're with teliax
03:43.30kd8iktno i have no voip provider
03:43.38kd8ikti need free shit
03:43.40PrayerI pay 2.5c / min but when I do no minutes I pay $0
03:44.58kd8iktu mean 2$ and 50 cents or .025$ cause you guys fucking with decimal points is really fucxking with me
03:45.10*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
03:49.31kd8iktand thats not cool
03:49.54*** join/#asterisk xr_twenty (
03:50.31*** part/#asterisk xr_twenty (
03:55.09jblack15-20 a month is so little. You can spend more on a single pizza.
03:55.34jblackskip 1 pizza a month, and you've paid for your voip.
03:56.20jblackkd8ikt: When we say .02, or .0125, we're saying "2 cents a minute, 1.25 cents a minute"
03:56.52kd8iktwell it sucks put the decimal where it belongs
03:57.19jblackIt is in the proper place if one is talking dollars.
03:57.36baliktadall the voip providers list rates in fractional dollars (.0125, etc.) so it sounds less
03:57.45jblackI don't know which country you're in, but a dollar is the base unit of currency in the USA.
03:58.50jblackanyways, if you don't like the info you get here, you're welcome to get info elsewhere.
04:06.02*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
04:10.24*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
04:15.11mchoujust wow
04:16.11mchouyo, defaultro!
04:16.31mchoumchou: fancy seeing you here
04:18.18*** join/#asterisk slider750 (
04:18.53*** join/#asterisk iotashan (
04:25.23drmessanokd8ikt: You're a ham and can't do math?
04:25.32drmessanoI'm almost embaressed
04:25.59mchouwhy would a ham need to do math?  It's a dead pig
04:26.25drmessanoThats a joke, right?
04:26.32slider750amateur radio sure does come in handy when natural disaster strikes and the cell towers don't work.
04:26.44slider750anybody remember packet radio?
04:27.09drmessanoAmateur radio is more or less glorified CB now
04:28.23slider750i haven't been on for years, sorry to hear that... every year or so I think about buying a radio unit again but then i just turn on my laptop
04:28.38slider750half the people i used to talk to are probably dead lol
04:28.54drmessanoHeres the cliff notes
04:29.09drmessano2-meters: Well, shoot doggone.. fine business..
04:29.12slider750please do share..
04:29.20mchoulol, I still remember kevin smith character "insurance policy" from Live Free or Die Hard
04:29.26slider750440 still around?  how about 6 meter?
04:29.28drmessano80 meters: Go fuck yourself you rotten son of a bastard, you're a bad ha,
04:29.30drmessano80 meters: Go fuck yourself you rotten son of a bastard, you're a bad ham
04:29.41jblackIs there more to ham radio than "Anyone there?" "Yeah."  "I'm in X" "I'm in y".  "Cool. bye" ?
04:29.51drmessanoYeah, there is actually
04:29.58drmessanoIts just deteriorated a bit
04:30.01mchoujblack: same could be said of cell phone :)
04:30.10jblackI don't have one of those either.
04:30.10drmessanoslider750: I have a 440 repeater up
04:30.27slider750no kidding.
04:30.41slider750dr:  This is also my first chat on IRC since... the 90s
04:30.57slider750wow... you have an auto patch on the 440?
04:31.05slider750is your autopatch connected to asterisk lol
04:31.30slider750never thought the day would come when someone would have a repeater connected to SIP
04:31.33drmessanoWell, my autopatch has a PAP2 on it
04:31.43jblackMaybe I'd care more if I weren't in a valley.
04:31.45drmessanoand I am going to be turning up internet there this week
04:31.57drmessanoSo yeah it will be asterisk connected
04:32.04slider750wholly mother that is sweet
04:32.10slider750you got a project page up or anything?
04:32.26drmessanoWell, we are working on documenting monsterzilla
04:32.42drmessanoOur repeater is a mix of parts from a motorola and a Tait
04:32.46drmessanoIt weights 450lbs
04:32.52drmessanoIt has 2 PA's in it
04:32.53slider750huh..  send me a private (or whatever you call it on IRC) and I'll tune in if I'm in the area.
04:33.01drmessanoRated for continous duty at 100w lol
04:33.04slider750or at least i'll call into the asterisk box and use my call sign
04:33.39drmessano443.800 in North Augusta, SC
04:33.45slider750wow...  i used to get sweet access to antenna sites in CA.  they are prob. all security restricted now.
04:34.01slider750oohh  we might need a little more juice to reach it from So Cal.
04:34.16drmessanoI am gonna offer reverse autopatch on there soon.. after we get the testing bit out of the way
04:34.21slider750i'll bounce some stuff your way one of these days....  do they even do uplinks?
04:34.31slider750ok i'll drop ya my e-mail
04:35.10drmessanoI need to get a full asterisk box out there
04:35.17drmessanoBut its not climate controlled that well
04:35.25drmessanoSo I am working on a special project for that
04:35.27slider750Anybody:  I'm looking for some asterisk conference experts.  I am interested in pushing 1,000 participants at a time...
04:35.34jblackHow exactly does one go about getting equipment up on a mountain?
04:35.41*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
04:35.41slider750i just got some USB fans today, they are sorta handy.
04:35.47drmessanojblack: Blowjobs and donuts help
04:35.54slider750that too..
04:36.38drmessanoIf you sweet talk someone at a Clear Channel station, they have a company policy of giving free tower rent to amateur radio
04:36.49jblackOh, really?
04:36.50slider750do explain a bit
04:36.54drmessanoThe space is another consideration altogether
04:36.55mchouslider750: 1k participants?  what are you planning?  Invading China?
04:37.37jblackOh, you mean space for equipment not on the tower.
04:37.39slider750mchou:  Outbound VB, Press-1 to join conference... I do it every week.  Using a free (crappy) service...  Half Duplex, about 10 moderators full duplex...  Invading china yes
04:37.40drmessanoClear Channel has a very active disaster response team.. and one of the philanthropic offshoots of that is free tower rent to hams
04:38.05drmessanoThey dont HAVE To give you space for 10 racks of ham shit
04:38.14drmessanoThey will give you what floor space they have
04:38.16jblack"I was told donuts and blowjobs would be me on your tower. Here's a dozen donuts"
04:38.18drmessanoIf they have any
04:38.35jblacks/might get/
04:38.36drmessanoBasicially it's free space within reason
04:38.43jblackSure. Philantropy is philantropy
04:38.57slider750huh..  what kind of repeater solutions are available for "i'm returning to hamism after xx years"
04:39.15jblackAre they willing to consider non-ham? Say a pair of LOS repeaters?
04:39.29drmessanojblack: Yeah, for $$$$ lol
04:39.38jblackFor $, or $$$$ ?
04:39.47drmessanoThey are in the business of selling tower space
04:39.55jblackdamn. so $$$$
04:40.13jblackhas _no_ idea how much tower space costs.
04:40.45drmessanoslider750: The quality of second hand repeater gear is much higher than it was years ago due to rebanding
04:40.45slider750cost over $1 million a month just to have a channel on DirecTV these days.
04:41.15drmessanoslider750: You can get a nice 15 yr old Motorola repeater for $200
04:41.28slider750i'm shocked...
04:41.49drmessanoI would SERIOUSLY
04:42.01drmessanoadvise getting the duplexers tuned by a pro..
04:42.41jblackwonders if non-ham tower access is within the range of mere mortals
04:42.41drmessanoSome asshole with a couple HT's doesn't cut it
04:42.46slider750oh yea for sure..i remember those all being a *****.  We were so excited to get that PL tone thing installed way back...  and the auto patch was my favorite.  I remember the first time I showed someone I could order pizza from a mobile device.
04:43.09slider750jblack: why not just go legit and use ham?  no one is going to tune in to make $$$ anyways
04:43.14drmessanojblack: I want to say that we had a Cell company giving us $5000 a month for a site we had
04:43.30drmessanoslider750: I put PL on my repeater
04:43.35slider750the contacts alone at Clear Channel have to be worth something
04:43.40drmessanoslider750: LOT of local hams pissed about it
04:43.42slider750dr: of course you did...
04:43.53slider750really?  that's not in anymore huh?
04:44.00drmessanoslider750: I see them at hamfests, and they keep asking me to take it off
04:44.10jblackslider750: Hmmm? I'm not thinking of anything illegitimate.
04:44.10drmessanoslider750: PL is a NECESSITY.. but old farts hate it
04:44.23slider750jblack: a little music to my ears
04:44.35slider750dr: yes it is.
04:45.11jblackJust poking at possible options if some day I move to a Nowhere, and the only thing I can see is a radio tower.
04:45.28hsv-aldrmessano, what about the electron spinning on kshell #3,which causes a power leak, which in turn causes a .05 shielding loss, only when PCI slots have 3.5 volts of reverse polarized energy, causing a linux box on quad core xeon to overload?
04:45.55CrashSysdamn that was hott
04:46.45slider750dr: brb i'll try to find a pic of our repeater
04:50.08slider750dr: no go...  i was almost positive someone would have them on-line. oh well...  neighbors sure didn't like us with our telescoping tower... guy who owned the place purchased the house just for hill location..  one of the tallest places in LA area...
04:50.35slider750dr: night time was crazy.
04:50.40mchouslider750: what?  Mt. Wilson?
04:50.40CrashSyshave your own personal pirate radio
04:51.49drmessanoFriend of mine got a commerical repeater at his house for that reason.. hes on a hill
04:51.50slider750mchou: Palos Verdes
04:52.17slider750mchou:  you going to help me take over china or what?
04:52.20mchouPalos Verdes is nothing compared to Mt. Wilson
04:52.34drmessanoWhen I lived about 2 miles from him, I had 40 ft of radio shack mast at my house, and I used to let other hams use me to digipeat from COlumbia, SC to south GA and Atlanta on cool nights
04:52.42mchouslider750: I dont even know what you talking about :)
04:53.29mchouslider750: 1k simultaneous participants, what's that you need to conference in shareholders? :)
04:53.34slider750mchou: we had a sister station there but for our area it was nice, especially when you go to the backside (catalina) and you still want to chat...  or in the canyons... we could reach it from about anywhere.
04:53.42slider750min 5w anyways
04:54.32mchouslider750: nice
04:54.34drmessanoYou can run a nice little part15 station lol
04:54.57drmessano300mw, max 15 ft length cable+antenna
04:55.07drmessanoPut it on AM
04:55.24slider750you can do something similar on FM too right?
04:55.30drmessanoFM too
04:55.39drmessanoSee, if I was going to do it
04:55.40slider750yea i had a ramsey a while back
04:55.46drmessanoI would run AM stereo
04:55.52slider750used it for radio in my house instead of wiring up speakers
04:56.01slider750dr: hacker!
04:57.06drmessanoI worked in broadcast for 15 years
04:57.26drmessanooff and on.. 12 full time
04:58.05slider750clear channel thing sounds like a good idea i'm going to search for info
04:58.22drmessanoJust need to contact the nearest group
04:58.29drmessanoAsk for the chief engineer
04:58.42drmessanoIf he doesnt know the policy, ask him to ask his regional engineer
04:59.12slider750ok sweet
04:59.25drmessanoYou're in SOCal?
04:59.55jblackThat doesn't look good for me.
05:00.01slider750dr: yea..
05:01.30drmessanoHow far is scranton?
05:02.08jblackabout 20 miles.
05:02.49drmessanotry scranton
05:03.58jblackI can see mountains on both sides of the valley.
05:04.08*** join/#asterisk slider750 (
05:06.10slider750looking for my repeater now on google maps
05:06.17jblackNowhere, surrounded by nowhere.
05:07.02drmessanoRepeaters arent strictly tied to a specific town/city
05:07.28drmessanoSo "Scranton" means close enough to scranton to not make more sense to be listed as another city/town
05:07.46jblackyeah, If I wanted to play this game, I could put a repeater on a hill in wilkes-barre, and reach repeaters in scranton.
05:07.53drmessano20 miles isn't that far.. and a "Scranton" could be as close as 10 miles
05:07.55jblackAnd from there, actually get somewhere.
05:08.12drmessanoYou could probably hit them already
05:08.44jblackHere's me:,-75.871882&spn=0.013648,0.032487&t=p&z=15
05:08.54jblackScranton is north-east, through all those hills
05:12.01jblackThere are a pair of towers on Mt. Lookout (1500'), which I can't see due to hills, and another pair of towers, about 1500' as well, due south.
05:12.07drmessanoThat may not be 100% accurate
05:12.14drmessanoBut ARTSCI isn't always correct
05:13.18*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
05:13.25jblackluckily, I have a police scanner on my desk.
05:13.48jblackI suppose I should be listening on $Output for $Tone
05:14.28slider750i need to get a good scanner
05:14.37slider750what web site should i shop at?
05:15.08*** part/#asterisk ChrisN (
05:16.15jblackI don't hear anything on any of them.
05:16.33drmessanojblack: It's not going to be continous
05:16.34jblackNeither output, nor input. Maybe in the afternoon, when people are awake.
05:16.46drmessanoOutput is where you're listening
05:19.33drmessanoSee the favicon on that page?
05:19.39drmessanothe one
05:20.07drmessanoI designed that about 10 years ago
05:20.38drmessanoBack when IE5 came out. I told him he needed a favicon.. He told me to design one and he would upload it.. so I did.
05:22.17*** join/#asterisk jcaceres (n=asd@ only scored 65/100 on my SEO analyzer... ;(
05:25.42slider750check out the meta tags lol
05:32.07hsv-alheh, this is my new MOH
05:32.22hsv-alto old for anyone to remember
05:32.26jblackbets it's a rickroll
05:33.11jblacklol. wu-tang
05:34.08drmessanooh god
05:34.22drmessanothey we're even cool when they were supposed to be
05:34.52drmessanoAl Waller hasn't done much with in years
05:34.52Maliutadrmessano: I think you mean "weren't"
05:34.58drmessanoyeah that too
05:35.16drmessanowu-tang were lame
05:35.32slider750just saw that on TV, totally useless but damn that is funny
05:37.04hsv-althis is probably more acceptable; )
05:37.35hsv-alimagine watching that while on peyote
05:39.17jblackI learned something from watching ping pong in the olympics.
05:39.29drmessano  <--- better hold music
05:40.55hsv-al.... that sounds like something old boring farts in tennesse would listen to
05:40.59hsv-alwhile drinking moonshine
05:41.29drmessanoThat is Bad Company.. WTF is wrong with you?
05:41.44drmessanoLemme think
05:41.51drmessanoPaul Rodgers or Wu-Tang
05:42.32slider750hahah lol
05:42.41hsv-alDr. Messano, remember when you let us all down, and you said you date woman
05:42.49hsv-aland you prefer 18-23 yr olds, because it makes you feel young again?
05:42.54hsv-alyou really think they go for that old "stuff" :)
05:43.00drmessanoI'm not "old"
05:43.05slider750just how old is the good dr
05:43.12hsv-al30-33 most likely :)
05:43.13slider750c'mon your a ham
05:43.22drmessanoI'm between 20 and 60, give or take 40 years
05:43.31slider750anybody who knows **** about ham is older than the normal asterisk hack
05:43.41slider750so pushing 3 digits then?
05:44.02drmessanoI'm 31
05:44.14drmessanoand I hate younger women
05:44.27slider750private me your call sign we'll see about that...
05:44.31drmessanoLets take the line "Lets do some anal"
05:44.39Maliutadrmessano: yeah my problems are 21
05:44.50hsv-aloh give me a break drmessano
05:44.52drmessanoYoung Girls response "Liek ZOMG, no"
05:45.00hsv-alyou know you stare at the tan southern preppy girls who shop at A&F in the mall, but realize
05:45.05hsv-alits not possible anymore
05:45.22drmessanoOlder Womans response "OMG, no one has touched me in years.. YES YES"
05:45.31slider750time to move to Utah
05:45.37drmessanoGet em 37 to 43 and you're all good
05:46.02slider750always wanted to bone a 40 yr old
05:46.02Maliutaonly if they're loaded
05:46.06slider750that too
05:46.12drmessanoThe quiet neglected ones rock
05:46.22drmessanoAll that built up lack of attention
05:46.30slider750<- searching youporn for dr
05:46.36hsv-aldrmessano, you need to rethink priorities
05:46.46hsv-aland go for (===@ instead of _/\*/\_
05:47.18drmessanoI hope I am not misreading that
05:47.27slider750oh i am
05:47.32drmessanoWhy do I want to stick my penis in their flower pot?
05:47.37slider750that is some funny ****
05:48.26hsv-alwtf, the latest firmware update for iphone 3g
05:48.32hsv-al2.0.2, now appends exif satelite data
05:48.35drmessanoDry humping is bad enough, but dry humping 10-10-10 soil with a boston fern in it is not cool
05:48.35hsv-alin the mime headers
05:48.41hsv-allike 200 characters into the files
05:49.00slider750stop it
05:49.18hsv-althat has 2 potential reasons, why apple did this i bet
05:49.20slider750irc is funny
05:49.22hsv-al1) requset from military
05:49.30hsv-alor 2) fbi, to track pedos who snap kids of pics
05:49.30drmessanohsv-al: I'm sure you're not a virgin, but seriously, I think you're doing it wrong
05:49.47hsv-alpics of kids
05:49.57slider750dr: that's a young mans game these days
05:50.44slider750kids do everything but _/\*/\_ then afterwards they do _/\*/\_ when they are bored... horny bitches
05:51.28drmessanoThe trick to getting a reluctant woman to do anything you want is to ignore her just long enough
05:51.37slider750damn that is the secret
05:52.04hsv-alwho the hell pays $2,000 for those outfits
05:52.19drmessanohsv-al: Just come out of the closet dude..
05:52.33slider750Dood, no M (===@
05:53.02drmessano(===@ <--- That looks like jerking off on her DirecTV dish
05:53.08drmessanoNot sure..
05:53.15hsv-aldrmessano, wear this to work
05:53.16hsv-alon monday
05:53.20slider750hmmm... no more playboy channel sorry
05:54.08drmessanohsv-al: That's all you dude
05:54.32*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
05:54.35slider750back on track:
05:55.39hsv-alshe'd wear the pants in a relationship
05:55.42hsv-albe ready for her to wear suspenders
05:56.22mchoushe's bi :)
05:56.33mchouat least on house
05:56.49drmessanoShe's POSSIBLY
05:57.00drmessanoThat's part of the whole ambiguity thing
05:57.06mchoudrmessano: you even watch the show?
05:57.17drmessanoThats why I am telling you
05:57.21hsv-aldrmessano, i doubt shed want to talk about coils that protect
05:57.26hsv-alpower leakage, on cable lines
05:57.27mchoudrmessano: there is no ambiguity
05:57.30hsv-aland energy bleed off
05:57.37drmessanomchou: yes there is
05:57.57mchoudrmessano: then you've clearly missed a few episodes
05:58.05hsv-albtw, did jailbreak
05:58.06hsv-alget canceled
05:58.10hsv-ali havent watch that since season
05:58.43slider750prison break?
05:58.45drmessanoThirteen's sexuality is also ambiguous; Foreman and House have suggested that she is bisexual, and Thirteen herself has made comments implying that she is bisexual, although she might have been joking.
05:59.05jblack13 is bi. I dont doubt it.
05:59.06slider750all women are IMHO
05:59.07mchoudrmessano: dude, there is no joking
05:59.14slider750well.. most women..
05:59.18slider750hot women
05:59.25drmessanomchou: I watch the show
05:59.32mchoudrmessano: you dont fake a reactione (unless you are an actor :)))
05:59.39slider750butch's are too pissed
05:59.43drmessanoDude, its a TV show
05:59.57jblackwhen does house come back?
06:00.01mchoudrmessano: and that's what I'm talking about
06:00.25drmessanomchou: Whatever you say
06:00.25hsv-alhere, lets take a break
06:00.29hsv-althis is actually an intellectual video
06:00.32hsv-alview the whole thing
06:00.35MaliutaHouse pisses me off, they insist on showing copious amounts of BMA's and LP's ... I've had dozens of both and don't need to see either
06:00.37mchoudrmessano: her "reaction" to Foreman was not "faked"
06:01.05drmessanomchou: It's a TV show.. her reaction is whatever the writers wanted it to be
06:01.09drmessanoDo you get that?
06:01.13drmessanoIt's fake
06:01.17mchoudrmessano: nor was her reaction to house when he said "You can do it both ways"
06:01.33jameswf-homehsv-al: this video is better
06:01.35drmessanoShe's not written as being Bi.. it's been purposely ambigous as part of the whole mystery of her character
06:02.04drmessanoWhy am I watching a video of space?
06:02.04mchoudrmessano: dude, like I said, you've missed a few episodes
06:02.11drmessanomchou: No, I havent
06:02.18hsv-aldrmessano, you seem think
06:02.20hsv-alnothing confuses you
06:02.22hsv-albut this video will
06:02.32jblackThe last one I saw was CTB being in the accident.
06:02.35drmessanomchou: If I said I didn't, how did I miss them?
06:03.00jblackI have all of 'em here. I can check...
06:03.27mchoudrmessano: cause you're insisting on "ambiguity" when there is none, at least where this is concerned
06:03.28hsv-aljblack, this should really make people think
06:03.30hsv-alabout stuff in general
06:03.38hsv-alit put me in a mental block, heh
06:03.42jblackDude. Stop whoing for youtube.
06:03.47jblackwhoring, that is
06:03.48drmessanomchou: You're seriously way off
06:04.03jameswf-homehsv-al: your video sucks mine is better
06:04.10hsv-alview it all
06:04.15hsv-alit makes you think......
06:04.19hsv-alwere a f'ing dot in the universe
06:04.23hsv-ala microscopic dust
06:04.25jameswf-homeabout livingrooms
06:04.47drmessanoFlea Market
06:04.51drmessanoIt's just like..
06:05.01drmessanoIt's just like..
06:05.04drmessanoA Mini mall
06:05.06jblackA Mini-mall
06:05.15jblackmy kid sings that all the time
06:05.36hsv-aljblack, we think we are smart.....
06:05.42hsv-albut humans are a pindot in the universe
06:06.04mchoudrmessano: well, either you've missed some episoded or you have Asperger's
06:06.23drmessanomchou: I know what i've seen, and you're way off
06:06.37jblackYou want to understand our place in the world, check this:
06:06.38mchoudrmessano: cause if you didn't miss any episodes you missued a few important social cues
06:06.52drmessanomchou: If you say so
06:06.53jblackIt's better backwards.
06:07.00slider750where the aliens at?
06:07.05jbotrumour has it, troll is a race on some muds; a guy under a bridge: an annoying robot; a port scanner, or somebody faking being clueless to be shown the One Linux Way so he can argue against it for his psychology thesis on linux advocates, or an employee of trolltech, or at or
06:08.19hsv-althat video assumes we travel through universe at 186,000(?) miles/second
06:08.23hsv-altakes 8 years to get to the sun
06:08.31jameswf-homeping Qwell
06:08.32hsv-al15+billion years to get to the "MBR
06:08.38slider750so i click on the link and i get this gay multi color spinny beach ball what does that mean?
06:10.21slider750jblack: good pic...  that's what that new accelerator is for right?
06:10.22*** part/#asterisk Prayer (
06:10.25drmessanoAny reference you find to her on the web neither confirms nor denies it..  Her character is not written as being Bi, and trust me, as fanboi-sm goes, if she was truly BI, without a doubt, and above the speculation and ambiguity they have made on the show, it would be "ZOMG SHE IS BI" all over the place
06:10.41drmessanoSo mchou, don't fucking tell me about missing shit, and not being observant, etc
06:10.54jameswf-homeping Qwell?
06:10.57jameswf-homewhos bi
06:11.00mchoudrmessano: you believe everything you read on a wiki???
06:11.07mchoudrmessano: lol
06:11.14drmessanoGod you are an idiot
06:11.31mchoudrmessano: you've got low standards of proof
06:11.33hsv-aldcc's drmessano some ritalin
06:11.37drmessanoConsidering your high level of density in all things asterisk, I am wasting my time
06:11.38hsv-aldcc's drmessano zoloft
06:11.42drmessanoYou are a retard
06:11.42hsv-aldcc's drmessano paxil
06:11.51jameswf-homedrmessano: whos bi?
06:12.01mchoujameswf-home: 13 on house
06:12.08drmessanoAsk mchou, and have him help you with your dialplan while you're at it
06:12.11drmessanoHe's a genius
06:12.15jameswf-homearent all women secretly bi
06:12.27slider750james: agreed
06:12.38slider750especially with a little alcohol
06:13.10mchoudrmessano: you even KNOW which episode I'm referring to when house says "you can do it both ways?"
06:13.26drmessanomchou: You seriously don't "Get it" if you think her being bisexual is so blatantly obvious.. you have no concept of how her character is written and seem to know absolutely nothing about how they are intentionally wrapping this veil of secrecy around her character
06:13.30drmessanomchou: ONE LINE?
06:13.35slider750but for characters sake, i agree she is written to be,.... well... exactly what we are talking about...
06:13.43drmessanomchou: Seriously?  THis is about ONE EPISODE and ONE LINE
06:13.53drmessanomchou: Do you even watch TV?
06:14.07mchoudrmessano: dude, how about here reaction to foreman in the MRI room?
06:14.12hsv-alim dissapointed in you
06:14.17hsv-alyou are idling in channels / ##politics
06:14.23hsv-althat is the most ridiculous channel on freenode
06:14.34drmessanomchou: Have you ever grasped concepts like the tension between male and female characters, the secrets that play out in later seasons, cliffhangers, etc?
06:14.53*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
06:14.53mchoudrmessano: I'm citing you episodes of the show instead of wikis.
06:14.54*** part/#asterisk jcaceres (n=asd@
06:14.59drmessanoDO they think they really bring someone in, make her intentionally mysterious, and then are all like "Oh, yeah, shes a dyke"
06:15.14jameswf-homei must be special if you ran a whois on me :))
06:15.17drmessanomchou: I am not going do your searching for you.. I posted one link
06:15.40mchoudrmessano: and you dont undersstand your links have ZERO weight
06:15.42jameswf-homeThirteen herself has made comments implying that she is bisexual, although she might have been joking.
06:15.48jblackI'm sure she's a dyke. I think that whenever the camera isn't on her, she munches carpet.
06:16.06slider750and likes it
06:16.25jeevcarpet munchers
06:16.26drmessanomchou: Again, I posted one link as an example.. you are sad if your argument against is going to be based on ONE link I posted..
06:16.32mchoudrmessano: you cite me a wiki link in support for your thesis.  That's frigging brilliant
06:16.39drmessanomchou: As are you
06:16.58mchouwhen I cite you scenes from actual episodes
06:17.01jblackI miss lost and house.
06:17.05drmessanomchou: you have cited nothing other than conjecture.. much like your asterisk troubleshooting
06:17.46mchouconsidering I've only installed asterisk ~2 wks ago I'm doing well, thanks
06:17.53slider750what's asterisk?
06:18.38drmessanomchou: If you say so
06:18.43Maliutaslider750: it's the character above the 8 on your keyboard
06:19.02Maliutaslider750: I believe you press the "shift" button to use it
06:19.37slider750so i push shift-8 to make a phone call?
06:19.48jameswf-homeasterisk = shift+8
06:19.53slider750this isn't working
06:20.04Maliutaslider750: what does the asterisk have to do with phone calls?
06:20.08jameswf-homewow im slow
06:20.12Maliutaslider750: you're confusing me! :P
06:20.40drmessano* is above the 9 on my numeric keypad.. I guess I am using 1.6
06:20.45slider750don't drink and *
06:20.53slider750or do
06:21.29slider750<--- the newbie votes for a topic change
06:21.44Maliutadrmessano: you're blowing my mind!
06:21.56drmessanoI wanted the topic changed to something about 1.6 RC1 being out
06:22.05drmessanoBut the coders have better ideas
06:22.11Maliutaslider750: no, the topic tells people to fuck off if they want support for other stuff
06:22.16drmessanoGonna leave us at a bisexual cliffhanger with beta9
06:22.20jameswf-hometech pron
06:22.21drmessanoIs it beta, is it RC?
06:22.23drmessanoWho knows..
06:22.41drmessanoBeta9 is Betasexual
06:23.54drmessanoI think I have a bad batter charger
06:25.14Maliutaslaps slider750
06:25.17drmessanoor a bad cell
06:25.19Maliutadon't talk like that to me
06:26.18slider750peace out
06:28.52drmessanoGot almost full charge on the batteries
06:28.57drmessanoBeen charging for 8 hours
06:36.00drmessanoNow for my sendtones project lol
06:38.32drmessanoI can deal with trance
06:38.38drmessanoJust not hip-hop
06:38.59hsv-alim burning that dvd
06:39.12hsv-alfor my new car
06:39.18hsv-alwell that stream
06:39.32hsv-alAudio makes a special headunit that can capture winamp streams and play in real time, and burn to dash mounted iphone 3G
06:40.46hsv-alcant get more metrosexual then that, while being muscular
06:40.55drmessanoMy porsche has that
06:41.29hsv-alyou'd never think a car looks good w/ white rims
06:41.31hsv-albut that car is slick
06:42.25drmessanoI was going to get a 911s
06:42.56drmessanoBut I opted for two Boxters S's in different colors
06:43.02drmessanoI didnt want to seem pretentious
06:43.25hsv-allook at the rims on this
06:43.45hsv-alnothelle mod has like 580hp, does 0-60 in 3.18-3.20
06:43.50hsv-alcan beat a 911 Turbo, its a sleeper
06:44.06drmessanoSpeed doesn't concern me.. Looks do
06:44.34*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
06:45.06drmessanoWhat good is getting a car that goes 0-60 in 3 seconds and maxes out at 150MPH when you're gonna do all your driving in a residential area
06:45.32drmessanoThats like buying a DL385 for a home PBX
06:45.35hsv-alit enables the 17-23 yr old flesh to be magnetized
06:45.37hsv-alnothingm ore nothing less
06:46.37hsv-alwinamp stream updated, to better music
06:46.46drmessanoYeah.. That's the kind of pussy I want.. the kind that's magnetized to a car so easily.. and can be easily magnetized away for the same reasons
06:46.51drmessanoDo you have a small penis?
06:47.07drmessanoor some horrible gulf-war disfigurement?
06:47.18drmessano1 ear?
06:48.00hsv-albe different in life
06:48.03drmessanoGet chicks like everyone else does.. LIE TO THEM
06:48.06hsv-aldont conformto being what society says to do
06:48.08hsv-alhave fun while your alive
06:49.04drmessanoGetting a new high priced car is predictable
06:49.19drmessanoDo something different.. tell a girl you have two weeks to live
06:49.25drmessanoor that you're impotent
06:49.34drmessanoand need her help to fix it
06:49.55drmessanoTell her you have a rich uncle and need to make an heir before he dies
06:50.23drmessanoSpend your time making up lies and not waxing/polishing
06:50.44drmessanoSend a signal to the women of the world
06:51.12drmessano*ME* not *THE CAR*
06:51.46drmessanohsv-al: I am gonna let you in on a secret
06:51.49drmessanoOne I dont share my many
06:51.54drmessanoMy mantra for life
06:52.01drmessanoerr with*
06:52.14drmessanoThe three words I use to guide my entire existance
06:52.48drmessanoEvery day I wake up and I say and think these three words
06:52.51DarKnesS_WolFmmm drmessano are u high ?
06:52.56drmessanoLive Like Hasselhoff
06:53.14drmessano"Live Like Hasselhoff"
06:53.33drmessanoWWTHD = What Would The Hoff Do?
06:53.44drmessanoWill get you IN or OUT of any situation
06:53.53drmessanoThink like the Hoff
06:53.58drmessanoBE the Hoff
06:55.17hsv-alCuban athlete banned for life after kicking taekwondo referee
06:55.25hsv-alvideo of it, lol
06:57.51*** join/#asterisk gerphimum (
06:59.31drmessanoThe Hoff wouldn't have taken that crap
07:00.24drmessanoHe would have walked off to the locker room, hooked up with some chick from Peru to make him feel better
07:01.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:08.53jblackKicking a ref doesn't seem like a bright idea to me.
07:11.28drmessanoHe's cuban, he's used to being embargo'ed
07:16.39JTif it was a contest of intelligence, the olympics would have chess competitions
07:19.05Maliutachess is for whimps, real brains play Go
07:19.09Maliutafar more complex
07:19.28Maliutaand out of the reach of modern computational methods
07:19.41drmessanoGo Fish?
07:20.10*** join/#asterisk sdam (
07:34.06drmessanoI was joking about the "Go Fish", but this looks fascinating..
07:34.12drmessanoNever played it before
07:37.04Maliutagets used in cog-sci alot, because it's non-computable
07:43.34*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
07:47.47*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:49.44*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
07:52.56drmessanoAIM call out is .016 per minute US
07:54.17Maliutadrmessano: I can call the US for $0.08AU untimed
07:55.56drmessanoum ok
07:56.26Maliutaso why would I bother with AIM?
07:56.40drmessanoThe number you gave me is higher
07:57.13Maliutaand not per minute
07:57.51drmessanoSo it costs you 8 cents  period?
07:58.08Maliuta8 cents and I can talk as long as I like
07:58.23MaliutaUS, UK, Canada .... it's a long list
07:58.38drmessanoNo monthly fee
07:58.41drmessanoJust 8 cents per call?
07:58.45Maliutaregularly talk to the parents in Canadia for hours
07:58.51Maliutano monthly
07:59.05drmessanoWho is the service?
07:59.20Maliutadon't know if they are still doing that plan, but I get to keep it and my DID I got for a $10 deposit
08:01.20*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
08:02.56Maliutadrmessano: I think they changed the rules on DID's recently now they're $10/yr or something. They are still doing plans with no monthly's though
08:03.38drmessano$5 a month for the 8c
08:03.58drmessanoExchange is 2 to 1 USD?
08:04.16drmessanoGood god
08:04.25drmessanoI guess I have been out of the loop for a few years
08:04.32drmessanoDamn dollar is weaker than the AUD
08:04.53drmessanoI wonder if they'll ship me a $16 SPA3102
08:05.11Maliutadrfreeze: free access untimed
08:05.45drmessanoOnly AU$5.00 per month
08:06.40Maliutayou'll see you can still get the $0.08AU calls with no monthly
08:07.20Maliutaand a DID for $5/yr
08:07.59drmessanoSo whats the catch?
08:08.07Maliutathere is none
08:08.18Maliutanot that I am aware of
08:08.36Maliutabeen using them for 18months or so
08:09.11Maliutamoved from mynetfone because their idea of "untimed" was upto 2hrs, and the clause was buried
08:09.18DarKnesS_WolFMaliuta: where is a did for 5 usd a year ?
08:09.20drmessanoOther than probably hitting a proxy in OZ, I don't see why I would have a problem with itr
08:09.35drmessanoDarKnesS_WolF: No such thing
08:09.43MaliutaDarKnesS_WolF: not $5US $5AU
08:09.50MaliutaDarKnesS_WolF: and it's a .au DID
08:10.10DarKnesS_WolFMaliuta: ahh ic
08:10.15Maliutadrmessano: well I am in .au so no real problem
08:10.37MaliutaDarKnesS_WolF: but their calls are $0.08AU untimed to the US/Canadia/UK .....
08:12.55drmessanoBack 6 or 7 years ago I had some IRC friends in OZ
08:13.01drmessanoI used to call now and then
08:13.27Maliutayeah, not so much
08:13.38drmessano1 hour was $10 after my father negotiated some plan with AT&T after I ran up a $350 call for 50 minutes one day
08:14.00jblackbleh. ubuntu is distributing * 1.4.10 with gutsy, but providing sources for 1.4.11
08:14.07Maliutathe rates over landline are extortionate
08:14.18drmessanoI paid damn $350 for ONE phone call
08:14.23MaliutaHelstra charge way too much
08:15.09drmessanoI noticed that in OZ you have some services that are extremely progressively priced, others that are fucking nuts
08:15.17drmessanoI remember 300MB per month DSL
08:15.36drmessanoBut worldwide free SMS on some phone carriers
08:16.38MaliutaTelstra do some thing that comes with a 200MB data thing, they got in shit because people not using the data were getting excess usage bills from things like ARP spam and network probes
08:16.52Maliutadepends on the provider
08:17.02Maliutamost try to anally rape you
08:18.09drmessanoI made a trip down there years ago.. had PC parts shipped so I could build them a workstation on the cheap.. Even had a Router shipped because it was 1/5 the price.. got them set up on DSL.. and we worked out that with the bandwidth we had on IRC, we would be using 1/2 of their 150MB allotment lol
08:18.26drmessanoFunny stugg
08:18.38Maliutaimport duty can be a bitch
08:19.10MaliutaI was considering buying a notebook in canada, getting it shipped to my parents and the on-shipped to me
08:19.33Maliutawas going to be cheaper coming in marked "gift", even with shipping charges
08:20.02drmessanoI have a few CD's I want to get from there, but it's too damn expensive to get them from even Amazon due to import
08:20.20Maliutawhat do you want?
08:20.59drmessanoI think I am like 3 CD's behind on Powderfinger
08:21.11Maliutathey're a Brissy band
08:21.25MaliutaI can probably get them cheap
08:22.17Maliutamax would be like $30AU
08:22.38drmessanoInternationalist is $42.99 USD from Amazon LOL
08:22.50Maliutathat's way old
08:23.05drmessanoI know
08:23.08drmessanoI have the 4 first
08:23.17Maliutagive me the names of the albums you want and I'll keep an eye out
08:23.27MaliutaJB often have them really cheap
08:23.55drmessanoGreatest Hits or Best Of, whatever it is..  Vulture Street, and I think there's a live one which I don't know the name of
08:24.20MaliutaVulture Street is even older than Internationalist
08:24.35drmessanoNaah.. it's the one past O#5
08:24.45Maliutathey shot alot of clips around the vulture street area too
08:25.15drmessanoVulture Street, then the Best Of, then the Live one, and I see another one Dream Days at the Hotel Existence
08:25.27drmessanoI am like half behind on their catalog lol
08:26.31MaliutaI'll see whats around when I am out and about
08:27.21drmessanoI saw them at their last show of the Fables of the Reconstruction tour in Nov 2001.. Awesome, Awesome live show
08:27.41MaliutaI got over them before they got big
08:27.50MaliutaI used to go to alot of gigs here
08:27.55Maliutaand they are a local band
08:28.06Maliutakind of like the whole George experience
08:28.43drmessanoI think they're billed as being a much better band than they really are.. but I like them either way..
08:29.04Maliutathey're no KMFDM or VNV
08:29.51drmessanoThey would easily get lost in a lot of american music
08:30.13Maliutathe live scene here in Brisbane is pretty good
08:30.16drmessanoI can see why they never got big here.. didn't offer much kids weren't getting from 100 other bands
08:30.22Maliutaalot of deserving bands dont' make it
08:30.59drmessanoIf I could figure out how to fly there for less than $2000 again, I would love to go back lol
08:31.41MaliutaI'd like to go see my parents, but those flights are too expensive too
08:34.15Maliutaand then a Whitlams song comes on that reminds me why I like them so much
08:38.01drmessanoIm trying to calculate a trip to AU
08:38.34drmessano$1100 isn't bad
08:39.22drmessanoThats flying from Augustas little podunk airport too
08:39.30drmessanoI'll try Atlanta
08:39.34Maliutawhere to in .au?
08:39.46drmessanoMelbourne, since I was familiar with the rates
08:39.56drmessanoWhen I flew it was $1800
08:40.11MaliutaMelbourne is alright to visit, Sydney is hole. Brisbane and South east Queensland are the best places to go
08:40.17drmessanoOnly cost me an extra $80 to fly out of Augustas little airport
08:40.49drmessanoShaved $130 USD off by flying from Atlanta
08:40.52drmessanoOh hang on
08:41.12drmessanoThat was TWO adults
08:41.43MaliutaI can't get those rates ... it's ~$1500AU/person to canadia
08:42.58drmessanoOh NM
08:42.58drmessanoThe chart was per person
08:42.58drmessanoSo $1100 USD
08:42.58drmessanoI was gonna say
08:43.57Maliutaand that's to Hellbourne
08:44.05Maliutais glad he got out of there
08:44.14drmessanoI didnt think it was so bad
08:44.27Maliutait's alright to visit, you don't want to live there
08:44.40drmessanoWhat makes it suck?
08:44.41Maliutacompared to Brisbane the people are uptight wankers
08:44.48Maliutathe weather blows goats
08:45.06Maliutait's a PITA to get around
08:45.48drmessanoIf Melbourne is uptight, I can imagine Brisbane.. I thought the people in Melbourne were 100x less uptight than people here lol
08:45.54MaliutaI have lived all over .au and Brisbane is the best place to live. Superior in terms of weather, lifestyle, people ....
08:46.34MaliutaBrisbane is a pretty laid back place, you can actually make friends by talking to someone at the bar or in a club
08:46.40Maliutaimagine that
08:46.49drmessanoWithout fighting them?
08:47.25drmessanoor them kicking your ass because you talked to them in a bar, so you must be a poofta?
08:47.45Maliutasomething like that
08:47.53*** join/#asterisk LND (
08:48.02drmessanoThats pretty much what its like around here
08:48.10Maliutain melb I stopped getting the tram into town when I went clubbing after I had a bad experience one night
08:48.46Maliutabecause skinny guys in leather pants, big leather jackets and white face _must_ be gay. Not Goths at all
08:48.55Maliutastupid fucking wankers
08:49.42drmessanoOh god
08:49.50drmessanoYou should live in the Southern US
08:50.02drmessanoYou wanna talk about intolerant
08:50.06Maliutaat least there I could carry a gun
08:50.15Maliutathen they become tollerant
08:50.29drmessanoAround here, you rack a shotgun.. they rack back
09:02.24*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
09:03.07jblackbitches and swears at ztdummy
09:04.19Maliutajesus and ninjas man!
09:05.16jblackyeah. something like that
09:06.14MaliutaWhere is that pizza ... it supposedly left the store ages ago
09:06.38Maliutadamn lying netordering thing
09:07.16jblackmaybe the pizza dude stopped to smoke a joint.
09:07.39drmessanoMaybe a Dingo ate him
09:07.47drmessanoDingo got me pizza-guy
09:07.59Maliutamore problems with the emu's 'round ere
09:08.36Maliutadamn things peck at you through the car windows
09:08.46*** join/#asterisk schorpp (
09:08.48Maliutaand damn me if they can't run fast
09:09.04schorpp is down ???
09:09.13Maliutacould be
09:09.43drmessanooh god
09:24.03*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
09:37.29*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:55.09jblackGetting ztdummy.ko is proving to be a serious pain in the rear.
09:58.02jblackI'm trying to do this on a linode box, which doesn't have PCI. Module-assistant insists upon unpacking the source package fresh each time it builds, so it keeps hitting drivers that are pci cards.
10:02.53jblackThere's a thought. Let's just apt-get source zaptel, and run make menuconfig. =)
10:03.22*** join/#asterisk oilinki3 (
10:21.02tzafrir_laptopjblack, you run it as root?
10:22.08tzafrir_laptopwhat happens if you unpack /usr/src/zaptel.tar.bz2 on your own?
10:22.21tzafrir_laptopWhat exactly are you trying to change?
10:23.17tzafrir_laptopjblack, also: what version of zaptel do you need?
10:24.20jblackOh, I'm good to go.
10:24.45jblackI just did an apt-get source zaptel, and built that way.
10:25.21jblackBut the problem I had was that m-h for zaptel-source builds all the modules. Some of the modules don't make sense for the kernel I'm using and bomb out, as there's no pci subsystem.
10:41.08tzafrir_laptopjblack, why do those modules load?
10:41.27tzafrir_laptopthat is: why do you try to load them?
10:41.48tzafrir_laptopalso, what do you mean by "bomb out"? any module panics in such a case?
10:42.01tzafrir_laptopgrep MODULES /etc/default/zaptel
10:42.37tzafrir_laptopget MODULES set to either an "" or even "ztdummy"
10:43.16jblackwhy are those modules trying to build? because module_assistant was trying to build them. It's a distro thing.
10:43.39jblackmodule-assistant is a debian tool that builds modules for kernels independantly of the kernel.
10:48.14jblackIn simpler terms, building ztdummy via debian's module-assistant on xen domU virtual machines is broken, so instead do an apt-get source zaptel, and use the zaptel menuconfig to do a local manual install
10:48.48oilinki3senores. what does the 'hangup' do in the dialplans? I mean is that needed for simple configuration or just nice to have?
10:49.02jblackIt's just nice to have.
10:49.21oilinki3jblack: thanks. then I can leave it off
10:49.36jblackIt can be necessary if you don't have automatic hangup turned on, but that's the default I think.
10:51.01oilinki3dialplan just looks more clear without those lines
11:11.39jblackI almost have this meetme ready to use
11:16.04*** join/#asterisk Raffles666 (n=raffles@
11:17.02jblackanyone have a sip client handy?
11:17.40jblackI'm working on setting up a conference for the channel
11:18.19Raffles666u want me to install x-lite?
11:18.36jblackI'll do it later, when more people are on.
11:19.04Raffles666i could do yebeam as well if u want
11:19.26Raffles666and y not a IAX client?
11:19.26jblackIf you like. sip://
11:19.42jblackiax2/ should work as well
11:20.39Raffles666i'm on my crappy xp box at the moment - i'll dig out my memory stick (all my asterisk sstuff is on it) and set some clients up fro you
11:20.56jblackThat's too much effort.
11:21.04Raffles666not for me
11:21.13jblackOk, if you like
11:21.23Raffles666is bored u c
11:21.34jblackwhy do you think I'm setting up a conference? I'm bored too.
11:23.52jblackmcd run. Be back in 15.
11:52.56hi365does asterisk 1.4 include any native fax detection apps, or is it nesesary to use something like nv_fax_detect?
11:53.12jblackstill not native
11:53.29hi365jblack: was that for me?
11:54.01hi365thanks. do you have any recomendations as to which app to use (for fax detection)?
11:54.48jblackasterisk-app-fax, I suppose.
11:55.47hi365hmm, that seems to be a debian packacage. what asterisk app is in there?
11:56.06jblackmostly rxfax and txfax
11:56.11*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:56.58hi365arrg! i tried rx_fax at one point but it kept on crashing my server. hylafax seesm to be working smoothly - ide just rather use one did/extension and have voice and fax routed automaticaly
11:57.19jblackI was able to receive faxes with asterisk-app-fax, but  it was kinda spotty.
11:57.47hi365i dont need to recive faxes with it - just need to detect. i guess ill have to dig up nv_fax_detect
11:58.37jblackthat's getting hard to find, I think
11:59.03hi365wonders why asterisk doesnt support faxing nativly
11:59.52jblacksomeone wrote fax support. Digium refused to accept it unless the author would give a non-exclusive copyright assignment.
12:00.04jblackThat caused the callweaver fork.
12:00.22hi365so proper faxinf support in asterisk is DOA?
12:00.36jblacksomeone will do it eventually.
12:00.51jblackMost of the developers seem to think faxing is archaic, and pointless.
12:01.14jblackbecause everyone has computers, scanners and internet. :P
12:02.03hi365what are the faxdetect setting for zapata.conf (If asterisk doesnt use them anyway...)?
12:02.28jblackzap might have fax detect. I don't know
12:02.41jblacksip and iax certainly don't.
12:04.55hi365"... If your fax calls come in exclusively through PSTN lines, you do not need NVFax, just use Zaptel for fax detection..."
12:04.59hi365is confused
12:06.06jblackI don't have zaptel here. I'm not a good one to ask.
12:06.32*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
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13:51.02irieKENDoes anyone know if there is a way to specify gain settings for zap channels in Asterisk GUI? Asterisk GUI keeps appending changes that I make to the zapata.conf file.
13:52.16tzafrir_laptopirieKEN, what version of the asterisk-gui?
13:52.55tzafrir_laptopjblack, still here?
13:54.04tzafrir_laptopjblack, BTW: 1.6.0 has app_fax
13:54.19irieKENtzafrir_laptop: The second to most recent version that came with the AA50.
13:55.39tzafrir_laptopDoes the system have a program called zapscan? ztscan?
13:56.31irieKENtzafrir_laptop: yes, it does.
13:56.42irieKENtzafrir_laptop: zapscan.
14:07.46*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
14:16.40tzafrir_laptopirieKEN, if it is zapscan it's not that ancient
14:17.27tzafrir_laptopirieKEN, I figure it would be in users.conf instead of in zapata.conf
14:17.35tzafrir_laptopedit /etc/asteris/users.conf
14:18.00tzafrir_laptopThe format there is nicer than zapata.conf: a specific section for each channel so you don't have to guess
14:18.18tzafrir_laptopwhat zap channels (and devices) do you have?
14:19.40*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
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14:57.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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15:09.49*** join/#asterisk Vinconzo (
15:11.13Vinconzoi've seen AsterFax, but is there any way i can connect a fax-machine to an Asterisk box to fax over the internet, using some kind of SIP protocol?
15:14.51Vinconzothe idea would probably be the exact opposite of Asterisk's normal pourpose, as this would mean connecting an analog fax to the internet, instead of connecting a computer to an analog network
15:16.13Vinconzoi'm asking this, becouse i have my telephone over a broadband connection, and i really do want a fax
15:17.34brodiemVinconzo: Don't waste your time, you won't get reliable results.. fax should be kept analog
15:17.48[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: You would need an ITSP that supports T.38, and to connect your fax to an ATA that also supports it, and pray that the protocols are compatible
15:18.20[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Then again.... you could just save lots of time & money and just get an analog line like everyone will advise
15:18.50Vinconzoyeah, but i live with my parents so i'll need to do with the digital line
15:20.18defsdoorscan and email - get with the century!
15:20.30[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Well you've heard plan "B".  Follow it and pray.  You're gonna need it
15:21.58brodiemI've once gotten reliable outgoing fax using RTP300 -> Callweaver -> Gafachi, but incoming faxes would cause CW to core dump, and the next release of CW afterwards shattered all of my outbound reliability again..
15:22.06brodiemusing T38 that is
15:23.10Alton2bleepin' faxes, there is a long history of fax machine producers screwing with the standards to keep their "monopoly" on the "technology".
15:28.24*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
15:33.13Vinconzoi just read some more about asterfax
15:33.47Vinconzowouldn't it be possible to, instead of converting the fax to email, to convert email to fax?
15:33.51*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
15:34.47brodiemVinconzo: Yes, I did w/ iaxmodem+hylafax
15:36.09*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
15:37.13[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: other way around...
15:37.19[TK]D-FenderbroHIM email out....
15:37.46brodiem[TK]D-Fender: yeah, it was using hyla as the client end
15:37.54brodiemand some MIME tools to pull out the attachment from the e-mail
15:38.33[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Yes, I know how Hylafax & connectors can do it, its that he can't be doing the outbound conversion on HIS END
15:39.45brodiemis still stunned
15:40.01brodiemI'm going to make coffee
15:46.55*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
15:48.04jayteemmmm, coffee! yeah, I could use another cup
15:51.06lesouvageIsn't it time that the Asterisk community takes action to preserve the Asterisk forum. With hunderds of spam messages a day the forum will become useless in short time.
15:51.34jeevfender bender
15:55.54lesouvageAm I the only one who worries about what is happening with the Asterisk forum?
15:56.34[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: You and that other crazy guy, and the guy who is posting spam messages hoping to phish off of both of you ;)
16:00.23lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: who is the other crazy guy? What I know for sure is that it looks very bad if some one with a starting interest for Asterisk find the forum in the state it is now. And years of questions and answers are flushed to the drain this way.
16:00.57[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Take it up with a moderator
16:02.21filestuff is being done to stop it... but it does take time
16:03.39jeevfile, where is russellb home?
16:04.07jeevit's sunday! bastards
16:04.11jeevpeople should be on irc!!
16:04.19fileit's that crazy having a life thing
16:04.27jeevahh, yea.. we'll neverk now
16:04.35lesouvageThere seem to be no moderator. I run the Dutch Asterisk forum and I know what spam is and can do for a forum. My suggestion is to moderate the membership. I only accept new members after they send me an sms with user name.
16:04.45DarKnesS_WolFi have a strange problem , sip phone behind nat works fine and so on asterisk on the public IP 1.2.x when i log into the voice mail i find that the dtmf is missed up our it got sent twice or it got lost a little bit
16:04.49DarKnesS_WolFany ideas?
16:04.50DarKnesS_WolFwhat might be ?
16:04.53jeevlesouvage, not everyone wants to share their #'s
16:04.59*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
16:05.47lesouvagejeev: what do you mean with #'s
16:05.52jeevtheir phone numbers
16:05.56jeevsome people dont want to share their phone numbers
16:06.32*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
16:07.23lesouvagejeev: the whole idea is to have at least something that links the new member with something that can be checked if needed.
16:08.08DarKnesS_WolFthe strange thing that i just connect to * using g729 and i feel i am eating alll the connection :-s
16:09.34ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: That's a classic "inband DTMF with compressed codec" symptom
16:11.15riddleboxwow the forums are horrible with spam
16:11.40DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: how to fix ?
16:11.42riddleboxi wonder if digium can make a new user verify with email
16:12.54*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
16:12.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
16:13.42DarKnesS_WolFoh here comes russellb :)
16:13.53DarKnesS_WolFjeev: seems that life thing didn't work out :P
16:16.15jeev5 minutes ago, file asid you had a life... then you shattered your life
16:16.18jeevand came on irc
16:16.40*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
16:17.58knarflyI just built a Fedora 9 server with *- The echo test works fine but when I play the moh extension there is only silence. tcpdump show packets galore going to the phone but nothing comes out of the speaker
16:18.04tzafrir_laptopwonders if file has life
16:18.45DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: no one does
16:18.49russellbfile is an anagram of life, so that must count for something
16:19.28tzafrir_laptopSo unlike most of us, he has a life. Slightly mixed up, though ;-)
16:20.04DarKnesS_WolFah ic :D
16:20.15DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: no i don't think it is DTMF issue
16:20.51riddleboxmy god every time I go to the forums theres more spam, I wonder if someone will give me mods, so I can clean this up!!
16:21.05jeevi should get moderator
16:21.09jeevand force people to help me
16:21.14knarflyokay here's a good one...if you drop a piece of buttered toast it always lands buttered side down...if you drop a cat it always lands on it's what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast to a cat's back, butter side up and dropped it..... ?
16:21.14DarKnesS_WolFok so i ping the astetrisk box it is like 87.0 ms i just start the call " G729 / GSM " and the ping becomes 3000 ms , some time 7000 ms
16:21.24DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: any idea what might be the problem ?
16:22.08knarflyriddlebox: let's launch an attack to those *&$^% viagra sales people....
16:22.15jayteeknarfly, ummmm way too much free time on your hands I think.
16:22.20ManxPowerriddlebox: maybe you should consider the mailing lists instead of "forums"
16:22.45riddleboxknarfly, I dont know why they just keep posting over and over
16:23.25knarflywhat's worse is the moderator is not around to clean up this mess...who's minding the store?
16:23.28riddleboxManxPower, yeah I need to sign up for the mailing lists, but a lot of people go to the forums for help and i like reading everything
16:23.32ManxPowerknarfly: try asking on the mailing lists.
16:23.47ManxPowerriddlebox: the only people that use the forums are the ones that don't know anything.
16:24.06knarflyManxPower: welll now I wouldn't say that?
16:24.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:24.14tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, for starters, have you verified you don't use inband DTMFs there?
16:24.26ManxPowerAt least with e-mail it can be automatically filtered for you.
16:24.55ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: "(11:20:14 AM) DarKnesS_WolF: ManxPower: no i don't think it is DTMF issue"  With an attitude like that I decided to not help him.
16:25.02riddleboxManxPower, hrmmm I know I dont know much, but I like to read the posts and answer once in a while
16:25.12knarflyyes but the forum has been a great source of solutions for's just a shame right now that some spammer has targeted it and the moderator is off for the weekend
16:25.26DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: will check
16:25.33riddleboxits been going on since fridday
16:25.47*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (n=edd@
16:26.02DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: no i appreciate ur help but what i mean is the call eating up allll the bandwidth which i don't think related to DTMF mode
16:26.13ManxPowerriddlebox: yes, the mailing lists may be too technical for you.
16:26.23riddleboxManxPower, ouch
16:26.28knarflyyes and I sent no less than 100 e-mail inquireies to those damn candanian quake doctors telling them to cease and desist?
16:27.29ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: How much bandwidth do you have going between the SIP device and Asterisk
16:27.45riddleboxI didnt think I was that big of a moron
16:28.14knarflyin chat rooms everyone is a moron until proven a genius
16:28.17ManxPowerriddlebox: You do not see the advantages of mailing lists over web forums.  That qualifies you. 8-)
16:28.20DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: mine will be 256K device have 512K all are 1/4 so pretty much should handel at least 1 G729 call
16:28.41tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, if you don't use inband DTMF, the DTMFs are sent as some sort of "signalling"
16:28.46ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: that sentence made no sense.
16:28.57riddleboxManxPower, I do see the advantages, well maybe I will sign up for the bulk list and just read through it at night
16:29.04tzafrir_laptopNo problem "detecting" them even if the quality of the audio is louzy
16:29.11jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
16:29.29DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: look sorry for my english :-) ManxPower ok the connection between me and the box is 256K ADSL
16:29.30knarflyriddlebox: just wait...the moderator will fix it next week....duh!
16:29.47ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: Maybe he has a PoS router that can't handle streams of many small packets?
16:29.51DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: mmmmm
16:30.07DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: i guess it is router issue also :(
16:30.16ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: and you are using G729?  What was the GSM you mentioned?
16:30.24DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: i tested with both
16:31.09ManxPowera single GSM call should use around 32K
16:31.20ManxPowerShould use LESS THAN 32k
16:31.20*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
16:31.32ManxPowera G729 would be less than 25K
16:31.44knarflylater guys...I'm off to buy one of those 500GB HD's at tigerdirect for only $69
16:31.47ManxPowerYou do not have a bandwidth issue, if what you said is correct.
16:32.11*** part/#asterisk knarfly (
16:32.13DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: i think it is router issue it is like i am dosing the machine
16:32.21DarKnesS_WolFok wait i'll change the MTU and try
16:32.44ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: why in the world would you think THAT would make any difference?
16:33.21ManxPowerThe MTU would only apply for packets larger than the MTU, with SIP you should never run into that.
16:35.27ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: Ether work WITH or go try to fix the issue on your own.  Do NOT do both at the same time.
16:36.09ManxPowerThe single thing that most tech support hate more than anything else is a user that is asking for help but keeps doing stuff you did not recomment.
16:36.19ManxPowerrecommend, too.
16:36.48ManxPowerSo best of luck with your problem and come back when you are ready to accept some help.
16:45.19*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
16:47.32DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: mmmmm ok i work with :)
16:47.57DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: from where we should start?
16:55.04DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: what do u think the problem is ?
17:03.05*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:04.50*** join/#asterisk Vinconzo (
17:12.40Vinconzocan i connect an analogue phone to my computer using a modem, and use asterix to call over sip or something such sort?
17:13.06[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: No
17:13.37[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: You need a proper interface for that.  Best options are Linksys ATA's
17:13.38*** part/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
17:14.10defsdoorwhat's the normal process to install the core and extra  asterisk sounds ?
17:14.34DarKnesS_WolFdefsdoor: after ./confugre use menu select and select whatever u wants
17:16.32Vinconzo[TK]D-Fender: i see
17:17.22Vinconzo[TK]D-Fender: i just looked at my usual computer-hardware store, but i can only find D-Link and Sitecom stuff
17:17.42defsdoorDarKnesS_WolF: thanks
17:17.45Vinconzowitch is sortof exepensive (past the 25 euro)
17:17.59[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: You won't FIND this kind of stuff at your average computer store.  VoIP is not a consumer-class product
17:18.17Vinconzo[TK]D-Fender: is there any diy type-of-thing?
17:18.29[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: No/
17:18.36Vinconzo[TK]D-Fender: where can i find it, then?
17:18.41ManxPowerVinconzo: Expect to spend money if you are going to get into VoIP.
17:19.02[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Usually online stores.  this is a specialty market
17:19.11Vinconzoah nice
17:19.26[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Just a sample, I know you're in NL.
17:19.34Vinconzoi love dollars, they're half the price
17:19.35[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: I know one or two in UK / DE
17:20.03[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Go look for these 2 models : SPA-2102 and PAP2T-NA
17:20.24[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: And try to find a vendor that is acceptably close to you
17:20.46DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: seems it is a phone configurations i used zoiper / xten and both worked fine with gsm
17:21.16DarKnesS_WolFand sip info as dtmf
17:21.40*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
17:21.50Vinconzobut i remember my old (external) modem had two phoneline connections, one fore the phoneline, and one fore the phone, and a serial port for the pc
17:22.17Vinconzowouldn't this do the same, or am i completely missing out the point of an ATA
17:22.24[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: FORGET your old modem, it is USELESS with Asterisk.  No there is no cheap-ass way of doing this.
17:22.38Vinconzowell nm then
17:22.46Vinconzoi dont have a lot of money
17:22.59Vinconzoi'm dutch, and therefore, i prefer freebees
17:23.11Vinconzosorry to waste your time then
17:23.12[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: And just because you don't have much money doesn't mean a car dealer is going to give you a Ferrari for 50$
17:23.48Vinconzog'day m8
17:23.51[TK]D-FenderVinconzo>i'm dutch, and therefore, i prefer freebees <- so what you're trying to tell me is that the Dutch are just a bunch of free-loaders?
17:24.09Vinconzowe're known for liking free stuff
17:24.19*** part/#asterisk Vinconzo (
17:24.29[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: I like free stuff too.  I just don't run away when the things I want cost money.
17:24.32*** join/#asterisk Vinconzo (
17:24.59[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: I like free stuff too.  I just don't run away when the things I want cost money.
17:25.18Vinconzoya i know
17:25.36Vinconzobut there are probably cheaper ways, witch i'd like to try first
17:26.09[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: And we're the ones with experience who beg to differ
17:26.30[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Cheap & desperate are not winning traits in this field
17:26.57*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
17:26.58ManxPowerVinconzo: It used to cost US$4,000 for a card to connect to a phone line.  Be happy with something that is less than $100
17:27.01[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: So yeah, you go on fighting trying to get incompatible junk to work.  Good luck with all that.
17:27.02Vinconzoyes, but i really want to try VoIP stuff before i spend money on it, and find i didn't really like it as much as i thought
17:27.34ManxPowerVinconzo: you were not asking about VoIP.  You were asking how to connect your computer to a phone line.
17:27.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: No, actually, he said "phone to computer
17:28.01ManxPowerIf you want to use ALL VoIP you will not have to purchase hardware.
17:28.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: not LINE
17:28.31*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
17:28.31ManxPowerDownload a softphone, connect microphone and speakers, sign up for an ITSP.
17:28.44QwellManxPower: costs money
17:29.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: FWD!
17:29.06[TK]D-FenderQwell: No wait....
17:29.09*** join/#asterisk JohnnyBeGood (
17:29.18VinconzoManxPower: so i cannot connect my old analog telephone to my computer?
17:29.18ManxPowerShouldn't be be called NFWD now?
17:29.36[TK]D-FenderVinconzo: Yes you can, with a PROPER piece of equipment.
17:29.44Vinconzoi see
17:29.50ManxPowerVinconzo: NO YOU CANNOT DO THAT WITHOUT PURCHASING TELECOM HARDWARE.  Everyone here has told you that.  At this point you are looking like an idiot because you keep asking that.
17:30.17ManxPowerThe answer isn't going to change.
17:33.54DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: thx :-) some how u did help it was a DTMF issue i didn't notice that i am allowing SIP info i just disabled it and the DTMF did work also some how after like one min of the call the ADSL line " internet connection " disconnect not sure what is going on .. the phone is sending lots of packets , or the routered getting DoSed from the phone . also the sound qualty is perfect some how the ping time reacheds 9000 MS on a call with G729 t
17:37.39hi365${MONITOR_FILENAME} seems to only let me set the second half of the that how its supposed to be? its not mentioned in channelvarsiables.txt :(
17:38.34*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:38.35[TK]D-Fenderhi365: SHOW US.
17:38.57hi365[TK]D-Fender: what would you like to see?
17:39.28[TK]D-Fenderhi365: pastebin the backup of your dialplan, its EXECUTION and folder dump
17:39.46tzafrir_laptopVinconzo, you cannot connect a phone to a modem:
17:39.50jbot[~fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
17:41.03[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: s'ok.  He's heard it like 4 times already.  If he hasn't gotten the picture then whats the point of 1 more?
17:41.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I call them "arm flappers" as in patient goes to shrink and says "no matter how much a flap my arms I can't fly".
17:42.15ManxPowerBut the patient keeps trying no matter what anyone else tells him/her.
17:42.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I call them "(expletive deleted) morons"
17:45.05[TK]D-Fenderok, off to enjoy the sunshine for a bit.  Back before long...
17:45.26DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: have a good one
17:46.36DarKnesS_WolFguys what kind of option in SIP /RTP might cuzing the phone to send i don't know lots of packets which cuzes the router to hang and disconnect ? from a xlite everything perfect from this IP not at all it need some teawkes
17:48.46drmessanoDarKnesS_WolF: If something VoIP related is causing your router to hang, fix the router
17:49.03DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: xlite works fine
17:49.15DarKnesS_WolFit only matter of i don't know what in the phone needs to get disabled
17:49.30DarKnesS_WolFi find there is ToS on the phone not sure also what it is reading the help
17:49.55drmessanoDarKnesS_WolF: Are you kidding me?
17:49.56ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: we don't know what on the phone needs to be disabled either.
17:50.11ManxPowerIn fact, I doubt there is anything you can do on the phone to fix the issue.
17:50.12*** join/#asterisk matsk (
17:50.42drmessanoIf an OPTION on a PHONE is causing your router to lock up, which I doubt, your router is a POS
17:50.52drmessanoNeeds a firmware update or a trash can
17:51.13ManxPowerdrmessano: I'll bet the problem is not the router, but the DSL/Cable modem.
17:51.15DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: yes i know u don't no body knows :) my question is there somehting like controling the RTP streaming ?
17:51.28ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: no there is not.
17:51.47DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: it is a boradband thing speedtouch / router + adsl modem
17:51.53DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: mmm ok thx
17:51.57drmessanoManxPower: Dunno.. But DarKnesS_WolF is completely missing the point
17:52.39ManxPowerdrmessano: He just doesn't like the answer, that's all.
17:52.50drmessanoManxPower: Completely ignoring the fact that a phone is "causing" his router to lockup, which should be scaring the crap out of him about the router, not "OMG, need to get this phone fixed"
17:52.51ManxPowerAnother AF (arm flapper)
17:52.53DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: my laptop which running xlite is in the same network with the ip phone ,,, the ip phone kills the connections the xlite not.
17:53.01DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: no it is not like that i just not understand
17:53.12drmessanoDarKnesS_WolF: Thats shitty troubleshooting
17:53.24drmessanoA router should NEVER lock up because of ANY computer or device
17:53.25DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: ok from where i should start?
17:53.31drmessanoFIX THE ROUTER
17:53.37ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: I have never, in the 5.5 years of working with Asterisk and VoIP, heard of the problem you are having.
17:54.00ManxPowerdrmessano: He can't, it is provided by his ISP.
17:54.10drmessanoGet them to upgrade it, replace it
17:54.20ManxPowerdrmessano: but that's too much work!
17:54.22drmessanoor blame the phone and throw it away, cause yeah
17:54.27DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: in egypt u hear alot of crazy thing thx to our ISP my phone was losing the registration after 10 secs. cuz they moved to pppoe after pppoa and they coudn't implement it right
17:54.38ManxPowerdrmessano: notice how he never mentioned what actual phone he has?
17:54.39DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: ManxPower by the way i upgraded / downgraded / changed the router firmware same shit
17:54.50DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: snom 370
17:55.08ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: Thousands of people use that phone with Asterisk with no problems
17:55.24drmessanoThis is why not everyone should be doing networking
17:55.25DarKnesS_WolFyes i know
17:55.49DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: will change the router and see what will happen
17:55.56drmessanoA router should not lock up because of something behind it
17:56.23ManxPowerdrmessano: I'll bet they are retransmits with reinvites.
17:56.51ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: try adding canreinvite=no to each of the the sip.conf entries.
17:56.53ManxPowerthen do a reload
17:56.57DarKnesS_WolFmmm ManxPower how can i check that ?
17:57.02DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: it is already there
17:57.02drmessanoIt's probable that the router isn't handling the complexities of SIP/RTP well.. some don't
17:57.05DarKnesS_WolFand nat=yes
17:57.15DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: and i am only calling the voicemailmain application
17:57.25DarKnesS_WolFlook to the ping time before i start the call and after i start the call
17:57.40ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: I guess now you must contact SNOM support.
17:57.40DarKnesS_WolFthen jumps
17:57.56ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: ping times mean nothing to us.
17:58.05DarKnesS_WolFafter 1 min the internet goes down.
17:58.13drmessanoThat would be the router going ZOMGWTF and buckling under the confusion of a protocol it can't handle well
17:58.31drmessanoMuch like a few routers I have dealt with that couldnt handle bittorrent
17:59.46*** part/#asterisk matsk (
18:02.08*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
18:03.02hi365User hit '*1' to record call. filename: WAV|auto-1219600823-22020080824-210006-1219600806.708|m <---- what does the m option mean?
18:03.43DarKnesS_WolFcore show application mixmonitor
18:14.01*** part/#asterisk Vinconzo (
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18:27.50*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
18:32.03mltlnxI have a strange problem that no one has been able to figure out:  I have a channel bank connected to a Sangoma card. When I issue a wanrouter stop or wanrouter start every fxs on the channel bank rings. I have spoken with Sangoma and also the channel bank manufacturer and neither have heard of this. Anyone care to guess?
18:33.31*** join/#asterisk aliver (
18:34.04aliveris there a CLI way I can ask asterisk where it's going to look for files that I Playback() ?
18:35.52mltlnxWell wouldn't it be /var/lib/asterisk/sounds? unless it is specified by an absolute path in the dialplan?
18:36.24Qwellmltlnx: peculiar
18:36.56QwellT1 channelbank?
18:38.15mltlnxyes it is an adit 600 (CAC)
18:38.56Qwellsounds like the T1 card is telling it to ring..
18:39.35mltlnxQwell: Is there anyway to debug this?
18:39.38Qwellget your vendor on the line, and have them tell you what it's sending
18:39.42Qwell(and why)
18:40.49Qwellchannel banks don't just ring when they come up
18:41.33mltlnxFor sure, we have another identical setup on the bench and we can not replicate it ourselves. Sangoma told us the same.
18:41.55mltlnxThis happens when they come up or down.
18:41.55Qwelltell them to look at the trace and see what's going on
18:42.19QwellT1 or PRI?
18:42.26Qwell(I can't imagine it would be PRI)
18:42.41[TK]D-Fendermltlnx: Got another card that doesn't do this laying around?
18:42.57mltlnxCould this be a weird combo of sangoma/zaptel.
18:42.59QwellI'd say it's about 80% your card
18:43.20mltlnxWe have a 4 port and a 2 port in that box and they both do it.
18:43.39Qwellso there goes the 80%
18:44.05Qwellso all 6 ports do it with different channelbanks?
18:44.11mltlnxIt has to be something with Sangoma/zaptel drivers.
18:44.20Qwellnarrow it down a little..
18:45.07Qwellhow many ports does an adit 600 have?
18:45.52Qwellso this happens with 2 different cards and 3 different channel banks?
18:46.06mltlnxWell...We have two channel banks(each take 2 Ts).
18:46.27Qwellokay, so both of those have it happen, no matter the card/port?
18:46.35mltlnxIts 2 channel bank using 4 Ts across 2 different cards.
18:46.57*** join/#asterisk mgroman (
18:47.08mltlnxRegardless of port and card....Strange indeed.
18:47.10QwellI'd get sangoma back on the line and make them figure it out
18:47.25mltlnxFor sure!
18:47.55Qwelladits are all auto-config, right?
18:48.04Qwellat least for the channel bank parts
18:49.37mltlnxalso when did zapata.conf require hardhdlc= as opposed to dchan= ?
18:49.45Qwellthat's for PRI
18:50.08Qwelland...I don't know.  whenever sangoma changed their drivers to require it
18:50.27mltlnxyes i know. We have those as well.
18:50.46Qwellwithin the last release or two I think
18:50.48jayteeI think that first started popping up in here about a month ago
18:50.57Qwelltheir release, not zaptel/asterisk
18:51.17aliverwhat does the "?124:126" at the end of this line mean? "exten => _7XX,123,gotoif($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} = 3]?124:126)"
18:51.21mltlnxThis is a Sangoma requirement and not a zaptel issue?
18:51.26Qwellmltlnx: yes
18:51.46mltlnxgoto 124 if the cid = 3 else goto 126
18:51.48Qwellthough they'll put the blame on us for adding support for hardhdlc :)
18:52.01mltlnxQwell: Thanks!
18:52.17Qwellit's buried in their FAQ somewhere
19:00.25DarKnesS_WolFdamn tihs router
19:00.26DarKnesS_WolFno more work for me
19:00.29DarKnesS_WolFgood night guys
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19:05.38mgromanFor a very simple IVR, is this zaptel.conf correct for a TDM410 card with 2 fxo modules in ports 3 and 4? ->
19:05.49drmessanoAnyone using Pennytel outside of AU?
19:06.37jayteemgroman, looks alright
19:06.51mgromanjaytee thank you, wasnt sure if i needed to declare all signalling on one line
19:07.15jayteeyou could do fxsks=3,4
19:07.48mgromanjaytee: same for zapata.conf? (assuming both lines serve same purpose)
19:09.04[TK]D-Fendermgroman: Formatted properly yes you can declare multiple ports on the same line (assuming you want them to share the same characteristics
19:09.06jayteefor zapata conf just set context= whatever context your IVR is in.
19:09.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: A classified ad I'm probably about to win out on :
19:09.52mgromanand ignore the channel directive? cool thanks
19:11.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'll sell off the base, flashes, 50mm, and keep the rest.  All but certainly make a profit on it in the process :)
19:12.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And from what I've been told in response from the guy that is the renowned Minolta "Beercan" F4 70-210.  It's a great find if I get it.
19:14.16jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so keep the 35-70, the 70-210 and the case?
19:14.25jayteeor just the two lenses
19:15.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 35-70, 70-210, 28mm prime (woohoo), and I'm not sure if the bag is included.
19:16.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 4 lenses in the bundle.  I'd keep 2, sell 2 and the camera itself.
19:17.30[TK]D-FenderSorry, keep 3, sell the 50mm, resel my 70-210 F4.5 I got last week and the 50mm IT came along with as well.
19:18.06*** join/#asterisk CBlo (
19:19.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: the 50mm's go for about $100 each. and I'm sure I can net 50$ for the camera itself & flashes, and at least $70 for the F4.5
19:19.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: This is becoming a PROFITABLE hobby :)
19:19.39[TK]D-Fenderloves his Sony A200
19:21.01CBloCould anybody help me with a Callfile problem?
19:21.27jaytee[TK]D-Fender's Used Cameras and Asterisk Consulting ****** Great prices on used photo equipment and great rates on VOIP consulting/integration
19:22.14[TK]D-FenderCBlo: With some real information perhaps...
19:22.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: :D
19:22.23jayteethat and a good VOIP blog with ad revenue from Polycom and other VOIP vendors whose products you "endorse"
19:22.39jayteelittle bit of work for some passive income
19:22.41CBloI let create them in /var/tmp by the dialplan (extensions.conf). The last extension should move the callfile from /var/tmp to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/, but it doesn't.
19:22.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You know, I SHOULD ask for $$ from Polycom :)
19:22.58CBloIf I move the *.call-Files manually to spool/..., they work fine.
19:23.04CBloWhere should I search for the problem?
19:23.11[TK]D-FenderCBlo: PASTEBIN is your friend
19:23.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:23.19jayteeis it unethical for you to make money from ads on a blog site? I don't think so.
19:23.34[TK]D-FenderCBlo: Show us the code, its execution, the callfile itself, etc
19:23.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Hell no.
19:25.32jayteeif you're writing skills are even half as good as your tech savvy with all things * and VOIP you'd write a killer blog. specially if you had a section for a tip of the week, couple of good most useful howto's and especially a section where you can just rant on any topic.
19:26.09[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: My blog tech tips DO fly around here on a nearly daily basis already :)
19:26.17CBloThere's no need anymore. While copying the code, I found the error: I misspelled the path and haven't seen it for two hours... ;-(
19:26.34[TK]D-FenderCBlo: Don't frown, you've found the answer, and fast.
19:26.46*** part/#asterisk CBlo (
19:27.44jayteeyour reputation from this channel would generate lots of hits and in turn google would generate a ton too.
19:29.18mgromani mean yea, id probably check it at lunch
19:30.13jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:30.25[TK]D-Fender^^^^ didn't come out of thin air you know :)
19:30.26drmessanoI think is taken
19:30.42jayteeso aocomputing is your company website?
19:31.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Personal.  My day-job only uses *.
19:31.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And is in a non-tech field
19:32.33drmessanoHe works for a place that makes penis pumps
19:32.38mgromano noes
19:32.41drmessanoSo this is how he unwinds
19:33.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: that is an insult.... the the highly technical nature of penis pumps!
19:33.05jayteeso you've already got a site, you just need to setup advertising revenue. Linksys, Polycom, whatever else that "doesn't suck!"
19:33.28drmessanoHe's not getting a 10% kickback from Polycom?
19:35.32jayteea buddy of mine's first IT engineering job involved developing a penis monitoring "appliance" and software to track nocturnal erections.
19:35.47drmessanoNo WAY
19:35.51drmessanoHe wrote SemenSentry?
19:35.59drmessanoHA.. I mean.. never heard of it
19:37.28mgromanwhen ztcfg -vvvvvv says "2 channels to configure", what the ?
19:38.15jayteehe then went to work for Jim Davis of the Garfield comic as IT Director. Paws Inc. worked with Industrial Light and Magic, DEC and MIT on one the first 64 bit Unix systems and the software for early CGI animation.
19:38.44mgromanjaytee: how exactly did that first job look on the ol resume?
19:38.52jayteeI never asked
19:40.22jayteehe probably generalized with "worked on development of medical monitoring peripheral equipment and interface software.
19:47.52drmessanoDeveloped cutting edge endpoint monitoring technology for the medical field.
19:47.58drmessanoheh.. endpoint
19:49.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You shouldn't sue the words "cutting edge" and "penis" in the same sentence like that... its threatening.
19:49.43mgromanMay someone point me into the right direction as to why the * box wont pick up any calls ?
19:50.42[TK]D-Fendermgroman: what do you see at verbose 10 in CLI?
19:51.27mgroman[TK]D-Fender: nothing, the box is not picking up the calls
19:52.08[TK]D-Fendermgroman: "zap show channels" <-
19:52.08mgromanit is a good outlet, i was able to call my favorite pizzaria by plugging a phone into the wall outlet
19:53.00mgroman[TK]D-Fender: It says "No such command 'zap show'" --> asterisk v. 1.4.17
19:53.18mgroman`lsmod | grep wct` returns the drivers
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19:53.58[TK]D-Fendermgroman: then you didn't compile * AFTER zaptel to gain zaptel support
19:54.23[TK]D-Fendermgroman: try "module load" and try "zap show channels" again
19:54.59mgroman[TK]D-Fender: ah ok, i got permission denied, this is my first time trying to run * as non-root (using asterisk:asterisk)
19:55.30jbot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at
19:55.32mgroman"unable to open /dev/zap/channel ... ", give asterisk:asterisk ownership of /dev/zap ftw?
19:55.53mgromanah ok
19:56.12TJNIImgroman: Why not try as root to get it working and then deal with permission issues when you know everything else works?
19:56.33TJNIII find debugging easiest when you only have to deal with one variable at a time.
19:57.03mgromanTJNII: true
20:02.34*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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20:06.56aliverI'm looking at an example from a book. Here it is:   exten => _20[0-3],1,Macro(normal|SIP/${EXTEN}|${EXTEN})
20:07.02aliverwhat are the pipes "|" for?
20:07.13aliverdo those separate arguments or do a logical OR?
20:07.24mgromanaliver: args
20:07.37aliverSo, in that case the macro takes three args, correct?
20:07.37drmessanoDelivering water
20:07.39*** join/#asterisk postel (n=jp@wikimedia/Postel)
20:08.07mgromanaliver: yea
20:10.45[TK]D-Fenderaliver: no, *2* args.
20:11.00*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
20:11.04[TK]D-Fenderaliver: And "|" is deprecated as a delimiter.  Use "," instead
20:11.47[TK]D-Fenderaliver: the Macro application is being given 3 args. The MACRO you are calling takes 2.
20:47.46*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
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20:54.55AnonissimusI'll ask again: I'm looking for someone to design an asterisk system that calls numbers from a database in an automated way.
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21:09.28emistAnonissimus, you should ask in the asterisk-biz list
21:09.41emistor look at vicidial
21:10.32TJNIIOr just read the book and do it yourself.
21:10.37TJNIIBecause it is easy.
21:10.48emistyeah, but hes looking for someone else to do it
21:10.59TJNIII know, hence the inherent snark.
21:11.15emistgood luck
21:12.31Anonissimusemist: yeah but no companies in asterisk-biz in belgium
21:12.56emistAnonissimus, why does it have to be in blegium?
21:14.09Anonissimuseasier to get a meeting?
21:14.24Anonissimusjust wanted to point out I looked
21:15.21emistwell, good luck with that, i'm out
21:33.27*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
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22:02.37Johnakabeanhey room. I'm using latest asterisk and it started eating 100 percent of cpu after 4 days of uptime. It SEEMS to work normal but I have verified the usage using "ps -aux" command.
22:06.33florzwhat does top say?
22:07.41Johnakabeantwo asterisk processes, one is using 99 percent
22:09.56*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:10.33florztwo asterisk processes? maybe you should just kill them both and then start a single asterisk instance?
22:11.06florzthis isn't possibly some really old version running on a really old kernel?
22:13.38*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
22:18.29pcranecan anyone give me a hand with a race condition?
22:18.44pcraneI've got a whole pile of agents logged in to queues..
22:19.21pcranewhen I use RemoveQueueMemember and they receive a call at that point, they stay logged in and accept that call
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22:22.27jblackJohnakabean: Sounds to me like you tried to stop asterisk 4 days ago, but it was locked up (probably on a lock), and you ended up restarting it.
22:22.30[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: And if you call it again seconds after teh call is accepted?
22:22.34jblackKill -9 the one that's at 99%
22:22.44pcrane[TK]D-Fender: I believe so
22:22.57jblackJohnakabean: Is this a common thing for you, or is it the first time?
22:23.04[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: what happens?
22:23.27jblackJohnakabean: Oh, btw, if you haven't killed the 99% one, you can strace it to see where it's looping.
22:23.41pcranethe agent hits the logout button, a split second later, they receive a call.
22:23.45jblack(becaue it's not stuck on a lock.. or at least it's a busylock)
22:24.19*** join/#asterisk amessina (
22:24.20[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: No, you are not listening/
22:24.45[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: FINE.  They get THAT call.  While still ON IT, if you were to issue the SAME logout by ANY other means, are they removed?
22:25.17pcraneyes, they're removed from the queue
22:26.46[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: Then when you call for your logout do a system call that will re-issue it on a delay.
22:27.14pcraneso, the idea being that the remove queue member is 'paused'?
22:28.26[TK]D-Fenderpcrane: perhaps.  I'm suggesting a way around it
22:32.09jeevmoving from an opteron 246 which is a single core 2ghz processor to an opteron 270 which is a dual core 2ghz should be sort of a big difference, right ?
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22:35.16jblackI set up a meetme conference for the channel. It can be reached at IAX2/  and SIP/
22:36.07drmessanoNo H323 support?
22:36.48drmessanoI had to say something
22:36.57jblackbah, you troll.
22:37.15jblackThe machine is limited to 200 Gigabytes a month (that's what $20 buys these days), so I limited it to just gsm.
22:37.24amessinajblack, i came late.  what is that meetme conf for?
22:37.35jblackJust for the channel to chat on.
22:37.45amessinaok.  thanks.
22:37.52jeevjblack, where is the server ?
22:38.41jeevi made agreements to people to let me use 200gb for 75 bux/m for 1u space
22:38.43jeevyou pay 20? lol
22:38.50jeevthey wanted to give me 1mbit, i said i want 200gb
22:38.59jeevi'd rather count my transfer than constant traffic.
22:39.18jblackIf they're allowing 1mbit a sec, that's pretty good.
22:39.22*** join/#asterisk hads (
22:39.41jeevyea, pure level3 bandwidth but i'd rather have 200gigs.
22:39.47jeevthat way i could spike and i do spike
22:39.57Qwellbut they're probably measuring 95th percentile..
22:40.16jeevwith 1mbit, 95th.. so i said i want no 95th and 200gb transfer.
22:40.36jblackso plop down $20/mo for a linode.
22:40.47jeevno, that's VPS.. mine is my own box, colo
22:40.52jeevi could get cheaper but i trust mine more
22:40.59jeevit just makes me feel better knowing its MY server.
22:41.16jeevi have 7 colo'd boxes now, everything else is customers and stuff in a cage..then a bunch of dedi's elsewhere
22:41.23jeevand i know that i get lazy with the dedi's and tend to ignore them
22:41.39jblackWhere linode hits ya is cpu time, memory, and io bus.
22:42.09jeevman people sell bandwidth cheap
22:42.18*** join/#asterisk Robba (
22:42.25jeevwhat are your links there?
22:42.35jblackmy links?
22:42.35jeevahh, the planet
22:42.46*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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22:43.31RobbaDoes anyone know what would cause a BRI link to stop responding after 15 secs on a b410p card?
22:43.37*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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22:43.40*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
22:44.31jblackbad russell
22:44.51jblackleaves the conf cause no one else is on
22:45.06*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced_ (
22:45.08jeevi've got a text from someone that i dont want to read.
22:45.26jblack#asterisk: "I love working on phone systems, but I hate actually talking to people"
22:45.39jeevi can't wait to test the back up system on the polycom, the secondary one
22:45.53jeevi set up asterisk on 4 servers on 4 different networks..
22:46.03jeevso i could swap them around.. but i've yet to figure out how i prefer to do it
22:46.09jeevdns with 30second TTL?
22:46.56pcranejblack: I 100% agree with that quote
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22:52.21jblackjeev: 1 did per each machine, and set the provider up with rollover for each did ?
22:52.29jblackThen, with dundi between the four servers, route the calls.
22:53.00jblackwonders if one can drbd a drbd, to make a 4 way filesystem
22:54.04jeevi meant, lets say routing dies to 1, the phone has the ab ility to go to the second server..
22:54.18jblackThe phone? Polycoms can register and use two servers at least.
22:54.21jeevnow i dunno what to do, primary server, should maybe be the main dns, then if anything happens, i change the ip
22:54.36jeevi dont want to do anything like dundi
22:54.36amessinajblack, any special config needed to access your conference? ,Dial(IAX2/,20)
22:54.39jblackIts from the provider where things get tricky, and I told you how to do it. :)
22:54.40drmessanoYou can use SRV records
22:54.42drmessanoand weight them
22:54.44jeevi dont know much about them but i know that i dont want to split things up unless if i have to
22:54.58jblackamessina: That should do it, possibly without the guest@
22:55.10jeevjblack, yea.. i know i'd have to do the routing thing
22:55.13jeevi've got to think about it
22:55.32jeevreg.1.server.1.address=primary server and then reg.1.server.2.address=secondary
22:55.35jeevi guess i wont bother with DNS
22:55.38jeevincase if it's a major failure
22:55.46jblackLet me know if it can handle .3. and .4.
22:55.52amessinajblack: "no authority found"
22:55.53jeevit can't, not the 330.
22:56.00jblackDid you take out the guest@ ?
22:56.07jeev4-40 in the config
22:56.11jeevi mean admin guide
22:56.22amessinadrmessano, yes?
22:57.07amessinajblack, yes.  i get the "i don't know how to authenticate" message
22:57.49jblackOk, try guest now.
22:58.18jblackYou just joined, no?
22:58.20amessinait works, but i have no mic.
22:58.31jblackahh, ok. thanks for the test, then
22:58.37amessinai was just testing it.  but now it works.
22:58.37jblacknobody is there but me.
22:58.38Johnakabeanhey black thanks for your response earlier. it was actually asterisk leaving php open after it ran a script
22:58.44amessinawill you be keeping this conference up.
22:59.00jblackI don't have any plans on taking it down.
22:59.26amessinanice.  i just didn't know if it was temporary.  what will be the focus of this never ending conference?
22:59.34jblackit's iax and sip, w/ gsm. With GSM, each caller is 8KB/sec
22:59.35Johnakabeanthat would be a nice idea to make a conference for this room
22:59.37jblackbrb. emergency
22:59.56Johnakabeanso everyone could use both texting and voice
22:59.56russellbglares at his cat
23:00.27Johnakabeanirc goes voice chat?? :-)
23:01.47lesouvageamessina: you can ask questions and there are some great guys that mostly answer them and help you very politely. Just an advice: prepare before asking and be specific.
23:03.34lesouvageJohnakabean: there actually is an asterisk phone conference once in a while that can be joined by everybody interested.
23:03.42*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
23:04.04amessinalesouvage: that's what i was thinking.  i'm not sure how much jblack described before i joined the channel
23:04.46*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:05.11Johnakabeanles, i was talking about making a permanent public one in addition to that private one
23:06.10lesouvageIf there is one group of people that should be able to set that up its the people in this channel.
23:07.12*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
23:08.39jblackback. One eyeball, freshly washed.
23:10.14Robbaok what did i miss?
23:16.34TJNIINothing like the sounds of an empty conference....
23:16.41jblackAww. someone joined the conference and I wasn't there.
23:16.48jblackI'm there now.
23:19.20jblackwoot. three people.
23:38.24amessinais away: Gone away for now.
23:48.33*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
23:51.25[intra]lanmana public conference is a great idea.... freeswitch has had one up for a couple of years now and it's a great help for some
23:53.14[intra]lanmanyou could also interface the conference to the channel bot so that it makes announcements into the conf when people join/leave the channel, etc
23:55.04[intra]lanmanjust a couple of ideas.... not that i expect to see the asterisk guys copy all of the freeswitch ideas ;-)
23:55.20drmessanoNaah, it's usually the other way around..
23:55.58[intra]lanmanhaha, drmessano's a funny guy

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