IRC log for #asterisk on 20080822

00:02.38nnY_2crap crap
00:02.52nnY_2wtf is wrong with this phone. Not registering, but has the appropriate info
00:03.14nnY_2i would just chalk it up to being broken, but that's  strange state to be broken
00:03.23*** part/#asterisk astassistant (
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00:12.43nnY_2hmm sip info has a bunch of messages with Unknown Caller.. over and over.. ok maybe thats part of it
00:15.04*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6da63567fb90e7fb)
00:17.42nnY_2er nm thats just asterisk querying OPTIONS
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00:22.50jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
00:26.29nnY_2drmessano no aastra
00:26.40nnY_2drmessano I honestly think the phone is just broken some how
00:27.05C4awaywhat's wrong with the aastra?
00:27.12C4awayaastras are the best, they never break
00:27.16C4awayit must be your configuration
00:27.20nnY_2it worked up until today for months, and now it won't register. I have restored the factory defaults, reprovisioned it, sacrificed many many animals
00:27.24drmessanoNo polycoms are
00:27.28nnY_2for one, it just stopped working
00:27.31C4awayoh yea
00:27.32jbotA polycommunist is someone who believes Polycom phones can do no wrong.. that Polycom's are so over and above anything else, that what you are using is surely crap, and the mere fact you mention another brand name is of great insult to the channel, the community, and the world.  They may also be getting a 10% kickback.
00:27.37C4awaysorry, it's probably the phone
00:27.46C4awayi've nearly RMAd a few aaastrtas
00:27.47nnY_2i have a new one en route for tomorrow am
00:27.49bkw_C4away: Aastra has bugs.
00:27.52C4awaylet me try that again
00:27.54nnY_2yeah i stopped using them
00:28.06nnY_2using snom m3 for cordless for now
00:28.09bkw_I found two bugs with Aastra phones with in 4 min of taking it out of the box
00:28.20nnY_2yeah the old firmware use to crash when you pressed the left arrow ><
00:28.22C4awaybkw_: I know, I was turning the poly retorhic against them
00:28.46nnY_2yeah i won't buy them anymore, that's for certain
00:28.55nnY_2i had to rma the handsets already for stupid reasons too
00:28.58*** join/#asterisk axisys (
00:28.59C4awayhahaha, I have discovered sarcasm and satire ... I call it stcarcasm
00:29.16C4awaythere we go
00:29.21nnY_2i would have said sartire :)
00:29.31C4awaytook me a second, but I got it
00:30.09nnY_2at this point i just want to know what is actually not working
00:30.20nnY_2i have the phone syslogging to the server, but the output is useless
00:30.25nnY_2i get this from sip debugging
00:30.49C4awaybtw bkw_ wtf you doin here? got your fishing nets out or something?
00:31.50bkw_C4away: haha
00:32.18bkw_C4away: what poly retorhic?
00:32.32C4awaypolycoms are the best, never blame the phone, nothing is superior
00:32.51bkw_no my list goes Snom, Polycom everything else is pure crap
00:33.04bkw_snom is high on my list because they support ipv6
00:33.18*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
00:33.25C4awaymy list starts with "crap" and goes to "absolutely abysmal shit"
00:33.39C4awaythe phones are pretty evenly spaced out in there
00:34.07C4awayat the present moment I have rated the grandstream gxp2000 highest on the list
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00:34.23C4awayevery once in a while I throw the names back in the hat and mix them up a bit
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00:34.39bkw_C4away: the shit list?
00:34.47C4away"oh wow, this week pingtel phones are the highest rated? interesting"
00:34.55bkw_because every single grandstream product is pure shit
00:35.03bkw_they work mostly
00:35.07bkw_but they dont' live up to my stnadards
00:35.15C4awayah, poly is on the shit list because of their crap user interface
00:35.28bkw_you don't config poly from the user interface for starters
00:35.34C4awaygrandstream because I have found more bugs than features ... and that's bad because they have a list of features the size of my head
00:35.42bkw_I found 39 bugs in one day
00:35.47bkw_I just got pissed and set it to the side
00:35.48C4awayI mean DTMF keys, message button, programmable buttons ... etc
00:35.58C4awayUSER interface, not web interface
00:36.07C4awayand yes, our polys are always configured by FTP
00:36.09*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
00:36.31nnY_2linksys is what i use now
00:36.50C4awayciscos because they sound like crap unless you use sccp/skinny/mgcp/etc
00:37.11C4awayyea, we support sip, but what you really need is our call manager
00:37.19bkw_linkshit is what I call them
00:37.22nnY_2yeah i have a cisco at the office along with grandstream, poly, snom and a linksys 962 and it sucks the most
00:37.29bkw_or stinksys
00:37.40nnY_2hmm i don't have any problems with them
00:37.42C4awaylinksys because they are crappy ciscos or souped-up SPAs
00:37.50C4awaySPA because they are crap
00:38.02C4awayand see linksys
00:38.22Alton2Ciscos and some others are a pain when you lose the settings.  At least you can reset the cheaper  phones and get them going.
00:38.27Alton2What use is a super phone set to the side?
00:38.31C4awayaastra because they are buggy and have features in the admin interface that are there, but just don't work
00:39.12bkw_I love the aastra dtmf bug
00:39.18C4awaywhich is this?
00:40.00bkw_it fucks up and sends a 4 min duration for an rfc2833 button press
00:40.00bkw_nice bug
00:40.00C4awayI found one
00:40.02*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
00:40.29C4awaydifferent sip accounts per line indicator, you make/receive a call on let's say L4, then a call comes in on L1, you bridge them together with the "conf" button, the green light follows from L4 to L1, guess what, you have to reset to get L1 not to be L4 anymore
00:40.42C4awayL1 inherrits the settings for the L4 button if you bridge them together
00:41.18bkw_how does that shit make it past QA?
00:41.19C4awaybut only if the green light hits that button and they are bridged there ... if you put L4 on hold, then go to L1 and then bridge L1 to L4, instead of the other way around, you don't have the problem because they are bridged on L4 and the green light stays there
00:41.22bkw_I guess i'm just too damn picky
00:41.33C4awayI am too, those things piss me off
00:41.42C4awaywhich is why I say every manufacturer is on the shit list
00:41.46nnY_2which phone is that?
00:41.55nnY_2ha nice
00:41.58C4awayI will be testing on the 9133i shortly
00:42.02nnY_2yeah i no longer use aastra
00:42.09C4awayI"m moving to only aastra
00:42.30C4awaythey are all shit, might as well pick one and dive in
00:42.37nnY_2that is the absolute truth
00:42.43C4awayat least then I know one set of bugs to deal with
00:44.46C4awaywell I do need to go, like 40 minutes ago
00:44.57C4awayI shall be back later, I assure you all of this fact
00:56.34*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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01:03.21DovidManxPower: When updating the kernel can I rebuild zaptel b4 the reboot or after ?
01:04.54Dovidrather can I rebuild it b4 rebooting the box ?
01:05.37[TK]D-FenderDovid: after
01:05.50Alton2what's the reason for that?
01:07.10iewebguyHello, I have this same problem (again) with a new asterisk install ....  Can't make "local" calls on a brand new PRI
01:07.29Alton2how many digits are you dialing?
01:09.30Alton2Happy to help!  :-)
01:10.18Alton2sometimes that's an option that you need to have the carrier offer, that's the case with our carrier anyway
01:10.28Alton2just dial 10 digits, costs the same.
01:12.55iewebguyit rejects 10 digits with a recording. (you do not need to dial the AC or 1 when calling this number)
01:14.09iewebguymy frustration is that I had this problem last year and I can't recall the solution
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01:14.43Alton2trying to think, although we haven't had this problem
01:15.33Alton2I wonder if it's something odd, like you're not providing proper caller id or the dtmf isn't quite right.
01:16.25iewebguyI have the old asterisk 1.2 system working and copied all the setup over
01:16.47Alton2check everything related, mostly codec used and dtmf type
01:16.54*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:19.07[TK]D-Fenderiewebguy: "prilocaldialplan=national" + "pridialplan=national" -> zapata.conf
01:19.24iewebguytried that.
01:19.31iewebguytried all the choices
01:19.47Alton2isn't switch type listed somewhere?  N1-A or something, can't remember
01:20.09Alton2looking here
01:20.49Alton2in zapata.conf, switchtype = national
01:22.19iewebguyI have it set to national
01:22.25iewebguysame as old system.
01:23.35Alton2signalling= setting?
01:23.37jayteenational or NI1 should work. I've also seen NI2 but I'm not sure if * will recognize that
01:24.10jayteepri_cpe on the * side usually
01:24.13Alton2Is this the same hardware you used before, when it worked?  Just curious.
01:24.53iewebguysame card from same company. but new firmware sangoma 101D I think it is
01:25.28Alton2I wouldn't know if that might be relevant, but someone else might.
01:25.38JTnational in zapata == NI2
01:26.25jayteethat's what I thought too
01:27.56ManxPowerSo it also rejects it for 7-digit calls?
01:28.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: No!  pridialplan=unknown
01:29.03iewebguy7 digit calls yup
01:29.11ManxPoweror leave it out.  That's sort of why in zapata.conf.sample the commends for pridialplan= and prilocaldialplan= says "you almost never need to set this"
01:29.32iewebguyI left them out. - no work
01:29.44iewebguyI tried unknown
01:29.48iewebguyno work
01:29.52ManxPoweriewebguy: and you either stopped and started asterisk (not reload) or unload/load ?
01:30.17iewebguyya I stop asterisk
01:30.30ManxPoweriewebguy: call your carrier 8-)
01:30.32iewebguyhow do I unload chan_zap?
01:31.54drmessanoIE Web Guy?
01:32.23iewebguyWe have "joe's" telecom here :(
01:32.28iewebguy802 496
01:32.55ManxPoweriewebguy: Asterisk can't change the settings on the telco side of the PRI so maybe you should call them?
01:33.36iewebguymy OLD asterisk install 1.2 works like a charm (except for 2% dropped calls)
01:34.07ManxPowerwhat version of 1.4 are you using?
01:35.00drmessanoWhere the hell is RC1?
01:35.33drmessanoI was promised a RC1 last week by Russell
01:35.42drmessanoHe said he demanded an RC1
01:35.48drmessanoThat it WOULD be done
01:35.58drmessanoDid you guys fall asleep on the job?
01:36.02QwellIt was done.
01:36.06Qwellyou missed it
01:36.42drmessanoUsing Digium numbering again?
01:36.49drmessanoSlip of the tongue
01:36.55*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:36.55drmessanoFonality numbering
01:36.59drmessanoBeta9 = RC1
01:37.05drmessanoBeta16 = RC2
01:37.13iewebguythe latest 1.4  downloaded about 4 days back
01:37.35drmessanoum, 1.6 dood
01:37.54drmessanoRussell told me RC1 would be out
01:38.03ManxPoweriewebguy: Some questions have an option of a vague answer.  However, "what version you are using" is *not* one of them.
01:38.05Qwellit won't be
01:38.06drmessanohe said it was a drop dead daete
01:38.16drmessanoIt wont be?
01:38.18drmessanoWhy is that?
01:38.33drmessanoSo where is RC3?
01:38.50ManxPowerJust release it so people can start finding bugs. 8-|
01:39.18drmessanoRC3 is in SVN?
01:39.18QwellManxPower: it's ready to go..  nobody has hit the big red button though
01:39.29ManxPowerQwell: Ah.  Pussies.
01:39.45drmessanoI'm calling shenanigans
01:40.42drmessanoUntil RC1 is out, I am going to swear up and down it hasn't been released due to the last minute inclusion of someone module used to do nasty things to users
01:41.02drmessanoYes, indeed
01:41.12ManxPowerQwell: But I understand what you mean.  In a meeting today the new (like his first week) IT manager at my largest customer.  He asked what needs to be done to upgrade the OS on their web server.  I said I would not touch it and the other two people in the room also flat out said "I'm not touching that".
01:41.30iewebguyOk it looks like the final answer is:  pridialplan=local  prilocaldialplan=local
01:41.43iewebguythanks for all of your ideas!
01:41.47ManxPoweriewebguy: and you can dial toll calls?
01:41.50drmessanoRC1 is going to contain the codename garrykerrison module that makes your PBX post lies on forums
01:41.58ManxPowerbecause usually with a local dialplan you can't dial toll calls
01:42.07iewebguyyes, LD worked since the start
01:42.21iewebguyI can still make LD calls
01:42.40iewebguymy telco is in the dark ages.
01:47.03iewebguyI think they got the switch they use on ebay ;)
01:47.51*** join/#asterisk M-I-A (
01:48.37*** join/#asterisk irieKen (
01:50.27jayteeso when I move from 1.4 to 1.6 I'll have to DAHDI all my ZAP stuff and probably DIDDLE a bunch of other shit too I imagine.
01:50.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:51.09jayteePowerNaps are good :-)
01:51.22drmessanojaytee: 1.6 is months away
01:51.26drmessanojaytee: Maybe years
01:51.51jayteedrmessano, so is a stable LTS version of Ubuntu :-)
01:52.58jayteeI was at the book store tonight and saw a current issue of Linux + magazine that had an Ubuntu 7.10 CD in it. I went WTF?
01:54.09drmessanoI woke up this morning, no 1.6 RC1 again
01:54.12drmessanoI was all like
01:54.26irieKendoes anyone know how to make Asterisk save settings to flash (commit current config files that are in the ramdisk to flash)?
01:54.53drmessanoSave settings?
01:55.00drmessanoThey're config files on the file system
01:55.01lowtekcp /dev/ramfs /dev/flash
01:55.04lowtekor whatever
01:55.05drmessanoyeah lol
01:55.15irieKendrmessano: I have an AA50, so it's all in ramfs.
01:55.22irieKenlowtek: let me take a look:D
01:55.59jayteeI much prefer the AA70 because it has the built in expresso maker and microwave
01:56.16irieKenlowtek: Hmm, no /dev/flash.
01:56.42jayteecan you SCP them to another box?
01:56.49lowtekOr from wherever the files are ...
01:57.12irieKenjaytee: No SCP on the AA50, as far as I know, but I can FTP (it crashes the AA50 half the time though).
01:57.32irieKenlowtek: I can't seem to figure out where the flash mountpoint would be.
01:57.35jayteecan you ssh into it? if so, try using FileZilla from another system
01:57.55jayteeirieKen, what about /media?
01:58.20lowtekOr just use rsync
01:58.31irieKenjaytee: nope, no /media
01:59.01jayteesounds like a totally worthless crappy appliance then
01:59.56jayteeI looked at it on Digium's site and thought, hmmmm, wonder if Toys 'R Us carries those?
02:00.13irieKenHonestly, all I want to do is find a way to set the gain levels, and not have the device wipe them out when it gets rebooted.
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02:00.44irieKenI set rxgain in fxotune.conf, and it seems to have held... but it isn't applying them on reboot.
02:01.04jayteeis fxotune running at startup?
02:01.37irieKenshouldn't it be?
02:02.22philippelquestion, I call background() in a macro, but explicitly set the macro's context. If I only have single digit extensions as options for the background command, it works. If I have multiple digit options, it fails and dies. I do NOT have the 'm' option set (which seems to not make a difference in this scenario. Is this known or expected behavior or a potential bug?
02:03.04irieKenWhere is gain traditionally set?
02:03.13lowtekphilippel: error 99
02:03.21jayteewhat distro does the AA50 run? Rpath?
02:03.26lowtekpastbin yer code dude
02:04.06philippellowtek I think I got rid of it already (and did it a different way) let me check
02:04.48irieKenjaytee: No idea. What's the command to find out?:D
02:04.59*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=xbmodder@atarack/staff/sargun)
02:05.22lowtekRight now FireFox 3 is using 30% of my CPU with no plugins sitting on
02:05.24jayteeuname -r
02:05.42irieKenlowtek: Are you running a pentium II 200?
02:06.05lowtekirieKen: No, Quad Core Extreme Edition oc'd to 4GHz
02:06.14lowtekFF is bugged
02:06.33philippellowlevel I did get rid of it - but back to the question (before I report a bug) shoudl the background application work with multi-digit options in a macro, when the macro-context is set and the 'm' option is NOT present, or not? Then I can create an example failing applicaion to put in a bug if it shoudl work
02:06.49irieKenjaytee: It doesn't give a distro name... Just says linux:S
02:06.50philippelit's just not clear - given the know problems with background in macros to begin with
02:07.36lowtekI have no idea since I haven't seen your code and no clue what version of asterisk your running but I don't know of such issues ...
02:08.12philippellowtek if you don't know of the issues with background and macro, then don't worry - they are well known (the issues)
02:08.54lowtekWhat version of asterisk?
02:09.26*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
02:09.29philippel1.4.20.1 - but the issue is present in 1.2 I believe (the background + macro if you don't specify a context)
02:10.44irieKenAnyone know how I can change what the current gain level is set to on a channel in Asterisk?
02:10.52[TK]D-Fenderdo NOT try to make IVR's in macros
02:10.59irieKen*how I can tell what the current gain level is
02:11.31[TK]D-FenderirieKen: There is no "gain" except on a zaptel channel, and thats fixed
02:11.31iewebguyin zapata.conf
02:12.06iewebguywhat do you mean fixed?
02:12.10philippel[TK]D-Fender I am aware, none the less I'm trying to determine if the issue is a bug
02:12.20jayteeirieKen, sorry, to find out the distro it's running type cat /etc/*-release
02:12.21[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Which issue?
02:12.34irieKen[TK]D-Fender: I can change the hwgain via "zap set hwgain rx ..." . I just want to know if there is a way to check what it is currently set to:)
02:12.51philippelI put background() in a macro, explicititly set the context to that macro, and explicitly did NOT have 'm' option set
02:12.56*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=bkw_@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
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02:13.01philippelhowever, only single digit options worked
02:13.15[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: pastebin it
02:13.18philippelif I tried to do more than one digit options, ithe channel just died
02:13.19irieKenjaytee: /etc/*-release doesn't exist:S
02:13.21vonkleistcould somebody helpme with this?
02:13.24vonkleistzap show statusDescription                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC4   Fra Codi Options  LBOWildcard TE121 Card 0                    RED/NOP 1      0      0      CAS HDB3 CRC4/YEL 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1           OK      0      0      0      CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 2           OK      0      0      0      CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX
02:13.38philippel[TK]D-Fender I don't have it any longer, so the question is this:
02:13.41vonkleistwhat does that alarms mean on the TE121 Card?
02:13.56jayteeirieKen, that's odd.
02:14.08philippelif it is suppose to work, I can make a dialplan that reproduces it so I can fiel a bug, but if it is not suppose to work, then no bother other than the help menu should be clarified
02:14.24jayteeevery REAL linux distro supports the cat /etc/*-release to show distro info
02:14.48jayteebut this is an appliance so Digium probably stripped everything that wasn't crucial out of it.
02:15.12*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
02:15.30jayteevonkleist, pastebin your stuff, don't paste it in here
02:15.39vonkleistsorry, jaytee
02:15.53irieKenjaytee: Digium has done some odd things with it, and didn't bother to provide documentation:S
02:15.55jayteeit isn't really readable in here and you flood the channel
02:16.28jayteeirieKen, there is a user guide for the AA50 but it isn't very useful
02:16.34vonkleistcan somebody help me with it?
02:17.35jayteevonkleist, is this a new setup or was it working before?
02:17.45vonkleistnew setup
02:18.54vonkleistwe've a MFC/R2 on the other side
02:19.54jayteethe output indicates the TE121 card is having problems with interrupts. I'd call Digium's tech support.
02:21.10vonkleistis it because of the red alarm?
02:21.20jayteevonkleist, one thing to try is to check what interrupt it's set to and make sure it's not sharing it.
02:21.35vonkleistlet me check
02:23.23vonkleistit seem's it's shared with uhci_hcd and wctdm
02:24.22jayteevonkleist, check to see if you can change the assignment in your system's BIOS setup
02:24.47vonkleistremote machine...
02:24.50vonkleistthat's baaad
02:25.05jayteehow remote?
02:25.15vonkleistso remote
02:25.52jayteewas it tested before it was deployed or did someone set it up there and install the card?
02:26.04vonkleistNo, it wasn't tested before
02:26.22jayteevonkleist, what can I say? sucks to be you
02:27.35jayteeI'd still give Digium a call if I were in your shoes. They can verify your configuration and might have a workaround
02:28.30vonkleistwill try that
02:28.33vonkleistthank you
02:31.26jayteedamn!! I got chips and salsa take-out from Chili's and forgot to pick up some Tums earlier. bbiab
02:31.58jblackMilk can make for a standby.
02:32.32jayteemilk? what's that?
02:32.36*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
02:33.07jayteeoh, wait! that's that stuff that the Half and Half I put in my coffee is partly made of :-)
02:33.43jayteethis old carcass needs the extra strength shit to put the flames out. milk wouldn't even dent my heartburn
02:33.53jayteebut thanks for the suggestion
02:34.00jeevheart burn is for losers
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02:52.25vonkleisthey, jaytee
02:52.34jayteevonkleist, yeah?
02:52.36vonkleistI unloaded the conflicting modules and see:
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02:55.51vonkleistdoes it look the same?
02:55.56jayteevonkleist, yes
02:56.24drmessano1.6 is such a ripoff
02:56.25jayteevonkleist, did you restart zaptel ?
02:56.30drmessanoSame friggin GUI
02:56.42jayteevonkleist, do it
02:56.56drmessano1.0 --> 1.2 --> 1.4 --> 1.6 <--- SAME GUI
02:57.08jayteeand the GUI sucks
02:57.26vonkleistok, let me try
02:57.31drmessanoApparently someone at Digium loves MS-DOS
02:57.34drmessanoSame samn UI
02:57.36jayteeI want a gui that will let me add sip accounts and extensions and leave the damn extensions.conf alone
02:58.19jayteebut everything I've seen overwrites extensions.conf, sip.conf etc. after each reboot
02:58.45Alton2drink a little baking soda in water to kill the acid
02:58.49Alton2works for me
02:59.00jayteeI bought Tums already so lets move on
02:59.12Alton2suit yourself
02:59.20*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
02:59.33jayteebut thanks for the idea. if I'm ever out again I'll try it
03:01.31vonkleistjaytee, I unloaded zaptel
03:01.33vonkleistnow what?
03:02.19jayteereload it then reload asterisk and do zap show status again
03:02.30jayteeand look for errors when reload zaptel
03:02.54vonkleistzttool still shows a red alarm on the te121
03:03.19jayteesomething is amiss in your config then
03:04.23jayteeand since it appears you're using E1 BRI I'm not gonna be any help in that area.
03:04.51jayteesince it's a remote site you can't even verify cabling issues.
03:05.13JTE1 BRI?
03:05.13vonkleistyeah, that's right...
03:06.11vonkleistTomorroy I'll make somebody go there and check if there's still any cable connected to the asterisk box
03:06.36JTjaytee: no such thing as an E1 BRI
03:06.56jayteeJT, ok, just E1 then
03:07.43jayteeI don't mess with E1's since I'm in the US
03:08.07JThe mentioned something about MFC/R2, so not sure if it's E1 PRI or E1 MFC/R2
03:08.16JTsucks to be stuck in a country using E1 MFC/R2
03:08.32vonkleistJT, it's MFC/R2, as long as I know
03:09.40JTvonkleist: are you using chan_unicall?
03:10.10vonkleistthat was the first thing we tried
03:10.20vonkleistWe found a page about that and tried it
03:10.39vonkleistlater we saw that it (the page) was writen 2 years ago
03:11.06vonkleistisn't there any universal meaning for a red alarm?
03:11.59jayteered alarm could indicate many critical condition. lost of clock timing, frame slips exceeding threshold setting etc.
03:12.00JTno signal
03:12.13JTmake sure your cable is correct
03:12.24jayteeJT, it's a remote site
03:12.40JTwell it's a red alarm, someone will need to go plug it in
03:12.43JTor check it
03:13.37*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
03:14.04vonkleistthe telco provider put the cable there, but well... I wouldn't swear that cable is still connected...
03:14.42jayteeif the cable is unplugged or the wrong type of cable it would red alarm
03:15.17vonkleistcould we say that it's the most common cause of red alarms?
03:15.47jayteeusually yeah, or something screwed up in the provisioning at the telco's end that they'll never admit to
03:16.15vonkleistok... there's so many work to do there, then...
03:17.04jayteethat's why I love having a dual port T1/E1 card. I can set the signalling on one span to be PRI_NET and use a crossover cable to test the card vs. the telco's circuit.
03:21.14vonkleistwell guys... you've been a GREAT HELP for me... thank you very much...
03:21.41jayteedon't see how but you're welcome anyways and good luck with it
03:22.01jayteevonkleist, where you at if you don't mind me asking?
03:22.17vonkleistmexico... :S
03:22.32jayteeah, cool
03:22.34vonkleistwith a big and monopolic telco...
03:23.06vonkleistusing mfc r2
03:23.57jayteeI live in Indianapolis and my neighborhood is predominately hispanic
03:24.24vonkleistindianapolis?? really?
03:25.06jayteelots of good taquerias around and I can get real Coca-Cola with cane sugar at the supermercado instead of the regular US Coca-Cola with high fructose corn syrup.
03:25.25jayteefamily across the hall from me is from mexico
03:25.54jayteelotta illegals here but most of us don't care. "illegal" is a stupid concept anyways.
03:26.22vonkleistmainly if they apply it to human beings, don't you think?
03:26.43moyvonkleist: if you have red alarm or yellow alarm it has nothing to do with R2 .... is this Telmex?
03:26.56vonkleistmoy, you're right...
03:27.11vonkleistare u the same moy that wrote *that* article??
03:27.22*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
03:27.40moyhum, don't know what article you mean? I wrote some stuff about R2, but not sure if it's the same you are referring to
03:27.49vonkleistI think so
03:27.57vonkleistI think I saw it on zarzamora
03:28.20jayteedunno if you have looked at that or if it would help you any
03:29.36*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
03:29.40moyvonkleist: nope, the zarzamora article was written by other guy ... I wrote an R2 troubleshooting PDF, nothing on installation properly
03:29.46vonkleistjaytee, thanks... that's one of the articles we folllowed, with no luck
03:29.51vonkleistah, got it
03:30.05vonkleistdo you think that the red alarm could something more physical?
03:30.43moydefinitely, like having the connections wrong, some ppl put the balun connections backwards :P
03:30.44vonkleistmoy, this is telmex, indeed
03:31.10vonkleistdidn't got it...
03:31.11*** join/#asterisk dmz (n=dmz@
03:31.14vonkleistbalun connections?
03:31.44moyhow are you connecting the E1? you know what a balun is?
03:32.16vonkleistI declare myself ignorant on this issue
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03:32.46vonkleistit seems telmex left an alcatel demux with a 20ohms output
03:32.51jayteevonkleist, it's basically a passive transformer for impedance matching between balanced and unbalanced circuits
03:33.30moyas jaytee said, telmex usually leaves you a pair of coaxial connectors
03:33.32vonkleistI mean... got it, but don't know how this rf45 connector can be put backwards
03:33.36moywhich you connect to the balun
03:33.46moyand then from the balun to the E1 card via Rj45
03:34.10vonkleistok, let me check with the guy that was there when they connected it
03:34.29moydo you have access right now to the E1?
03:34.50jayteemoy, his system is at a remote location
03:34.53vonkleistmoy, no it's far way from here
03:35.04vonkleistfar away, I mean
03:35.32vonkleistBut we only told telmex where to connect the rf45 connector
03:36.20moyI see, well, I believe they connected the wrong cable, all Telmex installations (or Axtel, Maxcomm whatever), have 2 coaxial connectors (rx and tx) where you should plug the balun, on the other side of the balun there is a rj45 connection that should go to the E1
03:37.37moyso, that's most likely your issue, wrong connections ... if you ever one to try MFC/R2 in chan_zap btw, you can go here
03:38.40vonkleistmoy, shouldn't we HAVE TO go with mfc/r2?
03:39.49vonkleistI mean... we have a MFC R2, so I think that's anyway the way to go... isn't it?
03:40.19moythere is 2 ways of using MFC/R2 in Asterisk (that I know of), it's using Unicall or OpenR2
03:40.30vonkleistis unicall still alive?
03:40.43moywith Unicall you install chan_unicall, with OpenR2 you use chan_zap
03:40.50*** part/#asterisk lowlevel (
03:40.53moyyes, unicall as a framework is alive
03:41.05vonkleistI think we already compiled with libopenr2
03:41.36moyand I give occasional maintenance to chan_unicall driver, but I spend most of my time now developing the libopenr2 implementation
03:42.23vonkleistconfirmed... we compiled using libopenr2
03:42.38jblackAnybody know of any public conferences?
03:42.47jblackchat lines, so to speak?
03:42.59moyah ok, nice :) ... lemme know if you have any problems with it, I want to squeeze out all bugs ASAP
03:43.47vonkleistwell, yes... zap channel status shows a horrible red alarm and...
03:44.11drmessanojblack: Doesnt sipphone/gizmo5 have a few?
03:44.38moyoh well, but that is not a bug :) ... but user error, or sounds like it anyway
03:44.55jblackIt's been broken for years, and unused. They play loud jungle sounds on them.
03:46.14jblackI'm always mildly surprised we don't hae one for this channel.
03:47.00*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
03:47.49[T]anki am used to dialing using IAX2 and I think the syntax should be different for sip. here is what I am trying to do:
03:48.16[T]ankexten => _NXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}||)
03:48.56drmessanojblack: Not possible.. everyone in here has a broken system
03:49.05jblackNot the regulars.
03:50.08*** join/#asterisk blepsoaf (
03:50.35jblackYour system works. Mine works. TK's works. I'm sure most do.
03:50.46jblackYour system does work, no?
03:50.47jayteemy system works
03:51.27jayteeI could VPN into work and pull CDR data to tell you how many calls it handled today
03:51.32jayteebut I'm lazy
03:51.37jayteeand it's bedtime
03:51.39Maliutamy system works
03:51.53jblack[T]ank: Asterisk doesn't define the format of the sip url.
03:52.09jayteeif I want a broken system I'll just add asterisk-gui
03:52.21jayteeor if I want to totally hose it up, freepbx
03:53.00jblackI haven't heard a human voice over the ate of 14 in  3 days. Unless you count the ex, who Im' not sure is human.
03:53.25jayteeI detect bitterness
03:53.40jblackNo. I have nothing but respect for that slut.
03:53.55jayteeit's time to forgive and move on, just forget the bitch
03:54.11[T]ankjblack: trying to find the right syntax however...
03:54.16mchoujblack: give 'kate' a try
03:54.31jblackjaytee: Not a choice. My daughter is a blood relation to the demon
03:54.39jblackmchou: You showed me that last night.
03:54.41jayteeI've managed to get my emotional baggage down to the size of a small carryon but when we first split I was hauling the equivalent of a full set of Tourister luggage.
03:54.53mchoujblack: haha, ok
03:55.06jblackIt's cool.
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03:55.24*** join/#asterisk vonkleist (n=gcontrer@
03:55.26jblackwonders how many concurrent calls fits into 300 gigabytes.
03:56.55vonkleistmoy, uh oh...
03:56.55jblackredoes the math
03:57.04vonkleistIt seems somebody did something nasty
03:57.16vonkleisttake a look to what we found when we got there
03:57.37jayteeWTF? a coaxial loopback?
03:57.52moyhaha, that's funny
03:57.54vonkleistthat's the way the telco left this
03:58.29vonkleistthe guy that went to work with the * box got out the loop cable and left the coaxial cables alone
03:59.05vonkleistchanged the rj45 cable to the 120ohms port
03:59.28jblackThat's more like it. 82KB a sec... figure 128kbit for ulaw (64 each dir), that works about to 5 concurrent calls.
04:00.03moythat could make more sense, if you see, there is a G703 line covering both the coaxials and the rj45 with 120ohm port
04:00.27vonkleistok, so connecting to that rj45 port is good?
04:00.31moyI don't know what the other port is for, but eth sounds like screaming, ethernet here, not E1
04:00.43vonkleistbut still...
04:00.48vonkleistwhat about the coaxial cables???
04:01.01*** join/#asterisk [T]an2 (
04:01.03vonkleistright now they are unterminated...
04:01.16vonkleistthe connectors are connected to nothing
04:01.30moyregarding the 120 ohm rj35 port, I don't know ... I'd connect the coaxials to the balun (that you need to buy) and from the balun to the card connect the rj45 cable
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04:02.00moythose 2 coaxials need to go to the balun (I believe is 120 to 75 ohms)
04:02.20moyand in the other side of the balun there's a rj45 port, connect the cable there to the card
04:02.44vonkleistso, what should we do with the 120ohm port?
04:02.59JTwhy would you need to get a balun?
04:03.01moyI believe that's the one
04:03.04JTsimply unplug the coax
04:03.20JTplug a patch cable unto the 120Ohm socket, and connect the other end to your digium card
04:03.38JTif that doesn't work, try an E1 crossover cable instead of normal patch cable
04:03.46JTif neither works, get a balun
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04:03.59moyJT, I never connected directly, so I did not want to advice on something I had never used :P
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04:04.16jayteeare the pinouts for an E1 RJ45 the same as a T1?
04:04.18vonkleistJT, right now, the coax connectors are connected to nothing
04:04.24JTmoy: it's cheaper to test my theory first
04:04.42JTvonkleist: if you don't have the modem hooked to anything, leave the coax plugged in
04:04.44vonkleistand the cat5 cable is connected from the 120ohm port to the digium card
04:04.50JTotherwise they telco may turn down the link
04:04.55JTdue to alarms on their NMS
04:05.08JTyou have cat5 hooked up?
04:05.10JTthat's ok
04:05.13JTstill red alarm?
04:05.36vonkleistyes, I have it hooked up
04:05.38vonkleiststill red alarm
04:05.48JTgo back to loopback while you get/make a E1 crossover cable
04:06.28*** join/#asterisk aliver (
04:06.47jayteeif the pinouts for E1 are the same as T1 it's pin 1 to pin 4 and pin 2 to pin 5
04:06.54JTit is the same
04:07.31aliverI want to make several phones ring when one extension is called. Can I do that with extensions.conf ? Also, once it's picked up the other two people should ring if the extension is called again. Will that work?
04:07.37[T]an2ok, so if i have a sip friend from a sip provider. I am registered to that provider and can receive calls. How do i set up the outbound dial. I can do the iax just fine, just not sip. I have never dialed out using sip before. I am doing "exten => XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/user:pass@host/${EXTEN})
04:07.56vonkleistaliver, you could use a queue to do that
04:08.08jblackaliver: exten => exten,n,Dial(first1&second2&thirdone2,60)
04:08.13aliverThat looks complicated. I'll do it, but is there an easier way?
04:08.25aliverjblack now that looks easy!
04:09.11jblackI suggest you consider trying just one line for 5 seconds first.
04:09.21jblackIt can get annoying to have 10 phones go off all at the same time.
04:09.26mchouhey, asterisk macros can be called with a variable number of arguments, right?  I mean if you define a specific macro that takes 3 arguments, is it ok to call Macro(mymacro(1))?  (as long as arg2 and arg3 are verified to be empty within the defined macro)
04:09.45jblackYes, macros can call macros.
04:10.05mchoujblack: umm, that's not what I asked
04:10.10jblacki know it works when you pass through ${ARG1} ${ARG2} etc etc.
04:10.47mchouI meant Macro(macro,1))
04:10.51jblackI don't know that you can just transparently forward all macros.
04:10.57jblackpardon, all arguments.
04:12.34mchoujblack: are you and I talking about the same thing?
04:12.50jblackpossibly not.
04:13.07jayteeit may sound transparent but it sure looks opaque :-)
04:13.24vonkleistWell... we got out the loop last friday, so it may be the telco just disconnected us because of the alarms?
04:13.35jayteevonkleist, could be
04:13.58mchouI want to know if * macro can be kind of like like a c function that takes a variable list of arguments
04:14.30jblackthat's where we're not on the same page. Last I checked, you didn't explicitely declare macro arguments at all.
04:14.34mchoujblack: kind of like how printf might work in c, if you get my droft
04:14.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: a macro is not a "function" and does not have a return value.
04:15.08[TK]D-Fendermchou: Dialplan is not a higher level language. *I'VE* written better parsers.
04:15.09mchou[TK]D-Fender: well, that why I said "kind of"
04:15.14jblackI would think that if you pass MacroA 5 arguments, you'd have to call MacroB with 5 arguments as well.
04:15.39jayteenite all, don't stay up too late
04:15.42vonkleistOk, so... having this physical setup: (without the coax loop and having the cat5 cable hooked to the 120ohm connector) , what do you recommend me to do next?
04:16.01jblackIt's actually C like. If a variadic function calls a variadic function, you still have to pass the arguments you want to go through.
04:16.32jblackIn this case, s/function/macro
04:17.19[TK]D-FenderAnd when you think about nesting macros just remember that there is no "stack" for the ARGS.  They will mash the shit out of each other.
04:17.47jblackTo try to be more clear, you want MacroA(One,Two,Three), and MacroA calls MacroB, you want it to get One, Two, Three  with a MacroB, and not a MacroB(${ARG1},${ARG2},${ARG3}), correct?
04:17.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
04:18.15mchouthere is only MacroA
04:19.18mchouis MacroA variadic in the sense exten=>12345,Macro(1,2,3)
04:19.23jblackAre you looking for an iterator for macro arguments ?
04:19.58mchouand exten=>12345,Macro(1) legit?
04:20.17jblackYou can call macro with any number of arguments you want.
04:20.21mchousorry, meant to say Macro(MacroA(...))
04:20.45[TK]D-Fendermchou: Your second set of () is not valid
04:20.55mchoujblack: I mean here a SPECIFIC macro
04:21.10[TK]D-Fendermchou: You are not being clear at all.
04:21.28jblackYes. You can right now, call Macro(MacroA), then 5 extensions later, call Macro(MacroA,1) and yet again, call Macro(MacroA,1,2,3)
04:21.47mchouwhat's not clear about variadic function?
04:21.50jblackIt's up to your argument to make sure to not use arguments it's not given, of course.
04:22.10jblackpardon, it's up to your macro to make sure you don't use arguments that don't exist.
04:22.22mchoujblack: bingo!
04:22.33jblackOk. Then you weren't clear in the least.
04:22.41jblackjust feedback
04:23.03[TK]D-Fenderjblack: and watcht he fun when you pass 3 args on the first call, and only 2 on the next only to miss that ARG3 is still SET from the first.
04:23.10mchoudude, that why I gave the two exten examples
04:23.38jblackdon't get snitty with someone trying to help. :P Besides, I answered that question at least once, and I think twice. :)
04:24.00jblack00:14 < jblack> that's where we're not on the same page. Last I checked, you didn't explicitely declare macro arguments at all.
04:24.05[TK]D-Fendermchou: And you are still not clear.  Your wording goes in circles.
04:24.10jblackThat naturally follows from macros not having prototypes
04:24.14mchoujblack: I didn't get snitty.  you answered the wrong question
04:24.31jblackI answered many wrong questions.
04:24.38mchoujblack: you though I meant nested macros
04:24.42[TK]D-FenderAnd there is nothing "explicit" about macros period.  All of * dialplan is the most adhoc scope-less mess ever
04:24.54mchouquestion have zip to do with nesting
04:25.26jblackOk. Well, I'm sorry that I wasted your time. I'll be sure to remain hushed the next time you're looking for help.
04:26.17jblack[TK]D-Fender: If I put up a permament conference for the channel, do you think it would get use?
04:26.44mchoujblack: lol.  read how I phrased my question originally.  There is no reference to nesting, only variable # of arguments
04:26.49*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:27.01jblackmchou: Fine. You were right, I was wrong. Can you leave me alone now?
04:27.03[TK]D-Fendermchou: And I do now get your question.  Yes it is safe to call a macro with any number of arguments.
04:27.24[TK]D-Fendermchou: Where safe = dangerous.
04:28.05*** join/#asterisk Bonix (
04:28.13[TK]D-Fendermchou: Lets say you call 1 macro and set  3 ARGS.  then you call ANOTHER macro (no, not nested or anything), and pass it 2 args.  ARG3 is STILL FILLED from the first time you called a macro with a 3rd arg
04:28.48jblackHuh. I didn't know that.
04:29.04mchouthat makes no sense whatsoever
04:29.08[TK]D-Fendermchou: So you better know exactly what SNAFU's you might run into when you start trying to use this stuff.
04:29.40mchouwhere do the arguments of a macro "live?"
04:29.48[TK]D-Fendermchou: Exten => 123,1,Macro(macroone,a,b,c)
04:30.01[TK]D-Fendermchou: Exten => 123,2,Macro(macrotwo,a,b)
04:30.14mchouwhat macrotwo
04:30.22mchouit's still macroone
04:30.24[TK]D-Fendermchou: Exten => 123,3,NoOp($(ARG3)) <--- will give you "c"
04:30.33mchouon the second line
04:30.35[TK]D-Fendermchou: DIFFERNT LESSON
04:30.47*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
04:31.07[TK]D-Fendermchou: I announced this twice.  Pay attention.  This is highlighting the fact that calling 2 macros can FUBAR you due to "leftovers"
04:31.31mchouI am paying attention. [21:29] <mchou> where do the arguments of a macro "live?"
04:31.43jblack[TK]D-Fender: Gee, it's as if you're saying arguments aren't reset between macro calls
04:32.00[TK]D-Fendermchou: and the term "arguments" is not valid.  They are assigned to completely dumb, and scope-less CHANNEL VARIABLES.
04:32.23[TK]D-Fenderjblack: OMG, almost like I used LANGUAGE to convey coherent theories!  Oh noes!!!
04:32.34mchouconsider * documentation calles them arguments
04:32.44jblackOWOW KTHX BAI!
04:32.55[TK]D-Fendermchou: A junk term.  Stop thinking so much.  Dialplan is DUMB SHIT
04:33.19[TK]D-Fendermchou: Think linear or it will bite you in the ass.
04:33.31jblackThis is why I think the channel needs a conference, so that we can lart people
04:33.48mchouwhat's that?
04:33.50[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I swear sometimes I just want to kill people.
04:33.51aliverIt seems like only patterns at the top of my extension.conf contexts are matching.
04:33.56[TK]D-Fender~lart mchou
04:33.56jbotshoots mchou in his sleep
04:34.04aliverIs there a likely reason for that?
04:34.16[TK]D-Fenderaliver: load
04:34.20jblackaliver: do you know what contexts are yet?
04:34.31aliveryes, I think so.
04:34.59aliverthings pointed to from sip.conf context=
04:35.04jblackYou won't go between contexts (normally a dialplay will have anywhre from half a dozen to a couple dozen) without a Goto to jump between them.
04:35.04aliverand stuff like Goto()
04:35.10jblackOk. Good.
04:35.28jblackIt sounds to me like you aren't doing gotos, but you know what goto is, so please pastebin your dialplan
04:35.36JTvonkleist: it's not still plugged into ETH is it?
04:35.49aliverokay just a sec, and thanks.
04:35.57jblackaliver: You can also run asterisk -r, set debug 10, set verbose 10, and watch calls happen
04:36.06mchou[TK]D-Fender: so this is where I'm messed up.  What's the mechanism in a dialplan to pass variable arguments into a macrolike routine where some inner function/application might require vaiable arguments?
04:37.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: You can pass as many args as you want to a macro (within some sort of general limit). its that they are not PROTECTED from carrying into another call.
04:37.57aliverjblack the sip debug stuff just DoS's me I can't tell what the hell is happening.
04:38.08mchou[TK]D-Fender: like say for example I call Dial() in some macro-like routine
04:38.15jblackUh, where did the ascii art come from?
04:38.27aliver <-- [internalphones] doesn't get past the first few patterns
04:38.34aliverfiglet made the ascii titles
04:38.42[TK]D-Fenderaliver: HUH?!?!
04:38.52jblackOk, so we don't have some funky front end generating this, right?
04:40.00mchou[TK]D-Fender: Dial takes variable arguments.  In the same macro I want to call Dial different ways......
04:40.00[TK]D-Fendermchou: please explain.  That last one did not encmpass a complete idea.
04:40.00*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
04:40.00[TK]D-Fendermchou: Macros have NO  fixed number of "arguments".
04:40.00aliverjblack no, I pasted that stuff in.
04:40.07aliverfiglet is just a CLI tool.
04:40.10jblackaliver: Ok, what context is jims in?
04:40.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: You could call Macro(mymacro,123456) in one place and Macro(mymacro,SIP/100,2,abc,wtf) somewhere else.
04:40.49aliverjblack he's in the default context called internalphones
04:41.05jblackOk. And jims gets stuck in internalphones, 'a few lines in', right?
04:41.36[TK]D-Fendermchou: It doesn't matter if you pass anything along with a macro or not.  If you DO, then those channel vars get set/updated.
04:42.09aliverjblack well for example, I can call in from outside and ring that line. However, if I try to dial out, it says 404 not found even though I know that the pattern exists in internalphones.
04:42.22mchou[TK]D-Fender: so where is the scope issue?
04:42.59jblackYeah. Well, did you notice yet that you only have 1 context?
04:43.17[TK]D-Fenderaliver: ok, I'm going to try not to hold back too much..... SHOW US THE FUCKING FAILURE.  No, we DON't trust your description, or your pastebin, or the "content" of what you claim is coming in.  SHOW US.
04:43.17jblackas far as I can see, you only have [internalphones]
04:43.29aliverjblack sure, and I could change that, but shouldn't I be able to have more than one pattern per context?
04:43.49jblackThis is a mess.
04:44.03aliverno problem I can paste the failure.
04:44.04jblackYou can, but it gets confusing.
04:44.16jblackaliver: Here's what I think you should have, which I learned from tk a long while ago.
04:44.23jblackHave a [phones] context, that just list phones.
04:44.34[TK]D-Fenderaliver: you can have a MILLION patterns.  Hopefully you are dumb enough to make them overlap and fight with each other.
04:44.40jblackWith simple dials
04:44.53jblackTHen, have an [internal] context, and include phones.
04:45.09jblackthen, have a [public] context, which can have your ivr, and include [phones]
04:45.10[TK]D-Fendermchou: Calll ANY macro passing 3 args.  then call another macro (not nested even) and pass it only 2.  ARG3 is STILL POPULATED
04:45.23jblackThen, have an [outgoing] context, that sets up dialing out.
04:46.31aliver  <-- okay there is the actual failure
04:46.42aliverwhat idiocy have I engaged in to make this happen?
04:47.03mchou[TK]D-Fender: so what if on 2nd call of macro I just do this? Macro(Macroone,1,2,)
04:47.06[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Looking for 6908268 in internalphones (domain
04:47.18mchou[TK]D-Fender: Is that legit?
04:47.28[TK]D-Fenderaliver: what line in this pastebin of yours do you think it should match?
04:47.38aliverjblack are you saying that I should have another context for dialing outbound, what difference will that make since the patterns will match either way, right?
04:47.53[TK]D-Fendermchou: yes legit, and sets ARG3 to "blank"
04:48.04aliver[TK]D-Fender lml
04:48.11[TK]D-Fenderaliver: lml?
04:48.40jameswf-homei like my dialplans to be modular
04:48.45[TK]D-Fenderaliver: You shouldn't have to look.  You seem to think it should work so you should already have the answer on what you thought it should have matched
04:49.02aliverJust trying to answer your Q
04:49.16aliverI think it's all screwed up, too.
04:49.26[TK]D-Fenderaliver: You think "exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/+1970${EXTEN}@bandwidth.com_outbound,60)" should match "Looking for 6908268 in internalphones" ???
04:49.28aliverI think line 112 would match. Why do you believe it wont?
04:49.32jblackhere's a quick, not proof-read, example
04:49.46aliver[TK]D-Fender Yes, I do.
04:50.14aliver[TK]D-Fender it's seven digits and the pattern looks right to me.
04:50.26aliver[TK]D-Fender there are no other patterns in my extensions.conf
04:50.52jblackaliver: did you look at my example yet?
04:51.11aliverjblack yes, I'm reading it now
04:51.25jbotRead about extensions DialPlans etc.. in Chapter 5 of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition
04:51.27[TK]D-Fenderaliver: now PB "dialplan show internalphones"
04:51.33jbotRead about Advanced extensions DialPlans etc.. in Chapter 6 of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition
04:52.31aliverjbot okay
04:52.32jbotokay is probably fine
04:53.07jameswf-homejbot: whos your daddy
04:53.07jbotACTION who's your daddy now? huh? huh?
04:53.09[TK]D-Fenderjbot fine
04:53.09jbotAlrighty then =)
04:53.18jblackjbot: sleep
04:53.18jbotsleep is, like, overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
04:53.42jameswf-homejbot dropdatabase;
04:53.43jbotSo you think you could kill me, did you. You thought you could come in here, in my own home, and take me down without a fight. I would have given you a chance, really. But now, you have unleashed hell. May god have mercy on your soul.
04:53.48jblackA needed command for jbot is the ability to tell it to go silent for 5 minutes.
04:54.55aliverokay, I'm reading the book now
04:55.31[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Wheres the new PB?>
04:55.52jblackI need to cut down my dialplan.
04:56.12jblack223 lines for a building with 2 people is silly.
04:56.29aliver[TK]D-Fender sorry, I didn't realize that you meant to paste the output of that command one sec. I'll do it.
04:56.55aliverNo such command 'dialplan' (type 'help' for help)
04:57.03aliverthis is ast 1.2
04:57.14mchou"show dialplan" :)
04:57.34jblackIs there any particular reason that yo're running a really old asterisk?
04:57.50[TK]D-FenderAnd tonight he's going to party like its 1699...
04:58.05mchoujblack: maybe he's running embedded :)
04:58.23jblackDon't joke with me. I'm still mad at you.
04:58.52aliverjblack 1.4 won't compile on my platform.
04:59.00aliverit blows up in a million ways.
04:59.13[TK]D-Fenderaliver: Well now... no lines there.... do a RELOAD and try again.
04:59.56aliver[TK]D-Fender the output is the same after I issue the reload command.
05:00.08aliveror do you mean the pastebin was empty?
05:00.14[TK]D-Fenderaliver: dump your entire dialplan that way
05:00.29[TK]D-Fenderaliver: You're missing all kinds of stuff.
05:00.31mchoualiver: what platform is this?
05:01.11aliverI typed "show dialplan"
05:01.16aliver <-- here is the output
05:01.22aliverthis is BSD
05:02.21[TK]D-Fenderaliver: backupt your dialplan and wipe that ascii art crap out
05:02.53aliver[TK]D-Fender okay
05:04.04aliverI'll recreate it real quick using that output
05:04.53mchougrep -v works :)
05:05.09aliverI'm just wondering why it's ignoring half my dialplan
05:05.24aliverwhat 'show dialplan' shows is NOT what's in extensions.conf
05:05.40[TK]D-Fenderaliver: you should see them on "reload"
05:08.04jbotBSD is a UNIX operating system. An asterisk port is currently availible if you feel you must, or a way to set your pc back 30 years, progress is overrated
05:08.05kamanashisroyhmmmmmm .. dead friends .. :)
05:11.03jblackI have decided the best part of star wars is when the yeti knocks out luke
05:11.40[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Unfortunately he DOESN'T get eaten
05:11.52jblackThat's where things take a turn for the worse.
05:12.08jblackMoot point. I changed my mind, and decided to watch natalie portman instead
05:15.53*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
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05:21.50[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all.
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05:38.46totalimpact8anyone know how to read DIALSTATUS info on a zap channel without using a DIAL cmd?
05:39.05totalimpact8such as for a centrex transfer
05:39.24Maxouswho knows what to set the jitters SIP settings to overcome scratchy voice  quality on received side only?
05:40.46totalimpact8or how to perform a DIAL cmd on a currently open zap channel?
05:40.48MaliutaMaxous: are you sure it's jitter?
05:40.52jblackthere are jitter settings for sip?
05:41.13MaliutaMaxous: the jitterbuffer settings are the same as the iax ones IIRC
05:41.18Maliutajblack: since 1.4
05:41.36MaxousMaliuta: Fairly Sure.
05:42.11MaxousMaliuta: I am asking this on behalf of another, so I am not sure of the full depth of the problem. I do apologize.
05:44.05MaxousMaxous: Do you have an idea for what a good start would be to change it to?
05:44.21MaxousMaliuta:Do you have an idea for what a good start would be to change it to?
05:44.54MaliutaMaxous: look on the wikki, the settings I use are based on the IAX ones
05:45.16MaxousMaliuta: Will do, TY.
05:47.01*** join/#asterisk cvox (
05:47.51cvoxI have an interesting situation.. placing a call from asterisk out a Verizon e&m wink circuit some calls go out but not all... telco says they see the connection but no data (on the numbers I cannot reach).
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05:47.57cvoxinbound dialing works flawless.
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06:22.18*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
06:22.35[T]anki am trying to dial out using a new sip account and I am not making it work correctly
06:22.41[T]ank are the details
06:22.56[T]ankcan anyone assist me in the correct syntax to dial out with this account?
06:23.02[T]anki can dial into this account no problem.
06:23.16jblackLooks like failed authentication on line 59
06:23.17[T]ankbut i am not successful in calling outbound
06:23.30[T]ankyeah... i am not getting the syntax
06:23.31jblackYou can try "sip debug" to get more info
06:23.37[T]anki have tried a hunred different things.
06:24.28[T]anki dont need to use the user name and pass?
06:24.40jblackThat's defined in the sip.conf
06:24.48*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
06:24.55jblackPROVIDER will be the sip context that holds the authentication info
06:25.01nnY_2you'll have 3 entries..
06:25.16nnY_2register, and an inbound and outbound
06:26.59[T]ankso i have changed it to be exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@8018204181)
06:27.06[T]anki have not changed the sip.conf
06:27.24jblackIs registration working?
06:27.37[T]ankthey are registered, yes
06:27.51jblacklook at lines 17-19. You disabled authentication there.
06:27.57[T]ankin sip?
06:28.12jblackYes. I'm giving the line numbers to your own pastebin
06:28.32jblackHow they map to your sip.conf, I don't know.
06:28.41[T]ankyeah... hang on... lemme try
06:29.04jblackdont' forget to reload your sip.conf and extensions.conf after changing them.
06:29.33kaldemar[T]ank: i sincerely hope those are not your real secrets...
06:29.39[T]anknice... its always something REALLY stupid
06:30.35jblackkaldemar: Shhhh. I need free phone calls
06:31.04jblackIf he weren't giving us his authentication, I wouldn't be able to call the vatican and ask them what the pope wears under his robes
06:32.54*** join/#asterisk simoncpu (n=soulfury@
06:33.21jblackhere we go.
06:33.26simoncpucan you guys recommend a good web ui for call detail records?
06:34.02Maliutaor just point apache at the CDR dir and use moddir and a browser
06:34.10jblackHeh. can't answer "why does suck"
06:34.41simoncpuapache can't do analysis and stuff
06:34.55jblackI usually put something together for clients that match their needs.
06:35.01simoncpui'm using pbxnsip, btw, not asterisk
06:35.09jblackThen you're in the wrong channel.
06:35.10simoncpubut there seems to be no channel for pbxnsip
06:35.53jblackYou don't take a toyota to a ford dealership just because there aren't any Toyota dealers about.
06:36.15sn9unless you plan to trade it for a ford
06:36.36simoncpunope, but the guys at ford may be able to help me on general car problems
06:36.38jblackeven then. It's better to sell it in the paper.
06:37.07jblackbesides, I maintain that if you're trading a toyota for a ford, you've got a mental handicap
06:37.36jblacksimoncpu: Sure, if you pay them twice as much.
06:37.51*** join/#asterisk jer (n=jtregunn@unaffiliated/jer)
06:38.12jblacksimoncpu: So, following in that meme, if you paypal me a $500 nonrefundable deposit, I'll take the time to care about pbxnsip.
06:38.17*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
06:38.51jblackOtherwise, you're just a good way to stave off boredom by being a target for "he got foreign" jokes.
06:38.56simoncpubut i'm here in soviet russia;
06:39.02simoncpuyou paypal me, not me to you
06:39.32jblackShouldn't you be off in georgia, knocking over police cars with tanks?
06:40.16simoncpui went to atlanta yesterday but i didn't see any tanks
06:40.44jblackYou were in atlanta yesterday, and in russia today?
06:41.13jblackwrong georgia. .. .ph...
06:41.55sn9the state department is an asshat for not renaming the republic of georgia
06:42.21simoncpui'm just using a shell
06:42.35simoncpuei, thanks for the time guys
06:42.41simoncpui guess i'll just google for answers or something
06:42.46jblackThat's probably best.
06:43.01sn9or, you could try asterisk, too
06:43.12jblackthen we'd have to help him
06:43.31simoncpui'll definitely try asterisk someday
06:43.48simoncpu(next month, probably, as soon as i get a spare box to play with)
06:44.01simoncpuis looking for used soekris boxes on ebay
06:44.20jblackThat was almost fun for a bit.
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06:45.13sn9you could also use something cheaper than a soekris
06:46.39simoncpuuhm... what's cheaper than soekris?
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06:46.45sn9an old pc
06:47.49jblackSome day, I'm going to get an mini-itx w/ wireless, hook up a polycom to it, and make my own "car phone"
06:48.48sn9"forget buses and trains -- i'll take the phone"
06:49.04jblackI mean a phone in my car.
06:49.09simoncpui want to hook up mini-itx wireless with a bomb to make my own "wi-fi activated bomb"
06:49.11jblacksuch as used to be common in the 90s.
06:49.12simoncpuvery cooool
06:50.00jblackbah. Anyone can do a remote detonator with a cell phone and 2 bucks in parts.
06:50.30sn9ah, but the wi-fi would make it "cool" ...
06:50.50jblackonly if you want to be close enough to get caught.
06:50.58simoncpuand the victim can surf the net while he waits for certain death...
06:51.19sn9hooray for useless features
06:52.42jblackI think tomorrow, I'm going to walk up to a meter maid and try to use jedi mind tricks on them.
06:52.48switchcatYou guys know this channel is logged, right? :P
06:52.50jblackJust to see their response.
06:53.03jblackswitchcat: In more places than one.
06:53.25jblackspeaking of which.. Dear NSA. I _still_ want my helicopter-black coffee cup.
06:53.52switchcatIs it a silent coffee cup?
06:54.03drmessanoThey sent it to you.. you just cant see it
06:54.05jblackswitchcat: You never see it comin'
06:54.30sn9hmm, stealth coffee...
06:54.32switchcatWhat amazes me is how visible the NSA is
06:54.34drmessanoI have like two dozen of them.. Scattered all over the house.. not that i've ever seen one or tripped over one
06:54.41simoncpuiraq nsa bush bomb nuclear assasinate war terrorism bomb
06:54.44switchcatI mean they have a big honking sign on the beltway that says "this way to the NSA"
06:55.04drmessanosimoncpu: You left off 'troll' and 'wtf'
06:55.11sn9you said bomb twice
06:55.15jblacksimoncpu: If you actually do do international trouble, I'd knock it off.
06:55.33jblackthat's coming from experience.
06:56.18sn9more likely to trouble the international do do
06:57.32jblackI was doing a lot of international travel when i worked for the guys that make ubuntu. I started making too many coffee cup requests, and then the next 2-3 times I few, I was detained every single time for a "random search"
06:58.38*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
06:59.18drmessanoWord of advice: Dont order Anthrax CDs from Amazon
06:59.19jblackwhich just pisses me off all the more. All I want is my coffee cup! How long would it take some spook to paint a $.99 coffee cup in stealth-bomber paint, and ship it usps ?
06:59.25simoncpuyikes... i hope that troll won't get me in trouble at the airport in the next few weeks
06:59.44jblackYou'll know if your tickets start getting SSSS on them a lot.
07:00.01drmessanoWe already have your IP address simon
07:00.08drmessanocarry on
07:00.40jblackI'm still bored. Can we let louisiana flood again?
07:01.48*** join/#asterisk Gary (i=gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
07:10.27switchcatjeev - quit thinking about it, and just DO it.
07:10.45switchcatjblack - coffee cup requests?
07:11.04switchcatjeev - just install a distro
07:11.05simoncpuswitchcat: black coffee
07:11.14switchcatyou're thinking about it too much
07:11.28jeevyou scroll back too much!
07:11.31jeevi just did 4.6 32bit.
07:11.44drmessanoCentos 4.6?
07:11.58jeevi need to stress test it more
07:12.01jeevbonnie++ has been running for hours
07:12.07drmessanoGood god
07:12.12drmessano5.2 is 10x better
07:12.15switchcatjeev - oh, heh, I had did a /lastlog on a word, and your line came up.. I thought you were repeating yourself from earlier. :P
07:14.04switchcatjblack - I don't get it, is this supposed to be a joke, or is some part of the government actually giving out promotional coffee cups?
07:17.09jblackswitchcat: Oh, it's completely serious.
07:17.52jblacknext time you're going through the line at the airport, demand the TSA cup that's due you.
07:18.00jblackIt's part of the budget. You have to be firm in the request, though
07:18.54jblackThey started offering them to soften their image, but realized it cost too much.
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07:23.21jblackswitchcat: Want to see a copy of my mug?
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07:32.45switchcatuhm sure
07:32.51jblackk. I'll upload it
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07:37.00switchcatdoing a websearch for TSA cup and TSA mug turns up next to nothing apart from some stories about some sippy cup incident
07:38.04jblackhold on. I'm looking for my camera
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07:44.57jblackI found it. my kid took it
07:45.02jblacknow I just need to find the batteries
07:45.19C4awayI can't even find anything for "TSA Mug" or "TSA Cup" on ebay
07:46.06*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
07:49.37jblackI don't have photoshop
07:49.51jblackI don't even have windows.
07:50.07jblackwell, I do have gimp.
07:51.59C4awayheh, that does look photoshopped
07:52.27C4awayhowever, the ports on the laptop look photoshopped to, so I'll assume it is a "color correction" built into the camera
07:53.30switchcatdude that crashed my browser
07:53.43jblackI don't see how. It's just a jpeg.
07:54.07jblackSorry it's not a great camera. I don't exactly buy my kid high end equipment.
07:54.30simoncpuswitchcat: the jpeg contains a browser exploit
07:54.48jblackLook. YOu can tell it's not photoshop, because you can see the reflection in the desk on the left.
07:55.42C4awayyou had over 3 minutes between the time you said "hold on let me get my camera" and when you uploaded the pic
07:55.55C4awaythat is plenty of time to add reflections, shading, etc
07:55.57jblackI was trying to not wake my kid up.
07:56.01sn9"Bad Photoshop/No Reflection"
07:56.27C4awayI saw that pic already on digg anyway
07:56.38switchcatyeah really bad fake :P
07:56.38jblackof my mug?
07:57.12jblackI got the TSA logo from their site, and the coffee cup off of cafepress.
07:57.21C4awayhaha nice
07:57.40C4awaythought the bottom edge was a bit jagged
07:57.50jblackYeah. THat's what gives it away.
07:57.58jblackif I had had time, I wouldh ave added a couple coffee stains to it.
07:58.12switchcatthe bottom edge, the top edge, and the handle edge are all jagged
07:58.19jblackI was in a rush.
07:58.25C4awaythe pen was too big anyway
07:58.29C4awaythe scale was off
07:58.43C4awayIt's just fun saying "photoshopped" and "seen it" though
07:58.52switchcatnext time you wanna fake a mug, put a real mug on your desk, take the photo, and then just put in the logo, it will look more realistic
07:59.04jblackin 3 minutes? CMON
07:59.06C4awayand blur it a bit more
07:59.12C4awayjust a bit to take the edge off
07:59.24jblackbesides, my camera really is in my kids room.
07:59.25C4awayactually the text on that one looks pretty good
08:00.23switchcatwell at least thats better than sending me to
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08:01.25jblackThat's not even my current laptop.
08:02.38jblacknow I'm bored again
08:03.35switchcatuhm, go hack the zipit z2 messenger to work with VoIP apps.
08:03.59jblacknobody wants to call me, much less message me.
08:04.46switchcatdude.. it's a $36 linux pda essentially
08:04.52switchcatbesides your kid will love it
08:04.54jblackwhat is?
08:04.59jblacka zipit?
08:05.08C4awayI had a zip 250 once
08:05.12C4awayit was usb and pcmcia
08:05.26C4awaybut the power socket was loose
08:05.31C4awaywould kick on and off
08:05.33jblackdoes it do ssh?
08:05.41C4awaya zip 250? no
08:05.58jblackGive me a cheap device that does ssh, and I'd be interested.
08:06.10jblackbut I still couldn't afford it.
08:06.58C4awaymy desktop computer does ssh
08:07.03C4awayso does my palm treo
08:08.12switchcatc4away - the zipit messenger is a device aimed at instant messaging, its run on an PXA270 ARM processor with a 340x240 (?) standard pda type screen, and keyboard. it's $50 retail or like $36 on
08:08.57switchcatthe z2 model has a miniSD card slot so you can do all sorts of things with it, and the company that put it out supports and encourages hacking it
08:11.07switchcatthe z1 is hackable too (available for $10-20 on ebay), but doesnt have the SD card slot and is b&w as opposed to the z2's color backlit screen.
08:11.18C4awaywifi? bluetooth? evdo?
08:11.32C4awayonly wifi?
08:11.33switchcatand it's got a custom port also
08:11.40switchcatand a headset jack
08:11.51C4awaywell what good is that?
08:12.12C4awayif i have to be home to use it then why don't I just use my pc
08:12.19C4awayor the media center computer in the living room
08:12.19switchcatit's only 36 bucks, please find me a similar linux based pda device for $36
08:12.35C4awayhow about $0 than I'm already paying for my desktop
08:12.36switchcatyou dont have to be home to use it
08:13.06C4awayyea, heh, I can see getting arrested standing in the bushes outside someone's house trying to connect to their Linksys Channel 6
08:13.19C4away"I was trying to chat with my friends"
08:13.37switchcatI dunno about you but I happen to live in a city with free municipal wifi. :P
08:13.44C4awaywould be nice
08:13.50C4awaylucky bastard
08:13.54switchcatbesides, lots of people have open access systems for just that purpose
08:14.08switchcatand you can also get on at numerous commercial wifi points
08:14.16C4awaythe only free wifi here is the aforementioned Linksys Chan 6
08:14.21simoncpuour free wifi here requires me to buy a coffee
08:14.43simoncputhere used to be a lot of places that offer free wifi,
08:14.48simoncpubut they suddenly stopped using wep
08:15.05C4awayI know what you mean
08:15.11C4away... I mean ... uh ... I've heard about that
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08:15.28C4awaymy friend told me about that ¬¬
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09:38.14jblackdoes meetme still require ztdummy?
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09:38.42kaldemaror digium hardware, of course.
09:38.55DarKnesS_WolFjblack: still needs timing source
09:39.02jblackthere goes that on that machine then.
09:39.10*** join/#asterisk laarka (n=lak@
09:40.38kaldemarjblack: try app_conference
09:40.39laarkahi everyone. i could really really need a hand with a nat setup on my trixbox. i've got trunks working, internal phones, and a SIP client on the outside can call in and get two way audio. a call from the inside to outside gets no audio
09:40.52jblackyeah. I've used that before. I'm looking for it now.
09:40.59jblacklooks like it got pulled out of ubuntu
09:41.32DarKnesS_WolFjblack: mmm u don't compile asterisk ;-)?
09:41.44jblackNot on production systems.
09:41.59DarKnesS_WolFkbwhy ? i do compile on pridcutions
09:42.19DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: the trixbox behind NAT ?
09:42.38kaldemarlaarka: you'll be more likely to get help in #trixbox
09:42.45jblackbecause reproduction after failure becomes difficult.
09:43.10laarkathanks, ill try to bother them in #trixbox first then come back if that fails
09:43.24jblackNo, don't bother coming back. Trixbox isn't supported here at all.
09:43.45DarKnesS_WolFjblack: who said so ?
09:43.53kaldemareveryone says so.
09:44.19DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: most lickly the externalip in ur sip.conf not correct don't know how trixbox handels that but i think this might be the problem
09:44.22DarKnesS_WolFkaldemar: ah ic :P
09:44.40jblackYou won't hurt my feelings if you don't believe me, but all you'll get is picked on.
09:45.07kaldemarDarKnesS_WolF: you just said it yourself, no one here knows how trixbox handles stuff.
09:45.26DarKnesS_WolFkaldemar: i don't but i do know how elastix handels it ;-)
09:45.45laarkahmm, isnt trixbox just a webinterface put on top of asterisk? if i edit config files directly whats the difference to you?
09:46.18laarka(bring on the hail-storm)
09:46.20kaldemartrixbox messes up the configuration file structure and makes configurations complex.
09:46.31DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: nop trixbox is a full distro the webinterface is just FreePBX
09:46.42DarKnesS_WolFkaldemar: that is also true ;-)
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09:51.41laarkanow that you got that off your chest, and the trixbox ppl are sleeping in their channel, could we possibly view this as an asterisk problem? :-)
09:53.10DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: in that case ur sip.conf extranip should point to ur router IP
09:53.19DarKnesS_WolFor i think there is another option like extreanhost
09:53.21laarkai've forwarded UDP 4569,5004:5037,5039:5082,1027:1028,10000:20000 to my asterisk
09:53.36DarKnesS_WolFmay be alos ur router /firewall not opining UPNP ports ?
09:53.52DarKnesS_WolFtry to fwd 10000-20000 to ur asterisk prts / UDP for sure
09:54.01DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: also u might wanna try IAX ;)
09:54.10laarkai have this in sip_nap:
09:54.36DarKnesS_WolFthen it may be the other end firewall not doing upnp ?
09:54.44DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: try from diffrent locations
09:55.18laarkathe firewall does not do upnp, do i really need that when ive forwarded a massive load of udp manually?
09:55.49DarKnesS_WolFlaarka: no i mean the other router the other end
09:55.53DarKnesS_WolFwherre the sip phone is there
09:56.16laarkaneither firewall does upnp
09:56.25kaldemarforget upnp.
09:57.10laarkaupnp defies the purpose of a firewall. if someone sneaks malware inside the network, its wide open, as it can just ask the firewall to open ports
09:57.56DarKnesS_WolFhuh ?
09:58.09laarkaif asterisk calls the client, does the client connect to asterisk to get audio or is it always the initiator that establishes audio first?
09:58.30kaldemardepends on your sip configuration.
09:59.10laarkafor the client or general asterisk? i'd like the client to always initiate audio
10:00.15kaldemarif you put allowtransfer=no in your sip.conf, asterisk stays on the media path.
10:00.24laarkai have in sip_nat.conf
10:00.24laarkaexternhost =
10:00.25laarkaport = 5060
10:00.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:00.51laarkairc n00b obviously
10:03.10kaldemaroh crap, forget about allowtransfer. reinvite parameters are the ones.
10:04.13kaldemarcanreinvite=no that is.
10:06.50laarkasorry already have canreinvite = no
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10:12.16kaldemarwell, the asterisk way to proceed would be "sip set debug" and make a call attempt. then go though the trace and see what happens.
10:16.14mchoulaarka: does your firewall have a shell interface?
10:16.32laarkamchou: sure, nothing gets logged as blocked
10:17.15mchoulaarka: you say inbot to outbound doesnt get inbound audio?
10:17.37mchouumm, internal phone*
10:17.41laarkafrom asterisk to client gets no audio at all
10:18.17mchouasterisk is public pi pr behind nat?
10:18.24mchouip or*
10:18.34laarka(ie a call from a real phone number via sip trunk to client sip phone
10:18.36kaldemaris the audio going from asterisk to the client, or is the outside client trying to send directly to the client?
10:19.22laarkathats a good question. being naive i thought the audio always went through asterisk
10:19.23mchoulaarka: whats rtp denug look like on * box?
10:19.26kaldemarfind that out by looking at the trace and dumping the asterisk box's interface.
10:23.12laarkartp debug:
10:24.24laarkai called from a regular phone to 8749xxxx (my phone number at my sip provider), this goes to a ring group and called 110 which is my mobile behind nat at an outside network. i answered the phone, no audio in either direction, and hung up
10:24.48mchouthats not rtp
10:25.14mchouthere is no rtp info in the PB
10:27.54laarkahm - this is sip debug (i hope):
10:28.28mchouwhere is rtp debug?
10:28.54laarkai did "rtp debug" and the first pastebin is what i got
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10:30.56laarkaperhaps my providers sip trunk tries to connect directly to the sip client phone??
10:33.02laarkacalling from the client to echotest gives rtp debug output, calling from a real phone to my nat client does not
10:33.04mchouWhat's your canreinvite setting?
10:33.25laarkafor the sip phone its no
10:33.36laarkaim not sure about the trunk
10:34.55mchouI dunno.  You're just going to have to ask someone else
10:36.00mchouppl would be in a better position to help you if you posted your sip.conf (user/password blanked)
10:36.24mchouI'm inclined to think its some trixbox bullshit
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11:04.09microwhi, which is the best sip client softphone for an embedded linux(arm chip)?
11:05.03microwsimoncpu: iphone??
11:05.21sn9apple's iphone has an arm chip
11:05.23simoncpu(i don't even know if it works as a sip client)
11:06.17simoncpui guess you can install one, in theory
11:07.02microwi seeked in google, and found the SipXtapi, it is a sip client sdk, is it good to use it to write my own softphone for embedded linux??
11:07.29*** join/#asterisk gabunga (
11:07.40gabungahi all
11:08.06gabungai am trying to create a voip account on our voip server
11:08.14gabungai am completly newbee
11:08.31gabungaany idea how i can pass through quickly?
11:08.35microwi also found an "linphone", it gives some lib details about what libraries to use when developing your own softphone
11:09.32microwanyone has any suggestions about developing a softphone on an embedded linux (i prefer to use qt as gui)?
11:11.01microwsince SipXtapi is from SipX, i don't know if it could interoperate with asterisk
11:12.00microwhi all, any idea about developing an softphone for embedded linux?
11:13.01microwor is there any popular and good open source references?
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11:49.15dlewishey, has anyone hooked up an asterisk box with a Panasonic KX-TD1232-7 and a KX-TVS120?
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11:54.11mike8861hello all,
11:54.29mike8861does asterisk 1.
11:54.44mike8861does asterisk 1.6 beta 9 support SIMPLE or IM ?
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12:03.46gabungahi all can someone tell me how i can create a account for a voip on a asterisk server
12:04.00gabungato get password and user name
12:07.39DarKnesS_WolFgabunga: ??  what ?
12:09.31*** join/#asterisk koenvi (i=d988fccb@gateway/web/ajax/
12:10.34gabungaahh ok
12:10.47gabungai have hier a wrking asterisk server
12:10.48koenvihi all
12:10.55gabungaeverything is working fine
12:11.03gabunganot done by me
12:11.21gabunganow i just would like to add another phone
12:11.36koenviI just tried asterisk 1.6 rc on an Ubuntu hardy ... got choppy sound when doing first demo test through IAX2
12:11.49gabungai am trying to create a new account
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12:11.59koenvianybody else has this running successfuly?
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12:30.34DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: mmm u get up so early!!!
12:30.39DarKnesS_WolFah it is not weekend overthere :P
12:30.51russellbbut I did get to the office at 7 AM
12:30.59DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: even in weekend i get up early
12:31.04russellbbeen up since 4 AM today
12:31.04DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: u working hours starting from 7 !?
12:31.12russellbI don't _have_ to be in that early
12:31.16russellbI choose to
12:31.22DarKnesS_WolFdamn it u did drink lots of redbull !?
12:31.32russellbheh ... coffee in the morning
12:31.36DarKnesS_WolFi can tell ;-)
12:31.48DarKnesS_WolFif i have a car i don't think i'll ever leave the office ;-)
12:31.58DarKnesS_WolFi love where i work :-) and i enjoy it
12:33.13russellbthat's a good thing
12:33.27russellbI can get a lot done early in the morning when nobody is here yet ...
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12:37.09dlewishey russellb, do you have any experience with hooking up a Panasonic KX-TD1232-7 and a KX-TVS120 with asterisk?
12:37.31russellbI don't actually use this stuff :-p
12:38.03russellbI just help make it.  I rely on talking to you guys to figure out what needs to be added, fixed, or improved.  :)
12:39.55*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
12:40.41DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: lots actually :-)
12:40.41DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: there is this killing bug where if u have asterisk and sip phones in the same network and then =----> internet =----- >sip provider
12:40.49DarKnesS_WolFif the internet goese down the sip phones lose the functions of registering " actually it do register " but it can't use zap / other provider or anything
12:40.52russellbthe internet is overrated
12:41.06DarKnesS_WolFdue to the internet is down and i have to create ad ummy sip register on teh same box
12:41.14russellbhave you enabled the DNS manager?
12:41.19DarKnesS_WolFeven the phones can't talk to eachothers
12:41.20dlewisok, cool
12:41.21russellbsounds like a dns related issue ...
12:41.24DarKnesS_WolFnop didn't
12:42.03DarKnesS_WolFwhat i did read that asterisk tryes to check teh SIP providers 1st before even making internal calls :-s so what i have to do is to crete ad ummy sip proivder on teh same box and everythign works if the internet is down
12:42.09DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: looks / sounds strange
12:42.17DarKnesS_WolFbut happen with me in 2 installations so far 1.2 and 1.4
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12:43.11DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: heard of that before ?
12:43.44russellbyou're working around the DNS issue when you do that
12:43.58russellbwhat you said is not quite how it works, though
12:44.06DarKnesS_WolFmmm that waht i did read online :-D
12:44.15DarKnesS_WolFso it is only when the DNS manager is enabled ?
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12:44.19russellbnot everything you read online is correct
12:44.29DarKnesS_WolFif not local SIP phones should works fine ?
12:44.33russellbno, I"m saying that the reason you are having trouble is when Asterisk hangs on DNS lookups
12:44.43russellbenabling the dns manager will help some of that, but doesn't entirely fix it
12:44.48russellbbut it should help
12:44.51DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: yes i thought so also and what really drive me crazy if there is a cretical bug like that since 1.2 why it is not fixed i can't believe it
12:45.10russellbthe bug is your broken network
12:45.16DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: m ok i c
12:45.19DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: yes :P i am bad :P
12:45.20russellbbut i understand, and that situation has been vastly improved since 1.2
12:45.27russellbkeep in mind, 1.2 is ancient in our eyes at this point ...
12:45.31russellbour, being the developers
12:45.51DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: so any final fix yet?
12:45.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:45.57russellbI checked yesterday, we make more than twice as many changes to Asterisk 1.6 than 1.4 these days :)
12:46.13russellbI think some changes in 1.6 will fix what you're running in to
12:46.57DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: so what exactly u code in asterisk ?
12:47.19DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: :-D perfect !! so any ideas about new fetuers?
12:47.28DarKnesS_WolFok shoot :D
12:48.01DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: new about chan_bluetooth ? used it long ago with 1.2 but never worked :-)
12:48.02russellbthat's what is already done, anyway
12:48.15russellbAsterisk 1.6 (-addons) has chan_mobile
12:48.17DarKnesS_WolFok will read :-)
12:48.22DarKnesS_WolFstable enough now :D?
12:48.32russellbnever used it ...
12:49.12DarKnesS_WolFDirectory now permits both first and last names to be matched at the same 66    time
12:49.24DarKnesS_WolFhehe already did that :P just add a 2nd line with same voicemail box and switch the name :P
12:49.39DarKnesS_WolFlast name then 1st name in one and then 1st name and last name on the other :D
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12:52.50DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: mmm nice , also any new news about SRTP ?
12:53.19russellbWe are working very hard to do what we have to do to get it finished up
12:53.23*** join/#asterisk ar3dam (n=ar3dam@
12:53.32DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: u make me happy :D
12:53.36russellbI can't give you an estimate on a timeframe right now
12:53.57DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: don't worry i have been waiting for some things sinec asterisk 1.0 and even cvs before that :P
12:54.16russellb1.0 <3
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12:54.58DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: one of the things but i don't think it is related to u is no one is porting zaptel to openbsd anymore
12:55.13*** part/#asterisk sn9 (
12:55.14DarKnesS_WolFi am sure u can get teh freebsd one running on openbsd but after like i don't know how much effort
12:55.22ar3damhi there ... i have a question, the time of linux is the same time of asterisk? because when i see the Master.csv not match the time...
12:55.52ar3damhow can set same time on asterisk with time of linux?
12:56.06russellbby default, it uses GMT
12:56.10russellbto use localtime, edit cdr.conf
12:56.15russellbthere is an option for that
12:56.31DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: gtg eat lanch will be back later ;-)
12:57.25ar3damok, @russellb thanks for tips
12:58.43ManxPowerNaprussellb: I though 1.6 would ship when Mark got tired of everyone whining about it?
12:58.55russellbnot quite
12:59.36dlewishow does asterisks compare to trixbox in your opinion russellb?
12:59.49russellbtrixbox _includes_ asterisk
12:59.52jbot[trixbox] a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
12:59.55[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: How do tires compare to CARS?
13:00.19russellbtrixbox is crap, though, btw.
13:00.34russellbasterisk is awesome, and I even like FreePBX
13:00.39russellbbut trixbox is teh evil
13:01.08dlewis[TK]D-Fender: how does not funny compare to corny?
13:01.18mvanbaakDarKnesS_WolF: porting freebsd zaptel to OpenBSD is not as easy as it looks like
13:01.28ar3damexcuse me, about my experiencie with trixbox, i compare in 2 events, and i prefer use asterisk.
13:01.35russellbthe management of that project has been very poor.  I would recommend using one of the other options for a distro that includes asterisk and FreePBX
13:02.14russellb(or just using asterisk by itself)
13:02.16[TK]D-FenderI would recommend running the distro of YOUR choice and installing * on that.
13:02.18russellbit depends on what you're looking for
13:02.35ar3damtrixbox maybe u can use to learn some about extension or voip
13:02.51russellbbe careful, it eats babies
13:03.01russellband kills kittens
13:03.15mvanbaakok, dont use it
13:03.21[TK]D-Fenderar3dam>trixbox maybe u can use to learn some about extension or voip <-- huh?!
13:03.25mvanbaakwith the first thing I can live, but killing kittens ....
13:03.30ar3damyes, dont use it
13:04.12ar3damyes if is beginner, maybe can learn little
13:04.38russellbmaybe ... but in that case, use one of the other FreePBX options, or Switchvox Free ...
13:04.46mvanbaakthe only thing trixbox can learn you is how it shouldn't be done
13:04.54russellbor take the steep curve (but higher peak) learning option and use asterisk by itself
13:05.22[TK]D-Fenderar3dam: Quick answer usually because that trixbox  and * GUI's in general teach you virtually NOTHING and fill your head with improper terms that will only screw you over more when you come here.
13:05.51lmadsenor use Asterisk with the Asterisk-GUI which lets you actually create dialplan
13:06.10russellbah yes, that GUI is a good learning tool, as well
13:06.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
13:07.04ManxPowerNapYou cannot learn Asterisk by using a GUI.
13:07.10russellbjbot: asterisk-gui is The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium.  It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself.  Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0
13:07.10jbotrussellb: okay
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13:11.08jbot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0
13:11.52*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:13.14mort_gibHI, I'm trying to install * on a fresh CentOS 5.2
13:13.25mort_gibWhen I try make menuselect
13:14.03mort_gibI get : *** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
13:14.26[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: "yum install ncurses*"
13:14.44mort_gibrpm -q ncurses gives: ncurses-5.5-24.20060715
13:14.47ManxPowerNapmort_gib: Install ncurses-dev or ncurses-devel or whatever your distro uses for the ncurses development header files.
13:14.56mort_gibSo ncurses IS installed
13:15.05ManxPowerNapmort_gib: but ncurses-devel is not
13:15.26mort_gibNo, doing that now
13:16.09mort_gibThanks, worked
13:16.48ManxPowerNapPersonally, I think the message should be changed to be more clear.
13:17.01[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Old, but that tells you stuff we've needed for a long time...
13:17.14ManxPowerNap*** Install ncurses library and header files to use the menu interface! ***
13:17.39mort_gibI started there :-) must have overlooked that one
13:17.49ManxPowerNapIt is just as confusing to newbies, but much clearer for non-newbies
13:17.52[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: AMAZING....
13:17.57mort_gibThanks anyway
13:19.53ManxPowerNapmort_gib: missing a single option in the asterisk config could allow someone to use your system to make calls billed to you.  You should read more carefully.
13:20.40mort_gibI know, I know
13:21.57ManxPowerNapFEMA recently had their new PBX voicemail system hacked and something like a quarter of a million dollars of calls were run thru the system before someone discovered the issue.
13:22.41Nivexyeah, but that's FEMA.  We've come to expect that level of incompetence and apathy from them.
13:22.47mort_gibHow do you check for that??
13:23.05mort_gibIs there a Nessus for * :-)
13:23.11ManxPowerNapSorry, it was only $12,000
13:23.20*** join/#asterisk candyban_ (
13:23.29candyban_Hi all
13:23.30ManxPowerNapmort_gib: you design your dialplan carefully
13:24.03*** part/#asterisk switchcat (
13:24.52candyban_Can anyone point me to some good docs with regards to using cisco 7940s with asterisk? The phone constantly reboots ... and I have no idea why
13:25.05mort_gibYeah, I actually did play around with context a while... I'm sure I'm no expert but it DID dawn on me what might happen if your IVR ends up in the wrong place
13:25.33*** join/#asterisk bradleyprice86 (
13:25.54bradleyprice86Can't create numeric folder in linux. Any suggestions?
13:26.00candyban_this is a new setup ( no phones yet ) and I only installed (a working) asterisk like a year ago (so I'm very new at asterisk)
13:26.39[TK]D-Fendercandyban_: Go review the WIKI guides on setting them up.
13:26.58[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86>Can't create numeric folder in linux. Any suggestions? <-- huh?
13:27.09rwaitehah. 'mkdir 7'
13:27.23*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
13:27.25[TK]D-FenderSure worked for me...
13:27.36bradleyprice86It says mkdir: cannot create directory `7': No such file or directory
13:27.52candyban_[TK]D-Fender, I did (it loads the SIP image properly ... but it constantly reboots after that)
13:28.03*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
13:28.16bradleyprice86Everytime I create extensions it will not create the voicemail folder to go along with it.
13:28.23[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: Please note your QUOTES don't match
13:28.45[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: And thats a RIGHTS problem,
13:28.56[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: More FreePBX BS
13:29.02candyban_[TK]D-Fender, is there a way to get more information (anywhere) about a reason for the reboot?
13:29.20bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender: Ye
13:29.24[TK]D-Fendercandyban_: this isn't #cisco you know.
13:30.22*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
13:30.23candyban_[TK]D-Fender, I know ... but you are familiar with all kinds of phones ... perhaps it was a common/known issue?
13:30.44bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender: root should be able to create it.
13:31.04[TK]D-Fendercandyban_: Constant reboots would usually indicate a serious config file problem, unstable firmware or dead phone.
13:31.12[TK]D-Fendercandyban_: And you have no useful details.
13:32.06[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: either * isn't running as root, or you are perhaps using a read-only location to start from... like that LINKED folder I recall mention of earlier
13:32.24candyban_[TK]D-Fender, I tried with 3 or 4 different firmwares ... so it's not the firmare I suppose ...
13:33.17*** join/#asterisk Lordrack (
13:33.43candyban_[TK]D-Fender, I currently use a config which I downloaded (and customized) ... so likely the problem is there ... I'll try with a bare minimum config
13:34.09*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
13:35.47candyban_[TK]D-Fender, ok ... found the problem ... SIPDefault.cnf had tftp_cfg_dir: /cisco/ ... while it should have been tftp_cfg_dir: cisco/
13:35.48bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender: I can't create a numeric folder anywhere on this linux box. It doesn't matter which directory I am in.
13:36.37[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: pastebin the attempts and "whoami" and ls -la" and "mount"
13:36.43jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:36.47candyban_[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your help :o)
13:37.19ar3damhi there, how i can test from cli if echo cancellation is on?
13:38.01candyban_[TK]D-Fender, I was constantly looking at the wrong file : SIP<mac> ... when using a minimum config didn't change anything I had to look for other config files
13:38.22[TK]D-Fenderar3dam: On for what?
13:39.02ManxPowerNapar3dam: "zap show channel X" where X is the channel you want to look at.
13:39.21ar3damManxPowerNap, thks..
13:39.40LordrackManxPowerNap, how can i turn it on?
13:40.05ar3damecho cancellation is currently off...
13:40.06ManxPowerNapLordrack: in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf then restart Asterisk
13:40.14ManxPowerNapar3dam: is that channel in use?
13:40.31*** join/#asterisk tkbeat (
13:40.46ManxPowerNapYou will NOT have echo canceling enabled on channels that are not in use.
13:41.02*** join/#asterisk zeeqy (
13:41.07ManxPowerNapDo you really want Asterisk to be doing the very CPU intensive stuff for EC on a channel that is not being used?
13:41.08[TK]D-FenderbradAnd if you create ABC where you are?
13:41.39zeeqySome help regarding port forwarding for remote extention...???
13:41.44ar3dammmmm so what i can do?
13:42.09bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender:  -- worked fine
13:43.21ManxPowerNapar3dam: You do not have a problem
13:43.57zeeqyanyone ever had luck with remote extension on E61 with Asterisk???
13:44.07[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: mkdir: cannot create directory `4240': No such file or directory <- the quotes around 4240 don't match.  Something screwy is happening here.
13:44.42jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:44.44[TK]D-Fenderzeeqy: ^^^
13:45.24ar3damManxPowerNap, ok, so i try to enabled
13:45.26[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: try : mkdir "123"
13:45.42gillihi everyone. i'm sorry if I'm asking this on the wrong channel, so just let me know. is there anywhere a documentation of the zaptel drivers, so I can use them as a framework to build an own application based on that?
13:45.46zeeqythanks Fender!!!
13:46.13[TK]D-Fendergilli: The source is pretty much all you've got.
13:46.29bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender: --- didn't work either
13:46.52[TK]D-Fenderbradleyprice86: Go ask in ##linux
13:47.28bradleyprice86[TK]D-Fender: Ok.
13:49.48brodiembradleyprice86: only caught the last piece of what you guys are discussing, but usually that mkdir error gets spit out when your current working directory no longer exists.
13:50.10*** part/#asterisk zeeqy (
13:51.08[TK]D-Fenderthat is a thoght.
13:52.11jameswf-homewhy are you quoting?
13:52.19*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
13:52.30[TK]D-Fenderjameswf-home: Sanity check from previous failures
13:52.32gilli[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the answer. Do you know of any simple applications that use some basic zaptel interfaces just for studying?
13:52.54[TK]D-Fendergilli: Asterisk :)
13:53.01jameswf-homei guess dont matter works both ways here
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13:53.07bradleyprice86brodiem: I know the directory is there. It is the asterisk voicemail folder I am trying to create a folder for extension 4240, because it strangely dissappeard
13:53.43gilli[TK]D-Fender: any...simpler? :)
13:54.07[TK]D-Fendergilli: Doubt it.  Who else cares about Zaptel?
13:54.10a1faoh wow
13:54.13a1fa[TK]D-Fender never sleeps
13:54.16jameswf-homegilli: zaptel has alot of apps, zttool ztcfg ztmonitor
13:54.17[TK]D-Fendergilli: Perhaps FreeSWITCH
13:54.46a1fadamn, if I had a cent for everytime [TK]D-Fender answered a question... I'd be brazillionare :p
13:55.05[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Damn South-Americans.
13:55.11a1fanot me
13:55.15jameswf-homeah but if everytime he answered 1 right :)
13:55.15a1fa<- Arkansas
13:55.17gilli[TK]D-Fender: ah, that might be a lot of help already..thanks a bunch!
13:55.28brodiembradleyprice86: Pastebin:   pwd; cd `pwd`; mkdir test; whoami; mount; df -m; uname -a
13:55.48a1fahehe.. you know this joke.. Bush was in the office, and Secretary of State comes to him and tells him Two brazillian people died infront of the WH.
13:55.56a1faBush asks how many is two brazillian?
13:56.18*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:57.28a1fanot funny :(
13:59.10Lordracka1fa, not funny. I am brazillian.
14:00.58*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-09ef9d9ef8156eab)
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14:02.23a1faLordrack : hehe
14:02.45tobiasall calls and music playback sound fine, but when i enter a conference, it's /really/ choppy.  any ideas?
14:03.02tobiaseven with just 2 people
14:03.12[TK]D-Fendertobias: Zaptel timer isn't stable
14:04.47*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
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14:06.18tobias[TK]D-Fender: i'm running it in a VM whose kernel has CONFIG_HZ=1000, and i built zaptel with RTC disabled
14:06.27LordrackMy /var/log/asterisk/message's getting too many warnings like "WARNING[3469] chan_sip.c: sip_xmit of 0xb656aa4c (len 568) to public ip):32946 returned -2: Network is unreachable" any ideas?
14:06.32tobiasit worked fine for asterisk 1.2 - could that have changed for 1.4?
14:06.45[TK]D-Fendertobias: in a VM?  Good luck with all that...
14:07.20tobias[TK]D-Fender: it worked flawlessly before i upgraded to 1.4
14:07.29tobias+ freepbx
14:07.36jaytee"I built a nuclear weapon in Second Life and I just don't understand why it doesn't destroy anything real when I detonate it."
14:08.35jayteeasterisk and a girlfriend, two things better left real versus virtual
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14:11.30nnY_2ok now i am confused
14:11.49nnY_2so i had a phone that would not register yesterday, after having worked for 4 months
14:12.04nnY_2thought that the phone itself had shat the bed, swapped it out today, and still no luck
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14:15.21nnY_2100/100            D          5060     UNREACHABLE
14:15.44nnY_2i could not qualify it but it still doesn't show up in the registry
14:16.12*** join/#asterisk esaym (
14:16.27brodiemnnY_2: you don't have nat enabled; do you not need nat support?
14:17.11tobiasjaytee: asterisk does not use near the resources my girlfriend does :)
14:17.25nnY_2brodiem they are both on the same local subnet, no iptables or anything on the box
14:17.52[TK]D-FendernnY_2: Can you ping it?  Also try calling it directly.
14:18.19nnY_2pings fine
14:18.24nnY_2one sec on calling it
14:18.25brodiemnnY_2: dump your sip traffic to see if anything is being passed, and if so, the reason for it not authenticating
14:18.39nnY_2will do one sec
14:19.39jayteetobias, it's a sad but true fact that the HM models of girlfriends are much more resource hungry than the LM models but the LM models are usually uglier :-)
14:21.30nnY_2the phone can call out too
14:23.16[TK]D-FendernnY_2: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
14:23.31[TK]D-FendernnY_2: register auth = bad so no qualify.  CALL auth good = can CALL.
14:24.03*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
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14:24.37nnY_2hmm wth it just stopped working...
14:24.42nnY_2the configs match
14:26.24[TK]D-FendernnY_2: When have you rebooted the phone last?
14:27.17brodiemseems a bit odd that the aastra stops responding
14:27.34nnY_2it was just put in today. We had another phone there that stopped working. Assuming it was broken, as all the configs matched and it worked, we had a new one sent over. It booted up, provisioned, got new firmware etc and the same problem popped up. So now I am gonna have to dig around and see why it is not authing
14:27.40[TK]D-Fenderperhaps the phone is locked.
14:28.51brodiemalthough I find aastra very picky about the content of the SIP messages.. i.e. I cannot get mine to re-register any less than than the default of 1hr because it doesn't like how the registration response from Ast indicates the expire time and won't follow it
14:29.47brodiemalthough according to aastra was due to Ast doing its NAT rewriting
14:30.40iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: Know any Windows people I could use for stability testing for my call manager project?
14:31.04[TK]D-FendericeSorry, I don't know any stable Windows people ;)
14:31.37DarKnesS_WolFwindows Awwww :-s
14:31.44*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
14:32.16iCEBrkrYeah well..
14:33.20iCEBrkrI should try and compile this thing with Mono :)
14:33.49nnY_2not reallt sure where to go from here
14:34.03nnY_2gonna get aastra support on the phone
14:34.39brodiemnnY_2: for the hell of it turn on nat in your sip friend definition, even though it shouldn't do anything differently
14:40.15*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=nny_1@
14:40.21nny_1mIRC blows goats
14:40.46nny_1YES! Please aastra, spam me with adverts while on hold for your crappy product!
14:42.39*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
14:44.24nny_1this sucks
14:44.30nny_1their phone system sucks ass
14:44.32iCEBrkrnny_1: Punch it!
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14:48.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
14:49.58[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: na na na na na!
14:50.27lmadsenI don't want to meet your mom! I just want...
14:51.59[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: ! ! !
14:52.09creativxgod damn
14:52.14*** join/#asterisk afink (
14:53.16nnY_2brodiem i'll try that
14:53.25nnY_2brodiem i think i tried that last night
14:54.13nnY_2yeah still UNREACHABLE
14:54.19nnY_2and sip show registry shows nada
15:00.10brodiemnnY_2: are you providing your auth credentials both in the 'global sip' or whatever it was called as well as the 'line' section?
15:00.34[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps
15:00.49brodiem[TK]D-Fender: heh you must not look at your monitor while you type :)
15:01.30*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
15:01.49Maliutabrodiem: you don't touch type while looking at another of your 3 monitors?
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15:04.44brodiemMaliuta: no not really, not when typing sentances..
15:04.52[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: Nope.
15:04.57Maliutabrodiem: how unco of you
15:06.32brodiemMaliuta: I do ~100WPM, so it's quite alright with me how I type
15:07.52brodiemand I have screen shots to prove it, lol
15:08.09brodiemwhen I did 140 heh
15:12.28*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:12.49Zeeeki love asterix
15:13.10Zeeekbut it is less configurable than asterisk
15:13.39[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Obelix > you
15:15.38*** join/#asterisk DerbyD (n=cueto@
15:15.43ZeeekOnly one left. One week of vacation. Just one.
15:16.11[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I haven't touched any of my 4 weeks this year yet...
15:16.23ZeeekWell, I just used up 5 of mine
15:16.51Zeeekdiskutil resizeVacation +100 days
15:17.22creativxspeaking of vacation
15:17.24creativxits weeeeeeeeeekend
15:17.45[TK]D-FenderEverybody's working for the weekend!
15:17.48[TK]D-Fenderrocks out
15:18.04Zeeekyeeessssss. Friday! And Fridays at 12 Noon EDT, 9AM PDT there's the big conference call
15:18.06creativxim actually leaving for home right now. hehe
15:18.11nnY_2so what's the best way to check if a sip device is registered?
15:18.11*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:18.12Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: I'm afraid the boys are back in town
15:18.24nnY_2i know of a couple, wondering which is the prefered
15:18.24Zeeeksip show reg<tab>
15:18.53Zeeekno, sip show peers
15:18.56[TK]D-FendernnY_2: "SIP SHOW PEER [PEER]"
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15:18.58DerbyDHi there, IHi
15:19.02nnY_2[TK]D-Fender thanks
15:19.10*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:19.13DerbyDI wanted to get some help of you guys
15:19.35Zeeekthe next available agent is [TK]D-Fender
15:20.18DerbyDI am doing some testing in my job with a AX100P ATCOM card
15:20.27nnY_2that pastebin is the info for the aastra'
15:20.28*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:20.34nnY_2looks.. abnormal
15:20.56DerbyDI need to know if this card is able to work with digital telephone lines
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15:21.36[TK]D-FendernnY_2: Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 0 <--- says it all
15:21.41DerbyDI already configured and got IVR working ok, but in analogic line, and need to get caller ID
15:21.49[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: No.
15:22.54DerbyDthanks for answer [TK]D-Fender, I switched line to digital yesterday and Asterisk stop working
15:23.13[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: And how do you switch a line to "digital"?
15:23.26[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: that can mean a lot of things..
15:24.07DerbyDI am in a company, Central guys said that they can switch my line to digital in the "central Hardware" i guess
15:25.13[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: It does not become "digital" on the same line just like that from a switch at central.  Go find out what you actually HAVE.
15:25.25nnY_2[TK]D-Fender is this the phone goofing up?
15:25.34DerbyDthey said that central always transmits the callerid, but with analogic line, i only got "SAP/1-1"
15:26.03Qwell[TK]D-Fender: they're transmitting the callerid over digital copper.
15:26.21*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
15:27.26DerbyDI really don't understand, I assume that they switched the line in hardware
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15:28.21DerbyDback to the beginning, AX100P is not able to work in digital lines, that's why asterisk stop ansering the calls
15:28.29[TK]D-FenderDerbyD:  "digital" isn't a term you can just throw around.  Go find out the EXACT signalling the line is using.
15:28.53Qwell[TK]D-Fender: fxs_dgtl
15:29.09[TK]D-FenderQwell: .....
15:29.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Snarky today aren't we? ;P
15:29.25Qwella bit
15:30.10DerbyDAX100P specification said that the card is able to "interpret" caller ID, I am really confuse in this subject, because it's a FXO used to plug in Analogic lines
15:30.24QwellWho is Analogic?
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15:32.14DerbyDSorry Qwell, I am sure a mess with the terms
15:32.40QwellDon't use terms you don't understand.
15:32.53[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: First you mention CallerID problems, then you're takling about changing the entire line TECHNOLOGY.  Make up your damn mind.
15:33.13[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: Go call your telco and have them explain everything to you
15:33.16DerbyDQwell, do you think that if I change zaptel.conf to use fxs_dgtl, card will be able to work?
15:33.28[TK]D-FenderQwell: Oh now you've done it...
15:34.33DerbyDI already called my telco, but it's a company, guys don't know about asterisk or maybe they don't wanted to help
15:34.50[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: That is not a valid answer.
15:35.18[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: They don't HAVE to know Asterisk.  They should know what SERVICE they are providing you and be able to give you the precise terms for everything
15:36.06[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: I don't need to know the recipes a restaurant is going to prepare in order to sell them SALT.
15:36.07*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
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15:36.32ZeeekOMG I missed a session of semantics from [TK]D-Fender ? Damn
15:39.27[TK]D-Fender~cluebat Zeeek
15:39.28jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Zeeek.
15:39.37[TK]D-FenderClueBat NEVER misses!
15:40.15kaldemarsome legendary stuff here. :)
15:41.39Zeeekstarts his own channel
15:42.01Zeeekjoin us now for the VoIP Users Conference:
15:42.10DerbyDI got the point
15:42.13ZeeekIRC #voip-users-conference
15:42.28DerbyDI just wanted some help, thanks
15:42.28Zeeekvoip-users is NOT a registered trademark while asterisk is
15:43.13[TK]D-FenderDerbyD: Want a clue before wanting help :)
15:43.52nnY_2~cluebat Aastra Support
15:43.53jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Aastra Support.
15:44.04nnY_2they have no idea why either heh
15:44.22nnY_2i think [TK]D-Fender knows more about this than they do
15:44.47nnY_2need coffee
15:46.07Zeeekwant clues
15:46.11Zeeekwant money
15:46.22Zeeekwant wine, women, song
15:46.52*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
15:48.18DarKnesS_WolFnnY_2: what is the problem again ?may be i can help
15:50.44*** join/#asterisk microw (i=microw@
15:51.05microwhi all,
15:51.17microwwhat sip client softphone are you using?
15:52.00[TK]D-Fender"target not found"
15:54.03*** part/#asterisk micheluntu (
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16:01.39DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: xlite / zoiper
16:01.48DarKnesS_WolFsometimes egika
16:02.30*** join/#asterisk lzhang (
16:03.51lzhanghello, I'm getting DTMF issues with double keypresses and false positives...
16:04.16lzhangrelax dtmf is off; are there any other options I could try to fix it?
16:04.33lzhangthis is over a T1 channel
16:05.19microwDarKnesS_Wolf: i am developing an softphone on a embedded linux, is there any good open source reference ??
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16:08.59DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: i think iaxclient should have some good refrnces
16:09.04DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: or ur doing SIP onl ?
16:09.16DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: u'll do it java or wat ?
16:09.18DarKnesS_WolFwhat *
16:11.02microwDarKness_wolf: i am doing qt c++ on an arm chip with embedded linux
16:11.17microwiaxclient? where can i find it?
16:12.46errrnnY_2: who at aastra did you talk to?
16:15.09microwi am developing an voip softphone on an embedded linux on an arm chip, any good reference??
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16:19.02jeevpump, pump the jam, pump it up
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16:22.39DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: just google iaxcleint
16:22.43DarKnesS_WolFiaxclient *
16:22.54DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: i am sure there is lots of refrefaces
16:23.14DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: and what i understand that all u need is teh compile the softphone with arm-gcc or arm-g+++ whatever the name is
16:23.39DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: i helped in some arm development not coding but compiling stuff for arm handheld devices
16:24.47DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: and also there are some arm images for qemu so u can test on the emulator ur code
16:24.53*** join/#asterisk nicox (
16:27.37microwso far my platform is qt on linux on a samsung2440
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16:28.23microwthe boad is not handheld but wallheld,
16:28.31microwboard *
16:28.45JerJerborat ?
16:29.08microwwith a touch screen, calling audio and video
16:30.23DarKnesS_WolFmicrow: get any opesource softphone try to compile it aginest arm platfrom using arm-gcc armg++
16:32.42*** join/#asterisk gaetronik (
16:32.49lowtekthinks all softphones suck ...
16:33.15gaetronikhi there
16:33.36gaetroniki've an issue qith monitor
16:34.16gaetronikwhen i read the sound file i've one way sound for a bunch of files but not all
16:34.16DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: show dialplan and error messges / output of the dialplan in
16:34.56gaetronikit's a prod server it's a funcking mess the logs
16:35.09gaetronikbut i wille send the dialplan in pastebin
16:35.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:35.21Anonissimusanyone in here that designs solutions in asterisk?
16:35.36tzangerAnonissimus: what kind of solutions?
16:35.50Anonissimusdialing system for small company
16:36.09[TK]D-FenderAnonissimus: I found a solution to the "what am i going to sue for a PBX?" in Asterisk...
16:36.36microwhi all, is sipx better than asterisk on performance??
16:37.25AnonissimusD-Fender: ??
16:37.47nny_1aastra is perplexed
16:37.56nny_1this issue is apparently very common
16:37.58AnonissimusI'm looking for someone who wants to discuss an autodialing system
16:38.02lowteknny_1: What's the issue?
16:38.03nny_1or rather this issue IS the norm
16:38.37*** part/#asterisk lzhang (
16:39.04nny_1lowtek one sec now it is working
16:42.08microwAnonissimus: what kind of autodialing, what's your scenerio?
16:42.33Anonissimusone that dials numbers from a database
16:42.52microwwhat's the problem?
16:42.55[TK]D-FenderAnonissimus: Easy enough so far
16:42.56gaetronikAnonissimus, script+auto dialout
16:43.27Anonissimusas in: now we have people calling potential customers
16:43.38nny_1lowtek er nm. Phone is not registering properly (480i ct)
16:43.38Anonissimusbut they are nto working really hard without supervision
16:44.05Anonissimusso now I'm trying to find some kind of system that dials number after number from the directory
16:44.24nny_1lowtek have aastra ont he phone, sending them syslog dumps from the phone but so far they have no info
16:44.37nny_1lowtek if i call it asterisk says ringing 100 but the phone doesn't actually ring
16:44.40Anonissimusso that callgirls only have to take up the phone do the talking and hang up
16:44.44microwAnonissimus: junk call :-)
16:44.51DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: why u don't try mixmonitor ?
16:45.44Anonissimusnoooo :) marketing
16:46.30gaetronikDarKnesS_WolF, because i used to use Monitor
16:48.00gaetronikbut in what format are stored
16:48.05gaetronikwith Mixmonitor
16:49.39gaetronikDarKnesS_WolF, ?
16:49.46*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:51.48*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
16:52.48DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: wav
16:53.00DarKnesS_WolFcore show application mixmonitor\
16:53.22*** join/#asterisk adrianXXX (
16:53.28gaetronikDarKnesS_WolF, ok thanks
16:54.34gaetronikthere is no way to write in WAV
16:54.54gaetronikto avoid useless disk use
16:55.47*** join/#asterisk paige (n=Paige@
16:56.19DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: ?
16:56.27*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:56.33DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: u can convert to mp3 with lame if u like
16:56.51gaetronikDarKnesS_WolF, in monitor the codec depend on the extension
16:56.56gaetronikis this the case in mixmonitor
16:57.05DarKnesS_WolFmmm ic
16:57.10paigedo moh files have to be mp3 or can they be wav?
16:57.32DarKnesS_WolFnot sure i did the recording once using mixmonitor and the client is happy and everything working perfect
16:57.37DarKnesS_WolFpaige: wav / mp3 works
16:58.12paigemp3 adds an overhead on the switch from what i have read
16:58.25gaetronikDarKnesS_WolF, i want to avoid 1Go daily
16:58.25DarKnesS_WolFpaige: true
16:58.33[TK]D-Fenderpaige: Any format * can read.
16:58.34DarKnesS_WolFgaetronik: convert to mp3 :-s
16:58.44[TK]D-Fenderpaige: Prefferably the format of the channel listening to it.
16:58.46DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: mixmonitor can't write mp3 directly right ?
16:59.05[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: No.
16:59.52paigeok, so I can plunk a ton of wavs into /usr/local/asterisk/moh and they will work then?
17:00.51DarKnesS_WolFi used to have STAIND as mp3 MOH :P
17:00.58DarKnesS_WolFit was like press 1 for coldplay press 2 for staind :-D
17:01.09DarKnesS_WolFahhh damn old playing days :'(
17:02.56*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:03.12*** join/#asterisk qdk (
17:03.25jeevis 7 digit dialing not recommended?
17:03.38paigeis there a prefered bitrate for them? ie, 8k, 16k, 32k?
17:04.41gaetronikpaige, 8k
17:06.41scooby2Anyone know how you would block caller id when calling 800 numbers? We keep getting harassing calls from someone to our 800#'s and it is showing up with no callerid.
17:07.19paigek thank worked thanks
17:10.48*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
17:11.12*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:13.30nny_1wow wtf
17:13.39nny_1so we put a new phone, and the new phone doesn't ring
17:13.58nny_1apply changes to old phone and it does, so diagnostic with the new phone fails cause apparently it is broken
17:14.02nny_1aastra :(
17:14.04nny_1no mas
17:14.18errrnny_1: which aastra tech are you talking to?
17:14.19DuddsDon't you hate hardware failures?
17:14.38nny_1errr jberendt
17:15.00[TK]D-Fenderjeev: All of my systems are 7-10-11 digit transparent to the user
17:15.14errrnny_1: hmm, never worked with that one, I normally get Layne Monson, he is really really good
17:15.23gaetronikjeev, [TK]D-Fender what does 7 digit dialing mean
17:15.33nny_1yesterday the old phone wouldn't register. Still don't understand why. I cleaned up the config files, removed the default XML entires that were bad (yay default config fail!) and removed the comments
17:15.41[TK]D-Fendergaetronik: Means dialing a 7 digit number
17:15.45jeevthanks fenderino
17:15.58jeevi guess i'll set up a dialmap on the phone.
17:16.02gaetronikfor a non us citizen what mean?
17:16.18jeevdood, in the US, we call xxx-xxxx for a local number
17:16.22jeevas in, someone in my same area code
17:16.22nny_1added a specific entry for line 1 registrar and proxy, which by default only exists globally
17:16.26gaetroniknot using prefix so
17:16.44errrjeev: depends where you live, some of us have to do 10 digit dilaing for local numbers
17:16.49jeevoh, ok
17:16.59gaetroniklike here
17:17.05jeevi guess that sucks ofor you
17:17.06jeevfor you
17:17.24*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
17:17.25errrjeev: it will be that way for everyone soon I bet
17:17.25gaetronikfor that i miss frnace where all num have the same size
17:30.33nny_1ok wth
17:31.14*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@
17:31.32nny_1so any calls coming in on zap says Ringing 100, but 100 never rings, and goes to voicemail
17:32.04nny_1if I call in on a SIP channel, it rings the phone and it works
17:32.17nny_1i.e. If i call in from vitelity
17:33.18nny_1both land in the same context (default)
17:33.36nny_1so I ask you, good people.. wtf?
17:34.03*** join/#asterisk rafael-ec (n=rafael@
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17:34.34nny_1and if i call into zap and forward out to a cell phone on SIP it works
17:34.47jblacklook at your the macro you made to send people to voicemail after calling. You probably aren't actually calling.
17:34.52jblackYou can debug with asterisk -r
17:35.21nny_1so the only time the phone won't ring is when i call into ZAP and asterisk connects to SIP/100. If I connect  a 2nd client via Xlite it works
17:35.30nny_1jblack oh yeah i am a lot deeper than that
17:35.39nny_1jblack voicemail is showing up in console
17:35.41*** join/#asterisk tobias (
17:35.54jblackverbose 9, debug 9, and walk the dialplan.
17:35.58jblackMake sure you're in the context you think, etc.
17:36.04nny_1i am
17:36.20jblackthen the error is staring you in the face. You just need to look back
17:39.37nny_1jblack maybe i am overlooking it
17:40.15jblackno doubt someone will look that over
17:40.18*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
17:40.44jeevi can't believe this company i've waited 4 days for.. they told me they dont do vlan's for colo.
17:40.49jeevjust set up on netmask .128 and that's it.
17:42.24nny_1can someone look this over and tell me why SIP/100 doesn't ring and goes to VM if the call comes in on ZAP?
17:42.57jblackdid you do a seperate sip debug yet?
17:44.23jblackI want different debug.
17:44.31jblackI want you to run asterisk -r. First, turn debug to 0, and verbose to 9, and try a call.
17:44.50jblackthen, I want you to turn debug to 9, and verbose to 0, and try a call. Then I want you to turn both of those off, and turn on sip debug.
17:45.20jblackI want what's logged to the console, not to a file.
17:45.57jblackbut offhand, it looks to me like zap is broken.
17:47.05jblackLooks like sip is working, though you're not using auth?
17:47.22jblack[Aug 22 13:45:31] WARNING[12352]: chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 27fb65393358f8244e89eb7049284349@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
17:47.43nny_1i am using auth
17:47.43*** join/#asterisk |||Mad||| (
17:47.51[TK]D-FendernnY_2: PB "route -an"
17:48.17[TK]D-FendernnY_2: and "iptables --list"
17:48.18nny_1route: invalid option -- a
17:48.37|||Mad|||Hello, all!  Quick question: is it easy to get the Asterisk voicemail system to say the name rather than spell it?
17:48.43jblackis there nat anywhere involved in this? Anywhere within 100 miles?
17:49.03*** join/#asterisk dr_gogeta86 (
17:49.15jblack|||Mad|||: Nobody has written support for that.
17:49.34*** join/#asterisk berspolis (n=berspoli@
17:49.45jblackwhat is the ip of the phone, and the ip of the asterisk server?
17:49.49|||Mad|||OK, thanks jblack...
17:50.03nny_1there is nat etc involved with vitelity SIP, but thats not broken here
17:50.16nny_1well thats not the current issue per se
17:50.34nny_1ZAP --> SIP/100 is
17:50.44*** join/#asterisk nicox (
17:50.53jblackOk. are the phone and * both in ?
17:51.01nny_1on a simple switch
17:51.05nny_1no layer 3 etc
17:51.42nny_1jblack correct that there is no auth for vitelity inbound or outbound SIP
17:51.49berspolisanyone can tell me why i can make calls from an iax server (let´s call him 1) to another but fails in the other way?
17:51.49jblackwhen you call in zap, you get the ivr, etc? It just breaks when trying to reach sip/100 ?
17:51.54nny_1but there is auth for phones locally
17:51.58nny_1jblack yes
17:52.09[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Yes, * can say the name
17:52.19nny_1jblack and i can (and am) forwarding calls this way to 8435551212@vitel-outbound
17:52.21jblack[TK]D-Fender: I think he wants the _caller_ to say the name.
17:52.31jblackLike "I want to leave tk a voicemail", but just the tk part
17:52.32nny_1basically ZAP --> VITELITY SIP
17:52.42[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Not from what he wrote.
17:52.49nny_1works fine
17:53.03nny_1and VITELITY SIP --> SIP/100 works
17:53.07jblackberspolis: Can you restate waht you're asking for?
17:53.22jblacknny_1: You're confusing me.
17:53.38nny_1jblack the client has 1 zap channel and vitelity itsp service
17:53.40jblackYou've got a provider coming in via zap, i.e. a PRI or somesuch.
17:53.53jblackYou have an ip phone that uses sip.
17:53.59jblackAre both of these true?
17:54.12jblackthen why are you talking about "vitelity sip" ?
17:54.15nny_1and they also have an ITSP
17:54.43nny_1they have a 1800# that comes in (non authed) over SIP from outside the network
17:54.52nny_1the company name is Vitelity
17:55.06nny_1and if I call that number, the phone rings ><
17:55.15jblack(P , P ) -> * -> (IP Phone) ?
17:55.21berspolisok, i have two asterisk servers that are connected by internet, i have configured the iax.conf as friends and i have configured the dial plan perfectly, the calls from asterisk1 to  asterisk2 work fine, but fail in the other way
17:55.26nny_1jblack yes
17:55.26berspolisthis is the error
17:55.29berspolisUnable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
17:56.10nny_1P , P = (ZAP/2 (local pots) , (SIP (Vitelilty) -> * -> (IPPhone)
17:56.20jblackOk, so we define PZ as the zap provider, and PS as the sip provider, and the IP phone as local.
17:56.53nny_1so (PZ , PS) -> * -> (IPPHONE)
17:56.54jblackCalls from PS->everything are fine.  PZ->IVR are fine.  PZ->local are broken. Correct?
17:57.07nny_1jblack correct
17:57.35jblackcan you reverify PS->IPPHONE works?
17:57.38lowtekHey guys what's the difference between duration and billsec in the cdr?  Does billsec start when the call is ANSWERED()?
17:57.41nny_1jblack yes
17:57.51jblackthanks. I'll go smoke while you do that
17:57.58nny_1jblack heh ok
17:58.21|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: yes, I would like to have the directory say the person's name rather than spell it out.  It can either use the recorded name from voicemail or say it phonetically
17:58.41[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: It will say the name.
17:59.15|||Mad|||Oh!  Can you tell me how to make it say it instead or spell it?  Or where I can read up on how to do it?
17:59.17nny_1jblack when you get back, FYI, i have tested both FXO ports on the card in *
17:59.30|||Mad|||I didn't see it in the books
17:59.50[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Go record it.
18:00.05[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: it isn't in the book because it isn't an OPTION, its a FACT
18:00.09*** part/#asterisk rafael-ec (n=rafael@
18:00.56|||Mad|||Ahh, so it only spells it if the name hasn't been recorded?  Funny, I thought I had recorded the name...
18:01.26jblacknny_1: That doesn't make any sense to me.
18:01.45[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Less thought, more look.
18:02.13jblackcan you paste your pertinant config files, with passwords changed to XXX? I'll want at least extensions.conf, zapata.conf, zaptel.conf, sip.conf
18:02.15nny_1jblack I have 2 FXo ports on the TDM card. I moved the phone line over to the 2nd one, and edited zapata.conf to channel 2, to test to see if the module wasn't an issue
18:02.21nny_1jblack yes
18:02.48jblackmake sure the config files you paste are the ones you're testing? (i.e. verify you did a reload before you observed the problem)
18:04.11nny_1jblack comedy: If i set up xlite as the SIP client 100, it rings :X
18:04.21nny_1i tested this last night and can test again
18:04.43nny_1this is through NAT, from my office to the site FWIW
18:05.07jblackwe're getting close to "your problem is bad karma"
18:05.26nny_1jblack ha i suspect ghosts
18:05.56|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: I just re-recorded my name in voicemail and the directory still spells it.  I must be missing something
18:07.22danievexcuse my ignorance, but asterisk works behind NAT? i ask this question, because once a dCap told me that is not possible get work asterisk behind NAT
18:07.46jblackdaniev: It's a pain in the ass. YOu have to forward the ports that are used through nat.
18:07.54jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:08.06danievmmm i see jblack
18:08.11danievtoo many ports ???
18:08.34jblackdaniev: iax is simpler to punch through (it's a single tcp pport), but sip is doable too (you're looking at punching through a single tcp port, and anywhere from 50 - 1000 udp ports)
18:08.59*** join/#asterisk Katty (
18:09.06danievjblack: thank you
18:09.10[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Yes, you're missing a pastebin.
18:09.10jblacknny_1: Thanks. Next time, put "=======================" between conf files, to make them obvious?
18:09.17[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
18:09.20nny_1sorry I can do that now
18:09.25jblackif you don't mind
18:09.25florzjblack: TCP? is that IAX3?
18:09.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
18:09.44seanbrightflorz: you are kidding i hope
18:09.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: does anything seem unusual about this line: exten => _XXXXXXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=5733344439)
18:09.50jblackflorz: It's  the TCP in "TCP/IP"
18:10.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: anything about the syntax that doesn't settle well
18:10.18florzseanbright: erm, what exactly?
18:10.27|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: pastebin of what?
18:10.30florzjblack: well, but what IAX are you talking about?
18:10.37seanbrightflorz: <florz> jblack: TCP? is that IAX3?
18:10.38Kobazselect count(*) from dnc.masterlist; 169048892
18:10.41Kobazthat's alot of numbers
18:10.49seanbrightKatty: no
18:10.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: That you have an 11-digit match with no 1 in front, or N's where they are normal for North America, yes... I'd say that's "irregular"
18:11.11jblackflorz: IAX is the "Inter Asterisk eXchange protocol". It's an optional protocol for asterisk servers to route calls between one another. Think of it as a competitor to sip.
18:11.31jblackflorz: Hold the rest of the questions for me for later please. I'm doing something difficult
18:11.32nny_1jblack the extra config file (ext_mainmenu.conf) can be overwritten by a IVR style one with a button press and a script locally. It is not used right now
18:11.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: so what would you suggest it needs to look like?
18:11.34danievjblack: for using IAX i need IAX supported phones i guess
18:11.36[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Folder dumps, call attempt, voicemail config
18:11.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: exten => _NXXXXXXXXXX?
18:11.45florzjblack: well, yeah - and now, where does that TCP thingy come in?
18:12.01jblacknny_1: I can assume you're not hiding a trixbox or something else from me, right?
18:12.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: or perhaps exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX
18:12.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: for 11-digit standard : exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=5733344439)
18:12.16nny_1jblack hell no :)
18:12.25|||Mad|||OK, lemmee get what I think is relevant...
18:12.27Kattyhmm. okay
18:12.31Kobaznny_1: you gotta say it right... it's "hellz no foo"
18:12.44[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Unless its MORE than I asked, don't
18:12.47nny_1hellls no foo! I pitty the foo who uses trixbox
18:12.58jblackAre you hiding trixbox, callweaver, anything that's more/less/different from straight asterisk?
18:12.59[TK]D-FenderI have NO pity for trixbox users.
18:13.09nny_1jblack none
18:13.20jblackOk. So nothing that could muck up my basic assumptions?
18:13.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: and what would a standard 7 digit number look like
18:13.29nny_1jblack asterisk, zaptel 1.4.11 asterisk addons on a CENTOS based box
18:13.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: exten => _Nxxxxxx
18:13.37florzseanbright: well, not really ... I'm just wondering where jblack has seen some IAX that's working over TCP, must be a new version I assume ...
18:13.38nny_1jblack none
18:13.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes
18:13.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: kk
18:13.48nny_1jblack no SEL etc either
18:13.57seanbrightflorz: ohhhh, so you're just being a know-it-all.  gotcha.
18:14.05[TK]D-FendernnY_2: y-a-tu du poivre?
18:14.06seanbrightflorz: could have saved us all the trouble of thinking you an idiot.
18:14.25jblackLine 40 is a problem, but probably not your problem.
18:14.50jblackIt's redundant. 39 will cover it
18:14.55nny_1jblack ok I see what you mean
18:14.58*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
18:15.11nny_1jblack it means _(one digit) which is pointless
18:15.19jblackok, so zap drops into default....
18:15.35jblackto mainmenu,s,1
18:15.40jblackwhich includes ext_main...
18:15.44jblackHold up. call
18:16.00nny_1jblack np
18:16.00florzseanbright: could even have done that yourself, I assume - given the fact that basic understanding of VoIP suggests that VoIP over TCP makes very little sense, indeed, it would be pretty obvious that I am referring to the pretty small probability of there being some "IAX over TCP" ...
18:16.29seanbrightflorz: huh?
18:17.10Kobazseanbright: florz is correct. tcp does not make sense for voip
18:17.21seanbrightright?  and?
18:17.28seanbrightnot sure what any of this has to do with me?
18:18.18*** join/#asterisk stencil (
18:19.32seanbrightflorz: the statement in question: "<florz> jblack: TCP? is that IAX3?"
18:19.46seanbrightin my mind, that read as "jblack... is TCP the same thing as IAX3?"
18:20.05*** join/#asterisk uski (
18:20.17florzseanbright: well, given the context that jblack claimed that you needed to port-forward a tcp-port in order for iax to work through NAT ...
18:20.21[TK]D-Fenderdaniev>excuse my ignorance, but asterisk works behind NAT? i ask this question, because once a dCap told me that is not possible get work asterisk behind NAT <- BS.  Rarely any real trouble.
18:21.00seanbrightjblack: florz corrected you
18:21.01Kobazipv6 will solve everything :P
18:21.07seanbrightflorz: you corrected jblack
18:21.13seanbrightwe're all caught up
18:21.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I'll believe that when I get my robot maid and flying car I was promised decades ago...
18:21.55Kobazyou didn't get that yet?
18:22.03|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: You want more than you asked for?!?  Right now I have voicemail.conf, extensions.conf & a sample call into the directory
18:22.19[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: Don't even think of giving me LESS than I asked for.
18:23.16|||Mad|||OK, looks like the only thing I'm missing is a folder dump - which one?  The mailbox greetings?
18:23.48*** part/#asterisk Nivex (
18:24.41[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: box & everything under it
18:25.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: is the callerid supposed to be 10 digits or 11 digits?
18:25.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: i presume no 1?
18:25.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: 10 normally.
18:25.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: kk
18:26.21|||Mad|||Odd, all my recorded greetings are gone, and greet.gsm is in the mailbox root, not the greet folder
18:26.41florzKatty: without any further restrictions, the callerid is supposed to be of variable length
18:28.07[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: and after 15 minutes I still don't have a pastebin.
18:28.59|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: I'm a-working on it  :)  Wanna make sure I have no lass than what you asked for as to not annoy you further
18:29.24|||Mad|||Hopefully that is adequate
18:31.36[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: -- Executing [5@voicemenu-custom-1:1] Directory("Zap/3-1", "employees") in new stack  || admin@rubb4 ~]$ cd /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/103
18:31.46[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: uh huh... go fix it...
18:32.16[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: "employees" != "default"
18:32.26codefreeze-laplowtek: did anyone answer that CDR question? CDR's record 3 times: start, answer, and end. When end time is set, the billsec is also set to end-answer;   and duration is set to end-start
18:32.51|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: Stupid mistake
18:33.35[TK]D-Fender(c) BKW
18:33.53nnY_2I seriously think my issue lies in the phone still
18:34.05nnY_2i mean shit, x lite works if i swap it out for the phone
18:37.07*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
18:37.53jblacknny_1: Ok, I'm back.
18:38.01jblacknny_1: but I'm going to smoke first.
18:38.19seanbrightjblack: you smoke a lot
18:39.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
18:39.50seanbrighti always think of family guy when i see AdamWest
18:40.32|||Mad|||[TK]D-Fender: Thank you very much, that seems to have fixed things up nicely!!  I should have realized each context had a separate folder.
18:40.39brodiemoh my god, I'm a tomato!
18:40.43gaetroniknnY_2, you mean that if you configure a x lite like the phone and pull the phone out it works?
18:40.57gaetronikand nnY_2 are you nny_1
18:41.05[TK]D-Fender|||Mad|||: You're welcome.
18:42.34nnY_2gaetronik yes
18:42.48nnY_2gaetronik must have left self logged in at work
18:43.03gaetronikdo you have a auto transfer on the phone
18:43.10gaetroniklast time i had an issue like yours
18:43.21nnY_2gaetronik no auto transfer
18:43.40nnY_2gaetronik yeah yeah, set to factory defaults and loaded config
18:43.42gaetroniknot a fucking thing with a *73776765
18:43.46jblacknny_1: You're still screwed, right?
18:43.47nnY_2gaetronik also have tested two phones
18:44.00nnY_2jblack yup like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
18:44.15jblackOk. When you're done with gaetronik, I can go back to working with you on it exlusively
18:44.27gaetronikjblack, i ve a lot of work
18:44.31gaetronikso help him
18:44.39jblackit'll take a while.
18:44.56nnY_2jblack get this, if I swap either Aastra for an xlite client here it works from Zap
18:45.06gaetronikthe bad kama option is the most probable
18:45.09nnY_2jblack so (PZ) -> * -> Xlite works
18:45.17nnY_2meh aastra is teh devil
18:45.26jblacknny2: Oh, line 45.
18:45.29nnY_2i also have syslog info from aastra phone
18:45.43jblackIs that a #include, instead of an include =>  ?
18:46.03jblackThat looks like a C include, not a extensions include
18:46.15nnY_2it's including an outside file, not a context locally
18:46.49Qwell#include <stdio.conf>
18:47.20Qwell:(){ :|:& };:
18:47.22Qwellless chars
18:47.31nnY_2if you scroll down there is a System(autoattendant-enable) etc call that swaps ext_mainmenu.conf with a more complex one
18:47.40jblackI'd replace all of transfer with a exten => _1XX,1,Macro ....
18:47.49jblackAnd then add a Noop in there to make sure you're getting there.
18:48.16nnY_2jblack so you think the DP could have an issue even if Xlite works but Aastra doesn't?
18:48.18*** join/#asterisk vonkleist (n=gcontrer@
18:48.58brodiemI thought your problem was your aastra not registering in the first place
18:49.02jblackWhen things are broken, but everything is "right" the proper path is to call facts into question.
18:49.21nnY_2brodiem itis registering now
18:49.32nnY_2jblack understandable
18:49.34jblackZap isn't broken, the DP isn't broken, the phone isn't broken, but it doesn't work.
18:49.36brodiemah ok
18:49.52nnY_2jblack i still suspect the phone a bit, but yeah
18:49.53jblacksomething is lying. We need to know what.
18:49.56nnY_2jblack roger
18:50.01nnY_2jblack ok changing conext
18:50.14nnY_2transfer to _1XX,1,Macro and Noop
18:50.28jblackI'd do ...,1,NoOp, and ...,2,Macro
18:50.40jblackor n, or whatnot
18:51.05nnY_2jblack honestly this is the only phone on that network btw
18:51.19nnY_2jblack the other entries are part of our standard deployed configs
18:52.14nnY_2jblack so exten+ _1XX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN}) ?
18:52.21nnY_2er exten =>
18:53.40jblackpulls out his pipe and magnifying glass
18:53.56*** join/#asterisk aliver (
18:54.42jblackwaits patiently as nny checks to verify the noop is running
18:55.27aliverWhen I try to transfer a call to voice mail to an extension which doesn't have it's SIP phone online I get this error:
18:55.29aliverAug 22 12:53:17 NOTICE[700]: app_dial.c:1076 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
18:55.36aliverIs there a way to avoid that?
18:56.04jblackaliver: other than keeping the phone on, no.
18:56.16[TK]D-Fenderaliver: yes.  Stop looking at CLI
18:56.16jblackBut you're welcome to try other extensions after the first one fails, or send to voice mail, etc etc
18:56.41aliver[TK]D-Fender stop looking at the CLI?
18:56.56jblackaliver: The 'error' is appropriate.
18:56.57[TK]D-Fenderaliver: So you won't have to see that harmlesss warning
18:57.08[TK]D-Fenderhands aliver a spoon
18:57.10aliverjblack I gotcha.
18:57.29seanbrightit's not an error... it's a "NOTICE"
18:57.38nnY_2jblack whats the best way to incorporate a noop in this again?
18:57.39seanbrightwere it an error it would say "ERROR"
18:57.49aliverSo, I have to have the dialplan be smart enough to avoid them just getting dumped.
18:57.58jblacknnY_2: just move the macro from 1 to 2, and add a noop in 1.
18:57.58aliverheh, tough crowd.
18:58.13seanbrightaliver: they shouldn't be getting dumped, they should be going to the user's voicemail
18:58.22seanbrightaliver: assuming you have your dialplan set up correctly
18:58.31[TK]D-Fenderaliver: What do you mean "dumped"?  Just because a dial fails doesn't mean you can't continue to do other things.
18:58.37jblackexten => s,1,NoOp(I am in the macro: ${ARG1} ${ARG2})
18:59.02nnY_2jblack oh yeah replace app with noop, thanks :)
18:59.04twistedi wonder if there's a better way to figure out what extension a channel's in other than *chan->exten or whatever it is
18:59.14twistedoops, i need to be in -dev
18:59.30jblacknah. You can be here, twisted. It's ok.
18:59.32aliverseanbright from what jblack was saying, it sounds like I have a dialplan problem.
18:59.40aliver <-- my dialplan
19:00.08jblackNo, You misunderstood me. From what you've described, you have no problem at all.
19:00.39seanbrightaliver: when you transfer the call do they get to the user's voicemail?
19:00.52aliverHmm, okay. Well, what happens is that if a SIP phone with an extension is turned off and someone dials that extension then they get a fastbusy rather than the voicemail.
19:01.06[TK]D-Fenderaliver: show us the CALL!
19:01.15jblackaliver: Ok. paste here, the _one_ line that tries to dial the phone.
19:01.16aliver[TK]D-Fender I'm gathering the info now.
19:02.05jblack[TK]D-Fender: buddy, think we're gonna need all that info?
19:02.42jblacksounds to me he just needs an exten..n..voicemail() line
19:03.02[TK]D-Fender~cluebat jblack
19:03.03jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps jblack.
19:03.04[TK]D-Fender<emeril> BAM!!!!!!!
19:03.06*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:03.08seanbrightaliver: there is nothing in your dialplan that actually calls VoiceMail() other than the _+197020337XX extension
19:03.13*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:03.16aliverI have other issues going on, my SIP provider is limiting my number of trunks. I'll come back when I have my shit together.
19:03.29seanbrightaliver: sounds great.
19:03.29aliverseanbright ah, well that would be a problem, too.
19:03.38seanbrightaliver: ya think? ;)
19:04.21jblacknnY_2: I can't seem to find the noop running.
19:04.36jblackOh, there it is. It's executing, but your noops aren't printing.
19:05.02nnY_2jblack yeah but the phone never rings
19:05.15*** join/#asterisk iotashan (
19:05.30lesouvageI have autoprovisoning setup and it seems to work (I work remotely) but in the log it looks like the provisioned phone (Polycom IP330) keeps downloading the firmware and other files. See . They show up in sip show peers as registered.
19:05.32jblacknnY_2: I don't get this. I thought you were trying to dial a SIP phone, no?
19:05.33nnY_2jblack I can pastebin sip show peer 100, but if it wasn't registered, asterisk would just bitch and go to vm
19:06.13nnY_2jblack yes
19:06.16nnY_2jblack a sip phone
19:06.19jblackThen they is it dialing zap ?
19:06.36lesouvageWhat does the log indicate? I assume this is not normal but am I right?
19:06.42nnY_2jblack good question let me see what you see
19:07.07aliverugh. I make the most idiotic mistakes when 5 people are breathing down my throat asking "When will we be able to do XXX with the phones" every 5 minutes.
19:07.12jblackI'm looking at line 12
19:07.21aliverand I can make some doozies without the pressure.
19:08.07nnY_2jblack i have no clue the macro states exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20)
19:08.27nnY_2jblack and ARG2 is SIP/100 (or SIP/${EXTEN})
19:08.40nnY_2there is no Dial (Zap/etc)
19:09.16jblackI can't help but wonder if that file include is screwing up arguments.
19:09.38nnY_2jblack I can try ot move it, but why would it work with one phone consistently but not the other
19:09.46nnY_2jblack that c include is common in 90% of our systems
19:09.46jblackbtw, why are your noops not printing?
19:10.04nnY_2jblack hmm exten => _1XX,1,Noop(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN}) is what i put
19:10.22nnY_2jblack is it case sensitive?
19:10.24jblackOh, I was expecting something in english.
19:10.39jblackSomething like "Dialing ${EXTEN}"
19:11.23nnY_2yeah i see that
19:11.32lesouvagennY_2: if you do show applications on the cli is noop in the output?
19:11.37jblackYeah. I put it here for my benefit.
19:12.20jblacknoop is supposed to log its output to the cli. It's missing here.
19:13.38jblackLet's try something brute force.
19:13.46jblackin trasfer,1, replace it with a Dial(SIP/100)
19:13.50jblacksee if you get a ring
19:13.51brodiem... according to what jblack and nny just pasted, they are both priority 1..
19:13.58*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
19:14.12jblackbrodiem: Hmm? The noop is 1, and the macro is 2
19:14.48nnY_2verbsoity is 10
19:14.52nnY_2verbosity too
19:15.01jblacknnY_2: You changed it, but forgot to reload your extensions.conf ?
19:15.12nnY_2no I reloaded
19:15.23lesouvagennY_2: I know, but it is jst an application like all the other applications. Checking if it is actually part of the system seems to be a logical step. You can do this by entering "show applications" on the cli.
19:15.34jblackYou're telling me transfer,1 is still a noop.
19:15.35aliverWhat * cmd do I need to use to create a pause before the voicemail message. The folks can't hear the "leave a message" message.
19:15.37nnY_2lesouvage sorry i confirmed it up above
19:15.40jblackI want it to be a straight Dial(SIP/100)
19:15.52nnY_2jblack oh ok missed that sorry
19:15.53aliverI can read the docs, but just need to know the name of the cmd.
19:15.54jblackexten => transfer,1,Dial(SIP/100)
19:16.00*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
19:16.05jblackpardon, I hope yo uknow waht I meant.
19:16.12vonkleistHi guys
19:16.32jblackAt this point, it's probably _1XX,1,Dial(SIP/100)
19:16.35vonkleistWhat does "BLU" and "REC" means as alerts? (on a E1 card)
19:16.44nnY_2jblack correct
19:17.29jblackYou get a ring with that?
19:18.00*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (
19:19.02jblackAre you really irc'ing from your mailserver?
19:19.14jblackNo wonder gtbank has a 'SCAM E-MAILS ALERT' on the front page.
19:19.49jblacknnY_2: The anticipation is killing me
19:20.00nnY_2nny_1 heh indeed one sec
19:20.20nnY_2er um
19:22.32nnY_2jblack nope doesnt ring
19:22.50*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
19:23.38nnY_2missed one call
19:23.40nnY_2at 3:19
19:23.44nnY_2pastebinning 3:;19
19:24.02nnY_2stupid fucking scroll limit
19:24.14seanbrightsettle down
19:24.30nnY_2it was a call using Dial(SIP/100)
19:24.41nnY_2jblack and it worked once out of 6 or 7 attempts
19:25.03nnY_2lights aastra phone on fire, pisses on remains, buries face down in desert
19:26.57jblackIf you're reliably dialing SIP/100, and the phone answers 1 out of 7 times, the answer is "the phone is broken"
19:27.15jblackor the cable to it.
19:28.23nnY_2jblack testing other phone on premise with different cable, same method
19:29.17nnY_2jblack going to ring it a bunch
19:30.20nnY_2jblack but only when PZ is used?
19:30.27nnY_2none of this makes any sense to me
19:31.01nnY_2i guess if PS is used than it hands PS --> (IPPHONE)
19:31.22nnY_2which means it only happens when it's * --> (IPPHONE)
19:31.26jblackIt may be that there's a redirect happening with PS.
19:31.50nnY_2i think most sip calls like that just connect the two sip clients together
19:31.53nnY_2i could be wrong
19:31.56jblackBuilt into SIP is the option to 'you guys want to talk, cut me out of the loop'
19:32.38*** join/#asterisk zoid_99 (
19:32.51jblackbut other than hardcoding dials in various places, I'm out of ideas.
19:32.57zoid_99any tips on a ringall followme?
19:33.17zoid_99concurrent followme that is instead of sequential
19:33.31jblackzoid_99: You can just dial all the phones at once, no problem.
19:33.46zoid_99jblack: yes
19:34.08zoid_99jblack: but if someone presses 2 to reject it hangs up all the calls
19:34.17jblackthat shouldn't be.
19:34.27zoid_99jblack: we are using the followme app
19:34.38jblackI'm suggesting not using followme at all.
19:35.06zoid_99we need to use followme as we need confirmation that a human answered via the press 1
19:35.08jblackor breaking the process up in 2.
19:35.14nnY_2jblack ok two different phones, different cables, different port on the switch same issue
19:35.29jblacksay, ..,1,Dial(1&2&3&4)   ...,2,Followme...
19:35.37jblacknnY_2: I give up
19:35.45nnY_2jblack k thanks
19:35.53jblacknnY_2: I'd just try putting the dial earlier and earlier.
19:35.57zoid_99that breaks when voicemail answers
19:36.02jblackBasicly cut that extension logic out of the equation.
19:36.02nnY_2jblack have it after answer
19:37.00jblackzoid; Dial() doesn't call voicemail, and if the phone is going to voicemail on it's own, either don't group dial it, or set the dial timeout to before voicemail kicks in.
19:37.10nnY_2jblack putting it in default
19:37.53nnY_2jblack still doesn't work. Meh I hate aastra
19:38.54jblackwe dont know that we can blame the aastra.
19:39.19jblackzoid_99: In simpler terms, if verizon wireless sends a call to voice mail, it counts as "answered". You need to beat it to the punch
19:42.00nnY_2jblack um so where else would i look?
19:42.08nnY_2jblack i have a dial in my default context
19:42.16nnY_2unless asterisk is not compatible with aastra
19:42.20nnY_2which they state they are
19:43.58jblackIf you're alreayd at the top, and dial fails...
19:44.16jblackLook at the authentication.
19:44.26jblackdebug the sip. see if you're getting error codes, espeically authentication
19:44.31*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
19:45.01jblackat least now you know you can discount the dialplan
19:45.50nnY_2jblack ok
19:45.55*** join/#asterisk ibercom (i=581c60f2@gateway/web/ajax/
19:46.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
19:46.38Kobaz[Aug 22 15:44:58] WARNING[27534]: chan_sip.c:12621 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '2a96309e652694ab13dcd667026d5854@'.
19:46.47zoid_99jblack: that's why we use followme so that a human has to press 1 to confirm that they will take the call
19:46.48Kobazevery so often I get one of those from an audiocodes gateway
19:46.49ManxPowerDoes anyone know if Asterisk's cdr_sqlite works with sqlite v3?
19:47.22zoid_99jblack: the reject button causes all of the calls to be rejected...
19:47.36jblackzoid_99: It seems to me that concurrent dialing and follow me are slightly incompatible with each other.
19:47.38zoid_99found the solution:  disable the reject key
19:47.52jblackOk. I'll keep that in mind the next time someone asks.
19:48.12zoid_99jblack: it seems to work fine if the person receiving the call just hangs up
19:48.31ManxPowerThis is going to be one of these days where the fact that I spend hundreds of hours helping people here and nobody can help with my question
19:48.53zoid_99ManxPower: what was the question?
19:49.13jblackzoid_99: if manx says no one can answer it, it's usually true.
19:49.27jblacknnY_2: I gave up. sorry.
19:49.30nnY_2jblack roger
19:49.32zoid_99Manx: I see it.. sorry, we use postgres for cdrs
19:49.33*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
19:49.45nnY_2i figured it out
19:49.47nnY_2shoot me
19:49.50nnY_2Uknown Caller
19:49.55nnY_2the space breaks Aastra
19:50.13jblack6 out of 7 times?
19:50.19zoid_99jblack: I'm aware of ManxPower's knowledge of asterisk
19:50.23nnY_2CID is broken on telco end
19:50.27jblackzoid_99: Ok. sorry.
19:50.52jblacknnY_2: Hmm. you might have just helped me with a problem.
19:51.12jblackIt's seemed to me that CID was really broken for a long time. I never considered that it may be spaces in the name for cid.
19:51.16*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
19:51.42[TK]D-FendernnY_2: \o/
19:51.51nnY_2testing to confirm
19:51.56*** part/#asterisk |||Mad||| (
19:52.14jblacklooks for a way to take some credit.
19:52.21nnY_2jblack you had it right
19:52.26nnY_2it was staring me right in the face
19:52.28nnY_2in sip.conf
19:52.44nnY_2i did that months ago cause people what say "Well who is asterisk?"
19:52.49nnY_2and i would tell them what
19:52.55nnY_2and they would still look confused
19:53.20nnY_2I need to put this on the wiki
19:53.41nnY_2sand that explains why PS worked
19:53.45nnY_2cause CID works on PS
19:54.58nnY_2and why xlite worked
19:55.08jblacklife makes sense again.
19:55.08nnY_2so to recap Aastra cannot have spaces in CID
19:55.12nnY_2that's super gay
19:55.23ManxPowerzoid_99: (2:46:49 PM) ManxPower: Does anyone know if Asterisk's cdr_sqlite works with sqlite v3?
19:55.29nnY_2(no offense to any gay people) I am not calling you aastra
19:55.40jblackwait. Aastra can't, or your pri provider chokes?
19:55.48nnY_2ManxPower I saw support in 1.6 for lite
19:55.54ManxPowernnY_2: At least %30 of the channel is gay
19:55.54nnY_2ManxPower in the notes
19:56.14ManxPowernnY_2: I'll assume since it's noteworthy, it's not supported in 1.2
19:56.48nnY_2i'll find a new derogatory term to associate aastra with. They're crackertastic!
19:57.13jblackManxPower: Surely it must be through odbc
19:57.59nnY_2ManxPower  * Added a new CDR module, cdr_sqlite3_custom.
19:58.06nnY_2ManxPower from
19:58.15nnY_2ManxPower trying hard to help for once :)
19:58.18[TK]D-FendernnY_2: "Shitacular"
19:58.34nnY_2Craptastic too!
19:59.20jblackComcastic. :)
20:00.30nnY_2time to call brenedt at aastra back\
20:00.54jblacktell him he owes me one for testing purposes.
20:01.03nnY_2i owe ya one shit
20:01.07nnY_2whats your email addy?
20:01.28nnY_2you have paypal?
20:02.01jblackActually, I do, but it's a different address
20:02.12jblackwhich I'm looking up
20:02.35jblackuh oh. paypal is crashing mozilla
20:02.45ManxPowernnY_2: We use 1.2
20:02.56ManxPowerBut thanks for checking.
20:03.02*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (n=manxpowe@
20:03.21*** join/#asterisk rivalmel (
20:03.31jblackSegmentation fault (core dumped)
20:03.41*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:04.52jblackhopes there's a new mozilla available
20:05.17*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
20:05.46*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
20:05.57jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
20:06.33jblackHere we go. bug #252229
20:08.49jblacknnY_2: It's
20:09.54*** join/#asterisk luxxx77 (
20:10.16nnY_2jblack k
20:10.57nnY_2jblack btw it seems it only happens when there is no numerical CID info available, and if someone replaces the default "asterisk" with something with a space in it
20:11.03nnY_2jblack so far only aastra is affected
20:11.16nnY_2i have a grandstream, polycom, linksys 962 at the office i can test with as well
20:11.35nnY_2brb smoke
20:11.38jblackIt's a problem I'm having with a provider or two.
20:11.40jblackyeah. smoke for me too
20:12.03*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:13.05vonkleistmoy, do u know the correct parameters for telmex on zaptel.conf ?
20:13.24luxxx77in the old configuration style i needed to write "register =>". What do i have to use now? The SPECIAL thing is the last part, which uses not the USERNAME again, but instead the word "capo"...
20:16.23luxxx77so which variable do i have to set, so the SIP registration will be done with ""?
20:18.59*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
20:19.36nnY_2jblack would this be a SIP issue?
20:19.42moyvonkleist: the same as for any other carrier cas=1,1,0,cas,hdb3
20:19.43nnY_2jblack i am editing the voip-info entry
20:19.49moyvonkleist: read
20:19.56moyzaptel.conf config is like that
20:20.00jblacknnY_2: It's just the aastra, right?
20:20.29jblackI'd put a note on the callerid page and the astra page that some aastras break in difficult to debug ways if there is a space in the name portion of callerid
20:25.03jblacknnY_2: Thanks for the tip!
20:26.55[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time.  BBL
20:27.08*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
20:27.11nnY_2jblack pp'd ya thanks for the help
20:27.24jblackyeah. it already went through
20:27.29ghenryCan any recommended a technique for calling to/from office in UK/US/Asia?
20:27.37nnY_2jblack yeah i put it under SIP issues
20:27.44ghenrySome hops inbetween?
20:27.47nnY_2i'll add it to the callerid page too
20:28.23jblackghenry: Can you rephrase that? It's too ambigious
20:28.34ghenryhi jblack
20:28.45ghenrycompany has HQ office in Glasgow
20:29.07jblackKeep going...
20:29.11ghenrythey have other offices in Seol, Tokoyo, San Fran
20:29.25ghenryBest way to make VoIP bteween them
20:29.29nnY_2should i put it under the general callerid info page or the func callerid page
20:29.37jblackAnd you want to know if you can have asterisk phone systems in each office, and do calls between them for free.
20:29.43jblackghenry: Definitely, yes.
20:29.57jblacknnY_2: Hmmmm.
20:30.12ghenryjblack: Yes, I know VoIP is the best way
20:30.18ghenryBut latency probs
20:30.18jblackI'd put it on the func page. That's the last chance someone has to find out before needing aspirin.
20:30.23ghenrysome offices are > 300ms
20:30.32jblackyou're screwed on those offices.
20:30.59jblackYou can try using IAX and setting a good jitter buffer, and it'll "kinda work", but you'll get plenty of complaints about people talking over each other.
20:31.00ghenryso can't do hopes in between to bring it down?
20:31.25jblackUnfortunately, there's no "MakeInternetGoFasterOption=yes" option. :9
20:31.47ghenrybut intermediate way points that forward?
20:31.59jblackYou can try switching isp's at one or more offices, and hope for better peering backbones.
20:32.47jblackBeing europe, perhaps put everyone on orange, and have them treat you like one big company, instead of lots of small companies.
20:33.45ghenryorange broadband?
20:34.11jblacksure. Just a random company name drop. I'm sure there's other companies that might work for you.
20:34.28jblackI'm in the United States, so I'm not deeply familiar with the providers available to you.
20:34.46ghenryI'll ping the * biz list
20:34.49ghenrythanks jblack
20:35.01jblackbut if you can get everyone on the same provider, you might be able to get high volume discounts, and you should stay on the same network, cutting latency down significantly
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20:35.38jblackbut double check that to make sure they're a large network, and not just a conglomerate of networks
20:35.55jblackThere's another option.
20:36.16jblackBuy 15,000 miles of fiber optic cable, and drape it over everyone's house between your offices.
20:37.18nnY_2ghenry may wanna see if they offer any kind of "metro ethernet"
20:37.30nnY_2ghenry basically point to point connection that acts like a layer 2 switch
20:37.36*** join/#asterisk Shotygun (n=thorn@
20:37.55ghenryyeah, thanks nnY_2
20:38.01jblackI'd jus try and get him on the same network, and have him build the vpn himself.
20:38.14jblackThen he has control over traffic shaping, routing, etc etc.
20:38.15ghenryI've pinged the biz list to see what comanies chirp up
20:38.30nnY_2yeah although here our latency inter network is still 91ms
20:38.44ghenrywhat locations nny_2?
20:38.55jblackWhich for him would be a savings of about 70%
20:39.02nnY_2hilton head island, South carolina, USA
20:39.17nnY_2yeah the 91 ms is how i have my house phone connected to the office and it works great
20:39.33nnY_2i agree highly, the metro E stuff is about 300 per side here
20:39.51jblackI vpn to one of my clients from pennsylvania to washington state. I typically see 140ms, and calls still work fine.
20:40.11ghenryyeah, about same here nny_2
20:40.37ghenryyeah. less than 150ms or 200ms recommended? I always say 150
20:41.20nnY_2yeah the only latency issues i have had is when it's a large amount of hops. I have a client who uses with asterisk, server here, connecting to some freaking place in europe, and you get the lag between
20:41.20nnY_2like hi!... pause.. Hello!
20:41.20ghenrynnY_2: that's oru prob
20:41.20kfifeSimple Question:  I'm calling a known IVR.  When it anserws, I want to drill down with some DTMF tones.  I'm trying to use the SendDTMF() application, with the G flag in the Dial() appliciton to direct the call after the called party answers.  I'm a little confused as to why the G flag sends the called and calling parties to TWO different locations: Prioirity and Priority+1.  I can understand the need to do different things with each call leg, bu
20:41.20kfifeo send them to n and n+1??  Am I doing this wrong?  What am I missing here?  Sorry for the wordy question!  Thanks!
20:41.20jblackghenry: I try to shoot under 150ms for voip, and start solving problems by 200.
20:41.29ghenryEdinburgh, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, San Francisco
20:41.36ghenrythat's or offices
20:41.38nnY_2ghenry ooh
20:41.51jblackghenry: btw....
20:41.59nnY_2heh time to start running fiber over houses
20:42.02jblackghenry: I'd check the ping times between all of the offices to all of the other offices.
20:42.18jblackIt's possible that one office could have excellent timings to the rest of them. You could possibly route all calls through a central point.
20:42.46jblackI'd check San Fran and Tokyo first.
20:42.55nnY_2heh i got bored one day and set my computer up to use my cell phone as a modem. (CDMA), and then connected to our box
20:42.59nnY_2it was hilarious
20:43.02nnY_2and useless
20:43.21jblackthey intentionally push latency up on CDMA to prevent voip.
20:43.33ghenryjblack, good idea
20:43.34nnY_2bless their black hearts
20:44.15nnY_2i have a sjphone setup at the office using the local wireless and it sucks too. wonder if there is some trickery involved there
20:44.15ShotygunWhat's the latency you guys get over cdma?
20:44.22nnY_2somethingl ike 600ms
20:44.40Shotygunjes.. here I get about 200ms average over the cdma network.
20:44.50jblackDepending upon providers, I've seen ranges of 550 to 1200 ms.
20:44.55Shotygun100 to 300, depends on the area.
20:45.41jblackthey can't charge you $1.50 a minute for international calls if you use sip on their network.
20:45.53nnY_2i have yet to see a softphone on a pda or cell phone that works
20:46.03nnY_2haven't tried iphone, probably never will
20:46.09jblackI've made it work. It wasn't pretty.
20:46.18ShotygunWhat about the nokia sip support?
20:46.26nnY_2i have gotten it working, but it sounded awful
20:46.27Shotygun(Never tried it, didn't get the chance to play with one yet)
20:46.32nnY_2thats what i was wanting to try
20:46.33jblackI don't know. Things are starting to change, though.
20:46.35nnY_2the n80 or something
20:46.51*** join/#asterisk hoegaatit (
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20:47.11nnY_2someone has to say hey! Everyone else is scared of this, I can make a business model out of it and get all their customers!
20:47.17jnfullerhi all
20:47.27jblacksounds like what nokia's is trying, nnY_2
20:47.34nnY_2jblack yay
20:48.19jblackgoogle will kick ass, no doubt
20:48.23hoegaatitI would like to add lines like "exten => 100,7,Dial(IAX2/foo)" dynamically to my dialplan.  Is AGI the way to go?
20:48.27nnY_2yah thats what i am hoping for
20:48.38jblackhoegaatit: "dynamically" ? Look at AGI.
20:48.47nnY_2aren't they pushing for the space in between the old VHF spectrum or something
20:48.55hoegaatitjblack: yeah from a script
20:49.03jblackhoegaatit: Yeah, go with agi
20:49.12hoegaatitwhen a new agent registers I'd like to add their exten to my dialplan
20:49.14ShotygunHe can also use real-time db
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20:49.18jblacknnY_2: Yeah. them, m$, intel, a couple others.
20:49.38jnfullerwhy not flexible patttern matching?
20:50.06hoegaatithow do you mean?
20:50.17nnY_2fuck if m$ gets it we'll have clippy the phone assistant "Hey i see you are dialing drunk, want me to screw up and dial the number to your parent's instead?"
20:50.18jblackYesterday, the issue was the wireless mic companies that make mics for churches and stadiums. They were bitching their use of the airwaves were gonna get screwed.
20:50.32nnY_2yeah saw that
20:50.42jblackgoogle came back to the FCC with "this is licensed spectrum, and they don't have a license". And now FCC is coming down on them like a ton of bricks
20:50.50jnfullerif agents have similar extensions the matching can be loose instead of per extension
20:51.23jblackars has the latest
20:52.29jblackpardon, PISC pushed the FCC, not google.
20:52.52adrianXXXwho can i uninstall asterisk from Ubuntu 7.04...
20:53.02jblackadrianXXX: You
20:53.03russellbdid you ask that question yesterday?
20:53.11adrianXXXjblack : yes
20:53.14russellband got a very detailed answer ...
20:53.26jblackadrianXXX: Thank you Come Again!
20:53.29adrianXXXwho me ?
20:53.48adrianXXXfrom ubuntu its diferent
20:54.01Qwellit's not different
20:54.08adrianXXXbicause i installed with the apt-get..
20:54.11jblackperhaps there was some different, completely unrelated adrianWWW that visited?
20:54.16Qwellso...remove it with apt-get
20:54.26jblackadrianxxx: They can and will help you in #ubuntu
20:54.45gaetronikmay be s/who/how
20:55.01Qwellgaetronik: unlikely
20:55.17gaetronikaptitude purge asterisk might be the answer
20:55.20kfifeQuestion: Trying to send DTMF tones AFTER a called party picks up to drill down into an IVR.   Should I use the D flag in Dial() or SendDTMF()?
20:55.22rivalmelsudo apt-get remove asterisk
20:55.37adrianXXXthanks rivalmel
20:55.52mchoukfife: that's supposedly what it's for
20:55.56[TK]D-Fenderkfife: D()
20:56.47*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
20:57.22edwin_quijadaI run safe_asterisk and I get error as Asterisk died with code 1
20:57.41edwin_quijadampg123: no process killed
20:57.47edwin_quijadawhat does mean?
20:57.50jblackred herring.
20:57.58jblackIt's probably file permissions or something.
20:58.08jnfullerasterisk -vvvvvvvvgc
20:58.13jblackcheck the logs in /var/log too
20:58.16jnfullersee where it really dies
20:58.21[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Means "I should know better and run * MANUALLY to see whats actually happening"
20:58.26kfifeDoc says: D() sends the DTMF digits BEFORE the call gets bridged.  To clarify, that means the calling party WON'T HEAR them?  It doesn't mean for example they're sent out-of-band before the audio channel is established, is that correct?  Thanks!
20:58.41[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Correct
20:58.46kfifeThank you!
20:58.51jblackkfife: Correct. as far as I know, there's no way to do dtmf after the call is established.
20:58.55edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: what commando to use to run manually
20:58.57jblackWhich sucks, but is what it is.
20:59.07[TK]D-Fenderjblack: There is.
20:59.30kfifeYou've really helped me out.  Thanks
20:59.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Can't see much of a need to however
20:59.58jblackI've had a need several times.
20:59.59edwin_quijadait says zaptel configuration but i dont have zaptel cards
21:00.35[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Go fix it, whatever it is.  Probably ztdummy...
21:02.45kfifeCan anyone confirm that the 500ms wait 'w' from SendDTMF() is supported in the Dial() D() flag?
21:03.12[TK]D-Fenderkfife: AFAIK, it isn't supported in either
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21:03.28kfifeDoc shows it in SendDTMF()
21:03.38[TK]D-Fenderkfife: ok.
21:05.23edwin_quijadawhat can i use to simulate zaptel services ? ztdummy
21:05.54kfifeThanks!  Everyone can have a cold beer on me to show you my gratitude for the pontier!
21:06.16[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: what "services"?
21:07.34[TK]D-Fenderkfife: ick... you know what American beer and sex in a canoe have in common?
21:09.02[TK]D-Fenderkfife: They're both fucking close to water!
21:11.21kfife[TK]D-Fender: I won't show you what I gave the guys in the other forum.
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21:16.28nnY_2talking with Mercestes about my issue today, and he noticed setting callerid=Unknown Caller (now just Unknown) edits the user field in the SIP dialog
21:16.29nnY_2From: "Unknown Caller" <sip:Unknown Caller@>;tag=as57f4f2ce
21:17.11jblackwhat did he have to say?
21:18.08nnY_2Mercestes: SHoudl be "Unknown Caller" <sip:User@IP Address>;tag=something
21:18.39jblackso we're back to bad authentication
21:19.02nnY_2i need to find out how I should be changing the unknown incoming CID appropiately, I don't remember how that method came about
21:19.18nnY_2but if i remove the space it works :\
21:19.19edwin_quijadahow can i unload modules zaptel
21:19.25jblacktry setting it in default in sip.conf
21:19.32nnY_2haha that's where it is
21:19.50[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: "noload =>" <- in modules.conf
21:19.57nnY_2so maybe an asterisk bug? Or that is not the intended use for it
21:20.20nnY_2right now with no space it works fine, maybe i should file a bug report and see what comes of it
21:20.31jblackIt's worth a try.
21:20.48jblackLike I mentioned, callerid has been fubar for me since 1.4.9 or so
21:21.23jblackIt's different behaviours for me, though.
21:21.45jblackIn my case, setting callerid(name) causes callerid to not be set at all.
21:23.24jblackI haven't filed a bug about it yet, because I wasn't able to pin it down. A half dozen providers give a half dozen different types of broken.
21:24.29edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I need to unload everything about zaptel
21:24.36edwin_quijadahow do you do
21:24.40nnY_2would this be considered an issue with chan_sip?
21:24.46[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: the command I gave you will stop it from loading.
21:24.55edwin_quijadaI unload in modules.conf chan_so
21:25.02[TK]D-FendernnY_2: No, definitle an Aastra issue
21:25.19edwin_quijadai did it but when I run asterisk -vvvgc i get the same error about zaptel
21:25.24nnY_2[TK]D-Fender hmm someone noticed that asterisk was mangling the user field in the CID
21:25.28nnY_2mercestes actually
21:25.31[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: pastebin your modules.conf
21:25.44nnY_2[TK]D-Fender From: "Unknown Caller" <sip:Unknown Caller@>;tag=as57f4f2ce
21:26.12nnY_2which i think yeah. the fact a space make aastra pissy is their issue
21:26.16[TK]D-FendernnY_2: pastebin your call w/ sip debug.
21:26.31[TK]D-FendernnY_2: And your peer configs
21:26.53jblackwatches the last 2 hours turn full circle
21:27.24nnY_2at this point the issue is gone, but for the sake of scientific discovery I can
21:27.42nnY_2really thinking I should at least make it known, and make sure I know what the issue is/was
21:28.30edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: this is my modules.conf
21:29.05*** join/#asterisk LND (n=Lee@
21:29.33[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: And now "ztcfg -vvvv" and "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvc"
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21:31.18drwelbyAnyone ever played with one of these:  ? I'm curious if the GUI is as idiot-proof as it looks.
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21:33.41nnY_2[TK]D-Fender if you really want to here's my conf files and here is my debug and here is the sip dialog
21:33.59nnY_2[TK]D-Fender please note it works now, the solution was to remove the space between Unknown and Caller in sip.conf
21:34.09nnY_2[TK]D-Fender and that it only breaks Aastra phones afaik
21:34.29nnY_2however the comment was made that if asterisk is mangling the user field to Unknown Caller than that it bad too
21:35.53nnY_2i put notes about it in voip-info's entires for CID func and the 480i
21:36.28nnY_2just trying to put as much effort into realying the issue as people did helping me try to fix it ^^
21:37.24nnY_2jblack ha btw the problem arose only when CID stopped working yesterday, and i have a line ticket in for the client
21:37.57[TK]D-Fendernny_call from the BEGINNING please.
21:38.06jblackSeems like an odd thing to work on weds, and break on thurs.
21:38.48anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: --> care to comment on this?
21:39.36[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: nope.
21:39.55jblackanonymouz666: Your /etc/zaptel.conf is wrong.
21:40.19jblackprobably the bchan and dchan lines. Ask your provider where your dchan is, and adjust accordingly.
21:40.25*** join/#asterisk Arck-FR (
21:40.43nnY_2[TK]D-Fender crap must of gotten cut off by the scroll limit. I am unable to reproduce it now
21:41.06kfifeSyntax correct?   Dial(SIP/${out},99,D(7123#)) - Called party gets only one DTMF tone
21:41.18nnY_2jblack yeah not sure how CID could just stop working either
21:41.28kfifeDial(SIP/${out},99,D(7123343434)) - Also gets just one little tone!
21:41.36kfifeWhy is that??  Any ideas?
21:41.52jblackkfife: Nope. I never could get D() to work
21:42.31kfifejblack: But you had the same problem?
21:42.59jblacksimiliar, yes.
21:43.13jblackit's been about six months since I tried, though
21:43.50kfifeAlso odd:  Dial(SIP/${out},99,D(7123#:7123#)) the called party gets one tone, the callING party gets nothing.
21:44.42kfifeSame for D(:7123#) even D(:71) -- callING party gets nothing
21:44.45nnY_2jblack ha
21:45.01nnY_2[TK]D-Fender was a test call letting asterisk use asterisk for unknown CID
21:45.13nnY_2it also replaces the user field with asterisk
21:46.28jblackThat looks like a working, but rejected, call to me
21:46.49nnY_2yeah i hung up
21:46.54nnY_2noone there to answer
21:58.14adrianXXXsomeone can tell me who can y enabled the colors on asterisk console ?
21:59.22jblackyou can.
22:03.06aliverhow do I turn off the output from "sip debug" ?
22:03.13nnY_2core set debug 0
22:03.30nnY_2sip set debug peer (name)
22:03.34nnY_2toggles it on and off
22:04.01nnY_2aliver man don;t listen to me
22:04.03nnY_2i spread lies
22:04.10aliverI have to turn it off per-peer after turning it on with "sip debug"?
22:04.14nnY_2sip set debug off
22:04.34nnY_2that turns it off lol
22:04.42nnY_2I was wrong the first two times.. been along day
22:04.53nnY_2a long*
22:04.54kfifejblack: D() appears to be a DTMF issue.  If I change my dtmfmode paramter to inband or info I get multiple tones.  Bugs not yet worked out, but FYI
22:05.30nnY_2goes to look up what D() does
22:05.47jblacksupposed to dial digits after a call is established.
22:05.49kfifeit's a flag for the Dial() applicatoin
22:05.55nnY_2ooh that's useful
22:06.09jblackbe more useful if it worked with rfc2833
22:06.12nnY_2i can call someone and send funky town to them
22:06.27nnY_2ooh joy dtmf issues.. yeah i have plenty of those
22:06.39nnY_2mostly with our itsp, but it's getting better
22:06.50kfifejblack: indeed, why doesn't it?
22:06.56kfifewhy dozen tit?
22:07.06jblackbecause kittens are cute.
22:07.13kfifeI see
22:07.16nnY_2how do we test this theory?
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22:07.35kfifebecause 6 pair is better than 1?
22:07.39jblackby drowning every cute kitten in the world, and trying D() with rfc2833.
22:08.05nnY_2is there an RFC for the standard of "cute"
22:08.22nnY_2i mean, we just can't kill them all, and hope we got the cute ones
22:08.25jblackno. it's like pornography. It can't be defined, but you know it when you see it.
22:08.28kfifeis that an asterisk limitation or do I need to complain to my ITSP?
22:08.30jblacksure we can.
22:08.48nnY_2can you do it manually?
22:08.56jblackTake out all the chihuahuas while you're at it.
22:09.23jblackThe purpose is to remove all the kittens for proper 2833 testing. The method to remove them is immaterial.
22:09.28nnY_2maybe i can combine the efforts, load the chihuahuas with explosives and have them seek the kittens
22:09.28MooingLemuryokie arrow taco bell
22:09.59jblackBetter yet, load explosives into the chihuahas, then load the chihuahas into the kittens.
22:10.14nnY_2like a kitten chalupa!
22:10.15jblackyou'll save money on det caps that way
22:10.28jblacklol just pass a law giving tax rebate if the chinese use kitty and mexican a rebate for chihuahuas, and it all works out in the end either you eat a little pussy or choke on a weiner
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22:11.58jblackOffer a free iphone for each kitty corpse. That'll do it in short order.
22:12.44nix8n82yeah that might be quicker
22:12.55nnY_2my irc fu is weak, any way to log out my other account ?
22:13.11jblackidentify to it with nickserv, and ghost it.
22:14.38nnY_2well ok
22:16.14*** join/#asterisk nnY_2 (n=nny_1@
22:17.02jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:, or trouble compiling x86_64 packages?  Report a bug to CentOS!  ".i386 packages should not satisfy dependencies for .x86_64 packages."
22:19.59*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Zaptel or 64-bit compile troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
22:20.27jblackwhat just bumped?
22:20.35*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:20.44*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel or x86_64 compile troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
22:20.55Qwelladding another reason to type centos52bug
22:21.44jblackthe best fix for that centos bug is to replace centos
22:22.00Qwellor get them to finally acknowledge that it's a bug, and do something about it
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22:30.42lesouvageI just read  a document about network enabled devices others then phones. Like a sip enabled microwave, frig, doorlocks, lightswitch, garage door, alarm to water a bananatree etc. Are there any reallife examples of sip enabled devices other then phones that can be used in combination with Asterisk?
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22:55.48aliverIs there a global variable in extensions.conf for the caller id of the person initiating the call?
22:56.11Qwellit would be pretty useless if it was global
22:56.36aliverFunny, 'cause I'd sure like to use it.
22:57.00Qwellit would change out from under you all the time, and wouldn't relate to the call at all
22:57.03aliveror maybe you are taking issue with my misuse of global?
22:57.22Qwell${CALLERID(name)} or num
22:58.23aliverOkay, pedantic-pants, let me rephrase. Is there a variable of any kind, sort, or incarnation that represents the caller id of the caller or anything that might be construed as such by a person not as wise, worldly and supremely intelligent as yourself?
22:58.36Qwellsee above
22:58.59Qwellwith technology, you have to be pedantic.
22:59.21QwellIf you actually wanted a global callerid variable, the answer would be very different
22:59.56Qwell(it would be useless, but possible nonetheless)
23:00.21aliverI understand I'm just being pissy, never mind my PMS.
23:00.26aliverand thanks.
23:01.20lesouvageQwell: You could use it as a kind of mechanism for a lottery to pick the winner.
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23:13.20irieKenAnyone know why Asterisk, on its own, would append new entries to the zapata.conf file?
23:15.13jayteeAsterisk? no. Asterisk with Asterisk-GUI? yeah. because it's retarded
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23:28.40irieKen_Jaytee: sorry, got disconnected.
23:29.07jayteeno need to apologize, you're not on my payroll :-)
23:30.01Gershwinwhat skills would one need to be put on your payroll?
23:30.29jayteethe ability to work miracles for free mostly since I couldn't afford to pay anyone :-)
23:30.41Gershwinpoints to his shiny shoes, his black paste and well-worn shoe brush.
23:31.13Gershwinso much for your work force :/
23:31.41jayteeGershwin, perhaps with that particular skill set and accoutrements you should seek employement as a salesman at Foot Locker or Payless?
23:33.37jayteeI'm the only one on my payroll and I'm less than satisfied with my performance. I'm afraid I'm going to have to give myself a less than satisfactory rating when I write my annual review.
23:35.15GershwinLet's hope that this doesn't warrant a demotion or a drop in your pay scale
23:35.16jayteeexcellent, only 43 minutes remaining on my 79GB image backup of my dual boot CentOS server / Xubuntu web kiosk system.
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23:46.09dlynesDoes anyone know what OpenSER is called now?  Is it Kamailio, or OpenSIPS?
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23:50.29jayteedlynes, I believe it is now called Kamailio but I'm also confused about that because I've seen the OpenSIPS site come up in searches too
23:51.25_ShrikEjaytee: openser was forked into both
23:51.25jayteewhy both?
23:51.37_ShrikEpolitics I guess.. so they went two directions
23:52.39jayteejeez, hellofa netsplit goin on
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23:54.51ectospasmgrrr... I hate Trixbox
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23:56.07metfan2007hi all
23:56.21jayteeectospasm, well you'll probably find little sympathy here for your angst
23:56.41jayteeventing in #trixbox might be the better venue
23:56.48dlynesSo basically half the amount of effort in each
23:56.58metfan2007I get a new TE121 card, and I'm trying to make it works in a new server, but every time I try to start zaptel I get an "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)"
23:57.03dlynesI wonder which one to follow, then
23:57.05metfan2007any idea? pls
23:58.46ectospasmjaytee: it's not me that's using trixbox, it's a customer of mine!
23:59.01jayteeectospasm, more's the pity then
23:59.03ectospasmand I'm just venting, nothing more
23:59.23ectospasmlong day... still got an hour left of work.
23:59.59dlynesmetfan2007: you don't have the device driver loaded, more than likely

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