IRC log for #asterisk on 20080809

00:02.52rasterixi was just wondering if anyone knows where you can find example DCAP questions
00:03.07rasterixI searched and even Google failed me...
00:04.00*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
00:04.00outtoluncthat was the 4th hit
00:04.14outtoluncgoogle: sample asterisk dcap
00:04.47rasterixgood grief
00:05.48rasterixah wait
00:05.54rasterixit doesnt have sample questions
00:06.07outtolunci just noticed that myself, i read it wrong
00:06.31rasterixI guess Digium are protecting it
00:06.43rasterixit might undermine the value of the exam if the questions leaked out
00:10.06outtolunci bet if you read the asterisk handbook and the asterisk telephony book a couple times each you should be fairly ready
00:10.46rasterixyou mean "the future of telephony"?
00:10.53rasterixby o'reilly
00:10.54jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
00:11.47outtoluncTo pass the dCAP exam, it is recommended that you have read Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition by O'Reilly, have actual working knowledge of setting up and maintaining an Asterisk server, have familiarity with the Asterisk sample configuration files, and have taken the  Asterisk Bootcamp course. Information on open source Asterisk can be found at
00:12.24rasterixyep i read that... I just wanted to see some actual question.. i'm a nervous person i guess
00:12.59outtolunci never seen the need to take it
00:13.05outtoluncmaybe someday <G>
00:13.24rasterixhmm... i dont think it will make me any better at asterisk
00:13.41rasterixbut I have a couple of ideas I'm thinking of doing commercially
00:13.51outtoluncit will get you on the 'page of dcap profs' and a cert
00:13.55rasterixi thought the DCAP might look nice
00:13.56outtoluncsomething for the resume
00:14.36outtoluncoh, and i think they have a web image you can put on your site also
00:14.52rasterixalso I will need some telephone support... I want to state all support engineers are DCAP certified
00:15.14rasterixso it might be an idea if I was...
00:20.25rasterixwell im out for now
00:20.38rasterixnice meeting you outtolunc
00:22.15*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
00:24.25exothermc[TK]D-Fender: you around?
00:29.00*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
00:33.23kashVerbosity was 10 and is now 2147483647
00:34.18jeev0outtolunc, you there?
00:38.04jeev[Aug 8 17:32:51] WARNING[47693]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DigitTimeout' for extension (card-auth, s, 4)
00:38.22outtoluncbecause it is now TIMEOUT(digit)
00:38.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:38.43outtoluncas in, it is a function  'core show function TIMEOUT'
00:38.48jeevhow about responsetimeout ?
00:39.28outtoluncso 'Set(TIMEOUT(yadda)=something'
00:40.28jeev[Aug 8 17:38:31] WARNING[47738]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Timeout' for extension (card-auth, s, 4)
00:40.32jeevi did Timeout(4)
00:40.47jeev s,4 from that link
00:43.47*** join/#asterisk cmantito (
00:49.12jeevouttolunc, ok.. uh, responsetimeout been dep too ?
00:49.26jeev[Aug 8 17:45:26] WARNING[47775]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'ResponseTimeout' for extension (card-auth, s, 5)
00:49.39jeevoh, can i do Timeout(response) ?
00:49.42*** part/#asterisk jnials (
00:51.47jeevpassword incorrect though
00:52.26jeevhow can i do this? i odnt get it..
00:52.26jeev;database entrys for accountcode=pin=1234567890 / account number=callerid=202000111
00:52.27jeev;Example:database put pass 1234567890 2020001111
00:52.39jeevthat's some shitty ass documentation
00:54.36outtoluncit was obviously created for asterisk 1.0-1.2 versions
00:54.51outtoluncafk food
00:55.06jeevno food! we're both starving
00:55.18jeevexten => s,6,Authenticate(/pass,da) ; read the pass using the /pass key in the database, set the account code to the pass
00:55.20jeevhow does that function
00:56.17mattwj2002has lots of extra pizza
00:56.33mattwj2002guys I just wanted to pass on a helpful website
00:56.58mattwj2002it is great if you want to get a local DID some friends or family can call you locally :)
00:57.33mattwj2002they don't actually sell DIDs but they'll show you if it'll be local or not
01:03.08*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
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01:08.33outtoluncjeev: core show application auth<tab>
01:09.07jeevyea yea yea i got it outtolunc
01:09.12jeevi jus tput the password in the parenthesis
01:09.18jeevi will read about blacklist.. i'll take car eof that
01:09.27jeevwhen i get to the card-dial part.. it says please enter the number yo uwould like to call
01:09.35jeevwhen i dial with 1818....... opr 818.......
01:09.44jeevit doesn't ring or anything, then if you like to make a callm ,please ..
01:15.12jeevigotta run
01:15.15jeevbbiab. thanks
01:15.47outtoluncthats because if you are following those notes, [carddial] isn't reading the number to anything that passes to dial
01:16.59outtoluncwell nevermind
01:17.23jeevi haven't left ;D
01:17.38outtoluncdid you enter phone number followed by #
01:17.48outtoluncbackground is # terminated
01:18.07jeevexten => _011x.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
01:18.07jeevexten => _1xxxxxxxxxx,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
01:18.09jeevi've changed that to
01:18.22outtoluncjust pastebin the result of your test
01:18.32jeevexten => _011x.,1,Dial(SIP/lugosoft/${EXTEN},60,t)
01:18.38jeevexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/lugosoft/${EXTEN},60,t)
01:18.52jeevall i see in debug log is this..
01:19.03jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
01:19.04jeev== Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/ip-086d7000' status is 'UNKNOWN'
01:19.11jeevthere is nothing to pastebin? it's 1 line.
01:19.35outtoluncthen you are not watching the asterisk CLI with verbose set to at least 3
01:19.41jeevverbose is set to 21
01:21.08jeevthat's where i get to
01:21.30jeevi think before or after the voicemail thing, it does the autofallthrough
01:21.57outtoluncand how long was it between 4 and 5
01:22.08jeevit hangs up.
01:22.17jeevi just put it on my cell phone and it hung up after it said please enter the number you wish to call
01:22.56*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:23.36jeevthen it hangs up :/
01:24.15outtoluncwell response timeout of 5 secs is really quick
01:24.35jeevit immediately hangs up
01:25.04jeevit workd!
01:25.07outtoluncwell somewhere it should tell you why
01:25.13jeevi dialed fast
01:25.14jeevit is the timeout
01:25.51jeevi will have to worry about the blacklist later tonight
01:25.57jeevi want to impliment viatalk into this, wonder if it'l be easy
01:26.00jeevusing his residential account
01:26.24jeevhey, which timeout is it? response, right?
01:26.42*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
01:26.46outtoluncTIMEOUT(digit or response)
01:26.48jeevi dont have a response timeout anywhere, should i add it ?
01:26.59jeevexten => s,1,Background(vm-enter-num-to-call)
01:26.59outtolunc(use 'set')
01:26.59jeevexten => _011x.,1,Dial(SIP/lugosoft/${EXTEN},60,t)
01:27.01jeevadd it in between?
01:27.09outtoluncjust do it before the background
01:28.14jeevhung up on me
01:28.51outtoluncdid you move background down to s,3 and add s,1,for digit, and s,2 for response
01:29.10outtoluncand reload extensions
01:29.11jeevdigit is required? crapola
01:29.22*** part/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
01:29.23outtoluncwhy take a chance
01:29.32outtoluncset them both and move the (&(+_) on <G>
01:29.32rob0"n" FTW
01:30.31jeevhung up again
01:30.38outtoluncnods to rob (but as hes learning using actual 1,2,3 aligns them in his mind)
01:30.43jeevi just got lost
01:31.26outtoluncrob0 meant you can use s,1 then s,n   s,n
01:31.45jeevstill falls through
01:31.46outtoluncas dialplan parsing with replace the first n with 2, second with 3
01:32.00jeevi'm lost guys..
01:32.12jeevexten => s,1,Background(vm-enter-num-to-call)
01:32.12jeevexten => s,2,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=6) ; Set Response Timeout 5 sec
01:32.12jeevexten => s,3,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=12) ; Set Response Timeout 5 sec
01:32.17jeevi tried other way around too
01:32.28outtoluncset the TIMEOUT's BEFORE the background
01:32.29jeevok i gotta seriously leave
01:32.32jeevi did bro
01:32.33jeevit did the same thing
01:32.35jeevit fellthrough
01:32.38outtoluncno you didn't
01:32.41jeevi promise i did.
01:32.50outtoluncs,2 and s,3 were them (AFTER)
01:32.57jeevi pasted this after i changed it to this
01:33.05jeevi did them before too!
01:33.23jeevi tried before first when you told me
01:33.26jeevok i gotta go, i guess i can test later
01:33.27jeevthanks bro
01:33.45*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
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02:02.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:03.14*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
02:11.52*** join/#asterisk ez` (
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02:33.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:35.08*** join/#asterisk hoegaatit (
02:42.29hoegaatitis there an open call-center api ready to use with asterisk?
02:43.40*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
02:47.27hoegaatitthat's hilarious
02:49.14jameswf-homeshould call it and make goat noises
02:49.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
02:50.50*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Satan@
02:57.57*** join/#asterisk axisys (
03:04.49styelzoh, thats damn cool
03:05.52styelzplay some war of the worlds through it
03:06.20jameswf-homegotta wonder how many times a day they hear "clean up isle 3"
03:06.41rob0We have a Code 3 in Housewares
03:07.23jameswf-homewatching the olympics opening  pagent deal.... imagine if the chinese realized that they were 8 billion and over took their government
03:17.26coppiceif they overtake their government, I guess they win gold
03:23.40*** join/#asterisk mags3 (
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03:25.14*** part/#asterisk CVirus (n=Satan@
03:33.49hoegaatitjameswf-home: do you have a link to a high quality video of that?
03:35.22jameswf-homeummm what?
03:36.36hoegaatitthe olympics opening
03:36.47hoegaatitI've wanted to watch it but not on youtube
03:47.01*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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03:56.15*** join/#asterisk ken^^ (
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03:56.44ken^^does anyone here know where to get the latest firmware for polycom phones (sip ver 3.1 something?)
03:56.52bijitdoes anyone know how to use directory app on druid?
03:58.26*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
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04:20.33[TK]D-Fenderbijit: GUI's are NOT supported in this channel.
04:20.58russellbdrinking problems are also not supported
04:21.14russellband neither is country music
04:21.46*** join/#asterisk cerbianguard (
04:22.38[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: indeed!
04:36.05*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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04:39.55jblackFinally, a channel with sensible rules.
04:43.23jameswf-homewhat if your  using a GUI while drinking beer and listening to country music while your cousin tends to the kids you have in common :)
04:43.57rob0Digium is based in Alabama; incest, while not directly supported, is tolerated.
04:46.16russellbwe're in the civilized part of the state :)
04:47.50jameswf-homerussellb: have you been to Flea Market Montgomery
04:48.08russellblol, no, i have not
04:48.19russellba co-worker has a t-shirt from there, though
04:48.55bijit[TK]D-Fender, sorry. I did not know that rule. I personally don't like GUI but my boss loves.
04:49.00jeevfender my boy!
04:50.02jameswf-homewho iz you callin boy... and what choo mean you people
04:51.36jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
04:52.17jeevrussellb :D
04:52.38jeevhow you doin
04:52.44russellbdoing well
04:52.56russellbjust poking the internet with a sharp stick
04:52.56jeevwonder if fender ran away from me.
04:53.43jeevi love asterisk
04:53.58rob0Asterisk loves jeev too
04:54.14rob0Like a cousin.
04:54.22jeevsup robert.
04:54.35bijitasterisk loves eveyone that loves him :)
04:55.30jeevok so
04:55.33jeevasterisk is upset at me today
04:55.45russellbasterisk has a tender heart
04:55.52russellbif you don't treat it right, it will strike back
04:56.05rob0Well yeah, but asterisk thinks jeev might be cheating with another cousin.
04:56.08jeevwhat is wrong with that ?
04:56.30jeevi tried the timeouts above it like i was directed earlier.. no luck.
04:56.36jeevit just hangs up on me as soon as it tells me to dial the number.
04:56.40russellbadd s,4,WaitExten
04:56.40bijitrob0, lol
04:57.16russellbman, this asterisk thing is neat, i should try it out sometime
04:57.46jeevrussellb, can i take the asterisk portion of your brain?
04:57.59jeevso do i need the timeouts there then ?
04:57.59russellbjeev: did that fix it?
04:58.03jeevtrying it now.
04:58.09russellbthe timeouts are optional
04:59.19jeevgimme 5.
04:59.22jeevit worked
04:59.27russellbyay i win
04:59.31jeevhow can i make a serious timeout, if nothing is entered in 20 seconds, hang up
04:59.45russellbset the absolute timeout, i think
04:59.50russellbmaybe not
04:59.56russellbi should know this... but i'm tired
05:00.11jeevi just paid 50 bux a plate for nasty ass custom food at an italian place
05:00.16russellbabsolute is not it
05:00.37russellbresponse timeout is what you want to set
05:00.40jeevhey, for international, is this correct? exten => _011x.,1,Dial(SIP/lugosoft/${EXTEN},60,t)
05:00.53bijiti pay 50 @ friday's
05:00.59bijitfor 2
05:01.09jeevmy friend and i went
05:02.12*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (
05:02.33jeevmr russel?
05:02.40jeevi'm gonna actually have international go out viatalk.
05:02.43bijitI think here @ CR food is cheap
05:03.01jeevare multiple register lines allowed?
05:03.23bijitrussellb, how come you know alot of *? reading?
05:03.34russellbum ...
05:03.38russellbsomething like that :)
05:03.48jbotsomebody said rtfc was read the fine code
05:04.35rob0Did you drink all the liqua down in Costa Rica? (Ain't nobody's business but your own.)
05:04.56russellbi've been a core developer for about 4 years now
05:05.11russellbtime has flown ...
05:05.16bijitwow, now thats hardcore.
05:05.28jameswf-homecause your not hardcore.....
05:05.40jameswf-homerussellb = jamk blck :)
05:05.41bijiti am amateur
05:05.52jameswf-homeJack Black*
05:06.54jeevto be honest
05:06.58jeevi taught russellb most of his asterisk knowledge
05:07.02jeevbut he forgot to thank me
05:07.09jameswf-homeiff you commit one line at a tie your commit count will go up
05:07.18russellbjameswf-home: ssshhhhh
05:07.19jameswf-homedamn korean keyboard
05:08.08russellbthanks for all the help jeev :)
05:09.50russellbalso, Sunday at 4 AM is apparently the least likely time that I would be working on Asterisk
05:09.50jeevyou're welcome.
05:09.52russellb<3 stats
05:10.05jeevto thinkk of it
05:10.06jeevthat's all me..
05:10.07*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
05:10.49bijitrussellb, respect bro.
05:10.59russellbi like this graph ...
05:12.51bijitwhat will be the biggest change in 1.6?
05:13.12coppice0.2 of course
05:13.22russellbwhat coppice said
05:14.05russellbthat covers what has been added feature-wise since 1.4
05:15.01russellbplus lots of "under the hood" type stuff  for performance and such that isn't shown there
05:16.42bijiti never tought i could "speak" to the developers of asterisk.
05:17.00russellbheh ...
05:17.06russellblots of devs hang out around here
05:17.10russellbpoints at coppice
05:17.14russellbhe has done a lot of stuff, too
05:17.44bijitcool, good job coppice
05:17.48russellbor, feel free to lurk in #asterisk-dev ...
05:17.51russellbanyway, i'm out
05:18.17*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
05:29.33*** join/#asterisk jplank (
05:29.51jplankhas anyone ever setup redundant nics?
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05:46.02mmurdockYa know sailing is pretty boring to watch.
05:47.29coppiceits pretty boring to do, as well
05:48.01jplanknothing wrong with sailing
05:48.03jplankits relaxing
05:48.07mmurdockI didn't know it was an Olympic sport.
05:48.32mmurdockThey are racing right now.
05:48.49coppiceits a very old olympic sport. if rich english people like it, it will have been an olympic sport since the first modern olympics
05:49.36mmurdockI don't understand how they tell who is in first place.  Everyone is all over the place.
05:50.43mmurdockMicrosoft must of gave nbc a bunch of money to have them use Silverlight as the media player instead of flash.
05:51.03coppiceI wonder when motorsports will get into the olympics
05:51.26coppiceMS don't have to give them money. they own them
05:51.40mmurdockI don't think any type of non human powered event is allowed in the olympics other then horse stuff.  Could be wrong.
05:52.14coppicewell, the horse stuff is enough to make it other than a human muscle and skill thing
05:52.52coppiceWe have our tickets for the horse stuff, so we are off to see rich people get dumped in the mud on Monday
06:04.44bijitfishing is fun
06:04.46jeev[Aug 8 23:00:40] WARNING[48991]: app_lookupblacklist.c:106 lookupblacklist_exec: LookupBlacklist is deprecated. Please use ${BLACKLIST()} instead.
06:04.49jeevanyone know how i can do that?
06:07.17heedlydo what?
06:08.00jeevhow do i use that command
06:08.06jeevsince lookupblacklist is deprecated
06:08.28jeeveither way, it matched the blacklist.. but it still asks for password.. so i duno
06:08.36jeevi guess password should just stay and i should remove blacklisting
06:11.52obnauticusWhat is the best free IAX and/or SIP softphone written for windows
06:12.22obnauticusOR, what would you guys suggest?
06:14.36drmessanoI like X-Lite.. Voiper is ok too
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06:15.17obnauticusdrmessano: >:|
06:15.22obnauticusWhat is this business
06:15.30obnauticusI use X-Lite, for some reason it doesn't work for my friend though
06:15.35obnauticusI personally have a hardphone though :P
06:17.03drmessanoI dunno.. He's probably a dumbass
06:17.23obnauticusHe has to be good for something, getting accepted into MIT and all :\
06:17.57drmessanoThat just means he's good at quatum physics.. probably can't work a microwave oven though
06:18.03drmessanoquantum too
06:19.54jplankwhats the most amount of calls and of you pushed through an asterisk?
06:21.28drmessanoThat question is overly ambiguous. People have run 10s of hundreds of calls through asterisk concurrent
06:21.37jplankI know
06:21.55jplankI'm just curious about peoples experience
06:22.01jplankare you following me?
06:22.22*** join/#asterisk cerbianguard (
06:23.13drmessanoI understand what concurrent calls are, yes
06:23.50jplankno, I mean literally, from #freepbx to here
06:24.16drmessanoBecause I sit and chat in multiple channels?
06:24.19drmessanoAre you serious?
06:24.37jplanknot at all
06:25.09drmessanoobnauticus: Didn't you tell me you got Asterisk up to like 8 calls once?
06:25.18drmessanoI think I got like 4 going on a busy day
06:25.29obnauticusI've run err 53 concurrent calls on my * boxen
06:25.36jplanki'm talking serious calls
06:25.39obnauticuseither 53 or 63
06:25.48drmessanoAll mine were humorous
06:25.52obnauticusasterisk can tell if it's a serious call or not
06:26.02jplankI've broken 150, without asterisk in the media path
06:26.29obnauticusjplank: at centurtytel they were testing out asterisk for some reason
06:26.35drmessanoI think I had like 3 serious calls once, but then one just completely lost it and went all "LULZ" on me.
06:26.37jplankcurious were I'm going to hit a ceiling - I know its more based on my config (hardware/software) but just curious what other people have it
06:26.38drmessanoSucked ass, really
06:26.40obnauticusand they managed like 400
06:26.44obnauticuson a quad core xeon
06:26.56obnauticuswhich is similar to what i am running my asterisk setup on
06:26.59jplankI'm running it on a dual quad core xeon
06:27.10jplankI use asterisk as a feature server
06:27.17obnauticusYa, i have dual quad's too
06:27.24obnauticuswith 12GB of rams
06:27.32drmessanoI did have one call that started off all ROFL but then got all like "Look, i'm serious here" and I broke 10% cpu usage
06:27.34jplankoh, I'm only at 8
06:27.37drmessanoI tell you what
06:27.42drmessanoThat day was rought
06:27.45obnauticusrofl drmessano
06:27.51obnauticusthe midget in your computer that was listening to all the calls
06:27.52obnauticuswas probably like
06:27.56obnauticusrofl this isn't serious
06:28.05obnauticusI'm not gonna allocate cpu usage to this call
06:28.11obnauticuscpu cycles*
06:28.13drmessanoThen ZOMG PANIC
06:28.41obnauticusIF you buy a blackberry and use their VoIP integration service asterisk doesn't need to do any work
06:28.46obnauticusbecause anyone running a blackberry IS serious.
06:28.53obnauticusThey mean SERIOUS business.
06:29.10obnauticuspoints at his Blackberry Curve 8310
06:29.42drmessanoI transferred a call that was all LULZ and ROFLMAO to one that was like "You're in trouble mister", and I totally had like a bunch of linux on my asterix CLI with like vvv set to 192
06:30.24obnauticusdrmessano: one time i called my hardphone and just fated into the mic
06:30.28obnauticusand the call got dropped
06:30.39obnauticusbecause it wasn't serious enough to be routed in the serious context
06:30.40drmessanoOh, you probably overLULZ it
06:30.43*** join/#asterisk C4colo (n=DJpyro@
06:31.15obnauticusdrmessano: how come whenever me and you are active in this chan
06:31.19obnauticuseverything gets shot to hell
06:31.34jplanktheoretically, taking asterisk out of the media path, not having phones directly register to it, with a dual quad xeon, 8 gigs ram, where do you think I'd hit a ceiling
06:31.59obnauticusjplank: probably around like 569-669
06:31.59obnauticusaround there
06:32.12drmessanoYeah, I tried like honking a rubber chicken into my softphone once, and it was all like "out of context" and I was like "ROFL dont get it, KTHXBYE" and transferred to call to /dev/orly
06:33.05obnauticusI coded an interface to post on 4chan with an image I send to it over RTTY
06:33.17drmessanoAre those 569-669 serious calls?
06:33.56obnauticusdrmessano: It depends how you coded your computer's serious determination subset.
06:34.49obnauticusall calls containing anything except "stock", "meeting", "coelate", and "pamela anderson" within the first 3min are dropped automatically.
06:35.06obnauticuscoellate o rhowever you spell it
06:35.24obnauticusadd TPS reports to that list too
06:35.45drmessanoYou have to be careful about CPU spikes
06:36.07C4colomost of the calls our system processes are concerning "Matters of Relative Unimportance"
06:36.07obnauticusThat's why I allow calls with Pamela Anderson
06:36.21obnauticusIt lowers the stress of the CPU
06:37.04drmessanoYou can go from "Rubber dog poo, ZOMGWTFBBQ" to "U R SO FIRED WEAR R DOSE REPORTS, <STOCK OPTIONZ STUFF, BRIEFCASE>" so fast that like, your CPU goes all Centrino and crap
06:37.13drmessanoThen it's like "Ha, southbridge"
06:37.21obnauticusno at that point
06:37.27obnauticusit asks both parties what they are smoking
06:37.36obnauticusHow can you relate TPS reports to pamela anderson?
06:37.47drmessanoThey both like to be on top?
06:38.01drmessanoThey lack covers?
06:38.31jplankthats def a comment
06:38.39drmessanoIf your TPS reports lack cover pages, and pamela anderson is nude, someone is getting screwed?
06:38.49obnauticusjplank: i already have 4 quotes in the top 100 in
06:38.58obnauticusi have no ideas.
06:39.22drmessanoOh, to keep it on topic.. Asterisk makes great snow cones
06:39.36obnauticuswarm snow cones <3
06:39.48C4colowarm .. yellow snow cones?
06:39.50mkillebrewI've got a snow cone for ya...
06:39.53drmessanoI think I just puked inside my mouth, a little
06:40.34mkillebrewpics or it didn't happen.
06:40.40drmessanoThat's not as bad as when a friend of mine said "What is that smell?  It smells like burnt vomit in here"
06:40.42drmessanoBut close
06:40.46*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
06:41.31n3glvanyone heard the "irish mental helth hotline"?
06:41.37n3glvI want to build that IVR......
06:41.44obnauticusI'm half irish
06:41.45obnauticusand half chinese
06:41.46n3glvhealth even
06:41.57obnauticusthat explains how f*cked up i am
06:42.01n3glvah, nie hao
06:42.09obnauticuschiiii ne!
06:42.10C4colomy visible half is irish
06:42.29C4coloer quarter or something
06:42.32n3glvnods, C4colo is a redhead
06:42.34C4colomom's dad was 100% irish
06:42.43obnauticusthat's what you know :P
06:42.44C4colothat would make me .25
06:42.45n3glvlooks like a fukin leprachaun
06:42.52C4colooh I beleive it
06:42.59obnauticuslooks like that pizza combination that nobody ever orders.
06:43.16n3glvanchovies and sardines?
06:43.27obnauticuslike Artichokes and bacon
06:43.28C4coloif i ever perfect my dublin slang accent you couldn't tell me from a local
06:43.35obnauticusthey are both pretty good by themselves
06:43.37C4colooh goodness
06:43.38obnauticusyou put them together and WTF
06:43.39C4colosounds good
06:43.39n3glvand pineapple
06:43.48C4coloick pinapple
06:43.54obnauticusya sweet pizza?
06:43.59C4cololeave it upsidedown in a cake pan
06:44.00obnauticusi like my pizza wild
06:44.06n3glvit's "differant"
06:44.12C4coloyes it is
06:44.12n3glvcan take or leave it
06:44.16obnauticusSo are black people.
06:44.19n3glvusually LEAVE it
06:44.21heedlypine apple is good with spicy chicken and babeque sauce.
06:44.22C4coloand we don't like "different" 'round these parts
06:44.32heedlyinstead of pizza sauce
06:44.45n3glvblack people are differant?
06:44.59C4colobut only on the outside
06:45.09obnauticustheir muscle system is different
06:45.20obnauticusThat is why they are so fast!
06:45.20C4cololike pinapples?
06:45.25n3glvnot that I have seen
06:45.28obnauticusErrr...compaired to what?
06:45.45obnauticusOH GOD
06:45.46obnauticusWHAT IS THAT
06:45.54n3glvex gf
06:46.36C4colocompared to slow pineapples
06:46.41n3glvonly diff is melanin, and perhaps shape of hair foliciles
06:46.42C4coloyea, I said that the first time I saw n3glv too
06:47.03obnauticussweet hair dude n3glv .
06:47.06*** part/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
06:47.11*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
06:47.21n3glvwatch out C4colo or I'll break out the toshiba, it has a WEBCAM
06:47.27n3glveeeeks, run for the hills!!
06:47.30C4colooh noo
06:47.40obnauticuswait this couldn';t turn out half bad
06:47.44obnauticusn3glv: what are you wearing?
06:47.48C4colohow many concurrent calls can you get on that webcam?
06:47.56n3glvnot much, nickers
06:47.58C4colodon't ask
06:48.03obnauticusn3glv: PIX
06:48.10drmessanoFirst time I saw that pic, I thought "Photoshopped.. Someone flicked the cigarette ashes out of the coffee"
06:48.26obnauticusi was having problems finding out who the girl was
06:48.38obnauticusbecause if you look closely, it looks like the black person has a mustache
06:48.46drmessanoShe does
06:48.56obnauticusthrew up
06:49.04drmessanoShe can't help it,
06:49.08drmessanoGenetics :(
06:49.13obnauticusMy physics teacher has a mustache
06:49.25obnauticusand it's a woman i might add
06:49.28obnauticuswell, to my knowledge :|
06:49.36C4coloI heard about them genetics, not much for the alien cult stuff myself
06:50.28obnauticusgets pix
06:50.29drmessanoYeah, thats fake.. The waitress in the back at the far left has all her teeth
06:50.38n3glvthis one is from Trinidad
06:51.19C4coloI like my women like I like my coffee ...
06:51.19n3glvanother friend....
06:51.22C4coloin a plastic cup
06:52.07drmessanoI like my women like I like my coffee.  In the kitchen, perched over a a food warmer.
06:52.17obnauticusi think we should introduce both n3glv, and his ex girlfriend to the producer of 2g1c
06:52.47drmessano2d1t is better
06:52.57drmessano2 Dumbasses, 1 Trixbox
06:53.01obnauticus <-- me on the right
06:53.50drmessanoEEK.. Kiddie porn
06:53.53*** part/#asterisk drmessano (
06:54.12*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
06:54.20drmessanoThat was uncool
06:54.21Corydon76-digobnauticus: really?
06:54.31obnauticusi was a model up til a few years back
06:55.07C4colo  <--I'm the fourth guy from the left, leaning on the rail
06:55.16drmessano<obnauticus> i was a model up til a few years back  <----- Now he's a washed out former child star, with a beach ball gut, coke addiction, and daily thoughts of suicide
06:55.28obnauticusdrmessano: not really lol
06:55.46n3glvthat's danny partridge
06:55.50Corydon76-digobnauticus: how old are you, anyway?
06:56.05n3glvwhom, I might add, C4colo looks a LOT like
06:56.28drmessanoThat was disturbing
06:56.28obnauticusbecause boobs don't magically appear at age 18, C4colo
06:56.33Corydon76-digC4colo: i.e. he's under 18
06:56.49drmessanoCould be worse
06:57.04Corydon76-digobnauticus: coming to Astricon?
06:57.11obnauticusCorydon76-dig: i don't feel like getting raped.
06:57.13drmessano<Member of US Congress> WHAT?  I thought she was 15!
06:57.13C4colothis conversation is harder to follow than a blind taxicab driver on a bender
06:57.28Corydon76-digobnauticus: just look for the dirty old man
06:57.33drmessano<Member of US Congress> WHAT?  I thought he was 15!
06:57.38C4colo<drmessano> <Member of US Congress> WHAT?  I thought he was 15!
06:57.40C4colofixed it for you
06:57.47*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:57.55obnauticus<drmessano> What? I thought he was 7!
06:57.59C4colooh no
06:58.15drmessanoIf I show up at Astricon and someone taps my foot under a bathroom stall, I am so not beta testing 1.8
06:58.21obnauticusn3glv: in soviet russia?
06:58.35obnauticusdrmessano: i did that at an airport once and almost got killed
06:58.39obnauticusas a joke
06:58.45obnauticusI also put notes in the tram at err
06:58.53obnauticusand said like FSCK YOU!
06:59.00obnauticusand netadmins would write back like
06:59.02obnauticusI/O ERROR
06:59.22Corydon76-digobnauticus: not a good idea.  There are tons of kids your age who are actually looking for that...
06:59.28n3glvok, so u heard about the STAFF at digium....
06:59.30obnauticusCorydon76-dig: ....that's disturbing
06:59.45Corydon76-digobnauticus: not to mention gross
06:59.46C4colodoing what?
07:00.04C4coloI just realized I don't want to know
07:00.20obnauticusI didn't know that male jailbait could exist
07:00.23Corydon76-digobnauticus: if you're going to have sex, at least have the decency to do it in a bedroom, not a public restroom
07:00.27obnauticusbut I'm proud to know that I am male jailbait.
07:00.41drmessanoWow.. Astricon is full of underage kids looking for indecent encounters in the mens bathroom?  Here I thought "Trixcon" was horrible.
07:00.44obnauticusif it does exist
07:00.52obnauticusthat's HOPE
07:00.57drmessanoOh, duh
07:01.00obnauticusa whole bunch of kids tapping each other's feet underneath bathroom stalls
07:01.03obnauticussaying it's socail engineering
07:01.07obnauticuswhen they really just want gay sex
07:01.13Corydon76-digAnother good reason for me not to go to hope
07:01.15C4coloif i have sex at home in my bedroom my wife would probably find out
07:01.17drmessanoRemind me not to wear my "Hack me" T-Shirt
07:01.20obnauticuslol I went to HOPE.
07:01.22drmessanoIt may just happen
07:01.29obnauticusI had to sit at a booth the whole time though
07:01.31obnauticusfor hackthissite >:|
07:01.51obnauticusI wore a T-Shirt that had a picture of a dinosaur on it that said NEver Forget on it.
07:02.09C4colodid people try to hack the booth thinking "site" was analgous for "location" ?
07:02.18drmessanoI was going to go to Defcon, but someone told me they were hacking pacemakers... Thank god the metal plate in my head is still safe.
07:02.34obnauticushacking pacemakers?
07:02.36obnauticuswhy would you do that?
07:02.41C4colofor the rush
07:02.45C4coloI used to hack mine
07:02.53obnauticusi overclocked mine
07:02.54Corydon76-digDid you see the story on the French journalists at Blackhat?
07:02.55obnauticusand almost died
07:02.55drmessanoThe found out how to turn them off and shit remotely
07:02.59drmessanoJust like the docs do
07:03.08C4colooverclocked pacemaker
07:03.12C4colo"mine does 3ghz"
07:03.15obnauticusdrmessano: is it RFID?
07:03.21obnauticusan inductance coil
07:03.22n3glvdrmessano, what about that virus u wrote that introduces random controll changes in electric wheelchairs?
07:03.23Corydon76-digsniffed the press room traffic and got banned for life
07:03.25obnauticusthat flips some switch
07:03.44obnauticusI normally can't do anything
07:03.46obnauticusjust like at E3
07:03.55Corydon76-digAFAIK, there's only 2 people who have gotten banned for life at the con I help run
07:03.57obnauticusim stuck at a booth the whole time, but the US army gets us booth girls.
07:04.06obnauticusCorydon76-dig: why?
07:04.25Corydon76-digobnauticus: one of them was caught redirecting the hotel toll free to a cell phone
07:04.31Corydon76-digand taking CC numbers
07:04.55obnauticusI wonder how he managed to do that :|
07:05.03Corydon76-digSocial engineering
07:05.05C4colomotm dns poisoning
07:05.11n3glvprobablly some clip leads and e-clips
07:05.12drmessanoThat reminds me of that time I was teaching myself Perl..  I got mad and smashed the keyboard, throwing a bunch of random characters into a .pl file.  I accidentally saved it and ran it, and for the next week my neighors dog with the shock collar kept wandering up and down the street whimpering and peeing on everything
07:05.15drmessanoDamn Perl
07:05.30obnauticusdrmessano: rofl that is so true
07:05.32obnauticusperl is so loose and crap
07:05.33obnauticusi hate it
07:05.35C4coloI went to school with Perl Schript
07:05.37Corydon76-digobnauticus: PhreakNIC
07:05.46obnauticuswell, it's OK for whipping up network stuff real fast while tired
07:05.49obnauticusi usually use python though
07:05.59drmessano394utrij490j29j3r5j <-- Probably valid perl
07:06.04C4coloerlang 4TW!
07:06.57drmessanoI wanted to write an entire OS in erlang, but then I discovered girls
07:07.01C4colodamn, I say erlang and everyone shuts up
07:07.03Corydon76-digobnauticus: when I want to whip something up quick, I usually use C
07:07.16C4colowhen I want to whip sometihng up quick I usually use my KitchenAid
07:07.17obnauticusCorydon76-dig: Network tools
07:07.28obnauticuswhen I want to whip something up quickly i tell my wife to
07:07.33obnauticusget back in da kitchen
07:07.34*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:07.46drmessanoIf you're gonna be hardcore, use ASM like Steve Gibson
07:07.47C4coloyou are married at 16?
07:07.51obnauticusit was a joke
07:07.51C4coloI"m sorry
07:07.57C4coloI was married at 20
07:07.59drmessanoHe could rewrite asterisk in a 24kb windows exe file
07:08.00C4coloso I can't say too much
07:08.19C4coloI could rewrite windows in a 24k asterisk dialplan
07:08.24C4coloand it probably wouldn't crash as often
07:08.25obnauticuswhat the hell
07:08.41obnauticusdrmessano: did you see Step Brothers yet/
07:08.47obnauticusthat one guy that goes WHAPOW!
07:08.50drmessanoNo lol
07:08.54obnauticusoh god
07:08.58obnauticusanyone here see that
07:09.03n3glvanyone seen the system requirement for the M$ ucs?
07:09.18C4colonow there is a comedic drama
07:09.55drmessanoMicrosoft VoIP.. nothing like needing an Active Directory setup for a freakin PBX
07:10.43jplankdrmessano:  then you know exactly what I was talking about in #freepbx
07:11.03*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
07:11.08drmessano"Im sorry, this call could not be completed as dialed, please hang up and ADSIedit your active directory schema
07:11.30C4coloI'm going to transition the CLECs network over to the new MS voip product, we just need to order about 50 more servers
07:11.33drmessanojplank: Apples and oranges.. you wanted an overly complicated solution to a simple problem
07:11.38C4colowe are currently using 5
07:11.41drmessanoWhich is the M$ way
07:11.51obnauticusIS anyone here good with bluetooth in linux/
07:12.02obnauticus../debian :\
07:12.09jplankI wanted to know the overly complicated reason I would have to use such a simple backwards problem
07:12.15C4coloI"m good at shutting the bluetooth process off on linux
07:12.26C4colosince the servers are in a DATACENTER and don't need BLUETOOTH
07:12.27jplanksimple backwards solution*
07:12.56drmessanoSaying "Recreating an extension is the windows way.  i want  the overly complicated solution that involves editing the MySQL DB by hand" is like saying "Reboot?  No, thats the windows way, cant I recompile the kernel or something"
07:13.08C4coloheh, that's my failover LAN
07:13.11drmessanoJust because it's linux, doesn't mean every fix has to be UBER ELITE
07:13.13C4coloput a bluetooth dongle on each server
07:13.19jplankI agree
07:13.26jplankbut when I upgrade software
07:13.27C4coloif the network goes down they all talk to a cellphone for the trunk
07:13.31jplankand something that was working stops
07:13.35jplankI'd like to know why
07:13.44obnauticusC4colo: i have a question
07:13.48obnauticushow do i configure the pin for my server
07:13.57drmessanojplank: Or you can just fix it.. and move on with your life.. But then, that's not the linux way
07:13.57obnauticuslike I enter a numeric pin on my handhel
07:14.02obnauticusand i have no idea where my server is getting the pin from
07:14.04drmessano"Must.. recompile... something...."
07:14.07obnauticusI can't pair the device
07:14.24C4cololook for an Authenticate() in the dialplan
07:14.38C4colounless you are using FreePBX then remove the PIN Sets module
07:14.39jplankwithout knowing why it happened, will just doom me to it happening again
07:14.48C4colothat's linux
07:14.59C4coloyou either put up with the limitations or become a linux expert
07:15.14C4coloby that I mean, an expert at all the goofy little pieces of linux that makes up the OS
07:15.38obnauticuserr C4colo ...
07:15.38C4coloI choose the middle ground ... become an expert at workarounds
07:15.43jplankright, but if your working with one of those goofy little pieces on a day to day basis, wouldn't you want to know as much as you could
07:15.54C4coloyea but that's not what gets you stuck
07:16.04C4colothose little goofy pices you work with on a dialy basis ... you know
07:16.06drmessanoC4colo: indeed.. overly dissecting issues is overly time consuming and ridiculous
07:16.10drmessanoPick your battles
07:16.10C4coloif they go sideways you fix them
07:16.28C4coloit is always something stupid like the TFTPD service that you set up 5 years ago and it has worked everyday since
07:16.42drmessano"Corrupted voice mail file?  Must.... scan.. source code...."  No, delete it and move on
07:17.00jplankbut what if you get another corrupted VM?
07:17.30jplankdo you delete it again and then move on?
07:17.39drmessanoThen you spend some time on it.. reinstall asterisk.. Update..
07:17.49C4colowhat if you get hung sessions on the voice mail application constantly?
07:17.53drmessanoYou dont print out he source and spend a month reading it
07:17.53C4coloone or two a week?
07:18.02drmessanoOh, wait.. Reinstalling is the M$ way
07:18.16jplankreinstalling as your first option is the MS way
07:18.30drmessanoWhen it's trivial, there's no reason no to
07:19.01jplankhow do I know its trivial
07:19.06C4coloI would write a perl script to repair the voicemail file using sox and restore it
07:19.19C4colothen run it on every voicemail after it is written to disk
07:19.33jplankhmmm, workaround expert, I get it now
07:19.49C4coloI'd use a "watch ls /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/" and grep it using perl regex
07:20.07jplankC4, let me as you, if you had a application that was running fine for a while
07:20.18drmessanoYou asked about 2 extensions in FreePBX that are having issues that sound like DB issues.  The rest are fine.  The suggestion of recreating them is trivial and would have taken 30 seconds.. But that wasnt good enough.. Needs to be more complicated like hex editing the mysql executable
07:20.45drmessanoTo me, thats insane
07:20.47C4colowait freepbx?
07:21.08obnauticusare these serious calls?
07:21.13jplankI had more then two errors, I was able to fix most of them
07:21.16C4coloyou are in the wrong channel, you mention freepbx in here and everyone will yell #FREEPBX ASSHOLE
07:21.19C4coloor something like that
07:21.22drmessanoWhy fix something easily when low level editing is available
07:21.28jplankthere were 2 that I couldn't figure out
07:21.35jplankI asked what it could be
07:21.44C4coloit could be that you are using freepbx actually
07:21.44jplankyou said to rip the extension out and remake it
07:21.46drmessanoDont delete a file, hex edit the hard disk
07:21.50C4colonobody understands freepbx
07:21.52drmessanoThen you can watch the bits delete
07:21.53C4colonot even the dev team
07:22.08drmessanoRip the extension out and remake it?
07:22.21jplankdelete the extension and remake it
07:22.24drmessanoAre you a drama queen?  I said recreate it.. You act like I said "FDISK"
07:22.40C4colofreepbx: fork it? fuck it.
07:22.41jplankright theres a big difference
07:23.21drmessanoBig difference is, you're obviously scared of the system if you're not willing to do something so easy to fix it.
07:23.23jplankwhen I get a call from a sales person tomorrow telling me all his VM disappeared, and he can't look up calls tomorrow, the time trying to figure out what the problem was seems a lot better
07:23.44C4coloasking about freepbx in #asterisk is like asking about your samsung hard drive on the MSDN forums
07:23.48drmessanoyeah, moving the VM out to another directory, and then back in is so insanely hard
07:23.54jplankI was talking to him in #freepbx
07:24.07jplankright, but those VM wouldn't show up as new
07:24.19jplankhis call records in the recordings interface is gone
07:24.40drmessanoListen buddy, you said you have problem with the database.  Aren't your priorities a little screwy here?
07:24.50jplankand I'm sure you know, end users are generally ignorant
07:24.54C4colothe CDR isn't deleted
07:24.58jplankI didn't say that
07:25.00C4colowhen you delete an extension
07:25.17jplankC4, I know, but what about inside the recordings GUI
07:25.17C4colothe ARI looks into the CDR for the call records
07:25.22drmessanoC4colo: Deleting an extension is like crossing the streams
07:25.41drmessanoMaybe you would understand if you had an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on YOUR back
07:25.41jplankand all I did was ask of that would happen
07:25.42C4coloshit, do I need to go find the SQL for this?
07:25.54C4coloit says "give me all the calls where XXXXX was the source"
07:25.57C4coloor dst
07:26.08C4coloand then dumps them onto the page
07:26.19C4coloit doesn't know when or why or how often you created the extension
07:26.33C4colowhich means, don't re-use extensions
07:26.44C4colobecause the new user will know the old user's call history
07:26.51jplanksee I didn't know that
07:26.55jplankI specifically asked that
07:26.56drmessanoi deleted an extension in a GUI, and norway died :(
07:26.57C4colofreepbx is poorly written
07:27.04jplankand was told to just delete the extension
07:27.09C4colohas many "features" like that
07:27.18jplankin this case thats a feature
07:27.22drmessanoYeah, I gave you a simple fix
07:27.25drmessanoMr Hex edit
07:27.29drmessanoBut nooo
07:27.36drmessanoNot low level enough
07:27.41C4colothe only reason I know this is because I just wrote a call history reporting tool on the Asterisk CDR with the requirement that it show the calls "like freepbx's ARI"
07:27.45drmessanoMore... Linux... needs.. to ..... be
07:27.54C4coloso, I happen to know way too much about the ARI and it's internal SQL crap
07:28.10C4coloI disclaim it as such: I'm probably wrong so don't listen to anything I say
07:28.16C4coloIANAL or a doctor
07:28.25C4colotalk to your congressman about viagra
07:29.26C4coloand for the record .. this is all "off the record"
07:30.28C4colocan we get the log bot out of the room for this next part?
07:31.16drmessanoIs there HEX involved?
07:31.46C4coloI don't want this leaking out all over the internets
07:31.53C4colothe tubes are already too clogged
07:32.08C4coloI got an email this morning that was sent last friday!
07:33.45jameswf-home~hex carrot
07:33.45jbotcarrot is 63 61 72 72 6F 74
07:34.02C4colothe bot doesn't like me
07:37.21DarKnesS_WolFC4colo: yes no body likes u :D
07:37.56C4coloeven I don't like me
07:38.49DarKnesS_WolFheheh welcome to the club :)
07:38.50mchouI'm all confused re call waiting in *
07:39.01DarKnesS_WolFmchou: why ?
07:39.12mchousome docs saw you need to enable CW in DB
07:39.29mchouand some docs saw *70 must be enabled in *
07:39.42mchouwhat gives?
07:40.17mchouI have a SIP ITSP, BTW
07:40.39mchouwell, at least for this purpose....
07:41.21C4coloare you using freepbx?
07:41.26mchouno no
07:41.32mchouraw *
07:41.45mchoujust confused by googling
07:41.53mchoureading b4 implementing
07:42.16C4colocall waiting is not a feature of asterisk by default
07:42.29C4coloI should say, not having call waiting is not a feature of asterisk by default
07:42.54mchouyou mean call waiting is not enabled by default in * :)
07:43.01C4coloit will invite the peer every time you use the Dial(TECH/peer)
07:43.08mchoudoube negatives are confusing :)
07:43.08C4colocall waiting is not disabled
07:43.33C4coloa mechanism to disable/block calls from going to a peer must be implemented
07:43.40C4colomost of the time you just let the endpoint handle it
07:43.59C4coloa sip phone or ata should have a setting for call waiting which will reject the call if the user is busy
07:44.27mchouso in this case my endpoint is a pap2....which can handle to simul call appearances
07:44.47C4coloif you want call waiting to work, just leave it alone
07:44.55drmessanoAppearance is a piss poor word to use with an ATA
07:44.56C4coloand check on the ata if it is disabled
07:45.07mchouok, my bad
07:45.56mchoubut anyways, so say I handle incoming exten with exten=>555, Dial(SIP/handset)
07:46.15C4coloevery time the call hits that line it will send an INVITE request to the pap2
07:46.28C4colounless you check the status before sending the Dial() command
07:46.53mchoua subsequent exten=>555,n,Congestion would still allow the 2nd call to go thru?
07:48.31mchouwhat did I say incorrectly?
07:49.49C4colothe call will stay at the Dial() until hung up
07:50.02C4colothen it automatically jumps to the h extension for the context
07:50.12C4coloso it will never get to the exten => 555,n,Congestion()
07:50.20mchouthat makes sense
07:50.23C4coloalso, you should put a number in the ()'s on congestion
07:50.27C4colosince that keeps the channel open
07:50.40C4colo10 seconds then it hangs up
07:50.49C4coloor does whatever is next, depending on the way you write your dialplan
07:50.59mchouyeah, I'm just using shorthand for discussion purposes
07:51.07C4coloI've seen worse
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08:24.01blackesthi anyone good with vta's?
08:24.56blackestor know a better place to find help with them ?
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08:40.04mchoublackest: what are you referring to?  DLink VTAs for vonage?
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08:48.56blackestthats the one
08:49.22blackesti've so far managed to change the admin password
08:49.57mchoublackest: seriously, hacking the VTA is not worth your time
08:50.23mchouget an unlocked PAP2 instead
08:50.26blackestits interesting thou
08:50.59mchouinteresting is not the word I'd use to characterize it
08:51.06mchoumore like "broken"
08:51.18mchoupiss ass poor firmware
08:51.46mchounot as full featured as pap2 even on vta's best day
08:52.32mchoublackest: I'd challenge you on setting stun on that box. :)
08:52.43mchoujust as an example
08:52.55blackesti don't really need a lot of features the ability to make phone calls would be nice:)
08:53.26mchoublackest: seriously, how $ did you pay for VTA?
08:53.38blackestwell £15
08:54.08mchouok, so that's around US$38, give or take a few
08:54.46mchouan unlocked linksys pap2 is around US$50
08:55.13mchoufor $12 extra I'd call the pap2 a bargain
08:55.19blackestpap2 is the model ?
08:55.41mchoulinksys pap2t
08:55.56blackestI only got into this yesterday so still a bit ignorant
08:56.30blackestwill it work with a panansonic ktx 616 ?
08:56.30mchouin north america it's called linksys pap2t-na.  dunno what the UK version is called
08:56.31obnauticusdrmessano: you still there honey?
08:56.47mchouprobably pap2t-eu :)
08:58.04mchouWhat kind of phone is panasonic ktx616?  I have no experience with that
08:58.22blackestits a pabx
08:58.58mchoucant help you on that one
08:59.15blackestit looks like the unlocked box is about £30 here
08:59.41mchoublackest: huh?? that makes no sense
08:59.59mchoublackest: make sure you get a legit unlocked box
09:00.10mchounot one off ebay that ex-vonage
09:00.40mchouthat linky looks legit
09:01.07mchouwow.  cheaper than VTA too
09:01.11blackestif i do get it its going to ireland
09:01.11mchouwhat a deal!
09:01.27blackesttwice what i paid for the vta
09:01.45blackestpcworld has em on clearance
09:02.11mchouI thought you said 38# for VTA
09:02.39blackestno £15 for the vta you said thats about $38
09:02.53mchouah, ok.  my mistake
09:03.25blackestfor the sake of currency conversion its fine :)
09:03.33mchouwell, I think pap2t is still a deal even at those prices
09:04.11blackestwell it doesnt seem to bad the problem i have with vonage is they are stupidly expensive for the service
09:04.28mchouyeah, forget vonage (the service)
09:04.55mchoublackest: you only need to pay the extra premium if you are not net savvy
09:04.59blackesti pay skype £4 for free calls to 15 or 25 countrys and they want about 6 to 8 for 2
09:05.06mchoufor vonage*
09:05.10mchouscrew skype
09:05.16mchouthat's the shits
09:05.35mchouskype keeps crashing
09:05.45mchoutotally worthless
09:06.13mchouin addition to being proprietary
09:06.26blackestyes that is an issue
09:06.29mchouwhich means no asterisk or othe ipbx
09:06.58blackestyes which is why i am looking elsewhere
09:07.09mchouI tried skye for 1 yr and said adios
09:07.34mchouthe funny thing quality sucked more towards the end
09:07.44mchouof the 1 yr. period
09:08.11blackestwell its been ok for me so far most of the time not the best quality admittedly
09:08.31blackesthowever the limitations are getting to me
09:08.45mchouwell, skype kept crashing for me in middle of conversations
09:09.10mchouand then it would basically lock up the computer
09:09.29blackestwell i never had it that bad
09:09.35mchouand I said, what do they think I'm using? windows?
09:10.06mchouscrew skype, fleabay, and paypal
09:10.22blackesti screwed ebay yesterday :)
09:10.29mchoutotally unprofessional outfits
09:10.41obnauticusSkype ha sa nice codec
09:10.42obnauticusif it were open
09:11.04obnauticusfscking proprietary stuff
09:11.07blackesti picked up the pabx with the help of ebay and google :)
09:11.20mchouilbc can be used with asterisk, I dont see what the issue is
09:13.31mchoublackest: what gets me is that skype has volunteers doing support
09:13.50mchoublackest: what a frigging rinky dink operation
09:13.54obnauticusthe people think they are "Taking down the telecom industry"
09:14.06mchouobnauticus: lol
09:14.07obnauticuswhen they are really just reallocating a small percentage of the revenue/market share
09:14.09obnauticusim serious.
09:14.38mchouobnauticus: "Dragging down" would be a more apt description
09:14.58obnauticuswell, when dealing with a lot of people you can't swithc anything extremely fast
09:15.04obnauticusespically issues ddealing with money
09:15.11blackestwell at the end of the day its easy to use and cheap with no technical knowledge required
09:15.23mchouI actually would have no real issues if skype worked as advertised
09:15.24obnauticusskype fails to realise that if they provide good open support for like POTS and SIP
09:15.30obnauticusthey could actually take it over
09:15.32mchoubut it doesnt
09:15.55blackestallthough the most annoying thing was they will not give you the username you want
09:16.13mchouskype wouldnt take my credit card
09:16.33blackesti tried a random 32letter string and it wasn't available
09:16.35obnauticusIF they were smart, they would develope their own protocol
09:16.42obnauticusbut provide good documentation
09:16.44obnauticusand an API
09:16.46mchouwith service like that you dont need competitors :)
09:16.54obnauticusso that people can write integration for like asterisk and their networks
09:17.01*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
09:17.04obnauticusand then slowley just watch everyone start to move
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09:17.29mchouanyway, the less said re skype the better
09:17.43mchouit's one disaster after another
09:18.10blackestwell its windows for telephones isnt it.
09:18.36obnauticusI'm on debian and im running skype :\
09:19.35mchouthat's another thing.  wtf use a soft phone??
09:19.40blackestok clarifying its easy to install setup and use by anybody with a mouse and half a brain no knowledge needed
09:19.42mchoufrigging lame
09:19.54obnauticusmchou:  i hvave a hardphone
09:20.22mchouobnauticus: yeah, except most require USB.  That's just frigging lame
09:20.37obnauticusmine is pretty nice
09:20.40obnauticusI have a polycom soundpoint
09:20.44obnauticusand a Cisco 7960
09:21.25blackestwhile there is obvious merit in other systems, most are scary to non technical people
09:21.52obnauticusAparently people have a hard time setting up the 7960 acquiring the firmware and stuff :\
09:21.52obnauticusI had no problems ...
09:21.56obnauticusIT's pretty nice, with the PoE and the integrated switch
09:22.23mchoucisco 7960 supports skype?
09:22.29obnauticusblackest: what most computer fail to realise is that not all "non-technical" peopel are stupid
09:22.31obnauticusmchou: hell no.
09:22.38mchouobnauticus: lol
09:23.21obnauticusErr, you know what's weird
09:23.30obnauticusRight when my festival menu initialises
09:23.41obnauticusthe festival dude speaks real fast
09:23.45obnauticusthen it slows down about 1 second later
09:23.47blackestok but most non-technical people have an aversion to doing things they can't understand
09:24.03mchoublackest: lol
09:24.10obnauticusblackest: keep in mind
09:24.14mchouso do technical people for that matter :)
09:24.19obnauticusyou consider them non-technical in YOUR field
09:24.27obnauticusI'm sure you would do the same thing in their field
09:24.29obnauticusor profession
09:25.00mchouI play a doctor and a lawyer on TV :)
09:25.12mchouI'm gonna cut you UP!
09:25.47mchouand then I'll sue you UP!
09:25.54obnauticusand arrest you up
09:25.56blackestwell most people have no interest in going beyond the simple interface presented to them
09:26.06obnauticusblackest: so?
09:26.17obnauticusblackest: say you've never flown a plane before
09:26.23obnauticusdo you wanna start on a B2 bomber?
09:26.24obnauticusor a cessna
09:26.28blackestand i think that goes for anything and thus skype is simple and is widely used
09:26.36obnauticussame concept.
09:26.46mchouobnauticus: B2.  engine redundancy :)
09:27.07mchouin case of flame out I can still fly :)
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09:27.22obnauticusyou know what im trying to get at here
09:27.47mchouscrew skype
09:27.56blackestyes but you already get beyond most users who want to get in sit down , get out in one piece and many are not confident of that
09:28.11mchouskype simplicity would be bonus if it actually WORKED
09:28.25C4colo<mchou> screw skype
09:28.27C4coloI second that
09:28.27obnauticusof course you cannot shoot people down with a cessna
09:28.29mchouwhich it doesnt, so it's a moot point
09:28.52obnauticusYou have to think
09:29.01obnauticusIf people who are productive citizens use it
09:29.07obnauticusit has to be good for something.,
09:29.23obnauticusyou cannot say it's completely crap i will never use it and everyone who does is retarded.
09:29.29mchou"productive citizens"
09:29.33obnauticusbecause that would be ignorant.
09:29.33blackestwell it does for most people with the occasional dropped call and lousy quality so friend to friend its ok use it for business not a good idea at all
09:30.08obnauticusof course.
09:30.24blackestskype is an easy to use variable quality system that works fine when it doesnt matter
09:30.31obnauticusI'm sure everyone can agree with that
09:30.40obnauticusit's like saying windows server is TOTAL crap
09:30.51obnauticusin my opinion everything but active directory in window sserver
09:30.51obnauticusis crap
09:31.03mchouit is total crap :)
09:31.06obnauticusbut because ONE thing about it is good, I will still say it's good.
09:31.17obnauticusmchou: once there is an open source solution to AD, i will call it 100% shit.
09:31.19mchouVista has been compromised :)
09:31.23obnauticusthat actually works.
09:31.39blackestwith the simple interface :)
09:32.00obnauticusheh., my primary computer runs server 2008/gentoo/freebsd/slackware though :\
09:32.11mchouall that MSFT security work down the drain
09:32.30mchouit's just so funny
09:32.34obnauticusi cannot believe
09:32.37obnauticusthey didn't think of that
09:32.59blackestok but back to my vta which while i accept isnt a good piece of kit is a piece of kit i have in my hand now :)
09:34.04blackestI'm stuck on the instruction which says now edit the xml file to your requirements
09:34.19mchoublackest: having shit in hand is not better than no shit in hand
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09:34.48blackestdepends on if your a monkey with tourists in sight :)
09:36.22mchoublackest: I got the VTA on clearance for $12 here at Walmart
09:36.52blackestvonage are not doing well are they
09:37.34mchouI finished hacking it.  Took a look at PAP2.  then went ahead and bought pap2 for $50 rather than continue messing with VTA
09:38.03mchoublackest: VTA on clearance has nothin to do w/ vonage doing well or not
09:38.21mchouVonage has new analog telephony adapter out
09:38.45mchouand they were just trying to get rid of VTAs
09:40.00mchoulack of STUN was a real showstopper for me
09:40.37mchounot saying there arent workaounds but it just wasnt worth the hassle
09:41.15blackestok whats the problem with stun i don't know what that is
09:41.43mchouthere is no implementation of STUN on the VTA box I hacked
09:42.05mchouat least I could not find a setting for it
09:42.05blackestwhat is stun and why is it needed/ useful
09:42.44mchouSTUN is useful for automagic NAT traversal
09:43.23mchouso you dont have to input your external IP address on the box
09:43.48mchouand all the hassle that would entail if your outside IP was on dhcp
09:44.25mchoublackest: seriously, just write off VTA
09:44.49mchouit's frigging even worse than skype
09:45.18blackestdid you get it to work ?
09:45.32mchouI got it to work, yeah
09:45.52mchoubut I didn't want to mess with it if say power went out
09:46.15mchouthen the box would be reset or some such
09:46.47mchounot to mention if my ISP assigned me a different IP address via dhcp
09:46.55blackestthats not important here since its a toy for me to play with not an important piece of coms kit
09:48.08blackestyou have put me off them for using vonage at all in a business setting thou
09:48.54mchounothing really wrong with vonage except they arent the cheapest around
09:49.18mchouif you have vonage, vta will work for you just fine
09:49.24mchouno issues
09:49.38mchoudont use skype for ANYTHING
09:50.12blackestwell the price is the big issue, really charging a monthly fee for not using the service is an issue
09:50.39blackesti want a voip provider who bills me when i use it
09:51.22blackesti don't mind throwing some credit on to the system so they can decide when i have used it
09:51.28mchoublackest: most voip providers will charge you for a DID regardless whether you use it or not
09:52.08mchouso you should at a minimum regard the DID as fixed cost (of doing business)
09:52.26mchougranted over here it's about %3-5/mo.
09:53.12mchoubut you will get that minimum charge regardless whether you use it or not
09:53.19blackestwell i don't need DID for this application
09:53.41blackestI essentially need an outgoing line at low rates
09:54.08blackestI have an incoming line already which works just fine
09:55.19blackestThe pabx is for about 11 extensions that most likely will not get used and if they do i just want them out to a lowcost service
09:55.58blackestthe incoming pots phone can be directed to each of the extensions anyway
09:56.38kamanashisroyhi .. I am trying use res_odbc .. But it is disabled in menuselect .. I have got unixODBC installed .. what is the problem ?
10:04.15*** part/#asterisk blackest (
10:09.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
10:14.43Arck-frhi everyone, can we send to an Agi a variable even if the variable doesn't exist ?
10:15.14Arck-fror that generate an error ?
10:17.33Arck-frin theory, if the variable don't exist she is NULL si i can send to an AGI, but i'm not shure ....
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12:21.08seanbrightkamanashisroy: still around?
12:22.44seanbrightkamanashisroy: you need to install the unixODBC-devel package as well, and then run ./configure again
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13:29.49kamanashisroyseanbright: thanks .. it is OK now
13:34.55DarKnesS_WolFcoool my snom 370 updated with VPN firmware !
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14:50.26Wh1tehathi all
14:50.41Wh1tehatcan anybody help me on how to add sip users on asterisk
14:50.52jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:58.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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15:43.08DarKnesS_WolFWh1tehat: read chapter 4 in the book
15:45.07DarKnesS_WolFwhen new zaptel out with the fixes of astribank :(
15:45.20QwellDarKnesS_WolF: It's already fixed in svn.
15:45.29Qwellsvn co
15:50.54DarKnesS_WolFQwell: yes i know :-)i just wish it is out already it been like 2 weeks don't want to compile svn on prductions right now :)
15:51.44DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: interesting personal blog u have.
15:52.39DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i have been following the mailing list for sometime, no new news about TLS support for 1.6 ? i mean to become into asterisk core ?
15:52.57DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: ur not the one who made gtalk with asterisk ?
15:55.42DarKnesS_WolFwishs to go to astricon
15:55.58*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:56.09QwellDarKnesS_WolF: mog did most/all of chan_gtalk
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15:58.10DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i recall i have read the blog how he got hired by mark and so on, and i don't know why for some reason i think he do look like russellb a little bit
15:58.51Qwellnot particularly, no
15:59.08Qwellin fact, I don't think I can point out a single resemblance.
15:59.37[TK]D-FenderQwell: male?  Has hair?
15:59.44Qwellboth human
16:00.05ManxPowerThey're developers, they are just slightly more than human 8-)
16:00.07russellbTLS support in 1.6?  what about it
16:00.18russellbit's there for SIP, manager, http ...
16:00.22DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: asterisk 1.6 will support TLS SRTP ?
16:00.28russellbTLS != SRTP
16:00.30QwellManxPower: superhuman?
16:00.34[TK]D-Fender~8ball will * ever support SRTP?
16:00.34jbotAre you smoking crack?
16:00.37DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: yes i meant to put , :)
16:00.37ManxPowerQwell: Don't push it.
16:03.20DarKnesS_WolFdah everywhere there is asterisk there is redbull :-) even in the book :D
16:03.38Qwellmine is almost empty...
16:03.47DarKnesS_WolFi wounder if digium offering redbull for the devs. for free :)
16:04.00russellbi wish
16:04.18russellbaccepts redbull donations, sugarfree, please
16:04.30DarKnesS_WolFQwell: i tryed it once i am not a big fan of energy drinks and it is a little bit expensive in egypt but one day i treid redbull and oh my god all i feel is that i want to do more work and work :D
16:05.12Qwellrussellb: it's a shame we didn't get a pallet of redbull...
16:05.21russellbheh, yeah
16:05.32Qwellbribes <3
16:05.46russellband for all the dr pepper, i wish some of it had been diet
16:05.49russellbi don't like the regular stuff :(
16:06.03ManxPowerponders setting up a redbull stand in Digium's parking lot. volume discounts
16:06.05DarKnesS_WolFdr pepper == somehting like redbull ?
16:06.12QwellDarKnesS_WolF: no, just an awesome soda
16:06.17DarKnesS_WolFah ok
16:06.20DarKnesS_WolFsoda is bad :-s
16:06.44DarKnesS_WolFit is very harming for bones and it make me more fat :D
16:10.11coppicered bull is worse for you than any soda
16:10.14russellbI'll work on the feature of someone's choice (within reason) for the first person to send me 4 cases of sugar free redbull
16:10.20coppiceexcept maybe for your teeth
16:10.37russellbi'd probably die from all of that ...
16:11.07DarKnesS_WolF hahaha
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16:11.26jeevyay, i'm all up and running
16:11.31[TK]D-Fender~ball would 4 cases of sugar free redbull kill russellb?
16:11.34jeevrussellb, one last thing. can you help me with blacklist ?
16:11.36[TK]D-Fender~8ball would 4 cases of sugar free redbull kill russellb?
16:11.37jbotI'm not sure.
16:11.46[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Best not take any chances...
16:11.47Qwell~8ball but would it be worth it?
16:11.48jbotI'm sure of it.
16:11.52DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: u drink around 4 a day !?
16:12.09[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: WTH, you only live once!
16:12.29jeev[Aug 8 23:00:40] WARNING[48991]: app_lookupblacklist.c:106 lookupblacklist_exec: LookupBlacklist is deprecated. Please use ${BLACKLIST()} instead.
16:12.31DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: cuz u live once dosn't mean u have to live to 60 and sick :P
16:12.32jeevhow can i sue that ?
16:12.39[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Get a lawyer
16:12.53outtolunca cheap one
16:12.55[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Its a useless app, just use AstDB yourself.
16:13.01jeevFender, if i get a lawyer, i'm gonna make him take all your monies!
16:13.29DarKnesS_WolFnever heard of monies before and my english sucks anyway :-)
16:13.40jeevoh yea, last night i decided not to use blacklist, due to easy callerid spooforizing
16:13.50DarKnesS_WolFi think it just money , cuz it is already multi-thing :P
16:13.57jeevi just woke up man
16:13.58jeevgive me a break
16:14.23russellbgive me a piece of that kit-kat barrrr ..
16:14.33jeevi'm on a damn diet
16:14.36Qwellbreak me off a piece
16:14.40Qwellnewb :p
16:14.41jeevi've been pounding indian food for 3 weeks straight.
16:15.14heedlygood indian good is quite tasty. :)
16:15.14coppiceit should be thoroughly tenderised by now
16:15.42jeevmark my words, gas dropping to 2.75 +/- a quarter, economy going to go back up.. then gas will go back and rest at around 3.75 +/- a quarter. within the next 3 years.
16:15.51jeevindian is delish
16:16.37outtoluncyou must not be anywhere near california <G>
16:16.44jeevi am in LA!
16:16.55drmessanoSaag Paneer FTW
16:17.01drmessanoBismati Rice, and Naan
16:17.07drmessanoThrow in some Samosa's
16:17.20outtoluncit is still above $4.xx/gal in NorCal
16:17.45Qwellouttolunc: we're paying $1.50 in AL
16:17.52outtolunclucky you
16:18.01Qwellno, I'm kidding ;p
16:18.12russellb$3.59 though
16:18.19Qwellmy car takes premium :(
16:18.22drmessanoIt's 3.71 in GA, $3.45 in SC where they have no gas tax
16:18.25outtolunci figured billy bob's gas and gators shop has surplus <G>
16:18.32jeevyea, but chicken tikka masalla is sick, chicken khorma is sick, and chicken curry is sick.. at this all you can eat place.
16:19.06drmessanoThis place I eat at has an awesome Eggplant Bhartha
16:19.10jeevmark my indian breathe words after i eat it.
16:19.13jeeveggplant makes me yack.
16:19.29jeevit feels like a big booger in my throat
16:20.23jeevdamn, im' asterisk king now
16:20.44drmessanoYou want sick, go cheap and buy the "taste of india" brand indian food at the store
16:20.51drmessanoTaste of Crap is mor elike it
16:20.55russellbdamnit, now i want indian food for lunch
16:21.02jeevsick i meant good.
16:21.04jeevthat's where i go i think
16:21.05russellbQwell: we need some south huntsville indian
16:21.06jeevor flavor of india
16:21.30jeevsince an indian company bought range rover.. i suggest having "tikka masala grain" instead of wood grain..
16:21.34jeevand new car smell should smell like curry
16:21.46jeevi'm getting one when they do that.. i dont care how much i think a range sucks and is a POS.
16:23.00*** join/#asterisk blackest (
16:23.44blackestcan a vta be configured for voipstunt ?
16:24.06jeevman, i got 3 ATA devices from other companies i bought off ebay
16:24.10jeevi wonder if i can make them connect to asterisk
16:24.35outtoluncthinks my buddy got me a spa942 for my bday
16:25.05blackestjeev you done anything with them yet ?
16:25.13jeevno blackest, i bought them used.
16:25.18outtolunc(with his emp discount it falls within the '$ range' <G>)
16:25.58jeevbirthday's are wack
16:26.20blackestin theory they do unlock and you should be able to provision them with other providers but i've been at it a day and a half and apart from admin access not a lot of success
16:27.17jeevwhich device
16:28.21jeevhrmf, i gotta see what i have
16:28.38jeevAC-211-SR from sunrocket
16:28.55blackestvta-vr  i think the vr bits not important
16:30.12jeevwonder if i could do this one
16:32.02blackestno idea on that in theory mines already on the most readily hackable version wierd as it was new yesterday but two firmware reeases behind
16:39.16jeevdamn, this thing isn't even grabbing an ip
16:44.16*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
16:49.03blackestprobably set as a static ip
16:49.52blackesttry a factory reset if you can find it
16:54.40*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
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17:24.50jeevyea, i kind of got it
17:25.06jeevthere should be a law
17:25.12jeevmaking it so providers can't lock ata's.
17:25.22rob0There is a law. Murphy wrote it.
17:25.46jeevrob must be malfunctioning.
17:25.57drmessanoYeah, good luck with that
17:28.53*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
17:32.58jeevtook apart an old system yesterday
17:33.00jeevi was having fun
17:33.07jeevpulled the heatsink out, boom, here comes the cpu with it haha
17:33.18rasterixlol jeev
17:33.32rasterixi find if u get the cpu hot first
17:33.41rasterixthe heatsink comes off easier
17:33.59*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
17:34.08jeevoh, i dont care
17:34.10jeevit was like an 800mhz
17:34.16jeevbut i just did part another dead board with a big typhoon..
17:34.28jeevi took off and the processor has crap allllllllll over it, i'm not gonna bother cleaning, it's a p4 though.
17:35.23jeevso i got this up now.. but i'm reading that provisioning may turn on again, bah!
17:35.59drmessanoI always research ATA's that I am going to unlock before I start screwing with them.. Unless they're under $3
17:36.05*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
17:36.24jeevgot 3 for 10 bucks :D
17:36.50drmessanoThats not too bad
17:36.51rob0$3.33 > $3.00
17:37.08drmessanoMy best was a RTP300 I got for $1.99
17:37.16ManxPowerthe CPU crap goo helps move heat away from the CPU into the heat sink
17:37.28rasterixdoes anyone know a good box u can wipe for an aterisk install in a tiny lil box... i.e. a nas box or something?
17:37.41rasterixsomething i can get cheap on ebay preferably
17:37.49drmessanoManxPower: I always remove the heat sink grease.. It always makes the heat sink get too hot
17:39.01drmessanoIf you put get a sheet of teflon, cut out a small piece, and put it between the heat sink and the CPU, I find the heat sinks run almost cold to the touch
17:39.07drmessanoThat is VERY 4TW
17:41.09rasterixor to put it another way... what is the smallest box (physically) you can install asterisk on?
17:41.24drmessanoWhoa whoa whoa
17:41.47drmessanoStefan Öberg is going to be speaking at Astricon
17:41.57jeevwhat's astricon!?!?
17:42.15drmessanoYou heard of the autobots and decepticons?  Astricons are neutral
17:42.18drmessanoLike switzerland
17:42.21rasterixwhen u buy cisco you have been astriconned
17:43.03drmessanoJust seems like having someone from Skype speaking at Astricon is borderline trolling lol
17:43.12drmessanoUnless there's a big.. oh wait, no, it's Skype
17:43.32*** join/#asterisk markit (
17:43.50drmessanoOh wait
17:43.51drmessanoI get it
17:44.27rob0Astricons are the guys who get sent to AstriPrison.
17:44.35drmessanoIt's like having Microsoft keynote a LinuxWorld
17:45.23jeevdamn, it's not registering
17:45.29tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, we actually had a speaker from MS in the recent yearly convention of the Israely LUG
17:45.51tzafrir_laptopnot a keynote, naturally
17:45.53rasterixyes but you had him handcuffed
17:46.02*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:46.54tzafrir_laptopthey start to understand that most of the smart people in the world don't work for them
17:47.23tzafrir_laptopAnd that reaching out to the "open source community" is a useful strategy.
17:47.39drmessanoSkype just screams of "lack of openness", just seems counterproductive
17:47.55rob0But MS "reaching out" is with both hands, toward the neck.
17:47.57tzafrir_laptop(in such areas where they don't control the market, that is)
17:48.01rasterixmicrosoft made foxpro open source (kind of)
17:48.02markittzafrir_laptop: but M$ is pushing for software patents all over the world, to win the game anyway (recent case: India)
17:48.20*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (
17:48.26drmessanoThere is one patent microsoft will never get
17:48.56drmessanoThe patent for writing software that doesnt suck most of the time.
17:49.05drmessanoThey cant enforce it
17:49.12drmessanoUnless they sue themselves
17:49.49tzafrir_laptopwow, india shoots itself in the foot?
17:50.02markitdrmessano: as we saw in recent case of OOXML adoption by ISO, techincal merit is not needed when you can corrupt people
17:50.22rob0Yes, India has the best gov't money can buy. As do we all.
17:50.25drmessanoDoes anyone know how to get TFTP working through NAT, or perhaps a particular TFTP implementation that works around the shortcomings?
17:50.29markittzafrir_laptop: like most of the world, and is in constant risk in Europe also. Incredible but true
17:50.47tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, IIRC there's a linux module for masquerading tftp
17:50.58markitpolitician don't understand the problem, just smell M$ money when they talk with M$ people
17:51.28tzafrir_laptopactually the OOXML quite backfired on MS in India
17:54.04jeevdamn, this thing wont register, it wont send to syslogd either.
17:54.32jeevshould this be in WAN or LAN
17:54.34jeevi'd think LAN..
17:56.29*** part/#asterisk __freedom__lover (
18:03.10jeevthis device is l4m3
18:05.48*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
18:19.48*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
18:25.37jeevwhen someone calls my calling card system.. or whatever
18:25.41jeevit doesn't show the source phone number, why!
18:35.24russellbjeev: it's your calling card system, you tell me
18:37.29carrarFIX IS RUSSELL!!!
18:37.31carrarerr IT
18:37.59russellboh, there it is
18:38.06russellbsomeone had commented out "support callerid = yes"
18:41.06*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
18:41.41drmessanorus <tab>
18:41.55jeev[Aug 9 11:39:24] NOTICE[49021]: chan_sip.c:15851 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'viatalk' is now UNREACHABLE! Last qualify: 102
18:41.56jeevwhat the!
18:41.58jeevi wonder if he hung up
18:42.01jeevor if it owned him
18:42.14jeev[Aug 9 11:39:35] NOTICE[49021]: chan_sip.c:12669 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'viatalk' is now Reachable. (1097ms / 2000ms)
18:42.14drmessanoAre you 12?
18:42.20jeevi told you
18:42.24jeev9 5/12th's
18:43.11russellb~8ball should I help drmessano ?
18:43.12jbotAre you smoking crack?
18:43.18russellbsorry, drmessano
18:43.22jeev~8ball should russel help jeev?
18:43.22jbotAre you smoking crack?
18:43.26jeevstupid bot
18:43.32drmessanorussellb: I came up with a quantum physics thought experiment using you
18:43.38*** join/#asterisk Paige_ (n=Paige@2001:470:1f05:531:21f:c6ff:fe48:8988)
18:44.13jeev~8ball should russel help jeev?
18:44.14jbotI'm sure of it.
18:44.26russellbshakes his head
18:44.30russellbonly the first one counts
18:44.39jeevsip show channels
18:44.41jeevshowed the callerid..
18:44.46jeevbut when an incoming call comes, it doesn't show it.
18:44.50jbotthe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', exclamation mark '!', question mark '?', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '--', or  ellipsis '...' instead.
18:44.51jeevto the caller id system
18:45.39drmessanoI call it "RusselB's Cat".. It's a thought experiment based on a theoretical cat with an ATA strapped to it's back, and the cat is set on fire.  Initially everyone thinks "OMG, that cat is on fire", but as the cat continues in a state of engulfment, the thought moves away from the shock of the cat being on fire and more towards "I wonder if that ATA was unlocked".
18:46.54russellbsets drmessano on fire
18:48.03drmessanoYes, the ATA strapped to my back IS unlocked
18:48.36russellbi can haz it?
18:48.54russellbi have a number of phones here at home and they never get any love :(
18:49.00russellbi need to get my house wired up so i can set them out
18:49.16drmessanoI have lots of phones and ATA's, but alas, no friends
18:49.29tzafrir_laptophands russellb a burned ATA
18:49.29drmessanoI have no idea what the ringtones are set to.. No one calls me :(
18:49.35russellbtzafrir_laptop: thanks!
18:49.45russellbi don't really want anyone to call me
18:49.52russellbI just think having IP phones sitting around looks l33t
18:49.54drmessanoSomeone asked me to help them with distinctive ring on Asterisk
18:50.07drmessanoI said "Never heard an asterisk connected phone ring, sorry"
18:50.27jeevthis is wack
18:50.37jeevi hate commercials, getting up every time this african crocodile thing is on commercial
18:51.17drmessanoA friend of mine messaged me last night and said " i am playing this new drinking game I made up.  Everytime someone says something stupid on IRC, I take a drink"
18:51.26drmessanoI said "PLEASE, STOP.. YOU'LL DIE"
18:51.38jeevmaybe he should watch you talking..
18:51.41jeevthen he'd really die.
18:52.10drmessanojeev: _MY_ callerid works
18:52.11jeevrussellb, i'll send you 2 primus ATA's for lifetime asterisk support for free, whenever i want.. dedicated number to you.
18:52.11*** part/#asterisk Paige_ (n=Paige@2001:470:1f05:531:21f:c6ff:fe48:8988)
18:52.18russellbi'll pass
18:52.19jeevmy callerid works too you homo
18:52.24drmessanoSounds like it
18:52.24jeevrussellb, 3?
18:52.36russellbhow about you send me a case of redbull, and i'll help you for like ... a few minutes
18:52.44DarKnesS_WolFmmm it is weekend and all just chatting :P?
18:52.51russellbDarKnesS_WolF: yup
18:52.53DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: ur stilling trying to get redbull :(?
18:52.57drmessanoHaving problems making a default option work is a surefire sign of "Not ending well"
18:53.02russellbDarKnesS_WolF: it's not going well
18:53.06DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: how many redbull u drink  a day ?
18:53.09jeevredbull is bad for you
18:53.14russellbi have only had one in the past month probably
18:53.20DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: if i were u i'll go buy like 4 hours ago :D?
18:53.26russellbtoo expensive, which is why i'm trying to get someone else to buyit
18:53.41DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: good it is writen on the can it self don't drink more than 2 a day
18:53.41jeevrussellb, previous deal + case of red bull.
18:53.44DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: how much is there?
18:54.02DarKnesS_WolFhere it is like 12.5 EGP which is like mmmm 3 USD
18:54.04russellb2 USD a can at the cheapest, if you buy 1 can at a time
18:54.10DarKnesS_WolFactually more like 2 may be less
18:54.47DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: same range 2 USD for u and it is expensive :D? it is 13 EGP here in egypt ! 13 !!
18:55.18DarKnesS_WolFu can buy a compu with 15 EGP in egypt " burito sandwich with frise and can of pepsi :)
18:56.02russellbI've never been to Egypt ... would like to go someday and see the sights ...
18:56.17DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: sure :)
18:56.24DarKnesS_WolFi meet mark 2 years ago when he was there
18:56.30drmessanoFor fun, I like to take an energy bar, wrap it six slices of bacon, and deep fry it.  Puts me to sleep in like 5 minutes.
18:56.34DarKnesS_WolFactually his family home is like 3 min away from mine :D
18:56.53mags2DarKnesS_WolF: was doing some testing today and could totally replicate problems from yesterday (if you happen to recall) -- turning off jitterbuffer seems to have fixed it although I want to test more tomorrow
18:57.02DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: bacon is coming from pig ?
18:57.08russellbDarKnesS_WolF: yes
18:57.18DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: can't eat that :)
18:57.40DarKnesS_WolFmags2: ur problem with voicemail ? right
18:57.46mags2DarKnesS_WolF: ya
18:57.55mags2also making sure both sides had same tos set
18:57.59drmessanoBacon is an american treat designed to make it easier to ingest large amounts of pig fat in short periods of time.  It serves no other purpose.
18:58.11DarKnesS_WolFmags2: not sure if it makes sense but could be.
18:58.34drmessanoYou can get the same effect by rolling a stick of butter in flour and deep frying it
18:58.37DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: if u happen to come to egypt i'll take u to khan el khalili for some shopping and u'll have great time :)
18:59.13drmessanoIf you haven't felt your heartrate slow after eating a full stick of deep fried butter, you haven't lived
18:59.20DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: mmm ic
18:59.42mags2DarKnesS_WolF: one side had jb turned on and the other didnt. then to try to fix yesterday I turned it on both sides, didnt help. turning it off both sides and/or the tos matching definitely did something. I could get zero-length vm every time in 4 separate trials, but after the iax.conf changes vm worked in 2 trials. more testing tomorrow
18:59.50DarKnesS_WolFha i have much fat in my bod that is already slowing my heartrate :P
19:00.23drmessanoI can't wait for someone to come out with high fructose corn syrup substitute.. AKA sugar
19:00.45DarKnesS_WolFmags2: ok best luck i never had suck probelem and i trunk all my servers with iax2 some with tos and some without
19:01.23drmessanomags2: Are these boxes seperated over the internet?
19:01.37mags2drmessano: no they are in the same building over a 1gb link
19:01.51drmessanoGood god
19:01.57drmessanoAnd you're setting TOS?
19:02.11mags2I just wanted to closely match the settings of the previous vm server that worked fine
19:02.34drmessanoIt should work by setting addabunchoflag=yes over that link
19:02.43mags2it is more likely the problem is jb possibly in combination with the irq stuff DarKnesS_WolF and ManxPower mentioned yesterday
19:02.52drmessanoYou shouldnt have to "tweak" over that sort of setup
19:02.56*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
19:03.15drmessanoUnless you're running almost maxing it out
19:03.19DarKnesS_WolFmags2: but why ur using tos in that link ?
19:03.20mags2in theory but I have been using asterisk a long time and saw some pretty weird stuff that could not explain it
19:03.35*** part/#asterisk roxlu (
19:03.35drmessanoI have too, and that makes no sense
19:03.40drmessanoWhat versions?
19:03.51mags2DarKnesS_WolF: like I said, I just wanted to get as close as possible to the settings of the old vm server which worked fine
19:04.01mags2drmessano: pre-1.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4
19:04.14drmessanoWHat versions are ON THE BOXES
19:04.22DarKnesS_WolFmags2: i used asterisk on svn before 1 :)
19:04.33DarKnesS_WolFthe main office pbx is still 1.2 :(
19:04.34mags2the old vm server 1.2.0beta, the new vm server and the T1 box both
19:04.45*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:04.52drmessanoThen you have something else going on here
19:05.02DarKnesS_WolFno time to upgrade it rest of clients 1.4 distros , debian , centos , elastix some point , mandriva and ubuntu
19:05.08drmessanotweaking jitterbuffer over a gigabit link?
19:05.20DarKnesS_WolFtake it easy drmessano :)
19:05.29mags2drmessano: as mentioned yesterday it could be combination with irq issues
19:05.31DarKnesS_WolFmags2: why not upgradeing to ?
19:05.40drmessanoTake what easy?
19:05.59mags2DarKnesS_WolF: I probably will but the changes were not consequential as far as I could tell, the 2 iax vulnerabilities unlikely to affect us
19:06.03DarKnesS_WolFdrmessano: u have been screaming alot with tweaing jb over a 1gb link ?
19:06.48DarKnesS_WolFoh god it is 31C here :(
19:06.52*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
19:06.55drmessanoI think mags is missing the point that asterisk is not his problem
19:07.15mags2no I get that point, DarKnesS_WolF and ManxPower had ideas on the subject yesterday regarding hardware
19:11.01mags2all I know is that the same tests which failed 4 times in a row, succeeded 2 times in a row after removing jb and setting tos=ef on the box that did not have tos set. tomorrow I will try to test each setting individually and see what happens. it could be that jb was exacerbating an irq issue; hence more testing tomorrow and with larger call volume.
19:11.06DarKnesS_WolFgtg to sleep
19:11.06DarKnesS_WolFgood night guys
19:11.11mags2laters, thanks again
19:11.45DarKnesS_WolFrussellb: good luck with RedBull when ur in egypt i'll get u any redbull u want and u do the asterisk code into the core i want :P
19:12.18mags2I am also audi, I have no desire to be at work on a sunny saturday
19:14.40drmessanohave you checked basic things, like cabling, NIC drivers, sent varying sized pings?
19:15.12*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
19:15.37_-Jon-_Hello all
19:16.04*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
19:19.52_-Jon-_Does anyone know what might cause the following issue..  While in a call, it sounds as if someone is pushing buttons on the phone, but this happens between multiple IP phones and people on the other end.  The only condition that is the same is my VoIP provider, but it seems so odd for them to send DTMF tones in the line
19:20.38jeevmr. russellb, i will be back on in a bit to bug you and everyone else in the wonderful world of asterisk.
19:20.52russellbheh, looking forward to getting bugged more
19:21.30jeevrussellb, as far as it not being sent.. it is, sip show channels, it shows the incoming phone number.
19:23.01drmessanoNothing like bugging a dev to the point he can't enjoy himself coming into the channel for fear of being bombarded with user problems :)
19:23.57*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:24.14drmessano* Markster has joined #asterisk
19:24.16drmessano<Somed00d> Hey man, when is 1.6 coming out?
19:24.42drmessanoSpeaking of which
19:25.00drmessanoWhen is the 1.8 beta going to hit.. I'm over 1.6 already
19:25.41russellb1.6.0-rc1 should be this week, seriously this time hehe
19:25.56russellbi'll put money on it
19:26.16drmessanoI see
19:26.35drmessano"RC1 is coming out this week, or someone is getting fired"?
19:26.46russellband by someone, I mean you!
19:26.58*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
19:27.05drmessanoI didn't like my 2x2 cubicle anyway.. Coding on a PDA sucks
19:28.25drmessanoOk, I am sorry
19:28.36drmessanoPlease don't make me have to actually BUY Dr Pepper again
19:28.42drmessanoI love my Digium perks :)
19:29.26russellb2/3 of that is gone just about
19:29.38drmessanoNo wonder 1.6 RC1 is coming up
19:29.46drmessanoYou guys have been awake for WEEKS
19:29.53russellbi don't really drink it
19:30.18russellbbut then again, I don't do any work
19:30.19drmessanoI love Dr. Pepper, just not the 140 calories
19:30.26russellbI love Diet Dr. Pepper
19:30.45drmessanoDiet Dr. Pepper makes me stabby, like Diet Mountain Dew
19:31.12drmessanoIt's good, but I just think "Damnit, if I was thin, I would be drinking the real stuff!" and I go on a rampage
19:31.19drmessanoI can't go back to prison
19:32.24drmessanoI will drink Diet Coke.. to the point i refuse to drink regular coke
19:32.31drmessanoBut I am the exact opposite with the others
19:33.38*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
19:34.01drmessanoI truly think it has to do with what they are substituting.. Artificial sweeteners tend to try to replace SUGAR in a pleasing way.  We don't buy soda with SUGAR anymore, so it's like night/day
19:34.26drmessanoThey need a high fructose corn syrup substitute
19:34.33drmessanoThen they would be on to something
19:34.59drmessanoThey could call it QUORN
19:37.32drmessanoapp_flite for 1.6 is out
19:38.30drmessanoI'm trying to think what my other stumbling block for 1.6 was
19:41.39*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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19:43.07jeevi'm baque.
19:43.19jeevhi leif
19:43.27jeevrussellb, did you run off?
19:47.36*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
19:47.55russellbno, but i'm doing something else other than being your tech support bitch :)
19:56.53jeevETA? lol
19:57.25jeev[Aug 9 12:54:31] WARNING[52269]: app_dial.c:681 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice frame
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20:00.27russellbusually means there was a hangup
20:01.41*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:06.03blackesti did it i did it :)
20:06.28blackestjeev voip via voipstunt on vonage vta box :)
20:07.04blackesti figured it out at last :)
20:07.41jeevrussellb, you still preoccupied?
20:08.17jeevhmm, i'd like to get line 2 active, is it possible to get line 2 active with the same extension as line 1?
20:08.18jeevbut that'd be crazy
20:08.33jeevthese guys have nortels with like 8 lines.. how am i gonna do this with a polycom 330?!?!
20:09.40jeevi'm just scared of transferring calls, how will i do it ?
20:10.51jeevdont zomg me.
20:12.18*** join/#asterisk Multivac (
20:12.20Multivaclo lo
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20:17.54jeevhow can i make multiple extensions ring on an incoming call /
20:19.31blackestlol same as you would with a regular phone
20:20.12jeevslaps blackest
20:20.36blackestits pots once its out the box isnt it
20:20.56C4colounless it is not
20:21.30C4colofor example I have about 15 extensions on my box that are like SIP/
20:21.30blackestso i'd guess you probably could plug an extension in :)
20:21.47C4coloI have no idea what you are talking about blackest
20:21.59blackestwell thats too much just to stick a socket doubler in
20:22.23C4colothere is no such thing as a SIP socket doubler
20:22.27C4coloor a splitter for that matter
20:24.08russellbdoes anyone know where I can find a SIP cable?
20:24.11russellbWal-mart doesn't have them
20:24.33C4colozip cable?
20:24.36C4coloAce hardware
20:24.43jeevi think he is attacking me.
20:25.01russellbi'm not attacking anyone
20:25.03mkillebrewI have an SCCP cable, I don't think SIP will traverse it
20:25.09russellbmkillebrew: sad :(
20:25.14mkillebrewyou need to change out the RJ-45 ends for that
20:25.45C4coloreally, who uses RJ-45 anymore, that old modem cable standard is long gone
20:25.58C4colothe 8p2c with a shunt resistor
20:26.09*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
20:26.22mkillebrewcrimps a v.35 end on it
20:27.32C4colowhere do I find a T.38 upgrade chip for my US Robotics 33.6kbps external modem?
20:28.06Multivacyou can use that modem to prop up your wobbly chair / table
20:28.38jeevanyone know why when i press 9999 on my keypad, it gives me the password prompt after 5 seconds?
20:28.38jeevexten => 9999,1,Wait(1)
20:28.38jeevexten => 9999,2,MeetMe(|MD)
20:28.45C4coloit's 2" thick ... that'd be a damn wobbly chair/table
20:29.36C4cologoogle "asterisk cmd meetme
20:29.41jeevi like that set up.
20:29.44Multivacyeah it would be :/
20:29.47Multivacsome people are poor
20:29.54jeevi'm just saying, when i do 9999, it takes about 5 seconds to start talking, i can't do instant?
20:29.56Multivaci'm waiting for flixbox to finish
20:30.37uskijeev: if you do a Playback(transfer) instead of MeetMe, do you hear the sound after 1second or after 5seconds ?
20:30.54uski(the purpose of this test is to figure out of the delay comes from MeetMe or from something else)
20:30.55C4colotimeout on your sip device
20:31.00C4colopress 9999# instead
20:31.20jeevhey by the way, if someone is using asterisk, what's the best way to rehash the config files without killing him off ?
20:31.31uskioh yea C4colo you must be right
20:31.33C4colosip reload
20:31.37C4colodialplan reload
20:31.51C4colomodule reload
20:32.25C4coloon a system with about 70-100 concurrent calls you don't want to reload the entire thing, just exactly what you need
20:32.38C4colootherwise asterisk dies
20:32.56C4coloand 100 angry people call the tech support queue at the same time
20:33.30C4coloyou only have to learn that once
20:34.08jeev# worked great
20:34.30C4colofix your dial string on your sip device
20:35.01C4colo{x.|*x.} is a crappy dial string
20:35.02*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
20:35.17jeevon the polycom330 ?
20:35.55C4coloon any sip device that has never had the dial string set for your regional/local dial patterns
20:36.10jeevwould it be ok to leave it like this? the # aint a problem
20:36.18C4coloit will work
20:36.37C4colohowever, if you plan to sell your services to customers they will want the phone to dial instantly when they dial a valid number
20:36.49jeevi wont
20:36.55jeevbut how would i change the dial string
20:36.59jeevi'd have to manually edit each thing eh
20:37.12C4coloso eventually you will want to know how to properly format the dial string for the devices you will be selling/leasing
20:37.40C4colono, you'd just create a sip.cfg phone_xxxx.cfg and <mac>.cfg file with the correct info in it then save one for each phone
20:37.56C4coloput them in an FTP server root folder and program the phones to pick up their configs from that FTP site
20:38.18C4coloif you plan to deploy polycom phones for your customers
20:38.34C4colohowever I strongly suggest Aastras for hosted pbx situations
20:38.39jeevi got that already
20:38.45jeevthe config's
20:38.58C4colomuch easier to remotely provision, work better with asterisk, have more programmable buttons, etc
20:39.18jeevwanna see my sip.cfg ?
20:39.37C4coloI don't like provisioning Polycoms
20:39.42jeevthey're so freakin easy
20:40.03C4colothen why would I need to look at your sip.cfg? seems you have that handled
20:40.42jeevso i dialed extension, then # then it worked
20:40.55jeevbut when i di al the extension, it just sits there.. no timeout, no nthing
20:41.08jeevis that a timeout issue or a config issue ?
20:43.13*** join/#asterisk blackest (
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20:44.24learningithi, anybody is familiar with addpac?
20:45.50jeevC4colo, is the dialmap the dial string?
20:45.52*** join/#asterisk jpastore (n=jpastore@
20:48.01jeevwhat the hell do i do to that
20:48.16C4coloit is set for 4-digit with timeout right now
20:48.19jeevthat's what i see elsewhere
20:48.22jeevso i take out the xT
20:48.36C4colofor 3-digit extensions?
20:48.43jeevso since my extensions are 22x and 23x
20:48.57C4colofor four digit extensions you want [2-9]xxx
20:49.01jeevi should do [2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-3]xx
20:49.16C4colo2xx and 3xx is what that does
20:49.26jeevyea, that's fine. i keep extensions in the 200's and 300's.
20:49.29C4coloyou want 2[2-3]x
20:49.52jeevyea i understand what you're saying
20:50.04jeevbut i want inter office capability, so i'll keep it at 2-3.
20:50.25C4colobut for the ability to create other extensions you probably want a broader string
20:50.27jeevso if i want 9999 to be covered, i do [2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-3]xx|9999 ?
20:51.06C4coloor just use [2-9]xx and make that extension 999
20:51.14C4coloand don't use 1xx extensions
20:51.27C4colobecause 1303 would break
20:51.43C4coloyou need the T in there
20:52.06C4colobecause if your area code was 303 and you dial 303 it will try to dial it locally
20:52.22C4colobecause 303 is an extension
20:52.31C4coloand an area code
20:52.39C4coloa dial string needs to  be carefully thought out
20:54.26*** join/#asterisk swampwork (n=rew@
20:54.43jeevahh ok
20:54.46jeevwhat's the timeout?
20:55.09C4coloaccording to you about 5 seconds
20:55.18jeevahh, in there it says Digitmap timeout 3 seconsd
20:57.33*** join/#asterisk akio (
20:58.03jeevi think the timeout is too long.
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21:07.14jeevok yay
21:11.56jeevnow to get it to provision :D
21:12.58jeevok, done!
21:13.02jeevC4colo, got a serious question.
21:16.52jeevif i have line 1 and line 2, how should i make both lines work? do i need two separate extensions ?
21:17.01C4coloI do
21:17.15jeevyou do what?
21:17.17C4coloI just create a peer for each line
21:17.18jeevyou use two separate?
21:17.28jeevpeer = extension?
21:17.28C4coloor extension
21:17.32C4colohowever you want to call them
21:17.39C4colothey are peers if they are registering
21:17.44C4coloan extension dials a peer
21:17.48C4colothey are not equivalent
21:17.57jeevahh, so i'd have to create a second account
21:18.03jayteemust be Polycoms :-)
21:18.14C4coloon polycoms
21:18.19C4colono, on ATAs ... sorry
21:18.27C4coloI'm working on testing faxing right now
21:18.29jeevthe polycom is pretty much acting like an ATA for me..
21:18.35jeevit's letting me config line 2 on the web interface
21:18.41jeevbut i need to do it via cfg files obviously
21:18.42C4coloan Analog Telephone Adapter?
21:18.47C4coloI didn't know polycoms could do that
21:19.08jeevno i mean, you know in an ATA.. it gives you the option to config line 1 and 2
21:19.10russellb~8ball should jeev stop messaging me privately for help?
21:19.13jbotPlease ask again.
21:19.13jeevthe polycom is giving me the same option
21:19.14jayteeon Polycom 330's I usually just set the phone to have 2 line keys with 1 call per line key and that way they have an extra line with the same extension.
21:19.21russellbok, jbot, i'll ask again
21:19.22C4colothere is some setting in there about number of lines
21:19.32russellb~8ball should jeev stop messaging me privately for help?
21:19.33jbotSure. Yeah, exactly.
21:19.33C4colothat's fine
21:19.35jeevso with that, i should config it as another user
21:19.39jeevYOU FIXED that
21:19.42jeevyou did .say on the bot.
21:19.53jeevok so C4colo, i should create a second account for line 2...
21:19.58C4coloif you want
21:20.17jeevok hmm
21:20.19C4coloI have a 4 line Aastra that line 3 always records and line 4 is registered to another pbx 1700 miles away
21:20.27C4cololines 1 and 2 are the same
21:20.50C4colothey just rollover or whatever you want to call it
21:20.52jeev~8ball when russellb finishes whatever he's doing, should he help me ?
21:20.54jayteejeev, you can have the same extension number for both line keys if you set it and if you're on a call and someone calls your extension it will ring on the second line key.
21:21.04russellbdamnit, no
21:21.05jeevyes jaytee!
21:21.16russellbjbot already said no
21:21.18jeevlikes the idea
21:21.21jeevjbot is intoxicated.
21:21.37*** join/#asterisk mkillebrew (
21:21.45jeevC4colo, i've managed to provision the dial string properly into the phone and new phones via sip.cfg but am unable to find the default password provision settings..
21:22.05C4colothe default password provision settings?
21:22.15C4colonot sure what you are getting at
21:22.18jeev yay.
21:22.24C4coloand like I said, I don't like provisioning polycoms
21:22.26jeevbecause all the phones default to 456. i want to change it..
21:22.33jeevit's so fun though, it's easy too
21:22.35C4coloI'm not a polycom fanboi, nor am I an expert at them
21:22.46jeevwas it fender who suggested polycoms? i bought freaking 30 of them now
21:22.48C4coloask in #polycom or something
21:22.58C4coloI use Aastras
21:23.10C4coloif you have questions about Aastras I might actually know what I'm talking about
21:23.19C4colowith polycoms I just poke them with a proverbial stick until they work
21:23.33C4coloor is that a metaphorical stick?
21:23.38C4coloI don't know, I'm a man of many sticks
21:23.40jeevchanserv wont know!
21:23.45jeevits ok, i'll take care of it
21:23.49mkillebrewgrandstream ftw
21:23.51jeevjaytee, you have anything i could read about for that?
21:23.59C4colochanserv was the only guy in #polycom?
21:24.13jeevhaha and osiris
21:24.16jayteejeev, for what? the admin password?
21:24.43jeevno, the line1 and line 2 thingy you spoke of it
21:24.45jeevspoke of
21:26.03jayteewhen you configure the Polycom in the Lines section there is a parameter called Num Line Keys, set that to 2 and then set Calls Per Line Key to 1.
21:27.33jayteejeev, did you download the PDF of the SIP 3.0 Administrator's Guide from Polycom's web site?
21:27.51jeevlooks away
21:27.54jeevuhh, yes
21:30.50jeevnice, provisioned the password.
21:31.01jeevok jaytee, i'm looking in the manual.
21:31.12C4cologlad chanserv could help
21:31.22jeevi did it myself! chanserv almost kicked me
21:31.30jayteejeev, it should be in the cfg file for the phone itself
21:31.48jayteenot the sip.cfg
21:32.58jeevMultiple Line Keys for Registration
21:33.02jeevi wonder if that's it
21:33.10jeevi put the password info into sip.cfg..
21:33.28jeevbut yea, it's mentioning phone1.cfg type stuff..
21:33.42jayteeI configure my phones that way so that they have a second line without having to have a separate extension for each. when someone calls and I'm on the first line I can just put them on hold or let them go to voicemail.
21:34.02jeevyea, ineed to get that.
21:34.18jeevjaytee, the most worriesome thing for me right now is.. how does someone get put on hold for someone else to answer..
21:34.22jayteebut I haven't done it through provisioning yet.
21:34.35jayteeumm, the hold button?
21:35.33jeevyea, where does it store it and how does someone pick up the line ?
21:35.41*** join/#asterisk mkillebrew (
21:36.26jayteewhere does what store what?
21:36.40ManxPowerjeev: That is a key system feature.  You either transfer the call to the correct person or you park the call and the other person calls the parking extension
21:37.06jeevyea, i think i want to do parking..
21:37.18jeeveverything will be required to do parking i think.
21:37.28jeevso i'll read about that right now. thanks for reminding me ManxPower.
21:37.55*** join/#asterisk tobias (
21:38.05jeevjaytee: reg.1.lineKeys="" reg.1.callsPerLineKey=""
21:38.15C4colo[x] quote added: <jeev> [... I] am unable to find the default password provision settings.. <C4colo> ask in #polycom or something <jeev> chanserv wont know!
21:38.59jeevyou make me look like a we-todd.
21:39.14jeevi wonder if i should do callsPerLineKey, isn't that weird?
21:39.23C4coloI did her once
21:39.26C4coloshe wasn't that good
21:39.46jeevisn't that weird? to have more than 1 call per line key ?
21:39.51jeevdo you understand it ?
21:39.59C4colono, never tried it
21:40.12Qwellyou mean waiting?
21:40.13C4coloagain, I don't use polycoms though ... ask someone in #polycom
21:40.29C4colomaybe chanserv will know
21:40.44jeevdood, seriously, i'm gonna kick you!!
21:40.55jeevQwell, the manual has this option reg.1.callsPerLineKey
21:41.37jeevthis is the number of calls or conferences which may be active or on hold per line key associated with this registration.
21:41.42jeevwould i need more than 1? how do you do that
21:41.48Qwellyou mean waiting?
21:41.49jeevi just dont understand the meaning of it i guess..
21:41.51jayteejeev, I've never set the callPerLineKey to more than 1. I set the lineKeys to 2 and use the second line as a rollover
21:42.07jeevjaytee, is callsPerLineKey like call waiting?
21:42.08Qwellit's a stupidly simple concept
21:43.53jayteejeev, it's not call waiting per se. it limits the number of calls to that line key. call waiting would have to be programmed in *
21:44.13jeevi dont see why you'd have to do more than 1, wouldn't something go berserk?
21:44.41jeevjaytee, with lineKeys="2", would i be able to press line 2 and have it pick up? i'm waiting for the phone to boot up
21:45.02jeevyay, it worked.
21:45.12jeevi should've started reading a long time ago.
21:45.27jayteeon my phones my 1st line key rings first. the second line key only rings when someone calls my extension while i'm on line 1
21:45.49jeevwell, i can't test right now but this is cool.. next on my list is to do call parking.
21:46.05jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:47.08jayteeI've wondered about what happens if you set CallPerLineKey to more than 1 but I haven't tested it. I can't see how you could put someone on that line on hold to answer unless it has some intelligence built in like call waiting where you could do a switchhook flash to toggle.
21:47.33Qwellor just use the softkeys...
21:47.36jeevyea, that's why i'm confused
21:47.41C4coloI think the future of telephony is in the USPTO's hands
21:47.46jayteey'know, if you download the PDF you won't have to keep prompting the bot for the link
21:48.25jeevyea i got it here but i got lazy
21:48.34jeevi've recently formatted and am too lazy to find my back up desktop
21:51.06C4colooh wow, I just realized where my backups went
21:51.18jeevi hope, for your addition of my quote to the bot.
21:51.18C4coloI thought
21:52.13jayteeyour quote to the bot?
21:52.32C4colothe other day I was looking for something and couldn't find the bak folder on the file server ... about a month ago I moved them to the compressed backup drive
21:52.45C4coloI added it to my own quote script
21:52.49jeevwindows for life
21:52.52C4coloquote[1 of 1 matching quotes]: <jeev> [... I] am unable to find the default password provision settings.. <C4colo> ask in #polycom or something <jeev> chanserv wont know!
21:53.02jeevam i the one and only quote?
21:53.14C4coloquote[32]: <stealth_69> any body got a cam <Magestryn> everyone has a cam <stealth_69> r u a girl <stealth_69> well then does any girl want to have cyber sex <Magestryn> ok <Magestryn> heeh <stealth_69> turn your cam on * <Magestryn> heheeheh
21:53.17jeevi'm your only friend.
21:53.28jeevwhat the hel
21:53.51jayteenone of those cam people are girls. usually they are fat balding men with a sweaty sheen.
21:53.55C4coloI have years of random crap in my quote script
21:56.53jeevrandom task.
21:57.28jeevhmm, is features.conf apart of the dialplan reload option?
21:57.59jeevno it's not, i wonder how i can reload features without killing the call
21:58.29jayteerestart gracefully
21:58.39jeevwill 'reload' kill his call?
21:59.05jayteeyes but the gracefully option will wait till there are no calls
21:59.22jeevah i can't wait for my friend, he'll be on for an hour.
22:00.47jeevoh wow, he's not on anymore, i never saw him get off though
22:01.09jeevahh, he did hang up!
22:01.42jayteedo it! do it NOW!!!!!
22:01.59jeevcall parking isn't working!
22:02.16jayteelooks like ya got some reading to do then
22:02.29jeevcan i do call parking on outgoing calls ?
22:02.55jeevif i call someone, can i park the call ?
22:03.08jayteeor maybe
22:04.00jayteeshakes his head and mutters something about "riding the short bus" and walks away
22:04.44C4colofor some reason I read that as "ringing the short box"
22:04.58C4colowould that be a TrixBox appliance?
22:07.55Qwellbites his tongue
22:08.03Qwellholds back his "green" comment.
22:09.27jeevisn't T for transfer? t/T? it's talking about timeout..
22:09.52C4coloit depends on the app
22:10.13C4coloif you are confused use "show application XXXX" from the CLI
22:10.13jeev[Aug 9 15:07:10] WARNING[53144]: app_dial.c:1291 dial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: 'rT'
22:11.18C4colothen you specified the options in the wrong order/number
22:11.59jeevexten => 226,1,Dial(SIP/226,rT)
22:11.59jeevexten => 234,1,Dial(SIP/234,rT)
22:12.13C4coloyea, that would be the point where the timeout goes
22:12.52*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
22:13.11C4coloas I said, if you need to know more use the CLI and type: show application dial
22:13.26jeevmy dumbass did show application transfer :D
22:13.41jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
22:13.44jeevt - Allow the called party to transfer the calling party by sending the
22:13.44jeevDTMF sequence defined in features.conf.
22:13.44jeevT - Allow the calling party to transfer the called party by sending the
22:13.44jeevDTMF sequence defined in features.conf.
22:13.45Qwellbuy it, read it
22:13.49jeevso i need Tt
22:14.02Qwelland why the hell are you using r?
22:14.12jeevcrap! i forgot, i got it from the book last time
22:14.17jeevr was on some howto crap
22:14.18C4coloso that he can hear Ring Ring BEEP BEEP BEEP
22:14.26C4coloit confuses people better
22:14.39QwellC4colo: no, the beep wouldn't be heard.
22:14.41jayteer screws things up royally usually
22:14.57Qwelljaytee: s/usually/in nearly all cases/
22:15.23C4colothere are a few external sip URIs I have in my dialplan that take a while to set up, I use 'r' there and it rings two or three times then goes busy/congestion if it fails
22:15.24jayteemessed with one particular 800 number cuz I had it in my outbound dialing from when I had * hooked into a Nortel pbx via TDM04 cards to Nortel extensions.
22:15.47QwellC4colo: Why are you using r?
22:15.55C4coloin those cases people were hanging up
22:16.00jayteeso when I moved to PRI circuits it all worked except this one 800 number that needed to open the B channel before the call was connected.
22:16.10C4colomost of the time it goes through, but in the event that it fails the ringing changes to busy/congested
22:16.18*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=ZenBSDi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
22:16.48C4coloI only use it if there is an extended silence and I want to keep the person on the line long enough to set up the call
22:16.59C4colootherwise they think the call dropped
22:17.17Qwellwhy aren't the phones providing ringing?
22:17.21jeevok, so i transferred the call, it transferred me to 301., so if i pick up the phone, dial 301, it should take me to the hold ?
22:17.29Qwelldid you do something silly like...answer the call before sending it on to the provider?
22:18.20C4coloyea, it's called an IVR
22:19.12C4colokinda hard to play audio and capture DTMF from a call coming in from the PSTN without Answer()ing the call
22:19.45Qwellthat isn't what you just described at all
22:20.13C4colook here i'll draw a diagram PSTN -> ITSP -> IVR -> OPTION -> SIP URI
22:20.37C4coloin a few select cases the sip uri would take a few seconds to set up so I put the 'r' in there
22:21.16jayteePIZZA -> STOMACH -> YUM -> SLEEP
22:21.19*** join/#asterisk tobias (
22:21.32Qwelljaytee: use a real distro
22:24.16*** join/#asterisk drega (n=dforeman@
22:24.39jblackAgreed. Human doesn't come configured with enough stomachs. Try Cow.
22:25.36jblackwow. 41 mil credit cards stolen?
22:25.37jayteebut cows don't eat pizza!
22:26.25jblackThey eat parts of it. =)
22:26.38russellbit would totally own if someone ordered me a pizza :-p
22:26.41jblackTomatos, wheat, salt....
22:26.58jeevdamn russellb
22:27.00russellbQwell: I have been trying to get free stuff out of this channel all weekend and I'm getting nowhere
22:27.04jeevdo you want a hooker too ?
22:27.20Qwellfree stuff?
22:27.23jblackrussellb: i hear your plea. Where do you live?
22:27.24Qwelloh, pizza
22:27.34russellbQwell: yeah, redbull earlier, and now pizza
22:27.38Qwellrussellb: yeah, you've gotta be pro
22:27.43jeevi will send you a case of red bull.. probably sugar free... and a pizza.. for lifetime technical resources
22:28.03russellbjblack: for serious?
22:28.34russellbrealizes that passing out his home address on IRC might be a bad idea
22:28.44jblacksure. why not. Just don't mistake it for a sign that I like digium hardware.
22:28.50heedlybut free stuff!
22:28.59russellbjblack: lol, fair enough
22:29.03jeevmy offer is on the table.
22:29.24tzafrir_laptopbut not yet on russellb's
22:29.26jblackmsg me with a joint that doesn't mind interstate orders, what you want on your large pizza, and where it should go.
22:29.48seanbrightnice perk
22:30.04*** join/#asterisk linuxstb_ (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
22:30.12andrewythis is some sneaky digium recruiting scheme
22:30.14Qwelllinuxstb_: asterisk on rockbox?
22:30.19jblackAnd figure out how I'm going to sign on it from here.
22:31.52linuxstbQwell: No, but Rockbox on Asterisk could be fun...
22:32.02Qwelllinuxstb: that it could
22:32.30linuxstbIt already has a voice UI...
22:32.37russellbjblack: heh, very much appreciated.  I'd feel guilty actually taking you up on it, though.  :)
22:32.37Qwellfor what purpose?
22:32.58jeevis *67 and stuff a built in function or doesn't it need to go in extensions.conf ?
22:33.07linuxstbQwell: For blind users, or car drivers.
22:33.13Qwelljeev: Go read the book
22:33.26Qwelllinuxstb: does an iPod have a mic?
22:33.35jblackHeh. this reminds me of my ex-wife. "I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it You got me one? I hate it I hate it I have it"
22:33.42Qwell(I don't own one, and I've never played with one...  and I don't know a hell of a lot about rockbox, to be honest)
22:34.14andrewysome of the rockbox-supported players do, not sure about ipods
22:34.24Qwellahh, didn't realize it supported multiple devices
22:34.28russellbjblack: lol ... sorry if that was directed at me :-X
22:34.31linuxstbNo, the ipods don't.
22:34.36jblackNah. I get it.
22:34.40linuxstbQwell: has a list of supported devices on the front page
22:34.55Qwellneat.  I clearly showed my ignorance there :)
22:35.01linuxstbfeels like he's back in #rockbox...
22:38.54jblackorders himself a pizza instead
22:39.33jblackbtw, russel... If you're serious about sheep shearing, it's worth the time to setup a google checkout page. ;)
22:40.26russellbwonders what sheep shearing is
22:40.34russellbjblack: enjoy the pizza :)
22:40.53jblackThat's when you cull some value from the flock that you herd. =)
22:41.11*** part/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
22:42.03russellbheh, I get a paycheck, so it's all good
22:42.42jblackshears from time to time then there's something he wants.
22:46.07jblackYa know. To round the edges, so to speak.
22:46.56russellbIf this wasn't my job, I totally would be
22:47.42jblackYeah, that's out of bounds for you. :(
22:48.04jblackYou'll have to settle for free beers at conferences. =)
22:48.08russellbyep :)
22:48.21russellbfile: you owe me drinks
22:51.59jeevrussellb, i shouldve given you my 40 coupons for southwest drink
22:52.02jeevrussellb, i shouldve given you my 40 coupons for southwest drink's
22:52.16russellbtoo late!
22:52.22russellbi never fly southwest, actually ...
22:52.50jeevwhat do you do? mount your bird in WoW and fly around ?
22:54.12*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:55.05russellbfly other airlines?
22:56.09jeevdid you get your pizza?
23:08.08*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
23:09.19*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
23:12.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
23:27.38*** join/#asterisk cerbianguard (
23:33.26jeevi can't find anything about *67 and stuff in the book...
23:38.13jaytee*67 is for blocking callerid
23:38.56[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Because it does not exist
23:39.46[TK]D-Fenderjeev: exten => *67,1,NoOp(You have to write EVERYTHING yourself)
23:40.21jayteeor let the telco block it if you're using a PSTN. If you're using an ITSP you have to write it all yourself.
23:40.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Assuming you're somehow actually passing something on to the PSTN like that in the first place
23:41.03jaytee[TK]D-Fender, true
23:43.47*** join/#asterisk tobias (
23:47.42*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
23:47.58FuriousGeorgehey all
23:48.19baliktadTrying to get SLA working on my * 1.4 box but can't seem to get it to work.  Here's my config:
23:48.27*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=jc@
23:48.57baliktadAnytime I try and dial a number on one of the SLA lines, * complains the call was rejected because the extension wasn't found
23:50.33metfan2007Hi all, I have two Asterisk boxes in the same lan,, and, I having some problems while trying to register Zoiper (SIP) in server A, but if I change the ip in the softphone to server B it registers ok, both have exact the same config, any idea?
23:51.32metfan2007When trying to register to server A it does not sends any message, warning, error, etc,
23:52.28FuriousGeorgei went on vacation this weekend and of course two servers running asterisk have gone down on the same day...  they dont even respond to pings...  coincidence?
23:53.26*** join/#asterisk blackest (
23:54.11[TK]D-Fenderbaliktad: pastebin the failed call attempt at verbose 10, SIP DEBUG enabled.
23:55.11[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: You're showing us nothing.  Expect proportionate results.
23:55.27[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: No... and the ninjas will be coming for you when you sleep.
23:58.14FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: excuse me while i change my root passwords and make a sacrifice to the asterisk gods
23:58.44[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: Telephony Gods demand GOATS.

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