IRC log for #asterisk on 20080806

00:07.14*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:08.45mchouis there a firewall keep alive on the iax port if I have a valid "register =>" statement in iax.conf?
00:09.43mchouor must the default iax port be specifically port forwarded from the nat?
00:10.33*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
00:21.21davidstraussmchou: you should try to forward
00:21.29davidstraussmchou: though there is a keepalive
00:23.47*** join/#asterisk delrocas (
00:35.23*** join/#asterisk Paige_ (n=Paige@
00:35.33*** join/#asterisk natmlt (
00:46.00*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
00:46.55*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@
00:51.34*** join/#asterisk nebajoth (
00:54.59nnY_2ok so I have logging on full for the day tomorrow. I have been actively trying to hunt down why* asterisk keeps the sip channel open even after the client sends BYE
00:55.30nnY_2should i tunr sip history on for the day tomorrow too?
00:56.40natmltI just started to try and switch over to using AEL.  Does anyone know now to convert this context name [section](+) to AEL format?
00:57.24natmltOr another way to extend a context?
00:57.58*** join/#asterisk orionr (
00:57.59nnY_2i am debugging the sip for the user who had the open channel today
00:58.05jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
00:58.25nnY_2eww broadvoice?
00:58.33nnY_2need to take them out
00:58.42nnY_2google broadvoice terms of use :)
00:59.06nnY_2i use vitelity. I had some dtmf issues with them, but they seem to be getting better
01:05.01orionrdoes anyone here have a teliax account?
01:08.21*** join/#asterisk uski (
01:09.00uskihi; i have a spa3000, and i'd like to control the distinctive ring feature from asterisk, i.e. i'd like to be able to do something like Dial(SIP/spa3000/<distinctive ring number>), is there a way to do so ? thx
01:09.24uski(the spa3000 is a 2-ports VoIP/PSTN bridge, with one FXO and one FXS port)
01:14.18*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (
01:14.34mattwj2002hey everyone
01:14.44orionrHey mattwj2002
01:15.04mattwj2002hey orionr
01:17.58uskiit's precisely what i've been looking for :) sorry i couldn't find it myself
01:18.04[TK]D-Fenderuski: You'll have to clean it up to 1.4 spec, but its a start
01:18.34uskiit's definitely  a start :)
01:18.47mattwj2002TK I like that ATA
01:19.16uski(actually... im still using 1.2... it's in my linux distribution packages and i don't feel like upgrading everything to get 1.4)
01:19.39mattwj2002does that have fxo and fxs or just fxs ports?
01:19.57uskimattwj2002, the SPA3000 ? it has one FXO and one FXS
01:20.17mattwj2002I was actually wondering about the SPA2000
01:20.34uskii think the SPA2000 only has "phone" ports
01:20.49mattwj2002I don't have a real phone anyways
01:20.57mattwj2002*phone line
01:21.40[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: 2000 is an old model.  Look for the 2102 / PAP2T-NA
01:21.59mattwj2002yeah I actually have a PAP2
01:22.08mattwj2002it works all right
01:22.16uskii couldn't feel safe by only having voip lines - what if you loose power or internet access ?
01:22.41uskihuh, true
01:22.45angryuseruski isdn or T1
01:23.21uskiangryuser, yea but it's a tad more expensive
01:23.21[TK]D-Fenderhands angryuser an elephant gun and directs him towards an ant-hill.
01:25.04uskimattwj2002, does caller id works with your PAP2 ?
01:25.24angryuser[TK]D-Fender stop watching dirty movies
01:25.29mattwj2002you know honestly I am not sure
01:25.46[TK]D-Fenderuski: Yes
01:25.47mattwj2002let me see if I can check
01:25.54uskicause i can't get caller id to work with the FXS port of my SPA3000 and im not sure if it's my phone, the settings of the spa3000, or my extensions.conf
01:26.18*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:27.47uskimattwj2002, don't bother - i'll eventually find out what's wrong with my setup
01:27.54uski(but thanks for looking :))
01:29.27mattwj2002no it is my pleasure to help
01:30.11mchouuski: what caller id are you referring to?  Inbound or outbound?
01:30.45uskiinbound, i.e. i want to display something on the callerid display of my phones when they get a call from the FXS port of the SIP3000
01:31.19uskinot sure if that's really inbound
01:31.35mattwj2002yup uski my caller id works
01:31.41mattwj2002just an idea...
01:31.56uskii successfully receive the callerid signals from my PSTN line for "incoming" calls from the PSTN, i.e. the ${CALLERID} variable has the callerid of the person calling me in the PSTN
01:32.01mattwj2002is the call coming through as a guest ?
01:32.30uskiwell, no, but maybe asterisk somehow eats the callerid somewhere in my dialplan
01:32.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:32.59mattwj2002yeah make sure it isn't set somewhere :)
01:33.00uski(i'm not suggesting that asterisk is at fault - i rather think that i'm not doing something correctly in my extensions.conf)
01:34.21uskiwhen this runs, i see "Caller ID: 0......." in the console
01:34.28uskibut the phone doesn't display any caller id
01:34.50uski(and yes, the phone rings, and i can take the call)
01:35.00uskiso everything works apart from the callerid
01:35.12mchouwhat ver of asterisk is this?
01:35.17uski... 1.2
01:35.18mattwj2002why are setting the caller id?
01:35.41mattwj2002is this an incoming or outgoing extension
01:36.23uskiit's called by the dialplan of the spa3000 (technically, the dialplan string is (S0<:66666>))
01:36.48uskiwhich tells the spa3000 to route the incoming call to the extension 66666
01:37.46uskimaybe i should try with a recent version...
01:37.51nebajothwhy is polycomm > linksys?
01:37.56uskii have no idea why debian keeps such an old version
01:38.30[TK]D-Fenderuski: exten => 66666,4,SetCallerId(${CALLERIDNUM}) <-- useless line
01:38.42[TK]D-Fenderuski: If you don't see CID, you probably misconfigured the ATA
01:39.12uskii thought of this, but i think the settings should be correct as i'm receiving the caller id from the PSTN
01:39.28uskithis (should) mean that the settings are correct for my country
01:39.35[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: Quality.  Better sound, more configurable, more solid construction.
01:39.51nebajothhow much better?
01:39.55[TK]D-Fenderuski: wait.. are you trying to set CID for teh PSTN?
01:40.04[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: Where are you located?
01:40.07mattwj2002yeah I am running the 1.6 beta so my configuration is a little different
01:40.12nebajothOntario, Canada
01:40.21[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: Ok, forget Linksys probably.
01:40.27uski[TK]D-Fender, i'm trying to set the CID for a call which will make the phone connected to the FXS ring
01:40.45uskii.e. Dial(SIP/sip3000) makes the phone on the FXS ring
01:40.46nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: why?
01:41.00[TK]D-Fenderuski: If the FXS isn't showing CID, then you have either misconfigured the FXS on the ATA, or your phone attached to it has issues
01:41.13uskihmm good call, i will try with another phone
01:41.30[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: Becaus in North America Polycom pricing is really close to Linksys and you get a lot of value out of polycom.
01:41.39[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: How many, and what kind of use?
01:41.45mattwj2002hey uski
01:41.56uskimattwj2002, yea?
01:41.59mattwj2002are you sure your receiving caller id from the PSTN?
01:42.08uskiit's displaying in my console
01:42.16uskithanks to the NoOp line
01:42.23nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: 12, in a call center
01:42.26uski(which is there only for debugging purposes)
01:42.38[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: What headsets?
01:42.47mattwj2002just a thought anyways :)
01:43.04uskinebajoth, just a stupid question - i know that a lot of call centers use softphones with headsets connected to the soundcard, why don't you do that ? it's probably very cost effective
01:43.15[TK]D-Fenderuski: EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:43.40mattwj2002I think most people prefer a real phone
01:43.40*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=zhongxia@
01:43.45[TK]D-Fenderuski: For a person who spends their day on the phone, don't leave a piece of crap to work with....
01:43.50mattwj2002easier to dial for one
01:44.33uskiwhy not getting a real voip phone then?
01:44.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-0cc445adadeadcb5)
01:44.40uskiinstead of analog phones + ATA ?
01:44.49uski(price probably?)
01:46.04mattwj2002one good thing about ata's
01:46.21mattwj2002it sure helps with making cheap cordless phones
01:47.04mattwj2002speaking of wireless phones.....
01:47.05coppiceDECT IP phones aren't that expensive
01:47.11uskiyea... i never really liked ATAs - not that i have a great experience in voip, but i think it's a big hack, especially when it comes to call status detection (tone detect, ...)
01:47.26mattwj2002anyone know of a good wireless voip phone?
01:47.28angryusermattwj2002 siemens has some cheap cordless phones like 650 ip one base 2 sip accounts
01:47.40nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: No headsets planned so far
01:47.41mattwj2002thanks angryuser
01:47.47nebajothuski: gah, good point
01:47.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: you geek around the clock.
01:48.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: when do you sleep?!
01:48.12coppicesome of those siemens DECT phones support wideband voice, too
01:48.20uski(it's 3:48am here - who want to compete ? xD)
01:48.26angryuseri think fender is a robot
01:48.33uskiwideband voice ? what's that
01:48.36Kattyangryuser: lies.
01:48.42angryuseruski 3:48 hm gmt +2 ?
01:48.43Kattyangryuser: i have seen human emotion.
01:48.53uskiangryuser, yea
01:48.55[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: IP 320's should do for them then
01:48.55nebajothI wouldn't mind going straight SIP rather than ATA
01:49.02coppiceuski: voice that doesn't sound as crappy as an ordinary phone
01:49.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: go nap.
01:49.14angryuserKatty some people able to program huma emotion :)
01:49.17nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: those are headsets, or polycomm phones?
01:49.19uskicoppice, ok
01:49.21angryuseruski country ?
01:49.26Kattyjbot: emotion
01:49.27jboti guess emotion is something apt doesn't have
01:49.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm in EST.  8am-1am I may be on through.
01:49.43Kattyjbot: emo
01:49.50jbot[~cluemuffin] A perfect blend of bran & ClueBat (tm).  Not to be confused with the Chinese Fighting Muffin.
01:49.53Kattyjbot: most excellent
01:50.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: most excellent.
01:50.07nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: Where are you located?
01:50.16uskinebajoth, i've seen RF headsets which are meant to be connected to the standard "headset port" of phones; these RF headsets has a device which was able to simluate phone lifting/hang up
01:50.21[TK]D-Fendernebajoth: Montreal
01:50.36nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: beautiful city
01:50.36Kattynebajoth: canada explains everything.
01:50.44[TK]D-Fenderuski: Yes, glorious PITA those are.
01:50.48nebajothKatty: I'm Canadian too :P
01:50.55Kattywell that explains it!
01:50.57mattwj2002I can't seem to find the siemens 650 anywhere
01:51.05mattwj2002are you sure you have the right model number
01:51.09angryuser[TK]D-Fender canadian french accent is so fun
01:51.20Kattyas in junky
01:51.24nebajoth[TK]D-Fender: I'm looking for a decent SIP provider in Ontario -- know any?
01:51.24Kattycanadian french accent
01:51.25angryusermattwj2002 sek
01:51.27Kattydear lord. shoot me.
01:51.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup, he's "pure-laine" as they come...
01:51.58Kattyi'd sooner get the post-it-notes than try to figure out what junky's saying
01:52.01mattwj2002shoots katty
01:52.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Same goes for me sometimes ;)
01:52.21mattwj2002oh okay
01:52.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: you'd i'd just prefer to smack upside the head and say speak kat
01:52.31Kattymattwj2002: baroo?
01:52.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: Say what?
01:53.03Kattymattwj2002: you, sir, do not parse.
01:53.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: what?
01:53.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: Who's on first? ;)
01:53.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: clearly not the guy on second or third base.
01:53.55Katty[TK]D-Fender: what are we talking about again?
01:54.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: Something about you hitting me upside the head.
01:54.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: dagnabbit, speak kat!
01:54.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh yes. i do that on occasion when you do not parse properly.
01:54.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: "Bark".  Its dog for "Mew"
01:54.36*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
01:54.45angryusermattwj2002 i dont remember the model exactly, try to search in their model line, i have one of this also
01:55.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: well as long as no Yip!s are involved.
01:55.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: Punt(tm)
01:55.19uski"Standard features on the SPA921 include a high resolution graphical display, speakerphone, and a 2.5 mm head-set port."
01:55.34mattwj2002I wonder if any of these phones work in the US
01:55.44coppiceI thought "woof" was dog for mew, and "Bark" was tree for skin
01:55.52Kattywell you could take them across the border and plug em in
01:55.55uskimattwj2002, is there any reason a SIP phone wouldn't work in the US ?
01:56.05[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Don't get smarmy on us now!
01:56.11mattwj2002well for one I don't want to buy a power adapter
01:56.13angryusermattwj2002 is ther any reason why they should not ?
01:56.14uskiapart from the power adapter mayb
01:56.29Kattymattwj2002: power it with a couple lemons
01:56.30[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: its friggin LINKSYS.  Get a clue!
01:56.36uskiangryuser, you live in france?
01:56.55angryuseruski sometimes ..
01:56.58uskiwoot, i like that SIP DECT phone
01:57.01coppicewhere's the clue in it being LINKSYS?
01:57.05*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
01:57.11Kattycoppice: you're a clue.
01:57.42*** join/#asterisk axisys (
01:58.24[TK]D-Fendercoppice: that something so darn common here can be had cheap with local power supplies included.
01:59.22mattwj2002man these are some pretty nice phones
01:59.53coppicebut they don't come with a universal supply, so you still end up buying supplies if you move them around
02:00.11angryuseri dont know about other but s675ip is very stable
02:00.28uskiangryuser, do you have one ?
02:00.37angryuseruski yes
02:00.43uskii want one :D
02:01.50uskigrrrrr why do they still use NiMh batteries
02:02.28coppicemost things still use NiMh
02:02.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I've moved them several kilometers and the power supply was still good!
02:02.44coppicehow parochial
02:02.46uskiangryuser, did you buy any additional phone ? if yes, which model ?
02:02.51mattwj2002well I need to get to bed
02:02.54mattwj2002good night all :)
02:03.09uskigood night
02:03.12angryuseruski C450ip cheaper/basic no problems
02:03.20*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002|sleep (
02:04.43angryuserand i dont remember model, i will tell you tomorrow if you want, we have some random audio issies, no nat involved and ports set to good values, i wasnt able to trace it
02:04.48*** join/#asterisk JonXP (
02:05.07uskiangryuser, don't worry, i won't buy it tomorrow anyway
02:05.10angryuserbut only one model
02:05.23angryusers675ip works great
02:05.28uskiso you're telling me the C450ip has issues and the s675ip is OK ?
02:05.43angryuserthey are both ok
02:05.55JonXPHey guys, I have incoming calls working fine, but I can't seem to get outgoing calls to work.  It says the cause code is 99, anyone able to help me out on this?
02:06.10angryuserthere is third one, and i dont remember which one
02:08.11angryuseruski aks me someday ..
02:08.39JonXPOr, more importantly, how do I change the caller ID info being transmitted to the PRI?  I believe the fact that I'm sending a name is causing the issue.  How do I turn taht off?
02:08.44uskiangryuser, ok :)
02:09.12uskiangryuser, do you know if it's possible to have a separate SIP extension for each phone on the same C460ip base ?
02:09.28uskithat is, if i have one base and 6 phones, can i reach the 6 phones independently (and simultaneously) from the SIP ?
02:09.58angryuseron this one 6 sip account's 6 bases' but only 2 calls + one anolog
02:11.10angryuserpff not 6 bass 6 phones ;)
02:11.43angryuserbut 3 is a good number for mid used base
02:16.08[TK]D-FenderJonXP: enable PRI debug, verbsoe 10, and pastebin a failed call.
02:16.11jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:17.22JonXPI know in that particular example it's choosing the first channel, not first group, I've already fixed that.
02:17.34JonXPThe issue remains the same. :D
02:19.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:21.53JonXPTo my newbie untrained eye, it appears that sending the "Display" element is causing it to choke (because the cause data is the same code for the Display element)
02:22.14JonXPBut I don't know how to turn that off. :D
02:22.25uskiangryuser, is it possible to make only a particular phone ring from the SIP ? or do all phones always ring simultaneously
02:23.19angryuseruski 6 separated sip accounts maximum 2 || calls max
02:23.32uskiok, thanks
02:23.36JonXP(We hired a consultant to set this up, but so far it has gone poorly, and I'm trying to fix it now)
02:24.00[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1)  '3923' ] <- try setting a valid 10-digit CID
02:24.21JonXPCan you point me in the correct direction?
02:24.42JonXPPerhaps a webpage or file to look in for that setting?
02:24.53angryuseralso possible to define for each phone the callout account
02:24.54[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Set(CALLERID(num)=7701234567)
02:25.14JonXPAhh, as part of the dial plan?
02:25.23[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Clearly
02:25.46JonXPSorry, I am brand new to Asterisk, and learning through trial by fire.
02:26.07[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Asbestos suits are to to the right.
02:26.14JonXPI can't stand three weeks of our phone system being down.
02:26.37[TK]D-FenderJonXP: If its been 3 weeks, your consultant sucks
02:27.06JonXPThis is why I am now doing it. :D
02:28.33mchouok, stupid question.  Sipbroker pattern are like _*X.  Pap2 and other phones accept *XX (for supplementary services and the like).  how to tell pap2 I wanna sipbroker?
02:29.02mchounot the supplementary stuff?
02:30.31[TK]D-Fendermchou: fix the dialplan on it
02:30.51mchou[TK]D-Fender: on pap2?
02:30.56[TK]D-Fendermchou: Yes.
02:33.55JonXP[TK]D-Fender: No error codes have changed, but a 10 digit CID is being sent
02:34.28[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Set(CALLERID(name)=JUSTATEST)
02:34.58[TK]D-FenderJonXP: And a though, try setting "pridialplan=national" in zapata.conf.  This will require a reload of chan_sip or a restart of *
02:35.42JTreload of chan_sip?
02:35.59[TK]D-FenderYOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!
02:36.04angryuserim off, later
02:36.19*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
02:37.17JonXP[TK]D-Fender: I already have switchtype=national in my zapata.conf
02:37.29JonXPWill that be different?
02:38.35[TK]D-FenderJonXP:  this isn't a PRI signalling, its teh dialplan indicator.
02:38.45[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Your signalling stas the same
02:40.21JonXP[TK]D-Fender: OK.
02:40.39JonXP[TK]D-Fender: Same problems.
02:41.09JonXP[TK]D-Fender: I have set teh CID name to "JUSTATEST" the number to a valid 10 digit number, and both show up as expected.
02:42.14[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Get the telco on the line and ask their opinion directly...
02:42.24[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Have them monitor the call.
02:42.26JonXPHowever, the error code remains 99, and the cause data remains 28.
02:43.08JonXPWell, out of curiosity...jsut for a do I prevent the CID info from being sent?
02:43.18JonXPIs it possible to have those info fields not sent at all?
02:47.37[TK]D-Fenderhold on
02:48.10[TK]D-FenderJonXP: "core show application setcallerpres"
02:49.06uskiis g722 (so-called wideband) supported by asterisk ?
02:49.22uskiif no, i won't get a wideband-capable sip phone :)
02:49.44JonXPexten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerPres(unavailable)
02:49.49JonXPThat shoud be right?
02:53.10JonXP[TK]D-Fender: i tried both "prohib" and "unavailable"
02:53.25[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Looks ok.
02:54.19JonXP[TK]D-Fender: Both still had the "Display" and "Calling number" fields set.
02:55.49JonXP[TK]D-Fender: Ah well, thanks for your help
02:56.49*** part/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
02:58.52*** part/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
02:59.33*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (
02:59.56*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
03:00.48raasdnilhi all. I am on CentOs 1.4.  Installed Asterisk fine. Installed zaptel fine with ztdummy. load with modprobe, can see zaptel and ztdummy in the lsmod list, but iax2 reload complains that it needs zaptel timing.... any ideas?
03:00.59*** join/#asterisk irisht (
03:03.22[TK]D-FenderJonXP: pastebin your zapata.conf
03:03.43[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Perhaps * was built BEFORE zaptel and support was not built it.
03:05.05raasdnilTK, so try re building asterisk?
03:06.30[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: Yes, modprobe ztdummy, run ztcfg -vvvv, and then trash your * source, re-extract and begin the process over
03:07.11*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
03:07.53*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
03:08.28[TK]D-FenderJonXP: try "pridialplan=unknown" and "prilocaldialplan=unknown"
03:08.32[TK]D-Fenderjoan and restart *
03:10.49JonXPSame error
03:11.20mchouHey, why do most ITSPs charge for outbound toll-free calls while sipbroker does not?  I mean how does sipbroker manage to do it?
03:12.00[TK]D-Fendermchou: Because the CALLEE gets charged
03:12.30[TK]D-Fendermchou: Many ITSP's let you terminate to 800's for no fee on your side.  Plenty of fee ones too.  Hybridize your setup
03:12.40[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Have your telco watch and advise.
03:12.49[TK]D-FenderJonXP: I've done what I can for now.
03:12.58JonXPOkie dokie, tahnks for your help.
03:13.12JonXPI just woner what I need to do if they say "Turn off CID"
03:13.18*** join/#asterisk tobias (
03:13.38JonXPOh well, figured I'd give it another shot before bed tonight.  Once again, thanks.
03:15.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:17.30*** part/#asterisk c4t3l (
03:21.45JonXP[TK]D-Fender: For future reference...adding "Set(CALLERID(name)=)" to the dial plan made it work correctly
03:22.09[TK]D-FenderJonXP: lol....
03:22.16[TK]D-FenderJonXP: Suckcess!
03:22.58JonXPSo my hunch was correct, I just had to figure out how to do it. :D
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04:15.11nnY_2[TK]D-Fender btw I may need to contract some time from ya. Chasing down an issue with sip channels staying open after BYE. I have verbose logging enabled and working on gathering intel. More tomorrow.
04:15.40nnY_2calling it quits for now. i'll let it burn in the meantime
04:20.20heedlyis it possible to restrict what causes a retry for a .call file?
04:24.13[TK]D-Fenderheedly: FAILURE
04:27.17[TK]D-Fenderheedly: if you want restrict it, use a local channel, and a single retry and do all checks yourself.
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06:46.17j0any recommendations for a sip or iax provider in the vancouver or seattle area?
06:46.40*** join/#asterisk blackhole (n=blackhol@unaffiliated/blackhole)
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06:47.13blackholeHi, if i made some changes in iax.conf do i need to restart my asterisk or would changes work and be accepted?
06:50.46creativxreload it, no restart needed
06:51.00blackholecreativx, what i need to do to reload it?
06:51.58creativxthe CLI, iax2 reload i guess
06:52.03creativxin the CLI that is
07:00.59kaldemarif the bind address is changed, a restart is needed.
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07:49.11drmessanoSomeone want to test something for me very quickly?
07:50.32drmessanoCreate an extension to dial sip/(some extension number you have on your system locally)
07:50.43drmessanoand see if it errors out or dials the local extension
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08:10.57tapicDo you have information about if G option of Dial command bridge the channels or not?
08:11.55tapicI want to redirect the callee to AGI script and at the end bridge the channels.
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08:23.41mort_gibHi I have some problems with this error msg: chan_sip.c: Remote host can't match request BYE to call
08:23.44mort_gibAny insight
08:24.10mort_gibThis drops calls, but makes it look a bit like a normal hangup
08:25.07mort_gibIt's driving me nuts, not to mention my client
08:25.56mort_gibGoogle is not too helfull...
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08:38.50kaldemarmort_gib: looks like you're receiving a SIP 481 to a BYE. you'll have to give at least a trace of what's going on and tell what you're doing to get any help.
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08:47.42mort_gibkaldemar: Well, thing is it works 95% of the time so I haven't got SIP trace turned on yet
08:47.54mort_gib-Could it e phone firmware??
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08:48.30kaldemarsure, based on that info it could be anything.
08:49.00mort_gibI just don't get this consistently...
08:49.29mort_gibSo no good advice? -Other than turn on SIP trace and pray to my ancient angry goods :-)
08:50.02*** join/#asterisk CybDev (i=cybdev@unaffiliated/cybdev)
08:51.51kaldemarfind out what's happening when you get the 481 from the phone which causes that warning message.
08:52.45mort_gibSo I have to up logging in * -in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -Right, or do I have to set a global option in sip.conf
08:54.05kaldemarerm.. afaik you can't set up SIP debug in config files, but in the CLI.
08:54.38mort_gibDamn, that's what I feared! You see this happens 3-4 times a week...
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09:40.14rukushello ppl.
09:40.53cjki am actually having troubles to see the callerid of the call i pickup. now i am not sure if this should work in asterisk or if its still a feature that is not in asterisk? Is this related to RFC 3891?
09:41.13rukusany pointers to a setup I need, is there a way to get a client to register to a astrisk server, and then at the same time register the same client on an upstream sip_proxy ? (so ppl can roam )
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09:53.30mort_gibrukus: more than one "identity" on the client
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10:05.48_foxfire_hello, an1 got some experience with digiums B410P cards ?
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10:06.17bennetonHi guys. Someone help me, please..
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10:10.25genindoes anyone know if there are some type of filters i can use to smooth out a foriegn accent so it sounds more british or american?
10:10.58bennetoni can connect 2 asterisk pbx via iax. (both dyndns). but, when i add another pbx in iax.conf (type=friend) on first pbx, second cannot connect because i've added third one. (on first one i receive this message: Host  failed to authenticate as "third server") <<<  it should use second server context in iax.conf, not third one??
10:11.08geninsomething that was already created for asterisk or should i be looking at something that goes in between the phone and the users gateway
10:11.31bennetonanyone have time to help me? thanx
10:13.50_foxfire_benneton i am confused, you can configure as much servers as you want
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10:15.15_foxfire_i never has problems with this only be carefull that you use different lables in the []
10:15.59geninthis is difficult trying to figure out how to make indians in a call center sound like they are american or british
10:16.45defsworkgenin: don't make then friends
10:17.14defsworkbenneton even
10:17.40bennetonyes, it is logical to connect much servers i want
10:18.01bennetonbut, it is something i'm trying to do without luck
10:18.44bennetonfoxfire, what do you mean different labels?
10:18.49bennetonin []
10:19.00bennetonisn't that a username?
10:19.13_foxfire_each server entry starts with a lable like [server1] then the options
10:19.32bennetoni will send pastebin of my confs
10:19.40bennetonon both servers
10:19.57bennetoni repeat, i have dyndns on all 3 pbx
10:20.29bennetonand dnsmgr enabled
10:21.21_foxfire_not a problem , if you want you can use register comand on each server using host=dynamic
10:22.14bennetonyes, but i have problems with register command... it fails to authenticate when server 3 is included?
10:22.20bennetonweird thing, i say
10:22.50_foxfire_ok send me the pastebin link
10:22.51bennetoneverything is fine when 2 of them is connected
10:22.57bennetonwait, please
10:25.14cjkhi, i am having troubles to see the callerid of the call i pickup'ed. now i am not sure if this should work in asterisk or if its still a feature that is not in asterisk? Is this related to RFC 3891?
10:38.15bennetonthis is my pastebin
10:38.35bennetonthanks for your time
10:52.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
10:52.50bennetonwhile I'm writing this to you, I've found a sollution
10:53.13bennetonsomething came up fo me... :)
10:54.17bennetoni will post my solution somewhere
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11:12.29bennetonwhy this is happening: 2nd iax.server trying to connect using 3rd user/peer (last one in iax.conf context) and then I get message on server1: Host  failed to authenticate as "third server")
11:13.01bennetondamn the devil...
11:13.05bennetonto hell :D
11:14.23benneton(yes, i didn't find a solution)
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11:16.41gnorbertHi, I should play a sound in a meetme conference. I make it with call files, it calls the conference and plays the sound. Does somebody have an idea, how could I loop a sound file?
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11:18.46jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
11:18.51kaldemarbenneton: ^
11:20.17gnorbertI wrote a script, that makes a call file in the directory after a given time interval, but that doensn't play it continously.
11:20.17kaldemarfor examples.
11:20.41kaldemaryou're dialing a peer but your peer definitions don't have a username.
11:20.54MaliutaLapgnorbert: have you looked at the options to Play()
11:21.21gnorbertI use Application: Playback in the call file.
11:21.35MaliutaLapgnorbert: look at the options for it
11:22.42gnorbertMaliutaLap: Thank you, if I don't find anything (hope I find), I come back. :) But anyway thanks for the tip. :)
11:22.48bennetonBook is just what i want
11:22.59bennetoni didn't find solution in TFOT2
11:23.13bennetonhope there is everything i need
11:24.08kaldemarbenneton: you need a correct username for outbound calls.
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11:25.58kaldemarand your passwords don't match either.
11:26.56kaldemarwhen you dial out using IAX2/<peer>, asterisk uses the secret it finds in iax conf under [<peer>]. if the other end has something else as a secret in the corresponding context, you'll have an authentication problem.
11:26.58bennetondo i need [server1]as peer  [server2]as friend and vice versa on other BOX?
11:27.21bennetonor i can do it as a friend?
11:27.29kaldemarthat's why many people prefer to dial with IAX2/<username>:<secret>@<peer>/...
11:28.13*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (
11:28.17bennetonwith [server1] type=peer username=server2 > on other side [server1] type=user
11:28.34bennetonwith [server1] type=peer username=server2 > on other side [server2] type=user
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11:28.58_foxfire_benneton did youy get my message ?
11:29.41kaldemaryou could use friend in both ends.
11:31.12bennetonlike this [server1] type=friend username=server2 -- OTHER SIDE [server2] type=friend username=server1
11:31.26benneton(for calls in both directions)
11:31.42*** part/#asterisk cplx (n=cplx@
11:32.20kaldemaryes. and in that case, if you dial with IAX/server1, you need same secrets in both ends.
11:35.36bennetonTHANKS A MILLION!
11:45.09*** join/#asterisk flush (
11:45.25bennetonkaldermar -  can i use RSA with this method you said: " dial with IAX2/<username>:<secret>@<peer>/..."
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11:52.20kaldemarbenneton: don't know. but with keys you can specify inkeys and outkeys for a peer, which makes it a bit more clear than with a secret.
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11:53.38bennetontnx again
12:00.05gnorbertMaliutaLap: Sorry, I found only options, but I have no idea, what can those be used for.
12:01.05gnorbert*only two options
12:01.28gnorbertCould you help a bit more?
12:03.00gnorbertOr anybody, who has an idea, how can I play a sound file continously with a call file?
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12:05.48kaldemargnorbert: point the call file to a looping extension.
12:06.56gnorbertkaldemar: That version, when I called an extension and played the sound file there, didn't work.
12:08.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:08.13kaldemarme do not understand.
12:09.43kaldemargnorbert: aah, don't trigger the application with it, but an extension that loops the playback application.
12:11.33kaldemarif that didn't work, you could try telling how in form of pasting the callfile and a CLI trace.
12:12.06gnorbertkaldemar: Hmm, I think I don't fully understand it...
12:12.10*** join/#asterisk LND (n=Lee@
12:12.19kaldemari've done exactly the same thing you're going for, with success.
12:12.34gnorbertI have to play looped and not looped files in the same time.
12:13.07*** join/#asterisk Gat0rvean (n=gredish@
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12:21.01mattwj2002good morning everyone :)
12:23.18mattwj2002I just noticed I paid $1.40 for 70 minute call to Google 411
12:23.47mattwj2002I know I didn't talk that there any chance that the Asterisk box just didn't hang up?
12:25.43[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Look at your CDR
12:27.09mattwj2002I can't
12:27.21mattwj2002I blew away that Asterisk server a while back
12:27.40mattwj2002it isn't that big of a deal
12:27.48mattwj2002just wondering what could have happened
12:29.12[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Don't start the investigation after the cleaning staff have scrubbed everything down.  Just asking looks immensely stupid.
12:30.02mattwj2002good call
12:31.03mattwj2002just for my own future reference....
12:31.21mattwj2002if I don't have the hangup command could this happen again?
12:31.57[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: on an outbound call?  Not likely.
12:32.11[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: So just stop neurosing already...
12:39.09gnorbertkaldemar: The other problem that I should be able to handle it from console with another program and be able to start play any kind of file.
12:39.41gnorbertSo I can't say Playback, which file to play.
12:40.47mattwj2002bye everyone
12:40.53*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (
12:43.28_foxfire_hello, an1 got some experience with digiums B410P cards ?
12:46.44gnorbertDoes somebody have an idea, how can be solved from a call file, to loop a sound file? (I use Application:Playback)
12:46.45kaldemargnorbert: use the Set option in the call file to set a filename to a variable.
12:47.16kaldemarand drop the Application:Playback already.
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12:49.10kaldemarloop Playback(${foo}) in the extension and put Set:foo=/path/to/bar in the call file.
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12:57.57gnorbertkaldemar: I needed Application:Playback, because then I didn't need Extension in the call file (because I had application), But then if I leave Application:playback, what shall I write as extension to avoid it call itself twice?
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13:08.14bennetondoes dnsmgr refresh peer in "register => username:pass@someaddress" line?
13:08.42geninhey folks
13:08.47geninwhats the best softphone
13:08.50geninyou guys have used
13:08.53bennetonor only option is to change iax2.h file: "#define IAX_DEFAULT_REG_EXPIRE  60 " to something else
13:09.15bennetongenin: iax2 protocol > idefisk or zoiper
13:09.28bennetonsip: i use X-lite
13:09.33gnorbertkaldemar: Sorry, but so what shall I write in the call file actually? I know the Channel line, the Priority line, and then the Set line, but what should be there, if not application?
13:10.10bennetongnorbert: context
13:10.11geninx lite?
13:10.16bennetongenin: yes
13:10.16*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
13:10.20geninah cool
13:10.25geninill try it out ;)
13:10.28ManxPowerbenneton: dnsmgr deals with DNS not registration
13:10.39gnorbertbenneton: And then doesn't it call twice itself?
13:11.01slugtwinturboguys, what's needed in order to create/have a number to which someone can dial a costumer of the voip network, how do I assign/give a number to them ?
13:11.15bennetongnorbert: use another context
13:11.23bennetonwith playback application
13:11.37*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:11.56gnorbertbenneton: Ok, I make a try
13:12.06*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
13:13.17bennetonManxPower: i thought that dnsmgr is going through both, [usernames] and register line
13:13.38ManxPowerbenneton: it only looks up hostnames
13:14.13bennetonif this is in register line : register =>
13:14.33bennetonthere is host name
13:14.44bennetonmaybe it resolv it?
13:15.09bennetoni have dynamic addresses on both server
13:15.17ManxPowerbenneton: That was not your question.  I don't know the answer to your new question.
13:15.35ManxPowerBut I know that Asterisk does not work well with changing DNS
13:15.42bennetonwell, i thought we have a chat
13:16.20*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-e9fa02028d819a2c)
13:18.08bennetonslugtwinturbo: do you need to assign PTSN number to a voip customer on your PBX?
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13:19.39gnorbertbenneton: It doesn't work, it looks like this now: Sorry, I guess I missunderstood something.
13:19.49bennetonno problem
13:20.19*** join/#asterisk VaNNi (n=VaNNi___@
13:20.30[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: You didn't set an EXTENSION <-
13:21.37gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: But when I had EXTENSION, it called itself twice...
13:22.01[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Because you were picking the SAME one.
13:22.26bennetongnorbert: default is mentioned two times
13:22.30[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: You call out to CHANNEL. that is one thing.  It should NOT be related to the place in your dialplan that you will DUMP the call once its answered
13:22.46[TK]D-Fenderbenneton: That can be fine
13:24.38*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
13:25.14gegohow do i kill a sip channel?
13:25.47[TK]D-Fendergego: "soft hangup [channelwithoutbraces]"
13:27.31gegothanks - but the channel lives on - might have been too soft :?
13:27.53[TK]D-Fendergego: pastebin your channel dumps.
13:29.15*** part/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-e9fa02028d819a2c)
13:30.12brodiem[TK]D-Fender: Do you know if the new polycom line (320/550/etc) added support to send NAT keep-alives? And without requiring you specifically tell it what your external IP is?
13:30.53[TK]D-Fenderbrodiem: thats is SIP 2.0 that has it, not model specific.  As for the IP, not sure if you can do it without knowing
13:31.01[TK]D-FenderbroGo download the admin guide.
13:31.37brodiemty, yes I have one right here I was just too lazy to power it up and check heh
13:33.16*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:34.45x86I had NO success with the IP330
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13:35.06x86it kept locking up and sometimes randomly rebooting...
13:35.10jayteeno success with the IP330 for what?
13:35.16x86would lock up right after registering with *
13:35.30jayteeI'm using several just fine here with * 1.4.x
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13:35.38jayteeand an IP550
13:35.56x86I'm using
13:36.11jaytee12? or 21?
13:36.13Kobazall of my polycom phones no longer keep track of missed calls after a firmware update I did a few weeks ago... anyone know offhand how to fix that?
13:36.16x86301, 501, and 601's work like a champ
13:36.23x86jaytee: if I meant 21, I would have said 21 ;)
13:36.38jayteeok. I'm on 1.4.15
13:36.48x86I've not tried any 550's or 650's
13:36.53[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Go look in your provisioning.  There is away to disable them.  Make sure they haven't been.
13:36.57jaytee550's are nice
13:37.01x86but I've tried the 320 and 330, and both were complete fail
13:37.12[TK]D-Fenderx86: And NO... your firmware version couldn't possibly be relevant here....
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13:37.19Kobaz[TK]D-Fender:"calllist-missed" feature.8.enabled="1"
13:37.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: that's the only thing i can find
13:37.50x86of course, the area in the building I was using them on was wired with Cat4, which can't do 100mbps, which is what the switch was negotiating with all the devices at
13:38.10jayteeugh! that'll screw you up for sure.
13:38.10*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
13:38.17x86[TK]D-Fender: latest firmware and bootrom as of about 2 months ago... Polycom threw their arms up and had no idea what the problem was
13:38.31x86jaytee: 301's and 501's can handle that just fine
13:38.35jayteeCAT4? I vaguely remember that being around for about a week before CAT5 came out in the late 80's.
13:38.42*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-1da505e958e9db00)
13:38.54x86I should really force the switches down there to only run 10mbps
13:39.02[TK]D-Fenderx86: thanks for providing LOGS, and an answer with a specific VERSION along with your configs
13:39.04gego[TK]D-Fender: ehhhm ... channel dumps? as in core show channel?
13:39.20[TK]D-Fendergego: "core show channels concise", "sip show channels"
13:39.46x86jaytee: this building was built in 1993, and they hired an ELECTRICIAN to do the wiring... electrician found a damn good deal on a shit ton of cat4, and the powers that be wanted to save money, so of course that's what they went with
13:40.25brodiemx86: got to love how most electricians do their crimping, the jacket like 1/2" outside of the RJ45
13:40.36jayteeand the powers that be are either gone or too high up to make it worth risking mentioning the wiring
13:41.02x86they're still here
13:41.06x86still pinching pennies
13:41.43x86I put in cat6 for a whole department, on a brand new gigabit switch, but they wont let me do that for the rest of the building :(
13:42.03jayteeI've come across a few network runs that are terminated according to no color code I've ever seen, certainly not 568A or 568B. Who uses WhiteBrown / Brown for Send?
13:42.34x86[TK]D-Fender: polycom couldn't figure out why it was locking up, so i figured no one could... returned it as defective and bought a 301
13:42.47x86jaytee: haha
13:43.01[TK]D-Fenderx86: And your ability to pass us something useful is pretty much non-existant.
13:43.02jayteeand some that aren't even cat3 but seem to be some kind of plenum covered CAT2 or something. Like one twist per foot.
13:43.25x86jaytee: I've seen blue, green, brown, orange, w/o, w/br, w/gr, w/bl before
13:43.41gego[TK]D-Fender: this is the output about the "stuck" channel:
13:43.48x86[TK]D-Fender: i did two months ago before i RETURNED it ;)
13:44.13x86jaytee: cat3 is about one twist per foot
13:44.41[TK]D-Fenderx86: hindsight is 20/20
13:44.48jayteefrom what I understand they had this old guy named Floyd who was kinda handy with a hammer and they "edge-a-muhcated" him.
13:45.09x86jaytee: *shudders*
13:45.09[TK]D-Fendergego: and "core show channels (without concise)
13:47.27gego[TK]D-Fender: there is (funny enough) less information without concise ?!?
13:49.00[TK]D-Fendergego: "concice" is "more", but less readable.  Wanted to verify.  Yup, that chan is WHACKED.  I'd suggest a restart... thats about all thats left.
13:51.03gego[TK]D-Fender: tks a lot. i think i let it hang there until i have to restart anyhow
13:51.41[TK]D-Fendergego: "restart when convenient"
13:51.41gego[TK]D-Fender: all my f.. gxp phones forget their subscriptions after a restart :-(
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13:55.45jbotsomebody said grandstream was the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
13:55.54x86gego: read that
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14:04.29rabbydoesn't asterisk -r want to tell me about incomming calls if everythings works properly?
14:04.53ManxPowerrabby: try "asterisk -rvvv"
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14:05.17rabbyi wonder why it does not :( i use a isdn fritz!card and the capi and fcpci module does not show any error; but i think it does not work in any way
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14:06.13ManxPowerFirst you say "everythings works properly" then you say "but i think it does not work in any way".  Which is it?
14:06.16rabbyverbose mode 3 does not show me anythink, too
14:06.26ManxPowerthen you are not receiving any calls
14:06.52ManxPowerIn any case, if you are using ISDN BRI I can't help you.  Perhaps one of the europeople here can.
14:06.55rabbythat's what i wonder about, too. the system does not tell me any error about the config or modules i use and installed,
14:07.18rabbywhere to find the europe people?
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14:07.37rabbyis no one here who uses capi?!#
14:07.37ManxPowerhere during their business hours and early evening
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14:09.16rabbyperhaps any one can have a look at as i wonder about the lots of zeroes there. i guess, that may be the reason for asterisk not receiving my calls
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14:13.27[TK]D-Fenderrabby: do "set verbose 10", and "set debug 10".  pastebin what displays for an incoming call attempt"
14:13.40dominic1how can I call I mysql function with func_odbc?
14:13.54dominic1a stored procedure...
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14:15.00rabbydominic1: the same way like select queries. but talk about that in #mysql
14:16.03rabby[TK]D-Fender: nothing! that's the problem :(
14:16.35Kobazis there any way to do a "background dial" like... so i have a thing dialing one phone for 10 seconds, then dialing that one phone plus another phone for 10 seconds... an incrementally increasing ring group sort of thing... the problem is now i'm placing two seperate calls to that original phone... ideally i want to ring phone one for 30 seconds, and then after 10, add phone two
14:17.29[TK]D-Fenderrabby: Then its either a problem with your line, your card, its driver, or your channel driver setup.
14:17.59[TK]D-FenderKobaz: nest them in Local channels.
14:18.14Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: mmm, k
14:18.18[TK]D-FenderKobaz: dial multiple local channels each with their own offset delays.
14:19.36rabby[TK]D-Fender: so i need to find out, but do not know how to do so. if i switch my telephone into the line, this receives the call. so i hope, that is not the source of problems. the driver does not show up errors. no error in dmesg and capiinfo tells me the strange output full of zeroes and i do not know if this is correct:
14:19.50[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Dial(Local/10@delay0&Local/20@delay10&Local/30@delay20)
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14:25.40brodiemhaha look what I just scored:
14:26.27anonymouz666does zaptel-1.4 improves IRQ handling over zaptel-1.2?
14:26.38ManxPoweranonymouz666: I don't think so
14:26.48ManxPower1.2 had major IRQ updates at one point.
14:26.49anonymouz666PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1 - I need get rid of this
14:26.54anonymouz666In a production server
14:26.58anonymouz666it's almost impossible
14:27.00ManxPoweranonymouz666: It sucks to be you.
14:27.11anonymouz666crap motherboards.
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14:27.19[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Yes
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14:27.33ManxPoweranonymouz666: Contact Digium support.  It won't help, but it might make you feel better.
14:27.41[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: pastebin "cat /proc/interrupts"
14:28.21anonymouz666ManxPower: I don't speak english to do that. So I won't feel better. My brain is trained just to read/write. Heh
14:28.26anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: one minute
14:28.38MorroccoHi Guys, I would like to register a SIP service called Voiceline from net2phone with my Asterisk box, but I dont know how to do it, they dont give you any instructions so I got some sniffed information from the registration but Im not good with asterisk to test it, can some one help me?
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14:29.32ManxPoweranonymouz666: Generally any solution to HDLC abort errors are things you don't want to do.  i.e. disable onboard networking, disable onboard RAID, swap motherboards, switch to Sangoma, replace the onboard SATA with an addon SATA card, etc.
14:29.34*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-bfd1c68cac62f905)
14:30.01[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: "dmesg" please
14:30.24anonymouz666ManxPower: I just realized that. Since everything is disabled...there's nothing I can do.
14:30.51ManxPoweranonymouz666: you can TRY 1.4, but you would have to upgrade Asterisk to 1.4 too.
14:30.52anonymouz666it will be much faster to switch the motherboard.
14:31.00anonymouz666yeah I know
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14:32.15minthomewould this work?  GotoIfTime(23:00-9:00|mon-fri|*|*?placetogo,s,1)
14:32.34[TK]D-Fenderminthome: Go try
14:32.58minthomeheh, sadly, i can't really for another 7 hours
14:33.08minthomeunless i change the time
14:33.27[TK]D-Fenderminthome: Change your raqnge for the test
14:33.53minthomei know something like 7:00-22:00 would work
14:33.55anonymouz666ManxPower: I just asked about zaptel-1.4 to try to make things faster. It's better to learn from others experience than waste your time to figure out that does not help to switch to zaptel-1.4.
14:34.16ManxPoweranonymouz666: * understand, but when you have few other choices...
14:34.19minthomeit's going around the 24:00/0:00 corner that I'm not sure about
14:34.27[TK]D-Fenderminthome: Yes, should work
14:34.37[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: YES <-
14:35.17minthomeheh, yeah, it's that "should" that i'm worried about...  guess i'll find out this afternoon
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14:48.33nikolaevhow can I register a SIP Phone which is behind NAT to the asterisk SIP Proxy ?
14:49.06nikolaevI see the asterisk's reply "Trying" but obvoiusly the packet does not reach the SIP Phone
14:49.10JTasterisk is NOT a sip proxy
14:50.30nikolaevany workaround for the NAT issue ?
14:52.28JTfollow the first guide at
14:52.30jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:53.11dominic1anybody had trouble with odbc and a error like that PROCEDURE asterisk.test2 can't return a result set in the given context? I get this while calling a stored procedure
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14:55.13ejosSomebody know how many nodes support asterisk in the best use case?, that is i heard that asterisk support only 300 nodes, that is true?
14:55.21nikolaevJT Thanks
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14:56.07ejosand i have almost 8000 nodes on TDM
14:57.50[TK]D-Fenderejos: In large-scale setups like that people usually run SER in front and use * only as a back-end application server
14:59.27ejos[TK]D-Fender, SER?
14:59.33jbotser is, like, Sip Express Router - see, or an old secret method of obtaining a havoc of NAT problems, or at #ser
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15:01.00ejosjbot, thanks both
15:01.00jbotejos: pas de quoi
15:03.01uskiis there a way to set a variable (CALLERIDNAME actually) from an external program? when i receive a call, i currently do a reverse-phone-directory lookup using a script i wrote, and i store the results in a database. I'd like to alert the CALLERIDNAME so that it contains the actual name found by my program, so that it's displayed on the phones
15:04.58[TK]D-Fenderuski: Go read the chapter on AGI in THE BOOK
15:05.00jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:06.40uski(FYI the link for the HTML is broken)
15:07.20uski[TK]D-Fender, may i ask... what's AGI ? i can't find it :/
15:07.25uskioh found it
15:07.28cjkhi, i am having troubles to see the callerid of the call i pickup'ed. now i am not sure if this should work in asterisk or if its still a feature that is not in asterisk? Is this related to RFC 3891?
15:07.51[TK]D-Fenderuski: There is an entire CHAPTER ON IT in the book.  GO READ
15:07.55jbothmm... agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages, or <reply> See also
15:08.00uski[TK]D-Fender, so am i
15:08.10uskiit's the Appendix C
15:08.19uski...and Chapter 9
15:08.27[TK]D-Fenderuski: "Table Of Contents" is your friend.
15:08.33*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (
15:08.39[TK]D-Fender"This website is best viewed with ... YOUR EYES!"
15:09.16uskidoesn't work for me
15:09.25[TK]D-Fendercjk: When you "pickup" YOU are calling out.  You don't get CPID (called party ID" for outbound calls
15:09.27uskianyway, i got the PDF
15:09.45[TK]D-Fenderuski: That wasn't in reference to Leif's site being down.
15:09.55[TK]D-Fenderuski: Just a general statement.
15:10.21*** part/#asterisk ejos (n=ejos@
15:10.37cjk[TK]D-Fender, i know that asterisk works like that. isn't that what RFC3891 (sip replaces) defines? how this could work?
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15:11.10jbot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
15:11.18[TK]D-Fendercjk: ^^^
15:11.50[TK]D-Fenderactually.. not sure that could work in this case.
15:11.51cjk[TK]D-Fender, lets check this out ;) thanks
15:12.36*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
15:13.41raasdnil[TK]D-Fender: I know it is like 10 hours later, but your suggestion of compiling zaptel, then trashing asterisk and re-compiling solved the problem of asterisk not spotting the zaptel drivers, thanks :)
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15:15.02[TK]D-Fenderraasdnil: You're welcome
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15:36.47uski[TK]D-Fender, thanks, the AGI was what I needed - my script works like a charm
15:41.01heedlyspeaking of AGI, were do I get more detailed info about it failing?
15:41.18heedlyAll I see is AGISTATUS set to FAILURE, and it returning 0.
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15:59.06lowtekIn asterisk 1.4.2x, FollowMe seems to ignore it's options, i.e, FollowMe(${EXTEN}|san), the options "san" work fine, but when I remove the options, it sill executes the standard functioanlity of asking for the caller to record their name.  Any ideas?
16:01.23*** part/#asterisk lowtek (
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16:05.00lowtekDoes the asterisk command "Wait" recognize fractions of a second?  i.e., will Wait(.5) wait half a second? (500ms)? (1.4.current)
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16:25.01[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: "core show application wait"
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16:31.20jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
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16:39.29jjshoeis it possible to get asterisk to make the xferbeep on completion of an attended xfer using the xfer button on the phone? (not the keycode)
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16:41.04HardCoris there a reason why I fail to download an iso image from with my slow internet connection? I have tried to download via my Firefox, Download accilarator, lynx, but all fail in the middle of the process.... I have looked for a torrent of the same but failed to find it. Anyone have ideas?
16:41.26zambahow do i set up a sip trunk between two asterisks?
16:42.01[TK]D-Fenderzamba: Same as you would any other ITSP.
16:42.03_Bentleydoes anyone know how I might find bkw?
16:42.22zamba[TK]D-Fender: ITSP?
16:42.32discHeadHardCor-- if it were me, I would try curl next
16:42.37zambainternet telephony service provider.. got it :)
16:42.44jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
16:42.51discHeadcurl will pick up an interrupted download in the middle
16:43.01zamba[TK]D-Fender: well, i don't know how i do it for any other ITSP either, so :)
16:43.02*** part/#asterisk _Bentley (
16:43.14jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
16:43.19HardCordiscHead: what is curl?
16:43.49[TK]D-Fenderzamba: Inclues a sampe for NuFone.  Its almost the same as setting up just a phone except that A registers to B, and the revers.  A SIP call is just like any other.
16:43.53discHeadcurl is a command-line program, a Swiss-Army knife of a download utility
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16:46.01HardCordiscHead: but if download-accilarator does not resume, why would any other app do it? My problem is that every download seems to through me out in the middle of the process...
16:46.06rbdhey guys... I'm trying to use the Record app to record out to a file ending with .temp (it will be bla.wav.temp)... it seems like this is not possible with the new format of the Record app... e.g. the format must be the same as the recorded file extension it looks like.... is it still possible to use the old Record(filename:format[|silence][|maxduration][|option]) syntax with asterisk 1.4?
16:46.24discHeadI'm not sure, I don't have experience with Download Accelerator, I'm afraid
16:46.41QwellDigitalIrony: wget can do that too...
16:46.44Qwellerm, discHead
16:47.49discHeadIt does?
16:48.04QwellI didn't say does, I said can.
16:48.05ManxPowerrbd: I doubt you can do what you want.  I suggest recording the file with the .wav ending, then rename it if you want.
16:48.21Qwellwget -c
16:49.02zamba[TK]D-Fender: i
16:49.04HardCoreven wget would function like my attempt with lynx wouldn't it?
16:49.12zambai'm in the other end now.. the other end of "register"
16:49.27rbdManxPower: yeah, I record to .temp because I have a processing thread in my own app that looks for .wav files to process ....I'll probably have to record to .wav and then move the file to that dir once done...
16:49.29QwellHardCor: You would just resume the download
16:49.50HardCorQwell: with wget?
16:49.57Qwellwget -c
16:50.12ManxPowerHardCor: since we don't know WHY your other programs are not resuming downloads, we can't tell you why or if using other apps would resume your download.  we can only tell you apps that can resume a download.
16:50.15HardCorQwell: let me try that, thanx!
16:50.47ManxPowerPersonally I've always had issues using wget to download files from Digium.  It always seems to download the directory page, not the actual file.
16:50.59QwellManxPower: You're doing it wrong.
16:50.59ManxPowernot directory, but "redirector"
16:51.18HardCorOKay guys, thanx, I'll try some more...
16:51.28ManxPowerQwell: Yeah, I know, right click on link, copy, paste in wget is not something that's supposed to work.
16:52.00ManxPowerWell, at least on DIGIUM'S site.
16:52.48ManxPowerI don't think that's HardCor's problem, but it could be.
16:53.22ManxPowerEvery time I download something from Digium I spend a few mins cursing whatever idiot created the new system.
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16:55.30ManxPowerlike that crap.
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16:56.46nny_1hmm anyone wanna talk about echo.. I have been researching my ass off, and tuning various knobs buttons etc. We have an issue where the local telco is the CO for a T1 through embarq, and getting echo on local calls and not long distance. I am using the digium hardware echo canceler, and there isn't much to be adjusted there. However, in searching, I found that it is possible (? this may be a lie) to kick up the rx gain enough to assist the echo canceler
16:57.06dwelshHi. Is AsteriskGUI still available separately? I can only find it as part of AsteriskNow.
16:57.09ManxPowernny_1: which of the like 5 Digium EC are you using?
16:57.27ManxPowernny_1: I can work with you on #asterisk-cli
16:58.06ManxPowernny_1: if the hardware EC is not working for you then you should contact Digium.
16:58.25Qwelldwelsh: Yes.
16:58.49dwelshQwell: Do you know where to get it?
16:59.01Qwellvia subversion
16:59.06ManxPowerand no, increasing the rxgain has never helped with EC in my experience.  But we switched to a carrier class EC hardware system a couple of years ago and we never needed to worry about it again.
16:59.10dwelshQwell: ok thanks
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17:11.38dwelshQwell: I'm having some trouble checking out the AsteriskGUI code. Is the command "svn co"?
17:11.48Qwellshould be
17:11.50uskiany idea why a 3-digit extension would work and a 10-digit one wouldn't ? (from the context corresponding to a FXS port of a SPA3000)
17:11.54Qwellhold that thought
17:12.14Qwellmmm, yes
17:12.27Qwelloh, no
17:12.35Qwellyou forgot the svn/
17:12.44uskithe dialplan of my SPA3000 is (7xxS0|0xxxxxxxxxS0|00x.|1[578]S0<:@gw0>|11[259]S0<:@gw0>)
17:12.51dwelshAh. It's working now. Thanks again
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17:23.58petr7Hello, I've got a problem with zaptel card AEX2400. Phone silent after an IRQ Miss. Is there any solution?
17:26.22Qwellpetr7: I'd recommend calling support
17:26.43Qwellof course, make sure you've got the latest zaptel, etc
17:27.51*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
17:28.39petr7hmm, of course, I have lastest verions, but I'm trying to ask here, because of lack of informantion to this problem.
17:28.50teknoprepanyone else here using g729 with having one-way audio issues... its very random.. i am not using NAT at all on my box... it is multi-homed tho.. one port is behind the firewall on the DMZ with a WAN IP.. the other port is a LAN ip'd port
17:29.03teknoprepis multi-homing an asterisk box bad idea ?
17:29.26MorroccoHi Guys, I would like to register a SIP service called Voiceline from net2phone with my Asterisk box, but I dont know how to do it, they dont give you any instructions so I got some sniffed information from the registration but Im not good with asterisk to test it, can some one help me?
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17:32.29DeluzionI have a problem with our asterisk configuration.  In particular the voicemail setup *comedian mail* /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf we generally have a sub conf since the phone system is in place for 2 companies
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17:34.43Deluzionevery time the phone system reloads, it merges the included sub conf into the main voicemail.conf and messes things up....have to delete the merged info and replace the include line....any idea on how to stop it from doing that?
17:35.30Strom_Myou can't do #include in voicemail.conf
17:35.40Strom_Min fact, IIRC, the sample file tells you explicitly not to do that
17:37.51QwellStrom_M: that it does
17:38.27[TK]D-FenderDoctor, it hurts when I riase my arm like this...
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17:40.47MorroccoHi D-Fender, thats very old information it does not work, I would like to debug the new information that I have
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17:41.31hsv-alhello all
17:42.41[TK]D-FenderMorrocco: Enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI and pastebin what it gives.  Also include your sip.conf masking ONLY passwords
17:43.48uskii have a problem with my SPA3000; i have defined the following extension : 0xxxxxxxxx,1,Playback(transfer). When I take the phone on the FXS and I call 0123456789, the ATA sends "INVITE sip:0123456789@asteriskip SIP/2.0", asterisk responds with "SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required", the ATA sends "ACK sip:0123456789@asteriskip" and "INVITE sip:0123456789@asteriskip SIP/2.0" again, and then asterisk answers "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found".
17:43.48uski.. wtf?
17:43.52*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
17:44.11jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:44.25uski[TK]D-Fender, it's not long enough for a pastebin is it ? just one line
17:44.34uskiit's not like i'm pasting 30 lines of code
17:44.41[TK]D-Fenderuski: pastebin the ENTIRE call.
17:44.44ManxPoweruski: the extension was not found in the specified context
17:45.01[TK]D-Fenderuski: and pastebin your dialplan
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17:48.28hsv-allulz @ comcast for using bind 8 still
17:48.36hsv-almillions of customers vulnerable to dns poisoning/rogue redirection
17:49.27ManxPoweryou say it like you are suprized
17:49.31hsv-alqwell im extremely bored today, im sending mass emails to network departments at random universities stating I'm students there, asking if their system/providers are patched against the dns issue.
17:49.45hsv-al3 replies so far, all saying they dindt know about it, 1 including harvard :)
17:50.10ManxPowerhsv-al: So you are the disturbance in the Force I felt earlier.
17:50.15hsv-alThis is peculiar how this bloomed in the last few days.
17:50.44uski[TK]D-Fender, here you are:
17:51.09uskifrom the FXS of the SPA3000, i can call 770 and it works
17:51.14uskibut 0xxxxxxxxx doesn't
17:51.39[TK]D-Fenderuski: SIP DEBUG from * CLI
17:53.53kandI may be mistaken but in regards to uski's issue shouldnt patterns start with _
17:54.21uski... that should be it
17:54.46[TK]D-FenderI jsut wanted the evidence first
17:54.57uskiwell at least i learnt how to provide useful debug data
17:56.07*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi- (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-e79facb98c3c48b0)
17:56.31[TK]D-Fenderuski: Yet still manage to have not actually followed through ;)
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17:59.56keith4using an itsp (SIP), what would be the way to add a PSTN line to a queue?
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18:07.06[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : ... pardon?
18:08.04keith4yah... that made more sense in my head, sorry
18:08.20keith4I have a queue with a bunch of sip user assigned to it
18:08.57keith4i would also like to assign someone's POTS phone number to it, using our ITSP
18:09.14keith4if possible
18:09.41seanbrightmember => Zap/g1/2222222222
18:09.47lesouvagekeith4: you want an external number to be an agent of a queue?
18:09.53keith4lesouvage: yes
18:10.00keith4seanbright: no Zap. SIP ITSP
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18:15.29kandkeith4: You could use local as in member => Local/4079999999@oubound_context
18:15.58keith4ooh, good idea
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18:19.59keith4kand: sweet, that works!
18:20.07keith4hearts asterisk
18:20.18kandI have used that trick a few times. dido
18:21.55dwelshI'm trying to set up database loggin for cdr using odbc. I get the error "ERROR[9347] cdr_odbc.c: cdr_odbc: Unable to connect to datasource: asterisk-connector" in /var/log/asterisk/messages. I know I can use the dsn because I can run the command "echo "select * from cdr;" | isql asterisk-connector" when logged in as "asterisk"
18:23.41dwelshThis is the ouput of "cdr status": [root@asterisk asterisk-]# asterisk -rx "cdr status"
18:23.41dwelshCDR logging: enabled
18:23.41dwelshCDR mode: simple
18:23.41dwelshCDR output unanswered calls: yes
18:23.41dwelshCDR registered backend: ODBC
18:23.42dwelshCDR registered backend: cdr_manager
18:23.47dwelshCDR registered backend: cdr-custom
18:23.50dwelshCDR registered backend: csv
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18:25.34unlordis there any good open source call accounting sfotware?
18:26.10unlordI have been tasked with building a call center, and I would like to find something that will let users keep track of who's called and if there are any open issues
18:26.16unlordsugarcrm looks like the best solution so far
18:26.19heedlyWhat source file handles the call file behaviour?
18:27.50keith4dwelsh: pastebin
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18:29.12dwelshkeith4: what does that mean?
18:29.28jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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18:34.28rbdI'm trying to issue an AGI RECORD FILE command. I issue "record file /var/lib/ccd/recs_processing/lab1-int-011-ac/temp/677290_1218047497.607368 wav # 18000000 BEEP s=10" and the asterisk console shows (with agi debug on): "AGI Rx << temp buffer r - errno No such file or directory", followed by a very large amount of "AGI Rx << temp buffer r - errno Resource temporarily unavailable" messages. I've double checked and that directory exi
18:34.30kandunlord: for a call center take a look at vicidial, I now it has intergration with VTiger (a fork of sugarCRM).
18:35.20kand*now = know
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18:37.09uskii have a weird problem with my spa3000; the dialplan has 06xxxxxxxxS0<:@gw0> in it, i.e. it will route all calls with 06 at the beginning and 8 numbers after that to the PSTN. When I call such a number, the call is routed through the PSTN but the DTMF tones the SPA3000 sends to the PSTN does not correspond to the number dialed (i listened and it's like it always sends the same tones)
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18:37.41minthomei'm looking to setup an informational extension only...
18:37.54minthomewould i have to write my own recording menu for that?
18:38.03uskiminthome, you could use Playback to play a sound you have recorded
18:38.26minthomeyeah, i got that, but i'm not the one recording it...
18:38.38uskithen have someone record it, then convert it to gsm format using sox on linux
18:38.40minthomei'd like to have a VoiceMail() app run, but not actually record anything
18:38.46uskioh ok
18:38.59unlordkand: does vtiger support call times with finer granualirty than 15 minutes?
18:39.00uskii know there is an asterisk function to record something
18:39.10minthomeso the customer can call in and change the recording anytime
18:39.21CanWoodoops, popped in half way through, sorry
18:39.27unlordI'm setting up a call center and I don't really mind if my users have to enter all this stuff manually, but it will be a nightmare if they can't keep track of who called who
18:39.29codefreeze-lapdwelsh: The message you see, "Unable to connect to datasource:" is in the cdr_odbc.c file, and is the result of odbc_init returning a val < 0; this can happen for more than one reason, the best way to find out is to run asterisk with verbose of 11 or more.
18:40.10codefreeze-lapdwelsh: core set verbose 40
18:40.40kandunlord:  I am not sure I understand your question... do you mean in tracking calls?
18:41.39keith4unlord: asterisk can put call records in a database for you, and then you can do whatever you want with 'em
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18:42.06unlordkeith4: yah, that would help, but what I'm looking for is a way for the people on the call to manage the issues that come out of the call
18:42.11unlordso sugarcrm looks good for that
18:42.17jamuseCan someone explain the following error message: Rejected connect attempt from,  who was trying to reach 's@'
18:42.21unlordbut I don't know what happens if your call is less than 15 minutes
18:42.29jamusewhat is 's@' ?
18:47.02kandunlord: I dont know about the call times but why not fire up a VM machine and check it out:
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18:48.14academyI've been given two servers to maintain.  They're meant to be redundant - all that actually happens is someone manually changes a low ttl CNAME to point to one or the other.  I've been asked to install Asterisk on each.  Is there any way to put identical Asterisk instances with both inbound and outbound SIP on both servers so that it will actually work?  The main issue would be inbound SIP I think - because there's no failover, both servers would need
18:49.15keith4that's a sad excuse for a H-A setup
18:50.10keith4read the H-A asterisk page in the wiki:
18:50.47academykeith4: I agree completely.  I'm sort of backed into a corner in that it has to be done this way.
18:52.36heedlyminthome: the Record() page has an example of how to record several things at once.
18:52.43dwelshHere is the error log when I started asterisk with more "-v"s:
18:52.58academykeith4: i.e. the servers are already in place and they do things like this.
18:53.53keith4dwelsh: it tells you right there what the error is. FATAL:  IDENT authentication failed for user "asterisk"
18:54.04keith4sounds like MySQL
18:54.46minthomeheedly, yeah, that's basically what I was going to write, but with confirmations on keeping the recording after playback etc...
18:54.55minthomejust wondering if there was already something in place for that kinda deal
18:54.56jamuseI setup ipkall to talk directly to my asterisk box via sip, when I answer an incoming call I cant hear the caller. Any suggestions on how to debug that?
18:55.22keith4jamuse: NAT?
18:55.40jamuseif it was a NAT problem wouldnt the phone not ring?
18:55.47dwelshkeith4: Yeah I saw that too, but I didn't know what to do. I figured it out. I had to remove the default line from /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf  (a line with ident in it)
18:55.56heedlyminthome: ya.. the wiki gives an example.
18:56.14heedlyit moves them to sounds/local, you could change it for your own purposes.
18:56.19keith4dwelsh: yes. you have to configure postgres *correctly*
18:56.45minthomehow's festival doing these days anyway?
18:56.48minthomei never installed it
18:56.55lesouvageacademy: a business called ranchenetworks has a solution that might fit your needs.
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18:58.11lesouvageacademy: see
18:58.27heedlyit is OK.
18:58.45heedlyI can't get the app to work through NAT'ed phones.
18:58.45dwelshI thought I only had to add those two lines (host all asterisk md5 and local all asterisk trust), but I had to remove the line "local all all ident sameuser" from the top
18:58.51heedlybut the AGI perl script includes works fine.
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19:03.10lesouvageoutolunc: oops, doens't look ok.
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19:04.43outtoluncmore like <G>
19:05.04outtoluncfalls off his chair
19:05.42jamuseif a call is routed correctly, i.e. the phone rings, is that an indication that NAT is not a problem?
19:06.00ManxPowerjamuse: not really
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19:07.15ManxPowerjamuse: it might indicate that SIP signalling is working thru the NAT, it means nothing about RTP audio
19:07.19seanbrightis there a magical way to maintain queue statistics across reloads and such?
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19:07.58putnopvutseanbright: queues are flushed from memory on reloads, so no.
19:08.02jamusehmm exacly my problem
19:08.16putnopvutYou could maintain statistics yourself in the astdb, but there's no way to then apply them to the newly loaded queue after a reload.
19:08.42seanbrightputnopvut: queues are dropped and recreated on reload?
19:08.51putnopvutseanbright: yes
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19:09.02seanbrightok, i'll try to code something up
19:09.03ManxPowerjamuse: classic issue.  Is Asterisk behind NAT?
19:09.23seanbrightputnopvut: you converted to astobj2 in trunk, yes?
19:09.28putnopvutseanbright: yes
19:09.40seanbrightand in 1.4?  /me prays
19:09.56ManxPowertrunk != 1.4
19:10.08seanbrightManxPower: yes, thank you.
19:10.16jamuseManxPower: yes, so I'll switch back to IAX. I'm trying to get ipkall to route my DID number to my iaxy
19:10.17seanbrightthus the "and"
19:10.32ManxPowerjamuse: you sure give up easy for something that is so simple to fix.
19:10.35putnopvutin 1.4, there's no astobj2 usage for queues, but reloads don't just immediately dump callers from queues though.
19:10.43jamuseManxPower: so how do I fix it?
19:11.04ManxPowerjamuse: Did you follow the SIPNAT instructions?
19:11.07jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:11.13seanbrightputnopvut: i'm just looking for a way to maintain the member stats across reload.  i'll just monitor the queue log and be done with it.
19:11.15jamuseManxPower: should there a difference in sound quality between SIP and IAX?
19:11.21ManxPowerjamuse: no.
19:11.41putnopvutseanbright: yeah, you could do that or use a QueueStatus manager command right before the reload to get them at that time.
19:11.56seanbrightputnopvut: ah.  good show.
19:12.44putnopvutheh, interesting. The QueueStatus manager action is unregistered twice when app_queue is unloaded. That seem wrong :)
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19:16.56dwelshSome one sent me a link to a page on that had links to third-pary cdr report programs. I can't find it now. Does anyone know where it is or know of a good program to use?
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19:17.52shmaltzanyone heard of nufone lately?
19:19.00jamuseManxpower: The solution at did not seem to help. Would using IAX avoid the audio problem I'm having bc of NAT alltogether?
19:19.07shmaltz_ShrikeE ???
19:19.29lowtekWill exten => _123XX,n+101,SomeFunction actually calculate the line + 101 or do I need to hardcode it?
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19:27.43[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: No, it will not calculate, and you should not be using priority jumping.  That was outmoded as of 1.2
19:27.47ManxPowerlowtek: that was removed in 1.4
19:28.06[TK]D-Fenderjamuse: PASTEBIN the SIP DEBUG from * CLI for your failed attempt
19:28.07ManxPowerjamuse: no.
19:28.29ManxPowerjamuse: it might be easier to set up the port forwarding with IAX2 (you only need one port).
19:28.44lowtek[TK]D-Fender: Labels?
19:29.08[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: look at the applications you're using for the instructions.
19:29.19ManxPowerlowtek: perhaps you should read all the upgrade files in your asterisk source code?
19:29.56lowtekThanks for the help, and I am reading the instructions, in 1.4 "show application voicemail" says use option 'j' to 'jump to n+101' in case of an error ...
19:30.30ManxPowerlowtek: that is for people that cannot or will not convert to the new 1.2+ way of doing things
19:30.33[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: DON'T.  Go look at what variables it sets on exit.  THOSE you can choose to deal with after.
19:30.48shmaltzanyone heard of nufone lately?
19:30.50lowtekYea, that's what I'm doing now, checking VMSTATUS for FAILED.
19:30.58lowtekThanks, guys.
19:31.06[TK]D-Fenderlowtek: So clearly no need for "j"
19:31.24jamuseManxPower: does IAX use significant less bandwidth than SIP?
19:32.00ManxPowerjamuse: It might, depending on if you enable trunking and how many calls you have going between the same two servers at the same time.
19:32.14outtoluncstill has $10 in my nufone accout.. woohoow
19:32.43ManxPowerPERSONALLY, I have found IAX2 to be much less reliable than SIP.
19:33.15ManxPowerHowever, my experience is not typical.
19:36.13Yourname`Hi. How can I change something like this for callwaiting?
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19:39.23gaetronik[Aug  6 12:25:21] VERBOSE[16388] logger.c: <                  Ext: 1  Cause: Requested channel not available (44), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2)
19:39.57gaetronikand when i want to make a call sometime i've congestion tone
19:40.18gaetronikit this an asterisk problem or a provider one
19:40.57gaetronikand how to trace the different steps of a call in the file
19:41.02Yourname`Basically, Agent101 is in a queue. The calls he gets from the queue are good, and I don't want callwaiting on the calls he gets from the queue. However, through an IVR when someone punches 101.. I want those calls to go to Agent101 with callwaiting. Is that possible?
19:42.01jamuseManxPower: SIP debug info is at
19:42.29ManxPowerjamuse: don't mask the IPs.  That is what I need to see.
19:43.10ManxPowerContact: <>
19:43.49ManxPowerI can't  see that is a local internal IP or external IP, that would tell me what nat setting needs to be changed.  Just for future reference only mask PASSWORDS.
19:44.15jamuseManxPower is an external ip
19:44.29*** join/#asterisk brian (n=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
19:44.30jamuseManxPower: thanks will do
19:44.35brianWhat is Asterisk Realtime?
19:44.44jamuseManxPower there were no internal IPs in the debug
19:44.48ManxPowerbrian: a way to replace the .conf files with a database.
19:45.00brianWhat does that have to do with virtualization?
19:45.00ManxPowerjamuse: What audio ports did you portforward in your firewall?
19:45.08ManxPowerbrian: nothing whatsoever
19:46.01jamuseManxPower: which audio ports need to be portforwarded?
19:46.56ManxPowerjamuse:  tells you what the default is as well as how to change it.
19:47.11jamuseManxPower: I used to have ipkall -> fwd -> my asterisk which worked fine. The only problem was that fwd's iax was not stable. I'd just like to bypass fwd now
19:47.43*** join/#asterisk prg3 (
19:48.27ManxPowerI normally require dinner, drinks before holding someone's hand, but I'll make an exception in this case.  Port forward ports 10,000-20,000 UDP in your firewall to the internal IP of Asterisk.  Also port forward 5060 UDP.
19:48.32*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
19:48.59ManxPowerOr I could quote to document: "Our Asterisk server will also have to have ports 5060 (UDP), and the port range specified in “rtp.conf” (typically 10000-20000 UDP) forwarded to it. NEITHER of the remote phones connecting to our server need any forwarding."
19:49.08jamuseManxPower: I got that thanks
19:49.59ManxPowerjamuse: based on a quick reading of your pastebin, it looks like your asterisk side is set up correctly, now you just have to fix your router.
19:50.24jamuseManxPower I dont have control over the firewall that does the port forwarding, so I guess its back to the IAX solution. thanks for taking the time to read my pastebin
19:51.02ManxPowerjamuse: if you don't control the firewall, you cannot use Asterisk with SIP.
19:51.16ManxPowerAnd if you have any IAX2 clients, you would need control of the firewall.
19:51.16outtoluncnotes: without STUN/ICE
19:51.43ManxPowerouttolunc: the firewall still needs to allow the packets thru
19:52.06outtoluncyeah, but you could tunnel them as there *has* to be some ports open <G>
19:52.41ManxPowerouttolunc: and I could chop down trees and build a log cabin -- doesn't mean it's a good idea.
19:52.46outtoluncbut i agreee wholeheartedly.. fix the router
19:53.15outtoluncactually thinks building a log cabin (in these times) as a good idea
19:53.31ManxPowerouttolunc: Only if you are crazy.
19:53.56outtolunchides his old fashion typewriter
19:54.05ManxPowerouttolunc:  I spent a weekend with eco hippie freaks.
19:54.11jamuseManxPower: like I said I had the firewall setup to allow ipkall->fwd->my asterisk server, so now I just need to cut out the fwd step. When I configure ipkall to forward calls using IAX I get, I'm not sure what that means though
19:54.12n3hxshides his quills
19:54.52ManxPowerjamuse: I cannot help you further.
19:55.06jamuseManxPower: thanks for your time anyway
19:55.24DeluzionStrom_M, Qwell: sorry had to take off back to work.  I understand it probably shouldn't be done that way ( #include statement in voicemail.conf ), though it does work doing so with 1.4.17 which is what the company is using..I'm inheriting the system and trying to get a feel for would you suggest going about having 2 different areas for the config for voicemail?
19:56.01ManxPowerDeluzion: #include is like taking your editor and inserting the first file into the 2nd file.
19:56.04Deluzionwe're piggybacking off of the asterisk server for our daughter company at the moment and trying to keep the setup separated for easier migration in a month or two when we migrate to our own dedicated asterisk server
19:56.42ManxPowerDeluzion: since you left you'll have to find someone to help you from scratch again.
19:56.45DeluzionManxPower: right I understand it's like an injection e.g cat #include >> voicemail.conf but with a single line....which explains why when the system does a reload it does just that
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19:57.41Deluzionbut trying to figure out a way to keep /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf with the daughter company's setup...whilst keeping ours in a separate file for easier migration
19:57.51ManxPowerI really can't help you with that.
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19:58.57DeluzionDoes anyone happen to have a copy of the sample file for asterisk's voicemail.conf?  I didn't see it on a quick search of voip-info and someone referenced it stating not to use #include's in it...curious to look it over since previous admin removed it from our installation
19:59.31ManxPowerDeluzion: It's included in the Asterisk source.
20:00.09ManxPowerOddly, all the sample config files, as well as the official documentation is also in the Asterisk source.
20:00.15Deluzionyeah figured that, guess can just download it local and extract the archive, thanks
20:00.21ManxPowerIt's a pretty cool thing to have around.  *hint*
20:00.41Deluzionyeah I know, twas just looking at this particular bug before delving deep, going to grab the source now
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20:02.01prg3I'm having some troubles with a Polycom SoundpointIP 600.. I'm not sure where the problem is, either asterisk/sip.conf, or the polycom config files.. does anyone have a working pair of both of those that I can take a look at?  or a simple intro to how to writeup the polycom config files? (I couldn't get anything from voip-info that helped)
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20:02.55prg3ManxPower: Wow, that was quick :) Thanks!
20:05.08seanbrightthey call him the minute man...
20:05.17seanbrightprobably for a different reason though
20:05.23seanbrightba dum dum *ching*
20:05.28prg3seanbright: thanks.. really.. that was helpful.. now I've got that image..
20:06.12seanbrightprg3: helpful?  that brings my 'you are helpful' count up to... 1!
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20:15.15n3hxs[16:01] * atis_work (n=atis_wor@193.238.21
20:16.21n3hxsDon't know how that happend.
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20:23.34jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
20:24.02[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm out for a while
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20:41.44ShaunWingPlease help. Trying to run asterisk as non root but when execute service asterisk start get error message cat: /var/run/ No such file or directory;Automatically restarting Asterisk.
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20:43.16lowtekShaunWing: modify /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf to specify /var/run/asterisk/ as your run dir and then create /var/run/asterisk with permissions of the user/group you're running from ...
20:44.24ShaunWingtx 4 the help
20:45.16brodiemShaunWing: don't forget the other directories, like /var/log/asterisk, /var/spool/asterisk..
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20:49.03ShaunWingI'm not sure what I'm doing with tehse commands as I've followed the instructions in "AsteriskFutureOf TelephonySecEdit.pdf"
20:50.08tzafrir_laptopShaunWing, edit asterisk.conf and set varrundir to be /var/run/asterisk
20:50.42tzafrir_laptopAnd then:  mkdir /var/run/asterisk; chown asterisk: /var/run/asterisk; chmod 755 /var/run/asterisk
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20:58.28ShaunWingat the moment my asterisk.conf has astrundir => /home/shaunw/asterisk-bin/run  (with the shaunw being my non root user and installation directory) must I add varrundir=>/var/run/asterisk ?
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21:05.50*** join/#asterisk SebastianS_ (
21:10.21uskican someone confirm me that i need 2 sections in sip.conf for each port of my ATA ? one for outgoing and one for incoming?
21:10.35uskii've been working on my setup for days and i'm all confused...
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21:20.09ShaunWingI've tried all this and still the same error
21:20.58*** part/#asterisk dkwiebe (
21:21.16kanduski: I do not believe you need two sections for each port on your ATA.  What type of ATA is it?
21:22.16uskikand: it's a SPA3000 from Linksys (Sipura)
21:23.11kanduski: I have a 2102 in use with only one registration per port.
21:23.23uskifrom my understanding, an entry in sip.conf is "unidirectionnal", i.e. asterisk will accept INVITEs if the host is marked as "friend" and will send INVITEs if the host is marked as "peer"
21:23.43uskikand: and you are able to send calls to the lines from asterisk, AND receive calls from the line to the asterisk ?
21:26.15kanduski: Basicly if type is friend then both ways, if peer then asterisk to client, if user then client to asterisk.   They also change how asterisk authenticates them and other such goodies.
21:26.51kanduski: On my SPA I register as a friend in sip.conf
21:26.52uskikand: thanks. would you mind posting your sip.conf entry for the spa2102 on a pastbin (don't forget to remove the passwords) ?
21:26.55ShaunWingAny idea why when running service zaptel start I get ztcfg not executable
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21:27.03kandnp, 1s
21:29.14kanduski: also note that I pasted for both ports on my ATA
21:29.18*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
21:29.24uskiyea ok, thx
21:32.09kandShaunWing: if you are starting it as non root I would first check its permissions ie.  ls -la /sbin/ztcfg
21:32.59ShaunWingI only compiled ztdummy
21:33.08ShaunWingas no cards installed
21:33.21ShaunWinghowever its running but get error WARNING[8493]: chan_iax2.c:11111 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Permission denied
21:33.35ShaunWing[root@messaging run]# lsmod | grep ztdummy
21:33.37ShaunWingztdummy                38856  0
21:33.38ShaunWingzaptel                231496  1 ztdummy
21:33.47ShaunWingany ideas?
21:33.58kandShaunWing: I am lazy so I am running my asteirsk/zaptel as root but I am sure it is permissions
21:34.12kandShaunWing: have you looked at
21:35.07uskikand, when i have only one section in sip.conf for the FXS port of my spa3000, i get strange things happening when i call an internal extension from the phone; if i enter "770", i hear my phone sending 7 7 0 and i hear the tones back as if asterisk was sending me the tones by mistake
21:35.13kandShaunWing: I think that has all you need to solve you problems.  Based on what I am seeing there your /dev/zap probably doesnt have the right permissions
21:36.35*** join/#asterisk wishes (n=wishes@
21:37.04kanduski: intersting... let me test something
21:37.14wisheshey does anyone here know much about queues ?
21:37.38uskikand, i don't have exactly the same sip.conf than you, i removed some parameters such as subscribecontext or callerid, but i don't think it's the problem
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21:39.10wishesim trying to get the periodic announce to play when it first drops a user into the queue and then every 30 seconds after that until they get answered
21:39.24wishesbut the problem is getting the announce to happen when they first hit the queue
21:39.43putnopvutwishes: you could always play the message to the caller before they actually enter the queue.
21:40.17uskikand, additionally the call does not get through, as if asterisk was "loopbacking" what the ATA sends back to the ATA
21:41.10wishesyeah but that means having a macro for each queue i suppose
21:41.15kanduski: but you can call other numbers correct (as in PSTN lines)?
21:42.13uskikand, well, it just worked now. given all the random problems and issues that i had (that were sometimes solved by restarting asterisk...), im pretty sure that my asterisk version is full of bugs. it's a very old version (1.2.13), patched by debian, and with their recent openssl "mistake" it seems that distribution patches are not always good
21:42.27uskiso i think i'll give up using their old and ugly version and compile my own
21:42.54uskiit didn't work, i tried again and it didn't work, and then it just worked... it's not something im used to see with linux
21:44.54kanduski: I would say move on over to 1.4.xx (18 is nice but I have 22 running and it seems very stable).  But if you would like to debug this some more pb you cli with sip debug when you make a call.
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21:45.17ShaunWingIt solved it thanks. Hwo do I get zrdummy to load automatically?
21:45.32ShaunWingAlso any idea whats causing this error: ERROR[8728]: res_config_pgsql.c:782 pgsql_reconnect: Postgresql RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on Check debug for more info.
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21:45.59kandShaunWing ztdummy should load if zaptel finds no hardware, automaticly
21:46.35uskikand, my problem is that i am not familiar with all this, it's only my second setup and the first time i use an ATA. when i have a problem i never know if it's my fault (either from the way i configured the ATA or asterisk) or if it's a bug somewhere; so i'd just prefer to move to a more recent version which has months/years of bug fixed
21:46.56uski(and this is all rather frustrating - im done with ranting :))
21:47.20kandShaunWing: you would have to pb your debug
21:47.36marv0997someone knows about grandstream products that ca give me a hand
21:48.10uskimarv0997, describe your problem and you'll see if someone can help :)
21:48.41uski(generally speaking it's not productive on IRC to ask if you can ask something - just go ahead and ask :))
21:48.47kanduski: Ya I know how you feel however, I would have to say both 1.24 and 1.4.22 are fairly bug free.....
21:49.09jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:50.52marv0997Thanks uski
21:51.12uskimarv0997, so tell us what is your problem
21:52.08marv0997HT-503 how to reset it to factory default, the deveci keep power cycling every 6 seconds
21:52.38ShaunWingPostgre error on loading pasted @  Any help appreciated
21:53.03kandShaunWing: I dont know to much about Postgresql but I am thinking mabey more permissions.  Does Postgresql have a .sock file (like mysql)? if so check its permissions....
21:53.39uskimarv0997, have you tried the factory reset button ?
21:54.01marv0997yes, no joy there
21:54.16uskii suggest trying with another power supply if you have one around
21:54.26marv0997done that too
21:54.56uskiwell... then i don't know - did you recently flash its firmware or something?
21:54.59uskihow did it start?
21:55.06kandmarv0997:  That sounds bad, where you using the FXO port and if so was it through a surge protector?
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21:56.35marv0997yes using fxo, and yes had a surge protector, was changing something in the gui then reboot it, since then I have the problem
21:56.40jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
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21:58.01uskimarv0997, i have a stupid question.. how do you know it's power-cycling? sometimes there are LED error codes that may be confusing
22:01.46marv0997well when you connect the power first time you power on, it turn on LEDs power, wan and lan then the internal relay sounds and after 2 sec's the lights on the wan and lan ports turn off, then it start is normal operation, after 6 seconds, it do all over again.
22:02.35kandmarv0997: I dont know but it sounds like your box has a problem.  Email they have always been very helpfull for me (even if it took a couple of days)
22:03.30marv0997ok, I already did that, but thanks guys for your help
22:04.04kandmarv0997: Have you already tried powering up with nothing else connected (no ethernet, FXO, or FXS)?
22:05.38marv0997yes, I try that, and also the reset procedure without nothing connected too
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22:06.03giesenwhat's the best sccp channel to use for asterisk 1.4
22:06.09giesenusing it with a cisco 7936
22:06.26kandmarv0997: Dang, sorry that is it for my ideas.  good luck.
22:07.45Blackvelstill comparing and researching isdn bri cards (at least 2 s0, one TE-mode, one NT-mode) :) comparing zaphfc junghanns/beronet vs chan_capi vs misdn vs sirrix vs sangoma vs digium b410p (saw misdn bri support for this card in asterisk anyone using it? is it working with mISDN at least as good as junghanns bristuff qozap driver? is MISDN working at least? read one some forums that it might crash? e.g some users use b
22:09.17heedlyBlackvel: press Enter sooner
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22:10.26Pengguhi all. i wanted to simulate deman-dialling between vmware hosts using serial ports => guest os => serial/tcp converter => iaxmodem-running OS => asterisk
22:10.38Penggui shouldn't have a problem with most of it
22:10.46giesenI'm currently using chan_sccp-b but it appears to be unworkable
22:10.52Penggujust the part between serial/tcp converter and iaxmodem on another host
22:10.53giesenresetting the phone after every call
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22:11.22Pengguhow would i configure the virtual com port for iaxmodem to accept tcp connections?
22:11.23kandBlackvel:  I have sucessfully used two sangoma four port PRI cards reliably (in 1.2 a while ago)
22:11.57Blackvelheedly: you are right :)
22:13.02Blackvelkand: costs are comparable to digum b410p (because of 2 bri modules) and b410p would be 4 slots instead of 3 (and 3rd without bri module). so it mainly depends on quality and driver support
22:13.35kandgiesen: For what it is worth, I have reliably implement ciscos by flashing them to sip... dont know if you want to go that way but it works.
22:13.41Blackveli am struggling with all that asterisk / bristuff patching all the time (and now it should be a productive system) handling my company calls over Asterisk IVR
22:14.18Blackvelis dtmf hardware detection required somehow especially for IVR? not all cards seem to support that
22:15.14giesenkand: there's no sip firmware for this particular phone
22:15.24giesenI have about 40 other cisco's here running sip though =)
22:15.54kandBlackvel: I have no experience with a BRI line but I can recommend you go with a digum or sangoma card because (at least in my opion) they seem to be the most stable.  With a PRI line I did not need a DTMF detection hardware.
22:16.26Blackvelah i see
22:16.29kandgiesen: *doh*
22:16.53Blackveli would love going for misdn to support b410p in new asterisk 1.4 releases without having to patch anything
22:17.54Blackvel... if misdn and chan_misdn is really stable enough for production. i am unsure. on wiki it says misdn is not production ready. is that still true? probably Digium wouldn't sell the card with asterisk built in driver support then? :)
22:19.01uskikand, i did what you told me (one entry in sip.conf for each port of my ATA) and it seems to be working - i'll see (over time) if the bugs were transient problems because of the numerous modifications i've been doing to the configuration or if they are more serious. thanks for your help
22:19.45Blackvelbtw. what phones do you prefer in general for a little (1 person) company? now i forward my pstn number to some normal analog telephone. want to go more the business/professional way. maybe it's more clever to buy snom business voip with outlook dail and headset support than to buy some new analog or isdn phone? do you all use snom voip telephones for business or is there something better (like cisco) with price 200-300 euros?
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22:20.35kanduski: np, anytiem
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22:20.53uskiBlackvel, we had a discussion here 24h ago about siemens gigaset VoIP phones such as the c470 (entry level) or the s675 (more advanced)
22:21.27kandBlackvel: I am sure you are about to start a war....  But I love Polycom
22:21.31uskii'm not sure if these would be appropriate for you, but some relatives have a 3 persons company with 4 phones and the s675 would be just perfect for them
22:21.38Blackvelmissed that :(
22:21.39giesenI'm partial to the cisco's, but then I'm made of money.
22:21.55uskisomeone looked to have some experience with the s675 and he said they are very stable
22:21.59giesenhugs his cisco 7971
22:22.03kandgiesen: Dont tell me you have the color touch screen .....
22:22.16uskifrom what i've seen on the siemens faq, it looks like one s675 base can support 1 pstn call and 2 voip calls at the same time, i.e. 3 calls max
22:22.24bijithow can I configure two linksys switches to be in the same vlan?
22:22.37giesenkand: it's orgasmic
22:22.42kandgiesen: I guess if you are going to go, go all out.  The ciscos are nice looking phones tho.....
22:22.46Blackveli mean it makes perfectly sense to buy business voip phone over isdn/analog phone? :) have to check siemens website
22:23.14kandgiesen: lol, I saw/drooled on one once
22:23.17Blackveli dont add siemens to my customer list. I don't really have to buy one (at least I did twice before) :)
22:23.28giesenI work for a cisco premier partner
22:23.30uskii do have some extensive experience with the analog siemens gigaset phones and i never had any issue with them (but i never bought the cheapest ones)
22:23.33giesenso we get all kinds of goodies cheap
22:23.40kandgiesen: ah
22:23.45Blackveluski: I run siemens analog too
22:24.14Blackvelbut sharing private calls and business calls one telephone is going to make me crazy more and more (I am a contractor)
22:24.35Blackveland since I am going for 100% asterisk ivr system which is up 24x7
22:25.05Blackvelwhats the price of a good business phone with cool display? 200-300 or more? cisco probably 500?
22:25.34Blackvellike headset, outlook integration. it would be cool to be able to send outlook contacts to phone for call number/name display
22:26.08Blackvelsnom seems to support. but I have no experience about that. heard a cisco one time ago. it had nice sound
22:26.24kandBlackvel: I have to say the Polycom 650 (not the worlds coolest but very funcitonal), outlook integration is typicaly done with software but check out the free version of x-lite (softphone)
22:26.30uskii did something neat today that you may like; when asterisk receives a call, it reverse-lookups the phone number, and if the name of the caller is found it's added to the caller id display of the phone when it rings :)
22:27.05*** join/#asterisk salaud (
22:27.09Blackvelvery nice
22:27.11uskii couldn't find something for my country so i made that up from scratch, but i've seen on voip-info somewhere that there are packages to do that easily if you live in the us
22:27.22uskiso, where are you living ?
22:27.29Blackveldoes that only work for voip phones or analog too? clip no screening display?
22:27.37uskiit works on my analog phones
22:27.47uskisiemens gigaset s1 color
22:28.02uskiim using a SPA3000 to connect these to my asterisk server
22:28.17uskii had a hard time configuring the ATA to match my regional settings (tonality, ring settings, caller id, ...)
22:28.21Blackvelgood old germany where I couldn't get voip contracting started 2004/2005 :)
22:28.30Blackveli believe that
22:29.25uskihonestly if you want to buy the equipment (i.e. if you don't have it already) then buy some voip phones (either dect phones or "fixed" phones, depending on your usage pattern and preferences)
22:29.34uskii always thought that ATAs were a big hack
22:29.48salaudhey there.... I have a SIP channel that won't hangup... the last message received was "BYE" ... but the channel doesn't hangup...  Soft hangup won't work from the console...  I need to clear it without restarting... if possible...
22:29.54Blackveli had softphone problems (with soundcard, on laptop). probably I had had to go for a bluetooth headset but I didn't. real hardware is not too bad for business use (but of course I read that call centers use softphones)
22:30.15salaudanyone know why this issue of not hanging up might happen on SIP.... I've never seen it before.
22:30.20salaudthanks for the help
22:30.40uskiBlackvel, yesterday i said "i know call centers use softphones, why don't you use that?" and i instantly got flamed :D
22:30.58uski..and they were right: it's not very nice to give some crappy hardware/software to people who spend their day on the phone
22:31.11uskiooh, also, the siemens gigaset s675 supports "wideband" quality
22:31.16uskii.e. better sound quality, like skype
22:31.42uskiyour peers won't notice the difference if you reach them through a standard link, but if you use a voip link then they may
22:31.49kandsalaud: I have had that issue before, I call them stuck channels.  They seem preaty benign.  Typicaly I just wait till an opertune time to restart
22:32.35Blackvelneed to check that s675
22:32.36salaudkand: Unfortunately... this is one client of many for me... I can't baby their system along....  I'd have to be able to detect the condition
22:32.43Blackvelvery good
22:33.09uskiBlackvel, it's a dect phone but it also has a headset port, so it may be a good compromise between a fixed phone and a dect phone
22:33.34uskiim not affiliated with siemens but i thought that phone was good and if i was in the mood of getting a sip phone i'd probably go for this one
22:33.58Blackveli wrote all down...polycom 650, cisco 7971, s675....probably I have to make the decision: b410p for 505 without phone or junghanns/beronet for ~300 + extra phone. HAHA! :)
22:34.13kandsalaud: well....Um lets see as a hack you could script something to check for RTP streams weekly at midnight and restart asterisk if none....
22:34.17uskibut im not sure the s675 has the features you are looking for (outlook integration namely)
22:34.35BlackvelI think I need that badly
22:34.44uskiwhy not periodically issuing "restart when convenient" commands to asterisk ? like daily ?
22:34.47salaudkand: Ah... problem is that they aren't benign in my case....  they make a phone look busy...
22:34.52uskioh no, that will not work
22:35.06Blackvelmy database is just too big and it sucks to only have the number in display (without name and company and city)
22:35.17kandsalaud: that is a problem... what version of asterisk?
22:35.35salaudperhaps the issue is that this phone doesn't have call-waiting enabled or something dumb like that...  1.4.17
22:35.51Blackveluski: headset/bluetooth support is cool too!
22:35.53salaudby "call-waiting"  I mean in the FreePBX context...
22:35.58uskiBlackvel, you mean... when you're making a call from the phone directory ? my "middle-class" gigaset s1 allows me to specify the name of the contacts alongside with their number
22:36.13uskiand the s675 allows for vcard contacts i've read
22:36.20uskii didn't see the bluetooth support
22:36.40uskibut it has a 2.5mm standard headset connector
22:36.53Blackveluski: whats the main reason to go for voip phone if I have a bri card which connects asterisk to an isdn/analog pbx? I probably could go for a isdn/analog telephone too. is there any benefit of voip (of course asterisk runs as server too :) )
22:37.19uskiBlackvel, i honestly don't have the experience needed to answer that question
22:37.34uskiim a noob in all this
22:37.35kandsalaud: I vouch for 1.4.22 so mabey upgrade will catch this issue.  Are you sure the sip-bye is reaching asteirsk?
22:37.43salaudhmmm... I'm thinking that even with FreePBX thinking it is ok to send more calls to the phone... this might not work.. because at some level enough channels might get stuck....
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22:38.02Blackveluski: np. I am driving my guys on ippf crazy too :)
22:38.09salaudkand: yes... I looked at "sip show channel" and last received is BYE...
22:38.21uskisalaud, then you have a way to detect the condition
22:38.40BlackvelI have siemens s1 too :)
22:38.44uski...but im not sure how to fix it
22:38.56Blackvelit has no interface to computer address book
22:39.05uskiBlackvel, then it does have callerid and caller name support, and you can store contact names in addition to the numbers, and yea it has no computer interface
22:39.09Blackveli'll check s675
22:39.32kandsalaud: what about rtptimeout?  is it set?
22:39.37Blackveluski: but where do you do the lookup? in a mysql/asterisk db or something?
22:39.40salauduski: true... I could detect it that way.... and then force a "stop now"...   but... seriously, in all the systems I have done since 2004.. I haven't seen this yet
22:40.16salaudkand: not aware of that setting... is it sip.conf or rtp.conf?
22:40.18uskisalaud, i'm not saying it's normal nor clean to do it that way, but it's a temporary fix that should allow you to find a better solution over the long term (and that may just be... wait for a bug fix)
22:40.38salauduski: I appreciate that.....
22:40.44wishesok i fixed my problem
22:40.48salaudkand: checking.... what is sane setting?
22:41.02wishesmade some options into a macro and pressy 1 2 3 4 or 5 sent them into the macro where i had more control etc
22:41.04Blackvelwow, snom has cti integration
22:41.06uskiBlackvel, im using something called AGI, it's an interface to control asterisk from an external program within a given context
22:41.08kandsalaud: from mine-
22:41.10wishescheers ears, thanks for all the fish etc :)
22:41.36Blackveluski: php/java? I used to write fastAGI Java control program for * in 2005 :)
22:42.01salaudkand: verified these are not set....  will set them now...
22:42.03uskiBlackvel, in my extensions.conf, when i receive the call, i do exten => 55555,2,AGI(/path/to/cid.agi), and that cid.agi is actually a perl script that asks a free web-based reverse-loopkup service to do the lookup. the script then parses the result, and sends it back to asterisk using SET VARIABLE commands.
22:42.24Blackvelthats cool!
22:42.44uskiBlackvel, if you do that don't forget to have timeouts for every blocking operation or it will get the call stuck
22:42.46Blackveldo you use Set(CALLERID(name) and Set(CALLERID(number) commands?
22:42.51kandsalaud:  They belong in the sip general section and are a seconds till hangup.  Although I am not sure they will work since you can not softhangup
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22:43.18uskiBlackvel, sort of; the commands from the AGI are different; there is an example AGI script shipped with asterisk - use it
22:43.38salaudkand: worth a try.....  wonder if it is a timer issue?
22:43.47BlackvelI forward the call to my mobile phone over an SIP provider (who supports clip no screening). so CALLERID(name) supports the forwarded number. but I am missing the text on my mobile: "call forward from..."
22:43.53kandsalaud: I have long supected my ztdummy
22:44.03Blackvelin IPPF forum I got informed about sip protocol: indication
22:44.08Blackveldo you use that too?
22:44.08*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
22:44.39uskiBlackvel, I have this in my code: print "SET VARIABLE \"CALLERID(name)\" \"$calleridname\" \"\"\n"; and $calleridname has the caller id name (sanitized) or something else such as "Private" (hidden number) or "Unknown" (if no result was found)
22:45.06salaudI'll I might compile a ztdummy again on this machine...  I'm using module-assistant... and I created a package for this kernel on another machine and moved it here...  and installed
22:45.17salauddebian... I should say
22:45.53kandsalaud: Thats a good idea, I also found the newest version of zaptel help my ztdummy accuracy
22:46.32Blackveluski: do you manually forward to your mobile too, perhaps?
22:46.46salaudI am TRYING to use debian/ubuntu packaging for stuff... I'm not so much lazy or uneducated about compilation... but, I have a lot of machines to maintain.
22:46.58kandsalaud: promissingly since then I have not had any stuck sip channels just IAX (between a box with sangoma and one with ztdummy so...)
22:47.48kandsalaud: Ya I hear ya.  I only have 24 so it is managable
22:47.59uskiBlackvel, i had some callback stuff setup from my previous "asterisk week" lol - what do you want to know?
22:48.14salaudkand: If I keep seeing this problem, I will try and upgrade that part... it sucks really bad since it is the Operator's phone that is getting stuck..
22:49.07salaudthanks for the hints... I'll try back here in a day or so if the timeouts don't help... THANKS to all!
22:49.12kandsalaud: It has been my experience the phone with the most issues (registration, jitter, ect) is always the most important, ie operator or CEO of our clients.  Anyway good luck
22:49.18Dovidwhere is the init script for zaptel stored ? (the one that will modprobe zaptel for me ?
22:49.47Blackvelin etc or in source directory?
22:49.50kandDovid: after make and make install run make config
22:50.08DovidKand: live box. i know i can find it there. dont wana do it now
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22:50.18Dovidsome one else set up the box. wana see what he did
22:50.41Blackvelif its there its in /etc/init.d/zaptel (was for 1.2)
22:50.48kandDovid: most destros will put it in /etc/rc.d/init.d/zaptel
22:50.49Blackvelfor 1.4 i am testing right now :)
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22:51.24DovidBlackdevel: not there. guess custom script. goto find it now :(
22:52.59Dovidif u find that it is else where let me know
22:53.38Blackvelhave to backup etc asterisk first
22:53.47Blackvelor it will overwrites/rename files
22:53.58Dovidfound a test box :)
22:54.52zambai'm trying to set up a sip trunk towards a non-standard port (5062).. how do i do this?
22:55.05zambai tried specifying 5062 in the register command, but it still connects to 5060
22:55.06Blackveluh, too many manually edited files. I fear of overwrite even on /etc/modprobe and /etc/sysconfig/zaptel :)
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22:59.50drakothere is any way to limiting an amount of channels on a outgoing iax trunk?
23:00.07Dovidzamba: you can set ur default port to 5062
23:00.19zambaDovid: can't do that, the default port is still 5062
23:00.22Dovidor set up a peer on port 5062 and then have the register to that port
23:00.31zambabut i'll try trunking with iax instead
23:00.50Dovidlike regisster => foo:bar@peer_name instead of register => foo:bar@IP
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23:02.33Doviddrako: I know there is a way in sip.conf. forgot the paramater. try it in iax.conf
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23:04.59kanddrako: There is no parameter for IAX (unfortunatly) but in the dial plan there is a handy func 'group' that you can use to track and count channels then conditionaly jump if over a limit
23:06.27drakokand, func group
23:06.38Blackvelwow, polycom 670. they are crazy. 396 euro for a telephone ;)
23:06.39jameswf-homecan anyone think of a creative way to netcat a ztmonitor
23:07.07Blackvelthanks for tips. I am coming back. I promise :) g' night
23:07.13DovidBlackdevel: where r u located ? I know in the US they arent that much. in the UK its a lot
23:07.26BlackvelDovid: germany
23:07.27DovidBlackdevel: Threat or promies ? ;)
23:07.36DovidBlackdevel: Get snom. i like em
23:07.46Dovidbut their speakers suck
23:08.04kandCheck out the Polycom 650
23:08.15Blackvelright. wrote that down
23:08.27kandEbay had them regularly :)
23:08.29Blackveli hate not being able to go to specialist tsore
23:08.50kandGreat phone, and really nice from an admin side (provisioning, support, features)
23:09.02Blackveli had buying electronic stuff online. you can not hit anyone if something is not working as expected :)
23:09.25Blackvelkand: would you buy voip phone or isdn/analog (if asterisk is connected to a pbx)
23:09.28BlackvelI hate even...
23:10.20tzafrir_laptopjameswf-home, write to a pipe?
23:10.23kandVoIP the whole analog -> digital -> analog thing doesnt make much since and I would be willing to put money on having echo problems....
23:10.32Blackvelsnom sounds nice already. they have m3 too to get me mobile + headset + cti outlook integration. if i can copy my whole business phone directory to the snom directly that is going great
23:11.04Blackvelwell germany is digital everywhere
23:11.17Blackveland sip gateway to pstn doesn'T make it better (for handy forwarding)
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23:11.52Blackvelprobably I should look for asterisk pbx integration card WITH echo hardware cancel
23:11.56jameswf-hometzafrir_laptop: didnt turn out so hot on pipe or std redirect
23:12.15kandI have not tried snom but I DONT recommend any linksys, grandstream (other than the ATA), or Astraa
23:12.30heedlyBlackvel: are you big enough to actually hurt them?
23:12.59JTaastra and linksys are fine
23:13.00Dovidtzafrir_laptop: ztdummy was the issue. its working now. thanks
23:13.00Blackveli don't have to be big. i can pay one to hurt. i need not to do all stuff myself :)
23:13.06JTgrandstream is a pile of crap
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23:13.32heedlyBlackvel: then do you have enough money to hire someone?
23:13.34jbotfrom memory, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
23:13.34kandATA is not bad, phone is horrible  (in my experience)
23:13.35Blackvellow budget endconsumer stuff. i also hate their ATA
23:13.44heedlymaybe it would be cheaper to just buy several phones online
23:13.50heedlyand return the ones you don't like.
23:13.55Blackvelheedly: depends if I am going to find a new freelancer project in September :)
23:14.10jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
23:14.13heedlywhat about November?
23:14.21heedlywould that make a difference..
23:15.02Blackvelif not, probaby I will waste my money otherwise ...
23:15.41Blackvelthat means 2 month no money. so I guess yes.
23:16.08uskican someone tell me what this "echo cancellation" is all about? from the name i know what it's supposed to do but so far (with my 2days old setup) i never heard any echo
23:16.09Blackveloh nice . b410p has echo cancellation
23:16.17JTdon't get a b410p
23:16.24JTuses misdn
23:16.30uskiwell i did, i can hear myself when i speak on the phone, but i never thought it was a problem
23:16.49Blackvelis it true that misdn isn't working as "someone" was looking for?
23:17.11Blackveli read something about it the last couple of days (on wiki it says: not production ready)
23:17.12JTuski: echo is usually when you hear it coming from the far end, or the far end hears it coming from you
23:17.26kanduski: there is suppose to be a little 'talkback' but when you convert digital to analog there can sometimes be a disturbing echo
23:17.28JTBlackvel: misdn is basically ISDN4LINUX with a new name
23:17.43JTbecause misdn had such a bad reputation
23:17.45Blackveljt: i4l was not good
23:17.50drakokand, i don't get it much so not sure if its going to work for what im looking for, i tell, i have 2 providers, first only accept 2 calls at same times, second few more, first is iax trunk. When i get the 2 calls going on the first provider i don't want asterisk to try to get there cuz it cost bw and time i just want it to jump to the other provider before go to the iax trunk
23:17.56uskimaybe the SPA3000 has some echo cancellation enabled by default, i should disable it to try and see
23:18.10Blackveljt: there are not really many options :)
23:18.29JTBlackvel: get a sangoma A500 or a junghanns card if you need a multiport card
23:18.32Blackveleither bristuff (zap), sirrix or sangoma
23:18.36JTgeneric hfc chipset for single port
23:18.58JTor better yet, get an external BRI to SIP gateway
23:19.22Blackvel2 bri (2 ports, 4 lines, one NT, one TE) is the cheapest with junghanns. b410p even has 4 slots instead of 2
23:19.35hardwireanybody in oahu/kapolai?
23:19.41kanddrako: I don't think it would cost that much BW or time to be conserned about but on the page I provided there is an example doing exactly what you requested.  Let me know what in particular would you like me to explain and I will be more than happy to do so.
23:19.42hardwireI made need an "assist"
23:19.44JTno, not an astribank
23:19.45JTbri to sip
23:20.03Blackveli had hope to find some solution without all that bristuff asterisk patching.
23:20.10JTBlackvel: there aren't many 2 port bri cards out there, plenty of 4 port though
23:20.17Blackvelso how is b410p working in asterisk 1.4 with misdn? :)
23:20.25JTBlackvel: you don't have to use bristuff anymore, you can just use zaptel
23:20.31Blackveljt: most have no echo cancellation on them
23:20.40JTthe A500 has an EC option
23:20.50Blackvelwith 1.6 yes. it's not in 1.4 yet?
23:20.59JTHardware EC.
23:21.03Blackveli mean
23:21.05Blackvelbri support
23:21.20JTnah it can be done in 1.4 i think, ask tzafrir_laptop
23:21.29JTbristuff is not that bad
23:21.36JTway better than misnd
23:21.37Blackvelyou mean sangoma cards
23:21.58JTbut if you can afford it, get an external BRI to SIP gateway, will save you a world of pain
23:22.08drakokand, yes well at least it cost load on the server when trying to make 30 calls at same time and 28 of them failing every second :/
23:22.15Blackveli like their card design. but its ~200 euros more expensive than junghanns 2 bri (without EC)
23:22.25Blackvelits only for me :) hehe
23:22.36Blackveljust for my little business + pbx integration
23:22.53Blackvelif i had 5-10 employs that would be different
23:23.02JTdepends on local pricing really
23:23.09JTget some quotes
23:23.16Blackvelgoing for IVR way (accepting pstn calls)
23:23.29Blackvelbut if card/asterisk/linux server crashes
23:23.30kanddrako: Np, then why not use the group function and dialplan magic to skip the attempt?
23:23.31Blackvelits my money
23:23.46JTis PRI expensive there?
23:23.47uskiis there a way to specify a timeout for a SIP call - not the timeout before the thrid party answers or anything, but the timeout before reaching the remote SIP peer; i'd like to setup a failover in case my internet connection is failed, so i want to detect that condition and route the call through the PSTN; i guess i could setup a timeout in the Call command and use the CONGESTION value of dialstatus, but with that there is not way to s
23:23.47uskieparate the timeouts
23:23.47Blackvelbecause companies will be pissed not being able to reach me at home/work
23:23.57drakokand, im trying
23:24.04*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:24.06JTuski: in sip.conf, use qualify=yes
23:24.10Blackvelpri doesn't work here for telco
23:24.12JTfor the relevant sip peer
23:24.14kandBlackvel: Sorry to interupt but why even use analog equipment, have you looked into a voip provider?
23:24.18Blackvelpri is 24-30 channels?
23:24.24zambai'm trying to load the chan_iax2 module, and getting the following error:
23:24.24uskiJT: and what happens in the dialplan when the SIP peer is unreachable ?
23:24.25JTBlackvel: you can't get PRI? o_O
23:24.31zambaAug  7 01:24:12 WARNING[30652]: loader.c:325 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_iax2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
23:24.31JTkand: BRI is NOT analogue
23:24.32kanddrako: if you need help pb what you got and I can assist
23:24.48JTuski: it goes to the next line in your dialplan
23:24.51Blackvelbesides isdn there is 1 analog line
23:24.58kandJT: sorry, true but it is traditional service
23:24.59uskiJT: does it set any variable ?
23:25.02Blackvelfor telco. but that is no option
23:25.14JTkand: traditional in what sense?
23:25.17Blackvelkand: for my pstn number? no way. i won't port that
23:25.20JTBlackvel: what do you mean for telco?
23:25.35Blackvelkand: but i am going to use one for mobile phone forward
23:25.58JTyeah i would not recommend ever moving all services to a VoIPoI provider
23:26.08Blackveljt: telekom germany
23:26.31JTBlackvel: i still don't know what you are saying, are you saying only telcos can buy PRI?
23:26.34Blackvelits o.k for me when asterisk picks up the call :)
23:26.47kandJT: I have very sucessfully but it isn't for everyone
23:26.48Blackveljt: no
23:27.06Blackvelbut help me, what is PRI exactly? T1?
23:27.22JTprimary rate interface ISDN
23:27.30JTcan run over T1 or E1, depends on country
23:27.35Blackveldo you mean 24-30 lines? or do you mean PRI phone/switch equipment?
23:28.01JThere it's delivered over E1 and available with between 10 and 30 active voice channels per circuit
23:28.03Blackvelah in germany its s2m = 30 lines. probably is E1. that's not really my business I make money with :)
23:28.27JTin the US it's over T1 and avaiable with between 8 and 23 channels
23:28.51Blackveli wanted to do that in 2004/2005 but java/j2ee/middleware/eai is going better for a contractor
23:29.15JTkand: if it's over dedicated DSL that doesn't use the Internet it's useable, but i wouldn't do it over Internet as the only means of voice connectivity
23:29.16Blackvelwhat are the costs for cisco call manager?
23:29.22JTlots :P
23:29.25Blackveldoes it depend on size and voip stations?
23:29.34Blackveli hate my middle size customer
23:29.37Blackvelits my own customer
23:29.39JTyeah it would
23:29.48Blackveland now they put cisco voip phones on the desks
23:29.52Blackvelwithout asking me about asterisk
23:30.02Blackvelvoip stuff was named on my bills
23:30.09Blackveli gotta kick them in their ass :)
23:30.49JTonly for a big site
23:31.00kandJT: I have multiple locations that connect back to a data center using their existing internet connection (15x2 with diffserv) and the data center out to pure voip (multiple carriers).  If the phone is not registered (for the most important people) I dial a cell phone number.
23:31.16zambawhat do i need to get the chan_iax2 module loaded?
23:31.32kandJT: Works well for me and is cheap based on my usage.
23:31.33Blackvelso it cisco CM varies in price? not fixed?
23:31.46JTkand: is it dedicated dsl back aggregated back to your datacentre location?
23:31.53JTBlackvel: of course
23:32.04Blackveljt: you forget one option. eicon/avm active BRI cards with capi 2.0 + chan_capi
23:32.16Blackvelbut they are not really cheap too
23:32.18JTyou've got handsets, phones, firmware licenses for phones, gateways, etc etc
23:32.24JTlol capi
23:32.25kandJT: no but with diffserv, g729, and only a handfull of channels from each location it hasn't been a problem
23:32.33JTgood luck getting much support for capi
23:32.46Blackvelso whats that zaptel 1.6 thing with BRI in it?
23:32.51JTkand: oh ok, still sounds a little risky
23:33.00BlackvelBRI support?
23:33.07JTi think you can use BRI with 1.4
23:33.27Blackvelbut there needs to be a driver too? :)
23:33.39JTyeah you use the drivers from bristuff
23:33.42Blackveldo you know bristuff well?
23:33.48JTi've used it
23:33.52JTi didn't write it :P
23:34.04kandJT: I live on the bleading edge, but suprisingly very little issue in the year and half I have been running.  Any time internet is down at a location cell phones kick in so no missed calls.  Boss man happy, so I am happy!
23:34.12Blackvelis qozap.ko module better working than zaphfc.ko?
23:34.21JTkand: do the sites have any form of pstn backup?
23:34.28Blackveli mean i dont say its not working
23:34.31JTBlackvel: they have different uses
23:34.37Blackveli run with 0.2, now 0.3 and now i am testing 0.4
23:34.41JTzaphfc is for single port hfc cards
23:34.49JTqozap is for quad and octal port cards
23:34.55Blackveland dual?
23:34.59JTno idea
23:35.03kandJT: One or two have a fax line that in a REAL emergency I can use.
23:35.28JTkand: well you just want to make sure that the sites can call emergency services in a real emergency
23:35.32Blackvelits working most of the times. but i saw errors and asterisk not picking up the call anymore, too
23:35.49JTimho every site should have at least 1 analogue line for backup with a basic unpoweered handset connected
23:35.51Blackveli can not afford that with my company in production mode ;)
23:36.05JTBlackvel: as i said, if you want reliable bri, get a gateway ;)
23:36.05Blackvelhow much is bri -> sip gateway?
23:36.18Blackvel>500-1000 euros?
23:36.28JTi don't know how much it will cost in europe
23:36.32JTgets some quotes...
23:36.43Blackvelis there a us website?
23:36.55JTi dunno, at least patton and quintum make some
23:37.03kandJT: that is true and for that I am counting on the fact that everybody carries cell phones these days.  So..... you never get something for nothing, and thats just par for the course.
23:37.05Blackveljt: how does Digium sell B410P when it only supports mISDN?
23:37.18Blackvelahh patton, heard that name yesterday
23:37.23JTkand: cell phones are not suitable as sole emergency contact devices
23:37.38JTcell networks are not as reliable as fixed line
23:37.54JTBlackvel: because they are US centric, the b410p was really an afterthought
23:38.12JTalmost no-one in the US uses bri for voice
23:38.22uskiJT: it's fun that you say that, i had a (small) argument this afternoon with one relative about this; he threw away an old very simple phone that i told him to keep in the garage in case of a power outage
23:38.32Blackvelits all about the drivers ;)
23:38.39uskiall the other phones need the AC line voltage to work
23:39.04uskiso if there is a power outage in the area... then he'll have no way to contact anyone
23:39.19Blackvelgood point
23:39.26Blackvelhave to check that with my bri setup
23:39.29kandJT: that is true but this is a business line and all our employees have signed paper work on file which states the phone may not be reliable for 911 service.
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23:39.34uskiafaik, fixed lines do have battery backups, but cellphones base stations do not
23:40.08Blackvelthanks so far!
23:40.08uskiyea but if they have no way to contact 911 when they need it they may try to sue you for not providing them with a way to call for help
23:40.09JTkand: even if they've signed paperwork, it's not good if something bad happens and they aren't able to contact emergency services
23:40.33uskii like the fact that my spa3000 just acts like a stupid bridge between its FXS and FXO port when it looses power
23:40.42uskiit's a fail safe design
23:40.51kandJT: like I said before it may not be a good solution for everyone but as far as reliable good quality calls I would have to say it works well
23:41.04JTuski: yes and no, generally fixed lines run back to the exchange which has massive 2V lead acid cell banks with autostart generators, cell sites that aren't situated at an exchange have battery backup with no genset generalluy
23:41.29JTsometimes transportable generators can be deployed to a cell site, but that's not really for widespread power issues
23:41.39JTand the batteries don't last more than a coupld of hours
23:41.45kandJT: Just curious, what is your setup for emergency lines?
23:41.49uskiJT: i guess it depends of the country; i live in france and i've seen quite a few cellphone base stations and they were far too small to have any battery bkup or diesel generator
23:42.06uskii should ask a former coworker who was working at nortel networks, designing cellphone base stations
23:42.11uskihe should know about this :)
23:42.20JTuski: a micro or picocell might not have batteries
23:42.28JTbut a full tower site would
23:42.38JTkand: i have a couple of analogue lines
23:43.05kandJT: Any voip termination?
23:43.15JTkand: only for overseas calls
23:43.34JTi use voip a lot more for my personal use though
23:44.46kandJT: when we started out we used the analog lines at each location, then consolidated to PRIs then voip.  I understand your arguments but the desision here was $60 a location cut into the whole reason we went voip.  So analog lines where dumped at half the locations, the rest kept them for fax
23:45.05JTwow only a $60 saving
23:45.24JTthat seems pretty miserly
23:45.26kandOver many locations adds up per month
23:45.31JTeven so
23:45.35JTcost of doing business
23:45.38kandhey, I am just the messenger
23:46.03zambais there an easy way to block outgoing calls for a specific peer?
23:46.07kandluckly, we haven't had to test it but ....
23:46.11JTand for my own business venture, i have no problem dropping $60/mo at the drop of a hat
23:46.25JTdropping as in spending
23:46.30JTif i think it's necessary
23:46.37[TK]D-Fenderzamba: Point them to a context that doesn't allow them to do things you don't want them to do.
23:46.38uskifrom my modest installation, most of my expenses come from faxes; i still have a dedicated landline for faxes because faxes are business-critical for me and i have yet to find a voip provider that supports T38 or something appropriate for faxing reliably
23:47.06zamba[TK]D-Fender: problem is that i have all sip users coming from openser
23:47.24uskiwelcome back [TK]D-Fender
23:47.28kandJT: Hey, they way I look at it your still saving and it is the cost of business. but my job is to make it work
23:47.48[TK]D-Fenderzamba: ....and?
23:48.11zamba[TK]D-Fender: so the context is already defined by the openser peer defined in sip.conf
23:48.22zamba[TK]D-Fender: all users goes into the same context
23:48.28JTkand: i value availability pretty highly, heh, so i have about 3 different datacentre locations for some of my own stuff
23:48.52kandJT: ya, I have two each with a 6 server cluster
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23:49.18kandJT: and I only got the second one when the first data center had an outage
23:49.22uskikand, geez, a 6 servers cluster ? how many calls are you routing ? or is it just for redundancy ?
23:49.24[TK]D-Fenderzamba: How do the calls look to?
23:49.26Daejeois there any command to change alternative Tftp address using Telenet?
23:49.38JTi do co-lo for customers in one location
23:49.44JTwhere i have a full rack
23:49.46kanduski: 3 asterisk 2 mysql cluster 1 manager
23:49.47Daejeois there any command to change alternative Tftp address using Telenet?  cisco 7940
23:50.28zamba[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
23:50.30kandJT: where are you anyway, US?
23:51.05JTE1s here not T1s ;)
23:51.20[TK]D-Fenderzamba: What do the calls look lie to * when they come in?  What peer do they hit?  is CID trustworthy?  How do you differentiate one caller from another?
23:51.46kandJT: neat, lol ya first time someone told me about E1 I thought he was an idiot, its obviously a T1.
23:52.16zamba[TK]D-Fender: openser sets callerid
23:52.51JTE1 is used in most parts of the world
23:52.52[TK]D-Fenderzamba: then check for the CID before dialing out like normal
23:53.10Daejeois there any command to change alternative Tftp address using Telenet?  cisco 7940
23:53.23JTwhat is telenet?
23:53.33kandJT: I have been jaded after working tech support through college.  Users are automaticly wrong, but I have gotten over that.
23:53.48jameswf-home32* channels psh.... who neds more than 24
23:54.03kandDaejeo: you may be able to identify it using ?
23:54.08drmessano8 FXOs should be enough for anyone
23:54.22JTit's 30 channels in pri btw
23:54.24JTnot 32
23:54.27jameswf-homeif the line is busy well callers can just call back
23:54.37jameswf-home2* D
23:54.45kandactualy I think it is 23 with d channel at 24
23:54.47uskidepends if you have one of these taxes numbers
23:55.00JTkand: yeah but T1 is available without pri signalling
23:55.03JTfor voice
23:55.09JTyou can get channelised robbed bit signalling
23:55.14JTthat gives you 24
23:55.18JTbut RBS sucks :P
23:55.19drmessanoIf you need more than 8 FXOs, your people spend too much time on the phone and not enough time working <-- Premise under which I am building all my underpowered PBXs for ""
23:55.21uskiif you get $0.5/min when someone is on hold, you'd prefer to have enough FXOs and keep people waiting
23:55.31Daejeokand: telnet*
23:55.32Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:55.37kandJT:  That is what I have heard, I always ran a d-channel
23:56.02Daejeois there any command to change alternative Tftp address using Telnet?  cisco 7940
23:56.12kanddaejeo: Yes, in the telnet typing '?' showes you all avaliable commands where ever you are
23:56.14JTan E1 has 32 timeslots, so that's 1 for a D channel, 1 for multiframe sync, and 30 left for bearer channels
23:56.24jameswf-homeCisco is evil but their stocks are up
23:56.24drmessanothinks he heard someone say telnet
23:56.27nhuisman_workDaejeo, the config files it loads have a spot to change it
23:56.30jbot[~E1] E1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used everywhere except the US,Japan,Taiwan & Hong Kong (who use T1 and similar variants). E1 runs at 2.048Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 31 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 16 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
23:56.41jbot[~T1] T1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used in North America. T1 runs at 1.544 Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 24 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 24 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
23:56.43kanddaejeo: so telnet in, go to set the TFTP primary and type '?'
23:56.56jameswf-homeheh japan sux
23:56.57JTi wonder who wrote that e1 jbot entry
23:57.02drmessanoDamnit, sank my battleship
23:57.06kanddaejeo: I dont know of anything specific tho
23:57.12JTas i have never EVER seen an E1 for voice without PRI signalling
23:57.28[TK]D-FenderJT: I have
23:58.00jameswf-homeMFC/R@ is rbs E1
23:58.08[TK]D-FenderJT: Don't recall exactly where the guy was located, but it was east Europe somewhere IIRC
23:58.24JTah mfc/r2 sucks to be those people
23:58.32JTbut i think that uses audible tones?
23:59.11Daejeo?,clear,debug,dns,erase,exit,ping,register,reset,show,test,timers,traceroute, tty,undebug
23:59.15jameswf-homeJT i think for call data but control is rbs
23:59.39jameswf-homeyou have to set idle state in configs

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