IRC log for #asterisk on 20080805

00:00.08mvanbaakAgentLogin is deprecated
00:00.31mvanbaakbut that doesn't matter
00:00.39mvanbaakset the callerid on the calling channel
00:00.46mvanbaaklike the snippets I gave you
00:01.06Yourname``I know it's depricated.. I love it though
00:01.21Yourname``Agents try to say stupid shit like "oh i couldn't get to the call on time"
00:01.22mvanbaakput a 'Set(CALLERID(name)=foo)' before you call the Queue app
00:01.31Yourname``Increased our call answer rate by 20% by putting them on AgentLogin
00:01.53Yourname``I do use that! But the PHONE doesn't get a call.. the call comes in their ear right after the beep.
00:02.03Yourname``If the phone rang, yes they'd see the CALLERID(name)
00:02.13Yourname``But agentLogin doesn't let the phone ring is what I'm saying
00:02.22irieKennhuilsman_work: xten is echoing like crazy, and I think that it is a software issue. Do you recommend another softphone?
00:02.39mvanbaakirieKen: sjphone
00:02.58Yourname``Since the time the agent does the AgentLogin, he is "permanently" logged in. Meaning he'll have to have the rcvr to his head as long as he's logged in. To logout, he puts the rcvr back down in the cradle.
00:03.32mvanbaakYourname``: isn't there some setting in the queue to playback a soundfile ?
00:03.38mvanbaakand let them ack the call
00:04.08Yourname``mvanbaak: Instead of letting them ack the call, it has this announce= feature for each queue.
00:04.24mvanbaakand that's not working ?
00:04.27Yourname``mvanbaak: I was looking at it last night, and seanbright recommended it earlier today so I think Illl be using that (havent tested it  yet)
00:04.54Yourname``There are other "sources" of these calls too that don't go into the queue. I mean from 2-3 DIDs.
00:05.18Yourname``Thats what is perplexing moi :(
00:05.19mvanbaakthey get them using a Dial ?
00:05.44mvanbaakyou can run a macro
00:05.54mvanbaakwith the M flag to the Dial application
00:06.06Yourname``Get what using a dial?
00:06.21mvanbaakthe calls not going through a queue
00:06.28Yourname`` -> for example
00:06.44mvanbaakI'm not going to look at that now
00:06.50mvanbaakit's 2:06 here
00:06.59Yourname``Its not a paste.. just something I typed in
00:07.03mvanbaakat 6:00 my alarm will wake me up
00:07.09mvanbaak4 hours of sleep
00:07.22Yourname``Oh shucks, I know how that is.. sorry man, have a good night thanks a lot tho
00:07.30mvanbaakno problem
00:07.34mvanbaakhope you get it fixed
00:07.38mvanbaaklatero all
00:07.46Yourname``Just a matter of finding a way..
00:07.50Yourname``latero el mvanbako
00:08.06irieKenmvanbaak: Seems like it's a combination of Grandstream phone and incoming calls:S
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00:13.23Nugget  <-- Grandstream phone
00:13.57Kattyhai Nugget
00:14.03Nuggethuggles katty!
00:15.02jblackNugget: This channel doesn't cover trixbox, because it's too different from asterisk. They add extra stuff in.
00:15.20Nuggetthat noise you hear, jblack, is the joke flying over your head
00:15.45jblackI'm pretty sure the noise I hear is the air conditioner.
00:16.09Nuggetare you under the impression that I was asking for help with trixbox?
00:16.35jblackYes, becuase you pasted a link to what is presumably your site, which contains questions.
00:17.18Nuggetdo you have aspergers or something?
00:17.22jblackAt best, your career as a comedian is FAIL.
00:17.43jblackI might.
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00:18.27Yourname``The first time I heard the word aspergers, I thought wtf is assburgers..
00:20.54angryuserwe have hot dogs why not assburgers ?
00:21.20jblackthe first time a shrink accused me of possibly having it, I first read it as asperagus.
00:21.33*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
00:21.48jblackI got really annoyed. "This guy doesn't know shit. I HATE asperagus". It made much more sense the the second reading. ;)
00:24.21nhuisman_workjblack: see our first clue is when someone admits to being to a shrink
00:24.44*** join/#asterisk wonko2 (
00:25.46jblackThe funny thing is, sometimes they get spookily close to the truth.
00:26.33Yourname``And if you're from India, the minute that truthness comes closer, the guy leans over to the shrink and the minute it's 99% true just stands up in joy saying "YES YOU ARE RIGHT!"
00:26.45Yourname``However, the guesswork only said something about the past and the current. NOT the future.
00:27.07Yourname``And that, my friends as they say, gets lost in translation.
00:27.13jblackIsn't diagnoses mostly about identifying the current?
00:30.46Yourname``Is it?
00:30.52Yourname``I don't think so..
00:31.04Yourname``Nvmd, what am I sayin', I've never even been to one.
00:31.50*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
00:31.52nhuisman_workanyone here using cisco 7940 phones?
00:31.59nhuisman_worki have a question about timezone settings
00:32.04nhuisman_workmy are always off by one hour.
00:32.12jblackSounds like dst to me.
00:32.16nhuisman_workme too
00:32.25jblackWould "always" be 'since spring' ?
00:32.27Yourname``I'm willing to sell a 7960 to somebody for only one hundred dollars.
00:32.36nhuisman_workI can't figure out what timezone is hawaii
00:32.39nhuisman_workthey all seem to be wrong
00:32.39Yourname``Never used if it looks like it, but that's only because it was collecting dust.
00:32.50Yourname`` nhuisman_work
00:33.05nhuisman_workYourname``: it seems like the cisco phones don't obey that
00:33.29nhuisman_workHST != hawaii
00:33.57Yourname``lol so calculate it in GMT or UTC and add or subtract the offsets?
00:35.04nhuisman_workyeah I can't figure out what syntax to use to do say GTM -10
00:40.10Kattytwiddles thumbs.
00:40.30nhuisman_worksuggestions on the gmt bit anyone?
00:41.01Yourname``That's the only one I could think of man, sorry.
00:41.19nhuisman_workyeah that's what I came up with I Tried "GMT -10", "GMT-10" ,e tc
00:41.57nhuisman_worki tried disabling dst too
00:42.36wonko2wait, HST10 is hawaii, why doesn't that work?
00:42.38Yourname``I'm not sure about how those phones work, but why don't you try setting an ntp server through your dhcp server?
00:42.43nhuisman_worki do have one
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00:44.32nhuisman_workmaybe I just need to use GMT
00:44.38nhuisman_workand then set the offset with a different flag
00:44.43wonko2does Cisco understand that newfangled Country/City notation?
00:45.00nhuisman_worklike "Alaskan Standard/Daylight Time "
00:45.11nhuisman_workthe 7970 apparently does
00:46.41wonko2the only other thing i can find for hawaii is HAST
00:46.46wonko2which may or may not work
00:47.14nhuisman_worki tried AHST too
00:47.52wonko2i'm fresh out of ideas then, i think you have the right idea with GMT+offset
00:48.00wonko2good luck making the phone do that
00:48.08wonko2that'll teach you to live in Hawaii. ;)
00:48.09nhuisman_workfucking cisco
00:49.24*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
00:49.25wonko2i don't think my grandstreams are stable
00:49.30[T]ankif anyone is in the market for them, I am selling linksys spa 942s. I have aprox 100 for sale. Asking anywhere from $50 to $70 depending on quantity purchased.
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00:54.04nhuisman_worki wonder if just using "GMT" and then it uses the tftp properly
00:54.07nhuisman_workerr ntp
00:56.05wonko2ntp isn't going to change your time zone
00:56.25Qwell[T]ank: I'll give you $20.
00:56.31nhuisman_workyeah but I see lots of configs that use GMT
00:56.37nhuisman_workand no offsets at all, how can they be working
00:56.58wonko2maybe people just learned to live with it? ;)
00:57.45[T]ankhow many do you want for that price ;-)
00:57.48nhuisman_workQwell: you have any idea how I might find the current type via telnet on a phone?
00:57.48Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
00:57.53nhuisman_workTimer List - Current Time: 289079849  is what I get from show time
00:57.57nhuisman_workwhich isn't in unix time
00:58.04nhuisman_worknot sure what the hell it is
00:58.53wonko2it's cisco time!
00:59.00nhuisman_workbreak it down
00:59.03nhuisman_workON THE FLOOR!
00:59.17wonko2unix time - 12 + the current cost of gas - the mpg your car gets = cisco time
01:00.20wonko2dammit, i'm going to have to go reset that ht286 as it's stopped responding at all
01:01.05nhuisman_workjust to throw you off
01:01.16nhuisman_workcisco "HST" = Beijing, hong kong
01:01.18nhuisman_worknice huh
01:02.36nhuisman_workif that's not smoking crack, i dunno what is.
01:05.43thing1i'm trying to load cisco 7971 up with sip firmware, but the tftp logs only show Sent term71.defaults.loads to phone_ip, the phone is blank and just keeps rebooting over and over
01:06.20wonko2according to the docs i find on cisco's web site:
01:06.21wonko2# The following parameters setup time zone and
01:06.21wonko2# daylight savings settings.
01:06.21wonko2# Supported time zones are :
01:06.21wonko2#   EST, AST, NST, BST, AT, WAT, GMT, HST, YST
01:06.24wonko2so, wtf, over?
01:06.38nhuisman_workthat's competely wrong
01:06.45nhuisman_worki go into the phone and check the timezones
01:06.54nhuisman_workand it has one for every GMT offset
01:07.34nhuisman_workAHST is correct for hawaii, i just need to figure out why dst won't friggin work
01:07.36nhuisman_worki disabled it
01:09.47wonko2ok, i don't understand how to update the firmware on these ht286s, anyone familiar with them at all?
01:09.50wonko2oh wait
01:09.53wonko2i'm being retarded
01:10.52wonko2forgot to switch it from http to tftp for the firmware update
01:11.19wonko2now to figure out which codec i want to use
01:14.26*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
01:24.51wonko2audio is good, but we get an echo back on what we say
01:25.13*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
01:27.01Nuggetssoouunnddss ffiinnee  ttoo  mmee
01:28.30Kattyi just took some dorvaset.
01:28.42Kattyit appears that nugget took some about 30 minutes ago.
01:29.22KattyNugget: did i tell you my appendix decided to leave me?
01:29.29Nuggeteek, no.
01:29.30*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:29.45KattyNugget: aye. hence dorvaset.
01:29.52wonko2I'm not using a zaptel, so what are my echo cancellation options?
01:29.59BeeBuuanyone tell me how to get DTMF when talking?thanks.
01:30.07wonko2Katty: that sounds painful
01:30.07Qwellwonko2: on the phones
01:30.15Kattywonko2: not really.
01:30.30nhuisman_workisn't there an echo module asterisk can have added to it?
01:32.07wonko2what i've found so far is for zaptel, but i have only just started looking
01:32.37*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
01:32.50drmessanoWhy do you need echo cancellation on something other than Zaptel?
01:32.53*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
01:33.05nhuisman_workobviously because it's echoing :P
01:33.05drmessanoFor $1000 I will code a nice IAX2 echo canceller
01:33.20wonko2too bad i use SIP
01:33.30drmessanoI'll make a SIP one too
01:33.32nhuisman_workdrmessano: how would you code that?
01:34.09drmessanoActually, I could do it in under 100 lines of code probably
01:34.16BeeBuudrmessano: how can i catch DTMF when phone talking?
01:34.32Nuggetfeh, you could do it easy in just one line of perl.  while(<VOIP>) { $_ =~ s/echo//g; print $_; }
01:34.46drmessanoPerl makes me sick..
01:35.04drmessanoI bet this is a legit perl application: 3902jrfin49t98n3ffi3nt98n34(
01:35.13nhuisman_workyeah people write horrible perl code because they love to make things shorter then they need to be
01:35.23nhuisman_workbuilt in fucking variables and crap make it impossible to read later on
01:35.37nhuisman_workperl is great if you follow a coding standard
01:35.46drmessanoPerl has a standard?
01:35.48NuggetI duno, "great" may be a bit strong.
01:35.51wonko2ok, let's see what these ATAs can do for echo cancellation
01:36.01nhuisman_workdrmessano: no but they can be written
01:36.03Nuggetit's better than php at least.  :)
01:36.09drmessanowonko2: SIP doesnt echo
01:36.18drmessanoIm sorry to be the one to tell you this
01:36.21BeeBuuanyone tell me how to get DTMF when talking?thanks.
01:36.24nhuisman_workdrmessano: one of our coding projects uses perl and they have a 90 page spec
01:36.44drmessanoI feel like I just spilled the beans on 'The birds and the bees' to a 4th grader
01:36.49drmessanoBut dude, SIP doesn't echo
01:37.04drmessanoThe easter bunny isn't real either
01:37.08wonko2drmessano: so i'm imagining the echo then. :)
01:37.27drmessanoSIP doesn't echo
01:37.29wonko2and so is my wife?
01:37.39WhiteWolflook at other causes
01:37.40drmessanoSIP _ doesn't _ echo
01:38.04wonko2ok, so it's either the 5' of phone cable, or what?
01:38.12JTecho is only induced in analogue circuits
01:38.37klbor poorly-designed IP phones
01:39.54wonko2ok, so analogue handset(s) <-> Grandstream HT286 <-> Asterisk <-> VoicePulse <-> other land phone
01:40.02drmessanoAll phones have sidetone
01:40.09drmessanoExcessive sidetone levels are NOT echo
01:40.22wonko2also: analogue handset(s) <-> Grandstream HT286 <-> Asterisk <-> Grandstream HT286 <-> analogue handset(s)
01:40.43wonko2so, i say something, and i hear myself repeated back to me is not echo
01:40.46wonko2it's sidetone?
01:41.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b17f9dd761b463fc)
01:41.29drmessanoYou are right, wonko2.. SIP does indeed echo.. You caught us
01:41.42drmessanoShucks, fooled again
01:42.02Qwellwonko2: No, it's a junk ATA.
01:42.06Kattystuffs drmessano in the closet.
01:42.09*** join/#asterisk PeterFA (n=Peter@unaffiliated/peterfa)
01:42.22drmessanoIt's SIP echo
01:42.36drmessanoor maybe it's IAX and SIP mixing with H323
01:42.57*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
01:43.01lanningreverb = no, in sip.conf
01:43.10drmessano<JT> echo is only induced in analogue circuits <--- Said it best
01:43.17drmessanoSimply, and truthfully
01:43.31*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:44.23wonko2that's all well and good, but doesn't quite help me now does it?
01:44.37JTklb: IP phones have analogue sections too
01:44.50JTwonko2: grandstreams are junk and known for echo
01:44.53JTjust get a linksys
01:44.58drmessanowonko2: I wasn't trying to help
01:45.06klbJT, I never said they didn't
01:45.14wonko2drmessano: i noticed
01:45.41*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
01:45.44drmessanowonko2: I can run over your grandstreams with my giant SUV if you like
01:46.00drmessanowonko2: So long as you park a couple small children next to them
01:46.15drmessanowonko2: I wouldn't want to be accused of singling out Grandstreams
01:46.32AiTwonko2, how do you like voicepulse?
01:47.22*** part/#asterisk JimVanM (
01:50.32wonko2AiT: so far so good, except that it's not good to use just yet till i get this ECHO fixed. :)
01:51.16klbhave you replaced the analog phones?
01:55.12wonko2i'm going to try the other phone just as soon as i can find my cell phone
01:58.31*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
01:58.37wonko2hmmm, no echo there
01:58.43wonko2it must be the crappy wireless phone
01:59.04wonko2it's movie time
02:05.47drmessanoNot SIP echo?
02:07.21JerJeranyone got an example (if possible) how I can use the value of a channel variable to call a function?
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02:09.22JerJerugh - that idea won't work  :(
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02:10.47JerJerSet(CDR(tech)=${CHANNEL(channeltype)})    CDR(tech) is gonna return IAX2  .....the function is  IAXPEER    :(
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02:25.07[TK]D-FenderJerJer: How does it evaluate now?
02:25.21*** join/#asterisk N9URK (
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02:27.18JerJerI need IAX versus IAX2  to call IAXPEER function
02:27.26JerJerso i'm doing an IF function  :(
02:27.56JerJerdoes vi (or anything else) do syntax highlighting for this asterisk function mess?
02:28.02N9URKanybody here have any luck installing asterisk-gui?
02:28.21JerJeri'm missing something and i don't see what  :(
02:29.08[TK]D-FenderJerJer: ${CHANNEL(channeltype):0:3}
02:29.21JerJerohhh - fun
02:29.41JerJeri so do not know much about how everything like that fits together
02:30.10[TK]D-FenderJerJer: trim nothing from the front, return 3 chars.  Works for SIP/ZAP/IAX
02:30.24[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Fails for pretty much the rest
02:30.26JerJerthat's good enough for this project
02:30.52Corydon76-digworks for any dialplan function
02:31.58JerJerso now how does one use that value to call another function ?   ${CHANNEL(channeltype):0:3}PEER(ip)   ?
02:33.21JerJerclose, but no cigar
02:33.22[TK]D-FenderJerJer: ${EVAL(${CHANNEL(channeltype):0:3}PEER(ip))}
02:33.28JerJer"CDR(device_ip)=SIPPEER(ip)") in new stack
02:33.39JerJerkick ass
02:34.11*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
02:37.45JerJernot quite right yet
02:37.59JerJeri need ${SIPPEER(ip)}  don't i?
02:38.10JerJerexten => s,n,Set(CDR(device_ip)=${EVAL(${CHANNEL(channeltype):0:3}PEER(ip))})
02:38.39[TK]D-FenderJerYou know what... this is entirely too much to bother cramming in one line.  make it a few
02:38.55JerJerlol - i'm a perl monger
02:39.00[TK]D-FenderJerJer: 1 or 2 GotoIf's would cover it nivcely
02:44.05*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=uluatu@
02:44.24JerJerugh - this is in a macro, so i'm trying to limit the amount of branching around
02:47.50*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
02:51.11QwellJerJer: there should probably be an IAX2PEER function as well
02:51.21JerJerits IAXPEER
02:51.24QwellI mean...the channel driver name is IAX2, as you pointed out
02:51.28QwellI mean as a new feature
02:51.37JerJeroh - perhaps
02:51.44Qwellmakes sense to me :D
02:51.51Qwellit's probably like 3 lines of code
02:52.04JerJeri have another problem with this though - I need to know the peer name  :(
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02:56.11[TK]D-FenderJerJer: CAT + Channel
02:57.01JerJeryeah i am pondering that now
02:57.10*** join/#asterisk Paige (n=Paige@
02:57.14JerJerrealllly - segfault
02:57.41JerJerexten => s,n,Set(peername=${CHANNEL()})
02:57.55JerJersegfaults 1.4.21
03:00.36[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => s,n,Set(step1=${CUT(CHANNEL,/.2))   exten => s,n,Set(peername=${CUT(step1,-.1))
03:00.50*** join/#asterisk uluatu (n=uluatu@
03:01.02[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => s,n,Set(step1=${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)})   exten => s,n,Set(peername=${CUT(step1,-.1)})
03:01.08[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => s,n,Set(step1=${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)})   exten => s,n,Set(peername=${CUT(step1,-,1)})
03:01.12[TK]D-Fender3rd times the charm
03:01.51JerJernice - although these ppl use a dash in many of their peers  :(
03:02.02JerJerbut thanks - this is great
03:02.18[TK]D-FenderJerJer: ok, work backwards
03:02.34[TK]D-FenderJerJer: exten => s,n,Set(step1=${CUT(CHANNEL,/,2)})   exten => s,n,Set(peername=${step1:-5})
03:02.51[TK]D-FenderJerJer: SIP/IAX peers use 4 digits suffixes IIRC
03:02.56[TK]D-Fender(plus dash)
03:03.18JerJermore than 4 here
03:03.52[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Ok, plenty of ways to skin this cat, don't get whiny with me!
03:04.06JerJernot whining at all
03:08.25fileset a variable in sip.conf using that, can also be used for technology...
03:08.48Qwelloh, nice
03:08.51JerJerohh - hmm
03:09.10Qwellstatic int func_channel_read(struct ast_channel *chan, char *function, char *data, char *buf, size_t len) { if !strcasecmp(data, ...
03:09.13JerJerso i can set 'custom' values on peer?   fun
03:09.19QwellJerJer: the reason for your crash above is...pretty obvious :D
03:09.50fileJerJer: you can set dialplan variables that will get set when a channel is created
03:09.51Qwellif I had my cert here, I'd go ahead and fix that...  I'll try to remember tomorrow
03:10.49JerJerfile:  not following you yet
03:10.49drmessanoI came up with a great idea
03:10.55Qwellthat sscanf in the .write looks sketchy too
03:11.05drmessanoStrap a PAP2 to to a 250GB external hard drive
03:11.11[TK]D-FenderJerJer: SetVar=peername=thename
03:11.23fileJerJer: so you have a sip friend called dave... it has setvar=HELLO=world, when dave places a call then ${HELLO} will contain world in the dialplan
03:17.32JerJerhell yeah
03:17.37JerJerthat works great
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03:43.41jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
03:44.20jbotsomebody said gui was (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
03:44.49jbotcli is probably a Command Line Interface, the best form of interface around, of course  Call-Level Interface, originally developed by SQL Access Group, but now known as Microsoft's ODBC standard. an x86 assembly instruction  Common Language Infrastructure (See mono or .net)
03:45.08jbotwhen .NET system goes online, human decisions are removed from the office environment. It contains Application Center 2000, SQL server 2000, Exchange 2000, Host Integration Server 2000, BizTalk 2000, Commerce Server 2000. They seperate every single bit of simple operation into many buzzword-servers. Don't you hate your money?
03:46.22jblackjbot: please ignore lemensts
03:46.36jblackIf only that were a real command. :)
03:46.38LemensTSheh it was to quite in here
03:46.52[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Let the voices keep you company then.
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03:59.49*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
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04:04.20jbotI'm ignoring you now.
04:04.35drmessanoslaps jbot
04:04.47drmessanoslaps jbot with a worm out mIRC alias
04:04.54drmessanoslaps jbot with a worn out mIRC alias
04:05.07jbottwice as much happens
04:05.24drmessanoxyzzy ftw
04:05.41LemensTSquit spamming
04:05.52drmessanoAre you threatening me?
04:06.16drmessanoI am the great cornholio
04:06.24LemensTSdo you need tp
04:06.32drmessanofor my bunghole, yes
04:07.22jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
04:08.18drmessano~hardon collider
04:08.25drmessanoOh come on..
04:08.28drmessanoNobody keeps up
04:11.48*** part/#asterisk wonko2 (
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04:24.21jblackI hated that show.
04:34.24*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
04:34.26[TK]D-Fender'nite all
04:34.43thing1i'm trying to load cisco 7971 up with sip firmware, but the tftp logs only show Sent term71.defaults.loads to phone_ip, the phone is blank and just keeps rebooting over and over
04:43.42*** join/#asterisk sucituanbo (
04:49.59*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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04:57.17prg3Where would I start looking to find out how to make this scenario work: I want call center users to call into a number, activate their phone nuber to take calls, hang up, and the system adds that number they supplied to a pool that Dial() will use for an incoming call?  When they are done their shift, they call in the same "management" number, and deactivate themselves.. Having a website that they can activate and deactivate would be a cool secon
05:03.48Corydon76-digprg3: replace Dial with Queue, use AddQueueMember and RemoveQueueMember, and you've just described queueing
05:04.09nix8n82prg3 check out vicidial
05:04.35Corydon76-dignix8n82: he's looking for incoming, not outgoing
05:04.50nix8n82can do both
05:04.55Corydon76-digvicidial is a predictive dialer
05:05.56nix8n82it's very easy to set it up for inbound
05:06.14prg3Actually, it'll drive external calls in the end.. since the users who add themselves to the queue are external numbers..
05:07.18prg3Queue sounds like what I was thinking.. I'll do some reading.
05:07.23prg3I gotta run, but thanks for the tip!
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07:40.24milouxIf the last of an extension is: exten => XX11-TIMEOUT,2, Dial(XXX/X/9999)
07:40.50milouxShould i put a XX11-TIMEOUT,2, Hangup after that one?
07:41.06milouxi mean if, it dials, it gets answered and that person hangs up but the caller doesnt
07:41.12milouxdoes it go back to the dialplan then?
07:41.18milouxso i should hang it up
07:45.32milouxAnswer: if the other person hangs up, it does not return to dialplan and keeps the call "alive"
07:51.26*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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08:16.13defsworkWhat's extension state 16 ?
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08:23.56dominic1can I write a if statement in ael in one line?
08:24.25rvhihi, i got an irq sharing between sangoma card and nic. How do i move one to another irq?
08:25.31defsworkrvhi: bios
08:25.45defsworkrvhi: but generally today you don't need to worry about it
08:26.24rvhidefswork: got some 3-10 second silence during a call for no reason
08:26.36defsworkthat wont be interrupts
08:26.38rvhidefswork: goolge around and saw irq sharing is a possible reason
08:26.55defsworkirq sharing isnt the problem it was when you only had 15 to play with
08:26.56rvhidefswork: what might be the cause, then?
08:27.06defsworkboth parties had nothing to say ? :)
08:27.49rvhiwhat should i look for now?
08:28.07defsworkcheck for dropped packets on your nic
08:28.18defsworkif you aren't getting any it's not that
08:28.30defsworkwhat sangoma card ?
08:28.41rvhiifconfig didn't show any error
08:29.11rvhicat /proc/interrupts shows,
08:30.33dominic1has anybody experience with func_odbc.conf?
08:30.53*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
08:31.11dominic1I have a very big statement and want to paste it into this config. Is it possible to write into the config over more than one line?
08:32.19tzafrir_laptopdominic1, what config?
08:32.43tzafrir_laptopasterisk .conf files?
08:32.53tzafrir_laptopnot AFAIK
08:33.09dominic1my sql statement is very big and not readable if I paste it in one line
08:36.04*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
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09:09.24DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: there?
09:09.46tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, yes
09:09.54*** join/#asterisk Mr_Lonely (n=u@
09:09.55DarKnesS_WolFi did disable busydetect and added teh country tones ton zonedata.c and indecations.conf and everything seems to work perfect now no more disconnection
09:10.03Mr_Lonelyhii all
09:10.05DarKnesS_WolFsure with zaptel-1.4.11
09:10.15Mr_Lonelyi`m newbiw
09:10.24Mr_Lonelywould u help me?
09:10.30jbotit has been said that ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:10.42tzafrir_laptopjbot's a nice guy
09:11.03Mr_Lonelyi`m interested about asterisk
09:11.16Mr_Lonelynd i`m an undergraguate engineering student
09:11.23creativxand you are lonely
09:11.25creativxgreat match!
09:11.30jbot[~docs] Asterisk documentation can be found at , , , the WIKI (~wiki), or the BOOK (~book)
09:11.33Mr_Lonelybut i don`t know how to start nd from where?
09:11.38tzafrir_laptopbah, obsolete
09:11.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
09:12.18Mr_Lonelyi`m unknown to linux
09:12.39Mr_Lonelywhat can i do with asterisk?
09:12.48creativxyou can start by reading the book
09:12.55Mr_Lonelyis it appliable in switching exchange?
09:13.01Mr_Lonelyyah i`ve downloaded that book
09:13.06creativxwhat is switching exchange
09:13.14tzafrir_laptopMr_Lonely, what do you have in mind to do with it?
09:13.26Mr_Lonelytelephone switching exchange
09:13.32jbotvoip-info is probably the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
09:13.55Mr_Lonelytrue to say i don`t know what i can do with asterisk
09:14.10creativxdo you know what you _want_ to do with it
09:14.42Mr_Lonelyfor that i`ve to know what can i do for that?
09:14.58Mr_Lonelywhat r the uses of asterisk?
09:15.36creativxa plethora
09:15.47tzafrir_laptopjbot, no docs is for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
09:15.48jbottzafrir_laptop: okay
09:16.38tzafrir_laptopAn Asterisk is a useful wildcard in regular experssions, methinks
09:17.04Mr_Lonelyhey bro..not fair to kid with newbie
09:17.22Mr_Lonelyi come here to get help
09:17.23creativxnobody is kidding
09:17.26creativxyou just got a lot of help
09:17.47creativxif you failed to recognize that.. well
09:18.07Mr_Lonelycreativx what do u do?
09:18.15*** join/#asterisk roxlu (
09:18.16tzafrir_laptoptake a look at, ,
09:18.28creativxMr_Lonely: i do a lot
09:18.39tzafrir_laptopThis channel is best for focused questions
09:18.39Mr_Lonelythanks tzafrir_laptop
09:18.53creativxi integrated our CMS with asterisk using AMI
09:19.10creativxbringing click2dial/cid lookup/db integration to the users screens et al
09:19.29tzafrir_laptopcreativx, you're throwing some buzzwords and not all of them are familiar :-)
09:19.40creativxi know ;) it was on purpose
09:19.52creativxbut tzafrir_laptop is right.. focused questions would be your best bet here
09:20.04Mr_Lonelyfor newbie?
09:20.11creativxlike "why doesnt exten => _X.,1,noop(jeje) fire???"
09:20.17tzafrir_laptopAsterisk is basically a telephony application server
09:20.33tzafrir_laptopor a sort of tool-kit for creating PBXes
09:21.02tzafrir_laptopIt's named Asterisk because, like the * in regular expressions, it can stand for anything
09:21.35tzafrir_laptop(well, good thing they used basic RE . Otherwise we would have ended up with Dot)
09:22.05*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
09:22.55Mr_Lonelyi think i can use that in switching exchange too
09:23.04Mr_Lonelywow..i got a thesis sub
09:24.19Mr_Lonelyu dere?
09:25.20*** part/#asterisk Mr_Lonely (n=u@
09:28.22*** join/#asterisk pukkita (
09:29.11pukkitaany known iax2 interoperatibility problems between asterisk 1.12 and 1.14??? I'm getting authority not found and username/pass are right...
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09:38.19DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: with busdetect i am getting random disconnection but with busydetect=no it works fine bt when  i hang up it keep running
09:38.35DarKnesS_WolFfor like 8 secounds then hangup
09:39.14tzafrir_laptoppukkita, try messing with jitter-buffer related parameters. That's the black-magic tip I can give you
09:39.31tzafrir_laptopI'm not even sure in what context it was relevant
09:39.58tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, any chance you get polarity reversal or powerdenial (ks)?
09:40.58DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: from the centeral office ?
09:41.06DarKnesS_WolFPSTN i mean
09:41.18DarKnesS_WolFnot sure but it is soo messy and i can't use busydetect at all
09:42.24tzafrir_laptoptry a different progzone maybe (uk?)
09:42.38tzafrir_laptopor also try playing with busypattern
09:43.29*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
09:50.15DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: i did add busycount 8 and will test
09:50.24DarKnesS_WolFi have the country in the zonedata.c
09:51.27tzafrir_laptopzonedata is not used for busy detection
09:51.49dominic1why am I not able to make select statements longer than 2035 cols?
09:52.21tzafrir_laptopdominic1, I probably won't be able to answer you, but,
09:52.35tzafrir_laptopit would help to rephrase your question as:
09:53.19tzafrir_laptopI try a select statement with more than 2035 cols and get the error "<insert text here>". What's the problem?
09:54.59DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: mmmm progzone ? in zapata.conf ?
09:55.46DarKnesS_WolFah ok got it
09:55.47DarKnesS_WolFlet me try
09:56.41pukkitatzafrir_laptop: jitter-buffer? the two servers are on the same LAN...
09:56.53dominic1I think I found something in func_odbc.c: char sql_read[2048];
09:57.06*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
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09:59.20tzafrir_laptopDarKnesS_WolF, yes, in zapata.conf
10:00.23DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: one more question what doe the busypattern format like ? i mean for the tone ? i have my busy is 425/500,0/500
10:01.15*** join/#asterisk C4colo (n=DJpyro@
10:02.03tzafrir_laptopin that case you'de use busypattern=500,500
10:02.14C4coloI have a client asking for a SIP softphone suggestion for Mac, any suggestions?
10:02.20tzafrir_laptopbut also try progzone=uk . It might even work
10:02.51DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: ok will d
10:02.53DarKnesS_WolFdo *
10:03.41pukkitatzafrir_laptop: solved, did use permit= based on ip instead of username/secret
10:04.04pukkitafunny worded fine between two 1.12.x and not between 1.1.2 and 1.14
10:04.29pukkitabetween 1.12.x  and 1.14.x sorry
10:13.33dominic1Is it possible to add a var like ${DIALSTATUS} in a statement in func_odbc and tell the statement that it should not parse the var?
10:14.51*** join/#asterisk yang (i=yang@CAcert/Assurer/yang)
10:15.08yangDoes anyone use hylafax?
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10:23.19DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: same if u have busydetect=yes random disconnect
10:23.27DarKnesS_WolFif i left it the call will take like 10 secounds to hangup
10:27.26*** join/#asterisk benneton (n=DELL@
10:27.38bennetonHi guys!
10:28.25bennetonNeed help.. How to connect 3 asterisk PBX with all 3 dynamic DNS.
10:28.55bennetonOpenVPN? Or there is integrated solution?
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10:39.42BBHossbenneton: yeah, you could use openvpn
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10:49.28tzafrir_laptopwhy would you need a VPN?
10:49.35tzafrir_laptopare the boxes behind NAT?
10:49.46tzafrir_laptopA VPN adds latency, generally
10:58.43*** join/#asterisk nikolaev (n=nikolaev@
10:59.42jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
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11:23.35bennetonhow to connect 3 ast pbx
11:23.40bennetonwith dyndns
11:23.54bennetonno static ip for me
11:24.36tzafrir_laptopuse a local DNS server that will resolve them specifically, maybe?
11:24.37tzafrir_laptopnot sure
11:25.30bennetonif i enable register => ... in iax.con, then reload iax
11:25.55*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:26.02bennetonand then disable comment register in iax.conf and reload asterisk
11:26.08bennetoneverything is fine
11:26.24bennetonhow to register, without register => line
11:27.07bennetonnow, all i got is host=dyndns.address
11:27.13*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
11:27.13bennetonand this works.
11:27.37zydoonI have 15 cisco ipphones running with chan_sccp
11:28.22zydoonfrom time to time they hang and get into registering loop
11:28.35zydoonit seems that their firmwares are buggy
11:28.47zydoonis it beeter to use the SIP firmware §?
11:28.50bennetonafter restart of adsl connection, ip is changed. so I need to do  uncomment "register => ", and restart asterisk and comment it again and restart
11:33.09defsworkinstalled his 4th install last night :o
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11:36.51rabbyalthough all install went well, i wonder what is going on with my isdn fritz card (capi/fcpci). the capiinfo does not show any error but lots of zeroes :(
11:37.50*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
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11:39.30Dovidany one here mess with cmd amd ? looked at it on the wiki but dont gully understand it
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12:08.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:29.24Dovidany one here mess with cmd amd ? looked at it on the wiki but dont gully understand it
12:29.40creativximpressive you even managed to repeat your typo :-)
12:30.07Dovidi thought i fixed it. this is the result of sleep deprivation
12:31.10*** join/#asterisk neuwald (n=neuwald@
12:31.27neuwaldhi folks. I have one asterisk just running SIP, with no digium boards. Can I run MeetMe application?
12:33.37russellbif you install zaptel/dahdi and load the ztdummy/dahdi_dummy kernel module, then yes
12:34.10lesouvageI'm trying to download the videocaps branche of Asterisk using svn. I tried "svn co" but got the message that the URL doesn't exist. Can anybody help me out?
12:35.10[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: dahdi_dummy <-- OMG.
12:35.12neuwaldrussellb I'm running asterisk on freebsd. Installed zaptel, but I still can't see the meetme application
12:35.46russellbneuwald: did you re-run the asterisk configure script and rebuild asterisk after installing zaptel?
12:35.47russellb[TK]D-Fender: ;)
12:36.35creativxdahdid a
12:36.39[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Somebody had better go and fix all of this... (expletive deleted) naming
12:37.05russellbi'm not sure what you'd like me/someone to do
12:37.15russellbthe name is ... set, unfortunately
12:38.10russellbI will not argue that it's kind of silly.  But, we're stuck at this point
12:38.43neuwaldrussellb I didin't rebuild asterisk after installing zaptel. I'll do it now.
12:39.18creativxhehe, how much alcohol went into figuring out that name russellb? :)
12:39.23creativxor how many marketers
12:39.34russellblesouvage: take out "branches" in that URL
12:39.48russellbI think it came down to finding something that could be trademarked ...
12:40.00russellband the response was "well, it's kind of lame, but I can't think of anything better"
12:40.11creativxhehe well I like it
12:40.22creativxeach time i read it i feel like continuing saying dahdi-da
12:40.37russellbwell glad somebody does
12:40.40russellbi'm sort of neutral on it
12:41.25creativxhehe oh well its just a name
12:42.05[TK]D-Fendercreativx: Oh?
12:43.01*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-d183c388e87a7ff1)
12:44.34creativxpoor fella
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12:45.32vale-ICSjoin eve-radio
12:46.04neuwaldrussellb I rebuild asterisk and there is no meetme application
12:46.23russellbdid you re-run configure before re-building?
12:46.36[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: You need to have zaptel configured first and should ahve ztdummy loaded
12:47.10russellbyou don't have to do that to get it to compile ...
12:48.58neuwaldwheel, I'm using freebsd on these box. What should I do? deinstall asterisk and install it again?
12:49.55[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: And have you confirmed ztdummy is being loaded?
12:50.08k-manif i have asterisk behind NAT, do i need to do port forwarding to make outbound calls?
12:50.15k-manerr... sip calls i mean
12:50.24[TK]D-Fenderk-man: ...
12:50.26neuwaldtake a look: kmod_load="zaptel.ko qozap.ko tau32pci.ko wcfxo.ko wcfxs.ko wct1xxp.ko wct4xxp.ko wcte11xp.ko wcte12xp.ko"
12:50.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:50.34[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Told you before... READ THE GUIDE
12:51.01k-man[TK]D-Fender, i'm trying to read all that stuff but i'm just trying to understand where the connections go
12:51.04neuwaldztdummy isn't on freebsd ports... maybe I'll have to install it manually
12:51.05[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: do "ztcfg -vvvv"
12:51.20[TK]D-Fenderk-man: the FIRST one.  this isn't Raw-Cat Science.
12:51.30[TK]D-Fenderk-man: is SHOWS you where things go.
12:52.01neuwald[TK]D-Fender there is the result
12:52.32[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: neuwald Not sure under BSD, but PB : cat /proc/interrutps
12:52.37[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: neuwald Not sure under BSD, but PB : cat /proc/interrupts
12:52.59neuwaldI have no digium boards on that server
12:53.01*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
12:53.26[TK]D-FenderneuI KNOW.
12:54.45neuwald[TK]D-Fender I think it will help me:
12:55.45[TK]D-Fenderneuwald : Looks relevant.
12:56.30rwaitewhat's the best way to diagnose an iax2 peer that is unreachable, yet pingable?
12:56.37neuwald[TK]D-Fender 30    1 0xcafe1000 2000     ztdummy.ko
12:56.44rwaitethis is a voip provider... would it be most likely on their end?
12:56.47neuwaldseems that ztdummy is loaded
12:56.55neuwaldnow I'll try to deinstall, clean and install asterisk again
12:57.22[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: Now trash your * install and recompile from scratch and it should see zaptel and compile in support along with MeetMe
12:57.42[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Could very well be
12:57.45creativxrwaite: call them and ask why they arent letting in iax connections
12:57.49*** part/#asterisk pukkita (
12:57.54rwaitedid, they're gonna call back.
12:57.59neuwald[root@br-poa-01 /usr/ports/net/asterisk]# make deinstall && make clean && make install
12:58.05rwaitejust wondering if there's anything i can check on my end in the mean time.
12:58.45*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:58.55[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: For 1.4 under linux you need to do "./configure" first, and verify in "make menuconfig"
12:59.13[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Trya passing another call and watch the packets go by
12:59.15*** join/#asterisk benneton (n=DELL@
12:59.21neuwald[TK]D-Fender make install on ports will do it
12:59.58[TK]D-Fenderneuwald: If you say so, don't know the process changes for BSD
13:02.21*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
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13:08.08neuwald[TK]D-Fender yes man. thank u very much, now it's running :-)
13:09.06*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:10.15lesouvageIs there a sip video softphone available for macosx to test my videocaps branche of asterisk.
13:11.01russellbeyebeam, i guess
13:12.07vale-ICSis now away: gone
13:12.41seanbrighteyeBeam does video?
13:13.13russellbno, i'm just making crap up
13:13.16neuwaldseanbright the paid version yes
13:13.33[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: EYEbeam.
13:13.52seanbright[TK]D-Fender: eyeBeam
13:13.52vale-ICSis back from: gone (been away for 1m)
13:13.53[TK]D-Fenderjabs seanbright with a pointy stick
13:14.27seanbrighti guess the video options are completely missing if you don't have a camera plugged in
13:14.39seanbrighti don't even see the video sidecar
13:15.04russellbyou have to turn the nublock off
13:16.01*** kick/#asterisk [seanbright!n=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (payback is a bitch!)
13:16.01*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
13:16.34seanbrightgood times, good times.
13:19.16k-mancool, i got outbound calls working
13:22.31*** join/#asterisk Peri (
13:22.58Perimorning lads and lassies
13:24.04seanbrightbobs your uncle
13:24.24*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-280993c5f279dbdf)
13:24.54k-manwhere can i read up on how inbound sip calls works with asterisk?
13:25.54[TK]D-Fenderk-man: they get authed against your peer typically.  Enable SIP DEBUG and look at the packets and you'll see what its matching
13:26.15[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Your REGISTER should tell them what exten to hit, and the peer they match which context.
13:26.48lesouvageI noticed that EYEbeam  is $ 60,- and I need two otherwise there nothing to test. Is there another option to play around with video before buying some serious hardware?
13:27.05[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Ekiga
13:27.28[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: And I believe X-Lite does video now with the low-end codecs
13:28.41k-man[TK]D-Fender, what i want to understand is, how does the register line tell the sip provider where to send calls and does it require port 5060 or can the register line ask calls to be sent to a different port?
13:29.08*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:29.08[TK]D-Fenderk-man: your BINDPORT tells which port.
13:29.23[TK]D-Fenderk-man: and yes, thats the entire point of registereing
13:29.26jbot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
13:30.16lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I look into it.
13:30.29k-man[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks
13:31.33shtoomHi, I am facing a 20 , 20secs audio loss, on an asterisk installation which worked fine for some time but started giving this problem
13:31.56shtoomI've tried to upgrade to latest asterisk (1.4) version
13:32.05shtoomstill the problem is not solved
13:32.20[TK]D-Fendershtoom: And your description is weak.
13:33.29*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-f0a1a63329e76721)
13:33.35k-manso if i set bindport to 5070 say, then register with my sip provider, the provider will try to connect to port 5070?
13:33.35*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
13:34.11shtoom[TK]D-Fender: the problem happens for all the calls that are handled by asterisk the machine has two network interfaces sharing same IRQ is that problem ?
13:37.30*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
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13:40.10[TK]D-Fendershtoom: You can do a lot better.
13:40.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:40.24[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Yes
13:41.11*** join/#asterisk c4t3l (
13:43.16verywisemanwhich is bracket using with $ ,{} or [] , for expression?
13:43.29*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
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13:47.38[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: []
13:47.50[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Go lookup "asterisk expressions" on the WIKI
13:47.56jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:47.58*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
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13:48.33verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, ok , i ask because i see difference btw asterisk book  & voip-info
13:48.49[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: What page?
13:50.27[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Ok, where in there?
13:51.04verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, see Using $  section
13:51.26[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: I don't see the error.  Paste it.
13:52.31[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: that is not an expression.
13:53.02[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: and is a very nifty trick
13:53.40*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
13:54.54k-manhmm... i changed the bindport in asterisk to 5070, changed my sip phone to connect to port 5070 but it fails to connect
13:55.10k-manits an spa942
13:55.47[TK]D-Fenderk-man: You desperately need to learn to enable SIP DEBUG and friggen pastebin stuff.
13:58.07k-man[TK]D-Fender, actually, i don't think asterisk is receiving anything from the spa942
13:58.24[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Stop thinking and start SHOWING
13:58.25k-man[TK]D-Fender, there are no messages in sip debug from it
13:58.35k-manthers no messages to show
13:58.53[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Configs then.  Proof as to the port being bound.  Your firewall setup, etc
14:01.37manddany reason why when I put a sound on speaker phone it is breaking up, also many people are claiming that I am braking up
14:01.50manddcould it be some codec problem?
14:02.02manddi haven't set anything, and just using default once
14:02.14k-man[TK]D-Fender, i set the spa942 to connect to asterisk on port 5070, and left asterisk listening on 5060, restarted the phone, and it connects - ie, its like the spa942 is ignoring the port setting
14:03.04[TK]D-Fenderk-man: "left asterisk listening on 5060" <- I told you to change the BINDPORT.
14:03.58[TK]D-Fendermandd: Is is only when placeing the call on speakerphone?  What about the same phone using the handset?
14:05.01k-mani did - and  the spa942 wouldn't connect. changed bindport back to 5060 and it connects
14:05.32k-maneven though the spa942 config says sip port 5070
14:05.34*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:06.26[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Set it to 5070 and SHOW US
14:07.02*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
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14:14.58jblack[TK]D-Fender: I sincerely hope you get pleasure out of having the same question five times a day, day after day.
14:15.20jblackWith the same responses, five times a day, day after day.
14:15.43[TK]D-Fenderjblack: "Why do we always come here?  I guess we'll never know.  It's like a kind of torture... to HAVE TO WATCH THIS SHOW!"
14:15.50[TK]D-Fender"Animal"'s out
14:16.37jblacksome day, you're gonna get a wife taht's really going to appreciate you.
14:16.49jblackShe'll blah blah blah, got a new skirt, and you'll say "SHOW ME!"
14:17.12*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
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14:17.31k-mananyway, its late here
14:17.42[TK]D-Fenderk-man: How.. PRDUCTIVE
14:17.44k-mani'll come back tomorrow to ask you the same questions again
14:18.17k-manthanks for your help [TK]D-Fender
14:20.07*** part/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@conference/cluecon/x-b1615982db1f22a8)
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14:27.21defsworkany sangoma guys around ?
14:27.48Qwelldefswork: what, like employees?
14:27.51Qwellnot a chance
14:27.58brodiemAnyone have a sample h263 they can send me so that I can rule out my files being the problem trying to get playback to work?
14:28.21Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender
14:28.43Katty[TK]D-Fender: could i interest you in a few staples?
14:29.45[TK]D-FenderKatty: I prefer sugical tape personally...
14:31.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: fresh out. sorry.
14:31.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: i made the mistake at looking at it this morning
14:31.51Katty[TK]D-Fender: looks like the tragic victim of a medival torture scene :<
14:31.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: Kinda what I figured
14:31.59km-[tk]d-fender: hey, did you happen to give three-way g729 a shot while you were home?
14:32.11[TK]D-Fenderkm-: Perv.
14:32.20km-you know it
14:32.30[TK]D-Fenderkm-: Rather I didn't ;)
14:32.38[TK]D-Fenderkm-: And no.  I said "remind me" <-
14:32.44dominic1isn't that possible: Gotoif($[${DIALSTATUS} = BUSY]?dial,0123456,begin)
14:32.57brodiemI believe you said "ask me again in 3 hours" hahah
14:33.06km-[tk]d-fender: yeah, didn't get much time to sneak away last night with the newborn being a whiner
14:33.22km-waiting for the day when he can hold his own bottle and STFU :P
14:33.36[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Why don't you show use your dialplan and the CLI output, and you tell US.
14:34.43*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
14:34.45defsworkI've got a A500 BRI card and it's stopped working - was ok last night
14:35.00defsworkdebug shows Unknown in the prot column
14:35.10Assid[TK]D-Fender: was waiting for that ;)
14:36.10dominic1*g* thanks, I think with gotoif it's not possible to got to a named label
14:36.29[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Yes it is
14:36.57[TK]D-Fenderdominic1 : WTF are labels for if you can't GOTO them?  Thats retarded
14:36.59Assidokay i plan to run asterisk in an openvz container.. im thinking.. shoudl i run postgres within the container as well or the hardware node?.
14:38.44*** join/#asterisk fogo (
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14:42.17chantanitohi, i need some help...
14:42.45chantanitodoes anyone knows what this error means: 'Could not get all 512 bytes of the header'
14:43.08chantanitoi got this error from the log of a Polycom 501....
14:44.14*** join/#asterisk fogo (
14:44.15[TK]D-Fenderchantanito: What actual problem does it cause?
14:44.56chantanito[TK]D-Fender: an error on the phone after booting: 0x10020
14:45.15chantanito[TK]D-Fender: it says Error is 0x10020
14:45.33hi365can you overide a global variable by setting it again? (i.e. in [globals], if you have foo=bar and then foo=green, what will foo be set to?)
14:45.36[TK]D-Fenderchantanito: Possibly your firmware file is corrupted.  I'd suggest re-extracting
14:45.56chantanito[TK]D-Fender: ok, i'll try
14:46.26[TK]D-Fenderhi365: no, it keeps its value until you restart *.
14:46.37[TK]D-Fenderhi365: So you need to chage it while executing the dialplan.
14:47.07hi365[TK]D-Fender: so it will take and keep the first value?
14:47.24[TK]D-Fenderhi365: what "first value"?
14:47.47hi365(i.e. in [globals], if you have foo=bar and then foo=green, what will foo be set to?)
14:48.17*** part/#asterisk fogo (
14:48.36[TK]D-Fenderhi365: on initial load it should be the 2nd.  then onwards should be unchanged until you change it in the dialplan.
14:49.32*** join/#asterisk fogo (
14:49.59mandd[TK]D-Fender hand set work fine
14:50.06manddonly speakerphone
14:50.47hi365[TK]D-Fender: k. thanks
14:52.16JSnozdid someone already managed to use the module conntrack_sip for iptables ?
14:52.27JSnozmy iptables is on the same machine than my asterisk box
14:53.00*** join/#asterisk merkurie (n=merkurie@
14:54.52merkuriethere isn't a way to specify multiple databases in extconfig.conf, right? i'm probably stuck using some type of load balance if i want to do failover?
14:55.01*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:55.23[TK]D-Fendermandd: then the speakerphone sucks
14:55.39[TK]D-Fendermerkurie: Correct
14:56.05[TK]D-FenderJSnoz: To do what exactly?
14:56.32*** part/#asterisk c4t3l (
14:56.41drakoI have a 4port ISDN and there is only working 2 lines out of 4
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14:59.17merkurie[TK]D-Fender, thanks
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15:08.12drakohow can I limit a sip user to only be able to make 2 calls at same time.
15:08.18drakolimiting sip ports
15:08.47*** join/#asterisk [Akemi] (n=akemi@
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15:09.24jasonwootwhy did I convert to asterisk?
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15:10.57jasonwootdid you ever try throwing yourself at the ground and miss?
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15:11.43mort_gib-and completely miss
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15:11.59waverly360I'll bet that happens to skydivers sometimes...
15:12.15galerasDear sirs, i have a E1 TE121p Digium Card, i can receive calls fine, but outgoing calls got this error: "Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 1" Any suggestion?
15:12.18waverly360I think it's possible anyhow.
15:12.45waverly360galeras: Are you setting the callerid to anything in particular?
15:13.04[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Nope, 100% success
15:13.35*** join/#asterisk iulius (
15:13.47l2cacheI have agents logging in to a queue (dynamic SIP) via addqueuemember, every other day, a few random phones do not take any calls at all.  There is no pattern yet.  I am using rrmemory and the queue is getting full of calls, except for the random phones.   3 days ago it was 3 phones, yesterday 3 different phones, today - 6 different phones.  Any guesses?
15:14.25galeraswaverly360: no, calleird is not setted
15:14.58[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: pastebin dumps of member status, queue status, CLI output, etc
15:15.11*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@conference/asterisk/x-9c25c68ca4978296)
15:15.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
15:15.24[TK]D-Fendergaleras: enable PRI debug if its PRI signalled
15:15.27waverly360galeras: I suppose it could be a number of things.  Invalid zapata.conf settings maybe?  I've just experienced a lot of problems trying to make calls when I have the callerid set to something that the carrier deems invalid
15:16.00galeraspls, give me a sec, i will post a PRI debug.
15:16.27*** join/#asterisk Paige_ (n=Paige@
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15:20.26galerasPls, take a look of
15:20.48*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
15:22.37*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@conference/cluecon/x-f4843577ed94baa7)
15:22.42[TK]D-Fendergaleras: 7-digits numbers aren't valid in your area, are they?
15:22.47waverly360galeras: Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1)
15:23.48galeras[TK]D-Fender: yes, here 7-digits are valid
15:24.04[TK]D-Fendergaleras: -- Executing [86538400@from-internal:1] Dial("SIP/199-b7600590", "ZAP/1/6538400") in new stack <--- is 6538400 valid?
15:24.04galeraswaverly360: Which mean?
15:24.08minthomehow can the Hangup() app run for 79 seconds?
15:24.42[TK]D-Fendergaleras: Ask your telco what they see
15:24.50minthomei have a user that has used 23 minutes worth of Hangup() this month... as least that's what it looks like in the CDR's
15:25.39[TK]D-Fendergaleras: "Unallocated (unassigned) number" as waverly360 mentioned doesn't make it look valid...
15:25.48waverly360galeras: Well, [TK]D-Fender knows more about some of these debug lines than I do..but that looks like an unallocated number being the reason it was disconnected
15:25.59[TK]D-Fenderminthome: thats the last app executed.  Doesn't mean they spent TIME in it
15:26.15minthomeah, yeah, just figuring that out... thanks [TK]D-Fender
15:27.38waverly360galeras: is the callerid being set anywhere before your dial command?
15:28.40galeraswaverly360: no, however i will try to call setting callerid to something. let's try...
15:28.47*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@
15:30.05waverly360Hey [TK]D-Fender, if I have a polycom phone with 3 lines..all tied to the same sip id, is there a way to prevent a queue from sending a call to an agent who is already on the phone?
15:30.26waverly360..or to anyone who knows how.
15:30.42[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: numerous ways
15:30.58*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (n=hoss@
15:31.06waverly360[TK]D-Fender: I figured there were a few.  Right now, we're just using the last line on the phone as the queue line..and that line is only allowed to accept one call at a time.
15:31.18[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: if going through the dialpla, check first.  If using AQM with the device, the device itself should reports its being in-use (theres a doc for this)
15:31.36galeras:( same result :
15:32.04[TK]D-Fendergaleras:   Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0)  '199' ] <- you have NOT set the CID before your call.
15:32.46galerassorry, i miss "extensions reload" ....
15:36.47galerasPlease check:
15:37.30*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:37.39waverly360is 3139000 a valid number assigned to that pri?
15:38.04waverly360galeras: you might need to put the area code in front of it as well.
15:38.41galeraswaverly360: yes that is the number
15:39.29*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
15:39.30[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Stop thinking NANPA.
15:39.36waverly360galeras: It's very possible that your carrier has something wrong on their end.  You should do what [TK]D-Fender suggested and get with them.  Make sure that DID is assigned to your pri.
15:39.41waverly360[TK]D-Fender: NANPA?
15:39.47jbotnanpa is probably North American Numbering Plan Administration; the organization responsible for administering the integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.
15:41.11waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, it's just what I'm accustomed to dealing with.
15:41.25*** join/#asterisk nikolaev (n=nikolaev@
15:42.04[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: You should be accustomed to looking where people are and what they're using :)
15:42.09nikolaevIs there a way to bill the extensions registered into the asterisk ?
15:42.21galerasthanks guys, i will check with the telco again (BTW: same result with area code as well:
15:42.49[TK]D-Fendernikolaev: Nothing that's *'s job
15:43.28[TK]D-Fendernikolaev: You can look at the CALLS placed on your system via CDRs of course.
15:43.46nikolaevoh okay
15:44.07*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
15:44.16nikolaevso whatever I want to do with the calls, I should look into the cdr table ? ( using DB ), correct ?
15:44.52[TK]D-Fendernikolaev: You should look at the CDRs by whatever way you have set them up to be recorded
15:45.38waverly360galeras: Sorry.  That's about as far as I can go...I'm apparently not familiar with your dialing area, so I doubt I can help much more.  All I can say is that I've had experiences with some telcos where inbound calls work fine, but outbound calls don't because the DID(s) wasn't associated with the PRI, so no outbound number was deemed valid.  That's just one possible situation though.
15:45.48nikolaevokay. Any documentations available related to this case ?
15:46.15[TK]D-Fendernikolaev: Yes, the "docs" folder that came with the source, and THE BOOK
15:46.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:46.25[TK]D-Fendernikolaev: And for everything else :
15:46.27jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
15:46.42nikolaevokay, thanks a lot
15:47.33*** join/#asterisk wasabi (n=wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi)
15:48.05wasabiSo I would really like to integrate my VoIP systems into my existing single signon infrastructure. So people can actually log into and out of their phones like they do their desktops. Is there any basis for this?
15:48.29[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: Show me a phone that lets you "sign on" as a user period.
15:48.50wasabiYeah. Hence my question.
15:48.53wasabiAre there any such phones?
15:49.13Qwellyou could "disable" the phone until somebody dials some exten to "login"
15:49.23[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: You can effectively do this with plenty of dialplan to check which device you have allocated to a "user"
15:49.34waverly360[TK]D-Fender: referring to my queue question earlier...I'm using the you're saying when the queue app tries to call an agent, have my dial plan determine whether they're on the phone first, and then reject the call if so?
15:49.58wasabiHmm. That's true. I could manipulate the phone from the desktop itself.
15:49.58[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Yes.  "core show application chanisavail"
15:50.15[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: "manipulate"?
15:50.18waverly360[TK]D-Fender: wtf..why didn't I think of that ><
15:50.25wasabiAssign the user to a specific extension, in some way.
15:50.28waverly360[TK]D-Fender: lemme look more into that...thanks :)
15:50.45wasabiBut I guess I'd like roaming extensions too.
15:51.06[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: Pretty much the same thing
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16:11.16jbot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
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16:20.29darkskiezhave debian taken ahold of asterisk releases :P I've just realised 1.6-beta1 was released nearly 8 month ago :)
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16:20.56Qwelldarkskiez: hold you breath.
16:21.30darkskiezQwell: as opposed to 'dont' hold ...
16:21.58darkskiezim in no hurry, still running a 1.2 alpha release in successsful production
16:22.48lesouvagedarkskiez: how hard is "./configure"  "make" "make install". You don't need a debian package, just download the sourcecode and build Asterisk.
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16:23.35darkskiezlesouvage: hey, chillax! I'm not using debian releases
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16:24.56jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:25.28lesouvagedarkskiez: Sorry, but what is your question
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16:26.16darkskiezlesouvage: it was rhetorical, just a comment that i released that asterisk 1.6 has been in beta release for a long long time, like debian.
16:26.31darkskiezlesouvage: not saying its a bad thing either.
16:26.53jpcansaHi, I´m using SPA3102 as my pstn trunks to dial out, how can i check in my dialplan which one is available to dial out?
16:27.38[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Dial out one.  If its busy, jsut dial the other right after it
16:28.26defsworkcan you pass cli  through IAX2 ?
16:28.31lesouvagedarkskiez: I will rhetoricaly stop reacting to your rhetorical comments ;-)
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16:29.02jpcansathx [TK]D-Fender, i´ll try that
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16:29.29darkskiezlesouvage: hah :) well, there goes my trolling career.
16:32.00lesouvagedarkskiez: I totally chillax right now. Thanks for the advice.
16:34.08drakohow can I limit a sip user to only be able to make 2 calls at same time. limiting sip channels.
16:36.36[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Go look at the same sip.conf
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16:38.06ptimminsI recently upgraded from asterisk 1.4.11 to, and my connection to global crossing's sonus switches has DTMF issue if I set canreinvite=no
16:38.06ptimminsthey use rfc2833
16:38.06ptimminsany ideas? I've tried searching the bugtracker
16:38.06bijitanyone has configured aastra hardphone to autoconf via ftp?
16:38.16ptimminsit worked in 1.4.11 and it works if I set canreinvite=yes, but then reinvites happen which global doesn't support and audio path disappars
16:38.29ptimminsoh, and the dtmf issue is FROM the sonus, TO it works fine
16:46.13*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
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16:50.00zippytechwhats the command to dail from cli
16:51.01[TK]D-Fenderzippytech: type "help" and read.
16:54.51*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
16:55.51Emilisanybody know where I can get a copy of x-ten pro for my ppc 2003, or know of an alternative program?
16:58.30Emilistkd:  they don't seem to carry x-ten pro anymore
16:58.58jayteeit's called Eyebeam now
16:59.44Emiliseyebeam doesn't support pocket pc 2003
17:02.34*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
17:02.59[TK]D-FenderEmilis: They have mobile solutions listed.  Go read.
17:06.24*** part/#asterisk discHead (
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17:07.28phl4kxhi all friends :)
17:08.11*** join/#asterisk wiseoldowl (
17:09.37wiseoldowlQuick question if someone could help - I have a couple experimental trunks to Free World Dialup.  On their trunks (and only theirs), I get repetitive message on the CLI that say this:
17:09.44phl4kxthe Digium cards can use in Ubuntu 64 bits?
17:09.58wiseoldowl-- ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 5060
17:10.24*** part/#asterisk oej (
17:10.26zippytechdoes this look right Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] Dial("SIP/200-b7003580", "ZAP/4/4251054|300|") in new stack
17:10.28wiseoldowlCould someone explain what that message is telling me (and maybe how to get rid of it)?
17:10.51zippytech4 being the trunk what the 300?
17:11.08[TK]D-Fenderzippytech: "core show application dial" <-
17:11.29*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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17:11.31[TK]D-Fenderwiseoldowl: tahts a DNS SRV record lookup.  Its perfectly normal.  Leave it alone
17:11.45*** join/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
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17:12.01tmccraryIs it possible to get any kind of T1 card for the Asterisk Appliance products?
17:12.13wiseoldowlOkay.  But I get the message about every ten or 15 seconds, so I thought it was a problem.  Thanks.
17:12.13[TK]D-Fendertmccrary: No.
17:12.25tmccrary[TK]D-Fender: thanks
17:12.45[TK]D-Fenderwiseoldowl: Guess they've got a really widespread HA DNS setup
17:12.57[TK]D-Fendertmccrary: Its a toaster.  Don't expect too much.
17:13.55wiseoldowlProbably.  Just was worried it was telling me I needed to change something in my configuration and I wasn't getting it.  :-)  Thanks.
17:14.08tmccrary[TK]D-Fender: is switchvox equipment better?
17:14.39[TK]D-Fendertmccrary: The full-server bundles are.... well just that.
17:14.58waverly360There should be a bot here that keeps up with experience :P
17:15.27waverly360[TK]D-Fender's experience goes up 230 points.  [TK]D-Fender reaches level 53!
17:16.18phl4kxthe Digium cards can use in Ubuntu 64 bits?
17:16.36[TK]D-Fenderswings his ClueBat at a random moron for 3D20+ 5 Billion damage!
17:17.19*** part/#asterisk wiseoldowl (
17:21.49phl4kxthe Digium cards can use in Ubuntu 64 bits?
17:24.25[TK]D-Fenderphl4kx: unload
17:24.52*** join/#asterisk Turno (n=rfelder@
17:25.03tmccrarymodprobe LOLLERSKATES
17:25.20phl4kx[TK]D-Fender:  unload? for what?
17:25.31Turnois there a site where I can compare call center type software for asterisk... like... agent software for a tech support queue?
17:25.31phl4kxI have AEX800P
17:25.36[TK]D-Fenderphl4kx: Means stop repeatin yourself every 5 minutes.
17:25.46tmccraryTurno: Asterisk has support for this built in
17:26.06[TK]D-FenderTurno: What do you mean by "agent software"?
17:26.14Turnotmccrary: but the software for an agent to login, be ready/not ready
17:26.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you like mufins?
17:26.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: also, muffins.
17:26.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: <--- Omnivore :)
17:27.08[TK]D-FenderTurno: You don't need any special software for that
17:27.11tmccraryTurno: you dial an extension to login
17:27.12Turnoi wonder if I can help the company I work for migrate away from their current proprietary solution which uses cisco ip phones and a cisco application on the pc
17:27.25keith4phl4kx: if you already have the card, why don't you try it yourself and see if it works?
17:27.31tmccrarybut if they have cisco they're already invested like 200k into the system
17:27.44phl4kxkeith4:  I like to buy the card
17:27.51Turnoso I can use any asterisk compatible soft phone and have a similar experience?
17:27.57keith4so by "have"... you mean "don't have"
17:27.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm glad to know you're an omnivore. do you like muffins, mister omnivore?
17:28.05phl4kxkeith4:  ok
17:28.14Turnotmccrary: probably a lot more than 200k
17:28.16phl4kxkeith4: do you use a cards in 64 bits?
17:28.19[TK]D-FenderKatty: Kinda inclusive.  "Yes".
17:28.31keith4phl4kx: no
17:28.32[TK]D-Fenderphl4kx: JFGI
17:28.35Katty[TK]D-Fender: do you think bits of meat would be good in a muffin?
17:28.39keith4go ask digium
17:28.52Katty[TK]D-Fender: mister omnivore.
17:29.17outtoluncbets he eats that paper cup the muffin comes in also (mr omnivore <G>)
17:29.23[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm somewhat particular about the mix :)
17:29.50[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: I should reprhase that.... I'm finding it really hard to swallow your BS ;)
17:30.13outtoluncdrat <G>
17:30.33Katty[TK]D-Fender: mm, i see. k
17:30.33[TK]D-FenderKatty: Meat in a muffin?  I supposed it could head towards "meatloaf" territory.
17:30.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: i was thinking more like oatbran muffin or whole wheat muffin with bits of turkey sausage, or ham or something
17:31.00[TK]D-Fenderlikes everything louder than everything else.
17:31.21[TK]D-FenderKatty: Difficult for me to picture.  Who are you trying to kill?
17:31.32*** join/#asterisk LND (n=Lee@
17:31.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: wouldn't you like to know >:)
17:31.41phl4kx[TK]D-Fender: JFGI??????????
17:32.13[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
17:32.48Kattyputs ClueBat(tm) into muffin as well.
17:33.07filetickles Katty
17:33.31[TK]D-Fenderfile: Want a muffin? *WHAM*!
17:35.20Kattynow introducting ClueMuffin(tm)
17:36.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: FTW!
17:36.49Kattyi was going to bash that.
17:36.50*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (n=akemi@
17:37.02Kattysadly. has taken a vacation
17:37.10Nuggetsend it to instead
17:37.37*** part/#asterisk tmccrary (n=tmccrary@
17:41.45roxlu_Is there a 'solid' solution to get asterisk/sip working when I'm behind nat?
17:42.02ptimminsroxlu_, yes, make sure all your clients aren't.
17:42.07[TK]D-Fenderroxlu_: Read. The. Guide.
17:42.10jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:42.24Kattyi'm going to bake another batch of cluemuffins i think
17:42.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: High in iron!
17:42.38roxlu_okay .. I was just wondering if there is solid solution... as I found some articles which arent really promising
17:43.00[TK]D-Fenderroxlu_: Go read.
17:43.13Kattyand eat.
17:43.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Eating is entirely optional.
17:43.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: i dunno, a cluemuffin a day...
17:43.40Katty[TK]D-Fender: might keep google away.
17:43.45*** join/#asterisk unpaidbill (
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17:44.34[TK]D-Fenderkneeds up some more batter(y)
17:44.59Kattythis conversation's getting way out of line.
17:45.14Kattymight i suggest bigger muffin liners.
17:45.14*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
17:45.49Qwellare you an HDLC maintainer?
17:45.50undrdawgin the file zconfig.h
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17:46.09undrdawgheh no
17:46.21undrdawgi just hate silly macro names
17:47.01Qwellundrdawg: look in kernel/zaptel-base.c
17:47.01Katty[TK]D-Fender: did i mention i was going to ask the doctor for a copy of the surgery/camera recording?
17:47.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: im thinking of youtubing it if it doesn't violate those hipa regulations.
17:47.21undrdawgi knew you were going to say something like that :P
17:47.47undrdawgi'll check it out later
17:48.31*** join/#asterisk lucidblue (
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17:49.08lucidbluehola all, I need some help troubleshooting a flash player error in the FOP, would this be an appropriate place for that?
17:50.02Qwelllucidblue: No it wouldn't.
17:50.10Kattylucidblue: fop has their own support, and they're quite helpful.
17:50.20Kattylucidblue: i've contacted them a few times for similiar issues.
17:50.44Kattylucidblue: very nice people. just shoot them an email.
17:50.56KattyQwell: are you a muffin fan?
17:51.22QwellKatty: I'm allergic
17:51.33Kattypats Qwell
17:51.47KattyQwell: i'll mourn for your muffiny loss.
17:51.54lucidblueokay, thanks, I'll try and find their email on the website..
17:53.16*** part/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
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17:56.00waverly360[TK]D-Fender: at the risk of being swatted by the cluebat...the question I was asking earlier about queues, I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to have the queue dial a user based on some dialplan criteria..were you referring to some sort of functionality that I don't have available in 1.2?
17:58.55[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: What are you using for member right now?
18:01.00waverly360[TK]D-Fender: to add agents to the queue? or how am I sending a caller to the queue?  I'm just using the queue function for that...I guess I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.
18:01.47[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: QUEUES have MEMBERS.  What are you using for MEMBERS?
18:02.43*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (
18:02.53waverly360AddQueueMember and RemoveQueueMember
18:03.11waverly360[TK]D-Fender: those are the two functions that I'm using to add members (which I've been referring to as agents)
18:03.21*** join/#asterisk jnials (
18:04.17[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Ok, then what are you adding as devices since those aren't static members?
18:04.23*** part/#asterisk Turno (n=rfelder@
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18:06.39waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, you lost me again.
18:07.00[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: ..... do you seriously have any clue about these dialplan applications you're using?
18:07.23[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: You provide them a DEVICE to dial.  What is it?
18:07.37waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Well I obviously have something working here, but the terminology you're using doesn't always coincide with mine.
18:07.50outtolunche means interface
18:07.51waverly360[TK]D-Fender: I provide them a sip/num
18:08.05[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Good. SIP/123 is a DEVICE
18:08.15waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Well I'm sorry.
18:08.32[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: In 1.4 minimum I know there is a way to limit hitting agents that may be on other calls.  I don't believe thats available for 1.2
18:08.59waverly360[TK]D-Fender: It looks like there some sort of AGI addition in 1.4+
18:09.04[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: to do the dialplan-based limit you'd have to point to a local channel whose exten would perform the check.
18:09.11[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: No need for AGI
18:09.20[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: And AGI has nothing to do with this.
18:09.39waverly360[TK]D-Fender: My dialplan is controlled almost entirely by AGI ...that's the only reason I was mentioning it.
18:10.16waverly360[TK]D-Fender: but that could work...change the way I'm defining a member..instead of using a sip device, could use a local one like you mentioned..that would give me the capability I think...
18:10.27[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: not quite, but close enough for you to consider it so.
18:10.45[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: You shold seriously get off of 1.2
18:11.09waverly360[TK]D-Fender: I seriously want to...
18:11.42waverly360[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to have to start stabbing sales guys...
18:12.16waverly360[TK]D-Fender: it's like trying to build a spaceship with a steam engine.
18:12.27*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
18:12.36waverly360[TK]D-Fender: but I do appreciate the help...thank you.
18:12.54Qwellsales guys produce a lot of steam
18:12.57Qwellthrow more into the engine
18:13.08waverly360Couldn't I just burn them instead?
18:13.11[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Go use local channels for the moment.
18:13.22[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: whats what he said
18:13.25CrashSysIs it possible to use voicemailmain but pass a flag that doesn't allow the user to over-write the voicemail greetings? I have a customer that uses a VM box as a general company box and they dont want people to over-write the greeting...
18:14.01Nuggetchmod 444 the raw recording files in /var
18:14.07Nuggetit's ugly but it'll work
18:14.11Qwellbut then nobody can change them
18:14.11mchouhaha, that would be funny
18:14.33mchouI can picture disgruntled employees now
18:14.34Qwell(and, if Asterisk is running as root, it won't matter)
18:14.47Nuggetah, good point
18:15.01waverly360There are other ways to set permissions on a file to prevent even root from modifying them
18:15.06waverly360look for the immutable flag
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18:15.15CrashSyswell I have asterisk running as asterisk, but they would have to call me everytime they wanted to change the greetings
18:15.24[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: symlink them to a read-only mounted FS <-
18:15.39waverly360That's even better...still leaves the initial problem.
18:15.48[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: First you don't want them to change it.  Then you DO.  MAke up your mind.
18:16.08waverly360*smacks himself*
18:16.22waverly360gives [TK]D-Fender a cookie.
18:16.35[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm) again
18:16.41CrashSysThe ideal scenario is they dial the general VM box extension to check messages but can not change the greeting... then for administrative purposes they dial a different extension, enter a pin, and then can change it...
18:16.48*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
18:17.28CrashSysI can spend some time using a cron script that runs every 5 minutes, looks for a file, if it exists it copies it over the old greeting... that would work...
18:17.42waverly360But still..
18:17.46CrashSysI was just wondering if there was something simple like a flag to pass to the voicemailmain cmd
18:17.56waverly360if it's changed by someone authorized it'll overwrite that too..
18:18.29CrashSysThat's fine. If you give someone the pin # for the administrative extension then that's their problem...
18:19.13waverly360so how will normal users check the voicemail?
18:19.27CrashSysdialing extension 100 = voicemailmain(s100)
18:19.41CrashSysdialing extension 101 = administrative stuff to change voicemail greeting
18:19.56CrashSysJust for example
18:20.40CrashSysSo dialing 100 puts you right into the VM box... dialing 101 would ask for a PIN #, then give you the option to change the VM greetings...
18:20.48CrashSysguess i'll just do it that way
18:21.03waverly360that's what you want..but you don't have a way to accomplish that yet do you?  I've not used it..but won't using the s option just skip the voicemail password and give them full access anyways?
18:21.03klbpersonal identification number number?
18:21.09waverly360that's what the documentation seems to suggest.
18:22.07CrashSysWaverly: if you send someone to voicemailmain(s100) they can freely change the voicemail greeting unless you change the greeting file to read-only and have asterisk run as non-root
18:22.34CrashSysSee, we dont want employee's recording "Fuck Off" on the main company catch-all voicemailbox...
18:23.10keith4then you could have another extension that authenticates, changes the files to read/write, and then sends to voicemailmain. and changes them back to read-only afterwards
18:23.32keith4might require some AGI
18:23.35CrashSyskeith: No, hard to do that as non-privileged user...
18:23.51waverly360I understand that..I think I misunderstood your intentions.  So you're going to create two extensions...and two voicemailboxes
18:24.10keith4CrashSys: it's not hard to do
18:24.11waverly360and have extension 101's voicemail greeting auto copied over to 100 every 5 minutes
18:24.34waverly360so that if you change it on 101, it will change on 100..and just hide the fact that 101 exists?
18:24.50CrashSysI was just going to record a file called "100-greet.wav" and have a cron script copy the file
18:25.04keith4i like my idea better
18:25.30waverly360keith4: Your idea is more solid, just a bit more to implement.
18:25.36[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Thats viable.
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18:26.25keith4you could also not give anyone the voicemail pin, and have all voicemail sent out via email instead
18:26.36waverly360The only problem is that he'll have to re-record a new greeting and copy it by hand anytime it needs to be changed.
18:26.39keith4don't let the plebes into voicemailmain. just give the pin to the admins
18:27.24CrashSysThey dont want to check e-mail. They want to use the phone.
18:27.48Alan_HicksHowdy.  Some one just hit me with an interesting question that I have no idea how to asnwer, so I'm here to ask the gurus. :^)  I've been asked to give a quote on a small asterisk system for a truck lot.  Mostly it's just standard stuff, but they need external paging.
18:27.50waverly360Well...sounds like about three good ideas there.
18:28.02Qwellgive newbs the pin to 1112
18:28.11Qwellproblem solved
18:28.45Alan_HicksBasically, they have purchased and installed speakers around their lot and want to hook these up so they can press a key or dial an extension and page sales personel out on the lot.  Any ideas what might be needed to do this, or where I can find more information?
18:28.47waverly360Excuse me...4 good ideas.  I like that one too
18:28.50QwellOR, don't play a prompt in Voicemail() and just use a Playback beforehand
18:28.54[TK]D-FenderQwell: Except for the incremental waste of disk space.
18:29.00Qwell[TK]D-Fender: hardlink
18:29.05[TK]D-FenderQwell: Which I suppose there are ways to shunt
18:29.20keith4Alan_Hicks: you just need a sound card and a big-ass amp
18:29.22CrashSysQwell: Yeah, i'm looking at that now... seems like it's the least invasive option
18:29.27waverly360Alan_Hicks: there are several paging systems that you can connect to an FXO or FXS port on an analog card.
18:29.28*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
18:29.33CrashSysrequires the least amount of set-up and head-ache
18:29.40waverly360Alan_Hicks: or the soundcard types too... :P
18:29.44Qwellthe latter is probably the best
18:29.53Alan_HicksHmm.... I hadn't thought about the sound card idea.
18:30.11Alan_HicksIs there documentation online for piping to a sound card?  /me googles.
18:30.20waverly360Alan_Hicks: yep.
18:30.21QwellAlan_Hicks: chan_alsa
18:30.36Alan_HicksThanks guys.
18:31.12rob0I've heard of him.
18:31.13Alan_Hicksrob0: The one and only.
18:31.48Alan_Hicksrob0: What're you doin' here?
18:32.03rob0mostly just lurking
18:33.21Alan_HicksAnyone care to recommend any of those paging systems that connect to FXO or FXS ports in case I decide to go that route?
18:34.02[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Go lookup Viking paging system
18:35.20waverly360Crazy asterisk people..... >.>
18:36.28*** part/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
18:40.12Kobazso i'm working on a thing to simulate paging... my idea is to originate a bunch of calls (using auto answer) direct into a meetme
18:40.48Kobazfrom the dialplan, what's a good way to start spawning up new calls... i don't see how you can do it with a regular dial
18:41.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: : "core show application page"
18:41.54Kobazi must be blind
18:42.12Kobazwow, thats exactly what i need
18:47.56LemensTSb2bua have the rtp traffic flow thru them, not just the sip signaling. Is this correct?
18:48.09[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: not necessarliy
18:49.06LemensTSOnly when it is transcoding a codec?
18:49.36[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: No.
18:52.13*** join/#asterisk kuto (n=kuto@
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18:58.25paigehwo do i install the php aig for 1.6.0-beta9?
18:59.53[TK]D-Fenderpaige: No such thing as "install AGI".
19:00.05[TK]D-Fenderpaige: PHP-AGI is its own project on sourceforge.
19:00.12[TK]D-Fenderpaige: Go download it there
19:00.19paigethank you
19:00.58rob0Download Moses ... waaaaay down, in Egypt land, tell, ol' Pharoah ...
19:01.28kutohi, i have a new internet with only 1 static ip, this includes only internet, my question is it possible that i install asterisk with it?
19:01.44*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:01.44paigelooks like sourceforge is borked
19:02.44[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Yes
19:03.36kutowhat happen to asterisk if i have 5 concurrent user using internet then?
19:03.49kutoim using telus
19:04.27[TK]D-Fenderkuto: Go lookup "codec bandwidth" on the WIKI
19:04.30jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
19:05.32*** join/#asterisk stencil (
19:05.52[TK]D-Fenderpaige: Look just fine to me
19:06.06*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
19:10.51paigethere it goes
19:11.49*** join/#asterisk vgster (
19:12.37km-surprised at how easy that was; I just wrote a quick lil .NET app to change my msn messenger status when I'm on the phone, uses asterisk manager interface and msn's com components
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19:15.00jasonwootyou're hired
19:15.13jasonwootI've never written a quick lil anything
19:15.37Alan_Hickshas written a quick little rubber check.
19:15.59jasonwoothopes it wasn't to him
19:16.53jasonwootI got terrible grades in C++ and XHTML because i don't indent my code what so ever... it's all in a nice, straight line
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19:31.59Blackvelwho uses asterisk call forwarding to mobile phone over a sip provider? I am interested to set the special redirect flag in sip so my mobile phone writes in display "call forwarded on number ..." like it does with real call forwarding by telco. I hope and believe that there is some special flag which sip providers might use to set also for their telco switch?
19:32.30Blackveli do not have any issue with clip no screening. it works with the provider
19:33.03*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
19:35.04stencilHello, Would there be a easy way to test what Caller ID people are receiving when I phone them?
19:35.33[TK]D-Fenderstencil: What are you calling out via?
19:35.57stencilsnom 300 through Asterisk
19:36.20stencil[TK]D-Fender: you mean itsp?
19:36.36paigedoes anyone here who uses phpagi?
19:36.48[TK]D-Fenderstencil: I mean how are you getting to the PSTN obviously
19:37.11stencilsip through
19:37.18[TK]D-Fenderpaige: You shouldn't ask leading questions.  Just go and ask
19:37.33[TK]D-Fenderstencil: And are you setting the CID before you call out?
19:37.48paige[TK]D-Fender, sorry, beena long day and it is only 12:37
19:38.10[TK]D-Fenderstencil: Then they should receive the #, if not the name.  Name is not normally configurable
19:38.10paigei am trying to figure out how to install it to show me active calls
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19:38.38stencilok thanks [TK]D-Fender
19:39.11keith4stencil: uh... call someone and ask "what CID came up?"
19:39.16[TK]D-Fenderpaige: You don't "install it".  Its just a library to issue a few petty in/out calls for the basics.  And AGI can't provide that data.  AMI can.
19:39.16keith4or call your own cell phone
19:39.33waverly360[TK]D-Fender: that totally worked
19:39.47waverly360[TK]D-Fender: the chanisavail command with the queues I mean.
19:39.48[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Local channel?
19:40.01[TK]D-Fenderwaverly360: Yes, I've done it myself many years back
19:40.21waverly360[TK]D-Fender: Yep.  I lose my custom ring tones, so I need to figure that out, but a step in the right direction.  Many thanks.
19:40.25*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
19:40.30Assidokay so i finally got asterisk working with zaptel in a openvz container
19:40.36Assidnow i gotta decide on the fate of the database
19:41.03stencilI would really like to thank all the developers for all their hard work, Asterisk is just the most fun program I have ever dealt with!
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19:43.45waverly360[TK]D-Fender: ok...mind if I pick your brain a little bit?
19:44.14waverly360[TK]D-Fender: actually...nevermind..I need to look into something first.
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19:49.30Blackvelthere there some special call forwarding flag to indicate redirection on mobile phones? :)
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19:53.09phl4kxthe Digium cards can use in Ubuntu 64 bits?
19:53.40phl4kxklb:  do you use
19:54.03[TK]D-Fenderphl4kx: JFGI <-  Or FFS just call Digium sales.
19:54.38dexthageekI am using phpagi. Is it possible to play music (background,musiconhold) while waiting for response from database, or another script?
19:55.20[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: I believe there is a stream command that will queue up sounds to play while you do other things
19:56.15dexthageeki have tried stream_file but the ivr will not continue until the stream has finished
19:58.08keith4so that's probably not the stream command he means
19:58.25[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: it has an "escape digits" parameter you can set to let it exit on DTMF
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19:59.27dexthageekyea i am using that for other things.
19:59.59dexthageekhere is an example. I need to retrieve data from a database. I would like to play music while i wait for the database to return the rowset
20:00.11[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: use it for this then.  you want ti to be able to exit, there you go.
20:01.01[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: Sorry, I missed a detail there... my bad
20:01.05[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: Looking...
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20:02.32[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: Indeed I do not see a way
20:03.20seanbrightcan't set MOH right before doing other stuff?
20:04.09[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: No way to terminate.
20:04.12dexthageekbut it waits until the song is finished befre it moves on
20:04.19dexthageekand i can't terminate it correct
20:04.28seanbrightmoh blocks?
20:04.37[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: Only option I see is to write a full-on application.
20:04.48dexthageekwell thast what I am doing using php
20:04.59seanbright"full-on application" = c app
20:05.03[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: No, I mean a COMPILED full-on * applicaiton.
20:05.13[TK]D-Fenderdexthageek: not AGI
20:05.36seanbrightback up a second
20:06.04seanbrighti'm confused as to why setting music on hold (from agi 'set music') and then doing something else wouldn't work?
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20:06.42seanbrightbecause they aren't on hold
20:07.08Juggieshoudn't set music just set the music for the next time they go on hold, if they go on hold?
20:07.17seanbrightyes, see my last message
20:07.37seanbrightJuggie: look up from the keyboard before hitting enter ;)
20:07.46datachomperCan you put a channel on hold from inside the AGI and do other stuff, then recover that channel?
20:08.07[TK]D-Fenderdatachomper: No, AGI AI your channel.
20:09.33Juggieseanbright, i havn't looked at my keyboard to type since i was like 15 :)
20:09.40Juggiei just dont read :>
20:09.56seanbrightJuggie: you probably haven't looked at your keyboard to type since you were like 15
20:11.10Juggieanyway, i cant think of a solution to his problem off the top of my head.
20:11.29Juggielets say i need to do an operation in agi which can take super long (lets say a mainframe operation which can take 5-10 seconds)
20:11.42seanbrightJuggie: can you think of a solution to this problem off the top of your head?
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20:11.55Juggieno :)
20:12.19Juggiehow would you enable moh, preform the operation, then disable.. is that possible w/ agi?
20:12.29seanbrightbased on the code i'm looking at... yes
20:12.33seanbrightyou should be able to:
20:12.38seanbrightSET MUSIC ON
20:12.47seanbright... insert processing magic here ...
20:12.49seanbrightSET MUSIC OFF
20:13.05russellbwhat happens if you don't provide an AGI command after some period of time?
20:13.08russellbwill it hang up?
20:13.12*** part/#asterisk tc3driver (
20:13.21russellbi.e., what's wrong with exec startmusiconhold
20:13.25Juggieoh ok, i thought set music just told asterisk what music to use should the call go on hold.
20:13.28russellband then going off and doing stuff
20:13.37seanbrightSET MUSIC ON is the same thing
20:13.42seanbrightdexthageek: ^^^
20:14.05seanbrightdexthageek: SET MUSIC ON YourMusicOnHoldClassHere
20:14.06[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Of course at best you'd have to set up an entire class per file you'd want to treat this way.
20:14.20*** part/#asterisk codebanshee (n=chris@
20:14.25Juggierussellb, i dont think agi has an idle timeout.
20:14.28seanbright[TK]D-Fender: correct, but it's a hell of a lot better than building a new asterisk app
20:14.56seanbrightfrom a level-of-effot standpoint, anyway.
20:17.20*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
20:17.48seanbrightpretends to go off and test it...
20:17.57seanbrightyup!  works like a charm!
20:18.09grandpapadotHi all. Is there some trick to getting externnotify and externpass to work with 1.4's voicemail.conf?  Is there some pre-requisite?  When I have my debug level set, it doesn't even show it trying to fire for the events.
20:18.37seanbrightgrandpapadot: pastebin your voicemail.conf
20:18.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:20.49*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
20:21.22seanbrighti have to be honest with you... from a system management perspective
20:21.37seanbrightyou should probably not name paths "path/to/my" and scripts as "script.php"
20:21.50seanbrighti'm guessing over time it would make it difficult to determine what those things are
20:21.51grandpapadotlol, I replaced the real path since it's an anon pastebin ...
20:21.57seanbrightgrandpapadot: ohhhh
20:22.19seanbrightlooks back to see where he asked for a censored copy of grandpapadot's voicemail.conf...
20:22.20grandpapadotI'm thinking the space is throwing it off: /usr/bin/php /path/to/my/script.php
20:22.37seanbrightgrandpapadot: just use the shebang in the script
20:22.47grandpapadotYea, that's where I was going.
20:22.51grandpapadot.. next...
20:22.58seanbrightwe'll wait here
20:23.00dexthageekseanbright: im gonna try the set music
20:23.03dexthageeki will let you know
20:23.04Qwellwonders what would happen
20:23.08Qwelltries it
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20:23.30seanbrightQwell: an angel will lose it's wings
20:23.47Qwelllame, it don't work
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20:23.59seanbrightQwell: silliness.
20:24.21SuperbarttHmmfg, I seem to be haveing a strange problem with my queues and voicemail. I want to use queues to do a ringall on some phones, but if it hasn't been picked up after 45 seconds it should go to the voicemail. Now it goes to voicemail after about 1:10 minute on my phone... The relevant configuration is at:
20:24.58seanbrightSuperbartt: where is the '45' part in any of that?
20:25.09grandpapadotNothing .. It's like it's just ignoreing externnotify
20:25.15Superbarttuhmm, i replace the 45 by 20 because it wasn't doing what i want seanbright
20:25.40Superbarttbut with the current config (20 in the extensions) it still takes 1minute 10 before it goes to the voicemail
20:26.32waverly360Superbartt: might need to hard-set the timeout option as well as a few others.  I'm not sure what the defaults are for a queue because I always set them, but they may have large defaults that are causing your queue to hold onto the call a bit longer.
20:26.58Superbarttso in the queues.conf also set the timeout to 20 (45 eventually)?
20:27.13seanbrightgrandpapadot: strange.
20:27.27waverly360Superbartt: not necessarily.  It's sometimes trick to get the numbers correct..hang on..lemme refresh my memory.
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20:28.23waverly360Superbartt: try setting timeout to something like 15 seconds.
20:28.28seanbrightSuperbartt: if we call the timeout option in queues.conf T1 and the timeout argument in the Queue app T2, the queue app will check every T1 seconds to see if T2 has elapsed.
20:28.41seanbright(in a nutshell)
20:28.53putnopvutseanbright: well....not if you get a recent checkout of 1.4
20:28.53waverly360seanbright: much better than I would have put it :)
20:29.03seanbrightputnopvut: well then speak up
20:29.06putnopvutby recent, I mean like from last week.
20:29.23[TK]D-FenderCheckout time... heading home.  Later all
20:29.24SamuraiDioi'm tryng to authenticate a sip server to my asterisk server just by its ip address, but when calling i always receive a 407 error.
20:29.26Superbarttso seanbright, for example i need to set the timeout in queues to 5, and in extensions to 45, so that the queue app wil check every 5 seconds if the timeout has exceeded?
20:29.29putnopvutThe T2 timeout is checked much more often so that the app-specified timeout may occur at just about any point.
20:29.32waverly360[TK]D-Fender: night
20:29.33SamuraiDiowhat should i do to accept that call?
20:29.51seanbrightSuperbartt: make the one in queues.conf 15
20:30.00Superbarttok, gimme a sec to test :)
20:30.04seanbrightSuperbartt: make the one in the call to Queue() be 45
20:30.33Superbarttyes :)
20:30.41waverly360Superbartt: awesome
20:30.41seanbrightputnopvut: and that change is in 1.4 now?
20:30.48putnopvutseanbright: correct.
20:30.48Superbarttcalling :p
20:30.52putnopvutI can look up the svn rev...
20:30.59Superbarttvoip01*CLI> show version
20:30.59SuperbarttAsterisk 1.2.29-BRIstuffed-0.3.0-PRE-1y-s built by root @ voip01 on a i686 running Linux on 2008-06-25 14:04:13 UTC
20:31.02seanbrightputnopvut: option to make it work the 'old' way?
20:31.08seanbrightSuperbartt: YIKES
20:31.17putnopvutseanbright: what do you mean?
20:31.25seanbrightputnopvut: that's a behavior change, no?
20:31.30putnopvutseanbright: it was a bug fix.
20:31.43Superbarttdid the trick seanbright :D thanks :)
20:31.48seanbrightSuperbartt: no sweat.
20:31.55seanbrightputnopvut: hmm.  k.
20:31.59putnopvutIt was because the queue wouldn't time out when it was supposed to, and if a periodic announcement caused the time to exceed the timeout, then you'd end up ringing a queue member forever.
20:32.01Superbarttyes have been staring blind on this and couldn't find anything usefull :x
20:32.16putnopvutI think that last sentence of mine probably made a lot less sense than it could have.
20:32.20seanbrightputnopvut: yeah.
20:32.31waverly360later on guys..heading home myself.
20:32.34seanbrightputnopvut: just seems like a behavior change that could (possibly) bite someone
20:32.34putnopvutseanbright: let me find the bug number...
20:32.46*** part/#asterisk waverly360 (
20:32.53seanbrightputnopvut: someone who was maybe using the timeout values incorrectly
20:33.00seanbrightsomeone like me.
20:33.29putnopvutseanbright: I'm not sure how making it work as it's documented is a behavior change that could bite someone :)
20:33.52seanbrightputnopvut: really?
20:34.07keith4because we've all been using it how it works, not how it's documented
20:34.56*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
20:34.57putnopvutOkay, so can you tell me of a situation where this new change could actually cause a problem?
20:35.06seanbrightputnopvut: of course not
20:35.50putnopvutIt's a case where the bug in question made it very clear that the app's timeout was implemented very half-assedly.
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20:36.39seanbrightputnopvut: timeout=45 and Queue(...|60)
20:36.49seanbrightputnopvut: old way, we time out in 90 seconds
20:36.56seanbrightputnopvut: new way, we time out in 60?
20:37.00putnopvutnot exactly.
20:37.09putnopvutBoth will time out in 60.
20:37.16putnopvutHere's what was changed with the bugfix.
20:37.24seanbrightwell then i'm talking out of my ass... again
20:37.27putnopvutLet's say you have that situation you just put before me.
20:37.29dexthageekset_music on/off worked, however music did not play
20:37.31keith4so, it was more like "how-often-to-check-for-timeout", before?
20:37.48seanbrightdexthageek: if the music didn't play, how did it "work"?
20:37.54putnopvutBut let's say you also had a periodic announcement that would last about 20 seconds.
20:38.45putnopvutThen you'd call a queue member for 45 seconds, then the periodic annoucement would play for about 20 seconds.
20:38.46putnopvutThe timeout check occurred between the attempt to call the member and the periodic announcement playback.
20:38.51dexthageekwell asterisk cli said start music on hold. It allowed me to process when that was finished. Music on hold was disabled.
20:39.00dexthageekbut music did not play
20:39.09putnopvutNow there's also a timeout check after the periodic announcement playback so that we don't try to call a queue member after we've already exceeded the timeout.
20:39.43putnopvutIf a call is placed with time still left on the clock, but the time left is less than the timeout specified in queues.conf, we go with whatever time is remaining before the app should timeout. That's how it was before too.
20:39.44seanbrightdexthageek: turn on agi debugging ('agi debug' in CLI) and turn on verbose at the CLI (core set verbose 10) and pastebin a call attempt
20:40.17seanbrightputnopvut: doesn't all of that seem extraordinarily complex to you?
20:40.50putnopvutseanbright: yes :)
20:40.50seanbrightthe dual timeouts have always confused me
20:40.55putnopvutme too.
20:41.01putnopvutI think the one in queues.conf should be renamed.
20:41.07seanbrightand sadly (i think) for no good reason
20:41.24putnopvutSomething like "ringtime" to indicate that it's the amount of time to try ringing a queue member.
20:41.42seanbrightputnopvut: commit away :)
20:42.09seanbrightthe timeout in the queue app call should be independent of everything
20:42.20seanbrightjust need to fire up 1 thread per caller that starts a clock
20:42.23seanbrightdone and done
20:42.35heedlyHow would I print out times from one event to another?
20:43.05seanbrightheedly: ${EPOCH}
20:43.12seanbrightheedly: and a little math
20:43.38heedlythat works, thanks.
20:43.38seanbright; do stuff
20:44.25seanbrightdexthageek: is the channel answered?
20:44.30seanbrighti.e. Answer()
20:45.43seanbrightadd a stream file in there and see if you hear that
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20:46.08grandpapadotseanbright: permissions... asterisk (bin) couldn't traverse the entire path to the script..but oddly,nothing in debug ..
20:46.25seanbrightgrandpapadot: strange indeed.  give this a shot:
20:46.40seanbrightgrandpapadot: chown asterisk /path
20:47.02seanbrightruns mkdir -p /path/to/my
20:47.41grandpapadotYea, got it fixed once I figured it out .. I keep everything in /path/to/my ... I just chmod -R 777 * and addgroup asterisk root and addgroup www-data root and have my ftp path set to "/", makes everything a lot easier
20:47.57grandpapadotMy root passwords are easy to remember too, just "password"
20:48.20seanbrightgrandpapadot: hot
20:48.30seanbrightgrandpapadot: is your IP
20:48.32dexthageekseanbright: stream_file did not work during the music on hold
20:48.38grandpapadotseanbright: How did you know?
20:48.48seanbrightdexthageek: meaning it threw an error or you didn't hear it?
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20:48.53seanbrightgrandpapadot: i'm l33t
20:49.47dexthageekseanbright: did not hear it
20:49.57grandpapadotLater, all.
20:50.01seanbrightdexthageek: ok... have you ever heard audio on this device?
20:51.21dexthageekyes many times
20:51.29seanbrightdexthageek: do me a favor... throw a 'CHANNEL STATUS' call at the beginning of your agi script and get another pastebin with agi debug turned on
20:51.32seanbrightwill brb
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20:57.19datachomperis musiconhold application built into the core? I don't see it in the apps directory.
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20:57.53Blackvelis there a SET command for call redirection indicator (so handy shows "call forward")?
20:58.28seanbrightdatachomper: res/res_musiconhold.c
20:58.29Assidis there a way to FORCE asterisk to connect to postgres using a non TCP socket connection to connect to postgres?
20:58.50seanbrightdexthageek: any luck?
21:00.04seanbrightAssid: don't include a hostname
21:00.18galerasThanks for any help: in a PRI, incoming calls are fine, outgoing calls fails. Telco can make calls in both ways using a tester. I have a Te120p Card. Please take a look of:
21:00.32galerassame results with latest 1.4 and 1.2 versions
21:00.42[TK]D-Fendergaleras: what do they say when they SEE your call atttempt?
21:01.00datachomperI'm thinking that "set music on" only toggles flags for the actually musiconhold application. The application is what's playing the music and blocking the channel.
21:01.29seanbrightdatachomper: take a look at the code in res/res_agi.c
21:01.44seanbrightdatachomper: it specifically starts moh on the channel
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21:02.04seanbrightdexthageek: all of the CLI output, please
21:02.06ptimminsgaleras, send the whole 10 digit number
21:02.18ptimminsalso, fix your ANI, they may be hating on it
21:02.30ptimmins> Calling Number (len= 7) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)
21:02.30ptimmins>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0) '199' ]
21:02.33ptimminsnot valid, ya know
21:03.08galeras[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately they aren't helpful, the just show me they can make calls in both ways and tellme the PRI is OK.
21:03.28[TK]D-Fendergaleras: No, told you to have the WATCH while YOU made the call.
21:04.38datachomperseanbright, Ya, you're right
21:04.45seanbrightdatachomper: consistently!
21:06.22Assidhrmm i still have to use odbc for postgresql ?
21:06.41seanbrightAssid: for what?  realtime?  cdrs?
21:06.49Assidseanbright: realtime
21:06.57seanbrightAssid: res_config_pgsql
21:07.06galerasi will try with a red-fone
21:07.08Assidso i dont need them addons?
21:07.23seanbrightAssid: not sure what addons you mean, but you shouldn't
21:07.59seanbrightdexthageek: pb your musiconhold.conf file too
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21:11.40errris ${UNIQUEID} an asterisk global variable?
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21:12.10seanbrighterrr: it's a channel variable
21:12.34errrseanbright: ok, I guess what I mean is it defined by asterisk, and not by me
21:12.35dexthageekseanbright: i am using the sample musiconhold.conf:
21:13.28seanbrightdexthageek: and you have files in /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3?
21:13.41seanbrightwhat version of asterisk is this?
21:14.00dexthageekseanbright: yes. I have exec MusicOnHold i hear music agi->exec('MusicOnHold')
21:14.12seanbrightso you're good?
21:14.54seanbrighterrr: yes
21:15.06dexthageekseanbright: no if i run $agi->set_music(true) it says starting Music on hold. but i do not hear any music
21:15.21errrseanbright: great thanks
21:15.25seanbrightdexthageek: but if you run $agi->exec('MusicOnHold') you hear music?
21:15.31dexthageekseanbright: yes
21:15.44km-russelb: hey, is there any way to access your devstate stuff via ami?
21:16.03seanbrightdexthageek: how about $agi->exec('StartMusicOnHold')
21:16.28dexthageekseanbright: let me try it on sec
21:16.51km-russell: I'm trying to tweak my presence script to not rely on ExtensionStatus, I've got it working with Link/Hangup events but would prefer the extended info of ExtensionStatus.  Any ideas?
21:17.16*** part/#asterisk hubguruJR (
21:17.18km-only reason why I dont wanna use extensionstatus is I dont want to have to require users to hint their extensions
21:17.50dexthageekseanbright: the application runs but no music is heard
21:18.07seanbrightdexthageek: than something is jacked.
21:18.09Corydon76-digkm-: you can use AMI GetVar with the associated dialplan function
21:18.26seanbrightdexthageek: i would just *try* to throw an $agi->Answer() in there
21:18.32seanbrightdexthageek: and see if that does anything
21:18.33km-Corydon: i.e., devstate?
21:18.44km-corydon: but in that case I'm polling for status, not trapping an event.
21:18.49dexthageekseanbright: in the MOH block?
21:19.04seanbrightdexthageek: as the first thing your AGI does
21:19.18dexthageekseanbright: its already in there
21:19.32Corydon76-digkm-: correct, polling only
21:19.54km-corydon: I dont suppose that's the end of the world, but it'd be nicer to get an event.  I wonder if there's a way to merge russell's devstate magic with ExtensionStatus events
21:20.01kfifeHey folks, FRIDAY I was mentioning an über-geeky project wehre people were connecting old Strowger Step-By-Step switches using Asterisk and ATA
21:20.01seanbrightdexthageek: that is is... crap
21:20.21*** join/#asterisk franhp (
21:20.25kfife...using 'virtual tie-lines'.  I was asked for the URL and I couldn't find it.
21:20.34kfife...but I have it now.
21:20.35seanbrightdexthageek: i am fresh out of ideas
21:20.36Corydon76-digkm-: we already have problems with devicestate changes happening too fast and confusing watchers
21:20.55kfifeThe URL is
21:21.13km-corydon: I wonder how badly the manager interface could get pounded for polls
21:21.23dexthageekseanbright: I appreciate the help! Thanks
21:21.28Corydon76-digkm-: some of that may be addressed in 1.6, since we queue devstate changes with the actual devicestate, instead of asking every single time.
21:21.39seanbrightdexthageek: i hope you figure it out.  i think the idea is sound, just not sure why you aren't getting audio.
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21:21.56kfife...Check it out if you get a moment.  It's one of the geekiest, impractical outstanding things I've seen
21:22.02km-kfife: that's awesome.
21:22.06Corydon76-digkm-: it would be nice, but it's not going to happen until the races get addressed
21:22.06seanbrightdexthageek: you don't hear the "goodbye" at the end?
21:22.08km-kfife: next step, cordboard?
21:22.46kfifeThere's actuall a private namespace for the 7 digit dialing that exists in the 'network'
21:22.47km-corydon: you can dynamically add extensions via AMI, right?
21:23.16kfifeYou can join the 'club' and get an exchange in that private namespace
21:23.28kfife...I recommend you check it out.  Very interesting read.
21:23.54kfife...Many dialtones on the switches are generated by a MECHANICAL dial tone generator
21:24.05km-kfife: I definitely dont have that much hardware
21:24.21seanbrightkm-: with UpdateConfig
21:24.22kfifeKM: and perhaps not enough space for it if you did :-)
21:24.50*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
21:24.52grandpapadotdundi rocks ...
21:24.55kfife...One of the best things to do is listen to the audio recording taken from the middle of a CO populated with strowger switches
21:24.55km-kfife: that's for sure.
21:25.09km-I was about to click it but didnt want my head to explode
21:27.44km-corydon: so you're saying that hint/ExtensionStatus can sometimes cause races under high load?
21:27.50km-corydon: or just device updates in general
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21:28.31kfifeSpeaking of DUNDI Does anyone here know if the public trial is still open?  I am listed at, but BETTER would be  Apparently end users and companies were allowed to populate (or receive delegation) of their zone in  I signed up but haven't heard anything.  Is it closed?
21:28.48km-not sure, I use now though
21:29.27km-isn*itad is better imho only because I know e164 had some random rules about who could get in on it, but freenum has iana assigning numbers for it
21:30.08kfifeI use freenum too, but I would estimate that most ITSPs interconnects and organizations looking for a cheap or NETWORK AGNOSTIC route to the destination, enabling a myriad of things
21:30.23kfife...would be looking in
21:30.32kfife...first before any other enum tree
21:30.34km-e164 isn't really network agnostic though, is it?
21:30.40km-I mean, it requires to maintain it
21:30.42kfifeI mean the transport is network agnostic
21:31.16km-you're saying that given the two choices, providers would be more likely to choose the one that more closely mimics their number assignment paradigm
21:31.49kfifeIn other words, as long as the PSTN is the clearinghouse for e164 addresses, we will never be able to have wideband calls, video etc
21:32.14kfifeKM: to your question, I'm saying that the larger the enum tree, the more traction it will get.
21:33.11kfifeso you're right, but I think that if people and orgainizations can have their zones delegated it stands the greatest chance of assisting real-time voice toward the end goal of being network agnistic
21:33.31km-yeah, but that's really a chicken-and-the-egg -- people wont use it until it's populated, providers wont use it till users are using it
21:33.31kfife'it' I mean
21:34.16kfifeKM:  Right again, but there's a nice migration path.  In other words, my routing is: Query, use the route.  If none found, terminate on the PSTN
21:35.01kfifeIf I have to query five different enum trees, enum becomes less of a problem-solver, and more of a neat-o technolgoy
21:35.57kfifePoll: do you think there's a market for a type business that is an enum directory that consolidates all of the known enum trees?
21:37.14kfife...That's a poll, not a response to a user named poll :-)
21:37.57km-sorry, ADD kicked in and I was watching the youtube of obscura digital's holographic display resolves to a school
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21:39.26kfifesorry, that was a hypothetical name to describe a potential business
21:39.35km-I think the golden tree idea is the right one, everyone needs to stop forking and make one central database
21:40.00km-I was part of that problem with too, totally should have just proselytized for a central store somewhere
21:40.08ricko73I have a question/issue related to automon that I'm not finding documentation to help with
21:40.28ricko73it works fine on sip only channels, but is not working at all if a zap channel is involved
21:40.50km-I think there's a different monitoring for zap
21:40.55ricko73Is there anything special that needs to happen to record calls using automon with zap channels?
21:40.56km-dunno what automon is though so I'll STFU now :)
21:41.10kfifeA consolodation script would be a ten-minute script for someone proficient.  A few hours for me:-)
21:41.13ricko73km see /etc/asterisk/features.conf
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21:42.16ricko73Uses the dial() command option w or W to record
21:42.26km-kfife: yeah, but then someone is tasked with making sure someone maintains the list of all the providers
21:42.46kfifeYou are right.
21:43.24km-plus you'd need to write a dns server app that took the request for enum resolution then enum'd all the sources
21:43.30km-what do you do with collisions?
21:43.44km-I have and then joe has on another provider
21:43.47km-Who wins?
21:44.05*** join/#asterisk RobH (
21:44.30km-Every time I get in this convo it just seems more and more important that if we want ENUM to survive as a technology, everyone has to agree to one unified registrar
21:44.50kfifeI would envision the pseudocode being something like: query all known enum trees, return top response to original query ordered by not-null, then ordered by subscriber's individual preference order given at time of signup, or a logical order if no preference given.
21:45.21km-that's rube-goldberging it though, no offense
21:45.48kfifeKM: only delegates e.164 numbers which are formatted as +1npanxxxxxx
21:45.56kfifeso 511 would not be delegated
21:46.02km-it was an example, though.
21:46.12km-you have two enum providers with the same registered item
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21:46.28km-the magic-parser would need to decide for the user which one they wanted
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21:46.44kfifeyou're the master of your own switch.  You can route according to whichever enum tree you like.
21:46.45km-and no matter how smart you make it's decision tree, the chance is always there that he's calling Joe Internet rather than Gramma
21:47.14km-right, that's the situation we're in now, you can enum query against any server you want
21:47.24km-if you wanted a unified solution
21:47.31km-you'd need to deal with this issue
21:48.00ricko73hmmm, perhaps it's a dtmf issue
21:49.07km-I would imagine that large companies would utilize their own enum trees
21:49.28kfifeKM: That's why I like  It's overseen to ensure that the rightful owner of +13122977000 is the only party able to update that zone.  No different than the DNS.  Only the right people can update the zone to prevent domain hijacking.
21:50.07km-I thought's rules were more than that at one point
21:50.14km-more than "you have to own this number"
21:50.20km-that's why I shied away from it
21:50.45kfifeThat's the purpose of the public enum trial.  You would ask for a delegation, and obtain a registrar, just like a domain owner.
21:51.27kfifeI don't knwo what the process is for proving that you're a number's RESPORG.  Probably no different than the rules for LNP.
21:51.47km-reading's page
21:51.55km-looks like they have a script that calls the number and gives you a pin
21:51.55kfifeThere's no doubt that this is the reason why enum languishes
21:51.58km-pretty straightforward
21:52.14km-hehe resporg is not the same as is a community based enum tree.
21:52.43km-pats his sms/800 credentials
21:52.45km-hmm is the web site for the IANA-overseen
21:53.33kfifewhich is the 'golden tree'
21:53.39km-ah yeah, that looks like you gotta be a carrier to get it
21:54.04kfifeAgain, that's the point of the public trial.  You do not have to be a carrier for the trial.
21:54.21kfifeRead this:
21:54.54kfifeOn that page it concurrs with your 'gotta be a carrier'
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21:55.23kfifebut other pages I've read that it's not so strict.
21:55.39km-ah well
21:56.09km-ok, 6pm, time for me to leave 30 mins ago
21:56.20km-kfife: keep up the good fight for enum :)
21:57.51bijithow can I make aastra phones autoconf vlan id?
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21:58.30awannabeHey guys, is it possible to run a Digium FXO card and a Sangoma PRI card in same system?
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22:04.28Blackvelis there a list of good isdn BRI cards for asterisk (and good drivers) on voip-info or somewhere?
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22:06.12QwellBlackvel: Digium B410
22:06.18QwellB410p?  I forget.
22:08.33awannabeBRI cards, fun!
22:09.53Corydon76-digQwell: no p suffix on new cards
22:10.14Qwelldefine 'new'.
22:10.53ricko73automon works fine...  I wasn't pushing the key sequence fast enough
22:11.12Qwellricko73: You can change the timeout in features.conf.  default is 500ms
22:11.31ricko73I changed that to 1000ms and will test
22:11.40ricko73(well changed it to 1000 )
22:12.42ricko73Qwell: will asterisk need to be stopped and started for that to change or is there a reload that can handle a change in features.conf?
22:12.48Blackvelwell its a 4 s0 port :) didn't someone mention Sangoma as well as? How about OpenVOX? I do not run a big company with many people and telephones but I may require a two s0 BRI card. who could tell me the difference in quality comparing to a cheap Zaphfc/fritz passive isdn card? I need to run this * with pstn connect / ivr and pbx integration (phones)
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22:14.34Blackvelproblems seem to be all the time the drivers for BRI. misdn/bristuff...visdn... this system should work 99,99% o.k during the week (no space for bristuff errors and not picking up calls because of errors)
22:15.20Blackveli may be able to fire away my analog/isdn telephone, but surely not my isdn pstn number connection
22:15.31Blackvele.g to go for fxs module
22:15.49Blackvelso, where are we standing in 2008? :)
22:16.58Assiderr sometimes i see a whole lot of invites in sip show channel
22:17.08Assidis there a way to timeout those invites so they dont wait forever
22:21.36Assidi see a lots of   Init: INVITE
22:23.25Assidi guess i should update it
22:27.47C4colois not equal != or <> in the dialplan?
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22:28.53Assidalrite im out.. gnight
22:29.34km-[tk]d-fender: hey, you home?
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22:30.30davidstraussIs there a way to override configuration files created by AsteriskNow?
22:30.41davidstraussIt seems like changes get overwritten by the GUI periodically.
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22:34.01nnY_2so I am tracking down an issue and some advice would be helpful
22:34.26nnY_2I seem to have some SIP channels that are "open" even though no one is using the phone
22:34.26davidstraussnnY_2: Rule 1 of technical IRC channels: Don't ask to ask.
22:34.39nnY_2davidstrauss I know this, it was a preface
22:35.14nnY_210.0.0.228       13          6f8631a4570  00102/00101  0x3f0004 (ulaw|  No       Rx: BYE
22:35.35davidstraussDoesn't Rx: BYE indicate a hangup?
22:35.42nnY_2I would have thought so
22:35.57davidstraussnnY_2: have you enabled verbose logging?
22:36.01Kattyjbot: cluemuffin
22:36.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
22:36.19davidstraussnnY_2: you can watch asterisk close out old SIP channels
22:37.04nnY_2davidstrauss i just enabled sip debug for that peer
22:37.19davidstraussdoes debug include verbose logging?
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22:38.33nnY_2davidstrauss looks like i can enable it in logging.conf
22:38.59davidstraussyou'll see things like:
22:39.01davidstrauss[Aug  5 22:17:29] VERBOSE[539] logger.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '749977346efd315f2968c0657b62cb27@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
22:39.19davidstraussso, my server is keeping channels open at least 32 seconds after they close
22:39.47davidstraussand then later:
22:39.48davidstrauss[Aug  5 22:16:52] VERBOSE[539] logger.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '66813f5250c0fc9e78356e1773eaf044@' Method: NOTIFY
22:40.05nnY_2ok i get that dialog in the console from debugging sip fwiw
22:40.09davidstrauss(examples only, not from the same call)
22:40.16nnY_2Really destroying SIP dialog '25e94ae049802275238c620a1d030133@' Method: OPTIONS
22:40.23nnY_2thats the ID of the open channel/call
22:40.28nnY_2but it remains :\
22:41.04nnY_2in logger.conf is suggests not enabling verbose logging for production systems
22:41.15nnY_2as it produces a metric ton of output
22:41.41nnY_2well unless you are debugging so ok there i go
22:42.15nnY_2so can someone enlighten me as to what kinds of things would cause this so I know what to look for?
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22:47.31nnY_2so all i see is and the nonce expiration over and over
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22:50.08nnY_2I have enabled sip history as well
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22:50.21nnY_2sadly just now so I may have to let the logs fill up for 24 hours
22:53.43nnY_2hmm let's try a different approach.. Anyone want to make some dough assisting me with this issue?
22:55.46C4colothe problem is that sip channels are staying open even after "really destroying"?
22:56.19nnY_2it appears that way
22:56.21C4coloupgrade to the latest asterisk, there was a version that had this issue
22:56.30nnY_21.4.21.2 atm
22:56.35C4coloit does happen on some systems even with the latest asterisk
22:56.51C4coloanother option that some have implemented is running "restart when convenient" at midnight from a cron job
22:57.00nnY_2it screws up the hints
22:57.03nnY_2and the sidecar
22:57.12nnY_2ha hell nah
22:57.23nnY_2well nto that much better in some peoples opinion, but linksys 962
22:57.51C4coloI haven't worked with those ... is there a setting for subscription expiration?
22:58.02nnY_2I believe so
22:58.10C4colothe problem with the grandstreams is that they do not re-issue the subscription for notifications
22:58.15C4colounless rebooted
22:58.57C4colohow quickly do they build up? 100 per day? 100 per hour?
22:59.23nnY_2nah only 1 or 2 a day it seems
22:59.36nnY_2this is after a day of use, and there is one phone that reports "busy" on the blf
22:59.51C4colopoe switch or wall adapters?
23:00.03nnY_2yesterday it was two, although I haven't got enough historical data to see if it's the same phones or diff ones
23:00.05nnY_2poe switch
23:00.39C4colohave it run the cron job to restart on monday morning at 12:01 am then cycle the poe switch
23:00.51C4colofairly rough workaround I know
23:01.07Qwellgrandstream?  might as well run the script daily
23:01.12nnY_2can't really, this is a client site
23:01.16C4colono linksys
23:01.16nnY_2not grandstream
23:01.22nnY_2and the phone doesn't think it is being used
23:01.42C4colodo the linksys support remote reboot triggers?
23:01.47C4cololike sipura atas do
23:01.52nnY_2yeah but this is not a workaround
23:02.03nnY_2they need it to work properly for the full day
23:02.13nnY_2a busy blf when not is gonna screw them up big time
23:02.27C4coloI have never gotten a solid answer on why that happens
23:03.02C4coloon one of our servers it happens from the voicemail application once or twice a month
23:03.11C4coloa restart of asterisk is required to clear it
23:03.20drmessanoGrandstream is trying to suck just enough to keep the price down, and to make them easy to buy out :)
23:03.21C4colohave tried many forms of clearing the call
23:04.02nnY_2drmessano i dunno how grandstream got involved in this conversation
23:04.17nnY_2so the phone is keeping the channel open or asterisk is?
23:04.33nnY_2cause there is no line usage reported on the phone
23:04.35C4coloI asked if you were using grandstreams when you said a restart of asterisk breaks BLF
23:04.43nnY_2oh yeah heh
23:04.43C4colobecause that is a common issue with grandstreams
23:04.57nnY_2ok good, wondering if it's the phone or *
23:04.59C4colonever heard of it on the linksys phones, but not surprised
23:05.32nnY_2why you think linksys has a seperate division for phones than cisco?
23:05.37nnY_2cause I don't
23:05.57C4colothe linksys phones are closer to the sipura line of products than the cisco 7xxx phones
23:06.05drmessanoI dunno why people piss on the Linksys stuff so much
23:06.08drmessanoIt works
23:06.10nnY_2yeah me neither
23:06.12nnY_2i love it
23:06.21nnY_2cough* more than polycom* cough
23:06.25C4coloI don't like cisco or linksys
23:06.34jbotA polycommunist is someone who believes Polycom phones can do no wrong.. that Polycom's are so over and above anything else, that what you are using is surely crap, and the mere fact you mention another brand name is of great insult to the channel, the community, and the world.  They may also be getting a 10% kickback.
23:06.34C4coloI like Aastras better than polycoms
23:07.01C4cololol, that's pretty good
23:07.03drmessanoOne of my finest works
23:07.12C4colopolycoms are nice, but have a crappy user interface
23:07.13nnY_2I use the 480i although I have had to rma a couple of aastras for wierd crap
23:07.17drmessano"They may also be getting a 10% kickback."
23:07.18nnY_2weird too
23:07.28C4colois it just me or is 3 programmable buttons crap?
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23:07.59C4colothe 5i series seems to be much better than the older hardware
23:08.19C4colothe 9143i is a good "standard" phone built on the 5i hardware
23:08.52C4coloanyway, back to the point
23:09.03C4colothose rogue channels are just a thing with asterisk at this point
23:09.13C4colonobody has ever explained where they come from or how to fix them
23:09.24C4colosome systems have more than others
23:09.33nnY_2I am looking at the linksys web interface right now for any indication
23:09.40drmessanoI think there is a certain price baseline where all IP phones hit a crossroad of price vs quality.. Then above that is about how much money you want to spend on a damn phone
23:09.41nnY_2so is it the phone that is causing this or the server?
23:09.54C4colowe process 15,000 calls per day on average and only have about 4 or 5 per month, while some people have up to 100 per day show up
23:10.27drmessanoI had problems with the channels getting stuck
23:10.31drmessanoBut pre 1.4.20
23:10.35nnY_2all the line statuses here are idle in the phone
23:10.40nnY_2next registration in 1902s
23:10.43C4coloyea, we are running 1.4.21 I beleive
23:10.45C4coloactually let me check
23:11.01drmessanoI'm on some 1.4.21ish SVN
23:11.03C4colosubscription expiration is more important for the BLF functions
23:11.08C4colofor notifications
23:11.32C4colooh, hmm, 1.4.19 on the server I saw it most commonly
23:12.23C4colodrmessano: <nnY_2> atm
23:12.33C4coloso it is post .20
23:12.40nnY_2yeah if not for the blfs a nightly restart of * would clear things like this up, but right now it is a major issue with this install and basicaly i'll be working on it till it's gone
23:14.03C4colohow much googling have you done on the issue?
23:14.18nnY_2been trying, can't seem to find the right keywords yet
23:14.19C4cololast time I researched it I didn't find much but supposedly "fixed" bug reports and such
23:14.30C4coloand more people saying "wtf is this?"
23:14.45nnY_2so if i reboot the phone, should the problem go away temporarily?
23:16.21C4colois it a channel between the phone and asterisk?
23:16.55C4coloor do you mean the BLF light being "busy"?
23:17.05C4colobecause asterisk is telling the phone that the other extension is "busy"
23:17.11C4colobecause there is an active chanel for it
23:17.19C4colo... as far as asterisk knows
23:18.06nnY_2ha from an irclog "shit or get off the POTS."
23:18.12nnY_2i want that as a bumper sticker
23:18.35nnY_2yeah i figured that
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23:19.33zippytechwhere is the setting for where the pid is placed?
23:19.39nnY_2so I guess the next question is why does * think the channel is still active
23:19.49C4colothe call duration was too short?
23:19.49nnY_2especially if it's last sip was BYE
23:19.57C4colothat was one suggestion from someone who had the problem
23:20.09zippytechmine is l tring /var/run/ and i think it should be /var/run/asterisk/
23:21.01nnY_2i'll check the cdr and see what crappened last
23:21.21C4colosip show channels should show the last (aka current) application
23:24.04nnY_2well there is a 1 second call to extenion 10 at 3 pm this afternoon
23:24.10nnY_2any way to see how long the channel has been open?
23:24.26C4colostart - end
23:24.43C4colohow long the channel has been open ...
23:24.54C4coloyea, hangup the channel it will clear the CRD record
23:25.06nnY_2hmm good point
23:25.11C4colohowever I don't know if restarting asterisk would clean up the CDR, probably
23:25.14C4coloI would guess so
23:25.22nnY_2any other way to force the channel down?
23:25.38C4colobut stupider things have happened than CDR not clearing ... for example, channels hanging open
23:25.42C4coloyea, reboot the system
23:26.04C4cololike I said, I have tried many many ways to clear those channels
23:26.09C4colosoft hangup does not do it
23:26.22C4colohowever feel free to try, your results may vary
23:27.39C4coloa sip [purge|destroy|kill|bend|fold|spindle|mutilate] function is sorely needed in asterisk
23:30.21nnY_2well crap
23:30.26nnY_2longest cdr is 27 minutes
23:30.34nnY_2so it didn't capture the specifics
23:31.05nnY_2another annoyance
23:31.13nnY_2over and over and over after a restart ><
23:32.46viraptormy g729 license doesn't show up in console (show g729), but it's listed in transcoding paths during the start - how can I verify whether it works or not?
23:34.39C4colomake a call from a g729 endpoint to a ulaw device/trunk
23:34.44C4coloif it transcodes, it work
23:34.56C4coloif it says 408 unaccptable here then it doesn't
23:35.20viraptorok - how can I test it if I don't have any g729 devices nearby?
23:35.56nnY_2can always try xlite, doesn't it support g729?
23:36.22nnY_2crap nm
23:36.27nnY_2don't see it in codecs
23:37.31viraptorI see "== Registered translator 'lintog729' from format slin to g729, cost 8" all right, but 'show g729' gives me only 'no such command'
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23:44.51viraptorehh... ok - I was loading 729 not digium's 729a
23:45.17torrikfthey viraptor
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