IRC log for #asterisk on 20080728

00:01.00*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
00:02.19*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:04.58*** join/#asterisk torrikft (
00:05.10Fremanactually, just thought of a DAMN good reason not to use one of them boards - no power for the TDM card :)
00:07.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
00:09.25coppiceThe TDM card only needs external 12V, which is also what the alix card needs
00:10.32coppicethey are rather expensive, though, and I wonder how hot they get without a fan. Most ITX boards are completely unrealistic about being fanless.
00:11.29tzafrirI got to look at a sample Atom-based board from Intel.
00:11.52tzafrirThat board has no fan on the CPU. THough it has one on the GPU
00:12.10coppicestupid board - lovely cool processor, and stinking hot north bridge :-)
00:12.42coppicethe south bridge chip roasts, too, but they don't put any cooling on it
00:12.59FremanThe cpu on the alix board is warm to touch
00:14.15coppiceFreman: even when its working? The celeron CPU on the Intel 201 ITX board is very cool, until I get some DSP cranking away. they it really needs its little fan
00:14.17Fremanat idle
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk irisht (
00:14.48FremanIf anything, I might scavange the cooler from an old dead laptop I have
00:15.06torrikftif u buy cheap u can expect cheap
00:15.16Fremanie: a copper/aluminum lump on top of the cpu to join it to the case
00:15.22Fremanmeh, it's not so cheap
00:15.28Fremanvia epia's are cheaper
00:15.59coppicebut the Intel 201 board has only passive cooling for its north bridge, and it goes over 100C, unless you take some action
00:16.14torrikftthats a design problem
00:16.25*** join/#asterisk Maan (
00:16.38coppiceyep. most ITX boards have thermal (lack of) design problems
00:16.43torrikftneeds cooling and they should have see that coming
00:16.56coppiceand price has little to do with that
00:17.30torrikftsome board builders pay more attention to cooling than others
00:17.31coppicethey aren't being cheap. just really sloppy
00:18.03torrikftif u buy asus or abit u can expect the heatsink glue to come off after say 12 months of use
00:18.05coppiceyeah, a cowboy outfit like Intel obviously shouldn't be trusted with thermal management :-)
00:18.32Fremanif you buy abit, you can expect the fan to stop operating after 12 hours of use
00:18.40torrikftwell the atom processor is not their flagship product
00:19.31coppiceand if you buy from intel you can also expect endless trouble. there are no reliable sources
00:19.44torrikftand i can say im using a lifebook p8010 atm with centrino 2 that has thermal issues as well and it wasnt cheap
00:20.38torrikftso true
00:20.46torrikftwe buy pure crap
00:20.50torrikftand when it breaks down
00:20.55torrikftwe buy more
00:21.22torrikftand they keep renaming it so that we need to upgrade
00:21.29Maanhi all...anyone know if linksys routers (WRT54GS) do any SIP rewriting (messing with the ports)?
00:21.32torrikftonly to find the same problems again
00:21.48Fremanyeh the alix can provide the 12v nesicary to run the tdm...
00:21.53FremanI'm just not sure it's worth it :)
00:22.11Fremanit's not like I'm paying the power bill
00:22.33torrikftMaan whats the problem?
00:22.41torrikftblaming the router are we?
00:23.03torrikfti never liked them linksys routers
00:23.11Fremaneigh? I aint blaming nothing, just trying to work out wtf I can be bothered building for $0 profit
00:23.19Fremanoh maan not man :)
00:23.20Maantorrifkt: i'm manually sending SIP packets to an outside host, and sure enough the message is different when it reaches the destination
00:23.59Maantorrifkt: so i'm trying to figure out who/what is changing the packet. wondering if comcast could be the culprit...
00:24.08torrikftwhats running on the destination?
00:24.11torrikftrouter firewall?
00:24.12nvezMaan: knowing its a linksys, i think you can install linux on most of them..
00:24.13torrikftmaybe a pix?
00:24.48Maani have myhost---linksys router---comcast---server
00:24.53torrikftcomcast love their packet inspection
00:24.54FremanWhat sort of 2 port FXO external gateway would ya'll reccommend (or 2 port FXO + 2 port FXS)
00:25.05torrikftMaan pm?
00:25.53x86Freman: get (1) 2FXO sipura ATA, and (1) 2FXS sipura ATA
00:26.09x86Freman:or an Astribank ;)
00:26.50Fremanhmmm can't find any 4 port astribanks :)
00:28.04FremanHow about AUDIOCODES MP114 2FXS 2FXO?
00:28.33Fremanor should I stick to a TDM card and be done with it
00:35.07coppicewhichever product you say, you'll get some reports of people loving them and some of them hating them
00:36.06FremanI know, but for those saying they hate them I'd hope for a reason why :)
00:38.46*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (i=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
00:38.53coppicethey usually have what *appears* to be a valid reason. e.g. pick any product and someone will tell you it causes choppy audio.
00:39.26Yourname``Hi, quick uuestion. Is there a way for an agent to log in and accept calls from multiple queues without the need of them being static?
00:40.28*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
00:40.28coppice"that causes choppy audio" is becoming the new "that's been photoshopped" :-)
00:40.50Kattyi'll photoshop you in a minute.
00:42.07Kattywe had some choppy audio problems. the telco wanted to blame the sangoma card.
00:42.23Kattyturned out to be QOS issues.
00:43.00*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
00:43.19filesnakes in an IRC channel! runnnnnnnnnnn!
00:43.33Kattysee this is why i love file.
00:43.52fileit was alexhopper's idea
00:43.56alexhopperCalm it down denzel...
00:44.25filehugs on Katty
00:45.00Kattypamples file
00:45.09*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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00:48.02*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
00:49.16Qwellalexhopper: I hear that file guy is a nub
00:50.20alexhopperYou have NO idea!
00:55.08torrikftanybody have experience with a provider of SIP/IAX termination based in europe?
00:57.57angryusertorrikft dopends on country
00:58.16Fremanhehe, a nice embedded system around an alix board will cost me about $500 and limit me severely - a dual core machine with raid will cost me 494 and not limit me...
00:58.46torrikftangryuser spain, france, uk, holand, finland, denmark, germany
00:58.57torrikftall of those i can reach with less that 40ms
00:59.46angryusertorrikft try keyyo or laligne it's in france, and again if the suit you
01:01.30torrikftwill have a look at their rates
01:05.59nvezwhat type of service should I be looking for if I want to run an asterisk box and am going to use a SPA2002 with it for inbound/outbound calls
01:06.30angryusernvez voip provider
01:07.05angryusernvez and you dont need asterisk if you got only one spa
01:07.38Kattymmm, spa
01:07.46Kattybook me an apointment ;)
01:08.15nvezangler: im going to need other stuff because i need two lines (fax/normal phone)
01:08.15angryuserdifferent rates apply
01:08.57nvezofcourse.  so what type of service (name) am I looking for?
01:09.42Kattynvez: service called mudbath.
01:09.46Kattynvez: or chocolate bath
01:09.50Kattynvez: book me an hour ;P
01:10.33*** join/#asterisk exothermic (n=miles@
01:11.08angryusernvez uhh read what i wrote
01:11.15exothermicIs there a good solution out there for agents that need to both be able to be in an inbound queue and make outbound calls?
01:12.13angryuserexothermic use hints on that extensions , and normally they are reported in use when calling out
01:13.18angryuserexothermic maybe i am wrong ;)
01:13.56*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (
01:14.17exothermicya looking for a solution where the queue system knows the device is on an active call and doesn't try to send another call down to it.
01:14.40keith4_does DND on linksys SPAs affect all extensions?
01:15.21angryusertry what i suggested, just declare hints, and dont forget to add call-limit=n in sip.conf to make them work
01:15.55*** join/#asterisk zoid_99 (n=zoid_99@
01:16.30exothermicbut that is on a device basis?
01:16.41*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
01:16.47Kattyanyone besides me use, or have heard of, isymphony?
01:17.14angryuserexothermic yes
01:17.15seanmhI have
01:17.29Kattyseanmh: you like it better than HUD?
01:17.32seanmhbut then again I work for the company that makes it ;)
01:17.47Kattyyou must be the sean that keeps fixing my license problem ;)
01:17.53exothermicexothermic: Ya I'm already using something like that (group count vars etc) works somewhat but still shows agents rejecting calls because the queue system tries to deliver the call.
01:17.55seanmhCan I assist you in some way with it?
01:18.19Kattyseanmh: not unless you know how to make my nic stop getting a new mac address after reboot ;)
01:18.31seanmhhrmm.. I don't.. this is a VM?
01:19.03angryuserexothermic group counts has nothing to to woth hints
01:19.10Kattyit's ok.
01:19.19LemensTSyour nic gets a new mac? thats strange
01:19.21seanmhreally? that's odd.. if you can call in tomorrow and ask for Mike he should be able to help you in someway 505-246-4220
01:19.21Kattyseanmh: i figured out how to fix it once...i'll find my note somewhere
01:19.39seanmhyeah, that'll definitly cause problems with your iSymphony license
01:20.02exothermicangryuser: Ya but the end result is the same, it is information that is outside of the queue manager, so the queue manager doesn't know the phone is on the call,  yes the phone won't actually ring, but queue manager will try.
01:20.08*** join/#asterisk UD (n=steve@unaffiliated/underdawg)
01:20.12UDwow this is cool
01:20.17Kattyseanmh: it's all good. i called mike on friday
01:20.32Kattyseanmh: and thursday
01:20.45angryuserexothermic are you satisfyed with your end result ?
01:20.47seanmhKatty: Hrmm.. that's a strange problem
01:21.02jayteeyeah, a MAC address should never change on it's own.
01:21.03UDim not even sure where to start with this program
01:21.16jayteeUD, how about here?
01:21.19jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
01:21.20Kattybut everytime i reboot, or network restart, i get a new eth number.
01:21.25Kattywe're up to... hrmm, eth11 i think
01:21.34jayteea new IP address or a MAC address
01:21.42UDi have the paperback beside me
01:21.52Kattywell the machine is set staticly
01:21.57Kattybut it doesn't think it's the same nic
01:21.58UDoreilly rambles too much and the book's obsolete
01:22.04Kattyso it picks a dynamic one from the firewall
01:22.26*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
01:23.34angryuserexothermic if not write some hints for that SIP/ZAP users you have and see if it works better
01:24.04UDis there a good example somewhere of configuring a basic conference room?
01:24.24KattyUD: my blog.
01:24.29exothermicexothermic: Ya not satisfied with the end result, working up the hints now, but 99% sure that isn't going to improve my solution.
01:24.56exothermicangryuser: Although it looks like pausing an agent might work
01:25.03KattyUD: there's a lot of... noob posts there, i guess you could say.
01:25.22angryuserexothermic there is a chance that state of devices are reported to queue agent
01:25.46exothermicangryuser:  You have some examples of use of the hints?
01:25.48angryuserexothermic another solution is to manyally change state of device before call
01:25.50*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
01:28.12angryuserexothermic example i have ext 30,1,Dial(Sip/30) exten => 100,hint,SIP/peername
01:28.48angryuserexten => 30,hint,SIP/30
01:30.38UDso the book explains it eh?
01:32.08UDi've found a lot of oreilly books kinda really describe how to use redhat 7.1 more than they do on the subject
01:32.38*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
01:33.20UDlike kinda blah blah noshit gettothepoint <old script that doesnt work> blah blah <20 pages that are in the readme anyway and are outdated> blah etc
01:34.23angryuserUD this one will describe you asterisk
01:34.25LemensTSjust got the openSER oreilly book friday
01:34.39exothermicLemensTS: It any good?
01:35.27LemensTSive not had much time to read it this weekend, but from the few pages ive read it really goes into detail on the sip protocol. It would be good for just an asterisk user to read.
01:35.52LemensTSthen they would know what invite, ack, etc means
01:36.16angryuserasterisk user will never read that
01:36.31angryuser;) the will use asterisk
01:36.59nvezangryuser: so ive looked into "voip service", but wouldnt i need a specfiic sort of sip trunking or something to make it work with asterisk?
01:38.19angryusernvez yes kind of,
01:38.48nvezcause i saw that not all provider have that
01:38.55nvezlike vonage, etc.
01:39.08*** join/#asterisk simprix (
01:39.11jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
01:41.59exothermicangryuser: hmm I added exten => 4880,hint,SIP/peername and put call-limit=1 on the peer  still allows more than one call down the pipe.
01:44.59*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
01:45.51angryuserexothermic have you read the wiki ? like 15 lines
01:46.07exothermicangryuser: ya
01:46.36angryuserexothermic the sip peer is a 'friend' ?
01:46.55exothermicangryuser:  yes
01:47.09*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
01:47.15angryuserexothermic have you added limitonpeers=yes ?
01:47.25exothermicto sip.conf general? yes
01:47.26gramulhaozinhey guys
01:47.32gramulhaozinanyone used the OPENVOX cards ?
01:48.00angryuserQUOTE "If you are using friend instead of peer, you will need limitonpeers = yes as well as a call-limit statement for each SIP device /QUOTE
01:48.35exothermicangryuser:  Ya read that, which is why I implemented both.
01:49.21exothermicangryuser: hmm I guess that could be read to say that both statements need to be in each peer.
01:49.33exothermicangryuser:  let me try that.
01:49.45nvezanyone which uses a specific IP phone of preference?
01:50.22jbothmm... phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
01:50.41nvezsuch as..
01:50.54exothermicangryuser: Ya didn't make any difference
01:51.09angryuserexothermic and core show hints ?
01:51.33angryuserexothermic 'under cli' have you got them ?
01:51.46exothermicangryuser: State:Idle            Watchers  0
01:52.04gramulhaozinanyone used the OPENVOX cards ?
01:52.40angryuserexothermic so try let's say cal with that peer, and monitor it's state under 'queue show'
01:53.09exothermicangryuser: Well I think I first need to get the hint to report something other than idle.
01:53.38exothermicangryuser:  When the phone is in a call.
01:54.09angryuserexothermic try calling, and type queue show
01:54.14angryuseris it still idle ?
01:54.56exothermicangryuser:  ya
01:56.09baliktadmy VOIP provider uses the number I specify in the "fromuser" value of the sip.conf account as the Caller ID
01:56.27baliktadis there any way for me to set this number dynamically?
01:56.35angryuserexothermic that was it, you need to find the way to manioulate agent's devstate, and i dont really know how to do it
01:56.51angryuserask fender if he is still alive
01:57.40baliktadI would like to change the caller ID based on the station originating the call and the number dialed
01:58.57nvezfax from email + asterisk = yay or nay?
01:59.28angryusernvez hylafax + iaxmodem
02:04.08angryusernvez consider avantfax it's a nice web interface to hylafax
02:04.22*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
02:04.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
02:08.01*** join/#asterisk km2 (
02:13.29*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX -=- #asterisk-
02:14.17*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- #asterisknow/#asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW -=- #switchvox ( -=- #freepbx -=- #asterisk-commits for bugs/commits moni
02:15.13*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- #asterisknow/#asterisk-gui ( -=- #switchvox ( -=- #freepbx -=- #asterisk-commits for bugs/commits mo
02:15.46*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- #asterisknow/#asterisk-gui -=- #switchvox ( -=- #freepbx -=- #asterisk-commits, bugs/commits monitoring
02:16.54d-k-tyou know when there's too much info in a topic line when.... ;)
02:17.48russellbyeah ...
02:17.50russellbit's out of hand.
02:18.03russellbblames CentOS
02:19.21*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow, #asterisk-gui, #switchvox, #freepbx, #asterisk-commits, #asterisk-bugs, #asterisk-dev
02:23.26Qwellyou could just set all the channels as an onjoin notice
02:23.40Qwellchanserv can send a notice to people when they join
02:24.04Qwellall the GUI ones, anyways
02:25.41Strom_CQwell: i'm sure people will continue to ignore it just as much as they always do
02:26.17*** join/#asterisk irisht (
02:27.04nvezi dont think this is related but..
02:27.25nveztrixbox is an "asterisk-based ip-pbx product" .. what exactly is trixbox?
02:28.42jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
02:28.57Qwellrussellb: You took it out of the topic, and now look what happened. :P
02:28.58nvezoh i see.
02:29.04nvezthanks russellb :)
02:29.10russellbi don't recommend it ...
02:29.18nvezyeah, i dont want to have a server run it alone
02:29.27*** join/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
02:29.30nvezi need to use my servers for other stuff, so i dont want that :p
02:29.34nvezbut thanks for the info
02:30.05gramulhaozinnvez: server for Phone and other stuff sound very interesting
02:31.03gramulhaozinone day I put a 486DX2 - 66, to do voip coded to G729 and a fileserver, e-mail with spam/antivirus, firewall and also vpn
02:31.24nvezbut i dont really want to redo this whole server just for this
02:31.37nvezfreepbx vs asterisk gui, what would you guys pick?
02:32.38*** part/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
02:33.52russellbcheck them both out, i guess ... depends what you want ... most people here will tell you to use neither, and just config manually
02:33.58russellbi personally prefer the asterisk-gui
02:34.08russellbas it's easier to use it along side manual config editing
02:34.27russellband literally has no install dependencies other than asterisk itself
02:34.51*** join/#asterisk kmshanah (
02:35.11jayteeI'm using the asterisk-gui on a test machine and it seems ok
02:35.30nvezi see, well, config manually is what i prefer (because nothing else relies on it and it doesnt mess up), but i havent dugg enough yet to know, maybe ill end up using asterisk gui :p
02:35.46jayteeI just wish there was more documentation on it
02:38.38*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
02:38.56russellbjaytee: look for the AA50 manual online.  If it's posted (i'm sure it is), it uses the same GUI ...
02:39.33*** join/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
02:39.35LemensTSfreepbx on debian is pain, they need a better writeup. I may send them one took me a few tries to get it working properly
02:39.40*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
02:39.45*** part/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
02:40.23gramulhaozinhey russellb ever tried the openvox boards ?
02:40.32gramulhaozinpeople are selling those openvox
02:40.43jboti heard cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
02:40.47gramulhaozinI'm not sure about the T1/E1 handling but I need only two FXO
02:40.49Qwellgramulhaozin: crap clones
02:41.15gramulhaozindo you think they work ?
02:41.21Qwellthey are crap.
02:41.30gramulhaozinfxo is crap already
02:41.31LemensTSthey work but depends how dependable machine you are building
02:41.42gramulhaozinwhat do you mean dependable ?
02:42.36LemensTSif its a home system go with openvox, if not sangoma is really good and i havent had problem with digium...
02:42.39gramulhaozinyou mean how much I need to depend of it ?
02:42.53gramulhaozinhow much for sangoma ?
02:42.54russellb+1 to Qwell's comments
02:42.55LemensTSsome would say sangoma is better then digium
02:43.13LemensTSgramulhaozin: google it
02:43.18russellbsupport asterisk, buy digium :-D
02:43.37LemensTSyea i buy digium myself
02:43.53gramulhaozinchecking the price
02:44.44LemensTSi would not use digium just to support use it because it was good :D
02:45.02gramulhaozinbut the price $$$
02:45.15gramulhaozin$200 for openvox
02:45.20jbotfrom memory, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
02:45.32Qwelland that's pretty expensive for clone crap
02:46.06*** part/#asterisk baliktad (
02:46.24LemensTSHeh being expensive on asterisk is CHEAP compared to proprietary systems
02:46.42gramulhaozinnot all the time less expansive means BAD
02:46.53QwellIn this case, it does.
02:47.27russellbQwell: are there clones of the voicebus cards, too?  or just the older models
02:47.36Qwellprobably not
02:47.45LemensTSrussell nice pdf
02:47.49fileno known clones of the voicebus stuff
02:48.04russellbfile: yay
02:48.13russellbLemensTS: yeah, I think Malcolm did a nice job.
02:48.23gramulhaozinhardware echo cancelation needed for 3 channels ?
02:48.37gramulhaozinfrom $200 for open vox and $276 for Digium I rather get Digium
02:48.45russellbgramulhaozin: not really, no ...
02:49.11russellbunless the CPU is going to be loaded doing other things
02:49.17russellbyou can use HPEC on there and it will be ok
02:49.20gramulhaozinit's a QUAD CORE 2.4Ghz
02:50.10LemensTSopenSER handles sip calls as just sip signaling. Is this how asterisk works, or does the rtp traffic go into the aterisk server and out to the other client?
02:50.28gramulhaozinonly problem is my G723 codec
02:50.30russellbLemensTS: OpenSER is a SIP proxy.  Asterisk acts as a B2BUA. ...
02:50.37russellbthis means that the audio _may_ be going through Asterisk
02:50.49russellbin fact, that's how Asterisk sets up calls.  Then, it will redirect the media to flow directly if possible
02:50.50gramulhaozinbut I think that Quad Core 2.4Ghz would handle 20 G723 calls , what do you think Russel ?
02:51.05russellb(if no transcoding is being done, no features in asterisk enabled that require access to the media, etc)
02:51.12russellbgramulhaozin: should be fine
02:51.17LemensTSrussel: so once the call is connected, the client traffic goes from the client to client and not thru asterisk?
02:51.28gramulhaozinQwell: yes
02:51.33Qwellgramulhaozin: You'll need hardware to transcode that with Asterisk.
02:51.43gramulhaozingramulhaozin: software on the CPU
02:51.47russellbLemensTS: correct, assuming Asterisk doesn't need access to the media for some reason
02:52.01LemensTSrussel: for transcoding right
02:52.06tzangerQwell: sick bird?
02:52.13russellbtranscoding, call recording, a number of things
02:52.16Qwelltzanger: potato
02:52.45russellbQwell: yeah, forgot about that.  was thinking 726, i guess.
02:52.53russellbgramulhaozin: Qwell is correct about 723
02:52.53gramulhaozinQwell: do they sell G723 hardware cards?
02:52.56LemensTSrussel: ok cool, i was wondering why openSER could handle so many call setups.
02:52.56*** part/#asterisk bbryant (
02:52.59russellbgramulhaozin: digium does, yes
02:53.00Qwellgramulhaozin: Digium does, yes
02:53.05Qwellrussellb: get out of my head
02:53.10russellbLemensTS: yep, it's a very different animal
02:53.27russellbLemensTS: Asterisk + OpenSER is a very common setup for larger systems
02:53.32gramulhaozinlet me check the price
02:53.43filevery common and powerful...
02:53.43Qwellwaits for it
02:54.11russellbQwell: heh ..
02:54.24russellbgramulhaozin: do you have a reason that you're stuck with 723?
02:54.30gramulhaozinrussellb: not really
02:54.41russellbok, then I would just avoid it
02:54.48gramulhaozinactually I need G729 for the Cisco 7940's phones
02:54.57russellbunless you're attached to it for some reason, and want to buy the card, heh
02:55.29russellbyou can buy licenses for G.729 from Digium for doing it in software
02:55.32russellb(or you can buy the card)
02:55.37russellbbut for just 20, i'd use the software one
02:55.39russellb$10 / channel
02:55.45LemensTSso the tc400b does not require g729 license to transcode from what i got out of reading, that right?
02:55.57QwellLemensTS: It itself is licensed.
02:56.04russellbLemensTS: that is correct.  the licensing is included with the purchase of the card
02:56.11tzangerI'm licensed too
02:57.16russellbalso, you should include some money to send my way in your budget
02:57.21russellbjust because i'm a nice guy
02:57.50LemensTSok whats your bank account information so we can send it to you
02:58.09russellbthere ya go
02:58.14gramulhaozinhey gus
02:58.21[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Its with Freddie Mac, is that K?
02:58.43gramulhaozinwhere is the CODEC cards from Digium ?
02:58.47gramulhaozinnot on the digium store
02:58.53russellbgramulhaozin: it's the TC400P
02:58.55[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: Slightly to the left
02:59.20russellbQwell: aww
02:59.33Qwellrussellb: I'm closer to the colo
02:59.36LemensTSrusselb: check your paypal account you have money
02:59.46LemensTStkd: whats freddie mac
03:00.21nvezrussellb: do you really :--o
03:00.33QwellFDMC FTL
03:00.51russellbLemensTS: thanks!  :-D
03:01.06nvezLemensTS support open source wooyay.
03:01.08*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
03:02.08TedNJ38Is anyone around here able to work with the phone Cisco 7961g and Asterisk?
03:02.58QwellTedNJ38: asking the same question in multiple channels is considered very rude
03:03.51nvezhaha, when i do it, i atleast rephrase it and a couple of minutes after i got no answer on the first
03:03.51LemensTSthat mac and mae is too boring for me to read heh
03:03.51[TK]D-FenderTedNJ38: You mean Your FreePBX can't AutoMagicallyLikeMcConfiguragate them for you?
03:03.51TedNJ38When someone does not respond, it is also considered rude.  But nobody seems to give a damn.
03:03.51*** part/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
03:04.04nvezcome back when you pay for it
03:04.05Qwelljackass waited THIRTY SECONDS
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03:04.17jayteeMcConfigurate? LOL!!!!
03:04.18nvezunbelivable these people.
03:04.24LemensTSThis is a paid subscription forum
03:04.35[TK]D-FenderQwell:/me calls up Guiness to report TedNJ38's new record
03:04.37nvezdoesnt pay a cent and expects better support than a $6k project
03:04.45Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it's worse than that - it was 3 channels
03:04.55[TK]D-FenderQwell: He's on my shit -list :)
03:05.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: I love feeding trolls.... hey... evey play Pandemic? ;)
03:05.22Qwellit pissed me off
03:05.55[TK]D-FenderQwell: I just started with Madagascar and went right for Necrosis :D  Another world-kill FTW
03:06.15Qwellthe buttons do nothing
03:06.27jayteecan you actually pick what country? I thought it was random
03:06.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No, I lucked out.  Then again I named mine "Madagascar SUX"
03:06.49LemensTSWhen is 1.6 expected to be out of beta?
03:06.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Figure it was karma :)
03:06.55QwellLemensTS: when it's ready
03:06.58[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: WHEN IT'S DONE
03:07.18jayteecuz I never end up getting Madagascar and it's been the only holdout the last 3 games :-(
03:07.21[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Odds are... AT NIGHT
03:07.32LemensTSLemensTS: your an idiot
03:07.37Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I'm gonna go for 11:42am
03:07.41Qwellon a Tuesday
03:07.45Qwellrussellb: ^^^
03:07.54russellb1.6.0-rc1 will come out when DAHDI 2.0 gets released, which I expect in the next couple of weeks
03:07.57*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
03:08.07Qwellx86: nice
03:08.38LemensTSlol i forgot about dahdi, i remember hearing about that in here when it was announced. Isnt that the name of zaptel or zapta in 1.6?
03:08.40[TK]D-FenderQwell: Silly American.... think outside your limited longitudinal scope!
03:08.50[TK]D-Fenderadjusts for UTC
03:08.51russellbLemensTS: yes
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03:10.48LemensTS scars on broadway...system of a down co-singer its cool
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03:24.44jayteetime for some zzzzz's. nite all
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03:33.53rabelaiswhat would cause echo on a pure digital sip channel? a call going from my local voip client (E51) to my asterisk server through the net and hitting a linksys pap2t at a remote phone has some pretty noticeable echo on the E51's side (E51 hears himself)
03:35.35MikeJecho on the device hooked up to your ata
03:35.57LemensTSNeither of you are on speaker phone either are u
03:36.28*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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03:44.49centralbwhere's most suitable to discuss the recent 1.6 beta quirks? :)
03:46.33LemensTSx86: lmao i wish i had that in my house
04:05.08x86centralb: asterisk-dev maybe
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04:19.20gramulhaozinhey guys
04:19.37gramulhaozinwith a resale certificate can I call digium and ask to resell their cards ?
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04:34.32exothermicHi I know that agentcallback() is deprecated, but I'm using 1.4, and I can't seem to get the agent mapped to the queue once they are logged in.  I have them listed as a member in the queue context I'm not sure what else to do.
04:57.17exothermicdoes it matter what context you put hints in?
04:57.31exothermiccan they be in any context in the dial plan?
05:08.57cplxhi guys.. anyone here pretty cluey with codecs etc?
05:28.36kmshanahhas anyone seen this error before: "Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)"
05:29.39kmshanahthis is coming up on our ISDN PRI channels
05:29.56kmshanahrestarting asterisk makes it go away, but that's pretty disruptive
05:41.31eharrisUnder asterisk 1.4.17, is there any built-in method of creating a "phantom" extension that doesn't actually go anywhere, it just records the line?
05:43.55cplxhi guys.. anyone here pretty cluey with codecs etc?
05:51.06cplxanyone know where to get the full blown cisco call manager music?
05:53.04phpboykmshanah: I've been having a VERY similar problem
05:53.10phpboynot yet found the solutions :(
05:53.21phpboymy channels get clogged up as a result of this :(
05:57.52kmshanahwe have an analog card in the same system (AEX2400) and those channels are unaffected
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05:59.33phpboyFunny enough, I have two TDM 2400's and they seem to be giving trouble to the LCR system
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06:02.29phpboyanybody ever done fax from ZAP server to IAX2 server?
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06:14.46TheIzkabolahello, I am running ubuntu and I just ran: apt-get install asterisk   I am not sure what to do next, I can't access the web panel on localhost.
06:14.52TheIzkabolaany assistance is much appreciated!
06:15.25ManxPowerWe mostly deal with installing Asterisk from source here.
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06:16.09TheIzkabolais there a way I can uninstall it and do that? I don't even know what version it installed :( **is there a way I can see?**
06:17.15ManxPowerIt's 2:16am my time, I'm going to bed.  Maybe you'll catch me tomorrow
06:17.33TheIzkabolaah ok, well thanks
06:19.42linuxmaniacTheIzkabola: there is no webpanel on Ubuntu asterisk version
06:20.11TheIzkaboladoes you know how I can uninstall asterisk? I'd love to reinstall it using source
06:20.28linuxmaniacapt-get remove --purge asterisk
06:20.39TheIzkabolathank you very much!
06:20.59TheIzkabolado you happen to have a good tutorial site for installing? sorry, i'm really new to linux
06:21.07linuxmaniacbut source or deb doesn't help you to know how to configure it
06:21.23linuxmaniacyou must read a lot before installing
06:21.34linuxmaniacsearch asterisk book
06:22.41TheIzkabolathanks, do you recommend using FreePBX?
06:22.52TheIzkabola(i've downloaded the book)
06:23.26gnorbertHi all, I have a problem with call files. When I try to call a meetme conference of Asterisk, it calls it twice and plays welcome sounds strange. Here is the Asterisk message with enabled debug and the call file:
06:23.56gnorbertCan somebody help in this?
06:24.16linuxmaniacand I recommend you asterisk. But with a previous knowledge
06:26.41TheIzkabolagreat, thanks for your help
06:32.35tzafrirgnorbert, how do you call that?
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06:33.20tzafrirgnorbert, dialplan show 111111@default
06:33.47tzafrirThough I have a feeling you originate a call to there twice
06:33.52gnorberttzafrir: I cut+paste the call file in outgoing directory.
06:34.54tzafrirTry creating the file elsewhere and then moving it into the outgoing directory
06:34.57gnorbertIt calls 11111@default. If I lose either Channel: Local/11111@default, or context and extension line, it doesnát make the call.
06:35.03tzafrir(only after it's done)
06:35.33gnorbertI moved it, didn't copy.
06:36.14phpboy[Jul 28 08:41:47] NOTICE[54526]: channel.c:2270 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/ of format slin since our native format has changed to g726 <------ what would this msg generally mean?
06:36.39tzafrirhmm, you put Local/11111@default as the channel, and then originate a call to (context+extension)11111@default?
06:37.19gnorbertMaybe that's the problem, but without either one, it didn't work.
06:37.33tzafrirSure that's the problem
06:37.43tzafrirWhat did you want to do?
06:37.57tzafriryou wanted to get something into a meetme room?
06:38.05tzafrirWhat is that "something"?
06:38.18gnorbertCall a meetme conference on the same server to play a sound file.
06:39.19tzafrirUse as Channel: Meetme/<room-name>
06:39.35gnorbertI wanted to play a wav file for all of the conference members.
06:39.54tzafrirand use: Application: Playback: demo-intro
06:40.19gnorbertI have an extension for that in *.
06:40.26tzafrirerr, likme the above, but with correct syntax
06:40.30gnorbertSo if it calls it, that plazs the sound and hangs up.
06:40.58gnorbert*plays, sorry.
06:44.17gnorbertAnd if I kick one of the two calls, it plays the kicked sound well and kicks "both" calls
06:44.58gnorbertIf I get out the context line, it makes the same.
06:49.24phpboy[Jul 28 08:41:47] NOTICE[54526]: channel.c:2270 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/ of format slin since our native format has changed to g726 <------ what would this msg generally mean?
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07:11.34gnorbertThe other question is how can I call the last 3 digits of extension (For example: call 345.wav if extension is 12345)
07:12.36*** join/#asterisk justanotherpaul (
07:13.19justanotherpaulSupport for Speex 16 kHz in Asterisk.  I'm having trouble finding information about this.
07:14.03justanotherpaulCould anyone help me?
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07:15.29gnorbertjustanotherpaul: I don't know it so much, as far as I know, you should edit codecs.conf and sip.conf/aix.conf.
07:16.01gnorbertIn sip.conf you should write disallow=all an after that allow=speex.
07:16.49gnorbertI hope I could help, I know it's not so much, sorry for that, I'm not an expert.
07:16.54justanotherpaulgnorbert: Thanks.  I am able to use that to get narrowband speex working.
07:17.31justanotherpaulWideband speex remains a problem.
07:17.45gnorbertjustanotherpaul: I think that should work also for wideband just you should set a variable.
07:17.56cplxanyone know where to get the full blown cisco call manager music?
07:18.08justanotherpaulI'll do some more searching.
07:18.20phpboyiax2_read: I should never be called! <--- why would I get such an MSG?
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07:19.53gnorbertjustanotherpaul: The problem can be that you don't have enough space to send it so you should set that somehow. It's only one line, but I don't know, sorry.
07:21.11justanotherpaulgnorbert: what makes you think it would be that?
07:22.19gnorbertjustanotherpaul: I had a problem like that. :) Of course not sure, that's the fault. That's just my tip.
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07:30.34cplxhi guys.. anyone here pretty cluey with codecs etc?
07:33.01gnorbertDoes somebody know, what can be the problem if a call file calls twice instead of one? The call file and the * messages are at
07:33.10Strom_Mcplx: what's your question?
07:35.40cplxStrom_M - im using codec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 20
07:35.54cplxStrom_M - quality isn't that good, what should I try next? bump up the bytes?
07:36.08Strom_Mum...use a codec that doesn't suck? :)
07:36.17Strom_Mg729 is going to sound horrid no matter how you slice it
07:36.35Strom_Mg711 will give you the best quality but use the most bandwidth
07:36.47cplxStrom_M - ahh ok, well my voip provider supports G726, G723,  but when i try it it doesn't seem to negotiate
07:37.01cplxvoip provider = asterisk, my end = Cisco callmanager
07:37.08Strom_Mthey dont support g711?
07:37.14cplxdoesn't look like it
07:37.20Strom_Mthat sounds odd
07:37.25Strom_Meveryone supports g711
07:37.31Strom_Mwho's your provider?
07:38.42cplxill tell u what it supports
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07:39.03Strom_Mu is a letter; i don't think it knows anything about codecs
07:39.50cplxCodec; G729, ILBC, GSM, G726, ULAW, G723, ALAW
07:39.55cplxuse ULAW?
07:40.01cplxor will that flood my connection/bandwidth
07:40.10cplxthats why im here.. to ask these stupid q's p
07:40.23Strom_Mulaw and alaw are both variants of G711
07:40.33Strom_Mulaw is for north america; alaw is for everywhere else
07:40.37cplxok so if i use alawy
07:40.47Strom_Malaw will take 64kbps plus overhead
07:40.51cplxnot sure what I would set my call manager to use
07:41.01cplxcodec preference 1 g729r8 bytes 20
07:41.14Strom_Mi have no idea; i haven't worked with call manager
07:41.14cplxcodec preference 1 G711a
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08:06.43cplxcodec preference 1 G711alaw ?
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08:09.08gnorbertDoes somebody have an idea, what can be the problem, if the call file calls twice the asterisk? I have the asterisk messages with sip debug and the call file at
08:09.44marc7there are a couple of things, as far as I'm aware, you currently can't distribute across multiple different asterisk servers working in a clustered environment.... those are conferences, and call queues... are there any other big challenges I'm missing?
08:12.27tzafrirgnorbert, I already told you why: because both legs of the call you generated are the same
08:15.58gnorberttzafrir: Sorry, then I think I didn't fully understand that you said... I thought you want to play the sound from the call file.
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08:18.03tzafrirYou originate two legs ("sides") of the call
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08:40.20kmshanahhi guys, I need some help debugging an isdn problem where asterisk thinks all the lines are busy/congested:
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08:42.34Strom_Mkmshanah: have you tried contacting digium support?
08:44.43kmshanahStrom_M: no, not as yet
08:45.16Strom_Mkmshanah: also, there's something fishy; your global constant is set to "Zap/g1" but you're dialing "ZAP/G1" -- are you sure you're running the same code you're asking for help with?
08:46.03Strom_Mkmshanah: I would do a quick sanity check and then call digium support
08:46.24kmshanahoh, sorry. I made that little change afterwards to see if it would make a difference. The diaplan had Zap/G1 while I was logging.
08:47.29Strom_Mwonders what other "little changes" you're making...
08:48.26kmshanahNo others, honest ;)
08:48.47kmshanahyeah, I'll get in touch with digium.
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09:02.22marc7is Asterisk well-suited for threading tasks across multiple processors / cores?
09:03.28marc7eg: which is better, a single processor with a high clock speed, or a multi-processor, multi-core system with decent clock speeds on each core
09:03.50marc7i understand from TFOT that a good FPU on the chip is just as important as clock speed
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09:08.19SwKFPU is important for media interaction things such as transcoding... (and media playback for things like hold music or ivr prompts if you dont have them in the native format for the call (eg: g729 for a g729 call and say G711U for a G711U call)
09:09.33SwKAs far as multi-core vs single core imho you are better to have faster then more cores due the to the way many data elemements are tracked and require locking in asterisk
09:09.33*** join/#asterisk michael-i (n=michael-@
09:09.54SwKnow that being said, more cores doesnt hurt
09:10.51l0verb0yhey there
09:11.03l0verb0ydoes anyone have any suggestions on any linux clustering software that would work well with asterisk?
09:11.40SwKyou might want to be a little more specific with that... as clustering can mean a pile of things
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09:15.07l0verb0yI have 10 servers and I need to run commands on all of them
09:20.33l0verb0ythats for sure
09:22.46*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
09:24.38SwKl0verb0y, when you say you need to run commands on all of them... are you trying to do something like do something like asterisk -rx 'restart now'  on all of them at the same time?
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09:26.24gnorberttzafrir: If I use Channel: Meetme/name of conference, it doesn't even work.
09:27.13tzafrirgnorbert, what do you use for context / extension (or alternatively: application)?
09:27.15l0verb0ySwK: yeah and a few other simple tasks
09:27.54gnorberttzafrir: I use _11XXX at extensions.conf and call 11111.
09:28.15gnorbertCall file is now the same again to
09:32.01gnorberttzafrir: My extensions.conf is at maybe it helps, but I think that's not the problem's source.
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09:35.32tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, again, what do you expect that call file to do?
09:36.17tzafrir_laptopbecause what it does in practice is to put both legs of the call you generate into meetme
09:36.43gnorbertTo call the extension 11111. That is a meetme conference that plays a sound.
09:37.00gnorbertHopefully, but I haven't done anything with that.
09:37.30tzafrir_laptopwhat should call that extension? Is there some device that should call that extension?
09:37.31marc7SwK: a belated thank you for the background on what processing conditions are more likely to be ideal for asterisk
09:38.12tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, that extensions is not "a meetme conference that plays a sound"
09:38.15gnorbertNo, just * should call itself (Local channel).
09:38.43marc7SwK: I'm designing a fairly large asterisk cluster, multiple media servers handling G.729 to G.711u translation, and different servers entirely handling the applications (eg: voicemail, conference bridges, dialplan logic, etc)
09:38.49tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, that extension puts the channel into meetme. And after its done (if it has not hung up) it will get the beep
09:40.11gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Hmm, thanks. Really... You must know something. :) And how can I play a sound then? Is that application: Playback: beep the solution?
09:40.39tzafrir_laptopApplication: Aplayback
09:40.45tzafrir_laptopData: beep
09:40.56tzafrir_laptoptries to recall correctly
09:41.23gnorbertThanks, I try it now.
09:41.43gnorbertBut then what shall I do with that extension thing?
09:42.08gnorbertSo Channel looks like that must be Local/11111@default.
09:44.09tzafrir_laptopYou can use that, right
09:44.34gnorbertBut then what shall be extension?
09:44.37gnorbertThe same?
09:44.46gnorbertJust because then it connects twice.
09:45.05tzafrir_laptopif you use Application: you should not use Context: and Extensions:
09:45.35gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Well, ok, thanks very much. Then now I try it. :)
09:47.59gillihello all. I have quite a few novice questions regarding asterisk. Is this the right place for me?
09:49.30*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
09:52.20gilliI managed to install * for a doubleE1 (T1) card. I googled and overlooked the asterisk book but I'm not sure if I could find the answer.
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09:54.04gilliWhat I want to try is to do a simple call from an NT port to a TE port, send some text and watch it arriving. Is there any way I could do this?
09:54.35tzafrir_laptopgilli, which card? E1? The name doubleE1 suggests a Junghanns (or maybe Bero?) E1 card. And that one cannot eb a T1, IIRC
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09:55.15tzafrir_laptopGetting the Asterisk book (at least the PDF) is a good idea anyway :-)
09:56.18gillitzafrir_laptop, yes you're right. It's a Junghanns doubleE1.  Yeah, I got the pdf. Sorry if my question is too trivial.
09:56.28tzafrir_laptopto do that, you should have an ISDN loopback cable (I think E1 and T1 here have the same wiring, so look for T1 loopback cable)
09:57.22tzafrir_laptopgilli, right now, the card's spans (/proc/zaptel/1 and 2) show in the first line that the span is deactivated (IIRC)
09:57.49gilliI did that. One port of the card is jumpered to TE and botch ports are connected with a cable.
09:57.51tzafrir_laptopa good sign that both ends are basically talking would be when you see there "activated"
09:58.06tzafrir_laptop(I don't recall how this shows with the LEDs on the card)
09:58.28gilliI assume they are activated, because the LEDs turn green when I connect the cable (and load the driver)
09:59.15tzafrir_laptopFirst time I see here someone with that card (whose driver name stands for 'card without an interesting name')
10:00.10gilliexactly that. cwain :)
10:07.19tzafrir_laptopdo you have it defined in asterisk? do you see anything in:
10:07.29tzafrir_laptopasterisk -rx 'zap show channels'
10:13.47gillisorry for the delay...checking.
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10:14.24gilliah.. yeah. zap show channels..yeah, that always lists both cards.
10:15.08gillii confused with zap show status
10:15.42gilliso..actually 'zap show channels' only lists 'pseud, default, default' .
10:17.33gilliIs that a bad sign?
10:17.43tzafrir_laptopso you don't have any zaptel channels defiend
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10:18.21gilliah..I think I could have messed with a .conf file..
10:18.47tzafrir_laptopyou can use the sample zapata.conf
10:18.55Coder`is away (^C0,11b^C0,4y^C0,7e ^C0,10A^C0,6L^C0,2L)
10:19.25tompawWith phpagi - is it possible to control REMOTE asterisk, or does it only work for the local one?
10:19.53tzafrir_laptopagi runs as a local process
10:20.33tzafrir_laptopmaybe you're looking at using the manager interface?
10:20.48tzafrir_laptoptompaw, what do you want to do, exactly?
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10:22.34gillithe content of my zapata.conf looks like that and I remember that ztcfg -vvv actually listed the channels(?)
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10:24.40tompawtzafrir_laptop: I want to remotely execute a call with DTMF
10:24.53tompawtzafrir_laptop: I'd like to execute it from PHP ;-)
10:25.24tzafrir_laptophands tompaw a phone wire
10:25.30tompawtzafrir_laptop: it's for automated top-ups. my framwework is in php, and obviously there are no php-sip libraries.
10:26.37tompawofftopic question: anybody from Croatia here?
10:29.24tzafrir_laptoptompaw, basically look into originate to execute a call.
10:29.51tzafrir_laptopas for DTMFs: just a few at startup, or over the course of the call?
10:32.12tompawover the course
10:32.30tompawI can bring it down to a long phone number with 'p's and 'P's
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10:32.54tompawlike 555pppp2ppp1ppp1234123412341234ppp
10:38.00gillitzafrir_laptop, could it be that manipulating my /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf causes an issue? I changed that file while I was trying to follow the asterisk book.
10:39.41tzafrir_laptopgilli, first off, make it so that you have zap channels.
10:39.49tzafrir_laptopThat is unrelated to extensions.conf
10:40.07tompawtzafrir_laptop: so is it possible to make remote call with DTMFs using ASterisk Manager?
10:40.16tompaw(I think it is)
10:40.36tzafrir_laptoptompaw, yes. Using the Originate manager command
10:40.45tompawtzafrir_laptop: ok, thanks!
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10:41.25tzafrir_laptopgilli, pastebin your /etc/zapata.conf and the output of: cat /proc/zaptel/*
10:41.52tompaw < that's cool!
10:42.43gillimy zapata.conf:
10:45.31gilliand the /proc/zaptel/*
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11:03.28gillihuh? now I just stopped asterisk once, did ztcfg -s, then ztcfg and now I can't even access the zap commands anymore..
11:05.03tompawtzafrir_laptop: will asterisk recognize those 'p' chars in the phone number?
11:07.26gilli..and I can't seem to laod manually although it's there in ./usr/lib/asterisk/modules  ...
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11:16.34knight123hello guys, i have a question, I have PBX with 4port FXO and i want to have a hotline, so from 4 directline that i have, 1234567 is my hotline, can this be vacant when the calls transfered to extensions?
11:17.03knight123im using POTS
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11:24.29gillii don't get it. why can't asterisk suddenly load anymore?
11:26.32gnorbertHi, I have a question. Is * with meetme able to make a video conference?
11:27.19knight123As multiple "hunting" lines can be created on a single POTS line using TDM40B 4 port FXO?
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11:28.41Tebihi, is there any guide how to use DSCP with asterisk?
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11:34.57gilliah...seems that aptitude removed some files was depending on.
11:35.10ionixhey guys, letsay I have a DID and when someone calls and punches in the secret extension, I want to allow them to make outbound calls. How can I do that
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11:35.31ionixi.e people calling on a 1-800 number and they put extension 12345. Then they can dial any outside number and the system connects it.
11:36.58UDi would like to get a very basic setup going
11:37.16UDto start working on the logic of my programs
11:37.45UDi have an external modem blaster and telephone line simulator
11:38.15UDis there a mechanism for answering the phone on the modem when i test call it
11:39.17UDand sending some audio back like a hotline, and doing events on a DTMF tone?
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11:40.49jonavogtHi all
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11:42.18jonavogtI'm using mISDN and have the problem that some call don't get through. Asterisk doesn't even seem to now about them. Can someone tell me how to find out where the problem is?
11:42.24gnorbertHas anybody ever made a meetme video conference?
11:45.06tzafrir_laptopgilli, what distribution? what architecture?
11:46.23gillitzafrir_laptop ...I'm sorry, I'm not you mean the linux distribution? it's ubuntu hardy 8.04 .
11:47.22gillikernel 2.6.24-19-386
11:47.48knight123so if i have 4 direct line and i using FXO, 1 line will bw my hotline like 123, if someone called, pass to the extensions, hotline number will wil be available?
11:48.39knight123does asterisk has the capability of hunting? my zap commands back. problem were some files that depended on. I guess my package manager had removed them.
11:52.11ionixi.e people calling on a 1-800 number and they put extension 12345. Then they can dial any outside number and the system connects it.
11:52.13ionixhey guys, letsay I have a DID and when someone calls and punches in the secret extension, I want to allow them to make outbound calls. How can I do that
11:54.26gillitzafrir_laptop, my asterisk version is if the question was related to that.
11:54.45gilli(thanks a lot for the help by the way)
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12:01.50tzafrir_laptopis back from a good lunch
12:03.09tzafrir_laptopgilli, that sounds like the kernel from Ubuntu Hardy
12:03.34tzafrir_laptopActually I believe that their asterisk/libpri/zaptel packages support the card
12:03.49UDionix you gave me an idea
12:04.23UDi wish i could give you ideas i'm just looking in the /etc/asterisk for the first time :)
12:04.42UDbut i did read a blog on a pcs free cell->home calling hack
12:04.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:04.52gnorbertDoes somebody know, if Asterisk is able to make a meetme video conference?
12:04.55gillitzafrir_laptop, you mean I should install the ubuntu package instead of compiling&installing the stuff myself?
12:05.12UDsomething along the lines of what i want to do, no fancy hardware, reading digits
12:05.17[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: No.
12:05.27tzafrir_laptopgilli, that's for you to decide
12:05.35tzafrir_laptopI generally prefer working with debs
12:05.41UDonly question i have though is can i just use a regular creative voice modem?
12:05.48[TK]D-FenderUD: No.
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12:05.54tzafrir_laptop(that said, I often repackage my own debs. Asterisk included)
12:05.59UDi think i had an x100p
12:06.03gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, nice, short answer, understandable even for me. :)
12:06.12UDstorage got robbed :(
12:06.30UDi bet they didnt even bother with the obsolete looking x100p
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12:07.19gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: And is Asterisk able to make a video conference somehow else?
12:07.30UD[TK]D-Fender: what if I pay for SIP service?
12:07.34[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: No.
12:07.42UDim not sure what i need to do
12:07.45gnorbert[TK]D-FenderÉ Thanks. :)
12:07.47gillii see..I'm not that experianced with linux though. I have to admit that. thing is i need to compile the code on another system later.
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12:08.08gillithat's why I'm triying to go the code-way...
12:08.35UDi wanted to be able to do some testing in my little workshop without using the internet, but anyway
12:09.11knight123hello guys i got disconnected, my question is im using 4ports FXO and how can i configure call hunt to asterisk PBX?
12:09.35tzafrir_laptopknight123, what 4port FXO do you use? a card?
12:09.42gillihowever, is not-using the .deb's the reason why asterisk can't recognize the channels on my computer?
12:09.44UDis it possible to answer a call made by my cell phone to some SIP provider to asterisk to do some common stuff like play an introduction sound clip ad read some digits and then execute my programs for reading sensors?
12:10.09UDand conditionally play sound clips based on the output of my programs?
12:10.19UDi need like a hello world example
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12:12.55knight123<tzafrir_laptop> yes TDM40B, i just wanted to have 4 POTS direct line and 1 will be 123 which is my hotline, then if someone call 123 and transfered to extension 101, someone call from my hotline again then it will hunt the 3 remaining direct line available, is this possible to Asterisk PBX?
12:13.19tzafrir_laptopUD, do something different based on specific digits entered by the user: that's an IVR
12:13.44tzafrir_laptopUD, a sample IVR is the context [demo] in the sample extensions.conf
12:13.55tzafrir_laptopThere are many other ways to implement that
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12:14.28tzafrir_laptop"someone calls 123" - from inside your PBX?
12:15.03UDis this done by specific hardware with hardware based dtmf decoders?
12:15.38tzafrir_laptopUD, Asterisk detects DTMF in software
12:16.12UDthats sorta the reason i installed
12:16.30UDhomebrewed stuff is ugly and takes forever to order
12:16.47knight123no i mean example 1234567 is my hotline number, which is 7digits, then since that is a hotline, it will be transfered to extensions, so hotline is already hook and if theirs incoming call again, can asterisk support the "call hunt" to redirect the call to my remaining 4 POTS line?
12:17.23knight123i mean 3pots number
12:17.56tzafrir_laptopknight123, I don't understand what you try to do. I suspect it is rather simple, unless I completely miss it
12:18.00UDcan i do what i said in vice versa?
12:18.14UDlike just include the API in my code
12:18.22UDto answer the phone and read digits
12:19.05UDso i just can launch a binary
12:19.15UDlike a C or perl program
12:19.32[TK]D-FenderUD: What are you looking to do in the end?
12:19.56UDhave remote control equipment
12:20.02UDand statistics reports
12:20.15UDfarm controls
12:20.34knight123<tzafrir_laptop> ok sample i have a small business, i have 4ports FXO card in my PBX and i got 4POTS, 1 direct line is my hotline number example 1234567, then since it is a hotline, can asterisk support call haunt if someone called to my hotline instead of busy it will redirect to my remaining 3 POTS line. is it possible
12:20.57UDturn my lights on and off at home with a phone
12:21.15[TK]D-Fenderknight123: Go download the BOOK, and get cracking on it.  The chapter on AGI will be of interest in integrating *'s interactivity with your custom scripting
12:21.19UDthat might be better just launching a program in the asterisk script
12:21.31[TK]D-FenderUD rather
12:21.40jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
12:21.58knight123<[TK]D-Fender> have you ever tried this?
12:22.01UDbut in the end i want a nice GUI program to do these things
12:22.09knight123im just asking if its possible?
12:22.13UDthen maybe like when i leave i can still do a few things on the phone
12:22.27[TK]D-Fenderknight123: You are getting 4 LINES in from your telco?
12:23.07knight123yes 4 direct line, im using TDM40B digium card with 4FXO
12:23.14[TK]D-FenderUD: Fairly easy
12:23.42tompawdo you know any european pstn terminator with the capability to send custom CID?
12:23.46[TK]D-Fenderknight123: If you're talking about dialing OUT, then yes * can do this.  If you want it to hunt on INCOMING calls then you have to ask your telco to do that for you
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12:25.39knight123<[TK]D-Fender> ic, so in order to have hotline which is incoming calls, the telco must grant this, right?
12:26.07knight123i just want to make sure
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12:27.19knight123<[TK]D-Fender> thanks
12:27.19[TK]D-Fenderknight123: yes
12:27.42jonavogtknight123: you are concerned that the next one will get a busy signal?
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12:30.59knight123<jonavogt> no my concerned is that since i have my hotline number, when it transfered the the extensions 101 for example, it is still hook up, so if anyone would like to call my hotline it will be busy signal, so i thought theirs a way to configure in asterisk to have a call hunt, meaning it will redirected to my 3 available direct line. as what <[TK]D-Fender> says now i got the picture of the scenario.
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12:32.34knight123<jonavogt> yes it will get busy signal to the next call if thats the case.
12:33.03jonavogtknight123: just wondered if I got the problem.
12:33.06tompawwonders if it's possible to send DTMFs '123p123'-way with * Manager's Originate
12:36.40jonavogtknight123: seems like I didn't :-D
12:36.59[TK]D-Fenderjonavogt: on what lines your calls come IN on its your TELCO's job.
12:37.18[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Send to what?
12:37.46[TK]D-Fenderjonavogt: Is that clear for you?
12:37.59knight123<jonavogt>its ok i got the picture i just want to double check. thanks guys
12:38.16jonavogt[TK]D-Fender: Yes, now it is... never worked with more than one external isdn line yet
12:38.21tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I want to dial a number followed by the DTMF sequence using Asterisk Manager
12:38.32tompawas of now I got "MessageOriginate failed"
12:38.46tompawany idea where Asterisk Manager keeps the log files
12:38.59[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You don't send DTMF as part of AMI.  That ALL in your Dial command.  Go read its instructions again.
12:39.30[TK]D-Fendertompaw: there is not more detail than what you jsut pasted
12:39.46tompaw[TK]D-Fender: ok, but actually I have to use AMI, cause I want those calls to be placed automatically
12:40.02tompaw[TK]D-Fender: really? how can I debug it, then?
12:40.20[TK]D-Fendertompaw: I mean there is no "magic" about sending DTMF.  this is not some separate functionality
12:40.30tompaw[TK]D-Fender: affirmative.
12:40.38[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Debug it by looking at what you send it for your call
12:40.41tompaw[TK]D-Fender: to begin with, I am trying to place a simple call frits.
12:41.28*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
12:42.36tompawyou know what? that was actually a very useful advice ;-)
12:42.51tompawwonders when Asterisk will begin to cook dinners and breed babies.
12:43.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Mine was doing that years ago when I started (the dinner part anyways...
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12:48.43tompawso.. if I get things right, there is some kind of 'local' channel that I need to use with Originate, right?
12:48.58tompaw(if I want the call to go through my dialplan)
12:49.13[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Look at what you are dialing.  That is all.
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12:50.09tompawthat's the thing - it dials To: <sip:sip@83.13...
12:50.18tompawaccording to
12:50.58[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You can't use that as your channel type if you want to pass extra DTMF.
12:51.23[TK]D-Fendertompaw: "Channel:" is ONLY the first parameter of Dial.  So you;d have to use a local channel to do the work for you
12:53.05TebiHi, how to setup ToS with asterisk 1.2?
12:54.10rwaiteis there a way to limit access to one at a time with asterisk's comedian mail?
12:54.20[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Why?
12:54.22rwaite(sorry, in a shared mbox)
12:54.39[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Yes, if you do it in the dialplan yourself
12:55.01rwaitei see, so before connecting, check if someone is already connected?
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12:55.36[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Clearly.
12:55.54tompaw[TK]D-Fender: let me get this straight. Do I have to add channel with an IP address of
12:56.21[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No, you have to dial a Local channel
12:56.38tompaw[TK]D-Fender: ok, but I do have to ADD it first, right?
12:56.57[TK]D-Fendertompaw: NO.  It is a CHANNEL TYPE.  You do this INSTEAD OF SIP.
12:57.13tompaw[TK]D-Fender: OK, so it's local, not `local`
12:57.17tompaw[TK]D-Fender: thx.
12:57.55tompawMessageInvalid channel :P
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13:01.59tompawok, so if I got things right, this Originate works in 2 steps. It calls the channel, channels responds and it then calls the extension.
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13:02.21[TK]D-Fendertompaw: not so much "calls" ans "dumps into the dialplan"
13:02.58tompaw[TK]D-Fender: right, the thing is, those 2 ends are connected with asterisk, so it works similar to callback featuers.
13:03.10tompaw(at least for me here)
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13:05.09tompawso, in my case, let's say I try to use Channel=local/555ppp1p2pp@my_numberplan as the channel, and exten=my_phone as extension
13:05.24[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Sure
13:05.25tompawwill it place the call and start dtmfing it while I simply listen to the whole process on my side?
13:06.42tompaw[TK]D-Fender: that is amazing, isn't it?
13:07.04tompawMessageOriginate successfully queued
13:07.15[TK]D-Fendertompaw: It ain't Raw-Cat Science...
13:09.10tompawso now I got this: Dial("Local/40902341000pp2p2@numberplan-custom-2-c1bd,1", "SIP/trunk_6/6969")
13:09.18tompaw(the 2nd part is my phone)
13:09.39tompawit does connect the call, but those 'pp2p2' don't seem do be working.
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13:10.45[TK]D-Fendertompaw: ... NOT BRIGHT.. Its not prat fo the friggen EXTEN.  its a PARAMETER TO DIAL
13:11.00[TK]D-Fendertompaw: "core show application dial" <- go read the instructions.
13:11.16tompawyes sir
13:11.31Kattygood morning sunshines!
13:12.33tompawD([called][:calling]) - Send the specified DTMF strings *after* the called party has answered, but before the call gets bridged.
13:12.54tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I assume that means those DTMFs would be sent before my trunk_6/6969 would be called, right?
13:13.42[TK]D-Fendertompaw: ... learn how to read.
13:13.59[TK]D-Fendertompaw: " Send the specified DTMF strings *after*" <----
13:14.42jonavogtrepeating my earlier question, maybe now some can help. I'm using mISDN with a Digium b410p Card but some calls don't even show up in any log so far. Asterisk is the only Device on the ISDN channel. So where can i start to find those missing calls.
13:15.35Kattymorning mike!
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13:19.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:19.50[TK]D-Fenderjonavogt: What kind of "calls"?
13:21.26jonavogt[TK]D-Fender: External Calls. I haven't found what they have in common yet. As far as I know most calls orginate from ISDN phones
13:22.05[TK]D-Fenderjonavogt: Ask your telco to look into it.  You don't have anything to start from it seems
13:22.17jonavogtCalls from Cellphones seem always to come thru.
13:22.28jonavogt[TK]D-Fender: okay... to bad.
13:22.44tompaw[TK]D-Fender: but *before* the call gets bridged.
13:23.02ManxPowertompaw: "bridged" == connecting audio between the two calls
13:23.13[TK]D-Fendertompaw: that isn't before your oubound call is placed....
13:23.21tompawright, and is'nt that what I do with Dial("Local/40902341000pp2p2@numberplan-custom-2-c1bd,1", "SIP/trunk_6/6969") ?
13:23.26[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Both legs have been called AND have answered
13:24.38tompawok. I just need to find out how to set up Dial's options from AMI's Originate.
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13:24.41[TK]D-Fendertompaw: it sends AFTER the call has been answered.
13:24.46[TK]D-Fendertompaw: YOU DON'T.
13:25.06[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You don't set Dial's options in ORIGINATE
13:25.23[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You do it in the Llocal channel you call FROM originate.
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13:28.22ManxPowerIs Llocal anything like a Llama?
13:28.46*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:29.02[TK]D-FenderManxPower: mmmmm alternative protein :D
13:29.46tompawmy head hurts.
13:29.54ManxPower"If god didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?" --Homer Simpson
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13:30.48tompaw[TK]D-Fender: by "You do it in the Llocal channel", do you mean I have to pre-configure it in the .conf?
13:30.57ManxPowertompaw: correct.
13:31.03dominic1any ideas how I can initiate a attended transfer via management? How can I put a call on hold?
13:31.40[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Chan_local is just a call into the dialplan.  Yuo do EXACTLY what you would under any other notmal circumstance in there.
13:32.08tompawok then. so it looks like I have to write it to Asterisk's database first (the top up code) and then use DB() in the local channel dialplan to get those DTMFs value for Dial()
13:32.09[TK]D-Fendertompaw: YOU call Dial, and YOU pass it the aprameters.
13:32.12tompawdoes it sound reasonable?
13:32.56[TK]D-Fendertompaw: you can pass the DTMF to dial encoded into the exten you dial in chan_local, or you can pass it as a parameter from your Originate
13:33.45tompawok, but then my dialplan has to somehow "unpack" it and use as a Dial's parameter, right?
13:34.25[TK]D-Fendertompaw: If you choose that method, yes.
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13:34.42[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Or you can set a variable in your Originate and use that instead
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13:36.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: good morning (=
13:42.55Tebi[TK]D-Fender: can you please help me? Is´t possible to use ToS value 0xB8 with asterisk 1.2.24?
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13:48.21[TK]D-FenderTebi: Don't target people with questions like that, its rude.
13:48.29tompawwhoa whoa whoa :)
13:48.38ManxPowerTebi: YES!
13:48.57xacatecashi guys, if astdb got corrupted, is there any way to "recover" it ?
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13:49.15keith4_does "restore from backup" qualify as "recover"?
13:49.24ManxPowerxacatecas: AstDB is a BerkleyDB.  So whatever you would do to recover those.
13:49.29tompawwhat do you think?
13:50.20ManxPower(an older version of Berkley DB)
13:50.27[TK]D-Fendertompaw: I think thats a mess that doesn't tell me much of anything.
13:50.36ManxPowertompaw: I think your example is 10x more complex than it should be when showing us.
13:51.14ManxPowerWe are not going to write your dialplan, we will help you with specific issues.
13:51.47tompawManxPower: it's actually working, I was just showin up ;-)
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13:52.03ManxPowertompaw: good
13:52.11tompawthe last missing bit is:
13:52.15[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Does it WORK?
13:52.22tompaw[TK]D-Fender: yes.
13:52.33[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Fine, then move on.
13:52.39tompawIllegal DTMF character 'p' in string. (0-9*#aAbBcCdD allowed)
13:52.44tompawhow do I send a pause?
13:52.54[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Who the hell told you that "p" was legal?
13:53.02tompawerm... my cellphone? :P
13:53.06ManxPowertompaw: you can only send a pause INSIDE the dialstring on ANALOG and it'snot a "p" it's a"w"
13:53.51ManxPowerFor anything else use a the D() option to dial, not as part of the number
13:54.41tompawso there's no way to send a 'digital' pause?
13:54.59ManxPowertompaw: Asterisk is not your cell phone.  Stop applying rules for other things to Asterisk.  Doing that will just cause you pain and misery -- much like a country song.
13:55.12*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
13:55.39xacatecasManxPower, i can recover a version 4, but, but i'm struggling with version 1, busy googling though.
13:55.49Tebithank you :)
13:56.11[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: jsut DELETE the file and * will start a NEW ONE
13:56.12tompawManxPower: I was told to develop things through experiments. I had to start with something, right?
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13:56.25Tebi[TK]D-Fender>: sorry
13:56.45ManxPowertompaw: that is true, but usually that means "as documented in Asterisk"
13:58.40*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
13:59.06[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Why don't you go invent entirely new Dialplan apps like "exten => _X.,1,AddDTMFAnyWayILike(SIP/provider/number,30,DTMF(12345,wait 10 seconds,make coffee, Accept voicecommands,etc)" and see if they work too?
14:00.25*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
14:00.32xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, except i think there is information in there that i really want to keep :(.  not by my design though.
14:01.13tompaw[TK]D-Fender: because I'm still suffering from the headache caused by those crappy TELES iGATEs. is 8
14:01.20[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Can you get a dump of it?
14:01.25tompawit *seems* to me like they do not recognize anything but inband
14:01.37[TK]D-Fendertompaw: So go use inband
14:02.01*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
14:02.14tompawnow, the only way they recognize my dtmfs is in the following configuration: spa922--[g729]--asterisk--[g729]--igate
14:02.18tompawwith INBAND
14:02.25tompaweven though theoretically g729 should kill it.
14:02.37[TK]D-FenderTebi: "tos=0xB8" under [general] in sip.conf
14:02.52[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Yes, that is jsut plain stupid
14:02.59xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, no, I can use strings on it and that is pretty much the only sensible interaction I can get out of the crashed one.
14:03.10tompaw[TK]D-Fender: totally agree. as stupid as it is, that's the only config in which it works.
14:03.24[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: So "database show" in CLI doesn't give you anything usable?
14:03.40xacatecaswell, asterisk goes up to 99% usage and locks my CLI.
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14:03.56tompawis there a way to force * to use inband with g729? (even know all odds say it's NOT gonna work)
14:04.05[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: atke the file out to another box and do it there
14:04.11ManxPowertompaw: yes
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14:05.12tompawManxPower: any other than sources manipulation?
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14:08.18xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, same thing.  as soon as I try and load up that db asterisk goes into 100 % usage and database show gives no results.
14:08.36ManxPowertompaw: If you get more than 2 or 3 correct DTMF out of 10 DTMFs when running G729, then you are no t using inband.
14:08.41[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Ok, high usage is one thing... no results is another... no idea from this point.
14:08.53tompawManxPower: actually, I get 100%
14:09.00xacatecasi had similar results when a bdb crashed under openldap, a db4.2_recover usually managed to get me back up but this bdb version == different from the tools.
14:09.26ManxPowerthen you know what I'm getting at,.  Why are you using G729 anyway?
14:10.09tzafrir_laptopxacatecas, asterisk uses bdb c. 1.86
14:10.13tompawto preserve the bandwidth
14:10.32[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Got enough so you export your data?
14:10.34tzafrir_laptop(the last version that had a GPL-compliant license)
14:10.43ManxPowerhow much bandwidth do you have between the different devices?
14:10.43Hertzy3Hey all, Ive got a problem with receiving phone calls.  Sometimes, not all the time, there is a 1-way audio problem.  The call goes through, but the caller can't hear me at all.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  This happens for each phone on a call ring, and I have repowered the switch already
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14:10.54ManxPowerspecifically betewwn Asterisk and the gateway
14:11.08xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, no, 100 % cpu usage == similar to when bdb crashed under openldap.  unable to get any data from it.
14:11.20xacatecaslooking for a bdb_dump tool of sorts, that might help.
14:11.33[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: db4.2_recover usually managed to get me back up but this bdb version == different  <-- from THI I mean
14:11.40tompawManxPower: theoretically 1Mbps
14:11.53[TK]D-Fenderherzdescribe that call in DETAIL.
14:11.54tompawManxPower: I tested various codecs and it really works best with g729
14:12.01xacatecasoh, no, it basically bombs out and says the version is incorrect.
14:12.06ManxPowerYou understand that an ulaw or alaw call uses 0.008Mbps, right?
14:12.38tompawManxPower: it still uses 3x more than g729, right?
14:13.02ManxPowerWhen you have a million dollars, then $800 means NOTHING.
14:13.10xacatecaslooking to see if I can compile the right version of the tools now ...
14:13.12rbdhi guys, I have a situation where I have openser and asterisk running on the same box. I get a SIP call in from asterisk, it does a Dial() and sends the INVITE over to openser, which rewrites the RURI and then sends the call to asterisk. With this, asterisk gets confused and issues a 486 Loop detected error. The callID is the same, however the RURI is different. I did try running asterisk with pedantic=yes but that doesn't seem to ha
14:13.23ManxPowertompaw: and G729 uses 5x the CPU power.
14:14.04tompawManxPower: cpu is not an issue at all. (4 xeons on board) It simply works best with g729, tested all of them.
14:14.29ManxPowertompaw: apparently not according to your problem. 8-)
14:15.25tompawgod, I wish I didn't have to work with this crap, but I don't have much choice in here.
14:15.53jayteeI think 800 bucks is alot to someone who has millions because they're the type of people who figured out how to charge us 9/10ths of a penny extra for a gallon of gas.
14:16.05tompawjaytee: not all of them.
14:17.14tompawmy screen was flooded with  Inband DTMF is not supported on codec g729. Use RFC2833
14:17.17tompawyet still, it worked
14:17.17jayteeof course not all of them, that would be a flawed generalization.
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14:17.25tompawI do *not* understand it at *All*.
14:19.12ManxPowerIt's a bad idea.  Asterisk is telling you this.
14:19.47tompawManxPower: so how much are you saying alaw takes? 0.008? or 0.08 maybe?
14:20.36ManxPowerSIP alaw and ulaw take 64Kbps + UDP overhead, which works out to be about 80Kbps, so it would be 0.08Mbs
14:20.51*** join/#asterisk Illarane (n=heifer@pdpc/supporter/student/Veratien)
14:21.44tompawAnd G729 is around 0.02, right?
14:21.45IllaraneHiya, which file controls whether or not the automatic-announcey-person-thing says 'and' in numbers?
14:21.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I think there's a position open in Verizon's accounting dept for you ;)
14:22.01Illarane[TK]D-Fender: Ouch... :p
14:22.20Illarane$.002 == .002c?
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14:25.01tompawI think I found the solution.
14:25.42tompawI can leave the trunk defined as g729 for ordinary calls. For topups I will make a copy of the same trunk but with alaw. I'm not going to be doing more than 1 topup/time anyway.
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14:26.17tompawI'm pretty sure it would work with g729 anyway, but asterisk has much more experience in this field than me, so if it warns me against it... it must have some reasons.
14:27.42knight123hello guys, i forgot to ask earlier, from my inbound, after the IVR, when the calls transfered to extensions, how can i change the settings instead of ringing, i want to hear music playing?
14:28.04Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender: Theres actually 2 problems, I dont know if they are related or not.  Sometimes the call will come into the call ring and just ring off the hook.  The answer button will not answer the call, it just keeps ringing on all phones.  Other times the call is answered but halfway thru the conversation the caller can no longer hear us, but we can hear them just fine.  So they hang up
14:28.09*** join/#asterisk Hastalavi (
14:28.10ManxPowerknight123:  Your question indicates that you never read The Asterisk Book
14:28.35tompaw[TK]D-Fender, ManxPower: thank you guys for help, as always. Now I got everything to launch my top-up application.
14:28.36ManxPowerknight123: "/etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf" and "core show application dial"
14:28.49[TK]D-Fenderknight123: "core show application dial" <---
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14:29.07knight123i read it but it makes me confused
14:29.37[TK]D-Fenderknight123: It tells you the parameter to MoH instead of ringing.  Keep reading it til your eyes bleed
14:29.53ManxPowerthen read it again.  Playing music instead of ringing is such a basic part of Asterisk....well...if you can't figure it out, maybe you should be trying something else.
14:29.54[TK]D-FenderHertzy3: Describe the call's origin in DETAIL.
14:30.57knight123<[TK]D-Fender> ok thanks guys
14:31.07*** part/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
14:31.27ManxPowerknight123: Asterisk is complicated, very, very, very technical, and confusing.  It will take you a long time to be comfortable with Asterisk
14:31.42ManxPowerIt's not really Asterisk, but VoIP in general.
14:34.03knight123<ManxPower> yes your right thats why ehn i tried to build one it works perfectly but a little adjustment about some extras that needs to be change, confusing but its good, also its nice coz theirs support that i can ask when i'm lost like you guys telling those hints will be good to make my PBX more accurate.
14:34.18*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:34.20knight123thanks, thats y  i love asterisk even its tricky
14:36.53Illaraneblinks as his phone tells him his minutes have been carried away by monkies.
14:38.19mshadesi've use asterisk as a fecal foreplay telephone party-line for 3 years and i'm still not comfortable with it
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14:40.17Hertzy3[TK]D-Fender: Honestly Im not sure how.  I am waiting for it to happen again so that I can see what happens in the console.  When it does I will show you
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14:42.26rukusquick question, is there a monster faq avaiable ?
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14:45.09tompawregarding dialplan variables - BLAH:5 means BLAH starting from 5th char. how can I make 'BLAH starting from 5th char 7 chars ahead' ?
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14:46.20Kattyso much sleepy.
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14:46.58angryusergood day
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14:52.41jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
14:54.06*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
14:54.10Xen^hello every one
14:54.21Xen^[TK]D-Fender: arround ?
14:54.43[TK]D-FenderXen^: Yes
14:54.49Xen^[TK]D-Fender: how are you doing ?
14:55.02[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Go read "asterisk variables" on the WIKI
14:55.04*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:55.09[TK]D-FenderXen^: Still breathing :)
14:55.20Xen^[TK]D-Fender: you remember you tried to help me with register sip account under asterisk
14:55.26Xen^[TK]D-Fender: hehe
14:55.34[TK]D-FenderXen^: Maybe...
14:55.40Xen^[TK]D-Fender: well i am still facing same issue, this issue is also on FreeSwitch :(
14:56.08Xen^[TK]D-Fender: can you please take a look into it once please
14:56.17[TK]D-FenderXen^:Right now "maybe" is looking more like "No.".  Whats the issue?
14:56.50Xen^well i have sip user which can be registered on any softphone but i can not able to register it on asterisk ...
14:56.58*** join/#asterisk esaym (
14:57.13[TK]D-FenderXen^: What provider?
14:57.19Xen^user: user, auth user:, pass: passcode,, proxy:ip:9060
14:57.28Xen^[TK]D-Fender: its :$
14:58.39[TK]D-FenderXen^: pastebin everything again and maybe someone can add something to that..
14:58.58gillihey guys... if my ztcfg prints "62 channels to configure" can I assume that the channels are configured or is there something wrong?
14:59.40angryusergilli all is ok
14:59.57[TK]D-Fendergilli: Thats only zaptel.conf.  Doesnt' say your Zapata.conf has anything usable in it...
15:00.30gillithanks ..but how will I know if my zapata.conf is useful?
15:01.16[TK]D-Fendergilli: Gee I don't know... tried placing any CALLS with it yet?
15:01.23tompaw"Changing DTMF duration when sending for ZAP channels" << how can I change the tone duration (inband) when NOT in ZAP channels?
15:01.35ManxPowertompaw: you can't
15:01.53*** join/#asterisk hanchi (n=hanchi@
15:02.52gilli[TK]D-Fender, no. I'd like to get there but asterisk doesn't seem to see any channels.
15:03.11ManxPowerI only read up to THREE HUNDRED pastebin lines.
15:03.42*** part/#asterisk hanchi (n=hanchi@
15:03.49[TK]D-Fendergilli: And how are you looking at them?
15:03.55[TK]D-Fendergilli: PASTEBIN is your friend.
15:03.58jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:03.58Xen^it includes eyeBeam Debug, SIP Debug and SIP Configuraton
15:03.58ManxPowerXen^: What specific issue are you having?
15:05.01Xen^ManxPower: i can not able to register this sip user under asterisk
15:05.01*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
15:05.17ManxPowerThere's the one line we care about: [Jul 28 09:10:35] WARNING[19014]: chan_sip.c:12530 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '0218000342' to ''
15:05.39Xen^ManxPower: but same password is working on softphone
15:05.46ManxPowerso you have a wrong password in [0218000342] section of sip.conf
15:06.09Xen^well same password i used in [0218000342] and in register =>
15:06.34ManxPowerYou can argue all day, the message is clear.
15:06.48ManxPowerwhat is running on
15:07.09Xen^well its have Motorola-IMS/3.1
15:07.19Xen^it is run by provider
15:07.54ManxPowerAs I said, the message is clear.
15:08.50ManxPowerremember, many providers only allow you to change the web portal password online and do not allow you to change your SIP auth details via their web interface.
15:08.52Xen^MaxPower: i can share login details with you also give you access to machine to look by your self. I am very carefull about password. same this is not working on FreeSwitch and there is already bug report...
15:09.12gilli[TK]D-Fender, zapata.conf
15:09.16ManxPowerXen^: I can have access to a Motorola-IMS/3.1?
15:09.32Xen^ManxPower: if my password changed then i could not able to login using softphone
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15:09.51[TK]D-Fendergilli: Ok, looks basic enough.  Now show me a problem
15:09.56ManxPowerXen^: I cannot help you further.
15:09.59Xen^ManxPower: if i do have access to Motoroal-IMS/3.1 then i believe i get it resolved by looking into their debug logs :)
15:10.49*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:11.20gilli[TK]D-Fender, my problem is that I'd like to put a simple call, send some text and see it arriving. to do that, tzafrir told me that asterisk should be able to show the channels. but it doesn't.
15:11.51gilliso 'zap show channels' only prints a pseudo device.
15:12.07drakocore show channels
15:12.18gillitrying this..
15:12.19ManxPowerthe sending of text will be the major problem
15:13.04fogoAccording to the documentation, TE410Ps can only take timing from one of the four spans - could this cause problems with timing errors on the other ports?
15:13.17ManxPowergilli: You place calls between endpoints (usually phones).  What protocol does your phone use to receive text?
15:13.23tzafrir_laptop'core show channels' is something different
15:13.38ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: *nod*  It shows ACTIVE channels.
15:13.47tzafrir_laptop'zap channels' are similar, in a way, to sip peers and such
15:13.55ManxPowerfogo: not normally.
15:14.06[TK]D-Fendergilli: try "module reload
15:14.15ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: *nod*  A good way to be sneaky about seeing if zapta is setup correctly.
15:14.18gillitrying this..
15:14.18[TK]D-Fendergilli: And then recheck "zap show channels"
15:14.42Xen^any one else can help me out ?
15:15.02fogoManxPower: I didn't think so .. I would think Digium would have things figured out. At any rate, our provider was seeing timing errors on the line; although I'm inclined to think it's their problem.
15:15.11gillireloading gave some warnings and rechecking 'zap show channels' still just prints the pseudo device.
15:15.36ManxPowergilli: then you don't have a valid /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:15.43ManxPoweror you don't have any digium cards.
15:15.52gillino, I have a junghanns card.
15:16.02*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=asterisk@
15:16.02tzafrir_laptopgilli, could you please re-post your /proc/zaptel/* ? It seems beyond my scroll buffer
15:16.15gillisure, thanks moment.
15:16.17ManxPowerfogo: the only time you would normally have issues with the single timing source would be if you were plugging different telcos into different ports on the same card.
15:16.54[TK]D-Fendergilli: Junghanns has a full E1 card for normal * usage?
15:17.17tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, yes. It's the driver in bristuff called cwain'
15:17.37[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: bleh.
15:18.05[TK]D-FenderI am so very much backing out of this one...
15:18.12ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: good call!
15:18.15fogoManxPower: hrm.. we are. 3 PRIs from one provider, one from another. However, I have switched the primary timing source to one of their three, and we're still getting drops (all 3 of their PRIs will drop at the same time)- the other PRI from the other provider hasn't dropped the entire time.
15:18.40ManxPowerfogo: no errors I assume (or you would have told me the error messages already) no error MESSAGES, I assume
15:19.21tzafrir_laptopgilli, good. So you have a good zaptel.conf . Now, what do you have in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?
15:19.39gillicopying... :)
15:19.58fogofogo: not that I can see - all I can catch is the recovering message in 'zap show status' - should I be looking somewhere else as well?
15:20.06*** join/#asterisk dikdust (n=dikdust@
15:20.20ManxPoweralarms should show up in the CLI
15:21.19fogoManxPower: checking logs...
15:23.00gillitzafrir_laptop:  ...looks like a problem?
15:23.38*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
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15:24.06tzafrir_laptopgilli, you didn't actually add anything there (or replace it)
15:24.41*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
15:24.44gillii actually thought that asterisk would read the one from /etc/  and not from the subdir..
15:24.48*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:24.55tzafrir_laptopEither use the one from the sample , or use genzaptelconf to generate the missing bits for you
15:25.20tzafrir_laptopThere's /etc/zaptel.conf directly under /etc/ . But this is for kernel-level configuration
15:25.49gilliand would it be wrong to simply copy the one from /etc/ to /etc/asterisk ?
15:26.52*** join/#asterisk spokra (
15:28.57fogoManxPower: looks like I am getting alarms:
15:29.04gillinow I ran genzaptelconf but I'm not sure if it changed anything in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:32.36*** part/#asterisk jonavogt (
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15:34.12ManxPowerfogo: NOW you can tell your telco.
15:34.41ManxPowerfogo: RED alarms are almost never timing issues.  They are hardware or cable issue.
15:35.41fogoManxPower: I figured it was their problem - they even saw errors coming from their end on a t-bird, and still think it's my issue because the line tests clean
15:35.46gillitzafrir_laptop: after having run genzaptelconf I still had the same problem in asterisk. but after replacing zapata.conf with the one from /etc/ I get a lot of warnings and 'zap show channels' seems to print out 62 'demo channels'..
15:36.20ManxPowergilli: /etc/zapata.conf and /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf are totally different files and do totally different things and cannot be interchanged.
15:37.00*** join/#asterisk Alan_Hicks (
15:37.03tzafrir_laptopadd '#include zapata-channels.conf' to the end of /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:37.16tzafrir_laptopor just add its content to the end of zapata.conf
15:37.42gillidoing this...
15:38.08Alan_HicksHowdy!  I'm using Polcom Soundpoint IP320 phones and have implimented a macro that pages all of my phones when a certain extension is dialed.  The phones auto-answer and immediately two-way communication starts.
15:38.24fogoManxPower: upon further inspection, I'm also seeing "Unable to disable echo cancellation on channel XX" - I'm assuming this is because the line just went red?
15:38.36QwellAlan_Hicks: cool
15:38.39Alan_HicksWhat I would like to do is impliment one-way paging, essentially mute the paged phones when this macro is dialed.  Can anyone point the way out to me?
15:38.57QwellAlan_Hicks: I think that's just modifying the SIP header you add
15:38.59tompawanyone in here has any experience with the TELES equipment?
15:39.04Alan_HicksI've browsed the admin manual for these phones and the example conf files, but nothing's struck me.
15:39.09tompawbangs his head against the wall.
15:39.38Alan_HicksI can pastebin any files you feel may be useful.
15:39.53*** join/#asterisk dr_gogeta86 (
15:39.59[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: Should have started with that.
15:40.06dr_gogeta86hi to all
15:40.44*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
15:41.18Alan_Hicksmacro from extensions.conf -->
15:41.32*** part/#asterisk exothermic (n=miles@
15:42.59gillitzafrir_laptop: I'm not sure if my zapata-channels.conf is looking right, because everything seems commented...
15:44.26[TK]D-FenderAlan_Hicks: DIAL is not PAGE.
15:46.14*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
15:46.41Alan_HicksI'm such a dumb-ass!  Thanks.
15:47.33tzafrir_laptopgilli, duh. Because cwain does funny games with the /proc/zaptel file :-(
15:48.05tzafrir_laptopgilli, anyway, it should be something in the lines of:
15:48.47fogoManxPower: sorry to keep going over this, but looking into my log, I'm seeing an alarm on span 1, span 3, an HDLC Abort on span 2, then an alarm on span 2. Aren't HDLC Aborts caused by interrupts; or could this be coming about due to the alarms?
15:48.57*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
15:51.12gilliis watching
15:54.30gillithank you so much. pasting it to the file..
15:54.51*** join/#asterisk jpastore (
15:59.28gillitzafrir_laptop: hmm...after including the new zapata-channels.conf to /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf I started asterisk again.
15:59.42gillibut it doesn't provide the zap commands anymore.
15:59.53gilliso I tried to reload
16:00.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-f39c0756dd8b0d80)
16:00.15tzafrir_laptoptry: module unload
16:00.21tzafrir_laptopmodule load
16:00.30gillii did exactly that.
16:00.43gillifirst i unloaded and the i loaded manually.
16:01.05gillibut on loading it reports:  chan_zap.c:12221 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-15,16-31
16:02.00gilliand still it doesn't provide the zap commands.
16:02.24*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
16:02.30tzafrir_laptopsilly me. make that:
16:02.42tzafrir_laptopchannel => 1-15,17-31
16:02.50tzafrir_laptopgot used to genzaptelconf
16:03.22gillireplacing ..thanks a lot :)
16:06.10gillitzafrir_laptop: hmm.. now I do have access to the zap commands again but asterisk keeps floading warnings again.
16:06.26tzafrir_laptopWhat warnings?
16:06.45gillichan_zap.c:10523 pri_dchannel: PRI Error on span 0: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
16:07.10gillichan_zap.c:2510 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
16:08.01gillithese lines are being repeated..
16:08.07*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:08.30angryuseri got a fring client, can someone tell me how is he able to register to port 50653 from outside? only 5060 and 10000-20000 are routed
16:08.55ManxPowerI doubt you can
16:09.05angryuseri saw it in cli
16:09.11ManxPowergilli: your carrier has a loopback on the line
16:09.21Qwellangryuser: That's likely the source port.
16:09.40ManxPowerangryuser: no, you saw the SOURCE port of the registration, not the DESTINATION.  Learn some networking dide.
16:10.23gilliManxPower ..I guess that's right because I connected one port (TE) from the double E1 card to another one (NT) on the same card. Bad idea?
16:10.23angryuserwell show me where it is written in docs of *
16:10.47ManxPowerangryuser: It's BASIC NETWORKING, nothing to do with Asterisk or VoIP.
16:11.07ManxPowergilli: what made you think it was a good idea.
16:11.21*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
16:11.33tzafrir_laptopgilli, you seem to have signalling = pri_cpe on both ports . You should have signalling = pri_net on the NT one
16:11.41angryuserManxPower whatever
16:12.00ManxPowerangryuser: not knowing networking will make it virtually impossible for you to manage Asterisk
16:12.06*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (i=jpcansa@
16:12.24gillitzafrir_laptop: is this something I can set via software or rather by setting jumpers?
16:13.27tzafrir_laptopgilli, I don't know that card. The BRI cards of Junghanns have drivers that report if they are TE or NT in /proc
16:13.34angryuserManxPower i am just saying some info are confusing, like some people think 'sip show peers' show them the registry status
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16:13.47tzafrir_laptopand there the driiver must know
16:13.54ManxPowerangryuser: that is a legit asterisk doc issue.
16:13.55angryuserof remote trunk
16:14.39Qwellsip show peer does show registration...
16:15.05angryuserQwell i mean for remote trunk
16:15.18Qwellit shows whether something is registered to you
16:15.38tzafrir_laptopgilli, any anyway, that error you got was not because of wrong jumper. It was because of wrong definitions in zapata.conf
16:16.03gilliso is there a way I can fix it?
16:16.12ManxPowerQwell: Any chance of having the source port stuff removed from the default "sip show" stuff?
16:16.22ManxPowerall it does is cause confusion
16:16.49Qwellit's useful for people
16:17.19angryuserManxPower no just some line in doc's would be nice
16:17.32ManxPowerQwell: then leave it in the "show consise" or something like that.
16:17.40ManxPowerangryuser: it's not a doc issue.
16:18.02ManxPowerdo a "netstat -an" on your web server sometime, see all the non-port 80 connections.
16:18.20ManxPowersame for every single server that supports TCP/IP ON THE PLANET.
16:18.55angryuserManxPower sure it is, jus a little comment like 'client's source port' will wipe it all
16:19.17ManxPowerangryuser: but if you don't know networking you would now know what that means
16:20.34angryuserManxPower it is better then just 'port'
16:21.13ManxPoweranything is better than just "port".  I've complained about it multiple times before.
16:21.28tzafrir_laptopgilli, egrep 'signalling|chanel' /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
16:21.45tzafrir_laptopand again, read what I wrote above regarding signalling
16:22.33*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
16:22.37ManxPowerangryuser: you are like the 400th user to be confused about the output.
16:22.49ManxPowerUsually it's the poor sods with SIP NAT problems
16:22.56angryuserManxPower that's coz nobode listen to you ;)
16:23.12outtolunchuh what?
16:23.28ManxPowerangryuser: I don't help people that don't listen to me.  I tell them "Best of luck with that" or "I cannot help you further".
16:23.36ManxPowerTK just beats them up until they start listening. 8-)
16:23.51*** join/#asterisk dmz (n=dmz@
16:24.00angryuserManxPower what that tk means anyway ?
16:24.14ManxPowerTK means [TK]D-Fender
16:24.23angryusertrying to guess for days now
16:24.33angryuseryes i know but tk ?
16:24.45ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: What does TK stand for?
16:24.56angryuserhe wont tell me
16:25.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: TK doesn't stand for any BS.  The world comes to him as he sits!
16:25.36ManxPowerDon't worry, [TK]D-Fender.  If you tell me in private, I won't tell angryuser
16:25.55gillitzafrir_laptop: ah! thanks for helping me understand. so, can I split the configuration for the signaling into two parts in zapata.conf ?
16:26.42tzafrir_laptopreminds gilli of
16:26.44LemensTStoo kool
16:27.18jbotextra, extra, read all about it, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
16:28.24gilliis too noob to know
16:29.08ManxPowergilli: I'm not helping you because you are using what I refer to as an "exotic card".  i.e. BRI or non-Digium/Sangoma card.
16:29.29pbrown985Sangoma is pimp.
16:30.30*** join/#asterisk joel_oliveira (
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16:30.41tzafrir_laptopManxPower, I'm helping him because he's using an exotic card :-)
16:31.00gillitzafrir_laptop: thanks a lot! :)
16:31.04tzafrir_laptopjbot must know what TK stands for
16:31.07jbotACTION snipes $herlo with a straw and rolled up piece of paper
16:31.55joel_oliveirahi all
16:32.07joel_oliveirai am having a problem with the queue_log file
16:32.32joel_oliveirathe problem is that when a call is completed by the caller (COMPLETECALLER flag) i get an id channel for that operation
16:32.58joel_oliveirabut when the call is completed by the agent (COMPLETEAGENT) I dont't get the id channel
16:33.44joel_oliveiraAgent -> SIP/4365|COMPLETEAGENT|35|91
16:33.58joel_oliveiraCaller -> |SIP/4364-082997c8|COMPLETECALLER|31|223
16:34.36*** join/#asterisk EricL (
16:34.38joel_oliveirais there any problem with a certain version of asterisk for this manner?
16:34.58EricLCan someone send me a link for an FXO card that I can put in a Dell Poweredge 2950?
16:35.59*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
16:38.38*** join/#asterisk zamba (
16:38.50zambahow can i establish a trunk between two asterisks?
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16:39.15angryuserzamba you can you sip or iax2
16:40.16zambai know the register option is used on one of the sides
16:40.22n3hxswhich do you think is better?  sip or iax2?
16:40.32zambabut what do i have to do on the other side?
16:40.43zambaif i had to choose, sip?
16:41.29gillitzafrir_laptop: even after setting the signalling = pri_net for both groups asterisk still reported:  We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
16:41.38angryuserhave no idea, but look it this way, you need to configure 1 sip/iax friend on both servers and register them
16:42.05gillishould I consult Junghanns maybe? After all I didn't even know that this channel is dedicated to Digium-cards only....
16:42.36[TK]D-Fenderzamba: go read "asterisk dual servers" on the WIKI
16:42.39jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:42.53[TK]D-Fenderzamba: And passing calsl from one to the other is no different that doing so with an ITSP, etc
16:43.05tzafrir_laptopgilli, "signalling" is not applied on reload . You may need to restart asterisk
16:43.05angryuserzamba it's like the provider trunk configuration, but on this time 2 servers are used both as client and servers
16:43.06zamba[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
16:43.53gillitzafrir_laptop: I did restart asterisk. I exited with 'stop now', started asterisk and connected to it with -r . Wrong way?
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16:44.57tzafrir_laptoplook at the spans with:  pri show spans
16:45.01*** part/#asterisk EricL (
16:45.44gillitzafrir_laptop: reports that both spans are up and active.
16:45.50*** part/#asterisk mrnick (n=ubugo@
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16:47.06pabelangerafternoon all, anybody know of a UI for res_config database?
16:48.13Qwellpabelanger: huh?
16:50.04pabelangerI was looking to see if somebody already created an UI (perl, php, etc) for the res_config database?  I wanted to get a better understanding of the database structure.
16:50.52*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:51.16keith4how does mass-deployment of linksys SPA940 series compare with polycom SIP?
16:51.27Qwellkeith4: not much can touch Polycom
16:51.48keith4i don't mind hoop-jumping and being aggravated, as long as the end result is usable
16:51.57*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (n=chatzill@
16:52.02_Raptor_hey guys, despite this issue should be resolved ( i still get this output when compiling zaptel (svn checkout zaptel-1.2) on 2.6.26:
16:52.21keith4but, i'm a bit worried by the fact that i can't find much documentation on mass-deploying linksys sip phones
16:52.25[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Linksys will be a cost-effective choice for you
16:52.38[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Your Google-fu is WEAK
16:53.07keith4other than the bit in the wiki
16:53.39[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: And that fix was for 1.4, not 1.2
16:53.44keith4well, the SPA941 is price-comparable to the SIP320 or 330, so I don't think cost-effectiveness comes into play much
16:53.52*** join/#asterisk dwclarkNU (
16:53.52[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: 1.2 is NOT supported except for security bugs.
16:54.21[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : guess you found a better retailer where you are then....
16:54.36*** join/#asterisk kensuke_ (i=c829e4f4@gateway/web/ajax/
16:54.41DovidTK: talking about 1.2 and 1.4.X I finally moved all my boxes over to 1.4.X
16:54.42[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : last I checked, Polycom came at a hefty premium in the UK
16:55.05[TK]D-FenderDovid: "Procrastination : The art of keeping up with yesterday"
16:55.25dwclarkNUhello, i am looking to use asterisk for our centrlized call center design using all SIP, we will have a maximum of 450 concurrant SIP connections from agents and will use sip trunks back to our dialer...i am looking for hardware reccomendations to handle this volume
16:55.57_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: 1.2 is not supported any more?
16:56.10plikI'd procrastinate more if I wasn't so lethargic
16:56.16DoviddwclarkNU: Not that you have to but I would split it over 2 boxes
16:56.20[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: hasn't been for a LONG time now.
16:56.39dwclarkNUAMD vs Intel, slower quad core or fasater dual core, etc...
16:56.44keith4[TK]D-Fender: well, on telephonydepot... SPA942 is $116, SIP330 is $108
16:57.04Dovid_Raptor_: Ever since 1.6.X Beta came out 1.2.x has been in "security fix mode" only
16:57.10angryuserDovid using openser with failover wouls be better maybe..
16:57.50Dovidangryuser: Although I do work with OpenSER + Asterisk I never set it up from A-Z so I don't talk about what I don't know to well
16:57.56[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Where are you located again?  I was still thinking UK...
16:58.25keith4unfortunately, in the same state as telephonydepot, so I have to pay tax
16:58.38_Raptor_Dovid: ok i see thanks
16:58.39[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Ok, scracth that, fuck Linksys, take Polycom and don't look back :p
16:58.48Dovidkeith4: They still seem to be chepar. I orderd from them a few times and I was happy
16:58.55DovidTK: Amen to that
16:59.06keith4[TK]D-Fender: heh... ok.
16:59.07dwclarkNUok, so if i were to break the single box up into two boxes, would i be better with fast (3.0ghz) dual core or slower quad core (2.5ghz)
16:59.21angryuserDovid me either, but it looks like openser manage well big volume of clients, and failover is a nice feature when you have 450 people not yelling at you
16:59.25dwclarkNUTK: I agree, Polycom is the way to go
16:59.39Dovidangryuser: I agree with that. it saved my ass a few times
16:59.51DovidOpenSER + Asterisk + Heartbeat
17:00.23angryuseryes heartbeat is a way to go
17:00.34DoviddwclarkNU: been out of the CPU game for a while. as a guess I would say quad 2.5
17:00.46gilliwell..i have to leave the office for now... tzafrir_laptop: thanks a big bunch for your help so far. I had read about you and xorcom so I appreciate the time you offered even more. good day everyone.
17:01.33dwclarkNUi thought the same thing, but somone mentioned on a forum that asterisk is about IO rather than multiple computations and the CPUs share IO
17:02.12angryuserbut i saw a youtube on asterisktag 2008 , * does not really profit of miltucore, one guy said, it that true ?
17:02.23Dovidlike I said I dont know much in the "CPU World". maybe TK can help
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17:02.59Coder`is away (^C0,11b^C0,4y^C0,7e ^C0,10A^C0,6L^C0,2L)
17:03.40dwclarkNUi just dont want to go ask teh board of driector to spend 1/2 a million on a MPLS WAN, new dialer and then have the box conneccting everything together to not work...i'd kinda look like a schmuck
17:04.39DoviddwclarkNU: Google is your friend
17:05.36*** join/#asterisk pbrown985 (
17:05.47dwclarkNUDovid: i've read all that, but there was no one conclusive thread, which is why i am in here now
17:06.07DoviddwclarkNU: Don't know the answer
17:06.46*** join/#asterisk exothermic (n=miles@
17:07.02dwclarkNUhopefully somone else in the channel can shed some light on hardware reccomendations for an all sip setup
17:07.05exothermicI have the first digit getting stripped off my call every time I try to make a call
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17:07.52Gnutoohello, is there a howto for making conferences rooms? all my search returns asterix conferences(real life conferences...)
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17:08.03Dovidexothermic: do you want it ? do you not want it ? problem ?
17:08.04exothermicit comes into the output saying   Executing [ext@context:1]  where context is the context specified on the peer
17:08.08[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: "core show application meetme"
17:08.16Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, thanks
17:08.19exothermicDovid: I don't want it.
17:08.21[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Go lookup "meetme" on the WIKI
17:08.46Dovidexothermic most likely in ur dial plan. please psot your extensions.conf
17:08.47*** join/#asterisk unaffiliate (n=un@unaffiliated/unafilliate)
17:08.48kensuke_qustion, i can send the "iax2 debug" to a text file?
17:09.13[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: 'ext" is what you dialed, so thats what you get.
17:09.20angryuserdwclarkNU it depends on various parameters, codecs, transoding, conferences, maybe read this ?
17:09.28[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: what you DO with what was dialed is your job in the dialplan.
17:09.40exothermic[TK]D-Fender: No I'm actually getting the first digit stripped of ext
17:09.59Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, that's what i did after you answered...thanks a lot
17:10.05[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: Pastebin a failed call.  If its from a SIP device, then enable SIP debug.
17:10.08jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:10.25exothermic[TK]D-Fender: Executing [5256522@ebi_devices:1] Pickup("SIP/8702-b7d102b8", "256522") in new stack
17:10.41Dovidexothermic: Most likely dialplan error
17:10.48Dovidpost it on PB !!
17:10.52[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: it IS a dialplan error
17:11.03[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: YOU are stipping the 1st digit off
17:11.13*** join/#asterisk vgster (
17:11.16exothermic[TK]D-Fender: Ya I can see that, but I can't figure out where.
17:11.25[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: paste the LINE from your extensions.conf
17:11.35[TK]D-Fender(just pastebi,m its 1 line)
17:11.43[TK]D-Fenderjsut paste*
17:12.41*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=zenbsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
17:14.46exothermic[TK]D-Fender: The devices in this case have context=ebi_devices for the sip peers
17:15.25exothermicI looked for all instances of ":1" which would strip off the first digit, but can't find any that shouldn't be there.
17:15.36exothermicfor that previous example I was sending a 7 digit number.
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17:16.13[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: "dialplan show" <-
17:16.37DSpairHey gang, I have an emergency here. I had to move asterisk to a new server and the zaptel drive will not load anymore?!?!?!
17:16.44[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: You show "Executing [5256522@ebi_devices:1] Pickup("SIP/8702-b7d102b8", "256522")"
17:17.03[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: there is NO PICKUP anywhere in the pastebin you just provided.
17:17.04exothermic[TK]D-Fender: yes
17:17.09DSpairI get a message about zaptel configuration
17:17.17[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: You are showing me apples & oranges.
17:17.26*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
17:17.31DovidDSpair: What was the error ? building it ? loading it ?
17:17.43exothermic[TK]D-Fender: hmm looks like something out of functional.conf or features.conf is being called then, thanks for the vague hint.
17:18.03[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: Oh no... its far from vague.
17:18.11outtoluncdid scottie add the right amount of plasma to the zaptel generators prior to attempting to deploy it <G>
17:18.34outtoluncsays sorry, weird mood today <G>
17:18.59DSpairDovid, It says that zaptel support is not compiled in, but I know that it is.
17:19.05[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: I'm givin' er all I cahn captin!
17:19.19DSpairDoes moving to a new kernel/recompiling zaptel require a recompile of asterisk?
17:19.35[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: Go do a complete call with SIP DEBUG this time.
17:19.41[TK]D-FenderDSpair: No, only zaptel.
17:20.04DSpair[TK]D-Fender, That's what I thought... Weird, and my boss is breathing down my neck to get some phones up...
17:20.21DovidDSpair: What error do u get ?
17:20.24DSpairThe zap driver loaded and the entries in /dev/zap/ are there.
17:20.26exothermic[TK]D-Fender: All you needed to say was "Go find where in your dial plan the "pickup" function is being called, and you should see your issue"  Anyway, it is working now thanks
17:20.29Dovidoops. just saw that
17:20.47exothermic[TK]D-Fender: Just got a little over zealous with my pattern matching.
17:21.14Doviddid u do a kernel update and then reboot ? just a hunch
17:21.25DSpairasterisk.c:2966 main: Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection.  You have options:
17:21.52DSpairDovid, I did a kernel update, rebooted. Realized I needed to recompile zaptel and did so, rebooted again.
17:21.58DovidDSPair: make sure u have the right versions and try recompling with make menuselect only using what u need
17:22.13Dovidrecomplie after the reboot
17:22.39Dovidand make sure u have the kernel sources and or headers for the new kernel version
17:23.02DSpairDovid, No such luck... I have recompiled asterisk and no joy.
17:23.05[TK]D-Fenderexothermic:  :)
17:23.23DovidDSpair: u recomplied zaptel after reboot ?
17:23.33Dovidtry to rmmod and then mopdprobe zaptel
17:23.37Dovidand then start asterisk
17:24.01Dovidkernel update + reboot = zaptel rebuild
17:24.31DSpairDovid, I have done that... removing the module makes no difference either.
17:24.57Dovidand rebuilt zaptel as well after the reboot ? also latest versions of asterisk and zaptel ?
17:25.14Dovidonly other thing i can think of is a bug
17:25.15tzafrir_laptopkernel update, zaptel rebuild reboot -> less downtime
17:25.54DSpairDovid, No, not the latest versions, but ones that worked before the hardware fault this morning.
17:26.06DSpairAsterisk= Zaptel=
17:26.19DovidTzafrir: Is the best when it comes to zaptel issues
17:26.55*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
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17:28.15DovidPinging Tzafrir
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17:29.59M1s3ryping: unknown Tzafrir
17:30.14M1s3ryping: unknown host Tzafrir*
17:31.06*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
17:31.23QwellM1s3ry: works here, using
17:37.08tzafrir_laptopDSpair, what's the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
17:39.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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17:40.10rethusis this the right irc for questions with asterisk & php (phpagi)?
17:40.51[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Pretty mch
17:41.54DSpairtzafrir_laptop, There are 4 items under that directory. Catting each in turn returns a list of channels on the spans.
17:42.25*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
17:42.52tzafrir_laptopDSpair, yes, please pastebin that
17:43.31tzafrir_laptopDSpair, see also
17:44.20DSpairtzafrir_laptop, Although I have not modified it, when I run
17:44.22*** part/#asterisk exothermic (n=miles@
17:44.22tzafrir_laptopeither you didn't run ztcfg, or you have an invalid configuration
17:44.32tzafrir_laptopWhat do you have in /etc/zaptel.conf ?
17:44.35DSpairtzafrir_laptop, Although I have not modified it, when I run 'ztcfg' it says that there is an error on span1
17:44.44tzafrir_laptopWhat happens when you run ztcfg    #?
17:46.09DSpairtzafrir_laptop, zaptel.conf =
17:46.14Gnutoomy meetme config doesn't work...why?
17:46.25DSpairZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
17:46.31LemensTSAnyone know of a china or mexico itsp?
17:46.45Qwellisn't voip "illegal" in Mexico?
17:48.01atis_workhey, does anybody knows on H323/T38 passtrough?
17:48.10atis_workis it working on some version?
17:48.28*** join/#asterisk Xaviertoor (
17:48.33Gnutooand i bet the video won't work in meetme...
17:48.46ManxPoweratis_work: H323 and T38a re different protocols
17:48.57*** part/#asterisk rethus (
17:49.01atis_workwell, i thought T.38 is a codec
17:49.14ManxPowerno, it's not.  It's a protocol
17:49.17atis_worki need to connect t38modem to asterisk somehow
17:49.26atis_workand it seems to be working with h323
17:49.33ManxPoweratis_work: you were asking about passhtru, not terminationh
17:49.58ManxPowerso you would need TWO T.38 endpoints if you want passthru.
17:50.04[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: you need to have compiled and configured Zaptel before you have compiled *
17:50.06tzafrir_laptopDSpair, you have E1 spans, but attempt to configure them as T1
17:50.22DSpairtzafrir_laptop, I do not have E1 spans.
17:50.22ManxPowerI've been told 1.4.x supports T.38 passthru, but I've never tested it.
17:50.23atis_workManxPower: well, one is t38modem, and another is voip provider
17:50.40atis_workwell, yes i'm hoping for that
17:50.43tzafrir_laptopDSpair, it is configured as such
17:50.45*** join/#asterisk bl4q (
17:50.46DSpairtzafrir_laptop, I have 2 T1s and a Rhino FXO channel bankl
17:50.48DSpairtzafrir_laptop, I have 2 T1s and a Rhino FXO channel bank
17:50.58DSpairtzafrir_laptop, Where do you see that?
17:51.01fileit supports it on SIP, but nobody has ventured into adding support in the H323 stuff
17:51.13Qwellatis_work: patches welcome :D
17:51.14tzafrir_laptopDSpair, what card do you use? configure it to be T1
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17:51.33DSpairtzafrir_laptop, How do I acomplish that? I have the digium 4 port T1 card.
17:51.43QwellDSpair: check the dipswitch on the card
17:51.43atis_workhuh, damn.. now i'll have to compile t38modem with OPAL, witch supports SIP..
17:51.56tzafrir_laptopor t1e1override?
17:51.59atis_workhowever only some old version of OPAL works with T38modem
17:52.01DSpairtzafrir_laptop, d161:0410 Wildcard TE410P (3rd Gen)
17:52.16Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, ah Zapatel isn't for the hardware cards? i only want a software system(i don't need to be able to call real telephone number or to get calls from them)
17:52.18atis_workthanks, i'll go compiling..
17:52.20Qwelltzafrir_laptop: to be honest, I don't know how that option works..  if the switch is set, would that override back to T1?
17:52.22DSpairtzafrir_laptop, I'm not familiar with that option....
17:52.29*** join/#asterisk NTJOCK (
17:52.48tzafrir_laptopQwell, works for the single card we have here :-)
17:52.59NTJOCKgood morning all
17:53.07[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Zaptel is an interface layer.  It provides SOFWTWARE timing when you don't have hardware cards (ztdummy).  Zaptel is REQUIRED to build MeetMe
17:53.12outtoluncDSpair: you sure you do not have the jumpers 'on' on that card? (putting it in E1 mode)
17:53.14NTJOCKanyone else had trouble with Teliax?  moving from their old platform to the new?
17:53.36DSpairouttolunc, It worked this morning and I have not changed anything aside from the server it is in.
17:53.51Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks i'll rebuild asterisk with the zapatel USE flag...but do i need a kernel driver?
17:54.15outtoluncweird, because the  output has 1-13 channels per
17:54.16[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Yes, Zaptel prodides Kernel modules
17:54.21outtoluncer 1-31
17:54.38DSpairouttolunc, So how do I set the t1e1overrride?
17:55.09ManxPowerT-1.  B-Channels = 1-23, D-Channel = 24 and on E-1, B-channels = 1-15,17-30(or is it 31), D-Channel on 16.
17:55.29DSpairPlease, I hate to be a pain, but my entire company is without phones right now.
17:55.57outtoluncDSpair: modprobe wct4xxp t1e1override=-1  (iirc)
17:56.12ManxPowerDSpair: How did you get into this situation?
17:56.39Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks i'll look at it
17:56.55NTJOCKManxPower: hey, what do you know about IAX inbound authentication?  I'm getting the run around from Teliax.
17:57.06ManxPowerNTJOCK: Best of luck with that.
17:57.33NTJOCKisn't the connect string supposed to be 7135551212@username
17:57.56ManxPowerDSpair: now figure out why you got into this out of service situation so next time it won't happen
17:58.22ManxPowerDial(SIP/destnum@sipconfpeer) and Dial(IAX2/iaxconfpeer/destnum)
17:58.41NTJOCKManxPower: right that is for outbound... which works. and we are registered
17:58.45NTJOCKit's the inbound that doesn't work.
17:59.02ManxPowerAs I SAID, best of luck with that.  I cannot help you.
17:59.04DSpairManxPower, The PCI bus on my IBM xSeries server dies.
17:59.24Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, and is there a way to do conferences with video?
17:59.35[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Not with *
17:59.46NTJOCKManxPower: thanks... .it was working for months and months ..... until they asked me to move to their new platform.  ugh!
18:00.07Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, so is there is a software that is free(as in freedom) that does it?
18:00.25Gnutoojust in case i need it...
18:00.38[TK]D-FenderGnutoo: Google-able.  Get busy :)
18:00.49Gnutoo[TK]D-Fender, ok
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18:14.46gramulhaozinAny asterisk Distributor there /
18:15.41ManxPowergramulhaozin: Digium has a list of htem
18:16.53[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: Depends where "there" is.
18:18.10*** join/#asterisk exothermic (n=miles@
18:19.30gramulhaozinI'm in Florida
18:20.07[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: One of the better choices for retailer there would be
18:20.41exothermic[TK]D-Fender: from the console is there a way to manipulate the queue?  ie move callers into another context/priority?
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18:21.16[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: "Redirect"
18:21.27exothermic[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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18:22.37exothermic[TK]D-Fender: is subcommand of something else?
18:24.01exothermic[TK]D-Fender: err rather is that a subcommand of another command?
18:24.19exothermic[TK]D-Fender: because that doesn't seem to be an option for me on the console.
18:24.58*** join/#asterisk dmz (
18:25.27[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: AMI <-
18:25.59exothermic[TK]D-Fender: So nothing can be done from the console?
18:26.25[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: Not that I'm aware of
18:26.50exothermic[TK]D-Fender: Is there a way to connect to the AMI like you would the console?
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18:28.10[TK]D-Fenderexothermic: Telnet
18:28.37ManxPowerexothermic: You, as a human, are not equipped to manually use the AMI
18:28.57ManxPowerWell, maybe if you have total perfect memory recall and never make a typoe.
18:29.09jeevFender, i didn't get to impliment the phone system yet cause i'm leaving town on tuesday and they dont wanna deal with problems if i'm not here :/
18:29.18jeevbut i made a script to add phones and shit, it's c00l!
18:29.33jeevtakes me 1 min to get a 330 up and running + its stupid long time it takes to boot it up
18:29.44Kattywould anyone like some of my headache?
18:29.54rob0please, mine went away
18:31.39*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
18:33.39l0verb0yanyone install zaptel with centos 5.2?
18:34.20jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
18:36.10icelhey, i am trying to convince my boss not to replace our * box with trixbox.  Can you guys give me any reasons to help my argument?
18:36.45*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
18:36.59_mm_whats his reasons for wanting to do so?
18:37.42iceli think he likes the web interface
18:37.56icelbut they just use freepbx which can be used with plain old *, right?
18:38.39*** join/#asterisk unbkbl (
18:38.59BCS-SatoriWhy is it when I loose all my external trunks, can I not reload asterisk or place internal system phone calls. i.e: if I loose connection to vonage (my only external trunk) local extension dialing and the ability to reload asterisk does not work, the system "halts" thats the best way i can describe it
18:39.07Kattyicel: which web interface?
18:39.18icelKatty: I think freepbx
18:39.26LemensTSFreePBX is just a gui to asterisk basicly
18:39.26Kattyicel: so the config bits?
18:39.37gramulhaozin[TK]D-Fender: does telephony depot gives discount if I'm reselling ?
18:39.50icelyeah, i can't see why trixbox would be better than * really
18:40.06Kattyicel: well, clearly, you have more control over what * is doing if you're not limited to the webbits it gives you.
18:40.11LemensTSIf the programmer doesnt know AEL then its probably a good idea
18:40.36Kattyicel: troubleshooting is easier, because tribox loves to make macros out of everything.
18:40.58icelYeah, all I know is that I tried to configure a T1 card in trixbox and couldn't figure it out.  Then I broke it by restarting * and it wouldn't start again.
18:41.16Kattywell there's a good reason for him
18:41.19iceltook me about 3 minutes (with help from D-Fender) to get it working fine in regular *
18:41.33Kattygood ole fender.
18:41.54Katty[TK]D-Fender: you get a cookie.
18:42.09LemensTSHe takes paypal probably
18:42.16Kattybut from a "i don't know what the crap i'm doing with a phone system" point of view....
18:42.27Kattyi can see the appeal of dropdowns and things
18:42.39icelYeah, that is probably what appeals to him
18:42.51Kattyis it for in house use?
18:43.01[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: CALL THEM
18:43.04Kattyso just your company?
18:43.04icel~150 employees
18:43.09iceljust ours
18:43.11Kattyyou don't sell it as a product/service, etc
18:43.11[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
18:43.16Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
18:43.21AlexTOgramulhaozin.. maybe i can help you
18:43.44Kattyicel: are you the only one there that knows how to make changes to it?
18:44.00[TK]D-Fendericel: Trixbox is fine.... so long as you never have to do anything more than it offers up front and like being told how to work.
18:44.13icelKatty: yes, but I am trying to change that.  I even wrote a web page interface to add/remove users and stuff, they are just being braindead and not using it
18:44.30Kattyicel: job security ;)
18:44.39[TK]D-Fendericel: Then tell them they'll only lose MORE control on something they'll never learn to use anyways
18:44.44Kattyicel: i understand tho. the other IT guy is too scared to look at our linux box.
18:44.47LemensTSIf you still want customizations isnt Asterisk GUI better for that
18:44.58Kattyicel: much less change it.
18:44.58AlexTOI know a reseller in south florida who can gice you discounts
18:44.58icelD-Fender: thx, i will
18:45.07Kattyi think conf files and emacs is the best thing for customizations
18:45.11Kattyand fender.
18:45.19Kattyhe's pretty handy.
18:45.23Kattypractically my pocket reference.
18:45.39unbkblhello! i'm dealing with a big big problem right now i need urgent help!. i've a IBM x3200 server, Xeon de 1.8 dual core, 1G de RAM, running Asterisk with two Digium cards. one with 2 PRI and another with 4. After the instalation of a new PRI line i'm getting errors like this:
18:45.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: what would i do without you? (=
18:45.59unbkbl[Jul 28 13:44:44] NOTICE[2797] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2
18:45.59unbkbl[Jul 28 13:44:48] NOTICE[2796] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
18:45.59unbkbl[Jul 28 13:44:50] NOTICE[2796] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
18:46.03icelKatty: Where does fender come from, and how does he know all that stuff? ;p
18:46.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Dunno... what do you do WITH me? :)
18:46.45icelHey thx guys for some ammo
18:46.45tzanger[TK]D-Fender is part of the Illuminati
18:46.52unbkblthe queues of my callcenter are restarted after this errors
18:47.16Kattyicel: he's canadian.
18:47.16unbkbl[Jul 28 13:37:27] WARNING[2797] chan_zap.c: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 47 as D-channel anyway!
18:47.21unbkblany idea?
18:47.23Kattyicel: canadian explains everything.
18:47.28tzangerunbkbl: fix your d channel
18:47.34icelKatty: i am beginning to understand now
18:47.34tzangeryes, us canadians are wicked cool
18:47.42Kattytzanger: <3
18:47.50Kattytzanger: if this north american union thing goes through...
18:47.52Kattytzanger: i'm moving.
18:47.59mshadesi think i'm falling for you
18:48.00tzangereww, I don't want a NA union
18:48.08[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Yes.... cold & evil muaahahhaahaha *cough*
18:48.11Kattytzanger: none of us do. but i intend to make the best of it.
18:48.37tzangerunbkbl: don't PM please, make use of EVERYONE in here's ability to help
18:48.44tzangerunbkbl: you need to figure out why your D channel isn't happy
18:48.47Kattyalthough those fun isymphony people in new mexico are pretty cool too
18:48.52tzangerfrom what I see, your HDLC controller is unhappy
18:49.03tzangerthat could be poor line conditions, or improper settings
18:49.23hardwirecat chewing on t1 cable?
18:49.35Kattyprobably katori shinto related
18:49.35[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: pastebin your zaptel.conf , zapata.conf , "ztcfg -vvvv" and "cat /proc/interrupts"
18:49.37Kattyblames [TK]D-Fender
18:50.01[TK]D-FenderKatty: Not my fault I'm such an adept :)
18:50.09AlexTOHi, How can i set dialplan to use one provider whom provide me multi-IPs ? any Ideas?
18:50.38[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: bind to ONE.
18:50.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: you are so 70s.
18:50.50DSpairThank you all so much....
18:50.56DSpairEverything is now completely fixed.
18:51.09unbkbl[TK]D-Fender: im sorry but i dont know how to use ur !pastebin
18:51.16jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:51.47AlexTOsorry, i didn't get it... can you explain to me how is that?
18:52.54[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: "bin=" <- pick ONE IP to bind to.
18:54.00AlexTOOki.. thanks..
18:58.46*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (n=Itiliti@
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19:01.26drfreezeAnyone have a number that when dialed from * just rings and never answers. But if you dial it from (say your) cell phone, it picks up immediately
19:02.01[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: pastebin <-
19:02.24drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: what?
19:02.26ItilitiI have an 800 DID is not generating ringtone when a call comes in. but when calls come in over our normal did's they generate ringtone fine. any ideas?
19:02.33*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:02.55drfreezeIt's a 877 number - we just add the prefix 1 if the user doesn't provide it
19:03.28[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Show us eht call in detail.
19:06.28DSpairtzafrir_laptop and ManxPower, can I PayPal you guys some money for your assistance?!?!
19:06.31[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: 169:     283286    5175221   IO-APIC-level  ioc0, uhci_hcd:usb4, wct2xxp <- BAD.  Get it on its own IRQ via your BIOS.
19:06.59[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: And go try restarting * & zaptel
19:07.29unbkbland the error mesages in /var/log/asterisk/full are
19:07.37unbkbli'll try that
19:09.35*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
19:09.52Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using A2billing with Asterisk?
19:10.52unbkblbut... [TK]D-Fender, we had the card in a diferent server with it's own IRQ and we had the same error
19:11.31[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: [Jul 28 13:45:20] NOTICE[2796] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1 <- normally a sign of lost IRQ's
19:13.05unbkbl[TK]D-Fender:  zttool isn't showing IRQ loses
19:13.27[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: Go get it it on its won.
19:13.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Whats your question with it this time?
19:13.54*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=junaid@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
19:14.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: we should abandon asterisk and go get some iced coffee.
19:14.26*** join/#asterisk bildo (
19:14.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: Sounds good, but they frown on mid-day departures like that :)
19:15.04unbkbl[TK]D-Fender: i've put a hardhdlc and the problem seems to be solved but in a matter of minutes the quality of the voice get f*cked up
19:15.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: i would say it's an emergency.
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19:16.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: threaten them with some aikido
19:16.06Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: I've some issue with RateCard, the user balance is $5 and system says that but when user dial desired number then system repplies "sorry but your credit is 0"
19:16.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: even if it is supposed to be self defense.
19:16.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Katori Shinto is far more threatening :)
19:16.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: hey, whatever works.
19:17.02[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: They've got their own support resources.
19:17.12justanotherpaulIs there a way to force asterisk to "pass-through" for a specific codec?  I'm having a problem where I want speex/16000 on both ends but asterisk insists on sending invites with speex/8000.
19:17.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: my boss is avoiding me today. did i mention that?
19:17.36Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: already tried alot on the web but no luck so far
19:17.49[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: if you expect any kind of random hints perhaps you'd at least do yourself (and us) the favor of PASTEBINNING All of the backup for it.
19:18.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: You mean the one who's weeks behind on that evaluation? :)
19:18.24PakiPenguinhey Dr-Linux|home
19:18.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: he did it friday.
19:18.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: and?
19:18.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: and i informed him i was not Pleased
19:18.40justanotherpaulI can post wireshark captures of the SIP traffic if that helps clarify.
19:19.05[TK]D-Fenderjustanotherpaul: No, you can't specify by codec.
19:19.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: he wanted the weekend to think about what i wanted
19:19.39Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: actually doing this for the first time, not sure what to pastebin .. since there is lot of stuff, but i guess problem is with RateCard somewhere
19:19.50justanotherpaul[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks.  Do you have any other ideas how to get speex/16000 through Asterisk?
19:19.51Dr-Linux|homePakiPenguin: Hi, How are you today?
19:20.04justanotherpaul[TK]D-Fender: maybe I should just allow reinvites?
19:20.09PakiPenguinI am good, how about you?
19:20.14[TK]D-Fenderjustanotherpaul: Nope.  Why so centered on that codec?
19:20.25Kattyseanmh: ohai!
19:20.33[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: If you have no idea what to look for you are FUBAR'd
19:20.45Kattyseanmh: how'rechu?
19:20.59seanmhPretty good.. figure out your MAC address problem?
19:21.12Kattylol, no ;) i'm ignoring it for the moment.
19:21.12unbkbl[TK]D-Fender: no matter what the problem is the same
19:21.25Kattyseanmh: good to hear you're doing well. (=
19:21.26justanotherpaul[TK]D-Fender: well, it's the only wideband one available with my softphone (Ekiga) as far as I know.  I really just need high-quality audio from Linux to Windows though, so I'm open to suggestions.
19:21.32Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: :)
19:22.22[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: 1st PB = 169:     283286    5175221   IO-APIC-level  ioc0, uhci_hcd:usb4, wct2xxp , 2nd PB = 90:    7723659    4558478   IO-APIC-level  wct4xxp.  Why the hell is the DRIVER DIFFERENT?
19:22.56[TK]D-Fenderjustanotherpaul: Whats the need for wideband?:
19:23.01*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
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19:23.51[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: In fact AACRAID is also not present.  You are showing me 2 &%$# different machines.
19:24.03*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:24.12gramulhaozinHELLO THERE, need a 1TDM403BF
19:24.18gramulhaozinanyone out there can sell to Florida ?
19:24.26[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: you have our permission.  Go buy one.
19:24.30minaguibHi. I have a general telephone question. For a local area code (514 - montreal), is it easy to get a vanity phone number from the voip provider I'm ordering from ? Or so I just pick from their pool and/or transfer an external phone and that's it ?
19:24.45[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: I already linked you to one of the best retailers for them
19:24.49gramulhaozin[TK]D-Fender: need a discount, need to resell.
19:24.49justanotherpaul[TK]D-Fender: There are transcribers at the other end and their job is easier with higher quality sound.  Am I mistaken that wideband is important to sound quality?
19:25.08gramulhaozin[TK]D-Fender: telephony depot is good, but we need a discout to resell.
19:25.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'd like to know how you keep all these conversations straight.
19:25.38justanotherpaulKatty: I second that.
19:25.42[TK]D-Fenderminaguib: Depends on the ITSP.  checkout , and
19:25.55[TK]D-Fenderminaguib: And nice to see another MLUG-er around....
19:26.07minaguib[TK]D-Fender: I'm going with unlimitel, but no mention of vanity on their site
19:26.16minaguib[TK]D-Fender: Hmm. Sorry I don't recognize you. You are :) ?
19:26.31[TK]D-Fendergramulhaozin: This channel is not a store.  if you want to resell more than any other place you can go through, call Digium direct.
19:27.20Kattyit's more like barrens chat.
19:27.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm special.... in more than just "little bus" capacity :p
19:28.03Kattyokay. i really don't want to hear about your capacity.
19:28.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:28.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: ;)
19:29.31[TK]D-Fenderminaguib: Call them up directly (based out of Ottawa IIRC).  They can probably do some special stuff if needed.  they will have a DID pool to work with, so don't bet on just a single one being free.
19:29.45[TK]D-Fenderminaguib: vanity costs :)
19:31.18*** join/#asterisk pjezek (n=pj@
19:34.19filehow many people in here liked the show 'Xena'?
19:34.41Kattyi like gabriel better
19:34.50mshadesis Xena that new drag show on
19:35.05Kattyoh.  i guess i'm showing my age.
19:35.14[TK]D-Fenderfile: Another Raimi production.  Senseless fun I guess.
19:35.30Yourname``Hi. Is there a way I can login Agent 1 into two queues using AgentCallBack?
19:35.36[TK]D-Fenderfile: Bruce Campbell > ALL
19:35.51*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
19:35.53[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Yes... make the AGENT a member of both.
19:35.56QwellYourname``: Don't use AgentCallbackLogin
19:36.19Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Wouldn't that be statically logged in then?
19:36.35Yourname``Qwell: No sir, I hate it now. AgentCallBack reduces the caller wait time, lol
19:36.55[TK]D-FenderYourname``: Do you want the agent to only TEMPORARILY belong to both?
19:38.22Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: No, it will be a permanent thing. Except, I want them to be able to type, let's say 4 to login to SalesQ and lets say 5 to login to HelpQ. Then, when they're done with any one of those queues they just logout of that queue.
19:38.43ManxPowerI thought AgentCallbackLogin was removed from 1.6?
19:39.01[TK]D-FenderYourname``: then use another login method.  "core show applications like queue"
19:39.20QwellManxPower: hence the "don't use it"
19:39.48ManxPowerQwell: But you did not give a reason, did you?
19:40.42Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I used to like AQM/RQM, but I liked the functionality of the "always-on" that AgentCallBack provided where the call comes in with a beep.
19:40.57QwellYourname``: That *isn't* what AgentCallback does
19:41.19QwellAgentCallbackLogin, that is.  There is no such thing as AgentCallback
19:41.42errrhi Katty :)
19:41.43[TK]D-Fenderthat would be "AgentLogin"
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19:42.32QwellYou could do that with something like subqueues, but that would be a hack
19:43.46*** join/#asterisk ait^ (
19:44.08ait^Major issue with dropped calls.  Running Asterisk with FreePBX gui.  bandwidth consumption with one call is about 40KB/s or 300-320 kbps...our dedicated T1 drops call with 4 concurrent calls!  Using Ulaw
19:44.38ait^I'm running BWM-NG, a bandwidth tool...and with 4-5 concurrent calls, I'm right around 1500kbps
19:44.46Strom_M320kbps for a single call?  I think you're making a huge mistake somewhere
19:45.04ait^at 3-5 calls, it blogs the system down
19:45.28ait^voice quality and call drops
19:45.40ait^defiantely a bandwidth issue....but I don't know why
19:45.50ait^the server is running on its own dedicated T1
19:45.54ManxPowerait^: no voice protocol that Asterisk supports uses more than about 80Kbpx
19:45.56Yourname``Sorry [TK]D-Fender  Qwell I meant AgentLogin
19:45.58ManxPowerKbps, that is.
19:46.08jameswf-homehmmm should have a module that blogs its own failures... I think with an EMO theme
19:46.08ManxPowerSo, you screwed up somewhere.
19:46.33ait^ManxPower, that's right...with G.711, at most it should be what the hell is going on?
19:46.39[TK]D-FenderYourname``: You know the pieces.  live with it.
19:46.50ManxPowerait^: no idea.
19:47.04ait^looking at bandwidth usage as we speak and with two calls its at 800kbps
19:47.10ManxPowerhow many channels does "show channels" (or maybe "core show channes") give you?
19:47.16Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: So there's no way I can get AQM type functionality with a mix of the beep-you-got-called that AgentLogin gives you?
19:47.21ait^when the calls end, bandwidth drops to nearly 0
19:47.39ManxPower800 kbps is about 80Kbps, right?
19:47.42[TK]D-Fenderait^: Guess there's something else going over your connection.
19:48.06ait^ManxPower, 13 channels
19:48.15ManxPowerait^: so, 6 calls then
19:48.45ait^can i pm you?
19:48.59*** join/#asterisk unbkbl (
19:49.05ManxPowerait^: only if you have a credit card number along with the PM that has a high credit limit.
19:49.06ait^ManxPower, can i message you
19:49.19ManxPowerPM is WORK and I don't do WORK for free.  Heck, I don't even normally accept new clients.
19:49.29ait^hehe, i don't want to paste the results here...19 lines ok to  paste here?
19:49.38jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:49.38unbkblr u there?
19:49.56ManxPowerait^: Really, I think you are confusing Kbps with kbps.
19:50.09Yourname``AOLer alert
19:50.27ManxPowerkilobYtes .vs. KilobIts
19:50.44ManxPowerYourname``: We knew you are on AOL.  No need to tell us.
19:51.03*** join/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
19:51.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower: that'd be Kbps vs KBps.  The "b" is what capitalizes, not the "k"
19:51.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Maybe more coffee is in order for me.
19:51.26gramulhaozinManxPower: I always thought you get paid by digium to talk here.
19:51.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "k" (kilo) as "thousand" is constant.
19:51.28ctooleySomeone know where the setup for Polycom busy lamp field might be documented?
19:51.46[TK]D-Fenderctooley: on the WIKI
19:52.00ManxPowergramulhaozin: I have never in my life received a single penny or payment or other compensation from Digium for helping people on this channel.
19:52.06ManxPowerI don't know if [TK]D-Fender has, but I doubt it.
19:52.09[TK]D-Fenderctooley: Make sure you're on SIP 1.6.7 minimum, and go read up on "Presence".
19:52.10Yourname``haha ManxPower really now..
19:52.10ait^ManxPower, sounds odd, I know...but I'm seeming 600-700kilo bits per second, or about 75Kilo Bytes Per Second right now with two calls...
19:52.26[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nope, nothing from Digium.
19:52.44ManxPowerWhich can be a good thing.  I can be an asshole to people that deserve it.  If I was paid by Digium I'd have to help the idiots.
19:52.49[TK]D-Fenderait^: And where are you "seeing" this?
19:52.56ManxPowerOr at least be nice to them
19:53.26ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I knew the B .vs. b, my brain just crossed wires there for a min.
19:53.38ait^command line, using Bandwidth Monitor
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19:54.34[TK]D-Fenderait^: Sorry, but RTP fo ULAW sits at about 85 kiloBIT per second.
19:54.41gramulhaozinManxPower: Digium should look to give you some award$$$
19:54.54[TK]D-Fenderait^: Your process is FUBAR'd somehow.
19:55.03ManxPowergramulhaozin: people are always welcome to contribute via Paypal to
19:55.12Qwellgramulhaozin: he means you ^^
19:55.30ait^[TK]D-Fender, I know that...or about 12KBps, but I'm seeing around 35KBps...that's why with a few calls, I'm seeing what else could be going on?
19:55.38ManxPowerQwell: Digium too. *stare*
19:56.01ManxPowerait^: get out a raw packet sniffer like wireshark with the rtp addin
19:56.21[TK]D-Fenderait^: If you can't tell, nobody here is going to play psychic on that one.
19:57.00*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
19:57.12ait^[TK]D-Fender, hehe...I'm not very technical...It's a fresh install (and my first)...i hope you guys might have some suggestions
19:57.54ctooleyWe had 2 Grandstream phones and the Executive Assistance's phone lit up when the Executive was on the phone.  Now the Executive has switched to a Polycom phone.  Other than the device switch, everything is the same. The BLF setup is on the assistant's phone which hasn't changed.  Still, the light doesn't light up.
19:58.03ManxPowerait^: VoIP is very, very, very technical.  *Most* of the time you won't have to look at packet captures, but you will occasionally
19:58.38[TK]D-Fenderctooley: Presence has to be enabled in your provisioning.  It is not by default.
19:59.01ctooley[TK]D-Fender, meaning that the polycom doesn't send the subscribe otherwise?
19:59.19[TK]D-Fenderait^: Either your numbers are fudged by not looking at the right things, or you aren't getting a complete list.
19:59.24ManxPowerctooley: look at  Pay special attention to the end of
19:59.36ManxPowerYou have to enable "buddy watch" or "presence" for BLF on the Polycoms
19:59.43[TK]D-Fenderctooley: PASTEBIN <-
19:59.50ait^ManxPower, how can i start to diagnosis this?  I know it's not a CPU or mem issue..and everything points to bandwidth...plugging a windows based machine instead of the asterisk and running the speakeasy speed test shows a full 1500kbps up and its not the ISP
20:00.14ManxPower(3:56:01 PM) ManxPower: ait^: get out a raw packet sniffer like wireshark with the rtp addin
20:00.51*** join/#asterisk ckotticg_ (
20:01.13ait^[TK]D-Fender, everything looks normal here:
20:01.34unbkblat last1\
20:01.39unbkblhi damian
20:02.06ManxPowerait^: That is my suggestion on how to start diagnosis.  a bandwidth montor is a very limited tool.  You need something that lets you see a bigger picture.
20:02.07ckotticg_who's the one that was helping you?
20:02.21[TK]D-Fenderait^: 8 SIP channels, and no validation of codecs used, etc
20:03.03[TK]D-Fenderait^: Though your worse case is 85kbps * 8
20:03.08*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
20:03.46unbkbl[TK]D-Fender: ckotticg_ is my boss he can explain our problem better tan me
20:04.02unbkblbetter than me
20:04.03[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: You've shown me 2 very different systems.
20:04.22[TK]D-Fenderunbkbl: I do not appreciate wasting time running around for nothing
20:04.33ManxPowerunbkbl: You should contact Digium Paid Support as your setup seems to be more complex than can easily be handled by the VOLUNTEERS on this channel.
20:05.34jbot[did] Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
20:05.47ckotticg_the problem that  unbkbl issued happend just a few days ago and started without making changes in the server
20:06.01Qwellahh, the old "nobody changed anything"
20:06.01jameswf-homethere is always a change..
20:06.14ait^[TK]D-Fender, core show channels is not giving me any results
20:06.30jameswf-homeNetwork gnomes usualy go in and use ninja monkey tactics
20:06.36[TK]D-Fenderckotticg_: The card drive was different as was a RAID controller.  He showed me 2 completely different boxes.
20:06.39ManxPowerait^: what version of Asterisk?
20:06.46[TK]D-Fenderait^: "sip show channels"
20:06.51ckotticg_really, we tried to make responsible the provider because we didn't make any change
20:07.13[TK]D-Fenderckotticg_: 2 pieces of different hardware sure consitutes a CHANGE to me.
20:07.31ManxPowerctooley: were those links helpful?
20:07.39jameswf-homeif your 100% confident there was no change on your end have the provider come out.... if it is their fault its free
20:07.42ckotticg_we make the change of the server yesterday after 1 week having the problem
20:07.49rob0well heck, my stanaphone rings again!
20:08.21rob0I was about to give up on them.
20:08.27ctooleyManxPower, yeah, thanks.  I'm still trying to figure out where this phone is at and how our Ops team is trying to configure it.  I'm going to guess that they're configuring them all from the web interface on each phone.
20:08.30ckotticg_and yes, we didn't make any change
20:08.48Qwellckotticg_: what is the problem?
20:09.14ckotticg_ok, we started a week ago to lost some calls
20:09.27ManxPowerctooley: yeah, you can't set those functions via the web interface, you might be able to via the phone screen interface, but the CORRECT way to Provision a Polycom is via ftp/tftp/http/etc and a config file.
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20:09.50ctooleyManxPower, yeah, not my department. :)
20:10.01ckotticg_the problem was very intermitent, but 1 day later, all calls drops...
20:10.02[TK]D-Fenderctooley: Anybody configuring a Polycom via its web interface should be dragged out and #^$%ing SHOT.
20:10.17ManxPowerctooley: "It's a phone config issue, not an Asterisk issue.  Go away before I turn you into a toad!"
20:10.33ckotticg_the reason is that at some point, the D-channel is lost and then, all B-channels are reset
20:10.34ManxPowerctooley: there's your closing ticket comment for you.
20:10.49ctooley[TK]D-Fender, This is a company that intentionally bought 300 Grandstream 100's
20:11.04[TK]D-Fenderctooley: Make sure to aim for the HEAD then.
20:11.20ctooleyAnd, 5 Polycoms after the executives decided they couldn't use the 100s
20:11.32ManxPowerctooley: I thought only Hell was allowed to buy that many GS phones.
20:11.46ckotticg_the provider bring some equipment, but they "everything" fine
20:11.48ctooleyManxPower, where do you think I work?
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20:12.00ManxPowerThe first Asterisk install at my client was all analog because they thought doing it right was too expensive.
20:12.48ManxPowerNow they are PRI, Polycom, and a direct to telco POTS line for the fax.  Like I told them to in the first place.
20:13.00unbkblQwell: ckotticg_ and i are working in the same project... we got this error message in the /var/log/asterisk/full
20:13.42ManxPowerunbkbl: Most HDLC and D-Channel errors are as a result of some device or driver in the system locking interrupts for so long that data is lost on the T-1/E-1 card.
20:13.45Qwellwhat hardware is this?
20:13.50unbkblour configuration files are
20:14.05jameswf-homeunbkbl: Sananv?
20:14.09ManxPowerThe most common devices that do his are RAID controllers, onboard Gigabit Ethernet, SATA controllers, and video controllers
20:14.35jameswf-homeNewer kernels do better with said devices
20:15.10ckotticg_<ManxPower: I understand that, but the PBX was working perfectly with the same config
20:15.15Qwellioc0 is SCSI :D
20:15.15ManxPowerthe disk and network controllers may not cause a problem until you have a specific amount of usage of those devices (turning on call recording could trigger this issue, as could running the console in non 80x24 mode)
20:15.26ckotticg_we are working on kernel 2.6.18
20:15.32QwellSomebody changed something.
20:15.42unbkblthe hardware is a IBM x3200 server with a 1.8G Xeon dualcore processor with two Digium PRI cards
20:15.47Qwelldisable USB, change the IRQ of the RAID controller.
20:16.30ManxPowerQwell: not always.  I had a system that worked fine until the CLI started getting more activity because of more complex dialplans, the logging used the disk a little more and HDLC abort errors ensued.
20:16.45ManxPowerturn off all the logging and it worked just spiffy.
20:16.59ManxPowerwell, all logging, voicemail, anything the did disk activity
20:17.19QwellManxPower: In this case, complex dialplan is...yeah.
20:17.48ckotticg_ok, we will disable all stuff that we can, but it must be done at night
20:18.03ckotticg_so, we try it, and tell you
20:18.04QwellI don't care.
20:18.13Strom_Clet me guess -- there's only one production box, and there's no backup for testing on
20:18.17ManxPowerckotticg_: what is the output of "cat /proc/interrupts"?  Put the output on for us to see.
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20:18.28QwellManxPower: he did - it's a lot sharing
20:18.43Qwellioc0, wct2xxp, and uhci_usb
20:18.48ctooleyUsing Interrupt Coalescence on the network card can reduce the number of interrupts that the NIC generates lowering overall interrupt loads.  If you're using SIP/RTP you can drop interrupts by the NIC by almost an order of magnitude without distortion.
20:18.56ckotticg_in the new server yes, irq sharing, the old one does 1 irq per device
20:19.07Qwellso go back to the old server
20:19.07ManxPowerckotticg_: there is your problem.
20:19.20ckotticg_that one have the same error
20:19.32QwellShowing us output from a new server is useless.
20:19.56ckotticg_I've already show you the old one output
20:20.18QwellIs that the new server or the old server?
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20:21.03ManxPowerctooley: how well supported is that on Linux?
20:21.09ckotticg_this is the new one.... allow me to make a list from the old one
20:21.14Qwellctooley: iirc, it's per driver
20:21.18Qwellerm, ManxPower
20:21.39Qwellmaybe not anymore though..
20:21.46ctooleyIt's per device, yes, but in the testing I've done, it's non-trivial... I'll have more results up soon.
20:21.57ManxPowerQwell: Anyone checked his Zaptel version?
20:22.27ManxPowerQwell: I know Digium has tried to resolve this issue, but I'm someone that will be VERY VERY VERY hard to convince.  That issue is why we no longer use Digium cards.
20:22.40ctooleyIntel is trying to make it more difficult... they replaced the e1000 driver with the e1000e and setting Interrupt Coalescence settings is now not dynamic but done at module load time.
20:22.43ManxPowerThat issue almost cost me my *job*.
20:23.31ManxPowerQwell: Card revision?
20:23.39ckotticg_Qwell: do you think that using sangoma this problem can be resolved?
20:23.49Qwellckotticg_: no, you should call Digium support.
20:24.04ManxPowerckotticg_: It could be easily resolved by Digium.  Give them a chance and work with them.
20:24.57ckotticg_ok, we'll make the call...
20:25.09Qwellwhy is your cdr database in mysql marked as crashed?
20:26.15ManxPowerQwell: can you give ckotticg_ a ticket number to keep them from getting the Tech Support Runaround?
20:26.34Qwellno, I don't have access to any of that
20:27.20unbkbl[Jul 28 15:26:38] ERROR[3589] cdr_addon_mysql.c: mysql_cdr: Failed to insert into database: (145) Table './asterisk/cdr' is marked as crashed and should be repaired[Jul 28 15:26:38] ERROR[3535] cdr_addon_mysql.c: mysql_cdr: Failed to insert into database: (145) Table './asterisk/cdr' is marked as crashed and should be repaired[Jul 28 15:26:38] NOTICE[2797] chan_zap.c: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 2
20:27.28ManxPowerQwell: "passphrase", what to say, anything?
20:27.31jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:27.49QwellManxPower: "I have problems"?
20:28.14ManxPowerQwell: "We don't provide free support for Asterisk.  Goodbye."
20:28.33jameswf-homeQwell: we know but we accept you anyway
20:28.35QwellManxPower: if it's a hardware issue, it doesn't matter
20:28.45ckotticg_well, thanks a lot to all of you... i'll make the call and tell you soon have was it..
20:28.59Qwellckotticg_: Find out why that server shutdown improperly.
20:29.51ckotticg_Qwell: is it relevant to the call drops?
20:30.00Qwellif it was hit by lightning...yeah, it might be
20:30.03ManxPowerYa gotta wonder if the extra disk activity possibly cause by MySQL trying to recover something might have maybe something to do with locking interrupts
20:30.30Qwellor if somebody decided to pull the plug out of the back...
20:30.47Qwellor a myriad of other issues, including what ManxPower just said (that's actually a decent theory)
20:31.28[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, later all
20:32.02ckotticg_the old server had a lot of usage, I am aware of that... it was because of call recording, but we disable it and disk activity drops
20:32.16ckotticg_but problem remains
20:35.12*** part/#asterisk unbkbl (
20:35.39*** join/#asterisk rpm (
20:37.08rpmsince i upgrade to polycom release 3.0.3revb, my phones have been becoming deregistered infrequently.. being that this is a GA release, i would have assumed it would be more stable that it has been. anyone know if there has been a setting change? my sbc's are overriding the expires field in the sip registrations to 30 seconds (hard limit) 15 seconds soft..
20:38.28*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
20:38.53Strom_Crpm: hang on, let me find you some contact info for the "firmware of the month" club
20:47.51rob0Weebles wobble but they don't faw down
20:50.26jayteeand 'Bumbles bounce
20:50.43*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
20:50.58jayteebut no one wants a "Charlie in the Box" :-(
20:51.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
20:54.43ItilitiI have an 800 DID is not generating ringtone when a call comes in. but when calls come in over our normal did's they generate ringtone fine. any ideas?
21:02.51*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:04.31*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
21:05.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: ohai
21:05.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: i keep hearing a dog bark.
21:05.34Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i can't find said mcpoocherkins )=
21:05.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: it's driving me mad.
21:05.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: "Bark" is just dog for "mew" :)
21:06.10Kattyi know.
21:06.14Kattybut i want to go pet the doggy.
21:06.16Kattyand hug on it.
21:06.19Kattyand call it george.
21:08.01ItilitiI have an 800 DID is not generating ringtone when a call comes in. but when calls come in over our normal did's they generate ringtone fine. any ideas?
21:09.08angryuseri have a bicyle one is riding another is not, any ideas ? give us details please
21:09.41bkw_Itiliti: try doing a ring_ready in your dialplan before you bridge elsewhere
21:10.08bkw_angryuser: is this #mybikedontwork
21:10.19bkw_haha Itiliti ignore me
21:10.41Kattyangryuser: bike riding. yer doin it wrong
21:10.42bkw_is loosing it today
21:10.58Kattyreturns bkw_'s it for fear it gets lost.
21:11.11bkw_Katty: whats this I hear you're moving?
21:11.12*** part/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
21:11.13rob0My bike is a maxi-scooter.
21:11.23Kattybkw_: trying. no one wants my ferrets.
21:11.31Kattybkw_: wants them at the new place i mean.
21:11.31rob0is looking for an excuse to go ride
21:12.07Kattybkw_: news travels fast here.
21:12.40errrrob0: if the day ends in y its normally a good reason to go ride
21:12.46Kattyhai errr!
21:12.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: New place won't allow ferrets
21:12.51errrhi Katty =)
21:12.52rob0Good point!
21:12.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh they will.
21:13.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: for the right price ;)
21:13.02Qwell[TK]D-Fender: not legal in some states
21:13.07Qwell(California is one)
21:13.16angryuserwhat is ferrets ?
21:13.28errrangryuser: like a rat only larger
21:13.53*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
21:13.54[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Cousin of the weasel.
21:14.25[TK]D-FenderQwell: Pathetic.  Meanwhile I keep seeing doberman, ronweiller & pitbull attack videos all the time...
21:15.04angryuserhate that dogs, i have used ulrasound box couple times, works well
21:15.48Kattyangryuser: <- Ferrets.
21:16.23angryuserKatty i see
21:18.20angryuserin russian Horki/in french furets
21:18.20*** join/#asterisk Gnutoo (
21:18.33Gnutoohello, does zaptel compile on the 2.6.26 kernel?
21:18.57QwellGnutoo: Zaptel from svn does.
21:19.02Itilitiwe have SIP trunking through Airespring. both the local did's and the 800 number ring on the asterisk box. but when calls come in on the local did's, they generaqte ringing to the calling user. When one of the 800 numbes is called, it connects fin, and someone can answer it fine, but there is no ringing sound that is generated for the calling user
21:19.16GnutooQwell, ah ok...when will a new version be released?
21:19.24Qwellsoon I believe
21:19.36GnutooQwell, ok thanks
21:19.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: maybe i should just get a chihuahua
21:20.19GnutooQwell, so i'll wait...i can have no conference for a while...and anyway it doesn't support video so i don't know if i'll use it
21:20.30[TK]D-FenderKatty: No Paris Pocket Dogs!
21:20.49Katty[TK]D-Fender: but think of how fun socker could be.
21:21.02angryuserItiliti can you supply us a cli output when that call is coming in ?
21:21.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: name him "punt" :p
21:21.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: i hate little yippers.
21:21.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: now a german shepherd is more my style!
21:21.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: And you even thought about a chihuahua?
21:21.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: well it's a dog and it's little :/
21:22.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: Good = cat.  Better = dog.  Best = dog that eats cats :D
21:22.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: mrow.
21:26.47*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
21:27.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh boy. yet /another/ person that doesn't know about ferrets.
21:27.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: sigh.
21:27.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: they're all... what's a ferret?
21:27.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Think your pets are problematic?  Go look up SERVALS.  My sister had a pair.
21:29.08Katty[TK]D-Fender: my mom has a bengal
21:29.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: i know all about serval kitties. sadly.
21:29.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: .... a Bengal ... what?
21:29.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: not.. TIGER I'm hoping...
21:30.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: heavens no.
21:30.25dlynesKatty: ferrets are cheap pets to keep...just feed them fish heads, and they're quite happy :)
21:30.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: those eat like 30lbs of meat a day
21:30.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: it was an F3 bengal tabby
21:31.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: he's from california.
21:32.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: <- random picture
21:32.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: well that is him
21:32.24Katty[TK]D-Fender: random picture of him. whatever.
21:33.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: just found them on Wikipedia.  Like the colour on this one :
21:33.18[TK]D-Fender_ShrikE: Fat-ass lazy cats
21:33.31Kattyyeah. chigger's a bit oranger
21:33.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: But thatnks for introducing them to me... interesting.
21:33.44Kattyhe jumps on everything. and will not stop meowing for anything.
21:33.54Kattytail also sticks straight up in the air at all times.
21:34.14k-manhow  can i tell if asterisk managed to register with my sip provider?
21:34.36angryuserk-man 'sip show registry' in cli
21:34.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'd love an ashera cat
21:34.52Yourname``Hi. I had agents 10-50, changed to agents 100-150.. however, if the agent accidentally did the AgentLogin as agent 25 instead of agent 125.. it still accepts the agent as 25 instead of saying not such agent exists or something like that. Why?
21:34.59k-manangryuser, thanks
21:35.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: sadly i don't have 22k to blow on a kitten
21:35.05esaymhow to kill a channel in asterisk cli?  My software caused a couple of sip channels to stay connected...
21:35.25*** join/#asterisk serialthrilla (
21:35.42Yourname``esaym: Type "core show application soft hangup" in the CLI
21:36.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: The Bengal is a large breed - weighing between 7 to 20 pounds (lb) (3.2 kg to 9.1 kg).  Ouch, heavy for a cat.  It'd eat a chihuahua :p
21:36.48serialthrillahas anyone been able to get 802.1p priority working with grandstream phones?
21:37.02[TK]D-FenderYourname``: PASTEBIN.
21:37.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: ashera cats are well...
21:37.09Katty[TK]D-Fender: heavier than that
21:37.14*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
21:37.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: wiki claims about 30lbs
21:38.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: REF:
21:38.09ZX81hey anyone know a solution to voicemail deletes always saying undelete?
21:38.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Those remind me of my sister's servals
21:38.26Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: There's no pastebin... all I'm saying is they are still able to login as agent 10 when agentlogin asks them for a username when there is [100] and member=>Agent/100 and no instance  of 10 anywhere
21:38.29ZX81someone logs in, tries to delete vm and it says "undeleted"
21:38.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: well they're a serval hybrid. (=
21:38.36esaymYourname``: it prints a bunch of syntax info
21:39.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: Allerca and labeled "Ashera" were actually raised by him as another hybrid, "Savannah F1 <- F1... oh yeah.. REALLY far removed from "wild animal" :)
21:39.11Yourname``esaym: So read it
21:39.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: Don't get children as visitors :)
21:39.26esaymwhatis "causecode"
21:39.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: hehehhe
21:39.31ZX81have over 100 staff screaming at me that they can't delete their voicemails :(
21:39.40ZX81asterisk runs as root
21:39.44ZX81so not permission problem
21:39.50Qwellnot true
21:39.51[TK]D-FenderYourname``:>>>>>> PASTEBIN <<<<<<<<
21:40.00Qwellit could still be a permission problem
21:40.02*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
21:40.24javbis it posible for a person to have interference from another call on VoIP Asterisk based telephony system ?
21:40.25QwellZX81: check what lsattr has to say about those dirs
21:40.28ZX81but root must have created the folders no?
21:40.30Katty[TK]D-Fender: there was a big ordeal about tiger cubs being sold in a walmart parking lot. did you hear about that?
21:40.51[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nope...
21:41.04[TK]D-Fenderjavb: makes no sense.
21:41.04ZX81is what lsattr says
21:41.07Katty[TK]D-Fender: it was last month in texas.
21:41.17QwellZX81: and all dirs leading up to one of the individuals who can't delete
21:41.29Qwellif any aren't ------, you may have issues
21:41.35*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
21:41.36mshadesi like using asterisk for kinky purposes
21:41.36Qwell(specifically, if any are an i)
21:41.42[TK]D-FenderYourname``: member => Agent/152 does not belong in sip.conf
21:41.51*** join/#asterisk pcrane (n=pcrane@
21:41.52Yourname``It's in queues.conf [TK]D-Fender q
21:41.55ZX81nag all have -------
21:42.12[TK]D-FenderYourname``: pastebin RELEVANT things please.
21:42.19ZX81including /var off the root
21:42.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: REF:
21:42.40ZX81should I do a 777 on /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail -r?
21:42.43Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: It's a theoretical thing I'm talking about!!
21:43.02Yourname``All the settings in the confs were 10 befiore.. I removed all occurences of 10 and replaced with 100
21:43.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: too bad i wasn't there when that went down :/
21:43.13Yourname``YET, Mister 100 is able to login to a queue as 10
21:43.25Yourname``Is it something to do with a dynamic astdb that needs deletion?
21:43.32[TK]D-FenderYourname``: what "theoretical"  You said someone logged in an impossible way
21:43.42[TK]D-FenderYourname``: pastebin ALL the friggen backup for your setup
21:44.24dlynesZX81: no...chown -R root:root /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail && chmod -R 755 /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
21:44.36ZX81ok cool
21:44.54ZX81still the same
21:45.02ZX81says undelete when you try to delete vm
21:45.20dlynesZX81: then (assumign you're using bash shell) cd /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail ; for file in `find . -type f`; do chmod 644 $file; done
21:45.59dlynesZX81: and then voicemail should work just fine, assuming asterisk is running as root user
21:46.18*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
21:46.29Katty[TK]D-Fender: we should adopt a tiger.
21:46.36ZX81voicemail or voicemail/default?
21:46.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: lol....
21:46.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: i could totally ride it to work.
21:47.22ZX81there aren't actually any files in voicemail/default they're all directories
21:47.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: It could totally eat you for luch :)
21:47.24serialthrillahas anyone been able to get layer 2 QoS working on a grandstream phone?
21:47.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: :<
21:47.57ZX81that find thing does subdirs
21:48.00ZX81sec will check
21:48.16Kattyspeaking of lunch. it's just about dinner time.
21:48.38serialthrillaGXP2000 with
21:48.47ZX81still undeleted
21:49.55ZX81aparently vm is more important than their lack of network
21:50.25ZX81these messages are now in the Old folder
21:50.39serialthrillachanges ZX81's nick to Smiles
21:51.27Katty[TK]D-Fender: what's for dinner.
21:51.57ZX81is going to walk around the premises and check if all extens are the same
21:52.06ZX81maybe vm is corrupted for this person
21:52.17Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: I deleted astdb and its working now!
21:52.51Yourname``My only question is since I removed astdb  and since I don't use ANY db stuff in extensions.conf, will anything be adversely affected?
21:53.13[TK]D-FenderYourname``: shouldn't
21:53.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Just had chinese leftovers.
21:55.00angryusersip registrations storen normally in asdb dundy secret ,and agents/users associations, not sure about last one, or if it used anyway
21:56.46*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
22:03.35*** join/#asterisk linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb)
22:05.18mshadesbite my carbuncle to release the fluid
22:08.10*** join/#asterisk hunmonk (
22:08.47hunmonkis there a better /dev/null kind of option besides Console/dsp?
22:09.09Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: thanks
22:09.33[TK]D-Fenderhunmonk: To do what exactly?
22:11.28hunmonk[TK]D-Fender: for parkandannounce, you have an announce location as an arg.  i really don't want it announced at all, so to date i've been putting in the announce location as Console/dsp.  that works ok, but throws a lot of warnings and garbage to the console.  i was just hoping to be a bit more elegant about it
22:11.54[TK]D-Fenderhunmonk: Local <-
22:13.07hunmonk[TK]D-Fender: just 'Local' ?  i'm used to seeing that w/ a number or ext
22:13.34[TK]D-Fenderhunmonk: Send it to a Local channel.
22:13.58[TK]D-Fenderhunmonk: I didn't write a COMPLETE channel sample, I'm sure you can figure out what to do all by yourself.
22:14.32hunmonkjblack: well hello there  :)
22:15.37serialthrillais there a way to tell a gxp2000 phone to dial a number from the network?
22:16.06rob0Use a stern, commanding voice.
22:16.14jblackserialthrilla: route it through a voip provider
22:17.39Kattymmm! dinner!
22:18.06serialthrillai'm talking about like a program where it sends the command to the phone, the phone dials the number, and i pick up the handset
22:18.24serialthrillainstead of having to punch the buttons on the phone manually
22:18.29*** join/#asterisk watchy (
22:18.35jblackso... You want speed dial?
22:18.58jblackset up a callfile. You can specify which extension to dial, and which number to connect to.
22:19.12watchywhats the best way to get echo out of a sangoma a200?
22:19.24*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
22:19.34jblackbounce it off the walls of the grand canyon!
22:19.41Kattyserialthrilla: isymphony might be something for you
22:20.53jblackwatchy: Seriously, though, sip phones aren't supposed to suffer from echo.
22:21.12jblackwatchy: Perhaps you can find something on here that'll lend you a hand:
22:21.15watchyhmm i think its the lines
22:21.19watchythe pots lines
22:21.22watchynot the phones them selves
22:21.30serialthrillajblack: yea callfiles, that's it. if i create the call file with my phone's extension, will it call my phone and then i pick it up and i'm connected?
22:21.33jblackOh, that's not the sangomas. That's the card.
22:21.42jblackserialthrilla: That's the idea.
22:21.46watchythe card is a sangoma
22:21.48serialthrillajblack: thank you
22:21.55ManxPowerwatchy: the best way is to use an echo canceler.  There are many of them
22:21.58watchyits a 4 line analog pots card
22:22.05ManxPowerI like the HPEC for small number of channels.
22:22.15ManxPowerBut there is also something called the OSLEC.
22:22.18watchymanx: its like 4 channels
22:22.28jblackwatchy: Ok, then yeah, look at enabling the built in EC if it exists, otherwise, those software ones are what you need
22:22.31ManxPowerOh!  If your Digium card is under warrenty, you can get the HPEC for FREE from Digium!
22:22.42watchyits a sangoma manx
22:22.57watchyand the guy i work for didnt wanna get one with built in HW echo cancelation
22:23.12[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: OSLEC <-
22:23.22watchythanks tk
22:23.27watchyimma check it out right now
22:24.32watchyi love u all
22:24.40watchyif u didnt exist i woulda shot myself years ago
22:24.52*** join/#asterisk tobias (
22:24.53ManxPowerOh, sorry.  Well you can use the HPEC with non-Digium cards for $10/channel
22:24.53Kattywe love you too!
22:25.09serialthrillajblack: do you know of an already programmed way to create an callfile? such as through the manager API?
22:25.26Kattyserialthrilla: i know how to do it.
22:25.28Kattyserialthrilla: and i blogged it.
22:25.30jblackserialthrilla: they're just text files. don't be  scared.
22:25.41Kattyserialthrilla: they're super duper easy. want my post?
22:25.57serialthrillaKatty: yes please
22:26.08jblackon his behalf, please. I don't want to reach for the docs.
22:26.27serialthrillajblack: i know, but i didn't want to write a network listener to place the call from the phone book app if i can just use the manager API -__-
22:26.41jblackOh, is that your goal?
22:26.42Kattyserialthrilla: it's pretty much a straight up example.
22:26.58jblackMake the callfile, and scp it over, then ssh an mv, and profit
22:27.13ZX81man, I deleted everything in the vm folder for that user, and then left a message and then the same thing happened again
22:27.27ZX81I checked with someone else and they have no problem
22:27.37jblackor have a template somewhere, do a sed over ssh and copy. spend 20 minutes on it, go out to the bar, and tell your boss it kept you up all night.
22:27.39*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
22:27.48Kattythis calls for a quesadilla
22:27.54watchyi want one
22:27.59ManxPowerZX81: delete the entire mailbox, it will be created next time voicemail accesses it
22:28.14ZX81as in the folder
22:28.25ManxPoweras in the entire mailbox, as I just said.
22:28.36ManxPowerOTHER things not in the folder could easily be causing the problem
22:28.42ManxPowerlike maybe a stale lock file, etc
22:28.48ZX81hmmm ok
22:29.00ZX81so remove from vmconf and then readd
22:29.04ManxPowerif the person needs to save the messages, then just move the mailbox somewhere else.
22:29.13ZX81with a reload inbetween
22:29.19ManxPowerNo!  rm -rf /path/to/user/mailbox
22:29.29ZX81ah ok
22:30.08*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (n=sam@unaffiliated/sam--/x-573746)
22:30.34_Sam--hey is there any way when 'extensions reload' is issued to not have the console scroll all the extensions and info?
22:30.46ManxPower_Sam--: tried "set verbose 0"
22:30.49jblacksure. turn verbose and debug down
22:31.18jblackManxPower: No fair. Gimme a chance to put down the potato chips. =)
22:31.50ZX81removed /var/spool/asterisk/default/8874 -rf
22:31.55ZX81left a message
22:31.58_Sam--what other messages will be gone if verbose = 0?
22:31.59ZX81it recreated the folder
22:32.05ZX81she went to delete the vm
22:32.05_Sam--i wont show incoming calls?
22:32.07florzKatty: that code has at least one race condition that could make things fail miserably if multiple people try to reach 911
22:32.09ZX81and it said undeleted
22:32.31jblacksam: so... turn down verbose, reload extensions, turn verbose back up.
22:32.35*** part/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
22:32.58ZX81wondering if its doubled dtmf
22:33.04jblackperhaps watch calls differently, by grepping a tail of the log.
22:33.05_Sam--yeah i guess i could do that within my script...thanks!
22:33.06ZX81trying to delete from another phone
22:33.29jblackwatch out. verbose is global.
22:33.37jblackAre you trying to watch events in a script?
22:34.02_Sam--no, im running a script every minute from cron, and tired of sseeing the output on my console.
22:34.05jblackif so, that's yer prahblem right thar!
22:34.13_Sam--i will tell it set verbose 0 before it reloads the extensions
22:34.15k-manis there an html version of the asterisk book?
22:34.16_Sam--then set it back after.
22:34.16jblackOh, well then, why not use the cdr ?
22:34.34jblackWe need to stop and take a step back.
22:34.38jblackWhat are you doing, exactly?
22:34.47Kattyflorz: it's just an example, i don't use that.
22:34.48_Sam--you dont want to know.
22:34.55Kattyflorz: it's the concept of how to do an e911
22:34.59Kattyflorz: but thank you for your concern.
22:35.03jblackI torture kitty cats for fun. I want to know about suffering.
22:35.09_Sam--we are overloaded with incoming sales calls, and im randonly generating phone error messages every minute based on a php random number.
22:35.16_Sam--to try to help our sales guys maintain sanity.
22:35.39_Sam--so if the rand is greater than 75, it cp's something to extensions.conf
22:35.44_Sam--and then reloads them.
22:35.50jblackWhat if...
22:36.07jblackYou overflow people to a message with your mailing adress, and hang up on 'em?
22:36.21_Sam--the way it stands now, they think its an error on their own callind side.
22:36.28jblackwhat kind of business hangs up on sales?
22:36.28_Sam--i have some really nifty messages and tactics  :)
22:36.38_Sam--one that is so busy with online orders that they dont need to service phones :)
22:36.40jblackThese aren't sales. These are complaints about sales.
22:37.26_Sam--mostly customer service calls.  we are an internet retailer top 500 company.....and receive alot of calls, especially on mondays.
22:37.27jblackSo, give the mailing address, and hang up. Or just let them sit in the queue until they give up. Random errors won't really solve the problem, because they'll just call back.
22:37.37florzKatty: well, I'd rather argue that it's _not_ a concept of how to do it =:-) - after all, people could think that that's the way to go ...
22:37.41_Sam--listen, i didnt come here for your advice.  but thank you for offering it for get what you pay for .
22:37.58jblackoh, I'm sorry. I thought you were looking for help. My mistake.
22:38.19_Sam--i was looking for help, and you solved the problem like 20 lines ago....THANK YOU
22:38.25jblackfuck off
22:38.25*** join/#asterisk TheIzkabola (
22:38.45_Sam--ok scrantonian.
22:38.58Strom_Cok, both of you
22:39.00Strom_Cknock it off
22:39.08jblackHeh. sorry for the french. I'm done
22:39.21_Sam--scrantonian isnt a deragatory term.  i have a place north of there is the only rason i said it.
22:39.27_Sam--but im done too.  thanks / sorry to all.
22:39.47ZX81it was doubled dtmf
22:39.57ZX81was doing delete then undelete
22:39.57jblackZX81: Grats.
22:40.01TheIzkabolaHello, i'm doing a clean install of CentOS for asterisk, and I was wondering which would work well. Desktop Gnome, KDE or Server, Server GUI?  If it makes a difference, I'm a noobie :)
22:40.20jblackTheIzkabola: I'd skip a gui entirely.
22:40.47angryuserTheIzkabola you dont need it anyway
22:40.48[TK]D-FenderTheIzkabola: "EVERYTHING" <-
22:40.57TheIzkabolaok, so when installing I shouldn't select anythign for "desktop or server"?
22:40.59jblackIf you understand a reasonable editor and the shell, then you're just throwing away the memory on a gui.
22:41.17_Sam--in the old days, people used to say that a GUI would just waste unneccessary resources...with resources being so readily available and cheap anymore, i dont know why a person cant use a GUI.
22:41.51TheIzkabolaso should I select "server"? or do I even need to bother?
22:41.55jblacksays the guy looking for new ways to hang up on his customers..
22:41.57serialthrillaoh yea, that call file is sweeeeet
22:41.57[TK]D-FenderTheIzkabola: INSTALL everying, then set your runlevel to 5 so it doesn't start until you call it.  And then use whicher desktop you want
22:42.07jblackTheIzkabola: Yeah.
22:42.39TheIzkabolaYeah to what? lol btw, thanks for the help
22:42.46_Sam--jblack :  if you have an intelligent retort to my statement, fine...otherwise, save it.
22:42.56_Sam--resources are cheap and available, why cant a person use a GUI?
22:43.11serialthrillajblack: just fyi, there's a manager way to do it:
22:43.47TheIzkabolafender: what would you recommend I do?
22:43.51*** join/#asterisk Hydrant (
22:44.15angryuser_Sam-- question of preference, i just dont see how gui will help me, i prefer to ssh to it from remote
22:44.32*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:44.33[TK]D-FenderTheIzkabola: I've already answered that rather precisely.
22:44.36_Sam--angryuser :  im the same way, no gui, but if a person wanted one, i dont see how it is a deal breaker.
22:44.41jbotrumour has it, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
22:45.11mshadessounds sensual
22:46.06TheIzkabolafender: thanks, I don't know how to set the runlevel at 5 though
22:46.31jblackserialthrilla: Yes, there's the AMI. That's more difficult than you're looking for.
22:46.57*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:47.05Hydranthey all... I want to setup something with asterisk to prompt for a phone number to call, then call that number using asterisk... so I basically want a call bridge... I call that bridge, then enter the number I really want to call over voip
22:47.08Hydrantany ideas / suggestions ?
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22:48.44[TK]D-FenderTheIzkabola: /etc/inttab <---
22:48.45jameswf-homejbot: tell Hydrant about book
22:49.06Hydrantis this book all I need for such a thing ?
22:49.06TheIzkabolak thanks
22:49.07*** join/#asterisk vxworks (n=vxworks@
22:49.22jameswf-homethe book knows all
22:49.25jbotRead about extensions DialPlans etc.. in Chapter 5 of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition
22:49.26TheIzkabolaWhat are people's opinion of trixbox?
22:49.29jblackhydrant: Yeah, just play a message, do a read, then dial what was read.
22:49.38jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
22:49.41[TK]D-FenderHydrant: You need to understand the dialplan and how to setup each interface * will get/pace calls from/to
22:50.05jblackTheIzkabola: Here, it's generally seen as the short bus of phone systems.
22:50.13Hydrantalright, was just hoping there was an idiot proof module
22:50.53jameswf-homeHydrant: asterisk is a get your hands dirty sorta thing
22:51.05jblackHydrant: It's all of 3 lines in a dialplan. You can do it.
22:51.23Hydrantany tutorials / blogs that have such a thing?
22:51.26vxworksis it easy to write an addon to asterisk ?
22:51.30HydrantI have a million 3-line things to do
22:51.31jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
22:51.44jblackHydrant: There's the whole book for you, for download at no cost.
22:51.47angryuserHydrant do you know tha basics how to setup dialpans? i can give you the code and all you need is to adapt
22:51.58jameswf-homeHydrant: you could hire a consultant
22:52.03ManxPowerHydrant: now you have have 3.1 million things to do.  Callbacks are not easy for newbies, not easy at all
22:52.18Qwell3.000001 million
22:52.34jameswf-homeManxPower: he doesnt want callback he wants passthrough
22:52.35jblackgives jameswf-home a nasty look that is completely unrelated to hydrant.
22:52.39Hydranthard to hire a consultant that I wouldn't write off as an idiot
22:52.48angryuserManxPower i consider callback as easy really, if i understood ho to generete a call file, everybody can ;)
22:52.51Hydrantbesides, I'm not a business just a guy trying to rip off his cell phone company
22:53.21Hydrant... buy plan to call / receive calls from certain numbers.... one of those numbers is the voip bridge, so low-cost calls :-)
22:54.40jblackSpeaking of getting ripped... verizon bumped my DSL from $35 a month to $42
22:55.05angryuserjblack what speed ?
22:55.07_Sam--the ripped that you cant get fios  :)
22:55.22jblackOhhh. 3.0/768 or some such.
22:55.23ManxPowerangryuser: for an experienced user -- 30 mins at the most.
22:56.02_Sam--up there in beautiful lackawanna county
22:56.03jblackNot in Wilkes-Barre, Mr. "I have too much trust in dns"
22:56.23_Sam--like you aer spoofing a verizon ip on irc.
22:56.27_Sam--maybe 10 years ago.
22:56.32_Sam--or maybe you are proxied through it.
22:56.45_Sam--but you or someone else you know are connected from there.
22:57.08jblackNo, they feed Wilkes-Barre through the Scranton DSLAM, you dork.
22:57.34_Sam--sorry, i live 4 hours from there...where i live ...scranton and W.B. are one metro area.
22:57.46QwellScranton doesn't have a DSLAM.
22:57.57angryuser42$ that would be 28E hm it depends where you are i suppose , same price in europe, but a bit faster
22:58.14jblackfair enough, qwell.
22:58.23QwellI have no idea what Scranton is.
22:58.31ManxPowerangryuser: it is a very good price for that speed in the USA
22:58.35jblackIt's a city about 15 miles from where I live.
22:58.41ManxPowerIn much of the USA it can be double that.
22:59.09*** join/#asterisk xuser (i=jaood@unaffiliated/xuser)
22:59.26jblackI miss San diego. I could have fios by now.
22:59.42JTusa, europe, all very cheap Internet
22:59.55_Sam--that is a bad deal there -- from SD to WB!!
22:59.58jblacki hear Japan is cheaper still.
23:00.03_Sam--at least if you are making the same money, you are doing ok :)
23:00.13jblackAs it happens, I am.
23:00.20angryuserManxPower major people get 8mbit/1mbit and for the cityes more than 20k 25mbit/2mbit in major cityes 500k 70mbit/5mbit , and all the same price 30E
23:00.31jblackDon't have have some paper to rumple in a handset or something?
23:00.32angryuserit's for france
23:00.32JTjapan is faster as VDSL2+ is widely deployed
23:00.34_Sam--you would have to make double for the quality of live to be the same :)
23:01.10_Sam--i finished rumpling all my papers a few minutes ago
23:01.16_Sam--fax me some more
23:02.11mshadesis your name rust limbaugh
23:02.24_Sam--no wonder you are a miserable bastard...i would be to if i lived in WB after moving there from la jolla.
23:02.47jblackNow, why would you think I lived in La Jolla ?
23:03.22_Sam--because you are trying to portray yourself as smart and a man of means...where else in SD would you live if that were the case?
23:03.37jblacki don't claim the former, and I'm not the latter.
23:04.07_Sam--either way, im just making small talk, killing time, waiting for people to pack up the shit and hit the road over here so i can go home...sorry to be offensive, its natural.
23:05.08watchykisses everyone
23:05.08jblackI'm a borderline psychotic that moved from San Diego to Wilkes-Barre to stretch my disability. I sit here on irc and try to not decide who i want to kill next.
23:05.14jblackSPeaking of which, wanna go out for some coffee?
23:05.16jayteeLa Jolla is in South Dakota? shit! I gotta get me a new map, this one's screwed up. it says it's in California.
23:05.17watchyjblack you can kill me
23:05.31_Sam--SD = san diego
23:05.32watchyanyone here near shreveport louisiana
23:05.58_Sam--jblack :  sure , but you have to bring copa lua
23:06.04jayteeI don't want to kill anyone but I'd like to see my Republican senator die of terminal diarrhea.
23:06.07Kattywatchy germs.
23:06.48_Sam--kopi luwak, sorry, bad spelling
23:06.55_Sam--bring some of that, we'll meet for coffee next time im at elk.
23:07.12jayteeI love coffee but I'd never drink anything that went through a civet's intestines
23:07.30_Sam--i like to eat the beans raw.
23:07.39watchyyea im pretty germy katty, but i have on cheery chapstick
23:07.54jayteewhy not just feed your cat some beans and save the money?
23:08.18_Sam--because my cat isnt an indonesian monkey!
23:08.32jayteecivets aren't monkeys
23:08.50_Sam--not a cat either.   but yo're right it is cat-like.
23:08.52_Sam--The animal is a palm civet, a dark brown tree-dwelling cat-like creature found throughout Southeast Asia. The scientific name is paradoxurus hermaphroditus.
23:09.23_Sam--this one says they are monkeys
23:09.24_Sam--Brits are flooding exclusive US stockists with orders for the brew, called
23:09.24_Sam--Kopi Luwak, made from berries that have passed through the digestive
23:09.25_Sam--system of Indonesian monkeys.
23:10.29jayteeI'm a coffee nut and I've known about kopi luwak for years. The brits are idiots and need to check their facts, the only thing civets have in common with monkeys is they're both mammals and thats about it.
23:11.21watchyman polycom 650 with backlit displays are so fin nice
23:12.30*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
23:12.34watchyit makes me want to diddle myself at my clients office
23:13.09jayteenow there's an image I didn't need
23:13.25Kobazhow would i do a split into multiple variables
23:13.41*** join/#asterisk xiando (n=xiando@2a01:48:219:b:0:0:0:1)
23:13.44Kobazlike, i have ivrMain,s,1 stored in a var... i want to split on "," and pass them in as seperate parameters
23:13.56_Sam--jblack :  if you want my script to randomly turn off your phones, just let me know, i offer it to you in good faith!
23:14.08[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "core show function CUT"
23:14.13ManxPowerKobaz: "core show function CUT"  caps are important
23:14.25*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
23:14.39watchyi think OSLEC fixed my echo on this tdm400p
23:14.51watchyi owe tk yet another make out session and a steak
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23:15.59ManxPowerwatchy: you don't have a TDM400P
23:16.18ManxPowerIf you did you could get the free HPEC.
23:16.31grandpapadotHey all.  In Asterisk 1.2, does ignore attach=no in voicemail.conf?  I ask because we have it set to no but asterisk continues to send email notifications if the mailbox has an email address defined.
23:16.40watchyof fcourse i have a tdm400p
23:16.45watchywhy would i lie
23:16.54watchyi maybe fat but im no lier
23:17.07ManxPower(6:22:42 PM) watchy: its a sangoma manx
23:17.12watchydiffernet box
23:17.17watchytdm400p is here at work
23:17.21watchysangoma is at clients
23:17.26watchyFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (4 modules)
23:17.26watchyRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
23:17.34watchysee fat people arent always liers
23:17.37watchyjust most of the time
23:17.44ManxPower[netman]: Digium analog cards under warrenty get the HPEC for free.
23:17.45jayteebut they take up more room
23:17.46_Sam--liar is how you spell it, for the future.
23:17.55watchythanks sam
23:18.06_Sam--plier is your way
23:18.07watchyi graduated from arkansas, so i hope you understand
23:18.24_Sam--i work with a PHP programmer who graduated from UA little rock -- i understand totally.
23:18.30jayteewhat do girls from Arkansas and bear cubs have in common?
23:18.37watchyno idea
23:18.45jayteethey both like to suck their paws
23:18.53watchyhaha damn thats bad
23:19.24watchyanyways. manx i installed hpec before but it was annoyign registering the cards etc. i just wanted to try oslec
23:19.44jayteewhat's a tornado in Oklahoma and a couple getting a divorce in Arkansas have in common? Either way, someone's gonna lose a trailer!
23:19.49[netman]ManxPower: thx
23:19.59watchyi dont live in a trailer jaytee:(
23:20.28watchylastnight at 3am the tornado sirens went off for no reason, it sure psised me off
23:20.30jayteethat's good! cuz you know they magnetically attract tornados.
23:21.09grandpapadotIt even ignores it if I put attach=no in the mailbox options ... argh
23:21.12[netman]ManxPower: but HPEC is only suitable to analog cards or also to T1/E1 cards?
23:21.38watchyi wouldnt personally buy a new card without hw echo cancellation
23:21.46watchybut the guy who sold this phone system decided to
23:22.02jayteeDigium's cards with HW EC rock
23:22.21watchyi like my sangomas with HE EC
23:22.34watchyanyone here play with a polycom 650?
23:22.56jayteeI tried playing Gears of War on it but the graphics sucked
23:23.08jayteeand the game kept crashing
23:23.25watchyim gonna try to write a site i can use on the phone to vote for lunch
23:23.33jayteebut I've programmed and used a 550 and it performs nice as a phone.
23:24.01watchywe sell 330s and 650s now
23:24.24watchyi think the backlit displays of the 650s make a world of difference
23:25.05jayteeI love Polycoms but their website is retarded and their documentation is crap.
23:26.24watchythere documantion is pretty good in the admin guides for provisioning
23:27.15jayteeI beg to differ. I've seen better docs written by Microsoft
23:27.26watchywell i mean not on what to do to provision
23:27.35watchybut on what needs to go into sip.cfg and mac.cfg
23:27.39watchythat stuffs pretty good
23:28.40jayteejust on the configurable parameters they give one basic template with no other examples and no clear explanation.
23:28.47watchySinger Winehouse admitted to hospital
23:28.51watchyi hope that bitch dies
23:29.00watchyi seriously hate her more then anything
23:29.14watchyit just proves you can literally smoke crack and be given awards
23:29.20jayteehate is a pretty strong emotion to waste on someone you've probably never met.
23:29.31watchyoh dude trust me i hate her
23:29.47watchyshes just another wasted celebrity that thinks they can get away with anything
23:30.12jayteetrust is something earned, not freely given except by fools and hate usually does more to harm the hater than it does the hated.
23:30.38watchybut ive put $50 down she dies in the next 2 years at a betting site
23:30.42watchyim just hoping i hit
23:31.04watchyas many drugs and shes doing currently and as bad of health as shes in im sure ill hit
23:31.44watchywhats funny is her famous song is called Rehab
23:33.13watchyok im closing my office before someone else walks in and bothers me
23:33.16watchygood day folks
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23:56.20TheIzkabolaDoes anyone know how to install kernel-smp-devel on CentOS? I tried "yum install -y kernel-smp-devel" but it could not find the package...
23:58.26outtoluncyou always need to determine what is in the repo you are using.. yum list kernel*

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