IRC log for #asterisk on 20080725

00:00.50*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
00:01.25[T]ankanyone here using an ata through firewall? I am setting one up and really don't have any way to test it. Wanted to compare some notes.
00:01.48[T]anki have asterisk 1.4 on the inside and a grandstream ata on the "outside"
00:02.01[T]ankall i should have to do is open 5060 for sip right?
00:02.16mostyprobably wise to port forward the rtp ports too
00:02.34[T]anktcp or udp?
00:02.39[T]ankall udp, right?
00:05.19mostysee rtp.conf
00:05.37[T]ankthank you
00:12.12[T]ankso how does asterisk handle the destination port. If i send port range 5000:5099 to my asterisk ip address and destination port of 5000, does asterisk handle where to land the traffic? Or do I need a destination range of 5000:5099?
00:13.19*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
00:16.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-4e336a27f4d6a288)
00:21.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:24.44*** join/#asterisk devhen_ (n=devhen@
00:26.06jayteewhat port * listens on is in your sip.conf file. It's usually 5060 with few exceptions. That's for SIP to setup the call, the audio uses RTP which with * is normally ports 10000-20000 which is a broad range but not as broad as the RFC for RTP. X-lite softphone likes to try and use 8000 as an RTP port.
00:27.20*** join/#asterisk ZeroLux (
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00:42.52*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
00:46.09*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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00:48.08drfreezeAnyone know how to bring a pri span up?
00:48.32hi365_mtry a beer...
00:48.40drfreezePRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active
00:50.59*** join/#asterisk ZeroLux (
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00:55.47drfreezeAnyone familiar with PRI cards?
00:56.00hi365_mgo on
00:58.23*** join/#asterisk ZeroLux (
00:59.52[hC]drfreeze: chances are that has to happen at your telco's end.
01:03.00drfreeze[hC]: hmmm
01:05.38hardwirehmmm indeed
01:07.04drfreeze[hC]: * box was simply restarted
01:07.14drfreezeunless it is a coincidence
01:08.58*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
01:16.37*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
01:20.52*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
01:25.05*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
01:28.20*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
01:31.01*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:31.45kashhmmm.. with SIP, is there a way to use one auth line with multiple phones?
01:32.04*** join/#asterisk vhatz (
01:32.05JTwhy would you want to do that?
01:32.45kashmy config file is getting very large and i have one user with seven SIP devices
01:32.50hardwirekash: how would you route inbound calls?
01:32.57vhatzhello all
01:33.04kashby just ringing the one peer so they all ring
01:33.09hardwirekash: tried telling that person to sit still?
01:33.50hardwirekash: no dice..
01:34.06hardwiresip show peers doesn't have a spot for multiple IP's
01:34.17kashsame IP
01:34.18JTkash: you could always provision sip accounts from an sql database if it's getting out of hand
01:34.26hardwirekash: they can't all have the same IP
01:34.56kashwhy not?
01:35.04kashthey have different listen ports
01:35.04hardwirebecause I said so.
01:35.26JTanyway the answer is no
01:35.26hardwireyou said multiple phones, right?
01:35.34JTyou can't share sip accounts for incoming calls
01:36.02hardwirekash: if you're sick of changing out Dial() arguments to reflect all seven of their devices, start setting channel variables
01:36.12hardwiredialplan variables
01:36.20hardwireor start using find/replace
01:36.26hardwireor the database method :)
01:37.05vhatzCan anyone please let me know whqat I have to do to have early audio on SIP calls? I've tried every combination I could think of in sip.conf (progressinband) and extensions.conf (Ringing() & Progress()) but I can't have early audio... Any suggestions? Asterisk version is
01:37.28hardwireuse Answer() first
01:37.33hardwirethen do other stuff.
01:37.35kashcan the user run a local IAX proxy or something and trunk it out to the server?
01:38.36vhatzhardwire: unfortunately I mustn't give a connect signal to the calling end before the call is actually answered from teh far end... so Answer cannot be used... :(
01:38.51hardwireno connect, no audio.
01:39.36vhatzhardwire: well there is early audio coming from the far end, we just need to pass it on to the calling party before teh call is answered
01:40.54vhatzhardwire: it's SIP to SIP calls, no zap cards or anything TDM Related is involved
01:41.11hardwirevhatz: what is the audio?
01:41.15JThardwire: not correct, you can do early media before answering
01:41.30hardwireJT: what kind of media?
01:41.37vhatzhardwire: the audio is ringback and announcements
01:41.39JTthat's what media is
01:41.56hardwireso "Please hold" without a "connect"?
01:42.08JTor a ringback tone
01:42.17vhatzhardwire: something like that
01:42.32hardwiresounds neat
01:42.53vhatzI know that in older version that I tried early audio was sent/received by default, but now that I re-installed asterisk it is giving me a hard time
01:42.54hardwireso, play hold music w/o the connect.
01:42.55JTPRIs can do early media too
01:43.25hardwireI just plain had no idea that existed, simply because that seems like a great way to evade USAC on PSTN
01:43.57hardwireesp for information services like time and temp.
01:44.24Strom_Mof course, if you do play audio without supervising, the telco will tear your call down after 1-3 minutes if you don't supervise
01:44.56hardwirevhatz: whats the dialplan for something like that look like?
01:44.59kashhardwire: what SIP proxy software will allow me to run it behind a NAT so this user can use all his phones
01:45.19vhatzhardwire: is hould be a simple dial as far as I can remember...
01:45.20*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
01:45.27hardwirekash: siproxd :)
01:45.31JTkash: are you actually trying to solve a problem other than your busy dialplan?
01:45.40kashJT: now i am
01:45.43hardwirevhatz: so you just run Playback() before Dial() ?
01:46.02hardwireI assumed Playback() would initiate a connection.
01:46.10hardwireasme with Ringing()
01:46.19vhatzhardwire: Playback did not work ... there was no audio no matter what I did before the far end answered
01:46.31hardwireYou had to Answer() first?
01:46.47vhatzhardwire: no, Answer() must be avoided
01:46.52JTanswer answers the call
01:46.56JTcan't use it :)
01:47.05hardwirevhatz: did Answer() allow Playback() to work?
01:47.22vhatzif you put Playback after the Answer sure it works
01:47.25hardwiresounds like you said Playback() wasn't sending audio no matter what.
01:47.32hardwirevhatz: ah.. I misunderstood you then.
01:47.45vhatzhardwire: no matter what means before answer...
01:47.49wwalkerI can go into voicemailmain and can listen to messages, I can change folders, but if I hit 3 for advanced options, it immediately plays 'vm-starmain' ("Press star to return to the main menu").  any ideas?
01:48.31vhatzearly media used to work right out of the box... I don't know why it doesn't work now :(
01:48.48hardwiretests it
01:48.57hardwireI have a 1.2.x box
01:49.00*** join/#asterisk Yanik (
01:50.19hardwireplayback auto connects me
01:50.28hardwirevhatz: did you change anything to enable early audio so far?
01:51.06hardwireRinging() worked fine..
01:51.22hardwireI assume since I was in ring state, it returned with no action
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk devhen_ (n=devhen@
01:52.02*** join/#asterisk axisys (
01:52.16vhatzhardwire: does Ringing give you a ringback generated on your asterisk or does it pass you the remote ringback?
01:52.56hardwirevhatz: I believe it does nothing for SIP->Asterisk
01:53.07hardwireI tried using Progress() then Playback()
01:53.30hardwirevhatz: it doesn't appear to pass any RTP to my phone
01:54.47vhatzas I recall a simple Dial command should be enough to pass early audio beween 2 SIP calls
01:54.56vhatzit seems that this is not the case though
01:55.40hardwireI got it working
01:56.03hardwireshort paste
01:56.05hardwiredon't buzz me for that.
01:56.27hardwiretests via cell->pri
01:57.34hardwireno worky
01:58.20kashif i'm using users.conf to define a peer with a 'baseexten', say phone 1 registers through it and receives 6000. if another phone registers, does it receive 6001 ?
01:58.21hardwiresame with going in/out the same PRI
01:58.57hardwirekash: it doesn't assign registrations for phones
01:59.23hardwireit sets up sip users, iax users, voicemail users, and dialplan contexts
01:59.23vhatzhardwire: this caues te file to played but the dial is executed after the file stops... still this is not real realy audio... :(
01:59.28kash; Starting point of allocation of extensions
01:59.28kashuserbase = 6000
01:59.34kashwhat's that then :/
01:59.51kashthis file has shitty documentation
01:59.53hardwirevhatz: Asterisk 1.2.24 is what I have here
02:00.04hardwirekash: misleading?
02:00.22hardwirekash: just crash stuff till it doesn't work anymore
02:00.25hardwiremake lots of backups
02:00.38hardwireyou'll get an instant diploma from asterisk u
02:00.50hardwirecan I suggest rsnapshot? :)
02:01.43hardwireJT it's a shame my PRI isn't dealing well with it
02:02.16hardwireit would be nice to use poo flinging monkeys as a telemarketer zapper
02:02.51*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
02:04.58*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
02:20.34*** join/#asterisk pkunkra (
02:21.01*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
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02:49.22*** join/#asterisk rfernandez (n=rfernand@
02:49.35rfernandezcan someone please tell me about a good and cheap 4 fxo port gateway?
02:51.35carrarFind a old ADIT600 mounted in a office that someone forgot about
02:53.02carrarThough most of those are FXS
02:53.29carrarJust suck it up and buy one from Digium
02:53.48*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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02:54.00carrarRight Russell?
02:54.17carrar(say yes)
02:54.20rfernandezi mean a analog fxo port like a grandstream linksys or audiocodes.. :S
02:54.26rfernandezfor analog lines
02:54.36russellbcarrar: maybe!
02:54.46rfernandezif the customer have e1's i guess he minimum have money for the pbx that support e1's xD
02:55.07russellbi mean, yes
02:55.18carrarSee, there you have it!
02:55.31rfernandezjejejej xD
02:55.42russellbi can haz money?
02:55.59carrarslides russell a 20
02:56.06carrarwait, you should be paying me!!
02:58.09carrargoes back to listenign to his confusingly intriguing Japanese punk music
03:02.21Wayhighsup carrar
03:02.38carrarhey wayhigh
03:02.53russellbhe just said listening to confusingly intriguing music
03:02.53carrarWhen did they let the riftraft in here?
03:03.16carrarWell it is, cause I don't know a lot of Japanese
03:03.44Wayhighcarrar: long time ago.. I hang out here asking dumb questions and being told "we don't support trixbox"
03:04.07carrarYou should install from source like everyone!!!
03:04.18carrarThats the RIGHT way to do it
03:04.30WayhighI've got 1 trixbox, 1 source install, 2 PIAF, etc..
03:04.44*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
03:04.51carrarno SwitchVox boxes?
03:04.54ZX81~seen Tzafrir_Home
03:05.13jbottzafrir_home <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-dev, 29d 5h 18m 42s ago, saying: 'Anyway, time for me to go to sleep anyway'.
03:05.13Wayhighno.. none of the switchvox boxes
03:05.18Wayhighoh.. one asterisknow and trixbox pro also
03:05.33carrarSwitchvox is nice for customers that want to logs/stats or make their own changes
03:05.37ZX81Surely I've seen him since then
03:06.09JTeww trixbox pro
03:06.10JTthe worst
03:06.13Wayhighwhat's the most common thing for people to run as asterisk though?
03:06.22jameswf-homeno there is worse :)
03:06.25carrarrussellb, You should check out "Linda Linda" from the blue hearts, old Japanese punk band
03:06.30russellbpeople run asterisk as asterisk i think
03:06.35WayhighJT: yeah.. I hear that.. don't even get me started
03:06.45russellbtrixbox is teh lame
03:06.57Wayhightrixbox is teh haxored
03:07.10jameswf-hometrixswitch is wayyyy worse than trixbox
03:07.49Wayhigh~seen stotaro
03:07.50jboti haven't seen 'stotaro', Wayhigh
03:08.00russellbjameswf-home: heh, who runs that?
03:08.05jameswf-home~seen  jbot
03:08.06jboti haven't seen 'jbot', jameswf-home
03:08.30jbotAsterisk mouse WAZ in his 1U, eatinz his thermo ribbons.. HE R MOUSEKILLA
03:09.50Wayhighso who here that installs asterisk from source uses any of the web gui or manager functions?
03:10.08Wayhighlike that new ajam stuff..
03:11.17carrarCLI or BUST!!
03:11.58Wayhighthe cli leaves a lot to be desired... I use astman more than the cli
03:15.07russellbI personally don't have anything against people that use GUIs ...
03:15.32russellbI have some beef with the trixbox distribution, specifically, but not FreePBX or the people that use/develop FreePBX itself
03:15.55russellbIf it were up to me, I'd welcome all the GUI discussion people want in here
03:16.08russellbbut the masses that are here more than I am seem to disagree :)
03:16.44russellbFWIW, i guess ...
03:17.11Wayhighit's all good.. I like the gui ones..
03:18.02jameswf-homeyeah well politics are not exclusive to fonality
03:18.21*** join/#asterisk anonymiss (
03:18.25jameswf-homeread a spencer quote today that reaks of fonality attitude
03:18.31anonymissis asterisk typically unstable on virtual private servers?
03:18.52Wayhighya know what drives me nuts is the lack of IAX2 perl module
03:19.03jameswf-homeanonymiss: depends asterisk it self is probably fine on a VPS if set up right
03:19.06JTwhy on earth would you need that, Wayhigh ?
03:19.33anonymissjameswf-home: have you ever run it on a vps?
03:19.36WayhighJT: :) I just do..
03:19.49JTWayhigh: pretty good explanation there
03:20.00jameswf-homeasterisk is simply the engine once you modify and configure it your way the engine may seize
03:20.20Wayhighalmost as good as fender's explanation of how trixbox works
03:20.54jameswf-homeI do most of my development testing on virtual servers, it allows me to test in a broad range of enviroment without clutter
03:20.56JTthere's no-one here called fender btw :)
03:21.28Wayhigh~seen [tk]d-fender
03:21.29jbot[tk]d-fender is currently on #asterisk (6h 32m 14s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 5h 50m 15s, last said: '~wikis'.
03:21.41JTyep, not fender
03:21.48jameswf-home~seen my ass
03:21.49jboti haven't seen 'my ass', jameswf-home
03:21.59russellbyou can also msg the bot directly ...
03:22.49JTi know if i was him i'd get the shits at people calling me "fender"
03:23.42jameswf-homeyes gibson makes much  better guitars
03:24.44WayhighI was thinking perhaps 'wheelwell' instead?
03:25.35JTiax2 and perl sounds like such an ungodly combination
03:26.02WayhighJT: the perl module would probably be a wrapper around iaxclient or something like that
03:26.40Wayhighyou could use chan_iax2 but I'm not sure you'd want or need to
03:26.43JTdo you actually need IAX2?
03:27.49Wayhighsort of.. I have an ATA that uses it..
03:28.15Wayhighit's good for testing
03:28.29russellb<3 IAX2
03:28.46jameswf-homewaits for IAX3
03:28.52*** join/#asterisk alancio (n=Alancio@
03:29.07russellbi don't see a need for IAX3.  There is plenty of room to extend IAX2 as needed.
03:29.18russellbof course, you were probably just making a random comment ...
03:29.20JTwow, an ATA that uses, what is it, an IAXy or something? :P
03:29.42jameswf-homeyet another dream killed by russellb
03:30.04carrarI NEED IAX4
03:30.07russellbI do what I can.
03:30.14carrarcause it uses LASERS
03:31.03russellbyes, forget video, presence, and that crap ...
03:31.08russellbwe need lasers ... and sharks ...
03:31.28carrarIs that so hard to get around here?!?!?
03:41.14rfernandezspa400 4 fxo port its good to use as a trunk interface?
03:49.33jameswf-homeI hear if you point lasers at sharks they get pissed
03:50.15*** part/#asterisk anonymiss (
03:50.25alancioyou can train dolphins and then equip them with lasers
03:50.41alanciothey are smarter than sharks
03:52.55jameswf-homeHOLY CRAP!! an X files movie..
03:59.55*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
04:07.38*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
04:23.32*** join/#asterisk int21 (i=IceChat7@
04:24.54int21hi all
04:27.33*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
04:27.36int21someone have some idea to start a study about integrate asterisk with loquendo to respond questions in a database SQL queries
04:29.08*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:29.44jayteewhy not use Festival since it's already integrated with Asterisk?
04:30.34int21thanks bro, but festivalo no have my language (portuguese brazilian)
04:31.03jayteeoh, well don't know what to tell ya then
04:33.45int21so, I have a client, they have a small database with discount cards in my city ok, he need make a channel to out clients to call and disk your card number and the asterisk will give the money amount (excuse my english)
04:36.18Corydon76-digYou could try the "Americas Spanish" voices in Cepstral and see if they pronounce Brazilian Portugese correctly
04:37.28Corydon76-digI know it's not an exact match, but it's somewhat close, and anyway, you're providing the text
04:37.58int21I tried cepstral too, the unique good one is loquendo. I have loquendo here and in windows run perfectly
04:38.33int21good to my language ok! (sorry)
04:41.31Corydon76-digI take it from their site that Loquendo isn't cheap
04:44.10Corydon76-digIt's one of the things I like about Cepstral.  I have single licenses for most of the English voices
04:44.15*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
04:44.57Corydon76-digand I've gone into a customer site before and sold them on Cepstral, merely by having the voice already installed on my laptop and demoing the usage
04:45.09int21Cepstral for english and spanish language is very good
04:45.37Corydon76-digSilly people previously thought they were going to record every single prompt
04:47.13*** part/#asterisk EnginA (n=engin@
04:50.34jayteeI've been working from the other end of things with speech recognition using LumenVox. Kinda tricky at first getting used to creating grammars but I've got it working fairly solid with an Asterisk IVR.
04:52.13int21speech recognition is not so easy to implement
05:01.45Corydon76-digCorrection.  Arbitrary speech recognitiion is not easy to implement.  Speech recognition with an artificially limited grammar is much easier.
05:02.55*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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05:33.31*** join/#asterisk sqwishy (
05:36.43sqwishyhow i asterisk?
05:38.10JTan intriguing question
05:38.14sqwishyso i plugged in the telephone cord into where it fits, and installed asterisk. what do i do next?
05:38.30jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:39.02sqwishythe pdfs havce over nine thousand words and a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't apply to me
05:42.26*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
05:44.36*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
05:48.16JTsqwishy: then fail?
05:49.21jbotit has been said that now is a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
05:49.45pkunkra6 GB?   that's it?
05:50.09pkunkralooks at jbot
05:50.14pkunkrayou're pretty small dude....
05:51.02jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
05:52.32pkunkrasomeone paid a lot of money to broadcast that
05:53.01bbryantit was on tv here for a while
05:56.13pkunkrathat's like a minute long commercial
05:56.21pkunkraairtime must be cheap there.
05:56.43*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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07:49.12pputmanAnyone ever seen invalid information element 123 errors before?  I'm using the latest libpri, and I've looked in the source code and q931 specifications and can't find any information elements with that number.  This machine is in south africa, not sure what switch is on the other end, but it's a switchtype euroisdn.
07:59.52*** join/#asterisk Magnus_H (
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08:00.03Chris-NBanyone using aastra sip phones?
08:00.15Chris-NBI got the problem that the phones stop working after a time
08:00.38Chris-NBon the display is a 'No Service' warning and the red light flashes
08:00.46Chris-NBafter a reboot the phones work again
08:00.49*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
08:00.51Chris-NB... for a while
08:00.58Chris-NBsomeone discovered that?
08:01.54*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
08:06.59Magnus_HAnyone knows where to find winmodems that works as X100 fxo's?
08:12.08*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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08:31.04Magnus_HFound (and bought)
08:31.07Magnus_Hm+Asterisk+VoIP+PBX+%28Standard+%2F+Low+Profile%29&address_state=&payment_fee=3.77&quantity1=1&receiver_id=X3DFXNH8D3NK2&txn_type=cart&mc_currency=USD&mc_gross_1=119.80&residence_country=SE&payment_gross=119.80& Thanks anyway!
08:32.12Magnus_HOh! Sorry for flooding! is the right one...
08:37.30*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
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09:13.34dominic1oh sorry
09:13.38dominic1wrong window....
09:14.41*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
09:24.02VecIs the password sent to Asterisk in an IAX2 Registration request ?
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10:29.14penguinFunkdoes anyone know if you can do video calling with zap channels ?
10:29.23penguinFunkwe have an E1 isdn30
10:29.26penguinFunkand a pri card
10:30.01penguinFunkaccording to you can only do video calling with sip or iax2
10:30.40penguinFunkwe want to utilise our isdn channels and save internet bandwidth
10:41.08*** part/#asterisk Keypad (
10:58.21VecIf the ISDN channels are down should zap show channels still list them ?
10:58.44VecpenguinFunk : thanks
11:09.18BBHossvideo over zap? lol
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11:14.46penguinFunkas in video over isdn 30 channels
11:14.59penguinFunkeach b-chan is 64kbps
11:15.05penguinFunkso why not ?
11:16.22penguinFunkit is technically possible
11:16.25penguinFunkjust not with asterisk
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11:38.21mgdmpenguinFunk: In my experience the kit that does that tends to be very proprietary (Cisco stuff, much of the time)
11:41.29penguinFunki see
11:41.37penguinFunkthat's a shame
11:41.56tzafriryey to XML config files!
11:42.28tzafrirgajim insists on writing one incorrect character in a certain name (an alias).
11:42.50tzafrirAnd that completely fails the reading of the config file it generates later
11:43.39*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
11:43.45tzafrirWith the very helpful error message "can't read config file blist.xml"
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11:57.37int21hi all, someone cam show me a way to integrate sql withasterisk, like, the client digit a number and asterisk will check in a database and give a answer?
11:59.32pputmanint21 you might want to read up on extensions.conf and realtime, see
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12:08.44int21Pputman, thanks a lot
12:15.01*** join/#asterisk HonestWorker (n=Wothanaz@
12:15.10HonestWorkergood morning gentlemen
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12:16.53HonestWorkerI the day before yesterday I came by for  asking for help on setting the CALLERID(the number displayed for a receiver on a PSTN) to a particular PSTN number for a specific user(SIP channel/extension).
12:17.33HonestWorkerI was told that I could set the CALLERID on the dialplan . I did a conditional branch that would trigger the Set(CALLERID(num)=xxxxxxxx) priority.
12:18.05HonestWorkerLast night I was reading the chapter 7 of asterisk the future of telephony and I realized that it didnt work because
12:18.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.28HonestWorkerthat CALLERID is sent by the T1 control protocol .
12:18.39*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
12:19.08HonestWorkerSo, my question is: is it possible to set the CALLERID to a number that will be displayed on a receiver on PSTN through the dialplan or not?
12:19.53HonestWorkermorning [TK]D-Fender . Do you remember my issue on setting CALLERID ?(probably noy). You and another fellow told me that one of the options was to set it on the fly by using the dialplan logic
12:20.13[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Not "on the fly.  Before you call out.
12:20.15HonestWorkerI did so but it didnt work. I think the only choice is to set that at zapata.conf
12:20.30[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: NO.
12:20.32HonestWorkeryes, before you call. I called the Set application
12:20.53[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: What are you calling out on exactly?
12:21.04HonestWorkerbut as I was telling...I was reading the future of telephony book last night and on chapter 7 it was talking about signaling protocols for T1 channels
12:21.31HonestWorkerI have a digital E1 attached to a digium board for digital links
12:21.45[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: What signaling exactly?
12:22.30HonestWorkerThe signaling protocol used over the link by the carrier's ('switch', or endpoint equipment,probably not the right term)
12:22.42[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: WHAT T1 SIGNALLING?
12:22.43HonestWorkerCAS, ISDN, etc
12:22.47[TK]D-FenderE1 rather.
12:23.16HonestWorkerss7, cas, ISDN
12:23.21*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
12:23.26[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: You can't be all 3
12:23.32HonestWorkerI know
12:23.38Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: Hi there :)
12:23.40HonestWorkeryou've asked what signalling I was talking about
12:23.49Dr-Linux|homeSIP debug and SIP trace is the same thing?
12:23.51HonestWorkerI was answering to your question by naming a few
12:24.04[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: No I friggen assked twice which one you were USING <-
12:24.41HonestWorkerCalmdown. Its friday. The weekend is coming. Lets be gentle.
12:24.42[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: for intent, probably
12:25.11HonestWorkerI am using pri_cpe. I am guessing that means ISDN
12:25.29HonestWorkerISDN pri and cpe=costumer premisses equipment. That is my guess
12:25.45Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: i see, actually my SIP provider is asking for SIP trace, so that means i should him SIP debug?
12:25.53[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker:pastebin your zaptel & zapata, and a call with PRI debug enabled
12:26.03[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Yes
12:26.16HonestWorkerthe signalling on zapata.conf says pri_cpe and the switchtype says dms100
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12:26.32Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: what is the way i can save console log into a file?
12:26.53[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: for E1 that should usually be "switchtype=euroisdn"
12:27.02[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: cut& paste <-
12:27.04HonestWorkerthe zaptel.conf tells that I am spanning the t1 into 32 channels .
12:27.17[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Stop talking and provide the pastebin.
12:27.18HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, its working fine. euroisdn is commented
12:27.21tzafrirHonestWorker, zaptel.conf is what you write
12:27.31tzafrirT1 has no 32 channels :-)
12:27.38HonestWorkerits e1
12:27.42HonestWorkert1 has 24
12:27.52tzafrirand it has 30 B channels if you use euroisdn
12:28.05jbot[~E1] E1 is the basic digital telephony circuit used everywhere except the US,Japan,Taiwan & Hong Kong (who use T1 and similar variants). E1 runs at 2.048Mbps. It can be an unstructured channel for data. It can be channelized, to provide 31 time slots of voice or data, each of 64kbps. Time slot 16 is used for D-Chan when used with PRI signalling.
12:28.05HonestWorkeryes, I do have a e1
12:28.07HonestWorkerI am brazilian
12:28.08Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: that what all use. So there is not way to save CLI> console log into a file?
12:28.11[TK]D-Fender31 <-
12:28.16HonestWorkerthere is no such thing as a t1 digital hierarchy over here
12:28.18[TK]D-Fender20B + D
12:28.32[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Ok, just stop already.
12:28.52HonestWorkerOk, I am standing by. What are your instructions?
12:29.09[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: I've already asked twice.  Go scroll up and read.
12:30.07HonestWorkerI am not going to paste my company's information as pastebin when that is not relevant. I have supplied the significant directives. I am not gonna chance the signalling of a link that is working 100% fine. If that sinalling was not supported by the other endpoint the link wouldnt be operational.
12:30.28HonestWorkerBefore you curse me, I will preffer to standy by for other gentleman to assist me.
12:30.55[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Show us what you're doing or we can't help you.  You are the one wasteing time.
12:31.08HonestWorkerHere is what I am doing:
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12:35.49HonestWorkerIf the call originates from the SIP channel defined as 235 it evaluates to true and send the flow to priority 6 which sets the proper CALLERID
12:35.51[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Feel free to ask again when you're ready to provide what's requested of you.  You don't seem to be ready to solve your problem currently.
12:36.35HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, ok, I appreciate your help. I will stand by for other gentlemen to assist me
12:36.53[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Nobody can help you with what you've give so far
12:37.07HonestWorker(just to make it clear, I have provided the relevant information related to my link signalling as demanded)
12:37.32[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: I asked you to show the call with PRI debug.  What is the problem in doing so?
12:37.44HonestWorkerI don't know how to do that
12:37.59HonestWorkerCould you provide me instructions, please?
12:38.05[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: When your mechanic asks to look under the hood to fix your engine starting probelm, stop trying to give him a guided tour of your trunk.
12:38.23[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Go to CLI, enable PRI debug and PASTEBIN THE CALL ATTEMPT
12:40.06*** join/#asterisk kamui (
12:40.51Dr-Linux|homeAsterisk support DS3 cards?
12:42.00HonestWorkerI had to change the command to pri debug span 1
12:42.19[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: As the direct interface for TDM, no.
12:42.43Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: in what case yes
12:43.04[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Never directly
12:43.50Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: DS3 line is from our provider
12:44.19[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Just stop already.  If you have a DS3>SIP gateway, then * can use that, but there is no card that * can manage
12:44.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:44.41[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: And where else would the DS3 be coming from other than your "provider"?
12:45.07dominic1how can I see which channels was dialed on a hangup
12:45.20dominic1with ${CHANNEL} I alwas see the incoming channel
12:46.06[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Go set a variable during your call
12:46.35dominic1with a maro in the dialcommand?
12:47.00[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: SOMEWHERE
12:47.02dominic1how can I read out the destinationchannel?
12:48.45*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Nothing@
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12:55.26HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, may I private message?
12:55.31ghenryWhat does "Really destroying SIP dialog" mean?
12:55.49[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Why?
12:56.21[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Nobody cares what your # is and who you are calling.
12:56.22HonestWorkerBecause I would rather send the pri debug information directly to you instead of giving out the url to everybody.
12:56.54HonestWorkerYou can't really answer for everybody.
12:57.45[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Do you want to be more paranoid and unproductive?
12:58.02[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: I'm sure its possible.
12:58.26HonestWorkerOk, you are right. I am gonna edit the zapata.conf and try to sort that out . Thank you for your time.
12:58.57[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: FFS.  Just PM the damn link
12:59.18HonestWorkerI realize I must to supply information needed but at t he same time I am a information technology professional who is expected to take good care of my company's information security.
13:00.21HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, its alright, I appreciate your attention and time. I dont think the debug would be informative as it didnt have any telephone numbers on it. I believe I didnt gather the information you wanted.
13:00.23[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Just send the link
13:01.06dominic1CDR(dstchannel) worked for me!
13:01.20[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Ok, you have just wasted half an hour on 1 stupid pastebin.
13:01.45[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker:  pastebin the ENTIRE CALL.  Not some tiny clipping.  from beginning to end.
13:02.06HonestWorkerYeah, so I have realized
13:02.15[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: And the zapata.conf & zaptel.conf I asked for over half and hour ago.
13:02.26HonestWorkerI did set verbose to 1 and ran the debug but there were still lots of outputs
13:02.48HonestWorkerhow to I save the debug output to a file?
13:02.50[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: verbose 10 <-
13:02.56[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Cut & paste.
13:02.56kamuimight be a stupid question here, but I just configured asterisk yesterday for the first time, just basic sip.  Im trying to connect my N95 to the sip server (dmz on my network) and Im getting a registration failed on the client.  However, on the asterisk cli (-rvvvv) I get this:  -- Registered SIP '1000' at port 31958 expires 3600
13:03.02kamuiwhat does this mean?
13:03.12kamuidid it connect successfully or not?
13:04.08kamuithats the account I set up for the N95, and I have no other clients configured
13:04.17[TK]D-Fenderkamui: pastebin the complete SIP debug of the regitration attempt.
13:04.36kamui[TK]D-Fender: mind telling me how to get that
13:04.49kamuiIm on chapter 4 of the oreileys book :)
13:04.56[TK]D-Fenderkamui: go to * CLI, and "sip debug".
13:05.01HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, my terminal history will exhaust . I think it would be better if I could redirect the output to a file
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13:05.30[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Get a bigger buffer.
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13:09.50cesar_CRhello guys how can I see if I am reciving the callerid from a zap channel in the cli ?
13:10.15penguinFunkcore set verbose 40
13:10.25[TK]D-FenderpenguinFunk: Healthy :)
13:10.46[TK]D-Fendercesar_CR: "core show applicaiton NoOp"
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13:12.42HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, I think the conditional branching isnt evaluating as it should(I must to fix that before anything). Are you sure that setting CALLERID variable is enough to send a specific number
13:12.50HonestWorkerto a receiver on a PSTN network ?
13:13.02[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Please provide what was requested.
13:13.55harryjrdoesn't RECORD() return anything? something like DIAL_STATUS?
13:13.58HonestWorkerIts ok, Fender, I must to fix the dialplan logic before. I'd just like to know the Theory. Is the CALLERID set going to be sent to the receiver on a PSTN ?
13:14.04[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: and no, ":" is not "="
13:14.09cesar_CR[TK]D-Fender, thanks
13:14.24HonestWorkerIsnt DIALSTATUS for the DIAL() application ?
13:14.25*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
13:14.40[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Stop wasting time, go fix your other little error, and come back with what was requested.
13:14.57[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker>Isnt DIALSTATUS for the DIAL() application ? <- No, it isn't
13:15.07[TK]D-Fenderharryjr: No.
13:15.10HonestWorkerwhat is the ':' operator for? substring matching ?
13:15.30*** part/#asterisk harryjr (
13:15.32[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Go read the chapter on "Asterisk Evaluations" again
13:16.12*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
13:16.15HonestWorkerI am reading the applications reference
13:16.23HonestWorkerpage 398 GotoIf()
13:17.05[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Don't.
13:17.25[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Go lookup "asterisk expression" on the WIKI and READ
13:17.29jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:18.41*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
13:19.02HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender,  :P I am trying to justify the money I spent importing that book
13:19.24*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
13:19.29[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: No, you are trying to waste a nuce round hour of my time minimum.
13:19.59HonestWorkerOh, c'on. Dont be that nervous. Its not healthy
13:20.22LemensTSEverytime I install freePBX on top of asterisk, it will not let me view webpage folders until I chmod them to 777. I must be doing something wrong in the installation, ive tried it 3 times now
13:20.38[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: And you haven't been paying attention.  I already gave you the answer.
13:20.50HonestWorkerI did
13:20.53LemensTS*when i mean webpage folders, i mean like html/folder/page.html
13:20.57HonestWorkerI should use the '=' operation instead
13:23.07kamuitheres the output
13:23.14jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
13:24.19LemensTSTKD-Fender: i searched for #freepbx before and it didnt come up, heh. But it is now wierd. Thanks
13:24.33[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Ther are all "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and "Contact: <sip:1000@>" shows me you have not set up * properly to work behind NAT.
13:24.39[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Go read the guide :
13:24.42jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:24.59*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:25.03[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: This is not 2nd level support for FreePBX.
13:25.04kamui[TK]D-Fender: thanks I was worried that it was nat related, thats like a whole extra chapter and I still dont have a grasp on this yet
13:25.41[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Your auth is wrong so its failing, but * is also failing to return the failure notive properly as well.
13:26.20[TK]D-Fenderkamui: So fix your NAT issue first and then once communication is at least functioning properly you can work on the fact you don't like what its saying :)
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13:32.53dominic1is it possible to see from which context the call jumped to exten hangup?
13:33.07dominic1from_context or something like that?
13:33.12[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Its int he current context.
13:33.36dominic1sorry not context extension
13:34.40*** join/#asterisk freezey (
13:35.30[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: go read CHANNELVARIABLES.TXT
13:35.46*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
13:37.17kamui[TK]D-Fender: thanks, Im gonna read your guide now
13:41.21*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
13:41.36dominic1there is no variable from_extension
13:41.41UnixDogwell I think I about have the new bsd port for 1.6 done
13:41.58UnixDogdoing a test build now
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13:43.20[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Then odds are you can't get your answer.
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13:45.11kamui[TK]D-Fender: just dawned on me.  Is it the client I need to worry about?  or the server?  because * is running on a NAS that IS the dmz...
13:46.06[TK]D-Fenderkamui: DMZ is overkill in the forwarding dept, and is not enough .  * needs to tell the other side where to send responses to.  thats the Contact: hearder which is sending private addresses because it doesn't know any better
13:46.16[TK]D-Fenderkamui: so YES, you need to fix this.
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13:47.58kamui[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I understand now.   The addresses being sent back to my device are internal because * doesn't know my external address, or my dynamic hostname & domain
13:48.42[TK]D-Fenderkamui: So go read the guide and fix your sip.conf
13:51.10*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
13:53.57kamui[TK]D-Fender: since my ip changes moderately frequently, can I set the externip= to my dyndns hostname?
13:54.22[TK]D-Fenderkamui: No, but there is another parameter you can use.  Go look a bit for it.
13:54.44kamuion it
13:55.45*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:58.18dominic1${CDR(dst)} ist the solution to get the Information of the context which was dialed before hangup
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13:58.49dominic1do you know a variable for the uniqueid of the dialed channel?
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13:59.53[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: "core show application dial"
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14:02.36hsv-alhello fellow internet addicts
14:02.48hsv-alare we all looking forward to another long & glorious weekend of irc? :)
14:02.57dominic1can you give me a more detailed hint
14:03.34*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
14:04.34hsv-alheh, apple is ripping off *
14:04.42hsv-altheir releasing AGI - apple gateway interface, same concept
14:04.48hsv-alnormal languages development for iphone
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14:05.56[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: go read channelvariables.txt again.
14:07.30x86gah, I've got a hunt group of 4 CO lines coming into an FXO channel bank, and randomly they seem to stop accepting inbound calls
14:07.45hsv-alsince when did x86 make the transition from
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14:07.52hsv-al"general networking", to asterisk focused learning :)
14:08.11x86hsv-al: I've been doing Asterisk stuffs for ~4 years
14:08.23hsv-alwell the past 5 years ive just seen you mainly chat in
14:08.27hsv-al#cisco etc
14:08.39[TK]D-Fenderx86: And still can't let go of his silly channel banks :)
14:09.00*** join/#asterisk DragonBall-Z (n=Adnan@
14:09.24coppicedo channel banks suffer from the sub-prime crisis?
14:09.26x86most of the time when inbound calls aren't working, all the lines are in a dialplan loop. I took out the loop (waitexten, t,1,Goto(foo,s,1)), and now none of the channels are in use at all on Asterisk, but still inbound calls just ring and ring but never show ring state on Asterisk
14:09.56x86[TK]D-Fender: normally I would use a 4-port POTS card, but I had a spare T1 port and channel bank, so I figured I'd just use that instead of spending more money
14:10.04coppiceI bet they are seeing falling interest
14:10.14x86coppice: hah
14:11.15[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Channel banks are all robbed-bit signalling...
14:11.40dominic1is it possible that I can only read out the uniqueid of the inboundchannel? I only find information about uniqueid and CDR(uniqueid) both are for the inbound channel, not the connection to the internal channel
14:12.47coppicemost, but not all
14:12.47x86[TK]D-Fender: so any idea why the channels would not be in use, but when you call them they don't ring asterisk?
14:13.55[TK]D-Fenderx86: anything on debug?
14:14.22[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Read the file closer, and stop centering on those 2 stupid values.
14:15.02x86[TK]D-Fender: hmm, lemme check
14:22.45tzangeris there a way to turn off the "check timer" feature of chan_zap on startup?
14:22.57tzangeri.e. just don't load if the timer doesn't work, instead of killing off asterisk entirely?
14:24.01kamui[TK]D-Fender: ok, that nat problem looks to be fixed, now im having this auth mismatch problem
14:24.15tzafrirtzanger, a sinple source patch?
14:24.25tzangertzafrir: ys that will certainly work
14:24.29[TK]D-Fenderkamui: go look at your peer, and waht you put in your phone.
14:24.32tzangerwas hoping there was already a config option to turn it off
14:24.44tzangerdont_crash_on_bad_timer => yes or something
14:24.49kamui[TK]D-Fender: the [ ] header for the phone doesn't have to match the username= field does it?
14:24.51tzafrirtzanger, but what is the timing source you actually use?
14:25.01kamuiI thought that could be anything I wanted as a discriptor
14:25.11[TK]D-Fenderkamui: pastebin the new sip debug and your peer.
14:25.17[TK]D-Fender(masking only the password)
14:25.49DragonBall-Zhello all we are running asterisk 1.2.26 today we receive this error continuously and the CPU goes to 100% for quick fix i remove the notice entry in logger.conf from messages entry error is "Jul 25 09:52:55 NOTICE[32273]: callerid.c:373 callerid_feed: Unknown IE 0"
14:25.53*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (
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14:27.35cplxhi guys.. i'm running CME (call manager express) and trying to auth with a Asterisk box
14:27.42cplxgetting the following debug msgs:
14:28.00*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
14:28.46cplxSIP/2.0 603 Declined
14:29.25[T]anki am trying to get a sip phone to work through my firewall. I am using smoothwall express. Asterisk server is behind the firewall and the sip phone is outside. I have opened ports 5060 tcp and udp as well as 10000-10010 udp for rtp. The phone registers, and I can dial its telephone number and make it ring, however I am getting no sound. Where can I go from here?
14:30.21[TK]D-Fendercplx: Do another pastebin with * SIP debug
14:30.31dominic1[TK]D-Fender: I can not find the right function or variable. Can you please help me again?
14:30.35[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Go read the guide :
14:30.37jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:31.15[T]ankheaded there... thank you
14:31.38*** join/#asterisk mikeshank (
14:31.41[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: try every damn variable in that doc if you have to.  You don't seem to have been inspired by the names or descriptions in there so I guess you'll just have to forego that and jsut test them ALL
14:31.53cplx[TK]D-Fender; that's all I can get at the moment from the CME box - getting those debugs when i try an outbound call
14:32.19[TK]D-Fendercplx: I just get the debug from ASTERISK CLI, not CME.
14:32.59cplx[TK]D-Fender - i'm trying to connect to a ITSP (they are the ones running the Asterisk box)
14:33.10cplx[TK]D-Fender; thats whats giving me the SIP/2.0 603 Declined
14:33.32cplx[TK]D-Fender - they are out of support hours at the moment, so i can't contact them.. that's why im here :P
14:33.35[TK]D-Fendercplx: And like I said twice get the comprehensive SIP debug from THAT BOX
14:33.43*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
14:33.48[TK]D-Fendercplx: Then you're running blind.
14:34.09cplx[TK]D-Fender - any quick ideas that might be the issue? or no?
14:34.36cplx[TK]D-Fender - the 603 Declined error could be many reasons causing that?
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14:34.44kamuiyou're going to love this, Im geting a ton of those errors every few seconds
14:34.47[TK]D-Fendercplx: Yes
14:35.01dominic1I still think I cannot get the uniqueid of another channel and there is nothin in the document explaining something different. I asked cause I thought anybody of you know a different solution. I read this document thousand times and tested so many variables you can't imagine
14:35.12cplx[TK]D-Fender - anything that it most likely is? according to that debug output?
14:35.54[TK]D-Fendercplx: Sorry, we cannot help you with so little.
14:36.22kamui[TK]D-Fender:  (here's everything that I could paste in the buffer, came out in less than 3 minutes)
14:36.30[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: The Dial() application uses the following variables:
14:37.41[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Is indeed the proper IP to your * box, and what have you forwarded to it exactly?
14:38.36tzangertzafrir: zaptel tdmoe, but if the link isn't up, it shouldn't kill asterisk, it should just prevent the loading of chan_zap
14:38.45tzangerthe same as when I don't have a T1 card in but tell asteirsk I do
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14:38.52tzangerit complains, refuses to load chan_zap, and continues
14:39.24tzafrirtzanger, the issues in question were general timing issues (problems with playback). Not issues with chan_zap
14:39.28kamui[TK]D-Fender: it is indeed my router address
14:40.29tzangertzafrir: if I ahve a zapless system, why does it still work?
14:40.40tzafrirWhat would it take, then, to re-start timing if it is still in a bad state?
14:41.01tzafrirIf there's no /dev/zap/pseudo, you won't get that message
14:41.16tzangertzafrir: that's not the point; if I normally have a t1 card in there and I rip it out, asterisk will still load and work, although anything requiring timing wont', obviously.  but hte PBX works.
14:41.56tzafrirtzanger, the point is that the symptoms were not limited to chan_zap. Hence the fix you suggest won't help.
14:42.06DragonBall-Zcan anyone shed some light on it 'Jul 25 09:52:55 NOTICE[32273]: callerid.c:373 callerid_feed: Unknown IE 0'
14:42.08*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
14:42.24tzafrirThat is not to say I like crashing Asterisk. But please sugest a better fix :-(
14:42.41tzafrirIE >= 5.5 is required?
14:43.15dominic1fender: do you read another channelvariables than I. Where is there a DIALEDPEERUNIQUEID or something like that?
14:43.47kamui[TK]D-Fender: its forwarded to to
14:44.16tzafrirDragonBall-Z, Not really sure. But what version of Asterisk? Talking to what on the other side?
14:44.34mikeshankhi all. not sure this is the right place to ask, I'm trying to start festival with festival_server and get command not found, festival is installed and i can start it with festival --server. festival_server doesnt seem to exist in my install, how would I get it?
14:45.58DragonBall-Zasterisk 1.2.26 OS debian etch TDM2400 FXO connected with PSTN lines
14:49.09Dr-Linux|workdoes asterisk support PAI or the RPID ?
14:50.11*** join/#asterisk Hastalavi (
14:50.38[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Details please.
14:50.49Hastalavican anyone suggest a server machine to use asterisk and TE407P card ?
14:51.04UnixDogany pc should do
14:52.37[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Where do you get this impression that doing a dial creates another UNIQUEID?
14:52.49tzafrirDragonBall-Z, "IE" can come from e.g. IAX or PRI. Do you have any IAX  connections?
14:53.42[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: if I dial Zap/1/123456, the other side doe not have a uniqueid.  That is something tied to the concept of CDR
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14:54.05[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: the other side isn't placing a call so it has nothing to record.
14:54.10kamui[TK]D-Fender: ok, my external address is, and my internal address is, which is also the DMZ.  Im not sure why it appears to be connecting but my sip client continues to say registration failed.    The client is also behind a nat on a different wireless network.  Do I need to set up a proxy?
14:54.29kamuiand then there is the mysterious retransmitting issue
14:54.30DragonBall-Znope no IAX or PRI connections call came from analog lines(POTS)
14:55.04[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Not sure at this point.
14:56.31kamui[TK]D-Fender: ok, well Ill keep hammering away at it.
14:56.40kamuiim much closer than I was yesterday
14:56.54kamuiI can get local clients to connect, just not remote clients it seems
14:57.07kamuiand by local clients, only xlite has worked so far
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14:58.49[TK]D-Fenderkamui: You're trying to get a Nokia to work remotely, right?
14:59.22kamuiat this point, Im going to try a regular client to make sure its not just a problem with the phone
14:59.48*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
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15:00.35courcheaHi, anyone can enlight me to the status or SRTP and SIP over TLS ?
15:00.45[TK]D-Fenderkamui: While I don't know the specifics, this should be Google-able.  I think Iv've heard something to the effect that they don't work too well behind NAT.  Go take a look
15:00.59dominic1the management tells me a uniquedid for my inbound ISDN Channel connection and a uniqueid for the connection to the sip device. I get a inbound connection via isdn, this connection has a newchannel event with a uniqueid. This call goes to the context isdn_incoming. There is a dial command to my internal device. It throws a newchannel and with another uniqueid than the inbound isdn uniqueid. If I echo uniquedid I get the uniquedid of the inbound isdn channe
15:02.35courcheaHi TK, yup found that one, so it is still dev work? Will be included in 1.6 I guess?
15:03.06[TK]D-Fendercourchea: Maybe.  Dunno, I think I heard that 1.6.0 is feature-locked.  I may be mistaken however.
15:03.49courcheaOk. I'll e-mail the asterisk-dev list. the asterisk-dev channel is pretty much unresponsive to my question...
15:04.03[TK]D-Fendercourchea: Mind you the 1.6 dev cycle is changing and will include more regular feature-add updates
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15:04.21dominic1ctooley from -dev helped me:
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15:06.35[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: OK.
15:08.32kamui[TK]D-Fender: should sip show registry show me connected clients?
15:08.50kamuibecause wengophone says its online, but I can't confirm it
15:08.53[TK]D-Fenderkamui: No, that shows what * is registered to.
15:09.01[TK]D-Fenderkamui: "sip show peers"
15:09.09kamuidamn, I tried that too
15:09.10kamuishows nothing
15:09.12[TK]D-Fenderkamui: "sip show peer[peerwithoutbraces]"
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
15:10.14kamui[TK]D-Fender: I can see all my accounts.  they all say unmonitored, except the nokia which says unknown
15:10.37[TK]D-Fenderkamui: "qualify=yes <- all peers should have
15:10.51kamui[TK]D-Fender: however gizmo and the wengo phone show ip's
15:11.08kamui[TK]D-Fender: ok let me fix that, btw, when I do a dialplan reload I get an error, no such command
15:11.41[TK]D-Fenderkamui: what version of *?
15:15.49[TK]D-Fenderkamui: thats why
15:15.59[TK]D-Fenderkamui: that format wasn't introduced until 1.4 IIRC
15:16.07[TK]D-Fenderkamui: just "reload"
15:16.39[TK]D-Fenderkamui: Aside from the fact that's 1.2, its not even anywhere near the latest version within that family.
15:17.15*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
15:17.20kamuiI see, I should probably apt remove this version and download the latest source then
15:17.52kamuijust takes ages to build stuff on this nas with its slow arm cpu
15:22.10HastalaviCan asterisk recognise 32 bit or 64 bit Linux and can work accordingly ??
15:22.51courcheaFYI From Russell:
15:22.51courcheaSIP over TLS is supported in Asterisk trunk / 1.6, but is currently
15:22.51courcheamarked as "experimental"
15:23.01courcheaSRTP has not yet been included in Asterisk trunk.
15:24.41damjanHastalavi: what?
15:25.07damjanHastalavi: if you compile from source it will be compiled acording to the platform
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15:42.02l2cacheIs there any wildcards you can use when doing IF statements in the dialplan?  For example, if my customVAR has data in the middle that I want to match. Kind of like mysql 'where field like '%data$'
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15:44.45[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: "core show function REGEX"
15:44.46dverzollaThe asterisk manager interface is limited?
15:47.28kamui[TK]D-Fender: this is a good sign.  I've been able to successfully connect my sip server to
15:47.44kamui[TK]D-Fender: I think my problem is still in the NAT configuration for my clients, so Im going to do more reading
15:47.50[TK]D-Fenderdverzolla: No, you just need to do "load" and you can conquer entire nations with it.
15:48.16dverzolla[TK]D-Fender: :D
15:51.00jeevpump up the jam
15:51.06jeevfender, my 330's are being delivered today!
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15:53.58kamui[TK]D-Fender: finally, it looks like I gotta use a stun server, which appears to be just ssh tunnelling
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15:55.25Pengguhi all. if an extension is matched, and i only want to set a variable... and let further extensions continue to be matched.... how can it be done?
15:56.08Penggueg. context [publicphone], exten => _X.,1,Set(callingFromPublicPhone=1), exten => _X.,2,<keep going to other extensions further on>
15:56.28Pengguand then i might have an include => or something to other contexts
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15:56.49Pengguwhere checking for callingFromPublicPhone variable might occur
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16:09.23geek_clhi all, somebody run asterisk on a alix.2 ??
16:10.16[TK]D-Fendergeek_cl: Yes, I've heard of several
16:11.00geek_clanyone already?
16:11.23l2cacheDoes anyone know a good way to get how many seconds that extensions are on a call. I did a script that gets the information from the 'Status' command.  But wondering if there is a cleaner way to get the info.
16:11.35l2cachevi AMI
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16:27.28Kobazis there a configurable delay before starting to proces the dialplan when a call comes in
16:27.48Kobazi have something simple like:
16:27.49Kobazexten => 2400,1,VoiceMailMain()
16:28.07*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
16:28.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "core show application wait"
16:28.14Kobazi dial 2400, and i hear "elcome to...";
16:28.19UnixDogwait() and fille the() with how long in millisec you want to wait
16:28.20Kobazthe beginning is always cut off
16:28.42Qwell"fille the()"?
16:28.43Kobazyeah but, i shouldn't need to put a wait in front of every sequence
16:29.04Kobazif i do a wait(1), and then play, that does work, but is there a better way?
16:29.16l2cacheDoes anyone know a good way to get how many seconds that extensions are on a call. I did a script that gets the information from the 'Status' command via AMI.  But wondering if there is a cleaner way to get the info.
16:30.27l2cacheKobaz: You usually want to do an Answer(), then wait(1) before any initial playbacks.  Then wait(1) for subsequent playbacks.
16:30.47Kobazl2cache: this is just local stuff, just an extension in a random context
16:30.48[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Thats it.
16:31.17[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: What isn't "clean" about your current approach?
16:31.25l2cacheNo call duration people?
16:31.51l2cache[TK]D-Fender: So you're saying that is the best approach?  I am just looking for any other options
16:32.32l2cacheI want the least overhead possible.  So filtering output from the Status command in AMI is it?
16:32.38[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: No, I'm saying I don't know the details of your current method.  What aspect of it are you unhappy with?
16:32.46[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: Whats the down-side?
16:33.21l2cacheWell, I would like to just gather the extensions and duration from AMI.  If I run this on a callcenter with 200 phones, the output will be crazy huge.
16:33.54l2cacheBecause Status returns a huge amount of data.
16:33.55[TK]D-Fenderl2cache: "core show channels concise"
16:34.34l2cacheyou gotta be kidding me
16:34.49l2cacheThank you [TK]D-Fender
16:35.13[TK]D-Fenderpushes the "Easy" button
16:35.25l2cache"That was easy"
16:36.28jjshoe_cube next to me has an easy button hacked with a record your own sound chip
16:36.31jjshoe_makes for some fun
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16:36.46jjshoe_'That was easy                                                                       chicken fscker!'
16:44.52Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: speaking of timeing... what about when i dial out of a PRI... the behavoir when dialing many numbers is that the first second or half second of audio is always missed, especially when going to soneone's voicemail at verizon or etc
16:48.43errrhow can I play a sln audio file? People are saying my moh is way to loud and Im trying to listen to it to see which file it might be but I dont know how to play the sln files..
16:51.21[TK]D-Fendererrr: Where did they come from?
16:51.39errr[TK]D-Fender: I have no idea
16:51.54[TK]D-Fendererrr: You have no idea where your MoH files come from?
16:52.13errr[TK]D-Fender: nope, I didnt put them there, someone else did who is no longer with us
16:52.17[TK]D-Fendererrr: What are the complainers callin in on?  Is the situation constant across all who encounter MoH?
16:52.52errr[TK]D-Fender: no just certian music, it was descirbed to me as sounding like "porn music"
16:53.05hardwirewho was it yesterday that wanted notification of a blind tranfer that was failed?
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16:53.48errr[TK]D-Fender: so I just tarred up all the files and put them on my desktop to listen to them find the "porn music" and Ill remove it from the server
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16:57.59rwaitebow chicka bow wow
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17:11.05WhiteWolfi have a moh class just for the sleazy porn music, and a feature to instnatly transfer a call to it <.< perfect for unwanted telemarketers ^.^
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17:13.41errrWhiteWolf: lol classic
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17:15.16mags2"I can't define porn music but I know it when I hear it"
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17:16.24gr0mithi - anyone recommend a swiss voip provider?
17:16.36gr0mitneed some Basel DID numbers
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17:17.58WhiteWolfthat was unfortunate
17:18.07WhiteWolfnot quite sure how i managed that one
17:22.45gr0mithmmm - seems no-one can advise on Swiss numbers!
17:26.14_ShrikEHi Katty!
17:26.29Kattyhugs _ShrikE
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17:29.29jpcansahi, any idea why my channels got stucked like this:
17:29.45jpcansathis is my extensions.conf:
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17:31.52curious101hi, i can't seem to find a resource about backing up ang restoring asterisk settings from one system to another. can anyone point me to a specific link?
17:32.04[TK]D-Fendercurious101: "man cp
17:32.23WhiteWolfcurious101: pretty much only need /etc/asterisk/ or wherever your configs are
17:32.37[TK]D-Fendercurious101: And your voicemail folder
17:32.40WhiteWolfperhaps any custom sounds, music, scripts, AGI in a share folder
17:32.59kamui[TK]D-Fender: well, it took me all this time to figure out where the problem was
17:33.13curious101so all are in the asterisk folder? I see. thanks
17:33.24[TK]D-Fenderkamui: What'd you find?
17:34.01kamui[TK]D-Fender: I think I need a proxy server.  Im able to connect and register fine via HSDPA
17:34.08kamuibut its the internal NAT at work that doesn't work
17:34.43kamuiwhen * tries to send back anything (I guess handshaking) its redirected to my external address at work on a port that wont reforward back
17:34.57kamuiI thought thats what the stun server was for, but I must not understand how to properly use it
17:35.23kamuiI tried specifying on the default stun port in my config
17:35.31kamuididn't help
17:35.57WhiteWolfkamui: a fairly common solution is to use static translating on the NAT/PAT firewall/router
17:36.08kamuiI can't configure the firewall at work
17:36.22WhiteWolfkamui: sip is pretty hostle if the network isn't configured for it
17:36.28WhiteWolfsip & nat anyway
17:36.33curious101oh sorry, I didn't mention that the other configuration is from a FreeBSD system. I'm going to restore the configs to a CentOS 5.2 one. Is this okay?
17:37.00WhiteWolfcurious101: the config is the same on all oses for a given asterisk version
17:37.09WhiteWolfminor differences, but it's mostly platform independent
17:37.12*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
17:37.14curious101I see. One more thing please...
17:37.27[TK]D-Fendercurious101: asterisk.conf <- tells you where the other folders are.
17:38.31curious101ok. thanks for your help, WhiteWolf and [TK]D-Fender. be back later.
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17:40.44WhiteWolfkamui: if possible, you could try to use IAX
17:41.49WhiteWolfwhich is inheriently more nat friendly
17:44.18WhiteWolfwould be so much better of a quit message if it said clue > 0, since storing a truth value as a varchar is inefficient...
17:45.10kamuiWhiteWolf: I wanted to, but my phone doesn't support iax
17:45.53WhiteWolfkamui: =(
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17:48.12kamuiyea, there isn't apparently even a dedicated S60v3 client for IAX, which I would also accept (though the sip integration in S60 is terrific)
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17:59.27mechengI am experiencing some lag when answering and placing calls. Basically about 3 seconds but enough to make it a pain when saying HELLO. Any suggestions?
17:59.50[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Describe each leg of the call in detail.
18:00.54mechengCall my DID from my cell, hear normal rings, answer the voip phone and say hello but the cell doesn't play my hello.
18:01.24[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Details please.
18:01.52mechengI am new to this what more do you need?
18:02.17[TK]D-Fendermecheng: I just asked for you to provide complete details concerning each leg of the call.
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18:03.58mechengWhat do you mean by legs of the call
18:04.18[TK]D-Fendermecheng: How does the call arrive into * in the first place?
18:05.02mechengI call from my cell phone to my DID from my VOIP provider
18:05.21[TK]D-Fendermecheng: What protocol, what provider?
18:05.55mechengand I believe it is ulaw???
18:06.36jeevit's sys admin appreciation day today!!
18:07.02[TK]D-Fendermecheng: go to * CLI and pastebin a failed call at verbose 10, sip debug enabled
18:07.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:08.09*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
18:08.20mechengcalls don't fail but just have a lag of about 3-4 seconds before voice works
18:08.41mechengbut after that initial lag everything is fast and works
18:08.42[TK]D-Fendermecheng: And once it starts, is it ok for the remainder?
18:09.42[TK]D-Fendermecheng: could simply be a problem with the provider then.
18:09.56*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (
18:09.57[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Just annihilated the Earth again :)
18:10.18[TK]D-Fenderpets his new genocidal bacterium
18:10.20mechengWhen * registers SIP with the provider I get a 113 ms ping
18:10.38[TK]D-Fendermecheng: 3s is not the issue what that.
18:13.00[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Your ping can't account for 3 seconds of delay for setup
18:13.40*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
18:13.46hardwireanybody know the syntax to have hylafax shrink a document to fit in a faxed page?
18:14.25mechengSo ping time doesn't matter for call setup?
18:14.41[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Not for the size of your problem.
18:14.49[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Test against something else
18:15.27mechengtest against what?
18:15.56[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Another SIP service
18:16.16jeevyou haven't seen genocidal bacterium until you see what comes out of my ass when i fart
18:16.53[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Thats because it instantly dissolves your optic nerves first :)  You never see it coming!
18:17.01jeevit blinds you.
18:17.04jayteenow that's enough to put me off my feed
18:17.10jeevwaits patiently for fedex to deliver his phones from telephonydepot
18:17.34mechengany good test providers?
18:17.57[intra]lanmancallcentric? tollfreegateway?
18:18.05jeevFender, i have a viatalk account, i'd like to connect it to my asterisk for only outgoing calls, use it as a calling card, is that possible? if i call a special DID, put a code and be able to dial out using that line ?
18:18.08[TK]D-Fendermecheng: PICK ONE.  Doesnt' matter.  Just go and do it.  Sign up with FWD.  Tryt he echo test, etc
18:18.31[intra]lanmanoh yeah, fwd too... forgot about them
18:18.41[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Sure
18:18.53jbot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
18:18.56[TK]D-Fenderjeev: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
18:19.08jeevdoesn't enjoy reading anything other than IRC
18:20.04mechengI read it may be my extensions.conf ??
18:20.51[TK]D-Fendermecheng: No.
18:21.37[TK]D-Fendermecheng: If you're ringing and you answer, then you are in Dial uto and preceeing.  Lack of audio is stream setup at your provider or other poor conditions.  Not * config
18:22.15mechengI will try a different provider then
18:22.33mechengI tried to tell my provider this but they deny it.
18:23.12[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Stop running in circles and go test it.
18:24.26jeevFender, so you suggested i look in the book for it ?
18:24.40mechengI wish there was a way to prove it is the provider from my side?
18:25.47*** join/#asterisk Hertzy3 (
18:27.09[TK]D-Fenderjeev: If you want to do a CC setup you need to learn about CDRs and a whole buch of other stuff.  Go try stuff
18:27.22[TK]D-Fendermecheng: You do that by proving that someone else works fine.
18:27.29jeevi dont really care for a calling card set up, i just wanna set it u pfor my friend
18:27.33jeevhe'll be the only one calling
18:27.41jeevwhat's the best way to do so ?
18:27.44mechengokay thanks fender
18:28.09*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
18:28.26*** join/#asterisk qwequ777 (
18:28.40qwequ777hi there
18:29.03[TK]D-Fenderjeev: A call is a call is a call.  Setup something so he can call in, and then let him dial out.
18:29.36qwequ777i'm planning to install asterisk... just one question - has SRTP already been implemented?
18:30.12[TK]D-Fenderqwequ777: No
18:32.40Hertzy3My asterisk console turns my terminal grey. Does anyone know how to clear that back without closing my terminal?
18:32.46hardwireany voip phones that have a lifter input port, so that I don't need a lifter?
18:33.06hardwirewith ring feedback?
18:33.44[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: What kind of phone comes with a lifter built in?
18:33.53hardwirenot a real lifter
18:34.04hardwirejust a port for some common lifter systems.
18:34.19hardwirethat way it tells the phone it's off-hook or not
18:34.28hardwireand the phone can send a ring notification through the port.
18:34.40hardwirewithout having to deal with the detectors and actual mechanical lifters
18:34.44qwequ777[TK]D-Fender, but couldn't asterisk also act as a pure sip-server? then the users could use any protocol they like for audio transportation
18:35.02[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Polycom 550/560/650 support the Jabra standard.  Not sure if thats compatible with your needs though.
18:35.11*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
18:35.34[TK]D-Fenderqwequ777: No, * is not a proxy, it is a B2BUA
18:35.35hardwire[TK]D-Fender: it's an RJ port on the back?
18:35.47[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Yup
18:35.51hardwire[TK]D-Fender: thanks!
18:35.57[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Just go look it all up
18:36.31hardwireI am, now that I know where to look
18:36.52qwequ777[TK]D-Fender, yes i read that in the book that you can download; just thought that something in this direction might have happened in the meantime. well, no problem, i can live without it^^
18:37.02jjshoeI just have all calls I initiate auto-answer my aastra on speaker, save the need for a lifter or anyting like it :)
18:37.29[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Now try that in a crowded call center :)
18:37.42jjshoe[TK]D-Fender you could do the same scenario to a headset
18:38.12[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Never tested to see if you can choose the answering device.
18:38.26[TK]D-Fender(on a Polycom anyways)
18:38.38*** join/#asterisk hadronzoo (
18:38.39jjshoe[TK]D-Fender honestly not sure if you can set that on a polycom.
18:38.45[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Have you succeeded in doing so on an Aastra?
18:38.52jjshoe[TK]D-Fender yup.
18:39.07[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Wellfor the 3 people needing that... more power to'em!
18:39.11*** join/#asterisk zeppelin_ (n=zeppelin@
18:39.21jjshoe[TK]D-Fender everyone I know around here uses it :)
18:39.29jjshoe[TK]D-Fender 100+ employees
18:39.30*** part/#asterisk hadronzoo (
18:39.36jjshoeit's really handy
18:39.52[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Poor, poor agents!
18:40.31jjshoe[TK]D-Fender ?
18:40.41jjshoe[TK]D-Fender do you make all your agents sit at a table with no sound barriers?
18:40.57jjshoethat'd be pretty harsh
18:41.23jjshoeI don't care if it's handset, headset, or speaker, unless you're in at minimum cubes that block sound, blech.
18:41.44n3hxsthinks that they must be the ones calling me... lots of background noise :)
18:42.26jjshoen3hxs yeah, so unprofessional
18:42.38jjshoeI don't want to hear what your co-workers did on their weekend
18:42.43*** join/#asterisk brodiem (
18:42.58hardwire[TK]D-Fender: thats exactly what I need
18:43.05hardwireorders some 320's
18:43.10n3hxsWith my hearing, I have trouble understanding without the background noise.
18:43.36[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: No, the 320/330 don't have RJ headset jacks
18:44.11[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Stop jumping and seriously read first and make sure your "lifers" are certified compatible
18:44.38*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
18:45.32hardwire[TK]D-Fender: check this out:
18:45.43hardwiresorry.. can't seem to get direct links out of google search results
18:45.57mechengfender I posted my SIP debug on if you want to check it out.
18:46.23mechengunder the user owenfredericks
18:46.37hardwire[TK]D-Fender: and other docs say the EHS works well with the 320's
18:46.56[TK]D-FenderhardOk, if their 2.5mm jack supports it and they say so, sure.
18:47.22[TK]D-Fendermecheng: the LINK to your post would be nice.
18:47.23brodiemor they just go in line/replace the handset
18:48.14[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Contact: <sip:7076573860@> <-- your * is not setup properly to handle NAT.  Go read the guide :
18:48.16brodiemthen automatically requiring external amplifier
18:48.18jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:48.35mechengfirst time using it
18:50.02mechengI will be going to lunch in about 10 mins but I will return about 45 min after that.
18:50.32[TK]D-Fendermecheng: save the link to the guides, go read, and follow it
18:52.57mechengokay I emailed them to myself for later
18:54.22mechengcould this cause the delay I am seeing?
18:56.08MooingLemurdo any wifi (or otherwise wireless) cordless (battery/rechargeable operated) conference speakerphones exist?
18:57.38[TK]D-Fendermecheng: Shouldn't
18:58.01[TK]D-FenderMooingLemur: Polycom SoundStation2W + ATA
18:58.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:58.58MooingLemuraha.. sounds good.. thanks [TK]D-Fender
19:01.21*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
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19:04.00hardwirethe GN 9350 headset has a usb port
19:04.06hardwireI just used ekiga and it to make a call
19:04.07hardwirevery smooth
19:04.16hardwireneed to get indications and stuff working with it tho
19:04.30hardwireor use the polycom software, what a drag.
19:06.00HonestWorkerI have got to go. Good bye, guys.
19:06.06*** join/#asterisk kaii (
19:06.24rwaiteis it 5pm yet?
19:06.36MooingLemurin some time zone :)
19:24.46*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@
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19:29.19*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
19:29.40dlynesDoes anyone know what dtmf payload type I should use for asterisk?
19:29.50dlynesShould it be 101?  96 doesn't seem to be working well
19:32.07*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
19:34.02[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Whichever your endpoint supports
19:34.31ta^3Just wonder, what does 'overlap dialling' stands for? (allowoverlap=yes/no)
19:36.55*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (n=uros@
19:39.22kaiiis it a common problem that extension monitoring is hard to get working in Asterisk 1.4 ?
19:39.46[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Care to explain what you mean by that exactly?
19:40.18*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
19:42.09nny_1i have a recently installed t1 card (digium) with hardware echo cancel. I am not clear as to whether or not there is any additional steps to enable the echo cancel, and whether or not it needs to be tuned (like fxotune) once it is up. Any advice or links appreciated
19:42.31[TK]D-Fendernny_1: "echocancel=yes" in zapata.conf.  Thats it
19:43.09nny_1[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks. Apart from that, if they complain about echo on the line, is there anything else that should eb done?
19:43.46[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Shouldn't.  Perhaps try playing with the gains a bit
19:44.29*** join/#asterisk CanWood (n=chatzill@
19:44.36nny_1[TK]D-Fender: will do. I have the milliwatt test app set up as an extension, so that should be easy
19:50.56*** join/#asterisk damjan (n=damjan@
19:53.06tzafrirnny_1, fxotune will do nothing with that card
19:54.33*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
19:56.11*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
19:58.44kaii[TK]D-Fender: sry, was busy on the phone.   regarding extension monitoring:  in sip.conf i have limitonpeers=yes and llowsubscribe=yes, also notifyringing=yes and notifyhold=yes
19:59.06kaiii have hints for every SIP peer in the start context of my sip phones
19:59.13kaii(like in asterisk 1.2)
19:59.47kaiibut asterisk 1.4 does not change states (i checked with "show hints", all idle) nor allows subscriptions
19:59.57*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-5d4570909f6ba19d)
20:00.04kaiimy phone recieves 404 as answer to the SUBSCRIBE
20:01.32kashwhat kind of stuff do i have to look for when upgrading to 1.6 from 1.4?
20:03.03*** join/#asterisk marc7 (
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20:03.43kaiikash: see UPGRADE.txt in the source archive
20:04.19kashfound it :p
20:06.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:06.23[TK]D-Fenderkaii: remove all of those.  Set "type=peer", "call-limit=100".  Apply and test.  If failure pastebin the SIP debug and hint dump
20:11.27*** join/#asterisk edibrac (n=edibrac3@
20:11.52edibracthe last time our T1-PRI provider had problems I saw a  "Red Alarm"  in my /var/log/asterisk/messages .. but "Red Alarm" could also indicate a bad voip card?
20:12.12edibracbecause in addition to that, I see other Red Alarms in the past, maybe a few times each month, lasting up to 5 seconds...happening at different times.
20:13.03edibraccould XO be testing or calibrating things?
20:14.22tzafriredibrac, what card do you have?
20:15.19edibractzafrir: Digium TE121P
20:16.12tzafrir"red" means basically "not connected". Or otherwise your side and the remote side are not talking at a very basic level
20:16.37tzafrirSo, do you have anything plugged into that card?
20:16.42edibracalso: rpath Linux 1.07, asterisk 1.2.12, kernel
20:17.10tzafrirasterisk 1.2.12? wow
20:17.11edibractzafrir: our PRI line?
20:17.42*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
20:17.47tzafrir(and it's not a voip card. No IP is involved)
20:18.01marc7besides the asterisk TFOT, are there any good resources that describe hardware requirements for high-volume asterisk servers?
20:18.43*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
20:18.59tzafriredibrac, this is something of the sort of: bad wiring, incorrect span= line in zaptel.conf, or bad definitions at the telco side
20:19.21tzafrirIn what country are you? What telco?
20:19.29tzafrirhopes for a saner E1
20:20.14edibractzafrir: span line should be fine, this is on a working setup that's been on for a few months. we have had 2 "major" official outages from our telco (XO) but were late in the day
20:20.38edibracthe thing I was wondering about were the other red alarms (up to 5 seconds) i see in my logs.
20:21.44tzafrirwell, I'll leave this to someone who actually uses T1...
20:22.09edibracwiring from our asterisk box to the MPOE is new also ..but who knows maybe that particular one is bad
20:22.13*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
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20:29.24angleredibrac, upgrade Zaptel to the latest(not sure when the code changes we introduced but it was sometime after zaptel 1.2.12) and theres a good chance the problem will go away.
20:35.14x86is there a way I can bring just a single zaptel span down?
20:35.30*** join/#asterisk irieKen (
20:35.39x86I've got a down voice T1, and I was wanting to take it down and reload the interface (it's a sangoma card)
20:35.54x86i.e., make the entire span unavailable to asterisk
20:36.05x86without bothering the other spans, which are working fine
20:36.56bbryantdoes she have to sell herself to get some?
20:37.07bbryantI know she's a whiny teen star, but damn
20:37.14*** part/#asterisk bbryant (
20:37.21irieKenHello, I was wondering if anyone could help me resolve an asterisk FXS outbound calling problem.
20:38.09irieKenI am using an AA50, and I can receive calls just fine over the FXS port, but I can't seem to call out; I get 503 errors on my phone.
20:40.10*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:43.11Idlelooks around
20:43.57irieKenHey Idle:)
20:46.17bbryantwrong window
20:47.54*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
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20:51.21*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
20:52.31angryuserhave you read the mailing list lately?, that 'who is better' thread
20:55.57angryuserfender you here ?
20:58.40angryuserI have configured fring client for testing purpose, so registered = Nokia phone=>Nat=>asterisk i am using standart ports 5060 and 10000-20000 , routed to * box , how come fring managers to register to port 50563 ?
20:59.53angryuserIs the udp port number passed on sip handshake ?
20:59.54edwin_quijadaI installed a T1 card into my box so now I am not using this line but aSterisk doesnt want upload without this line.
21:00.09tzafrirangryuser, unlike most flames on that list, there was a pretty decent s/n rate on that thread. Though I'm not sure ohw long it will stay that way
21:00.10edwin_quijadaI need to disconeect this card?:
21:00.40tzafrir"doesn't want to upload" ==?
21:00.46tzafrirDoes not want to start?
21:01.27edwin_quijadatzafrir: Yes, start I get an error about this zaptel card but when I connect the line everithing is fine
21:01.29angryusertzafrir , what s/n means ?
21:01.39tzafrirIf you want to use that card for timing only, put in its span line in zaptel.conf: span=1,0,<rest-of-ther-line>
21:01.55tzafrirangryuser, sound-to-noise ratio
21:02.21tzafrirUseful content vs. random noise that should be ignored
21:02.26*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
21:02.32tzafrir(or actually: filtered out)
21:02.41*** join/#asterisk D3b|4n (i=X@unaffiliated/lynxnica)
21:02.49edwin_quijadaThks, tzafrir
21:03.15D3b|4ni have a problem
21:03.23D3b|4nJul 25 14:43:42 NOTICE[3908]: chan_sip.c:11151 handle_request_subscribe: Got SUBSCRIBE for extension 7540@default from, but there is no hint for that extension
21:03.47angryusertzafrir yes, sometimes arguing goes too far
21:04.50angryuserD3b|4n you need to sort your hints ?
21:05.46D3b|4ni need active the hints for erase the error?
21:06.00angryuseryes but it is not critical
21:06.23tzafrirYou need to have a 'hint' priority for that extention to refer to the actual device
21:07.02tzafrire.g.:   exten => 7540,hint,MGCP/1234
21:07.18angryuseryour phone subscribing to context and cant find hint, do you use them ? do you want that phone use hints ?
21:08.10tzafrirThe phone does not use the hints. Hints are internal for Asterisk.
21:08.12D3b|4nmy extensions are configured like this
21:08.41angryuserverify what context it subscribing , and hint ther for that device, as tzafrir wrote
21:08.45tzafrirThe phone subscribes through SIP to be notified on the status of an "extension" on the server
21:09.07D3b|4nexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Monitor(wav|${EXTEN}-${DNID}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}.wav|a)
21:09.07D3b|4nexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/panama/${EXTEN})
21:09.14D3b|4nso the new way should be like this
21:09.26tzafrirYou should be able to see that 'hint' in 'dialplan show <context-name>' in the CLI
21:09.42tzafrire.g: dialplan show default
21:09.56tzafrirAnd also: core show hints
21:10.28angryuseralso there is subscribecontext= in general, it's changes the context where hints placed
21:10.53*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
21:10.55D3b|4nsipserver*CLI> show hints
21:10.55D3b|4nThere are no registered dialplan hints
21:11.04angryuserno wrong , it changes where SUBSCRIBE is sended
21:12.54*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=riper81@
21:13.31RipeR-81angryuser im working with D3b|4n with this asterisk
21:13.51RipeR-81issue ... when you subscribe from x-lite to a contact...
21:13.57RipeR-81we keep getting that error
21:14.03RipeR-81so as your explanation on hint...
21:14.07angryusercreate a context like 'myhints' change value of subscribecontex=myhints , create a file hints.conf add hints extensions, then do #include=hints , that what i do usially
21:14.21RipeR-81will try that way...
21:14.55RipeR-81angryuser i tought that by just adding a first step.. and putting the hint, then 2nd step monitoring (so a recording is made) and 3rd to actually dial.
21:15.34*** join/#asterisk nickjqw (
21:16.02RipeR-81angryuser the #include=hints should be on extensions.conf right ?
21:16.15jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
21:17.23nickjqwI'm going crazy trying to figure out why I can't register with my service provider over iax2... I just upgraded on a separate box and if the old box is registered, then the new one will to.  If the old box is off, I can't get the new one to register, just times out.  Any ideas?
21:17.52angryuserRipeR-81 hints are managed by system , it's a state, it will send automaticly the state of device tu subscribed phones, you can manage the state of device or whatever in dialplan, what do you want exactly ?
21:18.19x86what's an RAI alarm?
21:18.34x86I know what RED and OOF alarms are, but RAI?
21:18.51angryuserRipeR-81 place that include inside your subscribecontext
21:19.41RipeR-81angryuser to be quite honest dont use that feature, how ever since we installed x-lite and added people to the contact list i started noticing that error message on the asterisk CLI
21:20.05RipeR-81RipeR-81 so i requested D3b|4n to get in here and do a little research since i was fighting with cisco call manger
21:21.04angryuserRipeR-81 discard it then, it's not critical
21:22.11RipeR-81angryuser thanks for the explanation though...
21:22.20*** join/#asterisk Qapf (
21:22.22irieKenHey, anyone know why an Asterisk appliance would be able to receive calls, but wouldn't make outgoing calls (gives 503 error)?
21:22.59angryuseririeKen pastebin all output
21:23.20Qapfhey, i was wondering if anyone had an asterisk box up on a vps or other shared server arrangment and how it coexisted in terms of call quality and what. im paying for a dedicated server right now but its a bit of an overkill
21:23.21angryuseririeKen and sip trace would be nice
21:24.40angryuserQapf wherever your server is , when you have a bad outbound provider, it's bad ;)
21:25.49Qapfangryuser: that is what is really bugging me about this, i have a server up at 1and1 im using for asterisk and its nice and reliable, but its also $100 a month for a call volume of maybe 5-6 active calls at once
21:25.56irieKenHmm, I'm not quite sure how to do the SIP trace.
21:26.00Qapfand i also know that 1and1's support is just about useless
21:26.10Qapfand im simply lucky that i have never needed them
21:26.24angryuseririeKen just pastebin cli output first
21:26.43angryuseryou use 1and1?
21:26.45irieKenHow will I get CLI output on the appliance?
21:27.10jeevhey, is there a difference between PoE or ethernet cable? is it the same cable ?
21:27.11Qapfangryuser: yea, i know
21:27.15Qapfits a problem waiting to happen
21:27.20angryuseririeKen log to cli 'asterisk -vvvvvvvr' make that call copy&paste to
21:27.25Qapfbut the connectivity is solid
21:27.29Qapfand the ping times are consistant
21:27.37irieKenAngryuse: Ok, BRB. Thanks.
21:27.55angryuserQapf it's a french provider ?, us provider
21:28.07Qapfdatacenter in nyc
21:30.30tzafrirok. Let the record show I did my best to stop that flame :-)
21:31.12tzafriririeKen, can you ssh into it?
21:31.32irieKenYeah, I have SSH access. Posting results of failed call now:
21:32.34angryuserQapf i dont see any question here ;)
21:32.41kashroot     27429  0.0  0.0   2800   720 pts/1    S    14:29   0:00 astcanary /var/run/alt.asterisk.canary.tweet.tweet.tweet
21:32.43kashwhat the hell.
21:33.17Qapfangryuser: im just wondering if anyone has their asterisk going on some kind of shared server situation and if they have anything good to say about it.
21:34.07*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
21:34.17jameswfwould not use 1and1
21:34.23angryuseririeKen you have some syntax problems pastebin your extensions.conf
21:34.54angryuserQapf i have used ovh dedicated, never failed
21:34.59tzafriririeKen, dialplan show numbering-plan-custom-1
21:35.24tzafrirThere seems to be a variable there whose value is accidentally empty
21:35.45angryuserlike Sip
21:35.51jameswfsome say there are no accidents
21:36.04kashok, uhm, i upgraded to 1.6 from 1.4 and now get this
21:36.05kashUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
21:36.21Qapfjameswf: i dont want to keep using 1and1, but i gotta find somewhere else to go :P
21:36.22irieKenangryuser: Dialplan
21:36.24jameswfwell does it ?
21:36.38kashit does.
21:37.47tzafrirNice :-)
21:37.59jameswfkash: what does "pgrep asterisk" show
21:38.18kashonyx:~/asterisk# pgrep asterisk
21:38.36irieKentzafrir: It's an AA50, so it comes pre-packed with goodness;)
21:38.53angryusertzafrir it's some king of gui generated i suppose, i he modyfy by hand, gui can just go south
21:38.55tzafrirSo ask whoever packed it with goodness :-(
21:39.10jameswfkash how are you starting asterisk
21:39.30tzafrirangryuser, actually that GUI is designed to work with manually-edited config files
21:39.36jeevhey, is there a difference between PoE or ethernet cable? is it the same cable ?
21:39.44jameswfdoes asterisk.conf have /var/run or /var/run/asterisk/
21:39.46Qapfjeev: don't lick the poe cable
21:39.50Qapfit will hurt
21:39.58irieKentzafrir: Digium isn't much help <-- They pre-loaded the AA50 device.
21:39.59tzafrirEither a bug in it, or something not set in the GUI, or both
21:40.01jeevQapf, coujld any cat5e use PoE ?
21:40.11angryusertzafrir that's nice, but in most times it's not ;)
21:40.23Qapfjeev: there is no difference, if you read the standard poe is power over ethernet, or simply enough power over cat5e
21:40.37Qapfand my eariler tip remains in effect
21:40.40Qapfdont lick the poe cable
21:40.42tzafriririeKen, try maybe #asterisk-gui
21:40.52jeevQapf, i'll ignore your recommendation towards licking the cable and do it anyway
21:41.01tzafrirUnless someone here can help debug that
21:41.24*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
21:41.31irieKentzafrir: Ok. Though, I don't think that it is a GUI problem.
21:41.40angryuseri give up , we know the problem, we cant solve it, welcome ti gui ;)
21:41.50tzafririt's an error in the dialplan generated by the GUI
21:41.56angryuseroh.... to*
21:42.19tzafrirnumbering-plan-1 is generated directly by the javascript code of the GUI
21:42.32angryuseri have an idean you generated custon trunk dont you ?
21:42.45irieKentzafrir: Oh... Well, I can manually edit the dialplan.
21:42.49edibrachow does asterisk decide which zap channel to use? basically if zap/1 is used, it will go to zap/2.. and so on?
21:42.49tzafrirmaybe try to figure out the missing name of the variable
21:42.55irieKenangryuser: Yeah, I can probably create a custom trunk.
21:42.58angryuseririeKen and you a using sip outbound ?
21:43.02tzafrirOr replace it with the actual value that should be there
21:43.13irieKenangryuser: No, analog over the FXO port.
21:43.19tzafriririeKen, which looks like the trunk itself
21:43.26tzafrire.g. SIP/peername
21:43.30tzafrirbut I'm not sure
21:43.48angryuserso ypu need to put Zap somewhere
21:44.02tzafririf it's analog: try:  Zap/<num-of-channel>
21:46.01irieKentzafrir: ok, so how would I change this? exten=_9XXXXXXX!,1,Macro(trunkdial,${trunk_1}/${EXTEN:1},${trunk_1_cid})
21:46.22*** join/#asterisk NirS (n=NirS@
21:46.56tzafriririeKen, core show globals
21:47.07tzafrirwhat value does trunk_1 have?
21:47.21NirSTzafrir, I uploade the hebrew patch for app_voicemail today to the tracker
21:47.35NirSlet's see how much time it will take me this time to get the patch in :-)
21:47.54irieKentzafrir: trunk_1_cid=asreceived       <-- That's all that's there.
21:48.36*** join/#asterisk nickjqw (
21:48.42tzafriririeKen, so it's not set
21:49.04irieKentzafrir: What is not set?
21:49.06tzafriryou should probably also set in in the [globals] section
21:49.37jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
21:50.31irieKentzafrir: so, what should I set there?
21:50.39wasabiHey so how should one trap voip traffic in iptables?
21:50.42wasabiStatic port or what?
21:52.39wasabiAlso, I'm still having an annoying Polycom digitmap problem I cannot seem to solve. Don't suppose anybody is familiar with this? It's when doing a blind transfer. When I type *5, it exits out of hte blind transfer window.
21:53.31angryuserwasabi trap sip traffic ? for dumping ?
21:53.38wasabifor Qos
21:53.44wasabinot sure how best to identify it
21:54.07irieKentzafrir: should I add trunk_1 = Zap/g1 ?
21:54.17tzafrirI think
21:54.31angryuserwasabi so you want to find Qos solutins for your network? outgoing queues ?
21:54.47irieKentzafrir: BTW, what does the G indicate in "trunk_1 = Zap/g1" ?:)
21:54.56tzafrirthat is: if you have those channels with group=1 in zapata.conf (or is it: in users.conf?)
21:54.58wasabiangryuser: i want to ensure the tos fields are set properly using iptables, is all.
21:55.04x86irieKen: group number
21:55.09x86irieKen: actually no
21:56.03x86irieKen: it's how it picks the channel from that group... g is sucession starting on the first channel (lowest numbered), and going up from there... G starts with the last channel (highest number), and goes down from there, r and R pick a channel randomly, iirc
21:56.57*** join/#asterisk genioreal (n=real@
21:57.12irieKenI've been working on this thing for 2 days, crawling google and all... And all it took was one command line addition!:)
21:57.52angryuserthat's why gui sometimes is not nice for start
21:58.03geniorealhi, im installing a new server with asterisk on linux i got to hard drives... i was wondering on hw the partitioning must go with partitions will keep more data ? so i can make it bigger the server is just for asterisk any ideas?
22:00.18angryusergenioreal most place taked by audio messages, aterisk is not very hdd intensive
22:00.36angryusergenioreal id you dont have 500 users of course
22:00.51genioreali will have a lot of users
22:01.53wasabiAnybody ever tried asterisk in KVM or XEN? :0
22:01.56angryusercreate one partition for audio, i dont see anything more, tzafrir ?
22:02.10*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
22:02.19*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:03.33tzafrirangryuser, if you use the same sound file often, it is likely to already be in memory
22:04.11tzafrirrecording and writing many logs is more I/O intensive
22:04.24angryusertzafrir i mean user recorded conversations
22:04.34angryuserjust a storage, no more
22:04.39*** part/#asterisk damjan (n=damjan@
22:05.08angryusertzafrir that's depends on verbose
22:05.31angryusertzafrir look's like your comment on flame was responded
22:05.37tzafrirBTW: one thing I like about the asterisk-gui is that it creates a simple and quite sane dialplan
22:05.43tzafrirThat can be hand-edited later
22:06.40angryuserincludes everywhere, i get lost with them
22:10.36tzafrirI actually referred mostly to other parts of that flame
22:14.13*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:17.23tzafrirNirS, that was fast :-)
22:17.30angryuserWell it doen not matter anymore
22:18.44angryusermisstel ^^
22:25.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
22:42.37*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
22:43.23*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
22:52.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:00.32*** join/#asterisk hfb (
23:02.16*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@
23:02.37ManxPowerwaves from Canon GA
23:05.20TJNIIwaves back from Ames IA
23:05.44angryuseri see waves , blue waves
23:06.00TJNIII see corn.  Lots and lots of corn.
23:06.19[TK]D-Fender"I see stupid people"
23:06.28angryuserTJNII wake up
23:06.34jeevi got all 20 phones up in 15 minutes :)
23:06.48jeevloves dhcpd.conf and that i built
23:06.55*** join/#asterisk ][ologramMan (
23:07.00][ologramManHi all
23:07.05angryuserFender i see fender, what is tk ?
23:07.45angryuserstop flaming it's a serious question
23:08.23jeevi'm not flaming lol
23:09.00][ologramMananyone willing to deal with newbie question?
23:09.15ManxPoweryou might be surpized at what I see.
23:09.29jeevjust ask the questions
23:09.34angryuserdont ask, to ask, ask
23:09.36jeevif we could deal with ManxPower, we could probably deal with you
23:10.11ManxPowerjeev: The moment Pidgin has a Perm Ignore feature, you'll be the first on on it.
23:10.27ManxPowerDon't you feel special? 8-|
23:10.41jeevi love you too
23:10.42][ologramManI wanted to use an external sip provider from my wireless lan, and configure a phone to access it without asterisk
23:10.52jeevhey, does the PoE standard use more than 2 pairs on the ethernet cable ?
23:11.29angryuserjeev look at ppoe specs
23:12.00*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
23:12.03][ologramManthe question is, if i configure the phone to point to asterisk box (in my lan), is it possible to have a trick that will allow me to automagically route the packets to the external sip provider when asterisk box is powered off
23:12.04jeevi want fender back.
23:13.42angryuser][ologramMan depends on phone, some have more than one sip account possible
23:13.49jeevif possible, would it be safe to have 2 phones running off 1 cable through the walls?
23:13.59][ologramManjust discovered that N78 is not among them...
23:14.20angryuser][ologramMan you are using nokia sip client ?
23:14.37TJNIIjeev: As long as ther is no PoE.  I've seen it done.
23:14.42][ologramManr u kidding me? no sip client on n78, I am poking with fring
23:14.53jeevi'm asking bout PoE
23:15.10jeevright now, there is only a single ethernet going into that room and i need two phones..
23:15.14*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
23:15.15jeevif i split it, will it be dangerous ?
23:15.15angryuser][ologramMani never said that, there is one
23:15.24TJNIIjeev: Don't know.  Doesn't true PoE current monitor?
23:15.42jeevno idea, i guess i'll try to run another one.
23:15.47][ologramManNot in Italy, how do you launch it? there are settings for sip, BUT no client
23:15.52TJNIIDon't think it would be dangerous, don't know if it will work.
23:16.22TJNIIIf running another cable is a pain, why not inject PoE in the room or not use PoE?
23:16.44][ologramManAngry user: If you could point me on how to run/enable it I would be grateful
23:16.59angryuser][ologramMan i dont see what you are telking about, i have used both, niki sip client and fring, still , what was the question ?
23:17.26jeevwell, i have 1 adapter
23:17.31angryuserfring support only one sip cient configuration
23:17.37jeevinjector is so expensive, considering i bought a 24 poe switch for 400 bux
23:17.40jeevi'l probably run another wire.
23:17.44][ologramManAngryuser: Sorry for the dumb question, but could you tell me how to run the nokia one?
23:18.10][ologramManfring does work but as you said, just one profile
23:19.20angryuser][ologramMan i have a different phone n95, it has multiple sip profiles posible, the only issue, it does not send any packet's to keep nat part open
23:19.46angryuserqualify= does not help either
23:19.48*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
23:20.28angryuser][ologramMan n73 got symbian 3rd edition ?
23:21.26][ologramManYes 9.3fp2 Ok, so back to square one: is it feasible to have my n78 configured in such a way that will use a single profile and point to a asterisk box (on my lan) when the box is up and to the sip provider when the asterisk is down?
23:22.00][ologramManI was thinking to fiddle with the ip and/or firewall rules plus some scripts
23:22.35angryuserfind the answer for n 73 'You can add a SIP profile into the N73 but you cannot use SIP' so frin only
23:23.13angryuser][ologramMan probably not
23:24.46][ologramManbut if the firewall could detect the asterisk is down it could be done activating a rule, or maybe if I reference the ip of the asterisk with a dyndns name...
23:24.54ManxPower][ologramMan: Many phones support SIP DNS SRV records, check the docs for your phone.  Also most phones support primary and backup server configs, maybe with even the ability to have different auth details
23:25.29ManxPower][ologramMan: Ah, a nokia.  Hell if I know.
23:25.36][ologramManThanks ManxPower, sadly N78 is not prone to this, and fring seems not having these features
23:25.55][ologramManmaybe I am wrong, just started the journey into this and asterisk
23:26.03angryuseryou need to use a proxy without a downtime
23:26.18angryusersip proxy*
23:27.05][ologramManAngry and ManxPower: the weirdest idea that comes to my mind is to set as primary dns the asterisk box, that would correctly resolve its own name as the sip provider
23:27.37][ologramManif the box is down, the secondary dns would be the firewall that would point the phone to the provider...weird enough?
23:27.47angryuser][ologramMan you need to use a sip proxy
23:28.25][ologramManI only have one sip proxy that is up 24/7 and it is the provider
23:28.45][ologramManI would not use asterisk this way
23:29.32][ologramManat all I mean, there would be a complete bypass
23:29.40*** join/#asterisk qdk (
23:29.40*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=aaa@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
23:36.37angryuserwhy this channel accepts only registered users ?
23:36.55[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Troll-reduction
23:37.32angryuseri think some new to irc users are unable to get here maybe
23:37.59[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Don't
23:38.21[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Each will try to put a load on the circuit.  Use one PoE, and passthrough to the other and usea brick
23:38.43[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: And ChanServ tells them they have to register, and they do all the time
23:41.15angryuseri am sure of that he does, but 'very new users to irc', and how big is that Troll problem was ?
23:41.42jeevbrick ?
23:41.47jeevbut will PoE go passthru ?
23:42.01jeevif i have PoE go into the phone, when it's switched, does it send power to the switched port?
23:42.03QwellIf you can't figure out how to register after ChanServ tells probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to fix the problem you came here about.
23:42.12*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
23:43.04[TK]D-Fenderjeev: No, it won't passthrough, thats why I said use a brick on the other
23:43.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Like I said... troll prevention :)
23:44.05*** join/#asterisk dinominant (
23:45.41dinominantHi, I've been following the gentoo wiki article on getting asterisk installed on my system and I'm stuck. The wiki suggested I come here for help
23:48.50dinominanttyping sudo -u asterisk asterisk -vvvvvc gives me several errors
23:49.50dinominantI'll concentrate on fixing this one first:
23:49.51dinominantpbx_dundi.c:4580 set_config: Unable to load config dundi.conf
23:50.32[TK]D-Fenderdinominant: first guess is however you installed it you did not get sample configs to help start you off.
23:51.00dinominantI did "sudo emerge asterisk" (I'm running gentoo)
23:51.05[TK]D-Fenderdinominant: Go see what other packages you may be missing, or trashe what you've done, and compile from source direct off
23:55.51jeevFender, what i was meaning to say is
23:56.05jeevtake the A portion of the ethernet into phone 1 and B portion into phone 2
23:56.19jeevand A portion into swtich port x and B portion into switch port x+1
23:57.19jeevso 2 pair running into each phone
23:57.28[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Don't even dream of shoving it on a Y cable
23:57.49[TK]D-Fenderjeev: wall (PoE) to the first, chain the 2nd into the first, and that one is going to need a brick
23:57.50jeevnot a Y!
23:58.26Qwelldinominant: That isn't an error.  Next?
23:58.28angryusercan someone tell me where MFC/R2 signalling is used, and what for ?
23:58.45jeevFender, i'm saying if i have 1 line into the wall, i could split the cable with 4 pins in each jack
23:58.52jeevwould that be OK?
23:59.02jeevso the single cable with 4 pair would be split, each phone would have 2 pair.
23:59.52Qwellsplitting 2 pairs?  what?

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