IRC log for #asterisk on 20080724

00:01.22[TK]D-Fendersilvertip257: Your CLI output looks like you've been chopping stuff off.
00:01.42teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, do you like aastra phones ?
00:01.49silvertip257i'm not chopping anything out - nothing omitted at all
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00:02.32[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: meh
00:02.40teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, really that bad ?
00:02.51[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: only if I was desperate for massive presence
00:03.02teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, oh
00:03.11teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, yeah 180 lines on the 57i
00:03.21[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: I hated my 57i CT
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00:03.31teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, but how is the call quality ... and why did you hate it ?
00:04.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: rubbery shit buttons, low angle of visibilty of the screen, shitty use of basic calling, lack of DECT independance, handset has NOT weight, tinny speakerphone, etc
00:04.28[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Meant well, missed the mark
00:04.37[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: It got my hopes up
00:04.50teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, which phones do you prefer ? polycom ?
00:05.03j0teknoprep: yes.. ;)
00:05.08[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Yup
00:05.21teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, yeah polycom's are nice i just don't like there displays
00:05.25jayteeI love my 330
00:05.41teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i like how the 57i screen buttons are very customizable
00:05.53[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Only downside to polycom is that the backlit ones are unreasonably more expensive
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00:06.16[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Indeed if nothing else Aastra use of dynamic soft-keys is unparalleled
00:06.19teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, yeah i have an ip650 for our office's receptionist with the Backlit Exp module
00:06.38teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, how is the call quality
00:06.46teknoprep[TK]D-Fender,  on the aastra
00:07.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: OK enough, but nothign touches Polycom to date.
00:07.41teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, not speakerphone tho.. no one uses speakerphones where i put phones in
00:07.49teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, and if they did i would buy them a polycom
00:08.01[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: I'm talking handset quality here...
00:08.10teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, hmm that sucks
00:08.15[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: the Aastra is OK, but too light, and sounds a bit hollow
00:08.34teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, audiophiles in the VoIP industry
00:08.36[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: I HATE the handset.  For basic use I'd rather have my bedside IP 301.
00:08.40teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, isn't that an oxymoron ?
00:08.52[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Considering how far there is to fall?  NO :p
00:08.57teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, i always did LOVE the weight of a cisco phone
00:09.32[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Cisco has the best feel, Polycom the most stable and usable interface & audio.  Aastra the most dynamic functionailty
00:09.39silvertip257[TK]D-Fender: I haven't omitted anything from what I pasted there - verbose/debug=10000 ...
00:10.05teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, well i am going to have to try these aastra phones out... i can not find a site yet... that has aastra being a bad phone
00:10.16teknoprep[TK]D-Fender, they aren't grandstream audio bad are they ?
00:10.24Qwellnothing is gs audio bad
00:10.32teknoprepso true
00:10.40Qwelltin can + string > gs audio
00:10.51*** part/#asterisk fedya (
00:10.51[TK]D-Fendersilvertip257: Sorry, you have invite for your outbound attempt.  Your output is fraudulent or broken.
00:10.56teknopreptin can + string = analouge
00:11.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: GS  GS bad.  Tautology++
00:11.28marc7is a significant delay introduced if a call is daisy chained through multiple asterisk servers rather than having it just pass through one?
00:11.29QwellEVEN Grandstream isn't that bad
00:11.31Qwellerr, wait
00:12.06Qwellmarc7: are the Asterisk servers separated by any large bodies of water?
00:12.22marc7Qwell: nope, same datacenter.
00:12.24Qwelllike, do you have to go through Australia in order to make a call from California to Texas?
00:12.39Qwellthen, no, not significant
00:12.47Qwellunless you're talking like 20 servers
00:13.02teknoprepeven on 20 servers you wouldn't have that big of a transport delay
00:13.18teknoprepas long as you don't transcode anything
00:13.40marc7I'm just putting this down on paper, imagining that calls from a Polycom will hit an internet-facing call gateway that will handle the G729 translation... then pass over IAX to an application server (voicemail, conference bridge, whatever), then over to a second call gateway which has physical circuits with a carrier
00:14.06*** part/#asterisk silvertip257 (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/silvertip257)
00:14.29marc7so IP Phone <-> {Internet} <-> Internet Gateway <-> Application Server <-> Telephony Gateway <-> {PSTN} <-> Plain Old Telephone
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00:15.38marc7and having the RTP stream pass through all three servers in the middle --- providing they're all in close contact and are fairly capable machines --- shouldn't introduce significant delay, and generally isn't a terrible idea
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00:23.34x86marc7: don't see why you'd need three servers like that, unless perhaps you were running SER on the outter-most one
00:24.31marc7x86: OpenSER is going to be directing calls to the Gateways, and will be a process running on a separate set of servers
00:24.51x86jesus christ are you trying to start a Vonage killer? :)
00:25.28x86must be a startup company with a lot of VC to burn through
00:25.51marc7heh, this setup *will* be a little overkill
00:26.51marc7just trying to build a modular redundant system
00:28.38x86nothing in that sounds redundant ;)
00:28.40marc7god, that sounds like I've just picked up buzzwords off a promotional article. "make it scalable for the aim of synergizing"
00:29.08x86piecemeal'ed out, sure... but not redundant
00:29.15marc7the aim is fault-tolerancy... one node could go down and the least amount of calls affected, and the role can be picked up by any other number of servers.
00:29.42marc7i'm missing words in my sentences, (always proofread to see if you any words out), but that's the general idea.
00:30.02Qwellproofread your subdialogs too
00:30.19marc7it was intentional that time ;-)
00:30.24Qwellsure ;)
00:31.03x86Qwell ftw
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00:31.19x86do we have a karma bot here? that'd be rad
00:31.21Qwelljbot: karma Qwell
00:31.21jbotqwell has karma of 9
00:31.24marc7I know that traditional telcos rely on a small number of prohibitively expensive call switches to handle the bulk of their work, so I'm just trying to gauge if it's easy enough to distribute the load across smaller servers without impeding overall quality
00:31.26ibnolqaiyemwhat is Zapata?
00:31.26Qwellyes, yes we do
00:31.34x86jbot: karma x86
00:31.34jbotx86 has karma of -2
00:31.48x86(was seeing if it was random or not hehe)
00:32.11x86ouch, people hate me :(
00:32.37jbot[tk]d-fender has karma of 10
00:32.51jbotKarma Chameleon!
00:32.56jbotjaytee has neutral karma
00:33.09jayteedamn, I'm neutered
00:33.20[TK]D-FenderQwell: My karma ran over your dogma ;)
00:33.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, dogma is a mediocre KMFDM album or called a linux high
00:37.43drfreezeOk, part way there to getting call pickup working
00:38.25drfreezethe *8 works, but have to do *8 <<dial
00:43.12*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
00:43.23x86damn, is WAY outdated
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00:44.31coppiceit hasn't been touched since the early days of the tormenta 2 card
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00:53.18TJNIICan iax debug be set to a specific IP like sip debug?  I'm not seeing the option here...
00:55.06*** join/#asterisk swiftkick (
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00:56.28swiftkickHI, question about extension pattern matching on DID calls. Pattern matching only seems to work properly when I *omit* the _   .....
00:56.38swiftkickand I am not really sure why.
00:58.21swiftkickasterisk-gui enforces placing a _ infront of its pattern matching interface for "Incoming Call Rules". shouldn't a fixed phone number such as 3124445555 match correctly as a pattern also, e.g. _3124445555 ?
00:58.57swiftkicke.g. exten = _3124445555,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-1|s|1) doesnt seem to work
00:59.10Maliutaif you want gui support go to #asterisk-gui
00:59.13swiftkickwhereas exten = 312444XXXX ,1,Goto(voicemenu-custom-1|s|1) *DOES* work
00:59.25swiftkickthis isnt about asterisk-gui. this is about the behavior of a standard asterisk macro
00:59.58Maliutawell "exten = " will get you nowhere to start with
01:00.30swiftkicknobody has ever explicated a meaningful difference between = and => ; as far as I have been able to discern they are synonyms
01:00.41swiftkicki'd love to learn otherwise if such is the case.
01:01.06jayteehave you tried exten => _3124445555
01:01.09swiftkickbesides which the parts of extensions.conf that asterisk-gui writes, it uses = pretty much exclusively
01:01.29swiftkickno i would be happy to try it
01:01.47[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: pastebin your dialplan and the CLI output of a failed call
01:01.50jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
01:02.49*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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01:04.55Kattyhai russell
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01:12.12*** join/#asterisk thing1 (n=Dwayne@
01:12.57thing1hi i'm trying to place a call from cisco call manager to my asterisk box and it gives me Failed to authenticate user phonenumber@callmanagerip
01:13.10*** join/#asterisk silvertip257 (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/silvertip257)
01:13.13swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: pastebin not necessary. this is only like my nth time under the hood with extensions.conf where (200 < n < 500).
01:13.16thing1can anyone help
01:13.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
01:13.49thing1hi i'm trying to place a call from cisco call manager to my asterisk box and it gives me Failed to authenticate user phonenumber@callmanagerip
01:13.55swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: pastebin not necessary. this is only like my nth time under the hood with extensions.conf where (200 < n < 500).
01:14.01Maliutathing1: you said that already
01:14.29Maliutathing1: do you have any more details?
01:14.44thing1what would u like?
01:14.53[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: Don't quite get your analogy.
01:14.56thing1i know the sip trunk is up because it talks to asterusj
01:15.05swiftkickthe offending line in extensions.conf is exten => _.7739996638,1,Goto(ringrroups-custom-2,s,1) the CLI output of the failed call is: [Jul 23 20:07:27] NOTICE[4621]: chan_sip.c:13879 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '7739996638' rejected because extension not found.
01:15.12Maliutathing1: well is the * box sending the error?
01:15.29Maliutathing1: have you tried a sip debug on the * cli?
01:15.34thing1i see the auth error in cli when i try and place a call to asterisk through call manger
01:16.10swiftkick[TK]D-Fender:  the error is the same with or without the leading "."
01:16.31Maliutathing1: are you sure the sip trunk is configured properly? sounds like something is not being passed along properly
01:16.36swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: however, lose the leading _ and either syntax performs as I would expect (!!!!)
01:17.09[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: if you want it debugged, show the probelm.
01:17.46*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:17.52swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: the CLI output of the failed call is: [Jul 23 20:07:27] NOTICE[4621]: chan_sip.c:13879 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '7739996638' rejected because extension not found.
01:18.06swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: The offending line in extensions.conf is exten => _.7739996638,1,Goto(ringrroups-custom-2,s,1)
01:18.09swiftkickthat is the problem.
01:18.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:18.20[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: Well certainly you should not have a "." in front.
01:18.25thing1[Jul 23 20:16:14] NOTICE[23946]: chan_sip.c:13200 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user <sip:2042677134@
01:18.28Maliuta_.7739996638 won't match 7739996638
01:18.34[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: and "_" would not matter
01:19.10Maliutathing1: no user and secret?
01:19.40thing1ok, what should it be i tried with user=user1 pass=1234 from user=user1
01:20.04swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: Well, neither form works. _7739996638 does not match but 77739996638 *does*
01:20.13thing1where should it auth to? there is nothing in call manager?
01:20.15swiftkicker... one 7 too many but you get the idea
01:21.04[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: pastebin a precise non-funcfiotnal set without the "."
01:21.08swiftkickalso I have a case where I have multiple DID's 7739995XXX . specifying 7739995XXX works. Specifying _7739995XXX *doesnt*. ???
01:22.05swiftkick'k gimme a sec to sanitize this stuff. brb
01:22.40swiftkickbut meanwhile
01:22.47swiftkickjust to satisfy my curiosity
01:22.53swiftkickbecause i am getting more and more involved with our asterisk system here
01:23.14swiftkickwhat, if any, is the difference between = and => ? is there a URL that can explain this to me?
01:23.20[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: none.
01:23.27swiftkickthanks. thats what i thought.
01:24.12[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: Certain things were sampled with one VS the other and for visual clarity you'll see them mixed.  No real need however
01:24.16tzangermy parasite is immune to the vaccine
01:24.23tzangerbut it seems to be unable to spread to the rest of the world
01:24.38jayteetzanger, they said the same thing about Karl Rove
01:24.42[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Yes, last game I got stopped in Argentina.  Pissed me right off.
01:25.07Maliutathing1: is there a good reason for the "fromdomain"? and the "nat=yes"?
01:25.57swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: thank you. asterisk-gui writes ='s . i realize this IS essentially a question about why asterisk-gui insists on inserting a _ in its incoming call (DID) rules, but I've tried asking questions there before and the silence there is often deafening.
01:26.07Maliutathing1: also since it's only a partial sip.conf I have NFI what is in your [general] context
01:26.18tzanger[TK]D-Fender: heh, I have infected everything but a handful of countries
01:26.28tzangertakes too damn long :-(
01:26.32[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: "_" denotes a pattern.
01:26.38jaytee[TK]D-Fender, the game you played last nite where you wiped out the species, was that in Realistic or Relaxed?
01:26.43swiftkick[TK]D-Fender yep ive gotten that far
01:26.56[TK]D-Fenderswiftkick: It doesn't mean you have to use pattern chars in what follows, but it does mean that they are not necessarily literal.
01:27.02tzangerI've never played relaxed
01:27.17swiftkick[TK]D-Fender: does a "pattern" require at least one "nonliteral" character? actually that doesnt seem to be the issue
01:27.19[TK]D-Fendertzanger: relaxed.  2 world-kills
01:27.36tzangerI'll have to try relaxed
01:27.39Maliutathing1: and have you read
01:27.47swiftkicke.g. a leading _ should have no effect on exten => _9999999999,1,x(x)
01:28.04tzangerswiftkick: cirrect
01:28.33swiftkickso (just to be ultra pedantic about this) exten => _9999999999,1,x(x)          and             exten => 9999999999,1,x(x)               are supposed to be synonymous.
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01:29.11tzangerswiftkick: _ si only for pattern matching
01:29.19tzangerwhich makes me wonder why it's there to begin with
01:30.00swiftkickit has to do with how asterisk-gui writes its DID rules.
01:30.15tzangerit's how it was designed
01:30.34tzangerI'm just wondering out loud why you have to alert asterisk to the fact that wildcards will be used
01:31.16[TK]D-Fendertzanger: exten => xavier,1,NoOp(because you can't dial a nifty name with X in it otherwise)
01:31.41[intra]lanmanwould you rather it used regex all the time?
01:31.46tzangercontrived, but true
01:32.24tzangerexten _n1nc0mp00p,1,...
01:32.25[intra]lanmani personally am pretty fond of regex, but i guess they're not for everyone
01:33.22TJNIILearning curve is a bit steep for regex, imho.
01:34.13[TK]D-FenderI agree with Regex as a basis personally
01:34.37[intra]lanmanhmmm, that seems weird to me... you can match ^anything_here$ and not necessarily use patterns
01:34.59[intra]lanmanthat doesn't seem so steep
01:35.04russellbyou can match an X, you just put it in brackets
01:35.33*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
01:35.39russellbexten => _ro[X]0rXXX,1,NoOp
01:35.41silvertip257What search terms would I need to find out how to forward all inbound calls to my * to one extension?  I'm drowning after seeing so much varied config on the web.
01:35.46russellbthat will match r0x0r following 3 digits
01:35.54[intra]lanmancan you match 300[0-4] and 300[5-9] in another exten?
01:35.58russellber, roX0r
01:36.16russellb[intra]lanman: yeah
01:36.28bkw__TJNII: regex is easy to learn
01:36.41*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:36.52bkw__er are easy. damn i'm tired
01:38.05[TK]D-Fendersilvertip257: Time to start at the BASICS.
01:38.09jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
01:38.33silvertip257yeah that thing ..
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01:50.31thing1Maliuta: it doesn't say nothing about recieving calls
01:51.42[TK]D-Fenderthing1: And you shouldn't not use double-negatives in here neither
01:52.31thing1aint that quaint
01:52.51*** part/#asterisk baliktad (
01:53.42Maliutathing1: again I am making assumptions about your network layout and the rest of your sip.conf
01:54.07thing1sip show peers says its reachable
01:54.27thing1so i'm thinking that part is ok
01:54.48Maliutathing1: the nat=yes will screw with the SIP packets
01:54.58Maliutaas they are sent from *
01:55.01thing1i put it off
01:55.04thing1still that same
01:55.07*** part/#asterisk silvertip257 (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/silvertip257)
01:55.32[TK]D-FenderI'm thinking that pastebin is by itself worthless.
01:55.36Maliutathing1: can you show me more of the sip.conf? and tell me what version of callmanager?
01:55.40thing1why is it using the callerid of the number calling for auth
01:55.56thing1it's call manager express, i'm not sure of the exact version
01:56.16Maliutathing1: because of something in the general context in your sip.conf?
01:56.30[TK]D-Fenderthing1: "username=blah"
01:56.45Maliutawe have no idea, we havn't seen the rest of the file
01:56.50thing1general contect is from internal
01:57.00thing1do u want to c sip conf?
01:57.30[TK]D-Fenderthing1: If you expect help, you need to show a failed call with SIP DEBUG, along with your sip config.
01:58.58[TK]D-Fenderthing1: Were is that 10. subnet?
01:59.15[TK]D-Fenderthing1: Bad link
01:59.15thing1its the subnet the call manager is on
01:59.21thing1my network is
01:59.25[TK]D-Fenderthing1: how does * get to it?
01:59.44thing1through a smoothwall box
02:00.00[TK]D-Fenderthing1: networking details, brand names don't help/
02:00.07[TK]D-Fendernot good.
02:00.17[TK]D-Fenderperhaps workable
02:00.33thing1i don't know how else i would do it
02:00.50thing1my * needs to by in
02:01.26[TK]D-FenderFound no matching peer or user for ''
02:02.01thing1what line is that
02:02.13thing1got it
02:02.33thing1y is it saying that
02:02.36Maliutathing1: and you have a nat between your localnet and the network?
02:02.55[TK]D-Fenderthing1: your phones should all be "host=dynamic"
02:03.30thing1they are except for the sip trunk one
02:03.57Maliutathing1: so the path is CM -> NAT -> * ?
02:04.51Maliutathing1: and you can't set a username and pass on the call manager?
02:04.58[TK]D-Fenderthing1: You seem to have failed auth for the call coming from CM
02:05.06thing1apperantly not
02:05.21thing1why is it using the high port
02:05.27Maliutathing1: you can't user allowguest=no then
02:05.57Maliutathing1: if you read appendix A of the book it will tell you this explicitly
02:07.28*** join/#asterisk eboncomm (
02:07.32eboncommgreetings all
02:07.54thing1i guess i must have missed that
02:08.07Maliutathing1: so you _could_ try just putting "allowguest=yes" in the [PRI-Trunk] peer definition
02:08.21eboncommi seem to be having a strange issue on a new asterisk box i put together with 5 Cisco 7940s flashed with the latest SIP image, it seems the server is not detecting the hangup of the cisco phones on a iax voip call
02:08.27eboncommdoes anyone know what might cause that?
02:08.43*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
02:09.06Maliutaeboncomm: I just flashed mine to 8.8 and have no issues
02:09.25Maliutaeboncomm: could be something in the sip.conf or iax.conf
02:09.34eboncommi have these phones working correctly on another system
02:09.42Maliutaeboncomm: or your dialplan
02:09.48eboncommdo you have any idea where i might check?
02:09.56eboncommi have the HangUp() command at the end of the call
02:10.01eboncommand Answer() at the beggining
02:10.10Maliutawhat options are you passing to the dial?
02:10.30Maliutais the other end holding the line open?
02:10.43eboncommyes, the line wont close until i hangup on the outside line side
02:11.17eboncommthe phone "thinks" it hungup the line, but asterisk isnt receiving the command appareantly, the CLI does nothing
02:12.10Maliutaeboncomm: hang on, are you going client->IAX->*->SIP->cisco?
02:12.45thing1well i'm still getting the same error
02:12.54eboncommclient = my cell phone or my other voip line
02:13.06Maliutaso show me the sip.conf, iax.conf and extensions.conf
02:13.19eboncommshould i post it directly in here?
02:13.27jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
02:13.43eboncommok thank you, bare with me
02:13.44Maliutathing1: what does the new sip.conf look like?
02:14.43eboncommmy sip.conf
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02:16.20eboncommmy iax.conf
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02:17.29eboncommmy extensions.conf
02:21.23Maliutaeboncomm: try adding ",g" onto the end of the Dial() in the incoming context
02:21.41eboncommmmk, ill do that now
02:22.14*** join/#asterisk guilherme-jorge (n=guilherm@
02:22.32eboncommdidnt change it
02:22.39Maliutaeboncomm: to understand why go to Appendix B of the book and look at the explanation of Dial()
02:22.52Maliutaeboncomm: did you reload the diaplan?
02:23.42eboncommit appears that asterisk isnt getting the fact the phone has hungup
02:24.14Maliutawhat does sip show channels give you? during the call and after the hangup?
02:27.37mostyis there a way to get chan_woomera to do software echo cancellation? or would that have to be done on the woomera server/backend?
02:28.33eboncommcli output
02:30.18Maliutaeboncomm: I was more interested in "sip show channels" during the call and after the cisco hangs up
02:30.54eboncommoooo ok, i apologize, one moment
02:32.50Maliutathing1: what does the pri trunk look like at the moment?
02:33.01Maliutathing1: and how does it fit into your dialplan?
02:33.34eboncommMaliuta: was that for me?
02:33.57thing1i have a digital receptionist that is currently answered from-external calls, that is what would pickup if the call would go through
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02:36.05Maliutaeboncomm: "sip show channels" not "sip show peers" ... 2 very different bits of information
02:36.35Maliutathing1: I am thinking it can't find an extension to go into in the dialplan
02:36.42eboncommagain, my apologies, please hold, i very much appreciate your patience
02:37.39Maliutathing1: and that debug you are showing me indicates no nat on the outgoing packets (meaning they won't look right to the call manager)
02:38.22pkunkraI'm trying to find a good hard phone that looks like a cellular flip phone.  something like this one.
02:38.34pkunkrabut i read some bad reviews about the dlink one.
02:38.38[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: You won't.
02:38.44pkunkrahave  any recommendations?
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02:39.27Maliutapkunkra: two tincans and some string
02:39.35pkunkrayou seem pretty sure it..  what makes you sure?
02:39.49pkunkras/sure it/sure about it/
02:39.52eboncommhere goes number 3...
02:40.03[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: because :
02:40.04pkunkrawow.  grammar correcting bot.
02:40.08jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
02:40.34pkunkragood point.
02:42.01pkunkrai was hoping to to find a decent phone i could have lying around on my work desk to answer home calls with.
02:42.11pkunkra... without someone asking...  "what is that?"
02:42.37pkunkrait looks weird to have a cordless sitting on your desk at work
02:43.13[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: Send home & work calls to your work desk phone then
02:43.57pkunkratk, i need a way to distinguish between the home phone call and the work phone call.  besides, my work phone is a cisco ip phone.
02:44.12[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: ... and?
02:44.40pkunkraunless i reload it (which i can do perfectly well)...  i can't have it connect both to call manager vis H.323 and via SIP to my asterisk server.
02:44.50pkunkravis -> via
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02:45.17Maliutaeboncomm: what are on the ips .105 and .106? other handsets in that Dial()?
02:45.20[TK]D-Fenderpkunkra: Well you just had to go and complicate it, now didn't you?
02:45.31pkunkrai also don't want to have to resend it back out over the POTS lines.
02:46.10eboncommyes, i have a total of 3 phones currently hooked up, the dial plan is set for 5 phones (the other two i dont have yet)
02:46.30pkunkraif i did send it back out over the pots lines, i'd probably hack up the caller id to distinguish between work calls and home calls.
02:46.40pkunkralike change the area code to 999 or something.
02:47.07ManxPowerpkunkra: Call Manager uses SCCP aka Skinny
02:47.33pkunkramanx, oh.  forgot about that.  I thought it was H.323.
02:47.52pkunkrai've never admin'ed callmanager before.
02:50.33Maliutaeboncomm: have you tried setting canreinvite to no?
02:50.59Maliutathing1: ICMP(echo)
02:51.09Maliutais almost out of time
02:51.21Maliutahave to eat lunch and go see doctors soon
02:51.28eboncommno i have not, i will try that now
02:52.45Maliutaeboncomm: looks a little odd that once one SIP device hangs up it is trying to do something with others
02:53.06eboncommi agree, ill change that now and give it a shot
02:54.38eboncommno it appears not to have fixed it :/
02:54.43eboncommi know u r running out of time
02:54.51eboncommi do really appreciate all the help you have given me
02:55.05eboncommcould this be somehow related to my zapata files even though im using voip?
02:57.12*** part/#asterisk mog (
02:57.54Maliutawouldn't think so
02:58.09MaliutaI would keep looking at stuff like options to Dial()
02:58.12thing1Maliuta: now i get the phone carrier saying the number you have reached is not in servive
02:58.47Maliutathing1: I have to run, sorry. If you are still around in a few hours I can have another look
02:59.00thing1ok thanks anyeay
02:59.06eboncommok, i will look into that, again, i appreciate your help, have a good day
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03:02.10guilherme-jorgehello all, I've some doubts to record sounds in asterisk. I've a server running asterisk 1.4.17 and all of my extensions are Polycom phones that supports g729,ulaw and alaw. Everything running on this PBX supports  g729 codec (outgoing and incoming providers, IP phones), and Im gonna record some sounds to make a IVR system.  Can I configure all users (phones, providers) in this pbx disabling all codecs and enabling just g729? If yes, have I t
03:02.11guilherme-jorgeo record sounds using g729?
03:02.50guilherme-jorgeDoes it make sense?
03:03.02drfreezeAnyone have core dump problems when trying to park a call?
03:05.25[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge: And you will not be able to use MeetMe, or Page.
03:06.04Qwellor monitor, etc, etc
03:06.08drfreezeWhen * isn't crashing on parking calls, it is hanging up on the caller right after they are parked and before the parker hangs up
03:06.15Qwellwell, maybe monitor.  probably not though
03:07.04[TK]D-FenderQwell: Monitor should just fork the strem IIRC, and of course would also have to be in G.729, but I'd bet you can't MIX it easily
03:07.24Qwellyeah, mix wouldn't work
03:07.36Qwellbut I think monitor might be slin for some reason
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03:08.32[TK]D-FenderQwell: Could be.  Mine is just a pure extrapolation.
03:08.40Qwellso's mine :p
03:08.50QwellI can't think of any reason it would be slin though
03:09.56guilherme-jorge<[TK]D-Fender> Does it represent some advantage or disadvantage?
03:10.01[TK]D-FenderQwell: Lowest common denominator.  Chanspy would be a big doubt item too...
03:10.20Qwellbut again - I can't think of a reason why
03:10.25[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge: When I tell you there are a pile of things you ca't do, those are what we would call "idsadvantages"
03:10.35[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge: Only difference is how much you care about the,/
03:10.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: Chanspy because of "whisper" which for sure mixes
03:12.11Qwellyeah, whisper would have to mix - unless it just blocked audio while the whisperer was talking
03:12.16Qwelloh, but it couldn't do that
03:12.23Qwellhave to be slin for talker detection
03:12.36drfreezeOk, I can now do call pickup, transfer and 10% park a call
03:13.02drfreezefor parking, I get a park extension, but the caller gets hung up on after about 3 seconds aftre parking
03:14.57fileis a ulaw guy living in a signed linear world
03:14.58[TK]D-FenderQwell: Ah so many ways to fail.
03:15.14Qwellfile: get out - we only support alaw here
03:15.31[TK]D-FenderIAM the law!
03:15.53[TK]D-Fenderserves up his best Sly Stallone impression
03:18.01drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: hey lawman, any ideas why call parking is being flaky?
03:18.31[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: pastebin
03:19.18drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: 2 pastes above
03:19.21MikeJQwell: you are SUCH a ulaw
03:19.59MikeJyou let pasties in here.. is that a little indecent?
03:20.53QwellMikeJ: what're you trying to say?
03:21.22MikeJhmm.. about pasties or ulaw? :P
03:21.39MikeJi am trying to say to NEVER buy ram from
03:21.53MikeJyou'll end up with a pretty silver kernel panic box
03:22.02[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Neato.  No Clue
03:22.32fileMikeJ: hammers fix everything
03:22.42drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: thnks anyway
03:23.00[TK]D-Fenderfile: Break it down... Hammer time!
03:26.57*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
03:26.59QwellMikeJ: I was referring to the the ulaw, but I've got nothing
03:27.34Qwellbtw, I hate codecs.
03:27.44Qwellall of them.
03:28.09Qwellmaybe not the 16khz ones...  dunno
03:28.23Qwellsick of people calling me "ma'am" on the phone :p
03:28.59MikeJuwb slin all the way!
03:29.04Qwellslin too
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03:29.32Qwelleither way
03:29.33MikeJbut sure.. why bot
03:29.54Qwellmaybe I actually sound like that - who knows
03:30.21fileyou don't
03:30.35MikeJQwell: where you live these days.. you move down south?
03:31.01[TK]D-FenderWow, kiss the USD$ bai-bai :
03:31.03MikeJfile.. you finally give in and move down to AL?
03:31.05Qwellhaven't been back Californee-way in like 18 months
03:31.10fileMikeJ: nay
03:31.40[intra]lanmanweren't impressed by the new building?
03:31.57Qwellfile: but surely you know what I'm talking about, re phone?
03:32.02fileQwell: yes
03:32.30fileQwell: that's why my Sears catalog says Mrs. Joshua Colp...
03:32.44filesame thing happens to meeee
03:33.20QwellI need to setup some jack stuff, and just always call through my Asterisk box
03:33.26Qwelldo some pitch change stuff :p
03:34.57MikeJyeah.. but file really does sound like a girl.. Qwell doesn't :P
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03:35.12Qwellno he doesn't :p
03:35.16MikeJthe soundtouch stuff work with newer asterisk..
03:35.25MikeJQwell: i see how it is..
03:35.44MikeJ2 thoughts at once.. intermixed.. didn't come out right.
03:36.03MikeJ[intra]lanman: file likes canada
03:36.06Qwelldoes it support jack?  somebody had written an Asterisk app at one point, linking against it directly
03:36.23MikeJyeah.. justin tunny wrote it iirc
03:36.31MikeJnot sure if its been updated from 1.2
03:36.32fileMikeJ: and US hates me
03:36.34Qwellmmm, sounds familiar
03:36.48MikeJdigium can't sponsor your in?
03:36.52MikeJyou in
03:36.55Qwellthere are a bunch of apps that support jack that can do that type of thing though
03:36.58fileMikeJ: not exactly, no
03:37.12MikeJcome visit..
03:37.24MikeJoh.. I'm in toronto next week..
03:37.43fileoh? what'cha doing in that neck of the woods
03:37.49fileplease don't invade
03:37.56QwellAren't you like right by TO?
03:38.03QwellChicago?  no?
03:38.48MikeJright between the 2
03:38.48drfreezeWell, I have confirmed that parking a call restart *. The reason the user gets hung up on is that * restarts
03:38.49Qwellclose enough
03:39.08Qwellwhat is it, a 2 hour drive to TO?
03:39.25Qwellerr, I don't know where detroit is :D
03:39.50drfreezeAnyone know about the call parking bomb ?
03:39.55Qwellwow, that is really close to the border
03:41.30Qwelldrfreeze: what is a "call parking bomb"?
03:44.04[intra]lanmandrfreeze: i know it doesn't happen on when i park calls :-D
03:44.44MikeJit's like a ddos to call parking?
03:46.00jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
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03:52.00fuzzydoes anyone know if the vtech ip8300 will work as a voip client for asterisk?
03:57.53mostyfuzzy, does it support SIP?
03:59.32fuzzyit doesn't look like it, only yahoo voice
03:59.45mostythen i wouldn't count on it
04:00.25fuzzygoes back ot best buy
04:00.46mostybuy a sip phone
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04:28.35wwalkerwith comedian mail, if I get dropped into the "leave a message" part is there a button to get into the "manage my mail box part?
04:34.06[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: Go read up on the "a" and "o" Asterisk Standard Extensions.
04:34.34[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: This should enlighten you as to how you would go about doing what you ask.
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04:46.33swiftkick" is GOOD: 26 queries in 1.8 seconds from 26 ports with std dev 17702.60"
04:46.47swiftkickoops sorry wrong channel
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05:02.02wwalker[TK]D-Fender: thank you, will do
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06:01.53drfreezeQwell: the 'bomb' is that when I '# 800' to park a call, asterisk core dumps about three seconds after returning the parked extension
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06:13.32dominic1what is faster astdb or mysql?
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06:31.29MadTBonehi asterisk gurus... I'm looking for a video codec to help get moderate quality video out of a 128k uplink.  any suggestions?
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06:44.07codestr0mdominic1: you're asking a very ambiguous question.. mysql can have different backends.. some are faster and some are more reliable.. best way is test for your usage and use case
06:44.37codestr0mMadTBone: try google.. and I may be wrong, but 128k uplink (cellular uplink?) isn't much afaik
06:46.33MadTBoneyeah...128k isn't much at all... it's actually a DSL line for an older family member who want's to keep her monthly bills to a minimum
06:48.24Strom_MMadTBone: video?  on 128k??
06:50.08Strom_MMadTBone: looks like H.264 supports bitrates as low as 64kbps
06:50.18Strom_Mdon't know if that's even remotely decent quality though
06:51.48MadTBoneStrom_M: yeah...I don't expect much from the least she's got 768k she'll be able to receive at least decent video...
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07:24.33codestr0mthere wouldn't happen to be a gtalk echo test would there?
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07:30.14mrnickthe localnet prevents me from reaching my voiptermination
07:30.22mrnickanybody got an idea how to solve this?
07:30.25mrnickthank you
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07:53.54Dr-Linux|homehi guys
07:55.08Dr-Linux|homemy clients are PSTN callers, i want to offer long distance service, what opensource software should i try?
07:55.40Dr-Linux|homecalling party and called party both are PSTN users
07:55.54Dr-Linux|homei don't think A2billing can help?
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08:09.54Dr-Linux|homeanyone answer my question?
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08:11.05codestr0mDr-Linux|home: depending on what sort of call plans you are going to offer you may have to highly customize your own
08:12.33Dr-Linux|homecodestr0m: but what software is close to help
08:13.03Dr-Linux|homeas i said .. callers are PSTN users and called party will be also PSTN
08:13.34codestr0mDr-Linux|home: dear lazy web.. help me start my own itsp in a box... not be rude, but you'll have to google and test them yourself.. feel free to report back what you find
08:13.54codestr0mit really depends on your calling plans
08:14.01codestr0mbilling options can vary sooo widely
08:14.46Dr-Linux|homejust want to
08:15.42Dr-Linux|homeknow .. because that will odd if i install each software and check it, so that will be better if someone suggest me right direction
08:16.18codestr0mok. don't believe me.. listen to others.. ask again when people are awake :)
08:16.53codestr0mfrankly. you have to know what you want before you can ask others
08:16.59Dr-Linux|homecodestr0m: thanks friend
08:17.45Dr-Linux|homewhen the awake then i'll sleep
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08:25.08mrnickthe localnet= parameter prevents * from reaching my DID and voiptermination, how can i solve this?
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09:17.05bboschmanwhen I do asterisk -rx "sip show peers" I get 297 sip peers - when I run on a remote host ssh root@sipserver 'sterisk -rx "sip show peers"' I only get 20 sip peers
09:17.17bboschmanany idea why?
09:18.41mrnickthe localnet= parameter prevents * from reaching my DID and voiptermination, how can i solve this?
09:23.27KeypadAny one pro with the GUI ?
09:23.33KeypadIt seams every one died
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09:42.33bboschmanI got the problem ...
09:42.42bboschmanwrong /etc/hosts ;)
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09:49.59DarKnesS_WolFguys i want to add a country in the indecations.conf i got the rings and so on but i don't know how i should load it .. and should it be includeded into zonedata.c in zaptel driver ? or what and if this is the case so why we do have indecations.conf ?
09:55.02swiftkickso, can someone explain to me what the '' in this notice means: chan_sip.c:13879 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '3129876543' rejected because extension not found.
09:55.33SwKtheres not a user part for the from field in the sip invite
09:56.23swiftkickSwK: thank you
09:57.40swiftkick"user part" = entry in users.conf ?
09:58.11SwKin the actual invite the starts that call... theres a from header that contains the originators URI
09:58.34tzafrir_laptopswiftkick, the confusing part is that the sip parsing of users.conf creates only a peer entry . not a user entry
09:58.41SwKthat uri most likely doesnt contain a user part ie: its just sip:host instead of sip:user@host
09:58.52*** join/#asterisk mbranca (n=matteo@
09:59.02swiftkicki am really trying to figure out why that DID context doesnt work
09:59.05tzafrir_laptop(and also the equivalent of a register=> line, if needed)
09:59.51swiftkickwith this entry in the incoming context: exten = 3129876543,1,Goto(ringroups-custom-3,s,1)
09:59.59oejswitftkick: It does say "extension not found". Doesn't that give you a hint of where to look? Another hint: extensions.conf
10:00.12SwKswiftkick, if thats the actual line its not correct
10:00.26swiftkickSwK: what is in error?
10:00.29SwKswiftkick, its exten =>  (note the > sign_
10:00.39swiftkickthe two forms are synonymous
10:00.45swiftkickaccording to everything ive read
10:00.50SwKthey are not
10:00.54tzafrir_laptopthey are
10:00.54swiftkickreference please?
10:01.01SwKsince when
10:01.02DigitalIronyin some places they are
10:01.03swiftkickshowing they are not?
10:01.14DigitalIronybut not usually for an exten
10:01.18swiftkick<- doesnt have too many hairs left to pull out at this point
10:01.26mrnickthe localnet= parameter prevents * from reaching my DID and voiptermination, how can i solve this?
10:01.26SwKit will toss an error in the dialplan
10:01.30DigitalIronyits considered bad habit not to use >
10:01.42tzafrir_laptopthe test is simple: 'dialplan show' or 'dialplan show <context>' will show the dialplan that was actually parsed
10:01.54SwKset your verbosity and/or debug level high enuff you should see errors
10:02.00SwKon reloading the dialplan
10:02.39tzafrir_laptopactually, remove verbosity
10:02.42swiftkicktzafrir_laptop: I am getting this from dialplan show on that DID context
10:02.48tzafrir_laptopand you'll actually see errors
10:03.04tzafrir_laptopset verbosity to 1 , maybe?
10:03.06DigitalIronythats not true
10:03.18swiftkick[ Context 'DID_trunk_2' created by 'pbx_config' ]
10:03.19DigitalIronyyou have to  make sure verbose is set to log
10:03.22tzafrir_laptopwith 3 you see too much noise and errors are lost
10:04.10swiftkickwhy wouldnt the above work ???
10:04.25DigitalIronyIunno....I do tech support and I always use 3....
10:04.50tzafrir_laptopmaybe you have a small enough dialplan
10:04.53DigitalIronythat looks bad
10:05.07swiftkickyet incoming calls on that trunk trying to reach 3129876543 give
10:05.07swiftkickNOTICE[939]: chan_sip.c:13879 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '3129876543' rejected because extension not found.
10:05.10DigitalIronydon't use a .
10:05.33tzafrir_laptopswiftkick, in what context was it?
10:05.40DigitalIronyand take the ' off the number
10:05.45*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
10:05.58DigitalIronyoh thats from CLI.....
10:06.01dominic1how can I check the connection state to a odbc database within asterisk?
10:06.18swiftkicktzafrir_laptop: should be the DID_trunk_2 context
10:06.36swiftkickthat is what is defined for that provider in users.conf
10:06.47swiftkick(provider = trunk, i guess?)
10:07.00jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
10:07.00tzafrir_laptopWhat about   '3129876543' =>   1
10:07.23swiftkicki thought it matched s first?
10:07.41DigitalIronyswiftkick s is only for no exten dialed
10:08.55DigitalIronybut usually
10:09.09DigitalIronyit matches by closest first
10:09.26DigitalIronyif there is an exact number in the dialplan it will match that before a wildcard
10:09.34swiftkicki think the problem is the '' part of the message
10:09.39swiftkickit is not arriving to the right context
10:10.14SwKswiftkick, look to see what context its sending the call to when it comes in
10:10.28DigitalIronySwK what is set in your zapata.conf?
10:10.31swiftkickwhats the easiest way to do that without 10000 pages of debug?
10:10.51DigitalIronyor swiftkick whoever
10:10.55swiftkickwatches SIP debug headers scroll by
10:10.57swiftkickim not using zapata.conf
10:11.08SwKwhat does zapata.conf have to do with anything
10:11.09DigitalIronywhat kind of card is it?
10:11.13swiftkickno card
10:11.13SwKits SIP
10:11.32DigitalIronythen in your sip.conf
10:11.35SwKI forget the easiest way... i just turn on sip debug and a few other thigns all the time
10:11.50DigitalIronyare you sure the context is set correctly
10:12.00SwKI'm used to watching tons of shit scroll by heh... mix it with tee out to a file and grep and you can find anything
10:12.04swiftkicksip set debug would be easier if i shut off hte other 20 phones on the network :)
10:12.17SwKsip debug ip
10:12.25DarKnesS_WolFcool asterisk 1.6 will suports TLS
10:12.33DigitalIronyI do the same
10:12.44*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin_ (n=junaid@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
10:13.49swiftkickwell get this
10:13.52oejswiftkick: All extensions start with priority 1
10:13.55swiftkickdoing set sip debug for the ip of the provider
10:14.00SwKDigitalIrony, are you in HSV
10:14.02swiftkickdidnt show anything when i dialed that DID from my cell
10:14.13swiftkickexcept the same NOTICE message
10:14.42swiftkickwhich is strange
10:15.27oejDarKness_wo: It's only experimental support of TCP and TLS. Don't expect it to work properly in all cases.
10:16.04swiftkickso how do i figure out what SIP channel the NOTICE message is coming from?
10:16.17swiftkicke.g. call coming from '' ???
10:17.18SwKsip debug ip
10:17.23swiftkickits a *provider*
10:17.27swiftkickthere is no phone
10:17.32SwKok of the provider
10:17.46swiftkickits not showing a sip packet before it gives the message :-(
10:17.53SwKits probably not matching soemthing correct and its going to the default context
10:18.23SwKif that outputs too much crap you can always do soething like ngrep -Wbyline -q 3129876543
10:18.30ibnolqaiyemi need all zaptel.conf & zapata.conf options?
10:18.50swiftkickcan you > from the CLI ?
10:19.12swiftkickhow do you redirect from inside the cli? :-)
10:19.24swiftkickeg posix --help > file 2>&1 &
10:20.42swiftkickok the SIP header
10:21.29swiftkickshows To:"CIDNAME ."<>
10:21.46swiftkickSwK: what part of the header isnt matching that makes the '' blank in the Notice?
10:21.57swiftkickyou said "User" ?
10:22.13SwKthe from field look at it
10:22.47swiftkickthanks one sec
10:23.06SwKthats why you get the '' in the notice
10:23.22swiftkickit is From"CIDNAME "<>
10:23.31swiftkicker -@
10:23.51swiftkickbut that provider url is not defined anywhere, hmmm in the From: message - what is that matching against? users.conf ?
10:24.53SwKusers.conf i dunno... i never use it
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10:25.05swiftkickI am not sure I understand
10:25.11SwKi still just define stuff in sip.conf cause i know how that works
10:25.12Keypadcan some one help me with connecting my phoneline up to Asterisk GUI ?
10:25.19KeypadI tryed asking in the GUI channel
10:25.20swiftkickwhat is the From field not matching in the SIP header ???
10:25.23Keypadbut they died
10:25.24tzafrir_laptopswiftkick, you can't really . Use the logs
10:26.19tzafrir_laptopswiftkick, or, to redirect output of some commands: look for the script astcli in the contrib of trunk
10:26.35tzafrir_laptoptakes some extra setup, though
10:26.50swiftkickit appears to not be matching because of the url in the header is different, but that url resolves to the same IP as the one defined in users.conf
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10:35.03fatcopwhat can I do about this Warning: rtp.c: Unable to set TOS to 184
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10:35.13fatcoptried what it said at bottom of this thread. no help:
10:36.46*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
10:39.00swiftkickhere is what is REALLY annoying
10:39.10swiftkick-> /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
10:39.14swiftkickand now *** IT WORKS *** .
10:39.20swiftkickWTF? ???? ? ?? ?
10:39.38VecIs ael going to be the defacto asterisk config language ?
10:43.07*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
10:43.49swiftkick*bounces head off desk a few times*
10:44.02swiftkicknow, with no changes to extensions.conf whatsoever, it works.
10:44.19SwKgo figure.. maybe somethig didnt reload correctly
10:44.40swiftkickwhat does "reload" from the CLI *not* do that a cold restart of asterisk via the init.d script, does do?
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10:45.12tzafrir_laptopmany things
10:45.14SwKreload doesnt drop all your calls ;P
10:45.36swiftkicki noticed this behavior a few iterations back
10:45.46swiftkickthat just after restarting asterisk, it seemed to function for (1) call
10:45.53swiftkickthen upon reloading the config from the CLI, the error reappeared
10:46.02swiftkickbut now, it is remaining functional. (!?)
10:46.13swiftkickits intermittancies like this that can really drive ya nuts, ya know?
10:46.50*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:46.52swiftkickthis is a stock asterisk-gui install, very simple, modified to accomodate multiple inbound trunks
10:47.01swiftkicke.g. multi-tenant
10:47.26swiftkickand one trunk serves like 20 phone numbers
10:47.46swiftkickhmmmm this is very strange
10:48.17swiftkickbut it works, despite only taking hours and ending inconclusively in greater confusion than i started. :)
10:48.57swiftkickas usual, i appreciate the feedback from everyone who has taken the time to reply, you guys are certainly expert
10:50.44*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
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10:51.58dominic1if anybody is using func_devstate:
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11:01.36blackholeHi, If i want to deploy asterisk as VOIP server what i need. What i want is to deploy asterisk and a2billing for making national and international calls. Do i need any T1 or E1 line etc?
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11:09.18MaliutaLapblackhole: maybe, depends on what option you take. You'll also need things like a computer, a source of electricity(lemons and copper work, or so I hear) network cables, oxygen .... the list is quite long
11:09.33*** join/#asterisk metastable (
11:10.34metastablehey all
11:10.40blackholeMaliutaLap, he he but what i want to know can i make asterisk work for VOIP calls. If i don't have T1 or E1 line is it possible to make VOIP calls as a2billing do?
11:10.46metastablei've been rtfm and didn't find an answer
11:11.06metastablemy customer has 2 isdn lines, will be being the B410P
11:11.36metastablethe question is this: can he use voip phones, that transfer over the isdn connection ?
11:11.56metastablei'm guessing this is like shooting the cat out of the water, but just trying to make sure :)
11:12.22MaliutaLapblackhole: a) that's not what you asked. b) are you running data only over the E/T1? (not VoIP if you don't) c) we don't support a2billanything
11:13.40MaliutaLapmetastable: yes, read the book. it's just using channels on the B410P rather than the TMD400P in the example
11:14.17metastablemaliutalap: thank you
11:14.36MaliutaLapmetastable: BTW ... ~thebook
11:14.43blackholeMaliutaLap, I am just a novoice in asterisk. All i see is one of my friend company has something called a2billing which uses asterisk server. They can login to website and make a callback by typing his phone number and number he wishes to call. It would place a call to his number and then he will hear a voice saying your call is being connected and he will be connected to the other number..
11:15.03jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
11:15.16blackholeI read those books
11:15.22blackholebut i can't find my answer..
11:15.25blackholethats why i am here
11:15.34blackholeMaliutaLap, What i want to know is what i need to set up almost same kind of setup..
11:15.44metastablemaliutalap: thanks !
11:15.44MaliutaLapblackhole: we do not support a2billing. you want to use it go elsewhere
11:15.49metastableand good job on asterisk, guys
11:15.58metastablethis is a great step forward :)
11:16.36blackholeMaliutaLap, Okay its fine if you don't support a2billing but you can give me idea what i need to have same kind of setup. Do i need some phone line or etc?
11:16.43mrnickanybody knows why my localnet= stops my voiptermination to be reachable?
11:17.13MaliutaLapblackhole: do you just want to do VoIP (* can do more than just VoIP)
11:17.35MaliutaLapmrnick: it's likely to be more than just a localnet declaration
11:17.55MaliutaLapmrnick: probably got something to do with a nat delcaration
11:18.14MaliutaLapmrnick: without INFORMATION we can only guess
11:18.23mrnickonce i disable it they become reachable, but that is no proof of course
11:18.35blackholeMaliutaLap, Say i have some script where i provide my number and number i wish to call. The call would be placed, i will get a call 1st and then the other user..
11:18.47blackholeMaliutaLap, This is what i only want from asterisk as of now..
11:18.57MaliutaLapblackhole: depends on how you configure *
11:19.16mrnicki tried to pastbin some debug here yesterday but could find the informative debug
11:19.17MaliutaLapblackhole: so learn to either write dialplans or AGI's
11:19.20blackholeMaliutaLap, Do i need any phone line or something!
11:19.42MaliutaLapblackhole: maybe, you aren't telling us much about the situation
11:20.23MaliutaLapblackhole: I think you need to go do some researh in to general PBX concetps
11:20.31blackholeMaliutaLap, I have my mobile number and say my friend mobile number. I want that i should get a call on my mobile saying your call is being connected and then it should get connected to my friend mobile number
11:21.14MaliutaLapblackhole: it's possible, you'd need to have an AGI and a properly conf'd diaplan
11:21.20SwKif anyone is in chicago Aug 5 - 7 ccheck out ClueCon ( ) Mr John Todd of Digium will be there giving a talk, and several other projects and companies will be there too like Craig Southeren of OpenH323 and OPAL fame </spam> (time for sleep now)
11:21.43*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
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11:21.50MaliutaLapSwK: I think you need to hit some people with a cluecon
11:22.04blackholeMaliutaLap,  and not anything like some phoneline?
11:22.10SwKMaliutaLap, or a clue-bat
11:23.49MaliutaLapSwK: or tt-monkeys
11:24.08MaliutaLapblackhole: that depends on HOW YOU WANT TO DO IT
11:24.32mrnickthere's the problem, somewhere in there...
11:24.39mrnickit's my sip.conf
11:25.35MaliutaLapmrnick: nat=yes
11:26.18mrnicki'm sorry, which one?
11:26.19MaliutaLapmrnick: type=friend
11:26.28*** join/#asterisk BBHoss_ (
11:26.29mrnickthe general? or the voipcheap
11:26.39dominic1anybody here with knowledge of iaxmodem and hylafax?
11:27.35SwKit works
11:27.51SwKdominic1, what seems to be the problem with it
11:28.29dominic1if I get inbound faxes the first time the iaxmodems are always busy
11:28.51dominic1on the second or the third recall everything is okay
11:29.04dominic1is asterisk answering to quick
11:29.09*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-dcae35ccbd96ca07)
11:29.11dominic1should I add a wait?
11:29.27SwKasterisk shouldnt answer the calls iaxmodem should
11:29.50MaliutaLapgenerally you put a wait after an answer so packets can catch up
11:30.04SwKif you have an answer() in your dialplan before sending the calls over to iaxmodem take it out
11:30.15tyldisI've got a problem with Asterisk on a server which has 2 IP-addressess on the same interface with different subnets. Default GW is on same subnet as IP#1 which makes Asterisk always use IP#1 even though the request is coming om IP#2. This setup seems to work nicely with other daemons, like OpenSSH
11:30.23MikeJstabs sip
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11:32.22dominic1I added an answer, nothin changed. The entries for the iax peers are in the datease and registered.
11:32.36MaliutaLaphas had enough of people that need to be attacked by the M.M.O.D.(tm) for once 36hr period with no sleep
11:32.57dominic1okay, I war wrong, the modems are always unregistering.
11:32.59MaliutaLapMMOD(tm) == Minion Monkeys of Doooooooom(tm)
11:35.24styelzdomnic1: check the iaxmodem logs
11:37.11dominic1no errors found in the logs
11:37.29dominic1it isn't telling me about the registration to asterisk. Can I adjust the loglevel?
11:38.19mrnick<MaliutaLap> it's not working, but it still does if i disable the localnet=
11:38.30dominic1should I set the communication to static, without registration the modems?
11:39.17styelzdominic1: try core set debug 4   . or something
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11:39.29styelzhey joobie
11:39.46joobiey0 styelz
11:40.57mrnicki hope this isn't to confusing
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11:46.40mrnickanybody knows how to solve my localnet/nat problem
11:48.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:51.59bboschmananyone has an example for apache active/active and only the IP does a failover (if apache has died / or maintainance)
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11:58.09mrnickgood news everybody, I found the solution!
11:58.40mrnicki just had to specify localnet for all my connections wheter they or in or out of my nat
11:59.04mrnickthanks <MaliutaLap> and others for your help
11:59.08styelzprofessor farnsworth: great
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12:01.07DarKnesS_WolFibnolqaiyem: i already know it and i already added the country i wants this is not the answer for my question but thx anyway
12:01.31DarKnesS_WolFSwK: sorry dude had some power problems
12:05.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:05.50mrnickdoes anybody know of a working tutorial about transfer i've read voip-info asteriskguru, the whole google index :-) but couldn't find one that works for me
12:06.15[TK]D-Fendermrn"transfer".  What "transfer"?
12:06.21DarKnesS_WolFmrnick: what u want to do exactly
12:06.23[TK]D-Fendermrnick: rather
12:06.26DarKnesS_WolFah [TK]D-Fender still up :-)?
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12:06.44[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: JSUT up actually.
12:07.10DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: i can see :-) it is like 7:10 there
12:07.24[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: 8:10am actually
12:08.09DarKnesS_WolFmmmm [TK]D-Fender i don't know i get the US clock time from x86 chatty machine :-)
12:08.42DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: tried TLS with 1.6 yet ?
12:08.48*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
12:08.50[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: There are several timezones on this continent yuo know.. and I'm not in the US :)
12:08.54[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: nope.
12:09.12DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: really ? i thought ur in US .. mmm canada ?
12:09.22mrnickwell i'm dial a pstn number and after some talk i want to connect the call to an ivr on my asterisk system
12:09.24[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: #2 gets it...
12:09.40[TK]D-FendermrnOk, what phone are you using?
12:09.42mrnickso i figured transfer is the best way
12:10.02mrnickbut my softphone isn't responding to #
12:10.09mrnickor #700 or #1
12:10.15[TK]D-Fendermrnick: what PHONE?
12:10.49DarKnesS_WolFseems to be a softphone
12:10.56mrnickI try it again but more technically, i don't have the right vocabulary though
12:10.57DarKnesS_WolFmrnick: dose it support transfer ?
12:11.13[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Yes, I got that.  I want to here which one.
12:11.14mrnickcan't i just press #
12:11.24mrnickisn't that what it says in the tutorials?
12:11.29[TK]D-Fendermrnick: What softphone are you using?
12:11.44mrnickekiga xlite openwengo
12:11.49[TK]D-Fendermrnick: "core show application dial" <- Go read Dial's instruction THOROUGHLY
12:11.53mrnickdepends from where i try it
12:12.40mrnickthx i'll start the reading
12:12.49angryuserTK , Tcl/TK source forge project ?
12:15.42DarKnesS_WolFmrnick: ur talking about blind transfer do u have loaded ?
12:15.51*** join/#asterisk C4away (n=DJpyro@
12:15.53DarKnesS_WolFand make sure u have blindtransfer enabled in features.conf
12:18.08mrnicki'll check it in a minute my remote pc is temporarily down
12:21.34dominic1I have the problem that the reregister of my iaxmodems is not working
12:22.12phixyou may as well throw your corps off a cliff
12:22.21dominic1did alreasy start debugging, but I get no errors
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12:27.54DarKnesS_WolFdominic1: iaxmodems registration should be easy u create accounts in ur iax.conf and then u do teh accounts in teh iaxmode.conf or wahtever the modem name will be and then u run iaxmode
12:29.20freddykanyone knows who is actually developing chan_skinny ???
12:30.14codestr0mfreddyk: you can't find someone's name in the changelog for the source?
12:30.22mrnickload => is that what i have to ad to modules.conf
12:30.46codestr0malso I'm pretty sure there's more than one chan_skinny project/effort so make sure you're referring to one that works currently
12:31.04[TK]D-Fendermrnick: If you started from the sample configs you shouldn't have to do anything.
12:31.20[TK]D-Fendermrnick: Thats one of the advisable ones to use "as-is"
12:31.48mrnickit was still in the sample config
12:32.00mrnickso i'll remove it again and restart *
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12:36.46styelzdominic1: i remember having a similar issue whith iaxmodem. then realised i had not edited tty's to include faxgetty for ttyIAX1
12:38.22mrnickit used to say transfer followed by something like "unable to find ..."
12:38.34mrnickbut now it says nothing when i try to transfer
12:38.59[TK]D-Fendermrnick: PASTEBIN the CLI outpt of your call from beginning to end at verbose 10
12:42.27mrnicki hope that's what you are looking for
12:43.53tzanger[TK]D-Fender: well I hope your happy.  :-)
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12:48.12dominic1I found out what exactly my problem is: (started iaxmodem in foregroud). After starting iaxmodem I get the registration, then I get the message Taking receiver off-hook.
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12:48.18[TK]D-Fendermrnick: Make sure you have set the right "dtmfmode for your phone
12:48.32[TK]D-FendermrnShould be "rfc2833" in most cases
12:48.38mrnickthat's a new concept for me, i'll have to read about it
12:48.46dominic1after set I have to dial a few times, then I get a register from iaxmodem, then I am able to dial again
12:50.03dominic1I have to dial exactly 2 times
12:50.05[TK]D-Fendermrnick: this is for your sip peer.  do "dtmfmode=rfc2833" and do a "reload" and try again
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12:58.54ibnolqaiyemis it bad to replace tdm card with an ATA linksys?
12:59.10mrnickdoesn't work
12:59.55mrnicki've got to go, thanks for the help!
13:02.24[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: for FXS I advise ATA's over PCI solutions.
13:04.00tzafrir_laptopwhat card is it? FXS or FXO?
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13:05.23[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Last we spoke he was looking for FXS and he hadn't bought anything yet
13:06.13tzafrir_laptopwell, if you have a card, why not use it?
13:06.56tzafrir_laptopThere's also the difference between what you have and what you might have in a week. Or maybe.
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13:08.17dominic1okay, geht iaxmodem only to work if I set host and port statically
13:08.54dominic1the I get error that the user is not dynamic, but the connects seem to be okay and it works
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13:09.38dominic1any ideas what I can do against Peer 'iaxmodem2' is not dynamic without setting it dynamic?
13:10.18[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Fixed port, dynamic host.
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13:13.05dominic1I am not able to specify the port, the database is overwritten if I set host=dynamic in my realtimedatabase
13:14.12mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: I understand if you don't want to deal with me after I drove you nuts yesterday. I put MaliutaLap thru the ringer also, he walked me thru getting the nat stuff set up correctly. So, back to my original issue which is the calling phone gives no ringtone, here's my sip.conf, extensions.conf and sip debug of a call
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13:18.15[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: set "nat=no" for your BV peer, and "canreinvite=no" is every one.
13:18.40tzafrir_laptopdominic1, I think you need to set nat=no as well
13:18.43[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: And do "set versboe 10"
13:19.52tzafrir_laptopWith nat=yes, the port of the registration is used for sending, IIRC
13:20.26tzafrir_laptop(and fankly, I'm not sure IRC)
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13:27.34mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: ok, made those changes
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13:29.13[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: exten => ${BUSINESS_NUMBER},2,Dial(${SAM},,rR) <- remover the ",,Rr"
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13:33.45[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: And you should replace that with ",20" or sanother reasonable timeout.  You probably shouldn't be ringing that device indevinitely.
13:37.26mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: ok,
13:38.20[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: So the BV caller still doesn't hear a ring while SAM is ringing?
13:38.36mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: that's correct
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13:39.22[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: Ah... common possbility.  Do you have an indications.conf ?  If not, copy it over from the samples folder in your source tarball
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13:41.17mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: yes, i have it open
13:41.44[TK]D-Fenderis it in your /etc/asterisk folder?
13:43.45[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: right after answer, try adding a Playback(silence/1) and see if that helps
13:46.18mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: yes, that worked
13:47.09[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: Great
13:47.48mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: yes, thanks. whats the reason for the Playback(silence/1)
13:49.06[TK]D-Fendermikeshank: I'm guessing that as you did an "answer" the call should not report "ringing", but audio was not separately initiated so the Dial coming right away didn't have anywhere to go
13:49.32[TK]D-Fender(something like that)
13:50.28mikeshank[TK]D-Fender: again thanks alot
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14:25.47hunmonkis anybody aware of problems with Realtime voicemail and ODBC voicemail storage working together?  using a voicemail box in voicemail.conf work fine, but when i move it to Realtime voicemail, it's not storage the message in the database....
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14:30.12Dr-Linux|homeanybody is using A2billing?
14:32.01MaliutaLapnot supported here. move along
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14:38.53dr_gogeta86hi to all
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14:40.00MaliutaLapthere is no help here, read the book, read the wiki t'as'all
14:40.27[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: unload
14:41.00MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: only if you can load for me
14:41.44Dr-Linux|homeMaliutaLap: what not supported here?
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14:43.08MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: and those 2 things would fix 40% of what we see, 30% would be fixed by people getting a clue about general tech stuff (networking etc.), 15% by people READING THE TOPIC and the other 15% are genuine
14:43.40MaliutaLapDr-Linux|home: READ THE FECKING TOPIC ... does this _look_ like #a2billing?
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14:50.18ManxPowerAt least it's not a GUI
14:50.21tclineksany advice on the best python agi implementation
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14:51.13zxdhow do i check the latencies of all the connected sip servers?
14:51.35ManxPowerzxd: there are many kinds of latency
14:51.56zxd[Jul 24 17:50:57] WARNING[1202]: chan_sip.c:2923 create_addr: No such host: voicepulse
14:51.56zxd[Jul 24 17:50:57] WARNING[1202]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
14:52.01zxdthis dosen't look good
14:52.09zxdManxPower, what kinds?
14:52.09ManxPowerI assume you mean "latency for the device to respond to a SIP OPTIONS packet", if that is the case then qualify= will help.
14:52.22ManxPowerzxd: you do not have a latency problem, you have a config problem.
14:52.40Dr-Linux|homeMaliutaLap: what is fecking? well A2billing is something that works with Asterisk .. otherwise that's is nothing
14:52.40ManxPowerIt thinks you are supposed to be connecting to the machine "voicepulse" and we all know that's not a valid DNS name.
14:53.07jeykThis may not be the right channel to ask this... but are there services out there that provide local US phone numbers for my Asterisk PBX? What are they called / what should I google for?
14:53.11ManxPowerThat is the ACTUAL Dial line as shown in the CLI that causes that error.  JUST ONE LINE
14:53.21jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
14:53.24zxdManxPower, still how do i list all the servers asterisk is connected to ?
14:53.39ManxPowerzxd: registered too, peers, or users?
14:54.13ManxPower"sip show registry" shows systems Asterisk is registered to, but that has NOTHING to do with outgoing calls from Asterisk.  "sip show peers" will show remote systems Asterisk will connect to.
14:54.41ManxPowerzxd: now, for the 2nd time, paste just the one dial line from the CLI that generates that error.  I won't ask again.
14:54.59[TK]D-Fenderzxd: pastebin your failed attempt CLI output at verbose 10, and include your sip.conf masking only passwords
14:55.03Dr-Linux|homeI'm looking for a a opensource billing software that works with asterisk. My plan is, a caller dial in through PSTN and enter a desired number and and system fwd him to his desired number, now i want to billing for this
14:55.23jeykManxPower: ok, thanks
14:55.25ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: you won't find much help on that here.
14:55.26[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: So whats your actual question?
14:55.47jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
14:55.49Dr-Linux|hometherefore i went through A2billing but i'm not sure if that fits in my case
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14:56.59Dr-Linux|homethe calling and called both are PSTN users
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14:57.26[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: You should know better.  what device the call comes in through has no impact
14:57.42Dr-Linux|homeso my question is if someone is using A2billing already he can tell me if this program can help me or not
14:58.04ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: the A2 billing people didn't have any clue about their own software?
14:58.35[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Its a ^#%$ blling add-on, WTF do you think its for?  Yes, hundred of people use it.  Go visit their site, read their docs, download and TRY IT
14:59.06ManxPowerI guess zxd didn't really want any help.
14:59.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: just slow.
14:59.28Dr-Linux|homeManxPower: I tried to find on the web, but i suspect A2billing only helps if the customers/callers SIP or IAX but my callers are come throught PSTN/PRI
14:59.29zxdManxPower, wait
14:59.32zxdManxPower, i wasn't here
14:59.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: almost as bad 8-|
14:59.44ManxPowerzxd: why were you not here?
14:59.53zxdManxPower, i know nothing about asterisk syntax , the admin that was responsible for asterisk is abroad
14:59.58zxdand i getting this errors
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15:00.20ManxPowerzxd: your next line should contain the information I asked for,
15:00.30zxdand users say they are saying on the other end customers are hearing poor sound quality or not hearing at all
15:00.46[TK]D-Fenderzxd: that is now a completely different problem
15:00.54ManxPowerzxd: No!  STOP!!!  We are working on one specific problem.  Stop bringing up other problems that confuse the issue.
15:01.15zxdso i prefer working on the second problem instead
15:01.17ManxPowerzxd: you will NOT be able to just learn to fix asterisk problems in a day or two.
15:01.19Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: yeah there are many, that's why i'm trying to find someone here who uses A2billing
15:01.32zxdManxPower, you don't have to tell me that
15:01.37ManxPowerzxd: best of luck.  I cannot help you further.
15:01.38[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Just get off your ass and TRY IT.
15:01.41zxdManxPower, but maybe there are a few things i can check
15:02.10ManxPowermaybe [TK]D-Fender or someone else with more patience today can help you.
15:02.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Not sure how to prioritize taht last remark :)
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15:03.00nny_2is REFER       Failed in SIP SHOW CHANNELS anything to be concerned about?
15:03.25[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Reinvite failure
15:03.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he pissed me off by switching questions mid-stream.
15:03.36[TK]D-Fendernny_2: Watch out for NAT's
15:03.56nny_2Hmm, all on the same network, i think this is the sidecar's subscribe
15:03.59ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: So I sent him to you 8-)
15:04.13nny_2it is persistent and all other channels seem to move with the traffic flow in the network
15:04.14[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I understand.  Its jsut a question of whether I'm another source of help with more patience, or just another source of help and that everyone ELSE is more patient :)
15:04.42[TK]D-Fendernny_2: PB up some detail if you'd like a closer look.
15:04.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the patience remark was sarcasm.  *tease*
15:05.07[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Just wasn't sure of its direction.... and still not any more directed either
15:05.17nny_2hmm I can do some sip debugging, i'll see if anything interesting pops up for that peer
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15:08.24nny_2is there a way to debug by CALL ID?
15:08.46nny_2under the sip show channels, that is a field
15:10.23ManxPoweryou can do it by peer and by ip
15:10.37[TK]D-Fendernny_2: No, because its generated.  you can't see it coming
15:10.54[TK]D-Fendernny_2: You said its from a specific phoen, so debug the peer
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15:23.53sauntererI've been recieving calls on all my phones twice every hour, the caller id says "asterisk"... can anyone give me a starting point to finding a solution to this problem?
15:24.23[TK]D-Fendersaunterer: What is the call arriving on?  Does it show that ALL the time from that source?
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15:25.49Qwelljust won £891,934.00
15:26.46manygimme 1000 prettypls.
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15:33.58tzangeris it possibel to turn OFF the zaptel timer test when asterisk starts?
15:36.00sauntererFender, next time it calls, I'll check
15:40.38dominic1anybody using iaxmodem with realtime?
15:40.59ManxPowersaunterer: the problem is with your analog lines, you should be able to use WaitForRing or look in the mailinglist archives
15:41.01jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
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15:41.55anglersaunterer, when you pick up the phone is it an actual person?
15:43.41ManxPowerTelco or line noise is triggering asterisk to think a call is coming in.
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15:43.57redaxcan I make a ringback to transferer at no answer, if the transferer started to use attended transfer, but he wont wait until the extension answers and he hit the <Transfer> button again on her SIP phone...
15:43.57sauntererit happens on specific times though
15:44.05Qwell$20 on cronjob
15:44.10sauntererer at specific times
15:44.20redaxwill that look like a blindtransfer? (ie. do I have BLINDTRANSFER variable set?)
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15:44.49ManxPowerredax: depends on the phone, usually it would be a blnd transfer
15:45.10ManxPowersaunterer: That does not change my advice
15:45.15redaxit's a linksys spa9xx ... actually 922
15:45.20anglersaunterer, these calls are coming over a POTS line?
15:45.32ManxPowerredax: try it and see
15:45.59redaxManxPower: I'm afraid I don't have BLINDTRANSFER variable set in that case... just when user hit the blindtransfer button...
15:46.13redaxManxPower: can I workaround this somehow?
15:46.18ManxPowerredax: no.
15:46.43ManxPowerYell, yes you can.  Switch to Polycom.
15:46.50ManxPowereven then you might not be able to.
15:46.50redaxManxPower: there's something about Transfer context or whatever..
15:47.14ManxPowerredax: you cannot magically convert a supervised transfer into a blind transfer within Asterisk
15:47.16redaxManxPower: :) we have 5 polycom ip550 and 5 spa922 ;-(
15:47.38ManxPowerredax: then if you can do it in a Polycom it would be in the Admin Guide.
15:48.01ManxPowerMost people that want to do this are confused.
15:48.02saunterer@angler, we have DSL and the line is split: it goes into the DSL and also our asterisk server
15:48.23ManxPowersaunterer: Well best of luck with that.  I cannot help you further.
15:48.31redaxManxPower: anyhow... am I know at hangup time it was either an attended transfer, or a normal call ?
15:48.35ManxPowerQwell: it's a pretty common setup.
15:49.03ManxPowerredax: you would have to figure it out based in the CDRs after the fact.
15:49.45ManxPowerredax: but the real question is "Why do you care?"
15:53.39anglersaunterer, what PCI card are you using to bring the line into the Asterisk system? Also what version of Zaptel?
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16:00.52redaxManxPower: I want to ring back a transfered call to the trensferer after X seconds of ring....
16:01.08redaxManxPower: in case of blindtransfer I can do it..
16:01.35redaxManxPower: when user using the <lame_way/> blindtransfer, I can't
16:06.18neurosysHmm. I'm using    Set(CALLERID(all)=test <3050001234>)      but the name continues to read "Out of Area", but the number does go through. Any thoughts
16:06.23[TK]D-Fenderredax: Set a channel variable copying that channel name at the start of the call.  It should still be around when the hand-off happens
16:06.37ManxPowerneurosys: "goes thru" to WHERE?
16:06.54[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Maybe they don't let you set the name
16:06.56neurosysManxPower:  to the outside telephone caller ID
16:07.08neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Normal POTS allows it
16:07.08ManxPowerneurosys: you can't set the callerid name on the PSTN
16:07.16ManxPowerneurosys: NO IT DOES NOT
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16:07.45neurosysManxPower:  Only the #?
16:07.47ManxPowerTelcos ignore the CLID Name and replace it with whatever name is listed for that NUMBER in the telco databases
16:08.09ManxPowerAnd you can only send CID Number when you have a PRI (or ss7) link to the telco.
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16:08.26neurosysManxPower: well.. the number portion works now.
16:08.37ManxPowerthere you go
16:08.41coppicethere are places where an analogue line can send CLI :-)
16:08.42neurosysManxPower:  thru an ITSP
16:08.56ManxPoweran ITSP would be using PRI or SS7
16:09.47neurosysManxPower:  so it will run the # thru their DB and if it finds it it will display the related name to that Number?
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16:11.16[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: ITSP != POTS
16:11.24ManxPowerneurosys: the terminating telco does that
16:11.25neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  I know :)
16:11.25[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: ITSP = PSTN
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16:17.59hunmonki've got a problem i'm unable to solve, and i'm willing to pay somebody to help me solve it.  if anybody is interested, lemme know and we can take it to pm
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16:19.02neurosyshmm the telco still registers it as out of area.
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16:19.44[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Perhaps you should look at the number you're sending...
16:19.51[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Not exactly vlid.
16:20.24neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Im sending the businesses main number. When i call standard.. it displays the calledid name and #
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16:20.43neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  If i mimic the number thru asterisk .. the number passes... but name says out of area
16:20.57[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Less talk, more pastebin
16:21.07neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  :)
16:21.28freddykhas anyone heard about Cisco firmware localization for SIP ?
16:21.52neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  How bout I spare you for a bit... Ill go eat lunch.. come back and play more.. and give you an update
16:22.31[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Not sparing, merely postponing.  Come back when you actually did all the legwork on this.
16:22.52[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: You should most likely be slapped for having wasted all this time without evidence in hand.
16:23.06neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Perhaps ...
16:24.15hunmonkmaybe i should be more specific: i'll pay $50 for somebody to help me get Realtime voicemail working with ODBC voicemail storage, $100 if it takes more than 30 minutes
16:26.42ManxPowerhunmonk: Realtime is complicated
16:27.02ManxPowerhunmonk: you know Digium does paid support, right?
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16:28.00hunmonkManxPower: well, i've got realtime extensions working.  i've got odbc voicemail storage working with regular voicemail.conf.  i just can't get the odbc vm to work w/ realtime vm
16:28.24hunmonkManxPower: it's weird.  as soon as i reconfig to realtime voicemail, messages won't save to the db
16:28.59hunmonkManxPower: asterisk can find the realtime VM, i get the beep, it writes the files.  just no db storage love when i hang up  :(
16:29.31hunmonkperhaps i should call digium
16:30.27ManxPowerhunmonk: I have never in my life used realtime, so talking to me about it is a waste of everyone's time.
16:30.36hunmonkshuts up
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16:58.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
16:58.20Katty[TK]D-Fender: mew.
16:59.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: how're you?
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17:00.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Same old, same old.  Watching the summer evaporate while the precipitation refuses to.
17:00.59Katty[TK]D-Fender: i see, i see.
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17:04.06hardwireanybody have a few t100p's I can borrow?
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17:09.42tzafrir_laptopWhat happens if a blind transfer is transferred to a busy extension?
17:10.14[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: the same as any other call to the same
17:10.38tzafrir_laptopCan I do anything before the call is disconnected?
17:11.09tzafrir_laptopWhere exactly in the dialplan am I?
17:11.12*** part/#asterisk mog (
17:13.41[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: its just a call like any other.  You're exactly where you are in the dialplan as any other call to that exten.
17:15.16hardwiretzafrir_laptop: you could use some AGI to handle it
17:15.41tzafrir_laptopwhat will an AGI do to help that a simple dialplan can't?
17:15.45hardwireor maybe some macros
17:16.05hardwirewhatever you want.
17:16.13hardwiredepends on the complexity of the situation :)
17:16.14_ShrikEtzafrir_laptop: you could lookup devstate after the dial and goto accordingly.
17:16.24hardwirewhat kind of "intercept" do you want? callback?
17:17.41*** join/#asterisk mrnick (n=ubugo@
17:17.58tzafrir_laptopso if a transfer failes, I'm after the dial?
17:19.42[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: If a transfer fails on blind (usually only 404), its in dead-air
17:20.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
17:21.06hardwiretzafrir_laptop: that's one way to handle it
17:21.11tzafrir_laptopI'm talking about the asterisk feature, not the SIP transfer. How different are the two?
17:21.34hardwireblind transfer to a macro extension + actual extension adds you as the invalid, busy, or whatever priority.
17:21.41[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: *'s has control, more channel history, etc
17:21.56[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Exactly what that can offer I can't say, but for sure * has more options.
17:22.03jayteehas anyone ever run into issues with Polycom phones reporting duplicate IP addresses when plugged into an unmanaged Linksys switch?
17:22.51hardwirejaytee: probably because there is a duplicate IP issue on your network, elsewhere.
17:23.16hardwirejaytee: find the windows computer or phone somewhere else that is reporting a duplicate IP. :)
17:23.17Dovidget the ip of the phone, pull it out and ping it
17:23.25hardwirejaytee: exactly
17:23.47hardwireif that happens to me I unplug the NIC on whatever is having issues then from another machine ping the IP then look it up in the arp tables
17:24.02hardwirethen do a MAC lookup on the vendor
17:24.08nny_2not exactly on topic, but anyone here a guru with SSH tunneling?
17:24.13*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
17:24.14hardwirethen I eventually find the person who set their machine to static, and smack them on the head.
17:24.14ThoMehihoi :-)
17:24.20hardwirenny_2: I am
17:24.23hardwiremsg me for fun and profit
17:24.40jayteenope, when both phones are unplugged and I ping either address I get no response
17:24.59nny_2hardwire: I am using puTTY and have a tunnel setup in my session as L3000
17:25.12hardwirenny_2: message me
17:25.19nny_2hardwire: ok
17:25.25hardwireI promise I won't charge for the first 2 minutes.
17:27.31jplanklI dont get endusers - I have a customer who has their own asterisk, I'm bringing him in 8 lines, I told him that since he has his own asterisk that we can just use SIP trunks instead of converting my lines into analog and then plugging them into his asterisk, he keeps telling me no, that it works better converting it to analog first :/
17:27.48*** join/#asterisk `Sean (
17:28.03`SeanHey Does anyone have any known soloutiions to fax over IP?
17:28.19[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Yup, he's a dumb-fuck
17:28.27jplankthe best is
17:28.34jplankhe only has 2 four port cards
17:28.39jplankand he wanted 12 lines
17:28.47jplankso hes like, ok i'll buy another 4 port card
17:29.25Dovid'Sean: solution = ? T.38 ? over ulaw ? In ? Out ?
17:29.34jplankfirst he asked if I can multiplex two lines over one analog pair
17:30.05[TK]D-Fenderjplank: This person should have no say in determining a telephony solution
17:30.26jplanki agree
17:31.23jplankthe best is he obviously knows how to setup a SIP trunk because he has another office in india, with a asterisk, thats connected over a SIP trunk
17:31.44jplankin retrospect, if he has to asterisk's connected over a SIP trunk, he probably has no clue what he's doing
17:32.06`SeanDovid, i heard T38 is still unstable has the situation changed?
17:32.11`Seanhas steve done any updates to it
17:32.42`Seancisco has T37 wonder how stable that is
17:32.48jbotfrom memory, t38 is see for a decent overview of how it all works, no, it's not ready yet, we'll let you know. a really lousy spec. a lightweight fighter, also known as the Talon
17:33.30jplankpersonally, my company just says no faxing over VOIP - period. Too unreliable.
17:33.45jplankcustomers ask us all the time
17:34.30jplanktoo many headaches involved
17:35.12`Seanhrmp indeed
17:35.22`Seanbut its better then buying a dedicated fax line from your carier :)
17:36.19jplanknot if you want to be able to send faxes :)
17:36.52jplankunless a 75% success rate on g711 is good enough
17:37.02jplankif you even use g711
17:37.21jplankif your using g729 try like a 5% success rate, and those faxes usually still wind up blank
17:37.24`SeanThere must be commercial products that have a higher success rate or a commercial codec for faxing
17:37.36jplanknot a reliable one
17:37.50Juggiet.38 is the spec
17:37.53`Seansigh :(
17:38.07jplanktrust me, if faxing over VOIP was reliable, we'd do it
17:38.31`Seanya but if your only using your fax for personal reasons voip is a good way to go in my opinion
17:38.37`Seansince your faxing barely 10 pages a month
17:39.13hardwireso yeh
17:39.15hardwirefaxing is fun
17:39.22hardwirehylafax is funner
17:39.27hardwireand emailing is great fun.
17:39.33hardwireI'd stick to emailing
17:39.49hardwirethe more you force people to use the internet to do internet like things, the better
17:40.07`Seanthats just fax to email
17:40.28hardwireis on the bandwagon where forcing everybody to use email will eventually mean less fax crap to support.
17:40.35jayteeI've got one fax line going PRI --> Asterisk ----> SIP T.38 ------> Handytone 286 ATA ----- fax machine and I've not had any serious problems with it.
17:40.58hardwirewhich t.38 implementation?
17:40.59`Seanjaytee define serious lol? it means youve had problems so what kind of problems?
17:40.59Dovid'Sean: some1 wrote a T38 patch for asterisk 1.4.X. very unstable at the moment
17:41.01jayteebut I consider myself lucky compared to all the chit-chat I've seen in here on the topic.
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17:41.33hardwirejaytee: so you have a sip gateway next to your asterisk machine that supports T.38?
17:41.53jaytee`Sean, I had a couple of problems back when it was going through a TDM card but it was a cheap X100P clone card. Since I moved everything to PRI I've not had any issues.
17:42.21`SeanJaytee, ive heard sangoma cards are excellent but dont know how excellent LOL
17:42.29jayteehardwire, no gateway, just a Handytone 286 SIP/FXS ATA adapter.
17:42.38hardwiregoing to asterisk?
17:43.05hardwireif so, how are you implementing T.38?
17:43.05jayteeI'm using Digium's TE212P card for 2 T-1s and it's been running since May 15th without a hiccup.
17:43.25jayteehardwire, over SIP
17:43.31hardwireso.. no T.38?
17:44.07`Seanya but thats with a PRI, how about faxing using a T38 passthrough carrier
17:46.42jayteehardwire, I don't understand your question. I setup the line in my sip.conf and set t38pt_udptl=yes in sip.conf and enabled t.38 in the Handytone and it all worked.
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17:47.17hardwirejaytee: it's not using T.38
17:47.36jayteereally? what's it using then?
17:47.42hardwireULAW :)
17:48.37jayteeso why do I have to have the t.38 settings set like that in order for it to work right?
17:48.53jayteeboth in sip.conf and on the ATA adapter?
17:48.57hardwiremaybe so it can say it doesn't support T.38 termination?
17:49.13hardwireinstead of just assuming T.38 works
17:49.15`Seanjaytee if you wheren't using PRI and had to use a voip carrier that supported t38 passthrough then ud have problems i think
17:49.46jayteeso if t.38 doesn't work then why is even in there?
17:49.54*** part/#asterisk mrnick (n=ubugo@
17:50.23hardwirejaytee: dunno if the logs say anything, but I'm guessing the handytone is being told "not a t.38 termination point" and it instead uses the default SIP codec and expects a regular session for the voice channel
17:50.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: *'s T.38 in 1.4 is passthrough only, and the problem is a quesiotn of compliance amongst vendors
17:50.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ask coppice about that :)
17:50.44hardwireif you check the channel list while a fax is going through, I'm guessing it will show you that the handytone is conencted to your system VIA ulaw.
17:50.53hardwiresip show channel
17:50.55hardwirestuff like that
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17:56.32jayteeI'll have to try that when I actually get some time
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17:56.55jayteebut right now I've got to figure out why an unmanaged Linksys skunks DHCP with Polycom phones.
17:57.36jayteewhat's weird is if I move a phone to another subnet that's in it's own VLAN I don't get the duplicate IP problem.
17:59.52hardwirewhat's your dhcp server say about this?
17:59.59jayteeok, I'm not certain of it but I think I've got it narrowed down to something in the Linksys firmware. I've got a Linksys SD205 that's on my 104 vlan and it works fine. I tried using a SD208 on my primary VLAN and any Polycoms give the duplicate address message yet none of the addresses are in use.
18:00.04*** part/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
18:00.47jayteeand I just replaced the SD208 with an older SD205 and that works ok but I ran into the same problem with an SD216 last week.
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18:15.24neverbarthi. i'm getting the following: [Jul 24 19:14:53] ERROR[3202]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:467 my_load_module: Failed to connect to mysql database asterisk on localhost.
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18:31.47neverbarti shall take the immense silence as people not knowing :
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18:33.24[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: PASTEBIN EVERYTHING.
18:35.29ibnolqaiyemis asterisk has good configuration options for  linksy SPA3102 ata?
18:35.32neverbart[TK]D-Fender -
18:36.22[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: ...HUH?
18:36.50ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, what happened?
18:37.17[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: What happened is that the words are english... but nobody can understand what you're asking.
18:38.01[TK]D-Fendernever... MORE.  Backup that the sock file is actually in that location in your distro (#1 risk).  Then back it up with a local login.
18:38.05*** join/#asterisk ddunavant (n=David@
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18:39.02neverbart[TK]D-Fender... wah?
18:39.03ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, what is problem with my question?
18:39.25neverbartit's difficult to understand, ibnolqaiyem :)
18:39.40ibnolqaiyemok i try again
18:40.39[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: it should be trying the local socket based on that file in your config.  the LOCATION is usually suspect as it varies depending on how it was packaged
18:40.53[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock <--- go look for it
18:40.56neverbartah - i checked when i created the config. that is the file path
18:40.58*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:41.07ibnolqaiyemis asterisk can work fine with linksys spa3102? if there are some ata better than link sys ,can you tell me?
18:41.09[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: Ok, then go check the rest and share.
18:41.16neverbartit should work fine, ibnolqaiyem
18:41.18neverbartfile /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
18:41.18neverbart/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock: socket
18:41.28[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: What do you want to do exactly?
18:41.35neverbartand it was created from the repo, [TK]D-Fender
18:41.46[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: Ok, as long as its there.
18:41.52[TK]D-Fendernever go look at the rest.
18:42.05neverbartlook at the rest of what?
18:42.29neverbarti can locally login using the mysql prompt
18:42.33neverbartusing the same credentials
18:43.32ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, run asterisk with linksys spa3102 and analog phone
18:43.49ibnolqaiyemare these package good?
18:43.49neverbarti have an ata and analogue phone and it works fine, ibnolqaiyem
18:44.17[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: Only reason to pick the SPA-3102 is if you specifically want to use an analog LINE.  If you have need of an analog LINE, and only want to use an analog PHONE, then pick another model.
18:44.32angryuserhas anyone created a sip client vith videosupport for mobile devices? like nokia series or all wm6 smartphones3G
18:44.51angryuserit would be such a nice feature
18:44.58[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: please pastebin it, drilling through to the table
18:45.53*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
18:46.00ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, can explain more ,pls?
18:46.07*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@
18:46.17[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: Do you have an analog LINE?
18:47.17*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
18:47.22neverbart [TK]D-Fender
18:48.54[TK]D-Fenderneverbart: is * running as root?
18:49.16neverbart[TK]D-Fender yes
18:50.28tclineksany advice on the best python agi implementation? I haven't done twisted and am leaning towards trying to avoid it.
18:51.35[TK]D-Fendernever I'm out of guesses ATM
18:52.15neverbartme too, [TK]D-Fender :(
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19:08.40Ritzeriskanyone know a good Sip provider
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19:11.54jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
19:14.34Ritzeriskhow bout for a shanghai location i need to probally just get a sipuar 2102 and just convert it to analog to our system.... in vegas to hit a mitel phone in Shanghai.. ill check if they have shanghai numbers....
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19:21.03neverbartwell, thanks for trying to help [TK]D-Fender, i'm going to try and fight it out :) see ya
19:21.35*** join/#asterisk ZeroLux (
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19:29.34guilherme-jorgehello all, Is there some tool to convert gsm files to g729 format?
19:31.45Strom_Mguilherme-jorge: you're going to want to start with wav files, not gsm files...or else the quality will be truly abysmal instead of merely bad
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19:41.51[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge: For converting your own, there is a tool on Digium's site.
19:42.09[TK]D-Fenderguilherme-jorge: All stock * sounds are also available in G.729 native encoded.
19:42.52fogowhat do I need to do to troubleshoot a T1 span that is Provisioned, Down, Active?
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20:08.33tzafrir_laptopjameswf-home, some other interesting facts to you:
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20:22.04ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, are you mean the line coming from pstn?
20:22.27[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: only 2 hours later... YES
20:22.43ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, i am sorry for that
20:22.52*** join/#asterisk sysreq` (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
20:22.52[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: and the ANSWER?
20:23.32ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, are you mean about analog line , the line coming from pstn?
20:23.52ibnolqaiyemyes , i have one
20:24.03jameswf-homeis lost
20:24.05[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: And would you like to let * use it?
20:24.27*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:24.27[TK]D-Fenderibnolqaiyem: Fine, then the SPA-3102 is a fine choice.
20:24.43[TK]D-Fenderhands jameswf-home a "You are here" sign
20:24.44ibnolqaiyem[TK]D-Fender, thank you very much
20:25.19jameswf-homeI have an issue.... wherever I go there I am, it is almost like I am stalking myself
20:26.30[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time.  Heading home.  Later all
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21:00.20jayteeok, [TK]D-Fender, that was like a 13 minute commute. do you live like a block from your work?
21:00.55[TK]D-Fender20 mins on bike :)
21:01.23jayteethen you must have been pedalling extra fast today
21:01.43*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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21:02.06jayteequittin time, be back later
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21:04.11hardwireso.. nobody wants to loan me there expensive hardware eh?
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21:19.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
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21:23.27hardwireanybody doing passive PRI audio monitoring?
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21:25.04NickKojiHello, I am farely new to asterisk and was wondering what website you would recommend to begin reading. I am trying to understand the basics of asterisk so tutorial websites would help the most but any links is appreciated. I will also be posting the list of addresses i compile onto any support forums that i register on
21:25.11jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:25.31putnopvutNickKoji: ^^^ that is very helpful for beginning Asterisk.
21:25.55NickKojithank you
21:27.12putnopvutThat can be helpful too, although some of the information on that is out-of-date.
21:31.15jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
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21:47.33esaymhowdy, I have an already compiled source that I need to make clean.  is "make clean" all that I need to do?
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21:48.20russellbesaym: or "make distclean" if you want to remove _everything_
21:48.52esaymah, distclean, that is what I was looking for
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21:54.40ManxPowerrussellb: does make distclean also kill whatever cache file it is that makes Asterisk ./configure  think zaptel is never installed if it was ever run without it installed?
21:54.55QwellManxPower: yes
21:55.02ManxPowerQwell: cool
21:55.16Qwell(but so does re-running configure)
21:55.40ManxPowerQwell: I can't PERSONALLY dispute that, but it doesn't seem that way based on the reports here.
21:55.46NickKojiis there a irc channel for asterisknow
21:55.53ManxPower"I installed Zaptel and make menuconfig still shows zaptel greyed out!" sort of things
21:55.55QwellNickKoji: see topic
21:56.00QwellManxPower: "You're doing it wrong."
21:56.11ManxPowerQwell: I'll tell them that.
21:56.12QwellManxPower: I can and will personally dispute those claims. :)
21:56.28ManxPowerQwell: it's all 1.4'isms anyway.
21:56.30NickKojithank you
21:56.52ManxPowerNickKoji: thank you for asking and not assuming this is the correct channel (it's not)
21:57.22NickKojiis there a massive difference?
21:57.48ManxPowerNickKoji: Yes.  I'll type the long answer next.
21:57.48NickKojibetter yet is there an article comparing to two
21:57.56NickKojiyeah i figured it was long ha
21:58.39ManxPowerNickKoji: Asterisk isn't really a PBX.  It's a TOOLKIT that lets you build a PBX.  The GUIs for Asterisk basically all build their own custom config files in ways no HUMAN would do it, because a person would find it very hard to figure out.
21:58.42*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
21:59.00jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
21:59.02jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
21:59.04exothermcI'm trying to install some polycom phones behind pfsense, and it isn't playing nicely
21:59.16ManxPowerThat Asterisk GUI is the least evil of all the GUIs in this regard.
21:59.42ManxPowerexothermc: Provisioning issues or audio/signalling issues?
21:59.48exothermcI have setup siproxd on pfsense which is suppose to help with those issues, but I'm not sure how to set the polycoms to register.
21:59.58exothermcManxPower: signaling
22:00.11NickKojiwhat would be the best system to install if i am creating an autidialer that calls out numbers and returns us the values of things like callerid and stores them to a DB
22:00.40ManxPowerexothermc: from a NETWORKING sense, registration packets will come from the IP address of the phone using a random source port number and be going to the IP of Asterisk port 5060.  All this is UDP, NOT TCP.
22:01.08ManxPowerAsterisk should respond from it's IP address/port 5060 to the IP of the phone with a destination port of whatever the phone originally used.
22:01.14exothermcManxPower: ya that is the issue all the phones register using a source port of 5060
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22:01.31ManxPowerexothermc: The phones are welcome to do so and many do, but NEVER count on that.
22:01.43WhiteWolfif everything is behind the same nat you shouldn't have problems
22:02.09WhiteWolfif the phones are behind pfsense and asterisk is somewhere else... set pfsense to use 1:1 nat static mapping
22:02.18exothermc  as you can see from there sip is an issue.
22:02.18WhiteWolfthat way it doesn't attempt to rewrite the port
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22:02.47ManxPowerexothermc: can you just turn off any SIP packet fixup in the pfsense firewall?
22:03.01ManxPowermost devices seem to screw it up when they try to do special stuff for SIP NAT
22:03.34exothermcManxPower:  Well I could be wrong but doesn't it say that pfsense doesn't rewrite?
22:03.40ManxPoweroh, I guess the sipproxyd would be that thing
22:04.17ManxPowerexothermc: I noticed it did not change the source port, but that may or may not mean it changes the data portion of the packet
22:04.43ManxPowerI'm one of those mythical people that has never had a NAT issue with SIP that I could not solve in under 30 mins.
22:05.39exothermcManxPower:  Really this is the first device I have run up against that has cause me to scratch my head.
22:06.09ManxPowerBut I also never try doing that with connections with dynamic IP address, nothing but Cisco router or Linksys router, Asterisk only, SIPura only.
22:07.50ManxPowerThe secret to most success with Asterisk is design it well, keep it simple, use good hardware.
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22:21.26*** join/#asterisk C4colo (n=DJpyro@
22:22.30C4colois it possible to do a string replace from within the dialplan?
22:22.43C4colodo I need to use the System() application?
22:23.27C4coloI want to take a variable from the asterisk internal database and replace any spaces with escaped spaces, such as "Joe Smith" -> "Joe\ Smith"
22:24.31*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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22:25.26C4coloI could just save it to the database with three \\\'s wherever there are spaces, such as "Joe\\\ Smith"
22:26.02C4colobut that requires the addition to the database to be rigorous, and provides no fault tolerance
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22:32.42Kattyso quiet.
22:32.59Strom_Clet's combine superstring theory with rodney king
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22:33.13Kattyi like superstring theory
22:33.18Kattyi wish i was made of superstrings
22:33.53ManxPowerWouldn't rodney king be a superstar rather than a superstring?
22:34.51Kattytechnically i would be made of superstrings
22:34.53ManxPowerC4colo: doc/channelvariables.txt and "core show functions"  Function names are CASE SENSITIVE.
22:34.58Kattybut closed string loops.
22:35.04Kattyi'd rather be openly stringy. ^_-
22:35.05Kattyand loopy.
22:35.22ManxPowerKatty: Aren't you already a bit loopy?
22:35.48KattyManxPower: a bit ;)
22:35.53KattyManxPower: when i'm in the mood to be.
22:36.11KattyManxPower: scatter brained is probably a better description.
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22:39.58C4coloManxPower: I see concatenation, substrings, string length, etc, but no find/replace functions for manipulating strings
22:40.25seanbrightC4colo: prepare to be SPOKEN to in UPPERCASE words :)
22:40.26C4colodo I need to run a System( perl <regex crap here> )
22:41.02C4colooh I'm always ready for that when I come here
22:41.09*** join/#asterisk Dan0maN_Wor1 (n=dschuh@
22:41.40ManxPowera perl AGI would be better.
22:41.57ManxPowerwrite one that lets you give it a regex and it sets a channel variable with the result?
22:42.48C4colowell hell, if I'm going to write an AGI I'll just grab the bash script that converts the tiff to pdf and emails it into the agi and hand execution off to that
22:43.14*** join/#asterisk mosty (
22:43.22ManxPowerEven better
22:43.30ManxPowerThat's what I did.
22:43.46C4colothis is old code I'm working with, about 5 years old, needs updating but I was looking for a simple, quick answer that would let this server hobble along until we move to the new system
22:44.11C4colofor now I think I'll suggest we just continue putting underscores instead of spaces into the database
22:44.19ManxPoweran agi should take less than an hour for something simple as perl regex, even for a newbie
22:44.31C4coloas I will be writing a new fax email script for the new server
22:44.39*** part/#asterisk Dan0maN_Wor1 (n=dschuh@
22:44.43ManxPoweryou want a copy of mine?
22:44.45C4coloI"m not worried about the perl regex
22:44.59C4colosure, I would greatly appreciate it
22:45.23ManxPowerIt won't meet your needs, but you can use it as an example of one way to do it.  Give me a few mins.
22:46.03C4colohonestly it is probably better than the shoddy shell script currently sending the faxes
22:46.04*** join/#asterisk hadronzoo (
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22:47.00teknoprephave you guys seen what counterpath is going to be offering
22:47.01teknoprepomfg its nice
22:47.19teknoprepthe mobile suite
22:47.27teknoprepi really like it
22:47.44teknoprepbetter than that unified crap MS offers
22:47.47C4colodoesn't counterpath litterally mean "wrong way"?
22:48.17hadronzooDoes anyone have an opinion on the Cisco 7900 series phones?  I'm considering getting two to work with my asterisk box.
22:48.25teknoprep7970 is great
22:48.34C4colonever used them
22:48.42teknoprepevery other cisco 79XX phone sucks becuase of its lack of sip functions
22:48.57C4cologet a real phone, a GXP-2000 or something
22:48.58teknoprepas a cheap refurb phone if you are going to hang it on a wall in a manufacturing area
22:49.02hadronzooteknoprep: can you elaborate?
22:49.06teknoprepthey will never break
22:49.13teknoprepi love polycom phones
22:49.21teknoprepi am going to be trying out an aastra 57i
22:49.29teknoprep7970 phones are very cool
22:49.38C4coloI'm ordering a few of the 5i series to play with
22:49.41teknoprepyou can do alot with that phone.. but in all actuality its just a nice desk peice
22:49.47dlynesteknoprep: the 57i's aren't too shabby
22:49.47C4coloI think I'm going to use them on a 48 seat install I'm doing
22:49.52hadronzooC4colo: What's the price difference?
22:50.08teknoprephadronzoo, polycom are in the 250-350 range for a good 550 or 650
22:50.17dlynesteknoprep: unlike the 91xxi series, they boosted up the memory and the cpu with the 5xi series
22:50.21teknoprephadronzoo, cisco 7971 is very expensi ve
22:50.22hadronzooC4colo: the 7970 and the GXP-2000
22:50.27C4coloI was joking
22:50.32C4colohince the ducking
22:50.37teknoprephadronzoo, you don't want a GXP-2000...
22:50.49hadronzooC4colo: Ah, sorry I missed it
22:50.51C4colothe grandstream GXP-2000 is a $80 phone that is worth about $20
22:51.00teknoprephadronzoo, its probably tied in the bracket of worst sip phones ever made
22:51.20dlynesteknoprep: even worse than the budgetone 100/102?
22:51.26teknoprepi would rather put used cisco phones from ebay on ppl's desk than grandshit
22:51.30C4colothe new firmware upgraded it from "worst sip phone ever" to "one of the worst phones ever"
22:52.28hadronzooThus, the, "Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever."
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22:52.33C4colounfortunately the company I work for has settled on the GXP-2000 as their budget phone, I never touched one before, and wouldn't have, and now know why
22:52.41C4cologo with a $80 aastra or snom instead
22:52.53ManxPowerFor Polycom people there is also
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22:53.08teknoprepdlynes, do you like the 57i ?
22:53.13teknoprepdlynes, how is the call quality ?
22:53.16dlynesteknoprep: for the most part, yes
22:53.17hadronzooYou would recommend the Polycom as being a better phone and better deal than the Cisco?
22:53.26teknoprephadronzoo, for SIP.. yes
22:53.26dlynesteknoprep: the call quality is just fine...nothing wrong with it
22:53.34C4coloManxPower: thank you, this looks good, I'm sure it will be a big step up from what they were using
22:53.35teknoprepdlynes, what don't you like about it ?
22:53.44dlynesteknoprep: the only issues I've had with it, is when I've got major BLF's configured for the phone
22:53.51ManxPowerC4colo: That script does not come with support.
22:53.56dlynesteknoprep: if the phone gets overloaded with blf, it'll lock up
22:54.06teknoprepi don't use BLF
22:54.09dlynesteknoprep: but other than that, it's a good phone
22:54.30dlynesteknoprep: really easy to configure using tftp, too
22:54.34hadronzooHow important is SIP support?
22:54.39teknoprephadronzoo, lol
22:54.42hadronzoo(newbie here)
22:54.49C4coloManxPower: of course
22:55.00teknoprephadronzoo, honestly ... cisco is NOT the phone for you if you are a newb
22:55.09teknoprephadronzoo, i would suggest a polycom phone
22:55.23teknoprephadronzoo, there isn't a TON of support for cisco and SIP implementations
22:55.26hadronzooI'm just trying to connect two phones in an office to an asterisk box to use a gateway
22:55.28dlyneshadronzoo: sip is not that important, unless you're going after office users
22:55.39teknoprephadronzoo, then buy some polycom ip550's
22:55.41dlyneshadronzoo: and/or multiple phone lines
22:55.42ManxPowerhadronzoo: Imagine your self in the middle of a desert.  You can see nothing anywhere.  That is your community support for any protocol other than SIP for phones.
22:55.42teknoprephadronzoo, you will be happy
22:55.43hadronzoodlynes: can you elaborate?
22:56.21dlyneshadronzoo: if you're only planning on using 1 or 2 lines, you might actually find it simpler to get a linksys spa2102, and hooking up both lines to a two line phone
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22:56.43C4colonah, you can get support for SCCP/Skinny ... from Cisco... on their Call Manager... with a support contract
22:56.47dlyneshadronzoo: and then just forget asterisk altogether, unless you need voicemail that's not provided by your ITSP
22:57.28hadronzooManxPower: So, why would the cisco 7960 series not have SIP support?
22:57.28hadronzoodlynes: I want to setup an IVR and multiple lines.  I'm not a stranger to linux, but this is my first asterisk project
22:57.40hadronzoodlynes: but I want to learn more
22:57.45teknoprephadronzoo, it does have sip support
22:57.50teknoprephadronzoo, it's just not very good
22:57.56dlyneshadronzoo: ah...then you probably want sip phones
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22:58.15dlyneshadronzoo: if you don't have a huge budget, i'd suggest going with polycoms or aastra phones
22:58.23ManxPowerhadronzoo: because Cisco wants you to use the phones only with the Call Manager playform
22:58.24dlyneshadronzoo: they're both user-friendly phones, too
22:58.31teknoprepi would suggest for a test environment buying refurbished phones
22:58.48teknoprepManxPower, call manager is actually moving to SIP now..
22:58.56teknoprepManxPower, so the new phones are easier to setup with asterisk
22:59.27C4coloaastras are asterisk friendly, especially the newer 5i series ... as the aastra pbx system is built on asterisk 1.4
22:59.27ManxPowerthat will last just as long as Call Manager revenue does not drop.
22:59.50C4coloso most of the features work with asterisk, even blf and blf-pickup
23:00.14C4coloyou have to set the pickup feature code thingie on the phone to **
23:00.31C4coloand then you can pick up a ringing extension on a BLF button by hitting the flashing button
23:00.40C4colostuff like that
23:00.48teknoprepi hate BLF
23:00.57C4coloI'm ordering a number of 5i series to play with stuff like that
23:01.03teknoprepi prefer using CTi's to do that
23:01.04C4colo... love the BLF ... your customers do
23:01.11hadronzooWhat's the price range on the 5i series?
23:01.14C4colowell some of them anyway I would assume
23:01.15teknoprepjust drag and drop a call from a window to your extension
23:01.19GhOnDiEvery usefull blf
23:01.24teknoprepi like isymphony
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23:01.32hadronzooJT: thanks
23:01.45C4coloI just downloaded isymphony, haven't got around to configuring it yet
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23:02.23teknoprepits great
23:02.37teknoprepand since i am a freepbx luser
23:02.39teknoprepits easy to setup
23:02.53C4colomy god you are brave
23:03.00teknoprepf' em
23:03.01C4colosaying that in here?
23:03.25teknoprepi do some custom stuff man.. but most of it is so quick and easy to setup
23:03.26hadronzooSo, you like the Aastra 55i?
23:03.29teknoprepwithin freepbx
23:03.36teknoprep55i is ugly
23:03.40teknoprepget the 57i
23:03.49ManxPowerscreams "My eyes! My eyes!" and goes AFK.
23:03.50C4coloyea or the 57iCT
23:03.56hadronzooteknoprep: I'll look it up
23:04.00C4colothose cordless handsets are nice
23:04.03teknoprepthey are ?
23:04.05teknoprepskrew that
23:04.14teknoprepcheck that out
23:04.22C4coloI went outside a metal building about half a block away with multiple metal sheds around me and it juts barely started breaking up
23:04.23teknoprepfor better wireless communications
23:04.59C4coloaastra has some DECT access points and cordless handsets, but they have some goofy requirements for who can buy and resell them
23:05.07C4coloI want to get my hands on a set of those and really play
23:05.09hadronzooteknoprep: Yeah, the 57i looks much better
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23:06.06teknoprepC4colo, did you check out that link ?
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23:06.16teknoprepC4colo, just use your cell phone
23:06.21hadronzooSo, one can access essentially 9 lines concurrently with the 57i?
23:06.22teknoprepC4colo, why use anything else
23:06.44teknoprephadronzoo, no real reason to access 9 lines at once unless you are a receptionist
23:06.58MatBoycan I run a * on port 5060 and 5070 at the same time ?
23:07.34ManxPowerMatBoy: I don't think so.
23:07.38hadronzooteknoprep: But, you can switch between multiple lines, right?
23:07.41MatBoyManxPower: mhh issue
23:07.54teknoprephadronzoo, yes
23:08.39C4coloteknoprep: the cool thing about those 5i series is that they have everything from a single-line for the waiting room or break room to something the receptionist can use with sidecars to monitor every extension in the building, and they all work together
23:08.40hadronzooThanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.  I really appreciate the assistance!
23:09.01C4colothere are two models with cordless handsets too
23:09.22mostyis it possible to use the sangoma A500 with zaptel instead of chan_woomera?
23:09.59hadronzooThe wireless 57i CT looks really cool
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23:10.21C4colodon't get the 480iCT
23:10.28C4coloit is the older firmware/hardware
23:10.35legisAre linksys pap2 good to test a asterisk setup?
23:10.43C4colosure, they are cheap
23:10.48C4coloand plentiful
23:10.56C4coloand there are lots of config things out there
23:11.12hadronzooC4colo: right, but I should have good luck with the 57i or the 57i CT with Asterisk, right?
23:11.12legiscool, thx
23:11.16C4colothings = howtos
23:11.31hadronzooC4colo: thanks
23:12.10C4coloalso if you get to the point where you are selling around $10,000 of product for them they have a reseller incentives program
23:12.26C4colocache in rebate things for phones or something
23:12.31C4colooh, that's quarterly
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23:12.45GhOnDiEblimey thats alot quarterly
23:12.47jameswfping tzafrir_laptop
23:12.50elfurudhowdy folks
23:12.55C4coloyea, that's what I said when I applied
23:13.07elfurudanyone know a provider of Canadian DID that supports multiple channels per DID?
23:13.25hi365_mwas thinking tzafrir_laptop woulb be asleepe durring these hours
23:13.51elfurudI've used in the past and haven't been overly impressed with quality
23:13.51C4colothey have 2chan unlimited inbound or $0.011 CAD per minute for multiple channels
23:13.59elfurudI've used Unlimitel also
23:14.05tzafrir_laptopthinks hi365 should be asleep during these hours
23:14.20elfurudI need more than 2 channels
23:14.29C4coloI use for one of my primary DIDs and have found it to studder from time to time
23:14.49elfurudyah, the quality isn't great all the time.
23:14.54C4colohowever that is spelt
23:14.59elfurudUnlimitel is good
23:15.11jameswftzafrir_laptop: since ztdummy seems to be getting dumped for the crash-you have no carde wtf do you have asterisk maybe the zaptel init should unload zaptel on no hardware rather than load ztdummy...
23:15.18elfurudthey have an option for 10 channels per DID for $90 a month, but that includes 10,000 minutes
23:15.20hardwirewhat an awesome name
23:15.41mostytzafrir: can you point me at some directions for using a sangoma A500 with zaptel instead of chan_woomera?
23:16.09tzafrir_laptopjameswf, sorry, I don't follow. What exactly is the problem?
23:16.37C4colo10 channels for $90 being $9/mo per channel?
23:16.40C4colothat's not bad actually
23:16.51elfurudyah, thats reasonable
23:16.56elfurudbut I might need even more!
23:17.03elfurudrunning a small call center/office
23:17.06C4colothey don't offer more?
23:17.12C4colowhat if you paid $180 for 20 chan?
23:17.28tzafrir_laptopmostly, not exactly sure. I think you should use either bristuff or astterisk 1.6 . You don't need the zaptel parts of the bristuff patch
23:17.30elfurudyah, not sure if that is an option.  I told them I needed 15 channels, they came back with this quote for 10/$90
23:17.51tzafrir_laptopjameswf, what crash?
23:18.15C4colothen reply and say "i am lead to believe that the price for 15 would be $135 then right?"
23:18.34C4coloand would come with 1500 minutes
23:18.38mostytzafrir: do you know which parts of bristuff? i am trying to avoid using the entire thing. perhaps it's 122-chan_zap-BRI-euroisdn.diff ?
23:18.42C4coloer 15,000
23:18.45C4colohowever many,
23:19.32jameswftrying to find the error hang on
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23:22.15jameswfzaptel_timer_error in main/asterisk.c
23:25.21tzafrir_laptopjameswf, ztdummy is loaded by default with the init.d script
23:25.48tzafrir_laptopThat error is most likely to hit cards that don't bother providing timing all the time
23:26.00jayteewhat the hell is wibbling? how does one wibble?
23:26.06tzafrir_laptopIn this case it has exposed a bug in the driver
23:26.23tzafrir_laptopmosty, right, that patch
23:26.47tzafrir_laptopand the libpri patch
23:27.00hardwireany way to turn off fax detect from Dial()?
23:27.16tzafrir_laptopit's in the channel driver
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23:29.19tzafrir_laptopjameswf, are you talking about a system with zaptel hardware?
23:30.06tzafrir_laptopThis seems to be a problem with e.g. zaphfc asterisk suddenly failed incoming callers get a busy using a it possible my FXO module has failed?...but dmesg sees it as expected "Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (2 modules)"
23:44.39jameswftzafrir_laptop: nm it didnt associate in my head until I read the code asterisk.c Revision 112689
23:45.50jameswftzafrir_laptop: asterisk now crashes on a timing error rather than let you troubleshoot the silence
23:45.53JTtzafrir_laptop: does the sangoma A500 definitely work with zaptel?
23:46.31tzafrir_laptopJT, people here reported using it. I'm not from Sangoma :-)
23:46.53JThrm fair enough
23:47.07JTwhat zap driver needs to be used?
23:48.20*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
23:48.38edwin_quijadaThere is a progresive dialer project for asterisk
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23:55.49jayteeedwin_quijada, do you mean a predictive dialer?
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