IRC log for #asterisk on 20080722

00:00.08Ritzerisktricky but i have no idea how to keep the dtmf digits in memory and save it as the filename
00:01.26silvertip257hello [TK]D-Fender - what's up?  Do you [anyone in here is welcome to add] have time for me to explain my WRT54/asterisk + Ekiga situation?  Thanks.
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00:03.02angryusersilvertip257 ekiga it's like openwrt ?
00:03.25silvertip257angryuser: ekiga is a Linux softphone
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00:03.57angryuseroh sorry sounded like one distrib i knew
00:04.24angryusermy bad, what it the problem ?
00:04.36silvertip257no problem - I'm trying to get the Ekiga softphone client to register with Asterisk
00:05.13angryuserregister it then ;=)
00:05.24silvertip257I have confirmed the * PBX is listening on the right ports and passwords/usernames are right
00:05.33silvertip257angryuser: har har har
00:05.37angryuserno cli output ?
00:05.52angryuseryou said 'no problem'
00:05.53lanningiax or sip?
00:05.58silvertip257angryuser: no sip debug output when I use ekiga to try and register
00:06.14angryuserno traffic at all ?
00:06.49silvertip257angryuser: I'm running wireshark (on the client - just to confirm what's going on) - CLI doesn't say I have traffic and debug+verbose = 3
00:07.24angryuserand on ekiga side ? Sip packets are sent ?
00:07.53silvertip257runs more tests
00:08.12silvertip257falls over dead
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00:09.02silvertip257mutters ${obscenities} ... angryuser what magical powers do you possess?
00:09.37angryuserit's hypnose over vpn direct into you heads
00:10.17silvertip257angryuser: hehe ... it reg'd
00:10.38angryuserhave fun
00:10.41silvertip257what in the world .. must have been the firewall rules I changed earlier ... but it still didnt register until you said try again
00:11.00silvertip257angryuser: thanks for being here - good to have someone to talk to while this * PBX makes an ass outta me
00:14.07angryuserit is better than hitting my head with exchange wall for 5 hours, little offtopic, what do you prefer for a lot of users, 3 party or exchange ?
00:14.30angryuserlot is 150 for me
00:14.43jayteeangryuser, you using Exchange UM with *?
00:14.47silvertip257angryuser: I don't have much of an opinion - I'm more of a networking guy, not a teleco engineer
00:15.30angryuserjaytee nope, not yet but *in project* ad+ex+*
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00:36.26angryuserim off
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00:52.10Sparkie-anyone around with experience using chan_skinny ?
01:13.06*** join/#asterisk Kira (n=chatzill@
01:14.29*** join/#asterisk bobbym (n=rmartins@unaffiliated/bobbym)
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01:15.17KiraI am new to VoIP, SIP, etc. but I am becoming the infrastructure support of my workplace.
01:15.53KiraSo the first thing I would like to ask is, what is the relationship between Asterisk, Trixbox, and FreePBX?
01:16.18JTfreepbx is a horrible configuration gui for asterisk
01:16.28JTtrixbox is centos + freepbx + a couple of other things
01:17.58jayteeKira, underneath the GUI in Freepbx and Trixbox and a few other spinoffs is the core which is Asterisk.
01:18.15bobbymis there any logic why my providers can get the destination number that i want to call from the Dial(SIP/destination@provider) command? they are asking me to change the FROM field in sip so they can complete the call:
01:18.38KiraSo if there is anything wrong with my PBX server, there are like 3 ways to solve things.
01:18.45bobbymi mean they want me to put the destination in the from field?
01:19.10KiraSo if there is anything wrong with my PBX server, there are like 3 ways to solve things.
01:19.11jayteeKira, no. Three points of failure is more likely.
01:20.31jayteeAsterisk configuration is done using .conf files which are just text files that get parsed when Asterisk loads. Freepbx glues a MySQL database on top of that with a web based gui and sort of locks down the flexibility of the dialplan.
01:20.59KiraI have a Trixbox machine that used to be behind NAT firewall (the firewall used to forward one of our public static IPs to the LAN IP of the Trixbox machine).
01:21.10jayteeand Trixbox adds a few more bells and whistles (some of which are nice features to have when they actually work)
01:21.29KiraWe now want to move the Trixbox directly to our broadband connection.
01:21.52KiraI have changed a few configuration files until our SIP phones can successfully register with the server.
01:22.07KiraHowever, when we try to make calls, we get the message that all circuits are busy.
01:22.10jayteeyou want to connect Asterisk from your DMZ? why?
01:23.19Kirajaytee: it used to be in the DMZ anyway (the firewall used to forward all request for that public IP to the NAT IP).
01:23.58jayteewith no other port protection if it's in the DMZ
01:24.11Kirano port protection
01:24.33jayteekinda makes ya vulnerable in more ways than just using SIP/NAT
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01:25.59jayteeas far as the all circuits are busy problem I wouldn't know where to start since it's a Trixbox.
01:26.44Kirajaytee: probably, but SonicWALL doesn't seem to support port forwarding of secondary WAN IPs.
01:26.56jayteebut if it used to be behind a NAT'd firewall you might want to reference this to see if there's something that will help you reverse things.
01:27.03jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:29.23jayteeand you might try asking in the #trixbox channel cuz most people in here only run Asterisk.
01:29.57jayteealthough the #trixbox channel is usually dead or full of zombie accounts
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01:32.29Kirajaytee: aah
01:32.31KiraI see
01:32.35KiraThanks. :)
01:32.41JTas if a sonicwall can't port forward
01:32.59JTany router/nat device that cannot port forward has one rightful place: the bin
01:33.00*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
01:33.28KiraJT: It looks like SonicWALL can port forward for the *primary* WAN IP, but not for secondary WAN IPs.
01:33.39JTyou should port forward and forget about silly router "DMZ" IPs
01:34.20JTif that's definitely the case, you should get a different router
01:36.10jayteeour Cisco PIX can forward any of our outside static IP addresses. I can't believe SonicWALL would sell a product like that that can't. Kinda lame.
01:36.26JTi think they run linux
01:36.27*** part/#asterisk silvertip257 (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/silvertip257)
01:36.33JTand i know linux definitely can do it
01:37.06jayteeyeah, well what's a the core of IOS? a super tightly stripped down version of the Unix kernel.
01:37.21KiraIt *does* matter which WAN IP I let the SIP server use, right? (I don't mean just having to tell every SIP client to connect to a new IP; I mean, if I put the SIP server on a different IP, it might simply NOT work because the VoIP service provider is expecting me to come from a particular WAN IP)
01:37.47JTjaytee: which unix kernel?
01:38.31JTcan't you simply update the voip provider as to the new ip if they even need to be personally notified at all?
01:38.40jayteeI think it's a custom SRV5 the same as Nortel uses in their Meridian systems
01:40.35JTalso, this is a very good argument for using DNS, re your sip clients
01:45.30AJayMNi tried to delete the voicemail directory and it wont delete.. im getting rm: cannot lstat 'voicemail/device/201': No such file or directory
01:45.48AJayMNyet if i goto voicemial/device/ and do a ls there is no directory 201 listed
01:45.55AJayMNis this a problem due to symbolic links?
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02:08.40Yourname``Does anyone know what timezone the Vitelity CDRs are from?
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02:26.41TedNJ38Does anyone know what ports I should forward to my linux box if I want to pull the xml files for my phone from outside my network?
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02:48.43_ShrikE~seen khronos
02:48.47jbotkhronos <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 14d 15h 57m 51s ago, saying: 'K.'.
02:49.00`SeanAnyone here using Cisco 7970s?
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03:12.25nadioDoes asterisk support other protocols?
03:12.41nadiofor example jabber/msn ?
03:12.47nadioor even skype
03:12.52russellbjabber, yes
03:12.54russellbthe others, no
03:13.29C4colo1.6 might be able to be hacked to support yahoo voice
03:13.58C4coloas it is sip over tcpip instead of udp
03:14.11C4colothe audio stream is still udp, but the sip signalling is tcp
03:14.41TJNIIhacked?  Doesn't * just support sip over TCP/IP?
03:14.56russellbthat doesn't mean it interoperates with yahoo ...
03:15.02russellbSIP is a very ... loose "standard"
03:15.07C4coloI saw the settings in 1.6 for the first time
03:15.12C4colonever saw them in 1.4
03:15.20russellbit's new in 1.6 ..
03:15.55russellb ... check that out for more new things in 1.6
03:15.56TJNIII thought sip signalling over TCP support was older than that.  Well, OK, then.
03:19.02JTTJNII: btw you shouldn't refer to TCP as tcpip
03:19.14JTtcpip is usually used in a much more broad sense
03:19.26CoffeeIVI'm installing the latest asterisk ( on CentOS 4.3.  WHen I do "make menuconfig" it keeps telling me I need ncurses, but I have installed ncurses and ncurses-devel and re-did the configure commands, and did a make clean -- any ideas ?
03:24.32*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
03:26.18CoffeeIVthe answer to my problem, was to do "make distclean" and then re-do the configure and make menuconfig steps
03:32.22MikeJyahoo is over tls not tcp
03:42.38[TK]D-FenderTedNJ38: Whatever port the protocol that is used to retrieve them uses.  I'm sure google can answer that in about 2 seconds flat
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04:00.52marc7where could I purchase a G.729 codec that I could load into asterisk?
04:01.37jbot[~g729] G.729(.a /.ab /.b) is a patent-encumbered ITU-standard voice codec operating at 8kbps offering quality similar to GSM.  For Asterisk to transcode G.729 licenses (per channel) must be bought from
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04:27.12kamanashisroyWhat is the meaning of forking cdr if it has the same uniqueid !
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04:44.27marc7kamanashisroy: starts the timer over again?
04:44.58kamanashisroymarc7: yes .. But I expected to use it for callback billing :(
04:46.24marc7i wonder if there's a club for all of us who have had our hearts broken by the notion that we'd be able to use this CDR table for some good, when in reality, the only thing we can do is build our own billing system.
04:47.54kamanashisroy:) .. the truth is always rude ..
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06:25.14ionixhey, can I bridge two zaptel channel without doing any kind of transcoding? On a TDM401
06:25.49ionixBasically I want to answer all incoming calls, if it's a fax, send it to a fax via an analog hole, else in the IVR
06:26.17ionixand same for the fax. Enable the fax to dial directly to the outside line, without asterisk transcoding or encoding anything
06:33.21dlynesionix: no transcoding is involved's a bridge
06:38.41ionixyes that's what I want
06:39.02*** part/#asterisk Kira (n=chatzill@
06:39.07ionixbut since I want asterisk to answer first and check if it's a fax, can I then just bridge the two zaptel channels?
06:39.43ionixin the extensions.conf, I couldn't fine how to bridge channels. Do I just Call() it?
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06:54.50dominic1does anybody out there here me'?
06:55.25C4colono, but I can see your text
06:56.07dominic1good answer, short question: Is it possible to see that a call was transferred by the internal function of a phone?
06:56.29C4coloyou want to see in the CDR info?
06:56.47C4coloor in the settings of the phone?
06:56.53C4coloor capture it in the dialplan?
06:57.21dominic1if a call has been transferred by the phone, I want to set specific parameters in asterisk.
06:57.51dominic1I need that to tag a bounced back unattended transfer
06:58.58dominic1external caller calls person1, person1 initiates a unnatended transfer with the phone to person2, person2 doesn't answer and the call will bounce back to person1 with the callerid(name) UNANSWERED
07:01.33gnorbertHi, I should play a sound file in a meetme conference, and I already know, that it can be solved by call files. But how can I play a sound file from a call file? Playback seems doesn't work for me.
07:04.28dlynesionix: it'll still get bridged
07:04.39dlynesionix: Just do a Dial()
07:05.01*** join/#asterisk Keypad (
07:05.38KeypadAny one able to help a complete astricks noob ?
07:06.10dlynesKeypad: just ask first...we don't know if we can help, if you don't tell us what it is you're asking
07:06.15gnorbertIf you're really noob, then maybe, but I afraid, you know even more, then me. :)
07:06.17Keypadfair enough :)
07:06.33KeypadI want to connect my Linksys VOIP gateway to my astricks box
07:06.46creativxits asterisk
07:06.49creativxnot tricks..
07:06.51dlynesKeypad: which gateway?  Linksys PAP2-NA?
07:07.20KeypadIts a SPA3102
07:08.26dlynesKeypad: Everything you ever wanted to know about configuring Linksys and Sipura voip devices can be found here:
07:08.53dlynesKeypad: it's pretty much the master list of information for those devices
07:11.10gnorbertDoes somebody know, how can I play sound file from a call file?
07:11.15KeypadThanks for that I booked marked it
07:12.37KeypadI am a bit confused on how to start connecting these guys together
07:12.50KeypadSince its a router
07:13.40KeypadFirst thing id like is to be able to use my phone line from any where in the network using a softphone
07:14.49dlynesKeypad: 3102 has nothing to do with's for analog phones
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07:15.39KeypadI wanted to use the PSTN Line on it
07:16.02Keypadif thats possable
07:16.27C4coloif it has an fxo you can use it as a trunk on the pbx
07:16.40C4coloI have no idea how to configure this, just that I know it can be done
07:17.05KeypadYeah It does
07:17.15KeypadI have no idea how its done as well :(
07:17.21dlynesKeypad: if the 3102 is like the sipura 3000, it'll have one fxo port (for plugging in your telco line), and one fxs port (for plugging in your analog telephone)
07:17.47dlynesKeypad: Just follow the instructions on that forum for setting up a Sipura 3000 in that case, if you can't find anything for setting up a Linksys SPA-3102
07:19.33dlynesKeypad: it's a bit of a pain in the ass to get it to work with asterisk if it's like the sipura 3000, but it does work, and when you do have it working, it works like a charm
07:19.42gnorbertCan somebody help? :)
07:20.01dlynesgnorbert: if i actually used agi, I probably could
07:20.11dlynesgnorbert: but, unfortunately, i don't use agi
07:20.21creativxgnorbert: isnt this your third day of asking the same questions
07:20.23Keypaddlynes: Thats good :)
07:20.58dlynesKeypad: when i set up my sipura 3000 to work with asterisk, I followed the instructions on the voxilla forum, and they worked like a charm
07:21.23gnorbertcreativx: Actually, it is, thanks for notice it. :) But I always got nearly the same answer, mainly nothing. :)
07:21.25dlynesKeypad: i misread the instructions the first time, teh first time, they didn't work so well...but that was my fault
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07:21.58Keypaddlynes: bad luck, lol. Should I be able to access my web gui for the device out of the internet port ?
07:22.01dlynesgnorbert: there's a few people on here during the day, US East Coast time that use AGI, if it helps
07:22.21dlynesKeypad: only if you have it enabled
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07:22.42dlynesKeypad: and if it's like every other linksys device, it'll be port 8080 for external connections, not port 80
07:22.52Keypadoh ?
07:22.54gnorbertdlynes: I hope it does. :)
07:22.57dlynesKeypad: and it might be https, not http
07:23.01gnorbertThank you.
07:23.40dlynesgnorbert: otoh, you could always try reading the agi documentation too
07:23.50dlynesgnorbert: i think it mentions what all the commands are for agi
07:24.18Keypaddlynes: that dident work :S
07:24.32dlynesgnorbert: yeah...type 'agi show' at the cli
07:24.38dlynesgnorbert: it'll show you all the agi commands
07:24.57creativxgnorbert: yeah.. maybe you should try to look at different ways to reach your goal
07:25.36dlynesgnorbert: so i would think 'stream file', or 'control stream file' would be what you're looking for
07:25.39MCooperI have a question about queues... right now I have queues working, and it rings all phones.. GREAT.. but it has MOH, and I would rather the customer here a ring instead.
07:25.41gnorbertcreativx: I guess it's the third way. :)
07:25.42MCooperany ideas?
07:26.01creativxMCooper: get a ringing tone as moh
07:26.23creativxMCooper: record -> playback beep -> use output file as moh
07:26.30MCoopercreativx, Yes I have thought about that...
07:26.43creativxMCooper: i ended up doing that. works like a charm
07:26.48creativxi cant remember why i had to do it that way
07:26.51creativxbut it was something stupid
07:26.53MCoopercreativx, Awesome...:)
07:27.11creativxits no problem getting asterisk to make your dial tone either
07:27.12gnorbertdlynes: Thanks, I make a try, but really that sounds the most hopefully. :)
07:27.13creativxand recording it
07:27.23MCoopercreativx, well the clients over here... do not understand getting placed in a queue with moh instead of a ring.
07:27.45creativxMCooper: hehe, then give them a ring :) i can't stand moh actually.. a ring is much better
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07:28.30MCoopercreativx,  Yep.. that is why I figured it would have been an option... but everything I read.. was well.... discouraging...
07:29.03dlynesMCooper: rarely, if ever, do customers ever make sense
07:29.26MCooperdlynes, hahaha Now you are being cynical... :)
07:29.26creativxexcept they tend to sponsor your growing wealth too many evers in there :)
07:29.43dlynescreativx: nah...they sponsor your growing poverty
07:29.52dlynescreativx: they always want something for nothing, or close to nothing
07:30.03creativxthen you have the wrong kind of customers :-)
07:30.09MCooperdlynes, well not with what I am doing.. but its still a dangerous world here...
07:30.11dlynescreativx: when you give them a bill, they always bitch and whine and complain
07:30.26creativxdlynes: hehe.. not our customers :)
07:30.37dlynescreativx: you live in a utopia :)
07:31.01creativxdlynes: norway actually, but that's somewhat the same.. he he j/k
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07:31.05MCooperis jealous of creativx
07:31.21dlynesFrankly, I probably like Vancouver better :)
07:31.27dlynesbut probably cause I'm from here :)
07:31.41creativxi guess they pay up because if they dont we cut their service off.. no monatas no software, no software no income for them
07:31.54MCooperdlynes, I am from Seattle.. but work in Baghdad
07:32.01MCooperhahah Long daily commute...
07:32.03dlynesMCooper: dood
07:32.13MCooperdlynes, hahaha
07:32.18dlynesMCooper: You took a wrong turn at Albuquerque
07:32.29MCooperdlynes, Yep.. and ended up in a war zone..
07:32.56MCooperMan... but things here are really improving.. contrary to what the media would like to say...
07:33.35dlynesDidn't think they were improving or getting worse
07:33.37dlynesJust staying the same
07:33.53creativxstill hot i assume
07:34.05MCooperdlynes, Getting a lot better...
07:34.06gnorbert"[Jul 22 09:33:30] WARNING[28796]: pbx_spool.c:245 apply_outgoing: Unknown keyword 'stream file' at line 5 of /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/" :)
07:34.11MCoopercreativx, 122 the outher day...
07:34.37MCooperstream file... interesting...
07:35.03MCoopercreativx, thanks for the solution.. i will use it... it would be the simplest.
07:35.06dlynesgnorbert: I just gave you an idea
07:35.16dlynesgnorbert: you need to do some legwork to figure out what to do with it
07:35.28dlynesgnorbert: Like I said before, I've never used AGI
07:35.28creativxMCooper: it works fine here with us.. you cant hear its actually moh either
07:35.39gnorbertI know, just wanted to give myself a reason to continue asking. :)
07:36.13dlynesgnorbert: but maybe if you pastebin your code, it'll be something blatantly obvious
07:36.21gnorbertBefore somebody tells me after my next question, that there was already an answer on this. :)
07:37.00dlynesgnorbert: actually, wait just a cotton pickin' minute
07:37.09dlynesgnorbert: this is in a call file, not an AGI script
07:37.20dlynesgnorbert: of course it's an unknown keyword
07:37.44gnorbertYes, just I thought, it's the same, you were so sure in it. :)
07:38.00dlynesgnorbert: how do you expect an agi keyword to work in a call file?
07:38.23kamanashisroyCDR(amaflags)=BILL; is not working in ael .. any clue ? after doint it when I do verbose(CDR(amaflags)) .. I get DOCUMENTATION
07:39.22dlynesgnorbert: yeah, but a call file can connect you to another channel, and when you connect yourself to that channel, you can use the Playback() application to play the sound
07:39.32dlynesgnorbert: i didn't realize you were using call files
07:40.00dlyneskamanashisroy: because 'BILL' is not a valid value, more than likely
07:40.08dlyneskamanashisroy: it's 'BILLING'
07:40.31kamanashisroydlynes: I see, I was following channelvariables.txt
07:40.50gnorbertdlynes: But can I connect to the same meetme conference from two extensions?
07:41.17dlyneskamanashisroy: don't know what that file is, or where it is
07:41.36kamanashisroydlynes: it is in asterisk distro .. in doc directory ..
07:41.56dlyneskamanashisroy: I determined what it was, by either creating a Master.csv file, or by reading the source code....I can't remember which, it was so long ago
07:42.15kamanashisroydlynes: thanks :)
07:42.40dlyneskamanashisroy: 'Use the source, Luke!'
07:43.06dlynesgnorbert: yes
07:43.07kamanashisroydlynes: I know .. I did the same earlier .. but was lost watching the doc :(
07:43.24dlynesgnorbert: the Page() function does that quite effectively
07:43.43dlynesgnorbert: using N extensions
07:43.47gnorbertdlynes: Thanks, now I go back to my .conf files. :)
07:44.07Keypadurh im lost
07:44.08dlynesgnorbert: erm Page() application I mean
07:44.32gnorbertOk, thanks. :)
07:44.47dlynesgnorbert: show application page, from the cli
07:45.29*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
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07:49.02Keypadwhats all this auth id stuff
07:49.13*** join/#asterisk mrnick (
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07:52.51Keypadwhats the first thing I should do ?
07:53.04Keypadget it so that when I pick up the handset it does something ?
07:55.02KeypadWhats the difference between caller id and auth id ?
07:56.10*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (n=uppal@linuxpakistan/admin/pakipenguin)
07:58.37C4colothat is like asking what is the difference between your social security number and your IRC nick
07:59.21C4colocallerid is the info displayed on the caller id screen on the phone when a call is received, such as "Joe Smith" <1234567890>
07:59.36C4coloauthid is the user id on the system for authentication purposes
07:59.47Keypadoh thanks
08:03.41*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
08:06.51KeypadUrh I have no idea on what im doing
08:07.37C4colowe all started there at some point
08:07.40*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
08:07.54C4coloyou want a dialplan to look at?
08:08.05KeypadI think I am doing things wrong
08:08.39C4coloI think I have an example dialplan you could use as a reference
08:10.17*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
08:10.49KeypadYeah that would be cool
08:11.02C4coloyea, if I can find it
08:11.13C4coloI can't remember where I saved it
08:11.53C4coloah found it
08:14.17C4colothat file has a few cool things in it, including some example php agi scripts
08:14.32C4coloyou will need to install php and asterisk::agi
08:14.42C4colofor it to work, but they are good as an example
08:15.35C4colothat's probably later, the extensions.conf is a good place to start, that one has a lot of features and shows a lot of the applications available
08:15.48C4coloalso, google is your friend
08:16.00C4colosearch for: asterisk dial command
08:16.15*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:16.16C4coloor: asterisk voicemail.conf
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08:16.46C4coloyou will usually find info about the various settings for each file or application
08:17.52C4colosome of the sound files referenced in extensions.conf may not exist and may need to be recorded
08:19.14KeypadHmm I think I am hooking up my 3102 wrong
08:19.54C4coloI know people who have been working with asterisk for years who couldn't get the 3102 to work like it should
08:21.00C4colothe fxs ports are pretty easy, as those are just straight-forward provisioning
08:21.21C4colobut the fxs may take you quite some time, and lots of fiddling
08:21.42Keypadlol, it helps to tick the enable webserver on WAN tickbox
08:22.12C4coloheh yea
08:22.23C4colothat would be the first thing
08:22.25Keypadnow I dont need my laptop on my lap
08:22.47C4coloyea, I just set up HTTP provisioning for SPA2102s for work
08:23.38C4coloI actually set up a computer with two ethernet ports so that I could plug into the LAN and the WAN side at the same time
08:23.50*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
08:23.57C4cologot tired of moving the cable back and forth trying to get it to work
08:24.06C4colothe good news is that it all works now
08:24.10KeypadIs that like automating setting up the phone ?
08:24.24C4coloyea, it downloads an xml file
08:24.29C4colohas all the settings in it
08:24.45C4coloand then it checks in every so often to grab the config in case there are any changes
08:24.56talntidand puts its logfiles
08:25.36Keypadwow thats cool
08:26.14KeypadI am just playing with Asterisks atm. I work at a school with a old PBX
08:26.39Keypadafter watching a video I knew how usefull it would be for our school
08:26.50Keypadsince our phone system is only in 1 block in our whole school
08:27.04*** join/#asterisk joobie (
08:27.14Keypadwhere as our network spreads across the whole school
08:31.03*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
08:35.42joobieguys, what functions would i use in the dialplan so that i can (a) automatically pick up a call with asterisk and push the user to an ivr (b) prompt the user to specify a password in the ivr (c) if the password is correct then prompt for an extension number to monitor (d) then monitor the extension ?
08:36.17Keypadhaha when I pick up the phoen now it makes a different dial tone !
08:36.46Keypadomg some girl talked to me
08:37.15Keypadand said mailbox
08:37.46*** join/#asterisk kkjoe (n=opera@
08:37.48C4colothe applications would be: Answer, Playback, Background, Authenticate, and the last part varies based on your version of asterisk
08:37.54C4coloKeypad, that would be Allison Smith
08:38.17C4colo  ... you can have her record your prompts for a nominal fee if you want consistancy
08:39.10joobieC4, sup bro
08:39.12joobiethanks :P
08:39.26KeypadThats cool
08:39.32KeypadI got it to work somewhat
08:40.50C4coloif you just want to listen
08:41.11C4coloI was trying to look up the bridge application to see what version they were/did implement it in
08:41.49joobieit was before 1.4
08:41.59joobiei read something about a few features that came as of 1.4.. additional features that is
08:42.00C4colo? rather
08:42.03kkjoedoes anyone has a clue why i can`t call sip addresses with an snome phone an asterisk ? if i try to call 20@ with an snom 360 phone i get invalid context 20, why there isn`t the complete number 20@ taken as the extension ?
08:42.19joobiewhat about ExtenSpy() and Monitor() ?
08:42.30C4colomonitor is for recording
08:42.30joobieso many other options too.. why do you opt for Chanspy() ?
08:42.35*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
08:42.35C4coloextenspy might work, never used it
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08:43.44joobiec4, will chanspy effect the ability to monitor constantly across multiple calls?
08:44.09joobielike say i dialed '123' to chanspy on 123.. and 123 makes a call. then hangs up.. then makes another, etc etc.. will chanspy hold that constant stream across multiple calls?
08:45.29C4cololet me see
08:46.38C4coloseems to work
08:46.42C4colojust goes silent
08:46.51C4colothen picks up when the channel is bridged
08:47.11C4coloI don't know how extenspy works though, like I said, never used it
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08:49.21joobieahh k
08:49.52torrikftmornin all
08:51.39torrikftmay i ask a question about a2billing in this chan?
08:55.57joobiehmm .. guys anyone know of a free repo of wav / mp3 phrases for IVR? specifically, "please enter your password"
08:56.02joobiesoemthing along those lines?
08:56.27C4colosays "Password"
08:57.34joobieis that a native wave in asterisk c4?
09:01.09*** join/#asterisk XnOSX (n=XnOSX@
09:01.30KeypadDoes any one use Asterisk GUI ?
09:02.13KeypadI maded a extentsion
09:02.22Keypadlol good england*
09:02.27Keypadbut I cant delete it now
09:02.45joobiec4, ahh got it.. ta
09:03.04*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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09:06.48joobieUnable to find a codec translation path from g729 to ulaw
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09:07.03joobieis there a way around that? im playing a .gsm file via Playback and getting flooded with mesages simialr to that
09:07.15joobiethen after that is says "Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm"
09:14.38KeypadHmm, I got my phone connected, now I need a way to dial numbers out onto the PSTN
09:16.18gr0mitKeypad, you will need a voip provider
09:16.23gr0mitor an interface card
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09:18.37KeypadI have a VOIP gateway thing
09:18.40Keypadthat can connect to PSTN
09:19.01KeypadIts a SPA-3102
09:20.02gr0mitah ok. good luck!
09:20.51KeypadI got it to have a dialtone
09:21.12*** join/#asterisk Whisk (
09:21.32Keypadand I can call 7000# and get a voice prompt !
09:22.01jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
09:22.04KeypadI think I am gonna waste all my cell phone money calling into my house :)
09:25.08C4coloKeypad: sprint to home / my favs / friends list
09:26.32Keypadvodaphone suck
09:26.45Keypadyou get charged if your waiting to call some one
09:27.05Keypador maybe because my box picked up the call then hanged up instantly
09:27.08Keypadit screwed up
09:27.34joobie"set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm" anyone know how to fix that error?
09:30.02Keypad" Goooddd byeeee " :)
09:32.26KeypadMan I am loving this :)
09:33.34joobiesweet it works
09:33.40joobieg729 codec
09:33.47joobiedamn licensed technology sux
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09:39.51KeypadWhats the best way to start calling out
09:41.27*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
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09:46.13contactdq1hi everyone, i could use some help setting up some astra phones....i'm get a 404 when i sip debug in the cli and was wondering what i should do.
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09:58.01badcfehello. i Set(CALLERID(number)=123) in dialplan and then Dial.  no effect for the outgoing call.
09:58.05badcfewhat do i miss here
09:58.34joobiebadcfe, you can specify it in the sip.conf too. have you tried that?
09:58.49badcfei need variable and not just 123
10:00.05joobienot sure then bad
10:00.16joobieall i know is i tried to set it in extensions.conf and it didnt take effect
10:00.23joobiehad to do it in sip.conf and then it was fine
10:00.34badcfeoh thats saad
10:00.38joobiehang around though - some experienced peeps in this chan - no doubt someone will be able to help
10:01.09badcfeyes.  hope its my lucky day
10:08.35*** join/#asterisk spike008t (
10:08.37spike008thi all
10:08.50*** part/#asterisk kkjoe (n=opera@
10:09.47spike008tDoes someone have already use the iaxclient? (sorry if I post my question here but nobody is in the iaxclient chan :S)
10:10.02torrikftspike i use iax
10:10.21torrikftwhats up?
10:11.12spike008tI've got a problem with the version 2.0.2 on windows. In fact I can hear the other but nobody can hear me
10:13.18C4colospike008t: that is probably not an issue with the client
10:13.39C4colostart troubleshootig by looking at your firewall, nat settings, and RTP port settings
10:13.57C4colosometimes it is as simple as adding nat=yes to the user details in sip.conf
10:14.45spike008tC4colo: But in fact I'm writing my client on c#... And I'm testing on local network...
10:15.11spike008tmy serv and the other phone are also in..
10:15.31C4colothen firewall and nat settings would be out
10:15.35C4colocheck rtp port settings
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10:16.21spike008tokay I'll going to see it... And before that, i was in the 1.0 version and everything was good...
10:16.45C4coloI know nothing of the client, just offering where I would look
10:18.54spike008tC4colo: ok thank's. I'll see it
10:19.37Keypadcan some one explain these Calling Rule things
10:19.50Keypaddo I need to change them for my contery ?
10:23.12gnorbertHi, does somebody have an idea, how could I open a file called 345.wav, if the extension is 12345 and so on? (So to see only the last 3 numbers of extension. For example is it possible to use ${EXTEN} %1000?) I ask it here, because I shouldn't restart the server until I don't have it.
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10:30.29KeypadDoes any one know how to make it so that when I pick up my phone I can push 1 or call our some how
10:35.50badcfejoobie: i found out
10:36.08badcfejoobie: have to do a SetCallerPres(allowed)
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10:37.13styelzjoobie: yo
10:39.22DarKnesS_WolFtzafrir_laptop: there ?
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10:56.11joobiebadcfe, nice
10:56.23joobiestyelz, sup :P
11:00.51gnorbertCan somebody tell, what can be the problem with this extensions.conf? (It writes "User cannot be found at given address, when I try to call it on ext 01000)
11:02.31*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
11:07.24gnorbertAnybody? :)
11:08.35styelzi think you need to prepend your exten with _ when using pattern matching
11:08.46styelzlike _01XXXX
11:08.52gnorbertSounds well. :)
11:09.01styelzor just use 01000 instead
11:09.14gnorbertThank you, I really missed it.
11:15.44Keypadhow come all the User Extensions I make are all grayed out ?
11:15.47Keypadand I cant change them
11:21.42KeypadI broke it
11:22.58KeypadIt plays the busy tone every time I call any extention now
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11:44.21redaxis it possible to configure the S0 bus length in mISDN ?
11:44.58redaxsimilar to zaptel, where I can configure the buslength with some 0-1-2
11:45.38tzafrir_laptopredax, buslength? where? (in zaptel)
11:46.12tzafrir_laptopIn some specific driver?
11:46.20redaxin zaptel.conf the span=1,1,0,ccs,ami
11:46.29redaxthe third digit imho
11:46.49redaxyes. in zaphfc...
11:48.14tzafrir_laptopah. OK. LBO, as it is called in zaptel.conf
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11:58.39KeypadCan some one explain why I cant delete phone extentions from the web gui
11:59.05creativxKeypad.. #asterisk
11:59.10creativxwhich web gui
12:00.08KeypadThe one that comes with now
12:00.21*** part/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
12:00.22tzafrir_laptopusing the gui
12:00.38tzafrir_laptop(or by editing users.conf
12:00.55Keypadbut the GUI boxes are all grayed out
12:01.12Keypadand when I click on the box it select them all
12:01.13tzafrir_laptopThat's the sort of answer you'll get asking here and not in #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui ;-)
12:01.31tzafrir_laptopKeypad, do you use Firefox 3?
12:01.38KeypadYeah tzafrir_laptop
12:01.51KeypadLet me guess
12:01.54KeypadI need to use IE
12:01.57Keypador something
12:02.54tzafrir_laptopGet the patch from there
12:03.24tzafrir_laptopI've already updated my packages
12:03.29KeypadThanks for that
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12:08.05gnorbertDoes someody have any idea, what can be the problem?
12:10.08KeypadUrhh I hate it working for a while then I broke everything
12:11.12KeypadI wonder what I did wrong
12:11.36*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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12:13.07ThoMehow i can  kill a call?     -- <SIP/12-b58f36b8> Playing 'vm-for' (language 'de') -- <SIP/12-b58f36b8> Playing 'vm-Old' (language 'de') -- <SIP/12-b58f36b8> Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'de')
12:13.08KeypadI added a provider and that broke everything
12:13.15ThoMethis call: SIP/12-b58f36b8
12:13.22ThoMeis it posible to kill this? :)
12:14.14tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, create_addr: No such host: 5060
12:14.38ThoMetzafrir_laptop: ideas? :-)
12:14.52tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, What exactly do you have configured for that peer?
12:14.56gnorberttzafrir_laptop: That's in my sip.conf. If that's not good, where shall I do that?
12:15.12gnorbertA minute, then I pastebin my sip.conf too.
12:17.37*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@
12:17.54tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, you have no peer called "5060" . hence 5060 is interpereted as a hostname. In the syntax [username@]hostname
12:18.56tzafrir_laptopThoMe, soft hangup SIP/12-b58f36b8
12:19.00gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Then where shall I make new peer?
12:19.06ThoMeoh, ok
12:19.30tzafrir_laptopOr call to a host. Or whatever. What did you actually want to call to?
12:20.20gnorbertI wanted to call a meetme conference of the server
12:21.00gnorbertSo shall I write the ip address instead of 5060?
12:21.05op3rhello again. I was trying chanspy using 1.2 and I am hearing beep after i put in the extension. this is the config I am doing it wrong?
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12:27.18tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, define a peer (or firend, or whatever) for that server, and use that
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12:29.17gnorbertIsn't userA a friend in extensions.conf?
12:29.20gnorbertI guess it is..
12:29.41gnorbertAnd when I try with that, it gives the same failure message.
12:30.24gnorbertSorry, if I misunderstood it..
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12:41.22dominic1hi, I need some help
12:41.43dominic1can anybody tell me how I can initiate a attended transfer via management interface?
12:45.05gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Could you explain it a little more circumstancially?
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12:55.50gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Now it gives only one notice instead of two notices and one warning after changing Channel to ip address. :)
12:56.06gnorbertSo it improved a lot. :)
12:56.30dominic1how can I set a active call on hold by asterisk?
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12:56.50tzafrir_laptopgnorbert, sorry, busy. But your question appears to be a pretty basic one regarding the usage of sip trunks
12:58.21gnorberttzafrir_laptop: Sorry, didn't want to bother you and thanks for help anyway. :)
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13:06.56dominic1if I want to start a transfer my system only waits for 2 digits....
13:06.59dominic1why that?
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13:09.40sgtpeppercan anyone help me with an Issue with libmfcr2, I'm trying to get the right parameters to connect asterisk with a panasonic PABX, and I get the following error:
13:09.57sgtpepperoutward calls work, inward calls does not
13:10.02tzafrir_laptopdominic1, attended transfer?
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13:27.05gnorbertDoes somebody have an idea, what can be the problem with this?
13:28.25davevg-btwtechDefault vs default
13:30.51gnorbertdavevg-btwtech: Still the same message after correction
13:32.18davevg-btwtechis SIP/172... userA?
13:32.27davevg-btwtechin the call file
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13:33.45gnorbertStill the same.
13:33.47davevg-btwtechyou also have a user set in extensions.conf instead of sip.conf
13:33.50[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Why the hell is * calling ITSELF?
13:34.23gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: I have to play sound in a meetme conference.
13:34.54[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: you've clearly picked a bad way.  Don't use SIP to call * from *
13:35.27[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Go read up on the complete list of * channel types.  Hopefully you'll be able to pick out the one to use on your own.
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14:10.07jpcansahi, why would I suddenly lose a zap channel? i run "zap show channels" and i have all my channels up, and then, next day i run "zap show channels" and I have lost one or more channels
14:10.11jpcansaany idea?
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14:10.47jpcansaif I restart i get all the channels back
14:10.48[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Done a "zap destroy channel" by any chance?
14:11.34jpcansaFender, yes, how do i get the channel back up?
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14:12.50[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Restart *.
14:13.28[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: And stop using that option.  Thats a way to take a channel out of commission, and is NOT a way to gently disconnect a call
14:13.50jpcansaFender: so, zap destroy channels will remain the channel down?
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14:15.07gfatherguys can i coonect the asterisk to a mobile phone for outgoing calls ?
14:15.21[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Yes, so stop./
14:15.51jpcansaFender: how can i kill a channel then, some people left calls on hold by mistake, and then it gets stucked in *, even if it is not holding anymore in the phone, so the zao channel remain unusable, like busy
14:15.52[TK]D-Fendergfather: Only if you have some other piece of hardware that can talk to the cell.
14:15.54ManxPowergfather: Maybe, depending on the phone and the adapter.
14:16.11[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: "soft hangup [channel]"
14:16.17gfatherwhat mobiles are supported or can work
14:16.39[TK]D-Fendergfather: its not the PHONE, its a question of the interface
14:17.04ManxPowergfather: Asterisk does NOT support connecting cell phones to it.   Asterisk supports SIP and analog POTS interfaces.  Find a device that will convert your cell phone into one of those two interfaces.
14:17.13[TK]D-Fendergfather: If you have a special adapter that lets you plug a regular phone into it (like the dock-n-talk), you can use it with an FXO card
14:17.32ManxPowerThose devices exist for some phones -- none of them that I've heard of people using worked all that well (mostly hangup detection issues)
14:17.39*** join/#asterisk javb (
14:17.59jpcansaFender: will * hungup a zap channel if it detects a hung up from the outside?
14:18.12*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
14:18.13gfatheri see
14:18.14javbhello, MeetMe is not requesting for the password or pin to enter, mmmm, im using meetme(600,P,1234) ... any idea?
14:18.30gfatherso its has allot of problem , or meduim ones ?
14:18.52ManxPowerjpcansa: YES!
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14:18.58[TK]D-Fendergfather: Cross your fingers & say a prayer
14:18.58ManxPowerjpcansa: If it can.
14:19.10gfather<[TK]D-Fender> loooooooooool
14:19.21gfatherman i need a solution
14:19.23gfatherdamn :(
14:20.09jpcansaManxpower: why it wouldnt can?
14:20.27[TK]D-Fendergfather: Go make sure you can get a phone thats compatible with a device like this :
14:20.33ManxPowerjpcansa: if your telco does not use North American hangup indications
14:20.55gfather<[TK]D-Fender> ill do
14:21.09ManxPowerjavb: you didn't do something stupid like adding extra spaces to the MeetMe command, did you?
14:21.42jpcansaManxpower: where can i change those settins in * to meet my telco?
14:21.42gfather<[TK]D-Fender> is the Dock-N-Talk is good , or there are better ones
14:22.09ManxPowerjpcansa: This is an incredibly complicated thing, and I am not interested in spending the next few hours with you to try and fail to make it work well.
14:22.13[TK]D-Fendergfather: No idea, go look for reviews yourself.  Voxilla used to sell it so I presume its probably about as good as any other on par.
14:22.23ManxPowerSorry, you'll have to find a more patient person
14:22.35ManxPowergfather: Few people use those devices with Asterisk
14:23.16jpcansagood, thx anyway
14:23.23gfather<ManxPower> yes i understand that , but becouse its the first time i hear about these
14:23.30gfatherand its the only solution i have
14:23.44[TK]D-Fendergfather: Too bad for you I guess.  Get searching
14:23.51*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-e83015f2125d9d42)
14:24.15gfather<[TK]D-Fender> yes i see that
14:24.26gfatherbut how ill now its gonna work with asterisk
14:24.36ManxPowergfather: Do a google search, dude.
14:24.47[TK]D-Fendergfather: it will work, its a questio of which model will work with your PHONE.
14:24.51ManxPowerSearch the mailing list archive, even!
14:25.05gfatherim searching guys :)
14:25.46hi365anyone ever have issues tring to import the cdr in mysql? im getting:  'Row 1 doesn't contain data for all columns' for most of the lines
14:26.07[TK]D-Fenderhi365: pastbin is your friend.
14:26.34*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
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14:28.20[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You know without seeing your broken data and broken SQL file that your last pastebin was completely worthless, right?
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14:29.02hi365[TK]D-Fender: hmm,  its 175MB. how can i post it?
14:29.17[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You know which row #'s....
14:29.55ManxPowerhi365: How about pasting the first 50 error messages?
14:30.15[TK]D-FenderManxPower: we see the error messges, now to see whats CAUSING them.
14:30.24hi365the first 50 mysql error's? or the first 50 lines of the dump?
14:30.34ManxPowerHow about both?
14:30.48[TK]D-Fenderhi365: the script, and the source data, and your TABLE.  You know... all the stuff that is wrong.
14:31.58hi365could it be that all the sql lines are mising a line breaks? cause head -n49 shows no data (just the beging of the dump file) while head -n50 seem to run thru a ton of records
14:32.26hi365(im just rtrying to figure out how i show you guys a couple of lines without posting all 175MB)
14:32.48[TK]D-Fenderhi365: You'd better show us something complete, because you are wasting our time otherwise.
14:33.06*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
14:33.13ManxPowerhi365: The key to getting help here is to FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PERSON HELPING YOU.
14:34.42hi365ManxPower: i get that, but can someone give me instructions as on how to share the dump? its 18mb zipped! where can i past that?
14:34.48hi365can i email it to you guys?
14:35.06seanbrighthead -n100 myfile > anotherfile
14:35.14seanbrightthen pastebin anotherfile
14:35.24seanbrightglad i could help
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14:37.37hi365here is the forst 51 lines:
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14:37.50[TK]D-Fenderhi365: every line is apparently broken, so Oh I don't know... maybe the FIRST 5 ought to do.
14:38.01seanbrightit's gzipped
14:38.19ManxPowerhi365: we don't damn com;pressed files.  What is wrong with you?
14:39.05hi365nothing. just having a hard day
14:39.52hi365give me a minut or two
14:41.13dominic1any idea how I can execute Set(DEVSTATE(Custom:100)=RINGING) from the AMI???
14:41.27ManxPowerI suspect once you try using UNCOMPRESSED files to work with your errors will go away
14:41.37ManxPowerdominic1: You are using 1.6?
14:41.45dominic1no 1.4 with backported devstate
14:42.10hi365i am
14:42.30tzafrir_laptopdominic1, execute? to what channel?
14:43.03[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: READ :
14:43.52dominic1hi fender, I wanted to use the original port from digium
14:44.24[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: so far, TFB
14:44.50[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Guess that backport didn't include to B5 mod
14:45.20dominic1what's B5?
14:46.05[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: * 1.6.0-Beta5
14:46.32[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: the 1.4 devstate patch was from way back last year
14:50.10dominic1is there a big risk to get a unstable system whe executing many cli commands?
14:50.37ManxPowerdominic1: but you are not doing that
14:50.52tzafrir_laptopI figure it depends on what those commands are .
14:51.09drfreezeWow, the digium video on their website has a whole new definition for 'pause'
14:51.11tzafrir_laptope.g. system(rm -rf /) is not a good choice
14:51.20dominic1why @Manx
14:51.46ManxPowerdominic1: I have not seen any indication you are using any CLI commands in any of this conversations.
14:51.55drfreezeI thought it meant stop playing. To them it means dump everything you have downloaded, reset to the beginning, start a new video download and start playing from the beginning
14:52.06ManxPowerYou asked about AMI, but that is not CLI (hence the difference in letters)
14:52.52dominic1at the moment I am setting devicestates in the dialplan and that's not very good
14:52.52[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Now why are you looking to do a lot of these changes via AMI?
14:52.58tzafrir_laptopyou want to use the CLI command? Isn't there also a respective manager command?
14:53.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:53.19tzafrir_laptop(or you could use the manager command "Command")
14:54.40dominic1cause I have a lot of virtual numbers which have their own devstate
14:55.03[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Fine, but why is *AMI* being used to set them?
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14:57.56hi365ManxPower: just respond here :)
14:58.54dominic1following problem: Number1 is ringing, user picks up STATE = INUSE, Number1 is ringing a second time then state is RINGINUSE, the number1 is called a third time, state is again ringinuse. How will I be able to indicate when the state is no more ringinuse?
14:59.37dominic1with the first ringinuse that's not a problem I set a channelvar and check if this channel did the devstate set to ringinuse
14:59.59dominic1then I set the dev to state inuse on hangup or ringing if the other channel hangs up
15:04.02*** join/#asterisk mog (
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15:04.13[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: devstate should have nothing to do with hanging up channels unless the your logic is severely broken.
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15:06.36dominic1if I set devstate manually I need to execute it after hangup to set the new devstate
15:06.50[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: clearly.
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15:15.42Qwellanybody happen to have a server running CentOS 5.1?
15:15.51Qwellextra points for 5.0
15:16.38dlynesQwell: Yeah...just not running asterisk :)
15:16.52Qwelldlynes: that's fine - could you get me the output of `cat /etc/redhat-release`?
15:17.57dlynesQwell: CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
15:18.04QwellYou fail. :p
15:18.16davevg-btwtechCentOS release 5 (Final)
15:18.17dlynesQwell: Well...5.2...not close enough?
15:18.22Qwelldlynes: nope..
15:18.32Qwelldavevg-btwtech: what's that from?
15:18.38davevg-btwtechmy home * server :)
15:18.43QwellI mean, what version?
15:18.58davevg-btwtech5.0 i believe, have not updated in a while
15:19.14Qwellcould you see what Release: says in `lsb_release -a`?
15:19.22errrQwell: CentOS release 5 (Final)
15:19.40seanbrightRelease:        5
15:19.47Qwellseanbright: why did I expect that?
15:19.56Qwellsilly centos
15:20.07davevg-btwtechsame here; Release 5
15:20.11seanbrightsilly Qwell
15:20.14Qwellvery ambiguous :)
15:20.17Qwellthanks guys
15:20.19JuggieLSB Version:    :core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:graphics-3.1-ia32:graphics-3.1-noarch
15:20.20JuggieDistributor ID: CentOS
15:20.20JuggieDescription:    CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
15:20.20JuggieRelease:        5.2
15:20.40seanbrightJuggie: pastebin
15:20.49dlynesQwell: Teaches you to not use Debian :)
15:21.32JuggieQwell, what weer you looking for exactally?
15:21.34Qwellso, could one reasonably expect that 5.1 would show 5.1 and not just 5?
15:22.02davevg-btwtechi can install it into a vmware session if needed, i think i have a 5.1 dvd somewhere around here
15:22.09seanbrightdlynes: lsb_release -a | grep "^Release"
15:22.11Qwelldavevg-btwtech: nah, I could do that
15:22.17JuggieQwell, i'd bet if you did a legit 5.1 install, it would.
15:22.51Juggiesometimes yum upgrades do weird things
15:23.31Qwellit seems really odd to me that they'd seemingly arbitrarily version a release
15:23.37seanbrighti'm pretty sure i installed 5.1 though
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15:23.46dlynesseanbright: Release:        4.0
15:23.59seanbrightdlynes: ouch... and you're running 5.2?
15:24.01Juggiewhat would the sed command be to remove the indent at the beginning of every lnie in a file.
15:24.03Qwellso, they changed the format between 4 and 5.  awesome
15:24.09dlynesseanbright: no...that's Debian Etch 4.0
15:24.10[TK]D-FenderQwell: Description:    CentOS release 5.2 (Final) <-  I installed 5.1, but yum's up to 5.2
15:24.26seanbrightJuggie: sed -er 's/^\s//g'
15:24.47seanbrightJuggie: sed -r -e 's/^\s//g'
15:25.13Juggieso, sed -r -e 's/^\s//g' filename
15:25.30dlynesseanbright: I'm running a mix of Debian Etch 4.0R1, R3, Centos 4.6, and Centos 5.2
15:25.50Juggiei have a mix of centos 4.6 & 5.2
15:26.07dlynesseanbright: Oh yeah...and Slackware 10.0, 11.0, and 12.0 :)
15:26.37Juggieseanbright, that sed no workey, solaris doesnt like -r :(
15:26.50dlynesbut i've kinda discontinued slackware...too much of a pain in the ass to upgrade multiple machines
15:26.52Sparkie-anyone around with experience using chan_skinny and cisco phones?
15:27.02dlynespoints at Qwell.
15:27.12Juggieseanbright, any other ideas? :)
15:28.37dlynesJuggie: sed -e 's/^\s*(.*)/$1/g' < filename > newfilename
15:29.07dlynesJuggie: might have to escape the parentheses...can't remember
15:29.20Qwellwith $1, yeah
15:29.27Qwellerm, $1?  not \1?
15:29.39dlynesQwell: \1 for most regex parsers, but $1 for sed
15:29.41Qwellbackreference, right?
15:29.45Qwell\1 works in sed
15:29.48Juggieso the right command is? :P
15:29.53bijitwhere does the server ip for asterisk? Is it the ip of the machine asterisk is installed and running?
15:29.54Juggieis just telling this to his gf
15:30.01Juggieshe is the one with solaris boxes
15:30.12Corydon76-digJuggie: use the backslash
15:30.16dlynesQwell: hrm...last time I tried, had to use a '$'.
15:30.23[TK]D-Fenderbijit: ... huh?
15:30.33dlynesQwell: But i've never tried on Centos, either
15:30.40bijithi [TK]D-Fender
15:30.53dlynesQwell: Only used it on Slackware, Debian, and Solaris
15:31.21Corydon76-digPerl is the only engine I've ever seen that used $ for backreferences
15:31.40Juggiedlynes, how would you do it if you just wanted to replace indents at the beginning of the line.
15:31.41bijitI am trying to find out if i need to add the server ip on any conf file or its just the machine ip asterisk is on...
15:33.41dlynesJuggie: you just wanted to strip the indents, right?
15:33.49Juggiedlynes, only at the beginning of the line.
15:33.52Juggienot any after that
15:33.53[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Usually only the WAN IP if its behind NAT to sip.conf
15:34.17dlynesJuggie: sed -e 's/^\s*\(.*\)$/\1/g' < filename > newfilename
15:34.34dlynesJuggie: assuming Solaris sed supports the '\s' token
15:34.41dlynesJuggie: not all awks support that token
15:35.42Juggieok that works for me on linux, i'll see if it works for her on solaris
15:36.02Juggiesome day i'll learn regex
15:36.34dlynesJuggie: if solaris awk doesn't support it (I believe they use AT&T awk, not gnu awk), it might only support [ \t], instead, where '\t' would get replaced by a tab
15:36.56dlynesJuggie: also know that space in the range atom
15:37.04dlynesJuggie: s/know/note/
15:38.03*** join/#asterisk SwK (
15:38.08dlynesJuggie: regex isn't that difficult as long as you stick to the's just difficult remembering the nuances that change from one regex interpreter to another, sometimes
15:38.24*** join/#asterisk raz (n=y@unaffiliated/raz)
15:38.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
15:38.41jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:38.46razah thx
15:38.58razstill chewing on my problem :\
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15:41.21Juggiedlynes, works for me, but not for her on solaris.
15:41.43bijit[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:41.51dlynesJuggie: And my solaris box is setting in my storage closet, or I'd be able to help
15:42.05Juggiewell she managed to figure out how to get rid of it in vi
15:42.12Juggiebut for a bigger file that would not work
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15:43.01dlynesJuggie: :%s/^\s*\(.*\)$/\1/g <-- this'll work in vim (and probably vi)
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15:52.15seanbrightwhy do you need the back reference??
15:52.39seanbrights/^[\t\n\r ]*//g
15:53.02dominic1porn: tested funcdevstate cli. Set the devstate about 100000 from asterisk-java
15:53.07dominic1this function is rock stable
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15:53.20seanbrightJuggie: tell her to install GNU sed since all others suck
15:53.27dominic1so I can add a kind of SIMPLE to my asterisk
15:53.49dominic1just need to remove the warning message when changing the devstate
15:55.32seanbrightJuggie: sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//g'
15:55.39seanbrightJuggie: that should work with non-GNU sed as well
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15:58.51twistedhas a new found fondness for JSON
16:00.42dlynesseanbright: [:space:] is a gnuism, \t doesn't work in all regex parsers
16:00.50[TK]D-Fendertwisted: I noticed that FF3 uses it for its Bokmarks, but never delved into the file. What else uses it that you've encountered?
16:01.04dlynesseanbright: if it's a gnuism, it definitely won't work in AT&T vi, or AT&T sed
16:01.06seanbrightdlynes: i ran with --posix and it still works
16:01.12seanbrightbut thanks for playing
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16:01.25dlynesseanbright: posix v what?
16:01.36seanbrightsed --posix -e 's/^[\t ]*//g'
16:01.54seanbrightwhere "--posix" == "disable all GNU extensions."
16:02.09dlynesseanbright: like i doesn't work in all regex parsers...and I said [:space:] is a gnuism, not [\t]
16:02.17seanbrightdlynes: i ran with --posix
16:02.25seanbrightdlynes: not sure how much clearer i can be on this
16:02.27seanbright<-- wins
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16:02.48dlynesseanbright: you did sed --posix -e 's/^[:space:]*//g'?
16:02.52twisted[TK]D-Fender: well, twitter, myspace, facebook, etc.
16:02.55seanbrightdlynes: yes
16:03.11[TK]D-Fendertwisted: For App devel?
16:03.29Juggie.. \t doesnt work w/ --posix
16:03.45seanbrightwhere is there a \t in the statement i just pasted?
16:03.57*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:04.16Juggieits not you posted 1 a few minutes ago w/ \t, the [:space:] works
16:04.27seanbrightright, the \t was wrong
16:04.29dlynesseanbright: seanbright>sed --posix -e 's/^[\t ]*//g'
16:04.45seanbright11:55 < seanbright> Juggie: sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//g'
16:04.46seanbright11:55 < seanbright> Juggie: that should work with non-GNU sed as well
16:04.54seanbrightok, how about this
16:05.12seanbrightdlynes: you are right, i am wrong.  constantly and consistently.
16:06.06PakiPenguinhi guys,
16:06.09PakiPenguini have a weird issue
16:06.12seanbrightbut the real moral of the story
16:06.21*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:06.25seanbrightstop using antiquated utilities
16:06.29PakiPenguinasterisk is not saving voicemail messages more then 60 sec ,  althought i have the message parameter set to 360 in voicemail.conf
16:06.30seanbrightit's cute... or something
16:06.47seanbrightbut ridiculously impractical
16:07.18Juggieits solaris not my fault :)
16:07.27seanbrightGNU sed compiles on solaris
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16:07.39Juggiei'm sure it does but she dosnt maintain the servers
16:07.42ManxPowerI thought the option was "messagelength" or "maxmessage" or something like that.
16:07.51dlynesseanbright: gnu environments completely bastardize a solaris install, too
16:07.58ManxPowerThe voicemail.conf.sample should have an example
16:08.22seanbrightdlynes: thanks for your input
16:10.08seanbrightnever gets tired of being right
16:10.10seanbrightit's like crack
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16:11.24TrentCreekit kills
16:11.52twisted[TK]D-Fender: yes, and data propogation
16:12.15[TK]D-Fendertwisted: Cool.
16:12.39[TK]D-Fender"I would never do a drug named after a part of my ass" - Dennis Leary
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16:20.22shtoomHi, when I try to access Graphs in gui I am getting Tool Error what is the reason ?
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16:28.39fcois93hello all
16:28.47fcois93I need help for realtime...
16:29.13fcois93I need to do realtime static with the realtime (real) database syntax!
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16:29.22outtoluncponders replying to shtoom something like 'it is telling you your tool is broken' <G>
16:29.29fcois93did you undersdant what I need?
16:29.56fcois93in fact, the realtime database in static is hard to admin
16:30.01fcois93but i nee static
16:30.19fcois93so if it is possible to have the dynamic syntaxe with the static realtime...
16:30.24fcois93any idea?
16:30.26mighty-dim thinking on buying an ALIX2C2 card to get a pbx for 25-40 extensions and 10-15 concurrent calls, the card comes with a compact flash port and my vendor is suggesting me to buy a 300x CF card, the price is 70% up from the 133x card, do you know the performance comparisson between 133x and SATA 7200 RPM hard disk drive?
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16:31.23shtoomouttolunc: can you tell me which tool graphs uses ? nothing is changed on the server for months all of sudden I am getting this.
16:31.24*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
16:31.50shtoomouttolunc:Any specific area to look for ?
16:32.10ManxPowermighty-d: Where is the Asterisk question?
16:32.29outtoluncshtoom: it was a joke, but if you have issues with something 'not working all the sudden' i would check for a packager log (like yum) that might have run and loaded something new (and in your case, incompatible)
16:32.41[TK]D-Fendershtoom: GUI's are NOT supported in this channel
16:33.02jmaczHi, I have a question regarding t.38 passthrough behavior. If I have a SIP trunk that sends me t.38 fax packages, may I asnswer this with a fax machine attached to a t.38 enabled ATA? Will this scenario work in Asterisk?
16:33.04mighty-dManxPower, im worried to see if asterisk can perform well on a cf 133x card
16:33.28shtoom[TK]D-Fender: #asterisk-gui is dead silent.
16:33.48[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: Get the SATA drive...
16:33.50ManxPowershtoom: This is NOT 2nd level support for AsteriskGUO
16:33.56ManxPoweror Asterisk GUI
16:33.57[TK]D-Fendershtoom: Not our problem.
16:34.30mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, the card doesnt come with a sata port
16:34.35*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
16:34.55[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: get a mini-pci card for it
16:35.09mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, so you are saying the CF is not worth it?
16:35.09shtoomouttolunc: I remember installing iftop thanks for you help , I'll uninstall and check it.
16:35.50[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: card is pricy, and there is the read/write lifespan to consider
16:36.16coppicepricy? :-\
16:37.09coppice$20 for a 4G card + a couple of dollars for a cf to IDE adaptor isn't much
16:37.27Sparkie-anyone around with experience using chan_skinny and cisco phones? I'm having a bit of trouble making the speeddial's work on a 7960
16:37.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice: He's looking for a 300x card...
16:37.45QwellSparkie-: give up on speeddials with 1.4
16:37.54ManxPowerI didn't know chan_skinny support speed dials.  Maybe it was added at some point?
16:38.07coppiceso double it. its still not much
16:38.10QwellManxPower: oh, it supports it
16:38.10Sparkie-Yea, it says it was added. Guess it doesn't work
16:38.29mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, no, you got me wrong, please excuse me, im trying to figure if i can go with a 133x card
16:38.32QwellSparkie-: use 1.6 if you need chan_skinny
16:38.35ManxPowerQwell: not any better than any other feature of chan_skinny?
16:39.03jayteeI gave up on chan_skinny. My Asterisk server kept losing too much weight and started having fainting spells like an anorexic supermodel.
16:39.10[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: Why are you looking to use such a weak system anyways?  What are you going to use along with *?
16:39.21coppicethe slower 32G SD cards are about $100 now. amazing really
16:40.17Sparkie-Well, I tried chan_sccp (the b version from sourceforge) and it works ok, but the 7914 addons that I have attached to it randomly lose their speeddials and then randomly they return
16:40.21ManxPowermighty-d: like ALL asterisk scaling issues, the answer depends on your  needs and what you are doing.  If you are doing lots of call recording that is different than not doing much call recording, etc
16:40.48mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, its an small office rackable install, what do you think is weak the CF approach or everything including the ALIX2C2?
16:40.51ManxPowerMost of just buy an over powered system and then not worry about performancve
16:41.06ManxPowermighty-d: what the HECK is an ALIX2C2?
16:41.11[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: It realy just not recommended...
16:41.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: AMD 500mhz x86 embedded board
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Just like Soekris... only cheaper :)
16:41.55mighty-dManxPower, well i wanted to answer you but [TK]D-Fender was faster :)
16:41.57ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Ah, so mostly just "overinfo"
16:42.11*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
16:42.15ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: also just as underpowered for transcoding?
16:42.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "ill advised"
16:43.22mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, so, your advice is not to go with ALIX2C2 at all?
16:44.09[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: Correct
16:44.49mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, ok, thanks a lot... i think im going to take it :).
16:46.21jeevhigh 5
16:48.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I might use something like that for a home install w/ pure voip, and no weighty transcoding.
16:48.34[TK]D-FenderManxPower: but FFS, not a 40 person office!
16:48.53jeevis still holding his hand in the air
16:49.03*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:51.20[TK]D-Fenderprepares for some tameshigiri
16:52.37jeevwhat the hell is your problem
16:52.38jeevgimme 5
16:52.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
16:54.06SwKanyone familiar with Teldori?
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16:55.49BrokenNozeHi, has anyone been having issues with MixMonitor recently? when i put a call on hold the audio goes out of sync
16:56.31[TK]D-Fendersevers jeev's carotid, and both femeral and brachial arteries.
16:56.39[TK]D-Fenderjeev: 5 free...on the house!
16:56.59[TK]D-Fendersits and watches jeev exsanguinate
16:57.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, he was straiting to get annoyinh.
16:57.18PakiPenguinhow long duration of a message can be stored in a longblob ( talking about voicemail storage in mysql d b )
16:57.24ManxPowerperhaps it's time for more coffee.
16:58.19ManxPowerPakiPenguin: that is the wrong question.  The right question is "how big of a blob can mysqld handle"?  AFTER YOU HAVE THE ANSWER TO THAT, then you can ask how much space the VM format that you have uses.
16:58.41ManxPowerOnce you have the answer to both of those questions your problem should be solved.
16:59.00PakiPenguinManxPower, my voicemail messages bigger then 60 sec are not stored in the db :(
16:59.05ManxPowerI'll bet you can guess the correct place to ask about MySQL, right?
16:59.27ManxPowerPakiPenguin: Yes, and that is what you will have to deal with WHEN YOU'VE gotten then information you need.
16:59.29BrokenNozeNo one else had MixMonitor issues?
16:59.42PakiPenguinManxPower, alright
17:00.05ManxPowerMy guess is that you are using the WAV format for VM.
17:01.03*** join/#asterisk fedya (
17:02.11[TK]D-FenderPakiPenguin: Free just for you today only!
17:02.19ManxPowerPakiPenguin: if you had included the little bit about using REALTIME you might have had your question answered today
17:02.36ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: Are you going to be giving him fish for the rest of his life?
17:03.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Sure, why not.  Mercury poisoning is CUMULATIVE you know ;)
17:03.33ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, the #Asterisk Google Proxy
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17:06.04PakiPenguinthanks [TK]D-Fender
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17:10.51jonsmith1982hi, i would like to setup asterisk, at first i want to just use some kind of interface on my pc to use skype (or some other voip service). could anyone please recommend a interface on linux which would replace the ip-phones used in so many of the asterisk examples/tutorials.
17:11.54jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol.  Only commercial channel drivers exist, all of which are poor implementations of convoluted hacks. In general, forget about using Skype with Asterisk...
17:12.06[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: Soft-phones are unrecommeded, but here are some to look for : Ekiga, kiax, twinkle
17:12.17[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: And forget skype..
17:12.29jonsmith1982yeah that was just an example.
17:13.21ManxPowerjonsmith1982: we don't really deal with random example.
17:13.28ManxPowerWhat specific thing so you want to do?
17:13.38ManxPowerwith Asterisk?
17:13.48jonsmith1982experiement with it.
17:14.12ManxPowerThen go ahead and experiment with it.  Read the book.  Try stuff.
17:14.13[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: Then go download the book, insall it, install a softphone and get busy
17:14.15jonsmith1982thanks [TK]D-Fender
17:14.16jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
17:14.22jeevi moved my hand and said SYKEEEEEE
17:14.24jeevwhen you tried.
17:14.46SwKno one has heard of teldori
17:14.58ManxPowerjeev: Put down the booze
17:15.05jeevi dont drink
17:15.12ManxPowerthen put down the drugs
17:15.17ManxPoweror get some better ones
17:15.23TrentCreekjust Ask Jeevs
17:16.36ManxPower#asterisk-cli for non-GUI questions
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17:17.18razhmm how can i make two distinct inbound numbers (both SIP) refer to the same dialplan?  i know i can just point both to the same context but what about the extensions?  all my exten-lines are prefixed with one of the two numbers. do i just put "s" there?
17:17.50ManxPowerexten => _patternmatchfordid2,1,Goto(did1,1)
17:18.13razaah cool
17:18.20*** join/#asterisk spokra (
17:18.20ManxPowerraz: "s" is matched when there IS no known dialed number, usually only seen on FXO signalled ports.
17:18.22razthx that was trivial
17:19.54*** join/#asterisk jgoddess (
17:22.05sgtpepperhas anyone ever saw this     -- Got SIP response 483 "Too Many Hops" back from
17:25.27jonsmith1982[TK]D-Fender, why would using "Soft-Phones" be unrecommended?
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17:30.21jonsmith1982ip-phones will surely have similar software on the anyway.
17:31.36[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: because sound card suck.  Mics suck.  using some unintuitive shitty little GUI is unintuitive.
17:32.09*** part/#asterisk ecrist (
17:33.01jonsmith1982i can't see how that different from ip-phones.
17:33.26errryeah software is just the same as a physical ip phone
17:36.16jonsmith1982are there any "open" ip-phones?
17:37.11errriirc there is an open snom project
17:37.12jonsmith1982like openmoko i suppose the shitty unituitive gui wont be of any use on those :)
17:37.22*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
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17:40.02ManxPowerjonsmith1982: Then use a softphone and find out for your self.  Just remember that hardphones work better and don't let the softphones give you a bad impressions of Asterisk or VoIP
17:41.14ManxPower[TK]D-Fender gave you his advice.  Take the advice or don't take the advice, but don't go arguing with one of the most knowledgeable Asterisk people in the world about if softphones are bad.
17:41.28tzafrir_laptopjonsmith1982, two projects I can think of: astfin and openmoko
17:41.47tzafrir_laptopNone of them really aim for a hardware voip phone
17:42.29[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: What part of "every audio component is inferior", and "ease of use sucks" was not painfully clear before?  Are we at a new understanding now?
17:42.47*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:42.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he'
17:42.53ManxPowerhe's not worth arguing with
17:43.11[TK]D-Fenderjonsmith1982: on the least expensive side you could (and probably should) get an ATA to use with a regular phone at least.
17:43.59*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
17:46.34SwKhmmm so anyone head of teldori? hah
17:46.53SwKor is it just one of the plethora of asterisk UIs the never made it anywhere
17:47.26ManxPowerSwK: Do you REALLY think a channel that is dedicated to NON-GUI Asterisk use would know anything about an Asterisk GUI?
17:48.13SwKManxPower, theres enuff asterisk people that hang out in here that someone might know something about it...
17:48.13tzafrir_laptop<[TK]D-Fender> jonsmith1982: because sound card suck.  Mics suck.  using some unintuitive shitty little GUI is unintuitive.
17:48.28tzafrir_laptopthose are actually pretty bad arguments.
17:48.29Nugget <-- this channel
17:48.45ManxPowerbest of luck
17:48.59SwKdont be a dick just cause i asked a question about something you arent interested in
17:49.00ManxPowerFor people that do not want GUI talk, you can join #asterisk-cli
17:49.43tzafrir_laptopFor the cost of a decent hard phone you can get a simple full-duplex sound card, a good head set and not be stuck with the one forced upon you by the phone vendor
17:49.51ManxPowerWell, not interested in and totally off topic as well.
17:49.53[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: having your head chained to your PC via a headset, goofing around with sound card settings na dhaving to pop up interfaces and mouse around for stuff thats 2nd nature on any phone is a pretty good argument.
17:50.33SwKhows it off topic since this is the general asterisk channel... this isnt #asterisk-${SOMETHING_SPECIFIC}
17:51.11tzafrir_laptopNext: the user interface of software is much better than those of separate devices. e.g: I can copy a hpone number to them
17:51.21ManxPowerMaybe because this channel existed and was and still used for non-gui talk.  There are plenty of resources for GUI people.
17:51.28tzafrir_laptopIt is much easier to them them and such
17:51.39ManxPowerHeck they even seem to ask on the asterisk-users mailing list -- fortunatly they seem to be ignored there most of the time.
17:52.09tzafrir_laptopThe main atvantage of a hardware phone is that there's a much much higher chance for it to actually work and be available
17:52.25ManxPowerMakes about as much sense as asking a car mechanic for fashion advice.
17:52.35SwK1) I didnt ask for help with the thing 2) I asked if anyone heard of it... 3) if someone has heard of it I'm perfectly willing to take further conversation off channel as to not annoy you... thank you have a nice day....
17:52.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I'd ease up on this one.  Its a "what do you think of" question, not a "help X is broken in my unsupported GUI"
17:52.52ManxPowerSwK: How many responses did you get?
17:53.04ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I'm starting to agree with you.
17:53.16[TK]D-FendertzaYes... having a working and available phone is somewhat impotant to me ;)
17:53.30[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: ^
17:53.39[TK]D-Fender\important even ;)
17:54.04[TK]D-FenderSwK: Your question is fine.  No, yours is the first time I've ever heard about that interface
17:55.07SwK[TK]D-Fender, i know dood... he's just being cranky again and acting like i'm a n00b
17:55.54[TK]D-FenderSwK: Common backlash to a GUI question, and a bit harsh for this one.
17:56.03[TK]D-FenderSwK: What do you see as its upsides?
17:56.43SwK[TK]D-Fender, I know... i just get tired of people acting like i'm a noon when I been around longer then a large portion of people in this channel...
17:57.03[TK]D-FenderSwK: Its ok, try to let go a bit.
17:57.16[TK]D-FenderSwK: So, does this one stand out in any special way?
17:57.51SwKI dont see anything as the products upside... I have a family member thats the sr technology fellow at a mid sized .edu that deployed this thing around 1.0.10 (guessing by time frame its been deployed) and the vendor they used disappeared a month or so ago and now they are having issues...
17:58.31SwKso I was wondering if anyone was familiar with it, and if it was someone that I am familiar with I was going to try to hook them up with some paying work...
18:00.55[TK]D-FenderSwK: Ancient version says that nearly a dead-end right from the start.
18:05.37*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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18:15.28rwaitewow calm down cowboys
18:15.45rwaitesomebody is gonna have a heart attack
18:16.26SwKnah i just get tired of people being asshats on irc (i dunno why i let irc get me cranky after all these years it just does)
18:16.46rwaiteyou know what you need is a hooker
18:17.04SwKofcourse arguing on irc is like winning the shortbus race...  even if you win you're still a short bus kid
18:19.10*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
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18:21.35Nuggetirc is like multiplayer notepad.
18:21.59*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
18:22.05tzangerthat's my favourite analogy
18:22.17tzangeralthough the stealing letters mintrubbing flash game is fun
18:22.26[TK]D-Fendercuts Nugget and flushes the Cut&paste buffer
18:22.41funxionit seems that since I've put a digium card in my * box it is now autoloading the drivers for that card, does anybody how to keep it from loading the wct4xxp module?
18:23.02*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
18:23.11[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: remove the kernel module.
18:23.26funxionnot sure I understand
18:23.41EmleyMoorNot directly related to Asterisk, but what does Automatic connection in the SIP stack do on a Nokia N95?
18:23.46funxionfrom modules.conf?
18:24.06[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: Zaptel compiles and copies over a loadable kernel module.  BLOW IT AWAY
18:25.03funxionremove /lib/modules/2.6.18-6-686/misc/wct4xxp?
18:25.19[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: \o/
18:25.30funxionsry I'm slow
18:25.58[TK]D-Fenderfunxion: s'ok... I've seen too many "dead halts" lately... slow I can live with (mostly)
18:29.22funxionthat sux
18:33.52EmleyMoorIf a SIP connection is set to connect automatically on an N95, over a mobile data connection, does the phone try to bring the connection up to connect the SIP account, or does it only bring the SIP account up when the connection is made for some other reason or on demand?
18:34.14EmleyMoor(I appreciate that's not related to Asterisk, other than that you can connect it to Asterisk)
18:34.36[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Google-able.
18:41.31*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
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18:46.54ManxPowerstupid  isp
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18:54.59unpaidbillaww manx gettin fresh on the list
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18:56.34drakowhats the best php gateway for agi?
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18:57.23CrashHDanyone have issues where calls just drop
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18:57.48CrashHDor what the reason behind it may be?
18:58.22[TK]D-Fenderdrako: ..."gateway"?
18:58.28*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
18:59.09GhOnDiEdrako are you using a device over nat?
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18:59.43drako[TK]D-Fender, i mean, the framework, interface, etc.
19:00.07[TK]D-Fenderdrako: PHP-AGI seems to be used more than anything else.
19:00.10emillerif i wanted to reduce the number of rings before voicemail picks up, in which config could i do that in? say the phone rings 10 times, and i want to reduce it to 6.
19:00.28[TK]D-Fenderdrako: Given how little there is to do in AGI I can't imagine there could be much more to offer.
19:00.45[TK]D-Fenderemiller: extensions.conf
19:00.46GhOnDiEhi emiller that would be set in your extensions.conf file
19:00.59emillerthanks guys, ill do some scouring
19:01.44GhOnDiEthis is a good starting place
19:02.09hmmhesaysanyone ever work with an old nuera sgx-100? I'm trying to find a manual for one
19:02.11drako[TK]D-Fender, yes, just need something to start with.
19:02.26drakoill try PHP-AGI
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19:05.55GhOnDiEhi hmmhesays have you tried to contact the company direct?
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19:06.10hmmhesaysI would skip the PHP-AGI class and just use a simple php socket connection to do your stuff
19:06.23hmmhesaysGhOnDiE, yeah its an old gateway and they can't find a manual
19:06.30GhOnDiElol typical
19:06.58hmmhesayspretty much. I have everything figured out except the routing table. Its an empty text area that you have to fill in
19:07.02emillerah, found it, exten = s,n,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/202,40) changing it to 30. Thanks [TK]D-Fender and GhOnDiE
19:07.26*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
19:07.41GhOnDiE30 would be 30 seconds
19:07.57GhOnDiEdepends on where you are but here in the uk thats about 10 rings
19:08.06emillergod, i hate our ISP. always dropping my ssh sessions
19:08.17CrashSysIf I have a call ring in, start recording with monitor, then pass that call through a local channel, and start recording again, would I get two recordings in the end?
19:08.20GhOnDiEthat website is a wealth of info and i am on it all the time
19:08.59GhOnDiEhi CrashSys, i have never tried that but i guess you would???
19:09.13[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: Yes, each channel's inherent recording is separate
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19:25.22CrashHDwhat does this mean? : "chan_sip.c:1952 retrans_pkt: Cancelling retransmit of OPTIONs"?
19:25.47oejMaybe we got a reply
19:26.02CrashHDso a sip options was send
19:26.16CrashHDanother one queued up because it hadn't got a response? then we get one so we cancel the request?
19:26.18TondHi, i use Regexten=1111 in my iax peer 2222 (which is set to friend) and when the peers registers and i dial it using Dial(IAX2/1111) it says host not available
19:26.30CrashHDoej, btw,  your blog posts are a must read
19:26.35CrashHDI enjoy them
19:26.39[TK]D-FenderCrashHD: If you're retransmitting, of course that means you've already transmitted :)
19:26.52*** join/#asterisk Shotygun (n=thorn@
19:26.55Tonddoes that regexten command work?  if so how do i call the extensoin i have registered using it?
19:27.07CrashHDtk: just clarifying and restating so I understand
19:27.10[TK]D-FenderTond: Yes it works.
19:27.23[TK]D-FenderTond: If just has NOTHING to do with what you think its for.
19:27.47[TK]D-FenderTond: Go look it up on the WIKI
19:27.55jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
19:28.02ShotygunHi, here is a bit OT question, Does anyone here know any tool to test out the quality of SIP termination by setting a probe on the terminating side and probe over the originiation side? Looking for SIP Termination <-> DID Provider quality test.
19:28.10TondTKD: oh.. lol  k, tnx,,  i did, and thought it was going to do what i wanted it to
19:28.51Tond   nothing is here though
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19:30.43Tondcan u quickly explain what regexten does?  I can't seem to find any doc on it
19:30.55*** part/#asterisk skaboy` (i=pinguino@
19:31.38angryuserthe try of the day :TK maybe talkative ?
19:32.14CrashHDany sip network testing tools out there? to load/quality test connections between asterisk and sip phone?
19:32.52CrashHDoej, can you see any issue with running 20+ asterisk daemons on a single linux instance? timing problems or otherwise?
19:33.00ShotygunCrashHD: There is SIPp for stress testing & somewhat beyond.
19:33.17CrashHDshotygun: thank you I'll give it a look
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19:36.42jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel  up to 1.4.11/1.2.26 on CentOS/RHEL 5.2: error in xpp/xdefs.h. Workaround: uncheck "xpp" (Astribank) driver  in menuselect. Fixed in SVN. Patches:
19:37.33*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
19:37.59dioeduhello, is there some way to do a 3rd party call with another application than meetme ?
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19:38.09dioeduout of telephone...
19:38.48[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: huh?
19:39.36dioedui wanna do a 3rd party call
19:40.37dioeduand i don't know the application that i need to use
19:41.08dioeduto join the 3rd party to the call...
19:41.21M1s3rydioedu, we're not sure of the functionality your looking to do
19:41.33M1s3ryare you trying to do a conference call? explian in more detail plz
19:43.07[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: What phone are you using?
19:43.56*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
19:46.08dioedu[TK]D-Fender, that's the problem... my phone don't have this feature... and i wanna know if there is some way to do that
19:46.27*** join/#asterisk FoneHome (n=ben@
19:46.27[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: just answer questions directly please.
19:46.37dioeduin this case X-Lite
19:46.57dioedubut i have another cases...
19:47.16FoneHome[TK]D-Fender:  Wanted to thank you for your help the other day on the BLF issues. Problem resolved, changed to peers and upgraded to 1.4.21 seemed to solve the problems
19:47.29[TK]D-FenderFoneHome: You're welcome
19:48.13dioeduM1s3ry, sorry my poor explain... but i wanna add another channel in the current call
19:49.39FoneHomeODD Issue: every now and then asterisk will iniate a random call to extension 101, the caller id shows up as asterisk, but the line is dead when you pick it up, I have seen this happen before when a POTS line was unplugged and replugged in however there has been none of that. Anyone have any ideal what to look for as a call? I am using TDM800 card with 8 FXO adapters and echo cancellation.
19:49.45dioedulike some ip phones do with the conference button (i.e. grandstream)
19:49.49GhOnDiEdioedu so you want to do a 3 way call
19:50.10GhOnDiEok well thats the same as pressing conf button
19:50.17dioedusorry... is not a 3rd party... a 3 way
19:50.22[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: Yes, it DOES appear to support conference
19:50.29[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: I just did it myself with X-Lite.
19:50.45dioedulet me see...
19:51.33dioedubut if the phone doesn't have this facility... i can't do that... right ?
19:51.59ManxPowerAs I understand it, GS BT101 does not have the conference/3-way  feature in it's firmware
19:52.10jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:52.23[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: HUH?  I just did this with X-Lite.  It is capable.  Please be precise about the circumstances you are asking about.
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19:55.05Tondi am having a very wierd problem, if i put R or r in my Dial command, the ring back sounds very wierd choopy and many times just plays the first ring and then silence until someone picks up
19:55.10Tondany ideas why?
19:55.15ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: X-LITE or X-PRO?  For some reason I thought only the pay version supported 3-way calls
19:55.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: X-Lite.
19:55.34ManxPowerTond: that would be expected.  That's why you should not use those options
19:55.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I read what he asked and I tested it personally  immediately following his question.
19:55.50dioedu[TK]D-Fender, My X-Lite doesn't have the button "conf" enabled
19:55.53TondYa, but then my router won't play any ringback either
19:55.54ManxPowerAsterisk will provide ringing sound by default.  If it's not doing that then it's a problem
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19:56.06tzangerManxPower: why would that be expected?  I use r when dialing my cell and never get weird ringback
19:56.11[TK]D-FenderTond: "router"?  Routers don't make sound
19:56.19tzanger[TK]D-Fender: if the fans go, they do :-)
19:56.30TondManxPower> ast is doing it by default..
19:56.32ManxPowerTond: tzanger I'll bet you would if you were using a compressed codec and the ringback was inband because of an answer somewhere
19:56.38[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Actually... if the fans go, they STOP ;)
19:56.50dioedu[TK]D-Fender, than the answer is... you don't know if we can do the 3-way calls out of the phone...
19:57.18ManxPowerdioedu: no, the answer is we don't know why your conference button is not enabled.  Contact X-Lite to find out why.
19:57.20tzangerManxPower: hmm, depends on where you are I suppose... I don't think ringback is a continuous tone, but yeah, g729 ringback could very likely sound like ass
19:57.23[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: WTF is "the phone".  I have just told you TWICE that YES, X-Lite can do 3-way calls
19:57.25tzangergsm ringback isn't bad
19:57.26ManxPowerIt has NOTHING to do with ASterisk
19:57.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Yes, you just need to know how to use it
19:57.52ManxPowerdioedu: you are using a Softphone.  "Phone" is a generic term here and pretty much useless.
19:58.06TondTKD> well i thought Asterisk will send session in progress and then, router will transmit that to the seitch to get the ring
19:58.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: OK.  How do you make the conference button not be greyed out?
19:58.34ManxPowerTond: no.  "r" overrides all other sounds and just plays a ringing audio sound.
19:58.49[TK]D-FenderManxPower, dioedu : place call 1.  Place call 2 (#1 "holds" automatically), Press "Conf".  DONE.
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19:58.55TondManxPower> i even tried it without R or r, and it is still doing the same thing
19:58.56dioeduManxPower, i'm not asking about x-lite... or another softphones or hardphones, i wanna know if there is some way to do 3-way calls with asterisk
19:59.14dioeduif there is some application to do that
19:59.16ManxPowerTond: Then we need to find out why you are having problem.
19:59.20cesar_CRhello guys what does mean this error ??? [Jul 22 13:53:18] WARNING[15354]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
19:59.22ManxPowerdioedu: yes.  It is called meetme
19:59.24[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: * doesn't do "3-way calls".  DEVICES do 3-way calls
19:59.46ManxPowertechnically MeetMe is an n-way conferencing app.
19:59.49[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: And for CONFERNCING, there is MeetMe, and app_conference
19:59.51ManxPowernot a 3-way app
20:00.08tzangerTond: if you removed the r/R options and it's still occuring, take a look at your provider
20:00.19ManxPowerbut yes, asterisk does not do 3-way calls.  DEVICES create 3-way calls.
20:01.08ManxPowercesar_CR: I'll answer your question on #asterisk-cli
20:01.08Tondtzanger> it is not going to a provider, it is going to a local IAX peer that has been registered
20:01.27tzangerTond: describe the connection
20:01.33asdf_13hey is it normal that the IVR doesn't respond immediately to button presses? I usually have to wait till the end of the message for it to recognize that I press a number
20:01.35tzangeryou are using what to place the call which is going to the iax2 peer
20:01.47ManxPowerasdf_13: only if you have a poorly designed IVR
20:02.20[TK]D-Fenderasdf_13: then you are likely using PLAYBACK, where you should be using BACKGROUND
20:02.21asdf_13ManxPower: ummm... what would define a poorly designed IVR?
20:02.37asdf_13[TK]D-Fender: Oh i see
20:02.46ManxPowerasdf_13: Any of a million things, but without more info I really can't say.  TK's idea is one possibility
20:03.08asdf_13ManxPower: hey I appreciate the help. thanks
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20:03.31ManxPoweroverlapping options/extensions is also another thing that could be bad
20:03.31asdf_13[TK]D-Fender: thanks. i'll check it out
20:03.32TondOk, I am calling a DID that goes through my PRI to Asterisk, and asterisk will forward that DID to the IAX peer using AGI.  I have noticed that this problem only occurs when dial is done from AGI.  If i directly forward it in Extensoins.conf, i will get perfect ringbacks
20:03.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Forced wait implies the dialplan is in the way.  He didn't say interdigit, or post-dial delay.  So I read into it a little.
20:03.58cesar_CRManxPower, ok
20:04.14ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but if he used Playback for an IVR, dog knows what other stuff he did to the poor innocent helpless dialplan.
20:04.17[TK]D-FenderTond: "dial" is "dial"
20:04.23Tondi know
20:04.28Tondthat is why i am so confused
20:04.46Tondi look in the consol and i see it is dialing it the right way without r option
20:05.11dioeduand X-Lite doesn't have 3-Way calling support... just eyeBeam and bria...
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20:05.14ManxPowerTond: somewhere your answering the line and so any future ringback will be inband audio, which sounds like shit.
20:05.58TondManPower, yaa!  That's it I think!
20:06.10TondManxPower, sorry
20:06.15ManxPowerTond: never answer unless you have to.
20:06.26ManxPowerand be careful of using apps that automatically answer
20:06.37TondOk, tnx
20:07.01[TK]D-Fenderdioedu: last ^&%#$ing time : I just did it in X-Lite MYSELF <-  AND I just gave you bloody step-by-step instructions!
20:07.09ManxPowerTond: I'll bet if you switch to ulaw or alaw as the codec for all parts of the call it will sound fine.
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20:09.53TondManxPower> hrm..  I will try that
20:10.36ManxPowerTond: both codes handle ringback audio just fine.  If switching codecs makes it sound good, then you DO have an answer somewere in the call path
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20:11.47oejSeems like a very common question here is about SIP retransmits.
20:11.54oejI wrote this document to explain:
20:12.01oejMaybe we can teach jbot about it
20:12.12TondManxPower> Thanks dude, i made it so it won't answer the call
20:12.24TondManxPower> It worked like a charm
20:14.16jbot[~sipretransmit] to learn more about SIP retransmits, please read :
20:14.20[TK]D-Fenderoej: There
20:17.23ManxPowerwho "owns" jbot (i.e. can make it join channels)?  /msg me.
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20:29.50[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, heading home.  Later all
20:30.40neurosyswow has some great international rates
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20:32.37minteehey all, anyone know off  the top of your heads what number you can dial that will read back your CallerID?
20:32.53minteei know there was an MCI number I used last year, but I forgot what it was.
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20:37.46ManxPowermintee: 985-246-3704 option 93, the 9 and the 1 are added to the callerid when it comes in, so you can ignore that, other than that the callerid readback is what was received
20:38.48ShotygunInteresting, is there any echo test option of MCI as well?
20:39.32ManxPowerecho test is option 91 on my system services application
20:39.38ManxPowersame number as the readback
20:40.59ManxPowerand nobody has tried it.  LOL!
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20:43.33ManxPowerI see that someone did now
20:43.51jayteeI just tried that number
20:43.57jayteewith the option 93
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20:45.21ManxPowerThe DID and BTN stuff are set internally.  If calling from the outside, those would be empty
20:46.42*** join/#asterisk watchy (
20:46.55oejThanks for the jbot fix!
20:46.55watchyERROR[5422]: asterisk.c:2982 main: Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection.  You have options:
20:47.01watchywhat in the hell does that mean
20:47.36ManxPowerHere's the full info:  +1-985-246-3704.  Quiet Line Test: 90,  Echo Test 91, Milliwatt Test 92, Caller*ID Readback 93,
20:47.44ShotygunManxPower: the 985-246-3704 is yours?
20:47.51ManxPowerShotygun: yes.
20:47.59jayteewatchy, it means your zaptel configuration is wrong or your hardware is flaky.
20:48.07ShotygunManxPower: Based on what info you pulling out the caller id readback ?
20:48.34ManxPowerShotygun: ${CALLERID(num)} and ${CALLERID(name)}.
20:48.59ManxPowerAs I said, when the call comes into the system, we automatically preprocess the callerid to add a 9 a 1 and some dashes to make our users happy.
20:49.11ManxPoweryou're not really supposed to do that, but it does work in our enviroment.
20:50.32ManxPowerTelco -> PRI -> Tellabs commercial echo canceling system -> Asterisk
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20:51.16ShotygunManxPower: Thanks to you I caught some issue with my termiating service that I confirmed with my own echo test asterisk, thanks =)
20:51.29ManxPowerShotygun: what issue?
20:51.51ShotygunManxPower: Nothing serious, just that if I mark the cli is unavailable it makes up one on his own
20:51.57Shotyguninstead of showing forbidden or whatever
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20:52.24ShotygunI wasn't aware of this behaviour
20:52.49ManxPowerShotygun: I also have a DID setup to make a blast of calls to a local cab company that you can never get thru to during holidays.  Dialing direct from the cell = 20 mins to get thru, dialing via call blast DID, 20 seconds to get thnru.
20:53.16*** join/#asterisk tessier__ (
20:53.18tessier__Hello all!
20:53.33ManxPowersequentially, not in paralell, but it can so about 2 calls per second because we are on PRI
20:53.45ShotygunI have done something similar but for waking up somebody =)
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20:53.57jayteeManxPower, the perfect example of "when all else fails, get a bigger hammer."
20:54.12hi365_mis there any way to use sed or grap or something to show an asterisk context (i.e. jsut that context)?
20:54.17ManxPowerjaytee: Well a faster dialer, at least
20:54.25jayteeyep indeedy
20:54.43watchyi think it must be my hardware jaytee
20:55.10watchyim trying some wildcat wxp100s or whatever they are called
20:55.36jayteesome people call them clone pieces of [expletive deleted]
20:55.48watchyyea they are
20:56.05ManxPowerjaytee: I call them "not manufactured in 5 years"
20:56.07jayteeya get what ya pay for and often you get less
20:56.26ShotygunI hope you guys don't mind, gonna repeat a question I posted 30 minutes ago: Does anyone here know any tool to test out the quality of SIP termination by setting a probe on the terminating side and probe over the originiation side? Looking for end to end (Caller->SIP termination->PSTN world->SIP origination[DID]->Callee) voice quality measurement.
20:56.43jayteeto paraphrase P.T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute and Ebay will get every one of them"
20:56.47watchywell my boss is a complete idiot
20:56.50tessier__I have two accounts with teliax. So I have two auth lines under [authentication] but all calls get charged to the last auth line I specify. Anyone know how to fix this?
20:56.59watchyhe sold a phone system and we didnt order the equipment till yesterday
20:57.07watchythey wanted the phone system monday
20:57.07rwaitei have a problem with echo but its only internal. using sip phones and a tdm400p. when calls come in from the pots on the tdm card, i can hear echo of myself, but the calling party hears no echo
20:57.12rwaitewhat could be causing this?
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20:57.14ManxPowertessier__: We don't do GUIs here?
20:57.14jayteeShotygun, wireshark on each end
20:57.21watchythe only pots cards i have a freakin wildcards
20:57.33tessier__ManxPower: I'm not using a gui. I'm talking about in sip.conf
20:57.44jayteeShotygun, sorry, that won't work for voice "quality"
20:57.46ManxPowertessier__: are you using 1.6?
20:57.50Shotygunjaytee: It's going through the PSTN world, do you think comparing RTP packets will be reliable? I suspect they will be very diff at the two points.
20:57.57ShotygunIt's good for SIP to SIP check.
20:58.05ManxPowerbecause in 1.4 and lower [authentication] is a sip userid
20:58.10jayteeyeah, SIP to SIP but not voice quality
20:58.14tessier__ManxPower: Nope. 1.4.16
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20:58.34jayteeand with that many points in between that you can't measure at you're pretty much screwed.
20:58.52ShotygunIf you add latency, jitter, packet loss & checksum of rtps then you can measure quality, but that only applies to SIP to SIP.
20:58.55ManxPowerPut your sip.conf masking ONLY passwords (you can remove any IP phone stuff too) and I'll help you on #asterisk-cli.
20:59.11ManxPowerI think you guys mean RTP, not SIP!
20:59.20ShotygunI need something that can do like voice analysis at codec level or something fancy like that
20:59.24ShotygunManxPower: You are right
20:59.34ManxPoweranyone else )not using a gui) is welcome to join #asterisk-cli as well.
21:02.50cesar_CRManxPower, I am going there again.. great help!
21:05.56*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
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21:10.07angryuserManxPower i am not sure i can handle questions 'where do i click' ;)
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21:12.18watchywell * starts with a tdm
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21:12.36watchyi guess this vostro 200 dont like X100s
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21:16.24[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Dell is often trouble all by itself, and you compound it with the use of shitty cards.  YGWYPF
21:16.39Dovidafternoon TK
21:17.40watchytk: dont make me slap u son, this is what my idiot boss sells
21:18.30[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: You're right.  thats misdirected anger.  Slap HIM :p
21:18.41*** join/#asterisk SwK (
21:18.52watchywell what sucks is he sold a phone system 2 months ago that was scheduled to go in monday
21:18.59watchybut he didnt order the parts till yesterday
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21:19.04watchythey are highly pissed
21:19.30outtoluncas well they should be <G>
21:19.41angryuserthe famous dell speed delivery ;)
21:19.43*** join/#asterisk LevonK (n=levon@nat/yahoo/x-37e9d0f76837f506)
21:20.51watchyi actually get my dells quick
21:21.01watchybut im waiting on polycoms and sangoma cards
21:22.00Dovidwatchy: sounds like u have a great boss ;)
21:22.47mikeshankHi all. I'm really new to this stuff and pretty confused at this point. Here's my scenario, I have asterisk installed, a grandstream gxp-2000 and broadvoice as my service. My problem is I cant get the phone to actually ring, but when i dial my number I can see its routed to asterisk because I get a warning/error saying it cannot find an extension (my number).
21:23.32Dovid2 problems 1) You are using grandstream 2) You are using broadvoice ;)
21:24.03Dovidchances are you do not have it configure properlt which is why it cant get to your phone. look at the error. it cant get to urphone
21:24.06Dovidur phone*
21:24.20watchyi want hugz
21:25.07mikeshankDovid: you mean the phone is not confgured correctly
21:25.24`Seanis there any Stable Fax over IP soloutions Now?
21:26.56mikeshankDovid: also, if my setup blows, what in your opinion should i be using
21:27.54jbotphones is probably  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
21:28.03Dovidmikeshank: no -ur asterisk is not set up correclty
21:28.10Dovidpost your extensions.conf
21:28.12jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
21:28.13ManxPowermikeshank: there is the answer to one part of that question
21:28.58DovidManxPower: As per the * users list if you have the latest firmware (and only the latest firmware) you can use it as a door stopper
21:29.33TrentCreekdammed huricane
21:29.44TrentCreekdamn you all to hell
21:30.17TrentCreekshutting down...........
21:30.35DovidTrentCreek: Move !!! LA seems to be nice
21:31.03TrentCreekyeah, if I want to live in Mexio
21:31.14CrashHDanyone with experience/knowledge of running asterisk in vmware?
21:31.15TrentCreekLos Angeles, mexico
21:31.35ManxPowerWhat's wrong with Mexico?
21:31.45TrentCreekmexico needs to stay there
21:32.00TrentCreekIf I wanted to live there I would move, not go to LA
21:32.16ManxPowerModern cities, varied people's and climate, great food.
21:32.47Dovidmikeshark: what context do you have set for your number in sip.conf ?
21:33.27Dovidmikeshark: post your sip.conf (with out the passwords ;) )
21:34.09Dovidalso you do not have anything there to send the call to your phone.
21:34.41Dovidas well as under phones you have include incoming all that says is that if some one dials s from the phoens extension it will play the welcome message
21:36.39Dovidmikeshark: Here is your issue
21:36.56Dovidunder the broadvoice section in sip.conf you have the context set to context=from-broadvoice
21:37.06Dovidhowever you do not have such a context
21:37.43ManxPowerin sip.conf context=whateverisheremustalsobeinextensions.conf
21:38.02Dovidif you switched it to context=default then when they called it will go to the default context is extensions.conf. as per your configurations it will pick up, say hello world and then hang up
21:40.47cesar_CRhey guys I've got asterisk running thanks to #asterisk-cli !!!!
21:40.56[hC]cesar_CR: hows it going man?
21:40.57mikeshankDovid: the context for [] change to default
21:41.09cesar_CRhey [hC] great !!!
21:41.20Dovidmikeshark: under context= under the broadvoice section
21:41.26[hC]cesar_CR: hey do you work in san jose, i forget? I will be there in a couple weeks.
21:41.33ManxPower-Away[hC]:  mind keeping an eye on #asterisk-cli as well as here?
21:41.50[hC]ManxPower-Away: ? I didnt know #asterisk-cli existed..
21:42.05Dovidneither did i
21:42.05ManxPower-Away[hC]: it didn't until last Wed
21:42.09cesar_CRyes I'm here in San Jose
21:42.30cesar_CR[hC], great guys there :D
21:43.11[hC]cesar_CR: we should get together for an imperial or two
21:43.41mikeshankDovid: no dice, changed the context= default still seeing the same error,  says call from 'mynumber' to extension 'mynumber' rejected because extension not found
21:43.44cesar_CRgreat are you here ?? did you try pilsen ?
21:43.50*** part/#asterisk pabelanger (
21:43.51cesar_CR[hC], ?
21:44.13[hC]cesar_CR: I will be there on aug 7th i think.. I have tried pilsen, of course... I lived there for 3 years!
21:44.17[hC]cesar_CR: and i go back every 2 months
21:44.37Dovidmikeshank: Ok
21:44.47Dovidseems like they are sending the call to the number
21:44.57Dovidtry putting this in under default
21:45.19cesar_CR[hC], great I love pilsen for me is better, aug, great, not in sept, cause I will not be here
21:46.45Dovidso we can see where they are sending it to
21:48.06mikeshankso i should comment out what i have in default and add this?
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21:48.51Dovidmikeshark: add it
21:48.52Psykickhi guys
21:49.27*** join/#asterisk orionr (
21:49.32Psykickis it possible in manager.conf to permit only certain IP addresses to connect to as opposed to defining that for each user?
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21:50.51Dovidpsykick: yes
21:51.02GhOnDiEpsykick i guess you could probably do it in the [general] section
21:51.28PsykickDovid: same syntax as is used in the users sections?
21:51.42DovidhOnDiE has a point
21:51.48Dovidprob under the general section
21:51.53GhOnDiEin genral section i believe
21:51.56mikeshankDovid: now when i call it doesnt seem to connect, just disconnect
21:51.59GhOnDiEpermit even
21:52.14Dovidwhat comes up in the CLI ?
21:52.16PsykickGhOnDiE: just a comma seperated list right?
21:52.16ManxPower-Awaywhy don't you look at the manager.conf.sample included in Asterisk and see if it mentions it
21:52.23mikeshankDovid: nothing
21:52.31Dovidtry set verbose 9
21:52.34Dovidand call in again
21:52.46seanbrightPsykick: i don't think it will work in the [general] section
21:53.09Psykickseanbright: neither ... I've checked ... doesn't mention being able to do it
21:53.25seanbrightPsykick: just glanced at where the file is read and don't see it there either
21:53.25mikeshankwhere you have _x, should i be replacing that with _1NXXNXXXXXX,
21:53.26Psykickseanbright: only thing I can do is bind connection to localhost
21:53.44GhOnDiEpsykick give it a try in the general section
21:53.48GhOnDiEsee what happens
21:53.55seanbright(even though it probably won't work)
21:54.03GhOnDiEit will either work or not
21:54.07GhOnDiEno harm in trying
21:54.07Dovidmikeshank: u dont need to . includes anything after that
21:54.09seanbright(probably won't)
21:54.14Dovidso _X. will match 1 or 1234
21:54.25Dovid_XXXX will only match a 4 digit number
21:54.41Dovid_XXXX. will require a min. of 4 numbers (or 5 not sure)
21:54.46*** join/#asterisk kensuke_ (i=be0210a1@gateway/web/ajax/
21:55.01seanbrightPsykick: yeah, just looked at the code more closer.  in 1.4.x it won't work that way.
21:55.08seanbrightmore closer?  jeez
21:55.10seanbrightmore closely.
21:55.15PsykickI think best option might be to bind to localhost .. and SNAT connections for select IPs
21:55.23kensuke_Hi, i have a asterisk 1.2 on centos 32, and now probe migrate to 1.4 on centos x86_64
21:56.25kensuke_on the logs i see this: NOTICE[12866] chan_iax2.c: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
21:56.45kensuke_someone can say what is the cause for this notice?
21:56.51kensuke_( sorry for my english )
21:57.00Psykickkensuke_: if you are going to upgrade ... upgrade to 1.4.5
21:57.11seanbrightkensuke_: yes, the notice happens because asterisk is Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
21:57.36kensuke_Psykick: i install
21:57.44mikeshankDovid: weird, just drops the call, nothing in the cli
21:57.46kensuke_why 1.4.5?
21:58.05seanbrightyou mean i assume
21:58.13Psykickseanbright: yeah ... I've had nothing but problems with IAX with 1.4.19, 1.4.20, and
21:58.14seanbrightunless you were referring to libpri
21:58.36Psykickasterisk deadlocks and crashes
21:58.47Psykickor won't accept registrations
21:58.53kensuke_Psykick: and yo know the cause?
21:58.57seanbrightPsykick: any response to the issues you've posted on the bug tracking?
21:59.20Psykickseanbright: other than they have been fixed and committed to 1.6 branch
21:59.45seanbrightPsykick: if they are 1.4 issues, the fixes should be being committed to the 1.4 branch
22:00.06Psykickseanbright: they aren't in 1.4 as I've been checking the changelogs and nothing yet
22:00.45Psykickseanbright: things are pretty stable with 1.4.5 ... at least ... the issues I was having with the more recent versions aren't happening
22:00.56seanbrightPsykick: what is your mantis username?
22:01.00Psykickseanbright: as soon as I see them in the changelogs then I'll upgrade
22:01.06kensuke_Psykick: the calls are interrupted on iax extensions...
22:01.09Psykickseanbright: Psykick I believe
22:01.10mikeshankDovid: how do i set verbose 9
22:01.20seanbrightPsykick: no such user
22:01.24Psykickmikeshank: core set verbose 9
22:01.53Psykickseanbright: lemme just double check
22:01.57Dovidmike: set verbose 9
22:01.57seanbrightPsykick: cool
22:02.00Dovidfrom the CLI
22:02.05mikeshankdo i issue that when im in the cli? noob
22:02.16seanbrightmikeshank: core set verbose 9
22:02.25*** part/#asterisk mags2 (
22:02.33Dovidmikes: yes
22:02.38kensuke_Psykick: thanks, i probe the 1.4.5
22:03.09Psykickseanbright: mantis username rangib
22:04.02*** join/#asterisk javb (n=javb@
22:04.05Psykickthere are 3 or 4 bugs that I've been following ... not recently though ... busy with other things at the moment
22:04.14seanbrightyou haven't posted any
22:04.22Psykicknot recently no
22:04.23javbdoes someone here knows a link to a howto on how to install Asterisk-Stat including the LAMP server?
22:04.25seanbrightwell if you crash again, please post so they can be looked at
22:04.49Psykickseanbright: bug #12795
22:04.58*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (n=Dennis@
22:05.03Psykickthat was one of them
22:05.26seanbrightU branches/1.4/channels/chan_iax2.c
22:05.30seanbrightit was fixed in 1.4
22:05.59Psykickseanbright: other bug was 12717
22:06.18seanbrightalso committed to 1.4
22:06.28seanbrightbut you're still crashing?
22:06.33seanbrighteven with
22:06.35Psykickseanbright: correct ...
22:06.38*** part/#asterisk LevonK (n=levon@nat/yahoo/x-37e9d0f76837f506)
22:07.03Psykickseanbright: thing is ... its a customers system ... and they were getting rather peeved that at it
22:07.07seanbrightwell if you could get another backtrace with DONT_OPTIMIZE and all that and post it, that would be great
22:07.19Psykickseanbright: so have reverted them to 1.4.5
22:07.27seanbrightwell that's a shame
22:07.52Psykickseanbright: they are keen to run another server with latest code on it to help out the community
22:08.32Psykickseanbright: they run a conferencing server so they need it stable
22:08.42seanbrightah well
22:09.40Psykickseanbright: as they've said though ... they are willing to help out the community by running another server ... but they need to make arrangements with colo but more so ... need money coming in so they can get another server
22:09.53seanbrightPsykick: great.
22:10.00seanbrightok, i'm off
22:10.06Psykickseanbright: later
22:10.42Dovidmike: OJ. so your carrier is sending the call to your phone number@your box instead of to the s extension
22:10.52Dovidso in place of exten => S,.......
22:11.05Dovidexten => your_number,1,.................
22:12.56*** part/#asterisk orionr (
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22:14.37mikeshankDovid: in the incoming context?
22:14.37*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
22:14.47Dovidin default
22:14.53Dovidcause thats what u have set now in sip.conf
22:15.05mikeshankin place of _1NXXNXXXXXX
22:15.06Dovidand remove the exten => X.,... that u put it for me
22:15.16Dovidmike: I will PB
22:15.28*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (n=mltlnx@
22:17.22Dovidmike: my bad. under incoming
22:18.03mikeshankDovid: np, and remove the _X. lines
22:18.45Doviduse this
22:18.53Dovidkeep the s so that if u have another carrier it will go there
22:19.08Dovidwhat happens is asterisk tells ur carrier to send the calls to the s@your_IP
22:19.27Dovidhowever your carrier seems to be ignoring that and sending the call to your_number@your_IP
22:19.36Dovidso you need to create an "extension" to get the call
22:20.56mikeshankDovid: replace with my number but still getting the same error, so how do i create an extension for my number
22:21.58mikeshankDovid: scratch that, I assume exten => your_number creates the extension, but it dosent seem to work
22:23.49Dovidwell replace  your_number with your number
22:24.06Dovidmike: did u do a reaload ?
22:24.32mikeshankDovid: yes,  did both
22:24.40Dovidwhat do u see in ur CLI now ?
22:25.17Dovidmike: follow what i put on the PB
22:25.38mikeshankhandle_request_invite: call from 'my number' to extension 'my number'  rejected because extension not found
22:26.59Dovidmike: pb ur extensions.conf and sip.conf again
22:29.51*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
22:31.09Dovidmike: in the error in the cli did ur number have a 1 infront of it ?
22:31.28mikeshankDovid: no
22:31.42Dovidmike: nm
22:31.48Dovidi am spacing ouit
22:45.48*** join/#asterisk Katty (
22:46.17Dovidhi katty
22:46.20*** join/#asterisk LevonK (n=levon@nat/yahoo/x-37e9d0f76837f506)
22:47.16Kattyhow's things
22:47.33Dovidhave not been here in a while
22:47.40Dovidkatty: have a look at asterisk-cli
22:47.45Dovidnot too active as of now
22:48.28Kattypokes file
22:48.49Kattyhmmhesays: oh.
22:48.52Kattyhmmhesays: are you still here?
22:53.04Kattywow. so quiet :<
22:53.37*** part/#asterisk LevonK (n=levon@nat/yahoo/x-37e9d0f76837f506)
22:54.26Kattynot even [TK]D-Fender is talking.
22:54.29Kattysomething's horribly wrong.
22:54.45Dovidhe was b4
22:54.52Kattyhe doesn't shut up (=
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22:56.19Dovidhe only talks when spoken to
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23:03.04razis there a way to get rid of the implicit "beep" that the Record() command issues?
23:03.09razi'd like to send my own custom beep anyhow ;)
23:03.40Dovidraz: not that i know of. try changing the cource code ;)
23:03.51razi thought it might be one of the default soundfiles
23:03.54mikeshankDovid: think i got it, my sip context was set to default, changed it to context=phone and got hello world
23:03.57Dovidprob. is
23:04.05Dovidmike: :)
23:04.38Dovidmike: last thing i told ya was to check sip.conf but its good when u learn the hardway. u never forget
23:04.40mikeshankDovid: yeah, only problem shouldnt my phone be ringing :)
23:04.44Dovidi have wasted many of hours
23:04.56Dovidmike: No. because you dont have anything in there to call your phone
23:05.03Dovidlook at what you have
23:05.07Dovidplay file
23:05.11Dovidhang up
23:05.23Dovidyou would need to change ur configs
23:05.27Dovidon line 2 change it to
23:05.59Dovidmike: Change exten => my_number,2,Playback(hello-world)
23:06.25Dovidto: exten => my_number,2,Dial(SIP/Sam)
23:06.38Dovidso now instead of playing a file it will call your phone
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23:08.18mikeshankDovid: time for a beer
23:08.23DovidI agree
23:08.26Dovidu did well for urself
23:08.45Dovidwhat makes me most proud is that there still is hope. some people still use the CLI and not gui's
23:08.49Dovidasterisk-cli is new
23:09.01mikeshankDovid: thanks again for all your help, didnt think it was gonna happen
23:09.06Dovidjoin it. its for peole that actually write their own configs ;)
23:09.13Dovidi have had many of such nights
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23:09.52mikeshankDovid: so, whats the deal with broadvoice, they really suck
23:10.06Dovidmike: when i tested them 4 years ago they did
23:10.06mikeshankjust signed up yesterday
23:10.10Dovidi never looked back
23:10.18Dovidfor messing around its ok
23:10.30Dovidi had lots of call quality issues with them
23:10.31rwaitehi all, i've been having a problem where voicemail messages are being "lost" in the Old folder... is there a way to disable sending messages to the Old folder?
23:10.41Dovidcalls just not going through
23:10.48mikeshanki want to use it for my small business
23:11.05Dovidmikeshank: what kind of traffic do u think u will have ?
23:11.14mikeshanknot much ;)
23:11.32Dovidfor a number
23:11.43Dovidthey have some issues but for that money its worth it
23:11.44mikeshankjust tired of paying 150 mo. for a business line
23:11.48Dovidthey dont advertise it
23:11.57Doviduse that only for incoming
23:12.03Dovidfor outgoing use
23:12.11Dovidthey are the cheapest for outbound
23:12.23rwaitei guess not
23:13.03Dovidrwaite: saw some1 else that had the issue. dont remember what the issue was
23:13.15mikeshankDovid: thanks, i look into both of them
23:13.40Dovidthats ur best bang for ur buck
23:13.57Dovidi work for an ITSP but we are more expensive ;)
23:13.59rwaiteDovid: i tried simply symlinking Old to INBOX, which "works" but then * will say 1 new, 1 old
23:14.27Dovidwhy would u want to link it ?
23:14.38Dovidthats prob. whats cause ur issue
23:14.43rwaiteum, no.
23:14.48Dovidcause it deletes it from the INBOX that may be whats doing it
23:14.54Dovidif my sleepy head is correct
23:15.03rwaitei symlinked them so that when asterisk moves the voicemail to old, it gets "moved" back to inbox
23:15.22Dovidtry taking that off
23:15.26Dovidand test it
23:15.31rwaitethe problem is voicemails i have not heard yet are being moved into the old folder
23:15.36Dovidif it works then, maybe write a script that will move it
23:15.47Dovidthats wierd and should not happen
23:15.54*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), (2008/07/22), *-Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.6 (2008/07/22) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX
23:16.01rwaitemaybe a cron job that moves the messages every 5 minutes
23:16.14rwaitewoot new release
23:16.17Dovidyea. but b4 u do that test it and see what happens
23:16.34rwaiteDovid: what i just described to you, the symlink, was in effort to fix the issue
23:16.49rwaitethe problem existed before i did any mucking around
23:16.53Dovidrwaite: try getting the latest version. it should not happen
23:17.58Qwellwoot netsplit
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23:22.04profxaviergood quality VOIP phone (name + model), for business use ?
23:22.28jbotwell, phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
23:22.48DovidI like Polycom
23:24.09profxaviername + model ?
23:24.18Qwelldepends on what you need
23:24.23*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
23:25.46profxavierthanks you have been lots of help
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23:31.49angryusersnom at end ? i dont like that, they are better then spa ;)
23:33.04TJNIImutters somethuing about his snom resetting whenever someone calls
23:34.22angryuserQwell i had a good exp with siemens sip phones the have pretty unique uptions like 2 dect>1base>2sipaccount>whatever , ithink we should add them for home and small office use
23:36.47TJNIIOf course, the final concensus was that this phone is defective, hence why it was on eBay.
23:36.54TJNIIBut when it does work it is nice.
23:37.35mmlj4i loathe polycom
23:37.59ShotygunI agree, Snom are great phones.
23:38.28*** join/#asterisk wwalker (n=wwalker@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/wwalker)
23:40.48drfreezeHey - we are setting up a new PRI system and trying to dial out
23:41.02drfreezeMy PRI channels are listed here:
23:41.35drfreezeWhat should my dial string look like?
23:41.39drfreezeI have tried: ZAP/1-1/15129499683||
23:41.46drfreezeand ZAP/g1/15129499683||
23:41.50drfreezeand neither work
23:42.27drfreezethe latter gives error: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0 - Unknown)
23:43.06drfreezethe former Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP'cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion
23:45.20GhOnDiEyou trying to dial out on just chan 1?
23:46.07wwalkerGhOnDiE: or a magic rotation.  what do you suggest for drfreeze ?
23:46.53GhOnDiEgues it depends on how he has it setup
23:47.00wwalkerdrfreeze lost his connection just now but I'm in the room with him
23:47.17GhOnDiEmay only have that specific chan available for outgoing circuit
23:47.21wwalkerhe has a PRI with 11 voice channels into a TE-122b
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23:47.58GhOnDiEok well would be better to rotate it for load ballance function
23:48.38wwalkercool.  is that a zapata.conf setting, or is there a dial target that will just rotate the calls?
23:48.54wwalkerright now we just want to verify that it's possible to make an outbound call at all
23:49.05wwalkerthey are installing a new PRI...
23:49.19GhOnDiEthis page should help you
23:49.38GhOnDiEwould be a r option in zapta.conf
23:50.27GhOnDiEmake a group of all channels and then do a dial(Zap/r1.... for instance
23:50.33GhOnDiEdepends on how you setup the group
23:51.26GhOnDiEanyway good luck with it, im off to bed.
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