IRC log for #asterisk on 20080719

00:00.07angryuserMikeJ ivr in mysql ? torturing yourself ?
00:00.10bkw__khan: map an extension to it
00:00.20_khanangryuser: i know the about dialplans, actually i want to call from each analogue line to check their oustanding bills!!! :(
00:00.35joobiefair enuf
00:00.40MatBoyangryuser: you mean me ?
00:00.47joobiebut if i get asterisk working this weekend
00:00.51joobiewithout freepbx
00:00.58joobiethen frepbx is a cop out.
00:01.04joobiethe challenge is set..
00:01.08angryuseroh yes MatBoy
00:01.26joobiejoobie to get * working in one weekend without freepbx = freepbx is a copy out
00:01.27bkw_who did IVR in mysql?
00:01.39bkw_joobie: not really.
00:01.51bkw_joobie: most people just want a phone system and could care less how it works.
00:02.05MatBoyangryuser: yes it seems so, no what I want to do is make a IVR that ask a person to enter some digits, that must query a DB if it exists, if it exists I need to transfer the call
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00:02.38QwellMatBoy: func_odbc :D
00:03.14angryuser_khan so set up a dial as i explained upper
00:03.18Qwellit was written for exactly that type of thing
00:03.31MatBoyQwell: yes, I have read that, but cmd MySQL seem to be easier... even than not much info about howto do this.
00:03.48_khanangryuser: ok, thanks. m trying will get back to u.
00:05.06angryuser_khan whateversuitsyou,1,Dial(Zap/25/${EXTEN})
00:06.21MatBoyQwell: but still than, I can't find good examples about it
00:08.42_khanangryuser: now i understand, thanks.
00:09.14angryuserMatBoy try to write some basic with NoOp everywhere, it's what i do usually ;)
00:09.43joobiehmm guys.. zaptel make menuconfig is complaining that i dont have ncurses installed - but i do (ncurses-5.5-24.20060715)
00:10.03angryuserjoobie and dev package also ?
00:10.10joobienope not the devel
00:10.10MatBoyangryuser: yes I have read about that, that works OK ?>
00:10.21joobieill install it now.. thanks angry
00:11.55angryusernoop here noop there, sql is standart, eventually you will find what missing....
00:12.12joobiecheers angry, that worked
00:13.33joobiebrb rebooting
00:14.19MatBoyangryuser: mhh, let me look into that
00:14.35MatBoyit must be doable, but I have the idea when I search that I want to do stuff no-one uses :S
00:17.09angryuserMatBoy if there in no examples at all, cli 'core show function/application' should help you and it is big for mysql and odbc
00:17.30angryuserthere is*
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00:18.19_khanangryuser: cheers, it works...
00:18.46joobiehmm is this fixed - ?
00:18.53joobiei have the same error with zaptel make install
00:19.08MatBoyangryuser: ok, that is nice to know :)
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00:20.10angryuserjoobie 'make config' in zaptel directory , uncheck xpp or download from svn
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00:20.41jbotcentos is probably an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.  Check it out at, or
00:20.52joobieta angry
00:20.56joobiewas just looking into the src
00:21.08joobieif i comment out the typedef it's ok
00:21.21joobiebut then it's using the original..
00:21.26joobiemight do ur above suggestion - cheers
00:22.28angryusergoing to sleep
00:23.22joobienight man
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00:32.03MatBoyI was testing a faxline, couldn't figure out why the fax was rining and not coming in... it was transfered :P
00:32.13MatBoyI know for sure that someone is awake now :D
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00:32.59_khanIncoming call receive after 2 rings on zap channels (analogue line)..... How to directly receive the call without any ring
00:37.13_khanMatBoy: feels that, every has slept now :)
00:38.26MatBoy_khan: hehe
00:38.57MatBoyis there a reason why a asterisk box doesn't pick up calls directly when you rebooted it ? sip show peers shows everything OK
00:39.12MatBoybusy tone
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00:40.18_khanMatBoy: till channels not configured completely.......
00:41.51MatBoy_khan: no I had CID configured :P
00:42.19MatBoyhehe, I need to empty that fax because I let it ring for a couple of minutes sometimes :P
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01:13.14*** join/#asterisk jjshoe_ (n=jjshoe@
01:13.15joobieguys does * work as a sip client behind nat, to a sip proxy on the net?
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01:13.20joobieim reading that there's a few problems
01:15.03MatBoymhh, faxing seems to be slow
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01:16.04MatBoyow, it was a photo :P
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01:18.23MatBoyyeah ! this is nice
01:19.38joobiei have setup sip.conf to connect to my sip provider
01:19.47joobiehow can i test if the connectino is working?
01:20.05joobiei restarted asterix and cat'ed the logs in /var/log/asterisk.. nothing coming up in there really that says it's connected
01:20.12jjshoe_sip show registry ?
01:21.09joobiewhere do i execute that command jj?
01:21.12joobiesip binary doesnt exist on cli
01:21.24jjshoe_it's an asterisk command.
01:21.32joobiehow do i execute asterisk commands?
01:21.46jjshoe_joobie you should read up on asterisk a bit.
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01:22.56joobiemad :)
01:23.06joobiethe cli is like cisco with ? query commands
01:23.07joobievery slick
01:23.39joobiejj, what about connecting two phones to the asterisk box?
01:23.46joobiewould this be done via sip in the lan?
01:23.50joobiei have polycom 320's
01:23.53joobieand poe
01:24.50warewolfany asterisk software/hardware hackers around?  I've got an old creative/innomedia "voipblaster" I'd like to use w/ asterisk.
01:25.22warewolfI'm aware of the g.723 codec "issues" but noticed that there was a 723 plugin for asterisk ... anyone ever manage to get a voipblaster working with asterisk?
01:26.09jjshoe_joobie there's a free asterisk book somewhere to download, I woould recommend getting it
01:26.11jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
01:27.49joobieya im just not sure
01:27.59joobiedo they use sip in a lan environemnt to conncet to asterisk?
01:28.01joobieis that the best way??
01:28.27joobiei just have poe rj45 to the polycom phones.. and my asterisk is a sip client to a 3rd party provider on the net
01:28.47joobieso i want to connect the polycom's via poe to my network talking to asterisk..
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01:47.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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01:54.56_khanhow to ignore the incoming call on Zap (analougue) ???
01:55.40[TK]D-Fender_khan: don't answer on it.
01:55.53[TK]D-Fender_khan: do "exten => s,1,Hangup
01:56.16_khanbut id does'nt hangup the call, call is still in ringing
01:56.36[TK]D-Fenderyes... hence * is not answering it.  Exactly like you requested
01:56.44_khanand hanup again & again is executing
01:57.13_khanthen, what's the solution??
02:01.28_khan[TK]D-Fender: where m i on mistake??
02:06.35[TK]D-Fender_khan: bad link
02:08.26[TK]D-Fender_khan:   == Starting Zap/32-1 at welcomeivr,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'  == Starting Zap/32-1 at welcomeivr,s,1 still failed so falling back to context  'default'
02:08.42[TK]D-Fender_khan: You apparently haven't learned to look at where you are even sending your calls to.
02:09.08[TK]D-Fender_khan: and why is your pastebin output split in half?
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02:20.48chandihi guys, I've got a little question. I'm now using IAX with my provider but I'd like to do something similar to canreinvite and I know it's possible from what I've read (a post from Mark Spencer)
02:21.21chandiis it done automatically or a config has to be changed like with SIP ?
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02:37.41chandithanks a lot :)
02:38.46*** join/#asterisk Fiapo-CE (i=Fiapo-CE@
02:39.36WilliamKwow, suddenly quiet...
02:40.02WilliamKhello TK
02:40.18Fiapo-CEhow do i set id caller on zaptel, it is possible? I'd to remove the area code from my number.
02:40.32joobieguys anyone got current sip software for the polycom 320's ?
02:40.40joobieor know where to download it..
02:40.53[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: on PRi yes, analog no.
02:41.02[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: You get it from our reseller
02:41.08WilliamKjoobie, who did you buy the polycom through? usually the VAR provides an FTP site
02:41.14Fiapo-CE[TK]D-Fender, it is pri.
02:41.44[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: so go set the CID and test it
02:42.18Fiapo-CE[TK]D-Fender: where? zapata.conf?
02:42.48[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: no, in your DIALPLAN, before you DIAL
02:43.20chandiAnother little question. I have an app making call files and then it transfers to an extension which call sendDTMF. It used to work fine with SIP but now it keeps on sending the first digit
02:43.28chandiand it never stops
02:43.42chandiit starts the sound and it never ends :(
02:43.43joobiei bought the phones through
02:43.44chandiany clue ?
02:43.56joobiebut their support really sucks - don't think ill be able to get the software through them..
02:44.06joobieive rung them about 20 times in the last year and never got through to anyone
02:45.04[TK]D-Fenderchandi: You'd have to pastebin the cli output of a failed call along with all related dialplan, call files, etc
02:46.22joobieare thre any other ways to get the software? anyone got it?
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02:48.46Fiapo-CE[TK]D-Fender: sorry, could you repeat?
02:49.02joobiethat's odd - is that the software ?
02:49.09joobiesip software 2.2.2
02:49.14joobieit's a 42MB download
02:50.04chandid-fender :   thanks :)
02:50.32kash[TK]D-Fender: don't you ever sleep
02:50.39[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: no, in your DIALPLAN, before you DIAL
02:50.50chandiwait, forgot cli output
02:51.42chandinew pastebin :
02:51.46WilliamKjoobie, my suggestion would be to purchase a phone through a more cooperative VAR or call Polycom and complain that the var isn't being supportive in providing you updated firmware (IF they are an authorized VAR)
02:52.01WilliamKthat in itself may be the issue if they're not auth'd by polycom
02:52.27chandid-fender : it does the same thing even when I call my DID from the PSTN . Not only with a call file
02:55.25Fiapo-CE[TK]D-Fender: my dial is  exten => s,2,Dial(Zap/g0/${ARG1},45,Ttr) where can i change to remove the area code?
02:55.43*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
02:57.56[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: I told you to set it BEFORE you dial.
02:58.02[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: "core show function CALLERID"
02:59.11[TK]D-Fenderchandi: So you get a continuous "1" tone?
03:00.45chandi[tk]d-fender well.. My ears are not good enough to make the difference between the different numbers but I do get a continuous tone every time but the last time I've tried which sounded like a short one followed by a continuous one
03:00.59chandibut that could be a signal cut though
03:01.26[TK]D-Fenderchandi: Ok, it looks like its doing fine, so I'm not sure what to tell you.
03:01.37[TK]D-Fenderchandi: I'd be worrying about that as well.
03:01.59joobieWilliamK, what about that download though?
03:02.09joobieis that not the updated firmware?
03:02.43WilliamKthere is newer firmware
03:02.48chanditk-d-fender I'll try to upgrade my * to a a newer version. The strange thing is that it was working perfectly under SIP. Are there different ways to send DTMF through IAX as with SIP (in-band, info, etc) ?
03:03.09WilliamK2.2 works well don't get me wrong, but there is a newer release out
03:03.17joobiewhich is the newer?
03:03.24[TK]D-Fenderchandi: What are you on now?
03:03.34joobieor WilliamK do you have the newer one?
03:03.36chanditk-d-fender : 1.4.0
03:03.38joobiethen i can d/l from u.
03:03.41[TK]D-Fender3.X is apprently unstable ATM and trouble.
03:03.53[TK]D-Fenderchandi: 1.4.0?  ANCIENT
03:03.57kashi use 3.0.3
03:04.05chanditk-d- ok ok.. I'll upgrade then
03:04.09WilliamKtrouble how so?
03:04.21WilliamKwould rather know sooner than later
03:04.33[TK]D-FenderWilliamK: have heard of crashing, config parms moved around, etc.  Got an opinion to share?
03:05.45joobiegiven 3.X is buggy, is the 2.2 the latest in the 2.X branch?
03:05.54[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: 2.2.2
03:05.58joobiegreat :)
03:06.01joobienow i dont feel so bad :P
03:06.38WilliamKhaven't rolled 3.0.3b yet... looking at the changelog now
03:06.50WilliamKI see where they moved some values though and added some
03:07.44WilliamKboatload of changes
03:08.40[TK]D-FenderWilliamK: Yes, very promising, but not great reports of stability yet
03:09.25WilliamKmore changes than I care to digest tonight... my mind is stuck on wireless tonight
03:09.35joobiesup with your wireless will?
03:09.48WilliamKtrying to find the best AP controller and WLAN probes
03:10.04chandibbl after compilation
03:10.07WilliamKwas thinking about Demarc Tech's APs (reasonable), yet I want a few more features
03:10.45joobieis this for indoor use?
03:10.52WilliamKI really want MIMO and AD integration abilities along with capabilities for doing digital certs and association of VLAN based on userID
03:11.19WilliamKreally don't want to have to do a radius between an AD server as a translator
03:11.24WilliamKkinda bites having to do that
03:11.44joobiei use the cisco 800 series in the office
03:11.46joobievery stable
03:12.39WilliamKmeshed or just single ?
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03:24.26cesar_CRhello guys :)
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03:29.23Fiapo-CEhelp me, my full number is XXX-YYYY-ZZZZ, when I call to somebody, my number appears like XXX-YYYY-ZZ. would be YYYY-ZZZZ. how do i fix it? please.
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03:36.54joobieguys im getting chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:1234@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found in the log
03:37.01chandid-fender : it was indeed my Ancient version of *. Must have been made before 2nd world war ;)
03:37.11joobiei just updated the bootrom and sip software.. configed it all up.. the phone is plugged in and that comes in the logs
03:38.08joobiei defined in sip.conf '[extension]; type=user; secret=aaaa; context=default; mailbox=1234' .. is that not enough?
03:38.44[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: you didn't set a host
03:39.15joobiedoes the host have to be static fender?
03:39.27Kyoshicould be dynamic
03:39.32Kyoshibut state 'dynamic'
03:39.34Kyoshias the host
03:39.45joobielike i have defined a password in the sip software for the phone.. if i use that to specify different passwords for different phones, is that enough?
03:39.56[TK]D-Fenderhost=dynamic <-
03:40.10joobieif i go down that path, will the phones dynamically assign to a extenion in the sip.conf based on the passwd?
03:40.25Kyoshinot based on the password
03:40.40Kyoshiyou have to assign extensions to the phones based on the [name here] in the sip.conf
03:40.46Kyoshisuch as
03:41.00[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: that tells * that that DEVICE (FFS stop calling it an 'extension') that it is allowed to REGISTER to it.
03:41.17joobiesry ehhe
03:41.19joobiethanks tho
03:41.25joobiedamn exciting - my first * build
03:41.26Kyoshii love that
03:41.39joobiealmost there i think.. i can see i have setup the sip client to my sip provider ok
03:41.42joobiejust the phones :P
03:41.46joobiek gona try that.. thanks!
03:41.50joobiebtw 4 number extensions are ok ya?
03:41.52joobielike 1234?
03:41.59joobiebrb testing:P
03:44.19joobieNOTICE[4657] chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:1234@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
03:44.22joobiestill getting that
03:44.33joobiesec ill paste
03:44.38joobiek one sec
03:44.39Kyoshishow the sip.conf
03:47.16joobiei pasted some of the configs that are going to the handset too
03:47.44joobieyou can probably tell by that config - but im setting up asterisk to be a sip client to my sip provider.. then the phones connect to asterisk on my LAN
03:47.47[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: that should have been "type=peer" <-
03:48.27joobiefor 1234?
03:48.44joobieKyoshi, macaddr is substituted for the handset's mac addr
03:48.53joobiepolycom sucks that in when it loads up
03:49.01joobieseperate cfg per handset
03:49.04Kyoshii know
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03:49.09Kyoshiso lets see
03:49.32joobiesry man.. im new to all this, duno if im stating the obvious.. the whole thing foreign to me:P
03:50.25Kyoshiso you're trying to make the phone config marry to an ext?
03:50.54Kyoshilemme go read on this
03:51.15joobieyea.. marry to an internal ext
03:51.27joobieso when i plug in the polycom it takes ext 1234
03:51.49joobiethat's the first goal.. second goal is to make it so when i dial the ext voip number it goes through to ext 1234
03:51.59joobieand also 1234 to be able to dial other extensions and also external
03:52.04joobiesmall steps tho;P
03:52.25joobiei did 'sip show registry' and it looks like the asterisk has established a connection to the sip provider
03:58.18joobietype=peer works for the phone
03:58.30joobiebut doesnt allow me to dial external numbers through the sip provider
03:58.36joobiedo i need to setup a dialplan for that or sumthen?
03:59.48Fiapo-CE[TK]D-Fender not working :(
04:03.24[TK]D-FenderFiapo-CE: and you're not SHOWING
04:04.30*** join/#asterisk freezey (
04:14.38jblack[TK]D-Fender: You're such a voyer
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04:32.45joobiethis is killin me
04:32.55joobieanyone able to lend a hand? getting another error now..
04:33.14joobiewill paste bin my conf
04:33.18kamanashisroyhi, is there any manager command to send text to a channel ?
04:35.25joobie that is my config for sip.conf and extensions.conf .. when i go to dial a local number on my handset i see this coming up .. '[Jul 20 00:25:41] NOTICE[5163] chan_sip.c: Call from '1234' to extension '95310341' rejected because extension not found.'
04:35.54joobiei setup an exten in extensions.conf with pattern matching to match that 9 digit number and pipe it out to comvergence, but doesnt work
04:37.08kamanashisroyjoobie: where is your default context ?
04:38.02freezeyanybody see that IAX workaround for countries that are blocking the IAX and SIP ports?
04:38.07kamanashisroyjoobie: 1234 is bind in the default context !!
04:39.01joobiekamanashisroy, i removed the default context
04:39.15joobiei basically wiped the sameple extensions.conf and did my own. because there's so much crap in there that i thought it was conflicting
04:39.45_khanfreezey: use ipfilter to change or bypass the ports for IAX
04:39.49kamanashisroyjoobie: no problem .. but the asterisk is searching the extension in the default context ..
04:40.06joobieahh yea i forgot that line in sip.conf
04:40.15freezey_khan, was at the HOPE conference today and 2 guy designed this perl script that will assist in doing this
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04:41.16joobiekamanashisroy, i updated that context to users.. is this all you can see that is wrong?
04:41.39kamanashisroywhat did you set ?
04:41.54_khanfreezey: when protocol is blocked then the only way to use tunneling & if the ports are blocked then change that ports accordingly
04:41.56joobieunder [1234] i set context to 'users'
04:42.01joobie.. in sip.conf
04:42.18joobierestarting asterisk.. ill try to dial again
04:43.16freezey_khan, i understand i am just saying that a few guys at this conference came up with a cool perl script that handles alot of this stuff as well as injection dos etc
04:43.31joobiekamanashisroy, one step closer.. now getting this error 'chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1234 Rich"'
04:44.09_khanfreezey: who one???
04:44.31freezey_khan, who one?
04:45.26kamanashisroyjoobie: is the 1234 registered there ? try use insecure=very ..
04:45.26_khanfreezey: i also need those script :)
04:46.53freezey_khan, yeah i am waiting for this guy to post it he said he was gong to do it tonite but he did not... it was cool during the injection part of it he basically brings your asterisk process up to 90% of system usage because he is sending tons and tons of IAX connections to the box but instantly dropping them and each time asterisk creates a session ID for them
04:46.55freezeyso its pretty neat
04:47.17joobiekamanashisroy, where did you get 1234 from? i thought that was just the extension number for my handset
04:48.06kamanashisroyjoobie: I thought you dialed 1234 .. as it is specified in the log ..!
04:48.11joobiethe TISP has provided me a username / password.. i specified that though both in the comvergence section and in the register under general section of sip.conf
04:48.22kamanashisroyjoobie: s/dialed/sent call/
04:48.26joobiemy handset is 1234
04:48.34joobiebut i am dialling a 9 digit number
04:48.41kamanashisroyjoobie: handset ? is it sip client ?
04:48.54joobiekamanashisroy, the handset is a sip client to asterisk
04:48.59_khanjoobie: check your sip whether it is registered or not "sip show registry"
04:49.03joobieand asterisk is a sip client to the sip provider
04:49.36kamanashisroyjoobie: as _khan said .. check your sip registry
04:49.36joobieit says is state 'Registered'
04:50.00kamanashisroyjoobie: is it for 1234 ?
04:50.30joobiebut kamanashisroy i wanted to set this up so my asterisk box registers to the sip provider
04:50.40_khanjoobie: what codec ur provider is using??
04:50.42joobieso my asterisk box is sip client and sip provider is the sip server
04:50.55kamanashisroyjoobie: your dial statement is wrong ..
04:51.08joobiethen when my handsets in the lan want to go via the sip provider.. they connect to the asterisk box via sip.. and then route through that connection the asterisk box already has registered to the sip provider
04:51.10kamanashisroyjoobie: you are doing it in IAX style .. ... please recheck
04:51.28joobieSIP Codecs: G729, G711A 20ms
04:51.34joobiethat is from the sip provider
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04:52.06kamanashisroyjoobie: I think you wanted to write SIP/${EXTEN}@comvergence not SIP/comvergence/${EXTEN} ..
04:52.26joobiei see
04:52.30joobielet me try
04:52.43_khanjoobie: first register it on other client to check whether you can dial a number from the sip phone or not
04:54.26joobiekamanashisroy, same error
04:55.18joobie_khan, what do you mean? setup another handset and dial that handset via asterisk?
04:55.26joobieto avoid the sip provider?
04:55.27kamanashisroyjoobie: are you trying from 1234 ?
04:56.02joobiei pick up handset 1234, then i dial the 8 digit number and press dial
04:56.04joobiethen i get that invite error
04:57.53_khanjoobie: register this account on any softphone like xlite, eyebeam & dial number from softphone, it is working or not??
04:58.12joobieahh i see
04:58.22joobiei havent tried that yet _khan
04:58.29joobieis there a mac softphone?
04:58.32joobiedecent one
04:58.32*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
04:58.33joobieill try
04:59.22_khanuse xlite
04:59.25*** join/#asterisk terracon (
05:00.55kamanashisroyjoobie: use "insecure=very" in 1234 sip account ..
05:01.24kamanashisroyjoobie: ^^ just for testing ..
05:01.47joobiewill try
05:01.52joobiedownloading xlite meanwhile
05:04.10joobiesame error kaman
05:04.56joobiegona try x-lite.. sec
05:07.09joobiex-lite requires a domain, the sip provider didnt provide this
05:07.25jayteetry insecure=port,invite instead if you're running 1.4
05:07.42_khanjoobie: domain is same as ip address
05:07.56joobiecan i use hostname there too khan?
05:08.45joobiethat works :)
05:08.49joobiex-lite that is
05:09.05joobiejaytee, where is that set?
05:09.15joobieunder [1234] ?
05:09.17jayteesip.conf for that phone
05:09.20jayteeor device
05:09.37joobieso you guys think it's a problem with [1234] rather than [comvergence] right?
05:10.12_khanwhat u have define under [1234]
05:10.35_khanjoobie: is 1234 your ID??
05:10.46joobiesec ill pastebin a fresh one khan
05:10.49*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:10.50joobie1234 is my handset id
05:11.16_khanjoobie: sip.conf & extension.conf both
05:11.58joobie that is sip.conf
05:12.39joobie that is extensions.conf
05:13.18joobie.. The error I get is - [Jul 20 01:12:51] NOTICE[6043] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1234 Rich" <sip:sipusername@>;tag=as46df2190'
05:14.19joobiebtw the handset i have set the sip provider as * .. asterisk has comvergence set as the sip provider
05:15.05joobiejaytee, i tried that option you suggested and got the same error
05:15.25jayteedid you do a sip reload after you made the change?
05:17.16joobiei did /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
05:17.27joobiepresuming this does a sip reload?
05:17.37jayteewhat are you running on? Debian?
05:18.54joobiejaytee, after i do the restart, if i do 'sip show registry', the reg.time has updated.
05:19.06jayteeyou should be able to type service asterisk restart in centos, it's what I do if you're running the right startup script. And then you run asterisk -vvvvvr to remote connect to the CLI.
05:19.28*** join/#asterisk _khan (n=shariq@
05:20.03joobieyea service command is a shortcut to /etc/init.d scripts
05:20.24joobiejust force of habit.. i think redhat introduced service command only in the last few years
05:21.20jayteein Debian or Ubuntu it's still the old explicit command
05:22.00jayteeso the sip.conf you posted has all the real personal data masked I hope because those account names are too generic.
05:22.16joobiemaybe redhat ripped it from debian :P
05:22.37joobieyea, sipusername and sippassword are masked
05:22.42joobiethe rest are as-is
05:22.49jayteeno, I think RedHat came out with service. Ubuntu still doesn't have it.
05:23.34jayteeok, because that right there would kill registration with an outside sip provider. did you follow the wiki for sipnat?
05:24.03joobiemy work paid for me to do the rhce.. that was back in RHEL3. i think they just introduced service in that version .. but my memory sux
05:24.33joobiei didnt jaytee
05:25.14jayteeif you're behind a nat'd firewall you might need to refer to it.
05:25.19jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:26.26joobie* is behind nat firewall
05:26.29_khanjoobie: your sip should be like this [sipusername] user=sipusername secret=sippass host=ip or domain fromuser=sipuser allow=g711a
05:27.08joobieinteresting khan
05:27.39joobieill try reformat to that
05:27.55joobieis sipuser the same as sipusername ?
05:28.44joobie[sipusername] im leaving as [comvergence] though - is that ok?
05:28.46joobiejust so the dialplan is clearer
05:30.16_khancreate a dialplan as _001X.,1,Dial(SIP/sipusername:sippass@host/${EXTEN:2},,tTo)
05:31.55joobieok same error as before.. though havent put in the dialplan
05:31.58joobieill wack that in now
05:31.59_khanand remove or comments all of other for time being
05:32.18_khanreload extensions and sip in *
05:32.38joobieremove nat=yes, canreinvite=no also ?
05:32.53_khanleave as it is
05:33.22*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
05:35.59joobie[Jul 20 01:35:49] WARNING[6388] frame.c: Cannot allow unknown format 'g711a'
05:37.35joobie_khan, that's the latest configs
05:39.16joobieok that's interesting
05:39.22joobietotally different error with that config _khan
05:39.29_khanjust comment disallow=all & allow=g711a
05:40.33joobieWARNING[6517] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
05:40.36joobienot sure what that means..
05:41.44joobie[Jul 20 01:41:31] WARNING[6591] chan_sip.c: No such host:
05:41.50joobieWARNING[6591] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
05:42.02joobieit resolves fine on the * box that is
05:42.57_khansip is registered on * ?     sipusername        105 Registered           Sun, 20 Jul 2008 01:41:55
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05:43.55joobielong shot - is it possible it's trying to resolve '' rather than '' ?
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05:44.39joobiesec khan
05:44.42joobieim going to try the ip
05:44.47joobieget rid of dns all togehter
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05:50.20mandhHi all
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05:55.17tessierHello all
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05:56.55mandhi enable "recordformat=gsm
05:56.55mandh" at agents.conf that record files fine ,but i wann that in recored file name , that date of call is record also
05:57.12tessierI have a phone in context "hoang". I have another phone in context "copilot". Each of these context has a few 3 digits extensions. Context hoang includes exten => _XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) in the dialplan. If a phone in context hoang dials the 3 digit extension number of a phone in context copilot it successfully rings that phone. But the copilot phone is in a different context. So how are they able to call each other?
05:57.47mandhcoz the files now record like :agent-1010-1216431671-111176.gsm
06:05.22xiandotessier: interesting! I'm gonna experiment with that on my boxen right now, the security implications are .. interesting.
06:07.02xiandounless it has include context somewhere (or something like that) then it's not supposed to be able to do that
06:09.27tessierxiando: Yeah, that's why I'm really confused
06:12.16lanningtessier, the "exten => _XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})" does that.  you have sip channels defined as 3 digit number, so, it is a direct one to one match, no translation.
06:12.42tessierlanning: That's what I was afraid of. So how do fix that? Have to specify a context somehow?
06:13.07lanningyou don't do wildcarding like that.
06:13.23tessierThe real problem that turned me onto this is that I have two different teliax accounts
06:13.23lanningyou have to spell out the extensions for each context.
06:13.52tessierYes, I just figured that out and made that change and it works.
06:14.58tessierHowever I have a phone in hoang context with extensions like exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/hoang-teliax/${EXTEN:1}) but when the phone in hoang context calls the call is going out through SIP/teliax instead and getting charged to the wrong teliax account.
06:15.13tessierI thought they would be related problems. Now I'm not so sure...
06:15.58tessierActually, it says it is dialing hoang-teliax on the console:     -- Called hoang-teliax/18583490123
06:16.17tessierBut it went out my SIP device which is just called "teliax".
06:17.16lanningmake sure the two sip.conf channels ID themselves differently (username and secret)
06:19.22tessierYes, they do. They use two different teliax accounts with different usernames and secrets.
06:20.45*** join/#asterisk Pons (n=pons@unaffiliated/pons)
06:21.01lanningwhat do you mean "went out my SIP device", what device?
06:22.08tessierIn sip.conf I have two sip accounts/devices. One called "teliax" the other "huang-teliax"
06:22.24tessierThey each have a unique username/secret
06:22.37lanningah, you are calling devices, I am calling channels
06:22.45Ponshello guys, anyone with chan_mobile knowledge? I'm on 1.4.20 (debian version), chan_mobile rev 454 with 1.4.x patch, and it keeps getting the damn "reason (104)" error  and disconnecting.
06:22.45tessierOk, I will call them channels.
06:23.05PonsWhat would be the best, 1.6 beta and 1.6 addons, or anything else?
06:23.09tessierIn sip.conf I have channels defined for all of my phones and a pair of channels defined for each of my accounts with teliax
06:23.28tessierI have phone extensions 397, 398, 399 all register in context copilot
06:24.08tessierand context copilot includes context "outgoing" which has lines like exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/teliax/${EXTEN:1})
06:24.38lanninghave you run a "sip debug" to see if you are sending the right info in the INVITE packet?  What is telling you that you are using the "teliax" channel?  Is it just the bill?  If so, it might be an issue with the teliax service.
06:25.20tessierI also have extensions 400 and 401 which register in context hoang. And context hoang includes hoang-outgoing which has lines like exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/hoang-teliax/${EXTEN:1})
06:25.26tessierNo, I haven't. Let me try that...
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06:29.27tessierlanning: I did a sip debug peer hoang-teliax and when I made a call it went out through that channel.
06:29.34tessierAnd successfully rang my cell phone.
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06:30.40lanningok, if that call shows up in the "teliax" channel's CDR on the teliax service, then it is their problem.
06:31.08tessierSIP/hoang-teliax-082 (None)               Up      Bridged Call(SIP/401-081da418)
06:31.08tessierSIP/401-081da418     918583490123@hoang-o Up      Dial(SIP/hoang-teliax/18583490
06:31.14tessierThat's from show channels.
06:31.21tessierIt's definitely going out the hoang-teliax channel.
06:31.35tessierAnd showing up in the teliax channel's cdr.
06:31.54tessierIs it possible that teliax has never had anyone try to register two accounts from the same IP before?
06:31.55lanningthey might be grouping by IP address, and using which ever registration happens first/last...
06:32.00tessierCould be...
06:40.14joobieguys anyone know how to resolve the "chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE" error?
06:44.17florzis there any way I could make asterisk not recognize the pickup extension from features.conf as anything special, but rather process it through the dialplan as any other number?
06:44.50florzs/as any/like any/
06:45.27florznot quite ... =:-)
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07:30.17mandhwhat "Calls Abandoned" means
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09:12.48joobieguys what dialplan allows phones to dial eachother in the same lan?
09:13.44mvanbaakeh ?
09:15.00joobiemvanbaak, i've defined two handsets in sip.conf
09:15.13joobieboth have a sip connection to asterisk
09:15.22joobieone is ext 1233 and the other 1234
09:15.34joobiewhat dialplan do i need so i can pick up 1233 and dial in 1234 and get the other phone ringing?
09:16.16mvanbaakexten => _123X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
09:17.46joobiethanks mvan
09:22.12joobiemvanbaak, how's your sip knowledge? i've had a problem all day im about to get stuck into.. not sure where to start with this one though
09:22.54mvanbaakjust ask the question
09:23.41joobiemy * box is hooked up via sip to my sip provider.. then i have these two phones hanging off the * box, connected up via sip to the * box.
09:24.04joobiewhen i try to dial an external number via the connection to the sip provider, i get a busy tone and an error like '[Jul 20 05:22:59] NOTICE[32712] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1233" <sip:sipusername@>;tag=as3a945c09''
09:24.08*** part/#asterisk arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
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09:26.28joobie that is my sip.conf and extensions.conf
09:26.56joobiealso when i do 'sip show registry', it says the connection to the sip provider is 'Registered'
09:27.12joobiehave also tried connecting directly from my laptop to the sip provider using x-lite, it works fine..
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09:48.17bobfacemorning all - quick stupid question - how can i download festival on AsteriskNow
09:48.36bobfacei can't find any gcc or dpkg or rpm tools
09:50.38mvanbaakasteriskNow has conary as package manager
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09:51.42bobfaceok cool
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09:53.28joobiemvanbaak, still around?
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09:53.47mvanbaakcan you put that paste on ?
09:53.56mvanbaakI cannot reach for some weird reason
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10:00.03joobiesure thing
10:00.19joobieahh bugger
10:00.24joobiedo u have the url mvanbaak ?
10:00.28joobiei lost it when my client closed
10:04.02joobieis that readable?
10:04.09joobiei can repost without the numbers if you want
10:04.26joobiethe line numbers from came through.. :P
10:04.45mvanbaakpretty unreadable yeah
10:04.54mvanbaakhhmm, I know why I cannot reach
10:05.03joobiesec ill repaste
10:05.22mvanbaakthey do have an ipv6 address in the DNS, but their webserver does not listen on ipv6
10:06.45joobiemvanbaak, try this
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10:07.02joobieisnt there ipv6 -> ipv4 proxies?
10:07.12mvanbaakah well
10:07.17mvanbaakah, that paste is readable
10:07.32joobiecool :)
10:09.01mvanbaakso, what's not working
10:09.14mvanbaakcalls from 1233 to 1234 are working ?
10:10.44joobiejust when i try to dial an external number,w hich should go via comvergence, it says '[Jul 20 06:10:17] NOTICE[32712] chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1234" <sip:sipuser@>;tag=as1193723f''
10:10.53joobiethat happens if i try to dial out from either handset
10:11.44mvanbaakcan you pastebin the CLI output after you have done 'core set verbose 3'
10:12.55joobiewell that's good to know :P
10:12.57joobiesec ill pastebin
10:15.37mvanbaakhhmm, I really think we need the output of a sip debug
10:15.54mvanbaakdo: sip set debug on
10:16.01mvanbaaktry to call outbound
10:16.04mvanbaakand pastebin that
10:16.04joobieshould i increase my buffer for this?:P
10:16.13mvanbaakerm, probably
10:16.44joobieit didnt like that syntax
10:16.57joobiei can specify an ip tho
10:17.16joobieshould i put *'s ip or comvergence?
10:17.31joobieahh my bad
10:17.33joobiei can do it by peer
10:19.38jbotthe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', exclamation mark '!', question mark '?', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '--', or  ellipsis '...' instead.
10:22.11joobieangryuser, i'm learning - just used a ',' ;)
10:22.33joobiemvanbaak, huge dump from that debug.. i set debug on the peer being '1234' (the handset dialing external)
10:23.58mvanbaakjoobie: weird. It thinks comvergence is on your local network
10:24.24joobieim using polycom phones
10:24.39joobiethe phones are configured to use as the sip proxy
10:24.58joobieduno if they are related
10:25.08joobiebut calls to comvergence sip would still go to the lan first
10:25.38joobiebtw mvanbaak, how did you determine from that log the call was going to the local netwokr?
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10:26.56mvanbaakoh wait, this is only the debug for the phone ?
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10:31.53Mike8861hello all, i have been running a asterisk for 6 months, the user and call duration has been increase for the past 2 weeks. asterisk beging to freeze and stop working
10:32.33angryuserMike8861 have you rebooted for 6 months ?
10:32.50Mike8861how to troubleshoot the problem? SPEC: Celeron/512MB ram, connected user: 100 concurrent calls: 10, no PSTN trunk, pure SIP
10:33.07Mike8861yes. i have rebooted a few times
10:33.18Mike8861but this 2 weeks, likely, i have reboot a few hours
10:33.20joobiei couldnt turn debug on in genreal.. had to be specific to a peer or ip
10:33.32mvanbaakhuh ?
10:33.36mvanbaaksip set debug on
10:33.57angryuserMike8861 any log traces? What do you meen by freeze ?
10:34.30joobieahh mvan
10:34.50Mike8861the server itself, including linux, apache, asterisk....i dunno how to say, stop responsding, it cannot be ping, no HTTP reply, SIP client cannot connect
10:34.54joobiesip set debug worked
10:34.58joobiewithout 'on'
10:35.04joobieim running 1.4 btw
10:35.07mvanbaakjoobie: ah.
10:35.12mvanbaakyeah, thought so
10:35.16Mike8861any hope ?
10:35.46mvanbaakthere's always hope
10:35.48angryuserMike8861 could it be hardware problem ? run memtest check you hdd, check temperature ect..
10:36.48joobieheh :)
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10:37.14Mike8861angryuser: thank you. I will post the log when i get to the server]\
10:37.31angryuserMike8861 clean you pc from dust, sometimes it helps
10:37.42Mike8861angryuser: does this related to the increase of user ?
10:38.24angryuserMike8861 it depends , if you do transcoding or not , look in 'top'
10:38.33joobieMike8861, have you looked at dmesg if anything odd is being reported?
10:38.41joobieor other log files?
10:39.03Mike8861angryuser: no transcoding are being proceed, the only one u7sed a ulaw
10:39.16joobiealso when teh box stops responding to pings, is it still alive from the local console?
10:39.58Mike8861angryuser: TOP shows lack of RAM, this become more a problem after i installed openfire
10:40.31Mike8861joobie: how to check the message ? i need to confirm about localconsole, never try that yet
10:41.07joobiewhat OS are you using?
10:41.10Mike8861joobie: however, when i press the reboot button on the machine, sometime it cannot bootup succesfully
10:41.36joobieif apache and ping responses stop, etc - it sounds like a general resource issue
10:41.43Mike8861joobie: as i remember, it halt at DEV <<--- something like that
10:41.52Mike8861joobie: i am using centOS
10:42.04joobieahh - my fave OS :P
10:42.07angryuserMike8861 do what i suggested, and come back with results
10:42.09mvanbaakjoobie: it's not sending the correct username etc to comvergence.
10:42.09Mike8861joobie: me 2
10:42.10joobietype 'dmesg'
10:42.19Mike8861joobie: centos people is good people
10:42.19joobiealso check /var/log/messages
10:42.33joobieheh :)
10:42.46mvanbaakjoobie: From: "1234" <sip:sipuser@>;tag=as5725fff6
10:42.59Mike8861joobie: when to type dmesg ? before it halt or after reboot ? or just type at any time
10:43.09mvanbaakjoobie: try to set a valid outbound callerid
10:43.11angryuserim off
10:43.14joobietype it now.. see if there's anything odd coming up..
10:43.30mvanbaakjoobie: something like: Set(CALLERID(num)=some_number_here)
10:43.40joobiefor example, my hdd has a few bad sectors.. if i type it now, ill get a few drive read / write errors in dmesg coming up.. it's a good indicator
10:43.46Mike8861joobie: i cannot get to the machine now, we do not have network console or pdu, no hope until monday
10:43.52mvanbaakuse the callerid you have at comvergence
10:44.23*** part/#asterisk hads (n=hads@
10:44.31Mike8861joobie: i will type memtest, top, and dmesg, also check  /var/log/messages
10:44.33joobiemvanbaak, where do i set that caller id?
10:45.34joobiemike, ya.. good start. Because the whole system is grinding to a halt - presumably it is asterisk, though you should confirm this - will be easy to do if you have access to a live console when it's slowing down
10:46.11mvanbaakjoobie: in your dialplan
10:46.53joobietop will show you which application is causing it, if it's an app issue.. dmesg and messages are a start if the problem is lower level than the problem application
10:47.35joobiemvanbaak, k sec.. ill have a quick read and implement
10:47.35joobienice find btw ;P
10:47.43Mike8861joobie: what grade of hardware do i need, if i am planning to have 400 concurrent user and 20 concurrent calls with SIP, no transcoding.
10:48.29Mike8861celeron is just a transitional
10:51.44joobiemvanbaak, 'exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/comvergence/${EXTEN}) exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=61390010641)' - is that right? that 61 number is the username the SIP provider gave
10:52.38joobieMike, im not the best person to ask RE asterisk - i'm pretty new to it.. grab the asterisk o'rielly book online (free) - it's got a section in one of the earlier chapters that talks about what hardware you should use for how many users
10:52.59Mike8861joobie: thanks
10:53.02jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
10:53.16joobiei'm a  *nix sysadmin, that's how i sorta have some *nix knowledge.. but asterisk specific im limited
10:54.06Mike8861joobie: u should get a asterisk admin as girlfriend
10:54.11joobiemvanbaak, i put that in the dialplan above, it's still using 1234.
10:54.19joobiehaha :)
10:54.27joobiewhy is that?
10:58.15mvanbaakno idea
10:59.51*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
11:01.26*** join/#asterisk Radi0ShacK (n=puts@
11:02.20joobiemvanbaak, it's like the phone is overriding the caller id
11:02.36joobiei did 'localhost*CLI> sip show peer 1234' .. and it says 'Callerid     : "" <61390010641>'
11:09.40*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
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11:10.51joobiemvanbaak, still alive? I think i got caller ID setup ok - but still no good
11:12.08joobiemvanbaak, that's the latest dump
11:22.02joobiehey mvanbaak .. i have to head off for a few hours
11:22.05joobiethanks for all your help
11:22.16joobiemay have to pick this up later.. cheers mate
11:31.13*** join/#asterisk VaNNi (n=VaNNi___@
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12:00.35*** join/#asterisk Netview (
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12:11.26*** join/#asterisk deever (
12:13.16deeverconnecting with openwengo directly from within my lan to my asterisk of my lan, it works perfectly!
12:13.51deeverbut now, over openvpn with tap and the same ip i have in my lan, i get:
12:14.17deeverchan_sip.c:15055 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:nobody@astbox>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
12:14.50oejDo you have a peer named "nobody"?
12:14.57deeveras it seems, wengo is supplying a wrong username, isn't it?
12:15.14deeverso i better ask in the wengo channel?
12:36.47*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
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12:37.53*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
12:41.05MatBoyit can be me, but the digium site is always so slow
12:46.37*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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12:47.34*** part/#asterisk oej (
12:53.24*** join/#asterisk okizo (
12:53.52okizoi got a small on my asterisk system
12:56.14okizoi configure my sipura 3000 with asterisk server
12:56.31okizoich there any one here ?
12:56.51okizohi an
12:57.05okizoi configure my sipura 3000
12:57.11okizowith my asterisk server
12:57.48okizowhen i dial the number to access to my pstn lline
12:57.49okizowhen i dial the number to access to my pstn lline
12:58.01okizoafter to ring
12:58.10okizoafter two ringtone
12:58.14angryusertake your time
12:58.16okizoit connect to my pstn line
12:59.12okizobut the problem is when i dial the local dial number it disconnect from my asterisk server
13:00.11okizoand also if u on the pstn line
13:00.14angryuserlet's resume, so you dial from sipura to fxo and you cant dial out ?
13:00.22okizoit respond bussy
13:01.04okizoi create 3 sip extension from my asterisk server
13:01.48okizoi use one sip extension with my sipura 3000
13:01.55okizofrom my work
13:02.17okizowhich is working actually is :
13:02.47okizofrom home i can dial to my work over my asterisk server's sip extension
13:03.06okizonow what i have done is :
13:03.35okizoi connect my work's pstn line on my sipura3000
13:03.41okizoand i also configure it
13:04.23angryuserokizo you wrote a half page without really sayng what is going wrong, resumer
13:05.00*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
13:05.38okizofrom home if i dial 123 to join my work's pstn line
13:06.13okizofrom home if i dial my sip extension : "123" to join my work's pstn line
13:06.47okizoafter 10 sec it connect automatically to my work's pstn line
13:07.27okizoso heard my work's dialtone
13:07.57okizoif i dial outside number from my work's line
13:08.09okizoit disconnect  from my asterisk server
13:08.31angryuserpastebin your extensions.conf the part when you dial out
13:08.49okizoand using from home pstn line if i dial to my works pstn line i heard saying it bussy
13:12.59okizosorry u don't understand my queston
13:15.17angryuserokizo pastebin your extensions.conf
13:15.23jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:17.46okizoplz wait
13:20.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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13:23.47troubledhey guyes, is there a standalone asterisk front end? if so, whats the name?
13:26.05okizono leave it
13:26.10okizonothing working
13:26.21okizothx angryuser
13:27.11[TK]D-Fendertroubled: clarify "standalone"
13:27.48troubled[TK]D-Fender: I am trying to think of a web front end i seen once that was recommended. iirc, it was actually shipped with a centos based install
13:28.17troubledso I guess it wouldn't be standalone per se. but I am trying to find the name and see if perhaps it was available from svn or something
13:28.58[TK]D-Fendertroubled: most of them are "standalone, and jsut get used in distro installs.
13:29.03MikeJits a full iso install but not distributed by digium
13:29.29[TK]D-Fendertroubled: FreePBX , ScopServ (not free), Thirdlane, etc are all "standalone".
13:29.45troubledya, we seen that trixbox come up. i will have to look and see if its the same one I seen before
13:30.08[TK]D-Fendertroubled: You seem reversed from what you are asking.
13:30.25[TK]D-Fendertroubled: Are you loking for a GUI that DOESN'T jsut come bundled with a whole ISO?
13:31.07angryusertroubled elastix also
13:32.26troubled[TK]D-Fender: me and another guy are trying to figure out the name of a front end I seen once. iirc, it was mentioned in some install howto. I cant remember if it was a centos based full install or not though
13:32.36angryuser[TK]D-Fender i wonder why [TK] ?
13:32.51[TK]D-Fendertroubled: And now you aren't being specific at all about what you're looking for.  bundled or not.
13:32.54troubledfreepbx interface looks sorta familiar though. still looking
13:33.15angryusercentos based instal standalone script is elastix alos
13:33.15troubled[TK]D-Fender: I am looking for the screenshots of an app I seen a year or two ago
13:33.38*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
13:33.38[TK]D-Fendertroubled: Yet another unnamed search.
13:33.49[TK]D-Fendertroubled: do you have ANY clue what you're looking for?
13:34.12[TK]D-Fendertroubled: "app" can be ANYTHING.
13:34.52troubled[TK]D-Fender: I am not in the market to install anything myself. I am just trying to track down an old app for someone else that I seen
13:35.08troubledangryuser: ya, I think I tried elastix once along time ago, definetly not that one
13:35.46angryuserold asterisk@home ?
13:35.47[TK]D-Fendertroubled: Well I guess you may as well jsut google "asterisk" and "scrrenshot", cross your fingers and say a prayer and also hope that the picture is still up even if the "app" is still being used
13:36.15troubledangryuser: hmmm, rings a bell, let me google
13:36.38troubledit might have been freepbx though. the screenshots I remember had a similar look/feel.
13:36.39[TK]D-Fendertroubled: for GUI-like bits : Flash Operator Panel (FOP), Hud (and Hudlite)
13:37.00angryuserit is 'asterisknow' now
13:37.06troubledok, sec
13:37.09[TK]D-Fendertroubled: For reporting : Areski CDY
13:37.30[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: what is 'asterisknow' now?
13:37.43MikeJtroubled: freepbx is front end in trixbox
13:37.45troubledangryuser: awesome, asterisknow was it
13:37.53troubledI remember the install screenshots and everything
13:38.50troubledangryuser: _much_ apreciated :)
13:39.26angryuserso why [TK] ?
13:40.11angryuser[TK]D-Fender asterisk@home before
13:40.23[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: No, it wasn't
13:40.35[TK]D-FenderAndry Asterisk@Home became trixbox
13:40.52[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: rather
13:41.08angryuser[TK]D-Fender heh ok i was thinking @home was build by digium&community
13:41.35[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: A@H used FreePBX... you're not looking too deep here..
13:41.43MikeJno.. they forced them to change the name
13:41.49angryusernever used @home anyway
13:51.28*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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14:08.26MatBoyis * addicted
14:18.21*** join/#asterisk _sc0tty_ (n=_sc0tty_@
14:24.03tompawWhat average load is safe considering Asterisk operation?
14:24.30tompawRight now I have 40 sip channels with non-digium/g729 giving me around 0.50 cpu load average.
14:24.38tompawShould I start worrying?
14:25.17[TK]D-Fendertompaw: How is it doing?
14:26.33tompawWell, the CPU(s) idle is over 95%
14:26.36[TK]D-Fendertompaw: what are the machine's specs?
14:26.45[TK]D-Fendertompaw: and thats BAD?
14:26.52tompawquadro 3Ghz Xeons.
14:26.57tompaw4 GB ram
14:27.05tompawrunning @ 64-bit *Now build.
14:27.23tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I don't think so, I'm just confirming, it's my first time :P
14:27.51codefreeze-laptompaw: really, use 'sipp', and find out your limits. First, do really short phone calls, and pump up the speed until asterisk can't handle it. Then, do really long calls, and build up the number until asterisk can't keep up. You should know your limits.
14:27.57[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Worried about * NOT posing a load issue
14:28.14tompaw[TK]D-Fender: excuse me?
14:28.38tompawcodefreeze-lap: didn't know the tool, thanks!
14:28.49[TK]D-Fendertompaw: tompaw>Well, the CPU(s) idle is over 95% <- if * is a low load, why are you worried?
14:31.02tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I'm not worried, I'm just asking if there are no hidden things I should be worrying about. Like the other factors to check (something I can't even think of).
14:31.55[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Transcoding, echo cancellation, & recording are the things that put a real load on a system
14:34.09tompaw[TK]D-Fender: now as you mention it, my CLI (which now looks like those wooden thing in railway tracks watched from a train running at 100mph) produces sth like this from time to time:
14:34.13tompaw[Jul 19 16:33:01] NOTICE[9889]: rtp.c:787 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:
14:34.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: indeed * does not support *.  tell your clients to stop using it, and if its your ITSP, you probably don't have a choice
14:36.42*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:37.22tompaw[TK]D-Fender: actually, it's Arbinet. If it's impossible to re-configure, I guess I'll have to live with it.
14:42.24MatBoyit is simply possible to collect DTMF tones isn't it ?
14:42.38MatBoyI mean collect so that it becomes one string
14:42.53[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: Impossible no, easiy & practical with * in the middle of a call... no.
14:43.05[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: "when" is the question.
14:43.16[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: If you're talking about prompting for input, then yes.
14:43.35[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: You can build an IVR to collect by digit, or "cor show application READ"
14:43.41[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: You can build an IVR to collect by digit, or "core show application READ"
14:43.42MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yes, prompting, it's needed for my query project where I'm working on
14:44.40MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: an IVR would be over the top for it I guess or do you recommend it ?
14:45.49[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: look ar "read' and see if it does it for you.  otherwise, collect the digits yourself in an IVR
14:46.18MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yep I will
14:46.22MatBoythanks again !
14:55.12*** join/#asterisk Radi0ShacK (n=puts@
14:57.02*** join/#asterisk academy (n=adam@unaffilated/academy)
14:58.14academyI have a SIP trunk coming into Asterisk for PSTN Termination and SIP phone registered to Asterisk.  If I make a call to a PSTN number, does the RTP stream go through Asterisk or direct to the SIP Trunk provider's media gateway?
15:04.09De_Monacademy draw that scenario with pictures and arrows and stuff and the answer should become clear
15:07.31academyDe_Mon: That won't help me.  The RTP stream should be seperate to the SIP stream and it should go direct.  I wondered whether it actually does.
15:09.03tristanbobacademy, by default all asterisk calls go through asterisk (SIP + RTP)
15:10.04academytristanbob: ok, thanks
15:10.26tristanbobthe only caveat is if you turn on reinvite
15:10.43*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:10.55tristanbobalthough I don't think that will work over SIP trunk
15:11.04tristanbobonly SIP to SIP agents
15:11.31tristanbobso you can be sure that RTP goes through asterisk before SIP trunk
15:11.48tristanbobacademy, why do you have a media gateway if you have asterisk?
15:13.02*** join/#asterisk DSpair (
15:13.16DSpairG'day all.
15:13.47DSpairI need a little assistance in configuring a ring group for my fax server lines. Can someone assist me?
15:16.49*** join/#asterisk ajohnstone (
15:23.35_sc0tty_hi All. could do with a bit of a pointer. I have asterisk attempting an INVITE to an outbound proxy. the proxy returns a 407, but rather than authenticating, asterisk gives the notice "handle_response_invite: failed to authenticat on INVITE to"[user]", passing a 503 back to the client extension. Wireshark shows that asterisk did not attempt to authenticate after the 407, it just gave up. what setting do I use to turn on authentication?
15:29.40*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
15:33.48xiando_sc0tty_: are you using SIP/nameofthe[infosection]ofthatproxy? it won't care about the [thatproxyinfo] if you just go SIP/sip.domain.tld
15:37.39*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
15:41.17_sc0tty_xiando: so you are saying if i change extensions.conf so that my Dial() clause is Dial(SIP/[numbertodial]@sip.provider.tld,,r) instead of the current Dial(SIP/[numbertodial]@nameofsip.conf[]section, it wil work? i will try now.,,r)
15:42.48*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (
15:42.50_sc0tty_I still get the same. wireshark shows asterisk responding to the provider's 407 with an ACK, but it does not then resend the INVITE with the digest authentication.
15:43.02*** join/#asterisk tloges (
15:46.08*** join/#asterisk cestchiant (
15:46.19cestchianthello :-)
15:46.36cestchiantI use Asterisk 1.4.21 on etch.
15:46.56cestchiantWhen I call after a random time, my call is "closed"
15:47.27cestchiantI recieve incomin call via T2 and Patton and I send my outbound call via Internet
15:47.40cestchiantI have the same porblem in outbound and incoming call.
15:48.02_sc0tty_I do not see "Auth Attempt" in the console when this happens, yet looking at the source of chan_sip, do_proxy_auth() should emit this. the only reason this would not happen is of the conditional "if(!p->options && !(p->options = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*p->options)))) failed, or if asterisk is ignoring the incoming response.
15:48.03cestchiantMy calls are stopped without reason....
15:48.15cestchiantdo you have any ideas about my problem?
15:52.57*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
15:53.15kashcestchiant: probably timeout value is set too low
15:53.19kashalso, check verbosity level
15:53.25kashcore set verbose 10
15:53.27kashor something
15:54.14cestchiantkash: where can I found this timeout?
15:55.27kashread the asterisk manual
15:55.36cestchiantfor example When I call someone, my call is "stopped" after 30 seconds. I redial the same someone and I speak during 10 minutes...
15:55.49kashalso, it would help if you would paste your dialplan
15:55.59kashinto pastebin
15:57.35cestchiantbut, it's strange, because this problem don't appear before...
16:00.20_sc0tty_I am adding
16:01.29_sc0tty_i have added some log calls to chan_sip.c and recompiled, it seems that do_proxy_auth() never gets called from handle_response_invite(), when the 407 is received. any ideas why?
16:02.25*** join/#asterisk tloges (
16:03.15cestchiantkash: (I put my log about asterisk....) at 18:46 o'clock, my call is "stopped" without reason....
16:04.09kashthis isn't the support channel for AMP
16:04.13*** part/#asterisk deever (
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16:05.18kashsee topic
16:05.57xiandoI had to look it up. "AMP provides a web-based, user-friendly administrative interface to Asterisk and is a standardized implementation of Asterisk (i.e. dialplan) that is maintainable, flexible and extensible."
16:06.21xiandoIf you bought the AMP then ask the seller for support.
16:07.52cestchiantok, but if my channel is closed, I don't think that problem is in relation of amp
16:11.32kashyes it is
16:11.41kashthey modify so much shit in asterisk, it's hardly recognisable.
16:14.15*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
16:15.15cestchiantok, :)
16:17.40kashcestchiant: #freePBX
16:18.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:19.13*** join/#asterisk FunkyGMT (
16:19.17FunkyGMTHi all
16:19.33*** part/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
16:20.09FunkyGMTI have a question. What's the function to save, and to retrive, a defined variable in Asterisk. (user-customisable phone number, by example)
16:20.38cestchiantkash: thanks (but nobody seems available )
16:24.28ManxPowersee DBGET DBSET functions
16:24.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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17:00.36*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
17:01.08drfreezeAnyone have a minute to help me get a pri card up and running: wcte12
17:01.40drfreezeit appears to be recognized and zttool gives it a green status
17:01.59drfreezebut, I'm not sure how to see it inside asterisk. There are no zap channels
17:06.18*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
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17:09.33*** join/#asterisk pons (n=pons@unaffiliated/pons)
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17:11.28tomcruizeI have a fast busy, sangoma on asterisk. Seems the D channel is down. Anyone care to lend a hand?
17:11.44drfreezeGetting the following error on the T1 card:
17:13.25ponsguys, anyone here has had any problem with dtmf and chan_mobile? I'm using 1.4.20 from debian, and chan_mobile rev 454 with 1.4.x patch. DTMF are detected when calling any IAX extension, I hear them and they are also shown in debug, but when I spect it with a WaitExten, no DTMF is detected in debug, any suggestions?
17:13.54*** join/#asterisk Pagautas (
17:14.08[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: pastebin your configs.
17:14.20drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: ok. just a sec
17:18.01[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: "ztcfg -vvvv"
17:20.09[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: ok, stop * and restart
17:20.44[TK]D-FenderYour signalling is broken
17:21.05drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: switch that back to pri_cpe?
17:21.08[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: you commented out PRI and switched ot ls.
17:21.15[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: what do you have plugged into that?
17:21.38drfreezethe t1 that goes to the existing adtran
17:22.15[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: And what does IT put out?
17:22.33[TK]D-Fenderthe Adtran.
17:23.09drfreezethe adtran converts the t1 to analog - we are circumventing it
17:24.45drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: changed the signalling back to pri_cpe, now the module loads
17:24.58drfreezeapp_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0 - Unknown)
17:25.20[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: And your answer does not denote your having any knowledge of what you're working with.
17:25.34[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: And never paste useless error messages like that.
17:25.47[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: that doesn't tell me what yuo TRIED to dial
17:26.06drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: sorry. dialed my cell phone
17:26.15drfreezeiow, trying to see if I can dial out
17:26.21[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Another completely meaningless answer...
17:26.36tomcruizepastie: hi!
17:27.50*** join/#asterisk d3wayne (n=dwayne@
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17:37.23DSpairHey gang, having a problem using iaxmodem. Anyone will to assist?
17:37.26drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: This is the first time I have played with a TE card. Are these cards supposed to be assigned IP addresses?
17:37.38tomcruizehi, I am newbie. Can anyone help with a fast busy on pri, Sangoma card/Asterisk
17:37.50[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: No, they are not NIC's
17:40.52jeevi got my asterisk/squid/multiwan box
17:40.52*** join/#asterisk AMUG (n=junky@
17:40.56jeevnow i gotta prep it.. freebsd 7? :D
17:44.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (n=roy@
17:46.57[TK]D-FenderAMUG: y0, long time no hear.  How goes?
17:50.08*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
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18:17.57ponsguys, what would be the best way to call one extension first and when it answers, call another one?
18:18.52[TK]D-Fenderpons: to do what exactly?
18:19.41ponsi'm planning some internal webpage, you put your phone number and the one you want to call, asterisk calls you and then the one you call
18:24.47_sc0tty_Hi all. when asterisk sends an INVITE to a SIP peer, i can use the sip.conf fromuser=blah clause to manipulate the From: tag in the outgoing INVITE. however, this only seems to change the <sip:blah@domain> part of the From: tag. how do I change the "alias" part at the start of the From tag, in the quotation marks?
18:28.00DSpairHey guys, I fixed my IAXmodem problem, but when I try to call in to the asterisk box on one of the fax lines, I get ring-no-answer... Any suggestions?
18:31.15DSpairIn the asterisk console, I see the call come in on a Zap channel, the server rings the iaxmodem channel, but there is never an answer.
18:32.03DSpairOh, wait, nevermind. It appears to have come on-line now.
18:33.17DSpairWoohoo!!! It's all working!!! YAY!!!
18:39.18*** join/#asterisk sekil (n=Ognjen@
18:45.01DSpairThanks again for all of the help I have gotten here (no sarcasm intended). I now have a VERY good solution in place thanks to all of your help!!!
18:46.36DSpairHave a good weekend all!!!
18:55.00*** join/#asterisk dieno (i=771e6d38@gateway/web/ajax/
18:55.37dienohmm can any one tell me what type of hardware i need to get local DIDs
18:56.31*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
18:56.57WhiteWolfdieno: you can get local dids from a handful of voip providers
18:57.30dienoWhiteWolf hmm rite but in egypt i cant find any :)
18:58.49WhiteWolfdieno: in that case: a pri card... perhaps for ISDN, and the necessary supporting pc -- then just get a line from the local telco
18:59.38dienoWhiteWolf ok this is what i was thinkin but how many i can get in one ISDN
18:59.46dienoi mean how many DIDs
19:01.15*** part/#asterisk sekil (n=Ognjen@
19:01.18WhiteWolfdieno: well, dids are seperate from the "lines"
19:01.25WhiteWolfyou could have 10 dids but only one incomming channel
19:01.27dienohmm ok thnx
19:01.38WhiteWolfobviously still only able to handle 1 call
19:01.53dienowhat abt E1 line
19:02.49WhiteWolfa full E1... 1.5ish mbit is 24 call channels
19:03.13WhiteWolfthere's a couple reserved in that
19:03.18dienohmm ok
19:03.24WhiteWolf1 for digital data, and 1 for call setup, so it gives you about 22 channels
19:03.25dienoi though its around 30 - 32
19:03.58WhiteWolfoops, my fault
19:03.59*** join/#asterisk Itiliti (n=Itiliti@
19:04.03WhiteWolfi just quoted for a T1
19:04.13dienoohh ok i was also not sure abt that
19:04.14WhiteWolfE1 are slightly faster at 2mbit and have 32 time slots, 2 reserved for 30 usable
19:04.24ItilitiI am using a PRI, and would like to be able toi use *67 to block my caller ID on some calls. How can I do that?
19:05.05WhiteWolfItiliti: make an extention that matches *67..... then just blank the callerid before sending i suppose
19:05.27Strom_Myou have to set the caller ID presentation restriction flag
19:05.33WhiteWolfthere you go
19:05.46dienobut how can these provider get alots of DIDs do they have any Hardware
19:06.23WhiteWolfdieno: the telco gets blocks of dids which they resell to you... and of course they've a lot of hardware
19:06.33WhiteWolfmy pri work is more on the digital data rather than the voice side
19:06.43WhiteWolfso, Strom_C is right of course
19:07.20dienohmm kool thnx for all this knowledge
19:07.22Itilitiwhere do you set the caller id restriction flag?
19:07.35Itilitican you do it per call to enable/disable it?
19:07.40Strom_MItiliti: look at the setcallingpres application or somesuch
19:07.41*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (
19:07.52WhiteWolfItiliti: yes
19:08.03*** join/#asterisk hardhatpat (
19:08.03Itilitiwill do thx..
19:08.55Strom_MWhiteWolf: also, you're a bit muddled on how T1 works compared to E1
19:09.10Strom_MT1 doesnt reserve a full channel for framing like E1 does
19:09.11WhiteWolfStrom_C: at no surprise to myself
19:09.37Strom_MT1 uses a single bit once every 24 frames
19:09.45WhiteWolfStrom_M: ahh ha
19:10.31hardhatpatif i send a missed call to a separate voicemail system, is there any way to maintain the original callerid?
19:10.35Qwellbit muddled every 24 frames?
19:13.04WhiteWolfStrom_M: thank you for clarifying, still in my learning stage about the technical workings of PRI interfaces
19:14.07Strom_MWhiteWolf: it's really not that difficult
19:14.19Strom_Mjust go read up on T1, E1, and ITU-T Q.931
19:14.34WhiteWolfStrom_M: indeed not, but i obviously misread/misunderstood so correcting me helps me learn
19:20.22_sc0tty_can I use ${} style variables in sip.conf as well as extensions.conf?
19:28.42gramulhaozinanyone wants to sell 4 Cisco 7940 power supplies ?
19:31.00Qwellgramulhaozin: ebay
19:33.13gramulhaozinneed it overnight
19:34.51WhiteWolfcisco direct would always work
19:35.01WhiteWolfif you need-it-now-and-when-i-say-now-i-mean-now support
19:37.34ManxPower_sc0tty_: NO!
19:41.13*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
19:41.17Jumpiehey guys :) been awhile
19:41.37Jumpiegreetings fender
19:42.08Jumpiekinda silly issue, havent actualy rebooted my system in awhile, was kinda lyin dormant last few months, well now somehow my zaptel card doesnt work, and i can't remember what i had to do to renitialize it
19:44.19jayteeservice restart zaptel?
19:44.25jayteethen restart *
19:47.48Jumpiewithin asterisk? or from command line
19:48.39Jumpiebtw hey jaytee :D
19:50.24jayteehey Jumpie
19:50.43jayteefrom command line, exit the * console
19:51.00jayteewhat distro are you running?
19:54.10Jumpiecentos 5
19:54.17Jumpieservice doesnt work
19:54.42JumpieLinux ippbx.jumpieism 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5xen
19:59.24*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sldf@
20:01.06Jumpiei cant remembe the command i used last time lol
20:03.22angryuserstop asterisk reload mod's
20:04.34angryuserand then modprobe
20:05.47Jumpiermmod doesnt work
20:06.23angryuserwhat have you typed ?
20:06.51Jumpiei stopped all the asterisk mods
20:06.52Jumpiestop now
20:06.56Jumpiewhich took me back to shell
20:07.01Jumpiei typed rmmod and it doesnt recognize
20:07.05Jumpiesorry rusty lol
20:07.14angryuserrmmod zaptel
20:07.16Jumpiethis was just running smooth for months lol
20:07.31Jumpiethats what im saying rmmod zaptel doesnt work, it doesnt recognize the rmmod command
20:07.48Jumpiemaybe path issue?
20:08.13angryusernope, you dont have tha command ? under 'root' also ?
20:08.31*** join/#asterisk __yy (
20:08.33Jumpieim as root
20:08.33*** part/#asterisk __yy (
20:08.35Jumpieand it still doesnt like it
20:08.56Jumpiecentos :D does that make a diff?
20:08.58jayteeif you type lsmod what do you get?
20:09.08angryuserwhat car do you need to initialize ? fxo fxs ?
20:10.08jayteedid you compile zaptel from source or use a package?
20:10.13angryusertype zaptelhardware or something you will see what driver is used, rmmod it and modprobe it
20:10.37Jumpielsmod, rmmod not valid commands
20:10.44Jumpiei compi;led it no problem
20:10.49Jumpiebujt like i said i havent had to mess with it in ages lol
20:11.11jayteejumpie are  you running as root?
20:11.14Jumpiei dont see what would suddenly make it not work anymore
20:11.17Jumpiejay yeah
20:11.31jayteethen something's hosed with your path
20:11.48jayteeif it's not recognizing the lsmod command or the rmmod command
20:11.55angryuseryep rmmod must be everywhere
20:12.08Jumpiei dont recall using those when i instralled it
20:12.17Jumpieim gonna go back to m y notes i got buried somewhere
20:12.32Jumpiewhere should it be, pathwise?
20:12.53jayteeJumpie when you finished running make during compile did you run make install and then chkconfig zaptel on ?
20:13.13Jumpieyea...cause this has been workin fine for months
20:13.32Jumpieoh crap hold on..possibly i did some kernel updates today
20:13.34Jumpiehavent rebooted yet
20:13.38Jumpiewould that have anything to do with it?
20:13.45angryuserthis command are part of any linux, and i edited patch's a long time ago so, ask linux guys
20:13.47Jumpiei still dont see the command suddenly not being available
20:13.48*** join/#asterisk Yoshinoya (
20:13.49angryuseror reboot
20:13.53jayteetype echo $PATH at the command line and make sure you see /sbin
20:13.57jayteeor reboot
20:14.20jayteebecause /sbin is where lsmod and rmmod live
20:14.23Jumpielol hmm yeah
20:14.39Jumpielemme add it there...thats right i remember this...i had a messed up path
20:14.44Jumpiei gotta make it stick so id ont have to manually keep appending
20:15.06Yoshinoyahey I am using AsteriskNow with vitelity
20:15.14Jumpienow it works angryuser  :D
20:15.22YoshinoyaI want to set inbound calls to work, where is the setting in vitelity
20:15.26Yoshinoyato point to my server?
20:15.32Jumpiemodule zaptel does not
20:15.34Jumpieit just disappeared
20:16.05Jumpienot found..hmm not good
20:16.07Jumpieon modprobe
20:16.10angryuserjumpie reboot
20:18.48Yoshinoyahrm, does anyone here use Vitelity?  if not, what service do you use and recommend for a novice?
20:22.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:23.03angryuserYoshinoya service for what ?
20:23.35YoshinoyaI use vitelity currently, and I am having a hard time configuring it to work, even tho I think the only files I edit is sip.conf and extensions.conf
20:23.40*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
20:23.43Yoshinoya(using ASteriskNOW)
20:23.50Jumpieman somethin is messed up, when i booted up it said /dev/zaptel was not found
20:23.56Jumpieand modprobe doesnt find did my card crap out
20:24.07Jumpieit was a cheap 1 port fxo wildcard lol
20:24.33angryuserYoshinoya so you configured some sip trunk's i suppose ?
20:24.59angryuserJumpie ask fender i think he loves questions like that
20:25.24YoshinoyaI believe so (I am not too clear what a "trunk" is), but I am trying to configure it so when I get inbound calls
20:25.32Yoshinoyait is not just the busy/bad configuration sound
20:25.35Jumpiei just dont get why it suddenly doesnt work
20:25.55Jumpiewell supposedly ' SIP TRUNK' is a taboo term and admins here flip out over the usage :D
20:26.31angryuseri know, whatever
20:27.20YoshinoyaI am not sure what I am doing wrong because Vitelity gives me the lines of code to put in
20:27.21angryuserYoshinoya so you got sip friend configured with provider params and another sip/zap/whatever with that did associated ?
20:27.53Yoshinoyaright now, i just have the provider added (but I think this is for outbounds)
20:28.01Yoshinoyaand also I have the sip.conf and extensions.conf configured
20:28.09angryuserYoshinoya ok so you want inbound ?
20:28.20Yoshinoyathat is correct
20:28.43angryuserYoshinoya and where inbound call would arrive ? (technology)
20:28.47Jumpieim recompiling zaptel
20:28.52Jumpiecross fingers lol
20:28.56angryuserJumpie have fun
20:29.14YoshinoyaI have a DID number with vitelity, so I want the inbound call to come in and they hear the default voicemail
20:29.17Yoshinoyain AsteriskNow
20:29.20Yoshinoyathe Welcome greeting
20:29.43*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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20:30.03Jumpiemy brain spins when i watch all th is install script verbage
20:30.44angryuserYoshinoya ok add 'incoming route' with that did and action for it
20:31.20Yoshinoyais that through vitelity or asterisknow?
20:32.13angryuserYoshinoya your provier will send you your DID number you have when incoming call arrives, you need to tell asterisk what to do
20:34.31angryuserso if your did is 333333 then 33333,1,Playback(MessageAudioFile) in context where is you sip frien from provider is
20:37.10Jumpiehey angryuser  lol.well recompiling it worked
20:37.24Jumpiebut when i do a ztcfg instead of saying 1 channels configured, it says 1 channels to configure
20:37.39Jumpiei already checked the zaptel.conf and zapata.conf and they are that just a verbage difference or am i missing somethin?
20:38.29angryusersame thing
20:57.42*** join/#asterisk mandd (
20:58.42manddany idea why asterisk would do this:
20:58.42manddonce in while
20:58.44manddbut after reload jsut works fine
21:00.56jayteepastebin your sip.conf
21:03.53jayteehave you ever run sip show peers after those warning messages have appeared?
21:04.03manddyes I did, all connected
21:05.04jayteepastebin extensions.conf too
21:05.22manddcan I spot it from repeating
21:05.23manddREGISTER attempt 1 to
21:05.23manddReally destroying SIP dialog '2e4b280b1f948fb914812ec650721075@' Met
21:05.25manddall the time?
21:05.56manddit is in there jaytee
21:06.07mandda bit lower.
21:06.12jayteeah, I see
21:06.31manddit has been fine for a few days now
21:06.36manddbut after that reload
21:06.58manddis there a way to force asterisk to reload once in a while, like every few hours?
21:07.12Qwellmandd: Why would you?
21:07.43manddreload fixes things like  'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
21:07.48manddsometimes I am not here
21:07.53manddand phone go down
21:08.04manddi know itdoesnt "fix" it
21:08.15manddbut at least it gets the line back up
21:13.02jayteein your extensions.conf file none of the lines in your outbound-local and outbound-fax that run the Congestion app have a timeout set. Try using a minimum of 1 or 2 secs
21:13.12Jumpiewoot my zap works now:D
21:15.17jayteemanda, is there a nat'd firewall between you and your sip provider for the netout sip account?
21:15.59*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
21:18.26drwelbyIs there any kind of a program that simplifies editing Polycom .cfg files? Like something that looks like the web front end and spits out the xml?
21:25.23*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
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22:07.52ManxPowerdrwelby: If Polycoms are too hard to manage the way they are then VoIP is not the industry for you.
22:07.58*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
22:08.17ManxPowerI don't think I've edited my main polycom config files in at least 2 years.  No need.
22:09.07drwelbyManxPower: It's Saturday and I reserve the right to maximize laziness on weekends ;)
22:21.40*** join/#asterisk schmooze (
22:21.41ManxPowerdrwelby: I think there is some polycom gui config file builder, but I think it causes cancer.  Do a google search of the mailing list archives
22:21.44jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
22:24.43drwelbymanx: thanx
22:41.28*** join/#asterisk skyphyr (
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