IRC log for #asterisk on 20080713

00:06.43*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (n=Ben@
00:10.01*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (n=Ben@
00:29.08[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: "core show application read"
00:44.02lucky|abaall the extensions are working with voicemail
00:44.08lucky|abahow fun is this
00:50.20thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: so we're reverting from | back to , it looks like
00:50.42[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: Yes, long since documented.
00:50.51thansen|laptopand the options have changed :D
00:51.11thansen|laptophasn't kept up too well...I appreciate the help
00:51.19thansen|laptopwhere is it documented?
00:53.25*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
00:58.06lucky|abaDo i need to have any hardware to get inbound and outbound service?
00:58.17lucky|abalike a live # i can call and call out from?
00:59.52*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
01:06.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:09.06jblacklucky|aba: No, if you use soft phones and voip.
01:09.35lucky|abasweet, know a cheap service i can get?
01:10.18jblackI've found as cheap as 1.2 cents a minute outgoing as reliable.
01:10.39jblackIncoming, the cheapest I have found is 2 cents a minute and $5 a month.
01:14.32thansen|laptoplucky|aba: has worked pretty well for me
01:15.01jblacklucky|aba: Basically, ten bucks a month for me.
01:15.27jblackFor everything
01:15.58lucky|abathats not too shabby
01:16.22jblackYeah. Callerid, did, everything.
01:16.36jblackOh, and you can get incoming calls for free if you don't mind a washington state number at
01:16.58lucky|abano kidding
01:17.19jblackserious. DID and all. That's the number I usually hand out. :)
01:18.53lucky|abaSo could i use that to ring in to the house and have an IVR which would allow people to dial extensions for different people?
01:19.17jblackyup. That's what I have.
01:19.24lucky|abathat is just too sick
01:19.31jblackOh, then don't do it.
01:19.47lucky|abaman... how didn't i jump on this VOIP bandwagon before
01:19.50lucky|abasick = awesome
01:20.00lucky|abawest coast... we're all jacked up out here :P
01:20.08Stromwhere on the west coast?
01:20.13lucky|abaSanta Barbara
01:20.19jblackdamn. I tried.
01:20.29Stromlucky|aba: I'm in los angeles
01:20.37Stromand ffs, don't call it "cali" :)
01:20.47StromCali is a city in Colombia -- this is California :)
01:21.20jblackstrom: Are you all jacked up, getting too sick from cali?
01:21.41Stromjblack: I'm barely getting the hang of "dude"
01:21.54Stromand I've lived in this part of the country my whole life
01:22.25jblackYeah. when I left L.A., I didn't exactly look back
01:22.40StromI love it here
01:23.10jblackNot me. I couldn't cope with the 200 word vocabularies.
01:23.26Stromthere are 200 word vocabularies wherever you go
01:23.35Stromit's a matter of who you choose to associate with
01:23.39jblackOh yeah? In _this_ town, there are _three_ words for you.
01:23.40lucky|abaseriously.... try living in Minnesota
01:24.03jblack"You", as in a single person, "Yous" as in a group of people, and "yousses", as in two or more groups of people.
01:24.13Stromlucky|aba: the closest I've come is Las Vegas
01:24.18Stromand even that place feels small to me
01:24.27academy(slightly off-topic question) Does anyone knoe if you're allowed to use the UK Mobile Broadband packages with a phone rather than a usb mobile dongle?
01:24.28jaytee"Did you say yute?"
01:24.39Stromjblack: I picked up "Y'all" when I was in Alabama
01:25.25hsv-alwhen you come to hsv, ask for some "fixins & vittles"
01:25.38jaytee"I'm sawry your honaah, I meant the two yooothhhs"
01:25.39hsv-alchicken, and dinner, with "all the fixins"
01:25.54jblackfixins and vittles sounds like what's left over after a carcass is disemboweled.
01:26.13hsv-almore like the insides of the snow camel
01:26.13jaytee"No self-respectin southerner would eat instant grits"
01:26.17hsv-althat han solo stuffed luke skywalker in
01:26.19hsv-alwhen he was frozen
01:26.39StromI didn't quite get grits
01:26.53Stromnow...barbecue is a different story
01:27.01hsv-alstrom i moved here from NJ, so ive picked up, well not using myself
01:27.02jayteeor fried chicken
01:27.03jblackhsv-al: This'll be "too sick" for you, but Hans disemboweled the camel.
01:27.05hsv-albut know what the "weird phrases" are
01:27.20jblackHan, that is.
01:27.26jayteeeither of those two foods and the south is unsurpassed
01:27.34jayteebut I never saw the appeal of grits
01:27.41hsv-al"hanging of the greens", "Pot luck dinner", "fixins & Vittles", "mudding"
01:27.43hsv-alhmmm what else
01:27.48jblackSpeaking of the south, how does one deep fry ice cream? Doesn't it melt?
01:28.04jayteeI eat oatmeal cuz it's healthy but even then I'm not dancing a jig about it.
01:28.19hsv-albeen stressing over this iphone last 5 hours
01:28.26hsv-alcant figure out how to setup ipsec in the cisco client
01:28.28Stromhere in los angeles there's a small local chain called "Roscoe's House of Chicken & Waffles.  It's the closest thing we have to a deep south soul food heart attack on a plate, I think.  It's awesome, but you can't go there more than once a month or so.
01:28.31hsv-alyou cant import PCF files
01:28.43Stromhsv-al: didn't anyone tell you yet?  the iphone sucks.
01:28.57Stromalso, brb
01:28.57hsv-alits good, once i get the vpn / ipsec setup
01:29.03hsv-alim putting ssh client on it
01:29.11jblackI heard about Roscoe's. Never got there.
01:29.12hsv-althen i can start engaging in IOSsex with our hardware
01:29.39jayteeI think you need some serious therapy, fanboi
01:29.47x86there is a cisco vpn client for iphone?
01:29.52hsv-alits native
01:29.53hsv-albuilt in
01:29.58hsv-althey worked hand in hand w/ cisco on it
01:30.03x86that's not the cisco vpn client then ;)
01:30.08hsv-alnot native
01:30.10x86that's an ipsec l2tp client
01:30.11hsv-ali should say: Cisco Native
01:30.30x86generic, standardized client
01:30.33hsv-alwell, then maybe a proper wording would be
01:30.37hsv-alcisco IPSec implementation
01:30.43hsv-albecause its cisco logo'ized
01:30.45hsv-alwhen you click: Ipsec
01:30.49hsv-alisntead of pptp or l2tp
01:30.58jayteewho cares what you call it? does it even work?
01:30.59x86hmm not here it's not
01:31.05x86works for me :)
01:31.10x86going to a PIX 501
01:31.11hsv-alwhen i click IPsec, when i choose between the 3 prots
01:31.14hsv-alcisco's logo comes up
01:31.22x86not mine hsv-al
01:31.26hsv-al2.0? 3g?
01:31.40jayteeso does the actual phone part of it work too or are you still waiting on activation?
01:31.53hsv-almine activated as soon as we did it at the store
01:31.54x86but i'm running an ipod touch jailbroken and with some iphone apps on it :)
01:32.03hsv-alwhats the website about that
01:32.08hsv-alsome douchebag was showing me jailbreak on his
01:32.13hsv-aloutside teh store today
01:32.24x86jailbreak on iphone 2.0?
01:32.32x86wow that was fast
01:32.39hsv-alwell 2.0? i dont know
01:32.40x86oh prolly same firmeware though
01:32.46hsv-aln/m, it was an old one
01:32.52hsv-aldont think there is a 2.0 hack yet
01:32.56x86ah ok
01:32.59jayteewait a wee
01:33.06x86was about to say.... one day... that's quick :)
01:33.17hsv-alin a bit ill be targeting wire shark on it
01:33.30hsv-alwhen I use a usb to ethernet converter to give it router data, instead of self 3G(when I turn it off)
01:33.34jayteeI think they busted the first one within 10 days of the iPhone 1.0 release IIRC
01:33.35hsv-alim gonna try to capture what it filters
01:33.44hsv-alfor now, its just public knowledge of proxie'd http
01:34.12x86jaytee: yeah but the itouch had been out for a while before iphone 1.0
01:34.26hsv-alx86, is there a flash client for it?
01:34.31hsv-also we can do streetview(google) in safari
01:34.39hsv-al3d map rotation by dropping pegman
01:34.59jayteewill it make phone calls?
01:35.10hsv-aljaytee, the devs on apples site were saying that
01:35.16hsv-alwhen you use streetview(when the official plugin comes out)
01:35.26hsv-alyou can click on a house in streetview on the google map
01:35.31hsv-aland it dials that houses #
01:35.33hsv-alif its public listing
01:35.44hsv-alscrewed up shit
01:36.10hsv-alyou do know what street-view is right?
01:38.00x86hsv-al: nope, and there will never be flash, unless someone ports some non-adobe distrobution of flash
01:38.11x86same with Java... it'll never happen
01:38.14hsv-althats creepy as hell
01:38.18x86it's retarded
01:38.19hsv-alusing the streetview w/ that capability
01:38.29x86it's against Apple's policy
01:39.08x86sun came right out and announced via press release that they were going to make a version of java for the itouch / iphone...
01:39.30x86apple said they'd sue sun if they tried it, as it's against the EULA or some crap
01:39.40x86huge mistake, imho
01:39.43hsv-alhow the hell would google do that
01:39.49hsv-allinking gps data to phone #'s
01:39.56x86would love to play java games on yahoo on my itouch ;)
01:41.50x86doesnt run on an itouch though, that's the thing ;)
01:42.08hsv-alopenmoko in theory is good
01:42.11hsv-albut gprs only = ftl
01:42.34mvanbaakhere in .nl the iPhone is gprs only as well
01:42.53mvanbaakthey call it 3G
01:43.04mvanbaakbut in practice it's gprs only
01:44.07mvanbaakso if it's gprs only, I prefer OpenMoko
01:44.25mvanbaakway better platform for development
01:44.50*** join/#asterisk gnutoo (
01:45.15hsv-alipsec on 2.0 requests "secret"
01:45.21hsv-alis that grouppwd = "$string"
01:45.22hsv-alin the pcf?
01:46.54*** join/#asterisk ftp5 (
01:47.28ftp5is there a way to connect skype so that if someone calls my skype number it goes into my asterisk pbx?
01:47.57x86hsv-al: usually
01:48.06x86hsv-al: depends on how AAA is setup
01:48.19hsv-alits like 120 chars
01:48.23hsv-altheres no way im typing that manually
01:48.23Stromftp5: no
01:48.24hsv-alrotating cases
01:48.31Stromftp5: nothing that works worth shit, anyway
01:48.44x86if you've actually got individual users setup, you'll need to put in the group name, user name, and user password
01:48.56ftp5i saw skip2pbx but it looks really expensive
01:49.00hsv-alwe have individual users
01:49.04hsv-albut all the pcf's seem to have the same
01:49.08hsv-alrotating case 120char+ string
01:49.39x86been a while since I've set mine up honestly
01:49.42hsv-althats bs, you cant import files
01:49.47hsv-alto it via itunes, or some other method
01:49.50hsv-aland "point to pcf" etc
01:50.09x86yeah that'd be too cool
01:50.16x86it'll never happen though :
01:50.32x86Apple is being stingy about their control over itouch / iphone
01:50.50hsv-almy goal is just to simply vpn to work,and get jailbreak
01:50.55hsv-also i can ssh into asa's/7500's
01:51.00hsv-aland ios on iphone etc
01:52.00hsv-alx86, theres a group working on a nice voice conversion app for it, so imagine speaking IOS on the fly to your hardware :)
01:52.40x86yeah that's cool ;)
01:52.46gnutoohello, i've a stupid question...all my contacts have ekiga wich doesn't support encryption...i have a freebsd -7 router(piii500,320MB ram 30GB)...if i install an asterisk server on my router is there a way to make a tunnel that would encrypt the communication from the computer to my asterisk server? i know it would be difficult because sip ports are random(are they?)...
01:53.36x86SIP ports aren't random, RTP ports can be at times
01:53.53gnutoook so is it possible?
01:53.54x86asterisk can be configured for a range of RTP ports
01:54.03mvanbaakI'm off to bed
01:54.09gnutooso it may be possible...
01:54.11x86mvanbaak: night
01:54.15x86gnutoo: sure
01:54.43hsv-althats my dream for this device
01:54.46hsv-alfull sip riding on 3G
01:54.49gnutoohow large the range of port have to be?
01:54.54hsv-aland voice commands over ssh to 7500's
01:54.54x86gnutoo: if you can run asterisk with the SRTP patch(es)
01:55.43*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
01:57.06gnutoox86, i can't use srtp as ekiga doesn't support it but i could run stunnel or similar software to provide the encryption tunnel....(i could run openvpn but that would gives access to my network)
01:57.17*** join/#asterisk routerweasel (
01:57.33gnutoobecause i already run openvpn and it's configured in a way that gives access to my network
01:57.55*** join/#asterisk simprix (
01:58.36routerweaselim having some trouble with LCD4LNUX on my asterisk box. I have the display working and have defined 4 widgets. But since i only have a 20x2 display, i cannot get it to scroll between widgets. all that is on the display is the first two.
01:59.59x86gnutoo: I was under the assumption you were going to another server somewhere...
02:00.41gnutoox86, no basically i have the following configuration: ekiga->encrypted tunnel->my asterisk server->me(ekiga)
02:02.52x86why not just run openvpn or something?
02:03.42*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (n=Ben@
02:04.02gnutoox86, because i would have to run 2 openvpns...because i don't think that it's possible to remove the client-to-client directive for a particular client
02:05.09x86you're either running 2 openvpns, 2 stunnels, or 2 sane SRTP-capable clients
02:06.57gnutoowhy 2 stunnel? the problem is that i can't change the ekiga software because 1)i need video 2)some of my contacts run windows and ekiga run on windows
02:07.54x86because ekiga is not capable of terminating an encrypted tunnel, as your diagram suggests
02:08.27x86also check out a product called eyeBeam
02:08.43x86I think it supports SRTP
02:08.52x86or X-Lite might be another
02:11.04gnutooah ok i understand why you told 2 stunnels...that's because you think the connection between me and my router is unencrypted...but i use openvpn for 2 things...encrypt my wifi connection and road-warrior
02:12.34gnutooah great...the freebsd script supports multiple instances of
02:13.17gnutoomabe i'll use openvpn+asterisk server...
02:13.54gnutoothanks a lot for your help
02:24.26*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
02:29.21gnutoohello,does anyone runs freebsd? i asterisk want to remplace libslang2-2.1.3 by libslang-1.4.9 what should i do?
02:32.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:44.23*** join/#asterisk crudpuppy (
02:45.07crudpuppyanyone got an idea why incoming connections would get staticy signal(like hard pops) once connect to the asterisk system
02:45.22Stromcrudpuppy: what kind of entrance facilities?
02:45.40crudpuppyStrom,  I'm unsure what your asking
02:45.53crudpuppyincoming calls is what I ment
02:45.59crudpuppyother side of call only
02:46.02crudpuppydon't here on this side
02:46.04Stromwhat kind of circuit is the call coming in on?
02:46.11Stromi.e. entrance facilities
02:46.12crudpuppybroadvoice sip
02:46.30crudpuppythat what you mean?
02:46.35crudpuppysip/iax etc
02:47.00Stromhard pops?  or is it more like dropouts?  how frequently do they occur?
02:47.35crudpuppysounds like pops to me,  but could be slight drops rather frequent at the start sometimes stops shortly after connection is made(maybe 20-30 second into call)
02:47.39crudpuppysometimes does not stop frequently do they occur?
02:48.01crudpuppyvoice still passes though
02:48.26crudpuppyseems random but close together ie as I said rather frequent
02:49.01Strombut is it once every five seconds?  twenty times per second?
02:49.12StromI really love having to dig for basic information like this
02:49.12crudpuppymore like 20 per sec
02:49.25Stromare you sharing your connection with anything else?
02:49.27crudpuppysorry,  not up on terminology sometimes
02:49.36crudpuppymy entire network
02:49.42Stromtheres your problem
02:49.51crudpuppyso its a bandwidth issue?
02:49.52Stromyou need to shape your outbound traffic
02:50.01Stromturn off filesharing / uploading crap
02:50.15crudpuppyso need to get my router setup better for presendence to voip traffic etc
02:50.25Stromthat's "precedence"
02:50.33crudpuppysorry,  bad spelling
02:50.57crudpuppyI'm a coder so I don't have to spell correctly just incorrectly consitantly
02:51.42Stromstuff it.  I've heard every lame excuse for "I'm too lazy to read books and learn English."
02:51.59crudpuppyits more of a joke then anything man
02:52.16crudpuppyand english as a spoken langauge is easier then written language
02:52.36crudpuppyyour quite upity arent you
02:52.56crudpuppybad day? or just always like that?
02:54.02crudpuppywelp,  thanks for the advice anyway
02:54.22crudpuppythe simplest things are often forgotten
02:55.11coppicethe simplest things are often customers
02:58.36gnutoocan asterisk be compiled without Newt that depends on slang1?
02:59.01*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
03:00.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:07.02tzangercoppice: hahahahahha
03:09.43*** join/#asterisk nn (n=nn@unaffiliated/nn)
03:28.37lucky|abaDo i have to specify the musiconhold for each user? I am trying to set it to use a shoutcaststream but it seems whatever i do it just plays that default sound
03:31.42*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
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05:10.12*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
05:10.17Mike8861hello all
05:15.52*** join/#asterisk MCooper (n=kmoore@
05:26.37*** join/#asterisk thansen|laptop (
05:27.18thansen|laptopI'm having problems connecting to my sip provider with 1.6...can anyone lend me some testing ideas?
05:29.05[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: go look at the SIP debug for your failed calls.
05:29.34thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure it's even connecting...I can't dial in
05:30.43Jameno123Kernel Panic: Not Syncing: Machine Check Exception: 000000000000000000000004
05:30.53thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: how can I test if I'm even registered/connected with my provider
05:31.06Jameno123well, found the reason my box dies when i load the TDM400B driver ;)
05:31.13Jameno123on the Intel Xeon 5130 CPU's
05:31.30Jameno123well, the reason, but not the fix
05:32.15Jameno123boot the kernel with nomce (disable machine check) == resolves the kernel panic  :( but not a good method
05:32.50[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: "sip show registry"
05:33.31Jameno123who's the best person to talk to about Zaptel causing CPU Register corruption? :)
05:33.50Jameno123or something to that extent ;)
05:34.30Jameno123crash happens with the TE420P but "random" rather, than instant like on the TDM400B
05:35.08Jameno123Does digium accept hardware donations to fix a problem :) :?
05:36.16Jameno123be nice to get somoene the physical hardware to help diagnose the problem :(  -- doesnt matter which box/mobo, reproducable on every single motherboard, with those CPU's
05:36.38thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I just have this provider listed as a can I check that?
05:36.59[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: if they are just a "friend" then you have not registered.
05:37.19[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: "sip show registry" <- if this is blank then they will not send you calls.
05:37.26d-k-tJameno123, give them a call and suggest it
05:37.45*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
05:37.46thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: ok, I never needed to before (with 1.4), now I've lost incoming and outgoing both
05:38.17[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: pastebin the CLI output of a filed outbound attempt at verbose 10 an sip debug enabled.
05:38.20jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
05:43.01*** join/#asterisk bp423 (
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05:54.03thansen|laptop[TK]D-Fender: I'm kinda with my hands tied right now...why would I be getter this on an inbound
05:54.41[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: And the reason you have not provided what I asked for 20 minutes ago is...?
05:55.04thansen|laptopI'm in a data center and not sitting with a phone I can call out on
05:55.24thansen|laptopand I don't know how to initiate a 'call' via the cli
05:55.46[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: Connect with a soft-phone then.  "help originate"
05:55.47Mike8861thansen|laptop: use the DIAL command
05:55.58[TK]D-Fenderthansen|laptop: "help dial"
05:56.03bp423where can I find good documentation on configuring 1.6 as realtime
05:56.54[TK]D-Fenderbp423: the docs included with it, and 1.4 as a reference :
05:56.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
05:57.27bp423awsome thanks
05:58.55Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: do u use DIDww ?
05:59.21*** join/#asterisk blq (
05:59.22[TK]D-FenderMike8861: no
05:59.34*** join/#asterisk blq (
06:00.03Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: the account is not even activated, however tracstion are completed.
06:01.25Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: which DID orgaination provider u recommand ?
06:01.48[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Teliax &
06:03.02Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: thank you
06:07.22Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: only offer Canada and US DID ??
06:07.40[TK]D-FenderMike8861: what do they say?
06:11.07*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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06:13.59Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: IPDID USA & IPDID Canda as they say
06:16.33[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Mike8861 Good, you can read it seems.
06:16.55[TK]D-FenderMike8861: I have no advice for non-North American DID's
06:17.17[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Go look up the WIKi for providers and see if you can Google up recommendations.
06:20.03*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
06:23.11Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: thank you.
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07:08.25Ast001if I see this [Jul 13 08:58:30] ERROR[28176]: chan_zap.c:9470 start_pri: Unable to open D-channel 16 (Device or resource busy)
07:08.44Ast001when I try module load
07:09.12Ast001does it mean my card is bad ?
07:11.48MCooperanyone here familiar with AGI PHP MySQL stuff....
07:12.16x86PHP sucks
07:12.24x86perl is much better for AGI
07:12.27MCooperx86,  Ok...
07:12.44MCooperI am working what I got....
07:13.07MCooperI am passing stuff to the PHP, but it appears I am not getting information back...
07:13.24Maliutaanyone who thinks php is appropriate for anything other than web app prototyping needs to be shot
07:14.13MCooperMaliuta, Again.. I am picking up the project that is 6 months behind....
07:14.30MCooperI just need to bandage it until I can get the new stuff written.. that is all
07:15.08x86prolly be faster to re-write
07:15.11x86chop chop
07:23.40*** join/#asterisk Gnutoo (
07:24.43Gnutoohello, can i put 2 bind address in sip.conf? because it would simplify a lot...
07:24.57Gnutoobecause otherwise we have to be 2 on the vpn
07:25.50Gnutooi need it so i can have: ekiga->openvpn->asterisk-server->wifi's openvpn->me
07:26.10Gnutooand of course openvpn and wifi's openvpn aren't on the same network
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07:49.02Gnutooanyone? by the way with the default config i have that: Jul 13 09:48:39 router kernel: pid 34411 (asterisk), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped) mabe a bad config?
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07:59.56KeypadIf you have a SPA-3102 is there a program you can download to use it like a phone as long as your attached to the network ?
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08:18.12jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
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09:29.07MCooperI am having a little trouble with my dialplan - wondering if someone might have a look at it?
09:29.31MCooperIts rough, but functional...
09:29.38*** part/#asterisk Keypad (n=Keypad@
09:32.59lesouvageMCooper: past it on psatebn somewhere please (f.i.
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09:35.46lesouvageMCooper: If your project is overtime and under presure, make sure that you have ringing phones as soon as possible. With just a few lines you can offer a dialplan that cover must of the basic requirements ad ringing phones make other people happy ;-)
09:39.57MCooperlesouvage, That is just part of it.. and yes.. .i have commented out the offending line to make sure phones ring.
09:41.24jblackpeople can tolerate a lot, so long as phone, email and http work.
09:41.37MCooperjblack, Yes they can...
09:42.31MCooperThe thought is really simple.. call 130, and if you are blacklisted hang up... and not ring... The BLACKLIST is coming from an MySQL database
09:46.16lesouvageMCooper: how long is the blacklist
09:47.34MCooperone number now.. and it returns either 1 or 0
09:48.00MCooper1 is continue on, and 0 is the number is in the blacklist.
09:53.27lesouvageMCooper: just an idea to save your ass. Forn now forget about mysql, forget about agi scripts and all the ther things that makes it hard to debug. Go for the basics with a basic dialplan and a basic blacklist maganism. Yo can finish this within half an hour.
09:53.57MCooperwhat is your suggestion?
09:54.26MCooperI mean I have seen the asterisk database.. but we need to be able to log the # of tires
09:54.51MCooperif the tries go over 5 with 1 hour, we block it.
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09:55.43lesouvageMCooper: How many call are we taking about?
09:56.35MCooperthis is the handle wardialing  by insurgents....
09:56.40MCooperto a tips line...
09:56.55MCooper(Yes I am serious)
09:57.08lesouvageI checked what you paste but I can not make anything out of it. It depends on what is in the php script.
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09:57.53MCooperI can post the PHP.... (not the first way I would have written it..)
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09:58.06lesouvageWhat is more important: to have it up and running asap or the feature to blacklist someone who tries more then 5 times in an hour.
09:58.17ikevini have a problem while i receive a sip call from my voip provider
09:58.26ikevini receive this log: chan_sip.c:13952 handle_request_invite: Call from 'illu88' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
09:58.46MCooperbecause even if it is up.. they are calling it with  1000+ numbers over and over again.. and overwhelming the system
09:58.50lesouvageMCooper: I'm not a php man o I will not be of much help
09:58.52ikevini've tryed to create an extension called s in the extensions.conf so that don't work
09:59.01ikevinanyone have an idea?
09:59.09MCooperlesouvage, Neither am I... haha
10:00.30lesouvageikevin: start with exten => s,1,Answer() and then exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/<your internal sip phone>,30,r) and then exten => s,n,Hanhup(). It should work if you add this to the proper context.
10:00.40MCooperwhat I am curious about is how to show what the Variable is in the dialplan. Is there a way to display variables?
10:01.58lesouvageMCooper exten = s, n,NoOp(This is the value of the variable I want to show  ${variableyou_want_to_show}) will show the value in the cli
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10:08.45MCooperThat is the output from the CLI
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10:14.22ikevini use that on a macro: exten => s,1,Answer() exten => s,2,Dial(${ARG2},20,r) exten => s,3,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
10:14.54ikevinand have that on my context: exten => illu88,1,Macro(stdexten,304,SIP/kevin)
10:15.25lesouvageIs this a blacklisted number?  btw, the ringing line looks a bit strange to me. shouldn't there be a dial statement so the inbound channel is bridged to a channel of an internal phone? The cli output doesn't give lots of useful info.
10:15.45lesouvageor a queue
10:16.08MCooperIf they number is allowed, we have a queue that it goes to... if it is a bad number we hangup
10:21.13lesouvageBut now the agi script returns 0 and I assume that if you tried to call 5 times in a row this ought to change to 1 and based on that the hangup() is executed. I don't understand the line exten => 130,n(keep_going),Ringing .
10:22.55MCooperThat is can actually go away..
10:23.22MCooperI am not sure what it was doing there... i am taking over a project that is 6 months behind,... Lucky me.
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10:35.11lesouvageMCooper: is keeping records of all the numbers that has been blocked relevant or is it just important to block those that try 5 times in an hour.
10:37.41MCooperNo its relevent
10:37.56MCooperWe have to track the numbers.
10:41.09pputman-MCooper, so the problem is it's not hanging up?
10:41.13pputman-or it's taking a while to hang up?
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10:47.01lesouvageMCooper: My advice is to hire someone to fix the problem. I'm afraid it is to complicated to have it done based on info on the irc channel. I can fix a solution but I can't do that for free.
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11:03.35nomad_czHi. Could anyone tell me how the h extension is supposed to work ? In macro it sometimes jump to h defined there and sometimes to h in calling context :/
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11:21.15ikevincan i put a waiting music while phone is ringing?
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11:30.58nomad_czikevin, I guess so
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11:32.01nomad_czikevin: check out dial() options I think there is 'm' option for playing music
11:32.53ikevinok thx
11:33.16nomad_czikevin: u r welcome ;)
11:46.49angryuserhello al
11:49.19*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (n=garryh@
11:50.40angryuseri am searching a simple solution for a case when internet is down, i would like asterisk switch for ISDN lines then, i imagined a simple script of ping of next gateway, and when it is down ==> write a value in astDB and verify it before call, is there any simplier soution ?
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12:36.40Gnutoohello, asterisk has a segmentation problem....where should i look for resolving the problem...
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12:39.36MaliutaLapsegfault? in your compilation
12:42.11Gnutooah running it manually doesn't make him segfault
12:42.38Gnutoomabe it's just that it doesn't find the config file in daemon mode....
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12:46.10Gnutooby the way how do i activate sip.conf?
12:46.31Gnutoobecause it doesn't seems to be binding on the port that is defined inside sip.conf
12:48.37Gnutooah i made it segfault trying to connect to it with asterisk -r or asterisk -R
12:52.37Gnutoobut you can't differenciate the segfault when starting it and when connecting to it in this log
12:52.51GnutooMaliutaLap, no it's at runtime
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12:53.37MaliutaLapsegfaults are normally the result of something done wrong at compile time
12:53.59GnutooMaliutaLap, ah ok so what should i do? i realy need asterisk
12:54.48MaliutaLaphave you hand compiled it?
12:55.29MaliutaLapi.e. you're not using a precompiled, possible packaged, binary?
12:55.51GnutooMaliutaLap, no i've used freebsd-7 ports to compile it
12:57.03MaliutaLapyou can compile it again, but before you do make sure you have everything you need in place first
12:57.16MaliutaLapto enable sip look at modules.conf
12:57.53Gnutooby the way asterisk -r tells me that: "Broken pipe"
12:58.39tompawwhich command restart asterisk's web gui?
13:00.23MaliutaLaptompaw: read the topic. then go to #asterisk-gui
13:01.05MaliutaLapGnutoo: you've fecked up the compile, build it properly
13:01.21GnutooMaliutaLap, how do i do that?
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13:03.19k3mphello there, could someone support me configuring my asterisk 1.4 with mysql? i got problems with my mysql-based-dialplan.
13:03.34Gnutooouch,,,,[Jul 13 15:03:10] WARNING[35421]: loader.c:416 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "ast_park_call"
13:04.30k3mphello there, could someone support me configuring my asterisk 1.4 with mysql? i got problems with my mysql-based-dialplan.
13:06.17Gnutooi update my ports
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13:09.06MaliutaLapGnutoo: read the docs, it's all covered there
13:09.09jbot[~docs] Asterisk documentation can be found at , , , the WIKI (~wiki), or the BOOK (~book)
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13:12.34MaliutaLapalright, sleepy time
13:13.09Gnutoothanks a lot
13:18.05tompawDamn, I thought Digium sells G729 using some automated platform.
13:20.57tompawWhat's with those codecs? Do they achieve the same performance as those binary ones sold by Digium?
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13:26.09coppicethey've been optimised by Intel, but Intel has not always proven to be very good at performance optimisation of DSP code.
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13:29.40angryuserhas anyone used skip2pbx ? they clain to convert sip to skype and vise versa, their price is hight also
13:31.22tzafrir_laptopthe codec itself is in a binary blob you need to install from intel separately, IIRC
13:31.34tzafrir_laptop(the Asterisk module is merely a wrapper around it)
13:31.52tzafrir_laptoptompaw, ==^
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13:34.42ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: The illegal "G729 codec"?
13:36.37tzafrir_laptopManxPower, it is a g729 (and g723) codec. And yes: requires a license that most people who consider it "free" dismiss for some strange reason
13:38.23ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: As I understand it, Intel has a library that does G729/G723.  Intel's library can be licensed free for non-commercial use, but (and the Intel license even says this), the license is only for the Intel code, not the codecs themselves, which are licensed separately.
13:40.22ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: About once a year I report the asterisk unlicensed G729 web site to the patent holders of G729
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13:54.41coppiceI don't think there is any action they can take against a web site like that.
13:56.02ManxPowerOT: I'm looking for recommendations for a phone that has a real (even if tiny) keyboard and supports SSH over some form of high speed internet access.  /msg me so we don't clutter the channel
13:57.16coppicedo you mean a cellphone?
13:58.07ManxPowercoppice: or "mobile" as they say in your part of the world.
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13:58.49coppicedo we? that's news
13:59.30coppicei thought a mobile was something that fluttered above a baby's cot
13:59.34ManxPowerI just assumed as HK is a former UK area
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14:03.13zapp-braniganhi i have a problen registering an ata spa3102 in asterisk every time 4 times after a register he receive diferents nonce in the Register message
14:03.29zapp-braniganand in the code in the asterisk do :
14:03.52zapp-braniganVerify nonce from request matches our nonce.  If not, send 401 with new nonce */
14:04.09zapp-braniganfunction static enum check_auth_result check_aut
14:04.21zapp-braniganbut this is important ?
14:05.00zapp-braniganbecause i have remover the check of nonce and is most farter
14:05.35zapp-branigansomebody know what i'm speaking ?
14:06.48zapp-braniganthe challenge who i send and i receive in the sip protocol in the register is diferent
14:07.02zapp-braniganbut the response is true
14:07.03KyoshiDialplan help with realtime please...
14:09.13ManxPowerKyoshi: I don't see an actual problem
14:09.43ManxPowerIn any case, I can't really help with Realtime issues
14:10.53Kyoshithen you dont see the question
14:11.56ManxPowerwell, what DO you know about the include statement.
14:11.58Kyoshian INCLUDE statement is not defined the same but i think i just got it.
14:12.12Kyoshii will be trying something
14:12.39Kyoshidude..  what i know about the include statement is prolly the same aS you, includes another context's dialplan info
14:12.44Kyoshithats NOT the problem
14:12.58Kyoshiwhat IS the problem is how to put that INCLUDE statement into the ARTDB
14:13.07Kyoshior ARADB
14:13.40ManxPowerUsing Realtime makes things to very much more complicated.
14:14.01Kyoshiconsidering usually there is ext, pri, app, args, an include only has include and context...  doesnt exactly match the pattern
14:14.11Kyoshireally, much more complicated?
14:14.38Kyoshiwell sometimes you need realtime for your application to work, even if it's way beyond your understanding
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14:15.09Kyoshiusually if you answer a question in here it means you have some knowledge of the subject matter, why you answered me is a mystery
14:15.46ManxPowerJust wondering why you would put the dialplan into a database.
14:16.55ManxPowerNone of the 2,470 hits of a google search of the mailinglist archive was not helpful?
14:17.57jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
14:18.01Kyoshinone at all because they either describe how to create the database, or what its for
14:18.23Kyoshinot how to import an include statement into an aradb
14:18.27ManxPowerBut many of them say you cannot use include => with Realtime
14:19.51Kyoshimanxpower: the reason you may want SIP users into a DB is to dynamically be able to change user info on the fly, without having to reload.  the reason you have diaplans in a DB is the same reason.  also aradb means NO config files for thosed items are preloaded into memory and when you will have over 1M dialplan functions and nearly 1M users, it helps conserve memory
14:20.03Kyoshiwell if i cannot, then i cannot is all
14:22.07ManxPowerWith a larger userbase, it can be helpful.  Most people seem to use Realtime only because of the "coolness factor"
14:32.06tompawsorry if that's a stupid question, but are the codecs from legit or not?
14:32.15tompawI just installed g729 and it seems to be working fine.
14:34.19lesouvageMCooper: are you still around?
14:36.04Kyoshimanx, seems like you assumed my need
14:36.13Kyoshisorry but i do NEED it
14:36.24Kyoshidynamic users and dialplans are a HUGE factor of my work
14:58.07angryuseri installe it for coolness
14:58.15angryusermhahaha ;)
15:03.30tzafrir_laptoptompaw, at least in most contries: no
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15:18.50tompawtzafrir_laptop: ok, what is the legit way to get g729 on freebsd then?
15:29.22tompawanybode here using a2billing?
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16:06.16tompawI need an advice - which way is better regarding assigning extension numbers: ?
16:08.32[TK]D-Fendertompaw: How many locations?  How many users each?
16:09.16tompaw[TK]D-Fender: let's say... 6 locations, mostly up to 100 users, but one must be able to serve thousands.
16:11.15[TK]D-Fendertompaw: then XXYYYY - XX - Site #, YYYY= logical exten
16:11.44[TK]D-Fendertompaw: 1 less digit than yours
16:12.47tompaw[TK]D-Fender: so in other words - local extension numbers, right?
16:14.06[TK]D-Fendertompaw: yes
16:14.23tompaw[TK]D-Fender: just out of curiosity - why?
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16:14.35[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Why make yours bigger?
16:14.40MCooperlesouvage, I am here.,,,,
16:14.46tompaw[TK]D-Fender: fair enough ;-)
16:14.57[TK]D-Fendertompaw: One might figure you want to handle dialing lengths in a consistent way.
16:15.22[TK]D-Fendertompaw: And throwing in an extra digit doesn't seem to be offering your anything
16:15.37tompaw[TK]D-Fender: right, and with the 'local' attempt I can have extensions length variable!
16:16.13MCooperTo everyone that has had to listen to newbie questions, and misunderstandings on my part.. thank you... we got the project to its first milestone...  pputman  / pputman-  was very instrumental as was lesouvage  (Thank you for the code) and others... Thank you...
16:16.51[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You can do whatever you want.  Technically you could just do "_*XX.", and assume anything starting with a "*" is off-site, take 2 digits to figure out which site, and pass a variable length # to it.
16:17.02[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Based on digits from the 4th onwards
16:19.58tompaw[TK]D-Fender: great, thanks for the explaination.
16:20.46tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I wasn't trying to achieve anything extraordinary with the global one, it's just that I don't have any experience with * yet, and I wanted to confirm if I won't get in trouble by local extensions.
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16:26.09tompawregarding dialplans. if - during a call - asterisk goes through all defined exten = blahs.... and doesn't find a match, it then STILL calls the local extension (if there is one equal to EXTEN called), right?
16:32.39[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No, * does EXACTLY what you tell it to.
16:32.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: If you don't have a match then you get nothing.
16:33.13[TK]D-Fendertompaw: there is not "automatic" anything
16:35.53tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I guess I shouldn't bring this subject in here, but I am reconfiguring one *Now installation manually changing extensions.conf. I defined a dialplan with only 2 extens (_4! and 553).
16:36.16tompawI assigned my SIP account to this dialplan, yet still if I dial 6050 for example, I am able to reach my voicemail.
16:36.59tompaw(the other 2 extensions also DO work)
16:39.10[TK]D-Fendertompaw: GUI's own your ass
16:40.59mvanbaakgui's are evil
16:42.15tompawgui doesn't even work no more since I messed the .confs myself ;-)
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16:58.07lesouvagegui's will fill your days with debugging until the end of days
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17:00.53lesouvagetompaw: just out of curiousity, you are implementing Asterisk on 6 location with 100 phones each and this is your first Asterisk project?
17:05.07tompawlesouvage: I am re-configuring one * which was based on *Now.
17:05.13tompawlesouvage: yes.
17:07.20lesouvageTompaw: It is just a suggestion but I think you save yourself a lot of trouble if you use a fresh asterisk install as a starting point instead of an Asterisk Now based asterisk box.
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17:16.15tompawlesouvage: thanks, will do.
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17:34.57tzafrir_laptopanybody feels like adapting a silly script to FreeBSD / OpenBSD / Solaris / whatever?
17:35.38ManxPowertompaw: as I understand it, Digium has a FreeBSD G729 codec
17:37.42ManxPowerOh look!  Digium G729 codec for Solaris 10, FreeBSD 6.1 and 7.0!
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18:12.04jeevstabs Fender
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18:27.43[TK]D-Fendershoots jeev
18:27.54[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Never bring a knife to a gun fight :p
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18:42.40jeevi;'m wearing a vest
18:42.42jeevyou weren't!
18:43.40[TK]D-Fenderjeev: thats why I shoot for the face :)
18:43.52*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
18:44.19jeevi'm wearing a roman helmet
18:45.26jeevfender, i'm so tired andi t's freakin 12
18:45.30jeevi dunno what to do man
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18:46.29[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Get your hands off your nuts.... and SEIZE THE DAY!
18:47.14jeevhow could i seize the day? the only 2 options i have right now, stay home and do nothing.. or go to my little cousins house where there's an endless supply of calories (because they own 2 baskin robbins)
18:47.58[TK]D-Fenderjeev: You might want to consider drugs.  Your imagination is so remarkably limited it seems.  Careful not to overdo it though...
18:48.12*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
18:48.18[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Expand your horizons, not your waist-line!
18:49.12jeevyou suck, i've never drank or smoked.. what makes you think i'd try drugs
18:49.16jeevi COULD fly to vegas but my friend is here so
18:49.18jeevi have no options
18:49.30jeevi dont want to expand my waist line since i need to decrease it like 5 lbs and have been saying it for 2 years now
18:49.47[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Go outside and do something
18:50.02[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Get some exercise.  Go see a show or something.
18:50.24[TK]D-Fenderjeev: if the weather were better here I'd be off biking or boating
18:50.36jeevi ahven't exercised since the beginning of this year and was for a basketball tournament
18:50.41jeevi want to bike but nobody else wants to
18:50.47jeevmy mountain bike has been sittin here gathering rust
18:50.52jeevor rusting shall i say
18:50.56jeevi want to go boxing but i'm too lazy
18:51.05jeevi _cant_ exercise right now, i'm not in shape to even start!
18:51.23[TK]D-Fenderjeev: First step to changing your life is.... change your life.
18:51.43[TK]D-Fenderjeev: I'm about to head out and do groceries before the GF heads over for dinner & movie.
18:51.58jeevmy gf is going back to school today.. i barely get to see her, her studies = suck
18:52.13[TK]D-Fenderjeev: and my GF's psycho call-ceenter hours suck
18:52.41[TK]D-Fenderjeev: fast & hard lesson : Life sucks, but rarely swallows
18:53.02jeevmine just goes through a very tough time.. in school, she is making up classes she had to suspend during her last quarter since her mom passed away
18:53.07jeevso she's always in school :/
18:54.35jeevi wish i could go ride the bike now
18:54.40jeevthen i'd go back to boxing again bah!
18:55.17jeevand my boxing gym is right next door to my office.. like i walk out of the building, cross 20 foot street <15 mph traffic and viola!
18:57.51jeevyou left me
18:58.56impliciti found a pretty nice bug that's been around in chan_sip for a LONG time :)
18:59.52tzafrir_laptopSo let it lurk there
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19:00.05tzafrir_laptopis from the bug protection league
19:00.08implicitit has to do w/ an call that comes in and is Dialed back out, when asterisk is behind a NAT and both source and destination have comedia support
19:01.18implicitasterisk doesn't send any RTP back after the SDP is received from first leg OR any RTP out to the destination
19:01.33implicitso they can never send RTP back (cause it has to be symmetric to get past the NAT)
19:01.39implicitand both ends of the call get no audio
19:01.53implicitif you do the same call but you do a Playback(something|noanswer) before Dial() it would work
19:02.51implicitAsterisk needs to send out silence after it gets the SDP from the first and second legs
19:03.12implicitdoing it for one leg is actually sufficient but both legs is correct and reduces RTP setup lag-time
19:03.33implicitideally it would just not touch the SDP and send it out to the next INVITE, because it knows it doesn't need to touch it
19:03.57implicitbut if it wants to use the RTP, that's fine, it can still relay it when it's behind a NAT, just needs to send rtp as soon as it can
19:04.01implicitand not wait for the other leg
19:04.30impliciti think that's why a lot of people end up using the 'r' option when behind NAT on sip calls
19:04.31implicitcause of that bug
19:04.35implicitotherwise they get no audio
19:04.51implicitif they haven't done anything w/ the audio on the call before Dial()
19:06.05impliciti was helping one of my sip trunking clients who had this problem and was behind a nat the other day and figured it out
19:06.36implicithave to have them play a second of silence with noanswer before sending the call back out to make audio work
19:07.01implicittzafrir_laptop: i don't think this has been reported has it?
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19:30.26Aquahallicafternoon folks
19:30.53Aquahallicanyone played much with the unistim channel for asterisk?
19:34.25Aquahallicwell.. maybe I can state it like this... cause I actually have the nortel phone working properly... just can't call to other extensions
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19:35.30jack_sparohey guys, where is this file located? iax2.h   anybody knows?
19:35.49AquahallicI saw a couple wiki's and setup a firefly phone via SIP and registered it... edited sip.conf and extensions.conf (put the extension in a new context and pointed to that context in the sip.conf)
19:36.53Aquahallicthen I installed the unistim channel driver and edited the unistim.conf with the phone info and then extensions.conf with the extension info in the same context as the firefly phone
19:37.52Aquahallicfrom the nortel softphone I can dial my own extension and it will say busy... but if I dial the extension of the firefly phone it says it's an invalid extension yet I can dial the firefly phone from another firefly phone setup the same way on my network
19:38.54Aquahallicso.. the nortel phone can dial itself fine.. and dial to like vmail... but it can't dial to the other sip phones on the network
19:38.55*** join/#asterisk tinloaf (
19:40.14tinloafhi. i have this setup: an asterisk box with an ISDN-card. i connect via SIP to this box and then dial out into PSTN. the idsn card is an AVM Fritz!Card. following problem ocurrs: while i'm talking i can't hear what the person on the other end hears. is this an asterisk problem?
19:40.28Strom_Ctinloaf: sounds like a SIP/NAT problem
19:40.31jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:41.14tinloafNAT can mute incoming traffic if there is outgoing traffic?
19:44.56tinloafi mean - i can hear incoming voice when i'm not talking, so it can't be a general NAT problem, can it?
19:45.21kamanashisroyHi, my agi script is not working in asterisk 1.2 though I tested it working in 1.4 .. can I get any change log or something ?
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19:53.47mogkamanashisroy, there is a changelog in in 1.4 callled changelog...
19:54.08kamanashisroymog: thanks .. watching ...
20:00.26*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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20:03.24mchouare there tools to block calls (such as from telemarketers/800#) via asterisk?
20:04.18mogmchou, look at ex-girlfriend example
20:04.21mogand zapateller
20:05.13mchoumog, is ex-gf example in the book?
20:05.35mogand voip-info, and the sample docs
20:05.50mogyou can route calls based on caller id or lack their of
20:06.38mchoumog: alright, thx
20:06.51mognp, if you cant find it ill look it up for ya
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20:11.16nephflI have a tdm400 card, i can receive incoming but when i try to dial out my whole system locks, any ideas what might cause that?
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20:23.35kamanashisroyhi [TK]D-Fender
20:24.20[TK]D-Fendermchou: "core show function CALLERID" , "core show application gotoif"
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20:25.30kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: you are drunk :D
20:25.51[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: ?
20:26.42kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: no you are not .. :-P .. found mchou's problem :)
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20:49.38angryusercant remember the diff from type=user and type=friend ... same thing ?
20:49.53sartanwhat am i doing on #asterisk
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20:50.17angryuserok remembered
20:50.30angryuser;) memory holes
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21:08.03drfreezeI'm having a bit of trouble getting the vsftpd setup working
21:08.31drfreezeFor a default polycom setup, is the username PlcmSpIp or polycom?
21:08.32*** join/#asterisk th1 (n=th@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/th1)
21:09.05drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: hi
21:10.43drfreezeanyone around?
21:15.23[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: the former.  Mind you syou should be setting your own user/pass for these
21:17.28drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: I usually do that, but this client wanted to use default info on phones
21:17.32TrentCreekNOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach
21:18.15drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: problem I am hiaving is that phones cannot write the 0000...cfg file to the directory, but the <mac>-app.log and <mac>-boot.log files are being written
21:19.18[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: they should never be touching 00000000 for anything
21:19.32[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Check your permissions as well
21:19.36drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: hmm, ok
21:20.10drfreezehow do I get the cfg, sip.ld and the boot.cfg files for the latest phones
21:20.43[TK]D-FenderDrYou get them from your reseller
21:21.20drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: haven't asked for them
21:21.24drfreezejust got new 550's
21:21.56j0drfreeze: using trixbox?
21:23.23drfreezej0: nope
21:23.53j0drfreeze: ah.. i just installed their polycom package which came with firmware and all the config files
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21:51.46j0do the polycom 501 or 601's support answer/hangup from a wireless headset?
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21:57.09lesouvagedrfreeze: If you mean the default username and password for the phone it is polycom and 456 (at least it was a couple of weeks ago.)
21:58.02j0lesouvage: i think he was thinking of the ftp default
21:59.42mvanbaakhey lesouvage
21:59.58lesouvagemvanbaak: alles goed?
22:01.04mvanbaakstill recovering from the shock after I found out what needed to be fixed on my car before it passed APK
22:01.25mvanbaak612 euro
22:01.58lesouvagemvanbaak: I think it is time to start organizing some nice asterisk event again or at least have a gathering of the Asterisk incrowd.
22:02.27mvanbaaklesouvage: that would be a good idea indeed
22:02.42mvanbaaklesouvage: maybe we can get some sponsors so we can all go to astricon
22:03.33*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
22:03.50lesouvagemvanbaak: that was allmost the price of my citroen bx chicque and I drove 15.000 km (for the non Europeans around 10.000 miles) without problems.
22:04.18mvanbaaklesouvage: yeah, my micra is not worth that much money
22:04.47Strom_Clesouvage: I know how to convert kilometers to miles, thank you very much
22:05.06mvanbaak1 mile is 1.6 km
22:05.22mvanbaak1 foot is 33 cm
22:05.22lesouvagemvanbaak: that really would be a great idea. If I go I'm afraid I have to be my own sponsor. But business isn't going that bad so who knows.
22:05.27Strom_Cmakes it closer to 9000 miles than 10,000
22:05.59mvanbaaklesouvage: I cant afford to go to astricon. the plane ticket alone is around 700 euro
22:06.13lesouvageStrom_C: dollar euro conversion is much harder because it is changing every day.
22:06.23mvanbaak5 days of hotel (100 euro/day)
22:07.32*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:08.13lesouvagemvanbaak: Yes we definitly needs a sponsor. Lets write a project plan with some nifty innovative aspects in it and raise some of the European subsidy and make the trip to astricon part of the project. ;-)
22:09.17lesouvagemvanbaak: I raised milions of European money by writing projectplans but the money was for the municipal.
22:09.50mvanbaakhhmm, your name was not mentioned in there as one of the major receivers of the money ?
22:10.27mvanbaakI wish I could go to the astricon. Ah well, maybe next year
22:10.48lesouvagemvanbaak: compare to what is available we just need a tiny drip to make the astricon tour
22:11.06lesouvageWill there be no European Astricon?
22:11.31mvanbaakwell, nothing planned yet
22:12.14mvanbaakmaybe you can setup one ?
22:12.25lesouvageWhy not, maye it is something for media plaza to take a role. It would be nice to have it at the Asterisk hotel i Amsterdam.
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22:12.54lesouvageI would love to take a role, but I'm afraid I can not do it on my own.
22:13.02mvanbaakI can help
22:13.04mvanbaakand nancy
22:13.55mvanbaakmaybe it can be part of her OS program
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22:36.51_mm_is away. Automatically set away [SZon]
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23:02.28TrentCreekNow what???? NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach
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23:19.21*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
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23:19.44jbotrumour has it, zx81 is the creater of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn)
23:20.36ZX81jbot, no zx81 is the creator of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn) and the author of the AsteriskWatch FaceBook Application (see ~asteriskwatch)
23:20.37jbotZX81: okay
23:20.44jbotyou are, like, the creator of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn) and the author of the AsteriskWatch FaceBook Application (see ~asteriskwatch)
23:21.24VIPCarrierdoes any one know a some good billing software that works with asterisk/mysql
23:21.39VIPCarrierno way too mutch for me
23:21.42VIPCarrieri dont need all of it
23:21.52ZX81so just write agi scripts
23:21.56VIPCarrieri need to be able to parce cdr's
23:22.04VIPCarrieri'm not a programmer
23:22.14ZX81jbot, no asteriskwatch is the FaceBook application for Asterisk Users ( see )
23:22.15jbotZX81: okay
23:22.17VIPCarriermatch with a prices and create an invocie
23:22.31ZX81check the wiki maybe?
23:22.42ZX81I meant
23:22.46jbotrumour has it, voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
23:24.02VIPCarrierany one wanna give me a tip? it don't have to be a free
23:24.06VIPCarrierit can coast money
23:24.55ZX81what's wrong with a2billing?
23:25.06ZX81can you not just forget about some features?
23:29.44mvanbaakthat's what I would do
23:29.53mvanbaakgo with a2billing and only use what I need
23:32.44*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
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23:38.27jakedahsShould I just post a question to the room?  new to asterisks having difficulty getting inbound calling to work properly
23:39.38mmlj4nah, call us instead
23:41.41*** join/#asterisk diegoviola (
23:42.02jakedahspeer firefly phone on local lan always shows status as UNREACHABLE.  when trying to route incoming call receive "dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)" @ console
23:42.22TrentCreekNow what???? NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach
23:42.48ZX81haven't seen that in years
23:42.53ZX81try zoiper
23:43.10jakedahsfreebee too?
23:43.11TrentCreekthere was a firefly movie last year ;-)
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23:43.52VIPCarriercan I use a2billing with multiple servers?
23:43.57ZX81TrentCreek: check that the context= line in the iax2 peer is pointed at the same context as the end of that message use posted
23:44.08ZX81VIPCarrier: dunno
23:44.10VIPCarriercan I run a2billing not on a same server where is asterisk
23:44.30ZX81I'd say so - you'd probably need the AGI scripts on the right machine though
23:44.46ZX81If you post to the asterisk-biz mailing list someone will probably do it all for you
23:45.00VIPCarrierthey can create for me a billing?
23:46.47jakedahsZX81: thank you, thank you, thank you.
23:47.14jakedahschalk another back up for sanity this weekend! :)
23:47.26ZX81:) - midday monday here :)
23:47.42pcranehi ZX81 ;)
23:47.48ZX81heh hi man
23:47.56pcranehow goes it?
23:48.13TrentCreekZX81: Okay...thanks..looking now
23:48.23jakedahsthought this was just going to be a weekend project last week,  1 week, 4 installs, and a few headaches later...all i had to do was ask to find out it was ....firefly... :)
23:48.49ZX81I've got 126590, 128639, 128737 not crashing, and 128795, 129803, 130169 crashing
23:49.00ZX81although I'm not 100% sure about 128737
23:49.07ZX81so I'm testing it again
23:49.48ZX81this would be great to set up on someone's machine you don't like:
23:49.50ZX81tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem loss 60%
23:50.14ZX81go 60% packet loss :)
23:51.24ZX81I've had rev 128737 running for 7 minutes without crash so far - should crash around 5-10 mins if its going to
23:51.42ZX81although I did have one crash at 14 mins
23:52.48ZX81pcrane, is melbourne/sydney still crashing? if so, what revision are they running?
23:52.53*** join/#asterisk Fuzix (
23:53.12pcranegimme a sec
23:53.47FuzixDoes anyone know what the following could mean? :
23:53.47Fuzixl 13 23:48:14] ERROR[11834]: /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.20/include/asterisk/lock.h:479 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: chan_local.c line 189 (local_queue_frame): mutex '&us->lock' freed more times than we've locked!
23:53.47Fuzix[Jul 13 23:48:14] ERROR[11834]: /usr/src/asterisk-1.4.20/include/asterisk/lock.h:496 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: chan_local.c line 189 (local_queue_frame): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted
23:54.00FuzixI have it in 1.4.20, 1.4.21,
23:54.03ManxPowerFuzix: try
23:54.04ZX81double free
23:54.23ManxPowerFuzix: then report it as an error
23:54.48ZX81heh ok
23:54.57ZX81will check the rev on that
23:55.50ZX81yeah - is too early for that bug
23:56.02ZX811.4.21.1 was ok
23:56.37ZX81at least I think so - unless it was a regression
23:57.02ZX81what does show uptime say?
23:57.03pcraneZX81: both are Asterisk 1.4.21-rc1
23:57.10ZX81yeah - same master
23:57.54pcraneSydney: System uptime: 2 days, 20 hours, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
23:58.19ZX81ok cool
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23:59.14pcraneMelbourne: System uptime: 2 days, 20 hours, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
23:59.29pcranebut that's the weekend
23:59.35ZX81good though
23:59.36pcraneso, no-body will have made calls ;)
23:59.39ZX81means its call based

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