IRC log for #asterisk on 20080711

00:00.40Strom_Mit takes about three months
00:00.44Strom_Msit tight
00:00.48Strom_Mgrab a beer
00:00.57hardwireand a brat
00:01.04teknoprepyeah 3months
00:01.06teknoprepnot too long
00:01.35teknoprepi have it inside of vmware ... the vmware client is running 2cpu 2ghz opteron with 1gb ram
00:01.43hardwiredistcc anyone?
00:02.28*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
00:03.59teknoprepany idea on time to complete lol?
00:04.41teknoprepoh wow
00:04.43teknoprepalready done
00:04.59TJNIIteknoprep: It should complete around now.
00:06.50*** part/#asterisk _ShrikE (
00:07.10*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
00:08.58*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:11.28manddI set callerid="test" in sip.conf in [general], but it is not working
00:11.31manddusing 2  x sip phones
00:11.33manddanything i am missing?
00:13.32teknoprepgetting seg faults on 1.6-beta9
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
00:20.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:32.03*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:35.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-51a90fa7b96d65c6)
00:38.12*** join/#asterisk Ksilebo|Home (
01:03.33*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
01:03.55*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
01:06.41*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
01:13.56*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
01:14.59*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
01:16.46*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
01:17.14*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
01:17.47[T]ankanyone looking for a t1 card? I have a few i am looking to unload. $500
01:18.00[T]ankused sangoma a104d's
01:18.02JTbut i can buy new ones for less than that
01:18.08JT4 ports
01:18.16[T]ankyes 4 port
01:18.49[T]ankworks fine... just gone to an all SIP system
01:19.12[T]ankits a few months old, but have always been in a data center. so they have been clean and cool the whole time
01:19.58JTi could be
01:20.16[T]ankmove to pm?
01:20.45lucky|abaWhy would one computer be able to call me but I not be able to call him?
01:22.54TJNIIrepresses the urge to answer "because you touch yourself at night"
01:23.02TJNIIWhat do you mean "can't call him"
01:27.52*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
01:29.07obnauticusErr i have an MP3 track, and it's a VBR. How do I tell if it's a V0, V1, V2, or V3 ?
01:29.17obnauticusI'm trying to get it working with this * plugin :\
01:30.18obnauticusJT don't buy it
01:30.20obnauticusit's stolen!
01:30.23obnauticusand make sure it's not only the box
01:30.30obnauticusI did that to a couple on ebay with the xbox 360
01:32.07*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:40.10*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
01:44.42*** join/#asterisk emiller (n=ed@
01:46.16jblackIn light of Iran, that's pretty nice, strom
01:46.42emilleranyone have any luck installing asterisk on os x? :)
01:46.57[T]ankemiller: have seen it done successfully.
01:47.14jblackosx is for ipods, not phone systems.
01:47.21emilleris taking a stab at it
01:47.36emillerha, well, i just want to get some practice setting it up
01:47.56emillerdownloading xcode 3.0 right now
01:48.05Strom_Mosx is there to take perfectly good UNIX and add a whole new layer of smarmy and smug on top
01:48.13jayteeI did but it insisted on calling itself iAsterisk and wearing black turtlenecks, the only MOH that would play was Rick Astley's Never gonna give you up!
01:48.19jblackWe'll let you know when there's an iAsterisk
01:48.31Strom_Mwe're no strangers to phones
01:48.37emilleror love?
01:48.38Strom_Myou know the dialplan, and so do I
01:48.56Strom_Mnever gonna hang you up / never gonna tear you down
01:49.00emillerim taking the dcap exam tomorrow :\
01:49.05Strom_Mnever gonna dial around
01:49.12jayteeemiller, best of luck
01:49.40jboti guess rickroll is
01:49.53jayteeI'd love to take the exam but my boss is so frigging cheap he won't let me take the bootcamp class.
01:50.02TJNIIOh.... I thought that pointed to some nastyp page with the lyrics in javascript popups.
01:50.03emillerahh, its actually really good
01:50.04Strom_MI've got all of you beat.  I have two copies of the 12" single of that song
01:50.12emillerjaytee: im on my last day tomorrow
01:52.38emillerthe digium headquarters is actually very nice
01:58.11*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
02:01.09*** join/#asterisk emiller (n=ed@
02:01.20emillerugh. stupid hotel wireless.
02:08.03jayteeso I've tried all kinds of things and I still can't find a way to prevent a specific sip phone or extension from being able to transfer a call externally.
02:09.03*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (
02:09.20edwin_quijadaasterisk can play .wav files into AGI?
02:11.23*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:11.26UnixDogagi is a script lang
02:11.28emillerjaytee: can't you try something like exten => s,n,GotoIf($${EXTEN} = 6002?t,disconnect)
02:11.39UnixDogbased on php or perl or python
02:11.40emillersans the extra $
02:12.11UnixDogbut you can use it to play a wav/gsm/ulaw/ what ever file
02:12.18edwin_quijadai am using $AGI->stream-file($file)
02:12.30edwin_quijadabut cant play anything
02:12.35jeevhas 20 polycom 330's coming in...
02:12.37jeevcan't wait!
02:12.57jayteeemiller, I'm using Polycom phones and the softkey feature in the phone doesn't use *'s transfer so I can't intercept the redirect.
02:13.07UnixDog330 are nice
02:13.14jeevi'm just freaked out with my config
02:13.14UnixDogcheap and easy to configure
02:13.19jeevi need to be able to transfer calls and i dunno how yet
02:13.22jeevi'm only using 1 to test
02:13.32emillerjaytee: ahh, i see what you mean now. that can be a bit tricky.
02:13.35jayteejeev, transfer is easy with the Polycom
02:13.39jeevreally ?
02:13.42jayteeblocking it is near impossible
02:13.45edwin_quijadai need to use a speific code to play
02:13.53jayteejeev, when you're on a call press the transfer softkey
02:13.54UnixDogI love my 550
02:14.00jeevoh that's it ?
02:14.04jeevi have nothing to test with
02:14.06jayteeI have a 501 and a 550 I haven't setup yet
02:14.08emillerjeev: did you take a look at the sample config on voip-info
02:14.08jeevjaytee, does it need extra config ?
02:14.13jeevnot yet emiller.
02:14.13jayteejeev, no
02:14.17jeevdamn dood
02:14.26jayteenot for simple transfers or conferencing
02:14.29jeevi love the fact, i can create a conference room on the fly and password protect it.
02:14.31UnixDog330 is a very basic polycom
02:14.54jayteethe audio quality of the 330 is superb.
02:14.55emillerthat is the exact config that we built in the asterisk boot camp training
02:15.28UnixDogget a 550 and stand back
02:15.42jeeveh, i'm fine with 330's.
02:16.02jeevi cant freaky dicky wait
02:17.36jeevi'm gonna put asterisk on an E8300 box..
02:17.46jeevshould be fast enough to provide routing, asterisk and dansguardian with squid
02:17.52jeevwith dual wan
02:19.34hardwireyou haz it
02:20.02hardwirethat's a lot of high priority processes for just about any box however
02:20.12jeevwanfu ?
02:20.14hardwireyou should run the newer linux-rt kernels on it and prioritize the hell out of asterisk
02:20.16hardwirewan fu
02:20.18hardwirelike kung fu
02:20.25jeevi'm gonna run pfsense with bsd
02:20.59hardwirethe asterisk box won't have two wan interfaces?
02:21.05jeevyea it will
02:21.11hardwireyou're running asterisk on BSD?
02:21.24hardwireyou haz a good day now..
02:21.30hardwirehas to go home anyways.
02:21.47hardwiretoodly tiddly tot
02:22.10tristanbobis the TE122B the same thing as the TE122P + echo cancellation?
02:23.21*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
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02:25.47tristanbobrussellb, is the TE122B the same thing as the TE122P + echo cancellation?
02:26.18edwin_quijadato use audio files should be gsm?
02:28.02russellbtristanbob: i think it's just called the TE122
02:28.08russellbso yeah, same thing i guess
02:29.13tristanbobrussellb, thanks - I'm creating a quote for a customer
02:30.36*** join/#asterisk flush (
02:31.28pcraneemiller: which version of asterisk? I've tried 1.6, but all I get is something about popping blanks
02:32.03emillerpcrane: im sorry, are you referring to my os x question?
02:32.38emilleri actually havent tried it yet. i am/was trying to download xcode for the gcc compiler, but this hotel connection is too slow
02:33.00pcranelol that part is quite big ;)
02:33.10flushyo people i know its kinda off topic but any of you knows about very silent fans for pc's
02:33.13emiller:( i wasnt aware it was so huge
02:33.28emilleri wanted to set up a mini pbx in my room prior to my dcap exam tomorrow
02:35.10russellbemiller: what version of 1.6?  is it older code?
02:36.10russellbemiller: that problem should be fixed in the latest code ....
02:36.37emillerwell, im not really having a problem; unless you consider my slow bandwidth
02:36.41russellbbut yeah, downloading vmware and a linux ISO to install in a virtual machine is a smaller download than downloding xtools :)
02:36.50russellbi meant the "popping blanks" thing
02:37.00emillerohh, that was pcrane
02:37.08russellboh, sorry
02:37.15russellbpcrane: the popping blanks thing should be fixed.
02:37.24russellbin the latest code that is
02:37.35pcraneI'll have a look at that
02:37.53russellbyou may have to try just from svn
02:37.54emillercan you guys point me to a centos iso? i have parallels on my mac.
02:38.05russellbgoogle :-p
02:38.28russellbif all you want to do is compile asterisk and run it, then you might want to download something more minimal
02:40.38emillerim sorry, ive only ever installed and run asterisk on centos/red hat distros
02:40.41emillerwhat do you suggest
02:40.47mmlj4phoniceq T1 cards... garbage?
02:41.24russellbthen that's fine
02:41.31russellbwas just thinking since you had download pipe issues
02:41.33pcraneemiller: we use debian here
02:41.44russellba debian minimal install would get you going
02:41.53emillerthanks for the info guys
02:41.55pcraneeasy as pie
02:42.20russellbhow do you like parallels?  i use vmware fusion ..
02:43.02emillerits not bad. i rarely use it.
02:43.20emilleri was thinking about checking out vmware fusion
02:44.23russellbi like it a lot, but it's all i have used
02:44.43russellbi like doing all of my development in linux, so i have it constantly running, heh
02:45.02emillerheh, i hate trying to get web stuff to work for ie
02:45.06pcraneparallels is cool with the coherence mode
02:45.12UnixDog1.6 is a pain in the ass
02:46.23russellbUnixDog: why?
02:47.59russellbfalls asleep waiting for an answer
02:48.08UnixDogbecause it does no play nice on bsd
02:48.21russellbrolls eyes
02:48.22UnixDogit fails to compile properly and crashes
02:48.28russellbsure it does, plenty of people use it on BSD
02:48.36russellband a core asterisk contributor is also a FreeBSD developer
02:48.43russellbPEBKAC, i guess :)
02:49.07UnixDogwell I compiled it today on a duron and it crashes after 3 min of running
02:49.12pcranerussellb: the popping blanks is solved ;)
02:49.14pcraneta russellb
02:49.20russellbpcrane: you're welcome!
02:51.42tzangerpcrane: infertility problems?
02:52.04russellbtzanger: it was a debug message that we thought would never actually show up :-p
02:52.22russellbbut, bug in the code, and people's macs were poppin' blanks all over the place
02:52.27UnixDogrussellb:  I have freebsd 7.0 fully updated and everything built fromports all the deps
02:52.38UnixDogaI am not a newb at this
02:52.39tzangerrussellb: heh
02:52.53russellbUnixDog: then please file a bug report.
02:54.12*** part/#asterisk orionr (
02:55.51pcraneit doesn't seem to respond to commands
02:56.47pcranecore set verbose 100 doesn't give me any output... in 1.4 I'd expect: Verbosity was 0 and is now 100
02:59.09ManxPowerpcrane: check /etc/asterisk/logger.conf (or is it logging.conf?)
02:59.19*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:59.50*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:02.47*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
03:03.06pcraneManxPower: console is set to notice,war, and error, messages is set to the same
03:03.10pcranestuff appears in the message
03:03.15pcranebut not in the console...
03:03.29pcraneit's not important at the moment, more than enough stuff to get on with ;)
03:03.40ManxPowerbut not verbost or debug
03:03.51pcranenot verbose nor debug
03:04.09ManxPowerperhaps since you are setting the verbosity higher, you might want to send verbose messages to the console?
03:16.41*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:22.47*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
03:32.29*** join/#asterisk SanityIO_ (n=SanityIO@
03:33.06*** join/#asterisk jHoNDoE (
03:33.38mmlj4fwiw, i just bought 2 of the old-style tormenta T1 cards, $180 each
03:33.57mmlj4we'll see how much I regret it
03:40.25x86a lot ;)
03:47.00*** join/#asterisk dmz (
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03:54.15mmlj4they're for my lab, anyhow
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04:36.20[T]ankanyone know a good place besides ebay to sell used voip equipment?
04:37.14outtoluncastricon <G>
04:38.10[T]ankis it just that nobody uses T1 cards anymore?
04:38.17[T]ankI am having a hard time getting rid of them.
04:38.46outtoluncwhat kind?
04:38.59*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
04:39.01[T]anksangoma a104d
04:40.03outtoluncyou would think someone would want that, what you asking for it?
04:40.45outtoluncreasonable price
04:40.57outtoluncif i had the $ i'd buy it
04:41.17outtoluncstill kickin myself for letting go of my t400p
04:41.42[T]ankmay have one person who wants it. he... got one of those too. want it?
04:41.56outtolunchow much?
04:42.18[T]ankeh... well, the go for what, $1400? its actually never been used
04:42.44outtolunchehe well if i can't afford $500, $1400 is way out of the question <G>
04:42.56[T]ankhehe, yeah
04:43.07outtolunci'll let you know if i hear of anyone looking
04:51.22*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:54.37*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Burzum@
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05:02.11*** part/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
05:03.58*** join/#asterisk NeoSkedar (
05:04.32NeoSkedarI have users not on my lan connecting to my asterisk server, they can make and recieve calls fine, but if they try to check their voicemail, it always says invalid password
05:05.24NeoSkedarany ideas
05:05.47*** join/#asterisk lucky|aba (
05:08.19jeevso people on the lan
05:08.22jeevchecking their voicemail, it works ?
05:08.50[T]ankNeoSkedar: share your extensions.conf line where you call VoicemailMain()
05:14.32[T]ankNeoSkedar: guess you got it figured out. you stopped responding
05:14.39*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
05:18.05*** join/#asterisk Swabby (
05:18.30*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=pink@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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05:18.31*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:18.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-dig] by
05:18.31SwabbyIs there a mp3 to wav converter that does u law wav files for free?
05:21.38NeoSkedarsorry was afk
05:21.45NeoSkedaryes all lan users can check vm fine
05:28.19*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
05:28.23*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
05:36.35*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
05:42.18NeoSkedarmissed my chance for help i guess
05:46.18*** join/#asterisk j0 (
05:47.09j0when i buy say 4 fxo ports, do i then need to get the telco to split their wires into 4 different jacks?
05:58.08NeoSkedarjeev, are u there
05:59.09pcraneNeoSkedar: check to make sure they can do DTMF properly, or that features aren't conflicting with IVR options
06:00.17NeoSkedaridk what any of that means
06:00.41pcraneDTMF is the tones that the buttons generate when you press them...
06:01.16pcraneif the DTMF isn't getting to the asterisk server (or something happens to corrupt them along the way) then * will not know how to process them (and say invalid password)
06:02.13pcraneif the features (e.g. # used to bxfer) is also used in the IVR system, * will interpret that as a transfer, not as a # to pass to the IVR
06:02.47NeoSkedarthats what * says when they try to get vm
06:03.36pcranehave a look online for vm_authenticate: Unable to read password
06:03.58*** join/#asterisk Swat2 (
06:04.05Swat2Can anyone provide some kind of guidance with a voicemail problem. I have 2 messages waiting for me at the moment, so i dial *97 enter my password then it reads out the menu. I press 1 for recieving my mail and it starts with "Message received on" then it hangs up and doenst give me the message... Any ideas?
06:04.34Swat2I can recieve my messages via the webpage.
06:06.08*** join/#asterisk {sean} (
06:06.48NeoSkedarpcrane, would the dtmf affect remote users and not lan users?
06:07.54pcraneI'm thinking that there might be something odd happening with the connection
06:08.01NeoSkedarthey can call fine
06:09.08j0if a customer couldn't afford polycom phones, what would you recommend to them?
06:09.14*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:11.11{sean}anybody ever used a zultys pbx?
06:11.36NeoSkedar@ j0
06:11.42Kyoshidoes TDS and asterisk play nice together for realtime using MS SQL or will I need to use unixODBC?
06:12.16j0NeoSkedar: yikes.. is that sarcasm or do softphones actually have a place in a business phone system?
06:12.48pcranej0: we've used Linksys phones here, they're good
06:13.01JTj0: a lot of callcentres use cisco softphones
06:13.16pcranenever seen a physical polycom phone (have tried to remotely configure things -- that was fun)
06:13.23pcranenight all
06:13.35Kyoshipolycoms are very nice
06:13.50Kyoshiaastra's are nice too
06:14.04j0thanks.. yeah the linksys ones don't look bad
06:14.16j0after learning how to configure polycom's i'm not sure if i want to learn another. =D
06:14.27Kyoshipoly's aint hard to config
06:14.42j0too many darn options
06:14.50Kyoshisnom's are nice too
06:14.51j0i guess that's a good thing, i use most of them
06:15.10Kyoshiwell you dont configure each phone individually really
06:15.20j0Kyoshi: well the only brand u havn't recommended now is grandstream. lol
06:15.33Kyoshivia freepbx' interface, use the endpoint manager, make a group config and enter the mac's of each phone into the group for extensions
06:15.35j0does polycom have a configuration editor?
06:15.40Kyoshilet it propagate
06:15.51j0yeah, that's what i do
06:15.54Kyoshijo: grandstream aint worth it
06:16.11Kyoshii got the handytones and the gxp's, bah
06:16.15NeoSkedarj0 theres no issues with using softphone in a biz
06:16.16j0Kyoshi: i know.. i bought one for my personal voip setup to learn on
06:16.17Kyoshihandytones crash too much
06:16.34Kyoshigxp's sound quality is like a 99 cent special
06:16.47j0yup, i only have 501s in my office now
06:17.09j0NeoSkedar: what about connecting a proper handset to it?
06:17.10j0Kyoshi: yes
06:17.11JTNeoSkedar: no issues, that's a big optimistic
06:17.23Kyoshithose are kinda old
06:17.33NeoSkedarnot realluy
06:17.36NeoSkedarwhats the big deal
06:17.37j0Kyoshi: old?
06:17.39NeoSkedardepending on the biz
06:17.52JTthe audio quality on a softphone is nowhere near as good as on a polycom
06:17.57Kyoshiusing a softphone in a company?
06:18.06JTmost softphones have shit echo cancellation and noise reduction
06:18.07j0i can see a softphone working on a locked down computer.. but your typical office computer running vista might not cut it
06:18.09Kyoshinot sure if id trust it
06:18.11JTand clumbsy call handling
06:18.27NeoSkedarmy softphones have no issues
06:18.37NeoSkedar[23:08] <j0> if a customer couldn't afford polycom phones, what would you recommend to them?
06:18.40Kyoshihow many are we talking?
06:18.40j0NeoSkedar: what sort of headset do you use?
06:18.41NeoSkedarinother words funds are tight
06:18.42JTeverything has no issues until you try something better.
06:18.55j0NeoSkedar: yes.. "afford" is a loose word
06:19.01*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
06:19.12NeoSkedaru wont find many phones under $100
06:19.17Kyoshineo: how many softphone users are we talking?
06:19.17NeoSkedarat least new
06:19.25NeoSkedari said depends on teh buisness didnt i
06:19.27j0"but my analog phones only cost $120" (they suck and that's another reason they're upgrading)
06:19.34JTIP320s are under $100
06:19.52Kyoshipolycom ip330's are about $120
06:19.52NeoSkedari said "many"
06:19.55j0ah that's right.. the 320 even has speakerphone
06:19.59JTKyoshi: $89
06:20.05Kyoshithere ya go
06:20.09Kyoshieven better
06:20.10JT320 sorry
06:20.15JTyou said 330, oops
06:20.18NeoSkedarget those j0
06:20.24JT330s are slightly more
06:20.43Kyoshii just dont think i could in good conciousness suggest a customer uses all softphones in their company
06:20.45JTyou do need a PoE switch though
06:20.51Kyoshiwhat if they need to reboot their pc uring a call?
06:20.52j0what does the 330 add over the 320?
06:20.52NeoSkedardepends on teh company
06:20.54NeoSkedarand size
06:21.03NeoSkedarif its a small biz has like 5 users
06:21.04Kyoshijo: 40 bucks?
06:21.06NeoSkedarthen no big deal
06:21.07JTj0: ethernet switch and port for pc
06:21.11NeoSkedarbut yeah
06:21.14NeoSkedarhard phones are better
06:21.17JTj0: that's all
06:21.27j0JT: ah.. i'd need that here .. thanks -- i missed that in the comparision chart
06:23.24*** join/#asterisk gnorbert (
06:23.31gnorbertGood morning
06:23.40NeoSkedarlooks at clock
06:24.40gnorbertDoes somebody know, how can I use speex in asterisk? I mean how can I configure Asterisk to
06:24.54gnorbertaccept speex?
06:25.41gnorbertI've already configured codecs.conf, sip.conf, iax.conf...
06:26.20gnorbertBut it still doesn't work...
06:26.23j0gnorbert: so it's enabled everywhere.. what exactly isn't happening?
06:27.33j0gnorbert: have you checked your sip debug?
06:27.42gnorbertj0: When I try join to a meetme conference via asterisk with ekiga (with speex wideband codec), it writes:
06:28.32gnorbertWith GSM codec, this works, just so noisy, that nothing can be heard...
06:29.10*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
06:29.15gnorbertThe only thing, that can be heard is some noise and clicking...
06:29.25j0gnorbert: what about your other codec?
06:30.08j0look at your sip debug too.. maybe ekiga isn't advertising that speex is available
06:30.08gnorbertGSM works, but I should use speex wideband, or something, that's good at least like that.
06:31.45NeoSkedari cant get this stuipid vm thing to work
06:32.27j0speaking of vm's.. does * have proper timing in a vm yet?
06:32.43j0it's the last box that isn't in a vm
06:33.48NeoSkedari have someone connected in another location, they cant retieve voicemail, always says vm password is invalid
06:33.54NeoSkedaryet all local users can access it fine
06:34.28j0NeoSkedar: dtmf problem?
06:34.45NeoSkedardont think so
06:34.51NeoSkedarwhy would that affect only remote users
06:35.13j0more jitter issues
06:35.27NeoSkedarthe remote users can place calls fine
06:36.11j0the vm password is entered with dtmf, the placing of the call isn't
06:36.29NeoSkedarwouldnt dtmf be system wide?
06:36.47j0u mean a problem with it would be system wide?
06:37.08j0could be any number of reasons why it works someplaces and not others
06:37.30NeoSkedarwell it affects all non lan users
06:37.45j0worth a try to look at anyway
06:37.52NeoSkedarwhat should i look at
06:38.04j0check the debug to see if the tones are interpreted properly
06:38.37NeoSkedarhow do i do that
06:40.10j0NeoSkedar: google
06:40.18NeoSkedartheres a ton of debugs
06:40.21j0asterisk dtmf debug
06:40.36*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:40.58pputmanYou know what's really annoying?  All these third party versions of asterisk that by default turn off verbose for the console.
06:41.36pputmanin logger.conf
06:45.03JTotherwise you'd see all the noise from their horrible dialplans
06:52.25NeoSkedarmaybe latency of teh remote connection causes the vm password to not register?
06:53.50*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-f9f0357dcb16f0b7)
07:05.03gnorbertI still can't use speex codec. Any idea? (The fault message is: "NOTICE[7270]: chan_sip.c:5426 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!")
07:05.34JTwhat does show translations give you
07:06.07JTdoes it show any translation path to speex?
07:06.42gnorbertThere is speex...
07:07.06JTdoes it show any translation paths?
07:07.12JTno numbers, no path
07:07.22gnorbertIt has (in the row): - 9 3 3  1 3 2 4 - 199 - - -
07:08.07gnorbertIn column it has - 198 198 198 199 198 197 208 - - - 199 -
07:08.07*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
07:08.17JTthat's all useless to me
07:08.20JTit's just a table
07:08.22JTlook it up
07:08.53JTcheck if the codec you're trying to transcode to has a number that corresponds with speex
07:08.57gnorbertThat table is the only thing, it writes for show translation.
07:09.05*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
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07:09.48JTwhat codec are you translating to/from
07:09.51*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
07:10.05gnorbertI would like to use only speex... Now I use GSM, because that works, but it has a number with speex
07:10.45JTthe number is the latency estimate in milliseconds
07:10.58*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
07:11.11gnorbertThat's 198 and 9...
07:11.29gnorbertgsm to speex 198, speex to gsm 9
07:12.16JTshould work in theory
07:12.47*** join/#asterisk pootle (
07:13.06gnorbertBut I wouldn't like to use gsm, if speex would work..
07:14.07gnorbertI mean in ekiga I could select speex wideband as the only codec, just then asterisk doesn't accept the call even.
07:14.52gnorbertIf asterisk accepted it, I wouldn't have to use gsm, I guess.
07:16.04gnorbertI made sip.conf, aix.conf, extensions.conf and codecs.conf...
07:16.13gnorbertCould I miss something?:S
07:16.31NeoSkedar[Jul 11 00:15:20] WARNING[11624]: app_voicemail.c:6907 vm_authenticate: Unable to read password
07:16.37NeoSkedarthat prolly is a dtmf issue right?
07:18.10gnorbertI've also installed speex already.
07:19.25gnorbertNeoSkedar: I know, in Zoiper you have to register for a server first and you have to give the password in the options...
07:19.55NeoSkedargnorbert, all my computers work fine on my lan
07:19.59NeoSkedarits a remote connection
07:20.01NeoSkedarthat doesnt
07:20.37gnorbertHmm, interesting one.:)
07:22.08gnorbertSorry, I'm not like an expert, it was just a try...:)
07:22.45NeoSkedarno worries
07:24.09bkw_NeoSkedar: what phone are you using?
07:24.47*** join/#asterisk vgster (
07:25.55gnorbertSo I guess, Ther isn't so much tip about the speex-problem.:)
07:26.09bkw_gnorbert:  noise on speex?
07:26.19gnorbertI mean no.:D
07:26.21bkw_NeoSkedar: the best bet is to get a pcap and look at it on wireshark
07:26.28bkw_gnorbert: static? or something?
07:26.32bkw_I know there is a bug open on that issu
07:26.40gnorbertNoise on GSM and asterisk doesn't accept speex.
07:26.49bkw_did you allow speex?
07:26.55bkw_on the allow= line for the user or peer?
07:27.05NeoSkedarbkw_, my lan pohnes work
07:27.06gnorbertI allowed all...
07:27.12bkw_whats this 198 and 8 business?
07:27.14NeoSkedarbut it doesnt work from a wan ip
07:27.20gnorbertAnd I tried allow=speex.
07:27.47gnorbertJT asked about show translation
07:27.48bkw_oh translation costs
07:28.03gnorbertBetween GSM and speex.
07:28.04bkw_took me a second.. those numbers mean ZERP
07:28.06bkw_er ZERO
07:28.17bkw_they are not a real gauge of the transcoding performance
07:28.18gnorbertBut I should use only speex.
07:28.33bkw_which speex did you allow on the phone and what does asterisk say?
07:29.12gnorbertI used Ekiga and allowed 16 khz speex
07:29.22bkw_well asterisk can't do 16k speex
07:29.27bkw_so that might be a huge part of your problem
07:29.35gnorbert(The wideband version, I guess...)
07:32.54*** join/#asterisk ReD-MaN (
07:36.25NeoSkedarwhy would lan users send dtmf tones and not remote users?
07:36.31bkw_you have three options.. are you doing 2833, info or inband?
07:36.41bkw_what codec are the remote users?
07:36.45NeoSkedarsame as the lan
07:36.49NeoSkedarsame phones
07:36.57bkw_I would double check the settings
07:37.05NeoSkedari have a computer on lan, dialed it worked, connected to my evdo adn remoted, doesnt work
07:37.12NeoSkedarno settings changed on phone
07:37.21bkw_famous last words
07:37.27NeoSkedarjust the ip that registered to teh network
07:37.52NeoSkedari know they arent sending tones
07:38.17NeoSkedarcuz if i call and push a key on the remote phone i cant hear it on the lan phone, but if i push a key on teh lan phone u can hear the tone on teh remote phone
07:38.22bkw_you have wireshark?
07:38.37NeoSkedarnot on here
07:39.01bkw_install it and try this command line
07:39.02bkw_tshark -o "rtp.heuristic_rtp: TRUE" -R sip\|\|rtp\|\|rtcp
07:39.08bkw_start it before you make the call
07:39.14bkw_you'll see the digits if its sending them
07:39.25NeoSkedaror not sending
07:39.36bkw_it'll make sure you're not insane
07:39.44NeoSkedarim pretty sure im not
07:39.49bkw_well check it to be sure
07:39.54NeoSkedarbut no ideas why that would happen?
07:39.55bkw_I know asterisk does some funky stuff in 2833
07:40.01bkw_are the phones all running the same firmware?
07:40.17NeoSkedartold u i had the phone on my wifi, then switched to evdo
07:40.20NeoSkedarexact same phone
07:40.24NeoSkedar2 diff connections
07:40.27NeoSkedarlan works
07:40.28NeoSkedarwan doesnt
07:40.40NeoSkedarcall work fine
07:40.45NeoSkedarbut calls dont use tones
07:40.51*** join/#asterisk bboschman (
07:41.31NeoSkedar[Jul 11 00:41:03] WARNING[11624]: chan_sip.c:2752 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call MWYwMzAyMjI4MDIzMGE0Njg4YzcwODcwNGZhYjEzNWE. - no reply to our critical packet.
07:41.35NeoSkedarany idea what that means?
07:42.26bkw_NeoSkedar: you're having nat drama?
07:42.45bkw_there are so many broken sip devices out there.. I refuse to bow down and hack around them
07:42.51bkw_the manufacture fixes them or I talk shit about em
07:42.59*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=jochieng@
07:43.14NeoSkedarwell ive used two different sip softphones both have exact same issue
07:43.24bkw_you said it was x-lite?
07:43.26bkw_or hard phones?
07:43.34bkw_x-lite is the biggest pile of shit
07:43.39bkw_I can crash it in two sceonds
07:43.45bkw_I think if you look at it wrong it crashes
07:44.00*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:44.01bkw_when I was writing mod_voipcodecs for FreeSWITCH .. I would call the delay echo app.. it crashes EVERY time
07:44.03bkw_without fail
07:44.10bkw_you feed it bad audio data.. KABOOM
07:44.19bkw_you click the wrong box at the right time.. KABOOM
07:44.26bkw_man that thing crashed on me more times than I care to know about
07:44.29NeoSkedarwell i havent had it crash yet
07:44.37bkw_you don't really use it then :P
07:44.46NeoSkedarim just learning asterisk
07:44.52NeoSkedarsoftphones free way to test
07:46.57*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
07:50.11mvanbaakx-lite is unstable ???
07:50.13mvanbaakno way !
07:50.51mvanbaakstart it, select your usb headset as audiodevice, unplug the usb headset, KABOOM
07:51.21mvanbaakand yes, if you look at it the wrong way it goes beserk on the cpu
07:52.11*** join/#asterisk jivco (n=jivco@
07:53.53^shark_there are better softphones that x-lite, who would continue using x-lite anyways!?
07:55.27*** join/#asterisk SanityIO__ (n=SanityIO@
07:55.31mvanbaakI try x-lite from time to time to see if they fixed their stuff
07:55.54mvanbaakfor day-to-day use, we are happy with ekiga
07:56.31mvanbaakhhmm, anyone know what the time for a ring is ?
07:56.43^shark_bria is my favourite
07:57.17^shark_mvanbaak: i didnt understand your question.
07:59.04*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
08:00.17*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:00.20mvanbaakwell, a lot of customers ask me: 'go to voicemail after 5 rings'
08:00.28mvanbaakthey dont think in seconds, but in rings
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08:01.32mort_gibmvanbaak: Tell them that mostly you start hearing rings even before the remote handset starts ringing, so the "5 rings" is relative anyway
08:01.33NeoSkedarjust time it
08:01.51NeoSkedar30s is a long time
08:01.58bkw__yep it is
08:02.03*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-4aa989f1cbb895a1)
08:02.14NeoSkedarur back
08:02.49NeoSkedarbkw_, still have pm =]
08:03.03*** join/#asterisk SanityIO__ (n=SanityIO@
08:05.17bkw__on this nick
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08:50.04FuzixHello there, is there anyone that could help me analyse a gdb backtrace? It's the first one I made ;-)
08:53.02Rico29what is gdb ?
08:53.38FuzixGNU Debugger
09:00.27*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:02.37*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4219f6b@gateway/web/ajax/
09:03.37Great_Anta_Bakaany reason why voice mail isnt picking up my key presses on a snom but when i call into another company's ivr it detects my button presses?
09:04.29Great_Anta_Bakai have set the phone to send dtmf info via sip but then when i call into an ivr it doesnt detect the keypresses
09:04.40Great_Anta_Bakabut then the voice mail works
09:05.54*** join/#asterisk Neil_mccarthy2 (
09:06.47Neil_mccarthy2hi there, I am having a problem that hopefully someone else has seen and can point me in the right direction
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09:08.38Neil_mccarthy2I have a service provider who is directing incoming calls to me, but he is directing the RTP stream to another address. I wish to bridge through asterisk to my extensions so that I can do call recording (it is a call centre). The problem seems to be that asterisk is not honoring this change. I do a tshark on the interface and do not see any packets go back to the RTP server
09:09.23Neil_mccarthy2that they specify.
09:11.10Great_Anta_Bakamm  seems like everyone is busy
09:11.26Neil_mccarthy2It does
09:11.58TheHGreat_Anta : what codecs did you allow in your sip.conf
09:12.13Neil_mccarthy2disallow=all, allow=g729 on the trunk
09:12.23mort_gibGreat_Anta_Baka: No, but your problem has to do with what codecs you use, so that locally it wont work because you are using the wrong codecs/dmft  combination
09:12.34Neil_mccarthy2on the extensions disallow=all, allow=g729,ulaw, alaw
09:13.22mort_gibg729 needs rtf2833
09:14.17Neil_mccarthy2Sorry I dont understand what you mean
09:14.37Great_Anta_Bakaits not my box but i am going to the site now to check it out
09:14.47Great_Anta_Bakai see mort_gib
09:15.11Neil_mccarthy2Sorry, wrong conversation
09:15.38Great_Anta_Bakamort_gib: rtf2833 == rfc2833?
09:15.49mort_gibWell yes :-)
09:15.53Great_Anta_Bakakk :P
09:16.47Great_Anta_Bakathanks for the help .. going to the site now and will probably be back on here if it still fails :/
09:18.28mort_gibWell, I'll be hanging around for a while, doing my account, so interruptions are welcome :-)
09:18.52Neil_mccarthy2can anyone help me with an RTP problem
09:19.12mort_gibbtw, I would dissalow=all, allow=g729,allow=alaw,allow=ulaw
09:21.25mort_gibNeil_mccarthy2: I didn't understand your problem
09:23.20Neil_mccarthy2mort_gib: Thanks for replying. The VOIP provider sends us a RTP server/port to connect to on the INVITE
09:23.31Neil_mccarthy2which is different from the SIP server
09:24.10mort_gibHmm, I'm not sure I would be able to help, would that not be automatic then?
09:24.27gnorbertIf asterisk and the softphone both write, that connection is made, then how can be, that the line is still so noisy, that nothing can be heard?
09:24.42gnorbertIt's in a meetme conference and with zoiper sotphone.
09:25.26Neil_mccarthy2mort_gib: asterisk is picking it up, but not sending any packets to teh address
09:26.10mort_gibIs the traffic sent to the SIP server??
09:26.25gnorbertIt's sip.
09:33.39*** join/#asterisk Great_anta_Baka (i=c4219f6b@gateway/web/ajax/
09:34.12Delvarquick question... how to change the behavior of asterisk when a call comes in without callerid, asterisk replaces the name and number with 'Asterisk', is there a setting for this? we would prefer 'Private' or 'Widthheld' ...
09:36.04Great_anta_Bakawhen i make a call it says "starting tones - we have inband data" is that because my side is set up to send dtmf info inband?
09:36.46Neil_mccarthy2mort_gib: no I cannot see any RTP traffic
09:39.10TheHGreat_ Do you have allow=gsm anywhere there ?
09:39.35Great_anta_Bakalet me check
09:39.54Great_anta_Bakawell for this extension i have set allow=alaw
09:40.17TheHok but in the sip.conf you have the "master" part of codecs to allow and disallow right
09:40.17Great_anta_Bakaand the dtmf for this extension is set to rfc2833
09:41.10TheHi had the same problem when in my sip.conf i had disallow=all and then allow=gsm allow=ulaw allow=alaw (after putting gsm in 3d place instead of first it resolved the issue with the tones)
09:41.13Great_anta_Bakaeish thats why i hate trixbox looking through so many config files at the moment
09:41.25Great_anta_Bakai see
09:41.28TheHvi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
09:41.45Great_anta_Bakathats a very small files.. its including all these other files
09:41.51Great_anta_Bakalooking through them now
09:42.11TheHgrep disallow=all *
09:43.35Great_anta_Bakai did a more /etc/asterisk/sip* |grep allow and nothing comes up with gsm
09:45.19*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
09:46.32Great_anta_Bakamy dtmf info is definately not getting sent out and is asterisk supposed to show key presses on the consoles?
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09:48.00Great_anta_Bakai do a sip debug on my extension and i can see the key presses being recognised
09:51.49Great_anta_Bakaif i deselect the option DTMF via SIP INFO:then the key presses are recognized in the ivr i am calling
09:52.13Great_anta_Bakabut then calling into voice mail doesnt work o_0
09:52.44*** join/#asterisk funkyhippy (
09:53.27funkyhippyHi does anyone know if mysql support is configured in asterisk Busines Edition?
09:53.34TheHGreat : mmm you might want to do a dailplan trick then to allow it when needed
09:54.01*** part/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=jochieng@
09:54.39Great_anta_Bakammm dont know how to do that but will shout if i cant figure it out
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09:55.19TheHGreat :
09:55.43Ast001hi I still have that annoying problem with pri isdn and openvox d110p card i can not receive any call
09:55.46Ast001here are my files
09:56.09TheHAst001: We need a trace in order to help you
09:57.54*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
09:58.02Ast001pri debug span does not show anything
09:58.39Ast001when I call I just hear telco message and after few secs signal like i put down phone
09:59.30TheHtry running ./ genzaptelconf
09:59.43TheHand then restart zaptel service and asterisk
10:00.49TheHand then add to your extensions.conf in the bottom : exten => _0X.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/0${EXTEN:1})
10:01.02TheHand do a module reload in the CLI
10:01.26TheHthen type: dial 0 + phone number of your mobile for example
10:01.44TheHalso in the CLI
10:01.50Ast001TheH i have only In service i can not dial out
10:01.54Ast001only they can dial me
10:02.11Ast001thats telco politics
10:03.02TheHAst001: are you not allowed to make outgoing calls ?? If you do those steps I mentiod above and give me the trace of that call then i can help you
10:03.22Ast001yes I am not allowed to make outgoing calls
10:03.43Ast001this is IN platform they can only call me i can not call anyone
10:05.04Ast001if I remember correct there is some zaptel command to check interupts
10:05.33TheHok then configure your inbound trunk on the zapata ( [channels] context=ibtrunk )
10:05.53TheHand configure [ibtrunk] in your extensions.conf to go to a sip
10:09.11*** join/#asterisk _ys (i=yuri@
10:09.57Ast001i think i did it
10:13.27Ast001genzaptel made zaptel conf and now i have rec/blue alarm on zttool
10:13.43Ast001because it add crc4 at the end
10:18.35*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
10:18.51Ast001Can you help me with configuration ? span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3 I think 0 on 3rd place is problem I guess i need to receive timing from post so 2nd number is 1 but 3rd what means 3rd number ? Manual said distance betweet card and telecom gateway.When I put 0 yesterday isdn was yellow (not ready) when i change it to 1 it become green so I guesss 1 is ok , but now i can put 0 1 or what else and it is always green
10:19.09Great_anta_Bakaok i cant figure out how to send dtmf tones via sip to asterisk and not when dialing out
10:20.28Ast001zttest gave me result of 99.994 is worst result
10:23.25matrix1233any one can help me with video on asterisk
10:23.44matrix1233no idea ?
10:28.19TheHmatrix: allow h232
10:28.34TheHand your up and running :)
10:30.55matrix1233thx TheH
10:31.15matrix1233the code is installed by default
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10:33.07dream_thi need some help with inbound routes please
10:33.09gnorbertIs here somebody, who already made a working asterisk server with an at least 16 khz codec?
10:33.17gnorbertMaybe with speex.
10:33.19dream_thhere what is going on
10:34.30Ast001is service capi important for running asterisk or zaptel ?
10:34.52mort_gibIs there ANY way of running a verify on the syntax on extensions.conf ??
10:35.05gnorbertThen with any kind of codec?:)
10:36.06*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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10:45.39TheHast001 : zap tel you need for your PRI
10:46.22TheHgnorbert : vi sip.conf , disallow=all , allow=speex (but be sure you have installed that codecs if not do a make menuconfig » codecs » select speex and rebuild asterisk)
10:46.25Great_anta_Bakasigh* anyone know where i can get the latest snom firmware the phones on this network arent allowed to access the internet
10:46.37kamanashisroywhere is defender !
10:47.01casixI have a problem. one * cuts some calls. I have found this in the logs but I don't know how to repair it: channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel
10:47.03mvanbaakGreat_anta_Baka: did you try ?
10:47.09gnorbertTheH: I already tried this, but with no result.
10:47.28kamanashisroycasix: what do you mean ?
10:47.46Ast001so I don't need capi service ?
10:47.49kamanashisroyacting like TKd-fender :)
10:48.32casixI don't know why the calls are interrups and I don't know why. All that I have seen in logs are this error
10:48.49Great_anta_Bakamvanbaak: i get to the snom wiki pages but then it only lets me do an automatic update from version 6 to version 7
10:49.00TheHast001: welly ou have never showed me a trace of the incoming call so i wont help you until you do so
10:49.19Great_anta_Bakamvanbaak do you know why i cant get my voicemail to pick up my dtmf tones why i call into it
10:49.29gnorbertTheH: I get the same message.
10:49.30TheHgnorbert= Are you sure its compiled in the asterisk cause by default it will not be installed
10:49.35Ast001I have not trace
10:49.41Ast001i can not see anything in CLI
10:50.23gnorbertTheH: Now, that you ask, I'm getting less sure.:D
10:50.32TheHAst001 :ok but did you configure a inbound trunk for all your PRI lines
10:50.43casixI have googled but I didn't find any solution or explanation of this error
10:50.51Ast001periodicly I can see NOTICE chan_zap.c:8535 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort(6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
10:52.21Ast001i wrote context=dolaz in zapata.conf and made [dolaz] in extension.conf and there exten => s,1,Answer ... etc... so call should come to Callqueue wheere operater is waiting
10:53.22gnorbertTheH: How can I rebuild it from the menu, or save the settings of the menu and then rebuild it?
10:53.27Strom_MWow.  #asterisk at this hour of the morning is like watching the blind leading the blind in some crazy circus act.
10:53.43TheHgnorbert : ./configure , make menuconfig , Codecs » select there
10:54.14kamanashisroycasix: what is your error ?
10:54.17TheHStrom_M : soo who is blind here then ?
10:54.47gnorbertBut then how can I exit without ctrl+z and rebuild it?
10:54.54Ast001also I can see this mesage : WARNING [3410]: chan_zap.c:2402 pri_find_dchan: NO D-channels avaliable! Using primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
10:55.18TheHgnorbert s or escape
10:55.38gnorbertAnd the rebuild?
10:55.42kamanashisroygnorbert: you need to go back to the main menu for that , use arrow keys ..
10:55.47casixkamanashisroy: that the calls are interrupted, cutted, dropped I'm not shure how to say in english
10:55.50gnorbertSimply make install?
10:55.53kamanashisroygnorbert: make; make install;
10:56.00gnorbertOk, thanks.
10:56.00kamanashisroygnorbert: sure
10:56.09XnOSXanybody have a text list about english voices?
10:56.20casixkamanashisroy: and I have this error in the logs. I have googled it but not find anything
10:56.24kamanashisroycasix: pastebin the errors !
10:57.37Great_anta_BakaTheH: i cant use your option cos its trixbox and it rewrites the config files everytime i apply a setting
10:58.10Great_anta_Bakai have tried setting the dtmf options to info rfc2833 and inband but voicemail still cant detect my key presses
10:58.45TheHGreat : Sorry but rm -rf * and reinstall with just asterisk... and set fire to trixbox :)
10:59.18Great_anta_Bakai know i know i told the administrator of this box that it is a fail but sometimes people dont listen
10:59.20troubledhey guys, anyone know if skype can take sip calls from asterisk? or do I need a recompile of asterisk with skype patch, a skype account and some voodoo to bridge the call?
10:59.42Great_anta_Bakaif it wasnt trixbox the only way to be able to do it was the way you told me?
11:00.37gnorbertIt already doesn't work...
11:00.50gnorbertI mean I can't even enter asterisk.:D
11:00.59gnorbertI write sudo asterisk -vvvc
11:01.06troubledhilight me if you have something to add or help, thanks *switches windows*
11:01.17kamanashisroygnorbert: asterisk -vvvr !
11:01.19TheHgnorbert= /etc/init.d/zaptel stop and then /etc/init.d/asterisk stop and then asterisk start
11:01.21gnorbertIt writes a lot of stuff, but after all it quits.
11:01.43kamanashisroygnorbert: pastebin !
11:02.36kamanashisroycasix: what are you trying to do ?
11:02.45*** join/#asterisk lbenzo (
11:02.52kamanashisroycasix: are you testing call from asterisk cli ?
11:02.53casixto know why the call is dropped
11:03.16gnorbertStill the same fault.
11:04.01casixkamanashisroy: is a vpbx from one client. It is in production an some calls are dropped and I have to know why for repair it
11:04.37*** join/#asterisk sergee (
11:04.51kamanashisroycasix: it seems that frames are missing from sip channel
11:04.56kamanashisroyyou need to enable sip debug
11:05.19kamanashisroycasix: as it is production you can enable debug on a single channel ..
11:05.19casixbut frames are from sip or from rtp??
11:05.42casixthe problem is from sip packets or from rtp packets?
11:06.44tzafrir_laptopTheH, no use trying to unload the zaptel modules while asterisk is running . At least zaptel itself would fail to unload
11:06.53kamanashisroycasix: that is why we need to see sip debug
11:06.56tzafrir_laptopstop asterisk first, and then zaptel
11:07.06casixbecause in the middle of a call there are no sip traffic, no?
11:07.34kamanashisroycasix: it seems there is no rtp packet ..
11:07.38kamanashisroycasix: guessing ..
11:07.46Great_anta_Bakaok when asterisk recieves DTMF-RELAY event recieved: 7 what  does that mean and why cant the other end recieve that relay?
11:07.46casixok, I'll try to find a call that have this issue but its no easy because it happens some times only
11:07.55kamanashisroycasix: if sip packets are missing then the call will drop in other ways I believe ..
11:08.06kamanashisroycasix: I see
11:09.11kamanashisroycasix: that is big problem .. you do not know when it happens :-P .. happy debugging :)
11:09.51casixkamanashisroy: yes :) thx for help I'll try to find it!
11:10.42*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
11:10.50SparFuxHey, is fwdout gone?
11:11.28Great_anta_Bakaok how do i set my outbound dtmf then?
11:12.00Great_anta_Bakaits clearly getting it since its picking it up in my voice mail
11:15.32pputmanIs there any known reason why a telco would reject the display information element in a setup message on a pri, and a possible fix in zapata.conf?  I have already tried setting facilityenable=no and overwriting the callerid, however it's still being rejected.
11:16.02TheHtza: if i cannot connect to my asterisk using the -rv switch i normally see its caused with zaptel / but ofcourse tail /var/log/asterisk/messages would tell the real reason
11:16.13pputmanHowever I
11:16.29pputmanI'm not entirely sure what the nsf option does, maybe that might change something?
11:19.07gnorbert"WARNING[15793]: pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Pickup'"
11:19.14*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
11:19.47gnorbertASterisk writes this and then I don't get the CLI back, but unix console.
11:20.34gnorbertTheH: Any idea?
11:20.46TheHgnorbert try a reboot :)
11:21.09*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
11:21.09gnorbertWill that help?:)
11:21.35TheHgnorbert: it might , it think you have multiple instances running
11:21.59gnorbertOk, then I end some things and then try it.:)
11:22.53*** join/#asterisk zonech (
11:23.02Great_anta_Bakaarrrrg why does this box have two bri cards
11:24.50zonechBonjour, est-ce qu'une personne parlant francais pourrais m'aider concernant l'installation d'asterisk? svp
11:33.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:34.05*** join/#asterisk gnorbert (
11:34.12gnorbertThe same problem.>D
11:34.58TheHcan you pastebin your /var/log/asterisk/messages
11:38.32Ast001zap restart gave me errors
11:39.21Ast001ERROR[3161]: chan_zap.c:905 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: Device or resource busy
11:39.38*** join/#asterisk Blinkiz (
11:40.01Ast001chan_zap.c:10582 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-15'
11:40.08*** part/#asterisk Blinkiz (
11:40.40Ast001and at the end Reload channels from zap config failed
11:40.55Ast001thats why I get always busy signal
11:41.32Ast001how can I found who is using channels ?
11:41.32pputmanAst001, Pastebin your zaptel and zapata.conf.  and what type of card is it?
11:41.41Ast001openvox d110p
11:42.23*** join/#asterisk emiller (n=ed@
11:46.19kamanashisroyhi, in asterisk 1.2 .. does it support ael include ?
11:46.20Ast001when I did zap destroy channel 1 2 3 4 .. and zap restart i got error message Unable to open D-channel 16 (Device or resource busy)
11:47.01Ast001would one fine recompiling of zaptel solve the isue ?
11:47.06*** join/#asterisk viraptor (
11:47.14Ast001how can i see wich thing is using zap channels
11:48.21viraptorhi all; does asterisk use rtcp for anything else than reporting statistics? I mean does rtcp affect it's behaviour in any way?
11:48.28Ast001can it be notorios infamous capi service
11:51.17Ast001here is dmesg
11:51.52Ast001HDLC Receiver overrun on channel WCT1/0/16 (master=WCT1/0/16)
11:55.22Great_anta_Bakahow does asterisk detect the dtmf tones of sip calls if the dtmf info is not sent via sip info?
11:55.36Ast001I think unable to open D Channe 16 iis key here
11:55.55Ast001device or resouce busy
11:57.26Ast001how can i chek what thing is using that channel
11:57.43*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
11:59.25Ast001ok see you later
12:01.23MCooperI am looking to configure a couple of 7912g CIscos to work with SIP - has anyone gotten this to work?
12:02.51*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
12:04.04*** join/#asterisk rreck (
12:04.38rrecksorry for the newbie question but im brand new and getting " tried to authenticate with nonexistent user 'user'"
12:05.07rrecki see the answer here but dont understand
12:05.30rreckplease help me stop the hollerin
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12:11.44emillerrreck: did you add the [user] context
12:13.21rreckno, i am sorry i dont know what that is. is that a section in the conf file?
12:13.53rrecki am completely brand new but entirely commited. the polycoms will be here within hours
12:14.36*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
12:14.53dominic1Any guys from amooma here?
12:14.57mort_gibrreck: and someone who knows what they are doing will too I hope :-)
12:15.40rreckno, i just need a little help. i have been reading. i could run trixbox but im trying the install myself just because
12:15.57mort_gibSo what's your question??
12:16.11rrecksorry for the newbie question but im brand new and getting " tried to authenticate with nonexistent user 'user'"
12:16.15rrecki see the answer here but dont understand
12:16.31*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:16.35rreckemiller told me to add a context but im figuring out what that is
12:17.00rreckapparently its a user
12:18.06mort_gibTrixbox is like bad language in here...
12:18.11jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
12:18.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.26rreckyeah i got it and read most
12:18.41mort_gibIn which case a context should be well known to you
12:18.50rreckok, well its not
12:19.04rrecki asked if its a section in a config file
12:19.14emillerit is.
12:19.35mort_gibThe message you get is not really about a context though, the manager is trying to log in but user/passwd has not been set in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
12:19.59mort_gibMore options apply though, so it's not enough to just set a username and password...
12:20.14emillerthat is one part of your error...
12:20.27mort_gibA context is a logical separation of entries in a dialplan
12:20.42rreckok, i understand.
12:21.03rreck/etc/asterisk/manager.conf is null
12:21.10emilleris null?
12:21.18rreckempty but exists
12:21.23[TK]D-Fenderrreck: Then you have noone who CAN login.
12:21.35mort_gibLike you have two BRI interfaces, one for company acme and one for atom. You don't want Acme picking up Atom calls and vice versa
12:21.43mort_gibMore to it though
12:22.49dominic1is it possible to use hints with extstates instead of devstate?
12:23.14[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: huh?
12:23.58dominic1I saw a entry about a function called extstate, thought it would match better to my system with virtual numbers...
12:25.21rreckso i make a file in /etc/asterisk/manager.d called 'user' that contains 'secret = password' , but that isnt it
12:25.59rreckill figure it out, thanks for the nudge
12:26.44[TK]D-Fenderrreck: no, you fill in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf with the general connection (port, etc) settings, and the user entry with pass and PRIVILEGES <-
12:26.56[TK]D-Fenderrreck: Go look at the SAMPLE config * came with
12:27.04*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
12:27.10mort_gibTK he didn't install from source....
12:27.15[TK]D-Fender.... \o/
12:27.34[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: then he should DOWNLOAD it, because it comes bundled with DOCS <-
12:27.44rreckyeah, debian has a way of "helping" like that
12:27.55mort_gib:-) Good point, incidently that is what I did...
12:27.57*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:28.45mort_gibIf you go through the trouble of installing Debian over more smooth installs, then using apt-get to install * makes no sense
12:29.00mort_gib-My twopence
12:30.01*** join/#asterisk sysreq` (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
12:33.21[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: ... none the richer ;)
12:34.13mort_gib:-) I know
12:40.09jblackThat's what you get for linking the pound to the dollar.
12:40.35*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:43.11gnorbertWhat can be the problem, if the line works with GSM codec, but nothing can be heard, just for like 0.1 sec/sec
12:43.56gnorbertI mean when you have sound like: sound-no sound-sound-no sound
12:44.27[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: constantly throughout the entire call?
12:44.35*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
12:44.36jblackI had a problem with dropouts not long ago. The problem was cpu starvation under Xen.
12:45.24gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: Yes.
12:45.52[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: And if you use another codec?
12:46.01gnorbertBut with linphonec, the welcome message can be perfectly heard.
12:46.16[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: that made no sense
12:46.19gnorbertIt doesn!t work with speex and the same with alaw,ulaw
12:46.21Great_anta_Bakawhat could be possible reasons for voice mail not detecting dtmf but remote ivr's do?
12:46.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:47.28jblackgnorbert: ALso, I used to have a problem playing back sounds before I answered. I fixed that by doing an answer and a wait(1) before playing audio
12:47.45[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: 1st guess, your phone is set to inband which * ignores.  Local voicemail never sees it.  Outbound call however its jsut audio to them so yes, its "there".
12:48.03[TK]D-Fenderjblack: he said its throughout the entire call
12:48.05gnorbert[TK]D-Fender:It starts with Answer and then WaitExten
12:48.22jblackThat's right, he did.
12:48.25[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: So basically NO call works well with any codec?
12:48.47gnorbertThat's right.
12:49.05[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Where is your phone located relative to your server?
12:49.13gnorbertThe same computer..
12:49.29gnorbertBut the same fault from the same lan, but not same computer.
12:49.34Great_anta_Baka[TK]D-Fender: how do i check what the phone is using becuase the sip.conf file is set to rfc2833
12:49.52[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: on your PHONE.
12:50.28Great_anta_Bakapolycom FTL.. really hard to navigate these menus
12:50.49*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
12:50.58[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: if its a Polycom and you never changed anything on this it should already be set to rfc2833.
12:51.07Great_anta_Bakaok sweet
12:51.32[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords.  Then include the complete CLI output of a failed call to VM, and a "successful" one to an outside IVR
12:51.34Great_anta_Bakathats what i have set up but then that doesnt explain why i am not getting key tones registering with asterisk
12:52.02Great_anta_Bakaok do you want me to turn on sip debug for the peer i am testing on?
12:52.11[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: surprisingly, not yet
12:53.09gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: So the problem is that I should use speex, but I can't, even after changing iax.conf,sip.conf,extensions.conf,meetme.conf and installed speex and asterisk many times too..
12:53.32Great_anta_Bakacool gimme a sec please
12:53.54[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: no, the problem is that apparently NO codecs are working.
12:54.16gnorbertThat's the other problem.:)
12:54.30[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Use a different computer for your testing.
12:54.46gnorbertBut with GSM, I can connect to the server, but with speex I can't even do this...
12:54.50gnorbertI tried that too.
12:55.28[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: then pastebin a complete call attempt with SIP debug enabled from this OTHER compluter.
12:56.16gnorbertsip debug enabled?
12:56.36[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: yes
12:57.03gnorbertWhere can I change that?
12:57.07[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: * CLI
12:58.09gnorbertI have to look for an other computer.:D
13:01.50Great_anta_Bakaok [TK]D-Fender here is the config and here is first the completed call successfull to voicemail and here is one to a remote ivr and failing to recognize the dtmf
13:04.04gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: With speex:
13:04.13gnorbert[Jul 11 15:03:04] NOTICE[11466]: chan_sip.c:5426 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!
13:04.24[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: [08:46]<Great_anta_Baka>what could be possible reasons for voice mail not detecting dtmf but remote ivr's do?
13:04.33[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: You are now telling me the REVERSE is true!
13:04.40[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: WTF?
13:04.45Great_anta_Bakasorry i got the first one confused
13:04.58Great_anta_Bakabut it has been changing back and forth the whole day with every setting i change
13:05.42[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: [ 6]  --> * Unknown Indication:20 pid:4 P[ 6] * IND : Digit 1
13:05.51[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: looks like an misnd issue.
13:06.02[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: and you are using FreePBX which is NOT supported here.
13:06.36Great_anta_Bakai know i would go to the freepbx channel but no one answers there :(
13:06.47[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: Not our problem.
13:07.07Great_anta_Bakai guess but if its an misdn issue then its not a freepbx issue right?
13:07.10[TK]D-FenderGreat_anta_Baka: Anyways get googling.  You have error messages to look up now.
13:07.41Great_anta_Bakakk thanks
13:08.08*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:09.22Great_anta_Bakahey [TK]D-Fender lastly what does this mean  "Starting Tones, we have inband Data"
13:10.38gnorbert[TK]D-Fender: "Found no matching peer or user for ''
13:10.39gnorbertFound RTP audio format 110
13:10.39gnorbertFound RTP audio format 101
13:10.39gnorbertPeer audio RTP is at port
13:10.39gnorbertFound audio description format speex for ID 110
13:10.39gnorbertFound audio description format telephone-event for ID 101
13:10.41gnorbertCapabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x200 (speex)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
13:10.44gnorbertNon-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
13:10.47gnorbert[Jul 11 15:08:58] NOTICE[11607]: chan_sip.c:5426 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!"
13:11.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o [TK]D-Fender] by ChanServ
13:11.23Great_anta_Bakathank you once more
13:11.27[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: do NOT spam like that again.
13:11.51*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:12.04gnorbertSorry, you told not to write in private, but I can, if you want.:S
13:12.20jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:12.44*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
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13:12.55[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: And it clearly shows taht you did not configure * to ALLOW speex
13:13.03gnorbertSorry, I'm new here, I'm going to do it this way next time.
13:13.04mvanbaakgnorbert: and the reason why it's not working is there loud and clear
13:13.11[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: indeed, PASTEBIN.
13:13.30glazwow, gotta love the zaptel driver for freebsd, asterisk works just great now.
13:13.44[TK]D-Fendergnorbert:  Capabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x200 (speex)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) <- "us" doesn't allow speex
13:13.52mvanbaakglaz: asterisk works great without zaptel as well
13:14.07gnorbertWhere can I do that then?
13:14.07*** join/#asterisk Peri (
13:14.16mvanbaakgnorbert: in sip.conf
13:14.18gnorbertI already made it in sip.conf.
13:14.28glazmvanbaak: yeah but I needed zaptel.
13:14.35mvanbaakthen you have to make sure you compiled asterisk with speex support
13:14.35[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: then you did it wrong
13:15.02[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: go prove the codec module is compiled and loaded.
13:15.22[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: And then PASTEBIN your config masking only passwords
13:15.33gnorbertstop now
13:15.40*** mode/#asterisk [-o [TK]D-Fender] by [TK]D-Fender
13:15.45gnorbertSorry, wrong window.
13:18.19gnorbertI got the same message.
13:18.35[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: and you're showing us NOTHING.
13:18.37gnorbertNow in sip.conf there is not allow=all, but allow=speex
13:18.58gnorbertMinute, I try pastebin.
13:20.42gnorbertI've put it on
13:21.41[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: and it gave you a specific LINK you should be iving us
13:22.03*** join/#asterisk scampbell (n=scampbel@
13:22.19gnorbertThen I think it must be that.
13:23.19[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: And AGAIN, you aren't showing your CONFIGS
13:23.25mvanbaakyour asterisk is not supporting speex
13:23.29[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: Capabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x200 (speex)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) <-- same old error...
13:23.42mvanbaaklike I said before, make sure you compiled asterisk with speex support
13:23.55[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: pastebin your config along with "show modules like codec"
13:25.34*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
13:26.55mvanbaakgnorbert: that is not your whole sip.conf is it ?
13:27.04gnorbertIt is.
13:27.32mvanbaak"Found no matching peer or user for ''" <--- means it is not using the [sip_user] section, but the global section
13:27.54[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: congratulations.  Fix your phone's auth
13:28.16[TK]D-Fendergnorbert: and you should "disallow=all", and THEN "allow=" ony the 1 codec it should be using.
13:28.24[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Good catch.
13:28.38mvanbaakthank you
13:28.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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13:29.19mvanbaakhhmm, is speex a good codec ?
13:30.09[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Largely a waste
13:30.28*** join/#asterisk freezey (
13:30.34mvanbaakk. I never played with it, and was wondering if it was worth my time to try it
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13:31.03anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: what about iLBC?
13:31.13[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: in *'s hands... not so hot
13:31.37mvanbaakthen I'll stick to G711
13:32.32[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Should never have thought twice on it :)
13:34.49mvanbaakproblem is that G711 takes a lot of bandwidth. Maybe it's time to look at G729
13:35.38[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: What are you connecting to * where BW's a concern?
13:37.56*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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13:40.49*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
13:40.52great_anta_baka[TK]D-Fender: now that i have changed the dtmf to info it has switched around.. i can interact with the ivr but not the voicemail
13:41.52ZeeekLadies and gentlemen... and [TK]D-Fender... good [morning|afternoon|evening|*]
13:42.14*** join/#asterisk BipBip (
13:42.30[TK]D-Fender\o/ --- (Yay others!)
13:43.10Zeeekhad this been an actual alert, you would be instructed to tune to #asterix on your radio dial
13:44.42ZeeekFriday July 11 is SIP DAY on the VoIP Users Conference at in about 2.25 hours
13:45.36[TK]D-Fender"If this had been an actual emergency, the initial shockwave would have vaporized you and your entire neighbourhood.  Those in outlaying regions are advised to flee in an organized panic to escape the radioactive fallout and mutant zombie it brings.
13:46.49*** join/#asterisk emiller (n=ed@
13:47.55*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
13:48.02Mike8861hello all
13:48.07Mike8861hows everyone doing
13:48.16dvdevelhey all, do the aastra (480i) support a jitter buffer setting?
13:48.43ManxPowerdvdevel: virtially all phones do.
13:48.58dvdeveli agree, but i certainly don't find it in the web ui or in their admin guide...
13:49.12ManxPowerdvdevel: then you'll have to contact their support.
13:49.13ZeeekDoes anyone still own a radio with little triangles over 640 and 1240 Khz?
13:49.23dvdevelbreaks out laughing
13:49.37Zeeekthat was pretty funny, actually
13:50.00dvdeveloh mercy, that was a good one.  seriously though, i've found their support to be slightly less than helpful.
13:50.01ManxPowerdvdevel: I suppose we could wait for the Psychic Asterisk Squad to pull the information out of the ether.....
13:50.14jboti guess phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
13:50.32tzangerthat is a little long
13:50.36Zeeekthe butracher scrapes an infinite number of local phone web interfaces every night
13:50.40ManxPowerAny decent phone will have a jitter buffer.  Keep in mind that what sounds like jitter could be some other issue.
13:50.43tzangerjbot gets cut off after "places like such as"
13:50.50dvdevelhey, i know ManxPower, and i agree.  quality on the aastra is rock solid until it's not.
13:50.55Mike8861I have a problem, while i am dial out using SIP outbound trunks, i hear "all circuits are busy now" (but they are not!!!). is there log i can check ? or does asterisk do no log by default ?
13:51.14ManxPowerMike8861: analog or digital or voip?
13:51.22ZeeekMike8861 watch the CLI output
13:51.34tzangeractually a friend of mine has a polycom or aastra phone (I can't remember which offhand) -- when someone calls him, he gets 5s to say "I'll call you right back" before the call gets disconnected.  He can call out and talk all day though
13:51.40Mike8861ManxPower: a VOIp SIP trunk provide by VOIP provider
13:52.13ManxPowerMike8861: then as with everything the CLI output is your friend.
13:52.15[TK]D-FenderMike8861: pastebin is your friend...
13:52.17Mike8861Zeeek: sorry, this does not always happens, is there Log beside asterisk -r realtime output for futher trace back ?
13:52.41dvdevelwell, i've "reproduced" the problem with a packet capture and replaying with the jitter buffer down to 5ms.  even if i tweak it up to 10ms it's good enough...
13:52.47[TK]D-FenderMike8861: show us the problem or we can't help you.
13:53.00ManxPowerMike8861: Unless you tell asterisk to do so it won't play that message.  I suspect the issue is with your ITSP/carrier, not Asterisk
13:53.05dvdeveli'll have "someone" contact aastra support and report back.
13:53.30ManxPowerdvdevel: all phones that I've heard of default to at least 20ms jitter buffer
13:53.46[TK]D-Fenderdvdevel: A quick Google search for it showed up Aastra's in a list with a ton of other models where they all list jitter buffer, but Aastra DOESN'T strangely enough...
13:53.59ManxPoweractually 40ms, no point in having a 20ms jitter buffer on VoIP
13:54.19Zeeekdon't they have a site or forum or sthing?
13:54.25dvdevelyes, ManxPower, i initially thought the customer was crazy, because ethereal defaults to 50ms, and the call was perfect!
13:54.29ZeeekTwitter them!
13:54.30Mike8861ManxPower: i understand without Output theres no help, in case it happens in future, what should i do to log it down ?
13:54.46Mike8861asterisk -r is for realtime only, theres no record....
13:54.53ManxPowerMike8861: So if you do an "asterisk -rvvv" and make a call nothing is printed on the screen?
13:55.05ManxPowerNo, -r IS NOT FOR REALTIME.  It is for REMOTE CONSOLE>
13:55.19Zeeekand all these years I thought it was asshat!!!!!
13:55.27Mike8861can i enable all asterisk -r with timestamp to a file ?
13:55.30Zeeekno, that asterisk -a
13:55.43Mike8861Zeeek: ohh!!!!!
13:55.48ManxPowerMike8861: never use -r, always use at least 3 v's in addition to -r
13:56.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: ummm... -r" ...
13:56.18*** join/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
13:56.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower: nvm
13:56.21masushi all , [Jul 11 16:30:29] ERROR[19715]: chan_agent.c:1053 agent_new: A blocker exists after agent channel ownership acquired. Get this message and one of the agents cant login . Does aynone know why ?
13:56.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: jsut got the context of that.
13:56.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:56.37ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: only on 2nd cup of coffee
13:56.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: mind you I always just do "-r" and follow "set verbose 10" :)
13:56.52Mike8861ManxPower: so it should be Asterisk -rrr FILENAME.TXT ??
13:57.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: mike is so new he still has the dirt from the turnip field
13:57.07[TK]D-FenderMike8861: no "filename'
13:57.17ManxPowerMike8861: I can't help you if you don't listen.  I said "asterisk -rvvv"
13:57.18[TK]D-FenderMike8861: for simplicity's sake : asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv
13:57.21Mike8861how can i log the output
13:57.24Zeeekasterisk -h ; hang up all calls after 10 seconds of bad quality audio
13:57.30[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Copy & f'n PASTE
13:57.33ManxPowerMike8861: IT LOGGS BY DEFAULT
13:58.02mvanbaakmodule unload
13:58.12russellbit doesn't log _all_ of the console output by default ...
13:58.13Zeeekisn't there like a logging.conf ?
13:58.15ManxPowerMike8861: you can either argue and keep asking silly questions and someone else can help you OR you can start following our advice and I can help you.  Choose.
13:58.17mvanbaak'I see nothing in the logfile'
13:58.29mvanbaakZeeek: yeah. logger.conf
13:58.38Mike8861ManxPower: sorry, but i am confused, dont meant to be offense
13:58.40ZeeekLIKE %log%.conf
13:58.52russellbasterisk -rvvvvvvvvv | tee logthisconsole.txt
13:59.07Mike8861@russellb: thanaks
13:59.08ZeeekMike8861 look at logger.conf and then google on that for examples
13:59.25ManxPowerMike8861: OK, do an "asterisk -rvvv" that will connect you to the Asterisk console, then do a call.  take the screen output and put it on  If you get no screen output when using "asterisk -rvvv" then your install is seriously screwed up and we need to fix that first.
13:59.39Mike8861Zeeek: thanks
14:00.07Mike8861ManxPower: I will open asterisk -rvvv at all time, and when problem occues, I will post the screen! thanks for everyone helped
14:00.12Zeeekand here the first:
14:00.48ManxPowerMike8861: I did not say "make a problem call"  We can learn much by seeing a call without a problem.
14:01.09masushi all , [Jul 11 16:30:29] ERROR[19715]: chan_agent.c:1053 agent_new: A blocker exists after agent channel ownership acquired. Get this message and one of the agents cant login . Does aynone know why ?
14:01.42[TK]D-FenderMike8861: No... Show us the problem :)
14:01.56Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: i am so noob >_<
14:01.59[TK]D-Fendermasus: No more than we did 5 minutes ago.
14:02.05ManxPowerMike8861: logging to FILES is set in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and the files it logs are normally in /var/log/asterisk
14:02.13*** join/#asterisk Rem| (
14:02.15masus[TK]D-Fender: :/ ok
14:02.24Mike8861ManxPower: thx
14:03.03ManxPowerMike8861: but in my 5 years of using Asterisk I've only actually had to look at the log files a few times, every other time I just used the CLI logging to the screen.
14:03.58*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:04.10*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
14:04.15jayteeI just find it annoying when I'm using putty and I'm trying to select some of the console output and then a call in progress makes it jump around
14:04.43Mike8861ManxPower: oh, so CLI output can resolve most issue
14:04.59ZeeekThe CLI tells the story
14:05.01ManxPowerMike8861: Correct
14:05.08*** join/#asterisk afink (
14:05.18ManxPowerI use the Asterisk Command Line Interface Terminal all the time.
14:05.26Zeeekexcept when the message "we should never get here" comes up.
14:05.27jayteelotsa lotsa stuff available for debuggin thru the console
14:05.34Mike8861well, I was on a trip last night to china
14:05.35ManxPowerwonders if anyone gets the acronym
14:05.38Zeeekrussellb where is that one?
14:05.38Kobazokay, so i have a rhino rcbfxx card with some fxo's.... every so often the volume levels on the line drop off randomly, and then come back
14:05.50ZeeekIt's like DOS
14:05.50Kobazwhat's the more likly source of the problem... the telco or the line card?
14:05.58ManxPowerKobaz: almost nobody uses Rhino cards here.
14:06.01Mike8861the hotel bathroom got a see though glass, like those in sex scene
14:06.02Kobazi know
14:06.13ManxPowerbut even then I've never heard of volume randomly changing
14:06.14Kobazbut we have a stack of 4 of these things and we tried to get rid of them
14:06.26Kobazso now their on a customer site and they might be flaking out
14:06.57Mike8861however, china blocks some domain, so we cannot connect to our asterisk server
14:07.00ManxPowerKobaz: I have no idea of Rhino makes good cards or not, but not many people use them, so just because of support issues, I can't recommend them.
14:07.14KobazManxPower: oh i know, i dont recommend them either
14:07.16ZeeekSo I talked to Olle Johannesen and he had the nerve to be flying over Europe during the conference
14:07.25ManxPowerKobaz: any OTHER errors like IRQ misses or HDLC messages?
14:07.29KobazManxPower: their hardware/drivers are pretty terrible
14:07.32Mike8861Kobaz: RHino card got good pricese
14:07.57KobazManxPower: i'll check irq misses if i can find it... this is analog not digital
14:08.20ManxPowerKobaz: analog would not have HDLC aborts, but could have IRQ misses, if you are getting IRQ misses, that could be one of the issues.
14:08.32Kobazirq misses: 0
14:08.41Kobazyeah i know, analog doesnt use hdlc
14:08.50ManxPowerKobaz: It sucks to be you.
14:10.57ZeeekOT but may be iof interest: N95 acting as modem for linux:
14:11.21errrZeeek: sweet =)
14:11.49errrI love my n95 8gb
14:11.59errrI wouldnt trade it for 3 iphones
14:12.13*** join/#asterisk kc2tnk (
14:12.24Mike8861Zeeek: maybe you should try it with your n95
14:12.36Mike8861Zeeek: pls post vid to youtube
14:12.39*** part/#asterisk afink (
14:13.03Kobazmanxpower: i'll populate up some fxo's on one of the extra rhino cards and test for volume randomness
14:13.35Zeeekmore on that site:
14:14.09ZeeekMike8861 maybe you should read this:
14:15.33Mike8861Zeeek: thank you, I am so happy, that guide might help me a lot
14:15.45Mike8861Zeeek: bookmark it, and share with everyone!!!
14:16.07Mike8861Zeeek: jerjer guide are also good one!
14:16.11Zeeekthere's another great bookmark:
14:16.31jbotsomebody said jerjer was the guy who runs nufone
14:16.32*** join/#asterisk kc2tnk (
14:16.38[TK]D-FenderZeeek: exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(ALL),Your Name <11011234567>) <- broken.  Why you should take all "guides" with a grain of salt
14:16.39*** join/#asterisk spokra (
14:16.51Mike8861=_=!!! why jbot dont respose to ~jerjer
14:16.51ZeeekTry it:
14:16.56*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
14:16.57Mike8861well, anyway, heres the link
14:17.08[TK]D-FenderMike8861: if jsut did.
14:17.23[TK]D-FenderMike8861: and you didn't get what you expected because your keyword was wrong.
14:17.28jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
14:17.39Zeeek~seen JerJer
14:17.43jbotjerjer <n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-dev, 2h 38m 5s ago, saying: 'mvanbaak:  at least your Monkey's Uncle is still there for ya  :)'.
14:18.06Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: hmm....jbot dont have fuzzy logic yet ?
14:18.31ZeeekI complained about comcast moh on twitter and they got mack to me! Still can't fix problem tho.
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Yes, it was very fuzzy and had to be thrown out as a biohazard.
14:20.23*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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14:22.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
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14:34.12Mike8861any one knows gray audin ?
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14:38.17viraptoris there any way to force standard rtp forwarding instead of p2p bridging?
14:40.01*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
14:40.35[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Where P2P = reinvite?
14:41.25viraptorno... packet2packet -> forwaring rtp without repacking contents
14:41.28coppiceP2P == a ferry route
14:42.02viraptorI want to force asterisk to go through ast_frame-s
14:46.40*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
14:47.32Kyoshiis there a native freetds driver that asterisk can use for realtime or does it have to be odbc?
14:48.06queuetueHi.  I just had 4 grandstream 100's just stop working on me, after over a year of service, simultaneously.  Softphones are still working and sipura 1000's I dug out of the closet to replace them are working fine, but the grandstreams just died.  Is there some time-sensitive firmware problem?
14:49.33queuetueThe phones seem to be working fine in every capacity except actually registering.  The built-in webserver is fine, they save config changes, negotiate STUN, etc.  I'll try some internal tests later, but this was a very weird problem.
14:49.47tristanbobqueuetue, lighting strike? power surge?
14:50.03queuetuetristanbob, I'd be right with you, but one wasn't plugged in at the time.
14:50.21[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: Well, something changed... either your * settings, the phone's, or they just flaked out.  They seem to have a time-bomb-warranty :)
14:50.56queuetue[TK]D-Fender, That's how it feels to me, as well, which would really tick me off.  (Oh, well, everyone hated those phones anyway.)
14:51.27[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: And its not like well tell everyone to avoid them or anything...
14:51.38queuetueOh, do you? :)
14:51.40Mike8861queuetue: save ur money, and buy snom or aastra if you are budget concern
14:52.01Mike8861queuetue: if u have resources, look for polycom
14:52.10*** join/#asterisk badcfe (
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14:52.29badcfei get messages like this
14:52.30badcfeNOTICE[29006]: cdr.c:434 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/2539047903-00a863f0' not posted
14:52.44badcfeand i dont have any cdr*.conf activated
14:52.54queuetueJust to add insult to injury, "Firefox can't find the server at" - is google down? :)
14:52.57[TK]D-Fenderqueuetue: ...
14:53.01jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
14:53.05jbot[grandstream] the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
14:53.17*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
14:53.35badcfei do Transfer.  thats when i get the CDR not posted NOTICE
14:53.57badcfewonder if there is a way to shut up those NOTICE messages
14:54.27jbot[jbot] a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or  [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
14:54.32*** join/#asterisk bored_kid (n=bored_ki@
14:54.46Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: 0.0 jbot knows yourname ???
14:55.35[TK]D-FenderMike8861: My bitch!
14:55.49Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: how to man jbot ?
14:56.15jbotTem and Tain are the man.
14:57.26Mike8861come on, say something! am I talking to a dead bot
14:57.40jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
14:57.58jbotmanxpower is probably Consulting for Asterisk, Polycom, Sangoma, Digium, Cisco, LAN, WAN, QoS, T-1, PRI, Frame Relay, Linux, and network design.  Based near Birmingham, AL.  Now accepting clients worldwide.  Contact
14:58.39*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
14:59.08ManxPowerI'm me!
14:59.14[TK]D-FenderMike8861: open a private chat with job and stop spamming in here.
14:59.37[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You can't be "me, **I"m Me**, You're "YOU"!  Sheesh!
14:59.41Mike8861* /msg: insufficient parameters <--  my irc dun let me message with jbot...
15:00.11[TK]D-FenderMike8861: open a private chat window.  Go learn how to use your client.
15:00.45Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: okay
15:01.01Mike8861I did find the read me, but jbot not talk with me
15:01.14Mike8861Waiting for acknowledgement... <---
15:01.21ManxPowerMike8861: in MY irc client "/msg jbot hello world!"
15:01.56Mike8861ManxPower: thanks, it works
15:02.50ManxPowerMike8861: learn to use your IRC client
15:03.16spokrahehehe loading iphone 2.0 firmware now!!
15:06.45*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
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15:21.25Kobazhow do you do custom ring tones on a polycom, it's nowhere in the docs
15:22.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Yes, it is.
15:22.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz: in sip.cfg you set your alertType.
15:22.33[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And you can see a sample of this in the "paging" WIKI page
15:23.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Now go read the stock firmware's sip.cfg and the admin guide.
15:24.47Kobazi have the admin guide, i've been searching a while
15:25.19Kobazi'm finding, i'm finding
15:26.27Zeeekwhat do you hate about SIP? Come and rant at in about 30 m  call 22622# 1#
15:27.51QwellZeeek: you reaaaaallllyyyy want people to come troll on SIP?
15:28.00*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:28.01QwellSeems futile. :)
15:28.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:28.44[TK]D-FenderZeeek: So you want to hear waht people hate about SIP... by having them CALL YOU with it?
15:29.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: nice
15:29.29Qwellthat's like the old Hooked on Phonics phone number..
15:29.33Zeeekwhat do you like about SIP? Come and praise it at in about 30 m  call 22622# 1#
15:30.04Zeeeklike my driving? Call 800 fsckyou
15:30.45ZeeekAt VoIP Users COnference, your call is important to us. For quality control, your call may be recorded.
15:32.03*** join/#asterisk orionr (
15:34.19ZeeekI can't believe I'm talking to comcast on Twitter and it's still taking forever to get someone
15:36.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:38.09QwellZeeek: Comcast?  Aren't you in France?
15:38.12jayteeilliteracy is a seriousl problem in this country. Someone in the Dept of Education wrote an important memo for the present administration, unfortunately the head of the Executive branch couldn't read it because he's illiterate. "Our childrens is learning!"
15:38.24jayteeserious -l
15:38.29*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
15:38.33ZeeekQwell yes but the issue is an email blocklist for my customer
15:38.58Qwellpeople use comcast mail?
15:39.16ZeeekI dunno, I'm just here to serve the needs of my customer
15:39.37ZeeekFirst we had her change to port 587 because Orange now blocks 25
15:39.52jayteeI have Comcraptastic as an ISP but I use Gmail because they don't have such a low limit on email attachment size. I'm not sure what Gmail's attachment limit is.
15:40.00Zeeekwhen she finally got that working there's a problem with her assistant receiving mail
15:40.39[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Go run your own MTA, no limit you don't set :)
15:41.04Zeeekwhen you run your own, you definitely WILL set limits
15:41.23Zeeekremember the mailbombs of 1998
15:41.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah and I can always override the limit on our Exchange box for my account but I have no control over the other end until I perfect my mind control ray and become Emperor of Earth.
15:41.58ManxPowerour mail server limits are usually about 30MB per message, 250GB quota
15:42.16ManxPower..e.r.  300MB quota
15:42.38jayteeComcrapcast is under 10MB, I think it's around 5MB actually
15:42.49Zeeekmine is at 10M. Anyone needs to send more there are servral excellent services that do this via the web.
15:42.51ManxPowerThe president of the company got an automated "your' using 80% or more of your quota" message today and he called the helpdesk all in a panic
15:42.53QwellZeeek: if somebody can send me a 100gb message, to use up my HD...
15:43.01QwellI'll be more impressed, than anything
15:48.29*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=IceChat7@pdpc/supporter/active/Zeeek)
15:48.51[TK]D-FenderQwell: ... isn't there a chan_skinny botnet plugin for that? ;)
15:51.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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15:51.59emilleris this where we find all the answers to the dcap? :)
15:52.43ManxPowerThe answers you seek are *within* you, grasshopper.
15:52.50*** join/#asterisk IamTux (n=kman@
15:52.57emillerlooks within
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15:58.01Kobaznow i need a regular phone ring ringtone
15:58.10*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
15:58.31IamTuxwhat phone are you using ?
15:59.11*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
15:59.19Kobazthis customer gets annoyed by the built in ringtones, and they all sound the same
15:59.25Kobazi dont blame her
16:00.03IamTuxMmm I think those phone you actually define the ringtones in the config, the pitch of the ring and duration that kind of stuff
16:02.12*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:03.20[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Then go record one and use it.
16:03.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I use a Cisco "24" warble myself.
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16:07.22IamTuxhere is a how-to for the 500s they have basically the same configs
16:10.09*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
16:10.58Ast001I have just seen another dimension of my problem.In /var/log/messages i can see dozens of messages Dobule miss (190,54)  It show up 10x in second
16:11.36Ast001and it stops when i unplug isdn-openvoc d110p cable
16:11.44[TK]D-FenderAst001: And what is your "problem"?
16:11.58Ast001can not receive any calls
16:12.15Ast001ERROR[19612]: chan_zap.c:9470 start_pri: Unable to open D-channel 16 (Devuce or resource busy)
16:12.19ManxPowerAst001: The ACTUAL error message is helpful
16:12.26Ast001ERROR[19612]: chan_zap.c:10582 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-15'
16:12.36[TK]D-FenderAst001: And I recall asking you for a PASTEBIIN of the complete CLI output with intense PRI debug which you never provided
16:12.40ManxPowerAst001: you have a config problem
16:12.53Ast001i provided
16:13.13[TK]D-FenderAst001: pastebin your configs, and the output of ztcfg -vvvv
16:13.31*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
16:14.36[TK]D-FenderAst001: try again....
16:15.18Ast001ok just a sec
16:16.42Ast001here it is
16:16.46Ast001ztcfg -vvvv
16:17.24[TK]D-FenderAst001: And your zaptel & zapata confs please.  and then reload chan_zap in * CLI.
16:19.08Ast001zaptel and zapata is from another call center where digium card is running and everything works fine
16:19.09[TK]D-FenderAst001: 14-20 in your zapata can cause problems...
16:19.28Ast001what to do with them ?
16:19.38[TK]D-FenderAst001: show us THIS one.  reload chan_zap and enable intense debug and place a a call to it
16:19.56[TK]D-FenderAst001: leave them for this test.  then comment them all out and put "pridialplan=national"
16:20.03[TK]D-Fender(for the next test as needed)
16:21.18*** join/#asterisk bool2 (
16:21.54Ast001can you give me stright command to reload chan_zap as well for intense debug please ?
16:22.16pputman-module reload        pri intense debug span 1
16:22.57M1s3rypputman-, go to sleep!
16:23.15pputman-I never sleep
16:23.56[TK]D-Fenderslams the toothpick propping pputman's eyelids open back in place.
16:24.01Ast001a lot of warnings ignoring swithtype pridialplan prilocal dialplan Ignoring signalling etc... and then Reconfigured channel 1, ISDN PRI signalling
16:24.03pputman-ponders exactly who M1s3ry is.
16:24.14Qwellpputman-: some nub
16:24.38M1s3rywalks upstairs to knock Qwell in the forehead
16:24.39[TK]D-FenderAst001: Guess those options were all bad..
16:25.12jeevdamn, i posted a $399 e8300 dell inspiron on slickdeals and got a thumbs down, what morons
16:25.31macros73Having an issue with calling out on Asterisk.  Phone || NAT || Asterisk <---> ITSP.  Phone can access voicemail on the server without problem.  When I try to call out, though, it sits there on Standby.  Invite goes out, but no return from the ITSP.
16:26.00[TK]D-Fendermacros73: pastebin the complete call with SIP debug.
16:26.47IamTuxmacros73: what is the nat device ?
16:27.06[TK]D-FenderIamTux: Highly likely irrelevant,
16:27.49IamTux[TK]D-Fender: I have had lots of issues with nat in the past and it was all the firewall device
16:29.34[TK]D-FenderIamTux: Then again he just said the phont > * is FINE.  that means NAT isn't an issue between them.
16:30.06[TK]D-FenderIamTux: his ITSP settings and likely reinvites specifically are probablyt he problem.
16:30.38Ast001I've seen a lot of these
16:31.01[TK]D-FenderAst001: Yeah, its still sharing IRQs, isn't it?
16:31.14macros73Looking this over again before I paste.  Vitelity may be doing something dumb.  They told me to set my inbound and outbound to both use as part of troubleshooting earlier voice quality issues.  But I am seeing responses from inbound6.
16:31.32Ast001no it is not
16:32.08Ast001its alone on 12
16:32.32[TK]D-FenderAst001:  20:      66668      66865      67562      65643   IO-APIC-fasteoi   wcte11xp <- not sure on the "fastoi" part..
16:32.36Ast001buf is filling /var/log/messages with Double miss messages
16:32.53Ast001whats that fastoi ?
16:33.35[TK]D-FenderAst001: Either way your card looks to be having issues.
16:34.12[TK]D-FenderAst001: Now please stop looking at all of this distracting junk, and PLACE THE DAMN CALL.
16:34.45Ast001I tryed few secs ago I got nothing and after few secs busy signal
16:34.59Ast001and on cli nothing
16:35.51Ast001Cli is filiing with these
16:35.52[TK]D-FenderAst001: if you get NOTHING with debug then your telco isn't even sending anything to you.
16:36.11[TK]D-FenderAst001: Go call them and ask them to monitor asw you place the call
16:36.31Ast001i called them and few guys come here with tester connect tester to isdn and received a call
16:36.42Ast001and talked
16:36.54Ast001and said it is not our problem it is your equipment
16:36.59Ast001or setting
16:37.10pputman-Ast001, Is your card over 133 feet away from the isdn box?
16:37.26Ast001isdn pri is on 1 m from me
16:37.32Ast001from card
16:37.35pputman-Because if not, change your zaptel.conf span=1,1,0 instead of 1,1,1
16:37.37*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:37.41Ast001i i tryed that too
16:37.54Ast001but got the same results
16:38.16[TK]D-FenderAst001: well if he said its not your equipment then it IS your telco.
16:38.29[TK]D-FenderAst001: Get off your ass and call them.
16:39.11Ast001I called them today and they said we can come again with tester
16:39.14pputman-Ast001, then verify the line encoding and framing they told you, make sure you're on the latest zaptel, and ask them if you need crc4
16:39.24*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
16:39.35Ast001i dont need crc4 they told me that
16:39.47pputman-goes back to reading
16:40.00[TK]D-Fendermacros73: CSeq: 104 REGISTER SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized <- your register is bad.  But thats going to be an inbound call issue
16:40.22shtoomHi, what is the audio resolution that is available on E1 line ( 16-bit or 8-bit)?
16:40.27Ast001it is strange that the same configuration works in other call center
16:40.39[TK]D-Fendermacros73: pastebin your sip.conf entries for your phone, and your itsp masking only the passwords.
16:40.44Ast001but there is digium card inside there
16:40.48Ast001not dam openvox
16:41.18Ast001I feel it is my motherboard losing interrupts or bad openvox card :(
16:41.21[TK]D-FenderAst001: Your card may be messed up.  Then again.. you haven't had your telco monitor an incoming call attempt.
16:41.42Ast001yes they monitor that
16:41.51Ast001they connect tester to isdn and call and talk
16:42.57Ast001and experiment with another machine and card would be to expensive
16:43.28[TK]D-FenderAst001: I didn't say with a tester at YOUR SITE.  I said let the telco see what they THINK they are transmitting to you from the SOUREC
16:44.50[TK]D-Fendermacros73: you should ahve "nat=no" and "canreinvite=no" for all of your ITSP entries
16:45.16macros73[TK]D-Fender: I'll add that and see what happens.
16:45.34Ast001you know telco here is monopolist and they don't care when you call them they just say we can come with tester and test again but we did it yesterday.
16:45.47macros73canreinvite=no is already there, adding nat=no
16:46.04Ast001and attack you you don't know to setup pbx, card etc...
16:46.30*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (n=hsval@
16:46.49Ast001ok thank you for your help i'll se what i can do
16:46.54j0does anyone here receive faxes with a sangoma a101d card? i'm having at least 20% of incoming faxes fail
16:46.55*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (
16:47.25[TK]D-Fenderj0: early wanpipes & firmwares had issues.  Check with Sangoma for the best combo.
16:47.40macros73[TK]D-Fender: Same behavior.  * is sitting there "Trying."
16:47.56j0[TK]D-Fender: thanks, i'm using latest wanpipe. i'll check firmware.. would using hylafax make any difference?
16:48.05hsv-alheh, this iphone is badass
16:48.11coppicej0: check your clock sync
16:48.13hsv-althe cisco vpn client has good throughput
16:48.32[TK]D-Fenderj0: well.. it can be an additional factor.  is it on the same server?
16:48.42macros73[TK]D-Fender: Aha, a call goes through...after setting up for 30 seconds
16:48.43j0[TK]D-Fender: yes
16:49.00j0coppice: TE_CLOCK in the config? i have mine set to normal
16:49.16[TK]D-Fenderj0: thats fine.
16:49.56macros73[TK]D-Fender: Okay, so this works, it just takes 30+ seconds for the call to start.  Do I yell at Vitelity or is that my fault?
16:51.01[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Uncertain.
16:51.02j0already have the latest firmware.. hmm
16:51.15macros73[TK]D-Fender: Km, really getting food now.  bbiab.
16:58.52shtoomHi, what is the audio resolution that is available on E1 line ( 16-bit or 8-bit)?
16:59.18*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
17:00.00*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
17:02.05[TK]D-Fendershtoom: 8bit
17:08.40*** join/#asterisk sack (
17:14.28*** join/#asterisk Tako-san (n=jmkiffia@
17:14.59*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
17:15.39jblackI just saw ny representative say that "We have contigency plans to invade England" on national TV.
17:16.53[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Manifest Destiny 2009!
17:17.04jayteewe even have contingency plans to invade Canada
17:17.42*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
17:18.03jayteewhich means that if you're a US citizen you don't have to ingest massive doses of LSD to become acutely paranoid, just join the military as an officer.
17:18.08jameswfwho lives in a pineapple undet the sea ?
17:18.19[TK]D-Fenderfires up the orchestra for another 1812 Overture.
17:18.20jayteeSponge Bob Squarepants!!!!
17:18.55jameswfdid someone say revolution?
17:19.11jayteeTracey Chapman did but it sounds like a whisper
17:20.18jameswfI get all my news from CNN so I am totaly in the dark on wtf is happening in the real world.... but I did hear hilliry clintons hair grew 1mm over the last week
17:22.32jayteeshe voted no on FISA and Obama voted yes. That's an unexpected twist.
17:22.56[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: serious piss-off.
17:23.38jaytee[TK]D-Fender, um, not sure what you mean. You're pissed at Obama?
17:23.39[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Unless it is being "set up" to be smashed by the supreme court
17:23.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: On this point, yes
17:24.00jayteeso am I
17:24.15jayteeon both the legislation and Obama's vote.
17:24.41jayteeas Ben Franklin said, "Those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."
17:24.51*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
17:25.00CanWoodjamesswf, switch to FOX, then you're hear that Obama forgot to wash his hands ten minutes ago instead.  more real news
17:25.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I have to wonder if they really caved on it, or it has an inherent flaw someone is going to rip open to trash it later with.
17:25.15jayteeand Old Ben knew of where he spoke. The dude was a major playa with 27 illegitimate children.
17:25.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Obama for my #4 pick... this solidifies it.
17:25.38jaytee[TK]D-Fender, we can only hope the latter.
17:26.11*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
17:26.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup... in the mean-time... no more US trips for me... strictly Commonweath / free-world travel.
17:26.42rwaitei have a normal pots line i am connecting with a zaptel card ... it shows up with callerid of asterisk(asterisk) on my phone
17:26.58rwaiteis there something i have to do to get callerid to work on a zap channel?
17:27.11[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: "usecallerid=yes" , "callerid=asreceived" <- zapata.conf
17:27.20rwaitethey're in there?
17:27.28[TK]D-Fenderrwthey SHOULD BE
17:27.28jayteeright now I'm wavering between McCain and Nader. I figure if McCain gets in we'll attack Iran, gas will hit 30 bucks a gallon and the economy will collapse. After the rioting and the burning maybe we can build a new better nation to replace the one those bastards in D.C. stole out from under our complacent asses.
17:27.49*** part/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
17:27.51rwaitei know, but it still is showing up as asterisk(asterisk)
17:27.55*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
17:28.30rwaiteand there is nothing listed under src in cdr, totally blank
17:28.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: McCain is a massive liar, ignorant on foreign policy and it implications, the economy, and a general militant.
17:28.42[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: What card?
17:29.22[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: pastebin your zapata.conf
17:29.40[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: and blocked # calls my show up as "asterisk" anyways on occasion.
17:29.44jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I agree and he also wears Depends although his campaign people have tried very hard to cover that up.
17:29.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: lol.
17:30.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Diapergate!
17:30.25jaytee[TK]D-Fender, hahahaha
17:30.52rwaite[TK]D-Fender: but if i make this call from same number to my voip did, it shows the callerid correctly
17:31.14[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: maybe your line itself doesn't have the service.
17:31.28rwaitehmm. maybe. this is a fax line after all.
17:31.51rwaite(testing, the "real" analog lines come in monday)
17:32.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "John McCain -- 61 Flip-Flops and Counting" <- A litany of BS
17:32.30jayteeis that Eric Alterman's site? I love that guy
17:32.34[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: your fax line is real analog... jsut one you cheaped out on :)
17:32.52rwaitei dunno, i wasnt here when it was put in
17:32.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: dunno... but it jsut made Digg's front page :)
17:33.18jayteeah, I've heard of Steve Benen before
17:33.21rwaite[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help
17:33.23[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Don't ask why a service isn't working... when you're not sure you've even GOT it ;)
17:33.41rwaitewill keep that in mind
17:34.41shtoom[TK]D-Fender: Thank you !
17:35.22[TK]D-Fendershtoom: You're welcome.
17:35.51shtoom[TK]D-Fender: will zapata hardware change the resolution and to and pass it to asterisk ? or just pass the same resolution i.e 8-bit?
17:36.16jayteecripes, I've been in a Dell queue for 18 minutes now. So much for their dreams of getting #1 in customer service.
17:38.59[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You are getting #1.... you just don't know how low the standard is ;)
17:39.20[TK]D-Fendershtoom: this is the LCD of telecom.
17:39.50[TK]D-Fendershtoom: It is effectively G.711a/u with minor companding differences.
17:41.37jayteeonce again [TK]D-Fender manages to reaffirm my deepest fears.......and no, I wasn't referring to Toto getting back together :-)
17:42.37[TK]D-Fender"I bless the rains down in Africaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"
17:43.38hsv-alnative sip client on 3G iphone
17:43.40hsv-al= win
17:43.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: and actually good rendition (solo acoustic) :
17:43.54jayteeok, the onhold RAN announcements after 20 minutes have now changed to indicate heavy call volumes with a wait time that "may exceed ten minutes"
17:44.22jayteewas it you or Qwell that got me hooked on Bela Fleck a week or so ago?
17:45.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Neither.. can't recall just yet who...
17:45.57macros73returns, and finds it still takes 30+ seconds to setup a call via the Vitelity trunks.
17:46.02[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: unlimited eve/wk + full PRI that doesn't cost me a penny > SIP client on iPhone :)
17:47.01*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:47.50*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
17:48.13[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Quick AT&T plan Q : you get unlimited data for $60 right?  X minutes + data.
17:48.15shtoom[TK]D-Fender:can you tell me if zaptel hardware changes that resolution of audio or passes the exact resolution it receives on line?
17:48.45[TK]D-Fendershtoom: * translates one side to the other.  Each sees the bes of what it can from the other.
17:48.55[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Any limitations on the kind of traffic?
17:50.14hsv-alim gonna hook it into usb to cat5 when I get home
17:50.19hsv-aland run wireshark
17:50.27hsv-alsee what goes through, what doesnt
17:51.41[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Yeah, if you can bridge with it, do FTP/SSH, etc all over Cell, that would be interesting.
17:52.05[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: my unlimited mobile browser is limited.  No ftp, etc.  Sorta like proxied HTTP-only.
17:52.19hsv-alim at work with it now, and im capturing logs on it
17:52.22hsv-alwith websense daemon
17:52.30hsv-algoing to kiwi syslog trapping
17:52.39hsv-also ill bring this data home too,
17:54.28*** join/#asterisk crudpuppy (
17:55.13crudpuppyCan a vonage ata and a asterisk system operate on the same network?
17:55.38*** join/#asterisk implicit (
17:55.51hardwireyou'd have to set up your firewall so that 5060 points in to the asterisk server
17:55.59hardwirethat's about it
17:56.24macros73Ron Paul / Cthulu for 2008.
17:56.39crudpuppyhardwire,  that won't interfere with the vonage at all?
17:57.18hardwirethe vonage phone will register with vonage, and if it uses sip ports it will negotiate for 5061
17:57.18hardwireor 5062
17:57.29hardwireif it's smart.
17:57.41crudpuppyvonage + smart = oximoron?
17:57.52hardwireyou own it, I don't.
17:57.57crudpuppyhehe,  I'm moving off it
17:58.06crudpuppybut need it in place for the time being
17:58.20*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:58.20hardwirebusiness ?
17:58.43crudpuppywait,  business line,  but not vonages business servie
17:58.50hardwirehow long you gonna keep using vonage for?
18:00.05macros73Heh, now it's all CHANUNAVAIL
18:03.59*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
18:04.42*** join/#asterisk andreadb7474 (n=andrea@
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18:06.25andreadb7474I've provider that use silence suppression and i've problem with moh when i've upgaded asterisk from 1.2 to 1.4... can help me?
18:10.15[TK]D-Fenderandreadb7474: details please....
18:10.32[TK]D-Fenderandreadb7474: And * does not support silence suppression.
18:11.23unpaidbillaudiomode:0x00000010 :/
18:12.48andreadb7474I know that, but last for 1 year i've used asterisk 1.2 without problem, when i've upgraded to 1.4 i've encountered problem with moh
18:13.06andreadb7474and ring generation
18:13.40[TK]D-Fenderandreadb7474: Well, get on with the deatils...
18:14.06andreadb7474I use ztdummy driver because i'vent no zap hardware
18:14.33hardwireandreadb7474: heh.. :)
18:15.44andreadb7474Do you think that can i resolv the problen if i mount a span-E1  ?
18:19.28[TK]D-Fenderandreadb7474: I think you need to provide some real backup isf you want opinions.
18:19.38[TK]D-Fenderandreadb7474: PASTEBIN is your friend...
18:19.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:21.00hardwirehmm.. I need to do ackcall on a per-agent basis
18:21.19hardwireand I hate forking to local from queues, because it freaks out CDR in 1.2
18:22.42hardwireit seems like chan_agent.c supports it
18:26.51jaytee[TK]D-Fender, that youtube is pretty cool.
18:26.57macros73Overall, this thing performed better when the Asterisk server was inside the firewall, not outside.  For me, at least.
18:27.23jayteejust finally got time to listen to it
18:29.49jayteemy fav is still Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier with the 4 hands guitar one
18:35.29[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, that one's funny..
18:36.03jayteeI like Antoine's free style for acoustic.
18:36.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Erik Mongain is a lot more fun though :)
18:36.54hardwiresetting  the ack call variable before callback login worked fine
18:41.20*** join/#asterisk iratik (
18:42.33iratikI've got a crazy question .... I don't know exactly how audio streams work in asterisk... but is it possible to combine all inbound audio streams into one stream and send to a channel?
18:43.01*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (i=chatzill@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
18:43.19[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Meetme <-
18:43.28iratikin other words... i have 24 agents... need to hear everyone at the same time on a channel
18:43.31[TK]D-Fenderiratik: and "all inbound strems" is a no-go.
18:43.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:43.45iratikwithout them knowing
18:43.51[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Meetme is what you've got to work with.
18:44.06[TK]D-Fenderiratik: to hear?  have everyone chanspy onto the main.
18:44.23[TK]D-Fenderiratik: "core show application chanspy"
18:44.24*** part/#asterisk Mawkee (n=Mawkee@
18:44.38iratikyeah i know what chanspy does .. i've made quite a few custom apps with it
18:44.45iratikit spies on one channel from another channel
18:44.49iratikit can spy on multiple channels?
18:45.10iratikin parallel as opposed to round robin sequential cycling through channels?
18:45.19[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You want to spy on multiple calls simultaneously?
18:45.34[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Not enough voices in your head already?
18:45.57iratikWell... its hard to get a good feel for the volume of the sales calls in the room without being in there
18:46.03[TK]D-Fenderiratik: this would normally class as "I'm a psycho" type demand..
18:46.18iratikand even then... the room is so big .... can't get a good feel for total "effort" on the floor  from any one spot
18:46.30[TK]D-Fenderiratik: And you can't tell that a call is for sales without listening to them all... SIMULTANEOUSLY?
18:46.42[TK]D-Fenderiratik: a channel list won't do?
18:46.47iratikno ... all calls are for sales
18:47.04[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Then a raw call-list should answer that, no?
18:47.09iratiki don't need to know who is on sales calls... I need to get a gauge of how loud the floor as a whole is ...
18:47.12iratiknot any specific agent
18:47.58iratikalso ... if an agent happens to say anything misrepresenting us ... we can't capture by listening to agents one by one ... but maybe if we had one place to listen to them... as if we were standing in the same physical room as them
18:48.02[TK]D-Fenderiratik: how... loud...
18:48.03iratikjust louder
18:48.25[TK]D-Fenderiratik: and you don't want to just review recordings?
18:48.32iratiklol... thats not live
18:48.52[TK]D-Fenderiratik: ok, then your solution is Meetme + chanspy.
18:49.23[TK]D-Fenderiratik: pump Originate-d chanspy local channels into a meetme and join that insane room.
18:49.34iratikthat would work
18:50.00iratikthats an excellent idea
18:50.05iratikkudos [TK]D-Fender
18:50.51iratikCan I enter commands like Originate etc ... directly from the asterisk> prompt?
18:53.30[TK]D-Fenderiratik: So make a script that will snag all of the calls you want (identifiable somehow I'm sure), and then issue them via call-files, Originate, etc.
18:53.44[TK]D-Fenderiratik: go read to CLI reference to see what you can do from CLI.
18:53.57iratikThanks TK D-Fender ... the meetme is going to work
18:53.58[TK]D-Fenderiratik: But this sounds to eb something you should be doing from a script.
18:54.11*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
18:54.34Gh0styanyone here from belgium who can help me with some country specific settings? :s
18:54.34iratik[TK]D-Fender: of course... but I need to figure out what to write first
18:55.16[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Figure out how to pick out the channels you want.  Then just issue the call-out for each
18:55.35Gh0styhave some problems with the buildup and the hangup of zap trunk
18:55.42iratikusing AMI originate for this and a script to pull the extensions of all the sales agents from the DB
18:56.03*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
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19:13.25iratikI'm a little confused .... the Meetme channel .. what channel is it?
19:13.37iratikIts just Meetme(confno
19:14.04iratiki think i might have just asked a dumb question
19:14.08iratiklet me think for a bit more
19:14.49Strom_Mit's....not a channel.
19:15.47iratikI need to use originate to join several chanspy extensions into one meetme room
19:16.11iratikI've setup _556X.  to chanspy with no prompts .... Extension: _556512 in the AMI originate command
19:16.20iratikWhat do i put for Channel: ?
19:16.39iratikto join the chanspy extension _556512 into Meetme(123
19:16.46*** join/#asterisk magic_hat (
19:18.32iratikIts not SIP/123
19:19.10magic_hathey everyone. I'm certain I'm doing something dumb here, but I can't figure out what. I have a dialplan that has an s extension. Incoming calls are being rejected because extension not found. I'm not following why the 's' extension isn't being activated.
19:20.04Strom_Mmagic_hat: what kind of entrance facilities are you using?
19:20.43Strom_M's' is only for situations where the inbound call contains NO dialed number information (i.e. an analog line ringing)
19:21.10magic_hatah, it's from Teliax. I thought it defaulted to s if there was no other valid ext.
19:23.21*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@nat/ibm/x-c41353b4b50ed6bf)
19:23.29unpaidbillthat would be i
19:25.32iratikthis is far more difficult than i thought
19:25.59Strom_Mwhy are you trying to merge chanspy extensions into a meetme room?
19:26.01Strom_Mthat makes no sesne
19:26.26iratikyeah it does
19:26.31iratikNeed to listen to a room full of calls
19:26.36iratikwithout being in the room
19:26.50iratikNot sequentially.. but in parallel
19:27.00unpaidbilldoes Data work for you
19:29.13iratikany ideas?
19:32.08magic_hatokay, i got that prob. solved. here's another: I have an AGI app that dials a bunch of numbers. My teliax account has 10 available channels. I want to make sure that I only have 10 outbound calls going at once, and I don't want to use AMI to get there... possible?
19:34.15iratikI keep getting originate failed .......
19:36.15iratikThe asterisk documentation seems to indcate that the channel for a Meetme would be local/123 for a Meetme started with Meetme(123
19:36.52*** join/#asterisk DiegoFerreira (
19:37.39macros73If my zttest results are an average  99.955, could that be a factor in poor g729 voice quality and some crackling in system messages?
19:37.47Strom_Miratik: how about just joining the meetme conference using the "listen only" option
19:38.27iratikI can join the conference fine ... i just dial 123 ... or i can create a custom extension that joins in quiet
19:38.44iratikIts figuring out the command to join the extension 556512 into the meetme room 123
19:38.57iratik556512 is a chanspy extension that spies on channel 512
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19:47.48*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
19:49.13Dr-Linux|homeHow can i enable pound key options after the number?
19:50.18Dr-Linux|homelike the messeage is "please dial your destinationi number followed by the pound key, so when i dial number and press pound, my system takes # key as a part of number :S
19:50.33Dr-Linux|homebut i want this # key for input termination
19:51.01*** join/#asterisk esaym (
19:51.44[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: "core show application read"
19:51.59[TK]D-Fendermacros73: No.
19:52.07[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Yes
19:52.17[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!!@ (c) BKW
19:52.59macros73lol.  So if I hear crackling on a voicemail greeting that doesn't leave the LAN, how do I resolve?  ("Be as smart as [TK]D-Fender" doesn't help me..)
19:53.40[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Whats crackling, recordings YOU made, or stock system sounds?
19:53.47jameswfummm be as smart as russellb
19:53.56[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: UNPOSSIBLE!
19:53.59macros73[TK]D-Fender: Stock
19:54.08Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: where Read application involved in my question?
19:54.09[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Try another codec.
19:54.20[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: To get input, terminated by a "#"
19:54.38[TK]D-Fendermacros73: And why on earth are you using G.729 in a LAN?
19:54.50macros73[TK]D-Fender: I'm not, using G711 in the LAN.
19:55.09[TK]D-Fendermacros73>If my zttest results are an average 99.955, could that be a factor in poor g729 voice quality and some crackling in system messages?
19:55.24[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Not sounding very consistent..
19:55.26macros73[TK]D-Fender: So I can't tell 29, from 11, okay?
19:55.44[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Ok, what are you using for phones?
19:55.53*** join/#asterisk znoG (
19:56.01jameswfthe diff of 729 and 711 is 18
19:56.15jameswfgrandsuck budgettones
19:56.20[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Actaully... doesn't matter so much... its your phone's fault in all likelyhood.
19:56.23macros73Ooops, I probably shouldn't admit that.   The conjunction joined two different issues.  g729 is being used on external trunks.  g711 internal.  No, I junked the grandsuck.
19:56.29macros73Currently using Ekiga as a softphone.
19:56.46jameswfisnt ekiga a womans exersize
19:56.50[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Ekiga itself has sound quality issues.  I've tried it, and in most cases sucked when it had no reason to.
19:57.12macros73[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I'll retest with something else.  How's X-Lite for a soft phone?
19:57.13[TK]D-Fendermacros73: using ULAW local LAN as well.
19:57.17drakoi've tried ekiga and i discarted it due its sounds problems.
19:57.29[TK]D-Fendermacros73: More solid.  More limited, but will sound better most likely.
19:57.35drakomacros73, xlite is bad
19:57.36jameswf sticks to his aastra
19:57.44drakomacros73, i recommend you Twinkle
19:57.51iratiki've tried almost every softphone out there
19:58.02jameswfi use moziax
19:58.04drakoTwinkle is pretty good
19:58.06macros73um....i don't like boys?
19:58.19drakoand stable
19:58.38drakoalmost 2 years using twinkle and im happy with it.
19:58.43iratiknot bad
19:58.45*** join/#asterisk wasabi (n=wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi)
19:58.47jameswfKIAX loked like they are trying a comeback but the software still sucks
19:58.54Corydon76-digmacros73: what about men?
19:58.59wasabiHey... I'm looking for some sort of recommended practice on what to number my extensions.
19:59.10iratikwasabi: I use the id column of the users table
19:59.14wasabiRight now I've been using 1XX for sip phones, 500 for ivr stuff, 600 for call queues, and various segmentation like that
19:59.20iratikthat way their user_id is their extension
19:59.22[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: Only even numbers if you know whats good for you.
19:59.27wasabiBut I realized that if I want to dial long distance, while off hook.
19:59.36wasabithat it won't work right
19:59.40wasabiit'll dial soem local thing first.
19:59.53macros73I'll try out Twinkle and X-Lite
20:00.06magic_hat[TK]D: tell me more... how would I go about that?
20:00.13[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: No, you can use 1XX for internal stuff jsut fine.
20:00.37wasabiWhat about dialing area code 368?
20:00.42wasabiWhere you type 13680000000
20:00.48[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: parse out : asterisk -rx "show channels concise"
20:00.50wasabi136 would get picked up first.
20:01.00[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: says who?
20:01.01wasabiand it would go to extension 136, which is wrong.
20:01.09wasabisays who? i'm doing it right here.
20:01.11[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: not in MY world it doesn't
20:01.18[TK]D-Fenderwas then you're doing it wrong.
20:01.25wasabiand what would i be doing wrong?
20:01.36wasabiif i pick up the phone and dial  136, i get extension 136.
20:01.41[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: I allow NANPA 7-10-11 digit diaing alonside 4 digit extensions.
20:01.44wasabiit does not wait for the next digit.
20:01.51[TK]D-Fenderwasthen your PHONE is making decisions for you
20:02.04[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: and you need to go configure IT
20:02.12wasabii see.
20:02.18*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|work (n=Nothing@
20:02.34wasabioh... yeah. i see. so the phone is realizing that that's a completed number, and making the call
20:02.45wasabiso there's something programmable about the phone...
20:02.57jayteemust be talking about the dialplan.digitmap on Polycoms
20:03.03wasabiyeah, i probably am
20:03.08wasabii didn't put the two together.
20:03.08magic_hat[TK]D: that is sweet. I owe ya.
20:03.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No implication of make/model yet.
20:03.17wasabithey are all polycoms
20:03.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: NOW there is :)
20:03.37[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: Yes, go make a PROPER digitmap for them.
20:03.59wasabiso the digit map is a set of things seperated by xx and |?
20:04.06wasabiand any matches are dialed?
20:04.09jayteeyeah, you need to edit the dialplan.digitmap
20:04.15jayteeyeah, the | is the seperator
20:04.22[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: yes.
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20:04.43wasabisoo there is probably some way to make it wait a few seconds before it matches?
20:04.47jayteeif you put a T in front of each | it will enable the default timeout
20:05.01[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: "x.T|#.T!*.T" = salvation.
20:05.11[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: "x.T|#.T|*.T" = salvation.
20:05.18jayteeand you can increase each section's timeout interval for slow, fat-fingered people
20:05.18[TK]D-Fenderbetter... 2nd bar fixed
20:05.21wasabiSo, anything, 1 or more times, default timeout.
20:05.40[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: anything + wait = just do it
20:06.05[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: Phones shouldn't get delusions like thinking they know whats possible.
20:06.22wasabii agree.
20:06.24[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: tell the phone to STFU and let * run the show like it should.
20:06.34wasabii was not making the mental connection that is obvious in sip: the phone makes a call to a single number
20:06.37wasabino open channel thing
20:07.06[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: it isn't an "open channel thing"
20:07.18wasabii know
20:07.20[TK]D-Fenderwasabi: and indeed it DOES make a call to a "single number".
20:07.22wasabithat's what i just said
20:07.45jaytee[TK]D-Fender, speaking of which Polycom confirmed that I can't block external transfers by phone so my only option for that is to disable the softkeys for transfer and call forward and use * to do it by setting the TRANSFER_CONTEXT variable.
20:07.49wasabitoo much ingrained phone stuff in my brain
20:08.18jayteewish they had a digit mask that you could set for transfers in the phone
20:08.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: did you test the blindtransfer var I told you to look for?  and to look at the header?
20:09.18jayteeyeah, it was coming up blank. the softkey just does the 502 redirect for the call so there's no re-entry in the dialplan to trap it.
20:09.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: and the header?
20:09.53*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
20:10.15jayteeno info in the header that looked like anything I could use to divert based on extension.
20:10.31jayteebut I haven't entirely given up yet.
20:10.39*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
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20:11.07errrwhen I make a call from ext -> ext and they are both sip and both local to the box, is the context used what I have in my peer section for context=??
20:11.08jayteejust not a guru at this so I have to dig and dig and read and then pester you with questions :-)
20:11.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: heres a thought : when it redirects, it'll hit the dialplan.  That new channel will INHERIT vars from the first.  You could then test for a var you'd set before calling that phone in the first place.
20:12.25[TK]D-Fendererrr: if its mathes up the right peer.
20:13.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, maybe! I can use the underscore with TRANSFER_CONTEXT to force inheritance but where does it reenter the dialplan? in the context set for that sip device?
20:13.09TrentCreekAnd with IAX2 debug on...who can tell me where to look to find this problem?    NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach
20:13.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yes
20:13.33errr[TK]D-Fender: so if 100 and 101 are both in context=internal if I want to make it so when 100 calls 101 it records all 100's outbound calls I would need to setup a mixmonitor in the internal context?
20:13.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: When a phone transfers/redirects, its pased on its privileges
20:14.10[TK]D-Fendererrr: You don't setup monitor in a "context", you call it in an EXTEN.
20:14.33errr[TK]D-Fender: Im not sure I understand. I better go read up on the wiki
20:14.40jayteeaha!!! my brain is percolating!!! I'm thinking I can make it work. I'll have to setup a separate context for users I want to block outbound though because of the way I'm doing outbound calls. I have two contexts I include for local and long-distance so I'll create another 2 that are restricted.
20:15.07[TK]D-Fendererrr: "monior" is not some global things to a "context".  Its an application you specifically call as a step in processing an EXTENSION.
20:15.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Now go play :)
20:15.28jayteeIf I can pull this off it'll have the same level of granularity in controlling user calls that Nortel or Avaya has!
20:16.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I still suspect there is an extra flag in the SIP header you should be able to snag to better ID this...
20:16.17errr[TK]D-Fender: yes I have that working like youre saying when 100 gets an incoming call but I dont know how to make it work when 100 dials 101..
20:16.53[TK]D-Fendererrr: exten => 101,1,MixMonitor(myfile.wav)
20:19.19ManxPowerjaytee: Isn't that what I told you 3 days ago?
20:21.09TrentCreekAnd with IAX2 debug on...who can tell me where to look to find this problem?    NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach "numnumnumb"
20:23.38jayteeManxPower, I honestly don't recall. I remember discussing it with unpaidbill and russellb the other night and [TK]D-Fender during the day.
20:24.07*** join/#asterisk mandd (
20:25.13manddhello, if I want to add a second line,  FAX to >pap2 linksys to  >asterisk
20:25.21manddcan that work?
20:26.08hsv-alFreedom From Hemoroids? ....... FreedHEM Hemoroid Cream .......... Freedom From Hemoroids? FreedHEM Hemoroid Cream
20:27.17russellbhsv-al: wtf?
20:27.44*** mode/#asterisk [+b %hsv-al!*@*] by russellb
20:27.53russellbdon't say random crap like that for no reason ...
20:28.16*** mode/#asterisk [-b %hsv-al!*@*] by russellb
20:28.55manddis there an SIP.conf exsample you can point me to?
20:28.57manddfor FAX
20:29.43ManxPowermandd: fax is just a voice call
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20:29.53ManxPowerthe voice is just REALLY REALLY REALLY fast.
20:30.19manddgood, ManxPower you know of any info on how to add a second account in a same sip.conf
20:30.28ManxPowermandd: um add it
20:30.39manddI only have one line, and a second one is registered, just gotta figure out how to add it to configs
20:30.44ManxPowerjust like you added the first account.  You must use different user ID's of cousre
20:31.44manddwell, in [genral]  I have  register=> my first line info
20:31.56mandddo I jsut add a second account right uneder it?
20:32.10manddand how will I be able to reffer to it from extensions.conf
20:32.37manddjust usign different Context ?
20:32.47ManxPowermandd: register => registers Asterisk to a REMOTE SERVER
20:32.54ManxPowermandd: perhaps you should step back and read The Good Book
20:32.57jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:33.08ManxPowernot perhaps, you must.
20:33.18manddi got everytihng working from the tutorials on google
20:33.36jayteeit's quittin time. be back later from the homefront
20:33.40ManxPoweryou should have read the book first
20:33.43*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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20:34.00jeremy_gsexy boys
20:34.07jeremy_gyour daddy is here
20:35.15macros73Wow.  Twinkle's call quality sounds better, at least locally, than Ekiga.
20:36.12macros73Call quality to an external number sucks just as bad as the rest via g729.
20:36.39macros73twinkle -> g711 -> * -> g729 -> extern #
20:37.24hsv-althere was a glitch in twinkle, that allowed certain packets to bypass mpls boundaries
20:37.29hsv-alwas a secunia vuln posted 2 days ago :)
20:38.48macros73hsv-al: Would that impact call quality?
20:39.33ManxPowerbypassing MPLS boundaries is a whole lot more serious than just some call quality issues.
20:39.59ManxPoweri.e. the whole "With MPLS you get your own private network" goes out the window.
20:41.38*** join/#asterisk neverbart (
20:42.08hsv-althis gentleman shows techniques, that sort of supercede the secunia posting
20:42.16ManxPowerhsv-al: no questions, I'm off duity
20:42.49neverbarthi all. i'm trying to configure my new X100P fxo card. When calls come in, if I reject the call it keeps ringing at the dialling party's end, then asterisk tries again to call my local device
20:42.57neverbartand I get this:
20:42.58neverbart[Jul 11 21:40:11] WARNING[3040]: chan_zap.c:4131 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 7 on channel 1
20:43.05neverbartbut I can't find anything online as to what's causing it
20:43.07neverbartany ideas?
20:43.19ManxPowerneverbart: you can't reject a call on analog
20:43.42neverbartso when it does   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (3:1/0/2)
20:43.44neverbartthe fxo just ignores it?
20:43.49ManxPowerYour best two options is WaitForRing with a large value or answer and hangup
20:44.14ManxPowerneverbart: BUSY is the internal asterisk thing.  You CANNOT because of the nature of analog "reject" a call.
20:44.26neverbartwell, that answers that one :)
20:44.45ManxPowerneverbart: you can fake it pretty easily.
20:44.55neverbartand the call? ;)
20:45.14neverbartsorry, couldn't resist. pls go on. this is explaining a lot :)
20:45.41ManxPowerum, you are wanting to fake rejecting the call, right?  Either don't answer the call in your dialplan or in your dialplan answer the call, play a "You're rejected!  Next!" audio message then hangup.
20:45.52ManxPoweryou could also run Zapatateller to generate the beep tones
20:46.06ManxPowerbut the caller will still be billed for the call because the call was "answered"
20:46.48*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
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20:47.33ManxPowerneverbart: and there has not been an X100P manufactured for like 5 years.
20:48.18neverbartit's an old card. linux is quite forgiving about these things, ManxPower
20:48.44ManxPower(3:42:53 PM) neverbart: hi all. i'm trying to configure my new X100P fxo card....
20:48.47ManxPowerhence my confusion
20:48.56neverbartnew in the sense that "i've just got it" :)
20:49.02neverbartbad choice of words, i realise :)
20:51.21TrentCreekAnd with IAX2 debug on...who can tell me where to look to find this problem?    NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach "numnumnumb"
20:51.34*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:53.11jeremy_gmacros73:which codec should i have my clients on in order to have best voip quality
20:53.49jeremy_gg.729 was so heavy
20:53.59macros73jeremy_g: Depends.  For me, right now, in my current test environment, g711 gives the best call quality.
20:54.11jeremy_gwe ran a client on HTC Touch with g.729 support and its CPU usage was reportedly at 98%
20:54.34*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:54.34jeremy_gg.729 is nice for bw constrained channels i think
20:54.49jeremy_gi have an interesting issue here
20:55.35jeremy_ghow do i get my asterisk REGISTER message that it sends to some remote proxy of the format: REGISTER SIP/2.0
20:55.43jeremy_gthis 8891 port
20:55.59jeremy_ghow can i get it in there
20:56.27*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:57.27neverbarti'm going to go and have a play. thanks for the pointers ManxPower
20:59.45TrentCreekAnyone? Anyone?
20:59.57*** join/#asterisk esaym (
21:03.50TrentCreekAnyone? Anyone?
21:04.36TrentCreekBueller? Bueller?
21:05.52jeremy_gmy is box sending OPTION messages to the remote proxy
21:06.02jeremy_gis there any place where enable/disable the option
21:06.07jeremy_gi dont have qualify set
21:14.37TrentCreekBueller? Bueller?
21:16.39*** join/#asterisk WhiteWolf (
21:17.09manddand route is there, cant figure out what I did wrong
21:17.17manddchecked over and over again
21:22.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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21:33.36MatBoymhh, an incoming sip trunk is whick I can' t get working. The call comes in, but gets a busy tone... what should I check ?
21:35.15jbotfrom memory, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
21:35.27TJNIIWhat does sip show peers show?
21:35.38[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: SIP DEBUG at CLI for the failed call.
21:36.42*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
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21:44.15edwin_quijadaSomebody here has used Cepstral for IVRS
21:44.23MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yes I tried that, but I was not able to find any solution using it
21:44.59TJNIIMatBoy: What does sip show peers show?
21:45.14MatBoyTJNII: peers are OK
21:49.12[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: And the reason you're not showing US the debug is....?
21:49.48MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: oh, I can show it, but I thought I better ask for better search options first :)
21:49.54*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
21:50.02MatBoyas the debug didn' t gave me what I wanted to see
21:50.06[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: Do you think we're psychic?
21:50.14*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
21:50.19[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: Whats wrong with my car... it doesn't work!
21:50.43MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: how do you mean ? I mean, maybe you have tips to get a better debug, I didn' t ask for a solution, I asked where to look ;)
21:51.07[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: and I told you where to look.  * CLI with SIP DEBUG.
21:51.19MatBoyok, I will use that again than :)
21:51.42MatBoyI'm not a solution asker... I wanna know what happens :)
21:51.55*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:53.11*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
21:53.15lesouvageI use ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},GMT+1,%C%y-%m-%d  %r} in a line and for some reason the time is 3 hours to early (20:00 when it is 23:00) When I do date on linux terminal the time is ok. What can be the reason for this wrong representation of the actual time?
21:54.45deeperrorIf i have a wholesale account/contract setup for outbound termination with a minimum amount of minute commitment is there any reason a provider would bill based on the caller id being sent?
21:55.44deeperrorI make a month of calls using 1 area code i get my contracted rate....I make a month of calls using another area code on caller id and i get billed at a different rate?  Does this make sense to anyone?
21:57.40[TK]D-FenderDeethis is up to THEM and their terms.
21:58.22TJNIIPerhaps you shoule read said contract?
22:06.50*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=aldee@
22:07.22`paulcan i change the incoming call caller id in asterisk???
22:10.41[TK]D-Fender`paul: "core show function CALLERID"
22:12.57TrentCreekBueller? Bueller?
22:13.14jpcansahow can i easyly disable a zap channel on asterisk?
22:13.35[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: define "disable"
22:15.14TrentCreekWith IAX2 debug on...who can tell me where to look to find this problem?    NOTICE[5758] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach "numnumnumb"
22:16.02deeperrorTJNII, yea no mention that cid has anything to do with outbound cost
22:16.23TJNIIThen you should call them, contract in habnd, and ask "WTF?"
22:16.55edwin_quijadaI recorded a few files usiong cepstral but I cant hearing from my AGI but if I can this file with PlayBack in extensions this works fine
22:18.27jpcansa[TK]D-fender: i have a pstn line with no dial tone, so i want that line not available to dial
22:18.50[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: change zapata, reload chan_zap
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22:26.28TrentCreekBueller? Bueller?
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22:28.08erossis there a cheap virtual call queue service available, perhaps web-based?
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22:28.35erossbut using the regular land lines
22:28.40jpcansathx Fender
22:31.27[TK]D-Fendereross: What does "web" have to do with "land lines"?
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22:31.48TrentCreekDial Up
22:32.26dlynesDoes the DISA command not take a pin code any more?  It doesn't seem to prompt me for a pin code...or does that happen after I dial my number?
22:32.50[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Either a buggy version, or you're calling it wrong
22:33.23erossin other words, work from a virtually hosted website, the queued calls are handled at the service provider's servers
22:33.37erossthen select which one you want to receive next in the list
22:33.44derelmhi i am trying to take a call with zoiper, but it continues to play the ringing sound and the call is terminated some 10 seconds later. is that an asterisk config issue?
22:33.45tzanger[TK]D-Fender: ever run across a polycom phone that had low audio even with the volume cranked?
22:34.10dlynes[TK]D-Fender: exten => 1,n(auth),DISA(/etc/asterisk/file.auth)
22:34.38dlynes[TK]D-Fender: and then say first line of DISA file is:  762538|outbound|"CLIDNAME"<6041234567>
22:35.07dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I get the dialtone, but no prompt for the pin number
22:35.34[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: "they say"?
22:35.41dlynes[TK]D-Fender: hrm?
22:36.42[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: nvm, misread
22:37.01*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sdfsdf@
22:37.09dlynes[TK]D-Fender: I've also tried it as DISA(762538|outbound|"CLIDNAME" <6041234567>), too
22:37.13dlynes[TK]D-Fender: that doesn't work, either
22:37.27dlynes[TK]D-Fender: both give me dialtone, and no prompt for password
22:37.54angryuserhi all
22:38.43angryuserwhat do you think about ael, is is stable, has someone used it in hight load/production environement ?
22:40.12[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: No impact.
22:40.26*** part/#asterisk mog (
22:40.37[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: and no real point.  It only makes your coding things look more like "C"
22:40.56[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Can't do anything more, probably does LESS for special stuff
22:41.20ManxPowerangryuser: It CANNOT have much impact, as AEL is converted to regular dialplan stuff on startup.
22:41.27angryuseri see
22:41.32ManxPowerthere's even some standalone utility with asterisk that takes ael and converts it for you in batch mode
22:41.57angryuserthank for info
22:42.02ManxPowerBut AEL does allow you a more "programming" style of syntax, and I like that idea.
22:43.43angryuseri like that style too
22:46.15dlynes[TK]D-Fender: oh well...guess I'll just use authenticate first, then
22:50.28*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
22:50.46magic_hat[TK]D: your asterisk -rx approach works great. I'm wrestling a bit with the log output though, in terms of which entries are actually taking up one of my 10 available teliax channels.
22:52.06[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You can see 2 "outbound" channels there.
22:52.35[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: due to your macro
22:52.44[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: but clearly that is the same call
22:52.54[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: so 1 call out to teliax right there.
22:53.21magic_hatYeah. Is there a way to crank all that code into a single process/context that just occupies a single chan? That'd be easier.
22:53.42[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: only thing you really have to count are the teliax channels
22:54.13magic_hatAnd that's basically the ones that have the macro-outbound-connect context, yes?
22:55.31magic_hator is it outbound-handler, since some of the calls might actually get dialed to teliax but not connect.
22:56.08[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Your call.  Depends on wheich end starts things
22:57.13magic_hatthis is someone else's code that I'm admittedly not grasping all that well. it seems like it'd be easier to just have a single context that answers, dials the call to teliax and then connects it to the agi server. But is there some reason not to do that?
22:57.45[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Time to take some ownership and understanding of the code.
22:58.00[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You should already have all the answers you need for this process....
22:58.51magic_hat[TK]D, yeah, that's what I'm working on right now... I tried changing it, which is mostly how I learn, but it blew up. So I'm wondering if perhaps there's a reason why it's set up that way.
22:59.49*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
23:00.32[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Sorry, you're just going to have to figure that out for yourself..
23:02.37magic_hatlol. I'll monkey with it. But am I at least right in thinking you could do the same thing but cleaner in one context?
23:04.45[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: You need to understand when your channels are created and come up with the best place to put restrictions on.
23:06.50magic_hatWell, yeah. That was my original thought. But of course I'm also wondering whether it wouldn't be easier to just make it one call, one channel, if that's feasible.
23:07.16magic_hatI've only been mucking with AGI for about 3 weeks now, so it's pretty new for me.
23:08.34[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: I still have no idea why this has anything to do with AGI at all...
23:29.58magic_hatWell, it's called from an AGI script, and it hands the call back to it.
23:36.37*** part/#asterisk Peri (
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23:48.06manddbut it is there
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23:54.31[TK]D-Fendermandd: Now pastebin the complete call at verbose 10, SIP DEBUG enabled.
23:54.37jblackmandd: You're not in the context you think you are.
23:54.52angryusermandd:  context
23:55.02angryusernetout is in 'office"
23:57.26angryuserhm but still he got s in there
23:58.45Servergodhey all, got a rtp problem, sip_nat configs and testing results here any help much TIA

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