IRC log for #asterisk on 20080709

00:01.24*** join/#asterisk ROARJ (n=joseph_2@
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00:05.14CanWoodouttolunc - deeperror, thank you both.  I'm off to play
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@
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00:23.11*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:23.48*** join/#asterisk C4away (n=DJpyro@
00:24.14C4awayanyone know if the bonk-bonk and ba-dunk join/leave sounds in meetme are built-in or if they can be overridden?
00:25.35*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
00:26.34Strom_CC4away: they're just wav files
00:26.55C4awayI couldn't find them in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds directory ... but i don't know what they would be called
00:27.03C4awaythey don't start with "conf-" as far as I can tell
00:29.04mookidWhat is meetme? :)
00:29.30C4awaya conference bridge app
00:31.42*** part/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:41.16outtoluncfyi: the enter/leave audio is actually in enter.h and leave.h (in the apps dir)
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2f49ce7c61456648)
00:46.18*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
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01:17.24ManxPowerthe sound files are listed, along with their text in, oddly enough, /path/to/src/asterisk somewhere
01:18.54Corydon76-digManxPower: not anymore
01:19.15Corydon76-digManxPower: the text file is included in the sound file distribution, though
01:20.07*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:21.51*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:22.28*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:24.18C4awaythat is what I was afraid of
01:25.52C4awayso, there is no simple way of replacing the sound without formatting the audio data as a byte array?
01:26.37C4awayand then rebuilding, at a minimum, enter.h and leave.h?
01:27.35C4awaywait, I'm only finding those files in the source, they are integrated into app_meetme then?
01:28.03*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
01:29.55C4awaythat is way too much work for a simple prank
01:30.48*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
01:30.57TJNIIOh I disagree
01:31.14TJNIIbecause, while it is a lot of work, how long will it take them to find and fix it?
01:31.58C4awayI thought it would be funny to swap the bonk-bonk with the doink-doink from Law & Order
01:32.21TJNIIEspecially if you _really_ mess with them by changing it everywhere on the drive, and put in a dns rule so when they try and re-download the source they download it from you.
01:32.55C4awayok, hmm, so raw != pcm wav
01:33.05C4awayI'll have to re-transcode the file to raw then
01:35.32*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
01:39.33C4awaydamn, too many options, do I want pcm or a/ulaw, mono/stereo, little or big endian, singned or unsigned... not so raw afterall then huh
01:40.06Strom_Calaw and ulaw are both pcm
01:40.25C4awaysound forge gives me all these options when saving as .RAW
01:40.39C4awayI'm going with 16-bit mono signed little endian
01:43.09*** join/#asterisk axisys (
01:47.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:48.01*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:52.45*** join/#asterisk erojasv (n=erojasv@
01:54.29C4awayanyone have any suggestions for converting a .raw audio file into a hex-formatted byte array?
01:54.42C4awayfor example: 0xba, 0xba, 0xb0, 0xa6, 0xa9, 0xb8, 0xfe, 0x46, 0x42, 0x46,
01:55.29C4awayI'm thinking perl or python
01:58.20Strom_Cyou're probably on the right track with that
01:58.50*** join/#asterisk denon (
01:58.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
02:02.07C4awaymuch simpler
02:09.06*** join/#asterisk rsc-232 (
02:09.09rsc-232hey al
02:09.41*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
02:12.40C4awayit works!
02:39.39*** join/#asterisk denon (
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02:46.05*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
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03:12.25*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (
03:19.11*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
03:20.31*** join/#asterisk alexhopper (
03:20.40C4awaywho runs the site?
03:21.11Strom_CC4away: why?
03:21.43fileStrom_C: alexhopper is a fan of your payphone listing
03:21.54alexhopperOhhh yeah!
03:22.03alexhopperI love to prank call the Belagio :p
03:22.12Strom_Coh god
03:22.14Strom_Cdon't be a fucktard
03:22.17C4awayin the past 20 minutes they updated the css for the site and now the left bar is in the middle of the screen
03:22.31alexhopperI haven't done it in a long time, actually
03:22.44Strom_Cyeah, blah blah blah.
03:22.45C4awayI used to get drunk and call 1-800-call-att
03:22.50alexhopperIt's neat to call around and see if anyone answers the different places though
03:22.57C4awaysee how long the operators would stay on the phone and chat
03:23.07alexhopperlol, C4away
03:23.22C4awayhad one old guy who was once in the navy talk about the deck cannons for 45 minutes
03:23.46alexhopperIs that one of the call centers where they can't terminate the calls? There's some like that in Canada, they will not hang up...
03:24.09C4awaysee, the thing is, if you try to have phone sex with them they hang up quick, but if you just chat about everyday bullshit they don't get upset
03:24.18C4awaylearned that one the hard way
03:24.32C4awayno, they would hang up on us all the time
03:24.43alexhopperhaha - nice.
03:24.49C4awayyou'd have to call about 10 times to get someone who was willing to talk for more than about 5 minutes
03:25.23C4awayanyway, the website is pretty much unusable now
03:25.38Strom_Cit's been pretty much unusable content-wise for years
03:25.45C4awayheh, well, kinda
03:25.48Strom_Cthe layout is just shifting to match the content
03:27.32*** join/#asterisk rabelais (n=blank@unaffiliated/rabelais)
03:28.00C4awayhmm, trying to find an example of setting a non-default MOH class from the dialplan
03:28.58C4awayfor an entire context
03:30.26*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
03:31.03C4awayah SetMusicOnHold(buttrock)
03:38.17*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
03:39.17C4awayfor some reason it is not finding the new class I set up =(
03:39.34C4awayreloaded, even restarted, asterisk
03:39.58C4away[Jul  8 21:36:30] WARNING[5886]: res_musiconhold.c:660 get_mohbyname: Music on Hold class 'cfbi' not found
03:42.03[TK]D-FenderC4away: pastebin is your friend.
03:42.40C4awayfor one line?
03:42.43C4awaythat's excessive
03:43.04[TK]D-FenderC4away: isn't 1 line, It'd better be at least 3...
03:43.40C4awayfor a single-line error?
03:43.49C4awayshould I repeat it three times in the pastbin post?
03:44.33C4awayoooh you mean my musiconhold.conf ?
03:44.41C4awaylol, sorry I was quite confused for a second
03:45.00C4awayI thought you were giving me hell for pasting the error
03:47.02C4awaythat's is everything in musiconhold.conf that is not preceeded by the ";" character
03:47.26*** join/#asterisk JCJC (
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03:47.56C4awayok, now that is everything, I deleted all the default comments and examples
03:48.10*** kick/#asterisk [alexhopper!n=file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file] by file (file)
03:48.35[TK]D-FenderC4away: I'd check your permissions.
03:48.59[TK]D-FenderC4away: and that the files are indeed in that place.
03:50.04C4awaywould it say that same error for files missing / permissions errors?
03:50.29C4awayin that case I would think that a [none] class with directory=/dev/null would fail over to [default] if that were the case
03:51.02C4awaywhich is the commonly demonstrated method of implementing a [none] class
03:51.14C4awayin any case, I am checking as we speak
03:51.27C4awayuh, hmm
03:51.49C4awayyes, the directory is empty and coreftp is sitting there with "permission denied" for all the transfers for the .wav files
03:52.11C4awayshouldn't root be able to write to any directory it wants using sftp?
03:52.46C4awayok, hmm, chmod'd it 777 and chown'd it root and still no go
03:53.01*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
03:53.07Hadi-hello everyone
03:53.13Hadi-I have a quick question...
03:53.48Hadi-I have purchased the g729 codec from Digium
03:54.00Hadi-and I'm just wondering what file will be best for my server...
03:54.18Hadi-the server is a DELL 1850 2x Xenon 3.0
03:55.05ltd--What options do you have?
03:55.34ltd--are you running amd64 or i386?
03:55.53Hadi-its a dual xenon
03:56.26ltd--you probably want v32_i386 then.
03:56.43lanningif you are running a 64 bit kernel, with 64 bit asterisk, then 64 bit codec
03:56.47C4awayhmm, still getting permission denied even in /usr/src/
03:56.53C4awayI'll just put them up on the web and wget them
03:57.10[TK]D-FenderHadi-: And that Xeon.  Xenon is one of the inert or "noble" gasses on the periodic table.  Its far too late for that kind of of chemical humour :p
03:57.10lanningif you are running a 32 bit kernel, with 32 bit asterisk, then the 32 bit codec.
03:57.28Hadi-but there are also several
03:57.37*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@
03:57.39[TK]D-FenderHadi-: What is your distro?
03:57.57ltd--More importantly, what does /proc/cpuinfo say
03:58.09Hadi-CentOS 5
03:58.55lanningprobably this one: codec_g729a_v32_i686.tar.gz
03:59.34Hadi-there is the /proc/cpuinfo ;)
03:59.44ltd--i686 or i386 will be fine
03:59.51ltd--i686 will probably get you some extra optimisations
04:00.00*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@
04:00.47Hadi-I see..
04:02.17unpaidbillsweet, new pocketsphinx release today! 50% smaller and up to 18% faster!
04:02.25unpaidbillgood news!
04:02.58bijithi how can i add two ips to eth0?
04:03.26unpaidbillifconfig eth0:1 ipaddress
04:03.26Hadi-we were using this one before
04:03.40Hadi-that explains why the other party would never hear the caller
04:03.51Hadi-when the call was going through as g729 :)
04:04.07bijitty unpaidbill
04:06.19C4awayheh unpaidbill is the reason for callers not hearing me when they call
04:06.39unpaidbilli can be a real bitch sometimes
04:10.05*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
04:13.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:16.22C4awayhmm, I had to put the new class above [default] in musiconhold.conf and everything works
04:18.07C4awayhmm, is there not a way to set the music on hold class for an entire context?
04:18.43[TK]D-FenderC4away: MoH is not by context, its per device
04:18.57C4awayI must put exten => 1234567890,1,SetMusicOnHold(foo) before every DID in extensions.conf then
04:21.26[TK]D-FenderC4away: .....
04:21.41[TK]D-FenderC4away: for each DEVICE.  You should generally not be doing this in your DIALPLAN.
04:22.07C4awaygood point
04:22.21C4awayunless I want to override one specific DID for "support" and another for "Sales" or something
04:22.37[TK]D-FenderC4away: Yes
04:22.45C4awaybut in this case it is for the entire contex which is, conveniently, one user in sip.conf
04:24.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:24.48[TK]D-FenderC4away: So set the global on the user & override just that once for that single DID./
04:25.39C4awayyep. seems to be working
04:25.48C4awaysometimes a sanity check is needed
04:26.07C4awayI didn't think that I needed to add SetMusicOnHold for every extension in extensions.conf
04:27.55*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:30.05*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
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04:39.08jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
04:51.16*** join/#asterisk adorah (
04:57.14*** join/#asterisk MCooper (n=kmoore@
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05:06.05*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:11.29MCooperOk... I am beating my head against a wall, and its hurting.. maybe someone here can help....
05:13.05MCooperI have a digium TE410P board, euroisdn trunk between it and a Cisco CCME router... The issue is, I am getting a link light with alarm on the Cisco, and a flashing red light on the digium board... Any Ideas.. I will send pizza via paypal.....
05:13.36MCooperrunning zttools shows span one RED...
05:13.51MCooper(I believe it is something stupid and simple...)
05:13.59[hC]i can probably help
05:14.14MCooper[hC], Thanks...
05:14.24[hC]are you using a t1 crossover cable between the two devices? (i presume they are both acting in CPE mode?)
05:14.38MCooperYes.. there is a crossover...
05:14.48[hC]so you basically arent getting link
05:14.56MCooperYes... correct...
05:15.09[hC]i would check to make sure both devices are operating in CPE mode (if you are intending to do that, of course) then check your cable
05:15.09MCooperI am getting link and error on the Cisco...
05:15.18[hC]I'm not extremely familiar with the cisco
05:15.45MCooperOk... I will check that out.
05:15.52[hC]i would start with the simplest of things
05:15.59[hC]check the cable, make sure you are using the correct pinout for example
05:16.01MCooperThe CIsco I will verify when that person comes in...
05:16.24[hC]make sure that your setup is supposed to be CPE/CPE not CPE/NET (where one side acts as a network and one acts as a CPE)
05:16.34[hC]if they are both supposed to be CPE, the switchtype shouldnt matter for link
05:16.53[hC]as long as you are in pri_cpe mode on the asterisk side, it will negotiate as CPE
05:17.05[hC]a RED link from the digium card indicates total link loss
05:18.14[hC]im not positive if you should get a link without the zaptel modules loaded... im tempted to say no, and that your zaptel cnfig needs to be right, your module needs to be loaded and ztcfg needs to have been run
05:18.22MCooperOK... I did a cable check.. Good call...
05:18.43MCooperI was able to figure out that one side was bad.. got a good cable there now.
05:19.46[hC]oh good!
05:19.49[hC]do you have link now?
05:20.49*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
05:22.32MCooperI am working on it.. right now...
05:22.40[hC]Cool, good luck!
05:25.54*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
05:25.56MCooper[hC], Thank you.. where do I send the pizza....
05:26.01MCooperI have green lights.... :)
05:26.38[hC]Congrats! well, i just ate :P
05:26.57MCooperI owe you one.. but thanks... I was getting a flat forehead... :)
05:27.42[hC]no worries man, another time! Ive had my fair share of help in here, pay it forward
05:28.30MCooperYou bet... thanks... (Doing the dance... living the dream..)
05:28.36*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
05:32.04*** join/#asterisk SanityIO_ (n=SanityIO@
05:46.40*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
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05:51.58bkruseMCooper: I am, however, hungry :)
05:52.34MCooperbkruse, Ok...
05:52.44MCooperI just noticed that you were hungry...
05:55.18bkrusewants a street bike
05:55.26bkruseI think I am going to buy one next week...
05:56.11MCooperNow I have to figure out why I cannot get the ISND layer 2 to link with the Cisco....
05:56.35MCooperWe have layer 1 link... but I am still not seeing connection to the ISDN line on the Cisco
05:59.26MCooperI have the Cisco side flapping... going from awaiting-establishment to TEI-Assigned...
05:59.32MCooperany ideas guys?
05:59.44MCoopernext free pizza....
06:00.13*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (n=443ed318@
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06:14.40zeeeshnormal calling card scenario when user make call to some destination and then he made another call he don't disconnect access number call he just presses # for dialing another number .. how to possible with asterisk .. which asterisk feature can help for this purpose?
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06:15.34MCooperAnyone interested in helping work out a Cisco issue?
06:18.38*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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07:00.17MCooperDoes anyone have an idea why the TE410P would not talk to a Cisco E1 card?
07:03.31*** part/#asterisk redax (i=redax@
07:03.35chwijayaHi, i'm Henry and I need help on asterisk codec. Does asterisk support codec g.723.1? I made a .wav file and compressed it using lbccodec into a .g723 file, but when I put it in asterisk sound directory, I can't play it through a softphone. Any idea? thanks.
07:05.43chwijayaHelp me please, PM me.. thanks.
07:19.55*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
07:24.27*** join/#asterisk bipser (
07:24.39bipserhi everybody
07:26.55MCooperInteresting... Anyone get a TE410P working with a Cisco 3745 E1 card?
07:27.32bipserhas anyone discovered quality problems when playing voiceprompts in the vm system since hardy heron?
07:27.46unpaidbilli not so recently had a TE110P card working with a cisco T1 card, not sure of the model
07:28.16MCooperWere there any secrets or gotchas?
07:28.24unpaidbillnot that i remember
07:28.37unpaidbilli set the signaling on the cisco and the zaptel.conf
07:28.49unpaidbilli dont remember much more unfortuantely
07:30.39MCooperwhat did you set them to - do you remember.. Right now I am getting layer 1 link, but no sync at layer two.. according to the cisco monitor
07:31.32unpaidbilli think i used em wink for signaling, i didnt set it up as pri
07:32.10unpaidbillbut it turned out to be sucky so i just took the router out of the mix and went straight from the TSU into my TE110P
07:33.28bipserwhat could be the solution for it, if my voicemail-system doesn't play the promps right. the quality is like you talk over 2 cans connected through a long line...
07:34.30unpaidbillare you using a crappy quality codec?
07:35.08unpaidbilluse alaw or ulaw and see if it's better
07:35.44unpaidbillor give more information on your set up
07:35.59unpaidbilland it wouldnt hurt to post your sip.conf/extensions.conf/any other relevant conf on pastebin
07:36.50bipserwell, in sip.conf i only allowed alaw and ulaw
07:37.15unpaidbilland posting sip debug logs wouldnt hurt either
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08:45.00tompawhow do I accept ALL incoming SIP connections and bound them to one dialplan?
08:45.23FalleI have a problem with a Grandstream 2020 that i need some help with. It registers fine and recives MWI but outgoing calls get a 403. If I register another kind of phone to the same account it works great. Any ideas on what i could be doing wrong?
08:45.25*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
08:45.32tompawright now, at my client I receive Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"asterisk" <sip:Unknown@>
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08:51.25tompawalso, right now my server replies with: SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
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09:03.41MCooperanyone have an E1 setup from a Cisco Router to Asterisk with a TE420P card?
09:04.13MCooperI am having issues getting the card to sync with the Cisco...
09:05.09pputmanMCooper, Can you paste your /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf please?
09:05.30pputmanpastebin, rather, sorry
09:05.31*** join/#asterisk dandre (
09:06.24MCooperI can... I have not used pastebin...
09:06.36jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
09:14.10pputman   sweet.
09:15.58MCooperpputman, There you go... both the zaptel and zapata conf files...
09:16.32MCooperThe issue that I am having - the layer2 portion of the ISDN Link is not coming up.. (Cisco calls it layer 2)
09:17.10pputmanwhich span are you having problems with?
09:17.18*** join/#asterisk anebi (
09:17.33MCooperSpan 1 right now...
09:17.44anebiwe have installed asterisk on centos 5 and i want to ask
09:18.00anebiis asterisk user need to have bash login permissions?
09:18.11anebior i can set it /sbin/nologin
09:18.47pputmanMCooper, Is the cisco side set to cpe or net?  and to receive or provide timing?
09:19.45pputmanMCooper, well that's one problem then, you have both sides set to pri_net.  You need one side set to cpe, the other side to net.  You also have the te420 set to provide timing, so you will need to configure the cisco side to receive it.
09:19.56MCooperisdn switch_type primary_net5
09:20.27MCooperhow would I set the 420 to be CPE and get timing?
09:21.23pputmanMCooper, You will change your zaptel.conf to span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 instead of 1,0,0 if you want it to receive timing.
09:21.39pputmanAnd you need to change your zapata.conf to signalling=pri_cpe instead of pri_net
09:21.59MCooperOk.. let me give that a try and see what happens...
09:22.16MCooperpputman.. I hope this works... My forehead is hurting.
09:22.19pputmanBut you have your switchtype on the 420 set as euroisdn.
09:22.41pputmanI've never heard of primary_net5, so I don't think zaptel supports it, can you change the switchtype on the cisco side to be euroisdn?
09:23.33MCooperSure... let me do that also...
09:23.40MCooperVery cool
09:25.17MCooperprimary_net5 is the setting in Cisco for Asia, Europe, UK and Assuies
09:25.36MCoopercould set it for DPNSS
09:26.56pputmanmaybe that's what cisco calls euroisdn
09:26.59pputmanI dunno
09:28.16MCooperyeah.. I think it is.
09:28.48pputmanDid level 2 come up for you?
09:29.10MCooperNo... :(
09:29.27pputmanwhat version of zaptel?
09:31.01MCooperIs there a better revision to use?
09:31.27TheHHey guys ! Any one likes to help me with a ISDN issue
09:31.40pputmanthe svn is a development area, I would use zaptel-1.4.11 just in case.
09:32.22MCooperLet me grab it... and I will give that a tray
09:33.11pputmanMCooper, You could also have a defective card.  I would email and open up a case.
09:33.42MCooperI have three cards... same behavior from all three...
09:34.00pputmanMCooper, what about the cisco device?  Possible failure?
09:34.03MCooper(could I have three bad cards - what is the odds.. but considering I am in Baghdad....)
09:34.09MCooperTested that also...
09:34.33MCooperwe can get a good link off of several other items.
09:35.21pputmanMCooper, In that case I would definitely email support.
09:36.33MCooperI agree... let me try this new driver.. and see what happens
09:36.42MCooperYou might have hit on the issue
09:37.13MCooperIt should not take that long...
09:38.59MCooperThere was an error.. I am applying the patch and hope that fixes the error
09:39.07*** part/#asterisk anebi (
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09:43.57creativxzeeesh: DISA
09:43.57MCooperpputman,  and it blows up on the build with a build error... :(
09:44.12MCooperThis is getting rather nasty...
09:44.16pputmancan you pastebin the error?
09:46.14MCoopercomplaining about bool defines...
09:47.17lesouvageI use the A parameter in a dial statement to have a announcement played when the called party pick up the phone. The sip provider sends a 183 sip message and establish the rtp connection. This is interpreted as an "answer" dialstatus and the announcement starts before the phone is picked up. It is the same with the G and M dial parameters. Is this sloppy of the SIP provider  or something...
09:47.18lesouvage...Asterisk like.
09:47.53pputmanMCooper, now that's odd, I'm not sure what's happening there.  If you do a make clean, and then a ./configure, make, and make install does it go away?
09:48.07zeeesh<creativx>: thnx bro :):)
09:48.13MCooperNo.. I already tried that.. twice...
09:55.59MCooperpputman, Found the issue... resolved it.,.
09:56.21pputmanwhich was?
09:57.23*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
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10:02.15TheHis sad because of
10:02.45*** join/#asterisk voltagex (
10:03.31voltagexhi, I'm unsure what I've done wrong, I have a DID, when I dial into it, the phone rings, but when I test it, the person who picks up the phone only hears an echo of themselves
10:04.25Strom_Mthe answer is cocks.
10:05.38voltagexoh dear, strom is in freenode as well
10:06.45pputmanhi Strom_M
10:06.57*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
10:07.28MaliutaLapvoltagex: that's about all the answer you'll get without giving us more information, stuff like the dialplan, sip.conf and details on the terminating device
10:09.28voltagexMaliutaLap: yep, before I do that I'm checking the simple stuff, and I think I've solved it....
10:11.11*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
10:12.44MaliutaLapvoltagex: so "cocks" was enough for you to fix it?
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10:38.51_gmwill asterisk get support stun in near future?
10:39.02_gmstund support*
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10:59.16Datax_gm: does asterisk currently support client stun ?
10:59.52Dataxdidn't think so :p
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11:10.21Delvarhi anyone around who can delete a crappy trace from my bug on
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11:12.18tzafrir_laptopDelvar, which bug?
11:12.38tzafrir_laptopAnd what specific trace in it?
11:12.50Delvarthe file name is t38_ht496.log
11:13.49tzafrir_laptopAny reason you want to remove it now?
11:19.25*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
11:20.05zydoonI have a TDM2422b on production server
11:20.08zydoonin tunisia
11:20.30zydoonI had to change the source code of zaptel to make it work on our "european" telco network
11:20.52zydoonI had to do this :
11:20.55zydoon< {19,6,"RING_V_OFF",0x0000},
11:20.55zydoon< {20,7,"RING_OSC",0x7EF0},
11:20.55zydoon< {21,8,"RING_X",0x0160},
11:20.58zydoon> {19,6,"RING_V_OFF",0x42AB},
11:21.00zydoon> {20,7,"RING_OSC",0x79BC},
11:21.02zydoon> {21,8,"RING_X",0x047C},
11:21.08*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
11:21.18zydoondo I still need it everytime I need to upgrade ?
11:21.28zydoonI cannot test it on a production server
11:21.43zydoonhello ... someone can help
11:22.30matrix1233any one can help me .. i wanna to install the H263 in my asterisk to can use video for my user
11:22.38matrix1233any help :)
11:22.54*** join/#asterisk esaym (
11:23.27zydoonmight be a start:
11:23.32zydoonfor h264
11:24.24zydoonhello any zaptel help ?
11:24.25matrix1233thx zydoon
11:24.38zydoonwelcome :)
11:24.48matrix1233but i cant found the right step to do that
11:26.29*** join/#asterisk iratik (
11:27.43matrix1233any anadher suggest fom h263
11:29.00iratikIs there a way to make playback somehow inteface with festival so that when a sound file is not found, festival is triggered on the first argument passed to playback? Like Playback("Westbend, Indiana and Columbus, Ohio") ... instead of returning -1 because no such sound file exists..passes cmd to Festival?
11:30.01matrix1233any one can help me .. i wanna to install the H263 in my asterisk to can use video for my user
11:37.09*** join/#asterisk vgster (
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11:38.07MatBoymy outgoing sip trunk works very ok, but incomming, i get a 'disconnected connection tone' is my inbound route not ok /
11:39.35matrix1233any one have installer the vido in asterisk ?
11:40.32*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
11:40.35UatecHello there
11:40.52Uatecis there  a command that i can use which will show all my sip peers and the user agent they were last recorded to have used?
11:44.14MatBoymhh, weird that my inbound sip does not work
11:44.56iratikDoes anyone have an example of the correct AGI cmd to execute a system command? I'm a little lost on the escaping
11:45.32*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@
11:47.50iratikEXEC System "echo \"Atlanta, Georgia\" | text2wav ..."  ?
11:48.02*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
11:52.19matrix1233asterisk and  video
11:52.24matrix1233any suggest ?
11:52.40matrix1233no one have installed the video on asterisk ?
11:53.05MatBoymhh, call is comming in but 'connection not available' tone
11:54.44MatBoyanyone any suggestion /
11:55.24*** join/#asterisk igascream (
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11:56.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
11:56.26lmadsenmorning  y'all
11:56.31MatBoyhi 1
11:56.36MatBoygood afternoon
11:56.47MatBoysorry, my function buttons died ;0
11:56.49*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:56.56MatBoyso a quastionmark is /
11:57.16MatBoypuzzled: do you use the voip-out of xs4all /
11:58.36puzzledMatBoy: I have one of their 087 numbers registered on my * box if that's what you mean
11:59.18MatBoypuzzled: ah nice, i am not able to get the incomming calls working, i get an 'afgesloten' tone, but the call is comming in on the server
11:59.48puzzledlemme check my config
11:59.58MatBoywould be nice
12:00.05MatBoyi can call ;0 thatś nice already
12:00.27*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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12:07.43MatBoypuzzled: ok, thanks, so in elastix, so freepbx also, the user part in a trunk can be left empty /
12:07.55igascreamhi all have some problem... I have a fax on one line with asterisk so when I try to send the fax asterisk answer the call . Is it possible to make asterisk not to do it ???
12:08.31puzzledMatBoy: what do you meanwith "user part"?
12:09.03MatBoypuzzled: when you add a trunk, you have the 'trunk part' and a user part
12:09.21puzzledah right. I'm not familiar with elastix and freepbx
12:09.55MatBoyah ok ;0
12:10.01igascreamCan I make asterisk devide  between incoming and outbounding calls?
12:10.19puzzledigascream: yes use different contexts
12:10.55igascreampuzzled: what do you mean?
12:11.21puzzledigascream: do yourself a favor and read the asterisk book if you do not know what contexts are
12:11.24jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
12:11.38*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:11.53puzzledigascream: buy it or download it the links above
12:12.08*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
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12:13.12MatBoypuzzled: mhh, still incomming but 'afgesloten' tone
12:14.04igascreampuzzled: I know what the contexts is but I don't understand how can it help me?
12:14.17puzzledMatBoy: think I had that too until I slapped the dsl modem and disabled the sip helper stuff
12:14.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:15.19puzzledigascream: you don't understand contexts if you don't see how using separate contexts for inbound/outbound can divide calls
12:15.51MatBoypuzzled: mhh, but my modem is in bridge to an zyxel
12:15.56MatBoy*a zyxel
12:16.02MatBoyfixed his keyboard ;)
12:16.21*** part/#asterisk real_epicac (
12:16.29puzzledMatBoy: and the zyxel is a router I assume?
12:16.39MatBoypuzzled: yap
12:16.44MatBoyeverything forwarded and open
12:17.17puzzledthe config I pastebin'ed works for me. I don't know elastix or freepbx so can't help you with that
12:19.15igascreampuzzled: I think you don't understand the problem I have a telephone on the same line with asterisk so when I try to call using this phone asterisk answers the call thinking that is incoming call
12:19.36MatBoypuzzled: elastix is actually an extention ON asterisk, so should be quite the same
12:20.12*** part/#asterisk bipser (
12:21.30puzzledigascream: ah right. I have no idea but this has been asked before on the mailinglist so maybe search the list archives
12:22.09*** join/#asterisk syslogd (
12:22.22[TK]D-Fenderigascream: You have a phone sharing the same line as and FXO interface on your * box?
12:23.29syslogdCan I use DeTeWe TA 33 USB for Asterisk?
12:23.55*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
12:24.24igascream[TK]D-Fender: yes I use phone for outbounding calls  and asterisk for incomming
12:25.04[TK]D-Fenderigascream: so * thinks you have an incoming call when you place an outgoing call from that separate phone?  Is it analog?
12:25.29*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Burzum@
12:25.34[TK]D-Fendersyslogd: No.
12:25.43igascream[TK]D-Fender: yes analog
12:26.03[TK]D-Fenderigascream: pastebin your zapata.conf and all files linked to it.
12:26.11jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:29.41syslogd[TK]D-Fender: Ok, thanks. Is there a cheap USB adapter that you can recommend?
12:30.02syslogd[TK]D-Fender: Unfortunately I do not have a PCI slot left so that I have to go with USB.
12:30.15[TK]D-Fendersyslogd: there is virtually NO USB devices compatible with *.
12:30.25_khanAsterisk sense the call is answered but actually it is ringing. Problem is on analogue line. Any help please....
12:30.26[TK]D-Fendersyslogd: Get an ATA or gateway then.
12:31.10[TK]D-Fenderigascream: the ENTIRE zapata and everything linked to it <-
12:31.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:31.44igascream[TK]D-Fender: thats all I have in zapata
12:32.12[TK]D-Fenderigascream: Impossible.  You don't even have a channel delcaration in there.
12:33.45iratikTrying to execute a system command via AGI and having some trouble ... maybe i'm not escaping something correctly  Here is the AGI log and a display of thet problem ... can anyone take a look to see if there is something that sticks out as wrong?
12:33.58_khanCall is answered by asterisk when it is ringing. on PSTN line.
12:34.03[TK]D-Fender_khan: You would need to add "callprogress=yes" to your zapata.conf for * to follow progress tones from your telco to know that the line is "ringing".  This often causes random disconnects however.
12:34.22*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
12:35.40igascream[TK]D-Fender: thats all I have
12:35.43_khan<[TK]D-Fender> I already added callprogress=yes but sometimes it shows ringing sometimes not, but after second ring asterisk sense that call is being answered while it is still in ringing
12:35.51[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Thats retarded.  You're already in AGI outside of * yet you are trying to tell * to run a system command?  do it DIRECT from your AGI!
12:36.11matrix1233vido on asterisk ??
12:36.16matrix1233video ?
12:36.21[TK]D-Fender_khan: Then either you did not set the correct tonezone for your region or * is having trouble following it.
12:36.24matrix1233any suggest
12:36.36iratik[TK]D-Fender: text2wave is not on the server running the AGI script... festival is only installed on the asterisk server
12:36.45[TK]D-Fendermatrix1233: Ekiga or eyeBeam softphones <-
12:37.09_khan[TK]D-Fender where to set the tonezone??
12:37.19[TK]D-Fender_khan: zaptel.conf
12:37.25*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
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12:37.35iratik[TK]D-Fender: I suppose I could create a local script on the server running the AGI... to speak to a php script on the asterisk box to run the same system command .... but that seems convoluted
12:38.11[TK]D-Fenderiratik: or copy the file over, etc...
12:38.28[TK]D-Fenderiratik: either way I think its probably a spacing issue for the parameters
12:38.49*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
12:38.53[TK]D-Fenderigascream: What built your configs?
12:39.36igascream[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
12:39.48iratik[TK]D-Fender: There is only one parameter being passed to system here? or is asterisk interpreting that pipe as the parameter delimiter
12:39.52[TK]D-Fenderigascream: did you build all your configs by hand yourself?
12:40.09[TK]D-Fenderiratik: I'm wondering first about the whitespace.
12:40.25syslogd[TK]D-Fender: I think I will get an ATA. What do you think of a Wi-Fi ATA such as WVTR-141 ( Are there any better/cheaper devices?
12:40.26ManxPower_khan: callprogress will randomly disconnect your calls.
12:40.29[TK]D-Fenderigascream: then you've done something wrong.  You don't have a channel declaration in there.
12:40.41iratikSpacing in parameters is only an issue when there are more than one parameter... for example Festival('hello world', 'any') does not work... but Festival('hello world','any') does work
12:41.14[TK]D-Fendersyslogd: Are you looking to connect this to a PHONE?  Or a LINE?
12:41.27iratikSystem("echo 'hello world' | text2wave -o out.ulaw") ... thats just one parameter... so spacing shouldn't be a problem
12:41.32[TK]D-Fenderiratik: formatted that way in AGI?
12:41.38ManxPoweriratik: no.
12:41.46[TK]D-Fenderiratik: remember thats AGI spacing, not as you'd have it in dialplan
12:42.11iratik[TK]D-Fender: what do you think... I don't know the translation between what i see on AGI debug and what the equivalent command would be in the dialplan
12:42.15ManxPoweriratik: your best bet is to make a tiny shell script and System(/usr/local/bin/
12:42.30iratikeven when i turn verbosit on to see the system command execute ... it doesn't give me the literal command
12:42.48ManxPoweriratik: It's virtually impossible to quote things in Asterisk.
12:43.56syslogd[TK]D-Fender: I want to connect a analog telephone.
12:43.56[TK]D-Fenderiratik: what I'd suggest : place a local system call to issue that command via SSH <-
12:44.31igascream[TK]D-Fender: how can I know which channel type I have to declare?
12:44.50iratikunderstood. .. I'll make a php script on the asterisk box that takes a text string and a timestamp and writes it to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ... then my AGI script can play the tmp file with that filename ... ! Because Festival 'hello world'|'any'  is just returning 0 when i press the keys... I'm starting to think that passing multiple arguments to anything through AGI EXEC ... is going to be difficult
12:45.09[TK]D-Fendersyslogd: I highly recommend you avoid trying to penny pinch your purchase  You may very well end up with a real piece of junk.  Linksys PA2T's are rather inexpensive.
12:45.42[TK]D-Fenderigascream: You aren't showing me your entire config related to your zaptel channels....
12:46.23igascream[TK]D-Fender: what else related to it?
12:46.43*** join/#asterisk zapp-branigan (
12:46.47[TK]D-Fenderigascream: these are your configs.  You'd better get a clue as to what you are doing.
12:46.49MaliutaLapis very happy with his TMD400P
12:47.24ManxPowerigascream: your configs, as shown to us, are not valid in any way.
12:47.34zapp-braniganhello asterisk 1.6 have g729 codec from digium ? i can't find this in the web page
12:47.48MaliutaLapigascream: it's rather simple, you know if you have an fxo or and fxs is a particular slot
12:47.51ManxPowerzapp-branigan: You mean 1.6BETA, right?
12:48.11ManxPowerzapp-branigan: have you looked for it on Digium'
12:48.15ManxPowers site?
12:48.21igascreamMaliutaLap: only fxo
12:48.59MaliutaLapigascream: that determines how you declare a channel in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
12:49.27ManxPowerigascream: put the output of "ztcfg -vvv" in as well as /etc/zaptel.conf
12:49.52zapp-braniganhere is a asterisk-B.1/
12:49.58zapp-braniganbut not work
12:50.03ManxPowerzapp-branigan: looks like it's not supported yet.
12:50.20zapp-braniganok thanks
12:50.22ManxPowerzapp-branigan: don't be so suprized -- 1.6 is not supposed to be used in production until it's releases.
12:50.43zapp-braniganok thanks
12:51.07ManxPowerigascream: I'm doing this for free so don't be slow
12:51.34zapp-braniganand there is any way to install g723.1 in the asterisk
12:51.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: <-- what he gave when I asked the same
12:51.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: for zapata.
12:52.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Claiming that that is all there is.
12:52.29ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: but I was looking for zaptel.conf, not zapata.conf
12:52.48ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's either lying or confused -- either way I want to catch it.
12:52.57[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I know...
12:53.28ManxPowerzapp-branigan: no, G723.1 is not supported in Asterisk.  You could create a G723.1 codec, but you'll still need a license, which runs about US$10,000
12:53.39[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He has an phone in PARALLEL with his FXO port and says when he calls OUT on it, * picks up.  I'd bet on "immediate=yes", or a flakey card/telco (he's IT)
12:53.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: igascream obviously doesn't want help, as he's not trying
12:54.02zapp-branigan:) ok thanks
12:57.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I suspect a debounce issue.
12:58.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: like a telco-flash on answer/accept?
12:58.23ManxPowerWaitForRing would pretty much eliminate his issue, but since he doesn't want help....
12:58.55ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: no, just the very slight voltage change when he picks up the phone triggering Asterisk
12:59.34*** join/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
12:59.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Ah, so it takes the first dip rather that a full-wave, etc to indicate the start?
12:59.55*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=alberto@
13:00.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: that is what I suspect.  This is not the first time I've heard of similar problems.
13:01.12[TK]D-FenderManxPower: interesting... learn something new every day...
13:01.55*** join/#asterisk Peri (
13:02.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: most people don't put phones on the same line outside of Asterisk
13:04.04[TK]D-FenderManxPower: He seems to be trying to use * as a fax machine.
13:04.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower: (say from another PB)
13:04.41MaliutaLaphaving a phone on the same in house line as * would kind of defeat the purpose
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13:06.49ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I won't be helping him further -- he has wasted too much of my time.
13:07.31ManxPowershido6: If someone wants my help for free they had better damn well stick around.
13:07.49shido6loved you and left u?
13:08.04ManxPowerIf I was being paid for this I'd be happy to do nothing while waiting.
13:08.25shido6oh crap
13:09.08*** part/#asterisk Goldfisch (
13:09.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: My favourite : "Oh, the system is at work and I can't access it remotely.  I just thought you'd be psychic and be able to tell me exactly how to fix my problem based on the the vaguest recollection of a meaningless error message I have left to give you.  Guess I'll come back later"
13:10.20*** part/#asterisk zydoon (n=zydoon@
13:13.46defsworkanyone recommend a desktop handset that has 20+ BLF
13:15.41syslogd[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for all your help. I think I'll simply use Ekiga until the prices are lower.
13:16.55[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Polycom IP 6XX + 2 sidecars
13:17.44defswork[TK]D-Fender: this if for all desktops - not just a reception - so sidecars take up too much real estate
13:18.03defsworkI think I need to convince them that they don't need to see all extension status on all phones
13:18.14iratikproposes an ISO standard for string escaping schemas ... a bit that identifies an escape level where there would be standardized 12 escape levels ... this way I don't have to double and quadruple escape strings to pass through multiple systems!
13:18.17[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: that IS psycho
13:18.32defsworkyeah but they have it on their current system
13:18.35[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Give them a web-panel instead
13:18.37defsworkso they assume they need it
13:18.44defsworkyeah I've told them about that
13:18.59defsworkthey were initially ok - then said - but what if i'm not logged into my pc :o
13:19.11defsworkthey dial and get engaged!
13:19.35defsworktheir current system is over 10 years old
13:19.39defsworkbut has more lights!!
13:20.21[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: Next runner up : Aastra 57i
13:20.47[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: they'll have to scroll for it, but might work.  I know you can ahve a few pages of soft keys, not sure on the exact # through
13:20.53defsworkyeah - now they've fixed all the bugs
13:21.37kaiiAastra desk phones suck..
13:21.50defsworkkaii: I've had no problems apart from with a 55i
13:22.03defsworkwhich after 4 firmware releases is now apparently ok
13:22.41*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:23.03[TK]D-Fenderdefswork: I hate the feel of them, but BLF seems to be the only important thing for those schmucks.
13:23.38defsworkI tried to convince them to go to voicemail so they could just blind xfer all calls :)
13:23.50defsworkthey didn't want that
13:24.13TheHWould anybody be so kind to look at this trace and tell me what might be wrong ?
13:24.18defsworkanyone used Doro phones ?  I've just noticed them on
13:24.23defsworkseems cheap
13:26.52*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
13:29.07puzzleddefswork: that Doro IP840c phone looks like a Snom 360
13:29.25ManxPowertheH P[ 1]  --> channel:0 mode:TE cause:16 ocause:16 rad: cad:
13:29.34ManxPowerCan you guess what cause 16 is?
13:30.37*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-7deb2e0b03c31f6e)
13:30.41TheHManx: Cause 16 is "normal" hangup
13:30.48*** join/#asterisk kippi (
13:31.00TheHManx: Normal call clearing right
13:31.00ManxPowertheH: Exactly.
13:31.14ManxPowertheH: sounds like you have some other issue.
13:31.39TheHManX: And that is the problem , how come it does normal call clearing ? Even with incoming calls it rings once and then it drops
13:32.25ManxPowertheH: No idea.  So few people use mISDN.....
13:32.44TheHis there anything else i can try which will work with B410P / ISDN2e
13:33.10ManxPowertheH: I have no idea.
13:33.19kippiI believe DBPut has been replaced in version 1.4, is there any documents on what the replacement is in 1.4
13:33.22ManxPowertheH: your Dial like looks OK to me.
13:33.31ManxPowerkippi: you mean like the info in upgrade.txt ?
13:33.32puzzledTheH: which misdn version are you using?
13:34.50TheHpuzzled:  The latest one was installed using zaptel /make b410 which is version : misdn 1_1_7
13:35.08[TK]D-Fenderkippi: "core show function DB".
13:35.13TheHpuzzled : although it still uses the misdn-init instead of the mISDN
13:35.29[TK]D-Fenderkippi: And before asking like that you should always scan the complete function & application lists.
13:36.08kippi[TK]D-Fender: sorry, will look next time
13:36.17puzzledTheH: 1.1.7 is not the latest. 1.1.8 is. Try that one and see if it works:
13:36.39puzzledTheH: alternatively you can try the new misdn development stuff:
13:36.40TheHso should i rebuild asterisk again
13:36.48ManxPowerWhat I want to know is what Digium was thinking when they released a non-zaptel card.
13:36.53kippithanks for the help
13:36.54puzzledTheH: no. only chan_misdn
13:37.01TheHpuzzled: ok thanks
13:37.03tzafrir_laptoppuzzled, what drivers are supported with the development branch?
13:37.19*** join/#asterisk twisla (
13:37.25puzzledtzafrir_laptop: sorry don't understand your question
13:37.47twislartp allocatin is done incrementally inside the configured range, or it is randomized ?
13:38.09ManxPowertwisla: why do you care?
13:38.26twislatesting some QoS issue
13:39.00ManxPowertwisla: I suspect you either have to look at the source code or just try it and see.
13:39.31ManxPowerjust remember the SOURCE port will be randomlized in many situations.
13:39.55*** join/#asterisk af_ (
13:40.06twislayeah, I know, will look at the source, thanks
13:40.08ManxPowerYour QoS rules should require either the source OR the dest containing the RTP port range,
13:40.13puzzledTheH: also this mailinglist may be more helpful with misdn issues:
13:40.57*** join/#asterisk afink (
13:41.28puzzledManxPower: I agree that it would have been better if Digium had released their ISDN bri card with supported drivers. But afaik those are coming
13:41.37TheHpuzzled: Thanks , also make install will just overwrite the chan_misdn or do i need to manual copy the module over
13:41.56puzzledTheH: not sure so to be safe just copy it over
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13:43.12hsv-aleveryone coffee'd up for another day at our monitors on the internet? :)
13:43.12MaliutaLapsome people piss me off, the complete lack of detail in product descriptions
13:43.23afinkHello, is there a simple way to include all of the local, longdistance, international contexts for dialing out of the default context?  I have tried to simply #include local and #include longdistance but they don't seem to do any pattern matching.  thanks
13:43.26MaliutaLap"it's a DECT handset" "it does VoIP"
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13:44.03ManxPowerafink: #include is basically the same as copying and pasting the info into the main file.  include => deals with contexts
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13:45.15afinkMy apologies, that is actually what I have include => local
13:45.48ManxPowerafink: A single mistake like that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars if your mistake would let people call thru your system and have you pay for it.
13:45.58MaliutaLapafink: you might want to think about pastebining something for us to look at
13:46.42MaliutaLapManxPower: I have given up on try to reason with people who ask for dangerous/stupid things
13:47.10ManxPowerMaliutaLap: A good policy.
13:47.14MaliutaLapManxPower: if that's what they want, I'll help them get there. any damage is resulting from their stupidity
13:48.01MaliutaLapI have been asked to do too many stupid things in my time, I only fight the good fight when it's potentially my ass on the line
13:48.16ManxPowerMaliutaLap: I expect more and more news stories about unsecured PBXs setup by newbies being compromised and having $10,000 phone bills because someone figured out a PBX was not secured.
13:48.18TheHManX: Just did the upgrade but still the same problem :( this is my trace of a incoming call which rings my softphone once and then hangsup with a BT message saying the number is out of order
13:49.03afinkGuys, typo in IRC not in asterisk...
13:49.12ManxPower[Jul  9 14:42:50] WARNING[29505]: chan_sip.c:2921 create_addr: No such host: x47                                                                              22
13:49.15ManxPowerthere is your error
13:49.18afinklate night, early morning
13:49.42ManxPowertheH: you do not have a [x4722] in sip.conf
13:49.42PeriManxPower: I expect to not hear about all the people who's boxes were compromised by running those horrible insecure PBXs as root
13:50.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: the page is split there.
13:50.20[TK]D-FenderTheHstop using stupid GUI's to access that info and use a real SSH client.
13:50.22TheHManx: That should not matter cause its a x4722 entry we use for roaming sip phones (wireless mobiles)
13:50.22ManxPowertheH: next time you do a pastebin include the dialplan CLI stuff, not just the mISDN debug
13:50.25*** part/#asterisk syslogd (
13:50.34MaliutaLapafink: you still haven't given us any information that might allow us to help
13:50.38[TK]D-FenderTheH: and alwayr pastebint he ENTIRE call.
13:50.38TheHTK: Putty is not a reall ssh client ?
13:50.42ManxPowertheH: It does matter
13:51.06[TK]D-FenderTheH: Your pastebin shouldn't be split like that
13:51.18ManxPowertheH: put the correct [x4722] in sip.conf and make the phone register
13:51.26[TK]D-FenderTheH: and you aren't showing things like the full dial attempt or any configs to back it up
13:51.59afinkMaliutaLap: There is really nothing in my default context except include => longdistance, atm I am just trying to make an outgoing long distance call.  The TRUNK variable is defined as Zap/G2
13:52.48MaliutaLapafink: so your entire dialplan simply consist of includes?
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13:53.35MaliutaLapafink: you haven't specified anything in other contexts, like [local] and [longdistance]
13:53.56afinkMaliutaLap: pastebin on the way
13:54.31TheHManx: x4722 added and registered , but still the same problem: » Full pastebin
13:54.59*** part/#asterisk th0m (
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13:56.24[TK]D-FenderTheH: please turn off the misdn debug, and include SIP DEBUG.
13:57.01[TK]D-FenderTheH: and turn down core debug as well.
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14:00.20TheH[TK]D-Fender : I know you tried to help fender , and i apperciate it but i dont thing your knowledge is anyware close to helping me , i can draw you pretty pictures and you will see something here and there but at the end of the day its a misdn/asterisk issue and not a sip peer issue
14:02.22[TK]D-FenderTheH: right now I don't see a proper call going through, or anything showing me that there should be more dialplan to execute, which would lead to a natural disconnect.  It'd be nice to see this for a sanity check...
14:02.47*** join/#asterisk Netsnipe (n=alau@wikipedia/Netsnipe)
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14:03.49Netsnipehi everyone
14:04.10Netsnipeare sln and sln16 the same format?
14:04.49Netsnipei.e. does play the .sln16 files in asterisk-core-sounds-en-sln16-current.tar.gz?
14:05.03ManxPowertheH: TURN OFF the debug stuff, it is hiding what needs to be seen
14:05.46*** join/#asterisk HonestWorker (n=Wothanaz@
14:05.59HonestWorkerGood morning, gentlemen. How are you doing?
14:06.46gr0mitwhat makes you assume we are all men?
14:06.46*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
14:07.11HonestWorkerWe have a nice and neat asterisk setup at my work place and I was willing to configure a WRTP54G to work as an ata for an analog phone. My question is, therefore, not directly related to asterisk.
14:07.26HonestWorkergr0mit, I didnt. I am sorry. Let me extend my greetings to all the ladies as well
14:07.33gr0mitfair enough.
14:07.42gr0mitis a bloke though!
14:07.54[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: And some of us like it rough!
14:07.58phpboyAnybody here used AgentCallBackLogin() ?
14:08.07HonestWorkerMy analog phone won't ring. I don't know what kind of configuration is related to the sing signal to be send to the phone.
14:08.15ManxPowertheH: pastebin the output of "sip show peers"
14:08.24*** part/#asterisk twisla (
14:09.38[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: And why should it ring?
14:10.14HonestWorker[TK]D-Fender, I beg your pardon?
14:10.15ManxPowerphpboy: I doubt it.  I believe it was removed in 1.6 and deprecated in 1.4
14:10.38NetsnipeHonestWorker: what card are you using?
14:10.39HonestWorkerI mean, we need an auditive sound to perceive that someone is calling our line.
14:10.43[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: You're saying it won't ring.  Show us your attempt to call it.
14:10.53ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: he's not using Asterisk.
14:11.04ManxPowerHonestWorker: I doubt anyone here will be able to help you.
14:11.05phpboyManxPower: I'm using 1.2 I see so in the config options. is there is better way to do this?
14:11.06HonestWorkerDo you mean the asterisk log entry ?
14:11.16phpboyachieve the same result?
14:11.20HonestWorkerI am using asterisk. Its my gateway
14:11.22[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: What do you mean calling your "line"?  that device is used to let you plug in a PHONE, not a LINE
14:11.25ManxPowerphpboy: I cannot help you.
14:11.45ManxPower(9:07:12 AM) HonestWorker: We have a nice and neat asterisk setup at my work place and I was willing to configure a WRTP54G to work as an ata for an analog phone. My question is, therefore, not directly related to asterisk.
14:11.45HonestWorkerHowever, my question is related to a WRTP54G, as I have announced earlier, it is not directly related to asterisk
14:12.08ManxPowerHonestWorker: why is your WRT not connected to Asterisk?
14:12.16[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: And that unit appears to be locked to vonage.
14:12.18HonestWorkerIt is.
14:12.42HonestWorkerIt is connected and it runs perfectly as far as it concerns initiating calls
14:12.42ManxPowertheH: You have 5 mins to respond before I go back to paying work.
14:12.50[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: You need to provide a MUCH better description of what it is you are doing and what is connected to awhat, in and which manner.
14:13.01ManxPowerHonestWorker: Is english not you native language?
14:13.03Peri[TK]D-Fender you can actually purchase them from Linksys without them being vonage locked if you have a purchasing license
14:13.13HonestWorkerThe problem is no ring signal appears to be sent to the analog phone I have attached to one of its 'lines'
14:13.30ManxPowerHonestWorker: you need to put the cli output of a failed call to pastebin.
14:13.36HonestWorkerWe have an asterisk pbx connected to a E1
14:13.42PeriHonestWorker: is the mta registering?
14:13.43[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: Along with SIP DEBUG <-
14:13.53TheHManx: I am collecting all configs 1 second.
14:14.03HonestWorkerYes, I can see the registration at asterisk
14:14.09HonestWorkerI can initiate calls and receive calls
14:14.16HonestWorkerI just cant hear a ring signal
14:14.23Netsnipeyou mean a dial tone?
14:14.28ManxPowerHonestWorker: stop talking and provide the requested niformation
14:14.29HonestWorkerIts not related to asterisk. It has to do with the WRTP4G
14:14.43ManxPowerHonestWorker: Then why are you here?
14:14.50Netsnipedefine "ring signal"
14:14.52HonestWorkerManxPower, calm down.
14:15.03PeriHonestWorker: perhaps you should check their support, not many of us are overly familiar with their products
14:15.05ManxPowerHonestWorker: it is either connected to asterisk or it's not.  If it's connected to Asterisk then it's related to Asterisk
14:15.12HonestWorkerThe audible sound an analog telephone generates upon receiving a phone call
14:15.36ManxPowerHonestWorker: that is not your problem.  your problem is that the call is not getting to the ATA
14:15.45[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: show us the CALL <-
14:16.14HonestWorkerManxPower, I beg to disagree. The asterisk part has to do with the WRTP54 registering and acting as an extension. The interface between the WRTP54 and the analog phone has nothing to do with asterisk
14:16.22ManxPowertheH: exactly how long does it take to paste the output of "sip show peers"
14:16.35ManxPowerHonestWorker: I cannot help you further.
14:16.43HonestWorkerThe call is getting to the ata because if I remove the 'headset' from the telephone base, I can talk to the caller
14:16.52Netsnipedo I need to rename all the .sln16 files that come with asterisk-core-sounds-en-sln16-current.tar.gz to .sln?
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14:17.11HonestWorkerI will provide you all the information needed. I am sorry for the trouble. I am a beginner.
14:17.26ManxPowerHonestWorker: perhaps [TK]D-Fender can help you.
14:17.35NetsnipeI only see a module and no
14:17.36HonestWorkerI bought Asterisk : The future of Telephony and I am reading it. I have made it to chapter 3 yet.
14:18.02ManxPowerNetsnipe: why don't you just TRY playing one of the sound file.
14:18.03[TK]D-FenderHonestWorker: maybe you turned the ringer off on the phone.
14:18.14NetsnipeManxPower: because I'm offsite = P
14:18.18TheHManX: (tracewithout debug of misdn)
14:18.29[TK]D-FenderNetsnipe: ......
14:18.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower: My favourite : "Oh, the system is at work and I can't access it remotely.  I just thought you'd be psychic and be able to tell me exactly how to fix my problem based on the the vaguest recollection of a meaningless error message I have left to give you.  Guess I'll come back later"
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderNetsnipe: ^^^^
14:18.48ManxPowertheH: Where.  Is.  The.  Output.  Of.  "sip show peers"??????????????????????????
14:18.59NetsnipeManxPower: I've ssh'ed into the asterisk box and it's currently unplugged from the phone system at the office
14:19.01TheHManx: Sip show peers
14:19.34ManxPowertheH: it looks like your problem is solved.
14:19.53TheHmanx: Explain
14:20.07ManxPowertheH: the last pastebin contained no errors
14:20.16TheHsip show peers ?
14:20.19TheHor the dial ?
14:21.03ManxPowerDo you see this " (Unspecified)" in that "sip show peers?  That means DEVICE NOT REGISTERED CANNOT CALL DEVICE
14:21.11ManxPowertheH: in the dial;
14:21.22ManxPowerboth devices are ringing according to the CLI output
14:21.22Netsnipe[TK]D-Fender: I'm not troubleshooting, just curious whether .sln16 files are the same as .sln
14:21.42russellbthey are not
14:21.44TheHManx: In the dial you see it is ringing but it rings only 1 and than just stops and you get the beep beep beep problem
14:21.51russellb.sln == 8 kHz, .sln16 == 16 kHz
14:22.00russellbboth linear format, though
14:22.06ManxPowertheH: for how long does it ring?
14:22.18ManxPowernumber of seconds, be specific, time it.
14:22.22Netsniperussellb: so I need to pull from svn?
14:22.25TheHTheH: Those unspecified sips are for our remote offices as a failover solution. We are talking about a 6 server system spread over 5 countries with +500 users in total
14:22.41russellbNetsnipe: i don't know, i was just answering that specific question
14:22.46Netsniperussellb: cause it's certainly not in menuselect
14:22.46TheHManx: it rings 1 second and then dies
14:22.53ManxPowertheH: could it be about 20 seconds
14:23.01Netsniperussellb: thanks for the pointer
14:23.11TheHManx: 1second max.
14:23.14NetsnipeI guess I'll just stick with the default .gsm files
14:23.46ManxPowertheH: put Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) as the priority after the Dial.
14:23.53ManxPowerI'm sorry, but I must now leave.
14:24.06ManxPoweryou should find a way to provide the requested information faster
14:24.13*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
14:24.22TheHManx: no problem thanks for your help , let the chat know if i found a solutin
14:25.26Netsniperussellb: yeah, looks like sln16 support is a v1.6 feature only
14:26.04mvanbaakit is
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14:27.06afinkMaliutaLap: Here is the relevant part.
14:28.15MaliutaLapafink: none of  the includes or extens are valid
14:28.35MaliutaLapafink: you should replace the "=" with "=>"
14:28.42MaliutaLapafink: that might help
14:29.50iratikAnyone know how to find the lib directory for festival?
14:30.13MaliutaLapafink: and you're not attempting to include the trunkdial context anywhere
14:30.33MaliutaLapafink: after that we need to start looking at what context you're dropping things into
14:31.53MaliutaLapiratik: with a debian install you could use dpkg -L, rpm has a similar option
14:31.54*** join/#asterisk chigambamukoko (n=junk@
14:32.15MaliutaLapiratik: or you could always make use of tools like locate or find
14:32.21iratiktoo many files for find
14:32.26iratiknon debian system doesn't have locate
14:32.30iratikbut after some heavily googling
14:32.37MaliutaLaplocate is not a debian thing
14:32.42iratikyou type festival.. then type libdir
14:32.55*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
14:32.56iratikMaliutaLap: well... i tried getting locate from yum... nada
14:32.57Dr-Linux|homehey guys
14:33.06Dr-Linux|homeplease someone look here:
14:33.09Dr-Linux|homemy question is on top
14:33.13MaliutaLapiratik: you'd need rpm, not yum
14:33.27MaliutaLapiratik: there's a difference
14:33.39Dr-Linux|homemaybe someone dialplan guru give me better way to do that
14:33.49MaliutaLapiratik: and your system should have locate on it, you proably need to run updatdb
14:33.52iratikMaliuataLap: whats the difference... i've always thought that rpm~=deb ... and yum~=apt-get
14:34.08d-k-tiratik, slocate
14:34.15d-k-tyum install slocate
14:34.35iratikMaliuataLap: no.. really ...  no locate, no slocate ... found slocate in yum though
14:34.42iratiki would have never known to search under slocate though
14:34.48MaliutaLapiratik: rpm installs the packages and has the options for telling you what is installed and what is in the installed packages
14:34.58iratiklike dpkg right?
14:35.22iratikgot locate working
14:35.32MaliutaLapiratik: rpm is equiv of dpkg, and yum is the equiv of apt-get. apt-get calls dpkg to do the individual package installs
14:35.48MaliutaLapiratik: you need to read the rpm man page
14:36.36MaliutaLapiratik: rpm can tell you what files are installed by a given package, although I prefer debian systems I still do admin rpm based systems too
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14:37.04iratikMaliuataLap: thats only if you didn't install from source though
14:37.13iratikthats where locate can be useful
14:37.21Dr-Linux|homeiratik: any suggestion for my questoin?
14:37.25d-k-tiratik, d'oh
14:37.31MaliutaLapiratik: or find, if you know how to use it properly
14:37.54iratikDr-Linux: I am not the pro with dialplans... I make myne in ruby using adhearsion now adays
14:38.23iratikd-k-t: thanks ... MaliuataLap: thanks
14:38.29*** join/#asterisk sakajawebe (n=chazz@
14:38.33MaliutaLapiratik: and if you feel the need to build from source you should roll your own package, otherwise what's the point of using a package managed system?
14:38.55iratikMaliuataLap: I've never considered making my own package
14:39.15Netsnipepackage maintenance is a black-art half the time
14:39.20iratikconsiders asterisk dialplan language a brutal form of S&M
14:39.25Netsnipewhen upstream uses brain-dead hacked compile systems
14:39.45NetsnipeI should know...I used to be a Debian maintainer
14:40.17MaliutaLapNetsnipe: maintaining packages for a distro, yes. Maintaining for a single organisation, not so much
14:40.51Netsnipeif you're going to package something, you have to do it right the first time
14:41.04Netsnipeotherwise you're going to just shoot yourself in the foot on upgrades
14:41.11MaliutaLapiratik: so how do you replicate installs of your hand compiled software over multiple machines
14:41.26iratikMaliuataLap: image and copy
14:41.36tzafrir_laptopMaliutaLap, dpkg -L and dpkg -S can be of use to you, BTW
14:41.45MaliutaLapNetsnipe: or get the package right before distributing it to production sytstems
14:41.53MaliutaLaptzafrir_laptop: I know that
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14:42.21MaliutaLaptzafrir_laptop: I'm not stupid
14:42.28Netsnipe"touchtone1: If you're calling from a rotary dial phone, hangup, go to a phone store, and purchase one of those new fangled inventions called a touch tone phone.
14:42.29Netsnipetouchtone2: And if you're calling from a rotary dial phone, hello, there's this thing call touch tone sweety you might want to look into.
14:42.29Netsnipetouchtone3: If you're calling from a rotary dial phone, hangup, go to a phone store, and purchase one of those 21'st century new fangled inventions called a touch tone phone.
14:42.32iratikMaliuataLap: But I hear you.. just haven't considered it or really considered that it would be possible to create my own local repository with my own local packages .... wondering how difficult that is
14:42.38Netsnipebest ever asterisk sound files ever!
14:43.14MaliutaLapiratik: not very
14:43.27tzafrir_laptopiratik, I use reprepro
14:43.43MaliutaLapiratik: I have created both debian and RHEL repos
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14:44.13Dr-Linux|hometzafrir: any clue
14:44.40Dr-Linux|home << my question is on top of pastebin
14:44.47tzafrir_laptopiratik, the packages in are mostly auto-built from pkg-voip SVN using a hacked up build daemon. I can send you my script
14:44.49MaliutaLapDr-Linux|home: stick it in a perl agi
14:46.09Dr-Linux|homeMaliutaLap: my problem is that how can send caller back to uper priority i.e. label2
14:46.22Netsnipeiratik: if you're going to build your own packages, install and read the docs in the developers-reference and debian-policy packages
14:47.07Netsnipedebian's cdbs is also a nice build system, but your sources must be using autoconf/automake for it to be of much yes
14:47.54anonymouz666anybody have a Polycom around that can test if exten => XXX,n,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: ringType=5) changes the ringtype?
14:48.22MaliutaLapNetsnipe: he did say it wasn't a debian system
14:48.45[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: OMG, that is horrible...
14:49.01anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: you? as a polycom lover... :D
14:49.16TheH666: exten => i,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info:\;info=External)
14:49.16TheHexten => i,2,Goto(default,4722,1)
14:49.38Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: any solution for that?
14:49.46[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: you call the class, not the #
14:50.00[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: (Alert-Info: Ring-Answer)
14:50.18[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: You sepcify the class, and your sip.cfg matches and uses whats set for that class
14:51.49[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: NEVER run IVR's off anything other than "s", and NEVER with a PATTERN.  it will call itself RECURSIVELY.
14:51.58anonymouz666nevermind... I don't even know where is the sip.cfg file... I just have a remote WEB Polycom interface on my screen.... guess I should read more about the phone....
14:52.27iratikWhere can I get help with festival?
14:52.28[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Anyone configuring those via web interface should be dragged out and #%$ing shot.
14:53.28[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: And you never initialize TRIES either.  Do you havy any programming experience at all?
14:54.28Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: ofcos i'm running IVR with "s" but i'm here i'm using patterns to get input
14:55.13Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: right now all is working for me, but I can't send the caller back to pattern priority
14:55.18[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Yease except you are having it call ITSELF, never initializing your TRIES counter, and you can't match "3" or "4"
14:55.53[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: and NO, youa ren't running that off "s", you're runningit off a nasty super-wildcard exten
14:56.23[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: And, have no means of dealing with invalid input.
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14:56.38[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Time to go right back to the drawing board on this one.
14:56.38Segnale007hello .. I have a question
14:56.44jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:57.04Segnale007I am an newbie and I am going to buy an tdm413b
14:57.15[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Whats the FXS for?
14:57.15Segnale007does it work on sparc64 arch ?
14:57.32Segnale007for switch my pstn
14:57.39[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: I seriously doubt it.  Call Digium direct for that info.
14:57.47[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: "huh?
14:58.03Segnale007I am still studying
14:58.09[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: "for switch my pstn" <- I have no idea what you're saying
14:58.09Segnale007I need it for try .
14:58.23Segnale007ok I expain to you what I want to do
14:58.31Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: there could be many other mistakes, but my question is can i send back the caller to uper pattern priority?
14:58.47Segnale007analog line > server pbx > pstn phone
14:59.11Segnale007analog line to fxs > fxo server pbx > fxo pstn phone
14:59.13[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Sure.  Your Goto is bad.
14:59.14Segnale007maybe I am wrong
14:59.28Segnale007I am still trying to understand
14:59.36[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: So you want to put * between an existing PBX and the telco?
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15:00.00Segnale007no I dont' have any pbx right now
15:00.06Segnale007I am going to build one
15:00.09Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: any hint just to send the caller back to pattern priority?
15:00.27Segnale007thats why I need an analog card
15:00.34Segnale007with fxs and fxo modules
15:00.42Segnale007and echo cancellation as well
15:01.34Segnale007maybe I am wrong about how to build it ?
15:01.37Segnale007probabily ..
15:01.44Segnale007I am still reading a lots of stuff ..
15:01.55[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: You are using the "else" clause to send them back to the label, but that label isn't for the "t" exten <-
15:01.58Segnale007if somebody can help me to understand would be great
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15:02.30[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: If you just want to us an analog phone with *, I would advise using an ATA instead of a zaptel FXS module.
15:02.54Segnale007why ?
15:03.08Segnale007is less expensive ?
15:03.11Segnale007I can do it ..
15:03.23[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Less expensive, less trouble.
15:03.35Segnale007but I want to learn as much thing as I can from asterik
15:03.40Segnale007I seee ..
15:03.57[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: ATAs are typically a much more functional and flexible way to do FXS
15:04.07Segnale007oh ..
15:04.11[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: and it won't take away from your learning experience with *
15:04.11Segnale007I see ..
15:04.29Segnale007well .. thanks for you idea .. I apreciate ..
15:04.32[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Zaptel FXO (for lines) is a good thing though
15:04.34Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: and the way to do that? specifically ..... ?t,3:label2)
15:05.03Segnale007sounds good ..
15:05.14[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: You just don't seem to get it.  you are IN "t" and want to jump to a label for ANOTHER exten.  Go read the instructions for Goto again.
15:05.29Segnale007what kind of analog card you suggest to me ?
15:05.38[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: We advise the Linksys SPA ATA series.
15:05.55[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: The TDM410P is still a decent bet for your FXO needs.
15:05.56Segnale007is cheap
15:06.16Segnale007but its without echo cancellation hw
15:06.19[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: for FXO we generally advise PCI cards, for FXS, ATA's instead
15:06.20Segnale007right ?
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15:06.28Segnale007oh I see ..
15:06.31Segnale007nice to know that
15:06.34Segnale007I appreciated
15:06.40[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: You can get HWEC for the TDM410 series (not the 400 series)
15:06.47MaliutaLapif you are going to put in a TMD400P you might aswell get an FXS aswell,
15:07.02[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: How many lines are you using it for?  And what kind of use?  Home?  Small business?
15:07.15MaliutaLapI have a 400P with 1fxo 1fxs
15:07.24[TK]D-FenderMaliuta : module isn't cost effective, less flexible, and more of a PITA for nothing.
15:07.44Segnale007it would be for my home
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15:07.52Segnale007and I am planing 3 lines
15:07.57Segnale007thats all
15:08.03Segnale007just for start
15:08.08MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: how do you figure less flexible?
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15:08.29[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Ok, then look for the TDM410P with HWEC, or a Sangoma A200d
15:08.56Segnale007do u know a good store to buy ?
15:08.56MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: I can still drop it into the context of my choosing, the handsets are cordless ...
15:09.04Segnale007I only know
15:09.09Segnale007they have good price
15:09.16[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: You need to wire it direct to your * server which can suck for wiring.  A problem on that wiring can fry your card/server.  ATA's can have SIP redundency, and are easily relocatable.
15:09.17Segnale007I think so ..
15:09.30MaliutaLapSegnale007: you will need to buy one that meets the requirements of your national standards
15:09.32[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: AND it leaves his card open for expansion.  He was about to FILL it.
15:09.53Segnale007I don't understandnow
15:09.59[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Shop locally first... import & shipping WILL suck...
15:10.06Segnale007ah I see
15:10.11[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: and for US pricing, try
15:10.31Segnale007ty ;)
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15:10.50[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: Feel free to call around to confirm the "landed" price that it will cost you in the end.  Take into consideration that if you have a problem and need to RMA something that those factors will come up again.
15:11.13Segnale007ok ..
15:11.16MaliutaLapSegnale007: if the card you buy from OS isn't passed by you national telecommunications body you could find yourself in all sorts of expensive legal problems
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15:11.44Segnale007I see ..
15:11.53Segnale007then Ill shope in europe frist
15:12.14[TK]D-FenderSegnale007: And call up Digium & Sangoma to confirm their card's certification in your area.
15:12.34MaliutaLapSegnale007: for example if I don't buy something that has been properly imported and A-Tick tested/approved it could cost me the, probably, million or so dollars to rebuild the exchange I am connected to
15:13.32Segnale007ohh I see..
15:13.42Segnale007Ill call them frist ..
15:14.40MaliutaLapyou should be able to find someone in country to buy from, google is your friend
15:14.53MaliutaLapand the wiki should help you along the way
15:15.15spokraI have a digium T1 card i got at a class.  any one need one.  it's worth i think around $400.  static bag has never been opened.
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15:16.29MaliutaLap<MaliutaLap> afink: and you're not attempting to include the trunkdial context anywhere
15:16.30MaliutaLap<MaliutaLap> afink: after that we need to start looking at what context you're dropping things into
15:16.44MaliutaLapafink: and I am about to go to bed
15:16.55afinkok, Thank you for your help
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15:18.20notjohncan someone point me in the right direction for asterisk hardware...whatever the piece is that hooks up to the pc?
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15:24.00[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: there are hundreds of pieces of hardware that can work with *.  Perhaps you should be a bit more specific.
15:24.20[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: what exactly is it that you need to do?
15:24.35notjohn[TK]D-Fender:  i figured so...
15:24.47*** join/#asterisk kensuke_ (i=c829e4f4@gateway/web/ajax/
15:25.52notjohn[TK]D-Fender: I'd like to be able to setup asterisk to handle some simple stuff... connect a land line and a voip line or something similar so I can call into my home number from my mobile and then make an outgoing call
15:26.15notjohnso i don't give out my mobile # on caller id
15:26.20kensuke_hi, i have a question, i need install the g729 codec on x86_64 xeon
15:26.21notjohnthat's one thing
15:26.46[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: basic home use?
15:26.54kensuke_what binaries use?
15:27.13[TK]D-Fenderkensuke_: If its a core2, sure.  Go try
15:27.37notjohn[TK]D-Fender: yes...very basic,  I remember looking into asterisk a year ago but never set it up... I just can't remember what the hardware piece I looked at was callled
15:27.39kensuke_[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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15:28.05[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: I'd suggest a Linksys SPA-3102 for you then.
15:28.32tzangerhow do you pronounce Jeffrey Bezos? bee-zose? bezose?
15:30.46lmadsenbee-zoes is how I would say it
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15:32.28[TK]D-Fendertzanger: I'm bet : bee'z-oh's
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15:37.01notjohn[TK]D-Fender: thanks... with that Linksys work with say Gizmo and Grand Central?
15:37.23[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: So far I was mentioning it just for FXO (access to your LINE).
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15:37.44[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: Connecting to ITSP's should *'s job
15:38.17notjohn[TK]D-Fender: gotcha
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15:52.20hsv-aloh well, having issues just trying to get simple voicemail working, with book examples, mail isnt even being delivered
15:52.22hsv-alwill try later
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15:56.31hsv-aljust trying to setup a * box at my apartment, so when people call in to landline pbx, goes to voicemail prompt after lets say 30 seconds......leaves a voicemail, and boom its stored...also sending the clip to 2 different email addresses
15:56.40hsv-alfollowing book steps, i get all sorts of insane errors in the console oh well!
15:57.16CanWoodI know I'll get in trouble for mentioing it here, but have you considered freepbx?
15:57.39hsv-alwont use it, ive been using this manually for a few months now, but now im trying to get voicemail working
15:57.44hsv-alits just a matter of reading more, and experimenting
15:57.49hsv-albut just a tad frustrating now
15:58.03hsv-ali have 8 phones linked up through my * box , via 8 diff states
15:58.11CanWoodI'm going the other way.  I started with freepbx and am now working on writing manual dial plans
15:58.27hsv-alim charging like 7 people 200/month so they can have laptop to laptop communication
15:58.35hsv-alin their business, its running off my * box at home heh
15:58.56hsv-althey dont want voicemail, just soft clients for insurance agents to speak to each other while their on the road :)
15:59.42hsv-albut im trying to experiment getting voicemail working for em
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16:00.18hsv-alwhen voicemail is running correctly, and the email address is specified in mb => pass,name[,email[,pager_email[,options]]]
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16:00.31hsv-alall of the background smtp communication stuff is taken care of out of the box i assume?
16:00.48[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: You need sendmail installed and functional.
16:01.06outtoluncnever got a box.. damn
16:01.08hsv-alwell, it was written as if it auto sends
16:01.13[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Or an equivalent with sendmail compatibility layer installed
16:01.15hsv-alill have to get it configured then later
16:01.25hsv-albook doesnt mention that being necesary
16:01.28hsv-alnot an issue, but whatever
16:01.35[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Most common distro's will work "out of the box"
16:01.45hsv-alim using 1.4 on 8.04
16:02.06[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: and you're also showing us NOTHING.
16:02.17hsv-al:) my conf files are basic no bloat
16:02.20hsv-alill pastebin links later
16:03.21*** part/#asterisk chigambamukoko (n=junk@
16:12.07CVirusI think I found a mistake in the ATFOT book ... where do I report this ?
16:12.41CViruspage 125 ... the note at the bottom .. it says zaptel.conf instead of zapata.conf ... I think that's a mistake
16:13.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
16:14.57CVirushopes that [TK]D-Fender doesn't kick his ass as he usually does
16:17.17[TK]D-FenderCVirus: I don't see it.. pastebin the excerpt (a big chunk please)
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16:18.59gcarrillogsomeone use spa400 with asterisk?
16:19.53[TK]D-FenderCVirus: `indeed, that should have been "zapata.conf"
16:20.04[TK]D-Fendergcarrillog: Yes, I'm sure there are.
16:20.13CVirusI'm glad
16:20.37[TK]D-FenderCVirus: ask lmadsen where to submit comments like this when he's about next.
16:20.59gcarrillogi have the next message Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for 'spa400'
16:21.10gcarrillogbut spa400 dont use passwd
16:21.54CVirus[TK]D-Fender: cool .. thanks
16:22.10gcarrillogi havent had that problem before
16:22.16[TK]D-Fendergcarrillog: ,  <- go read the forums & wiki on how to set this device up
16:23.30gcarrillogthanks but, last week spa400 had working perfectly
16:23.55[TK]D-Fendergcarrillog: Then somethign changed.
16:24.42notjohnyou can install the asterisk gui on a normal asterisk installation, right?
16:26.10[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: Yes
16:28.23drakoneeds a spa400
16:28.41notjohnis there any preferred distro?  what asterisk now is packaged with??
16:28.48[TK]D-Fenderdrako: it has "quirks".... not on my list..
16:29.02[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: Pick a common one you are comfortable administering.
16:29.40mmlj4I've been asked to put * in front of an existing PBX, and "bridge" (stealing an IP metaphor) the incoming T1 channels to the old PBX, all except for a couple of individual channels... this can be done, right?
16:30.14[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: Sure
16:30.18mmlj4notjohn: Digium recommends debian and redhate/fedora
16:30.44mmlj4notjohn: but any server-class distro will work
16:30.53[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: CentOS is probably one of the best choices given its user base.
16:31.17*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
16:31.21mmlj4and centos basically equals RHEL
16:31.55notjohni use cent most of the time but  wasn't sure if  need something so beefy for a home project
16:32.12[TK]D-Fendernotjohn: I use it myself...
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16:33.14notjohnsometimes i like to play it a bit more bleeding edge when i can get away with it :)
16:33.47notjohnbut then it's hard to keep up with fedora
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16:36.16drako[TK]D-Fender, a good alternative around the same price?
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16:43.34Qwellmmm, Taco Bell
16:43.35Qwellgood idea!
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16:43.54hsv-ali actually had TB last night, its like crack
16:44.00hsv-alfast food every 3 months is like doing meth for the first time
16:44.19QwellI'll agree with you on Hardee's though.  Disgusting.
16:44.35QwellCarl's Jr. <3
16:45.00hsv-alThis Pom brand juice is crazy expensive
16:45.06hsv-alits $3.99 for 16oz
16:45.21Qwellgood though..
16:45.55Kobazwhere can i get a fairly cheap rj22 headset
16:46.07hsv-alqwell you all got it made there
16:46.14hsv-aljust take the elevator downstairs, and boom a coffee shop
16:46.23Qwellsips his mocha and nods
16:47.15russellbmocha != free ... coffee + packet of hot chocolate = free
16:47.26hsv-alput in a request to HR
16:47.34hsv-althat all Dig employees eat/drink at aromas for free ftw
16:47.36russellbi take the free route most days
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16:49.16hsv-aldont you guys get free weekly meetings at laredo at BS once a month?
16:49.22hsv-allunches rather?
16:49.34hsv-alsomeone said something about that, maybe they were bs'ing
16:49.44hsv-almexican , bridge street
16:49.50russellbno ..
16:50.13hsv-alnothing like green paste there mmmm
16:50.38russellblet's try to keep the channel on topic, please :)
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16:59.01[TK]D-Fenderdrako: What do you need?
16:59.23drako[TK]D-Fender, FXO
16:59.36drakoaround 2 or 4 ports
17:00.45lmadsenCVirus: report to
17:00.48[TK]D-FenderAudiocodes is acceptably prices, but I'd rather pay for a PCI FXO solution most of the time.
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17:02.10CViruslmadsen: thanks
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17:14.57RoyKlmadsen: hei. trodde du hadde gitt opp asterisk :P
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17:27.52jayteeI'm using Polycom IP330 phones and I haven't programmed anything for Transfer or Forward in features.conf file. I can transfer and forward calls fine using the softkeys on the Polycom. How do I transferring or forwarding a call to an outside number for a specific extension?
17:28.26jayteeoops, I meant how do I BLOCK transferring or forwarding for a specific extension
17:29.40thomasis it posible to show the traffic from iax peer X ?
17:30.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Any transfer is jsut a transfer
17:30.47[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: There is no such thing as "internal" or "external"
17:31.38[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: if you want to do selective auto-divert for certain people, add them to your Directory, and enable the auto-divert on them.
17:31.55[TK]D-Fenderthomas: "sip debug peer [peername]"
17:32.07thomas[TK]D-Fender: also for iax, yes?
17:32.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And you should never need or use features.conf if you're using phones like that.
17:32.20[TK]D-Fenderthomas: yes
17:32.40thomas[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok. thank you very much.
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17:37.07nightkhaosAlright... I've got zaptel working and asterisk installed... now what? :)
17:37.52nightkhaosIn theory.
17:38.04jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I haven't used features.conf since the Polycoms have transfer and forward functions built-in.
17:38.18[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: ...
17:38.20jbotSo you just installed Asterisk now what?
17:38.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Good.
17:38.44nightkhaosMy question is more... where the hell do I go to get a guide on configuring? I would rather NOT go through 101 man pages and try and get my head around configuration files.
17:38.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: only point for it now is for recording.
17:39.10[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: Guess what.. thats what * uses.  You need to focus on your dialplan.  Thats the most important thing
17:39.15*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
17:39.25PeriAnyone here ever worked with boardworks AS and SBCs?
17:39.33[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: Device setup is  stiny.  Dialplan is everything.
17:40.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah that's what I was looking at for earlier but I haven't needed it. I'm just trying to figure out how to setup classes of users where some can call forward or transfer to a 7 digit external number and others can't but I want everyone or most everyone to be able to call 7 digit or 10 digit numbers.
17:40.44*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
17:40.46nightkhaos[TK]D-Fender: Okay... assume my zaptel service is working fine... and I'm a newbie... and I have absolutely no idea where to start... where would you send me? Any tutorials?
17:41.06jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
17:41.11[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: Chapter 5
17:41.18Perioh yes
17:41.20Perithe book
17:41.24[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: For some "inspiration" :
17:41.27jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
17:42.14[TK]D-Fendernightkhaos: JerJer's guide is pretty minimalistic but will show you usage of some contexts, "includes", etc.
17:43.33nightkhaos[TK]D-Fender: alright... mind resending me those URLs in a minute, I'm gonna switch to my Lappy.
17:43.41Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i'm looking at the queue docs because i'm finnaly fixing my stuff to not use AgentRingbackLogin... is the new AEL dialplan language usable in 1.4 ?
17:44.35[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Yes, though I've never seena  need for it.
17:44.51Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's much more straightforward than the usual syntax
17:45.13Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's a real language almost, rather than coding in BASIC
17:45.24[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Poorer documentation, much fewer quality people to assist.  Your call.
17:45.50Kobazbut it's probably going to be the preferred method in 1.6... wouldn't it?
17:46.14[TK]D-FenderKobaz: LOL.  No.
17:46.26[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You don't quite seem to understand what AEL really is.
17:46.39Kobaza more structured approach to the dialplan
17:46.53[TK]D-FenderKobaz: thats a partial answer missing crucial bits.
17:47.09Kobazit's also more easily maintainable
17:47.21Kobazwith labels, and switches's and clear conditionals
17:47.39ManxPowerKobaz: AEL is a "language" for dialplan stuff.  It is converted to regular extensions.conf format when the AEL file is loaded.
17:47.41[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Its a parser that generaltes dialplan to the best of its ability.  It is therefor less capable and is subject to "issues" that straight extensions.conf is not.
17:47.51ManxPowerThere is *NOTHING* you can do in AEL that you cannot do in the dialplan
17:48.16[TK]D-FenderKobaz: So in the end you introduce points of failure (bugs and limitations).
17:48.34ManxPowerI've heard good things about AEL in 1.4
17:48.38ManxPowerin 1.2, it sucked
17:48.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And conversely quite possibly things in the dialplan you CAN'T do in AEL.
17:49.00Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: assuming the bugs are fixed up though, it looks to be a better approach to setting a dialplan
17:49.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: *nod*.  I like the idea of AEL.
17:49.12ManxPowerKobaz: It is NOT better, just different
17:49.33CanWoodHey folks.  In a dial plan, I have a Playback() followed by a Read() and am looking for the Playback to be able to be interrupted by the entering of digits.  BackgroundDetect() doesn't seem to quite do the job, as it takes what's entered and tries to transfer me to that extension.  I just want to read a variable.  Any other suggestions?
17:49.36[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "means well".  The actual problem is *extensions.conf* is the base.  THAT should be killed off and completely reconceived
17:50.03[TK]D-FenderCanWood: Read can playbacka file all by itself.
17:50.06unpaidbilluse read to play back the file
17:50.55*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
17:50.57CanWoodwould ya look at that! tks [TK]D-Fender.  I missed that
17:51.28ManxPowerCanWood: : does "core show application read" say you can play a file.
17:53.19*** join/#asterisk NightKhaos (
17:54.06NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender; what were those URLs again? :)
17:54.09CanWoodManxPower: yep, as [TK]D-Fender pointed out that's exacty what I need.  I'm trying to read all docs before asking here but I missed that bit.  My bad
17:54.29ManxPowerCanWood: there is an entire directory of docs included in Asterisk
17:54.32jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
17:54.33ManxPowerthere is also the CLI docs
17:54.35jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
17:55.08CanWoodI have the book open in fornt of me and missed the <i>filename</i>. part.  Again.  My bad, my apologies
17:55.56ManxPowerCanWood: a single mistake in setting up a phone system could allow outside callers to use your system to make long distance calls billed to your line.  You should be sure to be careful.
17:56.04NightKhaosNow is it worth using a GUI front end?
17:56.27ManxPowerNightKhaos: not for anyone here or they would be on the channels for Asterisk GUIs
17:56.30CanWoodI agree, I should be, and am trying to be, and appreciate the warning
17:56.51outtolunchang him!
17:57.13NightKhaosManxPower: a simple "no" would surfice. :)
17:57.16unpaidbillmanxpower it would have to be quite a mistake, like transferring someone into your local contexts though... would it not?
17:57.34ManxPowerunpaidbill: no.  Just allowing T and t on the Dial line could do it.
17:57.37unpaidbillerr -though.
17:57.40unpaidbilloh good point
17:57.48ManxPoweror being in and IVR that would let you dial out.
17:57.56ManxPowerbecause of a mistaken include =>
17:58.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm looking through the Polycom SIP 3.0 Administrator's Guide but there's only one page where it references auto-divert. I can see where I can set a divert contact number but is there another manual I should reference to get a better understanding of how that works?
17:58.44[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: its a 502 redirect like any other
17:58.52ManxPowerT/t could allow anyone to transfer themselves to an external number just by dialing *number
17:58.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: nothing more to say about it
17:59.06ManxPowerwile ON a call
17:59.12unpaidbillwell, T could
17:59.22ManxPowerunpaidbill: depending on the direction of the dial
17:59.51[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: No.  Just go learn the dialplan.  Its worth it.
17:59.54ManxPowerimagine if you called someone outside and had the wrong T/t on the dial line?
18:00.44unpaidbillthat would be fun
18:00.44NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: okay, final questions... 1.4 vs 1.2.27... advantages?
18:00.44ManxPowerunpaid I suspect there are HUNDREDS of systems setup in a way that would allow that
18:00.44unpaidbilltime to get out the old wardialer
18:00.49[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: 1.4, latest.  1.4 has more features, and is SUPPORTED
18:00.53ManxPoweronce you get your first $10,000 phone bill people tend to fix that
18:00.57unpaidbillyeah that's a good point though, i guess it is pretty easy to make the tT mistake
18:01.13ManxPowerunpaidbill: easy to make the include => mistake too
18:01.31[TK]D-Fenderunpaidbill: All mistakes are easy.  Its just a question of the severity of the consequences.
18:02.13*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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18:02.33[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: When using Dial, you can permit one end or BOTh to transfer the call.  Depending on your goof and what context they have access to they can dial who-knows-what, at your expense.
18:03.53NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: I guess safe guarding against this is covered in the book? :)
18:04.25[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: read your applications INSTRUCTIONS when you build your dialplan.
18:05.27NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: is that a yes? lol
18:05.40[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: And no... there shouldn't be anything on this really.  The function does what it says.  If you can't read the instructions and realize (Oh you mean THEY can transfer themselves anywhere in this context?!) this, then you get what you deserve.
18:06.28outtoluncactually it is anywhere in that context (or the TRANSFER_CONTEXT if set)(
18:06.36[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Guns shouldn't come with a safety label saying "don't shoot yourself", or "not suitable for cleaning cars".  If you can't realize this, you shouldn't own one.
18:07.06NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: and yet... people do. Your faith in humanity is strangly misplaced, but I do conceed to your point. :)
18:08.28unpaidbilllet evolution sort it out.
18:09.41NightKhaosunpaidbill: saddly evolution has created mechinisms to counter evolution. In our society these developments come as doctors and medical professionals.
18:13.35lanningand we cherish the underdog
18:16.32*** join/#asterisk mmattice (i=mmattice@unaffiliated/mmattice)
18:17.39mmatticewhat normal ubuntu progs can play * wav files?
18:19.35*** join/#asterisk AdamWest (
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18:21.32Nuggetthere's no such thing as a "normal" unix program.  :)
18:24.17mmatticeapparently sox's play can't handle them
18:24.35jblackmmatice: play, xmms, probably xine
18:24.42Qwellplay = sox
18:24.46Qwelland yes, sox can handle wav
18:25.14mmatticeit can't seem to handle the gsm wav files
18:25.28jblacksox can handle can do gsm with the gsm plugin.
18:25.40*** join/#asterisk bobbym (n=bob@unaffiliated/bobbym)
18:25.42jblackThat's what I use to convert wav to gsm, since so few things can work with it.
18:25.46jblack(I wish audacity did!)
18:25.54Qwellaudacity can
18:26.10bobbymsomeone could please recommend an softphone (g729 support) to macosx ?
18:26.22bobbymi'm using the xlite demo version but i want to have something better...
18:26.35jblackqwell: That's great news!
18:27.48HonestWorkerI have got to go
18:27.50HonestWorkerBye bye
18:27.54*** part/#asterisk HonestWorker (n=Wothanaz@
18:35.24*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
18:35.51mikkelI have a Sangoma 500 BRI card, I have ingoing calls working, but my local connected phone is not. Anyone has some experience with that ?
18:36.16thomasi can recieve Fax only with 9600 - why not 14400 ?
18:36.28mikkelI have set the card to NT and connected power to the card.
18:36.38thomasfax > isdncard > asterisk > iaxmodem > hylafax
18:36.50ManxPowerbobbym: there will be NO free softphone with G729, only a pay one
18:38.49bobbymManxPower: eyebeam is a good one?
18:39.17*** join/#asterisk legend1222_ (n=legend@
18:39.52ManxPowerbobbym: I would never ever use a softphone.
18:40.55legend1222_Is there really that big of a difference between asterisk and asterisk-now that it needs its own support channel?
18:41.13*** join/#asterisk vgster (
18:41.17ManxPowerlegend1222_: yes
18:41.44ManxPowerthe Asterisk config files have to be pretty complex for a GUI to manage them
18:41.44legend1222_Can you elaborate at all? (other then the GUI)
18:42.11QwellAsteriskNOW is also a full Linux distribution.
18:42.11legend1222_So basically all the ... em... garbage that I see when going thru the configs manually is there because of the GUI.
18:42.20ManxPowerlegend1222_: This is for GUIs in general.  We ask for a pastebin of a failed call.  In normal Asterisk it should be a couple of lines, in a GUI configured Asterisk the output could easily run over 100 lines.
18:43.09legend1222_I get the impression that, overall, AsteriskNow is kinda a bad idea. True?
18:43.29ManxPowerand, at least in some GUIs all the useful stuff is hidden inside an AGI.
18:43.41ManxPowerlegend1222_: All GUIs are a bad idea.
18:43.46jbotsomebody said zeeek was someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
18:43.48Qwelllegend1222_: No.  If you need a full Linux distribution, and a GUI...go with AsteriskNOW
18:43.57Qwellif you want to play around with Asterisk, no, don't.
18:44.53legend1222_Well, thats the thing. I've never had a problem with asterisknow, and I have taken to doing some manual configuration because I did find the GUI limited. But now I've got an issue, and there doesnt appear to be anyone listening the asterisknow irc room.
18:45.23ManxPowerlegend1222_: If you can't get support is it really a something you want to use?
18:45.42legend1222_lol. My point. I kinda assumed asterisk was asterisk, just each with a pretty gui.
18:46.08*** join/#asterisk simprix (
18:46.41ManxPowerlike with all the GUIs, all the users are newbies
18:47.21legend1222_Thats exactly it. I started as a newbie, and basically still am. But I do have an install I need to debug. Can I give you guys an idea of the problem, and maybe at least point me in the right direction?
18:47.47ManxPowerlegend1222_: if you delete all your config files and start from scratch I'm sure we could help you.
18:48.00legend1222_Grand. Thats helpful.
18:48.09ManxPoweryou might have better luck on the mailing list, but I doubt it.
18:48.11CanWoodlegend1222_: I don't know if you've ever done web ddesign, but think of the GUIs vs straight asterisk to be kinda like FrontPage generated sites vs straight HTML (or so I have found)
18:49.04ManxPowerCanWood: an excellent comparison.  Do you really think we want to wade thru all the front page crap to find your problem?
18:49.57legend1222_Near as I can tell the issue is with asterisk itself, or the hardware. Nuthin to do with the GUI. I don't much care if I have to use a GUI or not. However, business world total noobs can't do anything else, and are terrified of the command line. And thats where this phone system is installed. Sounds like it was a bad idea.
18:50.58*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
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18:52.16*** part/#asterisk legend1222_ (n=legend@
18:52.42ManxPowerbkruse: legend1222_ is someone with an AsteriskGUI problem
18:52.49ManxPowerof course, he exited just as you arrived.
18:53.33bkrusethat's how it always is, isn't it ManxPower :P
18:53.34NightKhaos1.4 is installing... had to fiddle with some overlays.
18:53.45QwellNightKhaos: gentoo?  don't use packages
18:53.50ManxPowerthat's twice now you have not been around when AsteriskNow users needed help.  Slacker 8-)
18:53.53Qwellinstall directly from downloaded tarballs
18:54.07bkruseManxPower: I  got em now
18:54.09NightKhaosNightKhaos: yes, gentoo. I had to use the voip overlay.
18:55.38NightKhaosStrom_M: I feel your pain.
18:55.42mikkelDoes anyone here have a Sangoma A500 card with local ISDN phones attached, that works ?
18:56.16NightKhaosQwell: I am compling from source.
18:56.27QwellGentoo isn't "compiling from source".
18:56.41Qwellit's "compiling some package with arbitrary untested patches"
18:57.15*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
18:57.39NightKhaosQwell: I'll let your ignorance slide. I don't like agruements over things as petty as package management systems.
18:58.32Qwellfirst off
18:58.53QwellI heavily run Gentoo - I love Gentoo.  I know how Gentoo works.
18:59.09NightKhaosAnd yet... you don't know what layman is?
18:59.11Qwellsecond, I'm a core developer of Asterisk.  I've seen how their packages work, and they are terrible.
18:59.39Qwellcalling somebody ignorant is not a way to make friends
19:00.08NightKhaosWell do you know what layman is?
19:00.14QwellYes, I do.
19:00.31Qwelljust because you're using an overlay, doesn't mean the package is any better
19:01.17NightKhaosarbitary untested patches as you call them are used all the time.
19:01.34NightKhaosLook at BSD ports.
19:02.17QwellYou clearly missed my point, so, have fun
19:03.02thomaswhat is the transfer limit with iaxmodem ? the rate?
19:03.09thomas9600 ?
19:04.42hardwirebut you can use AT commands to query that info :)
19:04.58thomashardwire: hm. how i can set higher?
19:05.21hardwirethat all depends on your AT compatible application using iaxmodem's tty's
19:05.23hardwirewhat are you using?
19:05.47thomashardwire: asterisk + iaxmodem +hylafax
19:06.00hardwireare you using iaxmodem's sample configs for hylafax?
19:06.13hardwirecause those init it correctly
19:06.23thomashardwire: jep. sample. can i send you
19:06.29hardwireyou also have to make sure the fax machine you are using to send to hylafax via iaxmodem supports more than 9600bps
19:06.38hardwireotherwise there will be no reason for a higher negotiation
19:06.47NightKhaosNo. I did not. You are concerned that these patches are determental to the function of the service as supplied by the developers, i.e. you, and that by applying these patches I may, or may not, get the expected behaviour from my system. My counter agruement is that the developer, i.e. you, does not always account for every single circumstane of sysem configuration, BSD deals with this by ensuring the packages are installed in the
19:06.49hardwirefax modems top out at around 19200bps
19:07.33hardwirethomas: fax modulation is different than data modem modulation.. that's why you see lower rates.
19:08.15hardwireif you were to use a data modem to dial into your iaxmodem, you would probably get a pretty neat connect string.
19:08.55NightKhaoshardwire: I seen 22.8 fax modems.
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19:13.27hardwireNightKhaos: I stand corrected.
19:14.19NightKhaoshardwire: yeah it was an HP combination printer, copier, scanner, fax...
19:15.17thomashardwire: and you have iaxmodems?
19:15.31hardwirehooked up to hylafax
19:15.34hardwireover gigabit :)
19:15.36thomashardwire: and what is the limit for recieve ?
19:15.38hardwireit's creepy.
19:15.44hardwirethomas: haven't tested it yet.
19:15.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:15.49hardwireyou could totally test it yourself
19:15.58thomasi have
19:16.03thomasi have send to the own iaxmodem
19:16.08thomasbut 9600 is the limit :-(
19:16.21*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
19:16.36hardwirethomas: get two iaxmodems working
19:16.39thomasalaw is correct or ulaw?
19:16.40hardwiremake sure one can dial the other
19:17.16hardwireuse slin
19:17.22hardwiremake sure they can dial eachother in the dialplan
19:17.42hardwirethen from one iaxmodem (turn off hylafax on both) dial the other using ATDT0001 (0001 being the example extension)
19:17.54hardwireand on the other side type in ATA
19:18.05hardwireyou can do this via minicom or screen /dev/ttyIAX00 115200
19:18.06thomasits local send and local recieve
19:18.15*** join/#asterisk seanmh (i=seanmh@
19:18.22hardwireanyways, thems the foundation for testing what you want to know.
19:18.32hardwireyou should totally be using slinear as the codec for these, btw.
19:18.51hardwireno need
19:18.53hardwiregoogle it.
19:18.57*** part/#asterisk kensuke_ (i=c829e4f4@gateway/web/ajax/
19:19.16thomashardwire: codec=slinear ?
19:19.27thomasaaeh allow=slinear ?
19:19.35thomascan you paste your config?
19:19.38thomasyour iax
19:19.39hardwireit's in the example docs.
19:19.52thomasah ok
19:20.15hardwirethe same goes into your iaxmodem config in /etc/iaxmodem/*
19:20.39thomasthe same? no
19:20.42thomascodec           slinear
19:20.44thomasór ?
19:21.17hardwireyes.. that's fine
19:22.33hardwirebye thomas
19:22.41*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
19:22.50hardwirewelcome back
19:22.54ThoMewhat you have written?
19:22.58NightKhaosFinally! Asterisk is installed
19:22.59thomasscreen is away :/
19:23.37ThoMehardwire: is it ok ?
19:24.40*** join/#asterisk spokra (
19:25.00hardwiredoes it work?
19:25.03hardwireyou don't need me to answer you.. :)
19:26.00NightKhaosright that's enough for now... I'll be back latter
19:27.11bkruseManxPower: Ended up being a zaptel issue,. it looks like
19:27.19bkrusehe was not a normal "gui" user, so it wasn't that bad :P
19:29.51mikkelPlease, could soneone help my connect a ISDN phone to my Sangoma A500 card. Why does this have to be so difficult....
19:31.05mikkelI have done all the sangoma says on there website. Incomming calls is working fine, but the ISDN phone is not ringing and the phone just says line busy
19:32.50ThoMehardwire: :P
19:33.53ThoMeno.. only Jul  9 21:32:49 backup FaxGetty[5840]: RECV FAX (000000204): from freeLINE GmbH, page 1 in 0:12, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 2-D MMR, 9600 bit/s
19:36.17hardwireThoMe: so.. up the quality from your fax machine
19:36.35hardwiresee if it tries to negotiate a faster speed.
19:36.41hardwireyour fax machine may be the limit here.
19:36.52ThoMehow i can test it? ;)
19:37.08hardwirelook up the specs online
19:37.16hardwiredoy ou have multiple iaxmodems?
19:37.34*** join/#asterisk diegoferreira (
19:38.37hardwirecan you use sendfax at all?
19:38.45ThoMehardwire: jep?
19:39.00hardwireyou could attempt to send a fax to one of your other iaxmodems, from an iaxmodem.
19:39.19hardwirethat would show off the capabilities a bit more with howeevr you have the phone network set up
19:40.01hardwireI need food
19:40.05hardwireThoMe: Order me a pizza.
19:40.21hardwireyou can probably fax a place..
19:41.28ThoMehave send with  sendfax -b 14400 -s a4 -n -f "bla" -D -d 08989223822 < /etc/resolv.conf
19:41.54ThoMebut 9600 bit/s :/
19:42.26hardwirethat's another IAXmodem?
19:43.50hardwireand the hylafax process says 9600 baud for both iaxmodems?
19:44.12ThoMehm, send i dont know. recieve 9600
19:44.25ThoMehow i can get the value for send?
19:44.37hardwirecheck the logs
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
19:47.09hardwireI guess it just says it when recieved
19:47.12hardwireJul  9 11:47:01 anc-hylafax-01 FaxGetty[13425]: RECV FAX (000000006): from ttyIAX001, page 1 in 0:13, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 2-D MMR, 14400 bit/s
19:47.14hardwiremoo ha ha
19:47.18hardwirecheck out my bits baby!
19:47.40ThoMehardwire: local?
19:47.40hardwireanyways.. that was dialing from an iaxmodem, out the pri, in the pri, then back into another iaxmodem
19:47.43hardwireno big deal
19:49.33*** join/#asterisk chigambamukoko (n=junk@
19:50.46chigambamukokoGreetings to all in the name of the creator
19:50.49PeriHere's a little background of my current learning project. I'm trying to configure an asterisk box as a voicemail server only, I can provision the users etc no problem, where i run into issues is when a call is redirected to the voicemail server from the platform, asterisk keeps responding with a 407 Authentication required response.  The question is, is that because the domain on the VM server is different than that of the platform?
19:51.50x86I've got one single analog user (out of say, 48) that is reporintg a rather strange issue... it seems sometimes when they dial the phone, it gives them a loud "robotic belching" sound and hangs up the channel
19:51.59x86ManxPower: ever seen something like that?
19:52.17x86just started happening "after lunch" today
19:52.26x86could be bad phone?
19:52.27*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
19:53.05Qwellproblems that start "after lunch" usually means "I spilled my coke into it"
19:53.28x86but it's random, she can get some calls to go out without a robotic belching
19:53.38x86and she said it happened a few times last week
19:53.55x86but this is the only time it's done it this week
19:54.07x86analog + asterisk == frustrating as hell :(
19:54.23x86wish it worked as well as SIP does
19:54.24chigambamukokocheck your harddrive in case has bad sectors etc
19:54.44x86chigambamukoko: well I already checked the flux capacitor once...
19:55.06x86chigambamukoko: although it could be the continium transfunctioner, I suppose
19:56.18*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:56.27chigambamukokoanyway, I'm looking for guys based outside of the US who may want to do a Voip partnership
19:56.42macros73Anyone here have experience with distributed Asterisk implementations?  IE, an Asterisk appliance in several branch offices using IAX trunks to connect to one of two Asterisk server/gateways?  Each office would have 1-2 POTS connected to their appliance as a backup.
19:57.19Qwellchigambamukoko: "partnership"?
19:57.35bkruseQwell: he wants to be the next EU vonage
19:57.52Qwellmakes sense
19:58.51chigambamukokoanyone up to the challenge I can give you more info, system is up and running all i need is the pple
19:58.54*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
19:59.00Qwellto do what?
19:59.08macros73to take his money, sign me up!
19:59.18chigambamukokomarketing, tech support,
19:59.25Qwellpartnership implies investment
19:59.41chigambamukokono money involved
19:59.49chigambamukokoi take that back
19:59.57macros73You better. :D
20:00.00bkruseQwell: Western Union
20:00.20chigambamukokoI have the system up and running but you don't need to invest to become part of this
20:00.35bkrusechigambamukoko: When I purchase a pbx do I pay via western union, moneygram, or paypal?
20:00.45Qwellchigambamukoko: and why do people need to be outside the US?
20:01.01*** join/#asterisk NightKhaos (
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20:01.16chigambamukokobecause i think so many pple can benefit with voip compared to those in the us
20:01.29chigambamukokoactually if you are in the US, u r welcome to join
20:01.37bkrusechigambamukoko: Have you thought about such things as....latency?
20:01.47macros73What is the pay range, assuming properly qualified?
20:02.38chigambamukokowe can do a conference call with those interested and go over my game plan to see if there is any adjustments we can make to match your country
20:02.53chigambamukokolatency is no issue
20:03.10chigambamukokobecause we will create a vpn stratight to our boxes
20:03.56jpeelerbecause VPNs reduce latency
20:04.05macros73Yes, VPNs are well known to reduce latency.
20:04.27chigambamukokoas far as pay range, those are issues that needs to be discussed because each individual will be different
20:05.08chigambamukokodepending on their level of participation
20:06.44Qwelluh huh
20:07.19chigambamukokoif this is something that catches your attention just pm me and we go from there, only those serious please
20:08.47chigambamukokoI am very much interested in those pple that have enough Voip and speak English and their native toungue
20:08.51macros73Can I make $120,000 a year if I dedicate myself to your cause full-time?
20:09.04macros73(Two weeks pay in advance, please, as a retainer.)
20:10.28chigambamukokodude, i don't know if you know the statistics of Voip but as far as i know, about 30% is using Voip, which leaves about 70%, now calculate how many customers you at say 100/month
20:10.56Qwell70% of the world population?
20:11.05Qwellwell, the last time I looked, it was like 6 billion people
20:11.08chigambamukokopotential users
20:11.37chigambamukokowe are not even talking the world population here
20:11.45Qwell$5040000000000 per month.
20:11.53chigambamukokothere u go
20:12.02Strom_MQwell: is that in zimbabwe dollars?
20:12.21QwellI'm pretty sure my math is off by several factors.
20:12.22chigambamukokoUS my friend
20:12.34Strom_Mbecause if we bring VoIP to the good people of zimbabwe, then they can talk over the phone about how their lives are shit
20:15.11macros73Won't the good people of Zimbabwe try to kill us and claim our VoIP servers for their own, like they did with all the farm land?
20:15.48jackson__Shoot, they won't be able to run the servers just like they can't farm the land...
20:16.04chigambamukokothey might, but we have so many servers its like wac-a-mole
20:18.08*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:19.40macros73chigambamukoko: Doesn't your service already exist under the name of "Skype?"
20:19.52wonderworldhey guys
20:20.27*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
20:21.58chigambamukokonot really, you c skype has a different model
20:22.02*** part/#asterisk fogo (n=fogo@
20:22.13chigambamukokoour model is completely different
20:23.47chigambamukokosince the pool of potential customers is so vast, it really does not matter what skyp, vonage or anyone else is doing
20:24.04Qwelland what is your model?
20:24.22chigambamukokou want me tell you everything don't u?
20:24.29Qwellor anything
20:24.42*** join/#asterisk fogo (n=fogo@
20:24.56chigambamukokothis is no scam or gimmick boys and girls
20:25.55wonderworldskype succeded because they completely ignored standards and good behaviour to solve the NAT-problem. well... it works fine though.
20:26.22chigambamukokofunny NightKhaos
20:26.28NightKhaosI am
20:26.41NightKhaosgets back to configuring his Asterisk PBX
20:26.52Strom_MIRC is just like third grade
20:27.00Strom_Mespecially with the poking each other in the eye
20:27.14NightKhaospokes Strom_M in the eye.
20:27.25chigambamukokoi feel you my friend
20:27.31MatBoyI have a choppy sound on a sip client that runs in a vmware windows host. Have more people seen this ?
20:28.28chigambamukokoMatBoy: choppy sound, what processor and ram do u have on that box
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20:31.11MatBoychigambamukoko: Q6600 with 4 GB, 2 CPU's for the Vm and 2GB also
20:33.15chigambamukokothats good, now how about hd drive, do you have specs like rpm, size brand
20:33.16macros73MatBoy: I believe there is a fix for that mentioned on the pbxinaflash forum
20:34.02macros73MatBoy: This might help,
20:34.21MatBoymacros73: ok, let me look, I know there were PBX issues before with SMP
20:34.33MatBoychigambamukoko: 7200rpm sataII disks
20:34.57chigambamukokoperfect, that eliminates what i was thinking
20:35.04MatBoyok :)
20:35.22MatBoyyes I'm quite sticky with my specs, I need actually 8GB and 15K raptors once :P
20:37.20MatBoychigambamukoko: I know about those 100HGz kernels, I always run them on vmware guests, but my windows XP workstation is also a Vm on that Q6600
20:37.27MatBoyand i hav ethe idea that it's happening there
20:38.31chigambamukokodid u check that link macros73 provided?
20:42.27*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
20:42.31macros73Anyone here try out OnSip?
20:44.58*** join/#asterisk n9urk (
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20:45.18n9urkhi all,  May i get some help with IAX?
20:45.29jboti heard ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:45.40n9urkduh, lol
20:45.43n9urkI am setting up a 2nd * box and need the old to connect with the new
20:46.00n9urkand i keep getting an error
20:46.34n9urk"No registration for peer"
20:46.37n9urkis the error
20:46.55x86register => foo:bar@baz in iax.conf should solve that
20:46.56mvanbaakdid you read:
20:47.02MatBoychigambamukoko: I'm checking Descheduled timeservice also
20:47.32n9urkthis is the first time I have used 1.4.x.  Has there been some change in IAX config with 1.4.x vs 1.4.2?
20:47.37n9urkI will look to see if I read that one
20:48.49n9urkmvanbaak thanks. looking at that one now.  voip-info can be hard to navigate through
20:51.24chigambamukokoMatBoy: did you try to implent the mentioned changes, they seem like they could solve your problem,
20:51.38n9urkx86 that did not work
20:51.54n9urkx86 i had already tried taht and that was what gave me the error
20:54.54n9urkmvanbaak what should I look at next?
20:55.09n9urkI followed the instructions on the page
20:55.22ManxPowern9urk: all the changes are documented in upgrade.txt
20:55.45ManxPoweryou should look at the 1.2 upgrade.txt too (I believe it's included in recent versions of 1.4.x)
20:56.03jayteecould someone familiar with Polycom configuration clarify for me about the auto-divert function. I'm trying to figure out how to block specific phones from being able transfer to an external number or call forward to an external number.
20:57.24jaytee[TK]D-Fender suggested that config option earlier but everything I can find in the Polycom docs is both vague and seems to be more for handling calls to a phone not from a phone.
20:57.33MatBoychigambamukoko: which one do you think about ? I don' t have issues on my asterisk host, but my sip-client guest :)
20:57.51MatBoyso a windows XP that also runs in vmware on another machine
20:57.55ManxPowerjaytee: he has been wrong in the past
20:58.35*** join/#asterisk tris (
20:58.37jayteeManxPower, not very often though and neither are you. At least neither of you are anything like the noob I am
20:58.53jayteeIt's simple on a Nortel system per phone set.
20:59.39jayteehe said it's a 502 redirect but I'm not sure whether there's a way to trap that in * in the context for the extension or in the Polycom config.
21:00.18ManxPowerjaytee: I doubt you can
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21:01.04jayteeso my system is wide open to toll fraud from internal employees then
21:01.28chigambamukokoMatBoy: so XP is the host, and thats where the client is running from correct?
21:01.47jayteeor we'll have to have someone reviewing outbound call reports from CDR on a frequent basis.
21:02.10zerocanhimm I wanna install asterisk on my linux system but which linux distribution I have to use to make it up and running and stable as well could you share your experience?
21:02.33jayteeor Debian
21:02.44jayteeI prefer CentOS myself
21:02.59MatBoychigambamukoko: no, linux is the host, XP is the guest
21:03.24MatBoyand I have another vmware machine which is a server, elastix runs there also in vmware server with a 100Hz kernel
21:03.40zerocanjaytee thx
21:03.48chigambamukokoi missed that part, but the client is in xp, correct
21:04.12MatBoyI'm reinstalling vmware tools in some minutes
21:04.43n9urkis there any reason why I can't register one * box on the other when the iax.conf files seem correct?
21:05.39chigambamukokoif u look under performance, how much of each is being used, such as ram, cpu and drive?
21:05.58chigambamukokoi think u have to log into Administrative tools, and find performance
21:06.10chigambamukokomonitor or some such wording
21:08.19*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (n=matt@
21:12.08MatBoychigambamukoko: all OK
21:12.21MatBoyI know my systems, I'm very sticky on that
21:12.44chigambamukokowhat r u getting on the hardrive tho?
21:12.48MatBoyI also need to find out why my incoming sip call is " hanged up"  every time
21:12.59MatBoychigambamukoko: not that much usage
21:13.19chigambamukokok, was this ever working or never worked to begin with?
21:14.14MatBoyI actually ever had this problem with sound I thought, so I'm going to reinstall the vmware tools and set teh Descheduled time service on the xp host and install vmtools again on the elastix server
21:18.58*** join/#asterisk iNetForce (
21:19.00jayteewell, it's quittin time
21:19.07jayteebe back later from the homefront
21:19.48iNetForceCan I configure distintive ringing for call waiting on the appliance? I want the transfer calls to have a different ringtone than outside incoming calls
21:20.06*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-4c8204927560b00c)
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21:26.08iNetForceCan I configure distintive ringing for call waiting on the appliance? I want the transfer calls to have a different ringtone than outside incoming calls
21:26.21*** part/#asterisk brodiem (
21:26.49ManxPoweriNetForce: all Asterisk Appliance support should be handled by Digium.  Call them.
21:34.57iNetForcei just want to know if it is posible
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21:38.49ManxPoweriNetForce: since none of us have ever used the Asterisk Appliance and know nothing about it, since all support is handled by Digium, you would have about as much luck asking your question on #nokia
21:41.02ManxPowerIn Asterisk you would configure your phone (Asterisk does not setup phones) for this feature, then you would edit your dialplan to be sure to set the SIP Header before sending a call to the SIP device so that the SIP header triggers the different ring/call waiting.
21:41.07hardwireanybody seen a good hack or maybe real product for having a wireless headset on an spa94x series SANS lifter?
21:41.12hardwirewith remote pickup?
21:41.15hardwireother than throwing a shoe at the phone.
21:41.48ManxPowerFor polycoms this is documented on
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21:44.53hardwirelooks around
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22:05.14unpaidbillholy hell, changed their site theme
22:05.28seanbrightnow if only their content didn't suck
22:05.47unpaidbillname a place with better asterisk related content
22:05.51unpaidbilli'd like to use it
22:06.57jameswf-hometechnically its a wiki so you could improve the content that you dislike
22:07.34unpaidbillwhoa whoa whoa, you mean do something other than shit talking... hey man you got the wrong guys
22:07.56seanbrighttechnically some jackhole can come behind me and say "WARNING: in Asterisk 1.0 this doesn't work, but in it got fixed and broken again"
22:08.02*** join/#asterisk serialthrilla (
22:08.27seanbrightor my favorite: "This works like this" "NOTE: The previous statement is wrong!"
22:08.54Strom_Mthe problem with being the lone person fixing the wiki is that you have to contend with the 3475130945716350834 other morons who keep breaking it again
22:09.05seanbrightding ding ding
22:14.57lmadsensounds like the Asterisk Documentation Project needs to be revived :)
22:16.28seanbrightmight be a good complement to the docs xml stuff that mvanbaak et al are working on
22:16.44lmadsenyes, exactly
22:16.58lmadsenI would like to host the XML docs on that site, and then write articles around it, how-tos, etc...
22:17.06unpaidbillwhere are these xml docs
22:17.13lmadsenunpaidbill: they don't exist yet
22:17.19lmadsenthe infrastructure if being developed
22:17.25unpaidbillah, nice
22:17.27seanbrightunpaidbill: there is a thread on the -dev mailing list discussing it
22:17.32lmadsenseanbright: TFoT HTML and PDF versions would also be hosted there
22:17.54seanbrightlmadsen: who controls that site?  you and jared?
22:18.39seanbrightwiki might suffice... a non-public one :)
22:18.53lmadsenya... we've looked at using something like Plone
22:19.09lmadsenwhere you can submit documentation, but it goes through an editing process before being published
22:19.18seanbrightthat'd be hot
22:20.35lmadsenI've wanted to do it for a while, but haven't had the time... but it looks like things may be changing that could allow me to follow through on that plan
22:20.46lmadsenhere's hoping!
22:21.19Strom_Mlmadsen: NOTE!!!!   This application is TOTALLY BROKEN in Asterisk 0.7.3!!!!!!!
22:21.21seanbrightyup! :)
22:21.43seanbrightthat is what KILLS me about the wiki
22:22.12seanbrightsomeone says something, and then someone else comes along and, instead of deleting the bogus content, they add a note saying the content is bogus
22:22.14serialthrilladang, we should start attaching "beta" to those versions
22:23.25Strom_Moh, and in case anyone ever wants to get their polycom phone talking to a Commodore 64, let me paste all that stuff into the "Polycom IP430" page
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22:30.14pcranemorning all
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22:40.58vader--was wondering how do you guys handle adding and removing users from asterisk?
22:41.14vader--im trying to work something out a process, script or something to add and remove users from asterisk
22:41.29vader--when we get a new hire i have to Create an account in our student management system, get the ID from that, create a domain account, add exchange, add live communications, then add them to their groups, then i have to add them into our phone system, give them a voicemail box, then add them into the copiers for access codes, then create another account in the student management system that allows them to do grades and attendance for studen
22:41.37vader--then i have to assign them a laptop
22:41.44vader--oh and a long distance code for dialing out
22:41.52vader--i use excel spreadsheets for the Laptop, Copier Code and Phone System
22:42.06vader--some people have phones, some people just have voicemail
22:42.09vader--some have both
22:42.30nephflsounds like a fun project
22:43.16pcranevader--: we're using mysql realtime iax/sip peers
22:43.25pcranehad a look at that?
22:43.40pcranean entry in a database, and voila, up and running
22:43.40vader--im just tired of messing with all these config files
22:43.54pcraneknow what you mean
22:44.04vader--sounds good but i don't knwo if i could adapt my current setup
22:44.28nephflyeah, most of the projects rebuild the extensions from mysql you just write a script to edit the extensions in mysql...
22:44.51vader--right now i have been pushing to use one record ID for each faculty member
22:44.59vader--through the student management system
22:45.05pcraneuses the same data fields as to create the sip/iax buddies, it just sends them to the DB instead of a config files
22:45.18vader--how about voicemail?
22:45.23vader--and dialplans?
22:45.38pcranethose can be taken care of with realtime mysql stuff too
22:45.42vader--how about zap chans?
22:45.50pcranethat I don't know about...
22:46.00vader--i have 24 analog channels
22:46.07pcranebut then, they're hardware based... why'd you need to change them?
22:46.08vader--that handle things like fax machines
22:46.17vader--and some users
22:46.31vader--i have phones in just rooms with no users attached to them
22:46.40serialthrilladont you just specify that it dials out that interface in the dialplan?
22:54.57vader--can i use a voicemail.conf and mysql database at the same time?
22:55.05vader--so i can test the sql realtime first?
22:55.17ManxPowervader--: using a database for less then a couple of thousand users is silly
22:55.34ManxPowerit much harder to diagnose issues, the system is much more complex
22:55.36vader--making changes to a database and doing lookups is easier
22:57.34MatBoychigambamukoko: it's a vmware guest issue
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23:05.11ManxPowervader--: so do it for stuff you need in a database like customer account information
23:05.55*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
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23:06.00tompawHi guys.
23:06.21tompawJust to be sure: to use a single PSTN analogue line in asterisk to receive and make calls I need an FXO, right?
23:06.34TrentCreekHowdy grampaw.....what's for supper?
23:07.06jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxofxs is An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
23:07.09ManxPowertompaw: correct
23:07.49TrentCreekWell how about this one?
23:08.17*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:08.24TrentCreekI did asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr  and I am not seeing call progress coming in from IAX channel
23:08.59TrentCreekahh..i think I know why
23:09.08TrentCreekno i dont
23:09.10tompawManxPower: thanks, and FXS I'd use if I got an 'operator' route at my place, right?
23:09.19TrentCreekyes i so
23:11.17*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
23:12.59tompawerm.. so those popular Linksys' SIP Gateways... they are in fact FXSes, arent' they?
23:13.18serialthrillaiax2 debug?
23:15.30jayteetompaw, some are FXOs
23:15.43jayteeto connect to a phone line, not a phone
23:15.46jayteesome have both
23:17.52tompawclear then, thank you
23:18.09tompawand which FXO would you recomment for asterisk? x100p or digium's x100m modules?
23:19.02andrewytompaw: both have a lot of problems. if you want a cheap FXO, look at something like a sipura 3000 (now a linksys 3something)
23:19.02jayteeI'd avoid the X100P since it's not supported or made anymore and most of what you see out there are cheap clones that lock up all the time.
23:21.46tompawdoes this: also cause problems? it's an official digium hardware, isn't it?
23:22.10tompawandrewy: I'd like anything with the "linksys" name on it ;)
23:23.09andrewytompaw: any of digium's current products will work well; the concern with the x100p is that it may be a clone
23:23.20andrewyit was discontinued a long time ago
23:24.02jayteetompaw, that's a good card. it supports up to 4 FXO modules or 4 FXS module or any combination of either equalling a total of 4.
23:24.05Nuggetpap2 > tdm* > gouging your eyes out with a rusty grapefruit spoon > x100p
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23:24.52jayteepap2t would be alot cheaper than a TDM410 card or any variation of it.
23:25.04Nuggetand less of a headache
23:25.13C4colowhat about two x100p cards?
23:25.26NuggetI'd rather perform a self-vasectomy.
23:25.29jayteewhat about raping yourself in the ass with a claw hammer?
23:25.30tompawI already got pap2 and it's working flawlessly.
23:25.44C4colox100ps are good for one thing
23:25.46macros73_anyone here have hands on with the aa50?
23:25.47tompawnow I need to terminate the PSTN (receive and make calls) with Asterisk
23:25.59C4colocheap zap timing source
23:26.35jm|laptopis PAP2 like the 3102 but without the router?
23:26.36tompawI understand that with this Digium card I can hook up PSTN's rj11 directly into Asterisk, while SPA-3000 would be a IAX/SIP peer/
23:26.41tompawis that correct?
23:27.08TrentCreekWARNING[1545]: chan_sip.c:6797 determine_firstline_parts: Bad request protocol
23:27.28jayteethe SPA-3000 connects to * via SIP over ethernet. The Digium card goes in the server and requires a zaptel driver
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23:27.43Nuggetzaptel, erm, dahdi.  :)
23:27.56tompawright... as long as they're on LAN (spa and *) I guess it doesn't make much difference, does it?
23:28.02TrentCreekOoooops! WARNING[1545]: chan_sip.c:6797 determine_firstline_parts: Bad request protocol
23:28.25jayteetompaw, I don't think you'd notice any performance difference
23:28.25C4coloso is there something that would prevent the musiconhold=somethingelse from working in sip.conf for a user?
23:28.28tompawand also I think spa gives me much more possibilities, cause ultimately I may want to pass this pstn to some remote asterisk over the internet.
23:28.30wwalkerI'm setting up a new asterisk and trying not to pull in every conf file and every module.  Things seem OK, but the extensions.conf file isn't being read.  What module reads extensions.conf?
23:29.36andrewytompaw: you could still pass it over the internet from your local asterisk box, but the spa is going to be significantly cheaper
23:29.46wwalkernm, found it
23:30.36tompawandrewy: and doesn't require my asterisk to be switched on. it's just that this digium card LOOKS so nice ;-)
23:31.01tompawone last question: SPA-3102
23:31.06tompawit says it also is both a FXS and FXO.
23:31.09jm|laptophas a SPA-3102
23:31.23tompawand what can you say about it?
23:31.44jm|laptopI found it difficult to configure
23:31.59jm|laptopyou can arse around with settings for ages to get balance right for volume / echo
23:32.17tompawit seems to be twice cheaper than SPA-3000. I wonder what it is so.
23:32.50jm|laptopit does some PRETTY STRANGE internal conversions between the FX channels and SIP - which adds latency and arguably echo
23:33.11jm|laptopit's good value; but I've had mine nearly two years now and still haven't got it /just right/
23:33.53jm|laptopit also seems picky about the phone you plug into it
23:34.07tompawso in general the best solution seems to be SPA-3000
23:34.10jm|laptopI got shocking results with one DECT phone, but much better with a standard wired unit and another twin DECT set
23:34.33jm|laptopthe SPA-3102 /is/ a 3000 isn't it?
23:34.42tompawthat digium card is tempting, but I got my asterisk running @ 64-bit build, I'm worried those zaptel drivers may not like it.
23:34.53jm|laptopbut with a crapy PPPoE extension that I don't/can't use being PPPoA here
23:35.04MatBoyhe, no sleep tonight, I need to fix my incoming sip trunk
23:35.11tompawalso, I won't have to get my PSTN line straight to the asterisk computer
23:35.34[hC]Yeah the SPA3102 is what alot of people want, but requires a lot of config dicking around. I wish there was a simpler version.
23:35.36jm|laptoptompaw: PSTN --> ATA ---> *  though?
23:35.39jm|laptopwhat's the last leg?
23:35.59jm|laptopwell   PSTN --> FXS interface on ATA --> *
23:36.01jayteetompaw, I ran 2 of those Digium cards on 64 bit RHEL 5 with no problems. I recently switched to the TE212P for PRI circuits so I'm not using them anymore but they worked great.
23:37.06C4colothe default text in sip.conf doesn't say anything about the musiconhold= option
23:37.11jm|laptoptompaw: I have a truck carrier and free incoming numbers [SipGate and similar] ... they all beat the PSTN option hands down
23:37.14C4colois this actually an option?
23:37.50tompawjm|laptop: I simply need an FXO to experiment with my card calling software. A pstn number that I already got in the wall for answering calls :-)
23:38.02jm|laptopCisco 7912 --> Asterisk --> Sip provider [ ---> { h0h0magic } --> PSTN ]
23:38.12nephflive got a simple issue and i cant find the stupid issue... im using trixbox and my ivr is executing hangup after a certain amount of time...i cant find a timeout or anything
23:38.39tompawdoesn't understand why SPA-3000 is more than 2x more expensive than SPA-3102
23:38.40jayteeC4colo, musicclass NOT musiconhold
23:38.48tompawjm|laptop: no need to, already gog PAP2T :-)
23:39.02C4colook, I'm going off of bad information then
23:39.05nephflwhere is absolutetimeout set, i didnt see anything in globals or anything
23:39.13C4colowhat is the option to override the music for a specific user?
23:39.16jm|laptopI've been reading about that; it looks like the same chipset as the 3xxx
23:39.31ManxPowerC4colo: it's IN sip.conf.sample  Go Read It
23:39.42C4colothat's what I have open
23:39.51jayteeC4colo, pg 363 of the book
23:39.54ManxPowerthen you should see the music on hold options.
23:39.56C4colo"Users and peers have different settings available ... "
23:39.58tompawnow I'm confused. should I get 3000 or 3102 then?
23:40.08C4colonothing listed for musicXXXX under there
23:41.09tompawjm|laptop: but now as you mentioned it, I wouldn't mind one decent SIP phone. that cisco 7912 is pretty nice you say?
23:41.52jm|laptopit comes with CSSP[?] (skinny) firmware so needs flashing
23:42.12tompawanything else you'd recommend? how about linksys-branded phones?
23:42.16ManxPowerC4colo: the file even TELLS YOU how to do that
23:42.20jm|laptopthat's fun[!] - tftpd/dhcpd ahoy - plus to get the firmware you might need a Cisco support account (cough)
23:42.42jm|laptoptompaw: I've only used Ciscos but I have heard good of some Snoms ... not sure which models though
23:42.50ManxPowerC4colo: but for more information look at channelvariables.txt in the doc dir for the CHANNEL variable
23:42.57jm|laptopthe firmware for the 79xx is a bit rubbish, too. Only one line allowed; no distinctive rings etc.
23:43.06jm|laptopI was tempted to try skinny on them just to see
23:43.29C4colomusicclass doesn't work for the user either
23:43.31ManxPowerC4colo: you must have missed upgrade.txt as well
23:43.41tompawjm|laptop: forums confirm that on 3102 this routing feature cause some confusion from time to time. spa-300 it is, then!
23:44.09Nuggetmy impression of #asterisk:
23:44.10Nugget"Hi everyone, I need help.  I'm trying to run trixbox with realtime patches on an eMachines server I found in the storage closet.  I've got 40 users with a mixture of grandstream phones and x-lite (unregistered).  I'm using four clone x100p cards I bought off ebay and I compiled a pirated version of the g729 codec.  Can you help me set up fax over sip?"
23:44.42ManxPowerNugget: that's amazingly accurate!  How DO you do it???
23:44.47Nugget"I need help right away, because the phones are all down and my boss is pissed"
23:45.04tompawjm|laptop: thanks. I just have to confirm if it's compatible with european PSTNs
23:45.17jm|laptopafaik it's ok for UK BT
23:45.39C4coloManxPower: I have it printed on my desk with orange highlighter on the important bits
23:45.44jm|laptopnot sure I'd buy anything called "PAP"
23:45.54jayteeC4colo, you need to set the musicclass in your musiconhold.conf file first then set which class each user gets in sip.conf with musicclass=classical or musicclass=rock etc, etc.
23:45.56jm|laptopits reputation sort of precedes it ...
23:46.08ManxPowerC4colo: looks like you found a bug in the sip.conf.sample for 1.4
23:46.11wwalkerwhat first digits should I avoid in extensions?  digits that are mapped to soemthing in asterisk by deafult (parking, etc.)
23:46.45TrentCreekHow can I troubleshoot why IAX is not registering with a DID?
23:46.46ManxPowerwwalker: You configure every thing, so you set up your dialplan and codes as you want.
23:46.49wwalkerany reason to choose 3 digits over 4 digits or vice versa in an office that will never have 50 phones?
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23:46.57ManxPowerTrentCreek: "iax2 show peers"
23:46.58jm|laptoper oops
23:47.12TrentCreekManxPower: Thanks..trying now
23:47.24ManxPowerwwalker: because those offices always end up having more than 50 extensions eventually
23:48.02jayteewwalker, only if you have many 7 digit local DID numbers and you want to point the incoming call to the proper 4 digit extension that matches the last 4 of a 7 digit DID, otherwise 3 digits works fine in a 50 user office.
23:48.21TrentCreekManxPower: It shows Offline, but does not tell me who
23:48.46ManxPowerTrentCreek: then turn on iax2 debug and see what's happening
23:48.49tompawjm|laptop: I need it for Polish TP, but since it's available in stores here, I think it will be fine.
23:49.28C4coloby the way, has anyone else had issues with reloading asterisk 1.4 causing it to hang? i.e. service asterisk stop / CLI> stop now / CLI> restart now ... etc are all unable to stop asterisk?
23:49.39jm|laptopcrazy Poles
23:49.48C4coloI have had this on multiple systems, all 1.4
23:49.48jm|laptopimporting all your sexy women to the UK
23:50.08jayteeC4colo, no I've never had that problem nor have I ever heard of anyone having that problem. you must be the first :-)
23:50.37jm|laptop[no seriously - it was in the news. Native women amongst the immigrant community are saying they're stealing all the men]
23:50.54ManxPowerC4colo: I've only seen that when your DNS is seriously broken or Asterisk is getting ready to crash
23:50.59jm|laptop"They're so slim because they've been poor, like" was QOTD for me
23:51.09C4coloone of my customers has a system I didn't set up, running a very basic dialplan (it is a call router) that if it is reloaded asterisk just dies, or hangs, during the reload (about 50/50 die:hang)
23:51.26C4colothen on a system I am running with freepbx + asterisk (both from source) does it occassionally
23:51.31C4coloand an elastix system does it too
23:51.42ManxPowerC4colo: they are of course running the latest 1.4.x so they are not encourntering one of the hundreds of bugs that were fixed since 1.4.0
23:51.49ManxPowerright, C4colo?
23:52.02C4colo1.4.19 on the first
23:52.03ManxPowerfreepbx?  Nevermind.
23:52.14ManxPowerC4colo: perhaps you should try the latest 1.4
23:52.17C4colo1.4.19 on the freepbx + asterisk
23:52.33C4colo1.4.5 on the elastix
23:52.39jayteeshit, if he can't even set a music on hold class right and he's setting up systems for other people I'm damn glad I'm not one of his customers.
23:52.53C4colothe point is, on all three systems, with different configurations, the same issue arrises from time to time
23:53.20ManxPowerjaytee: dog help us all.  It does NOT help that the option he needs to use was removed from the docs
23:53.22jayteeand the only thing they all have in common is?....................the person that set it up?
23:53.45C4colothe first one was set up by someone else, I took over the contract when he receive a better offer from another company
23:53.52jayteeManxPower, they removed it from the docs? seriously?
23:54.03C4colothe other two i set up, I thought it was something I did until I ran into it on the other system
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23:54.43C4colowait the other system is 1.4.4
23:54.47ManxPowerjaytee: I'm sure it was a mistake
23:55.08ManxPowerjaytee: try to find musicclass in sip.conf.sample in a 1.4.x (I looked at 1.4.13)
23:55.34C4coloalthough, I can't vouch for the other guy who set the system up since he put "musiconhold=default" on all of the sip users
23:55.38trevisaGuys, I´m trying to install asterisk to Centos3 server, but it does not recognizes the kernel-sources packages I´ve isntalled. What should I do?
23:55.46jayteeC4colo, so they're all different versions of * then? one with freepbx. Is there anything you can think of that they all have in common if they all exhibit the same problem?
23:55.54C4colowhich is where I got confused, since musicclass isn't listed under the options for users/peers
23:56.04C4coloheavy usage?
23:56.16C4colowell one doesn't have more than 4 or 5 calls at peak
23:56.22jayteeManxPower, maybe it got deprecated from 1.2 but never got cut from the book?
23:56.24C4coloone has 60-70 calls at peak
23:56.31ManxPowerare you using analog cards, C4colo?
23:56.48C4colomost modules are disabled as we do not use them
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23:56.54ManxPowerjaytee: I don't think so, as there seems to be reference to it, it's just not listed
23:56.57C4coloincluding only ULAW and SLIN as codecs
23:57.14C4coloiax2 is disabled
23:57.18ManxPowerC4colo: how are you connecting to the PSTN?  How are the phones connected?
23:57.38C4coloon one system it is going through a Squire ss7 router
23:57.42C4colovia a SIP trunk
23:58.02C4coloand/or through a SIP trunk for long distance
23:58.21TrentCreekManxPower is very busy
23:58.22C4coloon systems 2 and 3 they both use multiple SIP providers
23:58.49C4coloall connections in and out are SIP
23:59.45C4colomostly I just wanted to find out if there were others having this problem ... i just thought it was isolated when it was just the two systems, but now I'm thinking there may be a bug
23:59.55C4coloI can research it more, disable more modules and such

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