IRC log for #asterisk on 20080708

00:00.53The_TiKlmadsen, yeah that contains the extension i am calling from
00:02.54The_TiKi see DIALEDPEERNUMBER but it says it is broken
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00:08.31[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: ${EXTEN} is the number you dialed (at least when the call is first accepted)
00:09.03eXistenZpokes [TK]D-Fender
00:10.40*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:12.17The_TiKok, ive got a call file and dials a phone number and then goes to an extension that plays a wav file
00:12.42The_TiKi just want to set monitor the call and set the filename to the number that was dialed
00:13.06The_TiKits all working except just setting the filename
00:13.30[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: then you might want to show us what you're doing.  PASTEBIN is your friend.
00:13.33jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:15.44*** join/#asterisk ThatKidKel (
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00:16.21ThatKidKelCan anyone see the problem here?  GotoIf($["${LAST_VERIFY}" > "2629743"]?s,12 : s,15)
00:16.59[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: And your call-file?
00:17.46[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: and that dialplan doesn't even DO anything
00:18.25[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: There is nothing to monitor.  You aren't calling Dial after it.
00:18.51The_TiKyeah, the call file dials a number and then connects to it and plays the audio file that is created
00:19.05*** part/#asterisk bluekelp (
00:19.12The_TiKthats the call file
00:20.00The_TiKso it uses iax2 to call a number and then connects it to that extension
00:20.04[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: You can't do a monitor after the callfile processes the channel you specified.
00:20.29[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: You need * to start monitoring BEFORE that call is placed out your itsp
00:20.55*** part/#asterisk jarod14 (
00:20.55The_TiKno, the call file is generated correctly, i just want to set the filename to the outgoing call
00:21.05[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: Which is something you can't do by placing a call to an IAX2 channel like that.
00:21.23The_TiKthe wav monitor file is also created correctly, just the filename
00:21.32[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: I see what you're trying to do with the monitor but you have it on the wrong leg of the call.
00:21.43The_TiKit works this way though
00:22.22[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: exten => 661,5,Monitor(wav,${File1}) <- this will only record a call placed by the active channel.
00:22.37[TK]D-Fenderthe_but according to what you pasted, it never tries to dial out after.
00:22.58The_TiKit transfers the active channel to exten 611
00:23.06The_TiKand then starts recording
00:23.22The_TiKthats how I understand it
00:23.32[TK]D-FenderTheYou understand incorrectly.
00:24.00The_TiKbut its recording correctly, i just don't know what the outgoing number variable would be called to set the filename
00:24.18[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: you want to record what that outbound call through vitelity would hear/say.
00:24.28[TK]D-Fenderthe_it will not record anything.
00:24.32The_TiKit records fine
00:28.08The_TiKthe recording is not what I am having a problem with, just setting the filename to number that is being called in the call file
00:29.54[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: Set another variable in your call-file with the number in it, and use that.
00:30.14[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: And I would like to see CLI output of one of these calls being processed from beginning to end.
00:32.04The_TiKok, justa sec, i see what you are taking about now, about passing variable from the call file
00:32.45[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: That's one of several ways to do it.
00:32.47*** part/#asterisk ROARJ (n=joseph_2@
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00:43.55The_TiK[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your help, this is what the call log looks like now
00:44.41[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: Go show me the recording now...
00:45.13[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: Because we can not see the Monitor actually START
00:45.40The_TiKit starts on line 9
00:45.57[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: that doesn't actualy start recording...
00:46.05[TK]D-FenderThe_TiK: Go show us the FILE.
00:46.49*** join/#asterisk JohnnyBeGood (
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00:50.10JohnnyBeGoodI need to open ports for asterisk, does 5060 needs to be TCP or UDP or both?
00:50.40[TK]D-FenderJohnnyBeGood: UDP, as well as 10000-20000 UDP
00:51.48JohnnyBeGoodok, tanks, some sites suggest TCP so I wasn't sure
00:56.37JohnnyBeGoodwhat about sip_nat.conf if I have dyndns account that points to my home ip, do I need or ?
00:57.25[TK]D-FenderjonGee, I dunno... that that an IP or a HOST you are providing?
00:57.26jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
00:58.28JohnnyBeGoodits a host
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01:21.53*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Burzum@
01:21.53Mad||CowAnyone ever seen an error like this: channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from ulaw to unknown
01:22.49CVirusI have a motherboard with 1 PCI slot .. so, I inserted a PCI card that can hold two PCI slots and connected two X100P cards to it ... and now only one of them is detected while the other is not ... any ideas ?
01:23.21lanningwhat does "lspci" show?
01:23.39CVirusthe two cards
01:23.45CVirusbut zttool can't
01:23.48CVirusit sees only 1 card
01:24.59lanningdon't know.
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01:30.08fujinso uh, I have a weird issue with an AGI scrip
01:30.22fujinoccasionally they start to build up, forking asterisk, just now I had 4000 asterisk forks
01:30.39fujinmy cluster failed over (out of memory), and I've disabled the AGI script
01:30.42fujinanyone seen an issue like that before?
01:44.36*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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02:05.24russellbsharks sighted nearby, beware!
02:06.30Dovidrusselb: R u that bored ? ;)
02:08.25russellbDovid: :-p
02:08.35russellbvery tired, so a little crazy
02:11.48*** part/#asterisk fujin (
02:13.17Dovidhaha. join the club.
02:13.39Dovidgot back form a wedding at 11:30 OM. its 5:10 AM and I am still working. the alarm still rings at 9:30 AM
02:15.37*** join/#asterisk Mmurdock (
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02:33.54*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
02:34.37bijitis there any cheap like digium?
02:34.53JTwhat's the question?
02:35.18bijiti want to run asterisk @ home but can't afford a digium
02:35.59bijitso i was wondering if there is any digium like for me to use at home.
02:36.13JTwhat do you need to connect to at home?
02:37.01bijiti want to connect regular phone line to the computer so asterisk can handle my calls.
02:37.28[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Cheaper alternative is the Linksys SPA-3102
02:39.35bijitty [TK]D-Fender
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02:53.48spokrahey,  does the snmp stuff work in
02:54.06russellbit should
02:54.13russellbthat's the idea, anyway
02:54.26spokraI get sub agent connected in the asterisk cli
02:54.52spokrabut just end of mib when doing an snmpwalk
02:55.05pcranedoes anyone know how to wait a random time in 1.2?
02:55.23pcranein 1.4 you'd do: Wait(${RAND(5,30)})
02:55.30russellbhm, tough one
02:55.34spokravoip-info doesn;t have anthing on configuring.  found some other s via google but no luck
02:55.39russellbSystem would probably do it.
02:55.44pcraneabout the only thing I can think of is something like:
02:56.00pcranes,1,wait (1)
02:56.00russellbSystem(sleep `command to get random number but i am too tired to think`)
02:57.15russellbyeah, that would work ...
02:57.20russellbthere isn't anything better built in
02:57.40pcraneI like the single command though
02:57.48russellbguess you should use 1.4 :)
02:57.54pcraneI've got no choice
02:58.03pcranecustomer refuses to upgrade ;)
02:58.19pcranethe logic I've got was built for 1.4
02:58.25pcranehaving to adapt it to 1.2
02:58.35*** join/#asterisk ROARJ (n=joseph_2@
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03:00.29pcranethanks russellb
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03:34.38*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
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03:46.17*** join/#asterisk Elijah` (
03:46.34Elijah`Evening all...
03:46.57pcraneafternoon Elijah` ;)
03:47.07Elijah`having a little trouble getting phones to register with asterisk when outside my network :)
03:47.09Elijah`howdys :)
03:47.38Elijah`I think it's a NAT issue but not sure where to go from here... they register and work internally fine
03:48.18TrentCreekport forwarding
03:48.24Elijah`yep, got that...
03:48.32Elijah`forwarding 5060 UDP to the asterisk box..
03:48.33pcranesip or iax?
03:48.44pcraneRTP ports?
03:48.45*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
03:48.52Elijah`and lsof -i shows that it is indeed listening...
03:48.57Elijah`bound to
03:49.06TrentCreekcan you ping that port?
03:49.17Elijah`yes, 5060 is forwarded to the machine
03:49.26Elijah`umm... not sure let me try it
03:51.40[TK]D-FenderElijah`: Need a lot more than that.  Read up :
03:51.42jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:52.56Elijah`the host does repond do a ping, yes
03:53.09Elijah`so just forwarding 5060 is not enough to get a phone to register
03:53.30Elijah`let me check that link TK...
03:54.09Elijah`Aah, ok!
03:54.32Elijah`so lacking the bit of nat configuration there will keep a phone from registering?  let me add that in quick..
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03:57.39Elijah`ok got it like that shows, let's try another register...
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04:01.00Elijah`yeah no luck still, same problem..
04:01.20Elijah`and running tcp dump on the port, you can see there's not a thing coming through
04:02.43[TK]D-FenderElijah`: What have you got forwarded to you *?
04:03.19[TK]D-FenderElijah`: And pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
04:03.24jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
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04:05.10Elijah`Sorry was messing with it, 5060 and 10000-10005 are forwarded to the *
04:05.37[TK]D-FenderElijah`: Enable SIP debug and pastebin the complete registration failure atttempt.
04:06.11Elijah`I have core set debug at 10, was not aware there was an sip debug feaure...
04:06.15Elijah`<--- newbie :P
04:06.40[TK]D-FenderElijah`: "sip debug" <-
04:07.22Elijah`lol yeah that's me... but success!  it finally registered, was the NAT :)
04:07.30Elijah`just took that time for the phone to retry
04:08.47Elijah`just made a call, awesome!
04:09.11Elijah`thanks guys... I really appreciate it: )
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05:01.15*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=root@
05:01.38TrentCreekOT: Anyone here gotten 802.1x supplicant working?
05:02.19MawkeeAnybody here with experience with Xorcom Astribank that can spare a couple of minutes on a doubt?
05:03.18Strom_MMawkee: just ask your question...
05:04.53*** join/#asterisk dbmoodb (n=ooos@unaffiliated/dbmoodb)
05:05.20TrentCreekhe did ;-)
05:07.02MawkeeI tried with 3 xorcom astribanks, same problem. Brand new debian etch installation. All packages installed from (via apt), step-by-step as the manual specifies. After everything is recognized, I create a simple dial plan to reach 3 phones connected to the bank. I dial from the second to the third. When I pick up the phone on the first phone and dial, the DTMF is played on both the second and the third line.
05:07.22MawkeeIt's something that happens ALL the time. I tried with different installations, different astribanks
05:07.30Mawkeetried resseting the firmware
05:08.01*** part/#asterisk dbmoodb (n=ooos@unaffiliated/dbmoodb)
05:08.59MawkeeEven more strange: If I dial from the second to the first, and pick up the third and dial, nothing is played on the first two channels
05:10.22MawkeeAnybody has at least an astribank that is plugged and working? Just for the reference, so I can say this is an isolated case?
05:12.47MawkeeI'll try something. Be back later if it doesn't work
05:23.38Zochwarinteresting, answer() is only half-picking up the phone. The other line (analog) still rings, and the sound is fuzzy until i pick up on the other line.
05:24.25*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=root@
05:24.51MawkeeSame old. Tried removing an extra Digium card that was on the mobo, but it didn't work.
05:25.12MawkeeI'm completely out of ideas. If somebody could give me a small idea to persuit, I would be really greateful
05:28.06pcraneMawkee: We've had 3 xorcoms plugged in to debian lenny
05:28.19Mawkeepcrane: Never a problem similar to mine?
05:28.20pcranenothing like that
05:29.02pcranedid have a problem when the asterisk server stopped... it didn't boot up again after with the xorcoms still plugged in
05:29.23pcraneso, be aware of that
05:29.39Mawkeeok, thanks :)
05:30.17*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
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05:31.02pcranewhen we had them, they plugged in and just worked
05:31.07pcranedo they work with the LiveCD?
05:32.20MawkeeSame error
05:33.49pcranehm... that's odd
05:33.57MawkeeReally odd
05:34.03MawkeeI ran completely out of ideas
05:34.21MawkeeI unplugged everything, tried different usb jacks
05:35.40TrentCreeksip devices right?
05:35.49Mawkeeits a zap dev
05:36.13TrentCreekSeems people ALWAYS having trouble
05:36.42TrentCreekthat is why I use SIP and have fun
05:37.21Mawkeewhat sip device do you use?
05:37.30Mawkeefor analog phones?
05:37.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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05:43.14*** join/#asterisk Prof_Pardal (n=rsardinh@
05:44.06Prof_Pardalhi guys
05:44.22Prof_Pardalanybody have a astribank in production?
05:45.26TrentCreekI use Linksys with 2 lines
05:45.35TrentCreekIt's based on the Sipura
05:45.50TrentCreekworks like a charm, and never had a problem
05:46.22TrentCreekWell well..ANOTHER person with Zap having troubles
05:46.26frogonwheelsTrentCreek: yeah my pap2t works pretty well
05:46.35Prof_Pardalpap2t works a lot
05:46.45frogonwheelsTrentCreek: had a few configuration issues - but once set up it's rather nice.
05:47.01TrentCreekIt's just the way to go
05:47.18frogonwheelsyou have to stand it up though, or it gets a bit warm
05:47.40TrentCreekI have not seen to many people that come here with sip problems, and it they'susually solvable quickly
05:47.48Prof_Pardalmy astribank is driving me crazy
05:47.49TrentCreekHow warm?
05:48.28Prof_Pardalwhen 3 channels are open, and one of then press a dtmf
05:48.35Prof_Pardaleverybody hears
05:48.44*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (n=dan@
05:49.06Prof_Pardalhave u seen it before?
05:49.24Prof_PardalMawkee,  heya :)
05:50.21MawkeeHeya :)
05:51.23*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:53.59TrentCreekseems you and Mawkee have a lot to discuss...almost same problems
05:54.12MawkeeHe works with me
05:54.23pcranethat'd be the reason why ;)
05:55.05MawkeeI'm calling Xorcom
05:55.11Mawkeemaybe it's daytime there :-P
05:55.42hi365_mMawkee: 5 minutes to 9
05:56.29Mawkeehi365_m: Thanks!
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06:09.20ZochwarOk, so my problem was solved with a Wait(1) before Answer(), i only discovered that because the demo did it "Just for fun"
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06:17.33ZochwarHm, anyone know if NT1 boxes (on ISDN lines) are interchangable, or do they need to be configured?
06:17.50JTthey're generally just dumb modems
06:18.04JTmight be a couple of dip switches or jumpers for termination, but that's about it
06:19.42ZochwarOk, maybe i'll try swapping with another one, just to see if it helps
06:24.04Kyoshiwhen trying to use asterisk realtime, i want to use MySQL however, for some reason it's giving me an error saying the engine is not avialable, but if thats the case, mysqlclient is not working or installed properly.  this is what confuses me cause i dont know the yum command to install it.  anyone?
06:31.40[netman]Kyoshi: maybe the engine is innodb and ur installation only uses MyISAM?
06:32.04Kyoshino dude im not install mysql server on this machine.  its on a remote machine
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06:32.20Kyoshii only want to connect to it from my asterisk machine to use asterisk realtime
06:33.05[netman]check out whether the innodb is installed
06:33.25[netman]or maybe u could use another engine
06:33.26Kyoshithe CLIENT cares not which db storage method is used on the server.
06:33.50Kyoshii dont see how the client would know the difference
06:33.58[netman]in fact, I don't know if really asterisk realtime uses innodb
06:34.13Kyoshiasterisk realtime doesnt care!
06:34.14[netman]Kyoshi: *there* is a difference
06:34.27[netman]e.g: transactions
06:34.29Kyoshiyes on the server side how it stores the data, yes you are right
06:34.53Kyoshibut accessing it from a client makes no difference just to do a reference
06:35.05[netman]no Kyoshi u r wrong
06:35.14Kyoshii think the point you totally missed is the MySQL Client.....
06:35.24Kyoshiso you my friend are way off
06:35.30[netman]if the mysql client says "engine innodb"
06:35.38Kyoshii asked for the YUM command to install the MySQL Client
06:35.39[netman]the engine must exists on the server
06:35.40Kyoshithats all
06:35.51Kyoshilets not go off trying to find fault in something that means nothing
06:35.51JTit seems [netman] will give his answer
06:35.55JTto a question no one asked
06:35.59JTwhether we like it or not
06:36.14[netman]Kyoshi: type mysql
06:36.20[netman]on ur machine
06:36.35[netman]if u see a mysql> prompt, that's all
06:36.37Kyoshiyou think i have mysql installed?
06:36.38JTthis isn't aol, use proper words
06:36.51Kyoshiask me if i have it installed, i will tell you
06:37.20[netman]yum install mysql
06:39.58Kyoshiwhy would i want to install mysql on this machine?  i already told you it's installed on a dedicated machine.  there will be 2 asterisk boxes that remotely connect to the mysql database server, which is a different physical machine.  does this concept confuse you?  what part of this dont you understand?  is someone paying you to be this way and really annoy people cause you're worth every penny!
06:40.34[netman]08:35 < Kyoshi> i asked for the YUM command to install the MySQL Client
06:40.46[netman]sorry for repeating, mouse issue
06:41.43Kyoshicorrect and thats all
06:42.02Kyoshiif you';re "trying" to say "yum install -y mysql" will install the CLIENT only, then please clarify
06:42.19[netman]yes, that's just I mean
06:42.28Kyoshienglish not your first language?
06:42.39[netman]if u want the client side, u need to install that package
06:42.48[netman]sorry dude, I'm Spanish
06:43.02Kyoshidice espanola
06:43.44Kyoshidice con migo
06:45.11Kyoshimysql.i386 already installed
06:45.14Kyoshiup to date
06:45.24Kyoshinot the answer i needed
06:46.05[netman]08:36 < [netman]> if u see a mysql> prompt, that's all
06:46.07[netman]bad mouse :(
06:46.53[netman]I think the useful answer were answered already
06:47.58KyoshiWARNING[14088]: config.c:1331 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
06:48.23Kyoshiasterisk addons doesnt see the mysql client when using the menuselect
06:48.27Kyoshithats a problem
06:48.51[netman]Kyoshi: have u properly set up the config parameters?
06:49.04[netman]host, user, password, db, etc....?
06:49.22*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:49.25DarKnesS_WolFKyoshi: did u install the devel package correctly ?
06:49.27DarKnesS_WolFKoshatul: distro ?
06:49.29[netman]maybe asterisk couldn't connect to the mysql server
06:49.50[netman]devel? what for?
06:50.07DarKnesS_WolFKoshatul: ur compiling asterisk ? or using a package ?
06:50.34DarKnesS_WolF[netman]: if he is compiling as i can see from make menuselect then he should have devel pacakges for mysqlclient
06:50.37Kyoshiwolf: which devel package?
06:50.57[netman]DarKnesS_WolF: I don't think he is compiling anything
06:51.14DarKnesS_WolF[netman]: how can he access the menuselect then ?
06:51.44Kyoshimysql-devel installed
06:51.47Kyoshinot the problem
06:52.30[netman]DarKnesS_WolF: yes, if he really needs access the menuselect, he would have to install devel packages
06:53.19Kyoshinetman, you jut agreed with him but made it seem like he is wrong, nice twist
06:53.28DarKnesS_WolFKyoshi: do u have anything like mysqlclient-devel ?
06:53.41Kyoshibut if your english is going to be this bad please netman, try not to help
06:53.43[netman]Kyoshi: I think u r not trying to compile anything
06:54.05[netman]but if u really try to compile, u need the devel libraries
06:54.11Kyoshiwolf: mysqlclient does not exist on the yum list
06:54.25[netman]mysqlclient is from Debian I guess
06:54.34[netman]Kyoshi: r u English?
06:54.40DarKnesS_WolFmmmm Kyoshi really i don't use redhat
06:55.16[netman]Kyoshi: Spanish <- English -> Japanese ... I think it have something to do
06:55.42Kyoshii speak english perfectly, it's not the english that is a problem with me, your english is horrible
06:55.50[netman]maybe Kyoshi
06:55.59Kyoshienglish is my first language
06:56.04[netman]and u r enough smart to be the first one who told me
06:56.09Kyoshithen japanese, then chinese, then italian, spanish and german
06:56.47Kyoshithe problem i feel is that i cannot understand what you are trying to say
06:56.55DarKnesS_WolFKyoshi: think about ur problem :-0
06:57.14[netman]Kyoshi: maybe I didn't understand u from the beginning
06:57.44DarKnesS_WolFKyoshi: is this a fresh installation ? or an upgrade ?
06:58.20[netman]Kyoshi: can u connect to ur remote mysql server from the mysql client?
06:58.41Kyoshithats why i think its an asterisk addon problem
06:58.45[netman]connect to the database also
06:58.58[netman]and make queries
06:59.05Kyoshithat worked already
06:59.27[netman]r u sure asterisk is well configurated?
07:01.05[netman]is entering in real away mode
07:02.57DarKnesS_WolFKyoshi: when u did compile asterisk-addon did it generated cdr_mysql ? and res_mysql ?
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07:26.48mvanbaakbkruse: hey man
07:27.17mvanbaakmy firewall at home died, so I left in a hurry last time we spoke (read, got disconnected because of that)
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07:27.58mvanbaakI noticed you made some progress
07:28.00mvanbaakvery nice
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07:35.29Prof_Pardalfinally question solved
07:35.46*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
07:36.05Prof_Pardaljust only upgrade zaptel to svn version and astribank runs fine
07:38.23*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (
07:38.41*** join/#asterisk railsmunky (
07:41.48railsmunkyArgh can anyone help. I'm having major problems with our PRI. I can receive incomming calls on any channel but all my outgoing calls fail saying the channel is in use
07:44.20railsmunkyanyone there?
07:45.05*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
07:46.23Strom_Mrailsmunky: yeah
07:46.33Prof_Pardalrailsmunky, yes
07:46.47Prof_Pardalcan u give remote access?
07:47.09Strom_Mpastebin your zapara.conf, your zaptel.conf, the relevant section of extensions.conf, and the CLI output of an inbound and outbound call at verbose 10
07:47.14Strom_Mremote access...lolol
07:48.37Prof_Pardalsorry, i'm installing a asterisk box right now and have no time to understand your problem via IRC
07:48.51Prof_Pardali prefer see direct the CLI
07:50.14railsmunkysorry here...
07:50.20railsmunkyI'll get some configs up for you
07:52.16Prof_Pardalok, let see if we have time to solve it
07:52.41Prof_Pardalmake a call and paste your CLI results
07:53.02*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
07:53.14railsmunkythat's the config
07:54.20*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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07:56.39Prof_Pardalhmm, sangoma... i ve never use a sangoma board
07:56.57Prof_Pardali using digium a lot
07:58.24Strom_MProf_Pardal: if you're so busy with your own asterisk problems, then perhaps it's best not to offer to help
07:58.36Strom_Mrailsmunky: where are the rest of the pastebins I requested? :)
07:58.50railsmunkySorry looking for longs on the CHANUNAVIL :)
07:59.05railsmunkynot all the channels are locked it seems
07:59.36Strom_Malso, why are you using round robin for channel selection on your PRI?
07:59.56*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:00.01railsmunkyi thought it might help. I've just done that now. Channel 1 was locked up so nothing would go out
08:00.27Strom_Moutbound calls are always supposed to hunt from the high-numbered channel down
08:00.36railsmunkyok. so G
08:01.03railsmunkythey all appear to be cleared now :/
08:01.16Strom_Mby using G?
08:01.21railsmunkyit's a good thing i guess - but i don;t like not knowing why
08:01.24railsmunkyit was on g
08:01.30railsmunkyi've set it to G now
08:01.50railsmunkyok panic over for now. Do the configs look ok?
08:01.52Strom_Msee if the problem returns -- my theory is that the telco didnt like your channel selection
08:01.59Strom_Mlemme have another look
08:02.00Strom_Mhang on
08:02.02railsmunkywith starting on g?
08:02.59Strom_Mapart from a lot of pointless settings in zapata.conf, it looks OK to me
08:03.57railsmunkyaha :)
08:04.24railsmunkyThanks for your help. I'll keep an eye on it and see if anything else crops up
08:08.07Prof_Pardalrailsmunky: did u try call with all 30 channels?
08:09.03*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
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08:27.46liriif a meetme is running an AGI script in the background which endlessly loops on wait_for_digit() would it cause the participants of the conference to be cut out from each other?
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08:40.23phpboyHow can I check which call groups an extension belongs to?
08:40.44phpboyor rather, which queues and extension belongs to on the CLI
08:41.23hi365(core?) show queues
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08:49.21phpboyhi365: na, manually logged into
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10:02.04real_epicacI want to send incoming calls to a specific sip-address to a specific context. Our asterisk registers that sip-address to sip-server. Can i configure that in sip.conf with a peer/user?
10:04.16*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
10:06.52kannanhi to all.I am newly using the FXO card TDM2400p.I am using xlite softphone to make outgoing calls.When i dial the phone will ring in other end,if they pick up the call will hangup in asterisk.
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10:12.07pputmankannan, I would use a callfile to determine if the problem is the card or a sip issue.
10:12.27tzafrir_laptopor 'originate' in the command-line
10:13.04tzafrir_laptopor even simpler: pastebin a trace of the call: core set verbose 3
10:13.10*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:13.17tzafrir_laptopand show us what you see in the CLI
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10:13.54kannanpputman:thank you.if i post any call log?
10:14.08tzafrir_laptopnever realised asterisk 1.6.2 was released :-) (a post on asterisk-users mailing list)
10:14.38tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell kannan about pastebin
10:14.52jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
10:17.30kannani am using asterisk 1.2.27,zaptel 1.2.26 and libpri 1.2.5
10:17.47pputmanthat might be your problem
10:18.05kannani cant?
10:18.31pputmanI'm not saying it won't work, its just those zaptel drivers are pretty outdated
10:18.49pputmanlike he said I would pastebin
10:20.07kannanthen we try for the latest version only?
10:21.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:21.35pputmankannan, you might just have a misconfiguration.  If you pastebin your logs we can tell more.
10:24.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:24.25tzafrir_laptoppputman, it's latest zaptel 1.2
10:24.39tzafrir_laptopkannan, ==^
10:25.18tzafrir_laptopNot latest libpri, but you don't even need libpri anyway
10:26.00pputmanyeah its just everytime ive ever had a problem with 1.2 zaptel drivers, an upgrade to the latest 1.4 fixed it.  but then a lot of those times it was trixbox precompiled which have problems anyways.
10:30.43kannanpputman : just now post my logs in pastebin
10:41.29pputmankannan, it should have given you a link.
10:42.31tzafrir_laptoppputman, latest zaptel 1.2 have many of the bug fixes that latest zaptel 1.4 have
10:43.47kannani cant.In which asterisk 1.4 version we are using that same conf which we use in 1.2ver
10:46.29pputmankannan, before you upgrade, send us the link to the pastebin
10:47.06XnOSXwhat is the command line for disable DTMF Debug in Asterisk CLI?
10:51.14pputmanXnOSX, you can edit your /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and edit out dtmf from the line that says console, then do a logger reload
10:51.37XnOSXpputman ok thanx so much
10:53.26XnOSXpputman, hold on, but if i do this the DTMF Debug will be disable in Asterisk CLI?
10:54.36*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:55.13pputmanXnOSX, yes, if you disable it from the console line.
11:21.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:23.04Mad|CowAnyone ever had any luck with spandsp? I'm trying to recieve a fax but keep getting the following: "channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from alaw to unknown" and "app_rxfax.c: Unable to restore read format on 'SIP/fax_user-0822e928'" Any ideas?
11:23.39*** join/#asterisk exvito (n=exvito@
11:26.48exvitohi, i've just experienced the 2nd (in about 2 months) FXS line stuck at offhook state in a digium 4 port analog card. the only way i managed to bring it back to onhook was by stopping asterisk, reloading zaptel and restarting asterisk (no reload would do it and no soft hangup possible as the channel did not seem to be in use) any ideas as on how to imrpove such reset ?
11:29.21thomasis it ok if i have many iax channels? why i have 32?!
11:29.26thomasand why activ?
11:31.46*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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11:37.11thomasbackup*CLI> iax2 show channels
11:37.11thomasChannel               Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
11:37.14thomas(None)         (None)      07587/16954  00001/00001  00000ms  -0001ms  0000ms  unknow
11:37.17thomas(None)         (None)      07689/16937  00001/00001  00000ms  -0001ms  0000ms  unknow
11:37.20thomaswhat is this?
11:37.22thomas"none" ?
11:50.16*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
11:51.28thomaswrong window
11:52.47*** join/#asterisk spike008t (
11:52.56spike008tHi all
11:56.48*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:57.17spike008thi lol
11:57.23thomasbackup*CLI> iax2 show channels
11:57.23thomasChannel               Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)  Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
11:57.27thomas(None)         (None)      08136/16989  00001/00001  00000ms  -0001ms  0000ms  unknow
11:57.30thomaswhat is it?
11:57.35thomaschannel "(None)" ?
11:57.43liriif a meetme is running an AGI script in the background which endlessly loops on wait_for_digit() would it cause the participants of the conference to be cut out from each other?
11:58.10*** join/#asterisk droem (
11:58.11thomasphpboy: you created php script for agi?
11:58.22awkliri out of intrest why not use a timeout
11:58.48spike008they i wanna know if the last version of iaxclient is stable under windows?
11:58.56liriawk: a timeout would mean that the "window" time for users to press the dtmf is limited to a specific time
11:59.16awkwhy would that be unlimited
11:59.42liriawk: I'd like to always listen to the participants dtmf's and when it happens perform some action (run a script)
12:00.00*** join/#asterisk droem (
12:00.05liriawk: is there a proper way of doing that? because using the agi background script seems to cut out the users on the conf
12:00.29awkwhat user?
12:00.36*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
12:00.48awkor the user waiting for the dtmf
12:01.04liriawk: everyone, not a specific user
12:01.08liriawk: user=participant in the conf
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12:06.03liriawk: whats a proper way of doing that?
12:09.58thomaswhat is it? (None)         (None)      03149/17007  00001/00001  00000ms  0000ms  0040ms  unknow
12:10.05thomasif i send the command iax2 show channels
12:10.10thomasthe channel iss death?!
12:10.16thomas1 active IAX channel
12:13.17*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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12:14.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
12:15.08thomasrussellb: hello. :-)
12:15.28russellbwhy the :/ ?
12:15.38thomasrussellb: little question. have the new version .1 updated,
12:15.59thomasand i dont know why I have many (dead?) channels:
12:16.42*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (n=aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
12:17.23[TK]D-Fenderthomas: Whats the actual problem?
12:19.09thomas[TK]D-Fender: hi. i dont know, is it a problem or no? backup*CLI> iax2 show channels > 32 active IAX channels (
12:19.19russellbare there active calls?
12:19.20thomasthe channels is active? i have no calls
12:19.21russellbactive registrations?
12:19.25thomasrussellb: mom
12:19.34[TK]D-Fenderthomas: Does actually DO anything bad?
12:19.34russellbi'm not your mother
12:19.44thomasrussellb: aeh mom = moment - sorry :)
12:21.11thomas[TK]D-Fender: i  dont know!!
12:21.26*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
12:21.37[TK]D-Fenderthomas: Just stop then.  You're worrying about nothing.
12:22.23thomas[TK]D-Fender: hm. ok. and 32 active IAX channels isnt worrying ?
12:22.33thomas[TK]D-Fender: thank you very much
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12:28.20Mad|CowAnyone ever had any luck with spandsp? I'm trying to recieve a fax but keep getting the following: "channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from alaw to unknown" and "app_rxfax.c: Unable to restore read format on 'SIP/fax_user-0822e928'" Any ideas?
12:33.32[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: do you issue an explicit "Answer" before calling rxfax?
12:34.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:35.25Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: Yes i do. Is that not correct?
12:36.00[TK]D-FenderMad|Cow: thats fine..
12:36.51*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
12:36.58Mad|Cow[TK]D-Fender: The fax actually starts to go through... but when it seems to send, I see that message about unable to find a codec translation path
12:37.08*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Burzum@
12:42.11jeremy_gdoes asterisk support IM and presence
12:42.31*** join/#asterisk railsmunky (
12:42.48[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: No, and yes (for devices registered to * and placing calls to it)
12:43.26CVirusI just ran zttest and it yields this .. Best: 0.000 -- Worst: 100.000 -- Average: 100.000000, Difference: 100.000000
12:43.28CViruswhat does it mean ?
12:43.34CVirusI have two FXO cards installed
12:43.48CVirus--- Results after 0 passes ---
12:44.24railsmunkyHey people. Right this morning panic out of the way... I'm having troubles with 0141 nubmers in the uk. Stripping the 0 from the number gives 141 and i'm getting a BT unrecognised number - so it's getting out. Every other number works 01274 down to 1274xxxxxx. I think it might be to do with the 141 on BT number to hide the ID. I'm wondering if sending a full international would work (but it's not) 441274?
12:44.34railsmunkyAnyone any ideas?
12:49.01railsmunkyi'm sending 441274 and that doesn't work
12:49.14[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: pastebin your dialplan and a complete call attempt at verbose 10
12:49.19jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
12:49.24*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
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12:50.31CVirusI have a motherboard with 1 PCI slot ... so I'm using another PCI card that gives me two PCI slots and I inserted two FXO cards on them ... is there a problem with that ?
12:51.29*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:52.56railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: its more what the telco (BT) expects rather than a dodgy dialplan
12:53.11railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: since they both make it out to the PRI and beyond
12:53.41[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: Go ask them then.
12:53.58railsmunky[TK]D-Fender: ok sorry :)
12:54.19railsmunkyjust wondering if anyone had done it before
12:55.13ManxPowerdone what?
12:55.22railsmunkysetup asterisk on a BT pri
12:55.54railsmunkyand had every number working (which it does) including 0141 (which it doesn't) :)
12:56.01[TK]D-FenderCVirus: You know, X100P's are bad enough all by themselves... and you want to try to be an even cheaper bastard and run them off a riser card?
12:56.03ManxPowerrailsmunky: There can't be much difference between a BT PRI and a PRI in any other alaw country
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12:56.30CVirus[TK]D-Fender: LOL .. it's my boss who gave me the machine and the task
12:56.34railsmunkyManxPower: yeah that's what i figured. Do other countries have the 141 to hide the caller id?
12:56.57ManxPowerrailsmunky: Um, you don't use 141 to hide callerid on a PRI.
12:57.09[TK]D-FenderCVirus: then "good luck".
12:57.10ManxPoweryou use the Calling Pres and Caller Pres stuff
12:57.29CVirus[TK]D-Fender: Thanks :-)
12:57.58CVirus[TK]D-Fender: when I rmmod wcfxo and modprobe it again ... zttool can see them both ... but when I normal boot .. it sees only one of them .. any idea ?
12:58.09ManxPowerrailsmunky: you could easily emulate 141 in your dialplan.
12:58.55[TK]D-FenderCVirus: maybe you should make your own startup script to load them
12:58.55ManxPowerCVirus: Around here "good luck" means "You're crazy and I'm not going to help you, but I'll try to be polite about it."
12:59.21gr0mitrailsmunky, we have done a lot of PRI here
12:59.41railsmunkyManxPower: no that's the point i don't care about hiding it. The problem is that i can't call any number in glasgow :)
12:59.51railsmunkyManxPower: which has the area code 0141
12:59.56gr0mitrailsmunky, 141 works fine
13:00.01railsmunkyManxPower: that's the only thing i can think of
13:00.51gr0mitrailsmunky, can you explain the issue again?
13:00.56railsmunkyasterisk is doing what i does for every other area code in the uk. However when i dial a 0141 area code i get the telco saying they don't recognise the number
13:00.58[TK]D-Fenderrailsmunky: Again, call your telco and ask them why
13:01.19*** join/#asterisk Mnabil_work (n=mnabil@
13:01.37gr0mitrailsmunky, make sure you set the pridialplan=unknown
13:01.46gr0mitin your zapata.conf
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13:02.11gr0mitif you want a working zaptata.conf file for a BT ISDN30 let me know.
13:02.20ManxPowerrailsmunky: like everything with PRI, you need to see what HANGUPCAUSE is.
13:02.55gr0mitManxPower, ISDN here in UK operates very differently to the US
13:03.12ManxPowergr0mit: if it's ISDN, it has a HANGUPCAUSE
13:03.17gr0mitit does
13:03.22railsmunkywhere would i see that?
13:03.35gr0mitbut I think the problem is the dialplan and the settings in zapata.conf
13:03.38ManxPowerand that HANGUPCAUSE will tell you why the telco is rejecting the call.
13:03.43gr0mitand 141 works fine
13:04.03ManxPowerrailsmunky: after the Dial, do a Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) then you see it in the dialplan.
13:04.12railsmunkygreat. i'll try that
13:04.17gr0mitrailsmunky, please pastebin your zapata.conf file and we can take a look for you
13:04.22ManxPowerrailsmunky: then put the output of the failed call on
13:05.25gr0mitrailsmunky, you need to send the normal digits to line.
13:05.37gr0mitnot in internat format or without a leading zero
13:05.53ManxPowergr0mit: thank you for volunteering to help railsmunky.  I can go back to regular work.
13:05.54gr0miti.e. if you are calling a local number dial the 6 or 7 digits
13:06.10railsmunkywhen i send full codes eg... 01274XXXXXX i get a fail from the teclo
13:06.17railsmunkyi have to send 1274XXXXXX
13:06.30gr0mitso you need to check what is in your zapata.conf
13:06.43gr0mitand make sure you have pridialplan=unknown
13:07.29gr0mityup. so make sure you have pridialplan=unknown, then you can dial all calls normally
13:07.47gr0mitit is a quirk of BT's implementation of ISDN
13:08.07railsmunkyso include the leading 0>
13:08.31liriis it possible to enable feature codes (catching DTMF) for participants on conference?
13:10.15*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:10.30railsmunkygr0mit: is that correct. I've set that in my zapata.conf
13:10.55gr0miti think you need a lowercase g
13:10.59[TK]D-Fenderliri: Instructions seeme to say "no".
13:11.16railsmunkygr0mit: no that's just which channels to use
13:11.21gr0mitbut yes, that is the sort of thing
13:11.37gr0mitwell, let me paste my zapata.conf
13:11.40gr0mit1 sec
13:11.42railsmunkyok ta
13:13.29railsmunkythink i need more than that :)
13:14.20railsmunkygr0mit: great thanks!
13:14.25*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (n=hsval@
13:14.26liri[TK]D-Fender: there just has to be a way to do it :)
13:14.44gr0mitthen in the dialplan, you need exten _9X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN:1},60) or similar
13:14.46[TK]D-Fenderliri: You have the source, just like the rest of us, get busy.
13:14.50hsv-alhello fellow internet addicts - are we all looking forward to another long & glorious week of internet addiction, coffee sipping, burning eyes @ 8am, and staring at our monitors?
13:14.53ManxPowerliri: sure there is, go modify the code.
13:15.06gr0mitexten => _9X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g1/${EXTEN:1},60)
13:15.09gr0miti mean
13:15.27liriI thought it requires a modification of configuration such as extension
13:16.40[TK]D-Fenderliri: ... read the app's instructions.  that functionality does not exist.  You'll need to code all of it yourself at source level.
13:17.04gr0mitrailsmunky when you set your outbound callerid you need to send BT the same number of digits as they are sending you for incoming calls
13:19.05*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
13:19.20gr0mitworking yet, railsmunky ??
13:20.07railsmunkygr0mit: no and my hour is up :/ I'll give it a go out of hours. Could it be to do with the nationalprefix etc.. too?
13:20.52gr0mithave you restarted asterisk?
13:21.02railsmunkygr0mit: yep
13:21.11gr0mitnot just reloaded?
13:21.20railsmunkygr0mit: yeah
13:21.22*** join/#asterisk glaz (n=strke@
13:21.36gr0mitthis is a BT ISDN30, right?
13:21.44railsmunkygr0mit: yeah with 18 channels
13:22.18gr0mitok, well the zapata file i send you is from our own working BT line
13:22.23gr0mitso it defo works!
13:22.55jeremy_gmy * box is registering with a remote sip proxy but it is required to have a certain display name? how do i set that. is there any parameter in sip.conf that can be changed. calleridname=desired display name <-- is this valid in sip.conf before register => line
13:23.02railsmunkygr0mit: it looks better than mine so i'm going to migrate those settings across tonight and alter my dialplan accordingly. We'll see if it makes a difference.
13:23.13gr0mitok, well i am about this everning
13:23.24hsv-alMotorola Engineering 3GSM Test Mobile
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13:23.32gr0mitjust ping so if you get stuck let me know
13:23.35railsmunkygr0mit: great thanks for your help now, and i'll get on this evening and give it a go.
13:24.06gr0mithsv-al, and....?
13:26.51jeremy_gwhy doesnt anyone dare to solve my problem
13:27.06[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: I answered this yesterday.  You can't <-
13:27.07jeremy_ga custom display field for * registering with another sip proxy
13:27.23ManxPowerjeremy_g: maybe because someone came here asking the same question several days ago, and the answer seemed to be "you can't do that in Asterisk"
13:27.55jeremy_gManxPower, [TK]D-Fender: ok, that means i ll have to change the code
13:28.01ManxPoweryour only real option would to install SER, which lets you do most anything you want to do.
13:29.00liri[TK]D-Fender: actually on Asterisk+cmd+MeetMe page there's a command about the conf-background.agi script "this does not work with non-Zap channels in the same conference"
13:29.19liri[TK]D-Fender: so maybe this functionality exist but it requires the channel to be Zap and no SIP
13:30.11*** join/#asterisk canapa (n=canapa@
13:31.05jeremy_gliri:you have to compile some kernel module, uncomment some clock line in the Makefile somewhere
13:31.08ManxPowerliri: so as you can see you can't do what you want to do.
13:31.31jeremy_gliri:damn, some object module .o not kernel module
13:31.42jeremy_gbut thats too old
13:33.08*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
13:33.14hsv-algetting an error on this line:
13:33.53liripossibly I can connect to the AMI and wait on/filter events for the conference?
13:34.06hsv-alexten => _X.,n,Set(WHO= ${HOTDESK_PHONE_STATUS(${LOCATION})})
13:34.14hsv-alwhere's the error in that??
13:34.28[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: first thing, leading space....
13:35.32hsv-alahhh, there it is
13:35.35ManxPowerhsv-al: I don't see an error message!
13:35.48hsv-alworks oddly enough after space closed between = $
13:36.05creativxasterisk loves the whitespace
13:36.07ManxPowerhsv-al: now you know why we never add extra white space.
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13:37.02[TK]D-Fenderliri: Go try.
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13:45.56Mad|CowI'm getting the following in my debug: "chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: 0x0 (nothing)" Anyone know how to set this to ulaw?
13:46.19ManxPowerMad|Cow: looks like you didn't allow= any codecs
13:46.51Mad|CowManxPower: Is it refering to my sip.conf?
13:47.17ManxPowerMad|Cow: yes, all SIP stuff is in sip.conf
13:47.52hsv-almanx power:
13:48.07*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
13:49.07Mad|Cowmanxpower: I have allow=ulaw and allow=alwa in [general], will that not do it?
13:50.55*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
13:51.37ManxPoweralwa is not a valid codec.
13:52.05ManxPowerYou do not generally want to enable both ulaw and alaw.
13:52.07Mad|CowManxPower: sorry... it says alaw
13:52.42ManxPowerMad|Cow: put a copy of your sip.conf, masking only yhe passwords, on
13:52.46Mad|CowManxPower: I actually only want to use ulaw... but i would be happy with either at the moment
13:52.56Mad|CowManxPower: roger
13:54.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (
13:54.33ManxPowerstill waiting on that pastebin
13:57.17*** join/#asterisk MarkWD (
13:58.47jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:58.53*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=Burzum@
13:58.57CViruspci:0000:02:09.0     wcfxo+       1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
13:59.01CViruspci:0000:02:0e.0     wcfxo-       1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
13:59.10CVirusWhy is my second FXO card not handled y wcfxo ?
13:59.57Mad|CowManxPower: sorry...
14:00.02*** part/#asterisk MarkWD (
14:01.07Mad|CowManxPower: I'm storing most of my sip users in mysql...... the sip user fax_user is who we are interested in...
14:02.13Mad|CowManxPower: in my disallow, i have all. and in allow, i have ulaw;alaw
14:02.42liriwhat is the Present Menu option in MEETME_OPTS aka 's'
14:03.02CVirusDo I need a sound card for asterisk to output any sounds ?
14:03.33jayteeCVirus, only if you're making calls from the server which most people don't
14:03.56ManxPowerMad|Cow: I cannot help you then, as I don't do Realtime
14:04.12ManxPowerMad|Cow: STOP IT!!!  ALLOW ONLY ONE CODEC!
14:04.36ManxPowerIn many versions of asterisk allow=ulaw;alaw is invalid
14:05.14CVirusjaytee: thanks
14:05.37*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:05.40Mad|Cowmanxpower: I'll give it a shot. thanks :-)
14:06.54*** join/#asterisk waverly360 (
14:10.28Mad|CowManxPower: ever seen anything like this? "channel.c:3059 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from ulaw to unknown"
14:12.13waverly360Hey guys.  I'm running asterisk 1.2.14, with zaptel-, libpri-1.2.7 and for some reason asterisk can't see the pri.  When I attempt to do a "pri show span 1" I get a "no such command".  I'm using a sangoma a101d card with wanrouter version 3.2.5.  wanrouter status shows the pri as up and connected.  Sangoma's website claims that my error is due to a misconfigured/misinstalled libpri, but the instructions for libpri are very straightforward, so
14:13.12ManxPowerwaverly360: use 1.2 zaptel for 1.2 asterisk and libpri
14:13.35ManxPowerdon't expect Asterisk to even find zaptel 1.4
14:14.04*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
14:14.09*** join/#asterisk gfather (n=gg@
14:14.15gfatherhello guys
14:14.22waverly360...y'know now that you mention does seem silly to use 1.4...
14:14.33waverly360scratches his head.
14:14.57waverly360I thought I had compiled with the 1.2 version...let me check my notes... thanks Manx
14:16.05gfatherlike i was reading some stuff , and like i can connect to the asterisk from any wifi point
14:16.24gfatherbut can i dail for free by usinf an ip or something
14:17.22gfatherlike lets say i have a wifi phone , an i want to call the server , but i dont have priveleges to get into the netwrok like a local
14:17.49gfatherso can i dail the ip or something , and will it ring , like im getting a phone call , not as a local
14:18.01gfatheror by a software on the pc ?
14:18.10gfatheris that possible ?
14:18.38ManxPowergfather: none of us have any idea what you are talking about.
14:18.44creativxhe wants to dail!!
14:18.49creativxduhhhh ManxPower..
14:19.08gfatherok i have some writing mistakes
14:19.19gfather<ManxPower>  ok ill explain better
14:19.50gfatheri can connect a wifi phone from any wifi point to the asterisk server , right
14:20.11ManxPowergfather: in theory yes, in practice it does not work very well.
14:20.29jbothmm... wifi is see wireless or for a small compact non-port-blocking card, get one of these a) linksys wcf12 for only $65 shipped from b) netgear MA701NA for $65 shipped from c) socket LOW POWER wlan (amazing battery life) for $160 + shipping on, or better than nothing
14:20.52gfatherbut this phone has to be already configured with the server
14:20.57ManxPowerwell that was useless
14:21.10ManxPowergfather: all phones have to be configured for the server.
14:21.16ManxPowerIf you want to use that server.
14:21.54gfatherbut if i want to use the phone , and its not configured with the server
14:22.13ManxPowergfather: exactly what do you want to do with the phone if you don't have it configured?
14:22.26*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
14:22.43gfatheri want to call , using the ip , or a domain name , without configuring it
14:23.02ManxPowergfather: your question has NOTHING to do with Asterisk.
14:23.02gfatherlike lets say , the company i want to call have asterisk
14:23.12ManxPowerYou must contact tech support for the phone you purchased.
14:23.25gfathernah man , ur not getting my point
14:23.29gfatherlike lets say , the company i want to call have asterisk
14:23.46gfatherthey have configured it , so if u have a wifi phone
14:24.00gfatheru can call them for free on
14:24.25ManxPowergfather: OK.  Then contact the tech support for your phone, as this has nothing to do with Asterisk.  I cannot tell you how to dial by IP address or SIP URI as how you do that is different for every phone.
14:24.50ManxPowergfather: so do whatever you have to do to make the phone call
14:25.07gfatherim asking if it can be done on asterisk
14:25.17gfatherim asking if i can do this option
14:25.21ManxPowergfather: no, it cannot be done on Asterisk.
14:25.40gfatherbut its easy , its not that big thing to do
14:25.42ManxPowerFortunatly it has NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ASTERISK.
14:26.06gfatherim sure u still dont get what im asking
14:26.38gfatherlets say its a new feature for asterisk , can it be done ?
14:26.55ManxPowergfather: what you are asking is "how do I use WiFi SIP Phone <unknown model> <unknown brand> may a direct call dialed using the IP address to a specific SIP server"
14:27.09gfather<ManxPower> no im not asking that
14:27.35filechan_sip can accept calls from unauthenticated devices... if configured to do so
14:27.37gfathermay a direct call dialed using the IP address to a specific SIP server"
14:27.46gfatherthats right
14:27.47ManxPowergfather: Then exactly what are you asking?  What SIP server the company you are calling does not matter.  ANY SIP server, from Microsoft, cisco, or open source will work.
14:28.18gfatherwhat im asking is ( may a direct call dialed using the IP address to a specific SIP server")
14:28.20ManxPowergfather: I cannot help you further.  Best of luck.
14:28.55gfatherlike can i do that for my company , or others do it by asterisk
14:28.55ManxPowerYou obviously do not know how Asterisk works, how SIP works, and how WiFi SIP Phones work and I do not have a days worth of time to teach you.
14:28.59*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
14:29.27gfatherman i know ur here to help
14:29.28*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:29.45gfatherok lets say i have an asterisk server
14:30.13gfatheri want to call through the ip ,or through the domain name
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14:30.32gfatherbut not by configuring it from the start
14:30.55gfatherbut not by configuring the phone from the start
14:31.12naitramis there a way to set a custom call back event to an AMI client? I need to fire an event when busy is detected in my dial scripts
14:32.20gfather<@file> chan_sip can accept calls from unauthenticated devices... if configured to do so , so it can work ?
14:32.44*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=brett@
14:33.22gfatherso what im asking can be done
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14:34.07gfatheru dont have to be authenticated to call from the net
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15:01.07hsv-alReiser, known in programming circles for his ReiserFS file system
15:01.14ManxPower.part #not-really-funny-stuff
15:01.22hsv-alall your reiser fs are belong to jail!
15:01.22hsv-al#  NEW: Attorney says Reiser 'went right to' spot where body was found
15:01.23hsv-al# KTVU: Hans Reiser admits strangling wife; he previously denied killing he
15:01.25bijitfor me to have a working dns server do I have to register a domain name?
15:01.53ManxPowerbijit: no.
15:02.40bijitbut if i just add any name will its be seen outside my LAN?
15:07.50ManxPowerbijit: no.
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15:11.25ManxPowerYou can run a name server with no domains configured, this is called a "caching nameserver"
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15:21.48macros73What amount of time lapse should there be, end to end, on a typical SIP call before the parties get annoyed?  On some of my test calls it seems like a full second before they hear me.
15:22.55kj4acmcould someone recommend some IP phones for asterisk use in the $200-300 range? (in the united states). It'll be fore a 4 extension small business. could possible grow to 6-8 extensions in a couple years.  voip phone->asterisk->POTS
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15:23.17M1s3rykj4acm, polycom
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15:23.41kj4acmm1s3ry: cool. that's what i was looking at.  was curious about aastra, linksys and cisco too
15:24.02*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:24.16macros73kj4acm: I have good experiences with the Aastra 480i in a home setting, fwiw.
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15:24.57macros73kj4acm: People I call from home via Vitelity/Asterisk/Aastra claim they perceive no difference in call quality from a traditional POTS call.
15:27.24kj4acmmacros73: that's good to hear.  you're doing voip->pots->call  ?   I was using a digium tdm400 that went fxs->card->asterisk->voip provider  and had some echo problems at times
15:27.58macros73kj4acm: No, just a SIP trunk on my end
15:28.00*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
15:28.04kj4acmi'm going to let this guy use this card and he'll do voip phones->asterisk->pots and i worry about echo. i guess using a channel bank is the way to go to solve that?
15:28.23kj4acmhe doesn't want to use a voip provider
15:29.03macros73kj4acm: Beyond my experience, currently.  I haven't used any of the fxo/fxs stuff yet.
15:30.13kj4acmhow do you like the 480i
15:32.14macros73kj4acm: Love it.  I have the CT version, comes with a wireless mobile handset that pairs with the base station.  Crystal clear call quality unless I have torrents running.  (No QoS on my current router.)
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15:33.46macros73kj4acm: (Oh, also, using g711 at home, too, which probably helps the call quality.  That may not be feasible at your client site, depending on bandwidth available.  But the 480i is supposed to support g729a directly.  I'll test that tonight.
15:34.06sumamacros73: GSM is also good
15:34.13sumano need of paying license
15:34.50macros73suma: When I tried GSM here, users gave it a thumbs down.  3/5 on call quality, though I admit we have needy users here.
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15:36.34macros73and they are used to the good life...ISDN PRI voice on our current phone system. :D
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15:40.17nr4qpolycom 650 > 560... right ?
15:41.34*** join/#asterisk U-238 (n=u-238@pdpc/supporter/base/u-238)
15:41.59nr4qfunny at voipsupply the 560 is more than 650
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15:42.47U-238hello everyone, I am writing an asterisk module and I would like to have a function be executed constantly once every second (the function checks for changes in a mysql database)
15:43.00U-238is there some way I can register this function to make asterisk run it constantly
15:43.50CViruslooks like there's noway to get two X100P cards on the riser card to work
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15:43.58[TK]D-Fendernr4q: 560 = GIGABIT.  Thats why its pricey
15:44.03CVirusbeen digging for the past 2 days
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15:44.34nr4q[tk]d-fender: ah. looked like the 650 had more features.  gigabit's not needed
15:44.49[TK]D-FenderU-238: And what would it do if there is a change?
15:44.57U-238make a call
15:45.04[TK]D-Fendernr4q: Then you clearly should not be looking at the 560 at all
15:45.11U-238if there is an outgoing channel available
15:45.13nr4qclearly :)
15:45.15QwellCVirus: why not just get a multi-port card?
15:45.18U-238otherwise it does nothing
15:45.23U-238cos it will just try again next time
15:45.26QwellDigium TDM410 - save yourself the trouble
15:45.34[TK]D-FenderU-238: you should write a stored procedure for your database and have that call a script.  this is not *'s job
15:45.46[TK]D-FenderQwell: His time clearly ahs no value
15:46.11U-238other than by creating a text file in asterisk's spool folder
15:46.17U-238what is the best way to get a script to make a call?
15:46.43U-238I also want * to report status back to mysql like whether the call was successful, etc
15:47.34macros73Sounds like someone is making an autodialer. :D
15:47.41U-238yes, it is
15:47.52macros73"Hello, are you happy with the size of your Wii?"
15:47.55U-238dials and plays a message and hangs up
15:48.29macros73Actually that could be nifty.  Tie it into Nagios for example and get a call if a critical system goes down.
15:48.38macros73Unless the critical system is the * system.
15:49.03[TK]D-FenderU-238: call file or AMI Originate
15:49.23U-238what is AMI originate?
15:49.35jbothmm... ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
15:49.47U-238ok cool
15:49.56U-238and I want to limit the number of concurrent calls that it makes
15:50.02U-238because currently with call files
15:50.15U-238if there are too many call files some of the calls just dont happen
15:50.28[TK]D-FenderU-238: this is up to whatever script you create to ensure
15:51.30U-238and finally,
15:51.49U-238does anyone know of an autodialler that can make calls which are scheduled in a mysql database?
15:51.56U-238so I don't need to make one myself :)
15:52.03[TK]D-FenderU-238: No.  Get busy
15:52.13U-238I will
15:53.07U-238if anyone's curious, the program is to call people and remind them to take medication at certain times
15:53.17U-238thanks for the help
15:53.28*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3 (
15:54.13[TK]D-FenderU-238: Why would it place a call based on a DB entry changing instead of "scheduled" as you now describe?
15:54.16*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:54.26dominic1I need some help with the devstate function
15:54.29U-238well the db entry doesnt change
15:54.32U-238what I mean is
15:54.40U-238the program constantly checks the db
15:54.48U-238for calls scheduled in the past
15:55.10dominic1I want to do the following: if somebody is called the devstate should be set to ringing
15:55.17[TK]D-FenderU-238: I think you need to completely rethink your approach....
15:55.26dominic1if the user picks up the call the devstate should be inuse
15:55.33U-238well I'm open to suggestions
15:55.44U-238I want to schedule for calls to be made at certain times
15:55.49U-238and play a certain message
15:55.56U-238I don't mind too much how its done
15:55.58[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Why are you using devstate to duplicate what basic presence should already be doing and fully capable of?
15:56.25[TK]D-FenderU-238: Just go sit and think on it and let us know when you reach an * problem about it.
15:56.47*** join/#asterisk furibondox (
15:57.01dominic1special configuration: I have some users which have a few virtual numbers
15:57.30dominic1and every number should have it's own devstate and not be associated with the device
15:57.45dominic1I need a kind of virtual devstate
15:58.17uTxnot sure if this is the place to ask, but I need someone to code a new fuction is asterisk
15:59.00furibondoxhi, i've a problem looking report in freepbx: if i call an internal extension from another and the first is unavailable, no log is been tracked in freepbx... how can i log this type of call?
15:59.20M1s3ryfuribondox, #freepbx
15:59.43jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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15:59.49M1s3ryFYI you'll probably get better help there
15:59.52[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: Ok... thats different....
16:00.40[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: to change the state to inuse, I'm use "M()" in your dial to the actual device to trigger the update
16:00.46uTxshould I ask in dev?
16:00.51[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: s/better/ant/
16:01.20[TK]D-FenderuTx: You could TRY there... but this may be "bounty" territory
16:01.35dominic1but what's with the ringing and escpecially the ringing and Inuse state?
16:01.45CVirusis it possible to install asterisk on two servers and 1 FXO card on each and then my dial plan would be like if an incoming call goes to line no. 1 then an IVR menu is initialized and if the user press the # key he gets the dial tone of line no.2 which is on the other asterisk server ?
16:01.52[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: What do you mean, "whats with"?
16:02.05uTxis there a channel for that
16:02.06[TK]D-FenderCVirus: Sure
16:02.29CVirus[TK]D-Fender: what shall I read about to do so ?
16:02.32M1s3ryCVirus, you'll require more than just 1 fxo on each side though... unless you peer them with sip/iax
16:02.33[TK]D-FenderuTx: For bounties, check the WIKI
16:02.41dominic1how can I set the state to ringing, If I use a macro in the dial command nobody can see if a extension has been picked up
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16:02.53[TK]D-FenderCVirus: Its all dialplan + whatever kind of channels you'll se tup between your boxes.
16:03.44[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: you seem to have missed it.  that macro gets called if they ANSWER so you can change your state
16:04.25dominic1cool thank you very much for that information
16:05.00dominic1that will help me a lot with my problem!
16:05.08[TK]D-Fenderdominic1: You're welcome.
16:06.04*** part/#asterisk oron (
16:06.35uTxdev kicked me
16:06.49[TK]D-FenderuTx: lol
16:06.52Qwellno, they muted you
16:06.57[TK]D-FenderuTx: Must have earned it.
16:07.08uTxfeels like a kick
16:07.08[TK]D-FenderuTx: So what do you need exactly?
16:07.23uTxI need the caller to know the state of his call
16:07.24[TK]D-FenderuTx: If you can still see, then you aren't gone yet :)
16:07.33uTxIe ringing connect, so on
16:07.55[TK]D-FenderuTx: Please describe a complete scenario
16:08.06uTxok I call some one
16:08.07[TK]D-FenderuTx: And HOW you are to be indicating things.
16:08.10Qwelland please use complete sentences
16:08.16Qwellgrammar applies here as well
16:08.17uTxI need a IVR to say ringing
16:08.17ManxPoweruTx: The only way that you MIGHT be able to do that is using AMI, but really, since nobody ever needs this feature, perhaps you are confused.
16:08.18[TK]D-FenderuTx: DETAILS <---
16:08.37ManxPoweruTx: you cannot get those sorts of states in the dialplan
16:08.48[TK]D-FenderManxPower: this scenarios has more holes than a brick of swiss chees... I'd wait on it..
16:08.54ManxPowerThe dialplan will BLOCK until the call ends.
16:09.07ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: oh, I'm not waiting around to help him in this foolish task.
16:09.13uTxwhen the user answers it has to say answered
16:09.21[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I meant for him to clarify...
16:09.29ManxPoweruTx: Asterisk may not be the solution for you.
16:09.35[TK]D-FenderuTx: start over, your process description is really weak.
16:09.45uTxI know
16:09.50uTxlet me try again
16:10.09QwellEnter is NOT punctuation.  Please don't hit enter after every word.
16:10.12ManxPoweruTx: maybe you can come back when you know what you want to do, rather than just having a vague idea of what you want to do.
16:10.21uTxyou know in the console you see call progress
16:10.31uTxand then call bridged when connected
16:10.32*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:10.48uTxI need the caller to know all this by way of IVR messages played only to him
16:11.02[TK]D-FenderuTx: Sorry, still meaningless.
16:11.21uTxso he would be calling someone, and he would he a ring plus hear a ivr message saying ringing
16:11.22[TK]D-FenderuTx: And stop calling "audio" you're playing back as "IVR messages"
16:11.31[TK]D-FenderuTx: IVR means he's INPUTTING something.
16:11.58[TK]D-FenderuTx: "core show application dial" <-  Go read the instructions.
16:11.59uTxno just a sound file played back, when rining it says ringing
16:12.14[TK]D-FenderuTx: Like the tone isn't obvious enough?
16:12.25uTxand when the call gets connect a audio file says call connected
16:12.40[TK]D-FenderuTx: go read the instructions to DIAL.
16:12.46uTxI did
16:12.54uTxthis is not possible
16:13.00uTxyou can see it in the console
16:13.09[TK]D-FenderuTx: Sure it is.  use a MoH class that plays that recording.
16:13.11uTxlike making progress
16:13.33[TK]D-FenderuTx: and use "M()" or something to play the "answered" bit.
16:13.42QwellM is called
16:13.53*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:14.00uTxok and for ringing bit
16:14.16uTxI need to catch FAS
16:14.18uTxand no ring
16:15.03uTxI do it now by having the console open
16:15.03uTxbut a audio message is better
16:15.21uTxno need to open the console to see if a call should be ringing
16:15.26uTxand if I got the connect
16:16.00[TK]D-FenderuTx: And why do you need it to say this to you?  Football games don't ahve this kind of play-by-play...
16:16.31[TK]D-FenderuTx: You know its ringing because you hear it ringing.  you know its answered because it STOPS ringing...
16:16.49uTxhow about if your calling kenya
16:16.50nr4qshould I get a discount for having 2 BRI's over the cost of a single BRI ?
16:16.58uTxand the provide is not sending a ring
16:17.04uTxwhen they should be
16:17.05nr4qor would tha tbe a fractional
16:17.05Qwellnr4q: probably not
16:17.18uTxor there is FAS
16:17.23uTxit is for testing routes
16:17.24[TK]D-FenderuTx: If * knows, then YOU can force ringing.
16:17.31QwellI doubt you could get a fractional T1 with just 4 channels
16:17.38Qwell8-12 is more likely
16:18.01uTxI need to know what the farend is doing
16:18.07uTxplay by play
16:18.17uTxlike a debug in audio form
16:18.39Qwellif...Asterisk doesn't get any indication of what the far end is doing
16:18.40[TK]D-FenderuTx: * either thinks the line is ringing, or has been answered, thats it. Asterisk going to know what to play?
16:19.09uTxin the console I see making progress
16:19.19uTxwhich = ringing
16:19.20Qwellthen you're getting indications from the far end
16:19.29uTxand call briged
16:19.34uTx= call is answered
16:19.41[TK]D-FenderuTx: Again, you can do this with M()
16:19.47uTxok I know
16:19.53uTxfor the answered part
16:19.58uTxhow about the ringing
16:20.07uTxmaking progress part
16:20.14[TK]D-FenderuTx: and force ringing announcement via MoH class while "ringing"
16:20.29uTxI don't want to force
16:20.38uTxI want to see what the carrier is giving me
16:20.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:20.56[TK]D-FenderuTx: You don't seem to understand... if you get "making progress", then you WILL be ringing.  Its going to come next no matter what.
16:21.14*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
16:21.14lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: well, unless the world ends of course
16:21.26uTxbut I want a audio saying so
16:21.49[TK]D-FenderuTx: Its like announcing "apple pushed off the table", instead of "aspple falling".  "Apple falling" already knows its been pushed and is pointless.  It will also "fall" when pushed".  Anything more is pedantic and worthless
16:22.33uTxok I see
16:22.48uTxbut some times you get no ring
16:22.50[TK]D-FenderuTx: And this isn't just a "module".  You will need a complete recoding of the dial mechanism.
16:22.59uTxand it's hard to know the PDD of the call
16:23.11[TK]D-FenderuTx: PDD?
16:23.22uTxpost dial delay
16:23.40[TK]D-FenderuTx: What are you dialing over, btw?
16:23.57ManxPoweruTx: not hard at all.  You know the PDD if you know the tech used to dial the call
16:24.12[TK]D-FenderuTx: Something tells me that due to zone indications, audio progress is impossible, so * won't give you anything anyways if the zone is foreign
16:24.21ManxPowerPPD on analog will be .3 - .5 (depending on how you configure it) per DTMF digit.
16:24.33uTxhow about if your calling kenya
16:24.37ManxPowerPPD on non-analog is instant.
16:24.39uTxand the ping is 845 ms
16:24.41x86I keep getting random dropped calls on SIP phones --> asterisk --> channel bank --> analog phones
16:24.51Qwelloh, nevermind
16:25.00ManxPoweruTx: that is .845 seconds, is it really that important.
16:25.09ManxPowerx86: turn off busydetect and callprogress.
16:25.38[TK]D-FenderManxPower: thats FXS, not FXO
16:25.45uTxIt is an interesting project
16:25.51uTxany takers
16:25.57x86ManxPower: yeah but if I kill busydetect, I'll get voicemails with dialtone or reorder tone whenever someone calls me and hangs up when they get my voicemail greeting
16:26.00ManxPowerno, FXO port
16:26.09ManxPowerx86: it sucks to be you.
16:26.13[TK]D-FenderuTx: You'll have to pay serious bucks to a consultant for a job like that.
16:26.26uTxcan you do it
16:26.31x86ManxPower: ... thanks for the help ...
16:26.35uTxwe can discuss outside the channel
16:26.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: he is not using FXO, there is no "call progress" failure potential for that.
16:26.44jeevgot IBM corporate to offer $200 discount on another system since they ruined my order after a week of fighting
16:27.16x86[TK]D-Fender: right
16:27.18ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I never said he's using FXO or FXS.  I simply said you know the PDD on an FXO.
16:27.47ManxPowerthere is no PPD on FXS normally
16:27.53ManxPowersotty PDD
16:28.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: I was answering about x86's problem... you are fragmenting again.  Go caffeinate!
16:28.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: there is no solution to x86's problem
16:28.59[TK]D-Fenderx86: Go max out your debug and show us something.
16:29.02ManxPowerif you enable callprogress or busydetect you WILL have random disconnections.
16:29.29ManxPowerYou can increase busy count to reduce the random disconnects, but it won't eliminate them and it comes at a cost of a longer time takend to detect hangup.
16:29.44x86ManxPower: I don't have callprogress set on any spans, although busydetect was set one a couple... i just disabled it
16:30.19x86I wonder if these channelbanks support disconnect supervision
16:30.24ManxPowergoes off to buy a Sawsall
16:30.43defsworkx86: without it analog it's a mare
16:31.08[TK]D-Fenderx86: Doesn't work that way on FXS...
16:31.48[TK]D-Fenderx86: TELEPHONES don't CUT the circuit or reverse polarity because telephones to not GENERATE any.
16:32.21[TK]D-Fenderx86: your CB can TELL your phone that IT has given up, but then that'd be at *'s request.
16:32.40[TK]D-Fenderx86: And the only reason to do that is * had a normal reason to stop a call... like the SIP phone hanging up
16:32.47ManxPowerbusydetect for FXS is just plain stupid
16:33.31ManxPowerx86: what is the signalling set to for the channels going to the CB?
16:33.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: More like "apples & oranges".  How many MPG do you get on a parachute?
16:34.06d-techdepends on how big the bananas are?
16:34.08x86ManxPower: kewlstart
16:34.19ManxPowerfxs_ks or fxo_ks?
16:34.56x86fxo, naturally, since they are fxs ports
16:35.38ManxPowerx86: yes, but some people don't know that.
16:36.10x86would it even work if the channel bank did FXO signalling and I was doing FXS? heh
16:36.14ManxPowerand since you have been here for YEARS and still tried to use busydetect -- I assume you are still not very familiar with Asterisk even after years of being here.
16:36.20x86didn't even think that would work at all
16:36.44adr3nalin3could someone please help me setup a dial plan with FXO zap channels?  I have been asterisk-gui spoon fed in the past but since gui won't work with my hardware I need to put down the mouse.  thanks.
16:36.45x86ManxPower: actually dude, you told me to use busydetect to solve my problem with dialtone voicemails
16:36.56x86about a year ago
16:37.04QwellI doubt it was ManxPower
16:37.15[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: ...
16:37.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
16:37.22x86I'm 97.5% sure it was manx
16:37.27elguerox86: What CB are you using?
16:37.34x86elguero: Rhino CB24
16:37.56elguerox86: I have a Rhino and found in the docs that it should be fxo_ls
16:37.59x86that particular one hasn't been swapped out for a decent channel bank yet... (read Adit 600)
16:38.14x86elguero: ls and ks are practically the same
16:38.20x86elguero: it's not a signalling issue
16:38.43elguerox86: I had been using kewlstart as well and then one day I found that out.... okay... I was just offering a suggestion... it eliminated a lot of messages in the logs for me
16:38.52adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I have it in my hand, maybe I'm just thick but I really didn't understand it
16:38.54[TK]D-Fenderx86:signalling=fxols <----
16:39.05[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: What part isn't working?
16:39.21adr3nalin3incoming, outgoing calls
16:39.33adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I'm gonna read through it again
16:39.39[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: pastebin what your dialplan, and the CLI output of the failed attempt
16:40.21x86elguero: I hear what you're saying, and I appreciate your effort, but I've tried ls before with the same results, and I'm not getting any messages in the logs other than normal clearing messages
16:40.31NovceGuruholy hell the polycom 2x firmware takes 10 minutes to boot
16:40.36elguerox86: okay... no problem
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You're doing something horribly wrong then.
16:42.02[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: 2.2.0 takes < 2 minutes for my IP 501
16:42.20[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Did you just upgrade keepiong old configs?
16:43.22NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: I've reset the 2 options in the reset menu except for format filesystem (from what I read that'll screw you)
16:43.40[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Nope.
16:43.48nr4qanyone know if asterisk supports polycom hd voice?
16:43.59[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: You should only upgrade your SIP btw, not BR for 99% of cases
16:44.07[TK]D-Fendernr4q: 1.6 does.
16:44.08NovceGurunr4q: it's just a codec, but i've been wondering my self
16:44.11*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
16:44.14[TK]D-Fendernr4q: 1.4 in passthrough only
16:44.15nr4qmy googlefu is not very strong
16:44.19nr4qfender thanks
16:44.26M1s3rywe have it working... it sounds nice
16:44.49QwellNovceGuru: it's *amazing*
16:44.50NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: I just let a trixbox do the upgrade for me when I was toying with it, I've since moved away from trixbox
16:45.07Qwelleven in ulaw, the 650s sound *great*
16:45.28NovceGuruQwell: yeah I heard it at a demo, I almost didn't believe it
16:45.31Qwella good deal of it is just from the vastly superior audio hardware (speake, mic) that was used
16:45.34NovceGuruI still don't since I haven't got mine setup yet
16:45.49NovceGuruyeah I figured a lot of it was just a nice speaker
16:45.59[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Guess that means you have no clue how they're set up... time to go downlaod the admin guides & firmware and actually LEARN something.
16:46.11phpboyhow would I go about getting an agent id in my dialplan?
16:46.11Qwellof course, you can absolutely tell the difference when you're using g722.
16:46.13NovceGurunice hardware + a wideband codec probably = amazningness
16:46.27phpboyprovided the agent is in fact logged on
16:46.29[TK]D-Fenderphpboy: what does "getting an agentID" mean?
16:46.40NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: yeah I just got it yesterday, trying to get away from ciscos
16:46.54NovceGurualthough I could probably upgrade those in my sleep now *quivvers*
16:47.23*** join/#asterisk nortex (n=chatzill@
16:47.55M1s3ryplans on disassembling a few 650's and using the speakers for his car...
16:48.37Strom_MM1s3ry: although polycom and pioneer both start with a 'p'....
16:48.50NovceGuruM1s3ry: seems expensiv e:P
16:49.44M1s3ryNovceGuru, but who else has a car that is G.722 capable?
16:50.10[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: ..... it isn't the SPEAKER that is G.722 capable...
16:50.36M1s3ryunderstood... however I nvr said I'd just use the speakers
16:50.52M1s3ryyes i did
16:50.58[TK]D-FenderM1s3ry: Then you've said nothing at all :)
16:51.14nortexHello all! I have a simple question, I have a sip soft phone that after it hung up the sip channel failed to drop, any idea first how to force it to drop? This Asterisk 1.4.18 if that helps.
16:51.50nr4qyikes... BRI digium card seems pricey
16:53.58Qwellnr4q: looks fairly low on
16:54.10Qwelldo remember, it is, of course, a quad port card
16:54.36M1s3rynr4q, digium's resellers can get you a deal as well
16:55.27*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (n=sam@unaffiliated/sam--/x-573746)
16:55.30[TK]D-Fendernortex: "soft hangup [channel]"
16:56.20nortex[TK]D-Fender: Tried that, but the channel is actually marked to destroy, but won't until we restart asterisk
16:57.00[TK]D-Fendernortex: What's the consequence?
16:57.02_Sam--hey what do i need to make my followme work?
16:57.04x86I've seen that happen before, but that was way back in like 1.2.9
16:57.10nortex[TK]D-Fender: Here is the sip show channels information.    2107        6e2a51c7179  00102/00000  0x0 (nothing)    No  (d)  Tx: ACK
16:57.55[TK]D-Fendernortex: And in "show channels"?
16:58.02nr4qqwell: guess it's cheaper than buying a channel bank and t1 card too
16:58.14nortex[TK]D-Fender: Consequence? Of restarting asterisk, droping active calls in a call center :)
16:58.36[TK]D-Fendernortex: No, of that channels itting for a while.
16:58.49nortex[TK]D-Fender: The call actually does not appear in show channels.
16:59.06[TK]D-Fendernortex: Sounds like you can afely ignore it...
16:59.08nortex[TK]D-Fender: Oh, well it keeps a call center agent from getting more calls.
16:59.30[TK]D-Fendernortex: the restart the phone and let it re--register.
16:59.42[TK]D-Fendernortex: firewall off the IP, etc..
17:00.30nortex[TK]D-Fender: The queue sees the sip device in use. Tried that, the only work around at this point is to force the ip address to change. When the phone re-registers it comes right back in to the channel that is not destroyed.
17:00.55x86nortex: what version of asterisk, out of curiosity
17:00.56*** join/#asterisk ipstatic (n=ipstatic@
17:01.00nortex[TK]D-Fender: THe firewall ]
17:01.01*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
17:01.20nortex[TK]D-Fender: The firewall may work.
17:01.30nortexx86: 1.4.18
17:01.35[TK]D-Fendernortex: Go try it.
17:02.26*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
17:02.37x86nortex: interesting... I had the same problem with sip channels and 1.2.9 (and perhaps 1.2.13?) way back in the day, went away as soon as I upgraded to 1.4
17:03.03x86nortex: might try upgrading asterisk / zaptel / libpri (if you use it), and see if that helps... is out
17:03.30[TK]D-Fendernortex: "restart when convenient" and sleep on it :)
17:03.38*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
17:04.05nortexx86: I have wondered about that, this thing has a call center solution on it so they have certain "custom" changes in the code preventing us from running a newer version.
17:04.24nortex[TK]D-Fender: I wish it would just go away :)
17:04.30x86nortex: ah, so call your vendor and bitch, don't come here ;)
17:04.31[TK]D-Fendernortex: It can!
17:04.40ipstaticCould someone help me and tell me why my AEL dialplan is not compiling?
17:05.17*** join/#asterisk railsmunky (
17:05.20nortexx86 I'm in the middle, the client calls me and the vendor.
17:05.37nortexXI jsut have my doubts they can fix it.
17:06.08x86then rip it out an put a new solution in ;)
17:06.20x86nortex: are you an inbound call center or outbound?
17:06.28x86I'm an outbound call center
17:06.44nortexx86: so close to doing that, it is an inbound center with plans to start doing dialer campaigns
17:06.53x86running asterisk at 7 different offices with about 200 users... 90% analog and 10% SIP
17:06.58[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: Set(CURRENT_QUEUE=CUT(${queues},\,,${z})); <--
17:06.58j0[TK]D-Fender: may i buy you a beer for all the help you've given me and this channel?
17:07.10[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: Set(CURRENT_QUEUE=${CUT(${queues},\,,${z})});
17:07.19[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: Don't forget to REFERENCE your function calls
17:07.43[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: Nothing says it quite like PayPal :)
17:07.56j0[TK]D-Fender: pm me your e-mail
17:08.06j0and no, i don't expect any more support from you :)
17:08.44*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
17:09.39[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: Look at the difference between the 2 lines...
17:09.52ipstaticyeah I see now
17:10.09[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: the GET the value of a function you have to put ${} around it,.
17:10.18nortexx86: Do you use or recommend a dialer.
17:10.33[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: the only time you don't is when you're setting it, at which point its on the left side of the "="
17:10.47[TK]D-Fendernortex: Polycom phones are great at dialing!
17:11.19nortex[TK]D-Fender: Thanks smart ass :)
17:11.27[TK]D-Fendernortex: All part of the service :p
17:12.25j0[TK]D-Fender: have lunch on me too. :)
17:12.30x86nortex: don't use one, but there are a few free ones out there
17:12.33ipstatic[TK]D-Fender: I am still getting the same errors when running aelparse
17:12.43[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: new pastebin please...
17:13.29[TK]D-Fenderj0: Thanks :)
17:14.46j0np. cheers!
17:15.37*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
17:16.06Mike8861hello everyone
17:16.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:17.11[TK]D-Fenderipstatic: While(${z} < FIELDQTY(${queues},\,)) <- here again you are referencing a function without ${}
17:18.06*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
17:18.12Mike8861does LinuxMCE's asterisk works like native asterisk ?
17:18.25Mike8861or it is simlar to trixbox ?
17:19.12[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Why don't you go look at their decription.
17:19.29[TK]D-FenderMike8861: and * is jsut *.  Whether its with more crap is besides the point.
17:19.42Mike8861i have read: it uses Ubuntu's package of asterisk
17:20.08Mike8861not understand what does that mean.....does that mean it is problematic ?
17:20.18NovceGuruMike8861: im sure its config will be wiped if you do anything by hand, if thats what you want to hear
17:20.36[TK]D-FenderMike8861: it means  its just a precompiled version.
17:20.38Mike8861NovceGuru: thank you very much
17:20.50[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: No reason to claim that...
17:20.56*** join/#asterisk erreur404 (
17:20.57Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: thanks, got it.
17:21.14NovceGuruthat pretty much goes for anything that uses freepbx/web front end? (I'm not pro, just my experience)
17:21.29[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: I don't see any implication of it coming with FreePBX yet..
17:21.45[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Do you see something I don't?  Care to link me?
17:21.57[TK]D-FenderQwell: KuBuntu offshoot
17:22.08[TK]D-FenderQwell: Apparently.
17:22.10NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: Seemed years ago I played with FreePBX and I made some hand changes and it wiped them after I updated something in the GUI
17:22.13*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:22.29NovceGurucould very well be wrong, just my general experience with any gui frontend
17:22.33[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Yes, and you keep throwing "FreePBX" into this conversation.  Who said LinuxMCE CAME WITH IT?
17:23.41Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: LinuxMCE looks like some kind of central management more then a Media Center
17:23.42nortexNovceGuru: Some GUI's don't.
17:24.26Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: it even take control of TV, lights, VCR, security cams
17:24.26Mike8861and VOIP as well
17:24.29[TK]D-FenderMike8861: ok,fine,sure... and the reason you are looking at it at all is...?
17:24.35NovceGuru[TK]D-Fender: oh, I never said it did
17:24.56NovceGurujust my general experience with GUIs, but /clear and forget I said it! :)
17:24.59*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (n=hsval@
17:25.03CVirusIsn't there anyway that I could change the IRQ numbers of certain devices from the OS not from the BIOS as my BIOS doesn't support that
17:25.37[TK]D-FenderCVirus: FUBAR <---
17:25.49Mike8861i cannot sleep without worry with that LinuxMCE take control of my home = =
17:26.04NovceGuruapprently linuxmce does use it though
17:26.10[TK]D-FenderCVirus: Go do something productive with your time.  Does your boxx only pay you for successes?  If not he's wasted the money better spent on a card that will WORK <-
17:27.06*** join/#asterisk keulin (
17:27.10[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: Asterisk <-- cutting edge!
17:27.50[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: No, thats the edge.... HE'LL bleed ;)
17:28.12hsv-alupdated date: September 2009
17:28.13*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:28.31[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Ah, they got!
17:28.35ipstatic[TK]D-Fender: I am still getting errors:
17:28.35Mike8861maybe can complie 1.6 on linuxmce
17:28.42hsv-alDiablo3's not coming out
17:28.45hsv-alfor 1.5 years argh!
17:28.47[TK]D-FenderMike8861: Sure you can.
17:29.23Mike8861hsv-al: no anymore
17:29.25NovceGuruI can't imagine the upkeep on the linuxmce project
17:29.38NovceGuruunless they have more developers then when it was first released, which it probably does
17:29.48hsv-aldate got moved up?
17:30.57Mike8861hsv-al: Diablo 2 has just got updated
17:31.31[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Time to rock out on DNF!
17:31.45hsv-aldude, dont get happy d-fender
17:31.51hsv-alDNF delayed what? 8 years?
17:31.55hsv-althat game is a fantasy
17:32.01hsv-alto put 3d realms into public conciousness, marketing tactics
17:32.07Mike8861hsv-al: maybe blizzard will remain MOOMOO in Diablo3
17:32.11*** join/#asterisk esaym (
17:32.16Mike8861cows are cute!
17:32.24*** join/#asterisk emist_ (n=emist@unaffiliated/emist)
17:32.28hsv-alwirts leg+asterisk 1.4 book + horadric cube
17:35.18Mike8861its raining outside
17:36.06Mike8861anyone have a TAPI SIP client that works on windows xp ?
17:36.17Mike8861cannot find one that works.
17:36.35*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=jc@
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17:38.03Mike8861NovceGuru: thanks, i will install it now!
17:38.09metfan2007Hi all!! I just upgraded an Asterisk box from 1.2 to 1.4. I checked all the UPGRADE.txt file, but I'm receiving "[Jul  8 12:34:19] WARNING[7536]: app_queue.c:3002 try_calling: The device state of this queue member, Agent/8279, is still 'Not in Use' when it probably should not be! Please check UPGRADE.txt for correct configuration settings" messages every call... any idea?
17:39.11putnopvutmetfan2007: are you using SIP queue members?
17:41.29metfan2007putnopvut: No, there are a mix of remote IAX trunks and Zap channels
17:42.29metfan2007putnopvut: in my queues.conf I have only Agetn/XXX entries
17:42.47putnopvutmetfan2007: ahh. Okay, that's actually a problem that has been reported on the bugtracker.
17:42.53*** join/#asterisk lanning (
17:43.05putnopvutIt's not a major issue, but there's a small race condition between the device state thread and the queue application.
17:43.20putnopvutLet me find the bug number.
17:43.34metfan2007putnopvut: Oh, ok ok
17:44.59hsv-aldont know if your a apple fanboi, iphone 2 8am friday :)
17:45.14putnopvutAh, I'm not much of an apple fanboi, but thanks :)
17:45.26Qwellthat > iPhone
17:45.37hsv-alfully working sip client? :)
17:45.44*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (
17:46.15hsv-althere's a full blown sip client coming out for 3G iphone 2
17:46.28hsv-alim just getting data service on it, no phone service
17:47.03jpcansais there a way to set up a sip to an HP IpaqVoiceMessenger 510 ??
17:47.12hsv-alqwell , never heard of it, but interesting read
17:48.09Mike8861hsv-al: u can try Fring
17:48.57hsv-alwell, they really opened up development api's to the iphone 2
17:49.07hsv-allots of community developed stuff is going to come out
17:49.14Qwellcan it do more than one thread?
17:49.24hsv-aldidnt really look deeply at it, but from what i read
17:49.26hsv-ali wouldnt be surprised
17:52.22*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
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17:55.11redaxis it possible to have a SIP phone possible to display the called party's name with asterisk?
17:55.51redaxnot for incoming call, but the outgoing...
17:56.17adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I got incoming calls working ok I am just having problems with outgoing calls would you still be willing to take a look at my extensions.conf?
17:56.29Dataxyou want person A to see person B's name when they dial person B's number ?
17:57.07Dataxmmhh, never tried, I know it works with Cisco callmanager but you probably don't care much for CCM :op
17:57.25ACiDVredax check bugs 8824 ... Remote (called) Party Identification
17:58.24*** join/#asterisk JCJC (
18:00.10redaxACiDV: wow..
18:06.13*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
18:06.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
18:07.32adr3nalin3Could someone please help me with outbound calling via zap channels?  Everytime I try to make a call I get Call from '1211' to extension '92238100' rejected because extension not found.
18:07.39*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
18:07.44[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: pastebin the CLI output of your failed attempt and the relevant setiocn of your dialplan
18:08.00[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: You clearly don't ahve an exten in the proper context to match that # dialed
18:08.21[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: pastebin the failed attempt at verbose 10, SIP debug enabled, along with your dialplan.
18:08.48*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
18:11.36jbot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
18:11.52*** join/#asterisk serialthrilla (
18:13.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: Not sure how to read Mantis on this one... is this to be merged into the 1.6 RELEASE?
18:13.36Qwellsure, eventually
18:13.46Qwellall new features eventually end up in 1.6.x
18:15.29etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, do you know of a way in the Polycoms to keep the handsfree volume persistant through a reboot of the phone?  There's a sip.cfg option to do it between calls, but the volume is always restored to default after a reboot.
18:16.10adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: here is the sip debug and I am getting the dialplan:
18:16.15[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: it should stick on the phone local settings
18:16.49[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Either way... WTH are you rebooting Polycoms?  Do them right the first time!
18:16.54*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
18:17.14hsv-allol, this email squeaked through spamasassin
18:17.19etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, actually, I just found this:
18:17.24hsv-althis is the icing on the cake
18:17.36hsv-aland the url doesnt even work, (SANDEEP PEHMDAYPEEZ) - C14l15 Tabs . . . . now $39.99 only exclusively through $39.99.  Don't think twice before you go.  (SANDEEP PEHMDAYPEEZ)
18:17.39adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: Here is the dialplan -->
18:18.19[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: Looking for 92238100 in default (domain  SIP/2.0 404 Not Found <- So... what line in your dialplan (pastebined) do you think is supposed to match that?
18:19.04adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I am trying to dial out a trunk zap line
18:19.12*** join/#asterisk Xamusk (n=Xamusk@
18:19.21[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: so far your entire [default] context has NOTHING in it.
18:19.36Xamuskso, to use asterisk as an ATA would I need an FXS or an FXO board?
18:19.37[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: Look athe the context your SIP peer is using and realize that its empty.
18:19.46[TK]D-FenderXamusk: * is not an ATA
18:19.58Xamuskbut can't it be used like one?
18:20.49*** join/#asterisk yarekt (n=fx3@unaffiliated/yarekt)
18:20.55adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I see I meant to include number-plan-custom-1
18:21.08XamuskI mean, to connect a normal telephone to a SIP account?
18:21.49[TK]D-FenderXamusk: You can have * connect to an ITSP, and use an ATA to connect to * if you want
18:22.39Xamuskhuh, that wouldn't solve my problem
18:24.19[TK]D-FenderXamusk: Would help if you told us what kind of problem you actually have.
18:25.27*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
18:27.27jayteeok, time for a smoke
18:28.32yarekterm, hello, im just wondering, this asterisk thing, some sort of viop platform?
18:28.55nr4qhow would a channel bank and T1 card stack up against a tmd400 for call quality on POTS ?
18:29.35*** join/#asterisk railsmunky (
18:30.28yarektas im looking for something which is PC to PC, not necessarily to normal phones, but with echo canceling and that
18:31.34nr4qyarekt: it's a voip based pbx software package
18:31.46nr4qyarekt: what do you want to accomplish by linking two PC's together?
18:32.33yarektnr4q, basically i would like something like skype, minus all the features
18:32.49Qwellso then just use skype
18:33.33yarektQwell, are you trying to put me off from developing my own software?
18:33.36nr4qyarekt: if you are only calling a couple different people like Qwell said use skype or just use a softphone
18:34.06Qwellyarekt: no, you never mentioned anything about developing anything
18:34.23[TK]D-Fenderyarekt: And even if you did, this has nothing to do with * so far.
18:34.43[TK]D-Fenderyarekt: If you want kess than Skype offers, * is definiitlely the wrong direction
18:35.13yarektwell, thats all i came here to ask, and oh, id rather trade in better voice support for half bakes skype features
18:35.51M1s3ryyarekt, you'll be using asterisk if you want some form of routing calls with features built within. if you just want softphone to softphone, easily done without asterisk, if you want softphone to IVR to call queue (<--example) then asterisk is what your looking for
18:36.08[TK]D-Fenderyarekt: Well I've never heard of * as being "better voice support" so I think this is still not what you're looking for.
18:36.23yarektfair enough
18:36.28yarektthanks for your time
18:36.56[TK]D-Fenderyarekt: Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for.
18:39.51[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@!@ (c) BKW
18:40.54*** part/#asterisk furibondox (
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18:47.08*** join/#asterisk gcarrillog (n=gcarrill@
18:47.47NovceGuruwow, sip<mac>.cfg for polycoms is 122kbyte
18:48.16*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:49.00gcarrillogsorry my english is't good
18:49.15gcarrillogi have an spa400
18:49.41gcarrillogtoday when i start asterisk have the next error
18:50.01gcarrillogForbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for 'spa400'
18:50.45*** join/#asterisk rdgr (
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18:54.36jayteegcrarrillog, the password set in the spa400 does not match what is set as secret="password" in your sip.conf
18:54.50adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: I included the context I needed to for outgoing calls in the default context, Now when I try to make a call out I get Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
18:55.19[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: And error messages like that are worthless without all of the CLI output of the attempt
18:55.30gcarrillogi havent modified the configuration files
18:55.55adr3nalin3[Jul  8 13:52:47] WARNING[4269]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
18:56.05[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: THE ENTIRE DAMN CALL
18:56.29adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: That was the whole thing.
18:56.47gcarrillogthe spa400 does not have passwd
18:56.59[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: No, it isn't.  That is generated because you called DIAL in the dialplan
18:57.09[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: make sure you're at verbose 10
18:57.18[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: and pastebin the ENTIRE call.
18:59.07Elijah`Another Q guys... you shouldn't have to forward ports to the phones should you?
18:59.17*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:59.20Elijah`phones are ringing but got no sound...
18:59.25[TK]D-FenderElijah`: No.
18:59.30adr3nalin3[TK]D-Fender: entire call
19:00.12Elijah`so what's the most likely cause for no sound then?  I've got 5060 and the RTP ports forwarded to *
19:00.41[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: Wow, first a SIP probelm on dial, now a ZAP problem.  Are you going to get consistent any time soon?
19:00.56[TK]D-Fenderadr3nalin3: -- Executing [s@macro-trunkdial:2] Dial("SIP/1211-09dfe930", "Zap/7/14023064109/515-223-8100")  <--- that is really not the format to dial out a zap channel
19:01.11[TK]D-FenderElijah`: pastebin your sip.conf
19:01.20Elijah`ok :)
19:02.07*** join/#asterisk iNetForce (n=f@
19:02.51iNetForceIn the appliance when I do date -s 07081457 it takes the time fine but it shows UTC
19:02.57iNetForcei am in eastern -5
19:03.09QwelliNetForce: "the appliance"?
19:03.10iNetForceafter a while the appliance changes the time itself.
19:03.22[TK]D-FenderQwell: Don't forget to set it to "broil" ;)
19:03.27*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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19:03.48iNetForceroot:~> date
19:03.48iNetForceTue Jul  8 18:50:59 UTC 2008
19:03.54Qwellwhich appliance?
19:03.58iNetForceit is 14:58 here
19:04.09*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
19:04.10iNetForcei am GMT -5, Eastern
19:04.11QwellThe AA50 intentionally stores date in UTC.
19:04.34QwellYou need to upload your timezone files if you want it to have proper time in other applications.  (this is all documented)
19:04.38iNetForcedoes it have an NTP server somewhere? It keeps changing the time to whateve it likes
19:04.47iNetForceI did uploaded New york
19:04.53Qwellyes, it uses the ntp server that you specified
19:04.56iNetForceapplied changes and restart the unit
19:05.04iNetForcei took the NTP out
19:05.10iNetForceusing the GUI
19:05.11QwellCall support.
19:05.35s0lidwhat does asterisk mean when i get this error message
19:05.36s0lidGot SIP response 500 "Server Internal Error"
19:06.29*** join/#asterisk jm|laptop (n=jm|
19:06.31[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Let me guess, got a bunch of Polycom phones by any chance?
19:07.26*** join/#asterisk gfather1 (n=enforcer@
19:07.31gfather1hello guys
19:09.10gfather1anyone here ?
19:11.28*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:11.37[TK]D-Fendergfather : I hope you're not expecting a personal reflxive "Hello" from all 275 people in here :)
19:11.41*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
19:11.45[TK]D-Fender(oops, just lost a few!)
19:11.51gfather1that would be very lovely :)
19:11.58gfather1and i would be very happy
19:12.10gfather1but its hard to be done :)
19:12.22[TK]D-Fendergfather1: You're "special".... just not that kind :)
19:12.29Elijah`ok here we go,
19:12.46s0lid[TK]D-Fender, nope i experience this with my VOIP provider
19:12.56s0lidi have ATA for my UA
19:13.01gfather1<[TK]D-Fender> i had a question today , but i did not get the answear i was hoping for
19:13.08[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Are you experiencing any actual problems because of it?
19:13.36s0lid[TK]D-Fender, yes i get circuit-busy from my provider but what they say they never saw the call came to there switch
19:14.21[TK]D-FenderElijah`: pastebin a failed call with SIP debug enabled
19:14.41[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Please provide CLI output with SIP debug in a pastebin.
19:14.44jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
19:14.44Elijah`aah, ok sure...
19:15.07gfather1can i get unauthenticated calls from the net ( like a pc software or wifi phone ) ?
19:15.09[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Well go ahead and ask...
19:15.37[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Yes.  set "allowguest=yes" under [general] and se a context & codecs.
19:16.04[TK]D-Fendergfather1: and un-authed calls wil go to that context.
19:16.28gfather1ok , then how will this be done , will it accpet it as a local phone , or will it be like normal call ?
19:17.03[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Every call to * is jsut like every other call
19:17.15gfather1like if i ave a wifi phone , and i want to call , can i make it by ip , or domain name ?
19:17.42gfather1like i want to call the company , ill call it through
19:17.51[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Normally if you have a WiFi phone you'll put ACCOUNT CREDENTIALS into it.  Why on earth would you send in calls from it un-authed?
19:18.17gfather1ok , i want to make something like , people who dont work in the company , and wants to call ,
19:18.31[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Fine, then do as I advised
19:18.53gfather1thy can call for free by any wifi phone , by calling www. .......
19:18.59[TK]D-Fendergfather1: and they will call you via "extension@youriporhost"
19:19.13gfather1yes something like that :)
19:19.55gfather1so it can be done easlly
19:20.30nr4qfender: thanks for the help
19:20.35*** part/#asterisk nr4q (
19:20.53gfather1<[TK]D-Fender> man thats very nice
19:21.02gfather1that was the answear i hoped for :)
19:23.21s0lid[TK]D-Fender, here's the link from pastebin
19:23.56s0lid[TK]D-Fender, i paste the debug log from the calling being make until it hangup
19:24.03[TK]D-Fenders0lid: that is not SIP debug ..
19:24.16[TK]D-Fenders0lid: SIP DEBUG"<- go start it from CLI.
19:24.37s0lidok wait
19:24.46[TK]D-Fenders0lid: and I said the entire call.
19:25.43*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
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19:31.57s0lid[TK]D-Fender, ok here's the link again
19:32.26*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
19:32.34ghenrywhat does hint do again? for presense?
19:32.48[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Yes
19:33.05ghenryand _s-?
19:33.10ghenrycatch all status?
19:33.21ghenrywhen looking for BUSY etc.
19:33.25Xamusk[TK]D-Fender, actually I wanted to have a print server, wireless router, pptp client and an ATA in a single machine
19:33.57[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Contact: <sip:> <-- ya have not correctly set your system up to work from behind NAT
19:34.07*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
19:34.23[TK]D-Fenderghenry: No, taht is just pattern matching in the dialplan.
19:34.28s0lid[TK]D-Fender,oh sorry change the ip for security purposes
19:34.38[TK]D-Fenderghenry: No such thing as "looking for busy"
19:35.00s0lid[TK]D-Fender, are public
19:35.17ghenrystatus of exten I meant
19:35.39[TK]D-Fenderghenry: what you showed  jsut there has nothing to do withs tatus of anything
19:36.03ghenrynm, I need to spend time to explain myself ;-)
19:36.06Elijah`ok here we go, sorry I had to get a remote phone on first
19:36.16Elijah`that's the pastebin of the sip debug :)
19:36.30ghenryi meant [TK]D-Fender exten => s,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
19:36.40[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Unmask it and paste me real debug.  I'm not going to go around guessing what I can trust.
19:36.55ghenryand exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)
19:36.56[TK]D-Fenderghenry: tahts a Goto.  It ain't Raw-Cat Science.
19:37.06ghenryit was the _s- I was asking aboot
19:37.28ManxPowerghenry: pattern match, starting with "s-" plus 1 or more of any character
19:37.34[TK]D-Fenderghenry: that will catch any other exten starting with "s-" and more chars.
19:37.52ghenrydoh, I wasn't thinking of strings.
19:38.02ghenryI thougth it was a special thing or something.
19:38.56gfather1<[TK]D-Fender> i want to bulid a new server
19:39.18gfather1any recomendation of stuff and products i should buy
19:39.21[TK]D-Fendergfather1: You have my official blessing.
19:39.32gfather1<[TK]D-Fender> thanks :)
19:39.42[TK]D-Fendergfather1: would help if I had a list of needs and expectations.
19:40.01gfather1well i have 7 lines from the phone company
19:40.11gfather1wich i would like to connect to the server
19:40.25gfather1and make the local phones al ip based and stuff
19:41.09[TK]D-Fendergfather1: where are you located, and what kind of "lines"?
19:41.14gfather1im looking also for a good quality normal price phones
19:41.21gfather1im located in jordan
19:41.25gfather1city amman
19:42.46[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Polycom's phones are the best choice out there, but Linksys SPA phones may be much more cost effective where you are.
19:43.24gfather1any site to compare prices , or a shopping site
19:43.34gfather1so i know what prices ranges im thinking off
19:43.38[TK]D-Fendergfather1: If you're talking straight analo lines, Either a Sangoma A200d loaded up to 8 ports, or a simial TDM800 with HWEC
19:43.55gfather1ill save the models
19:43.55[TK]D-Fendergfather1: I don't know any places with pricing that is relevant to you.
19:44.06gfather1any good site
19:44.17gfather1and ill find my way for ordering them
19:44.30[TK]D-Fendergfather1: only good sites I know are on the other end of the planet.
19:46.00*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
19:46.01Xamusk[TK]D-Fender, is an ATA actually doable with *?
19:46.04gfather1well these days u can order anything from anywhere
19:47.03[TK]D-FenderXamusk: * is not an ATA.  You can USE an ATA with * though. And you can use PCI hardware interfaces to plug analog phones into * directly.
19:47.16hsv-alwtf, spikelee may start an isp called: ""
19:47.16gfather1Digium tdm800 is very cool , i saw it the other day
19:47.24gfather1ill chek now the sangoma
19:47.25[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Of course you can... its a question of shipping, duties, etc.
19:47.43[TK]D-Fendergfather1: Which is why its usually best to look local
19:47.59gfather1well they are not available local i cheked
19:48.09Xamusk[TK]D-Fender, what I meant was to connect an analog telephone to * and make * connect to a SIP provider
19:48.11gfather1i found digium in dubai
19:48.40[TK]D-FenderXamusk: Yes you can definitely do that and I'd typically reocmmend using an ATA to let analog phones be usable by *
19:48.50Xamuskhum, ok then
19:51.13s0lid[TK]D-Fender, sorry i got disconnected a while ago
19:51.19s0lid[TK]D-Fender, have you seen the logs?
19:51.32[TK]D-Fenders0lid: Unmask it and paste me real debug.  I'm not going to go around guessing what I can trust. <------------
19:53.07Elijah`[TK]D-Fender, here's the two pastebins of my setup now... the sip.conf:   and an sip debug of a failed call:
19:53.25Elijah`I'm the one with the phones that will ring but there's no sound :)
19:53.50anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: do you know if PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_601-UA/ supports distinctive ring?
19:54.15ManxPoweranonymouz666: all polycoms support changing the ring on the fly using SIP HEaders
19:54.38anonymouz666ManxPower: good to know. thanks for the information.
19:55.09ManxPowerI should say All Polycom SoundPoint IP phones do
19:55.33ManxPowerPolycom has other phones, not SoundPoint IP that would not support this, but you would not normally be using these with Asterisk anyway.
19:56.27s0lidok wait
19:58.14hsv-alis there a way to search/retrieve naptr records
19:58.17hsv-alwith an * func?
19:58.56[TK]D-FenderElijah`: Contact: <sip:300@> <- Line #239 & 249.  You are telling them to conact LOCALHOST...
19:59.27Elijah`aah... ok that should be taken care of with the NAT setup though I thought?
20:00.51Elijah`aha, I wonder if that is bcause that phone has nat=yes set?
20:00.52[TK]D-FenderElijah`: undo yourtemplating, set codecs across the board and set canreinvite=no, nay=yes for ALL of them except remote *'s / ITSPs.  those last ones should only be "nat=no"
20:00.52M1s3ryoh man... I love it when I apply a patch... yet fail to remember to recompile. :/
20:01.16[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: You should be shot for using that firmware revision on a 601 anyways :p
20:01.40Elijah`ok so all remote phones set nat=yes on
20:01.55Elijah`internal phones too?
20:02.03[TK]D-FenderElijah`: just do it.
20:02.29[TK]D-FenderElijah`: And next time also set verbose to 10.  I know its executing dialplan in there....
20:02.51Elijah`verbose... on the sip debug or core set debug?
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20:03.31[TK]D-FenderElijah`: basic "set verbose 10"
20:03.38[TK]D-FenderElijah`: yes, I still want SIP debug.
20:04.30Elijah`ok got all that except the "set codecs across the board" not sure what you mean by that?
20:04.39Elijah`I'm sorry I'm new to this :(
20:05.08[TK]D-FenderElijah`: disallow=all" followed by allow= for only the codec that theys hould be using.
20:06.26Elijah`which should be what, g711u?
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20:08.36Elijah`I'll do g711u, as far as I know that's what they're using..
20:08.51*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:09.27[TK]D-FenderElijah`: Just make up your mind.
20:09.38rycarmy caller ID shows up as 000-000-0000.  It used to work, so I think the phone company is sending the data properly.  Any ideas where I should start to troubleshoot this problem?
20:09.50rycar(incomming caller ID that is)
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20:13.59gfather1im back , man that took along time to get my nick back
20:14.06andreadb7474hi guys, there someone can help me about a trouble
20:14.36jboti heard ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:14.56gfather1<[TK]D-Fender> man the Sangoma A200 can take up to 24
20:15.34gfather1and its cheaper than the 4 port diguim
20:15.47*** join/#asterisk funxion (n=x@
20:15.55gfather1is it similar in quality ?
20:16.03ManxPowergfather1: It's less than US$350?
20:16.32gfather1its $173.90 :)
20:16.46ManxPowergfather1: that would be with NO modules.
20:17.00ManxPower$350 is a fully pupulated 4-port analog Digium card.
20:17.08*** join/#asterisk Edder_ (n=edder@
20:17.14andreadb7474Ok I've upgraded asterisk from 1.2 to 1.4 and all go better, but i've problem with moh that chomp, obviously i'have loaded first ztdummy module and seems to work correctly
20:17.17ManxPowerThey put little puppydogs in the analog modules.
20:17.23gfather1im talking about the Sangoma A200
20:17.41gfather1its less price and more ports
20:18.06ManxPowergfather1: Digium and Sangoma have similar prices for similar products.  Neither is significantly cheaper or more expensive than the other.
20:18.06andreadb7474but when i hold the call i hear music choppy
20:18.19ManxPowerIf you are seeing a big difference, then you are not comparing similar products.
20:18.21Qwellgfather: that card you linked it a 4 port card
20:18.24funxionI've got a weird problem.  I'm using linksys spa942's when using the conference button on the phone to conference another call in the 2 remote ends loose audio and the audio received audio on the originating handset get garbled. Anyone have an idea?
20:18.40Qwell(with no modules)
20:19.04ManxPowerandreadb7474: First you say it does not work, then you say it works, then you say it's choppy.  WHAT is the issue you are having?
20:19.11gfather1From 2 to 24 ports supported ,then does it have something messing ?
20:19.24ManxPowergfather1: yes, you have to buy the ports
20:19.25Qwellentire cards are missing
20:19.33Qwellit's multiple cards that "pretend" to be one
20:19.45andreadb7474music on hold is choppy
20:19.58ManxPowerandreadb7474: and what happens if you remove ztdummy?
20:20.04ManxPowerit's not required for MoH
20:20.16andreadb7474same things (choppy)
20:20.34gfather1ah i see , there is an option to include the card
20:20.37ManxPowerandreadb7474: did you remove the mpg123 stuff for 1.4, as it's not recommended.
20:20.51Elijah`[TK]D-Fender: Here's the sip debug output:
20:21.00gfather1so what would u recomend guys , diguim or sengoma ?
20:21.01Elijah`the call did not drop that time, but still no sound
20:21.18ManxPowergfather1: It does not really matter
20:21.30ManxPowerYou'll have the same analog issues no matter what card you use.
20:21.50andreadb7474I've not loaded mpg123 stuff, i use oggvorbis format
20:22.04gfather1<ManxPower> analog issues ?
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20:22.44Edder_hi, somebody can help me with a configuration with sipura devices
20:23.04ManxPoweryes.  Analog lines will have issues with dialing time, hangup issues, etc.  Just the standard stuff
20:23.29Edder_the most is dialing time
20:23.30ManxPowerandreadb7474: put a copy of musiconhold.conf on
20:23.46Edder_sure, give me a minute
20:23.49gfather1arent those fixed ?
20:24.08funxiondid anyone read my question
20:24.15ManxPowergfather1: "fixed", your TELCO has to fix the hangup issues, there is no real way to "fix" the dialing time as it takes time to send DTMF to the telco.
20:24.31ManxPowerIf you don't want analog issues then use a PRI
20:25.04gfather1ah , i though its from the astrisk , not from the telco side
20:25.16ManxPowerAsterisk is limited by the analog line.
20:25.51gfather1wel i dont think i can where i live
20:25.59ManxPowermany of the advanced features are not supported on analog lines like answer, hangup supervision, DTMF transmission time, sending Callerid info, etc
20:26.06andreadb7474what's ?
20:26.09gfather1they will bust my ass and will think im against the goverment
20:26.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:26.18andreadb7474however are only 2 rows
20:26.19ManxPowerandreadb7474: you can go there and see.
20:26.23andreadb7474mode= files
20:26.47ManxPowerandreadb7474: any valid musiconhold will have at least THREE lines.
20:26.53funxionI've got a weird problem.  I'm using linksys spa942's when using the conference button on the phone to conference another call in the 2 remote ends loose audio and the audio received audio on the originating handset get garbled. Anyone have an idea?
20:27.17andreadb7474what i've lost?
20:27.25ManxPowerthe MoH class, at least.
20:28.14andreadb7474little mistake
20:28.18ManxPowerfunxion: sounds like the classic nat+reinvite or the classic RTP packet size issues.
20:28.30funxionno nat
20:28.41ManxPowerandreadb7474: A single mistake can cost you tens of thousands of dollars when dealing with telecom, so you should be more careful.
20:28.43gfather1<ManxPower> do u think a pri is available in jordan ?
20:28.47funxioncould you provide insight to rtp packet size issue?
20:29.10ManxPowerfunxion: some linksys devices default to 30ms (.30) packet sizes, which do not work with Asterisk.
20:29.17ManxPowerAsterisk expects a 20 ms RTP packet size.
20:29.35funxionIll try that now
20:29.38[TK]D-FenderElijah`: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to Contact: <sip:elijah@>  You are giving them the wrong address again.  Fix your peer
20:29.40andreadb7474i try to fix it immediately
20:30.41Elijah`I know but how would I change that?
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20:31.17ManxPowerElijah`: just like every single other NAT Asterisk user in the world.  localnet= and externip= in sip.conf [general]
20:31.32ManxPowerwhat the values are depends on your network
20:32.10ManxPowerunless your issue is with a DEVICE behind NAT and Asterisk is not behind NAT, in which case it's totally different.
20:32.10[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, BBIAB
20:32.12Elijah`yes, it's set to localnet=
20:32.25ManxPowerElijah`: that is not a valid localnet, as it has no mask
20:32.36ManxPowerYou DID go read sip.conf.sample, right?
20:32.43Elijah`oops it has on the end
20:32.50Elijah`yeah, I just din't type the whole thing out sorry
20:32.54lesouvageI have a dtmf problem. It seems to work fine but when I press the buttom just a little bit longer then sometimes this doubles the input for the digit with failure as a result. Is there a variable that can be set to avoid this problem?
20:33.04ManxPowerElijah`: ok, now put a copy of your sip.conf on as we can no longer trust what you say.
20:33.27Elijah`LOL ok
20:33.49funxionManxPower Tried it and it didnt make a difference
20:33.55ManxPowerElijah`: you need to be more careful.  A single wrong config setting could allow random people to use your server to make free calls anywhere
20:34.06ManxPowerfunxion: then I cannot help you further.
20:34.15funxionthnx anyways
20:34.22ManxPowerElijah`: well, free to them, cost to you.
20:35.12andreadb7474I've fixed it but, the music is still as before, feels bad
20:35.27Elijah`see if I've seriously screwed up something.... hehe
20:35.37Edder_ManxPower: can you help me, with my issue?
20:35.46ManxPowerElijah`: Sorry, I cannot help you with users.conf issues nor with AsteriskGUI or with AsteriskNOW.
20:35.58ManxPowerEdder_: where is your question?
20:36.14jbotit has been said that ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:36.39Edder_my problem is with analog lines and sipuras
20:36.48ManxPowerEdder_: I cannot help you.
20:36.48Elijah`that was sip.conf...
20:37.04ManxPowerElijah`: but it uses template settings from users.conf
20:37.06Edder_ManxPower: ok, thanks
20:37.20ManxPowerthat's what all the (!) and (phones) crap is.
20:37.30Elijah`aah... no no that's a template
20:37.42Edder_any reference about dialing tones?
20:38.03Elijah`and is defined right there in sip.conf...
20:38.51Elijah`the (phones) just refers up to what's defined in [phones] as I understood it...
20:39.16Elijah`so you don't have to define that again for each phone :P
20:39.31ManxPowerElijah`: OK, I'll edit it out then.  Here:
20:39.39ManxPowerElijah`: THOSE ARE TEMPLATES
20:39.57ManxPowerI just said I can't help you with them.  I doubt anyone here can help you with them.
20:40.26ManxPoweryou should of course remove the port=5060 as well
20:40.29andreadb7474perhaps can help the fact that i hear choppy also the ring when i transfer a call ?
20:40.30Elijah`ohhh, ok I'm sorry misunderstood
20:40.34ManxPowersince the remote port is frequently NOT 5060
20:40.51Elijah`aaah, good idea didn't think of that :P
20:40.56ManxPowerbut I mist now go back to paying work
20:41.15Elijah`lol yes ty, I will try that :)
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20:55.23variable_officewhat do i have to do in order to get the PGSQL() app running?
20:55.44snowy_owlyeeeaaah my people! Hi.. is there a way to REdial to another route when the first attempt wasnt sucessful? Obs: without returning an error to caller before trying the second time.
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20:59.54ManxPowersnowy_owl: yes
21:00.36*** join/#asterisk browser (
21:00.50ManxPowerBut a newbie would never figure it out, you should go read The Asterisk Book, as well as extensions.conf.sample, the docs for the Dial statement, especially the DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE variables.  You cannot do this on FXO ports.
21:01.01jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:01.23hsv-alpage 151
21:01.27hsv-alAnti-boyfriend code
21:01.42ManxPowersnowy_owl: It took me 2 years to write a failover, alternate route system that I, my client, and my users were happy with.
21:01.58ManxPowerhsv-al: it has nothing to do with the anti-boyfriend option
21:02.30ManxPoweranti-girlfriend/anti-boyfriend are for INCOMING calls, snowy_owl is talking about OUTGOING calls.
21:02.46hsv-ali wasnt reading his statement, i was just sifting
21:02.48hsv-althrough old shit
21:03.30ManxPowerhsv-al: so Tech Tourettes?
21:04.00hsv-alconditional branching, via caller ID
21:04.24hsv-almake custom messages for all friends/family / business acquaintances
21:04.34snowy_owlManxPower: my system was builded over openser, but actually Im trying to use asterisk to solve some problems. This way, I need to implement the failover route in this system too.
21:05.07ManxPowersnowy_owl: good.
21:05.42ManxPowerYou found VoIP providers are not as reliable as they say they are.
21:06.13hsv-almanxpower, what is a good provider that can provide lets say 10 pstn #'s
21:06.18hsv-al, ie: callcentric, at a good price
21:06.22snowy_owlManxPower: anyway, tks for your answer. I have been looking for this information all day and I hadnt find it yet. But now, I now that is possible. It is enough
21:06.29*** part/#asterisk ipstatic (n=ipstatic@
21:06.33hsv-ali heard of some company called aretta
21:06.36hsv-alno one else?
21:07.20lesouvageI'm using the A option (Dial("SIP/040135000-081e5ff0", "SIP/003159111111@0501111111|40|A(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/aankondiging)m"), where "aankondiging" is the announcement to be plaied for the one who is called. The problem is that the anouncement starts before the one called picked up the phone and, when the one who is called takes his or her time, the anouncement is finished when the... is picked up. Is there a solution for this problem (except from improving/changing the source code)
21:07.45ManxPowerlesouvage: the solution is to stop using analog
21:08.02ManxPowerAnalog provides no way for the calling device to know when the far end was answered.
21:08.13ManxPowerIt's not just analog, it's analog FXO or channelized T-1 FXO
21:08.28lesouvageManxPower: I'm a total sipper on this box
21:08.50ManxPowerlesouvage: what is [003159111111]
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21:09.14ManxPoweror whatever the device that hands calls to the PSTN
21:09.34lesouvageManxPower: That is actually my phone number (the number called) with some adjustments for the irc channel.
21:09.36ManxPowerlesouvage: This applies to ANY DEVICE WITH ANALOG LINES, not only Asterisk
21:09.46ManxPowerSo, so what is [0501111111] then?
21:10.37ManxPowersomewhere, somehow you are connecting to the PSTN.  How are you doing this?
21:10.55lesouvageThat is the name of the entry of the sip trunk and the phonenumber of this sip trunk (again with some adjustments)
21:11.12ManxPowerlesouvage: how are you connecting to the PSTN?
21:11.46lesouvageManxPower: I'm using the services of a siptrunk provider.
21:12.03ManxPowerlesouvage: there is no such thing as a "sip trunk".
21:12.07ManxPowerIt is a peer or a provider.
21:12.25ManxPowerlesouvage: then contact your provider and tell them to stop answering the call before dialing the PSTN
21:13.55lesouvageManxPower: Thanks for the last line, that must be the problem.
21:14.58ManxPowerI would change SIP providers, any provider that unconditionally answers the call is run by morons that know nothing about telecom
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21:15.53lesouvageManxPower: what is wrong with using the word SIP trunk. I have as many outgoing and incoming lines as my bandwidth can handle. From a user perspective that really looks like a trunk.
21:16.41lesouvageManxPower: I think I first try a decent conversation, but it seems realy hard to find a proper sip provider.
21:17.26ManxPowerlesouvage: there is no protocol difference
21:17.39ManxPowerwith IAX2 trunking there is an actual difference in the protocol.
21:18.05ManxPowerthere is no difference in the protocol in SIP if you send one call, 100 calls or 1000 calls at the same time to the same place.  there is no protocol difference.
21:18.13ManxPower"sip trunking" is a MARKETING term.
21:19.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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21:20.09lesouvageManxPower: I totally agree, but marketing is what gives speed to the cashflow. I have seen the best voip startup going down the drain because of lack of marketing.
21:20.32ManxPowerWhen you say "SIP trunking" we know you are a newbie, just reciting marketing material.  Much like if you went to a place that only sold Cannon brand copiers and asked for a "Xerox machine".  They will immediately know nothing about copy machines and would be a good person to sell that old outdated, over priced copier to.
21:20.43ManxPowerlesouvage: this is a technical channel, this is not a marketing channel
21:21.16[hC]I am still curious what you would call what most people refer to as a "sip trunk"
21:21.20[hC]ie, a trunk via sip.
21:21.24ManxPower...they will immediatly know you know nothing...
21:21.31ManxPower[hC]: they are just vomiting up marketing terms
21:21.55[hC]ManxPower: well, i refer to my sip "trunks" as sip trunks, and I know what im talking about.
21:22.04[hC]ManxPower: It just happens to be the easiest way to describe it
21:22.13ManxPower[hC]: it's a provider, SIP provider, or ITSP (generic terms)  It's also a peer/friend (Asterisk terms)
21:22.18[hC]ManxPower: not meaning "Trunking" in the sense that IAX2 has trunking, of course.
21:22.21ManxPower[hC]: describe *what*?
21:22.48ManxPowerIt's the same SIP regardless of if you send the call to a provider or to a SIP phone.
21:22.53[hC]ManxPower: a connection to the PSTN via sip.
21:22.55lesouvageManxPower: You start the marketing talk and I'm expert enough to know that you are totaly right from a technical point of view.
21:23.07snowy_owlA see a lot of people saying "sip trunking" instead of "sip for telephones". The RFC 3372 defines it.
21:23.09ManxPower[hC]: I just told you.
21:23.11[hC]ManxPower: I realize. In traditional telco terms, a "trunk" was simply a connection to the PSTN.
21:23.34ManxPower[hC]: and the SIP service provider has many trunks, but there are no trunks between Asterisk and the provider
21:24.13snowy_owlusing other words: SIP T has ISDN information inside his body. It isnt another protocol.
21:24.16[hC]ManxPower: If by trunks you mean a D channel with several B channels, as in a PRI, i think you are even misusing the word, because traditional vendors refer to a single FXO line as a trunk as well.
21:24.46ManxPowerHeck, even using "traditional" usage, a trunk is a single voice channel.  a "sip trunk" as unlimited voice channels.
21:25.02Strom_Ma PRI is technically a trunkgroup, not a trunk
21:25.09ManxPower[hC]: each one is a single channel carrying a single voice call.
21:25.17lesouvageManPower: If I have to explain a customer what can be done with a SIP telephone subscription I tell him or her it is a bundle with an undefined number of in or outgoing lines. From a technical point of view kind of nonsense but non techies understand it.
21:25.21ManxPowerI don't use the telco term trunk either
21:25.40[hC]ManxPower: all this is, is nitpicking details to determine the purest of meanings, in their technical sense.
21:25.41ManxPowerlesouvage: And they are going to understand the term "sip trunk" any better?
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21:26.19[hC]"I would like to purchase a sip trunk" "I would like to purchase a connection between my server and your network that provides me access to the pstn"
21:26.22ManxPower[hC]: sort of like teachers that don't allow "r u mi bff?" TXTing crap in papers?
21:26.27[hC]Which are you going to say?
21:26.42ManxPower[hC]: I would like a SIP account, SIP service
21:27.03[hC]ManxPower: but which sip service? I sell many sip based services.
21:27.17ManxPower[hC]: It's a MARKETING term.  I could care less what people call stuff in marketing, but this is a technical channel where accuracy is REQUIRED to be able to do anything correctly
21:27.46[hC]ManxPower: i could see why you would get upset if there was such a thing as sip trunking, and people were confusing the two making it difficult to provide technical assistance.
21:28.11ManxPowerAt least with over use of T/t Dial options, the user will get hit with a $10,000 phone bill and that is their punishment.
21:28.15[hC]ManxPower: however, that is just not the case.
21:28.52lesouvageManxPower: no, but if I compare it with a ISDN30 (lines, options costs) they understand what I mean. From a user perspectie it is just making a phone call. Lets just rest the case and stick to the technical perspective. Btw: is there an Asterisk marketing irc channel?
21:29.07ManxPowerlesouvage: I'm talking technical./
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21:29.39[hC]lesouvage: there is not a marketing channel. there is a business mailing list, however.
21:29.47ManxPower[hC]: lazyness carries over to other parts too.
21:30.03bkruse[hC]: LOL@asterisk-biz
21:30.17ManxPower[hC]: Users think "IAX trunking" is the same as "SIP trunking"
21:30.25ManxPowerTHAT is why we should not use the term here.
21:30.50ManxPowerI constantly have people tell me they have an IAX2 trunk when they don't.
21:31.05[hC]bkruse:  :)
21:31.26ManxPower[hC]: So with SIP, if you have SIP service connecting you to the PSTN and call it trunking, what do you think people are going to think an IAX2 trunk is?
21:31.43[hC]I TOTALLY agree with frustration over the "marketing" sense of the word trunk with IAX.
21:31.57ManxPower[hC]: that's caused by the SIP Trunking
21:32.16ManxPowerI mean they are both VoIP protocols, the terms should mean the same thing, right?
21:32.43[hC]ManxPower: It all boils down to how strict you want to be, personally.... I guess.  I still refer to my sip connections as "trunks" and i dont really care. I know the difference.
21:33.05ManxPower[hC]: but the person here might noty know the difference.
21:33.33ManxPowerThis is a tech channel, can't we at least use accurate terms?
21:34.01NuggetSimilarly, I refer to Linux as "poo"  :)
21:34.18ManxPowerNugget: all you crazy *BSDers do that.
21:34.28Nuggetit's part of the license.
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21:35.10QwellNugget: yeah, that 4th clause...
21:35.23Qwell4) User must refer to Linux as 'poo'.
21:36.05lesouvageManxPower: The A option in the Dial command should work properly, meaning that the announcement normally starts when the phone is picked up. I'm writing an e-mail now to my provider now asking to get his sip messages right.
21:36.35ManxPowerlesouvage: correct
21:36.51[hC]ManxPower: I have the answer
21:36.54[hC]SLURPEE TIME :)
21:37.14[hC](is it hot as balls for any of you guys today too?)
21:37.23ManxPower[hC]: stop using the term "sip trunk"?
21:37.31lesouvagehC About the meaning of life, the universe and anything else?
21:37.39[hC]ManxPower: no.. slurpees, man. :)
21:38.00[hC]Am I crazy to want to purchase a g4 "lampshade" imac because i think its cool?
21:38.15[hC]I have one for sale here for $200 that im tempted to pick up
21:38.22*** join/#asterisk ipso (
21:39.38ipsoIs there a way in the queue system that when an agent is automatically logged out (for not answering a call) that a dialplan entry or macro can be called? Or is parsing log entries the only way to know about an auto-logout?
21:40.23[hC]ipso: i dont know specifically but you can likely trap the event using the manager
21:41.05ipso[hC]: Thanks, I'll take a look
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21:54.09lesouvageManxPower: I just tried a sip "friend" of an other sip provider and I still have the same problem. It is possible that they both have there sip messages not in order but it could also be an Asterisk dial cmd a parameter issue. I have no more sip "friends" available. Are you really sure the A parameter should work properly if the provider has his sip messages in place (sorry for asking again...
21:54.11lesouvage...but I seem t have two sip providers who don't have their messages in order)
21:54.18*** join/#asterisk rvhi (
21:54.39rvhihi, i tried to compile app_curl, have libcurl installed, but it still won't compile
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21:57.31rycarhow do I debug zaptel hardware?  I am trying to find out if my phone company is actually passing me callerID information
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21:59.06Qwellrycar: be a little more specific
21:59.09Qwellwhat hardware?
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22:06.32rycarQwell: Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card
22:06.45*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
22:06.57teknoprepis there a patch for 1.4.18 that allows for sip tcp ?
22:07.08jayteervhi, what linux distro are you running?
22:07.19rvhijaytee: ubuntu
22:07.37teknoprepi personally love centos 5 for asterisk installs
22:07.40teknoprepmakes life easy
22:08.03rvhiall our servers use ubuntu, it is almost impossible to change
22:08.18teknoprepwhy would it be impossible to change for just one server ?
22:08.57rvhinobody knows how to manage centos
22:09.05rvhilots of commands are different
22:09.18teknoprepnah not the commands
22:09.23teknoprepmaby the init structure
22:09.29rycaryou just type yum instead of apt-get
22:09.37rvhican't convince people to switch just because app_curl can't compile
22:09.47teknoprepbut its a phone server
22:09.54jayteervhi, what version of Ubuntu? Gutsy, Hardy?
22:09.58teknoprepand ubuntu honestly is borked in my opinion
22:10.01teknoprepfor servers
22:10.13jayteeEdgy? your shittin me?
22:10.19teknoprepits an absolute great desktop os for ppl wanting to switch from windows
22:10.35rvhibecause all other servers run on the one
22:10.35rycarcentos for servers, ubuntu for desktop
22:10.42rvhiwe settle on this one
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22:10.54rvhitried to use 8.0.4 on a new server
22:11.03rvhiall voice prompts are broken
22:11.06jayteeyou need to install libcurl?-gnutls-dev and replace the ? with whatever version of libcurl you've got installed.
22:11.11teknopreprvhi why not just try ?
22:11.22teknoprepi mean hell RedHat puts ALOT of work into making a good product
22:11.30teknoprepthen ppl take that and release it as CentOS
22:11.33rvhii have apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls-dev
22:12.07teknoprepi run my centos 5.1 install inside of vmware with the kernel-vm
22:12.25teknoprepit runs perfectly with no skips
22:12.45jayteeI run production * on RHEL 5 and my test environment on CentOS 5. I use Ubuntu for one of my desktops at home and at work but I'd never use Ubuntu as a production server.
22:13.02teknoprepi know ppl that do
22:13.13teknoprepbut they don't have long enough support cycle per version IMHO
22:13.23teknoprepyou have to keep upgrading
22:13.23jayteervhi, you ran apt-get libcurl3-gnutls-dev and it still won't compile?
22:13.55jayteetry on the Ubuntu forums, you're missing some dependencies most likely.
22:14.02rvhiif i manually add in the Makefile, it works
22:14.03teknoprepsoooo i am am looking for sip tcp
22:14.07teknoprepfor 1.4.18
22:14.15teknoprepi was hoping for an RPM with it already compiled
22:14.18teknoprepbut thats askign alot
22:14.19jayteeteknoprep, nope, ain't gonna happen.
22:14.27jayteetry 1.6 beta
22:14.35teknoprepyeah but i use freepbx on ALL of my systems
22:14.49jayteesucks to be you! :-)
22:14.55teknoprephey its not my systems
22:15.05jayteeok, so it sucks to be "them"
22:15.07teknoprepi have to install this stuff as a consultant for the casual Windows IT admin
22:15.24teknoprepssh is like omfg to them
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22:15.46jayteeI'm a casual Windows/Linux/VOIP/TDM IT admin.
22:15.50teknoprepmaby i will try to do the sipX proxy to asterisk
22:15.58jayteeI'm using sipX
22:16.05teknoprepso i can integrate MS Com Server 2007
22:16.21jayteeas a proxy for UDP to TCP to get to Exchange Unified Messaging
22:16.31jayteeit works fine
22:16.32teknoprepis it nice ?
22:16.42jayteeUnified Messaging is nice, yeah
22:17.04Qwellteknoprep: who doesn't have long enough support?  Ubuntu?
22:17.18teknoprepQwell, yeah thats how i feel
22:17.19Qwellare you kidding?  the current version is supported until 2013
22:17.31teknoprepQwell, it is ? well prove me wrong then lol
22:17.47jayteeteknoprep, here's a link you might find handy for sipX to Exchange UM using * (or FreePBX in your case).
22:17.58QwellUbuntu 8.04 LTS Server Edition - Supported to 2013
22:18.07mvanbaakubuntu schmubuntu
22:18.20teknoprepjaytee, already have it but thanx man
22:18.42teknoprepsipX runs inside of VMware fine ?
22:18.57jayteeI really like Ubuntu, don't get me wrong but I just think the bleeding edge platform isn't where you should focus your efforts installing a production VOIP system.
22:19.13mvanbaakubuntu is still linux ...
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22:19.56jayteeyeah, but it's always based on Debian unstable. I'd rather run * on Debian stable than on the latest rev of Ubuntu.
22:20.13mvanbaakI'd rather not run linux at all
22:21.01jayteemvanbaak, there's a Windows fork of * IIRC but I think you have to compile it using Visual Studio and not sure how well it runs. Probably get alot of BSOD's.
22:21.19Qwelljaytee: No such thing.
22:21.21mvanbaakjaytee: asterisk runs fine on *BSD
22:21.41teknoprephey to use Exchange UM do i have to upgrade exchange to 2007 ?
22:21.42jayteeQwell, just a sec
22:22.01mvanbaakteknoprep: call your local MS rep
22:22.12teknoprepbecuase i was just thinking of trying out MS Communications Servers 2007
22:22.16teknoprepwith exchagne 2003
22:22.23teknoprepwell that question wasto jaytee
22:22.53jayteeteknoprep, yes you need to run Exchange 2007
22:23.00mvanbaakwhat I've heard is that you need a seperate box for the UM stuff
22:23.11teknoprepjaytee, have you ever run MS Communication Server 2007
22:23.25jayteemvanbaak, if you have alot of users yes but you can run it on the main Exchange box
22:23.40mvanbaakdefine 'alot of users'
22:23.43mvanbaak50 ?
22:24.07jayteeteknoprep, I've tested it with their Speech Server component but not done alot with it. Very, very steep learning curve.
22:24.23teknoprepjaytee, for the end user ?
22:24.37jayteemvanbaak, yeah around that point I'd start thinking of moving UM to a separate box
22:24.49mvanbaakjaytee: omg
22:24.56jayteeteknoprep, no the learning curve is for the person integrating it.
22:25.03teknoprepjaytee, oh
22:25.09mvanbaakwe run 1500 users on the some p4 as we run our mail platform and our dns server
22:25.18mvanbaakof course this is asterisk
22:25.31teknoprep1500 user exchange box on a p4 ?
22:25.58jayteemvanbaak, I'm thinking UM could handle up to a 100 or more users easily but we don't plan on testing that theory. Hardware is relatively cheap and we get discounts on liceninsing because we're a non-profit.
22:26.06mvanbaakasterisk + postfix + courier-[(imap)|(pop)]
22:26.06QwellI wonder if Exchange would run in wine.
22:26.11Qwellsorry, that was random
22:26.37mvanbaakjaytee: how about rackspace at a colocation ?
22:27.19teknoprepQwell, doubt it
22:27.23jayteeQwell, there's a 32 bit version of Exchange 2007 you could try but it's only for developers to test. MS recommends running the 64 bit version of Server 2K3 with Exchange 2007 64bit.
22:27.51mvanbaakthe 64 bit version of 2k3 is emulation
22:27.58mvanbaakthe kernel is still 32 bit
22:28.32jayteereally? hmmm, well it's been awhile since I looked at the source code :-)
22:29.30mvanbaakthe cpu driver has a bunch of hooks to allocate more mem
22:29.40mvanbaakbut all the instructions are still 32 bit
22:30.04mvanbaak64 bit in windows is only used to overcome the memory limit in 32 bit
22:30.16Kobazwhen i do a sip reload, my audiocodes gateway goes to status: UNKNOWN.... every other sip device keeps it's reg status... why is that?
22:30.27jayteemvanbaak, you have some documentation to back up that claim?
22:30.27mvanbaakms calls it 64 bit, linux calls it 32bit pae
22:30.58mvanbaakjaytee: not here. I have it at work
22:31.38jayteeok, well maybe next time your on at work and I'm here you can shoot me a link, I'd be interested in reading about that in more detail.
22:31.50teknoprepis asterisk 1.6 going to be a while before its finished?
22:32.23mvanbaakjaytee: if I remember I will
22:32.29Kobaznever mind, i had a host setting in the sip conf
22:32.35mvanbaakteknoprep: it's in beta
22:32.44teknoprepmvanbaak, yup
22:32.54mvanbaakit will be here somewhere this year I'm for sure
22:32.57jayteeand my 50-100 users statement is a highly conservative guesstimate based on slower hardware. On a Quad Xeon with a load of RAM I'd feel comfortable pushing it to 200-500 users as long as I've got teamed NICs running at 1GB.
22:34.36jayteebeta9 of 1.6 seems fairly stable in testing so far. I've not run into any really serious problems with it but i still need to test using Digium T1 hardware to cover all the bases.
22:35.09*** part/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
22:36.43mvanbaakrunning 1.6 svn is not as nice
22:36.50mvanbaakyou have to checkout dahdi
22:36.52*** join/#asterisk arcanine (n=saxon_m2@
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22:37.06mvanbaakand compiling that is not as easy as zaptel yet
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22:37.58mgromanoops wrong channel, sorry
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22:39.44mvanbaakEPIC FAIL
22:40.15wishesthat wasnt an epic fail
22:40.23mvanbaakand I'm off to bed
22:40.38wishesand epic fail would be like pasting your asterisk config with sip provider and passwords
22:40.39mvanbaakwell, this is:
22:40.54jayteeepic fail? I'm thinking aparthied
22:42.00mvanbaaklatero all
22:43.16*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
22:43.44macros73_I think my idea crashed FreeNode.
22:47.33macros73_anyone here setup asterisk failover in the past?
22:48.08macros73_or should I look at openser if I'm serious about it?
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22:53.18macros73_anyone even alive here?
22:53.20*** join/#asterisk NovceGuru (
22:54.24Strom_Cwe're all dead
22:54.29Strom_Cplease check the number and dial again
22:54.38Strom_Cif you need help, hang up and then dial your operator
22:54.41Strom_Cthis is a recording
22:54.46Strom_Ctwo one three four
22:55.04QwellWhat, no SIT?
22:55.05lesouvagemacros73: there is a lot of info available for implementing failover mechanism. It depends on the scale of the implemenation you are thinking about.
22:55.14lesouvageI'm (still) not dead ;-)
22:55.19Strom_CQwell: "this is a recording" negates the need for an SIT :)
22:55.30QwellI see
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23:34.14MatBoywhen I have my trunk settings allright (sip trunk) and I can use this sipp account normally using a sip client, and when I use it as a trunk with asterisk and the password seems to be not OK, in what direction should I seach ?
23:35.50mookidWhat are the limits on the number of concurrent users/sessions ?
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23:37.23mookidHow many conference calls / how many people in each conference can it handle?
23:37.51mookidhas anyone tested this?
23:45.11jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
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23:49.46CanWoodHey folks.  I'm writing a dialplan and it uses Authenticate(1234).  Is there a way to disable the playing of the "Please enter your password now" recording? (other than deleting or replacing the recording itself)
23:51.57deeperrorCanWood, do you want to just read in digits?
23:52.40CanWoodyes, but deny access to the next line if it's wrong (not in a db or file)
23:53.50deeperrorHow about 2 lines  Read() and GotoIf(${FOO}=db(this/that/key)?here:there)
23:53.59outtoluncedit app_authenticate.c search for         prompt = "agent-pass";
23:54.10deeperrorhaha or that
23:55.01CanWoodboth good approaches.  I'll explore deeperror's suggestion first though, so I don't need to merge code changes each time I recompile.  Thanks for the suggestion outtolunc
23:55.37CanWoodI like how Authenicate() handles it and am trying to avoid reinventing the wheel with teh "try three times then deny" logic
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23:56.17outtoluncit wouldn't be hard at all to mod the app to passin the file you want played
23:56.43deeperrorouttolunc, but then if you upgrade you have to patch the code
23:56.50CanWoodI agree it wouldn't be tough, but it would mean that any t.... what he said :)
23:57.02outtoluncthat or get it commited to trunk
23:57.17outtoluncthis is how asterisk grows
23:57.34CanWoodI noo much of a n00b to presume that my suggestions should be comitted
23:58.29outtoluncsuggestions never get commited, patches (code) does, if it passes <G>
23:58.38outtoluncer +t
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