IRC log for #asterisk on 20080707

00:02.38*** join/#asterisk tyler__ (
00:03.28MatBoydoes someone has a clue for FATAL: Module hfcpci not found. ?
00:03.43MatBoyI'm following docs, but this module is not loaded at all
00:04.45*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:08.26jayteemmmm, I'm trying cardamom coffee for the first time and I'm liking it.
00:09.30MatBoymhh, stupid modules every time :P
00:13.07jayteechan_stupid: error opening channel.
00:45.26*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-699e692452471443)
00:45.57*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
00:55.44*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
01:04.11linageeManxPower: hahaha! i just thought of something. people pay money to have their numbers unlisted. what if i have no number to pay for to be unlisted? :->
01:05.40*** part/#asterisk simond (
01:08.12*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:09.55*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:14.12TrentCreekAsk jeeves
01:17.15jeevhow cute
01:24.30*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
01:32.42TrentCreekhow Jeevy
01:33.22jeevcause i'm not jeeves
01:34.36TrentCreekAsk Jeev
01:36.11hardwiregets jeev's info..
01:36.15hardwirejeev: right back at ya..
01:36.56*** join/#asterisk heh_v_water (
01:45.51*** join/#asterisk nickjqw (
01:47.15nickjqwHello all, I'm trying to figure out why a new setup of asterisk can't make outgoing calls from a hardphone.  Works fine from the console with 'dial 5555555' but not when dialing the same number from a handset.  Incoming calls and handset to handset work fine.  Any clue on where to look?
01:48.06nickjqwI get "Call from '01' to extension '5555555' rejected because extension not found"
01:48.37nickjqwWhich is weird, since the "5555555" is matched on the dialplan from the console
01:48.37jayteeyou don't have an outbound route in the context for that extension or that extension doesn't exist
01:49.38nickjqwhow do I tell what context the hardphones are in?  I added the outgoing route to "default".
01:49.56jayteeare the hardphones sip phones?
01:50.07nickjqwYes hardphones are sip, outgoing route is is IAX
01:50.33jayteewhat context does the hardphone you are using point to in sip.conf?
01:51.23nickjqwcontext=default (under "[general]" in sip.conf)
01:52.02nickjqwwait, I take that back.  Under the specific extension, context=local-users
01:52.25jayteedoes local-users have an outbound IAX route to dial?
01:54.39*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (
01:54.42nickjqwI'm not sure, learning as I go here.  The outbound IAX route extensions are defined under "[outgoing]".
01:54.48jayteeas an example, in my convoluted dialplan I hacked together I have two contexts, one for local calls and one for long-distance calls. I include them in the contexts for other extensions. If a particular extension should be blocked from making long-distance calls it goes in a context that has not long-distance context included.
01:55.21jayteetry adding include=outbound in your local-users context
01:55.27jayteethen dialplan reload
01:55.42nickjqwThat worked (I was lead to that by your suggestion before you typed it ) :)
01:55.56jayteeor include=outgoing. sorry :-)
01:56.04jayteeso it works now?
01:56.10nickjqwYes, thanks jaytee!
01:56.14jayteeyour welcome
01:56.19jayteethis is fun, isn't it?
01:56.43*** join/#asterisk Galaxor (
01:57.04nickjqwActually, yes, just a bit frustrating.  My old install was trixbox, trying to get away from that.  This is my first install from scratch on a net5501... no more loud server :)
01:57.26jayteeone thing I learned that's important to remember is that a call will try to match against anything in a context and if no match is found then it will try any includes in the order they are listed.
01:58.11beeknickjqw: what distribution did you load on your net5501?
01:58.27jayteeI can't use trixbox as it restricts my dialplan logic and I have to do some tricky things to interface a Nortel Option 11c with * and have 4 digit dial between them so I've got kludges in the * dialplan and in the Nortel programming.
01:58.44*** join/#asterisk ZarBla (
01:58.57ZarBlaI want to be able to achieve the following: I want to use my 2 standard lines at home. I want to plug them both in a Digium Card and be able to take any incoming calls from lets say line1 and redirect it to any number that I want using line2, but without loosing the call. I know I can achieve this but Im a little lost in FXO and FXS. I have a digium with 2 FXO. Can I achieve this?
01:58.58nickjqwjaytee: I head trixbox is near dead anyway, so decided to learn the real thing.  It worked pretty well, though.
01:59.27beekZarBla: yep... that's simple.
01:59.53nickjqwbeek:  I used ubuntu 8.04 server... nothing special.  We use ubuntu on a lot of other servers at work, so it's what I'm familiar with.  It has a laptop hard drive in it (SATA), so I didn't have to worry about any of the limiting ro issues of flash.
02:00.04jayteeZarBla, yes you want 2 FXO ports
02:00.17ZarBlabeek: Do you have any simple howto docs that explain how to do it?
02:00.25jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
02:00.26nickjqwbeek:  works great, now I can turn off my power sucking, noisy, heat creating old workstation become server thing.
02:00.43jayteeZarBla, download the PDF
02:00.50beeknickjqw: I'm currently running * on an Asus WL-500gPremium but I'd like some more horsepower.
02:01.14beekZarBla: Just use the "Dial" function
02:01.28nickjqwbeek: wow, that's impressive.  I have one of those too, was experimenting with OpenWRT for QoS, etc., on it.  I hated it for that.  Now it just runs as an AP with DD-WRT...
02:01.47beekI have incoming calls to my home ring a phone in my home, a SIP phone on my desk at the office and my cell phone.   Whichever picks up first wins, else it goes to voicemail.
02:02.05nickjqwbeek:  I've moved over to monowall on the PC Engines hardware instead of the WRT class boxes... it's $200 and a degree of magnitude less frustration.
02:02.28beeknickjqw: It works really well, but I'd like to add a database.
02:03.01beeknickjqw: I've gotten hooked on Vyatta for my router/firewall use.
02:03.09nickjqwbeek:  you might want to PC Engines hardware, I'm pretty impressed with it for the cost/benefit ratio.  I don't know if they have SATA/IDE options, though.
02:03.42nickjqwbeek: what do you load vyatta on or do you buy the pre-configured devices?
02:04.12beeknickjqw: I've purchased the 514s for small offices but in my office I have it loaded on an IBM 1u server.   (I'd rather eat class than buy Dell)
02:04.26beekVyatta preloads on Dell for their larger machine.
02:04.40beekMake that "eat glass"
02:05.02nickjqwbeek:  Have you used pfsense/monowall/ipcop?  How does Vyatta compare?
02:06.05beeknickjqw: I've used the latter two.   I like Vyatta because it's more "network geek" like.   The configuration file is a single entitiy, so it's easy to edit with vi or save.
02:06.21beekThere's a community edition with a pre-built VMware machine, if you'd like to look at it.
02:06.39beeke.g.  You can get the installer CD to load on bare hardware or you can get the VM.
02:07.04nickjqwbeek:  I might try that out when I get a chance.  It's showed up on the radar a few times, but never got the chance to try it.  m0n0wall fits most my needs for now.  If it had OpenVPN with LDAP authentication, I'd seriously consider it.
02:07.43beekYou could load OpenVPN on it.   It's a Debian derivative and you can load anything from the Debian repo.
02:08.25wisheshey anyone know much about using ngrep to monitor the commands comming/going from asterisk ?
02:08.47nickjqwThat's promising.  But sounds like I either need to buy their hardware or use a real server... We've got a lot of small offices, so the net5501s and PC Engines boxes are nice for that.
02:09.33beeknickjqw: Not really -- their 514 is built on a mini-itx board on a CF card.
02:10.26*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
02:10.39beeknickjqw: I take it that this net5501 is an Intel-compatible processor?
02:10.44trnzmetahi all
02:11.02nickjqwbeek:  Yes, AMD Geode 500MHz
02:11.03trnzmetahaving difficulties when dialing disconnected telephone number
02:11.19trnzmetathe phone just dials and dials, doesn't recognised the disc signal
02:11.26trnzmetaanyone know what I should be looking at?
02:12.15beeknickjqw: Hmmm...  I like their one-slot standard case.    I could stick a TDM410 card in it.
02:12.19Strom_Ctrnzmeta: what does your Dial() line look like?
02:13.05trnzmetaoff the conf or off the log file?
02:13.59nickjqwbeek: yes it's nice.  I've had some quality control issues with the net5501, though, so beware
02:14.31nickjqwout of three boards one was bad, had it replaced 3 times, then finally got a board with only a minor issue I could fix myself...
02:14.40beeknickjqw: Oh...  recently?
02:14.50nickjqwbeek: yes, very recently
02:15.57beekNo ventures to the pcengines site.
02:16.26beeknickjqw: you're happy with this little ALIX boards?
02:16.36nickjqwbeek:  Started months back, one board had a odd power on problem, wouldn't power up correctly after power loss.  Took someone on site power cycling a few times to make it boot.  Sent it back, same issue.  Sent it back again, got new board, it had an issue with not being able to update the flash (or any CMOS setting).  It worked though when not mounted in the case, so I was able to get it to work after re-mounting... so some kind of
02:16.36nickjqwshort I suspect, but they should have caught that.
02:17.49nickjqwbeek: so far, not much experience with them.  Just bought one to throw monowall on for the home office.  Works fine connecting up to a few IPSEC VPNs, etc., etc., just works.  I'm not taxing it much though.  I could have done it with a WRT like box, but I've had too much frustration with that in the past.
02:18.19nickjqwbeek:  Problem with the ALIX boards is no PCI slot, no SATA/IDE headers... but you could use asterisk on one with a CF.
02:18.41beeknickjqw: I'm looking at the site now.
02:19.03Strom_Ctrnzmeta: why is it taking you five minutes to paste a single line of text?
02:19.03nickjqwbeek:  also, make sure it will run linux unmodified... on the net5501 I can run anything a regular x86 can, but the ALIX board won't run the standard m0n0wall x86 image at all, needs the special ALIX build, not sure why.
02:19.22nickjqwbeek: it should work, it's the same CPU as the net5501 and half the price.
02:20.00beeknickjqw: I see there is a 3.3V PCI slot (I thought PCI was part of the miniITX spec).    I just haven't found the case that fits it.
02:20.25*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
02:21.36nickjqwbeek: IC, I didn't notice that on the board I have, but they may have other boardds
02:22.00beeknickjqw: Thanks for the info!  That will give me some things to mull over.
02:23.00*** join/#asterisk simprix (
02:23.02nickjqwbeek: no prob.  I have the ALIX.2 board, the .1C has the PCI slot...
02:24.29nickjqwbeek: later, have a good hunt
02:24.40beeknickjqw: GN
02:25.11*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
02:30.10*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
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03:05.28*** join/#asterisk Galaxor (
03:07.38GalaxorHi.  I've got a basic sip routing question.  I use a telephone to call my DID.  Asterisk sees a sip call from my service provider.  If I use Dial(SIP/my-soft-phone), it calls my softphone and I answer no problem.  If I instead do Dial(otherphonenumber@serviceprovider-outbound), it rings the otherphonenumber, but when I answer it, I get no sound in either direction.
03:08.07GalaxorAm I doing something wrong, or is my service provider messed up?
03:21.03*** join/#asterisk Xamusk (n=Xamusk@
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03:22.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:22.35TJNIIGalaxor: ^^^^^
03:25.24GalaxorI have a hard time believing it's nat problems.  I can receive incoming calls to my softphone just fine.  I can make outgoing calls from my softphone just fine.  The only thing I can't do is bridge one phone to another.
03:27.27TJNIIso two softphones behind your NAT work?
03:29.10GalaxorI haven't tried that.
03:29.44GalaxorWhat works is:  Call from a landline, service provider sends it to my asterisk box (behind nat), who forwards it to softphone (behind nat).
03:30.08GalaxorAlso working is:  Softphone (behind nat) makes an outgoing sip call to service provider, who forwards it to landline.
03:31.07GalaxorWhat is not working is:  Landline calls DID, service provider sends it to asterisk box (behind nat), who makes a sip call to service provider, who forwards it to landline.
03:32.16mwallingsounds like a clusterfsck ;)
03:35.22GalaxorThe only difference is that, to dial my softphone, I say Dial(SIP/101), whereas to dial my landline, I say Dial(SIP/##########@vitel-outbound).  It still rings the number I called.  It just doesn't move any sound through.
03:36.08TJNIISounds like a nat problem
03:36.12*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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03:39.59Galaxortjnii:  Hm.  Okay.  I'll read those pages, then.  Thanks.
03:41.05*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-465fef1c3ed82bef)
03:41.11*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
03:41.18hmmhesaysanyone ever mess with nuera products?
03:41.27hmmhesaysI have an old gateway here i"m looking for a manual for
03:45.55*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
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03:59.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
04:07.41pputmanWhat would be a good solution to sip-proxy auth requests to a commercial sip switch?  Openser?
04:12.39*** join/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
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04:16.46jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
04:25.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
04:26.11riddleboxsorry guys I am just answering some questions on the forums and need the info
04:49.27ManxPowerriddlebox: you can /msg jbot and he will /msg you back
04:51.02*** join/#asterisk ix33 (n=ix@2002:cede:da6:0:0:0:0:1)
04:51.57ix33what's the best dialplan construct to use to test if a dialed extension contains a local exchange, given that i have a list of exchanges?
04:52.55ManxPowerix33: simple question, complex answer.  Have you read The Book?
04:53.42ix33ManxPower:yes, a while back.  i just skimmed the two dialplan chapters and nothing jumped out. which topic should i specifically look at?
04:53.53ix33(i mean, just now skimmed...)
04:54.32ManxPowerThere is nothing specific.  you do it with dialplan pattern matching.  If you understand that, you know how to do it.
04:54.41ix33ok sure
04:54.52ix33but i have a huge* list of extensions here
04:55.05ManxPowerBut expect it to be time consuming, complicated, and ultimately, useless.
04:55.20ManxPowerix33: exactly.
04:55.42ix33ok so i've asked the wrong question.
04:55.43ManxPowerdo you have a large number of extensions or EXCHANGES?
04:56.21ManxPoweruse the right words or things get too complicated
04:57.11ManxPowerix33: you can do pattern matching in the dialplan, you can put it all in a database, write a custom AGI script to return something to custom dialplan scripts, or you can get a provider with "all calls in area code are considered local and free"
04:57.38ManxPowerHeck, the provider for my largest client doesn't even charge them for any calls within Louisiana or Mississippi
04:58.12ManxPoweror you can go with a provider (usually VoIP) where ALL calls cost per min
04:58.27ManxPowera low cost, of course
04:58.32ix33well unfortunately our PRI provider is set by contract already
04:58.47ix33lesson learned
04:59.18*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
04:59.32riddleboxManxPower, I will do that next time sorry
05:01.33ZarBlaI have a digium card with 2 fxo ports. I properly configured asterisk to take any call coming from FXO1 to call a number using FX02, using the dial command. Now as soon as it gets into the FX01 and starts to be forwarded, I have a big background noise and seems like I lost a lot of volume... Any idea how to fix this? I use a digium tdm402e...
05:20.44*** join/#asterisk L8NteOwl (
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05:24.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
05:24.15L8NteOwlHello..   anyone using Asterisk w/ MAX TNT for a Gateway ?
05:24.19L8NteOwlsuccessfully ?
05:24.35*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=d-dtech@
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05:26.34d-techne1 aware of a softphone that uses g.722 or any 16k solution that * supports
05:29.02ManxPowerL8NteOwl: searching the mailing list archives, it's been talked about several times.
05:29.09jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
05:31.20L8NteOwleyebeam supports g.722 if i'm not mistaken
05:31.51L8NteOwli have it installed but rarely use it
05:35.49*** join/#asterisk Entr4nced (
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05:47.52d-techg.722 support in eyeBeam looks like a special OEM option ... there website notes it is not available in the Retail Version?!
05:49.20d-techwow ... didn't think 16k support for a softphone was going to be this difficult?!
05:52.01*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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07:27.34ludanhi guys
07:28.53MCooperI have a couple of questions concerning astericks and a project that I am working on?
07:30.01*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:30.22MCooperCould use some ideas... if there is anyone interested?
07:30.52ludanguys one of my users is «iptel/83644» and is the one that takes care of the connection with a toll free sip broker
07:31.16ludansometimes the number is busy and to make it working I've to manually restart the whole server asterisk
07:31.45ludanis there a way to only disconnect and reconnect this user so that I can "restart" only the connections from landline?
07:43.50tzafrir_laptopnotes the wrong spelling of MCooper
07:44.11tzafrir_laptopit's either Asterisk or asstricks
07:44.38tzafrir_laptopMCooper, anyway, ask your question
07:45.56*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
07:46.06MCooperI am working on a project to use asterisk as a blacklist maintainer. We are setting up a tip line and want to deal with the war dialers.
07:46.53MCooperThe line is coming in from a CCME and being handed over to Asterisk to process, then either do a block and drop, or pass the call on to the tip center.
07:47.16*** join/#asterisk alphanet (
07:48.06alphanethello, is there any hope to run a B410P (4BRI) card with the Debian etch asterisk-bristuff (possibly with some slight changes to zaptel's qozap?). I don't want mISDN, and I would prefer to stick to Asterisk-bristuff 1.2
07:48.13MCooperWe have two E1s to handle the traffic. Dial tone is provided by the CCME. So we dial a number 999, verify the number making the call is not one that has called within the last 10 minutes... and if not forward to extension 130
07:49.25MCooperThe problem that we are running into is - we can dial the 999 and it dumps us back to a dial tone allowing us to dial the 130 extension.. we need that to be automated.
07:49.42MCoopertzafrir_laptop,  That in a nutshell is the issue.
07:54.51tzafrir_laptopMCooper, can you pastebin the relevant parts of your dialplan?
07:55.04tzafrir_laptopthe context into which it is dialed?
07:56.35MCooperThis was a started project...
07:56.56MCooperafter going over everything for two days, it just was not laid out the best.
07:57.08MCooperSo I am in the process of starting it over from scratch...
07:57.41MCooperI could post what was there.. but I am thinking that if I build from scratch.. it would be a better design...
07:58.17*** join/#asterisk dandre (
07:58.58tzafrir_laptopMCooper, you want to get a dialtone after dialing 999 or don't want to?
08:01.38*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:01.52MCooperNo dial tone - just goto extension 130
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08:09.37bkruseneeds to go to sleep
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08:11.41mvanbaakbkruse: no
08:12.06mvanbaaknot acceptable
08:12.13bkrusemvanbaak: !
08:12.15bkruseHow was the trip?
08:12.24mvanbaakit was GREAT
08:12.35bkrusemvanbaak: I am getting owned on some mxml stuff, I need to revert back and see how I originally parsed the tree. Something we added screwed things up
08:12.37mvanbaaklots of wind, not too much sun
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08:12.55mvanbaakbkruse: yeah, I saw that in your last commit
08:13.06bkrusefun trip though?
08:13.29bkrusegood good
08:13.36mvanbaakwonderful sailing weather
08:15.04mvanbaaksnuff-home had a good suggestion. We need to document the return value of functions etc
08:15.11mvanbaakI added it to the bug he created
08:15.18mvanbaakhe did some work on app_amd and app_fax
08:16.30mvanbaakhhmm, the parsing here is working
08:16.45mvanbaakbut I have a revision from before you started messing with it ;)
08:17.24mvanbaakbut like russell said, we really need an ok on the schema first
08:22.15*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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08:26.48mvanbaakI should add that <return> node to the xmldoc.txt
08:29.30*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=Administ@
08:29.44^shark_hi friends,just a simple question,i am quoting for the 7960G IP phone for a sip voip solution,how important is it to quote for the licenses too
08:30.28mvanbaakyou need the license. otherwise you are not allowed to use the phone (legally)
08:34.13Uatechow important? is that like "how important is it to pay for dvds in the shops?"
08:39.46*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:40.02tzafrir_laptopUatec, you mean the $1 for the blank one? sure you pay for it ;-)
08:40.29*** join/#asterisk ToTo (n=ToTo@
08:41.16^shark_mvanbaak: i suppose the ip phone comes with sip firmware?
08:41.17Uatecwell if you're going to be reselling this system, you might like to be licenced for it...
08:42.47^shark_mvanbaak: .. and the sip firmware comes attached to the IP phone package, is it not?
08:44.11*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
08:44.16jbotI ain't no stinkin' bot.  I am a finely tuned and hand crafted tool.  Oh wait... I guess I am a bot (that you should not abuse).
08:44.24*** join/#asterisk implicit (
09:01.13*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:03.17bkrusemvanbaak: there?
09:03.30bkruseI am going to revert, see how it is working
09:03.59bkruseit all b0rked when I did that conversion from infunction to an mxml_find_documentation("application", "Dial", "description"); function
09:04.21bkrusemvanbaak: Drop me an email and tell me what revision, gotta go to sleep
09:16.28*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
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09:28.09*** join/#asterisk JPASS (
09:28.16JPASSHi All,
09:28.21JPASSAny guru's out there?
09:28.56JPASSI have a server that keeps failing - the line goes down. It's a server issue as a reboot sorts it out. Funnily a restart of ztcfg and asterisk doesn't/
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09:38.57mandhHi all , can i put wav files as music on hold ?
09:39.33tzafrir_laptopJPASS, what hardware is it, exactly? What versions of Asterisk and Zaptel?
09:39.51*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (n=cabbiepe@
09:42.09JPASSAsterisk BE
09:42.14JPASSLaterst zaptel
09:42.16Uateceurgh, BE?
09:42.21Uateckills self
09:42.28Uatecis an Asterisk BE user
09:42.40JPASSWhat? What's wrong with BE
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09:43.39JPASSand a TE122B
09:43.42Uatecrpath is crap, BE is version 1.2 or something...
09:43.51JPASSWell we use RHEL5
09:44.09JPASSBE is 1.4 on the C branch. Please don't contribute if you don't know what you're on about
09:44.26*** part/#asterisk rcy (
09:44.43Uatecfuck you JPASS, fuck you
09:44.57Uatecwondesr if he's developing some kind of irc tourettes then realises that he's just being a dick
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09:45.22Uatecthe version of BE that i've been using is 1.2
09:45.32JPASSYes that BE 'B@
09:45.39Uatecyes, tis
09:45.44JPASSbut C is out which is on the 1.4 branch
09:45.59tzafrir_laptopUatec, do they have a perl branch?
09:46.01Uateci can't update it becuase like two of my systems can't route toconary
09:46.03JPASSAlso you don't have to use rpath, they RPMs are all there for installation on a decent os.
09:46.10Uatecyeah, true
09:46.28Uatecmy boss got ABE and said "run it on the OS it comes with, that makes better business sense"
09:46.35JPASSAnyway - why am i talking to you - you just told me to fuck myself!
09:46.43Uateclol, i did, sorry about that
09:47.17Uatecnow i use ubuntu and 1.4
09:47.19Uatecis it 1.4?
09:47.41JPASStzafrir_laptop - can you assist with my issue?
09:48.13JPASSI think the reboot made a difference over a restart of the processes as a reboot resets the PCI bus.
09:48.29JPASSThis would point to a hardware issue - BUT... the issue only happens in the middle of the night!
09:48.38JPASSWOrks fine when it's being used
09:48.50JPASSduring the dat
09:48.56tzafrir_laptopWhat do you mean by "line going down"?
09:49.07JPASSWell 'zap show status' shows OK
09:49.20JPASSbut a PRI SHOW SPANS shows as down
09:49.23tzafrir_laptopWhat problem do you see?
09:49.30JPASSall we get on the PRI DEBUG SPAN 1 is....
09:49.43JPASSSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
09:49.47JPASSover and over.
09:49.54tzafrir_laptopMaybe it's a problem with the line, or with the provider or something?
09:50.04JPASSbut then why does a reboot fix it?
09:50.09JPASSi can;'t explain that
09:50.13tzafrir_laptopDo you have any alarm on that line?
09:50.25JPASSno, it says OK
09:50.29JPASSzttool - OK
09:51.29*** join/#asterisk sergee (
09:56.31*** join/#asterisk bootc (
09:56.53bootchey folks, I have some Snom 320 phones and I'm trying to do an auto-answer on an Originate
09:58.45bootcwhat I do is I originate to Local/exten@context, then send to exten@context
09:59.36bootcin the first context I SIPAddHeader("Call-Info: sip:phones.adl;answer-after=0"), and on the phone I have auto_connect_type=headset
10:00.05bootcbut what happens is the headset picks up, rings for a second or two, then the remainder of the call happens on speakerphone (unless you press the headset button)
10:00.41tzafrir_laptopJPASS, maybe something related to resetinterval?
10:01.05tzafrir_laptop(In zapata.conf)
10:02.13JPASSlet me check....
10:06.41tzafrir_laptopnew look for the wiki
10:06.56tzafrir_laptopDoes the search work for anybody?
10:09.02*** part/#asterisk heh_v_water (
10:10.05creativxsearch works
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10:17.32tzafrir_laptopmaybe it requires javascript?
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10:19.20MCooperUatec,  did you have any issues with the Ubuntu install?
10:19.29Uatecnope. Why, are you?
10:19.57JPASSHardy heron has issues with misdn comp;iliation.
10:20.26Uatecmy ubuntu installation was sip only
10:20.29Strom_CJPASS: congratulations.  are you going to file a bug or just complain?
10:20.35JPASSIssue with the way a variable is defined as it's already defined in the kernel...
10:20.42MCooperYeah.. Coming up with termcap issues during the ./configure process...
10:20.48JPASSI'm not complaining, just helping. I use RHEL
10:21.10JPASSWe didn't find a solution unfortunately
10:21.18MCooperLooked everything over... pissing me off..
10:21.20JPASSDid you consider Centos
10:21.56JPASS(PS Usefull comments Strom_C - really helpful!)
10:22.14JPASSSorry i can't help more MCooper -
10:22.19JPASSuse centos is all i can add!!
10:22.25puzzledJPASS: there's an misdn mailing list. do you report the problem there?
10:23.17JPASSno - we were'nt fussed on the OS too much, just used centos instead. Lazy but easy!
10:23.35MCooperI guess I will go grab it...
10:24.27MCooperlater everyone...
10:25.20thomasif I would like uninstall asterisk
10:25.38thomaswhich directory I should remove?
10:26.13khronos/var/spool/asterisk /etc/asterisk
10:26.25thomaskhronos: and the binarys?
10:26.33khronosthe safe_asterisk or init.d script if you installed these.
10:26.51khronosand /var/lib/asterisk
10:27.16thomasis asterisk-addons-1.4.7 the newst?
10:27.28khronosyes, I beleive so for the 1.4 branch.
10:28.05thomaskhronos: how i can only compile cdr mysql?
10:28.09thomasi need only this.
10:28.32khronosActually I'm in a similar situation myself.
10:28.42khronosI'm looking for input on which logging module I should use.
10:29.00khronoswhat's the difference in using the odbc module to log to a mysql database or the mysql module from the addons package?
10:29.14thomasi dont know.. hm.
10:29.34khronosalso if I eventually want to use the real-time way of doing things what module would I want to use?
10:30.03khronosShould I use odbc all the way around or mysql module from addons for cdr logging?
10:30.31thomasi use mysql. :)
10:30.46khronosif you only want the mysql module from addons I think you may be able to slect this in make menuconfig from with in the addons package, but I haven't gotten that far on this system I'm working on just yet.
10:33.17jblackkhronos: odbc is where it's going.
10:33.41jblackused to be each database got it's own resources. Now, asterisk just uses one, odbc, and relies on the odbc drivers.
10:33.52thomasah, yes. make menuconfig
10:33.54jblackthough it still supports the older ones.
10:34.15jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
10:35.58*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
10:38.18khronosOk, so I'm better off using odbc for my logging and realtime?
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11:03.30gfather1guys could u give me some guidelines
11:03.48gfather1like i have 7 analoge phones to the company i work for
11:04.01gfather1how should i connect them to the Asterisk server ?
11:05.03alphanetI would connect them through 4 ATA such as the Linksys-dual port at a total cost of about 400 EUR. Alternative: replace them with SIP phones if it's practical (wireful), or even a channel bank
11:06.46gfather1what i mean is
11:06.57gfather1that these line are from the phone company
11:06.57MatBoymhh ok, I have elastix installed, my ISDN card is seen
11:07.08MatBoynow itś in TE mode and I need to set it in NT mode
11:07.13gfather1and i want to connect them to the Asterisk server
11:07.27alphanetah ok, then you could either use FXO ATAs, or digium analog cards, or channel banks. I am more used to ISDN myself
11:07.32gfather1and make the inner connections of ip phones
11:07.46gfather1<alphanet> oks cool
11:07.55alphanetI don't have much experience with analog outside lines
11:10.32*** join/#asterisk Datax (n=john@
11:11.25DataxHi all, I'm looking in to what Asterisk can and can't do from a STUN point of view
11:11.41Dataxwhat exactly is possible ?
11:12.29*** join/#asterisk CVirus (n=GoD@
11:14.09MatBoywhat do I have to do when I have a down link ? Port 1 Type NT Prot. PMP L2Link DOWN L1Link:DOWN Blocked:0  Debug:0
11:16.43CVirusWhy can't my system see my second FXO X100P card ... ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 2: No such device or address (6)
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11:24.12MatBoywhen I have a ISDN card in NT mode and connected to an ISDN pbx, should that stack be UP automaticly ?
11:27.47puzzledMatBoy: you need to have the appropriate drivers installed, configured and configure stuff in asterisk etc.
11:30.34*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
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11:31.46JTMatBoy: using what drivers...?
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11:32.01ibnolqaiyemwhat is good documentation for learn asterisk?
11:32.23MatBoypuzzled: JT uhm, on a elastix install I only started misdn
11:32.34MatBoyand the card is recognized well
11:32.52puzzledMatBoy: sorry I'm not familiar with elastix
11:33.37caio1982ibnolqaiyem: also known as 'the book'
11:33.40MatBoypuzzled: no problem :)
11:35.19puzzledMatBoy: you may need to add power to the NT line with an NT-1 or something else that can provide power to an ISDN line
11:35.53ibnolqaiyemare there some hardware basics i need to learn asterisk?
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11:36.52MatBoypuzzled: mhh, but I just crossconnected the NT card to the isdn PBX
11:36.57MatBoyshould be OK I thought
11:37.13puzzlediirc that depends on the amount of power it needs to provide
11:38.01MatBoypuzzled: mhh, but an NT1 box just between that cable you think ?
11:38.25puzzledMatBoy: if you have one you can easily try it
11:38.49JTpbxes do not require power from the line
11:39.02MatBoypuzzled: yes I have one, but should I use rj45 for both do you think ot the rj11 (line) for the isdn card ?
11:39.12MatBoyJT: no, but the card shows down
11:39.27JTMatBoy: model of card?
11:39.45MatBoyJT: Network controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI] (rev 02)
11:39.49MatBoysimple one
11:40.02JTyou will need a BRI crossover cable
11:40.19MatBoyJT: normal lan crossover ?
11:40.24JTyou will need a BRI crossover cable
11:40.27MatBoyok :)
11:40.29MatBoylet me make one
11:40.41MatBoyI think I have one
11:40.53alphanetMatBoy: the last time I configured an HFC-s card with Asterisk in NT mode: 1. I was using zaptel/zaphfc, not mISDN; 2. it went UP automatically, without being connected to the other party.  3. I used a ISDN cross-over cable.  4. I only needed power when using ISDN phones.
11:41.14JTmisdn sucks btw
11:41.41alphanetwell, the only advantage of mISDN in my opinion is that it seems better than zaptel + app_fax
11:42.02alphanethowever, for pure voice operation, it sucks: 2.6 kernel only, will be replaced, etc.
11:42.09MatBoyJT: nah, with elastix it seems to be quite ok
11:42.17alphanetI use zaptel since 2005 with a lot of success
11:42.50JTMatBoy: i'm telling you the reality, the elastic pretties don't make a driver any better
11:42.53JTmisdn sucks.
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11:48.38MatBoyJT: yes normally it does, but the way it enables was in elastix much better than any other way
11:48.55JTit's especially bad with NT mode
11:48.57MatBoycan't help it :)
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11:49.17JTthere are other options.
11:49.34MatBoyJT: like ?
11:49.56Superbartthmmfg, _X. vs _[6-8]X in the same context, _[6-8]X would get a higher priority ("first choise") right?
11:50.17JTMatBoy: zaphfc with zaptel of zaphfc with bristuff
11:51.24MatBoyJT: I have the idea that I can use and NT1 box for the crossover because this has termination already
11:51.56JTwell that's wrong
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11:55.01MatBoyJT: I need to resistors for sure ?
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12:09.19MatBoyJT: works ! thanks !
12:09.24MatBoythat crosscable
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12:13.23MatBoyok, now I need to be able that my BRI uses my sip account that I have setup as trunk to dail out
12:17.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
12:17.31[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: ^^^^
12:17.45MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yep thanks !
12:17.57[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: you need to understand the dialplan.  This is the most important part of *
12:18.13MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yes I know about that
12:18.25MatBoybut this "feels" different in some strange way
12:19.24MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: actually I would assume that elastix did had some more detailed info about their panel
12:19.59*** join/#asterisk Rem| (
12:20.30[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: Oh.... another GUI user.  #freepbx is waiting for you.  Move along now...
12:21.18MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yes I can work this out :)
12:21.19MatBoythanks !
12:21.33bkruse[TK]D-Fender: :)
12:21.53[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: mornin'
12:22.23bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Good morning. GUI users giving you much trouble?
12:22.48russellbbkruse: GUI users offend him at a deep personal level :-p
12:22.49[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Not that much lately.
12:22.59bkrusegood good good
12:23.11bkruserussellb: I understand that, and I try to grab as many as i can away :D
12:23.51[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: No.  Not GUI users in general.  Just the ones that feel we are here to discect whatever junk it generated and reverse engineer it to learn what 3 blanks in a stupid for a monkey should be able to fill out :)
12:24.10bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Which is a large percentage :P
12:24.41[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: So... its just the moronic ones that don't get the picture that this is not 2nd level GUI support.
12:24.52[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Make your bed, and lie in it.
12:25.08[TK]D-FenderDarn homonym mixup :)
12:25.36bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Exactly. Those, deserve the wrath
12:26.16[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: And to think I've only kicked ONE person out of here, and that's for spamming the channel :)
12:26.48alphanetwhat is a GUI?
12:27.12[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: I'm thinking of starting an #asterisk IRC User Shit-list to ID those who try to leech support while not even USING *, or lurk around for support while using GUI's :)
12:27.16jbotit has been said that gui is (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, ... or at  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
12:27.55[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: In the case of context, and interface that builds your * configs for you folling its own cookie-cutter logic and building undecipherable garbe
12:28.14alphanetah ok, I have done that (tm)
12:28.21*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
12:28.26alphanetTWiki -> PostgreSQL -> config generator
12:28.31[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Built, or used?
12:28.39*** join/#asterisk simprix (
12:28.44[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: For *?
12:28.45*** join/#asterisk DarnoQ (
12:29.01[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Using a WIKI front end?  Sounds interesting.
12:29.03alphanetit allows people to use TWiki to configure some of asterisk
12:29.17alphanetyes, it's a bit weird
12:29.46bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Where is that button in the GUI!?
12:30.26[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: You meant he "Go" button that they all assume is out there? :)
12:30.29alphanetbut that company has a "everything in TWiki" policy
12:30.38DarnoQcould someone please advice me on how to record g729 call into wav or mp3 ? when i try to record using monitor i get an error "  file.c:199 ast_writestream: Unable to translate to format pcm, source format g729". I got 2 licences for testing but the call is in passthrough
12:30.39alphanetwhich is in its way logical
12:31.14alphanetok, I need to go, thanks for support :)
12:31.18alphanethave a nice afternoon
12:31.26[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Every time I here the term "corporate policy", the statistical evaulation of its practical implication is (not pulling punches) "fucking stupid"
12:31.52bkruse[TK]D-Fender: I want to do this convoluted asterisk setup with crazy call matching patterns, misdn, t1, through 2 channels banks and a cisco gateway, where is the gui page for that?
12:31.52alphanetwell, no, in this case it's quite logical
12:31.57alphanetthey mainly evolve around documentation
12:32.06alphanetso everything is documentation for them, including asterisk
12:32.13alphanetand you get a version control for free
12:32.23alphanetthat the user can manage if needed
12:32.37alphanetsee it as a complex way to store your config data in CVS
12:32.59[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Documentation is GREAT.  Thinking you can use a teaspoon to fill the role of a socket-wrench - is NOT :p
12:33.21alphanetwell, I use asterisk to open the company's door
12:33.24[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Yeah I can see how you might parse out a WIKI for it... it IS a nifty idea actually..
12:33.45[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: Do you do raw dialplan in the and WGET+parse it into a primary template?
12:34.04alphanetno, I use the Wiki format (the Wiki language itself)
12:34.17macros73Hey now, I'm a stupid for a monkey.
12:34.20alphanetwith some "begin" tags
12:34.29alphanetto tell the script where to store it
12:34.43[TK]D-Fenderalphanet: I'd love to see what you've come up with for this if it isn't too "secret".
12:34.46alphanetand yes there are templates
12:34.53alphanetjust a moment
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12:39.49alphanethave a nice afternoon
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12:49.30DarnoQanyone knows how to convert g729 to wav?
12:51.26[TK]D-FenderDarnoQ: has an on-line converter, or there is a CLI command if you have licenses already
12:54.29*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
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12:55.07hsv-alhello all- are we looking forward to another "glorious" week of droning/work
12:55.23hsv-alvacation is over.........staring at monitors and coffee returns....
12:55.45UnixDoghsv-al: go back to bed .... its to early on a monday
12:56.08hsv-alare your eyes burning
12:56.16hsv-alcoffee hasnt "woke" you up yet?
12:56.24UnixDogI have to work on fixing 1.6 issues on bsd this week
12:56.39UnixDogthats bad enough
12:56.54hsv-alhot, i havent touched it yet, only thing I have planned so far is
12:56.58hsv-almexicanfood + margaritas after work :)
12:57.58hsv-alunixdog, arent you looking forward to people asking you what good sites there are
12:58.01*** join/#asterisk servettas (n=usta@
12:58.01hsv-alfor open ser configs etc? :(
12:58.02DarnoQ[TK]D-Fender thank you, what is the cli command ?
12:58.13CVirusI just configured an FXO card to receive a call and answer it with the Welcome menu .. but the sound is very low .. suggestions ?
12:58.20servettashi everyone, i need howto for Open source G.729 and G.723.1 codecs, can anyone hlep me? thanks..
12:58.31UnixDogI have yet to play with open ser
12:59.11UnixDogg729 and g723 are not open codecs
12:59.30UnixDogg729 cost money 10 dollars per from digium
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12:59.46servettasUnixDog, i mean it sorry
13:00.01SwKdoes AGI SAY DIGITS not respect the channel's language setting?
13:01.00UnixDogthat site is not for us users.. as in the us you have to pay for g729
13:01.28servettasi can do it
13:01.42SwKthat site is not for 90% of the world...
13:01.42servettasbut i do not know how can i compile it
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13:02.06SwKG729 and G723 are patented and you need to get a properly licensed copy of it
13:02.09servettasi used digium 729a codec
13:02.36UnixDogus patients only count for the US other wise in the rest of the world they look at it as a should be free codec
13:02.48SwKits not just a us patent
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13:03.10SwKand its not a software patent
13:03.31SwKits a method patent that can be implemented in software or hardware
13:03.49SwKanyway... anyone... agi say digits... setting channel language?
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13:08.24SwKwell its not just AGI its dialplan SayDigits also
13:08.44SwKand yes spanish language files are installed... and its 1.4 latest from svn
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13:11.44gfather1guys i was taking wwith <alphanet> , and im askinh about , like i have 7 phone line from the phone provider to our company
13:12.03gfather1and i want to connect them to the Asterisk server
13:12.20gfather1and make the phones in the company , ip phones
13:12.31gfather1how should the connection be made ?
13:12.40gr0mitgfather1, which country?
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13:12.56gfather1<gr0mit> jordan
13:13.10gr0mitok so use an 8-port FXO box
13:13.43gr0mitfrom FXO to SIP, or better, get your telco to migrate the 8 lines to four ISDN BRI
13:13.46*** join/#asterisk PodMan99a (
13:13.50gfather1<gr0mit> 8-port FXO box , any link pleas
13:13.51gr0mitand use a quad-bri dcard
13:14.05gfather1becouse im still learning about asterisk
13:14.08gr0mitnever used them, gfather1
13:14.23PodMan99ahey all... i can make incoming and outgoing calls through SIP on asterisk (Hosted by me off-site) however cannot make internal calls?? any ideas?
13:14.26gr0mitok well if you are still learning now is not the time to spends lots
13:14.40gr0mitso get a single fxo card and start playing first
13:14.52gr0mitbut you are generally much better off using ISDN
13:16.09*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
13:16.17gfather1<gr0mit> :
13:16.36gfather1becouse i want to know what parts i should get
13:16.39gfather1to do the connections
13:16.42gfather1u know
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13:23.59gfather1is taht what i need
13:24.31gr0mitgfather1, yup.
13:24.34gr0mitshould be ok
13:24.49gr0mityou need to get 8 x fxo modules
13:24.58gfather1so anything similar to specification like that should be ok
13:25.16gfather1i tried to search google
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13:27.09PodMan99ahey all... i can make incoming and outgoing calls through SIP on asterisk (Hosted by me off-site) however cannot make internal calls?? any ideas?
13:27.22gfather1<gr0mit> see this link pleas
13:28.42gfather1there like 20 models
13:28.49gfather1and they are fxo fx
13:29.01gr0mitwell my recommendation is start cheap
13:29.10gfather1me too
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13:29.15gfather1but im confuced
13:29.19gfather1thats the problem
13:29.59gfather1<gr0mit> im very good at networking and vpn's
13:30.17gr0mitsoooo, buy a cheaper card with a single fxo and a single fxs
13:30.18gfather1but im getting confuced becouse of the analog telephony system
13:30.27gr0mitevaluate, learn and experiment
13:30.35gr0mitthen you will know what you need.
13:31.00gr0miteven an old X100P card (ebay/google) is a good starting point
13:31.28gr0mityou can get these for $20 or so.  they are horrid but should start you on the learing process
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13:33.36gfather1<gr0mit> u mean like an 56k modem , right ?
13:33.49gfather1to test on and stuff
13:34.08gr0mitwell, you need to buy the right card
13:34.25gr0mitgoogle for X100P and make sure it says it is compatible iwth Asterisk
13:34.25CVirusWhat's so bad about the X100P ?
13:34.38UnixDogits a winmodem
13:34.44SwKand they suck
13:34.44gr0mitdoes not support caller id
13:34.47UnixDog90% are crap
13:34.51gr0mitfixed impedance
13:34.54gr0mitetc etc
13:34.55CVirusI'm using the X100P Special Edition
13:35.04SwKhah ie: a knock off
13:35.07gr0mitif you are in the USA they are probably fine
13:35.25gr0mitfor the rest of the world they are sub-optimal
13:35.55SwKso... anyone running a multi lingual install of 1.4 and actually u sing SayDigits to speak in oh say english and spanish?
13:36.12SwKgr0mit, they are sub-optimal for the entire planet
13:36.30gfather1is there like any online shop i can search for similar products ?
13:36.34UnixDogyou have to install the other lang sound files
13:36.43gfather1so i can know whats the diffrence and price range and stuff
13:36.44SwKUnixDog, yeah i did that
13:36.48gr0mitSwK, i only know they are suboptimal here in UK
13:36.58SwKgfather1, voip supply
13:36.58gr0mitI can't comment for the rest of the world ;-)
13:37.25SwKgr0mit, i live < 10km from digium and I'll say they suck every where hah
13:37.35UnixDogby default the main sound files that come with asterisk are either english os spanish
13:37.56SwKUnixDog, when you install spanish it installs into sounds/es
13:38.01SwKwhich is what its supposed to do
13:38.04gr0mithehe!!!! you must be in Alabama then?
13:38.11gfather1whats the category for the fxo's ?
13:38.20SwKgfather1, 1 FXO == 1 line
13:38.28gfather1i know that
13:38.36gfather1whats the category ,
13:38.46SwKgfather1, so it depends on what size card you get... you can get them in current supported configs from 4 to 24 ports
13:38.54SwKthey'll be in alaog hardware
13:39.05gfather1ah ok , analog hardware
13:39.34SwKif you need more then say 4 ports its worth it to just spend the few extra dollars get a T1 card and a channel bank tho
13:39.39CViruswhat happened to voip-info ?
13:39.46CViruslooks like a new theme or somethign
13:40.03SwKwiki- upgrade it loosk like
13:40.06gfather1these are 1 port fxo , right
13:40.16gfather1im understanding right
13:40.23gr0mitchannelbanks are a very USA thing
13:40.29SwKthose looks like FXS VoIP adapters
13:40.37SwKgr0mit, not really
13:40.49gr0mitthey dont really exist anywhere outside USA
13:41.04SwKyou just have to know where to look for them ;)
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13:41.12SwKyou can get E1 channel banks
13:41.17gr0mitcoz outside usa we all use ISDN2 and ISDN30
13:41.28gr0mitbut we don;t use E1 CAS here
13:41.36gr0mitits all ISDN
13:41.41SwKstill a similar principal
13:41.49SwKits just not a "channel bank"
13:41.52gr0mithere an E1 channel bank = PABX ;-)
13:41.58SwKyou need something like an atlas 550
13:42.00WildPikachugr0mit, still running strong here btw with that callprogress issue :(
13:42.10gr0mitWildPikachu, really??
13:42.20SwKno pabx required thatway heh
13:42.23gr0mityou mean it is fixed?
13:42.25WildPikachugr0mit, yep, no dropped calls yet
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13:42.29WildPikachugr0mit, yep
13:42.34gr0mitis baffled!
13:42.40SwKthats how you take a PRI and break it it BRIs (and yes we do that here too)
13:42.56gr0mitSwK, we don;t really ever do that
13:43.15SwKwe have mass stupidity here still tho
13:43.22SwKthings like GR303 are all the rage still
13:43.23gr0mitagain, that function is done by a pbx
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13:44.23SwKnot nessecarily there are times where you dont want to go thru the whole pbx thing...
13:44.24gr0mitSwK, all nasty U-law stuff ;-)
13:44.39SwKand thats where something like the atlas comes into play
13:44.39gr0mitthings are much simpler in A-lawland
13:45.17SwKgr0mit, atleast you dont have to deal with our national call routing hah
13:45.21gr0mit(exxept in A-law MFC-R2 land)
13:45.48gr0mithas 2 boxes running R2 signalling
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13:54.06beekZarBla: Have you followed the steps for adjusting tx/rx gain on both lines?
13:55.07Rico29does anyone uses Linksys spa962 phones ?
13:55.26gfather1so whats the spesification im looking for
13:55.27ZarBlabeek: Well I did change it but in the zapata.conf but it doesnt seem to read that config file because I changed hidecallerid to yes in the samefile but I still have callerid...
13:55.30gfather1as i unserstand
13:55.36gfather1usa is not like others
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13:55.47gfather1so every country has its diffrences
13:55.58gfather1but i think jordan is like europe
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13:56.36gfather1so untill now i dont know what im looking for
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13:57.11gfather1guys im really a good listener
13:57.22gfather1just need some directions
13:57.22hi365Running ztcfg:  ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22) <---- getting this error, "lsmod|grep ztdummy" show nothing
13:57.28beekZarBla: search the archives for "milliwatt" test and how to properly configure the gain.  You have two lines, so that will make it easier.
13:57.42tinkerghostOK mayday mayday mayday, I am going down ....... My asterisk server isn't transfering anyone to queues & is restarting the queue & message logs 5-10 times a minutes
13:58.12tinkerghostI have already restarted the software & the server itself
13:58.46ZarBlabeek: Ok thanks. Also, my asterisk server (plugged with 2 pots in 2 fxo of my digium) called me like 8 times during the last 11 hours... By itself... Did you see that happen before?
13:58.51CVirusLet's assume that I defined an IVR menu that executes when I call line no. 1 which is connected to my first FXO card ... can I have an IVR option to get the dial one of line no.2 which is connected to my second FXO card ?
13:58.56CVirusis this possible ?
13:59.16bboschmanis asterisk multithreaded (or in other words does it makes sense to buy a multicore CPU for asterisk)?
13:59.20tinkerghostwhen I first logged in this morning asterisk -r logged in but woudln't respond to anything - even exit gave me a blank look
14:00.05tinkerghostbboschman: even if it's not multithreaded, at 2 cores is good because of background tasks
14:00.18beekZarBla: no, I haven't.  Are you sure that you're calling yourself?   I'd do an asterisk -rvvvvvvv on a console,   core set verbose 9, and then watch the output to see what's going on.
14:00.37bboschmantinkerghost, I'm thinking of buying quadcore :)
14:01.36beekCVirus: DISA
14:03.19CVirusDISA (Direct Inward System Access)
14:03.20CVirusthanks alot :-)
14:03.56*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
14:04.14jayteemorning everyone
14:06.23bkrusesup sup
14:06.43jayteeanother wonderful monday by the looks of it.
14:08.39MatBoyjaytee: ow, the end of money is already in sight here
14:09.07[TK]D-FenderCVirus: Don't need DISA.
14:09.30[TK]D-FenderCVirus: you can just do Dial(Zap/g1) or whatever channel/group you want
14:14.01jayteeMatBoy, sorry to hear about your financial woes :-)
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14:22.21CVirus[TK]D-Fender: cool ... thanks alot
14:24.36CVirusI want an option in the IVR menu for speed dialing and saving or deleting items from the speed dial menu ... what to look for ?
14:25.38jblackoh, probably either odbc, or agi.
14:26.06Moudmeni'm having a problem with my a2billing callback, whenever the 1st leg hangs up, a2billing charges the user only for the 1st leg rate, and considers that the 2nd leg didn't answer. but everything works fine when the 2nd leg hangs up. does anybody have any idea about this ?
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14:31.53idc-dutchhello room, I have a problem with asterisk 1.4 where sip extension keep hinted HOLD when a call is put on hold, and is disconnected. Any known issue?
14:31.56MatBoyjaytee: I ment monday :D
14:32.24jayteeMatBoy, I know......I was joking! :-)
14:32.25MatBoyand his typos
14:32.32MatBoyjaytee: :P
14:32.41MatBoyman, now my links are down again
14:32.45MatBoyand don come up
14:32.55jayteethere's always too much month left at the end of the money.
14:33.10MatBoyjaytee: that is a good one !
14:33.30jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
14:34.09MatBoymhh, this kinda sucks
14:34.19CVirusisn't there an application that can draw asterisk dial plans ?
14:34.24CVirusa diagram I mean
14:34.30MatBoyow that would be nice
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14:37.25MatBoyjaytee: do you ever used misdn
14:37.42jayteeMatBoy, nope
14:37.48CVirusjblack: any other suggestions ?
14:38.24jblackYeah. Brush your teeth every morning and every night, to have good food choices when you get old
14:39.27CViruswas my question stupid to that extent ?
14:39.55viraptorI've got an MeetMe app running with latest high precision ztdummy (min. 99,98% on zttest) and asterisk running on high priority, but I still hear late packets / pauses sometimes - what else can I try to improve the quality?
14:40.38jblackFirst, you singled someone out that didn't indicate any interest in the subject. Second, the person you singled out thinks that any dialplan front end is going to be awkward and less flexible than spending the week it takes to get a good grasp of dialplans.
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14:46.20casixanyone knows wich differences are between the errors: "Everyone is busy/congested" and "SIP/channel is circuit-busy"??
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14:47.52jblackTHat's a good question. I don't have an answer that doesn't involve rationalization
14:52.30casixpo vale
14:53.42casixbut is circuit-busy is only that the destination is busy? that it cannot create the channel because there is no route to destination? or what?
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15:02.30EricLWhich scheduler is best to use with Asterisk (or does it not really make a difference)?
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15:06.17EricLjblack: I mean the I/O scheduler. CFQ, deadline, or anticipatory?
15:07.08jblackno idea then.
15:07.39jblack* is generally not io limited, unless you're trying to record 20 calls at the same time
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15:29.43EricLjblack: Thanks.
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15:37.15jeremy_gmy asterisk proxy needs to register with a remote proxy using a certain display name. how do i do that in sip.conf? should i set calleridname=desired displayname
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15:46.54jeremy_gso dead
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15:53.24gfather1hello guys
15:53.41gfather1i understand now what is the fxs and fxo
15:53.55gfather1so to make my connection
15:54.28gfather1i need an fxs/fxo card or device to connect to the ip/pbx wich is the asterisk
15:55.01gfather1then the office phones will be ip based
15:55.48gfather1is it better to get an fxs/fxo device or a pci card ?
15:57.28*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
15:57.30spokragfather1: how many lines are you looking at?
15:57.55gfather1i have 7 phone lines from the phone company
15:58.30gfather1and like lets say 12 inline phones inside the company
15:58.37gfather1for local if u get what i mean
15:58.56spokradidgiam has a 8 port pci card  do you need any analog phone off your pbx?  say for a fax machine
15:59.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:59.44gfather1like the fax will not be connected to the ip/pbx right
15:59.56gfather1or the fxs/fxo card
15:59.59gfather1or im wronge
16:00.01spokrait could be if you wanted it to
16:00.17ManxPowerGenerally, it is best not to run fax thru Asterisk
16:00.28gfather1i see
16:00.32*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
16:00.39gfather1is there any good site for shopping
16:00.52gfather1im looking , but still dont know what are best sites for such stuff
16:00.55ManxPowerIf you can, just connect the fax machine direct to the telco line.   You CAN run fax thru Asterisk, but it will not be as reliable as doing it direct.
16:01.06gfather1yes i see
16:01.32ManxPowergfather1: Fax has much more strict requirements than voice.
16:01.38spokra  and pick a vendor from there
16:02.09gfather1<spokra> in the store section
16:02.25spokralink at the top of the page where to buy
16:02.31gfather1<ManxPower> im thinking to connect it directly , or to the fxs/fxo card
16:04.35gfather1there is no seller in jordan
16:04.39gfather1only in dubai :)
16:04.45gfather1but its still in the region
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16:18.48Che-AnarcI want to see if I can get a basic Asterisk server up using my voice modem... and am looking at "Howtos and Tutorials" on  can anyone recommened a link that is good for newb's / first-timers trying this out?
16:19.18Pericheck out the stuff on
16:19.28Perithey've got a lot of very nice tutorials
16:19.37jeremy_gmy asterisk proxy needs to register with a remote proxy using a certain display name. how do i do that in sip.conf? should i set calleridname=desired displayname
16:19.53Che-AnarcPeri thanks
16:20.08jeremy_gManxPower, i expect you to say sth about thart
16:21.59gfather1guys for a 50 local phones , as an example
16:22.14gfather1what should the server requirments be
16:22.34ManxPowerChe-Anarc: Asterisk does not support voicemodems.  At one point it tried, but that support was removed long ago because it did not work
16:23.06gfather1and what does the term ( multeple server in distrebuted architecture ) means ?
16:25.01ManxPowerjeremy_g: usually you would want to do a Set(CALLERID(name)=Robert Dobbs) or similar just before you Dial the remote side.
16:25.04jblackWould anyone know offhand if it's possible to get polycoms to use primary and backup * servers?
16:25.39ManxPowerjblack: according to the Polycom Admin Docs, you can set primary and backup SIP servers.  I've never done it, never heard of anyone trying to do it.
16:25.55jblackOk. I'll hunt those down
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16:27.32[TK]D-Fenderjblack: it'll try the secodary if the primary failes IIRC.  Not sure if it'll switch cold on first failure, or if it will do it on a call/call basis
16:27.49jblackwow, that's easy.
16:29.15gfather1guys any one can answear me pleas
16:29.30jblackI wish there were polycoms that could do 802.11g
16:29.40jblackI'm probably go broke buying them
16:31.18jeremy_gManxPower:yeah i know that but its registeration.
16:31.31jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:any thoughts on my problem
16:31.40jeremy_gmy asterisk proxy needs to register with a remote proxy using a certain display name. how do i do that in sip.conf? should i set calleridname=desired displayname
16:31.56Peri[TK]D-Fender and jblack, it will do it on a call by call basis
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16:32.58[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: *'s "register =>" sucks and has little configurability.  You're probably screwed.
16:34.36Kobazjblack: i wish there were polycoms that didn't take several minutes to boot
16:35.37Perijeremy_g do you need the CID on register, or on call?
16:35.53PeriKobaz i'm with you on that
16:36.10gfather1what should the server requirments be for more the 30 local phones ?
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16:38.01gfather1and what rg5 cabels should be used
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16:39.22gfather1like im gonna connect the server to a 50 port switch
16:39.48gfather1the cabel between the server and the switch can handel the data ?
16:41.58ManxPowerIt requires callerid on registration?  Best of luck with that.
16:42.24ManxPowerKobaz: I hope you don't have to reboot your polcoms very often
16:42.50ManxPowergfather1: you will fail at Asterisk if you don't understand networking.
16:43.48gfather1i understand networking
16:44.04ManxPowerThen why did you ask what kind of cable to use?
16:44.06gfather1but there are like 10 mb cables
16:44.13ManxPowernot really.
16:44.22gfather1ah sorry , its teh ports not the cabels
16:44.25ManxPowerthe only 10Mb cables are cat3 and have not been around for many many years.
16:44.44ManxPowerports?  Use more words so we understand you.
16:45.03gfather1there are switches who have 10 mb ports
16:45.14ManxPowergfather1: not in many years
16:45.18gfather1and there are 100 mb ports
16:45.21ManxPowerUnless you are using very old equipment
16:45.26gfather1<ManxPower> where i live there is man
16:45.30[TK]D-Fender10 mb SWITCH?  I've only seen HUBS at this point,.
16:45.42gfather1well allot of chines stuff gets here
16:45.56gfather1and u see a normal 4 port switch with 10 mb speed
16:46.03ManxPowergfather1: one G711 alaw call will  use .080 Mbps.
16:46.15ManxPowernow, how many calls could you send via 10 Mbps?
16:46.38ManxPowerexactly.  So why are you worried about it?
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16:46.52gfather1nah not the calls
16:47.05gfather1but wouldent it get latency or something
16:47.18ManxPowergfather1: not unless the link was saturated.
16:47.18gfather1with allot of connections on same port ?
16:47.25gfather1ah oks
16:47.34ManxPowergfather1: Asterisk can handle 32,000 connections on one port.
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16:47.45gfather1very impressive:)
16:48.00gfather1whats the system requirments for local 50 phones
16:48.05ManxPowergfather1: not really, it's the same limit most software has that requires 2 ports per connection.
16:48.17ManxPowergfather1: nobody can tell you that because there are too many variables.
16:48.52gfather1mmmm depends on what
16:49.02gfather1so i can like now what should i buy
16:49.10ManxPowercodec usage, transcodinf, recording, logging level, disk activity, interupt latency
16:49.28KyoshiWhen installing asterisk 1.4.21, i want to use unixODBC, so i install version 2.2.12, but MenuSelect does not recognize ODBC therefore I cannot satisfy the requirements to install res_odbc and other components.  THis has been driving me nuts for a few days now and the info I found on voip-info is not helping much,  Any input would be greatly appreciated.
16:49.31spokramaybe an appliance would work..
16:49.53ManxPowergfather1: most modern computers could handle 50 users without too much of a problem, unless you are using G729 or other high CPU setting
16:49.54QwellKyoshi: Do you have the odbc devel packages?
16:49.55gfather1<ManxPower> then atleast i have to know what minemum should i get?
16:50.14gfather1ah i see
16:50.21Kyoshiqwell, yes, been installed
16:50.35Kyoshii yum'd all required packaged
16:50.36ManxPowergfather1: Min for most settings with 50 users: 2Ghz Pentium 4, 1GB of RAM
16:50.38Qwelldid you re-run configure?
16:50.43Kyoshiyes i did
16:50.49Qwelland what does it say?
16:50.55Kyoshimake clean && ./configure && make menuselect
16:51.00gfather1ManxPower> very good :)
16:51.09gfather1so i know what system i should get
16:51.26gfather1so a new pc with price of like 800 $ should do the deal
16:51.28Kyoshisay?  about odbc?
16:51.42ManxPowergfather1: I am assuming, of course, that only a small number of those 50 phones will be in use at any one time, assuming you are not transcoding to/from G729 and are not using call recording.
16:51.53Kyoshilemme check
16:52.39*** join/#asterisk svenna_ (
16:52.48ManxPowergfather1: usually with Asterisk you should disable the build in network port and use an ethernet card in the server.
16:53.09QwellManxPower: why? O.o
16:53.50ManxPowerQwell: Built in 100Gbs motherboard networking frequently locks interrupts for a long time causing issues with Asterisk and Zaptel
16:54.15ManxPowerPutting in an ethernet card is cheap, easy way to solve the issue.
16:54.35ManxPowersorry, that would be 1000Mbps, not 100Gbps
16:54.50ManxPowertwisted: it has solved the issue for many people
16:55.02twistedreally..  hmm...
16:55.22ManxPowertwisted: at least solved it for enough people spending $30 on a network card is cheap insurance
16:55.56twistedit's gotta be mfr related or something... i haven't had but one system thus far who has experienced anything like that
16:56.12*** join/#asterisk gfather (n=enforcer@
16:56.19ManxPowerWe use all 3com cards, except for the 1000Mbs 3Com card, which is really a Broadcom card and didn't even work well enough for our e-mail server to keep connections up.
16:56.20gfathersorry i was disconnected
16:56.35ManxPowertwisted: I assume it's a chipset thing, but as I said, it's cheap insurance.
16:56.55gfather<ManxPower> so now i know what should i get
16:57.22Kyoshiqwell, i logged the results from configure, what should i be looking for?
16:57.45ManxPowertwisted: onboard SATA stuff does it too.  At least modern Digium cards are much, much, much less dependent on interrupt latency, so the issue is less common these days
16:57.56QwellKyoshi: anything about odbc..
16:58.13Kyoshigot ya
16:58.26ManxPower"HDLC Abort" is the symptom of this IRQ latency problem when using a Zaptel card.
16:58.44ManxPowerKyoshi: try putting the ./configure output on
16:58.54ManxPowerso Qwell can actually SEE what you see.
16:59.30*** join/#asterisk servettas (n=usta@
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17:00.43servettasi have a problem about asterisk server    can anyone help me ?
17:01.15ManxPowerservettas: the message is quite clear
17:01.20*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:01.47servettasManxPower, [Jul  7 16:50:58] WARNING[3191] codec_g729a.c: out of G.729 decoder licenses
17:01.55servettasthis is error messages
17:02.09ManxPowerwhat part of that do you not understand.  you have used all your licenses -- buy more.
17:02.25servettasbut just buyed
17:02.32[TK]D-Fenderservettas: NOT ENOUGH
17:02.41ManxPowerhow many licences did you buy?
17:02.43servettasmust i buy more
17:02.49jeevHEY FINDER!
17:02.50jeevi mean fender
17:03.28[TK]D-Fenderservettas: You're system needed more than you had at that point in time.
17:03.43[TK]D-Fenderservettas: If those circumstances occur often enough, its your call
17:03.44ManxPowerservettas how many licences did you buy?  I won't ask a 3rd time.
17:03.57servettashere my codec
17:04.25ManxPowerservettas: either answer my question or I will stop helping you.
17:04.38ManxPowershow translations does NOT show your configuration.
17:04.39bkruseManxPower: I am not sure exactly what me means by here my codec, lol
17:04.56hi365ztcfg -vvvv is returning: ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)  any ideas why?
17:05.00bkruseif he has the real g729, it is g729 show licenses I believe
17:05.12bkrusehi365: what does zttool look like?
17:05.19ManxPowerbkruse: or he could just remember how many he bought
17:05.20servettasManxPower, how can i see it
17:05.23*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:05.32bkruseManxPower: You should let this one
17:05.34hi365bkruse: zttool: command not found
17:05.35ManxPowerservettas: Do you not remember how many licenses you purchased?
17:05.38bkruseservettas: type 'g729 show licenses'
17:05.41ManxPowerbkruse: I shall.
17:05.44bkrusehi365: you've got a problem....
17:05.58ManxPowerservettas: I cannot help you further.  Perhaps bkruse can help you.  Best of luck.
17:06.23blinky42Polycom + Asterisk question - is there a way to have First & Last name show up on the phones when you dial an extension instead of just the extension number? Would that be on the asterisk side in the sip call setup, or in the phones?
17:06.32hi365bkruse: no kidding! :) i belive i installed all the defaults. how so i start debuging?
17:06.37bkruseservettas: type that command, and what is the number after the words "licensed channels available"
17:06.37ManxPowerblinky42: Not at this time.
17:06.40[TK]D-Fenderblinky42: Not currently
17:06.43bkrusehi365: did you install from source?
17:06.52ManxPowerblinky42: people might say you can, but they are confused.
17:07.03bkrusehi365: go into zaptel and type 'make install' or ./zttool
17:07.12[TK]D-Fenderblinky42: there is a patch for CPID (Called Party ID) out there, but its not merged into 1.4 or lower.  I'm not sure if any of it made it into 1.6 series either.
17:07.24ManxPowerblinky42: The polycom CAN display the dialed name IF the name/number is in the phone's address book.
17:07.33servettasbkruse, i am using centos and i don't know how can i see it
17:07.34blinky42oh well. thanks. yea i am running 1.6beta9
17:07.39ManxPowerbut that is NOT an Asterisk thing, that is a phone things
17:07.56Kyoshiqwell,the only reference to odbc found from ./configure is "checking for SQLConnect in -lodbc... yes
17:07.58bkruseservettas: asterisk -rx 'g729 show licenses'
17:08.12blinky42ManxPower, i was thnking that and just loaded up the local phone book on 2 phones but it doesn't seem to display it
17:08.14ManxPowerbkruse: welcome to our world. 8-|
17:08.22servettasasterisk -rx 'g729 show licenses'
17:08.22servettasNo such command 'g729 show' (type 'help' for help)
17:08.32ManxPowerblinky42: there is a config option.  Read the admin manual
17:08.35hi365bkruse: ran make install - nothing, [root@myhost zaptel-1.4.11]# ./zttool
17:08.35hi365-bash: ./zttool: No such file or directory
17:08.50bkruseservettas: asterisk -r; g729 <tab><tab>
17:09.04bkruseManxPower: if he says g729 <tab><tab> command not found, banhammer. lol
17:09.22hi365bkruse: i seem to have a dependency issue with zttool
17:09.30bkrusethen it did not build because libnewt
17:09.34Qwellservettas: How did you obtain the codec, and the licenses?
17:09.47hi365bkruse: correct. ill try to install it
17:10.27ManxPowerFOUR of some of the the most experienced Asterisk people in the world and they all are having problems helping servettas.  I wonder what the common thing is......
17:10.30servettasQwell, from digium
17:10.52hardwirecan you use a sourceip (for routing reasons) with sip/iax peers?
17:10.55bkruseQwell: Feel free to +b when you want....
17:10.58hardwirein sip.conf and iax.conf?
17:11.04hardwiredifferent per peer.
17:11.13[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Not warranted yet.
17:11.16bkrusehi365: Awesome, what zttool will tell you is what configuration the card is currently in (if any) and how many channels are available. What is likely happening is that when you run ztcfg -vv and it tries to set a config on a channel that does not exist (eg this happens when you try to load e1 settings on a card in t1 mode)
17:11.30hardwireI should be able to set the TOS per peer on a privileged machine.
17:11.38bkruseservettas: You are saying you got your g729 licenses from qwell?
17:11.44bkruseQwell: Doing some side business? :P
17:11.59[TK]D-Fenderbkruse: Context comprehension failure :)
17:12.00servettasbkruse, i got from digium
17:12.21ManxPowerI'll bet he installed the codec, but not the license
17:12.31ManxPowerservettas: How much did you PAY FOR YOUR LICENSES?
17:12.39Qwellservettas: Please contact Digium technical support.
17:13.00ManxPowerservettas: then you have ONE license.  Many things in Asterisk require 2 license.
17:13.06[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Taht will allos 1 transcoded call on your system.
17:13.22ManxPowerhands [TK]D-Fender more coffee
17:13.28servettasManxPower, thanks for your help and thanks to everybody for all
17:13.33[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Next time you get that error, pastebin "sip show channels".
17:13.34bkruseservettas: If you bought them from Digium, Digium will give you support :)
17:13.40servettasi will buy one or more
17:14.00bkruseservettas: np, the only problem is that you are probably needing 2 channels to transcode more than one call, or a complex call, record, etc
17:14.17servettasi understand
17:14.19servettas194.221.62.198   irisoptik   0683b7ef1c8  00131/00000  0x0 (nothing)    No
17:14.19servettas1 active SIP channel
17:14.39servettasnow it mean i have onlye one licence
17:14.45[TK]D-Fenderservettas: And "core show channels concise"?
17:15.35servettascore show channels [concise|verbose]
17:15.42*** join/#asterisk jarod14 (
17:15.52[TK]D-FenderserSo no active channels?
17:16.07*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:16.09[TK]D-Fenderservettas: ^^
17:16.16servettasnothing looking
17:16.33[TK]D-Fenderservettas: then you have not properly set up your codec at all.
17:16.53servettaswhat i must do now ?
17:16.57outtoluncyou would think since the translation matrix for g729 to g729 is '-' on his system, that would be a clue
17:17.14[TK]D-Fenderservettas: Because with no channels in use its not a question of not having enough licenses.... you don't have ANY functional yet.  Go read the install procedures and if this still fails, call Digium support
17:17.14servettasok i understand
17:17.31[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: Perhaps the codec is ok, but the license file load is not.
17:17.49outtoluncexactly, only 1 leg
17:18.02[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: No, I mean *0* loaded due to config problem.
17:18.03servettasthanks for all
17:18.08servettasi will try now
17:18.11[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: He can't even start 1 leg or so it seems.
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17:40.48kamanashisroyhi, I installed asterisk GUI from CVS .. configured manager.conf and http.conf .. But when I try to login, it says login successful and then it shows the login screen again ..
17:42.03DarnoQtry restarting the server and flushing browser cache
17:42.07*** join/#asterisk Zochwar (
17:42.14bkrusekamanashisroy: flush browser cache, what revision of the gui?
17:42.17bkrusebtw #asterisk-gui
17:42.40kamanashisroybkruse: sorry
17:44.11bkrusekamanashisroy: np
17:45.10*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
17:45.30jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
17:46.14*** join/#asterisk cvox (
17:46.36ZochwarCan someone with a little more experience than me recommend a driver for a regular HFC PCI ISDN card? I'm testing mISDN now, but it seems really unstable (is the zaptel driver better, google found a visdn driver, but that seems really outdated). Running latest linux kernel.
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17:49.53hi365bkruse: onme more thing: it doesnt seem like that change is permanent. how do i make it stik?
17:51.38bkrusehi365: um....the BEST way to do it is to change the jumper on the card
17:51.54hi365is reading the manual to figure out how to do that
17:52.00KyoshiWhen installing asterisk 1.4.21, i want to use unixODBC, so i install version 2.2.12, but MenuSelect does not recognize ODBC therefore I cannot satisfy the requirements to install res_odbc and other components.  THis has been driving me nuts for a few days now and the info I found on voip-info is not helping much,  Any input would be greatly appreciated.
17:53.27bkrusehi365: I am not sure where that is, i cannot remember
17:53.51hsv-albkruse, did you play CS all weekend?
17:54.01[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: re-so "./configure"
17:54.24bkrusehsv-al: I played gcc all weekend
17:54.41bkrusehi365: search for "jumper" it shows closed and open, similar on the te120p that you have
17:54.52Kyoshitkd: already did a few times...  "make clean && ./configure && make menuselect" and still all ODBC related items are X'd out
17:55.06hi365bkruse:problem is with jumper = e1 and mina had the jumper on the whole time :(
17:55.33hi365is reading here:
17:56.55bkrusehi365: the other document I gave you is easier. Search for the name "jumper"
17:56.55sacitechello, i'm have 2 asterisk (1.4.19) boxes linked via sip trunk but still without communication. One box is behind NAT with cisco 2801 router. I already declared a static route to UDP 5060 and opened 10000- 20000 port range for RTP but still i'm unable to get them wo work, any clue what i'm missing ?
17:57.19[TK]D-Fendersacitec: Plenty of SIP.CONF settings to ensure.  Read up :
17:57.21jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:57.38Kyoshi[TK]D-Fender:  I already did a few times...  "make clean && ./configure && make menuselect" and still all ODBC related items are X'd out
17:57.56hi365bkruse: funny, now it works. i guess the jumper is defective :)
17:58.15*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
17:58.47[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: Ah.. and make sure to re-run ldconfig so taht your .so mappings are solid
17:59.17Kyoshi[TK]D-Fender:  ldconfig?  not familiar with that
17:59.31[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: go run it as-is
17:59.39Kyoshiokie dokie
17:59.47Kyoshireconfigure is all then?
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18:00.16kannanhi to all.This is the first time i am using FXO card in asterisk.I do all the things when i am dial from asterik cli the call answered.but my phone not ringing.
18:00.19[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: should just need "ldconfig", then re-extract, ./configure , make imenuconfig
18:00.44[TK]D-Fenderkannan: pastebin is your friend, and FFS don't dial from CLI, use at least a softphone.
18:00.46Kyoshiso trash my prior extraction, will do
18:01.01[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: Always best for a guaranteed clean start
18:01.07Kyoshiso true
18:01.48kannanD-Fender:thank you.I try and get back to u.
18:06.18hi365wow digium has good documentation!
18:07.09*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
18:09.24kannanD-Fender:Facing same problem
18:09.34*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:10.07kannanD-Fender:Below I paste the output
18:10.11kannanExecuting AGI("SIP/2002-081eba60", "call_log.agi|99391116312") in new stack
18:10.22Kobazyaaay a flood
18:10.24kannanJul  7 23:38:53 WARNING[3957]: res_agi.c:210 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://' failed: Connection refused
18:10.33M1s3rykannan, pastebin
18:10.41Kobazkannan: don't do that
18:10.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:12.50*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kann@
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18:14.27kannanhi, I am having TDM2400p FXO card.
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18:15.14ipstaticHas anyone here remapped a softkey on a Polycom phone?
18:16.20kannananyone help on TDM2400p card
18:16.22jameswf-homeno but i did stay at a holiday in express last night
18:17.00hi365shh, your wife might find out
18:17.21jameswf-homefind out? she made me share :(
18:17.53j0anyone here setup a pri with telus?
18:18.41jpcansai got a probem with my dialout code,
18:20.37jameswf-homejpcansa: ${AVAILCHAN} << not a valid parameter
18:20.44jameswf-home*not populated
18:21.42jpcansajameswf: it doesnt happend all the time, why it is not populated sometimes?
18:22.37seanbrightjpcansa: because none of the channels you pass to ChanIsAvail are available?
18:23.18jpcansathats not right, theres available channels
18:23.20[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Looks like it dialed jsut fine
18:23.34seanbrightjpcansa: ok.
18:23.46seanbrightjpcansa: except that you're wrong.
18:24.01jameswf-homeif the channel is unavailible it may not populate the variable add a exten => _XXXXXXXX,999,NOOP(FAIL)
18:24.08seanbrightjpcansa: if ${AVAILCHAN} is empty, it means that none of the channels you pass to ChanIsAvail are available.
18:24.35vetonihow many simultaneous SIP/IAX registrations does * allow per extension?  is there a way to limit it?
18:25.06[TK]D-Fendervetoni: only 1 device can be registered to a given account entry at a time.
18:25.24jpcansaseanbright: as soon as i got the error, i check core show channels and there are available channels
18:25.35jameswf-homejots down seanbright's response " ok, BUT YOUR WRONG" for use at a later time
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18:26.01seanbrightjameswf-home: i didn't capitalize.  and i spelled "you're" correctly ;-)
18:26.32hi365bkruse: thansk again. have a good night
18:26.44[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: just dial eash group back-to-back directly and forget about "chanisavail".  It isn't needed.
18:27.15seanbrightjpcansa: ok.  but that doesn't change the fact that when you call ChanIsAvail and it sets ${AVAILCHAN} to empty, none of the channels that you passed to it are available.
18:27.58jameswf-homejpcansa: NOOP is your friend... everywhere you use a variable drop a noop after it is set and you can see wht they are set to
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18:29.40jpcansa[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean bac-to-back directly?
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18:30.07jpcansajameswf: good idea
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18:32.41jameswf-homejpcansa: Dial(Zap/g1&Zap/g2&Zap/g3/${EXTEN})
18:34.12*** join/#asterisk tyler__ (n=tyler@
18:34.25tyler__Can you now have 2 different extentions?    When I add 2, the first one stops working
18:34.31tyler__rasterisk says its not found
18:34.32tyler__when I call
18:34.41jpcansajameswf: that´ll check for available channel?
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18:42.37jameswf-hometyler__: ask better
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18:52.31mchouanyone here have experience with VoiceXML?
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18:58.14macros73anyone have experience with GXP2000 Grandstream phones?  Darn thing is refusing to upgrade via TFTP.
19:01.32kannanhi to all,I am newly using the TDM2400P card in asterisk for going using the FCT(mobile).zap will configure.(channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)) it show like this  when using ztcfg -vv.when I connect the phone line it show alarm recieved on Zap 18.We need to connect all the channels or any one of the channels?
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19:06.44[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Go call Digium for installation support
19:08.19macros73ok, wireshark is my friend.  This phone is calling for files not included in the freaking firmware update.
19:09.00kannanD-Fender:from here i am not able to call
19:10.58jeevFender, so far.. i dunno what it was.. moving the asterisk server from the datacenter to here, or having my wholesaler move me to the newer asterisk server.. no static, NO PROBLEMS.. PERFECT++
19:11.53jayteesometimes you come across hardware that really drives you crazy, be it a laptop, desktop or server you'd rather just take it to some field someplace and take a sledgehammer to it while listening to Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
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19:13.12[TK]D-Fenderkannan: Why not?
19:13.34[TK]D-Fenderjeev: ok, fine, sure.
19:13.35seanbrightbecause his TDM2400P doesn't work
19:13.49jayteemacros73, what files in particular? I've used SolarWinds TFTP server to update firmware.
19:13.55[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Nope.. not an excuse yet :)
19:14.05jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:14.30macros73jaytee: gxp2000a.bin and boot55a.bin
19:14.50jayteemacros73, hang on a sec
19:14.58macros73jaytee: I had to go WAY back to a copy of 1.1.2 before I found firmware updates with those file names...guess I need ot update with it first, then try again
19:17.41jayteemacros73, I downloaded their latest about 2 months ago and I'm running for software and bootloader is and I've got both those files in the TFTP root.
19:18.10kannanD-Fender:I am from India.And also in remote Place.If i need to plug the power to this card or not?
19:19.10[TK]D-Fenderkannan: you can call Digum via IAX2.
19:19.11jayteedid you download the firmware updates from them?
19:19.21macros73jaytee: I was trying to update to
19:19.37macros73jaytee: Yes, the 1.1.6 version I did.  Had to get 1.1.2 from Grandstreamsucks.
19:19.49macros73jaytee: It doesn't look like gs makes earlier versions available on their website
19:20.08jayteeI'm pretty sure they do but the link isn't obvious
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19:21.28kannanD-Fender:ok.Thank you
19:22.50macros73jaytee: Now that i've updated to, it's asking for a boot55b.bin...which also isn't in 1.1.6. :P
19:23.10macros73jaytee: I'll check for a 1.1.5 on gssucks
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19:31.45jayteemacros73, I have the in a zip file. I could email it to you if you're email doesn't block large attachments.
19:32.04jayteeit's 10.2MB
19:32.28macros73Shouldn't be a problem, msg'd you my email.
19:32.45macros73and thanks
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19:40.43jayteemacros73, ok it's on it's way. I used my gmail account too so it should be there quick or already be there.
19:43.38macros73jaytee: Weird.  The fonts look cleaner in the updated firmware.
19:44.25Kyoshiqwell, d-fender, your advise together hellped, thanks so much.
19:45.40[TK]D-FenderKyoshi: Glad to help
19:58.08QwellKyoshi: and what was the fix?
19:59.29[TK]D-FenderQwell: ldconfig to prep the linking I'm betting
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20:01.21jayteemacros73, not only that but if you turn off silence suppression it actually works. It would say it was but it never actually did it in the earlier 1.1.2.x firmware.
20:01.30jayteethat would play havoc with the MOH.
20:02.03macros73jaytee: lol.  What can I do about echoing or smearing?  I've tried turning down the mic gain in the new firmware, no improvement.  Also set the tx per frame to 1.
20:02.45jayteemacros73, I left those settings at their defaults. Are you using TDM cards?
20:03.21macros73jaytee: Nope, straight SIP out to the ITSP.  Of course, the other end is a PRI.
20:03.27macros73diff phone system, though
20:04.26jayteebecause SIP phones will get jitter but echo usually is from the bridged circuit not the SIP phone and you can't adjust for echo in sip.
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20:05.37macros73jaytee: Weird part is, if I call the same person via Ekiga through the same Asterisk box, the callee says I sound "fine."
20:05.53*** join/#asterisk NightKhaos (
20:05.55macros73jaytee: But if I call via the GXP2000, I am "blurry."
20:06.00NightKhaosHi there.
20:06.56*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
20:07.10NightKhaosI want to setup a rather simple setup, connecting my server to the landline via a telephony card and then allowing SIP devices to make VoIP calls to my server via my landline. But I need some help, first and formost, what card should I get (I'm running gentoo) and where from (i'm in the UK)?
20:08.24andrewyNightKhaos: most cards for connecting to a landline are quite expensive or have problems (echo, etc). you're probably best off with something like a sipura 3000, which connects to the landline and your network, and allows asterisk to access the landline through it via SIP
20:08.29[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Digium TDM-410P with 1 FXO module, or a Linksys SPA-3102.
20:08.57macros73Ah no, don't answer before D-Fender, you'll make him mad and he'll ridicule us.
20:09.04[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Where from would be whatever retailer you can find locally to offer the best price.
20:09.45[TK]D-Fendermacros73 : Don't be bitter over getting burnt by that Gradstream of yours ;)
20:10.05lesouvageDoes anybody have experience with using asterisk in combination with CheckPoint firewall. Is this a combination that can work well. Any suggestion is very welcome.
20:10.07NightKhaosandrewy: if I was going to do that, why would I require Asterisk? I would simply redirect my phones to use the Sipura?
20:10.39macros73Bah.  Grandstream.
20:11.22[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos : Noone said you required Asterisk at all.
20:11.25andrewyNightKhaos: true, sip phones could place a call without asterisk
20:11.55macros73oooh, wait.  I can make a PoE injector from the GXP's power supply.
20:12.21[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: And SIP devices don't call your server via your landline.  The might call your server via SIP to ACCESS your landline however
20:12.54NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: now now, no need to get pandatic.
20:13.14lesouvageNightKhaos: If this is a low budget project and just for testing and trying you could also consider a x100p card. It is not perfect, not suitable for use in production, but you can use it to learn and try.
20:13.29[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Well when what you say doesn't add up, it'd be nice to be fully sure of your intentions....
20:13.58[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: But if my extrapolation of it was on the mark, you've got your answer.
20:14.00NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: very well... I'll start from the start and try and use better english because I clearly wasn't.
20:14.30lesouvageNightKhaos: you could also considering spending some time reading the book
20:14.42[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: was just a tiny bit off, but in a possibly crucial way ;)
20:14.51lesouvage~the book
20:15.12jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:15.21*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:16.29NightKhaosSimply put I have preexsisting WiFi infrastructure in my house (2 indepenent APs) and rather than fiddle around with a DECT system and wireless repeaters to get coverage thought my house I thought it would be easier, more cost efficent (considering the size of the house) to the preexsisting WiFi instructure, not to mention this method allows cellphone users in our household to use the landline rather than their (rather vaulable) p
20:17.32NightKhaosAlso, since DECT and WiFi are in the same band, possible interfearance was also another consideration.
20:18.15[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: For consideration :
20:18.19jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
20:18.20wonderworldhi, i have trouble setting up asterisk with the allowguest-option=yes. I want people to be able to simply call my IP with a softphone, eliminating the need to register with a sip-provider to contact me. It works, call get thru and my softphones ring when someone calls. but after that we can't hear eachother and the call is hung up by * after a few seconds. Asterisk logs say: "Maximum retries exceeded on transmission"... My * Box is not
20:18.20wonderworldNATed. It works fine when people call via my sip-provider (going thru the same context in extensions.conf)
20:19.42NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: considered, considered (the modem I use features hotspot handoff features), NAT isn't a problem as it's an internal network, considered.
20:19.47[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: you need to set all the settings (except externip/host) as though you WERE behind NAT so that * knows not to trust their inbound IP.
20:20.00NightKhaosmodem? ha/
20:20.01[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Just food for thought.
20:20.36NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: and I thank you, it's good to know someone is making sure I am not getting way over my head. :)
20:20.39[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: So you've got your 2 best starter options for SPTN interface for * now.
20:20.51wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: thanks, so that would basicly be nat=yes. anything else?
20:21.11[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: canreinvite=no , qualify=yes
20:22.23NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: Do I need a * box for this particular configuration? If not, what are the benefits of having one compared to just using the Sipura box?
20:24.43[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: * can let you do intelligent stuff.  You won't need to direct IP's around, you can do VM and the 100's of other things * offers.  Hook up to other ITSP's, etc...
20:25.20*** join/#asterisk rpm (n=rUssell@
20:25.28rpmanyone know if the polycom microbrowser works on polycom 501's?
20:25.48[TK]D-Fenderrpm: On SIP 2.2.0+ yes
20:25.55[TK]D-FenderRPM, sorry, 2.1.0
20:26.11wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: tnx, gonnat try that. didn't know about externip. that must have been the problem
20:26.27[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: it isn't if you're on a public IP.
20:26.46wonderworldi am on dyndns so the right setting would be Asterisk SIP externhost = right?
20:26.50[TK]D-Fenderwonds just that the OTHER settings need to be taken into consideration for [general] as your calls are coming in un-authed
20:26.56Kyoshiqwell, i needed to YUM alot more than I thought.  i was used to ast 1.2
20:27.00NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: would you recommend a complete removable of all PSTN direct (i.e. analog) replacing them SIP WiFi and hardline ethernet phones?
20:27.13[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: as you just said you weren't behind NAT, and are now more and more consistently contradicting.
20:27.16[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: read up :
20:27.19jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:27.55wonderworldwell my * box is not natted. my clients are. NAT is done by the * box itself for my lan
20:28.15[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: SIP hardphones are mush more naturally functional, but would I spend on new hardware?  Often, especially for home, no.
20:28.34[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: ATA's work jsut great and let you use the phones you have at minimal expense.
20:28.52NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking of getting this small starter kit for £106.93, 1x AX100-P Telepony card and 2x AT-530
20:29.03[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: and the SPA-3102 already lets you connect up to X analog phones sharing its FXS port
20:29.42[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Oh god.... those Atcom phones are shit-on-a-stick.
20:29.51NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: that is why I asked.
20:30.12*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
20:30.14[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: are your phones US RJ11 compliant by any chance?
20:30.30[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: or reaadily adaptable?
20:30.53NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: is that the... erm... 4 pin ethernet style plug?
20:31.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (
20:31.19macros73I bought an Aastra 480iCT with the handset for home use/testing/playing.  Very happy with it.
20:31.57NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: google says yes. :)
20:32.19[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Do a little research.  The Linksys SPA ATA series is pretty decent.
20:32.26[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home, back in a little bit.
20:33.22wonderworldis there a way to initiate test-calls so i don't have to bother my friend all the time?
20:34.29macros73wonderworld: Do you only have one friend? :D  I make test calls to my cellphone and make the wife answer it if I need a voice on the other end.  Or to a receptionist.
20:34.48[netman]wonderworld: AMI
20:34.56NightKhaosOkay so.... is my BT landline a POTS or FXO? I'm confused. :)
20:35.04[netman]exactly, Originate
20:35.17wonderworldwell i need to test incoming calls to my ip via sip-phone. all my friends are non-geeks ;)
20:35.35lmadsenI'm having an issue where I need StartMusicOnHold() followed by StopMusicOnHold(), and then followed by StartMusicOnHold() again to always start at the beginning of a MOH file, instead of where the MOH was stopped by the StopMusicOnHold() appilcation -- anyone know if this is expected behaviour?
20:36.56macros73wonderworld: Are you testing whether the call connects, or call quality?
20:37.25wonderworldi am trying to debug the whole thing. the call gets thru but is dropped after a few seconds without voice being transmitted
20:38.14macros73wonderworld: Okay.  You can call 911 and shout "Oh god no don't kill me", then hang up.  They'll try to call you back.  When the call keeps getting dropped, they'll dispatch someone who can help you troubleshoot further. :D  More seriously, have you checked your log files to see why it's disconnecting?
20:39.45wonderworldyes. i am getting "Maximum retries exceeded on transmission" errors [TK]D-Fender suggested to adjust my NAT settings. i did but i just need someone to test them with now
20:39.56wonderworldi'll go for the 911 aproach
20:40.36jblackwonderworld: Nah. DOn't call 911.
20:40.40jblackWhat do you want? Sip?
20:41.15wonderworldno i need incoming
20:41.35jblackI'll help you in 10 if someone else hasn't.
20:41.40wonderworldtnx a lot
20:43.36*** join/#asterisk Kyler (
20:43.44macros73wonderworld: Ack, no, do not call 911.
20:43.45*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:44.07wonderworldhehe. i won't
20:44.34KylerI'm trying to determine if Dictate() hangs up after awhile when paused.  It looks like it uses ast_waitstream() but it's not clear to me if that has a timeout.
20:51.04*** join/#asterisk mvicha (n=someaddr@
20:52.32mvichahello guys. I wonder if someone could help me mapping some key sequence to do a hook-flash. I'm actually using an addpac telephone which gets the flash button through mgcp, but it's connected to asterisk actually, so I don't have that button working and I need it to do call waiting and 3-way calling.
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20:58.08jblackwonderworld: still here?
20:59.05wonderworldmy friend is testing again with me
20:59.12jblackOk. great.
20:59.37wonderworldi debuged the incoming sip requests.... he seems to transmit his internal lan ip so my asterisk can't establish the voice channel
20:59.47jblacktry the "nat = yes" option
21:00.03jblackand don't forget to forward the ports you set up in rtp.conf
21:00.45wonderworldmy asterisk is not natted
21:00.54wonderworldthe box is connected directly to the internet
21:01.06wonderworldhaving a dynamic ip from dyndns
21:03.21wonderworldthis is my sip.conf right now ->
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21:07.19tompawWhich Prepaid Application would you suggest as the best?
21:08.41mvichahello guys. I wonder if someone could help me mapping some key sequence to do a hook-flash. I'm actually using an addpac telephone which gets the flash button through mgcp, but it's connected to asterisk actually, so I don't have that button working and I need it to do call waiting and 3-way calling.
21:12.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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21:22.05mvichacould ne1 at least tell me where may I ask about it?
21:23.37Strom_Cmvicha: if you're using an IP phone, there's no need for a hookflash button
21:24.39mvichaStrom_C: how do you do 3 way calling if you don't have one?
21:24.51Strom_Cthere's usually a button labeled "conference"
21:25.33tompawis asterisk2billing worth a try?
21:25.40*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
21:25.46mvichawell, the problem is that those buttons may not be used. If I would have the addpac gateway I would probably be able to use them, but I need to use addpac
21:26.02mvichathe problem is that those buttons are set through mgcp I think.
21:26.29[TK]D-Fendermvicha: You're using MGCP phones with *?
21:27.37mvicha[TK]D-Fender: Yes, it's a headache for sure.
21:27.55mvichabut I can't use the buttons :s
21:27.57[TK]D-Fendermvicha: What model?
21:28.25mvichait's addpac ap-ip 100, addpac ap-vp300
21:29.07wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: it's still me, would you mind to look at my sip.conf to see if anything is right for getting direct calls on my ip? ->
21:29.14[TK]D-Fendermvicha: ok, well if your phone can't offer it, I'm not sure how * will...
21:30.09mvichawell, if I use the addpac gateway I get the flash button working, but I wonder if I could do some key mapping to flash() for sip
21:30.16[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: "nat=yes", and your register has to come AFTER everything else under [general]
21:30.25mvichaI know it's possible for zap, but it doesn't work on sip channels.
21:30.43wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: ok i'll try, thanks
21:30.50[TK]D-Fendermvicha: "flash" isn't a real VoIP option
21:31.19[TK]D-Fendermvicha: Hate to say it, but good luck with those phones...
21:32.41mvichait's a really PITA. You aren't able to get a second call neither, as you can't put your actual call in waiting
21:33.19[TK]D-Fendermvicha: Cut your losses, sell them off and replace them.
21:33.41*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
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21:34.08mvichayeap, I think that's the best option. Or use it for my grandmom :p
21:34.18[T]ankselling a sangoma a104d (for port t1 card) for $500, any takers?
21:34.28[T]ankfew months old. works just fine
21:34.31[T]ankno longer using it
21:34.45wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: still not working. i'll give up for today. thanks for the help though
21:34.46mvichathanks a lot guys. Will continue with something else
21:35.01[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: you should show your latest config
21:35.08[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: And a failed call with SIP debug
21:35.13mvichabye bye
21:36.36*** part/#asterisk Rem| (
21:38.58wonderworldis there any easy way to log the sip debug into a file?
21:39.26tompawI attach to that question
21:40.13[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: copy&paste :p
21:40.30wonderworldhehe ok
21:42.46*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
21:43.48jblackI believe it's logged into /var/log/asterisk/Master
21:49.39wonderworldok, here it is ->
21:51.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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21:52.19xacatecashi guys, quick question, if I record to g729 when using MixMonitor - what options do I have for playback?
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21:52.37[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Too much crap in there.  Make sure your ITSP entries all say "nat=no"
21:52.45edwin_quijadahow can i know what codec i have installed?
21:52.51*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
21:52.55[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: the same as any other sound file
21:53.07[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: "core show modules like codec"
21:53.19xacatecasplay it back via a phone ... what can i provide people in terms of downloading the recorded files?
21:53.27anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender haha "too much crap" was great
21:53.31[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: then retry and trim the exceses and include everything from the START of your call.
21:53.36edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: Thks
21:55.15*** join/#asterisk Firass-VC22 (
21:55.31NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: in the end I went for a Zaptel based card.
21:55.56[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Ok.
21:56.45[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: but I advise against Zaptel FXS.  ATA's are a better idea.
21:56.58NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: it's just a cheap 1 port telephony card that I'm gonna connect my * server too.
21:57.31[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Uh oh... thats sounding more and more like an X100P....
21:57.34Qwellso, you ignored the advice, and got a crap card...
21:57.57*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
21:58.19NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: to late, order payed for. :) And it wasn't my decision to make.
21:58.38Qwellit's not like it's hard to throw away $20
21:58.44[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Oh?  Who's was it?
21:58.54NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: my father's
21:59.28[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Hope it works out for you
22:00.44edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: it not working for me
22:01.21[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Please avoid non-descript pronouns....
22:01.34wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i can't today, have no time left. tnx for the help
22:02.19NightKhaosSo what is so bad about the X100P anyway?
22:02.40edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: ok, was module show like codec
22:02.47edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: thks!
22:02.51[netman]NightKhaos: it's not reliable
22:03.51NightKhaos[netman]: okay... you're gonna have to be more specific. Cause I'm getting one, weither I like it or not.
22:04.54[netman]I would only use a X100P to test and play, never for professional use
22:05.06[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Poor CID detection and call disconnect support functionality.  Shoddy PCI interface, etc.
22:05.36[netman]a lot of headaches
22:06.33NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender, [netman]: key words here: home use.
22:07.04[netman]absolutely, NightKhaos
22:07.12[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: And when it fails to release yoru home line on remote diconnect your home line might not be able to take calls for a while..
22:08.17j0does a pri need special setup to get outbound callerid working? i'm using a sangoma card if that makes a difference
22:10.06[TK]D-Fenderj0: No.  Your telco does have to permit it however
22:10.26NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: that was very vandictive, and not at all helpful.
22:10.53[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: How so?  I jsut told you exactly what kind of problems you might expect from that card.
22:11.42[netman]my telco says it's allowing me change CID, but I cannot... what could be the issue?
22:12.18*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
22:12.50NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: with all do respect you only told me after I told you my father had gone ahead and ordered one.
22:13.04j0[netman]: hey.. same problem :)
22:13.52[netman]pri, isn't it? :)
22:13.52NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: I am also getting some contrary advice from other people saying the X100P is fine. So I want to see some facts, and google isn't be helpful today.
22:13.56[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: So now you're forwarned.  Others apparantly warned you as well.  You seem to good ignoring things you don't want to hear
22:13.59j0[netman]: yup
22:14.28[netman]I tried several methods of changing caller id... without any results
22:14.30[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: the X100P's are VERY hit-or-miss.
22:14.38Qwellmostly miss
22:14.43[netman]I'm absolutely sure they r not allowing me to change it
22:14.43j0NightKhaos: add me to the list of people who don't reccomend x100p's.. like netman said. test and play only
22:15.07j0[netman]: what pri card are you using?
22:15.31Qwell[netman]: what are you trying to change, exactly?  Just number?
22:16.28NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: I do hear you now. I'm just pissed off is all, okay? Thing is already payed for, can't cancel the order... and now I'm getting told there is a high chance it'll be a dud. Wouldn't you be upset?
22:16.52[netman]Qwell: I'm trying to change my outdound CID
22:16.57[netman]Qwell: I'm trying to change my outbound CID
22:16.58Qwelljust number?
22:17.16[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: Your self-control issue, not mine.  Sorry for your loss.  Suck it up and hope for the best while preparing for the worst.
22:17.26j0[netman]: sangoma A101d here
22:17.26[netman]the DID asigned to my PRI
22:18.00Qwell[netman]: trying to set it to a number in the block assigned to that PRI?
22:18.09Qwelloften, they won't let you just set it to something arbitrary
22:18.28[netman]Qwell: I did it before the telco recognise the had to allow me
22:18.42[netman]not really after they "completed" his work
22:18.54[netman]but I tell them I need to use special numbers
22:19.10[netman]so , if the did it, I should use *any* CID
22:21.10*** join/#asterisk UnixDog (
22:21.56[netman]Qwell: I have just tried now
22:22.11j0[netman]: can you set it to your assigned DID's?
22:22.13[netman]They allow me to use any DID in the PRI range as CID
22:22.20[netman]yes j0
22:22.32Qwellthen it's a problem on their end
22:22.32[netman]but that isn't what I tell them
22:22.36j0aah.. i can't set it to anything :)
22:22.42j0it just uses the "main" line
22:22.51[netman]but, it is a telco trouble, isn't it?
22:23.01j0[netman]: that's what everyone is saying
22:23.02NightKhaos[TK]D-Fender: when you say the X100P, do you mean Digdium clones?
22:23.03[TK]D-Fenderj0: And the reason you aren't showing us exactly what you're doing at CLI with PRI debug is.....?
22:23.04[netman]or is it mine?
22:23.21[TK]D-FenderNightKhaos: ALL of the X100 family, "clone" or otherwise.
22:23.23j0[TK]D-Fender :) sec
22:23.29[netman]j0: but , is it possible to set to anything or not?
22:23.43j0[netman]: only what your telco allows
22:23.46[TK]D-FenderPeople shoud stop assuimg its his telco's fault when I don't trust his CODE :p
22:23.58[netman]j0: but my telco said they allows me
22:24.07[netman]but I don't see it's true
22:24.09[TK]D-FenderGeez people...ask him for OUTPUT <-
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22:24.27[TK]D-Fenderswears everyone has lost their debugging skills
22:27.48[netman]j0: but do u know anybody who can set any CID in his PRI?
22:28.40j0[netman]: no
22:28.55[netman]me neither
22:29.05j0I see where it sets the caller id (6045571489 on line 21) but it doesn't show up on the telco.
22:30.48j0what could this mean on line 42: <                  Ext: 1  Cause: Access information discarded (43), class = Network Congestion (resource unavailable) (2) ]
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22:33.56[netman]what sort of debug have u enabled to log that lines j0 ?
22:35.11j0[netman]: pri debug span 1
22:35.18j0type that on the console
22:35.36[netman]I'm gonna try
22:36.42edwin_quijadaanybody has installed swift to TTS?
22:37.41[netman]I got
22:37.43[netman]Presentation: Presentation allowed of network provided number (3)  '902902902' ]
22:37.58[netman]but I really don't see that number
22:38.21j0i wonder if that's exactly the same thing mine is saying.. i get Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0)  '6045571489' ]
22:39.04[netman]but I also watch :
22:39.23j0it's all greek to me
22:40.06[netman]but with the same message
22:40.25[netman]I can set a CID if it's one of my DIDs
22:41.52RoyK[netman]: seems you should call the telco
22:42.10[netman]RoyK: the telco says they allowed me to set the CID
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22:42.26[netman]friday and today monday
22:42.28RoyK[netman]: they have told me that a few times as well even when it didn't work
22:43.15RoyKthen I sent them a dump and it took an hour and it was fixed :P
22:43.22[netman]can I ask them for showing me it really works?
22:43.45RoyKjust send them pri debug output
22:43.48RoyKthat usually helps
22:44.06[netman]but my pri debug says
22:44.23[netman]but I don't see that number on my phone
22:45.21[netman]so the debug say what they want to say, not the real thing
22:46.01RoyKthe debug shows the asn.1 codes sent over the wire
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22:46.19[netman]OK RoyK
22:46.30[netman]so I guess It really could help me
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22:47.44RoyKthe numbers in front of the text is the raw ans.1 data - the text is the decoded stuff
22:50.26j0RoyK: ah :) thanks for that tip
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22:54.35[netman]thx RoyK
22:55.10[netman]good night all
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23:00.16s0lidis there a way in asterisk to send cause code 34 in SIP when the line didn't got through?
23:00.26s0lidmy switch always recieve cause code 21
23:00.45s0lidi tried to set the DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION but still i get cause code 21
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23:08.28eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, hey
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23:53.09The_TiKis there a variable that containts the number I am calling?
23:53.41The_TiKCALLERID(num) contains the number i am calling from but im tryin to set the filename for a number I am calling to
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23:56.57lmadsenThe_TiK: the answer is probably ${EXTEN{
23:57.01lmadsenerrr...  ${EXTEN}
23:57.43The_TiKi thought that would be the exten that I am calling from

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