IRC log for #asterisk on 20080706

00:01.54[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: sure
00:02.08[TK]D-Fenderftp3: doable
00:04.12MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: ok, I already thought so, but I never did it that way :)
00:05.06MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: my idea was to let asterisk pick 2 numbers and put them to the pbx over that isdn card
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00:05.11[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: * can each as TE or NT
00:05.33MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: NT in my way
00:06.26[TK]D-FenderMatBoy: Don't forget that * sits in between, and does not pass things off.  So you can call in on one, and have it briidge out the other (Dial), or you can have * initiate contact to a channel.
00:07.47MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: yep :) I have added this channel to my new irssi server again :)
00:08.10MatBoy[TK]D-Fender: I still need to get familair with that * that everyone types :D
00:08.49TrentCreekAs opposed to the other ones?
00:09.25MatBoyTrentCreek: no, I think I do something wrong when I see them :)
00:09.35ftp3d-fender: yeah, there are a few companies that sell the service.. i just wanted to see if there was an open source or easy to implement solution
00:09.35MatBoyjust a wrong feeling :)
00:10.00[TK]D-Fenderftp3: You misunderstand.  This is not very difficult to DO with Asterisk
00:11.03ftp3d-fender: i see.. what language would this be in? php?
00:13.55[TK]D-Fenderftp3: Whatever you feel like
00:15.20[TK]D-Fenderftp3: Your script will determine who and when to call, and trigger * to do the callout.  This would be via either a "call file" or an "AMI Originate".  Go look them up on the WIKI
00:15.23jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
00:17.32zilasbsomething is still wrong here:  $DUNDTECH=$AGI->get_variable('DUNDTECH', 'DUNDiLookup(933331|priv)');
00:17.58zilasbmy result is 0
00:18.47zilasbwhile from cli 'dundi lookup 933331@priv' returns full value
00:29.04*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:30.13GwaiLoHi all, if I have  Executing [s@incoming:1] Answer("Zap/4-1", "") in new stack for incoming calls (it's through the normal phone network). What's the easiest way to dial out through that PSTN line? I just want to do a basic Dial command... but I can't seem to get it actually connecting to the telephone network properly
00:30.19GwaiLodo I have to create an exten => line to where I want to dial or can I just give it arbitrary numbers to dial just for testing?
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00:32.44NovceGuruHello, I have a polycom 650, and was wondering the "term" used to describe the ability to show other extensions (other presence enabled phones) status on the 6 lines on the left of the phone's screen
00:35.13[hC]you need to turn on 'hints' for the extensions you want to monitor in your dial plan, like
00:35.20[hC]exten => 102,hint,SIP/102
00:35.45[hC]then in your polycom config you need to turn on 'presence' which should be in your sip.cfg, change it to '1' from '0'
00:36.03NovceGuruwouldn't on be 1?
00:36.11[hC]pardon me
00:36.13[hC]from 0 to 1
00:36.30[hC]then add a contact on your phone, and turn on buddy watch for that contact
00:36.39[hC]and their status will show up
00:36.53NovceGurunot in the buddy list but on the side where the "lines" are?
00:37.16[hC]well if all your lines are already assigned (the first 6 on the phone itself), when you add a contact it will automatically start on the side car
00:37.45kippiis there away to see where my configuration is failing and stoping opernser from loading?
00:37.57[hC]theres lots of info for this on
00:38.03[hC]search for polycom blf
00:38.05NovceGuru[hC]: thanks :D
00:38.07[hC]but thats the jist
00:38.33NovceGurucool, always nice to get the correct term
00:38.51NovceGuruon a side note, i've been trying many of the "canned" distros of asterisk, I can't find one that doesn't suck
00:39.08[hC]depends what you're after
00:39.21NovceGurusipx looked cool but the fact you can't use a standard ITSP with it kinda stopped me there
00:39.30[hC]if you're looking for a gui, freepbx or asterisk gui are both decent
00:39.32NovceGuru(I know it isn't * based)
00:39.38[hC]freepbx has more support and features imho
00:39.47[hC]pbx in a flash is okay, or trixbox
00:40.03NovceGuruyeah I was just playing with elastix which uses freebpx, but I don't see a place to set the BLF
00:40.04[hC]i would probably use pbx in a flash since trixbox has done some nasty stuff lately
00:40.13[hC]its in there
00:40.18[hC]im not sure where
00:40.25NovceGuruI may just have to play more
00:40.45NovceGuruI like the web gui (from a customers point of view) since it allows them to set basic stuff
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00:41.09NovceGuruElastix seems to have an.....ok end point config utility
00:41.32NovceGurualthough my first line on my 650 has some screwy pixelation with the config it generated
00:43.42NovceGuruin the end I seem to always come back to the cli
00:51.53j0an ok endpoint utility? can i easily move it to trixbox? lol. i'm having a pain with theres
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01:15.19NovceGuruj0: not sure how easy that would be.
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01:22.25jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
01:22.26jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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01:25.51zilasbwhat's wrong here, why result is 0? $foo=$AGI->get_variable("foo",'Set(foo=${DUNDILOOKUP(933331|priv)})');
01:28.24Juggiewell where do i start.
01:28.37Juggie#1, get_variable accepts one variable not 2.
01:28.57Juggie#2, get variable does not run set commands or any other command as a second paremeter
01:29.06obnauticusWhen did the FCC say all analog cell networks (i.e. W-CDMA/CDMA/TDMA) need to switch to GSM?
01:29.45Juggie#3, you are approaching it entirely the wrong way anyway $foo=AGI->get_variable("DUNDILOOKUP(93331|priv)");
01:30.25Juggieer, $AGI
01:30.41Juggieobnauticus, they have not that i am aware, furthermore W-CDMA/CDMA/TDMA is not analog
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01:31.13JuggieAMPS on 800mhz is the USA/Canada analog network
01:31.35rhombusHow do I adjust the default ring volume in the Polycom 501? I'm trying to do it with voice.gain.rx.analog.ringer but so far it does not seem to be having any effect
01:32.53[netman]hi monstertruck
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01:33.35zilasbJuggie: is that right?: $foo=$AGI->get_variable("DUNDILOOKUP(93331|priv)");  $AGI -> exec_dial($foo);
01:33.50zilasbfor some reason does not work...
01:36.26obnauticusJuggie, sorry my bad. Do you know if Verizon is switching to GSM soon, I know Sprint is.
01:36.44NovceGurusprint is moving to wimax
01:37.30obnauticuswimax is not a cell network.
01:37.46obnauticuswimax is a replacment for EVDO
01:38.20Juggieobnauticus, no i do not know.
01:38.29Juggiesprint is definitally working on wimax.
01:38.41obnauticusya I know that.
01:38.54Juggiethe reason carriers even CARE about gsm
01:38.59obnauticusI really wonder what a perfect cell structure would look like.
01:39.05Juggieis because they loose A) good phones B) roaming fees
01:39.20Juggieso sprint/verizon get absolutely no roaming fees from international travelers
01:39.28Juggieand its a huge market
01:39.53Juggieits not that gsm is better then cdma or vise versa
01:40.04Juggieits that gsm is the market winner, like blu ray over hddvd
01:40.12Juggieand its time for cdma to gracefully bow out
01:40.26obnauticusya, this makes sense.
01:40.37Juggietelus in canada is considering moving to gsm
01:40.49Juggiethey even sell a phone which is cdma/gsm
01:41.01Juggieso you can travel with it, and you can get a telus gsm card for roaming.
01:41.08Juggieer, gsm sim
01:41.37Juggierogers makes a ton of cash because everyone who comes to canada from anywhere besides the us
01:41.40Juggieroams on rogers
01:41.42obnauticusi wonder if one could launch a GSM basestation as a satellite in space
01:41.47obnauticuswith high bandwidth wireless links
01:42.04Juggiethey are the only gsm network in canada
01:42.10Juggiesince they bought fido
01:43.00Juggiebut they are ahead of the game since they were the only company with the foresight to abondon the existing infrastructure and rebuild from scratch
01:43.07Juggierogers used to be a AMPS/TDMA provider
01:43.23obnauticusheh, do you by any chance know much about the blackberry/
01:43.26Juggiethat network is entirely gone.
01:43.32Juggieno, i know nil about blackberry
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01:43.52obnauticusi can't find anyone who knows technical stuff about this thing
01:44.07obnauticusoh ya, forgot about them.
01:44.42*** join/#asterisk Moumden (n=Julien@
01:44.52zilasbis there any different approach from php agi to do a lookup on dundi and make a dial to that location cause $foo=$AGI->get_variable("DUNDILOOKUP(93331|priv)");  $AGI -> exec_dial($foo); does not work....
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01:50.08zilasbAGI Rx << GET VARIABLE DUNDILOOKUP(93331|priv)
01:50.08zilasbAGI Tx >> 200 result=1 ()
01:50.48zilasbdundi lookup 933331@priv
01:56.49zilasbsorry wrong paste
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02:34.52TrentCreekcroc dundi
02:35.05TrentCreek"That's not a knife"
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02:53.28IOUHi everyone, How would I make Asterisk pick up the incoming external call, and put the call on hold while ringing the destination ?
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02:58.03tristanbobwhat is the most common way to block 1-900 calls?
02:59.08Qwelldon't add dialplan for it
02:59.27Qwell(or fire the offending users)
03:01.25jayteeor route the call to a recording that says, "Shame on you, you naughty naughty boy! You've been reported to the HR Department!"
03:02.58coppicesounds like one of those stupid Virgin mobile ads
03:04.13TJNIII think a recording noting that $10/min will be deducted from their next paycheck with a minimum $50 charge would be better.
03:10.43jblackI don't think wages can be docked any more. :(
03:11.28WilliamKdepends on the company and the state/country you're in
03:11.47WilliamKsome companies here will still do it, although some specific ones I've worked with won't
03:11.57WilliamKthey however will send you a bill in the mail
03:13.14TJNIIWell, it's not docking.  You're offering them a chargable service.  (phone service) that they can choose to use or not use.  Since you pay them, rather than send them pay and a bill, you simply subtract the amount they owe you from the amount you owe them.  Bury a clause in the employee handbook stating that and I would think you would be good.  (Though IANAL)
03:14.32WilliamKanother easier way is redirecting the call to a switchboard operator
03:14.50TJNIIThat's not as much fun.
03:15.01WilliamKdepends on the call
03:15.05TJNII"What's this $150 deduction from my paycheck!"
03:15.08WilliamKoffice gossip gets around fast
03:15.14TJNII"900 calls didn't you read the handbook?"
03:15.37TJNIIBilling will set the gossip tree in motion, too.
03:15.51TJNII"Johnson was docked $300 for 900 calls last pay period!"
03:15.54jblackspeaking of calls....
03:16.12jblackA company I'm contracted to records every agent call.
03:16.34jblackThe agents know, but man, some of the stuff they talk to their girlfriends about...
03:16.40WilliamKthey record some of ours too depending on where you're at in the company
03:17.22jblackI feel dirty sometimes. I don't know whether to be shocked or jealous.
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03:18.17jblackfeels dead certain that some day he'll have to fill a subpeonea in a paternity suit
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03:20.12jblackOr false imprisonment. It's sometimes up in the air like that.
03:20.35TJNIISome staff into S&M, then?
03:22.00jayteeone of our VP's at my previous company was involved with a dominatrix and they used to exchange some very salacious emails. Idiots thought no one was monitoring.
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03:22.45coppiceI used to work in a place where someone ran up a staggering bill for calls to Indonesia. It turned out there was only one person in the company from Indonesia. The investigation didn't take too long. Who needs to record calls in a world full of people like that? :-)
03:23.08jblackwell, these days, I make sure to put on headphones before I quality check calls. I work from home, and I'd hate to get into a conversation about that stuff with my 14 year old girl.
03:23.53jblackA female proctologist is embarassing. Having a birds-n-bees about BDSM? I can live without that.
03:24.39coppiceA male bird, and a female bird, who spank each other very much,....
03:25.00jblackI wish it was spanking!
03:26.00coppiceAh, so I found your particular fetish in just one attempt. ;-)
03:26.34WilliamK1st thing they tell you were hired at the company I'm at is emails are supeonable and don't send ANYTHING personal through it... every email is archived
03:27.09jblackyeah. If it's not written down, if it's not said on 'tape', it didn't happen.
03:27.26doolphanyone have installed Asterisk with those Alix motherboards?
03:27.59WilliamKpersonally I don't do things I'd regret at the office... if it's borderline ethics then I let a mgr do it and make the final call
03:28.03WilliamKthat's what they get paid for
03:29.42TJNIIReally?  At my job they get paid to drink coffee and create asinine policies to make my job harder.
03:29.54TJNIIBut I work for local gvt, so I guess that is to be expected.
03:30.00WilliamKwell they do that too
03:30.02coppiceI always do things I regret in the office - i just hate working for a living
03:30.06jayteeis that what managers get paid for? I thought it was for intimidating 5 workers to do the work of 12 while spending the rest of their time in meetings thinking up stupid ideas.
03:30.09WilliamKworks on a gvt acct
03:30.38WilliamKmine typically skips meetings with no purpose
03:30.47TJNIIWell, I work for the transit company so I am lucky in that regard.  No matter how you cut it you need one person per bus.  No less.
03:31.02WilliamKand not sending posting the meeting presentations won't get his attendance even if you are from an HR dept
03:31.34WilliamKI'm looking at changing industries, but we'll see
03:31.36jblackTNJII: Sure, and that _one_ person can also become responsible for washing the bus, filling the tires, doing oil changes....
03:32.03TJNIIThay haven't done that yet, thank goodness.
03:32.19jblackand before long, at the rate oil is going, instead of driving a bus, you'll be giving piggyback rides.
03:32.39TJNIIThere has been talk of Rickshaws.
03:32.54coppicesoon they'll have them paying for their own replacement buses
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03:33.00WilliamKI like at least the general direction coca-cola has been moving... least some of their trucks are hybrids now
03:33.34coppicepart truck, part "company car perk"?
03:33.42jblackI hear we'll be "out" of precious metals in the next ten years.
03:34.03WilliamKhuh? these are delivery trucks - half semi basically
03:34.03jblackI don't think I could live without a computer.
03:34.07coppiceI'm already very low on precious metals
03:34.30jblackcoppice: Aye. I don't even have metal hangers any more. just those crappy plastic ones.
03:34.54WilliamKI don't mind the plastic ones honestly
03:35.01WilliamKonly broken 2 in 5 yrs
03:35.02TJNIIThere has been talk of hybrid busses, byt they don't fin in most bus barns
03:35.14jblackTJNII: fit?
03:35.19TJNIIbecause they move the HVAC system to the roof to make room for the hybrid system
03:35.42WilliamKsome of the buses here are LNG/CNG
03:35.57coppicea lot of buses have been a form of hybrid for years, storing recovered braking energy in compressed air tanks
03:36.03WilliamKmost are low-sulfer diesel though
03:36.25TJNIIcoppice: I've heard of that but never seen it
03:36.35TJNIIOurs have retarders, but they don't store energy
03:36.47jblackTJNII: WHen they talked of rickshaws, were they talking about just hiring teams of illegal immigrants and harnessing them up to pull buses?
03:37.05TJNIIjblack: Possibly
03:37.18TJNIII wasn't privy to that meeting
03:37.25TJNIIUpper and middle mgmt only
03:37.37jblackI was trying to be cute, but I can imagine it all too easily.
03:37.51jblack"We won't deport you if you pull a bus 3 days a week"
03:37.57TJNIIOnly 3?
03:38.01TJNIIThey make me work 6
03:38.08TJNIIAt only 30 hours per weel
03:38.21jblackYou don't actually pay them, you see.. just promise to not deport them. Let them work elsewhere for actual money
03:38.24WilliamKjust enough to say you're not full time
03:38.32TJNIIjblack: I see.  Sneaky
03:38.49jblackyeah. I should be a manager
03:38.54WilliamK30hrs/week normally doesn't qualify someone for full benefits
03:39.35TJNIIWilliamK: No.  To get health care I work what's called an "Open Work Description" shift.  That's where I fill in for people on vaction and as such they change my schedule every week.
03:39.57jblackI'm getting evil enough, that last week I suggested to a client, 'ya know, the system knows better than you who is a slacker, if you like, I can tell them they're fired over the phone and send an email to HR"
03:40.54coppiceTJNII: I think most Volvo bus chassis do that braking energy storage thing
03:41.18jblackmaybe I'm just biased by that guy that 'taught' me that not all rings go on fingers....
03:41.35TJNIIcoppice: We run Orions (Chryslers) and a handfull of Gilligs.  No Volvos.
03:41.57WilliamKTJNIT, oh that bites....
03:42.16coppicedo volvo even sell buses in the US?
03:42.33WilliamKcourse I can't type either
03:42.37TJNIII don't know.  The semm Semi tractors
03:42.47coppiceif they do, they might be quite different from the european ones I'm used to
03:42.49TJNIII can't type tonight.
03:45.03TJNIIWilliamK: Yes.  Yes it does.  6 hour lunch breaks suck.
03:45.16TJNIIEspecially when the shift on either side is <=3 hrs
03:47.59*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
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03:52.21JuggieTJNII, its illegal to give you (at least in canada) less then 3hrs
03:52.33Juggieyou can work less then 3, but you must be paid for 3.
03:53.42TJNIINot here
03:53.45TJNIIGo USA!
03:54.14TJNIII've had to come in for 1.7hour shufts, and IIRC I didn't get 3 hours of pay
03:57.23xnixanevery thing in configuring and making zaptel but when trying to do a "make install" i am always having this error
03:57.26xnixanmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
03:57.26xnixanscripts/ /kernel/Makefile: No such file or directory
03:57.27xnixanmake[3]: *** No rule to make target `/kernel/Makefile'.  Stop.
03:57.27xnixanmake[2]: *** [_module_/kernel] Error 2
03:57.27xnixanmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/'
03:57.28xnixanmake[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
03:57.31xnixanmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/iunixan/asterisk-1.4/zaptel-1.4.10'
03:57.33xnixanmake: *** [all] Error 2
03:58.32xnixanany ideas?
03:59.07TJNIIWhat distro
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04:00.47xnixanTJNII, fedora 9
04:01.17Juggieyum install kernel-devel
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04:10.01xnixanJuggie, it is already installed
04:16.43Qwellxnixan: install the latest version of zaptel
04:17.51xnixanQwell, i had take it backward to the sixth version and every time with same or another error
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04:19.29xnixanQwell, is that file is already exist, and the error says it does not!
04:20.02TrentCreekuse the force
04:20.15xnixanTrentCreek, how?
04:20.38TrentCreekonly a master can show you the way
04:21.01xnixanTrentCreek, have a nice day :)
04:25.02IOUHow do i have all incoming calls put on hold until someone answers ?
04:25.48jblackIOU: With queues.
04:26.19IOUlooks like i shall have to do some reading
04:26.34jblackYou can start on page 421 of the book.
04:26.59IOUand this book i slocated
04:27.03IOUwhere ?
04:27.05jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
04:28.37IOUokay thnx, no doubt i'll stuff it up lol
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05:30.04pcrackhi i have error when i use xlite or zoiper heres the error code call failed: 499 Not acceptable here
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05:30.25pcracki googled it and it showed that it is a codec problem
05:31.09pcrackbut i have no control of the asterisk, im just connecting to the provider..
05:31.19pcrackany advice...
05:31.57jblackIt's probably authentication.
05:32.25pcrackbut i can authenticate to the sip account they gave me
05:32.47pcrackonly when i call gave me that error..
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06:48.22x86talk bitches
06:51.45TrentCreek~kick x86
06:51.46jbotACTION kicks x86
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08:27.39frasrazanybody here
08:28.00frasrazi am a asterisk noob
08:28.23frasrazi set up and asterisk box and i am trying simple dialplan
08:28.57frasrazit answers the call and then play back the hello-world.gsm sound file
08:29.39frasrazhowever the sound is very low and the quality is poor, how do i fix this
08:33.39*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
08:41.15implicitfrasraz: gsm format is lossy
08:41.23implicitso the audio quality is not great
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08:41.46implicittry an 8khz mono wav
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08:42.13implicitand make sure quality problems are not because of any other hardware or carrier issues
08:45.44TrentCreekcan you be a little more implicit?
08:49.16*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
08:53.12implicitTrentCreek: ?
08:53.33implicitcan you be a little more nice?
08:54.42implicithow old are you trentcreek
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09:58.03ice_crofthow can i put a "pause" dt to the pstn ?
09:58.27ice_croftearlier it was atdp 5,442332
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09:58.40ice_crofthow can i do it usin Dial()?
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09:59.14cjkhi, which IRQ value is correct. the one from lspci -v or the one from lspci -vb ?
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10:30.48jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
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11:19.17StooJHello all. Could Asterisk be used as an intercom on a network with no internet connectivity?
11:20.35CVirusWhat do you guys recommend ... asterisk GUI or asteriskNow ?
11:20.48tompawStooJ, sure.
11:20.56CVirusor are they the same thing ?
11:21.09tompawCVirus, I personally chosen asteriskNow, and as of now I'm not yet disappointed.
11:21.13StooJtompaw - awesome! Thanks
11:21.17CVirustompaw: cool
11:21.31tompawCVirus, *Now contains the whole OS prepared to run *, including * GUI.
11:21.52CVirusnow I get it
11:21.54CVirusthanks alot
11:22.06CVirusWhat is the distro based on ?
11:22.25tompawdon't remember ;)
11:22.29CViruslet me find the answer on their website .. thanks again :-)
11:22.35tompawbut I tried building asterisk-addons there from the sources
11:22.48tompawand there was no problems, everything required sits in the OS already.
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11:47.03DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: idiot :P
11:47.18DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: asterisknow is a full distro. asteriskgui is just a gui.
11:48.06CVirusDarKnesS_WolF: shut up
11:49.37tzafrir_laptopCVirus, it is based on rPath
11:49.57CVirusI see
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12:08.26StooJHarsh words, DarKnesS_WolF
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12:34.50DarKnesS_WolFCVirus: u still an idiot :P
12:35.05DarKnesS_WolFStooJ: ;-)
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13:19.15kippican I ask openser questions here?
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13:41.46MatBoyhi guys
13:42.04MatBoyit is possible to route a sip account to an isdn card ?
13:42.20MatBoyI mean, I have an ISDn pbx connected to my asterisk server
13:42.40MatBoythe asterisk box has a national sip account and I use the isdn pbx internally
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13:48.41tzafrir_laptopMatBoy, sure. This is what the dialplan is for
13:49.28MatBoytroubled: ok, just a crosscable between the bri card and the isdn pbx and make a dailplan ?
13:49.54MatBoysorry :)
13:49.57tzafrir_laptopby "dialplan" I mean extensions.conf and such
13:50.00troubledMatBoy: np
13:50.08tzafrir_laptopnot "pridialplan" and such in zapata.conf
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13:59.55jksanyone else using the kirk/polycom 300 with asterisk yet?
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14:28.13pifhi, I just upgraded to debian's 1.4.20 and now zaptel support seems broken, any obvious fix?
14:28.50jayteerecompile zaptel
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14:31.55jayteeor if you're saying you installed * 1.4.20 from debian repositories then use apt-get to install the newer zaptel package as well
14:32.22pifi did a dist-upgrade
14:32.40QwellSo you did far more than upgrate to 1.4.20
14:33.23pifyes but reverting to 1.4.19 packages fixes the problem,
14:33.30pif"asterisk.c:2960 main: Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection."
14:34.07pifno further clue in the logs or in debian's BTS
14:36.07pifI just have simple HFC card with the vzaphfc driver
14:36.54RoyK"Asterisk has detected more internal bugs and will shutdown for your annoyance..."
14:37.05*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=roy@*] by Qwell
14:37.06*** kick/#asterisk [RoyK!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
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14:37.39*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*n=roy@*] by Qwell
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14:42.55tzafrir_laptoppif, what version?
14:43.35tzafrir_laptopthat error means that you don't have a functioning zaptel timing source
14:43.49tzafrir_laptopAnd therefore asterisk will not use zaptel timing
14:44.10pifversion of what part?
14:44.23QwellIt's likely that the dist-upgrade included a kernel as well.  I think the suggestion of recompiling zaptel wa a good one
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14:44.31tzafrir_laptopwhat version of Debian is it?
14:44.55tzafrir_laptopwhat is the output of:  zttest -c 1
14:44.55jayteewow! I made a good suggestion? woohoo! I'm feeling less like a noob every day.
14:45.02pifsimply downgrading asterisk and asterisk-config fixes it
14:45.17Qwellpif: does it fix it, or just remove the error?
14:45.30tzafrir_laptopalso: what is the output of: cat /sys/module/zaptel/version
14:45.34pifOpened pseudo zap interface, measuring accuracy...
14:45.34pif--- Results after 1 passes ---
14:45.34pifBest: 99.999 -- Worst: 99.999 -- Average: 99.998535, Difference: 99.998534
14:45.48tzafrir_laptopso you do have a working zaptel timing source
14:46.06tzafrir_laptopnext: ls -l /dev/zap/ctl
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14:46.23pifcrw-rw---- 1 root dialout 196, 0 2008-07-06 16:08 /dev/zap/ctl
14:46.30tzafrir_laptopgroups asterisk
14:46.55pifthat's the change?
14:47.15pifbut asterisk is member of dialout
14:47.42*** join/#asterisk keulin (
14:47.55tzafrir_laptopwhat is the version of the package asterisk?
14:48.14tzafrir_laptopdpkg -l asterisk
14:48.20pifI just reverted to 1:
14:48.46tzafrir_laptopany chance that package was built with an older zaptel?
14:49.05tzafrir_laptopno, this would not be a problem
14:49.47tzafrir_laptopWhat errors do you see in /var/log/asterisk/messages ?
14:49.48pifmy kernel and zapte-modules are freshly compiled with make-kpkg
14:49.59doolphthere's anyway to install asterisk without have root access?
14:50.21tzafrir_laptopdoolph, sure. --prefix=$HOME ?
14:50.26pifyou mean errors with version 1.4.20 ?
14:50.48pifjust this one: [Jul  6 16:32:37] ERROR[4704] asterisk.c: Asterisk has detected a problem with your Zaptel configuration and will shutdown for your protection.
14:51.09tzafrir_laptopdoolph, also, dummy "install" for testing:
14:51.29tzafrir_laptoppif, what do you see before that?
14:52.42*** join/#asterisk eric2 (
14:53.02pifnothing else, asterisk shuts down immediately before doing any other init
14:53.33tzafrir_laptopoh, I realised the bug
14:53.40tzafrir_laptopyou don't have a card, right?
14:53.43eric2Anyone have experience with the Rhino T1 cards? or should I stick to Sangoma?
14:53.50tzafrir_laptoptouch /etc/zaptel.conf
14:53.58tzafrir_laptopand for now: modprobe ztdummy
14:54.03tzafrir_laptopand load asterisk
14:54.08tzafrir_laptop(I hope)
14:54.51pifno, I have a "03:01.0 Network controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI] (rev 02)"
14:55.00doolphthere's any tutorial to install asterisk on a non-root account?
14:55.12jayteeeric, stick with Sangoma or better yet go with Digium, even Rhino tech support has problems fixing problems with their own hardware.
14:55.16pifremoving modules and modprob'ing them does nothing
14:55.32MatBoydoes someone recommend a good webgui for asterisk ?
14:55.49jayteeMatBoy, yeah, nano or vim
14:56.26MatBoyjaytee: hehe, yes I use that too :P
14:56.30pifdoes vim have a http server?
14:56.43jayteepif, nope, I was joking!
14:56.44MatBoypif: don't think so
14:56.45Qwellno, but emacs probably does
14:57.34eric2ok, tx jaytee
14:57.40MatBoyI need to forward a sip account to an ISDN PRI card, that's why and I don't see any howto's or good docs about that
14:58.27*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
15:01.02jayteeMatBoy, if you've configured your PRI card to use Zaptel and assigned it a group number just use the Dial application to route calls to the Zap channel or group for the PRI in the context where the calls from the sip account enter your dialplan.
15:01.24*** join/#asterisk kclaussen (n=kclausse@
15:01.33MatBoyjaytee: bri in my case, I have some pri ones, but this is internally :)
15:02.48jayteeMatBoy, bri or pri, it shouldn't matter if it's setup to use zaptel
15:03.01MatBoyjaytee: ok :)
15:03.24MatBoyI stil have to use my 4x PRI cards once
15:07.03MatBoybtw, if someone ever used destar, is it known that the config file is rewritten to .orig every time ?
15:17.24tzafrir_laptoppif, I packaged both FreePBX and asterisk-gui . They are available in the repository at 'deb etch main'
15:17.35tzafrir_laptopI suspect it will work for other ditst as well
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15:17.57tzafrir_laptopBut they have not yet been uploaded to Debian for various reasons
15:18.05MatBoytzafrir_laptop: ubuntu will work
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15:19.30piftzafrir_laptop: I use neither packages
15:21.42jayteetzafrir_laptop, do you know of any CentOS 5 rpms for FreePBX and asterisk-gui?
15:24.04tzafrir_laptopjaytee, there seem to be vaious packages in e.g. elastix and trixbox
15:24.23tzafrir_laptopfreepbx is tricky to properly package
15:24.32Qwelltzafrir_laptop: howso?
15:25.00tzafrir_laptopasterisk-gui? not aware at the moment
15:25.12tzafrir_laptopbut this one is rather easy to package
15:25.36Qwellwe package it for ABE.  Wasn't too difficult to do
15:25.52Qwell(asterisk-gui, that is)
15:26.03tzafrir_laptopQwell, I was referring to freepbx. It has various components that step over each other
15:26.09Qwellahh, silly
15:26.19tzafrir_laptopAnd various places that decide to change permissions
15:28.28jayteeI'm currently using just Asterisk 1.4 but eventually I will want to provide a GUI for setting up extensions and possibly for producing CDR reports but I don't need anything more than that.
15:31.37jayteebut because I've setup * to handle calls outbound to our telco over 1 PRI and to 4 digit extensions on a Nortel Opt11c on another PRI I've had to use some tricky dialplan coding that FreePBX would hose in a heartbeat.
15:34.51*** join/#asterisk ThOr101 (
15:36.07ThOr101I've installed & run asterisk before, but I'm still a noob.  Last time I d/l & compiled.  Now I see packages for Fedora 9.  I downloaded the zaptel packages but "modprobe wctdm" doesn't seem to work.  Is it true the zaptel rpms don't actually contain the kernel modules?
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15:42.42MatBoyI have msidn-init installed and started, but I still get: For some reason, I could not grab scan.html, is the misdn-init tool installed?
15:44.04*** join/#asterisk TedNJ38 (
15:44.15MatBoyok, I might need a reboot
15:45.02TedNJ38I am having some serious problems with Trixbox.  I would like to start playing with a more stable distro of Asterisk.  Any suggestions?
15:45.34pifwhispers *debian*
15:46.04TedNJ38Is there a package easy to use to implement asterisk in Debian?
15:46.30pifof course
15:46.48TedNJ38What is the name of it?
15:46.59piftake a wild guess
15:48.29TedNJ38I don't know.
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15:50.52TommyBJit is called asterisk ... naturally
15:51.10pifno shit?
15:51.36TommyBJquite shit
15:52.48pifTommy gets a BJ
15:55.37TedNJ38Is it better than Trixbox?
15:55.42TedNJ38Does it have a friendly web interface?
15:55.57ThOr101Will it clean my kitchen drains?
15:56.16jayteeit'll leave your dishes spotless
15:56.41[netman]u cannot compare a back-end to a front-end
15:57.41ThOr101Can anyone confirm either 1) This is true 2) I'm blind.  The RPMs for zaptel on Fedora 9 don't actually contain the kernel modules / drivers.
15:58.23QwellThOr101: they do, you just have to figure out the name of the modules package
15:58.33Qwellhint: yum search
15:58.50ThOr101Should I be looking for wctdm for my TDM card?
15:58.57Qwellyum search zaptel
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15:59.46ThOr101Qwell : Yeah, I did that.  But doesn't show up anywhere in any of those files zaptel-1.4.9 (as well as devel, lib & utils)
16:01.13ThOr101wctdm.mod actually
16:01.58ThOr101I have the old directories around from my old installation, so I can see what files are supposed to be there.  They don't appear in the available RPMs.  I'm fine downloading and installing, but I just thought it wierd to have zaptel rpm's without kernel modules.
16:04.21tzafrir_laptopThOr101, wctdm.ko is you're talking about Linux
16:05.03ThOr101Ah, yes.  I see that in the old asterisk installation.
16:05.25ThOr101but nowhere in the current directories with the rpm's.  (Thanks for the redirect)
16:05.25tzafrir_laptopwonders if ThOr101 comes from a BSD background
16:05.45ThOr101I've tried BSD twice, and I wasn't very good at it ;-)
16:05.56tzafrir_laptopThe zaptel rpm package of Fedora contains only userspace and not the kernel, IIRC
16:06.14ThOr101Ahh excellent.  Then I'll go d/l & compile
16:06.17ThOr101That seems weird!
16:06.40ThOr101Oh, do I need to download dahdi or something, or are we still good with zaptel?
16:06.42tzafrir_laptopSome other zaptel rpm packages have a separate package (kernel-version-dependent) for the actual modules
16:07.06tzafrir_laptopdahdi has not yet been released. For now you should thus use zaptel
16:07.22ThOr101Thank you VERY much for this info.
16:08.05tzafrir_laptopIs there a documented way to use zaptel with the Fedora packages?
16:08.20ThOr101Are you asking me?
16:08.43ThOr101I haven't found anything.
16:08.54ThOr101I'm mostly relying on what I did when I was doing this all from source.
16:09.16ThOr101I'm not a complicated setup, just an IVR on a distinctive ring line.
16:11.01TedNJ38What version of Debian do I have to have if I want to install Asterisk?
16:12.36mwallingTedNJ38: a version named after a toy story character
16:12.49Qwellmwalling: sid?
16:12.54pifTedNJ38: 'testing' works
16:12.59mwallingok, except for sid
16:13.02mwallinghe breaks toys
16:13.12mwalling(or just install slackware)
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16:15.14cjkhi, which IRQ value is correct. the one from lspci -v or the one from lspci -vb ?
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16:17.07hardwiremwalling: they sorta all are.
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16:17.24mwallinghardwire: .... that was the point
16:17.32hardwireso yer just being silly
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16:49.15MatBoysomeone any idea how to solve
16:49.18MatBoyFor some reason, I could not grab scan.html, is the misdn-init tool installed?
16:49.31MatBoyon ubuntu when the tool itself, misdn-init works ?
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19:15.56monstertruckquick question guys, I cant find a reason for this anywhere in the iax2 draft
19:16.10monstertruckI get this HANGUP from *
19:16.23monstertruckTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 003 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: HANGUP
19:16.33monstertruckand send this ACK
19:16.43monstertruckRx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 003 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
19:16.51monstertruckas far as I can tell, my ack is well formed
19:17.07monstertruckwhy does * feel the need to retransmit the HANGUP two more times?
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19:42.04dlynesmonstertruck: are you using libiax2, or your own iax2 library, or is this something between two asterisk boxes?
19:43.11monstertruckdlynes, my own library
19:52.48*** join/#asterisk linagee (n=jalton@about/linux/staff/linagee)
19:53.07linageeis there a way to not pay the phone company a single cent every month and still live a happy and healthy life?
19:54.09linageeTJNII: how??
19:54.31linageeTJNII: i find myself still paying them indirectly in some way. :(
19:54.44outtoluncshoot someone and walk into the local pd with gun in hand.. from then on out 'others' will have to pay, as prisons only use 'collect calling'
19:54.48TJNIIYou have to change your priorities so that you don't want their services.
19:54.49linageeTJNII: whether it's having to own a cellphone or paying even a single cent a month in landline or voip services
19:55.08outtoluncshakes his head
19:55.12linageeTJNII: i'm saying if i went 100% voip, could i still communicate with the world in every way i need to?
19:55.34TJNIIYou asked if it is doable, not if it is feasable for you. ;)
19:55.43ManxPowerlinagee: Well, at least if your ITSP, ISP, and all ISPs between you and the provider is working.
19:55.48linageeTJNII: if i cancelled everything and just had a skype account and wrote in applications: "call my skype name, this is 2008 for godsakes"
19:56.01linageeManxPower: and minus an ITSP too
19:56.10j0what password are polycom phones set to by default for the fpt. login PlcmSplp, password?
19:56.16linageeManxPower: i'm saying is there some way i can just cut that all out of my monthly budget
19:56.32ManxPowerj0: password defaults to be the same as the login
19:56.33linageeManxPower: (and the last part of my question, "and still lead a healthy happy life")
19:56.45monstertruckyou still need internet, which will probably come from your telephone company anyways...
19:56.59ManxPowerlinagee: I guess that depends on how important phone service is to you.
19:57.10linageemonstertruck: internet will always be a requirement for me. but i continue to find cheaper and cheaper providers for that
19:57.33ManxPowerFor me, if I don't have phone service, I cannot work.
19:57.34linageeManxPower: not very. i'd like to screw ma bell in the greatest possible way. i don't want to pay any "phone tax" at all
19:57.39j0ManxPower: thanks :)
19:57.52linageeManxPower: does my fire department have a "click for incidents"? hrm... now that would be one to worry about. lol
19:58.11ManxPowerI would never bother to call someone using Skype.
19:58.16linageeManxPower: or voip
19:58.22ManxPowerIf they don't have a PSTN number, I'm not interested in calling them.
19:58.24linageeManxPower: skype is just easier to call for instance, my parents
19:58.49outtoluncyour share quota has not been met this month, we are sorry we cannot connect you to emergency services at this time
19:58.50linageeManxPower: when will a sip address be acceptable on any application? hah. :(
19:59.02linageeouttolunc: darn! lol
19:59.11ManxPowerlinagee: never I hope
19:59.23linageeManxPower: cell phones only seem to be increasing in price
19:59.37linageeof course because they have to keep up with the economy / inflation / etc.
19:59.41ManxPowerSo is bread, milk, and gas
19:59.57linageeManxPower: these can be grown if you choose. cell phones cannot. :)
20:00.10ManxPowerSometimes you must do business with the Devil, phone service is just one of those things.
20:00.18linageeManxPower: or like, "just email me"
20:00.25ManxPowermuch like TV and internet service.
20:00.28linageeManxPower: TV??
20:00.33linageeManxPower: i don't pay for TV anymore
20:00.35linageeor ever
20:00.47linageeManxPower: networks provide the content on their own websites. why pay anybody?
20:00.54ManxPowerlinagee: then you don't have that service, but if you did pay for TV, you would not have much choice.
20:01.35ManxPowerlinagee: *nod*  I can't undertand why someone would want to watch a show in good quality on their television when they can watch it in a highly compressed crappy quality on their PC?
20:01.50linageeManxPower: phones just suck when you think about it though. you're paying so much money for so little bandwidth
20:01.57ManxPowerThis is the internet people, you must lower your expectations!
20:02.01linageeit's almost as bad as text messages
20:02.37linageeManxPower: the PC version is actually of higher quality
20:02.52linageeManxPower: i don't have an HD tv but delivers the video in HD quality
20:02.52ManxPowerlinagee: I'm a special case, I have bandwidth caps
20:03.26ManxPower*shrug*  If I want to watch a show, I turn on my TV and press the TiVo button on my remote control.
20:03.45ManxPowerdoesn't get much simpler than that.
20:04.09linageeManxPower: how do you select content that's not "prescribed" for you by the networks though?
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20:04.39ManxPowerlinagee: I watch one of the non-networks, like CurrentTV, LinkTV, etc.
20:04.44linageei love tivo. but it does seem like a band aid
20:05.21outtoluncdual tuner tivo is da shit <G>
20:05.27ManxPowerlinagee: your argument is mostly emotional.  i.e. I have the phone company, I hate the TV empires
20:05.41outtolunc(especially with multiple boxes)
20:05.46ManxPowerouttolunc: I have a DirecTivo, which is dual tuner and yes it rocks
20:05.51outtoluncme too
20:06.01outtolunc(i was being 'general')
20:06.02linageeManxPower: it's not hate. purely economics on the part of my budget
20:06.04ManxPowerhacked to allow the networking and bigger HD
20:06.15linageeManxPower: if i say i cannot afford a cellphone, could i still live day to day? :-/
20:06.42linageeif i'm not available, i'm not available...
20:06.56ManxPowerlinagee: many people live without any form of phone service.  Heck, one of my friends, Hippie Richard has lived in a tent for the past 10 years.
20:07.01outtoluncmanx, you see they are now allowing you to 'set what to record' online
20:07.07linageehippie richard. lol
20:07.44ManxPowerouttolunc: DirectV?  Does it require a software upgrade?  (My DirecTivo never connects to the internet or phone)
20:07.59outtoluncnot from what they mentioned in the advert
20:07.59ManxPowerlinagee: he really is a hippie
20:08.05linageeManxPower: i believe it
20:08.16outtoluncjust login to your account (from wherever) and set/unset recordings
20:08.29ManxPowerouttolunc: into my DirecTV account?
20:09.02outtolunchaven't done it myself yet
20:09.11linageeManxPower: seriously though. if companies are saying "screw snail mail, we're just going to be sending you the bill online. less clutter on your side anyway." shouldn't emergency services (police/fire/etc) also be available online?
20:09.33ManxPowerouttolunc: I don't see it on my account
20:09.47linageeManxPower: i guess the stumbling block there would be getting highly available internet to every home. (that won't be screwed up by power outages/etc.)
20:09.49outtolunci'm checking also.. after i update all this crap
20:10.41ManxPowerouttolunc: I may have found it, under DirecTV on Demand
20:11.25ManxPowerouttolunc: looks like it will work.  I'll have to try it.
20:13.31outtoluncalso check out 'dvr scheduler mobile beta'
20:13.53ManxPowermy cell phone doesn't work with "mobile" anything. 8-)
20:14.10outtolunci'm sure you can mod something asterisk in it's place
20:15.49*** join/#asterisk asdx (
20:16.22dlynesmonstertruck: I think a better channel to ask that problem would be in #asterisk-dev, then...that's where the developers hang out....end-users generally don't know a lot about code
20:16.37outtoluncummm tv listings also lets you select 'record to receiver'
20:17.51outtoluncand lets you select which receiver to record it too <G>
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20:38.02monstertruckdlynes, thanks
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21:40.07ScryeHello, as of asterisk 1.6, my DISA is not working anymore.  the DISA module loads, authenticates, and selects the proper context
21:40.10Scryebut i dont get any dialtone
21:41.41*** join/#asterisk Aaton (
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21:51.02tompawwhat is the easiest way to generate CDRs on asterisk?
21:52.29RypPnmake calls?
21:52.53tompawright ;)
21:52.59tompaware those generated by default?
21:53.26Scryethe cdr files are usually in there
21:53.36tompawlove it! I love this software!
22:01.58blinky42hello - anyone know of off-the-shelf router/gateways that are avilable in the US that will work as a proxy for SIP so I can send out some polycom phones to remote workers with minimal install problems on their end?
22:02.16blinky42i know i can set up alinux box to do that, but i don't want to walk them through that kind of hassle.
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22:04.53zeeqyhi...need some help with conference calls...anyone?
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22:21.06wonderworldis there a way to broadcast video to multiple clients with asterisk?
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22:26.02MatBoymhh I don't get it, that install script for HFC cards is not updated to 1.4.21 :S
22:26.23MatBoyso I can only chose 1.4.17 which is downloaded and patched on a 1.4.21 install
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22:28.04TrentCreekwow...funny what a little ol google can do
22:28.05TrentCreekVideoswitching in MeetMe
22:28.05TrentCreekby Lorenzo Miniero on Tuesday 19 of June, 2007 [09:01:10]
22:28.05TrentCreekHi all,
22:28.05TrentCreekyou can get information upon videomixing functionality in MeetMe on this post I wrote on the Asterisk-video mailing list:
22:28.08TrentCreekIt's mostly related to an open source conferencing framework we're developing on the basis of MeetMe ( but it allows videomixing for normal MeetMe conferences as well.
22:34.47jayteeso you can use X-Lite and have videoconferencing with video windows for each participant? cool!
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23:02.04Strom_Cdo I fucking look like SMTP to you?
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23:03.44zeeqyhi all...looking for VoIP codec monitoring software to monitor the bandwidth during the active calls...plz help
23:04.01Strom_Cwhy not just a regular old traffic analysis toolkit
23:04.32zeeqyStrom_C:...plz give me a link...thanks
23:04.53Strom_Czeeqy: there are plenty of them out there
23:05.11Strom_Cwhat exactly are you trying to determine?
23:05.54zeeqyOk, I want to be able to see how much bandwidth an active call is consuming...thats all...
23:06.03Strom_Cwhat codec, and what protocol?
23:06.21zeeqyI can see in asterisk...that what codec has been used during the call by "sip show channels"
23:06.46Strom_Cwhat codec are you using?
23:06.55Strom_Cand which protocol?  (I'm assuming SIP)
23:07.05zeeqyI m using "g729,ilbc,g723,speex"
23:07.21zeeqySIP yes....
23:07.51*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
23:08.05Strom_Cok, which codec is your call ACTUALLY using?
23:08.27*** join/#asterisk Xamusk (n=Xamusk@
23:08.44Strom_C(boy, I really love having to extract information instead of just having people tell it to me on the first try)
23:08.50Xamuskcan asterisk be used as an ATA, using a modem?
23:08.52zeeqyg729 most of the time...
23:08.59Strom_CXamusk: no
23:09.12eXistenZWhat processor would be enough for 1 fxo 4 fxs?
23:09.17eXistenZhome use
23:09.21Xamusktoo bad :( that would be a nice feature
23:09.36Strom_Czeeqy: G.729a (8kbps payload) over SIP (16kbps overhead) = 24kbps per call
23:09.49Strom_CXamusk: you can use an FXO/FXS card
23:10.09Strom_CeXistenZ: anything that's been made within the last five years should be more than adequate
23:10.29XamuskStrom_C, I guess it's just cheaper to buy an ATA. it would also save energy
23:10.30eXistenZStrom_C, p3?
23:11.00Strom_CeXistenZ: my first asterisk box was a 933MHz PIII with 128MB of RAM
23:11.17Strom_Cand if that worked in 2004, it'll probably work now
23:11.24eXistenZI wonder whether there are some small computers
23:11.25zeeqyStrom_C: i have different phone supporting different codecs so the usage is kinda mix...I just want to plan my local area network to accomodate for such traffic...if there is any software where i can see real-time codec consumption on calls
23:11.33eXistenZStrom_C, with like small cases
23:11.50Strom_Czeeqy: fuck real-time data collection, just do the math ahead of time and it'll be quicker
23:12.20Strom_CeXistenZ: I'm sure there are.  I'm not a computer catalog, so I would assume you'd be better off looking in one than asking me
23:12.44zeeqythanks Storm...that was a short n sweet answer...i must
23:13.11Strom_Cwho is Storm?
23:13.46Strom_Czeeqy: figure 16kbps overhead, plus the various codec payload sizes
23:13.56Strom_Czeeqy: is this over your WAN connection?
23:14.28Xamuskan FXO/FXS card is 6.5x more expensive than an ATA
23:15.15zeeqyStrom_C...this is on my LAN and WAN both...I have a few mobile phones connected to Asterisk with extensions...thats why its a bit important to monitor codecs and then able to implement suitable codecs
23:15.40Strom_CXamusk: so just buy an ATA and be done with it
23:15.55XamuskStrom_C, I guess
23:16.04Strom_Czeeqy: use G.711 on your LAN and have Asterisk transcode to something lower-bandwidth for calls that go over the WAN
23:16.16_ShrikEzeeqy: If you are running windows wineyeq is not bad.
23:16.18Strom_Cjust pick one codec so you make your calculations easier
23:17.44zeeqythis is exactly what i m doing now...was asked to make a list with report to complete my test in the vasity...thanks..I guess the name u gave me brought some monitoring tools...was just wondering which one can show me codec bandwidth utilization...thanks once again
23:17.58Strom_Czeeqy: listen to me
23:18.18Strom_Csit down and calculate the bandwidth
23:19.23Strom_Chell, you don't even need to do that
23:19.49zeeqyits a test...the teacher wants us to use certain tools to be able to monitor traffic...though I did some packet capturing for him but no good...i dont know what exactly does he have in mind by using tools for real time monitoring....!!!
23:19.50Strom_Cjust use a slightly generous estimate of 32kbps per call
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23:20.13Strom_Coh, you're doing this for a class, not for an actual real-world install
23:21.03zeeqyStrom_c: yes for a class...otherwise as u hell with real the meth...I 100% agree
23:21.25Strom_Chey now, I never told you to do meth
23:21.45zeeqyi mean calculation...quite simple...
23:21.59Strom_Cnot METH
23:22.03Strom_Cplease read carefully
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23:22.48zeeqyso..Strom my question still there anything like that or m i just chasing the wind?
23:23.23ManxPowerzeeqy: what specifically are you looking for?
23:23.24zeeqysorry for my typing mistakes...i hate laptop
23:23.33Strom_Clike I said, there are DOZENS of tools out there
23:24.08zeeqyManxPower: I just want to monitor codec real-time bandwidth consumption during the call on asterisk box
23:24.23ManxPowerzeeqy: there is nothing on this channel that will help you with that.
23:24.41ManxPowerMainly because you already KNOW how much bandwidth will be used.
23:24.50zeeqyany suggestion? Manx???
23:24.56jboti heard bandwidth is This is a measure, in some amount of bits per second, of theamount of data that can be sent over a particular cable, interface, orbus.
23:25.23ManxPowerzeeqy: the exact same suggestion as Strom_C.  Calculate it.
23:26.06ManxPowerYou know how much bandwidth your codec uses, you know how much overhead there is, you add the two togather and you get the per call bandwidth usage.  This is not rocket science or even 11th grade math.
23:26.47zeeqyManxPower:..i do have that...and I have the whole table with me..I know tht calculation in my head....but its for my class...the teacher wants us to do something with this tool...he must have something in mind...i have no clue...but thanks anyway
23:26.54De_Monits a word problem!
23:27.10ManxPowerzeeqy: then stop wasting your time here and go find one.  Nobody here will be able to help you.
23:27.49Strom_CManxPower: come on, don't you know it's so much easier to wring your hands and ask endless questions on IRC than it is to type "traffic analysis tool" into google?
23:27.55zeeqythanks...on my wonderful time guys...I thought somebody might used something similar
23:33.23eXistenZStrom_C, what kind of nice ideas can you do with asterisk? :]
23:34.34MatBoyis misdn show stacks
23:34.39MatBoynot supported anymore ?
23:36.00Strom_CeXistenZ: that question makes little sense
23:36.05Strom_Cyou can't "do" ideas
23:36.08eXistenZquite so
23:36.18eXistenZerm, apply
23:37.57Strom_CeXistenZ: don't go chasing frivolous ideas; find actual problems you need to solve and then solve them
23:38.15eXistenZStrom_C, I had some problem, namely blocking anonymous calls, and solved it
23:38.22eXistenZStrom_C, that's why I installed asterisk
23:42.16*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@

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