IRC log for #asterisk on 20080705

00:01.05rift0rCan anyone recommend a bus line sip/iax termination trunk provider with outbound only that is real cheap
00:01.15rift0rpreferably one with unlimited min for a call center
00:01.24rift0ror very very very cheap per min
00:01.32jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
00:01.42ManxPowerlooks over his glasses at rift0r
00:01.58drmessanoUnlimited for a callcenter
00:02.01drmessanoTry umm
00:02.49*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
00:02.58rift0rthat took you way too long to type
00:03.18drmessanoyou assume I was giving you some sort of undivided attention
00:03.19rift0rok let me rephrase my question....
00:03.32rift0rCan anyone recommend a bus line sip/iax termination trunk provider with outbound only that is reasonable and good quality
00:03.49drmessanoTruth is, I was cutting and pasting this convo into
00:03.59rift0rgeared towards call centers
00:09.01[netman]can I install astGUIclient over Asterisk
00:11.15rift0rastguiclient interacts with asterisk, it doesn't go "over" or replace
00:15.09*** join/#asterisk drehlecom (i=ircbnc@unaffiliated/drehlecom)
00:17.12*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:17.56browserif I wget Asterisk stuff I always have to do a workaround: wget only get's me a file and not the tarball. So I go and cut the first part of the URL and then paste it into the console. Does anyone know better?
00:18.17drmessanoNo, why is that an issue?
00:18.28DIABLO3heh, "drmessano" is back here
00:18.33DIABLO3where were you past 6 weeks?
00:18.38DIABLO3gave up "technology"
00:18.41DIABLO3and gaming instead?
00:18.46drmessanoI don't game
00:19.07DIABLO3know your role "messano"
00:19.11DIABLO3and goto:
00:20.23browserI don't know why digium puts that stupid redirect instruction. I could understand if it was for mirror load balancing. downloads work perfectly even with redirects.
00:20.51[netman]rift0r: I said 'cause on the web page they recommended asterisk 1.2.x branch
00:20.51browserhow do you guys wget Asterisk stuff?
00:21.09drmessanoJust like you said
00:21.20jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:21.49drmessanoI go to, copy the URL to the file, paste into shell
00:22.02browserdrmessano: I know. I always start from and go to downloads to get the new releases.
00:22.16drmessanoWell, then that's your problem
00:22.31drmessanoGo to instead
00:22.42browserdrmessano: and the links there are this broken way.
00:23.57browserDIABLO3: does this book tell me how to instruct wget to properly download the "elqRedir" target or teach Digium to put proper links to their website?
00:23.58drmessanoYou sound like a trixbox user
00:24.41drmessanobrowser: Digium uses the redirect for counting the number of downloads, no amount of fucking whining is going to make them stop, so just fix the URL and get over it
00:25.05drmessanoThis isn't rocket science
00:25.27drmessanoYou said you knew how to get around it with wget, congrats.. move on with your life
00:26.09browserdrmessano: that's an answer. thank you for that. so there is no way to put the URL in quotes or anything else in wget. Browsers make it to the right target but on the bash there aint no browser ;-)
00:26.48beekbrowser:  you mean from a command line?  How about elinks?
00:27.06drmessanoHow about just shortening the URL O.O
00:27.11*** join/#asterisk glaz (
00:27.16browserbeek: oh someone coming up with constructive comments for the first time.
00:27.58beekConstructive, perhaps, but I use drmessano's method to download.
00:28.13drmessanobeek: Can you SSH in and do it for him?
00:28.13browserdrmessano: what do you mean by "shortening the URL 0.0"?
00:29.14[TK]D-FenderYup... we've got a live one here ;)
00:29.35Qwelleasy solution
00:29.39Qwelladd javascript support to wget
00:30.36beekbrowser:  just copy the URL from the website and delete everything up to, and including, "ref="
00:31.16drmessanobeek: He already knows that.. he's passively complaining about it under the guise of "Looking for a better solution"..
00:32.03beekdrmessano:  I could agree that it's a PITA if it's something I had to do 100 times a day.  But for the occasional download it hardly ranks in my top ten list of things that piss me off.
00:32.10browserbeek: I am not stupid. I just wanted to know whether all of you experts suffer from the same Digium nuisance or maybe there is a better way I just haven't come across.
00:32.28[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: You could always just use SVN
00:32.30browserthe only qualified answer came from Qwell
00:32.38beekbrowser: I was answering your question:  "What do you mean by "shortening the URL"
00:32.40[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: Thats just the way it is
00:32.51drmessanobeek: 100 times a day?  His up arrow is probably broken too.. ;)
00:33.05[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: So yes, we all use either SVN or that same download site just like the rest of the world.
00:33.21[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: If you don't like it you're free to invent an alternative
00:33.41browserbeek: I think that came from drmessano and he was asked to elaborate on "0.0" which isn't a clear term for me
00:33.49drmessanoQwell: thank you for giving a much better answer than "Shorten the URL".. Even though adding js to wget is about as good as "use the -unicorn command line option".
00:33.59drmessanoit's O.O
00:34.02drmessanoNo 0.0
00:34.12drmessanoAs in
00:34.45[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Smiley-challenged
00:35.09drmessanoIf you like, I can give you my paypal address, and I can e-mail you shortened URLs for all new digium releases
00:35.56[TK]D-Fenderhrm... can't recall what that one was...
00:36.19browserso the unbiased analysis of the story is: wget is not capable to follow JavaScript links and Digium just loves JavaScript and probably doesn't want to save time for the users
00:36.23*** join/#asterisk [Akemi] (
00:36.39Nivexsuddenly feels challeged
00:36.45drmessanothe unbiased analysis is: wget the fuck over it
00:37.51drmessanoAs I said, passive agree complaining under the guise of "looking for a better solution"
00:37.52browserdrmessano: why do I feel some aggressiveness in your tone?
00:37.57beekThat was drmessano --- he'll be playing here every night this week.   No cover charge...
00:37.58drmessanoadds browser to the troll file
00:38.17[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: So far the rest of us don't seem to be stopped by this minor inconvenience.  Yes, it could be "better", but it isn't and we deal with it.  Any more mole-hills you'd like to turn into mountains while you're here?
00:38.35drmessanoI have one grip actually
00:38.40browserdrmessano: the latter comment hit the nail on the head. I was passively complaining
00:39.05drmessanobrowser: thank you, so stop with the "better answer" bullshit.. you're trolling.. be honest
00:39.08browserand nobody has a better solution
00:39.16[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: I have one.
00:39.58drmessanoMy gripe is.. I am SICK of Digium using fucking TARBALLS for their releases.. I have to install TAR and GZIP on ever box I set up when InfoZip does a fine damn job
00:40.15drmessanoScrew TAR and GZIP... I have some GNU's for you, it's 2008
00:40.39[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: Use whatever packages your distro has for * and be happy for it.  Or go host a site yourself with copies of the tarballs, or pointing to the files on their server directly.
00:41.03drmessanoOh, and why do I need to install MAKE to compile asterisk anyway?
00:41.16[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: This is a non-issue and nobody else that comes by here really cares.
00:42.22browserdrmessano: Does InfoZip also preserve the directory structure, timestamps and owners of files as tar does?
00:42.38drmessanotar and gzip bloat my hard drive
00:42.43[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: How do I compile?  I've got Windows 3.11 and Winsock installed.  What else do I need?
00:43.00drmessanoWhy do I need tar AND gzip to unpack A FILE
00:43.17drmessanoDigium just wants to make it harder
00:43.26browserjust get over it!
00:43.41[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: You first :p
00:43.47drmessanoNow maybe you see how much of a loser you look like, dude
00:43.47browserpardon, just get the FUCK over it!
00:44.30drmessanoMaybe santa claus or the easter bunny will bring you a trixbox ISO
00:44.42drmessanoThen all you need is the <enter> key
00:45.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Where is that located relative to the "Any" key?
00:45.24browsercan we agree that quite many software vendors do it that way with tar AND gzip. However, I couldn't describe the JS linking to be seen as best or at least most often used practise
00:46.09jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
00:46.35browserI know you were ironic.
00:46.38drmessanobrowser: All we can agree on is that you're awfully bored to be wasting so much time whining about this.. Don't you have to go post your eulogy for Jesse Helms on Andy Rooney's blog?
00:47.57browserdrmessano: agreed, if Qwell had given me that enlightment right at the beginning and you a less aggressive mood today, we could have handled this topic much shorter.
00:48.37drmessanoYou're still complaining
00:48.46drmessanoHow can we shorten this even more?
00:49.05Qwell"Use svn."
00:49.30[TK]D-FenderQwell: Funny... I said that 20 minutes ago
00:49.44drmessanoQwell gave his "good answer" like 21 minuts ago
00:49.48browserQwell: I will look into that if I can get stable releases from there in an easy fashion. Thank you for the suggestion.
00:49.50drmessanoyet, here we are
00:49.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:50.36drmessanoQwell: SVN sounds like a great idea, but I can't download the SVN client with wget.. I am SO screwed
00:50.50Qwelldrmessano: svn is mirrored in cvs
00:51.03Maliutadrmessano: apt-get install
00:51.08Qwellso, cvs co cvs://
00:51.22drmessanoI can't use apt-get, the - on my keyboard is broken
00:51.27QwellMaliuta: apt uses wget
00:51.35Nivexinvoke as ./ uglyUrlfromDigiumCom
00:51.37Qwelldrmessano: You're using trixbox - use yum.
00:52.04browserIf I may, I have another question for the channel: To serve MOH, I came up with the idea to dig out the good old mpg123 player because I didn't want to use madplay due to only partially existing x86_64 libraries it depends on.
00:52.12*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
00:52.15drmessanoQwell: The trixbox repo's are broken again.
00:52.20Qwellor...use format_mp3
00:52.23Qwelldrmessano: touche
00:52.25drmessanoQwell: Can I use gopher of some sort?
00:52.25[TK]D-Fenderbrowser: And you don't need EITHER
00:52.37Qwelldrmessano: got a newsreader?
00:53.13jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
00:53.18drmessanoQwell: I don't have a PAR client on here
00:53.18Qwellbrowser: buy it, download it, read it
00:53.49Qwelldrmessano: buy me a phone, kthx
00:53.59drmessanoQwell, if I install SAMBA, can someone put it on an SMB share somewhere, and I can \\ to it?
00:54.03browserSo I am with mpg123 in version 1.4.3 which allows to fetch a live mp3 radio stream and serve that as MOH, something which format_mp3 CANNOT EVER DO
00:54.21drmessanoI have Samba 0.77 on floppy
00:54.28drmessanoIt's rather old, but works
00:54.56drmessanoYeah, [TK]D-Fender, it CANNOT EVER DO that.. so, TAKE THAT
00:56.07drmessanobrowser: Install WinAMP in wine and use named pipes with alsa
00:56.59drmessanoAh crap
00:57.07drmessanoWinAMP uses a js redirector for downloads
00:57.10drmessanoSorry :(
00:57.19Qwelldoes it really?
00:57.24drmessanoyes lol
00:57.47drmessanoThey have a "If this download does not start.." link
00:57.53drmessanoYou're in luck
00:58.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano>Yeah, [TK]D-Fender, it CANNOT EVER DO that.. so, TAKE THAT <- O RLY?
00:58.35drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I left off something..
00:58.46drmessanoYeah, [TK]D-Fender, it CANNOT EVER DO that.. so, TAKE THAT... and IN YOUR FACE
00:58.52drmessanoNow it sounds 14-ish
00:58.56*** join/#asterisk minime (
00:59.01minimeI had a network drop
00:59.22drmessanoWhat happened to it?  Someone pull it back out of the wall?
00:59.23Qwelldoes getright still exist?
00:59.52Qwellwow, it does
00:59.59drmessanoYeah.. they even have a PRO version for $50
01:00.19Qwellgetright used to be *awesome*
01:00.22jblackOh gee. wouldn't want to look like an amateur downloader
01:00.23drmessanoI wonder if it works with Windows NT/2000 yet
01:00.26Qwellback when AOL was king
01:00.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'm sure I could do that with
01:01.22*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
01:01.23jblackthinks international law should require an s/PRO/Uncrippled/ and s/Lite/Crippled
01:01.25drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Probably
01:02.00QwellNivex: so wrong
01:02.24Qwellbesides, nobody has python installed
01:02.54NivexQwell: vmware esx does not have wget or curl, but does have python and urllib :-D
01:02.59drmessanoCouldn't you strip the leading redirect with awk?
01:03.04Qwellminime: Do you have a rebroadcast license?
01:03.38QwellSuper Tramp...seriously?
01:04.26*** part/#asterisk stream (
01:04.37drmessanoI'm sending this link to
01:04.59minimeQwell: no, I don't have a rebroadcast license
01:05.09QwellScooter does that song better..
01:05.47minimeQwell: Let's not talk legal but technical ;-)
01:06.17drmessanoYeah, that makes it go away
01:06.40drmessanoCats out of the bag, Mr Parrot Bay
01:06.45Qwellanyways, as I was saying
01:06.48Qwelldrmessano: buy my phone
01:06.58DIABLO3qwell, sip client on 3G iphone 2
01:07.00DIABLO3ftw imo
01:07.50minimeSo does someone remember this behaviour that mpg123 suddenly dies away (ps shows nada of mpg123 anymore) ?
01:07.53drmessanoiphones are for pussies
01:08.18drmessanoSeriously, an Apple phone
01:08.24drmessanoWTF is wrong with people
01:08.48drmessanoDoes no one remember the IIc, the IIe, Lisa, the Newton
01:09.10drmessanoWTF people.. APPLE + Phone = it's time to move out of moms basement
01:11.21minimedrmessano: sure I do. I owned a IIc and a Newton. But they didn't run Asterisk so I went to shop for some different gear.
01:11.42jayteeI get the impression that drmessano doesn't like the iPhone
01:12.08beekThe clues were too subtle for me to see that.
01:12.22Qwelldrmessano: You can't bash the IIe
01:12.42QwellLisa yes, Newton yes, iPhone yes...but not the IIe
01:12.46drmessanoNo, but I think APPLE users (Sorry, you're not MAC USERS, it's a fucking APPLE) are fascists
01:13.35drmessanoPeople don't use APPLES because they're better, they use them so they can say "Oh, I don't use a PC"
01:13.58drmessanoWhich is pretty much all that any APPLE user can say for an APPLE
01:14.06minimejaytee: I gave him a hard time with a "non issue". So he is loaded anyway. Don't too much flattering words from him, I'd say.
01:14.07drmessano"It's great.. doesn't have Windows on it"
01:14.20jayteeI used to be a hardcore Apple fanboi till my iPhone started dropping calls and deleting my music on it's own, my iDishwasher kept leaving spots on my dishes and glassware and my iToilet wouldn't flush and this all happened in the span of two weeks, all right after the warranty ran out.
01:14.57Qwelljaytee: known issue - you just have to replace th...oh, nevermind
01:15.09drmessanoWell, my ex-wife had an iDildo and I think they crossed the line when they started putting faux Steve Jobs stubble on the version 2.0
01:15.46drmessanoSteve Jobs "Make it look like a sunflower"
01:15.49jayteeand you can't even order an iButtPlug because they're always on a 6 month backorder due to such high demand.
01:15.53drmessanoMake it not crash
01:16.41DIABLO3i iBetter iGet iGoing iTo iThe iBar iTo iGet iDrunk
01:16.41drmessanoWindows has a recycle bin, Apples have apologies
01:17.03drmessanoWindows has three button mice, apples come in purple
01:18.09drmessanoMy Blackberry sync's my mail, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes.. My iPhone will break if I sit down in a chair wrong
01:18.39DIABLO3dcc's drmessano ritalin
01:18.49drmessanoFor being honest?
01:19.05jayteemy phone just makes and receives's all good.
01:19.07DIABLO3ritalin send has completed. [57Kb/sec] - 3.8s
01:19.10drmessanoQuit being such a sheep dude.. iPhone's are e-penises..
01:19.15browserI will talk to the developer of mpg123 and talk back here when the streaming radio solution works. Any I will tell you how much the licensing costs. I know there is a "package fee" for PBXes to play copyright protected music on them.
01:20.23drmessanoYou have to pay licensing fees for proof of performance
01:20.34drmessanoI seriously doubt you can afford what you're doing
01:20.34browserMaybe I am not the only one who is interested in this solution. Appearantly there is no alternative either. Or did I miss a point during my network drop?
01:21.23DIABLO3five..............five............... five dollar foot longs......
01:22.00browserdrmessano: This is not a public rebroadcast. In my jurisdiction PBXes pay a flat fee per year per line to cover the cost. It's like playing radio in a hotel lobby.
01:22.25browserdrmessano: that's not outlawed "per se".
01:22.34drmessanoIf I can access it from the web, it's PUBLIC
01:22.40Qwellvery random very off-topic question - have any of you guys ever gotten a paypal debit card?
01:22.54drmessanoQwell: I've considered it
01:23.03TrentCreekI have
01:23.05unpaidbilla better question: how many of you have been screwed or know someone who has been screwed by paypal
01:23.12DIABLO3drmessano, did shock grass blow plastic top when muffler sour?
01:23.12browserdrmessano: god, that's a public radio station. They cover the licensing for THEIR purpose. I cover it for what they have actually already paid for.
01:23.22QwellTrentCreek: how long did it take before it was usable?
01:23.22TrentCreeki I screwed then $35 from that debit card
01:23.26jayteenow that he's gone and mentioned that it's only a matter of time before we start seeing lawsuits against hotels from the RIAA for copyright infingement.
01:23.35TrentCreekas soon as I validated it
01:23.43Qwellso, after it was mailed?
01:23.45Qwellie; not 5 minutes?
01:23.51drmessanobrowser: You clearly know VERY little about licensing
01:23.59DIABLO3put on spike tv.....han solo is about to slice open a snow camel
01:24.05DIABLO3and make luke sleep in the intestines . lulz
01:24.08TrentCreekjust like every other debit card
01:24.14unpaidbillhe has a drivers license, what more is there to know
01:24.54TrentCreekWhat is the SIP/IAX Friends features?
01:25.45drmessanoI don't speak frog
01:26.07browserdrmessano: then change the lang to german or italian
01:26.28unpaidbilltrent stop it you naughty boy
01:26.37jayteewow!!! I clicked on that link and it instantly surrendered.
01:26.44unpaidbilli went golfing today, i used asterisk to keep my score
01:27.05unpaidbillevery hole i'd call in, hit the # for the hole, then the score i got
01:27.05DIABLO3did your 420 nugs make the experience more enjoyable
01:27.05drmessanoTo be honest, if it wasn't for the US, france wouldn't be speaking frog either..
01:27.20unpaidbillactually this is a friends shell account and he refuses to let me use any other host
01:27.21drmessanojaytee: LOL
01:27.24unpaidbillbut it's free so who am i to bitch
01:27.43TrentCreekJust like the French President 2 weeks ago surrendered to that Jewish solider committing suicide
01:28.00drmessanoFor sale: Early 20th century French military rifle.. Never fired, dropped twice.
01:28.15jayteeit's why they had to stop shooting off fireworks at EuroDisney. the french kept throwing up their hands.
01:29.11drmessanoQ. Why is the Champs Elysees lined with trees? A. So the germans can march in the shade
01:29.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You know why the roads in Paris are lined with trees?
01:29.28[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Darn, beat me to it!
01:29.31DIABLO3wtf is going on in here
01:29.36DIABLO3everyone forgot to take their ritalin
01:29.39DIABLO3one subject to the next, heh
01:29.39browserIn some country porn is illegal but guns are OK. So an expression of mutual love is not OK, but war and killing is. What country is that?
01:30.11unpaidbillif mutual love is banging some chick in the A while slapping and spitting on her face, then im a modern day cassinova
01:30.30unpaidbillyeah ok that crossed the line
01:30.41hsv-aldrmessano, come on, continue the randomness
01:30.44hsv-altop unpaidbill
01:30.51[TK]D-Fenderunpaidbill: uhhhh AWKWARD!AW
01:31.01unpaidbilli hang my head in sname
01:31.17unpaidbillok i had too many beers while golfing today, but i used asterisk to keep myscore
01:31.21hsv-alunpaidbill, lucky the ops are "laid back" because if that was said in other chans
01:31.31hsv-alinsta ban son :)
01:31.31unpaidbillit was so frivilous and awesome.
01:31.46drmessanoGoing to war without the french is like going hunting without an accordion
01:32.04hsv-aldrmessano, did you hear that mufflers are made from metal, and how paper towels people by to clean their countertops?
01:32.06seanbrightyou can always count on the french to be there when they need us
01:32.47drmessanoseanbright: LOL!
01:32.49jayteeunpaidbill, I like it when you make remarks like the mutual love thing. I always thought I was crude and crass but you make me feel cultured and refined in comparison. I just can't top that.
01:33.03unpaidbilli'm glad someone appreciated it.
01:33.14unpaidbilli actually held a lot back
01:33.21unpaidbilli didnt want to offend too many people
01:33.42jayteejust batting for a 60% ratio?
01:34.28drmessanoWhat do you do if a french soldier throws a grenade at you?
01:34.33hsv-alnot 1 post:
01:34.37drmessanoPull the pin out and throw it back
01:34.37jayteeso anyways, did you make par?
01:34.47unpaidbillhaha messano
01:34.59unpaidbillisnt that more of a polish joke though
01:35.16drmessanosed ?
01:36.14hsv-aldrmessano that was funny last week when we were walking in soho in NYC, and we looked in that window at those 4 men in the hot tub..........and we listened in on their conversation, and the one guy said what are those white blobs floating around in the water
01:36.20drmessanoHow many soldiers does it take to guard paris?  No one has ever tried
01:36.25hsv-althen the other guy in there said: "alright guys, who pass-gassed"
01:37.45drmessanoI just finished compiling a french version of Asterisk.. I set all the retries to 0
01:40.13TrentCreekSIP/IAX Friends features?
01:40.43drmessanoFriend creates both a user and a peer
01:41.28TrentCreekoh..i am on some directions, but is seems to not make sense
01:41.45TrentCreekAsterisk2Billing is generating is own configuration files for SIP and IAX when you are using the SIP/IAX Friends features.
01:41.45TrentCreekIn sip.conf, add the following line at the end
01:41.45TrentCreek#include additional_a2billing_sip.conf
01:42.08TrentCreekbut no files are being generated
01:42.21drmessanoWelcome to the world of A2Billing
01:42.33TrentCreekor * ;-)
01:42.43drmessano<TrentCreek> but no files are being generated
01:42.48drmessanoBy a2billing
01:42.55drmessanoNot an asterisk problem
01:43.05TrentCreeki was thinking maybe something I am doing wrong with * is going wrong.
01:43.24drmessano"Asterisk2Billing is generating is own configuration files for SIP and IAX when you are using the SIP/IAX Friends features."
01:43.27drmessanoand.. it's not
01:43.31drmessanoSo therefore
01:43.35drmessanoIt's BROKE
01:43.51drmessanoFix it, and it will "generate it's own configuration files"
01:44.08TrentCreektheir install guide is not so clear and contains some errors
01:44.17TrentCreekbut I will go over there..gracias
01:44.31drmessanoA2Billing generally sucks
01:44.36browserTrentCreek: I have an a2billing machine in production and it generates the conf. I'd guess YOU have done something wrong. Which version are you using?
01:44.49drmessanoWhich is why I was pointing out  a2billing being an issue
01:45.09TrentCreekwhat else is there that is free and works?
01:45.31browserTrentCreek: Check the permission, can a2billing write in the /etc/asterisk ?
01:45.38unpaidbillwrite your own, trent!
01:45.49TrentCreekyes i made the whole dir 777
01:46.02TrentCreekyes I can do that.
01:46.05drmessanoUse notepad
01:46.31browserTrentCreek: Nothing comes for free. Either you pay $ and get service (convenience) or you have to give your time. That's my conclusion.
01:46.49TrentCreekyes that is true
01:47.05TrentCreekbut even with Windows you still pay and still suck up your time
01:48.19browserTrentCreek: Even I tend to agree, this statement is too general. Search the registry = suck up time. install.exe = idiot can do it.
01:49.23browserTrentCreek: I can confirm that 1.3.3 does work for me. It's to do with your config.
01:50.10TrentCreekuture versions of Asterisk will treat a #include of a file that does not exist as an error, and will fail to load that configuration file.  Please ensure that the file 'additional_a2billing_sip.conf' exists, even if it is empty.[
01:50.41TrentCreeki just looked in another additional_a2billing_sip.conf file and it only contains user accounts
01:51.15drmessanoIf a2billing IS NOT creating the file, you're STILL barking up the wrong tree
01:51.18browserTrentCreek: Sounds like the solution. Create the file. Appearantly a2 is only writing into the file but no creating it.
01:51.42drmessano"Future versions of Asterisk will treat a #include of a file that does not exist as an error, and will fail to load that configuration file."
01:51.46TrentCreeki know...but at this point I am not sure where the problem is as I have gone over their install guide 5 times
01:51.50drmessanoIt's not failing to load anything
01:52.04drmessanoIt's not loading a file that doesn't exist
01:52.09browserTrentCreek: Just create the file empty
01:52.21TrentCreekthen Asterisk is failing to reload
01:52.52drmessanoAsterisk can't load a fucking file that DOESN'T EXIST
01:53.05TrentCreekyou are not paying attention
01:53.19TrentCreekIt is getting STUCK on the command RELOAD
01:53.25drmessano<TrentCreek> but no files are being generated
01:53.29TrentCreeklast output
01:53.39browserTrentCreek: and then you make some modification to a user and write the file out throught the GUI. May I point to the fact that this is an Asterisk channel and a2billing is not supported here.
01:54.37TrentCreekWell it seems I am not asking about a2billing now, but why RELOAD is getting stuck at   -- Added extension 's' priority 1 to macro-trunkdial
01:55.02browserTrentCreek: What is actually your issue? The SIP friends not being loaded or the file is not written?
01:55.24*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
01:55.42TrentCreekWhy Asterisk is not completing the reload..the only message I got it what I already posted
01:55.50browserTrentCreek: If the file isn't there it cannot be loaded so that's unlikely to stop Asterisk.
01:56.05*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:57.26TrentCreekSo again, I am trying to figure out why Asterisk is not completing the reload
01:57.57browserupload the whole reload output to pastebin and show me
01:59.09browserdo you see warnings or errors?
02:00.25*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
02:00.32drmessanoAFAIK, the reload issue has been put office, partly due to issues with FreePBX
02:00.50TrentCreekno warnings or errors
02:00.52drmessanoSince FreePBX uses a lot of #includes for non-existant files
02:02.18TrentCreekHere is the reload
02:02.35Qwelldrmessano: didn't they fix that?
02:03.23drmessanoQwell: There was some talk about using touch to create the files, but I don't believe it's happened yet
02:03.25Qwellthey were supposed to make it so it creates the files if they don't exist
02:03.34Qwellseriously?  that was like...6 months ago
02:03.50drmessanoOnly 6 months?
02:03.55Qwellsomething like that
02:03.59drmessanoWhat's the hurry
02:05.49TrentCreekbrowser: Just making sure you saw it
02:07.11browserTrentCreek: so you think the reload is not complete? What else did you expect to be loaded. First get rid of all the sample configs. There is so much unnecessary fru fru in it.
02:07.38TrentCreekbecause the cursor does not return back to the CLI
02:08.51TrentCreekI will get rid of them..i just want to get it running
02:09.01browserfair enough. hitting enter doesn't help? Those macros don't belong to a2billing anyway.
02:10.24TrentCreekbrowser: Hitting enter does make it go to CLI
02:10.38browseryou understand the basic dialplan, right? Asterisk would tell you if something was wrongly formatted. As you stated, there is no error.
02:10.54TrentCreekyes I do
02:11.32TrentCreekbut...I am not totally sure how it responds..if a program is will not report anything
02:11.45browserservice restart asterisk
02:12.08seanbrightjust because it doesn't drop back to the CLI prompt, it doesn't mean it's hung
02:12.11browserasterisk -r
02:12.18browserif you get in, it's loaded fine
02:12.36TrentCreekdamn..."Service not found"
02:12.57browserdo a make configure in the source dir
02:13.30browserthis will create the startup scripts for you
02:13.32TrentCreekdrmessano had me do some commands the other day to make it a service..but hmm..not working now
02:13.42drmessanoI did?
02:13.51TrentCreeki think it was you
02:13.55browser/etc/init.d/asterisk restart are nrw results
02:16.15browserthat's good. this says more.
02:18.02browserhang ono
02:19.41drmessanoHang Ono!
02:19.47drmessanoYeah, fuck Yoko
02:19.59drmessanoShe killed the Beatles
02:20.51browseryou have installed the addons package
02:21.32*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
02:21.44browserbut your cdrmysql.conf needs attention.
02:22.02browsera2billing doesn't not need DB based CDRs however
02:22.32TrentCreekwhat should I do with cdrmysql.conf?
02:22.43browserand please insert a noload in modules.conf for H.323 unless you need that module
02:23.31browserhave you already created the 'additional_a2billing_sip.conf' file? I recall I told you so some time ago
02:24.17TrentCreeknot yet...I will
02:24.22browserand Qwell and drmessano saw my recommendation. Why did you NOT?
02:24.35obnauticusAnyone here know of a good GSM cell phone that isn't a "Smart Phone" and one that isn't stupid with like ringtones and stuff or bloated with stuff that's for stupid users?
02:24.47obnauticusBecause my brother doesn't wanna pay the 30/mo at&t will charge him to bet a blackberry.
02:24.53drmessanoDid you just upgrade zaptel?
02:25.23browserobnauticus: you are in the wrong channel. please visit a cellphone shop.
02:25.48obnauticusbrowser I was expecting someone here to be helpful with personal insight, cellphone shops are fucking retarded, but thanks for your retardation also.
02:26.01TrentCreekits not letting me...i have to stop asterisk
02:26.01drmessanoobnauticus: dont be a dick
02:26.11drmessanoTrentCreek: Did you just upgrade zaptel?
02:26.12obnauticuswhat he said was asenine, I'm just letting him know
02:26.20obnauticusin the event that he actually did not know.
02:26.21TrentCreekI dont have or use Zaptel
02:26.23obnauticusdrmessano what's up?
02:26.23browserobnauticus: if you asked for a SIP phone, allright. But what do we have to do with GSM?
02:26.26drmessanoThis isn't a fucking cellphone shop
02:26.32obnauticusbrowser ok, how about this
02:26.40obnauticusim running my GSM cell network on Asterisk.
02:26.49obnauticusWhat is a good cell phone that will not hastle my customers when they buy a phone
02:27.09obnauticuswow you guys are fucking gay.
02:27.13browserobnauticus: If you run a GSM network, you shouldn't bother about 30 bucks
02:27.18drmessanoSo are you, now go away
02:27.25obnauticusexcellent comeback.
02:27.41obnauticusbrowser why can't someone just help people, i've helped like 100 people in here with OT stuff.
02:27.55browserobnauticus: I'd be worried for you business if you really ran a whole network on Asterisk
02:28.04obnauticusit was a joke, i would never do that.
02:28.13obnauticusand i was trying to put it `on topic` so your smartass would be happy.
02:28.23obnauticusanyway, im going to leave before i get banned.
02:28.28browserobnauticus: OK. serious.
02:28.29drmessanoFucking kids
02:29.11TrentCreekI cant make the additional_a2billing_sip.conf file
02:29.14obnauticusdrmessano as I said before, I have helped A LOT of people in here with on-topic and off-topic things, when you call me on offtopic and refuse to help it's a little frustrating.
02:29.20obnauticusso i suggest you shut the fuck up.
02:29.39TrentCreek~kick obnauticus
02:29.40jbotACTION kicks obnauticus
02:29.54browserobnauticus: If you don't get a subscription for a subsidized phone, you will have to buy one. Home electronic depots have phones in display.
02:30.08obnauticusphones on display do not help me with technical things.
02:30.13drmessanoobnauticus: I suggest you stop acting like a little bitch
02:30.46obnauticusdrmessano, say I help a lot of people out, and I ask ONE thing, and i have 3 people yell at me, who's the bitch?
02:30.57obnauticusya, im the bitch because im getting owned by 3 people, but those other 3 people are dicks.
02:30.58browserobnauticus: Your brother will love the iPhone. It will ship soon with double the performance at half the price. 199
02:31.27obnauticusbrowser, he doesn't want to pay the extra charge, i'll just google
02:31.30obnauticusthis is ridiculously inefficient.
02:31.39drmessanoobnauticus: But your logic is flawed.  You're still a little bitch
02:31.45obnauticushow so?
02:31.46browserTrentCreek: what is the error output on touch additional_a2billing_sip.conf ?
02:31.57TrentCreeki finally got it..
02:32.06TrentCreeknow to edit the sql.conf
02:32.24obnauticusplease bring this back on topic drmessano.
02:32.30browserTrentCreek: Have you actually MySql running and the db is in place?
02:32.52TrentCreekOnly DB I have in place is for a2billing
02:32.59TrentCreekI never set one up for *
02:33.14drmessanoobnauticus: Ok, did I tell you I called your mom with Asterisk?
02:34.07obnauticusI would ask what she said to you to get you off her line and/or how long it took to contact the authorities about pedophiles contacting her, but that would be offtopic.
02:34.18obnauticusSo please keep it to a minimum, thankyou.
02:34.36TrentCreekbrowser: cdr_mysql.conf is commented out
02:34.37browserobnauticus: Especially if you don't want a subscription you have to snatch the momentum of opportunity. No need I tell you I like the Nokia N95 or so and then that cost 500$ cash.
02:35.30drmessanoobnauticus: I wouldn't know.  She told me she was busy with some mexican guy she picked up at Salvation Army and would call me back on my Asterisk GSM phone later.
02:35.45obnauticusdrmessano, please keep it on topic.
02:35.46browserTrentCreek: where is that commented out. You mean the lines in that config are commented out?
02:35.53obnauticusbrowser, thankyou for your understanding.
02:35.59drmessanoobnauticus: Asterisk is clearly on topic of them, because no DB is setup..i never did
02:36.24obnauticusIt cannot be on topic, because she doesn't have an asterisk GSM phone.
02:36.29obnauticusSo please keep it on topic.
02:36.40drmessanoobnauticus: You are ignorant.. I said MINE
02:36.55TrentCreekMust be in the sample configs
02:37.04browserTrentCreek: I am not going to explain you that now. Find a suitable .sql file on google. Google is your friend anyway.
02:37.26TrentCreekno need
02:37.38obnauticusdrmessano, I didn't make the connection between food handler and an expensive asterisk phone, but please -- on topic.
02:37.38TrentCreekalready has
02:37.44drmessanoobnauticus: Regardless, she does have an Asterisk tattooed on her left buttocks.
02:37.58drmessanoobnauticus: But of course, you already know that.
02:38.00browserTrentCreek: when I say google, I always include voip-info in my prayer
02:39.02TrentCreekbrowser: However.....someome two days ago told me to not bother with a database for * unless I really needed
02:39.15obnauticusI find it interesting that the person who called me `Kid` is now generating "Your mom" jokes.
02:39.29drmessanoobnauticus: That's what she said, over Asterisk
02:39.34obnauticusMaybe a lack of mental capacity?
02:39.36browserTrentCreek: Don't get nervous. You don't need the * CDR DB
02:39.37drmessanoobnauticus: Besides, you're 17
02:39.41obnauticusOr just straight up ignorance.
02:39.47drmessanoobnauticus: You ARE a kid
02:39.54browserTrentCreek: Try and see whether your sip friends get written TO THE FILE FROM THE GUI
02:39.59obnauticusdrmessano maturity is a behavure/action, not an age.
02:40.16drmessanoobnauticus: Trust me, you act 17.. No one would accuse you of being mature
02:40.26obnauticusI admit, I am a kid, but eon's more mature and intelligent than you will EVER be.
02:40.32obnauticusbut please keep the conversation on topic.
02:40.54drmessanoobnauticus: You sound pretty stupid to me.. don't flatter yourself.. Really, don't.
02:41.11browserTrentCreek: What they meant was the * REALTIME interface. Don't touch that for a GOOD TIME until you get some experience with * flat config files.
02:41.41obnauticusThe last time I checked this was the official asterisk support channel. Qwell, twisted, mog, denon, file, Corydon76-dig, bkruse, angler
02:42.08drmessanoSo ask an on-topic question please
02:42.11fileraises eyebrow
02:42.21drmessanoGSM phones are not on-topic, but thank you for pointing that out
02:42.22browserobnauticus: drmessano had a hard day. he was bitching to me hard. forgive him and google for 'smart phone reviews' 'cheaper smartphone alternative'
02:42.24obnauticusfile, drmessano is cracking your mom jokes and i told him to stop repatedly.
02:42.43obnauticusi.e. [19:37:58] <obnauticus> [19:37:46] <drmessano> obnauticus: Regardless, she does have an Asterisk tattooed on her left buttocks.
02:42.51drmessanoYou never told me to stop
02:43.00drmessano<obnauticus> Keep going, dood
02:43.06obnauticusI told you to keep the conversation on topic, my mother has absolutely nothing to do with asterisk.
02:43.12obnauticusand im pretty sure the op can use the ctrl+f function.
02:43.13*** join/#asterisk TorrK (
02:43.13drmessanoNeither do GSM phones
02:43.24obnauticusTelephony has somethign to do with asterisk, I am sure of that.
02:43.32drmessanoNo, not really
02:43.34drmessanoNot GSM phones
02:43.43drmessanoGSM Phone =! Asterisk
02:43.46obnauticusThis conversation is far too stupid for me, bye.
02:43.49drmessanoNot even the same letters
02:44.05browser<browser> obnauticus: drmessano had a hard day. he was bitching to me hard. forgive him and google for 'smart phone reviews' 'cheaper smartphone alternative'
02:44.06drmessanoEnjoy your dashboard confessional
02:45.20browserobnauticus: my credits to you for fighting the battle fair, depite the current harsh tone going on there.
02:45.48drmessanobrowser: You have no clue what you're talking about here.. obnauticus is a regular troll.. I suggest you STFU
02:46.51browserTrentCreek: any progress?
02:46.58TrentCreekI was just lokking
02:47.14TrentCreekIt has sample SQL files for MY SQL & Asterisk
02:47.42drmessanoGod this place is a waste of fucking time anymore..
02:47.46*** part/#asterisk drmessano (
02:47.48browsergood for you. but let's get your .conf file written and close the case.
02:48.45TrentCreeki made it
02:49.42browseryou made what. you wrote a2billing again?
02:50.01TrentCreekthe additional.....conf file
02:52.10TrentCreekI am confused about that
02:52.31browserthat what?
02:52.49TrentCreek"Try and see whether your sip friends get written TO THE FILE FROM THE GUI"
02:54.02browserwell. log into a2billing and create a sip friends. then a2billing will ask you whether you want to write the config out to a file. you will say yes and it should write the entries to the file.
02:54.08*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:55.56browserbecause I have to walk my dog. I love to help newbies but let's close this ticket soon.
02:56.26TrentCreekokay...go walk
02:56.29TrentCreekI will be here
02:57.19browserit's 5 in the morning. this IRC stuff makes people addicted. I want to sue IRC and Linux to make me addicted to their stuff.
02:57.34TrentCreekonly 10 PM here
02:58.58browserAnd your setup is not going in production tomorrow I guess?
02:58.59TrentCreekokay..logged it
02:59.15TrentCreekbut I have been working on this thing a while
03:00.39TrentCreekCould not open buddy file : '/etc/asterisk/additional_a2billing_sip.conf'
03:01.32browserI guess it's just an academic exercise then. Because otherwise you had better paid Areski to get your business logic running and have earned more yourself in the same time ;-)
03:01.43browserwhat are the permissions on that file?
03:01.48TrentCreekno academic
03:02.00TrentCreekprobably root
03:02.31browsercan php write to it?
03:02.39browsergive it a 755
03:03.20wonderworldis there a way to broadcast cam-video to multiple users users with asterisk?
03:03.55TrentCreekbrowser: so I guess this means it works
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03:05.22TrentCreekwonderworld: did you check out meetme?
03:05.48*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (
03:05.51Corydon76-digobnauticus: AT&T should have some low end phones for that purpose
03:05.56browserTrentCreek: has been generated means success?
03:06.04Corydon76-digobnauticus: or get one of the prepaid cellphones
03:06.23*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
03:06.36browserTrentCreek: that what you wanted, right?
03:06.53TrentCreekwell, I guess it is working now..then yes..thanks
03:06.57browserTrentCreek: So we can burry the case with all honours
03:07.10TrentCreekthat one on to next ;-)
03:07.20TrentCreeki just need to get all the spanish sound files
03:07.37TrentCreekor do it?
03:07.45TrentCreekAnyone anyone?
03:08.23browserTrentCreek: a2billing needs some extra soundfiles for prepaid. not sure whether that is all covered within the vendor's standard
03:08.40browserTrentCreek: I think the sound files come with the tarball
03:08.44TrentCreekit mentioned, but was not clear enough
03:09.24browserTrentCreek: I think I remember. First get a set of standard prompts and then overlay the sound files from a2billing
03:09.26TrentCreekDon't forget to get the appropriate asterisk audio files to play the balance, time to call, other... To get the international asterisk audio files, you can find those available through the link
03:09.43TrentCreekthat is from their install
03:10.07browserTrentCreek: And what is not clear. Where do you still need advice?
03:11.06TrentCreekso I guess I just put in all the sound files just to be on the safe side?
03:11.27browserdo you need english as well or just spanish?
03:11.50TrentCreekno frog allowed
03:11.54wonderworldTrentCreek: i read a lot about meetme but never read that it supported cams. are you sure?
03:12.57browseryou should find the files from Digium and to be perfectly honest I always copy sound files with WinSCP to the right place because cp missing a trailing slash can mess up your existing files
03:14.20TrentCreekso far , now when copying it has asked me if I want to overwrite the files
03:14.46TrentCreekwonderworld: I am not sure..I just keep hearing about everyone using it
03:21.51*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
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03:29.10browserTrentCreek: I am leaving. next time you compile asterisk you could do a make menuconfig. you can choose from there what sounds you want installed. you better install the wav version which sounds better than gsm when transcoded.
03:30.01TrentCreeki did that
03:30.14TrentCreekthanks for the help..thanks
03:30.33TrentCreekbut the guide from a2b was not clear on what addional sounds i need
03:34.01[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: And you SHOULDN'T install wav's at all.
03:34.44[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: You should install 1 set of each codec you intent on actively using.
03:35.03[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: because you don't WANT to be transcoding ANYTHING.
03:36.42TrentCreekoh...okay...then each codec file set has all those extra sounds?
03:37.06[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: They all contain the same sounds.
03:37.42TrentCreekoh..okay..i understand now..thanks
03:39.16*** join/#asterisk simprix (
03:44.04TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: Then I assume WAV files are for SIP and IAX2?
03:44.15[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: No.
03:44.37[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: SIP & IAX are protocols.  That has no impact on codec selection.
03:44.51[TK]D-FenderCall signalling protocols that is...
03:44.55TrentCreekoh yeah..thanks for reminding me
03:45.04*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
03:45.29[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: "wav" has no place in your system except as a format to record in where you intend of e-mailing to poorly equiped clients.
03:45.31TrentCreekits been a while since did a setup last
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07:50.23_gmwhats the aserisk's largest deployement?
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08:02.51^shark_i am not a programmer in anyway but i am looking for a script that will manage my billing. I want to be able to add credit to my office extensions
08:05.04_gm^shark_: you can setup a billing application on top of your asterisk
08:05.38_gmor you can create an agi ur self in php
08:05.44^shark__gm: how is this possible, would you show me any url i can relate to this?
08:06.12_gmdo u know any programming language like pHP?
08:06.43^shark__gm: i have seen the code but not taken very close notice, to me i dont know how to program with it!
08:09.24styelz is a good reference
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08:10.04styelzthe search for: is quite good for finding functions
08:10.41styelzlots of example code too
08:10.47^shark__gm: can anyone send me a script? i am rather desparate to see one and modify it if i have to.
08:14.09_gmyou can find many on
08:14.24^shark_let me give it a try
08:17.49^shark__gm: thanks again.
08:28.27TrentCreekwhich one is better> astoo or a2billing?
08:31.03_gmcheckout online demo's of both
08:34.08TrentCreekjust did
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08:36.13TrentCreekwhat is Asterisk's largest deployment/??
08:40.31^shark_some of these billing software have features that are not really necessary, thats the downside to them but otherwise they are good software
08:46.01TrentCreekwell not if you need them
08:46.04TrentCreekto do that
08:46.27TrentCreekbut if you do need to do that, then how can you say they dont need them?
08:50.37^shark_well its about personal choice & i think not all those features are actually that necessary for a billing system in asterisk.
08:51.01TrentCreekyes, true, but for some they would need them
08:52.43^shark_ok i agree ;)
08:52.56*** part/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=Admin@
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09:08.59TrentCreekShhhh...we are all sleeping
09:10.24kqtjli got sipura3000  which is connected my asterisk server
09:10.43kqtjli also connect my sipura 3000 to my pstn line
09:10.46TrentCreekgreat great..I got a Linksys
09:11.07*** join/#asterisk L-info (
09:11.10kqtjlthe eqivalent of sipura 3000 ?
09:11.37kqtjlwhen i switch my phone
09:11.58kqtjlby default i can only use my asterisk line
09:12.08kqtjlhow to use my pstn line ?
09:12.41kqtjli got also an grandstream i486
09:12.48TrentCreekthat would be a Sipura issue
09:12.53kqtjlwhich is do the same thing
09:13.13kqtjlif want to access to pstn line
09:13.32kqtjli have to do *00
09:13.42kqtjlto access to my pstn line
09:13.58kqtjli can't that option on my sipura 3000
09:14.29TrentCreekthen you better look at your Sipura manual
09:15.28kqtjlbut can't find it
09:15.45kqtjlthe option on my grandstream i486 is called "PSTN Access Code"
09:16.07kqtjlwhat is the name of that option on sipura3000
09:16.56kqtjland also as i live in country where ppl not very intelligent i can't get more information about it
09:17.12TrentCreekbetter look on is your bestest friend
09:17.50kqtjli have to know at least the option name to make a google search
09:18.09kqtjlyes i know google is my bestfrend
09:18.23kqtjli have to enter the correct term
09:18.41kqtjlto have what i want
09:18.54TrentCreekI typed sipura 3000 manual
09:19.04kqtjli got the manual
09:19.11TrentCreekand got this in.00000000003 seconds
09:19.18styelzhave you checkked the web interface..
09:19.38styelzslect admin.. then advanced.. then VOICE
09:20.25TrentCreekno, because I dont have sipura, and this is a Asterisk chat
09:21.52*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:22.14kqtjlyes i check the ip of the devic
09:22.26styelzVoIP-To-PSTN Gateway Setup
09:22.30styelzVoIP Caller ID Pattern:
09:22.34styelzset that
09:23.34*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:23.38styelzonce you set all that.. dump the config to a file and store in tftp
09:24.00styelzif you can
09:25.18kqtjlthx a lot styelz
09:25.58styelzprobably what TrentCreek posted too
09:26.42styelzbut the other way round
09:26.56kqtjlthx TrentCreek
09:27.22styelzthat is pstn -> voip though
09:27.32styelznot voip -> pstn gateway on linksys
09:28.07styelzlike youo want to prefix the number with say 9.. and have it dial out the pstn on the spa
09:28.23styelzfrom voip
09:30.00styelzuse that
09:30.12kqtjlreal support styelz
09:30.18kqtjlthanks a lot styelz
09:31.12styelznp hope it helps
09:31.38kqtjlyes really because i passed one week to find that
09:31.44kqtjlthx again
09:39.00*** join/#asterisk jack_sparo (
09:39.09jack_sparoi want to know where to edit the ampuser and password?
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10:03.33servettasi have a problem about sip trunk, when i called sip trunk it looking circuit-busy error msg. Can anyone help me pls.. here error log   thanks..
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10:51.19monstertruckcould someone please tell me what is wrong with this configuration:
10:51.53monstertruckexten => 1111,1,Answer();
10:51.53monstertruckexten => 1111,2,Hangup();
10:52.32browserservettas: do a 'sip debug ip x' with x being the trunk IP
10:52.56styelzits iax
10:53.22styelzanwser, hangup ?
10:53.53monstertruckthat's just a test, I keep getting this error: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1111@'
10:54.23monstertruckbut the extension exists in the right context
10:54.43*** join/#asterisk e2e5 (n=timati@
10:55.42browserjack_sparo: please google. This is not a channels for A@H, Tribox and Freepbx
10:56.03e2e5hello! can anybody point me to instruction how to compile asterisk with OPAL/h323 ?
10:56.06jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
10:56.39[netman]monstertruck: try just "type=peer"
10:57.03styelzmonstertruck: or try get it to work with secret=pass not auth=md5
10:57.50monstertruckstyelz, auth md5 is because im writing the client, and so far can only do md5
10:58.15browser[netman]: How did you solve your issue with yum the other day?
10:58.34monstertrucktype=peer didnt help
10:58.35[netman]browser: remember me, plz
10:58.47[netman]monstertruck: try first without passwords
10:59.11[netman]so remove both lines secret=none and auth=md5
10:59.37browser[netman]: the nasty issue with the missing/wrong library which appeared to break python on the machine
11:00.06monstertruckno luck
11:00.14[netman]browser: I think u r confused, it should be an issue from another nick, not me
11:00.47[netman]monstertruck: what is the config on the other side of the IAX2 link?
11:01.44monstertruckim trying with kiax and getting the same result that i get with the custom client
11:02.05monstertruckright password, right username, plain text auth
11:02.28[netman]monstertruck: I think u could put a context config line in kiax
11:02.43browser[netman]: maybe I am confused :-( Now I think I remember right, your IAX2 trunk didn't work for incoming termination. Does it now? Was it the firewall or the otherr side?
11:03.02[netman]IAX2 trouble
11:03.07[netman]It was a firewall issue
11:03.12*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
11:03.15monstertruck[netman], i have the same extension 1111 in the default context
11:03.45monstertruckshouldnt it be run if no context is specified?
11:04.20browser[netman]: so now 100k minutes/day without a problem? congrats
11:04.43monstertruck...just started the second pack of smokes over this .. .please help a young man not lose a lung ...
11:05.45monstertruckshould it matter that client and server are running on the same computer?
11:05.49[netman]monstertruck: forget about the context in kiax, u cannot setup something like a "peercontext" line, that was I thinking about
11:06.01[netman]thx browser
11:07.50[netman]monstertruck: what is the username u have choosen on the kiax client?
11:08.14monstertruck[netman],   auser
11:08.31monstertruckis the same i have in iax.conf
11:08.38[netman]it's ok
11:09.41[netman]plz, type again ur current asterisk iax config
11:13.44[netman]it's ok
11:14.01[netman]what is the config in kiax, plz?
11:15.27monstertruckIAX Server:
11:15.32monstertruckUsername: auser
11:15.39monstertruckno password
11:16.24monstertruckand this is extensions.conf
11:16.27monstertruckexten => 1111,1,Answer();
11:16.27monstertruckexten => 1111,2,Hangup();
11:16.27monstertruckexten => 1111,1,Answer
11:16.28monstertruckexten => 1111,2,Hangup
11:16.37[netman]it's also ok
11:18.33[netman]can u check out whether ur iax client is registered on ur asterisk?
11:19.54monstertruckit is
11:19.57monstertruck*CLI> iax2 show peers
11:19.57monstertruckName/Username    Host                 Mask             Port          Status
11:19.57monstertruckauser         (D)  14334         Unmonitored
11:19.57monstertruck1 iax2 peers [0 online, 0 offline, 1 unmonitored]
11:20.25[netman]just add qualify=yes
11:20.31[netman]on iax.conf
11:20.33*** join/#asterisk Basarat (
11:21.28monstertruckok, that fixed the unmonitored part
11:21.52Basaratsorry to barge in..... I am aware of CFU , CFB , CFNRY , CFNRC .... but on my nokia phone I see a fifth option : "If not available" ... what is this? anyone know ?
11:23.49[netman]BTW: remove "();" from Answer and Hangup in context default, plz
11:26.59monstertruckwhat I get from iax debug is:
11:33.03Basaratokay got it .... basically it activates all cfb,cfnry,cfnrc
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12:28.22esrtyuito all
12:28.50esrtyuii got a brilliant solution to asterisk project i don't know if it exist allready
12:29.54esrtyuilike the instant messenger
12:30.30esrtyuiwhen u send an instant  message to someone who got the same messenger
12:30.36esrtyuilike yahoo
12:30.56esrtyuiisthereanyone here ?
12:31.14esrtyuii can't explain my self alone
12:32.45ariel_yes there are some people here
12:33.31Estergeekwhen u use yahoo messenger
12:34.06Estergeeku send a message to someone via messager when the user not online
12:34.28Estergeekthe message is waiting somewhere
12:35.04Estergeekwhen the end user open the messenger he get the waiting message
12:35.55Estergeekisit possible to do samething using a voicemessage with asterisk ?
12:36.19ariel_that is a duty of the server that the user is connected to store the message.
12:36.31ariel_Estergeek, asterisk has vm
12:37.19Estergeekcan u reformulate my question to make sure if u understand my question or not ?
12:38.10Estergeekwhat i want to do is
12:38.37Estergeekwith 2 sip account
12:38.43Estergeekone is offline
12:38.46Estergeekone is online
12:39.36Estergeekthe  user is online  call the user who's offline record a message
12:39.54Estergeekand the message is in a waiting queue
12:40.38Estergeeklike this when the offline user come online get the record message is it possible ?
12:40.42ariel_wonders how can that be diff then what is in our vm right now
12:41.21ariel_Estergeek, our system stores the vm and when a phone connects it noticfies the phone it has messages
12:41.39ariel_depending on the phone it either beeps or gives a light display.
12:41.52ariel_see voicemail.conf for settings.
12:42.37ariel_Estergeek, it can also email the message and if you want can notify via sms to the person
12:43.07Estergeekfantastic fambulous
12:43.10Estergeekthx a lot
12:43.23Estergeeki never believe that it exist allready
12:43.36Estergeekok thanks alot ariel_
12:43.54ariel_that is one of the first things added to asterisk back in the beginning.
12:44.21Estergeekok cool
12:44.23Estergeekthx a lot
12:45.43*** join/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
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13:13.55ArashHemmatHi, I'm searching for a voip provider which be able to cover all the world, anybody know any good provider?!
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13:19.13ArashHemmatHi, I'm searching for a voip provider which be able to cover all the world, anybody know any good provider?!
13:19.14ariel_voip provider that can cover the world. That is going to be ruff in prises.
13:20.07ArashHemmatariel_, actually the call-labs provides such a service but they don't accept new customers!
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13:35.52browserArashHemmat: are you looking for call termination?
13:36.29ArashHemmatbrowser, exactly
13:36.32browserArashHemmat: I mean, it must be somthing special you are looking for if none of the available offers suit your needs.
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13:37.13ArashHemmatbrowser, no! I only need good price and qaulity over sip protocole !
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14:10.48wonderworldis there a way to broadcast video to multiple users with asterisk?
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15:09.59rscSomebody an idea, what does wrong, when the DTMF-1 sounds *very* different from DTMF-(2-9)? At least DTMF-(1-9) was normal in the past, but somehow it changed, but I don't know why. It's independent of the phone...
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16:21.52BugKhaMsince 1.4.X I was unable to use IP address in the SIP domain field, the error message  was "Not a local domain"
16:23.59BugKhaMis there a way to use an ip address instead of a domian in the sip domain field?
16:25.03mvanbaakcheck the sip.conf.sample in the source
16:25.07*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
16:25.10mvanbaakthere's something about local domains in there
16:27.52xnixanhi, when trying to install zaptel-1.4.11 on fedora9 i have this error message
16:27.56xnixan"You do not appear to have the sources for the kernel installed."
16:28.25NovceGuruwhat would logic tell you to do to fix that
16:28.54xnixanNovceGuru, install the kernel source!
16:29.29xnixanNovceGuru, :)
16:29.58xnixanNovceGuru, the problem, i had it already installed!
16:30.16NovceGuruare you sure they're for
16:30.18mvanbaakthat specific version ?
16:30.50xnixanNovceGuru, and i had it soft linked to every where possible
16:31.11xnixanand still have that annoying error!
16:31.29NovceGurutry reinstalling the sources :|
16:31.39xnixanNovceGuru, thanks
16:33.01e2e5hello, is anybody using asterisk under Fedora ?
16:33.55xnixane2e5, welcome to the club, having and success?
16:37.31e2e5I have no success with h323 on Fedora 9
16:37.41NovceGuruxnixan: google says that kernel has some security vulns, why not try wiping all your softlinks and updating to the latest?
16:37.58e2e5it either doesn't compile, or coreing
16:38.51xnixanNovceGuru, i will give it a try, thanks!
16:39.13xnixane2e5, same as here :)
16:40.06e2e5who else is expiriencing the same problems ?
16:46.12*** join/#asterisk settntrenz (
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16:49.28e2e5does anybody know how to install asterisk + h323 stuff on Fedora 9 ?
16:50.12mvanbaake2e5: just grab the latest sources, and run: ./configure && make menuselect
16:50.24mvanbaakin there, go to channel drivers
16:50.46mvanbaakif h323 is not selected go to it to find out why not (it will show you at the bottom of your screen)
16:50.49e2e5did you do it by yourself ?
16:50.54mvanbaakresolve that dependency
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16:51.07e2e5or you are telling me general things how they should work ?
16:51.08mvanbaakand rerun ./configure && make menuselect
16:51.25mvanbaakI'm telling you how I do it
16:51.39e2e5so, did you do it by yourself on Fedora 9 ?
16:52.39mvanbaakno, but it works the same on openbsd, debian and ubuntu
16:52.44mvanbaakso also on fedora
16:52.55e2e5sorry, I do not need general things
16:52.56mvanbaakthe hard part will be to find the specific package for openh323
16:53.15e2e5I need things which will work exactly on Fedora 9
16:53.19mvanbaaklook, you can use the general things, and just find the right package on fedora
16:53.29mvanbaakwhat I told you will work on fedora
16:53.49e2e5ok, can you find proper RPM of pwlib and openh323 for Fedora 9 ?
16:54.40e2e5(as you probably know) Fedora dropped support for openh323, and includes OPAL
16:54.48mvanbaaktry google
16:55.29e2e5well, can you give me Googled result for this situation ?
16:55.54mvanbaakwhy not try it yourself ?
16:56.16e2e5because I alreadi did
16:57.01e2e5do me a favour please, point me to googled result how to compile asterisk + h323 on Fedora 9 ?
16:57.05e2e5be so kind
16:57.32e2e5I'm just asking of a small favour
16:58.19mvanbaakI dont know fedora, and I dont want to know fedora ;)
16:58.28e2e5it will be the best proof of being me so stupid, that I couldn't do it by myself and came here
16:59.04e2e5you are just trying to prove I'm stupid and point me to general things like OpenBSD and Google
16:59.15e2e5go ahead, find something in Google and point me
16:59.31mvanbaak'fedora 9 openh323'
16:59.32mvanbaakthere you go
16:59.45mvanbaakI'm not trying to prove you are stupid
16:59.51e2e5you are
16:59.51mvanbaakI'm just telling you how to do it
17:00.03e2e5so do it, if it's doable
17:00.15e2e5do just one more step
17:00.56mvanbaak'fedora 9 openh323'
17:01.01e2e5you are telling me to use google, so can you please use google (the way you advice) and point me to result ?
17:01.14mvanbaakuse that as search string for google
17:01.16mvanbaakthere you go
17:01.21mvanbaak21.500 hits
17:01.34settntrenze2e5: check this out noticed that the author mentions that pwlib wouldn't compile on FC5. He gives instructions to work around. May not translate to FC9 but may be worth a look
17:02.16e2e5modern Fedora comes with pwlib-1.10 and OPAL (instead of openh323)
17:02.47e2e5not-so-modern-Fedora (6, for example) did come with openh323
17:03.33mvanbaakthen compile openh323 from source
17:03.39e2e5unfortunately, src.rpm from that time don't work now (they refuse to compile for c++ reasons)
17:03.55e2e5configure: *** The OPENH323 installation on this system appears to be broken.
17:04.16e2e5I installed openh323 from source, but configure (asterisk thing) complains about openh323
17:05.05mvanbaakremove opal and pwlib packages, grab the source from, compile and install those, and be done with it
17:05.49e2e5I already did so
17:05.57e2e5asterisk tries to find /usr/share/pwlib/../openh323/version.h
17:06.11e2e5but somehow version.h is in different folder
17:06.51mvanbaake2e5: then try one (or both) of these switches to ./configure
17:07.20e2e5what is PATH ? just /usr or path to header ? to library ?
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17:07.44e2e5can you give me an example of files layout and how they affect --with options ?
17:08.02mvanbaakI cant for fedora, because I'm not using that
17:08.13mvanbaakI can give it for openbsd and/or debian
17:08.17mvanbaakhey oej
17:08.48oejWe're still running a badly configured php on
17:09.03mvanbaakyou tell them !
17:09.22e2e5give it for DEbian
17:09.24oejOh, I've told them many times over the years. But every time they have a new sysadmin, it happens again
17:11.03e2e5I did ./configure --with-pwlib=/root/pwlib_Phobos_release2 --with-h323=/root/openh323_v1_18_0
17:12.29*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
17:12.39mvanbaake2e5: did you install pwlib and openh323 there ?
17:12.44mvanbaakor just unpacked it
17:13.34e2e5I unpacked to those folders, ran configure, make ... fixed some c++ errors about types conversions .... again make and make install
17:17.50hsv-ali feel like a jobless bum, i woke up at 12pm today, because i went to bed at 4am, via beer+wine+M80's last night. lulz
17:18.22mvanbaakhsv-al: lol, sounds like a good time
17:19.02e2e5hello, jobless bum
17:19.45settntrenz^ when my alarm goes off at 6am M-F I certainly miss the jobless bum days (ie.. college)
17:20.38mchoucan anyone recommend a appointment reminder call software?
17:20.43e2e5comes with an idea of becaming a bum and asking change on IRC channels
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17:25.52e2e5what that could mean ?
17:26.18e2e5I installed exactly pwlib-1.10 and openh323-1.18 as mentioned in asterisk h323 docs
17:27.41mvanbaakI have no idea
17:28.29e2e5what pwlib and openh323 is known to work with asterisk ?
17:28.46e2e5today I've found: and opal
17:29.09mvanbaakSource: openh323
17:29.09mvanbaakVersion: 1.18.0.dfsg-7build1
17:29.22Strom_Me2e5: do you absolutely need h323?
17:30.09e2e5unfortunately, I do
17:31.44e2e5we need Fedora, and they are known for short release lifetime
17:32.20e2e5so, you just need to install fresh Fedora (and make asterisk work on it)
17:32.59e2e5it was pretty good until I they released (and I installed) Fedora 9 recently on new server
17:33.46Strom_Mwhy do you absolutely need h323?
17:34.09e2e5because we terminate h323 calls
17:34.41Strom_Mok then :)
17:34.45e2e51.18.0.dfsg-7build1 is debian package, where do they get source ?
17:35.04e2e5I mean which of numerous openh323 clones they use ?
17:37.23hsv-alhttp:// , can someone check if thats streaming, ie: winamp
17:37.28hsv-alits going to be live linked to my moh
17:42.35styelzworks fine hsv-al
17:42.44styelzdoof doof
17:43.23e2e5damn, it seem's configure is broken
17:43.40e2e5it tries to detect pwlib-1.12 instead of 1.10
17:44.44e2e5it compares version numbers to 1.10 and later compiles test program which requires 1.12
17:46.08e2e5if I write a patch for automatic detection opal/openh323 who can commit it to the tree ?
17:46.56mvanbaakyou'll have to post it on the bugtracker at
17:47.23mvanbaakif the patch is accepted, one of the ppl with commit access will get it in
17:48.37e2e5general things again ))
17:48.51e2e5like OpenBSD and Google
17:50.54e2e5well< I got it to compile on Fedora 9, another challenge - it's coreing...
17:51.05*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
17:51.16e2e5it didn't do so without h323 support compiled into asterisk ))
17:52.44*** join/#asterisk dmz (
17:59.56e2e5just curious .... can you compile asterisk under OpenBSD ?
18:00.14e2e5with h323 support
18:00.27e2e5how it detects pwlib version ?
18:00.35mvanbaakwith the ./configure magic
18:01.34e2e5which version of pwlib is installed from OpenBSD ports collection ? and how asterisk recognizes it
18:02.37e2e5can you do it now ?
18:03.37e2e5why ?
18:04.02mvanbaakbecause I'm running trunk and dont have the net/openh323 port installed
18:05.08mvanbaakbut I do have chan_h323 compiled on my dev box
18:05.28mvanbaakthat is ubuntu hardy heron
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18:06.05e2e5pwlib-1.10 or 1.12 ?
18:06.56mvanbaake2e5: I only had to install libopenh323-dev
18:06.59mvanbaakthat's it
18:07.46e2e5ptlib-config --version
18:07.52e2e51.10 or 1.12 ?
18:08.05mvanbaakzsh: command not found: pwlib-config
18:08.42e2e5they did total mess about pwlib, ptlib, openh323, h323plus, opal ...
18:09.02mvanbaakI'm not using it though
18:09.24mvanbaakI just want it to compile on my dev box so when we alter something we can make sure chan_h323 still compiles
18:09.54e2e5hmm ... where did they get 1.10.10
18:10.06e2e5I didn't see such release of pwlib/ptlib today
18:10.47*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
18:10.57NovceGuruman so far all the canned * solutions i've been trying are fail
18:13.59*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
18:15.12e2e5it says nothing about sources
18:15.18*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
18:15.56mvanbaakyou can find the original sources there as well
18:21.16e2e5hmm, debian uses custom sources
18:23.54mvanbaakthe OpenBSD version comes from the h323plus download at
18:24.22e2e5it's nothing until you successfully compile and run asterisk on it
18:24.58e2e5there're maybe certain patches for making asterisk work with h323plus stuff (which I'd like to hear about)
18:27.04e2e5does it work with asterisk ?
18:30.52mvanbaakthe openbsd port does
18:31.08e2e5did you try it yourself ?
18:33.17mvanbaakI had to install the net/openh323 and devel/pwlib ports
18:37.03hsv-alahhh hot, they just got the dark sapphire paint in
18:37.14hsv-althis car is almost black, but has a hint of dark sapphire blue to it if you stare at it
18:37.34mvanbaakmy car is red, and not worth any paintjob
18:37.36hsv-algetting a g37,
18:37.47mvanbaakit's a 15 year old Nissan Micra 1.0
18:38.02mvanbaakyou can buy those for around 500 to 600 us $
18:38.07*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
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19:12.21j0my polycoms wont get settings from my tftp or ftp server.. i have it option boot-server "ftp://ftp:ftp@"; and the polycom can connect if i set the ftp server manually
19:12.31j0tftp works too and is set in dhcp as well
19:13.56[TK]D-Fenderj0:Should be :  option tftp-server-name "";
19:14.17[TK]D-Fenderj0: and you don't specify the protocol... thats set on the phone itself.
19:14.54[TK]D-Fenderj0: And thats conveniently MY home subnet as well ;)
19:14.58*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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19:17.17j0sorry.. lost my screen
19:17.43j0ok let me try this
19:20.43[TK]D-Fenderj0:Should be :  option tftp-server-name "";
19:22.07j0k.. just tried that.. no go
19:23.02j0"could not contact boot server using existing configuration"
19:24.11[TK]D-Fenderj0: And what boot server did you specify in your BootROM?
19:25.21j0[TK]D-Fender: the bootrom on the phone? or does that go somewhere else?
19:26.54*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
19:27.10*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
19:27.27CyorxampHey, how easy would it be to go from to (I originall installed from source)
19:28.26[TK]D-Fenderj0: on the phone you need to specify FTP, and set the IP to
19:28.37[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: Just compile and install over
19:28.57j0[TK]D-Fender: it can't get all that from the dhcp server?
19:28.59[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: Just don't do "make samples" and you won't have reason to cry :)
19:29.12[TK]D-Fenderj0: out of the box they are set as I just described.
19:29.21[TK]D-Fenderj0: you have to UNDO the stuff you wnet in for.
19:29.28Cyorxamp[TK]D-Fender: I can barely remember what I did last time tho to install it
19:29.47[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: thtas what "INSTALL" and "README" are for.
19:29.51j0[TK]D-Fender: they are all set to ftp right now. user PlcmSplp (could that be the problem?)
19:30.03Cyorxamp[TK]D-Fender: still got my old src directory if it helps
19:30.06[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: And your memory is pretty short as isn't exactly old...
19:30.15[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: It doesn't
19:30.32hsv-althis music is getting good in winamp
19:30.38[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: "./configure" , "make menuconfig", "make" , "make install".
19:30.53Cyorxamp[TK]D-Fender: well I selected certain options in the menuconfig - but can't rmemeber what they ar
19:30.54[TK]D-Fenderj0: Yup
19:31.02Cyorxamp[TK]D-Fender: surely my old src files might know
19:31.18[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: start the process and go look.
19:31.34CyorxampI think I'll leave it :S
19:31.41Cyorxamp1.4.19.1 is just fine
19:31.41[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: Yeah I think if you do menuconfig over again on the same source folder it shows what's currently chosen
19:32.10[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: Unless there is an advisory out there you are concerned about, its not a bad idea.
19:32.21Cyorxampnope no advisory
19:32.47CyorxampI only wish there were debian packages instead
19:32.52Cyorxampthen it would just update itself
19:33.38[TK]D-FenderCyorxamp: I already have a river... you can stop crying now :p
19:33.58Cyorxampyou yooou justin lover
19:34.52*** join/#asterisk dauhuber (
19:34.56*** part/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
19:40.27TrentCreekhsv-al: Do I smell pork?
19:42.44hsv-alif you mean were eating grill food and beer
19:42.53hsv-alyez, we be wasted off 151 and hotdogs/burgers
19:42.56TrentCreekor ham
19:43.12TrentCreekspicy ham?
19:44.05[TK]D-FenderSPAM indeed
19:45.46*** part/#asterisk rsc (n=robert@fedora/rsc)
19:54.01j0[TK]D-Fender: thanks.. that was the trick :)
19:54.11[TK]D-Fenderj0: you're welcome
19:54.31[TK]D-Fenderj0: You seem to make it most of the way on your own, so I'm glad to give you the final nudge.
19:56.34[TK]D-FenderGuest32081: OU812?
19:56.51*** join/#asterisk bkruse (n=bkruse@
19:56.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
19:56.56mvanbaakhey bkruse
19:57.05TrentCreekAhhh... Van Hagar
19:57.38bkrusemvanbaak: just the man i wanted to see
19:57.43bkruseWhat's up?
19:57.50mvanbaaknot too much
19:58.52bkrusemvanbaak: Just committed the latest more iksemel
20:01.27*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
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20:03.11hsv-alyou gonna let me plug into your rear, so we can visit the land w/ the Chinese Special?
20:03.37hsv-alkill the waiter with a bone gun
20:12.03Thornwhat are the best books to study voip?
20:13.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
20:14.24*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
20:16.23Thornmgdm: I have this one :) what I'm looking for is a general introduction/textbook
20:16.41mgdmThorn: I actually typed that 'cos I wanted the URL for myself to give to someone else, on another channel :)
20:19.50[TK]D-FenderThorn: If you want to study VoIP, our guided nature-walk tours ar on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1pm-3pm EST
20:20.52*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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20:21.53Thorn[TK]D-Fender: interesting
20:23.18Thorncan I read more about these tours anywhere?
20:25.10*** join/#asterisk marlow (
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20:28.02*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:28.32[TK]D-FenderThorn: They're off the east end of Imaginary Land.
20:29.25*** join/#asterisk marlow (
20:33.03ThornI found VoIP Fundamentals, 2nd ed., Cisco Press - looks like a good one
20:34.57*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=HOME@unaffiliated/existenz)
20:35.31eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, hello
20:38.02*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=HOME@unaffiliated/existenz)
20:38.18eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Hello
20:38.45*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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20:40.22eXistenZanyone alive? :)
20:40.46[TK]D-Fendergoes off to hide the last of the bodies...
20:41.59eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, :p
20:44.13*** join/#asterisk mjsilva (n=mjs@
20:44.34mjsilvappl have a question is is possible to make the voicemail hungup a call?
20:45.26mjsilvawhat I want to do is if the call passes to the voicemail that call is hunguped
20:45.32mjsilvacan this be made?
20:45.32eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Here: is the debug of a call. The number 0527342620 which is the caller id exists only in line4 and not in the caller id field. even if you call anonymous you would still get a caller id, not a number though,
20:48.17[TK]D-FendereXistenZ:  You can see what they're send, so go deal with it
20:48.36*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
20:48.37eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, is it possible to block calls, which don't send a number?
20:48.44eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, which variable has that value
20:48.49[TK]D-Fendermjsilva: What do you mean "passes voicemail"?
20:49.02[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: And you can CHECK for that value.
20:49.04mjsilva[TK]D-Fender, if the voicemail comes in action
20:49.09[TK]D-Fenderexso go do it.
20:49.19[TK]D-Fendermjsilva: Which voicemail?
20:49.21mjsilvai've configure extension for one ring time
20:49.34eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, is there a variable for the value "from" or "last route"
20:49.42mjsilva[TK]D-Fender, extension voice mail (sorry i'm still newb in asterisk)
20:49.55dlynesIs T.38 not another codec?
20:50.02[TK]D-Fendermjsilva: Its your dilaplan, you can do whatever you want.
20:50.07[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No.
20:50.19dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so it's something that rides on top of ulaw, then?
20:50.28mjsilva[TK]D-Fender, can't u point me how to do it? i'm using trixbox
20:50.33[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: There is a FUNCTION to see the caller ID.  Go look for it.
20:50.46[TK]D-Fendermjsilva: Trixbox is NOT supported here.
20:50.50jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
20:54.02*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
20:55.41*** join/#asterisk amadues (
20:58.34*** join/#asterisk Anthro (i=gss@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
20:59.26AnthroAnyone know the nominal or typical peak bandwidth for a single SIP call offhand?
21:00.28*** join/#asterisk monstertruck (
21:00.43amaduesanthro, probably depends on the codec used. see
21:01.49Anthroamadues: Thanks!
21:06.08TrentCreekwhat is that web interface for asterisk?
21:06.22amaduesdoes anyone know if app_meetme has a roll call function? if announce mode is turned on, and a user joins the conference after several others, it would be useful if meetme could play the recorded names of everyone who is already on the conference, so the newly joined user doen't have to ask who is already joined
21:07.20[TK]D-Fenderamadues: Nope.
21:07.26TJNIISeems like a good idea, but in real life do you want rour conference to stop whenever someone joins because everyone has to wait for roll-call to finish?
21:07.36[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Which, there are many.
21:07.54TrentCreekoh...throw some at me..
21:08.09[TK]D-Fenderputs them in a put and throws it at TrentCreek
21:08.47TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender" Ouch!
21:08.59[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Thirdlane, FreePBX, ScopServ, Switchvox, etc
21:09.10amaduesTJNII, the roll call does not have to be broadcast, nor does the conference have to stop. The roll call can simply be played to the newly joining person before they enter the conference
21:09.23TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: Thankas
21:10.11[TK]D-Fenderamadues: You're welcome to code it.
21:10.27amaduesif I knew how to code I would
21:10.38amaduesmaybe I can create a bounty
21:12.42*** part/#asterisk amadues (
21:13.52*** join/#asterisk xenonex (n=xenonex@
21:17.43eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I check if a variable is empty?
21:18.02eXistenZIF (${CALLERID} = "")?
21:18.32[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: that variable no longer exists.  And you should go read up on how to use variables, and GotoIF
21:18.57eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, ${CALLERID(num)} works for me
21:20.18*** join/#asterisk mjsilva (n=mjs@
21:20.24eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, CALLERID(num) is a function though, isn't it
21:21.48[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: yes it is.  And its how you get those values.
21:22.09eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, where can I read much more about the syntax
21:22.29[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: in the BOOK, and on the WIKI
21:22.56eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Do you use caps lock or shift?\
21:23.09[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: For instruction on APPLICATIONS and FUNCTIONS, do "core show [application/function] [itsname]
21:23.14[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: shift.
21:23.35[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Ring finger, left hand.
21:23.49[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Sometimes pinky.  Are you not truely enlightened now?
21:24.43*** part/#asterisk Anthro (i=gss@pdpc/supporter/active/Anthro)
21:26.37eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Yeah, thank you.
21:27.00eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, somehow acrobat reader doesn't work here
21:27.08[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: ~book
21:27.08eXistenZThe website of adobe reader doesn't work =/
21:27.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
21:27.24[TK]D-Fender^^^ NO excuses
21:27.24dlynes[TK]D-Fender: t.38 rides on top of ulaw?
21:27.43eXistenZhtml, yay
21:27.47[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: No, ulaw is a codec (payload), not a protocol
21:27.55eXistenZthe link doesn't work =/
21:28.04eXistenZah, now
21:28.06dlynes[TK]D-Fender: so t.38 is instead of sip or iax2, then?
21:28.07bkrusedlynes: it can, eg, be sent over a channel using ulaw as a codec
21:28.24bkruse[TK]D-Fender: Do not answer that question. :)
21:28.57dlynesbkruse: so how do you specify it in the sip.conf file, then?  I can't seem to find any configuration documentation for it on
21:29.12eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, what is the print function of asterisk
21:29.23[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: voip-info isn't just dated... its CARBON DATED.
21:29.37[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Go read the sample configs and DOCS folder
21:30.01[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "core show applications" , "core show functions"
21:30.06dlynes[TK]D-Fender: yeah...I'm aware it's dated severely, but there is some updated docs on there, too...just didn't know where to go for t.38
21:30.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:30.18[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: DOCS & SAMPLES
21:30.43bkrusedlynes: for what?
21:39.50*** join/#asterisk zilasb (
21:44.13zilasbwhats wrong with agi-> exec("switch=>DUNDi/priv") ???
21:44.29zilasbit doesn't take it for some reason
21:44.42*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:50.39eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, what's wrong in this:
21:50.56eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, dial1 exists, I don't know why it doesn't go for it
21:51.32[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Because whitespace in the dialplan like that will screw everything up.
21:51.52[TK]D-Fenderzilasb: because "switch" isn't an APPLICATION.
22:00.48jaytee[TK]D-Fender, it's after 6pm. time to start drinking
22:07.36zilasb[TK] Is that correct: agi -> exec("DUNDiLookup(933331|priv)");  agi -> exec("Dial(${DUNDITECH}/${DUNDDEST})");
22:07.50*** join/#asterisk flosoft (n=florian@
22:08.37*** part/#asterisk flosoft (n=florian@
22:09.21*** part/#asterisk marlow (
22:17.52eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, it works now :)
22:18.06eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, my final aim is accomplished
22:18.21eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, * is interesting though, many options to work with
22:18.31eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Thanks a million for everything!
22:24.17ftp3does anyone know if there is a free app to do callback verification?
22:26.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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22:46.48[TK]D-Fenderftp3: Meaning?
22:52.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:01.19hi365_mftp3: disa + pin?
23:06.56*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (i=jpcansa@
23:12.08*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (
23:30.23ftp3well, what i mean is.. lets say i wanted to have asterisk give you a call and read you a pin, and you enter the pin on a webpage
23:35.56zilasbyou drop a generated file to where you suppose to call into asterisk spool directory where it goes to context into your dialplan which calls agi script and reads numer from database
23:36.26zilasbCan anybody fix me please? :  $DUNDITECH=$AGI->get_full_variable('DUNDITECH', 'DUNDiLookup(933331|priv)');
23:36.59zilasbit reads Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dundi.php on line 9
23:37.32bkrusesounds like $AGI is not initialized
23:37.51bkrusedid you do $AGI = new php_agi(); or whatever the class instialization it?
23:38.14zilasbI did
23:38.27zilasb$agi = new AGI();
23:40.09bkruse$agi != $AGI
23:41.42zilasbit reads now: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dundi.php on line 9
23:44.22bkrusewow, you need to learn php man....
23:44.24bkrusepaste line 9
23:47.42zilasbsorry long long day..... trying to get this $h1t working
23:48.32jayteewow! a new show on A&E coming out called The Cleaner with Benjamin Bratt and the girl who plays Sharon on BSG about former addicts hired to perform interventions on people with drug addiction. They kidnap them and hold them in a safe house to get them clean.
23:49.08jayteeoops, wrong window....sorry!
23:50.33bkrusezilasb: paste me that line #9
23:51.06*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
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23:55.12zilasb@bkruse: I got it thanks!
23:55.19j0is there a good reason why polycom phones by default have the same line set to 2 different keys?
23:55.36bkrusezilasb: cool :)
23:56.18*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
23:56.25MatBoyhi guys :)
23:58.18MatBoywill it be possible to use a notmal ISDN card, dynalink or whatever, to connect a normal ISDN pbx to an asterisk box as you normally connected that pbx to a normal ISDN line ?

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