IRC log for #asterisk on 20080703

00:00.05JToh, so it's not releasable?
00:00.19unpaidbilli did it that way so i didnt have to replicate my number formatting rules
00:00.22unpaidbilloh it's releasable
00:00.33unpaidbillif you want i'll send you the perl cgi and the extension
00:00.37unpaidbilli mean, the code is fucking horrible
00:00.40JTis the code tainted by this cisco stuff though?
00:00.45unpaidbillbut as long as you dont mind
00:00.51unpaidbillno, there is no cisco code
00:00.52JTi've never done any firefox extensions
00:01.17unpaidbilli ripped out all the cisco shit
00:01.26unpaidbilli mainly took his number regex
00:01.33unpaidbilland his structure
00:01.57JTyeah i wouldn't mind a copy if you're offering :)
00:02.27unpaidbilli'd release it officially but im kind of embarrased by the code
00:02.38unpaidbilli'm not a programmer.. im a tinkerer and duct taper
00:03.12unpaidbilli shoudl have it finished in few hours unless someone bothers me
00:03.30JTi'm not a hardcore developer either
00:04.25unpaidbillanyway, the perl script requires Net::Telnet and CGI
00:04.36unpaidbillyou may need to isntall them
00:06.20doolphJT any other trick ?
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00:50.01Nivexhas anyone in here managed to get a call out with this:  ?
00:50.14NivexI get connected, hear 0-1 seconds of audio, then the call drops
01:04.23drmessanoNivex, 0-1 seconds of real audio or white noise?
01:10.03Nivexdrmessano: I've encountered both.
01:10.19NivexI've heard a "Hello", and also just noise :(
01:12.31Nivexcalls to other sipphone/gizmo users go through fine
01:12.38Nivexit's only when I try to transit to PSTN
01:12.59NivexIt reeks of being on their end, but I thought I'd check here for any troubleshooting suggestions before I wrote it off
01:14.28*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
01:15.11mchoudrmessano: I don't know if you remember from a couple weeks ago, I was the guy with 2 PAP2 behind a openwrt NAT
01:15.53mchoudrmessano: in any case, it did turn out to be a NAT issue
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk smace (n=smace@
01:16.21mchoudrmessano: just wanted to let you know you were correct
01:16.39smacehi [TK]D-Fender ... have you been away?
01:24.01andrewnsomeone is using my DID as their caller ID and harassing people with solicitation phone calls. people don't understand that you can fake caller ID so they call me and complain
01:24.29andrewnanyone know of any sources of (604) DIDs?
01:26.30*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
01:31.14hardwiredangit.. so queues kill channel variables set along the dialplan eh.
01:31.24hardwireI was trying to leave "breadcrumbs" as a userfield for cdr
01:31.47hardwireand I'm calling "Local" instead of "Sip".. but I think I know how to fix this.. hmm
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01:55.01lanning-.-. --.-
01:56.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:58.04hsv-alhttp:// - in a .pls streamer
01:59.16*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
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02:04.45WilliamKinteresting, that's actually the 1st time I've seen the cinematic trailer
02:04.58hsv-althat game looks more addicting then D2 was
02:05.02hsv-althats the last video game i played 8 year ago Diablo2
02:11.33Juggieso how the hell do the drop down boxes work
02:11.36Juggiei cant get them to scroll
02:12.18jayteedrop down boxes? scrolling?
02:13.47hsv-alskull scroller
02:13.53JTsurely addicting is not a word
02:14.48jayteeAddict Ad*dict", v. t. [imp. & p. p. Addicted; p. pr. & vb.
02:15.13JTit's usually addictive
02:15.26JTi think they added addicting just because people started abusing english so much
02:16.36jayteesomeday roflcopter will be in the Oxford Concise English Dictionary.
02:18.15JTi bet
02:22.08*** join/#asterisk colin2007 (
02:24.41jayteethat'll probably be in the revised edition published the week before Armageddon.
02:27.23colin2007i was wondering if i could use my existing sip line (provided by my dsl provider) with asterisk
02:27.26Robbahi guys
02:27.42frogonwheelshey - I'v ebeen told that there's some problems with SIP:    I quote - "everything since is broken"
02:28.00frogonwheelsdoes anybody know what exactly is wrong with SIP on these builds?
02:28.15Strom_Mcolin2007: (a) there's no such thing as a "sip line" and (b) you need to get account credentials from your ITSP
02:28.17Robbaany ideas as to when using ztmonitor if the calling party hangs up first tx goes full?
02:28.34Strom_MRobba: huh?
02:28.37frogonwheelscolin2007:  yes you can.
02:28.39Strom_Mquestion sense makes doesn't
02:28.55frogonwheelsStrom_M: made sense to me
02:28.59Robbahave you used ztmonitor?
02:29.24frogonwheelsoh sorry second question.
02:29.33frogonwheelsI was still reading the first question :)
02:29.39frogonwheelssorry Strom_M - you're right
02:29.50colin2007and can i use a standard pci telephone modem card to connect my existing phone?
02:29.50Robba./ztmonitor 1 -v
02:30.06Strom_Mcolin2007: no
02:30.26frogonwheelscolin2007: I've used a PAP2T to connect to my existing phone -
02:30.51frogonwheelscolin2007: linksys
02:31.22frogonwheelshas 2 "sip line" ports
02:31.28jayteea PAP2T is an ATA from Linksys. it has FXS ports to connect to standard telephones and an ethernet port to connect via SIP to *
02:31.43colin2007i already have a Zyxel dsl modem+router that has 2 sip ports
02:31.50jayteeabout 47 bucks from
02:32.04jayteeno such thing as a SIP port
02:32.21frogonwheelsoh picky picky
02:32.31colin2007you know what i mean don't you?
02:32.42frogonwheelscolin2007: yep.
02:32.42jayteebeing precise is nice, being sloppy is for slobs
02:32.55colin2007could i use those?
02:33.15frogonwheelsdon't know - depends how much leniancy you have with the configuration of the SIP provider
02:33.18jayteeif they're FXS ports you can plug any analog phone into them
02:33.33*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
02:34.06frogonwheelscolin2007: assuming jaytee's guess is right ('cause he actually knows what those telphone port thingumijigs are called)
02:34.39frogonwheelscolin2007: it's then a matter of how easy the SIP bit is to configure - and whether it will let you connect to the sip server inside the network rather than outside the network.
02:34.40colin2007i have a analog phone plugged in to it as we speak which works fine
02:34.56frogonwheelscolin2007: SIAS
02:35.01frogonwheels(suck it and see)
02:35.13jayteecolin2007, what model  #Zyxel is it?
02:37.17colin2007all SIP settings are customizable including SIP Server Address, Port, protocol, etc...
02:37.57colin2007so is that all the hardware i need then?
02:38.14*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
02:40.21jayteecolin2007, you could probably get that to work with *. Just set the SIP server address to your asterisk box. port would normally be 5060 and a SIP number to register to * but routing calls to your ITSP via * through the Zyxel could be a challenge.
02:41.36colin2007why is that?
02:45.03jayteebecause it's a DSL router with SIP to FXS built in designed to be an endpoint for ITSP providers like Comcast, etc. not for internal networks. It may have the ability to register to Asterisk with one sip address and to your ITSP with another.
02:45.33jayteebut I'm not seeing a very in depth description of it on their website.
02:47.06*** join/#asterisk colin_ (
02:47.22colin_back irc client freaked out
02:48.40colin2007it has different fields for: SIP Server Address and REGISTER Server Address
02:49.18colin_going to reboot my irc client
02:50.21hsv-ali still cant believe their making diablo3
02:50.25hsv-allate 2009 it comes out heh
02:50.53*** join/#asterisk colin2007 (
02:51.29jayteehsv-al, so you really like Diablo? I've got a great game for ya then! It's called "trixbox"
02:51.47*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
02:53.26colin2007jaytee: you got that last message?
02:53.55jayteecolin2007> why is that? <- that one?
02:54.17colin2007no: "it has different fields for: SIP Server Address and REGISTER Server Address"
02:54.27colin2007my irc client freaked out
02:54.33jayteeno, I didn't get that one
02:54.54jayteeok, that's confusing
02:55.44[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: Depending on how your router works it could be that SIP only works on the WAN port, and not the LAN port.
02:56.27jayteeoh, thank god! finally someone with a brain expressed it in exactly the right words that I couldn't quite figure out how to.
02:56.28[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: And that it might block SIP from coming in and reaching * by being blocked at the border since that device probably assumes it should be the only rightful target of SIP calls.
02:56.54jaytee[TK]D-Fender, it kinda looks that way from the specs.
02:56.57colin2007well i guess there's only 1 way to find out ;)
02:57.14[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: Sometimes those boxes are locked down so hard you're fubar'd.  Anyways, if you have a prayer of using it with *, I highly recommend you get another router, and use this one behind it
02:57.34jayteeit sure has alot of bells and frikken kazoo though
02:57.54[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: just like an SPA-2102 more or less.
02:57.56colin2007mine has wifi also
02:58.42[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: \o/
02:59.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah but since my only experience with outbound calling is over PRI and not through an ITSP using SIP I couldn't wrap my head around how he'd set that up.
02:59.06[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: Anyways, proxy / registration / whateverelseserver should all point to *
02:59.29colin2007and then * would point to my ITSP ?
02:59.52*** join/#asterisk adr3nalin3 (n=plasma@
03:03.02[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: thats the plan.  If I we you I would attempt to disable the SIP part of your router first and see if you can get * working by itself before messing up your router too much
03:03.28colin2007i have my whole config backed up
03:03.36[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: Go for it then.
03:03.46colin2007have to install * first ;)
03:03.53jayteeexperimenting is half the fun of this stuff
03:05.08colin2007wow installing asterisk is even easier then i thought: apt-get install asterisk ;)
03:05.13jayteeuntil you go to install CentOS on a test box with an Intel DG31PR mobo and find out the Intel mobo has a Realtek 8110 gigabit nic that needs a compiled driver.
03:05.57jayteeI always thought it was pretty easy typing ./configure, makemenuselect and then make and make install but that's just how I roll
03:09.04colin2007is there a GUI available? or is that too much to ask?
03:10.04jayteethe Enchirto from Taco Bell is kinda gooey. I highly recommend it.
03:12.57jayteebut no, * doesn't come with a gui. there are "spinoffs" that provide a gui through remote web connections but they kinda lock down the dialplan logic and back you into a corner. Not at all flexible.
03:13.31colin2007ok i'll stick with the cli then
03:13.36jayteelike AsteriskNOW or trixbox and freepbx
03:14.47jayteethere is a GUI for * itself but I've never used it but I think it behaves the same way the GUI in trixbox does with the same limitations. [TK]D-Fender could explain it better.
03:15.22jayteecolin2007, do you have a copy of the book?
03:15.26jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
03:15.35jayteefree pdf download
03:16.55jayteethe printed version is much better but it costs money. I felt it was worth the price though. hate flipping back and forth through a PDF.
03:17.30colin2007it's only 604 pages, i could print that ;)
03:18.06jayteethat might violate copyright but sure, go ahead and kill a few trees. makes me happy cuz I hate them and it really pisses of the druids.
03:19.32jayteedrmessano!!!!! how are ya?
03:19.32jbotjaytee: peachy
03:20.03jayteehow the hell did that happen?
03:20.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No violation of copyright.
03:21.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, well I was kinda hoping it would boost sales so Leif could afford a tune-up on his Chevy Metro
03:21.38colin2007[TK]D-Fender: is the 'offical' gui limited?
03:23.47[TK]D-Fendercolin2007: they're ALL limited.
03:24.59colin2007cause i'm kinda lost here
03:25.02*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
03:25.13colin2007all i've got is a directory full of .conf files
03:25.49jayteewhich is all you really need.
03:25.59colin2007where do i start?
03:26.07jayteewith the book
03:26.16jayteeand especially Chapter 5
03:26.34jayteebut the whole thing is a great read. Part of it even covers a GUI.
03:26.56jayteebut Chapter 5 and 6 are vital to understanding *.
03:27.11colin2007k thnx
03:28.11jayteeplus the .conf files are heavily commented with examples.
03:29.09jayteeand you'd probably only need to deal with extensions.conf (heart of your dialplan) and sip.conf
03:29.10*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
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03:34.18jayteenite all
03:34.22*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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03:37.25colin2007i'm of to bed also
03:37.28colin2007gnite all
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04:13.52x86colin2007: out? of the closet?
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04:18.40x86[TK]D-Fender: heya man
04:18.44x86[TK]D-Fender: what's new?
04:19.28*** join/#asterisk SanityIO__ (n=SanityIO@
04:20.29[TK]D-Fenderx86: not much.  Cleaning up house (so to speak).  Selling off od things I don't need any more.  Trying to get back to the essentials, and get my ass outside and enjoying summer
04:21.38x86had the day off, so the wife and I took the dog to the park in the next city over
04:22.02x86i was all about the trails, but she pooped out rather quickly
04:22.23x86(as did the dog)
04:23.14*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
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04:23.41doolphanyone know what's the trick to don't let analog fxo lines get stuck
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04:24.24doolphyes :( they are like on hold and don't disconnect
04:24.50x86probably want disconnect supervision has more information on that
04:25.14x86search for "disconnect supervision"
04:26.28*** join/#asterisk JT (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
04:27.05doolphthere's always the same thing
04:28.56doolphwhat you mean with disconnect supervision
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04:29.20doolphtheres any command to test ?
04:29.20doolphor i have to ask the telco
04:29.20doolphI asked them already and they are totally lost too
04:29.29doolphso they are useless
04:29.50jbot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
04:30.07[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: Introduce it like that and they should be able to help you
04:30.32doolphbut what can I do
04:30.48x86[TK]D-Fender: my local LEC had no idea either :(
04:31.06x86nor did my vendor that supports the ancient Toshiba PBX
04:31.22[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: maybe its not sinking in... CALL YOUR TELCO, and use the description I just gave you.
04:31.50x86[TK]D-Fender: be nice now ;)
04:32.33doolphis it somehing to do with indication.conf?
04:32.38[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: No.
04:32.47[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: this is ELECTRICAL signalling, not tone.
04:33.43*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (
04:33.57doolphI think the problem is my fxs transfers to others
04:34.26doolphbecause it never happen if I use SIP as phone
04:35.20doolphcan you check
04:35.35[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: only difference would be is if you're saying * can't tell when you've hung up an FXS channel (assuming Zaptel FXS here)
04:35.37*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
04:35.53doolphit is something weird there
04:36.17doolphlet me try to explain that maybe I am wrong
04:36.38doolphI am on FXS, I make a call...
04:36.41[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: is that 2 FXS channels talking to 2 FXO channels?
04:36.48doolphall fxo
04:36.51doolphlet me explain
04:37.02doolphI think its happening this:
04:37.42doolphI am on fxs, i make a call, then i finish, i want to make another one, but i am just too stupid and click on flash trying to close the line
04:37.48[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: SIP works because someone hangs up the phone, and * KNOWS that the SIP device has hung up.  Your FXO/FXO bridged channels don't stand a change because you have no CDS
04:38.00doolphthen i dial another one, * things i am putting the first line on hold
04:38.33doolphafter I close the 2nd line, it try to bridge them 2 lines
04:38.49[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: How the hell can you be on FXS when you told me thats all FXO?
04:39.35doolphok here I go again, I am on FXS, making 1st call (fxo), I try to close (not enough time) then it things that i am putting the line on hold
04:39.52doolphthen I make another call (2nd fxo port), after I close the system try to bridge them
04:40.30doolphI can fix the problem if I dont allow threewaycalling
04:40.34[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: sounds like you aren't staying hung up long enough and * thinks of it like a "flash" and starts a 3-way call / transfer.
04:40.43[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: stay hung up longer
04:41.02drmessanoOh, hung up
04:41.09doolphthere should be another fix
04:41.27*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (
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04:42.45[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: that is the timing you have to respect for "flash".
04:43.16doolphI am not the "user" I can understand
04:43.26*** join/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
04:43.40doolphcan I make something to tell them dial * if they want to make another call
04:43.54doolphinstead of of hold 1 sec for hungup
04:44.07*** part/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
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04:48.37[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: Yes... and then when they press * in an IVR they will get cut off...
04:50.53doolphhow can I do that?
04:50.58doolphor is it by default
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04:51.38hsv-alwirts leg + town of tomb book + horadric cube
04:55.14[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: MOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
04:55.23*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (n=troy@unaffiliated/mooinglemur)
04:57.55doolphtk I cannot tranfer call if i have threewaycalling off?
04:59.52[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: "core show application dial"
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05:19.47TrentCreekhelp help
05:20.14TrentCreekanyone got an idea after I created a new user, why when I enter the password in it reports "Permission Denied"
05:21.09drmessanoa user in what?
05:22.11x86login to the console?
05:22.16x86or ssh?
05:22.25TrentCreekthat is what I am trying to do via SSH
05:22.31TrentCreekand I tried FTP
05:22.42TrentCreekFTP indicated "incorrect login"
05:22.50x86don't have permission to write to the destination directory
05:25.07x86who owns it?
05:25.13TrentCreekthat user
05:25.20x86ls -la /path
05:25.29x86copy full output here
05:25.49TrentCreektotal 12
05:25.49TrentCreekdrwxr-xr-x  3 root  root  4096 Jul  1 15:27 .
05:25.49TrentCreekdrwxr-xr-x 22 root  root  4096 Jul  1 15:32 ..
05:25.49TrentCreekdrwx------  2 trent trent 4096 Jul  1 15:27 trent
05:26.07drmessanoDude, it's the grey server
05:26.12drmessano"they're all grey"
05:26.20drmessano"The one with the grey bottom"
05:27.06x86TrentCreek: and you're usin user "trent"?
05:27.18x86via SFTP over SSH?
05:27.42TrentCreeknot using ..trying to login via SSH
05:27.46TrentCreekto that account
05:28.02x86you can't login via ssh with that user?
05:28.18x86check allowed users in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
05:28.30x86I'd set it to allow all
05:30.03TrentCreeklooking now
05:31.48TrentCreeki dont see anything that would prevent a user from logging in
05:32.13TrentCreekand FTP is not allowing connect either
05:32.43x86user has a password set?
05:32.57x86what shell does the user have
05:33.05TrentCreekyes... i set it 3 times to be sure
05:33.29TrentCreeki did not set the shell
05:33.35TrentCreeklet me try that now
05:33.52x86lol yeah you need a valid shell
05:34.03x86chsh will allow you to change a user's shell
05:34.18TrentCreekwell...some do it by default..
05:35.52TrentCreekokay..set, but server is running super slow for some reason
05:36.45TrentCreeksame result
05:37.04TrentCreek"Permission denied, please try again."
05:37.05*** join/#asterisk [hC] (n=hardcore@
05:38.37x86what do the logs say?
05:38.48x86tail -f /var/log/syslog
05:38.54x86do that as you try to ssh in
05:42.57TrentCreekno syslog file
05:43.38x86what do you have in /var/log?
05:43.47*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
05:46.14TrentCreeki got
05:46.49TrentCreekUser trent not allowed because shell bash does not exist
05:47.46TrentCreeknow how can that be?
05:47.46*** join/#asterisk ltd-- (
05:52.06TrentCreeknow it's saying FAILED PASSWORS
05:55.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
05:59.07TrentCreekokay...finally go it
06:07.50TrentCreeki dont think that call is real
06:11.08*** join/#asterisk rsc (n=robert@fedora/rsc)
06:11.14rscMOin folks.
06:12.08rscI've asterisk 1.4 and since a while (I don't know how long now) the problem, that the DTMF tones are somehow broken. The 1 has a completely different DTMF tone as 2-9.
06:12.38rscUnfortunately, no end recognizes my 1 as DTMF tone in voice menus any longer. I did no asterisk update etc.
06:12.58rscCentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug?
06:13.04jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
06:14.21*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:15.04TrentCreekhow much crap does that guy have on his workstation?
06:15.29*** part/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
06:15.42TrentCreekyour web guy
06:16.06drmessanoYeah, you just shut down the exchange server
06:16.16TrentCreekhe must be running Vmware on XP, or on Linux
06:16.46TrentCreekgotta be 4 gigs of ram
06:17.00TrentCreekit was DO NOT REBOOT THE WEBSERVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06:17.16drmessanoHe totally
06:17.32drmessanopwned the dude that called him and bitched about rebooting
06:17.36drmessanoThat was some shit I would do
06:17.45drmessanoFucking open his exchange mailbox, delete the sent item
06:17.50drmessanoFucking GENIUS
06:18.25drmessanoFUK U!
06:18.51drmessanoWe all watched that at work today
06:20.43drmessanoWhy are you using AOL
06:20.45*** join/#asterisk rcy` (
06:20.47drmessanoTo get on the internet
06:21.07drmessanoWe have highspeed.. like an OC30 we pay $1000 a month for
06:21.11drmessanoDon't use fucking AOL
06:21.18drmessano"BUT I HAVE 4000 FREE HOURS"
06:21.23drmessano"Can I roll them over?"
06:22.26TrentCreekI wish OC30 was $1000 a month
06:24.10drmessanoI loved how the sales guy was ripping into the tech about how everytime they call for support, they fuck more things up and don;t actually fix the problem
06:24.25drmessanoSounds like someone who had his Weatherbug removed under protest
06:25.13TrentCreekyeah the guy.."web site is down".."okay I will reboot the server"..."oh I can't get to the homepage now"
06:28.10*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
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06:43.22dominic1hello guys I need something which shows my the state of specific extensions on my windowsscreen
06:47.17dominic1is there something more usable for a secretary which only will have four or five people in her list?
06:49.39drmessanoNot really
07:06.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:08.17*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (
07:08.25Mike8861hello all.
07:11.53*** join/#asterisk coreyf52 (
07:12.28jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
07:14.16*** part/#asterisk coreyf52 (
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07:19.46*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:21.33Mike8861hello gr0mit
07:21.52gr0mitmorning Mike8861
07:22.11Mike8861mornging!!! it has been so late now
07:22.20Mike8861just have pizza for lunch!
07:22.41Mike8861well, gr0mit, i got question about dialplan, can u help ?
07:26.08Mike8861i am trying to create a extening 9000, when user dial ext9000, it will dial out to a PSTN number, and send some DTMF to the external IVR (located on the PSTN side)
07:26.49Mike8861i will post the config to pastebin site. whats the web address ?
07:27.04gr0mitwhat type of channel are you calling out via? analogue, ISDN, VOIP?
07:27.31Mike8861SIP channel
07:27.45Mike8861i am calling out to PSTN via a SIP provider
07:28.11gr0mitunderstood.  paste your config at, removing all passwords etc please!
07:28.12Mike8861all channels have been setup without issue, we have test dialing out with number way
07:28.58gr0mitand also which codec are you using to the PSTN?
07:29.03Mike8861[tk]D-fender has help me on this lastnight, but he is too pro, i cannot understand what he speak
07:29.19Mike8861how to verify for codes to PSTN ?
07:30.03gr0mitwell, dont worry about the codec for the moment
07:30.09gr0mitpaste me your config
07:30.43Mike8861yup, i guess i got some syntax problem on dialplan
07:30.52Mike8861here it is:
07:31.40Mike8861the PSTN number will be 1878200 (however dialing out with trunks require a 9 prefix)
07:33.04gr0mitok well there are a few issues!
07:37.39gr0mitI think this is more like what you wanr
07:37.57gr0mitbut i smell freepbx here somewhere
07:39.02creativxit has that scent..
07:39.54*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:39.56Mike8861gr0mit: thanks, well, I do this manual without help of any GUI!
07:40.40gr0mityes, but who knows what goes on in the depths of the freepbx gui.  I never got my head around it
07:41.51gr0mitMike8861, as we say here - we do not support freepbx - it causes waaaay too much pain.
07:41.52*** join/#asterisk stkn|work (n=stkn|wor@gentoo/developer/
07:42.57Mike8861gr0mit: i am not that pro, so I do not understand what pain on freepbx and trixbox, but i do understand that rules on this channel do not allow question on those
07:44.11gr0mitthe issue is, Mike8861 that a lot of problems people post here would not be problems if they would just use asterisk instead!
07:46.12Mike8861gr0mit, uhmmm, I can see trixbox and freepbx is a twoside knife, it gives convience, and make things easy to complete, but also create trouble and problem ?
07:47.25*** part/#asterisk dandre (
07:49.13unpaidbillyou lucky dr pepper hoarding dude
07:49.57Mike8861hello unpaidbill !
07:51.41*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-4e68eb8f73d2f90b)
07:51.48unpaidbilli picture trixbox and the likes as an oil painting.  it's nice, you pay a bunch of money for it and you can tell your friends 'hey look what i bought'.
07:52.11unpaidbillasterisk on the other hand, is a blank canvas that you make into something beautiful.  something you can tell your friends 'hey look what i created'
07:52.17unpaidbillpersonally, i'd rather paint my own picture
07:52.37creativxquite the analogy
07:52.48Mike8861feels sad
07:52.53unpaidbillwhat can i say ,i'm 5 beers in and i dig asterisk
07:53.00Mike8861dump trixbox to the trash area
07:53.40creativxthe problem arises when you try to make trixbox do what asterisk can do
07:53.49creativxand you headbang into the bounds of its gui/config engine whatever
07:55.13unpaidbilloh baby my gyoza is ready
07:56.46rscSomebody an idea what's wrong if only the key "one" on the telephone causes a strange sounding DTMF tone? Keys 2-9 are sounding normal and as expected.
07:59.58*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:03.54Mike8861rsc: can u provide teails about the PHONE ?
08:04.17Mike8861rsc: what model are u using excatly, how do u connect it with asterisk ?
08:04.27Mike8861rsc: do u use POE ?
08:05.12*** join/#asterisk mosty (
08:05.17rscMike8861: this is independent of the phone, happens via SIP and ISDN.
08:05.52rscMike8861: if I listen to the DTMF tones internally, all sounds as expected, only from outside it's strange for key 1.
08:06.07rscunfortunately, it already worked and nobody knows, when the behaviour switched. But there was no asterisk upgrade etc.
08:07.41mostyi'm looking at these sangoma BRI cards which appear to use chan_woomera, for which there is not a whole lot of info on. is this a dead software project?
08:08.13JTnot completely dead
08:08.33mostymosty, have you used the sangoma a500d?
08:08.43JTi believe there's a bit of work with chan_woomera development going on, but not in asterisk circles atm
08:08.53mostyJT, rather
08:09.11JTno i haven't
08:09.26JTi'm trying to avoid BRI
08:09.30JTit's too much hassle
08:09.38JTPRI is so cheap in australia now
08:09.43Mike8861rsc: did DTMF-1 used to be working ? or it never works nomally
08:10.19mostyJT, this box will only have 6 channels, makes PRI a bit much
08:10.36JTi can't remember, are you in nz or au?
08:11.59rscMike8861: DTMF-1?
08:12.23Mike8861rsc: dtmf tone for button 1
08:12.28mostyJT, au
08:12.50JTis the system in a metro area?
08:14.43mostyJT, yeah, st kilda road in melbourne
08:14.54JTmosty: PRI will be cheaper than 6 BRI channels.
08:14.59JTthe calls will be cheaper too
08:15.09JTwho cares if you don't use all the channels
08:15.20JTand i don't need to mentione 1000 times less headache with asterisk
08:16.24rscMike8861: ah. DTMF-1 worked in the past somewhen, but since unspecified time (sorry) it doesn't work any longer - on all phones.
08:16.46*** join/#asterisk defswork (
08:16.50rscMike8861: colleage said, DTMF-1 shounds non-German, while DTMF-[2-9] sounds correct
08:17.03mostyJT, i tend to agree. i'm trying to decide if i should offer to help this company who i just discovered have already signed a contract for BRI service
08:17.24JTthe only bri solution i can recommend for asterisk with any degree of confidence is to buy an external BRI to SIP gateway
08:17.51JTi've heard rumours that bri will be phased out at the end of next year, but that's probably rubbish
08:18.23mostyi hope it is phased out
08:18.38kamanashisroyhi, does anyone use unlimitel iax ? I cannot send outgoing call . I was trying iax2/ .. .... It is making me crazy !
08:18.52JTit still has its uses, but yeah, it's getting more and more useless
08:19.14JTwith current prices from telstra competitiors
08:21.09mostyJT: what does a 10 channel PRI from optus cost approximately these days?
08:21.21JTlast i checked $200/mo
08:21.26dominic1is there any alternative to hudlite?
08:21.26JTit's $165/mo from primus
08:21.39JT+$33 for a 100 number range
08:21.43dominic1I need a desktop notification system for my users
08:21.47JTinc gst
08:22.14JTprimus call rates are a fair bit better than optus
08:24.29JTmosty: free install on a 24 month contract too
08:25.13mostyJT: their website seems almost devoid of isdn info, i will try calling them tomorrow
08:25.28JTall good prices are hidden
08:25.39JTverizon call rates are even better, and so is their rental
08:25.47JTbut their install fees are prohibitive
08:25.50*** join/#asterisk Vortice (
08:25.54JTand their sales is singapore based
08:26.11JTpowertel only sell through resellers now, and their call rates aren't that grand
08:26.22kamanashisroyJT: yes .. most of them take a huge installation charge ..
08:26.32mostyyeah we have dealings with verizon, but not at the customers end
08:26.41kamanashisroyJT: that is why I am doing some configuration ..
08:27.06JTmosty: a *lot* of voip providers/managed pabx providers do at least inbound termination through primus
08:27.17JTsome other providers use verizon
08:27.23JTkamanashisroy: in australia?
08:27.34kamanashisroyJT: now please let me know if I can call like IAX2/ .. :D
08:27.45kamanashisroyJT: nooop ..
08:28.03JTalso if you need circuits in global switch, primus have muxes there now
08:28.04kamanashisroyJT: I think it is us provider ..
08:28.25JTkamanashisroy: why don't you just call normally and setup an entry in iax.conf?
08:28.49JTand Dial(IAX2/<entry in iax2.conf>/number)
08:28.49kamanashisroyJT:  normally means ?
08:28.58kamanashisroyJT: OK
08:29.20kamanashisroyJT: thanks I am trying .. I added a register using username:password@proxy .. OK trying ..
08:29.43JTkamanashisroy: there is no need to highlight me with every line of progress
08:29.57kamanashisroyJT: sure
08:31.59*** join/#asterisk buliwyf (
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08:46.17buliwyfwhich free asterik bases pbx solution woul you recommend? switchbox, trixbox or something different, there so many different
08:49.59*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:53.22mostygo with whatever you can get good, local support for
08:58.36buliwyfwhatabout cti e. HUD from trixbox
09:02.16*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
09:09.40buliwyfif i want to use a sip trunk, do i have to add an sip account for each phone ? i dont, know wether our Voip Provider support real trunk or just a lot of numbers
09:14.04*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
09:19.25JTthere is not really any such thing as a sip trunk
09:19.43JTbut you should be able to share one account to an ITSP amongst multiple phones
09:19.48JTunless your provider sucks
09:37.27*** join/#asterisk sergee (
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10:04.10mandhwhen user hangup phone line (zapat channel ) , asterisk some times not notified that call hanguped , is that related to  Signal Busy?
10:05.05*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
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10:08.19*** join/#asterisk MagInfo (
10:08.33MagInfoHi there
10:09.10MagInfoDoes anybody know what happened with MOH in Dial()?
10:09.39*** join/#asterisk dimas (n=ds@
10:10.00MagInfoBefore upgrade it worked correctly but now in console I see that MOH are playing but hear only silence in my phone
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10:26.04shtoomdoes asterisk support  VAD?
10:27.45MagInfoshtoom, Yes. But you must enable vad on client side also
10:28.41shtoomMagInfo: is there a way to disable VAD in asterisk ?
10:28.53*** join/#asterisk cpm (n=Chip@pdpc/supporter/active/cpm)
10:29.30MagInfoshtoom: You can switch off vad on client side
10:30.20shtoomMagInfo:in case of Zap channels ?
10:31.29MagInfoshtoom: I didn't work with Zap channels and don't know how to disable VAD on Zap
10:35.51MagInfoshtoom: I think that you need to change vad setting in Zap device's settings but not in asterisk
10:42.19*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-321c54251bdef947)
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10:51.39masushi all
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10:58.54dominic1I need a desktopbased BLF - monitoring application
10:59.14dominic1I found hudlite, but it's only for trixbox
10:59.27dominic1and astassist is not very good..
11:05.34*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
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11:26.40dominic1I was not able to run hudlite on my debain based system
11:27.21Mike8861dominic1: hudlite is not part of asterisk
11:27.36Mike8861dominic1: please visit #trixbox to get help on hudlite
11:27.57dominic1I asked for a alternative twenty minutes before
11:29.11Mike8861dominic1: products like trixbox are not supported on this channel.
11:29.48dominic1I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:30.16dominic1I asked for a BLF system which I can install on my desktop
11:30.22dominic1in combination with asterisk
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11:32.31trafimhi guys. quick question: what module should i load on asterisk 1.2, so that STRFTIME func becomes available? cause no DATETIME nor TIMESTAMP is working for me (just return nothing). or maybe i'm missing something?
11:33.46*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:38.24*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
11:39.34EmleyMoorI have 3 iaxmodems running, one as a friend and two as peers. For a reason I can't fathom, the peers appear to be attempting to dial without a context - fax-out is speficied in iax.conf though - do they actually need to be friends for it to work?
11:44.36EmleyMoorAh, it's users they need to be - silly me
11:48.14*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
11:49.39EmleyMoorHow can I set it up so I don't keep getting "No registration for peer..."?
11:49.49*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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12:02.20*** join/#asterisk merlinn (
12:02.49merlinnhi, does anyone have any recommendations for TDM terminations
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12:04.03gr0mitmerlinn, more info pls.
12:04.19merlinnI need to terminate about 10,000 calls simultaneously
12:04.39merlinnand am ideally looking for something that can terminate channelized STM-1 circuits
12:05.00merlinnand convert to sip to talk to my call routing boxes
12:05.11*** join/#asterisk suma (
12:07.05merlinnss7 termination is also possible
12:07.16merlinnbut I really donn't know much about that
12:08.06gr0mit10 000 calls at a time? that is one massive system
12:08.23merlinnyeah it's service provider rather than enterprise
12:08.45merlinnit equates to about 4M minutes a day of local rate calls
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12:08.55merlinnwith bursty periods
12:09.14gr0mitwhich country?
12:09.33merlinnare you in the UK yourself?
12:09.40merlinnah whereabouts?
12:09.46merlinnoh yeah?
12:09.49merlinnI'm in southampton
12:10.08gr0mityou an ISP then?
12:10.11merlinnsort of
12:10.17gr0mitvoip provider?
12:10.20merlinnsort of
12:10.22merlinnwe're a startup
12:10.29merlinnI'm a consultant by trade
12:10.33merlinnnetwork engineer
12:10.44merlinnwe started the business doing odds and ends about 2 years ago
12:10.45gr0mitme too
12:10.56merlinnbut it all went wrong and we somehow woke up and were a service provider
12:11.19merlinnwe bought a datacenter down here a little while ago
12:11.24merlinnand I've just moved the family down from london
12:11.30gr0mitaah nice.
12:11.38gr0mitused to live in Surbiton
12:11.40coppicevery few people provide service. you usually need to drag it out of them :-)
12:11.46gr0mitHants so much nicer
12:11.51merlinnI like it
12:11.55merlinnbut it's a shock to the system
12:12.02merlinnmoving from chelsea to a suburb of southampton
12:12.08merlinnI think my other half is getting a nose bleed
12:12.30*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
12:12.48coppiceyou stopped too soon. another few thousand km and the move would really have been worthwhile
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12:31.33ahvenhi, how to hide callerid just for one number?
12:32.14ahventhere was an option in sip.conf, but is deprecated now
12:33.20kamanashisroyahven: setCallerId() in the dialplan ??
12:34.46kamanashisroyahven: why not you use the SetCallerID() application ?
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12:35.35ahvenbecause I wasn't aware of it before :)
12:36.01rwaiteisnt setcallerid deprecated
12:36.36ahventhis is currently working, is deprecated
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12:41.02dominic1hello guys, I have one question if I set hints for the extension 1- 999, will that be a problem?
12:41.10kamanashisroyahven: I see .. then there is function to set caller id :)
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12:41.22dominic1cause I know asterisk can't add hints dynamically
12:42.15ahvenkamanashisroy, but does this hide callerid for the analogue networks outside?
12:42.33ahvenI wan't to disable CID completely for that number
12:42.41kamanashisroyahven: I think that is out of your control ..
12:43.15kamanashisroyahven: I *think*, does not mean it is true :)
12:45.56ahvenhmm, running asterisk 1.2.7
12:46.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:54.11EmleyMoorIs there anything I can do if I have a couple of data modems sharing the telco line with my FXO port, to detect when it is already in use?
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12:56.03ahvenseems that I got the idea how the calls are put together with macros
12:57.06[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: What needs to do the detecting, and what decision will be made based on it?
12:57.40EmleyMoorasterisk, and whether to use it, if it would otherwise be appropriate
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12:58.31kamanashisroyEmleyMoor: does it support multiplexing ?
12:58.55kamanashisroyEmleyMoor: if not then you will be able to connect to it if it is already in use !
12:58.55EmleyMoorkamanashisroy: As far as I know, no
12:59.14*** part/#asterisk Mavvie (
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12:59.27EmleyMoorYes, that's what can happen - and it's a pain when it does
13:00.04kamanashisroyEmleyMoor: does not it connect to the modem when asterisk starts up ?
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13:00.26kamanashisroyEmleyMoor: in that case you cannot use the modem as long as asterisk is running .. right ?
13:00.27EmleyMoorI gather that trying to somehow route the data calls through asterisk in order to get round the contention is a non-starter
13:00.50[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: I've seen small modules that will block the line if it is in use elsewhere, but thats it
13:00.55EmleyMoorNo, not correct. No modem is connected to the asterisk machine
13:01.33[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: At which point you'd need to enable call progress to have * become potentially aware of the problem, but I'm not 100% that would even do
13:01.33EmleyMoor[TK]D-Fender: Yes - seen that - but it would just leave asterisk floating in silence
13:02.01EmleyMoorWell, it's rarely likely to happen anyway
13:02.21DSpairHey gang. Got a question: No, wiat, I figured it.
13:05.26creativxhow the hell is this possible!
13:05.32creativxboth our itsps boxes are down
13:05.57*** join/#asterisk pcrack (n=pcrack@
13:06.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
13:07.40*** join/#asterisk dieno (i=771e61a2@gateway/web/ajax/
13:08.06pcrackhi guys...this is not a spam or any scam...
13:08.27ahvenspit? :)
13:08.58EmleyMoorpcrack: What isn't?
13:09.08pcrackis there anyone here from US, that can lend me a SIP account, i need to call my mom in california..very urgent...hope you can help me out..even 5-10 mins of call time..
13:09.49pcracki know this sound rediculous...but a help will be appriciated..
13:09.51dienoand where are you from ?
13:10.02[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: call her collect
13:10.16*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
13:10.37pcrackwell my local phone doesnt have IDD...
13:10.59[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: borrow one that does.
13:11.27[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: because I doubt anyone's giving you account details.
13:11.49pcrackyeah i know...but its worth a try...
13:11.58[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: the most you could dream of is to have someone bridge a SINGLE call for you.
13:12.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:13.40[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: And where are you from?
13:14.32[TK]D-Fenderpcrack: just call collect.
13:14.32gr0mitPhilipines IP address....
13:14.36macros73Getting multiple NAT retrainsmitting errors in Asterisk now, followed by 'all circuits are busy now.'
13:14.37*** join/#asterisk jm|home (n=jm|
13:14.55[TK]D-Fendermacros73: then go fix them.  Read the guide :
13:14.58jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:15.19macros73[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the links, I'll run through those.
13:17.11*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
13:19.54dienopcrack :D use voipbuster for making free calls
13:20.26gr0mitconsiders an opportunity.....
13:20.42gr0mitwhat is the going rate from Philipines to the USA? $2 per min?!!
13:20.50gr0mitsoo, 10 mins, $20
13:21.26ahvenuse skype even
13:21.32dienowhoa SKYPe offerrs $3 a month for 45K mins t o US & CA dont you thinsk tats betta
13:22.02gr0mitthinks that someone on #asterisk probably knows what they are doing!
13:22.04coppicegr0mit: its best to learn to spell their country if you want to do business with them :-)
13:22.50gr0mitas long as i get cash in my paypal account in advance they can spell it however they want!
13:23.14JTwow what a great way to do business :/
13:24.38ahvenon what commands does the macro break? only on Hangup?
13:24.50pcrackguys im not just asking who can lend me, if none well thats ok. i have no choice.
13:25.00gr0mitis this the telcom equivilent of the person at the train station begging for £15 to buy a ticket to get to their sick mum in hospital?
13:25.41creativxit looks like it
13:25.44creativxget rich quick scams next!
13:26.13gr0mithey, please can you wire some funds to this account in Nigeria?
13:26.42macros73Okay.  As a test, I set a static NAT on our Cisco ASA for the test Asterisk server, and opened all UDP ports.  Works fine now.  Will now tighten down the UDP port range.
13:27.23pcrackok sorry guys..i know its wrong to ask...but it worth a try..after all we all use asterisk. 1 community
13:27.26*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
13:27.51Mike8861hello all.
13:28.45Mike8861i head that tomorrow will be independece day~~happy holiday for you all!
13:28.55coppice"can anyone spare an OC-192 for an old soldier, with a sick mother?"
13:29.03*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=network1@unaffiliated/existenz)
13:29.21gr0mityup.  We rejoice over here too.
13:29.33Mike8861gr0mit, are u a US citizen ?
13:29.42gr0miter nope.
13:30.06kamanashisroysearching the defender !
13:30.21Mike8861oh. cool
13:30.58*** part/#asterisk dieno (i=771e61a2@gateway/web/ajax/
13:31.21coppicetomorrow is no good. we don't get a holiday. two days ago was better
13:31.59Mike8861i have a question, some user are using ZAP trunk to dial long distance call. what is a good idea of notifying them know, that they are calling via IDD
13:32.20Mike8861maybe some annoncement ? is there any pre-record sound on this ?
13:32.39Mike8861ManxPower: IUD = long distance PSTN call
13:32.41ManxPowerMike8861:  You do this easily by just doing a playback of a sound file before the Dial
13:32.56ManxPowerMike8861: I thought it was INWARD Direct Dial, not outgoing.
13:33.14Mike8861ManxPower: sorry for the confusion
13:33.44Mike8861ManxPower: i wonder if DID and DDI and IDD means the samething = =
13:34.01gr0mitDID = Direct Inward Dialling (US term)
13:34.21gr0mitDDI = Direct Dial In - ( British term for the same thing)
13:34.26coppiceDIDN'T == kid's term
13:34.30*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (n=alberto@
13:34.32gr0mitIDD = International Direct Dial
13:34.47Mike8861gr0mit: cool!!!
13:35.28macros73pcrack: I have a SIP account you can use
13:35.30Mike8861ManxPower: i understand it can be playback of sound file, is there any pre-recorde sound does that prompt ??
13:35.41macros73oh...wait, no, I don't
13:36.01Mike8861ManxPower: i didnt see something similar in the sound directory
13:36.04ManxPowerMike8861: sounds.txt lists all the included sound files.  You can find it in the asterisk source fir
13:36.20ManxPowerthere is, of course, sounds-extra that you can also download
13:36.37gr0mitMike8861, just record it yourself!
13:36.43gr0mit'This call may be expensive!'
13:36.45Mike8861ManxPower: cool. if i have to record a sound file, what will be good propmt ?
13:36.56ManxPowerMike8861:  that is up to you
13:36.58Mike8861"you are dialing via IDD trunk" something like that ??
13:37.19Mike8861ManxPower: ok, thats easy for me to do.
13:37.38*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:37.47Mike8861ManxPower: one more question, can we add a BEEP reminder every minute to notify the user ?
13:37.59[TK]D-FenderMike8861: "core show application dial"
13:39.21Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: arghhh. thats the command we used yesterday....
13:40.01*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
13:40.03eXistenZHow can I get spa3102 and asterisknow to work together, if spa3102 is on and asterisknow on
13:40.03[TK]D-FenderMike8861: You'll end up using it al lot.  Funny how often you use * to not only accept calls, but to place them.
13:40.16[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: ...
13:40.18jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
13:40.20*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
13:40.21eXistenZit is not deteced in the "setup hardware"
13:40.23jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
13:40.36[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: there is no detection.
13:41.04Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: THANKS, I need to take sometime to learn this
13:48.41creativxgod damnit how difficult can it be to buy a damn icecube maker
13:48.41JTa freezer?
13:48.41[TK]D-Fenderplastic tray?
13:48.57Mike8861professional icecube making ?
13:49.17*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moyhu@nat/ibm/x-981cac1034c0c151)
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13:52.26mbwjr12hey all
13:52.47Mike8861Hello mbwjr12
13:52.56coppicepeople still make ice cubes for a living
13:53.17*** join/#asterisk DIABLO3 (n=hsval@
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13:54.02Mike8861i guess we can connect ice cube maker with X10 , and connect it with asterisk IVR ???
13:54.13Mike8861dial in IVR to make ice cube!!! yay
13:54.39mbwjr12is anyone here familiar with chan_mobile? I'm having SCO problems...
13:55.20eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Am I supposed to route PSTN calls to asterisk?
13:55.24kamanashisroychan_mobile chan_gsm chan_celliax .. I get confused :)
13:55.58Rico29does anybody have the SIPDefault.cnf file (for Cisco 7960 provisioning) with all aptions available please ?
13:56.54Mike8861Rico29: cisco do not likely support feature key on SIP. use MGCP instead
13:56.58mbwjr12kamanashisroy: this is the bluetooth mobile connection module, will be released in asterisk addons for 1.6
13:57.04[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: you're not "supposed" to do anything.  * does what you set it up to.
13:57.24Rico29Mike8861>  I can't
13:57.25[TK]D-FenderMike8861: I set up my coffee maker via X-10 (heyu2) on *
13:57.57creativxJT: an automated ice cube machinae
13:58.15Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: wow , so cool! i wanna try it out
13:58.16*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:58.48Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: how to make this happen without x10, x10 is not popular in hongkong, also, theres voltage issue
13:58.55creativxJT: big enough for the office!
13:59.26creativxnot a single retailer has one in stock
13:59.44JTso consumer then
14:00.56[TK]D-FenderMike8861: I'm sure there are plenty of other viable home-automation interfaces out there that would work for you.  Nothing nearly as generic & inexpensive I'd bet however
14:01.08jayteelol, I clicked on  that link expecting to see some kind of voip hardware. Ice cube makers!!! rofl
14:01.21coppiceMike8861: get a filipino to do it :-)
14:02.43*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
14:02.52Mike8861coppice, thanks, i will teain them to understand DTMF or voicexml language
14:03.24coppicewell, its the standard form of home automation in HK
14:03.28kamanashisroywhy asterisk directly need to communicate that .. ?
14:03.42eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, if I need to block incoming calls, then I need to route pstn (from fxo) calls to asterisk then reroute them to the fxs of spsa3102?
14:03.43kamanashisroywhy not AGI ?
14:04.29[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Yes
14:04.41*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
14:07.52creativxMike8861: thanks for the google search, but i need a local retailer :-)
14:08.05*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
14:08.34creativxanyways.. im out! 30 c degrees outside.. summer! wah ahh
14:08.36merlinndoes anyone have any recommendations for decent offload devices for TDM termination
14:08.57merlinntdm & SDH
14:09.01*** join/#asterisk r0land (n=r0land@
14:09.04r0landhello all
14:09.07r0landhi [TK]D-Fender
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14:10.01[TK]D-Fendermerlinn: SDH?
14:10.18merlinnI'm hoping to terminate using channelized STM-1s
14:10.31r0landim trying to dial through my sip. at the moment i managed to setup a 2 stage dialing! i dial 01, i get a dial tone, and then i dial out.. this is my dialplan ( exten =>_01,1,Dial(SIP/$(EXTEN)@200)  )  wht hsould i change to b able to dial a number and call out immediatly
14:11.25[TK]D-Fendermerlinn: OUCH
14:11.34merlinnif you have any other suggestions
14:11.35merlinnI'm happy to hear
14:11.39r0landwould this work? exten =>_01.,1,Dial(SIP/200)
14:11.41merlinnI need to terminate about 10,000 calls simultaneously
14:12.06[TK]D-Fenderr0land: that code does not even function.  Pastebin the real dialplan.
14:12.18merlinnand I need to be able to scale significantly higher
14:12.19kamanashisroyr0land: what happend to you ?
14:12.31kamanashisroyr0land: is 200 the trunk ?
14:12.49kamanashisroymerlinn: is that possible ?
14:13.01r0landkamanashisroy yes
14:13.04[TK]D-Fendermerlinn: I'm trying to think of the * setup that would be needed to survive anything like that, and you're in a HUG league there...
14:13.13merlinnHUG ?
14:13.22*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:13.24merlinnthe * setup is very very simple
14:13.37r0landat the moment with this: exten =>_01,1,Dial(SIP/$(EXTEN)@200)  , if i dial 01 from  my softphone, i get a dial tone from my PSTN which is connection to "200" on my sipura 3102
14:13.38kamanashisroyr0land: then what is the problem ?
14:13.45merlinnit's heavily distributed
14:13.59merlinnso we assume a box routes about 400 calls simultaneously
14:14.13merlinnit's not doing anything complicated just routing
14:14.18[TK]D-Fenderr0land: because you are not passing it a number to dial.
14:14.27merlinnso I need a big box, maybe a cisco or perhaps an SS7 switch
14:14.32merlinnto route stuff to using SIP
14:14.35kamanashisroyr0land: I see .. do you need automated dtmf ?
14:14.50[TK]D-Fenderr0land: go learn how to use variables again.
14:14.55kamanashisroyr0land: you mean your trunk needs the destination to be set as dtmf  ?
14:15.09[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: No.  His dialplan is bad.
14:15.27r0land[TK]D-Fender i dont see how my dialplan is bad, since its working! i just need to have a 1 stage dialing instead of 2
14:15.47[TK]D-Fenderr0land: it is bad, because you aren't telling your SPA what # to dial.
14:16.16kamanashisroyr0land: I think there is some syntactic mistake there ..
14:16.19eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, is it possible to edit the sip.conf through the interface of asterisknow?
14:16.36[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: this is NOT the support channel for that distro or its GUI.
14:16.44r0landexten =>_01XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/$(EXTEN)@200) <<== shouldnt this work!
14:16.59[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: your attempt to look at * as an easy quick-fix are going to flounder.
14:17.06[TK]D-Fenderr0land: No, it shuoldn't
14:17.08*** join/#asterisk lotho (
14:17.15[TK]D-Fenderr0land: go learn how to use VARIABLES again.
14:18.04tzafrir_laptopeXistenZ, the asterisk-gui of asterisk-now includes a "file manager", which is a glorified file editor
14:18.11tzafrir_laptopvim is still the best
14:18.38*** join/#asterisk L-info (
14:18.49tzafrir_laptopAlso note that it will probalbly put configurations in users.conf rather than sip.conf
14:18.51kamanashisroyr0land: as the rule says [TK]D-Fender will not be able to tell you the exact issue in the code .. but you know you still have problem using variable :D ..
14:19.14[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: I hide things in the big print ;)
14:19.20tzafrir_laptopbut if you add your own entries you can use sip.conf normally
14:20.34*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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14:24.58dienocan any one tell me how to pass a specific value to mysql before making every call
14:24.59*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
14:25.35[TK]D-Fenderdieno: there is an entire chapter in the book for func_odbc...
14:25.56coppicevim is OK, unless you have a plastic bathtub
14:26.43hsv-ald-fender, it seems that d3 doesnt come out
14:26.46hsv-altill late 2009, argh !
14:27.49[TK]D-Fenderhsv-al: Thats ok... I'll have DN3D to keep me busy until then ;)
14:27.57[TK]D-FenderSorry... DNF ;)
14:28.18kamanashisroydieno: write AGI script ..
14:29.17[TK]D-Fenderdieno: Or "System", or, or, or, or...
14:30.01kamanashisroymysql application ..
14:32.06kamanashisroyasterisk could have a jsr .. so that I could write application in java !!!
14:32.27*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:32.45[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: res_java
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14:50.55huey23what's happening?
14:51.04*** join/#asterisk spokra (
14:55.03eXistenZI am trying to route pstn calls from the fxo of my spa3102 to asterisk and then reroute them to the fxs (line1) of the spa3102. Here are my sip.conf and extensions.conf and
14:55.07eXistenZwhat might be the problemn
14:55.19*** part/#asterisk Edder_ (n=edder@
14:56.24tzafrir_laptopeXistenZ, please also provide a trace from the CLI (or maybe /var/log/asterisk/full or whatever)
14:56.59eXistenZtzafrir_laptop, how?
14:57.17eXistenZtzafrir_laptop, how can I follow up the call?
14:58.51*** join/#asterisk neurosys0 (
14:59.12[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Nice to know you don't have a sip.conf entry for your FXS either...
15:00.01[TK]D-Fenderpoor mashed up mess.
15:00.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:00.31[TK]D-Fenderath might actually be close to something functional.
15:02.37eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I trace the call in the CLI?
15:02.52*** join/#asterisk MihiNomenEst (
15:02.54[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: go LOOK in CLI.
15:03.18[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: If you aren't seeing anything at verbose 10, then the call isn't being accepted and you'll have to enable "sip debug"
15:03.44dienocan any one tell me what does that mean app_setcdruserfield.c:121
15:04.09[TK]D-Fenderdieno: sets the "userfield" for that calls CDR record.
15:04.15EmleyMoordieno: What's the rest of the message?
15:04.33dienosetcdruserfield_exec: SetCDRUserField is deprecated.  Please use CDR(userfield) instead.
15:04.39[TK]D-Fenderdieno: jsut like the INSTRUCTIONS tell you.
15:04.58[TK]D-Fenderdieno: yes... and it tells you the new & proper way you should be calling it.
15:05.05*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
15:05.08EmleyMoordieno: It means that SetCDRUserField won't work in the next asterisk
15:05.19dienohmm how do i enable it
15:05.28dienoshould i change something in c file
15:05.36[TK]D-Fenderdieno: You don't ENABLE it.  You CALL IT from your dialplan.
15:05.40EmleyMoorNo - in extensions.conf
15:07.06EmleyMoorChange all references to SetCDRUserField(whatever) to Set(CDR(userfield)=whatever), I would think
15:08.11dienook let me try
15:08.20dieno btw here is my extensions.conf
15:08.31MihiNomenEstwhat's the name of that site that sells "weird" phone stuff?  like the "nuclear hotline" phones and all that?
15:08.54[TK]D-Fenderdieno: That fine, although as the warning says, it will not work in 1.6
15:09.22[TK]D-Fenderdieno: For which EmleyMoor already told you exactly how you SHOULD be calling it.
15:09.25dienoits 1.4.20 :D
15:09.41*** join/#asterisk BrokenNoze (
15:09.51EmleyMoordieno: It is now - but the new method works in 1.4 and 1.6 - the old one only in 1.4
15:10.07dienoit worked
15:10.26BrokenNozeHi, anyone know why i don't get the BT engaged tone from Asterisk 1.4 when i place an aoutbound call and line is engaged? just dies with DIALSTATUS set, want to hear BT engaged tone
15:10.30dienothnx for your support guys
15:10.57EmleyMoorI'm still on a 1.2 release - there are things in my dialplan that are known to have been made 1.6 safe already
15:11.19[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: pastebin the CLI output of your failed call at verbose 10, and include all relevant configs
15:11.23jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:11.47EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: Is the call going over BT?
15:12.04eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, is there any error in the config files?
15:12.26[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Can't tell.  You aren't showing us an ERROR.
15:12.40[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: I told you what to look for already
15:13.01BrokenNozeEmleyMoor : Yes, over BT, removed the "r" option on dial. I do get BT annoncements ( such as "this number does not allow calls frm witheld numbers etc) but for somereason not the actual BT engaged
15:13.14eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, I type sip set debug , but nothing happens when I try to make a call
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15:13.31EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: Hmmmm... I get it... hold on
15:13.34gr0mitBrokenNoze, so you want to get busy tone when the BT line is busy?
15:13.51BrokenNozeyep, thats it.. should be real simple right?
15:14.12gr0mitwell what i think you actually want is congestion, not busy
15:14.14[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: then your device isn't even talking to * at all.
15:14.14BrokenNozebut the handset just dies after 2 secs
15:14.31BrokenNozecongestion doesn't play back any audio to the handset either from some reason
15:14.42EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: Do you mean when the BT line is in use at your side or when the number you are calling is busy?
15:14.43gr0mitwhat version of asterisk again?
15:14.58BrokenNozeEmleyMoor : no the called party.
15:15.04*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:15.27gr0mitand what type of interface? ISDN?
15:15.35EmleyMoorHow is the BT line connected?
15:15.42BrokenNozeyep. iSDN
15:15.49BrokenNozethrough a Sangoma card
15:16.00gr0mitok pls paste me your zapata.conf files in a pastebin
15:16.10EmleyMoorIn zapata.conf, you need to change the setting of priindication, I think
15:16.25gr0mitEmleyMoor, this is the problem i reckon
15:17.14gr0mitis what you need
15:17.26EmleyMoorgr0mit: Actially, what he desires is inband
15:17.52EmleyMoor... or is it? Hard to tell from the notes
15:18.34gr0mitwell, if he uses outof band then the tones will be generated locally by Asteirsk
15:18.41gr0mitbut he will still hear tones
15:18.44ManxPowerEmleyMoor: he may desire inband, but he needs out of band
15:19.00BrokenNozesorry thats the wrong file,
15:19.12gr0mitBrokenNoze, can't see what you are doing in this file!
15:19.17gr0mitthis looks lioke the default
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15:19.46BrokenNozeit is, i can't get on the right machone to send you the pastebin link for the right one. on KVM
15:20.03dienoEmleyMoor hmm asterisk didnt showed any error while transfering value to CDR userfield but i havent got any entry
15:20.06[TK]D-FenderBrokenNoze: SSH is your friend
15:20.30[TK]D-Fenderdieno: And like usual you aren't showing us anything of value.
15:21.05gr0mithere is mine, BrokenNoze
15:21.06dienoohh ok :D
15:21.13BrokenNozeFender : Doh
15:21.15gr0mitfor a BT ISDN2e
15:21.27dienoSet("Local/@from-internal-196c,2", "CDR(userfield)=2424") in new stack
15:22.02*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
15:22.44EmleyMoorThat looks right - checked the CDR?
15:23.28dienobut in Master.CSV  it shows that i have sent the 2424
15:23.42EmleyMoor... so?
15:23.50dienoso its not passing to mysql :D
15:24.08[TK]D-Fenderdieno: then you didn't set * up to use mysql properly.
15:24.10BrokenNozeSorry there you go guys
15:24.27BrokenNozeISDN 30 e
15:24.32[TK]D-Fenderdieno: Because it shouldn't be writing CDRs to both at the same time.
15:24.38dienolet me check i think mysql.conf enabled the userfield
15:25.15*** join/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
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15:26.18BrokenNozei've added priindication=outofband. will i need to restart or will a reload do?
15:26.24gr0mitso just insert the priindication=outofband in the [channels] section and you are good to go
15:26.31gr0mitrestart will be better
15:26.49BrokenNozecan't really, live system. I'll give it a go. Cheers gr0mit
15:27.02dienoheeh again thnx guys field was disabled :D in mysql
15:27.10gr0mitwhere are you, BrokenNoze ?
15:27.17dienoi mean in cdr_mysql.conf
15:27.19EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: restart when convenient
15:28.19BrokenNozegr0mit: 24/7 customer call centre for doctors :-S
15:28.42gr0mitaaah, not NEG?
15:28.45BrokenNozereload didn't work. just silence.
15:29.04EmleyMoorIf it won't come to pass that there are no calls, you will have to plan
15:29.32BrokenNozeOK, so i can't do without a restart basically. that does make sense to be honest
15:29.42*** join/#asterisk gormux (
15:29.45gormuxhello all
15:29.49gormuxi have a question
15:30.03EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: Is there ever a time when the lines are clear?
15:30.12EmleyMoorgormux: Just ask
15:30.17gormuxdoes it costs a lot in terms of performances to convert g711a to g711u ?
15:30.58[TK]D-Fendergormux: Very little
15:31.07xpotanyone know what is going on with IAXtel?
15:31.14BrokenNozeEmleyMoor, yeah. 5am!
15:31.27gormuxthe point is : is it interesting to authorize only g711a rather that g711a and u ?
15:31.27BrokenNozenot hanging round until then
15:31.32ManxPowerI didn't know anyone used IAXtel anymore.
15:31.40gormuxif the server has load problems already
15:31.48gr0mitBrokenNoze, can you do it overnight?
15:31.50ManxPowergormux: allow only u or a, not both
15:31.51EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: You could issue "restart when convenient" now and it will restart once all the lines become clear
15:32.08BrokenNozeit'd be easier just to record a BT engaged tone to be honest
15:32.20eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Am I supposed to reboot asterisk after every change in the config files?
15:32.20ManxPowergormux: usa/canada = g711 ulaw, most of the rest of the world is G711 alaw.
15:32.22[TK]D-Fendergormux: Always good to standardize.
15:32.25gr0mitjust restart when convenient
15:32.30EmleyMoorBrokenNoze: Might PlayTones help?
15:32.35[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: reboot?
15:32.40ManxPowereXistenZ: no.  only a few options require a restart if changed
15:32.55xpotManxPower: the IAXtel site is up and down, promising a new interface and looks like it wants to come back online... hence my question.
15:32.57EmleyMoorSometimes you just need to reload the appropriate config
15:33.05BrokenNozedid try playtone. didnt play anything, but neither did Congestion and I thought that was meant to play back a US engaged tone
15:33.23ManxPowerBrokenNoze: if you don't see SIP debug output there is nothing we can do
15:33.25BrokenNozeI'll just have to restart when the customers not looking.
15:33.56BrokenNozeyeah, it's in the SIP output, i get busy from the ISDN30, just no audio back to the caller
15:34.09gr0mitBrokenNoze, you can set the locale to present UK tones
15:34.20BrokenNozeI did that in indicator.conf
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15:34.30gr0mitindications.conf even
15:34.37BrokenNozethats the bunny
15:34.48BrokenNozebut still nothing
15:35.04BrokenNozehave to just leave them with a recording of my own voice for the time being i think
15:35.12BrokenNozelukcy them
15:35.19gr0mitnot sure that will work
15:35.51gr0mitas i think without the priindication set correctly you will not know what is going on
15:36.02BrokenNozeit has been set to that for last month, they're just sick of my voice
15:36.04gr0mitnot sure what the default is
15:36.07gr0mitaaah ok
15:36.26gr0mitso BrokenNoze needs fixing ;-)
15:36.40BrokenNozeit all works fine, just the audio part of the call ain't going through
15:36.48gr0mitjust do a restart when convenient
15:37.00BrokenNozelol, yeah. Glastonbury voice.. still sounds like i smoked 1000 fags
15:37.03gr0mitif it is a real emergency they will always call 999 ;-)
15:37.13BrokenNozewe do 999 call centres too
15:37.14EmleyMoorNot "restart" when convenient but "restart when convenient"
15:37.33*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
15:37.36gr0mitEmleyMoor, lol!
15:37.51BrokenNozeanyway thanks for the help guys
15:37.53gr0mitBrokenNoze, 999 centres running Asterisk?!
15:38.05gr0mitfor BT?
15:38.12BrokenNozeBT? no
15:38.25BrokenNozeBT use Meridians still
15:38.31gr0mitaah ok
15:38.35gr0mitnot surprised
15:38.35EmleyMoorMy 999 routine was interesting to write
15:38.40BrokenNozeno, just use :-D
15:38.45EmleyMoor(or rather, to modernise)
15:39.11BrokenNozelaters anyway people
15:39.20BrokenNozethanks for help
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15:43.01EmleyMoorWhere does the default ring cadence for FXS ports come from?
15:43.16raytruz`Does Asterisk stop trying to renew SIP registrations if internet is lost ?
15:43.31*** join/#asterisk DarnoQ (
15:44.33DarnoQhi guys! which g729a codec package from digium is the best for 4x athlon 32bit hardware ?
15:45.35*** join/#asterisk neonerz (i=18bb0206@gateway/web/ajax/
15:46.10neonerzWould someone be able to help me with a non-asterisk voip question?
15:46.25EmleyMoorneonerz: Maybe...
15:46.27[TK]D-Fenderneonerz: Possibly.  Ask.
15:46.57neonerzRFC 1889 says that the SSRC has to be unique throughout the whole RTP session
15:47.10neonerzI just noticed my softswitch is changing the SSRC upon reply
15:47.33neonerzbeside the face of increasing the probability that two calls will be using the same SSRC at the same time
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15:47.45neonerzand totally screwing with my analysis applications
15:47.57neonerzis there any other adverse effects with that?
15:48.40*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=network1@unaffiliated/existenz)
15:48.48neonerzpcap of two sip calls to show what I'm talking about
15:48.56eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, I get this error chan_sip.c: Registration from 'PSTN <sip:pstn@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
15:49.52ManxPowereXistenZ: you don't have a [PSTN] (or maybe [pstn]) section in sip.conf
15:50.10eXistenZManxPower, now I have :)
15:51.17raytruz`Does Asterisk give up on SIP registrations after X amount of time if it cannot reach host?
15:51.52*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
15:51.55raytruz`And specifically, can I make it not give up?  I think the net went down and then the remote registration went down, and I did not receive any phone calls until asterisk restarted.
15:52.46eXistenZManxPower, Is it possible to trace registrations other than through Asterisk Logs?
15:53.12ManxPowereXistenZ: you mean like "sip debug"?
15:53.34eXistenZManxPower, set sip debug?
15:53.50ManxPowerraytruz`: Asterisk will stop working if you are using VoIP and it can't do a DNS lookup for it's own IP addresses.  Put the IP addresses of the machine in /etc/hosts.
15:54.02ManxPowereXistenZ: Uh, you can't try it?
15:54.19ManxPoweron MY version of Asterisk it's "sip debug on", but I use 1.2
15:54.27eXistenZManxPower, are successful registrations logged?
15:54.39[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: no.
15:54.43ManxPowereXistenZ: WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT
15:54.47raytruz`ManxPower: Any further reading on that ?
15:54.56ManxPowerraytruz`: nope.
15:55.07raytruz`ManxPower: And should i put the ip of the external host in there too?
15:55.14raytruz`Or will it keep trying as long as It can look itself up?
15:55.35ManxPowerraytruz`: put the IP addresses that are on the asterisk machine
15:55.54eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, so basically I receive the pstn from the spa3102, but it doesn't reroute it into the fxs
15:56.06eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, this should be a problem in the extensions.conf?
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15:56.27[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: you aren't showing us a failed call.  Stop wasting our time
15:57.23eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Where would that be logged, in /var/log/messages ?
15:57.39[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: ....* CLI <---
15:57.53ManxPowereXistenZ: It would be logged in the CLI and in /var/log/asterisk/whatever
15:57.54[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Forget about "log files"  that is worthless for debugging real problems.
15:58.26eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I run the CLI using ssh?
15:58.36EmleyMoorasterisk -r
15:58.38[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "asterisk -r"
15:59.08ManxPowereXistenZ: I think you need to read The Good Book, you are asking questions a person using Asterisk on their first day asks.
15:59.22jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
15:59.22raytruz`ManxPower: how do i put the ip's in the /etc/hosts file, I have always put IP<TAB>localhost or myserver.  My external IP does not have a name to resolve to
15:59.26eXistenZManxPower, quite so
15:59.34ManxPowerraytruz`: then make up a name
15:59.49raytruz`just making sure it was that simple :-)
15:59.59ManxPowerraytruz`: ONLY in this specific situation
16:00.07raytruz`yeah i figured
16:00.15raytruz`I just wish I could recreate the problem to make sure this fixes it
16:00.29ManxPowerraytruz`: break your internet connection, that will test it.
16:00.44raytruz`Yeah, that is one way to do it
16:01.08ManxPowerraytruz`: it would not hurt to put the ip/name info in /etc/hosts for the sites your are registering to as well.  The only issue is that it will break of they change IPs
16:01.18raytruz`yeah that was my thought
16:01.26raytruz`i'm sure it will stay static since its a voip provider
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16:01.27raytruz`but still
16:01.37[TK]D-Fenderraytruz`: You could always run a script to periodically look it up and update your hosts file.
16:01.55raytruz`4:00 AM type of script
16:02.05[TK]D-Fenderraytruz`: or whenever
16:04.36eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, should I do anything after I save sip.conf?
16:04.42eXistenZto get settings working
16:04.45[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "sip reload"
16:04.53eXistenZah :)
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16:07.42eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, sip show peers, shows registered peers?
16:08.19[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: should.  do "sip show peer [peernamewithoutbraces]" to see thedetails for one
16:09.21eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, which property shows that it is connected to asterisk
16:09.31[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: look at the IP's
16:09.34EmleyMoorWhere does the default ringing cadence of an FXS port come from?
16:09.51[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: look in your zaptel source
16:10.14eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, it is dynamic
16:10.28[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: pastebin the peer dump
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16:11.18EmleyMoorOh, I see what might well be it in zoneinfo.c
16:11.48EmleyMoorzonedata.c even
16:12.20tzafrir_laptopEmleyMoor, you have 'dahdi show cadences', but that's for the custom rings (such as Zap/1r1)
16:12.51[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 0 <- not registered.
16:12.59tzafrir_laptopEmleyMoor, the data in the sample indications.conf are exactly the same as those in zonedata.c (in practice)
16:13.29EmleyMoortzafrir_laptop: zap show cadences shows those for me.. actually, what I was seeking to do was confirm the default as I am thinking of rationalising and also amending the one we use on ringbacks
16:14.49snowy_owlPeople!! I know you all have enough wisdom to give a little hint. Sometimes, my sip proxy sends an INVITE to asterisk and this one try to forward the message to server X. But, sometimes, this last server isnt running. So asterisk will send an error to the first server
16:15.30snowy_owlthis sip proxy will load the failure route and will send a new INVITE to asterisk (using the same call-id from the first call).
16:15.45snowy_owlBut Asterisk will deny it.
16:16.12snowy_owlis there a variable which I can set to avoid this behavior?
16:17.09snowy_owlall this communication is using SIP. Just sip
16:18.18*** join/#asterisk mighty-d (
16:18.18snowy_owlthe sip proxy  changes the INVITE's RURI and try to send to asterisk again, but it does not accept it at all.
16:18.29snowy_owlI think that dont exist something like this
16:18.45snowy_owlsomething to change this behavior
16:18.49snowy_owlam i right?
16:21.11mighty-dHi, i need to deploy asterisk on a 100 extension office with a primary trunk line, i am trying to figure out the size of the machine i need, do you think i should go with expensive multiple xenon boards or use a dual/quad-core processor, i was thinking on 4 GB R.A.M but im not sure if it will suffice,
16:21.28Qwellmighty-d: overkill
16:21.31eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, pstn now works, not line1 though :
16:21.40[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: And * doesn't run well on inert gasses ;)
16:21.54Qwelland a xenon motherboard might be ridiculously expensive ;)
16:22.14*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
16:22.22Qwellseeing as how it's a gas...
16:22.36[TK]D-FenderQwell: Not taht expensive...
16:22.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: jsut not a good conductor ;)
16:22.50Qwell[TK]D-Fender: how are you going to make a board out of gas? :P
16:23.12Qwell(the word you want is Xeon)
16:23.16[TK]D-FenderQwell: High-pressure reverse sublimation ;)
16:23.28mighty-di understand now!
16:23.40mighty-dyeah, i meant Xeon
16:23.48Qwellmighty-d: but, yeah, that would be overkill for only 100 extensions
16:24.00mighty-dQwell, what would you suggest?
16:24.02Qwelleven 100 simultaneous calls with transcoding shouldn't need that much
16:24.24[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: And you might do just fine on a basic 3ghz+ box with a gig of RAM.  Of course I'd ramp it up to a "moderate power" desktop PC level which is nearly double that these days.
16:25.19*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:25.52mighty-dso, you think i should go with a dualcore at 2.5 and 2 Gig RAM?, they will be using the service a lot on the day and i want to be sure...
16:26.10Qwellmighty-d: that'd be sufficient
16:27.21mighty-dQwell, [TK]D-Fender , thanks a lot, :)
16:27.57[TK]D-Fendermighty-d: TBH I'd put in 4 gig of ram just because its so cheap, and would at least max you out for 32bit
16:27.59*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
16:28.34mighty-d[TK]D-Fender, yeah, i was thinking the same
16:29.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=ariel_@
16:29.53ariel_Hello everyone
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16:30.36ariel_quick question, has anyone here have any info on the ICD?  The wiki has nothing really  on it.  And have not seen any doc's on how to configure it.
16:30.57[TK]D-Fenderariel_: the alternaive queue?
16:31.05[TK]D-Fenderlol... funny typo :)
16:31.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:31.22[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Its ancient, unmaintained... WGLWAT
16:31.25neoalexhi guys I have a problem getting incoming callerid on IAX: I have this in the user context in iax.conf: callerid="Adrian"<2342>
16:31.28ariel_[TK]D-Fender, how are things going?
16:31.38neoalexhowever when I get a call the name is passed but not the number
16:31.43ManxPowerneoalex: NEVER put quotes in callerid
16:31.51[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Sure you do
16:31.57neoalextried without too
16:31.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Zero issues with that
16:32.02ManxPoweralso dont' put anything but letters, numbers and the <>
16:32.09eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I make an extension, that plays a sound file when someone calls? I simply want to try it
16:32.17ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: some cisco phones have problems with it as do some carriers, even if they overwrite it
16:32.32[TK]D-FenderManxPower: * strips them from what I recall..
16:32.35ManxPowerand quotes - , etc are not part of the callerid
16:32.39ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: not in my experience
16:32.40eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, in my [pstn] context, in extensions.conf I want to play a soundfile from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
16:32.50[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: its your dialplan.  go make an extension in it
16:32.55ManxPowereXistenZ: what did I tell you about the book?
16:33.29neoalexok now it's callerid=Adrian<2342>
16:33.36neoalexstill the same thing
16:33.43neoalexit only shows the name not the number
16:33.51[TK]D-Fenderneoalex: pastebin is your friend...
16:34.07eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, do I have to reload extensions.conf as well?
16:34.23neoalex[TK]D-Fender: what do you need me to paste?
16:35.24ManxPowerneoalex: add a space between the name and the < just to be safe, but I don't think that is the issue.
16:35.26ariel_neoalex, I just use: callerid=Reception Station <7600>  and works fine
16:35.32[TK]D-Fenderneoalex: your config, and the failed call at verbose 10, IAX2 debug
16:35.46[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: if you change it... dug
16:37.16neoalexaaah, nevermind I had a number validity thing for that extension (some providers send me CID with a 1 in front, others don't)
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16:50.39Zuchmirhow can i set * to call out to 2 SIP addresses, and bridge them?
16:51.04[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: Look up "AMI Originate" and "call files" on the WIKI
16:51.07jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
16:52.44*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
16:58.19spokra   has micro$oft packaged asterisk!!
16:59.00seanbrightspokra: no, they haven't.
16:59.04VeggenHmm. I wonder. Someone should make a place where you can register hobbys, interests etc., and sign up for automated call-bridging (surprise phones) from people with similar interests :)
16:59.07Qwellor, have they?
16:59.14spokrabut the invented VOIP  :>
16:59.16seanbrightQwell: they haven't.
16:59.19Veggen(that was in relation to Zuchmirs comments)
16:59.22Qwellor, HAVE they?
16:59.46Qwellspokra: Why would you think it's Asterisk?
16:59.48seanbrightQwell: no sir, they have not.
16:59.57mvanbaakwho knows
17:00.01mvanbaakmaybe they have
17:00.03spokraI don;t really..
17:00.09seanbrightmvanbaak: no, they haven't.
17:00.24mvanbaakgheh that banner is fun
17:00.37spokrakinda pricy for four phone a a switch
17:00.37mvanbaak'A phone system so easy, you can buy it online.'
17:00.40mvanbaakoh really !
17:01.06mvanbaakthey should replace that page with a redirect to ebay
17:01.09outtoluncyeah, for $7k
17:01.22seanbrightand people will buy it because it's from MS
17:01.37seanbrightfor the same reason people buy ABE
17:01.39phpboythat's the truth
17:01.57phpboyI best get going
17:02.01phpboyI need to eat :T
17:02.06phpboyit's been a long day :(
17:02.25mvanbaakit's always a long day when coding php
17:02.41phpboyI don't code at this company
17:02.49Qwellblah, just redefine the time constant
17:02.53phpboywell, I do small dev things from time to time
17:02.57mvanbaaklol Qwell
17:03.03phpboygeek :P
17:03.06mvanbaakphp coding is my daytime job
17:03.16phpboyIt used to be my daytime job
17:03.25phpboybut I've decided to do the systems thing for a while again
17:03.32phpboyI believe I enjoy it more
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17:18.25kombi_trying to bridge two network interfaces, I managed to break my b140p somehow.. Incoming calls sound like they are switched indefinetly but are never visible in CLI. Is there a way to reset the card somehow?
17:19.53[TK]D-Fenderkombi_: kill *, unload the kernel module, reload it.
17:20.34kombi_I'll reboot the whole box now..
17:21.38*** join/#asterisk TheH (n=tommy@
17:21.58TheHi have a problem with my BT ISDN / b410p / MISDN config
17:22.13TheHi setup a incoming route but it rings the phone ones and then just drops
17:22.57[TK]D-FenderTheH: pastebin a failed call at verbose 10
17:22.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
17:24.52TheHTK :
17:25.01TheHTK : Dont mind the macro :)
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17:28.44[TK]D-FenderTheH: You've got a cause code 16 in there which seems to indicate that the isdn end hung up.
17:28.53TheHTK : And this is my outgoing call (which also fault..
17:28.58TheHsoo would it be a BT issue ?
17:29.45kombi_I confess: I did "brctl addif br0 eth0; brctl addif br0 tap0; ifconfig tap0 promisc up" After i hit return all ongoing calls were interrupted and the box does not accept or make calls ever since, even after several reboots..
17:30.13kombi_I don't see how those brctl commands could affect asterisk or the digium hardware though..
17:31.22TheHTK : And this is my misdn.conf
17:31.35seanbrightouttolunc: $7k?  try $1,799.
17:31.53TheHTK: i configured it using TE_PTP which seems fine and only default context misdn and then in the misdn context all the ports 1-4
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17:33.29TheHTK:  Also cause code 16 is normal call clearing which would be weird cause i dont "clear" the call it semes the system clears it before i can pickup
17:34.00[TK]D-FenderTheH: [Jul  3 18:24:41] WARNING[3588]: chan_oss.c:682 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
17:34.26[TK]D-FenderTheH: Might be bombing because you don't have a supportable channel the way you're calling from console.  Don't waste time dialing like that.  use a softphone.
17:34.27TheHTK : Thats ok , thats just because there is no sound card in the server. i have this on a bunch of other servers as well
17:35.27jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
17:35.37TheHTK: I also added a misdn check before my calls
17:35.42TheHTK exten => s,1,misdn_check_l2l1(g:intern|2)
17:35.42TheHexten => s,2,Dial(misdn/g:intern/${ARG1})
17:36.43*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:36.50[TK]D-FenderTheH: I'm not particularly knowledgeable about ISDN (esp BRI).  Still remove 1 potential isse by testing with a softphone on one end.
17:37.22TheHyes did this as well... but same problem occurs.. :( and i did do about 6 other BRI installs for various companies..
17:37.32TheHi think its a BT Telco issue
17:38.03[TK]D-FenderTheH: Possible, I can't really advise further.  Sorry
17:38.09*** join/#asterisk keith4__ (
17:38.29TheHTK No worries thanks
17:39.10huey23[TK]D-Fender:  are you speechless?
17:39.31keith4__VoicePulse provides sample configurations to use with their service. I guess I have to set my outgoing callerid, and the line they suggest is "exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0000000000)", and similar for 'name' instead of 'num'. Is this syntax correct for 1.4?
17:39.42[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: No, I've got a professional writer on-call 24/7 :)
17:39.49huey23[TK]D-Fender:  :)
17:39.50*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c419fff6@gateway/web/ajax/
17:40.09x86guys I just found some awesome MoH music :)
17:40.36keith4__no quotes or anything? doesn't seem to be working
17:41.52[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: And you don't seem to be showing anything.  Curious parallels.
17:42.02ManxPowerkeith4__: Telcos don't accept outgoing callerid name stuff
17:45.00keith4__top is an excerpt from Voicepulse-provided conf
17:45.35keith4__I'm sip'd in, calling out to my cell phone. call comes through without CID
17:46.07[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: You have a US cell?
17:46.22[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: Located in the US?
17:46.49keith4__server in CA, I'm currently in NH
17:46.51Great_Anta_Bakax86: that is some mad mad mad stuff
17:46.52[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: Ok, well first, why do you have a "+" in front of the # you are dialing?
17:46.55Great_Anta_Bakalove it to bits
17:47.28keith4__[TK]D-Fender: that is a good question. let me investigate
17:47.34[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: And have you just done another test from something like a land-line to confirm that you do get CID in the first place?
17:48.57keith4__it's in their sample conf:
17:48.57keith4__yes, I get CID from the land-line here, and from other cells
17:50.02[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: shouldn't have a +
17:50.50[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: and what do you see for the #?
17:51.30keith4__call log on cell phone shows: Name: "Unknown" Number "No Caller ID"
17:51.38keith4__I'll take out the + and see what happens
17:53.00keith4__doesn't make a difference
17:53.26keith4__call still comes through, though. so obviously the + is frivolous
17:54.44[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: pastebin the SIP debug for your call.
17:54.55keith4__odd that they only have the + in two of the dial statements, but not the third:
17:55.06keith4__[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:59.12*** join/#asterisk quaqo (
18:00.54keith4__[TK]D-Fender:  I'm NAT'd behind, server is
18:02.36[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: I'm suspecting you have a "fromuser=" in your sip.conf entry...
18:03.20[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: If so, comment it out and retest
18:05.10keith4__ah, crap
18:05.15keith4__it's in their sample conf!
18:06.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: is that to say that that's what it was and is now funcitoning?
18:07.10*** join/#asterisk pputman- (
18:07.57keith4__it's to say... indeed there is a fromuser, but I can't make an outbound call with fromuser commented out
18:08.41kombi_misdn show stacks says L2Link DOWN. I need that to be up for it to work, any ideas?
18:08.57*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
18:09.43keith4__which means... it's not registering to voicepulse without 'fromuser'?
18:10.02[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: calling has nothing to do with registereing.  PB your config
18:10.03keith4__oh, it is. all 3 show as sip peers
18:13.12*** join/#asterisk MACscr (
18:13.29MACscrany recommendations on a quality wifi sip phone?
18:15.34[TK]D-FenderMACscr: Bset out there is the Hitachi's to date
18:16.00MACscr[TK]D-Fender: model?
18:16.20[TK]D-FenderMACscr: IP3000 IIRC
18:16.21*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
18:16.25*** part/#asterisk trafim (n=reallyma@
18:18.32keith4__[TK]D-Fender: sorry,
18:18.41keith4__that's without the 'fromuser' lines, obviously
18:19.38*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c636caf6@gateway/web/ajax/
18:19.45[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: try swapping commenting out the fromuser & username
18:21.43keith4__no good. fails to auth
18:21.50keith4__but fails differently from before
18:23.45[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: ok, I'm out of ideas for a bit
18:24.13keith4__alright, well thanks for the effort. i'll call voicepulse later, and see if this is just detined to fail
18:24.37outtolunchave you tried setting the CALLERID(name)=   (to nothing)
18:25.47*** join/#asterisk Strom_M (n=strom@
18:25.47keith4__nope. will try
18:26.30keith4__wtf. why did that work?!
18:26.47keith4__outtolunc: thanks!
18:26.54outtoluncbecause they do not expect the invite to a context/user
18:27.00[TK]D-Fenderkeith4__: Guess they don't like the name.
18:27.10outtoluncgafachi is like that also
18:28.24[TK]D-Fenderouttolunc: Good call.
18:28.43keith4__now that I look at their sample conf, they have 000000000 for name and num
18:29.36outtoluncthe 'name' will always be looked up by the far end anyways.. so it is just passing to the provider you are clearing it out
18:30.24outtoluncif pstn <G>
18:33.29*** part/#asterisk MACscr (
18:33.54keith4__thanks guys. this calls for a beer. later!
18:34.41outtolunchappy 4th
18:34.58*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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18:47.29*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=HOME@unaffiliated/existenz)
18:47.34eXistenZhey [TK]D-Fender
18:47.47*** join/#asterisk AC-Jay (
18:48.33AC-Jaygreetings.  can I get help here if my issue lies with asterisk suddenly not running AGI script properly?
18:49.24[TK]D-FenderAC-Jay: perhaps.  PASTEBIN is your friend.
18:49.26jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:50.43AC-Jaywell, I don't think it's a code issue either in my dialplan or my php script.  if I run the script from the command line, it works fine.  when I have asterisk call it via AGI, nothing seems to happen.  unforunately, agi debug doesn't show me the info I'd like to see (setting and retrieving variables)
18:51.50outtolunccheck the permissions
18:51.58AC-Jayhonestly, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, however I do have the same problem on a new asterisk box I built to replace the one in question.  I'm sure I did something wrong, but I can't figure it out
18:52.19AC-Jayouttolunc:  tried that already.  even tried setting everything to 0777 and no luck
18:52.56AC-Jaythat's what they are currently set at
18:52.59outtoluncand make sure the user:group is that of your asterisk service
18:53.18AC-Jaymuch to your chagrin (I'm sure), asterisk is running as root
18:53.41AC-JayI haven't had much luck running it as non-root.  seems to screw everything up for me
18:54.51outtoluncdid you put it in your /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin dir or path it out in the dialplan?
18:55.19eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I check out whether passing the caller id from the spa to * works?
18:55.31AC-Jayouttolunc:  yes.  in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
18:55.49AC-Jaythe CLI says it's launching the script and that it completed, returning 0
18:55.59outtoluncwell then pastebin the script
18:56.03outtoluncso we can see it
18:56.08AC-Jayok one sec
18:56.25AC-Jaykeep in mind if I run the script from the command line, I get no errors
18:57.35*** join/#asterisk UCFmethod (
18:57.53jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
18:58.18[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: LOOK at it.
18:58.34*** join/#asterisk Drag0n` (
18:59.39eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, is there a special ckl
18:59.44eXistenZcommand for it
19:00.06[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: look at the SIP traffic, or NoOp it in your dialplan.
19:00.22twistedAC-Jay: what does agi debug tell you?
19:00.43kombi_after long years of seamless functioning, I can't get L2Link up on a Digium b410. Is this card broken?
19:00.51eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, sip traffic in sip set debug?
19:00.59outtoluncin is in, not under
19:01.00[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: yes
19:01.04AC-Jaynothing, and that's the problem.  it used to show the assigning and retrieval of variables.  it says nothing of the sort now.  some info that I dont' think is relevant, but I can pb it if you'd like
19:01.20twistedlooks like you're setting things twice
19:01.35twistednot that that's an issue
19:01.50AC-Jayyeah I read about a bug on the phpagi bug tracker that suggested trying that if you were having problems
19:02.02AC-Jaysomething about it not taking the first time for whatever reason
19:02.37*** join/#asterisk kc7wsu (i=80bb00b2@gateway/web/ajax/
19:03.12*** join/#asterisk minime (
19:03.22[TK]D-FenderAC-Jay: $command = "GET /voip/voip.php?cmd=get_cid&data=$acct[data] HTTP/1.1"; <- why do I feel this is not the correct way to reference a variable in-line in PHP?
19:03.55[TK]D-FenderAC-Jay: Do you see your webserver bing hit for the correct query?
19:04.28twisteddid you run php -l on the script to make sure it's got no syntax errors?
19:04.45AC-Jay[TK]D-Fender, that is the correct syntax, and no, no hits from my webserver
19:04.50AC-Jayunless I run it from the command line
19:05.24AC-Jaytwisted:  yes
19:05.26[TK]D-FenderAC-Jay: And you're not running PHP in "quiet mode"
19:06.22AC-JayI've tried both
19:06.31AC-Jaywith and without the -q flag
19:06.44AC-Jaywhich I guess doesn't really exist if you look at the output php provides
19:06.59outtolunccp the darn thing to the agi-bin dir and restart asterisk
19:07.13huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i looked at lumen and sphinx yesterday, i think i just need to worry about getting a good stable system before i worry about that stuff...there is quite a bit that goes on behind the scenes
19:07.13AC-Jayouttolunc:  tried that too
19:07.18outtoluncadd a verbose statement before sock
19:07.40shido6if I do a du -h | grep G > bigfiles.txt and I just want to find out the folders/files that are taking up  "Gigs" of space, whats the next step?
19:07.49AC-Jayouttolunc:  verbose statements don't do anything, I don't believe.  like echoing something won't show in asterisk
19:08.14outtoluncif you have agi debug on yes it does
19:08.19outtolunc(or should)
19:08.37AC-Jayhmm.  let me try again
19:09.10outtolunci use verbose stuff in perl agis all the time
19:09.38*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (n=somewher@
19:09.48*** part/#asterisk kc7wsu (i=80bb00b2@gateway/web/ajax/
19:10.01*** join/#asterisk kc7wsu (i=80bb00b2@gateway/web/ajax/
19:10.11AC-Jayouttolunc:  echoing "hello world" didn't show anything in the agi debug
19:10.22outtolunci didn't say echo
19:10.30outtoluncshakes his head
19:10.37BCS-SatoriHas anyone used a wireless sip phone, that is user friendly, that sounds and performs well for a business enviorment
19:11.37AC-Jaysorry, I must have misunderstood what you said
19:11.41AC-Jaywhat did you mean?
19:11.43*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
19:11.48outtoluncread the phpagi api
19:11.55outtoluncsearch 'verbose'
19:12.00[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: ...
19:12.03jbot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
19:12.22*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
19:12.33[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Unrecommended.  If you have little choice, go for the Polycom/Spectralink or Hitachi
19:13.34twisted[TK]D-Fender: heh, i have both here, the user frendliest of the two would be the hitachi
19:13.37huey23[TK]D-Fender:  how come noone recommends a Cisco?
19:13.45BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: Yea, I was looking at the Spectralink ones, I don't like it anymore then you do, but they really want one for travel
19:14.13[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Travel?  Exactly what they are BAD at.
19:14.17kc7wsuI personally like my Aastra 57i CT
19:14.27huey23we had an Aastra
19:14.30huey23it died
19:14.32[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: see "nat traversal / security settings, etc"
19:14.38AC-Jayouttolunc:  nothing on the verbose
19:14.44[TK]D-Fenderkc7wsu: that isn't WiFi
19:16.21kc7wsuTrue, but if you can find a wifi that will even work very well, why not just goto an ata or aastra with something that will work better. unless you have a huge area an multiple networks to cross
19:16.49[TK]D-Fenderkc7wsu: should follow what he's been saying...
19:16.50BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: what do you think of bluetooth phones if they exist, have looked yet, that connect to a laptop that has a vpn tunnel back to the pbx?
19:17.06[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Can definietly work.
19:17.18[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Hec, just a BT headset & USB dongle.
19:18.22outtoluncAC-Jay: if your CLI is at verbose higher than your verbose statement and nothing is showing asterisk is not executing it.. did you use the extension inthe dialplan?
19:20.26*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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19:23.05AC-Jayouttolunc:  cli is at 5, $agi->verbose defaults to 1.  nothing in asterisk, I assumed it's not executing the script for some reason.  I cannot figure out why, however.  yes, I called the extension.
19:23.59AC-Jaythis is driving me nuts.  it's probably something very simple and yet I can't seem to figure it out.  ugh
19:24.03[TK]D-FenderAC-Jay: PASTEBIN <---------
19:24.21AC-Jayyou bet.  one sec.  cli scrolls a lot ;)
19:24.35*** join/#asterisk iNetForce (
19:27.03AC-Jaycurse the stupid CLI.  grrr
19:28.23AC-Jay[TK]D-Fender, outtolunc:
19:28.34AC-Jaywas not quick enough to get the initial dial command
19:28.44UCFmethodHas anyone played around with app_sms and gotten it to work? I think I need a SMSC configured, but I am not quite sure.
19:28.54AC-Jaygot everything after it however, before the stupid CLI autoscrolled and screwed me over :D
19:30.08AC-JayI'm not 100% sure how to fully decipher an agi debug so I'm hoping I missed something simple and you guys will taunt me mercilessly for it
19:31.34minimescratching head
19:33.12AC-Jayand here's the get_cid.php code
19:33.41AC-Jaythe double assigning is deliberate
19:35.30twistedhey AC-Jay
19:35.44*** part/#asterisk UCFmethod (
19:35.49twistedcheck that out for examples on pulling data from the web
19:36.18*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
19:36.19huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i need help adding an extension, where should i start? :)
19:36.37AC-Jaymy code did work up until a couple hours ago
19:36.42AC-Jaythen mysteriously stopped
19:36.43[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Step 1) Pull your head out of your ass.
19:37.00twistedAC-Jay: hmmm.... sounds fishy
19:37.07twistedAC-Jay: drive isnt' full is it?
19:37.23AC-Jayand calling the script from the command line works
19:37.26twistedno logfiles 4gb or larger?
19:37.27huey23[TK]D-Fender:  wow .. thanks, that helps
19:37.34AC-Jayso it doesn't appear to be anything on my webserver
19:37.35*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
19:37.48AC-Jayno, I run logrotate on everything
19:37.49*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
19:38.06twistedsomething had to change for things to stop working
19:38.13twistedwhat was the last thing you did on the system before it stopped?
19:38.19[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: It should.  This allows for enhanced vision by removing everything obstructing your eyes!
19:38.35anonymouz666anyone ever saw asterisk consuming 9%/12% (looking through top) even if there's NO USE
19:38.42AC-Jayon the asterisk box, nothing.  on my webserver, recompiling apache
19:38.44*** join/#asterisk L-info (
19:39.22AC-JayI'd be inclined to think it was a problem with my webserver, if everything else didn't work fine
19:39.36AC-Jayincluding running the script *on the asterisk box* from the command line
19:40.23iNetForceGuys call parking is not giving me the extesion where the call is parks
19:40.39huey23[TK]D-Fender:  what country are you located?
19:40.43iNetForcei know it goes to 701 because it is the default first extesion but i dont get the information from the box
19:40.45iNetForceany idea?
19:42.07[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: What "information"?
19:42.30*** join/#asterisk rabelais (n=blank@unaffiliated/rabelais)
19:42.41macros73Anyone recommend software that will high-light phone numbers in web pages and allow click-to-dial for your Asterisk extension?
19:43.06[TK]D-Fendermacros73: There are firefox extensions for this.  Easily searchable.  Go look.
19:43.26outtoluncAC-Jay: where are you loading the phpagi classes (because the AGI isn't in that file you pasted)
19:43.28iNetForceFender I do not get the extension where the call was parked
19:43.39macros73[TK]D-Fender: Firefox extensions I can find.  I've been looking for the past couple of hours for Internet Explorer-compatible software.
19:43.44iNetForceI am supposed to hear " the car was parked at 701" or something like that
19:43.55AC-Jayouttolunc:  are you asking to see the dialplan?
19:43.59iNetForcei do not get to hear that on the line, howerver, the call parks
19:43.59[TK]D-Fendermacros73: If you can't find it... maybe it simply doesn't exist
19:44.04iNetForceif i call 701 the call is there
19:44.06AC-Jayor did you want the php code?
19:44.15macros73[TK]D-Fender: Maybe it's in a box somewhere along with your tact. :D
19:44.30[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: How are you doing this park?  describe the phones, and the complete process.
19:44.44iNetForcei have gxp2000 phones
19:44.54iNetForcei call one of the extension and pick up the call there
19:45.12iNetForcei go to the phone where the call was originated from and hit transfer 700
19:45.26iNetForcethe car goes to the parking lot but i do not hear where it was parked
19:45.32AC-Jayout, what was the link for?
19:46.05outtoluncthink of it it this way
19:46.06[TK]D-Fenderintralanman: What phone model?
19:46.13[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: rather
19:46.38drfreezeOk, I'm getting a short high pitch on my phones, then a hangup
19:46.48macros73[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  I've been working with IPdialer, was hoping to find something such luck unless I convince the corporate masters to adopt Firefox.
19:46.49outtoluncif i write an perl based agi that is meant to use asterisk-perl, i would have to install asterisk perl or make its classes available somehow to that agi
19:47.08AC-JayI'm sorry, I misunderstood.  I am using PHPAGI
19:47.19outtoluncyou have a php script 'named' phpagi but no phpagi classes (at least not shown)
19:47.35AC-Jayline 6.  $agi = new AGI();
19:47.45outtoluncyeah, magic
19:47.52outtoluncthink about that for a sec
19:47.59AC-Jayphpagi.php has the agi classes
19:48.10outtoluncnot the file you pasted
19:48.37outtoluncoh i think i got it now
19:48.58iNetForceAm i doing it wrong>?
19:49.03outtoluncyou got the phpagi.php in the subdir and some other php file in agi-bin
19:49.15[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: DETAILS.  <-
19:49.35iNetForcegxp2000 phones,digium aa50
19:49.42iNetForcethe appliance
19:49.48iNetForcedefault configuration
19:49.54QwelliNetForce: Call support.
19:49.59[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: Make sure you are doing an ATTENDED transfer, and not a BLIND transfer.
19:50.24AC-Jayouttolunc:  phpagi has several files, so I put them all in the phpagi directory
19:50.56iNetForcei call from 6000 to 60001, I pick up the call at 6001 and from 6000 i press transfer and dial 700. I wait there until the call goes to the parking lot, however, Isupposed to hear on the handset where the callgets parked " the call is parked at 701" but I do not hear this
19:51.23iNetForceam i doing it wrong
19:51.34[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: I just told you something specific to look at.
19:54.28outtoluncAC-Jay: btw.. it is working here, you sure you chown root:root /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/phpagi/ and also chmod 755 /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/phpagi/phpagi.php and reloaded asterisk
19:55.00AC-JayI've done both.  I will try it again quick once people get off the phones :)
19:55.46outtoluncthere is an invalid command but.. it does run, agi debug does output and so does using verbose
19:55.48outtoluncAGI Rx << VERBOSE "test test" 3
19:56.05macros73 may work
19:56.12*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
19:56.19AC-Jaywhat is the invalid command?
19:56.45outtoluncyou think asterisk tells you that .. haha <G> that would be useful
19:56.59AC-Jayoh I thought you were telling me :P
19:57.05outtolunchave to comment out lines or move the verbose in sets to find it
19:57.44AC-Jaychrist.  my bosses are like freakin highschool girls
19:57.51AC-Jayget off the damn phone!
19:58.07*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
19:58.22AC-JayI'm half tempted to just restart asterisk on him
19:58.39TrentCreektry it on her instead
19:59.06outtoluncdoesn't like the #!/usr/sbin/php
19:59.28outtoluncactually other way around
20:00.27AC-Jayare you telling me or suggesting that may be the problem?
20:00.34AC-Jaymy shebang line matches "which php"
20:01.07outtoluncyeah without either it doesnt run at all
20:01.08TrentCreekshebangs shebangs shemoves
20:01.14outtoluncbut with it gives the error
20:01.23AC-Jaywhat was the error?
20:01.44outtoluncprobably doesn't like the extra stuff i'm tossing at it..
20:02.16AC-Jaynothing, and no call to my webserver either.
20:02.35AC-Jaychowning and chmoding and restarting didn't fix it
20:03.13TrentCreeknow what would be the advantage of setting up mySQL just for *?
20:04.11*** join/#asterisk rootlogin (
20:04.28[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: What do you want to DO with it?
20:05.43*** join/#asterisk iNetForce (
20:05.53TrentCreekwell...I was just going over the install guide at voip-info and it was metioning about setting it up for an option
20:05.56iNetForceFEnder i figured it out but it takes too much time
20:06.11iNetForceI need to put line 1 on hold, select line and dial 700, then hit trasnfer and line 1
20:06.30iNetForceis there an easier way to do an attended transfer with a gxp2000?
20:06.34[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: You need to do an ATTENDED transfer.
20:06.50[TK]D-FenderiNetForce: Go read your phone's manual
20:07.26[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: forget about mysql until you see a real need for it.
20:07.52TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: Groovy..thanks...well back to setting up asterisk2billing
20:13.00robfmost awesome use of hello world
20:16.11*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (n=chatzill@
20:20.35TrentCreekthank you
20:20.55*** part/#asterisk drwatson (
20:22.50huey23[TK]D-Fender:  have fun blowing shit up, making people feel worthless, and being the zen master of the utterly obvious
20:22.57*** join/#asterisk mike-ekim (
20:22.58huey23[TK]D-Fender: i'm out
20:23.15mike-ekimI have some .vox files, if I have asterisk with allow=ulaw on a provider, will the .vox file play out properly or would I need to convert to .ulaw format
20:23.32Qwellmike-ekim: I don't know what .vox format is.  You'll need to convert them to something
20:23.50[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: whee!
20:24.23TrentCreeki'm in
20:24.28[TK]D-FenderQwell: Really ancient "standard"
20:24.43huey23[TK]D-Fender: how do you make your definition come up?  ~tk?
20:25.11*** join/#asterisk wigyanpy (n=wigyanpy@
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20:26.17Qwell"Cat 5 Resistant Data Center".  wtf?
20:26.38Qwellthat's one of the oddest whois comments I've ever seen
20:26.45[TK]D-FenderQwell: Means that no cat5 will be able to enter.  you wouldn't want the hackers to be be able to get to them, do you? :)
20:27.02Qwellhuey23: Your provider.  very odd.
20:27.24[TK]D-FenderAlrighty, heading home, BBIAB
20:27.26huey23ohh, we are rated category 5
20:27.27outtolunccategory 5 as in mucho wind <G>
20:27.41Qwelloh, haha
20:27.53Qwellthat makes *SO* much more sense
20:28.02QwellI was thinking know...cat5
20:28.10huey23hurricane, tornado, and earthquake
20:28.17Qwellyeah, I got it
20:28.26Qwellyou can see the confusion, I'm sure
20:28.45seanbrightdamn el nino
20:28.54huey23i can, but if you are in the data center business, you can differentiate
20:29.00QwellI suppose need at least cat 6 to enter ;-)
20:29.21QwellTrentCreek: indeed ;)
20:29.34huey23we would like it that way, but, you can only push customers so far :P
20:30.11Qwellhuey23: so, what makes it cat5 resistant?
20:30.17outtoluncwould take thinnet if it were free <G>
20:30.19huey23the structure
20:30.20TrentCreekgosh darn it..looks like a trip to Fry's tomorrow
20:30.24Qwellno windows, brick, etc?
20:30.25huey23just the way it's built
20:30.52Qwelland who determines that?  is it tested?
20:30.53seanbrightpopsicle sticks and rubber bands
20:31.16*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
20:31.17huey23i am not completly sure, it is 18" reinforced concrete, that's about all i know
20:31.45TrentCreekMaybe it's cheaper to have a host that is in a place that has no bad weather...maybe like Arizona?
20:31.56QwellTrentCreek: good  luck getting bandwidth
20:32.06huey23NO! ...there are no high winds there
20:32.09Qwell(the answer, of course, is Silicon Valley)
20:32.26TrentCreekyeah..they just got power outages
20:32.35macros73TrentCreek: Scorpions in AZ, they get into everything.  And when you try to clean them out, wow baby, wear thick gloves.
20:32.36huey23and illegals
20:32.51ta^3Trying to start Asterisk with the minimum amount of modules (modules.conf: autoload = no), I've discovered that Asterisk is unable to bridge both Zap calls if is not loaded
20:32.52outtoluncwe got lots of fires currently <G>
20:33.07Qwellta^3: this is correct
20:33.11Qwell(and documented)
20:33.11TrentCreekthen they can post: "We are Scorpion and Illegal Resistant
20:33.14huey23welll, we have rain
20:33.33huey23is anything illegal resistant right now?
20:33.58TrentCreekno...just like the ants
20:34.06TrentCreekget into everything
20:34.21ta^3Qwell: Hum, I'm ashamed to ear that, where I can find where it's documented?
20:34.30huey23Qwell:  to be blunt...Mexican Nationals
20:34.39*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
20:34.39Qwellhuey23: Take the bigotry elsewhere.
20:34.50huey23no bigotry, just honesty
20:34.56TrentCreekStating facts is not bigotry
20:35.04huey23sorry, i'll go be honest somewhere else
20:35.32Qwellta^3: good question
20:35.39QwellI'm pretty sure the book talks about it
20:35.40TrentCreekSo calling a drug dealer would be better to sya he is an "Unlicensed Pharamsist?"
20:36.12AC-Jaywhat is the command to disable agi debugging?
20:36.18huey23TrentCreek:  take that nasty mouth elsewhere please
20:36.25huey23cya ladies
20:36.37*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
20:37.23Qwellta^3: most modules should have a dependency on res_features
20:37.53Qwellta^3: what version?
20:38.54ta^3AC-Jay: > agi debug off
20:38.54*** join/#asterisk lanning (
20:39.33TrentCreekagi flame on
20:40.19AC-Jayta^3:  that did not work
20:41.04AC-Jaynm got it.  agi no debug
20:41.28TrentCreekagi debug off - Disable AGI debugging
20:42.23ta^3AC-Jay: seems that you are still using 1.2.X
20:43.20AC-JayI am on my old box.
20:43.28AC-Jayguess I shoulda mentioned that, eh? :P
20:43.30TrentCreek.093 beta
20:46.28*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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20:53.55pikachu2000hi all
20:54.23pikachu2000Anyone here heard of a problem where asterisk disconnects when a remote pbx does a call transfer?
20:54.51[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: What "remote PBX", and what kind of "transfer"?  How are they conencted?
20:56.34pikachu2000I dont know the make of the remote pbx but typically it goes like this 1) A call is placed to a customer/supplier/3rd party 2) The third party rep answers. They then try and transfer the call to someone else at the 3rd party. When they do the transfer asterisk disconnects
20:57.03pikachu2000i.e. the third party is doing a transfer and asterisk disconnects
20:57.37pikachu2000I cant see anything in the log files but typically by the time I get notified of the problem the logs has got a lot more entries in it.
20:57.56*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
20:58.29[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: And I asked how they were connected.
20:58.56pikachu2000over a pri line
20:59.03TrentCreekCat 5 resistence is fu-tile
20:59.36pikachu2000the asterisk box has pri -- the other side depends on their setup.
20:59.39[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: You're going to have to provide CLI output for the failure possibly with PRI debug info as well.
21:00.06*** join/#asterisk fetcher (
21:00.46fetcheranyone using Voicepulse Connect for IAX termination?
21:01.16pikachu2000ok --- I will try and turn logging up a bit and see what I can see. I was just hoping someone would have a pointer where to possible look for the problem. I must admit that I havent seen this at other clients. Its just this one who is reporting it. They recently did an upgrade of asterisk
21:01.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:01.54pikachu2000i.e trixbox so who knows what they done. I hate it when clients get adventerous. I will check trixbox forums too.
21:02.48[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: Well.. you have no details, so there is nothing you can ask anyone at this point.
21:02.53*** join/#asterisk angryuser (n=sdfsdf@
21:03.14angryuserthe beep only to voicemail goes with 's" option ?
21:03.28angryuser* 1.4
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21:03.55[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: If you don't tell it to play a prompt, yes
21:04.04*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
21:04.13pikachu2000true -- the log files i say didnt have anything of interest in them -- will have to dig deeper
21:04.37[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: CLI ouptu, not logs.  Log files are typically worthless
21:04.54angryuseryep, thanks
21:05.12pikachu2000how do you capture the cli output though. This might sound stupid but it scrolls by really fast
21:06.09angryuserread faster ? xD
21:06.20[TK]D-Fenderpikachu2000: copy & paste
21:07.08riddleboxwohoo, finally got remote access to my last asterisk install
21:07.10pikachu2000phew --- its a busy asterisk box. It normally scrolls off screen before I have a chance to highlight and do the copy.
21:07.29pikachu2000I will see if we can reproduce it in the lab
21:07.33angryuserow , have you heard about elastix, their last release is nice
21:07.35pikachu2000with less traffic
21:07.43fetcherpikachu2000: one way is to run your Asterisk console isnide a GNU 'screen' session
21:07.53[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: centos + FreePBX.  nothing to write home about
21:07.54angryuserfor the *gui* based asterisk
21:08.04pikachu2000hi fetcher yes can do that
21:08.06fetcherpikachu2000: then press control-A, 'H' (capital) to turn on screen's logging feature
21:08.17outtoluncset your logger.conf for full (add verbose), then reload it
21:08.18pikachu2000ok -- cool thanks for the tip
21:08.34[TK]D-Fenderor pick any client that has a "copy all to clipboard".
21:08.55Qwellor just use the logger features built into Asterisk
21:08.58angryuser[TK]D-Fender: but they have extra options like vtiger/sugar/spark;openfire/hylafax & more integrated
21:09.13angryuseri think it's nice
21:09.15*** join/#asterisk delparnel (
21:09.35pikachu2000Will try --- but is really difficult with an intermittent fault. I will see what I can do. Will need to put a lot more time into solving this one.
21:10.19angryuser[TK]D-Fender: good for lazy persons like me
21:10.46outtoluncfooboot's <G>
21:11.17pikachu2000yeah we use elastix at one of our clients. its nice because it uses misdn by default while trixbox --- last time I looked doesn't
21:11.46angryuserah yes misdn is a plus
21:12.03angryuserfor *some* installs
21:12.23Zuchmiris there a way i can do a Dial(SIP/user1...) and Dial(SIP/user2...) on the same call (or equivelent - to cause an outgoing conference when a call come in)?
21:12.40angryuserpikachu2000: any stability issues ?
21:13.37[TK]D-FenderZuchmir: try "Page".  Not sure if its bi-directional though.
21:14.01pikachu2000nope -- solid as a rock -- no calls from client. They were using trixbox and we used to battle a bit as we had to recompile everything to support misdn -- this meant no updates etc. When their box died from a disk failure we took the opportunity to put in elastix
21:14.11Zuchmirtk: thanks
21:16.01*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=HOME@unaffiliated/existenz)
21:16.05angryuserpikachu2000: i am thinking to install one soon, with couple b410p's so misdn really matter for me, thanks for info, btw, do they use callback with internal agenda ?
21:16.39riddleboxis there a way to tell if someone is on any zap channels?
21:16.46eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, even if I enable sip set debug, it displays nothing in the CLI when I make a pstn call, what might be the reason
21:16.52[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: "cor show channels concise"
21:17.33pikachu2000hey angryuser -- I haven't used it with the internall agenda or call back feature
21:17.49[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: if sip debug is enabled and you don't see anything, then either youu have a networking (firewall,etc) problem (which you shouldn't), or you didn't set you device up right to talk to *
21:18.26eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, I haven't even enabled the firewall
21:18.39eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, and the device works quite well, I mean the extensions work
21:18.41angryuserpikachu2000: if they coul improuve it a bit (import csv, multi level acces) it would be a really nice one
21:18.58[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: No SIP traffic means NO TALKING.  It is clearly not right.
21:19.16pikachu2000What exactly does "internal agenda" do?
21:19.36eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, ah, there should be an answer?
21:19.38angryuser<pikachu2000> standard callback with .call generated
21:19.49eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, I mean, there should be a connection between the pstn and line1?
21:19.57[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Your device is not set up right.
21:20.01angryuser<pikachu2000> but it is pretty basic now
21:20.08[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: no, they do not conenct to each other.
21:21.31eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, that shows that the pstn is set up correctly
21:21.54pikachu2000anyone here used vicidial?
21:22.11*** part/#asterisk oej (
21:22.22[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: No, that shows only a small part of the picture.
21:22.39eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, it doesn't show the caller id there though
21:22.56[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: that doesn't show me anything concerning your problem.
21:23.26eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how can I find out what's the problem
21:23.37[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Fix your settings on the device
21:24.08eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, which device
21:24.16eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, the spa or the asterisk
21:24.40[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: If you are placing a call on the device and * doesn't see it its your DEVICE
21:25.05eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, why can I see it in the message logs
21:25.21[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: what "logs"?
21:26.21ManxPowereXistenZ: Perhaps you misunderstand.  It appears your device is not even TRYING to connect to Asterisk
21:26.43eXistenZManxPower, doch doch, check out the ip
21:27.15[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "check out the ip"?
21:27.50eXistenZyeah, in
21:28.12[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: [TK]D-Fender>eXistenZ: No, that shows only a small part of the picture. <---
21:28.41[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: there are OTHER settings to tell the SPA to send incoing calls to *
21:28.43gr0mitwhich decvice is this?
21:28.48gr0mitah, SPA
21:29.05gr0mittook me a long time to get this talking to asterisk
21:31.01eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, how about '[Jul  3 19:25:24] NOTICE[3362] chan_sip.c: Call from 'pstn' to extension '12' rejected because extension not found.
21:31.10eXistenZI typed a wrong extension to get this message
21:31.41[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: If you see nothing in CLI with SIP debug, then you haven't enabled it.
21:32.09[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: go make sure you're at verbose 10, with sip debug enabled
21:32.23eXistenZhow can I change it to verbose 10
21:32.50[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "set verbose 10".
21:35.03*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
21:35.37eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, weird, still nothing
21:35.43eXistenZI will try it using putty
21:35.58[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: And what were you doing before?
21:36.13eXistenZthrough web interface
21:36.21[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: GARBAGE
21:36.52[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: and "web interface" doesn't say aWHAT you were looking at in it.
21:36.55eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, what is this error: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
21:37.15[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: means either * isn't running, or the user you are logged in as has no rights
21:37.24pikachu2000ok got some log message that may be relevant 'Transfered/Local/300@from-internal-64e0,2<ZOMBIE>' in macro 'dial'
21:38.23eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, << Asterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk.ctl.  Use 'asterisk -r' to connect.
21:38.38[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: the go connect
21:38.48eXistenZah now
21:38.48eXistenZwith sudo
21:39.11[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Get a bigger gun.
21:39.20angryuseri miss everytime
21:39.30[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: You should work on that...
21:39.34angryuserah! blank bullets
21:39.47eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, works in ssh :)
21:39.49[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Only so many free Stormtrooper positions left these days...
21:40.24eXistenZweb interface is a real crap
21:40.28eXistenZI though it works :/
21:40.52[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Sure ti does.. see how much of our time its wasted?
21:40.59angryuseri will think about it
21:41.09pikachu2000mmm --- seems that it might be a freepbx issue
21:42.01eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, the number is there :) << 0527342620@ >>
21:42.10*** part/#asterisk Rem| (
21:42.17[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: Looking for 12 in pstn (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found <- says it all.  Go look and find out why you don't have an exten to match what they dialed.
21:42.29eXistenZI know
21:42.40eXistenZthere is extension 1234
21:42.42eXistenZI was just testing
21:43.06[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: .......
21:43.41eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, I want simply to divert anonymous callers to /dev/null
21:44.22[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: "that's nice"
21:44.22eXistenZI will try to find out how
21:45.25[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: congratulations on wasting a complete ^#%$ing hour on NOTHING.
21:45.39eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, the web interface is to blame ;(
21:46.27[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: and you've been warned to keep out of that garbage.
21:48.19*** part/#asterisk SparFux (
21:49.02eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, Well, thank you for everything, I should hop to bed now, 12:48AM over here :o
21:49.02riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, I have a site that uses zaptel-, do you think it is needed to keep it updated, or as long as it works let it go?
21:49.06eXistenZtomorrow I will try to find out how to block anonymous calls
21:49.31[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: if it works, why change it...
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21:51.14eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, are you from the us?
21:51.32[TK]D-FendereXistenZ: No.
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22:29.54jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
22:36.17*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
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22:39.01browserg'evening pals. I want to give music on hold from an internet .mp3 streaming source. I am on * 1.2.27. The doku on voip-wiki is at least outdated if not confusing.
22:39.59dlynesbrowser: icecast
22:41.03browserdlynes: I know icecast as a streaming server. are you positive it can pick up a stream from an external source and re-stream it to * ?
22:41.26dlynesbrowser: yes...afaik, asterisk has had that capability since asterisk 1.0
22:41.49dlynesbrowser: you just have to make sure that is installed
22:42.04browserdlynes: ok. let me do some googling...
22:42.25dlynesbrowser: try some voip-info'ing instead
22:45.49browserdlynes: icecast takes me back to where I was;
22:47.08dlynesbrowser: so where in lies the problem, then?
22:47.18browserdlynes: madplay on RHEL 5 x86_64 didn't convince me. It requires some libraries only commonly available for i386
22:47.20dlynesbrowser: seems like you got the same location I did:
22:47.38dlynesbrowser: ah
22:48.05dlynesbrowser: you never mentioned that you were trying to get all of this working on RHEL 5 x86_64
22:48.56browserdlynes: my bad. I am following the track with mpg123, which is back with some development activity.
22:50.21browserLet me ask the question differently then. Has anyone used mpg123 in a recent version (not the 0.59r widely purported) ?
22:51.07*** part/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
22:53.08browserquestion more generic: Does * only work if mpg123 was present during the compilation or has someone used it in a moh custom context and can give an idea of syntax.
22:54.18*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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23:01.23Zynaanyone remember me?
23:01.32Zynajust wanted to announce, that I have passed my finals
23:01.39Zynathx 4 all your help folks
23:02.10Zynaspecially to [TK]D-Fender
23:04.37*** part/#asterisk Zyna (
23:06.50bkrusejbot: [TK]D-Fender++
23:15.37angryuserfinals of what ?
23:17.19*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
23:19.49jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:23.45*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=HOME@unaffiliated/existenz)
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23:23.57eXistenZ[TK]D-Fender, still there? :)
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23:27.24jayteePregnant man gives birth to baby girl!!!
23:27.44jayteejust when you thought you'd seen and heard it all
23:29.33eXistenZI was trying to use PrivacyManager to block anonymous calls, but it simply allows both anonymous and non-anonymous : here is the log with non-anonynomus - and this one for anonymous:
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