IRC log for #asterisk on 20080702

00:16.01ManxPowerteknoprep: I think the answer is "it might, it might not, depending on your requirements"
00:16.27teknoprepjust sip connections
00:16.32teknoprepto phones and a provider
00:16.37ManxPowerno meetme or IAX2 trunking?
00:16.41*** join/#asterisk stevie_ramjet (
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00:17.40ManxPowerThen the answer is "it might, it might not"
00:18.22jayteeas a certified hardcore nutjob I'm just going to keep polishing my bare metal server :-)
00:18.47teknopreplol i have a bare metal server
00:18.53teknoprepi also have my house running on vmware server
00:19.00teknoprepwhich has yet to have a problem ever
00:19.24jayteeyour house runs on a vmware server?
00:19.26teknoprepusing iSCSI backend storage with GFS and redhat cluster service
00:19.29jayteevirtual kitchen?
00:19.33jayteevirtual bathroom?
00:19.39*** join/#asterisk Vec (
00:19.41teknoprepwell the vmware server is actually at a clients office
00:20.00teknoprepi asked if i could use a portion to host a server and cut him a small break on my monthly billing rate for support
00:20.35VecWhen using the AMI, is it possible to send multiple Action commands in parrellel and then tag them in some way to match them to responces, or can only 1 action be performed at a time ?
00:26.17ManxPowerVec: there was no information in manager.txt about  this?
00:26.50VecManxPower : let me look, if there is my apologies never knew where to look.
00:27.24jayteeVec, what about the book?
00:28.04Vecjaytee : nothing in the book.
00:28.16Vecjaytee : read everything on the AMI in the book
00:29.07VecManxPower : already read manager.txt, on
00:29.14Vecnothing there on that
00:32.49*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:34.35VecI read on voip-info something about taging actions but it only mentioned, there was no real indication on how to do it.
00:36.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:36.57*** join/#asterisk nitam (
00:38.28nitamdoes anybody know if there is a way to set a (SIP) registration limit ?
00:40.21ManxPowernitam: number, frequency, or simul?
00:41.52nitamManxPower, actually, whatever that helps ... coz someone was triying to hack my asterisk using some dictionary-style tool
00:42.16nitamin my full log file i got over 100 tries in a short time frame
00:42.23ManxPowernitam: are you the one that posted to the mailing list over the past day or two?
00:42.44ManxPowernitam: nothing in sip.conf.sample jumped out at you?
00:42.45nitamno, this happend today ...
00:43.11ManxPowerwell, someone else posted to the mailing list with the same issue, only on his system they succeeded in hacking in
00:44.10nitammm no, its wasn't me .. i just notice this this afternoon
00:44.37ManxPowersucks to be you.  might want to check the mailinglist archives, and of course, sip.conf.sample
00:44.38nitami was thinking about some iptables rules, with limit-burts, but i couldn't make it work over UDP protocol.
00:44.46nitamit just works over TCP ... i guess.
00:45.00ManxPowernitam: the mailing list had some suggested iptables rules
00:45.21jayteewhere's the mailing list found?
00:46.21ManxPowerin fact 367 messages since yesterdayt
00:46.25jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
00:46.57ManxPower"sip extension compromised" is part of the subject of the thread
00:47.11nitamthanks man
00:47.30ManxPowerI should check my one internet accessable system (out of like 15)
00:47.42*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-c80943302ac8f2f0)
00:48.23ManxPowerwe only send calls out the internet when EVERYTHING (two offices, two carriers) are down
00:49.16nitami see
00:50.00*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:53.51nitamcrap .. i can't find that thread... did you jaytee?
00:54.11jayteenope, I'm browsing but I'm not sure which section it's in
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00:56.12jayteenitam, I think I found it.
00:57.20nitamyeah, great jaytee
01:00.40*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:01.25nitamthere is no help, just a few thoughs
01:02.21*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (
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01:12.29*** join/#asterisk jsolares (n=jsolares@
01:12.44jsolaresdoes anyone know if also had lockup problems?
01:16.09*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:22.44*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:24.53jsolaresarghh, i have a dual quad core xeon machine with 2 tc400 cards and it still seems that it's not enough :S
01:28.01*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
01:29.24JTnot enough for that?
01:30.22jsolares4 e1's of sip g729 traffic
01:30.37jsolaresi downgraded to
01:31.00jsolareshopefully it wont die again
01:32.29JTthat's disappointing
01:33.55jsolareshmm actually it's just one quad core, X5460@3.16ghz, but still it has the transcoder cards so it wont have to do g729 on the cpu, and 8gb of ram
01:34.13jsolares1.4.20+ have just been a pain tho, so it might just be that
01:35.11JTwhat does it do?
01:35.44jsolaresand yes it is dissapointing having those issues as i had a dual xeon 2.8ghz handling 90 calls just fine, we upgraded so it could handle 8e1's meh
01:36.26jsolares1.4.20+? it just dies, show channels shows nothing, stop now does nothing, kill -9 <pidof asterisk> does nothing, and we have a <defunct> asterisk, gotta restart the machine
01:38.21jsolares1.4.18.1 has survived longer than or with 100 calls
01:38.46jsolaresand just as i type that it dies
01:40.41*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
01:41.07jameswf-homeheh :)
01:41.21*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
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01:41.53imcdonaabout to do a voip rollout. I was under the assumption MPLS is cheaper than point to point T's. correct?
01:42.48*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
01:48.08jsolareswell since also crashed i'm going to try removing the transcoder cards and using software g729
01:52.59jsolaresseems that the transcoder cards are just paper weights :S
01:56.04jsolaresvery expensive paper weights
01:57.06*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
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02:00.19jsolaresseems exvito was right, tc400b == baaaaad
02:05.31*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
02:06.04rift0ranyone here use vicidial?
02:06.08rift0ror astguiclient
02:07.06rift0rok i feel like a tard asking this, but what is the command to turn off sip debug in cli?  i tried sip debug off, disable etc
02:07.19rift0ri cant figure it out
02:07.29jayteesip set debug off
02:07.44rift0rsip set debug off
02:07.44rift0rNo such command 'sip set' (type 'help' for help)
02:07.51jsolaressip no debug
02:07.56jsolareswhat version of asterisk do you have?
02:08.02rift0rthat worked
02:08.09jsolaresprobably 1.2.x then
02:08.10rift0r1.2 tree
02:08.16rift0ri thought i tried no debug
02:08.22rift0rmaybe i fat fintered
02:15.02jsolaresheh software g729 had been working for 31mins, 28mins more than with the transcoder cards :S
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02:27.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:28.05*** join/#asterisk zackz (
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02:33.02zackzi have a TDM808P, seems like every hour or so, each Zap channel will open up sequentially signalling a call to the system so it puts all the "calls" into the incomming context
02:33.11zackzanyone have an idea on wtf is happening
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02:37.21*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:41.35*** join/#asterisk nitam (
02:43.34russellbzackz: sounds like you should call your telco
02:43.40russellband ask "wtf?"
02:43.44zackzi did
02:43.53zackzup to the demarc, the lines work fine
02:44.06zackzbut the guy said when he put a bridge clip on (dont know what that is) the system went crazy
02:44.59ManxPowerif nothing else, try swapping one of the pairs.
02:45.09ManxPoweri.e. reverse them
02:46.01zackzlike on the 66 block?
02:46.22zackzi just have cables punched onto the phone block plugged into the tdm808p
02:47.12nitamguys, is there a way to set different authname than the extension ? ... so, if extension is 200, use another one in order to authenticate to the asterisk server ? (soz if its a lame question)
02:47.15jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
02:47.41ManxPowerAlso search the mailing list for people reporting similar problems, see if they found a solution.
02:52.16*** join/#asterisk geek_cl (
02:53.40geek_clwhat about predictive dialer ?
02:53.55JTis that even a question?
02:56.03riddleboxgeek_cl, you need a predictive dialer?
02:56.17geek_clyes... vicidial is a option?
02:56.17zackzso do you not have to define signalling type in zapata.conf anymore?
02:56.19rift0rI would try vicidial
02:56.28rift0rworks well for pred. dialing
02:56.40riddleboxgeek_cl, I use astercrm
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02:57.04geek_cloh ok
02:57.08geek_cli will check
02:57.46rift0rhmmm you like astercrm riddlebox ?
02:57.56rift0ris it web gui for agents?
02:58.13riddleboxrift0r, I think it is easy enough to setup a predictive dialer in it, but never used it for agents
02:58.19JTgeek_cl: try asking a PROPER QUESTION.
02:58.21rift0rwhat do you use it for?
02:58.26riddleboxI need to look at vicidial
02:58.33*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:58.46geek_clok, thanks
02:58.52geek_clis for outbound calls
02:59.10riddleboxrift0r, do you like vicidial?
02:59.15JTwaits for a question that isn't a pile of random blurts
02:59.35geek_clgnudialer is out?
02:59.47rift0rriddlebox it is powerful, but has some bugs i don't like
02:59.50rift0rand the interface is damn ugly
03:00.15riddleboxrift0r, I didnt really like the interface, but I tried it along time ago
03:00.16rift0rseems like it is very quirky with certain procedures, and don't things out of order eff it up
03:00.54riddleboxastercrm worked well when I tested it, the only thing I didnt like was, it wont redial a campaign with the people that didnt answer
03:01.47rift0roh it doesn't do lead recycling?
03:01.54rift0rvici does that
03:02.23rift0rThe requested URL /astercrm_documents/installation was not found on this server.
03:02.43riddleboxrift0r, I think it was moved to sourceforge
03:03.09rift0ryeah i found it
03:04.15riddleboxwow I knew he was going to change the site, but its way different even though thats default drupal
03:04.58riddleboxhe is pretty good about checking the forums too, if you ask questions he will respond, I was having issues with the dialer and fxo ports and he looked into it and we got it all working
03:05.53rift0ryeah the vicidial guy is good about that too, he answers shit quickly
03:06.57riddleboxI havent seen anything on vicidial about the predictive dialer part yet
03:10.49riddleboxyeah I am going through the demo
03:11.56riddleboxI dont see where you start a campaign and how you can have it call all leads that didnt answer
03:12.03*** join/#asterisk joshopkins (n=j@
03:12.17rift0ryou create a new campaign
03:12.23rift0rand set it to active
03:12.35rift0rthen upload leads list
03:12.49riddleboxahh I see
03:13.02rift0rthen go to campaigns
03:13.05rift0rleads recycle
03:13.20*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
03:14.25riddleboxso its about the same as astercrm
03:14.59riddleboxastercrm has the ability to schedule a campaign now
03:15.29rift0rastercrm def looks nicer
03:15.33rift0rand i like the css ability
03:15.43riddleboxI liked it better when I was looking at dialers
03:15.50joshopkinsanyone had problems with te205p and trixbox ce 2.6.1
03:16.45joshopkinsi can not receive inbound calls or outbound calls
03:17.04joshopkinsthe pri status is good
03:17.45jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
03:23.06pputmanI have a pri where the telco is not recognizing the setup message, because of the display information element.  From the pri debug I have: Display (len= 7) Charset: 31 [ device ].  They are rejecting the setup because of this, does anyone know of a way to change this field.  i.e. a zapata.conf configuration option?
03:23.08*** join/#asterisk tristanbob (n=tristanb@ubuntu/member/tristanbob)
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03:47.26rift0rok riddlebox  i installed astercrm
03:47.54rift0rnow to play
03:59.17*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
03:59.30riddleboxrift0r, let me know how it goes
03:59.43riddleboxyou can email me at
04:07.31*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (n=strom@
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04:42.01pcraneI've got a question
04:42.14pcranedoes anyone know how to disable text dialing on the snom phones?
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04:52.48TJNIIGaah!  DAMN GENTOO!  Why does ALSA have to break with EVERY FARKING UPDATE!
04:52.58TJNIIneeds to switch distros
04:53.15drmessanoGentoo, brute?
04:56.39DigitalIronydrmessano: thats funny
04:57.20drmessanoYou just earned 3 points on the drmessano karma scale
04:57.35drmessanoNot because you thought it was funny, but because you at least appreciated it
04:58.58DigitalIronydrmessano: im a horrible speller if it weren't for spell check, but I know my Lit.
04:59.51drmessanoJust like that horrible line - Ubuntu is an old african word meaning "I can't install debian"
05:00.12drmessanoIt's not "HAW!" funny, but just appreciating the fuckedupedness of it, is all thats needed
05:01.06*** join/#asterisk SanityIO (n=SanityIO@
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05:20.02x_orAnyone know if voicepulse is down?  I cannot reach the website.
05:20.54pcraneanyone know anything about polycom phones?
05:20.57*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
05:40.19cvoxwhat about them?
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05:49.43*** join/#asterisk gramulhaozin (
05:51.10gramulhaozinHey Guys
05:54.11gramulhaozinhey jblack
05:54.16gramulhaozinHave you tried any IP Phone ?
05:54.26gramulhaozinI have used the Cisco's and I like them very much.
05:54.42gramulhaozinSpecially with the capability of processing XML so I can write anything on the screen.
05:54.56gramulhaozinHave you tried anything ?
05:55.42JTsome people like those bastard childs it seems :)
05:55.52jblackI have been supporting polycoms.
05:56.15jblackI avoid cisco equipment when possible
05:56.17pcranecvox: I was wanting to know how to configure the digit map via xml and tfpt, I managed to figure it out though
05:56.37gramulhaozinjblack: do the polycom process XML ?
05:56.38imcdonaIs MPLS cheaper than point to point T-1's?
05:56.39JCJCcisco isnt a bad product though right?  its just overpriced?
05:56.49jblacktheir configs are xml, yes.
05:57.03gramulhaozinjblack:  config doesn't matter
05:57.06JTJCJC: cisco ip phones aren't that great
05:57.11*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
05:57.17gramulhaozinjblack:  what I'm saying is showing XML to the user using the phone screen.
05:57.25jblackmuch too overpriced, and tend to be limited. A many people swear by cisco, though, from a "nobody got fired for using ...." standpoint.
05:57.38jblackThat depends upon the phone you guys.I believe the 501s do http
05:57.47gramulhaozinbelieve ?
05:58.04gramulhaozinI have never tried something else than cisco's 7940 and 7960
05:58.08JTi think all the polycom soundpoints have a minibrowser with new enough firmware
05:58.12jblackThe phones I'm supporting right now are about 3,000 miles away.
05:58.48gramulhaozinand when I press the button services on the phone, I have features that I have developed in PHP + XML
05:58.56gramulhaozinJT believe ?
05:58.59gramulhaozinJT tested it ?
05:59.15jblackYeah, you can do that with the higher end polycoms.
05:59.23gramulhaozinjblack: what model ?
05:59.46JTread the SIP Administrator's Manual
05:59.46jblackI don't have a list offhand. probably anything 5xx and above.
06:00.02JTphones lower than the 5xx do microbrowser too
06:00.05JT430 does
06:00.11JTpossibly 320 and 330 too
06:00.48gramulhaozin430 is 186 dollars
06:01.06gramulhaozinand with that small screen I'm not going to browse anything
06:01.24jblackmaybe what you're looking for is a pc with a headset and a softphone
06:01.47gramulhaozinjblack:  now
06:01.59gramulhaozinI'm trying to find an option to the cisco phones
06:02.18JT186 dollars, what big screen cisco can you find for less than that?
06:02.20gramulhaozinthe polycom is $186 new the cisco 7940 is $195 new
06:02.32gramulhaozinI don't see the cisco overpriced as the screen is much bigger
06:02.42jblackIf you're happy, go with it
06:02.44frogonwheels- :) I have a Intel Quad Duo processor which I've got headphones and use it to connect to asterisk box...
06:02.50gramulhaozinJT not less, just $9 dollars more and I get a cisco 7940
06:03.06frogonwheelsand I find my PAP2t connected to POTS doesn't give as much problems :)
06:03.11imcdonaI am doing a voip rollout and need to know if point to point t's are the way to go, or if MPLS is a cheaper route. Anyone?
06:03.17JTfrogonwheels: intel quad duo... uhh, what?
06:03.26frogonwheelsoph whatever
06:03.26gramulhaozinPAP2T ?
06:03.35frogonwheelsyou intel duo quadcore
06:03.37frogonwheelsswap it
06:03.47JTgramulhaozin: the polycom ip430 is $144 btw
06:03.56frogonwheelsor whatever it's called -  a fastish cpu
06:04.14JTperhaps an Intel Core 2 Quad Core
06:04.16gramulhaozinfrogonwheels: PAP2T is an FXO version of the PAP2 ?
06:05.06Strom_Cgramulhaozin: no
06:05.29gramulhaozinIs there any SIPURA FXO box ?
06:05.47gramulhaozinI need to put 3 fxo in an asterisk
06:06.05gramulhaozinfrogonwheels just gave me the idea of using SIP boxes instead of cards
06:06.59*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
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06:07.25Strom_Cjust go with an interface card
06:07.30Strom_Csave yourself the hassle
06:07.36gramulhaozinSo I can use 3 of those SPA-3102 instead of a TDM400P with 3 FXO modules.
06:07.48Strom_CTDM400P is discontinued
06:07.54gramulhaozinStrom_C have you experienced any problem ?
06:08.02gramulhaozinStrom_C: what are people using lately ?
06:08.04Strom_Cyou could go for a TDM800 with a quad FXO module and a quad FXS module too
06:08.08Strom_Cor a TDM410
06:08.17JTgramulhaozin: also, the polycom IP320 supports the minibrowser too and is USD$84
06:08.39gramulhaozinJT $84 new ? where ?
06:08.55gramulhaozinJT is there any polycom with big screen ?
06:09.19JTsure, IP501, IP550, IP601, IP650
06:09.51gramulhaozinYou guys have had trouble using little SPA3000 as the gateway for PSTN ?
06:10.16JTand IP560
06:10.25JTSPA3000 is discontinued
06:10.29JTit's now the SPA-3102
06:10.35adorahAtcom in China makes generic TDM400 - not too bad and cheap but avoid the fxs modules..
06:10.53JTnot much more trouble than any other analogue interface
06:10.55JTanalogue sucks
06:11.33gramulhaozinadorah:  generic TDM400  ?  ?
06:11.40JTclone, fake
06:11.45Strom_Cgramulhaozin: avoid the clone crap
06:11.58adorah<gramulhaozin>right and not fake no copyrights on the design
06:11.59gramulhaozin:P that's what I though
06:12.12JTthere are only two brands worth considering for cards, digium and sangoma
06:13.06gramulhaozinadorah:  no copyrights ? you are talking about a zapata card ?
06:13.51adorah<gramulhaozin>zaptel card shows exactly as tdm400 when u setup
06:13.55gramulhaozinI can see Polycom doesn't like big screens :P
06:14.04gramulhaozinadorah: even the PCI ID ?
06:14.24gramulhaozinif it clones the PCI ID it means it's a clone.
06:14.37gramulhaozinPCI ID has the manufacturer code + hardware code doesn't it ?
06:15.31adorah# Span 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1" (MASTER)
06:15.48gramulhaozinadorah:  I would not appreciate if someone clone my hardware, even if I didn't copyrighted the design. It doesn't sound good.
06:15.56gramulhaozinadorah: how much are those clones ?
06:16.09JTgramulhaozin: how big do you want them to be? if that's not big enough, get a damn computer
06:16.19adorahLOL now you're talking biz..less than half the price FOB
06:16.23gramulhaozinJT as big as the cisco :P
06:16.36JTgramulhaozin: useless pointless penis extension crap
06:16.48*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
06:16.50adorah50$ main board 35$ each fxo module
06:16.50JTadorah: and less than half the quality
06:16.54JTadorah: what a waste of time
06:16.55jblacklet's all play runescape on your phone system!
06:17.04JTmisers have no place in telecomms
06:17.04adorah<JT>I disagree
06:17.15JTadorah: please don't make up quotes of me
06:17.16jblackJT:I heartily disagree.
06:17.37adorahAnd that is the only way I can integrate small pbx under 700US$ for 2 FXO
06:17.47jblackPennywise, pound foolish, I'd agree on.
06:18.06gramulhaozinI sold an IP PBX with 4 refurbished 7940 for 3k
06:18.12JTmisers, as in people with a low cost only tunnel vision
06:18.23JTi'm not saying go and get ripped off and buy everything cisco :)
06:18.34gramulhaozinI would not risk the chances of disapointing the customer because the TDM card didn't work because I've got a counterfit board.
06:18.41jblackI was drawn to * because for $300, I cut my monthly phone costs by about 75%
06:19.13JTbut it's a different matter when deploying it to a business, you still don't want it to suck
06:19.22JTeven if saving money
06:19.22gramulhaozinHow much are you guys selling a IP PBX Setup ?
06:19.38gramulhaozinJT you are right
06:19.58gramulhaozinright, the business want the features, BUT THEY NEED THEM TO WORK
06:20.02adorahWell it is not a question of saving money..small customers won't buy otherwise
06:20.14*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
06:20.20gramulhaozinadorah: do you sell those cards or use them ?
06:20.23adorahAnd it works just that the fxs module sucks
06:20.38JTadorah: then don't go for that end of the market
06:20.43JTadorah: they're not worth it
06:20.45gramulhaozinadorah:  FXO works ?
06:20.53JTnot all customers are worth having
06:20.59gramulhaozinJT true JT
06:21.01gramulhaozinJT is the man.
06:21.04gramulhaozinThat's true
06:21.06adorahIf you want to open up the market than you can't be too picky
06:21.13gramulhaozinsome customers are not even worth taking.
06:21.39JTthe customers who "nickel and dime" over everything are also the biggest hassle and have the highest support costs
06:21.51adorahHe whoe is able to hand pick his customers is a lucky devil.I'm not
06:21.57JTyou end up losing money on them
06:21.59*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:22.25jblackadorah: I understand where you're coming from.
06:22.27gramulhaozinadorah: do you sell those cards or use them ?
06:22.29adorahI know only two type of customers: Those that pay and those that are trouble..
06:22.36adorahI do sell them
06:22.48gramulhaozinthat's the point.
06:22.52adorahMArket here is tough
06:22.56gramulhaozinAnd you are probably on a small market.
06:23.07jblackThere's an old saying I can't quite place my finger on...
06:23.10gramulhaozinfor those in a small market I will just be clear with my customer: you have two options
06:23.14adorahPRI Ibuy mostly Digium\
06:23.19gramulhaozinby an analog pbx for $1000
06:23.25gramulhaozinor get a virtual pbx from your phone provider.
06:23.44gramulhaozinI'm honest with my customers
06:23.47jblackAnyone can sound good on a steinway, but it takes a virtuoso to make a cheap keyboard sound good.
06:23.58gramulhaozinI will not deploy a asterisk installation for less than $2500
06:24.17*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
06:24.28gramulhaozintrnzmeta: Linus Torvalds ?
06:24.35trnzmetayeah I wish
06:24.37adorahI sell it for small ones that need only 2 fxo or where i use FIxed GSM gateways..the rest I use Digium/Sangoma
06:25.05gramulhaozinTWO fxo ?
06:25.11gramulhaozinTWO lines they don't need  a PBX
06:25.16adorahBut it works fine including fax to mail
06:25.20gramulhaozinthey need just phones.
06:25.32trnzmetaguys: what keywords should I google when I'm after
06:25.33gramulhaozinRCA makes good phones for up to 16 lines.
06:25.34JTactually, 2 fxo can have multiple sip connections to an ITSP also
06:25.41gramulhaozinup to 4 FXO and 16 extensions
06:25.43adorahgramulhaozin>Sorry you really don't know what u r talking about
06:26.02gramulhaozinadorah: you are talking about cheap customers
06:26.04*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=sherif@unaffiliated/sherif)
06:26.10trnzmetabeing able to iniate phone calls via web interface (computer) to sip phone
06:26.20adorahThe system with GSM gateways save them a fortune on overseas and from overseas calls
06:26.26trnzmetakinda like what skype does for phone numbers on webpages
06:26.36gramulhaozinMy business is deploying good and reliable stuff  to my customers.
06:26.44gramulhaozinI work with Security Cameras also
06:26.58gramulhaozinAnd I have seen many people selling camera systems for $2500 dollars
06:27.03gramulhaozinbut my system is $6500
06:27.04trnzmetaoh who else works with cctv and cameras?
06:27.11gramulhaozinWHY ?
06:27.13trnzmetaI work in that industry
06:27.16gramulhaozinBecause my system has quality
06:27.17JTgramulhaozin: but i can buy a cctv system for $500 on ebay!
06:27.30gramulhaozinJT go ahead and deal with the crap
06:27.45gramulhaozinJT there is a big difference in quality
06:28.05adorahI have to compete with all the smart arses that download Trixbox for free..than they get into trouble and crying for help..with those I rip them off for service hehe
06:28.10pputmanAnyone have a clue to this?  I have a pri where the telco is not recognizing the setup message, because of the display information element.  From the pri debug I have: Display (len= 7) Charset: 31 [ device ].  They are rejecting the setup because of this, does anyone know of a way to change this field.  i.e. a zapata.conf configuration option?
06:28.12gramulhaozinMy cameras are 540 lines, competition 420 or 380
06:28.26gramulhaozinMy DVR is H.264, competition is MJPEG
06:28.36JTadorah: rip them off.. i think you mean "charge appropriately for the difficulty level involved" ;)
06:28.41gramulhaozinMy stuff works and you can call me and I will be happy to assist you
06:28.50gramulhaozinThe competition will sell you the stuff and run away
06:29.17adorahRHey don't run they simply helpless..hehe
06:29.57adorahEvery kid here with some knowhow of Linux thinks he can download and deploy for free in 20 minutes..
06:30.02gramulhaozinpputman: did someone told you that or you found that ? did you check your configs?
06:30.18gramulhaozinadorah:  and they do and it works man.
06:30.29gramulhaozinadorah: trixbox is there and with the right hardware it works.
06:30.36adorahgramulhaozin>right until they get into the first trouble..
06:30.43gramulhaozinwhat trouble ?
06:30.46gramulhaozinI don't see any trouble man
06:30.55pputmangramulhaozin, That's what the telco is complaining of, and I checked the switchtype.  My pri debug shows me sending that out, and then I receive a status messaging declaring an invalid information element.  So obviously I called the telco, and they're complaining of that field.
06:31.20gramulhaozinJT didn't wanted to take personally  about the camera stuff, just wanted to demonstrate my point because the FAKE cards are similar to cheap cameras, got it ?
06:31.28adorahupdating..getting under the bonnet..working with endpoints, echo problem, jitter in wirless networks and so forth
06:31.33JTgramulhaozin: i was joking
06:31.41gramulhaozintrnzmeta: what area you are ?
06:31.46JTof course a $500 complete cctv setup is a piece of crap
06:32.14gramulhaozinJT is your business deploying PBX's ?
06:32.26gramulhaozinI mean, do you sell telephony equipment / services ?
06:32.35JTpputman: what switchtype is your telco advising of/
06:32.45JTgramulhaozin: somewhat
06:32.56JTmore datacentre related right now
06:33.02*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
06:33.08gramulhaozinJT USA ?
06:33.18gramulhaozinI'm in US
06:33.46pputmanJT, national 2.
06:33.59JTpputman: what switchtype is in zapata.conf?
06:34.03gramulhaozinadorah: I charge the same amount for all my customers, doesn't matter if the have tried something or not.
06:34.04pputmanJT, national
06:34.39pputmanJT, I was suspecting the same thing, I'm going to get them to verify that it really is a national 2 line.
06:34.53pputmanunless you have any more suggestions.
06:34.57JTpputman: that should be right
06:35.04JTpputman: you could always randomly change it :P
06:35.04gramulhaozinadorah: I know what you mean about people trying to be cheap and bypass you, but I love to get smart customers and I love talking to them and showing them how it works and collecting my hourly bill.
06:35.28JTlike try ni1, 5ess and dms100 in the usa
06:35.37adorahgramulhaozin>right same here hehe
06:35.52gramulhaozinadorah:  how much you charge per hour ?
06:35.56pputmanJT, I'll try, thanks.
06:36.04gramulhaozinadorah:  in US dollars please.
06:36.14adorah60$ off-site 100$ on-site..
06:36.42adorahBut the $ is weak so I do it in a historic rate hehe
06:37.18adorahabout 30% more in nominal terms..
06:37.32gramulhaozinadorah: are you in Israel or USA ?
06:37.52gramulhaozinI am in USA and I charge $75 an hour
06:38.12gramulhaozinand I always work on-site.
06:38.17adorahon-site or off site?
06:38.28gramulhaozinI always visit the customer
06:38.49gramulhaozinI rarely ever get the customer equipment into my office.
06:38.50adorahgramulhaozin>you r cheap come to work over here hehe
06:39.04adorahI support remotely
06:39.09adorahmpst of the time
06:39.37pputmanJT, are the different switchtypes ITU specifications?
06:39.50gramulhaozinadorah:  your customers aren't frugal , they are cheap.
06:40.01*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
06:40.09tparcinahi channel!
06:40.12pputmanfrugal is when you get quality stuff out of someone elses trash and fix it =)
06:40.13gramulhaozinadorah:  jewish people are cheap by nature
06:40.18JTpputman: i don't think most of them are in ITU docs, but i could be wrong, they may have been added
06:40.30adorahgramulhaozin>Indeed they r cheap that is why they pay more and don't be that racist..
06:40.48tparcinais "sudo apt-get install zaptel" enough to install zaptel drivers on Ubuntu?
06:40.53gramulhaozinadorah: not being racist are all, it's natural
06:41.02JTwhich is why they are paying more?
06:41.03adorahgramulhaozin>that is why they r smart ..sometimes too smart for their own good hehe
06:41.20gramulhaozinadorah: they don't pay more they are cheap and that's it. But if you explain to them that they are getting counterfit hardware, they will pay the extra to get the real stuff.
06:42.04Strom_Cgramulhaozin:'re just digging your own hole deeper and deeper
06:42.35gramulhaozinStrom_C:  I have lots of jewish customers, and usually they are good customers.
06:42.48adorahI don't think the TDM400 card that is very crude design and make and made in China with Chinese chipset is such a "masterpiece"..
06:42.48gramulhaozinalways get paid, always clear.
06:42.49JTgramulhaozin: how long have you lived in israel?
06:43.04gramulhaozinI live in US
06:43.19JTso how do you know what customers are like in israel?
06:43.29gramulhaozinI actually can say that most of my best customers are jewish
06:43.45gramulhaozinJT I have Israeli customers here in USA
06:43.51JTthat's not the same thing as people living in israel
06:43.54tparcinaI have executed "sudo apt-get install zaptel" but when I try to call on zaptel channel I get this message - Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
06:44.01gramulhaozinJT probably not.
06:44.34gramulhaozinJT but Israel, brazil or saudi arabia, good business would not opt to get the counterfit hardware
06:45.04adorahThis is not a counterfeit it is generic and not worse make than that of DIgium
06:45.21gramulhaozinI will have to try that before deploying
06:45.43*** join/#asterisk ker2x (
06:45.50adorahU probably don't buy Taiwanese PC or Dell PC coz they r all IBM "counterfeit: :P
06:45.56*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
06:46.24gramulhaozinno comments on that
06:46.33Strom_Cadorah: he can't even spell "counterfeit"
06:46.57gramulhaozinStrom_C: so you like the "counterfeit" hardware too ?
06:47.10JTit's a clone of english
06:47.17JTa copy, with slight changes
06:47.35JTor counterfeit english, depending on who you ask :P
06:47.37adorahFor bigger deployment i use IBM server not because they r "real" but because they suitable..and I like their local service..
06:48.01gramulhaozinHave you guys been to China or Taiwan ?
06:48.37gramulhaozinI have never seen a counterfeit do 100% or have the same quality of  an original.
06:48.38adorahI lived in east Asia for years
06:49.01gramulhaozinCell phones, clothes, tv's , stereo's
06:49.25JTextraneous apostrophes
06:49.25ker2xmmmm, hi. i just can't find the API reference on, any link please ? :)
06:49.26adorah<gramulhaozin>I think u simply don't understand the meaning of "counterfeit" and the difference with generic
06:49.47gramulhaozinnever seen ONE to say that it worked and performed equally
06:50.09gramulhaozinadorah: if you clone the PCI ID and the Manufacturer ID you are not making something GENERIC
06:50.15gramulhaozinadorah: you are making fake hardware
06:50.48*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
06:50.54ker2x(and i can't find the licence too)
06:50.54creativxker2x: API for what? the manager interface?
06:50.58adorahwell I'm not sure the cloned the ID but * recognizes it as the original TDM400 and that is good enough for me
06:51.14gramulhaozinadorah: don't come with IBM / Clones, that's nothing to do with fake hardware, IBM PC model is on the market for many years and have nothing to do with fake / counterfeit equipment.
06:51.21ker2xcreativx: the api to develop an app using asterisk
06:51.45gramulhaozinadorah: the kernel recognizes it as they cloned even the PCI ID
06:51.58creativxker2x: are you familiar with how asterisk works?
06:52.10gramulhaozinadorah:  I can picture you here man.
06:52.13adorahwell chaps was nice talking to u but I have to start my day work..good nite to the Americans here
06:52.43ker2xcreativx: not at all, and that's why i'd like to take a look at the api. :D
06:52.51gramulhaozinall generic.
06:52.53gramulhaozinright :P
06:53.01adorah<gramulhaozin>I can tell u a story about fake jeans but another time..hehe
06:53.05gramulhaozinyou wear those and tell people that you bought generic stuff :P
06:53.29creativxker2x: i would recommend reading the book first, to grasp the concepts
06:53.35jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
06:53.39gramulhaozinI rather wear my cheap levi's than wear fake diesel.
06:54.13ker2xgramulhaozin: Generic<is, good>; :o)
06:54.17gramulhaozinadorah: and don't forget to buy that LV generic bag for your girlfriend, she is going to love it.
06:54.42ker2xcreativx: ok, but, do that mean, there is no API reference available online ? :D
06:54.56creativxker2x: not in the api sense you are thinking
06:55.05ker2xok, thx
06:55.06creativxker2x: there is a manager interface, called AMI
06:55.06gramulhaozinohh the guy left :P
06:55.11gramulhaozinJT there ?
06:55.20creativxker2x: which you can do wonders with in controlling/listening to asterisk/
06:55.33creativxker2x: and most of it is documented at
06:55.40gramulhaozinJT I can't believe people accept this GENERIC thing man.
06:55.54ker2xcreativx: ok thank you
06:56.10JTyeah the prices of digium and sangoma have come down enough
06:56.15creativxker2x: also what language are you fluent in
06:56.26JTanyone not willing to pay those prices deserve what they get
06:56.27ker2xPerl and C#, mostly
06:56.35creativxker2x: theres a lot of opensource apps that utilize the AMI, theres also a java and/or c# class library
06:56.38gramulhaozinJT :P
06:56.47gramulhaozinJT true man
06:57.12*** join/#asterisk phpboy (n=shane@
06:57.18gramulhaozinI picture that guy "adorah" wearing PRADA, ARMANI, DIESEL, all counterfeit and I see no point.
06:57.35gramulhaozinhaving a Rolex watch and Armani clothes is not a matter of wearing it.
06:57.54gramulhaozinIt's a lifestyle. you have to pay for that lifestyle.
06:58.04jblackgramulhaozin: You have all sorts of opinions.
06:58.13jblackWhich is better? strawberry ice cream, or chocolate
06:58.27gramulhaozinjblack: order napolitano
06:58.36gramulhaozinjblack: all three of them. :P
06:58.42jblackshame you're not so bright, though.
06:59.36gramulhaozinjblack: ???
07:00.38ker2xcreativx: that's what i was looking for. i just switched on my brain and found that it doesn't make sense to ask for the server API when i was looking for a client library that can connect to/use the asterisk server :)
07:00.57ker2xneed more coffee
07:01.15gramulhaozinspa3102 has echo cancelation ?
07:01.26creativxker2x: exactly ;)
07:01.56*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
07:02.45gramulhaozinJT what do you use for FXO ?
07:03.04*** join/#asterisk mandh (n=mandh@
07:03.13JTi avoid FXO like the plague
07:03.20JTbut i just use a pci card or a SPA-3102
07:03.28JTif i have to touch evil FXO
07:03.34jblackgramulhaozin: A common triage check for mild retardation involves asking children to chose among two similiar, but distinct, choices. You failed a basic check to choose between two options.
07:04.41gramulhaozinjblack: similar distinct choices ? I personally like "napolitano". By the way, how is mommy and daddy doing ?
07:06.20*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:06.43jblackMy mother passed in 1994. My father is doing ok for his age.
07:08.14*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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07:08.19gramulhaozinjblack: don't come with personal stuff or it may turn back to you.
07:08.22creativxi must be a fucking genious, cause I dont need a test to spot the two children in the channel!
07:08.57jblackPardon? You asked a question. I gave you an honest answer.
07:09.34gramulhaozinSPA400-NA wow
07:09.41gramulhaozinfound a 4 ports gateway from LINKSYS
07:09.54gramulhaozinthat sounds better than a TDM card
07:10.59*** join/#asterisk ArchSSM (n=noosjent@
07:13.51*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:17.29ArchSSMWhat "new and revolutionary" features will be available in Asterisk 1.6 as opposed to the 1.4 series?
07:18.08creativxasterisk will be self aware
07:19.17ArchSSMWhat do you mean by that?
07:19.46pputmanfancy new lisp AI
07:20.24ArchSSMhehe. But seriously?
07:21.17creativxi have no idea to be honest and serious.
07:21.27ArchSSMI got the distributed presence, multiple parking lots (a very welcome feature) and TLS support
07:21.30ArchSSMah.. ok :)
07:25.36phpboyhey all, what would the following two conditions mean?
07:25.37phpboyexten => 3000,4,GotoIf($[${DB(PBX/NS1)}=1]?afterhours-cartrack,${EXTEN},1)
07:29.31gramulhaozinbiggest screen and least expansive  Polycom is IP550 with 320x160
07:29.36gramulhaozinCisco 7940 is 320x222
07:29.53phpboyI see what the end result it
07:30.04phpboyI just need to know what the conditions are
07:31.31creativxif the db valua PBX/NS1 equals 1 or 0
07:34.41phpboywhich DB would that be?
07:34.47phpboythe MySQL db?
07:36.02phpboyI'm just trying to pin point this as to better learn the config of this PBX
07:36.52*** join/#asterisk Qwell (i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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07:45.45creativxphpboy: the astdb
07:58.17*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
08:01.18phpboyok, I've dumped the db and I see the values
08:01.27*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
08:01.27phpboymy question is, what would NS2 be for?
08:04.27*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
08:09.43creativxthat depends who sets the value ns2..
08:10.11*** join/#asterisk minime (n=afg_ch@
08:12.17*** join/#asterisk Datax (
08:12.32DataxHi all
08:13.00Dataxanyone know why when I am logged on the CLI I don't have the console command ?
08:15.55*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete (
08:17.47Dataxbacardi*CLI> console
08:17.47DataxNo such command 'console' (type 'help' for help)
08:18.01*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
08:25.06drmessanoWhat are you trying to do?
08:25.39jblacksound like he's trying to get in his house from the inside.
08:26.11drmessanoc:\> cmd
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08:32.58Dataxdrmessano: I'd like to be able to use the dial command but the console command isn't recognized by the CLI
08:33.18*** join/#asterisk defswork (
08:33.54mandhwhen i play an file , and through that if hangup occur , the phone line still busy , like as it still play the file?
08:34.25*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
08:34.33drmessanoWhat about DIAL?
08:34.52Dataxdrmessano: no go
08:34.57*** join/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
08:34.58kaldemarDatax: you need either or loaded to get it.
08:35.12DataxI don't think I have those loaded
08:35.18DataxI'll check, thanks for the tip
08:35.22*** part/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
08:36.06Dataxmhhh, no sound card in the server so the module didn't load :p
08:37.10kaldemarwell there you go, forget about it. if you're just trying to originate calls, there's always the originate command.
08:37.15DataxI'll try setting up alsa with a dummy sound card
08:39.37phpboycreativx: I can't see it being 'set' anywhere in any of the config files
08:39.37phpboycreativx: I'm guessing it's not a 'standard' var
08:40.23creativxdoes not look like it belongs to asterisk no, who has made the dialplan logic?
08:41.30*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
08:41.39kaldemarsmells like freepbx or some other gui.
08:42.07BeeBuuis this correct? "One group of Puritans, called the “Pilgrims,” crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620."
08:42.25kaldemardid they use asterisk?
08:42.29BeeBuuis mayflower?
08:42.55drmessanoBeeBuu, it was the SunFlower
08:42.58drmessanoNot MayFlower
08:42.59gr0mitBeeBuu, this is not the History Channel
08:43.00kaldemarwould that be a NAT issue?
08:43.09pputmankaldemar, navigation issue.
08:43.15BeeBuugr0mit: :-P
08:43.34drmessanoThe SunFlower was also known as the Santa Maria
08:43.40drmessanoSo either will work
08:43.42*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
08:44.01drmessanoLater followed by the Nina and the Pinto
08:44.12ArchSSMAs late as 1620?
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
08:44.32*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
08:45.16drmessanothe Pinto mission to american is chronicled in the movie "U571", BeeBuu
08:45.21drmessanoit is a must see
08:46.20DigitalIronydrmessano: you mean ninja and pento
08:46.36*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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08:48.06drmessanoNinja is actually a misnomer.. it was called the NienJah at it's time of commissioning, by King Ralph III of Saint-Elsewear, France
08:49.32DigitalIronyOh, thought it was a different boat from King henry VIII of the Tudors
08:49.42drmessanoIt was to be piloted by Captain Howiemandel, and it's cargo heated by the sun, which was developed by the great Edward Begley II
08:50.04DigitalIronydrmessano: yeah see I was thinking of the one with captain nemo
08:51.15drmessanoYes, much like the confusion between Benjamin Bratton and General Denzel Washington when discussing Revolutionary War law
08:51.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@
08:51.34DigitalIronyI always got those guys confused in school
08:52.01drmessanoKumbang.. I swear I have that movie on Betamax
08:52.30DigitalIronywow. I wasn't even alive when they had betamax
08:52.57drmessanoKumbang in Bangkok II: Electric Bangaloo
08:53.39DigitalIronyThere was some really good kungfu movie on spike today. It was really funny
08:53.55phpboycreativx: A 3rd part company that originally installed this system that my company has asked me to take over
08:54.18phpboycreativx: can I paste 4 lines that show's why this is a confusing ruleset?
08:54.31Kumbangkungfu panda?
08:54.44creativxphpboy: pastebin
08:54.47jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
08:56.57phpboytell me what you think
08:57.26DigitalIronykumbang: nope, it was an old good one
09:06.49phpboycreativx: what do you think?
09:06.55creativxlet me see
09:08.43creativxdoes not make sense
09:08.46*** join/#asterisk rcy (n=rcy@
09:08.50creativxwhat version of asterisk
09:10.47*** join/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
09:13.47masushi all, after upgrade to "Asterisk" from "Asterisk 1.4 SVN" i get this warning "[Jul  2 11:09:53] WARNING[3286]: res_config_mysql.c:360 update_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info." but everything works fine,does anyone know why i get this warning ? Thanks
09:17.36mvanbaakare you using mysql realtime ?
09:19.51masusmvanbaak: i use RealTime and everything works fine extensions and sipusers are RealTime , but every 5 seconds i get this warning.
09:20.11phpboycreativx: 1.2.27
09:25.10mvanbaakdid you check the debug info like it suggests ?
09:26.38*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
09:30.36masusmvanbaak: i have check /var/log/asterisk/messages , but there is the same info
09:31.08masusmvanbaak: where can i find the debug info ?
09:38.53*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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09:48.14mvanbaaklook in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
09:54.03phpboycreativx: Still not too sure, perhaps there's something else I can check on the system?
09:57.16masusmvanbaak: thank u
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10:29.13snailrailshi. there a recommended SIP phone for OSX ?
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10:32.36XnOSXhello everybody
10:33.06XnOSXfriends i need to know what kind of mobile terminal is recommended to work with asterisk?
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10:40.06badcfeon a sip channel i use SIP_HEADER(Call-ID) as identifier of a call.  What do i use for a Zap channel?
10:40.22mort_gibHi, I need some input... I have two sip extensions, I want to direct the "reception" extension to voicemail when they are both unavailable, but to four other extensions if they  are in a call. Any idea as to ho to do that??
10:41.28mort_gibDialstatus retuen unavailable if they are in a call....
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12:12.50agxi've a problem with CDR: does using Dial after answering a call will make a 2nd CDR line to be written?
12:13.28mort_gibHow do I know if a SIP handset/Channel is in use??
12:13.52mort_gibI get Unavailable if the user is in a call, or if the users has DND on!
12:14.25phpboymort_gib: sip show channels
12:14.36phpboymort_gib: or show channels
12:14.46phpboydepending on what you want, you'll of course type this on the console
12:14.47mort_gibBut how do I use sip show channels in the dial plan??
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12:15.08patrick--is there a variable to generate a random number?
12:15.10phpboythat I'm not too sure of
12:15.19phpboymort_gib: sip ?
12:15.23phpboyshould sort you out
12:15.37mogieanyone know if with 1800 you can have a location based feature like the 13 numbers
12:17.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.25mort_gibphpboy: I tried ChanIsAvail following TK's advice, but I never managed to get it quite right
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12:19.37[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: 15th times the charm!
12:19.52mort_gibTK -Sorry??
12:21.54patrick--[TK]D-Fender: when using the Monitor command to record a conversation to the file, i first hear all i said then hear all the guy on the other end said
12:22.07mort_gibChanIsAvail gives 2 regardless
12:22.19[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: pastebin is your friend...
12:23.11mort_gibYes, quite, but what do you want to see?? Apart from everything including /var/log/messages
12:26.28[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: log files are meaningless.  CLI channel dumps, hint dumps, your dialplan, CLI for a call where you try to detect in-use, channel configs, etc.
12:26.30codefreeze-lapagx: yes, usually a dial command will result in a CDR.
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12:37.36tompawHello. Imagine an Asterisk PBX running as a mobile gateway. It receives outgoing calls via SIP and then routes them to appropriate provider, depending on the network.
12:37.58tompawNow, the network is determined by the number used, which works nicely with Asterisk's calling rules. Right?
12:38.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
12:38.40[TK]D-Fendertompaw: ok, fine, sure.
12:38.44tompawHowever, with the Number Portability it is not that obvious. It may happen that a number that SEEMS to belong to one network has been ported to other one.
12:39.34tompawAnd our whole scenario fails. Now, there are many possible ways to perform a Number Lookup and get its actual network code. The question is - how to integrate that with Asterisk, so that the routing decision is not being made basing on the number, but on some external service?
12:39.52[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: I've said it a hundred times, though not sure to you, but DND does NOT report back chanisavail status <-
12:40.39[TK]D-Fendertompaw: take your call in, call a script, process the "lookup", do whatever you want.
12:41.22mort_gibThen the next logical question HOW do I find out. I can use ChanIsAvail to see if the user is in a call, and maybe ${DIALSTATUS} to detect Unavail...
12:42.25tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I can handle that. The question is - how to use that information for an actual routing? How to explain it to Asterisk?
12:42.40[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: You don't get to find out.  I fyou want them to be able to DND, then make a dialplan based DND for them.  Those buttons are dead ends.
12:42.54[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Its your dialplan, it does whatever you tell it to.
12:43.16mort_gibHow the !"$!"£$ do I set DND in the dial plan?? And will it reflect on the phone??
12:43.28[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Go to this exten/priority, dial that.  Set variable X to Y, yadda yadda...
12:43.28tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I already have the web-based script, as simple as http://myserver/nl?+48123123123, which returns the network ID. I can even name the routes the same as those IDs. But how do I PUT it into the dialplan?
12:44.07*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
12:44.10[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: make an exten to set a variable of AstDB value to indicate they are DND, and look for it everywhere you might dial that phone.
12:44.12tompaw[TK]D-Fender: sorry if my question sounds dumb, but is that solution possible with AsteriskNOW, or should I install Asterisk from the scratch?
12:44.21[TK]D-Fendertompaw: AGI <-
12:44.48[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You should probably be doing it from scratch as you're doing very custom stuff.
12:44.48tompaw[TK]D-Fender: that's it, thank you.
12:45.22[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: And for "visibility", use DeviceState patch to set a presence indicator on the phone.
12:46.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:46.38mort_gibHmm, I wanted to avoid using astDB... Like keep it simple, but alas if that is the only way!
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12:56.31tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I just called my friend and he suggested usting just a dialplan for that. First running a simple script and then performing a database lookup.
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13:00.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: That'd do.
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13:02.28d1masHello ppl. Someone can help with E1? :)
13:02.40JTcan has questions please
13:03.03[TK]D-FenderJT: that's "haz" and "pleeze"
13:03.20[TK]D-Fenderd1mas: Feel free to get specific now..
13:03.27*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
13:03.53d1massure :) Ok, when remote end disconnects, I see DISCONNECT message (with pri debug span 1) but Asterisk does not disconnect the call - a person on a SIP phone hears busy tone.
13:04.14d1masafter some time, I see RELEASE message on PRI and the call actually gets disconnected
13:04.59d1masso the question is: does it make any sense to keep the call beyond DISCONNECT and if there is no big sense - how to make Adterisk react on the first event ?
13:05.22tzafrir_laptopin hsort: yes
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13:06.03d1mastzafrir: I'm actually switching from analog lines to E1 to keep these busy-tone callers from the conference :)
13:06.13tompaw[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the advice.
13:06.23d1masI mean to prevent others from hearing these beep-beep-beep
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13:07.55tzafrir_laptophmmm.... actually, yeah, you can disconnect the call from your side
13:08.20tzafrir_laptopit can be used for things such as a "the number you dialed is not valid" message
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13:09.44Dovidanyone here from Germany ?
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13:11.26d1mastzafrir: you saying that if I dial wrong number, there is a DISCONNECT message first, then someones voice says "the number is invalid" and then goes the RELEASE ?
13:17.09ManxPoweron a PRI if you dial a number not in service, the telco will send back a code to the PBX (HANGUP CAUSE) then Asterisk must play the correct message. you set this in extensions.comnf
13:18.05d1masHow to tell Asterisk I want to hangup the call on PRI DISCONNECT event, not a PRI RELEASE ?
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13:19.21ManxPowerd1mas: remove the priindication =inband from your zapata.conf
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13:19.31d1masoh my god
13:19.39d1masI seen it is default and forgot it
13:19.45ManxPowerthere is a reason the sample says you should not use it.
13:19.49d1masManxPower: thanks a lot! will try
13:20.02d1masyes, yes, I have seen it :)
13:21.01*** join/#asterisk eric_at_footstep (n=eric@
13:22.28eric_at_footstepHello, I'm trying to configure asterisk to work with a Cisco/Linksys SPA400. Could anyone help me out here?
13:22.33tompawif using AsteriskNOW, are the calling rules (dialplans) also kept in extensions.conf, or somewhere else?
13:22.53[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Some of it there, some of it is generated based on users.conf.
13:23.00[TK]D-Fendertompaw: its craptastic.
13:23.24ManxPowertompaw: we are not 2nd level support for AsteriskNOW, ask on the #AsteriskNOW channel
13:23.27d1masManxPower: however... asterisk still disconnects only after receiving RELEASE not DISCONNECT
13:23.29[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: Go follow the guides on the WIKI & ' s forums.
13:24.00eric_at_footstep[TK]D-Fender: Done all that. We're using the newest firmware on the SPA400. It's broken now.
13:24.18[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: clarify "broken".
13:24.25ManxPowereric_at_footstep: You need to tell us what is not working
13:25.01eric_at_footstep[TK]D-Fender: Gives a 403 Forbidden
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13:25.13ManxPowereric_at_footstep: That tells you it IS working.
13:25.18[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: thats not "broken", thats "configured wrong".
13:25.43eric_at_footstepI wish that would be it. The SPA400 doesnt take a password
13:26.33eric_at_footstepWhile it might be something buggie in the SPA400 (Not accepting connections from the new server ip opposing to that of the SPA9000 PBX)
13:26.42ManxPowereric_at_footstep: It would be the first Linksys/SIPura box that does not support passwords
13:26.42*** join/#asterisk cabel (n=abel408@
13:27.04eric_at_footstepThere are a few differences between the Asterisk and SPA9000 register headers
13:27.22eric_at_footstepI was wondering if that might be causing it
13:28.05[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: pastebin is your friend.
13:28.06eric_at_footstepManxPower: I assure you, it doesnt accept a password
13:28.08jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:28.46*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
13:28.53eric_at_footstepWell the differences are quite small, dont really think I need to post the entire headers
13:29.46eric_at_footstepSPA9000 sends a "SIP Display info" header. And adds a name to a the contact headers: From: "NAME" <...>
13:29.57ManxPowerAccording to Cory Andrews of VOIP the SPA-400 will not work with Asterisk
13:30.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: plenty of people using it.
13:30.21eric_at_footstepchecking out url... brb
13:30.30cabelHello, after updating zaptel and asterisk something broke. I cannot make internal calls anymore (and most likely external). Nothing is in the full log and this shows up in the messages log: "NOTICE[2677] chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:1024@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found". I can get into asterisk -r. After updating asterisk I had to change /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf because the astrundir was wrong.
13:30.31ManxPowerI guess Cory doesn't know what he's talking about.
13:30.50ManxPowercabel: you forgot to tell us the versions
13:32.21cabelasterisk version and zaptel version I first started with zaptel version 1.4.11 but downgraded to see if it would help. and I started with asterisk version 1.4.20 but also downgraded
13:32.42[TK]D-Fendercabel: pastebin your sip.conf , and CLI output with SIP debug for a failed call
13:32.45jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
13:32.55[TK]D-Fendercabel: masking only passwords
13:33.03*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
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13:34.02ManxPowercabel: What version worked for you?
13:34.03eric_at_footstepWell, Links weren't much of a help. In the past the SPA400 could be used with asterisk. My guess is linksys changed something to avoid this. (They really want to sell their crappy SPA9000's)
13:34.13cabelok, hold on
13:34.39ManxPowereric_at_footstep: You sure give up easily.
13:34.50[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: I currently have no reason to believe taht to be the case.
13:35.16[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: And since you're not showing us anything I don't see your situation changing any time soon.
13:35.39eric_at_footstep[TK]D-Fender: hahaha, i'm not giving up
13:35.50eric_at_footstepim trying to find out what linksys might have changed
13:36.04[TK]D-Fendereric_at_footstep: And you're not giving us anything to work with.  Guess we won't be able to help you any further.
13:36.07ManxPowereric_at_footstep: perhaps a pastebin of the CLI output of a failed call?
13:36.18eric_at_footstepsince firmware people are reporting this authentication problem
13:36.52eric_at_footstep<ManxPower: there is no failed call, the SPA400 gives a Forbidden upon register
13:37.05*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
13:37.39ManxPowereric_at_footstep: You don't have asterisk register to the device, you have the device register to Asterisk.  Perhaps the CLI output of a SIP debug.
13:37.45d1masManxPower: have you seen my message? Asterisk still keeps the call up until RELEASE PRI message
13:37.53ManxPowerYou're going to give us a pastebin one way or another.
13:38.14[TK]D-Fenderd1mas: after making the change did you completely restart Asterisk?
13:38.24ManxPowerd1mas: pastebin the CLI output of a failed call
13:38.33d1masI did "restart now"
13:38.40[TK]D-FenderManxPower: And yes, you do register to the SPA-400
13:38.45eric_at_footstepManxPower: thats not true, SPA400 functions as a peer (proxy perhaps?).
13:38.48d1mas5 min
13:38.49[TK]D-Fenderd1mas: include your configs
13:38.49eric_at_footstepthanks Fender
13:39.18eric_at_footstepGoing to reset the SPA400
13:39.29eric_at_footstepWill be back later, thanks for you suggestions so far
13:39.36ManxPowereric_at_footstep: Unless you start doind what you are told to do nobody will help you
13:39.44*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
13:39.54eric_at_footstepManxPower: What would you like me to do then?
13:39.56ManxPowerwe are not paid to help you.
13:40.21ManxPowerhow about the CLI output with SIP debug enabled showing the problem
13:41.00eric_at_footstepManxPower: k, hold on
13:42.22*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
13:43.12ManxPowereric_at_footstep: You should not need to register, assuming neither Asterisk nor the SPA are on dynamic IPs
13:43.35eric_at_footstepManxPower: You do register to an SPA400
13:43.35cabelOk Here is my sip.conf
13:43.53cabeland my sip debug
13:44.01eric_at_footstepManxPower: The SPA9000 does it, so i'm sure i should do it too then
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13:44.46[TK]D-Fendercabel: please permanently remove all commented lines from your sip.conf and re-pastebin it.
13:44.59ManxPowereric_at_footstep: paste the register => line sans password
13:45.21[TK]D-Fendercabel: and you have no [1017] in three for your register to match against
13:45.22ManxPowercabel: I'm not going to wade thru 300 lines of comments
13:46.06eric_at_footstepManxPower: It doesnt take passwords:   register =>SPA9000@
13:46.06ManxPowerd1mas: now repaste WITHOUT the pri debug
13:46.10ManxPowereric_at_footstep: remove the /spa9000
13:47.05ManxPowereric_at_footstep: it looks like the SIP debug is about SPA400
13:47.06eric_at_footstepManxPower: Will do, hold on
13:47.21ManxPower[Jul  2 15:21:46] WARNING[3738]: chan_sip.c:12526 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for 'spa400' to ''
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13:47.32eric_at_footstepManxPower: yup, thats true
13:47.45eric_at_footstepi've been trying to mimic the SPA9000 situation
13:47.55eric_at_footstepthe debug i pasted is a little bit older
13:48.06eric_at_footstepfrom when i exactly followed the guide
13:48.08ManxPowereric_at_footstep: Best of luck.  I cannot help you further.
13:48.11cabelthis is the only thing in my sip.conf  haha is that bad?
13:48.29[TK]D-Fendercabel: Where is your phone's config?
13:48.48*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
13:48.56ManxPowercabel: you have no devices set up.
13:49.06eric_at_footstepManxPower: Np, thanks for your time and suggestions
13:49.11[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Perhaps, and I think we both know where ti resides
13:49.26cabelwell where di they go?
13:50.09ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: in a file named sip_addional.conf, right?
13:50.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: nope.
13:50.34[TK]D-Fendercabel: This is your config.  Where they hell did you configure your phone?
13:50.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: users.conf?
13:51.10cabelwell all my lines are in sip_addition.conf
13:51.18cabelI only have 2 lines right now
13:51.29d1masManxPower: ??? there is nothing to look at really - the call established fine, there is no warnings etc. The dialplan consist of single line - Dual(IAX2/1001).... I probably was not clear enough - the call eventually disconnects. the problem is only that sequence is: Asterisk receives PRI DISCONNECT and my user hears congestion tone for 30 seconds, then Asterisk receives RELEASE and actually...
13:51.31d1mas...releases the line. What i want is to disconnect the call on the first vent (DIScONNECT) so user won't hear the congestion tone...
13:51.51[TK]D-Fendercabel: Nothing calls that file.  Its contents are irrelevent
13:52.06ManxPowercabel: we CANNOT help you with GUI Asterisks
13:52.16jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
13:52.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower: its not even FreePBX.  Leftovers at best...
13:52.37ManxPowerd1mas: ok then, pastebin the extensions.conf
13:52.39[TK]D-Fendercabel: And why are you using that file?
13:53.14cabelI thought it was an asterisk problem because trixbox doesn't display any errors
13:53.35ManxPowercabel: What part of "we can't support trixbox here" did you not understand
13:53.56cabelhaha, alright thanks anyway
13:54.02[TK]D-Fendercabel: there is no such thing as an "Asterisk problem".  There is only "I have no idea what I'm doing or how * works" poroblems
13:54.07ManxPowercabel: don't bother with the extensions.conf pastebin.  I would not be able to read it anyway
13:54.22ManxPowerWe are NOT 2nd level support for TrixBox
13:54.32d1masManxPower: common :) it is one-line... but if you insist:
13:54.58ManxPowerd1mas: And THAT is your problem.
13:55.31cabelalright. I'm sincerely sorry guys for wasteing your time. You really don't need to bash me. We were all new at one point and I've learned a lot about asterisk in just a week even though I'm using trixbox.
13:55.36ManxPowerd1mas: after the dial you must check the value of HANGUPCAUSE, then play a message based on that return code, or play a busy, or hangup, or something else.  Asterisk does not magvally handle this, you must do it in your dialplan
13:56.23ManxPowerd1mas: add a priority after the Dial with Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE}) then you can see the disconnect cause without all the PRI debug crap
13:56.38[TK]D-Fendercabel: Trixbox will teach you practically nothing about *.  It adds so much crap that you will waste tons of time just to work your way around it.  It isn't there to be learned from.
13:57.13*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
13:57.17d1masManxPower: look, the next priority (after the Dial) does not get executed until Dial finishes. And it does NOT finish immediately when the far end hangs up
13:57.19ManxPowercabel: then please leave.  We do this stuff for free, we are not paid.  We have real paying jobs that we could have been doing instead of spending half an hour with no chance ever of being able to solve your problem.
13:57.39ManxPowerd1mas: Best of luck solving your problems.  I cannot help you futher.
13:57.50cabelYea well considering I've only worked with linux for a year I figured a gui interface would be best. Starting to think if I should just use asterisk
13:57.58d1masManxPower: thanks anyway
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:58.24beekcabel: absolutely.   Just use Asterisk.  And read this book:
13:58.26jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
13:58.37jayteeenters and bows repeating "I'm not worthy!" over and over.
13:58.45cabelManxPower: It was 10 min of your time and I had already appologized
13:59.20kamanashisroyhi, is it possible to bridge two channels from AGI script ?
13:59.21[TK]D-Fendercabel: Ok, jsut let go.  If you want support for what you've got, you know where to go.  When you're ready to move on, we'll still be here.
13:59.35cabelThank you
13:59.48beekcabel: Don't take it personally.   Both ManxPower and [TK]D-Fender can be extremely brutal... and the offer THE BEST tech support for *.   There are none better.
13:59.58jayteesome of us will still be here. odds are I won't be if I don't lay off the cheese fries
14:00.11tompawhow can I test the DB function output from the CLI?
14:00.26[TK]D-Fenderbeek: pshaw!  I'm only moderately brutal with a side order of fries & sarcasm!
14:00.39ManxPowerbeek: I'm doing better.  Look at d1mas.  All he did was tell me why he should do what I told him to do.  Instead of ripping his head off I just stopped helping him.
14:01.05tompawI am trying to follow the example from
14:01.09ManxPowerall he did was tell me why he should NOT do what I told him to do, that is.
14:01.17beekI've lurked for a few months and have watched you two in action.   Brutal is an understatement.   But jeez do you get to the heart of the problem and get it solved!
14:01.17kamanashisroyeverytime I watch this channel and drupal channel ..  I find people are fighting .. :D
14:01.24tompawhowever, my DB(test/data) function doesn't seem to return anything!
14:01.37tompawI've checked my db with 'database show' and the data is ther
14:01.59kamanashisroytompaw: which db are you using ?
14:02.02jayteekamanashisroy, hey! ya wanna piece o' me? huh? c'mon, put em up! :-)
14:02.07ManxPowertompaw: perhaps ${DB(test/data)}
14:02.12*** join/#asterisk ursom (
14:02.37tompawoh god
14:02.42tompawManxPower: how did you know?
14:02.48[TK]D-Fenderbeek: well by that definition sure.
14:02.50ManxPowertompaw: maybe not, but that is the most common error with FUNCTIONS
14:02.59ursomhello! I installed Asterisk 1.4-latest. But I think there is no SIP-support yet?
14:03.06kamanashisroytompaw: :)
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14:03.25ManxPowerursom: every version since 0.05 (8 years ago) has supported SIP
14:03.48ursomIf I type sip in the cli
14:03.48jayteeursom, * without SIP is like Ford forgetting the engine in an F-250
14:04.04kamanashisroyursom: did you try "core show channeltypes" ??
14:04.05[TK]D-Fenderursom: * has had SIP since the start.
14:04.07tompawManxPower: it's my first time with Asterisk's functions, thanks :>
14:04.26*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
14:04.29ursomsip show peers
14:04.30ursomNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'help sip show' for other possible commands)
14:04.49ManxPowerursom: did you install from source, or install from a package?
14:04.58[TK]D-Fenderursom: Quick guess : running a soft-phone or other SIP service on the same box?
14:05.10ManxPowerursom: waiting for the response to what kamanashisroy said
14:05.28[TK]D-Fenderursom: do "module load"
14:05.46kamanashisroyursom: I think you did noload :)
14:05.54ManxPowerursom: is the first time Asterisk has been installed on the system?
14:05.58kamanashisroyursom: or something like autoload=no
14:06.10ursomManxPower: yes
14:06.21ManxPowerursom: what version of Asterisk.
14:06.28ursomokay works fine with module load
14:06.44[TK]D-Fenderursom: Go look at your modules.conf
14:06.53kamanashisroycan I bridge channels from AGI script ?
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14:07.11[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: huh?
14:07.20ManxPowerkamanashisroy: the only way I can think of us to use meetme, but there might be another way.
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14:07.41kamanashisroyManxPower: I am mad with one of my application ..
14:07.56ursomokay works fine :) thx.
14:07.57ManxPowerkamanashisroy: I have no idea what you just said.
14:07.58kamanashisroyit was calling the other end
14:08.19kamanashisroyand calling agi script in background thread
14:08.41[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Your explanation is not getting any clearer...
14:08.48kamanashisroyand it is not supported anymore I think , I mean it is blocking two threads to run different applications ..
14:08.54kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: sorry
14:09.09ursomI've got another question: I've got a hfc-s card in te-mode. How to hide the callerid? Changing the callerid works, but not hiding.
14:09.56ursomI tried SetCALLERPRES(prohib_not_screened), but without any effect.
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14:10.11jayteelmadsen, hi
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14:11.49lmadsenjaytee: hi hi
14:12.32kamanashisroyI wrote a small application earlier .. the application dials the destination channel .. and then after the call is established it feeds the caller channel, but it does not feed the called one .. And when the user press "*" in this stage it starts an agi script in the background and calls bridge function(which is blocking) ..... It was working earlier .. but not now ..  -> This is the application specification ......
14:13.12kamanashisroyI know that asterisk manager is the best choice to do this
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14:13.53kamanashisroyThere is also a schedular to do some scheduled tasks .. But it needs a callback where I cannot run the agi :( ....
14:14.46kamanashisroyNow I am trying a little different .. I want to exit the application when user press "*" .. and then I like to run an agi script that will bridge two channels ..
14:14.55kamanashisroyplease help :D
14:17.38kamanashisroy^^ the total idea is "listen before you accept a call"
14:18.14[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Then this entire pile of scripting is a waste.  Look at the "M()" options for Dial.
14:18.23kamanashisroythe agi script is required because it queries the database and shows some data in the ipphone screen while the call is established ..
14:19.18kamanashisroyI have seen that a lot of times .. review now in this position again :-P
14:19.48kamanashisroys/review/reviewing ..
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14:22.43kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: one kind of joke there is that when the macro ends the called party is hanged up .. it seems good for other tasks .. but not in this case .. please fix me if I am wrong ..
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14:24.58[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: No, the entire point of that option is for "privacy mode" implementation.
14:25.14[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Keep reading the instructions and samples till your eyes bleed.
14:25.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:25.52mond0What the trick to get NetMeeting working? The PBX works because I have two phones that can call each other, but with NetMeeting, I can dial a phone and establish a call, but there's no audio. I've tried combinations of codecs and even installed the GSM codec for NetMeeting. At times I've seen errors in the logs (while trying different codec combinations) but right now there's no errors at all. Should I turn on debugging?
14:27.14*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
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14:29.16[TK]D-Fendermond0: Which 2 "phones"?
14:29.44kamanashisroytompaw: see the AGI application ..
14:30.00[TK]D-Fendertompaw: "System" or "AGI"
14:30.13tompawthx guys.
14:31.18tompawNow, correct me please if I made some mistakes in my plan. Upon a call, I DB()-put a '0' value under the index of EXTEN, and I launch external application passing the EXTEN parameter to it.
14:31.53tompawThen, I make a loop that waits for DB()-get for that EXTEN-index to return something different than 0. If it does, I route the call with the provider pointed by that value.
14:32.05tompawDoes that sound logically?
14:34.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: ... huh?  just go TRY some stuff, and see what happens
14:34.51*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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14:35.36tompawOK, so the last piece of the puzzle would be - how to set an Asterisk's database value outside the Asterisk? Do I need to use that AGI thingie for that?
14:36.46[TK]D-Fendertompaw: probably a good way.
14:37.28[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You can do it in AGI, or through calling "asterisk -rx ..." from linux CLI, via AMI, etc.
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14:41.06mogiewho owns grabup?
14:41.18mogiewoops. wrong chat
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14:45.51kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: no dial is no good .. :(
14:47.47[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Yes it is.  You dial, run your privacy macro to see if the other side accepts, if so, bridge.
14:48.00[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Keep reading till your eyes bleed.
14:48.49kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: no .. you know I need to do stuff, I prefer AGI for that,  after it is bridged ..
14:49.48kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: I have seen the dial application code .. you are right that it will continue dialing if the macro does not set the variable ..
14:49.49[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Dial is the right tool for this job, and unless you show us what you're doing, I'll simply believe that you are doing it wrong.
14:50.22*** join/#asterisk huey23 (n=yea@
14:51.14kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: I like the way you think .. but as I told you it is a small agi script that queries the database and updates an ipphone screen when the call is bridged ..  let me know if you need anything more ..
14:51.59[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: You haven't shown me an ATTEMPT or your code for trying it the way I suggested.
14:52.29proppyHi, is there a way to test a connection to an asterisk server from the command line ?
14:52.50kamanashisroyproppy: what type of connection ?
14:52.51[TK]D-Fenderproppy: what kind of "connection"?
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14:53.03huey23[TK]D-Fender: i love you <3
14:53.17proppylike a softphone connection but with comprehensive log and arguments
14:53.47[TK]D-Fenderproppy: "like a softphone?"  Yuo want something "like a softphone... the go RUN ONE.
14:54.30proppy[TK]D-Fender: want something like ekiga or twinkle but from commandline and with log I gues
14:54.45proppyI'm trying to implement
14:55.06[TK]D-Fenderproppy: Just do what you're trying to do and debug that.
14:55.19proppyI've set the asterisk server, but I lack a way of testing it, since I've no voip phone with my right now
14:55.55[TK]D-Fenderproppy: Fine.  Go set up a softphone on another PC to test it
14:55.55proppy[TK]D-Fender: with which client are you suggestiong that I connect to the asterisk server ?
14:56.11[TK]D-Fenderproppy: take your pick.  Hardly matters which
14:56.11proppysorry If my question sound stupid I'm very new to this area
14:56.39proppy[TK]D-Fender: do you know a softphone that produce connection/error logs ?
14:56.42jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
14:56.58proppy[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:57.03jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:57.07[TK]D-Fenderproppy: You don't need the softphone to make any kind of logs.  Look at ASTERISK's output to see what problems arise
14:57.25proppy[TK]D-Fender: good idea
14:57.28[TK]D-Fenderproppy: and since you are sounding like you haven't even installed or tested one yet, you don't HAVE a problem to debug yet
14:59.00proppy[TK]D-Fender: thanks to AsteriskNOW and the configuration snippet of the howto it wasn't that hard to set
14:59.16proppynow I'm trying to connect to it, but ekiga hangs with no log
14:59.49[TK]D-Fenderproppy: enable SIP DEBUG on * CLI and watch the traffic.
15:01.11kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: here is the application with description
15:01.23kamanashisroysending you the agi it runs
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15:02.26*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
15:02.44Kobazvoicemail just completely dies if it has problems playing a voicemail emssage
15:02.47Kobazis there any way to prevent that?
15:02.53[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: Thanks.. thats of no use.
15:03.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: COMPLETE CLI output for the call, max debug (dore & verbose) + channel (IAX2)
15:03.46kamanashisroyKobaz: dies means ? asterisk goes down ?
15:04.16kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: do you like to see the script ?
15:04.38[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: You have not shown me your attempt to use the "M()" feature with Dial.
15:04.50kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:04.52[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: You instead decided to show me some junk in "C"
15:05.16kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: LOL .. it is not possible in M .. !
15:05.25*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:05.43kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: thanks for talk
15:05.55[TK]D-Fenderkamanashisroy: You said, call 1 guy.  Then call out to another and let them press something to accept the call.  Damn right this is possible with "M()".  Now get off your ass and TRY IT
15:06.00Kobazkamanashisroy: the channel hangs up
15:06.05Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: lemme get it
15:06.26kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: that is not the end
15:06.46mond0[TK]D-Fender, the two phones I've configured that can call each other are a Polycom SoundPoint IP300 SIP and a Grandstream GXV-3000. They can both call each other. NetMeeting can call either and when I pick up, NetMeeting shows the call established. When I hang up, NetMeeting plays a tone immediately. Just no audio...
15:06.47kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: not near !
15:06.52kamanashisroy[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:07.56[TK]D-Fendermond0: pastebin your configs masking only passwords, and CLI output with SIP/H.323 debug enabled
15:08.16mond0Furthermore, I have tested the NetMeeting client machine that its microphone works by recording an audio file with sndrec32.exe and the speakers work because I can hear stuff.
15:08.43mond0[TK]D-Fender, okay.
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15:09.25[TK]D-Fendermond0: And don't forget that * sucks at H.323 and should be avoided.  Also you have not specified codecs.
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15:10.44tompawam I missing something in here: [admin@asterix ~]$ sudo asterisk -rx database show
15:10.47tompawNo such command 'database'
15:10.47proppyALT-F9 to switch to *CLI
15:10.47proppysip set debug :)
15:10.56proppyis there a way to attach the CLI*> from a standart login connection ?
15:11.03Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i hit voicemail, hit 1 to listen to old messages.... and it goes to play the first message (which is a wav file with just a header), and it hangs up the channel
15:11.23[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What ver of *, what device?
15:11.32Kobaziax, and 1.4.14
15:11.49[TK]D-Fendertompaw: do "asterisk -r" and run it there.
15:12.01[TK]D-Fendertompaw: and you need to put "database show" in quotes.
15:12.15[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I do recommend you upgrade.  Thats somewhat dated now.
15:12.18tompawthats's it. thx.
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15:12.42[TK]D-FenderKobaz: you didnt' provide the complete call, no IAX debug, etc...
15:12.47Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but this is a 100k calls a month box, we haven't finished doing testing on the newest asterisk
15:13.02Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: oh iax debug too, hmm
15:13.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Figure I'd see more on core debug 10...
15:14.00Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it is the complete call as far as set verbose 3 is concerned
15:14.06Kobazlet me try and duplicate the problem locally
15:14.20[TK]D-FenderKobaz: core 10, verbose 10 <-
15:14.22Kobazi cleaned up the non-working voicemail messages for that box
15:14.35Kobazwell i saved a copy
15:15.35proppyfound out, asterisk -vvvvvr to attach the CLI*>
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15:19.38macros73Having an issue with NAT.  My server incorrectly sees internal peers as being behind NAT, and external peers (my trunks, actually) as not being behind NAT.  Thus, I can receive incoming calls but not make calls to the trunk.
15:20.43Kobazthere it be
15:20.45*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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15:21.09Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: all kinds of verbosity
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15:22.44macros73Nevermind, easy fix, added 'nat=yes' to the trunk's peer details
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15:29.00[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What codec is the call in?  formats = 0x4 <- not sure what that is.  And if you listen to a different message instead, does it work?  (is the message itself corrupted perhaps)
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15:32.21jayteecould someone tell me if this is a serious issue? It only started showing up on my * console when I started using a SIP TAPI plugin for Win XP to do click2dial from Outlook.
15:32.41jayteeeverything works great except I get that warning message.
15:33.23tompawcheck this out >
15:33.28tompawNow I only need the last line :-)
15:34.17tompawAND, it seems to be working as of now ;-)
15:35.05[TK]D-Fendertompaw: .... um... looks like an infinite loop.;... what does that script do?
15:35.55markidtompaw: ;P
15:35.55tompaw[TK]D-Fender: it checks for the number in the Numbers Portability database, then it writes the target route ID back to asterisk's database
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15:36.17tompawit's a simple 'wget + asterisk -rx' bash thingie.
15:36.27[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Ok... STILL seems to just spin in circles.  Does it run as a daemon?
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15:36.51tompaw[TK]D-Fender: actually, no. that 'nl' script will change this value and end the loop
15:38.08[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Always?
15:38.09tompawI just need to add some protection there, like [break the loop if waited more than 5 seconds]
15:38.36tompaw[TK]D-Fender: yes. it will return a physical termination route on success, or if the network is not supported by the gateway.... will return a route that just plays a message "sorry, blah blah blah"
15:38.49[TK]D-Fendertompaw: unless its running as a daemon, you don't need * to loop for anything.. your script won't continue in the dialplan till its finished
15:38.52tompaw(that's the plan)
15:39.27tompaw[TK]D-Fender: well, it's an asteriskNOW installation, i think it runs as a daemon, and the System() call is asynchronous.
15:39.39[TK]D-Fendertompaw: and if that script ever returns without changing that DB value it WILL loop indefinitely
15:39.55[TK]D-Fendertompaw: I'm talking about your SCRIPT running as a daemon.
15:39.59tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I agree, that anti-infinity protection must be added.
15:40.04defsworkJul  2 15:35:45 WARNING[18411] chan_zap.c: Detected alarm on channel 4: Red Alarm  < any ideas what this might be ?
15:40.20[TK]D-Fendertompaw: right now there seems to be little poitn to a check, OR returning a DB value like that.
15:40.49tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I don't understand. what do you mean?
15:41.31[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Is your script starting some background process or is it just linar?
15:41.50tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I assumed that the System() call is asynchronous
15:41.56tompaw(Goes to background)
15:41.59[TK]D-Fendertompaw: if its just linear then there is no need to loop anything.
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15:42.06[TK]D-Fendertompaw: NO.
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15:42.28tompaw[TK]D-Fender: really? 100% sure?
15:42.29[TK]D-Fendertompaw: System does not execute anything in the background.  * waits till it is done before continuing your call.
15:42.33[TK]D-Fendertompaw: yes I'm sure.
15:42.44tompawOK then, I get rid of the loop
15:42.47mond0[TK]D-Fender, for my NetMeeting issues, which configs might be pertinent? h323.conf and...
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15:44.47[TK]D-Fendermond0: Whatever you set up.
15:44.53tompaw[TK]D-Fender: the last thing for me is to choose a provider basing on that value returned by the 'nl' script. I assume I should add those providers to asterisk first, then check their trunk ids, and then just use that 'trunkdial' macro, right
15:45.10[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Go try stuff.
15:45.38*** join/#asterisk JerJer (n=PhatJ@pdpc/supporter/bronze/jerjer)
15:46.54proppystrange asterisk seems to receive SIP packet with non-nated IP
15:47.24[TK]D-Fenderproppy: PASTEBIN is your friend....
15:48.43proppysorry :)
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15:51.28billybigpotatoeshi - anyone using ices?
15:51.36billybigpotatoeswith ezstream?
15:51.43[TK]D-Fenderproppy: You've clearly not set your system up properly to ahndle NAT.  Go read the guides :
15:51.46jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:52.05ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: one of these days I'm going to write a good guide for NAT stuff.
15:52.08[TK]D-Fenderproppy: And while you're at it, your credentials are wrong : SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
15:52.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: the first link there covers it.
15:52.19jayteecould someone tell me if this is a serious issue? It only started showing up on my * console when I started using a SIP TAPI plugin for Win XP to do click2dial from Outlook.
15:52.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Single lines like that is meaningless junk
15:52.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: FULL DEBUG DAMMIT
15:53.35ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: the first one is better than I expected.
15:53.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower: deserves a minor tweak when i can bother to get around to it.
15:54.13ManxPowerjaytee: that message usually means "client went away"
15:54.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: or could mean "I have networking issues"
15:54.50ManxPowerthat's just a subset of "client went away"
15:55.08[TK]D-FenderManxPower: or "client?  What client?!" ;)
15:55.10proppy[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the link
15:55.39[TK]D-Fenderproppy: and next time include the FULL output, not just from the middle of the call.
15:55.56proppy[TK]D-Fender: sorry :)
15:56.11jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ManxPower thanks. I only see it for a very brief period and not on every click2dial. If it appears more frequently I'll grab sip debug info on it and do a pastebin at some future point.
15:56.35proppyseems that I'm in the 4. case  Asterisk as a SIP server behind nat, clients on the outside behind a second NAT connecting to Asterisk
15:56.58[TK]D-Fenderproppy: go read the FIRST link
15:56.58tompawguys I need help with the dialplan grammar. Look at this macro call: exten=_4X!,1,Macro(trunkdial,${trunk_1}/${EXTEN:0},${trunk_1_cid}) - let's assume I have this trunk's id (1) in separate variable. How should I write this line then?
15:57.15tompawcan I use... ${trunk_${TID}} ?
15:57.31proppy[TK]D-Fender: oups
15:59.46WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, only 1 problem today with a transfer tone not being picked up that i'll investigate, but the callprogress=yes seems to of fixed all the problems  :(
16:00.09billybigpotatoesanyone having success with app_ices with lame and ezstream - as per - i am seeing broken pipe on asterisk v1.4.18
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16:01.02cabelJust so you guys know I did end up fixing my problem. The problem was that files sip.conf, features.conf, extensions.conf, iax.conf already existed and freepbx wouldn't overwrite them. I deleted them and freepbx was able to create them. I think when I compiled and did make samples it screwed it up some how. So yes you were correct that it was in fact the guis fault that it was not writing to those files.... If you guys are interested
16:01.37*** part/#asterisk oej (
16:02.13[TK]D-Fendercabel: \o/  Back to FreePBX.  Move along now :p
16:02.49proppyWhen following, I get
16:03.30cabelYea, well the problem is I'm leaving here after the summer so I can't install asterisk because the next user will not know what to do. So I have to stick with a gui
16:03.42[TK]D-Fenderproppy: that isn't a NAT issue.  Thats an "I didn't set up my auth right' issue
16:03.56[TK]D-Fendercabel: "That's nice"
16:04.21[TK]D-Fendercabel: Hope they like it and can deal with it all
16:05.02proppy[TK]D-Fender: maybe I miss some deny= permit=
16:05.06proppyto allow connection from all peers
16:05.22[TK]D-Fenderproppy: remove BOTH
16:05.59cabel[TK]D-Fender: Yea well you'll be happy to know that I am planning on building an asterisk server for home use and not use any guis cause it's too many head aches and problems. So hopefully you'll see me around int the future :)
16:06.04proppy[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:06.06mond0I'm having trouble using NetMeeting, but am very close. I'm using a stock install of AsteriskNOW which I haven't altered much. #asterisknow is kind of quiet, so I
16:06.26[TK]D-Fendermond0: Again you are providing NO backup.
16:06.39jaytee#asterisknow is usually quiet, #freepbx is usually like a morgue
16:06.40mond0'm here. Here's my h323.conf and a log of calls from NetMeeting to 2 phones. They connect, just no audio.
16:07.10proppy[TK]D-Fender: thanks now its getting better, :)
16:07.21proppyI should just not try to register but only make a call I guess
16:07.57[TK]D-Fendermond0: H323 over NAT?  Good luck with that... You'd be wise to ditch Netmeeting
16:08.33tompaw[TK]D-Fender: you were right. The System() call is synchronous.
16:09.32mond0I know what NAT is, and we're not using it.
16:09.57[TK]D-Fendermond0: and Found peer capability G.723.1 <5>, Asterisk code is 1, frame size (in ms) is 120 <-- onse side says ULAW/GSM, and this is the OTHER.  * can't transcode G.723.
16:10.04[TK]D-Fendermond0: Fix your codec selection.
16:10.42tompawwoot woot! it's working!!
16:11.07tompaw3 lines of code in 3 hours. not bad :>
16:11.37[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No, not bad at all for a start like this.
16:11.45*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (
16:11.55[TK]D-Fendermond0: Again, why are you using NetMeeting?
16:12.21mond0It was requested.
16:13.25proppyadding host=dynamic fixed the registration issue
16:13.29mond0We have a bunch of classrooms with "smart boards" but no phones. The smart boards are running XP and people apparently got tipped off that Asterisk can supposedly handle H.323, so they got to thinking why not just use the board to make calls, instead of installing phones...
16:13.32proppynow I get this
16:14.07*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
16:14.08jayteewhat the hell is a "smart board"?
16:14.15tompaw[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll focus on that portability lookup now :)
16:14.25proppywonder which extension is it talking about
16:14.42mond0It's like a big touch screen thing. I have't even used it, I just know they have NetMeeting installed.
16:14.53[TK]D-Fendermond0: install a SIP softphone instead.
16:15.01[TK]D-Fendermond0: * works like SHIT with H.323
16:15.16mond0ha. okay.
16:15.33mond0Recommendations for a softphone?
16:16.01jayteesome people like X-lite but your mileage may vary
16:16.02*** part/#asterisk d1mas (
16:17.02[TK]D-Fendermond0: X-Like / Zoiper
16:17.12*** join/#asterisk zwsegal (n=zwsegal@
16:17.32zwsegalhello, have a question about PRI behavior, any takers?
16:17.51jayteemy PRIs are very well behaved.
16:17.56jbotmethinks ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:18.44proppyseems that I forgot to properly set context= to a valid extension
16:19.04*** join/#asterisk jtknapp (
16:19.05zwsegalmy PRI has been reporting FCS errors and aborts randomly, esp during thunderstorms, is that typical?
16:19.29zwsegalhow many FCS errors and aborts and d-channel drops should i consider tolerable?
16:19.35[TK]D-Fenderproppy: And "context=" is not set to an "extension"
16:19.47[TK]D-Fenderzwsegal: 0 :)
16:20.10coppicezwsegal: ask Baron von Frankenstein to disconnect it from the lightning rods
16:20.17zwsegal[TK]D-Fender ha, so i was right to assume paetec is just a crappy provider
16:20.33zwsegalcoppice then hed want to connect them to me :P
16:20.51zwsegalso lightning and whatnot shouldnt be affecting the line as much as it is?
16:20.55coppicenothing's perfect
16:21.18tompawGoogle finds only 3 answers, none in english.
16:21.19proppy[TK]D-Fender: context should correspond so something valid in extensions.conf doesn't it ?
16:21.31proppyI mean context= in sip.conf
16:21.35[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Don't jsut look at the error, look at what CAUSED it.
16:21.50jayteezwsegal, we have frequent lightening and thunderstorms here in the midwest and my PRIs don't drop D channel or have FCS errors due to it but they come in via fiber not copper.
16:21.56[TK]D-Fenderproppy: Yes, it should point to a valid context in extensions.conf...
16:22.38zwsegaljaytee ah i expect that would make a difference as copper would be more susceptible to electrical interference
16:22.41tompawRight. that would be the lack of mpeg123, which moves the question to #asteriskNOW
16:22.51jayteecertainly would
16:23.02zwsegalanyone else use PAETEC?
16:23.03proppy[TK]D-Fender: understood that was my mistake
16:23.31jayteeeven over copper if the lines are properly shielded you shouldn't have problems like that unless your telco sucks ass
16:23.34[TK]D-Fenderproppy: A mistake, but not one responsible for the error you showed us
16:23.59[TK]D-Fendertompaw: What are you actually trying to accomplish?
16:24.41zwsegaljaytee i was operating under the same assumption.  i have a feeling it might be the telco :P
16:24.46*** join/#asterisk cabbiepete_ (
16:27.20tompaw[TK]D-Fender: play mp3. it requires mpg123. I want to install it using that fancy 'conary' package manager not to mess with the deps and stuff.
16:28.11tompawbut there's not much I can do, since: <ProtocolError for 500 Internal Server Error>
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16:28.17[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No.  To just play an mp3 file you should install "asterisk-addons", which will give you "".
16:29.01fogoI'm getting all outbound calls on one T1 being dropped - the telco doesn't like that I'm sending "Info=1device" in the setup message. Any idea what option may remove that?
16:29.37tompaw[TK]D-Fender: sorry mate, I relied on the MP3Play() documentation, which says it requires mpg123.
16:29.49[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Then don't
16:30.02tompaw[TK]D-Fender: anyway, the whole conary repo from Digium seems to be down :/
16:30.16[TK]D-Fendertompaw: rpath = meh
16:31.31proppy[TK]D-Fender: Yes you're right it seems unrelated to my error, since I get the same pb
16:32.10proppywhen pointing to the correct context/extension
16:33.35[TK]D-Fenderproppy:  To: <sip:A@>  Looking for A in roleplaying (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
16:33.53[TK]D-Fenderproppy: yeah... the error is pretty much standing in plain sight.  Now go fix it ;)
16:35.07proppyjust figured out that my Dial line when bad in extensions.conf
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16:36.08Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: regarding my voicemail issue... the codec is ulaw
16:36.17tompawStrange. It seems like *now has everything that's required to BUILD asterisk-addons :)
16:36.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the message is definitly corrupted... there is just a wav header with no audio contents
16:36.44[TK]D-FenderKobaz: That distro is nothing but trouble.
16:36.56[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Better to build it for yourself on something more solid
16:37.19Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: which distro?
16:37.28Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the built in voicemail app?
16:37.53[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Sorry, wasn't meant to be directed at you.
16:38.09billybigpotatoesanyone want to talk about app_ices?
16:38.17Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the voicemail app shouldn't hang up the channel if the voicemail wav is bad
16:38.23[TK]D-FenderKobaz: have you tested if its just that one singular message, or does it bomb on every and any message?
16:38.39Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it works fine if i delete the corrupted wav and it plays a good one
16:38.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Does * still create corrupted wavs?
16:39.10Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: not sure if this wav from asterisk 1.2 or from 1.4.14
16:39.24Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: we upgraded from 1.2 several months ago
16:39.47[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Ok, if it looks like a 1-off, I'd write it off.
16:40.05Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: but this has come up more than once...
16:40.09[TK]D-FenderBRB, rebooting.
16:40.13proppy[TK]D-Fender: aaaah, just found it
16:40.23proppyextension is not the same that an username
16:40.38proppyusername is used for registerting
16:40.42proppyextension for calling
16:41.47*** join/#asterisk simprix (
16:43.13tompawI assume I have to "enable" somewhere in the conf files, right?
16:43.30ManxPowerNo.  The only extension is in extensions.conf.  sip.conf contains devices
16:43.39ManxPowertompaw: download it first
16:44.26tompawhow about modules.conf?
16:44.31tompawManxPower: I just built it.
16:44.59ManxPowertompaw: there was not a "make install" to install it.
16:45.07proppyyep and the dialplan (extensions.conf) is the extra mapping between extension and sip action ?
16:45.18tompawManxPower: there was.
16:45.22ManxPowerproppy: for the 2nd time.  They are sip devices.
16:45.26ManxPowertompaw: and did you run it?
16:45.34tompawManxPower: but that just put the module in appropriate directory. It didn't mess with the .conf files at all
16:45.52tompawI'll try adding "" to modules.conf
16:46.06ManxPowertompaw: you don't need to.  just restart asterisk, it should then show up in "show formats" or show modules
16:46.26ManxPoweryou understand that format_mp3 is not app
16:46.32ManxPowerapp_mp3, right?
16:46.38proppyManxPower: and extension are the number you dial ?
16:46.52ManxPowerproppy: correct.  The extension is the number you dial.
16:47.07proppyManxPower: thanks for clearing that up
16:47.14ManxPowerWe, for example, make the SIP username be the same as the MAC address of the device.
16:47.21tompawasterix*CLI> module show like mp3 > shows only
16:47.28tompawit doesn't list :/
16:48.05tompawI did 'load module...'
16:48.06ManxPowertompaw: Does g729 and g723.1 show up in show modules?
16:48.17ManxPowertompaw: fine.  "core load"
16:48.35ManxPowerBut I will not help you further unless you do what I ask.
16:48.39*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
16:48.43Mike8861hello all
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16:48.50ManxPowerI asked if it showed in "show formats" and you totally ignored me.
16:49.04tompawNo such command 'show formats' (type 'help' for help)
16:49.21ManxPowertry adding "core" in front of the command like almost all other 1.4 commands
16:49.31tompawsorry, I thought you meant to use show formats OR show modules
16:49.42tompawNo such command 'core show' (type 'help' for help)
16:50.08ManxPowerGeeeze. I'm going to have to find a 1.4 box a min.
16:50.30Mike8861ManxPower: what command are u trying
16:50.36Mike8861ManxPower: maybe i can help ?
16:51.37tompawMike8861: I am trying to enable mp3 playback. I manually loaded with 'module load'
16:51.43ManxPowerMike8861: he is trying to use format_mp3
16:51.45tompawNow it appears in the modules list, yet...
16:51.57Mike8861ManxPower: i dunno about asterisk, in trixbox(asterisk 1.4) we used to use "core show file formats" for this
16:52.07ManxPowerformat_mp3 won't let you play mp3 files.
16:52.08tompaw-- Executing [551@numberplan-custom-3:2] MP3Player("SIP/6969-b590df78", "/home/admin/heart.mp3") in new stack
16:52.10Mike8861ManxPower: for MP3 Playback, mplayer is easy way, or
16:52.16tompawNOTICE[8730]: app_mp3.c:118 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0
16:52.19ManxPowerMike8861: I don't want to hear about Trixbox
16:52.22tompawthat's the error I keep receiveing.
16:52.29Mike8861ManxPower: show module
16:52.50ManxPowerMike8861: thank you for volunteering to help tompaw
16:52.54ManxPowerI can get back to paying work now.
16:52.56Mike8861ManxPower: try that out, its preety easy, and let me know the result
16:53.12tompawMike8861: try what?
16:53.31tompawD-Fender said that "To just play an mp3 file you should install "asterisk-addons", which will give you ""."
16:53.52Mike8861tompaw: core show file fomats
16:53.59Mike8861tompaw: show modules
16:54.26Mike8861tompaw: installing mp3, will just result play back in monotone 8Khz g711u
16:54.51Mike8861tompaw: asuuming u are using g711u as your codec, so i see no point for installing mp3 support
16:55.01tompawMike8861: ok, let's do it your way, to get the best quality possible. "core show file formats" returns:
16:56.22tompaw'show modules' returns more than 160 modules, however
16:56.36hardwirehmmm.. I have a pool of iaxmodem's .. now how to dial them as a group..
16:57.07Mike8861tompaw: i will leave that for ManxPower
16:57.16hardwireIt seems like that would be a bad idea.. a bunch of modems trying to answer at once then having to reset themselves when they didn't win.
16:58.05Mike8861tompaw: unless u have technical issue with transcoding, it is recommand easy way to play back music
16:58.42*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
16:58.50Mike8861tompaw: if u need a transcoder, i can provide u, which i am currently using(its legal)
16:58.56tompawMike8861: what do you mean by 'it'?
17:00.26*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:03.18Mike8861tompaw: download transcoder software, this software can transcode (almost any, including mp3) to WAV
17:03.45*** join/#asterisk keulin (
17:04.06Mike8861tompaw: choose desire codec, config bitrate etc, select file to transcode, click transcode(right most button)
17:04.48Mike8861any one would like to help with dialplan problem ??
17:05.42Mike8861i am trying to dial 9000(int-ext), when connected to 9000, it will dialout to a external IVR, and send DTMF to ext ivr
17:05.47Mike8861 please help
17:08.17kaldemarMike8861: core show application dial => option D()
17:09.07*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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17:09.21DarnoQhi! what could be that cause of situation that i can't login with softphone to any user ? i also don't see the information that softphone is trying to connect in CLI
17:10.43Mike8861kaldemar: i have read document before asking, having trouble to understand.
17:11.17Mike8861kaldemar: technology should be SIP, no doubt, no idea whats identifier and where goes the destination phone number.....
17:12.05kaldemarMike8861: Dial(SIP/trunk1${EXTEN},,D(<dtmf_sequence>))
17:13.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
17:14.29Mike8861kaldemar: the result will be , exten => _91878200,n, Dial(SIP/trunk1${EXTEN},,D(<dtmf_sequence>)) ???
17:15.01Mike8861i want the user to dial 9000, and it forward the call to 1878200 and send some DTMF
17:15.06kaldemarif that exten line matches, yes
17:15.28Mike8861you are a genius!!! i will try it out now
17:15.33*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
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17:18.28trafimHi guys. I have a little prob, mb you know the solution. I need to implement night-schedules for support team, so every night different operator (with different number) will answer. The point is that it must be roundrobin. Like, five guys, and it should every evening switch to another number, not depending on day of week.
17:19.55trafimNow i implemented night schedule through pack of GotoIfTime, but it's connected to day. And it must not be.
17:21.59[TK]D-Fendertrafim: Then set a DB value to the counter position number for what it should be doing that day.  You can automate the incremening via cron, etc, or have someone increment it manually.
17:22.32Mike8861kaldemar: i have updated the dialplan, however its not working as expected
17:22.38Mike8861heres the updated:
17:23.05[TK]D-FenderMike8861: exten => exten => _91878200,n, Dial(SIP/trunk1${EXTEN},,D(12)) c<- PRDON?
17:23.26[TK]D-FenderMike8861: you mashed 2 lines together and are referencing EXTEN as part of your PEER.
17:24.13Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: my bad!!!!!i deserve this
17:24.42trafim[TK]D-Fender: i already thought about some script, but wanted to do it via dialplan.. well then, tnx.
17:25.12[TK]D-Fendertrafim: You can do it via dialplan logic entirely with a little trickery.
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17:26.10trafim[TK]D-Fender: er.. that would be good. can you give some hints?
17:26.41Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: i have remove the duplicate exten=> however its still not working
17:27.01[TK]D-FenderMike8861: and you didn't show me what you thought "fixed" should look like either.
17:27.33[TK]D-Fendertrafim: "core show function DB"
17:28.07Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: in addition, I have confirm that my dialplan will actually runsi have tried with playback(you-sound-cute) !
17:28.20[TK]D-FenderMike8861: exten => _91878200,n, Dial(SIP/trunk1${EXTEN},,D(12)) <- you can't jsut shove an "n" priority for a DIFFERENT exten in the middle of a bunch of "s" exten priorities like that.
17:28.48[TK]D-FenderMike8861>[TK]D-Fender: in addition, I have confirm that my dialplan will actually runsi have tried with playback(you-sound-cute) ! <- thanks... this means NOTHING <-
17:29.40trafim[TK]D-Fender: uh. okay, tnx anyway.
17:29.53Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: should i change it to all N or all S ??
17:30.39[TK]D-FenderMike8861: work on ONE exten at a time. "s" will haev NOTHING to do with  "_91878200"
17:30.55proppy[TK]D-Fender: ManxPower: thanks a lot
17:32.31Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: by EXTEN, you mean the first parameter right ?
17:32.44[TK]D-Fendertrafim: Make a DB entry for the "entry person" to cal and another for the date last changedl.  Every time you try to call that person, check the date to see if it is the same.  If not, increment (and loop around if necessary.  Then once you've determined the person (in sequence to call) call them
17:33.18Mike8861[TK]D-Fender: therefore I replace all 3 lines from exten => s, .... to exten => _91878200, ...   ???
17:33.46trafim[TK]D-Fender: okay i'll try to implement this. thanks.
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17:40.11quentusrexcan someone help me figure out why my sip phone is reporting 404 for registration.
17:40.50*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
17:47.46huey23quentusrex:  it might not be able to find the SIP server, what program are you running?
17:48.14quentusrexI'm using the x-lite softphone on one laptop, and a grandstream phone
17:48.33huey23what SIP server?
17:49.37jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:49.40huey23did you apply changes after you added extensions?
17:50.26quentusrexwell, then if that's how you all feel about freepbx. What is a good replacement?
17:50.37quentusrexhuey23, yes I did.
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17:51.07jayteequentusrex, what's the name of this channel?
17:51.23huey23install debian, download and compile asterisk, start reading...that's what [TK] made me do :P
17:52.56huey23you don't need all of that extra crap that comes with those bundled software programs, if you look at a couple of dialplans, you'll figure it out real quick
17:54.45quentusrexhow do I debug a sip connection?
17:55.09quentusrexmy grandstream is registered, but it can't dial anything
17:55.21huey23no one knows, i played around with the PIAF and FreePBX for about 1 hour and junked both of them
17:56.07quentusrexI use to use asterisk@home
17:56.16huey23well, quit it
17:56.19quentusrexthen it became trixbox, then I dumped it...
17:57.04jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
17:57.31*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
17:57.38jayteewhat's a good cordless VOIP phone?
17:58.29huey23cisco 7920, different protocol but good quality
17:59.06jayteethanks, but I want SIP. Don't want to mess with skinny or sccp
17:59.26huey23ahh, you did not specify :)
17:59.26Qwelljaytee: ata + cordless phone
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18:00.18jayteeQwell, thanks. I was thinking about that but the only ATA I've tried is the Grungestream Handytone 286 with a Panasonic cordless. Lotta hum and noise.
18:00.52jayteeQwell, what's a good quality ATA? Linksys/Sipura?
18:02.58huey23IVR, is there any addons or scripts that use this to ask the caller where they want to be transfered to and they can respond by voice?
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18:06.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Linksys ATAs are decent enough
18:06.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I've got cordless phones & my Polycom SoundStation 2W running off of them quite well.
18:07.12[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: to respond by voice means Voice Recognition.  So either Lumenvox or Sphinx
18:07.35cool_judgeHello everyone. I have a question about astagidir in astarisk.conf. This variable is supposed to hold the location of the agi folder. However, when I try to change it, the new value does NOT take effect after restart - Asterisk still looks in /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin. Any ideas???
18:07.44huey23[TK]D-Fender: i'll check them out, thanks
18:07.51jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I hate the Handytone audio quality. I'd like to go with the Polycom Spectralink 8002 but my boss cringes at the price and is looking at an Aastra 480i
18:08.10[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Feel free to use whatever Web GUI frontend you want, just know that 99% of your questions here will get a "It's not supported here" answer.
18:09.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Aastra has decent battery, very good range and clarity.  BUT... its terminally tied the regsitrations of the base.  it is indeed to be considered a fixed "extension" o fthe base and not separate.
18:09.11quentusrexthen my question is where are the asterisk logs.  and how do I debug a sip connection?
18:09.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yeah and a bit pricey just to get cordless option
18:09.35[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: "sip debug" at * CLI.  This is the place to go for debugging SIP issues.
18:10.02jayteeplus I'd rather stick with ATA's with analong phones or Polycom only for SIP phones.
18:10.05[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, shitty to ahve a fixed phone as a receiver.  Seimens SIP DECT stuff is said to be pretty decent if you can find it affordably.
18:10.10rwaitei like watching the iax2 debug stuff scroll by. it soothes the mind.
18:10.10huey23[TK]D-Fender: voip-info says that the accoustic model for sphinx is 8khz and not available in *
18:10.37[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Plenty of guides showing how to integrate Sphinx & *.  Go loko.
18:10.42jayteeI was wondering about the IAXy ATA from Digium but I think I'm going to recommend getting a Linksys to test.
18:12.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ... you don't want that kind of pain :)
18:13.05jayteeI'm not really using IAX now. I was but that was just temporary and it wasn't much fun.
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18:21.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, any particular Linksys ATA model you'd recommend? I don't need FXO so I'm looking at the SPA-2102 or the PAPT2-NA
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18:23.29[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: If you think there's any chance of sending the ATA somewhere remote, get the SPA-2102 as it has a built in router, etc.  Might be worth the extra 10$ no matter what.
18:33.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:34.18jayteeok, my boss just ordered an Astra. the model that replaces the 480i. I really love being micromanaged :-(
18:34.38jayteetime to update the resume and start looking again, hate doing that at my age.
18:35.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Ycuk.  I have an 57i CT myself....
18:35.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Means well, but many physical "bleh" factors
18:36.27jayteeif only the Spectralink from Polycom was a little cheaper in price :-(
18:37.21jayteeI had a panic attack because he called me into his office and started showing me printouts from websites and the phones on them were Snom.
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18:37.50jayteethe man has no frigging clue about supporting large telecom installs.
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18:39.17[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: this is where its good to have a CTO with power to match the title.
18:39.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: So that general managers don't screw your company over with tech mistakes.
18:40.33jaytee[TK]D-Fender, the problem is that this guy is the IT Director
18:40.38rwaitechief tautology officer?
18:40.56[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Of course he's always right!
18:41.04[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Stock up on K-Y...
18:41.13jayteetautology? that's for truth tables, when has an executive ever relied on the truth :-)
18:41.56jaytee[TK]D-Fender, he actually asked me if I'd run Dr Watson to debug a problem with an application that would terminate unexpectedly. It was running on Windows XP.
18:43.20jayteeand he insisted we buy IP phones with an extra port for the computer so we didn't have to have more cat5 runs. I mentioned that if it became an issue and we wanted to VLAN the traffic that might be a hindrance. He insists we'll never need to VLAN voip traffic.
18:44.13jayteeso essentially yeah....... I need a railcar tanker full of K-Y
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18:45.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I prefer saving $ on the phones and investing in infrastructure personally.
18:46.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: prevents you from getting tied down to any one solution.
18:46.28[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And minimizes blead-over risks as well as performance loss for PC's
18:46.49patrick--meeb [TK]D-Fender :)
18:46.52patrick--how is life these days?
18:47.00[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: Getting by.  Slowly...
18:47.12patrick--thats not much, but sth.
18:50.06jayteeanyone running CentOS  with * ? should I disable SELINUX or run it permissive?
18:51.33huey23nope, deb
18:53.20huey23and it works great :)
18:54.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Disable
18:57.45rwaitelove debian
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19:00.54beekjaytee: I use CentOS 5 -- love it.   Do yourself a favor and disable SELINUX.   I use SELINUX everywhere except on my * boxes.
19:02.04huey23[TK]D-Fender:  ok, sphinx it is
19:02.26jayteebeek, thanks. I've set it to disabled. That's what I'd originally done when I setup my first Red Hat server for * back in Nov 07.
19:02.32[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Lumenvox is relatively inexpensive and far better....
19:02.47jayteeand [TK]D-Fender thanks again
19:03.23huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i just looked at lumenvox and it seems that they went a little to far on the "sales pitch"
19:03.26jayteeLumenvox only runs on 32 bit though so be forewarned. I'm running 64 bit RHEL 5 so I'm setting up a 32 bit box with * as my IVR
19:03.34[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Your call.
19:04.25jayteehuey23, there's always Nuance! (roflcopter)
19:04.37huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i am researching lumwnvox a little more, just for you
19:07.00[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: I've never tried either personally, just recounting common opinion.
19:12.19*** join/#asterisk skyggen (
19:12.27skyggenhello, hello.
19:12.52skyggenGod AT&T are poky
19:13.34skyggengot a question about zt_pri_error unknown 500. Anyone had this happen?
19:13.58huey23your hardware just took a dump :P
19:14.21skyggenso switching out the card would fix this?
19:16.44[TK]D-Fenderskyggen: What card?  What server?  What signalling?  What version of * & Zaptel?
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19:25.53huey23skyggen: ?
19:28.21skyggenTE205P zaptel-1.4.11 libpri-1.4.4 pri_cpe asterisk-1.4.11
19:30.35russellb$ ./changes_since asterisk 1.4.11
19:30.35russellbChanges since asterisk Version 1.4.11/ - svn revision 80193
19:30.51russellbPlease update Asterisk to the latest version.  If you still have trouble, please contact Digium technical support.
19:30.53nny_1i am running a box with ztdummy as the timing source. When calling the Timeout function i get Function Timeout not registered. i am currently compiling each from it's own set of directories. (src/zaptel/zaptl-(version)/ and src/asterisk/asterisk-(version). I am recompiling * now, but could that directory structure be casuing issues with asterisk compiling for zap?
19:31.25russellbcalling what timeout function?
19:32.23nny_1actually misworded on my part, the line of code in the dialplan is exten => s,5,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2)
19:32.48nny_1this is code from before i took over
19:33.16nny_1i guess the app would be set in this case
19:34.17huey23russellb:  where are the GUI screenshots?
19:34.50[TK]D-Fenderskyggen: I don't believe that you should be using that version of * and zaptel together...
19:35.28[TK]D-Fenderskyggen: Zaptel is far newer than your * version.  Bring them more into sync.
19:35.31skyggenwhat about libpri version?
19:35.52[TK]D-Fenderskyggen: I'd suggest going to the latest "release" versions as per the topic
19:36.09russellbhuey23: eh?  which one?
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19:36.35nny_1hmm i am gonna look this over more. I am probably not grasping the entire concept of how this is implemented
19:36.45huey23i thought that was your blog on the website
19:36.52nny_1although asterisk is most definitely not aware of zap
19:37.01russellbit might be.  the links might be broken now, if so, nothing i can do
19:37.37huey23the only one thats broken is the one to the screenshots
19:38.03nny_1i guess the question is does zap and asterisk need to be compiled in the same directory?
19:38.24russellbhuey23: there might be some on or somewhere
19:43.46nny_1nm lol figured it out
19:45.52naitramI get all 'busy here message' from a sip client within asterisk cli when called device is busy. How do I capture that within the dial plan?
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19:46.18[TK]D-Fendernaitram: ${DIALSTATUS}
19:46.28nny_1if i have a box that is hardware less (no card) how do i know asterisk sees* zap for ztdummy?
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19:47.37doolphhas anyone tried install asterisk on a HP ML110
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19:48.14[TK]D-Fendernny_1: "zap show status"
19:48.39nny_1[TK]D-Fender: hmm zap application not being loaded
19:48.45[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: What problems have you encountered, and what other hardware involved?
19:48.54[TK]D-Fendernny_1: huh?
19:48.54nny_1but i have compiled one before the other.. may be the subdirs each is compiled in
19:49.01jeevsup Fender
19:49.04tompaw[TK]D-Fender: hi mate, would you mind helping me a little more? that mp3... I built asterisk-addons and manually loaded, but the error's still there
19:49.12nny_1No such command 'zap' (type 'help zap' for other possible commands)
19:49.25[TK]D-Fendernny_1: * has to be recompiled after zaptel is installed for zaptel support to be compiled in.
19:49.31naitram[TK]D-Fender: thx
19:49.38[TK]D-Fendertompaw: don't use "mp3player", tec.  use
19:49.39doolphwell there's no problem yet, I have ordered the HP ML110 already, now where I purchase the Digium T1 card they told me that might not be compatible
19:50.03tompawwith that module loaded, right?
19:50.09[TK]D-Fenderdoolph: Some HP's have had issue with Digium cards.  Then again, they should be able to RMA it if you have issues
19:50.15[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Clearly.
19:50.20nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah i just did that, but each is being compiled into it's own subdir of /src/ which i think is the issue
19:50.48[TK]D-Fendernny_1: No.  Compile * install zaptel.  INITIALIZE IT.  Then compile * install *.
19:51.01nny_1will try again thanks
19:51.01[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Do this off freshly extracted tarballs.
19:51.11nny_1yeah it was
19:51.13[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Getting by.
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19:53.54[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Quick lesson : you never provide the EXTENSION of the audio file to play back.  * will match it automatically
19:54.04tompaw[TK]D-Fender: quick thx.
19:55.05tompaw[TK]D-Fender: workin fine!
19:55.11[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Glad to hear.
19:57.06tompaw[TK]D-Fender: and the quality is amazingly good, too!
19:57.48[TK]D-Fendertompaw: keep in mind that MP3 is a lot better than the lowest common telephony codec (G.711) at 8khz mono
19:58.09[TK]D-Fendertompaw: So you're definitely not losing anything, but it DOES put a transcoding load on your CPU
19:58.29tompaw[TK]D-Fender: Sure.
19:58.42[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You really shouldn't use MP3 unless you can't avoid it.  best to convert them to more native formats (since that's what * will do to them live anyways)
19:59.41tompawThat's what I wanted to do anyway. Right now I'm just playing with it. The functionality of * is amazing, as today shown. I was almost sure that using some kind of API (AGI) will be a must for that number lookup.
19:59.57tompawAnd it was all down to 3 lines of "code"!
20:01.23[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You seem to be doing well.  I suspect that you will grow quickly with this.
20:01.41macros73Has anyone here used Asterisk as a SIP proxy?  I have a situation where I would like to have an Avaya IP Office route certain calls to an Asterisk server via SIP.  Asterisk would then handle routing the call out from there.
20:02.08[TK]D-Fendermacros73: No.  Asterisk is NOT a "SIP Proxy"
20:02.50tompawBut can be used as one. Yet it would be much faster to use something dumb like VoipSwitch for that thing in my opinion.
20:03.10[TK]D-Fendermacros73: * is a B2BUA which should be able to serve as an intermediary server to bridge your Avaya to whatever external resource you were looking for however.
20:03.38[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No, it is not a proxy.  At all.  * does not "pass on" anything from one leg to another.
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20:04.08[TK]D-Fendertompaw: A talks to *.  * talks to B.
20:04.38macros73Which would work for this admittedly obtuse path we might follow.
20:05.50macros73Avaya IP Office supports find-me follow-me (but called mobile twinning.)  IPO tries to send the calling number CLID so that the mobile phone can see the originating number, and not the BTN.  Our LEC blocks sending CLID that aren't specifically on our account.
20:06.15macros73Our ITSP does not, so long as it is not abused.
20:06.56nny_1[TK]D-Fender: ok compiled zap from /root/packages-2008-06-27/src/zaptel/zaptel-1.4.11 and then loaded it. I got a message stating ztdummy was loaded, as this box has no card, and then ztcfg failed for the same reason. (although /etc/zaptel.conf exists.) I then compiled asterisk from  /root/packages-2008-06-27/src/asterisk/asterisk-1.4.21 and started it. I would understand my mistake if zap show anything in CLI is supposed to be missing if only ztdummy is use
20:06.58macros73So the thought is: route mobile twinning calls from IPO --> *, and * then bridges the call via the ITSP trunk
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20:07.31tompaw[TK]D-Fender: right. But it can pretend to be one, can't it?
20:07.36macros73IPO passes the original CLID to *, and * passes it on to the phone.  Problem solved, until we get around to a more permanent fix.
20:07.37[TK]D-Fendertompaw: No.
20:07.47[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Sure, why not.
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20:09.22macros73[TK]D-Fender: That's what I'm here to ask, if anyone sees red flags (besides the unnecessary layer of complexity) with this.
20:09.36[TK]D-Fendermacros73: No, thats fine
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20:10.46huey23[TK]D-Fender:  do you have a personality or do you talk just like you type?
20:11.20huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i'm just wondering
20:11.53macros73huey23: Did your mom drop you alot as a toddler?  I'm just wondering. :D
20:12.43ManxPowernny_1: 1.4.21 has major bugs, use
20:12.51huey23[TK]D-Fender:  probably, i won't dispute your insinuations
20:13.01nny_1ManxPower: good to know, will update that today
20:13.04huey23sorry, macros
20:14.04[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Nice backhanded insult there :)  I'm not even going to qualify that with anything more.
20:14.20macros73Don't worry, I already qualified it.
20:14.40huey23[TK]D-Fender:  macros73 tried :P
20:15.40macros73Codec question:  Informally, a blind survey of our users shows they rate ulaw calls as a 5, gsm 2-3, and g729a as 4-4.5.  (Ekiga soft phone, ulaw to *, * transcoded to target codec and sent via our ITSP).  Do those ratings jive with what I should expect?
20:15.58[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Just sparing you the kind of wrath I'm fully capable of :)
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20:16.22huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i'm well aware...please don't eat me
20:16.43[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: I wouldn't want another case of food-poisoning anyways
20:17.07[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Its that a "scale of perceived audio quality"?
20:17.08huey23[TK]D-Fender:  yea, you don't want that kind of wrath i am capable of :)
20:17.19[TK]D-Fendervalues his intestinal tract
20:17.31macros73[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I just asked them to rate the voice quality from 1-5, 5 highest.
20:18.06[TK]D-Fendermacros73: You should always use like codec on the highest you can afford.  G.711 is really a good idea...
20:18.16huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i am not sure how to take the previous comment :0
20:18.45[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: trace our commentary, I'm sure you'll see it shortly...
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20:19.29macros73[TK]D-Fender: G.711 is my preference, but constraints may force us to use a tighter codec.
20:19.29huey23[TK]D-Fender:  i was there...i was wondering if you were refering to your colon or your actual intestinal tract
20:20.00[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Everything that fall victim to food-poisoning :)
20:20.32[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: Guess I could include any other system that would back-fire due to that as well, but hey... start at the source!
20:20.51huey23[TK]D-Fender:  yea yea, point your finger
20:21.07macros73Let's not discuss food poisoning, I ate at Wendy's today and I'm expecting the blood to flow anytime now.
20:21.40huey23macros73:  i ate authentic mexican food yesterday, i think some just dribbled out
20:21.58macros73Okay, no more use of the word "dribble" for huey23.
20:22.34huey23i used that yesterday and i think everyone thought it was a little much
20:23.27huey23i knew someone would appreciate it here
20:23.29macros73Yeah, there are words that don't flow well together.  "Anal", "dripple" is one such tuple.
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20:24.39huey23macros73:  i am glad you like it, you can use it and form it to your liking, it is GNU/GPL
20:24.59[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Actaully... is all about the "flow" ;)
20:25.06nny_1registers what?! taken?
20:25.12huey23flow is good
20:25.24masushi all, have the same problem like this one -> does anyone know that it's fixed ?
20:25.40huey23nny_1:  check the whois, registered to huey23 :P
20:25.46masusmy asterisk-V Asterisk
20:26.22nny_1so i have a script that wgets asterisk-current. is there one considered "asterisk-stable" or is the 1.4.21 issue uncommon?
20:26.37nny_1or is 1.2 stable in digium's eyes?
20:26.38masusOr does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks all.
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20:27.02nny_1(i remember they havce astbusiness on 1.2 for that reason, or did as of the beginning of this year or so)
20:27.19[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Shouldn't auto-dl any particular version.
20:27.38quentusrexok, now I'm using asterisk.
20:27.46[TK]D-Fendernny_1: If you want to automate system deployment, you should manage your own repo for it.
20:27.49quentusrexHow do I troubleshoot no inbound audio?
20:28.18[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Typical problem is not being configured to operate behind NAT.  Does this sound like your case?
20:28.19huey23quentusrex:  what phone?
20:28.24nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah i am 1/2 in 1/2 out on that idea. Need to start doing that. May be the next step I take, although my experiece with building, creating and setting up packages for yum/rpms is limited
20:28.46quentusrexit could be nat, it's a grandstream phone
20:29.00[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: Read up :
20:29.02jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:29.06huey23not familiar with granddribble phones
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20:29.47huey23i love voip-info, we had sex 2 days ago
20:30.31macros73Hmm.  I have allow=gsm&ulaw for this trunk, but it's defaulting to ulaw.  How do I make it default to g729, but use ulaw if all g729 licenses are in use?
20:30.45quentusrexwhich ports need to be forwarded
20:30.51outtoluncnot &
20:30.56macros73Oh.  Duh, thanks.
20:32.33macros73Actually, that didn't appear to work.  I have allow=g729,ulaw but it defauled to ulaw again.  I did reload first.
20:32.53WildPikachukicks his atcom 530 phone, darn thing is saying its my gateway IP when trying to register
20:33.54macros73...and NOW it works
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20:34.47[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: read the guide, its all in there,.
20:35.10[TK]D-Fendermacros73: there is no way to do codec selection overflow based on available licenses.
20:35.20quentusrexhow do I fix the anonymous
20:35.37[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: What should it be?
20:35.49quentusrexI don't know... that just doesn't seem right
20:36.21[TK]D-Fenderquentusrex: If you have no idea what it should be, either don't worry about it, or think harder.
20:36.56masusManxPower: are u there ?
20:37.44huey23alright, i'm out
20:37.47huey23have a good one
20:37.50[TK]D-Fenderhuey23: later
20:37.53huey23i love you
20:38.22*** part/#asterisk huey23 (n=yea@
20:40.44[TK]D-Fenderok, heading home.  Later all
20:47.38quentusrexwhat does this mean:  -- Executing [202@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/anonymous.invalid-0a001278", "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 202") in new stack
20:48.08quentusrexI'm calling from one internal extension 201 to another internal extension 202
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20:57.54nny_1ast_func_write: Function Timeout not registered
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20:58.32nny_1from  exten => s,4,Set(maintimeout=0) exten => s,5,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=2) exten => s,6,Set(TIMEOUT(response)=10)
20:58.39nny_1worked before this version iirc
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21:01.25masusan_agent.c line 880 (agent_hangup): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted,does anyone have experience with this error ?
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21:02.48nny_1core show function TIMEOUT lists it's use though
21:04.19nny_1lol i do it again for DISA later and it works ><
21:04.37masus please ;(
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21:07.14WilliamKpatch for works - fixed the issue entirely
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21:08.49masusWilliamK do u say to me ?
21:09.10WilliamKwas having the same issue with it crashing
21:09.14nny_1meh Request to schedule in the past?!?! no cpu load, not using mpg etc any advice?
21:12.18WildPikachuthis stupid atcom phone just doesn't want to register, asterisk keeps saying no matching peer found, i put in the pbx's ip, username and password ... what else could it be ... i wonder
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21:19.22cool_judgeRegarding my previous question, the problem was that asterisk.conf had a section label [global], instead of [directories]. Hope this info is useful to any of you. Bye for todat.
21:19.23masus please ;(
21:19.57*** part/#asterisk cool_judge (n=topper_h@
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21:22.50[TK]D-Fendermasus: What ver of *?
21:25.25*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (
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21:25.47ManxPowerWildPikachu: I'm sure it says other stuff.  Can you guess what we need now?  That's right!  A pastebin of the failure!
21:25.50WildPikachuworking now ManxPower .... darn thing has "Phone Number" which is actually username
21:26.07WildPikachuthrows it at ManxPower ..... kick it !
21:26.14ManxPowerWildPikachu: Welcome to the world of phones nobody but you use.
21:26.22Yourname``Is there a way to disconnect a connected manager user from the CLI?
21:26.28WildPikachuits a stupid phone i'm testing for a dumb cheap client  :)
21:26.29ManxPowerBuy a decent phone that others use and someone might be able to help you in the future.
21:26.40ManxPowerWildPikachu: cheap clients are expensive.
21:26.46WildPikachuthey bought a snom  today
21:26.58ManxPowerThat's a start, I guess.
21:27.02jbothmm... phones is  While personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows:  Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever. places like such as
21:27.09WildPikachui just wanted to see why this one is not working as it should ... well i found that one out ... cheap dumb phone
21:28.00WildPikachubtw, why not consider grandstream?
21:28.12ManxPowerreally for customers on a small budget I suggest the SPA-9XX phones, but for only a little more you can get a Polycom
21:28.40WilliamKif customer can't afford a poly 320, someones got issues
21:28.56WilliamKthose were only 80.00 a while back
21:29.01*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
21:29.01ManxPowerWildPikachu: because their developers are apparently meth heads, as they have never released firmware that is stable for most situations.  With a grandstream you just keep trying different firmwares until you find on that more-or-less works for you.
21:29.05*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
21:29.16WildPikachuah, i will avoid them
21:29.30ManxPowerTheir hardware is not great either, but at least it generally works
21:29.58WilliamKanyone found a good qual video phone that's reasonable in pricing?
21:30.50masus[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk
21:31.20*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
21:31.27[TK]D-Fendermasus: ok, no idea then
21:31.59masus[TK]D-Fender: Ok Thank U.
21:32.41masushave the same problem like this one ->
21:32.43Yourname``Hello, Is there a way to disconnect a connected manager user from the CLI?
21:32.56*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
21:33.56[TK]D-FenderYourname``: not from *
21:34.24Yourname``[TK]D-Fender: Ok, cool. thanks.. I thought there might be some elusive CLI command.
21:34.54[TK]D-FenderYourname``: "help" <- try typing that into * CLI and pay attention.
21:35.30*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
21:35.33Yourname``That's what I meant when I said elusive, unless the command is escaping me when I typed help
21:43.12*** join/#asterisk mchou (
21:44.57jameswf-homegot a mac and thinks the world is about to end....
21:46.23mchoudrmessano: you around?
21:50.47*** join/#asterisk drwelby (
21:52.26WildPikachubest to send dtmf via sip_info or rfc?
21:53.21[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: generally either.  rfc if possible
21:53.34WildPikachurfc is via rtp, right?
21:54.19drwelbyAnyone run into static issues on Polycom phones that are only the caller's voice within their own handset? And does it totally randomly?
21:54.35drwelbyI'm evaluating the phone, so I can't switch it out at the moment.
21:54.44[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: Whats on the other end of the call?
21:55.09drwelby[TK]D-Fender: POTS
21:55.32[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: generally... blame the card/line
21:55.46[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: And next time "POTS" is not a complete answer
21:55.58drwelbyCaller on other end doesn't hear it though. It's only in the headset.
21:56.30[TK]D-Fenderdrjust because its heard on the handset doesn't mean it STARTS form the handset
21:56.31drwelbyAnd for the sake of completedness, there's an AA50 in the middle
21:58.21drwelbyIt's the only phone that exhibits this problem, and it's one of two Polycoms we're testing
21:58.45bkrusemvanbaak: you there?
21:58.50drwelbyI don't suspect the handset, since it's occurs on maybe 10% of calls
21:59.06[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: Do you ever get it phone-phone?
21:59.44[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: What happens when you transfer this call to another phone?  Does the problem follow?
21:59.57drwelbyNo, and phone-phone calls are strictly on our LAN. It's only on calls outside on POTS
22:00.18drwelby[TK]D-Fender: thank you, that's a good suggestion
22:00.19[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: not quite what I was asking.
22:00.32[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: So phone-phone calls are always fine?
22:01.21drwelbyPhone-phone calls are always fine
22:01.39mvanbaakbkruse: gheh, ur lucky
22:01.54mvanbaakjust booted my new osx 10.5 install ;)
22:01.57*** join/#asterisk Fuzix (
22:02.11[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: And call comes in from analog port on AA50 to Polycom.  Polycom encounters "static".  They then transfer that call to another handset.  Do THEY get static?
22:02.31mvanbaakit got thru faster then I hoped.
22:02.48mvanbaakI thought I had to keep it running while going to bed, but it is all done already
22:02.48drwelbyAh, that has not been tested yet
22:02.54mvanbaakso yeah, I'm here ;)
22:02.58drwelbyThat's why I thanked you for that suggestion
22:03.12drwelbyI will try that the next time the call goes sour
22:03.16[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: because the likelyhood that I'd pin this on a Polycom phone is remarkably low.
22:03.23[TK]D-Fenderdrwelby: Do be thorough
22:03.40*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
22:03.41drwelbyYes, that's why I don't want to blame the phone
22:05.50drwelbyAll my other phones are Ciscos, so if the static travels then I suppose I need to look at the AA50
22:06.06*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
22:06.45masus[TK]D-Fender: Have disabled 2 lines of code in chan_agent.c now it works, on line 880 and 1022.
22:08.18[TK]D-Fendermasus: Do share you experience on the bug tracker.
22:08.44*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
22:08.49masusi will but my english is not enough they will dont understand me i think
22:09.56[TK]D-Fendermasus: I think you'd do fine.
22:11.20FuzixHello guys, could anyone point me in the direction of the answer to my next question?
22:11.29FuzixWhy is my Asterisk install saying: Warning! Asterisk is not thread safe.
22:11.32Fuzixand how do I fix it?
22:14.20*** join/#asterisk fogo (n=fogo@
22:14.54[TK]D-FenderFuzix: What version of *, and what OS?
22:16.23FuzixAsterisk on Debian 2.6.24-etchnhalf.1-686
22:17.08*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
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22:20.44*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
22:22.32jpcansahello, i´m having troubles transfering CID from out calls, when phone A gets an out call and then it trasnfer the call to phone B, phone B will get phone A´s CID
22:22.45jpcansaany idea on how to fix this?
22:23.11[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Srtop doing attended transfers, and start doing blind transfers
22:25.55jpcansaFender, but i need to talk to person in phone B before I transfer the call
22:26.20ManxPowerjpcansa: The idea is that when you pick up the phone you will be talking to the person that shows on the callerid
22:26.27mvanbaakI'm going to get some sleep
22:26.29mvanbaaklatero all
22:26.41[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: then call them first, terminate that call, then blind transfer them after
22:27.08ManxPowerIf that is a blind transfer then the CID should be the original CID, as that is who you are talking to.;  If it is an attended transfer then you are talking to the person doing the transfer and so their callerid should show up
22:27.33*** join/#asterisk philipp64 (n=chatzill@nat/microsoft/x-82a09e07e834694f)
22:28.20jpcansaso there is no way to transfer the CID of a call i got on attended transfer??
22:28.48ManxPowerjpcansa: Oh, there might be, but none of us care enough to figure it out for you.
22:28.54implicitjpcansa: yeah you can
22:28.54[TK]D-Fenderjpcansa: Sure... you've got the source clode just like the rest of us
22:28.59ManxPowerthis is a VOLUNTEER channel, not paid support channel
22:29.11implicitManxPower: chill he didn't ask you to code it up
22:29.45jpcansathx implicit
22:29.57implicitjpcansa, it depends on a few things, including the protocol you're using and whether the UAs support updating of the callerid
22:30.03*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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22:30.37implicitas well, in asterisk's case using sip, since it's a b2bua, how the sip channel driver handles attended transfers
22:30.57implicitso it's a bit of a complicated question
22:31.42implicitjpcansa: what kind of phones are you using?
22:32.05jpcansaspa942 and 962
22:32.30jpcansawhy depends on protocols?
22:32.47implicitwell you're using sip, so don't worry about that
22:33.22implicitin SIP you can do it for sure but you will have to append some header fields during the re-invite
22:33.29implicithonestly it will be tough to do w/ asterisk
22:33.47jpcansahmm I see
22:33.51implicitwhat do you do on your platform exactly? what is the call flow?
22:34.08implicitmaybe something can be figured out
22:35.00*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
22:35.52jpcansamy setup: Digium TDM2400P with 10 pstn lines, all calls from the pstn lines are forwarded to an Operator(SPA962) from default context
22:37.10implicitto do what you want to do the easiest solu tion i can think of is to put an openSER in front of asterisk, use it for registration and on-net calls, use asterisk as your media server and gateway (handling REFER's and all that for transfers)
22:37.35implicitin openser you can write a config to append the proper P-Asserted-Identity, etc
22:37.40implicitto the messages you need
22:38.14implicitand to select the one you want from the DB, whether it be the transferer or original caller
22:38.48implicitstill it's not simple, so if it's not really important to you it is probably not worth it
22:38.57masusby all
22:39.27jpcansayeah, u´re right
22:39.44implicitespecially since it seems you're running a pretty small operation
22:39.48implicitonly 10 channels
22:41.22JT10 FXO lines :(
22:42.07jpcansai´m getting 6 more next week ;)
22:42.19JTwhy don't you get a T1?
22:42.26implicithe's in costa rica
22:42.28implicitthey don't have T1s :)
22:42.34JTthat sucks
22:42.39implicithehe and thats 30 chans
22:42.48JTyou can't get partial E1s there?
22:42.59implicitlatin america is tough man
22:43.03implicittakes forever to do stuff
22:43.06implicitand people rip you off
22:43.09jpcansano, we just have one telco here
22:43.11impliciti've had a lot of experience there
22:43.32jpcansathey dont offer much solutions
22:43.35implicitnot like it is back here in the states
22:43.50JTi'm not in the states
22:43.53jpcansaeven if they have the technology
22:43.58impliciti'm not saying
22:43.59implicitu are
22:44.01impliciti'm in the states :)
22:44.15implicitJT, you're an openser guy too, nice
22:44.47JTjust a tip when you're a tourist overseas though, don't say "back in the states" as it annoys the shit out of everyone :D
22:44.49implicitI hadn't met you before
22:45.01implicitJT, i'm just saying it cause i'm here right now hahaha
22:45.09implicitoverseas it doesn't make sense
22:45.28implicitanyway, lets get back to our discussion
22:45.38JTi've bumped into a few american tourists who were all "back in the states... blah blah blah"
22:45.57*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
22:47.00impliciti know a lot of ignorant as hell americans
22:47.21implicitbut i would criticize them for a lot more stpid comments than that
22:47.48impliciti had a friend who had never been out of the US and I went on a trip with him to south america, i wish i'd gone alone
22:48.29implicitjpcansa: send me a message if you want to talk about your issue more
22:48.41drwelbyLoud American Syndrome?
22:48.42implicitjpcansa: maybe i can help you hack something quick together
22:49.44impliciti think the US is a great country, which others may or may not agree with. but still i think americans who say america's the best country but have never been out of the country are really stupid, how the hell do they know
22:58.52*** join/#asterisk axisys (
23:02.09[TK]D-FenderAmerica is a great country, the only problem is too many Americans ;)
23:03.43Qwell[TK]D-Fender: "At least it isn't Canada."
23:04.21Strom_Mwell, you know what they say about Quebec
23:04.26Strom_Mit's like the Canada of Canada
23:07.28Strom_M"JOUET POUR CHATS!?" responded the tourist from Ottawa
23:08.10Strom_M"GARDEZ-VOUS AU REFRIGERADEUR" interjected the milk
23:09.50Strom_MTune in next week for an all-new episode of "Strom's Terrible Stories En Francais"
23:11.56[TK]D-Fender"Il parles bilingue pour sauver du temps mon ostie!"
23:13.23Strom_Mi don't know what "ostie" is
23:13.40[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Semi-generic swear-word.
23:14.03Strom_Mwhat would be the rough equivalent in English?
23:14.47[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: "He speaks bilingually (simultaneously) to save time, shit!"
23:14.58[TK]D-FenderFranglais <-
23:15.15[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: Classic "Elvis Gratton" (movie)
23:16.21*** join/#asterisk eclark (
23:17.03eclarkI'm having some problems making outbound SIP calls - specifically, audio doesn't seem to go through (but the call connects). Is this the place to ask?
23:17.19Strom_Meclark: SEE
23:17.24jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:17.26[TK]D-Fendereclark: So far.  Quick guess.  Your *, or a remote phone behind NAT?
23:17.54eclarkyeah, the asterisk box is behind nat. I have it DMZ'ed though
23:17.55[TK]D-Fenderccesario: If so follow the first guide linked above
23:18.08[TK]D-Fendereclark: Not enough.  Follow the guide
23:18.10eclarkchecks link
23:19.39*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (
23:20.09JTdon't DMZ
23:21.09Strom_Mgardez-moi dans le refrigerateur
23:27.34*** part/#asterisk jpcansa (n=jpbenavi@
23:28.34[TK]D-FenderStrom_M: You'd love it... a week ago I hit this restaurant that must be the king of all paces to buy poutine from.  They had an entire PAGE of the menu dedicated to something like 15 different kinds :)
23:29.50JTthere's almost no restaurants here with poutine :(
23:30.16[TK]D-FenderJT: Where are you located again?
23:30.36JTsydney, australia
23:31.11[TK]D-FenderJT: Oh yeah.. sorry, for a split second I mixed you up with JayTee.  Yeah I knoew where you are :)
23:31.24[TK]D-FenderJT: And yeah..  the commute for it would suck :p
23:31.26JTthere is a chain of fast food outlets springing up in Melbourne that do poutine, but i doubt it's very authentic
23:31.35JTthey call themselves Lord of The Fries
23:31.42[TK]D-FenderJT: But if you're even up this way, I'll buy you a beer :)
23:32.03JTone day that would be nice
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23:37.07RobbaHey guys
23:37.35Robbai'm looking at sliming down my extensions.conf file
23:37.56Robbaany suggestions would be great.
23:38.11LiNeTuX|Homecat " " > /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
23:38.51bkruseRobba: use more macros
23:38.56bkruseLiNeTuX|Home: be nice...
23:39.41*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
23:40.03MaliutaLiNeTuX: yeah, cat is too much overhead, recommend echo ;)
23:40.19LiNeTuX|Homeoops ;0
23:40.23Maliutaor rm
23:44.04*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
23:44.23doolphHello I need some help
23:44.57doolphMy analog card always get stuck and I have to restart asterisk
23:45.13doolphthis is my show channels
23:46.46[netman]what analog card is?
23:46.48JTdoolph: the stuck channels, what are they doing, are they in an IVR, conference, inbound call or what?
23:50.14doolphJT no, just they are transfering calls
23:50.21doolphI think
23:50.37doolphI think its the threewaycalling problem
23:50.41doolphand transfering calls
23:51.05doolphall calls is going to 1 SIP phone that can handle 4 lines, then the person will transfer them to fxs lines
23:52.13JTthen what happens?
23:53.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:53.22doolphthen the person with fxs line answer the call, maybe it transfer it again to another fxs
23:53.39doolphI really cannot recreate the problem, just sometimes it get stuck all lines
23:53.51doolphthen I have no more channels to call or receive calls
23:53.52JTall lines get stuck at once?
23:53.59doolphno at once
23:54.02JTor they build up?
23:54.07doolphbuild up
23:54.23JTmy normal advice would be to get rid of analogue
23:54.30JTthough it is also possible there is a bug
23:55.19doolphyes I know
23:55.25doolphbut what can I do now
23:55.35doolphits not mine, and they wont want to invest more money
23:56.18unpaidbillsweet.  click to dial firefox extension nearly complete!
23:56.32unpaidbilli must say, the first extension is quite a whorebag to get working correctly
23:59.18JTunpaidbill: open source?
23:59.28unpaidbillyeah i'll send it to you
23:59.38unpaidbilli used some other dudes code for my base
23:59.43unpaidbillsome cisco dialer
23:59.58unpaidbillit requires a cgi running on the asterisk server though

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