IRC log for #asterisk on 20080701

00:02.24*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (n=existenz@unaffiliated/existenz)
00:02.48*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
00:04.04*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:04.31*** join/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
00:04.42ctooleyI'm seeing some odd IAX2 behavior.
00:05.17[netman]how odd?
00:05.39[TK]D-Fender[netman]: Even + 1
00:06.00[netman]too bad
00:06.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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00:08.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:09.50*** join/#asterisk RipeR-81 (n=riper81@
00:10.10RipeR-81anybody has configured net2phone ?
00:10.31RipeR-81with asterisk as a sip trunk ?
00:11.59glazfor an unknown reason, my asterisk has stopped working and i haven't played with the config for at least 3 months...
00:12.13glazUnable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3 - No route to destination
00:12.35glazand yes, I can traceroute my 'destination'
00:13.04[TK]D-Fenderglaz: pastebin the call * and configs masking only passwords
00:13.28glazthe call * ?
00:13.36glazthe iax.conf ?
00:14.08[TK]D-Fenderglaz: CLI output,  "iax2 show peers, and your iax.conf masingk only passwords
00:16.28[TK]D-Fenderglaz: You have no IP specified, and the other side has not registered to your *
00:16.37[TK]D-Fenderglaz: domhome          (Unspecified)   (D)  0    (T)      Unmonitored
00:16.41*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX|Home (
00:16.59glazlemme reload iax on the other side
00:18.17*** part/#asterisk trapa (n=2264581@
00:18.21jayteewell, that corn-on-the-cob was pretty disappointing :-(
00:18.28glazit "seems" working, but nothing happens
00:20.06ctooleyand of course wasn't prepared with the pastebin before
00:20.36ctooleyIPs and MACs changed to protect the utterly guilty
00:20.45unpaidbillwhat is the proper way use AGI + MeetMe?  what i'm doing is this:  I originate a call to the application meetme, with data 9905|cdb (announce callers, create the meetme dynamically so i dont have to specify it in meetme.conf, execute an agi when a user joins).  the user joins, the agi executes properly, plays an audio stream, then the agi exits and the line hangs up.  i see that this is how it is supposed to happen.. I tried to keep the agi alive by doing
00:20.59unpaidbillbut that appears to block audio
00:21.06ctooleySo, call goes out, no response for a long time, and then an AUTHREQ comes in, followed by an immediate INVAL coming in.
00:21.48unpaidbillis there some way i can make the agi just sit there and wait till everyone hangs up without blocking audio?
00:22.01JTctooley: MACs changed? that is paranoid
00:22.17ctooleyJT eh, not my hardware
00:22.34[TK]D-Fenderglaz: What qualifies as "seems working"?  If you don't see the IP and a registration notice, then it has not worked.
00:23.51*** part/#asterisk mog (
00:24.16*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ea5bc073bff9ed5d)
00:24.43JTctooley: MACs are L2 and only accessible if directly connected
00:24.45glazthat's on the remote site.
00:24.47JTmasking IPs makes sense
00:25.12*** join/#asterisk Ebola (n=Ebola@unaffiliated/ebola)
00:25.32[TK]D-Fenderglaz: Proof of nothing.
00:25.43glaz[TK]D-Fender: allright, what do you suggest?
00:25.46[TK]D-Fenderglaz: if on the receiving side you get no message, then its no good.
00:26.55*** join/#asterisk stevie_ramjet (
00:26.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o stevie_ramjet] by ChanServ
00:28.25glazI gotta go eat, i'll figure out after diner. thanks.
00:28.38JTctooley: the MACs are still there btw. Sonicwal_22:3f:50
00:29.13ctooleyJT, yeah
00:33.38*** join/#asterisk mihinomenest (
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00:47.23*** join/#asterisk Pctech37|Mac (n=Pctech37@unaffiliated/pctech37)
00:47.43Pctech37|Macproblem fixed
00:52.47*** join/#asterisk Gwayne (
00:53.57*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:55.41*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:57.11*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
00:57.27*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (
01:06.00*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:06.25*** part/#asterisk minime (
01:11.06*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (n=chatzill@
01:14.43*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
01:16.12TrentCreekI was just trying to compile on CentOS 5 x64  when it came across this problem: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
01:16.30TrentCreekg++ is not on the server
01:17.07*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:17.34Qwellso...install it. :D
01:17.35[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: You have our permission ot install the rest of *'s prerequisites...
01:18.05TrentCreeki ASSume it's available in 64 bit?
01:18.19TrentCreeknot in Yum
01:18.46[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: use the carpet-bombing approach : "yum install gcc*"
01:19.28TrentCreekrunning now :-)
01:19.32jayteeTrentCreek, why are you going with 64 bit?
01:19.33*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:19.58TrentCreekmore data bandwidth
01:20.37TrentCreekIt installed! Thanks geetar (oops..not instrument)
01:21.30jayteeI run * on RHEL 5 64 bit and it works great but when I started looking at Lumenvox for a voice recognition enabled auto attendant I found out Lumenvox only supports * on 32 bit platforms at them moment.
01:21.52TrentCreekI have a compared AMD 64 to Intel's DUO 2 QUAD 32 bit...The AMD was almost as fats
01:21.58*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:22.10TrentCreekI will not be doing auto attendent
01:22.12jayteemine is running on a Quad Xeon
01:22.36jayteeall the standard * stuff works fine and the add-ons too.
01:22.57TrentCreekyeah, but for now I am running it on VPS
01:23.20TrentCreekjust want to be sure to have better performance
01:23.26jayteeprobably a good idea to have my IVR and voice recognition running on a separate server anyways.
01:23.42*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:23.59TrentCreekyeah..escially since this is only a VPS with minimum resources till I get it fully loaded down
01:24.20*** join/#asterisk axisys (
01:24.29*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:25.23TrentCreekI got the Asterisk Logo! It work, It works!
01:25.32TrentCreekcig time ;-)
01:25.36jayteeyeee haaawwww!!!!
01:25.45jayteesmoke em if ya got em!
01:26.32TrentCreekI just wish it was in the Packages in CentOS so I would not have to mess with trying to figure out how ot make it a service
01:26.59*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:27.09TrentCreekBut for 64 was CentOS, or Ubuntu..
01:27.40TrentCreekreviews indicated CentOS was better as a server
01:27.42jayteeTrentCreek, just type chkconfig zaptel on in the zaptel source directory
01:28.07jayteeand then chkconfig asterisk on in the asterisk source directory
01:28.07TrentCreekNo zaptel..pure VOIP
01:28.38jayteethen just do the chkconfig asterisk on and then service asterisk start after that. Asterisk will start as a service then and when you restart the server.
01:29.10TrentCreekoh..and i was looking at a HOW-TO in the book..what a brain cracker
01:29.25JTTrentCreek: distro is a matter of preference
01:29.31jayteehere's a good howto to ref for CentOS 5 with *.
01:29.36JTbut personally i avoid rpm based distros especially for servers
01:30.41TrentCreekyes..but I googled... CentOS 5 vs Ubuntu ....More for CentOS as a server from what I saw
01:30.42jayteeI've run * on both Ubuntu and RHEL and CentOS. I don't mind using yum even though I prefer a debian based distro for most things like my desktop which runs Ubuntu
01:30.43riddleboxhrmm just got a ton of 3com phones and it looks like I might be able to upgrade them and use them as sip phones, but first I have to find the upgrade...
01:31.08JTTrentCreek: that's not a very good way to determine what distro to use
01:31.13jayteeI just prefer compiling from source rather than installing from third party repos.
01:31.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3e8166498e1e3f94)
01:31.42TrentCreekJT: Why not?
01:31.54TrentCreekyes, compiling is good also..
01:32.16JTTrentCreek: because that is not an objectivy comparison based on your own knowledge
01:32.16*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
01:32.21JTpopularity contests are stupid
01:32.27tzafrir_laptopI rather install from main repo than from third-party repo...
01:32.48*** join/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
01:33.02jayteeUbuntu has * in it's repos but even in Hardy it's not a very recent version of 1.4
01:33.20*** part/#asterisk sun_moon (n=RaviRaja@
01:33.46TrentCreekpeople were not just say "i perfer it because i like it better"
01:33.48tzafrir_laptopUbuntu has Asterisk in Universe. It hopefully works
01:34.00jayteeit does
01:34.10TrentCreekthey were saying things like "it seems to perfor better...etc etc
01:34.18tzafrir_laptopbut it's not LTS
01:34.19jayteeI still prefer a compiled system.
01:34.30JTcentos is like a rip off of red hat enterprise without the support
01:34.33JTimho pointless
01:34.53TrentCreekyes, and partially why the said it was better
01:34.56[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: For common stuff except *, sure.  devel packages?  OK. Standard base utils?  Sure.  Specialized servers? No thanks...
01:35.00tzafrir_laptopJT, then likewise Debian has no support
01:35.02JTTrentCreek: they must be on drugs
01:35.07JTTrentCreek: that makes it *worse*
01:35.14*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
01:35.25JTtzafrir_laptop: yeah, but it has more community support
01:35.36jaytee[TK]D-Fender, no thanks to what? package builds of asterisk?
01:35.38JTi wouldn't subject myself to rpm without support
01:35.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: indeed
01:36.00jayteewell, then we agree :-)
01:36.34TrentCreekwhy would it? RH is one of the oldest surviving distros
01:36.51JTTrentCreek: centos is NOT red hat.
01:36.53*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
01:37.01TrentCreektrue, but based on it
01:37.05JTit is a rip off of red hat, which affords you none of red hat's support
01:37.11JTyou don't seem to be listening
01:37.32jayteeI've got RHEL 5 with support and I haven't really needed it.......yet.
01:37.32JTif you go to a commerial distro, you'd want the support to keep the business folks happy
01:37.50JTif you get rid of the support, it becomes pointless
01:38.21TrentCreeknot if you are supporting yourself and with the help of good people ike on here...
01:38.39jayteeJT, in a large enterprise that cannot accept ANY or little downtime I'd agree with you.
01:38.57JTTrentCreek: then i'd want a distro that was well supported by the community, which is generally something debian based
01:39.20TrentCreekI was thinking debian, but
01:39.25jayteeand even a small business can get bitten on the ass if there's something seriously hosed with the OS and you have no one you can call for priority support.
01:39.36TrentCreekEverything I read was..dont go for it
01:39.39JTubuntu is debian based, hot tip
01:39.48*** join/#asterisk l0verb0y (n=l0verb0y@
01:39.49JTTrentCreek: you must've read a lot of rubbish to be honest
01:39.59TrentCreekactually...I think fedora based, isnt it?
01:40.10JTjaytee: true, but windows support is a falicy
01:40.18JTTrentCreek: ubuntu is debian based.
01:40.39JTjaytee: it will cost you hundreds of dollars to even speak to a real support person at microsoft
01:41.07TrentCreekyes they will..even says "Please have your CC ready for a $500 charge minimum"
01:41.35jayteeJT, if you ever get a blue screen of death stop error on a Win server and search for it on the MS KB you usually get squat for results. If you search a pay for use site like Experts Exchange you get tons of hits, most of which link to MS KB articles. Ever wonder why that might be?
01:41.46jayteeTrentCreek, exactly!
01:42.18JTjaytee: can't you view most experts exchange stuff for free these days?
01:42.19jayteeand if you make good revenue supporting your buggy software by charging for support what incentive do you have to make the software less buggy?
01:42.34JTjaytee: does ms run experts exchange?
01:42.41[TK]D-FenderFunny thing is Novell supports netware 100% over the phone :)
01:42.48[TK]D-FenderNot that I'd want to USE it.
01:42.57jayteeJT, not that I'm aware of. I'm a member but I'm pretty sure they want you to sign up to see the solution to any search.
01:43.07DigitalIronyDebian is the way to go if you want to support yourself though
01:43.23JTjaytee: these days all the solutions seem to come up for free
01:43.30JTjaytee: you just scroll down past the bit saying you need to pay
01:43.35jayteeback in the early 90's Netware was about the best NOS you could run. OS/2 sucked ass.
01:43.35TrentCreek/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -lidn
01:43.35TrentCreek/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libidn.a when searching for -lidn
01:43.35TrentCreek/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn
01:44.07JTTrentCreek: your 64bit libraries aren't properly set up
01:44.34JTjaytee: do they pay people to add the solutions to EE?
01:44.48jayteeJT, I don't think so
01:45.26JTjaytee: i can't work out why anyone would add solutions to it then
01:45.34JTi hate experts exchange
01:45.44JTattempting to charge for communal information sharing
01:46.17jayteeI find it useful when I'm pressed for time and at 9.95 a month versus a single call to MS it's paid for itself many times over.
01:46.45JTi'm sure it's useful
01:47.01jayteeI think if you solve lots of problems and accumulate points you get discounted rates or free service for a period.
01:47.03JTi just debate the ethics of what they do, unless there's something i'm missing about how they oberate
01:47.46jayteeJT, it is a rather odd business model but the site does have a large database of solutions to problems and a decent localized search engine.
01:48.14JTif they pay the "experts", fair enough
01:48.24jayteeI use it for some MS stuff and use for Nortel stuff. I use this forum and for * and voip stuff.
01:50.23TrentCreekJT: I think I got it...the 64 libraries were not installed...
01:52.45TrentCreekIt worked! Woohoo
02:01.39TrentCreeki wonder why the make samples is not working
02:02.52*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (
02:08.13TrentCreekNow what?? service asterisk start
02:08.22TrentCreekStarting asterisk: Cannot find your TTY (9)
02:11.04TrentCreekgot it...rnning
02:15.13*** join/#asterisk craigk (n=craigk@
02:20.38*** part/#asterisk gbr_ (
02:20.44*** join/#asterisk rcy (
02:21.05*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (
02:33.37*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla)
02:33.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
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03:02.34TrentCreekgive it to me
03:08.28TrentCreekChanServ gives channel operator status to russellb
03:08.44TrentCreeknow time to start on asterisk2billing
03:09.13jayteewhy would you want to be an op? you're kinda new to this aren't you?
03:09.50TrentCreekso I can boot
03:10.10jayteeah, the drunk with power syndrome
03:10.24TrentCreekkick jaytee
03:10.30TrentCreekgosh darm it did not work
03:11.04*** kick/#asterisk [TrentCreek!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla] by russellb (like this?)
03:11.24*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
03:11.37TrentCreekhey power stealing
03:11.42jayteewell, russellb is an op because he's also one of the * devs and that means some of the code you've compiled he wrote
03:12.22TrentCreekwell, I hope he included 64 bit CPU functions to take advantage of the extra power :-)
03:13.17jayteeI'm an op on another channel on the blitzed net and I rarely ever have to kick anyone except for the occassional troll named Fernando coming in and asking all the women present for A/S/L
03:13.41TrentCreekso he thinks they are all blitzed
03:13.49jayteeTrent, the code is the same, it's the compiler that makes the difference
03:14.04jayteeand the kernel
03:14.42TrentCreekahhh , yes true..then I hope the GCC guys too advantage of the larger number handling
03:14.46*** join/#asterisk stochastik (n=ircfs@
03:14.54russellboh man, you know what, i bet they didn't think of that
03:15.00russellbyou should get on their development mailing list and remind them
03:15.05TrentCreekgosh darn it
03:15.45TrentCreekyeah I think I will
03:15.57russellbok, great
03:16.11russellband please please please email me at when you do, so I can watch the thread
03:16.33TrentCreekand I think I will rewrite * in NASM and become net hero
03:17.00russellbi'm almost done with the rewrite in bash
03:17.22jayteehey russell, tell the guys in hardware that the TE212 card is one sweet rock solid piece of hardware.
03:17.22russellbi have a blasted syntax error and all i get is >
03:17.23TrentCreekoh...want it to run slower, eh?
03:17.42russellbjaytee: will do, thanks :)
03:18.27russellbgoes to bed
03:20.15jayteeTrentCreek, if or when you move to * 1.6 and want to use the MeetMe application you can thank russellb for not having to load ztdummy for timing anylonger like you have to now in 1.2 and 1.4
03:21.12TrentCreekWell,,,I am sure it is greta, but I don't use zaptel
03:21.33TrentCreekWill it use system timing?
03:21.34jayteeI know, you said that earlier
03:21.46jayteeMeetMe? not in 1.4
03:21.51jayteeyou'll need ztdummy
03:22.43TrentCreekI really have not read up much on MeetMe...I think I glanced over it and decided I would not need it at the moment
03:22.57jayteeMeetMe and it's counterpart Page are really nice apps.
03:23.29jayteeTrentCreek, it's great if you want moderated conferences or conferences with over 3 people.
03:24.14jayteeand Page can create a dynamic conference that pulls everyone into the conference by dialing their phones.
03:24.33TrentCreekyeah..that is why I did not need it yet
03:24.49TrentCreekreally dont have employee..hehe
03:24.56jayteeI just wrote a macro so that someone can call an extension that lets them enter multiple extensions and then runs the Page application to put them all in conference.
03:25.42TrentCreeknow that sounds sweet.
03:25.46*** join/#asterisk amerine (n=mturner@
03:25.53jayteewell, if you ever try to sell your services to some company that wants * it would help to know it cuz it's a great "selling" feature.
03:26.41jayteeand if you tried to do conferencing with over 6 people on a Nortel Meridian switch the Conference Bridge card and licensing would set you back thousands.
03:26.57jayteeI'm sure Avaya's solution is just as pricey
03:27.37TrentCreekI should have sucked off info from my mom when I had the chance..
03:27.48jayteeabout what?
03:28.03TrentCreekShe used to work for a telecom company and knew more than I ever could, and the shortcommings
03:28.36jayteewhen you had the chance? has she passed on?
03:29.13TrentCreekno..she retired 8 years ago and now the info is outdated..I could have gotten info from her and expanded on that
03:30.17jayteeI kick myself for not making my grandmother teach me french, italian and latin when I was very little. She was a schoolteacher and spoke them all fluently. She taught me to read before I entered first grade but she never bothered with other languages.
03:32.33TrentCreekYeah I know what you mean..all could have been useful.
03:33.02TrentCreekBut, if you live in the SW US you can easily learn Spanish then getting Italian is simple
03:33.12TrentCreekalmost identical
03:33.21jayteeany second language is a major plus on a resume especially if your fluent in it and can back up the claim.
03:33.40jayteeyeah, Italian and Spanish are so very very close
03:34.36TrentCreekStrange how Spanish and Italian came directly from Latin, but the syntax is totally different
03:34.49jayteeand if you learn latin it gives you a better feel for semantics in most european languages.
03:36.06TrentCreeki started learning some Latin and it is different...
03:36.14TrentCreekBob Steve Killed
03:36.21DigitalIronyif you know english german would probably be easy to learn
03:36.31TrentCreektranslates to Steve Killed Bob
03:36.51TrentCreekyes and no
03:37.52DigitalIronyThe small bits and pieces of german I know sound and spell very closely to english, they syntax is a bit different but its alot and the same
03:37.52TrentCreekThough it is base on German...due to Britan being occupied by Latin, Frogs, and Germans...the end result is English
03:39.01jayteethe part I don't like about spanish and german is that the articles have gender. Why do I have to care if the pencil is masculine, feminine or neutral? it's a damn pencil!!!
03:39.09TrentCreekThe structure is German, but 1/4 of the syntax is Latin based
03:39.36TrentCreekEnglish that is
03:39.52jayteeI'm off to sleep, nite all
03:40.12*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:42.17DigitalIronywasn't that a movie
03:42.49TrentCreekdun know
03:43.23DigitalIronypretty sure it was a B movie along the same lines of the matrix mixed with VR games
03:48.18*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
03:48.42[TK]D-FendereXistenZ is a schmuck trying to get an SPA-3102 to be smarter than he is (which isn't saying much), and has never installed or used * before.  Oh yeah... and a cheap Matrix rip-off :)
03:50.03jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
03:56.33*** join/#asterisk d-k-t (n=dt@
04:01.11DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: his questions wasn't involving G729 was it?
04:01.46[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: No, just how to get anonymous CID calls blocked on passthrough from the FXO to FXS ports on his SPA-3102
04:01.55DigitalIronyahh ok
04:02.00[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: not even VoIP related.
04:02.28DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: I had someone trying to get G729 to pass through a SPA-2102 and was complaining it wasn't working
04:02.55[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: Ok, fine, sure...
04:03.03*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (n=stkn@gentoo/developer/
04:03.29DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: well i was hoping for some input :P cause SPA isn't something i really deal with
04:06.13[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: Like most of these problems, we'd need quality information to debug.
04:06.22[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: SIP debug, full CLI output, configs, etc.
04:06.29TrentCreekSPA is a good shpw on Animal planet
04:06.39[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: Because what you've said really hasn't said much of anything.
04:07.40DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: I can debug it when i have that....I'm sorry I could have been more clear. Any general information you might about about that model would be nice, so I can tell the person some things to try while i wait on them to send me ssh info...e-mail is slow
04:08.05*** join/#asterisk rcy (
04:08.13[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: Ok.  In general.... it works :p
04:08.48DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: good, thats basically what i wanted to know....didn't want to waste time figuring out it didn't work :P I appreciate it
04:09.00[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: And the only specific point concerning G.729 and that seris is that to my knowledge, it can only decode a SINGL G.729 stream at a time.
04:09.39DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: Thats fine, the customer only has one channel anyway. But if that were on an * server doesn't it only have two ports anyway
04:09.41[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: May or may not be relevant as you didn't state any of the circumstances.
04:10.20[TK]D-FenderDigitalIrony: the single G.729 affects a single port on 3-way call.
04:10.40*** join/#asterisk Pctech37|Mac (n=Pctech37@unaffiliated/pctech37)
04:12.39DigitalIrony[TK]D-Fender: your right I didn't, because I don't really know, the customer was brief in their description. It would appear that G729 is working on his asterisk server, so there isn't much I can really support him with, just trying to pick at people and see if this was a bug anyone else had and if their was an easy fix. Thanks for the help, leaving for lunch now
04:14.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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04:30.22*** join/#asterisk xlogik (
04:35.34drmessanoI made the mistake in suggesting Asterisk should handle older modules made by itself a little better
04:36.37drmessanoNow I see and get left behind, and thus conflict when upgrading to the newer dahdi
04:37.13drmessanoI'm sure there was some well placed readme that instructed me to do that first.. surely.
04:39.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=kumbang@,,
04:40.17TrentCreekwhat is sweeter is that I just compiled in 64 bit
04:40.23TrentCreekyeah, boy
04:40.41drmessanoWhy is that so sweet?
04:40.56*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
04:41.32TrentCreekquadroople the calls!
04:41.40drmessanouh huh
04:41.59TrentCreekJust like in that movie....
04:42.13*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
04:42.13TrentCreekLawnmower the whole world at the same time
04:42.22drmessanoI'm just trying to work out how hard it would have been for the new zaptel to remove the old modules
04:43.06drmessanoI guess it was just easier for *me* to do it
04:46.15drmessanoJust like Redhat making it harder and harder to disable selinux
04:47.31*** join/#asterisk Ksilebo|Home (
04:48.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yeah, that blatant screen when you install it wasn't enough ;)
04:49.09*** part/#asterisk amerine (n=mturner@
04:50.58drmessanoExcept there isn't one
04:51.17drmessanoZaptel gives you the screen telling you it was installed
04:51.36drmessanoAsterisk tells you about modules created with another version, but DOES NOT include the zaptel modules
04:51.43drmessanoSo, no screen
04:53.38[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I didn't say Zaptel.....
04:53.44[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: when you instll the *OS*
04:53.56[TK]D-Fender"Do you want to install SELinux (yes/no)"
04:54.04drmessanoFor CentOS
04:54.26*** part/#asterisk Pctech37|Mac (n=Pctech37@unaffiliated/pctech37)
04:54.30drmessanoNo option for installing SELINUX
04:54.54drmessanoNot in graphic mode or text mode
04:54.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Sometimes you avoid getting hit by a train, not by jumping off the tracks, but rather never getting ON them in the first place.
04:55.09[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Sure there is, I disable it every time myself.
04:55.17drmessanoIn CentOS 5?
04:55.57[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: yup
04:56.49drmessanoYou'll have to show me a screenshot, because i've never seen it.  I uncheck all the install options in the GUI and there's nothing prompting before that
04:58.16[TK]D-FenderAlso easy to disable.
04:58.29drmessanoIt changed in 5.2
04:58.43[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Guess anythings possible.
04:59.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: since I haven't hard installed that one yet (just yum'd up to it on 2 servers though
04:59.00drmessanoWell, considering I just installed it YESTERDAY, i'd say so
04:59.30drmessanoYeah, that doesn't work anymore
04:59.34[TK]D-Fender"While installing CentOS 5 linux if you haven't paid much attention then chances are you probably have missed window where installation program ask to enable/disable SElinux."
04:59.37drmessanoNeeds to be disabled in grub.conf
04:59.45[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: ew.
05:00.23*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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05:01.39drmessanoSomething has changed
05:01.45drmessanoI never installed 5.0
05:01.51drmessanoJust 5.1 and 5.2
05:02.17drmessano <--- Never seen that page
05:02.28drmessanoOf course, I don't install X
05:02.51drmessanoMy install ends at "Congradulations" and the reboot prompt
05:03.02JTstop using horrible distros that force SELinux on you :)
05:03.34*** join/#asterisk joobie (
05:03.34drmessanoIt's not a big deal if they would stop changing how to disable it
05:03.49JTit should come disabled
05:04.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I've seen it in 5.0 & 5.1 personally.
05:04.27drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Yes, but if you look at that page, that's after the first reboot and continuing the GUI setup
05:04.31drmessanoI don't install a GUI
05:04.37*** join/#asterisk sergee (
05:05.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: The exact point I'm not 100% sure of... I do install EVERYTHING, and then change the init runlevel once the install is finished
05:05.25[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: just my method of working.
05:06.19drmessanoMy point is that the SELINUX prompt is only after continuing a GUI setup.. If one never installs a gui, after the first reboot you are greeted by a command prompt only.. not the welcome screen
05:06.47drmessanoSo therefore, it's only "obvious" to those that perform a full install
05:07.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Well as far as I can guess, its controlled through that simple config file.  Tha means is not functional?
05:07.37drmessanoNo, not anymore..
05:07.54[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Wow.... double whammy.
05:08.05drmessanoYou need to append selinux=no to the kernel directive in your grub.conf now
05:08.20drmessanoTook me a couple hour google search to find that.. with 5.2 being so new
05:09.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'm a linux newb myself (and functioning at my capacity throughout this conversation itself".  This would be a good thing for me to keep in mind as well.
05:09.30*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
05:09.50drmessanoFrom what it looks like, looking at these GUI pages, the drop down sets that one option in that one config file.. I wonder if the 5.2 setup has the same options now.. or if they removed that page.. They're trying to make it harder to disable so people actually FIX the security as it should be, not just shut it off
05:10.24drmessanoKinda like allowing apps in Vista UAC versus turning the shit off
05:10.49drmessanoI'll load the 5.2 iso in a VMWare session and see how far it goes
05:11.50*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
05:12.46the_5th_wheelhi. if i have an agi script that works on 1.2, will it also work on .14?
05:13.00drmessanoI just yum upgraded to 5.2.. Now I get to reboot, recompile zaptel lol
05:13.17drmessanothe_5th_wheel: Quite possibly not
05:13.29drmessanothe_5th_wheel: 1.2 and 1.4 are very different
05:13.31[TK]D-Fenderthe_5th_wheel: Could be that some things changed from 1.2 to 1.4  Go compare the manuals and TEST it
05:13.34drmessanothe_5th_wheel: Try it and see
05:13.52drmessanoEither it works, or it wont
05:14.01*** join/#asterisk VJFROMGT (
05:14.20the_5th_wheelok. i will test it.
05:14.31VJFROMGTis there a way to tell asterisk to randomly pick a trunk when there are many trunks in an outbound route?
05:15.00drmessanoVJFROMGT: You just asked this in #asterisk and #freepbx
05:15.01JTtrunk trunk route
05:15.05drmessanoIs this a FreePBX question?
05:15.07JT#freepbx, VJFROMGT
05:15.10drmessanoor an Asterisk Question
05:15.23VJFROMGTeither answer will work for me
05:15.38JTit's a freepbx question
05:15.42drmessanoOnly one answer will work
05:15.52JTasterisk has no concepts of trunks and outbound routes
05:16.22[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: And when you get around to running your own configs, they'll do whatever YOU tell them to.
05:16.41[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: As long as FreePBX is running the show.... GOOD LUCK.  This is not the place for you.
05:17.09drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Either answer will work for me
05:17.17VJFROMGTI have
05:17.18VJFROMGTinclude => outrt-001-D
05:17.18VJFROMGTinclude => outrt-002-M
05:17.18VJFROMGTinclude => outrt-003-G
05:17.27drmessanoYAY, pastes too
05:17.27the_5th_wheelok, while i play with my agi stuff, does asterisk 1.2 have a sip jitter buffer?
05:17.36VJFROMGTcan asterisk randomly pick?
05:17.43VJFROMGTif yes, what is command?
05:17.46[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: ASTERISK does not pick anything!
05:18.09[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: Its YOUR dialplan, it will match *1* exte, and no, not at rando=m.  What it DOES is up to you.
05:18.36[TK]D-Fenderthe_5th_wheel: No.
05:18.46*** join/#asterisk shtoom (n=shtoom@
05:21.01VJFROMGTso if dial plan has (see below) there is no way to randomly pick ?
05:21.01VJFROMGTexten => _7461269XXXXX,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,2,${EXTEN:4},,)
05:21.01VJFROMGTexten => _7461269XXXXX,n,Macro(dialout-trunk,9,${EXTEN:4},,)
05:21.01VJFROMGTexten => _7461269XXXXX,n,Macro(dialout-trunk,3,${EXTEN:4},,)
05:21.15[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: Go learn *.
05:21.30frogonwheelsI've been trying to trace down some audio quality problems I'm having:
05:21.40[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: What you showed makes NO decision about what to exectute.
05:22.03VJFROMGTbut asterisk always execute in that order trunk2, then 9 then 3
05:22.05[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: And stop spamming useless dialplan chunks.
05:22.22[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: Yes, becase thats what you told it.
05:22.43frogonwheels1 call connects fine.  <1% CPU on a 233Mhz router. - and 20MB/s using ulaw.
05:22.51VJFROMGTcorrect, and my question is , ist there a comand that will tell it to pick oe at random?
05:23.10[TK]D-FenderVJFROMGT: Go look at the application and function listings yourself.
05:23.11frogonwheelsbut if a second call comes in, the quality of the incoming stream of the second call only is bad.
05:23.18*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
05:23.23frogonwheelschoppy, tears etc
05:23.39frogonwheels- but the first call is still ok.
05:23.57frogonwheelsI've tried win canreinvite on/off
05:24.06frogonwheelsexternal phone provider is SIP.
05:24.28frogonwheelsfrogonwheels: if I then hang up the first call - the second call will continue fine.
05:25.06[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: are both calls coming from the same source.
05:25.16jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
05:25.26JTVJFROMGT: please take a look at the book, it will help a lot
05:26.03frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yes, both from the same source.
05:26.26[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: and if you change which device you dial to bridge the call to?
05:26.44[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: basically, could it be your endpoint?
05:27.02frogonwheelsThe endpoints are generally the same device - different ports.
05:27.11frogonwheelsSIP   'PAP2T' ata.
05:27.26frogonwheelsor sometimes over WLAN to my nokia mobile.
05:27.40[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Ok, so call 1 in from ITSP, out to PAP2 Port1.  Next call in from ITSP out to port 2?
05:28.02[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: SIP to ITSP?
05:28.14[TK]D-FenderJust read that
05:28.22[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Ok..... what codecs?
05:28.31[TK]D-Fenderboth legs?
05:28.43frogonwheelsit's all I've got on at the moment.
05:28.54frogonwheelsto avoid transcoding.
05:29.01[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: and your internet connection is what exactly?
05:29.09frogonwheelseven converted MOH to ulaw so I don't transcode.
05:29.27[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Might be an upstream bandwidth issue...
05:30.22frogonwheelspossibly -  1021 Kbps  upstream according to modem (bits)
05:30.49[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Ok.... near full synck...
05:31.01[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: not sure what to say...
05:31.31frogonwheelsThe call seems to take 10KB/sec  (bytes) bandwidth each way
05:32.02frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: It might be my provider.  I'm not sure they technicaly expect people to have 2 calls going
05:32.57TrentCreekproblem is more than likely jitter
05:33.01[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: That'd be more than sad.  Allow it, but not be able to handle it...
05:33.08frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yeah
05:33.12*** join/#asterisk stimpie (
05:33.22frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender:  but possibly they don't realise they allow it!?
05:34.06frogonwheelsTrentCreek: how can I TELL that?
05:34.26[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Possible, but I wouldn't think they're incompetant like that.  And it doesn't explain why it'd be degraded.
05:34.38TrentCreekTry this web free test
05:34.41frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yeah - and only one call degraded.
05:34.41[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Perhaps you should test with a better gateway
05:35.08frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: you mean not run asterisk on  my router ? ;)
05:35.22[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: yeah :0
05:35.44frogonwheelsoh man , and spoil _all_ the fun.
05:35.49*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
05:36.17frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: but i've been running top -and asterisk doesn't even look like taking up even a couple of % cpu
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05:36.46frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: though I guess there are other bottlenecks to consider.
05:36.54[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Sanity check time <0
05:36.59*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
05:37.52frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: problem was that last time I tried connecting to my service provider from another machine inside the gateway - it wasn't all that successful
05:38.02frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: NAT got in the way and all.
05:38.07*** join/#asterisk drmessano (
05:39.06[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: bad router, or bad * config.
05:39.10TrentCreekdid you try it out? It has a free online test
05:40.05frogonwheelsTrentCreek:  looking - doesn't seem to work under my mozilla
05:40.32TrentCreekare you on Linux?
05:40.45TrentCreekit uses java
05:41.06TrentCreekand I think you do not a sybomlic link to java
05:41.46frogonwheelsah ok - I'm doing it from my vista (puke) box
05:41.54TrentCreekyou can try on a Winblows computer..since this only tests the network and not the computer
05:43.27frogonwheelshmm.. not so good QOS
05:43.31frogonwheels3.5ms jitter
05:43.39frogonwheels0% packet loss
05:43.54frogonwheelsqos 19% - hmm.
05:44.16frogonwheelswonder if it actually sends RTP data - 'cause I have QOS handling on the router.
05:44.53TrentCreekguess have to see the FAQ
05:45.10frogonwheelsthanks TrentCreek, [TK]D-Fender for your help.  gg now - will read the FAQ
05:45.18TrentCreekI had a RoadRunner 10 Mbs down/1Mbs up and it still gave me bad jitter results
05:46.04TrentCreekit is measuring the whole network m but just parts
05:46.14TrentCreeknot just parts
05:46.17drmessanoI'm still just not convinced using Asterisk on a router
05:48.29*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
05:49.56drmessano[TK]D-Fender: There's something else factoring into the selinux as well
05:50.43drmessano[TK]D-Fender: 5.1 > 5.2 box, same kernel.. the former option to disable it still seems to be holding true.. has to be something compiled into the kernel or a package difference
05:51.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: well... the kernel appears to be from the same series from what I've read, so must be part of the build process.
05:55.14drmessanoCentOS, the OS that hacked Tuttle, Oklahoma, bitches
05:55.31drmessanoCeNtOs OwNs U TuTtLe
05:56.59JTor is that Buttle?
05:57.05[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: lol.. still remember that..
05:57.09*** join/#asterisk JCJC (
05:57.23Strom_MJT: it's been confusion from the word 'go'
05:58.19*** join/#asterisk ltd-- (
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06:00.03drmessanoThat's almost as funny as when a friend and I used to go from IRC channel to IRC channel posting people's IP addresses we got from whois
06:00.15drmessanoand people would freak out that we were "hacking"
06:00.29drmessanoHOW DID YOU GET MY IP ADDRESS!!!!???!?!?!? ZOMGGGGG
06:00.30Strom_Mdrmessano: I think you missed the joke
06:01.39Strom_Mgo watch "Brazil"
06:02.21JTBrazil is awesome
06:02.35Strom_MI want to talk to you about ducts.
06:02.55Strom_MJT: three years ago, one of the local cinemas showed a print of Brazil
06:03.04JTa print?
06:03.21Strom_Mi.e. prijected in a theater off 35mm :)
06:03.41JT"what do you blame the rise in terrorism on?" "bad sportsmanship"
06:03.48JTah cool
06:05.54Strom_Myeah -- it was awesome
06:06.18Strom_M"My complication had a little complication."
06:06.23[TK]D-FenderYay, just passed my retard upstream telco's bittorrent BW cap hours.
06:10.31drmessanoha nice
06:10.53jblack[tk] are you going to drop rst packets?
06:11.04drmessanoyou can forget the /etc/selinux/config file on CentOS 5.2 now
06:11.15[TK]D-Fenderjblack: No, just throttled
06:11.31[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Oh?
06:11.32drmessanoI just blanked out the one on my 5.1 > 5.2 box, added the grub.conf directive, and it took it
06:12.00drmessanoby default, /etc/selinux/config is empty in 5.2 new installs
06:12.04drmessanoand apparently is useless now
06:12.25jblack[TK]D-Fender: I think you misunderstood. You can fight against the most common type of throttling by firewalling off tcp rst packets.
06:18.33*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
06:22.02TrentCreekhey hey//I compiled * on CentOS
06:22.48*** join/#asterisk nuonguy (
06:23.48ThoMegood morning ladys
06:24.36ThoMedrmessano: mh :)
06:25.14*** join/#asterisk Hackbanger (n=hackbang@
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06:26.36drmessanoUPS is either Uninterruptible Power Supply or United Parcel Service
06:27.12ThoMedrmessano: Uninterruptable Power Supply :P
06:27.17*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
06:27.20ThoMeright right...
06:27.34admin0like $10 for g729, does something like that also exist for g723.1 ?
06:27.49drmessano"Uninterruptible power supply"
06:28.00drmessanoible not able
06:29.32creativxidle not abel.
06:29.45admin0i am on centos 5.1 64 bit os .. i have ipp installed, but cannot get it to work .. the module says "
06:29.55admin0does not provide a license key on time of asterisk startup
06:30.04admin0i have IPP non commercial key
06:30.35drmessanoIf you're using IPP, it sounds like you're compiling G729 yourself
06:30.45admin0the docs point to 4.1 version of ipp, while there is nothing less than 5.0
06:30.57admin0tried the binary, tried compiling  ..both cannot work
06:31.10drmessanoYeah, neither of those are supported here.. they're not legal
06:31.15admin0"WARNING[20183]: loader.c:633 inspect_module: Module '' does not provide a license key."
06:31.30admin0yes .. for the g729, the $10 per channel is good .. the max i need is 2 channels
06:31.37admin0does something like that also exist for the g723.1 ?
06:31.58[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: There is no legal supported G.723 codec module for *.
06:32.02drmessanoThe only way to legally use G723 is the digium transcoder card
06:32.15[TK]D-Fenderadmin0: The only legit way is to but the TC400 transcoder card
06:32.37[TK]D-Fenderhi-5's drmessano
06:33.22drmessanolow-5's on the way back down, or something
06:35.56TrentCreekwell then Fender...better get started for support
06:39.10TrentCreekthen call it O723
06:41.50TrentCreekpbx_dundi.c:445 reset_global_eid: No ethernet interface found for seeding global EID. You will have to set it manually.
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06:52.19TrentCreeknstalling Asterisk-addons (1.4.5 onwards)
06:52.19TrentCreekThe instructions are exactly as above, with the exception that 'CFLAGS' has been replaced by 'ASTCFLAGS' in the 'Makefile' file.
06:52.41*** join/#asterisk elver (
06:52.48TrentCreekI am glad they had that useful information AFTER I did the install
06:53.48elverI'm looking for a board that has a single RJ-45 and several RJ-11s, runs Linux (or BSD) and Asterisk and is capable of sending a VoIP stream to several regular phones and vice versa. And can route calls between the phones as well. Has anyone seen a board that can do this? Or does anyone have any knowledge of the kinds of chips that would be needed to control the RJ-11s as the hardware design companies I've approached have never worked with any
06:54.28drmessanoSounds like you want a "PBX"
06:54.44elverI'm looking to get some modifications done and mass-produce.
06:54.55elverA board like that would be a great starting point.
06:55.47drmessanoWell, generally a "board" doesn't run an OS
06:56.08*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:56.16TrentCreekuh oh...sounds like one of the forums where someone comes in late and asks "I need a help with a C++ program due in the morning..i'll be back later to get it..oh, and dont forget the comments"
06:56.47drmessanoNo, it sounds like someone wants to mass produce a PBX appliance without paying for R&D
06:56.58*** join/#asterisk Bananaskin (
06:57.26elverI had a 2-hour meeting with an R&D company just yesterday. They don't know phone systems.
06:57.27TrentCreekOLD zaptel boards
06:57.30elverI need some kinda starting point.
06:57.49elverSystem on chip with Linux, some flash, some ram, asterisk running on it, RJ-11s and RJ-45
06:57.49[TK]D-Fenderelver: <- go see what everyone ELSE is doing.
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06:58.01TrentCreekwhy would someone deal with R&D company that knows nothing about the product you want?
06:58.24elverI didn't know that before I went for a meeting, now did I?
06:58.25drmessanoI thought the whole point of R&D was to develop
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06:58.40drmessanoNot "I have this board....Lets make a case for it"
06:59.02elverI think you need a reality check.
06:59.04TrentCreekYou mean like hiring someone to do a job, then finding out their first day of work they dont know anythign about doign the job?
06:59.48drmessanoelver: It's not going to be as easy as a PBX-on-a-board.. if it was, I could get an EMERSON PBX at Wal-Mart
07:00.06drmessanoYou can start off with a micro-ATX board, add a telephony board, etc
07:00.10TrentCreekOr going to Subway, and after making a order, find out them they don't have hamburgers?
07:00.16unpaidbillshell crapped out, nm
07:00.20elverGetting an existing board as a basis would significantly reduce the unit price as well as reducing the R&D time by about 6 months.
07:00.37admin0get asterisknow, load it in a cpu with intel board with inbuilt network, and get digium tdm cards .. and you get what you want ..   a box with 1 network and several rj11 with web based control panel
07:00.40drmessanoelver: good luck to you then
07:01.07unpaidbillasterisknow is good, but i wouldnt use it for anything production atm
07:01.13JTelver: *we* need the reality check? lol
07:01.23JTyour expectations speak of unreality
07:01.59elverJT: I expect an ARM or MIPS based board that's got an RJ-11 socket.
07:02.03elverHow is that unreal?
07:02.05drmessanoJT: I am trying to develop a gaming console.. is there a sort of "Wii on a board" i can get to start my R&D with?
07:02.05admin0unpaidbill, well there are other variations too. trixbox, freepbx, elastix etc
07:02.14unpaidbilli wouldnt use any of them, honestly
07:02.21unpaidbillasterisknow is the best of that bunch
07:02.25JTelver: a socket is a socket, you mean an RJ-11 with FXO or FXS functionality
07:02.32unpaidbillunless you dont want anything special/custom
07:02.50admin0elver..  this is what you are looking for:
07:02.50JTelver: also it's unreal to expect asterisk to work in that function on ARM or MIPS
07:02.58[TK]D-Fenderelver: There are boards like that.  Go look at what OTHERS have done already.
07:03.01JTelver: have you done any research?
07:03.16elver[TK]D-Fender: where?
07:03.23elverJT: I'm doing research right now.
07:03.26[TK]D-Fenderelver: <- go see what everyone ELSE is doing.
07:03.27tzafrir_laptopAsterisk should work well on ARM/MIPS . You just need to get it to build :-)
07:03.47unpaidbilli love asterisk on my amd geode :)
07:03.50JTelver: wouldn't it be a good idea to do research before meeting R&D companies?
07:03.57drmessanoI'm still waiting for a link to my Wii-on-a-board
07:03.59JTtzafrir_laptop: what about zaptel?
07:04.02unpaidbilli can do 50 simultaneous calls (streaming audio without transcoding)
07:04.06JTunpaidbill: amd geode is x86
07:04.12JTunpaidbill: not ARM or MIPS
07:04.25unpaidbillwell, i was thinking embedded systems in general
07:04.28unpaidbilli didnt scroll up
07:04.32unpaidbilli'll shut up now
07:04.33TrentCreekARM is up to 600Mhz
07:04.33elverInteresting. First you blame me for not meeting R&D companies that know about this stuff. Now you blame me for not knowing this stuff myself.
07:04.41tzafrir_laptopJT, while I haven't tried it myself, I know others have used Zaptel on ARM
07:05.17JTelver: i think you should know about basic asterisk platform compatibility before seeking out a suitable embedded board
07:05.29drmessanoelver: Stop trolling and follow some links.. There is no pbx-all-in-one board out there, so you're going to have to do some research and some development here
07:05.55drmessanoelver: [TK]D-Fender twice gave you a starting point
07:05.56[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: You need to add "leg" and "thorax" for greater performance ;)
07:05.56elverJT: which is what I'm trying to learn here.
07:06.07TrentCreekoh yeah....
07:06.15[TK]D-Fenderelver: There is little to learn here about all of that.
07:06.19TrentCreekZaptel can the the leg
07:06.20unpaidbillhey tell me how agi+meetme is supposed to work or asterisk sux
07:06.25tzafrir_laptopBut someone without some Linux expeirnce should be willing to spend either more researerch time or research money on non-x86 platforms
07:06.26[TK]D-Fenderelver: You've come to the wrong place.
07:06.31JTelver: you'll find if it's not x86, you'll have a hard time getting hardware support for asterisk unless you develop drivers yourself
07:06.47tzafrir_laptopTrentCreek, please report bugs
07:06.52drmessanoWe all run Asterisk on Compaq Deskpros.. We know nothing about MIPS, ARMS, FAPS, or WANG-DOODLES..
07:06.54admin0elver, to an end user, i don't see how your solution is going to sound better than the current appliances like asteriknow etc with the tdm card .. its all inside the box with a web gui and does what its supposed to do
07:07.00TrentCreeknstalling Asterisk-addons (1.4.5 onwards)
07:07.00TrentCreekThe instructions are exactly as above, with the exception that 'CFLAGS' has been replaced by 'ASTCFLAGS' in the 'Makefile' file.
07:07.03drmessanoSpeaking of which, I need another 16MB of SDRAM
07:07.21elveradmin0: let me worry about that.
07:08.03tzafrir_laptopTrentCreek, I know of no open issue of Zaptel specific to non-x86 platforms
07:08.46TrentCreekSo it should work
07:09.09tzafrir_laptopEither that or nobody reports bugs
07:09.24tzafrir_laptopI suspect both
07:09.25drmessanoelver: Try here --->
07:09.50TrentCreekso  i have done all the research, so I will beat him to market..just 1 call to china and BAM they start working on my plans with ready to mass produce in 60 dauy
07:10.46TrentCreekWhy am I working on this tiny Japanese keyboard, and dont even know Japanses?
07:11.08unpaidbillbecause you yearn to learn the kanji and get yourself some sweet asian tail?
07:11.15unpaidbilli dont blame you
07:11.18unpaidbilli have the fever too.
07:11.55elverdrmessano: does stomping on people who know less about telephones than you really compensate for having a small dick?
07:11.58unpaidbilli dont know anything about that, but i do know hot japanese touristomon
07:12.09unpaidbilljesus elver
07:12.24unpaidbilldo you really think that is going to work in your favor
07:12.53elverI know less than you guys here, but what the fuck is up with the attitude?
07:12.53drmessanoAsian girls are like that.. You guys watch way too much hentai
07:12.54unpaidbillrule #1 of irc: if you get flamed, rtfm a lot, then come back and get flamed again, and rtfm some more
07:12.57tzafrir_laptopTrentCreek, you mean ?
07:13.05creativxrtfm tilll you drop
07:13.32tzafrir_laptop(which is the box designed by the astfin guys)
07:13.40unpaidbilli ask dumb shit all the time, if im ignored or shit on.. i assume my question was completely retarded and the answer i need is only a few pdfs away
07:13.54unpaidbilllike my meetme agi question
07:13.54TrentCreekgosh darn it they beat me to a ALL IN ONE asterisk appliance!
07:14.29drmessanoelver: You're a being a complete and total ass.. we've all posted links and given you info that "NO, THAT BOARD DOESNT EXIST EXCEPT IN UNICORN LAND", but it seems like youre just here to argue or with the hopes that someone is magically going to pull out the board you pay real money to develop out of their ass and hand you a link to it
07:14.49drmessanoelver: Seriously, man..
07:14.55TrentCreekThe IP04 is a complete Asterisk powered IP-PBX with four FXS/FXO modules, It is an embedded system with built-in SIP/IAX proxy server and NAT functions. It provide a solid, uniform platform for traditional PSTN communications as well as VoIP communications
07:15.24jblackElver: What are you asking for help with? I can understand lack of experience.
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07:15.42JTTrentCreek: damn they could've at least slipped "unified communications" into the blurb
07:15.58elverI think TrentCreek just pasted info about exactly what I'm looking for.
07:16.02drmessanoJT: It lacks an SMTP connector
07:16.24elverbows to TrentCreek
07:16.35elverExactly what I was looking for.
07:16.35JTdidn't tzafrir_laptop paste it? know those chinese..lacking english ability
07:16.50TrentCreekyes he did
07:17.04jblackTrentCreek: Gotta love :)
07:17.36TrentCreekhaha...sounds like like Korean
07:18.29drmessanoSo, he wants a complete PBX then..
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07:18.44jblack"I am a moody girl. It gets angry or laughs suddenly".
07:18.56jblackwhat can you say to that? "It puts the lotion on it's body?"
07:19.01icenicolaHello. any guy familiar with BATM A211N sip devices?
07:20.33[TK]D-Fendericenicola: I get all of *2* Google links looking that up
07:20.44[TK]D-Fendericenicola: I'd say your odds are bleak
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07:23.05icenicolaFender: what do u mean by my odds are bleak?
07:23.36icenicolai want to write a cfg file for auto provisioning
07:24.04icenicolai need help in writing one
07:26.19[TK]D-Fendericenicola: It means GOOLGE doesn't know about your product so you're probably screwed getting any help with it.
07:27.36icenicolaFender: that's y i came here to ask :)
07:27.47*** join/#asterisk lordmortis (n=lordmort@
07:27.48TrentCreekand one is in hebrew
07:27.48unpaidbillthere's nothing like a diy pbx to make you want to go down the street, not across it!
07:28.31[TK]D-Fendericenicola: I'd say "goo luck", but I think you'll need a lot more than just luck
07:28.42unpaidbillalthough goo is pretty awesome!
07:28.48icenicolano problem with hebrew language
07:29.10TrentCreekseems Sunrocket used them
07:29.24TrentCreekbut they are closed.
07:29.24unpaidbilli used sunrocket before.. they were not so hot
07:29.26icenicolaFender: thank u anyway
07:29.38[TK]D-Fendericenicola: If you're considering buying it, I'd say "don't", if you've already bought it I'd say "try to return it", and if you've already bought it and can't return it I'd say "At least you have a new door-stop"
07:29.40TrentCreekHence why Sunrocket closed
07:29.47unpaidbillyeah trent, no doubt
07:29.53icenicolado u have by any change a cfg file regarding sunrocket?
07:29.54unpaidbilli got two uniden out of them though
07:29.57unpaidbillso i cant complain
07:29.58icenicolamight help me
07:30.21TrentCreekyou are better off buying a NEW and uNLOCKED box for less than $50 that is highly supported
07:30.51icenicolaunfortunately, i am stuck with them now
07:31.05*** join/#asterisk Alpha_AI (n=Ben@
07:31.05drmessanoHow many do you have?
07:31.13TrentCreeki got one that is two lines and supports two providers
07:31.19icenicolai just need a sample cfg that will apply so i can write my own
07:31.23Alpha_AIdoes anyone know where i can find a good speech recognition module for asterisk
07:31.27drmessanoicenicola: How many do you have?
07:31.28icenicolaaround 80 devices
07:31.38Alpha_AIive heard of lumenvox but it costs heaps
07:31.47TrentCreekwell..there is use...get the silver out of them
07:31.49drmessanoI seriously, seriously doubt you'll find that data
07:31.51icenicoladrmessano: I know :S
07:32.05[TK]D-Fendericenicola: Next time, do your research first.
07:32.14drmessanoWhy did you get 80 of them?
07:32.21unpaidbillalpha: you have three choices, the best and most expensive is not for asterisk, it is nuance.  the second and not so expensive that has an asterisk app is lumenvox (these guys are good!) and the third and free is sphinx, which is completely free but you have to do it all yourself, and it's not exactly a walk in the park
07:32.25TrentCreekto learn a lession
07:32.32icenicolaFender: beleive me, i did my research
07:32.45drmessanoicenicola: Apparently not
07:32.53icenicoladid u find anything?
07:33.05drmessanoicenicola: There's NO provisioning info, and you will likely not find any
07:33.05icenicolacoz i find sth related to linksys but encryoted
07:33.09unpaidbillsphinx is good to start out with, because you are forced to learn a bunch of bullshit that you probably dont care about but will help you out in the long run
07:33.32drmessanoicenicola: A provisioning file is unique to the box
07:33.42drmessanoicenicola: There is no such thing as a generic provisioning file
07:33.43TrentCreekicenicola: you may want to do a FCC search and see who makes it and see if it has an alternative model number
07:34.12icenicolaneither a sample wher i can start from?
07:34.21drmessanoicenicola: You need an XML config for that specific manufacturer and model..
07:34.27drmessanoicenicola: There is no "start"
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07:34.34drmessanoicenicola: You need a BATM config
07:34.49drmessanoicenicola: Not just some random generic XML
07:34.49unpaidbillit's just you against the world, baby! (poolhall junkies quote)
07:35.20drmessanoicenicola: That's what you're missing here.. Every manufacturer uses different provisioning methods..
07:35.50icenicolaok, i got it
07:36.29drmessanoicenicola: That's like asking me for a config for some random linux app you downloaded, and said "Any config will do" so I sent you one for MySQL
07:36.42drmessanoIt's that random
07:37.06icenicolai understand now
07:37.08DigitalIronydon't be mean
07:37.12drmessanoI'm not
07:37.14drmessanoNot at all
07:37.21DigitalIronyyour right
07:37.43icenicoladeltahtree used to have the BATM devices and had cfg files
07:37.53icenicolabut i think they r closed, same as sunrocket
07:38.14TrentCreekhave the Sunrocket A211N gizmo, and I was able to login via the "18," password (my firmware version was 4.60.xx). Once logged in, I upgraded to the 4.62.14 firmware and everything still works fine.
07:38.36icenicolawe have the admin password for the device
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07:38.56icenicolait works fine so far
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07:39.28icenicolai did setup a tftp server on a linux server and all i want now is to write an xml file for those
07:39.36icenicolaBATM devices
07:40.36[TK]D-Fendericenicola: And who said they COULD be provisioned?  And who said by XML?  delivered via TFTP?  What bout format of the file, and naming conventions?  Without a real manual you are completely screwed.
07:41.07icenicolai checked the data sheet for these devices
07:41.19TrentCreekyeah especially since there is zero info about it on the internet
07:41.20icenicolathey support auto provisioning either using http of tftp
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07:42.01[TK]D-Fendericenicola: Yay, 1 step down, a few more critical ones to go.
07:42.16icenicolasunrokcet and deltathree used them before
07:42.22drmessanoI really don't think he understands
07:42.31DigitalIronyme either
07:42.40icenicolaanyway guys
07:42.50icenicolathank u for the info
07:42.54drmessanoSomeone give him an XML for a polycom
07:43.00drmessanoIt's an XML, afterall
07:43.19icenicolait's ok guys, i will c what i can do
07:43.19drmessano220, 221.. whatever it takes
07:43.23icenicolathanks a lot
07:44.29drmessanoOne of the best movie lines ever
07:44.43Alpha_AIunpaidbill, are u there?
07:45.01unpaidbillyes, i was retrieving pizza from the oven
07:45.18unpaidbillsphinx and lumenvox work much in the same way (at least last time i used lumenvox, 3 years ago)
07:45.38unpaidbilllumenvox is just much cleaner and much easier
07:45.55unpaidbillthat will get you started with sphinx
07:46.21unpaidbillthe first time you attempt this dont expect to have it working quickly or how you want it to work
07:46.50unpaidbillonce it is working though, it's pretty nice.  what it wont do:  realtime recognition
07:47.07drmessanoFlite is great too.. if you plan to use 1.4 forever
07:47.23unpaidbillif you need that, just go with nuance, or you'll have to do a lot of work yourself to have realtime recognition
07:48.27*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:49.01unpaidbillspeech recognition, not TTS
07:49.41drmessanoYeah, it's late.. I was thinking the other way
07:50.30dandreI had the opportunity to test a siemens gigaset c470IP but when I do a transfer the phone rings back . How can I fix the issue?
07:53.12unpaidbillhow is flite compared to festival?
07:53.24unpaidbilli have used festival a bunch, never heard of or tried flite though
07:53.53WildPikachuseems this atcom phone is sending through a flash/hook every 1 min 20 seconds nearly on the dot on only outbound calls through my SIP PBX, anyone seen this?
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08:17.28ThoMeis this the best solution for check for a available channel? exten => _0.,n,Chanisavail(IAX2/1 & IAX2/2 & IAX2/3 & IAX2/4 IAX2/5)
08:17.34ThoMeor can i this with a group?
08:17.38Alpha_AIunpaidbill, so for over the phone speech recognition, its best to use nuance?
08:17.52ThoMewith mISDN example: exten => _XX.,1,Dial(misdn/g:isdn-ext/${EXTEN})
08:17.53ThoMeg = group
08:17.55ThoMebut for iax?
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08:28.50DigitalIronyThoMe: exten => _XX.,1,Dial(iax/gx/${EXTEN}) where x is the group number
08:30.10DigitalIronyIm sorry, that wrong
08:30.20DigitalIronythat would be for zap
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09:11.07dandreI had the opportunity to test a siemens gigaset SIP/DECT c470IP but when I do a transfer the DECT phone rings back . How can I fix the issue?
09:11.07dandreI have read the logs but i don't understand them
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09:51.06thomasis it posible IAX modems in a Group?
09:51.16thomaslike misdn: misdn/g:bla ?
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09:59.23joobiehey guys.. i have a polycom 320/330 ip phone that supports POE.. just wondering if anyone can recommend a cheap device that can put power over etherenet? I dont wantt o fork out for a full poe switch yet.. just want to test for 2 phones..
09:59.46joobiei saw a few on dlink / linksys's website.. but not sure which model i need
10:00.10dandreIn my DECT C470 testing, I have difficulties to have transfer functionality: I include full trace with sip debug set just before the effective transfer:
10:00.10dandreext 43 is a sip phone that calls ext 51 (the DECT SIP Phone). Then ext 51 calls ext 50 (a Zap Phone) which answer the call and then ext 51 do the transfer. a short time after, ext 51 rings again . What is the trouble?
10:00.56gr0mitaaah gday joobie
10:01.32joobiehey gr0m
10:01.55gr0mitthe sun shines here in UK
10:02.04gr0mit22 degrees outside!
10:02.11joobiethat would explain why the moon shines here:P
10:02.43gr0mitconsiders joining the Flat Earth Society
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10:13.07thomashave: exten => 8709532,n,Chanisavail("IAX2/fax-IAX1")
10:13.07thomasexten => 8709532,n,Set(FREECHAN=${CUT(AVAILCHAN,,1&2)})
10:13.20thomasi WOULD like from Chanisavail only "fax-IAX1"
10:13.30thomasbut: NoOp("SIP/8709532-b6c01c98", "IAX2/fax-IAX1") in new stack
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10:29.14ludani keep getting this msg, why?
10:29.26tzafrir_laptopludan, do you use freepbx?
10:29.52ludanwhat is freepbx?
10:29.54tzafrir_laptopnever mind
10:30.17ludantoll free number??
10:30.21ludanthat thing?
10:30.27tzafrir_laptopyou get that message every time you run 'asterisk -rx' (or end a session of asterisk -r)
10:30.47ludanyes I use asterisk -r to reconnect
10:30.57ludanbut i get a lot of this stuff once i'm connected
10:31.14tzafrir_laptopasterisk -r connects to the main asterisk process through something called a "unix-domain socket"
10:31.26ludani know, through a socket
10:31.56ludanbut i don't understand why i keep getting this message once i'm in
10:32.08ludanwhat does it mean? that i'm connect and quickly disconnected/
10:33.19lirihey tzafrir
10:33.31ludantzafrir_laptop: you know what I mean?
10:36.14ludanit is like this but i've no crontab :S
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10:38.52tzafrir_laptopthat's old. It's from 5 years ago
10:39.06kombiwhat is wrong when I keep getting voicemail instead of the extension?
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10:39.28ludantzafrir_laptop: i know but the behavior is the same
10:40.06tzafrir_laptopliri, hi
10:40.41seanbrightludan: something or someone is connecting to asterisk via 'asterisk -r'
10:40.49ludannot possible
10:40.51kaldemarkombi: your dialplan.
10:40.55seanbrightludan: yes, it is possible
10:41.00seanbrightludan: cuz it's happening
10:41.15seanbrightsee how that works?  something is happening, therefore it is possible.
10:41.16ludani'm the only one logged into the machine
10:41.23seanbrightludan: than it's a script
10:41.27seanbrightludan: or the underpants gnomes
10:41.36seanbrightbut *something* is doing it
10:41.51ludanthere are no processes doing funny business
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10:42.12seanbrightok, well how about this...
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10:42.36seanbrightludan: the message " -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected" means that someone or something has connected to asterisk via the '-r' flag
10:42.44seanbrightludan: and that is all we can tell you
10:42.49kombikaldemar: I have this new number from voovox, it actually arrives here, but only voicemail comes on. The line is "exten => 30873333896,5,GoTo(bureau,51,1)". bureau 51 is happily working, as is everything else..
10:42.54ludanseanbright: thanks
10:42.54tzafrir_laptopOr directly to the astrerisk.ctl socket
10:42.58seanbrightor that
10:43.07ludanwhat is  the .ctl socket?
10:43.22ludani mean, from where you can connect through it?
10:43.42seanbrighttzafrir_laptop: you just had to go and confuse the guy, huh? ;-)
10:43.45kaldemarkombi: are you sure the call hits the right extension?
10:44.08seanbrightludan: it's what asterisk -r uses to communicate to the asterisk daemon process
10:44.18seanbrightludan: a special file, i think in /var/run somewhere
10:44.33ludanYour problem was that message "Remote UNIX connection" keep showing up, this is because scipt keep checking is asterisk working buy connecting at console with "asterisk -r".
10:44.36kaldemarkombi: check the incoming context of the voovox peer and start going through the dialplan. looking at the CLI prints with verbose 10 won't hurt either.
10:44.58seanbrightludan: huh?
10:45.09kombikaldemar: I cannot quite tell, all I see is "mISDN/1-u26 is ringing" and "mISDN-1u26 answered.."
10:45.22ludanseanbright: i read that on a forum
10:45.58seanbrightludan: ok, but you were very clear with us that no script or process was "doing funny business"
10:46.16ludanseanbright: do I know that asterisk_safe is a script running the server?
10:46.19ludansorry eh
10:46.25seanbrightsafe_asterisk, you mean?
10:46.29ludanbut i just did /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
10:46.42ludanand this script was called (but i didn't know)
10:46.47kaldemarkombi: "set verbose 10" in cli will show you more output.
10:47.02kombikaldemar: got that on 1000 ..;)
10:47.07ludanseanbright: now i stopped asterisk and restart it again and the msg doesn't show up anymore
10:47.16seanbrightludan: ok, great.
10:47.25kaldemarkombi: are you using sip or iax?
10:47.26ludanseanbright: thanks, sorry for the disturb
10:47.34seanbrightludan: no sweat, that's kinda the reason we're all here
10:47.37kombikaldemar: iax for voovox
10:47.52ludanseanbright: all right
10:48.00kaldemarkombi: pastebin your iax.conf and extensions.conf
10:49.46kaldemarkombi: and is bureau an external system with the voicemail and extensions to which you connect with BRI?
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10:53.13kombikaldemar: bureau is internal,
10:54.53kaldemarinternal as in a phone directly connected to asterisk?
10:55.05kombikaldemar: yip!
10:56.01kaldemari don't see a context line anywhere
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10:56.58kaldemaryour inbound calls land to [default] without it, not to [voovox]. add context=voovox in iax.conf under [voovox].
10:57.31kombikaldemar: that must be it!!! I'll try that..
10:58.15*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
10:59.55nextimehello, in * 1.4, using users.conf to add users from ajam, when i add a user i get automagically an hint and a dial command ( for users without voicemail ) in the dialplan. Is there a way to add some options to the dial command ( i need to add a timeout )?
11:00.03*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (i=bhaal@freenode/staff-emeritus/bhaal)
11:01.14kombikaldemar: hmm, still no luck. What's the pattern again to accept any number of any length?
11:01.29kaldemarkombi: _X.
11:01.39tzafrir_laptopany number except 1
11:01.48tzafrir_laptopexcept 1 digit, that is
11:01.49kaldemarwell that requires a minimum of 2 numbers
11:02.05kombigood enough for me anyway..;)
11:04.10*** part/#asterisk madduck (n=madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
11:07.47thomastzafrir_laptop: aloha!
11:08.07*** join/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
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11:11.43kombihmm, still not.. this should be enough to make it work, now? ->
11:13.56kaldemarwell, if voovox matches to that peer and bureau,51,1 works, yes.
11:14.53kaldemara cli output of a call would be most helpful.
11:15.06kombijust a second..
11:15.17masusThe System (Asterisk 1.4) which we used effeciently before doesnt work after the agents logged in with "AGENTLOGIN", for example *reload* or *agent show* don't respond and locks the CLI and we get this message "The previous reload command didn't finish yet" Does Anyone have an idea. Thanks.
11:21.18kombikaldemar: I stand corrected... call does NOT hit my box, I was deceived by a line saying "answering" when making the test call from that same box. Found out by calling from my cell in order to give you uncluttered CLI output.. The voicemail I hear is asterisk's vm, but their's..;) sorry about that
11:28.07*** join/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=Anju_Kho@
11:28.32tzafrir_laptopthomas, hi
11:29.05^shark_hi friends, i am looking for * billing software for each of my phone extensions in the pbx
11:29.43thomasany ideas whiy this: [Jul  1 13:28:46] NOTICE[5550]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '2231475' to extension '8709532' rejected because extension not found.
11:30.00^shark_when i get credit from the telco, i need to share this credit among phone extensions, what sort of software can let me do this?
11:30.02thomashave two sip accounts in the sip.conf
11:31.11kaldemarthe notice is quite self-explanatory
11:31.55kaldemarthere is no exten line matching 8709532 in the context the call landed in.
11:32.12thomaskaldemar: em
11:35.17thomaskaldemar: if i add the ";" before register => 2231475:****
11:35.20thomasthen works it
11:36.04kaldemarpastebin [eingehend-freeline-fax] and [eingehend-freeline-fax-temp-aktion] from extensions.conf and a cli output of a failed call with "set verbose 10"
11:36.46thomas+core ;)
11:38.38kaldemarlooks like if you register 2231475 at sipgate, calls from them land in [eingehend-freeline-fax-temp-aktion] that doesn't have 8709532 in it.
11:39.07thomasbut only if i have two register-lines
11:39.12thomasif one then i have no problems.
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11:41.12thomaskaldemar: i thin, because connect to  -
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11:45.03^shark_hi friends, i am looking for * billing software for each of my phone extensions in the pbx
11:45.54seanbrightoh well
11:49.02^shark_has been looking around for days for * billing software but he can't find! He wants to credit his phone extensions with certain amount of credit but doesnt know how!?
11:49.20seanbrightoh well
11:49.57^shark_is confused!
11:50.01seanbrightme too
11:50.06seanbrightgoes to get his car washed
11:51.47gr0mit^shark_, i looked at lots of things
11:51.53gr0mitwe ended up writing our own
11:53.20^shark_gr0mit: is there any you think would just do the job for me? To credit each extension
11:53.50gr0mitwell it is non-trivial
11:54.10gr0mitcoz you have to know the rate for each call
11:54.29gr0mitand then set a cutoff to terminate the call X seconds later
11:54.43*** join/#asterisk Unlockgod (
11:54.46UnlockgodHey there
11:55.02^shark_gr0mit: i would die to get my hands on that sort of software.
11:55.05*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
11:55.30gr0mitwell for callshops there is a lot of stuff about
11:55.48gr0mitbut i found it was very complex to configure
11:57.07Dr-Linux|homegr0mit: what module number should i buy, i need single span T1 card
11:57.47gr0mitwell, I would probably use a Sangoma A10x
11:57.52gr0mitA101 i think
11:58.22*** join/#asterisk awk (
12:00.18Unlockgodis anyone able to help with trixbox problems? within asterisk please
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12:01.36Dr-Linux|homegr0mit: I agree, but this company wants Digium
12:01.45gr0mitDr-Linux|home, why?
12:02.58cjkhi; i programmed a button on my users phone that they can push if audio has drops. so basically they raise an alert during a call and at the moment 10% of all calls are rated bad.  Any ideas where I should start looking?
12:03.17*** part/#asterisk ctooley (n=ctooley@
12:03.25Dr-Linux|homegr0mit: because they are already using digium cards
12:03.33gr0mitcjk, look at packet loss!
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12:04.17jbotcdr is probably Call Detail Record, a log of what happens to the call at each step through its traversal of the PBX, details like from, to, time, duration, number dialled etc, useful for billing also - it could also be Compact Disc Recordable, see cdrw
12:04.18gr0mitwell i have not  bought any Digium cards for a very long time.  Had loads of IRQ related issues
12:04.28*** join/#asterisk zeeqy (
12:04.56^shark_~mysql cdr
12:05.48zeeqyhi all:...i was wondering if anyone successfully installed Asterisk on ubuntu server 8.04, I would really appreciate a little help
12:06.00gr0mitzeeqy, yes
12:06.11gr0mitwe have done that
12:06.20gr0mitwhat is the prob?
12:06.36zeeqyi m running ubuntu server 8.04 the 64 bit version...thanks gr0mit
12:06.49gr0mitnever used 64 bit version
12:07.21zeeqyi tried on the ubuntu desktop edition but they say I must have the LAMP server installed which only comes with server
12:07.43gr0mitare you compiling from source?
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12:08.03gr0mityou should not need AMP for asterisk
12:08.25gr0mitwell, compiling from source is the most reliable way to build your box
12:08.30thomasis it not posible multiple sip accounts on the same provider to have?
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12:08.53gr0mitthomas, depends on the provider!
12:09.03thomasgr0mit: hm.
12:09.16zeeqygr0mit:  here is what I want ...I can install asterisk core from Synaptic...but the reall problem is the sql and AMP portal integration
12:09.25*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
12:09.27thomasgr0mit: is it posible two connections with two ip-adresses? have multiple ips on my box.
12:09.35thomasgr0mit: externip for each sip account?
12:09.54gr0mitthomas, what exactly are you trying to achieve?
12:10.15thomasgr0mit: hm. i would like two connections to my sip provider
12:10.24thomasbut if i have two accounts then i have an error
12:10.37*** part/#asterisk ^shark_ (n=Anju_Kho@
12:10.39thomasany ideas whiy this: [Jul  1 13:28:46] NOTICE[5550]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '2231475' to extension '8709532' rejected because extension not found.
12:10.43gr0mitcan you not ask them for two accounts?
12:10.59thomasgr0mit: if i have only one account then i have no problems
12:11.16thomasgr0mit: i have two accounts
12:11.19gr0mitso what error do you get?
12:11.32thomasmy config
12:11.42thomasgr0mit: my error:
12:11.51zeeqygr0mit: there is a how to -on ubuntu site but its a draft and my installation stuck after a few is the link :
12:12.43gr0mitok well this is a prob with your extensions.conf file
12:12.56thomasgr0mit: with my extentions.conf ?
12:13.13gr0mitthe call comes in to 8709532 but looks like you don't have a matching extension for that
12:13.18*** join/#asterisk gbr_ (n=gbr@
12:13.32thomasgr0mit: my extentions:
12:13.59thomaschan_sip.c:14035  <<the sip error or?!
12:15.06zeeqygr0mit....I will wait...let thomas get some help first...thanks
12:16.40thomasgr0mit: ideas? ;)
12:17.10gr0mitthomas, am looking at your config
12:17.12gr0mit1 sec
12:18.13kombiwith a b410p, do I still need ztdummy?
12:18.20gr0mityou sure you did a sip reload and a reload ?
12:18.23*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
12:18.27teknoprephey all
12:18.33thomasJT: you mean me?
12:18.37thomasgr0mit: jep. reload
12:18.40thomasgr0mit: restart.. etc
12:18.41gr0mitand sip reload
12:18.43gr0mitaah ok
12:19.02teknoprepi am looking for a good desktop application for asterisk that allows for ... Channel Barge , monitoring of phone calls , recording , transfering , etc
12:19.18teknoprepother than hudlite as its the worst peice of software i have ever used
12:19.40thomasgr0mit: have now a solution...
12:19.50gr0mitthomas, good
12:19.56thomasgr0mit: mom
12:20.03gr0miti think if you call not from your Asteirsk box it will work
12:20.14kombiJT: how do I use the card's timer I wonder.. It's in there but ztdummy is still loaded
12:20.17gr0miti think the prob is you are trying to call from one extension to another
12:20.22gr0mitwithout handling it correctly
12:20.45thomasgr0mit: sip.conf:
12:21.17gr0mitwell careful
12:21.18thomasgr0mit: extentions.conf:
12:21.57gr0mitcoz your incoming calls from both numbers will noe arrive in the same context
12:22.08gr0mitbut if it works for you. thoma sorted out???
12:25.27gr0miti think so - he is very quiet!
12:26.11zeeqyok, let me repeat my question....I can install asterisk core from Synaptic...but the reall problem is the sql and AMP portal integration
12:27.07zeeqytypically i want my ubuntu server to run AMP or asteriskNOW or any other front end gui
12:27.08gr0mitwell, can you not just sudo apt-get install apache2 or wotever?
12:27.31gr0mitwell if you want a gui you are on your own!
12:27.32zeeqyapache2 works ok...
12:27.47gr0mitthis is the land of vi and emacs
12:27.57thomasgr0mit: better:
12:27.58*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
12:28.00gr0mitor in my case, joe
12:28.17JTkombi: all zaptel cards provide timing.
12:28.24gr0mitthomas, better ;-)
12:28.29zeeqyok, its a silly question but how do u access the asterisk box via web...?
12:28.44gr0mityou don't on #a&a
12:28.48gr0miti mena #asterisk
12:29.00gr0mitthere are trixbox, freepbx forums
12:29.07kombiJT: I just wonder how I get it to work.. that b410p has been in that box for a while but ztdummy is still loaded
12:29.17Unlockgoddoes anyone know what the dialing rule is for any number?
12:29.23Unlockgodto go via the trunk
12:29.24gr0mityou will get short shrift here
12:29.37masus(Asterisk 1.4) which we used effeciently before doesnt work after the agents logged in with "AgentLogin()", for example *reload* or *agent show* don't respond and locks the CLI and we get this message "The previous reload command didn't finish yet" Does Anyone have an idea. Thanks.
12:29.42zeeqyi used trixbox and asterisk for quite some time but...not on a server like ubuntu
12:30.04gr0mitwell you are on your own, zeeqy
12:30.32Unlockgodhi guys, anyone know why it would be saying all cuirvits busy?
12:30.36JTkombi: then stop ztdummy from loading, simple
12:30.38zeeqyok, let me go without the GUI...m i still here ???
12:30.40thomasgr0mit: what is a good GUI for asterisk?
12:30.42gr0mitif you want to install from source and configure using text files or databases, then ask here
12:30.49gr0mitthomas, there is'nt one
12:30.53JTwrong channel if you want a gui
12:30.58thomasgr0mit: hm. ok :)
12:31.03thomasgr0mit: the best gui are VIM? ;)
12:31.05thomaslol ;)
12:31.13gr0mituses joe
12:31.22thomasi dont like joe
12:31.24thomasi like "notepad"
12:31.27thomasand vim ;)
12:31.34JTnotepad is utter rubbish
12:31.40gr0mitit is very small, runs over IP-over-avian-carrier
12:31.57zeeqygr0mit: my concern for asking about the GUI was how m i going to create extensions like we do that on asterisk iso CDs on Centos
12:32.32gr0mituse text files like extensions.conf and sip.conf
12:33.09thomasis asterisk.adsi better as asterisk.conf?
12:33.16zeeqygr0mit: plz have a look at this howto:..
12:34.05kombiJT: hmm, zaptel start gives me "No functioning zap hardware found in /proc/zaptel, loading ztdummy
12:34.08zeeqythe freePBX is included in this how to...which is typically used for such purpose
12:34.23gr0mitwell go and install it then!
12:34.32gr0mitbut we do not discuss freepbx here.
12:34.43JTkombi: oh, a b410p is not zaptel hardware
12:34.44gr0mitwe are not experts on it, and cannot advise
12:34.51JTkombi: it uses awful misdn
12:35.20kombiJT: ..;) so I just don't start zaptel on boot?
12:35.31zeeqygreat....thanks for your help and support...let me try...can always share with someone who will need some help if I get it right....
12:37.02*** part/#asterisk zeeqy (
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12:40.37kombiJT: oh, oh.. from the KB: "The B410P does not provide Zaptel timing. Instead, use ztdummy or another Zaptel card to provide timing for Asterisk."
12:42.26thomasis it posible create a macro and give as parameter example "macro|bla|1,2,9" and then inside the macro a while loop ?
12:42.51gr0mitthomas, why not??
12:43.03thomasgr0mit: and how?
12:43.27thomasexample with "say a number"
12:43.31gr0mithow what? pass parameters into a macro?
12:44.01gr0mitthey get passed as ${ARG1}, ${ARG2} etc
12:44.35gr0mitso you call exten => 100,1,Macro(blah,1,2,9)
12:44.38JTfuck kombi is a know
12:44.45JTi just told him all that
12:46.08thomasgr0mit: have example:
12:46.30thomasgr0mit: but how i can count the args, i mean the parameter
12:46.35*** part/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
12:46.58thomasgr0mit: in the example ihave 4.. but the next time.. 3 or 8
12:47.26gr0mitso you want a variable number of paramaters ?  eeew
12:47.42thomasgr0mit: for tests.
12:49.09gr0mitcan you not pass them in as a single string?
12:49.20gr0mitthen it is easy to work out the length of the string
12:49.54masusis there another asterisk channel for asking another questions not for install or configure asterisk?
12:50.08gr0mitmasus, depends on your question!
12:50.20masusgr0mit: (Asterisk 1.4) which we used effeciently before doesnt work after the agents logged in with "AgentLogin()", for example *reload* or *agent show* don't respond and locks the CLI and we get this message "The previous reload command didn't finish yet" Does Anyone have an idea. Thanks.
12:51.03*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
12:52.32gr0mitmasus, no idea sorry
12:52.40masusgr0mit: OK Thanks
12:52.50*** join/#asterisk shido6 (n=shido6@
12:52.57masusanother irc channels maybe ?
12:53.21gr0mitmasus, there will be others here who probably know a lot more than me.
12:53.46masusYes i know .
12:53.52*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:53.59masusthere are a lot of people here
12:54.32gr0mitso just ask again when ManxPower gets on line
12:54.37gr0mitoh, here he is ;-)
12:55.56masushmm ok i'll ask time to time again .. Thanks
12:56.09masusmaybe someone will know the answer
12:56.33*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (n=SuPrSluG@
12:57.03jblackmasus: Sounds like a bug to me.
12:58.36masusand here is my log file ->
12:58.59masusjblack: i don't know i'm newbie
13:01.08ManxPowerlooks like you have a denial of service attach
13:01.24ManxPowerAlso looks like you don't have a /etc/asterisk/inidcations.conf
13:02.00masusManxPower: i'll take a look one moment please.
13:02.47masusManxPower: you are right i havent indications.conf
13:02.57ManxPowerwhat version of Asterisk do you have?
13:03.14ManxPowerNo, what specific version of 1.4
13:03.18masusAsterisk SVN-branch-1.4-r116799
13:03.43ManxPowerToo bad.  I can't tell you if there are any significant well known issues with that version.
13:03.46*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:c098:0:0:0:0:1)
13:04.07masuswhich version is the best now ?
13:04.11ManxPower1.4.21 was seriously broken, was released yesterday to address the issue in 1.4.20
13:04.34ManxPowerWhatever version, I suggest using a released version
13:05.41masushmm OK ManxPower Thank you for your Help.
13:07.04ManxPowermasus: there can be some very bad undiscovered bugs in the SVN versions.
13:07.08ManxPowernot often, but it happens
13:07.37masusi understand will try to install from tar.gz
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13:08.43jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
13:09.26masusManxPower: only one more question is it possible to authenticate agents from db like extensions
13:09.42ManxPowermasus: I don't use agents
13:10.01masusManxPower: Ok Thanks :)
13:10.10thomasservetux*CLI> stop now
13:10.15seanbrightthomas: stop now
13:10.15*** join/#asterisk ludan (n=daniele@
13:10.20thomasseanbright: :)
13:10.27ManxPoweror realtime.  No need to have the complications of realtime for so few users (I have about 300 users)
13:11.01masusyou have 300 Agents ?
13:11.08ManxPowerno, 300 users
13:11.13masusand no need for realTime :)
13:11.23masussorry my english is not very well
13:11.23ManxPowerI don't use agents or queues
13:11.53masusManxPower: Yes but you dont know the possibility ?
13:14.32*** part/#asterisk Unlockgod (
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13:28.49danievhello. i have a doubt and your expertised help would be pretty useful. I will use an asterisk server with an E1. I've considering to buy Sangoma or Pika card. Which one can you recommend me?
13:29.10ManxPowerSangoma or Digium.
13:29.50danievbetter sangoma than pika ?
13:29.58gr0miti prefer sangoma
13:30.04gr0mitnever used pika
13:30.09ManxPowerI have never heard of Pika, so....
13:31.35*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:31.42Dr-Linux|homeanybody tried TE110P digium card?
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13:32.01danievi though pika would be a good choice
13:32.05russellbDr-Linux|home: that card has been replaced
13:32.05ManxPowerthousands of people, I'm sure.
13:32.10russellbbut yeah
13:32.15danievnobody used a pika card ?
13:32.18ManxPowerdaniev: It's not a good choice if nobody here uses it.
13:32.24Dr-Linux|homerussellb: replaced with what?
13:32.49*** topic/#asterisk by Corydon76-dig -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- CentOS 5.2 Zaptel troubles:type ~centos52bug -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk (2008/06/30) Asterisk 1.2.29 (2008/06/03), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.4 (2008/...) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for
13:33.03Dr-Linux|homerussellb: I'm going to buy single span digium card, kindly suggest one
13:33.10russellbTE120 :)
13:33.14russellbor TE122
13:33.20ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: Did the maketing dweebs update the link on the web site for ?
13:33.30Dr-Linux|homei'm already using a few two span cards so i'm confused
13:33.31*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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13:33.32Dr-Linux|homei see
13:33.34russellbif by marketing dweebs, you mean me, then yes
13:33.43gr0mitSangoma A101
13:33.57ManxPowerrussellb: So you are the only that always forgets to update the web site when a new version comes out?
13:34.01Dr-Linux|homewhat's the difference between TE120 and TE122 ?
13:34.15gr0mitDr-Linux|home, 2
13:34.18russellbi always update the web site
13:34.18jayteethe digit at the end?
13:34.18danievManxPower: thank you very much
13:34.22russellbit's the mirror that breaks all of the time
13:34.30Corydon76-digManxPower: it's not a matter of forgetting... sometimes the sync process needs to be kicked... hard...
13:34.33russellbDr-Linux|home: hw echo can
13:35.40Dr-Linux|homeone difference is echo can... and other?
13:35.55Dr-Linux|homeand from where i can buy it?
13:36.13ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: then the sync process needs to be fixed, as every single time there's a new release, it's not on the web site until someone complains
13:36.21jayteeor if you like paying a bit more
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13:37.49Dr-Linux|homejaytee: what about this one: ?
13:38.15ManxPowerI don't think I'd buy from a company that uses Digium in their name, except for Digium itself.
13:39.09VecHi, I am trying to compile mISDN on ubuntu and I am getting this error "*** CFLAGS was changed in "/usr/src/mISDN-1_1_7_2/drivers/isdn/hardware/mISDN/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS", any ideas ?
13:39.26ManxPowerVec: ask on #ubuntu?
13:39.40thomashow i can show the application what have the higherst cpuload?
13:39.46Vecok. was not sure if it was ubuntu specific or misdn
13:39.53thomaslike "top"
13:39.54ManxPowerthomas: you can't, if you mean Asterisk Applications
13:40.15thomasManxPower: hm. i would like show why my system to slow
13:40.21ManxPowerVec: It does not appear to be an Asterisk specific thing.
13:40.21thomasManxPower: only if i dial with asterisk...
13:40.31danievanother issue. my telephony provider offers me three options: pri net5 / pri qsig / R2 Q 421. which one of these uses the sangoma cards ?
13:40.37VecManxPower : yeh no prob
13:40.41danievsorry about my ignorance
13:41.07ManxPowerdaniev: you never want R2, you want PRI QSIG
13:41.40jayteeDr-Linux|home, that is one of the ugliest websites I've ever seen
13:42.17jayteeand while they list the TE122 card the price looks too low for coming equipped with the hw echo cancellation.
13:42.18danievManxPower: Sangoma cards only works with Qsig? it seems like i heard about Net5 too? am i wrong?
13:42.35russellbthe sangoma card has nothing to do with the signalling
13:42.38ManxPowerdaniev: ASTERISK only works with PRI QSIG
13:42.39russellbthat is handled by asterisk
13:42.48russellband you should get a digium card :-p
13:43.23ManxPowerPRI is a high level protocol, not an issue with the lowlevel hardware drivers
13:43.31danievManxPower: ok. thank you
13:44.13thomasis devstate integrated on asterisk 1.4 ?
13:44.41russellbwhat do you mean by devstate
13:44.44ManxPowerthomas: russellb would know, for sure, but I'm pretty sure it does not.
13:45.17russellbthe dialplan function?
13:45.18gr0miterm ManxPower i think you want Net5 - this is EuroISDN
13:45.20thomasrussellb: sorry. i mean, can i set the LED of the snom phone without a patch?
13:45.37gr0mitQSIG is mainly for pbx interconnects
13:45.50russellbsvn co
13:45.57russellbi think that's the path ... there is a backport in there somewhere
13:46.01ManxPowergr0mit: maybe, those service names don't help much
13:46.15thomasrussellb: this: ?
13:46.27Dr-Linux|homeanybody knows what's the warrenty for  Digium TE120P ?
13:46.40ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: Digium does.
13:46.42gr0mitManxPower, they are all european specs
13:47.12ManxPowergr0mit: none of them say "EuroISDN"
13:47.21ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: that is not Digium
13:47.23gr0mitNet5 is euroisdn
13:47.30Dr-Linux|homeokey but for the above card, how many years? 1 year, 2 year ?
13:47.51Dr-Linux|homeoo i see
13:47.54ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: try looking for that card on DIGIUMs site.
13:47.57Dr-Linux|homelet me find their site
13:48.05Dr-Linux|homeManxPower: okay thanks
13:48.05thomasrussellb: ah, this patch is of you (from you?)
13:48.14russellbthomas: yes
13:48.20thomasaaeh, not patch, is a function, yes?
13:48.34russellbit's a standalone module
13:48.38russellbyou just drop it in the funcs directory
13:48.41creativx"blinky lights"
13:48.46thomasrussellb: ok, if is it ok, i can you say what i would like.
13:48.58thomasrussellb: i would like via/per PHP set lamp on /off
13:49.08thomasrussellb: i make this with a application devstate
13:49.14russellbyep, you can use the devstate function for that
13:49.21thomasrussellb: is it posobile only with YOUR function, only?
13:49.37russellbi wouldn't say it's the _only_ way
13:49.40russellbbut it's the easiest
13:49.58jayteeI use Putty for linux to ssh into my * box but it won't let me copy and paste into a text file what's coming across the console. What do most of you gurus use?
13:50.11thomasi make this at the moment with login the console, then devstate bla....
13:50.21thomasrussellb: how i can this with you function, with php?
13:50.24thomasper AMI ?
13:50.43russellbAMI or AGI
13:50.49russellbdepending on the application and how you want to trigger it
13:50.52Dr-Linux|homeManxPower: that's why i'm confused:
13:50.53ManxPowerjaytee: I use Puppy
13:50.53Dr-Linux|home putty
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13:51.03thomasrussellb: emm. what is easier, AGI?
13:51.14russellbAGI is easier, yeah
13:51.18Dr-Linux|homedifferent prices
13:51.20russellbbut that would be if something with a call triggers it
13:51.23russellbnot something external to asterisk
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13:51.36jayteeManxPower, Putty on Windows or the linux version? If I select text from the console in Ubuntu I can't paste into a text file with it.
13:51.44ManxPowerDr-Linux|home: Gosh!  I would never have found that non-digium web site!
13:51.49thomasrussellb: moment, please. with a call, do you have a simple example? moment, i search my php...
13:51.56ManxPowerjaytee: Windows, but no real difference.
13:52.16russellbthomas: sorry, no examples
13:52.34jayteeManxPower, and you can copy from it? hmmm, must be something in my settings.
13:52.37russellbother than the basic ones on
13:52.44thomasrussellb: i have this:
13:52.48ManxPowerjaytee: I would not use if if I could not copy/paste.  see the putty settings
13:53.10ManxPowerputty lets you pick the copy method and paste method
13:53.35Dr-Linux|homeManxPower: but her is the digium site, i can't find the model russellb suggest i.e. TE210
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13:53.52streamgrettings everyone
13:54.10danievsignalling is an asterisk issue? always Qsig? excuse if i insist but i wanna make sure
13:54.19Dr-Linux|homeok thanks
13:54.28streamcan anyone recommend any good cheap SIP providers?  I only need like 3-4 trunks, one local #, cheap MRC
13:54.44thomasrussellb: what you mean with "call trigger" ?
13:54.47ManxPowerdaniev: Asterisk uses Q.931, get whatever line supports that.
13:55.10jbotwell, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
13:55.14jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
13:55.39danievManxPower: ok. thank you.
13:55.45ManxPowerdaniev: The common usage for that is EuroISDN
13:56.03streambtw i am looking for a USA SIP provider
13:56.18streambroadvox seems to expensive
13:56.23ManxPowerstream: then now you know
13:56.24streami was hoping to keep it < $20-$30 /mo
13:56.41danievManxPower: i have to mention that i'm in latin america (colombia). We use the european standards.
13:57.35ManxPowerstream: My boyfriend uses Vitelity and pays less than $10/month
13:57.51streamthey will hand me a direct SIP trunk w/o a IAD?
13:58.04thomasrussellb: huhu? :-)
13:58.11ManxPowerno, because there is no such thing as a sip trunk.
13:58.18russellbthomas: i'm sorry, i'm busy with something else right now ..
13:58.29thomasrussellb: oh, ok. sorry. please.
13:58.31streamhow do you figure
13:58.57Veggen...I have $20 a month and the posibility to call for the whole amount (i.e. it's sort of a "minimum usage fee".
13:59.08VeggenAnd I get iax :)
13:59.09ManxPowerstream: I figure there is no such thing as a sip trunk.  You have SIP connctions, but a connection is not a trunk.
13:59.22elguerounfortanely, some companies use the term sip trunking even though it is incorrect
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13:59.43ManxPowerelectus: good thing there are people around to remind people it is not correct.
14:00.13ManxPowerEven if there are people around that won't listen
14:00.46streamhah vitelity website wont load to sign up.. how lame
14:01.32ManxPoweroh well
14:02.07gr0mitdaniev, we have an ISDN E1 running standard EuroISDN on my asteirsk box in Bogota
14:02.54elguerostream: we just started trying to use and setup was very easy; it worked the first time... haven't put it in production yet so I can't say too much but pricing was pretty decent;
14:03.23russellband uses asterisk :)
14:03.32elguerorussellb: yep!!
14:03.33russellb(and openser)
14:03.44danievgr0mit: are you in bogota ?
14:03.58streami use alcatel-lucent
14:03.58danievgr0mit: using Qsig signalling ?
14:04.03gr0mitnope, Basingstoke, UK
14:04.10jayteeManxPower, figured it out. In Ubuntu or probably any other linux distro Putty uses the "middle mouse button" which in my case is the scroll wheel.
14:04.18danievah ok
14:04.20gr0mitnope. Qsig is a PBX to PBX signalling system
14:04.30gr0mitwe are running normal ISDN
14:04.53gr0mitwhere 'normal' is 'everywhere except Northe
14:04.59gr0mitNorth America and Japan
14:05.07elguerostream: also, at home I use Teliax ( I use the IAX protocol but they also do sip... and I use the pay as you go plan which I have found to be economical since I end up using my cell a lot
14:05.28danievgr0mit: so, can i use Net5 signalling with asterisk?
14:05.40gr0mityup. Net5 = EuroISDN
14:05.47gr0mitwhich is very well supported in Asterisk
14:06.28danievgr0mit: ok. thank you
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14:14.44dandreIn my DECT C470 testing, I have difficulties to have transfer functionality: I include full trace with sip debug set just before the effective transfer:
14:14.44dandreext 43 is a sip phone that calls ext 51 (the DECT SIP Phone). Then ext 51 calls ext 50 (a Zap Phone) which answer the call and then ext 51 do the transfer. a short time after, ext 51 rings again . What is the trouble?
14:23.35streamarg cant service me they said they dont have e911 here
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14:35.33NovceGurustream: yeah they refuse to provide service without e911
14:36.11streamill try vitaleity
14:37.01*** join/#asterisk WildPikachu (n=WildPika@about/linux/staff/wildpikachu)
14:37.46WildPikachuHi guys, beeing trying to solve this now for 1 week .... got 3 users with snom phones and about 20 with soft phones (x-lite) the snom phones work perfectly now, the x-lite soft phones all disconnect after 4-5 mins every time
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14:41.59UnixDogok have a issues with
14:42.25UnixDogwhen I compile it for lol mem it runs fine till I get a call. then after the call it crashes
14:42.55UnixDogI need low mem because its running on a embedded platform
14:43.50russellbget a backtrace, post to
14:45.11WildPikachusetups a softphone to tes tthis
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14:49.45tzafrir_laptoprussellb, are the .moduleinfo files and such intentionally included in the tarball?
14:50.02russellbi don't remember what .moduleinfo is
14:50.44tzafrir_laptopgenerated automatically at build (IIRC as early as menuselect)
14:50.53russellboh, the XML tree?
14:51.05russellbjust to make building go a little bit faster, i guess
14:51.57tzafrir_laptopok. I had to add a rule to remove them from the repackaged tarball, as make dist-clean removes them
14:52.16russellbok, shouldn't hurt anything.
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15:07.32BCS-SatoriI am having an issue with "make" and Zaptel 1.4.11.  During the "make" I recieve these errors:  Any Ideas?
15:08.08[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: Read the channel topic <--
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15:08.28BCS-Satoriah i see
15:08.35jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
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15:16.16thomasrussellb: hm. have now tested over two hours. i dont know what you mean with call the function....
15:17.00russellbexecute it in one of the ways you can execute a dialplan function
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15:17.19russellbexten => 1234,1,Set(DEVICE_STATE(Custom:foo1=IN_USE)
15:17.32russellbor, using the SetVar manager action
15:17.50russellbor setting it from AGI during a call
15:18.08thomasemm, a call from agi? hmmm
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15:19.49WildPikachui wonder if callprogress will help fix my hangup problem on softphones
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15:20.38[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: nope.  "callprogress" is an analog thing.
15:20.58[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: Softphone signalling is all digital.  Describe the pieces involved with your problem
15:21.04WildPikachudialing out over analogue phones, x-lite on 20 pcs now hangs up after 4-5 mins on a call  :(
15:21.08masusManxPower: switched to Asterisk :)
15:21.15WildPikachuusing a proper snom/granstream on 5 users works 100%
15:21.58gr0mitWildPikachu, have you got detect progress tones?
15:21.58WildPikachui just set callprogress=yes and i'm 2 minutes past the longest time i've been on a call (out of more than 20 calls)
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15:22.22WildPikachuwell ... i have busydetect=yes, busypattern=500,500, busycount=10
15:22.32gr0mitis'nt that more like 'random dropped calls = yes'
15:22.43WildPikachucallprogress you mean?
15:22.43gr0mittry turning it all off.  then see
15:22.46ManxPowerWildPikachu: NO!  callprogress causes random hangups
15:22.56WildPikachuok, i'll disable it again, one sec  :)
15:23.06WildPikachu(it was disabled before)
15:23.06ManxPowerbusydetect will also cause that.
15:23.14ManxPowerbusycount=10 will help.
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15:23.21gr0mitany tone detection is heading for trouble
15:23.23ManxPowerWildPikachu: I assume you can't use PRI?
15:23.27WildPikachucan I turn busydetect off aswell?
15:23.31gr0mitit is a fudge - use BRI or PRI
15:23.32ManxPoweror SIP or IAX?
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15:23.38WildPikachuManxPower, nope ... got 3 normal analogue lines
15:23.50WildPikachuManxPower, sip on all users
15:23.53gr0mitWildPikachu, consider getting service from a voip provider
15:24.00ManxPowerWildPikachu: It sucks to be you, especially if you are outside the USA
15:24.06WildPikachuyep  ;)
15:24.11WildPikachusouth africa
15:24.12gr0mitwhere are you, WildPikachu ?
15:24.17gr0mitaah, well go for ISDN then
15:24.20WildPikachuone sec, i've disabled everything now
15:24.21ManxPowerWildPikachu: don't expect to be able to totally solve your hangup issues
15:24.23gr0mitdirt cheap over there
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15:24.47WildPikachushould i restart asterisk to be on the safe side?
15:25.01WildPikachui've commented out everything, busydetect, busycount, busypattern
15:25.16gr0mitWildPikachu, can you replace your 3 analogue lines with a single BRI?
15:25.24WildPikachunot at present :(
15:25.33gr0mittechnical reasons?
15:26.00kippiis there a good howto for jabber and asterisk? just playing around to see what i can do
15:26.14ManxPowerkippi: no
15:26.14WildPikachuanother of our asterisk boxes works 100%, just not this one ... really weird
15:26.14gr0mitok.  if this is a demo, you will fail at the first hurdle with analogue.
15:26.18WildPikachuok, i'm on a test call right now
15:26.21[TK]D-Fenderkippi: Instructions on the WIKI.  Go read.
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15:26.52ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: if kippi could read, he should have found that page already
15:27.14gr0mitWildPikachu, there are voip providers in ZA
15:27.24WildPikachujust got a hangup
15:27.34WildPikachuchecks dmesg
15:27.45WildPikachunot a polarity switch at least, dmesg is empty
15:27.46[TK]D-FenderManxPower: True.
15:28.22ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: isn't there a doc file for jabber in the doc dir?  OR is that gtalk?
15:28.27gr0mitWildPikachu, so what does the consols say?
15:28.42ManxPowerWildPikachu: your DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE would be handy
15:28.45[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Both IIRC
15:28.55WildPikachuManxPower, i can noop those, right?
15:29.03ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: I wish I could make my information as secret as the asterisk docs.
15:29.06ManxPowerWildPikachu: of course.
15:29.16WildPikachuquickly changes his dialplan
15:29.21gr0mitso it looks like the hangup comes from the zap channel
15:29.24gr0mitwhich is odd
15:29.25ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: must be the whole "hiding in plain sight" issue.
15:29.51WildPikachugr0mit, very ... one sec
15:29.57gr0mitis this prob with incoming or outgoing?
15:30.00gr0mitor both?
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15:30.10WildPikachuonly outgoing afaik
15:30.33ManxPoweryou're not doing something stupid like t/T/w/W on your Dial line, are you?
15:30.51errrhow can I tell why asterisk is using 99.9% cpu ?
15:31.01[TK]D-Fendererrr: What version?
15:31.15WildPikachuManxPower, i'm doing T
15:31.21jameswf-homeis migrating some development machines to virtual box and has mixed feelings
15:31.30gr0mitaaah - false DTMF detects?
15:31.30ManxPowerWildPikachu: when troubleshiooting remove all the exra options
15:31.45[TK]D-Fendererrr: Perhaps you should upgrade.
15:31.57gr0miti wonder - what DTMF settings have you got in your SIP clients and sip.conf?
15:32.00errr[TK]D-Fender: I tried 1.4.21 but it crashed hourly
15:32.04gr0miti'll bet you have inband
15:32.08WildPikachuok, i must be doing something wrong .... it doesn't seem to hit my noops
15:32.11WildPikachugr0mit, talking to me?
15:32.14errrI havent tried 4.21.1 though
15:32.15gr0mityes, WildPikachu
15:32.41[TK]D-Fendererrr: New version out yeterday....
15:32.44gr0mitthat rules that out
15:32.44WildPikachudefined for each user
15:32.46jameswf-homeI hear Wild Pikachu taste like chicken
15:32.56errryeah I saw that. I hope it doesnt get worse :s
15:33.09WildPikachuone sec .... my noops after the dial() are not being hit, I shoved them in my ael  ... *checks again*
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15:33.15dandreI am testing a sip-dect phone and, when I do a transfer with that phone, after the transfer as been completed, it rings back. How can I trace to see wether  the phone or my configuration is buggy? If I do the same with other sip phone, the result is fine
15:33.41murdock_utI have a q quick question.  If I update the version of zaptel on a system do I need to recompile * for that version?
15:34.03WildPikachureads the ael docs to see if he must have another context or priority to catch hangups
15:34.32ManxPowerWildPikachu: WHAT did I tell you about making things simple for testing??
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15:34.42WildPikachuits like 3 lines ManxPower   :)
15:34.45WildPikachuremoved all options
15:34.51WildPikachujust want to add a noop to check the hangupcause
15:34.54ManxPowerbut you are STILL using AE:
15:35.21WildPikachuah, ok
15:35.37WildPikachuits like 10 lines long ... i'll write a quick traditional config
15:36.40[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Enable full debug on everything and LOOK.
15:37.21dandreI have done it but I don't understand the debug trace
15:37.42[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Then you should have provided it at the same time as asking your question.
15:38.21dandreext 43 is a sip phone that calls ext 51 (the DECT SIP Phone). Then ext 51 calls ext 50 (a Zap Phone) which answer the call and then ext 51 do the transfer. a short time after, ext 51 rings again . What is the trouble?
15:38.34spokraHmmm guess i got the version combined.. 2.0.2 -> 2.1.0 upgrade problem:   undefined method `find_full_template_path' when starting mongrel..
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15:38.49gr0mitWildPikachu, dumb question, but are your sure you have not got more than one place in your zapata.conf where you set callprogress= etc?
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15:39.08gr0mitgood lad!
15:39.09ManxPowerspokra: Hate to tell you this but there is no Asterisk, zaptel, or pri version of 2.x
15:39.13tzafrir_laptopmurdock_ut, if it's a minor version update: no
15:39.29spokrasorry wrong window!!
15:39.31WildPikachugr0mit, all ;callprogress=yes and callprogress=no uncommented
15:39.42gr0mitok -just checking, WildPikachu
15:39.47WildPikachuno problem :)
15:39.52gr0mitthere is so often a 'DOH!'
15:40.16murdock_uttzafrir_laptop: So as long as it's in the same series ie 1.4.x then I'm ok.
15:41.03WildPikachugr0mit, /me nods
15:41.26gr0mitwhere in ZA are you, WildPikachu ?
15:41.41WildPikachusomerset mall, western cape
15:41.55gr0mithas a customer in Durban
15:42.02WildPikachucool  :)
15:42.22gr0mitthey are using X-lite back to my hosted asteirsk in UK
15:42.39gr0mitso i know it works in the Southern Hemisphere ;-)
15:43.06gr0miteven with Telskum's lines
15:44.00WildPikachui'm nearly done with my traditional extensions
15:44.45[TK]D-Fenderdandre: I suspect you may be mixing up a blind transfer vs an attended one, and not completing it properly.
15:45.06WildPikachuok ... now i want to add the noop to my traditional config
15:45.12WildPikachusearches voip-info
15:46.21dandreI don't know, I am just using the phone menu to do this transfer as stated in the doc
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15:47.47[TK]D-Fenderdandre: read it again a few times and trie the other options it my have for it
15:48.09gr0mithow's progress, WildPikachu ?
15:48.21WildPikachutesting right now
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15:49.21WildPikachuwaiting now for disconnect ...
15:49.45gr0mitdrums paws on the floor of the kennel
15:50.36datachomperIs there a way to match zero or more characters in the extension names in extensions.conf?
15:51.05WildPikachuooo, i pastebin
15:51.26datachomper_[01+].5555555555,1,Playback(tt-somethingwrong) I tried this, but this only matches one or more ...
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15:52.14WildPikachuCANCEL .... weird ... the phone is unattended in speaker mode next to me
15:53.10gr0mittry muting both ends.
15:53.21gr0mitsee if it is audio which is causing the prob.
15:53.44WildPikachuah, good idea, i'm calling telkom's adsl helpdesk, my colleague was on the phone for 2.5hr to their music on hold  ;)
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15:54.25datachomperI'm trying to match the same DID from multiple providers, sometimes they send +1NXXNXXXXXX others send just NXXNXXXXXX
15:54.53gr0mitdatachomper, just do some manipulation
15:55.06datachompergr0mit, howso?
15:55.20magic_hathey folks. My VOIP account has a limit of 10 channels. I'm working with an AGI script that places outgoing calls in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. Can I make sure I don't overload the account by having the script put calls in there only when there's less than 10 in the directory?
15:55.42gr0mite.g. exten => _+1X,1,goto(${EXTEN:2})
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15:56.13gr0miti menan
15:56.26datachompergr0mit, genious, thank you
15:56.44gr0mitthis will get anything beginning +1, and send it back in to the same context, minus the +1
15:57.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
15:57.15gr0mitgoes home. back later..
15:57.19WildPikachugr0mit, same cancel result
15:57.23Docfxitwhere can I upload a file for people to take a look at?
15:57.36gr0mitWildPikachu, wonder if it is a hardware issue?
15:57.46WildPikachuworks fine with granstream & snom phones
15:57.50WildPikachunot x-lite
15:58.09WildPikachutried 2 xlite versions (upgraded the one)
15:58.21gr0mithands WildPikachu wireshark
15:58.41gr0mitbut i thnik it is a zaptel issue.
15:58.53gr0mitgotta go now- bbl.  after dinner!
15:59.11*** join/#asterisk styelz (n=yoohoo@2001:388:c098:0:0:0:0:1)
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16:06.00WildPikachuuk, forgive me, but i tried callprogress=yes and i've not been disconnected ... 5 mins and counting  (disconnects normally < 5min)
16:06.11WildPikachuprepares to be flamed
16:06.13magic_hatanyone.... My VOIP account has a limit of 10 channels. I'm working with an AGI script that places outgoing calls in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. Can I make sure I don't overload the account by having the script put calls in there only when there's less than 10 in the directory?
16:06.30*** join/#asterisk oilinki (
16:08.33[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Its called "programming"  You should try it some time.
16:09.01WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, ever heard of callprogress=yes working for someone?
16:09.18[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: that option also means "randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes".
16:09.34magic_hat[TK]D -- yeah, I would be writing one of these "programs" you mention to do this. I'm just wondering if the overall approach makes sense.
16:09.35[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: and DISABLING it should not cause hangups.  The reverse more likely.
16:09.41WildPikachuwell ... its doing the opposite and i'm not joking  :(
16:10.01dandre[TK]D-Fender: what dect sip phone could you recommand?
16:10.01WildPikachuno disconnects in 10 minutes
16:10.09[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Method that makes sense is to actually scan *'s active channels before distributing new calls.
16:10.18[TK]D-Fenderdandre: I have none to recommend.
16:10.23magic_hatRight, okay. I didn't know I could do that.
16:10.32[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: AMI <-
16:10.37WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, the zapata.conf file says this tho ..."This feature can also easily detect false hangups."
16:10.40*** join/#asterisk keulin (
16:10.41WildPikachuunless i'm reading it wrong
16:10.43[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Didn't look too hard I guess
16:11.18[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: No... they probably overstated the easy by a factor of 100
16:11.40WildPikachui'm sure they did, but its working .... and yes, it was the very very last thing i tried after struggling for over a week with this issue
16:11.48WildPikachuvery strange
16:12.00fogoMy telco tells me I'm sending an additional "info device = 1" in the setup message on one of my PRIs. Any idea what could be causing this?
16:12.23magic_hat[TD]D: wow, you're crochety today! lol. I've never used AMI before, so I didn't think to check in those docs.
16:12.32WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, if i disable it it definitly hangs up, i'll confirm shorly, its the only thing i changed
16:13.23[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: * has a very limited number of ways to process things and provide information.  Dialplan, AMI, and CLI.
16:13.38magic_hatyeah, good point.
16:13.51[TK]D-Fendermagic_hat: Leaving off 2 out of the 3 is not a sign of serious thinking.
16:14.06*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
16:14.15WildPikachuhands [TK]D-Fender a gun ... just shoot me :)
16:14.54magic_hatlol. i'm coming at this pretty fresh... I didn't need to do anything with AMI to get our office phones working. and that's the extent of my * knowledge.
16:14.55nny_1quick Q.. company providing a PRI has asked some questions, and me being a PRI noobie, can't answer
16:15.10nny_1I assume NI2 is the standard more or less from what i have read?
16:15.14*** part/#asterisk datachomper (n=russ@
16:15.31[TK]D-Fendernny_1: your most common choice
16:17.21masusby all
16:17.21nny_1k thanks.. that about does it.. I have descending sequential on the PRI with asterisk dialing out ascending sequential, immeidate in regards to immediate vs. wink  signaling, and Return dialtone on seizure = yes and yield to glare =yes
16:17.23*** part/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
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16:20.07WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, still going strong on the same call  :)
16:23.28*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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16:26.23WildPikachu25 mins
16:30.18WildPikachuok, 30 minutes no problem
16:30.22WildPikachuhangs up
16:36.46*** join/#asterisk masus (i=masus@
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16:45.24ddunavantis there any way to tell a call queue set to ring all to stop ringing once one person has picked up, even though that person is listening to a macro?
16:46.26[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: doubt it
16:47.02ddunavant[TK]D: thanks, crud...
16:48.27*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
16:51.20ddunavant[TK]D: is there any way to call a group of people and have it once one of them pick up, have it stop ringing with the person who picked up listen to a macro?
16:52.27sumasumaddunavant: not getting about your requirement
16:52.33sumasumacan you please explain a bit ?
16:52.34[TK]D-Fenderddunavant: the "M" option allows them to "reject" the call without answer "privacy mode".  Since thats its main design concept, that'd be a "no"
16:54.02*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
16:54.08ddunavant[TK]D: alright, thanks again
16:54.37gr0mitWildPikachu, any success?
16:54.52WildPikachuyes .... callprogress=yes  fixes the problem, was on a call for 32 minutes
16:55.08gr0mithow very odd!
16:55.16WildPikachuyes! ... i never tried it before
16:55.19WildPikachutill tonight
16:55.24WildPikachuthen disabled it, now tried it again
16:55.42WildPikachutrying another call right now
16:56.15gr0mitanother thought
16:56.31gr0mithave you got sulence suppression enabled on the X-lite phones?
16:56.36gr0mitsilence i mean
16:56.44WildPikachui think so
16:56.55gr0mitdisable that....
16:57.24gr0mitasteirsk does not behave well with silence suppession
16:58.01gr0mitwonder if complete silence i.e. no ip packets was upsetting it
16:58.12streamany other voip sip providers you can recommend?
16:58.38[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Yes, silence suppression can kill calls due to RTP timeout
16:58.39WildPikachugr0mit, problem is the users are talking all the time, and it cuts out in middle of conversation
16:59.08WildPikachui was disconnected when I tested this afternoon
16:59.17gr0mitwell, I disable slience suppression as a matter of course
16:59.25[TK]D-Fenderstream: Other than who?
16:59.31gr0mitit is a cause of Considerable Grief
17:00.07streami called broadvox and
17:00.08WildPikachui just pressed mute on the phone with the worst problem, disconnects in under 2 mins ... and pressing mute i still see udp in both directions
17:01.14*** join/#asterisk vgster (
17:01.33gr0mitWildPikachu, these all on the same subnet?
17:01.40gr0miti.e. no NAT
17:01.44[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: Could be call progress not sensing audio cutting off your call.
17:01.46WildPikachui'm on a VPN at the moment into the office basically bridged
17:01.54[TK]D-FenderWildPikachu: You were warned
17:02.06WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, yes i have been warned :)
17:02.16gr0mitwifey has just yelled those wonderful words : dinner!
17:02.19WildPikachu[TK]D-Fender, 20-30 users wanting calls to work vs. me  :(
17:02.28WildPikachugr0mit, mine is about to
17:02.41troy-WildPikachu, just tell them they don't deserve a working phone.
17:02.50WildPikachuhaha Trey--
17:02.56WildPikachu* troy-,
17:03.06WildPikachuthey were very angry :(
17:06.16WildPikachudoes callprogress use the indications.conf config?
17:07.27*** join/#asterisk kamh (
17:07.41Superbartthmmfg, i'm having an slight annoying problem on my linksys phones... When they get ringed by the ring-all from an queue defined in queues.conf, the phone who doesn't pick up the call shows a missed call, would there be a way to prevent that?
17:10.38kamhi have a question
17:10.58kamhif i use two IPPhones and one asterisk as a SIP registrar
17:11.07kamhand i make a call
17:11.24kamhwho generates a ringback tone or busy tone or call waiting call?
17:14.12*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
17:15.07streamsigned up with vitelity
17:15.09streamgood prices
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17:18.49WildPikachugr0mit, i'll see what the users say tomorrow
17:20.39*** join/#asterisk hrmphh (
17:21.05hrmphhcan someone recommend a backup to an ISDN PRI? we have towerstream for internet at 8mbps, is it possible to route over that to some voip provider?
17:21.56*** join/#asterisk MihiNomenEst (
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17:37.11WilliamKcan someone tell me howto fix this in the zaptel compile (just updated from svn)
17:37.14WilliamKmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `zaptel-fw-oct6114-064-1.05.01.tar.gz', needed by `hotplug-insta
17:37.31WilliamKTE120 card
17:38.10*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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17:39.03SuperbarttWilliamK couldn't you get a stable instead of cutting edge svn? ^^
17:39.38WilliamKalways use SVNs AFTER I read the patches
17:40.03WilliamKand if noone says anything about a compiler error, it'd never get fixed/resolved
17:40.27Superbarttyeah ofcourse, but if you don't have a clue how to fix it, just report it ^^
17:41.24WilliamKSuper, that's why I logged back into IRC - I've been around the asterisk community enough to know that there are ways of resolving issues
17:41.36WilliamKand yes I know about bugtracker
17:42.13*** join/#asterisk hyegeek (
17:43.52tzafrir_laptop <-- any chance this happen to help?
17:44.07WilliamKheya tzafrir - long time no c
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17:44.31tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, that's a makefile. No C
17:44.36WilliamKsame exact
17:44.57*** join/#asterisk iamhrh (n=iamhrh@
17:45.53tzafrir_laptopNote that even if this actually works, I have no idea why
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17:46.39WilliamKthis is make 3.80 under CentOS
17:47.11tzafrir_laptopcentos4? 3?
17:47.37iamhrhis there a current 'best practice' for setting up a continuous stream for the music on hold? I've been reading about ways to connect to an icecast server - just wanted to make sure that using the "streamplayer" tool is what i want to use for that
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17:58.02gr0mitanyone got an clever ways of grabbing the IP address of an IAX or SIP peer in the dialplan without resorting to chopping up parameters?
17:58.51seanbrightwith sip you can use SIPPEER(ip) i think
17:59.06*** join/#asterisk Mike8861 (i=Mike8861@
17:59.16gr0mitand for iax?
17:59.20Mike8861hello all
17:59.52seanbrightgr0mit: core show function SIPPEER
17:59.56seanbrightgr0mit: core show function IAXPEER
18:00.16Mike8861i got a question. I am dialing to a external IVR, is there any fuction asterisk can sent DTMF to external IVR when connected ??
18:00.33iamhrhi believe there is a SendDTMF() command...
18:00.33gr0mithmmm ok, so If it could be either, need to test for whether it is set or not
18:00.45gr0mitthanks, seanbright
18:01.03iamhrhyes there is, Mike8861: SendDTMF([digits])
18:01.04seanbrightMike8861: there is always ExternalIVR()
18:01.40Mike8861iamhrh: thank you so much
18:01.41iamhrherr, excuse me...its SendDTMF(digits[,timeout])
18:02.05Mike8861yup, i got that
18:04.31*** join/#asterisk daniev (n=ganbarim@
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18:30.54Pctech37|MacOk, I installed asterisk and then asterisk-gui
18:32.17WildPikachui gave a client my gxp2000 today :(, wonder if a snom 320 is a better phone for me
18:32.18Pctech37|Macbut when i login to the gui, i get asterisk restarting with check on top right after logging in.
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18:33.42redaxwould you help, pls? where can I find the Asterisk book in PDF?
18:33.48ViKing78Does anyone use Queuemetrics or something similar for monitoring call queues?
18:33.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
18:34.27redaxthanks Qwell,
18:35.02*** join/#asterisk simprix (
18:37.16Segnale007I bought it :D
18:37.41Segnale007I found it very interested ..
18:41.19Mike8861iamhrh: this line is not working, it got some syntax error
18:41.24Mike8861exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/922720000,15)
18:41.51Mike8861i cannot get into senddtmf unless the dial line got fix
18:42.18Mike8861whats wrong with that syntax, it is not possible to dial out 922720000 with SIP trunk
18:43.37*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
18:43.51Mike8861yup, senddtmf works, i do heard dtml on my softphone, incase, i am not sure if sendddtmf does send it out to the external ivr
18:44.13DaejeowhaT is the full form of "ENUM"?  anyone knows?
18:45.04Mike8861Telephone Number Mapping
18:45.30Mike8861Daejeo: tElephone NUmber Mapping
18:45.35Daejeowhat is E?
18:45.45DaejeoI SEE
18:45.55Daejeosorry caps was on
18:45.59Mike8861Daejeo: can u help me with dialplan ??
18:46.26Mike8861whats my syxtax error
18:46.42Daejeowhat is your current dial plan?
18:47.08Mike8861exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/922720000,15)
18:47.20*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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18:47.41Mike8861i need the dial plan to dial to 922720000 with a SIP trunk name SIP/trunk1
18:48.28*** join/#asterisk klathzazt (n=Jon@
18:48.58Daejeoi usually use freepbx
18:49.34Daejeobut let me have a look on an asterisk dial plan
18:49.41*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
18:57.04Daejeodo u want to use it for incoming call?
18:57.48Daejeodo you want to use it for dialing out?
18:58.26Mike8861i want to use it to dial out
19:06.03Daejeodo u want to put 9 on the front of your dial pattern?
19:06.54*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/troubled)
19:07.06Daejeodo u want to dial a local number? long distance?
19:07.39Mike8861yes, outgoing trunk requires a 9
19:07.57Mike8861the point is, i dunno where to put the number in the command....
19:08.28Mike8861s,1,Dial(SIP/922720000,15) <= maybe the number are locate in the wrong parameter
19:08.38Daejeofirst u need to add a variable
19:08.59Daejeos,1,Dial(SIP/922720000,15) <<<< this is for incoming calls
19:09.53Daejeoexten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
19:09.54Daejeoexten => _9NXXXXXX,2,Congestion( )
19:09.56Daejeoexten => _9NXXXXXX,102,Congestion( )
19:10.25DaejeoIt will help u
19:10.35Mike8861thanks, i will try
19:11.14jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
19:12.08Daejeos.1. Dial(SIP/3333)  this kind of pattern we use for incoming calls
19:12.30Daejeocall will land at sip exten 3333
19:12.59Daejeothen u can play with it
19:14.26*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
19:15.01Daejeo${EXTEN:1} will strip  off 9
19:15.17Daejeofor example: u dial 912323233234
19:16.42shido6after 3 weeks of 2000 users accessing voicemail 24/7 ( 30 users simultaneously ) with verbose set to "3" asterisk became unresponsive, do you think it was all the scrolling ? does that fill up memory?
19:16.51*** join/#asterisk lanning (
19:16.59WildPikachugr0mit, i dont spose callprogress should work for me ... very strange it is
19:17.12Daejeoyour trunk will dial trunk1/12323233234
19:18.00*** join/#asterisk khfj (
19:18.05khfjhi $
19:19.22khfji got sipura 3000 which is connected to my asterisk server on the port FXS and pstn port by FXO
19:19.51khfjby default i can only use my sip line how to use my pstn ?
19:23.36Mike8861Daejeo: well, i have tried, but cannot make it to work
19:24.15khfjby default i can only use my sip line how to use my pstn ?
19:24.16Mike8861Daejeo: on my server: there is already trunks setup, it can call outside pstn network
19:25.15Mike8861Daejeo: i would need to create a dialplan, when user dial 9001, it will dial a PSTN number 922720000, when connected, send a few DTML singal out to the PSTN
19:25.45angryuserhave you heard orelly in europe is closed ?
19:25.58khfji don"t know if ppl understand my english
19:26.06*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (
19:26.14Daejeospeed dialing?
19:26.16khfjsimply how to use my pstn line ?
19:26.33khfjfrom my sipura3000
19:26.40Daejeou just want to dial 9001?
19:27.08angryuser<khfj> red sipura manual, you have a prefix or thing like that
19:27.32khfji can't find
19:27.54khfjwhat is term to make this option possible ??
19:28.07khfjhow the option is called ???
19:28.09Mike8861khfj: if i remember correctly 3000 is replaced by a new model, anyway, goto the vendor website to get infomation
19:28.32Qwell3102 I think?
19:29.03khfjif i understand correctly i have to compose 3000 or 3102 to switch to my pstn line is it ???
19:29.13Mike8861@Qwell: indeed
19:29.45khfjon sipura3000 ???
19:29.51khfjno not working
19:30.31khfjis it to switch between the pstn line and the sip line ?
19:30.39Mike8861khfj: are u trying to use sipura as a GATEWAY to connect asterisk and PSTN ?
19:31.06khfjsimple configuration
19:31.38khfjon my sipura3000 i connect my pstn line and my asterisk sip line
19:31.51khfjby default when i turn on the phone
19:32.16khfji can only use my sip line
19:32.22Mike8861Daejeo: yes, when user dial ext 9001, i hope it can dial a PSTN number, and setout dtmf
19:32.39Daejeoit is possible
19:32.57khfjmy question is how to use my pstn line ?
19:33.19khfjhow to switch to my pstn line to use on a same phone
19:33.58Mike8861khfj: please specify by "using your PSTN" line, and what excatly you want to accomplish, please provide more detail info
19:34.50khfjfor example i connect British Telecom line on the FX0 port of the sipura3000
19:35.09khfjand my sip extension line on the port FXS
19:35.31khfjthe two line used by one phone
19:36.00Mike8861Daejeo: thanks, do i replace _9XXXXXX with the real pstn number ? or just left that alone ?
19:36.03khfjwhen i turn on the phone i use my sip line
19:36.14khfjhow to use pstn line ?
19:36.43*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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19:36.59jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
19:37.21unpaidbill<-- training to replace fender
19:37.26unpaidbilli kid i kid
19:39.08khfjis there any french iher ?
19:39.10Qwellunpaidbill: gonna have to do better than that
19:40.18Mike8861Daejeo: here is the dialplan,
19:40.21*** part/#asterisk iamhrh (n=iamhrh@
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19:46.37theharIs anyone familiar with idle images on a Polycom IP 600 on the 2.2.2 software?
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20:05.05jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
20:05.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (
20:05.50DaejeoUser can also call our application from the following numbers directly without dialing any pin or extension numbers.
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20:13.01jayteehas anyone here used SIPTAPI to do click to call from Outlook to another * user?
20:15.03unpaidbillso sleepy
20:15.07unpaidbilloops, wrong window
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20:19.42WildPikachugr0mit, ok ... i'm using a x-lite soft phone again now
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20:24.01gr0mitWildPikachu, working ok ?
20:24.11WildPikachu2.5 mins so far, hold thumbs
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20:26.07QwellGreat_Anta_Baka: "Great"?  A bit presumptuous, don't you think? :)
20:26.42WildPikachupast the 5 min mark gr0mit .... made over 20 test calls today, never got this far
20:27.06gr0mitwhat did you change?
20:27.56WildPikachucallprogress=yes  :)
20:28.03WildPikachufixed all my problems
20:28.18WildPikachuand i'm not even in us, uk or whatever it supportes
20:28.25WildPikachuvery very very very strange
20:28.26anonymouz666callprogress creates problems ;)
20:28.29gr0miti think it will have cancelled out anohther prpm
20:28.36WildPikachuanonymouz666, fixes mine  :(
20:28.48WildPikachugr0mit, yea
20:28.49gr0mitWildPikachu, I think there has to be more to this
20:28.57WildPikachuoh, that silence thing was off
20:29.09gr0mithmmm ok
20:29.09WildPikachugr0mit, i'm free to test out again tomorrow evening .... i just must get my usres happy
20:29.14WildPikachuthey were sooo angry today  :(
20:29.26gr0mithow many users?
20:29.39WildPikachu20-30 on x-lite, about 5 on proper phones
20:29.55gr0miteeew - thats a lot of angre peeps
20:29.56WildPikachua atcom had the same problem, MUCH WORSE than anything else, cut off after 30s
20:29.59WildPikachuthats also fixed
20:30.11gr0mitso 20-30 users on 3 analogue lines?!
20:30.21WildPikachui tested that first this evening while i got my vmware->rdesktop->ssh forwarded device -> office pbx up  ;)
20:30.30WildPikachugr0mit, 3 analogue, 2 premicells
20:30.37WildPikachumostly software support guys
20:30.41WildPikachuwait ...
20:30.41gr0mitah ok
20:30.48WildPikachuthere is more lines than that i think
20:30.55WildPikachuall x-lite calls were dropped
20:30.59WildPikachui confirmed with 5 users
20:31.07WildPikachuon 4-5 min mark, 100% reproducable
20:31.17WildPikachuthe atcom, before 1.5 min every single call
20:31.56WildPikachuthe snom's and grandstreams, no problem at all
20:32.13gr0mitWildPikachu, have you thought of using a local voip provider?
20:32.28WildPikachugr0mit, i got management issues there, i have investigated it, yes
20:32.43WildPikachuproblem is our dsl line is 4mbit, we have 2 of them, with 384k upload
20:32.53WildPikachumost of the day they maxed with oss iso downloads
20:33.16gr0mitbest thing is to use one line just for voip
20:33.22gr0mitrun G726
20:33.25WildPikachugr0mit, becomes very expensive  :(
20:33.48gr0mitmust be cheaper than telkom;s tariffs
20:33.54WildPikachunormal line is just about $20, then its $50 for the DSL portion, then its nearly $20 per phone number with 2 concurrent sessions
20:34.03WildPikachuexcluding bandwidth
20:34.09WildPikachuwhich is about $10 p/Gbyte
20:34.15WildPikachu(all rough values)
20:34.38gr0mitouch - expensive for phone numbers
20:34.59WildPikachuyep, i'm still in negotiations with them tho ... we're an isp wholesaler  :)
20:35.09gr0mitah ok
20:35.16WildPikachulooking to take a few trunks into our own pbx to supply to clients
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20:43.14jshriverWhat would cause a busy signal when dialing in even if the line is open?
20:44.10jbot[~centos52bug] There is a bug compiling Zaptel "xpp" (Astribank) driver with CentOS/RHEL 5.2.  Either uncheck it from MENUCONFIG, or please read the following for instructions on how to correct :
20:44.11jshriverSeems like I can call other asterisk servers, but when someone calls in using a pots line it's always busy even if it's open
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20:51.30jayteejshriver, the SIP phone is busy?
20:51.45jshriverthe phone line itself.
20:51.51jshriverpots phone coming in
20:52.19jayteepots line to FXO port in * to "then what?"
20:52.20jshriverwhen I check it with a plain phone the line sounds fine and I can call in, but when I plug it into the asterisk box it's always busy.  Seems like it just started that yesterday
20:53.11jayteedid this work before?
20:54.40unpaidbillhas anyone come across a firefox addon that does any type of click-to-dial stuff and has the source available
20:54.49jshrivermy boss left for vacation and I have about 1-2 hours ast experiance lol
20:55.10jayteeunpaidbill, no but I found one for Outlook that I just got working. If I come across a Firefox one I'll let you know.
20:55.37jayteejshriver, s'ok. we all start someplace and everyone is a noob at some point.
20:56.00jshriverI tried asterisk -r -vvvvvvvvv to see if I could see anything
20:56.08jshriverat one point it said something about congestion
20:56.13jshriverbut none of the phones where in use.
20:56.29jayteejschriver, so you are dialing in from a pots line to * and then where is the call supposed to go? to a sip phone? to an analog phone on an FXS port?
20:56.55jshriversupposed to go to a sip phone then another, then mailbox I believe
20:57.06jayteejshriver, do you know how to use pastebin to paste files?
20:57.29jshriverwhat I'm wondering is the main sip phone died, so I thought it was trying to ring that phone not seeing it, and just crapping out. So I took a spare sip phone set it up like the old main one. Didnt seem to help
20:57.39jshriverjaytee: yeah
20:57.48jshriverI'm not new, just new to * :)
20:57.57ManxPowerif an ip is not listed next to the phone in "sip show peers" then the phone is not registered
20:58.14jshriverbtw is there a command to see what phones are active/calls etc.. tried help but the list is huge
20:58.20jayteeok, first let's make sure your zap channels are good to go. type zap show channels at the CLI to check the status.
20:58.36unpaidbilljaytee yeah i think im going to write one
20:58.45jshriverlisted 2 extensions
20:58.52unpaidbilljust a simple regex to detect a phone #, that posts it to a cgi
20:59.27unpaidbilli'm hoping it isnt a pain in the ass to make ff extensions
21:00.02jayteejshriver, are the pots lines part of a hunt group?
21:00.21jayteeor do you know which zap channel is taking the call when you test it?
21:00.29jshriversorry dont understand hunt group? We have two cards in the box for 2 lines, but only using one of them
21:00.46jshrivertried putting the line on the other and didnt work and broke outgoing. So put it back to the original port1
21:00.54jayteejshriver, ok. pastebin your zapata.conf file please
21:01.04jshriverk will try, working remotely.
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21:01.39jayteeno problem, just take your time and then pastebin your extensions.conf too. I'm gonna run to the restroom and I'll be right back.
21:06.34unpaidbilloh wow, a .xpi is just a zip archive
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21:14.06jshriverHow do you set it to debug mode so I can see what's going on? I tried
21:14.09jshriverasterisk -r -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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21:16.42bijitany one play counter strike on slack?
21:17.12bijitsorry wrong irc
21:17.29jayteejshriver, your zapata.conf point your zap channels to the default context but you don't have one in your extensions.conf
21:17.39jshriverlet me check
21:18.11jshriverinclude => demo
21:18.32jshriversorry didnt copy the whole thing... I cut out the part that lists our other asterisk servers and phone names
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21:19.23jayteejshriver, ok because I didn't see a [default] in what you pasted
21:19.36jshriveris it possible it's a HW issue? I checked the backups and ran diffs they are the same so no file has been changed... only that the main phone is down
21:19.42jshriversorry about that
21:20.04jshriverthat's the only thing I can think of that's throwing it off.
21:20.09jshriverbut I might be wrong
21:20.11jayteewell, if the main phone is down you'll get a busy or fast busy because the call has no where to go
21:20.25jshriverwhere would I redirect that?
21:20.29jshriveror which file would have that.
21:20.41jayteeit would be in your extensions.conf
21:20.47jshriverok looking
21:21.18jayteecan you find the section of it that has the [default] context and pastebin that?
21:21.36jshriverdid above just says include => demo
21:21.44jshriverlooks like my boss went with a lot of defaults
21:22.08*** join/#asterisk Marcums (
21:22.22jayteeyeah, but I don't see a [demo] context either
21:22.37jshriversorry looking
21:22.43Marcumshey i have a question about using asterisk to setup an auto-dialer
21:22.51Marcumsset up*
21:23.08jayteeinclude => demo just means include the demo context within that context. if there's no match in the context it will then look in the include
21:24.55jshriveroperator doesnt look right
21:26.29Marcumscan anybody help me?
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21:27.44jayteenope, it doesn't. it's just pointing to an IAX device not a SIP device.
21:27.52jshriverwell the phones are IAX phones
21:28.05jayteeand what's the extension? 300?
21:28.10jayteecuz that's commented out
21:28.12jshriver500  300 was the old one
21:28.41jshriveriaxy1 is a weird little doggle that connects via ethernet and lets you use a pots phone on the * server
21:28.52jayteeok, but I don't see any matches for 500 as an extension except if the IAX call fails and then it goes to voicemail as user505
21:29.13jayteeso iaxyl is like a SIP/ATA adapter
21:29.18jayteeonly for IAX
21:29.42jshriverrest of the phones are sip phones
21:29.49jshriverlooks like iaxy1 is defined in iax.conf
21:29.53jayteeif you type IAX2 show peers at the CLI what do you get?
21:30.09jayteeany IAX phone or trunk is defined in iax.conf
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21:30.38jayteeif the extension was changed in extensions.conf but not in iax.conf that would break it
21:30.54jshriverok checking now...
21:31.24jayteeI'm getting ready to leave for the day but I'll be back on in an hour or so. What timezone are you in?
21:32.11jayteesame here
21:32.39jayteejshriver, you in Ohio?
21:32.40jshriverit's ok think I'm going to drive back to the office and work on it more.  I think you're on to something.. the iaxy doggle thing is what broke, so that phone is gone and it's 0 operator.. so wondering when someone calls in, it tries to call that line and just dies
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21:34.09jayteeIndianapolis here
21:34.17jshrivernot to far, think about 1.5 hours I've been told
21:34.24jshrivernot from here though semi-recent transplant :)
21:35.03jayteebut from looking at the demo context the call should make it as far as that and the call should be answered and then play the demo at least.
21:35.55jayteeare you getting that far and then entering the extension you want?
21:36.04jayteeor is it going busy before that?
21:36.53jayteeok, I'll be on later
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22:04.00DocfxitWhere is a good place to upload a file for all to see?
22:05.08lesouvageI have a persistent problem with sip nat traversal with a sip trunk that runs on every server I tried it on except for the server it should run on.  I have paste sip.conf to .  Did I missed something in what should be in sip.conf. (is also an aswer to Docfxit question) is a nice place to paste a file for all to see
22:06.32DocfxitGreat Thanks.
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22:14.12ManxPowerthe 6060 port might do it
22:14.47unpaidbillwow that was easy as hell.  i now have highlight -> right click -> dial in firefox!
22:15.29ManxPowerThey'll pry my hardphone from my cold dead hands
22:15.58lesouvageManxPower: don't ask me why but that is the port they use for sip signaling. Is the rest as it should be (I checked, double checked and read lots on this subject on the internet but there is always a change of missing the obvious)
22:16.38ManxPowerlesouvage: did you confirm the firewall is forwarding UDP 6060 and not UDP 5060?
22:17.47ManxPowerlesouvage: do you use SRV?
22:17.55lesouvageManxPower: I don't have access to the firewall myself, they are doing this for me. I ask them to portforward udp 6060 and udp 10000 to 20000.
22:18.12ManxPowerlesouvage: come back when you can confirm it
22:18.44lesouvageManxPower: but the sip looks ok to you?
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22:19.32ManxPowerlesouvage: other than the oddball incoming port number, np.
22:19.59lesouvageManxPower: Thanks!
22:20.12ManxPowerI expect that or the firewall is your problem
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22:32.51jshriverhi again
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22:44.10lesouvageManxPower: what does srv stands for?
22:50.07lesouvageManxPower: is setting a SRV record something that is done on feature rich firewalls?
22:50.32JTsrv is googleable new words
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22:52.03Moudmencan anybody plaese help me restore my g729 license ?
22:52.18Moudmeni have the .lic file from the old installation
22:52.55drmessanoYou need to talk to digium support
22:53.29Moudmenbut in the README they said that keeping the .lic file will let me restore the license without having to talk to digium
22:53.56MoudmenThis will help prevent you ***
22:53.56Moudmen*** from needing to contact Digium to request authorization to increment your ***
22:53.56Moudmen*** G.729 key and from needing to purchase a new G.729 key if you exceed the ***
22:53.56Moudmen*** maximum number of G.729 key increments allowed.
22:54.00Moudmenthis is in the README
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22:59.05drmessanoIs it the same box?
22:59.43drmessanoI mean, not that it MATTERS, but why are you AGAINST calling DIGIUM for SUPPORT?
22:59.49Moudmenyeah dr0ck
22:59.53Moudmendrmessano same box
22:59.57Moudmenim not against
23:00.01Moudmenbut it's listed
23:00.17Moudmenin the README
23:00.53drmessanoI'm not even sure what this conversation is about at this point.  Digium support can help you.
23:01.20drmessanoIf there's not instructions in the README
23:01.22Moudmenokay okay, i already msgd them anyway, but it's via email, i wish they had live chat, i need to do this fast
23:01.24drmessanoand you don't know HOW
23:03.00*** join/#asterisk unenough (
23:03.23unenoughhi, i installed VoiceGlue but as a * newbie i can't figure how to direct incoming calls to it
23:03.33unenoughwhat do I need to write in extensions.conf?
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23:04.25Drunktardis there any good asterisk AMI perl module?
23:07.35outtoluncthere is always asterisk-perl
23:07.55outtoluncbut you could just use net::telnet for that matters
23:08.59Drunktardwell i'm interested in parsing whatever happens in the console, thought it was already done
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23:09.21outtoluncthe console is the CLI not AMI
23:09.45Drunktardright, the AMI that is
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23:10.26Drunktardi'm just trying to provide an interface to asterisk events, just know a few things about asterisk...
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23:28.44unenoughin extensions.conf, how do I redirect a call to an extension in another context?
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23:33.13[netman]unenough: goto
23:33.37unenough[netman], i'm a asterisk newbie, can you be more explicit?
23:34.00[netman]I'm asterisk newbie too... I'd have to check the documentation
23:34.12[netman]but I remember it's something like goto
23:34.33[netman]in dialplan functions
23:36.52[netman]it was an application, not function , sorry
23:46.07jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or see ~buybook
23:46.37jayteethe applications and functions are documented in the Appendices at the end of the book.
23:47.25drmessanoI had my appendices taken out
23:47.26rift0rnice, my polycom 550 came in today
23:47.32rift0ris excited to play
23:47.50jayteeme too, I've got a 501 and a 550 to test and play with.
23:48.06jayteeI got Click2Dial from Outlook working with * today! psyched!
23:48.11drmessanoI have a shipment of Budgetone 101s coming in from Tunisia
23:48.27jayteelol, livin on the edge!
23:48.50rift0rdrmessano how much
23:49.31drmessanoCan't talk about it.. It's highly classified
23:49.35drmessanoAs a matter of fact
23:49.45drmessanoI am redacting this chat window as we speak
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23:51.12teknoprepdoes asterisk work inside of xen with virtual extension CPU ?
23:51.43teknoprepnow i know the hardcore nutjobs in here love bare-metal servers with asterisk... but i am asking a real question with the idea of a real answer
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23:52.15drmessanoHA.. that's a good way to get an answer..
23:52.21teknoprepyup it is
23:52.32teknoprepbecause its the truth ?
23:52.40teknoprepand ppl can't handle the idea of being honest ?
23:52.55drmessanoAsterisk does run much better on bare metal
23:53.13teknoprepoh i read that wrong
23:53.17teknoprepi understand what you are saying
23:53.24teknoprepnow i understand its not asterisk that is the problem
23:53.40teknoprepbut the timing issue behind the guest kernel and the host kernel
23:54.05teknoprepi have asterisk running on a vmware server running.. vmware server 2.0 beta... with centos 5]
23:54.28teknoprepi then used the kernel that they have in there yum repo for proper vm timing... and it worked great
23:54.38teknoprepi was just wondering if the same scenario existed for xen
23:55.13drmessanoYou know, asterisk works really well on bare metal

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