IRC log for #asterisk on 20080625

00:04.29*** join/#asterisk flyn_ (
00:04.44froyany people in here with clue about ztdummy?
00:04.50flyn_Is anyone familiar with the realtime LDAP driver?
00:05.10ThoMeso. good night.
00:05.23ThoMesuccessful upgrade from asterisk 1.2X to 1.4
00:05.30Strom_Cfroy: what about ztdummy?
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00:05.55froyI've got the ztdummy module installed, and zttest sees it, but I can't build a trunk...
00:06.26froyI'm wondering if I have to stick something in zaptel.conf that makes it see the "unconfigured" ztdummy
00:06.34Strom_Cyou shouldn't have to
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00:06.50Strom_Cdid you load asterisk /after/ loading ztdummy?
00:07.02froyyes.  I've restarted asterisk several times.
00:07.09echelonunpaidbill: so i can create an extension for an external sip address?
00:07.12Strom_Cok -- does chan_zap load?
00:07.28froyztcfg -v shows 0 channels configured.. is that right for ztdummy?
00:07.42Strom_Cyes, but that's not what i'm asking about
00:07.47Strom_Cdoes asterisk load chan_zap?
00:07.56froyis looking
00:08.18echelonis it possible to create a local extension for an external SIP address?
00:08.27Strom_Cechelon: YES
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00:08.31Strom_Cread the damned book
00:08.35echeloni can't find it
00:08.44Strom_Chave you no patience?
00:08.52Strom_CREAD, not skim
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00:10.39froyyup, looks like it did.
00:11.05Strom_Cok -- so what's the error you're getting?
00:11.16froyso I guess the pseudo is the ztdummy?
00:11.21froystella*CLI> zap show channels
00:11.35Strom_Cyes -- and please stop pasting stuff unnecessarily...
00:11.53froyJun 24 18:11:38 WARNING[16764]: chan_iax2.c:8662 build_user: Unable to support trunking on user 'lumpnet' without zaptel timing
00:12.48Strom_Chm, odd...what version of zaptel / asterisk / linux?
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00:13.24froyzaptel-1.2.24, asterisk-1.2.27, gentoo.
00:13.58Strom_Cwhich linux kernel version?
00:15.17froymaybe my problem is that I'm trying this in a vmware host, since timing sucks on vmware, but still, it should still see the ztdummy there.
00:15.24Strom_Ci'm curious why you're running a hemorrhaging-edge version of the kernel and an old version of asterisk
00:16.04froyI very recently upgraded the kernel, and the latest stable asterisk in gentoo portage is still 1.2.x
00:16.31froyI guess I could go to 1.4, but I'd have to go to what is considered unstable for gentoo right now...
00:16.49Strom_Cinstalling asterisk from a package never tends to work right
00:17.23froyinstalling from a package and installing from an ebuild are two separate things ;)
00:17.29Strom_CMy only hunch is that perhaps there's something about the latest kernel that's not working right with the older zaptel
00:17.33Strom_Cblah blah blah blah blah
00:17.52Strom_Cplease don't give me that typical "It's not a package !!!" gentoo crap
00:18.03Strom_Cfor all intents and purposes, it's still a package :)
00:18.46froywell, yeah, but you don't have library problems, and the build won't work if you do, so it's kind of different, wouldn't you say?
00:19.47froyall an ebuild really does is do what you would do when you manually install... it just does it in a standbox first and then keeps track of all the stuff that will be installed.
00:20.05echelonStrom_C: you need to set up a peer first?
00:20.34Strom_Cechelon: look, I can answer specific technical questions, but I'm not going to sit here and walk you through the whole process.
00:20.40Strom_Cat least not for free.
00:20.54echelonwell i'm not asking you to
00:20.57echelonjust a yes or no
00:21.08Strom_Cechelon: it's a far more complicated answer than what you're asking
00:21.16*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:22.56coreyf52if i build asterisk-1.6beta9 on a test box and sip peer it with my live asterisk 1.4 box, do i risk any instability on the live box?
00:22.59Strom_Cfroy: what zaptel modules do you have loaded besides ztdummy>
00:23.13Strom_Ccoreyf52: not as such, no
00:23.31froycan I paste?  hah.
00:23.37jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
00:23.48coreyf52Strom_C: great thanks
00:23.58froyit's just four lines, but okay.
00:24.25Strom_Cwell, list them on one line then
00:24.54froyzttranscode, ztdummy, zaptel, crc_ccitt
00:25.11froyI think zttranscode got stuffed in there when I tried adding the ztdummy to zaptel.conf
00:26.11Strom_Cthe only thing I can think of, then, is some weirdness between the kernel and the module
00:26.19echelonwhy can't i just do.. Channel: SIP/<number>\n ??
00:26.30froyokay, I'll keep hacking at it.
00:26.39froythanks for all your kind input.
00:26.40Strom_Cfroy: try 1.4, just for kicks
00:27.10froydoes 1.4 use the same 1.2 zaptel stuff?
00:27.13NovceGuruhmm..I thought HP had a procurve 24 port switch with 8 poe ports for ~$500
00:27.18Strom_Cno, there's zaptel 1.4 too
00:28.30froywill I have to upgrade the other side of the trunk?  hrm.
00:28.43froythat side has prod stuff going on :)
00:29.20flyn_I'm trying to migrate a flat file sip.conf to LDAP, get "SIP/user-08cba848 is circuit-busy."
00:29.47Strom_Cfroy: no
00:30.07froyokay, thanks.
00:37.38*** join/#asterisk jbot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:37.38*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14) Asterisk 1.4.21 (2008/06/12) Asterisk 1.2.29 (2008/06/03), *-Addons 1.4.6 (2008/02/21) 1.6.0-beta3 (2008/04/02), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.4 (2008/...) -=- #asterisknow or #asterisk-gui for AsteriskNOW ( -=- #switchvox for Switchvox ( -=- #freepbx for FreePBX/trixbox
00:52.09echeloni can't find anything related in the book!
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00:56.00flyn_It seems my problem was related to the use of fullcontact / AstAccountFullContact. Removing this attribute from my LDAP entries fixed my problem.
00:57.28froyIt works!
00:58.04froyStrom_C: asterisk 1.4 works.
00:58.20froywell, there you go ;)  *giggle*
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00:58.47froyapparently all the worthwhile zaptel development is in 1.4 these days, eh? :)
00:59.18Strom_C1.2 is very close to being completely EOL'd
00:59.20froythanks Strom_C
00:59.38froywow, I didn't know that.
00:59.56Strom_Conce 1.6 is released, 1.2 goes away
01:00.36froyand it's working on vm(clocks suck)ware, too.
01:05.18*** join/#asterisk jeev (
01:07.46froyokay, vmware still sucks.
01:08.09froyI guess I'll have to install it on the host OS.
01:09.29froythe audio gets choppy and the call eventually dies.  vmware's "patent pending" clock still needs lots of work IMHO
01:09.40froyanyway, thanks again for your help!
01:09.43froygoes /home
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02:03.36NovceGurudoes anybody deal with time warners business phone service?
02:03.49NovceGuruwondered if they were just sip trunks or actual POTS lines
02:04.04jeevnope, their cable modem only
02:04.20jeevand unfortunately, i put myself on the technical contact and the moron woman never pays so i find myself getting collection calls
02:04.44NovceGuruhaha nice
02:05.00NovceGuru"sure, sir, we'll change the number, we've NEVER heard that one before"
02:06.13NovceGuruthey're offering 5m x 768k internets and 6 phone lines for 336/month
02:06.40NovceGuruso obviously they're either POTS lines, or they're subtracting bandwidth before those speed stats
02:06.51NovceGurubut, they don't own the
02:07.54NovceGuru"Business Class Phone. Time Warner Cable Business Class Phone provides small businesses with a reliable, digital voice service that includes unlimited..."
02:08.16NovceGuruIntresting to see what device they have giving 6 phone lines
02:10.30jeevthey're expensive
02:10.39NovceGurucheaper then the telco :|
02:11.09NovceGurubut if they're just voip lines then I'll just keep a line or 2 from the telco and get the voip trunks from elsewhere
02:11.40jeevknowing them..
02:11.44jeevit has to be voip eh
02:11.50jeevhow do cable companies pull off phone without voip ?
02:12.12NovceGuruWell yeah thats what I was getting at when I pasted their quote
02:12.16NovceGuru"Digital voice service"
02:12.25JTcable companies almost always use VoIP to deliver phone
02:12.46JTalthough in theory it is possible to run TDM over a cable network
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02:16.57kashso uhm, where do i get suppserv.h
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02:25.56echelonIf I want to setup an extension that transfers the call to a number on a remote asterisk server? I would have to set up a peer?
02:26.19Nasraany1 in here know the Rogers box ....kind of a Toronto..
02:26.21kashuse SIP/||tr
02:26.33Strom_Ckash: don't use 't' or 'r' unless necessary
02:26.37Strom_C'r' is particularly evil
02:26.50Strom_Cdo you even know what 'r' does?
02:27.22Strom_Cthen don't use it
02:27.39Strom_Cit forces ringing on the channel and overrides all other inband progress, i.e. disconnected or changed number recordings...
02:27.42Strom_Cor busy signals...
02:28.08jayteeoh, that's handy to know!
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02:28.54echelonso how would i set the extension?
02:29.06Strom_Cechelon: have you read ANY of the book?
02:30.34echelonexten => 411,1,Dial(SIP/
02:31.23Strom_Cassuming that proxy takes unauthenticated calls like that...
02:31.33Strom_Cwell, good
02:31.42echeloni was able to reach it directly
02:31.45Strom_Cthen you didn't need to go kvetching about in here while you tried that now, did you
02:33.02kashStrom_C, where can i get the misdn package
02:35.16echelonok, i reloaded
02:36.19echelonthat's what it said after i made the call
02:36.44echelonis that enough to transfer?
02:36.56*** part/#asterisk shido6 (
02:37.10Strom_Cechelon: what do you mean "transfer"?
02:37.55echelonafter i call extension 411 on the local asterisk server, it should redirect to the specified number
02:38.10echelonlet me paste the entire log
02:38.39*** part/#asterisk hads (n=hads@
02:39.08echelonwhen i called directly from the softphone, it went through
02:39.29echelonso i'm guessing the redirect isn't taking place?
02:40.47Strom_Cechelon: that's not a transfer
02:41.04echelonwhat's happening then?
02:41.11Strom_Cyou're bridging multiple call legs together
02:42.00echelonexten => 411,1,Dial(SIP/||tr) ..i should do this?
02:42.24Strom_Cno no no no and no.
02:42.34Strom_Clook at the error messages
02:42.36Strom_Cthe call is timing out
02:43.10Strom_Cso why do you expect the options for "enable inband #-activated transfer" and "force ringing tone" to fix that problem?
02:43.55echelonwhen i call it works fine
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02:45.41Strom_Cyes, but that's not what I asked you
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02:48.11echeloni thought a transfer was what i was trying to do?
02:48.37Strom_Cwhat did I say earlier
02:48.55Strom_Cyou should go read the book THOROUGHLY
02:48.59Strom_Cand then give it another go
02:49.02Strom_Cperhaps also read this:
02:49.05jbothmm... 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
02:49.22*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
02:49.37Strom_Cechelon: i know you want it to work right now, but you need to sit down and learn what the hell you're doing before you hurt yourself.
02:50.12Hadi-is there a howto online on how to install asterisk with the res_config_pgsql module?
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02:56.25klathzaztin my voicemail.conf file- I want to use externnotify to execute a script.  Can I use ${VM_CALLERID} as a parameter here?
03:01.46*** join/#asterisk suma (
03:02.32sumai need help in maintaining high volume asterisk servers
03:02.38sumawhat are the things i need to take care ?
03:02.47Strom_Cdo you have a specific question, or are you looking for a consultant?
03:03.10sumaMy employer is going to deploy High Volume Asterisk Servers
03:03.29sumaHe asked me to prepare the checklist, I'm just blank
03:03.44Strom_Cso you need a consultant, then.
03:04.05sumamay be
03:04.13sumaHow would I get such information ?
03:04.27Strom_Cwell, any high-volume job has to be tailored to its exact application
03:04.31Strom_Cthere is no single "how-to"
03:04.59Strom_Cwhat kind of call volume are you going to handle?
03:05.42sumaaround 50,000 calls in one hour
03:05.49sumaIt is for an IVR solution
03:06.01sumaand call origination
03:08.13Strom_Cok -- what's that in terms of erlangs?
03:08.31Strom_C(I'm assuming you've run your erlang formulae already...)
03:09.27sumaI should have this formula for each asterisk server ?
03:09.55Strom_Care you familiar with the erlang formulae?
03:10.43sumaCalls per hour
03:10.59suma10K erlangs
03:11.37sumayes it is 10K erlangs
03:12.45Strom_Cso each call lasts an average of 12 minutes?
03:12.58echelonit worked!
03:13.13unpaidbilland you didnt even have to learn anything in the process!
03:13.37echelonyou were watching this entire time?
03:13.38suma60 minutes each call
03:13.49unpaidbilli am always watching.
03:14.00suma10,000 x 60 /60
03:14.01Strom_Csuma: that's not 10,000 erlangs for 50,000 60-minute calls in an hour
03:14.01echelonbeyond sadistic
03:14.18Strom_C50,000 one-hour calls in an hour is 50,000 erlangs
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03:14.49Strom_Cso essentially what you're telling me is that you're just taking stabs in the dark here and you really don't know what you're doing
03:14.56Strom_CI would seriously recommend you hire a consultant
03:15.08Strom_Cyou are going to drown if you try to take this project on alone
03:15.39stupidnicis there some place I can read up about what the different syntax options mean for something like ${EXTEN:0, :1} etc mean
03:15.41unpaidbilli'm a fan of the furlong myself.
03:15.43sumano there are group, but I need to present to my Project Manager regarding technical needs
03:15.48[TK]D-FenderStrom_C: Arrrgh matey!
03:16.20unpaidbillman, i wish openoffice had a command line print utility
03:16.28Strom_Csuma: you need to run some serious traffic analysis formulae before you even begin to think about technical needs
03:16.37unpaidbillyou should see this .doc email->fax shit i am doing
03:16.39unpaidbillit's retarded.
03:17.00stupidnicunpaidbill: interfax?
03:17.04sumaAnywhere I can look for the same ?
03:17.20stupidnicxml to fax gateway provider
03:17.22Strom_Csuma: that's what the erlang formulae are
03:17.25klathzaztsuma: where are you located? I know some consultants in NYC area
03:17.44Strom_CI do consulting in the los angeles area (and remotely everywhere)
03:17.46sumaI'm in longmont, CO
03:18.51stupidnichow can I strip the IAX2/2001-3 passed to VoiceMailMain to be just the extension?
03:19.01Strom_Cstupidnic: use the CUT function
03:19.20sumaStrom_C: what will be the outcome of the traffic analysis ?
03:19.33sumaIf I were asked to broadcast a file to 10,000 users, what I need to consider ?
03:19.40klathzazthey stupidnic, you might be able to help me here:  in my voicemail.conf file- I want to use externnotify to execute a script.  Can I use ${VM_CALLERID} as a parameter here?
03:19.42[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: And that is not an EXTENSION.  That is a channel based on the IAX2 PEER
03:20.24stupidnic[TK]D-Fender: well when I call VoiceMailMain() with ${EXTEN} that is what gets passwed to it
03:20.25Strom_Csuma: it will give you a close enough approximation of real-world numbers to begin figuring out what kind of hardware you need to build out
03:20.36echelonbut now that i have the extension set up, how do i associate it with a Channel?
03:20.51stupidnicklathzazt: I haven't a clue man. Sorry
03:21.01[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: And you could use CUT, or if the length and position of the portion you want to isolate is assured and consistent you can just strip it from the variable directly.
03:21.03sumaStrom_C: that is awesome, thanks for the heads up
03:21.28stupidnic[TK]D-Fender: any specific examples for that? does it regex/preg?
03:22.32Strom_Csuma: may I PM you?
03:22.37stupidnic[TK]D-Fender: thanks... that is what I was looking for... I couldn't find a reference to that syntax using my search terms
03:22.59klathzazt[TK]D-Fender: can I use asterisk variables in conf files?
03:23.34sumaStrom_C: sure
03:23.39[TK]D-Fenderklathzazt: USE them? Not really.
03:25.15[TK]D-Fenderklathzazt: Well... you can use them in extensions.conf (and related) anyways ;)
03:25.19klathzazt[TK]D-Fender: I wanted to use externnotify string in teh conf file so that it calls a script when a voicemail is left- but I don't see a way to send parameters to the script- so it is essentially useless.  Is there another way I can provision for voicemail calling for external application?
03:25.21echelonok.. i tried to enter that into the APM, and got the error below..
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03:26.03echelonasterisk manager*
03:26.13klathzazt[TK]D-Fender: so that would work then- I can use VM_CALLERID there- so that when the string is evaluated (execute the script) it would execute with the proper params.
03:31.48stupidnic[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your guidance... that got me where I needed to be. I eventually went with ${CHANNEL:5:4} to get the extension to pass to VoiceMailMain
03:32.16[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: Now that will work with IAX2, but not SIP clearly...
03:32.32stupidnicyeah all clients are IAXy boxes
03:32.32[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: What is the callerid on your device?
03:32.47stupidnicwe set it global to the default CID for the company
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03:32.58stupidnicless heartache dealing with NAT
03:33.04[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: I mean in your IAX2 peeer itself?
03:33.43stupidnicI did try CALLERID(num) but it defaulted to the global one for some reason
03:34.00stupidnicI assume its a global thing in asterisknow
03:34.12[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: "NO COMMENT"
03:34.34[TK]D-Fenderstupidnic: You could also set a variable inside your IAX2 peer itself, but thats outside the scope of the GUI as well.
03:40.47stupidnicYeah I have found many of the things I am trying to do "outside the scope of the gui"
03:41.08stupidnicI went with teh gui because I didn't want to be the one maintaining the installation
03:41.18stupidnicbut at the end of the day, it turns out I won't get that lucky
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03:42.53unpaidbilli dont suppose any of you have use asterisk to integrate with a security alarm modem
03:43.31unpaidbillhaha holy fuck AlarmReceiver
03:43.36unpaidbillgod i love asterisk
03:45.30stupidnicI only wish asterisk came out a couple of years earlier... then I wouldn't have had to suffer through the NEC NX2000 unit I had to maintain at my employer for 7 years
03:45.59stupidnicusing the command line to edit config files is like using Windows XP compared to that things interface
03:47.17*** join/#asterisk mike8901 (
03:47.37echelonif an extension 411 exists, would the Channel be SIP/411?
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03:48.05stupidniconly if it is registered under that name
03:48.12stupidnicin sip.conf as [411]
03:48.30mike8901is anyone here familiar with trixbox(since no one seems to be active in that channel)?
03:48.36echelonstupidnic: what if the account is registered on a remote server?
03:48.58stupidnicthen you would call it via the registered peer identifier
03:49.01rickbradleyshould I still see in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ under asterisk 1.6.1?
03:49.11echelonpeer identifier?
03:49.38stupidnicchannel Id a better term?
03:49.43unpaidbillok this is so goddamn awesome. Wait("Zap/1-1", "5") in new stack .... AlarmReceiver("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack... == AlarmReceiver: Received Event 2305181132010198
03:49.47unpaidbillcan i believe it. no
03:49.58stupidnicwhat ever the correct term is
03:50.25unpaidbillok im going home
03:50.27unpaidbillgood day to you sirs.
03:51.04*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
03:51.11stupidnicbeer + TF2 == awesome
03:51.17stupidnicand with that... I am out
03:52.14[TK]D-Fendermike8901: trixbox is NOT supported here.
03:52.22TrentCreekit is now
03:52.31echelonso how does asterisk differentiate between a register user and a peer?
03:52.44rickbradleyI'd had this tdm400p working under 1.4, then upgraded the machine's OS completely and put on 1.6.1 and now the lights on the wildcard are on on the 2 configured ports, and I "hear" the local phone port is connected but no dialtone and chan_zap isn't in the modules list
03:52.54jbotfrom memory, peer is the most elusive script kiddie this side of Jupiter
03:53.08echelon~peer ?
03:53.08jboti guess peer is the most elusive script kiddie this side of Jupiter
03:53.30echelonyeah, that's helpful
03:54.45TrentCreekWell, who knows why when I call a foreign exchange and the dial tone changes, asterisk considers that answered?
03:55.00[TK]D-Fenderrickbradley: ..... there is no Asterisk 1.6.1....
03:55.29[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: What are you placing your call on?
03:55.34echelonwhere do i make a server definition?
03:55.38rickbradleyhm.  maybe I ended up on trunk rather than a tagged branch!
03:55.42TrentCreekAn ATA
03:55.47[TK]D-Fenderechelon: What kind of "server"?
03:55.50*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:55.50rickbradleygoes back to svn and makes sure he didn't screw up
03:56.00echelon[TK]D-Fender: so i can set up a "peer identifier"
03:56.00[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: No.  What is your means of reaching the PSTN <-
03:56.13[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Depends on the protocol.
03:56.16TrentCreekVOIP termination service
03:56.29[TK]D-Fenderechelon: easy.  sip.conf
03:56.44rickbradleyyep.  I'm on trunk.
03:56.52[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Could be they consider the call answered as soon as they accept it from you regardless of any extra call progress.
03:57.48TrentCreekI am just looking at the call progress ,,it was already accepted, rang a few american tones, then changes to foreign tone
03:58.22[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Yes, but through SIP, * doesn't care about tones.  SIP is*is* your signalling.
03:58.37[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: So you're out of luck.
03:59.34echelondo i need to set a password for a peer?
04:00.48echelonsince they're registered on a remote server?
04:01.26[TK]D-Fenderechelon: You SHOULD.  And since when does your * know or care, or have anything to do with a "registration" on any OTHER server?
04:01.55TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: I am using IAX2 for termination, if that helps
04:02.05[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Nope, same boat.
04:02.12[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Titanic ][
04:02.56echelon[TK]D-Fender: all I'm trying to do is set up a Channel Id so I can invite them to the conference using a call file
04:03.02TrentCreekso NOTHING can be done about it? I would sure hate to get a calling card biz started and get 10,000 complaints about being charged for calls they attemped to make
04:03.11echelonchannel id for a user that's not on the local server
04:03.37*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
04:03.47[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Blame your PROVIDER.  They are the ones not passing progress to you.
04:04.05[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Look at any phone setup.  Thats all any peer is.
04:04.32echelonhow do you mean?
04:04.51TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: I just checked my CDR..seems showing some same calls that were not actually answered, but others do not appear
04:05.02[TK]D-Fenderechelon: You make a peer so a phone you have can pace calls through *.  Same for "coming from a server".  Every call is "just another call"
04:05.21[TK]D-Fenderechelon: "server" is not some magical word.  It has no meaning.  A call is a call is a call.
04:05.56echeloni see
04:10.04echelonso this is enough? [411]\n type=peer\n secret=blahblahblah\n username=18004664411\n ?
04:10.36[TK]D-Fenderechelon: it could be... if thats what the OTHER side is expecting.
04:11.07echelonbut the password wouldn't be necessary at all, since i won't be logging in locally
04:11.31[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Now that looks like your typical ITSP.  Some ITSP's send you calls where they don't expect to gt challenged for calls.  That is another matter.
04:11.39[TK]D-Fenderechelon: .. HUH!?"
04:11.51[TK]D-Fenderechelon: "logging in locally"... wtf?
04:12.01echelonlogging into the local asterisk box
04:12.20[TK]D-Fenderechelon: your eggs are well scrambled...
04:12.49[TK]D-Fenderechelon: what is this "you" you are referring to?  "Logged in"?  Whats that supposed to mean?
04:13.09[TK]D-Fenderechelon: Perhaps you shuold be more thorough in your description of the pieces in play.
04:13.28echeloni just need that peer id setup so I can invite the remote user to the conference
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04:14.32echelon[TK]D-Fender: to automate a call I need to create a call file right?
04:15.15[TK]D-Fenderechelon: define "automate".  And there is AMI Originate which is equivalent to "call files" as well, as well as "originate" from * CLI.
04:16.42echelonto have asterisk call the remote user and connect it to the Conference room
04:17.24[TK]D-Fenderechelon: yes, fo * to place the call, and not be initiated from an existing channel for the purpose of bridging, yes.
04:17.36Alpha_AIim getting this error
04:17.41Alpha_AIcan someone help me?
04:17.55echelonAlpha_AI: why don't you just ask your quiestion
04:17.57Alpha_AI[Jun 25 14:13:09] NOTICE[2544] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from, request '61734397063@incoming' does not exist
04:18.32pputmanAlpha_AI, do you have that extension in the incoming context?
04:18.33Alpha_AII tried to make an incoming call to 61734397063
04:18.33echelon[TK]D-Fender: so how would i invoke a call with a remote user?
04:18.44[TK]D-Fenderechelon: VOODOO.
04:18.55echelonusing originate in CLI?
04:19.17[TK]D-FenderAlpha_AI: Its telling you exactly what extension it is looking for and in which context.  It clearly isn't finding a match in there.  Go fix it.
04:19.21Alpha_AIyes I do have that extension in there.
04:19.44[TK]D-Fenderechelon: In CLI you would type the command right on the line like any other command you'd issue there.
04:19.55[TK]D-FenderAlpha_AI: * begs to differ.
04:20.02[TK]D-FenderAlpha_AI: PASTEBIN your dilaplan.
04:20.05jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
04:21.06echelonwhat's tech/data?
04:21.52[TK]D-Fenderechelon: "core show application dial"
04:21.56echelonoriginate <conference exten #> <remote user exten #> ?
04:22.27[TK]D-Fenderechelon: READ
04:23.06Strom_C[TK]D-Fender: he's been steadfastly refusing to read the book or the documentation all day
04:23.09Strom_Ci wouldn't bother
04:23.20echeloni _am_ reading
04:23.50Strom_Cechelon: you need to step away from the computer, read through the book, and then come back
04:24.11echelonhow am i supposed to call a remote user if the only parameter it asks for is Channel Id?
04:24.29echelonSIP/user@remotehost ?
04:24.29Alpha_AII think i fix it
04:24.35Alpha_AIbut i got another error now
04:24.38Alpha_AIchan_sip.c: No such host: 100
04:25.14pputmanAlpha_AI, that doesn't help at all without pastebin'ing more information, such as the console logs...
04:25.49Alpha_AIoh ok
04:26.01Alpha_AIim using asterisknow how do i get access to a copy of the dialplan
04:26.38[TK]D-FenderAlpha_AI: if you don't even know what the dialplan is, stop right now, downlaod the book and get reading.  You're trying to run without even knowing what LEGS are.
04:26.41*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
04:26.52echeloni know what a dialplan is
04:27.12echelonAlpha_AI: extensions.conf
04:27.13pputmanor trying to call without knowing what call LEGS are :/
04:27.14[TK]D-FenderAlpha_AI: And most things in AsteriskNOW are controlled through the GUI which is not supported here anyways.  Please read the channel topic for links to their support channel
04:27.15Alpha_AIi got it to work
04:27.23Alpha_AIi received an incoming call
04:27.29Alpha_AIthe instructions from the provider were wrong
04:27.37Alpha_AIi hate that part the most
04:33.04Alpha_AInow i can make outbound calls
04:41.29echelonthis is the address i'm trying to reach.. ..what format would it's channel format be?
04:41.37echelonif i wanted to use it in a Dial() parameter
04:41.49*** join/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
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04:48.16echelonoi.. that's a lot better
05:01.02*** join/#asterisk ViKing78 (
05:03.24macros73Getting smacked around on a new PiAF / Asterisk 1.6b9.  I have two test extensions defined and registered.  Calls from one to the other return 404 errors.  Any advice?
05:04.15TrentCreekwhy not try new asterisk with a new product?
05:05.24gitguyasterisk with new product?
05:06.07[TK]D-Fendermacros73: I advise you to see WHAT is 404-ing and fix it.
05:06.51TrentCreekyou did say NEW PiaF, but using an old version of asterisk
05:07.33macros73Bloody everything is 404'ing.  Okay, Wireshark shows a 401 first.
05:07.51macros73Invite, 401, Ack, Invite, 404, ACK, Options, OK.
05:07.54[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Stop looking at wireshark.  You should be looking at SIP debug from * CLI.
05:08.16[TK]D-Fendermacros73: And pastebin is your friend....
05:10.46macros73okay, enagled sip debug for peer 102
05:19.34macros73I think it's trying to NAT on the local LAN
05:20.01macros73sending to (NAT), but there's no need to NAT on the LAN.
05:20.33[TK]D-Fendermacros73: almost a complete viewpoint...
05:20.42[TK]D-Fendermacros73: jsut missing critical backup
05:21.04macros73[TK]D-Fender: Which would be...?
05:21.22[TK]D-Fendermacros73: You showed who it was contacting, not where it expects an answer to be sent to.
05:22.00[TK]D-Fendermacros73: if its on the local LAN, it is still being sent to the right IP.
05:22.07[TK]D-Fendermacros73: so that is not itself a problem.
05:26.28*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
05:26.34macros73[TK]D-Fender: Peer audio RTP is at port, Looking for 102 in from-internal (domain, reliably transmitting (NAT) to, SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
05:27.02[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Congratulations, that officially pins it as a DIALPLAN error.
05:27.21[TK]D-Fendermacros73: "Looking for 102 in from-internal"
05:27.40[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Pretty blatant message there...
05:28.40*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
05:29.24macros73[TK]D-Fender: Okay.  Aside from "Fix it", what should I check next?
05:29.56[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Its telling you exactly what extensio the call is targeting and in which context.  You clearly don't have a match there....
05:32.00kmshanahis there a simpler way to get the number of the extension initiating a call than pulling a substring out of the ${CHANNEL} variable?
05:32.55unpaidbillcaller id?
05:33.16kmshanahthis is to set the caller id in the outgoing context, based on the caller's extension
05:33.51[TK]D-Fenderkmshanah: "core show function IAXPEER" , "core show function SIPCHANINFO"
05:35.24kmshanah[TK]D-Fender: ah, that's what I need - thanks :)
05:35.57*** part/#asterisk rickbradley (
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05:39.40unpaidbillwtf, the ademco contact id protocol isnt free? those bastards.
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05:46.57macros73[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your pointers earlier.  My PC died, now I'm on the laptop trying to fix the PC, so...the phone system will have to wait.
05:48.13[TK]D-Fendermacros73: Well that last message tels you exaclty whats wrong and where to go to fix it.  Not a guessing game and this shouldn't take more than a moment to correct.
05:48.44unpaidbillwhen it rains it pours, macros
05:49.11unpaidbilland apparently the spec for SIA contact id isnt pay-for.. damn misinformationing me
05:51.01macros73[TK]D-Fender: If I knew my way around a dialplan, that would be true. :)  from-internal points to from-internal-transfer, which includes several other items..
05:51.38[TK]D-Fendermacros73: No matter, it ain't Raw-Cat Science.
05:59.50[TK]D-FenderAlright, bed time.  Later all.
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06:14.51echelonok, i've had it.. let me put it in simple terms
06:15.14echelonwhat's the best way to dial-out from within a conference using the app_conference module?
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06:22.57obnauticus <-- LMAO!!!
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06:37.41J4zenDoes anyone know a good text-to-speech application which supports the dutch language?
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07:00.48yangvnchio tzafrir_laptop
07:01.45unpaidbillso who loves to partay
07:03.18echelonasterisk is a lost cause.. freeswitch is ahead of the game
07:04.17Dovidi like freeswitch but i think brian is too full of hot air
07:05.29Strom_Cechelon: did you read the book like I've been telling you to?
07:05.56echelonit's too late now, i'm not coming back
07:06.11unpaidbillreading... it's.....tohard
07:06.32echelonthey have dialing-out directly from the conference
07:07.06jbotit has been said that wglwat is well, good luck with all that
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07:33.16TrentCreekwe need to fix that
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07:51.25casixwhen I transfer a call the callerid of the new call is the callerid of the original call. Can I know (in wich variable) can I see who is making the transfer??
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07:53.56mvanbaakJ4zen: try ceptral
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07:59.07J4zenmvanbaak: thanks
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08:03.12J4zenmvanbaak: I see no Dutch voice support in that application?
08:03.23J4zenAre you sure they support it?
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08:48.18Great_Anta_Bakahas anyone used sip ver 3 with a polycom 650
08:48.37Great_Anta_Bakamine keeps crashing since i have updated it
08:52.19MooingLemurI wonder if these support SIP:
08:59.26J4zenMooingLemur: I want them
08:59.33J4zenShould look great on my desk
09:00.51*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
09:06.23J4zenDoes anyone know a dutch voice-set for asterisk, commercially available
09:06.48J4zenSuperbartt, mvanbaak: happen to know any?
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09:20.18J4zenDoes anyone know a good european VoIP hardware(telephones and such) supplier?
09:22.30gr0mitJ4zen, what are you looking for?
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09:22.39gr0mitwhat qty and what products?
09:26.22J4zenWell per order it'd probably be between 10~30 phones
09:26.39J4zenPolyCom 550's , 650's, 670's and their operator expansion sets
09:27.07J4zenpossibly some PRI/BRI interfaces, but only every now and then
09:28.59J4zenhappen to know any gr0mit?
09:30.33gr0mitseem to be ok
09:30.38gr0miti can get you snoms
09:32.06gr0mitbut if you want polycom then voipon are good
09:32.27J4zenthat's GBP
09:32.36J4zenreally hurts to bulk-order there :P
09:33.13J4zenexchange rate
09:33.21J4zenwe operate in EUR
09:35.08gr0mitclick the EU flag
09:35.14gr0mitthey will price in EUR too
09:35.20J4zenah :) thanks
09:35.25J4zen*doh* moment
09:36.49gr0mitbut i dunno if that is converted from GBP back to EUR
09:37.22gr0mitif you want snommys let me know though
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10:00.29dienocan any one tell what is the solution to speed up festival because right now its speaking like robot
10:00.33dienowith low batteries :D
10:01.46Strom_Cmaybe you've got some sampling rate mismatch
10:01.58dienohmm i think
10:02.18dienobecause in last file i didnt compiled sample files and it was working perfect
10:02.28dienobut this time its really ...
10:02.48dienoand how do i change the festival voice
10:03.24Strom_Cnot sample files
10:03.26Strom_Csampling rate
10:03.34Strom_Ctwo completely different things
10:03.44dienoohh sorry then
10:03.51dienohow do i get this done
10:04.50Great_Anta_Bakahas anyone used sip version 3 on a polycom 650, mine keeps crashing since i updated it
10:04.51dienocan you tell me how do i sort this out
10:07.23*** join/#asterisk Strom (n=strom@
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10:16.56tapichi all,
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10:33.33wonderworldhow would i configure asterisk to recieve sip-calls from not registered clients? is that possible?
10:34.47wonderworldto make it possible for people to call me with any softphone without having to enter login information....
10:42.49Great_Anta_Bakawell you cant just phone from a sip client
10:43.01Great_Anta_Bakayou have to be a registered user on some sip server
10:43.15Great_Anta_Bakaotherwise the call just wont know where to go
10:43.43Great_Anta_Bakabut i am just a n00b wonderworld :P
10:44.01wonderworldwouldn't it be possible to do somthing like call:ip-address ?
10:44.04Great_Anta_Bakaalso i dont know if asterisk accepts anonymous sip calls by default :/
10:44.10wonderworldi am a noob too, that's why i am asking ;)
10:44.30Great_Anta_Bakayes thats how you make a sip call but the calling party has to be registered on a sip server as well
10:45.06Great_Anta_Bakai havent heard of a stand alone sip client
10:46.16wonderworldi think you can make calls with ekiga without having registered first. but i can be wrong here too.
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10:50.31tapicI have a AGI DEBUG output where I receive "510 Invalid or unknown command" for Answer command, would someone like to examine it?
10:50.42tapicthank you very much...
10:51.36wonderworldtapic: php?
10:53.43Mike8861hello everybody
10:53.53Mike8861would any like to help me with IM ??
10:54.01Mike8861I am running asterisk 1.4
10:55.55tapicwonderworld : I use fastagi
10:56.14tapicwonderworld : I actually use agi
10:56.42wonderworldsorry, no idea then. i scripted some php-agis...
10:57.00tapicI have typed agi debug in asterisk console and have some output about the issue
10:57.26wonderworldi can have a look...
10:58.14Mike8861can any one help with IM ?
10:58.19wonderworlddo other commands work fine in your agi? is it just about Answer ?
10:58.50*** join/#asterisk tapic (n=tap@
11:00.17dienoanyone with festival experience
11:02.37*** join/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
11:03.37dienohelo, do you know something abt festival
11:04.07cristina_crowI am using asterisk 1.6
11:04.12cristina_crowI want to use SIP over TLS
11:04.20cristina_crowcould you please indicate some tutorials for me?
11:04.42cristina_crowI have been doing some research on google, but I must have searched in the wrong place
11:04.59cristina_crowI've tried the digium forum TLS configs
11:05.13cristina_crowbut asterisk doesn't listen on TLS on port 5061, as expected
11:05.19cristina_crowthanks in advance
11:05.59mvanbaakwonderworld, Great_Anta_Baka: you can indeed make such calls
11:06.09mvanbaakin sip.conf is a setting for anonymous calls
11:06.53mvanbaakmake sure you also set the context there
11:07.19mvanbaakI have: context=anon-sip
11:07.26mvanbaakand in extensions.conf I have
11:07.38mvanbaakexten => mvanbaak,1,.....
11:08.13wonderworldmvanbaak: cool thanks i'll try that out
11:12.07wonderworldmvanbaak: i can't find that option for sip.conf (
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11:19.56mvanbaakgimme a minute
11:21.25mvanbaak;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
11:22.07Great_Anta_Bakathanks mvanbaak
11:22.16Great_Anta_Bakahas anyone used sip version 3 on a polycom 650, mine keeps crashing since i updated it
11:26.12wonderworldmvanbaak: tnx
11:31.06Mike8861can any one help with IM ?
11:31.30Mike8861i cannot implement SIP IM with asterisk 1.4
11:31.53wonderworldmvanbaak: ok i changed the sip config. but how would i call my asterisk now from a softphone? just sip:IP-ADDRESS ?
11:33.53mvanbaaklike in my setup:
11:34.42yangvncI am getting a strange error with GotoIfTime syntax - the call cannot be routed...
11:35.39Mike8861can any one help with IM ?
11:36.42mvanbaakyangvnc: I dont see any errors with the GotoIfTime syntax there
11:36.49mvanbaakall I see is other errors
11:36.57mvanbaak[Jun 25 13:31:55] WARNING[24591]: pbx.c:1539 func_args: Can't find trailing parenthesis?
11:37.08yangvncmvanbaak: Its a SIP error like - only 1 sip call ata atime or?
11:37.09mvanbaak[Jun 25 13:31:55] WARNING[24593]: app_dial.c:1202 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
11:37.25mvanbaakfix those
11:37.36yangvncwell how, i wonder why it doesnt call
11:37.50mvanbaakwhat is it you dont understand ?
11:38.03mvanbaakthe first is because you miss a )
11:38.10yangvncoh, where
11:38.11mvanbaakthe second is a 'no route to destination'
11:38.23yangvncwhere do i miss a =
11:38.26mvanbaakyangvnc: in the context buster
11:38.34mvanbaakyou did not pastebin that
11:38.57yangvncoh geez i will paste
11:40.39Mike8861helllo, would anyone be able to help ?
11:41.01Mike8861I am running asterisk 1.4, but cannot get SIP message to work.
11:42.40tapicAny idea on what encoding types are supported for socket communication in Asterisk 1.4?
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11:49.52Mike8861hey tapic
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11:51.48yangvncmvanbaak: i wanted to route all calls on saturdays to the contxt in frondesk, however i don't suceed in that
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11:54.20bartpbxhello everybody
11:54.29Uatechi there
11:54.44bartpbxim stuck in the convertion of our asterisk system from 1.2 to 1.4
11:55.04bartpbxthere seams to be a difference in the voicemail unixodbc system i dont unterstnad
11:55.19bartpbxanyone has woring 1.4 with odbc voicemailstorage running?
11:55.46hi365tried to use gmail for vm imap storage
11:56.42Mike8861can anyone help with IM ? I know its not easy, but would like to give it a try
11:57.04hi365IM what?
11:58.07RoyKthinks that might mean instant messanging with sip
11:58.45Mike8861using asterisk 1.4 to send and recieve IM with xlite client
11:58.56Mike8861I have get presence working, but not the IM part....
11:59.05hi365never did anything of the sort
12:00.56Mike8861some article says that Patching asterisk will make IM work
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12:01.13Mike8861is there any guid on patching asterisk ?
12:03.10tapichi Mike8861
12:03.36Mike8861hello tapic ^_^
12:03.47Mike8861can I help u ?
12:04.25tapicthanks! do you know if asterisk 1.4 AGI does not support UTF8 encoding
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12:07.11Mike8861not really sure about this.
12:07.52Mike8861I never try agi, but can u change the encoding type on the scripting file ?
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12:08.22cristina_crowhello, is there still anyone that could help me on TLS, pls?:-s
12:09.15MaliutaTLS is a very generic support request
12:09.36cristina_crowhumm... I only need to make a register from eyebeam
12:09.43yangvnchelo [TK]D-Fender
12:09.49cristina_crowthe problem seems to be with the SSL cert
12:10.04cristina_crowI have created the keys (public and private) using asteriskgenkey
12:10.14cristina_crowthen created a .csr request with openssl
12:10.23cristina_crowand signed that csr using my local CA
12:10.33cristina_crowthen put the asterisk.pem in /etc/asterisk/
12:10.38cristina_crowin the asterisk CLI
12:10.41cristina_crowI type
12:10.43cristina_crowcvintila-ipsec01*CLI> keys init
12:10.43cristina_crowcvintila-ipsec01*CLI> sip  reload
12:10.44cristina_crowSSL cert error </etc/ssl/certs/asterisk.pem>
12:11.02Maliutadid you put a passphrase on the key file?
12:11.07cristina_crowsame if asterisk.pem is in /etc/asterisk/, and in /etc/ssl/certs/asterisk.pem
12:11.13cristina_crowyes, I have put a password
12:11.16Maliutabecause that could cause an "issue"
12:11.21yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: I am getting a strange error with GotoIfTime syntax - the call cannot be routed by SIP ... my extensions are in
12:11.21cristina_crowugh :-s
12:11.30cristina_crowok..I'll remove the password
12:11.34Maliutaas a general rule you don't put passphrases on server certs
12:11.55Maliutanotes cristina_crow has "the genius gene" ;)
12:12.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:12.33cristina_crowit won't accept the key without a passphrase:D
12:12.36*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:12.38[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: There's obviously a probelm with SIP/80.  Go look at it.
12:12.40cristina_crowEnter pass phrase for asterisk.key:
12:12.41cristina_crow13444:error:28069065:lib(40):UI_set_result:result too small:ui_lib.c:849:You must type in 4 to 8191 characters
12:12.41cristina_crowEnter pass phrase for asterisk.key:
12:12.49cristina_crowany other ideas:-/
12:12.50Mike8861tapic, what does AGI do ?
12:13.30MaliutaI'd generate a new one, without the passphrase.
12:13.34MaliutaI also use plain old openssl to generate my keys
12:13.56cristina_crowmhm...fine..I'll do the keys without using asteriskgenkey :d
12:14.04cristina_crowlet me see if I can get it working
12:14.09[TK]D-FenderMike8861: AGI is an interface so you can use a "normal" programming language interface with a caller for more complete processing.
12:15.03Mike8861thanks [TD]D-Fender, how can i learn AGI programming language ? is there any docs recoomand to start
12:15.08yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: yes SIP/80 phone is beng unreachable becouse its out of electricity, i would just like the extensions to ring a SIP/detel/041710598 on saturday and not the other extensions
12:15.59cristina_crowI can't generate from openssl a key without a passphrase
12:16.01cristina_crowit won't let me
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12:16.09cristina_crowwhat should I do about it?
12:16.14J4zenDoes anyone have a SoundPoint® IP 550 with an expansion module, i found the Backlit expansion modules from the SoundPoint IP series but it only states support for the 650
12:16.29J4zenyet they use the 550 in combination with that same expansion module for their callcenter solution
12:16.43[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: only the 6XX series supports expansion modules
12:16.52J4zen[TK]D-Fender: Awesome, thanks
12:17.25tapicmy AGI just answers the call but if the encoding is UTF8 asterisk 1.4 can not receive correct messages, I changed the socket encoding (I use fastAGI) and the problem solved
12:17.40yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: however i don't receive a call to that mobile number
12:17.53tapicnow I can not connect to AMI
12:20.19yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: i have put SIP/80 out now there are no errors anymore in CLI, but SIP/detel-001c4d80 is ringing , however its not ringing
12:21.30[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: detel?  HUH?
12:21.58[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: make a new pastebin.
12:22.57yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: i am limited to two channels by my vpip provider
12:23.25[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: make a completely new pastebin of your current extensions & CLI output, and describe the new "problem".
12:23.34bartpbxdid anyone ever test voicemail with odbc storage in 1.4ß
12:23.34tapicI got "timeout waiting for response to challenge" message while connecting to AMI..
12:23.52bartpbxit looks like there is somesting strange
12:25.57bartpbxi always get an "SQL Get Data error!"
12:26.09bartpbxand i dont understand the code, when this can happen
12:26.27bartpbxon out 1.2 maschines the same storage works fine
12:26.43yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: here are all extensions, i wonder why 041710598 does not ring
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12:26.58bartpbxand i can't find anythin in the doc that there is an change inthe config
12:27.37tapicis the message I get from asterisk CLI when I try to connect with external computer
12:28.23yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: and i think that i am missing some syntax in extensions, i just can't notice where
12:29.43[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: CLI please...
12:35.17cristina_crowquick question..pls: is there any limitation in the size of the RSA key for asterisk with TLS?
12:44.31cristina_crowI have created an RSA key, no passphrase, 1024 bit long (2048 bit long was not accepted)
12:44.44cristina_crowand put it in /var/lib/asterisk/keys
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12:44.48cristina_crownow it accepts the public key
12:45.02cristina_crow(I have extracted the key from teh certificate)
12:45.07cristina_crowbut, when I reload SIP
12:45.09cristina_crowI still get
12:45.20cristina_crowSSL cert error </etc/ssl/certs/asterisk.pem>
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12:45.24cristina_crow:( any ideas?
12:46.13Corydon76-digIs Asterisk running as root or as a regular user?
12:46.40Corydon76-digIf as a regular user, you might want to check permissions
12:47.21Mike8861has anyone been able to implement wideband codec on asterisk ?
12:47.47Corydon76-digMike8861: G722 is available in 1.6
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12:48.40Mike8861thanks for the prompt @Corydon76-dig
12:48.57Mike8861i cannot get G722, coz xlite or eyebeam doesnt support it ?
12:49.11Mike8861any client recommand?
12:49.25Corydon76-digPolycom phone?
12:49.51cristina_crowasterisk runs as root
12:49.53Corydon76-digThe 550 and 650 both support wideband codecs
12:50.18Mike8861uhmm, i will try it out! thanks
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12:51.52cristina_crowpermissions are ok
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12:56.59[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Ok... whats the error in here?
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13:00.03yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: the error is that i dont receive the call to detel/041710598
13:00.20[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: I don't even see WHY its being called.
13:00.44yangvnc[TK]D-Fender: doesnt it show out of frontdesk?
13:01.01[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Wait, ok, I see 2 calls mixed in there
13:01.58*** part/#asterisk cristina_crow (n=cvintila@
13:02.21[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Ok, looks like you are calling yourself through your ITSP.  Does an outside call work ok?
13:03.09yangvncyes, i can call 041710598 over detel frommy softphone
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13:05.35jayteeanyone know how many watts a Polycom IP330 uses for POE?
13:05.46Great_Anta_Bakahas anyone used sip version 3 on a polycom 650, mine keeps crashing since i updated it
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13:07.31Mike8861hi there!
13:07.37Mike8861welcome to #asterisk
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13:08.36tompawhow can I access "advanced options" menu? I can't find it anywhere in my GUI.
13:08.41[TK]D-Fenderyangvnc: Then you have a SIP issue, not a dialplan one.
13:08.48tompawI've checked the forums and everything, but no answer found there :<
13:09.02[TK]D-Fendertompaw: GUIs are not supported in this channel.  please see the channel topic for relevent links
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13:09.33tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I'm sorry, it was too long and I missed that part.
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13:12.03Arsenick-hi guy's, I have a problem with and old version of asterisk and I can't upgrade so I would like to knows if someone of you can give me a clue on what I need to do or where's my problem.. When someone call the call enter in the system as usual, but the caller still ringing after few ring asterisk write: "WARNING[21691]: chan_zap.c:3926 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 10" ... I've search on google
13:12.03Arsenick-with this error and I didn't find an interesting solution..
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13:13.22[TK]D-FenderArsenick-: how "old"?
13:14.34Arsenick-we will update this server in few weeks but for now he make me crazy..
13:15.38[TK]D-FenderArsenick-: Ok... ancient.  Don't bet on much help without upgrading.
13:16.16Arsenick-yup I know.. maybe it's a bug but I can't find out why this started last week.. everything was fine before lol..
13:17.11Arsenick-is it possible that it's an hardware issue ?
13:17.32Corydon76-digArsenick-: No
13:18.37Corydon76-dig1.2.12.1 == completely unsupported
13:19.27brad_msswArsenick-: any reason you can't at least upgrade to the latest 1.2 series, even if you can't go 1.4?
13:19.31Arsenick-yeah.. I think we're gonna update sooner :p
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13:21.00Arsenick-the hole server is a trash.. I don't want to touch anything on this, there's a lot of compiled stuff etc.. few ppl have worked on this server and no one had asterisk knowledge... guess the number of weird problem I got in the last week :P
13:21.44Arsenick-the new server is ready so I think I will switch this week end..
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13:22.25Arsenick-thx for your help guy's
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13:55.26sumasumaIs there is any information in Setting up, Configuring and Maintaining high volume asterisk servers ?
13:55.46sumasumaI have setup asterisk servers on individual machines
13:56.10sumasumais the setup different for high volume asterisk servers or any tweaks need to be done ?
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13:56.46lmadsensumasuma: there is a presentation I did at, but other than that, no, because it's a pretty complex thing to setup, and not many people have really done it
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13:57.01lmadsenbut really the trick is to spread the load out among multiple box
13:57.25sumasumaWhat is the best way to spread the load ?
13:57.43Great_Anta_Bakalief can you tell me what you would use a high volume asterisk server for?
13:58.00lmadsensumasuma: I use func_odbc + mysql + DUNDi
13:58.05gr0miterm, high volumes of calls?!
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13:58.07lmadsenGreat_Anta_Baka: I don't understand the question
13:58.15Great_Anta_Bakai mean what kind of setup
13:58.26Great_Anta_Bakacall centres?
13:58.28gr0mitbig pbx
13:58.35lmadsenGreat_Anta_Baka: call centres and ITSPs
13:58.38Great_Anta_Bakahow big are we talking?
13:58.42gr0mithosted voip server
13:58.42Great_Anta_Bakai see
13:58.43lmadsenthat's what I've built -- I usually do clustering
13:58.48sumasumaGreat_Anta_Baka: it is for broadcasting songs and informations to the users
13:58.52lmadsenand vPBXs
13:58.57sumasumaand receive calls and record them
13:59.00Great_Anta_Bakaso not really the amount of users but throughput?
13:59.03sumasumaand play around with that
13:59.16lmadsenGreat_Anta_Baka: amount of users means nothing -- it's the number of simultaneous calls that matters
13:59.35yangvnchello lmadsen
13:59.35Mike8861hello all.
13:59.35gr0mitwell, Great_Anta_Baka it is more limited by call throughput and if you transcode, by CPU power
13:59.47sumasumasimultaneous calls I presume it is limited to 240 calls per box
14:00.01sumasumano transcoding
14:00.02lmadsensumasuma: there is no limit other than what the box can handle and what your testing shows
14:00.03Great_Anta_Bakathat sounds like a beast of a machine
14:00.14lmadsenAsterisk does not have a built in limit
14:00.28sumasumabut the safe limit in my experience is 240
14:00.35lmadsendepends on the box, and what you're using
14:00.39sumasumathat is true
14:00.40lmadsenI've gotten 500 calls before
14:00.41Mike8861i have trouble implement IM with asterisk 1.4, can any one help ??
14:00.58lmadsendoes use instant messaging with Asterisk
14:01.04Great_Anta_Bakaif i have a four port pri interface installed wat kind of cpu am i looking at.. i know there are other requirements,,eg hdd, ram, etc
14:01.29lmadsenMike8861: ask a question of a specific problem and you'll get more answers, not just, "please setup my <xyz_problem> for me"
14:01.46sumasumaIs there is any software to maintain group of asterisk servers ?
14:01.46Great_Anta_Baka500 calls simultaneous????? wtf???
14:01.59lmadsenGreat_Anta_Baka: I'd just use a Dell 2950 for that, or some other equivalent
14:02.08lmadsensumasuma: doubt it
14:02.15lmadsenI've never heard of any
14:02.52Mike8861uhmm....actually, I need some guide for this.
14:02.55Great_Anta_Bakai have had problems with my dell nic conflicting with my pri card.. but i guess thats cos i am using asterisk 1.2
14:03.12sumasumaWhat other factors i need to consider in maintaining high volume asterisk servers ?
14:03.17lmadsenMike8861: I don't think you'll find one
14:03.20Mike8861i got the Patch for IM, but not sure how to patch it to asterisk to make IM work
14:04.02lmadsenMike8861: 1) you need the source code 2) cd /usr/src/asterisk-src ; patch -p0 < /path/to/patch 3) recompile / reinstall 4) test
14:04.06mvanbaakMike8861: patch -p0 < path_to_file
14:04.11mvanbaaklmadsen: lol
14:04.12*** join/#asterisk Uatec (
14:04.21lmadsenmvanbaak: I'm better than you ! :)
14:04.26Uatechello there
14:04.33Mike8861thanks for helping
14:04.37mvanbaaklmadsen: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
14:04.45lmadsenmvanbaak: that's what the girls say anyways
14:04.52Mike8861my production server is install from ISO image, so there is no source code involed
14:05.06lmadsenMike8861: use "Real Asterisk(tm)"
14:05.12Great_Anta_Bakawell you gonna have to yum it then
14:05.16mvanbaaklmadsen: who's the one living alone without wife/gf etc ?
14:05.18mvanbaakit's not me
14:05.26lmadsenmvanbaak: I didn't say I didn't have girls over :)
14:05.32Mike8861whats Real Asterisk(TM)....
14:05.36Uateclmadsen, but you don't, do you ... :P
14:05.49lmadsenMike8861: a fake product I just made up -- you have to download the source then -- stop using Trixbox
14:05.54sumasumaMike8861: the code from the digium svn
14:06.01Great_Anta_Bakatrixbox FTLLLL
14:06.08Great_Anta_Bakaits the bane of my existence
14:06.10lmadsenUatec: but I do :)
14:06.27jbot[~trixbox] trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at
14:06.42sumasumaIf I need to send 10,000 calls to 10 servers playing a file, what is the efficient way to do ?
14:06.50Mike8861well, can I compile patch on Real Asterisk(TM) and copy the copiled file to trixbox ??
14:06.53Great_Anta_Bakaasteriskgui just has to implement pin sets and fail over trunks and then i can freepbx off this box
14:06.57Mike8861i am not sure, since I am new to this
14:07.01Great_Anta_Bakatake *
14:07.03lmadsensumasuma: OpenSER in front with the distribution module to multiple asterisk servers
14:07.30Uatecsee, i have a problem, i have sip phones connected to my asterisk box with a B410P ISDN 2 card in it, but when I ring another system, the other system can very rarely recognise my DTMF tones
14:07.31mvanbaakMike8861: I have no idea. I think not because it's not stock asterisk to start with
14:07.37Uateci've even tried to dial back on myself
14:07.43mvanbaakMike8861: ask that question in #trixbox
14:07.49lmadsenMike8861: like I said "Real Asterisk(tm)" is not a real product... I was just trying to emphasize that you should build Asterisk from source, and build your own system, as we don't support products like Trixbox in here
14:07.52Uatec(bizarrely, we dial out via a sip provider and in via isdn"
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14:08.16lmadsenMike8861: basically, with trixbox, you don't modify it -- you get what you get with it, and if you need something beyond that, you have to build a real Asterisk system from source and configure it
14:08.38sumasumalmadsen: Why one need OpenSER? With Asterisk Manager API is it not easy to distribute ?
14:08.52lmadsensumasuma: are you placing the calls, or sending the calls?
14:08.59Mike8861thanks, @lmadsen.
14:09.11lmadsensumasuma: errr... s/sending/receiving/
14:09.13sumasumaI'm originating calls from the box to the users
14:09.19lmadsensumasuma: then use the AMI, yes
14:09.31lmadsenjust triggers calls on multiple systems... nothing too hard about that
14:09.47sumasumawhat is the best way to transfer the file to each system ?
14:09.52lmadsensumasuma: scp
14:09.53sumasumafor the 10,000 calls
14:10.07lmadsengoes off to do breakfast, shower, then paid work
14:10.09sumasumaooh one cannot do that manually all the time
14:10.19sumasumaany best automated way ?
14:10.35x86lmadsen: mmmmm paid work ;)
14:10.47lmadsenthat sounds like a problem to solve outside of asterisk using the tools available in your distro
14:10.55jbotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
14:11.03x86gah... wtf.... why is AT&T trying to charge me $0.46 per minute, when I have an ABN contract that locks us in at $0.0293/min
14:11.08Uatecurethra franklin
14:11.17lmadsenMen Without Hats!
14:11.25lmadsenactually... George Thorogood
14:11.28jayteeSafety Dance
14:11.36x86lmadsen: who do you love?
14:11.43lmadsensafely leaves the room
14:11.59jayteehe doesn't love anyone cuz he's "bad to the bone" (ducks)
14:12.00sumasumai mean to transfer the file from application to individual asterisk machine
14:12.12x86was only quoting george thorogood ;)
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14:13.55jayteeI'm looking at various solutions for POE to Polycom phones. Any recommendations for midspan hubs/injectors or POE equipped switches? any brands I should avoid like the plague?
14:14.59Uatecnetgear have a good range of PoE switches
14:16.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: D-Link's have worked great for me and everyone who've bought them on my reocmmendation.
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14:17.14x86[TK]D-Fender: I like HP's stuff... considerably cheaper than Cisco, but still same level of manageability
14:17.27x86web management is just ass, imho
14:17.27jaytee[TK]D-Fender, hmmm they also seem to offer the lowest price per port I've found so far.
14:17.39[TK]D-Fenderx86: Yes, HP is super rock-solid stuff, but still pricey
14:18.23x86[TK]D-Fender: if you're looking for something with cisco-level functionality and manageability, but you don't have a cisco budget, HP is the best
14:18.36[TK]D-Fenderx86: Fair enough.
14:18.48mvanbaaksumasuma: why use a call file ? best to use the AMI
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14:23.45[T]ankonce again, I have another T1 card that has come available. This one is a few months older than the last one so I will let it go for less. I have a sangoma a104D. I will let this one go for $900. Anyone interested?
14:24.21rwaitehello, all. i am having an issue with an iax connection and i believe i may know what is causing it. if i reboot the asterisk machine or run /etc/init.d/asterisk restart the iax provider will not register. i can run iax2 reload and it will then register, but after every "restart" i have to do that
14:24.49rwaitei also get a message that there is no iax provisioning configured, iax provisioning disabled - could this be the cause?
14:25.33Uatecit could be
14:25.40Uatecdo something about it and see if it fixes it
14:25.58rwaitemy problem is i dont know how to setup iax provisioning or even what that is
14:26.10rwaitevoip-info doesnt have anything that really explains it (that i could find)
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14:26.44[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: thats only for the IAXY
14:27.05Uatecdies at the mention of IAXY
14:27.22rwaitehmm. okay thanks. any thoughts on why it will not "automatically" register on start up>
14:28.00Uatechow is the device supposed to know that the asterisk server has just restarted?
14:28.23Uatechmm, actually, is this a device registering with asterisk via iax
14:28.29rwaiteum what? the iax config has the auth details
14:28.34Uatecor asterisk registering with something else via iax?
14:28.38rwaiteno, this is my asterisk machine registering with my iax provider
14:28.41rwaitesorry if i wasnt more clear
14:29.14rwaiteif i do a iax2 show peers, it lists being offline but iax2 reload will consistently correctly register and from then (until the next restart) will work great
14:29.50[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: You could try changing your register interval
14:30.47rwaitewould that be register=\d* instead of yes?
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14:36.42[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: .... huh?
14:37.26rwaitei dont see anything for setting a reg interval. i see one for qualify/ok/notok, but the only other thing is maxregexpire
14:37.32rwaiteis that what i'm lookin for?
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14:40.03[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Sounds relevent, no?
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14:41.16rwaitewell, sort of, but wouldnt that handle expiration of an already registered channel
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14:47.07dienodoes any one have experience in Festival
14:47.57J4zenDoes anyone remember an calculator that would tell you how many concurrent calls and such you can run on a specified system?
14:48.55dieno[TK]D-Fender u there  ?
14:49.07puzzledJ4zen: have never seen one. only calculator that tells you how many calls you can run over a certain link with a certain codec
14:49.42J4zenDo you remember that one puzzled?
14:49.58puzzledJ4zen: not sure but check asteriskguru
14:50.09J4zeni know there is a calculator as i described, it's been a while tho =
14:50.17J4zenwill do, thanks.
14:50.40[TK]D-Fenderdieno: ... I love lobster!
14:50.53tzafrir_laptopJ4zen, look for: voip bandwidth calculator
14:51.03dieno:( this time i am really stucked :'(
14:51.11J4zenthanks tzafrir_laptop, long time no see
14:51.26dieno[TK]D-Fender festival is speaking like robot and breakin up
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14:51.40tzafrir_laptopjbot, tell dieno about ask
14:51.55[TK]D-Fenderpuzzled: c:\Windows\System32\calc.exe
14:52.17[TK]D-Fenderdieno: I've never used it, and its rude to target people randomly with wuestions like that.
14:52.22tzafrir_laptopbash: c:WindowsSystem32calc.exe: command not found
14:52.35dienooops :D
14:52.39[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: kill-joy
14:52.48puzzled[TK]D-Fender: I would not know. Haven't used windows since win98 :)
14:53.38Rico29I know it's doesn't concern directly asterisk
14:53.53Rico29but I have trouble with a cisco registering on my *
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14:54.22Rico29the cisco registers with the line1_name
14:54.48Rico29and not with line1_authname and line1_password
14:55.15Rico29does anybody knows why ?
14:55.30Rico29( with autocreatepeer=yes in sip.conf )
14:55.40rwaitehmm. removing host=dynamic from iax.conf seemed to fix it
14:56.31Rico29huh ?
14:56.49Rico29there's not IAX in my conf !
14:57.10[TK]D-FenderRico29: And don't assume everybody is talking to YOU :p
14:57.23Rico29mmh sorry
14:57.41rwaitecool. [TK] thanks for your help
14:57.41Rico29it was a really strange answer
14:58.23*** part/#asterisk Porpes (
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15:01.40Rico29nobody can helpme ?
15:01.48Rico29nobody can help me ?
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15:04.50tzafrir_laptopRico29, what "cisco" exactly?
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15:06.00gsienerHi all.  I'm looking for a consultant to provide advice and guidance on setting up a system.  I plan to build/configure, but would like an expert to weigh in.  Thanks.
15:06.22tzafrir_laptopRico29, generally a useful stanza for asking about a problem: "I did X, expected Y to happen but Z actually happened"
15:07.50Rico29tzafrir_laptop>  7960
15:07.53Rico29with SIP firm
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15:09.36tzafrir_laptopDoes it successfully regisster? Or just tries to register? Why do you expect it to register with that specific name?
15:09.59tzafrir_laptopa pastebin of your sip.conf may help to clarify things
15:10.14*** join/#asterisk guilherme-jorge (n=guilherm@
15:11.14ludani'd like to link my asterisk server with a toll free number so that user can call a local number and the call can be forwarded towards my server. is it possible?
15:11.36Rico29tzafrir_laptop>  it registers
15:11.58Qwellludan: toll free or local?  completely different things
15:12.06Rico29but in autocreatepeer mode, imagine if two cisco registers whith the same id !?N
15:12.25Rico29tzafrir_laptop>  ok
15:12.28ludanQwell: i'd like that people can callo cheaply from their landline, give me a hint please
15:12.59Qwellanybody in the US?  anybody within a 12 mile radius?  same state?
15:13.14ludansome people are in the US, some other in europe
15:13.25Qwellso none of the above
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15:14.17ludanQwell: ? some of them are in US
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15:17.41tzafrir_laptopRico29, that is just the [general] section. Have you actually defined any sip peer entry?
15:18.07tzafrir_laptoptype=peer; or type=friend
15:18.25jjshoe[07:55] <Rico29> ( with autocreatepeer=yes in sip.conf )
15:18.34Rico29no, the first time phones want to register, they use autocreatepeer
15:18.50Rico29and next, everything is in realtime
15:18.53tzafrir_laptopand you should use 'language=fr" rather than "lang=fr", but it really doesn't matter here
15:21.07Rico29I find something : by using Line1_shortname="Login" and Line1_name="345676543", the phone displays "Login" as line name and registers with 345676543/345676543
15:21.37Rico29it's not a good solve, but it seems to work...
15:23.19Rico29now, the second part of my problem : exactly the same thing with a thomson ST2030S huhuhu
15:26.01guilherme-jorgeHello, I' ve a asterisk server and I want to install some Asterisk GUI (free), to create extensions, record calls... What is the most popular free asterisk GUI to do this?
15:26.44ManxPowerguilherme-jorge: then go ask on #asterisk-gui
15:27.03ManxPowerguilherme-jorge: we don't use GUIs here
15:27.03guilherme-jorgeManxPower: tks
15:27.38ludanany clue about toll free number to link with asterisk?
15:27.42ludanor landline...
15:27.45ludanplease help me
15:27.59ManxPowerludan: Order one from the telco
15:28.18ManxPowerludan: your question has no useful information
15:28.30jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:29.39ludanManxPower: i've asterisk 1.4.21 up and running and i can create a conference room to make people talking to each other using a sip client  (ekiga). i'd like that the conference could be joined also by people calling from a landline
15:30.56[TK]D-Fenderludan: Go get a card to connect a physical line to *, or sign up with an ITSP
15:31.00jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
15:32.24ludanoh guys, i know it's funny to treat a person like an idiot, but I did remember that there was such a service available
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15:35.18[TK]D-Fenderludan: Then why are you asking about "how to get a number"?
15:35.28[TK]D-Fenderludan: Since you now say you already know all of this?
15:35.51ludan[TK]D-Fender: i know it's possible, i do not know how to make it working!
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15:36.24[TK]D-Fenderludan: Who have you signed up with?
15:36.27Rico29OK, i fixed the problem for Cisco phones
15:36.45Rico29but i still have the same pb with thomson ST2030S phones
15:36.58ludan[TK]D-Fender: it was a free service
15:37.06ludanbut i've no clue
15:37.11[TK]D-Fenderludan: "it"?
15:37.17ludani got this system by another guy
15:37.32ludanthat no longer maintains the system itself
15:38.22[TK]D-Fenderludan: Ok, so what doesn't your ITSP do for you right now?
15:39.03ludan[TK]D-Fender: nothing it doesn't work anymore
15:39.33[TK]D-Fenderludan: And why is that?
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15:48.15x86does Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 support IPv6?
15:48.31x86I'd like to setup an IAX2 peer over IPv6
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15:53.16r0landhello all
15:53.22[TK]D-Fenderx86: Planned for 1.6, but not final.
15:53.29r0landhey [TK]D-Fender
15:53.34x86so it's not in 1.6 yet?
15:53.41x86I'm running beta9 on one end
15:54.21ajohnsonI was hoping I could get a sanity check.  On an Asterisk system that does about 25k calls a day, after 10 days Asterisk is using 2.3gb of memory
15:54.50x86BBHoss: hey thanks
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15:55.06r0landi have 6 lines, with 6 sip.conf extensions directed to them, is there a way i could edit my extensions.conf so if a user dials a number, asterisk tries one of these lines after another till it finds a none occupied line to dial from ?!
15:55.22gitguyi just changed the codec to one of my users to gsm, and then he suddendly can't dial anymore
15:55.25[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: ML referred to that site as a complete re-write, not even a fork.
15:55.29gitguyhe gets "person unavailable" on his phone
15:55.42x86BBHoss: doesn't do me a lot of good though...
15:55.43gitguythen i put ulaw on his user and he can
15:55.46x86BBHoss: "only SIP (and the relevant auxiliary libs: rtp, netsock,...) is ported to IPv6. IAX, h323, etc... are not yet ported to ipv6."
15:55.47[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Yes.  Just dial them back to back.
15:56.08[TK]D-Fendergitguy: Fix your peer
15:56.18gitguy[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean with "fix"
15:56.30BBHossx86: its funny you mention ipv6, i've been trying all day to get ipv6 working with my talisman firmware router (WRT160N)
15:56.41[TK]D-Fendergitguy: if only the codec changes, then you aren't permitting the right ones.
15:56.54r0land[TK]D-Fender could u explain a bit more if u may
15:57.10BBHossx86: i don't know alot about the asterisk code, but IPV6 shouldnt be |that| big of a deal to add
15:57.14[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Go set your codes in your sip peer.
15:57.29gitguy[TK]D-Fender: i have different peers/users, i put disallow=all in all of them, some use different codecs (ulaw/alaw, gsm, speex, etc)
15:57.33BBHossx86: you might try asterisk-dev and see if they have any comments
15:57.43[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Sorry, bad aim
15:57.59[TK]D-Fenderr0land: Dial one.  then on your next priority, dial the NEXT one, etc
15:58.04r0landah ok
15:58.06r0landi got it
15:58.07r0landthakn u :)
15:58.19[TK]D-Fendergitguy: PASTEBIN <-
16:02.00gitguy[TK]D-Fender: ... i had to change allow=gsm for allow=ulaw, otherwise he wouldn't be able to dial a conference (meetme) extension
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16:02.58[TK]D-Fendergitguy: Show me CLI with sip debug and your config updated to gsm and non-functional.
16:03.19x86BBHoss: heh, I just use DD-WRT on my WRT's and ipv6 works fine ;)
16:03.29x86BBHoss: but then again, DD-WRT > Talisman ;)
16:03.35BBHossx86: what tunnel do you have
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16:05.07BBHossx86: and my router hasn't been tested very well from what i've seen. says something about "install rc7 mini first then std" what does that mean
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16:05.29ManxPowerBBHoss: I think that means "go to the channel with people that can help"
16:05.49BBHossyeah, that might be a good idea
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16:08.08fogoI've got some T1s bouncing on a REC alarm - anyone know what REC is?
16:09.40Qwella typo of RED?
16:10.36[TK]D-Fenderfogo: You've reached the end and have to flip the cassette to "Side B"
16:10.37fogoQwell: I don't think so; they decided to go RED now, but they were bouncing between REC and OK
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16:10.58ManxPowerfogo: We've never seen a REC alarm
16:11.37Qwelldidn't want help, I guess
16:12.05Corydon76-digManxPower: "REC" means Recovering
16:12.32Qwellso then there must've been some other type of alarm
16:12.38Corydon76-digi.e. kind of OK, but hasn't had a full 2 seconds of OK yet
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16:13.01ManxPowertoo bad he doesn't know the actual type of alarm
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16:13.35fogo... what a perfect time for ksirc to crash
16:13.38Corydon76-digWell, he's unlikely to have had a BLUE alarm...
16:13.52fogoso, what did I miss? any ideas on the REC?
16:13.53Qwellwell, if it's RED now..
16:13.57*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (n=bartpbx@
16:14.06Corydon76-digfogo: REC means Recovering
16:14.15fogoah, ok.. that makes sense
16:14.35Corydon76-digfogo: No alarms detected, but there hasn't been a full 2 seconds of no alarms at that point in time
16:14.45QwellAlarm: No alarm.
16:14.49fogoQwell: yeah, I'm waiting on my provider
16:15.09Corydon76-digfogo: was the alarm yellow or red beforehand?
16:15.30fogoCorydon76-dig: it was OK
16:15.40fogothen it kept bouncing between OK and REC
16:15.47fogonow they're both (yes 2) RED
16:16.13Corydon76-digfogo: something is probably not agreeing on the signalling
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16:16.58fogoCorydon76-dig: well, the funny thing is that one of the 3 (all in the same group, from the same provider) is still OK
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16:17.13jblackI know this has very little to do with asterisk, but please call your congressman and ask them to support Dodd and Feingold's fillibuster to prevent FISA (that's the warrentless wiretap). It'll take 1 minute to google your representatives, and 1 minute on the phone.
16:17.57fogojblack: didn't that already pass the house though?
16:18.22jblackDodd and Feingold are fillibustering _right now_ it to prevent it from passing in the house.
16:18.35Corydon76-digjblack: you mean Senate
16:18.52Corydon76-digThere's no such thing as a filibuster in the House
16:19.23jblackuh, shit. You're right. Dodd and Feingold are senators
16:20.06Corydon76-digAnd a filibuster requires 40.  2 aren't adequate
16:20.17jblack40 to block closure
16:20.30ManxPowerhands jblack a bottle with a picture of a flower on it and says "drink this", jblack drinks it, then I say "Oh shit, I gave you the bottle with the poison in it!"
16:20.39ManxPowermoral of the story, being inaccurate is bad.
16:22.35*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
16:22.50jblackMoral of the story: Some people are so detail focused, that they'll screw themselves over in the big picture because of hurried pronouncement and typos.
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16:23.35RoyKManxPower: moral of story - someone always keeps bottled poison in times of great need
16:24.22peterpenHey I've successfully made a bash AGI script and I can access $agi_callerid inside, but my dialplan has its own variable (e.g. $month) can I do something like $agi_month? or am I stuck passing the variables and using $1, $2, $3, etc... ?
16:25.09jblackOk. Feingold is on CSPAN-2, starting the fillibuster now.
16:27.00Corydon76-digThere's actually still a chance for the lawsuit to proceed, even if the bill passes.  All the court has to find is that the compromise unconstitutionally delegates a power reserved to the Congress to the executive branch.
16:27.08peterpenIf anyone has any thoughts on that - I'll be right back, need to reboot
16:27.58Corydon76-digand if the next president is Democratic, he may choose not to appeal that decision, thus letting the lawsuit stand
16:28.49jblackDude, unless you like warrentless wiretaps, or don't live in the US, make the two calls. Tell me what state you live in, and i'll look up the phone numbers to your two senators.
16:29.15Corydon76-digMy two senators are a lost cause
16:29.23Corydon76-digAlexander and Corker
16:29.52jblackCall anyways. Then get everyone you know to call too.
16:30.03jblackThey get a few dozen calls, they'll get the point that their job is at risk.
16:30.15Corydon76-digTheir jobs aren't at risk
16:30.49fogoI'm afraid my senator's a lost cause even if his job isn't up - Hatch :P
16:30.53jblackSigh. Ok. Anyone else that wants help with it?
16:30.58jblackCall him anyways!
16:31.15Qwelljblack: mine won't listen to me, I'm sure
16:31.26Qwell"Are you a registered voter?" "No sir."
16:31.28jblackThey can't ignore you if you don't call?
16:31.33jblackNope, Mine didn't ask that.
16:31.41Qwellread: I don't care.
16:31.47jblackYou call the number, it takes 30 seconds, and they put another checkmark next to a line item.
16:33.24jblackfogo: 202-224-5251. All you need to say is "I'm a constituent of Orin Hatch. I do not support fisa and I do not want the fillibuster squashed". They might ask your address, they will say "I'll pass that along"
16:34.01fogojblack: wow.. you even looked up the number for me! I was planning on calling anyway; now I really will :)
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16:34.31Qwelljblack: go ahead and call for me
16:34.49[TK]D-FenderI love how they keep trying to go back in time an legalize past crimes.
16:35.41[TK]D-FenderMcCain is breaking campain finince laws and nobody started the lynch mob to drag his ass to court.
16:36.22*** join/#asterisk nauticalthinker (n=mratliff@
16:36.27[TK]D-FenderAbuse of law is flaunted so much its scary.  That kind of coverage should get people jailed instantly.
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16:39.18mogCorydon76-dig, do you really think obama would revert said decision?
16:39.19fogohmmm.. looks like my T1 is now Alarm status LB.. any idea what that is?
16:39.42fogohmmm.. looks like my T1 is now Alarm status LB.. any idea what that is?
16:39.50fogooops.. sorry :)
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16:42.20Corydon76-digmog: not revert, just fail to appeal it
16:42.22fogojust got a call from my provider - apparently the two leased lines have problems on the line (their end :( ).. could be 4 hours :P
16:44.56*** part/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:46.15x86LB generally means loopback
16:47.53coreyf52does anyone know is it possible to build zaptel/dahdi into the kernel (not a module)?  I want to disable kernel module loading.  Also I thought the name was changed to dahdi, i can't find any dahdi release-is that svn only so far?
16:50.50Corydon76-digcoreyf52: It's theoretically possible, but it's not supported
16:51.24Corydon76-digWhy in god's name do you want to disable kernel module loading?
16:52.24QwellCorydon76-dig: false sense of security
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16:53.10Corydon76-digQwell: that was my thought, too.  Or he's a Gentoo ricer who wants to squeeze all the performance he can get out of the boot process
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16:53.22coreyf52not for performance
16:53.24jjshoelinuxbios for the boot process++;
16:53.26coreyf52for security
16:53.39QwellmIRC.  Not a ricer.
16:53.55Corydon76-digcoreyf52: whoever told you it was more secure was blowing smoke up your ass
16:54.21QwellYou need to be root to load a module.
16:54.33QwellIf you are root already, you can do *MUCH MORE* than just loading a malicious module.
16:54.53coreyf52ok understood...
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16:58.49sumasumaIf I need to send 10,000 calls to 10 asterisk servers playing a file, what is the efficient way to do ?
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17:02.49Corydon76-digYa think?
17:03.31jayteeit was either that or they reset something in the matrix.
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17:08.41[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: On that FISA idea, correct me if I'm wrong, but once president Obama could not simply overturn the law, no?  That'd require congress to change the law or for the judiciary branch to discard it as being non-constitutional or illegal for some other reason, right?
17:08.41russellbwanders around
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17:12.53Rico29mmh ?
17:12.53outtoluncswears.. i didn't do that <G>
17:12.53nauticalthinkerhave any of you connected an asterisk server to an old fujitsu 9600?
17:12.54nauticalthinkerwhat type of connection is recommended for this?
17:12.54Corydon76-digouttolunc: tripped over the power cord again, eh?
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17:12.54outtoluncyeah .. too much coffee i flipped *all* the switches <G>
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17:12.54outtoluncevil grin
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17:13.45*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:16.30[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: So am I ont he right track?
17:17.06*** join/#asterisk LoRez (i=lorez@freenode/staff/lorez)
17:17.46*** join/#asterisk _MrSeb_ (n=SebaX@
17:17.46_MrSeb_Hi to all
17:18.04*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:20.11_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: are you present?
17:20.57[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Yes.
17:21.03*** join/#asterisk drako (n=ljd@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
17:21.19nauticalthinkermaybe you guys missed my last post...
17:21.40[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Doubtful anyone has.
17:22.12[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Best way would be in order : PRI, SIP, Analog.
17:22.13nauticalthinkerto you have an idea then?
17:22.38[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: NO "idea" to look for.  Connect it via the best quality tech it supports.
17:22.39nauticalthinkerso use t1 card to connect to old pbx system?
17:22.59[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: T1 would be a solid standard (usually) link
17:23.24nauticalthinkerI'll just have to research this box to find the best approach I suppose
17:23.42_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've done some trials, but without success... a thing probably wrong in my configuration is that every sip provider must be with nat=yes, so in debug when it try to connect to external appear ad NAT
17:24.12Maliuta_MrSeb_: is your * box behind a NAT?
17:24.22_MrSeb_Maliuta: yes
17:24.22[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: I've told you what to do several times now.
17:24.56_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: yes, but yesterday you've told to put nat on no for sip provider
17:25.10Maliuta_MrSeb_: I am guessing [TK]D-Fender has pointed you at the SIP howto, read it
17:25.11[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: and indeed you never should
17:25.21MaliutaSIP+nat is not that hard
17:25.36gitguy[TK]D-Fender: why do i have to enable sip debug for the codec change... i know for "debugging it" and see whats wrong with it, but isn't this something asterisk should handle "just fine" ?
17:25.45_MrSeb_Maliuta: I think so before put a router
17:25.45gitguy[TK]D-Fender: i'm talking about the codec change from ulaw to gsm
17:25.59[TK]D-Fendergitguy: ...HUH?
17:26.12Maliutais with [TK]D-Fender
17:26.13[TK]D-Fendergitguy: pastebin the damned failed call & its associated config
17:26.24[TK]D-Fendergitguy: I asked for this hours ago.
17:28.23*** join/#asterisk jong2 (n=chatzill@
17:28.25gitguyit wasn't from my endpoint that failed... it works here with ulaw... but it doesn't appear to work on windows with xlite, i'll try later
17:29.09*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
17:29.16_MrSeb_Maliuta: I've and asterisk server and client behind nat, general with externalhost, nat=yes and conreinvite=no, sip provider with nat=yes and canreinvite=no... registration is good, but when I call my number nothing, in debug no packet are displayed
17:31.21_MrSeb_Maliuta: the asterisk server is setted as dmz, so all port are redirected
17:31.26*** join/#asterisk DSpair (
17:31.32DSpairHello all...
17:31.56DSpairI have a problem that my vendor cannot solve, and I'm hoping that perhaps someone here might be able to point me in a good direction.
17:32.12Corydon76-digNorth is a good direction
17:32.22outtoluncwas gonna say 'go west young man'
17:32.32[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: Go west!  life is peaceful there!
17:32.36DSpairI have an IBM 2U server (Dual Intel Xeon Dul Core proc, 2GB RAM, Mirrored SCSI Disks).
17:33.03DSpairI am running Asterisk 1.4.19.
17:33.33DSpairFrom time to time, when one of our users calls into the voicemail app, the SIP channel gets hung with lastmsg of BYE.
17:33.55Strom[TK]D-Fender: in the open air?
17:34.00[TK]D-FenderDSpair: does the call show up under a straight "core show channels"?
17:34.04DSpairWhen this happens, the PBX Load starts to creep up until it steadies at well over 2.0
17:34.33DSpair[TK]D-Fender, I don't know for sure. I restarted Asterisk last night and it hasn't happened again yet.
17:34.43DSpairIt does show up under "sip show channels"
17:34.47[TK]D-FenderStrom : indeed!
17:35.06Corydon76-digDSpair: recompile with DEBUG_THREADS and DONT_OPTIMIZE.  If you still get the problem, obtain the output of 'core show locks'
17:35.08[TK]D-FenderDSpair: then forget about it.  jsut a liginering hint of a call..
17:35.10_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: if you explain to me what to try I do it... this night I've tryed a lot of thing, but without success, I0ve corrected only the last thing you have told to me with debug info, now debug info seems correct, but now the client don't ring...
17:35.38[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: and I showed you that you were passing your INTERNAL address, therefor you've messed seomthing up
17:36.01DSpairCorydon76-dig, AHA!!! I knew there had to be a way to turn on debugging!!
17:36.14DSpairThanks so much!!!
17:36.26[TK]D-Fender_MrSeb_: So again, pastebin your config and a failed call.  Then remove the registry setting from aAstDB, reload SIP and cath the register attempt
17:36.28Corydon76-digDSpair: 'make menuselect'
17:37.07DSpairCorydon76-dig, I can't right now as this is a production PBX which is in use by over 70 users.
17:37.46Corydon76-digDSpair: unlike on Windows, you're free to reinstall while the process is running.
17:38.15*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
17:38.22DSpairCorydon76-dig, I know that I can compile and install the binaries without a restart, but I cannot restart to put the new application in place until tonight, so I will just wait and do it all at once.
17:38.24[TK]D-FenderDSpair: and then issue a "restart when convenient"
17:38.37Maliuta_MrSeb_: pastebin your config and I'll have a look
17:38.44[TK]D-FenderDSpair: It'll automaticall restart when all channels have cleared
17:38.49DSpair[TK]D-Fender, That will take hours. Our call volume is MASSIVE!
17:38.57Corydon76-digDSpair: and if you have trouble after we've all gone to bed....
17:39.17DSpairThere's ~4800 calls per day, averaging 12 minutes.
17:39.27[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Well its your circumstances.  If you want to cut them off earlier, thats your choice.  I jsut gave you a "sit back and watch" option.
17:39.48DSpairCorydon76-dig, Well, I appreciate the concern, but I have to do what I feel it right for my network.
17:40.02DSpairOne more quick question. Is anyone here running Asterisk on Ubuntu Gutsy?
17:40.20DSpairOr have any reason to think that would be sub-optimal?
17:40.28[TK]D-FenderDSpair: probably a bunch of people.
17:40.40[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Its linux.  It'll run more or less like any other.
17:40.52[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Once everythings compiled its all the same.
17:41.06DSpair[TK]D-Fender, I figured. My vendor keeps complaining about wanting to switch us to CentOS, but our entire network is Ubuntu and I would prefer to standardize on Ubuntu.
17:41.23outtoluncfind a new vendor
17:41.37DSpairouttolunc, They're the only Digium provider for 200 miles.
17:41.52[TK]D-FenderDSpair: CentOS being a RHEL clone has a much larger user base, is less "bleeding edge", and by default comes with dev tools, etc, and uses more tried & true inits, etc.
17:42.18*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
17:42.23[TK]D-FenderDSpair: this does say something about the kind of environment you'll be working in, but if you're very comfortable managing Ubuntu, then by all means.
17:42.28outtoluncyou shittin me, only 1 in chicago?
17:42.33DSpairWould it be better is I ran on Debian Sarge? or Woody?
17:43.01Corydon76-digouttolunc: probably only one authorized reseller
17:43.13DSpairI have long since lost my love for RedHat based distros and their crappy package management.
17:43.35[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Works great for most...
17:43.45DSpairouttolunc, My IP address shows Chicago, but I am not in Chicago. That's my DSL provider.
17:43.56Corydon76-digouttolunc: Digium has been trying to make that title actually mean something about the quality of the provider, instead of just any fool who wants to buy parts at reseller cost
17:44.25outtolunc<- is just a fool <G>
17:44.33StromDSpair: "we demand that you switch distros" is usually a cover for "duh, we're clueless and don't want to learn"
17:44.54DSpairI went out on a limb to convince my boss that Asterisk was the way to go, and our vendor has lead us down a road where my reputation has been damaged because the vendor cannot perform as expected.
17:45.05DSpairStrom, I felt the same way.
17:45.19StromDSpair: what do you need your vendor to do?
17:45.48outtoluncmaybe when i hit the 10 year mark for asterisk usage i'll finally get my dcap, as 5 years has come and gone already <G>
17:45.51DSpairI've been developing on Linux for almost 16 years now, so I m by no means the 'tard' that my vendor appears to think I am.
17:46.00*** join/#asterisk CRASH69 (n=crash@
17:46.15Stromouttolunc: perhaps you'll also learn to emote properly
17:46.22[TK]D-FenderDSpair: then spend some time & learn * yourself, or there's always remote consultants
17:46.45DSpairStrom, We wanted to outsource the management of the system because we have a VERY small shop to manage 19 branches in 14 states. We already have our hands full.
17:46.50outtolunchere we go
17:47.02Corydon76-digDSpair: have you dCAP certification yet?
17:47.14DSpairCorydon76-dig, No, I haven't put any time into it.
17:47.14outtoluncwhy is using a <G> from the old bbs days NOW invalid strom?
17:47.25Stromno no no
17:47.27Stromusing /me
17:47.31Stromnot the <G>
17:47.37DSpairouttolunc, Because he's too young to remember Bulletin Boards.
17:47.47StromI know perfectly well what <G> means :)
17:48.04outtolunci use /me when it is a 'general comment i am making'
17:48.22outtoluncfalls down
17:48.24Stromnotes that emotes like this one work better in the third person
17:48.49DSpairagrees with Strom.
17:49.26outtolunc1 down
17:49.40DSpairheads over to Safari to get a book on Asterisk.
17:49.52jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
17:50.12DSpairWhy buy it? I have an unlimited Safari subscription.
17:50.24Qwellbecause lmadsen needs beer money.
17:50.52Corydon76-digand buying it ensures that the authors are likely to come out with a new edition
17:51.08DSpairQwell, but Jim and Jared don't?
17:51.24Qwellthey do too, but they aren't here. :p
17:51.30Qwelland neither is Leif, apparently
17:51.48Stromlet's all say nasty things about them
17:52.20DSpairYou guys are almost as much fun as the #linuxhelp gang on Undernet.
17:52.26Corydon76-digNot too nasty.  I wrote a fair amount of the appendices...
17:52.35QwellDSpair: #linuxhelp folks on EFnet are far better
17:52.39Qwelland I'm not biased or anything.
17:52.55_MrSeb_[TK]D-Fender: I've some problem on server, I prepare all things for the next time (config and sip debug info)... very thanks, and excuse me, but you seem to have clear idea on nat
17:52.55Stromthat Corydon76-dig, what a fop
17:52.58DSpairQwell, Well, we all have fond memories of where we grew up...
17:53.11QwellDoes Undernet even...exist anymore?
17:53.27DSpairQwell, Yes, alive and well.... No thanks to you I might say.
17:53.35*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
17:53.43QwellI don't buy it.
17:53.44Corydon76-digStrom: "two British fops" is one of my all-time favorite SNL skits
17:54.03Stromi dont think ive seen it
17:54.56*** join/#asterisk henrique (n=henrique@unaffiliated/henrique)
17:55.08DSpairCorydon76-dig, I like the funny commercials they always did... Like "Big Red" the bloody viking.
17:58.14Stromi think my favorite fake commercial was "chess for girls"
17:58.18*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
17:58.32scampbellMore cowbell.
17:58.50Qwellscampbell: Best skit ever.  Period.
17:58.52Stromscampbell: no, see, that one's been quoted to death six times over
17:59.00*** join/#asterisk LeBowlingAlley (n=derek@
17:59.13DSpairAnyone familiar with the cause of this message? " chan_zap.c:8249 zt_pri_error: !! Got reject for frame 4, retransmitting frame 4 now, updating n_r!"
17:59.39StromDSpair: probably a transmission error on the DS1
17:59.41LeBowlingAlleyI'm trying to do a direct dial to an extension's voicemail by dialing *+extension and the call just keeps dropping.  Here's the pastebin:
17:59.57LeBowlingAlleythis works on other extensions
18:00.11DSpairStrom, Not to sound condescending, but I figured that much...
18:00.43StromLeBowlingAlley: i'm still waiting for pastebin to load's slow
18:00.55StromLeBowlingAlley: use
18:01.08Stromor a different pastebin
18:01.34[TK]D-FenderLeBowlingAlley: ...
18:01.37jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
18:01.37StromLeBowlingAlley: oh christ, it's freepbx, isnt it
18:02.08LeBowlingAlleyyeah...i'm there.  patiently waiting
18:02.19[TK]D-FenderLeBowlingAlley: You keep on waiting then
18:02.27ManxPowerThis channel is NOT 2nd level #Freepbx support.
18:02.35Qwellhell, it's not any level
18:02.42seanbright7th circle
18:02.47LeBowlingAlleykeep it coming guys
18:02.48LeBowlingAlleyi can take it
18:02.54Stromwhat kind of tard decides "*" is the voicemail prefix?  that'll just completely blow away every single one of your VSC assignments
18:02.57DSpairNanu Nanu?
18:03.18[TK]D-FenderDSpair: The mothership is coming!
18:03.22ManxPowerStrom: one that does not know telecom?
18:03.29[TK]D-FenderStrom : VSC -whore :p
18:03.29StromManxPower: I guess so
18:03.33DSpairMork calling orsen, come in orsen...
18:03.52[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Careful.. you're (carbon)dating yourself ;)
18:04.17ManxPowerLeBowlingAlley: Why exactly are you on this channel?
18:04.26DSpair[TK]D-Fender, You should have seen it the first time I made a "Hogan's Hero's" reference around my gf.
18:04.30LeBowlingAlleyso i can feel your wrath
18:04.42*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (i=zeeesh@
18:04.51ManxPowersomeone /kickban LeBowlingAlley so he can really feel it.
18:05.01*** join/#asterisk Ghost1 (
18:05.08[TK]D-FenderLeBowlingAlley: Haven't earned our wrath yet, but ridicule is complimentary ;)
18:05.08LeBowlingAlleydid i do something to you?
18:05.21StromLeBowlingAlley: read this
18:05.24jbotextra, extra, read all about it, vsc is Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
18:05.28[TK]D-Fenderhands LeBowlingAlley some more peanuts
18:05.46LeBowlingAlleyThanks for the hospitality.  didn't mean to disturb anyone's sleep.
18:05.54[TK]D-FenderStrom : He's on FreePBS anyways... its not like he has a lot of choices anyways.
18:06.28Strom*shrug* I have no idea how easy or difficult it is to tell freepbx how to handle voicemail and VSCs
18:07.09[TK]D-FenderStrom : think of it like "LA LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!"
18:07.16DSpairStrom: Is there anything bad about using hash (#) marks to start a feature code?
18:07.18[TK]D-Fenderplugs his ears
18:07.24QwellDSpair: everything
18:07.27[TK]D-FenderDSpair: OMG!
18:07.28StromDSpair: yes
18:07.34[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Now you've done it!
18:07.35DSpairPlease explain?
18:07.39LeBowlingAlleykickban him
18:07.40StromDSpair: # means "I'm finished dialing now"
18:07.41Qwellthe fact that many phones can't even dial a #
18:07.43DSpaircowers in fear.
18:07.43[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Strom is going to burst a brain cell now!
18:07.52Strom[TK]D-Fender: give it a rest
18:07.56Ghost1I wrote a bash script but I cant get the System command or Agi command to run it. I already did chmod 777 on the script but asterisk still wont run it,  Is there something else I need to do?
18:08.14edoceo[TK]D-Fender: From our discussion yesterday - please check email
18:08.54[TK]D-FenderGhost1: pastebin the complete attempt at verbose 10 and include the "ls" showing where it is, etc.  Also run it manually from CLI to prove its at least somewhat functional.
18:08.55DSpairStrom, Hmmm . . . I wonder why our old Avaya system used them for quick dials... Weird.
18:09.11Stromperhaps whoever set it up wasn't clued in properly
18:09.32Qwellchances are, the avaya phones had a "feature" key
18:09.35Qwelland it was mapped to ##
18:09.42Ghost1It runs fine on its own.
18:10.01jeevi had a dream that i was getting a 22 Floor estate
18:10.12[TK]D-FenderGhost1: please provide the pastebin requested.
18:10.23QwellDSpair: right?
18:10.35[TK]D-FenderDSpair: feel free to use whatever codes you like.  Its your system.
18:11.57[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Nobody said you have to follow telco standard VSC's or dialing patterns.
18:12.25[TK]D-FenderDSpair: though somewhat recommended for telco-nazis, it doesn't matter much in the big picture.
18:13.29Ghost1-- Executing System("SIP/205-b7534f40", "/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/") in new stack is the output I get.
18:14.30keith4so... VoicePulse recommends using SIP instead of IAX2, apparently
18:14.40Ghost1exten => s,8,System(/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
18:16.22[TK]D-FenderGhost1: pastebin please...
18:16.31[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Yup
18:16.37Ghost1what is pastebin ?
18:16.53ManxPowerGhost1: what happens if you do the following at the OS CLI: /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
18:16.56jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:18.29Ghost1It does not produce an output because its not supposed to.
18:18.36*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
18:18.46ManxPowerGhost1: but does it generate errors or not run for some other reason?
18:18.54ManxPoweror just start and then wait
18:19.13Ghost1The script works. But asterisk wont run it.
18:19.37ManxPowerGhost1: a script that works with System() won't with with AGI(), the reverse is also true.
18:19.45*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
18:20.04[TK]D-FenderGhost1: Please pastebin the *nix CLI output of your execution attempt as well as the "ls" backup I requested
18:20.47Ghost1In new to these terms I don't understand what you want.
18:20.48*** join/#asterisk angom (n=angom@
18:21.09ManxPowerGhost1: jbot just TOLD you what pastebin is
18:21.36jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
18:21.37Ghost1lat1=$(cat /gpsraw | cut -c1-7)
18:21.38Ghost1lng1=$(cat /Gpsraw2 | cut -c1-9)
18:21.40Ghost1lynx -dump "$lat1&lng=$lng1&style=full" > gpslivedata
18:21.41Ghost1That's the script
18:22.03*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=korn@unaffiliated/egypcio)
18:22.03ManxPowerGhost1: you are either an asshole or a moron.  We can't fix the script when you FLOOD the channel with it.
18:22.13[TK]D-FenderManxPower: its 4 lines....
18:22.23ManxPowerGhost1: you can either follow the instructions here or nobody will want to heklp you.
18:22.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: if he hit 10, he'd ahve bounced :)
18:22.43ManxPower[TK]D-Fender: shows he's not listening.
18:23.05[TK]D-FenderGhost1: now please provide the rest of what I requested in a pastebin.
18:23.36ManxPowerI need to get back to paying work.  Good luck, [TK]D-Fender.
18:24.04DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: be nice to the ppl don't be mean :P
18:24.04[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: I am being nice....
18:24.24DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: evil :P
18:24.39DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: u and x86 are always evils :P
18:24.50*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
18:25.18ManxPowerDarKnesS_WolF: that's because both of them, instead of telling the user to go screw themselves, they keep trying to help.
18:25.38*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
18:25.39*** join/#asterisk PepOSX (n=angeldav@
18:25.47ManxPowerI figure if a user can't concentrate on the issue and follow instructions then they don't deserve my free, unpaid, volunteer help.
18:26.08[TK]D-FenderGhost1: and the rest?
18:26.32ManxPowerYou don't tell some mechanic that helps you when you are broken down at the side of the road that they are wrong and the problem is not a flat tire.
18:26.49Ghost1What else did you want? the ls of the directory?
18:27.09Maliutawell for starters how are you trying to get * to execute it
18:27.29ManxPowerMaliuta: a System command
18:27.45Maliutaerror output, you know the usual fault finding stuff
18:27.59ManxPowerwhich, based on the script he vomited into the channel, is not an agi
18:28.00rwaitehi all, i am having a pretty elusive problem with my iax provider. i am supposed to have 4 'lines' from them, so at any time i should be able to have 4 total calls going on. i cant do that, the 3rd (sometimes it works) or 4th 'line' i try to open by calling my did, it gives busy signal. if i do iax2 set debug, i can see a diff between the incoming calls that work
18:28.16rwaiteand those that dont. after iax subclass "authreq" is sent
18:28.19DarKnesS_WolFManxPower: i was just kidding wiht [TK]D-Fender :)
18:28.24rwaitethe provider sents a subclass "vnak"
18:28.38ManxPowerrwaite: the provider is rejecting the call
18:28.40rwaiteis this is problem i should take up with my provider?
18:29.32rwaitei know my provider is running asterisk too - any reason why they would reject it? (i'm trying to cover my bases before i call to yell at them)
18:29.42[TK]D-FenderGhost1: I asked you for about 4 things.  Repeatedly.
18:29.51keith4so, VoicePulse has two main SIP gateways, it looks like... NYC and SFO. They recommend using NYC, but the server I'm coming from is in california... thoughts?
18:29.55[TK]D-FenderGhost1: If you want assistance, be thorough with your backup.
18:30.09[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Try & see.
18:30.30keith4what is "too much" latency for SIP?
18:30.37Ghost1I don't understand what you want.
18:30.53Ghost1Im a noob.
18:30.59[TK]D-FenderGhost1: Please pastebin the *nix CLI output of your execution attempt as well as the "ls" backup I requested
18:31.01Maliutakeith4: 2000ms
18:31.14Ghost1what is an ls backup?
18:31.22[TK]D-FenderGhost1: "man ls"
18:32.27Ghost1what is *.nix
18:32.51[TK]D-FenderGhost1: .... seriously.  Get a clue.
18:33.01[TK]D-FenderGhost1: Linux UXIN, BSD, WHATEVER!
18:33.20[TK]D-FenderGhost1: I wasn't going to assume which exact OS you were running.
18:33.43*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:33.44[TK]D-FenderGhost1: FINE.  Now get moving.
18:33.45rwaitehmm then my asterisk sends an inval
18:33.52keith4can I 'include' other files into extensions.conf ?
18:33.57rwaiteshakes head
18:34.08MaliutaGhost1: no, the OS is GNU/Linux
18:35.42mogMaliuta, dont be a jerk
18:38.06rwaiteis sip better than iax for connecting to a svc provider?
18:40.42[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Certainly more stable.
18:40.57Ghost1I know asterisk is having the problem executing it because I have never been able to run a shell script from any context. I think asterisk may not be able to use bash or something. I know you requested the cli output but there is no output to the script. and the ls of the directory wont help because all the relevant files are in their correct places.
18:41.37DarKnesS_WolFmog: there is no way soon that this issue about if the internet is down.. the local SIP phones can't register ? if i have a SIP provider ?
18:41.40[TK]D-FenderGhost1: prove the file is in the right place with the right permissions, as the right user, and the rest of what I asked for.
18:41.41DarKnesS_WolFit is hell of a bug :(
18:41.43rwaiteTK: becuase it seems that i've been having tons of issues with this provider, and i dont know if its my fault, if they are just a shoddy place or what
18:41.48[TK]D-FenderghorAnything else is wasting our time.
18:42.01[TK]D-FenderGhost1: Anything else is wasting our time.
18:42.06keith4rwaite: "VoicePulse recommends using SIP for your incoming calls     ; instead of IAX2.  SIP allows for various failover     ; mechanisms to ensure your calls are handled as quickly     ; and reliably as possible."
18:42.16*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
18:42.42rwaitewould you recommend voice pulse in a business environment?
18:42.58keith4no idea
18:43.03keith4I just started using them
18:43.11rwaiteseem pretty solid?
18:43.15*** join/#asterisk angeldavid (n=angeldav@nelug/coreteam/pepo)
18:43.17keith4haven't even set it up yet, still reading their documentation ;-)
18:43.26jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
18:43.39jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
18:44.16keith4it's 2nd on the list, in order of "respect"
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18:45.35[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: not the order in the list.... just BEING ont he list.
18:45.57DSpairWould LVM/LVM2 add any undue overhead to an Asterisk box?
18:48.35[TK]D-FenderDSpair: Shouldn't
18:51.28DarKnesS_WolFdose asterisk works fine in VLANs?
18:53.49spokrarwaite:  I personaly hate voicepulse and broadvoice  both have terrible tech support.
18:54.05DSpair[TK]D-Fender, Thanks for the info.
18:54.14rwaitethis place we're with now sucks., tc systems
18:54.23rwaiteso unreliable
18:54.25DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: don'tthink it did run from the right place !
18:54.29DarKnesS_WolFu have to try
18:54.47DarKnesS_WolFas a full path
18:54.58DarKnesS_WolFdid u include agi-bin to ur $PATH?
18:55.31jbotfrom memory, itsplist-uk is UK based ITSps include and a few other tinpot companies you can dig up with google.
18:55.47spokrabroadvoice is just a reseller they have no idea what they are doing other then selling you an account
18:56.11DarKnesS_WolFgr0mit: try voicetrading they are good but u have to buy bulk and also euroIAX is okay ..
18:56.25jeevFender, the site you told me about doesn't finance less than 5k! where else can i purchase ~20 polycom 330's with financing
18:56.33DarKnesS_WolFvoipjet in USA is ok also i did use this one
18:57.07DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: ok great it did crete the file ?
18:57.11keith4[TK]D-Fender: am I misinterpreting "starting with the more respected ones" ?
18:57.25Ghost1With the proper output.
18:57.35DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: ok now pastbin ur extensions.conf " the part where u dial that AGI script
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19:01.34Ghost1All of it works except it wont execute the
19:02.08Ghost1Im calling it from an IVR.
19:03.02[TK]D-FenderGhost1: And * CLI output of the failed usage attempt?
19:03.30[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Get a bank.
19:03.55DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: change the script to lynx -dump "$lat1&lng=$lng1&style=full" > /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/gpslivedata
19:04.08DarKnesS_WolFand then execute and post ur  CLI
19:05.29*** join/#asterisk Prez00 (
19:05.50Prez00a little off topic, but I figured someone here may know, are there any cell phone channels, I am looking for the name of some special codes carriers use...
19:06.40Prez00I just need to know what they are called, not any codes per se, codes sent using * before dialing..
19:06.44jeevFender, yea, he has equipment finance services from bank of america~
19:08.21unpaidbillgood morning sirs
19:10.15*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
19:10.23DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: that is all ?
19:10.36DarKnesS_WolFcan't be ! there is should be another file played and then hangup
19:11.14DarKnesS_WolFcheck if u have /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/gpslivedata
19:11.16Ghost1it works!.
19:11.16Prez00so, no cell phone people arounf..
19:11.36jbotwell, vsc is Vertical Service Codes such as *67, *69, *72, and *82.  These codes are generally reserved for specific uses, and it's a bad idea to conflict with the official assignments.  A list of assigned VSCs for North America is at and
19:11.46DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: so the problem was in ur script
19:11.52rwaitei wonder if compiling asterisk can cause the problems im having
19:12.03rwaitemaybe i should use a debian pkg
19:12.05Ghost1It was the permissions on gpslivedata.
19:12.17DarKnesS_WolFi think the file were create somewhere else ?
19:12.24DarKnesS_WolFah ic
19:12.35DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: what u were trying to do anyway ?
19:12.48Prez00thanks, I was under the impression there were some codes called something like SSMB codes or something like that?
19:13.03Strom_C*shrug* check the numbering plan administrator
19:14.07Ghost1Reverse Geocoding to my gps position's so I could find out what street im on over the phone. I use accutracking to keep track of where I am and I wanted to know the zip code im in and the nearest street over the phone.
19:15.03QwellPrez00: supplementary service codes?
19:15.14DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: i'm sure there is much clearner way to do it :-) but anyway enjoy ;-)
19:15.51Ghost1I will try a rewrite in php. but for the time being it works.
19:16.06DarKnesS_WolFGhost1: ok congratulations
19:16.22Prez00Qwell: might be... I know i use them on my carrier's "POS" phone to reload othere phones with minutes from the POS phone, using something liek *811*1*phone to reload*amount to reload*PIN#
19:16.33Prez00Qwell: then a menu pops on my phone to confirm reload
19:16.40Qwellit's provider specific
19:16.52Prez00Qwell: are those SSCs?
19:16.54Qwelllike t-mobile has #min#
19:17.56Prez00Qwell: Ok, so those are called SSCs?
19:18.17Qwellno name is given
19:18.21Qwelljust "codes for supplementary services"
19:18.28Prez00Qwell: gotcha
19:18.32Prez00Qwell: thanks
19:19.20ManxPowergood grief!  here is a list of the NANPA SVCs:
19:19.35Prez00what about USSD?
19:19.56Prez00After looking up SSC bumped into that, think those might be it..
19:20.04rwaitehmm. would it ever be right to have two host= entries under one [] in iax.conf? one had an ip and the other has dynamic
19:20.10Qwellstill provider specific
19:20.15Qwell(hence the "unstructured")
19:20.17[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: No.
19:20.22ManxPowerrwaite: never
19:20.26Prez00Qwell: perfect... thanks again..
19:20.32[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: there is a "defaulthost" for that though
19:20.35rwaitei see.
19:20.46[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: which I think does what you're looking for.
19:21.14DarKnesS_WolFgtg guys
19:21.15DarKnesS_WolFgood night
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19:23.19IPkafwhen i try to do this i got this error message
19:24.41x86try to do _what_ exactly?
19:24.44spokrayour missing autoconf
19:24.55unpaidbillthis, x86!
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19:25.23IPkafi try to follow this guide
19:25.23unpaidbillhaha autoconf missing
19:25.24Qwellwhy would you need to run autogen?
19:25.48Qwellwow, they don't ship one.  That's silly
19:25.53unpaidbillapt-get install autoconf, yum install autoconf
19:26.05spokraguess you would have to look at ... probably calls autoconf... :>
19:26.13IPkafthx unpaidbill
19:31.51keith4anyone ever used a UTStarcom F3000? I figure they can't be great if voipsupply is having a "buy one, get one free" sale on them
19:31.54keith4but it's tempting
19:32.45rwaitehow safe is it to 'make install' over top of an already installed asterisk? should i go thru and rm all the previous binaries/configs first?
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19:33.34unpaidbillrwaite i have never had a problem installing over the top, just make sure if you change versions that you compile all the same modules, or delete the modules directory before the make install
19:33.49rwaitethanks :)
19:34.14rwaiteits been so long since slackware, i forgot what its like to not use packages
19:35.12rwaitei looked in the bug tracker and it seems this is a major issue with .21, so im not the only one
19:35.57Kobazrwaite: i always build asterisk (or any other apps from source) with ./configure --prefix=/apps/asterisk-1.4.14
19:36.01Kobazor whatever
19:36.07Kobazso each app is completely self contained
19:36.22rwaiteand then have the start scripts reference it in that subdir>
19:36.25rwaitethats a good idea
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19:52.06Superbartthmmfg, what would be the term for "Incoming calls to all phones and the first to pick up gets the call?"^^
19:52.56Qwellnot so much a term, but it can be accomplished with something like Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102)
19:53.14[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: "First come, first served" :p
19:53.37Superbartthmmfg, but that isn't really "managable" if new extensions come and go ^^
19:54.50[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: As manageable as any other means.
19:55.26[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: For which that basically leaves app_queue....
19:55.37Superbarttso that's the best/preffered method for letting all phones ring on an incoming call?
19:56.32[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: Exactly what Qwell told you.
19:57.18SuperbarttI found some people referring to ring groups, but i think that's an asterisk home feature?
19:57.30Superbarttit's not quite clear, excepted that something like a ring group is mentione
19:58.14[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: An inappropriate term.
19:58.28[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: What you've got is what we've mentioned.
19:58.55Superbarttok than i know enough :) thanks
20:05.34SuperbarttJun 25 22:05:18 ERROR[3588]: rtp.c:1014 ast_rtp_new_with_bindaddr: No RTP ports remaining. Can't setup media stream for this call.
20:05.41Superbarttdoesn't seem right :x
20:07.42ManxPower"ring groups" are not designed to work with devices randmonly coming and going
20:07.50ManxPowerWe call that "anarchy"
20:09.14Superbarttyeah I kind of get that it doesn't make much sense ^^
20:09.15[TK]D-Fender'cause iiiiiiiii wanna bring.... ANARCHY!
20:09.26rwaiteill tell you what, setting up voip systems is enough to drive a man to suicide
20:09.51ManxPowerSuperbartt: how many rtp ports are you using?
20:10.02[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: And lack of rtp ports says you've got a ton of lingering calls, or you've closed your range too small.
20:10.23ManxPowerrwaite: you need to understand telecom, networking, NAT, RTP, SIP, phones, Asterisk, Linux.  This is not a walk in the park.
20:10.40Superbartta college tought it was fun to see how many simultanious connections his desktop could make to the server -_-
20:10.42Superbarttmoron oO
20:10.57Superbarttanyone has a patch for stupdity yet?
20:10.57rwaitelinux is the only one i feel confident with
20:11.32[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: I have one.  its large, highly adhesive and is meant to cover up all repiratory orifices simultaneously.
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20:14.33IPkafi got a little problem
20:14.50IPkafi try to configure Gtalk on my asterisk
20:15.16IPkafi don't know how to make call from gtalk client
20:15.29IPkafwhat i have to do ?
20:15.48[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: Go read the WIKI page on it.
20:15.50jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
20:15.59[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@! (c) BKW
20:16.03*** join/#asterisk eric2 (
20:16.19IPkafyes i get info there
20:16.56eric2If I do something like this: Dial(SIP/500&SIP/602) is it possible to change the callerID for SIP/602 so they see something slightly different?
20:17.09[TK]D-Fendereric2: No.
20:17.13IPkafand this is the link that i followed
20:17.17IPkafto configure asterisk
20:17.18[TK]D-Fendereric2: Both will see the same thing
20:17.32eric2is there a way? what if I split up the Dial commands
20:17.38eric2like fork them or som'n
20:17.42IPkafwhere there's no explaination on usage of gtalk
20:17.56[TK]D-Fendereric2: If you split them then its 2 calls and you do whatever you want before each call out
20:18.03IPkafonce configured all information that u can see there
20:18.12IPkafhow to make call ?
20:18.23[TK]D-Fendereric2: Or reconsider how you're dialing the other one (think "other tech").  Think long and hard on that one.
20:18.33eric2really just trying to call an IP phone and a cell phone at the same time but have an extra character appear on the cell phone caller id so you'd know that someone's calling the office and not me directly
20:18.33IPkafhave i have to add all my sip extension on the gtalk clien t?
20:18.36[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: what have you tried?
20:18.54IPkaffollowing that guide
20:19.05IPkafi configure gtalk
20:19.58IPkafnow i just want to make  call from gtalk client to my asterisk server's sip extension
20:20.05IPkafhwo to ood ?
20:20.09IPkafdo ?
20:20.45IPkafor is it possible ?
20:21.01IPkafor is it for that purpose that link ?
20:21.05[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: add the user that * logs in as as a friend and CALL IT.
20:21.37IPkafif i understand it correctly
20:22.06IPkafi just have to add my server's sip extension
20:22.16[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: NOT A SIP EXTENSION.
20:22.22IPkafon my gtalk client is it ?
20:22.28[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: * logs in to google talk just like a NORMAL CLIENT.
20:22.42[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: You call it like you would call any other client.
20:23.37IPkafwhat u mean saying asterisk log ?
20:23.51IPkafsorry i m beginner
20:24.12[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: * connects as a USER on gtalk.  that is just like anybody else connected to gtalk.  you call it the same way
20:31.02IPkafis it freeswitch better than asterisk
20:31.04IPkafis it ???
20:32.11[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: You should really stop running like a headless chicken and get a clue.
20:32.33[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: "better" is a pretty useless comparison.  Go try it yourself and see what they're about.
20:32.56[TK]D-FenderIPkaf: They are meant for differnt things.
20:33.06[TK]D-Fenderok, off home, bbiab.
20:33.37gitguyyes, it is
20:33.43IPkafit is not solving my problem
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20:34.59IPkafgtalk client
20:35.10IPkafis isoled to my asterisk
20:35.21IPkafi can make call from gtalk
20:35.42IPkafalso there is no dialpad on my gtalk client
20:35.51IPkafyes isoled
20:36.11ManxPowerisoled is not a word. Perhaps you are looking for "isolated" or "seperated"
20:36.32IPkafyes i know it's difficult to remain all my ten language vocabulary
20:36.49ManxPowerIPkaf: then perhaps you need to find someone that speaks your language to help you?
20:37.35ManxPowerOr you could ask on the mailing list, that will give you an opportunity to clearly and carefully think about the problem as well as list the items you have tried.
20:38.20jeevwhere is lmadsen
20:38.20jeevi have a proposal to change the name from asterisk to jeev, it suits it better.
20:38.21IPkafi want to improve my english language
20:38.26IPkafi knwo it's bad
20:38.33IPkaffor my problem
20:38.36IPkafwhat to do ?
20:39.20IPkafwhonoz drmessano and adam1 on freepbx ???
20:39.51IPkafand also errr from freepbx cahnel
20:40.11errrgo away IPkaf
20:40.27TJNIIOr at least start putting one complete thought per line.
20:40.35IPkafban him errr
20:40.43errrTJNII: he is mad cause we banned him from #freepbx
20:40.46IPkafhe got a big holl on his mouth
20:40.54TJNIIerrr: I see.
20:41.11errrhe is a no good trolling help vampire
20:41.58IPkafshu t ur mouth
20:42.03IPkafbye to all
20:42.12IPkafsorry there is a mistaken here
20:42.16IPkafthx to all
20:42.33IPkaftetedecafar errr
20:43.42errrwhat a troll.
20:44.03Strom_CIIRC he's been problematic in here too
20:44.25errrhe should be banned from the internet as a whole
20:44.58Strom_Cperhaps be forced to make a public statement apologizing for wasting the internet
20:46.39jeevStrom, what do you think bout the aformentioned change of the name ASTERISK to JEEV?
20:46.52Qwelljeev: Sure, send the suggestion to
20:46.55Qwellwe'll get right on that
20:47.07ManxPowerI think it should be changed to the Asterisk PBX Tookit, not the Asterisk PBX
20:47.22Strom_CI think we should rename it "Phyllis"
20:47.29ManxPowerBecause it's not really a PBX anywat.
20:47.45ManxPowerStrom_C: That's a Diller of a suggestion
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20:56.18jayteePhyllis? why not Rhoda?
20:56.40jeevPhyllis would be a turn off, i'd use the damn microsoft VOIP system thing if this changed to Phyllis
20:57.04jayteehow about stfuVOX
20:57.07*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
20:59.41jayteeor we could just name if Marvin after the depressed robot in HHGTTG
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21:01.02jayteestill, it doesn't matter whether we call it shit or shinola we'll still get all the dweebes coming in here asking trixbox/freepbx questions.
21:01.51gitguyjust use /ban /kick
21:02.02gitguybest commands ever
21:02.28gitguyor /ignore
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21:07.42[TK]D-Fendergitguy: kick-ban spares OTHERS.  be kind to your neighbours ;)
21:08.10jblackJust out of curiosity about pris..., if one set switchtype to dms100, and the provider was set to 5ess, is it possible that things "mostly" work?
21:08.55gitguyyeah i guess
21:10.13ManxPowerjblack: correct.
21:10.38jblackThat's very good to know.
21:10.39Strom_Cjblack: why guess?  just call them and ask
21:11.31jblackThere's been calls made, and questions asked. I'm not entirely convinced they're 100% on the game themselves.
21:12.14Strom_Care you sure they're not just using NI2?
21:12.17jblackAny good suggestions on a pile-o-stuff I could RTFM to get up to snuff on this stuff?
21:12.23jbothmm... 101 is Telephony 101, which is a good read if you're unfamiliar with traditional TDM telephony.  You can download it at
21:12.29Qwellwhat he said
21:12.34Strom_Cwhat I said
21:13.01jblackThis is perfect
21:13.20ManxPowerjblack: most people use NI2 (national)
21:14.24jblackOk. Following most people is generally a good thing. I think I can put in a request to change switch type.
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21:21.20talntidHey ManxPower, if the wrong switchtype was selected, would the service possible work fine for a week, then all the sudden get unreliable, or would it always be flawed?
21:21.52ManxPowertalntid: I don't know.
21:21.58talntidok, thanks :)
21:33.47Corydon76-digtalntid: it would always be flawed
21:34.11Corydon76-digtalntid: that said, most switchtypes are more similar than different
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21:54.22friezeanyone have an ubuntu asterisk init.d startup script they can send me? Somehow mine didn't get installed this time round and I don't want to jinx my finally working config by running the install again
21:55.15TJNIIThere's a make option for that.
21:55.22TJNIII don't remember what it is, though.
21:56.21jblacktjnii: there's a make option to reinstall the init.d script for ubuntu?
21:56.22friezeah, it's in contrib in the source
21:56.30jblackfrieze: I can give you mine if you want.
21:57.33jblackfrieze: Dcc offer for you.
21:57.38friezetyped right over it
21:57.47jblackwant me to send again?
21:57.54friezeif you could
21:58.46TJNIIjblack: Well, AFAIK ubuntu is a spinoff of Debian, and when I installed * on Debian (from source, though) the makefile had an option to build/install an init script.
21:58.50Strom_Ci think you just run "make config" :)
21:59.05jblackstrom_c: I don't think packages come with make config. ;)
21:59.14Strom_Cugh, packages
21:59.18jblackthe dcc looks frozen.
21:59.24ManxPowerjblack: then complain to the package maintainer!
21:59.50jblack"HEY! This binary package doesn't have the source code and build framework!"
22:00.07ManxPoweror the init scripts!
22:00.36jblackThey do. I think he said something about him doing somethign to wipe it.
22:00.52jblackby the way, thanks for the answer earlier.
22:01.17jblackfrieze: You find it ok on http?
22:01.34friezeapparently my current firewall does not like dcc
22:01.38gitguyis asterisk really open source, free software or is owned by digium?
22:01.47jblackYeah. I think it's on your side. mine sent 204 bytes.
22:02.07jblackgitguy: yes to all three.
22:02.40ManxPowergitguy: Yes.
22:02.50ManxPowerAsterisk is not, however, PUBLIC DOMAN
22:02.54ManxPoweror DOMAIN either
22:02.57gitguythat sucks
22:03.05Qwellwhy does it suck?
22:03.10gitguyit's a nice way to stop innovation
22:03.16ManxPowerfeel free to write a public domain PBX
22:03.23gitguyfreeswitch is one
22:03.27friezeI think everone who wants to innovate in this area is pretty much working on asterisk
22:03.30ManxPowergitguy: The source to all open source projects are owned by SOMEONE
22:03.32QwellNo, it *IS NOT*
22:03.37gitguyit is
22:03.50gitguywell, whatever
22:03.52Qwellbkw and anthm would absolutely disagree with that point.
22:03.52friezetime to /join #asterisk-flamewar
22:04.31jblackgitguy: Many people think the licensing in things such as gpl, forcing things to stay public, is a good thing.
22:04.33russellbit is absolutely without a doubt not public domain
22:05.02CrazyTux[m]Say I want to do a mid-session change, activated on PSTN, end i.e. Asterisk -> Cell -> Cell Signals, back to Asterisk, which initiates some other action, with the current call, is this possible? and where should I look.
22:05.03ManxPowerAsterisk is GPL, like many GPL projects the owner of the copyright on the code can do anything they like with it.
22:05.38jblackI'm not talking about what Digium can do. I'm talking about what gitguy can do.
22:06.28jblackmy point would hold anyways. One can't retroactively relicense released versions of gpl software anyways.
22:07.17ManxPowerjblack: gitguy can do anything that does not violate the GPL.
22:07.55TJNIIHmmm, Which * service would use port 2727?
22:07.56florzjblack: of course you can relicense
22:08.11QwellTJNII: umm...h323 maybe?
22:08.28TJNIIPossibly.... Let me check.
22:08.33ManxPowerflorz: but you can't revoke the existing license
22:08.37jblackflorz: You can reship with a different license, but no, you absolutely can not retroactively relicense.
22:09.48ManxPowerFreeswitch is not even the GPL, it's the MPL.
22:10.14Qwell(which isn't compat with the GPL, oddly enough)
22:10.16florzManxPower: well, that not, of course
22:10.25friezedoes sip show peers cur off very long name/usernames?
22:10.30friezein the cli I mean
22:10.58florzjblack: well, depends on what you mean by "relicense", then - you simply can't revoke licenses where the contract doesn't allow you to do so
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22:12.52jblackI'm not interested in linguistic gymnastics. If you understand what I meant now, then I'm happy
22:14.37jblackhell. According to my doctor, I'm apparently not interested in any gymnastics at all.
22:14.53jblacklooks up the pancreas
22:14.56gitguyjblack: i don't have anything against digium or asterisk, i think they do a nice work... and i like them, i don't think proprietary is bad also... i just think that software is better developed on a truly open source fashion
22:15.05ManxPowerjblack: *I* could have told you that and I would not have chraged $80
22:15.20ManxPowergitguy: Asterisk is open source.
22:15.26ManxPowerThe source.  It is open.
22:15.56friezei think gitguy doesn't get the whole gpl vs public domain
22:15.58jblackWell, they told me that, and you got charged $80. =)
22:16.29ManxPowergitguy: You understand that the FSF owns the copyrights for much of the linux CLI stuff, Linus owns the copyright for much of the Linux kernel.
22:16.59ManxPowerOddly enough, the Mozilla Foundation owns the copyright to most of Mozilla stuff
22:17.00russellbthe FSF requires you to assign copyright to them to contribute to their projects
22:17.14jblackgitguy: So, you think users of free software should have the right to derive and make the results proprietary. Check out the bsd license for that. Which Asterisk is not.
22:17.20jblackrussellb: No, not always.
22:17.22ManxPowerrussellb: do that allow a simple forever license like Digium does?
22:17.41ManxPowerdoes, not do
22:18.18ManxPowerrussellb: I never could understand the whole "controversy"  about Digium's copyright stuff
22:18.34jblackOh, I can explain that if you like.
22:18.41russellbthe digium license agreement does not assign copyright
22:18.56russellbit grants digium an unlimited license to use it ... but the original author retains copyright ...
22:19.12ManxPowerrussellb: there are no longer 2 options?
22:19.19Corydon76-digManxPower: nope
22:19.33ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: cool
22:19.42russellbneither of the older ones did that, either
22:19.46Corydon76-digTechnically, the second option, of releasing your work to the public domain is, in fact, on shaky legal ground
22:19.58*** join/#asterisk sack (
22:20.03ManxPowerHuh?  There was a license that specifically assigned copyrights to Digium
22:20.08jblackIf I write free software, it's for the intent that it stays open. The rights granting gives digium the right to make a proprietary copy of that work.
22:20.24Corydon76-digThere is only one provision in US law for something being available under public domain, and the author releasing it as such is NOT that option
22:20.33ManxPowerI had to decide between the two options when I sent in the code for INVALID_EXTEN
22:20.59Corydon76-digManxPower: No, the two licenses were always a) licensing a perpetual license, or b) releasing to public domain
22:21.27gitguyManxPower: yes i understand that
22:21.46gitguyjblack: i agree more with the GPL than with BSD
22:21.54Corydon76-digManxPower: the second one was called the disclaimer
22:22.03ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: Ah.
22:22.05gitguyManxPower: so Digium only owns the COPYRIGHT right?
22:22.11jblackgitguy: The difference I just described is the single largest difference between them.
22:22.28Corydon76-diggitguy: Digium owns the copyright for much, but not all of the code in Asterisk.
22:22.29ManxPowerI went with a very slightly modified version of the perpetual license when I sent it in
22:22.53Corydon76-diggitguy: what Digium does have, though, are the licensing provisions that permit them to relicense the entire codebase
22:23.31Corydon76-digrussellb: I say much, because I don't know how much, really
22:23.35gitguyCorydon76-dig: what about if joe comes and wants to improve asterisk, can he?
22:23.35gitguyCorydon76-dig: or he has to give his rights to digium?
22:23.50russellbyou can improve it all you want without granting the license to digium
22:23.52Corydon76-diggitguy: He only has to grant a license
22:23.54russellbif you want it included .....
22:24.02ManxPowergitguy: joe can do anything he wants with Asterisk, but if he wants his code in the OFFICIAL DIGIUM SOURCE, then he must license the code to Digium
22:24.02russellbnm, then
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22:24.30ManxPower(5:24:01 PM) ManxPower: gitguy: joe can do anything he wants with Asterisk, but if he wants his code in the OFFICIAL DIGIUM SOURCE, then he must license the code to Digium
22:24.31Corydon76-diggitguy: He only has to grant a license
22:24.37errrIm using the manager to Originate a call. For my channel I am using a ring group I created. for my exten I am using a number provided by a web interface which has for example my home number. If my ring group doesnt answer I want for the exten to still be called anyway but I want their voicemail message to be played to the person who answers the exten so they can choose to leave a message. How can I make the voicemail message wait to be played for the exten to be
22:24.51gitguyCorydon76-dig: ah
22:25.24Corydon76-diggitguy: you're heavily into IP law, which is probably why there is so much confusion
22:25.31gitguyCorydon76-dig: why do you have to sign a license?
22:25.41Corydon76-digThese are NOT intuitive concepts
22:25.54gitguyCorydon76-dig: i'm not into any kind of laws
22:25.58Corydon76-diggitguy: purely for legal reasons
22:25.59joebut you can have your patches be gpl I thought?
22:26.26sumasumaDigium is selling business editions
22:26.31sumasumathey make money out it
22:26.34gitguyCorydon76-dig: i'm not into kind of IP laws... i'm not a lawyer too, i don't care about laws...
22:26.39sumasumawith the code which you have written
22:26.47gitguyCorydon76-dig: i care about free software
22:26.55joeunless it's part of the proprietary license part of the code base
22:26.58Corydon76-digsumasuma: and the money goes back into open source Asterisk
22:27.06ManxPowergitguy: you have to sign a license so you can't go back and sue digium for using your code
22:27.28sumasumaCorydon76-dig: that is next, but the reason of the disclaimer or sign a license is for the same
22:27.35gitguyManxPower: that's fine
22:27.47sumasumaCorydon76-dig: are you saying digium is not making profit out of it ?
22:28.15Corydon76-digsumasuma: technically, Business Edition is about selling support
22:28.15ManxPowergitguy: you can always use your code in any way you see fit -- you own the copyright.  But Digium wants to be protected when they take your code and put it in Asterisk.
22:28.38gitguyManxPower: ok
22:29.03Corydon76-digsumasuma: the whole reason for making it separate is to ensure that there is a specific set of code to support, so we're not supporting a moving target
22:29.16russellbit's the same code, though
22:29.19russellbnothing special about it
22:29.32russellbothers could make packages that they support, too
22:29.42Corydon76-digsumasuma: or worse, spending 3 hours only to discover that someone has modified their Asterisk in ways that were unsafe
22:29.46russellb(well, we added license control, but that's about it)
22:30.07Corydon76-digsumasuma: that is truly the only reason
22:30.59sumasumathis says more
22:31.12ManxPowerWhat I wish we could get is ABE in source form, without support.
22:31.24Corydon76-digsumasuma: Honestly, it's marketing.
22:31.36ManxPowerABE is the only version that seems to go thru strict regression testing and control
22:31.55ManxPowerI point you to 1.4.21 for anyone that disagrees.
22:32.02Corydon76-digsumasuma: people buy ABE for the support, just like they buy Red Hat for the support
22:32.08sumasumaManxPower: yes, you are correct
22:32.13sumasumaCorydon76-dig: Nope
22:32.29Corydon76-digYou can get EVERYTHING you get from Red Hat Enterprise as open source
22:32.43sumasumaCorydon76-dig: <ManxPower> What I wish we could get is ABE in source form, without support.
22:32.48sumasumadid you get this statement ?
22:33.13anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: did the guy who mail the users- with the subject "1.4.21 stalls" opened a bug report for it?
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22:33.16Corydon76-digsumasuma: yep
22:33.16friezeit's hard. the people here on IRC tend to give you support right when you mention that you have a problem
22:33.27friezedenying you that "no support" option some people crave
22:33.43Corydon76-digsumasuma: might actually happen after a version of ABE is EOLed, to avoid support issues
22:33.47ManxPowerfrieze: not really.  If people use ABE they can't get support here.
22:34.45Corydon76-digsumasuma: but I can say 'might' all day long, as I don't get to make those decisions
22:34.49ManxPowerfrieze: we are UNABLE to support it here.
22:35.13sumasumaCorydon76-dig: got you
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22:35.22friezein any event, it's burger time for me
22:35.24Corydon76-digManxPower: why would somebody with Red Hat Enterprise seek volunteer support when they can get professional support?
22:35.28friezelook out shake shack, here I come!
22:35.44ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: I have no idea?
22:35.45errrCorydon76-dig: it happens in #rhel all the time
22:36.05mchouCorydon76-dig: speed
22:36.19ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: is Digium support open 24/7/365?
22:36.26Corydon76-digmchou: ABE customers already get priority support
22:36.39QwellManxPower: 24/7/365 can be paid for, afaik.
22:36.40Corydon76-digManxPower: Officially or unofficially?
22:36.55errrIRC never rests :)
22:37.00ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: that is a very silly question
22:37.24Corydon76-digerrr: I dunno, have you tried to get support in here at 4 am Central Time?
22:37.34Corydon76-digMost of us are in bed by then
22:37.37Strom_CI'm awake sometimes
22:38.08errrCorydon76-dig: nah I am sleeping then, but other rooms are booming then
22:38.09ManxPowerCorydon76-dig: How about this:  Can you call your ABE support phone number 24/7 and get a person?
22:38.17QwellManxPower: If you have 24/7 support.
22:38.23Strom_Cbut yeah, people come in here all the time looking for install support with their digium hardware, and some of them steadfastly refuse to call and use the support they've already paid for.  It makes no sense to me.
22:38.25ManxPowerso the answer is "yes"
22:38.28Corydon76-digManxPower: depends on the level of support you paid for
22:38.31QwellABE does not include 24/7 though, afaik.
22:38.38Qwell(but it can be obtained)
22:39.05Qwellangler: maybe you can clarify? :D
22:39.07ManxPowerSo there ARE reasons.
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22:41.28russellbthere are no reasons for anything
22:42.04[TK]D-Fenderjust look at the platypus!
22:42.16Strom_Cor the Quebecois
22:42.20[TK]D-Fenderbuilds another "horse by commitee"
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22:42.48SexyKenHey all - I'm trying to setup DISA so that I can enter my callerid while on the phone... the extensions.conf - how do I make it accept digits and then place those digits into SetCallerID?
22:43.25Strom_Cbefore we can answer that, you will have to prove your claim of sexiness
22:43.38Corydon76-digSexyKen: you probably don't want DISA.  You want to use Read().
22:43.44SexyKenHrm.  ... I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt.
22:43.51[TK]D-FenderSexyKen: "core show application read" "core show application set", "core show function CALLERID"
22:43.58Strom_CSexyKen: in other :)
22:46.22jeevFender, sup
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23:07.27jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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23:27.15nauticalthinkerhave you guys ever run into issues with placing an ftp server on a asterisk server?
23:28.55TJNIII think a lot of people run * & TFTP for phone configs....
23:29.02Corydon76-digbut then again, the FTP server was only for phone configs, not for large downloads
23:29.23TJNIIThough, TFTP != FTP
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23:38.28looodanyone know why i wouldn't be able to check voicemail if dtmfmode=info is set?
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